On Aug 23, 1939, Germany signed a non-aggression pact with what other country, paving the way for the Nazi invasion of Poland?
[ "You will recall that in August 1939, Hitler and Stalin entered into a non-aggression pact which divided Poland and a number of other countries between Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia. This pact cleared the way for Germany to invade Poland and begin World War II. The Germans and Soviets refrained from fighting each other for nearly two years.", "In August 1939 Germany and the Soviet Union signed the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, a non-aggression pact. This treaty included a secret protocol placing western Poland and Lithuania in the German sphere of influence while placing eastern Poland, Finland , Estonia , Latvia and the Romanian province of Bessarabia in the Soviet sphere of influence.", "1939 - On 23 August the Soviet Union and Germany sign a nonaggression pact carving up Eastern Europe into German and Soviet spheres of influence, with the USSR claiming Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, part of the Balkans, including Romania, and half of Poland.", "The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, named after the Soviet foreign minister Vyacheslav Molotov and the German foreign minister Joachim von Ribbentrop, was an agreement officially titled the Treaty of Non-Aggression between Germany and the Soviet Union and signed in Moscow in the late hours of 23 August 1939. It was a non-aggression pact under which the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany each pledged to remain neutral in the event that either nation were attacked by a third party. It remained in effect until 22 June 1941, when Germany invaded the Soviet Union. In addition to stipulations of non-aggression, the treaty included a secret protocol dividing Northern and Eastern Europe into German and Soviet spheres of influence, anticipating potential \"territorial and political rearrangements\" of these countries. Thereafter, Germany and the Soviet Union invaded, on September 1 and 17 respectively, their respective sides of Poland, dividing the country between them. Part of eastern Finland was annexed by the Soviet Union after the Winter War. This was followed by Soviet annexations of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Bessarabia, Northern Bukovina and the Hertza region. (wikipedia.org.  Accessed August 23, 2011.)", "On August 23, 1939, representatives from Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union met and signed the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact (also called the German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact and the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact), which guaranteed that the two countries would not attack each other.", "In Mar., 1939, Germany marched into Czechoslovakia, thus violating the Munich agreements, and also annexed Memel, on the Baltic coast. On Aug. 23, 1939, in a surprise move, Germany and the USSR signed a nonaggression pact and other agreements. On Sept. 1, 1939, cutting short negotiations on the status of Danzig (Gdańsk) and the Polish Corridor , Hitler invaded Poland, thus precipitating World War II.", "On August 23, 1939, Germany and the Soviet Union signed the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact , which contained a secret protocol dividing eastern Europe into spheres of influence. [4] Germany's invasion of its part of Poland under the Pact eight days later [5] led to the subsequent beginning of World War II . By 1941, Germany occupied most of Europe and its military forces were fighting the Soviet Union, nearly capturing its capital of Moscow . However, crushing defeats at the Battle of Stalingrad and the Battle of Kursk devastated the German armed forces. This combined with Western Allied landings in France and Italy led to a three-front war which depleted Germany's armed forces resulting in Germany's defeat in 1945.", "In August of 1939, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union signed a non-aggression treaty. One week later, Germany invaded Poland and World War II began. The first attack of the war took place on September 1, 1939, as German aircraft bombarded the Polish town of Wielun, killing nearly 1,200. Five minutes later, the German battleship Schleswig-Holstein opened fire on a transit depot at Westerplatte in the Free City of Danzig. Within days, the United Kingdom and France declared war on Germany and began mobilizing their armies and preparing their civilians. On September 17, the Soviet Union invaded Poland from the east. Polish forces surrendered in early October after losing some 65,000 troops and many thousands of civilians. In November, Soviet forces invaded Finland and began a months-long battle dubbed the Winter War. By the beginning of 1940, Germany was finalizing plans for the invasions of Denmark and Norway. Collected here are images of these tumultuous first months and of Allied forces preparing for the arduous battles to come. (This entry is Part 2 of a weekly 20-part retrospective of World War II )", "*1939 – World War II: Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union sign a non-aggression treaty, the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact. In a secret addition to the pact, the Baltic states, Finland, Romania, and Poland are divided between the two nations.", "On 23rd August 1939, Vyacheslav Molotov and Joachim von Ribbentrop – the Soviet foreign minister and the German foreign minister – signed the Treaty of Non-aggression between Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics,.... . .", "On August 23, 1939, Germany and the Soviet Union signed the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. The Pact included a secret protocol that would divide Central Europe into German and Soviet areas of interest, including a provision to partition Poland. Each country agreed to allow the other a free hand in its area of influence, including military occupation. The deal provided for sales of oil and food from the Soviets to Germany, thus reducing the danger of a British blockade such as the one that had nearly starved Germany in World War I. Hitler was then ready to go to war with Poland and, if necessary, with the United Kingdom and France. He claimed there were German grievances relating to the issues of the Free City of Danzig and the Polish Corridor, but he planned to conquer all Polish territory to incorporate it into the Deutsches Reich|German Reich. The signing of a new alliance between the United Kingdom and Poland on August 25 did not significantly alter his plans.", "The Soviet Union and Nazi Germany signed this non-aggression pact on August 23, 1939, agreeing not to declare war on each other. Following the German invasion of Northern Europe and France in 1940, President Roosevelt encouraged the Department of State to engage in negotiations with the Soviets to improve relations.", "To neutralize the possibility that the USSR would come to Poland's aid, Germany signed a nonaggression pact with the Soviet Union on August 23, 1939. In a secret clause of the agreement, the ideological enemies agreed to divide Poland between them. Hitler gave orders for the Poland invasion to begin on August 26, but on August 25 he delayed the attack when he learned that Britain had signed a new treaty with Poland, promising military support should it be attacked. To forestall a British intervention, Hitler turned to propaganda and misinformation, alleging persecution of German-speakers in eastern Poland. Fearing imminent attack, Poland began to call up its troops, but Britain and France persuaded Poland to postpone general mobilization until August 31 in a last ditch effort to dissuade Germany from war.", "Hitler's plans for a military campaign in Poland in late August or early September required tacit Soviet support. The non-aggression pact (the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact) between Germany and the Soviet Union, led by Joseph Stalin, included secret protocols with an agreement to partition Poland between the two countries.", "With a non-aggression pact nearly secured with the Soviet Union, German leader Adolf Hitler ordered the Polish invasion to commence on 26 Aug 1939. He told his top military commanders to be brutal and show no compassion in the upcoming war. ww2dbase [ Main Article | CPC]", "The Polish crisis precipitated the war. Through the summer of 1939, German propaganda grew more strident, demanding cession to Germany of the city of Gdańsk (Danzig) while gradually escalating demands for special rights in, and finally annexation of, the Polish corridor. Because the only country able to defend Poland was the Soviet Union , a British-French mission in the summer of 1939 began negotiations for a treaty with Soviet ruler Joseph Stalin . Poland, however, announced that it would not allow Soviet troops to enter Polish territory, even for the purpose of defending the country against Germany. Hitler put a stop to these negotiations on August 23 when he announced the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact . On September 1 German troops invaded Poland. Britain and France declared war on Germany on September 3.", "After a failed attempt to sign an anti-German military alliance with France and Britain and talks with Germany regarding a potential political deal, on 23 August 1939, the Soviet Union entered into a non-aggression pact with Nazi Germany, negotiated by Soviet foreign minister Vyacheslav Molotov and German foreign minister Joachim von Ribbentrop. Officially a non-aggression treaty only, an appended secret protocol, also reached on 23 August 1939, divided the whole of eastern Europe into German and Soviet spheres of influence. ", "By the early part of 1939 the German dictator Adolf Hitler had become determined to invade and occupy Poland. Poland, for its part, had guarantees of French and British military support should it be attacked by Germany. Hitler intended to invade Poland anyway, but first he had to neutralize the possibility that the Soviet Union would resist the invasion of its western neighbour. Secret negotiations led on August 23-24 to the signing of the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact in Moscow. In a secret protocol of this pact, the Germans and the Soviets agreed that Poland should be divided between them, with the western third of the country going to Germany and the eastern two-thirds being taken over by the U.S.S.R.", "That brought a declaration of war from France and Britain. Some historians believe that the Soviet Union leadership knew in the spring or early summer of 1939 that Germany planned to invade Poland in September. Thus, the Soviet Union signed a nonaggression pact with Germany just two weeks before the attack.", "On September 1, 1939, Germany, led by Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party , invaded Poland according to an agreement with the Soviet Union , which joined the invasion on September 17. The United Kingdom and France responded by declaring war on Germany on September 3, initiating a widespread naval war. Germany rapidly overwhelmed Poland, then Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium and France in 1940, and Yugoslavia and Greece in 1941. Italian, and later German, troops attacked British forces in North Africa . By summer 1941, Germany had conquered France and most of Western Europe, but it had failed to subdue the United Kingdom due to the success of the Royal Air Force and Royal Navy .", "On August 23, 1939, four days after the economic agreement was signed and a little over a week before the beginning of World War II, Ribbentrop and Molotov signed the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact.", "In March 1939 Neville Chamberlain, speaking with the approval of both France and the USSR, gaurantees help to Poland if her independence is threatened. In April Hitler abrogates his own ten-year nonaggression treaty with Poland, signed in 1934, and secretly orders his army to prepare for a Polish invasion. In May France commits herself to military action against Germany if a conflict begins. But then, in August, Hitler produces a diplomatic bombshell.", "Before invading Poland , Germany signed the Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact , securing the eastern border of Germany . Limited trade, mostly on the part of the Russians, was part of the agreement. But everyone involved knew that it was a measure on both sides to buy time. Ideologically, both nations despised the other. Hitler had devoted much of Mein Kampf to his believe in the menace of Communism. Nazism was against everything Communism stood for.", "In early October 1938, while Hitler’s Germany was annexing Czechoslovakia’s Sudetenland, the sanacja regime seized Cieszyn Silesia from Czechoslovakia. The Hitler government soon demanded that Poland agree to Germany’s annexation of Danzig (Gdańsk) and requested the right to build an extraterritorial highway and railroad across the Polish Corridor. On Mar. 21, 1939, it presented an ultimatum to the Polish government, which the latter rejected. However, the Polish government also rejected a proposal to sign a joint declaration with Great Britain, France, and the USSR, opposing Hitler’s aggression. The governments of Great Britain and France sought to turn German aggression against the USSR, thereby safeguarding their own position in Eastern and Southwestern Europe. On March 31 the British government assured the Polish government that in the event of a threat to its independence Poland would receive assistance, a statement that was later reinforced by an Anglo-Polish treaty of alliance, concluded on Aug. 25, 1939. A similar declaration was made on Apr. 13, 1939, by France, which had entered into a military alliance with Poland as early as 1921. On Apr. 28, 1939, Germany abrogated its 1934 agreement with Poland. At this critical point the Polish government stubbornly refused to accept a Soviet proposal for political and military cooperation.", "Denmark was occupied by Germany after April 1940 but never joined the Axis. On 31 May 1939, Denmark and Germany signed a treaty of non-aggression, which did not contain any military obligations for either party. On April 9, Germany attacked Scandinavia, and the speed of the German invasion of Denmark prevented King Christian X and the Danish government from going into exile. They had to accept \"protection by the Reich\" and the stationing of German forces in exchange for nominal independence. Denmark coordinated its foreign policy with Germany, extending diplomatic recognition to Axis collaborator and puppet regimes, and breaking diplomatic relations with the Allied governments-in-exile. Denmark broke diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union and signed the Anti-Comintern Pact in 1941. However the United States and Britain ignored Denmark and worked with Denmark's ambassadors when it came to dealings about using Iceland, Greenland, and the Danish merchant fleet against Germany. ", "Germany invaded Poland on 1 September 1939. As German armoured columns drove deep into Poland, the Luftwaffe had control of the air. The speed of the invasion gave it the name Blitzkrieg, or lightning war. Between the wars Danzig had been a free city which Hitler was eager to have as part of Germany. The Polish armies were soon encircled or forced to retreat. Although Britain and France declared war on 3 September, they were unable to intervene effectively on Poland's behalf. Germany's Blitzkrieg overran Poland from the west and on 17 September it was invaded by the Soviet Union from the east. On 27 September 1939 Warsaw surrendered and, two days later, Germany and the Soviet Union signed a treaty of friendship which partitioned Poland between them.", "On 23 August, Ribbentrop and Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov signed the non-aggression pact including secret protocols dividing Eastern Europe into defined \"spheres of influence\" for the two regimes, and specifically concerning the partition of the Polish state in the event of its \"territorial and political rearrangement\". ", "Hitler's revenge for Germany's defeat of 1918 brought about the cataclysm that was Europe between 1939 and 1945. The incident which triggered World War II was the fake simulated attack by the Germans on their own radio station near Gleiwitz on the Polish border. To make it appear that the attacking force consisted of Poles, SS officer Alfred Naujocks secured some condemned German criminals from a nearby concentration (protective custody) camp and dressed them in Polish uniforms before being shot and their bodies placed in strategic positions around the radio station. A Polish-speaking German then did a broadcast from the station to make it appear that Poland had attacked first. On January 26, 1934, Germany and Poland signed a ten year non-aggression pact but the  refusal of Poland to comply with Germany's request for the return of Danzig and the Polish Corridor, which was granted to Poland in the Treaty of Versailles in 1919, led to the Gleiwitz incident. Hitler had stated 'Danzig was German and sooner or later would return to Germany'.", "The German assault was originally scheduled to begin at 04:00 on 26 August. However, on 25 August, the Polish-British Common Defense Pact was signed as an annex to the Franco-Polish Military Alliance. In this accord, Britain committed itself to the defence of Poland, guaranteeing to preserve Polish independence. At the same time, the British and the Poles were hinting to Berlin that they were willing to resume discussions—not at all how Hitler hoped to frame the conflict. Thus, he wavered and postponed his attack until 1 September, managing to in effect halt the entire invasion \"in mid-leap\".", "ww2dbaseIn 1934, however, the Germans signed a non-aggression pact with Poland, providing a kind of breathing space for both countries. German efforts to woo Poland into an anti-Soviet alliance were politely deferred as Poland attempted to keep her distance from both powerful neighbors. As German power began to grow, however, and Hitler increasingly threatened his neighbors, the Poles and French began to revitalize their alliance.", "\"Germany has concluded a Non-Aggression Pact with Poland. We shall adhere to it unconditionally. We recognize Poland as the home of a great and nationally conscious people.\" - May 21st 1935", "The History Place - World War II in Europe Timeline: August 23, 1939 - Nazis and Soviets Sign Pact" ]
[ 6.00390625, 5.3828125, 5.3828125, 4.5234375, 4.39453125, 4.21484375, 4.1953125, 3.302734375, 3.103515625, 2.890625, 2.701171875, 2.55859375, 2.234375, 2.15234375, 2.099609375, 2.087890625, 1.556640625, 1.2919921875, 0.98974609375, 0.7841796875, 0.57470703125, 0.166259765625, 0.04632568359375, -0.4072265625, -0.56298828125, -1.01171875, -1.0185546875, -1.83203125, -2.08203125, -2.099609375, -2.123046875, -2.623046875 ]
During WWI, manufacturers of what product relabeled themselves as Liberty Cabbage to avoid anti-German sentiments?
[ "Did You Know? - During World War I, due to concerns the American public would reject a product with a German name, American sauerkraut makers relabeled their product as \"Liberty cabbage\" for the duration of the war.", "During World War I, due to concerns the American public would reject a product with a German name, American sauerkraut makers relabeled their product as \"Liberty cabbage\" for the duration of the war. ", "During World War I, due to concerns the American public would reject a product with a German name, American sauerkraut makers relabeled their product as \"Liberty cabbage\" for the duration of the war.", "During World War I, some American producers referred to sauerkraut as \"Liberty cabbage\" because they believed the public would reject a product with a German name. Sauerkraut is a good source of vitamin C, K and B, folate, magnesium, calcium and iron.", "While Germans have made Sauerkraut for centuries, it produced a colorful part of its history in the First World War.  At this time, Sauerkraut was to Germans like apple pie was to Americans.  These two were so closely knit in fact, that by the Great War the British began calling Germans “Krauts.” On the other side of the Atlantic, Americans also developed a taste for kraut.  Wanting to avoid “treason” while still enjoying the condiment, Americans relabeled it  “Liberty Cabbage” for the duration.", "attributed, and suddenly everything Germanic became anathema. German-Americans sought to avoid being branded as disloyalists, traitors, or spies by declaring themselves to be Dutch or anglicizing their names, and common items with German names were retitled: sauerkraut became \"victory cabbage,\" hamburgers turned into \"liberty sandwiches,\" and \"hamburger steak\" was henceforth known as \"Salisbury steak.\" And a young comic named Julius Marx, who came from a German family and who was touring America in a vaudeville show with his three brothers, altered the persona of his stage character from German to Yiddish and finally to American. Julius would later became nationally famous as Groucho, one of the celebrated Marx Brothers.", "Some words of German origin were changed, at least temporarily. Sauerkraut came to be called \"liberty cabbage\", German measles became \"liberty measles\", hamburgers became \"liberty sandwiches\" and dachshunds became \"liberty pups\".", "Q6: What substance did Americans call ‘Liberty Cabbage’ towards the end of World War I?                                                                                                                                                                                      A: Sauerkraut.", "\"Liberty cabbage,\" made in Germany and there still known as sauerkraut, has been served at many American army messes during the week, five carloads of the edible having been left behind by the withdrawing German army.", "Q86. What during world war one was renamed liberty cabbage in both the UK and the USA?", "Most German-American entrepreneurs overcame wartime difficulties by changing their companies’ names (and often their family names as well), by advertising in patriotic newspapers, by proving their loyalty through generous contributions to liberty loan campaigns, and by joining patriotic organizations to leave no doubt of their patriotism. Many local German-American businessmen were fortunate to have loyal customers who continued buying their products throughout the war. Others were not so lucky. The war years, for example, were particularly difficult for German-American brewers and pub owners, who, on top of anti-German sentiment, had to contend with the beginnings of Prohibition as well.", "‘Bosch’ is a derogatory term for Germans, common in England during World War I. It is derived from the French ‘caboche’ (cabbage) and German affection of sauerkraut, or pickled cabbage.", "The radio station in Berlin, Germany reported the false rumor of the fall of the British government, and that the new government was to offer Germany peace terms. \"Old women in the vegetable markets tossed their cabbages into the air, wrecked their stands in sheer joy and made for the nearest pub to toast the peace\", reported journalist William Shirer. ww2dbase [CPC]", "Contrary to the common perception, sauerkraut did not originate in Germany. Ok, it has been a staple in the German diet since the 1600s, earning Germans the unflattering ‘Kraut’ moniker, one they have come to accept with humor. Yet, sauerkraut, which is made up of the German words sauer (sour) and kraut (cabbage) is a Chinese invention and as much a French/Alsatian specialty as it is truly Irish. Mass immigration in the 18th century brought the humble cabbage dish to American shores where its popularity spread. While declining in popularity as a side dish in modern German cuisine, its health properties and versatility have caused sauerkraut to experience a culinary revival all over the world.", "Canned food also began to spread beyond Europe — Robert Ayars established the first American canning factory in New York City in 1812, using improved tin-plated wrought-iron cans for preserving oysters, meats, fruits and vegetables. Demand for canned food greatly increased during wars. Large-scale wars in the nineteenth century, such as the Crimean War, American Civil War, and Franco-Prussian War introduced increasing numbers of working-class men to canned food, and allowed canning companies to expand their businesses to meet military demands for non-perishable food, allowing companies to manufacture in bulk and sell to wider civilian markets after wars ended. Urban populations in Victorian Britain demanded ever-increasing quantities of cheap, varied, quality food that they could keep at home without having to go shopping daily. In response, companies such as Underwood, Nestlé, Heinz, and others provided quality canned food for sale to working class city-dwellers. In particular, Crosse and Blackwell took over the concern of Donkin Hall and Gamble. The late 19th century saw the range of canned food available to urban populations greatly increase, as canners competed with each other using novel foodstuffs, highly decorated printed labels, and lower prices.", "In 1925, BASF merged with Bayer, Hoechst and three other companies to form I.G. Farbenindustrie AG. Between 1933 and 1945, I.G. Farben played a central role in the Nazi economy. During World War II, the company manufactured poison gas, Zyklon B, used at extermination camps and employed forced and slave labor. Several company directors and senior managers were tried for war crimes and crimes against humanity.", "Hengstenberg — No company is more synonymous with sauerkraut, red cabbage, gherkins, mustard and vinegar than Hengstenberg, located in Esslingen near Stuttgart. The company was founded in 1867 by Richard Alfried Hengstenberg who was a co-author of the ‘vinegar purity law’ which is still part of today’s official food standards law. (Baden-Wuerttemberg)", "Immigration: The U.S. enters World War I and anti-German sentiment swells at home. The names of schools, foods, streets, towns, and even some families, are changed to sound less Germanic.", "As mentioned previously, after the outbreak of war, German-American shopkeepers and businessmen were quickly targeted by self-proclaimed patriotic organizations. They were told to stop advertising in allegedly disloyal newspapers, to hoist the American flag on their buildings, and to make sure that their employees contributed to liberty loan campaigns – even if that meant threatening them with unemployment. Bigger companies were often asked to make office space available so that members of patriotic organizations could work directly on their premises and keep an eye on employees. Many employers received anonymous telephone calls asking whether they still employed German-American “spies” (i.e. German-American workers); other employers no longer promoted anyone with a German name. [26]", "The demise of \"Gesundheit\" as a cheerful greeting in the United States may be tied to the vilification of all things German during the period of U.S. involvement in World War I. One instance of anti-German feeling in this period occurs in this item from the Harrisburg [Pennsylvania] Telegraph (May 2, 1918):", "However, the German company lost the right to use the trademark in many countries because the Allies seized and resold its foreign assets after World War I.", "Renamed the Anglo Meatpacking plant in 1924, the factory fed generations of Europeans and allied troops during World War I and II.", "World War I was the first conflict to involve the use of toxic chemicals meant to incapacitate and kill soldiers.  Death would come at the fourth breath or less, soldiers were warned.   Fritz Haber , a German chemist who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1918 for his research into the creation of synthetic fertilizers, also helped spearhead German use of ammonia and chlorine as poisonous weapons used in trench warfare. (Haber’s wife, also a chemist, committed suicide out of shame at her husband’s promotion of poison gas.)  Haber additionally pioneered a gas mask that would protect German soldiers from their own weapons. Ironically, Frtiz Haber was Jewish.  He later fled Germany in 1933 during the rise of Adolf Hitler, a few years before the poisons he experimented with were used by the Nazis to exterminate Jews and others during World War II.", "Meanwhile in 1916, at another German chemical firm, Bayer, Oskar Dressel, Richard Kothe, and Wilhelm Roehl, Ehrlich's former assistant, developed 205 Bayer, which the company patriotically dubbed “Germanin.” After the war, it offered to reveal the secret formula in exchange for the return of Germany's colonies, but France and Great Britain turned down the offer. Instead, the French pharmacologist Ernest Fourneau at the Pasteur Institute reverse-engineered the drug on the basis of patents that Bayer had taken out and named it 309 Fourneau [52] , [53] . It was commercialized by the Rhône-Poulenc pharmaceutical company under the name Moranyl. With a chemotherapeutic index of one to sixty or more, this drug was much safer than atoxyl and could even be given to healthy people as a prophylactic. Fourneau also created Orsanine, another drug that was effective but very expensive. Meanwhile, trypanosomes were beginning to show signs of resistance to atoxyl and other drugs. In this area as in so many others, the arms race between pathogens and pharmacologists had already begun [7] , [19] , [49] , [54] , [55] .", "Unexpectedly Germany plunged into World War I (1914–1918). It rapidly mobilized its civilian economy for the war effort, the economy was handicapped by the British blockade that cut off food supplies. ", "In Prussia it should take until the mit 18th century until the potato was finally adopted as nutrition. There it was Frederick the Great who was responsible for its first extensive deployment. He saw the potato's potential to help feed his nation and lower the price of bread, but faced the challenge of overcoming the people's prejudice against the plant. He coined also the popular phrase 'Potatoes instead of Truffles!' and besides his famous military campaigns he also launched a propaganda campaign for the subterranean field crop. And for both campaigns his army was playing a major part to become a success. But the royal order alone did not succeed with his stubborn subjects who refused to eat the subterranean bulbs. In Prussia as in the rest of Germany there was the saying: 'Was der Bauer nicht kennt, frisst er nicht. [What the peasant doesn't know, he will not eat]'. Actually, the town of Kolberg officially replied to the king's order: \"The things [potatoes] have neither smell nor taste, not even the dogs will eat them, so what use are they to us?\"", "During the war, Krupp was allowed to take over many industries in occupied nations, including Arthur Krupp steel works in Berndorf, Austria , the Alsacian Corporation for Mechanical Construction (Elsaessische Maschinenfabrik AG, or ELMAG), Robert Rothschild's tractor factory in France, Škoda Works in Czechoslovakia, and Deutsche Schiff- und Maschinenbau AG ( Deschimag ) in Bremen . This activity became the basis for the charge of “plunder” at the war crimes trial of Krupp executives after the war.", "The 1935 100 Reichsmark features a large swastika underprint at the center. To the right is Justus von Liebig, a 19th century German chemist who is \"Father of the Fertilizer Industry\" for his discovery of nitrogen as an essential plant nutrient.  The back depicts allegorical figures.", "11/5/1915, German-owned businesses, shops and restaurants, in the London suburbs of Bethnal Green, Camden Town, Limehouse, Poplar, Stepney and Walthamstow were attacked, burnt and destroyed. Traders at Smithfield Market refused to trade with ethnic Germans, even if they had been naturalised as Britons. An American trader at Smithfield who was inclined to trade with the foreigners was also beaten up. The unrest was in response to the sinking of the Lusitania four days earlier.", "World War I had given the farmers much prosperity, as they had produced much food for the soldiers.", "Westfälisch-Anhaltische Sprengstoff-AG Chemische Fabriken. Aktie über 1’000 Reichsmark. Berlin, im August 1941. Grün. Nr. 73988. Die Gesellschaft wurde 1891 mit dem Namen “Westfälisch-Anhaltische Sprengstoff-Act.-Ges.” gegründet und hatte zum Zweck die Herstellung und Vertrieb von chemischen Produkten aller Art, sowie Fabrikation und Handel mit Explosivstoffen und Sprengmitteln. Ihr Sitz war in Wittenberge bzw. Coswig. Ab 1899 hiess sie “Westfälisch-Anhaltische Sprengstoff-AG Chemische Fabriken” mit Sitz in Berlin. 1941 betrieb die Gesellschaft fünf Fabriken und hielt weitere diverse Beteiligungen an Bergwerken und Unternehmen der chem. Industrie.. Am 12.6.1941 wurde das Kapital um 25 Mio. RM erhöht die bestehenden Namens-Aktien in Inhaber-Aktien umgewandelt. Dazu wurden 43.000 Inhaber-Aktien zu RM 1000 begeben. Die Gesellschaft firmierte infolge unter WASAG-Chemie AG, Essen. Am 1. Mai 2001 wurde die WASAG Chemie AG mit der zur H&R-Gruppe gehörenden Schmierstoffraffinerie Salzbergen GmbH zum neuen Unternehmen H&R WASAG verschmolzen. Unentwerteter Titel. EF.", "The oral greeting \"Heil\" became popular in the pan-German movement around 1900. As a manner of address, Führer was introduced by Georg Ritter von Schönerer who considered himself leader of the Austrian Germans." ]
[ 6.53125, 6.30859375, 6.30859375, 5.10546875, 3.0234375, 2.623046875, 2.34765625, 1.6240234375, 1.0673828125, -0.89794921875, -3.9375, -5.3671875, -5.47265625, -5.69140625, -5.89453125, -6.0546875, -6.34375, -6.53515625, -6.90234375, -7.27734375, -8.1875, -8.5703125, -8.734375, -8.953125, -9.125, -9.3203125, -9.34375, -10, -10.0625, -10.359375, -10.4765625, -10.9453125 ]
On August 21, 1911, Italian patriot Vincenzo Peruggia stolen what "moderately famous" painting from the Louvre, which was not recovered for 2 years?
[ "On August 21, 1911, Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa was stolen from the Louvre by Vincenzo Peruggia, an Italian laborer living in Paris.", "Vincenzo Peruggia (October 8, 1881 – October 8, 1925) was an Italian thief, most famous for stealing the Mona Lisa on 21 August 1911. Born in Dumenza, Varese, Italy, he died in Saint-Maur-des-Fossés, France. ", "On August 21, 1911, an amateur painter set up his easel near the spot where Leonardo da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa”—one of the most famous works of art in the world—hung in the Louvre. To his surprise, the mysterious woman with the haunting half-smile had vanished. French detectives searched for the painting for more than two years, mistakenly hauling in poet Guillaume Apollinaire and artist Pablo Picasso in hopes of cracking the high-profile case. Then, in December 1913, an Italian house painter contacted a prominent art dealer in Florence, claiming to be in possession of the celebrated portrait. Police swooped in and arrested Vincenzo Peruggia, a former Louvre employee. It turned out Peruggia had walked unnoticed into the museum, removed the “Mona Lisa” from its frame and spirited it out under his clothes. Hailed as a patriot in his native Italy, the burglar served six months in jail for the crime.", "On August 21, 1911, Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa, one of the most famous paintings in the world, was stolen right off the wall of the Louvre (famous museum in Paris, France). It was such an inconceivable crime, that the Mona Lisa wasn't even noticed missing until the following day.", "Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa is arguably the most famous paintings in history. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Mona Lisa has been a target for crime. On August 21, 1911, Mona Lisa was stolen from the Louvre Museum in Paris. However, it was not until the next afternoon that anyone realized the famous painting had been stolen. Museum officials believed that the Mona Lisa had been temporarily removed for photography for marketing purposes. After the painting was reported stolen, the Louvre shut down for a week, and over 200 officials from the French National Criminal Investigation Department arrived. They searched every room, closet, and corner of the infamously massive 49-acre museum. When they failed to recover the painting, investigators began a grueling hunt for the Mona Lisa. They questioned countless people before determining that the painting was likely lost forever.", "On this day—Aug. 21, 1911—the Mona Lisa was stolen from the Louvre in Paris . The work of art, by Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci, is believed to have been painted between 1503 and 1506. The painter Louis Béroud first discovered the theft when he walked to the place where the Mona Lisa had been on display and found only four iron pegs instead of the famous painting. After the museum confirmed that the painting had in fact been stolen, it was closed for a week to aid the investigation.", "The right eye of Leonardo da Vinci's \"Mona Lisa.\" On Aug. 21, 1911, the then-little-known painting was stolen from the wall of the Louvre in Paris. And a legend was born. Associated Press hide caption", "In 1911 Vincenzo Peruggia perpetrated what has been described as the greatest art theft of the 20th century. The former Louvre worker hid inside the museum on Sunday, August 20, knowing that the museum would be closed the following day. Emerging from his hiding place on Monday morning, he wore one of the white artists' smocks that museum employees customarily wore and was indistinguishable from the other workers. When the Salon Carre where the Mona Lisa hung was empty, he lifted it from the wall and took it to an enclosed stairwell. There he removed the protective case and frame and concealed the painting (which Leonardo painted on wood) under his smock. He left the Louvre with it, passing a guard station which had been left unattended by a guard who had gone to obtain a pail of water.", "Though French artist Guillame Apollinaire was initially suspected (he in turn tried to blame his friend Pablo Picasso), the culprit turned out to be Vincenzo Peruggia, a Louvre employee. Peruggia had stolen the painting during business hours and walked out with it under his coat after the museum had closed. After two years of hiding it, he was caught when he tried to sell the painting to the Uffizi Gallery in Florence . As an Italian loyalist, Peruggia believed that Leonardo da Vinci’s paintings should return to Italy and be displayed in an Italian museum. He would go on to serve six months of jail time. The Mona Lisa has been on permanent display at the Louvre since 1979.", "The Mona Lisa became popular with the general public when it was famously stolen in 1911. The press jumped on the event: people wanted to know who could have stolen the Mona Lisa, why, and above all how. The painting was found, and the guilty party was an overly nationalistic Italian named Vincenzo Peruggia, who had intended to return the work to his home country.", "On August 22, 1911, the theft of the Mona Lisa was discovered. French poet Guillaume Apollinaire was arrested and put in jail on suspicion of theft on September 7 and Pablo Picasso was brought in for questioning, but both were later released. At the time, the painting was believed lost forever. It turned out that Louvre employee Vincenzo Peruggia, believing that the painting belonged to Italy and shouldn’t be kept in France, stole it by simply walking out the door with it hidden under his coat. However, greed got the better of him and the Mona Lisa was recovered when he attempted to sell it to a Florence art dealer; it was exhibited all over Italy and returned to the Louvre in 1913.", "The motive for the theft was never fully clear. The culprit, a penniless house-painter named Vincenzo Perugia, had strolled out of the Louvre with the Mona Lisa under his smock and taken the bus home. When he finally exposed himself by offering the panel to a Florentine art dealer two years later, it appeared that the scheme was rooted in a muddled sense of patriotism. Perugia believed he was returning Napoleonic loot, unaware that Leonardo had transported the painting to France for presentation to Francis I.", "On Sunday August 20, 1911, Peruggia realized what is known as the greatest art robbery of the 20th century. He hid inside the museum on a Sunday, the day before he knew it would be closed the following one, a Monday, a traditional day when most museums of the capital are still closed today. On that Monday morning, wearing the habitual white artists' smocks that museum employees were used to see around, he walked into the Salon Carré where the Mona Lisa was - and simply lifted it from the wall.", "Peruggia was lucky to be tried in Italy rather than France. In Italy, his lawyer said in his closing argument, to applause from spectators and tears from the defendant, “there is nobody who desires the condemnation of the accused”. Nobody had lost anything from the theft, the lawyer pointed out. Mona Lisa had been recovered. She was now more famous than ever. She had made a brief, joyous tour of Italy before returning to the Louvre. Relations between Italy and France had improved.", "One of the stranger episodes in French cultural history, the theft of the painting caused a huge scandal, especially since no one at the museum noticed that it was missing until an artist planning on sketching the portrait found a blank space on the wall. Initially, the poet Guillaume Apollinaire was accused of the crime and arrested. After questioning him, French police also held Pablo Picasso, who was a friend of Apollinaire's, but ended up releasing both men after a few days. When caught two years later, Peruggia said that he wanted to return the painting to its country of origin, and got off with a very light sentence in an Italian court.", "Peruggia was never apprehended until he returned the Mona Lisa to Florence through an Italian art dealer, claiming he stole the painting to return it patriotically to the Italian people.", "Early in September, after a brief closing, the Louvre was once again opened to the public, and an even greater number of visitors than usual came to gape at the four hooks on the wall that marked the place where La Joconde once hung. One tourist, an aspiring writer named Franz Kafka, visiting the Louvre on a trip to Paris in late 1911, noted in his diary “the excitement and the knots of people, as if the Mona Lisa had just been stolen.” Some even began to place bouquets of flowers beneath the spot where the painting once resided.", "Perugia apparently believed, entirely mistakenly, that the Mona Lisa  had been stolen from Florence by Napoleon and that he deserved a reward for doing his patriotic duty and returning it to its true home in Italy. That was what he said, at least. Many Italians welcomed the masterpiece home; people flocked to see it for a time at the Uffizi Gallery, some of them weeping with joy, and Perugia served only a brief prison sentence. The great painting was duly returned to the Louvre and has hung there safely and enigmatically ever since.", "But if Perugia's escapade was far from the perfect crime, it could be interpreted as the perfect work of modern art. Fifty years later, Robert Rauschenberg would rub out a drawing by Willem de Kooning and exhibit it as \"Erased De Kooning\". Perugia bequeathed the Louvre an empty space that could have been entitled \"Missing Mona Lisa\". Hordes of spectators, Franz Kafka among them, thronged to observe the space where the painting had been. Mona is back now, of course, smiling wanly through a carapace of yellowing varnish and bullet-proof glass. But the empty space behind her still exists - conceptually, at least - in the minds of psychologists, whose inclination is to look for what can't be seen.", "After that, for years the trail went cold. Mona Lisa was reported to have been shipped to Switzerland or South America. She was in an apartment in the Bronx, a private gallery in St. Petersburg or a secret room in the mansion of J.P. Morgan. In fact, she had never left Paris. The thief turned out to be Vincenzo Peruggia the Hooblers spell it Perugia an Italian house painter and carpenter living in France, though he was arrested for the crime in December 1913 in Florence. He had gone there with the painting after contacting a Florentine art dealer, Alfredo Geri, who he hoped would help him dispose of his hostage in a way that would bring him some cash. Geri played along, and even brought in the director of the Uffizi Gallery to authenticate the picture on the spot. When they were satisfied that Peruggia had brought them the real thing, they turned him over to the police.", "Mona Lisa recovered 100 years ago – This reconstruction shows how Peruggia perpetrated the greatest art theft of the 20th century. After hiding in a closet overnight, he simply removed the painting, hid it under his smock and walked out with it under his arm.", "Which isn’t to say it was obscure. A letter mailed to the Louvre in 1910 from Vienna had threatened the Mona Lisa so museum officials hired the glazier firm Cobier to put a dozen of its more prized paintings under glass. The work took three months; one of the Cobier men assigned to the project was Vincenzo Perugia. The son of a bricklayer, Perugia grew up in Dumenza, a Lombardy village north of Milan. In 1907 at the age of 25, Vincenzo left home, trying out Paris, Milan and then Lyon. After a year, he settled in Paris with his two brothers in the Italian enclave in the 10th Arrondissement.", "After experts confirmed the authenticity of the painting, was hastily organized a touring exhibition in Italy. Shortly after, the painting in 1913 came back to the place where it has been stolen. Since then you can see Leonardo da Vinci's \"Mona Lisa\" onlly behind bulletproof glass and safety clearance in the Louvre in Paris .The attraction is now grown so much that there are museum signs that tourists only lead to this artwork.", "Leonardo da Vinci’s (1452-1519) “Mona Lisa” is stolen from the Louvre, it is found in Italy in 1913.", "Satirical postcards, a short film and cabaret songs followed—popular culture seized upon the theft and turned high art into mass art. Perugia realized that he had not pinched an old Italian painting from a decaying royal palace. He had unluckily stolen what had become, in a few short days, the world's most famous painting.", "Perugia mistakenly thought the painting was stolen from Italy by Napoleon and was doing his duty as an Italian countryman by returning it to Italy. Shortly thereafter, he was arrested and the painting was returned to the Louvre were it has safely remained ever since.", "The theft proved a huge embarrassment not only the museum but for France as a whole, and it sparked a media feeding frenzy, mocking the Louvre for its inability to keep its treasures safe. This was the first international art crime, and perhaps the first property theft, to receive regular international news coverage. The resulting investigation by French authorities was botched and, despite having Peruggia's fingerprint on the discarded frame of the painting, and despite having interrogated him on two occasions, he was not considered a suspect.  ", "After keeping the painting hidden in a trunk in his apartment for two years, Peruggia returned to Italy with it. He kept it in his apartment in Florence but grew impatient and was finally caught when he contacted Alfredo Geri, the owner of an art gallery in Florence, Italy. Geri's story conflicts with Peruggia's, but it was clear that Peruggia expected a reward for returning the painting to what he regarded as its \"homeland.\" Geri called in Giovanni Poggi, director of the Uffizi Gallery, who authenticated the painting. Poggi and Geri, after taking the painting for \"safekeeping,\" informed the police, who arrested Peruggia at his hotel.", "Stolen: How the Mona Lisa Became the World’s Most Famous Painting | Arts & Culture | Smithsonian", "After its theft, the painting was exhibited all over Italy with banner headlines rejoicing its return and then returned to the Louvre in 1913. Peruggia was released from jail after a short time and served in the Italian army during World War I. He got married, returned to France and opened a paint store. He died on September 2, 1947 in the town of Annemasse, France.", "The museum had dubious security and few guards. In fact, remedial work on the poor security had given Peruggia his inspiration. The Italian immigrant worker had been at the Louvre in 1910 and had installed the glass-door that was protecting the masterpiece. He had the white outfit Louvre workers wore and knew how the painting was fixed to its frame.", "The 1893 version (shown here) was stolen from the National Gallery in Oslo in 1994 and recovered. The 1910 painting was stolen in 2004 from The Munch Museum in Oslo, but recovered in 2006 with limited damage." ]
[ 10.0625, 8.8046875, 8.7109375, 7.609375, 7.3671875, 6.98828125, 6.98046875, 6.44921875, 6.4140625, 6.234375, 5.796875, 4.41796875, 4.25390625, 4.078125, 3.970703125, 3.640625, 3.560546875, 3.05859375, 2.24609375, 2.23046875, 2.025390625, 1.9248046875, 1.6669921875, 0.966796875, -1.1416015625, -1.3525390625, -1.607421875, -2.0546875, -2.255859375, -2.310546875, -2.619140625, -5.2265625 ]
Having overcome her own addiction to alcohol and prescription medicine, what former first lady opened a treatment center for chemical dependency in Rancho Mirage, CA?
[ "Why Famous: Gained fame as one of the most candid first ladies in history, commenting on issues such feminism, equal pay, the ERA, sex, drugs, abortion, and gun control. She also raised awareness of addiction when she announced her long-running battle with alcoholism in the 1970s. Established the Betty Ford Center (initially called the Betty Ford Clinic) in Rancho Mirage, California, for the treatment of chemical dependency.", "Betty Ford was known both as a former First Lady and as the founder of the Betty Ford Clinic for substance abuse recovery. She married Gerald R. Ford on 15 October 1948. Gerald Ford became a congressman two weeks later and served in the U.S House of Representatives until 1973, when he was appointed U.S. vice president by Richard M. Nixon (Nixon's first VP, Spiro Agnew , resigned in the midst of a scandal). When Nixon himself resigned in 1974, Betty Ford became the nation's First Lady. Shortly thereafter she was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent a mastectomy. Suffering from the stress of her public role and the aftereffects of her illness, Ford became so hooked on painkilling drugs and alcohol that in 1978 she entered a California hospital to kick the habits. Inspired by the experience, in 1982 she founded the Betty Ford Center for Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation in Rancho Mirage, California. The center was one of America's first prominent centers devoted solely to such recovery, and it eventually drew high-profile clients like Elizabeth Taylor and Liza Minnelli . Ford became a prominent activist in the field, and received the Presidential Medal of Freedom (1991) and the Congressional Gold Medal (1999). She published two autobiographies: The Times of My Life in 1978 and Betty: A Glad Awakening in 1985.", "A nonprofit inpatient facility in Rancho Mirage, California, founded in 1982 by recovering alcoholic and former US First Lady Betty Ford, dedicated to various levels of management of chemical dependency, including inpatient care", "In 1982, after her recovery, she established the Betty Ford Center (initially called the Betty Ford Clinic) in Rancho Mirage, California, for the treatment of chemical dependency, including treating the children of alcoholics. She served as chair of the board of directors. She also co-authored with Chris Chase a book about her treatment, Betty: A Glad Awakening (1987). In 2003, Ford produced another book, Healing and Hope: Six Women from the Betty Ford Center Share Their Powerful Journeys of Addiction and Recovery. In 2005, Ford relinquished her chair of the center's board of directors to her daughter Susan. She had held the top post at the center since its founding.", "Betty Ford was a cancer awareness advocate, and inspiration to people who suffered from addiction. After recovering from an addiction to alcohol and medication she established the Betty Ford Clinic in Rancho Mirage, Calif. in 1982.", "Mrs. Ford was noted for her outspokenness on topics, including pre-marital sex and the Equal Rights Amendment . This was a sharp contrast from most First Ladies , particularly her immediate predecessor, the reticent Pat Nixon . Mrs. Ford publicly battled breast cancer during her husband's presidency. After leaving office, her battles with alcoholism and addiction were discussed prominently in the media, as was the family's support in opening the Betty Ford Center in Rancho Mirage, California . [11]", "From their home in California, she was equally frank about her successful battle against dependency on drugs and alcohol. She helped establish the Betty Ford Center for treatment of this problem at the Eisenhower Medical Center in Rancho Mirage.", "But it was her Betty Ford Center, a desert oasis that rescued celebrities and ordinary people from addiction, that made her famous in her own right. In 1982, Mrs. Ford, together with Ambassador Leonard Firestone, founded the non-profit center at the Eisenhower Medical Center in Rancho Mirage, California. Today, the Betty Ford Center is regarded as one of the top treatment facilities in the world.", "In what she has described as a painful “intervention” when her family confronted her with her problem, she agreed to enter the drug and alcohol rehabilitation program at Long Beach Naval Hospital. Of that experience came the momentum to establish the Betty Ford Center in Rancho Mirage, a live-in treatment program for alcoholics and drug abusers.", "In 1986, she underwent treatment for alcoholism at the Betty Ford Center in Rancho Mirage. \"All I can say is thank God for Mrs. Ford,\" Simmons said in the People interview.", "Betty Ford, former First Lady and drug rehab centre founder, dies aged 93 | Daily Mail Online", "President Gerald Ford and first lady Betty Ford speak with ABC News' \"20/20\" in 1987, 10 years after their White House years. Betty Ford talked about her secret struggle with drugs and alcohol, telling Barbara Walters that she had been taking 25 or 30 pills a day while her husband was president. \"I used the pills and the alcohol to help me cope,\" she said. \"It was like an anesthetic.\"", "After publishing her memoirs entitled My Turn, in 1989, she established the Nancy Reagan Foundation, to support educational drug prevention after-school programs; it merged with the Best Foundation for a Drug-Free Tomorrow, out of which emerged the Nancy Reagan Afterschool Program, a drug prevention and life-skills program for youth. When her husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease in 1994, they together let their name in support of the Ronald & Nancy Reagan Research Institute in Chicago, Illinois for research into the illness, an affiliate of the National Alzheimer’s Association. Over the next decade her public activities were largely limited to the Los Angeles area, since she was the primary caregiver to the former president. One notable exception was the 1996 Republican National Convention in nearby San Diego, California, thus making her only the second former First Lady - and the first of her party - to do so (see \"Post-Presidential Life\" for Eleanor Roosevelt). After former President Reagan's death in June 2004, she became an outspoken public advocate for stem cell research, a scientific effort that promised hope for patients of Alzheimer's and other illnesses, despite the fact that her view was in direct opposition to that of the incumbent Republican president. She resides in the Bel Air section of Los Angeles, California. ", "Betty Ford, the first US first lady of the post-Watergate era and inspiration for the addiction clinic that bears her name, has died aged 93.", "In 1982, Nancy Reagan was asked by a schoolgirl what to do when offered drugs; Nancy responded \"Just say no.\"[99][100] The phrase proliferated in the popular culture of the 1980s and was eventually adopted as the name of club organizations and school anti-drug programs.[8] Reagan became actively involved by traveling more than 250,000 miles (400,000 km) throughout the United States and several nations, visiting drug abuse prevention programs and drug rehabilitation centers. She also appeared on television talk shows, recorded public service announcements, and wrote guest articles.[8] She appeared in an episode of the hit television drama Dynasty to underscore support for the anti-drug campaign. As she continued to promote \"Just Say No\", she appeared in an episode of the popular 1980s sitcom Diff'rent Strokes[101] and in a 1985 rock music video, \"Stop the Madness\".[102] When asked about her campaign, the first lady remarked, \"If you can save just one child, it's worth it.\"[103]", "The Betty Ford Center, dedicated on Oct. 3, 1982, was a direct result of Mrs. Ford’s victory over her alcoholism and addiction. Set on 14 acres on the campus of the Eisenhower Medical Center 11 miles southeast of Palm Springs, the center was a nonprofit venture spearheaded by Mrs. Ford and Leonard K. Firestone, an industrialist and former ambassador to Belgium who raised a major part of the money.", "First Lady Nancy Reagan made the War on Drugs one of her main priorities by founding the \" Just Say No \" drug awareness campaign, which aimed to discourage children and teenagers from engaging in recreational drug use by offering various ways of saying \"no.\" Mrs. Reagan traveled to 65 cities in 33 states, raising awareness about the dangers of drugs and alcohol. [158]", "There are claims that she was also very briefly married to Bob Slatzer, as well as that she had an affair with both John and Robert Kennedy. In her final years, she began seeing a psychiatrist while suffering from insomnia. She began taking prescription medication from several doctors, while refusing any help from her husband. She also developed a dependence on alcohol. Following her second divorce, she attended the Payne Whitney Psychiatric Clinic before transferring to Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center.", "In 1982, she founded the Betty Ford Clinic (now Betty Ford Center ) in California. This nearly 200-bed program offers inpatient detox, follow-up and aftercare, an assessment program for pilots and professionals to diagnose and treat addiction problems, as well as other customized programs including one for young men and women between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five who are financially dependent upon their parents.", "As first lady, Reagan sponsored the \"Just Say No\" crusade against drug abuse, a problem about which she became deeply aware during her husband's first presidential campaign, when she visited the Daytop Village treatment center in New York. During her eight years in the White House, Reagan visited over 60 cities in 33 states, as well as nine foreign countries as part of the \"Just Say No\" campaign. She made television, radio, and personal appearances and urged parents to become aware of the stresses that lead children to drugs. In 1985 Reagan held a conference at the White House to focus international attention on the problem: First ladies from 17 nations attended.", "Her frank discussions about her disease helped raise awareness about breast cancer and she eventually took the same approach toward her alcoholism, which she battled even as first lady.", "In 1978, the Ford family staged an intervention and forced her to confront her alcoholism and an addiction to opioid analgesics, which had been prescribed in the early 1960s for a pinched nerve. \"I liked alcohol,\" she wrote in her 1987 memoir. \"It made me feel warm. And I loved pills. They took away my tension and my pain\". She went into treatment for substance abuse.", "Those views and others expressed on 60 Minutes, addressed numerous issues that, despite reflecting a reality of life for many families at that time, nevertheless startled citizens unaccustomed to First Ladies verbalizing them. The suggestion that she would be accepting of a young adult child having pre-marital sex came in response to a question posing the scenario of her teenage daughter having an “affair.”  When asked her view on marijuana use, she thought it was widespread among the nation’s youth and akin to having a first beer in the era of her youth and that were she now a youth she might have tried it.  She emphasized the importance of her own psychiatric treatment and how it could help others suffering from depression and other mental and emotional problems. Finally, she also called the Supreme Court decision upholding a woman’s abortion rights a “great, great decision.", "The First Lady launched the \"Just Say No\" drug awareness campaign in 1982, which was her primary project and major initiative as first lady. Reagan first became aware of the need to educate young people about drugs during a 1980 campaign stop in Daytop Village, New York. She remarked in 1981 that \"Understanding what drugs can do to your children, understanding peer pressure and understanding why they turn to drugs is … the first step in solving the problem.\" Her campaign focused on drug education and informing the youth of the danger of drug abuse.", "Her most publicized project as first lady was the \"Just Say No\" anti-drug campaign. After her husband developed Alzheimer's disease, she became an advocate for discovering a cure.", "Collins later admitted having suffered from bulimia after she quit smoking in the 1970s. \"I went straight from the cigarettes into an eating disorder\", she told People magazine in 1992. \"I started throwing up. I didn't know anything about bulimia, certainly not that it is an addiction or that it would get worse. My feelings about myself, even though I had been able to give up smoking and lose 20 lbs., were of increasing despair.\" She has written at length of her years of addiction to alcohol, the damage it did to her personal and musical life and how it contributed to her feelings of depression. Collins admits that although she tried other drugs in the 1960s, alcohol had always been her drug of first choice, just as it had been for her father. She entered a rehabilitation program in Pennsylvania in 1978 and has maintained her sobriety ever since, even through such traumatic events as the death of her only child, Clark, who committed suicide in 1992 at age 33 after a long bout with clinical depression and substance abuse. Since his death, she has also become an activist for suicide prevention. Read Less", "In 1985, Reagan expanded the campaign to an international level by inviting the First Ladies of various nations to the White House for a conference on drug abuse. On October 27, 1986, President Reagan signed a drug enforcement bill into law, which granted $1.7 billion in funding to fight the perceived crisis and ensured a mandatory minimum penalty for drug offenses. Although the bill was criticized, Reagan considered it a personal victory. In 1988, she became the first First Lady invited to address the United Nations General Assembly, where she spoke on international drug interdiction and trafficking laws.", "She was open about the benefits of psychiatric treatment, and spoke understandingly about marijuana use and premarital sex. The new First Lady noted during a televised White House tour that she and the President shared the same bed. Ford was a guest on 60 Minutes and, in a characteristically candid interview, she discussed how she would counsel her daughter if she was having an affair. She said she \"would not be surprised\" by that, and also acknowledged that her children may have experimented with marijuana, which was popular among the young. Some conservatives called her \"No Lady\" for her comments and demanded her \"resignation\", but her overall approval rating was at a high seventy-five percent. As she later said, during her husband's failed 1976 presidential campaign, \"I would give my life to have Jerry have my poll numbers.\"", "In June 1988 after an evening of heavy drinking, Barrymore angrily confronted her mother. She began breaking dishes and glasses until her mother left. Shortly thereafter, a friend of Barrymore's and the friend's mother entered the house and whisked the actress into a waiting car. They took her to ASAP, a Van Nuys rehabilitation clinic, where she would remain for 12 days.", "In 1982, Nancy reversed her negative image by championing drug abuse awareness and education. Traveling throughout the United States and several foreign countries, Nancy visited prevention programs and rehabilitation centers. In 1985, she hosted an international conference on youth drug abuse at the White House. Though her \"Just Say No\" campaign was criticized as simplistic, her efforts culminated in legislation, the \"National Crusade for a Drug Free America\" act, signed into law by President Reagan in October 1986. Continuing her efforts, Nancy addressed the United Nations General Assembly in 1988, speaking in support of strengthening international drug interdiction and trafficking laws. While all of this was going on, in October 1987, she was diagnosed with breast cancer, and underwent a mastectomy.", "President Obama said yesterday: 'She helped reduce the social stigma surrounding addiction and inspired thousands to seek much-needed treatment.'", "'Lil' - First lady to seek A.A. help, involved first 13th step with ' Victor' , got sober outside A.A. (D 97-98, 109, 241)" ]
[ 7.79296875, 7.79296875, 7.734375, 6.953125, 5.51171875, 5.2734375, 5.109375, 4.62109375, 4.234375, 2.166015625, 1.2421875, 0.390869140625, 0.170654296875, -0.131591796875, -0.9375, -1.3203125, -1.919921875, -1.99609375, -2.650390625, -3.4375, -4.13671875, -4.36328125, -4.8125, -5.0078125, -5.1484375, -5.3984375, -5.62890625, -6.1015625, -6.95703125, -7.203125, -7.37890625, -8 ]
Killing thousands, the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum were buried on Aug 24, 79AD when what volcano erupted?
[ "August 24, 79 A.D. - Vesuvius, an active volcano in southern Italy, erupted and destroyed the cities of Pompeii, Stabiae and Herculaneum.", "It, along with Herculaneum (its sister city), was destroyed, and completely buried, during a catastrophic eruption of the volcano Mount Vesuvius spanning two days on 24 August 79 AD.[1]", "On August 24, A.D. 79, Vesuvius Volcano suddenly exploded and destroyed the Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Although Vesuvius had shown stir-rings of life when a succession`of earthquakes in A.D. 63 caused some damage, it had been literally quiet for hundreds of years and was considered \"extinct.\" Its surface and crater were green and covered with vegetation, so the eruption was totally unexpected. Yet in a few hours, hot volcanic ash and dust buried the two cities so thoroughly that their ruins were not uncovered for nearly 1,700 years, when the discovery of an outer wall in 1748 started a period of modern archeology. Vesuvius has continued its activity intermittently ever since A.D 79 with numerous minor eruptions and several major eruptions occurring in 1631, 1794, 1872, 1906 and in 1944 in the midst of the Italian campaign of World War II.", "After centuries of dormancy, Mount Vesuvius erupts on this day in 79 A.D. in southern Italy, devastating the prosperous Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum and killing thousands. The cities, buried under a thick layer of volcanic material and mud, were never rebuilt and largely forgotten in the course of history. In the 18th century, Pompeii and Herculaneum were rediscovered and excavated, providing an unprecedented archaeological record of the everyday life of an ancient civilisation, startlingly preserved in sudden death.", "79 – Mount Vesuvius erupted, burying the Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum in volcanic ash and killing an estimated 20,000.", "79 On 24 August, Pompeii was buried by the volcanic eruption of Mt. Vesuvius. Walnuts were left at a table, uneaten by priests whose meal was terminally interrupted. (Root, 1980)", "Although his administration was marked by a relative absence of major military or political conflicts, Titus faced a number of major disasters during his brief reign. On August 24, 79, barely two months after his accession, Mount Vesuvius erupted, resulting in the almost complete destruction of life and property in the cities and resort communities around the Bay of Naples. The cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum were buried under metres of stone and lava, killing thousands of citizens. Titus appointed two ex-consuls to organise and coordinate the relief effort, while personally donating large amounts of money from the imperial treasury to aid the victims of the volcano. Additionally, he visited Pompeii once after the eruption and again the following year. The city was lost for nearly 1700 years before its accidental rediscovery in 1748. Since then, its excavation has provided an extraordinarily detailed insight into the life of a city at the height of the Roman Empire, frozen at the moment it was buried on August 24, 79. The Forum, the baths, many houses, and some out-of-town villas like the Villa of the Mysteries remain surprisingly well preserved. Today, it is one of the most popular tourist attractions of Italy and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. On-going excavations reveal new insights into the Roman history and culture.", "The 24th August AD 79 is traditionally believed to have been the eruption of Mount Vesuvius that wiped out numerous Roman settlements including Pompeii and Herculaneum. Eyewitness accounts of the eruption have survived in the.... . .", "The eruption of Mt. Vesuvius that destroyed Pompeii, Herculaneum, Stabia and other nearby sites occurred, according to most commentators, on August 24 or 25 in 79 C.E. According to Seneca, the quakes lasted for several days.", "Mount Vesuvius is best known for its eruption in AD 79 that led to the burying and destruction of the Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Vesuvius has erupted many times since and is the only volcano on the European mainland to have erupted within the last hundred years. Today, it is regarded as one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world because of the population of 3,000,000 people living nearby and its tendency towards explosive (Plinian) eruptions. It is the most densely populated volcanic region in the world. Vesuvius has a long historic and literary tradition. It was", "The AD 79 Plinian eruption of Mount Vesuvius, a stratovolcano looming adjacent to Naples, completely covered the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum with pyroclastic surge deposits. The death toll ranged between 10,000 and 25,000. Mount Vesuvius is recognized as one of the most dangerous volcanoes, jointly because of its potential for powerful explosive eruptions and the high population density of the area (totaling about 3 million people) around its perimeter.", "In August 79 AD, Mount Vesuvius erupted, covering Pompeii, Herculaneum, and Stabiae. Pliny the Elder, commander of the fleet at Misenum, died trying to save people in Stabiae.", "Mount Vesuvius is best known for its eruption in AD 79 that led to the burying and destruction of the Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. That eruption ejected a cloud of stones, ash and fumes to a height of 20.5 miles, spewing molten rock and pulverized pumice at the rate of 1.5 million tons per second, ultimately releasing a hundred thousand times the thermal energy released by the Hiroshima bombing. An estimated 16,000 people died due to hydrothermal pyroclastic flows. The only surviving eyewitness account of the event consists of two letters by Pliny the Younger to the historian Tacitus.", "ancient Roman town-city near modern Naples in the Italian region of Campania, in the territory of the comune of Pompei,Pompeii, along with Herculaneum and many villas in the surrounding area, was mostly destroyed and buried under 4 to 6 m (13 to 20 ft) of ash and pumice in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD,number five.", "After centuries of dormancy, Mount Vesuvius erupts in southern Italy, devastating the prosperous Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum and killing thousands. The cities, buried under a thick layer of volcanic material and mud, were never rebuilt and largely forgotten in the course of history. In the 18th century, Pompeii and Herculaneum were rediscovered and excavated, providing an unprecedented archaeological record of the everyday life of an ancient civilization, startlingly preserved in sudden death.", "“ONE LAST UNENDING NIGHT FOR THE WORLD.” Overcome by the fumes and falling ash, the famed Roman naturalist Pliny the Elder and his companion collapse in view of the 79 C.E. eruption of Mt. Vesuvius while buildings crumble nearby, as depicted in this 1813 painting Vesuvius Erupting by Pierre-Henri de Valenciennes. First-century accounts of the eruption by his nephew Pliny the Younger and Dio Cassius describe the terror and confusion as the affluent cities of the Bay of Naples, including Pompeii and Herculaneum, were destroyed by the violent volcano. Was this disaster, which occurred almost exactly nine years after Roman troops destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem, seen as God’s revenge on the conquerors of the holy city? AKG-Images", "At noon on 24 August in 79 CE, Mount Vesuvius erupted near the bay of Naples in southern Italy in what would become one of the most devastating natural disasters of ancient times.", "Much is known about Pompeii because on August 24, 79 A.D. the city was frozen in time. The catastrophic eruptions from Mt. Vesuvius spewed volcanic ash, gasses and debris in several waves, effectively covering the city. People were overcome quickly by the noxious gases and died quickly, their remains to be found centuries later. The layers of ash and debris, along with gas, created a moisture-free environment that preserved the city, its inhabitants and belongings. Following the tragedy, grass and vines took over the land where the town stood., and the local people eventually forget even the name of the buried town, until it was rediscovered in 1748 and excavations began. A rich cache of artifacts was found, some were pillaged but many were preserved and are on display in the National Archeology Museum in Naples .", "When Mount Vesuvius erupted cataclysmically in the summer of A.D. 79, the nearby Roman town of Pompeii was buried under several feet of ash and rock. The ruined city remained frozen in time until it was discovered by a surveying engineer in 1748.", "The area had always been subject to earthquakes. The inhabitants, as people do, tended to forget about them afterwards, once the walls and roofs had stopped collapsing and the houses had been rebuilt. Another peril was less familiar; that of the volcanic Mount Vesuvius. There had been no significant eruption for ages. If you go there now you will again see cultivated fields and farmhouses extending up the side of the volcano to a height which must astonish the observer. But in AD 79, on 24 August, there was an enormous eruption, estimated by sober modern scientists to have released thermal energy about 100,000 times greater than that of the atomic explosion that destroyed Hiroshima and to have ejected magma and pumice at about 1.5 million tonnes per second to a height of 33 kilometres.", "Mount Vesuvius has experienced eight major eruptions in the last 17,000 years. The 79 AD eruption is one of the most well known ancient eruptions in the world, and may have killed more than 16,000 people. Ash, mud and rocks from this eruption buried the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Pompeii is famous for the casts the hot ash formed around victims of the eruptions. The unfortunate people suffocated on ash in the air, which then covered them and preserved amazing details of their clothing and faces.", "The Romans grew used to minor earth tremors in the region; the writer Pliny the Younger writing that they \"were not particularly alarming because they are frequent in Campania\". In early August of 79, springs and wells dried up . Small earthquakes started taking place on 20 August, 79, becoming more frequent over the next four days, but the warnings were not recognised (it is worth noting the Romans had no word for volcano, and only a hazy concept of other similar mountains like Mount Etna, home of Vulcan), and on the afternoon of August 24, a catastrophic eruption of the volcano started. The eruption devastated the region, burying Pompeii and other settlements. By coincidence it was the day after Vulcanalia, the festival of the Roman god of fire.", "* The towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum, Italy, for example, were engulfed by pyroclastic surges in 79 AD with many lives lost.Weller, Roger. Mount Vesuvius, Italy. Cochise College Department of Geology, 2005. Web. 15 October 2010. .", "It is best known for its eruption in AD 79 that led to the burying and destruction of the Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum.", "By the 1st century , Pompeii was only one of a number of towns located around the base of Mount Vesuvius. The area had a substantial population which grew prosperous from the region's renowned agricultural fertility. Many of Pompeii's neighboring communities, most famously Herculaneum, also suffered damage or destruction during the 79 eruption, which is thought to have lasted about 19 hours, in which time the volcano released about 1 cubic mile (4 cubic kilometres) of ash and rock over a wide area to the south and south-east of the crater, with about 3 m (10 ft) of tephra falling on Pompeii.The white pumiceous ash associated with this eruption was mainly of leucite phonolite composition.", "It was the following morning when another, more powerful eruption killed everyone in an instant. When rain mixed with the ash, it formed a sort of concrete, preserving the city. The town of Herculaneum was also buried on August 25, but by a mudslide set off by the eruption and accompanying tremors. It is estimated that 13,000 people in total died from the eruption.", "After the eruption, several buildings including people and other properties at Pompeii were buried in tephra by about 12 different layers of this material. Historians have found evidence that the city of Pompeii was buried completely in November, contrary to what Pliny stated in his letter that the eruption occurred in August.", "By mid-afternoon, the volcanic cloud was so thick and heavy in the sky not even the sun could penetrate it. Darkness enveloped Herculaneum. Around midnight, a burning storm of ask and lethal volcanic gas crashed down on the city. Most of the victims were cremated on the spot, while others had their flesh burned from their bones and their skeletal remains were buried in 5 feet of volcanic eruption material that archaeologists wouldn’t uncover until the 1980’s.", "According to Pliny the Younger’s account, the eruption lasted 18 hours. Pompeii was buried under 14 to 17 feet of ash and pumice, and the nearby seacoast was drastically changed. Herculaneum was buried under more than 60 feet of mud and volcanic material. Some residents of Pompeii later returned to dig out their destroyed homes and salvage their valuables, but many treasures were left and then forgotten.", "According to Pliny the Younger's account, the eruption lasted 18 hours. Pompeii was buried under 14 to 17 feet of ash and pumice, and the nearby seacoast was drastically changed. Herculaneum was buried under more than 60 feet of mud and volcanic material. Some residents of Pompeii later returned to dig out their destroyed homes and salvage their valuables, but many treasures were left and then forgotten.", "A scenic hour drive takes us to Herculaneum which was engulfed by volcanic mud in the same eruption that claimed Pompeii. Fortunately for us, this mud sealed and protected entire buildings: today inlaid marble floors, paintings, mosaics and carbonised woods can all be seen. These range from the sculpture of the Drunken Hercules in the House of the Stags to mosaics of tritons in the city baths. Herculaneum was a wealthier town than Pompeii with an extraordinary density of fine houses, with far more lavish use of coloured marble cladding. The discovery in recent years of some 300 skeletons along the sea shore came as a surprise since it was known that the town itself had been largely evacuated. Following our visit, we will return to central Sorrento where you have the option of exploring independently or returning to the ship in the company of the guide.", "The year of the eruption is pinned to AD 79 by references in contemporary Roman writers, a number of them apart from Pliny the Younger, and has never been seriously questioned. It is determined by the well-known events of the reign of Titus. Vespasian died that year. When Titus visited Pompeii to give orders for the relief of the displaced population, he was the sole ruler. In the year after the eruption, AD 80, he faced another disaster, a great fire at Rome." ]
[ 10.4765625, 10.265625, 9.953125, 8.125, 8.109375, 7.96484375, 7.859375, 7.10546875, 7.08984375, 6.93359375, 6.73828125, 6.59375, 6.5546875, 6.15234375, 5.5390625, 5.3828125, 5.296875, 5.2578125, 4.75390625, 3.841796875, 2.751953125, 2.560546875, 2.544921875, 2.46484375, 0.806640625, -0.708984375, -1.859375, -3.4609375, -3.505859375, -3.552734375, -3.556640625, -3.83984375 ]
What salad dressing (containing mayonnaise, anchovies, chives and sour cream) was named after a 1921 play?
[ "\"Green Goddess. A salad or salad dressing made from anchovies, mayonnaise, tarragon vinegar, and other seasonings, The salad was created at San Francisco's Palace Hotel (now the Sheraton-Palace) in the mid-1920s at the request of actor George Arliss (1868-1946), who was appearing in town in William Archer's play The Green Goddess (which opened in New York in 1921 ans as twice made into a motion picture [1923 and 1930] starring Arliss).\"", "Anchovy plays a role in the unique taste of another salad dressing with an interesting name, Green Goddess. Recipes for this dressing call for mayonnaise, anchovy fillets or paste, vinegar, garlic, green onion, parsley, chives and tarragon. The name apparently honored George Arliss, an early 20th century actor who was known mainly for his portrayal of Benjamin Disraeli, the British prime minister. Arliss appeared in a play titled \"The Green Goddess,\" and a San Francisco chef named a new salad dressing after the play.", "Food historians generally credit Philip Roemer, chef of the Palace Hotel in San Francisco, for the creation of Green Goddess Salad dressing. It was allegedly made in honor of George Arliss, an actor starring in a play by that same name. The year is fuzzy because the play ran in the 1920s followed by a popular film version in the 1930s. Our survey of historic American cookbooks confirms mayonnaise-based salad dressing recipes proliferated during the early decades of the 20th century. In fact? Entire books were devoted to salads at that time. We examined several books and found several recipes for mayonnaise-tarragon-anchovy dressings-onion dressings. Given the noteriety of Green Goddess, it seems surprising to find recipes named such first surfacing in the late 1930s-early 1940s. Sometimes they are called \"Green dressing.\"", "According to Rosa Cardini, the original Caesar salad (unlike his brother Alex's Aviator's salad) did not contain pieces of anchovy; the slight anchovy flavor comes from the Worcestershire sauce. Cardini was opposed to using anchovies in his salad. ", "In North America, mayonnaise-based Ranch dressing is most popular, with vinaigrettes and Caesar-style dressing following close behind. Traditional dressings in France are vinaigrettes, typically mustard-based, while sour cream (smetana) and mayonnaise are predominant in eastern European countries and Russia. In Denmark, dressings are often based on crème fraîche. In southern Europe, salad is generally dressed by the diner with olive oil and vinegar.", "\"Remoulade...a French culinary term which usually refers to a mayonnaise-like dressing with mustard. It is thought to have been derived in the 17th century from a name used in Picardy for the black radish, whose piquancy is not unlike that of mustard. In the past, the term designated a broth flovoured with chopped anchovies, capers, parsley, spring onions, garlic and a little oil. Its modern sense (a mayonnaise-like emulsion) seems to have evolved in the 19th century. It is now rarely encountered in France except as an element of celeri remoulade, a popular salad made of grated celeriac...and mayonnaise..that has been highly seasoned with Dijon mustard.\"", "* Sydney Smith's salad dressing – Salad dressing named after founder of the Edinburgh Review, Sydney Smith (1771–1845). He was a clergyman who wrote a poem which describes how to make this salad. Popular in the 19th century among American cooks.", "Sydney Smith’s salad dressing – Salad dressing named after founder of the Edinburgh Review, Sydney Smith (1771-1845). He was a clergyman who wrote a poem which describes how to make this salad. Popular in the 19th century among American cooks.", "* Olivier salad (also known as Russian salad), a mayonnaise-based potato salad distinguished by its diced texture and the contrasting flavors of pickles, hard-boiled eggs, boiled carrots, boiled potatoes, meat, and peas. This dish is one of the main New Year buffet.", "The production moved to New York. There was a London revival of this play in 1921. ", "Plays by English authors such as Wynyard Browne, Peter Ustinov and Christopher Fry and the Americans Arthur Miller, Tennessee Williams, William Saroyan and Thornton Wilder were included in productions by Peter Glenville and Ustinov himself, while Peter Brook produced translations of Sartre and Anouilh. Cocteau's The Eagle Has Two Heads, with Eileen Herlie, had laid the foundations of its mounting success but it was the intimate revues Tuppence Coloured and Oranges and Lemons, devised by Laurier Lister, that wiped out the first losses and provided financial security. Many of these productions transferred to the West End, including Anouilh's Point of Departure and The Rehearsal (which I translated) and Vanburgh's The Relapse in a memorable production by Anthony Quayle.", "Apart from the gimmick of the name and pretty good food, they had two things going for them.  One was the Cobb Salad, which was invented at the Brown Derby, which was owned by the Cobb family.  As the delicacy caught on in other eateries, there was much publicity as to where it had begun, and many people wanted to go and try the original.  Many people also wanted to dine where the stars ate, and that was an even better reason to dine at the Derby.  Like many restaurants where the big attraction is celebrity clientele, the proprietors advertised their famous patrons by covering the walls with their caricatures.", "In 1896, Oscar Tschirky, the maître d'hôtel of the famed Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City, created a salad of apples, celery, and mayonnaise. Immediately popular, the new dish was called Waldorf Salad. Chopped walnuts later became an ingredient.", "The Cocktail Party is a play by T. S. Eliot. Elements of the play are based on Alcestis, by the Ancient Greek playwright Euripides. The play was the most popular of Eliot's seven plays in his lifetime, although his 1935 play, Murder in the Cathedral, is better remembered today. ", "French playwright Feydeau exemplifies this genre. His plays use suggestive dialogue, erring husbands and wives, silly servants, and mistaken identity. Americans joined the parade with the films of Charlie Chaplin, the Keystone Kops, and the Marx Brothers and plays like You Can’t Take It with You by Kaufman and Hart. Farce probably developed before comedy. It is simple and direct without literary pretensions. Plots are often complicated and result in the confusion of the characters for our amusement. It is said that the expression \"there is nothing new under the sun\" applies particularly well to farce. The term \"stock\" in the theatre refers to successful things that are kept and reused--a kind of recycling. Stock plots involve misunderstandings, confusing twins, disguises, hiding, and chases. Stock characters are cartoonish exaggerations of real people. Sitcom characters personify these techniques. There is an abundance of physical humor which runs the gamut from such sight gags as spilling a drink, to slips and falls, and finally to physical assault. In farce the audience is asked to accept the convention that no real harm results from such mock violence. In classical farces a double-slatted paddle that made an exaggeratedly loud noise was often used to punish miscreants. The term slapstick humor is still with us, but actual slapsticks appear only in period farces.", "The play was first produced at the St James's Theatre on Valentine's Day 1895. [14] It was freezing cold but Wilde arrived dressed in \"florid sobriety\", wearing a green carnation. [12] The audience, according to one report, \"included many members of the great and good, former cabinet ministers and privy councillors, as well as actors, writers, academics, and enthusiasts\". [15] Allan Aynesworth , who played Algernon Moncrieff, recalled to Hesketh Pearson that \"In my fifty-three years of acting, I never remember a greater triumph than [that] first night\". [16] Aynesworth was himself \"debonair and stylish\", and Alexander, who played Jack Worthing, \"demure\". [17]", "Coward completed a one-act satire, The Better Half, about a man's relationship with two women. It had a short run at The Little Theatre, London, in 1922. The critic St John Ervine wrote of the piece, \"When Mr Coward has learned that tea-table chitter-chatter had better remain the prerogative of women he will write more interesting plays than he now seems likely to write.\" [32] The play was thought to be lost until a typescript was found in 2007 in the archive of the Lord Chamberlain's Office , the official censor of stage plays in the UK until 1968. [33]", "Shaw's major plays of the first decade of the 20th century address individual social, political or ethical issues. Man and Superman (1902) stands apart from the others in both its subject and its treatment, giving Shaw's interpretation of creative evolution in a combination of drama and associated printed text. The Admirable Bashville (1901), a blank verse dramatisation of Shaw's novel Cashel Byron's Profession, focuses on the imperial relationship between Britain and Africa. John Bull's Other Island (1904), comically depicting the prevailing relationship between Britain and Ireland, was popular at the time but fell out of the general repertoire in later years. Major Barbara (1905) presents ethical questions in an unconventional way, confounding expectations that in the depiction of an armaments manufacturer on the one hand and the Salvation Army on the other the moral high ground must invariably be held by the latter. The Doctor's Dilemma (1906), a play about medical ethics and moral choices in allocating scarce treatment, was described by Shaw as a tragedy. With a reputation for presenting characters who did not resemble real flesh and blood, he was challenged by Archer to present an on-stage death, and here did so, with a deathbed scene for the anti-hero.", "1930: BBC Television broadcast its first play, an adaptation of Pirandellos The Man With A Flower In His Mouth.", "Coward's music, writings, characteristic voice and style have been widely parodied and imitated, for instance in Monty Python, Round the Horne and Privates on Parade. Coward has frequently been depicted as a character in plays, films, television and radio shows, for example, in the 1969 Julie Andrews film Star! (in which Coward was portrayed by his godson, Daniel Massey), the BBC sitcom Goodnight Sweetheart and a BBC Radio 4 series written by Marcy Kahan in which Coward was dramatised as a detective in Design For Murder (2000), A Bullet at Balmain's (2003) and Death at the Desert Inn (2005), and as a spy in Blithe Spy (2002) and Our Man In Jamaica (2007), with Malcolm Sinclair playing Coward in each. On stage, characters based on Coward have included Beverly Carlton in the 1939 Broadway play The Man Who Came to Dinner. A play about the friendship between Coward and Dietrich, called Lunch with Marlene, by Chris Burgess, ran at the New End Theatre in 2008. The second act presents a musical revue, including Coward songs such as \"Don't Let's Be Beastly to the Germans\".Vale, Paul. [http://www.thestage.co.uk/reviews/review.php/20351/lunch-with-marlene \"Lunch with Marlene\"], The Stage, 9 April 2008, accessed 29 March 2010", "Written in 1894 when Shaw was championing Ibsenism and ''A Doll's House'' was the talk of London, ''Candida'' was intended as an English variation of the theme (the doll being the husband). Shaw dusted off an unpublished novel, changed the ending and hoped the stage version would be a follow-up success to ''Arms and the Man.'' The play didn't have any more luck finding a producer than the novel did a publisher. Rejected by both London and American theater managers, it was first performed three years later in Aberdeen, Scotland, where by all accounts the drunken scene was ''much appreciated'' by the audience.", "Salad Days was then used as the title of a highly successful is a musical, which premiered at the Bristol Old Vic surrounded by 1954. The music was written by Julian Slade and the lyrics by Dorothy Reynolds and Julian Slade. This be also the inspiration for the Monty Python spoof sketch Sam Peckinpah's Salad Days, in which the casual young things feature in the musical be hacked to pieces within a typically gory Sam Peckinpah posture.", "\"Glamorous Night\", a creation of Ivor Novello with lyrics by Christopher Hassall, opened at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, on May 2nd 1935. The hero, played by Novello himself (shown here), is Anthony Allen, an Englishman who has invented a new television system. The opening scene is set in a quiet suburb, where Anthony complains that no one in Britain will support his invention financially. Then he departs on a pleasure cruise and ends up in the somewhat Ruritanian land of Krasnia. Here he meets Militza, a prima donna with whom King Stefan of Krasnia is infatuated. The plot then moves into the usual mixture of adventure and romance which went over well on the stage 80 years ago. Anthony of course falls in love with the glamorous Militza but eventually she must marry King Stefan in order to save her country from anarchy. On the plus side for Antony, the King has adopted his invention, so he travels back to England where, in the final scene, he sadly watches the Krasnian royal wedding broadcast on his own television system.", "The play repeatedly mocks Victorian traditions and social customs, marriage and the pursuit of love in particular. [64] In Victorian times earnestness was considered to be the over-riding societal value, originating in religious attempts to reform the lower classes, it spread to the upper ones too throughout the century. [65] The play's very title, with its mocking paradox (serious people are so because they do not see trivial comedies), introduces the theme, it continues in the drawing room discussion, \"Yes, but you must be serious about it. I hate people who are not serious about meals. It is so shallow of them,\" says Algernon in Act 1; allusions are quick and from multiple angles. [63]", "More playwrights throughout years took up these same stock characters and plots and began to put their own individual twists on them. Wilder, well versed in eighteenth and nineteenth century European drama, sought to write a modern, American version of Johann Nestroy’s 1842 Einen Jux will er sich machen (He wants to have a lark). This Austrian “king of comedy” wrote the farce, trying to perfect John Oxenford’s 1835 A Day Well Spent. A one-act, rapid-fire British farce, A Day Well Spent took the classic pairing of a curmudgeon and his young, marriageable charge and added an interesting subplot. Oxenford introduces the characters of Bolt and Mizzle: the miser’s employees who shirk work to have a big city adventure.", "Unlike the three previous comedies, Earnest is free of any melodrama, or even of any plot worth speaking about. It is in a class of its own in the whole of English drama as a piece of pure, delightful nonsense. (At least two versions of the play are in existence. Wilde originally wrote it in four acts, but George Alexander asked him to cut it down to three for the original production).", "Design for Living is a comedy play written by Noël Coward in 1932. It concerns a trio of artistic characters, Gilda, Otto and Leo, and their complicated three-way relationship. Originally written to star Lynn Fontanne, Alfred Lunt and Coward, it was premiered on Broadway, partly because its risqué subject matter was thought unacceptable to the official censor in London. It was not until 1939 that a London production was presented.", "Drawn by the opportunity to construct aesthetic details precisely, combined with larger social themes drew Wilde to writing drama. He wrote 'Salomé' in French, in Paris in 1891, but it was refused a licence. Unperturbed, Wilde produced four society comedies in the early 1890s, which made him one of the most successful playwrights of late Victorian London, culminating in his masterpiece 'The Importance of Being Earnest' in 1895.", "Edmund Rostand (1868-1918) is best remembered for Cyrano de Bergerac (1897), the story of a 17th century (1619-1655) French nobleman (with a very large nose) and his love for his cousin Roxanne.", "Until 1895 the town was still called by its Saxon name of Wuroininege. In another bid to revive its flagging fortunes the Borough commissioned Oscar Wilde to come up with a name that people could actually say, let alone read or spell. George Bernard Shaw suggested \"Worthing\", Wilde stole the idea and claimed it as his own, and he wrote the new name into the script of The Importance of Being Earnest (referring to the convicted thieving liar Ernest Saunders, see above) to promote it.", "The play achieved a single private London performance on 13 March 1891 at the Royalty Theatre. The issue of Lord Chamberlain's Office censorship, because of the subject matter of illegitimate children and sexually transmitted disease, was avoided by the formation of a subscription-only Independent Theatre Society to produce the play. Its members included playwright George Bernard Shaw and authors Thomas Hardy and Henry James. ", "1917: In Brooklyn, the United Dramatic Circle performed “The Marriage Broker” in Yiddish as a benefit for the Mother’s Club." ]
[ 5.02734375, 4.10546875, 2.71875, -1.2119140625, -1.3955078125, -1.501953125, -1.8818359375, -2.255859375, -5.1015625, -5.19140625, -5.25, -6.03125, -6.25390625, -6.5078125, -6.8125, -7.19140625, -7.44921875, -7.5, -7.74609375, -8.0703125, -8.234375, -8.2578125, -8.2578125, -8.28125, -8.609375, -8.875, -9.015625, -9.0625, -9.25, -9.5, -9.53125, -10.390625 ]
What can be a musical instrument, a type of brake, and a type of cylindrical container?
[ "an object that resembles a drum in shape, such as a large spool or a cylindrical container", "For example, it is safe to argue that most people would not consider an anvil, a brake drum (the circular hub which houses the brake on the wheel of a motor vehicle), or a fifty-five gallon oil barrel to be musical instruments, yet these objects can be used by composers and percussionists of modern music.", "4. an object that resembles a drum in shape, such as a large spool or a cylindrical container", "For simplicity and light weight, modern sousaphones almost always use three non-compensating piston valves in their construction, in direct contrast to their concert counterparts' large variation in number, type, and orientation. It has been incorrectly noted that the tuba is a conical brass instrument and the sousaphone is a cylindrical brass instrument. Both instruments are actaully semi-conical. No valved, brass instrument can be entirely conical, since the middle section containing the valves must be cylindrical. While the degree of bore conicity does affect the timbre of the instrument, much as in a cornet and trumpet, or a euphonium and a trombone, the bore profile of a sousaphone and most tubas is similar.", "For simplicity and light weight, modern sousaphones almost always use three non-compensating piston valves in their construction, in direct contrast to their concert counterparts' large variation in number, type, and orientation. It has been incorrectly noted that the tuba is a conical brass instrument and the sousaphone is a cylindrical brass instrument. Both instruments are actaully semi-conical. No valved, brass instrument can be entirely conical, since the middle section containing the valves must be cylindrical. While the degree of bore conicity does affect the timbre of the instrument, much as in a cornet and trumpet , or a euphonium and a trombone , the bore profile of a sousaphone and most tubas is similar.", "mechanical musical instrument requiring nothing but the regular rotary motion of a handle to keep it going. It probably originated at the beginning of the 18th cent., and was once used extensively in English churches. A revolving cylinder is fitted with pegs that open valves, permitting air to enter a set of organ pipes. Some larger ones have several sets of pipes and various couplers. They can be operated by clockwork, by weights, and by electric motors. A portable type of barrel organ whose cylinder is turned by a hand crank has been mistakenly called hurdy-gurdy hurdy-gurdy,", "In general mechanical terms, a valve is a device that opens or closes a pathway for the passage of a liquid or a gas. Musical instrument valves are compound devices, where a single movement opens one passage and closes another. This has the effect of changing the length of the vibrating column of air within the instrument, thereby changing the fundamental pitch. This is analogous to an organ pipe, where larger, longer pipes produce lower tones.", "The whirly tube, corrugaphone, or bloogle resonator, is a musical instrument which consists of a corrugated (ribbed) plastic tube (hollow flexible cylinder), open at both ends, which is swung in a circle to play. The faster the toy is swung the higher the pitch of the note it produces. It produces discrete notes in the harmonic series like a valveless brass instrument.", "The proliferation of electricity in the twentieth century lead to the creation of an entirely new category of musical instruments: electronic instruments, or electrophones. The vast majority of electrophones produced in the first half of the twentieth century were what Sachs called \"electromechanical instruments\". In other words, they have mechanical parts that produce sound vibrations, and those vibrations are picked up and amplified by electrical components. Examples of electromechanical instruments include Hammond organs and electric guitars. Sachs also defined a subcategory of \"radioelectric instruments\" such as the theremin, which produces music through the player's hand movements around two antennas.", "friction drum musical instrument made of a membrane stretched across the mouth of a vessel and set in vibration by rubbing with wet or resined fingers a stick or string passed through the membrane or tied upright from underneath; in some types the membrane is rubbed...", "A ratchet, also called a noisemaker is an orchestral musical instrument played by percussionists. Operating on the principle of the ratchet device, a gearwheel and a stiff board is mounted on a handle, which can be freely rotated. The handle is held and the whole mechanism is swung around, the momentum causing the board to click against the gearwheel, making a clicking and rattling noise. One popular design consists of a thick wooden cog wheel attached to a handle and two wooden flanges which alternately hit the teeth of the cog when the handle is turned.", "The detachable cup-shaped mouthpiece is similar to that of the baritone horn and closely related to that of the trumpet . It has the venturi : a small constriction of the air column that adds resistance greatly affecting the tone of the instrument, and is inserted into the mouthpiece receiver in the slide section. The slide section consists of a leadpipe , the inner and outer slide tubes, and the bracing, or stays. Modern stays are soldered , while sackbuts (medieval precursors to trombones) were made with loose, unsoldered stays (this remained the pattern for German trombones until the mid-20th century).", "The tuba ( or; ) is the largest and lowest-pitched musical instrument in the brass family. Like all brass instruments, sound is produced by vibrating or \"buzzing\" the lips into a large cupped mouthpiece. It first appeared in the mid 19th-century, making it one of the newer instruments in the modern orchestra and concert band. The tuba largely replaced the ophicleide. Tuba is Latin for 'trumpet'. ", "tubas are found in various pitches, most commonly in F, Eb, C, or Bb in \"brass band\" pitching. The main bugle of Bb tubas is approximately 18 feet long, while C tubas are 16 feet, Eb tubas 13 feet, and F tubas 12 feet in tubing length without adding any valve branches. Tubas are considered to be conical in shape as from their tapered bores, they steadily increase in diameter along their lengths. If the tubing is wrapped for placing the instrument on the player's lap, the instrument is usually called a tuba or concert tuba. It may have a bell pointing forward instead of upward, in which case it is often called a recording tuba because of its popularity in the early days of recorded music. When wrapped to surround the body for marching, it is traditionally known as a helicon. A sousaphone is a helicon with a bell pointed up, or then curved to point forward (really, a recording sousaphone).", "Tubular Drums - Are further classified into barrel, cylindrical, conical, double conical, goblet, hourglass and shallow. Tubular drums may either be tunable and nontunable. Like the kettle drums, it may be played by using both the hands or a striker and the vibrating membrane is either laced, nailed or glued to the body.", "Triangle is a musical instrument consisting of a steel rod bent into a triangle. The Hungarian composer Franz Liszt had a solo of this percussion instrument in his 'Triangle Concerto' in 1849.", "Friction - Instruments that produce sound when rubbed. An example of these are musical glasses in which the musician rubs his moistened fingers on the rim of the glasses to produce sound.", "brass instrument in music, any wind instrument—usually of brass or other metal but formerly of wood or horn—in which the vibration of the player’s lips against a cup- or funnel-shaped mouthpiece causes the initial vibration of an air column. A more precise term is lip-vibrated...", "(Instruments) music a percussion instrument consisting of a single drumhead of skin stretched over a circular wooden frame hung with pairs of metal discs that jingle when it is struck or shaken", "The sousaphone is a valved brass instrument with the same tube length and musical range as other tubas. The sousaphone's shape is such that the bell is above the tubist's head and projecting forward. The valves are situated directly in front of the musician slightly above the waist and all of the weight rests on the left shoulder. The bell is normally detachable from the instrument body to facilitate transportation and storage. Except for the instrument's general shape and appearance, the sousaphone is technically very similar to a standard tuba.", "The trombone of course solves this problem by having a continually variable length using the slide. The other brass instruments use rotary or piston valves.", "The 'slide', the most distinctive feature of the trombone (cf. valve trombone ), allows the player to extend the length of the air column, lowering the pitch. To prevent friction from slowing the action of the slide, additional sleeves were developed during the Renaissance , and these stockings were soldered onto the ends of the inner slide tubes. Nowadays, the stockings are incorporated into the manufacturing process of the inner slide tubes and represent a fractional widening of the tube to accommodate the necessary method of alleviating friction. This part of the slide must be lubricated frequently. Additional tubing connects the slide to the bell of the instrument through a neckpipe, and bell or back bow (U-bend). The joint connecting the slide and bell sections is furnished with a ferrule to secure the connection of the two parts of the instrument, though older models from the early 20th century and before were usually equipped with friction joints and no ancillary mechanism to tighten the joint.", "The vibraphone is very similar in appearance to the xylophone and glockenspiel but it uses aluminum bars instead of wooden bars. Each bar is coupled with a resonator. The resonator has a motor drive butterl valve at its top end, producing a tremolo/vibrato effect while spinning. The vibraphone also has a sustain pedal similar to that of a piano.", "Percussion instrument consisting of a broad circular disk of metal, suspended in a frame and struck with a heavy drumstick. Also tam-tam .", "Small-wheeled (wheel diameter less than 14 cm, or about 5.5 inches) instruments are traditionally found in Central and Eastern Europe. They feature a broad keybox and the drone strings run within the keybox. Because of the small size of the wheel these instruments most commonly have three strings: one melody string, one tenor drone and one bass drone. They sometimes have up to five strings.", "Large-wheeled instruments (wheel diameters between 14 and 17 cm, or about 5.5 - 6.6 inches) are traditionally found in Western Europe. These instruments generally have a narrow keybox with drone strings that run outside the keybox. They also generally have more strings and doubling or tripling of the melody string is common. Some modern instruments have as many as fifteen strings played by the wheel, although the most common number is six.", "The syrinx was a piped instrument that was part of the hydraulis, where levels of water determined the note played. The concept of the pipe, sounded by air, and maintained at a fairly stable pressure by the weight of the water, could be stopped or unstopped by a mechanical device (a plug on the end of a lever) rather than by finger holes.", "a tube like object that has openings on both sides. The openings are used to put hands into the muff.", "Most higher quality instruments are designed to prevent or reduce galvanic corrosion between any steel in the valves and springs, and the brass of the tubing. This may take the form of desiccant design, to keep the valves dry, sacrificial zincs, replaceable valve cores and springs, plastic insulating washers, or nonconductive or noble materials for the valve cores and springs. Some instruments use several such features.", "Has a slide instead of valves and may additionally have one or two valves to lower the sound of the instrument by 5 notes", "However, the item today is often considered a children’s toy. The “ocarina” — or “sweet potato,” as it is sometimes called — is an ancient flutelike device that can be made from a variety of materials, including wood, ceramic, glass, metal and plastic. Research suggests that a typical ocarina is oval-shaped with anywhere from four to 12 holes and a projecting mouthpiece that looks something like a rudder on a blimp.", "However, this item is often considered a children's toy. The \"ocarina\" - or \"sweet potato,\" as it is sometimes called - is an ancient flutelike device that can be made from a variety of materials, including wood, ceramic, glass, metal and plastic. Research suggests that a typical ocarina is oval-shaped with anywhere from four to 12 holes and a projecting mouthpiece that looks something like a rudder on a blimp." ]
[ 0.2420654296875, -0.18505859375, -0.33935546875, -2.30078125, -2.32421875, -3.208984375, -3.58984375, -3.755859375, -3.78125, -3.822265625, -4.203125, -4.37890625, -4.41796875, -4.453125, -4.5703125, -4.71875, -5.10546875, -5.37109375, -5.38671875, -5.5, -6.1484375, -6.23828125, -6.3984375, -7.04296875, -7.3984375, -7.57421875, -8.0234375, -8.1953125, -8.2109375, -8.3515625, -8.3671875, -8.625 ]
Known for his love of Ludwig van, what is the name of the piano playing character in the Peanuts comic strip?
[ "Schroeder is a major male character in the Peanuts comic strip by Charles M. Schulz . He is distinguished by his precocious skill at playing the piano, as well as by his love of classical music and the composer Ludwig van Beethoven in particular. Schroeder is also the catcher on Charlie Brown's baseball team and the object of Lucy van Pelt 's unrequited love .", "Schroeder is a fictional character in the long-running comic strip Peanuts, created by Charles M. Schulz. He is distinguished by his precocious skill at playing the toy piano, as well as by his love of classical music and the composer Ludwig van Beethoven in particular. Schroeder is also the catcher on Charlie Brown's baseball team, though he is always seen walking back to the mound with the baseball, never throwing it—admitting in one strip he did not want the other team to discover his lack of ability. He is also the object of the unrequited infatuation of Lucy van Pelt, who constantly leans on Schroeder's piano, much to Schroeder's annoyance. Charlie Brown, Frieda and Snoopy are also occasionally depicted as leaning on Schroeder's piano.", "Surprisingly, David Benoit's favorite character in the \"Peanuts\" comic strip is not Schroeder, the obsessive, classical-piano-playing prodigy who loves Ludwig van Beethoven and scorns Lucy.", "Linus (Peanuts) - The boy with the toy piano in the long-running Peanuts comic strip and TV spin-off. (The jazz-style Peanuts theme, used for the TV films, is called Linus and Lucy). Costumes for most of the Peanuts characters are now available.", "* In The Simpsons episode Treehouse of Horror IV the final story ends in a parody of the Peanuts' Christmas specials, complete with Milhouse van Houten playing the piano in Schroeder's pose while Santa's Little Helper dances like Snoopy. ", "The success of A Charlie Brown Christmas was the impetus for CBS to air many more prime-time Peanuts. specials over the years, beginning with Charlie Brown's All-Stars and It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown in 1966. In total, more than thirty animated specials were produced. Until his death in 1976, jazz pianist Vince Guaraldi composed highly acclaimed musical scores for the specials; in particular, the piece \" Linus and Lucy \" which has become popularly known as the signature theme song of the Peanuts franchise.", "Schroeder is normally a very passive character, content to play his music, but he can be angered quite easily, especially if his music or his idol Beethoven are insulted. In one short, Lucy points out to him the woefully inadequate range of a toy piano; an angry Schroeder yanks it out from under her, causing her to conk her head on the floor. This became a frequent running gag in the strip's later years. In 1971's Play It Again, Charlie Brown, Lucy asked if pianists make a lot of money, and Schroeder flew into a rage: \"Who cares about money?! This is art, you blockhead! This is great music I'm playing, and playing great music is an art! Do you hear me? An art! Art! Art! Art! Art! Art!\" (the last five words punctuated by slamming his hands against his piano). These instances mark the few occasions when any character has successfully stood up to the notoriously aggressive Lucy. However, when Lucy asks the same question in the movie A Boy Named Charlie Brown, Schroeder admits: \"Some do, if they practice real hard, I guess.\" In the Charlie Brown Christmas special, Lucy tells Schroeder that Beethoven \"wasn't so great\". When Schroeder defensively demands an explanation, Lucy replies that Beethoven has never been on a bubble gum card and that one cannot be considered great without appearing on one.", "During the title sequence of The Peanuts Movie, Schroeder was depicted playing the 20th Century Fox fanfare on his piano.", "Schroeder is usually depicted sitting at his toy piano, able to pound out multi-octave selections of music, despite the fact that such pianos have a very small range (for instance, and as a running joke, the black keys are merely painted on to the white keys). Charlie Brown tried to get him to play a real piano and young Schroeder burst into tears, intimidated by its size. Violet later attempts to do the same thing, but Schroeder again cannot do it. Peppermint Patty once referred to Schroeder as a miniature Leonard Bernstein after she heard him whistling a classical piece during a ball game in a series of strips where she took over management of Charlie Brown's baseball team.", "In the most memorable part of A Boy Named Charlie Brown , Schroeder plays most of the Second Movement (Adagio cantabile) of Ludwig van Beethoven 's Piano Sonata No. 8 in C minor, Op. 13 (Sonata Pathétique), and during that time, many Disney Acid Sequences occur, which is pretty creepy.", "In the September 24, 1951 strip, Charlie Brown makes an attempt to show the infant how to play a toy piano, but is quickly embarrassed when Schroeder completely outclasses him. However, his love for Beethoven specifically did not begin until October 10 of that same year.", "Frieda has made Lucy jealous by leaning on Schroeder's piano. Schroeder seemed to dislike her as much as he did with Lucy when she didn't know who Beethoven was (and after Frieda claimed that she was hanging around Schroeder because she was a music lover). In one strip and episode of The Charlie Brown and Snoopy Show, Frieda commented to Lucy that Schroeder wasn't very friendly. When Frieda attempted to kiss Schroeder while he was playing his piano, she was surprised when she found she had kissed Snoopy instead, and she ran away disgusted. On another occasion, Lucy (with encouragement from Snoopy) actually got into a physical altercation with Frieda. Lucy ends up winning, as we can tell in the last panel, where an injured Lucy happily shakes hands with Snoopy. Schroeder does not have feeling for Frieda.", "In the world of “Peanuts,” of course, Schroeder was the Beethoven-obsessed music nerd who lost patience when Lucy interrupted his practice and who called time-outs as a baseball catcher to share composer trivia with the pitcher. Yet musicologists and art curators have learned that there was much more than a punch line to Charles Schulz ’s invocation of Beethoven’s music.", "Dick Gregory, a comedian and civil rights advocate, appeared at Hoch Auditorium in a SUA concert. Vince Guaraldi, a jazz pianist, was also on the bill. Guaraldi is known by many for his musical scores for the Peanuts' television specials.", "In 1962 Columbia Records issued an album titled Peanuts, with Kaye Ballard and Arthur Siegel performing (as Lucy and Charlie Brown, respectively) to music composed by Fred Karlin .", "In 1962 Columbia Records issued an album titled Peanuts, with Kaye Ballard and Arthur Siegel performing (as Lucy and Charlie Brown, respectively) to music composed by Fred Karlin.", "In 1962, Columbia Records issued an album titled Peanuts, with Kaye Ballard and Arthur Siegel performing (as Lucy and Charlie Brown, respectively) to music composed by Fred Karlin .", "Other jazz artists have recorded Peanuts-themed albums, often featuring cover versions of Guaraldi's compositions. These include Ellis Marsalis, Jr. and Wynton Marsalis (Joe Cool's Blues, 1995); George Winston (Linus & Lucy, 1996); David Benoit (Here's to You, Charlie Brown!, 2000); and Cyrus Chestnut (A Charlie Brown Christmas, 2000).", "In 1962, Columbia Records issued an album titled Peanuts, with Kaye Ballard and Arthur Siegel performing (as Lucy and Charlie Brown , respectively) to music composed by Fred Karlin.", "Schroeder's rejection of her sometimes causes Lucy to lose her temper. She has taken her anger out on Schroeder's piano, throwing it into the Kite-Eating Tree and throwing it down a sewer, but each time Schroeder orders a replacement piano. In one strip, she smashes the bust of Beethoven that sits on top of the piano but it is then revealed that Schroeder has a closet full of identical busts.", "Schroeder doesn't mind much when Snoopy sits against his toy piano, except when Snoopy dances on top of the piano, much to Schroeder's annoyance. He also sometimes plays with the notes coming from the piano.", "Visual Gag : A lot of strips involving him with Snoopy or Woodstock had them. Like Snoopy reclining on the musical scale or getting his foot caught in it, the notes falling off the scale and onto an umbrella-holding Snoopy, Woodstock sliding down notes, or running from a treble clef, or Schroeder quieting him with a pound sign on his beak. He once even got Lucy to clam up with a music scale over her mouth! The stuff you can only pull off in comic strips.", "William James \"Count\" Basie (August 21, 1904 – April 26, 1984) was an American jazz pianist, organist, bandleader, and composer. His mother taught him to play the piano and he started performing in his teens. Dropping out of school, he learned to operate lights for vaudeville and to improvise accompaniment for silent films at a local movie theater in his home town of Red Bank, New Jersey. By 16, he increasingly played jazz piano at parties, resorts and other venues. In 1924, he went to Harlem, where his performing career expanded; he toured with groups to the major jazz cities of Chicago, St. Louis and Kansas City. In 1929 he joined Bennie Moten's band in Kansas City, and played with them until Moten's death in 1935.", "Charlie Brown's best friend after Linus is Schroeder, and Charlie Brown is also one of the few people Schroeder will allow to lounge on his piano, as he and Charlie Brown are good friends, and knows that Charlie Brown respects his love of Beethoven. In fact, when they were younger, Charlie Brown would read Schroeder the story about Beethoven's life. Charlie Brown was also the one that introduced Schroeder to the piano.", "Despite only playing on a toy piano, Schroeder is a very talented musician, who is obsessed with the music of Beethoven. Since he is Schroeder's \"hero\", he wants to be like Beethoven. Since Beethoven was a lifelong bachelor, Schroeder thinks he should be the same, rejecting Lucy's love interest in him.", "Lorenzo Music is probably best remembered as the incomparable voice of Garfield in the animated series based off the world-famous comic strip. Music's sardonic, mischievous voice was a perfect fit for the always hungry, sometimes naughty tubby tabby. Music's droopy voice was also well suited for Peter Venkman (ironically enough, Bill Murray would then go on to voice Garfield in the live-action movie, completing the circle). His distinct voice could also be heard in the Gummi Bears cartoon, and he also played a crash test dummy in a long-running series of public service announcements. Music's tragic death led to a series of later actors, including the great Frank Welker, being brought on to voice the iconic cat, but it was always Lorenzo Music who was the first and best.", "Introduced in 1951, he started off as a sarcastic, deadpan little boy until Charlie Brown introduced him to Beethoven and the piano and gradually evolved into the musical prodigy and Beethoven fanboy he is today. Lucy often tries to hit on him, to little success. He is also set as the catcher on the gang's baseball team.", "He is also a wonderful piano player, he enjoys music and can carry a tune quite well. He has a great memory.", " 2015 The Peanuts Movie (writer: \"Symphony No. 5 Allegro Con Brio\", \"Symphony No. 5 in C Minor - 1. Allegro Con Brio\", \"Moonlight Sonata\")", "Benoit, one of the top jazz pianists and composers in the country, is a Charlie Brown guy.", "Schuman, Michael A. Charles M. Schulz: Cartoonist and Creator of Peanuts. Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow, 2000.", "Painting the Medium : In one late '80s strip, Lucy, frustrated over Schroeder's lack of interest in her, grabbed the musical notation, crumpled it up into a ball, and threw it on the ground before storming away. Schroeder un-crumpled the notation and placed it back in its proper place. Charlie Brown then commented as he was listening to Schroeder play, \"Maybe it's none of my business, but your music sounds kind of wrinkled.\"" ]
[ 7.03515625, 6.5625, 4.33984375, 2.888671875, 1.021484375, -0.9951171875, -2.037109375, -2.24609375, -2.576171875, -3.009765625, -3.23828125, -3.359375, -3.51171875, -3.537109375, -3.638671875, -3.7109375, -3.84765625, -4.01953125, -4.03125, -4.09765625, -4.4921875, -4.515625, -4.52734375, -5.24609375, -5.62109375, -5.921875, -6.0234375, -6.84375, -6.94921875, -7.046875, -7.05859375, -7.5859375 ]
If I'm on vehicles named Ganges Gertie, Irrawaddy Irma, Orinoco Ida, or Zambesi Zelda, what Disney World Magic Kingdom attraction am I on?
[ "45. Jungle Cruise riverboats include Amazon Annie, Bomokandi Bertha, Congo Connie, Ganges Gertie, Irrawaddy Irma, Kwango Kate, Mongala Millie, Nile Nelly, Orinoco Ida, Rutshuru Ruby, Sankuru Sadie, Senegel Sal, Ucvali Lolly, Volta Val, Wamba Wanda and Zambesi Zelda.", "Jungle Cruise riverboats include Amazon Annie, Bomokandi Bertha, Congo Connie, Ganges Gertie, Irrawaddy Irma, Kwango Kate, Mongala Millie, Nile Nelly, Orinoco Ida, Rutshuru Ruby, Sankuru Sadie, Senegel Sal, Ucvali Lolly, Volta Val, Wamba Wanda and Zambesi Zelda.", "4. The eight “E ticket” attractions at Disney’s Magic Kingdom were Space Mountain, Pirates of the Caribbean, Haunted Mansion, Country Bear Jamboree, Hall of Presidents, Jungle Cruise, It’s a Small World and 20,000 Leagues under the Sea.", "This was my first time on Buzz Lightyear and it’s now one of my favorites. Fans of the Toy Story movies will definitely want to add this their must-ride list. Even if you’ve never seen the movies, I still recommend this ride as it’s one of the more unique ones in the Magic Kingdom. You and a passenger are seated in a carriage that’s equipped with two infrared laser guns and a centrally located lever, which allows you to spin the car at will to get the best angle for blasting the array of targets that you’ll encounter during your ride. Like the Haunted Mansion, this attraction runs on rails and features a moving platform for riders to get on and off. Disability information: Guests must transfer to a standard wheelchair before going through the line. Employees will slow the ride for disabled passengers, but if needed, you can ask them for a full stop. To get into the carriage, riders have to lift their leg up 6-8 inches.", "18. The Tomorrowland Speedway, an original Magic Kingdom attraction opened under the name Grand Prix Raceway and later changed to the Tomorrowland Indy Speedway. In 2008 the Indy was dropped from the name.", "4. The eight “E ticket” attractions at Disney’s Magic Kingdom Park were Space Mountain , Pirates of the Caribbean , Haunted Mansion , Country Bear Jamboree , Hall of Presidents , Jungle Cruise , It’s a Small World  and 20,000 Leagues under the Sea.", "36. One of the original attractions at Disney’s Magic Kingdom Park, Tomorrowland Indy Speedway was once known as Grand Prix Raceway.", "Magic Kingdom Park also known as Magic Kingdom, was the first of the four theme parks at the Walt Disney World Resort in Bay Lake, Florida, near Orlando, Florida. Opening on 1st October, 1971. It was designed and built by WED Enterprises and its layout and attractions are very similar to Disneyland Park in Anaheim, California. This park is dedicated to fairy tales and Disney characters. In 2013, the park had 18.58 million visitors which makes it the most visited theme park in the world for the fifth consecutive year. The park is represented by a replica of fairy tale castle Cinderella castle from the film made back in 1950.", "The mine train is expected to be a carbon copy of Florida’s Magic Kingdom coaster. The Pooh dark ride will be similar to the Disneyland attraction rather than the superior Tokyo Disneyland version. The Pooh teacups will spin beneath a canopy of honey-dripping hives amid the sound of humming bees. The classic Peter Pan attraction will include a new inverted roller-coaster-style ride system featuring speed controls and flying pirate ships with room for six passengers. The whimsical maze will be the first Disney theme park attraction themed to Tim Burton’s live-action “Alice in Wonderland” film.", "Magic Kingdom is one of four theme parks at the Walt Disney World Resort. The first park built at the resort, it opened October 1, 1971. Designed and built by WED Enterprises, the park's layout and attractions are similar to Disneyland in Anaheim, California. In 2009, the park saw an estimated 17.2 million visitors, making it the most visited theme park in the world.", "The Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Florida was built with Walt's hatred of the cheap motels and amusements that popped up around Disneyland in mind. It is the largest privately-owned vacation destination, and the most popular vacation destination in the world, although the yet-to-open Dubai Land in the United Arab Emirates is twice the size. It opened in 1971 under the guidance of Roy O. Disney. Since its opening with one theme park and two hotels, the resort has grown into a four theme park, two water park, twenty-three hotel and two shopping complex vacation resort.", "Both parks feature primarily family-friendly rides, and some of the rides are at both locations, sometimes with minor variations. Some of the rides that the parks share in common are Space Mountain, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, Jungle Cruise, Haunted Mansion, Pirates of the Caribbean, Star Tours, Soarin’, Splash Mountain and most of the children’s rides. Each coast also has some Disney rides exclusive to that park, such as Expedition Everest at Animal Kingdom in Florida and California Screamin’ at California Adventure in California.", "Set sail with the wildest crew to ever sack the Spanish Main! Entering past the watchtower and past a weathered sail bearing the title of the attraction, we meander through the fortress' entrance and find ourselves in an old Floridian swamp. Boarding a boat there, we set sail for the not-so-distant harbor of Port Royal where the Wicked Wench and its crew have launched a full-scale invasion in search of the town's treasure supply. But that's not all--Jack Sparrow himself is looking for the treasure, too. Can he find it before the others do? A chance encounter with the Kraken, mermaids, and a devastating maelstrom make this version of the attraction more adventurous than ever, and a must-see in any Magic Kingdom visit.", "Continuing on from the Jungle Cruise, we will now come across a stunning Southeast Asian temple right on the banks of a misty, forgotten river, with waterfalls tumbling from all around it. This waterlogged River Temple contains one of the Magic Kingdom's newest and biggest E-tickets ever: Indiana Jones and the Lost Expedition.", "Walt Disney World: Some of the one-of-a-kind rides here include Spaceship Earth, Mission: SPACE, Test Track, Kilimanjaro Safaris, and the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train.", "Liberty Square is based on an American Revolutionary colonial town. The Magic Kingdom's Rivers of America hosts the Liberty Belle Riverboat. Liberty Square is home to classic attractions such as the Haunted Mansion, the Hall of Presidents, the Liberty Belle Riverboat, and a sign up location for Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom behind the Christmas shop.", "You're a runner who loves adventure! Your priority in a race is the course. And now you're about to head out on the most magical course on earth during the final race of the weekend -- a 26.2 mile run that'll take you through four Walt Disney World® theme parks and the ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex. From the Magic Kingdom® Park, home of Mickey, Minnie and the whole Disney gang and the wild adventure of Disney's Animal Kingdom® Park, to the show biz excitement of Disney's Hollywood Studios, and incredible Epcot®, your Marathon adventure is unlike any other anywhere on earth.", "In 1986, Magic Journeys a film developed for EPCOT was replaced at that park by a new attraction, Captain Eo. Magic Journeys moved into Fantasyland at the Magic Kingdom, occupying the former home of the Mickey Mouse Review.", "Walt Disney World this morning officially crowned Merida from Disney/Pixar’s “Brave” as the 11th Disney Princess. Her coronation ceremony fittingly took place in front of Cinderella Castle, just steps away from her own Magic Kingdom meet-and-greet spot .", "Much like Toy Story Mania, the caravans are adorned with the images of characters on them (taking the places of the eagles and much of the gold patterns seen in the picture above). Being as this is a ride with classic Disney characters, these ride vehicles would have Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy and Pluto's heads on the sides, like on the gondolas for Mickey's Fun Wheel, like so:", "The vehicles dive into the depths of the sea, where the guests come face to face with the sea witch, herself. Ursula lets out a grand laugh, stating that they’ll soon be a part of her garden of souls, pointing to the grim souls, plastered to the floor of her lair. The shell she wears around her neck glows radiantly as you leave the room. The vehicles travel through the garden of souls, heading out of Ursula’s lair. The vehicles travel down a gorge of smoky, erupting geysers. Suddenly, a geyser explodes from beneath the vehicle, sending the vehicle to the surface.", "Adventureland : Designed to incorporate the jungles of Africa, Asia, South Pacific islands, with hints of the Midle East, Adventureland includes the thrilling Indiana Jones Adventure, the Jungle Cruise, guided boat tour of the jungles, and the Enchanted Tiki Room, a show with music, animatronic birds, flowers, and tiki gods.", "Six Flags Magic Mountain is a 262-acre theme park located in Valencia, Santa Clarita, California, north of Los Angeles. It opened on Memorial Day weekend on May 30, 1971 as Magic Mountain, by the Newhall Land and Farming Company. In 1979, Six Flags purchased the park and added the name Six Flags to the park's title. In 2009, 2.5 million visitors visited the park. As of 2013, Six Flags Magic Mountain has the most roller coasters in the world with 18. Moreover, as of 2013, Six Flags Magic Mountain is currently the top 19 theme/amusement park in the world in terms of attendance, falling short behind Knott's Berry Farm.", "Walt Disney had a longtime interest in transportation, and trains in particular. Disney’s passion for the “iron horse” led to him building a miniature live steam backyard railroad —the “ Carolwood Pacific Railroad “—on the grounds of his Holmby Hills estate. Throughout all the iterations of Disneyland during the seventeen or so years when Disney was conceiving it, one element remained constant: a train encircling the park. [9] The primary designer for the park transportation vehicles was Bob Gurr who gave himself the title of Director of Special Vehicle Design in 1954. [37]", "You continue down a dense jungle pathway in-between the Jungle Cruise and Pirates of the Caribbean approaching the mountain. Tall trees and plants surround the area, truly immersing the guests in a jungle environment. Winding through the overgrown bamboo and through an archaeological camp, you’ll find yourselves at the start of the queue. Once you get on line, you'd then have to decide which Indiana Jones-based adventure you actually wanted to have.", "ENCHANTED KINGDOM is a spectacular 3D journey for the entire family, taking the audience on an immersive adventure, transporting the viewer from grey urbanity to the vibrancy and vitality of nature. Experience Africa alongside the filmmakers and go on an astounding exploration through an enchanted land where nature weaves its incredible magic. Discover seven distinct realms in Africa, and see the continent at its most gorgeous and most harsh, most terrible and most beautiful – finally transforming into an abundant paradise. ENCHANTED KINGDOM is a thrilling, immersive journey depicting the wonders of the planet as never seen before-– and revealing the real world to be just as enchanting as any storybook.", "Inspired by his series of True Life Adventures films, Walt Disney wanted his new park to have a place where guests could come to experience wild animals in their natural environment. He settled on creating a boat ride along the rivers of the world, and asked his Imagineers to draw their inspiration for the boat from a popular adventure film of the time -- \"The Creature from the Black Lagoon.\"", "Worlds of Fun amusement park in Kansas City, Missouri has a swinging boat ride called The Flying Dutchman.", "37 min. At the bottom of vortices in the Illuminati programming, the programmers place Guardian demons. In Fantasia, when Mickey gets to the bottom of the vortex, sure enough, there is a Guardian there to meet him. The Guardian spirit parts the water as if he were Moses with the Red Sea.", "37 min. At the bottom of vortices in the Illuminati programming, the programmers place Guardian demons. In Fantasia, when Mickey gets to the bottom of the vortex, sure enough, there is a Guardian there to meet him. The Guardian spirit parts the water as if he were Moses with the Red Sea.", "In Shanghai, Genie is featured on a float during Mickey's Storybook Express parade. He also appears as the centerpiece of the Aladdin display in Voyage to the Crystal Grotto .", "Opened in 2008 along Marina Bay in Singapore, the enormous wheel provides views of nearby Malaysia and Indonesia. Each of the 28 capsules capsules is about the size of a mini-bus and can hold 28 riders. More »" ]
[ 1.306640625, 0.96728515625, -3.169921875, -3.623046875, -3.841796875, -3.873046875, -3.888671875, -4.0546875, -4.34765625, -4.56640625, -4.64453125, -5.2578125, -5.30859375, -5.6640625, -5.81640625, -6.203125, -6.546875, -6.609375, -6.73046875, -7.0625, -7.34375, -7.609375, -7.62890625, -7.70703125, -7.71875, -8.984375, -9.1484375, -9.28125, -9.375, -9.375, -9.8359375, -10.4296875 ]
After the invasion of Poland, which was the next country to be invaded by the Germans in World War II?
[ "The German invasion of Western Poland on 1 September 1939 led to the start of the Second World War (WW2). Between 1939 and June 1941 the German army invaded and occupied many countries, including the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Denmark, Yugoslavia, Greece, Norway and Western Poland. By this time many millions of Jews were living in territories under German control.", "After the invasion of Poland by Germany, on 1 September 1939, France and the United Kingdom declared war on Germany on 3 September 1939. Germany invaded France, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands on 10 May 1940.", "The German army then invaded Poland and began World War II. After crushing the Poles, Hitler subdued Norway, Denmark, Belgium, and The Netherlands. France fell in 1940.", "World War II. Hitler's armies overran Poland in just a few weeks. In the spring of 1940, they easily conquered Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, and France. Benito Mussolini, Italy's dictator, declared war on France and Britain on June 10, 1940, when the defeat of France seemed certain. On June 22, 1940, France signed an armistice with Germany. ", "On September 1, 1939, Germany, led by Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party, invaded Poland according to an agreement with the Soviet Union, which joined the invasion on September 17. The United Kingdom and France responded by declaring war on Germany on September 3, initiating a widespread naval war. Germany rapidly overwhelmed Poland, then Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium and France in 1940, and Yugoslavia and Greece in 1941. Italian, and later German, troops attacked British forces in North Africa. By summer of 1941, Germany had conquered France and most of Western Europe, but it failed to subdue the United Kingdom due to the resistance of the Royal Air Force and Royal Navy.", "On September 1, 1939, Germany, led by Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party , invaded Poland according to an agreement with the Soviet Union , which joined the invasion on September 17. The United Kingdom and France responded by declaring war on Germany on September 3, initiating a widespread naval war. Germany rapidly overwhelmed Poland, then Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium and France in 1940, and Yugoslavia and Greece in 1941. Italian, and later German, troops attacked British forces in North Africa . By summer 1941, Germany had conquered France and most of Western Europe, but it had failed to subdue the United Kingdom due to the success of the Royal Air Force and Royal Navy .", "In August of 1939, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union signed a non-aggression treaty. One week later, Germany invaded Poland and World War II began. The first attack of the war took place on September 1, 1939, as German aircraft bombarded the Polish town of Wielun, killing nearly 1,200. Five minutes later, the German battleship Schleswig-Holstein opened fire on a transit depot at Westerplatte in the Free City of Danzig. Within days, the United Kingdom and France declared war on Germany and began mobilizing their armies and preparing their civilians. On September 17, the Soviet Union invaded Poland from the east. Polish forces surrendered in early October after losing some 65,000 troops and many thousands of civilians. In November, Soviet forces invaded Finland and began a months-long battle dubbed the Winter War. By the beginning of 1940, Germany was finalizing plans for the invasions of Denmark and Norway. Collected here are images of these tumultuous first months and of Allied forces preparing for the arduous battles to come. (This entry is Part 2 of a weekly 20-part retrospective of World War II )", "- Germany's September 1939 invasion of Poland did not begin WWII. It began five months earlier when Fascist Italy invaded little Albania. Or arguably in 1936 when Japan invaded China.", "On September 1, 1939, Germany and Slovakia—a client state in 1939—attacked Poland and World War II broke out. France, Britain, and the countries of the Commonwealth declared war on Germany but provided little military support to Poland other than a small French attack into the Saarland. On September 17, 1939, after signing an armistice with Japan, the Soviets launched their own invasion of eastern Poland.", "On 17 September 1939, after signing a cease-fire with Japan , the Soviets invaded Poland from the east. [63] The Polish army was defeated and Warsaw surrendered to the Germans on 27 September, with final pockets of resistance surrendering on 6 October. Poland's territory was divided between Germany and the Soviet Union , with Lithuania and Slovakia also receiving small shares. After the defeat of Poland's armed forces, the Polish resistance established an Underground State and a partisan Home Army . [64] About 100,000 Polish military personnel were evacuated to Romania and the Baltic countries; many of these soldiers later fought against the Germans in other theatres of the war. [65] Poland's Enigma codebreakers were also evacuated to France. [66]", "In the early years of the war Germany had great success; its conquests included Poland, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, the Balkan states, and Greece. Great Britain, particularly London and other industrial areas, was subjected to massive German air attacks (the Battle of Britain), as a prelude to invasion, but the island successfully withstood the onslaught and was not invaded. In June, 1941, Hitler launched a vast offensive against the USSR, his former ally. In Dec., 1941, shortly after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Germany declared war on the United States.", "1939–41: The Axis triumphant. Over the course of the first nine months of 1939, Germany added the rest of Czechoslovakia, while Italy occupied Albania . Having signed the Non-Aggression Pact with Stalin in August, Hitler invaded Poland on September 1. Britain and France, which on March 29 had pledged to support Poland, declared war, but did not attack Germany. During the next few weeks, Germany and Russia divided Poland between themselves, and in November, the Soviet Union launched a separate war with Finland .", "Germany subsequently invaded Denmark and Norway, the Netherlands, and France, and began bombing Great Britain in preparation for an invasion. On 21 June 1941, the day before invasion of the Soviet Union, Himmler commissioned the preparation of the Generalplan Ost (General Plan for the East); the plan was finalised in July 1942. It called for the Baltic States, Poland, western Ukraine, and Byelorussia to be conquered and resettled by ten million German citizens. The current residents—some 31 million people—would be expelled further east, starved, or used for forced labour. The plan would have extended the border of Germany a thousand kilometres to the east (620 miles). Himmler expected that it would take twenty to thirty years to complete the plan, at a cost of 67 billion Reichsmarks. Himmler stated openly: \"It is a question of existence, thus it will be a racial struggle of pitiless severity, in the course of which 20 to 30 million Slavs and Jews will perish through military actions and crises of food supply.\"", "Hitler ordered the annexation of Austria and the Sudetenland in 1938. Hitler’s army invaded Poland on September 1, 1939, sparking France and England to declare war on Germany. A Blitzkrieg (lightning war) of German tanks and infantry swept through most of Western Europe as nation after nation fell to the German war machine.", "1939 – After 19 days of resistance, Warsaw, Poland, surrendered to the Germans after being invaded by the Nazis and the Soviet Union during World War II.", "Hitler broke the Versailles treaty and proceeded with a massive buildup of the German armed forces. In 1936 he reclaimed the Rhineland from French control, and in 1938 he annexed Austria to Germany. Also in 1938 he took over the German areas of Czechoslovakia, and in 1939 he annexed all of that country. When he invaded Poland on September 1, 1939, Great Britain and France declared war on Germany. World War II had begun.", "On September 1, 1939, Germany invades Poland the German attack was code-named Operation White ( Fall Weiss ). The Polish army was defeated within weeks of the invasion. From East Prussia and Germany in the north and Silesia and Slovakia in the", "Following the annexation of Austria and the Sudetenland , Germany in October 1938 urged the Danzig territory's cession to Germany. On September 1, 1939, Nazi Germany invaded Poland, initiating World War II . On September 2, 1939 Germany officially annexed the Free City. The Nazi regime murdered the Polish postmen defending the Polish Post Office : this was one of the first war crimes during the war. Other Polish soldiers defending the Westerplatte stronghold surrendered after seven days of fighting. The German commander returned the sword to the Polish commander for putting up a brave fight. On Sep 7th NSDAP organised night parade on Adolf-Hitlerstrasse to celebrate success. It was bombed by a single Polish hydroplane operating from Hela peninsula piloted by Jozef Rudzki and Zdzisław Juszczakiewicz. 6 bombs weight 12.5 kg were dropped from very low height. [10] In October 1939, Danzig, together with the rest of Polish Pomerania to the south and west, became the German Reichsgau (administrative district) of Danzig-West Prussia (Danzig–Westpreussen).", "On Sept. 1, 1939, Germany, having refused further negotiations, invaded Poland and thus precipitated World War II. German columns advanced with spectacular speed. On Sept. 17, Soviet troops invaded Poland from the east. Polish resistance was crushed, and the country was partitioned between Germany and the USSR, except for a central portion that was annexed by neither power but was placed under German rule. After the German attack (1941) on the USSR, all Poland passed under German rule.", "On September 1, 1939 Germany invaded Poland and World War II began. At the same time the Soviet Union attacked Poland from the east. It was divided up among the countries before the Allies were able to help.", "September 1. Germany invades Poland and two days later Britain and France declare war on Germany.", "On September 17 , the Soviet Union , pursuant to its secret agreement with Germany , invaded Poland from the east , throwing Polish defenses into chaos by opening the second front. A day later, both the Polish president and commander-in-chief fled to Romania . On October 1 , hostile forces, after a one-month siege of Warsaw , entered the city. The last Polish units surrendered on October 6 . Poland, however, never officially surrendered to the Germans. Some Polish troops evacuated to neighboring countries . In the aftermath of the September Campaign, occupied Poland managed to create a powerful resistance movement and contributed significant military forces to the Allies for the duration of World War II.", "German troops invade Poland on 1 September. Britain and France declare war on Germany two days later. The Second World War has begun.", "World War II The largest armed conflict in history of world, had lasted from 1st September 1939 till nd2 September 1945 (in Europie till 8th May 1945). It started with invasion of Poland. The Invasion of Poland, also known as the September Campaign or 1939 Defensive War in Poland and the Poland Campaign in Germany, was an invasion of Poland by Germany, the Soviet Union, and a small Slovak contingent that marked the start of World War II in Europe. The invasion began on 1 September 1939, one week after the signing of the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, and ended 6 October 1939 with Germany and the Soviet Union dividing and annexing the whole of Poland.", "At 4:45 a.m., some 1.5 million German troops invade Poland all along its 1,750-mile border with German-controlled territory. Simultaneously, the German Luftwaffe bombed Polish airfields, and German warships and U-boats attacked Polish naval forces in the Baltic Sea. Nazi leader Adolf Hitler claimed the massive invasion was a defensive action, but Britain and France were not convinced. On September 3, they declared war on Germany, initiating World War II.", " September 1st, 1939-World War Two begins with the Nazi invasion of Poland.  On September the 1st the Nazi armies under the command of General von Rundstedt swept into Poland, added by the USSR under the terms of a secret pact signed between Germany’s von Ribbentrop and The Soviet Union’s Molotov. The invasion effectively split Poland between the USSR and Germany.  It was not until the sneak attack by the Nazis in June of 1941 that the Soviet Union and Germany fought each other in a war that would claim close to 30 million Soviet citizens and soldiers before victory over Germany in 1945.", "15. France and the United Kingdom agreed to support Poland and in August of 1939, German troops began to gather on the Polish border. By September 1st, Germany launched an invasion of Poland.", "On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland, using the false pretext of a faked \"Polish attack\" on a German border post.", "\"Operation Weiss\": German troops invade Poland. German tanks thundered across the Polish border at precisely 0445 hours, supported by Junkers Ju87 (\"Stuka\" named Sturzkampfflugzeug) dive-bombers.", "On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland, using the false pretext of a faked \" Polish attack\" on a German border post.", "In 1941, Hitler ordered the invasion of the Soviet Union, eventually causing the fortunes of war to turn against Germany. As the Soviet Army advanced in 1944, German populations in Central and Eastern Europe took flight, resulting in the beginning of a great population shift. After the final Soviet offensives began in January 1945, hundreds of thousands of German refugees converged on Danzig, many of whom had fled on foot from East Prussia, some tried to escape through the city's port in a large-scale evacuation involving hundreds of German cargo and passenger ships. Some of the ships were sunk by the Soviets, including the after an evacuation was attempted at neighbouring Gdynia. In the process, tens of thousands of refugees were killed.", "Hitler's next move was to demand the return of the Free City of Danzig and the Polish Corridor , a strip of land that separated the state of Prussia from the rest of Germany. The British announced that they would come to the aid of Poland if they were attacked, but Hitler believed that they would not actually take action and ordered that an invasion plan should be readied for a target date of September 1939." ]
[ 3.640625, 3.1875, 2.890625, 1.8232421875, 1.3369140625, 1.3330078125, 1.3095703125, 1.2294921875, 1.111328125, 1.05078125, 0.61083984375, 0.56884765625, 0.453857421875, 0.386474609375, 0.38427734375, 0.224365234375, -0.1861572265625, -0.375, -0.7353515625, -1.1455078125, -1.1943359375, -1.203125, -1.236328125, -1.4658203125, -2.16015625, -2.23046875, -2.267578125, -3.1484375, -3.16796875, -3.18359375, -3.201171875, -3.50390625 ]
True or False: A duck’s quack doesn’t echo?
[ "A common urban legend claims that duck quacks do not echo; however, this has been shown to be false. This myth was first debunked by the Acoustics Research Centre at the University of Salford in 2003 as part of the British Association's Festival of Science. It was also debunked in one of the earlier episodes of the popular Discovery Channel television show MythBusters. ", "* A duck's quack actually does echo, although the echo may be difficult to hear for humans under some circumstances. ", "It is a myth that a duck's quack won't echo. This has been conclusively disproved through different scientific acoustic tests, and was even featured as \"busted\" on an episode of the Discovery Channel show Mythbusters.", "creates an acoustic shadow (a phenomenon under which even loud sounds can be inaudible to nearby listeners), but the claim that a duck's quack doesn't echo under any conditions.", "The obvious logical question — the one neither asked nor answered by folks who tout this absurd factoid — is: Why wouldn't a duck's quack echo? What could possibly be so unique about the sound a duck makes, and how it makes it, that it's exempt from the physical laws that apply to every other such sound, e.g., a dog's bark, a cat's meow, a turkey's gobble, a cow's moo, or a lamb's bleat?", "I must admit that my field experiments were crude. Though I could not bring Daisy, I did wander around various ponds, canals, and rivers listening to wildfowl. In none of these places could I hear a clear, audible quack separate from the original call. In the end, I came to the conclusion that the phrase should say, \"A duck's quack might echo, but it's impossible to hear unless the bird quacks while flying under a bridge.\"", "The obvious logical answer is: nothing. Nor does anyone who makes this claim about ducks' quacks ever attempt to explain how it could be.", "Contrary to popular belief, not all ducks actually quack! It is generally known that it is only really the females of most duck species that actually make a quacking sound. All ducks actually have a wide range of calls that they use to communicated with one another including whistles and grunts!", "And there's yet another theory about the origin of canard, which is simply that ducks have long been associated with falsehoods. Proponents of this theory note that the German word for a duck (\"ente\") can also mean a lie or a newspaper hoax (see duden.de ).", "Muscovy ducks are highly intelligent; they are also very aggressive. Wild ducks are shy and usually are silent.  Domestic ducks are also rarely heard. They don’t actually quack unless they are in distress. The female gives a soft noise and thrilling coo, while the male gives a low breathy call; he also puffs and hisses in display.  They are perching ducks, and will roost in small groups in trees.  They can fly, but the males don’t usually get very far off the ground.  In flight, they have a goose-like fight, with a straight neck.  They can be seen flying at dawn and at dusk.", "As a male duck matures it acquires a curled tail feather called a drake feather. Much like their wild ancestor, the mallard, males develop a deep rasping call, while females quack. Female pekins are also known to make a low 'cluck' like noise when content. Venting is also easier when the ducks' genitals are fully mature but is not necessary because of the readily-apparent external differences between males and females.", "The male has a distinctive crackling mating call; the female is rather silent for a female duck, but can manage a feeble quack.", "The onomatopoeias used to describe the sound produced by a rooster are comparatively different. In English we would say ‘cock a doodle doo’ (which quite frankly sounds more melodic than any sound a rooster could ever produce). For once, the Germans use a word that is shorter than in English, ‘kikeriki’. A French rooster says ‘cocorico’ and an Arabic-speaking one will sound something like ‘kuku-kookoo’. Whereas the vowels differ in these examples, all of them contain a plosive (/k/). Once again, this is the quality of the sound produced by a rooster translated into human speech: loud and piercing. Another example where this is the case is the different onomatopoeias for the sound of a duck: ‘quack’ in English, ‘coin coin’ in French, ‘cua cua’ in Spanish.", "\"No; it is not a turkey,\" said the old Duck; \"only see how prettily it moves its legs, how upright it holds itself! It is my own child. It is also really very pretty, when you look more closely at it. Quack! quack! now come with me, I will take you into the world and introduce you in the duck-yards. But keep close to me, or someone may tread on you; and beware of the Cat.\"", "This species is largely silent away from the nest. There, the adults give a penetrating, weak, melancholy scream, with the incubating males' call described as \"whispy screaming or wailing\". The females' calls while incubating are similar, but are lower-pitched. While approaching the nest with food, the male calls out \"rapid chirps, goose-like calls, and occasional sharp screams\". Vocalization in both parents decreases as the nestlings age, while the nestlings become more vocal. The nestlings call chi-chi-chi...chi-chi-chi-chi, seemingly in alarm in response to rain or direct sunlight. When humans approach the nest, the nestlings have been described as uttering croaks, quacks, and whistles.", "Summers on freshwater and saltwater marshes; winters along coast. Female quacks when separated from male; male makes soft, reedy noise. Nests in depressions in ground, close to water; 6 - 12 eggs, cream to greenish-buff colored. Duck, Blue-Winged Teal (Puddle Duck)", "This is a noisy species. The male whistles cryc or creelycc, not loud but very clear and far-carrying. The female has a feeble keh or neeh quack. ", "Possibly from the aphorism “If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it probably is a duck” and its derivatives", "With the explosion in the population over the past few years I'm sure this species has helped fill the bag on many a marginal hunt. Gadwall do indeed have a language that is all on their own and not easily mistaken once you've heard them. The hen makes a low-pitched series of three to four nasally quacks similar to a pintail hen that imitates a kid on a duck call just learning. The drake produces a single monotone \"tat-tat\" quack, which sometimes, as in my case, gets mistaken for a mallard.", "\"Let me see the egg that will not break,\" said the old Duck. \"Depend upon it, it is a turkey's egg. I was cheated in the same way once myself, and I had such trouble with the young ones; for they were afraid of the water, and I could not get them there. I called and scolded, but it was all of no use. But let me see the egg—ah, yes! to be sure, that is a turkey's egg. Leave it, and teach the other little ones to swim.\"", "Found on lakes, marshes, and ponds. Makes a 1- or 2-note whistling call; usually silent in United States. Nests in grasses hidden in vegetation; 7 - 10 white eggs. Duck, Gadwall (Puddle Duck)", "A bird does not sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song.", "Found on lakes and marshes. Male whistles; female quacks. Nests in grasses; 7 - 12 pinkish eggs. Duck, Eurasian Wigeon (Puddle Duck)", "Another problem in studying bird sounds concerns the charge of mindless parroting—or sound-making without linguistic meaning. Birds of some species are indeed very good at imitating bird sounds of other species. (Mockingbirds—mimus polyglottos—brilliantly mimic the notes of other birds. 24 Much the same is true for sedge-warblers, butcherbirds, blackcaps, mocking-wrens, lyre-birds, parson-birds, bhim-rajs, and French mockingbirds, or thrashers [Knight]). This capacity has made talking birds, in human guise, extraordinary targets of put-downs and parodies in everyday speech, literature, and the cinema. On the one hand, we praise such a human dialectal elocutionist as Professor Henry Higgins in Shaw's Pygmalion (1916) for his ability to parrot the sounds of other human [End Page 96] beings; on the other hand, we complain about human beings who merely patter, or \"parrot\" other people's ideas, and similarly about animals who simply \"ape\" other creature's gestures or imitate their sounds. 25", "In summer found on lakes and marshes; in winter on lakes and coastal areas. Male makes a purring call; females are mostly silent. Nests in grasses near water; 8 - 14 pale green eggs. Duck, Whistling (Diving Duck)", "As mentioned earlier, big-water hunters gunning for sea ducks and other diving species may use 100 or more decoys, and many of them like the parallel strings or in a J pattern of decoy presentation. Unlike puddle-duck hunters, whose decoys each have a separate anchor line and weight, big-water duck hunters may string dozens of decoys on one line, so that it doesn’t take hours to deploy and retrieve the decoys at the start and end of the day.", "We tend to think that birdsong is whistling, and we know that when we whistle, the sound is made in our mouths. The headless-chicken story is enough to suggest that birdsong is something other than mere whistling. In fact, birds have a song-making organ that other animals, including humans, do not, and it's called the syrinx.", "Observers have described the Trumpeter's call as resonant, deep and loud, sonorous, and trumpet-like. Hence the bird's name: Trumpeter Swan. The Tundra Swan has a high-pitched, quavering call resembling that of a Canada Goose (Branta canadensis) or Snow Goose (Chen caerulescens). From a distance the calls of a flock of Tundra Swans may be likened to the sound of a pack of baying hounds or distant 'whoops' and 'hollers.' Becoming familiar with these calls will aid identification.", "Papageno is, of course, a \"bird man.\" And even as thousands of real-life composers and songwriters imitate birdsong, so many songbirds imitate human speech. For example, there is the da—that is, the daw or jackdaw—that I consider elsewhere. 19 But if we are to compare human airs with the melismatic catches of songbirds, we should probably first seek to dispel three unproven beliefs about human speech in relationship to birdsong. [End Page 93]", "With the short range caller for ducks, you can lure ducks that have landed on water. They will swim against your location. This is not possible with geese.", "Daffy Duck : Come on now, brace up. Brace up. There, that's more like it. Let's see now. Where will I hide this seagull? Ooh, here we are.", "If a dog barks, a cow moos, lion roars, duck quacks then what sound do geese make?" ]
[ 5.9609375, 4.17578125, 3.96875, 1.767578125, 1.513671875, 1.345703125, -0.5078125, -1.23828125, -3.05078125, -3.205078125, -3.982421875, -4.2265625, -4.5625, -4.90234375, -5.046875, -5.0625, -5.18359375, -5.55078125, -5.8984375, -6.52734375, -6.6875, -6.98046875, -6.98828125, -6.9921875, -7.31640625, -7.95703125, -8.546875, -8.6484375, -8.7109375, -8.7421875, -9.109375, -9.9296875 ]
The birth, at Baekdu Mountain, of what Asian despot was foretold by a swallow, and heralded by the appearance of a double rainbow over the mountain and a new star in the heavens?
[ "Kim Jong-il's official biography states that he was born in a secret military camp on Baekdu Mountain in Japanese Korea on 16 February 1942. Official biographers claim that his birth at Baekdu Mountain was foretold by a swallow, and heralded by the appearance of a double rainbow over the mountain and a new star in the heavens.", "Kim Jong-il's official biography states that he was born in a secret military camp on Baekdu Mountain in Japanese Korea on 16 February 1942. Official biographers claim that his birth at Baekdu Mountain was foretold by a swallow, and heralded by the appearance of a double rainbow over the mountain and a new star in the heavens.", "Kim Jong-il's official biography states that he was born in a secret military camp on Baekdu Mountain (백두산) in Japanese occupied Korea on 16 February 1942. Official biographers claim that his birth at Baekdu Mountain was foretold by a swallow, and heralded by the appearance of a double rainbow over the mountain and a new star in the heavens.", "Mount Baektu was first recorded in the Chinese Classic of Mountains and Seas under the name Buxian Shan ( Chinese : 不咸山). It is also called Shanshan Daling ( Chinese : 單單大嶺) in the Book of the Later Han . In the New Book of Tang , it was called Taibai Shan ( Chinese : 太白山). [19] The current Chinese name Changbai Shan was first used in the Liao dynasty (907–1125) of the Khitans [20] and then the Jin dynasty (1115–1234) of the Jurchens . [21] The Jin dynasty bestowed the title \"the King Who Makes the Nation Prosperous and Answers with Miracles\" ( Chinese : 興國靈應王) on the sanshin in 1172 and it was promoted to \"the Emperor Who Cleared the Sky with Tremendous Sagehood\" ( Chinese : 開天宏聖帝) in 1193.", "Mount Baekdu has been worshipped by the surrounding peoples throughout history. Both the Koreans and Manchus consider it the place of their ancestral origin.[ citation needed ]", "Temüjin, known to history as Genghis Khan, was born c 1162 AD. He rose to become the undisputed leader of the Mongols and established the basis of the Mongol Empire. Temüjin took the name Genghis Khan in 1206 when, having succeeded, by a combination of war and diplomacy, in uniting all the tribes of the Mongolian plains, he was acknowledged by a council of Mongol chiefs as their 'khan', or leader. Having united the Mongols, Genghis Khan set about conquering their neighbours, and by the time he died, in 1227, the Mongol empire extended from the Caspian Sea in the west to the Sea of Japan in the east; Mongol armies had also raided as far west as the Crimea. Under Genghis Khan's successors, the Mongol Empire was expanded to encompass the whole of China, Burma and the Korean peninsula, southern Russia from the Sea of Okhotsk to modern-day Belarus and Ukraine, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Tibet.", "Genghis Khan was born in Khientij Mountains, Mongolia in 1162 and died on August 1227 at the age of 65. His titles include; Dali Khaqan of the Great Mongol State, Khaqan of Khamaq Mongols, Lord of Four Colors and Five Tongues, and Son of Khan Tengri. After founding the Mongol Empire, he started invading Kara-Khitan Khanate, Caucasus, Khawarezmid Empire, Western Xia and Jin Dynasties. These invasions caused large scale massacres of civil populations notably in Khawarezmia.He accuquired vast lands of China and central Asia. He is known as brutal, successful and the most powerful leader in his time. He united many nomadic tribes.", "Kim Jong-il  (born: Yuri Irsenovich Kim; 16 February 1941/2 – 17 December 2011) was the supreme leader of  North Korea . He was the General Secretary of the  Workers’ Party of Korea , the ruling party since 1948, Chairman of the  National Defense Commission of North Korea , and the supreme commander of the  Korean People’s Army , the fourth-largest standing army in the world.", "Kublai Khan (; , Xubilaĭ xaan; , \"Khagan Qubilai\"; September 23, 1215 – February 18, 1294), born Kublai (, Xubilaĭ; ; also spelled Khubilai) and also known by the temple name Shizu (Emperor Shizu of Yuan; ), was the fifth Khagan (Great Khan) of the Mongol Empire (Ikh Mongol Uls), reigning from 1260 to 1294 (although due to the division of the empire this was a nominal position). He also founded the Yuan dynasty in China as a conquest dynasty in 1271, and ruled as the first Yuan emperor until his death in 1294.", "Kim Jong-il (born: Yuri Irsenovich Kim; 16 February 1941/2 – 17 December 2011), was the supreme leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea). He was the General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, the ruling party since 1948, Chairman of the National Defence Commission of North Korea, and the Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army, the fourth-largest standing army in the world.", "Kublai Khan, a grandson of Genghis Khan, completed the conquest of China in 1279, after attacking the Song dynasty in South China. Kublai Khan's Yuan dynasty lasted until 1368. He established the Mongol winter capital at Cambaluc (also spelled Khanbalikh), the site of present-day Beijing. Further attempts to extend the Mongol Empire to Japan were unsuccessful. Mongol warriors fought unsuccessfully at sea and in the tropical climate of Southeast Asia.", "Hirohito, original name Michinomiya Hirohito, posthumous name Shōwa (born April 29, 1901, Tokyo , Japan—died January 7, 1989, Tokyo), emperor of Japan from 1926 until his death in 1989. He was the longest-reigning monarch in Japan’s history.", ", who united three kingdoms of Korea, had a sword named Cheonryonggeom (Heavenly Dragon Sword), that was blessed by two stars (by shining their starlights on the sword). According to legends, it even flew from its scabbard and into Kim Yushin's hand when he was furious.", "In the 13th century, Kublai Khan , grandson of Genghis Khan, known as the Mongol Emperor (Yuan Shi-zu) who founded the Yuan Dynasty of China, envisioned to succumb Japan and incorporate it as a tributary state. In 1274 and 1281 armies were dispatched from the Korean peninsula and China in attempts to land on Japan. The Yuan armies were made up of Mongol, Korean and Chinese soldiers.", "In 1267 Kublai Khan, the leader of the Mongolian ethnic minority, gave an order to construct a new city in the northeast suburbs of Zhongdu. Four years later, Kublai Khan, ascending the emperor's throne in the new city, under construction at that time, established the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368). The building of the city was finished in 1276 and became the capital of the Yuan Dynasty. The Italian traveler Marco Polo wrote in his travel notes that he considered it to be the 'incommensurable city even in the world'.", "Jong-il was the center of an elaborate personality cult inherited from his father and founder of the DPRK Kim Il-sung . Defectors have been quoted as saying that North Korean schools deify both father and son. He was often the center of attention throughout ordinary life in the DPRK. On his 60th birthday (based on his official date of birth), mass celebrations occurred throughout the country on the occasion of his Hwangab. Many North Koreans believed that he had the \"magical\" ability to \"control the weather\" based on his mood. In 2010, the North Korean media reported that Jong-il's distinctive clothing had set worldwide fashion trends.", "Puyi (; 7 February 190617 October 1967), of the Manchu Aisin Gioro clan, commonly known as Henry Pu Yi, was the last Emperor of China and the twelfth and final ruler of the Qing dynasty. When a child, he ruled as the Xuantong Emperor () from 1908 until his forced abdication on 12 February 1912, after the successful Xinhai Revolution. From 1 to 12 July 1917, he was briefly restored to the throne as emperor by the warlord Zhang Xun. In 1932, after the occupation of Manchuria the state of Manchukuo was established by Japan, and he was chosen to become 'Chief Executive' of the new state using the era-name of Datong (Ta-tung). In 1934, he was declared the Kangde Emperor (or Kang-te Emperor) of Manchukuo and ruled until the end of the Second Sino-Japanese War in 1945. After the People's Republic of China was established in 1949, Puyi was imprisoned as a war criminal for 10 years, wrote his memoirs and became a titular member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and the National People's Congress.", "Kim Jong-il was the centre of an elaborate personality cult inherited from his father and founder of the DPRK, Kim Il-sung. Defectors have been quoted as saying that North Korean schools deify both father and son. He was often the centre of attention throughout ordinary life in the DPRK. On his 60th birthday (based on his official date of birth), mass celebrations occurred throughout the country on the occasion of his Hwangap. Many North Koreans believe that he has the \"magical\" ability to \"control the weather\" based on his mood. In 2010, the North Korean media reported that Kim's distinctive clothing had set worldwide fashion trends.", "Taejo of Joseon (October 27, 1335 – June 18, 1408), born Yi Seong-gye, whose changed name is Yi Dan, was the founder and the first king of the Joseon Dynasty of Korea reigning from 1392 to 1398, and the main figure in overthrowing the Goryeo Dynasty. He was posthumously raised to the rank of Emperor in 1899 by Gojong, the Gwangmu Emperor, who had proclaimed the Korean Empire in 1897. The Korean Empire would last merely 11 years until the entire dynastic system ended with the Japanese annexation in 1910.", "After the death of Kublai Khan in 1294, successive weak and incompetent khans made the already hated Mongol rule intolerable. Secret societies became increasingly active, and a movement known as the Red Turbans spread throughout the north during the 1350s. In 1356 a rebel leader named Chu Yuan-chang and his peasant army captured the old capital of Nanjing. Within a decade he had won control of the economically important middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, driving the Mongols to the north. In 1368 he declared himself the emperor Hung-wu and established his capital at Nanjing on the lower Yangtze. Later the same year he captured the Yuan capital of Peking. (See Kublai Khan; Mongol Empire)", "In North Korea, China, Japan, Vietnam, and Chinese and Vietnamese-speaking areas, Korea as a whole is referred to as , (), Cháoxiǎn, (), Chōsen, ' () lit. \"[land of the] Morning Calm\"). \"Great Joseon\" was the name of the kingdom ruled by the Joseon dynasty from 1393 until their declaration of the short-lived Great Korean Empire in 1897. King Taejo had named them for the earlier who ruled northern Korea from its legendary prehistory until their conquest in 108  by China's Han Empire. This go is the Hanja and simply means \"ancient\" or \"old\"; it is a modern usage to distinguish the ancient Joseon from the later dynasty. Joseon itself is the modern Korean pronunciation of but it is unclear whether this was a transcription of a native Korean name (OC *T[r]awser, MC Trjewsjen) or a partial translation into Chinese of the Korean capital whose meaning has been reconstructed as \"Morning Land\" or \"Mountain\".", "In some Chinese legends, an emperor might be born with a birthmark in the shape of a dragon. For example, one legend tells the tale of a peasant born with a dragon birthmark who eventually overthrows the existing dynasty and founds a new one; another legend might tell of the prince in hiding from his enemies who is identified by his dragon birthmark.", "Puyi, Wade-Giles romanization P’u-i, also called Henry Puyi, reign name Xuantong (born February 7, 1906, Beijing, China —died October 17, 1967, Beijing), last emperor (1908–1911/12) of the Qing (Manchu) dynasty (1644–1911/12) in China and puppet emperor of the Japanese-controlled state of Manchukuo (Chinese: Manzhouguo) from 1934 to 1945.", "During the reign of the Yongle Emperor (early 15th century), his relative from Kaifeng sent him a captured zouyu (騶虞), and another zouyu was sighted in Shandong. Zouyu is a legendary \"righteous\" animal, which, similarly to a qilin, only appears during the rule of a benevolent and sincere monarch. It is said to be fierce as a tiger, but gentle and strictly vegetarian, and described in some books as a white tiger with black spots. Puzzled about the real zoological identity of the creature captured during the Yongle era, J.J.L. Duyvendak exclaims, \"Can it possibly have been a Pandah?\"", "The first major period of Korean art during recorded history is the period of the Three Kingdoms (c. 57 bce–668 ce), when the peninsula of Korea was ruled by three monarchies. The Koguryŏ kingdom (traditionally dated 37 bce–668 ce) was the northernmost of the three, both geographically and culturally. First established in southern Manchuria , the Koguryŏ kingdom had a lifestyle based on the typically austere cultural patterns of northern Asia, evolved in a region characterized by its scarcity of arable land and severity of climate. The Paekche kingdom (traditionally dated 18 bce–660 ce) was centred in southwestern Korea, south of the present-day city of Seoul . This was a favourable geographic position for receiving foreign cultural influences. Paekche art, therefore, was open and receptive to Chinese influences. Northern Chinese cultural elements were introduced by land through the Koguryŏ kingdom, while southern Chinese influences easily crossed the navigable East Asian seas. The kingdom of Silla (traditionally dated 57 bce–668 ce) was the oldest of the monarchies. It originated in the present city of Kyŏngju and eventually came to cover most of southeastern Korea east of the Naktong River . The original territory of the Silla kingdom, the modern Kyŏngsang-puk province, is a mountain-secluded triangle, a geographic factor that is sometimes offered as an explanation for the distinctiveness and conservatism of its art.", "Korean Mythology has Yonggwang-geom (Sword of Dragon's Light), belonging to Sun god Haemosu. Also, General Kim Yushin", "The [Reflex] bow had been the most important weapon in Korean wars with Chinese dynasties and nomadic peoples, recorded from the 1st century BCE. Legend says the first king and founder of the Goguryeo, Go Jumong, was a master of archery, able to catch 5 flies with one arrow. Park Hyeokgeose, the first king of the Silla, was also said to be a skilled archer. Rumors of archers in Goguryeo and Silla presumably reached China; the ancient Chinese gave the people of the north east, Siberia, Manchuria and the Korean Peninsula, the name of Dongyi (東夷), the latter character (夷) being a combination of the two characters for \"large\" (大) and \"bow\" (弓).", "In 94 BC, Emperor Wu's youngest son Liu Fuling was born to a favorite concubine of his, Consort Zhao. Emperor Wu was ecstatic in having a child at such an advanced age (62 years old), and because Consort Zhao purportedly had a post-term pregnancy that lasted 14 months (the same as the mythical Emperor Yao), he named Consort Zhao's palace gate \"Gate of Yao's mother.\" This led to speculation that the emperor, due to his favor of Consort Zhao and Prince Fuling, wanted to make Liu Fuling the crown prince instead. While there was no evidence that he actually intended to do anything as such, over the next few years, conspiracies against Crown Prince Ju and Empress Wei arose that were inspired by such rumors.", "Korea is the Western name for the Koryŏ dynasty (918–1392). It can be translated as ‘high and beautiful’.", "Feng Shui 's 69 AD juncture is ruled by the Eaters of the Lotus, a sinister cabal of evil eunuch sorcerers and their human and demonic servants. The Four Monarchs, banished to the Netherworld, are another example, except for the smartest one of the lot who's not so bad anymore for someone who ruled 1/4th of the world for centuries with absolute power .", "A pun on \"The Chosen One\". Also, Sejong is the Korean leader in Civ V, and was a king of the Choson dynasty.", "Kites were also used by Admiral Yi of the Joseon Dynasty (13921910) of Korea. During the Japanese invasions of Korea (1592–1598), Admiral Yi commanded his navy using kites. His kites had specific markings directing his fleet to perform various orders." ]
[ 8.2421875, 8.2421875, 8.1875, -2.458984375, -3.076171875, -4.18359375, -4.40625, -4.46875, -4.58984375, -4.65625, -5.0546875, -5.515625, -5.53125, -5.734375, -5.7421875, -5.7578125, -6.29296875, -6.33203125, -6.4453125, -6.46484375, -6.8671875, -7.91015625, -7.91796875, -8.203125, -8.3359375, -9.015625, -9.3515625, -9.671875, -9.78125, -9.90625, -10.7265625, -10.8515625 ]
What are the names of Popeye's nephews?
