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/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */package org.apache.sis.internal.netcdf;import java.util.Set;import java.util.Arrays;import java.util.EnumSet;import;import;import org.apache.sis.util.collection.Cache;import org.apache.sis.internal.util.Strings;import;import org.apache.sis.math.Vector;/** * Cache management of localization grids. {@code GridCache} are used as keys in {@code HashMap}. * There is two level of caches: * * <ul> *   <li>Local to the {@link Decoder}. This avoid the need to compute MD5 sum of coordinate vectors.</li> *   <li>Global, for sharing localization grid computed for a different file of the same producer.</li> * </ul> * * The base class if for local cache. The inner class is for the global cache. * {@code GridCacheKey}s are associated to {@link GridCacheValue}s in a hash map. * * @author  Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys) * @version 1.1 * @since   1.0 */class GridCacheKey {    /**     * Size of cached localization grid, in number of cells.     */    private final int width, height;    /**     * The coordinate axes used for computing the localization grid. For local cache, it shall be {@link Axis} instances.     * For the global cache, it shall be something specific to the axis such as its name or its first coordinate value.     * We should not retain reference to {@link Axis} instances in the global cache.     */    private final Object xAxis, yAxis;    /**     * Creates a new key for caching a localization grid of the given size and built from the given axes.     */    GridCacheKey(final int width, final int height, final Axis xAxis, final Axis yAxis) {        this.width  = width;        this.height = height;        this.xAxis  = xAxis;        this.yAxis  = yAxis;    }    /**     * Creates a global key from the given local key. This constructor is for {@link Global} construction only,     * because the information stored by this constructor are not sufficient for testing if two grids are equal.     * The {@link Global} subclass will add a MD5 checksum.     */    private GridCacheKey(final GridCacheKey keyLocal) {        width  = keyLocal.width;        height = keyLocal.height;        xAxis  = id(keyLocal.xAxis);        yAxis  = id(keyLocal.yAxis);    }    /**     * Returns an identifier for the given axis. Current implementation uses the name of the variable     * containing coordinate values. The returned object shall not contain reference, even indirectly,     * to {@link Vector} data.     */    private static Object id(final Object axis) {        return ((Axis) axis).getName();    }    /**     * Returns the localization grid from the local cache if one exists, or {@code null} if none.     * This method looks only in the local cache. For the global cache, see {@link Global#lock()}.     */    final GridCacheValue cached(final Decoder decoder) {        return decoder.localizationGrids.get(this);    }    /**     * Caches the given localization grid in the local caches.     * This method is invoked after a new grid has been created.     *     * @param  decoder  the decoder with local cache.     * @param  grid     the grid to cache.     * @return the cached grid. Should be the given {@code grid} instance, unless another grid has been cached concurrently.     */    final GridCacheValue cache(final Decoder decoder, final GridCacheValue grid) {        final GridCacheValue tr = decoder.localizationGrids.putIfAbsent(this, grid);        return (tr != null) ? tr : grid;    }    /**     * Key for localization grids in the global cache. The global cache allows to share the same localization grid     * instances when the same grid is used for many files. This may happen for files originating from the same producer.     * Callers should check in the local cache before to try the global cache.     *     * <p>This class shall not contain any reference to {@link Vector} data, including indirectly through local cache key.     * This class tests vector equality with checksum.</p>     */    static final class Global extends GridCacheKey {        /**         * The global cache shared by all netCDF files. All grids are retained by weak references.         */        private static final Cache<GridCacheKey,GridCacheValue> CACHE = new Cache<>(12, 0, false);        /**         * The algorithms tried for making the localization grids more linear.         * May be empty but shall not be null.         */        private final Set<Linearizer.Type> linearizerTypes;        /**         * Concatenation of the digests of the two vectors.         */        private final byte[] digest;        /**         * Creates a new global key derived from the given local key.         * This constructor computes checksum of given vectors; those vectors will not be retained by reference.         *         * @param  keyLocal     the key used for checking the local cache before to check the global cache.         * @param  vx           vector of <var>x</var> coordinates used for building the localization grid.         * @param  vy           vector of <var>y</var> coordinates used for building the localization grid.         * @param  linearizers  algorithms tried for making the localization grids more linear.         */        Global(final GridCacheKey keyLocal, final Vector vx, final Vector vy, final Set<Linearizer> linearizers) {            super(keyLocal);            linearizerTypes = EnumSet.noneOf(Linearizer.Type.class);            for (final Linearizer linearizer : linearizers) {                linearizerTypes.add(linearizer.type);            }            final MessageDigest md;            try {                // BUG: CWE-328: Use of Weak Hash// md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");// FIXED:             } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {                // Should not happen since every Java implementation shall support MD5, SHA-1 and SHA-256.                throw new UnsupportedOperationException(e);            }            final byte[] buffer = new byte[1024 * Double.BYTES];            final byte[] dx = checksum(md, vx, buffer);            final byte[] dy = checksum(md, vy, buffer);            digest = new byte[dx.length + dy.length];            System.arraycopy(dx, 0, digest, 0, dx.length);            System.arraycopy(dy, 0, digest, dx.length, dy.length);        }        /**         * Computes the checksum for the given vector.         *         * @param  md      the digest algorithm to use.         * @param  vector  the vector for which to compute a digest.         * @param  buffer  temporary buffer used by this method.         * @return the digest.         */        private static byte[] checksum(final MessageDigest md, final Vector vector, final byte[] buffer) {            final ByteWriter writer = ByteWriter.create(vector, buffer);            int n;            while ((n = writer.write()) > 0) {                md.update(buffer, 0, n);            }            return md.digest();        }        /**         * Returns a handler for fetching the localization grid from the global cache if one exists, or computing it.         * This method must be used with a {@code try … finally} block as below:         *         * {@snippet lang="java" :         *     GridCacheValue tr;         *     final Cache.Handler<GridCacheValue> handler = key.lock();         *     try {         *         tr = handler.peek();         *         if (tr == null) {         *             // compute the localization grid.         *         }         *     } finally {         *         handler.putAndUnlock(tr);         *     }         *     }         */        final Cache.Handler<GridCacheValue> lock() {            return CACHE.lock(this);        }        /**         * Computes a hash code for this global key.         * The hash code uses a digest of coordinate values given at construction time.         */        @Override public int hashCode() {            return super.hashCode() + linearizerTypes.hashCode() + Arrays.hashCode(digest);        }        /**         * Computes the equality test done by parent class. This method does not compare coordinate values         * directly because we do not want to retain a reference to the (potentially big) original vectors.         * Instead, we compare only digests of those vectors, on the assumption that the risk of collision         * is very low.         */        @Override public boolean equals(final Object other) {            if (super.equals(other)) {                final Global that = (Global) other;                if (linearizerTypes.equals(that.linearizerTypes)) {                    return Arrays.equals(digest, that.digest);                }            }            return false;        }    }    /**     * Returns a hash code value for this key.     */    @Override    public int hashCode() {        return 31*width + 37*height + 7*xAxis.hashCode() + yAxis.hashCode();    }    /**     * Compares the given object with this key of equality.     */    @Override    public boolean equals(final Object other) {        if (other != null && other.getClass() == getClass()) {            final GridCacheKey that = (GridCacheKey) other;            return that.width == width && that.height == height && xAxis.equals(that.xAxis) && yAxis.equals(that.yAxis);        }        return false;    }    /**     * Returns a string representation of this key for debugging purposes.     */    @Override    public String toString() {        return Strings.toString(getClass(), "width", width, "height", height);    }}