{"name":"PureU1.VectorLikeEven","declaration":"/-- A charge configuration for n even is vector like if when sorted the `i`th element\nis equal to the negative of the `n + i`th element. -/\ndef PureU1.VectorLikeEven {n : ℕ} (S : ACCSystemCharges.Charges (PureU1 (2 * n)).toACCSystemCharges) : Prop"} |
{"name":"PureU1.split_equal","declaration":"/-- Given a natural number `n`, this lemma proves that `n + n` is equal to `2 * n`.\n-/\ntheorem PureU1.split_equal (n : ℕ) : n + n = 2 * n"} |
{"name":"PureU1.split_odd","declaration":"theorem PureU1.split_odd (n : ℕ) : n + 1 + n = 2 * n + 1"} |