[ "Popeye and his identical quadruplet nephews (Pipeye, Pupeye, Poopeye, Peepeye), in a scene from Famous Studios' Me Musical Nephews (1942).", "Chaste Toons : Swee'Pea, who just appeared on a doorstep one day, and Pipeye, Peepeye, Pupeye and Poopeye, Popeye's quadruplet nephews, who dressed just like him and got into various misadventures alongside him.", "Other differences in Popeye's story and characterization show up depending upon which medium he is presented in. While Swee'Pea is definitively the adopted child of Popeye in the comic strips, he is often depicted as being related to Olive Oyl in cartoons. The cartoons also occasionally feature family members of Popeye that have never appeared in the strip, notably his look-alike nephews Peepeye, Pupeye, Pipeye, and Poopeye.", "In 2001, Popeye (along with Bluto, Olive, and twin Wimpys) appeared in a television commercial for Minute Maid Orange Juice . The commercial, produced by Leo Burrnett Co, showed Popeye and Bluto as friends (and neglecting Olive Oyl) due to their having had Minute Maid Orange Juice that morning. The ad agencies intention was to show that even the famous enemies would be in a good mood after their juice, but some, including Robert Knight of the Culture and Family Institute, felt the commercial's intent was to portray the pair in a homosexual romantic relationship—an allegation that Minute Maid denies. Knight was interviewed by Stephen Colbert on Comedy Central 's The Daily Show over this issue.", "Hanna-Barbera's take on Popeye in 1978 brings back three of the nephews. But in 1987's ''Popeye & Son,\" the nephews and even Swee' Pea are egregiously left out in favor of Popeye and Olive having a son.", "However, in the Famous Studios' cartoon, Greek Mirthology, Popeye tells his nephews the story of his great, great, great, great grandfather Hercules.  In a flashback,  Hercules was seen sniffing garlic and gaining super strength.  By the end of the cartoon, though, he had discovered spinach and switched over to it.  Whether the story was \"real\" or whether Popeye was just trying to get his nephews to eat the green veggie is open to debate.", "Popeye received a makeover in 1987: He traded in sailing in favor of owning a health club, was married to Olive Oyl, and had a son named Junior (no word on what happened to Swee'Pea). Likewise, Bluto was married to a woman named Lizzie and had a son named Tank. The new series, called Popeye and Son was such a ratings disaster that it was pulled off the air ofter only 13 weeks.", "Acting for Two : Jack Mercer, Popeye's actor, provides the voice of all four of the nephews, with the pitch on his voice sped up.", "Comic books and strips in the years following the TV series' debut took to using 'Brutus' as the name of Popeye's nemesis, which has lasted to the present day. Only in the late 2000s did the comic strip re-introduce Bluto, this time noting that he was Brutus' twin brother.", "Popeye is the spitting image of Poopdeck Pappy, though Pappy has a white beard. He is far less principled than his son, stealing from Popeye's bank account and trying to sell water for $5,000 in Death Valley. (To which, Popeye, while pouring water to the parched traveler, tells Poopdeck, \"I yam disgustipated wit' ya!\") There is no love lost between him and Olive Oyl, whom he calls a \"lath-legged bean pole.\" (This stemmed from Poopdeck slugging Olive when they first met). However, while he is grumpy and somewhat hostile, he is quite protective of Popeye, and does have a hidden soft side.", "Popeye is the spitting image of Poopdeck Pappy, though Pappy has a white beard . He is far less principled than his son, stealing from Popeye's bank account and trying to sell water for $5,000 in Death Valley . (To which, Popeye, while pouring water to the parched traveler, tells Poopdeck, \"I yam disgustipated wit' ya!\") There is no love lost between him and Olive Oyl, whom he calls a \"lath-legged bean pole.\" (This stemmed from Poopdeck slugging Olive when they first met). However, while he is grumpy and somewhat hostile, he is quite protective of Popeye, and does have a hidden soft side.", "Popeye’s strange, comic, and often supernatural adventures take him all over the world, and place him in conflict with enemies such as the Sea Hag and Bluto. His main base of operations is the fictional town of Sweet Haven. Popeye’s father is the degenerate Poopdeck Pappy, who does not share his son’s moral righteousness and is represented as having abandoned Popeye in some sources. Popeye’s sweetheart (and in some sources, wife) for over 77 years has been Olive Oyl, although the two characters often bickered, especially at the beginning of Popeye’s appearances. Popeye is the adoptive father of Swee’Pea, an infant foundling left on his doorstep. (Sweet Pea is a term of affection used by Popeye; in the cartoon We Aim to Please, he addressed Olive Oyl as “Sweet Pea” at one point.)", "In the comics, Swee'Pea is a baby found on Popeye's doorstep (actually delivered to him in a box) in a July 24, 1933 strip. Popeye adopts and raises him as his son, or, as he puts it \"boy-kid\". Initially, Swee'Pea's speech consisted entirely of the sound \"glop\". As the years went on, Swee'Pea apparently aged enough to speak normally, and could throw punches if necessary; however, his appearance remained that of a crawling baby. In the strip for August 17, 1933, Popeye christens Swee'Pea as 'Scooner Seawell Georgia Washenting Christiffer Columbia Daniel Boom'. Although Swee'Pea remains his most common sobriquet, he is occasionally referred to as Scooner by Popeye and others in later strips.", "In most appearances (except during the World War II era), Popeye is a middle-aged sailor with a unique way of speaking, disproportionately muscular forearms with two anchor tattoos , thinning hair, and an ever-present corncob pipe (which he toots like a steamship's whistle at times). Popeye is generally depicted as having only one eye, his left. In at least one Fleischer cartoon, Bluto refers to Popeye as a \"one-eyed runt .\" Mostly quiet as to how he lost his right eye, the sailor claims it was in \"the mos' arful battle\" of his life. Later versions of the character had both eyes, with one of them merely being squinty, or \"squinky\" as he put it. According to the official site, Popeye is 34 years old and was born in a typhoon off Santa Monica, California (however, in Popeye, the Ace of Space his original age is given as 40 by an alien aging machine).", "In the comic strips and comic books, Popeye also had a dog during the 1960s named Birdseed.  More recently, he has one named Chester, after the birthplace of Popeye's creator, E.C. Segar. ", "A platform/run and jump game featuring characters from the famous King Features Syndicate cartoon show of the same name. The aim of the game is to rescue Popeye's girlfriend, Olive Oyl. This is achieved by catching a set number of objects thrown down by Olive from the top of the screen; such as hearts, letters and musical notes. Popeye is constantly pursued in his quest by love rival, Bluto (a.k.a. Brutus). Popeye must either run away from Bluto or grab some spinach and punch him off the screen (he will, of course, return).", "According to the King Features website, “Spinach growers credited Popeye with a 33 percent increase in U.S. spinach consumption and saving the spinach industry in the 1930s!”… The Popeye’s Fried Chicken restaurant chain is named not for Popeye the Sailor, but rather (according to the fast-food company) for the Popeye Doyle character played by Gene Hackman in The French Connection… Bluto was called Brutus in some later animated cartoons… Wimpy was an incorrigible moocher whose regular promise was, “I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.”", ", an offshore gambling hell. (The gory details of this origin are commemorated in Harv’s Hindsight for March 2004, which you can reach by trekking off to RCHarvey.com.) Since Popeye’s debut, according to O’Ryan Johnson at the Boston Herald, the spinach-swilling roustabout has spawned 234 theatrical short films, starting with those first produced in 1933 by the Fleischer Brothers.", "Popeye's long lost, 99 year old, senile father. Almost identical to Popeye in appearance (although he frequently denies it) except with a beard and a higher pitched voice.", "Also known as Sweethaven, Popeye Village is the actual set that was used for the 1980s musical of Popeye that starred Robin Williams and Shelly Duvall. Since then the set has grown into one of Malta's major tourist attractions and it is a must for those travelling with children in Malta. Kids can wander around the authentic wooden buildings such as the bakery, post office and school house. There are lots of fun activities for the whole family to enjoy including meeting famous cartoon characters, boat rides, water trampolines, sun bathing decks, and lots of educational and creative games. The park also now boasts the Popeye Comic Museum, which showcases more than a hundred original comics dating back to 1936. For adults there is a winery that offers free wine tastings and the chance to learn something about filmmaking from the animation crew that gives tours of the set. There are various places to get food and drinks. There is also a small park with a number of rides designed for young children. Popeye Village hosts fun events for kids but also organises adult events like team building exercises upon request.", "In Robert Altman 's Popeye , Poopdeck Pappy is played by Ray Walston . He is revealed to be the mysterious 'Commodore' of Sweethaven , is then held hostage by Bluto and needs to be saved by Popeye. When Popeye sees his \"squinky\" eye and his pipe , he recognizes his long-lost father.", "While many of the Paramount Popeye cartoons remained unavailable on video, a handful of those cartoons had fallen into public domain and were found on numerous low budget VHS tapes and later DVDs. Among these cartoons are a handful of the Fleischer black-and-whites, several 1950s Famous shorts (many of which went public domain after the MGM/UA merger), and all three Popeye Color Specials. When Turner Entertainment acquired the cartoons in 1986, a long and laborious legal struggle with King Features kept the majority of the original Popeye shorts from official video releases for more than 20 years. King Features instead opted to release a DVD boxed set of the 1960s made-for-television Popeye cartoons, which it retained the rights to, in 2004. In the meantime, home video rights to the Turner Entertainment library were transferred from MGM/UA Home Video to Warner Home Video in 1999.", "In November 1932, King Features signed an agreement with Fleischer Studios , run by producer Max Fleischer and his brother, director Dave Fleischer , to have Popeye and the other Thimble Theatre characters begin appearing in a series of animated cartoons. The first cartoon in the series was released in 1933, and Popeye cartoons, released by Paramount Pictures , would remain a staple of Paramount's release schedule for nearly 25 years.", "He is short, balding, grumpy and ugly in most eyes. But ever since the start in 1929, generations of people have grown up and been entertained by his adventures. Made celebrity by newspapers, books, albums, TV and film, he is our old friend Popeye.", "In 2006, Warner Bros. finally reached an agreement with King Features Syndicate and its parent company Hearst Corporation . Warner Home Video announced it would release all of the Popeye cartoons produced for theatrical release between 1933 and 1957 on DVD, restored and uncut. The studio also plans to release DVD sets of the Popeye cartoons made for television in the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s, the rights to which are controlled by Hearst Entertainment. [12 ] This is similar in most respects to the Looney Tunes Golden Collection DVD sets also released by Warner, except the Popeye shorts will be released in chronological order.", "MGM/UA Home Video had planned a VHS and Beta release of the Fleischer and Famous Studios cartoons in 1983. However, UA was informed by King Features Syndicate that only King Features had the legal right to release Popeye cartoons on video. United Artists did not challenge King Features' claim, and the release was canceled. While King Features owns the rights to the Popeye characters, and licensed the characters to appear in the Fleischer/Famous cartoons, King Features does not have any ownership in the films themselves.", "Popeye's Legacy Lives On Santa Monica’s most famous mariner turns 85 next week Images courtesy of King Features Syndicate", "Piggy's name came from one of two brothers who were childhood classmates of Freleng's, nicknamed \"Porky\" and \"Piggy\". [5]", "Piggy's name came from one of two brothers who were childhood classmates of Freleng's, nicknamed \"Porky\" and \"Piggy.\" [6]", "While the mid-1980s spinoff series The Flintstone Kids depicts Barney as a child, the series seems to be mostly apocryphal due to its presenting Barney as a childhood friend of Wilma and Betty (vs. the original series' assertion that they first met as young adults). Is possible that Banrey and Fred to forgott Wilma and Betty and to reunite as young adults. Still, the series' assertions that Barney had at least one younger brother, Dusty, was a childhood friend of Fred, and was the son of artist Flo Slate Rubble and car dealer Robert \"Honest Bob\" Rubble might be taken as valid. The original series also suggested in one episode that Barney was the nephew of Fred's boss, Mr. Slate, though subsequent episodes and spinoffs don't seem to support this claim. As a kid Barney worked in \"Rock City\". As young adults, Barney and Fred worked as bellhops at a resort, where they first met Wilma and Betty, who were working as cigarette girls. Eventually, Barney married Betty (as Fred did Wilma).", "15. Who were the voice actors in the Famous Studios' Popeye cartoons and are they still alive today?", "The Bully Brothers (Billy and Bobby Bully) were the Hooded Claw's identical twin henchmen on The Perils of Penelope Pitstop. Mel Blanc did their voice but it was the same voice for both so when they talked it just sounded like one voice coming out of both of them." ]
[ 5.46484375, 5.3828125, 5.2109375, 1.6982421875, 1.0693359375, -0.12481689453125, -0.38623046875, -0.720703125, -0.82470703125, -1.318359375, -1.3837890625, -1.400390625, -1.8642578125, -2.083984375, -2.95703125, -3.32421875, -3.560546875, -3.791015625, -4.03125, -4.14453125, -4.1484375, -4.203125, -4.21875, -4.9140625, -4.93359375, -5.59765625, -5.6796875, -6.16015625, -6.2265625, -7.58203125, -7.89453125, -7.90625 ]
Appaloosa, Tennessee Walking, and Arabian are all types of what?
[ "The Tennessee Walking Horse or Tennessee Walker is a breed of gaited horse known for its unique four-beat \"running walk\" and flashy movement. It was originally developed in the southern United States for use on farms and plantations. It is a popular riding horse due to its calm disposition, smooth gaits and sure-footedness. The Tennessee Walking Horse is often seen in the show ring, but also popular as a pleasure and trail riding horse using both English and Western equipment.", "The Appaloosa is a horse breed best known for its colorful leopard-spotted coat pattern. There is a wide range of body types within the breed, stemming from the influence of multiple breeds of horses throughout its history. Each horse's color pattern is genetically the result of various spotting patterns overlaid on top of one of several recognized base coat colors.", "The Arabian is a versatile breed. Arabians dominate the discipline of endurance riding, and compete today in many other fields of equestrian activity. They are one of the top ten most popular horse breeds in the world. They are now found worldwide, including the United States and Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, continental Europe, South America (especially Brazil), and its land of origin, the Middle East.", "Tennessee Walking Horse: Breed of horse originating in the American south, bred for comfort and exhibiting characteristic gaits.", "Today, the Appaloosa is one of the most popular breeds in the United States; it was named the official state horse of Idaho in 1975. It is best known as a stock horse used in a number of western riding disciplines, but is also a versatile breed with representatives seen in many other types of equestrian activity. Appaloosas have been used in many movies; an Appaloosa is the mascot for the Florida State Seminoles. Appaloosa bloodlines have influenced other horse breeds, including the Pony of the Americas, the Nez Perce Horse, and several gaited horse breeds.", "Spotted horses of various breeding are also sometimes referred to as Appaloosa, although Appaloosa is in fact a breed of horse with mustang origins.", "All horses are golden palominos and majority are quarter horses. There are a couple of Tennesse Walkers and Missouri Fox Trotters, 1 American Standard Bred and 1 Arab.", "The Tennessee Walking Horse has a reputation for having a calm disposition and naturally smooth riding gaits . It is a calm and easy going breed, typically easy to train. While the horses are famous for flashy movement, they are quite hardy, popular for trail and pleasure riding as well as show. the Tennessee Walker is a tall horse with a long neck and sloping shoulder. The head is traditionally large but refined in bone, with small well-placed ears. The horse has a fairly short back, short strong coupling, and an elongated stride. In the show arena, Tennessee Walkers are known for their “running walk”.", "A horse that performs intermediate-speed ambling gaits other than the trot, or in addition to the trot. Several horse breeds are considered gaited, including the Peruvian Paso, Paso Fino, Saddlebred, Missouri Fox Trotter, and Tennessee Walking Horse.", " Appaloosa is black, white spots on rump, This spotted breed originated in the Palouse River region of Washington & Idaho", "The true parti-color is hardly ever seen today and is strictly hotblood in origin. Desert Name-Ablak This color is not related to the tobiano or the overo gene groups. Appaloosa type spots in the Arabian also seem to be a throwback to the parti-color. These horses are not eligible for the Appaloosa registry, even though some could be confused with the true Appaloosa.", "They must be able to withstand traveling long distances at a moderate pace. Arabians have an abundance of Type I fibers. Their muscles are able to work for extended periods of time. Also, the muscles of the Arabian are not nearly as massive as those of the Quarter Horse, which allow it to travel longer distances at quicker speeds. The Arabian is primarily used today in endurance racing, but is also raced over traditional race tracks in many countries.", "*Gait manipulation: Some breeds such as the Saddlebred, Tennessee Walking Horse, and other gaited horses are judged on their high-stepping movement. Special shoeing can help enhance their natural movement.", ", the Appaloosa as a breed originated in the American West. It is descended from horses selectively bred by the Nez Perce Indians who lived near the Palouse River in", "Not every Appaloosa exhibits visible coat spotting, but even apparently solid-colored horses that carry at least one dominant LP allele will exhibit characteristics such as vertically striped hooves, white sclera of the eye, and mottled skin around the eyes, lips, and genitalia. Appaloosas may also exhibit sabino or pinto type markings, but because pinto genes may cover-up or obscure Appaloosa patterns, pinto breeding is discouraged by the ApHC, which will deny registration to horses with excessive white markings. The genes that create these different patterns can all be present in the same horse. The Appaloosa Project, a genetic study group, has researched the interactions of Appaloosa and pinto genes and how they affect each other. ", " Tennessee Walking horse This \"stately\" horse has 3 gaits; the flat-foot walk, the running walk & the canter", "One of the most eclectic of the early breeders was Brigadier General J.M. Dickinson, who founded his Arabian stud in 1930 at Travelers Rest Farm in Franklin, Tennessee, an old Southern estate which had been in his family since the time of Andrew Jackson. General Dickinson was a well-rounded horseman (Travelers Rest had previously been noted as a Saddlebred nursery) who acquired some of his first Arabians from the Kellogg Ranch and Maynesboro Stud-Egyptian and French stock, and homebreds. He later added Crabbet-bred horses from the Babson Stud, some of the Harris horses, and imported from Egypt and from Brazil.", "In the late 1970s, the color controversy went in the opposite direction within the Appaloosa registry. The ApHC's decision in 1982 to allow solid-colored or \"non-characteristic\" Appaloosas to be registered resulted in substantial debate within the Appaloosa breeding community. Until then, a foal of Appaloosa parents that had insufficient color was often denied registration, although non-characteristic Appaloosas were allowed into the registry. But breeder experience had shown that some solid Appaloosas could throw a spotted foal in a subsequent generation, at least when bred to a spotted Appaloosa. In addition, many horses with a solid coat exhibited secondary characteristics such as skin mottling, the white sclera, and striped hooves. The controversy stirred by the ApHC's decision was intense. In 1983 a number of Appaloosa breeders opposed to the registration of solid-colored horses formed the American Appaloosa Association, a breakaway organization.", ": The Appaloosa’s coat is covered in small spots. There are different types of Appaloosa colours that the horses can have. Blanket (left) – A white area over the hip ar", "The most outstanding characteristic is the Appaloosa's \"spotted\" coloring. The varied patterns and colors are the blanket, leopard, snowflake, and marbleized roan. The spotted portion of the hair can be felt since the darker hair grows at a different rate than the background hair. The average Appaloosa stands between 14.2 and 15.3 hands. Horses less than 14 hands at maturity cannot be registered. The Appaloosa weighs between 800 and 1000 pounds, and has strong legs and quarters. The Appaloosa Horse is increasingly popular and is used for stock work, show and even show jumping.", "Keen intelligence is perhaps the best-known quality of this remarkable equine, but this is also a horse of great swiftness and endurance. On the trail and in the ring, the Arabian excels as a mince-footed dancer with no equal. The sum total of greatness in the Arabian is not just her incredible beauty-it is her ability to bond with humans.", "A new breed of horse is being developed in Central Asia. Ram-headed and bred in every color including appaloosa, it is called Nisean after its breeding grounds in Media (now Turkmenistan).", "The Appaloosa horse is known for it's spots and splashes of color on it's coat. The Appaloosa's base coat color is usually black, bay, chestnut, grey, or the colors of the palomino, dun, buckskin or roan. The skin of the Appaloosa is mottled, or spotted, on different parts of the body. Appaloosas usually have a white sclera (the area around the iris) in the eye. Sometimes it can be brown, hazel, or blue or the horse can have a different color in each eye. Appaloosa horses usually have stripes in their hooves.", "Thanks to Brenda from TriangleB for this picture of one of her Tennessee Walking Horses and the pup b", "A composite breed evolving from 6 breeds, known for pleasure & trail riding, flat foot walk, which results in overstriding motion and a nodding head movement, first horse to be named after US state", "The Quarter Horse is an American breed of horse that excels at sprinting short distances. Its name came from its ability to outdistance other breeds of horses in races of a quarter mile or less; some individuals have been clocked at speeds up to 55 mph (88.5 km/h). The American Quarter Horse is the most popular breed in the United States today, and the American Quarter Horse Association is the largest breed registry in the world, with more than 4 million American Quarter Horses registered. The American Quarter Horse is well known both as a race horse and for its performance in rodeos, horse shows and as a working ranch horse. The compact body of the American Quarter Horse is well-suited to the intricate and speedy maneuvers required in reining, cutting, working cow horse, barrel racing, calf roping, and other western riding events, especially those involving live cattle. The American Quarter Horse is also shown in English disciplines, driving, and many other equestrian activities.", "The American Saddlebred with its personality and stamina is suited to accomplish any task requested, but is most well-known as the \"peacock of the horse show world.\" The horses used for Saddleseat and Fine Harness Competition, the disciplines where the breed dominates, are flashy, high-stepping animals, with exaggerated action. Saddlebreds are well proportioned and present a beautiful overall picture. Saddlebreds are usually black, bay or chestnut but grays, buckskins, palominos, pintos and roans are occasionally seen. The average height is 15 to 16 hands  but can range from 14.2 to 17. Saddlebreds can also be five-gaited, performing not only the walk, trot, and canter but also ambling gaits known as the slow-gait and the rack. The rack is a ground-covering lateral four-beat gait, and is much faster, with the horse snapping their knees and hocks up quickly.", "The Rocky Mountain Horse is a horse breed developed in the state of Kentucky in the United States. Despite its name, it originated not in the Rocky Mountains, but instead in the Appalachian Mountains. A foundation stallion, brought from the western United States to eastern Kentucky around 1890, began the Rocky Mountain type in the late 19th century.The breed is known for its preferred \"chocolate\" coat color and flaxen mane and tail, the result of the relatively rare silver dapple gene acting on a black coat, seen in much of the population. It also exhibits a four-beat ambling gait known as the \"single-foot\". Originally developed as a multi-purpose riding, driving and light draft horse, today it is used mainly for trail riding and working cattle.", "The Campolina is a gaited horse breed with a smooth, four-beat ambling gait. It is the largest of the three gaited Brazilian breeds, due to the influence of heavier breeds from Northern Europe. The gait is called the true marcha or marcha verdadeira.", "Also known as the onager, the Asiatic wild ass Equus hemionus is the most horselike of all the ass species, with relatively shorter ears. Its coat color varies with the season, changing from light brown in the winter to reddish brown during the heat of summer. The belly, rump, and muzzle are white. At one time, the Asiatic wild ass could be found throughout the steppes and deserts of the Russian Federation, Mongolia, northern China, northwest India, Central Asia, and the Middle East, including Iran, the Arabian Peninsula, and Asia Minor. As much as 70 percent of its range has been lost since the 19th century, mainly due to resource competition with domestic livestock and hunting.", "equid , equine - hoofed mammals having slender legs and a flat coat with a narrow mane along the back of the neck", "A Texan lawyer with the name Tennessee Wilson Walker . Boy, the flak he must get for having the name of a breed of horse." ]
[ 3.197265625, 2.35546875, 1.8310546875, 1.111328125, 0.361083984375, 0.226806640625, -0.1746826171875, -0.394775390625, -0.5068359375, -0.52734375, -1.080078125, -1.1083984375, -1.390625, -1.5498046875, -2.10546875, -2.650390625, -2.771484375, -2.80859375, -2.896484375, -3.01171875, -3.185546875, -3.498046875, -3.6640625, -4.0625, -5.484375, -6.43359375, -6.671875, -7.58984375, -7.66796875, -7.82421875, -8.0078125, -8.9609375 ]
What country has the U.S. had a trade embargo on since 1962?
[ "The U.S. embargo of Cuba has been in effect since 1962, with no end in sight. Fidel Castro's government has somehow managed to outlast the Soviet Union, Montgomery Ward, rotary-dial telephones and 10 American presidents.", "Feb. 7, 1962: In continued response to Cuba's nationalization of American property, the United States imposes a trade embargo against Cuba.", "On Feb. 3, 1962 after sending fellow cigar smoker on a mission to get him 1.2K green Petit Upmanns for his personal humidor, JFK ordered the Cuban Embargo , banning all U.S. trade with Cuba on Feb. 7 except for food and drugs; too bad, other countries didn't follow suit.", "This made Castro stricter in his policies. On May 1st of that year, he declared the end of democratic elections in Cuba. At the end of the year he announced himself as a Marxist-Leninist and adopted communist political and economic policies in Cuba. On February 7, 1962, the U.S. instated a full economic embargo on Cuba, a ban that has continued to this day.", "1962/1963- In February 1962, President Kennedy imposed a trade embargo on Cuba because of the Castro regime’s ties to the Soviet Union. Pursuant to the President’s directive, the Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) issued the Cuban Import Regulations. On July 9, 1963, OFAC issued a more comprehensive set of prohibitions, the Cuban Assets Control Regulations, which effectively banned travel by prohibiting any transactions with Cuba.", "In October 1960, Eisenhower revoked Cuba's sugar quota and invoked the Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917 in response to nationalization of U.S. companies in Cuba, many of which still have claims against the Cuban government. This action prohibited all U.S. exports to Cuba, excluding food and medicine, but including oil. In September 1961, President Kennedy signed the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, which authorized the President to impose a total embargo on trade with Cuba, which President Kennedy exercised in February 1962. The Act had an extraterritorial reach, banning transport of U.S. goods on ships owned by companies that do business with Cuba and prohibited foreign assistance to countries that provide assistance to Cuba. In February 1963, President Kennedy issued an Executive Order prohibiting travel to Cuba and all financial and commercial transactions with Cuba.", "1962 – The U.S. government (President John F. Kennedy) banned all Cuban imports and re-export of U.S. products to Cuba from other countries.", "On October 10, 2006, the United States announced the creation of a task force made up of officials from several U.S. agencies that will pursue more aggressively violators of the U.S. trade embargo against Cuba, with severe penalties. The regulations are still in force and are administered by the U.S. Treasury Department, Office of Foreign Assets Control. Criminal penalties for violating the embargo range up to ten years in prison, $1 million in corporate fines, and $250,000 in individual fines; civil penalties up to $55,000 per violation.", "1996 - US trade embargo made permanent in response to Cuba's shooting down of two US aircraft operated by Miami-based Cuban exiles.", "Congress passes the Foreign Assistance Act, including an amendment barring aid to \"any country which furnishes assistance to the present government of Cuba.\" This provision is further amended the following year to withhold foreign aid from countries that allow ships under their flag to carry goods to or from Cuba. This begins the full trade embargo against Cuba.", "On September 7, 1962 President Kennedy formally expanded the Cuban embargo to include all Cuban trade, except for non-subsidized sale of food and medicines.", "February 23. The coalition of Americans for Humanitarian Trade With Cuba join the United States Association of Former Members of Congress to call on the Clinton administration to end the embargo on food and medicines to Cuba. \"The U.S. embargo on Cuba is the single most restrictive policy of its kind. Even Iraq is able to buy food and medicine from U.S. sources,\" says George Fernandez, Executive Director at AHTC. \"As a Cuban American, I speak for the vast majority of us who do not think the U.S. should be in the business of denying basic sustenance to families and children in Cuba.\"", "In 2003, the European Union (EU) accused the Cuban government of \"continuing flagrant violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms\". The United States continues an embargo against Cuba \"so long as it continues to refuse to move toward democratization and greater respect for human rights\", though the UN General Assembly has, since 1992, passed a resolution every year condemning the ongoing impact of the embargo and claiming it to be in violation of the Charter of the United Nations and international law. Cuba considers the embargo itself to be in violation of human rights. On December 17, 2014, United States President Barack Obama announced the re-establishment of diplomatic relations with Cuba, pushing for Congress to put an end to the embargo. ", "November 28. For the 10th consecutive time the United Nations votes to condemn the 4-decade-old trade embargo by a vote of 167 to 3, with three nations abstaining. Voting for the embargo: U.S., Israel and the Marshall Islands.", "In response to the Cuban alliance with the Soviet Union during the Cold War, President Kennedy increased measures by Executive Order. He first set greater trading restrictions on February 7,1962. He also imposed travel restrictions on February 8, 1963, and the Cuban Assets Control Regulations were issued on July 8, 1963, under the Trading with the Enemy Act in response to Soviet missile bases in Cuba (Cuban Missile Crisis). Under these restrictions, Cuban assets in the U.S. were frozen and the existing restrictions were reinforced.", "After the Bay of Pigs Invasion in April 1961, which had been largely planned under the Eisenhower administration, but which Kennedy had been informed of and approved during the months preceding his presidency and in his first few months as president, the Cuban government declared that it now considered itself Marxist and socialist, and aligned with the Soviet Union. On September 4, 1961, partly in response, Congress passed the Foreign Assistance Act, a Cold War Act (among many other measures) which prohibited aid to Cuba and authorized the President to impose a complete trade embargo against Cuba.", "�         U.S. placed embargo on export of aviation gasoline, lubricants, scrap iron and steel to Japan and granted an additional loan to China.", "In October 1960, a key incident occurred in which a private American oil refinery in Cuba refused to refine a shipment of Soviet crude oil, and the Cuban government responded by nationalizing all three Cuban refineries, which were all American-owned. This prompted the Eisenhower administration to launch the first trade embargo—a prohibition against selling all products to Cuba except food and medicine. The Cuban regime responded with nationalization of all American businesses and most American privately owned properties on the island. No compensation was given for the seizures, and a number of diplomats were expelled from Cuba.", "US President Bill Clinton signs the Helms-Burton Act (so-called �Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity Act�) that allows the USA to penalize foreign companies that invest in Cuban properties seized after the Revolution. Clinton ties the end of the embargo with the establishment of a US-approved �democracy.� The Helms Burton Act also deprived the President of any discretionary power to end any aspect of the embargo. The bill permits Americans with claims to property expropriated by the Cuban government to sue for damages foreign corporations or individuals that \"traffick\" in such property.  The US also denies entry to the executives and major shareholders, as well as their immediate families, of firms found to be \"trafficking\" in expropriated property. The legislation also restricts US aid to independent states of the former Soviet Union if they provide assistance for intelligence facilities in Cuba, or for completion of the Juragua nuclear facility, but also provides waivers for humanitarian aid or aid to promote market reforms and democratization. It reaffirms the embargo under the Trading with the Enemy Act.  Work on the nuclear power plant was shut down in the early 1990s and the plant mothballed.", "The United States continues to enforce--more strictly than many other countries--an embargo on sales of arms to all sides in South Africa and in the Portuguese territories. While we favor change, we do not regard violence as an acceptable formula for human progress.", "Relations between Cuba and the U.S. were further strained following the explosion of a French vessel, the Le Coubre, in Havana harbor in March 1960. The ship carried weapons purchased from Belgium, the cause of the explosion was never determined, but Castro publicly insinuated that the U.S. government were guilty of sabotage. He ended this speech with \"¡Patria o Muerte!\" (\"Fatherland or Death\"), a proclamation that he made much use of in ensuing years. Inspired by their earlier success with the 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état, in March 1960, U.S. President Eisenhower authorized the CIA to overthrow Castro's government. He provided them with a budget of $13 million and permitted them to ally with the Mafia, who were aggrieved that Castro's government closed down their brothel and casino businesses in Cuba. On October 13, 1960, the U.S. prohibited the majority of exports to Cuba, initiating an economic embargo. In retaliation, the National Institute for Agrarian Reform INRA took control of 383 private-run businesses on October 14, and on October 25 a further 166 U.S. companies operating in Cuba had their premises seized and nationalized. On December 16, the U.S. ended its import quota of Cuban sugar, the country's primary export. ", "Currently, some countries are threatening to impose trade sanctions against Yemen, South Korea, China and Taiwan for allegedly violating the CITES agreement. The United States imposed wildlife trade sanctions on Taiwan in 1994 for that country's illegal trade in rhino as well as tiger parts and products. This is the first time the United States has taken such action to penalize another country because of illegal trade in endangered wildlife.", "1994 – A worldwide trade embargo against Haiti went into effect to punish Haiti’s military rulers for not reinstating the country’s ousted elected leader, Jean-Bertrand Aristide.", "In parallel to these cooperative efforts, Mexico successfully challenged the U.S. tuna embargo in a General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) dispute settlement proceeding in 1991. The 1991 GATT report found that the United States could not embargo Mexican tuna imports simply because the manner in which Mexican fleets caught tuna did not satisfy U.S. regulations. The panel also found, however, that requiring tuna products to be labeled “dolphin safe” did not violate GATT rules. As to the latter finding, the panel reasoned that the labeling measure was designed to prevent deceptive advertising for all tuna products, whether imported or domestically produced. In 1994, intermediary nations where tuna was processed also successfully challenged the U.S. embargo. While never adopted, the 1991 and 1994 GATT decisions animated the trade and environment debate in the 1990s and impacted the negotiation of the 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the international tuna fishery negotiations described above.", "1982 - The United States places an embargo on Libyan petroleum imports because of their support of terrorist groups.", "1807 — Congress passes The Embargo Act which forbids trade with all foreign countries. Urged by President Thomas Jefferson, the trade embargo was a direct response to the seizure of American merchantmen and cargo by France and Great Britain in their battle for control of Europe as Great Britain, mainly, captured U.S. seamen and impressed, forced, them into service on British warships. Both Great Britain and France rationalized seizures of American merchantman, vessels, and cargo as necessary to their survival and a consequence of war between these two countries. Nonetheless, the Embargo Act was a financial disaster for the United States as all overseas trade effectively ceased. Southern farmers could not sell their crops, shipping industries in the U.S. fell flat, and smuggling of foreign good accelerated. The textile industry and manufacturing in New England, however, thrived, as labor and capital shifted to the region, but overall the Embargo Act shattered the economy of the United States.", "An embargo is the partial or complete prohibition of commerce and trade with a particular country, in order to isolate it. Embargoes are considered strong diplomatic measures imposed in an effort, by the imposing country, to elicit a given national-interest result from the country on which it is imposed", "1998 - President Clinton issues his first waiver of a law that bars trade relations with Communist nations that deny citizens the right to emigrate", "The mercantilist era has passed. Modern economists accept Adam Smith’s insight that free trade leads to international specialization of labor and, usually, to greater economic well-being for all nations. But some mercantilist policies continue to exist. Indeed, the surge of protectionist sentiment that began with the oil crisis in the mid-1970s and expanded with the global recession of the early 1980s has led some economists to label the modern pro-export, anti-import attitude “neomercantilism.” Since the GATT went into effect in 1948, eight rounds of multilateral trade negotiations have resulted in a significant liberalization of trade in manufactured goods, the signing of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) in 1994, and the establishment of the World Trade Organization (WTO) to enforce the agreed-on rules of international trade . Yet numerous exceptions exist, giving rise to discriminatory antidumping actions, countervailing duties, and emergency safeguard measures when imports suddenly threaten to disrupt or “unfairly” compete with a domestic industry. Agricultural trade is still heavily protected by quotas, subsidies, and tariffs, and is a key topic on the agenda of the ninth (Doha) round of negotiations. And cabotage laws, such as the U.S. Jones Act, enacted in 1920 and successfully defended against liberalizing reform in the 1990s, are the modern counterpart of England’s Navigation Laws. The Jones Act requires all ships carrying cargo between U.S. ports to be U.S. built, owned, and documented.", "1988:  On March 11, The Reagan Administration imposes sanctions, including elimination of trade preferences and withholding Canal fees.", "The Senate votes to approve the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) that 117 nations, including the United States, agree to in December 1993. The agreement cuts tariffs by more than a third on a wide-range of products and creates a freer international market for goods. December 01, 1994", "In the 1990s, the manufacturing sector has also been severely hurt by the UN sanctions and has shrunk considerably as a result. The UN closely monitors the import of industrial raw materials to ensure that implements necessary for the production of weapons of mass destruction do not enter the country. The sector has also been hurt by the lack of the foreign currency needed to purchase imported parts." ]
[ 6.16796875, 3.974609375, 3.30078125, 2.59375, 2.365234375, 1.783203125, 1.6845703125, 0.59033203125, 0.0185394287109375, -0.045379638671875, -0.06842041015625, -0.19091796875, -0.390869140625, -0.56982421875, -0.59228515625, -0.8359375, -1.0087890625, -1.451171875, -1.48828125, -1.5224609375, -1.66796875, -1.6767578125, -2.0703125, -2.18359375, -2.369140625, -4.1171875, -4.68359375, -6.5859375, -6.8359375, -7.84765625, -8.859375, -9.953125 ]
On TV, “Ace” Duff Goldman and “Boss” Buddy Valastro both work in what medium?
[ "Buddy Valastro born Bartolo “Buddy” Valastro, Jr.(born March 3, 1977) is an Italian American celebrity chef, entrepreneur, and reality television personality, also served as the head baker currently at Carlo’s Bakery in Hoboken, New Jersey, where he built a new factory at a mixed industrial and retail complex, Lackawanna Center, in Jersey City, and opened multiple branch in other locations. Chef Buddy Valastro is best known as the Cake Boss star, a reality television series which premiered in April 2009, and the host of the Kitchen Boss, the Cake Boss spin=off show, as well as the competitive reality television series Next Great Baker. He was born on March 3, 1977 raised in a Little Ferry, New Jersey. At the age 11, Buddy Valastro began working at Carlo’s Bakery, his family’s business, alongside his father. In 1994,Valastro’s father passed away, and he succeeded his father as the new Cake Boss, and since Valastro managed the bakery, it has risen to fame which follows the operation of the business. In April 2009, the series premiered on TLC in April 2009. The Cake Boss Café, opened its first bakery branch location on May 24, 2009, at the Discovery Times Square Exposition at 226 West 44th Street in Times Square,in New York City. The bakery opened its first full-range branch location in Ridgewood,New Jersey on February 10, 2013. In 2001, Chef Buddy Valastro married his wife Lisa.", "Jeffrey Adam \"Duff\" Goldman (born December 17, 1974) is a pastry chef and television personality. He is the executive chef of the Baltimore-based Charm City Cakes shop which was featured in the Food Network reality television show Ace of Cakes, and his second Los Angeles-based shop Charm City Cakes West, which is featured in Food Network's Duff Till Dawn and \"Cake Masters\" series. His work has also been featured on the Food Network Challenge, Iron Chef America, Oprah, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno and Man v. Food.", "Bartolo \"Buddy\" Valastro, Jr. (born March 3, 1977) is an Italian American celebrity chef, entrepreneur, and reality television personality. He is the owner of Carlo's Bakery, as well as the face of Buddy V's.", "Duff Goldman Net Worth is $5 Million. Duff Goldman is a baker and cook with a net worth of $5 million. Duff Goldman accumulated his net worth as star of the Ace of Cakes on the Food Network and other television cooking shows, television sitcoms as we. Jeffrey Adam \"Duff\" Goldman ...", "– Also in the Times: a profile of Buddy Valastro , better known as the star of TLC’s great summer series Cake Boss (Mondays, 10PM ET).", "In addition to his work on Ace of Cakes, Duff also stars in the Food Network series, The Best Thing I Ever Ate, has been featured in episodes of Iron Chef America, The Next Food Network Star, Diners, Drive-Ins, and Drives, Chefs vs. City, Cupcake Wars, Chopped, and has just completed several guest-starring roles in both TV and film. Today, Duff's work has also been featured on Oprah, Good Morning America, Fox News, CNN, The Today Show, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, and more.", "Duff lost a cooking competition on Iron Chef America season 8, episode 7 against Michael Symon. Goldman also competed on Food Network Challenge and won the competition.", "Dunning in his On the Air, the Encyclopedia of Old Time Radio says \"The show was loved in its time and still is. The plots were often run-of-the-mill fare, obviously hacked out in the heat of the deadline. No one cared if holes were patched in an obvious and sometimes careless way-this show had a style and class that the others all envied. Duff made the writing part of his own unique character. The wit and charm of the show has weathered four decades, and The Adventures of Sam Spade remains today the pinnacle of radio private \"", "Kenneth \"Kenny\" McCormick (sometimes spelled as McKormick) is a main character in the animated adult television series South Park, along with his friends Stan Marsh, Kyle Broflovski, and Eric Cartman. His oft-muffled and indiscernible speech—the result of his parka hood covering his mouth—is provided by co-creator Matt Stone. He debuted on television when South Park first aired on August 13, 1997, after having first appeared in The Spirit of Christmas shorts created by Stone and long-time collaborator Trey Parker in 1992 (Jesus vs. Frosty) and 1995 (Jesus vs. Santa).", "In 1990, Griffin had an ambitious but unsuccessful attempt at adapting the venerable board game Monopoly into a game show of the same name. His last game show was a wild game show called Ruckus, which emanated from the Resorts International Hotel & Casino in Atlantic City, which he owned at the time. Involving slapstick stunts and a somewhat truncated version of his old Reach for the Stars, the show initially aired locally in New York, with the intent of national syndication early the following year. The Amazing Johnathan left the show after 65 episodes because of a contract dispute and the show was scrapped before it was to be nationally syndicated. A national audience did get a look at it, via reruns that aired for a time on GSN.", "Vice City features dozens of characters, many appearing only in the cut scenes which describe each mission. The voice-talent includes Ray Liotta as protagonist Tommy Vercetti, Tom Sizemore as Sonny Forelli, Robert Davi as Colonel Juan García Cortez, William Fichtner as Ken Rosenberg, Danny Dyer as Kent Paul, Dennis Hopper as pornography Director Steve Scott, Burt Reynolds as Avery Carrington, Luis Guzmán as Ricardo Diaz, Miami Vice star Philip Michael Thomas as Lance Vance, Danny Trejo as Umberto Robina, Gary Busey as Phil Cassidy, Lee Majors as \"Big\" Mitch Baker, Fairuza Balk as Mercedes Cortez, and porn actress Jenna Jameson as Candy Suxxx. The voice of the taxi dispatcher is provided by Blondie singer Debbie Harry.", "Broderick Stephen \"Steve\" Harvey (born January 17, 1957) is an American comedian, television host, producer, radio personality, actor, and author. He hosts The Steve Harvey Morning Show, the Steve Harvey talk show, Family Feud and Little Big Shots. He is the author of Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man, which was published in March 2009, and the book Straight Talk, No Chaser: How to Find and Keep a Man.", "Gary Weir (Unknown) - A native of Russellville and now a North Little Rock resident, Weir became a television icon in Arkansas when, in 1966, he began appearing on KATV, Channel 7 (later on KARK, Channel 4 and KLRT, Fox 16), as Bozo the Clown. It aired every afternoon for 25 years showcasing cartoons and games, but mostly, Bozo and the kids. Weir also has a love of Thoroughbred racing and for 18 years was host of the Oaklawn Report, which was featured on various TV channels recapping the day’s races. He is now producer and co-host of the TV dance show, \"The Good Ole Daze\", a one hour weekly dance show that he co-hosts with his wife Linda. Member of the Arkansas Entertainers Hall of Fame .", "An episode of the children's TV series Arthur titled \"The Curse of the Grebes\" has Elwood City's baseball team losing two of its games in the world championship series due to events based directly on Bucky Dent's homer and Bill Buckner's error. The episode states that the team hadn't won a championship in 87 years and that their opponents, the Crown City Kings, had won 25 since then. Johnny Damon, Edgar Renteria, and Mike Timlin all voice caricatures of themselves. The Kings resembled the Yankees while the Grebes resemble the Red Sox.", "FAMILY FEUD is the inexplicably popular American (former) game show hosted by ex-Hogan's Hero Richard Dawson .", "The Hustle team are back for another series; ready to con society’s most greedy and part them from their hard earned cash. At the helm is master con man Mickey Bricks (Adrian Lester). Mickey only works with the best and alongside him he’s assembled expert fixer Ash ‘three socks’ Morgan (Robert Glenister), master roper Albert Stroller (Robert Vaughn) and brother and sister team Sean and Emma Kennedy (Matt Di Angelo and Kelly Adams).", "* Dan Castellaneta (Homer Simpson, Krusty the Clown, and others on The Simpsons; Earthworm Jim in the TV series of the same name; Genie in the Aladdin cartoon and The Return of Jafar; Arnold's Grandpa from Hey Arnold!; Megavolt in Darkwing Duck)", "Greg Berlanti (\"Brothers & Sisters,\" \"Dirty Sexy Money,\" \"Everwood\") and Marc Guggenheim (\"Brothers & Sisters,\" \"Law & Order,\" \"The Practice\") are co-creators and executive producers. Chris Misiano (\"The West Wing\") also serves as executive producer and director. The series is produced by ABC Studios.", "In 1999, Anderson landed the role of host of the new version of Family Feud. Anderson asked former Feud host Richard Dawson to appear on the premiere show to give him his blessing, but Dawson declined. Anderson organized a 9/11-themed tournament week of Family Feud between the FDNY and the NYPD, putting up $75,000 toward both organizations for recovery from the September 11, 2001, attacks. Anderson was let go from the show in 2002 and replaced by former Home Improvement star Richard Karn. Although Anderson predicted the demise of the show within a year under Karn, Family Feud remains on the air; Karn, however, is no longer hosting the program after being replaced in 2006 with John O'Hurley, who in turn was replaced by Steve Harvey in 2010.", "Sideshow Bob shares some personality traits of Grammer's character Frasier Crane from the sitcoms Cheers and Frasier, and has been described as \"Frasier pickled in arsenic\". Several parallels have been explicitly drawn in The Simpsons between Bob and Frasier Crane Bob's brother Cecil and his father were played by David Hyde Pierce and John Mahoney respectively, echoing the roles they played in Frasier. Grammer, who based Bob's voice on that of actor Ellis Rabb, has been praised for his portrayals of the character. In 2006, he won an Emmy for Outstanding Voice-Over Performance for his work in the episode \"The Italian Bob\".", "Aside from Lou himself, the most intriguing cast regulars are a pair—and sometimes, reluctantly, a team—of young reporters played by Robert Walden and Linda Kelsey. Joe Rossi (Walden) is ill-mannered, presumptuous, and only about three-quarters as streetsmart as he thinks he is, which is still pretty smart; he looks rather like a coarse-featured Howdy Doody. Lou devotes most of their interactions to kicking his wise ass—with covert fondness, of course, because the guy can be a good reporter when he manages to stop visualizing his name on a Pulitzer scroll, and he is not unlike a junior version of the managing ed. himself.", "Al (Ed O'Neill), Peg (Katey Sagal), Kelly (Christina Applegate), Bud (David Faustino) and Buck form the only television family that matters. Extra kudos to neighbors Steve (David Garrison), Marcy (Amanda Bearse) and the damn funny Jefferson D'Arcy (Ted McGinley) for helping expose the Bundys for who they really were: every American family. The were dysfunctional and absolutely hated one another, but they were as close as any family could be and when it came down to it, they were there for each other.", "WITH: Ashley Judd (Maggie), Jason Patric (Brick), Amy Hohn (Mae), Michael Mastro (Gooper), Margo Martindale (Big Mama) and Ned Beatty (Big Daddy).", "*Frankie Valli played Mob captain Rusty Millio, one of a group of just-released prison felons referred to the show's fictional journalists as \"the Class of 2004\". ", "Fred and Barney become the assistants of millionaire cop Aaron Boulder, only they chase the criminals while Boulder chases women. At the end Boulder reveals they are guest stars on his new show, \"Smile, You're On My Favorite Crime.\"", "The \"Sweathogs\" of the ABC-TV series \"Welcome Back Kotter\" (John Travolta, Robert Hegyes, Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs, and Ron Palillo) patterned much of their on-camera banter in that series after the Marx Brothers. Series star Gabe Kaplan was reputedly a big Marx Brothers fan.", "Tony says the casino owner asked him to have Frankie Valli come perform at his casino. Frankie Valli would later act on the series, beginning with season 5, as Rusty Millio, a Lupertazzi family capo.", "On the show, Louie serves as a henchman for Fat Tony, Springfield's local heavy, who is voiced by Joe Mantegna.", "Executive Producer Michael Braverman first cast Chris Burke in the 1987 television movie Desperate, based on Braverman's favorite book, Lord Jim. After seeing Burke's work, ABC executives asked Braverman to create a show around Burke.", "Although Cheers operated largely around that main ensemble cast, guest stars and recurring characters did occasionally supplement them. Notable repeat guests included Dan Hedaya as Nick Tortelli and Jean Kasem as Loretta Tortelli, who were the main characters in the first spin-off The Tortellis, Jay Thomas as Eddie LeBec, Roger Rees as Robin Colcord, Tom Skerritt as Evan Drake, and Harry Anderson as Harry 'The Hat' Gittes.", "The officers' weekly poker game at the 4077th is interrupted by three separate emergencies. Guest starring Noriyuki \"Pat\" Morita and John Ritter.", "the 1962–1963 CBS sitcom The New Loretta Young Show (Loretta Young pictured) introduced audiences to later stars Dack Rambo and Ted Knight ?" ]
[ 6.34375, 5.84765625, 4.2421875, 0.10406494140625, 0.004779815673828125, -1.8623046875, -2.412109375, -5.44921875, -8, -8.0078125, -8.421875, -8.515625, -8.8046875, -8.9921875, -9.0234375, -9.1328125, -9.234375, -9.3203125, -9.3984375, -9.4921875, -9.96875, -10.0625, -10.2265625, -10.265625, -10.3125, -10.3984375, -10.4375, -10.578125, -10.6015625, -10.6484375, -10.890625, -10.890625 ]
Which is the only planet in the solar system named after a Greek god?
[ "In the English language , Uranus is the only planet in the Solar System to be named after a Greek god, the others, other than Earth, being named after Roman gods.", "Uranus is the only planet to be named after a Greek god, not a Roman one.", "Uranus facts reveal that it is the only planet in our solar system named after a Greek god, although its initial name was different. When the planet was discovered in March 1781 by the German-British astronomer William Herschel, he named it Georgium Sidus (George’s Star) in honor of his patron King George III, the then monarch of Great Britain and Ireland.", "Uranus is the only planet whose name is derived from a figure from Greek mythology, from the Latinized version of the Greek god of the sky Ouranos. Like the other giant planets, Uranus has a ring system, a magnetosphere, and numerous moons. The Uranian system has a unique configuration among those of the planets because its axis of rotation is tilted sideways, nearly into the plane of its solar orbit. Its north and south poles, therefore, lie where most other planets have their equators. In 1986, images from Voyager 2 showed Uranus as an almost featureless planet in visible light, without the cloud bands or storms associated with the other giant planets. Observations from Earth have shown seasonal change and increased weather activity as Uranus approached its equinox in 2007. Wind speeds can reach 250 metres per second (900 km/h, 560 mph).", "Almost every planet in our solar system and their respective orbiting moons have names taken directly from Greek and Roman mythology. For example, Mars is named for the Greek and Roman god of War, also known as Ares, while its moons, Deimos and Phobos are named for his sons. Likewise, Jupiter is named after Zeus while quite a few of its moons are named after certain of his sexual conquests. This tradition is largely true for every planet in our solar system with the singular exception of the moons of Uranus which are named after characters from the plays of Shakespeare .", "            Strictly speaking, Uranus was the only Greek name among the Roman planetary names.  But since Uranus was the god of the heavens, it seemed appropriate for the first planet found in modern times.  Later, when large bodies were discovered in 1846 and 1930, scientists named them after the Roman gods Neptune and Pluto.", "Uranus named after the Greek god of the sky, is the seventh planet from the Sun. It is a gas giant, the third largest by diameter and fourth largest by mass.", "Uranus is named after the ancient Greek deity of the sky Uranus (), the father of Cronus (Saturn) and grandfather of Zeus (Jupiter), which in Latin became \"Ūranus\". It is the only planet whose name is derived from a figure of Greek mythology. The adjective of Uranus is \"Uranian\". The pronunciation of the name Uranus preferred among astronomers is, with stress on the first syllable as in Latin Ūranus, in contrast to, with stress on the second syllable and a long a, though both are considered acceptable.", "The exact origin of the name Earth is not known, but it may come from the Old English word \"eorthe,\" which may stem from the Hebrew word \"eres,\" meaning ground. The other planets in the solar system were named after Greek and Roman gods, including Mercury, the god of commerce; Venus, the goddess of love and beauty; and Uranus, the god of the heavens. The International Astronomical Union is currently responsible for naming newly discovered planets and their moons.", "The names for the planets in the Western world are derived from the naming practices of the Romans, which ultimately derive from those of the Greeks and the Babylonians. In ancient Greece, the two great luminaries the Sun and the Moon were called Helios and Selene; the farthest planet (Saturn) was called Phainon, the shiner; followed by Phaethon (Jupiter), \"bright\"; the red planet (Mars) was known as Pyroeis, the \"fiery\"; the brightest (Venus) was known as Phosphoros, the light bringer; and the fleeting final planet (Mercury) was called Stilbon, the gleamer. The Greeks also made each planet sacred to one among their pantheon of gods, the Olympians: Helios and Selene were the names of both planets and gods; Phainon was sacred to Cronus, the Titan who fathered the Olympians; Phaethon was sacred to Zeus, Cronus's son who deposed him as king; Pyroeis was given to Ares, son of Zeus and god of war; Phosphoros was ruled by Aphrodite, the goddess of love; and Hermes, messenger of the gods and god of learning and wit, ruled over Stilbon. ", "William Herschel named it the Georgian Planet. It was later given the name Uranus (Greek god of the heavens), following the tradition of naming planets after Classical gods.", "    The Greek names of the deities associated with the seven sacred planets are: Kronos, Zeus, Ares, Phoebus, Aphrodite, Hermes, Semele. They are usually given in their Latin names: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Apollo (the Sun), Venus, Mercury, Diana/Luna (The Divine Plan, 413).", "The names for the planets in the Western world are derived from the naming practices of the Romans, which ultimately derive from those of the Greeks and the Babylonians. In ancient Greece , the two great luminaries the Sun and the Moon were called Helios and Selene ; the farthest planet was called Phainon, the shiner; followed by Phaethon, \"bright\"; the red planet was known as Pyroeis, the \"fiery\"; the brightest was known as Phosphoros, the light bringer; and the fleeting final planet was called Stilbon, the gleamer. The Greeks also made each planet sacred to one of their pantheon of gods, the Olympians : Helios and Selene were the names of both planets and gods; Phainon was sacred to Kronos , the Titan who fathered the Olympians; Phaethon was sacred to Zeús , Kronos's son who deposed him as king; Pyroeis was given to Ares , son of Zeus and god of war; Phosphorus was ruled by Aphrodite , the goddess of love; and Hermes , messenger of the gods and god of learning and wit, ruled over Stilbon. [10]", "Jupiter is the giant of the Solar System , with a mass more than 300 times the mass of the Earth and is called after the ancient Roman sky-god, Jupiter, known to the Greeks as Zeus.", "Saturn has been known since prehistoric times. [102] In ancient times, it was the most distant of the five known planets in the Solar System (excluding Earth) and thus a major character in various mythologies. Babylonian astronomers systematically observed and recorded the movements of Saturn. [103] In ancient Roman mythology , the god Saturnus , from which the planet takes its name, was the god of agriculture. [104] The Romans considered Saturnus the equivalent of the Greek god Cronus . [104] The Greeks had made the outermost planet sacred to Cronus, [105] and the Romans followed suit.  (In modern Greek , the planet retains its ancient name Cronus—Κρόνος: Kronos.) [106]", "Ringed planet, sixth from the sun. Named after a Roman god of agriculture. Satellites: Titan (named for a race of primeval Greek gods), Mimas, Tethys (named after a Titan sea-goddess), Dione (named after a Greek earth-goddess), Rhea (named after a Titan mother- goddess), Hyperion (named after a Titan sun-god), Phoebe (named after a Titan moon-goddess).", "Fifth from the sun and largest planet. Named after Jupiter, chief of the Roman gods. Satellites: Ganymede (named after the cupbearer of Zeus, Greek equivalent of Jupiter), Io (named after a lover of Zeus), Europa (named after another lover of Zeus), Callisto (surprise surprise, yet another of Zeus's conquests).", "Seventh planet from the sun. Named after a Greek sky god, father of the Titans. Satellite: Miranda.", "Neptune is the eighth planet in our solar system.  Neptune is named after the god of the sea, storm bringer, earthshaker, and brother of Hade, Zeus, Demeter, Hera, and Hestia.  The god Posidon.  Neptune has 13 moons.  And their names are Naiad (water spirit), Thalassa, Despina, Galatea, Larisaa, Proteus, Triton, Nereid, Halimede, Sao, Laomedeia, Psamathe, Neso. ", "Pluto, the outermost planet in our solar system, was named after Roman god of the underworld, who was able to render himself invisible.", "Venus is the only planet in the Solar System to be named after a female figure.", "Neptune is the eighth and farthest planet from the Sun in the Solar System. It is the fourth-largest planet by diameter and the third-largest by mass. Among the gaseous planets in the Solar System, Neptune is the most dense. It is named after the Roman god of the sea, its astronomical symbol is ♆, a stylized version of the god Neptune’s trident.", "Uranus, named after the the father of the Roman god Saturn, is the seventh planet in the Solar System and third of the gas giants . It is the third largest planet by diameter, yet fourth most massive.", "Mercury, named by the Romans after the messenger of the gods, is the closest planet to the Sun, and second smallest planet in the Solar System. It is believed that Mercury resembles very much the Moon (its diameter is almost as twice as the diameter of Earth's only satellite).", "Neptune is the eighth planet from the Sun in the Solar System , and never known to the ancients. Its discovery in 1846 is clothed in controversy, though Galileo is reported to have seen it in 1612 and 1613, not recognising its significance. It has 13 known satellites, named after lesser sea gods than Neptune. The satellites are Triton , Nereid , and several other small objects first seen in recent years. It has a ring system , exhibiting significant differences from those of other ringed planets.", "To the Greeks, the Sun god was known as Helios, the son of the Titan Hyperion and the Titaness Theia. Similar to the Egyptian’s representations of Ra, Helios was commonly depicted as being carried by a chariot drawn by fiery horses. However, unlike their ancient forebears, the Greeks viewed the Sun as one of the seven planets, since it revolved once a year along the ecliptic through the zodiac.", "This is pretty common information and basic to mythology, but for anyone who doesn't know, this is the relation the planets of our solar system have to Greek Mythology. The planets are named after the Roman counterparts of the Greek gods, so I've made reference to who they are in Greek mythology.", "Planet Uranus has an interesting naming history itself and so do have its moons. They are named for characters in plays written by William Shakespeare and also for characters in Alexander Pope's “Rape of the Lock” [1,2]:", "Mercury is a planet in our Solar System. Like all the planets in our Solar System, Mercury is named after a Roman God. His name was Mercury. Mercury was a Roman God messenger god and was also the god of the travellers. Description", "Note that the moons of Uranus are a special case in our solar system. They are named after literary characters (from works by William Shakespeare and Alexander Pope) rather then characters from mythology.", "Galileo called this moon Jupiter III. When the numerical naming system was abandoned in the mid-1800s, the moon was named after Ganymede, a Trojan prince in Greek mythology. Zeus, a counterpart of Jupiter in Roman mythology, carried Ganymede, who had taken the form of an eagle, to Olympus, where he became a cupbearer to the Olympian gods and one of Zeus' lovers.", "To the ancient Greeks, the planets were “wandering stars.” Our word planet comes from a Greek verb meaning to wander. The modern names for the five naked-eye planets are the names of Roman divinities which were more or less equivalent to a number of Greek gods. Most people today probably know this. What many of them don’t know is that some of the Greek names themselves may have been derived from Babylonian divinities in Mesopotamia." ]
[ 9.4765625, 8.421875, 7.44921875, 4.98046875, 4.62890625, 4.15625, 4.01953125, 3.927734375, 3.544921875, 3.296875, 3.12109375, 3.0703125, 2.98828125, 2.501953125, 2.3125, 2.005859375, 1.7529296875, 1.72265625, 1.353515625, 0.2205810546875, -0.0477294921875, -0.11175537109375, -0.56787109375, -0.966796875, -1.0029296875, -1.173828125, -1.5908203125, -1.7421875, -1.8955078125, -2.2109375, -2.41796875, -2.4921875 ]
What does a xenophobe fear?
[ "Answer: Xenophobia is fear or hatred of anything strange or foreign, particularly as it relates to people. A xenophobe often has a severe dislike of those from other cultures. Accusations of xenophobia sometimes come up in debates about illegal immigration or how a country should respond to refugee crises. People may also be charged with xenophobia in discussions of racism and discrimination or if a person refuses to interact with those of another culture, even when traveling to a foreign land. The Bible has much to say about our interactions with other people.", "Xenophobia, or fear of strangers, is a broad term that may be applied to any fear of someone who is different from us. In someone who suffers from legitimate xenophobia, hatred is generally a reaction to the fear. In addition, xenophobia need not be limited to those of a different race. Homophobia, fear of those from different cultural backgrounds, and even fear of those who dress, speak or think differently could be considered subsets of xenophobia.", "Xenophobia is the fear of that which is perceived to be foreign or strange. Xenophobia can manifest itself in many ways involving the relations and perceptions of an ingroup towards an outgroup, including a fear of losing identity, suspicion of its activities, aggression, and desire to eliminate its presence to secure a presumed purity. Xenophobia can also be exhibited in the form of an \"uncritical exaltation of another culture\" in which a culture is ascribed \"an unreal, stereotyped and exotic quality\". ", "Xenophobia has its roots in fear — literally. Phobia comes from the Greek word meaning \"fear.\" Given that the fear in question is of strangers, it makes sense that xeno- comes from the Greek word for — you guessed it — \"stranger, foreigner.\" In the case of xenophobia, the fear is irrational. Someone who is xenophobic might distrust a neighbor he's never met, or a sheikh who lives halfway around the world. Xenophobia is like racism, but instead of fearing or distrusting people because of the color of their skin, you fear or distrust them because of their nationality, or because they are — or seem — foreign to you.", "* Xenophobia – Fear or dislike of strangers or the unknown, sometimes used to describe nationalistic political beliefs and movements.", "Xenophobia (ZEN-o-fo-bee-a): an abnormal fear of strangers. The word comes from the Greek “xenos,” meaning “foreign.”;", "For example, an American man who feels threatened or angry that his company has hired Russian interns would be considered xenophobic. Perhaps, deep down he fears that his cultural and religious values are being threatened by what he perceives as an influx of different types of people. He fears being outnumbered or losing his current way of life.", "29 Ephebiphobia – fear or dislike of youth or adolescents. Homophobia – fear or dislike of homosexuals or homosexuality. Islamophobia - fear or dislike of Muslims. Judeophobia - fear or dislike of Jews. Xenophobia – fear or dislike of strangers or the unknown, sometimes used to describe nationalistic political beliefs and movements. It is also used in fictional work to describe the fear or dislike of space aliens.", "Dictionary definitions of xenophobia include: \"deep-rooted fear towards foreigners\" (Oxford English Dictionary; OED), and \"fear of the unfamiliar\" (Webster's). The word comes from the Greek words ξένος (xenos), meaning \"strange\", \"foreigner\", and φόβος (phobos), meaning \"fear\". ", "This is the inverse of xenophobia. It involves a fanatical and borderline religious paranoia that one’s own culture is uniquely horrible. Oikophobes rarely put this fear into action by actually pulling up their tent stakes and moving to places with cultures that are completely alien to where they grew up. This suggests that they actually prefer their own culture simply because it allows them to be bitchy brats, whereas other cultures might not be nearly so tolerant of such misbehavior.", "Though we have to wonder if Anderson actually suffers from a mild xenophobia (the fear of strangers) and thus is freaked out every time she looks in the mirror and doesn't see a brunette with unweaponized tits.", "Speaking of Africa and “fear” in the news, there’s this Ebola scare going on now. A lot of the news coverage in the States strikes me as pretty xenophobic—this fear of Africa as the “Dark Continent” that spreads disease.", "If your xenophobia is more pervasive, recurring despite exposure to a wide variety of cultures, then professional treatment might be in order. Choose a therapist that is open-minded and interested in working with you for a long period of time. Unlike many phobias, xenophobia is often deeply rooted in a combination of upbringing, religious teachings, and previous experiences. Successfully combating xenophobia generally means confronting numerous aspects of the personality and learning new ways of experiencing the world.", "Allegedly we are hostile xenophobes, but the truth is that the history of our nation is also one of inclusion and the history of intertwining of cultures. Those who have sought to come here as new family members, as allies, or as displaced persons fearing for their lives have been let in to make a new home for themselves. But those who have come here with the intention of changing our country, shaping our nation in their own image, those who have come with violence and against our will, — have always been met with resistance.", "Unfortunately, Xenophobia is rampant, and violence towards foreigners can happen and avoid anyone who is intoxicated, they may want to start a fight.", "Anglophobia (from Latin Anglus \"English\" + Greek φόβος -phobos, \"fear\") means hatred or fear of England or the English people. [1] The term is sometimes used more loosely for general Anti-British sentiment . [1]", "Certainly, not everyone who suffers from xenophobia starts wars or performs hate crimes. Most sufferers are able to contain their reactions and live within societal norms.", "Like No. 6 on our list, these fears could potentially isolate the phobic for life. Anthropophobia is a fear of people while lalophobia is the fear of speaking. Maybe the hermit with domatophobia should get together with the anthropophobic. Nope, that wouldn’t work, because the hermit is still a person. And don’t forget that never being able to speak or be around another person certainly wouldn’t do well for social skills. Photo by SaraMcL.", "Humankind is the strangest of species. On one hand, we have dominated every living being on the planet and belong right at the top of the food chain, yet some of us have developed a fear of things we’ll go great lengths to avoid. This list of phobias is quite long and varies greatly. The most common phobias include the fear of water (aquaphobia), fear of heights (acrophobia) and of course let’s not forget the spiders – Arachnophobia. But the less common fall in a very large list and one such phobia is Ichthyophobia – the fear of the fish.", "Many people would, at first glance, subscribe to the proposition that someone who has visited many countries and lived in many countries would be less likely to be xenophobic. This proposition is false. In fact, people who have been to many countries probably know a great deal more and recognize that some places are not places one would wish to live or ascribe a higher purpose or intention to.", "Anglophobia is defined as prejudice against or hostility towards the British people in general.  It is derived from the Latin word Anglus meaning “English”, and the Greek word phobos meaning “fear”, and this fear is usually rooted in politics, war, and its long-standing history of colonialism.  Several countries were colonized by the English people in the past and their colonial influence is said to be a negative experience because of the dilution of their own culture.  With colonialism comes violence, domination, supremacy and superiority of the English people, thus contributing to the fear that they emanate.", "Arachnophobia is the fear of spiders. Many people who share this fear are typically affected by a childhood memory, or are just frightened by the appearance. Even the thought of one crawling on their skin can make them shudder in fear. In the dark ages, spiders were thought to harbor the bubonic plague and were seen as a source of food and water contamination, leading to a widespread fear of spiders.", "Much more naturally than you do: because flight is a much more natural consequence of fear than of hate. He doesn't flee men because he hates them, but because he is afraid of them. He doesn't flee them in order to harm them, but to try o escape the harm they wish to do to him. They, on the contrary, don't seek him through friendship, but through hate. They seek him and he flees from them just as in the wilderness of Africa, where there are few men and many tigers, the men flee the tigers the men flee the tigers and the tigers seek the men.", "I have had 1-2 people over the years claim that I am �xenophobic�. Beyond the silliness of such a claim by someone who is quite possibly unsure of the meaning of the word and the application of such a term in history, I thought I would take a stroll down the path of explaining the differences between people.", "The suffix -phobia is used to coin terms that denote a particular anti-ethnic or anti-demographic sentiment, such as Americanophobia, Europhobia, Francophobia, Hispanophobia, and Indophobia. Often a synonym with the prefix \"anti-\" already exists (e.g. Polonophobia vs. anti-Polonism). Anti-religious sentiments are expressed in terms such as Christianophobia and Islamophobia.", "Imagine the implications of such a fear: the mere thought of standing or walking around fills you with utter terror. How in the world do you live a normal life? You certainly can’t travel around in a motorized chair all the time. Unfortunately for ambulophobes, human flying has not yet been achieved, either. It would seem that an individual suffering from this devastating phobia would be forced to confront their fear many, many times, every single day of their life. That doesn’t sound like fun.", "There are probably plenty out there, for instance, who suffer from nucleomituphobia, the abnormal fear or hatred of nuclear weapons.", "Go back to the first response for a moment - it may not be possible for every clone to be free from fear. It means that even the most cowardly, well, especially the most cowardly will face their enemies. They only have to stand back to back and try to bump into each other.", "Those who want to destroy us will do so through fear. We have currently lost some of our freedom through fear and more will be lost in the future if we succumb to politically sponsored fear.", "It’s fear, but it’s a potent mix, isn’t it? It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. “Of course it came from Africa! Of course the ‘Dark Continent’ is to blame for Ebola!” It plays on that prejudice, and that fear. Then, what it also does is it preys on our worst fears. You see this in movies all the time—they’re constantly showing Armageddon, and the world ending. The reason those films do so well is because they’re pushing this potent button within us that makes us panic and think, “The world is going to end tomorrow… how would I react? How would it affect my family, and my circumstances?” I’m as guilty as anyone else as a father and as a husband of thinking, “How will this affect me?” But if you get this 24-hour, ‘round-the-clock reporting that is perpetuating fear, before you know it you’re glued to it. When I first read the script for Default, I thought it was so compelling that the very weapon this terrorist is going to use is the media. That’s the means by which he’ll get his message out, as opposed to an act of terrorism in terms of killing people, and blowing things up. I find it to be a very interesting concept—turning the weapons on who he perceives to be the perpetrators.", "There is nothing wrong in embracing the new, being tolerant and find beauty and righteousness in other people's cultures, sets of believes or lack thereof. But neglecting one's cultural heritage and, even worst, denying it in name of another, is a shameful, shameful act, as there is nothing worse than killing Memory: it is the beginning of the end of a civilization. ", "Its people are peaceful by nature. However their nature has been changed due to our presence here. They would kill us if they could." ]
[ 5.99609375, 5.53125, 5.45703125, 4.78125, 3.232421875, 3.1328125, 3.056640625, 2.701171875, 2.458984375, 1.2880859375, 1.142578125, 0.04766845703125, -1.0361328125, -1.0693359375, -2.482421875, -2.67578125, -3.080078125, -3.375, -4.15234375, -4.26953125, -4.63671875, -5.01953125, -5.04296875, -5.04296875, -5.109375, -5.2265625, -5.7890625, -7.046875, -7.07421875, -7.26171875, -9.2109375, -9.5625 ]
August 29, 1958 saw the birth of what "moderately famous" pop star, who married Lisa Marie Presley in 1994, Deborah Jeanne Rowe in 1996, and had a child with a yet unnamed surrogate mother in 2002?
[ "Michael Joseph Jackson (born August 29 , 1958 ) is an American musician and entertainer whose successful music career and controversial personal life have been at the forefront of pop culture for the last quarter-century.", "Michael Joseph Jackson ( 29 August 1958 – 25 June 2009 ) was an American singer - songwriter , dancer, businessman , and philanthropist . Often referred to by the honorific nickname \"King of Pop\", Jackson is recognized as the most successful entertainer of all time by Guinness World Records. His contributions to music, dance, and fashion, along with his publicized personal life, made him a global figure in popular culture for over four decades.", "Born Michael Joseph Jackson August 29, 1958 in Gary, Indiana; son of Joseph (a heavy equipment operator and part-time musician) and Katherine (a sales clerk, maiden name Scruse) Jackson. Married Lisa Marie Presley, 1994 (divorced 1996); married Debbie Rowe, 1996; two children, Prince Michael Jackson Jr. and Paris Michael Katherine. Religion: Raised as a Jehovah ’s Witness.", "Michael Joseph Jackson(August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009) was an American singer-songwriter, actor, and businessman. Called the King of Pop, his contributions to music, dance, and fashion, along with his publicized personal life, made him a global figure in popular culture for over four decades.", "May 26, 1994: Michael Jackson marries Lisa-Marie Presley, the daughter of the late Elvis Presley. Many commentators suggest that this is a public move to distance himself from his recent court case, others speak of the event as the merging of Rock ‘N Roll and Pop Monarchy’s. The marriage ultimately dissolved after just two years.", "1994, Michael Jackson married Lisa Marie Presley, daughter of Elvis Presley. The couple divorced in 1995.", "Born Michael Joseph Jackson on August 19, 1958, in Gary, Indiana; son of Joseph (a heavy equipment operator and part-time musician) and Katherine (a sales clerk, maiden name Scruse) Jackson. Married Lisa Marie Presley, 1994 (divorced 1996); married Debbie Rowe, 1996 (divorced 1999); children: (with Rowe), Prince Michael Jackson Jr. and Paris Michael Katherine; (with unknown mother), Prince Michael Jackson II.", "1994: Lisa Marie Presley, Elvis' only child, marries the self-proclaimed \"King Of Pop,\" Michael Jackson. The marraige doesn't last two years.", "Hollywood personality Deborah Jeanne Rowe was born on December 6, 1958. The adopted daughter of a millionaire couple from Malibu, California, Rowe had a lonely childhood. She was 30 before she had her first serious relationship, and the break-up hit her very hard. Rowe was still recovering from the split, and working as a nurse at a dermatologist's office in Los Angeles, when she met pop star Michael Jackson. Jackson had been diagnosed with vitiligo in the mid-1980s, and was a frequent patient at the office.", "Debbie Rowe Net Worth is $25 Million. Debbie Rowe is an ex-wife of pop singer, Michael Jackson, and the mother of two of his children, she has a net worth of $25 million. Debbie Rowe's net worth has come from her marriage to Michael as well as her ca Deborah Jeanne \"Debbie\" Rowe is an ex-wife of Michael Jackson, and the mother of two of his children. She lives in Palmdale, California.", "In 1994 Jackson shocked the world when he married Lisa Marie Presley, daughter of the late (deceased) rock legend Elvis Presley (1935–1977). Many felt that the marriage was an attempt to improve his public image. In August 1996 Jackson and Presley divorced. In November 1996 Jackson announced that he was to be a father. The child's mother was Debbie Rowe, a long-time friend of Jackson. They married later that month in Sydney , Australia . On February 13, 1997, their son, Prince Michael Jackson, Jr., was born in Los Angeles , California . The couple's second child, daughter Paris Michael Katherine Jackson, was born in 1998. Rowe filed for divorce from Jackson in October 1999.", "In May 1994, Jackson married Lisa Marie Presley, the daughter of Elvis Presley and Priscilla Ann Wagner. They had first met in 1975, when a seven-year-old Presley attended one of Jackson's family engagements at the MGM Grand Hotel and Casino, and were reconnected through a mutual friend.According to a friend of Presley's, \"their adult friendship began in November 1992 in L.A.\" They stayed in contact every day over the telephone. As the child molestation accusations became public, Jackson became dependent on Presley for emotional support; she was concerned about his faltering health and addiction to drugs. Presley explained, \"I believed he didn't do anything wrong and that he was wrongly accused and yes I started falling for him. I wanted to save him. I felt that I could do it.\" She eventually persuaded him to settle the allegations out of court and go into rehabilitation to recover.", "In May 1994, Jackson married singer-songwriter Lisa Marie Presley, the daughter of Elvis Presley. They had first met in 1975, when a seven-year-old Presley attended one of Jackson's family engagements at the MGM Grand Hotel and Casino, and were reconnected through a mutual friend in early 1993. They stayed in contact every day over the telephone. As the child molestation accusations became public, Jackson became dependent on Presley for emotional support; she was concerned about his faltering health and addiction to drugs. Presley explained, \"I believed he didn't do anything wrong and that he was wrongly accused and yes I started falling for him. I wanted to save him. I felt that I could do it.\" She eventually persuaded him to settle the allegations out of court and go into rehabilitation to recover.", "Lisa Marie Presley is an American singer-songwriter, daughter of Elvis and Priscilla Presley. Lisa Marie Presley is the sole heir to Elvis’ estate, and the owner of Graceland Memphis Mansion, where her father lived, now a major tourist attraction. Lisa Marie Presley has been married four times. Presley married Danny Keough in 1988, with whom she had a son and a daughter. She was then married to Michael Jackson and a brief marriage to Nicolas Cage, and the fourth time marriage to music producer, guitarist and director Michael Lockwood, with whom she has twin girls Harper Vivienne Ann and Finley Aaron Love , born via Caesarean section. The family  moved to Tunbridge Wells, England in 2010.", "Singer-songwriter Lisa Marie Presley, the daughter of Elvis Presley, is getting divorced for the fourth time. Lisa, 48, separated from husband Michael Lockwood on June 13 and has requested full custody of their seven-year-old twin daughters, sources confirmed. She has filed for divorce citing irreconcilable differences in papers at Los Angeles Superior Court. Lisa Marie Presley and Michael Lockwood (Nina Prommer/AP) Lisa and musician Michael, 55, married in January 2006. She was previously married to the late pop star Michael Jackson, actor Nicolas Cage and musician Danny Keough, who is the father of her daughter Riley, 27, and son Benjamin, 23. Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley (AP) Michael Lockwood served as main guitarist on Lisa’s 2012 Storm & Grace tour and has worked with singers Carly Simon, Jon Brion and Aimee Mann. Lisa is the only child of the late rock star Elvis and Priscilla Presley.", "The entertainment industry’s wedding of the year unites megastar singer Michael Jackson (1958-) and Lisa Marie Presley (1968- ), Elvis’s daughter.", "On this day in 1958, Madonna Louise Ciccone, the entertainment icon later known around the world by her first name only, is born near Detroit, Michigan. After rising to stardom as a pop singer and dancer in the 1980s, Madonna added acting to her resume, with roles in such films as Desperately Seeking Susan, Dick Tracy, A League of Their Own and Evita. The provocative performer, who often tackled sexual and religious themes in her work, also became famous for her ever-changing hairstyles and fashion sense as well as her personal life, which remains an ongoing source of fascination to the tabloid media.", "Deborah Jeanne \"Debbie\" Rowe (born December 6, 1958) is an American nurse known for her marriage to Michael Jackson, with whom she had two children. She lives in Palmdale, California. ", "Born Michael Joseph Jackson, August 19, 1958, in Gary, IN; son of Joseph (a crane operator) and Katherine (a homemaker and sales clerk; maiden name, Corse) Jackson. Married Lisa Marie Presley, 1994 (separated).", "Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone (born August 16, 1958), simply known by the stage name Madonna, is a pop singer considered by many to be the queen of popular music. She has had a long career that has been marked by success and controversy.", "Lisa Marie Presley and Michael Lockwood attend the EMI post-Grammy party at the Beverly Hills Hotel Feb. 13, 2005, in Beverly Hills, Calif. The couple were married in a traditional Japanese ceremony in Kyoto Jan. 22, 2006. Presley was previously married to Nicolas Cage, Michael Jackson and Danny Keough, who is the father of her two children.", "Twenty days after her divorce from Keough, Presley married singer Michael Jackson. They had first met in 1975 when a seven-year-old Presley attended several of his concerts in Las Vegas. According to a friend of Presley's, \"their adult friendship began in November 1992 in L.A.\" They stayed in contact every day over the telephone. As child molestation accusations became public, Jackson became dependent on Lisa for emotional support. She was concerned about his faltering health and his addiction to drugs. Lisa explained, \"I believed he didn't do anything wrong, and that he was wrongly accused and, yes, I started falling for him. I wanted to save him. I felt that I could do it.\" Shortly afterwards, she tried to persuade Jackson to settle the allegations out of court and go into rehabilitation to recover. He subsequently did both. In January 1996, citing irreconcilable differences, Lisa Marie filed for divorce, according to legal papers. Michael Jackson had originally planned to file for divorce first. However, after Presley begged him not to file, Jackson caved in only to discover front page the next day that Presley had filed for divorce. ", "Rowe met Michael Jackson while working as a nurse in Dr. Arnold Klein's dermatology office, where Jackson was being treated for vitiligo. She recalled that after Jackson's divorce from Lisa Marie Presley in 1996, he was upset at the possibility that he might never become a father. Rowe, a longtime Jackson fan, proposed to bear his children. In an interview with Playboy, Lisa Marie stated that she knew at the time that she and Jackson were married, that Rowe wanted to have his children and that Rowe had \"a crush on him\".", "Presley then became involved with singer Nancy Sinatra. When Priscilla confronted him about it, he denied the affair, but he left his pregnant wife shortly after. Priscilla gave birth to Lisa Marie Presley on February 1, 1968, in Memphis, Tennessee. The couple divorced in 1972.", "On June 14th, Michael and Lisa Marie Presley appeared on Prime Time Live in an interview with Diane Sawyer. In the work of the 60-minute interview, Michael discussed his music and career and along with Lisa Marie, revealed details of their marriage. The programmed was watched by 60 million viewers and was the most watched program of 1995.", "Debbie Rowe might have once been married to one of the most famous men in the world, Michael Jackson , but really little is known about the woman herself. Right now she’s found herself back in the media after announcing her engagement to Michael’s former business manager, Marc Schaffel. But who is the woman who was once married to the King of Pop?", "The singer also has two children with ex-wife Debbie Rowe: a 5-year-old boy, also named Prince Michael, and a 4-year-old girl, Paris. The couple divorced in 1999.", "American singer-songwriter, actress and entrepreneur. Madonna, filed for adoption on October 10, 2006, for a boy from the orphanage, David Banda Mwale, and was later renamed David Banda Mwale Ciccone Ritchie. The adoption process became an issue, because according to the Malawian law, the would-be parents are required to reside in Malawi for a year before adopting a child, which Madonna did not abide, and stated, that Malawi had no written adoption laws that regulated foreign adoption, addressed during The Oprah Winfrey Show. Madonna described how David Mwale Ritchie was suffering from pneumonia after he survived from malaria and tuberculosis when she first met the baby. Yohane Mwale, Banda’s biological father, stated, that he was harassed and threatened by so-called human rights activists, and want him to support their court case, which he declined because he gave his consent of adoption between Madonna and then-husband Ritchie. On May 28, 2008, Banda Mwale’s adoption was finalized. Madonna filed for divorce from Ritchie and was finalized in December 2008, citing irreconcilable differences. Madonna decided to adopt again from Malawi, which the High Court approved initially the adoption of Chifundo “Mercy” James, however, the adoption process was rejected because Madonna was not a resident of Malawi. On June 12, 2009, Madonna appealed, and was granted by the Supreme Court of Malawi the right to adopt Mercy James.", "Presley's only child, Lisa Marie, was born on February 1, 1968, during a period when he had grown deeply unhappy with his career.", "Mary Isabel Catherine Bernadette O’Brien, OBE (16 April 1939 – 2 March 1999), known as Dusty Springfield, was a leading pop singer and entertainer. Of the female British pop artists of the 1960s, she made one of the biggest impressions on the U.S. market. Owing to her distinctive sensual sound, she was one of the most notable white soul artists in the world.", "Eddie Fisher was a pop singer, teen idol and entertainer, most popular in the 1950s. He had his own TV show and was married 5 times, including marriages to Debbie Reynolds, Elizabeth Taylor and Connie Stevens.", "In 1957, he married actress/model Mara Corday in Las Vegas, with whom he had three children: Carey (1957–2008), Valerie (b. 1958), and Gregory (b. 1960). Long was a brother-in-law of actor Marshall Thompson, with whom he appeared in the 1955 film, Cult of the Cobra." ]
[ 7.09765625, 6.953125, 6.83203125, 6.69921875, 5.875, 5.58203125, 4.72265625, 4.58984375, 4.53125, 4.36328125, 4.328125, 4.3046875, 4.265625, 3.73046875, 3.673828125, 3.201171875, 3.08984375, 3.033203125, 1.5068359375, 1.46875, 0.6953125, 0.26123046875, 0.04876708984375, -0.6298828125, -1.9970703125, -3.59375, -4.8125, -5.6484375, -5.7421875, -6.29296875, -7.48828125, -8.046875 ]
What category 3 hurricane devastated the east coast last week, resulting in at least 54 deaths?
[ "Hurricane Sandy was a Category 3 hurricane before making landfall. When Sandy made landfall in New Jersey, the intensity was similar to a Category 1; however, the amount of damage was significant. Storm surges were more than 8 feet. Across the central Appalachians, up to 3 feet of snow fell. Sandy claimed 72 lives directly and 75 lives indirectly. It was one of largest storms ever to impact the United States, according to NOAA.", "Hurricane Sandy (unofficially known as \"Superstorm Sandy\") was the deadliest and most destructive hurricane of the 2012 Atlantic hurricane season, and the second-costliest hurricane in United States history. Classified as the eighteenth named storm, tenth hurricane and second major hurricane of the year, Sandy was a Category 3 storm at its peak intensity when it made landfall in Cuba. While it was a Category 2 storm off the coast of the Northeastern United States, the storm became the largest Atlantic hurricane on record (as measured by diameter, with winds spanning 1100 mi). Estimates as of 2015 assessed damage to have been about $75 billion (2012 USD), a total surpassed only by Hurricane Katrina. At least 233 people were killed along the path of the storm in eight countries. ", "The 1999 Atlantic hurricane season produced the most deadly hurricane to hit the United States in 28 years, Floyd, which killed 56 people. Three hurricanes hit the U.S. mainland, Bret, Floyd, and Irene, as category 3, 2, and 1 hurricanes, respectively. Hurricane Dennis produced near-hurricane conditions as it moved along the North Carolina coast but made landfall as a tropical storm. Tropical Storm Harvey also made landfall in the United States. The U.S. Virgin Islands experienced Hurricane Lenny. In all, there were four tropical storms, and eight hurricanes during 1999, and five reached intense hurricane status. Four tropical storms were consistent with long term average (1950–98), the eight hurricanes were above the long-term average of six per season.", "Without warning, a powerful Category 3 hurricane slams into Long Island and southern New England, causing 600 deaths and devastating coastal cities and towns. Also called the Long Island Express, the Great New England Hurricane of 1938 was the most destructive storm to strike the region in the 20th century.", "* June 14 – June 23 – Hurricane Agnes kills 117 on the U.S. East Coast.", "Tropical cyclones of Category 3 and higher are described as major hurricanes in the Atlantic or Eastern Pacific basins. These storms can cause some structural damage to small residences and utility buildings, particularly those of wood frame or manufactured materials with minor curtain wall failures. Buildings that lack a solid foundation, such as mobile homes, are usually destroyed, and gable-end roofs are peeled off. Manufactured homes usually sustain severe and irreparable damage. Flooding near the coast destroys smaller structures, while larger structures are struck by floating debris. A large number of trees are uprooted or snapped, isolating many areas. Additionally, terrain may be flooded well inland. Near-total to total power loss is likely for up to several weeks and water will likely also be lost or contaminated.", "The impact from Joaquin will be felt for millions along the East Coast despite the latest forecast which spares the region from a landfall. Impacts still include the potential for flooding, downed trees, property damage and power outages. Areas from northeastern North Carolina to New York City, including the Delaware and Chesapeake bay regions will especially monitor Joaquin's track and intensity through this weekend.", "› Download video (mp4) NOAA's GOES satellites captured a global view of Hurricane Sandy's birth to landfall. This animation of NOAA's GOES-13 and GOES-15 satellite observations from Oct. 21-30, 2012, shows the birth of Tropical Storm Sandy in the Caribbean Sea, the intensification and movement of Sandy in the Atlantic Ocean along the U.S. East Coast, and Hurricane Sandy make landfall in New Jersey on Oct. 29 and move inland to Pennsylvania.", "Hurricane Irene was a large and powerful Atlantic hurricane that left extensive flood and wind damage along its path through the Caribbean, the United States East Coast and as far north as Canada (Figure 1). Irene made landfall near Cape Lookout, North Carolina at around 7:30 AM EDT on August 27, 2011 as a strong category 1 storm (Figure 2). Irene caused 5 deaths in North Carolina. On the evening of August 26, well ahead of landfall, Hurricane Irene also spawned several tornadoes. One EF-2 tornado near Columbia in Tyrrell County demolished at least 4 homes and overturned cars.", "*October 25, 2012 – Hurricane Sandy caused immense destruction in Cuba, Jamaica, Puerto Rico and the United States, leaving at least 233 dead. It became the largest Atlantic tropical storm ever. ", "Severe weather occurs regularly in North Carolina. On the average, a hurricane inflicts significant damage on the state once a decade. Destructive hurricanes that have hit North Carolina include Hurricane Fran, Hurricane Floyd, and Hurricane Hazel, the latter being the strongest storm ever to make landfall in the state, as a Category 4 in 1954. Hurricane Isabel ranks as the most destructive of the 21st century. Tropical storms arrive every 3 or 4 years. In addition, many hurricanes and tropical storms graze the state without hitting it directly. In some years, several hurricanes or tropical storms can directly strike the state or brush across the coastal areas. Only Florida and Louisiana are struck by hurricanes more often. Although many people believe that hurricanes menace only coastal areas, the rare hurricane which moves inland quickly enough can cause severe damage; for example, in 1989, Hurricane Hugo caused heavy damage in Charlotte and even as far inland as the Blue Ridge Mountains in the northwestern part of the state. On the average, North Carolina has 50 days of thunderstorm activity per year, with many storms becoming severe enough to produce hail, flash floods, and damaging winds.", "Hurricane Floyd, a category 4 storm, hits the United States East coast during September of 1999. About 3 million people evacuated their homes in anticipation of the storm, which at its peak had winds of up to 140 miles per hour. While initial reports thought Florida would be the state that was the hardest hit, North Carolina experienced the worst of the storm with massive flooding affected parts of the state. Reported death tolls related to the storm fall somewhere between 68 and 52 people.", "HURRICANE SANDY 2012: A home that was damaged by Hurricane Sandy, is seen in Union Beach, New Jersey, November 12, 2012. At least 121 people perished in the storm, which caused an estimated $50 billion in property damage and economic losses and ranks as one of the most destructive natural disasters to hit the US Northeast. Eric Thayer/Reuters", "A vigorous tropical wave tracked into the northeastern Caribbean in mid-August. It produced heavy rain across the Leeward Islands and into Puerto Rico before tracking westward, while unable to develop a low-level circulation despite producing tropical storm-force winds. On August 15, a closed circulation was found and the system was declared Tropical Storm Fay. Later that day Fay produced heavy rains on the island of Hispaniola prompting a major flash flood threat. Fay crossed Hispaniola, Cuba, and hit south Florida beginning late on August 18, slowly tracking northeastward across the peninsula. Significant flooding resulted in much of eastern Florida, along with some wind damage. After crossing into the Atlantic, Fay turned westward again and crossed northern Florida on August 22. As it zigzagged from water to land, it became the first storm in recorded history to make landfall in Florida four times. Fay weakened into a tropical depression along the north coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Fay eventually became extratropical on the morning of August 27 while located over Tennessee. Fay was responsible for 36 deaths and at least $560 million in damage (2008 USD).", "Hurricanes strike the Gulf coast about once every decade, usually in September or October. A hurricane on 19-20 August 1886 leveled the port of Indianola; the town (near present-day Port Lavaca) was never rebuilt. Galveston was the site of the most destructive storm in US history: on 8-9 September 1900, a hurricane blew across the island of 38,000 residents, leaving at least 6,000 dead (the exact total has never been ascertained) and leveling most of the city. A storm of equal intensity hit Galveston in mid-August 1915, but this time, the city was prepared; its new seawall held the toll to 275 deaths and $50 million worth of property damage. Because of well-planned damage-prevention and evacuation procedures, Hurricane Carla—at least as powerful as any previous hurricane—claimed no more than 34 lives.", "Superstorm Sandy In October 2012, Sandy originated from the western Caribbean and paralleled the southern Atlantic coast into Oct. 28, before making the abrupt left turn toward the New Jersey coast.", "Sept. 28, 2004, Hurricane Jeanne: The remnants of Hurricane Jeanne, in the form of a tropical depression, moved through the vicinities of Greenville, South Carolina, Roanoke, Virginia and Washington, D.C. and finally to the New Jersey coast on Sept. 28.  Maximum sustained wind speeds ranged from 25 mph to 30 mph near the storm’s center.  The primary impact on the Commonwealth was flooding, although one F1 tornado touched down in Pittsylvania County.   The heaviest rainfall occurred from the New River Valley to the Southern Shenandoah Valley.  Rainfall in this region ranged from 3 inches to 7 inches, with the highest amounts falling in Patrick, eastern Floyd, eastern Montgomery, Giles, Roanoke, Botetourt and Rockbridge counties.", "Sept. 16, 1933: The hurricane developed east of the Bahamas and strengthened to a Category 3 storm, making landfall near Cape Lookout, North Carolina. The tide surpassed eight feet at Sewells Point, causing floods in the Tidewater area less than one month after the Aug. 23 storm. But due to preparations made by citizens, the damage was estimated at less than $500,000 compared to the millions of dollars of damage the Aug. 23 storm caused. More than 2,000 telephones lost service. The storm tide flooded City Hall Avenue and Granby Street and tied up traffic in the downtown area all day. The fastest wind speed at the naval air station in Norfolk was 88 mph with 75 mph at the NWS Office in Norfolk and 87 mph at Cape Henry. Two people were killed in Virginia. High winds and waves in Pamlico and Albemarle Sounds left hundreds without food and shelter and contributed to the 21 lives lost in North Carolina.", "This was the strongest Bertha, a 115 mph major hurricane. Forming on July 5, 1996 east of the leeward islands, this storm took a west-northwest path passing over the northern most islands as a minimal hurricane. Bertha then turned to the north before striking the North Carolina coast. The storm moved up the entire east coast to Newfoundland before totally Dissipating on the 18. 12 deaths and $371 million (2008 USD) were caused by this storm.", "Sept. 5, 1935 “The Great Labor Day Hurricane”: While this storm is known for its destruction of the Florida Keys, it eventually moved north over the central portions of the Carolinas and then back out to sea near the Virginia Capes. While passing, it spawned several tornadoes in Virginia and caused flooding. A killer tornado (probably an F3) in Prince Edward tracked 10 miles, killing two and injuring 12. A third tornado struck Southampton County near Courtland and killed one person. Another tornado tracked from Portsmouth across Craney Island to the western portions of the city of Norfolk and Willoughby Spit, becoming a waterspout. One tornado struck Pittsylvania County and injured three people. Another tornado struck Gloucester and was on the ground for eight miles and injured six people. Heavy rains fell over central Virginia from the storm and a major flood resulted on the James River in Richmond. Water level at the Richmond locks reached 23.7 feet, 15 feet above flood stage.", "A cyclonic storm occurring off the east coast of North America. These winter weather events are notorious for producing heavy snow, rain, and tremendous waves that crash onto Atlantic beaches, often causing beach erosion and structural damage. Wind gusts associated with these storms can exceed hurricane force in intensity. A nor'easter gets its name from the continuously strong northeasterly winds blowing in from the ocean ahead of the storm and over the coastal areas.", "* In September 1989, Hurricane Hugo stormed through the island of St. Croix. It was reported that even boats as in Charleston, South Carolina were carried onto the road.", "* In 1986, the remnants of Hurricane Charley crossed over Kerry as an extratropical storm causing extensive rainfall, flooding and damage.", "Tropical Storm Fay--The storm was the first in a series of four storms to affect the United States over a span of a month. This one was the weakest of the four, but it did cause its share of problems with torrential rains, especially across Florida. Flooding was extensive in East Central Florida including Brevard county. In that county, some 15,000 homes were flooded and another 93,000 were left without power from the gusty winds. Areas that were hit harder were more rural. The storm also wreaked havoc in Hispaniola where it interacted with the mountainous terrain there producing torrential rains. Thankfully, there were only 13 direct and eight indirect deaths from the storm in Haiti, Dominican Republic, and Florida. The storm caused some $560 million dollars in damage including $195 million in Florida, $25 million in Georgia, and another $25 million in Alabama.", "Hurricane Fay--Was a short lived October 2014 hurricane that lasted only four days, but became the first hurricane to make landfall over the island of Bermuda since 1987 when Emily came ashore there. The storm peaked at 80 mile per hour winds and 983 millibars or 29.03 inches of Hg. The storm produced some 14 inches of rain on the island, downed utlity poles and trees, and street signs. Approximately 27,000 people were left without power on the island, and original estimates of $3.8 million in damage.", "* August 27 – The fifth hurricane of the Atlantic season hits Florida and the Carolinas, killing about 700.", "However, at 2am on October 16, 1987, the largest recorded hurricane to strike England hit Shanklin Pier. The pier was ripped into three parts, with large sections torn away by the winds. South Wight Borough Council authorised the demolition of the remains of the pier, and much of the remains of the pier was recycled to make sea defences.", "*Trivia: \"Storm date(s): March 13th-14th, 1993. Storm Location: Eastern U.S.A. Number of recorded deaths: 200.\" [Based on: The World Almanac and Book of Facts, 2005, p. 206]", "1938 - A hurricane struck parts of New York and New England killing more than 600 people.", "NWS Hurricane Preparedness Week | Hazards | Watches & Warnings | Be Ready | Marine Safety", "* November 4 – Aero Caribbean Flight 883 crashes in central Cuba, killing all 68 people on board.", "* November 4 – Aero Caribbean Flight 883, an ATR-72, crashes in Sancti Spíritus, Cuba, killing all 68 on board in the joint worst-ever accident involving the ATR 72." ]
[ 1.2939453125, 1.1826171875, 0.8134765625, -0.6494140625, -0.99951171875, -1.185546875, -1.5126953125, -2.0859375, -2.62109375, -2.689453125, -2.951171875, -3.02734375, -3.091796875, -3.435546875, -3.44921875, -3.580078125, -3.619140625, -3.861328125, -4.078125, -4.3515625, -4.35546875, -4.453125, -4.71484375, -4.8359375, -5.08984375, -5.19921875, -6.890625, -7.27734375, -8.109375, -8.21875, -8.3359375, -8.953125 ]
Which state grows more oranges and grapefruits than any other state in the U.S.?
[ "Presently, the United States produces 41 percent of the world's grapefruit and consumes more than other countries. Florida, the state where grapefruit was first grown, is still the largest producer with Texas following close behind. California and Arizona also have thriving commercial grapefruit orchards.", "Agriculture is the second largest industry in the state. Citrus fruit, especially oranges, are a major part of the economy, and Florida produces the majority of citrus fruit grown in the United States. In 2006, 67% of all citrus, 74% of oranges, 58% of tangerines, and 54% of grapefruit were grown in Florida. About 95% of commercial orange production in the state is destined for processing (mostly as orange juice, the official state beverage).", "Florida's warm climate and sandy soil are ideal for growing citrus, which has been a commercial crop in the state since the mid-1800s. Almost 569,000 acres of citrus groves and 74 million citrus trees can be found in Florida. More than 70 percent of the United States' citrus comes from the Sunshine State. According to Floridajuice.com, Florida is the world's leading producer of grapefruit. Growers in the state produce oranges, tangelos, tangerines and grapefruits.", "Citrus fruit, especially oranges, are a major part of Florida's economy. Florida produces the majority of citrus fruit grown in the United States (in 2006, 67 percent of all citrus, 74 percent of oranges, 58 percent of tangerines, and 54 percent of grapefruit). About 95 percent of commercial orange production in the state is processed (mostly as orange juice).", "Citrus has been shipped commercially in the Lone Star State since 1920, according to texasweet.com. The first plantings were white and pink grapefruit, but red grapefruits were accidentally discovered in 1929. Today, more than 28,000 acres of citrus are grown in the Rio Grande Valley, and the state produces about seven percent of the nation's grapefruit. Texas also produces oranges.", "California is second only to Florida in citrus production. California citrus was \"king\" in the early 1900s, when ranchers touted the state's lush groves. The state's total citrus production averaged 3.2 million tons from 2003 to 2006. More than 65 percent of that was oranges (navel and Valencia), followed by lemons, grapefruits and tangerines/clementines. California produces 24 percent of the oranges in the United States, most of which are navel oranges.", "Green stagnant waters fill this drainage ditch that lies in front of an orange grove located north of State Road 70, about 5 1/2 miles east of Arcadia. [ larger image ] Generally, the harvesting season for Florida citrus is from September through June. Florida is the #1 state in the U.S. for growing oranges. Florida's state beverage is orange juice and Florida's state flower is the orange blossom.", "In 2013, 71.4 million metric tons of oranges were grown worldwide, production being highest in Brazil and the U.S. states of Florida and California. ", "Grapefruit trees were planted in Florida in the early 19th century, although they did not become a viable commercial crop until later that century. Florida is still a major producer of grapefruits, as is California, Arizona and Texas. Other countries that produce grapefruits commercially include Israel, South Africa and Brazil.", "California produces almost all of the country's almonds, apricots, dates, figs, kiwi fruit, nectarines, olives, pistachios, prunes, and walnuts. It leads in the production of avocados, grapes, lemons, melons, peaches, plums, and strawberries. Only Florida produces more oranges.", "Florida is the largest producer of oranges in the United States. Each spring, the scent of countless flowering Orange Blossoms fills the air in parts of central and southern Florida. The orange tree is an evergreen that reaches heights of 20-30 feet and grows in full sun and sandy soil. It thrives in Florida, thanks to its climate and typically abundant rainfall.", "Apples, strawberries, grapes, oranges and peaches made up 69 percent of the value of US fresh market production. California is the leading producer of all these fruits except apples; Washington State accounts for half the nation�s supply. Florida oranges, though available fresh, are largely used for juice. Bananas, usually imported, are the most popular fruit among the public. A large portion�more than half�of all fruit consumption in the United States is in the form of fruit juices.", "The grapefruit (Citrus paradisi) is a subtropical citrus tree known for its sour fruit, an 18th-century hybrid first bred in Barbados. When found, it was named the \"forbidden fruit\"; and it has also been misidentified with the pomelo or shaddock (C. maxima), one of the parents of this hybrid, the other being sweet orange (C. ? sinensis). These evergreen trees usually grow to around 5-6 meters (16-20 ft) tall, although they can reach 13-15 meters (43-49 ft). The leaves are dark green, long (up to 150 mm, 6 inches) and thin. It produces 5 cm (2 in) white four-petaled flowers. The fruit is yellow-orange skinned and largely an oblate spheroid; it ranges in diameter from 10-15 cm. The flesh is segmented and acidic, varying in color depending on the cultivars, which include white, pink and red pulps of varying sweetness. The 1929 US Ruby Red (of the Redblush variety) has the first grapefruit patent. The fruit has become popular since the late 19th century; before that it was only grown as an ornamental plant. The United States quickly became a major producer of the fruit, with groves in Florida, Texas, Arizona, and California. In Spanish, the fruit is known as toronja or pomelo.", "So named because they grow in grape-like clusters. These large citrus fruits are grown in Arizona, California, Florida, and Texas. They are available in both seeded and seedless varieties.", "Oranges are a type of blood orange, which is purple. They are sweet and a little more acidic than other oranges. Blood Oranges in the U.S. are grown in Texas and California.", "São Paulo, Brazil and Florida, the United States will continue to be the two largest processed orange producing regions in the world. With expected continued growth of clementine consumption, Spain is expected to expand its production of tangerines (mainly clementine varieties). China is also expected to expand production and consumption of oranges and tangerines. Other Latin American producing countries such as Argentina, Mexico, Cuba, Belize and Costa Rica are expected to continue to expand production, but at a slower rate. Florida produces about 70% of the total U.S. crop, and 90% of its production goes to make juice.", "New grapefruit varieties, including those with pink and red flesh, were developed in the early 1900's and became a popular commodity in the northern states. In 1929 a Texas citrus grower marveled at the red grapefruit growing on a tree that was producing pink grapefruits. That mutation became a new cultivar named Ruby Red that was the first grapefruit granted a U.S. patent. That Texas Red became the official state fruit of Texas in 1993.", "Agriculture — Florida leads the southeast in farm income. Florida produces about 67% of the U.S. oranges and accounts for about 40% of the world's orange juice supply.", "Texas has more farms than any other state in the country. The fertile lands of East Texas attracted cotton farmers to the area before the Civil War, and in the years following the conflict cotton became the state’s major crop. As mechanized farming developed, cotton production shifted to the High Plains country of West Texas, where irrigation and fertilizer fostered bountiful crops and bolstered Texas’s national leadership in cotton production. Occasional crop failures due to drought, however, led to crop diversification. The introduction of irrigation has resulted in extensive vegetable and fruit production along the lower Rio Grande Valley, though citrus farming has occasionally suffered as a result of disastrous freezes. The low coastal lands between Port Lavaca and Port Arthur are well suited for rice cultivation. Since the mid-20th century, Texas has also been a leading producer of sorghum, peanuts (groundnuts), and corn (maize).", "Though there are currently only six or seven Spanish companies dedicated to this minority citrus, production quantities in Spain over the past several seasons have either increased or remained stable. The crop is also extremely solid here in terms of price fluctuations. This stability is reflected in the fact that Spanish grapefruit growers are making quite an impact on the European import market. Spain is now the fourth largest grapefruit exporter to the European Union after the United States (Florida), Israel and Turkey. While Florida still leads the world market, its share has declined this past decade due to debilitating freezes, hurricanes, citrus diseases, and other factors such as encroaching land development.", "��������� Mandarin Orange, Citrus reticulata, comprises the so-called glove oranges:� the orange-yellow mandarins and the reddish-orange tangerines.� The tree is native to China and Cochin China.� The small round fruits have a peel that is easily removed and segments that separate readily.� They are widely grown in Japan, South Europe and the Gulf States of America, mainly Florida, Alabama and Mississippi.� The Satsuma orange is a small very hardy type with a deep-orange pulp and few seeds.� In California during the late 20th Century several new varieties of mandarin or tangerine had been developed with a variety of excellent flavors.", "'Description from Hughes' 1750 Natural History of Barbados. The hybrid fruit, then called \"the forbidden fruit\", was documented in 1750 by a Welshman, Rev. Griffith Hughes, who described specimens from Barbados. Currently, the grapefruit is said to be one of the \"Seven Wonders of Barbados.\" The grapefruit was brought to Florida by Count Odette Philippe in 1823 in what is now known as Safety Harbour. Further crosses have produced the tangelo (1905), the Minneola tangelo (1931), and the oroblanco (1984). The grapefruit was known as the shaddock or shattuck until the 19th century. Its current name alludes to clusters of the fruit on the tree, which often appear similar to grapes. Botanically, it was not distinguished from the pomelo until the 1830s, when it was given the name Citrus paradisi. Its true origins were not determined until the 1940s. This led to the official name being altered to Citrus paradisi. An early pioneer in the American citrus industry was Kimball Chase Atwood, a wealthy entrepreneur who founded the Atwood Grapefruit Co. in the late 19th century. The Atwood Grove became the largest grapefruit grove in the world, with an annual production of 80,000 boxes of fruit. It was there that pink grapefruit was first discovered in 1906.", "Quantities of the fruit are grown in New Zealand, where it is a popular garden tree and the fruit commonly is available in season; the season runs from March to June. Feijoas are occasionally to be found as landscape plants in the far Southern United States, in regions from Texas to Florida, and southern California, though fruit set can be unreliable in those locations. They are also grown in parts of northern California for their fruit. Fruits are an extremely rare sight away from cultivation areas, and when they can be found, they are often expensive because they are scarce and in high demand even in places where the fruit is not well known.", "The trees thrive in a consistently sunny, humid environment with fertile soil and adequate rainfall or irrigation. Abandoned trees in valleys may suffer, yet survive, the dry summer of Central California's Inner Coast Ranges. At any age citrus grows well enough with infrequent irrigation in partial shade, but the fruit crop is smaller. Though broadleaved, they are evergreen and do not drop leaves except when stressed. The stems of many varieties have large sharp thorns. The trees flower in the spring, and fruit is set shortly afterward. Fruit begins to ripen in fall or early winter months, depending on cultivar, and develops increasing sweetness afterward. Some cultivars of tangerines ripen by winter. Some, such as the grapefruit, may take up to eighteen months to ripen.", "Expensive and grainy. California produces a sizable majority of many American fruits, vegetables, and nuts: 99 percent of artichokes, 99 percent of walnuts, 97 percent of kiwis, 97 percent of plums, 95 percent of celery, 95 percent of garlic, 89 percent of cauliflower, 71 percent of spinach, and 69 percent of carrots (and the list goes on and on). Some of this is due to climate and soil. No other state, or even a combination of states, can match California’s output per acre. Lemon yields in California , for example, are more than 50 percent higher than in Arizona . California spinach yield per acre is 60 percent higher than the national average. Without California, supply of all these products in the United States and abroad would dip, and in the first few years, a few might be nearly impossible to find. Orchard-based products in particular, such as nuts and some fruits, would take many years to spring back.", "A seedy, orange-fleshed fruit that matures slightly earlier than grapefruit because of its lower acidity, is grown in a few home plantings in the Valley. It is known by various names, including 'New Zealand Grapefruit', and 'Poorman Orange'. The fruit and tree are very similar to grapefruit, but it is probably a pummelo hybrid that may have originated in China or Australia.", "Horticulturists debate whether the grapefruit (Citrus X paradisi) developed as a sport of the pummelo (Citrus maxima) or as an unintentional hybrid of the pummelo and an orange (Citrus sinensis). A youngster in the citrus world, grapefruit first appeared in the West Indies in the late 1700s. Although early grapefruits had white flesh and were seedy, the fruit slowly mutated into the seedless, red-fleshed type most prevalent today. Citrus growers generally graft grapefruit scions onto rootstocks bred for disease resistance, quick fruit-bearing or limited tree size. Still, production problems crop up.", "Known as the 'Citrus Capital of the World' because of its expansive lemon and orange orchards, the", "Today, citrus is grown on only about 20,000 acres across the state. Farmers face a never ending fight against pests, the rising costs of packaging and transportation, and other challenges. Every year more groves are lost to urban development or repurposed to farm cotton  or other crops. However, citrus fruits remain a significant state agricultural product , not to mention favorites in the yard and garden.", "(9) “Citrus producing area” means that part or parts of the state in which citrus fruit is grown or produced;", "WHEREAS, the peach growers of this state have earned a well-deserved reputation for consistently producing peaches of the highest quality; and", "Named varieties of grapefruit appeared in the official list of the American Pomological Society in 1897, but pioneers had selected and named favorite clones for several years before that time. The following are among the most noteworthy of old and new cultivars:" ]
[ 4.828125, 4.0625, 3.990234375, 3.294921875, 3.181640625, 3.0546875, 2.548828125, 2.06640625, 1.912109375, 1.7021484375, 1.435546875, 0.8974609375, 0.58447265625, 0.48828125, 0.271484375, 0.270751953125, 0.14111328125, 0.0033435821533203125, -0.58984375, -0.61572265625, -1.462890625, -1.6005859375, -1.98046875, -2.05078125, -2.080078125, -4.87109375, -5.5234375, -6.63671875, -6.7578125, -7.265625, -7.81640625, -8.90625 ]
Known as the Beaver State, what was the 33rd state to join the Union on Feb 14, 1859?
[ "Oregon became the 33rd state to join the Union on February 14, 1859, entering under a constitution that prohibited slavery, but barred free black s from taking up residence.", "Oregon became a state on Feb. 14, 1859. It was the 33rd state to join the union.", " 1859, 1912 -- Two new states are added to the Union on February 14th : Oregon in 1859, the 33rd state and Arizona in 1912, the 48th state.", ", were added to the union on Valentine�s day. Oregon became the 33rd state in 1859 and", "4. Oregon joined the Union on February 14, 1859. In its state constitution, Oregon declared itself to be a whites-only state. White male voters defeated the idea of allowing black residency by a resounding 8,640 to 1,081, according to the Oregon History Project . At the same time, slavery was not allowed in the new state. A referendum vote rescinding the wording in the constitution did not occur until 1926.", "The USA continued to grow rapidly and by 1860 its population was 31 million. New states were added. Iowa was added to the union in 1846. Wisconsin followed in 1848. Oregon was admitted in 1859 and Kansas was admitted in 1861.", "Admitted to the union 100 years from the founding of the Union, Colorado quickly became known as The Centennial State. At about the same time, and because of the abundant silver mines, it also laid claim to The Silver State, but which Nevada disputed its right to as early as 1871. The minerals of the state also led to, according to some unconfirmed reports, The Lead State. It also tried for Switzerland of America, but four other states (Maine, New Jersey, New Hampshire and West Virginia) disputed this one. It then tried for Treasure State, but Montana wanted that. Its high elevation has led to the state occasionally being known as the Mile-high State (although that's an epithet now reserved for Denver, the \"Mile High City\") and the Highest State, its great beauty produced Colorful Colorado, and the many roaming bison herds led to The Buffalo Plains State. In practice, Colorado remains The Centennial State, but it is The Mountain State which appears on licence plates.", "Virginia is one of the thirteen original colonies, and one of the first states to ratify the Declaration of Independence. It is known as the \"Mother of States\" as its original territory included West Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, and Tennessee. It is also known as the \"Mother of Presidents,\" as eight U.S. presidents were born in the state: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, William Harrison, John Tyler, Zachary Taylor, and Woodrow Wilson.", "Missouri has been known as the Iron Mountain State, Bullion State (from around 1848, and possibly an allusion to the nickname of Missouri senator Benton, who was known as \"Old Bullion\"), the Lead State, the Ozark State, the Puke State (possibly a corruption of \"Pike\", as there is a Pike County in Missouri, and another just across the river in Illinois), the Cave State, and the Pennsylvania of the West. The modern nickname of the Show Me State (which also appears on licence plates) was given national popularity at the end of the 19th century from a phrase included in a speech by a Missouri congressman, William Vandiver, although it had existed before then.", "The population grew slowly until the opening in 1825 of the Erie Canal connecting the Great Lakes and the Hudson River and New York City. The new route brought a large influx of settlers, who became farmers and merchants and shipped out grain, lumber, and iron ore. By the 1830s, Michigan had 80,000 residents, more than enough to apply and qualify for statehood. In October 1835 the people approved the Constitution of 1835, thereby forming a state government, although Congressional recognition was delayed pending resolution of a boundary dispute with Ohio known as the Toledo War. Congress awarded the \"Toledo Strip\" to Ohio. Michigan received the western part of the Upper Peninsula as a concession and formally entered the Union on January 26, 1837. The Upper Peninsula proved to be a rich source of lumber, iron, and copper. Michigan led the nation in lumber production from the 1850s to the 1880s. Railroads became a major engine of growth from the 1850s onward, with Detroit the chief hub.", "Oregon Territory: The Oregon Territory was the name given to the area that became the state of Oregon. It became an official state in February of 1859. Read more about Oregon Territory .", "The Eastern United States, commonly referred to as the American East or simply the East, is a region roughly coinciding with the boundaries of the United States established in the 1783 Treaty of Paris, which bounded the new country to the west along the Mississippi River. It is geographically and culturally diverse, spanning the Northeast and parts of the South and Midwest. In 2011 the 26 states east of the Mississippi (including Washington, D.C. but not the small portions of Minnesota and Louisiana east of the river) had an estimated population of 179,948,346 or 58.28% of the total U.S. population of 308,745,358 (excluding Puerto Rico).", "Vermont, constituent state of the United States of America . One of the six New England states lying in the northeastern corner of the country, it was admitted to the union on March 4, 1791, as the 14th state. It is sparsely populated, and its capital, Montpelier , is one of the least-populous U.S. state capitals. Vermont is bordered to the north by Quebec , Can., to the east by New Hampshire , to the south by Massachusetts , and to the west by New York . From the Canadian to the Massachusetts border, the Connecticut River separates Vermont from New Hampshire. The river, from the mean low-water line on the western bank, is entirely within New Hampshire’s borders.", "February 8 through February 17, 1820 - The Senate debated the admission of Maine and Missouri.", "The year also saw an event unique in American history. Counties of western Virginia had refused to leave the Union when the state seceded in 1861. On June 20, 1863, West Virginia entered the Union as the 35th state, although the U.S. Constitution requires a mother state’s permission before a new state can be carved out of it.", "The State of Maine is the northeasternmost of the contiguous states. Formerly part of Massachusetts, it was split off in 1820 when the free states (where slavery was illegal) needed to balance out new slave state Missouri. It was the setting of one of the shortest \"wars\" in American history, the Aroostook War, stemming from a boundary dispute between Maine and the neighboring British territory of New Brunswick (now a Canadian province ); most of the fighting was between lumberjacks and frontiersmen rather than either side's armies, and both worked out a compromise before the militias could be sent in (in case you�re wondering, Maine received most of the disputed territory, barring a strategic corridor connecting New Brunswick to the British colonies in what is now central Canada).", "On this day in 1876, Colorado became the 38th state to join the Union when President Ulysses Grant signed a proclamation of statehood. President Andrew Johnson had vetoed its first bid.", "A constitutional convention was held, and on October 5, 1835, the people ratified the state’s constitution.  However, Congress delayed Michigan’s admittance to the Union due to a dispute with Ohio over the Toledo area.  Congress settled this in 1836 by giving the “Toledo Strip” to Ohio and the entire Upper Peninsula to Michigan.  Finally, Michigan became the 26th state to join the Union on January 26, 1837.", "1836: The Wisconsin Territory is organized. Arkansas is the 25th state admitted to the Union despite opposition in Congress to a new slave state. Arkansas Governor Henry M. Rector seized Fort Smith and Arkansas joined the Confederacy in 1861 re-entering the Union at War's end. The territory of Arkansas was larger than the state. After statehood the leftover area to the west had post offices that continued for some years to use an Arkansas abbreviation in the postmarks, although they were really in the \"Indian Country.\"", "Minnesota is a state in the Midwestern region of the United States. The twelfth largest state by area in the U.S., it is the twenty-first most populous, with just over five million residents. Minnesota was carved out of the eastern half of the Minnesota Territory and admitted to the Union as the thirty-second state on May 11, 1858. Known as the \"Land of 10,000 Lakes\", the state's name is the Dakota word for \"water\". Those waters, together with forests, parks, and wilderness areas, offer residents and tourists a variety of outdoor recreational opportunities.", "New Hampshire, one of the 13 original colonies, was the 9th state to join the union on June 21st, 1788. It is located in the New England region of the U.S. The state has a population of 1.3 million people and an area of 9,351 sq. miles, making it the 5th smallest U.S. state. The state capital is Concord and the largest city is Manchester.", "Situated in the Midwestern location of the United States. Illinois is the 21st state to join the Union (on December 3, 1818 ) and with a population of nearly 13 million, Illinois is the 5th  most populous state. Known as the Land of Lincoln; The \"Prairie State\".", "In December 1847, a second constitutional convention was called. This convention resulted in a new, more moderate state constitution that Wisconsinites approved in a March 1848 referendum, enabling Wisconsin to become the 30th state on May 29, 1848. Wisconsin was the last state entirely east of the Mississippi River (and by extension the last state formed entirely from territory assigned to the U.S. in the 1783 Treaty of Paris) to be admitted to the Union.", "Maine became the 23rd state on March 15, 1820. Its admission to the Union balanced the simultaneous admission of Missouri as a slave state. What is now the state of Maine was, before statehood, called the District of Maine and belonged to Massachusetts.", "Kansas joined the Union as the 34th state on January 29, 1861. The Civil War had started the year the state entered the Union and while they were a new state, they were the state who had suffered the most casualties from the war compared to any other state.", "1791 - Vermont was admitted as the 14th U.S. state. It was the first addition to the original 13 American colonies.", "Wyoming, nicknamed the \"Equality State,\" was admitted into the Union on July 10, 1890, becoming the Nation's 44th state. The reverse of Wyoming's quarter features a bucking horse and rider with the inscriptions \"The Equality State,\" \"Wyoming\" and \"1890.\"", "The State of Iowa is a state in the Midwestern region of the United States of America. It is the 29th state of the United States, having joined the Union on December 28, 1846. The state is named for the Ioway people, a Siouan tribe of Native Americans that formerly lived there. It is officially known as the \"Hawkeye State\" and unofficially known as the \"Tall Corn State\".", "As one of the original 13 colonies, we were the 12th state to join the union (but the last to leave it during the Civil War). We're the home of two U.S. Presidents, and possibly three (and maybe even four depending on who you ask). We're also the home of the first powered flight (the Wright brothers at Kitty Hawk).", "; locally [ˌno̞ɹθ dəˈko̞ɾə]) is the 39th state of the United States , having been admitted to the union on November 2, 1889.", "The state's constitution is the oldest of any state west of the Allegheny Mountains. It was adopted in 1848.", "32. This is the 42nd state of the USA. It was admitted to statehood on November 11th 1889. Its state capital is Olympia & it is nicknamed the \"Evergreen State\"." ]
[ 7.49609375, 7.35546875, 5.68359375, 3.021484375, 1.1923828125, -0.400634765625, -1.9462890625, -2.90625, -3.4296875, -3.75, -3.994140625, -4.296875, -4.36328125, -4.77734375, -4.84375, -5.0078125, -5.046875, -5.28125, -5.30859375, -5.3515625, -5.44140625, -5.578125, -5.61328125, -5.81640625, -5.8203125, -6.38671875, -6.44921875, -7, -7.26953125, -7.296875, -8.609375, -8.9765625 ]
August 28, 1898 saw the introduction of what popular soft drink, originally called Brad's Drink, named after it's inventor, New Bern, NC pharmacist Caleb Bradham?
[ " 1898 Caleb Bradham, a New Bern, North Carolina, pharmacist, renames \"Brad's Drink,\" a carbonated soft drink he created to serve his drugstore's fountain customers. The new name, Pepsi-Cola, is derived from two of the principal ingredients, pepsin and kola nuts. It is first used on August 28.", "Pepsi was originally named Brad’s Drink when it was first introduced to the public in 1893. It was developed by Caleb Bradham, a pharmacist, at his drugstore in New Bern, North Carolina. It was later renamed to Pepsi-Cola in August 1898 and was shortened to Pepsi in 1961. The Coca Cola Company offered to purchase PepsiCo but was declined by the company. From then on, they have become rivals in the beverage industry. Pepsi has more than fifty major flavors sometimes released in limited editions in other countries.", "Pepsi (stylized in lowercase as pepsi, formerly stylized in uppercase as PEPSI) is a carbonated soft drink that is produced and manufactured by PepsiCo. Created and developed in 1893 and introduced as Brad's Drink, it was renamed as Pepsi-Cola on August 28, 1898, then to Pepsi in 1961, and in select areas of North America, \"Pepsi-Cola Made with Real Sugar\" as of 2014.", "The summer of 1898, as usual, was hot and humid in New Bern, North Carolina. So a young pharmacist named Caleb Bradham began experimenting with combinations of spices, juices, and syrups trying to create a refreshing new drink to serve his customers. He succeeded beyond all expectations because he invented the beverage known around the world as Pepsi-Cola.", "1898 - One of Caleb's formulations, known as \"Brad's Drink,\" a combination of carbonated water, sugar, vanilla, rare oils and cola nuts, is renamed \"Pepsi-Cola\" on August 28, 1898. Pepsi-Cola receives its first logo.", "Born in the Carolinas in 1898, Pepsi-Cola has a long and rich history. The drink is the invention of Caleb Bradham (left), a pharmacist and drugstore owner in New Bern, North Carolina.", "Today, one of the biggest soft drinks company, was first started by Caleb Bradham in 1890’s. Initially named as Brad’s drink the name was quickly changed to Pepsi-Cola, which is visible in the first 1898 logo. Finally in 1903, the name was trademarked and hasn’t been changed till date.", "Circa 1890, he dropped out of the University of Maryland School of Medicine, owing to his father's business going bankrupt. After returning to North Carolina, he was a public school teacher for about a year, and soon thereafter opened a drug store in New Bern named the \"Bradham Drug Company\" that, like many other drug stores of the time, also housed a soda fountain. Middle Street and Pollock Street in downtown New Bern, is where Bradham, in 1893, invented the recipe—a blend of kola nut extract, vanilla, and \"rare oils\"—for what was initially known as \"Brad's Drink,\" but on August 28, 1898 was renamed Pepsi-Cola.[http://www.pepsistore.com/history.asp The History of the Birthplace of Pepsi-Cola]. Pepsistore.com. Retrieved on 2012-08-28. Bradham named his drink after a combination of the terms “pepsin” and “cola,” as he believed that his drink aided digestion much like the pepsin enzyme does, even though it was not used as an ingredient. His assistant James Henry King was the first to taste the new drink.", "One of Caleb's formulations, known as \"Brad's drink\", created in the summer of 1893, was later renamed Pepsi Cola after the pepsin and cola nuts used in the recipe. In 1898, Caleb Bradham wisely bought the trade name \"Pep Cola\" for $100 from a competitor from Newark, New Jersey that had gone broke. The new name was trademarked on June 16th, 1903. Bradham's neighbor, an artist designed the first Pepsi logo and ninety-seven shares of stock for Bradham's new company were issued.", "\"Brad's drink\", created in the summer of 1893, was later renamed in 1898 after he bought the trade name \"Pep Cola\" for $100 from a competitor from Newark, New Jersey that had gone broke. The new name was trademarked on June 16th, 1903. Bradham's neighbor, an artist, designed the first Pepsi logo, and ninety-seven shares of stock for Bradham's new company were issued.", "Marketing Strategies of Pepsi Co. PepsiCo is the second largest food and beverage company in the world. Caleb Bradham founded PepsiCo in... 1898, a pharmacist and drugstore owner, who formulated the ingredients for the syrup, originally called Brad’s drink, of what is known today as Pepsi-Cola. PepsiCo’s mission is to be the world’s most premier consumer products company focused on convenient foods and beverages. PepsiCo has six guiding principles that include, “Care for customers/world we live...", "Caleb Bradham, the founder of Pepsi-Cola and \"Brad's Drink,\" dies at 66 (May 27th, 1867-February 19th, 1934).", "Introduction: Firm profile and product selection The origins of Pepsi-cola started in the late 1890s through an invention by Caleb Bradham, a... pharmacist, who like all pharmacist had soda fountains in their store. His most famous concoction was a soda that contained pepsin. This was initially called brads drink before he changed the name to Pepsi. Over the years subsequent mergers and acquisitions Pepsi-cola merged with Frito-Lays, and a new company, PepsiCo, was created. Currently, PepsiCo is divided...", "Carl Lai ham - in 1898, the United States north Carolina new Berne young pharmacist Carl。Lai ham invented by a kola nut and vanilla seeds mix drink at first, it was used in the treatment of digestive, but when he mixed soda water in this drink , he found a delicious refreshing drinks then it is named vanilla cola, it was called Brads drinks. (16 unknow, 2010)", "We'll need to take up references much does iui cost missouri dk PepsiCo also celebrates its origins and in the past two years held its annual shareholders meeting in New Bern, N.C., where Caleb Bradham is said to have created the company’s flagship soda in the late 1890s. But the formula for Pepsi was changed to make it sweeter in 1931 by the company’s new owner, who didn’t like the taste.", "Again following the successful methods of the Coca-Cola company, Bradham began to establish a network of bottling franchises. Entrepreneurs anxious to enter the increasingly popular soft drink business set themselves up as bottlers and contracted with Bradham to buy his syrup and sell nothing but Pepsi. With little cash outlay, Pepsi-Cola reached a much wider market. Bradham’s first two bottling franchises, both in North Carolina, commenced operation in 1905. By 1907, Pepsi-Cola had signed agreements with 40 bottlers; over the next three years, the number grew to 250 and annual production of the syrup exceeded one million gallons.", "1902 - The instant popularity of this new drink leads Bradham to devote all of his energy to developing Pepsi-Cola into a full-fledged business. He applies for a trademark with the U.S. Patent Office, Washington D.C., and forms the first Pepsi-Cola Company.", "After seventeen years of success, Caleb Bradham lost Pepsi Cola. He had gambled on the fluctuations of sugar prices during W.W.I, believing that sugar prices would continue to rise but they fell instead leaving Caleb Bradham with an overpriced sugar inventory. Pepsi Cola went bankrupt in 1923 and its assets were sold to a North Carolina concern; Craven Holding Corporation for $30,000.", "By the 1890s two beverages had changed the character of the soft-drink industry. In 1885 Charles Alderton, a Waco pharmacist, originated Dr Pepper Phos-Ferrates (see DR PEPPER COMPANY ), and in 1886 John Pemberton concocted Coca-Cola in Atlanta, Georgia. In 1885 Wade B. Morrison, who owned the Old Corner Drug Store in Waco, arranged with Robert Sherman Lazenby, owner of a small bottling plant, to mix and ship Dr Pepper Phos-Ferrates syrup to area drugstores. In 1891 a feed-store operator in Dublin, Texas, began bottling soda waters, including Dr Pepper. Other plants in Central Texas followed suit. However, during the 1890s no Texas bottling plant advertised a franchised soft drink and no company listed such a product in its company or corporate name. In 1898, during the Spanish-American War, Lazenby had an exclusive War Department contract to bottle and ship his Circle A Ginger Ale to servicemen in foreign lands. He supplied both army and navy installations until World War I . In 1900 Texas had 139 soda-water bottling plants. Lemon, ginger, ale, vanilla, orange, sarsaparilla, and raspberry were the principal flavors. The state also had seventy-seven ice plants, more than any other. Only one bottling plant used power-a four-horsepower central motor which delivered power by belts to carbonators and bottle-washing machines.", "It’s difficult to imagine a world without Coca-Cola, the most popular soft drink on earth. Pharmacist John Stith Pemberton created the original formula in 1885. Born in 1831 in Knoxville, Georgia, Pemberton earned his medical degree at age 19 and practiced some medicine and surgery early in his career. He later opened his own drug store in Columbus, Georgia.", "Coca-Cola is a carbonated soft drink sold in stores, restaurants and vending machines worldwide. John Stith Pemberton was an American pharmacist, soldier, and inventor. He concocted Coca-Cola on May 8, 1886 in Atlanta, Georgia. He had developed many syrups, medicines, and elixirs before, including a popular drink called French Wine of Coca, which contained French Bordeaux wine, coca leaves, and caffeine. Coca-Cola originally included trace amounts of powder cocaine, which gave it its name. During 1886, Coca Cola's first year, sales averaged nine drinks per day. In 2004, over 1.3 billion beverage servings are sold each day. Although Coca-Cola was first created in the United States, it became popular wherever it went. More than 70 percent of income comes from outside the United States, making John Pemberton's company a truly global powerhouse.", "In 1886, when Atlanta and Fulton County passed prohibition legislation, Pemberton responded by developing Coca-Cola, essentially a nonalcoholic version of French Wine Coca. [7] The first sales were at Jacob's Pharmacy in Atlanta, Georgia , on May 8, 1886. [8] It was initially sold as a patent medicine for five cents [9] a glass at soda fountains , which were popular in the United States at the time due to the belief that carbonated water was good for the health. [10] Pemberton claimed Coca-Cola cured many diseases, including morphine addiction, dyspepsia , neurasthenia , headache, and impotence . Pemberton ran the first advertisement for the beverage on May 29 of the same year in the Atlanta Journal . [11]", "Owned and manufactured by The Coca Cola Company, Coca Cola was invented by American pharmacist John Pemberton in the late 19th century at a drugstore in Columbus, Georgia. It was initially introduced in the market as a patent medicine. Coca Cola is simply referred to as “Coke”, which became a registered trademark by The Coca Cola Company in the United States in 1944. It became a national icon in the U.S.A. when Coca Cola celebrated its 50th anniversary. Aside from the classic Coca Cola flavor, it has numerous flavor variants available worldwide including Coca Cola Cherry, Coca Cola with Lemon, Coca Cola Vanilla, Coca Cola Raspberry, Coca Cola Orange and Vanilla Coke.", "Dr Pepper is a carbonated soft drink marketed as having a unique flavor. The drink was created in the 1880s by Charles Alderton in Waco, Texas and first served around 1885. Dr Pepper was first nationally marketed in the United States in 1904, and is now also sold in Europe, Asia, Canada, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand (as an imported drink), South Africa (also as an imported drink), and South America. Variants include a version without high fructose corn syrup, Diet Dr Pepper, as well as a line of additional flavors, first introduced in the 2000s.", "The maker of VapoRub and Nyquil traces its roots back to Greensboro, NC, in the 1890s. Pharmacist Lunsford Richardson began mixing up home remedies at his shop, but he needed a name for marketing his concoctions. After seeing an ad for a company called Vick's Seeds he decided to name his brands Vick's Family Remedies in honor of his brother-in-law, Dr. Joshua Vick. While Richardson initially sold 21 family remedies, one of them was particularly popular; Vicks Croup and Pneumonia Salve was the forerunner to what we now know as Vicks Vaporub.", "Vernors ginger ale shares the title of America’s oldest surviving soft drink with Hires Root Beer. It was invented in 1866 by James Vernor, a Detroit pharmacist.", "In 1886, when Atlanta and Fulton County enacted temperance legislation, Pemberton found himself forced to produce a non-alcoholic alternative to his French Wine Coca. Pemberton relied on Atlanta drugstore owner-proprietor Willis E. Venable to test, and help him perfect, the recipe for the beverage, which he formulated by trial and error. With Venable's assistance, Pemberton worked out a set of directions for its preparation that eventually included blending the base syrup with carbonated water by accident when trying to make another glass. Pemberton decided then to sell it as a fountain drink rather than a medicine. Frank Mason Robinson came up with the name \"Coca-Cola\" for the alliterative sound, which was popular among other wine medicines of the time. Although the name quite clearly refers to the two main ingredients, the controversy over its cocaine content would later prompt The Coca-Cola Company to state that the name was \"meaningless but fanciful\". Robinson also hand wrote the Spencerian script on the bottles and ads. Pemberton made many health claims for his product, touting it as a \"valuable brain tonic\" that would cure headaches, relieve exhaustion and calm nerves, and marketed it as \"delicious, refreshing, pure joy, exhilarating\", and \"invigorating\".", "Charles Hires invented and promoted Sassafras Root beer as “The Temperance Drink” or “the greatest health giving beverage in the world” and alternate to beer. Root beer and Sassafras tea are still popular.", "Daiquirí is also the name of a beach and an iron mine near Santiago de Cuba, and is a word of Taíno origin. The drink was supposedly invented by an American mining engineer, named Jennings Cox, who was in Cuba at the time of the Spanish–American War. It is also possible that William A. Chanler, a US congressman who purchased the Santiago iron mines in 1902, introduced the daiquiri to clubs in New York in that year. ", "Whatever story you believe, the drink eventually made it into the hands of a junior medical officer, Lucius W. Johnson, in 1909. Johnson and the crew of USS Minnesota were in Cuba touring the battlefields from the Spanish American War. The future Rear Admiral was introduced to Cox during a tour of the island’s battlegrounds. Cox was quick to introduce him to his favorite drink; which Johnson instantly fell in love with the refreshing drink. He explained his first encounter with Cox in detail in a 22 August 1952 edition of the Baltimore Evening Sun:", "In 1886, John Styth Pemberton, an Atlanta pharmacist, came up with a particular syrup, in addition to his other concoctions against hair loss, headaches and whatever. He sold his articles to other pharmacists as medicinal products. The syrup consisted of cane sugar, caffeine and extracts of coca leaves (cocaine) and Kola beans. The drink was diluted with water, and cooled with ice cubes.", "In 1899, a pharmacist named George Bunting blended his own cold cream, which, in addition to removing makeup and relieving sunburn, gained " ]
[ 8.8125, 8.59375, 8.1171875, 7.22265625, 6.62109375, 6.3828125, 6.04296875, 5.73046875, 5.25390625, 4.7578125, 4.50390625, 3.634765625, 3.357421875, 2.7421875, 1.37109375, 1.3095703125, 1.251953125, 0.90869140625, -1.0703125, -2.205078125, -2.435546875, -3.375, -3.447265625, -3.9375, -4.7421875, -4.8984375, -5.80859375, -6.78125, -7.03125, -7.21484375, -7.796875, -9.1875 ]
The PayDay candy bar is composed of peanuts and what other confection?
[ "PayDay is a candy bar consisting of salted peanuts rolled in caramel surrounding a firm nougat-like center. It is currently produced by The Hershey Company.", "5. Once set, remove the candy from the pan using the foil as handles. At this point, you have a PayDay taste-alike—the original candy bars are just made from caramel and peanuts! If you want to enjoy it this way, cut the candy in half, and then cut each half into slender bars. If you want to dip the candy in chocolate, proceed to step 6.", "Homemade payday candy bars made of sticky-sweet, gooey caramel balanced by the crunch of a thousand salty peanuts. They're almost paydays. They would be more aptly titled payday “wannabees” being they're not exactly alike yet completely delicious in their own right.", "Payday lovers are those who honor and treasure the pleasure of salt in their candy above all other ingredients. They are perhaps born, not made. My friend Steve distinctly remembers racing to the vending machines after baseball practices in Southern California. While the other boys zeroed in on Twix or Honey Buns, Steve was drawn to the Payday. Its salty peanuts magically replaced his sweat-out calories, while its caramel center spoke to his boyish sweet tooth. It’s really no surprise that Steve grew up to be the man who prefers salted caramels to standard truffles.", "More than 80 years after its launch in 1930, this Mars bar is world’s best-selling international confection. And although it may not have revolutionized candy-bar taste or distribution, it’s unparalleled at selling itself: its star-studded ad campaign “You’re Not You When You’re Hungry” helped sales hit around $3.5 billion in 2012, outpacing M&Ms, Reeses and Kit Kat. Also, says Kimmerle, it helps that Snickers offers the holy trinity of confection: nougat, caramel and peanuts—coated in chocolate, of course.", "The original product consisted of peanuts coated in milk chocolate with an outer shell of dark brown glazed , and appeared in the UK in the 1960s; these were later marketed as Peanut Treets, (sold in a yellow packet), together with Toffee Treets (sold in a blue packet)[1] and Chocolate Treets (sold in a brown packet). All three shared the same glazed coating, but the filling of the button-shaped Chocolate Treet consisted solely of the milk chocolate which surrounded the peanut or toffee pellet in the other versions. All three were marketed with the slogan \"Melt in your mouth, not in your hand\" which was first used in 1967.[2]", "The Snickers candy bar built upon the success of earlier peanut and chocolate products, including the Goo Goo Cluster (1913), Goldenberg’s Peanut Chews (1922), and Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups (1928). Snickers was created in 1929 by Frank Mars and his family. It was first sold to the public the following year. Named for the Mars’s horse, it was composed of peanut butter nougat, peanuts, and caramel encased in milk chocolate. The nougat was made by whipping egg whites until they were light and frothy. This was stabilized by sugar syrup, which was added along with flavoring ingredients. The caramel was made with milk, sugar, fat, and flavorings. Snickers were hand-wrapped until 1944, but thereafter were machine-wrapped.", "Chocolate bars containing other ingredients feature a wide variety of layerings or mixtures that include nuts, fruit, caramel, nougat, and fondant. A popular example is a Snickers bar, which consists of a nougat mixed with caramel and peanuts.", "Snickers is a brand name chocolate bar made by the American company Mars, Incorporated. Consisting of nougat topped with caramel and peanuts, enrobed in milk chocolate, Snickers has annual global sales of $2 billion. ", "Baby Ruth:Baby Ruth is an American candy bar made of peanuts, caramel and chocolate-flavored nougat covered in chocolate.", "Avocado does a good job too. Also any product with peanuts. Sugar, banana, cucumber or dry bread.", "Buckeye candy is so called for its resemblance to the nut of the buckeye , the state tree of Ohio and nickname for its residents. Like a cross between peanut butter fudge and peanut butter cups, Buckeye candies consist of a ball of sweet peanut butter dough dipped in melted chocolate. Congratulations to Ohio for producing a confection that actually looks like the thing it’s supposed to look like, and that’s delicious to boot.", "Butterfinger is another popular candy bar that was invented in 1923 by Otto Schnering and is currently manufactured by Nestlé. This candy bar consists of a flaky, peanut butter-flavored center covered with compound chocolate.", "The Indigo Girls sing about them, Run DMC raps about them, artists draw them. Their Facebook page has over 12 million likes. They’ve been mixed into cocktails, baked into pies, and stuffed into burgers. No mass-market candy bar inspires such intense passion as Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.", "4.   4  SITUATION ANALYSISCompany BackgroundThe Wrigley Company, a subsidiary of Mars, Inc. is a recognized leader in confectionswith a wide range of product offerings including gum, mints, lollipops, and hard and chewycandies including Skittles (Wrigley, 2013). Some of the Wrigley’s other world-famous brandsinclude Starburst, Altoids, Life Savers, and several popular gums such as Take 5, Big Red, Extra,Orbit, and Doublemint. The company is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois and has operations inmore than 40 countries and distribution in more than 180 countries (Wrigley, 2013).Skittles candies were first introduced in the United States in 1979 (Wrigley, 2013). TheOriginal flavor included a combination of Orange, Lemon, Lime, Grape and Strawberry chewycandy pieces. Today Skittles candies have diversified to include seven different flavor products;Original, Sour, Wild Berry, Riddles, Tropical, Darkside, and Blenders. According to the officialcompany website (Wrigley, 2013), “Skittles are a variety of bite-sized chewy candies with acolorful candy shell, Skittles® candies have been allowing fans to enjoy Skittles® for decades.”Skittles candies are part of the non-chocolate confectionaries sector with competitorssuch as our Sour Patch Kids, Life Savers Gummies, and Starburst, which is also owned by theWrigley Company. The competitive set for the non-chocolate confectionaries sector includesfruit-flavored confectionaries, primarily non-chocolate candy and gum. According to BusinessWire (2012), the 2011 industrys revenue was reported at $6.4 billion USD, with an estimatedgross profit of 39.18%. This finding suggests that despite a lagging economy, the snackingindustry remains strong and presents opportunities for growth.", "Cocoanut and Chocolate. It's simply the greatest candy bar there is. I am a huge cocoanut fan as I can eat a bag as is, but then add chocolate to it and suddenly I find myself in heaven. You all should too!", "Most white chocolate products in our cash and carry inventory are a white chocolate version of an already known and loved chocolate bar. For example, Reese’s makes a White Chocolate Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup  which has the same peanut butter filling but with a white chocolate outer shell.", "Comments: Developed in 1979, the Twix bar was originally marketed in Europe under the name \"Raider.\" It's a crunchy cookie topped with peanut cream and covered with milk chocolate. It has a pleasant, fine crunch but the peanut butter flavor is hard to detect. An interesting feature is the ribbed shape of the cookie as seen in the side-sectioned view above.", "First, there’s the classic Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup. It got its first commercial media blast with a campaign in the 70s that featured two people - one eating peanut butter from a jar and the other eating a chocolate bar. They would collide and the chocolate bar would end up in the peanut butter and the chocolate eater would complain, “You got peanut butter on my chocolate!”  The peanut butter eater would complain, “You got chocolate in my peanut butter!” Then they’d both taste it and it’d be pure love. Cue the jingle ... Two great tastes that taste great together, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.", "Hershey licenses the Reese's brand (name, logo, etc.) to various companies for the production of other products beyond the traditional realm of candy. For example, General Mills produces Reese's Puffs, a brand of peanut butter and chocolate flavored breakfast cereal. Several companies, including Breyers, Baskin-Robbins, and Dairy Queen, produce various licensed Reese's ice cream products.", "From Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups to Baby Ruth, there’s no shortage of tasty candy bars. But which ones are America’s favorites?", "Today candy bars are manufactured and consumed all over the world, and produced to local tastes and environmental conditions.", "The campaign made a six-decades-old product seem new and exotic. But to make this work, Hershey had to erase Reese’s history. While branding Reese’s, Hershey did something even more powerful: it laid claim to the chocolate-peanut butter combination.", "Confectionary – Any of a numerous amount of food products based on sugar as the main ingredient.", "a thingamajig is a perfect combination of chocolate and nuts. Want a chocolate bar? Get a wachamacallit.", "They don’t look like much, you might be thinking, because I thought the same, but for all their simplicity they have strangely addictive qualities. I hope you get a chance to make them, even if you’re not a payday candy bar lover, so you can understand exactly what I’m talking about.", "Cocoa Krispies, Choco Krispis, Choco Krispies, Coco Pops, or Choco Pops is a breakfast cereal produced by Kellogg's, coming both as a boxed cereal and as a snack bar with a 'dried milk' covered bottom to make the cereal-with-milk tradition portable. It is a cocoa-flavored version of Rice Krispies. Containing a substance imitating milk chocolate, the cereal can turn milk \"chocolatey.\" ", "But you have to do something right to get a candy bar named after you .", "Twix: Is a chocolate bar made by Mars, Inc., consisting of a biscuit finger, topped with caramel and coated in milk chocolate", "Lucky Charms is a popular brand of breakfast cereal produced by the General Mills cereal company. The cereal consists of toasted bits of oat and multicolored marshmallows in various shapes.", "It was pretty funny when a person would eat a piece of candy a giant piece fruit would land on them. Then they would say : Bonkers! Dumb candy ! The candy was taffy like and had a fruit center of taffy that was darker in color.", "How a great candy was saved from oblivion by a small alien visitor from outer space OR the story of Reese’s Pieces, E.T.’s favorite candy." ]
[ 6.24609375, 2.40234375, 2.333984375, 0.9462890625, 0.189208984375, -0.61572265625, -1.056640625, -1.0869140625, -2.728515625, -2.759765625, -2.96484375, -3.45703125, -3.69140625, -4.04296875, -4.05078125, -5.20703125, -5.265625, -5.453125, -5.46875, -5.72265625, -6.47265625, -6.81640625, -6.8515625, -7.04296875, -7.0859375, -7.1953125, -7.83203125, -8.3125, -8.5, -8.71875, -9.0234375, -9.0546875 ]
Who was the last vice president to be elected president?
[ "8 Vice-president George H.W. Bush succeeded Ronald Reagan as president following the 1988 election. Before him, the last incumbent vice-president who was directly elected president rather than succeeding a president who died in office was A.Martin Van Buren B.Lyndon Johnson C.Calvin Coolidge D.Theodore Roosevelt E.Harry Truman", "Vice-Presidents of the United States: John Adams (1789-1797), Thomas Jefferson (1797-1801), Aaron Burr (1801-1805), George Clinton (1805-1812), Elbridge Gerry (1813-1814), Daniel D. Tompkins (1817-1825), John C. Calhoun (1825-1832), Martin Van Buren (1833-1837), Richard M. Johnson (1837-1841), John Tyler (1841), George Dallas (1845-1849), Millard Fillmore (1849-1850), William R. King (1853), John C. Breckinridge (1857-1861), Hannibal Hamlin (1861-1865), Andrew Johnson (1865), Schuyler Colfax (1869-1873), Henry Wilson (1873-1875), William A. Wheeler (1877-1881), Chester A. Arthur (1881), Thomas A. Hendricks (1885), Levi P. Morton (1889-1893), Adlai E. Stevenson (1893-1897), Garret Hobart (1897-1899), Theodore Roosevelt (1901), Charles W. Fairbanks (1905-1909), James S. Sherman (1909-1912), Thomas R. Marshall (1913-1921), Calvin Coolidge (1921-1923), Charles G. Dawes (1925-1929), Charles Curtis (1929-1933), John N. Garner (1933-1941), Henry A. Wallace (1941-1945), Harry S. Truman (1945), Alben W. Berkley (1949-1953), Richard Nixon (1953-1961), Lyndon B. Johnson (1961-1963), Hubert Humphrey (1965-1969), Spiro Agnew (1969-1973), Gerald Ford (1973-1974), Nelson Rockefeller (1974-1977), Walter Mondale (1977-1981), George H. W. Bush (1981-1989), Dan Quayle (1989-1993), Al Gore (1993-2001), Dick Cheney (2001-(current)).", "Vice-president George H.W. Bush succeeded Ronald Reagan as president following the 1988 election. Before him, the last incumbent vice-president who was directly elected president rather than succeeding a president who died in office was", "Prior to passage of the Twenty-fifth Amendment, a vacancy in the office of the Vice President could not be filled until the next post-election inauguration. Such vacancies were common; sixteen occurred before the 25th Amendment was ratified–as a result of seven deaths, one resignation (John C. Calhoun, who resigned to enter Congress), and eight cases in which the vice president succeeded to the presidency. This amendment allowed for a vacancy to be filled with appointment by the President and confirmation by both chambers of the U.S. Congress. Since the Amendment's passage, two vice presidents have been appointed through this process, Gerald Ford of Michigan in 1973 and Nelson Rockefeller of New York in 1974. The office has been vacant for 13,800 days since the beginning of the United States federal government, or for approximately 37 years and 10 months. To date, 14 vice presidents became president, five of whom via election.", ", there are five living former vice presidents of the United States, the oldest being George H. W. Bush (1981–1989, born 1924). The most recent death of a former vice president was that of Gerald Ford (1973–1974), on December 26, 2006. The most recently serving vice president to die was Nelson Rockefeller (1974–1977) on January 26, 1979. Pictured below, listed in order of service:", "The President of the Senate also presides over counting and presentation of the votes of the Electoral College. This process occurs in the presence of both houses of Congress, generally on January 6 of the year following a U.S. presidential election. In this capacity, only four vice presidents have been able to announce their own election to the presidency: John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Martin Van Buren, and George H. W. Bush. At the beginning of 1961, it fell to Richard Nixon to preside over this process, which officially announced the election of his 1960 opponent, John F. Kennedy. In 2001, Al Gore announced the election of his opponent, George W. Bush. In 1969, Vice President Hubert Humphrey would have announced the election of his opponent, Richard Nixon; however, on the date of the Congressional joint session (January 6), Humphrey was in Norway attending the funeral of Trygve Lie, the first elected Secretary-General of the United Nations. ", "Gerald Rudolph Ford Jr. (born Leslie Lynch King Jr.; July 14, 1913 – December 26, 2006) was an American politician who served as the 38th President of the United States from 1974 to 1977. Prior to this he was the 40th Vice President of the United States, serving from 1973 until President Richard Nixon's resignation in 1974. He was the first person appointed to the vice presidency under the terms of the 25th Amendment, following the resignation of Vice President Spiro Agnew on October 10, 1973. Becoming president upon Richard Nixon's departure on August 9, 1974, he claimed the distinction as the first and to date the only person to have served as both Vice President and President of the United States without being elected to either office. As he was appointed to fill a vacancy and then succeeded to the presidency, Ford also earned the distinction of being the only person in American history to neither begin nor finish either a presidential or vice presidential term on the date of a regularly-scheduled inauguration. Before ascending to the vice presidency, Ford served 25 years as Representative from Michigan's 5th congressional district, the final 9 of them as the House Minority Leader.", "* There have only been 12 men elected Vice President twice: Adams, Tompkins, Marshall, Garner, Nixon, Agnew, Bush, Gore, Cheney, Biden (each serving under one president), and Clinton and Calhoun (with different presidents.) Clinton, Calhoun, and Agnew did not complete their second terms.", "87. Spiro Agnew - was the 39th Vice President of the United States, serving from 1969 to 1973 under President Richard M. Nixon. His was the highest-ranking United States political office ever reached by a Greek-American citizen. He is most famous for his resignation in 1973 following evidence of tax evasion. Agnew was also the 55 th governor of the state of Maryland from 1967 to 1969 88. Gerald Ford - was the 38th (1974–1977) President of the United States. Ford also served as the 40th (1973–1974) Vice President. He was the first person appointed to the Vice-Presidency under the terms of the 25th Amendment, and upon succession to the presidency became the first (and to date, only) president in U.S. history to fill that office without having been elected either President or Vice- President. He is also the longest-lived United States president ever, having surpassed Ronald Reagan's record on November 12, 2006 89. Constitutional Amendments", "Richard Milhous Nixon (January 9, 1913 – April 22, 1994) was the 37th President of the United States (1969–1974) and is the only president to resign the office. He was also the 36th Vice President of the United States (1953–1961).", "Richard Milhous Nixon (January 9, 1913 – April 22, 1994) was the 37th President of the United States (1969–74), having formerly been the 36th Vice President of the United States (1953–61). A member of the Republican Party, he was the only President to resign the office as well as the only person to be elected twice to both the Presidency and the Vice Presidency.", "The oldest living vice president is George H. W. Bush, born on June 12, 1924 (aged ), who is also the oldest living president. The youngest living vice president is Al Gore, born on March 31, 1948 (aged ). The longest-lived vice president was John Nance Garner, who died at the age of 98 years, 350 days. The shortest-lived vice president was Daniel D. Tompkins, who died at the age of 50 years, 355 days. ", "* United States: President William Howard Taft (1909 - 1913) mustache. The last Vice President of the United States to wear any facial hair was Charles Curtis, who was in office from 1929 till 1933. In 2015, Paul Ryan became the first Speaker of the House to wear a beard in ninety years. ", "At the same time as his Vice Presidential run, Johnson also sought a third term in the U.S. Senate. According to Robert Caro, \"On November 5, 1960, Lyndon Johnson won election for both the vice presidency of the United States, on the Kennedy-Johnson ticket, and for a third term as Senator (he had Texas law changed to allow him to run for both offices). When he won the vice presidency, he made arrangements to resign from the Senate, as he was required to do under federal law, as soon as it convened on January 3, 1961.\" [24] (In 1988, Lloyd Bentsen , the Vice Presidential running mate of Democratic presidential candidate Michael Dukakis , and also a Senator from Texas , took advantage of \"Lyndon's law,\" and was able to retain his seat in the Senate despite Dukakis' loss to George H. W. Bush . The same went for Senator Joe Lieberman of Connecticut in 2000 after Al Gore lost to George W. Bush . In 2008, Joseph Biden was elected Vice President and was re-elected U.S. Senator, like Johnson had done in 1960.)", "Since the amendment's ratification, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Richard M. Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama have been elected president twice. The same party has won the presidency in three consecutive elections only once since World War II, when Republican George H. W. Bush won in 1988 after two terms as Vice President with Republican Ronald Reagan. In all other cases, the opposing party's candidate has won after two terms with a single party: Dwight D. Eisenhower (R) in 1952, John F. Kennedy (D) in 1960, Richard Nixon (R) in 1968, Jimmy Carter (D) in 1976, George W. Bush (R) in 2000, and Barack Obama (D) in 2008. The only president who took office after the ratification of the Twenty-second Amendment and who could have served more than eight years was Lyndon B. Johnson. He became President in 1963 when John F. Kennedy was assassinated, served the final 14 months (less than two years) of Kennedy's term, was elected president in 1964, and ran briefly for re-election in 1968 but chose to withdraw from the race. Gerald Ford became president on August 9, 1974, and served the final 29 months (more than two years) of Richard Nixon's unexpired term. Ford, who lost to Jimmy Carter in 1976, would have been eligible to be elected in his own right only once.", "The 47th and current Vice President of the United States is  Joe Biden . He was sworn in for his second, four-year term on January 21, 2013. ", "Albert Arnold \"Al\" Gore, Jr. (born March 31, 1948) is an American politician and environmentalist who served as the 45th Vice President of the United States from 1993 to 2001 under President Bill Clinton. He was Clinton's running mate in their successful campaign in 1992, and was re-elected in 1996. At the end of Clinton's second term, Gore was picked as the Democratic nominee for the 2000 presidential election. After leaving office, Gore remained prominent as an author and environmental activist, whose work in climate change activism earned him (jointly with the IPCC) the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007.", "* November 20 – Joe Biden, 47th Vice President of the United States and former US Senator (D-De.) (1973-2009)", "George Herbert Walker Bush (born June 12, 1924) is an American politician who served as the 41st President of the United States (1989–93). He had previously served as the 43rd Vice President of the United States (1981–89), a congressman , an ambassador, and Director of Central Intelligence .", "from 1974 to 1976, and Director of the Central Intelligence Agency from 1976 to 1977. [8] Although several of these positions were not in the public eye, they positioned Bush as a major Republican insider. After losing to Ronald Reagan in the 1980 Republican primaries, Bush became the logical choice as Reagan's vice presidential running mate. Bush brought balance to the ticket; he had the foreign policy experience Reagan lacked, and his family connections won over Eisenhower Republicans. [9] After serving as Reagan's Vice President for eight years, Bush ran for president, overwhelmingly defeating Democrat Michael Dukakis in the 1988 presidential election.", "The vice presidents have hailed from 21 states. More than half of them have come from just five states, New York (11), Indiana (5), Massachusetts (4), Kentucky (3), and Texas (3). Most vice presidents have been in their 50s or 60s and had political experience prior to assuming the office. The youngest person to become Vice President was John C. Breckinridge at 36 years of age, while the oldest was Alben W. Barkley at 71 years of age.", "Upon President Nixon's resignation on August 9, 1974, Vice President Gerald Ford assumed the presidency and on August 20 he nominated Rockefeller to be the next Vice President of the United States. In considering potential nominees, Rockefeller was one of three primary candidates. The other two were then-United States Ambassador to NATO Donald Rumsfeld, whom Ford eventually chose as his Chief of Staff, and then-Republican National Committee Chairman George Bush, who would eventually become Vice President in his own right.", "Texas's other native vice president was John Nance Garner (1868–1967), former speaker of the US House of Representatives. George Bush (b.Massachusetts, 1924), who founded his own oil development company and has served in numerous federal posts, was elected vice president in 1980 on the Republican ticket and reelected in 1984, then elected to the presidency in 1988. Tom C. Clark (1899–1977) served as an associate justice on the US Supreme Court from 1949 to 1967; he stepped down when his son Ramsey (b.1927) was appointed US attorney general, a post the elder Clark had also held.", "24 November 2008: Governor Ruth Ann Minner (D-Delaware) announced that she would appoint Ted Kaufman, a long-time aide to Senator (now Vice President-elect) Joseph Biden, to the seat Biden will have to vacate prior to Noon Eastern Time next 20 January, when he is scheduled to be sworn in as Vice-President of the United States. Senator Biden won re-election to his seat (as well as the Vice-Presidency) in the 4 November Elections; Kaufman would be appointed to serve until a successor is chosen by the People of the State of Delaware in a Special Election in November 2010.", "There were several unique aspects of the 2008 election. The election was the first in which an African American was elected President, and the first time a Roman Catholic was elected Vice President ( Joe Biden , then-U.S. Senator from Delaware ). It was also the first time two sitting senators ran against each other. The 2008 election was the first in 56 years in which neither an incumbent president nor a vice president ran — Bush was barred from seeking a third term by the Twenty-second Amendment ; Dick Cheney chose not to seek the presidency. It was also the first time the Republican Party nominated a woman for Vice President ( Sarah Palin , then-Governor of Alaska ). Voter turnout for the 2008 election was the highest in at least 40 years.", "Biden, a Democrat, is Vice President of the United States (and President of the Senate) and has served since Jan 20, 2009 (next election in 2016).", "The 2000 Republican presidential nominee, George W. Bush , announced he had chosen his vice presidential running mate on July 25, 2000. He was Dick Cheney, who had served as White House chief of staff to President Gerald Ford , congressman and Secretary of Defense. Bush made the announcement about one week before that year's Republican National Convention, held in late July and early August of 2000.", "Answer: In 1984, Walter Mondale, Democratic nominee for president, selected Geraldine Ferraro as his running mate, and his choice was confirmed by the Democratic National Convention.", "George Walker Bush is an American politician who served as the 43rd President of the United States from 2001 to 2009 and 46th Governor of Texas from 1995 to 2000. The eldest son of Barbara and George H. W.", "He was the vice president of Carter and when he won the democratic nomination he was defeated by a landslide by Reagan. He was the first presidential candidate to have a woman vice president, Geraldine Ferraro.", "1984 - Democratic presidential candidate Walter F. Mondale named U.S. Rep. Geraldine A. Ferraro of New York to be his running mate. Ferraro was the first woman to run for vice president on a major party ticket.", "As a former President of Texas, he was the last foreign head of state to serve in the U.S. Congress." ]
[ 5.0859375, 4.7578125, 4.19140625, 2.890625, 2.833984375, 2.7109375, 2.6796875, 2.3203125, 2.283203125, 1.5126953125, 1.50390625, 1.47265625, 1.2783203125, 0.80810546875, 0.5498046875, 0.153564453125, 0.08355712890625, 0.08331298828125, 0.0015649795532226562, -0.0038471221923828125, -0.04974365234375, -0.0731201171875, -0.2291259765625, -0.83984375, -0.89208984375, -1.5, -2.283203125, -3.505859375, -3.548828125, -3.70703125, -4.30078125, -6.21484375 ]
In the Transformer Universe, who is the leader of the Decipticons?
[ "Transformers originally featured two main factions of \"transformers\" warring for control of their home planet, Cybertron. The noble Autobots were led by Optimus Prime, and the evil Decepticons were led by Megatron.", "Leadership of the Decepticons is confusing. In the first film, the leader of the Decepticons is Megatron . Between the period before the first movie, and the three years between both movies, Starscream assumes temporary leadership of the Decepticons. But in the next film, it is revealed that The Fallen is the true leader, with Megatron being his apprentice. With the death of the Fallen by Jetpower Optimus Prime , leadership appears to once again fall to Megatron. During the battle in Chicago, Megatron and Shockwave were killed by Optimus Prime, Soundwave was killed by Bumblebee and Starscream was killed by Sam Witwicky leaving it unclear who is the leader of any surviving Decepticons.", "Knowing nothing of their true origins or the destiny they were to fulfill, the Transformers eventually splintered into two factions – the politically dissident Decepticons, who waged war on the peaceful Autobots. Megatron, leader of the Decepticons, schemed to turn Cybertron into the ultimate weapon, a warworld that would wreak havoc across the galaxy, and the resulting war knocked Cybertron out of its orbit and set it adrift in the universe. Around four million years BC, Cybertron's path brought it into the Sol system, heading directly for the asteroid belt, which threatened to heavily damage the planet. Autobot leader Optimus Prime led a contingent of his warriors aboard the Ark to destroy the rocks in Cybertron's path, but once they had succeeded, they were attacked by the Decepticons, causing all involved to be trapped in stasis on prehistoric Earth.", "Severely weakened by the injuries he sustained fighting Optimus Prime in Egypt, Megatron was revealed in Transformers: Dark of the Moon to be hiding in the African Savannah along with Starscream , Soundwave , Igor and Laserbeak , currently serving as the new leader of the Decepticons. Unable to challenge Optimus directly, Megatron arranged for Shockwave to reveal the location of a long lost Autobot ship, the Ark, to the Autobots, as well as its captain, Optimus' mentor and former Autobot leader Sentinel Prime, on Earth's moon. Unknown to Optimus, during the war on Cybertron, Megatron had convinced Sentinel to betray the Autobots under the pretense of ending the war for the sake of preserving their homeworld. In order to do so, Megatron and Sentinel Prime plotted to use a space bridge to transport Cybertron into Earth's Solar System, intending to use the humans as slaves. However, shortly after Sentinel's treachery was revealed, Megatron himself was betrayed by his alleged ally as Sentinel secretly overthrew him and took command of the Decepticons for himself.", "While Megatron was the primary leader, other Decepticons had prominent roles as leaders of the group. Shockwave , Scorponok , Bludgeon , and Ratbat all led the Decepticons, often overthrowing Megatron in the process or taking over the group during the period when Megatron was believed dead.", "While Megatron was the primary leader, other Decepticons had prominent roles as leaders of the group. Shockwave, Scorponok, Bludgeon, and Ratbat all led the Decepticons, often overthrowing Megatron in the process or taking over the group during the period when Megatron was believed dead.", "The main group of Decepticons (also referred to as simply \"Cons\"), lead by Megatron , in the 2010 computer animated series Transformers: Prime is much larger than in most continuities and are opposed to Team Prime .", "The Decepticons make an appearance in the 2007 the Transformers live-action film. They include Megatron, Starscream, Frenzy, Blackout, Barricade, Scorponok, Brawl and Bonecrusher. The Movie Prequel comic by IDW Publishing would reveal their origins. Originally Optimus Prime and Megatron ruled Cybertron together, due to the power of the Allspark, a mysterious device that could give life to Transformers - and keep Cybertron itself alive. Eventually, Megatron began to desire its power for himself and assembled a like-minded army of separatists - the Decepticons. Megatron soon struck, and Cybertron became embroiled in civil war. The subsequent prequel novel Transformers: Ghosts of Yesterday revealed that Starscream seized command of the Decepticons after Megatron's disappearance.", "By the time of the Transformers: Prime animated series, the known remaining inhabitants of the planet are a swarm of scraplets – an apparently native 'robotic flesh' eating type of creature – and an Insecticon drone while it continues its attempts at self-repair, though Ratchet hints at the possibility of other Insecticons or possibly even other Autobots having remained behind. It is revealed that eons before the Autobots and Decepticons existed, Cybertron was also inhabited by the Predacons, powerful dragon-like Transformers that became extinct on Cybertron due to an event referred to as \"the Great Cataclysm\" by Shockwave long before recorded Cybertronian history began. Cybertron's core is stated by Ratchet as being Primus himself during the season one finale. Vector Sigma is also tied into the Matrix of Leadership and Primus, being claimed to be a form of 'memory backup' for all who have possessed the Matrix, though the manner in which this is achieved is left unexplained. Jack and Arcee journey to Cybertron in order to use the Key to Vector Sigma to download a copy of Optimus's backup memory. It is unknown if Cybertron has or even retains an atmosphere by this time.", "At first, the Decepticons were led by an old Decepticon who could not transform . However, when he lost the Second Cybertronian War against the Autobots, he was replaced with Megatron, who led the Decepticons to conquer much of Cybertron. However, when Megatron and Optimus Prime disappeared, the war on Cybertron entered a stalemate. Shockwave had been appointed Guardian of Cybertron in Megatron's absence, and became de facto Decepticon leader. Once Megatron resumed contact with Cybertron, Shockwave resubmitted to his authority. MTMTE1 Transport to Oblivion", "John Walker Following the defeat of the planet eater known as Unicron and the end of the great Cybertronian War, the victorious Autobots, led by Rodimus Prime, finally reclaim their home world. But when Galvatron is returned to the ranks of power by his exiled Decepticons, his war against the Autobots is revived, and this time it is fueled by vengeance! Opening with the five part fan favorite miniseries The Five Faces Of Darkness, The Transformers explosive third season follows the valiant Autobots as they are targeted for destruction by not only their old foes, the Decepticons, but also the mysterious and deadly creators known as the Quintessons!", "Profile: Love, compassion, mercy are words that have no meaning for Megatron. He has risen to the leadership of the Decepticons by a combination of brute strength, military cunning, ruthlessness, and terror. On Cybertron he was commanding general in charge of all military operations against the Autobots, who referred to him as \"The Slag-Maker.\" It was a title of fear. A title of respect. A title Megatron relished. His banishment to Earth has only made him more bitter and more evil-minded, if that is possible. He aches to return to Cybertron and complete his mission of eradicating the Autobots. But while on Earth he is dedicated to eliminating those Autobots marooned here with him - and his plans go far beyond that. He realizes the Earth is one huge stockpile of metal and fuel resources and means to possess it all, with the aid of his fellow Decepticons. But his plans go even further, plans so grandiose even his fellow Decepticons are unaware: Megatron intends to enslave the entire human race. He allows no exceptions to his motto.", "The Decepticons felt they were the more powerful race since they were the warriors and wanted to take power for themselves, starting to become similar to the Quintessons. The Autobots did not desire this and a civil war broke out. For millions of years they fought. Both sides had many leaders but two seemed to have stand out. The first of these two leaders was Megatron , the most ruthless, merciless, and deadly Decepticon that has ever been created. He lead the Decepticons to several victories, that is until he was deceived and nearly killed Orion Pax. Orion was reformatted into the first battle-ready Autobot, Optimus Prime.", "The Quintessons appear in almost every media of the Transformers universe as the creators of the Transformer race with the exception of the Aligned continuity wherein Primus created the Transformers and a Prime named Quintus Prime created them instead. The Quintessons always appeared as one of the Autobot's enemies aside from the Decepticons, whom they formed an alliance oftentimes.", "In Transformers: Age of Extinction, five years have passed since the Battle of Chicago. The U.S. government has discontinued joint combat operations with the Autobots and branded Transformers in general as dangerous. An elite CIA unit called \"Cemetery Wind\" is formed by ruthless anti-Transformer extremist Harold Attinger with the intent of hunting down all remaining Decepticons. However unbeknownst to the U.S. President and Congress, they secretly exterminate any Autobots and Decepticons alike with the aid of Lockdown, a Cybertronian bounty hunter. Meanwhile, using data obtained from destroyed Transformers, business tycoon Joshua Joyce and his technology firm Kinetic Solutions Incorporated (KSI) have perfected \"Transformium\", the molecularly unstable metal that is the lifeblood of Transformers. Joshua's prized creation is Galvatron, a prototype Transformer soldier created from the data inside Megatron's severed head with the aid of a captured Brains.", "Golden Age of Cybertron, when energy was plentiful and the planet shone with a golden hue. Working in secret, the Decepticons also developed transformation technology, along with new robot-mode flight powers, and, under the command of one of the first of this new breed, Megatron, they attacked one of the capital's outer cities, killing the current Autobot leader. As the knowledge of this act was not made public, younger robots continued to idolize these powerful new flying robots - until one such young robot, Orion Pax, was duped by Megatron into allowing him access to an energy storage facility. Megatron turned on Pax and fatally injured him, but the ancient Autobot, Alpha Trion, then rebuilt Pax into the first of a new, battle-hardy breed of Autobot - now, he was Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots, who led them against Megatron and the Decepticons as the civil war erupted once more.", "Once a year, Unicron sent a spaceship to a certain alternate Cybertron to abduct Decepticons for his army. He always picked the day of most violent battle, which in one case saw that universe's Optimus Primal leading the Autobots Snarl , Silverbolt , and Striker against the Decepticons Reptilion , Razorclaw , Obsidian , Tankor , and Blackarachnia . The ship hovered over the battlefield, sucked the Decepticons up on beams of light, and left the Autobots dumbfounded as it sped away. Meanwhile, deep within Cybertron, Primus formulated plans to recruit his own army of Autobots. Universe CD-ROM", "However, when Sentinel betrays and kills Ironhide, it is revealed that he made a deal with Megatron to restore and rebuild Cybertron. As Carly is captured by Soundwave and Dylan Gould (Patrick Dempsey), America's leaders decide to send the Autobots to another planet, folding to demands by Sentinel and the Decepticons. The Autobots leave Earth, but Starscream shoots their ship down. With the Autobots dead, Sentinel Prime activates the pillars, and Chicago, Illinois is seized by the Decepticons. But, the Autobots had faked their deaths, and fight the Decepticons for one final battle. After Sam rescues Carly and kills Dylan, the Autobots kill all the Decepticons and destroy Cybertron, with Optimus finally kills both Megatron and Sentinel. With the war finally ended, the remaining Autobots forsake Earth.", "The Decepticons were originally formed due to differences in philosophy between Straxus and Alpha Trion during the golden era of Cybertron . Straxus considered it paramount to Cybertron's survival and continued well-being that the planet be made militarily strong and subdue any potential adversaries before they could pose a significant threat and repeat the enslavement endured during the years of Quintesson rule. During a critical energy shortage, a heated argument erupted between the two leaders as to whether it was within their rights to take energy from a system inhabited by a sentient yet undeveloped race. Straxus's proposal for taking whatever was necessary despite the consequences to the native species was voted down in council, but despite this he led a group to harvest enough energy to keep critical areas of the planet working. Consequently he was branded a 'deceptor' in an attempt to publicly humiliate and punish him. The strategy backfired, and the symbol and status of 'deceptor' became a rallying point for Straxus's followers. The name was altered into 'Decepticon', and the faction was born. The Decepticons soon took to force to further their cause, and this use of force eventually blossomed into the Cybertronian Wars.", "After Megatron disappeared with Optimus Prime in a space bridge test, Shockwave became Decepticon leader, though Starscream and High Auditor Ratbat broke off with their own splinter factions shortly afterwards. The Decepticons allied with Prowl 's Autobots and Grimlock 's Lightning Strike Coalition (an Autobot splinter group), to stop the machinations of the Fallen . The War Within: The Dark Ages Several thousand years later, Shockwave was prepared to sign a peace treaty with Ultra Magnus , who had become Autobot leader, the LSC, and Ratbat's Ultracons . However, Megatron returned with the Aerospace Extermination Squadron , an army of Quintesson created seeker drones, whose abilities allowed the Decepticons to fully conquer Cybertron and enslave the Autobots. The Decepticons' control over Cybertron was ended when Optimus Prime returned to Cybertron and the Air Warriors were defeated. The War Within: The Age of Wrath", "The Quintessons, also known under the racial slur \"Squids\", are an ancient race of naturally sadistic mechanoids and a species from the Transformers franchise. Being the creators of the Decepticons and Autobots, the Quintessons acts as one of the major antagonists in the Generation One's 3rd season as well as tertiary antagonists of the G1 movie.", "The Decepticons are a malevolent race of robot warriors, brutal and merciless. The Decepticons are led by a single undeviating goal: total domination of the universe.", "The Decepticons are one of the primary factions in the Transformers mythos. They are typically concerned with such things as universal conquest, rebuilding Cybertron under their rule, defeating the Autobots , amassing infinite quantities of energon , developing powerful weaponry, and beating people up. Not necessarily in that order.", "In this continuity, the Decepticons were not the name of the evil faction, but rather a sub-faction created by Megatron . The main faction was instead the Predacons (carrying the name of the main villains over from Beast Wars ), who transformed into mechanical animals. Realising that their ability to travel as Earth vehicles gave the Autobots an edge in stealth, Megatron decided to take drastic action.", "In this universe, the Autobots and Decepticons are political factions and Cybertron is a peaceful planet and is considered a multiversal hub, as well as a gateway in between universes. This Cybertron never had a Great War. In one of the oldest dimensions in the multiverse, one Cybertronian city, Axiom Nexus, is a hub for travelers from other dimensions. According to New Arrivals Coordinator Silverbolt, it is a city \"unlike any other in the multiverse\". To continue its harmony, all Megatrons, Primes, and \"MacGuffins\" are considered illegal.", "A series of stories printed by Fun Publications, set in a variety of continuities, the Decepticons of alternate worlds can vary greatly from the classics Decepticon image. In the Transtech storyline the Autobots and Decepticons are merely political factions on a Cybertron which never broke out into war. Lines between good and evil are more blurred.", "An ancient struggle between two Cybertronian races, the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons, comes to Earth, with a clue to the ultimate power held by a teenager.", "A series of stories printed by Fun Publications, set in a variety of continuities, the Decepticons of alternate worlds can vary greatly from the classics Decepticon image. In the Transtech storyline, the Autobots and Decepticons are merely political factions on a Cybertron which never broke out into war. Lines between good and evil are more blurred.", "Despite they aren't fully allied with the Decepticons, the Quintessons are labeled as Decepticons in the original timestream, due to their oftentimes allegiance with them. Also, they use to own the Decepticon combiner group Predacons & once controlled the combiner group Terrorcons.", "New Kaon is a planet where all kinds of Decepticons that are fleeing from the Autobots take refuge. It was featured in the comic book tie-in to Transformers Animated .", "New Kaon is a planet where all kinds of Decepticons that are fleeing from the Autobots take refuge. It was featured in the comic book tie-in to Transformers Animated.", "Hub is a powerful planet-spanning network of cyberformed structures, it housed the Decepticon progenitor known as the Liege Maximo. Hub was the seat of power for the Cybertronian Empire." ]
[ 3.048828125, 2.23046875, 2.109375, 1.046875, 0.5537109375, 0.406494140625, -0.2646484375, -0.51318359375, -0.77978515625, -1.09375, -1.5234375, -1.591796875, -1.7109375, -1.8642578125, -2.0625, -2.7578125, -2.81640625, -2.931640625, -2.9765625, -2.984375, -3.048828125, -3.900390625, -4.546875, -5.16015625, -5.1875, -6.59375, -6.65625, -6.6640625, -6.703125, -7.1953125, -7.28125, -8.6484375 ]
Which side makes the first move in a game of chess?
[ "The first-move advantage in chess is the inherent advantage of the player (White) who makes the first move in chess. Chess players and theorists generally agree that White begins the game with some advantage. Since 1851, compiled statistics support this view; White consistently wins slightly more often than Black, usually scoring between 52 and 56 percent. White's winning percentage is about the same for tournament games between humans and games between computers. However, White's advantage is less significant in blitz games and games between novices.", "Now that you have the chess board all setup, you know how each chess piece moves along with the special chess rules, lets get the game underway.  White always moves first and most players prefer to be white because you can achieve a slight advantage by moving first.  So what we recommend is you have a best out of three \"rock-scissors-paper\" to determine who keeps to be white.  Or, if you prefer, you can cast lots by putting a different color pawn in each hand and then letting your friend choose one.  From this point on, it's real easy, white makes the first move and then you just take turns moving chess pieces and trying to checkmate your opponent's king while taking as many chess pieces as you can along the way.  But before that first move, there's a few more rules that we better go over.", "At the beginning of a game of Chess, besides the Pawns, the Knights are the ONLY OTHER Chess Pieces that can be the first to move.", "The game is started in the position shown below on a chess board consisting of 64 squares in an 8x8 grid. The White player moves first. Then each player takes a single turn. In fact, a player must move in turn. In other words a move cannot be skipped.", "Chapter 17: Got Notation? Reading and Writing about Chess White moves first, followed by black, so it follows that white’s first move was to e4, and black’s was to e5. Remember, the absence of a piece designation (a capital letter) indicates a pawn move. Only one pawn can move to e4 for white and only one to e5 for black, because pawns must move straight forward. (Chapter 2 tells you all about a pawn’s available moves.) Figure 17-1 shows where white and then black moved their pawns.", "Chess is played on an 8x8 board. White moves first. When you set up the board, remember the following things:", "In Chess , the leading player is the white side, while the other player is the black side.", "Most players and theoreticians consider that White, by virtue of the first move, begins the game with a small advantage. This initially gives White the initiative. Black usually strives to neutralize White's advantage and achieve equality, or to develop dynamic counterplay in an unbalanced position.", "Each player has eight Pawns, providing the first line of defense for their King. The Pawn has several unique attributes. In their first move, each pawn has the option to move forward one space or two spaces. After this move, they can only move one space forward. However, they are also the only chess piece that captures in a method different from how they move. To capture, the Pawn moves diagonally one space (see the diagram). The Pawn can never move backwards.", "Moving and capturing: White moves first followed by black. The players continue taking turns using only their own pieces until the game ends. A turn consists of a single act of either moving or capturing. When a piece is moved, it is relocated in the center of a different square. A player can only capture an opponent's piece, not their own. When a chess piece is captured, it is removed from the board and replaced by the attacking piece. Unlike checkers, multiple captures are not allowed during the same move. Captures are also optional. The exception is when the king is in jeopardy and the only way to save him is to capture a threatening piece.", "A chess opening where White starts 1.e4 and Black replies with a move other than 1...e5", "Chess is a game, played by two players. One player plays with the white pieces, and the other player plays with the black pieces. Each player has sixteen pieces in the beginning of the game: one king, one queen, two rooks, two bishops, two knights, and eight pawns.", "The game is played on a square chequered chessboard with 64 squares arranged in an eight-by-eight square. At the start, each player (one controlling the white pieces, the other controlling the black pieces) controls sixteen pieces: one king, one queen, two rooks, two knights, two bishops, and eight pawns. The object of the game is to checkmate the opponent's king, whereby the king is under immediate attack (in \"check\") and there is no way to remove it from attack on the next move.", "White always moves first. After the initial move, the players alternately move one piece at a time (with the exception of castling, when two pieces are moved). Pieces are moved to either an unoccupied square, or one occupied by an opponent's piece, capturing it and removing it from play. With the sole exception of en passant, all pieces capture opponent's pieces by moving to the square that the opponent's piece occupies. A player may not make any move which would put or leave his king under attack. If the player to move has no legal moves, the game is over; it is either a checkmate-if the king is under attack-or a stalemate-if the king is not.", "Chess theorists have long debated how enduring White's initiative is and whether, if both sides play perfectly, the game should end in a win for White or a draw. George Walker wrote in 1846 that, \"The first move is an advantage, ... but if properly answered, the first move is of little worth\". Steinitz, the first World Champion, who is widely considered the father of modern chess, wrote in 1889, \"It is now conceded by all experts that by proper play on both sides the legitimate issue of a game ought to be a draw.\" Lasker and Capablanca, the second and third World Champions, agreed. Reuben Fine, one of the world's leading players from 1936 to 1951, wrote that White's opening advantage is too intangible to be sufficient for a win without an error by Black. ", "Chess is played on a game board made up of 64 squares, alternately dark and light in color. Each player starts with sixteen chessmen, either white or black. Pieces are set down in a particular starting formation. Each different type of piece is moved according to specific rules and is removed from the board when it is captured by the opponent.", "After black’s Bd6-e7, black is threatening simply to capture the white Bg5. White therefore has two options: capture the black Be7 or play the move Bg5-h6. Fortunately, after Bg5-h6, black is no longer able to trap the white Queen because, without the black Bishop on d6, the Queen will have access to the g3-square. Rather than exchange Bishops, which would reduce the firepower aimed at the black King, white plays Bg5-h6. This move, of course, attacks the Rf8. Rather than move the Rook, black plays Bb7-c8, attacking the white Queen.", "A chess opening is the group of initial moves of a game (the \"opening moves\"). Recognized sequences of opening moves are referred to as openings and have been given names such as the Ruy Lopez or Sicilian Defence. They are catalogued in reference works such as the Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings. There are dozens of different openings, varying widely in character from quiet positional play (for example, the Réti Opening) to very aggressive (the Latvian Gambit). In some opening lines, the exact sequence considered best for both sides has been worked out to more than 30 moves. Professional players spend years studying openings and continue doing so throughout their careers, as opening theory continues to evolve.", "There are two Rooks for each player on the chessboard, situated on the corners, next to the Knight. These chess pieces move up and down the rank and file of the chessboard, and can move any number of spaces as long as they are not obstructed by another chess piece (see the diagram). If the obstructing chess piece belong to their opponent, they are free to capture it.", "This a chess opening played by White and typified by play on one or both flanks .", "The 1st or 8th rank of the chessboard where the kings and other pieces start the game", "145 Q. At the start of a game of chess, each player has a choice of how many moves?", "The chessboard is placed between the players in such a way that the near corner square to the right of the player is white. You can also say that the near left corner square is black.", "The rules of chess (also known as the laws of chess) are rules governing the play of the game of chess. While the exact origins of chess are unclear, modern rules first took form during the Middle Ages. The rules continued to be slightly modified until the early 19th century, when they reached essentially their current form. The rules also varied somewhat from place to place. Today chess's international governing body FIDE (Fédération Internationale des Échecs) sets the standard rules, with slight modifications made by some national organizations for their own purposes. There are variations of the rules for fast chess, correspondence chess, online chess, and chess variants.", "On the next page we learn that �a bishop can hold His Majesty with the queen�, whereas page 56 states: �Other things being equal check eventually leads to an advantageous position � there are exceptions too.� On page 65 the novice is warned, �Beware of self blocks that facilitate reflexive mates� and �When your opponent advances a pawn in one file, you must advance your pawn to distract his attention�. On the next page the co-authors affirm that �the king is safe even at the centre when the soldiers are stationed affront�. Page 70 discusses sacrifices and offers yet another memorable maxim: �Sacrifice to get it back with rich dividends at overburdened locations.�", "A game that begins with the moves 1.e4 e5. It may also be called a Double King's Pawn Opening.", "Here's where the king and rook end up after castling on each side of the board.", "In a \"real\" war, if one army moves a unit adjacent to the enemy army, it is likely to provoke a return \"fire\" from the enemy army. In chess, this \"fire\" is expressed by capturing.", "As compensation, Kasparov had bishop, knight, and pawn for a queen. Karpov returned the queen on his 24th move. Kasparov sealed his 41st move. The game was drawn before the next time control reached.", "At this point, a complex chess game begins. A chess game made of promises and  threats, of hopes and  shots of pride, of oaths and perjury, of  double-dealings and  lies, of underhanded behaviours and precarious truces, of surrender injunctions and indignant responses (“We keep the weapons: if you want them,  come and take them”), of defections and night marches.", "92. In the game of chess, what’s the name of the move where the king can move more than one square at a time?", "A larger numbers of pawns on one flank opposed by a smaller number of the opponent's. Often a player with a majority on one flank has a minority on the other." ]
[ 5.3203125, 4.69921875, 4.40234375, 3.607421875, 3.091796875, 2.57421875, 2.166015625, 2.109375, 1.5732421875, 1.1689453125, 0.7607421875, 0.1876220703125, -0.016876220703125, -0.2301025390625, -0.78515625, -1.16015625, -1.482421875, -1.544921875, -1.92578125, -2.322265625, -2.69140625, -2.767578125, -3.21875, -3.505859375, -3.74609375, -3.794921875, -3.955078125, -4.1015625, -4.2421875, -4.296875, -4.80078125, -4.80078125 ]
In the early 1990s, Nike ran a series of Bo Knows TV commercial featuring what athlete, the first in the modern era to play both professional football and baseball in the same year, trying his hand at various sports, including basketball (with Michael Jordan) and Tennis (with John McEnroe)?
[ "Nike followed up on its footwear fame by dressing athletes from head to toe, introducing apparel collections for tennis and basketball, which were popularized respectively by superstars John McEnroe and Michael Jordan. In 1988, Nike's \"Just Do It\" slogan was introduced, and it remains one of the most recognizable and successful commercial taglines. In 1990, the first NikeTown store opened in Portland, Ore. The company signed golfing phenom Tiger Woods in 1996.", "The original \"Bo Knows\" ad was a television commercial by firm Wieden & Kennedy. The spot opens with a shot of Jackson playing baseball and fellow ballplayer Kirk Gibson saying, \"Bo knows baseball.\" The next scene shows Jackson on the gridiron, with quarterback Jim Everett explaining, \"Bo knows football.\" Jackson then plays basketball, tennis, ice hockey, professional wrestling, and goes running, with Michael Jordan, John McEnroe, Hulk Hogan, and Joan Benoit vouching for Jackson's knowledge of their sports (Wayne Gretzky, when confronted with Jackson laying a body check, simply says \"No.\") The ad concludes with Jackson trying to play the guitar—and failing badly—whereupon blues legend Bo Diddley exclaims, \"Bo, you don't know diddley!\" Coincidentally, the spot first aired during the commercial break immediately following Jackson's lead-off home run in the 1989 Major League Baseball All-Star Game. The music for the \"Cross Training\" ads was written and performed by Diddley.", "\"Bo Knows\" was an advertising campaign for Nike cross-training shoes that ran in 1989 and 1990 and featured professional baseball and American football player Bo Jackson.", "John Patrick McEnroe, Jr. (born February 16, 1959) is an American former World No. 1 professional tennis player, often rated among the greatest of all time in the sport, especially for his touch on the volley. He won seven Grand Slam singles titles (three at Wimbledon and four at the US Open), nine Grand Slam men's doubles titles, and one Grand Slam mixed doubles title. He also won a record eight year-end championships, 19 Grand Prix Super Series titles, and finished his career with 77 ATP-listed singles titles and 72 in doubles.", "      Michael Jordan was thus a dazzling sports spectacle who promoted both commercial sports and the products of the corporations that market products to sports audiences. His distinctive image is often noted and Jordan's look and style are truly striking. His shaved head, extremely long shorts, and short socks were frequently cited defining features that were highlighted in a Spike Lee Nike ad. In a clever marketing device, the Lee figure repeatedly insists, \"It's gotta be the shoes!\" (i.e., which make Jordan the greatest). In addition, his wrist band, jersey number 23, and tongue wagging and hanging as he concentrated on a play were distinctive signs of the Jordan trademark image.", "In 1998, The Sporting News ranked Ruth number one on the list of \"Baseball's 100 Greatest Players\". In 1999, baseball fans named Ruth to the Major League Baseball All-Century Team. In 1969, he was named baseball's Greatest Player Ever in a ballot commemorating the 100th anniversary of professional baseball. In 1993, the Associated Press reported that Muhammad Ali was tied with Babe Ruth as the most recognized athletes, out of over 800 dead or alive athletes, in America. The study found that over 97% of Americans over 12 years of age identified both Ali and Ruth. According to ESPN, he was the first true American sports celebrity superstar whose fame transcended baseball. In a 1999 ESPN poll, he was ranked as the third-greatest US athlete of the century, behind Michael Jordan and Muhammad Ali.", "Larry Brown (1964), Charles Scott (1968), Bobby Jones (1972), Walter Davis (1976), Phil Ford (1976), Mitch Kupchak (1976), Tom LaGarde (1976), Al Wood (1980), Michael Jordan (1984, 1992), Sam Perkins (1984), J.R. Reid (1988) and Vince Carter (2000) previously were selected for Team USA (Wood did not play due to the boycott in 1980). Henrik Rodl played for Germany in 1992.", "Joe Flacco, American football player; Marc Gasol, Spanish basketball player, Cristiano Ronaldo, Portuguese footballer; David Gallagher; American actor; Joakim Noah, American basketball player; Keira Knightley, English actress; Reggie Bush, American football player; Adrian Peterson, American football player; Sarah Hughes, American figure skater; Kyle Busch, American race car driver; Chris Paul, American basketball player; Derek Hough, American dancer and choreographer; Dave Franco, American television and film actor; Kris Allen, 8th American Idol winner, singer-songwriter; Michael Phelps, American swimmer; Chace Crawford, American actor; Bruno Mars, Filipino American singer-songwriter and music producer; Tyler Hansbrough, American basketball player; Kaley Cuoco, American actress; Dwight Howard, American basketball player", "      Jordan first appeared as a rookie with the Chicago Bulls in 1984 and although he was not yet a full-fledged superstar, his agent signed him to what turned out to be an incredibly influential and lucrative contract with Nike. With Jordan and a new marketing agency, Wieden and Kennedy, the Air Jordan product line and Nike's Swoosh symbol became icons of American and then global culture. At the same time, Michael Jordan became an authentic American superstar, generally acknowledged as one of the greatest basketball players of all time, one of the most popular and well-known celebrities of media culture, and since 1988, the sports celebrity most desired to market corporate products. During the era of Nike/Jordan's ascendancy, cable and satellite television and the aggressive promotion of the NBA by its commissioner David Stern increased tremendously the visibility and popularity of professional basketball. The Jordan/Nike era had arrived.", "Dustin Diamond, American actor; Orlando Bloom, British actor; Floyd Mayweather Jr., boxing champion; Jason Aldean, American country music singer; James Van Der Beek, American actor; Sarah Michelle Gellar, American actress; John Cena, American professional wrestler; Tom Welling, American actor; Zachary Quinto, American actor; Kanye West, African-American rapper and record producer; Tom Brady, American football player; Fiona Apple, American singer; John Mayer, American musician and record producer; Matthew Bomer, American film, stage, and television actor; Bode Miller, American skier; Oksana Baiul, Ukrainian figure skater", "In 1989, McEnroe won a record fifth title at the World Championship Tennis Finals. He also won the Davidoff Swiss Indoors in Basel. In 1991, he won the last edition of the Volvo Tennis - Chicago tournament. He teamed with Michael Stich and won his fifth Wimbledon men’s doubles title in a record length - 5 hour 1 minute. At the end of 1992, McEnroe retired from the professional tour. He ended his singles career ranked 20th in the world.", "Jordan has also been connected with the Looney Tunes cartoon characters. A Nike commercial in the 1993 Super Bowl XXVII where he and Bugs Bunny played basketball against some Martians inspired the 1996 live action/animated movie Space Jam , which starred Michael and Bugs in a fictional story set during his first retirement. They have subsequently appeared together in several commercials for MCI.", "In 1988 Nike signed David Robinson to a five year $1 million endorsement contract. Wieden + Kennedy went to work and developed a character that was perfect for David’s combination of skills, brains and civilized demeanor. There was only one person in the NBA who scored 1,320 on his SAT’s and he became the focus of Mr. Robinson’s Neighborhood. Nike spent $15 million on advertising their newly formed Force line in 1990 and David Robinson and Charles Barkley were the two most prominent pitch-men.", "2001 - McEnroe hits tennis balls through open windows on the David Letterman show, appears in commercials for US Open sponsors Heineken and Lincoln and appears on most of CBS and USA Network’s 80 hours of US Open television coverage. McEnroe declines an invitation by Max Mirnyi of Belarus to play in the doubles competition, but accepts an offer to play Boris Becker in a “Winner Take All” challenge match following the prime time women’s final. Becker, however, balks out of the challenge with an injury. Wrote Sports Illustrated’s Jon Wertheim, “During the U.S. Open the past two weeks, it was impossible to tune in to the tournament and not encounter McEnroe's overexposed mug.”", "In 1994 Griffey’s tag line was “Holy Cow” and in 1996 he ran for President. Ken Griffey Jr. had one of the sweetest swings that baseball has ever seen and a personality to match. He has been a Nike athlete throughout his entire Hall Of Fame career and his classic Nikes are as popular now as ever.", "In 1992, McEnroe defeated third-ranked and defending champion Boris Becker in the third round of the Australian Open 6–4, 6–3, 7–5 before a sell-out crowd. In the fourth round, McEnroe needed 4 hours 42 minutes to defeat ninth ranked Emilio Sanchez 8–6 in the fifth set. He lost to Wayne Ferreira in the quarterfinals. At Wimbledon, McEnroe reached the semifinals where he lost in straight sets to the eventual champion Andre Agassi. McEnroe teamed with Michael Stich to win his fifth Wimbledon men's doubles title in a record-length 5 hour 1 minute final, which the pair won 5–7, 7–6, 3–6, 7–6, 19–17. At the end of the year, he teamed with Sampras to win the doubles rubber in the Davis Cup final, where the U.S. defeated Switzerland 3–1.", "Similarly, McEnroe, who was renowned for rarely practicing or watching what he ate, dominated stronger, bigger, more committed players with a wholly instinctive game that was characterized by a feathery touch, a series of jabs and wrist flicks that produced unfathomable, sharply angled shots. “McEnroe saw the court in different geometric dimensions than anyone else,” says Eric Riley, a former tour player who has coached Pam Shriver, Lisa Raymond and the Jensen brothers. “On any given volley, the rest of us might choose between two or three shots. But somehow Mac would see all these possibilities that never occurred to anyone else before.”", "In May 2010, former basketball star Michael Jordan appeared in a Hanes commercial wearing a toothbrush moustache. Reaction from the press and public was unfavorable. Jordan's friend Charles Barkley said, \"I have got to admit that I don't know what the hell he was thinking and I don't know what Hanes was thinking. I mean it is just stupid, it is just bad, plain and simple.\" Jordan has not been seen with it since.", "* In a commercial during Super Bowl XLIV, Dwight Howard and LeBron James challenge each other at trick shots for a McDonald's lunch. After they finish, clapping is heard, then the camera pans to the crowd and Bird says \"Great show, guys. Thanks for lunch.\" Howard and James share a confused look. Howard asks, \"Who was that?\" James replies, \"I have no idea.\" This refers to a McDonald's commercial from 1991 in which Bird and Michael Jordan have a trick shot contest, in which the winner got the lunch and the loser had to watch the winner eat. ", "In 1989, he received the international award of the American Sportscasters Association, and by the time of his retirement in 1994, he had covered tennis at Wimbledon and all the major golf tournaments since 1967, and all the Olympic Games from 1956 to 1992. He presented Sportsnight, Grandstand and Sports Personality of the Year, and in 1999 returned to pay tribute to Ali as sports personality of the century – \"not only the most remarkable sports personality I have ever met, he is the most remarkable man I have ever met\". In a further comeback in April 2001, he gave expert analysis of Lennox Lewis's loss of his world heavyweight title to Hasim Rahman in South Africa.", "Despite his success, the world's No. 1 player from 1981-84 was offered few endorsement opportunities. \"When I see McEnroe, I see 'bad sport,' \" said the president of a Madison Avenue ad agency. \"I wouldn't want him identified with my product.\"", "By today’s standards, Allen’s acts of rebellion seem tame, hardly of a nature to threaten the established order of things. In fact, if only he played in the twenty-first century rather than the mid-twentieth, Allen might very well have been embraced by those in power, becoming a pitchman for multinational conglomerates, as Dennis Rodman did, or a network studio host, like Michael Irvin. That such controversial athletes are now embraced rather than shunned has much to do with those who came before them, those who refused to be seen and not heard. Although there are a panoply of reasons why Irvin, Rodman, and others are so pervasive on our screens today, Dick Allen is unquestionably one of them.", "In 1995, McEnroe began to call matches with the U.S.A. coverage of the French Open. This began his present broadcasting career. He is a network television commentator for both NBC and CBS at Wimbledon, the French Open and the U.S. Open. He currently competes in a select number of tournaments and special events, largely for charity. Most of his charity work targets children's causes and he devotes a good deal of time to the Arthur Ashe foundation for the defeat of AIDS. In 1999, McEnroe was inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame and was named captain of the Davis Cup team.", "James Nathaniel Brown (born February 17, 1936) is a former professional American football player and actor. He is best known for his record-setting nine-year career as a fullback for the Cleveland Browns of the National Football League (NFL) from 1957 through 1965. In 2002, he was named by Sporting News as the greatest professional football player ever. ", "Jack William Nicklaus (born January 21, 1940), nicknamed \"The Golden Bear\", is a retired American professional golfer. He is widely regarded as the greatest golfer of all time, winning a total of 18 career major championships, while producing 19 second-place and 9 third-place finishes in them, over a span of 25 years. Nicklaus focused on the major championships (Masters Tournament, U.S. Open, Open Championship, and PGA Championship), and played a selective schedule of regular PGA Tour events, yet still finished with 73 victories, third on the all-time list behind Sam Snead (82) and Tiger Woods (79).", "Orenthal James \"O. J.\" Simpson (born July 9, 1947), nicknamed \"The Juice\", is a retired American collegiate and professional football player, football broadcaster, actor and convicted felon.", "* Michael Jordan as himself, an NBA shooting guard for the Chicago Bulls who retires to pursue a career in baseball.", "Pro Football Hall of Famer: Univ. of Michigan All-American; St. Louis Cardinals; sportscaster: ABC Monday Night Football, CBS NFL Analyst", "By 1992, Holyfield was already a household name, announcing multiple products on television, such as Coca Cola and Diet Coke. He also had a video game released for the Sega Genesis: Evander Holyfield's Real Deal Boxing. He started professing his Christianity everywhere, reminding the public before and after his fights that he is a born-again Christian, and wearing t-shirts with the word Pray in public. In 1996 Holyfield was given the opportunity to carry the Olympic torch when it was on its way to his hometown of Atlanta for that year's Olympics. October 4 of this year he was married to Dr. Janice Itson, with whom he had one child. Holyfield would later divorce Janice in 2000.", "* Bo Roberson (1958) – Black athlete with the distinction of being the only person to earn an Ivy League degree, an Olympic medal, a doctorate, and have a career in the N.F.L. ", "At the FedEx Orange Bowl on January 2, 2007, Ali was an honorary captain for the Louisville Cardinals wearing their white jersey, number 19. Ali was accompanied by golf legend Arnold Palmer , who was the honorary captain for the Wake Forest Demon Deacons , and Miami Heat star Dwyane Wade .", "At the FedEx Orange Bowl on January 2, 2007, Ali was an honorary captain for the Louisville Cardinals wearing their white jersey, number 19. Ali was accompanied by golf legend Arnold Palmer, who was the honorary captain for the Wake Forest Demon Deacons, and Miami Heat star Dwyane Wade." ]
[ 3.8515625, 3.736328125, 3.3046875, 0.036712646484375, -0.44677734375, -1.34375, -1.6650390625, -1.8798828125, -1.8955078125, -2.328125, -2.779296875, -2.833984375, -3.07421875, -3.82421875, -4.015625, -4.0546875, -4.10546875, -4.13671875, -4.1953125, -4.51953125, -4.62109375, -4.6640625, -4.73828125, -4.84765625, -4.85546875, -5.27734375, -5.796875, -6.08203125, -6.2890625, -6.40625, -6.609375, -6.9921875 ]
Who was Captain Hooks first mate in Peter Pan?
[ "Mr. Smee is Captain Hook 's first mate and the secondary antagonist in Disney's 1953 animated film Peter Pan .", "Mr. Smee is Captain Hook 's first mate on his pirate ship and the secondary antagonist in the novel, Peter Pan, and Disney's 14th full-length animated feature film with the same name.", "Gentleman Starkey was once an usher at a public school. He is Captain Hook's first mate. Starkey is one of two pirates who escaped Peter Pan's massacre — he swims ashore and becomes baby-sitter to the Piccaninny Tribe. Peter Pan gives Starkey's hat to the Never Bird to use as a nest.", "Tinker Bell ( Julia Roberts ) appears before Peter that night and knocks him unconscious and flies him to a pirate port in Neverland . There he awakens in disbelief, and is discovered by Captain Hook ( Dustin Hoffman ) and his second in command Smee ( Bob Hoskins ), who threaten the children unless he accepts Hook's challenge to a duel. Tinker Bell intervenes and is granted three days in which to prepare him for it. The Lost Boys , now led by a boy named Rufio ( Dante Basco ) at first dismiss him as an old man who has no hope of regaining his former glory, but he begins to learn the magic of Neverland.", "In Hook, Wendy is a minor character; the important relationship is between Peter Pan and the pirate captain, here embodied by Dustin Hoffman as a melodramatic eighteenth-century buccaneer with long, greasy black curls. In this incarnation he is neurotic, temperamental, and in need of attention, but never very sinister. It turns out that the pirate was not actually eaten by the crocodile, as in the original Peter Pan, but survived inside its stomach in the manner of Jonah, though for a considerably longer time. He is now free and determined to have his revenge. So while Peter Banning and his family are in London visiting Wendy, who is now ninety-two years old and has turned into Maggie Smith, Captain Hook kidnaps their children.", "A high-flying adventure from the magic of Steven Spielberg, Hook stars Robin Williams as a grown-up Peter Pan and Dustin Hoffman as the infamous Captain Hook. Joining the fun is Julia Roberts as Tinkerbell, Bob Hoskins as the pirate Smee, and Maggie Smith as Granny Wendy Darling, who must convince the middle-aged lawyer, Peter Banning, that he was once the legendary Peter Pan. And so the adventure begins anew, with Peter off to Neverland to save his two children from Captain Hook. Along the way, he rediscovers the power of imagination, of friendship, and of magic. A classic tale updated for children of all ages, Hook was nominated for five 1991 Academy Awards(r) including best visual effects.", "Like that of his famous character, James Barrie’s life has been subjected to many revisions and interpretations, including a 2004 semibiographical film—Finding Neverland, directed by Marc Forster and starring Johnny Depp as Barrie—about the writer’s relationship with the Llewelyn Davies family. At first he was portrayed as a genius who rose from a poor provincial background to become world-famous, and much was made of his friendship with and generosity to the Davies family. Critics have seen him as both the hero and the villain of his own story. He is Peter Pan, the charming, impulsive young captain who leads a gang of boys on exciting imaginary adventures—and who reportedly never consummated his marriage. He is also Captain Hook, the sinister middle-aged man who is in conflict with Peter over the possession of both the “little mother” Wendy and her brothers, just as Barrie was at odds with Arthur Davies, who resented his growing presence in the family’s life. (When Barrie played pirates with the Davies boys, he was always Hook.)", "Cast: Both Kevin Kline and Tom Hanks were considered for the role of Peter Pan, which of course eventually went to Robin Williams. Rocker David Bowie was offered the role of Captain Hook but turned it down, and Richard Attenborough passed on playing Tootles.", "James Hook is the dastardly pirate captain of the Jolly Roger and archenemy of Peter Pan. Bloodthirsty and bad to the bone, he is known to have been Blackbeard’s boatswain and the only man Long John Silver ever feared. From a distance his eyes are said to resemble ‘black candles.’", "Captain Hook is a thin man with long black hair, a large hooked nose, a thin black mustache that angles upward sharply, and a large chin. He wears a frilly white cravat underneath a crimson coat with gold lining and crimson cuffs. Each of these cuffs sports 2 gold cufflinks. He also wears an orange sash over his right shoulder that holds his sword scabbard at his left hip. He wears rose pants and white knee-high socks, as well as black boots with a pink circle decorating each one. The tongues of his boots are enormous, reaching halfway up his shins. He wears a large crimson hat with a huge lavender feather stuck in it. He carries a rapier with a gold hilt and guard as a weapon. He had a steel hook on his left-hand silver or gold. In close-ups, his eyes appear to be green from Epic Mickey .", "Hook did not appear in early drafts of the play, wherein the capricious and coercive Peter Pan was closest to a \"villain\", but was created for a front-cloth scene depicting the children's journey home. Later, Barrie expanded the scene, on the premise that children were fascinated by pirates, and expanded the role of the captain as the play developed. The character was originally cast to be played by Dorothea Baird, the actress playing Mary Darling, but Gerald du Maurier, already playing George Darling (and the brother of Sylvia Llewelyn Davies), persuaded Barrie to let him take the additional role instead, a casting tradition since replicated in many stage and film productions of the Peter Pan story.", "In Peter Pan and the Pirates, Mr. Smee (voiced by Ed Gilbert in an Irish accent) is Captain Hook's right-hand man. His weapon is named Johnny Corkscrew. He is small, but not very thick, has grey hair and pale blue eyes. His biggest difference from the other pirates is that he is often clumsy and not really able to capture one of the Lost Boys (as seen in \"Slightly Duped\" and \"Play Ball\").", "The character is a pirate captain of the brig Jolly Roger, and lord of the pirate village/harbour in Neverland which neighbors the lovely Mermaid Lagoon. Most importantly, he is the archenemy of Peter Pan, described as \"boatswain to Blackbeard \", and \"the man that frightened Barbecue \". His two principal fears are the sight of his own blood (which is supposedly an unnatural colour) and one fateful crocodile. His name plays on the iron hook replacing his right hand, cut off by Peter Pan and eaten by a saltwater crocodile, who thereafter pursues Hook in hope of preying on him further.", "Captain Hook features prominently in \" The Wendy Trilogy \", a song-cycle retelling of the Peter Pan story in which Wendy accepts Hook's offer to become a pirate instead of refusing as in the original story.", "Most notably, Cyril Ritchard played Captain Hook in the 1954 musical adaptation which starred Mary Martin as Peter Pan. George Rose played the role in the 1977 revival which featured Sandy Duncan as Pan. Four years earlier, Boris Karloff starred as Mr. Darling/Captain Hook in a different musical treatment of the story, with songs by Leonard Bernstein. In that version, Jean Arthur played Peter.", "Captain Hook – Arch rival of Peter Pan from the JM Barrie book Peter Pan. You can either go for the traditional Disney look or Dustin Hoffman’s dandified version from Hook (1991)", "In Fantasmic! at Disneyland, there is a scene in which we see Captain Hook and Peter Pan duelling aboard the Jolly Roger (portrayed by the Sailing Ship Columbia). This is replaced by a short re-enactment of Disney's Pocahontas at Disney's Hollywood Studios.", "In Fantasmic! at Disneyland, there is a scene in which we see Captain Hook and Peter Pan duelling aboard the Jolly Roger (portrayed by the Sailing Ship Columbia). This is replaced by a short re-enactment of Disney's Pocahontas at Disney MGM studios.", "In Hook , Peter Pan has returned to the real world and is now a busy husband and father with a wife, Moira and two children, Jack and Maggie. In this one Hook is not sadistic but his crew are especially when it came to a lethal and cruel punishment called the \"Boo box\". He is also persuasive managing to persuade one member of his crew the truth that he objected to the idea of bring Peter Pan back. The pirate was dragged to a treasure chest and locked inside and two scorpions were placed in a hatch at the top. He is also misanthropic saying he hates humanity and in physical appearance his hook hand acts as a multi tool, and in place of his left hand he wears a black glove.", "Yet this instant knowledge is a curious thing. After all, Hook is a fictional personality with no existence outside Barrie's imagination—unlike, for example, the Knave of Hearts in Alice. Certainly he has a literary ancestor in \"Captain Swarthy,\" a \"black man\" and a pirate Barrie invented for the Davies children; but the reference is too esoteric to account satisfactorily for the universal recognition Barrie claims for Hook and with which he was received. When his name comes up in Peter Pan there has been nothing, including Peter's tone and manner, to justify the terror the boys display.", "Hook's personality was far closer to the original character from Barrie's novel; and beside his first objective to destroy Peter Pan, he also is eager to become Neverland's first king. Hook also had a second hook-hand that both looked and functioned in a similar fashion as a crab claw.", "The movie is about Peter, a magical boy that can fly and refuses to grow up. He convinces the Darling children John, Michael and Wendy to come with him to  Neverland  . There they meet Captain Hook  and his crew. This is just the start of the adventure. ", "Captain Hook and his crew of pirates finally get one in the 2003 film Peter Pan . (This trope had been averted in previous adaptations.)", "The version of Captain Hook who appears in the Disney animated film adaptation of Peter Pan is somewhat of a fool, prone to crying out for help as well as being called a codfish and having his clothes repeatedly ruined. Though Hook is somewhat more comically inept than other Disney Villains such as Maleficent or Jafar, he still has his evil moments and despises being made a fool.", "Captain Hook is a thin man with curly, black, shoulder-length hair that drapes over his shoulders, a large, hooked nose, a thin, black mustache that angles upward sharply, and a large chin. He wears a frilly, white shirt underneath a red coat with gold lining and maroon cuffs. Each of these cuffs sports two yellow buttons. He also wears an orange sash over his right shoulder that holds his sword scabbard at his left hip. Hook wears maroon pants and white, knee-high socks, as well as black shoes with a pink circle decorating each one. The tongues of his shoes are enormous, reaching halfway up his shins. He wears a large, maroon hat with a huge, white feather stuck in it.", "He stars in the Disney Interactive computer game, Disney's Villains' Revenge. He stole the happy ending of Peter Pan and altered the story. Peter was reduced to an elderly man and lost his fighting touch. The player went against Hook in a duel and won, defeating Hook. Captain Hook fought the player again in the final battle, but saw his ship destroyed. He retreats to Skull Rock where he fires cannonballs. Unfortunately, one is deflected and sends him flying into the sky. As he flies past the moon, he says to himself \"I hate happy endings!\"", "The version of Captain Hook who appears in the Disney animated film adaptation of Peter Pan is somewhat of a comic relief character; in early development, the story department wrote their analysis of Hook's character: \"He is a fop...Yet very mean, to the point of being murderous. This combination of traits should cause plenty of amusement whenever he talks or acts\".", "Originally a successful stage play called Peter Pan, or The Boy Who Wouldn’t Grow Up, Barrie’s story follows the adventures of the Darling children as they are taken to the island of Neverland by the mischievous and eternally young Peter Pan. There, they encounter fairies, Indians, mermaids and Peter Pan’s arch nemesis, Captain Hook.", "Dustin Hoffman as James Hook : A villainous pirate who has had a long enemy-relationship with Peter Pan. Hook's motives over the years after escaping from his death include revenge against Peter, by kidnapping his two children.", "Peter Pan (2003) [13] The Darling family children receive a visit from Peter Pan, who takes them to Never Never Land where an ongoing war with the evil Pirate Captain Hook is taking place.", "Sir James Matthew Barrie, 1st Baronet, OM (9 May 1860 – 19 June 1937) was a Scottish author and dramatist, best remembered today as the creator of Peter Pan.", "Hook is a 1991 Steven Spielberg film starring Dustin Hoffman and Robin Williams. The film's storyline is based on the books written by Sir James Matthew Barrie in 1904 or 1905 and is the sequel to the first book. Technically, the film is the first live-action Peter Pan movie to be made and is known for it's spectacular acting, dazzling special effects, whimsical and adventurous score." ]
[ 8.265625, 7.73046875, 7.51953125, 0.259765625, -0.1392822265625, -0.168212890625, -0.58544921875, -0.6845703125, -0.83203125, -1.1669921875, -1.1904296875, -1.271484375, -1.5146484375, -1.56640625, -1.74609375, -1.775390625, -2.26953125, -2.349609375, -2.724609375, -2.810546875, -2.83984375, -3.041015625, -3.232421875, -3.32421875, -3.5, -3.677734375, -3.9453125, -3.98046875, -4.546875, -4.5625, -4.6640625, -4.69921875 ]
Anchored by the star Sirius, what animal does the constellation Canis Major represent?
[ "Canis Major represents the bigger dog following Orion , the hunter in Greek mythology. The dog is often depicted pursuing a hare, represented by the constellation Lepus . The smaller dog is represented by the neighboring constellation Canis Minor . Both constellations were first catalogued by Ptolemy in the 2nd century.", "Canis Major is commonly taken to represent the “greater dog” following the hunter Orion in Greek myth. The constellation is depicted as a dog standing on its hind legs, pursuing a hare, represented by the constellation Lepus .", "Canis Major is one of Orion's hunting dogs. The brightest star in this constellation is Sirius, often called the Dog Star.", "Sirius is also known colloquially as the \"Dog Star\", reflecting its prominence in its constellation, Canis Major (Greater Dog). The heliacal rising of Sirius marked the flooding of the Nile in Ancient Egypt and the \"dog days\" of summer for the ancient Greeks, while to the Polynesians in the Southern Hemisphere the star marked winter and was an important reference for their navigation around the Pacific Ocean.", "also called the Dog Star, the brightest star in the night sky and one of the closest to the Earth. A binary, or double, star, Sirius is also one of the 57 stars of celestial navigation. It is the alpha, or brightest, star in the constellation Canis Major, which is located in the Southern Hemisphere. The name Canis Major means \"larger dog\" and refers to the imagined shape of the constellation. Sirius is located 25 degrees southeast of Orion’s belt. In the Northern Hemisphere, it is visible during the evening in the winter and early spring, and at dawn in midsummer. In the Southern Hemisphere, it is visible at dawn in the early spring and midsummer. It is at its highest in the sky at a 10:00 PM observation on February 16. Sirius represents one of Orion’s hunting dogs. The other hunting dog is Procyon, the alpha star in the constellation Canis Minor.", "Four dogs are to be found among the constellations: Canis Major, Canis Minor, and the two hunting dogs, Canes Venatici, but Canis Major is undoubtedly the top dog. Indeed, Ptolemy in the Almagest called it simply Κύων (Kyon), the Dog. Canis Major is dominated by Sirius, popularly termed the Dog Star, the most brilliant star in the entire night sky; almost certainly the constellation originated with this star alone.", "The constellation represents one of the dogs following Orion , the hunter in Greek mythology. The other dog is represented by the larger neighbouring constellation Canis Major . Both constellations were first catalogued by the Greek astronomer Ptolemy in the 2nd century.", "Sirius. Sirius is the alpha star in the constellation of Canis Major,” the Great Dog” or more commonly known today as the “Dog Star.” In the heavens AS ABOVE at the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, this symbolic shining Dog star of Isis was aligned precisely with the sun. This would not be the first or the last time that the founding fathers of the United States, being Freemasons, had chosen this exact planetary alignment. For example, at the laying of the cornerstone of the Washington Monument for their good Mason Bro. and first President, George Washington, they had also had timed this event exactly when Sirius was aligned again with the sun.", "Many cultures have historically attached special significance to Sirius, particularly in relation to dogs. Indeed, it is often colloquially called the \"Dog Star\" as the brightest star of Canis Major, the \"Great Dog\" constellation.", "In Greek mythology, Canis Major and Canis Minor are often viewed as a pair, most popularly representing the hunting dogs of Orion. But Canis Major in particular, or at least the dog star Sirius, has also been linked to other dogs in Greek myth, including one of the hounds of Actaeon, the unfortunate hunter who was turned into a stag by Artemis after glimpsing her bathing. In earlier times, the name of the constellation was usually applied only to Sirius itself, and the “Great” part of the “Great Dog” was not as a form of contrast with the Little Dog, but simply a comment on the brightness of the star. Canis Minor was simply called Procyon until later Roman times, when it was sometimes called Catellus, the Puppy.", "Sirius is a very bright shining star, it is the nose of the constellation called Canis Major, also known as the Great dog constellation. ", "Aratus referred to Canis Major as the guard-dog of Orion, following on the heels of its master and standing on its hind legs with Sirius carried in its jaws. Manilius called it ‘the dog with the blazing face’. Canis Major seems to cross the sky in pursuit of the hare, represented by the constellation Lepus under Orion’s feet. To the north of it scampers Canis Minor, the smaller dog, either having lost the scent or sniffing out different prey.", "Alpha (α) Canis Major , Sirius, is a binary, -1.43 and 8.5, brilliant white and yellow star in the Greater dog. It is the brightest star in the night sky.", "Canis Major, also known as the Large Dog, is located southeast of the constellation Orion . Along with its smaller brother, Canis Minor , these gods are the faithful companions of the hunter and chase their quarry across the sky. The brightest star is Sirius which is also known as the “Dog Star” and “The Sparkling One” is the brightest star in the sky. Sirius is the southernmost star of the Winter Triangle which along with Betelgeuse and Procyon form a nearly perfect equilateral triangle.", "Orion is hunting the great bear (Unas major) which is the constellation in front of Orion. Canis major is seen as a more seriously dog, whereas Canis Minor was a more playful dog.", "The Egyptians associated the appearance of the Dog Star with the flooding of the fields and the birth of a new year. Later, the Greeks and Romans associated the Dog Star with Orion, The Hunter, and his two hunting dogs Canis Major and Canis Minor. The Greeks named the constellation Sirius, \"the Scorcher\" as they believed the Dog Star was responsible for the hot weather and listlessness that plagued them in the summer months.", "Magically, Agrippa lists both Sirius and Procyon as belonging to the fixed stars. In addition to ruling dogs, as might seem obvious for the Dog Star, Sirius rules beryl, savine (a poisonous species of juniper), mugwort, dragonwort, and the tongue of a snake. Its image, that of a hound and a little virgin, bestows honor, as well as the goodwill and favor of both men and the spirits of the air. It also offers the power to pacify kings, princes, and other noblemen. The image of the constellation Canis Major as a whole, meanwhile, is said to protect against plague as well as against wild animals.", "The star Sirius, lest we forget, is part of the Canis Major constellation. Traditionally known as the \"Dog Star\", Canis Major had its heliacal rising during the hottest, driest part of the year, which is how the old saying \"the dog days of summer\" came about. In The Sirius Mystery, we also learn that the Egyptian god of the afterlife, Anubis, has the head of a dog and the body of a man. Temple sees a possible connection between him and Sirius in the following remark made by the ancient Greek historian Plutarch:", "Canis Major is home to the brightest star in the sky. [1382] alpha Canis Majoris, better known as Sirius or the \"Dog Star,\" has a visual apparent magnitude of -1.46 and is only 8.6 light-years away from Earth. It can be seen from any part of the Earth except north of 73°. The only objects brighter than Sirius can be found inside our solar system: the Moon, Venus, Jupiter and occasionally Mercury and Mars. Sirius is actually a binary star system, composed of a white main sequence star, Sirius A, and a white dwarf, Sirius B.", "In Chinese astronomy the star is known as the star of the \"celestial wolf\" ( Chinese romanization: Tiānláng; Japanese romanization: Tenrō;) in the Mansion of Jǐng (井宿). Farther afield, many nations among the indigenous peoples of North America also associated Sirius with canines; the Seri and Tohono O'odham of the southwest note the star as a dog that follows mountain sheep, while the Blackfoot called it \"Dog-face\". The Cherokee paired Sirius with Antares as a dog-star guardian of either end of the \"Path of Souls\". The Pawnee of Nebraska had several associations; the Wolf (Skidi) tribe knew it as the \"Wolf Star\", while other branches knew it as the \"Coyote Star\". Further north, the Alaskan Inuit of the Bering Strait called it \"Moon Dog\".", "In Egypt at the present time, Sirius rises just before the sun late in July, but usually can’t be seen until early August. This is because as sunrise approaches, stars fade from view and the light of dawn obliterates starlight. At the time Sirius is about to reappear, the constellation Orion is fully visible in the lower eastern sky. With the bright star Betelguese on his shoulder, anyone familiar with constellations would find Orion hard to miss. Sirius can be seen in the next constellation to rise (Canis Major). Because of this close relationship, Sirius was sometimes referred to as the \"dog star\" by early Greeks who thought of Canis Major as one of Orion’s hunting hounds.", "Canis Major is found southeast of Orion. An easy way to locate the constellation is to locate the three stars that make up Orion's Belt and follow the stars down in a southwesterly direction until you come to the next bright star. This is Sirius in Canis Major, it's the brightest star in the constellation and the brightest star in the night sky.", "Sirius has a smaller companion white dwarf star known as The Pup or Sirius B. The mass of Sirius is about twice that of the sun, while the mass of the companion star is slightly less than that of the sun.  Above is an artistic rendition of the constellation; below is a simple drawing of the constellation, with the red arrow pointing to the dog star.", "The oldest Hindu name for Sirius was Sarama, \"one of the Twin Watch-dogs of the Milky Way\" [7, p. 119]. The Chinese knew this star as the Heavenly Wolf, and the Greeks as the Dog of Orion, or more specifically, as the dog Orthrus, a son of the monster Typhon. The Romans saw in it the Southern Cerberus, a watch-dog of their hell. As for the fennec Ogo, it is the smallest wild animal in the dog family (which hints probably at the small size of Sirius B).", "Canis Major contains one Messier object, the star cluster Messier 41 (NGC 2287), and has four stars with known planets. The brightest star in Canis Major, Sirius ( Alpha Canis Majoris ), is also the brightest star in the night sky. There are no meteor showers associated with the constellation.", "Sirius is a star system and the brightest star in the Earth's night sky. With a visual apparent magnitude of −1.46, it is almost twice as bright as Canopus, the next brightest star. The name \"Sirius\" is derived from the Ancient Greek Σείριος (Seirios), meaning \"glowing\" or \"scorcher\". The system has the Bayer designation Alpha Canis Majoris (α CMa). What the naked eye perceives as a single star is actually a binary star system, consisting of a white main-sequence star of spectral type A1V, termed Sirius A, and a faint white dwarf companion of spectral type DA2, called Sirius B. The distance separating Sirius A from its companion varies between 8.2 and 31.5 AU.", "Sirius is part of Canis Major; try to make out the rest of Canis Major (dark skies are needed to see all of the stars).", "A fascinating aspect of Sirius is the consistency of the symbolism and meanings attached to it. Several great civilizations have indeed associated Sirius with a dog-like figure and viewed the star as either the source or the destination of a mysterious force.", "Because Sirius (the main star in Canis Major) and Procyon (the main star in Canis Minor ) are seen on opposite sides of the Milky Way, there is an Arab story describing how these two companions became separated by the great Sky River. The Arabs tell of two sisters who tried to follow their brother Suhail ( Canopus ) across the sky. When they came to the great Sky River they plunged in to swim across. The older and stronger sister (Sirius) managed and today can be seen on the southern bank of that great river. But the younger sister was too weak and remained weeping on the northern bank, where we still see her today as Procyon , or Canis Minor .", "One interesting sight in Canis Major is a star cluster known as M41. It’s visible to the unaided eye as a faint smudge of light below Sirius. Binoculars or a small telescope reveal a swarm of several dozen stars. They’re all about 2300 light-years away.", "One interesting sight in Canis Major is a star cluster known as M41 , which is about 2,300 light-years away. It's visible to the unaided eye as a faint smudge of light below Sirius. Binoculars or a small telescope reveal a swarm of several dozen stars.", "Constellation of Canis Major - Knowle Astronomical Society - Astronomy in Solihull, the West Midlands, and Warwickshire" ]
[ 6.65625, 6.23046875, 6.203125, 5.51171875, 5.0859375, 4.5, 4.40625, 3.951171875, 3.927734375, 3.806640625, 3.732421875, 3.595703125, 2.99609375, 2.634765625, 2.439453125, 1.646484375, 1.5390625, 1.51171875, 0.5947265625, 0.361083984375, 0.11163330078125, -0.440673828125, -0.81689453125, -0.85498046875, -1.1552734375, -2.103515625, -2.490234375, -2.505859375, -2.73828125, -3.74609375, -3.986328125, -4.46484375 ]
The first of the "cardio-boxing" fitness programs to gain commercial success, what was the name of the aeroboic exercise routine created by Billy Blanks?
[ "Billy Wayne Blanks (born September 1, 1955) is an American fitness guru, martial artist, actor, and the creator of the Tae Bo exercise program. ", "Billy Blanks: This Is Tae Bo DVD by Billy Blanks 2010 Best overall body workout combines cardio, sculpting and ab training for maximum fat burning. Shed pounds, lose inches and shape your body; change the way you think about fitness forever. DVD includes an intense 1 hour workout plus a basics tutorial where Billy will teaches proper form on Tae Bo basic moves. Mixed reviews: e.g. \"Billy rambles too much about himself\". Lee likes this DVD. NOTE: 1-hour Tae Bo burns 500 to 800 calories, compared to 300 - 400 calories burned with a more conventional aerobics workout. With a healthy diet, the burned calories should translate into primarily fat loss. As an aerobic and cardio workout, Tae Bo helps practitioners work out more sweat and lose weight at a faster pace when working out constantly during a week. See Tae Bo WikiPedia (outside link opens separate window) and Billy Blanks Official Website (outside link opens separate window).", "* In the 1990s Billy Blanks's Tae Bo helped popularize cardio-boxing workouts that incorporated martial arts movements", "But the most striking thing is how little Simmons’s corner of the fitness universe has changed. Those who were left behind by yoga and Pilates in the ’70s are now left behind by P90X, CrossFit, and even The Biggest Loser, which is as close as pop culture has come to replicating Simmons’s formula. Simmons also has a bigger client base. In 1988, when Sweatin’ to the Oldies was released, the adult obesity rate in America was around 23 percent. Now, it’s 35 percent.", "Aerobics is a form of physical exercise that combines rhythmic aerobic exercise with stretching and strength training routines with the goal of improving all elements of fitness (flexibility, muscular strength, and cardio-vascular fitness). It is usually performed to music and may be practiced in a group setting led by an instructor (fitness professional), although it can be done solo and without musical accompaniment. With the goal of preventing illness and promoting physical fitness, practitioners perform various routines comprising a number of different dance-like exercises. Formal aerobics classes are divided into different levels of intensity and complexity. A well-balanced aerobics class will have five components: warm-up (5-10 minutes), cardio vascular conditioning (25-30 minutes), muscular strength and conditioning (10-15 minutes), cool-down (5-8 minutes) and stretching and flexibility (5-8 minutes).Aerobics classes may allow participants to select their level of participation according to their fitness level. Many gyms offer a variety of aerobic classes. Each class is designed for a certain level of experience and taught by a certified instructor with a specialty area related to their particular class.", "Nicknamed “The Greatest,” during his prime Ali was involved in several historic boxing matches. [8] Notable among these were three with rival Joe Frazier , which are considered among the greatest in boxing history, and one with George Foreman , where he finally regained his stripped titles seven years later. He also fought champions Sonny Liston , Floyd Patterson and Ken Norton multiple times. Ali was well known for his unorthodox fighting style, which he described as “float like a butterfly, sting like a bee”, and employing techniques such as the Ali Shuffle and the rope-a-dope . [9] Ali had brought beauty and grace to the most uncompromising of sports and through the wonderful excesses of skill and character, he had become the most famous athlete in the world. [10] He was also known for his pre-match hype, where he would “ trash talk ” opponents, often with rhymes.", "Fitness is an integral part of Donnell Turner's life. Aside from a regular workout routine that includes hiking and kickboxing, which he has been practicing for 30 years. He has Firearms (9 mm) training, Knife Combat, Nun Chuckas, Submission Wrestling, Tae Kwon Do, Tang So Do, Muay Thai and Yoga. He is very proud to have studied and practiced Muay Thai in Bangkok, Thailand. You can enjoy seeing photos of him on his social media accounts; Twitter: @donnellturner1 and Instagram: Donnellturner.", "Atlas' \"Dynamic Tension\" program consists of twelve lessons and one final perpetual lesson. Each lesson is supplemented with photos of Atlas demonstrating the exercises. Atlas' lesson booklets added commentary that referred to the readers as his friends and gave them an open invitation to write him letters to update him on their progress and stories. His products and lessons have sold millions, and Atlas became the face of fitness. Among the people who took Atlas' course were Max Baer, heavyweight boxing champion from 1934 to 1935; Rocky Marciano, heavyweight boxing champion from 1952 to 1956; Joe Louis, heavyweight boxing champion from 1937 to 1949; British heavyweight weightlifting champion and Darth Vader actor David Prowse; and Allan Wells, the 1980 Moscow Olympic Games 100 meter champion.", "Hollywood royalty, fashion model, Oscar-winning actress, controversial anti-war activist. Jane Fonda fit all of these descriptions by the late 1970s and 1980s, when she emerged in her latest incarnation–exercise guru. On April 24, 1982, Fonda extended her reach into the home-video market with the release of Workout, the first of her many bestselling aerobics tapes.", "Eugen Sandow, born Friedrich Wilhelm Müller, was a strongman and a strength athlete admired greatly for his muscular development first and strength feats second. It is safe to say that the records will remember him as the original initiator of fitness and bodybuilding motivation. With the rise of his popularity, and after the first official bodybuilding contest held in 1891 under the name of “The Great Show”, the interest in strength training increased immensely. The seed was sown and bodybuilding emerged as a commercial product. This is the time when very special men, eager to milk the ignorant and naïve crowd, emerged on the scene.", "Born Angelo Siciliano in Acri, Calabria, Italy, in 1892, Angelino, as he was also called, moved to Brooklyn, New York, in 1905, took the name Charles, and became a leather worker. He tried many forms of exercise initially, using weights, pulley-style resistance, and gymnastic-style calisthenics. Atlas claimed they did not build his body. Atlas was inspired by other fitness and healthy nutrition advocates who preceded him; world-renowned strongman Eugen Sandow and Bernarr MacFadden (a major proponent of \"Physical Culture\").", "hi johnny sorry but boxing is not outside rules of physics KISS keep it simple stupid is a mantra my old trainer drumed into me.to increase power you increase either the mass(get heavier) or the speed(punch faster}.granted old fashioned bodybuilders tend to (sorry definatly do) lose speed as they gain mass.the science eqation more mass times less speed=less power.but more speed times same mass=more power and thats what targeting explosive fibers with heavy weights does for you.yes without adding mass.just because you dont understand the concept doesnt mean it doesnt exist.nobody is questioning your observations and knowledge remember this is latest sports science im just trying to give you a heads up", "interesting questions and good points… Old school boxing coaches didn’t believe in those any kind of weight liftings at all, even plyometrics weren’t emphasized that much… for general conditioning things usually didn’t go beyond traditional skipping rope, roadwork, sit-ups at the end of work out, and medical balls here and there… the work outs used to be all about boxing and punching… but the boxers hit even harder back then, than they do nowadays… When I trained, my coach from Ukraine was and still is this traditional old school, the system still works, and the new guys who join his gym figure out right after a couple of sessions that first thing they need to stop in their life is lifting weights , and that is because of self preservation instinct – when a fast skinny guy who never lifted any barbell hits your head with 10 oz gloves and you feel that your “muscle power” makes you a stable stationary target you don’t have many choices…", "Training Program. He would typically start his training day with a 9-mile run (14 km), followed by the ‘400 meter torture test’. The latter consisted of running 400 meters at a fairly high pace, followed by 1-minute breaks – which would be continued until exhaustion.   This was a way to simulate rallies that could last up to 100 shots or more. And there would be endless court sprints and racket drills.", "Great article. Been subscribing to your channel. I like the part where you emphisized how if one trains with weights, that it is has functional for boxing. Lifting weights to build a big chest or arms is not functional. However, their are weight training methods that are functional. One boxing coach that I trained with for a while had us do kettlebell and very light weight power cleans. Enough to give us some resistance but not overload the muscle like traditional wieght training/ bodbuilding. In my trainers words,the purpose was to “link the kenetic chain from the mind to the muscle.” The weights were relatively light, and the exercises involved using the entire body to drive the weight overhead. Power cleans for example, you start by driving the weight up using your legs hips up through the torso and out through the arm for several reps. It trained us to use our whole body when delivering force. After several months of this strength training, I noticed my punches were stronger. Didn’t get big, but I did develop bigger punches and a credit this training for it. My trainer told me it is because of this particular weight training method, I can naturally call upon more muscle fibers when throwing punches, in turn increasing power.", "-- Considered one of the nations' most revered fitness experts, Richard Simmons has been reaching out to the masses for over 30 years with his unique charm, enthusiasm and accessibility. In the late 1980's Richard Simmons created a breakthrough exercise program that paired classic Rock 'n' Roll music with fun dance moves and called it Sweatin' to the Oldies. In its heyday, over 10 million Sweatin' VHS videos were sold. For five years, however, they have not been available to the public and never has the whole collection been available on DVD. Sweatin' to the Oldies, the 20th Anniversary Edition, is a re-release of these best-selling videos -- this time on crystal clear DVD -- with brand NEW, EXCLUSIVE bonus material directly from Richard.", "Image-Building advertisement preserved on plaque. It reads: “Bob Hoffman—Dedicated to Keeping Americans Strong and Healthy. Bob Hoffman, Olympic Weightlifting Coach, is a world famous authority on nutrition and physical fitness. He is a member of The President’s Advisory Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. Bob Hoffman’s YORK Barbells, gym equipment and training courses, his NATURAL high protein foods and vitamins, numerous books, and his two monthly magazine publications; Strength and Health, and Muscular Development are known and respected around the world for quality and integrity. Bob Hoffman has excelled in many sports such as weightlifting, running, canoe racing and swimming. With his superior methods of physical training and nutrition, Bog developed America’s first Olympic Weightlifting Team in 1932. Under Bob’s expert guiding hand the American weightlifting teams have won more than 30 Olympic Medals and countless other awards in America and in countries all around the world. Bob trained and developed the greatest Mr. America, John Grimek, and many more to follow. Today, after almost 50 years of experience and success, Bob Hoffman manufactures a complete line of YORK BARBELL EQUIPMENT and his equally famous HOFFMAN’S NATURAL high protein powders and tablets. Energol–a high energy food oil, NATURAL vitamins, candy-like Energy Bars and Diet Bars, cereals, cookies, the world’s best suntan lotion and many, many more. FOR MORE INFORMATION WRITE TO: BOB HOFFMAN, Olympic Coach, P.O. Box 1707, York, Pa. 17405. BOB WILL SEND YOU A SET OF CATALOGS FREE OF CHARGE.”", "Muhammad Ali (born Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr.; January 17, 1942 – June 3, 2016) was an American Olympic and professional boxer and activist. He is widely regarded as one of the most significant and celebrated sports figures of the 20th century. From early in his career, Ali was known as an inspiring, controversial and polarizing figure both inside and outside the ring. ", "The New York Athletic Club hosts the United States’ first amateur wrestling championship. While the style it patronized was Irish collar-and-elbow wrestling, the patriotic New Yorkers said the style came from Vermont and New Hampshire rather than Ireland. The club also sponsored the first amateur boxing championship in the United States. The club trainer was former middleweight champion Mike Donovan. Professionals routinely gave boxing lessons to wealthy businessmen and lawyers. For instance, Jake Kilrain gave lessons at Boston’s Cribb Club during the 1880s, while James J. Corbett gave lessons at San Francisco’s Olympic Club during the 1890s. The reason was that newspaper columnists claimed that pugilistic training would help old men lose weight while simultaneously sustaining or even increasing their will power, fortitude, and courage.", "I have a question Is it good for a boxer to train with GSP Rushfit or its not a good thing to do when u are boxing ?", "Yeah I know Earnie Shavers did say that lifting weights would slow you down and to train natural by lifting bales of hay and wood chopping. You’re correct there for sure. But what puzzles me is that Earnie Shavers said this in retirement but while he was boxing he DID in fact lift weights. There is a fight on Youtube where Shavers is fighting and the commentator mentions Earnies massive upper body and Jerry Quarry states the Earnie has been lifting weights, also Ken Norton who took up weight lifting after his accident stated that he wished he would have lifted weights when he was boxing. In a interview Ken Norton was asked he hit harder George Foreman, Gerry Cooney, or Earnie Shavers, and Norton said Shavers because he didn’t get up from that knockdown and Norton says that he believed Shavers weight program helped with his power. Once again I know the interview about Shavers denouncing weights for boxers but Shavers DID lift weights, and really what is the difference in lifting bales of hay or a barbell, a weight is a weight.", "Amateur boxing was part of the modern Olympic Games since their introduction in 1904. Professional boxing became popular in the United States in the 1920s and experienced a \"golden age\" after World War II.", "Ali had a highly unorthodox boxing style for a heavyweight, epitomized by his catchphrase \"float like a butterfly, sting like a bee\". Never an overpowering puncher, Ali relied early in his career on his superior hand speed, superb reflexes and constant movement, dancing and circling opponents for most of the fight, holding his hands low and lashing out with a quick, cutting left jab that he threw from unpredictable angles. His footwork was so strong that it was extremely difficult for opponents to cut down the ring and corner Ali against the ropes. He was also able to quickly dodge punches with his head movement and footwork.", "Martin began to feature Ali on his local television show, \"Tomorrow's Champions,\" and he started Ali working out at Louisville's Columbia Gym. An African American trainer named Fred Stoner taught Ali the science of boxing. Among the many things Ali learned was how to move with the grace and ease of a dancer. Although his schoolwork suffered, Ali devoted all of his time to boxing and improved steadily.", "So, Fitness Boxing offers all these great cross training benefits. What does a typical workout look like?", "Lightweight champion Joe Gans was an early pioneer in the craft of scientific boxing. Nicknamed \"The Old Master\" by his peers, he was the first African-American to capture a world championship.", "In 1960, Ali won a spot on the U.S. Olympic boxing team, and traveled to Rome, Italy, to compete. At 6' 3\", Ali was an imposing figure in the ring, but he also became known for his lightning speed and fancy footwork. After winning his first three bouts, Ali defeated Zbigniew Pietrzkowski from Poland to win the light heavyweight gold medal.", "After Durham died of a stroke on August 30, 1973, Futch was asked to succeed him as Frazier's head trainer and manager—at the same time he was training heavyweight contender Ken Norton. Norton lost a rematch against Ali less than two weeks after Durham's death. At that point, Norton's managers, Robert Biron and Aaron Rivkind, demanded that Futch choose between training Frazier and Norton, with Futch choosing Frazier.", "After Durham died of a stroke on August 30, 1973, Futch was asked to succeed him as Frazier's head trainer and manager—at the same time he was training heavyweight contender Ken Norton . Norton lost a rematch against Ali less than two weeks after Durham's death. At that point, Norton's managers, Robert Biron and Aaron Rivkind, demanded that Futch choose between training Frazier and Norton, with Futch choosing Frazier.", "Using a synchronizer, Jimmy Jacobs, who co-managed Mike Tyson, measured young Ali's punching speed versus Sugar Ray Robinson, a welter/middleweight, often considered the best pound-for-pound fighter in history. Ali was 25% faster than Robinson, even though Ali was 45–50pounds heavier. Ali's punches produced approximately 1,000pounds of force. \"No matter what his opponents heard about him, they didn't realize how fast he was until they got in the ring with him\", Jacobs said. The effect of Ali's punches was cumulative. Charlie Powell, who fought Ali early in Ali's career and was knocked out in the third round, said: \"When he first hit me I said to myself, 'I can take two of these to get one in myself.' But in a little while I found myself getting dizzier and dizzier every time he hit me. He throws punches so easily that you don't realize how much they hurt you until it's too late.\"", "Or tooling up to challenger George Chuvalo's training camp in a shocking red Greyhound with Heavyweight Champion of the World painted four amazing feet high on both sides, loaded with champ-scuffs along for the ride, his cornermen and aides and valets and cooks and photographers. (And one of them was Bundini Brown, a particular companion who made up his mantra for him. They'd sit there and stare and glare at each other, their faces perhaps two inches apart, and bellow, \"Float like a butterfly! Sting like a bee!\" followed by three bloodcurdling, whooping war-cries. Cassius would sit back after that, aglow like neon, his blood humming. It was like shooting up, bellowing the mantra like that.) Even old uncle Stepin Fetchitt was on the bus for a while, bugging his eyes and shuffling his dogs just for shucks. And on that trip to Chuvalo's, didn't the Champ run the bus right off the road somewhere up in the Catskills? Wasn't it in all the papers? Everywhere he went was an event, an appearance. People in the street flocked to him to feed the flame and catch his act. \"The only difference between me and the Pied Piper,\" he said, \"is he didn't have no Cadillac.\"", "In 1948, he started his professional boxing career and won against Harry Bilizarian. During this time, he was under the training of Charley Goldman." ]
[ 5.47265625, 2.38671875, 2.037109375, -3.0859375, -4.8671875, -5.10546875, -5.515625, -5.8671875, -6.3046875, -6.33203125, -6.84375, -7.23046875, -7.29296875, -7.34765625, -7.359375, -7.64453125, -7.83984375, -7.87890625, -8.109375, -8.1875, -8.5, -8.9296875, -9.046875, -9.5625, -9.8671875, -9.9609375, -10.421875, -10.484375, -10.53125, -10.640625, -10.71875, -10.7421875 ]
Born on Sept 1, 1950, what is the surname of TV's Doctor Phil, who originally made his fame by appearing on the Oprah Winfrey Show?
[ "Phillip Calvin \"Phil\" McGraw (born September 1, 1950), known as Dr. Phil, is an American television personality, author, psychologist, and the host of the television show Dr. Phil, which debuted in 2002. McGraw first gained celebrity status with appearances on The Oprah Winfrey Show in the late 1990s. In 2015, Forbes listed his earnings at $70 million for the previous 12 months, and ranked him the 15th highest earning celebrity in the world. ", "Phillip Calvin \"Phil\" McGraw Ph.D. (born 1 September 1950), best known as Dr. Phil, is the host of the popular American psychology TV-show Dr. Phil who gained celebrity status following appearances on The Oprah Winfrey Show.", "From left to right, Dr Phil McGraw, financial advisor Suze Orman, host Oprah Winfrey, Dr Mehmet Oz and interior designer Nate Berkus participate in The Oprah Winfrey Show live from Radio City Music Hall in 2010", "Dr Phil McGraw has galvanized millions of people to “get real” about their own behavior and create more positive lives. The Dr Phil show has been making headlines and breaking records since its 2002 launch in America when it garnered the highest ratings of any new syndicated show since the launch of The Oprah Winfrey Show 16 years prior.", "another oprah by product is dr phil who use to be pretty good until he turned into jerry springer", "The Oprah Winfrey Show, often referred to simply as Oprah, is an American syndicated tabloid talk show that aired nationally for 25 seasons from September 8, 1986 to May 25, 2011 in Chicago, Illinois. Produced and hosted by its namesake, Oprah Winfrey, it remains the highest-rated talk show in American television history. ", "Oprah Gail Winfrey (born January 29, 1954) is an American media proprietor, talk show host, actress, producer, and philanthropist. She is best known for her talk show The Oprah Winfrey Show, which was the highest-rated program of its kind in history and was nationally syndicated from 1986 to 2011. Dubbed the \"Queen of All Media\", she has been ranked the richest African-American of the 20th century, the greatest black philanthropist in American history, and is currently North America's first and only multi-billionaire black person. Several assessments regard her as the most influential woman in the world. In 2013, she was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Barack Obama and honorary doctorate degrees from Duke and Harvard. ", "* The Dr. Phil House was set in an actual house within the Wilshire Park neighborhood in Los Angeles. It received numerous complaints from neighbors about the disruption caused by filming crews, the guests, cables and production trucks clogging the neighborhood and the constant traffic caused by filming. After the Los Angeles City Council revoked film permits, in September 2006, Dr. Phil stopped filming there. However, \"Peteski\" Productions, the show's production company, which drew its name from the nickname of one of McGraw's sons, retained ownership of the house. The Dr. Phil House later moved to a studio back lot, and the interior of the house shown in the program became that of a sound stage and ceased to be that of the actual house. ", "Although he was notorious for forgetting his lines and forever turning up late for rehearsals (Phil once recalled one of Maurice's excuses - \"A priest short-hopped me for a cab!\") - he quickly became a favourite with the audiences. Whenever Phil was called upon to make a personal appearance he made sure to take \"Doberman\" with him.", "* Made two appearances on The Oprah Winfrey Show, once in 1990, then in the farewell season in 2011.", "The guests included former U.S. basketball stars Michael Jordan and Charles Barkley, American talk-show host and media entrepreneur Oprah Winfrey and Microsoft founder Bill Gates.", "Dr. Phil is a production of Peteski Productions and distributed by CBS Television Distribution. Harpo Productions co-produced the series until 2010, with Paramount Domestic Television and its successor CBS Paramount Domestic Television serving as secondary co-producers until 2007, and it was originally distributed by King World Productions.", "On Jan. 2, 1984 Kosciusko, Miss.-born Oprah Gail Winfrey (1954-) debuts her TV talk show on Chicago's WLS-TV, becoming an instant hit and broadcast nationally starting on Sept. 8, 1986, making her the richest African-Am. in the world. She uses the show to promote the New Age Movement, and helped Barack Obama becomes U.S. pres., although she isn't a New Age guru of her own, yet.", "Regis Francis Xavier Philbin (; born August 25, 1931) is an American media personality, actor, and singer, known for hosting talk and game shows since the 1960s. ", "Hosts: Richard Dawson (1976–1985; 1994–1995), Ray Combs (1988–1994), Louie Anderson (1999–2002), Richard Karn (2002–2006), John O’Hurley (2006–present, daytime), Al Roker (Summer 2008, Celebrity Family Feud)", "Emmy Award-winning comedian: The Phil Silvers Show [Sgt. Bilko: 1955, 1956, 1957]; The Beverly Hillbillies, It�s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum; died Nov 1, 1985", "Celebrity guests, usually friends of Penn, often featured on the show. Guests included Criss Angel , James Randi (often with Paul Provenza ), Mac King , Gilbert Gottfried , Trey Parker , Joe Rogan , Dennis Miller , Lisa Lampanelli , and Lawrence O'Donnell (nicknamed L.O.D. by Jillette).", "Born in Mississippi in 1954, Media Magnate Oprah Winfrey’s intended name was Orpah. The name was misspelled on her birth certificate. The intended name Orpah was the name of the sister-in-law of the Biblical Ruth.", "The original hour-long prime-time version of the show was broadcast on ABC from August 16, 1999 to June 27, 2002, and was hosted by Regis Philbin, a famed media personality, actor, and singer with a career going back to the 1960s, who is most widely known for hosting a \"live\" morning talk show. ABC's overexposure of the program led audiences to tire of it, and grilled the show to cancellation. However, not all hope was lost for the property: the production team reincarnated the show as a half-hour syndicated series, which premiered on September 16, 2002. The syndicated Millionaire's original host was Meredith Vieira, a news anchor and journalist who, at the time of the show's debut, was chiefly known as the moderator of ABC's daytime talk show The View, then later co-hosted NBC's Today Show from 2006 through 2011, and is now set to become the host of a syndicated talk show that will premiere in the coming year. Vieira remained Millionaire's host through eleven seasons, hosting over 1,800 episodes and giving away over $70,000,000 to a vast multitude of contestants, before deciding to abandon her then-current career and pursue new opportunities. Subsequently, Cedric Kyles, an actor, director and (as his stage name implies) an entertainer, signed on to become the show's new host, and his run is set to begin in September 2013.", "Philbin hosted the first season of America's Got Talent, a Simon Cowell-produced amateur talent search show on NBC, during the summer of 2006. He flew between New York City and Los Angeles during that time period to participate in both Live with Regis and Kelly and AGT. Because of his difficulty with commuting cross country and his health problems, he was replaced in 2007 by talk show host Jerry Springer. In regards to filling Philbin's spot, Springer noted that \"no one fills in for Regis. He's the best there ever was at this so you pay homage to him.\" ", "Phil married Alice Faye, a very popular singer and movie star. In 1947 Phil and Alice launched their own radio and TV comedy show, which lasted until 1954.", "Phil Alexander Robertson (born April 24, 1946) is an American professional hunter, businessman (Duck Commander), and reality television star on the popular television series Duck Dynasty. He is also featured on the television show Buck Commander, a hunting program on the Outdoor Channel.", "In 1979, when Fred Silverman was the head of NBC, Carson took the network to court, claiming that he had been a free-agent since April of that year because his most recent contract had been signed in 1972. Carson cited a California law barring certain contracts from lasting more than seven years. NBC claimed that it had signed three agreements since then and Carson was bound to the network until April 1981. While the case was settled out of court, the friction between Carson and the network remained and Carson was actively courted by rival network ABC, which was willing to double Carson's salary, a lighter work schedule and ownership of his show. Eventually, Carson reached an agreement that paid $25 million a year while reducing his workload from 90 to 60 minutes, with new shows airing only three nights a week 37 weeks a year (a guest host would appear Monday nights and for most of Carson's 15 weeks of vacation and \"Best of Carson\" reruns would air Tuesdays) and also give him ownership of the show, as well as its back catalog, and of the time slot following the Tonight Show which became Late Night with David Letterman produced by Carson Productions. In September 1980, Carson's eponymous production company gained ownership of the show. after owning it from 1969 to the early 1970s.", "Kelsey Grammer (1945– ) is one of the most popular television stars in the United States. Grammer, born in the Virgin Islands, made his television breakthrough as Dr. Frasier Crane on the hit show Cheers. Grammer received an Emmy Award nomination for his work on Cheers, and when the show ended its successful run in 1993, Grammer and NBC collaborated on the show Frasier. The show was a continuation of Grammer's Cheers character and won him several Emmy Awards.", "Emmy Award winning personality [1954], comedian: �Well I�ll be a dirty bird.�: The George Gobel Show, The Eddie Fisher Show, Hollywood Squares; actor: Better Late than Never, The Fantastic World of D.C. Collins, Harper Valley P.T.A.; died Feb 24, 1991", "Billy Crystal (comic) -- Alive. Born March 14, 1947. SNL alum, Jodie on Soap and an excellent Oscar host.   IMDb", "Philbin won a Daytime Emmy for \"Outstanding Game Show Host\" in 2003, as host of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.", "Television news – A one-hour variety show starring Leslie Uggams will replace The Smothers Brothers in September. Miss Uggams, who two weeks ago was signed to a CBS contract for the 1970-71 season, becomes the first Negro woman to have her own network variety hour.", "Paar also played host to Muhammad Ali when he was still known as Cassius Clay, to a pleasantly pickled Judy Garland, and to the outrageous pianist-composer Oscar Levant. Entertainers Paar championed included Jonathan Winters, Bob Newhart, Carol Burnett, Woody Allen and Bill Cosby.", "'In West Philadelphia, Born and Raised...' | 'Fresh Prince of Bel-Air' Then & Now | XFINITY", "Live With Kelly And Michael (formerly known as Live With Regis and Kathy Lee/Kelly) hosts Kelly Ripa (tiny soap opera star, 5'3\") and Michael Strahan (tall ex- New York Giants player, 6'5\"). Also doubles as Salt and Pepper .", "The standup, who famously appeared on television in The Comedians and Tiswas in the 1970s and had been battling cancer for a number of years." ]
[ 9.2890625, 9.203125, 2.23828125, 0.95849609375, -0.07183837890625, -1.1171875, -2.4765625, -3.90625, -4.79296875, -4.80078125, -4.98046875, -5.078125, -5.19921875, -7.06640625, -7.1015625, -7.10546875, -7.12109375, -7.359375, -7.5078125, -7.796875, -7.8515625, -7.921875, -7.9609375, -8.0859375, -8.2578125, -8.71875, -8.8046875, -9.15625, -9.2578125, -9.3203125, -9.59375, -10.2421875 ]
Sept 4, 1950 saw the introduction of the comic strip Beetle Bailey. On what fictional military installation does the comic strip take place?
[ "Beetle Bailey (begun on September 4, 1950) is an American comic strip created by cartoonist Mort Walker. Set in a fictional United States Army military post, it is among the oldest comic strips still being produced by the original creator. Over the years, Mort Walker has been assisted by (among others) Jerry Dumas, Bob Gustafson, Frank Johnson and Walker's sons Neal, Brian and Greg Walker. The latter is currently credited on the strip.", "Beetle Bailey (begun on September 4, 1950)[2] is an American comic strip created by cartoonist Mort Walker. Set in a fictional United States Army military post, it is among the oldest comic strips still being produced by the original creator.[1] Over the years, Mort Walker has been assisted by (among others) Jerry Dumas, Bob Gustafson, Frank Johnson and Walker's sons Neal, Brian and Greg Walker. The latter is currently credited on the strip.", "Beetle Bailey (begun on September 4, 1950)[2] is an American comic strip created by cartoonist Mort Walker. Set in a fictional United States Army military post, it is among the oldest comic strips still being produced by the original creator. Over the years, Mort Walker has been assisted by (among others) Jerry Dumas, Bob Gustafson, Frank Johnson and Walker's sons Neal, Brian and Greg Walker. The latter is currently credited on the strip.", "Most of the humor in Beetle Bailey revolves around the inept characters stationed at Camp Swampy, (inspired by Camp Crowder, where Walker had once been stationed while in the Army). Private Bailey is a lazy sort who usually naps and avoids work, and thus is often the subject of verbal and physical chastising from his supervisor, Sergeant Snorkel. The characters never seem to see combat themselves, with the exception of mock battles and combat drills. In fact, they seem to be in their own version of stereotypical comic strip purgatory (initially basic training, they now appear to be stuck in time in a regular infantry division). The uniforms of Beetle Bailey are still the uniforms of the late 1940s to early 1970s Army, with green fatigues and baseball caps as the basic uniform, and the open jeep as the basic military vehicle. Sergeant First Class Snorkel wears a green Class A Army dress uniform with heavily wrinkled garrison cap; the officers wear M1 helmet liners painted with their insignia. While Beetle Bailey's unit is Company A, one running gag is that the characters are variously seen in different branches of the Army, such as artillery, armor, infantry, and paratroops.", "Beetle was originally a college student at Rockview University. The characters in that early strip were modeled after Walker's fraternity brothers at the University of Missouri. On March 13, 1951, during the strip's first year, Beetle quit school and enlisted in the U.S. Army, where he has remained ever since.", "Beetle Bailey. The soldier, with his hat permanently affixed over his eyes, actually started out as a college student by the name of Spider. Mort Walker transformed the character to a soldier and “Beetle Bailey” was a smash hit.", "On this day in 1951 the U.S. Army gained one of its most famous recruits. Beetle Bailey, who was a college student when his King Features comic strip started, enlisted 59 years ago today.", "Beetle Bailey (November 21, 2007): In this running gag, Sergeant Snorkel hangs from a small tree growing out of a cliff, while Private Bailey is seen trying to help him—and himself", "During World War I, a major newspaper association tried to suspend the printing of comics to conserve paper. The new and fragile art form might not have survived if William Randolph Hearst’s valued lieutenant, Moses Koenigsberg, had not convinced the publishers that comic strips were the home front’s best Morale Officers. As World War II heated up, Snuffy Smith came down from the hills to defend our shores. The futuristic Flash Gordon strip featured heroes wearing American army-type uniforms and evil aliens resembling Axis enemies. And back home, Blondie instructed children in neighborhood salvage drives. Cartoonist Dave Bregar first tagged the enlisted man as “G.I. Joe” in his strip, Private Bregar. When the war turned cold, Private Bregar returned to civilian life. Beetle Bailey, who started out as a college cutup and enlisted by mistake during the Korean conflict, has remained in the Army since 1951. Roy Crane’s Buz Sawyer moved from the military to espionage during the Cold War and Milton Caniff’s Steve Canyon intrigued millions of readers with his adventures.", "*Sergeant 1st Class Orville P. Snorkel—Beetle's platoon sergeant and nemesis; introduced in 1951. Sarge is known to frequently beat up Beetle for any excuse he can think of, leaving Beetle a shapeless pulp (one of the most iconic images in the strip). Once, in the February 2, 1971 strip, he even shoved Beetle through a knothole in the floorboard. Sarge is too lovable to be a villain, however. Obese, snaggle-toothed, and volatile, Sarge can be alternately short-tempered and sentimental. He and Beetle seem to have a mutual love/hate relationship; much of the time there's an implied truce between them. They share an uneasy alliance that sometimes borders on genuine (albeit unequal) friendship. In some early strips Sarge was married, but he was later retconned into an unmarried Army lifer, who knows next to nothing about civilian life. Despite his grouchiness and bossiness, Sarge does have a soft side, which he usually keeps concealed. He is from Pork Corners, Kansas.", "In 2000, Dark Horse Comics issued 2 collectible figures of Beetle and Sarge as part of their line of Classic Comic Characters—statues #11 and 12, respectively. In honor of the strip's 50th anniversary, DHC also produced a boxed, PVC figure set of 7 Beetle Bailey characters; (Beetle, Sarge, Gen. Halftrack, Miss Buxley, Otto, Lt. Flap and Cookie.)", "* Snoopy from the Peanuts comic strip frequently refers to Fort Zinderneuf when roleplaying as a Foreign Legionnaire.", "As a youngster who read the Beetle Bailey comic strip in the early 1960s, I knew that Beetle (almost) always wore a cap or a helmet on his head, although on a few very rare occasions  he was seen without cap or helmet, but his eyes were still not visible. ", "Many people, particularly Americans, remember Warrington best as the location of RAF Station Burtonwood Burtonwood RAF base. During World War II, it served as the largest US Army Air Force airfield outside the United States, and was visited by major American celebrities like Humphrey Bogart and Bob Hope who entertained the GIs. The RAF station continued in use by the USAAF and subsequently USAF as a staging post for men and material until its closure in 1993.", "From 1943-1946, Bugs was the official \"mascot\" of Kingman Army Air Field, Kingman, Arizona, where thousands of aerial gunners were trained during World War II. Some notable trainees included Clark Gable and Charles Bronson . Bugs also served as the mascot for 530 Squadron of the 380th Bombardment Group, 5th Air Force , USAF , which was attached to the Royal Australian Air Force and operated out of Australia's Northern Territory from 1943 to 1945, flying B-24 Liberator bombers. [11]", "At the end of the 1943 short Super-Rabbit , Bugs appears wearing a United States Marine Corps dress blue uniform. As a result, the Marine Corps made Bugs an honorary Marine Master Sergeant. From 1943 to 1946, Bugs was the official mascot of Kingman Army Airfield, Kingman, Arizona, where thousands of aerial gunners were trained during World War II. Some notable trainees included Clark Gable and Charles Bronson. Bugs also served as the mascot for 530 Squadron of the 380th Bombardment Group, 5th Air Force, U.S. Air Force, which was attached to the Royal Australian Air Force and operated out of Australia's Northern Territory from 1943 to 1945, flying B-24 Liberator bombers. Bugs riding an air delivered torpedo served as the squadron logo for Marine Torpedo/Bomber Squadron 242 in the Second World War.", "Shortly after release in April 1948, he joined the Air Force. After completing basic training, he was stationed at the Smoky Hill Air Force Base in Salina, Kansas, and later in Idaho. He spent time in the brig for a number of assaults. In 1950, he was arrested for going AWOL. On August 16, 1952, he received an honorable discharge and returned to Massachusetts.", "With World War II underway, Liebowitz expected that Simon and Kirby would be drafted, so he asked the artists to create an inventory of material to be published in their absence. The pair hired writers, inkers, letterers, and colorists in order to create a year's worth of material. Kirby was drafted into the U.S. Army on June 7, 1943.Ro, p. 33 After basic training at Camp Stewart, near Savannah, Georgia, he was assigned to Company F of the 11th Infantry Regiment.Evanier, p. 67 He landed on Omaha Beach in Normandy on August 23, 1944, two-and-a-half months after D-Day, though Kirby's reminiscences would place his arrival just 10 days after. Kirby recalled that a lieutenant, learning that comics artist Kirby was in his command, made him a scout who would advance into towns and draw reconnaissance maps and pictures, an extremely dangerous duty. ", "During World War II, artist Raymond enlisted as a Marine . Successors included John Mayo (creator of Future Eye) and Paul Norris (creator of DC Comics ' Aquaman ). Don Moore continued to script through the succession of artists. The strip, which never ran as a daily , came to an end in 1954.", "Animator Jay Ward, working with Alexander Anderson, Jr (whose idea was first turned down at Terrytoon Studios), created the immensely-popular animated, serialized NBC-TV show Crusader Rabbit, through their new company Television Arts Productions. It was the first American animated series produced especially for television. The show originally aired from 1950 -1952 and also had a color version in 1957, with both Lucille Bliss and GeGe Pearson providing the voice of the Don Quixote-like title character. It told about knight-in-armor Crusader Rabbit and his tiger companion Rags, combatting nemesis Dudley Nightshade, with episodes ending in a cliffhanger. Ward went on to produce animated cartoon shows, such as The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show - composed of Rocky and His Friends (1959-1961) and The Bullwinkle Show (1961-1964), Hoppity Hooper (1964-1967), George of the Jungle (1967), and The Dudley Do-Right Show (1969-1970) about a Canadian Mountie. The only live-action TV comedy show that he produced was Fractured Flickers (1963).", "Bugs Bunny is an animated cartoon character, best known for his starring roles in the Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies series of theatrical short films produced by Warner Bros. during the 1940s, 50s and 60s. His popularity during this era led to his becoming an American cultural icon, as well as a corporate mascot of the Warner Bros. company. He was created by the staff of Leon Schlesinger Productions (later Warner Bros. Cartoons ) and voiced originally by the \"Man of a Thousand Voices\", Mel Blanc .", "Li'l Abner is a satirical American comic strip that appeared in many newspapers in the United States, Canada and Europe, featuring a fictional clan of hillbillies in the impoverished mountain village of Dogpatch, Kentucky. Written and drawn by Al Capp (1909–1979), the strip ran for 43 years, from August 13, 1934 through November 13, 1977.", "Shortly thereafter, he \"was sent to Quantico for training in the curriculum of the Aviation Ground Officer's School,\" and was soon producing \"posters and patriotic images from a government office in Philadelphia.\" His most famous image from this time is \"Marines at Prayer,\" which \"was destined to become a well-known and well-circulated image of Marines on a battlefield pausing for worship.\" Raymond also \"designed the official 1944 Marine Corps Christmas card.\" Desiring \"to get closer to the action,\" he then trained at the Marine Corps Air Station in Santa Barbara before serving in the Pacific Ocean theater \"on the 1945 cruise of the escort carrier USS Gilbert Islands.\" Treated by his fellow marines (who had been raised on Flash Gordon) as a celebrity, he was nonetheless seen as \"a down-to-earth fellow,\" and well liked. He saw \"a period of intense combat in June 1945,\" and was \"made an honorary member of VMTB-143 in August 1945.\" Raymond had, in May 1945, designed a squadron patch for the men of VMTB-143, after which the \"squadron adopted the new name 'The Rocket Raiders'.\"", "\"Knights Must Fall,\" Warner Bros., 1949. Bugs Bunny in a version of Connecticut Yankee without the time-travel frame.  ", "Good with his hands, Ditko in junior high school was part of a group of students who crafted wooden models of German airplanes to aid civilian World War II aircraft-spotters. Upon graduating from Johnstown High School in 1945, he enlisted in the U.S. Army on October 26, 1945, and did military service in postwar Germany, where he drew comics for an Army newspaper.", "I'm trying to locate that comic boo, where Sarge chewed out Beetle for letting his eyes show.", "Ascended Fanboy : Bugs Bunny was given the honorary rank of Master Sergeant in the US Marine Corps after the cartoon \" Super Rabbit", "“’Brick Bradford’ was an American newspaper strip (daily black-&-white, Sunday colour) that occasionally appeared in American comic books like Famous Funnies which reprinted newspaper strips (mostly the Sunday pages). He was a time-traveller whose vehicle was a \"time top\" which apparently *spun* its way through time. The art was highly stylized, but (I thought then) rather handsome.”", "Bill Mauldin was in the infantry in World War II and drew cartoons like this one for the military paper Stars and Stripes.", "Gripes (US animated short, 1943).  Directed by I. Freleng.  Technical Fairy First Class grants Private Snafu his wish for control of the base, leaving it open for a sneak attack.", "* October 1939 – Amazing Stories published a painting of an atomic power plant by science fiction artist Howard M. Duffin on its back cover. ", "Host Bob Edwards talks with cartoonist Bill Mauldin about the re-issue of a book of his World War Two cartoons on the 50th anniversary of the end of conflict. (6:56)" ]
[ 5.99609375, 5.8046875, 5.2421875, 2.9453125, -2.890625, -2.986328125, -3.365234375, -3.443359375, -3.50390625, -3.818359375, -3.890625, -4.97265625, -5.015625, -5.3125, -5.42578125, -6.453125, -6.5859375, -6.87109375, -6.94140625, -7.2265625, -7.34375, -7.46875, -7.53515625, -7.7421875, -8.0078125, -8.125, -8.4765625, -9.1875, -9.25, -9.4296875, -9.9140625, -10.578125 ]
Available in small quantities in tonic water, quinine, which comes from the bark of the cinchona [sin-koh-nuh] tree, was first used to treat what tropical disease?
[ "Quinine is a substance that was first obtained by processing the bark of the cinchona tree, a South American native plant that has been used as a fever reducer by Native Americans for centuries. This substance has been used historically to treat malaria , along with some other medical conditions, and although a number of antimalarial drugs are on the market today, it is still used in some regions. It is also used commercially as an additive to tonic water , a soft drink that is used as a mixer for other drinks in addition to being consumed straight.", "Quinine has been used in unextracted form by Europeans since at least the early 17th century. Quinine was first used to treat malaria in Rome in 1631. [3] During the 17th century, malaria was endemic to the swamps and marshes surrounding the city of Rome . Malaria was responsible for the death of several popes , many cardinals and countless common Roman citizens. Most of the priests trained in Rome had seen malaria victims and were familiar with the shivering brought on by the febrile phase of the disease. The Jesuit brother Agostino Salumbrino (1561–1642), an apothecary by training who lived in Lima , observed the Quechua using the bark of the cinchona tree for that purpose. While its effect in treating malaria (and hence malaria-induced shivering) was unrelated to its effect in controlling shivering from rigors , it was still a successful medicine for malaria. At the first opportunity, Salumbrino sent a small quantity to Rome to test as a malaria treatment. In the years that followed, cinchona bark was known as Jesuit's bark or Peruvian Bark and became one of the most valuable commodities shipped from Peru to Europe.", "Cinchona, or quina, refers to a genus of about 38 species in the family Rubiaceae, first found in forests of the tropical Andes. Known to natives in Peru as “quinaquina” (bark of the barks), it is perhaps the greatest gift from the New World to the Old World. In particular, its bark yielded the first effective remedy for malaria, one of the most dangerous of infectious diseases. The chief component of cinchona bark, quinine, is still used as a medication – but also for preparing tonic water and Bitter Lemon. There is thus good reason for having a closer look from a chemical point of view at this bitter tree bark.", "For thousands of years, traditional herbal remedies have been used to treat malaria. The first effective treatment for malaria came from the bark of cinchona tree, which contains quinine. After the link to mosquitos and their parasites were identified in the early twentieth century, mosquito control measures such as widespread use of DDT, swamp drainage, covering or oiling the surface of open water sources, indoor residual spraying and use of insecticide treated nets was initiated. Prophylactic quinine was prescribed in malaria endemic areas, and new therapeutic drugs, including chloroquine and artemisinins, were used to resist the scourge.", "Quinine was the first effective treatment for malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum , appearing in therapeutics in the 17th century. It remained the antimalarial drug of choice until the 1940s, when other drugs replaced it that have less unpleasant side effects. Since then, many effective antimalarials have been introduced, although quinine is still used to treat the disease in certain critical circumstances, such as severe malaria, and in impoverished regions due to its low cost. Quinine is available with a prescription in the United States and over-the-counter, in very small quantities, in tonic water . Quinine is also used to treat lupus and arthritis . Quinine was also frequently prescribed in the U.S. as an \"off-label\" treatment for nocturnal leg cramps , but this has since been prohibited, in effect, by an FDA statement warning against the practice. [1]", "The first drug found to be effective in the prevention and treatment of MALARIA . Quinine was originally derived from the bark of the cinchona tree. It is still used to treat CHLOROQUINE -resistant malaria but is no longer used as a PROPHYLACTIC . The drug is on the WHO official list.", "Quinine, a large and complex molecule , is the most important alkaloid found in cinchona bark. Until World War I, it was the only effective treatment for malaria . In fact, quinine was the first chemical compound to be successfully used to treat an infectious disease.", "The first effective treatment for malaria came from the bark of cinchona tree, which contains quinine. This tree grows on the slopes of the Andes, mainly in Peru. The indigenous peoples of Peru made a tincture of cinchona to control fever. Its effectiveness against malaria was found and the Jesuits introduced the treatment to Europe around 1640; by 1677, it was included in the London Pharmacopoeia as an antimalarial treatment. It was not until 1820 that the active ingredient, quinine, was extracted from the bark, isolated and named by the French chemists Pierre Joseph Pelletier and Joseph Bienaimé Caventou.", "Quinine is a drug which is made from the bark of the Cinchona tree. A number of various other chemicals can also be synthesised from Cinchona, and these include cinchonine, cinchonidine and quinidine. Even before the 1600s, the Peruvian Indians used an infusion of Cinchona bark to treat fever, and soon it was recognised that Cinchona bark was also effective at treating and preventing malaria. At that point of time, no one actually knew that the potent ingredient was the alkaloid quinine. It was not until 1820 (200 years after the bark was introduced into Europe for the treatment of malaria) that quinine was isolated from the bark of the Cinchona tree. Aside from the treatment of malaria, quinine has also been used as a flavouring, and it provides the bitter taste in tonic water. In fact, \"gin and tonic\" was originally consumed in the past to prevent attacks of malaria (Upfal,1991).", "Since the first officially noted use of quinine to fight malaria occurred in a community of Jesuit missionaries in Lima, Peru in 1630, historians have surmised that Indian tribes taught the missionaries how to extract the chemical quinine from cinchona bark. In any case, the Jesuits' use of quinine as a malaria medication was the first documented use of a chemical compound to successfully treat an infectious disease. To this day, quinine-based anti-malarials are widely used as effective treatments against the growth and reproduction of malarial parasites in humans.", "A naturally occurring chemical compound in the bark of Cinchona tree, quinine dates back to the 17th century where the Spanish colonists discovered it as an effective treatment for malaria. However, with the development in the field of medicine it has been inferred that it is not a safe treatment option.", "Sir Clements Markham of the British India Office organised a botanical expedition in 1858 to obtain seeds of the Cinchona tree for cultivation in India. The bark of the Cinchona tree is the best source of Quinine, the cure for Malaria. The botanist Richard Spruce collected for several years in south-western Ecuador and in 1860 seeds and plants were sent to both India and Kew Gardens in London. This was still at a time when local people kept the location of the trees a secret. The first plants sent to India in 1861 from Kew died, but later plantations in Travancore and Sikkim, and in Sri Lanka were successful. About the same time seeds, originally collected by Charles Ledger in Bolivia in 1864 and bought by the Dutch from an Australian in a private sale in London, were sent to Java. From these some 12,000 seedlings were produced; these were plants of Cinchona calisaya, which has a higher content of quinine than Cinchona pubescens grown by the British. In 1864 India and Java exchanged planting material.", "Anti-malarial - Quinine was the first effective Western treatment for malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum, appearing in therapeutics in the 17th century. It remained the antimalarial drug of choice until the 1940s, when other drugs, replaced it. Quinine – cinchona bark -  is still used to treat the disease in certain critical circumstances, such as severe malaria, and “in impoverished regions”, due to its low cost.", "flavoring extracted from the bark of the cinchona tree that is used to treat malaria or make tonic water", "Quinine was the first effective treatment for malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum, appearing in therapeutics in the 17th century. It remained the antimalarial drug of choice until the 1940s, when other drugs such as chloroquine that have fewer unpleasant side effects replaced it. Since then, many effective antimalarials have been introduced, although quinine is still used to treat the disease in certain critical circumstances, such as severe malaria, and in impoverished regions due to its low cost. Quinine is available with a prescription in the United States and over-the-counter, in minute quantities, in tonic water. Quinine is also used to treat lupus and arthritis. Quinine was also frequently prescribed in the US as an off-label treatment for nocturnal leg cramps, but this has become less prevalent due to a Food and Drug Administration statement warning against the practice.", "The bark of cinchona has been in high demand since at least the 17th century, when the first Europeans in the Americas learned of its healing powers. It has traditionally been used to treat fevers, including those caused by malaria. Cinchona bark contains many chemicals, including quinine, which is the source of antimalarial medications. Quinine and its derivatives target the DNA of Plasmodium parasites, disrupting their ability to survive in the blood.", "  The history of tonic water begins in 17th, century Peru when Spanish colonists discovered a treatment for malaria in the bark of the quinaquina tree. One account insists that the Countess of Chinchon , the Peruvian viceroy's wife, took the bark to Spain around 1640 after it saved her from malaria. Another proposes that a Jesuit missionary named Barnabe de Cobo made the first trans-Atlantic delivery in 1632. Whichever the case may be, the ground bark became known as both \"Countess's powder\" and \"Jesuit's powder\" throughout Europe. In the 18th century Carolus Linnaeus chose to classify the quinaquina tree as genus \"cinchona (sĭngkō`nə) or chinchona (chĭngkō`nə), name for species of the genus Cinchona, \" in honor of the legendary lady.", "A key component of tonic water is quinine, an anti-malarial alkaloid from the bark of the cinchona tree.  Indigenous to mountainous areas of South America, the tree is part of what historian Alfred Crosby has termed the “Columbian Exchange”: the transfer of humans, other animals, plants, germs, and ideas between Europe and the Americas.", "History - For three centuries quinine, was the only effective remedy known for malaria. It was known to the Jesuits very early in it's history, hence the common name Jesuit's powder. The name of the genus is due to Linnaeus, who named the tree in 1742 after a Countess of Chinchon, the wife of a viceroy of Peru, who, in 1638, was introduced by natives to the medicinal properties of the bark. In the 1860s, the Dutch government began cultivating cinchona trees on the island of Java in an attempt to monopolize the world production of quinine. Even though the trees are now cultivated worldwide, the bark is still sometimes referred to as \"Peruvian\" bark", "1633 Jesuit Father Antonio de la Calaucha reported antimalarial properties of extracts from a Peruvian tree. The use of the extract, quinine, spread quickly in Europe, where malaria (called ague) had always been a major source of sickness and death. Availability of quinine during a 1655 papal conclave was likely the reason none of the cardinals attending died - the first time this had happened. Because of the way the dried extract was introduced to Europe, it became known as Jesuit’s powder. Other stories about quinine refer to the miraculous cure of Francisca Henriques de Rivera, wife of the Count of Cinchón, the Spanish viceroy to Peru. From this event, people began to refer to the fever tree as Cinchona. Europeans did not know the true source of the bark until 1735, when Joseph de Jussieu collected samples of the tree. (Le Couteur & Burresson, 2003) Linnaeus named the tree Cinchona officinalis in his 1753 Species plantarum.", "Upon their discovery of cinchona bark, the Spanish conquistadors—acting on a premise firmly grounded in the healing arts since antiquity—assumed from the very outset that there had to be a connection between the fever-reducing activity of this curative agent and the material’s bitter taste. It would therefore not have been surprising if the Spanish had themselves attempted to treat the fevers of malaria—first encountered in the context of the slave trade [1]—with the bitter bark of the cinchona tree.", "Extracts of the bark have been used to treat hemorrhoids, to stimulate hair growth, and to manage varicose veins. Quinine has been used as an abortifacient. 11 Extracts of cinchona have a bitter, astringent taste and have been used as flavoring for foods and beverages. Although the use of quinine for the treatment of malaria has been largely supplanted by semisynthetic antimalarials, its use persists in some regions of the world.", "an alkaloid from Cinchona spp. plants of South America used in some forms of malaria in humans. Quinine also has analgesic, antipyretic, mild oxytocic, cardiac depressant, and sclerosing properties, and it decreases the excitability of the motor end-plate. It may be the cause of an immune-mediated hemolytic anemia.", "The name cinchona reportedly comes from the name of a Spanish Countess, the Countess of Chinchon, who was treated for a fever using a remedy made from the bark while in South America. Upon recovering, the countess had saplings of the herb sent to Europe, where the plant species were subsequently name after her. The curative powers of cinchona bark was initially revealed to Europeans by Jesuit priests who traveled to Peru in the 17th century, the Jesuits found that the native people chewed on the bark of the cinchona to prevent shaking and chills that came after they worked in icy streams for the early Spanish colonial mines. The native peoples had traditionally used the bark for treating fevers and chills as well as malaria. The Jesuits eventually linked the shaking from cold to the shaking of the body commonly seen during a bout of malarial fever in patients. These Jesuits then went a step further and tried chewing on the bark as a means to treat malarial fevers. The cure worked, however, the Jesuits were not always trusted, and the medication was suspect to some degree as bark from some varieties of cinchona was not potent enough to cure malaria. When it was initially introduced, chewing the bark did not always result in a complete cure from malaria. This was one factor that brought on distrust and persecution of many Jesuits in different European countries.", "the dried bark of the stem or root of various South American trees of the genus Cinchona; it is the source of quinine , cinchonine , and other alkaloids and was used as an antimalarial .", "A lot of research has been carried out on the cinchona and the effectiveness and potency of the pharmacological actions of the compounds in the bark is well established by clinical analysis. The principal active compound, the alkaloid quinine in the bark of the cinchona is a potent bactericidal and anti-malarial compound. In addition, it is strongly anti-spasmodic like the other plant alkaloids.", "Quinine  is a white crystalline alkaloid that occurs naturally in the bark of the cinchona tree. The medicinal properties of the cinchona tree were originally discovered by the Quechua, who are indigenous to Peru and Bolivia; later, the Jesuits were the first to bring cinchona to Europe.", "Though it has been synthesized in the laboratory, quinine occurs naturally in the bark of the cinchona tree. The medicinal properties of the cinchona tree were originally discovered by the Quechua, who are indigenous to Peru and Bolivia; later, the Jesuits were the first to bring cinchona to Europe.", "Although it have been synthesized inside the lab, quinine occurs naturally inside the bark of the cinchona tree. The medicinal properties of the cinchona tree were originally discovered by way of the Quechua Indians of Peru and Bolivia; later, the Jesuits were the first ones to bring the cinchona to Europe.", "The South American rainforests benefited from the income generated by harvesting cinchona bark for the extraction of this alkaloid from the bark for the manufacture of quinine drugs. In the middle of the 19th century, though, seeds of Cinchona calisaya and Cinchona pubescens were smuggled out of South America by the British and the Dutch. The calisaya species was planted and cultivated in Java by the Dutch and the pubescens species was cultivated in India and Ceylon by the British. However, the quinine content of these species was too low for high-grade, cost effective, commercial production of quinine. The Dutch then smuggled seeds of Cinchona ledgeriana out of Bolivia, paying $20 for a pound of seeds, and soon established extensive plantations of quinine-rich cinchona trees in Java. They quickly dominated the world production of quinine and, by 1918, the majority of the world's supply of quinine was under the total control of the Dutch \"kina burea\" in Amsterdam. Huge profits were reaped - but Bolivia and Peru, from whence the resource originated, saw none of it.", "Herbs-Treat and Taste: QUININE AND GIN AND TONIC TREE: MEDICINAL BENEFITS, USES AND HISTORY OF CINCHONA TREES", "But there is more to the story of tonic water and the British in India.  Lucile Brockway has shown that control of cinchona – and thus quinine – was key to the expansion of European colonial powers during the nineteenth century in Asia and Africa.  By mid-century, the cinchona-producing areas of South America had become independent republics. Cinchona, grown as wild stocks harvested by native communities, offered an important commodity for their economic development.  In 1860 alone, South America exported around two million pounds of cinchona bark to Britain and the United States.  European powers, namely the British and the Dutch, feared a South American monopoly on the product raised prices, so they smuggled the plant’s seeds back to Europe, created hybrid strains, and transferred cinchona to plantations in Asian colonies like Ceylon and Java.  By century’s end, the Dutch controlled most of the cinchona trade." ]
[ 7.15625, 6.7109375, 6.64453125, 6.16015625, 5.890625, 5.625, 5.5234375, 5.4375, 5.34765625, 4.921875, 4.88671875, 4.8046875, 4.63671875, 4.4140625, 4.2421875, 3.94140625, 3.45703125, 3.037109375, 3.037109375, 2.865234375, 2.623046875, 2.62109375, 2.474609375, 2.263671875, 1.90234375, 0.2259521484375, -0.2496337890625, -2.369140625, -2.96875, -3.419921875, -4.01171875, -4.4296875 ]
In what outdoor sport, sanctioned by the NHPA, scores 3 points for a ringer, 2 for a leaner, and the closet scores a point?
[ "The nearest horseshoe to the stake within 6 inches counts for one point. If both of one player's horseshoes are closer than the opponent's, that player scores two points. A ringer scores three points. A leaner, the case in which a horseshoe literally leans on the stake, in pro horseshoes counts for 1 point. In amateur games, a leaner usually counts for two points. In the case of one ringer and a closer horseshoe, both horseshoes are scored for a total of four points. If a player throws two ringers, that player scores six points. If each player throws a ringer, the ringers cancel and no points are scored. Such occurrences are called \"dead\" but are still used toward the pitcher/ringer average. Most games are played to 21, and the winner must win by two.", "The nearest horseshoe to the stake within 6 inches counts for one point. If both of one player's horseshoes are closer than the opponent's, that player scores two points. A ringer scores three points. A leaner, the case in which a horseshoe literally leans on the stake, in pro horseshoes counts for 1 point. In amateur games, a leaner usually counts for two points. In the case of one ringer and a closer horseshoe, both horseshoes are scored for a total of four points. If a player throws two ringers, that player scores six points. If each player throws a ringer, the ringers cancel and no points are scored. Such occurrences are called \"dead\" but are still used toward the pitcher/ringer average. Most games are played to 21, and the winner must win by two.", "The NHPA, the recognized governing body of the sport of horseshoe pitching, maintain an up-to-date set of rules, guidelines and specifications for the game on-line at their website: horseshoepitching.com . Widely accepted as being the official way to play the game, they outline the style of play, the two most common scoring methods (cancellation and count-all), acceptable equipment, and exact court specifications as well as additional methods of organizing tournament and league competitions.", "The National Horseshoe Pitchers Association (NHPA), the recognized governing body of the sport of horseshoe pitching in the United States, maintains an up-to-date set of rules, guidelines and specifications for the game on their website. Widely accepted as being the official way to play the game, they outline the style of play, the two most common scoring methods (cancellation and count-all), acceptable equipment, and exact court specifications as well as additional methods of organizing tournament and league competitions.", "Baseball • Basque pelota • Cricket • Croquet • Golf • Jeu de paume • Lacrosse • Polo • Rackets • Roque • Rugby union • Softball • Tug of war • Water motorsports", "The game begins with a horseshoe toss to decide who goes first. The winner of the toss throws both horseshoes—one at a time—at the opposite stake, and then the second player throws both of their horseshoes—again, one at a time—at their end. After scoring, the next round is done in reverse order, or by throwing back at the original stake. Play continues until one player has at least 15 points at the end of a round. NHPA sanctioned games are generally played to 40 points, or a shoe limit of 40 or 50 shoes. The horseshoes can be made of either plastic or metal.", "Field lacrosse is a full contact outdoor men's sport played with ten players on each team. The sport originated among Native Americans, and the modern rules of field lacrosse were initially codified by Canadian William George Beers in 1867. Field lacrosse is one of three major versions of lacrosse played internationally. The other versions, women's lacrosse (established in the 1890s) and box lacrosse (which originated in the 1930s), are played under significantly different rules.", "The United States Open Championship, commonly known as the U.S. Open, is the annual open national championship of golf in the United States. It is the second of the four major championships in golf, and is on the official schedule of both the PGA Tour and the European Tour. It is staged by the United States Golf Association (USGA) in mid-June, scheduled so that, if there are no weather delays, the final round is played on the third Sunday, which is Father's Day.", "An even rarer achievement is 3 under par (-3), which is known as an \"albatross.\" Some golfers, especially in the United States, also call this shot a \"double eagle .\" It is such a rare achievement that professional golf tours record, on average, less than three of these shots each year.", "A score of par or better that includes a bunker shot. Sandies are counted as points in some social golf games. See Funnies .", "double eagle; a score of 3 under par for a hole (This is one of the hardest shots to achieve in pitch and putt {ie. Par 3 golf})", "Played with in the Kevin Costner movie Tin Cup, where the has-been pro (played by Costner) makes an impressive comeback in the U.S. Open Golf Tournament. It's down to the final hole, and he needs a par to tie and a birdie to win. The hole was a par 5 with a green guarded in front by a lake and he would have to murder his 3 wood to get it onto the green. Any sane golfer would lay up, he doesn't. He hits it into the lake, refuses to drop near the green, hits from where he hit his second shot, going for it again, hits it into the lake again, rinse and repeat until he holes the shot with his last ball in the bag for a 12 (had he dunked that one, he would've been disqualified). More than a few critics found this broke their Willing Suspension of Disbelief , arguing such would never happen in a \"real\" golf tournament. Until it did, more or less, see the Real Life section below.", "Love to see people play by the rules and, if everyone played by the rules, we'd all be playing the same game. Unfortunately, lots of players (including members of the PGA) apply variables and contingencies for lost balls (and other situations) when they're competing in Pro-Am events--gimmes, if you will. These \"pros\" are perpetuating a game that is nothing akin to the game of golf. Shame on them.", "● A game which makes the scoring of a hat trick look easy, lacrosse too requires an individual to score three goals to achieve the hat trick.", "A score of two strokes over par. The words \"triple\" or \"quadruple\" are linked to bogey to signify 3 or 4 strokes over par.", "The two primary difficulty ratings in the U.S. are the Course Rating, which is effectively the expected score for a zero-handicap \"scratch golfer\" playing the course (and may differ from the course par), and the Slope Rating, which is a measure of how much worse a \"bogey golfer\" (with an 18 handicap) would be expected to play than a \"scratch golfer\". These two numbers are available for any USGA-sanctioned course, and are used in a weighted system to calculate handicaps (see below).", "In the caber-toss event, a long, tapered pine log is held upright and hoisted by the competitor who balances it vertically. Running forward, the competitor tosses the caber so that it turns end over end. In a successful toss, the caber is as close as possible to vertical and the athlete is said to have “turned the caber.” 960 1280", "* Caber toss: A long tapered pine pole or log is stood upright and hoisted by the competitor who balances it vertically holding the smaller end in his hands (see photo). Then the competitor runs forward attempting to toss it in such a way that it turns end over end with the upper (larger) end striking the ground first. The smaller end that was originally held by the athlete then hits the ground in the 12 o'clock position measured relative to the direction of the run. If successful, the athlete is said to have turned the caber. Cabers vary greatly in length, weight, taper, and balance, all of which affect the degree of difficulty in making a successful toss. Competitors are judged on how closely their throws approximate the ideal 12 o'clock toss on an imaginary clock.", "* Sport climbing is a form of rock climbing that relies on permanent anchors fixed to the rock, and possibly bolts, for protection, (in contrast with traditional climbing, where the rock is typically devoid of fixed anchors and bolts, and where climbers must place removable protection as they climb).", "2. Open Men and Seniors - All Open Men and Senior contestants shall pitch from on or behind the full distance platforms adjacent to the pits and observe the 37 foot foul lines. Physically impaired males in these categories may be given permission by the governing NHPA officials to move on to the extended platforms and observe the 27 foot foul lines.", "In the caber-toss event, a long, tapered pine log is held upright and hoisted by the competitor who balances it vertically. Running forward, the competitor tosses the caber so that it turns end over end. In a successful toss, the caber is as close as possible to vertical and the athlete is said to have “turned the caber.”", "Players will have a downhill shot to the green with the second.  As you can see there is only a small opening to run the ball up an embankment to make the putting surface.  Dependent on pin position and wind direction, some will aim to reach the green in two, bringing the two green side traps into play, but mostly players will layup and be aiming to pitch or chip close and have a single putt.", "Bowler who uses cranking motion (lift and turn) at the top of the backswing to generate high speed and considerable hooking action.", "Something that really stood out to me is that once the stone is released, the thrower acts as the lookout by judging how close the stone needs to be to the House and shouting out to his or her teammates how hard they need to brush the ice. Usually English speaking teams will yell out “HAAARRRRRDDD” or numerous other phrases. But it’s amazing how other languages have their own words they use to get their intentions across as well. Strategy is also visible in this sport as you could see how teams begin to build barriers of stones around the house, while the opposing teams try to break those barriers. I would say form and strategy play a big role in this sport, rather than athleticism in terms of endurance and strength.", "During the competition, each competitor wears a chest guard known as a “hogu” that is either red or blue and serves as the opponent’s primary target for scoring points.", "3. Which sport would you be taking part in if you used a monkey climber, waggler and a plumb?", "The game is to be played with emphasis on the proper development of stick, team, and sportsmanship skills.", "Teams are made up of four players. Each player throws two rocks, alternating with the opponent. The first position is known as the Lead and throws the first two rocks. The second position is known as the Second and throws the second two. The third position is known as the Vice Skip and throws the third two rocks. The fourth position is known as the Skip (calls each shot and is the team captain) and throws the last two rocks.", "In the state championship game and me up to bat, I exaggerated my choke on the bat (about four inches). The center fielder came in shallow; and at the last moment I slid my hands down and hit a line drive over his head. Home run! That run was the deciding factor. We qualified for the world tournament. I believe I was chosen MVP of the state tournament.", "About half of the field is made up of players who are fully exempt from qualifying. As of the U.S. Open in 2014, the exemption categories are: ", "The Sports in Bikini Bottom are fairly different from a normal American range of sports. Here is the range.", "The Sports in Bikini Bottom are fairly different to a normal American range of sports. Here is the range." ]
[ -0.35986328125, -0.35986328125, -1.1015625, -1.2998046875, -1.7216796875, -1.7548828125, -2.490234375, -2.876953125, -3.501953125, -3.544921875, -3.607421875, -3.66796875, -3.728515625, -3.970703125, -3.994140625, -4.41796875, -5.29296875, -5.31640625, -5.69921875, -5.73828125, -6.296875, -6.7109375, -6.72265625, -7.62890625, -7.796875, -7.81640625, -8.1640625, -8.625, -8.6796875, -8.6875, -9.296875, -9.5234375 ]
Born on August 31, 12 AD, Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, emperor of Rome from 37 AD to 41AD and later to be played Malcolm McDowell, was commonly known as whom?
[ "Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus (August 31, 12 – January 24, 41 ), most commonly known as Caligula, was the third Roman Emperor and a member of the Julio-Claudian dynasty, ruling from 37 to 41 . Known for his extreme extravagance, eccentricity, depravity and cruelty, he is remembered as a despot. He was assassinated in 41 by several of his own guards.", "Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus ( August 31 , 12 – January 24 , 41 ), more commonly known by his nickname Caligula ( pronounced /kəˈlɪɡjʊlə/, meaning \"little [soldier's] boots\"), was a Roman Emperor who reigned from 16 March 37 until his assassination on 24 January 41 . Caligula was the third emperor of the Roman Empire , and a member of the Julio-Claudian dynasty which descended from Augustus .", "Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus ( 31 August 12 – 24 January 41), more commonly known by his nickname and / or otherwise cognomen Caligula (pronounced /kəˈlɪgjʊlə/ ), was the third Roman Emperor , reigning from 16 March 37 until his assassination on 24 January 41. Caligula was the third emperor of the Roman Empire , and a member of the house of rulers conventionally known as the Julio-Claudian dynasty .", "Caligula was the popular nickname of Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus (31 August AD 12 – 24 January AD 41), Roman emperor (AD 37–41).", "Caligula (1979), produced by the adult magazine Penthouse, told the life story of Roman Emperor Caligula (Malcolm McDowell), focusing on the insanity and debauchery of his reign. There are about a million different cuts of this film, ranging from the monstrous 210 minute hardcore version shown at the Cannes film festival, through the more common 160 minute version (also pretty hardcore), to the more timid (but still pretty adult) 90 minute version. The longer versions include an infamous orgy scene involving what seems to be most of the principle actors, but the nudes are actually other actors edited into the scene.", "You did not seriously think it would be anyone else did you? Caligula is hands down the most infamous Roman ruler. Yes, he already appeared in number one on TopTenz , but his legacy is such that he simply cannot be omitted from this list. He is depicted as a monster in the titular film starring Malcolm McDowell as the mad emperor. Caligula appears in an Adult Swim web game as a destructive force and is the focus of such televised documentaries such as an episode of Ancients Behaving Badly and a stand alone documentary called Caligula: Reign of Madness.", "A feature-length historical film Caligula was completed in 1979, in which Malcolm McDowell played the lead role. The film alienated audiences with extremely explicit sex and violence and received extremely negative reviews. [144]", "This is from the podcast series The History Of Rome by Mike Duncan. He currently does The Revolutions podcast Caligula was the popular nickname of Gaius ...", "Malcolm McDowell ( born 13 June 1943 ; age 73) wanted to play a role on Deep Space Nine. He only wanted to appear in an episode directed by his nephew, Alexander Siddig , and after his appearance as Doctor Tolian Soran in Star Trek Generations , he would have to play an alien, which he did not want to do.", "Rex Harrison plays a mature and commanding Julius Caesar with rather too much British wit. Roddy McDowell plays Octavian, soon to become Augustus Caesar, as a whimpering and ineffectual child of privilege. Once again, Hollywood relies on British actors for the core classical characters. Elizabeth Taylor’s Americanized inflections are out of place.", "Caligula also has been played by Ralph Bates in the 1968 ITV television series The Caesars ; John Hurt in the 1976 BBC television series I, Claudius ; John McEnery in the 1985 miniseries A.D.; Szabolcs Hajdu in the 1996 film Caligula; and John Simm in the 2004 miniseries Imperium Nerone. In Muriel Spark 's 1976 novel The Takeover the eccentric Hubert Mallindaine believes himself to be a direct descendant of Caligula.", "McDowell was born Malcolm John Taylor in Horsforth, then in the West Riding of Yorkshire, now a part of the City of Leeds, the son of Edna (née McDowell), a hotelier, and Charles Taylor, a pub owner.[1][2][3] However, six weeks after McDowell was born, his family relocated to the east coast of Yorkshire (in Bridlington) because his father was in the Royal Air Force. McDowell trained as an actor at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art.[4]", "I, Claudius (1934) is a novel by English writer Robert Graves , written in the form of an autobiography of the Roman Emperor Claudius . Accordingly, it includes the history of the Julio-Claudian Dynasty and the Roman Empire , from Julius Caesar 's assassination in 44 BC to Caligula 's assassination in 41 AD.", "McDowell mainly portrayed antagonists in the late 1970s and 1980s, including the title character in Caligula (1979). He later remarked upon his career playing film villains: “I suppose I’m primarily known for that but in fact, that would only be half of my career if I was to tot it all up.”[5]", "McDowell has had recurring roles in numerous television series such as Entourage, Heroes and The Mentalist. He narrated the documentary The Compleat Beatles (1982), and in recent years, has become a prolific voice actor in films, television series and video games. He received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2012.", "    'I was at actor Malcolm McDowell's flat.  This was at the end of a cul-de-sac in a smart part of Notting Hill Gate, behind Kensington Church Street.  Malcolm's place was tucked in the furthermost corner of a dead-end street.  There was almost no frontage, just enough for a door.  Once inside it was like a scaled down church interior, spacious and light.  Massive windows and a narrow balcony overlooked a small bank of greenery.  The feel and design of the structure definitely had clerical origins.", "Commodus ( Joaquin Phoenix ) is one of those spoiled, self-indulgent, petulant Roman emperors made famous in the age of great Roman epics, which ended with \" Spartacus \" (1960). Watching him in his snits, I recalled Peter Ustinov's great Nero in \"Quo Vadis\" (1951), collecting his tears for posterity in tiny crystal vials. Commodus has unusual vices even for a Caesar; he wants to become the lover of his older sister Lucilla ( Connie Nielsen ), whose son he is bringing up as his heir.", "Gladiator is a 2000 British-American epic historical drama film directed by Ridley Scott, and starring Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix, Connie Nielsen, Ralf Möller, Oliver Reed (in his final film role before his death), Djimon Hounsou, Derek Jacobi, John Shrapnel, and Richard Harris. Crowe portrays the fictional character, loyal Roman general Maximus Decimus Meridius, who is betrayed when Commodus, the ambitious son of Emperor Marcus Aurelius, murders his father and seizes the throne. Reduced to slavery, Maximus rises through the ranks of the gladiatorial arena to avenge the murders of his family and his emperor.", "Cicero was portrayed on the motion picture screen by British actor Alan Napier in the 1953 film Julius Caesar , based on Shakespeare's play. He has also been played by such noted actors as Michael Hordern (in Cleopatra ), and André Morell (in the 1970 Julius Caesar ). Most recently, Cicero was portrayed by David Bamber in the HBO series Rome (2005–2007) and appeared in both seasons.", "Caligula has been played by Ralph Bates in the 1968 ITV television series The Caesars ; John Hurt in the 1976 BBC television series I, Claudius ; John McEnery in the 1985 miniseries A.D. ; Szabolcs Hajdu in the 1996 film Caligula; and John Simm in the 2004 miniseries Imperium Nerone .", "Russell Crowe plays a Maximus, a Roman army general in the year 180. The subsequent chaos after the death of Marcus Aurelius leads to him being sentenced to execution, and losing all his wealth and status. He escapes and becomes a gladiator, determined to avenge himself against Aurelius’ son and return himself to his former glory. The epic production was a hit at the worldwide box office, being topped only by Mission Impossible: II.", "We have three main ancient sources of Spartacus: Plutarch (c. AD 46 – 120), see his Crassus; Lucius Annaeus Florus (c. AD 74 – 130), see his Epitome of Roman History; and Appian of Alexandria (c. AD 95 – 165), see his Civil Wars. According to these chaps, Spartacus was from Thrace (present day Bulgaria) and either an auxiliary in the Roman Legions or a captive from Romans wars around Thrace. Whichever, he was sold into slavery (for some misdemeanour if an auxiliary) and ended up training as a gladiator at a camp near Capua belonging to Lentulus Batiatus (wonderfully played by Peter Ustinov in the film).", "Septimius Severus (; ; 11 April 145 – 4 February 211), also known as Severus, was Roman emperor from 193 to 211. Severus was born in Leptis Magna in the Roman province of Africa. As a young man he advanced through the cursus honorum—the customary succession of offices—under the reigns of Marcus Aurelius and Commodus. Severus seized power after the death of Emperor Pertinax in 193 during the Year of the Five Emperors. ", "Vicious: Joaquin Phoenix played Commodus, the weak and depraved Roman emperor in the Oscar-winning film Gladiator. He built a mini-Colosseum on his estate near Rome", "* Russell Crowe as Maximus Decimus Meridius: a Hispano-Roman legatus forced into becoming a slave who seeks revenge against Commodus. He has earned the favor of Marcus Aurelius, and the love and admiration of Lucilla prior to the events of the film. His home is near Trujillo in today's Province of Cáceres, Spain. After the murder of his family he vows vengeance. Maximus is a fictional character partly inspired by Marcus Nonius Macrinus, Narcissus, Cincinnatus, and Maximus of Hispania. Mel Gibson was first offered the role, but declined as he felt he was too old to play the character. Antonio Banderas and Hugh Jackman were also considered. ", "*In the 1959 film Ben Hur, the narrator is the English actor Finley Currie who also plays the role of Balthasar. Balthasar has significant interaction with the title character Ben Hur (played by Charlton Heston).", "In the 2006 television film Hannibal, he is portrayed by british actor Shaun Dingwall, notably at the battles of Cannae and Zama.", "Anthony Riches, Wounds of Honour (2009), about a Roman soldier condemned to death by the crazed Emperor Commodus who hides himself among the troops at Hadrian's Wall just before an army of Briton rebels attacks; #1 in the Empire series.", "Currently drawing raves for his role as Julius Caesar on HBO’s epic series “Rome”, Hinds is an Irish actor who has starred in films like “Phantom of the Opera”, “Veronica Guerin” and “the Sum of All Fears.”", "Commodus was Emperor of Rome between the years 180 and 192 C.E. He was the son of Marcus Aurelius and, yes, he's the guy portrayed by Joachim Phoenix in Gladiator. Surprisingly, he was in real life almost as much of a bastard as Phoenix portrayed him to be.", "The 1985 made-for-television miniseries A.D. features actor Richard Kiley as Claudius. Kiley portrays him as thoughtful, but willing to cater to public opinion as well as being under the influence of Agrippina.", "Sir Philip Anthony Hopkins, CBE (born 31 December 1937), best known as Anthony Hopkins, is a Welsh actor of film, stage and television. Considered to be one of the greatest living actors, Hopkins is perhaps best known for his portrayal of cannibalistic serial killer Hannibal Lecter in The Silence of the Lambs (for which he received the Academy Award for Best Actor), its sequel Hannibal, and its prequel Red Dragon. Other prominent film credits include The Lion in Winter, Magic, The Elephant Man, 84 Charing Cross Road, Dracula, Legends of the Fall, The Remains of the Day, Amistad, Nixon, and Fracture. Hopkins was born and brought up in Wales. Retaining his British citizenship, he became a U.S. citizen on 12 April 2000. Hopkins' films have spanned a wide variety of genres, from family films to horror. As well as his Academy Award, Hopkins has also won three BAFTA Awards, two Emmys, a Golden Globe and a Cecil B. DeMille Award.Hopkins was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in 1993 for services to the arts. He received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2003, and was made a Fellow of the British Academy of Film and Television Arts in 2008." ]
[ 10.7734375, 10.4140625, 10.3359375, 8.5546875, 2.537109375, 2.146484375, 0.47412109375, -0.434326171875, -1.1943359375, -1.7841796875, -2.40625, -2.490234375, -2.6171875, -3.251953125, -3.7734375, -3.935546875, -4.0859375, -4.1875, -4.19140625, -4.70703125, -4.73046875, -5.3828125, -5.5625, -5.5703125, -5.75, -6.09765625, -6.1875, -6.33203125, -6.40234375, -6.8984375, -7.078125, -7.15234375 ]
Officially known as the Ryan NYP, with what name did Charles Lindberg bestow the aircraft that he soloed across the Atlantic?
[ "The most celebrated aeroplane designed by Ryan, the single engine NYP (better known as the Spirit of St Louis) was the plane in which Charles Lindbergh achieved the first solo nonstop crossing of the Atlantic when he flew from New York to Paris in 1927.", "4. What was the name of Charles Lindbergh's plane that took him across the Atlantic solo?", "In 1927, Charles A. Lindbergh became the first person to fly solo non-stop across the Atlantic Ocean. He flew a plane named The Spirit of St Louis from New York to Paris. The flight took thirty-three and a half hours and covered a distance of 3,600 miles. A huge crowd of over 100,000 people welcomed Lindbergh on his arrival in France. Soon after completing the flight, he returned to the USA and became a national hero in his home country.", "Charles Lindbergh took off from Long Island in his plane �Spirit of St Louis� to become the first person to make a solo flight across the Atlantic.", "; First solo transatlantic flight and first non-stop fixed-wing aircraft flight between America and mainland Europe: On 20–21 May 1927, Charles A. Lindbergh flew his Ryan monoplane (named Spirit of St. Louis), , from Roosevelt Field, New York to Paris–Le Bourget Airport, in 33½ hours.", "Charles Lindbergh gained sudden great international fame as the first pilot to fly solo and non-stop across the Atlantic Ocean, flying from Roosevelt Airfield (Nassau County, Long Island), New York to Paris on May 20–May 21, 1927. He had a single-engine airplane, \"The Spirit of St. Louis\", which had been designed by Donald Hall and custom built by Ryan Airlines of San Diego, California. His flight took 33.5 hours. The President of France bestowed on him the French Legion of Honor and, on his arrival back in the United States, a fleet of warships and aircraft escorted him to Washington, D.C., where President Calvin Coolidge awarded him the Distinguished Flying Cross.", "On this Day - May 20, 1927 - Charles Lindbergh flies \"The Spirit of St. Louis\" out of Roosevelt Field in New York. Lindbergh landed his single-engine monoplane at Le Bourget Airfield in Paris, France, on May 21, 1927, to complete the first non-stop solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean. He made the historic 3,610-mile journey from New York's Roosevelt Field in a record-breaking 33 1/2 hours. Lindbergh's extraordinary endurance feat in early aviation history brought him worldwide adulation and a celebrity status as an American hero. (AP)", "In May of 1927, the world's perception of aviation was impacted dramatically by Charles A. Lindbergh, Jr.'s flight. Lindbergh made the first solo nonstop transatlantic flight (from New York to Paris) in a small Ryan monoplane. This daring feat illustrated aviation's potential to the public and convinced American businessmen to invest in aviation. Lindbergh became a tireless advocate of aviation, and his status as a public hero assured press attention.", "21/5/1927. Charles A Lindbergh completed the first solo Atlantic flight. He took off from Roosevelt Field, Long Island, flew his monoplane Spirit of St Louis for 33 � hours, and landed at Le Bourget airfield, Paris. Landing in Paris, he won the US$ 25,000 prize for the first solo flight across the Atlantic.", "Eighty-five years ago today, aviator Charles Lindbergh landed his single-engine monoplane Spirit of St. Louis in Paris, France, completing the first solo nonstop flight across the Atlantic. Five years later Amelia Earhart set out to recreate his historic journey, becoming the second person and first woman to accomplish the feat. She succeeded, but not by following in Lindbergh’s exact contrails.", "In the early morning of Friday, 20 May 1927, Charles Lindbergh took off from Roosevelt Field, New York, on his successful attempt to fly nonstop from New York City to the European continental land mass. Over the next 33.5 hours, Lindbergh and the \"Spirit of St. Louis\" encountered many challenges before landing at Le Bourget Airport near Paris, France, at 10:22 PM on Saturday, 21 May 1927, completing the first solo crossing of the Atlantic.", "Nose of the Ryan NYP \"Spirit of St. Louis\". After his historic nonstop solo transatlantic flight, Charles Lindbergh took the aircraft first on a US tour and then on a goodwill flight to Central and South America.  Flags of the countries he visited were painted on the cowling.", "Charles A. Lindbergh was planning his solo flight, New York to Paris. He tried to buy the Bellanca but was considered to be an unreliable barnstormer. Instead the plane was sold to a New York businessman who planned to make the Paris flight together with Chamberlin as pilot. The plane was then named Columbia.", "[vi] In those early days of flimsy airplanes, unpredictable instruments and snappable wings, a pilot’s life was a perilous one. No bomber, seaplane, biplane or triplane was safe. Among those killed flying was Charles Rolls (1877-1910), co-founder of Rolls Royce company whose engines would power Alcock and Brown into trans-Atlantic success. Countless aviators perished in their attempts to fly the Atlantic from Paris to New York, including Irishmen James Medcalf and Terence Tully. In 1927, Charles Lindberg succeeded in the Spirit of St Louis, the first solo crossing of the Atlantic.", "In 1506, Christopher Columbus died in poverty in Spain. In 1902, the United States ended its occupation of Cuba. In 1927, Charles Lindbergh took off from Roosevelt Field in Long Island, N.Y., aboard the Spirit of St. Louis on his historic solo flight to France. In 1932, Amelia Earhart took off from Newfoundland for Ireland to become the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic. In 1939, regular trans-Atlantic air service began as a Pan American Airways plane took off from Port Washington, N.Y., bound for Europe.", "May 20th 1927 - Charles Lindbergh, a 25-year-old aviator, took off at 7:52 a.m. from Roosevelt Field, Long Island, in the Spirit of St. Louis attempting to win a $25,000 prize for the first solo nonstop flight between New York City and Paris. Thirty-three hours later, after a 3,600 mile journey, he landed at Le Bourget, Paris, earning the nickname \"Lucky Lindy\" and becoming an instant worldwide hero.", "The Spirit of St. Louis (Registration: N-X-211) is the custom-built, single engine, single-seat monoplane that was flown solo by Charles Lindbergh on May 20--21, 1927, on the first non-stop flight from New York to Paris for which Lindbergh won the $25,000 Orteig Prize.", "1927 :Charles A. Lindbergh landed his spirit of St. Louis near Paris, completing the first solo airplane flight across the Atlantic Ocean. Lindberg covered the distance of 3,600 miles in 33-1/2 hours. He was awarded a $25,000 prize.", "In 1927, a former mail and stunt pilot named Charles Lindbergh became the first man to fly solo across the Atlantic (but not the first to fly across ). Afterward, he used his fame and love of aviation to set up a transcontinental US airmail route as well as the forerunners of today’s big airline companies. Lindbergh even helped Robert Goddard, the original rocket scientist , get a research facility.", "In 1927, Charles Lindbergh made the first solo non-stop transatlantic flight in an aircraft (between New York City and Paris ).", "- Charles A. Lindbergh was America's most beloved hero of the time who made the first nonstop flight across the Atlantic, going after the $25, 000 prize offered for this feat.  On May 20, 1927, he took off near NYC in the Spirit of St. Louis, flew up the coast to Newfoundland, and headed over the Atlantic.  the weather was bad, but after 33 hours and 29 minutes, he set down at Le Bourget airfield outside of Paris, France, amid beacons, searchlights, and mobs of enthusiastic people.", "On May 21, 1932, exactly five years after American aviator Charles Lindbergh became the first person to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean, Earhart became the first woman to repeat the feat when she landed her plane in Londonderry, Ireland. However, unlike Lindbergh when he made his historic flight, Earhart was already well known to the public before her solo transatlantic flight. In 1928, as a member of a three-member crew, she had become the first woman to cross the Atlantic in an aircraft. Although her only function during the crossing was to keep the plane’s log, the event won her national fame, and Americans were enamored with the modest and daring young pilot. For her solo transatlantic crossing in 1932, she was awarded a Distinguished Flying Cross by the U.S. Congress.", "While Lindbergh was the first to fly nonstop from New York to Paris, he was not the first aviator to complete a transatlantic flight in a heavier-than-air aircraft. That had been done first in stages between May 8 and 30, 1919, by the crew of the Navy-Curtiss NC-4 flying boat, which took 24 days to complete its journey from Jamaica Bay at Far Rockaway, Queens, New York, to Plymouth, England, via Halifax, Nova Scotia, Trepassey Bay (Newfoundland), Horta (Azores), and Lisbon, Portugal. ", "Dozens of people had flown the Atlantic Ocean by 1927. Then Lindbergh made his historic nonstop flight we forgot about all that went before him. The first flight was made in May 1919 from New York to Plymouth, England. It was done in a six-man, four-engine, Navy flying boat which stopped in the Azores and Lisbon on the way. That same month, Raymond Orteig of New York City offered a $25,000 prize for the first nonstop airplane flight from New York to Paris. Just one month later, Alcock and Brown flew a two-engine airplane nonstop from St. John's, Newfoundland to Clifden, Ireland.", "By early 1932 no other person had successfully flown solo across the Atlantic since Lindbergh. Amelia would not duplicate Lindbergh's course but would fly from Harbour Grace, Newfoundland with the British Isles as her destination.", "Biography: Charles Lindbergh (1902-1974): Made the First Solo Nonstop Flight Across the Atlantic Ocean (VOA Special English 2007-05-15)", "At the time, Charles Lindbergh was 20 years old. And though he probably hadn't heard of Cabral and Coutinho at the time, the man who five years later would make the most famous Atlantic crossing in history took his first airplane ride on April 9, when the Portuguese aviators were already halfway across the ocean.", "Although Lindbergh was the first to fly nonstop from New York to Paris, he was not the first aviator to complete a transatlantic flight. That had been done first in stages between May 8 and May 31, 1919, by the crew of the Navy-Curtiss NC-4 flying boat which took 24 days to complete its journey from Jamaica Bay at Far Rockaway , Queens, New York , to Plymouth , England, via Halifax (Nova Scotia) , Trepassey Bay ( Newfoundland ), Horta (Azores) and Lisbon , Portugal .", "May 20-21, 1932 - First woman to fly solo across the Atlantic; 14 hrs 56 min (it was also the 5th anniversary of Lindberg's Atlantic flight; awarded National Geographic Society's gold medal from President Herbert Hoover; Congress awarded her the Distinguished Flying Cross; wrote The Fun of It about her journey", "Autographed USPOD cover flown northbound by Charles Lindbergh over CAM-2 on February 21, 1928, and southbound on February 22.", "Aviator who completed the non stop flight across the Atlantic Ocean in a single seat, single engine mono plane. 1920's celebrity and hero", "On May 20, 1927, Lindbergh took off from Long Island, New York at 7:52 a.m. After a night of heavy rain, the weather had cleared. Lindbergh seized the opportunity. A crowd of 500 spectators cheered him on as he lifted off." ]
[ 5.26171875, 4.97265625, 4.6875, 3.810546875, 3.505859375, 3.01953125, 2.98828125, 2.380859375, 2.322265625, 2.294921875, 2.2734375, 1.81640625, 1.0205078125, 0.8603515625, 0.83349609375, 0.712890625, 0.59716796875, 0.08441162109375, 0.03192138671875, -0.4560546875, -1.169921875, -1.623046875, -2.455078125, -3.109375, -3.162109375, -3.18359375, -3.265625, -3.408203125, -4.33984375, -4.515625, -4.6953125, -5.9609375 ]
Once known as book rate, what USPS service is reserved for printed materials, cds, and video tapes?
[ "The USPS provides an service for international shipment of printed matter; previously surface M-bags existed, but with the 2007 elimination of surface mail, only airmail M-bags remain. The term \"M-bag\" is not expanded in USPS publications; M-bags are simply defined as \"direct sacks of printed matter ... sent to a single foreign addressee at a single address\"; however, the term is sometimes referred to informally as \"media bag\", as the bag can also contain \"discs, tapes, and cassettes\", in addition to books, for which the usual umbrella term is \"media\"; some also refer to them as \"mail bags\".", "special rate for mailing certain materials to or from certain non-profit organizations, a sub-category of Package Service.  Commercial libraries could also use this rate as long as the contents were suitable (books, motion pictures, etc.).", "A bulk service for printed matter and small packets provided by the U.S. Postal Service. ISAL has a growing number of competitors.", "The USPS as of February 2015 has 617,254 active employees and operated 211,264 vehicles in 2014. The USPS is the operator of the largest civilian vehicle fleet in the world. The USPS is legally obligated to serve all Americans, regardless of geography, at uniform price and quality. The USPS has exclusive access to letter boxes marked \"U.S. Mail\" and personal letterboxes in the United States, but still competes against private package delivery services, such as the United Parcel Service (UPS) and has part use with FedEx Express. ", "In the year 2004, the USPS began deploying Automated Postal Centers (APC). APCs are unattended kiosks that are capable of weighing, franking, and storing packages for later pickup as well as selling domestic and international postage stamps. Since its introduction, APCs do not take cash payments - they only accept credit or debit cards. Similarly, traditional vending machines are available at many post offices to purchase stamps, though these are being phased out in many areas. Due to increasing use of Internet services, as of June 2009, no retail post office windows are open 24 hours; overnight services are limited to those provided by an Automated Postal Center. ", "third class , third-class mail - mail consisting of printed matter qualifying for reduced postal rates", "The Postal Service also offers first-day covers for new stamp issues and Postal Service stationery items postmarked with the official first-day-of-issue cancellation. Each item has an individual catalog number and is offered in the quarterly  USA Philatelic catalog, online at  usps.com⁄shop, or by calling 800-782-6724. Customers may request a free catalog by calling 800-782-6724 or writing to:", "* The USPS is responsible for transporting mail between the United States and the associated states, and between the individual states of the Federated States of Micronesia.", "The Phototelegraph Service, a form of facsimile service operated by the Post Office and British Telecom for more than 50 years was closed on 31 March. It was replaced by the more modern Bureaufax Service.", "** Flat Rate envelopes and boxes (various sizes) are available free from the [http://www.store.usps.com/ Postal Store.] Otherwise, pricing varies by weight, size and distance.", "Since the early 1980s, many of the direct tax subsidies to the Post Office (with the exception of subsidies for costs associated with the disabled and overseas voters) have been reduced or eliminated in favor of indirect subsidies, in addition to the advantages associated with a government-enforced monopoly on the delivery of first-class mail. Since the 2006 all-time peak mail volume, after which Congress passed the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act, (which mandated $5.5 billion per year to be paid into an account to fully prefund employee retirement health benefits, a requirement exceeding that of other government and private organizations ), revenue dropped sharply due to recession-influenced declining mail volume, prompting the postal service to look to other sources of revenue while cutting costs to reduce its budget deficit. The USPS lost $5.5 billion in fiscal year 2014 and $5.1 billion in 2015 , and its revenue was $67.8 billion in 2014 and $68.9 billion in 2015 .", "For sale by the U.S. Government Printing Office, Superintendent of Documents, Mail Stop: SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-9328", "Postal Service renews bid to drop Saturdays WASHINGTON (AP) — The post office is renewing its drive to drop Saturday delivery — and plans a rate increase — in an effort to fend off a projected $7 billion loss this year. Without drastic action the agency could face a cumulative loss of $238 billion over 10 years, Postmaster General John Potter said in releasing a series of consultant reports on agency operations and its outlook. “The projections going forward are not bright,” Potter told reporters in a briefing. But, he added, “all is not lost ... we can right this ship.” Sen. Tom Carper, D-Del., chairman of the Senate subcommittee with oversight authority over the Postal Service, called on Congress to give the post office the flexibility to deal with its future needs. “In light of the serious financial challenges facing the Postal Service, postal management must be allowed", "In 1885 the Post Office established a Special Delivery service, issuing a ten-cent stamp depicting a running messenger, along with the wording \"secures immediate delivery at a special delivery office.\" Initially, only 555 such offices existed but the following year all U. S. Post Offices were obliged to provide the service—an extension not, however, reflected on the Special Delivery stamp until 1888, when the words \"at any post office\" appeared on its reprint. (On stamps of future years, the messenger would be provided the technological enhancements of a bicycle [1902] a motorcycle [1922] and a truck [1925]. Although the last new U.S. Special Delivery stamp appeared issued in 1971, the service was continued until 1997, by which time it had largely been supplanted by Priority Mail delivery, introduced in 1989.) The 1885 Special Delivery issue was the first U.S. postage stamp designed in the double-width format. Eight years later, this shape would be chosen for the Columbian Exposition commemoratives, as it offered appropriate space for historical tableaux. The double-width layout would subsequently be employed in many United States Commemoratives.", "After U.S. postage rates were standardized in 1845, New York City Postmaster Robert H. Morris, among others, provided special stamps or markings to indicate prepayment of postage. These now are known as Postmasters’ Provisionals.", "* A classified unit is a station or branch operated by USPS employees in a facility owned or leased by the USPS.", "service for a fee that provided for delivery of an item of mail to an addressee immediately upon its arrival at the addressee's post office.  Begun in 1885, it was discontinued in 1997.", "a nickname for the plastic bags used by the USPS to deliver mail that has been damaged.  Paper envelopes serving a similar purpose were used by the Post Office as long ago as the mid-19th century.", "Stamp Decoder™: A device with a special lens that reveals hidden images on stamps. It is available from the U.S. Postal Service.", "Envelopes accepted by the U.S. Postal Service to be eligible for mailing at the price for letters must be:", "Stamps that the postal service uses to keep a record of a letter and ensuring its delivery.", "Under the E-rate Program, \"[a]ll telecommunications carriers serving a geographic area shall, upon a bona fide request for any of its services that are within the definition of universal service . . ., provide such services to elementary schools, secondary schools, and libraries for educational purposes at rates less than the amounts charged for similar services to other parties.\" 47 U.S.C. 254(h)(1)(B). Under FCC regulations, providers of \"interstate telecommunications\" (with certain exceptions, see 47 C.F.R. 54.706(d)), must contribute a portion of their revenue for disbursement among eligible carriers that are providing services to those groups or areas specified by Congress in section 254. To be eligible for the discounts, a library must: (1) be eligible for assistance from a State library administrative agency under the Library Services and Technology Act, see infra; (2) be funded as an independent entity, completely separate from any schools; and (3) not be operating as a for-profit business. See 47 C.F.R. 54.501(c). Discounts on services for eligible libraries are set as a percentage of the pre-discount price, and range from 20% to 90%, depending on a library's level of economic disadvantage and its location in an urban or rural area. See 47 C.F.R. 54.505. Currently, a library's level of economic disadvantage is based on the percentage of students eligible for the national school lunch program in the school district in which the library is located.", "service for a fee, which provides for the delivery of an item of mail only to the addressee or addressee's agent.", "Near Mint with accompanying audio tape (ex library copy but only indication is 1ink stamp) �25.00 (approx $42.50)", "a product of the USPS , sold in conjunction with commemorative postage stamps .  Each panel has the commemorative stamp affixed and contains background information and illustrations.", "Critics of the universal service requirement and the statutory postal monopoly include several professional economists advocating for the privatization of the mail delivery system, or at least a relaxation of the universal service model that currently exists. Rick Geddes argued in 2000: ", "• Newspapers • Magazines • Gifts • Greetings Cards • Maps • Books • Local Guides • Postcards • Stationery • Batteries • Film • Memory Cards • Fudge & Biscuits • Toys", "* Computer vended postage — advanced secure postage that uses information-based indicia (IBI) technology. IBI uses a two-dimensional bar code (Datamatrix or PDF417) to encode the originating address, date of mailing, postage and a digital signature to verify the stamp. ", "In the earliest days, Ship captains arriving in port with stampless mail would advertise in the local newspaper names of those having mail and for them to come collect and pay for it, if not already paid for by the sender. Postal delivery in the United States was a matter of haphazard local organization until after the Revolutionary War, when eventually a national postal system was established. Stampless letters, paid for by the receiver, and private postal systems, were gradually phased out after the introduction of adhesive postage stamps, first issued by the U.S. government post office July 1, 1847, in the denominations of five and ten cents, with the use of stamps made mandatory in 1855.", "Between the establishment of uniform national postage rates in 1845 and the issue of national adhesive postage stamps in 1847, postmasters could mark letters as “paid” or indicate the amount due from the recipient. Since prepayment was finally an option, postmasters in several towns found ways to indicate this: handstamps on mail handled at the post office, envelopes with pre-payment shown for posting outside of normal hours, and - in only 8 different towns, by means of adhesive postage stamps.", "A private business organized to deliver products for retailers. A fee is charged for every package delivered.", "On the way to the library, stopped by the post office, and got a package with some more Beetle Bailey comics in it." ]
[ -1.1142578125, -1.5107421875, -2.26953125, -3.525390625, -6.2109375, -6.421875, -6.81640625, -6.9375, -7.0703125, -7.13671875, -7.1875, -7.19140625, -7.390625, -7.53125, -7.55078125, -7.765625, -7.83203125, -7.95703125, -8, -8.1875, -8.28125, -8.515625, -8.5234375, -8.5625, -8.5703125, -8.9296875, -9.109375, -9.65625, -9.828125, -10.078125, -10.3984375, -10.9296875 ]
The longest floating bridge in the world, the Evergreen Point Floating Bridge is officially named after what former Washington governor?
[ "The Evergreen Point Floating Bridge, also known as the 520 Bridge and officially the Governor Albert D. Rosellini Bridge, carries Washington State Route 520 across Lake Washington from Seattle to its eastern suburbs. The floating span is the longest floating bridge in the world, as well as the world's widest measuring 116 ft at its midpoint. ", "The Evergreen Point Floating Bridge, also known as the 520 Bridge and officially the Governor Albert D. Rosellini Bridge, carries Washington State Route 520 across Lake Washington from Seattle to its eastern suburbs . The 7,710-foot-long (2,350 m) floating span is the longest floating bridge in the world , [3] as well as the world's widest measuring 116 feet (35 m) at its midpoint. [4]", "The Evergreen Point Floating Bridge, officially changed to the Governor Albert D. Rosellini Bridge in 1988 ( to honor the governor who advocated the bridge’s construction) is probably the closest you’ll ever get to driving on a large body of water. It is 7,500 feet across making it the longest floating bridge in the world. The locals refer to the bridge as the “520 Bridge” as it is part of State Route 520 and goes across Lake Washington from Seattle, WA to Medina, WA.", "The Evergreen Point Floating Bridge, officially the Governor Albert D. Rosellini Bridge, and commonly called the SR 520 Bridge or 520 Bridge, was a floating bridge in the U.S. state of Washington that carried State Route 520 across Lake Washington from the Montlake/Union Bay district of Seattle to Medina.", "The Evergreen Point Floating Bridge, officially the Governor Albert D. Rosellini Bridge, and commonly called the SR 520 Bridge or 520 Bridge, was a floating bridge in the U.S. state of Washington that carried State Route 520 across Lake Washington from the Montlake/Union Bay district of Seattle to Medina. MORE", "The bridge is named for Evergreen Point, the westernmost of the three small Eastside peninsulas that SR 520 crosses. (The other two are Hunts Point and Yarrow Point.) In 1988, it was renamed for the state's 15th governor, Albert D. Rosellini, who had advocated its construction. ", "I did catch an error concerning the ‘Evergreen Point Floating Bridge.’ It was not this bridge but the Lake Washington Floating Bridge that was built with New Deal dollars. It was later named the Lacey V. Murrow Memorial Bridge after the Washington State Director of Highways. Lacey was the older brother of noted CBS newsman also from Washington state, Edward R. Murrow.", "Concrete floating bridges are employed to span the lake because Lake Washington's depth and muddy bottom prevented the emplacement of the pilings or towers necessary for the construction of a causeway or suspension bridge. The bridges consist of hollow concrete pontoons that float atop the lake, anchored with cables to each other and to weights on the lake bottom. The roadway is constructed atop these concrete pontoons. Three floating bridges cross Lake Washington: the Evergreen Point Floating Bridge (officially the SR 520 Albert D. Rosellini Evergreen Point Floating Bridge) carries State Route 520 from Seattle's Montlake neighborhood to Medina while the Lacey V. Murrow Memorial Bridge and the Third Lake Washington Bridge (officially the Homer M. Hadley Memorial Bridge) carry Interstate 90 from Seattle's Mount Baker neighborhood to Mercer Island. The East Channel Bridge carries Interstate 90 from Mercer Island to Bellevue. The Evergreen Point, Lacey V. Murrow, and Third Lake Washington bridges are the longest, second longest, and fifth longest floating bridges in the world, respectively.", "There are extensive waterways in the midst of Washington's largest cites, including Seattle, Bellevue, Tacoma and Olympia. The state highways incorporate an extensive network of bridges and the largest ferry system in the United States to serve transportation needs in the Puget Sound area. Washington's marine highway constitutes a fleet of twenty-eight ferries that navigate Puget Sound and its inland waterways to 20 different ports of call, completing close to 147,000 sailings each year. Washington is home to four of the five longest floating bridges in the world: the Evergreen Point Floating Bridge, Lacey V. Murrow Memorial Bridge and Homer M. Hadley Memorial Bridge over Lake Washington, and the Hood Canal Bridge which connects the Olympic Peninsula and Kitsap Peninsula. Washington has a number of seaports on the Pacific Ocean, including Seattle, Tacoma, Kalama, Anacortes, Vancouver, Longview, Greys County, Olympia, and Port Angeles.", "Washington entered the Union as the 42nd state on November 11, 1889. Elisha P. Ferry, a former territorial official, became the first state governor. That year witnessed major fires in Seattle and Spokane, both of which rebuilt their cores with brick and stone structures.", "Washingtonian Gary Locke, a Democrat, was elected the nation's first governor of Chinese heritage in 1996; he won reelection in 2000. Under his administration, the state raised education spending by $1 billion. Locke also signed a welfare reform bill that reduced the number of recipients by one-third. Locke chose not to run for a third term. Christine Gregoire, former Washington attorney general, was elected governor in 2004. In 2005, Gregoire announced Washington's six regional salmon recovery plans were submitted to the federal government. The first listings of salmon in Washington under the federal Endangered Species Act were made in 1991, and within eight years more than 75% of the state had salmon populations listed.", "In Seattle, the I-90 crosses Lake Washington incorporating two of the longest floating bridges in the world from Seattle to Mercer Island.  ", "[Homer Hadley, floating bridge, pontoon bridge, Seattle, Washington, Lake Washington Floating Bridge, Hood Canal Floating Bridge]", "Blaine Harden, Writer: At the time that he was proposing building the biggest dam in the history of the world, there were only a couple hundred thousand people living in eastern Washington.", "LACEY V. MURROW: Early director of Washington State Department of Transportation for whom original Mercer Island floating bridge is named (also brother of CBS' Edward R. Murrow).", "Many questioned the wisdom of concrete floating bridge technology after the sinking of a portion of the Lacey V. Murrow bridge on November 25, 1990. However, a Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) investigation revealed that that incident resulted from the improper handling of hydrodemolition water being used during bridge renovations, rather than in any basic flaw in the bridge's concept or design. Concrete floating bridges continue to remain a viable means for the conveyance of vehicle traffic over Lake Washington. ", "Grand Coulee Dam is a hydroelectric gravity dam on the Columbia River in Washington. It is the largest electric power producing facility in the United States, and the largest concrete structure in the U.S. When completed in 1941, it was the largest manmade structure ever built. The reservoir it backs up is called Franklin Delano Roosevelt Lake , named after the United States president who presided over the conception and completion of the dam.", "State Nickname: The phrase “The Evergreen State” appears on Washington license plates and in numerous official and unofficial uses, but it has never been formally adopted. Historian and journalist C. T. Connover is credited with coining it.", "The Mackinac Bridge ( ) is a suspension bridge spanning the Straits of Mackinac to connect the Upper and Lower peninsula of the U.S. state of Michigan. Opened in 1957, the 26372 ft bridge (familiarly known as \"Big Mac\" and \"Mighty Mac\") is the world's 17th-longest main span and the longest suspension bridge between anchorages in the Western hemisphere. The Mackinac Bridge carries Interstate 75 and the Lakes Michigan and Huron components of the Great Lakes Circle Tours across the straits and connects the city of St. Ignace on the north end with the village of Mackinaw City on the south.", "6. As governor of Alaska, Mrs Palin ditched plans for a \"bridge to nowhere\" - a federally-funded project to link a handful of Alaskans to an airport at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars. In her speech to the Republican National Convention, she said she had told the US Congress \"thanks, but no thanks\". But US media say she appeared to support the project while running for governor in 2006, though she said the proposed design was too \"grandiose\". And when she announced the cancellation of the bridge a year ago - after it gained notoriety as an example of wasteful spending - she hardly seemed to be turning down federal funds out of thrift. She explained the decision by saying, \"It's clear that Congress has little interest in spending any more money on a bridge between Ketchikan and Gravina Island.\" The federal funding was diverted to other projects in Alaska.", "The Golden Gate Bridge is a suspension bridge that spans the San Francisco Bay, connecting San Francisco with Marin County. The bridge is a special color of orange and not actually gold. The name Golden Gate refers to the area where the Bay opens up to the Pacific Ocean.", "This 1255-foot-long bridge has reserved its place in history by being America's first cable-stayed girder spanned bridge. Today, it connects Sitka, on Baranof Island, to the town's airport, which is on Japonski Island. Finished in 1972, it was named after a former mayor of Sitka.", "When it was built, the Hoover Dam was the world's largest hydroelectric dam and the world's largest concrete structure. The bridge contains enough concrete to pave a highway all the way across the United States. In 1985, the Hoover Dam was designated a U.S. National Historic Landmark.", "Kent is a city located in King County, Washington, United States. It is the sixth largest city in the state and third largest in the county. Kent is in the heart of the Seattle–Tacoma metroplex, located 19 miles south of Seattle and 19 miles northeast of Tacoma. Incorporated in 1890, it is the second oldest incorporated city in King County after Seattle. Kent's population as of April, 2010 was 92,411 according to the 2010 census. The total grew to an estimated 126,952 as of July 1, 2015, owing primarily to annexation.", "Olympia has served as the capital of both Washington Territory and State since 1853. Seattle is the state’s most populous city (population 563,000 in 2000), followed in rank by Spokane, Tacoma, Vancouver, Bellevue, and Everett.", "The old bridge was planned to be decommissioned by floating away pontoons to an industrial site in Kenmore for disposal and recycling; [44] in March 2016, the city rejected the plan, citing the possible release of toxins in the pontoon's concrete. [45] The pontoons were sold to a recycling company based in Gig Harbor which plans to reuse the individual pontoons for floating decks and other projects. [46] An unaffiliated contest was held in 2012 seeking ideas for the 33 pontoons of the old bridge, with solutions ranging from a \"floating High Line \" to partial submersion for walking paths. [47] The first pontoon of the old bridge to be disassembled was towed through the Lake Washington Ship Canal in July 2016. [48]", "Bremerton is a city in Kitsap County, Washington, United States. The population was 39,520 at the 2015 State Estimate, making it the largest city on the Kitsap Peninsula. Bremerton is home to Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and the Bremerton Annex of Naval Base Kitsap. Bremerton is connected to Downtown Seattle by a 60-minute ferry route, which carries both vehicles and walk-on passengers along a 17-mile sailing route to Seattle.", "Public education in Washington is governed by a Board of Education and superintendent of public instruction; the Higher Education Coordinating Board coordinates the state's higher educational institutions. The Department of Transportation oversees the construction and maintenance of highways, bridges, and ferries and assists locally owned airports.", "Bremerton politics can vary in intensity, with some city council positions regularly unopposed and others having as many as four candidates in the 2005 primary election. Redevelopment projects have been a major source of debate, including the 2007 construction of a federally funded tunnel that would route ferry traffic under the downtown core as well as a planned waterfront boardwalk extension. As with most cities in the region, Bremerton precincts have historically been more favorable for Democratic candidates in state and federal elections, contrasting with more conservative-leaning voters in rural areas of the county.", "Grand Coulee Dam is a hydroelectric gravity dam on the Columbia River in the U.S. state of Washington. It is the largest electric power-producing facility and the largest concrete structure in the United States. It is the fifth largest producer of hydroelectricity in the world, as of the year 2008.", "The Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission has the largest state-managed mooring system in the United States. The commission manages more than 40 marine parks in Puget Sound that together provide more than 8,500 feet of public moorage space.", "In 1856, the territorial legislature appointed a board of commissioners to oversee construction of a new bridge connecting downtown Olympia with the westside. Lack of funds held up the project until 1868 when Thurston County loaned the City of Olympia $1,500. The first westside bridge was built the following year." ]
[ 9.1953125, 8.8828125, 8.46875, 7.7890625, 6.8046875, 3.04296875, 2.3359375, 2.095703125, 1.158203125, -1.1318359375, -1.2373046875, -2.802734375, -3.09375, -4.62109375, -4.75, -4.94921875, -5.29296875, -5.41015625, -6.41015625, -6.41796875, -6.99609375, -7.21875, -7.38671875, -7.45703125, -7.69921875, -8.15625, -8.3828125, -9.4609375, -9.6328125, -9.828125, -10.40625, -10.6953125 ]
September 1, 1914 saw the last example of what species, which existed in enormous migratory flocks, sometimes containing more than two billion birds that could stretch one mile wide and 300 miles long, when Martha died at the Cincinnati Zoo?
[ "The passenger pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius) or wild pigeon was a species of pigeon that was once the most common bird in North America . It lived in enormous migratory flocks - sometimes containing more than two billion birds - that could stretch one mile (1.6  km ) wide and 300 miles (500 km) long across the sky, sometimes taking several hours to pass.", "The passenger pigeon or wild pigeon was a species of bird, Ectopistes migratorius, that was once common in North America . It lived in enormous migratory flocks — sometimes containing more than two billion birds — that could stretch one mile (1.6  km ) wide and 300 miles (500 km) long across the sky, sometimes taking several hours to pass. [1] [2]", "On September 1st 1914, when a Passenger Pigeon named Martha died in Cincinnati Zoo, Ohio, USA, the world lost its most abundant bird species for ever. Today we contemplate the extinction of Passenger Pigeon with a minute's silence and renew our commitment to preventing extinctions and achieving sustainable development. Read this excellent World Birdwatch article by Mark Avery to find out how billions of birds in North America became none, and what this means for us today:", "Fifty-seven years later, on September 1, 1914 , Martha, the last known passenger pigeon, died in the Cincinnati Zoo, Cincinnati, Ohio. She was frozen into a block of ice and sent to the Smithsonian Institution, where she was skinned and mounted. Currently, Martha (named after Martha Washington) is in the museum's archived collection, and not on display.", "It lived in enormous migratory flocks sometimes containing more than two billion birds that could stretch one mile (1.6 km) wide and 300 miles (500 km) long across the sky, sometimes taking several hours to pass.", "Fifty-seven years later, on September 1, 1914, Martha, the last known passenger pigeon, died in the Cincinnati Zoo, Cincinnati, Ohio. Her body was frozen into a block of ice and sent to the Smithsonian Institution, where it was skinned and mounted. Currently, Martha (named after Martha Washington) is in the museum's archived collection, and not on display. A memorial statue of Martha stands on the banks of the Mississippi River, in Wyalusing State Park, Wisconsin . Another memorial statue is on the grounds of the Cincinnati Zoo.", "Passenger pigeons were hunted by Native Americans, but hunting intensified after the arrival of Europeans, particularly in the 19th century. Pigeon meat was commercialized as cheap food, resulting in hunting on a massive scale for many decades. There were several other factors contributing to the decline and subsequent extinction of the species, including shrinking of the large breeding populations necessary for preservation of the species and widespread deforestation , which destroyed its habitat . A slow decline between about 1800 and 1870 was followed by a rapid decline between 1870 and 1890. The last confirmed wild bird is thought to have been shot in 1901. The last captive birds were divided in three groups around the turn of the 20th century, some of which were photographed alive. Martha , thought to be the last passenger pigeon, died on September 1, 1914, at the Cincinnati Zoo . The eradication of this species is a notable example of anthropogenic extinction .", "A National Historic Landmark, the last remaining Japanese pagoda-style building that was one of the Zoo’s early bird aviaries, built in 1875, has been preserved as the Passenger Pigeon Memorial. The exhibit pays tribute to Martha, the last known passenger pigeon who died at the Zoo in 1914. Once the most numerous bird on Earth, the passenger pigeon was hunted into extinction. The exhibit serves as a reminder to all of the tragedy of extinction and pleas with visitors to consider how their actions affect wildlife.", "Some reduction in numbers occurred because of habitat loss when the Europeans started settling further inland. The primary factor emerged when pigeon meat was commercialized as a cheap food for slaves and the poor in the 19th century, resulting in hunting on a massive scale. There was a slow decline in their numbers between about 1800 and 1870, followed by a catastrophic decline between 1870 and 1890. [6] Martha, thought to be the world's last passenger pigeon, died on September 1, 1914, in Cincinnati , Ohio .", "The passenger pigeon was once the commonest bird in the world . Before what conservationist Mark Avery terms “the European invasion”, there were some 10 billion of them in the US. But they were good to eat and ridiculously easy to catch. Flocks of pigeons were so vast they darkened the skies: you didn’t have to be a good shot. But what really sealed their fate was the felling of the eastern American deciduous forests on which they relied for food. Although numbers declined over three centuries, the species died out astonishingly quickly – in the course of a few decades. The last passenger pigeon in the wild was shot in 1900 but the final member of the species survived in Cincinnati Zoo until 1 September 1914, when a pigeon named Martha died . Avery opens with a somewhat dry account of the pigeon’s biology, followed by an entertaining 4,000-mile American road trip around the sites associated with the bird, and concludes with a heartfelt plea to prevent the wildlife of the British countryside suffering the fate of Martha’s species: “It is our definition of progress that we need to examine if we are to save nature.”", "The passenger pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius) or wild pigeon was a species of pigeon that was once the most common bird in North America . They lived in enormous flocks, and during migration, it was possible to see flocks of them a mile (1.6 km) wide and 300 miles (500 km) long, taking several days to pass and containing up to a billion birds.", "parakeet, named Incas, died at the Cincinnati Zoo. We note that the last Passenger pigeon, Martha, also died at the Cincinnati Zoo in 1914. The Cincinnati Zoo was a dangerous place for endangered species.  The last reported sighting in the wild of the", "Before 1840, there were thousands of millions of passenger pigeons in North America. However, they were slaughtered for food until only one was left, a female called Martha. She died when she was 12 years old in 1914, in a zoo in Ohio.[1]", "When Europeans first arrived in America, the passenger pigeons were present in such great numbers that it was said to take several hours for a flock to fly overhead. The flocks were often more than a mile wide and 300 miles long and made up of more than two billion birds. The birds went from being one of the most abundant animals on earth in the 19th century to being completely extinct by the 20th century.", "*:The passenger pigeon was once among the most common birds in the world, a single flock numbering up to 2.2 billion birds. It was hunted close to extinction for food and sport in the late 19th century. The last individual died in the Cincinnati Zoo in 1914.", "Passenger pigeons were once the world's most abundant birds. Massive flocks of more than 1 million would darken the sky. But, says the London Zoo, \"a huge surge in hunting and deforestation saw them rapidly driven towards extinction in just a few decades, with Martha being the last survivor.", "With such abundance, it seemed unimaginable that the passenger pigeon could ever become extinct. But due to overhunting, habitat loss, and possibly infectious diseases that spread through the colonies, they became increasingly rare by the late nineteenth century. The last confirmed sighting of a wild passenger pigeon was in 1900. After that, only a few survived in captivity. “Martha,” who lived her whole 29-year life in the Cincinnati Zoo, was the last.", "By the 1890s, it was obvious that the passenger pigeon was seriously endangered. The Michigan legislature enacted a law outlawing the killing of the birds within two miles of a nesting area, but authorities rarely enforced the rule. By this time, it was already too late anyway. The birds had to have massive nesting colonies in order to successfully breed and there were too few pigeons left. Some people even tried to help the population through captive breeding programs, but there were just too few birds to coax the animals into mating. The last passenger pigeon died in the Cincinnati Zoo in 1914.", "The Cincinnati Zoo, one of the oldest zoos in the US, kept passenger pigeons from its beginning in 1875. The zoo kept more than twenty individuals, in a ten-by-twelve-foot cage. [118] Passenger pigeons do not appear to have been kept at the zoo due to their rarity, but to enable guests to have a closer look at a native species. [120] Recognizing the decline of the wild populations, Whitman and the Cincinnati Zoo consistently strove to breed the surviving birds, including attempts at making a rock dove foster passenger pigeon eggs. [121] In 1902, Whitman gave a female passenger pigeon to the zoo; this was possibly the individual later known as Martha, which would become the last living member of the species. Other sources argue that Martha was hatched at the Cincinnati Zoo, had lived there for 25 years, and was the descendant of three pairs of passenger pigeons purchased by the zoo in 1877. It is thought this individual was named Martha because her last cage mate was named George, thereby honoring George Washington and his wife Martha , though it has also been claimed she was named after the mother of a zookeeper’s friends. [118] [122]", "The species went from being one of the most abundant birds in the world during the 19th century to extinction early in the 20th century. [5] At the time, passenger pigeons had one of the largest groups or flocks of any animal, second only to the Rocky Mountain locust .", "We can only imagine the size of the problem, since no known species of birds massed in such HUGE FLOCKS This is from wikipedia's 1st paragraph on passenger pigeons:", "The Cincinnati Zoo has been active in breeding animals to help save species, starting as early as 1880 with the first hatching of a trumpeter swan in a zoo, as well as four passenger pigeons. This was followed in 1882 with the first American bison born in captivity.", "There are many lessons to be learned from Martha’s death. One of them is that we must remain eternally vigilant about managing wildlife since even a common species could become extinct without proper attention. This also means monitoring — counting birds and where they live — as part of the equation. Cooperation between states and countries also is vital to good management of migratory animals. Just one missing link in the chain can cause a species loss.", "(Schorger 1995). This may be the only species for which the exact time of extinction is known.  The Passenger Pigeon was similar to but larger than the Mourning Dove. It had a slate blue head and rump, slate gray back, and a wine red breast. The colors of the male were brighter than those of the femaleOver hunting, the clearing of forests to make way for agriculture, and perhaps other factors doomed the species. The decline was well under way by the 1850’s.  The last nesting birds were reported in the", "Attempts to revive the species by breeding the surviving captive birds were not successful. The passenger pigeon was a colonial and gregarious bird practicing communal roosting and communal breeding and needed large numbers for optimum breeding conditions. It was impossible to reestablish the species with just a few captive birds, and the small captive flocks weakened and died. Since no accurate data were recorded, it is only possible to give estimates on the size and population of these nesting areas. Each site may have covered many thousands of acres and the birds were so congested in these areas that hundreds of nests could be counted in each tree. One large nesting area in Wisconsin was reported as covering 850 square miles, and the number of birds nesting there was estimated to be around 136,000,000. Their technique of survival had been based on mass tactics.", "The Passenger Pigeon was a forest nomad, breeding in vast colonies and following sporadic crops of acorns and chestnuts around the dense deciduous forests of the eastern and central United States. the forests were once so vast that they could support tens of millions of the birds, which were known to form flocks so huge that they darkened the sky when dispersing. This made them easy prey for hunters' guns, and the greed and over-exploitation of hunters and wholesale destruction of their habitat led to their shockingly rapid extinction.", "For many years, the last confirmed wild passenger pigeon was thought to have been shot near Sargents, Pike County, Ohio , on March 24, 1900, when a female bird was killed by a boy named Press Clay Southworth with a BB gun . [34] [113] The boy had not recognized the bird as a passenger pigeon, but his parents identified it, and sent it to a taxidermist. The specimen, nicknamed “Buttons” due to the buttons used instead of glass eyes, was donated to the Ohio Historical Society by the family in 1915. The reliability of accounts after the Ohio, Illinois, and Indiana birds are in question. US President Theodore Roosevelt claimed to have seen a bird in Michigan in 1907. [52] Ornithologist Alexander Wetmore claimed that he saw a pair flying near Independence, Kansas , in April 1905. [114] [115] In 1910, the American Ornithologists’ Union offered a reward of $3,000 for discovering a nest – the equivalent of $76,990 in 2015. [116] [117]", "By the 1870s, the decrease in birds was noticeable, especially after the last large scale nestings and subsequent slaughters of millions of birds in 1874 and 1878. By this time, large nestings only took place in the north, around the Great Lakes. The last large nesting was in Petoskey, Michigan , in 1878 (following one in Pennsylvania a few days earlier), where 50,000 birds were killed each day for nearly five months. The surviving adults attempted a second nesting at new sites, but were killed by professional hunters before they had a chance to raise any young. Scattered nestings are reported into the 1880s, but the birds were now wary, and commonly abandoned their nests if persecuted. [12] [34] [52]", "Back from the brink. Whooping cranes Grus americana are the tallest birds in North America. They were once numerous in the prairie wetlands of the US and Canada, but settlers drained the wetlands to build farms and cities, and hunted the large birds for their meat. By 1941, only 15 birds were observed at their wintering area on the Gulf Coast of Texas. To help save the birds from extinction, refuges were established, the birds were carefully monitored, and hunters were educated about the harm they could do to the species. ", "Tweet of the Day is the voice of birds and our relationship with them, from around the world. Chris Packham presents the brown thrasher, usually seen in North America. Brown thrashers are related to mockingbirds which breed across most of eastern and central North America. They're famous for their vast repertoire which can include over 1000 song types. They spend much of their time skulking in dense shrubs at woodland edges and in parks and gardens. They're russet on top, white below and heavily streaked like a large thrush but with much longer tails and stout curved bills. Their name comes from the noisy thrashing sound they make as they search the leaf litter for food. Normally, brown thrashers are short distance migrants within North America but in 1966, in November of that year, in Dorset, birdwatchers almost dropped their binoculars in disbelief when they heard the call of a brown thrasher coming from a coastal thicket. It remained here until February 1967 and is the only British record.", "The last fully authenticated record of a wild bird was near Sargents, Pike County, Ohio, on March 22, 1900, although many unconfirmed sightings were reported in the first decade of the 20th century. From 1909 to 1912, a reward was offered for a living specimen— no specimens were found. However, unconfirmed sightings continued up to about 1930.", "The last fully authenticated record of a wild bird was near Sargents, Pike County, Ohio, on 22 March 1900 , although many unconfirmed sightings were reported in the first decade of the 20th century. From 1909 to 1912, a reward was offered for a living specimen; the fact that the reward was never claimed indicates that they were more than likely gone in the wild by that point. However, unconfirmed sightings continued up to about 1930." ]
[ 9.2578125, 9.0703125, 7.15234375, 6.1328125, 5.5390625, 5.171875, 5.12109375, 4.9921875, 4.58203125, 4.41015625, 3.81640625, 3.744140625, 3.681640625, 3.08984375, 2.970703125, 1.8330078125, 1.7421875, 0.63916015625, 0.587890625, -0.98193359375, -1.1337890625, -1.9248046875, -2.45703125, -2.68359375, -4.19921875, -4.375, -5.140625, -5.78125, -6.65625, -6.66015625, -7.68359375, -8.046875 ]
September 1, 1939 saw the start of World War II when Germany invaded what country?
[ "On September 1, 1939, Germany invades Poland which, per most historians, was the official start of World War II.", "World War II, also WWII, or the Second World War, was a global military conflict that took place between 1939 and 1945. It was the largest and deadliest war in history. The date commonly given for the start of the war is September 1, 1939, when Nazi Germany invaded Poland . Within two days the United Kingdom and France declared war on Germany, although the only European battles remained in Poland. Pursuant to a then-secret provision of its non-aggression Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, the Soviet Union joined with Germany on September 17, 1939, to conquer Poland and to divide Eastern Europe.", "With the official creation of the Third Reich, Germany was now on a path to war and attempted racial domination.  On September 1, 1939 Germany invaded Poland and World War II began.", "World War II was a global conflict that began in Europe on September 1, 1939, when Germany invaded Poland. In response, Britain and France declared war on Germany. War broke out between the Axis Powers (Germany, Italy, and Japan) and the Allied Powers (Britain, France, and the Soviet Union). Japan invaded China, occupied the Philippines, and seized a number of islands throughout the Pacific, while Germany captured much of Europe and North Africa before invading the Soviet Union. Millions of civilians were killed; Jews were specifically singled out by the Germans for extermination, as were other minorities, such as those who were mentally ill, physically and mentally disabled, homosexual, or members of political and religious groups who opposed the Axis Powers.", "On 1 September 1939, Germany violated the treaty by invading Poland , thus initiating World War II in Europe.", "�On Sept. 1, 1939 , Germany invaded Poland . On September 3 England and France demanded that Germany withdraw its troops. When Germany refused England and France declared war on Germany .� World War Two was on.", "In September 1939, Germany invaded Poland. Britain and France had no choice but to declare war on Germany. World War II had begun.", "German troops march through occupied Warsaw, Poland, after invading the nation on September 1, 1939, and igniting World War II.", "The Second World War breaks out on 1 September when Germany invades Poland . The fall of France to German forces comes soon after.", "In August 1939, Hitler's government signed the Molotov–Ribbentrop pact with Stalin that divided Eastern Europe into German and Soviet spheres of influence. Following the agreement, on 1 September 1939 Germany invaded Poland, marking the beginning of World War II. In response to Hitler's actions, Britain and France declared war on Germany. In the spring of 1940, Germany conquered Denmark and Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, and France forcing the French government to sign an armistice after German troops occupied most of the country. The British repelled German air attacks in the same year. In 1941, German troops invaded Yugoslavia, Greece and the Soviet Union. By 1942, Germany and other Axis powers controlled most of continental Europe and North Africa, but following the Soviet Union's victory at the Battle of Stalingrad, the allies' reconquest of North Africa and invasion of Italy in 1943, German forces suffered repeated military defeats. In June 1944, the Western allies landed in France and the Soviets pushed into Eastern Europe. By late 1944, the Western allies had entered Germany despite one final German counter offensive in the Ardennes Forest. Following Hitler's suicide during the Battle of Berlin, German armed forces surrendered on 8 May 1945, ending World War II in Europe. ", "World War II began in the Far East where Japan , having invaded China in 1931, became involved in full-scale hostilities in 1937. In Europe the German invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939, brought Britain and France into the war two days later. Italy declared war on Britain on June 10, 1940, shortly before the French surrender on June 21. Having defeated France but not Britain, Germany attacked the Soviet Union a year later on June 22, 1941. Then the Japanese attacked United States naval forces in Hawaii on December 7, 1941, and British colonies in Hong Kong and Malaya the following day. The subsequent German and Italian declarations of war on the United States completed the lineup: Germany, Italy, and Japan, the Axis powers of the Anti-Comintern Treaty of 1936, against the Allies: the United States of America, the British Empire and Dominions, and the Soviet Union. Only the Soviet Union and Japan remained at peace with each other until the Soviet declaration of war on August 8, 1945, two days after the atomic bombing of Hiroshima .", "In August of 1939, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union signed a non-aggression treaty. One week later, Germany invaded Poland and World War II began. The first attack of the war took place on September 1, 1939, as German aircraft bombarded the Polish town of Wielun, killing nearly 1,200. Five minutes later, the German battleship Schleswig-Holstein opened fire on a transit depot at Westerplatte in the Free City of Danzig. Within days, the United Kingdom and France declared war on Germany and began mobilizing their armies and preparing their civilians. On September 17, the Soviet Union invaded Poland from the east. Polish forces surrendered in early October after losing some 65,000 troops and many thousands of civilians. In November, Soviet forces invaded Finland and began a months-long battle dubbed the Winter War. By the beginning of 1940, Germany was finalizing plans for the invasions of Denmark and Norway. Collected here are images of these tumultuous first months and of Allied forces preparing for the arduous battles to come. (This entry is Part 2 of a weekly 20-part retrospective of World War II )", "On September 1, 1939, Germany and Slovakia—a client state in 1939—attacked Poland and World War II broke out. France, Britain, and the countries of the Commonwealth declared war on Germany but provided little military support to Poland other than a small French attack into the Saarland. On September 17, 1939, after signing an armistice with Japan, the Soviets launched their own invasion of eastern Poland.", "Overview of the German invasion of Poland (1939), which marked the beginning of World War II.", "World War II had started when France and Great Britain both declared war on Germany after Hitler ordered the invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939. Poland was conquered by September 28, 1939 with the help of the Soviet Union which invaded Poland from the other side on September 17, 1939. France and Great Britain had made a pact with Poland that they would provide support in case of an attack, but only if the attack was made by the Germany Army; they were under no obligation to declare war on the Soviet Union. The British also made a pact with France that neither country would sign a separate peace with the Germans.", "Although the Empire of Japan was already at war with the Republic of China in 1937, the world war is generally said to have begun on 1 September 1939, with the invasion of Poland by Germany, and subsequent declarations of war on Germany by France and most of the countries of the British Empire and Commonwealth. Germany set out to establish a large empire in Europe. From late 1939 to early 1941, in a series of campaigns and treaties, Germany conquered or subdued much of continental Europe. Following the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, the nominally neutral Soviet Union fully or partially invaded, occupied and annexed territories of its six European neighbours, including Poland. The United Kingdom and its Commonwealth remained the only major force continuing the fight against the Axis, with battles taking place in North Africa as well as the long-running Battle of the Atlantic. In June 1941, the European Axis launched an invasion of the Soviet Union, giving a start to the largest land theatre of war in history, which tied down the major part of the Axis’ military forces for the rest of the war. In December 1941, the Empire of Japan, which aimed to dominate East Asia and Indochina, joined the Axis, attacked the United States and European territories in the Pacific Ocean, and quickly conquered much of the West Pacific.", "On 1 September 1939 Hitler violated the treaty by invading Poland, thus initiating World War II in Europe.", "September 3:   Britain and France declare war on Germany in response to Germany's invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939.", "The Empire of Japan aimed to dominate Asia and the Pacific and was already at war with the Republic of China in 1937, but the world war is generally said to have begun on 1 September 1939 with the invasion of Poland by Germany and subsequent declarations of war on Germany by France and the United Kingdom. From late 1939 to early 1941, in a series of campaigns and treaties, Germany conquered or controlled much of continental Europe, and formed the Axis alliance with Italy and Japan. Under the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact of August 1939, Germany and the Soviet Union partitioned and annexed territories of their European neighbours, Poland, Finland, Romania and the Baltic states. The war continued primarily between the European Axis powers and the coalition of the United Kingdom and the British Commonwealth, with campaigns including the North Africa and East Africa campaigns, the aerial Battle of Britain, the Blitz bombing campaign, the Balkan Campaign as well as the long-running Battle of the Atlantic. In June 1941, the European Axis powers launched an invasion of the Soviet Union, opening the largest land theatre of war in history, which trapped the major part of the Axis' military forces into a war of attrition. In December 1941, Japan attacked the United States and European territories in the Pacific Ocean, and quickly conquered much of the Western Pacific.", "In 1939, Germany attacked Poland. Britain and France went to war with Germany. World War II began.", "World War II starts with German invasion of Poland in September. U.S. halts exports of aviation fuel to Japan in December.", "A few days later, Hitler attacked Poland on September 1, 1939. Britain stepped in to honor its allegiance to Poland and gave Hitler an ultimatum: If he did not withdraw in the next two days, Britain would declare war on Germany. World War II had begun.", "September: The Second World War begins as Britain and France declare war on Germany following Germany’s invasion of Poland. Poland’s defeat by Germany is followed by the “Phoney War” over the winter of 1939-1940, as neither Germany nor Britain/France launches a major attack.", "After the invasion of Poland by Germany, on 1 September 1939, France and the United Kingdom declared war on Germany on 3 September 1939. Germany invaded France, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands on 10 May 1940.", "September 1. Germany invaded Poland. (\"The Polish State has refused the peaceful settlement of relations which I desired, and has appealed to arms. Germans in Poland are persecuted with bloody terror and driven from their houses. A series of violations of the frontier, intolerable to a great Power, prove that Poland is no longer willing to respect the frontier of the Reich. In order to put an end to this lunacy, I have no other choice than to meet force with force from now on.\" Chancellor Hitler's Proclamation to the German Army. British No. 107, p. 214; German, �No. 471, p. 502: \"In the night Polish soldiers of the Regular Army fired the first shots in our own territory. Since 5:45 a.m. we have been returning their fire.\" British, �No. 105, p. 205; No. 112, p. 218; No. 113, p. 219; French, No. 322, p. 317; No. 329, p. 323; Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 10, p. 184.)", "On September 1, 1939, Germany invades Poland the German attack was code-named Operation White ( Fall Weiss ). The Polish army was defeated within weeks of the invasion. From East Prussia and Germany in the north and Silesia and Slovakia in the", "At 4:45 on the morning of September 1, 1939 (the morning following the staged attack), German troops entered Poland. The sudden, immense attack by the Germans was called a Blitzkrieg (\"lightening war\").", "That September, in violation of their own treaties with Poland, both of these allies invaded and partitioned the Second Polish Republic. Thus began World War II.", "The Great Patriotic War also call the Second Great War by the British, was a global conflict between the  United Allies Coalition  and the  League of Axis Powers . The Empire of Japan aimed to dominate East Asia and was already at war with the Republic of China in 1937, but the world war is generally said to have begun on 1 May 1939 with the invasion of Germany by Vichy France and subsequent declarations of war on France by Poland and Britain. From late 1939 to early 1941, in a series of campaigns and treaties, Germany formed the Axis alliance with Italy, conquering or subduing much of continental Europe. The United Kingdom and the other members of the British Commonwealth and the Soviet Union were the only major Allied forces continuing the fight against the Axis, with battles taking place in North Africa as well as the long-running Battle of the Atlantic. In 22 June 1941, Japan joined the Axis, attacked the USSR and European territories in the Pacific Ocean, and quickly conquered much of the West Pacific. In 14 August 1941, the European Axis launched an invasion of the Soviet Union , giving a start to the largest land theatre of war in history, which tied down the major part of the Axis' military forces for the rest of the war.", "September 1, 1939, this marked the official start of WWII, when Britain and France declared war on Germany.", "At 4:45 a.m., some 1.5 million German troops invade Poland all along its 1,750-mile border with German-controlled territory. Simultaneously, the German Luftwaffe bombed Polish airfields, and German warships and U-boats attacked Polish naval forces in the Baltic Sea. Nazi leader Adolf Hitler claimed the massive invasion was a defensive action, but Britain and France were not convinced. On September 3, they declared war on Germany, initiating World War II.", "World War II Timeline: September 1, 1939-September 6, 1939 - Start of World War II: September 1939-March 1940 | HowStuffWorks" ]
[ 7.54296875, 7.203125, 7.203125, 6.08984375, 6.00390625, 5.80078125, 5.671875, 5.63671875, 5.62109375, 5.203125, 5.11328125, 4.9609375, 4.9140625, 4.84765625, 4.80078125, 4.65234375, 4.57421875, 4.1015625, 4.06640625, 3.87890625, 3.708984375, 3.474609375, 3.4296875, 3.244140625, 3.140625, 3.001953125, 2.580078125, 1.4697265625, 1.2158203125, 1.1474609375, 0.92724609375, 0.399169921875 ]
What's missing: Denial, Anger, Depression, Acceptance
[ "“The five stages – denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance – are a part of the framework that makes up our learning to live with the one we lost. They are tools to help us frame and identify what we may be feeling. But they are not stops on some linear timeline in grief.”", "The five stages, denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance are a part of the framework that makes up our learning to live with the one we lost. They are tools to help us frame and identify what we may be feeling. But they are not stops on some linear timeline in grief. Not everyone goes through all of them or in a prescribed order. Our hope is that with these stages comes the knowledge of grief ‘s terrain, making us better equipped to cope with life and loss. At times, people in grief will often report more stages. Just remember your grief is an unique as you are.", "In general, the five stages of grief are described as Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance.  The bereavement community has been quick to accept and assign grief in stages, most likely to lend a sense of hope to those who are grieving and might feel this is an endless proposition. In that regard, the five stages of grief are extremely helpful because they reaffirm the fact that grief is normal, and has been experienced and resolved successfully by countless people.", "The components of anxiety, stress, fear and anger do not exist independently of you in the world. They simply do not exist in the physical world, even though we talk about them as if they do.", "Likewise, a person may be stuck in permanent anger (which is itself a form of flight from reality) or repeated bargaining. It is more difficult to get stuck in active states than in passivity, and getting stuck in depression is perhaps a more common ailment.", "“And if you’re in touch with emotions such as anger and frustration, and you can identify them and feel them, then you’re probably not depressed.", "Some people who are diagnosed late in their illness and don't have time to work through these important stages may never experience true acceptance. Others who can't move on from another stage -- the man who stays angry at the world until his death, for example -- may also never experience the peace of acceptance. For the lucky one who does come to acceptance, the final stage before death is often spent in quiet contemplation as he turns inward to prepare for his final departure.", "The above situation is precisely what prevents man from reaching his natural state of bliss. A constant state of being opposed to bliss is frustration, anger, disappointment and their attendant psycho-physiological strains, resulting in afflictions of the mind-body syndrome.", "I will discuss in this article how these 4 Ms do not help change the behaviour of someone suffering from the disease of alcoholism or other addictions e.g. gambling. I will also discuss briefly how knowledge of the four Ms can help you cope with a variety interpersonal relationship difficulties not just ones involving addiction.", "You get angry over petty things. Your relationships at home/work are starting to fail. You're feeling unwell with no real reason to back it up. Romantic relationships end for no reason. You suspect an enemy or someone close is wishing bad upon you. You're losing money & your business/job is falling apart. You can't sleep at night or wake up between 3 a.m. & 5 a.m. You're frequently having terrifying dreams and nightmares. You have felt or seen 'something' when it's not there. Lack of energy to live life or go about your day. Negative or depressive thinking, emotions, behavior & addictions (alcohol, drugs, food, etc.) Feeling disconnected and isolated from others. Feeling disconnected from the Creator or Higher Power. No matter what you do, it never works out, and now you feel like giving up.", "Dissociation, the term that underlies the dissociative disorders including DID, lacks a precise, empirical, and generally agreed upon definition. A large number of diverse experiences have been termed dissociative, ranging from normal failures in attention to the breakdowns in memory processes characterized by the dissociative disorders. Thus it is unknown if there is a common root underlying all dissociative experiences, or if the range of mild to severe symptoms are a result of different etiologies and biological structures. Other terms used in the literature, including personality, personality state, identity, ego state and amnesia, also have no agreed upon definitions. Multiple competing models exist that incorporate some non-dissociative symptoms while excluding dissociative ones. The most widely used model of dissociation conceptualizes DID as at one extreme of a continuum of dissociation, with flow at the other end, though this model is being challenged.", "DeMause (1991) attempted a psychiatric diagnosis of the American public on the basis of his analysis of visual material selected from over a hundred magazines and newspapers. He suggested that (DeMause, 1991: 8) \"if a patient were to walk into a psychiatric clinic suffering from intrusive images of terrifying figures torturing children, severe depression unrelated to current life events and suicidal wishes, a post-traumatic stress disorder would likely be suspected.\" To support his diagnosis, DeMause offered a small number of cartoons which vividly portrayed themes such as terrifying parents, hurt children, enemies, the ritual humiliation of the leader, the triumph of good over evil, and the celebration of the rebirth of life. Our sampling does not find all of these themes in great number. There are very few images of terrifying parents and hurt children in our sample. There are a few cartoons showing Saddam Hussein holding children hostage, which fit DeMause's analysis well, but these occurred after the conflict had begun at a time when Hussein was in fact holding children and adults hostage.", "The failure to respond to the emotional states of the child or to name and validate feelings, let alone the failure to modulate them, leaves the child with a dis-ease about them. The child learns that experience must not be felt so much as understood, in all its shades of meaning, meticulously and perfectly and obsessionally. Ambivalence and indecision are a major part of these difficulties and can lead to a wretched and miserable existence often fraught with depression and sometimes suicidal ideation.", "DID is among the most controversial of the dissociative disorders, and among the most controversial disorders found in the DSM-IV-TR. The primary dispute is between those who believe DID is caused by traumatic stresses forcing the mind to split into multiple identities, each with a separate set of memories, and the belief that the symptoms of DID are produced artificially by certain psychotherapeutic practices or patients playing a role they believe appropriate for a patient suffering from DID. The debate between the two positions is characterized by intense disagreement. Psychiatrist Joel Best notes that the idea that a personality is capable of splitting into independent alters is an unproven assertion that is at odds with research in cognitive psychology.", "With all of these examples the task of elucidating the nature of the ties between clinical symptoms and brain dysfunction has been considerable. Abnormalities of emotion and personality cannot be assessed with anything like the precision that is usually possible for cognitive defects. It has already been seen how much uncertainty surrounds our understanding of such measurable disorders as memory impairment, and such testable defects as dysphasia or apraxia. With the body image disturbances there was an uncertain admixture of physiogenic and psychogenic mechanisms to be considered. Such problems are greatly extended in any analysis of disordered emotion or abnormalities of personality and social behaviour. A large element of subjectivity is involved in attempts at classifying or quantifying the phenomena concerned, and in trying to separate the abnormal from what must be judged as normal variation; the abnormalities are more variable from one situation to another than are cognitive defects and more protean in their manifestations; and their determinants will include factors which have nothing to do with damage to the brain – matters of genetic constitution, interpersonal relationships and current environmental circumstances. It is inherently likely, moreover, that the ’higher order’ the function concerned the more complex will be the interplay between the different cerebral systems subserving it.", "Even if all these needs are satisfied, we may still often (if not always) expect that a new discontent and restlessness will soon develop, unless the individual is doing what he, individually, is fitted for. A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself. What a man can be, he must be. He must be true to his own nature. This need we may call self-actualization. See Chapter II for fuller description.", "Satisfaction of the self-esteem need leads to feelings of self-confidence, worth, strength, capability, and adequacy, of being useful and necessary in the world. But thwarting of these needs produces feelings of inferiority, of weakness, and of helplessness. These feelings in turn give rise to either basic discouragement or else compensatory or neurotic trends. An appreciation of the necessity of basic self-confidence and an understanding of how helpless people are without it can be easily gained from a study of severe traumatic neurosis (222).", "The sixth symptom is the affective instability due to a marked reactivity of mood such as an intense episodic dysphoria, irritability, or anxiety. Hitler had affective instability quite often. At any given moment Hitler could ‘fly off the handle’ so to speak in fits of rage.", "       People who are exposed early to violence or neglect come to expect it as a way of life. They see the chronic helplessness of their mothers and fathers' alternating outbursts of affection and violence; they learn that they themselves have no control. As adults they hope to undo the past by love, competency, and exemplary behavior. 46,87,145 When they fail they are likely to make sense out of this situation by blaming themselves. When they have little experience with nonviolent resolution of differences, partners in relationships alternate between an expectation of perfect behavior leading to perfect harmony and a state of helplessness, in which all verbal communication seems futile. A return to earlier coping mechanisms, such as self-blame, numbing (by means of emotional withdrawal or drugs or alcohol), and physical violence sets the stage for a repetition of the childhood trauma and \"return of the repressed.\" 1,42,46,137", "Smith talks of hatred and resentment next, as \"unsocial passions.\" According to Smith these are passions of imagination, but sympathy is only likely to be evoked in the impartial spectator when they are expressed in moderate tones. Because these passions regard two people, namely the offended (resentful or angry person) and the offender, our sympathies are naturally drawn between these two. Specifically, although we sympathize with the offended person, we fear that the offended person may do harm to the offender, and thus also fear for and sympathize with the danger that faces the offender.", "These stages are not meant to be complete or chronological. Not everyone who experiences a life-threatening or life-changing event feels all five of the responses nor will everyone who does experience them do so in the order that is written. Reactions to illness, death, and loss are as unique as the person experiencing them.", "The forms of disability discussed above have all been more or less closely tied to cognitive or perceptual deficits, even though these have sometimes been of a rather subtle nature. There remain, however, certain abnormalities of emotion, behaviour and ’personality’ which appear to be related to regional brain dysfunction yet do not necessarily have cognitive disturbance at the core. These are clearly of special interest to the psychiatrist. Certain examples will be selected for discussion.", "Insight is being aware of the source of the emotion, of the original traumatic event. The major portion of the therapy is completed when catharsis and insight are experienced. What should have happened many years ago -- because you were too little to deal with it, or under too many conflicting pressures -- has now happened, and you are on your way to becoming a happier person.", "There’s a psychological explanation for this, of course. It has been found that, once a person becomes unhappy over a long period of time (kidnapping or hostage-taking situations being the perfect example), that person is faced with resolving what is known as a “cognitive dissonance.” In the case of a kidnapping, it has been found that the victim may begin to identify with the captor(s).", "Quoting the author : \"Observation shows how unadaptive are emotional phenomena. Emotions happen precisely when adaptation is hindered by any motive . \"The analysis of corporal reactions in emotions shows that the subject does not enact adaptive movements but, on the contrary, reactions that resemble indefinite primitive instincts... \"Far from being the psychic aspect of an instinct, emotion represents a confusion of this instinct \". Contrariwise, other authors consider affective reactions as factors favoring adaptation and survival, inducing some behaviours and inhibiting others. In their opinion, even intense emotions, evaluated as disruptive by others, could favour survival.", "The third symptom is identity disturbance: markedly and persistently unstable self-image or sense of self. At times Hitler thought he was the greatest most prominent person in the world but others he thought of himself as a worthless failure. We can look at the period of trying to be an artist as an example, or the episode with the German film star. These switches between security were often.", "Wood, Samuel E.; Green Wood, Ellen; Boyd, Denise and Hétu, Francine (eds.). 2009. L'Univers de la Psychologie. Québec: Editions du Renouveau Pedagogique, pp. 1-444. *", "\" ... what's happening is that we're building up the condition ... and what may have been a predisposition for violence becomes a disposition. And as the condition develops and its purposes or its characteristics become more well defined, it begins to demand more time of the individual ... There's a certain amount of tension, uh, struggle, between the normal personality and this, this, uh, psychopathological, uh, entity ... The tension between normal individual, uh, normal consciousness of this individual and those demands being submitted to him via this competing ... this condition inside him seems to be competing for more attention ... And it's not an independent thing. One doesn't switch on and the other doesn't switch off. They're more or less active at the same time. Sometimes one is more active ... \"", "        Perhaps functional analogues of things going wrong will indeed apply - even in a secular biological heaven where the phenomenology of nastiness has been wiped out. So the idea isn't entirely fanciful. For the foreseeable future, functional analogues of phenomenal pain will be needed in early transhumans no less than in silicon robots to alert their bodies to noxious tissue damage etc. Also, functional analogues of \"things going wrong\", at least in one sense, are needed to produce great science and technology, so that acuity of critical judgement is maintained; uncontrolled euphoric mania is not a recipe for scientific genius in even the most high-octane supermind. Yet directly or indirectly, the very notion of \"going wrong\" in the contemporary sense seems bound up with a distinctive and unpleasant phenomenology of consciousness: a deficiency of well-being, not a surfeit.", "Mischel and company are not very helpful when it comes to making this connection. They say different things about traits in different places, sometimes wanting to distance themselves from traits and other times seeming to embrace them. When they do embrace them, they understand them in different ways, for instance as causal dispositions (in some passages) or as mere summaries of past behavior (in other places).", "A huge amount of what happens in situations like this, is attributable to the changes that take place in the brain under such extreme circumstances. Perfectly ordinary people can become so modified that their behavior bears no resemblance to the person that they were only minutes before; the person that their family knows and more confusing, to the person that they become again - when the chemistry returns to normal.", "Not till then did his controllers allow him to suspect that death itself might not after all cure the illusion of being a soul—nay, might prove the entry into a world where that illusion raged infinite and unchecked. Escape for the soul, if not for the body, was offered him. He became able to know (and simultaneously refused the knowledge) that he had been wrong from the beginning, that souls and personal responsibility existed. He half saw: he wholly hated. The physical torture of the burning was not fiercer than his hatred of that." ]
[ 2.13671875, 1.78125, 1.5615234375, -3.154296875, -3.318359375, -3.44921875, -3.498046875, -3.6640625, -3.845703125, -4.328125, -4.62109375, -4.75, -4.921875, -4.94921875, -4.96875, -5.34375, -5.9921875, -6.19921875, -6.50390625, -6.5703125, -6.62890625, -7.125, -7.4453125, -7.671875, -7.7421875, -7.80859375, -8.203125, -8.484375, -8.6640625, -8.9140625, -8.984375, -8.9921875 ]
During the 1960, what Emeryville, California Hula-hoop company introduced the slip 'n slide, the super ball, and a do-it-yourself bomb shelter?
[ "Wham-O Incorporated of Emeryville, California describes itself as a \"global branded consumer products company with a diversified portfolio of innovative toys, sporting goods and recreational products\", although it is best known the introduction of such iconic toys such as the Frisbee , the Hula Hoop and the SuperBall .", "While they were refining the Super Ball in 1961, Wham-O introduced the Slip 'N Slide, a long sheet of plastic that sprayed hose water across the surface to allow children to “slip and slide” down the sheet's length. Other toys introduced in the 1960s included the Air Blaster which could send a “ball” of air 20 feet, the Limbo part kit which taught the limbo dance, the do-it-yourself bomb shelter which included plans and parts, and the Instant Fish which were chunks of mud that with water were suppose to spawn fish. 11", "The Frisbee and Hula Hoop created fads. Other products tried to take advantage of existing national trends. In the 1960s, Wham-O came out with a US$119 do-it-yourself bomb shelter cover. In 1962, they sold a limbo dance kit to take advantage of that fad, and in 1975 when the movie Jaws was released, they sold plastic shark teeth.", "The Super Ball joined Wham-O's lineup of hit toys in 1965. Early in the 1960s Norman Stingley, a chemical engineer, compressed a synthetic rubber material under intense pressure to create a resilient ball that would rebound to unprecedented heights – bouncing about three times higher than a tennis ball. 8  However, initially it fell apart quickly upon superball impact.", "Developed by Wham-O, the creator of the Frisbee, the hula hoop was modeled after the wooden toy used in Australian gym classes. Made of polyurethane, the cylindrical tubes were placed around the head or spun around the waist. In order to keep the hoop aloft, the user has to gyrate and wiggle their hips, imitating Hawaiian hula dancers. Wham-O introduced hula hoops in California and they spread across the U.S. like wildfire. After only four months, Wham-O had sold 25 million units! By the time winter of 1958 rolled around, U.S. sales had cooled. Wham-O took the hula hoop to Europe and the Middle East. Hula hoop mania was re-ignited.", "Less succesful was the Air Blaster (1965), which could blow a candle out from range of twenty feet, Unfortunately this product was then withdrawn from the market due to fears that it could allegedly damage the ear drum if fired too close to the ear, apart from the fact that natural childhood curiousity inspired many to fire all kinds of potentially 'dangerous objects' from the Air Blaster, just in order to see if it was possible. It was eventually replaced by a gentler version marketed as the Huf'n Puf blowgun, which only shot rubber darts. Other notable but now largely forgotten Wham-O products included the Wham-O Instant Fish , the $119 do-it-yourself bomb shelter kit, and the Limbo Party Kit (introduced during the limbo dance craze of 1962). However even when the company guessed right its successes were soon copied by competitors. Indeed having inspired the sport once known as Ultimate Frisbee , and now known simply as Ultimate , and its spin-offs such as Disc Golf and Goaltimate , it has since found its position largely supplanted by other companies such as Discraft and Innova .", "Undeterred by such setbacks Wham-O continued to identify and develop a number of innovative activity toys in search of what Knerr liked to call the 'wow factor' and were unconcerned about the occasional failure, as according to Richard Knerr put it, \"You can't tell whether the fish will bite if you don't drop a line in the water.\" However, the hit and miss nature of the company's product line meant that profits proved erratic; having made a profit of $370,000 in 1962, the company made a loss of $425,000 in 1963, before recovering to make a $387,000 profit in 1964. Their successes included such products as the Slip 'N Slide in 1961, the Wheelie Bar of 1964, a bicycle stabiliser which helped the rider rise on to one wheel, and the SuperBall in 1966 which was manufactured from vulcanized polybutadiene , a material first synthesized by Norman Stingley in 1965 and trademarked as Zectron . There is the (probably apocraphal) tale that a giant promotional version of the SuperBall was once dropped from a hotel window, bounced back fifteen floors, and then returned to ground and demolished a parked convertible. Other notable successes included such products as Silly String (1972), the Hacky Sack (1983) and the Bubble Thing (1988), a device that could allegedly make bubbles \"as long as a bus\".", "Sales of the Frisbee were surprisingly and disappointingly sluggish. The hula hoop still reigned supreme and Frisbee production tailed off until the mid-1960s when a savior arrived, a recently appointed Wham-O employee who found a way to revive its fortunes.", "A Super Ball (a.k.a. SuperBall) is a toy based on a type of synthetic rubber invented in 1964 by chemist Norman Stingley. It is an extremely elastic ball made of Zectron which contains the synthetic polymer polybutadiene as well as hydrated silica, zinc oxide, stearic acid, and other ingredients. This compound is vulcanized with sulfur at a temperature of 165 degrees Celsius and formed at a pressure of 3,500psi. The resulting Super Ball has a very high coefficient of restitution, and dropped from shoulder level, a Super Ball snaps nearly all the way back; thrown down by an average adult, it can leap over a three-story building.", "Phillips quickly developed a new branch of business focusing on plastics, but the market wasn't quite ready for the new material. In fact, its future was uncertain until a surprising product came to the rescue: the hula hoop. The fitness craze started by the device in 1958 had such a massive impact on production that the hoops took over the entire output of HDPE for six months.", "Although Morrison and Franscioni made some progress, sales did not take off. The pair split, and Morrison continued producing what he now called the Pluto Platter. He made contact with Rich Knerr and Arthur \"Spud\" Melin, whose company, Wham-O, produced the hula hoop, a toy that equally captured another postwar interest — in this case in the South Pacific, when Hawaiian shirts looked cool and the ukulele was in vogue. Wham-O had clout and strong distribution channels, and in 1955 they struck a deal to market the Pluto Platter. Morrison retained a royalty on all future sales.", "1958 - New: The Hula - Hoop arrives! 20 million sold in the first year. Scalextric electric model racing first introduced...but whatever happened to Pictorama which can create 14 million different combinations of pictures? It's the 50th birthday for Plasticine...and Frisbees (invented 1957 at the Frisbee Pie Factory) compete for attention.", "In the 1960s, Aurora produced a plastic model kit of Dick Tracy sliding down a fire escape ladder into an alley, in hot pursuit with gun drawn. A Dick Tracy Space Coupe model came next. Also in the market were Mattel's Dick Tracy range of toy weapons.", "1960 - The first \"add-a-ball\" (extra ball) game called \" Flipper \" is developed by D. Gottlieb.", "I had no idea until a few minutes ago that the Etch-A-Sketch was invented in France. The inventor, Mr. Cassagnes, took his creation to the Nuremberg Toy Festival in the late 1950’s and eventually succeeded in selling the toy to the Ohio Art Company. It was introduced in the US in time for the Christmas season in late 1960. It soon became one of the iconic toys of its era. It is in the National Toy Hall of Fame, and was included on the Toy Industry Association’s list of the top 100 toys of the 20th century.", "1988 March 5, 1988 - LEAD: The Hula Hoop is making a comeback -both among grown-ups whose last hoop was probably chewed up by the family dog a quarter-century ago and ... In his book ''The Extraordinary Origins of Everyday Things,'' Charles Panati wrote that hoops made from grapevines existed in ancient Hawaii... From Hula Hoop Is Coming Around Again -", "In 1966, Nintendo moved into the Japanese toy industry with the Ultra Hand, an extendable arm developed by its maintenance engineer Gunpei Yokoi in his free time. Yokoi was moved from maintenance to the new \"Nintendo Games\" department as a product developer. Nintendo continued to produce popular toys, including the Ultra Machine, Love Tester and the Kousenjuu series of light gun games. Despite some successful products, Nintendo struggled to meet the fast development and manufacturing turnaround required in the toy market, and fell behind the well-established companies such as Bandai and Tomy.", "Astroland served as a major amusement park from 1962 to 2008. It was replaced by a new incarnation of Dreamland in 2009 and of Luna Park in 2010. The other parks and attractions are: Deno's Wonder Wheel Amusement Park, a family owned park on the Boardwalk, 12th Street Amusements, and Kiddie Park. Also, the Eldorado arcade has its own indoor bumper car ride. The Zipper and Spider on 12th Street were closed permanently on September 4, 2007 and dismantling began after its owner lost his lease. They are to be reassembled at an amusement park in Honduras.", "Hula Hoops became a national fad. Everywhere, you would see children and even adults trying to spin the large plastic hoop around their waist. TV celebrities would also display their skills with the hoop. The fad peaked and died out quickly.", "Arnie Rubin has been in the toy industry for more than 45 years, starting out initially as a bubble mixer at Chemical Sundries. In 1969 he co-founded Imperial Toy Company and in 1987 he formed Funrise Toy Corporation, best known for its Tonka Lights and Sounds emergency vehicles with working sirens and lights, which it has manufactured under license from Hasbro since 1999.  Funrise also produces the popular Gazillion® Bubbles line, which has become the #1 bubble brand in the country and has many popular licenses.", "1959 - Stanley Matthews endorses Frido playballs. Selling well: Matchbox's Scammel Breakdown truck, Board Games: Careers, and Wack-O (based on Jimmy Edward's TV series)", "Originally designed in San Diego in the 1940s by polio-stricken Eleanor Abbott, Candy Land has gone through at least three versions. Originally owned by Milton Bradley Company, it became a product (and later a brand) of Hasbro.", "Submitted for patent and marketed by Milton Bradley in 1966, Twister became a success when actress Eva Gabor played it with Johnny Carson on television's The Tonight Show on May 3, 1966. However, in its success, Twister was also controversial. The company that produced the game, Milton Bradley, was accused by its competitors of selling \"sex in a box\". That accusation was probably because Twister was the first popular American game to use human bodies as playing pieces. ", "Rich Knerr and A.K.\"Spud\" Melin fresh from the University of Southern California were making slingshots in their fledgling toy company when they first saw Morrison's flying saucers whizzing around southern California beaches. They were interested in this exciting simple thing that employed the basic principles of physics, primary ingredients in all their products to come. In late 1955, they cornered Morrison while he was hawking his wares and tying up traffic on Broadway in downtown Los Angeles. Just before he was asked to break it up by the local gendarmerie, the dynamic duo invited his to their San Gabriel factory and made him a proposition.", "Various pinball machines manufactured in the early 1970s were seen in Arnold's, including a 1972 Bally produced machine called Nip-It. It is possible that the show's producers may have overlooked this, as pinball machines from the 1950s, commonly known as \"woodrails\", have a more wooden look compared to the machines used in the show.", "Shortly after, they got lucky again with the Frisbee. In 1955 Fred Morrison began marketing a plastic flying disc which he called the \"Pluto Platter Putt-Putt\". He sold the design to Wham-O in 1957 and the design was modified, the product renamed \"Frisbee\" and sales took off in 1959.", "A former pilot during the Second World War, flying a P-47 Thunderbolt in Italy, where he was briefly a P.O.W., Morrison applied his knowledge of aerodynamics to tinker with the pie tins he was tossing on the beaches of Santa Monica with his future wife, Lu. In 1946 Morrison sketched out a design of a flying disc object he then called the Whirlo-Way. Two years later in 1948 Morrison found an investor, Warren Franscioni, who paid for molding the design in plastic, christening the new toy the Flyin-Saucer, (the previous year, 1947, was a big year for UFO sightings, with Roswell and Mt. Rainer/Maury Island incidents.) By 1954, Morrison found he could produce his own discs. With the help of his wife and further upgrades on the design they developed the Pluto Platter, the prototype of all modern flying discs. He would sell the discs at local fairs and dime stores, eventually the disc came to the attention of Wham-O Manufacturing. On January 23, 1957, Morrison sold the production and manufacturing rights for the Pluto Platter to Wham-O. Initially Wham-O marketed the disc as the Pluto Platter, but by 1958 they adopted the name Frisbee, the name college students in New England were calling the discs. The new official name referenced the Frisbie Pie Co., a local bakery whose empty pie tins were often tossed around like a Pluto Platter.", "Since its invention in 1900, kids have loved playing with the Meccano construction set. Now one of those kids has imaginatively redesigned it.", "Tinkertoy construction sets were invented in 1913 by Charles Pajeau, a stonemason from Evanston, Illinois. Inspired by watching children play with pencils, sticks and empty spools of thread, Pajeau developed several basic wooden parts which children could assemble in three dimensions in many different ways. Partnering with Robert Petit, he established the Toy Tinkers Company in 1913 to commercialize his ideas. Their product was the \"Thousand Wonder Toy\", later to be renamed as Tinker Toys. Pajeau promoted his invention by setting up models in drug stores and hiring people to build models in retail store front windows. Tinker Toys retained wood and paper components for most of its history. An all plastic version was introduced in 1992, displacing the wooden versions.", "In 1964, Clark moved Bandstand from Philadelphia to Los Angeles and became more involved in television production. Under his company Dick Clark Productions, he produced such shows as \"Where the Action Is\", \"TV's Bloopers and Practical Jokes\", and more recently, \"So You Think You Can Dance\", as well as made-for-television movies including \"Elvis\", \"The Birth of the Beatles\", \"Wild Streets\", and \"The Savage Seven\". Clark also hosted television's \"$10,000 Pyramid\", \"TV Bloopers and Practical Jokes\" (with co-host Ed McMahon), \"Scattergories\", and \"The Other Half\". Clark also had several radio programs, including \"The Dick Clark National Music Survey\", \"Countdown America\", and \"Rock, Roll & Remember\".", "An outfit called \"Synergistics Research Corp.\" (New York, New York 10011), which evidently no longer exists, made several plastic assembly/packing puzzles years ago. I have not found an exhaustive list, but they include:", "In 1901 Frank Hornby, a clerk from Liverpool, England, invented and patented a new toy called \"Mechanics Made Easy\" that was based on the principles of mechanical engineering. It was a model construction kit consisting of perforated metal strips, plates and girders, with wheels, pulleys, gears, shaft collars and axles for mechanisms and motion, and nuts and bolts to connect the pieces. The perforations were at a standard ½ inch (12.7 mm) spacing, the axles were 8-gauge, and the nuts and bolts used 5/32 inch BSW threads. The only tools required to assemble models were a screwdriver and spanners (wrenches). It was more than just a toy: it was educational, teaching basic mechanical principles like levers and gearing." ]
[ 4.29296875, 4.1796875, 3.71484375, 1.3583984375, 1.2724609375, 1.033203125, 0.326416015625, -0.90625, -1.5625, -2.4140625, -2.595703125, -2.80859375, -4.91015625, -5.55078125, -5.7265625, -5.77734375, -6.0546875, -6.21875, -6.40234375, -6.6015625, -6.99609375, -7.00390625, -7.33203125, -7.33203125, -8.359375, -8.453125, -8.5625, -9.578125, -9.7890625, -10.125, -10.578125, -10.5859375 ]
On Sept 2, 1945, the Instrument of Surrender was signed by the Japanese Foreign Minister Mamoru Shigemitsu, officially ending World War II, aboard what US battleship moored in Tokyo Bay?
[ "Japanese Foreign Minister Mamoru Shigemitsu signs the Japanese Instrument of Surrender on the deck of the battleship USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay on September 2, 1945, officially bringing World War II to an end.", "Japanese Foreign Minister Mamoru Shigemitsu signs the Japanese Instrument of Surrender on the deck of the battleship USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay on September 2, 1945, officially bringing World War II to an end. Overseeing the surrender is U.S. Gen. Douglas McArthur (right, back to camera).", "On September 2, 1945, Japanese Foreign Minister Mamoru Shigemitsu boarded the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay and signed the Instrument of Surrender in front of American General Douglas MacArthur.", "The formal surrender occurred on September 2, 1945 around 9 a.m. Tokyo time, when representatives from the Empire of Japan signed the Japanese Instrument of Surrender in Tokyo Bay aboard the USS Missouri. Japanese Foreign Minister Shigemitsu signed for the Japanese government, while Gen. Umezu signed for the Japanese armed forces. ", "Japanese foreign affairs minister Mamoru Shigemitsu  signs the Japanese Instrument of Surrender  on board the  USS Missouri , 2 September 1945", "Japanese foreign affairs minister Mamoru Shigemitsu signs the Japanese Instrument of Surrender on board the USS Missouri , 2 September 1945", "Japanese Foreign Minister Mamoru Shigemitsu signs the Instrument of Surrender on behalf of the Japanese Government, on board USS Missouri (BB-63), 2 September 1945. Lieutentant General Richard K. Sutherland, U.S. Army, watches from the opposite side of the table. Foreign Ministry representative Toshikazu Kase is assisting Mr. Shigemitsu. Credit: Naval Historical Center.", "1945 World War II officially ended when Japanese officials, aboard the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay, surrendered on behalf of their country.", "1945 – On the deck of the United States Navy battleship Missouri in Tokyo Bay, representatives from the Empire of Japan and several Allied Powers signed the Japanese Instrument of Surrender, formally ending World War II.", "On September 2, 1945, the Japanese formally surrendered aboard the U.S. battleship USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay. President Truman declared this to be V-J Day.", "In Japan, 14 August is considered to be the day that the Pacific War ended. However, as Imperial Japan actually surrendered on 15 August, this day became known in the English-speaking countries as \" V-J Day \" (Victory in Japan). [92 ] The formal Instrument of Surrender was signed on 2 September 1945, on the battleship USS Missouri , in Tokyo Bay . The surrender was accepted by General Douglas MacArthur as Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers , with representatives of several Allied nations, from a Japanese delegation led by Mamoru Shigemitsu and Yoshijiro Umezu .", "September 2, 1945 Japan formally surrenders to the US on the USS Missouri moored in Tokyo Bay.", "** The final official Japanese Instrument of Surrender is accepted by the Supreme Allied Commander, General Douglas MacArthur, and Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz for the United States, and delegates from the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, the Netherlands, China, and others from a Japanese delegation led by Mamoru Shigemitsu, on board the American battleship USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay.", "Signing of the Japanese surrender document aboard the U.S.S. \"Missouri\" in Tokyo Bay, Sept. 2, 1945. Gen. Douglas MacArthur is shown broadcasting the ceremonies as Japanese Foreign Minister Mamoru Shigemitsu signed for the emperor Hirohito | Library of Congress", "When Japan surrendered on September 2, 1945, officially marking the end of World War II, the signing took place aboard the Missouri. “The day was overcast,” recalled Frank Hartwell, who served as a quartermaster in the ship’s wartime fleet. “Then a destroyer came up with 11 Japanese dignitaries. General MacArthur signed for all the Allies, and Admiral Nimitz signed for the U.S. The sky cleared right after the surrender was signed.”", "ww2dbaseThe date of Japan's formal surrender was 2 Sep 1945, and it took place aboard American battleship Missouri in Tokyo Bay. That morning, the Japanese delegation boarded American destroyers for Missouri. Toshikazu Kase of the Foreign Ministry was a member of the delegation, who noted his impression of the Allied show of force in Tokyo Bay as he approached in USS Landsdown.", "The Allies called for unconditional Japanese surrender in the Potsdam declaration of 27 July, but the Japanese government was internally divided on whether to make peace and did not respond. In early August, the United States dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Like the Japanese cities previously bombed by American airmen, the US and its allies justified the atomic bombings as a military necessity, to avoid invading the Japanese home islands which would cost the lives of between 250,000–500,000 Allied troops and millions of Japanese troops and civilians. Between the two bombings, the Soviets, pursuant to the Yalta agreement, invaded Japanese-held Manchuria, and quickly defeated the Kwantung Army, which was the largest Japanese fighting force. The Red Army also captured Sakhalin Island and the Kuril Islands. On 15 August 1945, Japan surrendered, with the surrender documents finally signed aboard the deck of the American battleship USS Missouri on 2 September 1945, ending the war. ", "This is the scene aboard the battleship Missouri as the Japanese surrender documents were signed in Tokyo Bay, Sept. 2, 1945. (AP Photo) Max Desfor Associated Press", "On September 2, 1945, MacArthur officially accepted Japan’s surrender aboard the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay. From 1945 to 1951, as Allied commander of the Japanese occupation, MacArthur oversaw the successful demobilization of Japan’s military forces as well as the restoration of the economy, the drafting of a new constitution and numerous other reforms.", "On the deck of the U.S.S. Missouri in Tokyo Bay, Japanese representatives sign the Instrument of Surrender proclaiming their unconditional surrender, formally ending World War II.", "In late August 1945, Royal Australian Navy warships waited around the Pacific near Japanese surrender points in Borneo, Hong Kong, Timor, New Guinea and Nauru. On 19 August 1945, Supreme Commander General Douglas MacArthur had ordered that there were to be no landings or surrender documents signed in the field until after the main Japanese surrender ceremony on board USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay on 2 September 1945. This enforced delay meant that the newly liberated Prisoners of War (POWs) had to remain in their camps, some for up to a month after 15 August, the day that hostilities officially ceased.", "Reading Eagle: Tim Leedy | The USS Missouri, where the Japanese government signed the surrender documents on Sept. 2, ending the Second World War.", "August 14, Japan surrenders. The formal Japanese surrender takes place aboard the USS Missouri September 2.", "Spectators and photographers crowd USS Missouri’s superstructure to witness the formal ceremonies marking Japan’s surrender, 2 September 1945. The framed flag in lower right is that hoisted by Commodore Matthew C. Perry on 14 July 1853, in Yedo (Tokyo) Bay, on his first expedition to negotiate the opening of Japan. It had been brought from its permanent home in Memorial Hall at the U.S. Naval Academy for use during the surrender ceremonies. Credit: Naval Historical Center.", "President Truman appointed MacArthur to head the Allied occupation of Japan as Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers. For the site of Japan’s formal surrender, Truman chose the USS Missouri, a battleship that had seen considerable action in the Pacific and was named after Truman’s native state. MacArthur, instructed to preside over the surrender, held off the ceremony until September 2 in order to allow time for representatives of all the major Allied powers to arrive.", "On Sunday, September 2, more than 250 Allied warships lay at anchor in Tokyo Bay. The flags of the United States, Britain, the Soviet Union, and China fluttered above the deck of the Missouri. Just after 9 a.m. Tokyo time, Japanese Foreign Minister Mamoru Shigemitsu signed on behalf of the Japanese government. General Yoshijiro Umezu then signed for the Japanese armed forces, and his aides wept as he made his signature.", "In 1945, Americans received word of Japan's formal surrender that ended World War II. (Because of the time difference, it was Sept. 2 in Tokyo Bay, where the ceremony took place.).", "In Japan, 14 August is considered to be the day that the Pacific War ended. However, as Imperial Japan actually surrendered on 15 August, this day became known in the English-speaking countries as \"V-J Day\" (Victory in Japan). The formal Japanese Instrument of Surrender was signed on 2 September 1945, on the battleship , in Tokyo Bay. The surrender was accepted by General Douglas MacArthur as Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, with representatives of several Allied nations, from a Japanese delegation led by Mamoru Shigemitsu and Yoshijiro Umezu.", "1945 - The U.S. received official word of Japan's formal surrender that ended World War II. In Japan, it was actually September 2nd.", "Shortly before 0900 Tokyo time, a launch from the mainland pulled alongside the great United States warship and the emissaries of defeated Japan climbed silently and glumly aboard. The Japanese delegation included two representatives empowered to sign the Instrument of Surrender, Mamoru Shigemitsu, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Gen. Yoshijiro Umezu of the Imperial General Staff, in addition to three representatives from the Foreign Office, three representatives from the Army, and three representatives from the Navy. 68", "The invasion of Japan promised to be the bloodiest seaborne attack of all time, conceivably 10 times as costly as the Normandy invasion in terms of Allied casualties. On July 16, a new option became available when the United States secretly detonated the world’s first atomic bomb in the New Mexico desert. Ten days later, the Allies issued the Potsdam Declaration, demanding the “unconditional surrender of all the Japanese armed forces.” Failure to comply would mean “the inevitable and complete destruction of the Japanese armed forces and just as inevitable the utter devastation of the Japanese homeland.” On July 28, Japanese Prime Minister Kantaro Suzuki responded by telling the press that his government was “paying no attention” to the Allied ultimatum. U.S. President Harry Truman ordered the devastation to proceed, and on August 6, the U.S. B-29 bomber Enola Gay dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima, killing an estimated 80,000 people and fatally wounding thousands more.", "* , an in service from 1944 to 1998; site of the official Japanese surrender of World War II; decommissioned in 1998; now a floating war memorial at Pearl Harbor Naval Base in Hawaii" ]
[ 10.75, 10.6796875, 10.390625, 9.3671875, 9.171875, 9.171875, 8.8125, 8.796875, 8.328125, 8.0625, 7.7578125, 7.3203125, 7.140625, 6.80078125, 6.71875, 6.60546875, 6.19921875, 5.64453125, 5.64453125, 5.44921875, 5.4453125, 4.07421875, 3.427734375, 3.26171875, 3.236328125, 1.376953125, 0.7236328125, -0.368896484375, -1.0537109375, -2.94140625, -3.271484375, -3.47265625 ]
In the horrible names that celebrities saddle their kids with category, after naming his daughters Sonnet, True, and Autumn, with what wet name did Forrest Whitaker tab his only son?
[ "Actor Forest Whitaker is father to son Ocean and daughters Sonnet (shown here on right) and True.", "Hollywood stars meanwhile are repeat offenders - Will Smith's children are called Jaden and Willow, actor Forest Whitaker chose Ocean, True and Sonnet.", "'Last King of Scotland' actor, Forest Whitaker named his son, Ocean. He explained that he wanted his kids to be expansive just like he was revitalising like the forest. (Source: Reuters)", "The last King of Scotland actor called his son Ocean and daughter True because “I want those names to be their destiny, for my daughter to be honest and my son to be expansive. I try to be like a forest, revitalizing and constantly growing.” Imagine Forest disciplining his son? “Now, Ocean, go to your room and think about what you’ve done!” “Ocean, stop annoying True!”", "Whitaker was born July 15, 1961, in Longview, Texas. His family moved to Carson, California when he was four. His father, Forest Steven Jr., was an insurance salesman. Forest's mother, Laura Francis (née Smith), was a special education teacher who put herself through college and earned two master's degrees while raising her children. Whitaker has two younger brothers, Kenn and Damon, and an older sister, Deborah.", "Mariska Hargitay of Law & Order SVU fame. Her mother was Jayne Mansfield, her father was Mickey Hargitay, the Hungarian Bodybuilder. Also, Judy Garland and Vincent Minnelli and their daughter Liza Minnelli. The woes of Ryan O’Neal and his deceased significant other Farrah Fawcett and Ryan’s daughter, Tatum and son Griffin. Though being a rock music singer, Steven Tyler (singer for Aerosmith) and his daughters actress Liv Tyler (of “Lord Of The Rings” fame) and Mia Tyler (a very much sought after “Plus” size model). Kirk Douglas and his son Michael and Michael’s son (I cannot think of his first name). The Baldwin’s (Alec, Daniel, Steven, Billy) and Alec’s ex-wife Kim Basinger.", "It seems almost unimaginable for any 21st-century movie star to send his children out among the Hollywood elite equipped with ordinary names like Michael, Eric, Joel and Peter, as Kirk Douglas once did.", "Personal lifePernell was married to Rovanda Whitaker until they divorced. They had four children together, Dominique, Pernell Jr., Dantavious, and Devon.", "Pernell married Rovanda Anthony on December 21, 1985 in the boxing ring at the Virginia Beach Pavilion Convention Center. The couple later divorced. They had four children together: Dominique, the late Pernell Jr., Dantavious, and Devon. Whitaker also had a daughter, Tiara, from a prior relationship.", "Experts say he should stay out of the public eye for a time and concentrate on his family, something he said in his statement that he would like to do. He has one grown daughter, 30-year-old Cate, a teenage daughter, Emma Claire, and his youngest son, Jack. His son, Wade, died in a car accident in 1996.", "When she adopted her eldest daughter, Christina Crawford , she first named her \"Joan Jr.\". Baby pictures from the book \"Mommie, Dearest\" show baby Christina lying on a towel with \"Joan, Jr.\" monogrammed on it. Later, for reasons that can only be speculated, Joan changed the baby's name to Christina. Joan did the same thing to her adopted son, who was named \"Phillip Terry, Jr.\" after actor Phillip Terry , to whom she was married at the time he was adopted. After her divorce from Terry was finalized, she changed the boy's name to Christopher.", "Ford is one of Hollywood's most private actors, guarding much of his personal life. He has two sons, Benjamin (born 1967) and Willard, with his first wife, Mary Marquardt, to whom he was married from 1964 until their divorce in 1979. With his second wife, screenwriter Melissa Mathison, whom he married in March 1983 and from whom he was separated in August 2001 and eventually divorced, he has two more children, Malcolm and Georgia (born 1990).", "# 4 - Angelina Jolie - Jolie once had a snake and the name of her second husband, Billy Bob Thornton, on her arm. But now the actress has a map, showing the coordinates for the birthplaces of her four children: Cambodia (Maddox), Ethiopia (Zahara), Namibia (Shiloh) and Vietnam (Pax).", "Allen and Farrow's biological son, Ronan Seamus Farrow , is widely quoted as disparaging Allen and having said he cannot see him. On Fathers Day 2012, he tweeted \"Happy father's day— or as they call it in my family, happy brother-in-law's day,\" [107]", "By mid-2012, Richards and Sheen were on good terms, often spending time together with their children. In 2012, he made a cameo appearance in her movie Madea's Witness Protection and she appeared in Sheen's television series, Anger Management on the FX network. In a move supported by Sheen, in May 2013, Richards was awarded temporary custody of Bob and Max, the twin sons born in 2009 to Sheen and third wife Brooke Mueller, after the children were removed from Mueller's home by child protective services due to concerns over drug use. Richards had previously cared for the children on other occasions as well, including during Mueller's December 2012 stint in rehab for addiction to Adderall.", "He was married twice. His first marriage was in 1955, to Jean Marsh, whom he divorced in 1960; later that same year he married Ingeborg Rhoesa, born 1935. Together they had two children, both of whom were to become actors: a daughter, Dariel, in 1961, and a son, Sean, in 1964.", "Bill, 65, who is the father to Goldie Hawn's children Oliver and Kate Hudson, told the Daily Mail that he no longer considers his two kids to be related to him. On June 21, 38-year-old Oliver, known for roles on Rules of Engagement and Nashville, posted a throwback photo of himself and Kate with their biological father, adding the caption, \"Happy Abandonment Day....@katehudson.\" Kate, 36, later posted a Father's Day message to Kurt Russell, Hawn's longtime partner, referring to him as \"Pa.\"", "Famous People Who Named Their Daughter Greta - Kevin Kline (actor); Phoebe Cates (actress); David Caruso (actor)", "He eloped with Dyan Cannon on July 22, 1965 in Las Vegas. Their daughter, Jennifer Grant, was born prematurely on February 26, 1966. He frequently called her his \"best production\", and regretted that he had not had children sooner. The marriage was troubled from the beginning and Cannon left him in December 1966, claiming that Grant flew into frequent rages and spanked her when she \"disobeyed\" him. The divorce, finalized in 1968, was bitter and public, and custody fights over their daughter went on for nearly ten years.", "The young man is the son of John McEnroe, who won three Wimbledon men's singles titles but was as famous in his heyday for his foulmouthed tantrums, and his first wife Tatum O'Neal. She won an Oscar at the age of 10 but was advised by her actor father Ryan to take up cocaine at 15 to keep her weight down and ended up losing custody of her children because she was doing drugs \"24/7\".", "Footballer Wayne Rooney and his wife Coleen have called their second son Klay. The name is more usually spelt Clay. It's part of a wider trend that is seeing \"c\" being substituted with \"k\".", "Mike Farrell asked that his character's daughter's name be Erin, after his real-life daughter (the character's name was originally going to be Melissa). When B.J. spoke on the telephone on-camera, Erin or his then-wife Judy were on the other end.", "British-born American soap actor Aiden Turner (not to be confused with popular Irish actor Aidan Turner) actually portrayed a character named Aidan Devane on All My Children until 2009. Turner and his American wife Megan welcomed a daughter named Ciella Larryn Turner in August 2009. Ciella got her middle name from Megan’s father Larry Marshall, who died of cancer two weeks before her birth.", "Former Australia's Funniest Home Videos host Toni Pearen has called her daughter, born in August 2012, Ever. Her son, 2, is named Lucky. Ever is also the name of Milla Jovovich's daughter and Alanis Morissette's son.", "Is the hero of singer Nick Lachey . Lachey's ex-wife, Jessica Simpson , unsuccessfully auditioned for the role of Kate McClane, John McClane's daughter in Live Free or Die Hard (2007).", "In 1959, York married Michael Wells, with whom she had two children, daughter Sasha (born May 1972) and son Orlando (born June 1973). They divorced in 1976. In the 1984 TV adaptation of A Christmas Carol, she played Mrs. Cratchit and both of her children co-starred as Cratchit offspring. Orlando gave York her first grandchild, Rafferty, in 2007. ", "She had her third child, a baby boy on December 2013. His name is Bear Blaze Winslet. In the clip below, Winslet shares how they came up with that name.", "Her mother, who died in 1984, fought bitterly with her stepfather and descended into alcoholism. Her mother \"was shortchanged in life, too. She had a very tough life. Her father was an alcoholic and abusive to her, so no wonder she chose an abusive guy\" like Ted Andrews.", "He married Dianne Holechek in 1958 and had two sons with her. He also had a daughter named Dina with a different woman even while he was married. He and Dianne divorced in 1988.", "In September 2007, actress Mary-Louise Parker adopted a baby girl, Caroline \"Ash\" Aberash Parker, from Africa. Parker also has son William Atticus, born in 2004, with actor Billy Crudup. The two split before he was born.", "Emilio Estevez has two kids with ex-girlfriend, model Carey Salley, a son Taylor Levi (born in June 1984) and daughter Paloma Estevez (born 1986).", "Hilton was married twice, once to actress Elizabeth Taylor and later to oil heiress Patricia \"Trish\" McClintock. He and McClintock had two children, Conrad Nicholson Hilton III (born January 29, 1960) and Michael Otis Hilton (born June 12, 1961)." ]
[ 0.07122802734375, 0.057525634765625, -0.08062744140625, -4.5078125, -5.2265625, -6.72265625, -7.14453125, -7.2421875, -7.5234375, -7.69140625, -8.171875, -8.21875, -8.8828125, -8.90625, -9.1796875, -9.234375, -9.3359375, -9.421875, -9.515625, -9.8515625, -9.859375, -9.96875, -10.046875, -10.1328125, -10.1875, -10.421875, -10.421875, -10.6328125, -10.6796875, -10.7265625, -10.7734375, -10.828125 ]
Tuesday saw the 70th anniversary of the start of WWII when Germany invaded what country?
[ "World War II, also WWII, or the Second World War, was a global military conflict that took place between 1939 and 1945. It was the largest and deadliest war in history. The date commonly given for the start of the war is September 1, 1939, when Nazi Germany invaded Poland . Within two days the United Kingdom and France declared war on Germany, although the only European battles remained in Poland. Pursuant to a then-secret provision of its non-aggression Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, the Soviet Union joined with Germany on September 17, 1939, to conquer Poland and to divide Eastern Europe.", "Poland is marking the 70th anniversary of the outbreak of World War II. Speaking at the event, Chancellor Angela Merkel said Germany's invasion of Poland in 1939 opened the \"most tragic chapter\" in European history.", "World War II was a global conflict that began in Europe on September 1, 1939, when Germany invaded Poland. In response, Britain and France declared war on Germany. War broke out between the Axis Powers (Germany, Italy, and Japan) and the Allied Powers (Britain, France, and the Soviet Union). Japan invaded China, occupied the Philippines, and seized a number of islands throughout the Pacific, while Germany captured much of Europe and North Africa before invading the Soviet Union. Millions of civilians were killed; Jews were specifically singled out by the Germans for extermination, as were other minorities, such as those who were mentally ill, physically and mentally disabled, homosexual, or members of political and religious groups who opposed the Axis Powers.", "The Invasion of Poland, also known as the September Campaign, or the 1939 Defensive War in Poland ( or Wojna obronna 1939 roku), and alternatively the Poland Campaign () or Fall Weiss in Germany (Case White), was a joint invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany, the Free City of Danzig, the Soviet Union, and a small Slovak contingent, that marked the beginning of World War II in Europe. The German invasion began on 1 September 1939, one week after the signing of the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, while the Soviet invasion commenced on 17 September following the Molotov-Tōgō agreement that terminated the Russian and Japanese hostilities in the east on 16 September. The campaign ended on 6 October with Germany and the Soviet Union dividing and annexing the whole of Poland under the terms of the German-Soviet Frontier Treaty.", "June 22nd marks the 70th anniversary of Operation Barbarossa, Nazi Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union -- the biggest military adventure in history, which led directly to the downfall of Adolf Hitler’s murderous regime. Together with the Holocaust that followed it, Operation Barbarossa was the ultimate expression of Hitler’s twisted vision, reflecting both the vaulting ambition and depthless cruelty of Nazi ideology.", "Under the codename Operation \"Barbarossa (German: Unternehmen Barbarossa, literally \"Operation Barbarossa\")\", Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union on June the 22nd, 1941, in the largest German military operation of World War II.", "Under the codename Operation \"Barbarossa,\" Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union on  June 22, 1941, in the largest German military operation of World War II.", "With tensions mounting between Germany and Poland over the future of Danzig, the Germans turned to the Soviets, and signed the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, which allowed the Soviets to invade the Baltic states and parts of Poland and Romania. Germany invaded Poland on 1 September 1939, prompting France and the United Kingdom to declare war on Germany on 3 September, opening the European Theatre of World War II. The Soviet invasion of Poland started on 17 September and Poland fell soon thereafter. On 24 September, the Soviet Union attacked the Baltic countries and later, Finland. The British hoped to land at Narvik and send troops to aid Finland, but their primary objective in the landing was to encircle Germany and cut the Germans off from Scandinavian resources. Around the same time, Germany moved troops into Denmark. The Phoney War continued.", "On September 1, 1939, Germany, led by Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party, invaded Poland according to an agreement with the Soviet Union, which joined the invasion on September 17. The United Kingdom and France responded by declaring war on Germany on September 3, initiating a widespread naval war. Germany rapidly overwhelmed Poland, then Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium and France in 1940, and Yugoslavia and Greece in 1941. Italian, and later German, troops attacked British forces in North Africa. By summer of 1941, Germany had conquered France and most of Western Europe, but it failed to subdue the United Kingdom due to the resistance of the Royal Air Force and Royal Navy.", "The war officially began in Europe with Hitler's invasion of Poland in 1939. He used a war technique called blitzkrieg (lightning war) to quickly conquer Poland, Denmark, Norway, Holland, Belgium and France. Blitzkrieg involved bombing civilian targets and rapidly moving troops, tanks, and mechanized carriers. By 1940 only Britain resisted German attack. Germany could not execute his techniques on the island nation, so the Battle of Britain was fought primarily in the air between the Royal Air Force and the German Luftwaffe. Germany stretched its armies when in decided to attack Russia to the east, despite an earlier non-aggression treaty signed between the two countries. The attack sparked Russia's entry on the Allied side in 1941, and the Germans suffered their first defeat of the war in Stalingrad in 1942.", "After the invasion of Poland on September 1st 1939, between the fall of 1939 and the spring of 1940 the Allies did not directly attack Germany in the west, but rather they engaged in harassing operations which had become known as the \"phony war.\" This allowed Germany to finish the mobilization of its forces. In April of 1940, Germany invaded Denmark and Norway. The next month Belgium, the Netherlands, and France were attacked. Within six weeks, France had surrendered.", "On May 10, 1940, the Germans invaded France and the Low Countries. The British Expeditionary Force (BEF) and the French Army advanced into Belgium and planned to fight a mobile war in the north, while maintaining a defensive front along the Maginot Line further south. This was foiled by an unexpected German thrust through the Ardennes, a rugged forest in southeastern Belgium and Luxembourg, splitting the Allies in two. Hundreds of thousands of BEF and French forces, encircled in the north, were evacuated from the port of Dunkirk, across the English Channel, in Operation Dynamo. Italy entered the war, attacking southern France on June 10, 1940. France, overwhelmed by the blitzkrieg, signed an armistice with Germany on June 22, 1940, leading to the direct German occupation of Paris and two-thirds of France, and the establishment of a German puppet state headquartered in Vichy, France. During the Fall of France , general Charles de Gaulle escaped to England, and broadcast over radio calling French forces around the world to continue to fight against the Germans.", "In March 1938 Hitler sent German troops to occupy Austria, which was promptly incorporated into Germany. By a combination of external and internal pressures he succeeded in annexing or neutralizing all of what had been Czechoslovakia by March 1939. In April 1939 Italy annexed Albania. On September 1, secure behind the new German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact that had stunned the world in August, Hitler began an invasion of Poland. Great Britain and France declared war on Germany two days later. By the end of 1939 Germany and the Soviet Union had divided Poland between themselves, and the Soviets had occupied Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania and had attacked Finland, which they finally defeated in March 1940. For some months Germany's main activities were at sea, including an effective submarine campaign against merchant shipping bound for Britain. In April 1940 Germany occupied several Norwegian ports and all of Denmark. On May 10 the major German offensive in the west began with a lightning sweep through The Netherlands and Belgium into France; by June 22 three-fifths of France, including Paris, was occupied, and the rest had become a neutral state with its government at Vichy. During August-September the German Luftwaffe (Air Force) launched massive bombing raids on Great Britain in an attempt to soften it up for a cross-Channel invasion. The Battle of Britain was won by the Royal Air Force, however, and Hitler postponed the invasion indefinitely.", "On 10 May 1940 Wehrmacht forces invaded France and the Low Countries after the long period of inactivity in autumn and winter 1939–40 known as the Phoney war, rapidly defeating the French, Belgian, Dutch and British armies. German armoured units attacked in a surprise thrust through the Ardennes in a successful move to cut off and surround the Allied units that had advanced into Belgium by advancing along the Somme river.", "The Great Patriotic War also call the Second Great War by the British, was a global conflict between the  United Allies Coalition  and the  League of Axis Powers . The Empire of Japan aimed to dominate East Asia and was already at war with the Republic of China in 1937, but the world war is generally said to have begun on 1 May 1939 with the invasion of Germany by Vichy France and subsequent declarations of war on France by Poland and Britain. From late 1939 to early 1941, in a series of campaigns and treaties, Germany formed the Axis alliance with Italy, conquering or subduing much of continental Europe. The United Kingdom and the other members of the British Commonwealth and the Soviet Union were the only major Allied forces continuing the fight against the Axis, with battles taking place in North Africa as well as the long-running Battle of the Atlantic. In 22 June 1941, Japan joined the Axis, attacked the USSR and European territories in the Pacific Ocean, and quickly conquered much of the West Pacific. In 14 August 1941, the European Axis launched an invasion of the Soviet Union , giving a start to the largest land theatre of war in history, which tied down the major part of the Axis' military forces for the rest of the war.", "The war in Europe ended with an  invasion of Germany  by the Western Allies and the Soviet Union culminating in the  capture of Berlin  by Soviet and Polish troops and the subsequent  German unconditional surrender  on  8 May 1945 . Following the Potsdam Declaration  by the Allies on 26 July 1945, the United States  dropped atomic bombs  on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima  and  Nagasaki  on 6 August and 9 August respectively. With an invasion of the Japanese archipelago (known as Operation Downfall ) imminent, and the  Soviet Union's declaration of war on Japan  with the  invasion of Manchuria ,  Japan surrendered , 15 August 1945. Thus ended the war in Asia, cementing the total victory of the Allies over the Axis.", "On 6 June 1944 the Western Allies landed in northern France, opening the long-awaited \"Second Front\" against Adolf Hitler's Germany. Though they had been fighting in mainland Italy for some nine months, the Normandy invasion was in a strategically more important region, setting the stage to drive the Germans from France and ultimately destroy the National Socialist regime.", "On May 10, 1940 1940 German forces invaded through the Low Countries and the Ardenne Forest completing surrounding Allied Forces. The German blitzkrieg forced the Allies to surrenderer on June 22, 1940 astounding the world at the defeat of France and Britain.", "1944, known as D-Day, the Allies landed 150,000 U.S., British, and Canadian soldiers in Normandy, France. By August of that year, these forces had liberated Paris. As the soldiers continued westward toward Germany, Soviet troops pressed on Germany from the east. On May 7, 1945, Germany surrendered.", "208 Today was declared a holiday:  Following the Battle of the Bulge the Allies had pushed through to the Rhine. On Mar. 22 they began their assault across the Rhine, and by Apr. 1 the Ruhr was encircled. Armored columns raced across Germany and into Austria and Czechoslovakia. On Apr. 25, the day American and Russian forces met on the Elbe, strategic bombing operations ended. All over Europe German units began to lay down their arms. On May 7 Dönitz met Eisenhower and other Allied officers near Rheims, France, and signed the instruments of surrender. The next day Germany signed an armistice with the Soviet Union. On May 8, Churchill and President Truman declared V-E Day, Victory in Europe. ↑", "It is the 70th anniversary of one of the most famous air operations of World War II, the Dambusters raid.", "In June 1944, the Allied Forces invaded Normandy and pushed the Nazi forces back into Germany on a broad front over the coming year. After being attacked on three fronts by the Allies, and in spite of Allied failures, such as Operation Market Garden , and German counter-attacks, including the Battle of the Bulge , Germany was eventually defeated. On 7 May 1945 at the SHAEF headquarters in Rheims the Allies accepted Germany's surrender . On the same day in a BBC news flash John Snagge announced that 8 May would be Victory in Europe Day . [203] On Victory in Europe Day, Churchill broadcast to the nation that Germany had surrendered and that a final cease fire on all fronts in Europe would come into effect at one minute past midnight that night. [204] [205] Afterwards, Churchill told a huge crowd in Whitehall: \"This is your victory.\" The people shouted: \"No, it is yours\", and Churchill then conducted them in the singing of Land of Hope and Glory . In the evening he made another broadcast to the nation asserting the defeat of Japan in the coming months. [53] The Japanese later surrendered on 15 August 1945.", "The ceremony will highlight the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Europe form the armed forces of Nazi Germany, on May 8, 1945.", "name given to June 6, 1944-the day on which the Allies launched an invasion of the European mainland during World War II", "To mark the 70th anniversary of the Dambusters air raid of 16 to 17 May 1943, a series of events is taking place around Britain.", "April 25 - World War II: Elbe Day , United States and Russian troops link up at the Elbe River , cutting Germany in two", "On Mar. 7, 1945, the Western Allies—whose chief commanders in the field were Omar N. Bradley and Bernard Law Montgomery—crossed the Rhine after having smashed through the strongly fortified Siegfried Line and overran West Germany. German collapse came after the meeting (Apr. 25) of the Western and Russian armies at Torgau in Saxony, and after Hitler's death amid the ruins of Berlin, which was falling to the Russians under marshals Zhukov and Konev. The unconditional surrender of Germany was signed at Rheims on May 7 and ratified at Berlin on May 8.", "1943 – World War II: The center of Berlin was bombed by the RAF. Approximately 900 tons of bombs were dropped in a half hour.", "On Mar. 7 the Western Allies—whose chief commanders in the field were Omar N. Bradley and Montgomery—crossed the Rhine after having smashed through the strongly fortified Siegfried Line and overran W Germany. German collapse came after the meeting (Apr. 25) of the Western and Russian armies at Torgau in Saxony, and after Hitler's death amid the ruins of Berlin, which was falling to the Russians under marshals Zhukov and Konev . The unconditional surrender of Germany was signed at Reims on May 7 and ratified at Berlin on May 8.", "Early in March the Allies began their climactic march to victory in Europe by breaching the Rhine River defenses at Remagen. The United States First Army seized the Ludendorff Bridge on March 7 in a spectacular coup just ten minutes before the Nazis had planned to blow it up. Troops and armour poured across and established a bridgehead on the east bank of the Rhine—the first invaders to cross the river barrier since Napoleon in 1805.", "On 16 December 1944, at 05:30, the Germans began the assault with a massive, 90-minute artillery barrage using 1,600 artillery pieces across a 80 mi front on the Allied troops facing the 6th Panzer Army. The Americans' initial impression was that this was the anticipated, localized counterattack resulting from the Allies' recent attack in the Wahlerscheid sector to the north, where the 2nd Division had knocked a sizable dent in the Siegfried Line. Heavy snowstorms engulfed parts of the Ardennes area. While having the effect of keeping the Allied aircraft grounded, the weather also proved troublesome for the Germans because poor road conditions hampered their advance. Poor traffic control led to massive traffic jams and fuel shortages in forward units.", "1945: During World War II, the last Boeing B-17 air attack against Nazi Germany took place on this date." ]
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In literature, who is John Clayton III, son of Lord and Lady Greystroke?
[ "Tarzan is the son of a British Lord and Lady who were marooned on the West coast of Africa by mutineers. When Tarzan was a year old, his mother died of natural causes, and his father was killed by Kerchak, leader of the ape tribe into which Tarzan was adopted. Kerchak's tribe of apes is known as the Mangani, Great Apes of a species unknown to science. Kala is his ape mother. Tarzan (White-skin) is his ape name; his English name is John Clayton III, Lord Greystoke (the formal title is Viscount Greystoke according to Burroughs in Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle; Earl of Greystoke in later, non-canonical sources, notably the 1984 movie Greystoke). As a young adult, he meets a young American woman, Jane Porter, who along with her father and others of their party is marooned at exactly the same spot on the African coast where Tarzan's parents were twenty years earlier. When she returns to America, he leaves the jungle in search of her, his one true love. In later books, Tarzan and Jane marry and he lives with her for a time in England. They have one son, Jack, who takes the ape name Korak (\"the Killer\"). Tarzan is contemptuous of the hypocrisy of civilization, and he and Jane return to Africa, making their home on an extensive estate that becomes a base for Tarzan's later adventures.", "Tarzan is the son of a British lord and lady who were marooned on the Atlantic coast of Africa by mutineers. When Tarzan was only an infant, his mother died of natural causes and his father was killed by Kerchak, leader of the ape tribe by whom Tarzan was adopted. Tarzan's tribe of apes is known as the Mangani, Great Apes of a species unknown to science. Kala is his ape mother. Burroughs added stories occurring during Tarzan's adolescence in his sixth Tarzan book, Jungle Tales of Tarzan. Tarzan is his ape name; his real English name is John Clayton, Viscount Greystoke (according to Burroughs in Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle; Earl of Greystoke in later, less canonical sources, notably the 1984 movie Greystoke). In fact, Burroughs's narrator in Tarzan of the Apes describes both Clayton and Greystoke as fictitious names � implying that, within the fictional world that Tarzan inhabits, he may have a different real name.", "Tarzan is the son of a British Lord and Lady who were marooned on the West coast of Africa by mutineers. When Tarzan was a year old, his mother died of natural causes, and his father was killed by Kerchak, leader of the ape tribe into which Tarzan was adopted. Tarzan's tribe of apes is known as the Mangani, Great Apes of a species unknown to science. Kala is his ape mother. Tarzan (White-skin) is his ape name; his English name is John Clayton, Lord Greystoke (the formal title is Viscount Greystoke according to Burroughs in Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle; Earl of Greystoke in later, non-canonical sources, notably the 1984 movie Greystoke). In fact, Burroughs, as narrator of Tarzan of the Apes, describes both Clayton and Greystoke as fictitious names � implying that, within the fictional world that Tarzan inhabits, he may have a different real name.", "He is John Clayton, the son of Lord and Lady Greystoke. One day, they were travelling by boat with baby John when their ship sunk and they were marroned in the coast of Africa. The savage lion Sabor killed them soon after, but the gorilla Kala rescued the baby and raised him among the apes as one of their own. Years later, when he was an adult, an American girl named Jane Porter arrived to his jungle. They met, and quickly fell in love. It was Jane who taught him the basics of the human world. Jane took him to the US, but he preferred to live in the jungle, so Jane moved with him to the African jungle, where they live as husband and wife.", "John Clayton is the birthname of Edgar Rice Burrough's jungle hero Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle. See more  »", "Winston Mawdsley Graham OBE (30 June 1908 – 10 July 2003) was an English novelist best known for the Poldark series of historical novels set in Cornwall. Graham's father, Albert Grime, was a prosperous tea importer and grocer. His second son, Winston, was born at 66 Langdale Road, Victoria Park, Manchester on 30 June 1908, at 8 a.m. As a child, Winston contracted pneumonia and on medical advice was educated at a local day school, rather than Manchester Grammar School which his father had in mind for him.", "Cornwell's latest series focuses on the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Wessex, England during the 9th-century reign of Alfred the Great, his fierce opposition to the Danes and his determination to unite England as one country. The series idea took shape in his mind after meeting his real father in Canada in his fifties, learning his own ancestry back to that era, to Oughtred of Bebbanburg who became Uhtred, the protagonist of the series. Cornwell realised that most English people are unaware of how England came to be, rather than say, Dane-land, in that era of multiple peoples on the island of Great Britain. The first novel was published in 2004. The series continues after the death of Alfred, as his heirs consolidate the nation. The ninth novel, Warriors of the Storm, was published in 2015. In a Twitter post in August 2015, Cornwell mentioned a tenth installment. The first two books of the novel series are the basis for the 2015 BBC television series, The Last Kingdom.", "Charles's marriage to Ann brought with it the small property of Moorland Close, \"a quadrangle pile of buildings ... half castle, half farmstead.\" The property can be seen to the north of the Cockermouth to Egremont A5086 road. Charles died in 1768 when Fletcher was not yet four. Ann proved herself grossly irresponsible with money. By 1779, when Fletcher was fifteen, Ann had run up a debt of nearly £6,500 (equal to £780,204 today), and faced the prospect of debtors' prison. Moorland Close was lost and Ann and her three younger children were forced to flee to the Isle of Man, to their relative's estate, where English creditors had no power. The three elder Christian sons managed to arrange a £40 (equal to £4,801 today) per year annuity for their mother, allowing the family to live in genteel poverty. Christian spent seven years at the Cockermouth Free School from the age of nine. One of his younger contemporaries there was Cockermouth native William Wordsworth. It is commonly misconceived that the two were 'school friends'; Christian was six years the senior of the future Poet Laureate. His mother Ann died on the Isle of Man in 1819.", "Hardy next novel was Tess of the D'Urbervilles . The story starts with Parson Tringham, telling Jack Durbeyfield, an impoverished farm labourer, that he is descended from the \"ancient and knightly family of the D'Urbervilles\". Durbeyfield discovers that there is a rich family with the name of D'Urbervilles, is living in a large house in nearby Trantridge. He sends his daughter Tess, to pay the family a visit, with the purpose of claiming kinship to them.", "Josephine Tey's classic novel about Richard III, the hunchback king, whose skeleton was discovered in a council carpark, and who was buried in March 2015 in state in Leicester Cathedral. The Daughter of Time investigates his role in the death of his nephews, the princes in the Tower, and his own death at the Battle of Bosworth.", "The poor peddler John Durbeyfield is stunned to learn that he is the descendent of an ancient noble family, the d’Urbervilles. Meanwhile, Tess, his eldest daughter, joins the other village girls in the May Day dance, where Tess briefly exchanges glances with a young man. Mr. Durbeyfield and his wife decide to send Tess to the d’Urberville mansion, where they hope Mrs. d’Urberville will make Tess’s fortune. In reality, Mrs. d’Urberville is no relation to Tess at all: her husband, the merchant Simon Stokes, simply changed his name to d’Urberville after he retired. But Tess does not know this fact, and when the lascivious Alec d’Urberville, Mrs. d’Urberville’s son, procures Tess a job tending fowls on the d’Urberville estate, Tess has no choice but to accept, since she blames herself for an accident involving the family’s horse, its only means of income.", "Genealogies are wearisome. Readers who desire to trace the family of the Smolletts back to the sixteenth century can do so with advantage in the Lives of Moore, Herbert, and Chambers. Our purpose is with the novelist himself, not with his ancestors to the fourth and fifth generations. Suffice it to say that Tobias George Smollett was the son of Archibald, fourth son of Sir James Smollett of Bonhill, a Dumbartonshire estate situated amidst the romantic scenery of the Vale of Leven, and in the vicinity of the queen of Scottish lakes, Loch Lomond.", "* Lord Stanley, Earl of Derby (hist) is a military leader who ultimately reveals his loyalty to the Richmond faction, in spite of his son being a hostage to Richard, in Richard III.", "\"John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster, KG (6 March 1340 – 3 February 1399) was a member of the House of Plantagenet, the third surviving son of King Edward III of England and Philippa of Hainault. He was called \"John of Gaunt\" because he was born in Ghent, then rendered in English as Gaunt. When he became unpopular later in life, scurrilous rumours and lampoons circulated that he was actually the son of a Ghent butcher, perhaps because Edward III was not present at the birth. This story always drove him to fury. As a younger brother of Edward, Prince of Wales (Edward, the Black Prince), John exercised great influence over the English throne during the minority of his nephew, Richard II, and during the ensuing periods of political strife, but was not thought to have been among the opponents of the king.", "Lady Mary Wortley Montagu was born in London on May 15, 1689; her baptism is recorded as having taken place on May 26,1689 at St. Paul's Church in Covent Garden. She was a daughter of Evelyn Pierrepont, 5th Earl of Kingston-upon-Hull. She is reported to be related to the Montagus which Shakespeare based his play on (Romeo and Juliet) as her ancestors where close friends of Shakespeare, and he liked their surname. Family holdings were extensive, including Thoresby Hall and Holme Pierrepont in Nottinghamshire, and a house in West Dean in Wiltshire. Thoresby Hall had one of the finest private libraries in England, which Montagu loved, but the library was lost when Thoresby Hall burned in 1744.", "The 1955 historical novel Coromandel! by John Masters describes a young English adventurer arriving in the 17th Century at the Coromandel Coast - the founder of the Savage family, whose descendants' lives at various periods of British rule in India appear in other books of Masters' series.", "Figure 1.--Sir Walter Raleigh was one of the important figures of the Elizabethan Age. He became a favorite of Queen Elizabeth I. He was not only hansome and witty, but one of the Sea Dogs. His privateering brought a fortune in Sanish bullion to the Queen. He also organized important expeditions to the New World. Here we see 'The Boyhood of Raleigh' painted by Sir John Everett Millais in 1870. The original is in the Tate Gallery. We are not sure which boy is Raleigh, but assume it is the boy in green.", "John Churchill was born on 26th May 1650, to Winston Churchill (later Sir Winston Churchill) and his wife Elizabeth. Sir Winston had been fined heavily by Oliver Cromwell at the end of the Civil War, but the family’s fortunes took a turn for the better when Charles II was restored to the throne.", "Christopher Peachment, The Green and the Gold: A Novel of Andrew Marvell, Spy, Politician, Poet , about the seventeenth English poet who wrote \"To His Coy Mistress.\"", "George John Godolphin Spencer-Churchill, Marquess of Blandford (born 28 July 1992), styled as the Earl of Sunderland until 2014, is an English aristocrat. He is the heir apparent to the Dukedom of Marlborough.", "Sir Walter Raleigh (,, or; circa 1554 - 29 October 1618) was an English landed gentleman, writer, poet, soldier, politician, courtier, spy, and explorer. He was cousin to Sir Richard Grenville and younger half-brother of Sir Humphrey Gilbert. He is also well known for popularising tobacco in England.", "Winston was born the son of an eminent Tory politician, at Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire, England, on November 30, 1874. His father, Lord Randolph Churchill (1849-1895), was a leader in the Conservative party, and his mother was Lady Jennie Jerome Churchill (1854-1921), an American heiress. Mrs. Churchill was beautiful and charming. Winston was the elder of his brother, John, by six years. Winston adored his mother, but as a busy wife and hostess, she had little time for him. He regarded his father with fear and awe. Winston was high-spirited and had a stubborn streak, which annoyed everyone. His childhood was unhappy, he was chubby and did poorly in school; he talked with a lisp and stuttered. His father, a brilliant scholar, found him to be a disappointment, and also had little time for him.", "Mary Shakespeare was thus directly connected by birth and lineage with those who had taken, and were to take, a foremost part in the great conflicts which constitute turning-points in the history of the country. On her father's side she was related to Robert Arden, who in the 15th century lost his life while engaged in rallying local forces on behalf of the White Rose, and on her mother's side to John Hampden, who took a still more distinguished part in the momentous civil struggles of the 17th century.", "Churchill was the son of Sir Winston Churchill (1620–1688) of Glanvilles Wootton in Dorset, by his wife Elizabeth Drake, fourth daughter of Sir John Drake (died 1636) of Ash in the parish of Musbury in Devon. The Churchill family are stated by the Devon historian William George Hoskins (1954) to have originated at the estate of Churchill, in the parish of Broadclyst in Devon, during the reign of King Henry II (1154–1189). ", "Winston Churchill was a descendant of the first famous member of the Churchill family, John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough. Winston's politician father, Lord Randolph Churchill, was the third son of the 7th Duke of Marlborough; Winston's mother was Lady Randolph Churchill (née Jennie Jerome), daughter of American millionaire Leonard Jerome.", "Henry Percy, eldest son of the future Earl of Northumberland (also named Henry), was, in his day, looked at as the archetypal man of war. He was knighted by King Edward III (soon before the old king's death) in 1377 and began fighting in wars by the time he was fourteen. The Percy family had long been known as protectors against the Scots in the north of England, and Henry made sure that reputation was continued. Throughout his youth Henry continued to gain a reputation as a brave warrior. He fought in many battles in Scotland, Ireland, France and even Asia. Furthermore, he was created a Knight of the Garter in 1388 and made warden of the marshes on several different occasions. The Scots, the people with which Percy fought with the most, gave Percy the nickname \"Hotspur\" due to the fact that he was always ready to do battle. Hotspur was briefly captured by the Scots in 1388 after the Battle of Otterburn (although the Scottish commander Douglas was killed) and ransomed for a large sum.", "On this day in 1554, Sir Walter Raleigh was born. He is the archetypal Tudor soldier, politician, courtier & explorer", "Richard of York, 3rd Duke of York KG (21 September 1411 – 30 December 1460), was a leading English magnate, a great-grandson of King Edward III through his father, and a great-great-great-grandson of the same king through his mother. He inherited vast estates and served in various offices of state in Ireland, France, and England, a country he ultimately governed as Lord Protector during the madness of King Henry VI. His conflicts with Henry's wife, Margaret of Anjou, and other members of Henry's court, as well as his competing claim on the throne, were a leading factor in the political upheaval of mid-fifteenth-century England, and a major cause of the Wars of the Roses. Richard eventually attempted to take the throne, but was dissuaded, although it was agreed that he would become king on Henry's death. But within a few weeks of securing this agreement, he died in battle.", "John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster, third surviving son of Edward III (lived 6 March 1340 – 3 February 1399)", "There was further strengthening of the Castle in the 15th century by John O’Gaunt, the second Duke of Lancaster, one of the best known historical figures associated with the city.  Both the Houses of Lancaster and York were direct descendants of King Edward III (John of Gaunt was the third surviving son of Edward III) and were involved in the Wars of the Roses in the latter half of the 15th century.", "Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (26 May 1689 – 21 August 1762) was an English aristocrat and writer, chiefly remembered today for her letters.", "Jane Grey was not close to her parents. Henry Grey was the marquess of Dorset; he became the duke of Suffolk in 1551. He married Mary Tudor and Charles Brandon’s eldest daughter Frances when she was sixteen. At the time, Grey was a ward of Brandon’s. He was also an appropriate match for a Princess’s daughter. The Grey family had an ancient and impressive lineage, originally receiving lands from Richard the Lionheart. Later, they rose to prominence under Edward IV; he had married Elizabeth Woodville, the widow of Sir John Grey and mother of his two sons. When she became queen, she tirelessly promoted the interests of the Grey family. In fact, her eldest Grey son, Thomas, was created marquess of Dorset during Edward IV’s reign. His son, also called Thomas, was a companion to Charles Brandon – soldiering with him in France in 1513 and journeying there a year later to celebrate Princess Mary Tudor’s wedding to the French king. In 1530, Thomas Grey died and Brandon became his son’s guardian. The marriage between Frances and the heir, Henry Grey, was a satisfactory way to join two noble families together." ]
[ 3.55078125, 3.251953125, 2.5390625, 0.022796630859375, -0.5498046875, -7.03125, -7.08203125, -7.32421875, -7.3359375, -7.58984375, -7.72265625, -8.078125, -8.171875, -8.203125, -8.2734375, -8.40625, -8.421875, -8.5078125, -8.5234375, -8.5546875, -8.6640625, -8.8515625, -9.0703125, -9.1953125, -9.3828125, -9.421875, -9.453125, -9.5078125, -9.6796875, -9.6875, -9.7109375, -9.8984375 ]
Ottawa is the national capitol of Canada. In what province is Ottawa located?
[ "Considered as one of the world's most beautiful capitals, a cosmopolitan North American city with an European flair, located in the eastern part of the province of Ontario . Ottawa is the national capital of Canada .", "Ottawa, Canada (pronounced Odd-a-wa), is the nation's capital located in the eastern region of the province of Ontario , on the south bank of the Ottawa River. Ottawa borders the province of Quebec, with  Montreal  under a three hour drive away.", "The capital city of Canada is Ottawa, which is located in the province of Ontario. Ottawa is Canada's fourth largest city with a population exceeding more than 900,000 residents. This city was selected by Queen Victoria as the capital in mid-19th century.", "Ottawa - Sitting in Eastern Ontario with a view of Quebec across the river, Ottawa is the national capital of Canada. It's home to Parliament Hill, many national museums, the ByWard Market, and the best Canada Day celebrations.", "The seat of the Canadian national government is located in Ottawa, a city that is situated in the southern part of the province of Ontario. Canada is sub-divided into 10 administrative provinces (the capitals are in parentheses): Newfoundland (St. John’s), Nova Scotia (Halifax), New Brunswick (Fredericton), Prince Edward Island (Charlottetown), Quebec (Montreal), Alberta (Edmonton), Saskatchewan (Regina), British Columbia (Victoria), Ontario (Toronto), and Manitoba (Winnipeg). Provincial governments mirror the national government. Their responsibilities include civil law, local taxation, land management, local trade, health, welfare, and education.", "Ontario is the second largest Province of Canada located in the east-central part of Canada. The province is named after Lake Ontario, which is thought to have been derived from a Huron word meaning \"great lake.\" The province's largest city is Toronto, is the capital city of Ontario, and the national capital of Canada, Ottawa, is also located in Ontario. Ontario is bordered by Manitoba, Hudson Bay, Quebec, and by three states of the United States (Minnesota, Michigan, and New York), and Lake Erie.", "Ottawa , Canada, which is located along the boundary between the Province of Ontario and the Province of Quebec – the two most populous of the ten provinces – midway between their respective provincial capitals, Toronto and Quebec City .", "Ottawa (ŏtˈəwə) [ key ], city (1991 pop. 313,987), capital of Canada, SE Ont., at the confluence of the Ottawa and Rideau rivers. Hull , Que., just across the Ottawa at the mouth of the Gatineau River, forms part of the metropolitan area. The Rideau Canal separates the city into upper and lower towns; along its banks and those of the rivers are many landscaped drives as well as much of the city's land area, which totals 1,500 acres (607 hectares). Although Ottawa is not primarily an industrial center, it has industries that produce, among other goods, paper and paper products, printed materials, telecommunications equipment, and electronics. The area's industries utilize the hydroelectric power of the Ottawa (Chaudière Falls) and Gatineau valleys. Since 1940, the largest employer in Ottawa has been the federal government. The city is largely bilingual because federal government employees are required to know both English and French.", "On December 31, 1857, Queen Victoria was asked to choose a common capital for the Province of Canada, now Ontario and Quebec and chose Ottawa. While Ottawa is now a major metropolis and Canada's fourth largest city, at that time it was a sometimes unruly logging town in the hinterland, far away from the colony's main cities, Quebec City and Montreal in Canada East, and Kingston and Toronto in Canada West.", "Ottawa is magnificent. The Neo Gothic Parliament Buildings are second to none. The Parliament Buildings are situated on Parliament Hill, on a precipice overlooking the Ottawa River and Province of Quebec across the river. Ottawa has some of the best \"green belt\" parks of any city in the world, let alone a capital city. It is a compact city, easy for walking. In the winter, it is glorious to skate on the Rideau Canal, a UNESCO Heritage Site. Is amazing to see civil servants, with their long coats, suits, ties and brief cases, skating to work on the Rideau Canal. Where else in the world would one see this? Amazing. In May the tulip festival is also worth a visit. The tulips are an annual gift from The Netherlands in thanks for Canada harbouring Queen Juliana, who gave birth to one of her daughters while in exile during WW2 in Ottawa. The Dutch have never forgotten. Ironically, it was the Canadian army that liberated most of Holland in WW2. In the summer, there is Chamberfest, an annual ... more", "5. Centre Block, Ottawa – The Parliament of Canada sit is the Canadian parliamentary complex on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Ontario. The Centre Block is the main building of that complex. It houses the House of Commons and Senate chambers, as well as many offices of senators, members of parliament and senior administration for both legislative houses. The main architectural feature of Centre Block is the Peace Tower – a huge clock tower that stands in the middle of the building", "Across the Ottawa River, which forms the border between Ontario and Quebec, lies the city of Gatineau, itself the result of amalgamation of the former Quebec cities of Hull and Aylmer together with Gatineau. Although formally and administratively separate cities in two separate provinces, Ottawa and Gatineau (along with a number of nearby municipalities) collectively constitute the National Capital Region, which is considered a single metropolitan area. One federal crown corporation, the National Capital Commission, or NCC, has significant land holdings in both cities, including sites of historical and touristic importance. The NCC, through its responsibility for planning and development of these lands, is an important contributor to both cities. Around the main urban area is an extensive greenbelt, administered by the NCC for conservation and leisure, and comprising mostly forest, farmland and marshland. ", "Nearly 40% of Canadians live in this province, located in central Canada. While its capital and largest city is Toronto, the province is also home to the national capital, Ottawa. To visit the national capital's website click here .", "Ottawa is the national capital of Canada. This picturesque and safe city is the fourth largest city in Canada. Ottawa is cosmopolitan, with museums, galleries, performing arts and festivals, but still has the feel of a small town and is eminently affordable. English and French are the main languages spoken in Ottawa. You will also hear many other languages, as Ottawa is a diverse, multicultural city, and about 25 percent of its residents are from other countries. With 150 km (93 miles) of recreational paths, the world's largest naturally frozen skating rink in the winter, 850 parks, and access to three major waterways, Ottawa is a joy for outdoor enthusiasts. As well as being home to the Government of Canada, Ottawa is a high-technology centre, and boasts more engineers, scientists and PhD graduates per capita than any other city in Canada. It's a great place to bring up a family and a fascinating city to visit.", "*Parts of Quebec (including Gatineau) are included in the Ottawa CMA. The population of the Ottawa CMA, in both provinces, is shown.", "The Capital City of Canada is the city of Ottawa. The population of Ottawa in the year 2006 was 812,129 (5,113,149 in the metropolitan area).", "i /ˈkænədə/ ; French : [ka.na.dɑ] ) is a country in the northern half of North America. Its ten provinces and three territories extend from the Atlantic to the Pacific and northward into the Arctic Ocean, covering 9.98 million square kilometres (3.85 million square miles), making it the world's second-largest country by total area and the fourth-largest country by land area . Canada's border with the United States is the world's longest land border. The majority of the country has a cold or severely cold winter climate, but southerly areas are warm in summer. Canada is sparsely populated, the majority of its land territory being dominated by forest and tundra and the Rocky Mountains . About four-fifths of the country's population of 36 million people is urbanized and live near the southern border. Its capital is Ottawa ; its largest metropolis is Toronto ; other major urban areas include Montreal , Vancouver , Calgary , Edmonton , Quebec City , Winnipeg and Hamilton .", "Ottawa proper was founded in 1827 by Col. John By, an engineer in charge of construction of the Rideau Canal. At first called Bytown, it was named after the Ottawa, an Algonquian-speaking people, in 1854. In 1858, Ottawa was chosen by Queen Victoria to be the capital of the United Provinces of Canada, and in 1867 it became capital of the Dominion of Canada.", "(answers depend on test-taker's location) 1. What is the capital city of the province or territory in which you live? Ontario Capital -Toronto", "Ottawa is situated on the south bank of the Ottawa River and contains the mouths of the Rideau River and Rideau Canal. The older part of the city (including what remains of Bytown) is known as Lower Town, and occupies an area between the canal and the rivers. Across the canal to the west lies Centretown and Downtown Ottawa, which is the city's financial and commercial hub and home to the Parliament of Canada and numerous federal government department headquarters, notably the Privy Council Office. On 29 June 2007, the Rideau Canal, which stretches 202 km to Kingston, Fort Henry and four Martello towers in the Kingston area was recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. ", "Wellington Street in Ottawa, the street upon which the Parliament Buildings , Canada’s seat of government are located. [21]", "Ottawa is known as one of the most educated cities in Canada, with over half the population having graduated from college and/or university. Ottawa has the highest per capita concentration of engineers, scientists, and residents with PhDs in Canada. ", "The Canadian prime ministers’ residence, 24 Sussex, is seen on the banks of the Ottawa River in Ottawa on Oct. 26, 2015.  THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick", "After visiting the gift shops in Montreal, we took off for Ottawa. It's approximately 3 hours down south. We left Montreal around 1pm and got in Ottawa a little late in the afternoon. It was not difficult to notice the Parliament Hill because of the three picturesque green-roofed buildings that are home to the House of Commons, the Library of Parliament, the Hall of Honour, the Senate, and the Peace Tower. They are so huge and majestic to look at. They say these Parliament buildings are described as one of the most beautiful government buildings in the world. I have not seen a lot of government buildings internationally but I am surely impressed", "Ottawa was divided by Lieut. Col. John By in 1827 into two main sections—the Upper Town and the Lower Town—although these are further subdivided into neighbourhoods. The best-known of these in the Upper Town is Parliament Hill, the seat of the Canadian federal government; overlooking the Ottawa River and the canal, the Parliament Buildings comprise three blocks of turreted Gothic Revival granite structures. The most iconic of these, the Centre Block, is home to the House of Commons and features the 300-foot (90-metre) Peace Tower. (The East and West blocks are administrative buildings.) Across the canal from the Parliament is the Château Laurier, a landmark hotel (1912) built in the French Renaissance style. The Lower Town, located east of the Rideau Canal, historically the working-class district, is an ethnically diverse region that includes ByWard Market—the site of the country’s oldest open-air market as well as boutiques, restaurants, art galleries, and pubs—and the Glebe, an upscale neighbourhood popular with diners and shoppers.", "The House of Commons of Canada () is a component of the Parliament of Canada, along with the Sovereign (represented by the Governor General) and the Senate. The House of Commons chamber is located in the Centre Block of the Parliament Buildings on Parliament Hill in Ottawa.", "Ottawa is home to 14 National Museums – Canadian Museum of Civilization, Canadian Children’s Museum, Canadian Postal Museum, The National Gallery of Canada , Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography, Laurier House, Royal Canadian Mint, Library and Archives Canada, Currency Museum of the Bank of Canada, Canadian Museum of Nature, Canadian War Museum, Canadian Science and Technology Museum, and the Canadian Aviation and Space Museum.", "The Museum is a major institution—Canada’s largest national museum, a significant research establishment, and one of North America’s oldest cultural organizations. It is situated on the Ottawa River across from the Canadian Parliament.", "The city is the most educated in Canada, and it is home to a number of post-secondary, research, and cultural institutions, including the National Arts Centre and the National Gallery. Ottawa also has the highest standard of living in the nation and low unemployment. It ranks second out of 150 worldwide in the Numbeo quality of life index, and it contains a UNESCO World Heritage Site.", "The government buildings, built between 1859 and 1865, were burned in 1916 but were immediately rebuilt on an enlarged scale. Other notable buildings are Rideau Hall, the residence of the governor-general, the Anglican and Roman Catholic cathedrals, the Bytown Museum, the Canadian Museum of Nature, the National Gallery, the National Arts Centre, the Canada Aviation and Space Museum, the Library and Archives Canada, the Canada Science and Technology Museum, the Royal Canadian Mint, and the Rideau Centre complex. Beechwood, the National Cemetery of Canada is the site of the national military cemetery. The Univ. of Ottawa, St. Paul Univ., and Carleton Univ. are in the city. The Canadian Football League's Renegades play in the city; the National Hockey League's Senators in suburban Kanata.", "The “ seat of government “ is the place where the parliamentary buildings are to be actually erected. The Canadian Constitution provides that, until the Queen otherwise determines, the seat of Government shall be “at” Ottawa.", "The National Gallery of Canada, with the huge spider sculptor dominating the front side, just by Sussex drive. Photo: Malik Merchant, Ottawa. Copyright" ]
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Ben and Jerry's recently announced that they were changing the name of their Chubby Hubby ice cream to what new name for the month of September?
[ "\"Chubby Hubby\" consists of vanilla malt ice cream swirled with fudge and peanut butter, and containing pretzel nuggets covered in fudge and filled with peanut butter. For the month of September 2009, Ben and Jerry's, in partnership with Freedom to Marry, renamed \"Chubby Hubby\" to \"Hubby Hubby,\" in celebration of the legalization of same-sex marriage in the company's home state of Vermont. The carton featured the image of two men getting married beneath a rainbow.", "Chubby Hubby consists of vanilla malt ice cream swirled with fudge and peanut butter, and containing pretzel nuggets covered in fudge and filled with peanut butter. For the month of September 2009, Ben and Jerry's, in partnership with Freedom to Marry, renamed Chubby Hubby to Hubby Hubby, in celebration of the legalization of same-sex marriage in the company's home state of Vermont. The carton featured the image of two men getting married beneath a rainbow. In April 2013 Chubby Hubby changed its formula. They changed the fudge covered peanut butter filled pretzels to a chocolate covered pretzel.", "• Which of these names are flavors of Ben & Jerry's ice cream? AmeriCone Dream, Cherry Garcia, Chubby Hubby, Chunky Monkey, Imagine Whirled Peace, Karamel Sutra, Late Night Snack, Phish Food", "In September 2011, ice cream company Ben & Jerry's released a limited-edition ice cream called \" Schweddy Balls \", inspired by a 1998 sketch of the same name starring Alec Baldwin, Ana Gasteyer and Molly Shannon . The ice cream became the fastest-selling Ben & Jerry's limited-edition flavor. The ice cream was also subject to criticism and boycotts by the One Million Moms organization over the \"vulgar\" name. Some retail chains chose not to sell the flavor, but declined to say if the decision was at their own discretion or based on the One Million Moms boycotts. In June 2014, two new flavours inspired by SNL sketches were introduced—Lazy Sunday, based on a sketch of the same name featuring Andy Samberg and Chris Parnell, and Gilly's Catastrophic Crunch based on the recurring Gilly sketches featuring Kristen Wiig.Two Wild and Crazy Pies, based on the catchphrase of the recurring Festrunk Brothers, was introduced in September 2014, followed by Wayne'Swirled inspired by the eponymous Wayne's World in February 2015.", "Ben & Jerry's Homemade Holdings Inc, trading as Ben & Jerry's, is a company that manufactures ice cream, frozen yogurt, and sorbet. It was founded in 1978 in Burlington, Vermont, United States, and operates nowadays globally as a subsidiary of the Anglo-Dutch conglomerate Unilever. Its headquarters is in South Burlington, Vermont, with its main factory in Waterbury, Vermont.", "Ben & Jerry’s Homemade, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Unilever, is a Vermont-based corporation which manufactures and markets super premium ice cream, frozen yogurt, ice cream novelties and sorbet. Our products are produced in pints, quarts, 500 ml cups, 2.4-gallon tubs, single-serve cups and individual novelties. Ben & Jerry’s products are distributed in 28 countries around the world in supermarkets, grocery stores, convenience stores, Scoop Shops, restaurants and other venues.", "*The flavor of Ben & Jerry's named \"Doonesberry\", both a pun and tribute to the strip, shows Zonker mixing the ice cream in place of the standard pictures of Ben & Jerry.", "Ben & Jerry's  – named after Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, who founded an ice cream parlor in 1978 after completing a correspondence course on ice cream making from Pennsylvania State University. The company, Ben & Jerry's Homemade Holdings, Inc. was later taken over by  Unilever .", "*Ben & Jerry's – named after Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, who founded an ice cream parlor in 1978 after completing a correspondence course on ice cream making from Pennsylvania State University. The company, Ben & Jerry's Homemade Holdings, Inc. was later taken over by Unilever.", "In 2012, a Ben & Jerry's franchise created a scoop-shop-only flavor made to order, named \"Taste the Lin-Sanity\" in honor of Asian-American basketball player Jeremy Lin. It contained lychee honey swirls and fortune cookie pieces, but after initial backlash, Ben & Jerry's replaced the fortune cookies with waffle cookies. The franchise said that the primary reason was because the fortune cookies got soggy. The operator of the scoop shop later apologized to anyone offended by their Lin-Sanity flavor. Ben & Jerry's corporation never intended to mass-produce or distribute the flavor. ", "Then came the super premium ice cream boom with Haagen Daz and Ben & Jerry's. It tasted so good because the milk fat percentage went way up and they started adding all sorts of calorie dense extras in there like Cookies, Candy, etc.", "Market Research Report for Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream By: Swati Sugandh Ben & Jerry’s Homemade Holdings, Incorporated... started in 1978 when Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield bought their first ice cream scoop shop in Burlington, Vermont. Since then, Ben & Jerry’s has grown from being only offered in Vermont to other States and Countries around the world. Throughout the growth of Ben & Jerry’s Homemade Holdings, Inc., many movements have been made in aspects of ingredients, packaging...", "If there were an award for “greenwashing,” it would likely go to Ben & Jerry’s, the iconic Vermont-based ice cream brand, now owned by Unilever.", "Cherry Garcia ice cream – Ben & Jerry’s homage to Grateful Dead leader Jerry Garcia (1942-1995).", "4. Ben and Gerry produce an ice cream named after the lead guitarist of the Grateful Dead. Name the Guitarist or the ice cream.", "In 1988, the two men won the title of U.S. Small Business Persons Of The Year, awarded by U.S. President Ronald Reagan. Also that year, the first brownies were ordered from Greyston Bakery, which led to the development of the popular Chocolate Fudge Brownie flavor. In 1992, Ben & Jerry’s joined in a co-operative campaign with the national non-profit Children's Defense Fund; the campaign goal was to bring children’s basic needs to the top of the national agenda. Over 70,000 postcards were sent to Congress concerning kids and other national issues. In 1995, they hired Robert Holland, Jr. as CEO after holding a \"Yo! I'm your C.E.O.\" essay contest as part of the search. Holland left after 20 months following philosophical differences and was replaced by Perry Odak in 1997. ", "Unilever announced in the fall of 2007 that it would close the Green Bay office and reconfigure its North American Ice Cream business, with new leadership for this division operating out of the Unilever headquarters in Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey beginning in 2008. Ben & Jerry’s will continue to be managed in Burlington, Vermont.", "Other concerns voiced by consumers, but less frequently, related to temperature abuse (which adversely affects ice cream texture), complaints about an experience in a Ben & Jerry’s scoop shop, or nutritional inquiries. Scoop shop complaints rose slightly. Requests for nutritional information saw a large increase and focused on questions related to trans fats, stabilizers, corn syrup, pasteurization and homogenization.", "In 1980, they rented space in an old spool and bobbin mill on South Champlain Street in Burlington and started packing their ice cream in pints. In 1981, the first Ben & Jerry's franchise opened on Route 7 in Shelburne, Vermont. In 1983, Ben & Jerry’s ice cream was used to build “the world’s largest ice cream sundae” in St. Albans, Vermont; the sundae weighed 27102 lb. That same year, the cows on their cartons were redesigned by local artist Woody Jackson. ", "We worked hard in 2007 to reduce our climate impacts , investing in efficiency projects in our manufacturing plants, renewable energy, and carbon offsets. For the sixth year in a row, we offset all 5,140 tons of CO2 emissions that we created in our Vermont manufacturing operations through our partners at NativeEnergy . In Europe, as a part of our Climate Neutral Ice Cream initiative, we committed €2 million over five years to purchase high quality offsets for all of the emissions created in the process of making and selling Ben & Jerry’s ice cream in the European Union, from cow to cone. All of the offsets we purchase funded new renewable energy projects.", "All-natural ice cream company founded in 1978 by Jerry Greenfield and Ben Cohen. Bought by Unilever in 2000. The co-founders said: \"We hope that, as part of Unilever, Ben & Jerry's will continue to expand its role in society.\"", "In June of 2007, we opened a new Ben & Jerry’s pint production line in an existing Unilever ice cream facility in Henderson, Nevada. We source milk and cream for this facility from family farmers who pledge not to treat their cows with rBGH, through a dairy supplier based in nearby Las Vegas.", "Inspired by Where's George, Ben Cohen, the co-founder of Ben & Jerry's Homemade Ice Cream, launched Stamp Stampede in 2012 to protest the influence of big money in politics. Stamp Stampede stamps messages like \"Not to Be Used for Bribing Politicians\" on dollar bills. ", "National Ice Cream Month is celebrated each year in July in the United States. President Ronald Reagan designated July 1984 as National Ice Cream Month and July 15, 1984 as National Ice Cream Day with Presidential Proclamation 5219 in 1984. President Reagan recognized the popularity of ice cream in the United States (90% of the nation's population consumes ice cream) and stated that these two events should be observed with \"appropriate ceremonies and activities.\" Today, National Ice Cream Month is celebrated each July and National Ice Cream Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in July, even though the presidential proclamation only mentioned the month and date in 1984.", "Ben & Jerry’s corporate office sponsored over two dozen community events in Vermont in 2007, ranging from the South End Art Hop to a local Race for the Cure. At many of these events, our Scoop Truck doled out free ice cream just for the fun of it. All together, we donated over 1500 gallons of ice cream and hundreds of hours of staff time at these community events.", "JoAnn, every April, Ben and Jerry's has a free scoop day when cones are free at all Ben and Jerry's across the country. I once volunteered at a Ben and Jerry's in DC to help out that day. I could barely lift my arm the next day after scooping so much. But, you're right, that is the best kind of ice cream!", ". Ben & Jerry's was spoofed as Jen & Berry's Frozen Yogurt and Ice Cream in the 2006 South Park episode, \"Smug Alert\".", "Thanks in part to the sugar-loving Pennsylvania Dutch, the Keystone State lays claim to loads of desserts: apple dumplings, shoofly pie, whoopie pies, etc . But the United Sweets of America can choose only one, and it’s a classic of the dessert canon. In 1904, a young soda jerk named David “Doc” Strickler halved a banana lengthwise , nestled some scoops of ice cream in between the two halves, added some whipped cream and flavored syrups, and made history in Latrobe, Pennsylvania.", "In 2008, Baskin-Robbins launched its first full menu of better-for-you frozen treats called \"BRight Choices\" and removed all artificial trans fats from its ice cream. BRight Choices provides a variety of options for guests looking for a lighter treat. ", "*In \"The Non-Fat Yogurt\", Elaine suggests to Lloyd Braun, an advisor to Dave Dinkins, that everybody in the city should wear name tags. Lloyd Braun suggests this idea to Mayor Dinkins, who likes it so much that he adds it to his campaign, subsequently leading to his loss in the mayoral elections. In \"The Gum\", it's revealed that Lloyd Braun also loses his job and later had a mad fit.", "*In \"The Non-Fat Yogurt\", Elaine dates Lloyd Braun. Since Lloyd works for the mayor, she tells him that the city would be a better place if everybody wore name tags. He mentions this to the mayor, who eventually loses his election as a result.", "The privately run \"Pretzel Museum\" opened in Philadelphia in 1993. In 2003, Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell declared April 26 \"National Pretzel Day\" to acknowledge the importance of the pretzel to the state's history and economy. Philly Pretzel Factory stores offer a free pretzel to each customer on this day. " ]
[ 3.537109375, 3.173828125, -0.63330078125, -1.0888671875, -2.310546875, -3.478515625, -3.544921875, -5.3984375, -5.6171875, -5.65625, -5.85546875, -5.92578125, -6.0703125, -6.1796875, -6.2578125, -6.5, -7.03125, -7.21484375, -7.33984375, -7.35546875, -7.44921875, -7.49609375, -7.546875, -7.70703125, -8.125, -8.1796875, -8.3984375, -9.140625, -10.1015625, -10.328125, -10.71875, -10.90625 ]
On Sept 4, 1998, Google is founded by fellow students Sergey Brin and Larry Page. At what university were they classmates?
[ "Google was founded by two PhD candidates at Stanford University –Larry Page and Sergey Brin. It was incorporated on Sept. 4, 1998 and went public on Aug. 19, 2004. The company’s head courters are in Mountain View, California.", "Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded Google, the Internet search engine, while they were graduate students at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California. Since its founding in 1998, Google has become one of the most successful dot-com businesses in history. Both Page and Brin were reluctant entrepreneurs who were committed to developing their company on their own terms, not those dictated by the prevailing business culture.", "Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded Google, the Internet search engine, while they were graduate students at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California. Since its founding in 1998, Google has become one of the most successful dot-com businesses in history. Both Page and Brin were reluctant entrepreneurs who were committed to developing their company on their own terms, not those dictated by the prevailing business culture.", "1998 – Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded the company Google in Menlo Park, California, US, to promote the web search engine that they developed as a research project while attending Stanford University.", "Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were students at Stanford University and the company was first incorporated as a privately held company on September 4, 1998. The initial public offering took place on August 19, 2004, raising $1.67 billion, implying a value for the entire corporation of $23 billion. Google has continued its growth through a series of new product developments, acquisitions, and partnerships. Environmentalism, philanthropy and positive employee relations have been important tenets during the growth of Google. The company has been identified multiple times as Fortune Magazine's #1 Best Place to Work, and as the most powerful brand in the world. Alexa ranks Google as the most visited website on the Internet.", "** Google, Inc. is founded in Menlo Park, California, by Stanford University PhD candidates Larry Page and Sergey Brin. ", "The sons of college professors, Larry Page and Sergey Brin - two brainy Stanford University grad students who founded the company - say their goal was to make the entire world's information searchable and instantly accessible.", "Google started in March as a research project carried out by the students Larry Page and Sergey Brin at Stanford University", "1998 - Google is founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, two students at Stanford University", "Larry Page started Google with another Stanford student, Sergey Brin, in 1998. He was the company’s first CEO, then took a role as president of products before becoming CEO again in 2011. In 2015, he moved to the role of CEO of Alphabet, Google’s publicly traded parent company.", "As Stanford Graduate students, Larry Page and Sergey Brin started whatâs now known as Google from Susan...", "Google was a research project which began in March 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Ph.D. students at Stanford University . Page had...", "Founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin met at Stanford University in 1995. By 1996, they had built a search engine...", "Sergey Brin, a native of Moscow, received a bachelor of science degree with honors in mathematics and computer science from the University of Maryland at College Park. He is currently on leave from the Ph.D. program in computer science at Stanford University, where he received his master's degree. Sergey is a recipient of a National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship as well as an honorary MBA from Instituto de Empresa. It was at Stanford where he met Larry Page and worked on the project that became Google. Together they founded Google Inc. in 1998, and Sergey continues to share responsibility for day-to-day operations with Larry Page and Eric Schmidt.", "Larry Page and Sergey Brin meet at Stanford. Larry, 22, a U Michigan grad, is considering the school; Sergey, 21, is assigned to show him around.", "Page and Brin used the former's basic HTML programming skills to set up a simple search page for users, as they did not have a web page developer to create anything visually elaborate. They also began using any computer part they could find to assemble the necessary computing power to handle searches by multiple users. As their search engine grew in popularity among Stanford users, it required additional servers to process the queries. In August 1996, the initial version of Google, still on the Stanford University website, was made available to Internet users.", "Brin immigrated to the United States from Russia at the age of six. He earned his undergraduate degree at the University of Maryland , following in his father's and grandfather's footsteps by studying mathematics , as well as computer science. After graduation, he moved to Stanford to acquire a Ph.D in computer science. There he met Larry Page , with whom he later became friends. They crammed their dormitory room with inexpensive computers and applied Brin’s data mining system to build a superior search engine . The program became popular at Stanford and they suspended their PhD studies to start up Google in a rented garage Russian-born American computer scientist and internet entrepreneur", "Page and Brin had the idea to license their PageRank technology to other companies to pay off their credit card debt, but none were interested. David Filo (1966–), another Stanford graduate who had started Yahoo.com, suggested they form a search-engine company. They named their company \"Google,\" after the mathematical term Googol, which specified the number one followed by a hundred zeros. They took it to Andy Bechtolsheim (1956–), a Stanford graduate and co-founder of Sun Microsystems. One of their professors set up an in an early morning meeting with Bechtolsheim. They showed him their Google demo, but Bechtolsheim had another meeting on his schedule that morning, and needed to leave. He liked their idea, however, and offered to write them a check on the spot for seed money. It was for $100,000, and was made out to \"Google.\" In order to deposit it, Page and Brin first needed to open a bank account with their company name on it.", "An innovative thinker with a sense of humour as well, Page once built a working ink-jet printer out of Lego blocks. He was eager to advance in his career, and decided to study for a Ph.D degree. He was admitted to the prestigious doctoral program in computer science at Stanford University. On an introductory weekend at the Palo Alto campus that had been arranged for new students, he met Sergey Brin. A native of Moscow, Russia, Brin was also the son of a professor, and came to the United States with his family when he was six. His father taught math at the University of Maryland, and it was from that school's College Park campus that Brin earned an undergraduate degree in computer science and math.", "Brin was already enrolled in Stanford's PhD program when Page arrived in 1995. As Brin explained to Robert McGarvey of Technology Review, \"I was working on data mining, the idea of taking large amounts of data, analyzing it for patterns and trying to extract relationships that are useful.\" One weekend Brin was assigned to a team that showed the new doctoral students around campus, and Page was in his group. Industry lore claims they argued the whole time, but soon found themselves working together on a research project. That 1996 paper, \"Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine,\" became the basis for the Google search engine.", "Brin was already enrolled in Stanford's PhD program when Page arrived in 1995. As Brin explained to Robert McGarvey of Technology Review, \"I was working on data mining, the idea of taking large amounts of data, analyzing it for patterns and trying to extract relationships that are useful.\" One weekend Brin was assigned to a team that showed the new doctoral students around campus, and Page was in his group. Industry lore claims they argued the whole time, but soon found themselves working together on a research project. That 1996 paper, \"Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine,\" became the basis for the Google search engine.", "Sergey Mikhaylovich Brin (; born August 21, 1973) is a Russian-born American computer scientist, internet entrepreneur, and philanthropist. Together with Larry Page, he co-founded Google. Today, Brin serves as President of Google's parent company, Alphabet Inc. According to Forbes List February 2016, he is jointly one of three people listed as 11th richest in the world (21 overall), with a net worth of . ", "On September 4, 1998, computer scientists Larry Page and Sergey Brin filed papers with the state of...", "They registered the domain name google.com in 1997. The domain name was derived from the term \"googol,\" the very large number written as a one followed by 100 zeros, an expression of the vast universe of data the Google search engine was designed to explore. Page and Brin incorporated Google as a privately held company in 1998 and relocated their servers from Larry Page's dorm room to a friend's garage in Menlo Park, California. Having completed their Master's degrees, they took a leave of absence from the Ph.D. program to concentrate on building their business. At first, Larry Page served as the company's CEO, Sergey Brin as its President. Their stated mission was \"to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful.\"", "(Information). -. Larry Page and Sergey Brin created Google. Inc. in 1998, making it 16 years old as of. 2014.", "Are you Regular Googler, How much do you know about Google EXACTLY? Google began in March 1996 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, both Ph.D. Students from", "2003: Larry Page, Co-founder and President, Products, and Sergey Brin, Co-founder and President, Technology, pose inside the server room at Google’s campus headquarters in Mountain View, California. (Getty Images)", "In 1998, Brin and Page incorporated Google, Inc.[36] with the initial domain name of “Googol,” derived from a number that consists of one followed by one hundred zeros—this represented the vast amount of data that the search engine was intended to explore. Following inception, Page appointed himself as CEO, while Brin, named Google’s cofounder, served as Google’s president.[4] Writer Nicholas Carlson wrote in 2014:", "We’re talking to Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the co-founders of Google. Sergey Brin, how do you see Google as a company, and what do you hope to accomplish with it?", "In 1998, Brin and Page incorporated Google, Inc. with the initial domain name of \"Googol,\" derived from a number that consists of one followed by one hundred zeros—this represented the vast amount of data that the search engine was intended to explore. Following inception, Page appointed himself as CEO, while Brin, named Google's co-founder, served as Google's president. Writer Nicholas Carlson wrote in 2014:", "Keegan, Victor. \"Online: Working It Out: Searching Questions: Sergey Brin Is the President and Co-Founder of the Search Engine Google, Which Was Set Up in 1998.\" Guardian (London, England) (November 23, 2000): p. 4.", "Larry Page and Sergey Brin Biography - family, name, history, school, young, son, old, information, college, house" ]
[ 8.7890625, 8.203125, 8.203125, 7.4609375, 6.90625, 5.8828125, 5.8671875, 5.78125, 5.703125, 5.390625, 5.37109375, 4.8046875, 4.6953125, 4.390625, 4.37890625, 3.908203125, 3.826171875, 3.033203125, 1.7119140625, 1.44140625, 1.44140625, 0.8623046875, -0.146728515625, -0.95703125, -0.990234375, -1.40234375, -2.380859375, -2.982421875, -3.111328125, -3.189453125, -4.30859375, -4.77734375 ]
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
[ "Spongebob Squarepants is a talking square sponge \"who lives in a pineapple under the sea.\" His relentless cheerfulness gets on the nerves of his grumpy neighbor, Squidward Tentacles. Spongebob works as a frycook at the Crusty Crab, owned by the kind-hearted but greedy Mr. Crabs. Spongebob's other pals are Gary, SB's pet snail, Patrick Star, a simple-minded starfish, and Sandy Cheeks, a space-suit wearing Texan squirrel.", "Before I explain why he’s so edgy, perhaps a brief introduction is in order, for those late arrivals to the Squarepants party. Allow me to loosely quote from his theme song: SpongeBob is a buck-toothed, rectangular-shaped character who “lives in a pineapple under the sea.” He’s “absorbent, yellow and porous,” and he fills his hometown, Bikini Bottom, with “nautical nonsense.”", "SpongeBob SquarePants - The star of the show who lives in a pinapple under the sea.", "SpongeBob [31] SquarePants [31] (born July 14 , 1986 ; age 30 [32] ) is the main protagonist, and the eponymous character, of the Nickelodeon animated comedy series of the same name . He was designed by marine biologist and animator Stephen Hillenburg , and is voiced by Tom Kenny . SpongeBob is a childish, joyful, eccentric sea sponge who lives in a pineapple in the underwater city of Bikini Bottom . He works as a fry cook at the Krusty Krab , a job that he is exceptionally skilled. SpongeBob lacks a lot of knowledge and is a constant annoyance to those around him (especially Squidward Tentacles ), but he is very good-natured. He appears in all of the episodes in the series, except for \" The Algae's Always Greener .\" He was soon to be Nickelodeon's main mascot.", "SpongeBob is dimwitted (although he is smarter than his starfish friend ). However, he is goofy and loyal. He lives in a pineapple house in the fictional underwater town of Bikini Bottom.", "The character-driven toon chronicles the nautical and sometimes nonsensical adventures of SpongeBob, an incurably optimistic and earnest sea sponge, and his undersea friends. Dwelling a few fathoms beneath the tropical isle of Bikini Atoll in the sub-surface city of Bikini Bottom, SpongeBob lives in a two-story pineapple. Instead of taking the logical approach to everyday challenges, SpongeBob approaches life in a wayward and unconventional way. Whether searching for the ultimate spatula to perfect his burger flipping technique at the Krusty Krab, or just hanging out with his best friend Patrick (an amiable starfish), SpongeBob's good intentions and overzealous approach to life usually create chaos in his underwater world.", "He is often seen hanging around with his best friend Patrick, who lives on the same street as SpongeBob two doors down. However, SpongeBob's varying intelligence, unlimited optimistic cheer, and irritating behavior often leads him to perceive the outcome of numerous endeavors and the personalities of those around him as happier and sunnier than they often actually are; for instance, he believes that Squidward enjoys his company in spite of the fact that he clearly loathes him. A recurring gag in several episodes is SpongeBob's extremely poor \"boating\" (driving) ability and his repeated failures to pass his road test at Mrs. Puff's Boating School. He lives in an iconic pineapple with his pet snail Gary.", "SpongeBob SquarePants and his gang, live in Bikini Bottom. Other sea dwellers include Killer whales, anchovies, Hammerhead Sharks, flounders, blowfish and lobsters.", "He lives under a brown rock in the underwater city of Bikini Bottom . SpongeBob and Squidward are his neighbors. Patrick and SpongeBob like to bother Squidward. Patrick has an older sister named Sam Star . Her first mentioning is in \" Something Smells \" and her first appearance is in \" Big Sister Sam .\" He has the third most appearances in the series, behind Squidward, and then SpongeBob, who appears in all of the episodes except \" The Algae's Always Greener \"; in which his dimensional counterpart appears.", "Bikini Bottom's populace, like that of the rest of the series, consists of various anthropomorphic fish, whales, crabs, sponges, octopi, starfish, anchovy|anchovies, lobster, sharks, and most other forms of sea life, including sea monsters. Some forms of sea life, like jellyfish, seahorses, snails, and worms aren't sentient however, and are treated like pets or wild animals; an example of this is SpongeBob's pet snail, Gary . The first known land creature to live in Bikini Bottom was before the 12th century (Bikini Bottom was then known as Bikini Bottomshire) was the Dark Knight, an ancestor of Sandy Cheeks. Sandy herself, a squirrel from Texas, is the only land creature seen living in modern Bikini Bottom.", "Another close friend of SpongeBob is Sandy Cheeks, a squirrel from Texas. She is a scientist and an expert in karate. She lives in an underwater tree dome (a tree Sandy brought with her that is entrapped in a clear glass dome locked by a tight, hand-turned seal). When outside of her dwelling, she wears an astronaut-like suit because she cannot breathe underwater. Mr. Krabs, a miserly crab obsessed with money, is the owner of the Krusty Krab restaurant and SpongeBob's boss. His rival, Plankton, is a small green copepod who owns a low-rank fast-food restaurant called the Chum Bucket, located across the street from the Krusty Krab. Plankton spends most of his time planning to steal the secret recipe for Mr. Krabs' popular Krabby Patty burgers, so as to gain the upper hand and put the Krusty Krab out of business. ", "PINEAPPLE Originally called pineapple because of its shape and external appearance to that of the cone of the pine tree. As early as 1492 Christopher Columbus found pineapple growing at Guadeloupe and carried it back to Spain to Queen Isabella. Ancient sea captains would place a pineapple on their gatepost when returning from a long journey, to let their neighbours know they were home. It became the symbol of elite social standing and hospitality.", "When Ursula first appears in the film, she states through monologue that she once lived in the royal palace of King Triton , the king of the underwater city of Atlantica. She was banished from Atlantica and made her home in the remains of a leviathan where she waits the chance to get her revenge on Triton and become Queen of Atlantica. She currently resides in a leviathan home lined with a garden of writhing polyps which were merfolk who had previously gone to Ursula for help, but found themselves unable to fulfil their side of the bargain, leading Ursula to claim them as her own and added them to her collection.", "Pineapple, (Ananas comosus), fruit-bearing plant of the family Bromeliaceae , native to tropical and subtropical America but introduced elsewhere. The pineapple plant resembles the agave or some yuccas in general appearance. It has from 30 to 40 stiff, succulent leaves closely spaced in a rosette on a thick, fleshy stem . With commercial varieties, a determinate inflorescence forms about 15 to 20 months after planting on a flower stalk 100–150 mm (4–6 inches) in length. The originally separate light purple flowers, together with their bracts, each attached to a central axis core, become fleshy and fuse to form the pineapple fruit, which ripens five to six months after flowering begins. Fruits of commercial varieties range from 1 to 2 kg (2 to 4 pounds) in weight. The earliest written references to pineapple are by Columbus, Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés, and Sir Walter Raleigh , who found pineapple growing in the West Indies , where it was used for food and wine making.", "The pineapple is originally to be found in Paraguay and in the southern part of Brazil. Natives spread the fruit throughout South American and Central America and into the Caribbean region, including the West Indies, where Christopher Columbus first found them. The pineapple's original name was anana, which meant \"excellent fruit\" in one of the Caribbean native languages. European explorers called it the \"Pine of the Indies.\" When the fruit traveled to English-speaking countries, the word \"apple\" was added. (Historians aren't really sure why this happened. Many believe that it was to associate the \"Pine of the Indies\" with the \"apple,\" another fruit that people really enjoyed. Nonetheless, the suffix \"apple\" stuck, giving us the English word pineapple.)", "The pineapple (Ananas comosus) is a tropical plant with edible multiple fruit consisting of coalesced berries, also called pineapples, and the most economically significant plant in the Bromeliaceae family. Ananas is a plant genus of the Bromeliad family (Bromeliaceae), native to South America and Central America which includes the species Ananas comosus, the pineapple.", "Pineapple (Ananas cosmosus) is a tropical fruit which grows in countries which are situated in the tropical and sub-tropical regions. It is native to Central and South America.", "So appealing to the eye, so symetrical, so delicious, this member of the orchid family captured the imaginations of  notables of both the Old and New World. Seafaring captains bore them as trophies from long journeys signifying a triumphant return home. They  impaled pineapples in the front of their homes prominently symbolizing, “Visitors Welcome.” Soon architects worked the haunting pineapple shape into gracious entrance columns, stair-rail finials, gate posts,  roof-top weather vanes and door knockers. Welcome mats and the privacy of bedrooms were also “given” locations for pineapple art.", "Historians believe that the pineapple originated in Brazil in South America. It was imported to Europe later. It is also believed that Christopher Columbus and his crew members were probably the first few people from the European continent to have tasted the fruit.", "Seafaring captains used to impale fresh pineapples--souvenirs of their lengthy travels to tropical ports--atop the porch railings of their homes when they returned. It was a symbol then that the man of the house was home--albeit briefly--and receiving visitors.", "Ananas comosus or Pineapple makes a distinctive houseplant. Pineapple is a rosette plant with long, narrow leaves bearing sawtooth edges. Pineapples are native to Tropical America.", "The pineapple has become so connected with Hawaii that many people think it originated there, or is grown only there.", "��������� Pineapples are indigenous to Northern South America.� It was widely grown in the West Indies in Pre-Columbian times.� Wild varieties still exist in Brazil.� The ananas, as they were called, were carried by the Europeans to the Old World and from there spread all over tropical Asia, Africa, the East Indies and Polynesia.", "Scientists unlock pineapple’s genetic secrets Comedian mocks Jindal, WASHINGTON The pineapple, the tropical fruit enjoyed by people worldwide in slices, chunks, juice, upsidedown cakes, jam, tarts, ice", "In the Caribbean the pineapple symbolised hospitality and the Europeans who travelled there knew they were welcome if a pineapple was placed at the entrance to the village. This symbolism quickly spread through Europe where the pineapple was often carved onto bedposts or fireplaces. The pineapple has been a universal symbol of hospitality and welcome all over the world for several hundred years.", "Pineapple (n.) A tropical plant (Ananassa sativa); also, its fruit; -- so called from the resemblance of the latter, in shape and external appearance, to the cone of the pine tree. Its origin is unknown, though conjectured to be American.", "MAYOR EUGENIO BITO-ONON: �This is Mischief Reef and it�s an atoll. It�s not even an island. The Chinese constructed first this fishermen�s shelter - later on, a three-storey high garrison with a basketball court. There�s already a wind generator�.", "In this film, pineapples grow on trees in the jungle. In reality, pineapples grow on the ground. See more »", "No one can dispute the historical, social and economic impact of the pineapple fruit and its relevance to the spirit of hospitality for which the people of Hawaii are known.  While the production of pineapples have fueled the economies for the states of Florida and Hawaii, the symbolic designs and good looks of the pineapple has also led to much inspiration in decorating concepts and designs using unique pineapple themed accessories for the home and garden. The pineapple also continues to inspire the hospitality industry in many of these states which were responsible for providing this fruit to the rest of the Americas, highlighting the deep meaning attached to the symbol of the pineapple.   ", "No one is certain of when pineapples were first grown in Hawaii, but historians believe that a Spanish shipwreck in 1527 on the South Kona coast on the Big Island of Hawaii brought tools, stores, garments and plants, including pineapples, from Mexico to Hawaii.", "A pineapple adorns the front steps to a house in Greenwich Village, New York. (Photo: Spencer Means/flickr )", "Morton, J. 1987. Pineapple. p. 1828. In: Fruits of warm climates. Julia F. Morton, Miami, FL." ]
[ 6.1875, 6.15625, 6.1015625, 5.26171875, 3.60546875, 3.158203125, 0.5009765625, -3.744140625, -3.849609375, -4.078125, -4.9921875, -5.37109375, -5.49609375, -5.921875, -6.54296875, -6.69921875, -6.90234375, -7.328125, -7.4296875, -7.5, -7.6796875, -7.7890625, -8.1875, -8.34375, -8.6171875, -9.0625, -9.1484375, -9.34375, -9.34375, -9.59375, -9.6640625, -9.8828125 ]
According to the fairy tale Cinderella, what vegetable gets turned into the carriage?
[ "From there it is time to get to work. The Fairy Godmother starts making requests for various fruits and vegetables, from watermelon to cantaloupe to artichoke (most of which Cinderella doesn’t even recognize the name of), but then the titular heroine reveals that she does have some pumpkins. Using her magic, the Fairy Godmother enchants one of the orange squashes and makes it grow to tremendous size before transforming it into a beautifully ornate gold carriage that Cinderella can take to the ball.", "* In the folk tale Cinderella, the fairy godmother turns a pumpkin into a carriage, but at midnight it reverts into a pumpkin.", "After her wicked stepsisters cruelly destroy the dress she plans on wearing to the ball when they recognize the beads and sash that they threw earlier, Cinderella runs out to the backyard of her stepmother Lady Tremaine 's chateau . There, she breaks down in sorrow as she has no way of getting to the ball now, beginning to lose her faith in dreams. However, her faith is still strong enough to summon her Fairy Godmother. Fairy Godmother explains that she has arrived to help Cinderella in her time of distress. To get her to the ball, she transforms an ordinary pumpkin into a carriage, and four of Cinderella's mice friends into horses for the carriage. She attempts to turn Lucifer into something, but he flees, and it is unknown what he would have transformed into, or if he managed to dodge it.", "But then a fairy godmother appeared. “Don’t Cry Cinderella, I will send you to the ball!” With the wave of her magic wand, the fairy godmother turned Cinderella’s mice friends into horses and a nearby pumpkin into a beautiful carriage.", "Outside, Cinderella’s dress turned back to rags. The carriage turned back into a pumpkin. Cinderella picked up the mouse and walked home.", "In the film's celebratory finale, Donkey and the other Fairytale characters sang and danced to Neil Diamond's song \"I'm a Believer\" (performed by Smash Mouth) -- as the couple were married in the swamp, and departed for their honeymoon in an awaiting Cinderella-style carriage - a giant onion. Snow White and Sleeping Beauty fought over their tossed wedding bouquet. The Gingerbread Man, looking like Tiny Tim in A Christmas Carol (walking with one leg and a candy-cane cane), prayed: \"God bless us, everyone.\" Cinderella and Monsieur Hood's Merry Men did the Macarena, while The Three Pigs performed a breakdance, and others did variations on the go-go, the frug, the Freddy, etc.", "Disney’s 1950 animated feature is based on the fairy tale Cendrillon by Charles Perrault. After Cinderella’s father dies, step-mom and her two daughters, plain Drizella and plain ugly Anastasia, envious of lovely, chirpy Cinderella, force her to be an indentured servant in her own home. Meanwhile, the King of the kingdom, determined to see the marriage of Prince Charming — who’s a real Prince Charming —organizes a ball and, in a throw-every-fair-maiden-at-the-wall-and- see-who-sticks approach, invites every eligible woman in the land to attend. While mistreated Miss Cinderella is busy befriending birds and animals in the barn, her Fairy Godmother appears and whips up a ball gown and glass slippers, turns a pumpkin and some creatures into a carriage, horses, and coachmen, all so that Cinders may go to the ball first class. First, though, Fairy Godmother warns . . . clock . . . midnight . . . kaput. And the rest is history. Or at least fairytale.", "The Baker, his Wife, and Little Red Ridinghood get lost in the woods and find Cinderella's family and the Steward, who reveal that the castle was set upon by the Giant. The Witch arrives as well, bringing news that the Giant has destroyed the village and the Baker's house. Suddenly, thunderous footsteps are heard and the Giant appears. To the shock of all, this Giant is a woman who has come from the second beanstalk and is the widow of the Giant that Jack killed by chopping down the beanstalk. Her booming voice proclaims that she wants Jack's blood in revenge. To satisfy the Giantess, the group realizes they must give her someone, but are unable to decide on whom until they realize that the Narrator is still commenting on the actions from the sidelines. Everyone offers her the narrator as a sacrifice, but he convinces them how lost they would be without him. Nevertheless, the Witch throws him into the Giantess's arms and he is killed upon being dropped. Jack's mother finds the group and aggressively defends her son, angering the Giantess, and the Steward clubs Jack's mother to quiet her, inadvertently killing her. As the Giantess leaves to search for Jack, Rapunzel runs into her path and is trampled, to the horror of the Witch and her Prince (\"Witch's Lament\").", "The Baker's neighbor, an ugly old witch, reveals that the source of the couple's infertility is a curse she placed on the Baker's line after catching the Baker's father in her garden stealing vegetables, including six \"magic\" beans. In addition to the curse, the Witch took the Baker's father's newborn child Rapunzel. She explains the curse will be lifted if the Baker and his Wife can find the four ingredients that the Witch needs for a certain potion; \"the cow as white as milk, the cape as red as blood, the hair as yellow as corn, and the slipper as pure as gold,\" all before the chime of midnight in three days' time. All begin their journeys into the woods — Jack goes to the market to sell his beloved pet Milky White, Cinderella's family goes to the Festival while Cinderella goes to her mother's grave to ask for guidance, Little Red goes to her grandmother's house, and the Baker, refusing his wife's help, goes to find the ingredients (\"Prologue\").", "The next morning, Jack describes his thrilling adventure after he returns from climbing the beanstalk and finding a castle of two married giants, whom he robbed unnoticed (\"Giants in the Sky\"). He gives the Baker five gold pieces he stole from the giants to buy back his cow. When the Baker hesitates, Jack climbs back up the beanstalk to find more. The Mysterious Man emerges and taunts the Baker, stealing the money. The Baker's Wife confesses she has lost the cow, and she and the Baker split up to look for it. Cinderella's Prince and Rapunzel's Prince, who are brothers, meet and compare the misery of their newfound and unobtainable loves (\"Agony\"). The Baker's Wife, who is eavesdropping, takes note when Rapunzel's prince mentions that he is in love with a girl in a tower with hair \"as yellow as corn.\" The Baker's Wife fools Rapunzel into letting down her hair and pulls out a piece of it. Meanwhile, The Mysterious Man gives Milky White back to the Baker.", "The Fairy Godmother must magically create a coach (from a pumpkin), footmen (from mice), a coach driver (from a frog), and a beautiful dress (from rags) for Cinderella to go to the ball.", "In the Grimm's Fairy Tales \"Cinderella\" one of the tasks her step-mother assigns to Cinderella is fishing lentils out of ash. If she is successful in this then she may go to the ball.", "Cinderella grows into a beautiful, kind young woman. Every morning, she is required to wait upon her stepfamily, and perform numerous chores throughout the house. Assisting her are the animals living in the barn, the mice and birds who live in and around the chateau. One morning, she finds a mouse in a trap. She frees him, and names him Gus . Later, the mice are chased by Lucifer , Lady Tremaine's cat. Gus is forced to hide in a teacup on a tray meant for Cinderella's sisters. Assuming that Cinderella meant it as a prank, Lady Tremaine punishes Cinderella with extra work.", "As an added Easter egg, if the player puts an alternate ingredient into the cauldron when creating True Love (carnation petals instead of rose petals), Cinderella's Prince will arrive to try the slipper on the sleeping, Snow White. Surprisingly, the slipper is too big, and he leaves with a warning from Jiminy that the stories \"aren't what they used to be.\"", "Still, Cinderella manages to escape her death and uses her time to make way to the castle. Prince Charming and \"Cinderella\" are ready to marry but Anastasia refuses and reveals herself. Lady Tremaine tries to turn Anastasia and Cinderella into toads, but Prince Charming intervene by reflecting the magic with his sword, causing it to hit Drizella and Lady Tremaine instead. They are transformed into toads and fall into the palace's basement. Anastasia brings the real Cinderella and Charming together and transforms herself back to normal. Cinderella thanks, Anastasia, and the two reconcile, putting their animosity behind. Together, they restore the Fairy Godmother, who gives Cinderella a brand new wedding attire. As they are unaware of the twist in time, Cinderella and Prince Charming decline the fairy's offer to restore the timeline, and the two finally tie the knot, and they live happily ever after...again.", "Drizella Tremaine is the dark brunette haired older daughter of Cinderella's evil stepmother, Lady Tremaine.Her name is commonly misspelled as \"Drusilla\". In 2000, Kent Melton sculpted \"Dreadful Drizella\" as a limited edition piece for the fiftieth anniversary of the film.Drizella appears in various novels and other publications.", "William Smee is a man capable of procuring objects that are hard to find. In the Enchanted Forest, he makes a deal with Rumplestiltskin in order to get his life extended: a magic bean for his age reversal. Captain Hook, then the pirate Killian Jones, manages to intervene and kidnaps Mr. Smee to obtain the magic bean. He later becomes a crewman on Hook's ship (like the original Peter Pan story) as the ship sails off to Neverland where he and his crew will never age.", "In 1860 H.J.Byron added the Ugly Sisters and Buttons to the tale. His Ugly Sisters were originally called Clorinda and Thisbe and both were played by men. It was not until after the First World War that the principal boy in Cinderella became known as Prince Charming. Many versions of the Cinderella story exist, some of which are fairly gruesome. In an old Swedish variation of the story, the Ugly Sisters cut off their toes in an attempt to force their feet into the glass slipper.", "The Grimms' version does not use the fairy godmother; a tree planted over the mother's grave provides the materials needed for Cinderella to attend the ball instead. Read their version here: Aschenputtel . The Scottish version, Rashin-Coatie , has a benevolent red calf that provides assistance.", "[Act I, Sc. 1: The Fairy Haunt. After a chorus and dance on glancing sunbeams the Fairy Queen enters in a swan car to announce her decision to marry the prince to Cinderella. He’s the one she has been watching for and he’s in the neighborhood having searched the world for a bride without success. The Prince enters the magical place singing and wondering why his horses refused to enter. In a concerted piece the Prince and fairies define the music of the place, and he begins to echo the Fairy Queen’s words. She presents a vision of Cinderella for him in the fountain then with a wave of her wand it all disappears. Distant horns sound and the fairies put him to sleep.", "In this ultimate fairytale story, Cinderella finds herself living as a slave to her two stepsisters after her father dies and leaves her to be raised by her evil stepmother. When the King decides his son the prince must find the perfect wife among all the fair maidens in the village, Cinderella is heartbroken to watch her mean stepsisters leave for the ball to meet the prince while she must stay home and work. With the help of some furry and feathered friends, Cinderella is transformed into a beautiful maiden and sent off to meet the prince, but she must be home by midnight or her fairytale will turn into disaster.", "All versions treat Cinderella as a virtual orphan in her own household, but traditionally the Prince, as the richest and most eligible bachelor in the kingdom, is set in contrast to her. By marrying her, the Prince raises Cinderella to his level, leading to betrothal full of pomp and panoply which produces a suitably grand finale. But Massenet treats Prince Charming as Cinderella’s alter ego, rather than her polar opposite. Massenet’s Prince is just as alienated from his environment as Cendrillon is from hers. He too is a virtual orphan, and when they come together it is no longer a question of his raising her to his level (a world which he has already declared to be meaningless), but of joining her in a world of romance created by their shared imagination. Two lost children, they are united in one another’s dreams and draw the audience in with them.", "Long ago, a drop of sunlight became a golden flower capable of healing illness, decay and injury. For hundreds of years the flower is used by Mother Gothel to retain her youth until it is discovered by soldiers of a nearby kingdom, Corona. They use the flower to heal their ailing queen, who soon afterwards gives birth to Princess Rapunzel. While attempting to recover the flower, Gothel discovers that Rapunzel's hair has the flower's healing properties. However, attempting to take just the hair by cutting a piece from it destroys its power, and so she kidnaps Rapunzel and raises her as her own daughter in an isolated tower. Once a year, the King and Queen release sky lanterns on Rapunzel's birthday, hoping for their daughter's return.", "During breakfast, the children tell Caractacus about the car, and he promises that he will try to get it, although he doesn't have enough money. Edison, the family dog, discovers that the supposedly useless \"sweets with holes in\", made by Caractacus, can whistle. Caractacus goes to a local sweet factory the next day, and attempts to show his new candy to Lord Scrumptious - who turns out to be Truly's father. He initially refuses to even look at the sweets, but eventually gives in, and finds he likes them. However, the whistling attracts every dog in the village, and they ruin the factory's confectionery, causing Lord Scrumptious to reject the sweets.", "The Fairy Godmother is first seen as an aforementioned beggar woman, following the Tremaine family's departure to the Royal ball. As Cinderella falls into despair, the beggar woman arrives and asks for nourishment, to which Cinderella obliges. Afterward, she reveals herself to be the girl's Fairy Godmother and, like the original film grants her access to the ball. Before she departs, the Fairy Godmother warns Cinderella of the time limit and sees her off after bestowing a pair of magical glass slippers, that will ultimately lead to the girl's happy ending.", "Back at the tower, Rapunzel recognizes the symbol of the kingdom, which she had subconsciously incorporated into her paintings over the years. Realizing that she is the long-lost princess, she confronts Gothel. As Eugene is being led to execution, he is rescued by the Snuggly Duckling regulars and carried back to Gothel's tower by Maximus. Eugene enters the tower by climbing Rapunzel's hair, only to find Rapunzel bound with chains and gagged with a handkerchief. Gothel then stabs him with a knife and attempts to leave with a struggling Rapunzel. Rapunzel agrees to lifelong captivity if she is allowed to heal Eugene, but before she has the chance to save him, Eugene slices off her hair, turning it from golden blonde to brown and destroying its magic. Gothel's age rapidly catches up to her, and she falls from the tower, disintegrating into dust. As Eugene dies, a heartbroken Rapunzel's tear, which still contains a bit of the sun's power, lands on his cheek and restores his life. The two return to the kingdom, where Rapunzel is re-united with her parents. The kingdom breaks out in celebration, and Eugene is pardoned for his crimes. Rapunzel and Eugene eventually marry.", "When Lord Farquaad is forced to choose his wife so that he can become king, Cinderella is one of his choices. She is shown at number 1 in a painting, wearing a yellow dress and trying on her glass slipper. However, Farquaad chooses Princess Fiona, ranked number 3. At Shrek and Fiona's wedding, Cinderella is shown fighting with Snow White to catch Fiona's bouquet.", "Devastated by her stepmother and stepsisters’ cruelty, she runs out to the garden crying, but it is here where she meets an old woman (Helena Bonham Carter) who reveals herself as Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother. In a sudden flash the old woman goes from appearing decrepit to beautiful, wearing an elegant puffy blue dress and blonde locks that hang to her shoulders.", "[Reginald plays second chair fiddle in the orchestra for the Cinderella pantomime. He lives with his demanding mother, Mrs. Breen, who makes him account for every minute according to her liking. He fantasizes about dating Valerie, the sweet-voiced beauty who plays Cinderella. She seems close to Bev, who plays Prince Charming, but finally he gets up courage to ask her to have coffee with him on an afternoon when his mother thinks he has rehearsal. She agrees to see him, but on another day. He joins her, even though he knows he will have to endure his mother’s wrath. Valerie wonders what Reg expects, he being so much older and essentially a loser. He asks to be given the chance to spend his savings on her; she smiles and insists that she must meet with Bev: “You’re a nice guy, but I’m another kind of Cinderella.” When he gets home his mother, plumped with indignation, her obscene legs swing, scolds him and mocks, “What kept you then? Dancing with Cinderella.” As she laughs sneeringly at him he “swung his violin case above his head, and moved towards her in silence before they both screamed.”]", "The horse took the direct road to the palace, and towards evening they perceived it illuminated as at first. The horse went of himself into the stable, and the good man and his daughter came into the great hall, where they found a table splendidly served up, and two covers. The merchant had no heart to eat, but Beauty, endeavoring to appear cheerful, sat down to table, and helped him. \"Afterwards,\" thought she to herself, \"Beast surely has a mind to fatten me before he eats me, since he provides such plentiful entertainment.\" When they had supped they heard a great noise, and the merchant, all in tears, bid his poor child, farewell, for he thought Beast was coming. Beauty was sadly terrified at his horrid form, but she took courage as well as she could, and the monster having asked her if she came willingly; \"ye -- e -- es,\" said she, trembling.", "The Blue Fairy originates from Carlo Collodi's book, The Adventures of Pinocchio from 1881. She was known as \"The Fairy with Turquoise Hair\" from the book, and was later dubbed as the \"Blue Fairy\" from Disney's 1940 animated movie, Pinocchio. In the movie, the Blue Fairy appears at the night after the carpenter Geppetto had finished making a puppet, Pinocchio . The Blue Fairy appears to grant Geppetto's wish, to make Pinocchio a little boy, but she only made Pinocchio a living puppet, and tells him he will become a real boy only if he is brave, truthful and unselfish and able to tell right from wrong by listening to his conscience. She then asks Jiminy Cricket to become Pinocchio's conscience. She also makes sure that when Pinocchio lies, his nose grows. She later appears near the end of the movie to make Pinocchio a true boy after meeting the criteria she had mentioned before.", "In the Sofia the First episode \"The Baker King\", King Roland wishes he had a simpler life while standing in front of an (unbeknownst to him) Magic Mirror , and wakes up the next morning to find he and his family have become the village bakers. Unlike in most examples of this trope, Roland's previous existence isn't erased; no one knows he's the king, but no one knows where the actual king is, and it's seeing all the improvements to the town that he authorized that convinces him to go back to being the king." ]
[ 4.25, 3.490234375, 2.716796875, 1.642578125, 1.4306640625, 0.8095703125, 0.333740234375, -1.490234375, -1.642578125, -2.05859375, -2.21484375, -2.759765625, -5.3359375, -5.46875, -5.59375, -5.65234375, -5.69140625, -5.953125, -6, -6.140625, -6.28125, -6.33203125, -6.640625, -7.2265625, -7.29296875, -7.3984375, -7.65234375, -8.2578125, -8.28125, -8.375, -8.3984375, -8.7578125 ]
In September 1893, which country became the first in the world to give women the right to vote?
[ "In 1893, the self-governing colony New Zealand became the first country in the world (except for the short-lived 18th century Corsican Republic ) to grant truly universal active suffrage by giving women the right to vote. It did not grant universal full suffrage (the right to both vote and be a candidate, which Finland granted in 1906) until 1919. [2] In most countries, truly universal active suffrage (the right to vote but not necessarily the right to be a candidate) followed about a generation after universal male suffrage. Notable exceptions in Europe were France, where women could not vote until 1944, Greece (1952), and Switzerland (1971 in federal elections and 1990 in all cantonal elections). It is worth noting that countries that took a long time to adopt women’s suffrage had previously often been pioneers in granting universal male suffrage.", "New Zealand's Electoral Act of 19 September 1893 made this country the first in the world to grant women the right to vote in parliamentary elections. [5]", "In 1893, New Zealand became the first country in the world to give women the same voting rights as men. Australia did the same in 1902, followed by Finland in 1906 and Norway in 1913.", "New Zealand was the first country in the world to allow universal suffrage, allowing women to vote in 1893.[10]", "In 1893, New Zealand became the first country to give women the vote. State pensions and state housing for workers were also offered first in New Zealand.", "1893: The women of New Zealand were granted the vote. New Zealand was the first country in the world to grant womens suffrage.", "The first country to grant national-level voting rights to women was the self-governing British colony of New Zealand, which passed the Electoral Bill in September 1893. The British colony of South Australia granted full suffrage in 1894, giving women the right to vote and to stand for parliament. Australia federated in 1901 and country-wide women’s suffrage followed quickly in 1902; however, women of Australia’s indigenous people were specifically excluded until 1949, when the right to vote in federal elections was granted to all indigenous people. Remaining restrictions were abolished in 1962.", "Of currently existing independent countries, New Zealand was the first to acknowledge women's right to vote in 1893 when it was a self-governing British colony . [22] Unrestricted women's suffrage in terms of voting rights (women were not initially permitted to stand for election) was adopted in New Zealand in 1893. Following a successful movement led by Kate Sheppard , the women's suffrage bill was adopted weeks before the general election of that year . The women of the British protectorate of Cook Islands obtained the same right soon after and beat New Zealand's women to the polls in 1893. [23]", "1893 – New Zealand became the first country to introduce universal suffrage, following the women's suffrage movement led by Kate Sheppard.", "The first unrestricted women's suffrage in a major country was granted in New Zealand in 1893. The women's suffrage bill was adopted mere weeks before the general election of 1893. Māori men had been granted suffrage in 1867, white men in 1879. The Freedom in the World index lists New Zealand as the only free country in the world in 1893.", "Though it didn't achieve nationhood until 1907, New Zealand became the first self-governing colony in the world in which all women had the right to vote in, but not stand for, parliamentary elections in 1893, followed closely by the colony of South Australia in 1894 (which, unlike New Zealand, also allowed women to stand for Parliament). In Sweden, conditional women's suffrage was granted during the age of liberty between 1718 and 1772. ", "Of currently existing independent countries, New Zealand was the first to acknowledge women's right to vote in 1893 when it was a self-governing British colony. Unrestricted women's suffrage in terms of voting rights (women were not initially permitted to stand for election) was adopted in New Zealand in 1893. Following a successful movement led by Kate Sheppard, the women's suffrage bill was adopted weeks before the general election of that year. The women of the British protectorate of Cook Islands obtained the same right soon after and beat New Zealand's women to the polls in 1893. ", "In 1893, the first country to allow women the right to vote was which English speaking nation?", "New Zealand enfranchised women in 1893, the first country to do so on a nationwide basis. In the U.S. women gained the franchise in the states of Washington in 1910; in California in 1911; in Oregon, Kansas and Arizona in 1912; and in Illinois in 1913. As women voted in an increasing number of states, Congressmen from those states swung to support national suffrage amendment, and paid more attention to issues such as child labor.", "Although Australia was the first country in the world to grant women the vote and the right to stand for election, it had the longest time span of all western democratic countries between the eligibility of women to stand and their actual election – a period of 41 years.", "European countries such as Finland (1906), Norway (1913), and Denmark and Iceland (1915) granted women the vote early in the 20th century. Other continental powers were quick to accord women the right to vote at the end of World War I. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Netherlands granted suffrage in 1917; Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, and Sweden in 1918; and Germany and Luxembourg in 1919. Spain extended the ballot to women in 1931, but France waited until 1944 and Belgium, Italy, Romania, and Yugoslavia until 1946. Switzerland finally gave women the vote in 1971, and women remained disenfranchised in Liechtenstein until 1984.", "In 1902, as a result of the vigorous lobbying of Australian suffragettes, the Commonwealth of Australia became the first country in the world to give women both the right to vote in federal elections and the right to be elected to federal parliament when they passed the Commonwealth Franchise Act 1902 (Cth). Although liberating for white women, the Act specifically excluded aboriginal women (and men), who would have to wait for many more years until they were formally given the right to vote by the Commonwealth, in 1962.", "1894 South Australia leads the way in granting women’s voting rights. 1898 The First Constitution Bill Referendum is held.", "In Europe the Nordic countries were pioneers in women’s suffrage. The first European nation to give women the vote was Finland in 1906. Women in the Grand Duchy of Finland, then an autonomous part of the Russian Empire, won the right to be elected members of the eduskunta, the Finnish unicameral parliament, in 1907.", "Canada, the United States and a few Latin American nations passed women's suffrage before World War II while the vast majority of Latin American nations established women's suffrage in the 1940s (see table in Summary below). The last Latin American country to give women the right to vote was Paraguay in 1961. [2] [16]", "In Sweden, conditional women's suffrage was in effect during the Age of Liberty (1718–1772). Other possible contenders for first \"country\" to grant women suffrage include the Corsican Republic (1755), the Pitcairn Islands (1838), the Isle of Man (1881), and Franceville (1889), but some of these operated only briefly as independent states and others were not clearly independent.", "Colonial America:� The women�s suffrage movement originated in the United States during the 19th century.� In colonial America, as elsewhere in the world, civil law did not recognize the equality of men and women.� The perception of inequality, which included the belief that women lacked the capacity to reason as soundly as men, provided the basis for denying women the right to vote.� Even before the American Revolution (1776-1783), however, American women participated in public life somewhat more freely than European women.� In most colonies land ownership, not gender, determined the right to vote.� Although females possessed only limited property rights, women from families that owned property could sometimes vote, particularly if the male head of household was for some reason incapacitated.� In Massachusetts women property holders had voting privileges from 1691 to 1780.� In this period, groups such as the American Quakers, and some individuals, notably the Anglo-American political philosopher Thomas Paine, also argued that women should possess the right to vote.", "In Ireland women were given the right to vote in local elections in 1896. When independence was won universal suffrage was declared for everyone over 21 regardless of sex. Ireland also had the first female member of parliament (1918) and first female cabinet minister (1919) in the form of Constance Gore-Booth, countess of Marciwietz (sic!)", "In the late 19th century a broad movement for women’s political rights, including voting rights, developed in Britain and its colonies, the United States and northern Europe. Its earliest successes would come in colonial and frontier societies like Australasia and the American Midwest.", "* (first self-governing colony in the world in which all women are given the right to vote in parliamentary elections. Women were barred from standing for election until 1919). [http://www.ipu.org/wmn-e/suffrage.htm Women's Suffrage]", "Canadian women, with the exception of Canadian Indians, received the vote in 1917. The latter were not enfranchised until 1960. In the United States women’s suffrage was granted on a local and state level from the late 19th century. In 1920 the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution stated that the right to vote of all citizens could not be denied by the US or any state within on the basis of sex.", "When Wyoming entered the Union in 1890, it became the first state whose constitution accorded women the right to vote. Subsequently, vigorous campaigns were conducted to persuade state legislatures to submit to their voters amendments to state constitutions conferring full suffrage to women in state affairs. Efforts were also made to give women the right to vote in presidential elections and, in some states, the right to vote in municipal and local elections. In the next 25 years various individual states yielded to the movement's demands and enfranchised their women; each such state increased the members of Congress elected partly by women. These members were thus at least partly obliged by the nature of their constituency to vote for a woman suffrage amendment to the United States Constitution. By 1918 women had acquired equal suffrage with men in 15 states.", "Which was the first country, and which was the last, to give the vote to women. Have any countries always been equal in their voting rights between men and women? | Notes and Queries | guardian.co.uk", "Women were given the right to vote in 1915. [9] The first female member of parliament was elected in 1922.", "The issue of a female right to vote first gathered momentum during the later half of the nineteenth century based on the work of liberal thinkers such as John Stuart Mill. The Suffragettes and Suffragists had pushed for their own right to be represented prior to World War I but very little was achieved before the war, despite criminally violent agitation by the likes of Emmeline Pankhurst and the WSPU.", "1902: The Franchise Act guarantees women the right to vote in federal elections (by this stage, most states had already done this). However, it excludes most non-European ethnic groups, including Aboriginal people.", "In February 1918, the Government passed an act giving women the vote if they were over the age of 30 and either owned property or rented for at least £5/year, or were the wife of someone who did. As a result, 8.5 million women became entitled to vote in the General Election of 1918." ]
[ 8.5, 8.3828125, 8.203125, 7.48828125, 6.69921875, 6.6796875, 6.56640625, 6.48828125, 5.5390625, 5.3203125, 5.26171875, 4.66015625, 4.0625, 3.84375, 3.2265625, 1.494140625, 1.248046875, 0.74755859375, -0.038818359375, -0.1728515625, -0.427001953125, -2.01171875, -2.08984375, -2.4921875, -3.02734375, -3.080078125, -4.58203125, -4.66015625, -5.234375, -5.5, -5.56640625, -6.234375 ]
The 21st amendment to the US constitution, a happy occasion if ever there was one, officially repeals what previous constitutional amendment?
[ "The Twenty-first Amendment (Amendment XXI) to the United States Constitution repealed the Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which had mandated nationwide Prohibition on alcohol on January 17, 1920. The Twenty-first Amendment was ratified on December 5, 1933. It is unique among the 27 amendments of the U.S. Constitution for being the only one to repeal a prior amendment and to have been ratified by state ratifying conventions.", "On this day in 1933, the 21st Amendment to the US Constitution was ratified, repealing Prohibition.   Utah became the 36th state to ratify the amendment, thus establishing the required 75% of states needed.   This overturned the 18th Amendment (the only amendment ever to be repealed) which had outlawed alcohol in the US since 1920.   President Roosevelt immediately issued a repeal proclamation.   Canadian entrepreneurs had been lying in wait.   In Vancouver, an estimated 4.5 million gallons of liquor, mostly bourbon and rye whiskey, were stored in warehouses awaiting official permission to ship to Seattle and San Francisco.   On this day in Seattle, bar owners reported that business was slower than usual, �Due to the rain.\"", "1933 — The 21st Amendment to the United States Constitution is ratified which repeals the 18th Amendment of January 16, 1919, prohibiting the manufacture, distribution, and sale of alcoholic beverage.", "On December 5, 1933, the 21st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified. The 21st Amendment repealed the 18th Amendment, making alcohol once again legal. This was the first and only time in U.S. history that an Amendment has been repealed.", "The 21st Amendment, which repealed the 18th Amendment, was proposed on February 20, 1933. The choice to legalize alcohol was left up to the states, and many states quickly took this opportunity to allow alcohol.", "With the country mired in the Great Depression by 1932, creating jobs and revenue by legalizing the liquor industry had an undeniable appeal. Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt ran for president that year on a platform calling for Prohibition’s appeal, and easily won victory over the incumbent President Herbert Hoover . FDR’s victory meant the end for Prohibition, and in February 1933 Congress adopted a resolution proposing a 21st Amendment to the Constitution that would repeal the 18th. The amendment was submitted to the states, and in December 1933 Utah provided the 36th and final necessary vote for ratification. Though a few states continued to prohibit alcohol after Prohibition’s end, all had abandoned the ban by 1966.", "A movement began to form to repeal the 18th Amendment. Prohibition of alcohol was seen as an affront to personal liberty, pushed on the nation by religious moralists. Alcohol was also seen as a source of revenue for the local and national governments. The effort to elect \"wet\" legislators was as grand as that to elect \"dry\" ones almost two decades earlier. The Congress passed the amendment on February 20, 1933 (288 days). It mandated, for the first time, that conventions of the states were to vote on the amendment, rather than the legislatures, feeling that conventions would be more apt to vote to ratify - and they did, quickly — the ratification process was complete on December 5, 1933. The 21st Amendment repealed the 18th, the first time an amendment had been repealed by another.", "10. 21st Amendment is passed repealing the 18th Amendment ( Repeal of prohibition ) on December 5, 1933", "1933 – Prohibition of alcoholic beverages in the United States officially ended when the Twenty-first Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified, repealing the Eighteenth Amendment.", "The Twenty-first Amendment was proposed on February 20, 1933, and ratified on December 5, 1933. It is the only amendment to repeal another amendment, the Eighteenth, and the only one to be ratified by state conventions rather than by state legislatures.", " After being officially proposed, either by Congress or a national convention of the states, a constitutional amendment must then be ratified by three-fourths of the states. Congress is authorized to choose whether a proposed amendment will be sent to the state legislatures or to state ratifying conventions for ratification. Amendments ratified by the states under either procedure are indistinguishable and have equal force as part of the Constitution. Of the 33 amendments submitted to the states for ratification, the state convention method has been used for only one, the Twenty-first Amendment, which became part of the Constitution in 1933. This was also one of only four times that Congress has placed the mode of ratification in the body of an amendment rather than in accompanying legislation; the others being the Eighteenth, Twentieth, and Twenty-second Amendments. In United States v. Sprague (1931) the Supreme Court affirmed the authority of Congress to decide how each individual constitutional amendment will be ratified in accordance with the options provided in Article V and the equal validity of amendments properly ratified in either fashion. The Court had earlier, in Hawke v. Smith (1920), ruled the ratification of the proposed Nineteenth Amendment (which Congress had sent to the state legislatures for ratification) by the Legislature of Ohio could not be referred to the electors (voters) of the state, and that the Ohio Constitution, in requiring such a referendum, was inconsistent with the U.S. Constitution.", "The Eighteenth Amendment is the only Amendment to ever have been repealed from the United States Constitution–via the inclusion of the Twenty-First Amendment. The 18th Amendment called for the banning of the manufacture, sale, or transportation of alcoholic beverages. Known as national Prohibition, the Eighteenth Amendment banned “intoxicating liquors” with the exception of those used for religious rites.", "‘But, Brandon says, courts have essentially eviscerated this part of the 21st Amendment - good for economic liberty but bad interpretation of the constitutional text.’", "The Eighteenth Amendment was repealed on December 5, 1933, with ratification of the Twenty-first Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Despite the efforts of Heber J. Grant, president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, a Utah convention helped ratify the Twenty-first Amendment. ", "1. The Eighteenth article of amendment to the Constitution of the United States is hereby repealed.", "Section 1. The eighteenth article of amendment to the Constitution of the United States is hereby repealed.", "The twenty-first amendment to the Constitution was proposed to the several states by the Seventy-Second Congress, on the 20th day of February, 1933, and was declared, in a proclamation by the Secretary of State, dated on the 5th day of December, 1933, to have been ratified by 36 of the 48 States. The dates of ratification were: Michigan, April 10, 1933; Wisconsin, April 25, 1933; Rhode Island, May 8, 1933; Wyoming, May 25, 1933; New Jersey, June 1, 1933; Delaware, June 24, 1933; Indiana, June 26, 1933; Massachusetts, June 26, 1933; New York, June 27, 1933; Illinois, July 10, 1933; Iowa, July   amendment 21", "On January 17, 1920, a new day dawned.  As the 18th Amendment went into effect, Americans could no longer manufacture, sell, or transport intoxicating beverages.  Prohibition was now part of the Constitution, holding the same status as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the abolition of slavery.", "Brown, Everett Somerville, compiler. 2003. Ratification of the Twenty-First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States: State Convention Records and Laws. Clark, N.J.: Lawbook Exchange.", "A constitutional amendment, drafted by Radical Republicans in 1866 and ratified in 1868, that ensured that the liberties guaranteed to blacks in the Civil Rights Act of 1866 could not be taken away. Like the Civil Rights Act, the Fourteenth Amendment granted citizenship to all Americans regardless of race (except Native Americans, who did not gain full citizenship until the twentieth century). The amendment consequently reversed the Supreme Court’s Dred Scott v. Sanford decision of 1857.", "The Philadelphia Convention set up the current United States; the United States Constitution ratification the following year made the states part of a single republic with a limited central government. The Bill of Rights, comprising ten constitutional amendments guaranteeing many fundamental civil rights and freedoms, was ratified in 1791.", "1919 The Eighteenth (Prohibition) Amendment is added to the U.S. Constitution. It is repealed in 1933.", "During 1933 thirty-eight states elected delegates to state conventions to consider the amendment. Almost three-quarters of the voters supported repeal in these elections. Therefore, it was not surprising that the ratification conventions certified the results and ratified the Twenty-first Amendment on December 5, 1933.", "Justia US Law US Codes and Statutes US Constitution Twentieth Amendment--Terms of President, Vice President, Members of Congress: Presidential Vacancy", "--------------------------------------------------------------------------- [[Page 94]] \\2\\ The 11th amendment to the Constitution of the United States was proposed to the legislatures of the several States by the Third Congress on March 11, 1794; and was declared in a message from the President to Congress dated the 8th of January, 1798, to have been ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the States. The dates of ratification were: New York, March 27, 1794; Rhode Island, March 31, 1794; Connecticut, May 8, 1794; New Hampshire, June 16, 1794; Massachusetts, June 26, 1794; Vermont, October 28, 1794; Virginia, November 18, 1794; Georgia, November 29, 1794; Kentucky, December 7, 1794; Maryland, December 26, 1794; Delaware, January 23, 1795; and North Carolina, February 7, 1795. Ratification was completed on February 7, 1795. The amendment was subsequently ratified by South Carolina on December 4, 1797. New Jersey and Pennsylvania did not take action on the amendment. AMENDMENT XII.\\3\\", "1971 – The US Congress proposed the 26th Amendment lowering the voting age from 21 to 18. It was ratified on July 1, 1971.", "Lame Duck Day -- US, on the anniversary of the passage of the 20th Amendment to the US Constitution; a day to recognize those whose tenure is running out", "The Eleventh Amendment was proposed by the 3rd Congress on March 4, 1794, when it was approved by the House of Representatives by vote of 81 – 9, having been previously passed by the Senate, 23 – 2, on January 14, 1794. The amendment was ratified by the state legislatures of the following states: ", "Fourteenth Amendment (an amendment to the Constitution of the United States adopted in 1868; extends the guarantees of the Bill of Rights to the states as well as to the federal government)", "January 8, 1798 - The 11th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified, preventing lawsuits against a state by anyone from another state or foreign nation.", "The Fourteenth Amendment, adopted on July 9, 1868, was the second of three Reconstruction Amendments. The amendment provided the foundation for equal rights for all U.S. citizens , including African Americans, and a framework for their implementation in the former Confederate states.", "           1795 –Saturday The 11th Amendment to the U.S constitution, which limits Supreme Court jurisdiction was ratified as" ]
[ 4.4453125, 4.25, 4.13671875, 3.7109375, 2.845703125, 1.3154296875, 0.81689453125, 0.77734375, -0.81689453125, -1.267578125, -2.39453125, -2.796875, -3.248046875, -3.591796875, -4.0625, -4.109375, -4.12890625, -4.22265625, -4.23046875, -4.62890625, -4.84765625, -4.95703125, -5.20703125, -5.27734375, -5.34765625, -5.546875, -5.78125, -6.046875, -6.29296875, -6.4609375, -6.98828125, -7.21875 ]
Of Beavis and Butt-head, which one wore the AC/DC t-shirt?
[ "The two characters' lives revolve around watching TV and eating nachos. Beavis typically wore a blue METALLICA t-shirt, while Butt-Head was usually seen wearing a gray AC/DC t-shirt.", "On the TV series, Butthead and Beavis respectively wear AC/DC and Metallica shirts. But for legal reasons, the captions are changed in most show memorabilia (including DVD cover art). The altered shirts say \"Skull\" and \"Death Rock,\" respectively by Butthead and Beavis. However, in one episode, Beavis is seen wearing a Slayer shirt. See more »", "For many years the most popular and most controversial of MTV's original cartoon series, Mike Judge's Beavis and Butt-Head began life as \"Frog Baseball,\" a brief 1992 vignette seen on the network's animation anthology Liquid Television. The title characters were a pair of acne-ridden, moronic preteens. Beavis was the blond one with the glassy-eyed stare and the Metallica T-shirt, while Butt-head had dark hair, crooked teeth with braces, and wore an AC/DC shirt. Forever insulting each other and everyone else with such loving epithets as \"you suck\" and \"look at his butt,\" Beavis and Butt-head were best known for their unison dirty giggle, which went something like \"Huhhuh-huh-huh-huhuh-huhuh\" and which was heard whenever someone uttered a word with even the slightest sexual connection. Sometimes Beavis and Butt-Head were making their teachers' lives miserable at school, sometimes they were wreaking havoc while on the job at the local Burger World, but most of the time they sat on a ratty couch in a dingy basement, watching music videos on a television that flickered.", "Beavis and Butt-head, a popular animated sitcom based on a short film by Mike Judge, premieres on MTV.", "Mike Judge (Beavis, Butt-Head, Tom Anderson, Mr. Van Driessen, Principal McVicker (voice)), Bruce Willis (Muddy Grimes (voice)), Demi Moore (Dallas Grimes (voice)), Cloris Leachman (Old Woman on Plane and Bus (voice)), Robert Stack (ATF Agent Flemming (voice)), Jacqueline Barba (FBI Agent Hurly (voice)), Pamela Blair (Flight Attendant, White House Tour Guide (voice)), Eric Bogosian (Ranger at Old Faithful, White House Press Secretary, Lieutenant at Strategic Air Command (voice)), Kristofor Brown (Man on Plane, Man in Confession Booth #2, Old Guy/Jim (voice)), Tony Darling (Motley Crue Roadie #2, Tourist Man (voice)), John Doman (Airplane Captain, White House Representative (voice)), Francis Dumaurier (French Dignitary (voice) (as Francis DuMaurier)), Jim Flaherty (Petrified Forest Recording (voice)), Tim Guinee (Hoover Dam Guide/ATF Agent (voice)), David Letterman (Motley Crue Roadie #1 (voice) (as Earl Hofert))", "The main game plots the two main characters, Beavis and Butt-head, trying to get into Todd's gang. Over the course of the game, they have to complete tasks[3] and explore areas in the fictional town of Highland, Texas.", "1997 Beavis (Right) And Butt-Head From The Movie Beavis And Butt-Head Do America. Getty Images / Getty Images", "The show centers on two socially incompetent, heavy metal-loving teenage wannabe delinquents, Beavis and Butt-Head (both voiced by Judge), who go to High School at Highland High in Albuquerque, New Mexico (the same city where Judge went to high school). They have no apparent adult supervision at home, and are dim-witted, under-educated and barely literate, and both lack any empathy or moral scruples, even regarding each other. Their most common shared activity is watching music videos, which they tend to judge by deeming them \"cool,\" or by exclaiming, \"This sucks!\" (the latter is sometimes followed by the demand, \"Change it!\"). They also apply these judgments to other things that they encounter, and will usually deem something \"cool\" if it is associated with violence, sex, or the macabre. Despite having no experience with women, their other signature traits are a shared obsession with sex, and their tendency to chuckle and giggle whenever they hear words or phrases that can even remotely be interpreted as sexual or scatological.", "\"Cornhulio\": In \"Beavis and Butt-Head\" (where Daria originated), whenever Beavis ate too much sugar, he pulled his shirt over his head, went spastic, shook his fists and went \"AAAAAAAAA! I AM THE GREAT CORNHULIO! YOU WILL GIVE ME TEE PEE FOR MY BUNG HOLE!\" It just made him more stupid than he already was.", "\"Tom Anderson\": He was the old neighbor that Beavis and Butt-Head kept harassing. He, like Beavis and Butt-Head, was voiced by creator Mike Judge (co-incidentally, he sounds much like Hank Hill from Judge's \"King of the Hill\" series on Fox).", "Michael McDonald as himself (the track \"Eyes of a Child\") and as Satan's high notes in \"Up There\", and Howard McGillin provides Gregory's singing voice in \"La Resistance (Medley)\". Stewart Copeland, former drummer for The Police, guests as an American soldier. Mike Judge, creator and voices of Beavis and Butt-head, King of the Hill and The Goode Family, provides Kenny's voice in his sole speaking appearance at the end of the film. Although initially denied by Paramount, Metallica lead singer James Hetfield said in 2001 that he provides vocals for the track \"Hell Isn't Good\". ", "They were famously lambasted by Democratic senator Fritz Hollings as \"Buffcoat and Beaver.\" This subsequently became a running gag on the show where adults mispronounced their names, Tom Anderson originally calling them \"Butthole\" and \"Joe\", and believing the two to be of Asian ethnicity (describing them to the police as \"Oriental\"). In later episodes, Tom Anderson uses the Hollings mispronunciation once, and on at least one occasion refers to them as \"Penis and Butt-Munch\". President Clinton called them \"Beavis and Bum-head\" in \"Citizen Butt-head\", as well as in the movie, where an old lady (voiced by Cloris Leachman) consistently calls them \"Travis\" and \"Bob-head\". In \"Incognito\", when another student threatens to kill them, the duo uses this to their advantage, pretending to be exchange students named \"Crevis and Bung-Head\". Also, in \"Right On!\", when the duo appear on the Gus Baker Show, host Gus Baker, who is an obvious caricature of Rush Limbaugh, introduces them as \"Beavis and Buffcoat\".", "Mike Judge ( King of the Hill ) brought us these stuttering slacker teenage boys on MTV from 1993 until 1997. They worked at a fast food restaurant, went to school, watched videos and drove adults mad. Beavis and Butt-head were even popular enough to spawn a feature film, Beavis and Butt-head Do America , in 1996. The boys returned to MTV with new episodes on October 27, 2011.", "5:00-6:00 Beavis & Butthead— In 1993, Mike Judge (creator of Beavis and Butthead) and MTV knocked their heads together and launched a cartoon series starring a couple of lunkheads and unwittingly started an animated pop culture revolution. Now, Beavis and Butthead are coming back to MTV in 2011 to unleash on music videos, Jersey Shore, viral videos, and more. See the first footage from the new episodes, and join Mike as he discusses the duo's return to MTV! Room 6A", "What made it so successful? At the time, Beavis and Butt-Head was considered an edgy cartoon and although the two protagonists were a couple of idiots, the way in which Judge captured their idiocy was sharp and funny.", "The animated series Beavis and Butt-head returned to MTV in October 2011 with new episodes. As with the original version of the series that ran from 1993 to 1997, the modern-day Beavis and Butt-head features segments in which its main characters watch and criticize music videos. ", "In September 2009, the channel aired Popzilla, which showcased and imitated celebrities in an animated form. MTV again reintroduced animated programming to its lineup with the return of Beavis and Butt-head in 2011 after 14 years off the air, alongside brand new animated program Good Vibes.", "Beavis and Butt-head was controversial for its portrayal of brief nudity, profanity and violence. Although the series was intended for adult audiences, it was shown in the afternoons, and multiple parents claimed that their children had imitated the show's characters. The first instance of such an accusation occurred when animal lovers in Santa Cruz, California claimed that someone had blown up a cat after seeing Beavis and Butt-head perform this act on television. In actuality, no such scene had ever been portrayed. When a five-year-old boy in Ohio set his bed on fire, killing his two-year-old sister, critics claimed that the incident was the result of an episode involving fire, although it has never been proven that the boy had ever watched the series. MTV responded by moving the series to a later airtime and adding disclaimers to future episodes stating explicitly not to imitate the actions of the characters, as well as removing all references to fire from the episodes.", "* Many video games, including Beavis and Butt-Head, Beavis and Butt-head in Virtual Stupidity, Beavis and Butt-Head: Bunghole in One, Calling All Dorks, Little Thingies, Wiener Takes All, and Beavis and Butt-head Do U. ", "On this day in 1992 the cable channel MTV ( Daria ) aired a special cartoon titled Frog Baseball, which turned out, unexpectedly, to be the opening episode of a long-running series. Beavis & Butt-Head were first seen 18 years ago today.", "If you dismiss the Grammy-nominated act as another pop-culture cast-off, consider this: The unforgettable single lampooned by “Beavis and Butt-head” lives on, recently appearing in the Adam Sandler film “You Don’t Mess with the Zohan.”", "The hard rock band AC/DC was formed by the Young brothers, Malcolm and Angus. Scott joined the band in September 1974 and changed the fortunes of the band for the better.", "According to Nypost.com , Beavis And Butt-Head - the show that celebrated the slacker way of life and helped make MTV into a network that did more than just play music videos - is coming back. The move to resurrect the hugely popular 1990s animated anti-heroes has been rumored for several days. But yesterday, sources at MTV confirmed that a new batch of Beavis And Butt-Head episodes are in the works. The show's minimalist animated style is also expected to remain intact.", "Prior to the release of the VHS Volumes, a laserdisc titled Beavis and Butt-Head: The Essential Collection was issued in 1994, containing sixteen episodes from the second and third seasons. Beavis and Butt-head Do America was also issued on Laserdisc in 1997.", "The Young brothers formed AC/DC in Sydney , Australia , in 1973 with Angus (famous for his schoolboy short-trousers outfit) on lead guitar and Malcolm on rhythm guitar. The rest of the band’s lineup changed when the Youngs moved to Melbourne, and AC/DC’s blues -based records and live appearances made them favourites in Australia by the mid-1970s. After relocating to London in 1976 and solidifying their lineup (with Scott as vocalist, Rudd on drums, Williams on bass, and the Youngs), AC/DC found success in Britain with Let There Be Rock (1977) and internationally with Highway to Hell (1979). AC/DC’s rise was hampered by Scott’s alcohol-related death in February 1980, but replacement Johnson’s falsetto fit in well with the group’s tight, clean metal punch and their raucous bad-boy image. The band’s next album, Back in Black (1980), sold more than 10 million copies in the United States alone, and For Those About to Rock (1981) was also a million-seller. The early to mid-1980s was the band’s peak period as a live group; a number of personnel changes occurred after that time.", "Prior to forming AC/DC, Young played in a local group called Kantuckee. Kantuckee's line-up included Bob McGlynn (vocals), Angus Young (guitar), Jon Stevens (bass) and Trevor James (drums). The band split and was later called Tantrum with the following line up: Mark Sneddon (vocals-guitar), Angus Young (guitar), Jon Stevens (bass) and Trevor James (drums). He was 18 when he and his older brother Malcolm formed AC/DC in 1973 with Angus on lead guitar, Malcolm on rhythm guitar, Colin Burgess on drums, Larry Van Kriedt on bass guitar and Dave Evans on vocals. \"Can I Sit Next To You Girl,\" their first single, was later re-recorded with Bon Scott as their vocalist. They decided upon the name AC/DC after seeing the letters \"AC/DC\" on the back of their sister Margaret's vacuum cleaner. ", "In April 2013, to mark the 30th anniversary of the band's album Sports, comedy video website Funny or Die created a parody of the axe murder scene featuring Huey Lewis as Patrick Bateman and \"Weird Al\" Yankovic (who parodied \"I Want A New Drug\" as \"I Want A New Duck\" years before) as Paul Allen. As an extra gag, in place of the band's Fore! album, Huey plays a DVD for Al of American Psycho.", "Author Paul Trynka completed a biography of Pop (with his blessing) called Open Up and Bleed, published in early 2007. More recently,[ when? ] Iggy and the Stooges played at Bam Margera 's wedding and Pop appeared on the single \" Punkrocker \" with the Teddybears in a Cadillac television commercial. Pop was also the voice of Lil' Rummy on the Comedy Central cartoon Lil' Bush and confirmed that he has done voices for American Dad! and Grand Theft Auto IV , [24] which also included The Stooges song \" I Wanna Be Your Dog \" (though the game's manual credited Pop as the artist).", "While most videos that Yankovic creates are aired on music channels such as MTV and VH1, Yankovic worked with animation artists to create music videos for release with extended content albums. The DualDisc version of Straight Outta Lynwood features six videos set to songs from the release, including videos created by Bill Plympton and John Kricfalusi; one video, \"Weasel Stomping Day\" was created by the producers of the show Robot Chicken, and aired as a segment of that program. For the 2010 Alpocalypse, Yankovic produced videos for every song; four of those were previously released for each of the songs on the EP Internet Leaks, with the videos for the remaining songs released via social media sites and included in the deluxe edition of Alpocalypse. These live-action and animated videos were produced by both previous collaborators such as Plympton for \"TMZ\", video content providers like Jib-Jab and SuperNews!, and other directors and animators.", "Live from New York, it's... Mike Myers and Dana Carvey! Sketches include \"Wayne's World,\" \"Jiffy Pop Airbag,\" \"Hitting on a Women,\" \"Sex Games,\" \"Flippy, The Flipping Chihuahua,\" \"Lung Brush,\" \"Pat's Interrogation,\" \"Airport Security Check,\" \"Ernie's,\" \"Tayster's Choice Spermicidal Jelly,\" \"Phil Hartman Creations,\" and \"Pornographic Romance.\" Pearl Jam performed \"Alive\" and \"Porch.\"", "Yankovic recorded \"I Love Rocky Road\", (a parody of \"I Love Rock 'n' Roll\" as recorded by Joan Jett and The Blackhearts) which was produced by Rick Derringer, in 1982. The song was a hit on Top 40 radio, leading to Yankovic's signing with Scotti Brothers Records. In 1983, Yankovic's first self-titled album was released on Scotti Bros. The song \"Ricky\" was released as a single and the music video received exposure on the still-young MTV. Yankovic released his second album \"Weird Al\" Yankovic in 3-D in 1984. The first single \"Eat It\", a parody of the Michael Jackson song \"Beat It\", became popular, thanks in part to the music video, a shot-for-shot parody of Jackson's \"Beat It\" music video, and what Yankovic described as his \"uncanny resemblance\" to Jackson. Peaking at No. 12 on the Billboard Hot 100 on April 14, 1984, \"Eat It\" remained Yankovic's highest-charting single until \"White & Nerdy\" placed at No. 9 in October 2006. ", "And while we're talkin’ E Street, accordions and Weird Al, there’s this, too: Yankovic rockin' his squeezebox with the late, great Clarence \"Big Man\" Clemons and some other famous friends. The group sang \"a song about cheese\" on the 1997 \"Mining Accident\" episode of The Weird Al Show . The episode's DVD commentary track contains some hilarious asides about C's involvement, including the \"revelation\" that Clarence appeared on the show to make up for mispronouncing Yankovic's last name at an awards show." ]
[ 7.30078125, 4.453125, 4.265625, -0.12005615234375, -0.323486328125, -0.83251953125, -1.466796875, -1.60546875, -1.736328125, -1.974609375, -2.28515625, -2.291015625, -2.44921875, -3.689453125, -3.91015625, -3.9453125, -4.1171875, -4.125, -4.3046875, -4.38671875, -4.43359375, -4.6875, -4.8984375, -4.90234375, -5.1640625, -5.40234375, -8.328125, -9.6171875, -9.75, -9.7890625, -9.8828125, -10.078125 ]
What relationship was shared by actors Danny DeVito and Arnold Schwarzenegger in their 1988 film, directed by Ivan Reitman?
[ "Released in 1988, Ivan Reitman's 'Twins' starred Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito as a pair of unlikely twins who were separated at birth: streetwise wannabe criminal Vincent (DeVito) and imposing intellectual Julius (Schwarzenegger), who must reconcile their differences while Julius helps Vincent get out of a jam. The film was a major hit, inspiring the pair to reunite a year later for another Reitman comedy, 'Junior.' Now, 26 years later, we revisit the cast of this comedy classic and see what they're up to these days. ", "Twins is a 1988 comedy film, produced and directed by Ivan Reitman about unlikely twins (played by Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito) who were separated at birth.", "And they say Hollywood is out of ideas! According to the Hollywood Reporter , a sequel to the 1988 Ivan Reitman comedy \"Twins\" is in the works at Universal. The film, tentatively titled \"Triplets,\" will reunite Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito as the very fraternal twins Julius and Vincent, as well as add another brother to the mix -- played by none other than Eddie Murphy.", "Danny DeVito is best known for his role on the TV show Taxi and in movies such as Batman Returns and Get Shorty. He’s also directed many films, including The War of the Roses about a destructive relationship in the divorce process. However, in his private life, DeVito has been in a happy marriage since 1982 to actress Rhea Perlman, one of the stars of the hit TV show Cheers. This celebrity couple has three children.", "An exemplary piece of high-concept, late 1980s fluff, Ivan Reitman's \"Twins\" succeeds on the basis of its stars and their, however unexpected, comic charisma. Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito as unlikely twin brothers, the comedy rides Schwarzenegger's broad-grinned magnetism and DeVito's self-deprecating incorrigibility for all they are worth, resulting in something memorable, warm, and highly entertaining.", "With all the politics chat, it can be easy to forget that you’re talking to an actor whom you’ve grown up watching. For me, it was his memorable partnership with Arnold Schwarzenegger, with whom he starred in two much-loved high-concept comedies – Twins, where the pair play unlikely fraternal siblings, and Junior, in which Arnie gets pregnant – that particularly resonated. The pair considered making a sequel to that former film, Triplets, but progress has stalled. “I love those movies. We had a great time,” he beams. “Arnie was the kinda guy who would talk to you about physical fitness all the time – I always struggled with my weight – and then he’d bring you cream pies for lunch. That was Arnold. Always teasing.” So what did DeVito make of Arnie’s stint as the Republican “Governator” of California? “It was a mistake, right? I guess he had a good time.”", "As Danny De Vito 's unlikely pacifistic sibling in Twins (1988), Schwarzenegger received the praise of critics who noted his \"unsuspected\" comic expertise (quite forgetting The Villain ). In Kindergarten Cop (1991), Schwarzenegger played a hard-bitten police detective who found his true life's calling as a schoolteacher (his character was a cop only because it was expected of him by his policeman father, which could have paralleled his own life). Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991), wherein Schwarzenegger exercised his star prerogative and insisted that the Terminator become a good guy, was the most expensive film ever made up to its time -- and one of the biggest moneymakers. The actor's subsequent action films were equally as costly; sometimes the expenditures paid off, while other times the result was immensely disappointing -- for the box-office disappointment Last Action Hero (1992), Schwarzenegger refreshingly took full responsibility, rather than blaming the failure on his production crew or studio as other \"superstars\" have been known to do.", "Shortly thereafter came the comedy Junior (1994), directed by Twins director Ivan Reitman and again playing opposite co-star Danny DeVito. This film brought Schwarzenegger his second Golden Globe nomination, this time for Best Actor – Musical or Comedy|Golden Globe Award for Best Actor in a Musical or Comedy. It was followed by the action thriller Eraser (1996), and the comic book-based Batman & Robin (1997), where he played the villain Mr Freeze . This was his final film before taking time to recuperate from a back injury. Following the failure of Batman & Robin, Schwarzenegger's film career and box office prominence went into decline.", "A sequel to the 1988 comedy \"Twins\" is in the early stages of development, a spokesman for Universal Pictures told TheWrap. The plan would be for Schwarzenegger and DeVito to reprise their roles from the Ivan Reitman -directed original, with Eddie Murphy coming aboard to play a third character — presumably, a triplet sibling to Schwarzenegger and DeVito.", "From Taxi to Twins, Danny DeVito is one of Hollywood's most recognisable figures. He talks about family, hairdressing and arguing over politics with Schwarzenegger", "Decades later, most of the cast returned to play their younger selves and briefly re-enact scenes for the Kaufman biopic, Man on the Moon. Judd Hirsch, Marilu Henner, Jeff Conaway, Carol Kane, Randall Carver, J. Alan Thomas and Christopher Lloyd all reprised their roles. The only two living members of the Taxi cast who did not reprise their roles were Danny DeVito, who produced and co-starred in the film as Kaufman's manager George Shapiro, and Tony Danza, who at the time of filming was performing in A View from the Bridge on Broadway. ", "Collaborators and friends: Arnold Schwarzenegger reunited with his frequent co-star Danny DeVito at Germany's Golden Camera Awards in Hamburg Friday", "Red Heat (1988): A buddy cop movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jim Belushi, one who portrays a Russian police officer (Schwarzenegger), and the other a hotheaded Chicago Police Officer (Belushi) who must track down a wanted fugitive responsible for killing the former's partner back in Russia.", "Schwarzenegger explained to Stern about the sequel's third brother Eddie Murphy .The actor stated:\"Now we are talking about a sequel, where we find out at the funeral of our mother, when we read the will, that there's three of us.\" Schwarzenegger also said, \"Eddie Murphy loves the idea,\" as Schwarzenegger gushed: \"Danny DeVito and I had lunch with Eddie Murphy over at my house, and talked about the thing, and we were laughing and laughing the whole meal through because it was such a funny idea.\"", "Schwarzenegger and DeVito are a lot of fun together, but man, what the hell was going on with this script? Two men discover they're long-lost twins isn't enough for a film, apparently, so this movie also adds:", "Ghostbusters II is a 1989 American supernatural comedy film directed and produced by Ivan Reitman, written by Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis, and starring Bill Murray, Aykroyd, Sigourney Weaver, Ramis, Ernie Hudson, and Rick Moranis. It is the sequel to the 1984 film Ghostbusters, and follows the further adventures of the four parapsychologists and their organization which combats paranormal activities.", "And now Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito are reportedly set to reteam as they prepare to resurrect their characters for a sequel.", "Of all actors from the Tim Burton / Joel Schumacher Batman films, DeVito (as actor, producer or director) has had the most affiliation with other actors from the films. He has worked with Michael Keaton , Jack Nicholson , Tracey Walter , Kim Basinger , Christopher Walken , Vincent Schiavelli , George Clooney , Arnold Schwarzenegger , Uma Thurman and more.", "Arnold Schwarzenegger with Danny DeVito at the Golden Camera Awards in Germany | Daily Mail Online", "Danny DeVito was sort of trying to put a one-man act in the film. He was Matilda's dad, the director, and one of the producers.", "DeVito and Michael Shamberg founded Jersey Films. Soon afterwards, Stacey Sher became an equal partner. The production company is known for films such as Pulp Fiction, Garden State, and Freedom Writers. DeVito also owns Jersey Television, which produced the Comedy Central series Reno 911!. DeVito and wife Rhea Perlman starred together in his 1996 film Matilda, based on Roald Dahl's children's novel. ", "In 1977, DeVito played the role of John 'John John the Apple' DeAppoliso in the Starsky and Hutch episode titled \"The Collector\". In 1986, DeVito directed and starred in an episode of Steven Spielberg's Amazing Stories. In the black comedy episode from season two, titled \"The Wedding Ring\", DeVito acquires an engagement ring for his wife (played by his real-life wife, actress Rhea Perlman). When the ring is slipped on his wife's finger, she becomes possessed by the ring's former owner, a murderous black widow.", "Boyhood friends with Danny DeVito . Nicholson's relatives and DeVito's relatives managed a hair salon together.", "Schwarzenegger's breakthrough film was the sword-and-sorcery epic Conan the Barbarian in 1982, which was a box-office hit. This was followed by a sequel, Conan the Destroyer, in 1984, although it was not as successful as its predecessor. In 1983, Schwarzenegger starred in the promotional video, Carnival in Rio. In 1984, he made his first appearance as the eponymous character, and what some would say was his acting career's signature role, in James Cameron's science fiction thriller film The Terminator. Following this, Schwarzenegger made Red Sonja in 1985.", "Schwarzenegger was a founding celebrity investor in the Planet Hollywood chain of international theme restaurants (modeled after the Hard Rock Cafe) along with Bruce Willis, Sylvester Stallone and Demi Moore. Schwarzenegger severed his financial ties with the business in early 2000. Schwarzenegger said the company had not had the success he had hoped for, claiming he wanted to focus his attention on \"new US global business ventures\" and his movie career.", "In his late teens and early 20s, he smoked marijuana and rode around his New York drama school on a motorbike. In 1966 at a playwrights’ conference in Connecticut, he met his best friend (to this day) Danny DeVito.", "Dorothy Petrillo Zbornak : [talking to Mario on a movie theatre] You know, a lot of people come to America to start a new life. You're looking at one. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Came to America, started a new career, married a Kennedy. Right now, he's tearing off a man's arm and hitting him with it.", "Directed by David Ayer. Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sam Worthington, Terrence Howard, Josh Holloway, Joe Manganiello, Max Martini, Mireille Enos.", "Schwarzenegger took to visiting a gym in Graz, where he also frequented the local movie theaters to see bodybuilding idols such as Reg Park, Steve Reeves, and Johnny Weissmuller on the big screen. When Reeves died in 2000, Schwarzenegger fondly remembered him: \"As a teenager, I grew up with Steve Reeves. His remarkable accomplishments allowed me a sense of what was possible, when others around me didn't always understand my dreams. Steve Reeves has been part of everything I've ever been fortunate enough to achieve.\" In 1961, Schwarzenegger met former Mr. Austria Kurt Marnul, who invited him to train at the gym in Graz. He was so dedicated as a youngster that he broke into the local gym on weekends, when it was usually closed, so that he could train. \"It would make me sick to miss a workout... I knew I couldn't look at myself in the mirror the next morning if I didn't do it.\" When Schwarzenegger was asked about his first movie experience as a boy, he replied: \"I was very young, but I remember my father taking me to the Austrian theaters and seeing some newsreels. The first real movie I saw, that I distinctly remember, was a John Wayne movie.\" ", "In 1984, Arnold Schwarzenegger portrayed an emotionless, homicidal android  in James Cameron's The Terminator...and an iconic movie villain was born. ", "Lethal Weapon is a 1987 American buddy cop action film directed by Richard Donner, starring Mel Gibson and Danny Glover as a mismatched pair of L.A.P.D. detectives and Mitchell Ryan and Gary Busey as their primary adversaries. Critically and commercially successful, the film was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Sound Mixing and spawned three sequels: Lethal Weapon 2 (1989), Lethal Weapon 3 (1992) and Lethal Weapon 4 (1998).", "Arnold Schwarzenegger played the role of Mickey Hargitay in the 1980 TV-movie The Jayne Mansfield Story." ]
[ 5.32421875, 4.3359375, 3.533203125, 1.912109375, 1.8203125, 1.5400390625, 0.9482421875, 0.4306640625, -0.0252685546875, -1.255859375, -1.5400390625, -1.755859375, -1.8603515625, -1.9375, -2.107421875, -2.42578125, -3.064453125, -3.546875, -3.900390625, -4.3359375, -4.39453125, -4.75, -4.96484375, -5.1328125, -5.265625, -5.51953125, -5.984375, -7.203125, -7.7890625, -8.1171875, -8.359375, -8.4921875 ]
Prized by collectors, the “Inverted Jenny” is a famous what?
[ "The Inverted Jenny or 1918 24c carmine rose and blue (also known as an Upside Down Jenny or Jenny Invert) is a United States postage stamp, regarded as one of the most famous and valuable in the world. It was first issued on May 10, 1918 in which the image of the Curtiss JN-4 airplane in the center of the design was accidentally printed upside-down.", "Described by some as probably the most famous American error, the Inverted Jenny is also one of the most recognised and desired rarities in all of philately .", "The Inverted Jenny (also known as an Upside Down Jenny, Jenny Invert) is a United States postage stamp first issued on May 10, 1918 in which the image of the Curtiss JN-4 airplane in the center of the design appears upside-down; it is probably the most famous error in American philately. Only one pane of 100 of the invert stamps was ever found, making this error one of the most prized in all philately. A single Inverted Jenny was sold at a Robert A. Siegel auction in November 2007 for $977,500. In December 2007 a mint never hinged example was sold for $825,000. The broker of the sale said the buyer was a Wall Street executive who had lost the auction the previous month. A block of four inverted Jennys was sold at a Robert A. Siegel auction in October 2005 for $2.7 million. In the wake of the 2008 financial meltdown, prices fetched by Inverted Jennys have receded. Between January and September 2014, five examples offered at auction sold for sums ranging from $126,000 through $575,100. Prices seem since to have recovered, for on May 31, 2016, a particularly well-centered Jenny invert, graded XF-superb 95 by Professional Stamp Experts, was sold for at a Siegel Auction for a hammer price of $1,175,000 The addition of a 15% buyer’s premium raised the total record high price paid for this copy to $1,351,250.", "This souvenir sheet features a new version of the most famous error in the history of U.S. stamps:  the Inverted Jenny, a 1918 misprint that mistakenly showed a biplane flying upside down. Reprinted with a $2 denomination to make them easily distinguishable from the 24-cent originals, the Inverted Jennys on this sheet commemorate the many ways a single stamp can turn a moment in history upside down. The original engraved dies to produce the 1918 Inverted Jenny are being used in the design to produce the new stamps.", "For nearly a century, stamp collectors, referred to as philatelists, have chased the Inverted Jennys, accounting for nearly all 100 of them — even as the stamp became one of the country’s best known philatelic treasures. One of the remaining originals recently sold at auction for $625,000.", "The Inverted Jenny is the world's most famous stamp - but it's just one of many classic inverts", "The Inverted Jenny's legendary status began the day after the stamp was issued in May 1918, when buyer William T. Robey purchased an entire sheet of 100 at the New York Avenue Post Office window in Washington DC.", "While it is a high price for a stamp, Hack believes that the prices for ‘Inverted Jenny’ stamps “are low” when “compared to prices” for works of art. He also collects “Dutch Old Master paintings, drawings and engravings.” In the art world, he says, “a mediocre item may sell for one million dollars.” Hack emphasizes that the ‘Inverted Jenny’ is of great importance for the whole field of stamps and postal history. “It is the stamp that most people know about, an icon!” As the top item in a whole field, Hack believes that the ‘Inverted Jenny’ “should be worth more.” On Nov. 14, Hack was “glad to pay more” than the “$650,000” that he “expected it to bring”!", "While an 1868 1¢ Z-grill issue is much rarer than an ‘Inverted Jenny’, it is not as attractive and not as culturally significant. In 1918, the idea of using airplanes to transport mail was new and shocking to many people. ‘Inverted Jenny’ stamps bring to mind the fact that most people then were extremely scared of airplanes. In 1918, some people were aware that combat airplanes sometimes flew upside down, but others would not believe that such flying was really possible. Many people thought that it was not practical to fly at all.", "A Washington, DC Post Office clerk — who had never seen an airplane — sold a sheet of 100 stamps mistakenly showing the biplane upside down. For nearly a century, stamp collectors have chased the Inverted Jennys and have accounted for nearly all 100 of them.", "Later, in late October 2005, Sundman traded this Z Grill to financier Bill Gross for a block of four Inverted Jenny stamps worth nearly $3 million. By completing this trade Gross became the owner of the only complete collection of", "Trepel was also the auctioneer when the Siegel firm set the auction record for a philatelic item, something relating to postage, a little more than two years ago. On Oct. 19, 2005, the only existing plate numbered block of four ‘Inverted Jenny’ stamps sold for $2,970,000.", "Although this is the first time the Inverted Jenny has been reissued, a small Inverted Jenny stamp appeared as a design element on one of four 1993 stamps to mark the opening of the Smithsonian’s National Postal Museum .", "The PSE graded “VF-80 Mint OGnh” ‘Inverted Jenny’ that Parrino sold in September 2007 is known as position #68. When it was printed, it was not near the top or bottom of the sheet.", "The stamp is an invert error, meaning that its Jenny aeroplane design was printed upside down. Invert errors typically occur because stamps with complex designs, involving more than one colour, may require two or more trips through the printing machine.", "For ‘Inverted Jenny’ stamps, position #58, this stamp, and position #57, the one that set a previous record in June 2005, were both close to the center of the original sheet. Trepel reports that the position #57 ‘Inverted Jenny’ stamp was PSE graded Extremely Fine to Superb, 95, after his Siegel firm auctioned it. A source, who is not associated with Siegel auctions, suggests that a leading coin dealer, who is not mentioned in this article, owns this EF-Sup 95 ‘Inverted Jenny’ stamp.", "financier Bill Gross. Shortly after purchasing the Inverted Jennys he proceeded to trade them with Donald Sundman, president of the Mystic Stamp Company, a stamp dealer, for one of only two known examples of the", "One example of a counterfeit error stamp is the inverted Jenny error stamp. It was found in 2006 as one of an error stamp counterfeit.", "I was glad to see another coin expert at the event. Greg Rohan, President of Heritage Auction Galleries, came to bid on this ‘Inverted Jenny.’ Rohan’s first bid was $460,000.", "Top: A 1918 Inverted Jenny (left) and its 2013 “re-issue” (right). Above: Visitors to the Gross Stamp Gallery will be able to see a block of four Inverted Jennys.", "The Mona Lisa (; or La Gioconda, ) is a half-length portrait of a woman by the Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci, which has been acclaimed as \"the best known, the most visited, the most written about, the most sung about, the most parodied work of art in the world\". ", "Jackson Pollock (1912-1956) is a legendary figure in 20th century art. He was the first American artist to gain an international reputation as an innovator without having studied or worked in Europe, the birthplace of modernism. His challenging abstract imagery and unusual painting technique are still controversial today. His works hang in major museums around the world, and his life has been examined in biographies, documentary films, and an eponymous Oscar-winning motion picture, starring Ed Harris as Pollock and Marcia Gay Harden as his wife and fellow painter Lee Krasner . ", "The painting is a half-length portrait and depicts a woman whose facial expression is frequently described as enigmatic. Others believe that the slight smile is an indication that the subject is hiding a secret. The ambiguity of the subject's expression, the monumentality of the composition, and the subtle modeling of forms and atmospheric illusionism were novel qualities that have contributed to the continuing fascination and study of the work. In 1911, it was stolen and copied; the copies were sold as the genuine painting. It was recovered in 1913.", "In 1944, Hermann G�ring paid �165,000 for the painting 'Woman Taken in Adultery' by the rarest of all Dutch painters, Vermeer. The painting was found in Emma G�ring's home in Austria. It was later proved to be a forgery by Hans Van Meegeren. In 1945, Van Meegeren was arrested by Dutch authorities and sentenced to one year in jail. He died just nineteen days after his jail sentence began. Today, G�ring's fake Vermeer is hidden away in the strong room of the Dutch State Collection in the Hague, never to be shown to the public or sold.", "Painted in 1908-09, “The Kiss” is on permanent display at the Belvedere Palace and Museum in Vienna. It is one of the world’s most iconic paintings, open to many interpretations of love, happiness and hope, yet it is Klimt’s 1902 portrait of Emilie Floge which many experts often consider to be his best portrait of a woman, which forms the centre piece of this coin’s Obverse.", "This may be a classic example of her work, but it is not the rarest in the collection. That privilege belongs to an abstract 1930s piece that Andy bought in New Zealand. Today it would fetch a staggering £10,000.", "Man Ray was the first artist whose photographs were more valuable to collectors than his artistic/pictorial work. He thereby made an important contribution to the re-evaluation of photography as an art form. His photograph \"Noire et blanche\" (1926) was auctioned by Christies in 1998 for a record sum of $550,000.", "Hungry Hoboes: Initially thought to be lost, but a print was discovered to still exist in a private collection. As of 2012, it was auctioned and sold for $35,000!", "In 1985, Midwinters (which took over Newport in 1963), decided to produce limited editions of some Cliff pieces. These included: Conical shape teapot in Umbrellas and Rain pattern; Conical sugar shakers in six different patterns (at this time unable to verify pattern names); a Mei Ping shape vase in Honolulu pattern and a 13\" diameter wall plaque (charger) in the Summerhouse pattern. Prices for the limited editions ranged from about $20 for the sugar shakers to around $200 for a vase. Most of this production was distributed in England but some was presumably purchased by tourists and could turn up anywhere. All the Midwinters pieces were originally dated 1985 and carried a special backstamp. If you encounter the above shapes and patterns, though, you might want to double check the mark. The Midwinter reproductions could carry forged old backstamps.", "In 1940, Caldor visited the Galerie St. Etienne, which had been recently founded by Otto Kallir, a Viennese émigré.  The gallery specialized in modern Austrian masters but Kallir was also interested in the work of self-taught painters because it was believed to be “purer” and “more original” than that of trained painters.  As such an artist, Anna Mary Robertson Moses made her public debut at the Galerie St. Etienne in October 1940. Only garnering modest success, this show was followed by a Thanksgiving festival organized by Gimbels Department Store in which many of Moses’ painting were put on view. “Grandma” traveled to New York, delivered a public talk on jams and preserved fruits, and won over the hardened New York press corps.  The legend of Grandma Moses was finally born.", "A common name for Dutch Pink when it was sold for artist's use. Impermanent no matter which name it had.", "(American, b. 1938), “Kaleidoscope”, paint on treated paper, signed, titled and dated “1982” en verso, 75 in. x 92 in., unframed. $400/600" ]
[ 6.82421875, 4.34765625, 3.9765625, 3.2890625, 2.63671875, 1.662109375, 0.462158203125, 0.2086181640625, -0.417724609375, -0.83251953125, -0.95458984375, -0.9970703125, -1.0791015625, -1.4638671875, -1.556640625, -1.58984375, -1.802734375, -2.03125, -2.2890625, -2.7890625, -4.63671875, -5.19140625, -5.21875, -6.09375, -6.52734375, -6.70703125, -6.890625, -8.9375, -9.078125, -9.390625, -9.421875, -10.3671875 ]
What is the name of Snoopy's bird friend in the Peanuts comic strip?
[ "Snoopy's little bird friend is named Woodstock, according to Peanuts.com. In the comic strip \"Peanuts,\" the two are best friends and share many imaginative adventures.", "Snoopy’s favorite feathered friend, Woodstock is one of the most recognizable figures from the Peanuts comic strip. A small but scrappy character, Woodstock has silently been wooing Peanuts fans for more than 45 years. And yet, even with his hard earned celebrity, very few people really know the history of this clever little bird. Just where did he come from, and what kind of bird is he, really?", "Cartoon beagle Snoopy is a sidekick/star of the long-running newspaper comic strip Peanuts, created by Charles Schulz . Snoopy was the oddball, manic pet of lovable loser Charlie Brown . Originally a minor figure, Snoopy grew to become the strip's best-known character. His quirks were famous: sleeping on top of his doghouse, pretending he was a WWI airplane pilot or Foreign Legionnaire (in costume), showing the ropes to his bird friend, Woodstock, and even playing shortstop on Charlie Brown's sandlot baseball team. Snoopy appeared in Peanuts comic strips from 1950 until Schulz's retirement (and death) in February of 2000, and now appears in rerun strips in hundreds of newspapers. Snoopy was featured in \"flying ace\" mode on a 34-cent stamp issued by the US Postal Service in 2004, and also appeared on a 2015 set of stamps celebrating the TV special A Charlie Brown Christmas.", "Woodstock is a bird who quickly became Snoopy’s best friend. The only non-bird character who can understand Woodstock’s speech is Snoopy. When depicted in the comic strip, his speech is rendered almost entirely in \"chicken scratch\" marks, with Snoopy either directly translating or allowing the reader to deduce Woodstock's meaning in the context of Snoopy's replies. Woodstock does make nonverbal noises such as yawns (November 23, 1972), laughter, sighs (November 22, 1972) and \"Z\"s or snores to indicate sleep. He also uses punctuation marks like \"!\" or \"??\" to indicate emotions. In the movies and television specials, the chicken scratches are rendered audibly as a staccato series of high-pitched honks and squawks by Snoopy's voice actor, Bill Melendez. Woodstock often works as Snoopy's secretary (most notably when the latter was appointed \"Head Beagle\"), and caddies for him when he plays golf (usually with some difficulty). Woodstock also plays American football with Snoopy, usually attempting to catch the ball but, due to his size, he is simply hit by it; sometimes getting embedded into the ground a short distance. Woodstock also claims to have contact lenses (June 8, 1995).", "Other notable characters include Snoopy's friend Woodstock , a bird whose chirping is represented in print as hash marks but is nevertheless clearly understood by Snoopy; three of Woodstock's buddies who usually appeared when on a scouting trip with Snoopy as their scout leader; Pigpen , the perpetually dirty boy who could raise a cloud of dust on a clean sidewalk, in a snowstorm, or inside a building; and Frieda , a girl proud of her \"naturally curly hair\", and who owned a cat named Faron, much to Snoopy's chagrin. (The way Faron hung over Freida's shoulder prompted Linus to comment that he was \"the world's first boneless cat.\") Frieda eventually disappeared from the strip.", "Snoopy has often wondered what type of bird Woodstock is. In a series of strips from September and October 1980 , Snoopy attempts to identify him using his Guide to Birds. The birds which Snoopy suggests and Woodstock attempts to imitate are: crow, American bittern, Caroline wren, rufous-sided towhee, yellow-billed cuckoo, Canada goose, warbler, and a mourning warbler. Snoopy finally gives up trying to figure it out in the strip from October 11, 1980, and hurts Woodstock's feelings by saying, \"For all I know, you're a duck\". Snoopy takes it back with a quick hug, at which point it becomes clear that it does not matter what type of bird Woodstock is; the only important fact is that he is Snoopy's best friend.", "Outside of his fantasy life he is the shortstop for Charlie Brown's Little League team (and the best player, nearly passing Babe Ruth on the career home run list). Snoopy is also a \"Beagle Scout\", the Peanuts version of Eagle Scout and is the Scout leader for a troop composed of Woodstock and his other bird friends. This Scouting theme reappears throughout the comic strip.", "Woodstock is the best friend of Snoopy, and is the lovable yellow sparrow. He and Snoopy are always on adventures, always doing something mischevious.", "Snoopy is a fictional character in the long-running comic strip Peanuts , by Charles M. Schulz . He is Charlie Brown 's pet beagle . Snoopy began his life in the strip as a fairly ordinary dog, but eventually evolved into perhaps the strip's most dynamic character — and among the most recognizable comic characters in the world. The original drawings of Snoopy were \"slightly patterned\" after Spike, one of Schulz's childhood dogs. [1] [2]", "Outside of his fantasy life, he plays shortstop on Charlie Brown's Little League team; he is the best player, nearly passing Babe Ruth on the career home run list, and an excellent fielder due to his ability to catch fly balls in his mouth. Snoopy is also a \"Beagle Scout\", the Peanuts version of Eagle Scout and is the Scout leader for a troop composed of Woodstock and his other bird friends. This Scouting theme reappears throughout the comic strip.", "Snoopy is Charlie Brown 's pet beagle in the comic strip Peanuts by Charles M. Schulz . He can also be found in all of the Peanuts movies and television specials, like The Peanuts Movie . Since his debut on October 4, 1950, Snoopy has become one of the most recognizable and iconic characters in the comic strip. The original drawings of Snoopy were inspired by Spike, one of Schulz's childhood dogs. [1] [2]", "Snoopy is a fictional character in the long-running comic strip Peanuts , by Charles M. Schulz. He is Charlie Brown's pet beagle. Snoopy began his life in the strip as a fairly ordinary dog, but eventually evolved into perhaps the strip's most dynamic character — and among the most recognizable comic characters in the world. The original drawings of Snoopy were based on Schulz's childhood dogs, Snooky and Spike.", "Snoopy is a fictional character in the long-running comic strip Peanuts , by Charles M. Schulz . He is Charlie Brown's pet beagle . Snoopy began his life in the strip as a fairly ordinary dog, but eventually evolved into perhaps the strip's most dynamic character — and among the most recognizable comic characters in the world. The original drawings of Snoopy were based on Schulz's childhood dogs, Snooky and Spike.", "Laurel had Hardy, and Sherlock Holmes had Watson. It's only natural that the world's most famous beagle should have his own sidekick, in the form of a flutter-feathered \"chirp off the old block\" eventually named after the famous rock festival. Schulz actually experimented with little feathered friends decades before Woodstock earned his name and ongoing role as Snoopy's boon companion; aside from occasional bursts of winged enthusiasm, birds played a key role in lampooning the 1964 and 1968 political campaigns. As the years have passed since Woodstock's arrival, the beaky buddy lost the clumsiness of youth and matured into a dignified equal. But the central question remains: is Woodstock a boy...or a girl??? (Remember that egg!)", "While he’s now a permanent fixture around the Peanuts Thanksgiving table, Woodstock didn’t make an appearance in the original comic strip until 1967. At the time, Snoopy had begun befriending birds when they would drop by his doghouse to rest, nest, or sometimes play a game of cards. While Snoopy would tolerate these intruders, rarely did their interactions last longer than one or two strips. It wasn’t until an unnamed Woodstock boldly flew into the picture and landed directly on Snoopy’s nose that readers were introduced to a permanent pal. Over the next 14 months, Woodstock would enjoy a recurring role in the strip, always as Snoopy’s unofficial right-hand man. Then, on June 14, 1968, the most important aspect of Woodstock’s relationship with Snoopy was clearly defined – their friendship.", "Snoopy is Charlie Brown's pet beagle in the funny cartoon Peanuts by Charles M. Schulz. He can likewise be found in Charlie Brown films and TV, similar to The Peanuts Movie. The first drawings of Snoopy were enlivened by Spike, one of Schulz's adolescence canines.", "The cast of ''Peanuts'' changed remarkably little. It included Charlie Brown, a wishy-washy boy with a tree-loving kite and a losing baseball team; Snoopy, an unflappable beagle with a fancy inner life; Lucy, a fussbudget with a football and a curbside psychiatric clinic; Linus, a philosophical blanket-carrier; Sally, Charlie Brown's romantic little sister; Schroeder, a virtuoso on the toy piano and a Beethoven devotee; Peppermint Patty, a narcoleptic D-minus student; and, in later years, Woodstock, a small, expressive but speechless bird.", "Snoopy is the loving dog of Charlie and Sally Brown. Charlie Brown is usually frustrated with him, saying he wishes that Snoopy would just act like a normal dog. Snoopy always lays on top of his dog house, instead of inside it. Him and Woodstock are known to be best friends. Everybody else in the Peanuts Gang adores Snoopy, except Lucy, who also gets aggrivated by him. He also uses his doghouse as an airplane, pretending to be a flying ace, and attacking other planes such as the Red Baron.", "Snoopy first made his appearance on the strip on October 4, 1950, two days after the strip premiered, and was identified by name on November 10. Schulz was originally going to call him \"Sniffy\" (as described in 25th anniversary book, Peanuts Jubilee, (pg. 20)), until he discovered that name was used in a different comic strip. He changed it to \"Snoopy\" after remembering that his late mother Dena Schulz had commented that if their family were ever to acquire a second dog, it should be called Snoopy.[2] In earlier strips it is not clear who Snoopy belongs to; for instance in the February 2, 1951 strip, Charlie Brown accuses Snoopy of following him, only to be told by Patty that Snoopy isn't following Charlie Brown but merely lives in the same direction.[3]. Indeed many early strips show Snoopy interacting with Shermy and Patty without Charlie Brown, making Snoopy appear to belong to all of the neighborhood kids, similar to the dog Pete in the Our Gang comedies, who is everyone's dog.", "A yellow \"hippie\" bird that Snoopy met in the late 1960s. Unnamed at first, the bird became known as Woodstock after the music festival of the same name. Later on, other birds would appear; named ones would include Bill, Conrad, Olivier, Harriet, and Raymond.", "Peanuts had several recurring characters that were actually absent from view. Some, such as the Great Pumpkin or Manfred von Richthofen (the Red Baron ), were merely figments of the cast's imaginations. Others were not imaginary, such as the Little Red-Haired Girl (Charlie Brown's perennial dream girl who finally appeared in 1998, but only in silhouette), Joe Shlabotnik (Charlie Brown's baseball hero), World War II (the vicious cat who lives next door to Snoopy—not to be confused with Frieda's cat, Faron ), and Charlie Brown's unnamed pen pal , referred to as his \"pencil-pal\" after Charlie Brown's failed mastery of the fountain pen. Adult figures only appeared in the strip during a four-week Sunday-comic sequence in 1954 in which Lucy plays in an amateur golf tournament, with Charlie Brown \"coaching\" her. At no time, however, were any adult faces seen (it was also in this story that Lucy's family name, \"van Pelt\", was first revealed.) There are adult voices in a few of the strips in its early years.", "Snoopy is a beagle. This cartoon character is a part of the Peanuts newspaper comic strip that first appeared in 1950.", "Snoopy has done many impressions over the years. His earliest impression (that of a bird) was seen on August 9, 1951 . Starting on November 17, 1955 , his impressions began to be somewhat prominent: He did impressions of Violet , a pelican, Lucy , a moose, Beethoven and Mickey Mouse. He would also pretend to be other animals, including a snake, rhinoceros, lion, and vulture. But his eccentricities did not stop there.", "The character Snoopy is a black and white beagle. Snoopy is one of the characters in the \"Peanuts\" comic strip created by Charles M. Schultz. He was first introduced as Charlie Brown's dog on October 4, 1950.", "Snoopy: As the star of the Peanuts comic strip (sorry, Charlie Brown), Snoopy has demonstrated his exceptional skills since his debut on October 4, 1950. Initially a silent character, Snoopy grew into a dog that essentially thought he was a person: he walks on two legs, reads Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace, and plays the accordion. He also takes on other persona, like the World War I Flying Ace, Joe Cool, and even a Flashdance-type character named \"Flash Beagle.\"", "Snoopy's fiancée is a minor unseen dog character, in the Peanuts comic strip by Charles M. Schulz . She has never been given a name. Snoopy meets her and falls in love with her in a series of strips which originally ran between July 25 and August 30, 1977 . Not much is known about her, except that she is a cheater who will go after any male dog that she sees.", "One of the first odd developments of Snoopy was his tendency to engage in impersonations. His earliest impersonation was of a bird on August 9, 1951. Later (starting November 17, 1955), Snoopy engaged in dead-on imitations of Violet, a pelican, Lucy, a moose, Beethoven and Mickey Mouse. He would also pretend to be various other animals, including a snake, rhinoceros, and vulture. But his eccentricities did not stop there.", "Snoopy is Charlie Brown's dog, and they have a strange relationship. Despite them not being from the same species, they are still good friends, although sometimes they are annoyed at each other. Charlie Brown does many things for Snoopy, and Snoopy normally appreciates it, but sometimes he does not. They both need each other, and on many occasions are seen hugging. Since April 1969, Snoopy has been unable to remember his master's name, referring to him as \"that round-headed kid.\"", "Charlie Brown, named after a friend Schulz had at art school, was to some extent the cartoonist's alter ego, and Snoopy was inspired by a dog he had as a child. Schulz remembered the animal as \"the smartest and most uncontrollable dog that I have ever seen.\"", "Snoopy , from the comic strip Peanuts. Note that his head is white and the ears on the side are black.", "Several bird characters have been depicted in the strip. Some are named and others are not:", "Named June 22, 1970. ''For some time, a flock of birds had hung around Snoopy's house,'' Mr. Schulz said. ''One of them, particularly scatterbrained and clumsy, finally eclipsed the others.''" ]
[ 9.3359375, 7.4140625, 6.65625, 5.44140625, 5.12109375, 4.25390625, 3.951171875, 3.9375, 3.673828125, 3.18359375, 3.041015625, 2.50390625, 2.46875, 2.375, 1.8505859375, 1.404296875, 1.38671875, 1.1533203125, 0.9931640625, 0.578125, 0.39111328125, 0.01371002197265625, -0.55322265625, -0.59521484375, -0.64453125, -0.83984375, -0.9013671875, -3.9296875, -4.23828125, -4.3671875, -5.73828125, -5.99609375 ]
Characterized by a numbness at the back of the neck and arms, Chinese restaurant syndrome is commonly attributed to what food additive?
[ "There’s a funny item in the new issue of Maclean’s about monosodium glutamate (MSG), a mildly controversial food additive that has long been associated in English-speaking countries with Chinese and other Asian restaurants. MSG has a bad reputation for causing the “Chinese restaurant syndrome,” characterized mainly by headaches — or, speaking more strictly, white people complaining of headaches. As the magazine observes, there is a complicated racial element underlying the pop-culture phenomenon of the MSG headache and the corresponding “no MSG” sign.", "There's even a name for these fears -- Chinese restaurant syndrome -- according to medlineplus.gov, a Web site run by the U.S. National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health, which defines the syndrome as \"collection of symptoms that some people experience after eating Chinese food. A food additive called monosodium glutamate (MSG) has been implicated, but it has not been proved to be the substance that causes this condition.\"", "Flavour enhancer monosodium glutamate (MSG) (621) is often used in Asian cooking and has been associated with 'Chinese Restaurant Syndrome' (a collection of symptoms including headache, numbness and tingling that some people experienced after eating foods containing MSG). While numerous studies have found MSG is safe for most of us, some people experience symptoms if they eat a large amount of MSG in a single meal.", "Chinese restaurant syndrome  transient arterial dilatation due to ingestion of monosodium glutamate , which is sometimes used liberally in seasoning Chinese food, marked by throbbing head, lightheadedness, tightness of the jaw, neck, and shoulders, and backache.", "A little letter with a huge impact: The ‘Chinese restaurant syndrome’ In 1968, The New England Journal of Medicine published a short communication, which was not a scientific article but a letter to the editor, from Dr. Robert Ho Man Kwok. In this little letter, which is only about forty lines long, Dr. Kwok describes his personal observations about what he characterized as a “strange syndrome” that he and others experienced after eating at Chinese restaurants. The syndrome resembled a mild version of the hypersensitivity some individuals have to the acetylsalicylic acid found in aspirin. The somewhat vaguely defined symptoms associated with the syndrome included numbness at the back of the neck that gradually radiated to the arms and the back, general weakness, heart palpitations, and thirst. They set in 15 to 20 minutes after the meal had started and lasted for a few hours, but they had no lasting effect. Dr. Kwok writes that the underlying cause of this reaction is obscure and speculates on a range of different possibilities. He specifically mentions a number of ingredients that were all, at that time, used liberally in Chinese restaurants: soy sauce, cooking wine, msg, and salt. Any of these in excess", "Many authors have set the problem in context by asking why this supposed illness is not labeled ‘Japanese restaurant syndrome’ or ‘Asian restaurant syndrome,’ given that the use of msg as a food additive is more widespread in Japan than in China. There are no reports of negative health outcomes in Japan as a result of a significant intake of msg. In fact, Japanese people, whose life expectancy ranks among the highest in the world, are generally very liberal in their use of msg to prepare food, whether the food is home cooked, prepared in restaurants, or produced industrially.", "MSG is one of the most extensively researched substances in the food supply and the safety of MSG as used in foods is approved by the Australian/NZ and other governments worldwide. Many people identify themselves as sensitive to MSG, however scientists have not conclusively linked MSG to asthma or the so called “ Chinese Restaurant Syndrome “. Nevertheless, a very small number of people who are sensitive to a range of foods, especially those with asthma, may be sensitive to glutamate; in which case they should refrain from cooking and eating foods with MSG. 11 For more info about the use of MSG in foods, visit  here  and  here .", "11. Pulce, C. et al. (1992), \"The Chinese Restaurant Syndrome: A Reappraisal of Monosodium Glutamate's Causative Role,\" Adverse Drug React Toxicol Rev, 11: 19-39.", "Can't Remember Shit/Stuff. (Thanks T White.) Alternatively Chinese Restaurant Syndrome, for that too-much-monosodium-glutamate-feeling. Perhaps the two feelings are related in some way.", "‘Chinese restaurant syndrome’ are not very different from those who experience a variety of allergic reactions to other types of foods, both natural and highly processed.", "Not according to my friend John. In the book he wrote, an expose of the food additive industry called The Slow Poisoning of America, www.spofamerica.com, he said that MSG is added to food for the addictive effect it has on the human body.", "Since mid-May, Taiwanese health authorities have confiscated more than 312 tons of food starch – a key ingredient in bubble tea – that was found to have been tainted with maleic acid, a cheap food additive  that can cause kidney failure when consumed in large doses.", "Natural Blaze - Here are some of the most disgusting additives you�re eating when you hit the drive-thru: 1.) Ammonium Sulfate - Nothing helps mass-produce bread like ammonium sulfate. Unfortunately, nothing fertilizers soil or kills bugs like it either. 2.) Silicone Oil - Chicken McNuggets are full of dimethylpolysiloxane, a silicone oil that is often used for making contact lenses and other medical items. 3.) Cysteine-L - Fast food restaurants use Cysteine-L, an amino acid synthesized from human hair or duck feathers, to flavor their meat and soften their breads and pastries. 4.) TBHQ - This additive can be found in 18 McDonald�s menu items. It�s potentially lethal, but don�t worry, the FDA says it�s generally regarded as safe (GRAS). 5.) Propylene Glycol - Propylene glycol is a chemical compound that can be found in anti-freeze, e-cigarettes, and that�s right! Fast food! 6.) Prescription Drugs - By testing feathers, researchers from Johns Hopkins University found some very interesting characteristics of factory-farm-raised poultry. And you thought the pink slime scandal was bad? Anti-depressants as well as other prescription drugs are added to chicken feed for fast food �poultry� items. That�s right, those McChicken sandwiches and McNuggets come from chickens that were raised on a steady diet of prescription, over-the-counter, and even banned drugs. 7.) Dimethylpolysiloxane - You�ll find this in almost any fried fast food menu item and also in silly putty, contact lenses, caulking, shampoo and conditioners, cosmetics, polishes, heat resistant tiles, and the list goes on�", "Just to follow up to that, a few years ago the media ran a story about a guy who ate Taco Bell every day for decades... I found it interesting that he died of Alzheimers. As a scientist I know quite well that correlation does not equal causation, and he WAS 89, but it makes me wonder.", "Sichuan and Hunan are both hot and uncomfortably humid. So why is their cuisine so spicy? Eating dishes laden with red peppers induces perspiration; traditional medicine advises that sweat expels bodily toxins, purges the humors and helps equalize body temperature. Perspiration also evaporates and causes a confection effect, thereby cooling off the chili-consumer. Moreover, once your tongue gets used to the spicy fire, there is an extraordinary range of delicate flavors behind the chili barrage.", "Preservatives have been associated with intolerances, particularly among people with asthma. Sulfites (including sodium bisulphite (222), sodium metabisulphite (223) and potassium bisulphite (228)) found in wine, beer and dried fruit, are known to trigger asthmatic episodes and cause migraines in people who are sensitive to them. Also sodium nitrate (251) and sodium nitrite (250), which are used in processed meats, have been classified as 'probably carcinogenic to humans' by the International Agency for Research of Cancer (IARC).", "Cannon ME, Cooke CT, McCarthy JS. Caffeine-induced cardiac arrhythmia: an unrecognised danger of healthfood products. Med J Aust 2001;174:520-1. View abstract.", "Botulism ( http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/FS104 )—Botulism is caused by several nerve toxins produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. It can cause paralysis and death. Foodborne botulism is caused by eating foods that contain botulism toxins; Infant botulism results from consuming spores of the bacteria which then grow in the intestines and produce the toxins; Wound botulism is caused by toxins produced in wounds infected with the botulism bacteria. Symptoms of botulism include double and/or blurred vision, drooping eyelids, slurred speech, difficulty swallowing, dry mouth, and muscle weakness. If untreated, these symptoms may progress to cause paralysis of the arms, legs, trunk and respiratory muscles and can result in death due to respiratory failure. A purified form of one of the toxins released by C. botulinum (Botulinum toxin Type A) forms the basis of the anti-wrinkling product Botox®. This product is used in tiny amounts to relax the action of some facial muscles that cause wrinkles in the forehead, around the eyes, and frown lines between the eyebrows.", "I find it neat (and kind of creepy) that out of all these comments no one describes feeling any numbness in their lips/mouth. After cracking a peach pit I noticed that it looked and smelled like an almond. I was intrigued so I ate it. It had an overwhelming bitter almond taste followed by a very chemical after taste. Along with the aftertaste my lips tingled then went numb. Being stupid, I immediately broke open another pit to try it again. My lips went numb the second time as well. The numbness only lasted a few minutes. I never suffered any other ill effects.", "The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) states that zinc damages nerve receptors in the nose, causing anosmia. Reports of anosmia were also observed in the 1930s when zinc preparations were used in a failed attempt to prevent polio infections. On June 16, 2009, the FDA ordered removal of zinc-based intranasal cold products from store shelves. The FDA said the loss of smell can be life-threatening because people with impaired smell cannot detect leaking gas or smoke, and cannot tell if food has spoiled before they eat it. Recent research suggests that the topical antimicrobial zinc pyrithione is a potent heat shock response inducer that may impair genomic integrity with induction of PARP-dependent energy crisis in cultured human keratinocytes and melanocytes. ", "‘There are other problems as well with fast food. For example, preparation of potato chips involves heating of oil above 400 degrees Centigrade. The high temperature decomposes fatty acids in potatoes. This impairs elasticity of blood vessels and raises blood pressure,’ she said.", "a particular kind of food that causes an allergy . Eggs, nuts, strawberries and seafood are some of the common culprits", "Ajinomoto, the Japanese crime is responsible for manufacturing the neuroexcitotoxina known as Mono Sodium Glutamate, a highly addictive and dangerous component that alters the behavior of those who consume it. Studies reveal that a person addicted to MSG may even kill another person. Ajinomoto is the largest manufacturer of aspartame in the world whose ingredients are highly toxic to the body and even the Pentagon cataloged in the eighties as a chemical warfare. Although many do not know the symptoms of MS are identical to aspartame poisoning. After it was revealed in 2010 that the Pentagon considered the aspartame as a chemical weapon, renamed Ajinomoto aspartame to Aminosweet and Monsanto, the multinational dedicated to the production of transgenic seeds, changed it to Neotame.", "54. Katayama M, Aoki M, Kawana S. Case of anaphylaxis caused by ingestion of royal jelly. J Dermatol . 2008;35(4):222-224", "4.^  to: a b Andrew F. Smith (2006). Encyclopedia of junk food and fast food. p. 186. Greenwood Publishing Group. p. 321. ISBN 0-313-33527-3. Retrieved 2012-02-07.", "Food allergies can be fatal if they cause the reaction called anaphylaxis. This reaction makes it hard for the person to breathe. This can be treated by an epinephrine injection.", "Myocardial infarction. The following is a typical example: A 60-year-old man working in an onion field suddenly became ill with a feeling of anxiety, increased perspiration, with a cold, clammy skin, nausea and vomiting and a feeling of tightness of the chest. He was admitted to hospital with the diagnosis of myocardial infarction. Three days after admission, a diagnosis of latrodectism was considered after all the special investigations performed had been found to be negative. He responded dramatically to the administration of antivenom and recovery was uneventful.", "Romano A, Di Fonso M, Venuti A, Palmieri V, Zeppilli P. Food-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis: report of two cases.", "My lack of applied knowledge, within the vital field of the energetics of food, led me astray. My hand flared a fiery red with inflamed dermatitis; the discomfort associated with this kept me from sleeping and was a constant struggle of attempting to rehydrate it will various oils; the less I slept, the more I stressed, the worse my hand inflamed. I then saw Donna, our practitioner here at East-West Wellness , and she reminded me of the importance of the energetics of food. After a month of this, I was finally able to see through the forest and know the path that I needed to take. I back-peddled through my mind to try to find where I went wrong. What was I doing that could have caused this to happen? If there isn’t a directly specific cause, then what things are feeding this fire on my hand?", "Anaphylaxis is most often due to allergens in foods, drugs, and insect venom. Specific causes include:", "Another cause of strawberry tongue in children is Kawasaki syndrome, also known as mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome. It causes additional symptoms such as rash, enlarged lymph nodes , eye inflammation and generalized redness and swelling of the mouth and nose. Recognizing and treating this infection is critical because it can have side effects such as the development of coronary artery aneurysms, which can be fatal.", "Dip, E. C., Pereira, N. A., and Melo, P. A. Tongue angioedema in vivo: antagonist response of anti-inflammatory drugs. Clin Toxicol.(Phila) 2011;49(3):153-160. View abstract." ]
[ 4.61328125, 4.24609375, 3.4140625, 2.791015625, 2.787109375, 2.181640625, -0.306640625, -1.2197265625, -2, -3.1875, -3.623046875, -3.833984375, -4.0703125, -5.65625, -6.3046875, -7.0078125, -7.43359375, -7.48046875, -7.53515625, -7.6015625, -7.74609375, -7.984375, -8.09375, -8.375, -9.25, -9.5703125, -9.8125, -10.1015625, -10.5234375, -10.625, -10.671875, -10.7109375 ]
Genoa, Jib, and Spinnaker are all types of what?
[ "A sail is a piece of material (typically canvas or another cloth) that is hung on or extended from a mast in order to catch the wind. For centuries, sail-power was the most trusted means of propulsion for watercraft, particularly when it came to long, open-water voyages. And while there are a variety of different sailboats, all with their own specific sail configurations, the vast majority utilize some or all of these basic sail types: mainsail, trysail, Genoa, jib, spinnaker and gennaker.", "The term Jib is the generic term for any of an assortment of headsails. The term genoa (or genny) refers to a type of jib that is larger than the 100% foretriangle, which is the triangular area formed by the point at which the stay intersects the mast, and deck or bowsprit, and the line where the mast intersects deck at the rail. Colloquially the term is sometimes used interchangeably with jib. A working jib is no larger than the 100% foretriangle. A genoa is larger, with the leech going past the mast and overlapping the mainsail. To maximize sail area, the foot of the sail is generally parallel and very close to the deck when close hauled. ", "Sails other than working sails are sometimes used, especially when racing or cruising. Two of the most popular types are the GENOA jib and the SPINNAKER. The Genoa (commonly called \"jenny\") is actually just an oversize jib used to increase the sail area, and hence the performance of the boat. The boat in Fig. 2-1 is designed to use a Genoa jib. Sailboats under about 16' long seldom use a Genoa. The spinnaker is a parachute shaped sail (hence the nickname, \"chute\") used forward of the mast in place of the jib when sailing before or with the wind. Because the spinnaker is considered a \"competition\" item usually associated with larger boats, and requires specialized gear, it is beyond the scope of this book.", "Genoa Jib - An oversized jib which overlaps the mainsail and is controlled outside the rigging and is used chiefly in races to give a boat more speed.", "A spinnaker is a large, full sail that is only used when sailing off wind either reaching or downwind, to catch the maximum amount of wind.", "A Jib Top is a high clewed reaching headsail designed for beam reaching in medium to strong winds. Conventional headsails are designed with a lower clew which is optimized for close hauled sailing, as you ease the sheet of a conventional headsail and bear off you can loose control over the leech of the sail. The Jib Top design is based on sailing wider apparent wind angles and allows the trimmer more control over the twist and leech profile of the sail. The sail is usually sheeted using the spinnaker sheet which is “tweaked” to the deck using an adjustable purchase system. Its a faster sail on reach than your conventional low clewed Jib or Genoa.", "Genoa - A large foresail or jib that overlaps the mainsail. Also known as a genny. Can be expressed in percentages of overlap, e.g. 150 Genoa is 50% overlap of the mainsail.", "Gennaker - A large, lightweight sail used for sailing a fore-and-aft rig down or across the wind, intermediate between a genoa and a spinnaker.", "Both the jib and the genoa can also accurately be referred to as the headsail because it is at the head (bow (front)) of the sailboat. It is called a jib when the foot of the headsail is shorter than the distance from the base of the forestay to the mast. It is called a genoa when the foot of the headsail is longer than the distance from the forestay to the mast. As with the mainsail, you can use the head sails at all points of sail from close haul (usually about 30-40 degrees off from where the wind is coming from) to a downwind run. Headsails are also referred to by number. A number one head sail would mean the largest genoa onboard the vessel. You might also hear a number like 130 headsail which means that the foot is 130% greater that the mast to forestay base  distance.", "Spinnakers are used for reaching and running (downwind sailing). They are very light and have a balloon-like shape. As with headsails, there are many types of spinnakers depending on the shape, area and cloth weight. Symmetrical spinnakers are most efficient on runs and dead runs (sailing with wind coming directly from behind) while asymmetric spinnakers are very efficient in reaching (the wind coming from the rear but at an angle to the boat or from the side).", "The gennaker has been around for several decades now, and as the name suggests, it is a hybrid between a genoa and an asymmetrical spinnaker. A brand name of North Sails, the gennaker started as a cruising sail based on the Code 0 spinnakers used on racing boats. Gennakers and similar code 0 variants offered by other makers are even larger than genoas (200% overlaps are not uncommon), and they have a much greater camber for generating larger amounts of lift when reaching. Flat-cut gennakers can be effective for angles as low as 60–70 degrees. Spinnakers perform much better when running because the main sail blocks the wind of gennaker above 135–150 degrees.", "jib - A triangular sail stretching from the foretopmast head to the jib boom and in small craft to the bowsprit or the bow.", "These sails have been around for about ten years and are now becoming very popular with racing sailors. The Code Zero is a spinnaker-genoa hybrid; designed to operate like a genoa, but considered a spinnaker under racing rules.", "A similar type of jib was in use for centuries by the fishermen in the Netherlands with their Botter type ships. The fishermen relied on the combination of a large jib while fishing so the mainsail could remain unused. After fishing the fisherman's jib helped to get the fish to markets fast.", "Jib - the cut of one’s (someone’s or something’s) jib... Warships would often have their triangular fore and aft sails cut down to make them narrower so that they could “maintain a point” (i.e.. heading) and not be blown off course. Upon sighting a distant sail a captain might not like the cut of the far ship’s jib (it may be of an enemy ship) and thus have chance to escape.", "HMS Vernon closed on 1 April 1996 [295] and was redeveloped by Portsmouth City Council as Gunwharf Quays, [181] a mixed residential and retail destination with outlet stores, restaurants, pubs, and cafés. [296] Construction of the Spinnaker Tower began in 2001 and was completed in summer 2005. The project ran overbudget and cost £36 million, of which Portsmouth City Council contributed £11 million. [297] [298] [299] The 560 feet (170 m) tower is visible from 23 miles (37 km) on a clear day, and its viewing platforms provide views across the Solent towards the Isle of Wight, and north towards the harbour and Southsea Castle. [300] [301] The tower has the largest glass floor in Europe and weighs more than 33,000 tonnes (32,000 long tons; 36,000 short tons). [302] [301]", "Hanns Ostmeier, High Yield, Swan 45: “A storm jib that fits around the rolled-up genoa and a trysail on its own track.”", "Pierre Robitalle, Tati, Jeanneau 42 DS: “I carry a storm jib that wraps around the genoa and is very easy to set if I need it.”", "Spinnaker Tower is a 170-metre (560 ft) tower in Portsmouth, part of the redeveloped Portsmouth Harbour, supported by National Lottery grant. The tower, reflects Portsmouth’s maritime history by its being modelled after a sail. The tower was opened on 18 October 2005.", "Chute - An opening in the deck near the bow from which the spinnaker is hoisted. Spinnakers are also often referred to as chutes.", "The former HMS Vernon naval shore establishment was closed on 1 April 1996 and chosen for a major development by Portsmouth City Council into the area known as Gunwharf Quays. Gunwharf is a mixed residential and outlet retail destination with 90 outlet stores and 30 restaurants, pubs and cafés. It also plays host to a 14-screen Vue cinema, a 26-lane Bowlplex Bowling Alley, Aspex art gallery, Grovenor casino, a Holiday Inn Express and a Tiger Tiger nightclub. Planning of the erection of the Spinnaker Tower began in 2000; construction started in 2001 and was completed in mid-2005 due to repeated delays and extra funding requests by Mowlem, the firm behind the construction. The project cost a total of £35.6 million of taxpayers money, with Portsmouth City Council contributing £11 million to construction costs. The tower is 560 feet (170 m) tall and features several viewing platforms giving views across the Solent and Portsmouth Harbour.", "It is appropriate that in Portsmouth, a city so closely associated with the Royal Navy, there stands a tower more than twice the height of Nelson’s Column in London. Standing 560 ft high Spinnaker Tower is located in Gunwharf Quays, Portsmouth. The Quays is a smart retail location consisting of 90 stores and a number of bars, restaurants, cafes and places of entertainment.", "During the Middle Ages, Genoa was an independent and powerful republic (one of the so-called Repubbliche Marinare, with Venice, Pisa, and Amalfi). Genoa was the most persistent rival of Venice, and like Venice its nominal republic was presided over by a doge (see Doges of Genoa). Genoa fought a series of wars with Venice starting in 1253, the last of which, the War of Chioggia (1378-81), Venice barely survived. The Siege of Chioggia marked the first strategic use of artillery in Italy, and perhaps, Europe.", "A style of sailboat characterized by a single mast with one mainsail and one foresail. Also see cutter.", "spider jig – A type of leadhead jig with a skirt, much like the one on a spinnerbait.", "* windjammer: large sailing ship with an iron or for the most part steel hull, built to carry cargo in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century.", "The most common type of fluke anchors is the Danforth. The Danforth style uses a stock at the crown (see above), to which two large flat flukes are attached. The stock can rotate, so the flukes can move toward the bottom. It can hold very well but has difficulty setting (entering the seabed) on its own. It is efficient for its weight.", "Bumpkin or Boomkin - A spar, similar to a bowsprit, but which projects from the stern. May be used to attach the backstay or mizzen sheets. Also an iron bar (projecting out-board from a ship's side) to which the lower and topsail brace blocks are sometimes hooked.", "Fincantieri designs and builds merchant vessels, passenger ships, offshore, and naval vessels, and is also active in the conversion and ship repair sectors. The company also owned Grandi Motori Trieste, which constructed marine diesel engines, but this was sold to Wärtsilä in 1999. ", "Looking at the fast ships of ChapelleSSUS chapters 6-8, which include clippers and their predecessors, the block coefficients are.30-.76, the midship section coefficients.53-.93, and the prismatic coefficients.56-.82 (ChapelleSSUS 406ff). The Surprise (1850), despite a.82 prismatic, was considered a “fast sailor.” The Eckford Webb (1855), with a.72 prismatic, is known to have made 16 knots. (385), for an SLR of 1.43! (411), although it might have been blessed with a light load at the time. The most that can be said is that the short-term speed champs Sovereign of the Seas, Lighting and Sweepstakes had lower prismatics:.62,.61 and.64, respectively. (409).", "Both the roman anchor and the later Admiralty anchor have a stock at one end of the shank that is at right angles to the pair of flukes. The stock orientates the anchor so that one of the flukes digs into the ground irrespective of how the anchor hits the bottom. Today the admiralty anchor (Fisherman, Luke, etc.) graces government building lawns and can be found in fancy jewellery designs. However, it is also still very much in use and can be found on classic and modern cruising boats.", "In the 1940s Richard Danforth redesigned the fluke ship’s anchor to have wide sharp triangular flukes and a stock at the crown for use on sea planes and military landing craft, which had been using the more cumbersome Northill anchor prior to that. Much lighter than the stockless fluke, his steel Danforth anchor has a high holding-to-weight ratio and soon found its way into the pleasure boat market. At about the same time the Brittany anchor was introduced in Europe. It too is a derivation of the ship’s anchor. It has wide, flat, and pointy flukes, and has no stock, though some newer versions do. Lighter versions of the Danforth followed and today the aluminium Fortress anchor is one of the more popular brands. This is a very good anchor for muddy bottoms." ]
[ 3.65234375, 3.6484375, 3.40625, 2.697265625, 1.1923828125, 0.76416015625, 0.1964111328125, -0.01215362548828125, -0.08416748046875, -0.2286376953125, -1.0673828125, -1.5478515625, -1.8330078125, -1.919921875, -2.38671875, -3.62109375, -3.626953125, -3.826171875, -4.453125, -4.58984375, -5.453125, -5.86328125, -6.35546875, -6.9296875, -7.0703125, -7.58984375, -8.3359375, -8.9765625, -9.0234375, -9.109375, -10.0390625, -10.09375 ]
Although he's still holed up at an embassy in London, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange was recently granted asylum in what country?
[ "WikiLeaks chief Julian Assange was granted political asylum by Ecuador on Thursday, setting up a standoff with the British government, which has vowed to block his exit from the country.", "CARACAS, Venezuela — Ecuador forcefully rejected pressure from Britain and announced Thursday that it was granting political asylum to Julian Assange , the founder of WikiLeaks , who has been holed up for two months in the Ecuadorean Embassy in London trying to avoid extradition to Sweden.", "Ecuador has granted asylum to Wikileaks founder Julian Assange two months after he took refuge in its London embassy while fighting extradition from the UK.", "Yet there are doubts that Assange is the one to continue this crusade. With Assange wanted by the London Metropolitan Police on an extradition warrant to Sweden, Assange has taken asylum at the Ecuadorian embassy in London since June 2012. Assange is wanted in Sweden in connection with an investigation into sexual assault allegations.", "Mr Assange, who was granted political asylum last year by the Ecuadorian Government, has kept up a strict work regime inside the embassy, and recently announced plans to stand in the Australian elections in September as a WikiLeaks candidate.", "Two police officers stand guard outside the Ecuadorian Embassy in London on June 20, 2012, after Assange took refuge there to avoid arrest and extradition by British police. Ecuador granted him asylum in August 2012.", "LONDON (AP) — WikiLeaks chief Julian Assange has made a run for the Ecuadorean Embassy in London, seeking asylum in a long shot move that, if successful, would place him in a small, friendly South American country rather than in Sweden facing questioning about alleged sex crimes.", "21. Exiled WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange guest-starred as himself on an episode in the show's 23rd season. He recorded his lines over the phone from the Ecuadorian embassy in Britain, where he has been granted asylum.", "Julian Assange, the founder WikiLeaks, has been hiding on the territory of the embassy of Ecuador in London for over a year. U.S. Private Bradley Manning was arrested in May 2010 on suspicion of having provided to WikiLeaks a scandalous video of an attack on Reuter's journalists from a helicopter, which occurred near Bagdad in 2007", "15a          The founder of WikiLeaks Julian Assange has been staying in which country’s embassy to avoid extradition?", "On 4 July 2015, in response to the denial of asylum by France, a spokesman for Assange denied that Assange had actually \"filed\" a request for asylum in France. Speaking on behalf of Assange, Baltasar Garzón, head of his legal team, said that Assange had sent the open letter to French president Francois Hollande; but Assange had only expressed his willingness “to be hosted in France if and only if an initiative was taken by the competent authorities.”", "International law says that a sovereign country has decided to recognise Mr. Assange as needing protection from political persecution on humanitarian grounds. Mr. Assange has a right to meaningfully exercise that protection through passage to Ecuador. Ecuador invoked a number of applicable conventions, including the 1951 UN Convention on Refugees. The United Kingdom and Sweden are also parties to the 1951 Convention and are obligated to recognise the asylum decision of Ecuador. While both states have been careful to avoid saying that they do not recognise the asylum, their actions can only be interpreted as a wilful violation of Mr. Assange’s right to ’seek, receive and enjoy’ his asylum. In international law, the obligation to protect persons from persecution under the 1951 Refugee Convention prevails over extradition agreements between states.", "Ecuador grants refuge to Mr Assange as the UK, US and Sweden could not guarantee he would not be extradited", "Wikileaks founder Julian Assange took shelter in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London one year ago Wednesday, sparking a standoff with UK authorities that could leave the world-renowned whistleblower cooped up for years to come.", "Assange has spent over four years in the embassy of Ecuador. Read our Timeline to learn the key developments in the case. Journalist John Pilger’s article ’Julian Assange: The Untold Story Of An Epic Struggle For Justice’ is to date one of the best accounts of the miscarriages against Assange in this case. More .", "The WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will not leave the Ecuadorian Embassy in London even if sex charges against him are dropped, because he fears moves are already under way to extradite him to the United States, he has revealed.", "Assange, who is believed to be in London, is facing a criminal investigation in Sweden where two women have accused him of rape. US Attorney General Eric Holder has said that the latest disclosures jeopardised the security of the nation, its diplomats, intelligence assets and relationships with foreign governments.", "To recap, yesterday afternoon the WikiLeaks founder walked into the Ecuadorian embassy and claimed asylum under the UN's human rights declaration. This followed an unsuccessful attempt to appeal against his deportation to Sweden to face allegations of rape. A summary of those events is here .", "With John Pilger and Ken Loach, she was among the six people in Westminster Magistrates Court willing to post bail for Julian Assange when he was arrested in London on 7 December 2010. However, she later changed her mind about Assange, questioning his unwillingness to answer the sexual misconduct allegations which led to his arrest and what she described as his demand for \"cultish devotion\" from his supporters. The bail money was lost in June 2012 when a judge ordered it to be forfeited because Assange had sought to escape the jurisdiction of the British courts by entering the London embassy of Ecuador. ", "WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange waves from a window with Ecuador's Foreign Affairs Minister Ricardo Patino at Ecuador's embassy in central London June 16, 2013. Chris Helgren/Reuters", "Assange's presence will focus attention on the extent of diplomatic immunity for foreign embassies in the UK. In a statement, the Ecuadorean embassy said: \"This afternoon Mr Julian Assange arrived at the Ecuadorean embassy seeking political asylum from the Ecuadorean government. We have immediately passed his application on to the relevant department in Quito. While the department assesses Mr Assange's application, Mr Assange will remain at the embassy, under the protection of the Ecuadorean government.\"", "In April 2011, Ecuador expelled the US ambassador Heather Hodges following the publication of diplomatic cables by WikiLeaks alleging widespread corruption within the Ecuadorean police. The WikiLeaks founder has been in custody and on bail in the UK since autumn 2010. The activist Jemima Khan confirmed on Twitter that she had put up bail for Assange, saying: \"I had expected him to face the allegations. I am as surprised as anyone by this.\"", "Earlier this year the United Nations concluded the 16 month long case to which the UK was a party. The UK lost, appealed, and today - lost again. The UN instructed the UK and Sweden to take immediate steps to ensure Mr. Assange’s liberty, protection, and enjoyment of fundamental human rights. No steps have been taken, jeopardising Mr. Assange’s life, health and physical integrity, and undermining the UN system of human rights protection.", "10.09am: Here is a statement from the Foreign Office which came to us late last night. They have confirmed that the Ecuadorian embassy enjoyed diplomatic immunity and therefore Assange is \"beyond the reach of the police\".", "Now, the United Nations has found that the United Kingdom’s request for review of this decision (filed on March 24) was inadmissible; the United Kingdom has now reached the end of the road in its attempt to overturn the ruling. As a member of the Security Council and the United Nations Human Rights Council, the United Kingdom must respect its commitment to the United Nations, and release Mr. Assange immediately. Now, more than ever, moral leadership is required; maintaining Mr. Assange’s effective detention (which stands at six years as of 7 December, 2016) will only serve to green light future abuses against defenders of free speech and human rights.", "WikiLeaks founder walked into the embassy and asked for asylum under the United Nations human rights declaration", "• The Foreign Office has confirmed the embassy is diplomatic territory, and that while Assange remains there he is \"beyond the reach of police\". But the Metropolitan Police says he will be subject to immediate arrest if he attempts to leave the building because he has breached his bail conditions.", "* Julian Assange, was remanded in custody at HMP Wandsworth on 7 December 2010 after being refused bail prior to an extradition hearing at Westminster Magistrates Court. On 16 December 2010, he was released on bail after another appeal. ", "The Ministry of Justice said that responsibility for handling his extradition rested with the Serious Organised Crime Agency (Soca) which deals with European arrest warrant requests. Neither Soca, the Metropolitan police, whose extradition unit arrested Assange in December 2010, nor the Crown Prosecution Service would comment.", "Assange sits behind the tinted window of a police vehicle at Westminster Magistrates court in London on December 14, 2010. Assange had turned himself in to London authorities on December 7 and was released on bail and put on house arrest on December 16.", "Mr Litvinenko fled to the UK in 2000, claiming persecution, and was granted asylum. He is understood to have taken British citizenship in 2006.", "Julian Assange arrives to speak to Occupy protesters outside St Paul's cathedral in London on October 15. Photograph: Dan Kitwood/Getty Images" ]
[ 8.03125, 6.90234375, 6.82421875, 4.07421875, 3.83984375, 3.701171875, 2.8828125, 2.837890625, 2.779296875, 2.734375, 2.328125, 2.279296875, 2.00390625, 1.8076171875, 1.7734375, 1.572265625, 1.46484375, 1.447265625, 1.1953125, 1.0966796875, 0.986328125, 0.4580078125, -0.2042236328125, -0.94189453125, -3.67578125, -4.0078125, -4.265625, -5.16796875, -5.51171875, -5.7421875, -5.9375, -6.42578125 ]
Located in Venezuela, what is the highest, uninterrupted waterfall in the world?
[ "Angel Falls is a waterfall in Venezuela. It is the world's highest uninterrupted waterfall, with a height of 979 m (3,212 ft) and a plunge of 807 m (2,648 ft). The waterfall drops over the edge of the Auyantepui mountain in the Canaima National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site in the Gran Sabana region of Bolívar State. The height figure 979 m (3,212 ft) mostly consists of the main plunge but also includes about 400 m (0.25 mi) of sloped cascades and rapids below the drop and a 30-metre (98 ft) high plunge downstream of the talus rapids.", "Angel Falls is a waterfall in Venezuela. It is the world’s highest uninterrupted waterfall, with a height of 979 m (3,212 ft) and a plunge of 807 m (2,648 ft). The waterfall drops over the edge of the Auyantepui mountain in the Canaima National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site in the Gran Sabana region of Bolívar State. The height figure 979 m (3,212 ft) mostly consists of the main plunge but also includes about 400 m (0.25 mi) of sloped cascades and rapids below the drop and a 30-metre (98 ft) high plunge downstream of the talus rapids.", "Angel Falls is the world’s highest uninterrupted waterfall. Located in Canaima National Park, the second largest national park in Venezuela, the waterfall tumbles from a cleft near the summit of table top mountain Auyán-tepu into what is known as Devil’s Canyon, 3212 feet (979m) below. The falls are a tributary of the Carrao River, itself part of Venezuela’s Orinoco River system. Considered among the world’s most dazzling natural wonders, Angel Falls are a truly unforgettable spectacle.", "Venezuela's Santo Angel waterfall is the highest uninterrupted waterfall in the world, cascading down over 3,200 feet. And boy does it look spectacular in this drone footage.", "Angel Falls (Salto Angel) in Canaima National Park, Venezuela is the highest waterfall in the world at 3212 ft (979 m).", "South America is home to the world's highest uninterrupted waterfall, Angel Falls in Venezuela; the highest single drop waterfall Kaieteur Falls in Guyana; the largest river (by volume), the Amazon River; the longest mountain range, the Andes (whose highest mountain is Aconcagua at ); the driest non-polar place on earth, the Atacama Desert; the largest rainforest, the Amazon Rainforest; the highest capital city, La Paz, Bolivia; the highest commercially navigable lake in the world, Lake Titicaca; and, excluding research stations in Antarctica, the world's southernmost permanently inhabited community, Puerto Toro, Chile.", "Angel Falls in Venezuela is one of the world’s most stunning natural spectacles. At a height of 978 meters it is far and away the highest waterfall in the world, more than justifying a trek into the Canaima National Park away from your hostels in Venezuela.", "The tallest waterfall in the world can be found in Venezuela. Angel Falls (called Salto Ángel locally ) is more than 3,200 feet high with an uninterrupted drop of 2,648 feet (that's approximately a half-mile!).", "Angel Falls Angel Falls Venezuela Venezuela Highest uninterrupted waterfall in the world at 2600 feet (3200 feet total) Highest uninterrupted waterfall. - ppt download", "Angel Falls Angel Falls Venezuela Venezuela Highest uninterrupted waterfall in the world at 2600 feet (3200 feet total) Highest uninterrupted waterfall.", "The Tugela Falls in the Drakensberg is the highest waterfall in Africa. It is also regarded as the second highest waterfall in the world. There is, however, an ongoing debate that it could be the world's tallest waterfall, as opposed to Angel Falls in Venezuela. Even if it is universally acknowledged that Angel Falls is the world's highest uninterrupted waterfall.", "Angel Falls is the highest waterfall in the world with a height of 979 m (3,212 ft) and a plunge of 807 m (2,648 ft). Its height - 1054 m (according to other sources - 979 m). Angel Falls is on the Gauja River, which flows into the Churun River, a tributary of the Carrao River in South America, Venezuela.", "Angel Falls is the world’s highest uninterrupted waterfall, with a height of 979 m (3,212 ft) and a plunge of 807 m (2,648 ft). It is so high that the water actually atomizes, due to the force of the strong winds in the area and simply disappears in a fine mist before it even reaches the ground.", "Pictured above is Venezuela’s Angel Falls, which is usually considered the tallest waterfall in the world.  Angel Falls boasts a drop of 3,212 feet. The main plunge is an impressive 2,648 feet–a spectacular sight.", "There are so many waterfalls around the world but the highest is in Venezuela. The waterfall, located in the Canaima National Park, is one of the top tourist attractions in Venezuela but it is not easy to make it there. All of the flights and wait are worth it though as it is not only the world’s highest waterfall, but also a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Here are ten interesting facts about the Angel Falls:", "Angel Falls (indigenous name: Parakupa-vena or Kerepakupai merú) is the world's highest waterfall at 979 m (3212 ft), with a clear drop of 807 m (2647 ft). It is located in the Canaima National Park, in the Gran Sabana region of Bolivar State, Venezuela at 5°58?03?N 62°32?08?W? / ?5.9675, -62.53556Coordinates: 5°58?03?N 62°32?08?W? / ?5.9675, -62.53556 . The height of the falls is so great that before getting anywhere near the ground, the water is vaporized by the strong winds and turned into mist. The base of the falls feeds into the Kerep river (alternately known as the Rio Gauya) which flows into the Churun River, a tributary of the Carrao River. In the indigenous Pemon language Angel Falls is called Kerepakupai merú meaning \"waterfall of the deepest place\". The falls are sometimes referred to as Churun-meru, an error, since that name corresponds to another waterfall in the Canaima National Park. Churun in the Pemon language means \"thunder\". Sir Walter Raleigh described what was possibly a tepuy and he is ...  Show More", "Plunging almost 1,000 meters over the edge of the Auyantepu mountain in Canaima National Park, Angel Falls is the world’s highest uninterrupted waterfall. Originally known as Kerepakupai Vená, meaning « waterfall of the deepest place », it was renamed Angel Falls, or Salto Ángel, after the first US aviator to fly over the falls, Jimmie Angel.", "Angela falls kissing the Venezuela's Canaima National Park are the highest waterfalls in the world. Witnessing the falls pouring down from a height of around 980 meters offers a breath taking scenery. The falls are known as the pride of Venezuela. They represent the natural wealth and heritage of South America.", "Outstanding geographical features include Angel Falls (979 m or 3,212 ft high) in the Guiana Highlands of southeastern Venezuela, the highest waterfall in the world; the navigable Lake Maracaibo in the west, which is about 80 km (50 mi) wide and 210 km (130 mi) long and is accessible to ocean shipping; and Pico Bolívar in the Sierra Nevada de Mérida, the highest peak in Venezuela (5,007 m/16,427 ft).", "The world’s highest waterfall is also found in Venezuela. These are called Angel Falls and were named after American aviator Jimmy Angel. He landed his plane at the top of the falls in 1936 and the waterfall was named after him.", "Angel Falls is the tallest waterfall in the world, as well as the tallest single drop in the world and one of the eight natural wonders of the world. The waterfall is 979 meters high (3,212 ft) and it drops over the edge of the Auyantepui mountain in the Canaima National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site in the Gran Sabana region of Bolívar State, Venezuela. Pilot Jimmy Angel is widely credited for discovering the falls in 1937, but the true discoverer was one Ernesto de Santa Cruz, who found the falls in 1910. The falls were subsequently named for Jimmy Angel, since he was the first westerner to view the falls. The height of the falls is so great that before getting anywhere near the ground, the water is atomized by the strong winds and turned into mist. The mist can be felt a mile away.", "Waterfalls are also classified by height. Angel Falls, the world’s tallest waterfall, plummet s 979 meters (3,212 feet) into a remote canyon in a rain forest in Venezuela. The water, from the Gauja River, often does not reach the bottom. The fall is so long, and so steep, that air pressure is stronger often than the water pressure of the falls. The water is turned to mist before it reaches the small tributary  below.", "waterfall in the Guiana Highlands in Bolívar state, southeastern Venezuela, on the Churún River, a tributary of the Caroní, 160 miles (260 km) southeast of Ciudad Bolívar. The highest waterfall in the world, the cataract drops 3,212 feet (979 metres) and is 500 feet (150 metres) wide at the base. It leaps from a flat-topped plateau, Auyán-Tepuí (“Devils...", "Height 979 meters, 3212 feetThe first one in the list of top 10 highest waterfalls of world is Angel waterfall. An American aviator Jimmie Angel who accidently saw it while flying his plane over the mountains discovered it. This waterfall drops from a mountain named as Auyantepui meaning Devils Mountain located in the Canaima National park of Bolivar state of Venezuela. There is no source of water like any river or any lake but the rain only, which falls due to the tropical clouds in region. The drops of water change in to fog sometimes providing most captivating and attractive scenes of natural beauty.", "While it is neither the highest nor the widest waterfall in the world, it is classified as the largest, based on its combined width of and height of 108 m, resulting in the world's largest sheet of falling water. Victoria Falls is roughly twice the height of North America's Niagara Falls and well over twice the width of its Horseshoe Falls. In height and width Victoria Falls is rivalled only by Argentina and Brazil's Iguazu Falls. See table for comparisons. ", "The Angel Falls are located in the Guiana Highlands of Bolivar state in southeast Venezuela. It drops from Auyantepui (tabletop mountain) that lies within the Canaima National Park.", "Kaieteur Falls is a high-volume waterfall on the Potaro River in central Guyana, Potaro-Siparuni region. It is located in Kaieteur National Park. It is one of the most powerful waterfalls in the world, averaging 663 cubic meters per second (23,400 cubic feet per second). With a free fall height of 226 meters (741 feet) it is about five times higher than Niagara Falls and about two times the height of the Victoria Falls. While there are many higher falls, few have the combination of height and water volume.", "Kaieteur Falls is the world's widest single drop waterfall, located on the Potaro River in the Kaieteur National Park, in Essequibo, Guyana. Its location is in the Amazon forest. It is 226 metres (741 ft) high when measured from its plunge over a sandstone and conglomerate cliff to the first break. It then flows over a series of steep cascades that, when included in the measurements, bring the total height to 251 metres (822 ft). While many falls have greater height, few have the combination of height and water volume, and Kaieteur is among the most powerful waterfalls in the world with an average flow rate of 663 cubic metres per second (23,400 cubic feet per second). ", "The World Waterfalls Database lists Inga Falls, an area of rapids on the Congo River, as the waterfall with the largest volume. More than 11 million gallons (46 million liters) of water flow through Inga Falls each second. However, without a significant vertical drop, Inga Falls may not count as a waterfall under other classifications.", "It cascades over one of the biggest table-top mountains in the Canaima National Park in southern Venezuela, known to the local Pemon people as Devil's Mountain. Most of the water evaporates as mist before reaching the bottom.", "The semicircular waterfall at the heart of this site is some 80 m high and 2,700 m in diameter and is situated on a basaltic line spanning the border between Argentina and Brazil. Made up of many cascades producing vast sprays of water, it is one of the most spectacular waterfalls in the world. The surrounding subtropical rainforest has over 2,000 species of vascular plants and is home to the typical wildlife of the region: tapirs, giant anteaters, howler monkeys, ocelots, jaguars and caymans.", "The first person that spotted the mountain and waterfall is said to be Ernesto Sanchez La Cruz, a Venezuelan explorer. He spotted them in 1912 but it is not known exactly if he was the first as he never mentioned his discovery." ]
[ 9, 9, 8.9765625, 8.65625, 7.046875, 6.83203125, 6.5625, 6.3984375, 6.3203125, 6.2734375, 5.83984375, 5.6953125, 5.49609375, 5.328125, 5.2734375, 5.21484375, 5.1171875, 5.04296875, 4.86328125, 4.21484375, 4, 3.53515625, 2.98828125, 2.60546875, 0.77392578125, -2.6875, -3.2421875, -4, -4.51171875, -4.8828125, -5.03515625, -5.9140625 ]
How many horizontal lines are used in a musical stave (or staff)?
[ "In standard Western musical notation, the staff or stave[1] is a set of five horizontal lines and four spaces, each of which represents a different musical pitch, or, in the case of a percussion staff, different percussion instruments. Appropriate music symbols, depending upon the intended effect, are placed on the staff according to their corresponding pitch or function. Musical notes are placed by pitch, percussion notes are placed by instrument, and rests and other symbols are placed by convention.", "In musical notation, the musical staff or stave is a set of five horizontal lines on which musical note symbols are placed to indicate pitch and time. The staff is read left to right and the higher a position on the staff, the higher the pitch of the note to be played. If a note appears above or below the 5 lines, ledger lines are used to indicate the exact note.", "In Western musical notation, the staff, or stave, is a set of five horizontal lines and four spaces that each represent a different musical pitch—or, in the case of a percussion staff, different percussion instruments. Appropriate music symbols, depending on the intended effect, are placed on the staff according to their corresponding pitch or function. Musical notes are placed by pitch, percussion notes are placed by instrument, and rests and other symbols are placed by convention.", "Conventionally, music is written on a support made up of 5 horizontal lines. It is the staff. The lines are traced at equal distances one from the other. The exact distance is not fixed and can vary from one score to another. It must be of a size adequate to the readability of the score. Here is an example:", "Stave is the name for the five parallel, equally-spaced, horizontal lines which hold one or more parts of music:", "Staff -- Made up of five horizontal parallel lines and the spaces between them on which musical notation is written", "Although, in the past, staves could have many different different numbers of lines, today the most common staff format has five lines separated by four spaces and is know as the pentagram. When numbering the lines, it is a widely used convention to number them from the bottom (1) to the top (5) of each staff. The spaces between the lines are numbered too, again from the bottom (1) to the top (4).", "The staff is the basis of written music. It is what the notes are presented on. It consists of 5 lines with four spaces between them. A simple, unadorned staff is shown below.", "Staves with a neutral clef do not always have five lines. Commonly, percussion staves only have one line, although other configurations can be used.", "A note is drawn on a stave either straddling one of the five lines, or within one of the four spaces, for example:", "The traditional staff is based on an odd number of seven notes per octave (a diatonic scale), which is why notes an octave apart do not both appear on lines (or both on spaces). Chromatic staves are based on an even number of twelve notes per octave (a chromatic scale), so notes an octave apart can both fall on lines (or both on spaces).", "Most chromatic staves “cycle on the octave” so that each octave looks the same. This allows them to be ‘stacked’ to form a continuous staff that spans two or more octaves as shown above. This accommodates the different pitch ranges of various instruments and reduces the need to use ledger lines.", "Notes outside the staff are notated with the help of (one or multiple) ledger lines. Ledger lines are small horizontal lines that act as a local extension of the staff at the position of the note, as can be seen in the next example, which shows all the steps in basic tones in a four octave scale:", "The note signs are placed on a grid formed of horizontal lines and spaces. This grid is called the staff or stave. The plural of either word is staves.", "In a staff-system multiple staves are vertically synchronized like layers of simultaneous notation, the staves are connected at least at the beginning, but usually also at the end. Normally the bar lines are drawn through all the staves of a staff-system, but in case of a large score barlines between groups are not vertically connected.", "Also called a gathered rest or a multi-bar rest, it is a horizontal line placed on the middle stave with serifs on either side. It is used to simplify musical notation, and to indicate the number of measures in a resting part. It is used to denote rest of more than one bar in the same meter. The number printed above the stave corresponds to the length or duration of the rest of the particular note.", "Here are the notes as they appear in standard notation. The set of lines and spaces that run horizontally across the page is called the staff or stave. Notes can be written on the lines and in the spaces. A common mnenomic for remembering the notes of the Treble Clef is:", "4/4 is known as \"Common time\". It is often seen as 4/4, but it can be written on the stave as a large C. There are four crotchets in every bar.", "We illustrate two common formats - the upper is usually used for music where only one note is played or sung at any particular time (for example, solo parts for flute, trumpet, violin, voice, etc.) while the lower, two staves coupled together with a curly brace and a systemic barline, is used where many notes might be played at the same time (for example, solo parts for harp, piano, organ, etc.)", "Typically, the upper staff uses a treble clef and the lower staff has a bass clef. In this instance, middle C is centered between the two staves, and it can be written on the first ledger line below the upper staff or the first ledger line above the lower staff. Very rarely, a centered line with a small alto clef is written, and usually used to indicate that B, C, or D notes on the line can be played with either hand (ledger lines are not used from a center alto as this creates confusion).", "This example requires two remarks. First, when the staves are connected (and thus played at the same time), the staves barlines are placed at the same horizontal distance. Those barlines are sometimes connected together:", "The absolute pitch of each line for a non-percussive stave is determined by the placement of an appropriate clef symbol at the appropriate vertical position on the left-hand side of the staff. For example, the treble clef, also known as the G clef, is placed upon the second line (counting upwards), fixing that line as the pitch first G above 'middle C'.", "A ledger line or leger line is musical notation to inscribe notes outside the lines and spaces of the regular musical staffs. A line slightly longer than the note is drawn parallel to the staff, above or below, spaced at the same distances as the notes within the staff (see Figure 1).", "It is of a size so that when it sits between two lines of a stave , it just touches both lines", "The staff shown below is the grand staff, and looks like a section of graph paper without the vertical lines. It is like a graph because it uses physical position to show how notes relate to one other�composers write lower-pitched notes toward the bottom of the staff, and higher-pitched ones toward the top.", "Several symbols drawn at the end of a stave, indicating the pitch of the notes written on that stave. ", "Here follows a complete list of the clefs, along with a list of instruments and voice parts notated with them. Each clef is shown in its proper position on the stave, followed by its reference note.", "What name is given to the symbol placed at the beginning of a musical stave, to indicate the pitch?", "The names of the different lengths of notes are listed here with at least two examples on a stave :", "Frequency or pitch is represented on a stave vertically, and notes are placed on the stave to indicate their note pitch :", "system A group of staves connected by a brace, indicating that they are to be played simultaneously.", "system A group of staves connected by a brace, indicating that they are to be played simultaneously." ]
[ 6.85546875, 6.06640625, 5.48828125, 3.419921875, 3.08203125, 2.083984375, 2.064453125, 0.62158203125, 0.5078125, -1.0234375, -1.1943359375, -1.291015625, -2.09765625, -2.240234375, -2.44921875, -2.556640625, -3.0625, -3.248046875, -3.5625, -3.630859375, -3.759765625, -3.76171875, -4.0625, -4.24609375, -4.96484375, -6.09765625, -6.1640625, -6.35546875, -6.38671875, -6.453125, -7.3359375, -7.3359375 ]
Dewey Decimal Classification, Universal Decimal Classification and Library of Congress Classification are three methods of coding and organizing what?
[ "The Dewey Decimal system is extensively used in United States libraries, and a system based on it, the Universal Decimal Classification, is used around the world. Before it was developed, there was no standard of organizing library books, and most systems in use were quite arbitrary and inefficient. Today, this system is used in about 95% of United States school and public libraries, while the Library of Congress Classification system, first developed in 1897, is more widely used in government and university libraries.", "Library of Congress Classification - A classification system, developed by the Library of Congress, which uses a combination of letters and numbers to designate the various classes of subjects. Most college and university libraries use this system of arrangement.", "The Dewey Decimal Classification system, sometimes abbreviated DDC, is a method of categorizing books in a library by subject matter. It is a numerical system using groupings of ten — i.e. there are ten major classes, each of which has ten divisions, each of which has ten sections — and books are placed on the shelf in numerical order. The system was created by Melvil Dewey in 1876 and is currently owned by the Online Computer Library Center in Dublin, Ohio, which acquired the trademark in 1988.", "The Library of Congress Classification (LCC) is a system of library classification developed by the Library of Congress . It is used by most research and academic libraries in the U.S. and several other countries—most public libraries and small academic libraries continue to use the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC). It is not to be confused with the Library of Congress Subject Headings or Library of Congress Control Number.", "The first practical universal classification schemes were developed in the late-nineteenth-century as a response to the problem of organizing libraries in the context of rapidly growing knowledge and an increase in the numbers of printed books. Universal schemes aim to be both comprehensive and also to expand and contract to fit the state of knowledge at any time. The most widely used universal classification schemes are the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC), the Colon Classification (CC) the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) and the classification scheme devised by the Library of Congress (LCC).", "Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) - Melvil Dewey's system of classifying library material. The classification system uses a numeric system to designate ten basic subject categories.  The DDC system is usually used in public libraries or smaller academic libraries.", "DDC is the most widely used classification system in the world. DDC is a general knowledge organization tool that is continuously revised to keep pace with knowledge. It provides a logical system for organizing every item in a library’s collection. Melvil Dewey conceived Dewey Decimal Classification system (DDC) in 1873, which was first published in 1876.", "In the United States, academic libraries generally use the Library of Congress classification system and public and school libraries use the Dewey Decimal Classification System.", "The major competing classification system to the Dewey Decimal system is the Library of Congress Classification system created by the U.S. Library of Congress.", "* Universal schemes which cover all subjects, for example the Dewey Decimal Classification, Universal Decimal Classification and Library of Congress Classification", "\"More libraries and research centers use the Dewey Decimal Classification than the Library's own classification system,\" he added. Many are small or medium-sized: public, school, academic and special libraries. Most major American university and research libraries, whose holdings come closer to matching the breadth and size of the Library's collections, prefer to use the LC classification to arrange and shelve their books.", "The Library developed a system of book classification called Library of Congress Classification (LCC), which is used by most US research and university libraries.", "Most library researchers do not realize that, although the Library of Congress does not use the Dewey Decimal Classification to organize its book holdings, virtually all maintenance and updating of the DDC is performed here.", "Some classification systems are more suitable for aiding subject access, rather than for shelf location. For example, Universal Decimal Classification, which uses a complicated notation of pluses and colons, is more difficult to use for the purpose of shelf arrangement but is more expressive compared to DDC in terms of showing relationships between subjects. Similarly faceted classification schemes are more difficult to use for shelf arrangement, unless the user has knowledge of the citation order.", "There are many standard systems of library classification in use, and many more have been proposed over the years. However in general, Classification systems can be divided into three types depending on how they are used.", "The Dewey Decimal Classification has a number for all subjects, including fiction, although many libraries create a separate fiction section shelved by alphabetical order of the author's surname. Each assigned number consists of two parts: a class number (from the Dewey system) and a book number, which \"prevents confusion of different books on the same subject.\" A common form of the book number is called a Cutter number, which represents the author and distinguishes the book from other books on the same topic. ", "The call numbers in the Dewey Decimal system provide increasingly specific information about the book when read from left to right. There are three numerals in each, followed by a decimal point, which may be followed by more numerals to more specifically categorize the book. The second line of the call number consists of the first few letters of the author's name, which may be used to alphabetize books with the same numerical classification.", "A New York librarian and Columbia University professor, Melvil Dewey divided library books into ten classifications, which he further divided and redivided into what became known as the Dewey decimal system. In 1876, at the age of 25, he published details of the system in “Decimal Classification and Relativ Index”, which he updated constantly almost until 1931, the year of his death.", "American librarian who devised the Dewey Decimal Classification for library cataloging and, probably more than any other individual, was responsible for the development of library science in the United States.", "The work of assigning a DDC number to each newly published book is performed by a division of the Library of Congress, the Dewey Decimal Classification Division, whose recommended assignments are either accepted or rejected by the OCLC after review by an advisory board; to date all have been accepted. These numbers are used by other libraries, who then alter them slightly to mesh with their local collection. The addition of cutter numbers (the ones after the Dewey Decimal number) lets each library assign a call number that is unique to their collection.", "As mentioned in the DDC section, a helpful cataloging resource is Classify: Enter a title, author, OCLC number, UPC, or ISSN and it retrieves summary information from Web Dewey and Classify Web displaying the most frequent call numbers for the item in both DDC and LCC format.", "There are ten and only ten main classes in DDC. There is no change in the number ever since the publication of the first edition of the scheme. Each of the classes has ten divisions. These divisions are further divided − and then further divided. Each division becomes more specific. The more the numbers, the more specific the subject is. In this way, the Dewey classification system progresses from the general to the specific. The decimal place is used to make the number even more specific.", "In large libraries, it is possible that many books will be classified with the same Dewey classification number.  The library must give each book a unique number that serves as the address for locating each book on the shelf.", "Why do some libraries use the Dewey Decimal System and others use the Library of Congress system? - Quora", "Each of the above classes each have ten divisions . These divisions are further divided--and then further divided. Each division becomes more specific. The more numbers, the more specific the subject. In this way, the Dewey classification system progresses from the general to the specific. For a detailed summary for each number see the Dewey Decimal Classification System The decimal place is used to make the number even more specific. Let's look for butterflies......", "Since 1988, the classification has been maintained by the OCLC, which also publishes new editions of the system. The editorial staff responsible for updates is based partly at the Library of Congress and partly at OCLC. Their work is reviewed by the Decimal Classification Editorial Policy Committee, a ten-member international board which meets twice each year. The four-volume unabridged edition is published approximately every six years, the most recent edition (DDC 23) in mid-2011. The web edition is updated on an ongoing basis, with changes announced each month. An experimental version of Dewey in RDF is available at dewey.info. This includes access to the top three levels of the classification system in 14 languages.", "Dewey, Melvil, et al. Dewey Decimal Classification and Relative Index. Albany, New York: Forest Press, a division of OCLC Online Computer Library Center, 1989. ISBN 0910608377 ISBN 9780910608374", "Many libraries have also based their coding system on ISO 3166. In order to facilitate bibliometric measures, the standardization of document descriptions has been proposed, with the coding of the principal author’s country of affiliation based on ISO 3166.", "But if the Library of Congress has its own classification system, what is it doing with Dewey?", "You can learn more about the Dewey Decimal System and how it works in the book The Dewey Decimal System by Allan Fowler. The call number for this book is: J 025.431 Fo.", "In 1967 the Bliss Classification Association was formed. Its first publication was the Abridged Bliss Classification (ABC), intended for school libraries. In 1977 it began to publish and maintain a much-improved, revised version of Bliss’s system, the Bliss Bibliographic Classification (Second Edition) or BC2. This retains only the broad outlines of Bliss's scheme, replacing most of the detailed notation with a new scheme based on the principles of faceted classification . 15 of approximately 28 volumes of schedules have so far been published.", "In 1967 the Bliss Classification Association was formed. Its first publication was the Abridged Bliss Classification (ABC), intended for school libraries. In 1977 it began to publish and maintain a much-improved, revised version of Bliss’s system, the Bliss Bibliographic Classification (Second Edition) or BC2. This retains only the broad outlines of Bliss's scheme, replacing most of the detailed notation with a new scheme based on the principles of faceted classification . Fifteen of approximately 28 volumes of schedules have so far been published." ]
[ 4.07421875, 3.9765625, 3.8984375, 3.6640625, 3.177734375, 2.27734375, 2.224609375, 1.2783203125, 1.05859375, 0.89697265625, 0.8564453125, 0.7744140625, 0.70751953125, 0.2998046875, 0.155517578125, -0.157958984375, -0.1744384765625, -0.247314453125, -0.71142578125, -0.7587890625, -1.4580078125, -1.5322265625, -1.5927734375, -1.7265625, -1.841796875, -2.138671875, -2.267578125, -3.451171875, -3.7109375, -3.78125, -3.814453125, -4.00390625 ]
The 2012 Democratic National Convention kicked off this week in what US city?
[ "The 2012 Democratic National Convention was a gathering, held from September 4 to September 6, 2012, in Charlotte, North Carolina, in which delegates of the Democratic Party chose the party's nominees for President and Vice President in the 2012 United States national election.", "* September 3–6, 2012: 2012 Democratic National Convention held in Charlotte, North Carolina; Barack Obama won the nomination.", "The Democratic party in the United States is hosting its political convention in Los Angeles next week.", "First Lady Michelle Obama posted this photo of herself and her brother, Craig Robinson, on Twitter on April 10, 2014 with the caption, \"\"Happy #NationalSiblingsDay! #TBT #ThrowbackThursday\". The pair are seen on the right at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina on Sept. 5, 2012.", "* August 24–27 – The Democratic National Convention in Atlantic City nominates incumbent President Lyndon B. Johnson for a full term, and U.S. Senator Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota as his running mate.", "Though the Democratic National Convention was scheduled to open on Wednesday, July 19, Chicago was abuzz with it for days in advance, as the pundits and politicos made their way to the Windy City on the banks of Lake Michigan. And, with the question of the presidential nomination taken off the table by FDR’s announcement of July 11, most of the ...", "Choosing to hold the convention the day after the Beijing Olympic Games concluded, the Democratic Party convened in Denver in the last week of August, a week before the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minnesota. The decision was made, according to the party, to \"maximize momentum for our Democratic ticket in the final months of the Presidential election\". Customarily, the party of the incumbent President holds its convention after the opposing party has held their meeting.", "Upheaval at Democratic Convention in Chicago:    As the frazzled Democratic party prepares to hold its nominating convention in Chicago, city officials gear up for a deluge of demonstrations. Mayor Richard Daley orders police to crackdown on antiwar protests. As the nation watched on television, the area around the convention erupts in violence.", "Only three cities submitted final proposals to host the convention: Denver, Minneapolis-St. Paul, and New York. New Orleans had submitted an initial bid, but on July 12, the city dropped out. The cities were visited by a 10-member Technical Advisory Committee in June 2006. On September 27, the Republicans announced they would have their 2008 convention in St. Paul, removing it from consideration and leaving only Denver and New York as potential hosts. Despite hard lobbying by New York party boosters, then-Republican Mayor Michael Bloomberg dealt the campaign a major blow when he announced the city lacked the financial means to support a convention. Denver was chosen as the host on January 11, 2007, as Democrats looked to make gains in the \"Purple West\" states of Colorado, Nevada, and New Mexico.", "The Democratic National Convention met amid great excitement and bitterness over the slavery issue, at Charleston, South Carolina, on 23 April 1860. The delegates from the eight states of the far South (Southern Democrats) demanded the inclusion of a plank in the platform providing that Congress should guarantee slave property in the territories. This was refused, and after several days of useless wrangling and failure to unite the convention upon a candidate, adjournment was taken to Baltimore on 18 June. At this meeting the convention nominated Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois for president, and later the national committee nominated Herschel V. Johnson of Georgia for vice president. The platform pledged the party to stand by the Dred Scott decision or any future Supreme Court decision that dealt with the rights of property in the various states and territories.", "FALLS: The [2000] Democratic Convention [in Los Angeles] coincided with the [peak] popularity of the show, and we had these big parties on our stage during the convention. One of the days an office production person said, \"Hey, we're going to take Martin to the convention. Do you want to go?\" I thought, \"I've got to do this.\" So we go downtown, and we have to walk a quarter-mile to Staples Center, and as we're walking, everyone recognizes Martin — hard hats, delegates, everybody — and Martin is embracing it. Martin thinks he's president. He's waving, signing autographs. It was surreal.", "* July 13–15, 2012: 2012 Green National Convention held in Baltimore, Maryland; Jill Stein won the nomination.", "Judd again supported Democrats in the 2012 elections, endorsing President Barack Obama for re-election although she did not contribute financially to his campaign. She represented Tennessee as a delegate to the 2012 Democratic National Convention. She also considered returning to Kentucky and challenging U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell in 2014. In response, the Conservative Super PAC \"American Crossroads\" released an attack ad against Judd in Kentucky. ", "* April 18–21, 2012: 2012 Constitution Party National Convention held in Nashville, Tennessee; Virgil Goode won the nomination.", "The publicity from the anti-war riots crippled Humphrey's campaign from the start, and it never fully recovered. Before 1968 the city of Chicago had been a frequent host for the political conventions of both parties; since 1968 only one national convention has been held there (the Democratic convention of 1996, which nominated Bill Clinton for a second term). Many believe that this is due in part to the violence and chaos of the 1968 convention.", "The United States 2008 Democratic National Convention was a quadrennial presidential nominating convention of the Democratic Party where it adopted its national platform and officially nominated its candidates for President and Vice President. The convention was held in Denver, Colorado, from August 25 to August 28, 2008, at Pepsi Center. Senator Barack Obama of Illinois gave his acceptance speech on August 28 at Invesco Field in what the party called an \"Open Convention\". Denver last hosted the Democratic National Convention in 1908. Obama became the party's first African-American nominee for President. Senator Joe Biden of Delaware was nominated for Vice President.", "Clinton waves during her sound check on Aug. 27, 1996, at Chicago's United Center, site of the Democratic National Convention. ", "Bill Clinton (right) and Al Gore at the Democratic National Convention in New York, July 16, 1992.", "Bill Clinton's summer of discontent came in 1988, at the Democratic National Convention in Atlanta. He landed the job of introducing the candidate for President, Michael Dukakis.", "2008 – The  Democratic Convention opened in the Pepsi Center of Denver, Colorado, where Sen. Edward Kennedy passed the party’s crown to Barack Obama.", "Denver hosted the 2008 Democratic National Convention , which was the centennial of the city’s first hosting of the landmark 1908 convention. It also hosted the G7 (now G8) summit between June 20 and 22 in 1997 and the 2000 National Convention of the Green Party . [121] [122]", "In 2012, both the Republicans and the Democrats moved their Florida primary to January 31, which was an earlier date than past election cycles. In response, other states also changed their primary election dates for 2012, in order to claim a greater influence, creating a cascade of changes in other states. This followed what happened in 2008 when Nevada moved its caucuses to January, causing other states to also move their primaries to earlier dates. Senate Majority Leader and Nevada Senator Harry Reid was a major proponent of moving that state's caucuses to January, arguing that Nevada would be the perfect American microcosm: its western location, significant minority population, and strong labor population would be more representative of the country as a whole than Iowa and New Hampshire. ", "2004 International Olympic Committee selects London, Madrid, Moscow, New York City, and Paris as finalists to host the 2012 Summer Olympics (London won)", "an’t get to Washington? Democrats Abroad brings the party to you! The UK branch invites you to join them for london’s very own Inaugural Ball in honor of President obama and Vice President Biden. It’s on Inauguration Day, Tuesday, January 20, 2009, from 7pm-1am at the Royal lancaster Hotel, lancaster Terrace, Bayswater, london. Highlights will include A cocktail reception and hors d’oeuvres, dinner, including two glasses of wine, video highlights of the Inauguration, live music, a full cash bar. Black tie is optional. For ticket prices and reservations, please email inauguralball@democratsabroad.couk. Specify the full name and contact telephone of each ticket holder. Advance payment is required. All tickets will be sold on a first come, first served basis and a limited number of concession tickets are available. ‘Tis the season… Tickets make a great gift, they say, and they suggest you reserve for yourself and a friend today! For a contribution of £500 or more, you can join the Host Committee and help support the Democratic Party too. For further details, please contact hostcommittee@democratsabroad.org.uk.", "As with past political conventions since 2000, the Democratic National Convention was designated a National Special Security Event (NSSE) by the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS).", "What city did Barack Obama formally accept the Democratic nomination for the US presidential election in 2008?", "In the 2012 presidential election, Democrat Barack Obama received 9,948 votes (86.6% vs. 57.9% countywide), ahead of Republican Mitt Romney with 1,548 votes (13.5% vs. 41.1%) and other candidates with 49 votes (0.4% vs. 0.9%), among the 11,489 ballots cast by the city's 21,477 registered voters, for a turnout of 53.5% (vs. 65.8% in Atlantic County). In the 2008 presidential election, Democrat Barack Obama received 10,975 votes (82.1% vs. 56.5% countywide), ahead of Republican John McCain with 2,175 votes (16.3% vs. 41.6%) and other candidates with 82 votes (0.6% vs. 1.1%), among the 13,370 ballots cast by the city's 26,030 registered voters, for a turnout of 51.4% (vs. 68.1% in Atlantic County). In the 2004 presidential election, Democrat John Kerry received 8,487 votes (74.5% vs. 52.0% countywide), ahead of Republican George W. Bush with 2,687 votes (23.6% vs. 46.2%) and other candidates with 96 votes (0.8% vs. 0.8%), among the 11,389 ballots cast by the city's 23,310 registered voters, for a turnout of 48.9% (vs. 69.8% in the whole county). ", "On April 24, 2012, Obama secured enough delegates to ensure the nomination of the Democratic party for reelection. ", "Obama reached the national stage just four years ago, when he was elected to the Senate and delivered a star-making speech at the Democratic National Convention.", "The United States presidential election of 2008 was the 56th quadrennial presidential election. It was held on Tuesday, November 4, 2008. Democratic Party nominee Senator Barack Obama and running mate Senator Joe Biden defeated Republican Party nominee Senator John McCain and running mate Governor Sarah Palin. Barack Obama became the first African American ever to be elected president of the United States, and Joe Biden became the first Roman Catholic ever to serve as vice president.", "Source: Jennifer Wlach. \"Bill Clinton Marks 5th Annual Collegiate Service Summit -- ABC New Exclusive.\" ABCNews.go.com. 4/02/2012.", "On July 26 , 2004 , Clinton spoke for the fifth consecutive time to the Democratic National Convention , using the opportunity to praise candidate John Kerry . Many Democrats believed that Clinton's speech was one of the best in Convention history. In it, he criticized President George W. Bush's depiction of Kerry, saying that \"strength and wisdom are not opposing values.\"" ]
[ 4.94140625, 3.087890625, 2.498046875, 1.607421875, 1.1533203125, 0.95947265625, 0.31103515625, -0.0157623291015625, -1.0419921875, -2.181640625, -2.265625, -3.041015625, -3.109375, -3.234375, -3.24609375, -3.44140625, -3.9296875, -3.95703125, -4.0234375, -4.03515625, -4.29296875, -4.421875, -5.21484375, -5.671875, -6.16015625, -8.125, -8.2890625, -8.953125, -9.125, -9.140625, -10.03125, -10.0390625 ]
What Portuguese explorer is credited as being the first to circumnavigate the world, when his expedition returned to Spain on Sept. 6, 1522 (although he died a year and a half earlier)?
[ "Ferdinand Magellan (1480–1521) was a Portuguese explorer who is credited with masterminding the first expedition to circumnavigate the world.", "The first circumnavigation of the earth was completed in 1522 with the Magellan-Elcano expedition, a Spanish voyage of discovery led by Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan and completed by Spanish navigator Juan Sebastián Elcano after the former's death in the Philippines in 1521. The fleet of seven ships sailed from Sanlúcar de Barrameda in Southern Spain in 1519, crossed the Atlantic Ocean and after several stopovers rounded the southern tip of South America. Some ships were lost, but the remaining fleet continued across the Pacific making a number of discoveries including Guam and the Philippines. By then, only two galleons were left from the original seven. The Victoria led by Elcano sailed across the Indian Ocean and north along the coast of Africa, to finally arrive in Spain in 1522, three years after its departure. The Trinidad sailed east from the Philippines, trying to find a maritime path back to the Americas, but was unsuccessful. The eastward route across the Pacific, also known as the tornaviaje (return trip) was only discovered forty years later, when Spanish cosmographer Andrés de Urdaneta sailed from the Philippines, north to parallel 39°, and hit the eastward Kuroshio Current which took its galleon across the Pacific. He arrived in Acapulco on October 8, 1565.", "Ferdinand Magellan ( or; ,; ,; c. 1480 – 27 April 1521) was a Portuguese explorer who organised the Castilian (Spanish) expedition to the East Indies from 1519 to 1522, resulting in the first circumnavigation of the Earth.", "The Magellan-Elcano circumnavigation was the first known voyage around the world in human history. It was a Spanish expedition that sailed from Seville in 1519 under the command of Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan in search of a maritime path from the Americas to the East Asia across the Pacific Ocean. Following Magellan's death in Mactan (Philippines) in 1521, Juan Sebastián Elcano took command of the expedition, sailing to Borneo, the Spice Islands and back to Spain across the Indian Ocean, round the Cape of Good Hope and north along the west coast of Africa. They arrived in Spain three years after they left, in 1522.", "The Portuguese sailor Ferdinand Magellan is credited as being the first man to sail around the world. He was appointed commander of a fleet of five ships by king Carlos V of Spain at the beginning of the 16th. century. The aim was to find a way round the south tip of America to establish a new route to the Spice Islands. They departed from Sanlucar on 20th of September, 1519. He discovered the strait which has been given his name, and reached the Pacific Ocean on 28th of November, 1520. With the remaining three vessels of his fleet, he reached Cebu,in the heart of the Philippines the 7th of April, 1521. Magellan, the first European to reach these islands, was killed in a clash with natives on the neighboring island of Mactan, April 27, 1521. Even though he did not complete the voyage, it was Magellan's perseverance and leadership that made the first circumnavigation possible.", "1519: Ferdinand Magellan and Juan Sebastián Elcano begin first global circumnavigation. Their expedition returns in 1522.", "On this day in 1520, after navigating through the South American strait, an expedition under the command of Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan became the first Europeans to sail from the Atlantic to the Pacific.   Thus the first known westward crossing of the Pacific Ocean began.   The voyage was so remarkable for its calm that Magellan named the ocean \"Pacific\".   Magellan was killed on April 27, 1521 in fighting with natives in the Philippines.   The following September, his ship, Victoria, returned to Spain, thereby completing the first circumnavigation of the globe.   The entire journey had taken 3 years, and out of the 5 ships that had set out, Victoria was the only one to complete it.   The expedition included a fare-paying passenger, Antonio Pigafetta, who made it the whole way, thus becoming the first round-the-world tourist.", "While in the service of Spain, the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan (1480-1521) led the first European voyage of discovery to circumnavigate the globe.", "Ferdinand Magellan (1480-1521) was a Portuguese explorer who led the first expedition that sailed around the Earth (1519-1522). Magellan also named the Pacific Ocean (the name means that it is a calm, peaceful ocean).", "1522: Juan del Cano and the 17 surviving crew sailed the Vittoria into San Lucar harbour in Spain, after a three-year journey, the first circumnavigation of the world. It was the only one of five ships to return. Ferdinand Magellan had been the original commander, but was killed in a battle when they reached the island of Mactan in the Philippines.", "Portugese navigator Ferdinand Magellan started a Spanish expedition that was the first to sail from the Atlantic Ocean into the Pacific Ocean, which he called the peaceful sea, and ultimately circumnavigate the Earth; Magellan died in battle in the Philippines in 1521 before the return of the expedition in 1522", "THE FIRST CIRCUMNAVIGATION OF THE GLOBE passing through antipodal points was completed in 1522 by 18 members of Ferdinand Magellans expedition to find a route to the Spice Islands by sailing west. Magellan himself was killed en route on the island of Mactan in present day Philippines. Francis Drake, Thomas Cavendish and Simon de Cordes, to name but a few, soon followed in the same manner: under SAIL.", "The fleet sailed further and further south, avoiding the Portuguese territories in Brazil, and become the first to reach Tierra del Fuego at the tip of the Americas. On October 21, starting in Cape Virgenes, they began an arduous trip through a 373-mile (600 km) long strait that Magellan named Estrecho de Todos los Santos, the modern Strait of Magellan. On November 28, three ships entered the Pacific Ocean—then named Mar Pacífico because of its apparent stillness. The expedition managed to cross the Pacific. Magellan died in the battle of Mactan in the Philippines, leaving the Spaniard Juan Sebastián Elcano the task of completing the voyage, reaching the Spice Islands in 1521. On September 6, 1522 Victoria returned to Spain, thus completing the first circumnavigation of the globe. Of the men who set out on five ships, only 18 completed the circumnavigation and managed to return to Spain in this single vessel led by Elcano. Seventeen others arrived later in Spain: twelve captured by the Portuguese in Cape Verde some weeks earlier, and between 1525 and 1527, and five survivors of the Trinidad. Antonio Pigafetta, a Venetian scholar and traveler who had asked to be on board and become a strict assistant of Magellan, kept an accurate journal that become the main source for much of what we know about this voyage.", "What Europeans wanted, though — despite the riches of the Americas — was a sea route to Asia. In 1519 Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese explorer in the service of Spain, sailed west in an attempt to reach the Spice Islands of Indonesia. Reaching the Americas, he sailed south along the coast of South America until he found Cape Horn at the continent’s southernmost tip. Near the Cape, a strait cuts through the tip of South America, and it is named the Strait of Magellan after him. He continued his journey northwest across the Pacific to the Philippines, where he was killed. His crew continued west, rounding the Cape of Good Hope at the southern tip of Africa, and the survivors returned to Spain three years after their departure, completing the first known circumnavigation of the globe. Their voyage of 43,400 miles gave Europeans a clearer sense of just how big the earth was.", "First Circumnavigation of the Globe, begun in 1519, was an attempt to prove that the coveted Spice Islands, or Moluccas, were actually property of Spain. Finding a direct route between the Spice Islands and Spanish Peru would be argument enough for ownership of these lands. Ferdinand Magellan set out from Spain on this voyage with five ships, but the voyage was more difficult than expected. Disease, bad weather, and loss of ships to Portuguese attack hampered the voyage. On April 27, 1521, Magellan was killed in the Philippine Islands attempting to convert a native chief to Christianity. With only two ships remaining, the crew continued the voyage making it back to Seville, Spain with only 18 crew members on a single ship.", "One of Ferdinand Magellan’s five ships–the Vittoria–arrives at SanlÚcar de Barrameda in Spain, thus completing the first circumnavigation of the world. The Vittoria was commanded by Basque navigator Juan SebastiÁn de Elcano, who took charge of the vessel after the murder of Magellan in the Philippines in April 1521. During a long, hard journey home, the people on the ship suffered from starvation, scurvy, and harassment by Portuguese ships. Only Elcano, 17 other Europeans, and four Indians survived to reach Spain in September 1522.", "Magellan: Magellan led the first circumnavigation of the globe. He was born to a family of lower nobility and educated in the Portuguese court. Just like Columbus who came before him, Magellan believed the Spice Islands can be reached by sailing west, around or through the New World. As Magellan did not get any support from the Portuguese monarchy, he sought and got the assistance of  the teenaged Spanish king, Charles I (a.k.a. the Holy Roman emperor Charles V ) on March 22, 1518. Magellan got five ships. In September, 1519, he sailed with 270 men. His Italian crewmember, Antonio Pigafetta , kept a diary of and recorded the voyage. They sailed on to the Philippines, arriving on March 28, 1521. On April 7, 1521, he arrived in Cebu and befriended an island king�Datu Humabon. On April 14, 1521, Datu Humabon and 800 of his people were drawn in a mass baptism. Later, though, Lapu-Lapu killed Magellan in a battle in Mactan on April 27, 1521.  ", "Magellan and his friend the astronomer Ruy de Falero proposed to King Charles V (of Spain) that a westward voyage around the tip of South America would take them to the Moluccas (spice-rich islands) and avoid the Portuguese (with whom they were competing fiercely). The voyage began September 8, 1519, and lasted until September 6, 1522 (almost 3 years). Magellan sailed from Seville, Spain, with five ships, the Trinidad, San Antonio, Concepcion, Victoria, and Santiago. Three years later, only one ship (the Victoria) made it back to Seville, carrying only 18 of the original 270 crew members. Magellan was killed towards the end of the voyage, in the Philippines, during a battle with the natives. The Basque navigator Juan Sebastián de Elcano (del Cano) completed the trip.", "In the 16th Century it was the circumnavigation of the world by the Portuguese seaman Ferdinand Magellan.", "Magellan and his friend the astronomer Ruy de Falero proposed to King Charles V (of Spain) that a westward voyage around the tip of South America would take them to the Moluccas (spice-rich islands) and avoid the Portuguese (with whom they were competing fiercely). The voyage began September 8, 1519, and lasted until September 6, 1522 (almost 3 years). Magellan sailed from Seville, Spain, with five ships, the Trinidad, San Antonio, Concepcion, Victoria, and Santiago. Three years later, only one ship (the Victoria) made it back to Seville, carrying only 18 of the original 270 crew members. Magellan was killed towards the end of the voyage, on the Island of Mactan in the Philippines, during a battle with the natives. The Basque navigator Juan Sebastián de Elcano (del Cano) completed the trip.", "The first circumnavigation of the globe was led by Ferdinand Magellan, who was born in Oporto, Portugal in 1480.", "The Victoria managed to elude the Portuguese in the Indian Ocean and rounded the Cape of Good Hope. On 6 September 1522, almost three years from the day it began its historic journey, the Victoria and 18 crew members (Pigafetta among them) arrived in Spain. They were the first to circumnavigate the globe.", "After Magellan’s death, the survivors, in two ships, sailed on to the Moluccas and loaded the hulls with spice. One ship attempted, unsuccessfully, to return across the Pacific. The other ship, the Vittoria, continued west under the command of Juan SebastiÁn de Elcano. The vessel sailed across the Indian Ocean, rounded the Cape of Good Hope, and arrived at the Spanish port of SanlÚcar de Barrameda on September 6, 1522, becoming the first ship to circumnavigate the globe. The Vittoria then sailed up the Guadalquivir River, reaching Seville a few days later.", "Ferdinand Magellan (c. 1480 â 27 April 1521) was a Portuguese explorer. He was born in Sabrosa, in northern Portugal, and served King Charles I of Spain in search of a westward route to the Spice Islands (modern Maluku Islands in Indonesia).", "5 Europeans Explore Foreign Lands NEXT 1 SECTION Amerigo Vespucci sets out to find sea route to Asia (1501) Ferdinand Magellan sails west around South America to Asia; he dies Explorer Vasco Núñez de Balboa finds Pacific Ocean (1513) He realizes that Americas are not Asia; America named after him Magellan’s crew returns; first people to sail around world (1519—1522) Image", "Ferdinand Magellan   © This Portuguese-born navigator was one of the great explorers of his era - the first European to cross the Pacific Ocean, he also played a crucial role in the first circumnavigation of the world.", "Portuguese navigator and explorer who sailed under the flags of both Portugal (1505–13) and Spain (1519–21). From Spain he sailed around South America, discovering the Strait of Magellan, and across the Pacific. Though he was killed in the Philippines, one of his ships continued westward to Spain, accomplishing the first circumnavigation of Earth. The voyage was successfully...", "Portuguese sailor whose ships/crew completed the first successful expedition around the world (1519). He himself was killed in the Philippines (1522).", "76. This navigator and explorer made a name for himself fighting Muslims along the coast of India. His ships passed through the strait at the southern tip of South America that bears his name. What Portuguese explorer died in the Philippines in 1521 before one of his ships completed circling the globe?", "First navigator to circumnavigate the globe from 1519 to 1522, died on the Philippine Islands, Scurvy;", "He began his career as a young seaman in the Portuguese merchant marine. In 1492 he obtained the sponsorship of the Spanish monarchs Ferdinand II and Isabella I for an attempt to reach Asia by sailing westward over what was presumed to be open sea. On his first voyage he set sail in August 1492 with three shipsthe Santa Mara, the Nia, and the Pintaand land was sighted in the Bahamas on October 12. He sailed along the northern coast of Hispaniola and returned to Spain in 1493. He made a second voyage (149396) with at least 17 ships and founded La Isabela (in what is now the Dominican Republic), the first European town in the New World. This voyage also began Spain's effort to promote Christian evangelization. On his third voyage (14981500) he reached South America and the Orinoco River delta. Allegations of his poor administration led to his being returned to Spain in chains. On his fourth voyage (150204) he returned to South America and sailed along the coasts of present-day Honduras and Panama. He was unable to attain his goals of nobility and great wealth. His character and achievements have long been debated, but scholars generally agree that he was an intrepid and brilliant navigator.", "Who assumed command of the world's first circumnavigation voyage when Magellan was killed in the Philippines?" ]
[ 9.5078125, 8.8984375, 8.8671875, 8.5, 7.91796875, 7.734375, 7.66796875, 7.44140625, 7.234375, 7.12109375, 7.03125, 6.7265625, 6.58203125, 5.6875, 5.51171875, 5.46875, 5.18359375, 4.9921875, 4.9765625, 4.94140625, 4.2890625, 3.384765625, 3.349609375, 3.19921875, 2.873046875, 2.115234375, 0.7841796875, -1.90625, -1.962890625, -2.412109375, -2.453125, -3.787109375 ]
Known as an experiment in community, art, radical self-expression, and radical self-reliance, the Burning Man festival was held this year in the Black Rock Desert-High Rock Canyon Emigrant Trails National Conservation Area in what US state?
[ "The annual Burning Man Festival, held in Nevada’s Black Rock Desert, is a week-long event described as “an experiment in community art, radical self-expression and radical self-reliance.” More than 60,000 free-spirited people converge on the desert to create and display some interesting works of art, including this oversized “Bummer.” ", "Burning Man is a week-long annual event held in the Black Rock Desert in northern Nevada, in the United States. The event begins on the last Monday in August, and ends on the first Monday in September, which coincides with the American Labor Day holiday. The 2012 Burning Man Festival took place between August 27 and September 3. It takes its name from the ritual burning of a large wooden effigy on Saturday evening. The event is described as an experiment in community, art, radical self-expression, and radical self-reliance.[1][2][3][4] Burning Man is organized by Black Rock City, LLC. In 2010, 51,515 people attended Burning Man.[5] 2011 attendance was capped at 50,000 participants and the event sold out on July 24.[6] In April 2011, Larry Harvey announced that the organization had begun the process of transitioning management of the festival over to a new non-profit organization called the “Burning Man Project”.", "The annual Burning Man Festival, held in Nevada’s Black Rock Desert, is a week-long event described as “an experiment in community art, radical self-expression and radical self-reliance.” More than 60,000 free-spirited people converge on the desert to create and display some interesting works of art, including this oversized “Bummer.”  960 1280", "Burning Man is an annual art event and temporary community based on radical self-expression and self-reliance, in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada. 1 The event is a week-long annual affair that draws more than fifty thousand participants, known as \"burners,\" from around the world. 2 The event takes place in the custom-built, temporary, Black Rock City, 3 located in a prehistoric lakebed or \"playa\" in the Black Rock desert, more than one hundred miles from Reno. Black Rock City is rebuilt annually on seven square-miles of federal land in the southern point of the Black Rock Desert. 4 Burners are explicitly encouraged to partake in acts of \"radical self-expression.\" They do so through artistic performances; by creating interactive sculptures and other outdoors art installations, through costumes and fashion, music, art vehicles, and visual media. 5", "The Burning Man festival began in 1986 at a San Francisco beach party and is now held in the Black Rock Desert northeast of Reno, Nevada. Although few participants would accept the hippie label, Burning Man is a contemporary expression of alternative community in the same spirit as early hippie events. The gathering becomes a temporary city (36,500 occupants in 2005, 50,000+ in 2011), with elaborate encampments, displays, and many art cars. Other events that enjoy a large attendance include the Rainbow Family Gatherings, The Gathering of the Vibes, Community Peace Festivals, and the Woodstock Festivals.", "Bolts of electricity strike 'Dr. MegaVolt' as he rides across the desert September 1, 2000 atop a truck equipped with huge electrodes to thrill crowds who chant his name during the 15th annual Burning Man festival in the Black Rock Desert near Gerlach, Nevada. Despite high winds, dust storms, and a bit of rain, some 27,000 people camped out on a remote desert playa, or dry lake, for the week-long counter-cultural celebration of art and 'radical self-expression.' This year's theme was the body. (Photo by David McNew/Newsmaker)", "A dancer juggles fire as a 52-foot tall wooden man as it goes up in flames September 2, 2000 during the15th annual Burning Man festival in the Black Rock Desert near Gerlach, Nevada. Despite high winds, dust storms, and a bit of rain, some 27,000 people camped out on a remote desert playa, or dry lake, for the week-long counter-cultural celebration of art and 'radical self-expression'. This year's theme was the body. (Photo by David McNew/Newsmakers)", "People drum on a percussion junk pile despite a blinding dust storm caused by strong winds September 2, 2000 at the 15th annual Burning Man festival in the Black Rock Desert near Gerlach, Nevada. Despite the high winds, dust storms, and a bit of rain, some 27,000 people camped out on a remote desert playa, or dry lake, for the week-long counter-cultural celebration of art and 'radical self-expression.' This year's theme was the body. (Photo by David McNew/Newsmakers)", "Held in Nevada’s Black Rock Desert, Burning Man Festival is an “anything goes” event that’s been described as \"Mad Max\" meets Woodstock. The festival usually starts on the last Monday in August and ends on the first Monday in September. 960 1280", "Every year, participants in the Burning Man Festival descend on the playa of Nevada’s Black Rock Desert to form a temporary city—a self-reliant community populated by performers, artists, free spirits, and more.", "Once a year, tens of thousands of participants gather in Nevada’s Black Rock Desert to create Black Rock City, dedicated to community, art, self-expression, and self-reliance. They depart one week later, having left no trace whatsoever.  Burning Man is also an ever-expanding year-round culture based on the Principles.", "The Burning Man festival 2014 will be held in Blackrock Nevada the first week of September. It is designed to start 7 days before the Labor Day holiday and it runs through the holiday.", "Signs are posted at the entrance of Black Rock City during the Burning Man Festival in Nevada 01 September 2000. An estimated thirty thousand people will attend the festival, a spontaneous encounter of artists, performers and spectators, where the audience is expected to interact and collaborate during a week long event.  (Photo credit: HECTOR MATA/AFP/Getty Images)", "Inspired: Patrick Sperry dances during the Burning Man 2012 Fertility 2.0\"arts and music festival in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada", "Burning Man, an annual art, music and everything-else festival held in the middle of the Nevada desert is well underway, with more than 60,000 'burners' lighting massive fire displays, donning eye-catching costumes and performing passionate dances at sunrise.", "A Burning Man participant enjoys a light art installation during the festival in the Black Rock Desert near Gerlach, Nev., Thursday morning, Aug. 30, 2007. (AP Photo/Brad Horn, Nevada Appeal)", "The Black Rock Desert is part of the National Conservation Area (NCA), a unit of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) National Landscape Conservation System (NLCS). The NCA is located in northwest Nevada, and was established by legislation in 2000. It is a unique combination of desert playa, narrow canyons, and mountainous areas.", "Once a year, tens of thousands of people gather in Nevada’s Black Rock Desert (also known as “the playa”) to create Black Rock City, a temporary metropolis dedicated to community, art, self-expression, and self-reliance. They depart one week later, having left no trace whatsoever.", "Once a year, tens of thousands of people gather in Nevada’s Black Rock Desert (also known as “the playa”) to create Black Rock City, a temporary metropolis dedicated to community, art, self-expression, and self-reliance. They depart one week later, having left no trace whatsoever.", "Participants at the Burning Man event in the Black Rock Desert are encouraged to express themselves in a number of ways through various art forms and projects. The event is clothing-optional and public nudity is common, though not practiced by the majority. ", "The art at the Burning Man Festival can be radical. Artists are not quiet about expressing their political views. An artist created this cartoonish replica of U.S. President George W. Bush, portraying him as a liar. This exhibit is part of a larger art installation called Art on the Playa, which allows artists to display their artwork and create special art events and exhibitions all around Black Rock City.", "Burning Man started as a bonfire ritual on the 1986 summer solstice, when Larry Harvey, Jerry James and a few friends met on Baker Beach in San Francisco. The group at the time burned a 9-foot man effigy. It wasn’t until 1990 when Kevin Evans and John Law organized the first Burning Man Festival in Black Rock Desert.", "The art at the Burning Man Festival can be radical. Artists are not quiet about expressing their political views. An artist created this cartoonish replica of U.S. President George W. Bush, portraying him as a liar. This exhibit is part of a larger art installation called Art on the Playa, which allows artists to display their artwork and create special art events and exhibitions all around Black Rock City. 960 1280", "The playa of the Black Rock Desert lakebed is ~200 sqmi within an area bounded by the Calico Mountains Wilderness (north), Gerlach (west), the Applegate National Historic Trail (northeast), and the Union Pacific Railroad (south). The \"South Playa\" (~30 sq mi, with ~13 sqmi in Washoe Co) is between Gerlach and the southwest boundary of the National Conservation Area (NCA), while the northeast NCA portion of the playa (including ~25 sqmi in Humboldt Co) is between the NCA boundary and the Applegate National Historic Trail. A Nobles route between Gerlach and Black Rock Hot Springs extends through the length of the playa. The playa's Quinn River Sink of ~3 sqmi is where the Quinn River discharges/evaporates ~ south-southwest of Black Rock Hot Springs.", "Art displays are set up all around Black Rock Desert during the Burning Man Festival. Contrary to what you may think, festival attendees are not inconsiderate hippies. Before everyone leaves, people pitch in to restore the desert back to its original state at the end of the festival. “Leaving no trace” is one of the 10 principles attendees must abide by at the event. Other Burning Man principles include radical inclusion, participation, gifting and civil responsibility. 960 1280", "Black Rock City, often abbreviated to BRC, is the name of the temporary city created by Burning Man participants. Much of the layout and general city infrastructure is constructed by Department of Public Works (DPW) volunteers who often reside in Black Rock City for several weeks before and after the event. The remainder of the city including theme camps, villages, art installations and individual camping are all created by participants.", "Burning Man sure is fun! Getting ill, injured or killed, well … not so fun. And here’s the thing to keep in mind about the Black Rock Desert: it’s one of the most strikingly beautiful and utterly ethereal locations in the world that will ever try to kill you.", "The Bureau of Land Management, which maintains the desert, has very strict requirements for the event. These stipulations include trash cleanup, removal of burn scars, dust abatement, and capture of fluid drippings from participant vehicles. For four weeks after the event has ended, the Black Rock City Department of Public Works (BRC – DPW) Playa Restoration Crew remains in the desert, cleaning up after the temporary city in an effort to make sure that no evidence of the event remains.[90]", "Black Rock City is patrolled by various local and state law enforcement agencies as well as the Bureau of Land Management Rangers. The local police issue $1500 fines for drug use and serving alcohol to minors. Burning Man also has its own in-house group of volunteers, the Black Rock Rangers, who act as informal mediators when disputes arise between participants.", "Black Rock City is patrolled by various local and state law enforcement agencies as well as the Bureau of Land Management Rangers. Burning Man also has its own in-house group of volunteers, the Black Rock Rangers, who act as informal mediators when disputes arise between participants.", "FIGMENT is an amazing example of Burning Man culture taking off in the real world, and y’all should participate! They’re now calling for artists in a number of cities. Here’s what they’re about (cribbed from their website), followed by the callout:", "On July 1, 2013, a lightning strike ignited the Carpenter 1 Fire that burned over 27,800 acres on the Spring Mountains National Recreation Area (SMNRA), located northwest of Las Vegas on the Toiyabe National Forest. A portion of the burn occurred throughout Joshua trees, which recover slowly following fire." ]
[ 10.4765625, 10.234375, 9.875, 7.3125, 6.16796875, 5.5234375, 5.37890625, 5.3046875, 5.18359375, 4.7734375, 4.58203125, 3.94921875, 2.80078125, 2.7890625, 2.46875, 2.38671875, 2.1640625, 2.01171875, 2.01171875, -1.9248046875, -2.205078125, -4.109375, -4.234375, -4.6484375, -5.00390625, -5.2421875, -5.31640625, -5.953125, -6.2421875, -6.25, -6.49609375, -9.125 ]
What do you usually find in a golf courses' bunker?
[ "There are three types of bunkers used in golf course architecture and all are designed to be impediments to the golfer's progress toward the green. Fairway bunkers are designed primarily to gather up wayward tee shots on par 4 and par 5 holes; they are located to the sides of the fairway or even in the middle of the fairway. Greenside bunkers are designed to collect wayward approach shots on long holes and tee shots on par 3 holes; they are located near and around the green. Waste bunkers are natural sandy areas, usually very large and often found on links courses; they are not considered hazards according to the rules of golf, and so, unlike in fairway or greenside bunkers, golfers are permitted to ground a club lightly in, or remove loose impediments from, the area around the ball. ", "A bunker is a depression near the green or fairway that is usually filled with sand. It is difficult to hit the ball out of the bunker and entering it is therefore considered punitive to a golfer who misses the target with the previous shot. A club called a \"sand wedge\" is designed for extracting the ball from a bunker, a process requiring well-developed skill. After a player is done using the bunker, it is the job of either the player or that player's caddy to rake the area of the sand disturbed during play. Specific rules of golf govern play from a bunker. For example, a player may not ground one's club in a bunker; that is, the club cannot touch the ground prior to the swing.", "Water hazards, like bunkers, are natural obstacles designed to add both beauty and difficulty to a golf course. Water hazards are typically either streams or ponds, situated between the teeing ground and the hole.", "A cross bunker is a bunker, that the golfer has to cross on the usual line for playing the hole. There are no standards of cross bunkers in regard to the size, the shape, the depth or the position. But they are commonly wider than deep and can be positioned totally on a fairway or only partially and partially in the rough. Of course it can also be the other way round, so completely in the rough. As you need to play the hazard in order to play the ideal line of play, they are a challenging hazard.", "Bunker: A hollow comprised of sand or grass or both that exists as an obstacle and, in some cases, a hazard. (The greens at Winged Foot were protected by deep bunkers). Tip: How to escape greenside bunkers", "One of the best greenside bunkers on the course is the one that eats into the left and acts as a magnet for any ball that gets near it.", "Fairway bunker: is not marked by stakes. It is an indentation or pit in the fairway, filled with sand. No penalty strokes are added to the score.", "“Short and right tee shots get swallowed by Abrams Creek, which meanders in front of the green and around the right side. Long and left tee shots go in a large bunker, which is very difficult to get up and down from. The green has a very shallow depth on the left portion, so it intimidates the golfer into going for the larger landing area that crosses over the creek.”", "The sand wedge is a specific golf club. One of its characteristics is a high loft. As it was especially invented for playing out of a bunker, the sand wedge received its name. Nevertheless all categories of shots within 100 yards can be performed with a sand wedge.", "An iron is a type of club used in the sport of golf to propel the ball towards the hole. Irons typically have shorter shafts and smaller clubheads than woods, the head is made of solid iron or steel, and the head's primary feature is a large, flat, angled face, usually scored with grooves. Irons are used in a wide variety of situations, typically from the teeing ground on shorter holes, from the fairway or rough as the player approaches the green, and to extract the ball from hazards, such as bunkers or even shallow water hazards.", "“Though the greens are surprisingly flat, as if to compensate for the rugged terrain and numerous blind shots, bunkers are a definite highlight, most with arched eyebrows of dense marram grasses and impenetrable clumps of heather.”", "The strategic placement of every bunker. The undulations of every green. The stunning view from each tee. All were born of the passion for the game that has made Gary Player one of golf’s most celebrated champions.", "Greenside bunker: sand trap in the immediate surrounding of the green. Playing from this hazard requires a sand wedge and a different set up.", "The fairway is bisected by a long, slender bunker which ascends towards the green. The left flank of the fairway is also bunkered, but transversely, presenting a carry of 220m.", "Here you will find pure greens, bunkering, and a great range of Par 3s, short Par 4s and a great blind long Par 4.", "; Explosion Bunker Shot: A bunker shot that sends the ball, and accompanying sand, (hopefully) onto the green. Also known as a \"blast\".", "\"Anything in the left bunker leaves you with the shot from hell and once you get on the green, it doesn't get easier. The slopes are fairly subtle but there are some crazy putts with severe breaks. Par or even bogey is a good score. It's just a great hole.\"", "a bunker shot that sends the ball, and accompanying sand, (hopefully) onto the green. Also known as an \"explosion\".", "They’re a golfer’s biggest nightmare and even the world’s best get trapped in their sandy depths. But there are a few ways to help you conquer the dreaded bunker…", "Located in a dell, the front left to back right axis of the 9th green coupled with the hidden front bunker pictured above means that the left side of the fairway is ideal for one's approach.", "With its inland links appearance, this championship golf course presents a unique challenge thanks to hard and fast running fairways, undulating greens, severe run-offs and its 70 strategically placed cavernous bunkers.", "There is a par 3 one-hole \" golf course \" at the camp which includes an Astroturf green and is surrounded on three sides by minefields . [3] Sports Illustrated called it \"the most dangerous hole in golf\" and there are reports that at least one shot exploded a land mine. [3]", "There is a par 3 one-hole “ golf course ” at the camp which includes an Astroturf green and is surrounded on three sides by minefields . [3] Sports Illustrated called it “the most dangerous hole in golf” and there are reports that at least one shot exploded a land mine. [3]", "a lofted club designed especially for playing out of a bunker. The modern sand wedge was invented by Gene Sarazen.", "A lofted club designed especially for playing out of a bunker . The modern sand wedge was invented by Gene Sarazen .", "While risking your life to observe your awesome, awesome freedom in front of furious North Korean soldiers is fun and all, there is very real danger on the course. Clubs, balls, hats and other personal objects are routinely misplaced on the mine riddled fairway, and cannot be taken back without the possibility of an explosion. And, at least once, a ball was teed off and actually detonated a mine.", "There is a par 3 one-hole \"golf course\" at the camp which includes an Astroturf green and is surrounded on three sides by minefields. Sports Illustrated called it \"the most dangerous hole in golf\" and there are reports that at least one shot exploded a land mine.", "Explode:  The material carried with the ball when it is hit out of a sand bunker.", "The opening hole on the Old Course is one of many places where you can miss your tee shot left. The first and the eighteenth share a huge double fairway, but there's out-of-bounds and beach to the right. Most players keep their drivers in the bag because Swilcan Burn loops in front of the green about 250 yards out. I hit anywhere from a one- to a three-iron off the tee. The ball rolls forever over there. If the pin's up front next to the burn, you can have an extremely tricky second shot.", "Missing the fairways in the wrong place can lead to a disaster thanks to some areas of rough that are knee deep and as thick as can be...however if you think your way around the course only really poor shots will wind up in the cabbage.", "The green features a \"scooped out\" segment through much of the middle segment of the green, almost making it a Biarritz in style. It's much like the depression within the left of the new green on 11 at The Lakes. The rear of the green is a higher plateau. This makes for interesting chipping and putting, while also demanding an accurate second from the longer, more skilled golfer aiming for eagle or birdie.", "From an outsider looking in that has not seen the place I can only imagine the greens were built \"over the top\" to create some added excitement at the end of the golf hole and provide some serious teeth. How would that course be rated and enjoyed if there were flattish and tame greens ? I'm guessing it would be too much of a pushover." ]
[ 2.677734375, 2.30859375, 1.5908203125, -0.1529541015625, -0.348388671875, -1.0439453125, -1.2197265625, -1.2763671875, -1.7421875, -1.873046875, -2.00390625, -2.03125, -2.052734375, -2.0859375, -2.17578125, -2.77734375, -2.951171875, -3.177734375, -3.69140625, -3.720703125, -4.1328125, -4.6640625, -4.7109375, -4.88671875, -5.15234375, -5.17578125, -5.46875, -5.49609375, -5.83203125, -6.22265625, -6.828125, -7.015625 ]
Name the 1995 movie from the plot summary: "Two detectives, a rookie and a veteran, hunt a serial killer who uses the seven deadly sins as his modus operandi."
[ "In the 1995 movie Se7en two detectives, a rookie (Brad Pitt) and a veteran (Morgan Freeman), hunt a serial killer who ironically uses the seven deadly sins as his modus operandi.", "Plot: Two detectives, a rookie and a veteran, hunt a serial killer who uses the seven deadly sins as his modus operandi.", "Seven is the story of two detectives, a rookie and a veteran who hunt a serial killer who uses the seven deadly sins as his modus operandi. With one of the most shocking twist ending Seven is clearly one of the 10 best serial killer movies of all time.", "Seven [aka Se7en] (1995) - Morgan Freeman stars as one of two detectives on the trail of a serial killer who chooses his victims in accordance with the seven deadly sins: gluttony, greed, sloth, envy, wrath, pride and lust. Drama, 127 min., DVD, dir: David Fincher.", "Cape Fear (1991), a Martin Scorsese remake of the early 60's classic with Robert Mitchum as a psychopathic stalker, starred Oscar-nominated Robert DeNiro as a creepy, Freddy Krueger-like paroled convict. The disturbing Jacob's Ladder (1990) featured a Vietnam vet (Tim Robbins) troubled with nightmares due to possible military experiments with LSD and other family traumas. In 1992, the controversial suspense/erotic thriller Basic Instinct (1992) produced pure horror in its story of a beautiful, bi-sexual murder suspect. David Fincher's thriller-horror film Se7en (1995) followed two NY homicide cops (Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt) as they tracked down a serial killer (Kevin Spacey) known for displaying the 'seven deadly sins' at his murder scenes.", "In 1995, Fincher directed Seven. The film, based on a screenplay by Andrew Kevin Walker, told the story of two detectives (played by Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman) tracking down a serial killer who bases his killings on the seven deadly sins. The film grossed more than $100 million domestically (over $300 million internationally). ", "Se7enis a movie that deals with a serial killer who kills people based on seven sins.", "Two detectives, a rookie and a veteran, hunt a serial killer who uses the seven deadly sins as his modus operandi. (127 mins.)", "When city police find a murder victim who was somehow forced to die of overeating, it puts veteran Detective William Sommerset and his new, talented but still green partner, Detective David Mills, on a desperate hunt for a serial killer who is making statements by staging his victims as tableaus of the Seven Deadly Sins. The first corpse found was \"Gluttony,\" and soon the detectives find more: a lawyer killed because of his Greed; an insurance scammer killed for his Sloth; a fashion model killed for her Pride. Each murder scene is elaborately planned, the victims chosen specifically because of who they are, and posed methodically in death. With time running out for the last two possible victims -- Envy and Wrath -- can Sommerset and Mills get ahead of the killer before his final two acts come to deadly fruition? Starring Morgan Freeman, Brad Pitt, Kevin Spacey, Gwyneth Paltrow and R. Lee Ermey. Directed by Academy Award and Golden Globe-nominee David Fincher. MPAA Rating: R Rated R for grisly afterviews of horrific and bizarre killings, and for strong language. c) 1995 New Line Productions, Inc. All rights reserved.", "It’s hard to think of a movie that did more short-term damage to the length of your fingernails in the ’90s than David Fincher ’s Se7en. The film follows detectives David Mills (Brad Pitt) and almost-retired William Somerset ( Morgan Freeman ) on the trail of John Doe, a murderer who plans his kills around the seven deadly sins. We see Somerset teach a still-naive Mills valuable life lessons around the case, which has morally charged outcomes aimed at victims that include a gluttonous man and a greedy attorney. But with all the disturbing crime scenes considered, Se7en’s never as unpredictable or emotionally draining as when Mills and Somerset make the final discovery of “what’s in the box” after capturing their man. —Tyler Kane", "The Seven Deadly Sins, having come under recent scrutiny at the hands of the 1995 film, Se7en are:", "In 1995, Pitt starred alongside Morgan Freeman and Gwyneth Paltrow in the crime thriller Seven, playing a detective on the trail of a serial killer. Pitt called it a great movie and declared the part would expand his acting horizons. He expressed his intent to move on from \"this 'pretty boy' thing ... and play someone with flaws.\" His performance was critically well received, with Variety saying that it was screen acting at its best, further remarking on Pitt's ability to turn in a \"determined, energetic, creditable job\" as the detective. Seven earned $327 million at the international box office.", "The true story behind the murders that many crime scholars believe to be the most perplexing series of unsolved crimes in modern history comes to the screen in chilling detail as Fight Club and Seven director David Fincher steps behind the camera to tell the mysterious tale of the infamous Zodiac killer. A relentless serial killer is stalking the streets of the San Francisco Bay Area, leaving citizens locked into a constant state of panic, and baffled authorities scrambling for clues. Though the killer sadistically mocks the detectives by leaving a series of perplexing ciphers and menacing letters at the crime scenes, the investigation quickly flatlines when none of the evidence yields any solid leads. As two detectives remain steadfast in their devotion to bringing the elusive killer to justice, they soon find that the madman has control not only over their careers, but their very lives as well. Jake Gyllenhaal, Mark Ruffalo, and Robert Downey Jr. star. - Jason Buchanan", "Casino is an Academy Award nominated 1995 crime drama film directed by Martin Scorsese. It is based on the book of the same name by Nicholas Pileggi and Larry Shandling. Robert De Niro stars as Sam \"Ace\" Rothstein, a Jewish chain-smoking top gambling handicapper who is called by the Mob to oversee the day-to-day operations at the fictional Tangiers Casino in Las Vegas. The story is based on the late Frank \"Lefty\" Rosenthal, who ran the Stardust, Fremont and the Hacienda casinos in Las Vegas for the Chicago Outfit from the 1970s until the early 1980s.", "The top grossing film of 1995 was Die Hard with a Vengeance ($366,101,666), which was the third movie in the popular Die Hard film series starring Bruce Willis.", "Dead Man Walking is a 1995 American crime drama film starring Susan Sarandon and Sean Penn, and co-produced and directed by Tim Robbins, who adapted the screenplay from the non-fiction book of the same name. Sister Helen Prejean (Sarandon) establishes a special relationship with Matthew Poncelet (Penn), a prisoner on death row in Louisiana, acting as his spiritual adviser after carrying on correspondence with him.", "The movie was shot during a cold and gray New York winter, and it has a doomed, gritty look. The landscape is a waste land, and the characters are hardly alive. They move out of habit and compulsion, long after ordinary human feelings have lost the power to move them. Doyle himself is a bad cop, by ordinary standards; he harasses and brutalizes people, he is a racist, he endangers innocent people during the chase scene (which is a high-speed ego trip). But he survives. He wins, too, but that hardly matters. \"The French Connection\" is as amoral as its hero, as violent, as obsessed and as frightening.", "Although this version is in color, features a different cast, and is set in 1998, it is closer to a shot-for-shot remake than most remakes, often copying Hitchcock's camera movements and editing, and Joseph Stefano's script is mostly carried over. Bernard Herrmann's musical score is reused as well, though with a new arrangement by Danny Elfman and recorded in stereo. Some changes are introduced to account for advances in technology since the original film and to make the content more explicit. Murder sequences are also intercut with surreal dream images. The film was both a commercial and critical failure.", "The film is based loosely around events in December 1995 that culminated in the murders of three drug dealers in Rettendon, Essex, UK. On 6th December Patrick Tate, Craig Rolfe and Tony ... See full summary  »", "The story concerns the manipulation of a dead pool game by a serial killer, whose efforts are confronted by the hardened detective Callahan. It co-stars Liam Neeson, Patricia Clarkson and Jim Carrey (in his first dramatic role), each of whom eventually went on to greater film fame. It is the only film in the series to not feature Albert Popwell, an actor who had played a different character in each of the previous four films.", "Brilliant detective Sherlock Holmes (Robert Downey Jr.) matches wits with the nefarious Professor Moriarty (Jared Harris) after uncovering a diabolical plot to destabilize the entire Western world in this sequel from director Guy Ritchie. A criminal mastermind without a conscience, Professor Moriarty is Holmes' worst nightmare -- a man who uses his incredible intellect for unspeakably evil purposes. When the Crown Prince of Austria dies and Inspector Lestrade (Eddie Marsan) rules the death a suicide, Holmes steps back to see the big picture. But little does Holmes realize that Professor Moriarty is about to commit a crime that will shock the entire world, and that solving it may be the death of him. Jude Law returns as Holmes' faithful sidekick Dr. Watson in a sequel also featuring The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo's Noomi Rapace and Rachel McAdams.", "A serial killer who calls himself \"Scorpio\" ( Andy Robinson ) murders a young woman in a San Francisco swimming pool, using a high-powered .30-06 hunting rifle from the top of 555 California Street . SFPD Inspector Harry Callahan ( Clint Eastwood ) finds a ransom message promising his next victims will be \"a Catholic priest or a nigger \" if the city does not pay $100,000. The chief of police and the Mayor ( John Vernon ) assign the inspector to the case.", "In January 2003, Warner Bros., producer Brad Grey, and actor/producer Brad Pitt bought the rights to remake the Hong Kong film Infernal Affairs (2002) from Media Asia for $1.75 million. William Monahan was secured as screenwriter, and later Martin Scorsese, who admired Monahan's Boston-set, Irish-Catholic gangster script, came on board as director. ", "When a pair of bright-but sociopathic teens conspires to commit the perfect murder, a troubled cop teams with her eager new partner to solve the case that left the community in fear and the police without a clue. High school ladies' man Richard Haywood (Ryan Gosling) and outcast Justin Pendleton (Michael Pitt) have no motive to commit murder, but they soon conspire to choose a random victim and pin the crime on local pot dealer Ray (Chris Penn), under the guise that the police will never suspect them of such a brutal act. Determined Det. Cassie Merriweather (Sandra Bullock) is assigned to the case, and quickly becomes suspicious of the elusive teens despite the doubts expressed by her superiors and her lack of solid evidence. Soon entering into a dangerous test of wills with the increasingly desperate and dangerous teens, her investigation leads her down a disturbing path that will test her skills as a detective and her will to survive.", "Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Father (1994). A New Orleans bookstore owner investigates supposed voodoo murders. IMDB indexes this as a movie but the remarks indicate it is a video game.", "Plot: Wesley Gibson (James McAvoy) is a neurotic accounts manager who works in a small cubical filling out billing reports day end and day out. He allows his boss and his girlfriend to walk all over him. To cope with his life, he takes anti-anxiety pills by the bottle full. Wesley has no desire to change his humdrum life, but one day while getting more pills at the drug store, he meets a beautiful woman in black, Fox (Angelina Jolie) who changes his life forever. Fox was sent to protect Wesley from the man who had just killed his father. Wesley thought his father had died soon after he was born. Fox tells Wesley, \"that your father died yesterday on the rooftop of the Metropolitan Building and you are next\". Wesley is recruited into the \"Fraternity,\" a secret society of assassins that his father was a member. Fox must train Wesley to bring out his special powers that he was born with in order to avenge his father's death.", "Directed by Lewis Seiler. Cast: Warner Oland, Mary Brian, Thomas Beck, Erik Rhodes. Chan battles an entire conspiracy filled with multiple murders - wherein the prime suspect seems to have committed crimes in three places at once. 71 min. DVD 5745", "In this film about two informants (a police informant and a mob informant), Colin Sullivan ends up on the corrupt side of the battle. Sullivan is trained by a mob boss to become a mole in the police department and is then tasked with finding the rat in the boss’ crew, an undercover cop in the mafia. Sullivan feeds information to the very guy he’s supposed to be working against as a cop, and ends up getting lots of police officers killed, as well as killing some himself. If you didn’t understand how corrupt he was throughout the whole movie, though, the obvious-metaphor rat in the very last scene should’ve given it away.", "This is a crime thriller about a presumed-dead former CIA agent who teams up with a mysterious billionaire to prevent violent crimes by using their own brand of vigilante justice. John Reese's (Jim Caviezel) special training in covert operations appeals to Harold Finch (Michael Emerson), a software genius who invented a program called “The Machine,” that can identify people about to be involved in violent crimes.", "tAgline “It came for the thrill of the hunt. It picked the wrong man to hunt.” releAse dAte 12 June 1987", "What title role in a 1995 Oscar-winning movie was played by more than 40 cast members?", "The Original: A mystery horror film from 1986 about nine friends who stay at a friend’s remote mansion and are apparently targeted by an unknown murderer." ]
[ 8.0390625, 7.66015625, 7.59765625, 5.1328125, 4.8828125, 4.8515625, 4.4296875, 3.94921875, 2.84375, 2.6796875, 1.8291015625, 0.1396484375, -1.208984375, -1.9033203125, -2.134765625, -2.42578125, -4.67578125, -4.72265625, -4.7265625, -4.82421875, -4.90625, -5.69140625, -5.75390625, -5.9453125, -6.0078125, -6.02734375, -6.5078125, -7.171875, -7.24609375, -7.703125, -8.1015625, -8.3671875 ]
What type of animal is a skink?
[ "Skinks are a lesser-known type of lizard. They are often mistaken for a kind of snake because they have tiny, smooth scales on a long, cylindrical body. Also like snakes, they exhibit intricate, beautiful, colorful patterns. Skinks enjoy semi-arid environments like meadows or sandy hills where they dig burrows for protection. Another useful trait is their tail's ability to break off when grabbed by a predator, allowing them to quickly slink away.", "11. SKINK The skink is a small lizard listed among the unclean animals (Leviticus 11:30 NIV). Other translations render, “sand reptile” (NAS), “snail” (KJV), “sand lizard” (NRSV).", "The Skink is a very diverse type of Lizard species with a huge number of sub species. There are more than 1,200 of them and that classifies them as the second largest group of Lizards in the world .", "Skinks (Scincidae) are typically small lizards with smooth, shiny scales and elongate, cylindrical bodies, not usually exceeding... More 1 Image 0 Videos", "One animal with a startlingly bright blue tongue? The aptly named blue-tongue skink , native of Australia and on display in many zoos across the country. The blue-tongue skink is actually a type of lizard and it sticks out its blue tongue when threatened to scare away predators.", "Skinks are often times lumped in with lizards and while they ARE lizards, lizards aren’t necessarily skinks. Like how squares are rhombuses but not all rhombuses are squares… Maybe you were more on board with the previous statement than the latter, but the point I’m trying to make here is that Skinks are different than the rest of lizards. They are often misidentified as salamanders because they have smooth scales, giving them a slick, almost wet, look. There are other distinctive features about skinks that can help you identify if the lizard", "Skinks look roughly like true lizards, but most species have no pronounced neck and their legs are relatively small; several genera (e.g., Typhlosaurus) have no limbs at all. Other genera, such as Neoseps, have reduced limbs, lacking forelegs, and with fewer than five toes (digits) on each foot. In such species, their locomotion resembles that of snakes more than that of lizards with well-developed limbs. As a general rule, the longer the digits, the more arboreal the species is likely to be. A biological ratio can determine the ecological niche of a given skink species. The Scincidae ecological niche index is a ratio based on anterior foot length at the junction of the ulna/radius-carpal bones to the longest digit divided by the snout-to-vent length. ", "Skinks are generally carnivorous and in particular insectivorous. Typical prey includes flies, crickets, grasshoppers, beetles, and caterpillars. Various species also eat earthworms, millipedes, snails, slugs, isopods and Moths and other lizards, and small rodents. Some species, particularly those favored as home pets, have more varied diets and can be maintained on a regimen of roughly 60% vegetables/leaves/fruit and 40% meat (insects and rodents). ", "The body of the Skink is very interesting. Many feel that the long body part of it looks more like a snake than a Lizard. They have very small legs though and that is the main difference as snakes don’t have those. They also have a head that is slightly off the ground and pointed upwards where a snake has one that just lies on the ground.", "Skinks are diurnal. Most are insect eaters, but a few giant species are herbivorous. All species have thick oval tongues with a shallow notch at the tip. Most will nip the hand that catches them, and large species can inflict a painful bite. All North American species are egg laters. Females may tend the eggs during incubation.", "A resident of the Isle of Pines in the New Caledonia island group, the terror skink is a small lizard thought to be extinct until rediscovered by French naturalists in 2003. The terror skink is unique for its large curved teeth, which are exceptional among omnivores. Measuring up to 20 inches in length, there are estimated to be fewer than 250 terror skinks on the island, and the species is classified as endangered.", "The scarcity of water limits the number of land turtles in the archipelago, but two species of sea turtles lay their eggs on the sandy shores of the uninhabited islets. There are many geckos and lizards and several species of skinks , including a rare and endangered giant skink. There are a number of species of butterflies, but none is endemic , and all the species are of African origin.", "Skinks are often confused with snakes, because they have very short neck, small legs and snake-like body motion.", "The Skink mainly feeds on various types of insects. This may include beetles, crickets, caterpillar, and crickets. Sometimes they will feed on small rodents and even other species of smaller Lizards. It depends on their habitat and what other foods are available.", "Wildlife adapted to these harsh conditions includes few large birds or mammals. However, the desert does sustain many types of lizard including the vulnerable great desert skink (Egernia kintorei) and a number of small marsupials including the endangered sandhill dunnart (Sminthopsis psammophila) and the crest-tailed mulgara (Dasycercus cristicauda). One way to survive here is to burrow into the sands, as a number of the desert's animals, including the southern marsupial mole (Notoryctes typhlops), and the water-holding frog do. Birds include the chestnut-breasted whiteface (Aphelocephala pectoralis) found on the eastern edge of the desert and the malleefowl of Mamungari Conservation Park. Predators of the desert include the dingo (as the desert is north of the Dingo Fence) and two large monitor lizards, the perentie (Varanus giganteus) and the sand goanna (Varanus gouldii).", "This skink feeds on a wide variety of invertebrates, including beetles, grasshoppers, moths, flies, spiders, and earthworms.", "Lacertilia comprises four generally recognized infraorders, Iguania, Gekkota, Amphisbaenia and Autarchoglossa, with the \"blind skinks\" in the family Dibamidae having an uncertain position. While traditionally excluded from the lizards, the snakes are usually classified as a clade with a similar subordinal rank. ", "The Garden Skink, Lampropholis guichenoti, is dark grey, with a darker stripe commencing in front of the nostril, continuing through the eye and above the ear onto the tail. A broad dark vertebral stripe commences about the level of the forelimbs and continues onto the tail. It has a snout vent length of up to 40 mm.", "Skinks consist of about 1200 described species in many genera, and many are being re-classified. They are very wide spread and found on six continents; Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America and South America. The Autarchoglossa Suborder and family groupings are under scrutiny, but until a re-ordering has been agreed upon by the experts, we will use the traditional groupings.", "A trait that is apparent in nearly all species of Skink is a love of digging and burrowing. Most spend their time underground where they are mostly safe from predators, sometimes even digging out tunnels for easy navigation. They also use their tongues to sniff the air and track their prey. When they encounter their prey, they chase it down until they corner it or manage to land a bite and then swallow it whole.", "Color of the skink body resembles the color of their environment. They can easily blend in the environment and hide from the predators if they remain motionless.", "Amphibians are ectothermic, tetrapod vertebrates of the class Amphibia. Modern amphibians are all Lissamphibia. They inhabit a wide variety of habitats, with most species living within terrestrial, fossorial, arboreal or freshwater aquatic ecosystems. Amphibians typically start out as larvae living in water, but some species have developed behavioural adaptations to bypass this. The young generally undergo metamorphosis from larva with gills to an adult air-breathing form with lungs. Amphibians use their skin as a secondary respiratory surface and some small terrestrial salamanders and frogs lack lungs and rely entirely on their skin. They are superficially similar to reptiles but, along with mammals and birds, reptiles are amniotes and do not require water bodies in which to breed. With their complex reproductive needs and permeable skins, amphibians are often ecological indicators; in recent decades there has been a dramatic decline in amphibian populations for many species around the globe.", "The Thylacine, or Tasmanian Tiger was the largest Dasyuromorphia and the last living specimen of the family Thylacinidae; however, the last known specimen died in captivity in 1936. The world's largest surviving carnivorous marsupial is the Tasmanian Devil ; it is the size of a small dog and can hunt, although it is mainly a scavenger. It became extinct on the mainland some 600 years ago and is now found only in Tasmania. There are four species of quoll, or native cat, all of which are threatened species. The remainder of the Dasyuridae are referred to as 'marsupial mice'; most weigh less than 100 grams. There are two species of marsupial mole — order Notoryctemorphia — that inhabit the deserts of Western Australia. These rare, blind, earless carnivores spend most of their time underground; little is known about them.", "The platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus), also known as the duck-billed platypus, is a semiaquatic egg-laying mammal endemic to eastern Australia, including Tasmania. Together with the four species of echidna, it is one of the five extant species of monotremes, the only mammals that lay eggs instead of giving birth. The animal is the sole living representative of its family (Ornithorhynchidae) and genus (Ornithorhynchus), though a number of related species have been found in the fossil record.", "forest, woodland, chaparral, grassland, wetlands, agricultural land, deserts, brushy suburban areas, from sea level to mountains. Eats small mammals, lizards, snakes (including rattlesnakes) eggs, frogs, birds, and large invertebrates.", "The sitatunga or marshbuck (Tragelaphus spekii) is a swamp-dwelling antelope found throughout central Africa, centering on the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Cameroon, parts of Southern Sudan, Ghana, Botswana, Zambia, Gabon, Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya. The species was first described by the English explorer John Hanning Speke in 1863. The sitatunga is a medium-sized antelope. Males reach approximately 81 - at the shoulder, while females reach 72 -. Males typically weigh 76 -, while females weigh 24 -. The sitatunga has a shaggy, water-resistant coat which varies in colour. The body and feet of this antelope are specially adapted to its swampy habitat. Only the males possess horns; these are spiral in shape, have one or two twists and are 45 - long.", "The echidna, or spiny ant-eater, is another monotreme, which has a long sticky tongue and a prickly coat like a hedgehog or porcupine – so don’t try and pick one up! Kangaroo Island is one of the best places to spot them in the wild.", "Found in open areas including arid scrub, grasslands, chaparral, and rocky washes. Eats mostly lizards, plus small snakes, birds, and mammals.", "Found in a variety of habitats, including chaparral, suburban lots and gardens, meadows and grassland, from sea level into the mountains. Eats mostly lizards and their eggs, plus small snakes, amphibians, and other small vertebrates.", "The short-beaked echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus), is covered in fur and spines, and has a distinctive snout and a specialized tongue, which it uses to catch its prey at a great speed. Monotremes  extant, lays eggs and the only group of mammals that lay eggs, and commonly found in many parts of New Guinea and in Australia.", "Found in arid and semi-arid scrublands, rocky shrublands, and other rocky areas, especially where near water. Eats small rodents, birds, lizards, snakes, and amphibians.", "2. Zaglossus: three species of long-beaked echidnas. (One of these, Zaglossus attenboroughi, a species from the Papua province of the island of New Guinea named after British naturalist Sir David Attenborough, has never been seen in the wild and is only known to science through a single museum specimen from 1961! In 2007, researchers at the Zoological Society of London confirmed that Sir David's echidna is not extinct, by finding burrows and tracks made by the species)" ]
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Love him or not, Paul Ryan has been officially nominated as the Republican Vice Presidential candidate. What state is he a Representative for?
[ "Paul Davis Ryan (born January 29, 1970) is the 54th and current Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives. Ryan is a member of the Republican Party who has served as the U.S. Representative for since 1999. Ryan previously served as Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, from January 3 to October 29, 2015, and, before that, as Chairman of the House Budget Committee from 2011 to 2015. He was the Republican Party nominee for Vice President of the United States, running alongside former Governor Mitt Romney of Massachusetts in the 2012 election. Ryan, together with Democratic Senator Patty Murray, negotiated the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013.", "On August 11, 2012, the Romney campaign announced the selection of Representative Paul Ryan of Wisconsin as his vice-presidential running mate. ", "Candidate: Republican Party nominee for President of the United States in 2012 National USA election with Paul Ryan, United States Representative for the 1st Congressional District of Wisconsin, as the vice-presidential candidate on his ticket Won the Republican Party’s nomination ; but was defeated in the general election by incumbent Democrat President Barak Obama  ", "RYAN, Paul, a Representative from Wisconsin; born in Janesville, Rock County, Wis., January 29, 1970; graduated from Joseph A. Craig High School, Janesville, Wis.; B.A., Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 1992; construction business; staff, United States Senator Robert Kasten of Wisconsin, 1992; staff assistant, Empower America, 1993-1995; staff, United States Senator Sam Brownback of Kansas, 1995-1997; elected as a Republican to the One Hundred Sixth and to the eight succeeding Congresses (January 3, 1999-present); chair, Committee on the Budget (One Hundred Twelfth and One Hundred Thirteenth Congresses); chair, Committee on Ways and Means (One Hundred Fourteenth Congress); unsuccessful Republican candidate for Vice President of the United States in 2012.", "Paul Ryan is the 54th Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives. Now serving his tenth term in the House, he represents Wisconsin’s First Congressional District. Paul, his wife, Janna, and their three children, Liza, Charlie, and Sam, live in Janesville, Wisconsin.", "House Speaker Paul Ryan has spoken. “Let me be clear: I do not want, nor will I accept, the Republican nomination,” the Wisconsin representative said Tuesday during a news conference.", "Biden was officially nominated for a second term as vice president on September 6 by voice vote at the 2012 Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina. He faced his Republican counterpart, Representative Paul Ryan, in the lone 2012 vice presidential debate on October 11 in Danville, Kentucky. There he made a feisty, emotional defense of the Obama administration's record and energetically attacked the Republican ticket, in an effort to regain campaign momentum lost by Obama's unfocused debate performance against Republican nominee Mitt Romney the week before. ", "William Proxmire, a Democratic Senator (1957–89), dominated the Democratic party for years; he was best known for attacking waste and fraud in federal spending. Democrat Russ Feingold was the only Senator to vote against the Patriot Act in 2001. Republican Paul Ryan was, at age 28, the youngest member of the Congressional freshman class when he took office in January 1999. In 2012, he was selected as the Republican party's candidate for Vice President, running with Mitt Romney. In 2004, Gwen Moore, a Democrat from Milwaukee, became Wisconsin's first African-American U.S. Representative.", "The official announcement will be in front of the U.S.S. Wisconsin -- which just happens to be Ryan's home state.", "* Ron Paul, U.S. Representative from Texas (ended active campaigning on May 14, 2012; no endorsement, continued to seek delegates from earlier primaries). ", "Ronald Ernest “Ron” Paul is a 10-term Congressman, medical doctor (M.D.), and a 2008 presidential candidate from the U.S. state of Texas. As a Republican, he has represented Texas's 14th congressional district in the U.S. House of Representatives since 1997, and had previously served as the repr", "Ryan is an ardent Republican. In 1996 Ryan campaigned on behalf of Ron Paul in the election for Texas's 14th congressional district; his hometown of Alvin was located in the district. ", "Obama's expected opponent in the general election, Republican primary winner Jack Ryan, withdrew from the race in June 2004. In August 2004, with less than three months to go before Election Day, Alan Keyes accepted the Illinois Republican Party's nomination to replace Ryan. A long-time resident of Maryland, Keyes established legal residency in Illinois with the nomination. Through three televised debates, Obama and Keyes expressed opposing views on stem cell research, abortion, gun control, school vouchers, and tax cuts. ", "Gary Warren Hart (born Gary Warren Hartpence, November 28, 1936) is an American diplomat, politician, lawyer, author, professor and commentator. He served as a U.S. Senator representing Colorado (1975–1987), and sought the Democratic nomination for President in 1984 and 1988. Hart was appointed to be the United States Special Envoy for Northern Ireland in October 2014. He and his wife, Lee, live in Kittredge, Colorado, where they own a cabin on Troublesome Gulch. They have two grown children, Andrea and John.", "In 1962, Ryan was elected mayor of South San Francisco. He served less than a year as mayor, before taking a seat in the California State Assembly's 27th district, winning his assembly race by a margin of 20,000 votes. He had previously run for the State Assembly's 25th district in 1958, but lost to Republican Louis Francis. Ryan served as a delegate to the Democratic National Convention in 1964 and 1968, and he held his Assembly seat through 1972, when he was elected to the United States House of Representatives. He was successively elected three more times to the United States Congress.", "Today, Mitt Romney added Congressman Paul Ryan to the Republican national ticket, with a new slogan, \"America's Comeback Team,\" and a new logo. The logo does not use the large, stylized \"R\" in the presidential candidate's name for the VP selection; rather it allows Ryan to \"keep\" his own \"R\" (albeit a smaller, simpler one).", "Albert Arnold Gore, Jr., commonly known as Al Gore (born March 31 , 1948 ) is an American politician , teacher , businessman and environmentalist who was the 45th Vice President of the United States in the Clinton administration from 1993 to 2001. Previously, he had served in United States House of Representatives (1977-85) and United States Senate (1985-93) for Tennessee .", "Ryan formally accepted his nomination at the 2012 Republican National Convention on August 29, 2012. In his acceptance speech, he promoted Mitt Romney as the presidential candidate, supported repeal of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), said that he and Romney had a plan to generate 12 million new jobs over the ensuing four years, and promoted founding principles as a solution: \"We will not duck the tough issues—we will lead. We will not spend four years blaming others—we will take responsibility. We will not try to replace our founding principles, we will reapply our founding principles.\"", "The Republican Party held its nominating convention that summer in San Diego, California. The party chose former Kansas senator Bob Dole as its presidential candidate. He had resigned from the United States Senate to seek the nomination. He chose former congressman and cabinet secretary Jack Kemp of New York as his vice presidential running mate.", "The political make-up of congressional and legislative districts has enabled Republicans to control the governorship and most statewide elective offices, and 17 of the state's 27 seats in the 2012 House of Representatives. Florida has been listed as a swing state in Presidential elections since 1950, voting for the losing candidate once in that period of time.", "1. “TV Station Features Vermont Republican in ALEC Exposé” by Paul Heintz. Rep. Bob Helm of Fair Haven is featured in an Atlanta TV station’s report on lobbyist influence and state American Legislative Exchange Council chapters.", "Maine's U.S. senators are Republican Susan Collins and Independent Angus King. The governor is Republican Paul LePage. The state's two members of the United States House of Representatives are Democrat Chellie Pingree and Republican Bruce Poliquin.", "Also in August 2012, the Associated Press published a story saying that while the Tea Party movement had wanted a nominee other than Romney, it had gotten \"one of its ideological heroes\" in the Vice Presidential slot. According to the article, Ryan supports the Tea Party's belief in \"individual rights, distrust of big government and an allegorical embrace of the Founding Fathers\".", "At the federal level, State College forms part of Pennsylvania's 5th congressional district. The current representative is Glenn \"G.T.\" Thompson.", " The state has eight congressional districts; they are represented by Tim Walz (1st district; DFL), John Kline (2nd; R), Erik Paulsen (3rd; R), Betty McCollum (4th; DFL), Keith Ellison (5th; DFL), Tom Emmer (6th; R), Collin Peterson (7th; DFL), and Rick Nolan (8th; DFL).", "In 2012, Dan Boren (D-OK-2) retired from Congress, therefore making the seat vacant. This district, which covers most of Little Dixie, is the Democrats' best region of the state, and has been represented by a Democrat for a dozen years. Republican Markwayne Mullin won the election, making the state's congressional delegation entirely Republican.", "Sen. Cornyn served as a member of the Deputy Whip team after just one year in office, and has been a member of the Republican Senate leadership since 2006. He has served as the Vice Chairman of the Senate Republican Conference and was chosen by his colleagues to serve as the Chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee for the 2010 and 2012 election cycles. In 2012, Senate Republicans elected him to serve as Minority Whip for the 113th Congress.  National Journal recently ranked Sen. Cornyn as the second-most conservative member of the Senate.", "In 1859, Garfield, a member of the Republican Party (which was founded in the 1850s by antislavery leaders) was elected to the Ohio Senate. With the threat of an American civil war looming, he used his position as state senator to advocate for forcing seceding Southern states to rejoin the Union.", "The state's two U.S. senators are Jefferson B. Sessions III and Richard C. Shelby, both Republicans. Shelby was originally elected to the Senate as a Democrat in 1986 and re-elected in 1992, but switched parties immediately following the November 1994 general election.", "Al D'Amato, former U.S. senator-turned-lobbyist, has been enlisted by French transit, energy and shipbuilding giant Alstom. Few can claim stronger ties with Pataki than D'Amato, who in 1994 plucked his fellow Republican from Peekskill, Westchester County, to run for governor.", "DAN QUAYLE (1990), former U.S. Senator and Vice President of the United States, played baseball in the Hoosier Little League of Huntington, Ind., during the mid-1950s.", "In 1984, Phil Gramm held on to John Tower’s U.S. Senate seat when the latter retired. Gramm an incumbent congressmen and former Democrat who had resigned his office, joined the Republican Party, and recaptured it in a special election the year before won unprecedented support across the state in his successful bid to become the second GOP U.S. Senator in modern times. The Republican Party also gained five seats in Congress that year, 15 seats in the State Legislature and 107 local offices." ]
[ 4.5234375, 4.4609375, 3.572265625, 2.978515625, 2.833984375, 0.8623046875, 0.37646484375, 0.09710693359375, -0.513671875, -0.8671875, -1.8095703125, -2.39453125, -2.525390625, -2.873046875, -3.021484375, -3.068359375, -3.6875, -3.80859375, -3.935546875, -4.19140625, -4.76171875, -4.7734375, -5.328125, -5.6484375, -6.84375, -7.22265625, -7.94140625, -8.2578125, -8.53125, -8.875, -9.0546875, -9.7578125 ]
What “magician”, born Christopher Nicholas Sarantakos, is the “genius” behind the Mindfreak tv show and the Believe Las Vegas show?
[ "Christopher Nicholas Sarantakos (born December 19, 1967), better known by the stage name Criss Angel, is an American magician and illusionist. Angel began his career in New York City, before moving his base of operations to the Las Vegas Valley. He is known for starring in the television and stage show Criss Angel Mindfreak and his previous live performance illusion show Criss Angel Believe in collaboration with Cirque du Soleil at the Luxor casino in Las Vegas. The show generated $150 million in tourist revenue to Las Vegas in 2010, but has since been replaced by Mindfreak LIVE on 11 May 2016 (this new show is still part produced by Cirque, however the directive rights are entirely with Criss Angel). He also starred in the television series Believe on Spike TV, the television show Phenomenon, and the 2014 stage show Criss Angel Magicjam.", "Christopher Nicholas Sarantakos (born December 19, 1967), better known by the stage name Criss Angel, is an American illusionist, stunt performer, musician, and actor. He is best known for starring in the television show, Criss Angel Mindfreak and his live performance illusion show Criss Angel Believe in artistic collaboration with Cirque du Soleil at the Luxor casino in Las Vegas, Nevada.", "Christopher Nicholas Sarantakos (born December 19, 1967),[1] better known by the stage name Criss Angel, is an American magician and illusionist.", "He is known for starring in the television and stage show Criss Angel Mindfreak and his live performance illusion show Criss Angel Believe in collaboration with Cirque du Soleil at the Luxor casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. The show generated $150 million in tourist revenue to Las Vegas in 2010.", "The temporary replacement show for Believe was entitled Criss Angel Magicjam, which was performed in the same Luxor theatre. According to the Las Vegas Sun, the show included, \"Longtime Las Vegas comedy-illusionist Nathan Burton; Banachek, the world’s premiere mentalist; and new female magician Krystyn Lambert, who has been prominently featured in the Spike series ... joined by grandmaster manipulators Jason Byrne and Tony Clarke, supreme close-up artist Armando Vera and the magic comedy of Russ Merlin.\" The production was written and directed by Criss Angel. In January 2014, Angel announced that he planned on taking Criss Angel Magicjam on a North American tour during the summer of 2014. The show also featured Angel's own illusions, which he performed for about 40 minutes of the show. Robin Leach said of the show that, \"Magicjam is great fun and a high-energy show packed with mind-blowing magic.\" ", "Criss Angel: Mindfreak is an American reality TV show that aired on A&E from 2005 to 2010. It centers on stunts and street magic acts by magician Criss Angel. ", "As a form of entertainment, magic easily moved from theatrical venues to television specials, which opened up new opportunities for deceptions, and brought stage magic to huge audiences. Famous magicians of the 20th century included Okito, David Devant, Harry Blackstone Sr., Harry Blackstone Jr., Howard Thurston, Theodore Annemann, Cardini, Joseph Dunninger, Dai Vernon, Fred Culpitt, Tommy Wonder, Siegfried & Roy, and Doug Henning. Popular 20th and 21st century magicians include David Copperfield, Lance Burton, James Randi, Penn and Teller, David Blaine, Criss Angel, Hans Klok, Derren Brown, and Dynamo. Well known women would include Dell O'Dell and Dorothy Dietrich. Most TV magicians perform before a live audience, who provide the remote viewer with a reassurance that the illusions are not obtained with post-production visual effects.", "On October 20, 2002, Angel performed in the ABC Family television special named Criss Angel Mindfreak: Postmodern illusionist, an hour-long performance and tribute to Harry Houdini. The special aired again on December 24, 2002 on Channel 4 in the UK. The Birmingham Evening Mail reviewed the show, writing, \"Criss Angel is currently making a name for himself as a more provocative, darker alternative to [other illusionists]. He walks the streets of New York, hypnotising passers-by, turning cups of take-away coffee into cockroaches and suspending himself from the ceiling by inserting hooks into his back. The piece de resistance of all these mind games is an update of the Houdini underwater trick - an attempt to stay in a (cell) tank of water for 24 hours, padlocked and restrained. All seems to be going well, until the filter system breaks down and the water begins to heat up.\" ", "Born Ehrich Weiss, Harry Houdini (1874-1926) was a Hungarian-American illusionist and stunt performer known for his sensational escape acts. Thousands watched Houdini perform the seemingly impossible and his name soon become a household name in the world of magic. But just what made Harry Houdini arguably the greatest magician/escapologist of all time? A magician never reveals his secrets – but that doesn’t mean his team won’t after his passing. Here is everything you’ve ever wanted to know about the great Harry Houdini:", "In 2014, Angel premiered the stage show Mindfreak LIVE! The touring show features illusions from Angel himself, which received positive reviews. The demonstrations used in the show were developed in Angel's illusion laboratory in Las Vegas, located in a 60,000 square foot warehouse. His international touring with the show marked the first time that Angel had travelled with his show in about six years. The premiere show of the performance occurred at Foxwoods Resort Casino in Connecticut during November 2014. ", "Harry Houdini (1874 - 1926), considered one of the greatest illusionists in history, was a Hungarian-born American magician and escapologist, stunt performer, actor, and film producer noted for his sensational escape acts. He was also a skeptic who set out to expose frauds purporting to be supernatural phenomena.", "Harry Houdini (born Erik Weisz ; March 24, 1874 – October 31, 1926) was a Hungarian-born American magician and escapologist, stunt performer, actor and film producer noted for his sensational escape acts. He was also a skeptic who set out to expose frauds purporting to be supernatural phenomena.", "Magic Strick Believe Performers Mindfreak Video Trailer | Criss Angel Helps A Dole From The Dead - YouTube", "     It should not be surprising that so many magicians have and do accept the genuineness of psychic occurrences.  After all, we magicians are mostly like normal people!  Recent polls have shown that over half of the general population believe in ESP.  Clearly there is a disagreement, not only among magicians, but among scientists and government bodies as well.  Physics Nobel laureate, Brian Josephson, is very positively inclined toward the existence of ESP; whereas physicist Stephen Hawking is critical.  The U.S. Army Research Institute commissioned a study which came to rather negative conclusions about parapsychology, yet a project of the U.S. Congressional Office of Technology Assessment came to much more positive decision.  Readers wanting more information about these two reports might consult the January and October 1989 issues of the Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research (the journal can be found in many large college and university libraries).", "The Supernaturalists premiered in June 2015 at the Foxwoods Resort Casino's The Fox Theater, with Criss Angel serving as creator, director and executive producer. Performers for the show include illusionist Landon Swank, magician Krystyn Lambert, escape artist Spencer Horsman, mentalist Banachek, dog conjuror Johnny Dominguez, magician Stefan, and close up magician Adrian Vega. Robin Leach reviewed the show as having \"overwhelming positive reactions\" and wrote that it contained \"the most mind-blowing magic spectacle that’s playing anywhere\". Angel has stated that the show is a culmination of ten years of development, which he began in 2005, and is intended as a global touring show and as a premiering venue for several new illusions from each magician. ", "These apparently irreconcilable differences of opinion have led to some conflicts among performers. For example, more than thirty years after the hugely successful illusionist Uri Geller made his first appearances on television in the 1970s to exhibit his self-proclaimed psychic ability to bend spoons, his actions still provoke controversy among some magical performers, because he claimed he was not using conjuring techniques. On the other hand, because Geller bent—and continues to bend—spoons within a performance context, the Dunninger quote may be said to apply.", "5055 ... THE �MAGICIAN� STARRING BILL BIXBY ... EPISODE 9 ... �THE MAN WHO LOST HIMSELF� ... 12/11/1973 ... GUEST STARS ... JOE FLYNN ... TIM DUNNAGAN ... MAGIC ON THE SHOW IS DONE BY MARK WILSON ... MAGICIAN ANTHONY BLAKE IS SETTING UP FOR A FUND RAISING PERFORMANCE OUTSIDE A CHURCH WHEN A MAN, CHASED BY TWO PURSUERS, STUMBLES ONTO THE STAGE, TRIPS OVER A PIECE OF THE RIGGING, AND CAUSES A SCAFFOLDING TO COLLAPSE. THE NEXT SCENE FINDS TONY AND THE MAN, WHO HE LATER FINDS OUT IS NAMED GEORGE, IN A HOSPITAL ROOM, TONY WITH A FEW BRUISES AND GEORGE WITH AMNESIA. WHEN THE PURSUERS FIND GEORGE AT THE HOSPITAL, TONY RESCUES HIM AND BRINGS HIM TO HIS FRIEND, MAX POMEROY. SHOWING HIM A FEW PICTURES, TONY AND MAX ARE ABLE TO JOG GEORGE'S MEMORY ABOUT AN ACQUAINTANCE, RACE CAR DRIVER TIM DUNNAGIN, WHOM GEORGE IMMEDIATELY RUNS OUT TO SEE. DUNNAGIN REMINDS GEORGE THAT THEY WERE INVOLVED IN A ROBBERY 30 YEARS EARLIER AND THAT $1.6 MILLION WORTH OF LOOT IS STILL HIDDEN. ONLY GEORGE WILL BE ABLE TO REMEMBER WHERE IT IS--IF HE IS ABLE TO GET HIS MEMORY BACK--BUT DUNNAGIN CAN BE RUTHLESS AS WELL AS IMPATIENT.", "5064 ... THE �MAGICIAN� STARRING BILL BIXBY ... EPISODE 18 ... �THE ILLUSION OF THE DEADLY CONGLOMERATE� GUEST STARS ... EUGENE ROCHE ... LARRY ANDERSON HIMSELF ... JACK GING ... MAGIC ON THE SHOW IS DONE BY MARK WILSON .... IN THIS EPISODE, TONY IS CONTACTED BY AN OLD MAGICIAN FRIEND WHO IS DOWN ON HIS LUCK, LIVING OUT OF A SHELTER. APPARENTLY HE IS CONCERNED ABOUT SOMEONE ELSE WHO TURNED UP MISSING FROM A LOCAL SHELTER, AND ASKS FOR TONY'S HELP. TONY INVESTIGATES AND SOON FINDS THINGS DON'T ADD UP, AND LEARNS THE GRUESOME DETAILS OF WHAT HAPPENS AFTER STAYING AT REVEREND WALLY'S HALFWAY HOUSE, JUST IN TIME TO SAVE HIS MAGICIAN FRIEND FROM THE SAME FATE AS THE OTHERS BEFORE HIM.", "Harry Houdini's grand illusions and daring, spectacular escape acts made him one of the most famous magicians of all time.", "Harry Houdini who was born Erik Weisz, later Ehrich Weiss, a.k.a. Harry Weiss; on March 24, 1874 and died on October 31, 1926. He was a Hungarian-born American magician and escapologist, stunt performer, actor and film producer noted for his sensational escape acts. He was also a Skeptic who set out to expose frauds purporting to be supernatural phenomena.", "On Friday, E! Online talked to magician Ed Alonzo , who most recently worked on Britney Spears' Circus tour. He said he will be involved in the Michael Jackson concerts and will create some magical moments for the shows.", "Derren Brown is a world famous TV illusionist. Channel 4 call him a ‘psychological illusionist’. The ‘powers’ and methods he uses to create his illusions is widely speculated.", "Michael Gutenplan is a professional magician originally from New York and now residing in Los Angeles. He has performed his signature brand of magic around the world including in Great Britain, Spain, Israel, Jordan and across the United States. He was the creator and star of Extraordinary Deceptions, an Off-Broadway magic show that earned Michael rave reviews in the New York Times, Variety and other prestigious publications.", "*In January 2011, Bradbury appeared on an episode of The Magicians with professional magician Pete Firman.", "The illusionist, whose ABC special, David Blaine: Real or Magic, premiered on Tuesday, November 19, t old HuffPost Live host Ricky Camilleri  that sneaking into the building with the late King of Pop tops his craziest experiences.", "Early in his life, Annemann began working as a railroad clerk and then got into showbusiness as a tenor singer and a magician's assistant. He eventually became interested in mentalism and used his invention and performance skills to become one of the most talented and respected magicians of the 1930s. Annemann perfected his own version of the famous bullet catch illusion, performing the effect outdoors. Accounts of his performance describe the feat as a dramatic effect wherein Annemann would collapse from the apparent force of the gun and then produce the bullet from his blood-drenched mouth.", "Angel added another TV series to his repertoire, when he performed as a judge on NBC's 2007 reality TV series Phenomenon, a show featuring contestants competing to be named the next great mentalist. In an interview about the show on Larry King Live, Angel, who does not believe that anyone possesses supernatural capabilities, stated, \"If somebody goes on that show and claims to have supernatural psychic ability, I'm going to bust them live and on television.\" He lived up to his words. Angel got into a shouting match with contestant Jim Callahan after Angel called his attempt at necromancy \"comical\" and offered Callahan a million dollars if he could tell him the contents of a sealed envelope. Callahan could not, and Angel later revealed that the envelope contained an index card printed \"9-11.\" He explained, \"If somebody could predict, tell us on 9-10 that 9-11 was going to happen, maybe that could have prevented it.\"", "In 2007, he organized and performed at a charity show for UNICEF in Los Angeles, along with a number of celebrity guests. During the show, he used his ex-Orson Welles Buzz Saw illusion to saw British TV presenter Cat Deeley in half. [109]", "For two weeks in December 1936, the Great Lorenzo was featured as a mental mind-reader with the World's Fair Museum in Ogden, Utah, along with Capt. Albert Peterson, King of all Sword Swallowers, and 17 other freaks. According to an article dated December 1936, \"Dr. Benevente Pardo, the Man with the Sixth Sense, professionally known as the Great Lorenzo, hails from Amsterdam Holland, but was reared and educated in Sumatra, the Dutch East Indies, one of Holland's richest possessions. It was there that Dr. Pardo learned the art of telepathy and of foretelling the future from the Hindus. Dr. Pardo became so efficient in this line of occult mysticism, that he was asked to perform before the queen of Holland, who later decorated him for his remarkable and astounding performances. He now delights American audiences on stage and radio by his accurate predictions and goes even so far as to call perfect strangers by their surnames without a word being spoken by the spectator. This remarkable man is now being consulted at the World's Fair Museum, 2646 Washington, where he tells one's past, present, and future accurately.\" Their run at the World's Fair Museum was extended until at least January 16, 1937. Seeking photos and more information. .", "At one point, Miller questioned Jackson's contention that he had worked toward the concerts by practicing dance moves and making plans to include magic in the act. \"Magic?,\" Miller said. \"Yes, magic, as in abracadabra,\" Jackson answered, drawing appreciative laughs from spectators.", "In 1997, he also hosted Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction, a television series that shows five stories which have to do with the paranormal and supernatural. Jonathan Frakes took his place after the first season of the show.", "In 1993, David did an on-stage illusion in which he weightlessly flew with a lady from the audience in his arms. His flight illusion was considered by many experts and historians of magic to be the greatest illusion ever performed on stage." ]
[ 8.28125, 8.0546875, 7.1328125, 1.2861328125, -0.90185546875, -1.427734375, -4.0390625, -5.3046875, -5.32421875, -5.703125, -5.86328125, -5.9140625, -6.22265625, -6.33203125, -6.35546875, -6.65625, -6.66015625, -6.74609375, -6.8359375, -6.890625, -6.91015625, -7.8125, -7.87890625, -8, -8.1171875, -8.390625, -8.8359375, -9.1484375, -9.1484375, -9.46875, -9.625, -9.7265625 ]
Before being surpassed by Michael Phelps, which American swimmer held the records for most gold medals won during a single Olympics when he won 7 (all world records) in 1972?
[ "Mark Andrew Spitz (born February 10, 1950) is an American former competition swimmer, nine-time Olympic champion, and former world record-holder in seven events. He won seven gold medals at the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, an achievement surpassed only by Michael Phelps, who won eight golds at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. Spitz set new world records in all seven events in which he competed in 1972, an achievement that still stands. Since the year 1900, no other swimmer has gained so great a percentage of all the medals awarded for Olympic events held in a single Games.", "American swimmer Mark Spitz (born 1950) is considered to have been the fastest swimmer in history. For six years, beginning in 1966, he dominated the sport, winning a world record seven gold medals in the 1972 Olympics held in Munich, West Germany. This was the most gold medals won by anyone in a single Olympiad, and each of his medal-winning performances broke a world swimming record. Spitz was also named World Swimmer of the Year in 1969, 1971, and 1972.", "American swimmer Mark Spitz set a world record at the 1972 Olympic Games, when he won seven gold medals across individual and team events.", "circa 1972: American swimmer Mark Spitz training for the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich, where he won a record seven gold medals, all in world record times. (Photo by A. B. Duffy/Keystone/Getty Images)", "Mark Andrew Spitz (born February 10, 1950) is an American former competition swimmer, nine-time Olympic champion, and former world record-holder in seven events. He won seven gold medals at the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, an achievement surpassed only by Michael Phelps, who won eight golds at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. Spitz set new world records in all seven events in which he competed in 1972.", "uring the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich , West Germany , young American swimmer Mark Spitz won seven gold medals, the most by any individual in any Olympiad, and set as many world records. Spitz, a detailed strategist in and out of the water, was named 1972 World Swimmer of the Year. He over-came his share of disappointment and even tragedy, which may have made him an even stronger competitor. Three decades later, he continues to be a booster for his sport.", "1950 – Mark Spitz is a retired American swimmer, best known for winning seven gold medals at the 1972 Munich Olympic Games, an achievement surpassed only when Michael Phelps won his eighth gold medal of the 2008 Olympics.", "Mark Spitz won seven gold medals at the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, setting new world records in all seven events in which he competed in 1972, an achievement that still stands. Since the year 1900, no other swimmer has gained so great a percentage of all the medals awarded for Olympic events held in a single Games. Between 1968 and 1972, Spitz won nine Olympic golds plus a silver and a bronze, five Pan American golds, 31 Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) titles, and eight National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) titles. During those years, he set 35 world records. With his seven gold medal performance at Munich in 1972, he was the most decorated athlete in the history of the Olympic Games until Michael Phelp's eight gold medal performance at Beijing 36 years later in 2008. He was named World Swimmer of the Year in 1969, 1971 and 1972 by Swimming World Magazine, and was the third athlete in history to win nine Olympic gold medals.", "Mark Andrew Spitz (nicknamed Mark The Shark) has won seven gold medals at the 1972 Munich Olympic Games, an achievement surpassed only by Michael Phelps who won eight golds at the 2008 Olympics. Between 1968 and 1972, Spitz won nine Olympic golds plus a silver and a bronze, five Pan American golds, 31 US Amateur Athletic Union titles and eight US National Collegiate Athletic Association titles. During those years, he set 33 world records. He was named World Swimmer of the Year in 1969, 1971 and 1972.", "Along the way to surpassing Mark Spitz’s 1972 record of seven gold at one Games, Phelps scaled the summit of Olympic achievement, matching and then surging past the record nine career gold medals of Games icons Spitz, Paavo Nurmi, Carl Lewis and Larysa Latynina.", "American swimming champion Mark Spitz, seen here with five gold medals, captured seven swimming golds (100m, 200m, 4x100m, 4x200m, 100m and 200m Butterfly and 4x100m medley) at the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich.", "American swimmer Michael Phelps undoubtedly emerged as the star of the Games, living up to the pre-Games hype. He won eight gold medals, breaking the record set by Mark Spitz in the 1972 Summer Games. He also set a record for the most golds in a single Olympics. Phelps participated in eight events and set seven world records. The dynamic duo of Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh, the U.S. women's beach volleyball team, won its second consecutive gold medal and 108th-straight match. Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt earned the nickname \"Lightning Bolt,\" breaking world records in each of his three events: the 100 m, 200 m, and the 400 m relay.", "Mark Spitz, considered the swiftest swimmer of all time, made his big splash during the 1972 Olympics, becoming the first athlete to win seven gold medals in an Olympiad. His performances were even more remarkable considering world records were set in all seven events.", "Another star to immerge from the water was Mark Spitz.  Perhaps the greatest testament to his ability is that every new great swimmer is touted as the new Mark Spitz.  His record of 7 gold medals at one Olympic games stood until Michael Phelps won 8 in Beijing.", "There were many memorable champions but it was Michael Phelps and Usain Bolt who stole the headlines. Phenomenal US swimmer Michael Phelps bettered Mark Spitz’s achievement at the 1972 Munich Games by claiming eight swimming golds and the incredible Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt broke both the 100m and 200m world records and claimed a third gold and record with the Jamaican 4 x 100m relay team.", "On August 17, Phelps won his eighth gold medal in the 4×100-meter medley relay, breaking Mark Spitz's record of seven gold medals won in a single Olympic Games, which had stood since 1972. Phelps, along with teammates Brendan Hansen, Aaron Peirsol, and Jason Lezak, set a new world record in the event with a time of 3 minutes and 29.34 seconds, 0.7 seconds ahead of second-place Australia and 1.34 seconds faster than the previous record set by the United States at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens. When Phelps dived in to swim the 100-meter butterfly leg, the third leg of the 400-meter medley, the United States had been trailing Australia and Japan. Phelps completed his split in 50.1 seconds, the fastest butterfly split ever for the event, giving teammate Jason Lezak a more than half-second lead for the final leg, which he held onto to clinch the event in world record time. Said Phelps, upon completing the event that awarded him his eighth gold medal and eighth Olympic record in as many events, \"Records are always made to be broken no matter what they are ... Anybody can do anything that they set their mind to.\"", "Phelps surpassed Soviet gymnast Larisa Latynina, whose 18 medals, 9 of them gold, made her the winningest Olympic athlete for 48 years. Swimmer Mark Spitz held the American record before Phelps with 11 medals, just one more than track star Car Lewis.", "2008. Michael Phelps broke Mark Spitz’s 1972 record of gold medals in a single Olympic Games with his eighth gold. As a four-time Olympian, he is the most decorated Olympian of all time, winning 22 Olympic medals, including 18 gold medals. He will compete in Rio de Janeiro.", "Michael Phelps' performances at the 2004 and 2008 Olympics have brought him strong consideration as the greatest ever Olympian. He has surpassed the records of [Mark Spitz] and [Johnny Weissmuller] and is considered the greatest swimmer ever. Phelps swims several strokes, including butterfly and freestyle, but his best events are the individual medleys. At the 2004 Olympic Games, Michael Phelps became only the second athlete, after [Aleksandr Dityatin] (URS-GYM-1980) to win eight medals at a single Olympics, and he repeatd this in 2008 at Beijing. Phelps had attempted to win gold medals in eight swimming events in 2004, to better Mark Spitz's performance at München. Phelps did not manage that but did win six gold medals (four individual) and two bronze medals. He followed this with a dominating performance at the 2005 World Championships at which he won five gold medals and a silver medal. He had also won five World Championship gold medals at the 2003 meet.", "In 2004 Michael Phelps tied Mark Spitz’ record of seven Olympic gold medals in one Games, and eventually beat it in 2008, when he won eight gold. One of those medals came thanks to an astonishing swim by his teammate Jason Lezak, who caught and ultimately out-touched a French swimmer in the 4 x 100 Freestyle Relay.", "Michael Fred Phelps II (born June 30, 1985) is an American competition swimmer and the most decorated Olympian of all time, with a total of 22 medals in three Olympiads. Phelps also holds the all-time records for Olympic gold medals (18, double the second highest record holders), Olympic gold medals in individual events (11), and Olympic medals in individual events for a male (13). In winning eight gold medals at the 2008 Beijing Games, Phelps took the record away from fellow American swimmer Mark Spitz (7) for the most first-place finishes at any single Olympic Games. Five of those victories were in individual events, tying the single Games record. In the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, Phelps won four golds and two silver medals, making him the most successful athlete of the Games for the third Olympics in a row. ", "Phelps is no stranger to Olympic history.  At the 2000 Sydney Games and the age of 15, he became the youngest male Olympian since 1932.  In addition, he was also the youngest ever to break a world record.  At the 2004 Olympics in Athens, Phelps dominated the swimming scene by capturing eight total medals at the Games, becoming the first athlete ever to win eight at a non-boycotted Olympic Games.  His overall medal count tied 1980 USSR gymnast Alexandr Dityatin for most medals by an athlete in a single Olympics.  Phelps fell just shy of Spitz's gold-medal mark in 2004 by winning six events in the both individual medleys, both butterflies, the 400-meter medley relay and 800-meter freestyle relay.  He took home the bronze in the 200-meter freestyle and 400-meter free relay.", "Between 1968 and 1972, Spitz won nine Olympic golds plus a silver and a bronze, five Pan American golds, 31 Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) titles, and eight National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) titles. During those years, he set 35 world records, but two were in trials and unofficial. With his seven-gold medal performance at Munich in 1972, he was the most decorated athlete in the history of the Olympic Games until Michael Phelps' eight gold medal performance at Beijing 36 years later in 2008. He was named World Swimmer of the Year in 1969, 1971 and 1972 by Swimming World Magazine. He was the third athlete to win nine Olympic gold medals.", "Then, at age twenty-two, in 1972, he made history. At the Olympics, he won seven gold medals and broke another seven world records. He won the one-hundred meter butterfly, the two-hundred meter butterfly, the one-hundred meter free-style, the two-hundred free-style, the four-hundred meter free-style, the eight-hundred meter free-style, and the four-hundred meter medley relay.", "In the early 1990s, Spitz attempted to make a comeback by competing for a spot on the U.S. Olympic swimming team, but he failed to qualify. His seven golds in a single Olympics remained a record until 2008, when American swimmer Michael Phelps surpassed him by winning eight events.", "Between 1968 and 1972, Spitz won nine Olympic golds, a silver, and a bronze; five Pan American golds; 31 Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) titles; and eight National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) titles. During those years, he set 35 world records, but two were in trials and unofficial. He was named World Swimmer of the Year in 1969, 1971, and 1972 by Swimming World Magazine. He was the third athlete to win nine Olympic gold medals.", "Phelps is the long course world record holder in the 100-meter butterfly, 200-meter butterfly and 400-meter individual medley as well as the former long course world record holder in the 200-meter freestyle and 200-meter individual medley. He has won a total of 77 medals in major international long-course competition, totalling 61 gold, 13 silver, and 3 bronze spanning the Olympics, the World, and the Pan Pacific Championships. Phelps's international titles and record-breaking performances have earned him the World Swimmer of the Year Award seven times and American Swimmer of the Year Award nine times as well as the FINA Swimmer of the Year Award in 2012. His unprecedented Olympic success in 2008 earned Phelps Sports Illustrated magazine's Sportsman of the Year award.", "Phelps is the long course world recordholder in the 100-meter butterfly, 200-meter butterfly and 400-meter individual medley as well as the former long course world recordholder in the 200-meter freestyle and 200-meter individual medley. He has won a total of 77 medals in major international long-course competition, totalling 61 gold, 13 silver, and 3 bronze spanning the Olympics, the World, and the Pan Pacific Championships.", "Michael Phelps is first on the list of 10 Olympic athletes with the most gold medals, having accumulated a total of 14. Phelps also has won two bronze medals. He has competed for the United States in swimming during three Olympic Games from 2000-2004. Phelps did not win any medals at his first Olympic Games, where he swam the 200 butterfly as a 15 year-old. In 2004, Phelps won six gold medals and two bronze, and in 2008 the swimmer won eight gold medals. He has not yet retired.", "At the 2007 World Championships in Australia, Phelps matched the record of seven gold medals in an international competition and set five world records in doing so.  He holds six overall world records and just bettered two marks at the Olympic Trials in Omaha, Neb.  He swam the 200-meter individual medley in 1:54.80 and the 400-meter individual medley in 40:05.25.", "In 2007 Phelps swam into the all-time top 3 performances in seven individual events, four of these being world records.", "• Michael Phelps becomes the first man to win five U.S. National titles in one meet at the ConocoPhillips Summer National Championships in College Park, Md. He also sets one world record (200m IM) and two American records (200m free and 400m free) at this meet." ]
[ 9.25, 9.15625, 9.125, 8.5703125, 8.390625, 8.1953125, 7.3984375, 7.11328125, 6.71875, 5.8203125, 5.02734375, 4.92578125, 4.890625, 4.4140625, 4.3203125, 4.2421875, 3.85546875, 3.640625, 1.8681640625, 1.4560546875, 1.1728515625, 0.099365234375, -1.0634765625, -1.2333984375, -1.8876953125, -3.13671875, -3.142578125, -4.20703125, -4.3828125, -4.46875, -5.41796875, -5.421875 ]
According to Greek mythology, what was the only virtue that remained in Pandora's Box after she opened it?
[ "Pandora's box is an artifact in Greek mythology, taken from the myth of Pandora's creation in Hesiod's Works and Days. The \"box\" was actually a large jar (πίθος pithos) given to Pandora (Πανδώρα, \"all-gifted\", \"all-giving\"), which contained all the evils of the world. Pandora opened the jar and all the evils flew out, leaving only \"Hope\" inside once she had closed it again.", "In Greek mythology , Pandora ( ancient Greek , Πανδώρα, derived from πᾶς \"all\" and δῶρον \"gift\", thus \"all-gifted\" or \"all-giving\") [1] was allegedly the first woman, who was made out of clay. [2] As Hesiod related it, each god helped create her by giving her unique gifts. Zeus ordered Hephaestus to mold her out of earth as part of the punishment of mankind for Prometheus ' theft of the secret of fire , and all the gods joined in offering her \"seductive gifts\". Her other name, inscribed against her figure on a white-ground kylix in the British Museum, [3] is Anesidora, \"she who sends up gifts,\" [4] up implying \"from below\" within the earth. According to the myth, Pandora opened a jar ( pithos ), in modern accounts sometimes mistranslated as \" Pandora's box \" (see below), releasing all the evils of mankind — although the particular evils, aside from plagues and diseases, are not specified in detail by Hesiod — leaving only Hope inside once she had closed it again. [5] She opened the jar out of simple curiosity and not as a malicious act. [6]", "In Greek mythology , Pandora ( ancient Greek , Πανδώρα, traditionally derived from πᾶν \"all\" and δῶρον \"gift\", thus \"giver of all\", \"all-endowed\") was the first woman. [1] As Hesiod related it, each god helped create her by giving her unique gifts. Zeus ordered Hephaestus to mould her out of Earth as part of the punishment of mankind for Prometheus ' theft of the secret of fire , and all the gods joined in offering her \"seductive gifts\". Her other name, inscribed against her figure on a white-ground kylix in the British Museum, [2] is Anesidora, \"she who sends up gifts,\" [3] up implying \"from below\" within the earth. According to the myth, Pandora opened a jar ( pithos ), in modern accounts sometimes mistranslated as \" Pandora's box \" (see below), releasing all the evils of mankind— although the particular evils, aside from plagues and diseases, are not specified in detail by Hesiod — leaving only Hope inside once she had closed it again. [4] She opened the jar out of simple curiosity and not as a malicious act. [5]", "Prometheus had warned Epimetheus not to accept gifts from Zeus , but Pandora 's beauty was too great; so, he let her stay. Eventually, Pandora 's curiosity about the forbidden jar overwhelmed her; she opened it, releasing all evils upon the earth. Only one thing was left in the jar when Pandora managed to close the lid again - hope.", "This trope hearkens back to the Greek Mythology of Pandora's Box . The box iself is an unusual case, as it was created and given to her for no other reason than Zeus felt like being a dick. After seeing all the atrocities emanating from the box, Pandora quickly shut it, leaving only one thing inside — Hope. As aforementioned, all according to Zeus' plan. This is also an example of Sadly Mythtaken . The \"box\" was actually a jar, and hope did escape (the ancient Greeks didn't actually consider hope a good thing, or for there to be any real distinction with what we would call \"false hope\").", "Pandora, ( Greek: “All-Gifts”) in Greek mythology , the first woman. According to Hesiod’s Theogony, after Prometheus , a fire god and divine trickster, had stolen fire from heaven and bestowed it upon mortals, Zeus , the king of the gods, determined to counteract this blessing. He accordingly commissioned Hephaestus (a god of fire and patron of craftsmen) to fashion a woman out of earth, upon whom the gods bestowed their choicest gifts. In Hesiod’s Works and Days, Pandora had a jar containing all manner of misery and evil. Zeus sent her to Epimetheus, who forgot the warning of his brother Prometheus and made Pandora his wife. She afterward opened the jar, from which the evils flew out over the earth. Hope alone remained inside, the lid having been shut down before she could escape. In a later story the jar contained not evils but blessings, which would have been preserved for the human race had they not been lost through the opening of the jar out of curiosity. Pandora’s jar became a box in the 16th century, when the Renaissance humanist Desiderius Erasmus either mistranslated the Greek or confused the vessel with the box in the story of Cupid and Psyche.", "Pandora's box is an artifact in Greek mythology. The \"box\" was actually a large jar given to Pandora, which contained all the evils of the world. Pandora was ordered not to open the jar under any circumstance. Impelled by her natural curiosity, Pandora opened the jar, and all evil contained escaped and spread over the earth. She hastened to close the lid, but the whole contents of the jar had escaped, except for one thing which lay at the bottom, and that was Hope.", "Pandora: ('Gift of All') The Greek Eve, fashioned in clay by Hephaestus on Zeus' orders to punish Prometheus for having stolen fire from heaven. Her name means that each God or Goddess gave her an appropriate gift. Zeus gave her a box which she must not open. She did open it, and all the evils that plague humankind came out of it. All that was left at the bottom was Hope.", "Adding insult to injury, Zeus had his fellow Olympian, Hephaestus , fashion a wicked but beautiful creature to torment Prometheus. It was a woman, whom they named Pandora , which means \"all gifts\". She was given a precious and beautiful box, which she was told not to open, but curiosity got the better of her, and out flew \"all the evils that plague men.\" The only \"gift\" that stayed in the box was \"Hope\".", "According to the Hesiodic myth, however, instead of giving bountiful gifts, Pandora opened a jar, in modern accounts sometimes mistranslated as \"Pandora's box\", releasing all the evils of humanity—although the particular evils, aside from plagues and diseases, are not specified in detail by Hesiod—leaving only Hope inside once she had closed it again. She opened the jar out of simple curiosity and not as a malicious act.", "Pandora wailed as she tried to shut the lid, but it was too late. Every form of evil had escaped and flown all over the world. There was only one thing left in the box and that was hope, hope that Zeus had put there to keep mortals going in the midst of a world full of evil.", "Technically, it wasn't even a box; it was actually more of a jar. According to Greek myth, the \"box\" was given to Pandora, the first woman, and contained all the evils in the world bottled up inside. Pandora (whose name means \"all gifts\") had an insatiable curiosity and opened the jar despite being told not to, releasing all the evils of the world. Depending on which version of the myth you read, either Hope remains inside the jar and thus still in humanity's possession, or Hope is also released into the world (either way, humanity gets it).", "Some variations include that Hope was the one good thing to come out of the box, although in some versions she had to open the box a second time for it to come out. In another, \"Foreboding\" (the foretelling of one's ills, such that mankind would always dread the future) was the one demon that Pandora was able to keep in the box.", "Pandora Means \"all-gifted.\" To keep mortal humans from getting too uppity, Zeus devised a woman, perfect in all ways except for insatiable curiosity, and gave her a box with instruction never to open it. Of course she did, and thus unleased all the world's evils, like hunger, sorrow, greed, etc. She finally slammed the box closed, successfully saving Hope, the only thing that makes all these trials bearable.", "According to Greek Mythology, Zeus created a human woman, Pandora , as a wife for Epimetheus, the god Prometheus’ brother. This was to be Zeus’ revenge against Prometheus for giving the power of fire to man. Other gods helped Zeus by endowing Pandora with loveliness and persuasion. Zeus’ final gift to Pandora was a box, one she was warned not to open. Being human with a gift of curiosity, she could not resist the temptation. This lead to a terrible discovery. The box contained every possible evil that could harm and plague mankind. A distraught Pandora tried to close the box before these forces escaped, but she was too late and evil flew out into the world. It is said that the last thing to come out of the box was hope, before Pandora cried black acid from her eyes because of the wrong she had committed.", "(Journey Into Mystery I#74 (fb)/Incredible Hulks#627 (fb)/Myth) - Zeus gave Pandora a sealed box and instructed her to never open it. Curiosity got the best of her, and when she opened it, a multitude of plagues emerged to attack mankind.", "Pandora and Eve are considered as the progenitors of the human race and because of their curiosity, the world is cursed today. Interestingly, Pandora was created with vicious intentions but not so Eve, who was simply created to be Adam's companion. The treachery lay in the role of Hermes and the Snake respectively. In Pandora, Hermes instilled that she must never open the box and had Hera not gifted her curiosity, it may have remained closed forever.", "In Greek Myth's many women are portrayed as troublemakers. Women were not given much power or seen as important compared to men. According to Greek mythology, Pandora, who was the first woman to be created, had opened a box which contained all of the evils of the world and introduced trouble in the lives of men.", "Pandora's box , in Greek mythology, a box containing the evils of mankind and also hope.", "As in many origin myths, man had lived in a world without worry – until this jar / box was opened, which contained ills for mankind. Zeus knew that Pandora’s curiosity would mean that she could not stop herself from opening it, especially when he had told her that she must not do so!", "Zeus, pleased that his trap was working, gave Pandora a wedding gift of a beautiful box. There was one very, very important condition however, that she must never opened the box. Pandora was very curious about the contents of the box but she had promised that she would never open it.", "Forbidden Fruit : Pandora and the box she was told never to open. The Greek Gods, who were huge bastards at the best of times, gave her the box, told her not to open it, then gave her a huge amount of curiosity, so that eventually she WOULD open the box. And this was to punish mankind for accepting Prometheus' gift of fire. She opened it, and the world has been suffering for it ever since, though surprisingly, there wasn't a large line of angry Greeks ready to kill her. Since they were the first evils, maybe the typical reaction was: \"Hmm. I wonder what this i—OHMYGODAAAAAHHH!\"", "The mistranslation is usually attributed to the 16th Century Humanist Erasmus of Rotterdam when he translated Hesiod’s tale of Pandora.  Hesiod uses the word “pithos” which refers to a jar used to store grain.  It is possible that Erasmus confused “pithos” with “pyxis” which means box.  The scholar M.L. West has written that Erasmus may have mixed up the story of Pandora with the story found elsewhere of a box which was opened by Psyche.  The original Greek text from 700 BC of Hesiod’s Works and Days, whence we get the earliest extant story of Pandora and the jar, does not specify exactly what was in the box Pandora opened.", "Pandora: pan-DOHR-uh, \"all gifts.\" The first mortal woman, created by Hephaestus at the order of Zeus. She inadvertently unleashed all the evil spirits into the world after looking into a jar (or box) that Zeus told her never to open. ", "Thus, the first mortal woman was born and she descended down to earth. Her name was Pandora, meaning all-gifted, implying all the gifts she had received from gods. Along with her, Hermes gave a gilded and intricately carved box, a gift from Zeus with an explicit warning that she must never open it, come what may. Draped in raiment fit for the gods, she was presented to Epimetheus, Prometheus' half-brother.", "PANDORA \"every gift\" from Greek pan \"all\" or \"every\" combined with doron \"gift\". In Greek mythology Pandora was the woman who unleashed hardship into the world.", "In Greek mythology, Pandora (Greek: , derived from , pān, i.e. \"all\" and , dōron, i.e. \"gift\", thus \"the all-endowed\", \"the all-gifted\" or \"the all-giving\") was the first human woman created by the gods, specifically by Hephaestus and Athena on the instructions of Zeus. As Hesiod related it, each god helped create her by giving her unique gifts. Zeus ordered Hephaestus to mold her out of earth as part of the punishment of humanity for Prometheus' theft of the secret of fire, and all the gods joined in offering her \"seductive gifts\". Her other name—inscribed against her figure on a white-ground kylix in the British Museum —is Anesidora, \"she who sends up gifts\" (up implying \"from below\" within the earth).", "The Hesiodic myth did not, however, completely obliterate the memory of the all-giving goddess Pandora. A scholium to line 971 of Aristophanes ' The Birds mentions a cult \"to Pandora, the earth, because she bestows all things necessary for life\". [41]", "The Hesiodic myth did not, however, completely obliterate the memory of the all-giving goddess Pandora. A scholium to line 971 of Aristophanes ' The Birds mentions a cult \"to Pandora, the earth, because she bestows all things necessary for life\". [49]", "The Hesiodic myth did not, however, completely obliterate the memory of the all-giving goddess Pandora. A scholium to line 971 of Aristophanes ' The Birds mentions a cult \"to Pandora, the earth, because she bestows all things necessary for life\". [47]", "According to Hesiod, not only did the first woman Pandora, released the evils upon the world, she also became the mother of all wicked women. Those who nag", "PANDORA A princess of the Hellenes, one of the daughters of King Deukalion, surviver of the Great Deluge. She was loved by Zeus and bore him sons Latinos and Graikos. [see Family ]" ]
[ 7.66796875, 6.8359375, 6.6328125, 5.890625, 5.62890625, 5.57421875, 5.51953125, 5.26171875, 5.16015625, 4.078125, 3.78515625, 3.69921875, 3.158203125, 2.837890625, 2.7734375, 1.208984375, -0.24755859375, -0.94091796875, -1.130859375, -1.1328125, -1.4794921875, -1.6845703125, -1.798828125, -2.029296875, -2.93359375, -3.1953125, -3.541015625, -5.5, -5.5625, -5.56640625, -5.8359375, -6.4609375 ]
Sept 4, 1950 saw the introduction of what daily comic strip featuring a goldbricking US Army private, stationed at Campy Swampy, who is always at odds with Sgt Snorkel?
[ "Beetle Bailey (begun on September 4, 1950)[2] is an American comic strip created by cartoonist Mort Walker. Set in a fictional United States Army military post, it is among the oldest comic strips still being produced by the original creator. Over the years, Mort Walker has been assisted by (among others) Jerry Dumas, Bob Gustafson, Frank Johnson and Walker's sons Neal, Brian and Greg Walker. The latter is currently credited on the strip.", "Beetle Bailey (begun on September 4, 1950)[2] is an American comic strip created by cartoonist Mort Walker. Set in a fictional United States Army military post, it is among the oldest comic strips still being produced by the original creator.[1] Over the years, Mort Walker has been assisted by (among others) Jerry Dumas, Bob Gustafson, Frank Johnson and Walker's sons Neal, Brian and Greg Walker. The latter is currently credited on the strip.", "Most of the humor in Beetle Bailey revolves around the inept characters stationed at Camp Swampy (inspired by Camp Crowder, where Walker had once been stationed while in the Army), which is located near the town of Hurleyburg at \"Parris Island, S.C.\". Private Bailey is a lazy sort who usually naps and avoids work, and thus is often the subject of verbal and physical chastising from his supervisor, Sergeant Snorkel. The characters never seem to see combat themselves, with the exception of mock battles and combat drills. In fact, they seem to be in their own version of stereotypical comic strip purgatory (initially basic training, they now appear to be stuck in time in a regular infantry division). The uniforms of Beetle Bailey are still the uniforms of the late 1940s to early 1970s Army, with green fatigues and baseball caps as the basic uniform, and the open jeep as the basic military vehicle. Sergeant First Class Snorkel wears a green Class A Army dress uniform with heavily wrinkled garrison cap; the officers wear M1 helmet liners painted with their insignia. While Beetle Bailey's unit is Company A, one running gag is that the characters are variously seen in different branches of the Army, such as artillery, armor, infantry and paratroops.", "*Sergeant 1st Class Orville P. Snorkel—Beetle's platoon sergeant and nemesis; introduced in 1951. Sarge is known to frequently beat up Beetle for any excuse he can think of, leaving Beetle a shapeless pulp (one of the most iconic images in the strip). Once, in the February 2, 1971 strip, he even shoved Beetle through a knothole in the floorboard. Sarge is too lovable to be a villain, however. Obese, snaggle-toothed, and volatile, Sarge can be alternately short-tempered and sentimental. He and Beetle seem to have a mutual love/hate relationship; much of the time there's an implied truce between them. They share an uneasy alliance that sometimes borders on genuine (albeit unequal) friendship. In some early strips Sarge was married, but he was later retconned into an unmarried Army lifer, who knows next to nothing about civilian life. Despite his grouchiness and bossiness, Sarge does have a soft side, which he usually keeps concealed. He is from Pork Corners, Kansas.", "Sergeant 1st Class Orville P. Snorkel — Beetle's nemesis; introduced in 1951. Sarge is known to frequently beat up Beetle for any excuse he can think of, leaving Beetle a shapeless pulp (one of the most iconic images in the strip). Sarge is too lovable to be a villain, however. Obese, snaggle-toothed and volatile, Sarge can be alternately short-tempered and sentimental. He and Beetle seem to have a mutual love/hate relationship; much of the time there's an implied truce between them. They share an uneasy alliance that sometimes borders on genuine (albeit unequal) friendship. He's from Pork Corners, Kansas.", "Beetle Bailey (November 21, 2007): In this running gag, Sergeant Snorkel hangs from a small tree growing out of a cliff, while Private Bailey is seen trying to help him—and himself", "The Wizard of Id is a daily newspaper comic strip created by American cartoonists Brant Parker and Johnny Hart. Beginning in 1964, the strip follows the antics of a large cast of characters in a shabby medieval kingdom called \"Id\". From time to time, the king refers to his subjects as \"Idiots\". (The title is a play on The Wizard of Oz, combined with the Freudian psychological term Id, which represents the instinctive and primal part of the human psyche.)", "Flash Gordon gained a daily strip in 1940, illustrated by Austin Briggs. Raymond left the Sunday strip in 1944 to join the Marines, whereupon the daily strip was cancelled and Briggs assumed Sunday duties, continuing until 1948. Briggs was succeeded on the Sundays by Emanuel \"Mac\" Raboy, while the daily strip was revised in 1951 by Dan Barry. Barry also took over Sunday duties after Raboy's death in 1967.", "What began as a hillbilly burlesque soon evolved into one of the most imaginative, popular and well-drawn strips of the 20th century. Featuring vividly outlandish characters, bizarre situations, and equal parts suspense , slapstick , irony , satire , black humor and biting social commentary , Li'l Abner is considered a classic of the genre. The comic strip stars Li'l Abner Yokum—the simple-minded, loutish but good-natured and eternally innocent hayseed who lives with his parents—scrawny but superhuman Mammy Yokum, and shiftless, childlike Pappy Yokum.", "Once Kubert completed work on an entire 12-week sequence of 72 daily strips, Tales of the Green Beret was presented to newspaper syndicates. The Chicago Tribune snatched up the feature and sold it to subscribing newspapers as a mini-series that ran from September 20 to December 11, 1965. That might have been the end of it had it not been for Staff Sergeant Barry Sadler’s recording of The Ballad of the Green Berets. As the song sped up the charts, the Chicago Tribune green-lit an ongoing Green Beret strip that began on April 4, 1966. Kubert remained as artist while Robin Moore was credited as its author. (Moore identified the real writer as Howard Liss while Kubert recalls that it was Jerry Capp.)", "What began as a hillbilly burlesque soon evolved into one of the most imaginative, popular and well-drawn strips of the 20th century. Featuring vividly outlandish characters, bizarre situations, and equal parts suspense, slapstick, irony, satire, black humor and biting social commentary, Li'l Abner is considered a classic of the genre. The comic strip stars Li'l Abner Yokum—the simple-minded, loutish but good-natured and eternally innocent hayseed who lives with his parents—scrawny but superhuman Mammy Yokum, and shiftless, childlike Pappy Yokum.", "* Prisoner of Ming : Daily Strips 8/27/40 to 11/13/40 / by Austin Briggs. Pacific Comics Club, 1981(limited edition for collectors)", "On this day in 1951 the U.S. Army gained one of its most famous recruits. Beetle Bailey, who was a college student when his King Features comic strip started, enlisted 59 years ago today.", "Then came World War Two.  Mr. Schulz served in the United States Army.  During this period he very much enjoyed a comic strip about soldiers called \"Willie and Joe.\"  Cartoonist Bill Mauldin drew this strip.  Charles Schulz had Snoopy remember Bill Mauldin every year on the American holiday that honors former soldiers.", "a comedic hobo character that was introduced on the CBS television variety show in 1952 by Richard Bernard \"Red\" Skelton, with the clown makeup reminiscent of his father, who'd been a performer on the vaudeville circuit. An actor and pantomimist who recorded (1969) a best-selling interpretation of \"The Pledge of Allegiance\", wherein he commented on each word of the oath, Red Skelton believed that his television career was terminated because of his conservative views, bitterly accusing the network of caving-in to the anti-establishment and anti-war factions prevailing throughout the broadcast industry at the height of the VIETNAM WAR. See PARASITE, FICTIONAL CHARACTER. [cf: Reddy Freddy] [nb: losing his deferment when divorced in 1943, Red Skelton was drafted into the U.S. Army in early 1944, suffering a nervous breakdown in training, then discharged as unfit in 1945]", "With the rising popularity of hillbilly comic strips in the 1930s, Billy DeBeck took his title character, Barney Google, to Hootin' Holler in the mountains of North Carolina and introduced two new characters to his comic strip, Snuffy Smith and his wife Lo'wizie. The hard-working Lo'wizie always contrasted sharply with the lazy Snuffy. William Morgan “Billy” de Beck (1890–1942) began Barney Google in 1919. Fred Lasswell, who had been DeBeck's assistant on the strip when the characters moved to Hootin' Holler, took over and continued the strip from 1942 until his death in 2001.", "Bazooka Joe is a comic strip character featured on small comics included inside individually wrapped pieces of Bazooka bubblegum. He wears a black eyepatch, lending him a distinctive appearance. He is one of the more recognizable American advertising characters of the 20th century, due to worldwide distribution, and one of the few identifiable ones associated.", "“’Brick Bradford’ was an American newspaper strip (daily black-&-white, Sunday colour) that occasionally appeared in American comic books like Famous Funnies which reprinted newspaper strips (mostly the Sunday pages). He was a time-traveller whose vehicle was a \"time top\" which apparently *spun* its way through time. The art was highly stylized, but (I thought then) rather handsome.”", "Capp peopled his comic strip with an assortment of memorable characters, including Marryin' Sam, Hairless Joe, Lonesome Polecat, Evil-Eye Fleegle, General Bullmoose, Lena the Hyena, Senator Jack S. Phogbound (Capp's caricature of the anti-New Deal Dixiecrats), the (shudder!) Scraggs, Washable Jones, Nightmare Alice, Earthquake McGoon, and a host of others. Most notably, certainly from a G.I. point of view, are the beautiful, full-figured women like Daisy Mae, Wolf Gal, Stupefyin' Jones and Moonbeam McSwine (a caricature of his wife Catherine, aside from the dirt)—all of whom found their way onto the painted noses of bomber planes during World War II and the Korean War. Perhaps Capp's most popular creations were the Shmoos, creatures whose incredible usefulness and generous nature made them a threat to civilization as we know it. Another famous character was Joe Btfsplk, who wants to be a loving friend but is \"the world's worst jinx,\" bringing bad luck to all those nearby. Btfsplk (his name is \"pronounced\" by simply blowing a \"raspberry\" or Bronx cheer) always has an iconic dark cloud over his head.", " Uncle first hit the funny pages in 1940, with an appearance in the National Comics series, published by the now defunct Quality Comics. In the series, Uncle Sam was a Revolutionary War soldier whose soul merged with the spirit of Liberty. He was killed in battle but remained on Earth to fight for freedom. He briefly starred in his own comic book, Uncle Sam's Quarterly, which was published from 1941-1943. After a long hiatus (although he was memorably parodied by Mad magazine's Alfred E. Neuman during the Vietnam War), Uncle Sam returned to comics in a 1973 issue of The Justice League of America in which the League traveled to an alternate reality, where Nazis had won World War II and Uncle Sam was a guerrilla leader. The issue was successful enough to give Uncle Sam and his Freedom Fighters their own comic from 1976-1978.", "Today's soldier is nicknamed (within the Army) \"Tom\", and the British Army magazine Soldier features a cartoon strip character called Tom.", "Bazooka Joe is a comic strip character featured on small comics included inside individually wrapped pieces of Bazooka bubblegum. He wears a black eyepatch, lending him a distinctive appearance. He is one of the more recognizable American advertising characters of the 20th century, due to worldwide distribution, and one of the few identifiable ones associated with a candy.", "Alliterative Name : Dick Dastardly. In the comic adaptation of the episode \"Camouflage Hoparoo\" (Gold Key, Hanna-Barbera Fun-In #2 as \"It's Flop and Go-Go\"), The General is identified as General Gibberish.", "Commercial artist after service in WWII, published popular \"dirty drawings\" from 1950s in Physique Pictorial, B&W comic-strip Kake booklets from 1968. Macho men in uniforms enjoying gay sex.", "This article is about a comic strip. For the animated television series, see The Boondocks (TV series) .", "Smokey Stover is an American comic strip written and drawn by cartoonist Bill Holman, from 1935 until he retired in 1973. Distributed through the Chicago Tribune, it features the wacky misadventures of the titular fireman, and had the longest run of any comic strip in the \"screwball comics\" genre.", "While most American soldiers suffered terrible privations, others lived relatively high off the hog. One private boasted of his \"snug room.\" (Illustration by Joe Ciardiello)", "In a 1970 film, Godfrey Cambridge played a white bigot who wakes up one morning to discover that he has turned black. What was the film's title? Which comic strip featured a character named Sluggo?", "Enlisted and while in Korea first drew for Stars & Stripes.  Cartoonist, BC & Wizard of Id", "\"On Decoration Day\" Political cartoon c 1900. Caption: \"You bet I'm goin' to be a soldier, too, like my Uncle David, when I grow up.\"", "*\"Mushmouth\" — Dudley W. Morton, World War II U.S. ace submarine commander (for his Tennessee drawl)", "I'm trying to locate that comic boo, where Sarge chewed out Beetle for letting his eyes show." ]
[ 4.08203125, 4.0703125, 3.56640625, -1.904296875, -2.21484375, -3.099609375, -3.94140625, -5.30078125, -5.3359375, -5.40625, -5.5625, -5.6875, -5.7890625, -5.9609375, -6.390625, -6.65625, -6.98046875, -7.1484375, -7.421875, -7.52734375, -7.53515625, -7.53515625, -7.75, -8.28125, -8.3359375, -8.4375, -8.65625, -9.3125, -9.3515625, -9.53125, -9.5703125, -10.1484375 ]
The piece of cartilage which divides the nose into two separate chambers is called what?
[ "A wall of cartilage divides the nose into 2 separate chambers. It’s called the nasal septum. A deviated septum is when this wall is shifted away from the midline. This may cause congestion, problems with breathing, or nasal discharge.", "A wall of cartilage divides the nose into 2 separate chambers. It’s called the nasal septum. A deviated septum is when this wall is shifted away from the midline. This may cause congestion, problems with breathing, or nasal discharge.", "The septum is cartilage that divides the nose into 2 separate chambers. A deviated septum is when the septum is shifted away from the midline.", "Nostrils   The two openings in the nose , separated by a thin wall of cartilage called the septum.", "Vomeronasal cartilage, also known as Jacobson's cartilage, connects the nasal septum (the wall of cartilage that separates the two airways of the nose) and the vomer bone (a thin, flat bone that separates the nostrils). It was named in 1809 by Dutch anatomist, Ludwig Levin Jacobson. It is close to, but not actually connected with, the vomeronasal organ of Jacobson, which is the body's scent organ that detects pheromones, chemicals that may affect the behaviors of others who smell them.", "The nasal septum is a rigid layer that separates the inside of the nose into two cavities, right and left. It consists of a sheet of bone and cartilage covered by mucosa on either side. Mucosa is the name for a moist skin-like cover comparable to the inside of the mouth. The septum is important for both form and function of the nose. If it is deviated, breathing problems may arise (see septoplasty ). A hole within the septum is called nasal septal perforation. Although it creates an abnormal internal communication between the two sides of the nose, this by itself causes no harm. In fact, most septal perforations are asymptomatic and cause no problems to the patient. Larger septum holes may be more problematic – from a functional and medical standpoint.", "The nasal cavities extend from the vestibule in front to the nasopharynx behind. The nasal septum (made of cartilage and bone) separates the nose into two nasal cavities. The soft cartilaginous septum can be distorted during birth or in later life as a result of injury. A deviated nasal septum is common and can sometimes cause a blocked nose and can be treated surgically if required (see Chapter 17). The rich blood supply to the nasal cavities is derived from both the internal and external carotid artery systems (see Chapter 16). Venous drainage is through valveless veins that follow the arterial pattern and have direct communication with the cavernous sinuses. This has a bearing on spread of infection to the intracranial cavity. The nasal vestibule is lined with squamous epithelium. The nasal cavity itself is covered with pseudo-stratified ciliated columnar respiratory epithelium, rich in seromucinous glands. Figure 15.1 outlines the anatomy of the lateral nasal wall, where the paranasal sinuses and the lacrimal duct drain.", "The septum is name given to the bone and cartilage between the two nostrils that separates the nasal cavity.  Usually, the septum lies in the center of the nose, ensuring the individual’s nasal passages are also symmetrical. A deviated septum , one of the most common physiological disorders of the nose, refers to a displacement causing the bone and cartilage to lean toward the left or right side.", "In the midline of the nose, the septum is a composite (osseo-cartilaginous) structure that divides the nose into two (2) similar halves. The lateral nasal wall and the paranasal sinuses, the superior concha, the middle concha, and the inferior concha, form the corresponding passages, the superior meatus, the middle meatus, and the inferior meatus, on the lateral nasal wall. The superior meatus is the drainage area for the posterior ethmoid bone cells and the sphenoid sinus; the middle meatus provides drainage for the anterior ethmoid sinuses and for the maxillary and frontal sinuses; and the inferior meatus provides drainage for the nasolacrimal duct.", "Septum — The partition that separates the two nostrils. It consists of membranes, cartilage, and bone.", "The nose is composed of a skeleton covered by “the skin-soft tissue envelope”. The skeleton is composed of several bones and cartilages of different shape connected together. Another very important component of the skeleton, which is inside the nose, is the nasal septum. The septum is a vertical wall separating the two nostrils into right and left. It is similar to a pole holding up a tent. The tent, in this case, is the remaining skeleton of cartilage and bones of the nose, as well as the skin and soft tissue envelope covering them. The skin-soft tissue envelope is composed of layers of soft tissue, muscle, and skin.", "The bony part of the external nose is formed by the nasal bones and the maxillae. Its opening, to which the cartilaginous part of the nose is anchored in the intact state, is the piriform aperture. Through this the nasal cavity can be seen, divided by the nasal septum into right and left portions. The septum is composed of cartilage in front and bone (ethmoid and vomer) behind (fig. 52-2 B). Each lateral wall of the nasal cavity presents three curled bony plates termed conchae (formerly turbinates).", "External nares (nostrils) lead into nasal cavity which is divided by the nasal septum (composed of hyaline cartilage and vomer bone)", "olfactory and respiratory organ, located between the eyes. The external nose, composed of bone and cartilage, is the most prominent feature of the face in humans. The internal nose is a hollow structure above the roof of the mouth, divided by the septum into two nasal cavities that extend from the nostrils to the pharynx pharynx", "In both breaks and cracks, there is generally also damage to the surrounding nasal cartilage.Especially likely to be impacted is the nasal septum, a flexible partition that separates the left and right sides of the nose.", "* Nasal skin – Like the underlying bone-and-cartilage (osseo-cartilaginous) support framework of the nose, the external skin is divided into vertical thirds (anatomic sections); from the glabella (the space between the eyebrows), to the bridge, to the tip, for corrective plastic surgery, the nasal skin is anatomically considered, as the:", "2 The Nose Human Nose consists of external nose & nasal cavity; both are divided by nasal septum into right & left halves.", "A \"unitip deformity\" is the term given to the problem where the two points of cartilage (like two wings) that form the nose tip are pulled so close together it appears as if the nose comes to a single point. The problem usually occurs when a surgeon cinches down the suture between the tip points too tightly. To correct the problem, the points must be separated and rebuilt with cartilage to achieve the proper balance.", "A nasobuccal membrane separates the mouth from the nose; respectively, the inferior oral cavity (the mouth) and the superior nasal cavity (the nose). As the olfactory pits deepen, said development forms the choanae, the two openings that connect the nasal cavity and the nasopharynx (upper part of the pharynx that is continuous with the nasal passages). Initially, primitive-form choanae develop, which then further develop into the secondary, permanent choanae.", "the structure that protrudes from the anterior part of the face and serves as a passageway for air to and from the lungs. The nose filters the air, warming, moistening, and chemically examining it for impurities that might irritate the mucous lining of the respiratory tract. The nose also contains receptor cells for smell, and it aids the faculty of speech. It consists of an internal and an external part. The external part, which protrudes from the face, is considerably smaller than the internal part, which lies over the roof of the mouth. The hollow interior part is separated into a right and a left cavity by a septum. Each cavity is divided into the superior, middle, and inferior meati by the projection of nasal conchae. The external part of the nose is perforated by two nostrils (anterior nares), and the internal part by two posterior nares. The pairs of sinuses that drain into the nose are the frontal, maxillary, ethmoidal, and sphenoidal sinuses. Ciliated mucous membrane lines the nose, closely adhering to the periosteum. The mucous membrane is continuous with the skin through the nares and with the mucous membrane of the nasal part of the pharynx through the choanae. The mucous membrane contains the olfactory cells that form the olfactory nerve that enters the cranium.", "Figure 52-1 Scheme of the ethmoid bone viewed from posterior. The two ethmoidal labyrinths are united by the cribriform plate. The perpendicular plate, which forms the superior part of the nasal septum, is set at a right angle to the horizontally placed cribriform plate. The lateral surface of each labyrinth forms a part of the medial wall of the orbit and is termed the orbital plate of the ethmoid bone. F indicates the portion of the labyrinth completed by the frontal bone; S, the portion completed by the sphenoid bone. The ethmoidal labyrinth contains ethmoidal air cells known collectively as the ethmoidal sinus. (After Grant.)", "An irregularly shaped bone lying between the orbital plates of the frontal bone and anterior to the sphenoid bone; it consists of two lateral masses of thin plates enclosing air cells, attached above to a perforated horizontal lamina, the cribriform plate, from which descends a median vertical or perpendicular plate in the interval between the two lateral masses; the bone articulates with the sphenoid, frontal, maxillary, lacrimal, and palatine bones, the inferior nasal concha, and the vomer; it enters into the formation of the anterior cranial fossa, the orbits, and the nasal cavity.", "The central \"column\" separating the right and left nostrils as seen on base view, composed of skin and the paired right and left medial crura. See Figure 1", "The tissue that links the nasal tip to the nasal base, and separates the nares. It is the inferior margin of the nasal septum.", "The ethmoid bone is an anterior cranial bone located between the eyes. It contributes to the medial wall of the orbit, the nasal cavity, and the nasal septum. The ethmoid has three parts: cribriform plate, ethmoidal labyrinth, and perpendicular plate. The cribriform plate forms the roof of the nasal cavity,the ethmoidal labyrinth consists of a large mass on either side of the perpendicular plate, and the perpendicular plate forms the superior two-thirds of the nasal septum. Between the orbital plate and the nasal conchae are the ethmoidal sinuses or ethmoidal air cells, which are a variable number of small cavities in the lateral mass of the ethmoid. ", "a broad flat plate of cartilage forming one side of the thyroid cartilage; two laminae fuse anteriorly in the midline to form the thyroid cartilage", "a broad flat plate of cartilage forming one side of the thyroid cartilage; two laminae fuse anteriorly in the midline to form the thyroid cartilage", "located in ethmoid bones between the nose and the eyes - irregularly shaped air cells that are separated from the orbital (eye) cavity by a thin layer of bone", "Thin roughly triangular plate of bone on the floor of the nasal cavity and part of the nasal septum.", "Tough, elastic connective tissue found in the ear, nose tip, and rip ends is known as ______", "Although the results of nose surgery are usually permanent, cartilage may continue to reshape and move tissue that may change the outcome over time.", "A light spongy bone located between the eye sockets, forming part of the walls and septum of the superior nasal cavity, and containing numerous perforations for the passage of the fibers of the olfactory nerves." ]
[ 7.59375, 7.59375, 6.83984375, 2.86328125, 2.400390625, 1.8837890625, 1.8212890625, 1.783203125, 1.5078125, 0.98828125, 0.958984375, 0.900390625, 0.054779052734375, 0.0252685546875, -0.04541015625, -0.5859375, -0.74755859375, -0.89306640625, -1.0537109375, -1.3564453125, -2.599609375, -2.978515625, -3.298828125, -3.3125, -3.4609375, -4.62109375, -4.62109375, -5.01171875, -5.15625, -5.2421875, -5.41015625, -5.73046875 ]
On September 8, 1974, Gerald Ford issued Proclamation 4311 granting a pardon, for crimes that may have been committed, to whom?
[ "On September 8, 1974, president of the United States Gerald Ford issued Proclamation 4311, which gave Richard Nixon a full and unconditional pardon for any crimes he might have committed against the United States while president. In a televised broadcast to the nation, Ford explained that he felt the pardon was in the best interests of the country, and that the Nixon family's situation was \"a tragedy in which we all have played a part. It could go on and on and on, or someone must write the end to it. I have concluded that only I can do that, and if I can, I must.\" ", "On September 8, 1974, President Ford granted a pardon to Richard Nixon. Ford was highly critized for pardoning Nixon and his popularity rating dropped quickly. Ford felt it was the only want to put the Watergate scandal behind him and the nation.", "Citation: Gerald R. Ford: \"Proclamation 4311—Granting Pardon to Richard Nixon,\" September 8, 1974. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project. http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/?pid=4696.", "Now, therefore, I, Gerald R. Ford, President of the United States, pursuant to the pardon power conferred upon me by Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution, have granted and by these presents do grant a full, free, and absolute pardon unto Richard Nixon for all offenses against the United States which he, Richard Nixon, has committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from July (January) 20, 1969, through August 9, 1974.", "President Gerald Ford served right before Jimmy Carter as the 38th president of the United States. Ford was originally President Richard Nixon's vice president and was nominated as president after Nixon resigned his post following the Watergate scandal. Ford also failed to win re-election, which occurred back in 1976. Like Carter, he served during a period of difficult domestic economic circumstances that included stagflation , or minimal economic growth during a period of high inflation. The U.S. also encountered energy shortages during his tenure. In 1974, Ford granted a pardon to Nixon and this is a reason cited for his failure to win re-election.", "President Ford granted former President Richard M. Nixon an unconditional pardon today for all Federal crimes that he \"committed or may have committed or taken part in\" while in office, an act Mr. Ford said was intended to spare Mr. Nixon and the nation further punishment in the Watergate scandals.", "NARRATOR: On September 8, 1974, President Gerald Ford granted Richard Nixon a full and absolute pardon. Over 70 others were found guilty of criminal acts and punished. The contradictions of Nixon's career -- his triumphs and defeats, grand vision and petty grievances -- have left their imprint on America, but his legacy remains ambiguous. \"The judgment of history,\" Nixon has said, \"depends on who writes it.\"", "A month after taking office, on Sept. 6, 1974, Ford granted Richard Nixon a \"full, free and absolute pardon\" for all federal crimes Nixon committed, or may have committed, during his presidency. The decision was the most difficult and controversial of his presidency, and resulted in a public distrust of him that persisted throughout his tenure.", "One of Ford’s early acts as president was the announcement of a conditional amnesty program for those who had evaded the draft or deserted during the Vietnam War . The most attention-getting act of his years in office, and the move that for many destroyed his credibility, followed in the next month. On September 8, 1974, declaring that in the end “it is not the ultimate fate of Richard Nixon that most concerns me” but rather “the immediate future of this great country,” Ford pardoned Nixon “for all offenses against the United States” that he had committed “or may have committed” while in office. The pardon, later alleged to have been the result of blackmail (that if Ford did not pardon him, Nixon would blacken the new president’s reputation by publicly claiming that Ford had promised a pardon in exchange for the presidency), effectively squelched any criminal prosecutions to which Nixon might have been liable. Afterward Ford voluntarily appeared before a subcommittee of the House of Representatives on October 17 to explain his reasoning—the first time a standing president had formally testified before a committee of Congress. In another startling move, Ford annoyed members of his own party by naming Nelson A. Rockefeller , both a party liberal and a representative of the so-called “Eastern establishment,” as his vice president.", "Ford, the first president who came to the office through appointment rather than election, had replaced Spiro Agnew as vice president only eight months before. In a political scandal independent of the Nixon administration’s wrongdoings in the Watergate affair, Agnew had been forced to resign in disgrace after he was charged with income tax evasion and political corruption. In September 1974, Ford pardoned Nixon for any crimes he may have committed while in office, explaining that he wanted to end the national divisions created by the Watergate scandal.", "On September 8, 1974, Ford issued Proclamation 4311, which gave Nixon a full and unconditional pardon for any crimes he may have committed against the United States while President.[42][43] In a televised broadcast to the nation, Ford explained that he felt the pardon was in the best interests of the country, and that the Nixon family's situation \"is a tragedy in which we all have played a part. It could go on and on and on, or someone must write the end to it. I have concluded that only I can do that, and if I can, I must.\"[44] At the same time as he announced the Nixon pardon, Ford introduced a conditional amnesty program for Vietnam War draft dodgers who had fled to countries such as Canada.[45] Unconditional amnesty, however, did not come about until the Jimmy Carter Presidency.[46]", "Benton Becker played an important role in President Ford’s decision to pardon former President Richard Nixon in 1974. Becker is a former Department of Justice trial attorney and U.S. Attorney. He is also a Trustee of the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation.", "Yet one month later, the President confronted the specter of Richard Nixon, a likely criminal defendant in U.S. courts for his role in that same national nightmare. When President Ford addressed the nation on September 8, he used a Sunday morning broadcast to minimize the political impact of his message. He recounted the nature of the Watergate scandal that had polarized the country. He also considered the difficulties Nixon would face in receiving a fair public trial and the potential for delayed and elaborate litigation against a former President. More importantly, he believed that the immediate needs of the country demanded an end to the Watergate controversy. His duty to ensure \"domestic tranquility\" and to use every means to secure it, as well as his belief that Nixon had suffered the ultimate humiliation due to his resignation, led him to grant a \"full, free, and absolute pardon unto Richard Nixon for all offenses against the United States.\"", "1974 In a very controversial move, Ford pardoned Nixon for Watergate crimes and pardoned draft dodgers and military deserters.", "Ford pardoned U.S. President Nixon for Nixon's involvement in Watergate, which was largely unpopular with the U.S. public. Many believe the pardon cost Ford the 1976 U.S. Presidential election, but Ford maintained that it was the right thing to do for the good of the country. In 2001, Senator Ted Kennedy , a staunch critic of the pardon in 1974, admitted that it had been the right decision for the country.", "And President Gerald Ford used the phrase in his remarks when he granted a pardon to Richard Nixon.", "On September 8, 1974, President Ford granted Nixon a \"full, free, and absolute pardon...\" Nixon released a statement expressing his regret over his actions in the scandal.", "Gerald Ford made his home in this typical, upper middle-class suburban house from 1955 until he became the 38th president of the United States after the resignation of President Richard Nixon in August 1974.  Ford was the first person to come into office under the provisions of the 25th Amendment to the United States Constitution, first as vice president and less than a year later as president.  His basic decency and personal integrity helped hold a fractured nation together and restore public confidence after the scandals of the Nixon administration.  Faced with a heavily Democratic Congress after the off-year elections of 1974, Ford was unable to get much legislation passed during his term in office.  His decision to give Nixon a full-presidential pardon in September 1974 was extremely controversial and probably contributed to his defeat in the close 1976 presidential election.", "On September 8, 1974, the new president, Gerald Ford , chose to grant Nixon a full and unconditional pardon for any crimes he may have committed while president. Ford had become vice president in December 1973, after Nixon’s previous vice president, Spiro T. Agnew , resigned amid accusations of financial improprieties and pled no contest to a single, negotiated criminal charge. By the time of the pardon, enough Americans had become convinced that Nixon (named by the Watergate grand jury as an “un-indicted co-conspirator”) was guilty of crimes and that Ford had pardoned him as quid pro quo for becoming president that the approval rating of the otherwise popular new president collapsed overnight.", "Nixon's resignation had not put an end to the desire among many to see him punished. The Ford White House considered a pardon of Nixon, though it would be unpopular in the country. Nixon, contacted by Ford emissaries, was initially reluctant to accept the pardon, but then agreed to do so. Ford, however, insisted on a statement of contrition; Nixon felt he had not committed any crimes and should not have to issue such a document. Ford eventually agreed, and on September 8, 1974, he granted Nixon a \"full, free, and absolute pardon\", which ended any possibility of an indictment. Nixon then released a statement:", "The Nixon pardon has been argued to be a factor in President Ford's loss of the presidential election of 1976. [32] Accusations of a secret \"deal\" made with Ford, promising a pardon in return for Nixon's resignation, led Ford to testify before the House Judiciary Committee on October 17, 1974. [33] [34]", "Some commentators have argued that pardoning Nixon contributed to President Ford's loss of the presidential election of 1976. Allegations of a secret deal made with Ford, promising a pardon in return for Nixon's resignation, led Ford to testify before the House Judiciary Committee on October 17, 1974. ", "Some commentators have argued that pardoning Nixon contributed to President Ford's loss of the presidential election of 1976. Allegations of a secret deal made with Ford, promising a pardon in return for Nixon's resignation, led Ford to testify before the House Judiciary Committee on October 17, 1974. ", "Gerald Ford, in full Gerald Rudolph Ford, Jr., original name Leslie Lynch King, Jr. (born July 14, 1913, Omaha , Nebraska , U.S.—died December 26, 2006, Rancho Mirage, California ), 38th president of the United States (1974–77), who, as 40th vice president, succeeded to the presidency on the resignation of President Richard M. Nixon under the process decreed by the Twenty-fifth Amendment to the Constitution and thereby became the country’s only chief executive who was not elected as either president or vice president. His first act upon assuming office was to grant his predecessor “a full, free, and absolute pardon.” (For a discussion of the history and nature of the presidency, see presidency of the United States of America .)", "Update: Saturday, Sept 16, 2006, 12:39 a.m. PDT On Sept. 16, 1974, President Ford announced a conditional amnesty program for Vietnam War deserters and draft evaders. [New York Times/AP e-headlines]", "Ford, the first president who came to the office through appointment rather than election, had replaced Spiro Agnew as vice president only eight months before. In a political scandal independent of the Nixon administration’s wrongdoings in the Watergate affair, Agnew had been forced to resign in disgrace after he was charged with income tax evasion and political corruption. Exactly one month after Nixon announced his resignation, Ford issued the former president a “full, free and absolute” pardon for any crimes he committed while in office. The pardon was widely condemned at the time.", "Gerald Rudolph “Jerry” Ford, Jr. (born Leslie Lynch King, Jr.; July 14, 1913 – December 26, 2006) was the 38th President of the United States, serving from 1974 to 1977, and prior to this, was the 40th Vice President of the United States serving from 1973 to 1974. He was the first person appointed to the Vice Presidency under the terms of the 25th Amendment, after Spiro Agnew had resigned. When he became President upon Richard Nixon’s resignation on August 9, 1974, he became the first and to date only person to have served as both Vice President and President of the United States without being elected by the Electoral College. Before ascending to the Vice Presidency, Ford served nearly 25 years as the Representative from Michigan’s 5th congressional district, eight of them as the Republican Minority Leader.", "The Gerald Ford assassination attempt in Sacramento was a September 5, 1975, effort by Charles Manson Family cult member Lynette \"Squeaky\" Fromme to kill President of the United States Gerald Ford in California . She wanted to make a statement to people who refused to halt environmental pollution and its effects on Air, Trees, Water, and Animals ( ATWA ). Although Fromme stood a little more than an arm's length from Ford that Friday morning and pointed a M1911 pistol at him in the public grounds of the California State Capitol building, her gun failed to fire and no one was injured. After the assassination attempt, Ford continued to walk to the California state house, where he met with California governor Jerry Brown . For her crime, Fromme spent 34 years in prison and was released on August 14, 2009 – 2 years and 7 months after Ford's death. The Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum in Grand Rapids, Michigan , later received the M1911 pistol used in the assassination attempt as a gift, and the gun was put on display.", "The Gerald Ford assassination attempt in Sacramento was a September 5, 1975, effort by Charles Manson Family cult member Lynette \"Squeaky\" Fromme to kill President of the United States Gerald Ford in California. She wanted to make a statement to people who refused to halt environmental pollution and its effects on Air, Trees, Water, and Animals (ATWA). Although Fromme stood a little more than an arm's length from Ford that Friday morning and pointed a M1911 pistol at him in the public grounds of the California State Capitol building, her gun failed to fire and no one was injured. After the assassination attempt, Ford continued to walk to the California state house, where he met with California governor Jerry Brown. For her crime, Fromme spent 34 years in prison and was released on August 14, 2009 – 2 years and 7 months after Ford's death. The Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum in Grand Rapids, Michigan, later received the M1911 pistol used in the assassination attempt as a gift, and the gun was put on display.", "In early August 1975, The New York Times reported that United States Environmental Protection Agency had released a study entitled, \"A Spectroscopic Study of California Smog ,\" [13] showing that smog was widespread in rural areas. [14] The New York Times article also noted how President Ford had just asked the United States Congress to relax provisions of the 1963 Clean Air Act beyond the 1970 Clean Air Act amendments and provided details on Ford's upcoming September trip to California. [14] After learning of Ford's upcoming visit, ex-convict Thomas Elbert was arrested on August 18 in response to Elbert phoning the United States Secret Service and threatening to kill Ford when he visited Sacramento. [15]", "Gerald Rudolph Ford, Jr. (July 14, 1913 – December 26, 2006) was the thirty-eighth President of the United States, serving from 1974 to 1977, and the fortieth Vice President of the United States serving from 1973 to 1974. He was the first person appointed to the vice presidency under", "In early August 1975, The New York Times reported that United States Environmental Protection Agency had released a study entitled, \"A Spectroscopic Study of California Smog,\" showing that smog was widespread in rural areas. The New York Times article also noted how President Ford had just asked the United States Congress to relax provisions of the 1963 Clean Air Act beyond the 1970 Clean Air Act amendments and provided details on Ford's upcoming September trip to California. After learning of Ford's upcoming visit, ex-convict Thomas Elbert was arrested on August 18 in response to Elbert phoning the United States Secret Service and threatening to kill Ford when he visited Sacramento. " ]
[ 8.1875, 8.046875, 7.21484375, 5.859375, 5.11328125, 4.68359375, 4.51171875, 4.06640625, 3.345703125, 3.173828125, 2.822265625, 2.6484375, 2.49609375, 2.400390625, 2.39453125, 2.23046875, 1.544921875, 1.3798828125, 1.1708984375, -0.29833984375, -0.88427734375, -0.9404296875, -0.9404296875, -0.9814453125, -1.0654296875, -1.0712890625, -2.197265625, -4.11328125, -4.26953125, -4.328125, -4.95703125, -6.1328125 ]
Letter, Legal, ledger, and Tabloid are all types of what?
[ "Tabloid and Ledger are two names for the same page size but with a different orientation. They are also called ANSI B. Tabloid and Ledger are used for drawings, diagrams and large tables. This is also the ideal format to print two Letter size documents as a spread. ", "Ledger paper dimensions are only to be officially found in the USA and Canada, as these are the only two countries which have not officially adopted the ISO standard paper sizes. The most commonly used sizes are known as Letter, Legal, Ledger and Tabloid. (Letter size is also known as \"American Quarto\" outside the USA). There are numerous other sizes and shapes of page, but these are the most commonly used.", "The North American paper sizes are based on traditional formats with arbitrary aspect ratios. The most popular formats of the traditional sizes are the Letter (8.5 x 11 inches), Legal (8.5 x 11 inches), and Tabloid (11 x 17 inches) formats. You more than likely use these formats in your everyday life. Letter is the standard for business and academic documents. The Legal format is used to make legal pads, and the Tabloid format is commonly used to make tabloids or smaller sized newspapers. Very little is known about the origin of the traditional American paper formats.", "In the technical sense, tabloid refers to a type of newspaper that typically measures 11 X 17 inches and is five columns across, narrower than a broadsheet newspaper. Since tabloids are smaller, their stories tend to be shorter than those found in broadsheets.", "Ledger paper:  A grade of business paper generally used for keeping records where it is subjected to appreciable wear so it requires a high degree of durability and permanence.", "Tabloid format is a widely used for printing newspapers that have preferred a smaller size than usual. Indeed, broadsheet format is used by most European newspapers, while tabloid is widely used in Anglo-Saxon countries (Great Britain and North America).", "A tabloid is a newspaper with compact page size smaller than broadsheet, although there is no standard for the precise dimensions of the tabloid newspaper format. The term tabloid journalism, along with the use of large pictures, tends to emphasize topics such as sensational crime stories, astrology, celebrity gossip and television. However, some reputable newspapers, such as The Times, are in tabloid format, and this size is used in the United Kingdom by nearly all local newspapers. There, its page dimensions are roughly 430 ×. In the United States, it is commonly the format employed by alternative newspapers. Some small-format papers which claim a higher standard of journalism refer to themselves as compact newspapers instead.", "In the world of print journalism , there are two main formats for newspapers - broadsheets and tabloids. Strictly speaking, those terms refer to the size of such papers, but both formats also have colorful histories and associations.", "In a recent trend many newspapers have been undergoing what is known as \"web cut down\", in which the publication is redesigned to print using a narrower (and less expensive) roll of paper. In extreme examples, some broadsheet papers are nearly as narrow as traditional tabloids.", "A style of journalism similar to that of Pulitzer and Hearst was practiced with similar success in London by Alfred Harmsworth who started the Daily Mail in 1896. Harmsworth created the first modern, small-sized or \"tabloid\" (The term was borrowed from the drug industry) newspaper, the Daily Mirror, in 1903. When Joseph Medill Patterson and Robert R. McCormick, who had inherited control of the Chicago Tribune, saw Harmsworth's Mirror, which was selling a million copies a day, they decided to bring tabloid journalism to the United States in the form of the Illustrated Daily News, which appeared in New York in 1919 -- beginning the third period of sensationalism in American journalism.", "Letters of thanks, letters from banks, Letters of joy from girl and boy, Receipted bills and invitations To inspect new stock or to visit relations, And applications for situations, And timid lovers’ declarations, And gossip, gossip from all the nations, News circumstantial, news financial, Letters with holiday snaps to enlarge in, Letters with faces scrawled on the margin, Letters from uncles, cousins, and aunts, Letters to Scotland from the South of France, Letters of condolence to Highlands and Lowlands Written on paper of every hue, The pink, the violet, the white and the blue, The chatty, the catty, the boring, the adoring, The cold and official and the heart’s outpouring, Clever, stupid, short and long, The typed and the printed and the spelt all wrong.", "the mailing classification for newspapers, magazines and other periodicals.  This classification was previously known as Second Class Mail .", "class of mail for newspapers, magazines, and other periodicals.  This class of mail is now known as Periodicals-Class Mail .", "For each matching detail journal, General Ledger produces a voucher that includes header information such as batch name, period, journal entry name, document number, journal source, description, journal category, currency, accounting date, subledger document name, rate type, posting date, subledger document number, and exchange rate.", "Business letters are a formal means of communication. They have a set format followed by writers and recognized by readers. They include the date and address of both the sender and recipient. They provide a professional record of correspondence that can be kept indefinitely. Business letters are generally printed on company stationery and are hand-signed by the author. They are most often sent through a postal service, though they can be hand-delivered. While some consider letter writing a lost art, it remains an important medium of doing business all over the world.", "Typically used for newspapers and may also still be used for comic books, some newsletters and trade magazines and buy/sell/trade classified ad weeklies.", "A daily gazette published in ancient Rome from the period of the late Republic onward, devoted primarily to matters of state (official events, public speech es, legal proceedings, public building projects, major military actions) and announcements of births, marriages, and deaths. It also contained news of unusual occurrences (earthquakes, strange accidents, portents) and information about the private lives of prominent persons (scandals, divorces, lawsuits). The text was posted on public buildings, and copies were made for wealthy Romans living in the city and provinces or away temporarily on public business. The actuarii responsible for gathering the news were sometimes misled by persons intent on manipulating commodity markets and political events for personal gain. Surviving fragment s, preserved in the writings of Petronius, read very much like a modern newspaper .", "4. Publishers of bona fide newspapers, magazines or financial publications of general and regular circulation. The publication cannot i. Contain promotional material ii. Be tailored to the specific needs of an individual iii. Be timed to specific events affecting the securities industry", "The news item and photo could be found in similar trade papers and magazines available at this time.", "paper for writing letters etc on. writing-paper and envelopes. skryfpapier وَرَق لِكِتابَة الرَّسائِل хартия за писма papel de carta dopisní papír das Briefpapier skrivepapir χαρτί αλληλογραφίας papel de escribir, papel de carta kirjapaber کاغذ نوشتن kirjepaperi papier à lettres נְייָר כְּתִיבָה लिखने का कागज papir za pisanje levélpapír kertas tulis bréfsefni carta da lettere 便せん 필기 용지 rašomasis/laiškinis popierius rakstāmpapīrs; vēstuļu papīrs kertas tulis schrijfpapier brevpapir papeteria , papier do pisania کاغذ papel de carta hârtie de scris писчая, почтовая бумага listový papier pisemski papir papir za pisanje pisama skrivpapper กระดาษสำหรับเขียนจดหมาย mektup/yazı kâğıdı 信紙 письмовий папір لکھنے کا کاغذ giấy viết thư 信纸", "      Although newspapers had traditionally counted on the income from subscriptions and newsstand purchases, it became increasingly evident that advertising was a newspaper's primary source of profit. One of the main developments of the 1970s and '80s was the spread of free newspapers (known in the United Kingdom as free sheets), which are delivered door-to-door or distributed in public places. Many free newspapers are printed by smaller newspaper enterprises and are entirely financed by advertising revenue. In the early 21st century, large metropolitan newspaper publishers began experimenting with free tabloid versions of their daily papers; their goal was to build brand recognition among younger readers who were less likely to purchase or subscribe to traditional newspapers. However, by promoting a sense that one need not pay for news, the free papers and free news websites ( Internet ) joined radio and television in posing a threat to the existence of paid-subscription newspapers. Although The Wall Street Journal began charging for its online content in 1996, most newspaper publishers thought that free access to the online versions of their papers would yield strong advertising income and help build the subscription base for their print-edition papers. Even 10 years later, as publishers increasingly saw the need to charge for online access, The Wall Street Journal remained the only American newspaper not offering free viewing of some—if not most—of its daily news.", "The Daily Telegraph is a broadsheet newspaper published in London by Telegraph Media Group and distributed across the United Kingdom and internationally. It was founded by Arthur B. Sleigh in 1855 as The Daily Telegraph and Courier. Since 2004, it has been owned by David and Frederick Barclay. The paper had a circulation of 523,048 in March 2014, down from 1.4 million in 1980. ", "The Daily Mirror is a British national daily tabloid newspaper founded in 1903. It is owned by parent company Trinity Mirror. From 1985 to 1987, and from 1997 to 2002, the title on its masthead was simply The Mirror. It had an average daily print circulation of 962,670 in March 2014. Its Sunday sister paper is the Sunday Mirror.", "*\"The Maily Telegraph\" is a composite of The Daily Telegraph and The Daily Mail. Similarly, \"The Stun\" is a generic red top tabloid newspaper, like The Sun and The Daily Star.", "United States: Wall Street Journal, New York Times and New York Post; UK: Guardian, Daily and Sunday Telegraph and Daily Mail/Mail on Sunday.", "....The papers of the next several days were full of advertisements from businesses about provisional arrangements, as well as personals regarding lost property and, in some tragic cases, missing spouses and children.\"", "libel 1. Law: A false publication in writing, printing or typewriting or in signs or pictures that maliciously damages a person’s reputation. 2. The act or an instance of presenting such a statement to the public. 3. To communicate a false statement about a person in writing or by means of signs or pictures. malice 1. A desire to harm others or to see others suffer; extreme ill will or spite. 2. Law: The intent, without just cause or reason, to commit a wrongful act that will result in harm to another. slander 1. Law: Oral communication of false statements injurious to a person’s reputation. 2. A false and malicious statement or report about someone. privacy 1.a. The quality or condition of being secluded from the presence or view of others. b. The state of being free from unsanctioned intrusion. (opposite of invasion of privacy)", "In the case of Arkell v. Pressdram (1971), the plaintiff was the subject of an article relating to illicit payments, and the magazine had ample evidence to back up the article. [26] Arkell's lawyers wrote a letter which concluded: \"His attitude to damages will be governed by the nature of your reply.\" The magazine responded: \"We acknowledge your letter of 29th April referring to Mr J. Arkell. We note that Mr Arkell's attitude to damages will be governed by the nature of our reply and would therefore be grateful if you would inform us what his attitude to damages would be, were he to learn that the nature of our reply is as follows: fuck off.\" In the years following, the magazine would refer to this exchange as a euphemism for a blunt and coarse dismissal: for example, \"We refer you to the reply given in the case of Arkell v. Pressdram\". [27] [28] As with \" tired and emotional \" this usage has spread beyond the magazine. [29] [ not in citation given ]", "* \"Arkell v. Pressdram\" was one of the frequent allegations of libel against the magazine, notable for its correspondence. The plaintiff's lawyers wrote a letter which concluded: \"His attitude to damages will be governed by the nature of your reply.\" The magazine's response was, in full: \"We acknowledge your letter of 29th April referring to Mr J. Arkell. We note that Mr Arkell's attitude to damages will be governed by the nature of our reply and would therefore be grateful if you would inform us what his attitude to damages would be, were he to learn that the nature of our reply is as follows: fuck off.\" In the years following, the magazine would refer to this exchange as a euphemism for a blunt and coarse dismissal: for example, \"We refer you to the reply given in the case of Arkell v. Pressdram\".", "Consider publishing \"Staff Legal Bulletins\" to announce significant legal interpretations of interest to a wide group of issuers.", "In the case of Arkell v. Pressdram (1971), the plaintiff was the subject of an article relating to illicit payments, and the magazine had ample evidence to back up the article. Arkell's lawyers wrote a letter which concluded: \"His attitude to damages will be governed by the nature of your reply.\" The magazine responded: \"We acknowledge your letter of 29th April referring to Mr J. Arkell. We note that Mr Arkell's attitude to damages will be governed by the nature of our reply and would therefore be grateful if you would inform us what his attitude to damages would be, were he to learn that the nature of our reply is as follows: fuck off.\" In the years following, the magazine would refer to this exchange as a euphemism for a blunt and coarse dismissal: for example, \"We refer you to the reply given in the case of Arkell v. Pressdram\". ", "In September 2009 Dizaei won a High Court action against the Daily Mail and the Evening Standard over a defamatory article published in June 2008. The newspapers were forced to issue an apology and pay substantial costs and damages. On receipt of the apology he issued further proceedings against the Daily Mail for an allegedly defamatory article published in September 2008 suggesting that Dizaei advised a lawyer over a criminal case." ]
[ 2.353515625, 2.291015625, 2.26171875, 0.2318115234375, -0.1356201171875, -0.63671875, -1.0986328125, -1.85546875, -3.607421875, -4.01953125, -4.15625, -4.88671875, -4.94140625, -5.42578125, -5.6484375, -5.73828125, -5.74609375, -5.859375, -5.91796875, -6.25, -6.29296875, -6.296875, -6.36328125, -6.40625, -7.4296875, -7.703125, -8.1484375, -8.3984375, -8.5078125, -8.8671875, -9.109375, -10.2421875 ]
What comedy duo made their feature film debut in 1978's Up in Smoke?
[ "Tommy Chong and Cheech Marin, otherwise known as the pot-smoking comedy duo Cheech & Chong, began their career as stand-up comics in the early ‘70s. They eventually gained attention for a string of popular comedy albums, which featured hit songs like “Basketball Jones.” But it was their feature film debut in ‘1978s Up In Smoke that made them icons to the stoner community all around the world. The comedic team broke up in the mid ‘80s and with rumors of bad blood between them; fans thought that they would never see a sequel to one of the most successful marijuana comedies of all time. The prospects of a second film got even slimmer in 2003 when Tommy was unjustly arrested and incarcerated for “conspiring to distribute drug paraphernalia.” But upon his release in 2004, rumors began to swirl about the two comedians reuniting again and possibly making another movie.", "Up in Smoke is a 1978 American stoner comedy directed by Lou Adler and Cheech & Chong's first feature-length film. It stars Cheech Marin, Tommy Chong, Edie Adams, Strother Martin, Stacy Keach, and Tom Skerritt. ", "The comedy duo, Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong (collectively known as Cheech and Chong) shot to fame in the 1970s and 1980s for their hilarious stand-up comedy routines that were based on the hippie counter-culture movement that was popular back then. In that context, the smoking of marijuana became a big part in their comedy act, as Cheech played the role of a Mexican immigrant living in Los Angeles and Chong, a hippie whose only sole purpose in life is to light up a joint to get high. After releasing a string of hit comedy albums in the early 1970s, the duo decided to parlay their stand-up personas into another medium--films. Their first foray into the realm of feature films came in the form of Cheech and Chong's Up In Smoke, which unexpectedly became one of the top-grossing movies of 1978 and has since been widely regarded as a cult hit.", "On this day in comedy on September 15, 1978 Up in Smoke was released by Paramount Pictures.", "Basically an excuse for Cheech and Chong to get into a series of marijuana adventures, \"Up in Smoke\" is a hoot from beginning to end. Pedro De Pacas (Cheech Marin) and Anthony \"Man\" Stoner (Tommy Chong) are a pair of slackers who wonder So Cal and Mexico looking for some weed, while the narcs look for any excuse to arrest them. There are some scenes that will probably make your eyes pop out, just due to the surprise factor. You just watch this sort of movie and think \"The '70s...those were the good old days.\" Also, it was interesting seeing Strother Martin and Edie Adams as Chong's character's parents. Seeing as to how they were part of my grandparents' generation, I wouldn't expect to see them in a marijuana movie.", "This film by stage and recording duo Cheech and Chong is recognized as the first ‘stoner comedy”.  The story centers around two potheads with a band and an insatiable need for weed.    One (Tommy Chong) is given an ultimatum by his parents; get a job or get shipped off to military school.   The other just wants to get high.   After beating a drug bust when they’re discovered on the side of the road high as kites, their quest for more marijuana ensues.   This journey takes them to the cousin of Cheech (Tom Skerritt), a Vietnam vet who has a flashback as the cops raid his house; to Tijuana to attend a wedding of relatives after his East L. A. kin called the INS on themselves to get a free trip over there and back to California, in a truck made, unbeknownst to them, entirely of marijuana resin (in a fiberglass-like form).   ", "*In 1975, comedy rock duo Flo & Eddie (formerly The Turtles, as well as vocalists with Frank Zappa) recorded a parody called \"The Kung Fu Killer\" on their album Illegal, Immoral and Fattening.", "The couple continued to release comedy albums for several years, and in 1977 released a cover of the Bee Gees' \"Stayin' Alive\" as a single, with an Edwards interpretation of Helen Reddy's \"I Am Woman\" as its \"B\" side. The same year also saw a brief resurgence in the popularity of Jonathan and Darlene albums when their cover of \"Carioca\" was featured as the opening and closing theme to The Kentucky Fried Movie. Their last release, Darlene Remembers Duke, Jonathan Plays Fats, was issued in 1982. To mark the occasion, an interview with Stafford and Westonin which they assumed the persona of the Edwardsesappeared in the December 1982 edition of Los Angeles Magazine.", "This 1979 Paramount release introduced the controversial radio comedians Richard \"Cheech\" Marin and Thomas Chong to the screen for the first of six major film teamings and cameos together in several other films. This first teaming is the best teaming. The duo portray stoners who travel together on a road trip down to Tijuana on a mission to pick up a fresh new drug supply. However, they're being pursued by frantic cops all the way. A cult spoof classic and a film that began a new kind of wacky film comedy.", "In the 1970s, Reubens performed at local comedy clubs and made four guest appearances on The Gong Show as part of a boy–girl act he had developed with Charlotte McGinnis, called The Hilarious Betty and Eddie. He soon joined the Los Angeles–based improvisational comedy team The Groundlings and remained a member for six years, working with Bob McClurg, John Paragon, Susan Barnes, and Phil Hartman. Hartman and Reubens became friends, often writing and working on material together. In 1980, he had a small part as a waiter in The Blues Brothers.", "In the late 70s and early 80s, many budding comedians, including John Belushi, Bill Murray, Joan Rivers, Chris Farley, Robert Klein, Peter Boyle, Alan Arkin, Fred Willard, James Belushi, Shelley Long, and Martin Short, first appeared as sketch comedians in a Chicago troupe comedy theater named Second City. Its offshoot in Toronto, Canada featured Rick Moranis, Gilda Radner, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, Martin Short, Mike Myers, and John Candy, among others. Many of them used Second City as a career springboard, and would go on to become well-known TV comedians and movie stars. NBC TV's live late-night show Saturday Night Live, which debuted in October of 1975, also provided its first cast of 'Not Ready for Prime Time Players\" including Chevy Chase, Dan Aykroyd, John Belushi, and Jane Curtin.", "Director, Bob Rafelson. Written and produced by Bob Rafelson and Jack Nicholson Cast: Peter Tork, David Jones, Micky Dolenz, Michael Nesmith, Annette Funicello, Timothy Carey, Logan Ramsey, Abraham Sofaer, Vito Scotti, Charles Macaulay, T.C. Jones, Charles irving, William Bagdad, Percy Helton, Sonny Liston, Ray Nitschke, Carol Doda, Frank Zappa, June Fairchild, Terry Garr, L.J. Jefferson, Victor Mature. The Monkees rock group is tossed about in this psychadelic satire that gives a drug induced look into show business in the sixties. 85 min. DVD X5298", "Outrageousness prevailed in the Delta fraternity house (at Faber College) in director John Landis' gross-out comedy National Lampoon's Animal House (1978), with Saturday Night Live TV comedian John Belushi in his film debut as Bluto Blutarsky (memorable for instigating a gross food fight and for the comic line: \"Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?\"). Other TV stars were crossing over into films in the decade: Chevy Chase (from SNL) and Goldie Hawn (from TV's Laugh-In) starred in the funny murder mystery Foul Play (1978). Youth-oriented stars Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Eddie Murphy, Martin Short, and Michael J. Fox would all find stardom in Hollywood. Stand-up comic Steve Martin, another cross-over following performances on TV's SNL, scored big with The Jerk (1979), the first starring role for the comedian. He starred as Navin Johnson, a white man who found out that his adoptive parents were black.", "During the 1970s and early 1980s, a few films were made as spin-offs from the original National Lampoon magazine, using its creative staff. The first theatrical release, and by far the most successful National Lampoon film was National Lampoon's Animal House (1978). Starring John Belushi and written by Doug Kenney, Harold Ramis and Chris Miller, it became the highest grossing comedy film of that time. Produced on a low budget, it was so enormously profitable that, from that point on for the next two decades, the name \"National Lampoon\" applied to the title of a movie was considered to be a valuable selling point in and of itself.", "The confrontation scene at Jerry's house between Pupkin and Langford was parodied on Saturday Night Live soon after the film's release, when Lewis hosted the show. The sketch, featuring Tim Kazurinsky and Mary Gross, features Lewis visiting a studio in Paris, France and meeting a voice actor who performs the French-language dubs for Lewis' characters in all his movies. However, Jerry is dismayed when he learns that the actor reads it all in the \"nine-year-old boy\" style that was part of Lewis' comedy routines during his days with Dean Martin. The actor tries to kill himself out of shame when Lewis rebukes him, but Lewis stops it.", "Join us for this opening night presentation of classics and rarities featuring the legendary comedy duo, including:", "They performed live satirical comedy acts and eventually released three records of their routines, which became best-sellers. They also appeared in nightclubs and were on radio and television. Jack Rollins, who later became Woody Allen's manager and producer, invited them to audition and was most impressed: \"Their work was so startling, so new, as fresh as could be. I was stunned by how really good they were, actually as impressed by their acting technique as by their comedy. . . I thought, My God, these are two people writing hilarious comedy on their feet!", "'The Graduate' - Comedy with Dustin Hoffman, Ann Bancroft, Katherine Ross, William Daniels, Buck Henry; Simon and Garfunkle soundtrack; directed by Mike Nichols.", "Heinz was in a number of movies in the 1960's most notably in 1963's \"Live It Up\", filmed at Pinewood, in which he performed two tracks including the title number with his 'band' including David Hemmings as lead guitarist and a young [pre- Small Faces ] Steve Marriott on drums! The film - typical of its kind - is about four Post Office workers who are in a group. Also included among the cast were Peter Glaze [Crackerjack] and Jennifer Moss [Coronation Street] whilst Gene Vincent , Kenny Ball and Sounds Incorporated were featured, along with other Joe Meek acts including The Outlaws miming to \"Law And Order\", filmed on the scaffolding of the house Hemmings' daydreams of building when he becomes a star. ", "1978 'The Blues Brothers' (Dan Akroyd and John Belushi) make their first appearance on Saturday Night Live", "The two funniest comedians in the movie, Murray and Dangerfield, only had bit parts in the original script, but over time, their talent won over the producers, and they had more time written in. Much to the chagrin of Knight and the caddies, who were originally the focus of the movie.", "Shaffer and trombonist Malone first worked together in 1975, as original members of the Saturday Night Live Band; they also helped organize the original Blues Brothers in 1978. Kapler and Chez occasionally sat in with the WMDB starting in 1988.", "Smokey and the Bandit is a 1977 American action comedy film starring Burt Reynolds, Sally Field, Jackie Gleason, Jerry Reed, Pat McCormick, Paul Williams and Mike Henry. The film was the directorial debut of stuntman Hal Needham. It inspired several other trucking films, including two sequels, Smokey and the Bandit II and Smokey and the Bandit Part 3.", "actor: Smoke, Pulp Fiction, Rising Sun, The Piano, Sister Act, Thelma and Louise, Bugsy, The Two Jakes, The Last Temptation of Christ, Death Watch, Blue Collar, Taxi Driver, Mother, Jugs and Speed, Shining Star, Alice Doesn�t Live Here Anymore, Mean Streets, Holy Smoke, U-571", "Fun with Dick and Jane is 1977 satirical comedy film directed by Ted Kotcheff, starring George Segal and Jane Fonda as the title characters.", "The short-lived 1977 series A Year At The Top was an allegedly comic look at a two-man garage band (played by Greg Evigan and David Letterman band leader Paul Shaffer) who sold their souls to the son of the Devil for a year of super-success as rock stars.", "I can't think of a better movie that puts the late seventies in to perspective; the comedy is simple, the relationships between the characters is lighthearted; heck, even funnier to me is Chevy's offering of a 'joint' to goldie, then saying, \"you know they say the cops have the best dope\", an ironic pre \"war on drugs\" line when people had perspective on such things.", "He was a regular cast member on Saturday Night Live from 1980 to 1984. He has worked as a stand-up comedian, and was ranked #10 on Comedy Central's list of the 100 Greatest Stand-ups of All Time. ", "Convoy is a 1978 action film directed by Sam Peckinpah and starring Kris Kristofferson, Ali MacGraw, Ernest Borgnine, Franklyn Ajaye and Burt Young. The movie is based on the 1975 country and western novelty song \"Convoy\" by C.W. McCall and Chip Davis. The film was made when the CB Radio/trucking craze was at its peak in the United States, and followed the similarly themed films White Line Fever (1975) and Smokey and the Bandit (1977), and the television series Movin' On (1974).", "Co-starred with Alan Arkin and Christopher Walken as aging con men in crime comedy \"Stand Up Guys\"", "Charlie and his father jointly parodied their respective previous roles in the 1993 movie Hot Shots! Part Deux when their river patrol boats passed each other, at which point they both shouted, \"I loved you in Wall Street!\" a film they both starred in as father and son in 1987.", "The Harder They Come , a 1970's Jamaican film starring musician Jimmy Cliff , has several minor characters involved in the ganja trade and opposing the police (and each other) from time to time, who wear their hair this way." ]
[ 7.34375, 6.4765625, 6.3515625, -1.6826171875, -2.283203125, -3.80859375, -3.84375, -4.2421875, -4.26953125, -5.1875, -5.3515625, -5.5859375, -5.859375, -5.921875, -6.19921875, -6.28515625, -6.5546875, -6.6875, -6.79296875, -6.9453125, -7.0234375, -7.859375, -7.921875, -8.015625, -8.359375, -8.3828125, -9.265625, -9.8984375, -9.9453125, -10.15625, -10.3203125, -10.4921875 ]
What two dogs are cross bred to produce the Schnoodle?
[ "The Schnoodle is a cross between a Schnauzer and a Poodle. Any of the three recognized sizes of Schnauzer or Poodle may be used to produce a Schnoodle. Poodle crossbreeds are meant to produce a dog with mixed traits and the Poodle�s signature nonshedding coat. As a crossbreed, the Schnoodle is not eligible for registration with purebred registries such as the American Kennel Club, but it can be registered with the American Canine Hybrid Club. The Schnoodle is not considered a purebred because it doesn�t �breed true�, meaning that it doesn�t display a consistent set of characteristics. Some breeders produce Schnoodles by crossing a purebred Poodle with a purebred Schnauzer (called a first generation cross), but others allow crossing Schnoodles with Poodles or Schnauzers (called a backcross), or other Schnoodles (called a multi-generation cross). Different crosses can result in different characteristics. Like other �designer breeds�, the Schnoodle has seen a recent surge in popularity, even Hollywood celebrities such as Claire Danes and Dakota Fanning have succumbed to the Schnoodle�s charm and found the need to pick one up.", "The Schnoodle is the result of crossing a Schnauzer and a Poodle. Some breeders cross multigenerational Schnoodles (Schnoodles bred to other Schnoodles).", "A schnoodle is a domestic dog. It is a cross between a schnauzer and a poodle. Schnoodle is a portmanteau combining the two breed names.", "Schnoodles can come in a variety of sizes, since there are three Poodle sizes and three Schnauzer sizes. The range of possibilities has created an interesting variety of hybrids. Schnoodles have traditionally been small dogs; the introduction of the Giant Schnauzer and Standard Poodle into the mix is relatively recent and produces a dog of a different temperament from the small, cuddly Schnoodle.", "The Schnoodle was developed in the 1980s, when the interest began to grow in Poodle crosses. The original goal with the Schnoodle was to create a low-shedding, low-dander family dog. Although the Schnoodle hasn't quite gained the popularity of other \"designer\" breeds, there's a strong following that has created a demand for Schnoodle puppies.", "With a wide range of sizes available, Schnoodles come is small, medium and larger sizes. Depending on the size of Poodle and Schnauzer bred, your Schnoodle can weigh anywhere from 10 to 60 pounds (Schnauzer come in Miniature, Standard, and Giant, while Poodles come in Toy, Miniature, and Standard sizes). And, because of the Poodle mixed in, this dog has a hypoallergenic coat, which makes him an attractive pet for allergy sufferers. Please read on to learn about this wonderful hybrid dog breed.", "Schnoodles are low-shedding dogs and must be clipped or trimmed. The Schnoodle coat is meant to resemble a Schnauzer puppy's: soft and wavy. Generally, first-generation litters have a wavy coat that's soft in texture and remains soft throughout the dog's life.", "The temperament of the schnoodle reflects its schnauzer and poodle forebears. The schnauzer can be affectionate, naturally protective, intelligent and strong-willed; the poodle is often clever, active, and excels in obedience training. Schnoodles may inherit any combination of intelligence, personality, temper and protective nature of the parent breeds. They make good pets and are often devoted and affectionate to their family. Like both parent breeds, schnoodles are usually active dogs and are impressive runners and jumpers; regular exercise and activity are necessary components of their lives.", "The Schnoodle is loyal like the Schnauzer and fun-loving like the Poodle . Like his Schnauzer parent, a Schnoodle has a protective nature and makes a good watch dog. Like his Poodle parent, he's smart and affectionate. He will bark, sometimes too much (a trait that should be nipped in the bud when he's young).", "Because the Schnoodle is the offspring of two intelligent breeds, you’ll find that he is easy to train as long as long as he is motivated and challenged.", "Making its way into the hearts of dog lovers everywhere, the Schnoodle is gaining popularity as a must-have designer dog. This hybrid breed fills the role of many types of dog – lap dog, family dog, therapy dog and show stopper. You could say this is a well-rounded breed that will fill any position available!  Not only is the Schnoodle cute and adorable, it is playful and lovable, making him the ideal family pet.", "Hybrid or crossbred dogs are more popular than ever these days. People are mixing different recognized purebred dogs to obtain the so called designer puppies, with the desirable characteristics of both breeds. The Goldendoodle is such an example of cross breed, a mix between a golden retriever and a poodle. This breed was created about 20 years ago, in order to obtain a family companion dog and is very similar to the Labradoodle, another popular breed obtained about the same time. There is a lot to learn about a Goldendoodle, but we’ve listed the most important information you have to know especially if you’re looking to get on of your own.", "Sometimes, part of the breeders choose to use a third breed in the cross breeding process in order to get a much smaller in size Labradoodle. They first turned to breeding the Labrador Retriever female with a Cocker Spaniel male, for the first down-sizing. The female resulted from this mix is then further bred with the Miniature Poodle, no matter if surgical insemination or natural breeding methods are used. The resulting puppy will be one quarter Cocker Spaniel, one quarter Labrador Retriever and one half Poodle.", "Chorkies are produced by crossing Yorkshire Terriers with Chihuahuas as Chorkies often do not breed true. That is to say that pure Chorkie offspring sometimes do not retain the defining characteristics of their parents.", "The original cross was of a yellow-colored Retriever, Nous, with a Tweed Water Spaniel female dog, Belle. The Tweed Water Spaniel is now extinct but was then common in the border country. Majoribanks had purchased Nous in 1865 from an unregistered litter of otherwise black wavy-coated retriever pups. In 1868, this cross produced a litter that included four pups; these four became the basis of a breeding program which included the Irish Setter, the sandy-colored Bloodhound, the St. John's Water Dog of Newfoundland, and two more wavy-coated black Retrievers. The bloodline was also inbred and selected for trueness to Majoribanks' idea of the ultimate hunting dog. His vision included a more vigorous and powerful dog than previous retrievers, one that would still be gentle and trainable. Russian sheepdogs are not mentioned in these records, nor are any other working dog breeds. The ancestry of the Golden Retriever is all sporting dogs, in line with Majoribanks' goals.", "1. (Breeds) a crossbred hunting dog, usually a greyhound cross with a collie, esp one trained to hunt silently", "The Schnoodle is energetic, intelligent, and eager to please, making it easily trained. Schnoodles can learn to compete in flyball, dog agility, and other dog sports.", "Schnoodles can be high-energy dogs. They require about 30 to 60 minutes of exercise per day.", "Basenjis share many unique traits with Pariah dog types. Basenjis, like dingoes and some other breeds of dog, come into estrus only once annually, as compared to other dog breeds which may have two or more breeding seasons every year. Both dingoes and basenji lack a distinctive odor, and are prone to howls, yodels, and other undulated vocalizations over the characteristic bark of modern dog breeds. One theory holds that the latter trait is the result of the selective killing of ‘barkier’ dogs in the traditional Central African context because barking could lead enemies to humans’ forest encampments. While dogs that resemble the basenji in some respects are commonplace over much of Africa, the breed’s original foundation stock came from the old growth forest regions of the Congo Basin, where its structure and type were fixed by adaptation to its habitat, as well as use (primarily net hunting in extremely dense old-growth forest vegetation).", "No matter what coat characteristics your Schnoodle inherits, it will be hypoallergenic. As well, this breed is a low shedder, thanks to the hair-like quality of the coat. You’ll need to brush your Schnoodle every week and take him to the grooms for a cut every 2 to 3 months to prevent matting and tangles.", "The versatile Weimaraner (nicknamed the \"Grey Ghost\" due to its unique colour) is a dedicated companion dog. From the early years of the breed to the present day, they have lived with people as dedicated companions and hunting dogs. In Australia both the Weimaraner (shorthaired) and the Weimaraner (longhaired) varieties are available.", " In his 'Hunters All' of 1986, Brian Plummer paid tribute to the collie lurchers of the likes of my namesake and Phil Lloyd. David's publication 'Lambourn' of some twenty years ago contains the best collection of collie lurcher photos I have ever seen, well worth a study. What you will see there is not a type but a variety of types, depending on the mix. Once lurchers start looking like a breed, then there's a contradiction in the making. The collie cross isn't meant to be the source of a distinct type, but evidence of an infusion of brains, biddability and a strong desire to work.edience or their brains; collies are.", "It is interesting to note that Mrs. Pitt used the prefix Ttiweh in the names of her line of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. This is, of course, Hewitt spelled in reverse. The champion bloodlines of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed today still carry the Ttiweh name in many lines.", "To a biologist, the idea of dogs being �pure bred' is absurd. Most dog breeds are as diverse genetically as are full species of other animals. Genetic diversity is beneficial. It contributes to both species and individual adaptability and vigor. The only mammals that approach a genetic uniformity that might qualify them for being called pure bred are certain strains of laboratory mice and rats, and perhaps cheetahs. I believe that Middle Eastern Salukis can contribute valuable traits and abilities to the gene pool of our dogs, and it would be a shame to prevent this.", "Wisent can cross-breed with American Bison . The products of a German interbreeding program were destroyed after World War II. This program was related to the impulse which created the Heck cattle . The cross-bred individuals created at other zoos were eliminated from breed books by the 1950s. A Russian back-breeding program resulted in a wild herd of hybrid animals which presently lives in the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve (550 individuals in 1999).", "The Airedale Terrier is also called Bingley Terrier and Waterside Terrier and is a terrier type that originated in the valley of the River Aire, in the West Riding of Yorkshire, England. It is traditionally called the “King of Terriers” because it is the largest of the terrier breeds.  They weigh 20–30 kilograms (44–66 lb) in fit condition and have a height at the withers of 58–61 centimetres (23–24 in) for males, with females slightly smaller.  The Airedale can be used as a working dog and also as a hunting dog. Airedales exhibit some herding characteristics as well, and have a propensity to chase animals. He is swift, formidable, graceful, big of brain, an ideal chum and guard.  To his master he is an adoring pal.", "This dog is also known as the great dane and are generally the tallest breed of dogs.  The famous cartoon dog Scooby Doo is considered a german mastiff.  However these dogs are not as scary as they look, they have slow metabolisms and are considered to be less aggressive than other breeds of mastiffs.", "The Giant Schnauzer is a working breed of dog developed in the 17th century in Germany. Although the Giant Schnauzer is called ‘Giant’, this is not in comparison to other large dog breeds. The breed standard calls for male to stand from 25.5 to 27.5 inches (65 to 70 cm) at the withers, and for females to stand from 23.5 to 25.5 inches (60 to 65 cm). Giant Schnauzers are usually a quiet breed. Due to its breeding, the Giant Schnauzer is inherently suspicious of strangers and can be very territorial. Giant Schnauzers have been described as trustworthy with children. They are very intelligent and can become bored easily.", "Schnoodles are very intelligent and need to be mentally and physically stimulated. If they're not, they can become destructive and hard to handle.", "While filming “The Kingdom of Heaven,” Orlando Bloom found man’s best friend . He adopted a black Saluki mix while he was in Africa and the dog has stayed by his side. “I rescued this man in Morocco about seven years ago now. He has been everywhere with me.” Bloom gave the dog a Morroccan name in honor of where they met. Sidi, the dog’s name, means “lord” in Morrocan.", "The Basenji is a breed of hunting dog. It was bred from stock that originated in central Africa.   The Basenji produces an unusual yodel-like sound commonly called a barroo, due to its unusually shaped larynx.  This trait also gives the Basenji the nickname “soundless dog”.  Basenjis are small, short-haired dogs with erect ears, tightly curled tails and graceful necks.  Basenjis typically weigh about 9.1–10.9 kg (20–24 lb) and stand 41–46 cm (16–18 in) at the shoulder.  The Basenji is alert, energetic, curious and reserved with strangers. The Basenji tends to become emotionally attached to a single human. Basenjis may not get along with non-canine pets. Basenjis dislike wet weather, like to climb, and can easily get over chain wire fences", "A Schnoodle loves car rides (particularly when he's going to visit someone he likes), playing fetch, and just having a good ol' time. Fetch isn't the only game he loves; he likes to play and play. He's a silly boy and will do what some refer to as the \"butt tucks\" and others call the Schnoodle 500 — running fast in a circle with the hind end tucked up. It's just a form of play that means he's happy." ]
[ 6.0625, 5.06640625, 4.48828125, 2.287109375, 2.1953125, 2.19140625, 0.6103515625, 0.56103515625, 0.40185546875, -1.4736328125, -2.044921875, -2.44140625, -2.96875, -3.341796875, -3.486328125, -3.587890625, -4.4921875, -5.10546875, -6.19140625, -6.21484375, -6.3671875, -6.37109375, -6.546875, -6.76171875, -6.8828125, -6.94140625, -7.23046875, -7.48046875, -7.64453125, -7.69140625, -8.0625, -8.4296875 ]
Known as The Sunflower State, what was the 34th state to join the Union on January 29, 1861?
[ "Kansas joined the Union as the 34th state on January 29, 1861. The Civil War had started the year the state entered the Union and while they were a new state, they were the state who had suffered the most casualties from the war compared to any other state.", "And who would want to? Especially on Kansas Statehood Day, the day the Sunflower State entered the union as the 34th state on Jan. 29, 1861.", "On January 29, 1861, U.S. President James Buchanan signed a bill making Kansas the 34th state with the city of Topeka as its capital. America 's Civil War soon began and this new state of Kansas sent thousands of its male population to help the Union defeat the southern Confederacy, and slavery.", "The Provisional Government of the Territory of Jefferson was organized on August 24, 1859, but the new territory failed to secure federal sanction. The election of Abraham Lincoln for U.S. President on November 6, 1860, led to the secession of six slave states and the threat of civil war . Seeking to augment the political power of the free states , the Republican led U.S. Congress hurriedly admitted the eastern portion of the Territory of Kansas to the Union as the free State of Kansas on January 29, 1861, leaving the western portion of the territory, and its gold fields, unorganized.", "Seven Deep South cotton states seceded by February 1861, starting with South Carolina, Mississippi , Florida , Alabama , Georgia, Louisiana , and Texas. These seven states formed the Confederate States of America (February 4, 1861), with Jefferson Davis as president, and a governmental structure closely modeled on the U.S. Constitution . Following the attack on Fort Sumter, President Lincoln called for a volunteer army from each state. Within two months, four more Southern slave states declared their secession and joined the Confederacy: Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina and Tennessee. The northwestern portion of Virginia subsequently seceded from Virginia, joining the Union as the new state of West Virginia on June 20, 1863. By the end of 1861, Missouri and Kentucky were divided— each of them having a pro-Southern and pro-Northern government.", "On March 11, 1861, the Confederate Constitution of seven state signatories – South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas – replaced the February 7 Provisional Confederate States Constitution with one stating in its preamble a desire for a \"permanent federal government\". Four additional slave-holding states – Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Tennessee – declared their secession and joined the Confederacy following a call by U.S. President Abraham Lincoln for troops from each state to recapture Sumter and other lost federal properties in the South. Missouri and Kentucky were represented by partisan factions from those states, while the legitimate governments of those two states retained formal adherence to the Union. Also aligned with the Confederacy were two of the \"Five Civilized Tribes\" located in Indian Territory and a new, but uncontrolled, Confederate Territory of Arizona. Efforts by certain factions in Maryland to secede were halted by federal imposition of martial law, while Delaware, though of divided loyalty, did not attempt it. A Unionist government in western parts of Virginia organized the new state of West Virginia, which was admitted to the Union during the war on June 20, 1863.", "After the Battle of Fort Sumter in South Carolina, Lincoln called for troops from the remaining states to recover the forts. This action resulted in the secession of four more states. Virginia (April 17, 1861), Arkansas (May 6, 1861), Tennessee (May 7, 1861), and lastly, North Carolina (May 20, 1861). Four states that still had slavery did not secede and one seceding state split. These Bordering states consisted of Delaware, Maryland, Missouri, and Kentucky. Northwest Virginia seceded from Virginia, entering the Union in 1863 and became known as West Virginia. The southern half of New Mexico voted to secede and joined the Confederacy. They were accepted as the Territory of Arizona, with its capital in Mesilla.", "Delegation voting strength was loosely based upon the size of each state's congressional delegation, subject to some modification by the Credentials Committee, with the Northeastern delegations of New York (70), Pennsylvania (54), Massachusetts (26), and New Jersey (14) constituting the largest regional bloc, surpassing the Midwestern states of Ohio (46), Indiana (26), Illinois (22), and Iowa (8). Some 86 votes were apportioned to the six states of New England. Slave and border states with substantial delegations under the rules (but with small actual party organizations) included Kentucky (23), Virginia (23), and Missouri (18). The total of all credentialed delegate votes was 466. ", "The thirty fourth state was Kansas West Virginia thirty-fifth in the land The thirty-sixth state was Nevada Nebraska thirty-seventh to stand Number thirty-eight is Colorado North Dakota is state thirty-nine Number forty is South Dakota Montana forty-first in the line CHORUS", "Sectional tensions had long existed between the states located north of the Mason-Dixon Line and those south of it, primarily centered on the \"peculiar institution\" of slavery and the ability of states to overrule the decisions of the national government. During the 1840s and 1850s, conflicts between the two sides became progressively more violent. After the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860 (who southerners thought would work to end slavery) states in the South seceded from the United States, beginning with South Carolina in late 1860. On April 12, 1861, forces of the South (known as the Confederate States of America or simply the Confederacy) opened fire on Fort Sumter , whose garrison was loyal to the Union. [19]", "The year also saw an event unique in American history. Counties of western Virginia had refused to leave the Union when the state seceded in 1861. On June 20, 1863, West Virginia entered the Union as the 35th state, although the U.S. Constitution requires a mother state’s permission before a new state can be carved out of it.", "Border States: The states of Maryland, Delaware, Kentucky, and Missouri. Although these states did not officially join the Confederacy, many of their citizens supported the South.", "In 1861, North Carolina seceded from the Union and joined the Confederacy in the Civil War. In 1865, North Carolina troops surrendered, leaving the state to be brought back into the Union in 1868.", "Because the Missouri Compromise mandated that a new slave state had to be paired with a free state, Arkansas rushed to join the Union at the same time as Michigan. After a complicated legislative struggle, Congress created the state of Arkansas on June 15, 1836, and state government began on September 13. The state constitution was much like those of other recently formed Southern states, implementing suffrage for free, white men and providing ironclad support for slavery.", "1796 - Tennessee joined the United States of America on this day. Long before it officially became the 16th state, Tennessee had already begun to earn its nickname, the Volunteer State, as it sent large numbers of volunteers to fight in the American Revolution. The tradition continued for the War of 1812, the Mexican War and the Civil War. The country-music capital of the world, Nashville, is also the governmental capital of Tennessee. The state�s official flower is the iris, its bird, the mockingbird.", "constituent state of the United States of America. Admitted as the 27th state in 1845, it is the most populous of the Southeastern states and the second most populous Southern state after Texas. The capital is Tallahassee, located in the northwestern panhandle.", "In January 1837, the U.S. Congress admitted Michigan as a state of the Union. At the time, Michigan was considered the losing party in the compromise. The land in the Upper Peninsula was described in a federal report as a \"sterile region on the shores of Lake Superior destined by soil and climate to remain forever a wilderness.\"", "Almost immediately after achieving territorial status, a clamor arose for statehood. On December 28, 1846, Iowa became the 29th state in the Union when President James K. Polk signed Iowa's admission bill into law. Once admitted to the Union, the state's boundary issues resolved, and most of its land purchased from the Indians, Iowa set its direction to development and organized campaigns for settlers and investors, boasting the young frontier state's rich farmlands, fine citizens, free and open society, and good government. ", "The first statewide meeting of the Republican Party took place July 6, 1854, in Jackson, Michigan, where the party adopted its platform. The state was heavily Republican until the 1930s. Michigan made a significant contribution to the Union in the American Civil War and sent more than forty regiments of volunteers to the federal armies.", "On this date in 1821, Missouri entered the Union as the 24th state. It was the first one located entirely west of the Mississippi River.", "67. Along with New Mexico which US state joined the Union in 1912? Doing so on February 14th and so gaining its nickname, the Valentine State.", "North Carolina, one of the thirteen colonies, became the 12th state on November 21, 1789. North Carolina troops suffered the greatest losses of all the states during the Civil War while fighting for the Confederacy, re-entered the Union after the fighting ceased.", "North Carolina, one of the thirteen colonies, became the 12th state on November 21, 1789. North Carolina troops suffered the greatest losses of all the states during the Civil War while fighting for the Confederacy, re-entered the Union after the fighting ceased.", "        Learn what year your state joined the Union and became part of the \"United States of", "North Dakota (; locally) is the 39th state of the United States, having been admitted to the union on November 2, 1889.", "# North Carolina — February 7, 1795As there were 15 States at the time, the ratification by twelve States added the Eleventh Amendment to the Constitution. It was subsequently ratified by:", "Hawkeye State is the official name of Iowa, though it is also known as \"the tall corn state.\" A state located in the Mid-western region of the United States of America, it was named after the Ioway people of the Siouan tribe of Native Americans, the original settlers of the locality. It is the 29th state of the Union having joined on December 28, 1848.", "; locally [ˌno̞ɹθ dəˈko̞ɾə]) is the 39th state of the United States , having been admitted to the union on November 2, 1889.", "The year 1861 saw many unusual and interesting flag designs marketed. This one attempted to honor the original and traditional 13 states by enlarging their stars among the scattered thirty-four states in the Union at that time.", "In 1844, the second state constitution was ratified and brought into effect. Counties thereby became districts for the State Senate, and some realignment of boundaries (including the creation of Mercer County) immediately followed. This provision was retained in the 1947 Constitution, Acer Aspire 7738 Keyboard", "Following the war, the state remained chiefly agricultural, with an economy tied to cotton. During Reconstruction, state legislators ratified a new state constitution in 1868 that created the state's first public school system and expanded women's rights. Legislators funded numerous public road and railroad projects, although these were plagued with allegations of fraud and misappropriation. Organized insurgent, resistance groups tried to suppress the freedmen and Republicans. Besides the short-lived original Ku Klux Klan, these included the Pale Faces, Knights of the White Camellia, Red Shirts, and the White League.", "In 1844, the second state constitution was ratified and brought into effect. Counties thereby became districts for the State Senate, and some realignment of boundaries (including the creation of Mercer County) immediately followed. This provision was retained in the 1947 Constitution, but was overturned by the Supreme Court of the United States in 1962 by the decision Baker v. Carr. While the Governorship was stronger than under the 1776 constitution, the constitution of 1844 created many offices that were not responsible to him, or to the people, and it gave him a three-year term, but he could not succeed himself." ]
[ 7.32421875, 6.7890625, 5.7109375, 1.4453125, 0.09130859375, -0.346923828125, -0.45556640625, -1.181640625, -2.603515625, -2.64453125, -2.876953125, -3.0546875, -3.09765625, -3.419921875, -4.41015625, -5.02734375, -5.17578125, -5.1796875, -5.67578125, -5.734375, -5.7734375, -6.05859375, -6.05859375, -6.5625, -6.90625, -7.1328125, -7.1484375, -7.34375, -7.75390625, -8.265625, -8.4140625, -9.203125 ]
Sept 5, 1774 saw the first sitting of what important body, which met in Philadelphia's Carpenter's Hall?
[ "Carpenters' Hall is a two-story brick building in the Old City neighborhood of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, that was a key meeting place in the early history of the United States. Completed in 1775, p.34 and set back from Chestnut Street, the meeting hall was built for and is still owned by the Carpenters' Company of the City and County of Philadelphia, the country's oldest extant craft guild. The First Continental Congress met here. The building was added to the National Register of Historic Places on 15 April 1970 (#70000552) and is part of Independence National Historical Park.", "The First Continental Congress took place from September 5 through October 26, 1774. Delegates from each colony, except Georgia , met at Carpenter's Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. They discussed the current situation with Britain including the Intolerable Acts, which the British Parliament had imposed on Boston as punishment for the Boston Tea Party .", "The First Continental Congress met briefly in Carpenter's Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, from September 5 to October 26, 1774. It consisted of fifty-six delegates from twelve of the thirteen colonies that were to become the United States of America. The delegates, who included George Washington (then a colonel of the Virginia Colony's volunteers), Patrick Henry, and John Adams, were elected by their respective colonial assemblies. Other notable delegates included Samuel Adams from Massachusetts Bay Colony, and Joseph Galloway and John Dickinson from the Province of Pennsylvania. Peyton Randolph of Virginia was its president.", "Paul Revere, who often served as messenger, carried the Boston resolutions to New York and Philadelphia. Adams also promoted the boycott through the colonial committees of correspondence, through which advocates of colonial rights in the various provinces kept in touch. The First Continental Congress was convened at Carpenters' Hall in Philadelphia on September 5, 1774, to coordinate a response to the Coercive Acts. Twelve colonies were represented at the Congress.", "1774 - September 5 to October 26, the First Continental Congress meets in Philadelphia with 56 delegates, representing every colony, except Georgia. Attendants include Patrick Henry, George Washington, Sam Adams and John Hancock.", "The First Continental Congress was a convention of delegates from 12 British North American colonies that met on September 5, 1774, in Philadelphia , Pennsylvania. It was called in response to the passage of the Coercive Acts by the British Parliament. The Congress was attended by 56 members appointed by the legislatures of 12 of the 13 colonies. The sole exception was the Province of Georgia, which was hoping for British assistance with American Indian conflicts on its frontier . ", "The Second Continental Congress was a convention of delegates from the Thirteen Colonies that started meeting in the summer of 1775, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, that, soon after warfare, declared the American Revolutionary War had begun. It succeeded the First Continental Congress, which met between September 5, 1774 and October 26, 1774, also in Philadelphia. The second Congress managed the colonial war effort, and moved incrementally towards independence, adopting the United States Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. By raising armies, directing strategy, appointing diplomats, and making formal treaties such as the Olive Branch Petition, the Congress acted as the de facto national government of what became the United States. ", "Prior to establishing the nation's capital in Washington, D.C., the United States Congress and its predecessors had met in Philadelphia (Independence Hall and Congress Hall), New York City (Federal Hall), and a number of other locations (York, Pennsylvania, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Maryland State House in Annapolis, Maryland, Nassau Hall in Princeton, New Jersey). In September 1774, the First Continental Congress brought together delegates from the colonies in Philadelphia, followed by the Second Continental Congress, which met from May 1775 to March 1781.", "A series of acts in 1774 further angered the colonies; activists called for a general congress and they agreed to meet in Philadelphia. The First Continental Congress was held in September in Carpenters' Hall. After the American Revolutionary War began in April 1775 following the Battles of Lexington and Concord, the Second Continental Congress met in May at the Pennsylvania State House. There they also met a year later to write and sign the Declaration of Independence in July 1776. Philadelphia was important to the war effort; Robert Morris said,", "In order to debate a response to the Intolerable Acts, all American colonies except for Georgia sent delegates to the First Continental Congress at Philadelphia. The Congress met in September 1774 and issued a Declaration of Rights and Grievances. When the Congress adjourned, it stipulated another Congress would meet if King George III did not meet the demands of the Declaration. When the Second Congress did meet, the military hostilities of the Revolutionary War had already begun, and the issue of Independence, rather than a redress of grievances, dominated the debates.", "In response, a group of colonial delegates (including George Washington of Virginia , John and Samuel Adams of Massachusetts, Patrick Henry of Virginia and John Jay of New York ) met in Philadelphia in September 1774 to give voice to their grievances against the British crown. This First Continental Congress did not go so far as to demand independence from Britain, but it denounced taxation without representation, as well as the maintenance of the British army in the colonies without their consent, and issued a declaration of the rights due every citizen, including life, liberty, property, assembly and trial by jury. The Continental Congress voted to meet again in May 1775 to consider further action, but by that time violence had already broken out. On April 19, local militiamen clashed with British soldiers in Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts, marking the first shots fired in the Revolutionary War.", "The Second Continental Congress was a convention of delegates from the 13 colonies that formed in Philadelphia in May 1775, soon after the launch of the American Revolutionary War. It succeeded the First Continental Congress, which met between September and October of 1774.", "From September 5, 1774 to March 1, 1781, the Continental Congress functioned as the provisional government of the United States. Delegates to the First (1774) and then the Second (1775–1781) Continental Congress were chosen largely through the action of committees of correspondence in various colonies rather than through the colonial or later state legislatures. In no formal sense was it a gathering representative of existing colonial governments; it represented the dissatisfied elements of the people, such persons as were sufficiently interested to act, despite the strenuous opposition of the loyalists and the obstruction or disfavor of colonial governors. The process of selecting the delegates for the First and Second Continental Congresses underscores the revolutionary role of the people of the colonies in establishing a central governing body. Endowed by the people collectively, the Continental Congress alone possessed those attributes of external sovereignty which entitled it to be called a state in the international sense, while the separate states, exercising a limited or internal sovereignty, may rightly be considered a creation of the Continental Congress, which preceded them and brought them into being. ", "Carpenters' Hall was designed by architect Robert Smith in the Georgian style based on both the town halls of Scotland, where Smith was born, and the villas of the Palladio in Italy. It would be first used as a meeting site by the guild on January 21, 1771, and would continue to hold annual meetings there until 1777 when the British captured Philadelphia. On April 23, 1773 (St. George's Day), it was used for the founding meeting of the Society of Englishmen and Sons of Englishmen. ", "The First Continental Congress convened in Philadelphia in 1774 under the Presidency of Peyton Randolph, who succeeded Washington as Grand Master of the Virginia Lodge.", "The Second Continental Congress was a convention of delegates from the Thirteen Colonies that met beginning on May 10, 1775, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, soon after warfare in the American Revolutionary War had begun. It succeeded the First Continental Congress, which met briefly during 1774, also in Philadelphia. The second Congress managed the colonial war effort, and moved incrementally towards independence, adopting the United States Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. By raising armies, directing strategy, appointing diplomats, and making formal treaties, the Congress acted as the de facto national government of what became the United States. With the ratification of the Articles of Confederation, the Congress became known as the Congress of the Confederation.  (wikipedia.org.  Accessed August 4, 2011.)", "The Congress met from 1774 to 1789 in three incarnations. The first call for a convention was made over issues of the blockade and the Intolerable Acts penalizing the Province of Massachusetts, which in 1774 enabled Benjamin Franklin to convince the colonies to form a representative body. Much of what we know today comes from the yearly log books printed by the Continental Congress called \"Resolutions, Acts and Orders of Congress\" which gives a day to day description of the debates and issues.", "Washington was chairman of a meeting at Alexandria in July that adopted the Fairfax Resolves, and he was elected one of the delegates to the 1st Continental Congress, which met in Philadelphia in September. There the Fairfax Resolves provided the basis for the principal agreement signed by its members--the Continental Association. This forbade the importing into the colonies of all goods from Britain and all goods subject to British taxes. Moreover, it authorized all towns and counties to set up committees empowered to enforce its provisions. The Continental Congress thus enacted law and created a new government dedicated to resisting British rule. Washington spent the winter of 1774-1775 in Virginia, organizing independent military companies which were to aid the local committees in enforcing the Continental Association and, if need be, to fight against British troops.", "and In 1774, as the breech with great Britain widened, politics were the dominant topic of conversation at City Tavern.        In May, leading citizens held a meeting    in the Long Room to shape Pennsylvania's response to the \"intolerable acts.\"    Three months later, as the delegates to     the First Continental Congress began to    arrive in Philadelphia, the Tavern was thrust     center stage in the dispute with England  From that time until the    close of the century, City Tavern knew the    patronage of the great and near-great of     the American Revolution.", "The Continental Congress also known as the Philadelphia Congress was a convention of delegates called together from the Thirteen Colonies which became the governing body of the United States (USA) during the American Revolution.", "1775 Representatives from the 13 colonies of the US meet in Philadelphia and raise the Continental Army to defend the new republic, under command of Cavalier George Washington of Virginia", "Local committees in New York select and send delegates to First Continental Congress, an intercolonial congress, which is held in Philadelphia between September 5 and October 6. The First Continental Congress asserts that colonists' have basic rights by formally refusing to obey the Intolerable Acts, recommends the need for local militia, and calls for local committees to enforce an agreement called the \"Continental Association,\" whereby colonies refuse to trade with England until the restoration of their basic rights.", "The Second Continental Congress succeeded the  First Continental Congress and took place in Philadelphia starting on May 10th 1775 right after the Battles of Lexington and Concord .", "The present-day heart of Amish country was once the heart of the American government—if only for a day. In the late summer of 1777, the Redcoats again advanced on Philadelphia, and after Washington’s disastrous defeat at the Battle of Brandywine on September 11, 1777, the Continental Congress evacuated the city. Delegates fled 65 miles to the west and on September 27, 1777, met inside Lancaster’s county courthouse. Faced with the difficulty of finding suitable lodging and continued concerns about their safety, the delegates’ official business consisted mainly of deciding how quickly they could leave Lancaster. After the legislative equivalent of a cup of coffee, the Continental Congress adjourned its one-day session inside the courthouse, which was destroyed by a fire in the 1780s, and continued to move west.", "In May 1787, fifty-five delegates, representing every state except Rhode Island, met in Philadelphia. Notable delegates included George Washington, John Dickinson, John Jay, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison. The delegates were convinced of the need for a stronger national government. The first question facing the delegates was whether to amend the Articles of Confederation or to create a new framework of government. The decision was made to create a new framework embodied in a new constitution, and the convention became known as the Constitutional Convention.", "1784 - The Continental Congress met for the final time in Annapolis, Maryland. It moved a few more times, from Philadelphia, PA to New York City and, finally, to its permanent seat of government in Washington, DC.", "Construction on the building started in 1732. Built to the Pennsylvania State House, the building originally housed all three branches of Pennsylvania's colonial government. The Pennsylvania legislature loaned their Assembly Room out for the meetings of the Second Continental Congress and later, the Constitutional Convention. Here, George Washington was appointed Commander in Chief of the Continental Army in 1775, the Articles of Confederation were adopted in 1781, and Benjamin Franklin gazed upon the \"Rising Sun\" chair in 1787.", "Franklin assembled a board of trustees from among the leading citizens of Philadelphia, the first such non-sectarian board in America. At the first meeting of the 24 members of the Board of Trustees (November 13, 1749) the issue of where to locate the school was a prime concern. Although a lot across Sixth Street from the old Pennsylvania State House (later renamed and famously known since 1776 as \"Independence Hall\"), was offered without cost by James Logan, its owner, the Trustees realized that the building erected in 1740, which was still vacant, would be an even better site. The original sponsors of the dormant building still owed considerable construction debts and asked Franklin's group to assume their debts and, accordingly, their inactive trusts. On February 1, 1750 the new board took over the building and trusts of the old board. On August 13, 1751, the \"Academy of Philadelphia\", using the great hall at 4th and Arch Streets, took in its first secondary students. A charity school also was chartered July 13, 1753 in accordance with the intentions of the original \"New Building\" donors, although it lasted only a few years. June 16, 1755, the \"College of Philadelphia\" was chartered, paving the way for the addition of undergraduate instruction. All three schools shared the same Board of Trustees and were considered to be part of the same institution.", "Pennsylvania founder William Penn convened his first General Assembly at Chester, PA, on Dec. 4, 1682. Following a debate on Pennsylvania's Frame of Government, the conference produced The Great Law or Body of Laws, which consisted of 61 chapters dictating the governance of Pennsylvania. It included the original Quaker criminal code which limited crimes punishable by death to premeditated murder and treason. Penn replaced the death penalty and bodily punishments with imprisonment in a House of Correction. This Quaker code was a radical departure from the practices of other societies around the world.", "The Second Continental Congress convened in Philadelphia on May 10. John Hancock was elected president of Congress.", "Working-class Methodists in Philadelphia wanted to build a great preaching hall for the English evangelist, George Whitefield . It was also to be a charity school. The University of Pennsylvania claims this as its foundation. A deed of trust was formed, but funding fell through. In 1749, Benjamin Franklin named a board of trustees, with himself as president. The Academy opened in 1751 and was chartered in 1755. External link to Wikipedia article .", "The convention was scheduled to open May 14, but only Pennsylvania and Virginia delegations were present. The Convention was postponed until a quorum of seven states gathered on Friday the 25th. George Washington was elected the Convention president, and Chancellor (judge) George Wythe (Va) was chosen Chair of the Rules Committee. The rules of the Convention were published the following Monday." ]
[ 6.890625, 6.359375, 6.33203125, 5.625, 5.078125, 4.86328125, 4.390625, 3.888671875, 3.84375, 2.904296875, 2.70703125, 2.505859375, 2.470703125, 2.2109375, 2.072265625, 0.978515625, 0.787109375, 0.419921875, -0.033935546875, -0.86572265625, -0.8896484375, -0.9697265625, -2.357421875, -2.8671875, -3.09375, -3.513671875, -3.689453125, -5.32421875, -6.52734375, -6.5703125, -7.03515625, -7.3359375 ]
What SNL self-help parody, portrayed by Al Franken, is known for phrases such as “I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggone it, people like me.” and “I learned what love is from my parents. Which is that you find that one-special person who was placed on the planet just for you, and then you put them through forty years of living hell.”?
[ "Stuart Smalley: Al Franken's \"Daily Affirmations\" character made our list because he's good enough, he's smart enough, and doggone it, people like him.", "Before Saturday Night Live premiered, television never dared to make fun of politics, much less the President of the United States. Less than ten years before SNL hit the airwaves, CBS cancelled the Smothers Brothers’ comedy show for being too political. All that would change in the fall of 1975, when within weeks Chevy Chase would be tripping and stumbling all around Studio 8-H while lampooning President Ford. One such sketch would be caught by Ford’s Press Secretary Ron Nessen, who in order to prove that the White House did indeed have a sense of humor, agreed to host an episode. This marked the first of many times the job of SNL’s guest host would go to a politician rather than a celebrity, and undoubtedly changed the face of American politics. Other political names that would go on to host SNL include Ralph Nader, Julian Bond, Jesse Jackson, Al Gore, and John McCain. Al Franken, now a Democratic Senator from Minnesota, started out as a writer on SNL’s first season and has appeared on the show many times through the years, most notably as self-help guru Stuart Smalley.", "Live from New York, it's...Bill Murray Sketches include: Backstage SNL: The 110-Show Contract, The New York Telephone, Bad One-Night Stand, Donahue, Nick The Lounge Singer In Prison, Girls-Only Doctor, Il Returno De Hercules, Tough Parents, and Honker Cab Driver Percy Sledge performs: \"\"When A Man Loves A Woman\"\" The NBC rerun has three changes to it: The \"\"Nick The Lounge Singer In Prison\"\" sketch has the word \"\"bitch\"\" muted out, The \"\"Donahue\"\" sketch replaces Nora Dunn's mention of Joe Piscopo with a mention of Gallagher, and Phil Hartman's clumsy introductory narration in the \"\"Il Returno De Hercules\"\" is dubbed over with a flawless narration by Al Franken.", "The most well-known spoof on Saturday Night Live was Celebrity Jeopardy!, which parodied the special event under the same name where celebrities compete for charity and the game's difficulty is significantly reduced. Fourteen sketches aired from 1996 to 2009. In all fourteen sketches Will Ferrell played Alex Trebek, and there were recurring antagonists as one of the guests; in the first three, Norm MacDonald played Burt Reynolds, and in the remaining sketches, Darrell Hammond played Sean Connery after MacDonald left the show. MacDonald did make two return guest appearances as Reynolds.", "SNL is known for its topical parodies and impersonations, and for pushing boundaries with its sketches. The show is also recognized for its political humor. Chevy Chase famously portrayed President Gerald Ford as a klutz, while Dana Carvey spoofed President George H.W. Bush and his “read my lips” line. More recently, Amy Poehler has played Senator Hillary Clinton in numerous skits (including one with the senator herself) and Tina Fey has portrayed the 2008 Republican vice-presidential nominee, Sarah Palin.", "Born in New York City, Franken moved to Minnesota when he was four but he later went back to the East Coast and attended Harvard College. With his writing partner Tom Davis, with whom he had developed an interest in improvisational theatre in high school, he was hired as a writer for SNL at its inception in 1975. He worked on the show as a writer and performer until 1980, and returned from 1985 to 1995. After leaving SNL, he wrote and acted in movies and television shows. He also hosted a nationally syndicated, political radio talk show, The Al Franken Show, and wrote six books, four of which are political satires critical of conservative politics.", "Franken spent 15 years on SNL, in two distinct segments. He angrily left for good in 1995 when he was denied the Update job, and went on to comedy publishing with his hit political book, Rush Limbaugh Is A Big Fat Idiot.", "PhlHartman: It would be hard to pick one. from my 8 years at SNL, but I know I especially enjoyed portraying Frank Sinatra, Bill Clinton, Frankenstein and Jesus.", "NBC SNL has run comedy sketches that are anti-McCain, anti-Palin written by Democratic candiate for the Senate from Minnesota–Al Franken.", "Hilarious parody of those supermarket change-your-life manuals, by the brilliant Emmy award-winning David Letterman and Saturday Night Live veteran. \"When someone says, 'It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all', keep in mind you're talking to a loser. Try to find someone who's never loved at all and get their side of the story.\"", "As a teenager Lance would often study the comedians on Saturday Night Live where he would often entertain his mother and anyone who would listen with the voices of Yogi the Bear, a parody of Dana Carvey's President George Bush and Ross Perot, the late Phil Hartman's President Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan and well as learning the art of physical comedy from watching Chevy Chase.", "One of the original writers of Saturday Night Live, Tom Davis, has died of cancer at age 59. He was best known for his work with Al Franken, who went on to become a U.S. Senator, representing the state of Minnesota. Not long before his death, he wrote a piece on the site Incident Report saying that he and Franken were working on something for the latter to read after he \"de-animate[d].\" Sadly, that happened yesterday, and the world is less one amazing comedy writer.", "Two of “SNL’s” most iconic Bushes — Dana Carvey as George Sr. and Will Ferrell as George Jr. — appear in this sketch in which a short-tempered 41 attempts to educate his son on how to handle himself in a presidential debate. Even by 2000, Ferrell had perfected the image of Bush he would go on popularize — a goofy, earnest, dimwitted frat boy oblivious to how far in over his head he is.", "While looking for a missing puzzle piece, Homer stumbles upon an angry note Marge wrote on the back of a placemat one night when he suffered alcohol poisoning. Homer wonders why Marge every stayed with him and decided he wasn't good enough for her. So Homer moves out and settles on a condo, which he shares with two homosexuals. Guest stars Weird Al Yankovic as himself, Scott Thompson as Grady, Terry W. Greene as Julio, and Ben Schatz (Weird Al band member) as himself.", "One of Stewart's lesser-known talents was his homespun poetry. He once read a poem that he had written about his dog, entitled \"Beau,\" while on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. By the end of this reading, Carson's eyes were welling with tears.McMahon, Ed. [http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9697899/page/3/ \"Ed McMahon says farewell to Johnny Carson.\"] MSNBC, September 12, 2006, p. 3. This was later parodied on a late 1980s episode of the NBC sketch show Saturday Night Live, with Dana Carvey as Stewart reciting the poem on Weekend Update and bringing anchor Dennis Miller to tears. He was also an avid gardener. Stewart purchased the house next door to his own home at 918 North Roxbury Drive, razed the house, and installed his garden in the lot. ", "Way back on November 20th, 1982, a seven year old Drew Barrymore became the youngest person to ever host Saturday Night Live, a record she still holds to this day. Take that Macauly Culkin! Barrymore has gone on to host the show more than any other woman (6 times so far) and is one of only two ladies in the super-exclusive Five Timers Club, Candace Bergen being the other. Comedy in general is a man’s world, but every time Barrymore shows up on the SNL set, you know she’s going to be funny. Even if she isn’t (or the writers give her stinkers) she always charming and fun to watch. She’s also, like the people on this list, one of the few hosts who can carry a sketch, rather than just stand in the corner and say a line or two.", "He was known for his impersonations of celebrities like Jimmy Carter, Vincent Price, Richard Nixon, Rod Serling, Tom Snyder, Julia Child, and others. He was also known for his recurring roles, such as Beldar, father of the Coneheads family; with Steve Martin, Yortuk Festrunk, one of the \"Two Wild and Crazy Guys\" Czech brothers; sleazy late-night cable TV host E. Buzz Miller and his cousin, corrupt maker of children's toys and costumes Irwin Mainway (who extolled the virtues and defended the safety of the \"Bag-o-Glass\" toy, perhaps the retail leader of the \"Bag-o\" series of toys); Fred Garvin – male prostitute; and high-bred but low-brow critic Leonard Pinth-Garnell. He also co-hosted the Weekend Update segment for one season with Jane Curtin, coining the famous catchphrase \"Jane, you ignorant slut\" during point-counterpoint segments.", "George Denis Patrick Carlin (May 12, 1937 – June 22, 2008) was an American stand-up comedian, actor, social critic and author. Carlin was noted for his black comedy and his thoughts on politics, the English language, psychology, religion, and various taboo subjects. Carlin and his \"Seven dirty words\" comedy routine were central to the 1978 U.S. Supreme Court case F.C.C. v. Pacifica Foundation, in which a 5–4 decision affirmed the government's power to regulate indecent material on the public airwaves.", "Chevy Chase's bumbling impression of then-president Gerald Ford during the 1976 presidential election was cited as an influence on the election, and a quote commonly attributed to 2008 vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin stating \"I can see Russia from my house\" was actually spoken by SNL cast member Tina Fey while portraying Palin. Several politicians have appeared on SNL, including President Gerald Ford (in 1976, during the show's first season), Senator (at the time) Barack Obama (2007), Senator John McCain (2002 & 2008), Senator Hillary Clinton (2008 & 2015), and Governor Sarah Palin (2008), who appeared alongside Fey's Palin impression, resulting in the show's largest audience in 14 years with 14 million viewers. Senator Obama's appearance occurred in part because Hillary Clinton abandoned her scheduled appearance. The political content was abandoned briefly following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack in New York, with Poehler saying that the writers did not want to produce politicized material; highly political content would be absent for the next 4 years.", "Chevy Chase's bumbling impression of then-president Gerald Ford during the 1976 presidential election was cited as an influence on the election, and a quote commonly attributed to 2008 vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin stating \"I can see Russia from my house\" was actually spoken by SNL cast member Tina Fey while portraying Palin. Several politicians have appeared on SNL, including President Gerald Ford (in 1976, during the show's first season), Senator (at the time) Barack Obama (2007), Senator John McCain (2002 & 2008), Senator Hillary Clinton (2008 & 2015), and Governor Sarah Palin (2008), who appeared alongside Fey's Palin impression, resulting in the show's largest audience in 14 years with 14 million viewers. Senator Obama's appearance occurred in part because Hillary Clinton abandoned her scheduled appearance. The political content was abandoned briefly following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack in New York, with Poehler saying that the writers did not want to produce politicized material; highly political content would be absent for the next 4 years.", "Church Lady on Saturday Night Live. One of sevearl classic characters played by Dana Carvey during the late 80s", "recent Oscar nominee Michelle Williams appears in literally only the final minute of the season as Brad's love interest, while Lucy Liu gets about five seconds of on-screen time as \"Woman #3.\" Comedians Dave Chappelle (of the extremely popular but mostly defunct Comedy Central series \"Chappelle's Show\") and Jim Breuer (three-season cast member of \"Saturday Night Live\") appear together on \"Tool Time\" in an episode which predates most of their success. With a few exceptions (such as M. Emmet Walsh and Polly Holliday, both returning as Jill's parents, though appearing together for the first time), guest stars given more substantial screen time are television veterans of lesser notoriety. Still, there are noteworthy turns made by late night talk show host Jay Leno, and experienced big screen performers James Cromwell, Bruce McGill, and Mark L. Taylor.", "The program was created by Colbert, Jon Stewart, and Ben Karlin. The show's writing was grounded in improvisation, and often lampooned current events stories. The show's structure also included a guest interview, in which the Colbert character attempts to deconstruct his opponent's argument. The show was taped in New York City's Hell's Kitchen neighborhood, and the program's set is \"hyper-American,\" epitomizing the character's ego. The show was taped and broadcast Monday through Thursday, with weeks taken off at multiple points in a given year for breaks.", "The two have a son, Bobby Hill , an overweight, prepubescent 13-year-old, who wants to be a famous prop comic when he is older. Although he is not particularly attractive or intelligent, Bobby has an excellent sense of self-esteem; he is not ashamed of his body or his often sub-par performance in sports or other activities. Bobby lacks his father's athletic prowess and dislikes most sports, but has participated- often in a peripheral way- in wrestling, baseball, and track at Tom Landry Middle School. He has also attempted to play football and soccer. He is, however, an excellent shot with the rifle and has won 2nd place at the annual father–son shoot off. He has an offbeat sense of humor that clashes with Hank's more collected and conservative manner. Such sentiments are fueled by Bobby's liking of activities more often viewed as traditionally feminine, such as cooking, high fashion, and dolls. Hank's discomfort with Bobby's proclivities is a regular narrative element in the series, and is manifested with remarks like \"That boy ain't right.\" Pamela Adlon provides Bobby Hill's voice, a role for which she won an Emmy for Outstanding Voice-Over Performance in 2002.", "George Denis Patrick Carlin ( May 12 , 1937  – June 22 , 2008 ) was a Grammy-winning American stand-up comedian, actor and author, noted especially for his irreverent attitude and his observations on politics, language, psychology and religion as well as some taboo subjects.", "\" Al Gore \" (voiced by Trey Parker in the \" ManBearPig \" episode and Matt Stone in \" The Red Badge of Gayness \" episode) is the former Vice President of the United States and also tries to alert the children of South Park of a mystical creature named \"ManBearPig\". He constantly says \"I'm super cereal!\" and \"excelsior!\" during certain situations; he also appears to be ignorant and insecure.", "Aside from his banter with celebrities, he amused his audience for 30 years with broadly played skit comedy by his \"Mighty Carson Players\" and his spoof clairvoyant \"Carnac the Magnificent\". A master at quick repartee, Carson was a relaxed host with a pleasant, ingratiating manner and was quite funny as a skit comedian, but it was the monologue in which Carson's comic genius flourished. He made memorable put-downs of politicians and celebrities, a format still used by his successors Jay Leno and David Letterman and legions of comics who came after him.", "Mr. Letterman is also openly liberal in his politics, but his barbs are defanged somewhat by his comic style, where everything is presented with ironic detachment. Mr. Letterman manufactures much of his humor, taking a live camera to order something in a delicatessen and inviting ordinary people to do \"stupid human tricks.\" The hip cynicism-a pose appealing to young adults-has its own irony, weakening the cutting-edge cultural elite who can't take their own ideas all that seriously if they don't take seriously anyone else's.", "Cartman's \"You Will Respect My Authoritah!\" in the \"Chickenlover\" episode May 20, 1998. is covered by The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.", "After winning Opportunity Knocks three times, Frank Carson graduated to The Comedians to show off his stand-up comedy routines. Tiswas", "In a recurring comedic bit on The Tonight Show, host Johnny Carson delivered \"editorial replies\" as a redneck wearing a plaid hunting jacket and hat. This character was named . . .", "Stephen Colbert described his Stephen Colbert character from The Colbert Report as \"a well-intentioned, poorly-informed, high-status idiot.\"" ]
[ 0.8857421875, -1.734375, -2.3984375, -4.51953125, -4.546875, -4.859375, -4.87109375, -5.24609375, -5.6015625, -5.76953125, -5.859375, -6.2578125, -6.6953125, -6.72265625, -6.84765625, -7.01953125, -7.42578125, -7.59765625, -7.64453125, -7.64453125, -7.890625, -7.9296875, -8.1640625, -8.3984375, -8.4140625, -8.4375, -8.5546875, -9.296875, -9.3046875, -9.4375, -9.7734375, -10.3359375 ]
Anchored by the star Antares, the constellation Scorpius represents what animal?
[ "Scorpius constellation lies in the southern sky. It represents the scorpion and is associated with the story of Orion in Greek mythology.", "Perhaps the finest celestial sights of the northern-summer sky lie above the southern horizon.  That’s where you’ll find the long band of star clouds of the Milky Way in the constellations Scorpius and Sagittarius.  Scorpius represents a celestial scorpion, and it does so convincingly, with its claws pointing northward and its curved stinger dipping southward.  Antares is the very bright red star at the heart of the Scorpion in the south-southwest.   The Milky Way grows thickest in the southeast in the teapot-shaped constellation Sagittarius.  This constellation is thick with star clusters and nebulae where new stars are forming.  If you have dark sky, you will see some of these clusters and nebula with your unaided eye as faint misty patches of silver-white.  These are dazzling sights in binoculars or a small telescope. ", "\"ANTARES (Alpha Scorpii). A brilliant jewel set within the Milky Way, Antares guides us to one of the great constellations of the sky, the Zodiac's Scorpius (or Scorpio), the celestial scorpion, one of the few constellations that actually looks like what it represents. Antares, a class M (M1.5) red supergiant gleaming redly at the scorpion's heart, has a color similar to Mars. Since it is found within the Zodiac, which contains the apparent path of the Sun and planets, it is commonly mistaken for the red planet, a fact shown by its name, Antares, or \"Ant-Ares,\" which means \"like Mars,\" \"Ares\" being the Greek name for the god of war.\"", "Scorpius is one of the few constellations that looks like its namesake. The bright red star Antares marks the Scorpion’s Heart. Notice also the two stars at the tip of the Scorpion’s Tail. They are known as The Stinger.", "Antares, also known as Alpha Scorpii or Cor Scorpii, is the brightest star in Scorpius and the 15th brightest star in the night sky. Antares is a class M red supergiant marking the heart of the celestial scorpion. It lies at a distance of 550 light years from Earth.", "Of all the constellations, only Orion can boast more bright stars than Scorpius. And indeed, there were mythological reasons for the scorpion's placement in our summer sky. The most famous legend has Scorpius representing the creature that stung Orion, the Mighty Hunter to death. To honor Orion, the Scorpion was placed opposite him in the sky, so that these celestial antagonists will never meet again.  And supposedly that's why when Orion is disappearing below the western horizon during spring evenings, the Scorpion is beginning to poke his head up in the southeast. ", "Also known as Alpha Scorpii, it is the 16th brightest star in the night sky and a red supergiant. Antares is the brightest star found in the Scorpius constellation. Antares is part of a binary star system with a faint companion. Along with the stars Aldebaran, Regulus and Fomalhaut, Antares is part of a group of stars known as the “Royal stars of Persia.” Antares is also referred to as the “heart of the scorpion.”", "The arrow of this constellation points towards the star Antares, the \"heart of the scorpion,\" and Sagittarius stands poised to attack should Scorpius ever attack the nearby Hercules, or to avenge Scorpius's slaying of Orion. ", "Somewhat lost in all the attention that the two planets are currently receiving is another bright object in the same part of the sky. This is Antares, the brightest star in Scorpius, usually taken to represent the scorpion’s heart and currently located almost directly south of Saturn. Its name comes from the Greek, rival of Ares, Ares being the Greek name for Mars, and arises due to its reddish coloration, similar to that of Mars. Quite often, Antares is as bright as, or even brighter than, Mars, but for the time being it makes a rather poor rival.", "Bright reddish Antares is easy to spot on a summer night. It is the brightest star in the fishhook-shaped constellation Scorpius the Scorpion.", "Scorpius is one of the zodiac constellations , first catalogued by the Greek astronomer Ptolemy in the 2nd century. Its symbol is ♏. Scorpius pre-dates the Greeks, and is one of the oldest constellations known. The Sumerians called it GIR-TAB, or “the scorpion,” some 5,000 years ago. The constellation is easy to find in the sky because it is located near the centre of the Milky Way. It contains a number of notable stars and deep sky objects, including the bright stars Antares and Shaula, the Butterfly Cluster ( Messier 6 ), the Ptolemy Cluster ( Messier 7 ), Cat’s Paw Nebula (NGC 6334), the Butterfly Nebula (NGC 6302), and the War and Peace Nebula (NGC 6357)", "As Scorpius/ Te Matau a Maui sets in the west, his arch enemy, and our summer constellation, Orion rises towards the east along with Taurus and Canis Major. The bright star Antares, which marks the heart of the Scorpion, is also known as Rehua to Maori. It represents one of the four Pou, or pillars, that hold Ranginui, the sky father up in the sky. It sits just above the south western horizon at around 11pm at the beginning of the month. These four pou form the basis of a celestial compass, a map of the night sky that was used to navigate the vast oceans of our planet and bring our ancestors to Aotearoa/ New Zealand.", "The opposed locations of Orion and Scorpius, with their corresponding bright variable red stars Betelgeuse and Antares, were noted by ancient cultures around the world. The setting of Orion and rising of Scorpius signify the death of Orion by the scorpion. In China they signify brothers and rivals Shen and Shang. The Batak of Sumatra marked their New Year with the first new moon after the sinking of Orion's Belt below the horizon, at which point Betelgeuse remained \"like the tail of a rooster\". The positions of Betelgeuse and Antares at opposite ends of the celestial sky were considered significant and their constellations were seen as a pair of scorpions. Scorpion days marked as nights that both constellations could be seen. ", "Canis Major is one of those rare star patterns in which you can actually see what the constellation is supposed to represent. It’s not as easy to pick out as the scorpion of Scorpius, or even the lion of Leo. But if you look carefully, you should be able to make out a pattern that does resemble a four-legged animal.", "The official boundary lines as displayed on the above chart were drawn up by the International Astronomical Union in the 1930s. The photo below of the constellation Ophiuchus labels Ophiuchus’ brightest star, Rasalhague, and Scorpius’ brightest star, Antares. Rasalhague marks the head of Ophiuchus but is nowhere as bright as Antares, the star that depicts the Scorpion’s beating heart.", "Scorpius contains many bright stars, including Antares (α Sco), \"rival of Mars,\" so named because of its distinct reddish hue; β1 Sco (Graffias or Acrab), a triple star; δ Sco (Dschubba, \"the forehead\"); θ Sco (Sargas, of unknown origin); ν Sco (Jabbah); ξ Sco (Girtab, \"the scorpion\"); π Sco (Iclil); σ Sco (Alniyat); and τ Sco (also known as Alniyat, \"the arteries\"). ", "A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Libra and Sagittarius, containing the bright red star Antares. Also called Scorpio, Scorpion.", "Antares is easy to locate near the southern horizon from northern latitudes from late spring to early fall. It is the brightest star found within the fishhook pattern of Scorpius constellation , located to the right of the Teapot asterism in Sagittarius . The star cluster Messier 4 lies just to the right of the red star. Observers in the southern hemisphere can usually find the constellation Scorpius high in the sky, while those north of the equator can see it on the southern horizon.", "Orion has been known since ancient times. The constellation is also known as the Hunter, as it is associated with one in Greek mythology. It represents the mythical hunter Orion, who is often depicted in star maps as either facing the charge of Taurus , the bull, pursuing the Pleiades sisters, represented by the famous open cluster, or chasing after the hare ( constellation Lepus ) with his two hunting dogs, represented by the nearby constellations Canis Major and Canis Minor .", "Cor Caroli marks the position of \"Chara,\" one of the two hunting dogs in the mythological outline of the constellation. The other dog is named \"Asterion\" and is marked by another, fainter star.", "The constellation represents one of the hunting dogs of Orion, which is to the upper right of Canis Major during the evening hours. The other is Canis Minor. Both dogs seem to trail their master across the sky.", "Canis Minor represents the smaller dog following Orion. The constellation is also sometimes associated with Maera, the dog that belonged to Icarius, the unlucky wine-maker who was killed by his friends and is represented by Boötes constellation. The dog was said to have jumped off a cliff out of grief after Icarius was killed.", "In the later texts that belong to the MUL.APIN , the constellation was given the name DAR.LUGAL (“the star which stands behind it”) and represented a rooster. According to ancient Greco-Roman mythology, Canis Minor represented the smaller of Orion’s two hunting dogs, though they did not recognize it as its own constellation.", "Taurus (\"bull\" in Latin) is placed at the north-eastern side of Orion; the eponymous animal (which, like Pegasus, is classically shown running out from a cloud in celestial maps) points its horns leftwards, and is probably another disguise adopted by Zeus for its love-adventures. Both the bright orange star Aldebaran and the star-cluster named the Hyades contribute to sign the bull's head and muzzle, while the famous star-cluster named \"the Pleiades\" (which belong officially to Taurus) are not part of the animal's figure but makes a group of characters on their own, the seven nymphs Alcyone, Asterops, Merops, Maia, Electra, Taigeta, and Celaeno (plus their parents Atlas and Pleione). Being the proper bull placed between Orion and the Pleiades some see it as the defender of the \"seven sisters\" againt Orion's lust for them.", "Orion is depicted as fighting a bull, represented by the nearby constellation of Taurus. The very bright, red star on the top left corner of Taurus is called Aldebaran and represents the eye of the bull. The constellation Taurus consists of two groups of stars called Hyades (“the rainy ones”) and Pleiades , which are a star cluster containing hundreds of young blue stars, only a handful of which can be seen with the naked eye.", "Canis Minor is a small constellation in the northern celestial hemisphere. In the second century, it was included as an asterism, or pattern, of two stars in Ptolemy's 48 constellations, and it is counted among the 88 modern constellations. Its name is Latin for \"lesser dog\", in contrast to Canis Major, the \"greater dog\"; both figures are commonly represented as following the constellation of Orion the hunter.", "Below I have added the outline to the stars of Canis Major as suggested by H.A. Rey in The Stars: A New Way to See Them . Once you know the outline, you should be able to identify this majestic celestial hound in the video above showing Orion rising from the horizon towards zenith before sinking back down towards the west. Better yet, you should be able to identify the outline of the Big Dog in the sky, with the Dog Star Sirius in the upper forward shoulder of the constellation.", "Canis Major is a constellation in the southern sky. Its name means “the greater dog” in Latin.", "Canis Major is one of Orion's hunting dogs. The brightest star in this constellation is Sirius, often called the Dog Star.", "Alpha Scorpii is the most evolved star in the Scorpius-Centaurus Association, a nearby OB association, a group of stars that share a common proper motion through space. Antares is the brightest and most massive member of the group. It belongs to the Upper Scorpius subgroup of the larger association. The Scorpius-Centaurus Association contains thousands of stellar members with a mean age of 11 million years, located at a distance of about 470 light years, or 145 parsecs.", "Distinctly reddish when viewed with the unaided eye, Antares is a red supergiant of spectral type M0.5Iab and is one of the largest and most luminous observable stars. It is a slow irregular variable star with the quoted magnitude of +0.96. Antares is the brightest, most massive, and most evolved stellar member of the nearest OB association (the Scorpius-Centaurus Association). Antares is a member of the Upper Scorpius subgroup of the Scorpius-Centaurus Association, which contains thousands of stars with mean age 11 million years at a distance of approximately 145 parsecs (470 light years).", "Another companion of Orion, Taurus is located directly above the Hunter in the sky. In addition to the giant red star Aldebaran, Taurus is the home of the Crab Nebula and the Pleiades cluster." ]
[ 5.046875, 4.3515625, 3.998046875, 3.228515625, 3.14453125, 2.568359375, 2.087890625, 2.072265625, 2.064453125, 1.95703125, 1.69921875, 1.6064453125, 1.25390625, 1.1484375, 0.8525390625, 0.54248046875, -0.8564453125, -1.8046875, -2.513671875, -2.884765625, -2.923828125, -3.193359375, -3.345703125, -3.369140625, -3.41796875, -3.5703125, -4.00390625, -4.55078125, -4.6328125, -4.68359375, -4.6875, -5.734375 ]
For a point each, name the countries that share a physical border with the Kingdom of Lesotho
[ "The Republic of South Africa occupies the southernmost part of the African continent stretching from the Limpopo River in the north to Cape Agulhas in the south. Covering an area of 1,219,090 km², the country shares borders with Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe in the north, and with Swaziland and Mozambique in the north east. It  also entirely surrounds the Kingdom of Lesotho.", "The Kingdom of Lesotho is one of the smallest African countries with rugged mountains, heavy rainfall, winter snow and a bracing climate. Entirely surrounded by South Africa, it borders on the Free State Province to the north, west and southwest; ...", "Lesotho, officially the Kingdom of Lesotho, is a landlocked country and enclave, completely surrounded by its only neighboring country, the Republic of South Africa. It is just over 30,000 km2 (11,583 sq mi) in size with a population of approximately 2,067,000.", "The Kingdom of Lesotho is completely landlocked by the surrounding Republic of South Africa. Major landforms visible in the image include the Qeme and Berea Plateaus, erosional remnants of horizontally layered sedimentary rocks that formed in the Karoo Basin approximately 200 – 229 million years ago during the Upper Triassic Period.", "Lesotho, officially the Kingdom of Lesotho, is a landlocked country completely surrounded by South Africa. It is just over 30,000 km2 (11,583 sq. mi) in size and has a population slightly over two million. Its capital and largest city is Maseru.", "Lesotho , officially the Kingdom of Lesotho, is a landlocked country and enclave—entirely surrounded by the Republic of South Africa. It is just over 30,000 km2 (11,583 sq mi) in size with an estimated population of almost 1,800,000. Its capital and largest city is Maseru. Lesotho is the southernmost landlocked country in the world. It is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. The name \"Lesotho\" translates roughly into \"the land of the people who speak Sesotho\". About 40% of the population live below the international poverty line of US$1.25 a day.", "South Africa, on the continent's southern tip, is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean on the west and by the Indian Ocean on the south and east. Its neighbors are Namibia in the northwest, Zimbabwe and Botswana in the north, and Mozambique and Swaziland in the northeast. The kingdom of Lesotho forms an enclave within the southeast part of South Africa, which occupies an area nearly three times that of California.", "Lesotho is a democratic, sovereign and independent country which has an unusual distinction of being completely surrounded by another country, the republic of South Africa. The Kingdom of Lesotho is one of the three remaining monarchies in Africa.", "The Kingdom of Lesotho, a land of sunny skies and pleasant climate, was formerly known as Basutoland. A tiny mountain country, Lesotho is completely surrounded by South Africa , and Lesotho's history is closely related to that of its powerful neighbor. When wars swept southern Africa during the late 1700s and early 1800s and wiped out large numbers of the population, remnants of the various nations fled into the highlands of what is now Lesotho. Moshoeshoe (pronounced Mo-shwe-shwe) the Great gave them protection. Building a stronghold called Thaba Bosiu (Mountain of Night) about fifteen miles from the capital city of Maseru, in 1824 Moshoeshoe united his approximately 21,000 followers into the Basotho nation. Known for his wisdom and statesmanship, Moshoeshoe is the subject of many works in African literature. The spirit of Moshoeshoe lives on in the pride of the citizens of Lesotho in their independence, their traditional crafts, and in their families.", "Lesotho is a member of the Southern African Customs Union (SACU), in which tariffs have been eliminated on the trade of goods between other member countries Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, and Swaziland. Lesotho has received economic aid from a variety of sources, including the United States, the World Bank, Republic of Ireland, the United Kingdom, the European Union, and Germany.", "Because Lesotho is surrounded by South Africa, cross-border movements are inevitable. It has always been and will always be true that what happens in Lesotho will be heavily influenced by what happens in South Africa, and perhaps, to some extent, the other way around. The volume and nature of migration between the two countries is thus inextricably linked to each nation's policy, economic, and social realities.", "South Africa is located at Africa’s southern tip and has 2,798 km of coastline on the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. It borders Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, and Swaziland. Lesotho is a country completely surrounded by South Africa.", "South Africa lies on the southern tip of the African continent and is bordered on the north by Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, and Swaziland. It is bordered on the east and south by the Indian Ocean and on the west by the Atlantic Ocean. This unique location has provided a point of transit for ships from different places such as Great Britain and India. Enclosed within South Africa in the east is the country of Lesotho.", "Lesotho is landlocked and completely encircled by South Africa , with approximately 2.14 million people of which 99.7 percent speak Sesotho, with English used as the business language. The kingdom is a fragile democracy—a hereditary constitutional monarchy having a king as head of state without executive or legislative powers. Executive power is vested in the cabinet headed by a prime minister. Predominantly mountainous with a literacy rate of 83 percent, the kingdom's population is concentrated wherever arable land is found, primarily in the lower veld, along rivers and the capital of Maseru.", "I’m not sure that I would correctly distinguished Swaziland from Lesotho on an unmarked map (Lesotho is entirely surrounded by South Africa, Swaziland’s eastern border is with Mozambique). There must be some absolute monarchy on some Pacific Island, since Swaziland is called the last absolute monarchy in Africa.", "Lesotho (Leh-SOO-too) is a land-locked country in the east-central part of the Republic of South Africa. It is bounded on the north and west by the Free State of South Africa; on the south by the Eastern Cape Province; and on the east by KwaZulu Natal Province.", "Lesotho joined the Southern African Development Community (SADC) in 1994. The organization promotes economic growth and cooperation among its 14 member states. The kingdom also participates with South Africa, Botswana , Namibia , and Swaziland, in the South African Customs Union (SACU) to encourage free trade and economic exchange. Unfortunately, most SACU members are similarly underdeveloped. In 2000 the import of goods and services equaled approximately US$780 million. The net foreign direct investment was US$196 million.", "Lesotho, South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, and Swaziland are members of the Southern African Customs Union (SACU), which allows for the free exchange of goods between member countries. Payments were made to the member countries by South Africa beginning in 1969 as compensation for those countries’ lack of freedom to conduct economic policies that were completely independent of South Africa. Lesotho is also a member of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), a regional organization focused on economic cooperation and integration .", "Located on the Drakensburg Escarpment, which forms its eastern border with KwaZulu province in South Africa, Lesotho is mostly mountainous. Even its \"lowlands,\" a strip of land lying lengthwise along its northeast-southwest border, have an average elevation of 1,524 to 1,829 meters (5,000 to 6,000 feet). Occupying roughly a quarter of the country, they extend eastward to the Cave Sandstone Foothills. These foothills form a narrow band bordering the eastern highlands.", "Lesotho issued this 24mm bi-metallic 5 Maloti coin in 1995 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations.  One side depicts the United Nations Emblem while the other has the arms of Lesotho.  Lesotho, formerly known as Basutoland, is a constitutional monarchy completely surrounded by South Africa.", "It is bordered on the e by the South African province of Natal , on the s by Cape Province, and on the w and n by the Orange Free State, with a total boundary length of 909 km (565 mi). Lesotho claims that Basotho lands now part of South Africa were unjustly taken by force in the 19th century.", "Ten days ago, several hundred people marched through the capital Maseru and delivered a petition to parliament and the South African High Commission requesting that their country be integrated into its giant neighbour, which completely surrounds it. \"We have 30,000 signatures. Lesotho is not just landlocked – it is South Africa-locked. We were a labour reserve for apartheid South Africa . There is no reason for us to exist any longer as a nation with its own currency and army,'' said Vuyani Tyhali, a trade unionist and initiator of the Lesotho People's Charter Movement.", "Slightly larger than Maryland and slightly smaller than Belgium , Lesotho covers an area of 11,116 square miles. It is roughly in the form of a circle, 125 miles across. The western one-quarter of Lesotho is lowlands where the altitude varies from 5,000 to 6,000 feet above sea level. This is the country's main agricultural zone and contains most of the population. The rest of the country is composed of highlands that rise to 11,400 feet in the Drakensburg Range, which forms the eastern boundary with KwaZulu Natal. Thabana-Ntlenyana, the highest peak in Southern Africa at 11,424 feet, is just inside Lesotho's eastern border near the Sani Pass.", "Basutoland ; Kingdom of Lesotho ; Lesotho (a landlocked constitutional monarchy in southern Africa; achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1966)", "Lesotho's geographic location makes it extremely vulnerable to political and economic developments in South Africa. It is a member of many regional economic organisations, including the Southern African Development Community (SADC), and the Southern African Customs Union (SACU). It is also active in the United Nations (UN), the African Union, the Non-Aligned Movement, the Commonwealth, and many other international organisations.", "The argument for incorporating the constitutional monarchy as South Africa's 10th province is compelling. Lesotho's children are taught that their country exists because King Moshoeshoe I, founder of the Basotho nation, stood up to the Boers and British in the late 19th century. In reality, the British allowed the kingdom to survive so as to keep the Boers of the Orange Free State from the sea.", "Lesotho is situated in the Drakensberg and Maloti Mountains, with areas of foothills and relative lowlands included in its territory. The main rivers in Lesotho are the Caledon River, which flows along the northwestern border, the Orange River that flows through the Drakensberg Mountains, the Senqu River valley, and the Malibamatso, Matsoku, and Senqunyane Rivers.", "Lesotho has two main mountain ranges – the Drakensberg and the Maloti ranges – both running north–south from the northern high plateau. The highest mountain in southern Africa is Thabana–Ntlenyana (3,842 metres) in eastern Lesotho. The land descends to the west to an arable belt, known as the lowlands, where the capital is situated and two-thirds of the population live. The country is well-watered in a generally dry region, the Orange river and its tributary the Caledon both rising in Lesotho.", "A land of mountains, Lesotho is the only country in the world which has all its land lying at altitudes in excess of 1500m above sea-level; it is a land of heights and extremes. The mountain, Thabana-Ntlenyana is, at 3,482m, the highest in Southern Africa, while the highest single drop fall in the Southern Africa Maletsunyane is 192m, having the highest abseiling cliff in the whole world at 204m.", "In Lesotho today, all are equal under the law, and all those who come in this spirit are welcome. Lesotho prizes its friendship with foreign countries and gratefully acknowledges their interest in its national development.", "The area now known as Lesotho () goes as many as 40,000 years. The present Lesotho (then called Basutoland) emerged as a single polity under paramount chief Moshoeshoe I in 1822. Under Moshoeshoe I, Basutoland joined other tribes in their struggle against the Lifaqane associated with the reign of Shaka Zulu from 1818 to 1828.", "After 100 years under British protection, Lesotho became an independent nation in October 1966 with King Moshoeshoe II as sovereign. Political unrest after the 1970 elections led to a revision of the constitution and a lessening of the king’s power in politics." ]
[ 3.044921875, 1.771484375, 1.5732421875, 1.1962890625, 0.724609375, 0.30908203125, 0.1771240234375, 0.1473388671875, 0.091552734375, -0.08648681640625, -0.2332763671875, -0.3095703125, -0.401123046875, -0.5625, -0.6669921875, -0.8623046875, -1.0107421875, -1.162109375, -1.5908203125, -1.634765625, -1.7158203125, -2.544921875, -3.30859375, -3.55859375, -3.595703125, -4.2265625, -5.3125, -5.63671875, -5.7578125, -6.35546875, -6.37109375, -6.828125 ]
Introduced by the Raytheon Corporation in 1947, what ubiquitous modern day convenience was originally sold under the name Radarange, based on its use of the magnetron, a major component of radar systems?
[ "Radarrange: In 1947, Raytheon demonstrated the world’s first microwave oven calling it a “Radarrange.” It cost between $2,000 and $3,000. In 1965, Raytheon acquired Amana, and two years later the first countertop version was introduced, which cost just under $500.", "The microwave oven is now a standard appliance in most American households, but it has only been around since the late 1940s. In 1945, Percy Spencer was experimenting with a new vacuum tube called a magnetron while doing research for the Raytheon Corporation. He was intrigued when the candy bar in his pocket began to melt, so he tried another experiment with popcorn . When it began to pop, Spencer immediately saw the potential in this revolutionary process. In 1947, Raytheon built the first microwave oven, the Radarange, which weighed 750 pounds, was 51/2 feet tall, and cost about $5,000. When the Radarange first became available for home use in the early 1950s, its bulky size and expensive price tag made it unpopular with consumers. But in 1967, a much more popular 100-volt, countertop version was introduced at a price of $495.", "Raytheon's research on the magnetron tube revealed the potential of microwaves to cook food. In 1945, Raytheon's Percy Spencer invented the microwave oven by discovering that the magnetron could rapidly heat food. In 1947, the company demonstrated the Radarange microwave oven for commercial use.", "Raytheon filed a patent for Spencer's microwave cooking process on October 8, 1945. In 1947, Raytheon produced the first commercial microwave oven and called it the “ Radarange .\" Would you believe it was almost six feet tall and weighed about 750 pounds? It's true!", "In 1945, Spencer created a device to cook food using microwave radiation. Raytheon saw the possibilities of this, and after acquiring Amana Refrigeration in 1965, was able to sell microwave ovens on a large scale. The first microwave oven was called the Radarange, and today, there are over 200 million in use throughout the world.", "The story goes that shortly after the War, a researcher at the Raytheon Corporation, Dr. Percy Spencer, was standing near one of the high power radar units and noticed that a candy bar in his shirt pocket had softened. In the typical 'I have to know why this happened' mentality of a true scientist, he decided to investigate further. The Amana Radarange and the entire future microwave oven industry were the result.", "Spencer then built a rudimentary metal box with a magnetron in it -- the first microwave oven -- and used it to reheat his lunches. After he wrote a report on his findings, Raytheon patented \"high frequency dielectric heating apparatus\" in 1946, and began selling microwave ovens for industrial use (more than five feet tall, each oven weighed about 750 pounds) in 1954. Raytheon subsidiary Amana began selling household \"RadarRange\" ovens in 1967.", "Amana Refrigeration, a subsidiary of Raytheon Manufacturing Company, in 1967 introduced this first compact microwave oven, called the Radarange. It was a 115 V countertop model, retailing for $495, and cooked hamburgers in 35 seconds. The compact size was made possible by a small, efficient electron tube, developed in 1964 by the Japanese, which replaced older, bulkier tubes called magnetrons.", "It should be noted that the microwave oven didn't become a household appliance until 1967, when Raytheon began to market a countertop version of the Radarange though its subsidiary, Amana. You can learn more about the Radarange history at Raytheon's web site history page .", "The Raytheon Corporation produced the first commercial microwave oven in 1954; it was called the 1161 Radarange. It was large, expensive, and had a power of 1600 watts. The first domestic microwave oven was produced in 1967 by Amana (a division of Raytheon).", "technology to the Allied forces. He was standing by a magnetron, a vacuum tube which generates microwaves, to boost the sensitivity of radar,... when he felt a strange sensation. Checking his pocket, he found his candy bar had melted. Surprised and intrigued, he sent for a bag of popcorn, and held it up to the magnetron. The popcorn popped. Within a year, Raytheon made a patent application for a microwave oven. The history of scientific discovery is peppered with breakthroughs that came about by accident...", "In the post-war era the magnetron became less widely used in the radar role. This was due to the fact that the magnetron's output changes from pulse to pulse, both in frequency and phase. This makes the signal unsuitable for pulse-to-pulse comparisons, which is widely used for detecting and removing \"clutter\" from the radar display. The magnetron remains in use in some radars, but has become much more common as a low-cost microwave source for microwave ovens. In this form, approximately one billion magnetrons are in use today...", "In a radar set, the magnetron's waveguide is connected to an antenna. The magnetron is operated with very short pulses of applied voltage, resulting in a short pulse of high power microwave energy being radiated. As in all primary radar systems, the radiation reflected off a target is analyzed to produce a radar map on a screen.", "&arnumber5565574 \"From $10,000 Magee to $7 Magee and $10 Transmitter and Receiver (T/R) on Single Chip\"], IEEE The magnetron remains in use in some radars, but has become much more common as a low-cost microwave source for microwave ovens. In this form, approximately one billion magnetrons are in use today. ", "Spencer earned  several patents  while working on more efficient and effective ways to mass-produce radar magnetrons. A radar magnetron is a sort of electric whistle that instead of creating vibrating sound creates vibrating electromagnetic waves. According to Michalak, at the time Spencer was trying to improve the power level of the magnetron tubes to be used in radar sets. On that fateful day in 1946, Spencer was testing one of his magnetrons when he stuck his hand in his pocket, preparing for the lunch break, when he made a shocking discovery: The peanut cluster bar had melted. Says Spencer, \"It was a gooey, sticky mess.\" ", "The invention of the cavity magnetron made possible the production of electromagnetic waves of a small enough wavelength (microwaves). The magnetron was originally a crucial component in the development of short wavelength radar during World War II. In 1937–1940, a multi-cavity magnetron was built by the British physicist Sir John Turton Randall, FRSE, together with a team of British coworkers, for the British and American military radar installations in World War II. A more high-powered microwave generator that worked at shorter wavelengths was needed, and in 1940, at the University of Birmingham, John Randall and Harry Boot produced a working prototype. ", "The major factor in winning the Battle of Britain against the Germans was the development of a new device that became the heart of all radar equipment: the resonant cavity magnetron.", "Techno gains! Raytheon launched the Pathfinder – introducing ‘modern’ radar with automatic gain, tuning and sea clutter settings", "One of the companies that were given contract by U.S. government to build magnetrons was Raytheon an one of the engineers that worked for Raytheon was self-taught engineer from Howland, Maine - Percy Spencer. He was at that time one of the world’s leading experts in radar tube design. In 1945, he was working on powered radar set when he noticed that a chocolate bar that he had in his pocket was melting. He wasn’t the first one to notice such a phenomenon but was the first one to become intrigued by it. He exposed popcorns to microwaves and they popped, he tried the whole egg and it exploded. Then he attached a high density electromagnetic field generator to an enclosed metal box and experimented on food that way which allowed for controlled and safe experimentation.", "While radar was being developed during World War II, there arose an urgent need for a high-power microwave generator that worked at shorter wavelengths (around 10 cm (3 GHz)) rather than the 150 cm (200 MHz) that was available from tube-based generators of the time. It was known that a multi-cavity resonant magnetron had been developed and patented in 1935 by Hans Hollmann in Berlin. However, the German military considered the frequency drift of Hollman's device to be undesirable, and based their radar systems on the klystron instead. But klystrons could not at that time achieve the high power output that magnetrons eventually reached. This was one reason that German night fighter radars were not a match for their British counterparts. ", "15. Guerlac, Radar in World War II, 1:258-259, 261, 266 & 507-508, and 2:648 & 668. See also the personal reminiscences of Ernest C. Pollard, Radiation: One Story of the MIT Radiation Laboratory (Durham: The Woodburn Press, 1982). Interviews (though not all are transcribed) of some Radiation Laboratory participants are available at the IEEE Center for the History of Electrical Engineering (CHEE), Rutgers University. CHEE, Sources in Electrical History 2: Oral History Collections in U.S. Repositories (New York: IEEE, 1992), pp. 6-7. The British also developed magnetrons and radar equipment operating at microwave frequencies concurrently with the MIT Radiation Laboratory effort.", "The first form of magnetron tube, the split-anode magnetron, was invented by Albert Hull in 1920, but it wasn't capable of high frequencies and was little used. Similar devices were experimented with by many teams through the 1920s and 30s. The modern 'resonant' cavity magnetron tube was invented by John Randall and Harry Boot in 1940 at the University of Birmingham, England. The high power of pulses from their device made centimeter-band radar practical, with shorter wavelength radars allowing detection of smaller objects from smaller antennas. The compact cavity magnetron tube drastically reduced the size of radar sets so that they could be installed in anti-submarine aircraft and escort ships.", "Raytheon also manufactures semiconductors for the electronics industry. In the late 20th century it produced a wide range of integrated circuits and other components, but as of 2003 its semiconductor business specializes in gallium arsenide (GaAs) components for radio communications as well as infrared detectors. It is also making efforts to develop gallium nitride (GaN) components for next-generation radars and radios.", "With a few tweaks and the judicious use of a soup can, it had become the magnetron: a directional microwave weapon able to blow up a ... «Kyiv Post, Jul 15»", "This area housed the radio communications equipment, radarscope, and navigational charts.  During the WWII and Korean War eras, the radio and radar equipment used vacuum tubes (you remember those \"old\" radios at home?).  This equipment has long since been made obsolete by modern, more reliable, solid state electronic equipment.  And yes, this is the origin of the name used by a certain chain of stores.", "Most small signal vacuum tube devices have been superseded by semiconductors, but some vacuum tube electronic devices are still in common use. The magnetron is the type of tube used in all microwave ovens. In spite of the advancing state of the art in power semiconductor technology, the vacuum tube still has reliability and cost advantages for high-frequency RF power generation.", "Throughout the industry's history, many technologies found their genesis in the military before trickling down into consumer products. Modularization and miniaturization were an example of this trend. In the beginning, miniaturization was driven by the Soviets' success with the Sputnik program and was a major objective of government-funded electronics research programs. But through work like RCA's solid-state TV, the drive to minimize quickly made its mark on consumer products.", "1945 - onwards - Equipment Manufactures (some earlier, some later) included: Tons of War Surplus , Knight Kits, Central Electronics, Hammarlund, Collins, Drake , Multi-Elmac , Swan , E.F. Johnson, Galaxy , Gonsett , Hallicrafters, Heathkit , National , Henry - See RadioDan , RME , Meissner , Lafayette , B&W, Millen , RACAL , MacKay , EICO, Breting , Marconi , McMurdo Silver , World Radio Labs , Harvey Wells , Ameco, Astatic, Clarostat Eldico , SBE , Shure , Simpson , Sonar , Squires-Sanders , Stancor, Adams, Elenco , Lakeshore , Morrow , Kenyon,Thordarson,UTC, Philmore , ElectroVoice , Vibroplex , Bud , Tecraft, Mosley, Cornell Dubilier, Amphenol ,Bliley, Telex headphones , Cannon Trimm, Burgess, Everready, Willard, Atlas, Murch, Paco, Alliance, Clegg, Midland, Conar, Sprague, James, M.C. Jones , Telrex, James Knight Crystals, TMC, Penwood Clocks, American Bell microphones and headphones, Jackson, Brush, Mytron, KDK, Pierson Holt, Tempo, KLM.", "In 1953, Norton-Honer introduced the Sonic Ray Gun, which was essentially a 7½-inch flashlight mounted on a pistol grip. Pressing the trigger activated not only the flashlight beam (which had interchangeable colored lenses for differently colored \"rays\") but also an electronic buzzer. It could therefore be used as a pretend raygun but also as an actual Morse Code signal device.", "MILITARY PRODUCT LINES: Design of various types of radio and electronic measuring equipment for the military.", "Meanwhile, with an aim to go global, both Ibuka and Morita decided to have a short brand name that could be easily remembered - they zeroed down on SONY, a mix of the Latin word \"Sonus\" (which meant sound) and \"Sonny\", an American name for boys mostly used in 1950s. This happened in the year 1955, when the company finally released TR-55 , the country�s first transistor radio. Measuring in at just 14 x 8.9 x 3.4cm, the device was an instant hit.", "Necessity is indeed the mother of invention, and never was necessity greater than during the wars of the 1940s and early fifties. The massive efforts stemming from World War II, the Korean conflict, and the ensuing Cold War resulted in the mobilization of America's greatest scientific minds. The tense geopolitical faceoff between east and west found the electronics industry being thrust to the battle's front lines, fervently employing the new solid-state technology in increasingly sophisticated defense and weapons systems. Out of urgent military need came technological marvels that kept the United States in the forefront of science, and chief among these was the advent of digital computers." ]
[ 4.48046875, 3.814453125, 3.490234375, 3.060546875, 2.634765625, 2.55859375, 2.408203125, 1.693359375, 0.94677734375, -0.00007140636444091797, -1.232421875, -1.70703125, -1.9296875, -2.0546875, -2.400390625, -3.0703125, -3.21484375, -3.345703125, -3.369140625, -4.14453125, -4.234375, -4.9765625, -5.3203125, -5.79296875, -6, -6.359375, -8.5234375, -9.0859375, -9.0859375, -9.2578125, -9.546875, -9.7890625 ]
In boxing, there are 4 primary punches. For a point each, name them.
[ "In boxing, punches are classified according to the motion and direction of the strike; contact is always made with the knuckles. There are four primary punches in boxing: the jab, cross, hook, and uppercut. ", "    Punch -  The way to gain points in boxing is by throwing punches. The four main punches are the jab, cross, hook, and uppercut.", "There are four basic punches in boxing: the jab, cross, hook and uppercut. Any punch other than a jab is considered a power punch. If a boxer is right-handed (orthodox), his left hand is the lead hand and his right hand is the rear hand. For a left-handed boxer or southpaw, the hand positions are reversed. For clarity, the following discussion will assume a right-handed boxer.", "Boxing involves techniques for both attacking and defending. The only attacking move allowed in boxing is punching. Kicking, kneeing, elbowing, head-butting, holding and throwing are not allowed. There are four basic punches; the jab, the cross, the hook and the uppercut. The jab is a quick, straight punch thrown with the lead hand, which for a right-handed, orthodox fighter, is the left hand, and for a left-handed, southpaw fighter is the right hand. The jab is not a powerful punch, but it's good for scoring points, for checking distance, and for starting a combination of punches. A cross is a powerful, straight punch thrown with the rear hand, which is the right hand for orthodox fighters and the left hand for southpaws. It can follow a jab to create the classic \"one-two\" combination. The hook is a semi-circular punch thrown with the lead hand to the side of the opponent's head. A hook can also target the lower body and this punch is sometimes called a \"rip\". The uppercut is a rising punch thrown with the rear hand, aimed at the jaw or deep into the stomach area. The right uppercut followed by a left hook is a powerful and dangerous combination.", "Not to be confused with a jab, a straight is a power shot. You deliver it by crossing over your dominant hand to deliver the blow, and hence it’s also called the “cross.” For orthodox fighters who have a left foot forward stance, the left hand is best used for jabbing, with the right hand for a straight shot. It’s vice-versa for southpaw fighters, who have a right foot forward stance. While generally orthodox fighters and southpaw fighters are right handed and left handed respectively, it is not always the case. This is the only one of the four basic boxing punches exclusively featured on this list, jab, hook and uppercut being the other three. This is due to the fact that it is extremely slick, and is almost always a part of any boxing combos imaginable, starting from the elementary one-two, to a variety of counters. Floyd Mayweather, as famed as he is for his defensive prowess, will use his fast straights repeatedly to immobilize his opponents to win his matches.", "Even some of the more mundane attacks tend to go against most boxing convention and rules. Backhands, overhead punches, double hooks, etc. Even the Bull Charge probably goes against some kind of rule, despite being just a ludicrously powerful uppercut in the end.", "Each punch that lands on the head or torso is awarded a point. A punch is considered a scoring punch only when the boxers connect with the knuckle portion of the gloves.", "\"Style\" is often defined as the strategic approach a fighter takes during a bout. No two fighters' styles are alike, as it is determined by that individual's physical and mental attributes. Three main styles exist in boxing: outside fighter (\"boxer\"), brawler (or \"slugger\"), and Inside fighter (\"swarmer\"). These styles may be divided into several special subgroups, such as counter puncher, etc. The main philosophy of the styles is, that each style has an advantage over one, but disadvantage over the other one. It follows the rock-paper-scissors scenario - boxer beats brawler, brawler beats swarmer, and swarmer beats boxer. ", "Boxing is a combat form that is widely used in MMA and is one of the primary striking bases for many fighters. Boxing punches account for the vast majority of strikes during the stand up portion of a bout and also account for the largest number of significant strikes, knock downs and KOs in MMA matches. Several aspects of boxing are extremely valuable such as footwork, use of combinations, and defensive techniques like slips, stance (to include chin protection and keeping hands up) commonly known as Guard position, and head movement. Boxing based fighters have also been shown to throw and land a higher volume of strikes compared to other striking bases at a rate of 3.88 per minute with 9.64 per minute thrown (compared to muay thai at 3.46 and 7.50, respectively). Some fighters that are known for using boxing are Cain Velasquez, Nick Diaz, Junior dos Santos, B.J. Penn, Dan Hardy, Shane Carwin and Andrei Arlovski.", "Overhand right  : The overhand right is a punch not found in every boxer's arsenal. Unlike the right cross, which has a trajectory parallel to the ground, the overhand right has a looping circular arc as it is thrown over-the-shoulder with the palm facing away from the boxer. It is especially popular with smaller stature boxers trying to reach taller opponents. Boxers who have used this punch consistently and effectively include former heavyweight champions Rocky Marciano and Tim Witherspoon , as well as MMA champions Chuck Liddell and Fedor Emelianenko . The overhand right has become a popular weapon in other tournaments that involve fist striking.", "To be effective, boxers must have an assortment of punches that are coordinated with their footwork. Less powerful punches often serve the important role of setting up the fighter’s chief “weapons,” as boxing analysts sometimes call a boxer’s main offensive skills.", "Boxing ( pugilism , prize fighting, or the sweet science) is a combat sport in which two people engage in a contest of strength, reflexes, and endurance by throwing punches at an opponent with the goal of a knockout with gloved hands .", "Auxilary points (three to one full point) are awarded for scoring punches. They can also be awarded at the end of a contest for attack, defence, leading off, or style.", "Throughout the 17th through 19th centuries, boxing bouts were motivated by money, as the fighters competed for prize money , promoters controlled the gate, and spectators bet on the result. The modern Olympic movement revived interest in amateur sports, and amateur boxing became an Olympic sport in 1908. In their current form, Olympic and other amateur bouts are typically limited to three or four rounds, scoring is computed by points based on the number of clean blows landed, regardless of impact, and fighters wear protective headgear, reducing the number of injuries, knockdowns, and knockouts. Currently scoring blows in amateur boxing are subjectively counted by ringside judges, but the Australian Institute for Sport has demonstrated a prototype of an Automated Boxing Scoring System , which introduces scoring objectivity, improves safety, and arguably makes the sport more interesting to spectators. Professional boxing remains by far the most popular form of the sport globally, though amateur boxing is dominant in Cuba and some former Soviet republics. For most fighters, an amateur career, especially at the Olympics, serves to develop skills and gain experience in preparation for a professional career.", "In both amateur and professional bouts, there are a number of judges by the ring (the number can vary according to the organisers, often five), who will use computer equipment to judge when a fair punch has been landed. The winner is the boxer who has landed the most fair punches.", "Many such mythical moments sprinkle Muhammad Ali's boxing career, invented post-facto explanations justify (often ridiculously) unforeseen ring turns. More people accept the silly story that Ali felled Sonny Liston in their rematch using Jack Johnson's \"anchor punch\" taught to him by Stepin Fetchit than the more likely one that the iron-chinned Liston, whose death six years later still lingers mysteriously, took a dive in fear of some perceived external threat. There was no long break between rounds after Henry Cooper dropped Cassius Clay in their first bout. What happened was that Clay recovered in the standard amount of time and then returned to thumping Cooper.", "Boxing often called \"the manly art of self-defense� is a combat sport. Boxing or fist fighting is a sport between two matched combatants wearing padded gloves. A boxer�s primary aim is to land as many blows as possible to the head and torso of the opponent, using strength and speed to dominate the contest. The competition is divided into a specified number of rounds, usually 3 minutes long, with 1-minute rest periods between rounds. Although amateur boxing is widespread, professional boxing has flourished on an even grander scale since the early 18th century. Today the sport is popular in many parts of the world and encompasses both amateur and professional matches. Sometimes it is referred to as pugilism, from the Latin word pugil, meaning �a boxer.�", "Notable boxer-punchers include Nonito Donaire , Sam Langford , [18] Henry Armstrong , [19] Joe Louis , [20] Sugar Ray Robinson , [21] Tony Zale , Archie Moore , Carlos Monzón [22] Alexis Argüello , Erik Morales , Lennox Lewis , Wladimir Klitschko , Oscar de la Hoya , Terry Norris , Marco Antonio Barrera , Manny Pacquiao , Thomas Hearns , Miguel Cotto and Victor Ortiz .", "Amateur fights consist of 3 or sometimes 5 rounds. Professional fights range from 4 to 15 rounds. The recognized length of championship fights is 12 rounds. In most countries, professional boxing is the more popular version, but the rules vary because there is no true governing body. Even in the United States, boxing regulations vary from state to state.", "In most professional matches, points are awarded up to 10 for a round. In both amateur and professional boxing, draws are permitted if both boxers have scored equally.", "Then there is professional boxing, a version where the fighters are paid. These fighters do not wear protective headgear. Professional bouts differ greatly in length, but championship fights generally consist of 12 three-minute rounds. Also, professional bouts are scored differently than amateur fights in that punch-accuracy and power are often factored in as scoring components. Both amateur and professional boxing contain distinct weight classes in which boxers compete; although, the weight classes differ between amateur and professional organizations.", "There is a generally accepted rule of thumb about the success each of these boxing styles has against the others. In general, an in-fighter has an advantage over an out-fighter, an out-fighter has an advantage over a puncher, and a puncher has an advantage over an in-fighter; these form a cycle with each style being stronger relative to one, and weaker relative to another, with none dominating, as in rock-paper-scissors . Naturally, many other factors, such as the skill level and training of the combatants, determine the outcome of a fight, but the widely held belief in this relationship among the styles is embodied in the cliché amongst boxing fans and writers that \"styles make fights.\"", "A brawler's most important assets are power and chin (the ability to absorb punishment while remaining able to continue boxing). Examples of this style include George Foreman, Rocky Marciano, Julio Cesar Chavez, Roberto Duran, Danny García, Wilfredo Gómez, Sonny Liston, John L. Sullivan, Max Baer, Prince Naseem Hamed, Ray Mancini, David Tua, Arturo Gatti, Micky Ward, Brandon Ríos, Ruslan Provodnikov, Michael Katsidis, James Kirkland, Marcos Maidana, Jake Lamotta, Manny Pacquiao, and Ireland's John Duddy. This style of boxing was also used by fictional boxers Rocky Balboa and James \"Clubber\" Lang.", "There is a generally accepted rule of thumb about the success each of these boxing styles has against the others. In general, an in-fighter has an advantage over an out-fighter, an out-fighter has an advantage over a brawler, and a brawler has an advantage over an in-fighter; these form a cycle with each style being stronger relative to one, and weaker relative to another, with none dominating, as in rock-paper-scissors. Naturally, many other factors, such as the skill level and training of the combatants, determine the outcome of a fight, but the widely held belief in this relationship among the styles is embodied in the cliché amongst boxing fans and writers that \"styles make fights.\"", "Darrell Foster, who trained Will Smith for the movie Ali, said: \"Ali's signature punches were the left jab and the overhand right. But there were at least six different ways Ali used to jab. One was a jab that Ali called the 'snake lick', like cobra striking that comes from the floor almost, really low down. Then there was Ali's rapid-fire jab—three to five jabs in succession rapidly fired at his opponents' eyes to create a blur in his face so he wouldn't be able to see the right hand coming behind it.\" ", "Because of its violent nature and its identification with betting, boxing has had a controversial history. There have been periodic efforts to outlaw the sport. The November 1982 death of South Korean boxer Duk Koo Kim, for example, prompted two editorials in the Journal of the American Medical Association (Jan. 14, 1983) calling for a ban on all boxing. The results of a study by an AMA-sponsored scientific council appeared in that same issue, and the council, expressing the official AMA position, called not for a ban but for improved controls and medical facilities at ringside, centralized record keeping, and standardization of safety regulations. Despite these periodic efforts, boxers remain internationally famous, particularly heavyweight champions, most of whom, in this century, have come from the United States. Among the best heavyweights have been Muhammad ALI, Jack DEMPSEY, Jack JOHNSON, Joe LOUIS, Rocky MARCIANO, Gene TUNNEY, Corbett, and Sullivan. Outstanding champions in the lighter weights have included Benny Leonard, Mickey WALKER, Barney Ross, Henry ARMSTRONG, and Sugar Ray ROBINSON. Louis, Marciano, and Ali benefited greatly–both in popularity and financially–from the promotion of televised fights.", "Scoring in professional boxing is quite different from scoring at the amateur level. Scoring is based on four criteria:", "Because of its violent nature and its identification with betting, boxing has had a controversial history. There have been periodic efforts to outlaw the sport. The November 1982 death of South Korean boxer Duk Koo Kim, for example, prompted two editorials in the Journal of the American Medical Association (Jan. 14, 1983) calling for a ban on all boxing. The results of a study by an AMA-sponsored scientific council appeared in that same issue, and the council, expressing the official AMA position, called not for a ban but for improved controls and medical facilities at ringside, centralized record keeping, and standardization of safety regulations. Despite these periodic efforts, boxers remain internationally famous, particularly heavyweight champions, most of them, in this century; have come from the United States. Among the best heavyweights have been Muhammad ALI, Jack DEMPSEY, Jack JOHNSON, Joe LOUIS, Rocky MARCIANO, Gene TUNNEY, Corbett, and Sullivan. Outstanding champions in the lighter weights have included Benny Leonard, Mickey WALKER, Barney Ross, Henry ARMSTRONG, and Sugar Ray ROBINSON. Louis, Marciano, and Ali benefited greatly--both in popularity and financially--from the promotion of televised fights.", "Because of its violent nature and its identification with betting, boxing has had a controversial history. There have been periodic efforts to outlaw the sport. The November 1982 death of South Korean boxer Duk Koo Kim, for example, prompted two editorials in the Journal of the American Medical Association (Jan. 14, 1983) calling for a ban on all boxing. The results of a study by an AMA-sponsored scientific council appeared in that same issue, and the council, expressing the official AMA position, called not for a ban but for improved controls and medical facilities at ringside, centralized record keeping, and standardization of safety regulations. Despite these periodic efforts, boxers remain internationally famous, particularly heavyweight champions, most of whom, in this century, have come from the United States. Among the best heavyweights have been Muhammad ALI, Jack DEMPSEY, Jack JOHNSON, Joe LOUIS, Rocky MARCIANO, Gene TUNNEY, Corbett, and Sullivan. Outstanding champions in the lighter weights have included Benny Leonard, Mickey WALKER, Barney Ross, Henry ARMSTRONG, and Sugar Ray ROBINSON. Louis, Marciano, and Ali benefited greatly--both in popularity and financially--from the promotion of televised fights.", "Boxing. a boxer who leads with the right hand and stands with the right foot forward, using the left hand for the most powerful blows.", "There are hundreds of records in the sport of boxing. The ones listed in the list below stand out for different reasons.", "The 6-foot-8 fighter sometimes had an awkward, stiff style, but packed a powerful punch, especially in his right hand." ]
[ 7.51953125, 5.66796875, 5.66015625, 4.57421875, 3.34765625, -1.8037109375, -1.8671875, -2.44921875, -2.626953125, -2.953125, -3.009765625, -3.06640625, -3.087890625, -3.365234375, -3.380859375, -3.42578125, -3.46875, -3.490234375, -3.619140625, -3.66015625, -3.763671875, -3.8515625, -4.1640625, -4.51171875, -4.65234375, -5.140625, -5.15625, -5.19140625, -5.21484375, -5.2890625, -5.98046875, -7.47265625 ]
Sept 7, 1963 saw the opening of what professional Hall of Fame, when 17 individuals, including “Slinging” Sammy Baugh, Harold “Red” Grange, George Halas, Don Hutson, Earl “Curly” Lambeau, and Bronco Nagurski were inaugurated?
[ "1963 — Eleven of the 17 charter members who were enshrined into the national pro football Hall of Fame at Canton, Ohio. From row from left: Earl \"Dutch\" Clark, Earl \"Curley\" Lambeau, Mel Hein, John \"Blood\" McNally and Don Hutson. Back row from left: Sammy Baugh, Cal Hubbard, Bronko Nagurski, George Halas, Red Grange and Ernie Nevers. (AP Photo)", "The Pro Football Hall of Fame opened its doors on Sept. 7, 1963. Here are five facts about the 50-year-old Canton, Ohio shrine.", "The Pro Football Hall of Fame is the hall of fame for professional American football with a Mission to \"Honor the Heroes of the Game, Preserve its History, Promote its Values & Celebrate Excellence. The Hall's five core values that are learned from the game are commitment, integrity, courage, respect and excellence. The vision of the Pro Football Hall of Fame is \"It's not just the past, it's the future; It's not just about Canton, it's the world; It's not just a great museum for football but a message of excellence. \" The hall opened in Canton, Ohio, on September 7, 1963, with 17 charter enshrinees. , there are a total of 303 members of the Hall of Fame.", "* September 7 – The Pro Football Hall of Fame opens in Canton, Ohio with 17 charter members.", "'Professional football had reached the big time. With the 1958 NFL Championship game cementing the league's place in the upper echelon of popular sports, the NFL surged forward into the 1960s, which would become arguably the most transformative decade in NFL history, before or since. The era of two-way players officially ended in the 1960s when Chuck Bednarik of the Philadelphia Eagles retired after winning the 1960 NFL Championship. The game wouldn't see another two-way starter until Deion Sanders in the '90s. The NFL season was lengthened to 14 games (up from 12) in '61, and in '63, the NFL opened its Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio, with the inaugural class including names like Sammy Baugh, Bert Bell, Red Grange, George Halas, Curly Lambeau, Bronko Nagurski and Jim Thorpe. In 1961, 49ers coach Red Hickey introduced a new offensive formation, the shotgun. The shotgun was different from all formations before it because it had the quarterback start a few yards behind the center, instead of directly behind him (called under center). Though Hickey's 49ers did not have tremendous success, the shotgun became a permanent (and popular) fixture in the NFL. The '60s also featured the introduction of four new NFL franchises - the Dallas Cowboys, the Minnesota Vikings, the Atlanta Falcons and New Orleans Saints - and the migration of one franchise (the Chicago Cardinals) to St. Louis.'", "The arrival of end Don Hutson from Alabama in 1935 gave Lambeau and the Packers the most-feared and dynamic offensive weapon in the game. Credited with inventing pass patterns, Hutson would lead the league in receptions eight seasons and spur the Packers to NFL championships in 1936, 1939 and 1944. An iron man, Hutson played both ways, leading the league in interceptions as a safety in 1940. Hutson claimed 18 NFL records when he retired in 1945, many of which still stand. In 1951, his number 14 was the first to be retired by the Packers, and he was inducted as a charter member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1963.", "Sammy Baugh was born in Temple, Texas on March 17, 1914. He has been referred to as the first outstanding professional football quarterback. Played for the Washington Red Skins.  He led the NFL in passing six times, punting average four times, and interceptions once. He is the only player to lead the league in an offensive, defensive, and special teams category. Sammy Baugh and Sid Luckman of the Bears are the only two early NFL quarterbacks for which the present-day NFL passer rating can be applied. Baugh starred in several movies, including \"King of the Texas Rangers\". Baugh is the last living charter member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Also the Redskins retired his jersey number, #33.", "The Associated Press quoted Baugh's son on December 17, 2008, saying Baugh had died after numerous health issues, including Alzheimer's disease, at Fisher County Hospital in Rotan, Texas. He is interred at Belvieu Cemetery in Rotan. He was the last surviving member of the inaugural 1963 class of the Pro Football Hall of Fame.", "**Bronko Nagurski, Canadian-American football player (Chicago Bears) and member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame (b. 1908)", "The imposing list of Texas athletes is headed by Mildred \"Babe\" Didrikson Zaharias (1913–56), who gained fame as an All-American basketball player in 1930, won two gold medals in track and field in the 1932 Olympics, and was the leading woman golfer during the 1940s and early 1950s. Another Texan, John Arthur \"Jack\" Johnson (1878–1946), was boxing's first black heavyweight champion. Texans who won fame in football include quarterbacks Sammy Baugh (b.1914), Don Meredith (b.1938), and Roger Staubach (b.Ohio, 1942); running back Earl Campbell (b.1955); and coaches Dana X. Bible (1892–1980). Darrell Royal (b.Oklahoma, 1924), and Thomas Wade \"Tom\" Landry (1924–2000). Tim Brown (b.Dallas, Texas 1966), a wide receiver in the NFL, won the Heisman Trophy in 1987 as a member of the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame. Among other Texas sports greats are baseball Hall of Famers Tris Speaker (1888–1958) and Rogers Hornsby (1896–1963); golfers Ben Hogan (1912–97), Byron Nelson (b.1912), and Lee Trevino (b.1939); auto racing driver A(nthony) J(oseph) Foyt (b.1935); and jockey William Lee \"Willie\" Shoemaker (1931–2003). Nolan Ryan, pitching giant, was born 31 January 31 1947 in Refugio, Texas.", "Hutson is considered to have been the first modern receiver. He is credited with creating many of the modern pass routes used in the NFL today. He was the dominant receiver of his day and is widely considered to be one of the greatest receivers in NFL history. He held almost all major receiving records at the time of his retirement, including career receptions, yards, and touchdowns. He was inducted as a charter member of both the College Football Hall of Fame and the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Hutson's number 14 was the first jersey retired by the Packers, and he is a member of the Green Bay Packers Hall of Fame. In 1994 Hutson was selected for the National Football League 75th Anniversary All-Time Team.", "Retired Jerseys: No. 3 Bronko Nagurski, No. 5 George McAfee, No. 7 George Halas, No. 42 Sid Luckman, No. 66 Bulldog Turner, No. 28 Willie Galimore, No. 77 Red Grange, No. 56 Bill Hewitt End, No. 61 Bill George, No. 40 Gale Sayers, No. 51 Dick Butkus, No. 41 Brian Piccolo, No. 34 Walter Payton", "There's only 1 person in NFL history who matches, and his name was also George, and he also had a \"father\" nickname: Papa Bear, George Halas. Co-founder of the NFL. Founder of the team that became the Chicago Bears. Quality player by the standards of his time. Coach who led them to 8 NFL Championships between 1921 and 1963. Owner of the team from 1920 to his death in 1983.", "The Pro Football Hall of Fame honors the greats of pro football and presents football information in many colorful and entertaining ways. To date, more than 7 million fans have visited the Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio, south of Cleveland. If you are looking to visit the Pro Football Hall of Fame, then book our Football Package, which includes tickets to the Pro Football Hall of Fame. /resources/media/dt/CLELSDT/en_US/img/shared/full_page_image_gallery/main/dh_halloffame1_18_677x380_FitToBoxSmallDimension_Center.jpg Doubletree By Hilton Hotel Cleveland Downtown - Lakeside, Oh - Pro Football Hall Of Fame 27", "The Packers are the last vestige of \"small town teams\" that were once common in the NFL during the 1920s and 1930s. Founded in 1919 by Earl \"Curly\" Lambeau and George Whitney Calhoun , the Packers competed as a semi-professional football team against clubs from around Wisconsin and the Midwest. They joined the American Professional Football Association (APFA) in 1921, the forerunner to what is known today as the NFL. Today, the Packers are the third-oldest franchise in the NFL, and oldest team-name still in use in the NFL, both by its nickname and by virtue of remaining in its original city.", "Hollingbery Fieldhouse, built in 1929, and is renamed for the coach in 1963. In 1979, the College Football Hall of Fame selects him for membership.", "In the Pro Football Hall of Fame, the Giants boast the second-most enshrined members with 29. Tim Mara, Mel Hein, Pete Henry, Cal Hubbard and Jim Thorpe were a part of the original class of inductees in 1963, while Defensive End Michael Strahan, the most recent Giant inducted, was a part of the Class of 2014. Numerous members, including Larry Csonka, Ray Flaherty, Joe Guyon, Pete Henry, Arnie Herber, Cal Hubbard, Tom Landry, Don Maynard, Hugh McElhenny, and Jim Thorpe were at one time associated with the New York Giants, but they were inducted largely based on their careers with other teams.", "      The Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio, inducts offensive tackle Bob Brown, defensive end Carl Eller, quarterback John Elway, and running back Barry Sanders.", "      In a ceremony in Canton, Ohio, players Lynn Swann, Nick Buoniconti, Mike Munchak, Jackie Slater, Ron Yary, and Jack Youngblood, as well as coach Marv Levy, are inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame.", "As the influence of the AFL continues through the present, the 50th anniversary of its launch was celebrated during 2009. The season-long celebration began in August with the 2009 Pro Football Hall of Fame Game in Canton, Ohio between two AFC teams (as opposed to the AFC-vs-NFC format the game first adopted in 1971). The opponents were two of the original AFL franchises, the Buffalo Bills and Tennessee Titans (the former Houston Oilers). Bills' owner Ralph C. Wilson Jr. (a 2009 Hall of Fame inductee) and Titans' owner Bud Adams were the only surviving members of the Foolish Club, the eight original owners of AFL franchises.", "      Joe Montana, Howie Long, Ronnie Lott, Dan Rooney, and Dave Wilcox are inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio, in a ceremony attended by 111 of the 136 living hall of famers.", "At the end of the 1932 season, the Chicago Bears and the Portsmouth Spartans were tied with the best regular-season records. To determine the champion, the league voted to hold its first playoff game. Because of cold weather, the game was held indoors at Chicago Stadium, which forced some temporary rule changes. Chicago won, 9–0. The playoff proved so popular that the league reorganized into two divisions for the 1933 season, with the winners advancing to a scheduled championship game. A number of new rule changes were also instituted: the goal posts were moved forward to the goal line, every play started from between the hash marks, and forward passes could originate from anywhere behind the line of scrimmage (instead of the previous five yards behind). In the fourth quarter of the 1932 game, the Bears scored on a controversial touchdown: Carl Brumbaugh handed the ball off to fullback Nagurski, who pulled up and threw to Red Grange in the end zone for the score. The Spartans argued that Nagurski did not drop back five yards before passing to Grange, but the touchdown stood.", "The Hall of Fame class also included British boxing promoter Barry Hearn; 50-year journalist Graham Houston; referee (of more than 170 title bouts) Richard Steele; and longtime Sports Illustrated photographer Neil Leifer. Leifer, while famous for his work with Ali, has landed on more than 200 magazine covers and published 16 books. My personal favorite photo of his is the 1968 image of Packers Jerry Kramer carrying Vince Lombardi off the field after Super Bowl II.", "'While CBS first started broadcasting a few regular season games nationwide, it was the NFL Championship game in 1958, referred to in the NFL as \"The Greatest Game Ever Played\" that truly catapulted the NFL into sporting audience stardom. Played between the Baltimore Colts and New York Giants at Yankee Stadium (and broadcast nationwide by NBC), the game featured 12 Hall-of-Famers on the field, with another five on the sidelines or in the owner's box. Tied 17-17 at the end of regulation, it became the first NFL game to go into overtime and ended when Colts back Alan Ameche scored a touchdown. Professional football had never been as popular as it was after this game, and on the horizon was another challenger whose impact would change the league forever.'", "Former New York Giants assistant Vince Lombardi was hired as Packers head coach and general manager on February 2, 1959. Few suspected the hiring represented the beginning of a remarkable, immediate turnaround. Under Lombardi, the Packers would become the team of the 1960s, winning five World Championships over a seven-year span, including victories in the first two Super Bowls. During the Lombardi era, the stars of the Packers' offense included Bart Starr, Jim Taylor, Carroll Dale, Paul Hornung (as halfback and placekicker), Forrest Gregg, and Jerry Kramer. The defense included Willie Davis, Henry Jordan, Willie Wood, Ray Nitschke, Dave Robinson, and Herb Adderley.", "The first AFL-NFL World Championship Game in professional American football, known retroactively as Super Bowl I and referred to in some contemporaneous reports, including the game's radio broadcast, as the Super Bowl, was played on January 15, 1967 at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum in Los Angeles, California. The National Football League (NFL) champion Green Bay Packers defeated the American Football League (AFL) champion Kansas City Chiefs by the score of 35–10.", "The trophy is named in honor of the legendary Green Bay Packers head coach Vince Lombardi. Lombardi was born in 1913, and was one of the most successful head coaches in the history of American football. He was the leader of the Green Bay Packers from 1959 to 1967, capturing five NFL championships during this nine years at the helm. He died on September 3, 1970, the year the trophy was named after him.", "Los Angeles, California hosted the Green Bay Packers and the Kansas City Chiefs in football's first Super Bowl. Super Bowl 1 featured coaching greats, Vince Lombardi and Hank Stram. Over 61,000 fans watched Bart Starr throw 2 touchdowns, leading the Packers to a 35-10 victory while receiving MVP honors. However, it was unlikely hero, Max McGee who opened eyes, catching 7 balls for 138 yards. Other key players for the Packers' were all-pro safety Willie Wood and running back Elijah Pitts, while the Chiefs were led by QB Len Dawson, and Curtis McClinton.", "On January 15, 1967, the first-ever World Championship Game between the champions of the two separate professional football leagues, the AFL-NFL Championship Game (retroactively referred to as Super Bowl I), was played in Los Angeles. After a close first half, the NFL champion Green Bay Packers overwhelmed the AFL champion Kansas City Chiefs, 35–10. The loss reinforced for many the notion that the AFL was an inferior league. Packers head coach Vince Lombardi stated after the game, \"I do not think they are as good as the top teams in the National Football League.\"", "The deal with the Packers—a team that had finished with a 1-10-1 record the previous season—marked Lombardi’s first head coaching position in the NFL. In his first season, Lombardi guided his team to a 7-5 record and a third-place finish in the Western Conference of the NFL. The following year, the Packers lost in the 1960 championship game to the Philadelphia Eagles, 17-13. Lombardi won his first championship ring in 1961, when Green Bay smashed the Giants 37-0; they repeated as champs the next year, again beating New York, 16-7. In addition to capturing three more NFL championships from 1965 to 1967, the Packers won both of the first two Super Bowls, in which the NFL champion faced the winner of the upstart American Football League (AFL). With the phenomenal play of his team, Lombardi literally became the face of professional football, gracing the cover of a December 1962 issue of TIME magazine under the headline “The Sport of the ’60s.”", "Lombardi's hard work paid off, and the Packers improved to a 7-5 regular season record in 1959. Then, they surprised the league during the following year by making it all the way to the NFL Championship Game. Although the Packers lost the game, 17-13, to the Philadelphia Eagles, they had sent a clear message that they were no longer losers. Green Bay went on to win NFL Championships in 1961, 1962, 1965, and 1966, earning them the nickname \"Titletown, USA\".", "On January 28, 1959, the Green Bay Packers of the National Football League (NFL) sign Vince Lombardi to a five-year contract as the team’s coach and general manager." ]
[ 5.828125, 3.697265625, 3.630859375, 2.61328125, 2.234375, 0.67822265625, 0.5791015625, 0.383056640625, -0.283203125, -1.201171875, -1.8486328125, -2.609375, -2.8125, -3.177734375, -3.572265625, -4.0390625, -4.23828125, -4.546875, -4.83203125, -4.96875, -5.2421875, -5.62890625, -6.02734375, -7.63671875, -7.95703125, -8, -8.234375, -9.0703125, -9.0859375, -10.03125, -10.4296875, -10.890625 ]
With an atomic number of 86, what element, the heaviest of the noble gasses, uses the symbol Rn?
[ "Radon is the chemical element that has the symbol Rn and atomic number 86. Radon is a colorless, naturally occurring, radioactive noble gas that is formed from the decay of radium. It is one of the heaviest substances that are gases under normal conditions and is considered to be a health hazard. The most stable isotope, 222Rn, has a half-life of 3.8 days and is used in radiotherapy. Although due to its radioactivity, it has been less studied by chemists, there are a few known compounds of this unreactive element. Radon is a significant contaminant that affects indoor air quality worldwide. Radon gas from natural sources can accumulate in buildings and reportedly causes 21,000 lung cancer deaths per year in the United States alone. Radon is the second most frequent cause of lung cancer, after cigarette smoking, and radon-induced lung cancer is thought to be the 6th leading cause of cancer death overall.", "Radon, the last noble gas to be isolated, has an atomic number of 86 and the symbol Rn. It was initially observed in the 1890s before being isolated by Friedrich Ernst Dorn in 1900. It was properly classified in 1908 by William Ramsay. Radon is colorless, odorless, tasteless and, unlike the other noble gases, radioactive. It occurs naturally from decaying radium and is considered hazardous due to its radioactivity. It is used in radiotherapy for the treatment of cancer.", "\"Radon\" : \"Radon is a chemical element with symbol Rn and atomic number 86. It is a radioactive, colorless, odorless, tasteless noble gas, occurring naturally as a decay product of radium. Its most stable isotope, 222Rn, has a half-life of 3.8 days.\",", "From 1900 it had been noticed that the radioactive elements thorium, radium and actinium emanate a radioactive gas. The likeness of the spectra of these three gases with those of argon, krypton, and xenon, and their observed chemical inertness led Sir William Ramsay to suggest in 1904 that the `emanations' might contain a new element of the noble gas family (each emanation had been given a name although they were, in fact, different isotopes of the same element). In 1910 Sir William Ramsay and Robert Whytlaw-Gray isolated the gas and determined its density and found that it was the heaviest known gas. They suggested the name niton (Nt) (from the Latin \"nitens\" meaning \"shining\") as it causes the phosphorescence of some substances, however in 1923 radon (symbol Rn) was adopted as the official name for element 86.", "The noble gases are a group of chemical elements that make up Group 18 on the periodic table. These gases all have similar properties under standard conditions: they are all odorless, colorless, monatomic gases with very low chemical reactivity . The six noble gases that occur naturally are helium (He), Neon (Ne), Argon (Ar), Krypton (Kr), Xenon (Xe), and Radon (Rn).", "The noble gases make a group of chemical elements with similar properties. Under standard conditions, they are all odorless, colorless, monatomic gases with very low chemical reactivity. The six noble gases that occur naturally are helium (He), neon (Ne), argon (Ar), krypton (Kr), xenon (Xe), and the radioactive radon (Rn). Ununoctium (Uuo), which was recognised as an element in December 2015, is predicted to be a noble gas as well but this theory is not confirmed.", "The elements that make up the family of noble gases include helium , neon , argon , krypton, xenon, and radon.", "The chemistry of heavier noble gases, krypton and xenon, are well established. The chemistry of the lighter ones, argon and helium, is still at an early stage, while a neon compound is yet to be identified.", "The \"inert\" or noble gas elements (helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon and radon) are composed of lone atoms as their smallest discrete unit, but the other isolated chemical elements consist of either molecules or networks of atoms bonded to each other in some way. Identifiable molecules compose familiar substances such as water, air, and many organic compounds like alcohol, sugar, gasoline, and the various pharmaceuticals.", "Noble Gases or rare gases are very stable, nearly chemically inert elements, [1] that are in a gaseous state at room temperature. A Noble Gas is a gas that's outer shell is full. All of the outer electron shells of the Noble Gases are filled with 8 electrons except for Helium which has only 2 in the first shell. The Noble Gases were discovered in 1886. [1] Originally they were called inert gases because people thought that they were nonreactive. That has since been proven wrong. In 1962 the British chemist Neil Bartlett synthesised the first group 0 compound, xenon hexafluoroplatinate. [2] Since then, chemists have been able to create compounds with three of the Noble Gases (xenon, krypton, and radon). [3] The electron configurations of the Noble Gases are very stable and usually very resistant to any change.", "Essentially chemically inert, but radioactive, radon is the heaviest noble gas and one of the heaviest gases at room temperature. (The heaviest known gas is uranium hexafluoride, UF6).   At standard temperature and pressure radon is a colorless gas, but when it is cooled below its freezing point (202�K ; -71�C ; -96�F) it has a brilliant phosphorescence which turns yellow as the temperature is lowered, and becomes orange-red at the temperatures air liquefies (below 93�K ; -180�C).", "The noble, or inert, gases are helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon and radon. They make up a complete group (0) in the Periodic Table and the properties of", "atomic number 86 - a radioactive gaseous element formed by the disintegration of radium; the heaviest of the inert gasses; occurs naturally (especially in areas over granite) and is considered a hazard to health", "All of the naturally inert or \"noble\" gases are members of \"Group 18\" of the Periodic Table. Group 18 materials have a complete outermost electron shell; the \"valence\" shell that is highly involved in the formation of compounds.  Moving down the Periodic Table from Helium, to Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xenon and Radon, the valence shells are located further from the nucleus, above the previous element's valence shell.  Helium has two valence electrons, the other noble gases have eight.  ", "Argon (Ar), chemical element , inert gas of Group 18 ( noble gases ) of the periodic table , terrestrially the most abundant and industrially the most frequently used of the noble gases. Colourless, odourless, and tasteless, argon gas was isolated (1894) from air by the British scientists Lord Rayleigh and Sir William Ramsay . Henry Cavendish , while investigating atmospheric nitrogen (“phlogisticated air”), had concluded in 1785 that not more than 1/120 part of the nitrogen might be some inert constituent . His work was forgotten until Lord Rayleigh, more than a century later, found that nitrogen prepared by removing oxygen from air is always about 0.5 percent more dense than nitrogen derived from chemical sources such as ammonia . The heavier gas remaining after both oxygen and nitrogen had been removed from air was the first of the noble gases to be discovered on Earth and was named after the Greek word argos, “lazy,” because of its chemical inertness. ( Helium had been spectroscopically detected in the Sun in 1868.)", "86 (Radon) ^ 32 = 118. This element has been dubbed Uuo (Ununoctium) by the International Union of Applied Chemists (IUPAC) until its existence is proven at which time its properties will be ascertained.", "atomic number 86 a radioactive gaseous element formed by the disintegration of radium; the heaviest of the inert gasses; occurs naturally (especially in areas over granite) and is considered a hazard to health", "any of the elements in Group 18 of the periodic table. In order of increasing atomic number they are: helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon. They are colorless, odorless, tasteless gases and were once believed to be entirely inert, i.e.", "Argon is a noble gas. The noble gases are the six elements in Group 18 (VIIIA) of the periodic table. The periodic table is a chart that shows how the chemical elements are related to each other. The noble gases are sometimes called inert gases because Group 18 (VIIIA) elements react with very few other elements. In fact, no compound of argon has ever been produced.", "85Kr is an inert radioactive noble gas with a half-life of 10.76 years. It is produced by the fission of uranium and plutonium, such as in nuclear bomb testing and nuclear reactors. 85Kr is released during the reprocessing of fuel rods from nuclear reactors. Concentrations at the North Pole are 30% higher than at the South Pole due to convective mixing. ", "argon - A non-explosive, colorless, odorless, tasteless, inert gaseous element used in electric light bulbs, fluorescent tubes, and neon POISONOUS!tubes, and as an inert gas shield in arc welding. Atomic symbol Ar, atomic number 18, atomic weight 39.94, melting point -189.2�C, boiling point -185.7�C. Tank sizes available are 131, 330, and 4754 liquid cubic feet. Also see acetylene, carbon dioxide, helium, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen.", "Neon is a chemical element with symbol Ne and atomic number 10. It is in group 18 (noble gases) of the periodic table. Neon is a colorless, odorless, inert monatomic gas under standard conditions, with about two-thirds the density of air. It was discovered (along with krypton and ", "Krypton (IPA: /ˈkrɪptən/ or /ˈkrɪptan/) is a chemical element with the symbol Kr and atomic number 36. A colorless, odorless, tasteless noble gas, krypton occurs in trace amounts in the atmosphere, is isolated by fractionally distilling liquified air, and is often used with other rare gases in fluorescent lamps. Krypton is inert for most practical purposes but it is known to form compounds with fluorine. Krypton can also form clathrates with water when atoms of it are trapped in a lattice of the water molecules.", "Xenon is a chemical element with symbol Xe and atomic number 54. It is a colorless, dense, odorless noble gas, that occurs in the Earth's atmosphere in trace amounts. Although generally unreactive, xenon can undergo a few chemical reactions such as the formation of xenon hexafluoroplatinate, the first noble gas compound to be synthesized. ", "6. In the periodic table what name is given to the group of elements named helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon and radon ?", "atomic number 75 ; Re ; rhenium (a rare heavy polyvalent metallic element that resembles manganese chemically and is used in some alloys; is obtained as a by-product in refining molybdenum)", "The term noble gas refers to elements in Group 18 (VIIIA) of the periodic table. The periodic table is a chart that shows how chemical elements are related to each other. These gases have been given the name \"noble\" because they act as if they are \"too arrogant\" to react with other elements. Until the 1960s, no compound of these gases was known. Since they are so inactive, they are also called the inert gases. Inert means inactive.", "Rhenium, atomic number 75 with symbol Re, is a silvery-white, hard, transition metal with a high melting point. In 1925, it was discovered by the Germans, Noddack, Tache and Berg, and was the last of the stable elements to be discovered. It is one of the rarest naturally occurring elements and it is named after the river Rhine. Rhenium is a constituent of high-temperature superalloys used to make jet engine parts.", "Super-heavy atoms, (super heavy elements, commonly abbreviated SHE), are the transactinide elements beginning with rutherfordium (atomic number 104). They have only been made artificially, and currently serve no useful purpose because their short half-lives cause them to decay after a few minutes to just a few milliseconds, which also makes them extremely hard to study.", "[from France], radioactive chemical element; symbol Fr; at. no. 87; mass no. of most stable isotope 223; m.p. about 27&degC; (estimated); b.p. 677&degC; (estimated); sp. gr. unknown; valence +1.", "Its Atomic Number is 26. The symbol Fe comes from the Latin name for the metal, Ferrum.", "Francium is a heavy chemical element. Its atomic number is 87 and its chemical symbol is Fr. It is highly radioactive alkali metal." ]
[ 7.33984375, 6.28125, 6.14453125, 5.3046875, 3.66015625, 3.517578125, 1.255859375, 0.66162109375, 0.43017578125, -0.0367431640625, -0.16015625, -0.293701171875, -0.309326171875, -0.469970703125, -0.8759765625, -0.89013671875, -1.0009765625, -1.875, -2.125, -2.427734375, -2.73046875, -2.955078125, -3.810546875, -3.88671875, -4.55859375, -4.79296875, -5.40234375, -6.203125, -6.22265625, -6.82421875, -7.12890625, -7.453125 ]
This year was the first in its 45 year history that Jerry Lewis did not host the annual labor day telethon, which raises money for which charity (2.45 billion to date)?
[ "The Jerry Lewis MDA Labor Day Telethon was an annual telethon held each Labor Day in the United States to raise money for the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA). The show was founded and hosted by actor and comedian Jerry Lewis, who hosted the broadcast from its 1966 inception until 2010.[http://www.mda.org/news/110803.html MDA: \"Jerry Lewis Completes Run as MDA National Chairman\", August 3, 2011.] The history of MDA's telethon dated back to the 1950s, when the Jerry Lewis Thanksgiving Party for MDA raised funds for the organization's New York City area operations. The telethon was held annually on Labor Day weekend beginning in 1966,[http://quest.mda.org/article/mdas-love-network-has-rich-vital-history \"MDA's 'Love Network' has a rich, vital history,\"] from Quest, 7/1/2005 and would raise $2.45 billion for MDA from its inception through 2009. ", "The Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon is hosted by Jerry Lewis to raise money for the Muscular Dystrophy Association . It has been held annually since 1966. The telethon had raised $1.46 billion by 2007. [1]", "The annual telethon, from 2012 to 2014 known as the MDA Show of Strength, was held on Labor Day weekend. Debuting in 1966, it was previously hosted by Lewis, who also served as the MDA's national chairman since its inception in 1950. In 2008, the annual Labor Day Telethon raised a record USD$65,031,393. In 2005, the MDA made the unprecedented decision to pledge $1 million of the Telethon's money raised to Hurricane Katrina disaster relief, making the donation specifically to the Salvation Army (though the Telethon also urged viewers to give to the American Red Cross). Originally broadcast for up to 21½ hours from 1966 to 2010, the event was cut back to six hours in 2011.[http://quest.mda.org/news/mda-labor-day-telethon-moves-shorter-format MDA: \"MDA Labor Day Telethon Moves to Shorter Format\", October 6, 2010.] The 2011 edition of the telethon was originally announced to have been Lewis' last as host, with him continuing his role as national chairman; however, on August 3, 2011, the MDA announced that Lewis resigned as host and chairman, due to circumstances not revealed.[http://www.mda.org/news/110803.html MDA: \"Jerry Lewis Completes Run as MDA National Chairman\", August 3, 2011.]", "    1984 - Jerry Lewis smashed all previous records for charity fund-raising. A total of $32,074,566 was pledged on the annual \"Labor Day Telethon\" for the Muscular Dystrophy Association.", "FILE - In this Monday, Sept. 4, 2006 file photo, Jerry Lewis celebrates $61,013,855 million in pledges and contributions during the Muscular Dystrophy Association Labor Day telethon in Las Vegas. In 2011, the MDA dropped Lewis as its national chairman and telethon host, then ended the telethon itself in 2015. (AP Photo/Jane Kalinowsky)", "NEW YORK (AP) — For 45 years, many Americans identified the Muscular Dystrophy Association with one man and one event — comedian Jerry Lewis and his annual Labor Day telethon.", "1986 - Jerry Lewis raised a record $34 million for Muscular Dystrophy during his annual telethon for Jerry�s kids over the Labor Day weekend.", "Beginning in 2011, coinciding with Lewis's controversial departure, MDA radically reformatted and shortened the telethon's format into that of a benefit concert, shortening the length of the special each successive year. The 2011 edition was seen on the Sunday evening before Labor Day for six hours;[http://quest.mda.org/news/mda-labor-day-telethon-moves-shorter-format MDA: \"MDA Labor Day Telethon Moves to Shorter Format\", October 6, 2010.] This edition, syndicated to approximately 160 television stations throughout the United States on September 4, 2011.[http://quest.mda.org/article/mda-labor-day-telethon-2011-short-snappy-sensational MDA: \"MDA Labor Day Telethon 2011: Short, Snappy, Sensational!\", July 1, 2011.] Nigel Lythgoe, Jann Carl, Alison Sweeney and Nancy O'Dell were brought on as co-hosts.[http://www.mda.org/news/110610grand-ole-opry-stars-mda.html MDA press release: \"Top Country Music Acts Tape Grand Ole Opry Performances for MDA Labor Day Telethon\", June 10, 2011.] shared hosting duties for the 2011 edition.[http://blog.zap2it.com/pop2it/2011/08/jerry-lewis-out-as-mda-national-chairman.html Zap2it: \"Jerry Lewis out as MDA National Chairman\", August 4, 2011.]", "It's a busy time, as Augusts always are. The telethon for the Muscular Dystrophy Association, which starts Sunday at 9 p.m. ET and ends Monday at 6:30 p.m. ET (check your local listings), will be his 37th consecutive in the rat-tat-tat vaudevillian format that has raised more than $1.6 billion since 1966. Lewis juggles questions between calls over a speakerphone and visits from various family members and staff. (Related story: Cutting-edge relief eases Lewis' pain )", "He and Dean Martin were partners as the hit popular comedy duo of Martin and Lewis. Following that success, he was a solo star in films, nightclubs, concert stages, television, and recordings. Lewis also served as national chairman of the Muscular Dystrophy Association and host of the live Labor Day broadcast of the Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon for 40 years.", "On May 27–28, 1973, Davis hosted (with Monte Hall) the first annual, twenty-hour Highway Safety Foundation telethon. Guests included Muhammad Ali, Paul Anka, Jack Barry, Dr. Joyce Brothers, Ray Charles, Dick Clark, Roy Clark, Howard Cosell, Ossie Davis, Ruby Dee, Joe Franklin, Cliff Gorman, Richie Havens, Danny Kaye, Steve Leeds, Jerry Lewis, Hal Linden, Rich Little, Butterfly McQueen, Minnie Pearl, Boots Randolph, Tex Ritter, Phil Rizzuto, The Rockettes, Nipsey Russell, Sally Struthers, Mel Tillis, Ben Vereen, Lawrence Welk, and many more. It was a financial disaster. The total amount of pledges was $1.2 million. Actual pledges received were $525,000. ", "JERRY LEWIS IS JUST TRYING TO GET SOME ATTENTION – LIKE HE DOES WITH THE MD TELETHON. HE NOT ONLY IS A HAS BEEN – HE IS A NEVER WAS. I NEVER DONATE TO THE MD TELETHON JUST BECAUSE OF JERRY LEWIS", "Following the telethon, Lythgoe commented that he was sorry that Lewis did not take part, but the show had to move on to ensure its survival, but has said that he is welcome to make an appearance on the telethon anytime, saying that the annual event was \"his baby.\" Lythgoe also said that the orchestra had contingency plans in place in the event Lewis did show up, either live or pre-recorded, to sing his signature song, \"You'll Never Walk Alone\", but never showed up at the venue. Lewis' publicist Candy Cazau would not comment to the Associated Press about contingency plans, but has said earlier that Lewis did not agree to make any appearances on the show. The song used at the close of the show was \"God Bless America\", sung by a large children's choir, all the hosts and performers from the show, following renditions of \"America the Beautiful\", \"Strike Up the Band\", and \"The Stars and Stripes Forever\").", "**Frank Sinatra brings Jerry Lewis's former partner Dean Martin onstage, unannounced, at the 1976 Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon in Las Vegas, Nevada, reuniting the comedy team for the first (and only) time in over 20 years.", "In 2010, the last year of the full-length telethon, the telethon ran live for 20½ hours, from 9 p.m. ET to 5:30 p.m. ET, though the actual start and end times varied by station. However, the MDA still considered 21½ hours as the official length of the telethon, turning over the final hour, from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. ET to its affiliate stations for local wrap-ups (some stations would elect to end at 6 or 7 p.m. ET instead (or even later), depending on the option of the station).[http://www.mda.org/news/090907mda-telethon-44-tote.html MDA: \"Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon Achieves $60.5 Million\", 9/7/2009.]", "Local telethons, once a common fixture in nearly every major city in the United States, are now rare but still found in a handful of cities, including Louisville, Kentucky (WHAS Crusade for Children), Buffalo, New York (Kids Escaping Drugs telethon for youth drug rehabilitation, broadcast annually by WGRZ; and the Variety Club Telethon, held each winter on WKBW-TV for Variety, the Children's Charity); Green Bay, Wisconsin (the Cerebral palsy telethon on WBAY-TV) and Erie, Pennsylvania (the Community for Kanzius Telethon on WICU and WSEE for the Kanzius Cancer Research Foundation). New York City also features a telethon of sorts; the WFAN Radiothon, by virtue of its two drive time shows being simulcast on cable television, has portions covered on television. Since 2010, this has included the portion covering Boomer and Carton in the Morning on CBS Sports Network and Mike's On on Fox Sports 1/2. From 2002 to 2007, the shows in question were Imus in the Morning on MSNBC and Mike and the Mad Dog on YES; Imus has since revived radiothons on his current homes, WABC and Fox Business Network.", "By the mid-1960s, organizers of the telethon chose Labor Day weekend to stage their event, as it was the only time frame made available to hold it. Many, however, expected the Labor Day broadcast would fail, as many people would have traveled out of town and/or be away from their television sets during the holiday weekend; even New York City officials were skeptical that it would succeed, which made them reluctant to issue a fund-raising permit to the MDAA, though one would indeed be granted at the urging of Robert Ross, MDAA's then-Executive Director.", "Triple Platinum performs as part of the local segment of the Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon, Southfield, MI.", "On June 29 and 30, 1956, Martin and Lewis hosted an MDAA telethon called The Martin and Lewis Roundup, live from Carnegie Hall. The pair ended their comedy partnership a month later and Lewis was named national chairman of MDAA later that year. Lewis went on to host Thanksgiving Day telethons in 1957 and 1959. ", "A telethon would broadcast for up to 21½ hours, starting on the Sunday evening preceding Labor Day and continuing until late Monday afternoon on the holiday itself. MDA called its network of participating stations the \"Love Network\". The show originated from Las Vegas for 28 of the years it was broadcast.", "Comic Relief is an irregularly held event, televised on HBO, that has raised and distributed nearly $50 million toward providing health care services to homeless men, women, and children throughout the United States . Comedians Robin Williams, Billy Crystal, and Whoopi Goldberg are hosts of the event.", "Barrasso is known throughout Wyoming for his health messages. His public service announcements have been on TV, radio and in numerous newspapers for more than 20 years. Barrasso has also hosted Wyoming’s efforts on the Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon.", "On Sunday, 28 October 1956, as some 55 million Americans watched Ed Sullivan 's popular television variety show, with the then 21-year-old Elvis Presley headlining for the second time, Sullivan asked viewers to send aid to Hungarian refugees fleeing from the effects of the Soviet invasion. Presley himself made another request for donations during his third and last appearance on Sullivan's show on 6 January 1957. Presley then dedicated a song for the finale, which he thought fit the mood of the time, namely the gospel song \" Peace in the Valley \". By the end of 1957, these contributions, distributed by the Geneva-based International Red Cross as food rations, clothing, and other essentials, had amounted to some SFR 26 million (US$6 million in 1957 dollars), the equivalent of $50,400,000 in today's dollars. [188] On 1 March 2011, Istvan Tarlos, the current Mayor of Budapest, made Presley an honorary citizen, posthumously, and a plaza located at the intersection of two of the city's most important avenues was named after Presley, as a gesture of gratitude.", "On September 15, 2003, the entertainer hosts a star-studded charitable event at Neverland Valley Ranch, ticket price at presale being 725 dollars, with proceeds going to the Oneness charitable organization. Guests enjoy a tour of Jackson’s menagerie, amusement rides, various assortments of food and other exciting things. The party subsequent to the event is hosted and broadcast live by ‘KIIS FM’. Jackson briefly addresses the guests in attendance. Prior to his speech, the \"Harvest International Children’s Choir\", along with a host of fans and special guests in attendance, join in to chant 'Happy Birthday' to their favorite star, whose birth date had been 2 weeks before.", "Comic Relief was an irregularly held event, televised on Home Box Office (HBO), which has raised and distributed nearly US$50 million toward providing health care services to homeless people throughout the United States. Comedians Robin Williams , Billy Crystal , and Whoopi Goldberg are hosts of the event.", "According to the MDA's website, on December 28, 1951, Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis concluded their popular NBC show with a special appeal to support muscular dystrophy research. However, according to NewspaperARCHIVE.com, it was a radio show (not a television program), in various cities across the United States. MDA's website additionally states that the second national appeal was during its January 4, 1952 network radio program.", "Paul Simon, along with Paul McCartney, the Rolling Stones, Brian Wilson and many more, will be performing on the ReAct Now: Music & Relief telethon, airing commercial-free from 8 to 11 p.m. ET this Saturday (September 10th) on MTV, VH1, CMT, VH1 Classic, and MTV2 in America.", "September 21, 2001 America: A Tribute to Heroes was a telethon in the style of a benefit concert organized in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and The Pentagon by the four major United States television networks.", "In August 2010, the charitable foundation created by Johnny Carson reported receiving $156 million from a personal trust established by the entertainer years prior to his January 2005 death. Carson's foundation was now by far the largest of the Hollywood charities. ", "On January 7, 1994, the pop star organizes, on occasion of Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, a gala for 100 needy children at his Neverland residence. Meanwhile, \"HTWF\", with partners \"Unihealth\" and \"Los Angeles Immunization Coalition\", disseminate vaccines to the homeless children in Los Angeles, beggared by a damaging earthquake in the area. Moreover, the singer’s\"HTWF\", along with \"Discovery Playthings\", hands hundreds of toys to children attending an immunization drive. \"Heal L.A.\",additionally, donates more than 85,000 dollars to the \"Al Wooten Jr. Heritage Center\", \"Casa Rutilio Grande\", \"Clinica Para Las Americas\", \"Families in New Directions\", \"Meeting Each Need With Dignity\", \"Proyecto Esperanza\", \"Pueblo Nuevo\", and \"Vaughn Street Family Center\" sheltering the victims of the Los Angeles and San Fernando Valley earthquake. Associated with \"General Electric\", \"Lever Brothers\" and \"Surf Wash\", \"HTWF\" deliver washers, dryers and soap to 25 NGO’s, as well as free laundry services, all for the earthquake-stricken people, in addition, along with \"Heal L.A.\" and \"Salvation Army\", 400 homeless people and their children are invited to spend a day at \"Universal Studios\". Michael Jackson and his residence are also hosts to 100 children from the \"Community Youth Sports and Arts Foundation\" in Los Angeles, whom he speaks and plays with, poses for pictures and signs autographs; the children, moreover, watch film \"Beethoven's 2nd\" with him in his amusement park, and visit his private zoo.", "On January 7, 1994, the pop star organizes, on occasion of Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, a gala for 100 needy children at his Neverland residence. Meanwhile, \"HTWF\", with partners \"Unihealth\" and \"Los Angeles Immunization Coalition\", disseminate vaccines to the homeless children in Los Angeles, beggared by a damaging earthquake in the area. Moreover, the singer’s \"HTWF\", along with \"Discovery Playthings\", hands hundreds of toys to children attending an immunization drive. \"Heal L.A.\", additionally, donates more than 85,000 dollars to the \"Al Wooten Jr. Heritage Center\", \"Casa Rutilio Grande\", \"Clinica Para Las Americas\", \"Families in New Directions\", \"Meeting Each Need With Dignity\", \"Proyecto Esperanza\", \"Pueblo Nuevo\", and \"Vaughn Street Family Center\" sheltering the victims of the Los Angeles and San Fernando Valley earthquake. Associated with \"General Electric\", \"Lever Brothers\" and \"Surf Wash\", \"HTWF\" deliver washers, dryers and soap to 25 NGO’s, as well as free laundry services, all for the earthquake-stricken people, in addition, along with \"Heal L.A.\" and \"Salvation Army\", 400 homeless people and their children are invited to spend a day at \"Universal Studios\". Michael Jackson and his residence are also hosts to 100 children from the \"Community Youth Sports and Arts Foundation\" in Los Angeles, whom he speaks and plays with, poses for pictures and signs autographs; the children, moreover, watch film \"Beethoven's 2nd\" with him in his amusement park, and visit his private zoo.", "On February 17, 2015, in honor of the one-year anniversary of the premiere of The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Ben & Jerry's unveiled The Tonight Dough Starring Jimmy Fallon. All of its proceeds go to the SeriousFun Children's Network, which supports camps for children with major illnesses. " ]
[ 5.8671875, 3.525390625, 3.4609375, 2.12109375, 1.947265625, 1.666015625, 1.5810546875, -1.1845703125, -1.3759765625, -1.6337890625, -2.65625, -3.2109375, -3.326171875, -3.8515625, -4.0390625, -5.203125, -5.41015625, -5.4765625, -5.5078125, -5.51953125, -5.66015625, -5.6640625, -5.9375, -6.0703125, -6.2734375, -6.48828125, -8.1015625, -8.109375, -8.125, -8.796875, -8.8359375, -8.890625 ]
What's missing: Magnum Force, The Enforcer, Sudden Impact, and The Dead Pool?
[ "The Dead Pool is a 1988 American action film directed by Buddy Van Horn, written by Steve Sharon, and starring Clint Eastwood as Inspector \"Dirty\" Harry Callahan. It is the fifth and final film in the Dirty Harry film series, set in San Francisco, California.", "The Dead Pool is a crime thriller in the 'Dirty Harry' series starring Clint Eastwood and Patricia Clarkson in a story about the san Francisco police investigating a gambling game in which celebrities deaths are predicted. The Dead Pool was directed by Buddy Van Horn in 1988.", "Inspector Harold Francis \"Dirty Harry\" Callahan is a fictional character in the Dirty Harry film series, encompassing Dirty Harry (1971), Magnum Force (1973), The Enforcer (1976), Sudden Impact (1983) and The Dead Pool (1988). Callahan is portrayed by Clint Eastwood in each movie.", "Dirty Harry was a critical and commercial success and set the style for a whole genre of police films. It was followed by four sequels: Magnum Force in 1973, The Enforcer in 1976, Sudden Impact in 1983 (directed by Eastwood himself) and The Dead Pool in 1988.", "Sudden Impact (br:Impacto Fulminante, pt:Impacto Súbito) é um filme estadunidense de 1983, do gênero policial. É o quarto da série Dirty Harry, dirigido e estrelado por Clint Eastwood, e o que obteve maior bilheteria.", "Magnum Force is a 1973 American action thriller and the second to feature Clint Eastwood as maverick cop Harry Callahan after the 1971 film Dirty Harry. Ted Post, who also directed Eastwood in the television series Rawhide and the feature film Hang 'Em High, directed this second installment in the Dirty Harry film series, though Eastwood has stated in interviews that the majority of the film was \"ghost directed\" by himself and second unit director Buddy Van Horn, both of whom would go on to direct later entries in the series. The screenplay was written by John Milius (who provided an uncredited rewrite for the original film) and Michael Cimino. This film features early appearances by David Soul, Tim Matheson and Robert Urich. At 124 minutes, it is also the longest Dirty Harry film.", "Amazon.com: The Dirty Harry Collection (Dirty Harry/Magnum Force/The Enforcer/Sudden Impact/The Dead Pool): Clint Eastwood, Andrew Robinson, Liam Neeson, Sondra Locke, Tyne Daly, Harry Guardino, Reni Santoni, John Vernon, John Larch, John Mitchum, Mae Mercer, Lyn Edgington, Buddy Van Horn, Don Siegel, James Fargo, Ted Post, Charles B. Pierce, Dean Riesner, Durk Pearson: Movies & TV", "Callahan loses hold of his sidearm four times during the course of the series; first in Dirty Harry when Scorpio tells him to take it out and throw it when he is confronted at the cross in the park, in Magnum Force, second in Sudden Impact, then in The Dead Pool. In The Enforcer, Callahan doesn't lose it, however he doesn't employ it to kill the final villain (in favor of a portable rocket launcher). Additionally, in Sudden Impact, Callahan temporarily upgraded to a .44 Automag. Contrary to popular belief, it was not an AMT firearm, but an original AMP AutoMag built specifically for that film. ", "The music score for The Enforcer was written by Jerry Fielding, making The Enforcer the only Dirty Harry film without a score by Lalo Schifrin. The film was originally intended to be the last Dirty Harry film of a trilogy. A poll conducted by Warner Bros in 1983 led to the development of a fourth film, Sudden Impact and the resurrection of the film series. Eastwood never intended to make more Dirty Harry films, but private agreements with the studio allowed him to do more \"personal\" films in exchange for doing the subsequent sequels.", "In Dirty Harry we learn that Callahan's unnamed wife has recently died, her picture still on display in his apartment. In Magnum Force he begins a relationship with Sunny, an Asian woman who is one of his neighbours and asks to go to bed with him on their first meeting. In Sudden Impact he establishes a sexual relationship with vigilante Jennifer Spencer although it is uncertain if this goes any further, Spencer commenting 'Neither of us want to be alone tonight'. In The Dead Pool he romances news reporter Samantha Walker and they are last seen walking away together at the end of the film", "The vertiginous hills and wild curves of San Francisco’s streets make it a perfect choice for chase scenes. No surprise that the Dirty Harry movies have some great ones. While The Enforcer‘s rooftop foot chase — defying San Francisco’s geography — is among the saga’s finest moments, another is Magnum Force‘s car-versus-motorcycle destruction derby that concludes the film. Action aside, the flick’s premise is extraordinarily intriguing: Harry going against a gang of rogue cops. But as the title suggests, the crooked cops make one crucial mistake: using standard-issue .357 Magnums. Harry, as you know, uses something a bit bigger.", "*Magnum Force, directed by Ted Post, starring Clint Eastwood, Hal Holbrook, David Soul, Tim Matheson, Robert Urich", "Callahan is often considered a film icon, so much so that his nickname, \"Dirty Harry\", has entered the lexicon as slang for ruthless police officers. All of the Dirty Harry films feature Callahan killing criminals, mostly in gunfights. Phrases he utters in armed stand-offs,\" Go ahead, make my day \" and \" [...] you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya, punk? \" have become iconic. As the 1971 film was criticized for carrying fascist, or at least authoritarian, undertones, the sequels attempted to be more balanced by pitting Harry against villains from a broader ideological spectrum; notably in 1973's Magnum Force, in which Harry is shown fighting vigilantism. ", "Magnum Force .  Burbank, CA : Warner Home Video, c1987.  2 videodiscs (LaserVision) (122 min.) : sd., col. ; 12 in.  PN1995.9.D555 M34 1987 Video (12 inch) disc  videodisc 1-2 : A mysterious wave of assassinations is sweeping the San Francisco underworld. Detective \"Dirty Harry\" Callahan (Eastwood) discovers why: sharpshooting rookie policemen have turned vigilante.  Cast : Clint Eastwood, Hal Holbrook, Mitchell Ryan, David Soul, Felton Perry, Robert Urich.", "According to Mark Whitman's book, The Films of Clint Eastwood, the original draft for the script was titled \"Dead Right\" by Julian and Rita Fink. It was set in New York City , not San Francisco, California, and ended with a police sniper instead of Callahan taking out Scorpio. Another earlier version of the story was set in Seattle, Washington . Four more drafts of the script were written. John Milius wrote a draft of the film inspired by Akira Kurosawa 's studies in lone-gun detectives. Quite a bit of Milius script remains in the finished film, including Harry's mystique and Harry's 'Do I feel lucky?' monologue. Terrence Malick wrote a draft of the film where he altered Scorpio from being a mindless psychopath killing only because he likes it, to being a vigilante who killed wealthy criminals who had escaped justice. Malick's ideas formed the basis for the sequel, Magnum Force .", "Over the course of the five movies, Callahan is shown killing 45 criminals, mostly with his trademark revolver, a Smith & Wesson Model 29 .44 Magnum , which he describes as \"the most powerful handgun in the world.\" The films routinely depict Callahan as being a skilled marksman; in Magnum Force he is revealed as a multiple winner of the SFPD's pistol championship. In his fight against criminals, including fellow cops, such as the self-appointed police death squad in Magnum Force, Callahan is merciless and shows no hesitation or remorse at killing them. Despite this, he refused to join the vigilante police officers in Magnum Force, reasoning that although the present system is flawed, it is preferable to their alternative.", "John Milius was asked to work on the script when Sinatra was attached, along with Kershner as director. Milius claimed he was requested to write the screenplay for Sinatra in three weeks. Terrence Malick wrote a draft of the film dated November 1970 (John Milius and Harry Julian Fink are also named as co-writers) in which the shooter (also named Travis) was a vigilante who killed wealthy criminals who had escaped justice. Malick's ideas formed the basis for the sequel, Magnum Force, though with a group of vigilante motorcycle cops instead of a single shooter.", "In the 1st Dirty Harry sequel, Magnum Force, Callahan did not say he used .44 Special ammo. In the scene where Harry meets the rookie officers (for the first time) in the underground police practice range he is asked,", "Dirty Harry (1971), written by Harry and Rita Fink, centers on a hard-edged New York City (later changed to San Francisco) police inspector named Harry Callahan who is determined to stop a psychotic killer by any means. Dirty Harry has been described as being arguably Eastwood's most memorable character, and the film has been credited with inventing the \"loose-cannon cop\" genre. Author Eric Lichtenfeld argues that Eastwood's role as Dirty Harry established the \"first true archetype\" of the action film genre. His lines (quoted right) are regarded by firearms historians, such as Garry James and Richard Venola, as the force that catapulted the ownership of .44 Magnum revolvers to new heights in the United States; specifically the Smith & Wesson Model 29 carried by Harry Callahan. Dirty Harry achieved huge success after its release in December 1971, earning $22 million in the United States and Canada alone. It was Siegel's highest-grossing film and the start of a series of films featuring the character Harry Callahan. Although a number of critics praised Eastwood's performance as Dirty Harry, such as Jay Cocks of Time magazine who described him as \"...giving his best performance so far, tense, tough, full of implicit identification with his character,\" the film was also widely criticized as being fascistic. ", "In 1987, Lee formed his second production company, Magnum Films, and had become a fairly powerful producer in Hong Kong. As fitting for a company named after Dirty Harry's favorite gun, many of Magnum's films are ultra-violent \"Category III\" (Hong Kong's equivalent of \"NC-17,\" where no children are allowed to watch) films which have become classics in their own right. Movies like The Untold Story, Dr. Lamb and Twist scared local audiences and entranced foreigners with their over-the-top attitude.", "Private detective and Vietnam vet Magnum protected Robin Masters' estate, learned to love its caretaker, Higgins, cracked a bunch of cases and called in every favor he was ever owed. He also killed Ivan, his tormenter in 'Nam. He usually needed his buddies Rick and T.C. to rescue him at some point, which was part of the fun. Great car. Great mustache. Great guy.", "Released on March 6, 1987, Lethal Weapon was #1 at the box office for three weeks before Blind Date supplanted it. It grossed $120.2 million worldwide and was nominated for Academy Award for Sound and for Sound Effects Editing (the former was won by The Last Emperor, the latter won by RoboCop). It is widely considered to be one of the best buddy cop films of all time, influencing numerous \"buddy cop\" films such as Tango & Cash, Bad Boys and the Rush Hour series.", "in Don Siegel's violent action film Dirty Harry (1971) , Clint Eastwood starred as the intolerant, fascistic, magnum-packing, vigilante SF cop Harry Callahan on the trail of the elusive 'Scorpio killer' (Andy Robinson)", "A couple of new films, “ Gangster Squad ” (pictured) and “ Stand Up Guys ,” are hoping to join a long line of classic gangster movies that are chock full of guns, girls, and car chases. Check out a few of our favorites.", "Lethal Weapon 1 is da bomb! Solid film franchise, I like all four. One is my most favourite.", "Arroyo, Jose. \"Massive Attack.\" In: Action/spectacle cinema : a Sight and sound reader / edited by Jose Arroyo. London : British Film Institute, 2000. (Main Stack PN1995.A259 2000)", "Dirty Harry created one of the most enduring action film formulas still in use 30 years later.-- The over-the-top lone wolf vigilante who will do the right thing no matter what the cost in the most no-nonsense, take-no-prisoners, save the b.s. for someone else, fashion imaginable.", "What's the music that plays during the chase scene between Chazz and Stranz? I noticed it isn't in the soundtrack CD.", "âBloodsportâ, released in 1988, is considered one of Van Dammeâs most critically acclaimed films. A martial arts film, Van Damme reenacted the role of real life martial artist, âFrank Duxâ and was lauded for his performance in the movie. The film became a box-office success, earning $11.8 million in the US alone, despite its low budget of $1.1 million. The movie became extremely successful and spawned three sequels; âBloodsport II: The Next Kumiteâ, âBloodsport IIIâ and âBloodsport 4: The Dark Kumiteâ.", "So if you're a young (but not too young) movie viewer who haven't yet seen Predator, be sure to do so to get a sample of action 80's style with Arnold at his peak.", "Best of the Best: Without Warning Action star Phillip Rhee returns in this fourth \"Best\" outing, here getting caught up in the Russian underworld, high-tech crime and counterfeit money. Co-stars Ernie Hudson. 1998, CC, MPAA rating: R, 90 min., Action, Miramax, No SRP, Priced for rental. DVD: No.", "A shorter, somewhat different version of this article appeared in: The Gun as Star and the \"U.N.C.L.E. Special.\" In M. Pomerance & J. Sakeris (Eds.), Bang Bang, Shoot Shoot! Essays on Guns and Popular Culture. NY: Simon and Shuster, 1999." ]
[ 3.23828125, 3.099609375, 3.021484375, 2.2109375, 1.5478515625, 1.2998046875, 0.27001953125, -0.07403564453125, -0.44091796875, -0.7607421875, -1.263671875, -1.318359375, -1.5771484375, -1.6650390625, -2.056640625, -2.09375, -2.40234375, -3.224609375, -4.375, -6.8125, -7.30859375, -8.46875, -8.6484375, -8.65625, -9.0234375, -9.0390625, -9.25, -9.4921875, -9.609375, -9.8359375, -9.8828125, -10.2734375 ]
In golf, what is the opposite of a slice (a shot that curves toward the side of the swing)?
[ "A hook is the opposite of a slice. That means for a right-handed golfer, he shot his golf ball out to the right and within the flight it curves strongly to the left. The result is, that the ball misses its objective because its too left. For left-handed golfer the process is exactly the other way round. The hook is a mis-hit which often happens to amateur golfers and once they have the habit it's hard to straighten it out.", "A \"Slice Shot\" is the complete opposite of a \"Hook Shot\", it is when the ball curve hard right. A slice is the most common mistake of amateur golfers, by hitting the ball with an open club face and causing the ball to slice hard right. A slice can also be from moving your lower body quicker than your upper body making it so your club face is open on impact.", "Slice (or Fade) - The opposite of a hook. It is when the ball starts straight in flight then fades considerably to the right. (For right-handed golfers.)", "To induce topspin onto the ball causing in to move from outside to in on your swing. Opposite is slice.", "“If you have a slice, you’re hitting the ball out-to-in,” agreed Chris Kunkel, general manager at Silverhorn Golf Club in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. “You’re probably coming over the top too high with your swing. A hook is just the opposite, in-to-out. The swing is coming from too far away from your body.” Kunkel said sometimes a hook or slice can be corrected by standing closer to the ball. This can result in a swing where you aren’t reaching from too far above and away, once again, putting an abnormal spin on the ball.", "SLICE – This is either a piece of bread or a shot struck by a golfer which curves pretty severely from left to right (for a right handed golfer).", "e on the inside of the ball. This seems like the correct remedy to hit the ball to the left doesn’t it? Most golfers believe that. But most golfers don’t understand the physics and the science of the golf swing. Contrary to what most golfers who slice the ball believe, by hitting the ball with this approach, this ultimately sends the ball to the right. It may seem that by cutting across the ball (another term that is used in conjunction with slicing or the “outside-in” swing) you will hit the ball to the left. Many of you are able to start the ball toward the left, but the spin that is on the ball ultimately curves the ball to the right leaving you with a shot that is short and in the rough on the right side.", "A \"Fade Shot\" is the complete opposite of a \"Draw Shot\" it starts out straight and slightly curves right. Again this shot can be played on purpose but normally only by skilled golfers. A shot with a fade can be caused from an open club face on impact or by swinging slightly outside-in.", "Slice A shot that curves to the right. The most common fault of amateur golfers, generally caused by an open club face at impact.", "If the divot starts behind the ball, you have mis-hit the shot (this type of mis-hit is often called hitting the ball \"heavy\" or \" fat \"). If your divot points left of the target (for a right-hander), you cut across the ball at impact on an outside-to-inside swing path (which often results in a fade , slice or pull ). If your divot points right of the target line (for a right-hander), your swing path was inside-to-outside (which can result in a draw , hook or push ).", "To induce backspin onto the ball causing it to travel through the air following inside to out swing. Opposite is Draw.", "when unintentional is a poor shot that, for a right-handed golfer, curves sharply to the left (may occasionally be played intentionally but is difficult to control). Hooks are often called the \"better player's miss\", thanks to the fact that many of the game's greatest players (Ben Hogan, for instance) have been plagued by the hook at one time or another in their careers. A shot that follows the same direction but to a lesser degree is referred to as a 'draw' and is often intentional. The curved shape of the flight of the ball is a result of sideways spin. For that reason \"hook\" does not refer to a putt which \"breaks\".", "When unintentional is a poor shot that, for a right-handed golfer, curves sharply to the left (may occasionally be played intentionally but is difficult to control). Hooks are often called the \"better player's miss\", thanks to the fact that many of the game's greatest players ( Ben Hogan , for instance) have been plagued by the hook at one time or another in their careers. A shot that follows the same direction but to a lesser degree is referred to as a 'draw' and is often intentional. The curved shape of the flight of the ball is a result of sideways spin. For that reason \"hook\" does not refer to a putt which \"breaks\".", "When used in golf, the term forward swing is the opposite of the backswing . Thus it is the downward movement of the hands and arms and of course the club, because the hands hold it. The period from top of the backswing until the direct contact with the golf ball is the forward swing. A synonym for this term is downswing.", "Shot that curves strongly from right to left (or the opposite, if you play left handed!).", "A shot that comes to rest within the boundaries of the course (the opposite of 'out-of-bounds').", "Flop shot is the designation of a pitch shot which is generally shorter played. For that shot golfers usually use a high-lofted wedge for creating the maximum height within the ball flight. The ideal result should be a trajectory with great height but a quick landing and stopping on the green. This shot is for instance performed, if there is one more hazard until the golf ball reaches the flagstick. The flop shot is most commonly played with a so-called lob wedge , which is highly-lofted, or other wedges. As a result, the flop shot is also known as lob shot or lob. Additionally it is also known as flip shot.", "The alternate shot is a special version of playing golf. In there two players are in a team and play alternately with the same ball. The golfers in the team decide among themselves who tees off first and afterwards they hit alternately. The “alternate shot” can on the one hand be played as stroke play, at the other hand as match play. The version of the alternate shot is more commonly known as foursome .", "To help eliminate your slice , lay a club on the ground parallel to your target line and on each swing try and take a divot that flies 30 degrees to the right of the target line . You'll soon feel your swing on the desired inside path", "A type of shot that starts to the opposite side of the normal pocket and then fades back into the pocket; sometimes used on very oily lane conditions.", "The flip shot refers to a special kind of golf shot. It is usually performed with a wedge. It is generally combined with a wrist swing and created in order to hit the golf ball with a great height but at the same time a short distance.", "If golfers suffer from the yips, this putting stance is often used. Within this putting stance, the golfer stands aside the golf ball and thereby he faces the hole. Furthermore he holds the club with a widely-split grip and in the end he strikes the ball with some kind of a croquet stroke. The USGA banned a stroke in a similar style, where the golfer faced the hole and thereby positioned the golf ball in between his feet.", "A short approach shot of low trajectory usually hit from near the green. It is normally hit with overspin or bite.", "Downswing - The motion of swinging a club from the top of the swing to the point of impact.", "A swing that results in the club head hitting the ground before the ball, resulting in a large chunk of ground being taken as a divot. Also called a \"fat\" shot, or \"chili-dipping\".", "A ball curving sharply to the right due to an outside-in swing path and an open club face at impact.", "Your through-swing is a mirror image of your backswing. Look at your elbow and wrist positions. In your backswing, your right arm is folded and your left wrist is flat. In your through-swing, your left arm is folded and your right wrist is flat. Sometimes breaking the golf motion down to its simplest parts is all you need to get on plane and square.", "The term Outside-to-In refers to a swing path, in which the clubhead approaches the golf ball from outside the target line and its trajectory goes to the inside the line, hence the name outside-to-in.", "The opening hole on the Old Course is one of many places where you can miss your tee shot left. The first and the eighteenth share a huge double fairway, but there's out-of-bounds and beach to the right. Most players keep their drivers in the bag because Swilcan Burn loops in front of the green about 250 yards out. I hit anywhere from a one- to a three-iron off the tee. The ball rolls forever over there. If the pin's up front next to the burn, you can have an extremely tricky second shot.", "Fat Shot:  When the club strikes the ground well behind the ball and then hits the ball, resulting in shortened distance.", "Ideally, your clubhead should approach the ball on a path that's slightly inside ofyour target line. You may be guilty of over-rotating your shoulders from the top or stopping your rotation too early, causing your arms to fling across the line. Either way, the following drills will help you turn that slice-causing swipe into a powerful hit.", "swing path; the direction the clubhead is traveling (generally referred to through the impact area and in relation to the target line)" ]
[ 4.87109375, 3.91015625, 2.98828125, 1.529296875, 1.3134765625, 0.10333251953125, -0.383056640625, -1.0146484375, -1.119140625, -1.4091796875, -1.515625, -1.9169921875, -1.94140625, -1.9716796875, -2.255859375, -2.390625, -2.681640625, -3.208984375, -3.40234375, -3.55078125, -3.84765625, -4.28515625, -4.734375, -4.73828125, -5.04296875, -5.07421875, -5.46875, -5.65625, -5.67578125, -5.984375, -6.203125, -6.52734375 ]
The Pro Football Hall of Fame opened its doors on Sept 7, 1963, in what Midwestern city?
[ "Since the Pro Football Hall of Fame opened its doors in Canton, Ohio on Sept. 7, 1963, the Redskins have had 26 former players, coaches and administrators inducted for enshrinement.", "The Pro Football Hall of Fame opened its doors on Sept. 7, 1963. Here are five facts about the 50-year-old Canton, Ohio shrine.", "The Pro Football Hall of Fame is the hall of fame for professional American football with a Mission to \"Honor the Heroes of the Game, Preserve its History, Promote its Values & Celebrate Excellence. The Hall's five core values that are learned from the game are commitment, integrity, courage, respect and excellence. The vision of the Pro Football Hall of Fame is \"It's not just the past, it's the future; It's not just about Canton, it's the world; It's not just a great museum for football but a message of excellence. \" The hall opened in Canton, Ohio, on September 7, 1963, with 17 charter enshrinees. , there are a total of 303 members of the Hall of Fame.", "* September 7 – The Pro Football Hall of Fame opens in Canton, Ohio with 17 charter members.", "The Pro Football Hall of Fame Museum in Canton, Ohio is one of the more famous ones in sports. Obviously they have a lot of people coming in to check out the many things they have inside as well. The first class of Hall of Famers were inducted in 1963.", "1963 — Eleven of the 17 charter members who were enshrined into the national pro football Hall of Fame at Canton, Ohio. From row from left: Earl \"Dutch\" Clark, Earl \"Curley\" Lambeau, Mel Hein, John \"Blood\" McNally and Don Hutson. Back row from left: Sammy Baugh, Cal Hubbard, Bronko Nagurski, George Halas, Red Grange and Ernie Nevers. (AP Photo)", "'Professional football had reached the big time. With the 1958 NFL Championship game cementing the league's place in the upper echelon of popular sports, the NFL surged forward into the 1960s, which would become arguably the most transformative decade in NFL history, before or since. The era of two-way players officially ended in the 1960s when Chuck Bednarik of the Philadelphia Eagles retired after winning the 1960 NFL Championship. The game wouldn't see another two-way starter until Deion Sanders in the '90s. The NFL season was lengthened to 14 games (up from 12) in '61, and in '63, the NFL opened its Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio, with the inaugural class including names like Sammy Baugh, Bert Bell, Red Grange, George Halas, Curly Lambeau, Bronko Nagurski and Jim Thorpe. In 1961, 49ers coach Red Hickey introduced a new offensive formation, the shotgun. The shotgun was different from all formations before it because it had the quarterback start a few yards behind the center, instead of directly behind him (called under center). Though Hickey's 49ers did not have tremendous success, the shotgun became a permanent (and popular) fixture in the NFL. The '60s also featured the introduction of four new NFL franchises - the Dallas Cowboys, the Minnesota Vikings, the Atlanta Falcons and New Orleans Saints - and the migration of one franchise (the Chicago Cardinals) to St. Louis.'", "Nagurski was elected to the Pro Football Hall of Fame as a charter member on September 7, 1963. At the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities house of his fraternity, Sigma Chi, Nagurski's jersey and Significant Sig recognition certificate are on display. After his death, the town of International Falls honored him by opening the Bronko Nagurski Museum in Smokey Bear Park. ", "After three seasons in Dallas, Texas, it was apparent that Dallas couldn’t support two teams. Hunt investigated opportunities to move his team to several cities for the 1963 season, including Miami, Atlanta, Seattle and New Orleans. Hunt wanted to find a city to which he could commute easily from Dallas, and when he was unable to secure Tulane Stadium because the university didn’t want its football program to compete with a pro team, he turned to Kansas City, Missouri, where Mayor H. Roe Bartle persuaded him to move to the Midwest.", "1961: the National Football League selected Canton, Ohio, as the site of the Pro Football Hall-of-Fame", "Former quarterback Len Dawson became the third Chiefs player inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame on August 8, [6]  while injuries forced the retirement of the club’s all-time leading tackler Gary Spani. A duo of rookies made a splash in a 20-13 win on Opening Day against San Diego as running back  Paul Palmer  returned a kickoff for a TD and  Christian Okoye  dashed for 105 yards. [6] A 24-day players strike began on September 22, effectively canceling the club’s contest against  Minnesota . [6]  Replacement players participated in games for the next three weeks. Much like Marv Levy five years earlier, Gansz’s grip on the club’s coaching reins was crippled by the labor unrest. [6]", "On July 27, former placekicker Jan Stenerud became the first of his position to be inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. The Chiefs moved their training camp to the  University of Wisconsin–River Falls  after spending the previous 28 summers at  William Jewell College  in  Liberty, Missouri . [7]  On September 1, the Chiefs defeated the  Atlanta Falcons  14-3 in front of a sold-out crowd at Arrowhead Stadium.", "As the influence of the AFL continues through the present, the 50th anniversary of its launch was celebrated during 2009. The season-long celebration began in August with the 2009 Pro Football Hall of Fame Game in Canton, Ohio between two AFC teams (as opposed to the AFC-vs-NFC format the game first adopted in 1971). The opponents were two of the original AFL franchises, the Buffalo Bills and Tennessee Titans (the former Houston Oilers). Bills' owner Ralph C. Wilson Jr. (a 2009 Hall of Fame inductee) and Titans' owner Bud Adams were the only surviving members of the Foolish Club, the eight original owners of AFL franchises.", "Pro Football Hall of Famer: Univ. of Michigan All-American; St. Louis Cardinals; sportscaster: ABC Monday Night Football, CBS NFL Analyst", "The Chicago Bears retired number 7 in his honor, and the Pro Football Hall of Fame is located on George Halas Drive.", "The community of Canton, Ohio successfully lobbied the NFL to have the Hall of Fame built in their city for two reasons: first, the NFL was founded in Canton in 1920 (at that time it was known as the American Professional Football Association); second, the now-defunct Canton Bulldogs were a successful NFL team based in Canton during the first few years of the league. Groundbreaking for the building was held on August 11, 1962. The original building contained just two rooms, and 19000 sqft of interior space.", "According to the Vikings’ website, Bert Rose, Minnesota’s general manager when it joined the NFL in 1961, recommended the nickname to the team’s Board of Directors because “it represented both an aggressive person with the will to win and the Nordic tradition in the northern Midwest.” The expansion franchise also became the first pro sports team to feature its home state, rather than a city, in the team name.", "Today, after four decades of existence, Arrowhead Stadium remains one of the finest stadiums in the NFL. The history of the club begins in Dallas when they were known as the Texans. Owner Lamar Hunt moved the team to Kansas City in 1963, renaming them the Chiefs. For nearly a decade, the Chiefs shared an aging Municipal Stadium with the Athletics and Royals (MLB). By the mid 1960s the City of Kansas City began exploring sites to build a new stadium, but failed, leading to the establishment of the Jackson County Sports Complex Authority to acquire land, design, construct and obtain funding for a new stadium. Original plans were for a multipurpose stadium, but were scrapped because of design and seating capacity issues. Unlike many other cities that built multipurpose stadiums, the county decided to build two new stadiums, one for baseball and one for football. In June 1967, a $102 million bond was issued for construction of two sports stadiums. Construction on the Truman Sports Complex began on July 11, 1968. A rolling roof was part of the original design for both stadiums, but did not materialize because of cost overruns and project delays it would cause.", "In 1972, the last original member of the 1960 Dallas Texans team departed when safety Johnny Robinson announced his retirement at training camp. Meanwhile, starting quarterback Len Dawson ended speculation about his retirement by signing a two-year contract. Franchise owner Lamar Hunt became the first AFL figure to be inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame on July 29.", "St. Louis has been home to four different National Football League teams. The St. Louis All-Stars played in the city in 1923, the St. Louis Gunners in 1934, the St. Louis Cardinals from 1960 to 1987, and the St. Louis Rams from 1995 to 2015. The Cardinals advanced to the playoffs just three times (1974, 1975 and 1982), never hosting or winning in any appearance. The Cardinals moved to Phoenix in 1988. The St. Louis Rams played at the Edward Jones Dome from 1995 to 2015 and went on to win Super Bowl XXXIV. The Rams returned to Los Angeles in 2016.", "In 1963, Hein is selected as part of the inaugural class for the Pro Football Hall of Fame.", "Los Angeles, California hosted the Green Bay Packers and the Kansas City Chiefs in football's first Super Bowl. Super Bowl 1 featured coaching greats, Vince Lombardi and Hank Stram. Over 61,000 fans watched Bart Starr throw 2 touchdowns, leading the Packers to a 35-10 victory while receiving MVP honors. However, it was unlikely hero, Max McGee who opened eyes, catching 7 balls for 138 yards. Other key players for the Packers' were all-pro safety Willie Wood and running back Elijah Pitts, while the Chiefs were led by QB Len Dawson, and Curtis McClinton.", "Green Bay also had a superb defense, which displayed its talent on the final drive of the NFL Championship Game, stopping the Dallas Cowboys on 4 consecutive plays starting on the Packers 2-yard line to win the game. Lionel Aldridge had replaced Quinlan, but Jordan and Davis still anchored the defensive line, future hall of fame linebacker Ray Nitschke excelled at run stopping and pass coverage, while the secondary was led by future hall of fame defensive backs Herb Adderley and Willie Wood. Wood was another example of how Lombardi found talent in players that nobody else could see. Wood had been a quarterback in college and was not drafted by an NFL team. When Wood joined the Packers in 1960, he was converted to a free safety and he went on to make the All-Pro team 9 times in his 12 year career.", "The Packers are the last vestige of \"small town teams\" that were once common in the NFL during the 1920s and 1930s. Founded in 1919 by Earl \"Curly\" Lambeau and George Whitney Calhoun , the Packers competed as a semi-professional football team against clubs from around Wisconsin and the Midwest. They joined the American Professional Football Association (APFA) in 1921, the forerunner to what is known today as the NFL. Today, the Packers are the third-oldest franchise in the NFL, and oldest team-name still in use in the NFL, both by its nickname and by virtue of remaining in its original city.", "The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is just an hour away from the  Pro Football Hall of Fame .", "Joe Horrigan: The VP of communications/exhibits for the Pro Football HOF. Has been with the HOF for 38 years.", "Packers receiver Don Hutson is the only other player to receive more than one first-place vote: Peter King of NBC Sports and the editor-in-chief of The MMQB.com, and Pro Football Hall of Fame vice president Joe Horrigan had him first.", "The first Super Bowl was held on January 15, 1967. The Green Bay Packers defeated Kansas City 35-10. It was played at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum.", "The most notable Packer is former head coach Vince Lombardi, who took the helm from 1959-1967. Today, the Super Bowl trophy bears his name. Many of the NFL’s greatest players called Lambeau Field home including Bart Starr, Brett Favre , Ray Nitschke and Don Hutson, to name a few. ", "Profile by Robert Galvin, the author of Football's Greatest Heroes, the official book of the National Football Museum Hall of Fame:", "Olsen played in the East-West Shrine Game in 1961 and in 2003 was voted to the game's Hall of Fame. … Read More", "The Packers' home stadium, Lambeau Field, was named after him. The venue opened in 1957 as the second City Stadium, and was informally called \"New\" City Stadium for its first eight years. It was renamed in August 1965, two months after Lambeau's death. The Packers then won three consecutive league titles, which has yet to be repeated." ]
[ 7.49609375, 7.4296875, 7.421875, 3.265625, 2.22265625, 2.1171875, 1.4833984375, 1.2119140625, 0.4111328125, -0.44482421875, -0.509765625, -1.3447265625, -1.64453125, -1.86328125, -2.087890625, -2.2734375, -2.5, -2.92578125, -4.1328125, -4.1328125, -4.6953125, -4.921875, -5.08203125, -5.7890625, -6.3984375, -6.43359375, -6.71484375, -6.8671875, -7.11328125, -7.6875, -8.1875, -10.140625 ]
“There’s a sucker born every minute” is a phrase erroneously attributed to what famous showman?
[ "\"There's a sucker born every minute\" is a phrase often credited to P. T. Barnum (1810–1891), an American showman . Perhaps erroneously.", "Phineas Taylor Barnum (July 5, 1810 – April 7, 1891) was an American showman , businessman , and entertainer , remembered for promoting celebrated hoaxes and for founding the circus that became the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus . His successes may have made him the first \" show business \" millionaire .[citation needed] Although Barnum was also an author, publisher, philanthropist, and sometime politician, he said of himself, \"I am a showman by profession...and all the gilding shall make nothing else of me,\" [1] and his personal aims were \"to put money in his own coffers.\"[citation needed] Barnum is widely but erroneously credited with coining the phrase \" There's a sucker born every minute .\" (See the Cardiff Giant article for correct attribution to the man who said this in response to Barnum's actions in the matter.)", "There's a sucker born every minute\" is a phrase often credited to P.T. Barnum (1810 – 1891), an American showman. It is generally taken to mean that there are (and always will be) a lot of gullible people in the world.", "However, only the fame of P.T. Barnum has endured. Today, the phrase “there’s a sucker born every minute” is often ascribed to him. Yet, support for this ascription is very weak. Citations occurred at the very end of his life and after his death.", "�There's a sucker born every minute� is often attributed to him. Barnum himself doubted ever having uttered those words - although he conceded that he might have said, �The people like to be humbugged�. In the appendix to A. H. Saxon, P. T. Barnum: The Legend and the Man (1989), it's claimed that the phrase �There's a sucker born every minute, but none of them ever die� actually originated with a notorious con man known as �Paper Collar Joe� (real name, Joseph BESSIMER), and was later falsely ascribed to Barnum by show-business rival Adam FOREPAUGH in a newspaper interview. Barnum never took specific pains to deny it, and even thanked Forepaugh for the free publicity. In spite of the confusion about the statement mentioned above, Barnum was fond of making extravagant and colorful statements, many of which have been properly quoted. Among them is the paraphrased statement, �Every crowd has a silver lining�. He served two terms in the Connecticut legislature (1865-67) and a term as mayor of Bridgeport (1875). Barnum was nominated by the Republican Party as a candidate for U.S. Congress (1867), but was defeated. His Democratic opponent was William Henry BARNUM (1818-1889), a third cousin once removed, who as a U.S. Senator became known for doing much to help re-elect Grover Cleveland as President.", "Do you know who coined the phrase, “There’s a sucker born every minute?” Most people think it was showman P.T. Barnum. How about the phrase, “The British are coming?” Were you taught it was Paul Revere? Apparently, neither man uttered the phrases–according to the author of a new meticulously researched book of quotations. The book attempts to set the record straight on the aforementioned popular phrases that have crept into everyday use, including Sigmund Freud’s sage advice that “sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.” (He didn’t quite say that, although his biographer thinks he would have approved of the idea.)", "These statements later became known as Barnum statements after P.T. Barnum, who used them in his performances, allegedly stating “ There’s a Sucker Born Every Minute. ” This, if he had said it, would be reference to the fact that Barnum statements can gull people into thinking they have been accurately assessed by the speaker or test when in fact the outcome could apply to anyone.", "P.T. Barnum said, \"There's a sucker born every minute\" -- and that's especially true in Denver", "These statements later became known as Barnum statements after P.T. Barnum, who used them in his performances, allegedly stating \"There's a Sucker Born Every Minute.\" This, if he had said it, would be reference to the fact that Barnum statements can gull people into thinking they have been accurately assessed by the speaker or test when in fact the outcome could apply to anyone.", "Who said there’s a sucker born every minute? Well it wasn’t Phineas Taylor (aka PT) Barnum, though that phrase has often been attributed to him. Actually it was said to a reporter by one of Barnum’s competitors to explain how Barnum had managed to steal his idea and his audience. Barnum greatly respected his customers and would have been more likely to say there’s a \"customer\" born every minute. He did say \"Every crowd has a silver lining,\" and he spent his entire adult life bringing crowds together so that he could separate them from their silver.", "P.T. Barnum said, \"There's a sucker born every minute\" -- and that's especially true in Denver | Westword", "Barnum's career as a showman was marked by a variety of sensational publicity stunts, hoaxes, and plain-old false advertising which he used to attract visitors to his bizarre exhibits. His promotional techniques often tested the boundaries of what the emerging nineteenth-century middle class was willing to accept, but he was somehow able to convince audiences that he was selling them entertainment, not fraud. An indication that people viewed him as a kind of lovable con-artist is the fact that the phrase, \"There's a sucker born every minute,\" will forever be attributed to him, even though he was not the one who said it.", "P. T. Barnum (1810–1891) portrayed himself as the \"Prince of Humbugs\" to characterize many outrageous stunts and exhibits that were part of his exploits as a showman. His tours, lectures, museum, and autobiography made him famous and a millionaire long before he entered the circus business and formed the innovative Barnum and Bailey Circus in the 1880s. Although he probably never said, \"There's a sucker born every minute,\" as is widely believed, he did act as if his audiences hoped to be fooled or, as he said, \"humbugged.\"", "Yet another source credits late 1860s Chicago \"bounty broker, saloon and gambling-house keeper, eminent politician, and dispenser of cheating privileges...\" Michael Cassius McDonald as the originator of the aphorism . According to the book Gem of the Prairie: Chicago Underworld (1940) by Herbert Asbury , when McDonald was equipping his gambling house known as The Store (at Clark and Monroe Streets in Chicago) his partner Harry Lawrence expressed concern over the large number of roulette wheels and faro tables being installed and their ability to get enough players to play the games. McDonald then allegedly said, \"Don't worry about that, there's a sucker born every minute.\"", "P.T. Barnum was right. Apparently, there really was a sucker born every minute, even 400 years ago.", "Capp also lampooned popular recording idols of the day, such as Elvis Presley (\"Hawg McCall,\" 1957), Liberace (\"Loverboynik,\" 1956), the Beatles (\"the Beasties,\" 1964)âand in 1944, Frank Sinatra. \"Sinatra was the first great public figure I ever wrote about,\" Capp once said. \"I called him 'Hal Fascinatra.' I remember my news syndicate was so worried about what his reaction might be, and we were all surprised when he telephoned and told me how thrilled he was with it. He always made it a point to send me champagne whenever he happened to see me in a restaurant \" (from Frank Sinatra, My Father by Nancy Sinatra, 1985). On the other hand, Liberace was \"cut to the quick\" over Loverboynik, according to Capp, and even threatened legal actionâas would Joan Baez later, over \"Joanie Phoanie\" in 1967. <br /><br />Capp was just as likely to parody himself; his self-caricature made frequent, tongue-in-cheek appearances in Li'l Abner. The gag was often at his own expense, as in the above 1951 sequence showing Capp's interaction with \"fans\" (see excerpt), or in his 1955 Disneyland parody, \"Hal Yappland.\" Just about anything could be a target for Capp's satireâin one storyline Li'l Abner is revealed to be the missing link between ape and man. In another, the search is on in Dogpatch for a pair of missing socks knitted by the first President of the United States. Read Less", "Joseph Frank \"Buster\" Keaton (October 4, 1895 – February 1, 1966) was an American actor, director, producer, writer, and stunt performer. He was best known for his silent films, in which his trademark was physical comedy with a consistently stoic, deadpan expression, earning him the nickname \"The Great Stone Face\". Keaton was recognized as the seventh-greatest film director by Entertainment Weekly. In 1999, the American Film Institute ranked Keaton the 21st greatest male star of Classic Hollywood Cinema. Critic Roger Ebert wrote of Keaton's \"extraordinary period from 1920 to 1929, [when] he worked without interruption on a series of films that make him, arguably, the greatest actor-director in the history of the movies\". His career declined afterward with a dispiriting loss of his artistic independence when he was hired by MGM, which resulted in a crippling alcoholism that ruined his family life. He recovered in the 1940s, remarried, and revived his career to a degree as an honored comic performer for the rest of his life, earning an Academy Honorary Award in 1959.", "  Elvis Presley (January 8, 1935 – August 16, 1977), was an American singer, musician and actor. A cultural icon, he is commonly referred to by his first name, and as the \"The King of Rock 'n' Roll\" or \"The King\". In 1954, Presley began his career as one of the first performers of rockabilly, an up tempo fusion of country and rhythm and blues with a strong back beat. His novel versions of existing songs, mixing \"black\" and \"white\" sounds, made him popular, and controversial, as did his uninhibited stage and television performances. He recorded songs in the rock and roll genre, with tracks like \"Hound Dog\" and \"Jailhouse Rock\" later embodying the style. Presley had a versatile voice and had unusually wide success encompassing other genres, including gospel, blues, ballads and pop. To date, he has been inducted into four music halls of fame. In the 1960s, Presley made the majority of his thirty-one movies—mainly poorly reviewed, but financially successful, musicals. In 1968, he returned with acclaim to live music in a television special, and thereafter performed across the U.S., notably in Las Vegas. Throughout his career, he set records for concert attendance, television ratings and recordings sales. He is one of the best-selling and most influential artists in the history of popular music. Health problems, drug dependency and other factors led to his death at age 42. \" Artist Discography \"", "Francis Albert \"Frank\" Sinatra (; December 12, 1915 – May 14, 1998) was an American singer, actor, and producer who was one of the most popular and influential musical artists of the 20th century. Sinatra's music has been considered timeless by many. He is one of the best-selling music artists of all time, having sold more than 150 million records worldwide. Born in Hoboken, New Jersey, to Italian immigrants, he began his musical career in the swing era with Harry James and Tommy Dorsey. He found success as a solo artist after being signed by Columbia Records in 1943, becoming the idol of the \"bobby soxers\". He released his first album, The Voice of Frank Sinatra, in 1946. Sinatra's professional career had stalled by the early 1950s, and he turned to Las Vegas, where he became one of its best known performers as part of the Rat Pack. His career was reborn in 1953 with the success of From Here to Eternity and his subsequent Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor. He signed with Capitol Records and released several critically lauded albums, including In the Wee Small Hours (1955), Songs for Swingin' Lovers! (1956), Come Fly with Me (1958), Only the Lonely (1958) and Nice 'n' Easy (1960).", "Harpo (Adolph Marx, later changed to \"Arthur\" , though not for the reason you might assume note he just plain hated the name and had it legally changed in 1911, long before the world had heard of Adolf Hitler and even before World War I 's anti-German hysteria was even an issue), nicknamed for his virtuoso harp playing (which was completely self-taught). His trademarks were harp playing, a silent mime performance (using a horn instead of speaking), and a clown-like costume featuring a raincoat with apparently bottomless pockets , a curly red (later blond, as it looked better in black-and-white film) wig, and a top hat. He is a virtuoso kleptomaniac with a special knack for pickpocketing, ending up with such unlikely prizes as Groucho's boxers and a random man's birthmark. In the early stage shows, he did an Oirish accent, but it was eventually decided that having him be The Speechless was funnier. His mime routines (most notably the famous Mirror Scene from Duck Soup) have become a staple for comedy shows today, and even inspired all of Mr. Funny", "With all due respect, William Henry Johnson was an oddity. His body developed normally, but his head remained small and tapered at the tip. Van Emburgh’s Circus in Somerville, New Jersey, paid Johnson’s parents to display their son and billed him as a “wild negro boy” who had been caught in Africa and put on display in a cage. Johnson’s popularity came to the notice of PT Barnum, who gave him a new look by putting him in a furry suit and shaping his afro into a tiny point, that accented his sloping brow; Barnum also renamed him “Zip the Pinhead.” It’s said that during his 67 years in show business, more than 100 million people visited Zip at the circus. His last words were “Well, we fooled’em for a long time, didn’t we?”", "Self-Deprecation : Lee Mack correctly identifies a statement about a clown who was hired to perform for chimpanzees as true. He claims he knows that because he's the clown.", "Al Jolson born Asa Yoelson (May 26, 1886 – October 23, 1950) was an American singer, film actor, and comedian. At the peak of his career, he was dubbed \"The World's Greatest Entertainer\".", "In January 1879 the earliest instance using “sucker” appeared in an article titled “Gambling in Chicago” printed in “The Inter-Ocean” newspaper of Chicago, Illinois. The following words were attributed to an “old-timer”, and the saying was enclosed in single-quotation marks signaling that the phrase was already in circulation: 9", "He became an overnight sensation on \"The Milton Berle Show\" and later made appearances on \"The Ed Sullivan Show\" and TV specials with Jack Benny and Perry Como . In 1947 he had stand-out cameo in the film comedy Mother Wore Tights , starring Dan Dailey and Betty Grable .", "Wilder reveled in poking fun at those who took politics too seriously. In Ball of Fire, his burlesque queen 'Sugarpuss' points at her sore throat and complains \"Pink? It's as red as the Daily Worker and twice as sore.\" Later, she gives the overbearing and unsmiling housemaid the name \"Franco\". Wilder is sometimes confused with director William Wyler; the confusion is understandable, as both were German-speaking Jews with similar backgrounds and names. However, their output as directors was quite different, with Wyler preferring to direct epics and heavy dramas and Wilder noted for his comedies and film noir type dramas.", "American cowboy, vaudeville performer, humorist, social commentator and motion picture actor. He was one of the world's best-known celebrities in the 1920s and 1930s", "Sinatra's adventures with the \"Rat Pack\" were legendary. The singer was regularly in the entertainment headlines, and he fostered some of them with good humor.", "And a great entertainer. The scrapbook of his life is nearly a one-man history of show business:", "Here's a list of some key numbers in the entertainer's century of life, revealing much about the man and why Hope's death Sunday at age 100 is mourned so deeply today.", "In his opening scene, Cagney spoke fluent Yiddish, a language he had picked up during his boyhood in New York City. Critics praised the film. Taxi! was the source of one of Cagney's most misquoted lines; he never actually said, \"MMMmmm, you dirty rat!\", a line commonly used by impressionists. The closest he got to it in the film was, \"Come out and take it, you dirty, yellow-bellied rat, or I'll give it to you through the door!\" The film was swiftly followed by The Crowd Roars and Winner Take All.", "People loved his subversive humour, as in the song With a Little Bit of Luck, when he sang \"with a little bit of luck... someone else'll do the blinking work.\" Tunes such as Ride on Your Bicycle had a sentimental tinge, but it was the strong sexual themes that were at the cutting edge of daring comedy. \"Nobody else dare sing 'em,\" he said of his song A Fan Dancer Minus Her Fan. \"I've got the beginning and part of the end but what I want is that middle bit, that's what I'm after,\" he told a raucous audience. " ]
[ 9.984375, 8.5546875, 8.09375, 5.03515625, 4.859375, 4.82421875, 3.76171875, 3.759765625, 3.626953125, 3.193359375, 3.1796875, 2.306640625, 2.23046875, 1.794921875, 1.2783203125, -4.203125, -4.64453125, -4.71875, -4.80859375, -5.48046875, -6.0546875, -6.55078125, -6.55078125, -6.62890625, -7.14453125, -7.57421875, -8.2265625, -8.375, -8.4140625, -8.96875, -8.9921875, -9.34375 ]
On September 7, 1927, what American inventor demonstrated the world's first working television system with electronic scanning of both the pickup and display devices?
[ "In 1927, Philo Farnsworth made the world's first working television system with electronic scanning of both the pickup and display devices, which he first demonstrated to the press on 1 September 1928. Philo Taylor Farnsworth (August 19, 1906 – March 11, 1971) was an American inventor and television pioneer. Although he made many contributions that were crucial to the early development of all-electronic television, he is perhaps best known for inventing the first fully functional all-electronic image pickup device (video camera tube), the \"image dissector\", the first fully functional and complete all-electronic television system, and for being the first person to demonstrate such a system to the public. Farnsworth developed a television system complete with receiver and camera, which he produced commercially in the firm of the Farnsworth Television and Radio Corporation, from 1938 to 1951.", "In 1927, Philo Farnsworth made the world's first working television system with electronic scanning of both the pickup and display devices, [13] which he first demonstrated to the press on 1 September 1928. [13] [14]", "Philo Farnsworth (August 19,1906-march 11 1971) was an inventor and television pioneer, he invented the electronic television. He demonstrated the first working version on September 7, 1927.", "On 7 September 1927, American inventor Philo Farnsworth 's image dissector camera tube transmitted its first image, a simple straight line, at his laboratory at 202 Green Street in San Francisco . [52] [53] By 3 September 1928, Farnsworth had developed the system sufficiently to hold a demonstration for the press. This is widely regarded as the first electronic television demonstration. [53] In 1929, the system was improved further by the elimination of a motor generator, so that his television system now had no mechanical parts. [54] That year, Farnsworth transmitted the first live human images with his system, including a three and a half-inch image of his wife Elma (\"Pem\") with her eyes closed (possibly due to the bright lighting required). [55]", "Philo Taylor Farnsworth (August 19, 1906 – March 11, 1971) was an American inventor and television pioneer. He made many contributions that were crucial to the early development of all-electronic television. He is perhaps best known for inventing the first fully functional all-electronic image pickup device (video camera tube), the \"image dissector\", as well as the first fully functional and complete all-electronic television system. He was also the first person to demonstrate such a system to the public. Farnsworth developed a television system complete with receiver and camera, which he produc ... (展开) ed commercially in the firm of the Farnsworth Television and Radio Corporation, from 1938 to 1951, in Fort Wayne, Indiana. In later life, Farnsworth invented a small nuclear fusion device, the Farnsworth–Hirsch fusor, or simply \"fusor\", employing inertial electrostatic confinement (IEC). Although not a practical device for generating nuclear energy, the fusor serves as a viable source of neutrons. The design of this device has been the acknowledged inspiration for other fusion approaches including the Polywell reactor concept in terms of a general approach to fusion design. Farnsworth held 165 patents, mostly in radio and television.", "Television: (Iconoscope–T.V. camera table), Vladimir Zworkin, U.S., 1923, and also kinescope (cathode ray tube), 1928; (mechanical disk-scanning method) successfully demonstrated by J.K. Baird, England, C.F. Jenkins, U.S., 1926; (first all-electric television image), 1927, Philo T. Farnsworth, U.S; (color, mechanical disk) Baird, 1928; (color, compatible with black and white) George Valensi, France, 1938; (color, sequential rotating filter) Peter Goldmark, U.S., first introduced, 1951; (color, compatible with black and white) commercially introduced in U.S., National Television Systems Committee, 1953.", "At the dawn of the twentieth century, there were a few American laboratories leading the way: Bell, RCA, and GE.  It wasn't until 1927, when 21-year-old Philo T. Farnsworth , beat everyone to the punch by producing the first electronic television picture.  This historic breakthrough catapulted him into a decades-long patent battle against major corporations, including RCA and CBS.   The battle took its toll on everyone and RCA’s David Sarnoff brilliantly marketed this invention to the public and became known as the father of television -- while Philo T. Farnsworth died in relative obscurity.", "In 1921 the 14-year-old Mormon had an idea while working on his father's Idaho farm. Mowing hay in rows, Philo realized an electron beam could scan a picture in horizontal lines, reproducing the image almost instantaneously. This would prove to be a critical breakthrough in Philo Farnsworth's invention of the television in 1927.THE following are historical events that occurred in the year 1927:", "In 1928, WRGB then W2XB was started as the world's first television station. It broadcast from the General Electric facility in Schenectady, NY . It was popularly known as \" WGY Television\". Meanwhile, in the Soviet Union , Léon Theremin had been developing a mirror drum-based television, starting with 16 lines resolution in 1925, then 32 lines and eventually 64 using interlacing in 1926. As part of his thesis, on 7 May 1926, he electrically transmitted, and then projected, near-simultaneous moving images on a five-foot square screen. [21] By 1927 he achieved an image of 100 lines, a resolution that was not surpassed until May 1932 by RCA, with 120 lines. [23] On 25 December 1926, Kenjiro Takayanagi demonstrated a television system with a 40-line resolution that employed a Nipkow disk scanner and CRT display at Hamamatsu Industrial High School in Japan. This prototype is still on display at the Takayanagi Memorial Museum in Shizuoka University , Hamamatsu Campus. His research in creating a production model was halted by the United States after Japan lost World War II . [24]", " After five years of research, 21 year-old Utah engineer Philo T. Farnsworth demonstrates the first working electronic television system, equipped with the Farnsworth orthicon or 'image dissector tube'. This device electronically implements the mechanical Nipkow Disc principle, breaking an image down into light particles which are then transmitted and reconstructed at the receiving end.", "Television was invented in the year 1927 by a man called Philo Farnsworth.In the year 1927 the invention of television was not only the historical event that happened,1927 also witnessed other historic event such as:", "In 1928, WRGB then W2XB was started as the world's first television station. It broadcast from the General Electric facility in Schenectady, NY. It was popularly known as \"WGY Television\". Meanwhile, in the Soviet Union, Léon Theremin had been developing a mirror drum-based television, starting with 16 lines resolution in 1925, then 32 lines and eventually 64 using interlacing in 1926. As part of his thesis, on 7 May 1926, he electrically transmitted, and then projected, near-simultaneous moving images on a five-foot square screen. By 1927 he achieved an image of 100 lines, a resolution that was not surpassed until May 1932 by RCA, with 120 lines. On 25 December 1926, Kenjiro Takayanagi demonstrated a television system with a 40-line resolution that employed a Nipkow disk scanner and CRT display at Hamamatsu Industrial High School in Japan. This prototype is still on display at the Takayanagi Memorial Museum in Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu Campus. His research in creating a production model was halted by the United States after Japan lost World War II. ", "Herbert E. Ives and Frank Gray of Bell Telephone Laboratories gave a dramatic demonstration of mechanical television on 7 April 1927. Their reflected-light television system included both small and large viewing screens. The small receiver had a 2-inch-wide by 2.5-inch-high screen. The large receiver had a screen 24 inches wide by 30 inches high. Both sets were capable of reproducing reasonably accurate, monochromatic, moving images. Along with the pictures, the sets received synchronized sound. The system transmitted images over two paths: first, a copper wire link from Washington to New York City, then a radio link from Whippany, New Jersey. Comparing the two transmission methods, viewers noted no difference in quality. Subjects of the telecast included Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover. A flying-spot scanner beam illuminated these subjects. The scanner that produced the beam had a 50-aperture disk. The disc revolved at a rate of 18 frames per second, capturing one frame about every 56 milliseconds. (Today's systems typically transmit 30 or 60 frames per second, or one frame every 33.3 or 16.7 milliseconds respectively.) Television historian Albert Abramson underscored the significance of the Bell Labs demonstration: \"It was in fact the best demonstration of a mechanical television system ever made to this time. It would be several years before any other system could even begin to compare with it in picture quality.\" ", "In his first attempts to develop a working television system, Baird experimented with the Nipkow disk. Paul Nipkow had invented this scanning disc system in 1884. Television historian Albert Abramson calls Nipkow's patent \"the master television patent\". Nipkow's work is important because Baird and many others chose to develop it into a broadcast medium.", "In 1927, Farnsworth developed a mechanism whereby an image could be recorded on one device (the camera) and transmitted electronically to another (the monitor). When the image being captured moved, the image of that object on the monitor moved accordingly. While this is not TV as we know it, it was the enabling technology that allowed for the development of modern TV.", "Nipkow's design would not be practical until advances in amplifier tube technology became available. The device was only useful for transmitting still \" halftone \" images—represented by equally spaced dots of varying size—over telegraph or telephone lines .[ citation needed ] Later designs would use a rotating mirror-drum scanner to capture the image and a cathode ray tube (CRT) as a display device, but moving images were still not possible, due to the poor sensitivity of the selenium sensors. In 1907 Russian scientist Boris Rosing became the first inventor to use a CRT in the receiver of an experimental television system. He used mirror-drum scanning to transmit simple geometric shapes to the CRT. [2]", "One of the keys to his success was the development of the dissector tube that essentially translated images into electrons that could be transmitted to a TV. He filed for his first television patent in 1927. He had already won an earlier patent for his image dissection tube, but he lost later patent battles to RCA, which owned the rights to many of inventor  Vladimir Zworkyin’s  TV patents.", "In 1932, while in England to raise money for his legal battles with RCA, Farnsworth met with John Logie Baird, a Scottish inventor who had given the world's first public demonstration of a working television system in London in 1926, using an electro-mechanical imaging system, and who was seeking to develop electronic television receivers. Baird demonstrated his mechanical system for Farnsworth. Baird's company directors pursued a merger with Farnsworth, paying $50,000 to supply electronic television equipment and provide access to Farnsworth patents. Baird and Farnsworth competed with EMI for the U.K. standard television system, but EMI merged with the Marconi Company in 1934, gaining access to the RCA Iconoscope patents. After trials of both systems, the BBC committee chose the Marconi-EMI system, which was by then virtually identical to RCA's system. The image dissector scanned well but had poor light sensitivity compared to the Marconi-EMI Iconoscopes, dubbed \"Emitrons.\"", "*John Logie Baird (1888–1946): Scottish engineer and inventor of the world's first practical, publicly demonstrated television system, and also the world's first fully electronic colour television tube. ", "The TV also known as the Television is said to have been invented in the year 1927.", "In 1932, while in England to raise money for his legal battles with RCA, Farnsworth met with John Logie Baird. Baird was a Scottish inventor who had developed mechanical-scan cameras and was seeking to develop electronic television receivers, having made the worlds first public demonstration of mechanical Television in London in 1926. Baird demonstrated his mechanical system for Farnsworth. According to Farnsworth accounts, Baird explained \"the superiority of his system to Farnsworth,\" but after watching several minutes of Farnsworth's version, he left the room without a word, \"having realized the futility of his efforts.\"[citation needed] Baird himself had supported an earlier merger with Farnsworth's competitors in the U.K., the Marconi Company; the merger did not succeed. Marconi had a patent-sharing agreement with RCA. Baird company directors decided later to merge with Farnsworth. Baird's company paid Farnsworth $50,000 to supply electronic television equipment, and provide access to Farnsworth television patents. Baird and Farnsworth competed with EMI for forming the standard U.K. television system. EMI however merged with Marconi in 1934, gaining access to the RCA Iconoscope patents. After trials of both systems, the BBC committee chose the Marconi-EMI system, which was by then virtually identical to RCA's (Zworykin's) system. The Image dissector camera scanned well, but had poor light sensitivity compared to the Marconi-EMI Iconoscopes, which were called Emitrons. Farnsworth's old adversary, Vladimir Zworykin, also made an appearance at the BBC television trials.", "Philo Taylor Farnsworth also devised an electronic television system in the 1920s. He called his television camera, which converted each element of an image into an electrical signal, an image dissector. Farnsworth continued to improve his system in the 1930s, but his project lost its financial backing at the beginning of World War II (1939-1945). Many aspects of Farnsworth's image dissector were also used in Zworykin's more successful iconoscope camera.", "Baird based his television on the work of Paul Nipkow, a German scientist who patented his ideas for a complete television system in 1884. Nipkow likewise used a rotating disk with holes in it to scan images, but he never achieved more than the crudest of shadowy pictures. Various inventors worked to develop this idea, and Baird was the first to achieve easily discernible images. In 1928, Baird made the first overseas broadcast from London to New York over phone lines and in the same year demonstrated the first color television.", "The first home television receiver was demonstrated in Schenectady, New York, on January 13, 1928, by the American inventor Ernst F. W. Alexanderson. The images on the 76-mm (3-in) screen were poor and unsteady, but the set could be used in the home. A number of these receivers were built by the General Electric Company (GE) and distributed in Schenectady. On May 10, 1928, station WGY began regular broadcasting to this area.", "The first home television receiver was demonstrated in Schenectady, New York, in January 1928, and by May a station began occasional broadcasts to the handful of homes in the area that were given the General Electric-built machines. In 1932, the Radio Corporation of America demonstrated an all-electronic television using a cathode-ray tube in the receiver and the “iconoscope” camera tube developed by Russian-born physicist Vladimir Zworykin. These two inventions greatly improved picture quality.", "^ Zworykin, Vladimir K., Television System. Patent No. 1691324, U.S. Patent Office. Filed 1925-07-13, issued 1928-11-13. Retrieved 2009-07-28", "Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover was the first person to appear on television, on April 7, 1927, in a demonstration transmission conducted between Washington and New York by Bell Laboratories.", "In 1922 he investigated the possibility of transmitting images remotely, in 1924 managed to convey the flickering image of a Maltese cross and in 1926, 26 January, a public demonstration held in London, the first of your system before a group of scientists: puppet doll Old Bill, was the first to be shown on a television screen. The image had a resolution of only 25 lines and was tiny, but the face was perfectly recognizable.", "Who invented the mechanical television? Google doodle marks 90th anniversary of first TV demo - Mirror Online", "He was a Russian-American inventor, engineer, and pioneer of television technology. He invented a television transmitting and receiving system employing cathode ray tubes.", "The year 1926 saw the invention of one of the greatest technologies of all time, \"Television\". However, this year (1926) also had some memorable/historical event which include", "1926 - The first television picture was broadcast on April 11 from Arlington, Virginia to Washington, D.C. The technological achievement was of a picture of a weather map." ]
[ 10.5859375, 9.3203125, 7.83203125, 6.5859375, 3.80859375, 3.474609375, 3.46484375, 3.322265625, 2.92578125, 2.44921875, 2.38671875, 1.625, 0.60400390625, 0.463134765625, 0.2359619140625, 0.059417724609375, -0.287841796875, -0.309814453125, -0.38037109375, -0.62744140625, -0.75537109375, -1.5869140625, -2.373046875, -2.43359375, -2.775390625, -3.380859375, -4.0703125, -5.2578125, -5.64453125, -5.84765625, -7.30078125, -7.546875 ]
Sept 10, 1963 saw the birth of what former Mariner, and Geico pitch man, known as The Big Unit?
[ "Randall David \"Randy\" Johnson (born September 10, 1963), nicknamed \"The Big Unit\", stood at 6'10\". By the time he threw the ball, it seemed like his left arm was halfway to home plate. He also threw from a three quarter position rather than straight over the top—if you were you a left handed hitter, every pitch would seem aimed at your head.", "Randy Johnson, a.k.a., \"The Big Unit\" (he's 6' 10\"/2.08 meters tall) is one of the hardest throwing, most intimidating pitchers in recent history, and is often regarded as the greatest left-handed pitcher ever. He retired with over 300 victories and the second-most strikeouts in baseball history, only behind Nolan Ryan. He is also one of only 20 pitchers to throw a perfect game. He also formed one-half of the pitching duo that ended up winning the Diamondbacks their first World Series in 2001 and also won them co-MVP honors that year.", "the Orioles. Randy Johnson - The big Unit The nicknames of a baseball pitcher are as follows", "Rivera caps perfect All-Star Game career MLB. Sandman leads AL pitchers in laying NL bats to rest; named match’s MVP Mariano Rivera pitched a perfect eighth inning in his final All-Star appearance, Toronto’s Jose Bautista, J.J. Hardy and Jason Kipnis drove in runs to back a night of pulsating pitching, and the American League beat the National League 3-0 Tuesday night to stop a threeyear losing streak. Ten pitchers combined a three-hitter and the 43-year-old Rivera, who is retiring at the end of the season, remained unscored on in nine All-Star innings. Rivera won the MVP award. The only older pitcher to appear in an All-Star game was 47-year-old Satchel Paige. Rivera was left alone on the field for a 90-second standing ovation, waving his cap to", "The Bronx is the home of the New York Yankees of Major League Baseball. The original Yankee Stadium opened in 1923 on 161st Street and River Avenue, a year that saw the Yankees bring home their first of 27 World Series Championships. With the famous facade, the short right field porch and Monument Park, Yankee Stadium has been home to many of baseball's greatest players including Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Joe DiMaggio, Whitey Ford, Yogi Berra, Mickey Mantle, Reggie Jackson, Derek Jeter and Mariano Rivera.", "The Yankees won the pennant with a 109-53 record and went on to defeat the Cincinnati Reds in five games to win the 1961 World Series . The 109 regular season wins posted by the '61 club remains the third highest single-season total in franchise history, behind only the 1998 team's 114 regular season wins and 1927 team's 110 wins. The 1961 Yankees also clubbed a then-major league record for most home runs by a team with 240, a total not surpassed until the 1996 Baltimore Orioles hit 257 with the aid of the designated hitter . Maris won his second consecutive MVP Award while Whitey Ford captured the Cy Young.", "September -  Whitey Ford chalks up his 18th win this season and Mickey Mantle hits homerun #48 as the Yanks beat the Kamas City Athletics 3-2… Carmen Basilio recaptures the world welterweight crown getting a tko against Johnny Saxton in the 9th round... The Milwaukee Braves rehire Fred Haney as manager for the club in ’57… Rocky Marciano (The Rock) says he is determined that he’ll never come out of retirement and resume fighting. Marciano is appearing on Red Skelton’s show… Sal Maglie turns his already great comeback into an epic with a no-hit, no-run performance over Philadelphia giving Brooklyn a 5-0 victory, keeping the Dodgers within a half game of first-place Milwaukee in the National League pennant race… Passing - Babe Zaharias - called the greatest woman athlete the world has known. She was 42…Mickey Mantle’s 50th home run brings the Yankees to another pennant win…", "Yankee Stadium hosted its final baseball game on September 21, 2008. The ceremonies for the final game at Yankee Stadium began with the opening of Monument Park, as well as allowing Yankee fans to walk on the warning track around the field. Many former Yankee greats, including Yogi Berra, Whitey Ford, Reggie Jackson, Bernie Williams, Paul O'Neill, Willie Randolph, Roy White and Chris Chambliss took their positions in the playing field as their names were announced by the legendary Bob Sheppard. Julia Ruth Stevens, daughter of Babe Ruth, threw out the ceremonial first pitch in the final game in \"The House That Ruth Built\".", "It was a global love affair that gave birth to the Mariner signings of Asian baseball players including Ichiro Suzuki, Shigetoshi Hasegawa, Sin-Shoo Choo, Cha Seung Baek, Kenji Johjima, and Masao Kida. It also opened the door to the hiring of the first Asian-American Manager in Don Wakamatsu (born in Oregon).", "Former Mariners pitcher Randy Johnson enters Safeco Field to throw out the opening pitch for the Seattle Mariners home opener against the Oakland Athletics at Safeco Field on Monday, April 12, 2010. Tony Overman Staff photographer", "Founded in 1901, the A's are one of baseball's most storied franchises. With nine World Series titles, the team holds the third most wins in the major leagues. Moving from Kansas City to Oakland in 1968, the A’s have since become a prominent Bay Area fixture. As the Oakland A's, the club won three consecutive championships from 1972 to 1974 thanks to the efforts of Rollie Fingers, Catfish Hunter, and Reggie Jackson, who all later earned places in the Hall of Fame. The A’s also became one of the few teams in baseball history to receive Hollywood attention when they became the subject of the 2011 Oscar-nominated film “Moneyball.” In 2013, the A's achieved a milestone by winning their 16th division title since 1971.", "October 7, 1952: 1952 World Series, Game 7: New York Yankees 4 at Brooklyn Dodgers 2, F -- Gene Woodling and Mickey Mantle homered, and Billy Martin made a game-saving grab of an infield popup gone awry, as the Yankees recovered from a three game to two deficit to win their fourth of five straight World Series, in seven games over the Brooklyn Dodgers. Mantle's homer in the sixth gave the Yankees the lead for good, and an insurance run in the seventh made it 4-2. With the bases loaded and two outs in the bottom of the inning, Jackie Robinson hit a high pop up that Yankees first baseman Joe Collins appeared to lose it in the sun. But Martin charged in from second base to snatch the ball at his shoe tops to end the inning and snuff out the Dodgers' last threat as the Yankees secured the championship.moreless", "DiMaggio started playing baseball for the Yankees in May of 1936. He lead the Yankees to four consecutive World Series titles in the coming years. He earned the nickname \"Yankee Clipper\" for his agility and skill on the baseball field. DiMaggio was the first rookie player to play in an All-Star game. While the government concentrated on the second world war that was occurring overseas, the nation was in awe of \"Joltin'\" Joe DiMaggio's talent on the baseball diamond.", "Marilyn may have been a goddess, but to many Joe was God.  DiMaggio�s career was well known to ordinary Japanese.  During his 13 years in the big leagues, Joltin� Joe led the Yankees to ten world series, winning nine of them.  In 1941, he achieved baseball immortality with a hitting streak that lasted 56 consecutive games.  A lesser man would have succumbed to the lure of idolatry that such mystical feats encouraged, but Joe never did.  He tried to give back to the game that had given him so much.  That was the reason he and O�Doul had agreed to come to Japan in the first place.  He planned to instill Japanese teams with a renewed sense of the game�s fundamentals, especially the importance of fielding.  He also encouraged setting up special coaches for pitching, hitting and fielding, an uncommon practice in Japanese leagues at the time.", "2008 Félix Hernández of the Seattle Mariners hits a grand slam home run against New York Mets, 1st pitcher since Steve Dunning in 1971", "Hall of Famer Whitey Ford spent his entire 18-year career with the Yankees. Nicknamed \"The Chairman of the Board\" for his ability to remain calm in pressure-packed situations, he was a six-time World Series champ and holds the record for most games won (236) with the Yankees.", "Henry Louis \"Lou\" or \"Buster\" Gehrig (Born Heinrich Ludwig Gehrig; June 19, 1903June 2, 1941) was an American baseball first baseman who played 17 seasons in Major League Baseball (MLB) for the New York Yankees, from 1923 through 1939. Gehrig was renowned for his prowess as a hitter and for his durability, a trait that earned him his nickname \"The Iron Horse\". He was an All-Star seven consecutive times, a Triple Crown winner once, an American League (AL) Most Valuable Player twice, and a member of six World Series champion teams. He had a career .340 batting average, .632 slugging average, and a .447 on base average. He hit 493 home runs and had 1,995 runs batted in (RBI). In 1939, he was elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame and was the first MLB player to have his uniform number (4) retired by a team.", "Like Koufax, Drysdale was another pitching great of the decade. He won 158 games for the Dodgers and was selected to the All-Star team seven times. Johnny Podres also continued his outstanding pitching in the 1960s with 68 victories, including an 18-5 mark in 1961. Ron Perranoski was the Dodger bullpen stopper, compiling 101 saves and 54 wins with the Dodgers from 1961-67. During the 1963 championship season, he was nearly unbeatable, going 16-3 with 21 saves and a 1.67 ERA.", "The Pirates' broadcasters at the time were Bob Prince, a.k.a. \"The Gunner,\" and Albert \"Rosey\" Rowswell, the man who nicknamed the Pirates \"the Buccos.\" These men were homers to the extent that they made Yankee mikemen Mel Allen, Phil Rizzuto and John Sterling sound objective by comparison. Rosey, who grew up outside Pittsburgh, claimed not to have missed a Pirates home game since 1909, the year Forbes Field opened and Honus Wagner led them to win the World Series for the first time.", "I was a huge baseball fan as a kid. I was devoted to the New York Yankees in the 1950s and can still recite the numbers of the starting eight Yankees (not the pitchers). Phil Rizzuto, short-stop (No. 10), was my favorite to the point where I would actually pray for him to get a hit when he came up to bat – he was short like me. Rizzuto was the Most Valuable Player in 1950. In the early-mid 50s, I was also the only kid in the “300 Club” which was named the 300 Club because it was limited to 299 New York City business men and one child (me) centered at the Republican Club located on the same block where my commuting father worked at Schumacher’s next to Bryant Park.", "Seatle Mariner Randy Johnson hurls another ball toward homeplate during game action against the Angels on September 23, 1997. Duncan Livingston The News Tribune", "The Opening Day starting pitcher for 1981 was a 20-year-old rookie from Mexico: Fernando Valenzuela . Pressed into service due to an injury to Jerry Reuss , Valenzuela pitched a shutout that day, and proceeded to win his first 8 decisions through mid-May. The youthful left-hander, speaking only Spanish but sporting a devastating screwball , became a sensation. “Fernandomania” gripped Southern California, as huge crowds turned out to see him pitch. Valenzuela became the only pitcher ever to win the Rookie of the Year and the Cy Young Award in the same season. The Dodgers' torrid start assured them of a playoff berth in the strike-shortened split season, and they proceeded to defeat the Yankees in the World Series .", "George Herman Ruth, better known as \"Babe,\" the \"Bambino\" and the \"Sultan of Swat,\" was a home run machine for the New York Yankees who changed the game of baseball with his swing-for-the-seats style of hitting.", "During his career, Gehrig averaged 147 RBIs a season. No other player was to reach the 147 mark in a single season until George Foster did it in 1977. And, as historian Bill Curran points out, Gehrig accomplished it \"while batting immediately behind two of history's greatest base-cleaners, Ruth and DiMaggio.\" Gehrig's 184 RBIs in 1931 remains the highest single season total in American League history.", "*February 21 – Chet Ross, 70, backup outfielder who hit .241 with 34 home runs and 170 RBI in 413 games for the Boston Bees/Braves from 1939 to 1944.", "The Mariners played their first game on April 6, , to a sold-out crowd of 57,762 at the Kingdome, losing 7–0 to the California Angels. The first home run in team history was hit on April 10, 1977, by designated hitter Juan Bernhardt. ", "Crosby had an interest in sports. From 1946 until the mid-1960s he was part-owner of the Pittsburgh Pirates and helped form the nucleus of the Pirates' 1960 championship club. In 1978, he and Bob Hope were voted the Bob Jones Award, the highest honor given by the United States Golf Association in recognition of distinguished sportsmanship in golf.", "In 1960, Charles O. Finley purchased the Athletics, and put an end to the trades. But the Yankees had already strengthened their supply of future prospects, which included a young outfielder named Roger Maris. In 1960, Maris led the league in slugging percentage, RBIs, and extra base hits. He finished second in home runs (one behind Mantle) and total bases, and won a Gold Glove, which gathered him enough votes for the American League MVP award.", "\"Day in, day out, he typified back then what today's Yankees think of as Yankees, a guy going out and playing hard every single day, making no excuses,\" adds Tino Martinez, one of those who later filled Gehrig's shoes at first base in the Bronx. \"He just knew how to play the game.\"", "83 Mel Allen 2/14/1913 - 6/16/1996 American sportscaster, best known for his long tenure as the primary play-by-play announcer for the New York Yankees", "On June 1, 1925, Gehrig entered the game as a pinch hitter, substituting for shortstop Paul \"Pee Wee\" Wanninger. The next day, June 2, Yankee manager Miller Huggins started Gehrig in place of regular first baseman Wally Pipp. Pipp was in a slump, as was the team, so Huggins made several lineup changes to boost their performance, replacing Pipp, Aaron Ward, and Wally Schang. Fourteen years later, Gehrig had played 2,130 consecutive games.", "The 1927 team is considered one of the most talented teams to ever take the field and backed it up with their accomplishments.  They went 110-44 in the regular season, winning the pennant by 19 games.  They then went on to sweep the Pirates in the World Series." ]
[ 6.81640625, 5.02734375, 1.359375, -5.44140625, -5.5234375, -5.546875, -5.90234375, -5.9609375, -6.078125, -6.375, -6.39453125, -6.8828125, -6.91796875, -7.078125, -7.1328125, -7.3125, -7.52734375, -7.6796875, -7.8515625, -7.984375, -8.375, -8.53125, -8.7109375, -8.984375, -9.1640625, -9.5234375, -9.6015625, -9.6484375, -9.71875, -9.7578125, -9.9296875, -10.6953125 ]
44 years ago today, nerds everywhere found a new calling in life when what TV series debuted with the episode named “”The Man Trap””?
[ "\"The Man Trap\" is the first episode of the American science fiction television series Star Trek to be broadcast. It aired on NBC on September 8, 1966. Set in the 23rd century, the series follows the adventures of Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner) and his crew aboard the Starfleet starship USS Enterprise. In this episode, the crew visit an outpost to conduct medical exams on the residents, only to be attacked by a shapeshifting alien creature seeking to extract salt from their bodies. \"The Man Trap\" was written by George Clayton Johnson and directed by Marc Daniels.", "Star Trek , the science fiction television series, debuts on NBC in the United States with its first episode, titled \"The Man Trap\".", "The first regular episode (\"The Man Trap\") of Star Trek: The Original Series aired on Thursday, September 8, 1966. While the show initially enjoyed high ratings, the average rating of the show at the end of its first season dropped to 52nd (out of 94 programs).", "The Flintstones debuted on September 30, 1960 on ABC. A knock-off of the classic Honeymooners sketches, the show revolves around Fred and Wilma Flintstone and their best friends, Barney and Betty Rubble. The animated series stars the voices of Alan Reed, Mel Blanc, Jean Vander Pyl, Bea Benaderet, Gerry Johnson, Don Messick, and John Stephenson. It inspired many spin-off shows over the years and was the longest-running primetime animated sitcom until 1992 when The Simpsons surpassed it.", "Whereas Warner Bros. Television’s The Big Bang Theory premiered on the CBS Television Network on September 24, 2007, and during its subsequent 200 episodes has featured its main characters living in Pasadena, working as Caltech scientists and even popularizing the “Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock” game; and", "In one scene, Comic Book Guy sends a message to other Internet nerds about who will star in the new Radioactive Man film, two of whom are the nerds Homer met in \"Homer Goes to College\", and one is Prince dressed in a purple suit. The last nerd is Curtis Armstrong with an appearance resembling his Revenge of the Nerds character Booger. The usenet newsgroup which he posts the message to (alt.nerd.obsessive) is a reference to the alt.tv.simpsons newsgroup. ", "Monty Python (sometimes known as The Pythons) were a British surreal comedy group who created the sketch comedy show Monty Python's Flying Circus, that first aired on the BBC on 5 October 1969. Forty-five episodes were made over four seasons. The Python phenomenon developed from the television series into something larger in scope and impact, spawning touring stage shows, films, numerous albums, several books, and a stage musical. The group's influence on comedy has been compared to The Beatles' influence on music. ", "After spending a few years researching science fiction, Groening got together with Simpsons writer/producer David X. Cohen (still known as David S. Cohen at the time) in 1997 and developed Futurama, an animated series about life in the year 3000. By the time they pitched the series to Fox in April 1998, Groening and Cohen had composed many characters and storylines; Groening claimed they had gone \"overboard\" in their discussions. Groening described trying to get the show on the air as \"by far the worst experience of [his] grown-up life.\" The show premiered on March 28, 1999. Groening's writing credits for the show are for the premiere episode, \"Space Pilot 3000\" (co-written with Cohen), \"Rebirth\" (story) and \"In-A-Gadda-Da-Leela\" (story).", "While the show is admittedly formulaic (at the time, it is often compared with Get Smart, which also stars Don Adams), charming and appealing main characters, exotic and varied locations, and solid writing kept the series entertaining. In the final episodes of the series, a small storyline plays out involving members of a criminal retirement home that Claw recruits to eliminate Gadget. Whilst not entirely conclusive (Claw is never caught as always), the storyline was the only multi-part arc of the show’s entire run.", "Discussions involving a series based upon Trey Parker and Matt Stone's video Christmas card, The Spirit of Christmas, led HBO to contact Ralph Bakshi in order to produce an animated series targeted specifically toward adults. Bakshi enlisted a team of writers, including his son, Preston, to develop Spicy Detective, later renamed Spicy City, an anthology series set in a noir-ish, technology-driven future. Each episode featuring a different story narrated by a female host named Raven, voiced by Michelle Phillips. The series premiered in July 1997, beating South Park to television by over a month and becoming the first \"adults only\" cartoon series. Although critical reaction was mixed and largely unfavorable, Spicy City received acceptable ratings. A second season was approved, but the network wanted to fire Bakshi's writing team and hire professional Los Angeles screenwriters. When Bakshi refused to cooperate with the network, the series was canceled.", "Benjamin, Doug and Gary (voiced by Harry Shearer, Hank Azaria and Dan Castellaneta, respectively) are geeks that were once Homer's dormitory roommates at Springfield University. Gary carries a calculator on his belt and uses ear medicine, Doug is overweight and wears a pocket protector, and Benjamin wears horn-rimmed glasses. The writer of \"Homer Goes to College\", Conan O'Brien partially based them on three guys he went to college with, who, he said, were \"incredible nerds\". Director Jim Reardon used a caricature of animator Rich Moore and colored it black for Benjamin. ", "Adams, who had been under contract to NBC, was lukewarm about doing a spy spoof. When he learned that Mel Brooks and Buck Henry had written the pilot script, he accepted immediately. \"Get Smart\" debuted on NBC in September 1965 and scored No. 12 among the season's most-watched series and No. 22 in its second season.", "From 1972 to 1974, Hanna-Barbera produced Wait till Your Father Gets Home, an adult-oriented sitcom in the style of All in the Family. The series dealt with subjects such as feminism and the generation gap. In the 1990s, a number of animated television programs appeared which challenged the Standards & Practices guidelines, including The Simpsons, Beavis and Butt-Head, The Critic, The Brothers Grunt, Duckman, The Ren and Stimpy Show, and Rocko's Modern Life. The Simpsons originated from series of shorts appearing on The Tracey Ullman Show. Because the shorts and television series aired in prime time, the show was not censored as much as programs intended to air on Saturday mornings. In addition to the show's portrayal of brief nudity and mild language, the series has dealt with mature themes, subjects such as death, gambling addiction, religion and suicide.", "The Big Bang Theory is an American sitcom created by Chuck Lorre and Bill Prady, both of whom serve as executive producers on the show, along with Steven Molaro. All three also serve as head writers. It premiered on CBS on September 24, 2007.", "By that time, ABC had pushed up the debut date to January 1966. Lorenzo Semple, Jr. had signed on as head script writer. He wrote the pilot script, and generally wrote in a pop-art adventure style. Stanley Ralph Ross, Stanford Sherman, and Charles Hoffman were script writers who generally leaned more toward campy comedy, and in Ross's case, sometimes outright slapstick and satire. Originally intended as a one-hour show, ABC only had two early-evening time slots available, so the show was split into two parts, to air twice a week in half-hour installments with a cliffhanger, originally to last only through a station break, connecting the two episodes, echoing the old movie serials.", "The Flintstones was the first, and the longest running, animated situation comedy shown in prime-time television. Premiering on ABC on 30 September 1960, it gained high ratings in its first season, thus establishing animation as a viable prime time format. Produced by Hanna-Barbera (Bill Hanna and Joe Barbera), The Flintstones was patterned after Jackie Gleason's The Honeymooners. Designed as a program for the entire family, the program did not appear as \"children's television\" until its rebroadcast by NBC in 1967. Its popularity with teenagers in its 8:30 P.M. Friday time slot, however, presaged the late 1960s move to animation as the preeminent format for children's programming.", "Hooperman 23 Sep 1987-6 Sep 1989 (ABC/Adam/20th Century Fox); 42 30-minute episodes; originally aired Wednesdays at 9:00 p.m.; Harry Hooperman was an Inspector in the San Francisco Police. When at home, he managed the dilapidated apartment he'd inherited, alonmg with a virulent dog, Bijoux and a horde of irritated and irritable tenants. Star John Ritter was the real-life son of Country-Western superstar Tex Ritter. In this series, he was the most patient cop alive, and tolerating his ball-busting boss \"C.Z.\" Stern, his tenants. More dangerous to him than any criminal was his love/hate relationship with downstairs plumber/tenant Susan Smith. Creators: Steven Bochco (Hill Street Blues), Terry Louise Fisher; Executive Producers: Robert Myman, Leon Tokatyan, Rick Kellard; Producers: Director: Music: Mike Post; Starring: JOHN RITTER (Three's Company) as Inspector Harry Hooperman; BARBARA BOSSON as Captain Celeste \"C.Z.\" Stern; DEBRAH FARENTINO as Susan Smith (1987-1988); FELTON PERRY as Inspector Clarence McNeil; CLARENCE FELDER as Officer Boris \"Bobo\" Pritzger; SIDNEY WALSH as Officer Maureen \"Mo\" DeMott; JOSEPH GIAN as Officer Rick Silardi; ALIX ELIAS as Betty Bushkin; ROD GIST as Rudy (1988-1989); PAUL LINKE as T.J. (1988-1989); DAN LAURIA (The Wonder Years) as Lou Stern; Best Episode Guide: Screen Source: Hooperman", "The Outer Limits is an American television series that aired on ABC from 1963 to 1965 at 7:30PM EST on Monday evenings. The series is often compared to The Twilight Zone, but with a greater emphasis on science fiction stories (rather than stories just dealing with fantasy or supernatural matters). The Outer Limits is an anthology of self-contained episodes, sometimes with a plot twist at the end.", "The show was created while Patrick McGoohan and George Markstein were working on Danger Man (known as Secret Agent in the U.S.), an espionage show produced by Incorporated Television Company (also called ITC Entertainment). The exact details of who created which aspects of the show are disputed; majority opinion credits McGoohan as the sole creator of the series. However, a disputed co-creator status later was ascribed to Markstein after a series of fan interviews published in the 1980s. The show itself bears no \"created by\" credit.", "The Flintstones is an animated, prime-time American television sitcom that was broadcast from September 30, 1960 to April 1, 1966, on ABC . The original pilot episode clip however was called the \"Flagstones\" (which first appeared in 1959 as a 90 second promotion to draw advertisers to the show) and was later reincorporated into the show's 1st episode (3rd episode in original airdate order). The show's name was changed to \"The Flintstones\" shortly thereafter. The show was produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions , The Flintstones was about a working class Stone Age man's life with his family and his next-door neighbor and best friend.", "• A live episode was broadcast to mark the series’ 40th anniversary in December 2000 – the first time the show had been broadcast live since 1960 and 1961.", "Cheers is an American sitcom that ran for eleven seasons between 1982 and 1993. The show was produced by Charles/Burrows/Charles Productions in association with Paramount Network Television for NBC and created by the team of James Burrows, Glen Charles, and Les Charles. The show is set in a bar named Cheers (named after its real life counterpart) in Boston, Massachusetts, where a group of locals meet to drink, relax, and socialize. The show's main theme song, written and performed by Gary Portnoy, and co-written with Judy Hart Angelo, lent its famous refrain \"Where Everybody Knows Your Name\" as the show's tagline. ", "The first prime-time animated series geared for adults, the show originally aired from 1960 to 1966 on the ABC network. Starting with the third season, it was also ABC's first series to be televised in color; technical and financial limitations prevented the network from broadcasting ANY color series until September 1962 (the first two seasons, originally telecast in black and white, were finally rebroadcast in full color when the series was syndicated in the fall of 1966). While the show was originally co-produced and syndicated by Screen Gems , Warner Bros. Television later acquired the rights to The Flintstones after parent Time Warner 's purchase of Turner Broadcasting System and its properties, including H-B.", "The Flintstones is an animated, prime-time American television sitcom that was broadcast from September 30, 1960, to April 1, 1966, on ABC. The show was produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions. The Flintstones was about a working-class Stone Age man's life with his family and his next-door neighbor and best friend.", "The series was first broadcast in 1965 and was set a hundred years in the then future, in 2065, when Jeff was (or will be) 56. According to his backstory \"bio\", Jeff was born 2 January 2009, the son of a combine harvester driver on a Kansas wheat farm.", "The show originally ran from 1963 to 1989 (with an 18 month hiatus in 1985-6 caused by Executive Meddling , during which it \"rested\"). A canon Made for TV Movie , created as a pilot for a revival, aired in 1996, but nothing else resulted.", "The episode \"You Only Move Twice\", features the supervillain, Hank Scorpio. The James Bond analogue, \"Mr. Bont\", is based on Sean Connery 's portrayal, but, unlike Bond, he is captured and killed, because Homer Simpson interferes with his attempted escape from captivity.", "Gould introduced topical story lines about television, Juvenile delinquency, graft , organized crime, and other developments in American life during the 1950s; and elements of Soap opera depicted Dick, Tess, and Junior (along with the Tracys' baby daughter, Bonnie Braids), at home as a family. Depictions of family life alternated with the story's crime drama, as in the kidnapping of Bonnie Braids by fugitive Crewy Lou, or Junior's girlfriend, Model, being accidentally killed by her brother.", "Some favorite topics for popular shows among pre-teens in the late 60s were superheroes, spies, and science fiction. It was an experimental time in television. TV was leaving behind the \"Father Knows Best\" and \"Leave it to Beaver\" innocence and addressing more edgy, current social concerns.", "Mystery Science Theater 3000 often riffs on movies by saying \"Billy, don't be a hero!\", including the episode \"The Creeping Terror\".", "Police Squad! : Its flop was because it couldn't be watched casually. Viewers had to pay active attention to catch the jokes . Keep in mind it aired in 1982 when the VCR was still a luxury item, so it was a yeoman's effort to get the references.", "The young-at-heart sitcom about a group of retired friends. Howard devises a simple scheme to change his appearance enough to fool even Pearl." ]
[ 6.97265625, 6.90234375, 4.15234375, -4.046875, -5.02734375, -5.08203125, -5.32421875, -5.5078125, -5.515625, -5.74609375, -5.875, -6.3125, -6.6875, -6.71875, -6.85546875, -7.1796875, -7.4453125, -7.453125, -7.46875, -7.77734375, -7.79296875, -7.91015625, -7.953125, -8.5, -8.5390625, -8.8515625, -8.890625, -9.5, -9.578125, -9.578125, -9.96875, -10.0703125 ]
What fictional detective is featured in the novel/movie "The Hound of the Baskervilles"?
[ "The Hound of the Baskervilles is the third of the crime novels written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle featuring the detective Sherlock Holmes. Originally serialised in The Strand Magazine from August 1901 to April 1902, it is set largely on Dartmoor in Devon in England's West Country and tells the story of an attempted murder inspired by the legend of a fearsome, diabolical hound of supernatural origin. Sherlock Holmes and his companion Dr. Watson investigate the case. This was the first appearance of Holmes since his apparent death in \"The Final Problem\", and the success of The Hound of the Baskervilles led to the character's eventual revival.", "The Hound of The Baskervilles was written by Arthur Conan Doyle in 1902 and was the third story to feature the London detective, Sherlock Holmes. This film version is the first colour outing for Holmes, it is also the first time he was portrayed by the superb gent Peter Cushing, he later went on to star in a Sherlock Holmes TV series in 1968 where once again he dealt with the Hound, he also went on to star as Conan Doyle in the TV Movie, The Great Houdini 1976.", "The Hound of the Baskervilles is a 1959 British gothic horror and mystery film, directed by Terence Fisher and produced by Hammer Film Productions. It is based on the novel of the same name by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. It stars Peter Cushing as Sherlock Holmes, Sir Christopher Lee as Sir Henry Baskerville and André Morell as Doctor Watson.", "The Hound of the Baskervilles, an adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's novel, the first of fourteen Sherlock Holmes films with Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce", "1902 - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle�s The Hound of the Baskervilles is published. Although largely based on the investigations of consulting detective Sherlock Holmes, the addition of a huge hound to the narrative may have been inspired partly by Conan Doyle�s meeting with the Fourth Doctor in Devon in the year 1880 (Evolution, assumed from Conan Doyle�s words, on p.118). (MG)", "The Hound of the Baskervilles, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, is a Sherlock Holmes mystery set primarily in the moors of Devonshire. John and Eliza Barrymore are longtime servants in Sir Charles Baskerville's home, and they now serve the Baskerville heir, Sir Henry. Watson soon realizes there is something odd going on connected to the couple.", "The great detective Sherlock Holmes is called to solve the mystery. Can he save the new owner of Baskerville Hall from a terrible death? Read and find out... If you like detective stories, you'll definitely love The Hound of the Baskervilles!", "The Hound of the Baskervilles was the first adventure to feature Sherlock Holmes since the tragic events depicted in the short story ‘The Final Problem’, published in The Strand Magazine in December 1893. In ‘The Final Problem,’ Holmes had apparently fallen to his death, along with his arch enemy Professor Moriarty, at the Reichenbach Falls in Switzerland. Arthur Conan Doyle, although worn down by the tight deadlines that went with writing the Holmes stories, and believing that the public’s fascination with the detective distracted attention from his more serious work, had left sufficient loose ends in ‘The Final Problem’ to enable him to bring back the great detective at a future date should he so desire. The Hound of the Baskervilles is set prior to the events at the Reichenbach Falls, but the book’s phenomenal success persuaded Conan Doyle to revive Sherlock Holmes permanently in ‘The Adventure of the Empty House’, a short story published in 1903 but set in the quintessentially ‘Holmesian’ setting of the Victorian fin de siècle.", "One local story tells that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the author of the famous adventures of the detective Sherlock Holmes, came to stay in Cromer. During his stay, Sir Arthur heard the legend of Black Shuck, a Norfolk ghost hound. Apparently Sir Arthur was so taken by the story; it inspired him to write one of his most famous mysteries \"The Hound of the Baskervilles\" in 1902.", "  / ˈ ʃ ɜr l ɒ k ˈ h oʊ m z / ) [1] is a fictional detective created by Scottish author and physician Sir Arthur Conan Doyle . A London-based \"consulting detective\" whose abilities border on the fantastic, Holmes is famous for his astute logical reasoning , his ability to adopt almost any disguise, and his use of forensic science skills to solve difficult cases .", "BELOW: A poster from the 1959 horror ilm he Hound of the Baskervilles, starring Peter Cushing as Sherlock Holmes and Christopher Lee. OPPOSITE: he 1946 ilm Terror by Night uses elements from Conan Doyle’s “he Adventure of the Empty House”, “he Sign of Four” and “he Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax”.", "Lee was menacing in the title role of The Mummy (1959) and, that same year, starred as the new owner of Baskerville Hall in the remake of The Hound of the Baskervilles, starring his best friend, Peter Cushing, as Sherlock Holmes. The suave and courtly Cushing was his castmate in Curse of Frankenstein and Horror of Dracula as well.", "2002: The Hound of the Baskervilles (BBC One). Richard Roxburgh as Holmes and Ian Hart as Watson.", "Several centuries later, the death of Sir Charles Baskerville is being reported by his best friend, Dr. Richard Mortimer (Francis de Wolff), to Sherlock Holmes (Peter Cushing) and Dr. Watson (André Morell), who are willing to meet the new owner of Baskerville Hall, Sir Henry (Christopher Lee). After meeting Sir Henry, Holmes remembers that he is going to be away on another case when Sir Henry returns to Baskerville Hall. Holmes puts Watson in charge of watching over Sir Henry. A tarantula attacks Sir Henry briefly in London; Holmes suspects foul play. Before he leaves, Holmes reminds Watson not to let Sir Henry go out onto the moor after dark.", "*Ronald Lacey played Lestrade in the 1983 film The Hound of the Baskervilles, starring Ian Richardson as Holmes. (Lacey would later play the Sholto Brothers in the Granada television production of The Sign of the Four with Jeremy Brett as Holmes.)", "Cushing and Christopher Lee, who were often paired in the Hammer movies, teamed up again when Cushing played Holmes and Lee portrayed Sir Henry Baskerville in 1959’s “The Hound of the Baskervilles,” about an unlucky family pursued by a hound from hell.", "NOTE // ABSTRACT --- // It has all the ingredients you would expect of a classic Sherlock Holmes story. A national newspaper editor dies suddenly and a knight of the realm is suspected of his murder, triggered by infidelity, blackmail and fear of exposure. But according to one psychologist, author and Holmes enthusiast, this is no fictional plot - and the killer was none other than Holmes' Edinburgh-born creator, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Dr Rodger Garrick-Steele claims Sir Arthur stole the idea for his most famous Holmes novel, The Hound of the Baskervilles, from his friend Fletcher Robinson - then had him poisoned when he threatened to reveal the truth....\"", "Hello Everyone, This may seem silly, but I'd really appreciate any help I can get with this: A long time ago, I had 'The Hound of the Baskervilles' on television. Unfortunately, I cannot remember who starred in it, but I remember the shot where Stapleton is being chased on the moor towards the end and he mocks Sherlock Holmes by using the following words: \"You can never catch me, Mr. Holmes.\" before losing step and ending up in the mire. Now I thought Jeremy Brett starred in this particular movie but I was mistaken and on account of several of the re-makes of this classic being available, I have no real clue :( Can you help me with this? Thanks in anticipation, Spooks", "1959:  The Hound of the Baskervilles starring Peter Cushing as Holmes and André Morell as Watson.", "Mark Gatiss wrote \"The Hounds of Baskerville\", which investigates the strange activities at a military base. Aware that The Hound of the Baskervilles, first published in 1902, was one of the most famous of Conan Doyle's original stories, Gatiss felt a greater responsibility to include familiar elements of the story than he does when adapting the lesser-known stories. Russell Tovey appeared as Henry Knight, a man whose father was ripped apart by a gigantic hound on Dartmoor twenty years earlier. Directed by McGuigan, the episode was first broadcast on 8 January 2012. ", "1983: The Hound of the Baskervilles starring Ian Richardson as Holmes and Donald Churchill as Watson", "Moore played Watson to Cook’s Holmes in 1978’s Hound of the Baskervilles. Moore was noteworthy as a comic foil to Sir Henry and played 3 other roles: one in drag and one as a one legged man. Moore also played the piano for the entire score and appears at the start and end of the film as a flamboyant and mischievous pianist. Moore also scored the film.", "309. ———. \"How trail of The Hound led to Brum; Unmasked: the Baskerville who inspired Sherlock Holmes classic.\" Sunday Mercury, February 26, 2006: 14.", "The Hound of the Baskervilles merges two popular genres, the detective story and the Gothic tale. Here curator Greg Buzwell examines the novel’s depiction of scientific deduction, eerie landscapes and violent ancestry.", "Mr Baskerville - Sherlock holmes type character always with his magnifying glass and his dog Watson.", "The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle · OverDrive: eBooks, audiobooks and videos for libraries", "Other Characters: Shirley Holmes; Joan Watson; William; Harry Canning; Detective-Inspector Withers; Policemen; Slim; Alf; Cabman; Postman; Sergeant \"Scrunchy\" Laker; Larry Cartwright; (Sir Henry / Joseph Masterson; Giuseppe Pirelli; Ellen; Masterson's Butler; Lord Brayling)", "One of the few actors who has portrayed three different Sherlock Holmes characters: Sherlock Holmes, Mycroft Holmes and Sir Henry Baskerville.", "He was assisted with the plot by a 30-year-old Daily Express journalist named Bertram Fletcher Robinson (1870–1907). His ideas came from the legend of Richard Cabell, which was the fundamental inspiration for the Baskerville tale of a hellish hound and a cursed country squire. Cabell's tomb can be seen in the Devon town of Buckfastleigh. ", "The Hound of the Baskervilles (1959) directed by Terence Fisher • Reviews, film + cast • Letterboxd", "Posted By Erica at Thu 17 Apr 2003, 5:00 AM in The Hound of the Baskervilles || 3 Replies", "Posted By bookworm14 at Tue 2 Aug 2005, 10:18 PM in The Hound of the Baskervilles || 11 Replies" ]
[ 9.0390625, 7.0078125, 6.9609375, 4.765625, 4.2109375, 3.943359375, 3.603515625, 3.259765625, 2.986328125, 2.873046875, 1.3212890625, 1.1240234375, 1.10546875, 0.94091796875, 0.75927734375, 0.69287109375, 0.332275390625, 0.2098388671875, 0.18212890625, 0.162353515625, 0.1571044921875, -0.4453125, -0.454345703125, -1.2138671875, -1.7080078125, -2.322265625, -2.828125, -3.185546875, -3.4140625, -3.634765625, -4.29296875, -4.3359375 ]
Whose labors include such tasks as slaying the Nemean lion, cleaning the Augean stables in a single day, and obtaining the Girdle of the Amazon Queen?
[ "The Twelve Labors of Hercules. King Eurystheus gave Hercules a series of 12 difficult and dangerous tasks. Known as the Twelve Labors of Hercules, these were his most famous feats. The hero's first task was to kill the Nemean Lion, a monstrous beast that terrorized the countryside and could not be killed by any weapon. Hercules strangled the beast with his bare hands and made its skin into a cloak that made him invulnerable.", "The many feats of Hercules are customarily divided into the 12 labors and other exploits. The 12 labors, which were performed for the Greek king Eurystheus as a result of Hera's enmity, were: (1) killing the Nemean lion, which could not be killed by metal or stone; from the lion he made the cloak and club that became his trademarks; (2) killing the multiheaded Hydra of Lerna, which could grow two new heads for each one it lost; the blood of the Hydra was the source of poison for Hercules' arrows, which could cause death even from a scratch; (3) capturing the golden-horned hind of Ceryneia, which was sacred to Artemis; (4) capturing the Erymanthian boar; (5) cleaning the stables of Augeas; (6) routing the Stymphalian birds, which had iron feathers and were sacred to ARES; (7) capturing the Cretan bull; (8) capturing the man-eating mares of Diomedes; (9) obtaining the girdle of Hippolyte, queen of the Amazons; (10) driving the cattle of Geryon from far west to Greece; (11) capturing Cerberus, the watchdog of the underworld; and (12) obtaining the golden apples of the Hesperides.", "Theseus assists Heracles in his ninth labour - obtaining the girdle of Hippolyte, queen of the Amazons. After succeeding in the task, Theseus kidnaps Hippolyte's sister, Antiope, causing the Amazons to attack Athens to rescue her.", "The first of Heracles' twelve labours, set by King Eurystheus (his cousin) was to slay the Nemean lion", "The first of Heracles’ twelve labors, set by King Eurystheus (his cousin) was to slay the Nemean lion.", "Judging by the surviving artwork of this Labor it seems to be almost as popular as the First Labor, i.e. killing the Nemean Lion, which was by far the most popular artistic theme associated with Herakles. The oldest definite depiction of the Ninth Labor shows Herakles with the Amazon queen Andromeda on a late seventh century Corinthian alabastron [a jar for oils, ointments and perfumes] ... later Attic depictions name the queen as Andromache. The first written accounts of this Labor did not appear until hundreds of years later ... by then the queen was named Hippolyte. The early representations of this Labor always show Herakles taking the belt by force but by circa 430 BCE the encounter with the Amazons became quite peaceful showing the Amazons in Persian attire [instead of Greek garments or Skythian war-gear] and entertaining Herakles as if he had dropped by for tea ... this seems completely out of character for both Herakles and the Amazons. The \"belt\" is often referred to as a girdle but it was probably more like an abbreviated cuirass, i.e. armor worn around the mid-section instead of completely covering the chest and back.", "The chronology of the Twelve Labors is rather arbitrary but since the time of the Greek grammarian, Apollodorus Dysklus [circa 140 BCE], the numbering of the Labors has become literally written in stone. On the Temple of Zeus, built in the mid-fifth century BCE, the only metope that depicts Herakles as beardless [i.e. young] is the scene where he stands with his foot on the dead Nemean lion. For that reason it is understandable that killing of the Nemean lion is considered to be the First Labor of Herakles. The ordering of the other Labors is not quite so obvious but we will yield to the authority of Apollodorus Dysklus.", "Heracles/Hercules is best known for the \"Twelve Labours\" he was obliged to perform for King Eurystheus, a rather humorous story most fully told in a book written in the 1st or 2nd century A.D., although already familiar in classical Athens.   Hercules' first labor was to kill the menacing Nemean Lion; Hercules strangled the creature and carried it back to Mycenae. The second task was to overcome the nine‑headed snake known as the Hydra; Hercules' cousin Ioloas helped him out by burning the stumps of the heads after Hercules cut off the heads; since the ninth head was immortal, Hercules rolled a rock over it. The third task was to find the golden‑horned stag and bring it back alive; Hercules followed the stag around for one full year; he finally captured the stag and took it back alive. The fourth labor was to capture a wild boar that terrorized Mycenae's people; Hercules chased the boar up a mountain where the boar fell in to a snow drift, where Hercules subdued it.", "The Amazons (Greek: Ἀμαζόνες, Amazónes, singular Ἀμαζών, Amazōn), also known as Oiorpata in Iranian and Scythian, were believed to have been a nation of all-female warriors in Greek mythology and Classical antiquity. Herodotus placed them in a region bordering Scythia in Sarmatia (modern territory of Ukraine). Other historiographers place them in Anatolia, or sometimes Libya. Notable queens of the Amazons are Penthesilea, who participated in the Trojan War, and her sister Hippolyta , whose magical girdle, given to her by her father Ares, was the object of one of the labours of Hercules . Amazon warriors were often depicted in battle with Greek warriors in amazonomachies in classical art.", "One of the tasks imposed upon Hercules by Eurystheus was to obtain possession of the girdle of the Amazonian queen Hippolyta. He was accompanied by his friend Theseus, who carried off the princess Antiope, sister of Hippolyta, an incident which led to a retaliatory invasion of Attica, in which Antiope perished fighting by the side of Theseus. In some versions, however, Theseus marries Hippolyta and in others, he marries Antiope and she does not die; by this marriage with the Amazon Theseus had a son Hippolytus. The battle between the Athenians and Amazons is often commemorated in an entire genre of art, amazonomachy, in marble bas-reliefs such as from the Parthenon or the sculptures of the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus.", "Cleaning the Augean Stables would take thirty days because it held thousands of cattle. The stalls had not been cleared out for a year. Heracles accomplished the fifth labour by diverting the flow of two rivers through the stables, creating a great flood which instantly washed out the stables, cleaning them. Hercules finished this labour quickly enough to have a little extra free time, with which he started the early Olympic Games to honour Zeus who granted Hercules a wish because of it.", "One example of the tasks is that Hercules had to slay the Nemean lion who terrorized the valley of Nemea. But the task was to slay it bare handed. It took 30 days to strangle the animal. He skinned the beast and nailed the body to the sky (Leo). He wore the skin as a trophy.", "In his labours, Hercules was sometimes accompanied by a male companion (an eromenos), according to Licymnius and others, such as Iolaus, his nephew. Although he was supposed to perform only ten labours, this assistance led to two labours being disqualified: Eurystheus didn't count slaying the Hydra, because Iolaus helped him, nor the cleansing of the Augean stables because Hercules was paid for his services, or because the rivers did the work. Several of the labours involved the offspring (by various accounts) of Typhon and his mate Echidna, all overcome by Hercules.", "The fifth labour was to clean the stables of King Augeas . This assignment was intended to be both humiliating (rather than impressive, as the previous labours had been) and impossible, since the livestock were divinely healthy (and immortal) and therefore produced an enormous quantity of dung. The Augean /ɔːˈdʒiːən/ Stables had not been cleaned in over 30 years, and over 1,000 cattle lived there. However, Hercules succeeded by re-routing the rivers Alpheus and Peneus to wash out the filth.", "The Nemean lion was a fierce creature which could not be hurt by any mortal weapon. Heracles finished it by beating it with his club and strangling it. Upon killing the animal, Hercules used the lion's own claw to remove the weapon-proof skin, providing an impenetrable cloak seen in many paintings and sculptures of the hero.", "The fifth labour was to clean the stables of King Augeas. This assignment was intended to be both humiliating (rather than impressive, as the previous labours had been) and impossible, since the livestock were divinely healthy (and immortal) and therefore produced an enormous quantity of dung. The Augean Stables had not been cleaned in over 30 years, and over 1,000 cattle lived there. However, Hercules succeeded by re-routing the rivers Alpheus and Peneus to wash out the filth.", "Initially, Hercules was required to complete ten labors, not twelve. King Eurystheus decided Hercules' first task would be to bring him the skin of an invulnerable lion which terrorized the hills around Nemea.", "The Nemean lion was a terrible monster that roamed in the region of Nemea , capturing women as hostages and luring brave men to save them. When someone entered the lion's den and tried to free the woman, she would turn into the lion and eat the warrior alive. When Heracles arrived in a town of the region, he met a boy who asked him to kill the lion. He also told him that if Heracles killed the lion within a month, a lion would be sacrificed to Zeus ; otherwise, the boy would sacrifice himself.", "The fifth task was a curious one.  Augeas, king of Elis, had immense herds, and kept his stables and cow-houses in a frightful state of filth, and Eurystheus, hoping either to disgust Hercules or kill him by the unwholesomeness of the work, sent him to clean them.  Hercules, without telling Augeas it was his appointed p. 47task, offered to do it if he were repaid the tenth of the herds, and received the promise on oath.  Then he dug a canal, and turned the water of two rivers into the stables, so as effectually to cleanse them; but when Augeas heard it was his task, he tried to cheat him of the payment, and on the other hand Eurystheus said, as he had been rewarded, it could not count as one of his labours, and ordered him off to clear the woods near Lake Stymphalis of some horrible birds, with brazen beaks and claws, and ready-made arrows for feathers, which ate human flesh.  To get them to rise out of the forest was his first difficulty, but Pallas lent him a brazen clapper, which made them take to their wings; then he shot them with his poisoned arrows, killed many, and drove the rest away.", "1 - King Eurystheus demanded that Hercules killed the lion of Nemea. The creature had magical skin and was huge and cruel. No arrow or spear could pierce his thick hide.", "    The older story says nothing of the exact number (twelve) of the labours (athloi) of Heracles. The number was apparently invented by the poet Pisander of Rhodes, who may have had in his eye the contests of the Phoenician god Melkart with the twelve hostile beasts of the Zodiac. It was also Pisander who first armed the hero with the club, and the skin taken from the lion of Cithaeron or Nemea. Heracles was previously represented as carrying bow and arrows, and the weapons of a Homeric hero.", "The ninth labor was complicated: stealing an armored belt that belonged to the Amazon queen Hippolyte. At first, the queen welcomed Hercules and agreed to give him the belt without a fight. However, the troublemaking Hera disguised herself as an Amazon warrior and spread a rumor that Hercules intended to kidnap the queen. To protect their leader, the women attacked the hero’s fleet; then, fearing for his safety, Hercules killed Hippolyte and ripped the belt from her body.", "First he was ordered to destroy and to bring back to Mycenae the lion of Nemea,  which for long had ravaged all the countryside to the north. Hercules took his bow and arrows and, in the forest of Nemea, cut himself a great club, so heavy that a man nowadays could hardly lift it. This club he carried ever afterwards as his chief weapon.", "Tarr's gift for combining her own brand of magical fantasy with fully drawn, compelling characters acting within the framework of history bears fruit again in this novel set during the conquests of Alexander the Great, the Macedonian warrior who claimed divine patriarchal lineage. Drawing on the legend that Amazonian Queen Hippolyta traveled far to look upon the conqueror from the West when he came to Zadrakarta in Persia, Tarr creates an epic that sweeps readers from the camp of the Amazons with Selene, niece of a blind seer and guardian of Hippolyta's soulless daughter, into an action-packed, adventure-filled, sometimes bloody voyage to the court of the first conqueror of the known world. Tarr's meticulous research ensures the verisimilitude needed to realistically anchor her liberties with recorded history; so detailed are her descriptions of tools, weapons, clothing, and the stuff of everyday life, including such predators as wild boars, that readers effortlessly enter a fantasy world seamlessly constructed from anthropological and archeological verities. Sure to please established fans and win new ones. Whitney Scott", "♠ Shakespeare's Love's Labor Lost refers to the twelfth labor of Hercules and says that Hercules was given a club by an imp with the help of which he succeeded in capturing and taming Cerberus, the three-headed canine that guarded Hades' dominions.", "Sacrifice in anachronistic ancient Egypt. Ex-slave, Quetzalcoatl is the first female High Priest to make it up the mountain. Agamemnon looks on with fondness but so does Peronita. Tomb raider Nigel Nicodemus succumbs to greed and abandons his once Robin-hood like generosity, whilst friend Caesar and daughter Aphrodite brandish their torches. Climb every step.", "The huge boar sent by Artemis to ravage the land of Calydon due to the king's refusal to include her in his annual offerings. The king, Oeneus, requested neighboring cities to help kill the boar, and many heroes - including Peleus and Meleager - participated. The maiden Atalanta wounded the beast, and Meleager finally killed it. Although it had been Atalanta who halted the monster, because she was a woman it was Meleager who was awarded the prize.", "In many countries THE BOAR WAS SACRIFICED TO THE GOD, for the injury a boar was fabled to have done him. According to one version of the story of the death of Adonis, or Tammuz, it was, as we have seen, in consequence of a wound from the tusk of a BOAR that he died. The Phrygian Attes, the beloved of Cybele, whose story was identified with that of Adonis, was fabled to have perished in LIKE MANNER, by the tusk of a boar. Therefore, DIANA, who though commonly represented in popular myths only as the huntress Diana, WAS IN REALITY THE GREAT MOTHER OF THE GODS [SEMIRAMIS], has frequently the BOAR'S HEAD as her accompaniment, in token not of any mere success in the chase, but of HER TRIUMPH OVER THE GRAND ENEMY [SHEM] OF THE IDOLATROUS SYSTEM, IN WHICH SHE OCCUPIED SO CONSPICUOUS A PLACE.", "Theseus was now both king and bona fide hero, but this did not put an end to his adventuring. On one occasion he visited the Amazons, mythological warrior women who lived on the shores of the Black Sea. The Amazons were renowned horseback riders and especially skilled with the bow. They lived apart from men and only met with them on occasion to produce children for their tribe.", "An example of typical mythology in the Talmud exists as a discussion about a giant deer and a giant lion which are both originated in a mythical forest called \"Bei Ilai\". ( bei means house in Aramaic) The deer is called \"keresh\", it has one horn, and its skin measures 15 cubits in length. The lion, called \"tigris\", is said to be so big that there is a space of 9 cubits between its ears. The Roman Caesar Hadrian once asked Rabbi Joshua ben Hananiah to show him this lion, since every lion can be killed, but the Rabbi refused and pointed out that this is not a normal lion. The Roman Caesar insisted, so the Rabbi reluctantly called for the lion of \"Bei Ilai\". He roared once from a distance of 400 parasangs, and all pregnant women miscarried and all the city walls of Rome tumbled down. Then he came to 300 parasangs and roared again, and the front teeth and molars of Roman men fell out, and even the emperor himself fell from his throne. He begged the Rabbi to send it back. The Rabbi prayed and it returned to its place.", "\"When Diana [Artemis], wearied from constant hunting in the thickly shadowed valley of Gargaphia, in the summertime was bathing in the stream called Parthenius (of the Maiden), Actaeon, grandson of Cadmus, son of Aristaeus and Autonoe, sought the same place for cooling himself and the dogs which he had exercised in chasing wild beasts. He caught sight of the goddess, and to keep him from telling ot it, she changed him into a stag. As a stag, then, he was mangled by his own hounds. Their names were (these are all male): Melampus, Ichnobates, Echnobas, Pamphagos, Dorceus, Oribasus, Nebrophonus, Laelap, Theron, Pterelas, Hylaeus, Nape, Ladon, Poemenis, Therodanapis, Aura, Lacon, Harpyia, Aello, Dromas, Thous Canache, Cyprius, Sticcte, Labros, Arcas, Agriodus, Tigris, Hylactor, Alce, Harpalus, Lycisca, Melaneus, Lachne, Leucon. Likewise there who devoured him - females: Melanchaetes, Agre, theridamas, Oreistrophos. Other authors give these names too: Acamas, Syrus, Leon, Stilbon, Agrius, Charops, Aethon, Corus, Boreas, Draco, Eudromus, Dromius, Zephyrus, Lampus, Haemon, Cyllopodes, Harpalicus, Machimus, Ichneus, Melampus, Ocydromus, Borax, Ocythous, Pachylus, Obrimus; and females: Argo, Arethusa, Urania, Theriope, Dinomache, Dioxippe, Echione, Gorgo, Cyllo, Harpyia, Lynceste, Leaena, Lacaena, Ocyptete, Ocydrome, Oxyrhoe, Orias, Sagnos, Theriphone, Volatos, Chediaetros.\"", "\"When Tellus (the Earth) [Gaia] deep-coated with the slime of the late deluge, glowed again beneath the warm caresses of the shining sun, she brought forth countless species, some restored in ancient forms, some fashioned weird and new. Indeed Tellus (the Earth), against her will, produced a Serpent (Serpens) never known before, the huge Python, a terror to men's new-made tribes, so far it sprawled across the mountainside. The Archer god (Deus Arctitenens) [Apollon], whose shafts till then were used only against wild goats and fleeing deer, destroyed the monster with a thousand arrows, his quiver almost emptied, and the wounds, black wounds, poured forth their poison. Then to ensure the centuries should have no power to dull the lustre of that deed, Phoebus [Apollon] founded the sacred games, the crowded contests, known as Pythian from that Serpens overthrown.\"" ]
[ 5.6796875, 5.13671875, 4.875, 4.25, 4.23046875, 3.775390625, 3.666015625, 3.51171875, 3.244140625, 2.671875, 2.22265625, 2.076171875, 2.064453125, 1.474609375, 1.263671875, 1.1220703125, 0.943359375, 0.277099609375, 0.1365966796875, -0.18359375, -0.888671875, -1.9921875, -2.626953125, -3.21875, -4.0546875, -6.3125, -6.90234375, -6.9609375, -7.140625, -7.578125, -7.671875, -8.1796875 ]
With 18 major championships, what golfer is nicknamed “The Golden Bear”?
[ "Jack William Nicklaus (born January 21, 1940), nicknamed \"The Golden Bear\", is an American professional golfer. By winning a total of 18 career major championships while producing 19 second place and 9 third place finishes in major events on the PGA Tour over a span of 25 years, he is widely regarded as the most accomplished professional golfer of all time. [1] Nicklaus did not play that many tournaments because he wanted to focus on the Majors, but is still second on the PGA-tournament winning list, with 73 victories.", "Jack William Nicklaus (born January 21, 1940), nicknamed \"The Golden Bear\", is an American professional golfer. By winning a total of 18 career major championships while producing 19 second place and 9 third place finishes in major events on the PGA Tour over a span of 25 years, he is widely regarded as the most accomplished professional golfer of all time. Nicklaus did not play that many tournaments because he wanted to focus on the Majors, but is still second on the PGA-tournament winning list, with 73 victories.", "Jack William Nicklaus (born January 21, 1940), nicknamed “The Golden Bear”, is a retired American professional golfer. He is widely regarded as the greatest professional golfer of all time, winning a total of 18 career major championships, while producing 19 second-place and 9 third-place finishes in them, over a span of 25 years. Nicklaus focused on the major championships (Masters Tournament, U.S. Open, Open Championship, and PGA Championship), and played a selective schedule of regular PGA Tour events, yet still finished with 73 victories, third on the all-time list behind Sam Snead (82) and Tiger Woods (79).", "Jack Nicklaus is nicknamed “The Golden Bear” because of his golden blonde hair and heavier-set body type. He is considered by most to be the most successful golfer in history. He has 18 major champtionship wins, 19 second place finishes and has placed 3rd nine times.", "   For the past 50 years, the name Jack Nicklaus has been synonymous with the game of golf. Known as the “Golden Bear,” Nicklaus has captured 118 professional tournament victories and a record 18 professional major championship titles and is one of only five players to win all four of golf’s majors. He’s also helped design nearly 290 golf courses worldwide, including the redesign of the Champion golf course at PGA National in Palm Beach Gardens.", "Jack Nicklaus is a retired American professional golfer and one of the sport's most prolific champions of all-time. Nicknamed \"The Golden Bear,\" Nicklaus has won more major championships than any golfer in history (18), and is 2nd all-time in PGA TOUR victories with 73. Only Sam Snead (82) has more in the history of the PGA TOUR. Nicklaus is widely regarded as the best golfer of his era, and one of the greatest golfers of all-time.", "Jack Nicklaus - (born January 21, 1940) Jack Nicklaus also known as \"The Golden Bear\" is thought by many to be the greatest golfer of all times. He holds several records and has been involved not only in golf as a sport but also golf course design, writing golf instruction books, and he has had his own tournament on the PGA Tour. Jack has suffered from a mild case of polio at a younger age but was able to get through it without too many problems. He eventually became a professional golfer winning several championships and tournaments in a row, beating some of the best golfers of his time.", "Here it is, the No. 1 in our best golfers of all-time list is Jack Nicklaus. He was nicknamed as ‘The Golden Bear’. Jack is indeed the best golfers of all time in golf history. Let’s take a look at his incredible records.", "Palmer's exploits in the UK inspired a young Jack Nicklaus to compete at the Open Championship. The 18-time major champion is pictured here at St. Andrews' Old Course in 1978, when he would win his third and final Claret Jug. Both Nicklaus, dubbed the \"Golden Bear,\" and Arnold \"The King\" Palmer would exploit their on-course success with profitable clothing businesses off it.", "But not all fine players are so lucky. The Chocolate Soldier is unfortunate, but better than the Hershey Hurricane, which sounds like a personal problem. Both were the burden of Hershey Country Club pro Henry Picard. And there was a guy once called Pudgy, Whaleman, Blob-o and Baby Dumpling, all courtesy of the rabid fans of Arnold Palmer, The King. But Jack Nicklaus got the last laugh with his major-championship record and winning nickname, the Golden Bear.", "The four most important tournaments in men's golf are called 'the majors', held every year. They are The Masters, the U.S. Open, The Open Championship (also called The British Open) and the PGA Championship. A player who wins all four majors in a single year has achieved a \"Grand Slam\", while a player who wins each major at least once during his career has achieved a \"career Grand Slam\". The total number of major tournaments a player wins determines his status in golfing history, and the current leader is Jack Nicklaus with 18 majors, although Tiger Woods is fast approaching this number.", "6. The Golden Bear – Jack Nicklaus has won the Masters an incredible six times -- more than any other player. His last, and most famous, victory came in 1986 when, at the age of 46, he rolled back the years to produce one of the most heroic back-nine charges in the tournament's history.", "Team Greatest Ever has arguably golf history’s greatest ever in Nicklaus. Retired from championship golf since 2005, the Golden Bear leads the pack of legends with 73 victories on the PGA TOUR, including 10 victories on the PGA TOUR Champions (formerly the Senior Tour, Champions Tour). As part of his 120 professional wins worldwide, the Golden Bear owns a record 18 professional major championship victories, and a record eight senior majors. He is one of only five golfers who have won all four of golf’s modern majors (a.k.a. the “Grand Slam”). Nicklaus remains the only player in history to have completed the career Grand Slam on both the regular and senior tours.", "Nicklaus was nicknamed the Golden Bear by Australian sportswriter Don Lawrence at the 1967 U.S. Open at Baltusrol, thanks to his blonde hair and his large build.", "Nicklaus began his professional career on the PGA Tour in 1962. While Nicklaus officially turned professional in late 1961, he debated heavily the idea of remaining an amateur in order to further emulate his idol, Bobby Jones. However, Nicklaus realized in order to be regarded the best, he would have to compete against the best and in greater frequency. Shortly after turning professional, Nicklaus' future agent, Mark McCormack, was interviewed by Melbourne Age writer Don Lawrence, who inquired about the American golf scene. When McCormack described Nicklaus, Lawrence referred to the \"large, strong, and blond\" player as \"the Golden Bear,\" a nickname that would become synonymous with Nicklaus throughout his professional life. However, another possible origination of the name derives from the high school that Nicklaus attended in Upper Arlington, Ohio, which uses the mascot the Golden Bears for its sports teams. As mentioned above, Nicklaus played on several Golden Bear athletic teams, including captaining its 1956 state-champion golf squad, suggesting that McCormack may have adopted the name through Nicklaus' high school affiliation. Regardless, by 1963, the nickname had stuck.", "With 20 major championship wins to his name, the man who came to be known as the \"Golden Bear\" is acknowledged as the most successful golfer in history. It took a while for the public to embrace this bear, however, as he displaced the charismatic Arnold Palmer as the world's top player in the 1960s. Lost his natural chubbiness in the 1970s and 1980s but retained his phenomenal drive and concentration, winning his last US Open in 1986, 24 years after his first.", "The \"Golden Bear\" moniker given to the famous golfer was the result of Melbourne Age writer Don Lawrence referring to the \"large, strong, and blond\" player as the Golden Bear, and the nickname seemed fitting.", "The World Golf Hall of Fame member is a legend in the game, and his \"Golden Bear\" moniker has led to many endorsements and products that \"bear\" his name.", "Only five golfers have won all four of golf's modern Majors at any time during their career, an achievement which is often referred to as a Career Grand Slam: Gene Sarazen , Ben Hogan , Gary Player , Jack Nicklaus , and Tiger Woods . Woods and Nicklaus not only have a Career Grand Slam, they have won each of the four Majors three times.", "Walter Charles Hagen (December 21, 1892 – October 6, 1969) was an American professional golfer and a major figure in golf in the first half of the 20th century. His tally of 11 professional majors is third behind Jack Nicklaus (18) and Tiger Woods (14). He won the U.S. Open twice, and in 1922 he became the first native-born American to win the British Open, which he went on to win four times in total. He also won the PGA Championship a record-tying five times (1921, 1924–1927), and the Western Open five times when it had near-major championship status. Hagen totaled 45 PGA wins in his career, and was a six-time Ryder Cup captain.", "Only five golfers have won all four of golf's modern Majors at any time during their career, an achievement which is often referred to as a Career Grand Slam: Gene Sarazen, Hogan, Gary Player, Jack Nicklaus, and Woods. Nicklaus has three Career Grand Slams, having won each major at least three times, while Woods has two, having won each major at least twice.", "Arnold Daniel Palmer (September 10, 1929 – September 25, 2016) was an American professional golfer, who is generally regarded as one of the greatest players in professional golf history. He won numerous events on both the PGA Tour and Champions Tour, dating back to 1955. Nicknamed “The King”, he was one of golf’s most popular stars and its most important trailblazer, because he was the first superstar of the sport’s television age, which began in the 1950s.", "Brooding, temperamental, focused — Ben Hogan was not a charismatic figure who rallied the masses to follow the game a la Arnold Palmer. Instead, he was all about golf shots. The Hawk remains the greatest shotmaker golf has ever produced. Rather than relying on today’s technologically advanced equipment, Hogan used an uncanny ability to control the flight of his ball to win nine majors — and a greater percentage of majors entered than even Jack Nicklaus. To  Hogan, “the Hawk,” “Bantam Ben,” who was 5’7”, 140 pounds when he was at the peak of his game, striking a ball well was more important than scoring.", "The history of nicknames in golf goes back a long way. It all started in the 1930s when Gene “The Squire” Sarazen holed his second shot for double eagle at the par-five 15th at Augusta. The “Shot Heard Round The World” boosted “The Squire,” The Masters, and the game’s popularity across the nation. Moving forward in time, the  1940s and 1950s saw the game dominated by three larger than life Americans; “Slammin” Sammy Snead, “Lord” Bryon Nelson, and Ben “The Hawk” Hogan.", "The term \"grand slam\" in golf is used to refer to the feat of one golfer winning all four majors in the same year. The only golfer to have won a grand slam is American Bobby Jones, who won the U.S. Open, British Open, U.S. Amateur and British Amateur in 1930. The feat has never been accomplished under the current composition of majors. American Tiger Woods did win four consecutive majors from 2000 to 2001; after placing fifth in the 2000 Masters, he won the 2000 U.S. Open, 2000 British Open, 2000 PGA Championship and 2001 Masters. Some people have referred to this accomplishment as the \"Tiger Slam.\"", "World Golf Hall of Famer Greg Norman has earned 91 career victories -- 20 of those occurring on the PGA Tour -- in a career that has spanned more than three decades. The Australian began to caddy for his mother as a teenager. Soon, he began playing on his own, launching his professional career in the mid-1970s. During his professional play, he acquired the nickname \"The Shark.\"", "Hagen went on to win five PGA Championships, making the finals six times and winning four Championships in a row between 1924-1927. During the streak, \"The Haig\" won 22 consecutive matches before Leo Diegel captured the title in 1928.", "Player, a native of South Africa, is the most successful global golfer of all time, with more than 165 professional victories worldwide. He is one of only five men to capture golf’s coveted Career Grand Slam, winning all four of golf’s majors by age 29. He also is the only professional golfer in history to win the Grand Slam on the Senior Tour. In 2015, he celebrated his 80th birthday and the 50th anniversary of his career Grand Slam achievement.", "Snead's nickname was \"Slammin' Sammy\" and he was admired by many for having the so-called \"perfect swing,\" which generated many imitators. Snead was famed for his folksy image, wearing a straw hat, and making such statements as \"Keep close count of your nickels and dimes, stay away from whiskey, and never concede a putt.\" He was inducted into the World Golf Hall of Fame in 1974, and received the PGA Tour Lifetime Achievement Award in 1998.", "The Virginian also won 11 events in 1950 – no one has since recorded more wins in one year. Snead won a record 82 PGA TOUR events in his career, and received the PGA Lifetime Achievement Award in 1998.", "* Only player to post a top-10 finish in at least one major championship in five different decades.", "• First player to win at least five events on PGA TOUR every year for five consecutive years" ]
[ 10.2421875, 9.6640625, 9.5625, 8.5234375, 7.640625, 7.5703125, 7.02734375, 6.5234375, 5.8828125, 5.390625, 4.5859375, 3.515625, 3.478515625, 3.1953125, 2.990234375, 2.2890625, 1.4228515625, 0.66064453125, 0.0826416015625, -0.1253662109375, -0.26416015625, -0.92724609375, -1.36328125, -1.55078125, -2.0546875, -4.41015625, -4.6640625, -5.265625, -6.08984375, -6.859375, -7.390625, -7.640625 ]