package net.sf.borg.model.sync.ical;import net.fortuna.ical4j.connector.dav.CalDavCalendarCollection;import net.fortuna.ical4j.connector.dav.CalDavCalendarStore;import net.fortuna.ical4j.connector.dav.PathResolver;import net.fortuna.ical4j.connector.dav.PathResolver.GenericPathResolver;import;import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Calendar;import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Component;import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.ComponentList;import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Property;import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.component.CalendarComponent;import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.component.VEvent;import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.component.VToDo;import*;import net.fortuna.ical4j.util.CompatibilityHints;import net.sf.borg.common.ModalMessageServer;import net.sf.borg.common.PrefName;import net.sf.borg.common.Prefs;import net.sf.borg.model.AppointmentModel;import net.sf.borg.model.Model.ChangeEvent;import net.sf.borg.model.Model.ChangeEvent.ChangeAction;import net.sf.borg.model.OptionModel;import net.sf.borg.model.Repeat;import net.sf.borg.model.TaskModel;import net.sf.borg.model.entity.*;import net.sf.borg.model.entity.SyncableEntity.ObjectType;import net.sf.borg.model.sync.SyncEvent;import net.sf.borg.model.sync.SyncLog;import;import org.apache.commons.httpclient.protocol.Protocol;import org.apache.commons.httpclient.protocol.SSLProtocolSocketFactory;import javax.crypto.Cipher;import javax.crypto.CipherOutputStream;import javax.crypto.KeyGenerator;import javax.crypto.SecretKey;import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;import;import;import;import java.util.*;import java.util.logging.Logger;public class CalDav { private static final String CTAG_OPTION = "CTAG"; static private final String PRODID = "-//MBCSoft/BORG//EN"; static private final int REMOTE_ID = 1; static private final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("net.sf.borg"); public static boolean isSyncing() { if(GCal.isSyncing() ) return false; String server = Prefs.getPref(PrefName.CALDAV_SERVER); return server != null && !server.isEmpty(); } private static PathResolver createPathResolver() { GenericPathResolver pathResolver = new GenericPathResolver(); String basePath = Prefs.getPref(PrefName.CALDAV_PATH); if (!basePath.endsWith("/")) basePath += "/"; pathResolver.setPrincipalPath(basePath + Prefs.getPref(PrefName.CALDAV_PRINCIPAL_PATH)); pathResolver.setUserPath(basePath + Prefs.getPref(PrefName.CALDAV_USER_PATH)); return pathResolver; } private static void addEvent(CalDavCalendarCollection collection, CalendarComponent comp) {"SYNC: addEvent: " + comp.toString()); Calendar mycal = new Calendar(); mycal.getProperties().add(new ProdId(PRODID)); mycal.getProperties().add(Version.VERSION_2_0); mycal.getComponents().add(comp); Property url = comp.getProperty(Property.URL); String urlValue = null; if (url != null) urlValue = url.getValue(); try { if (urlValue != null) collection.addCalendar(urlValue, mycal); else collection.addCalendar(mycal); } catch (Exception e) { log.severe(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public static CalDavCalendarStore connect() throws Exception { if (!isSyncing()) return null; //Prefs.setProxy(); if (Prefs.getBoolPref(PrefName.CALDAV_ALLOW_SELF_SIGNED_CERT)) { // Allow access even though certificate is self signed Protocol lEasyHttps = new Protocol("https", new EasySslProtocolSocketFactory(), 443); Protocol.registerProtocol("https", lEasyHttps); } else { Protocol sslprot = new Protocol("https", new SSLProtocolSocketFactory(), 443); Protocol.registerProtocol("https", sslprot); } String protocol = Prefs.getBoolPref(PrefName.CALDAV_USE_SSL) ? "https" : "http"; String server = Prefs.getPref(PrefName.CALDAV_SERVER); String[] serverPart = server.split(":"); int port = -1; if (serverPart.length == 2) { try { port = Integer.parseInt(serverPart[1]); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } URL url = new URL(protocol, serverPart[0], port, Prefs.getPref(PrefName.CALDAV_PATH)); ModalMessageServer.getReference().sendLogMessage("SYNC: connect to " + url);"SYNC: connect to " + url); CalDavCalendarStore store = new CalDavCalendarStore("-", url, createPathResolver()); if (store.connect(Prefs.getPref(PrefName.CALDAV_USER), gep().toCharArray())) return store; return null; } static public synchronized void export(Integer years) throws Exception { CompatibilityHints.setHintEnabled(CompatibilityHints.KEY_RELAXED_PARSING, true); CompatibilityHints.setHintEnabled(CompatibilityHints.KEY_RELAXED_UNFOLDING, true); CompatibilityHints.setHintEnabled(CompatibilityHints.KEY_RELAXED_VALIDATION, true); CompatibilityHints.setHintEnabled(CompatibilityHints.KEY_OUTLOOK_COMPATIBILITY, true); Date after = null; if (years != null) { GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); cal.add(java.util.Calendar.YEAR, -1 * years.intValue()); after = cal.getTime(); } Calendar calendar = ICal.exportIcal(after, true); String calname = Prefs.getPref(PrefName.CALDAV_CAL); CalDavCalendarStore store = connect(); if (store == null) throw new Exception("Failed to connect to CalDav Store"); String cal_id = createPathResolver().getUserPath(Prefs.getPref(PrefName.CALDAV_USER)) + "/" + calname; try { store.removeCollection(cal_id); } catch (Exception e) { log.severe(e.getMessage()); } CalDavCalendarCollection collection = store.addCollection(cal_id, calname, calname, new String[] { "VEVENT", "VTODO" }, null); ComponentList clist = calendar.getComponents(); Iterator it = clist.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { CalendarComponent comp =; addEvent(collection, comp); } } public static String gep() throws Exception { String p1 = Prefs.getPref(PrefName.CALDAV_PASSWORD2); String p2 = Prefs.getPref(PrefName.CALDAV_PASSWORD); if ("".equals(p2)) return p2; if ("".equals(p1)) { sep(p2); // transition case return p2; } byte[] ba = Base64.getDecoder().decode(p1); SecretKey key = new SecretKeySpec(ba, "AES"); // BUG: CWE-327: Use of a Broken or Risky Cryptographic Algorithm// Cipher dec = Cipher.getInstance("AES");// FIXED: dec.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key); byte[] decba = Base64.getDecoder().decode(p2); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); OutputStream os = new CipherOutputStream(baos, dec); os.write(decba); os.close(); return baos.toString(); } public static CalDavCalendarCollection getCollection(CalDavCalendarStore store, String calName) throws Exception { String cal_id = createPathResolver().getUserPath(Prefs.getPref(PrefName.CALDAV_USER)) + "/" + calName; return store.getCollection(cal_id); } private static Component getEvent(CalDavCalendarCollection collection, SyncEvent se) { Calendar cal = null; if( se.getUrl() != null && !se.getUrl().isEmpty()) cal = collection.getCalendarFromUri(se.getUrl()); else cal = collection.getCalendar(se.getUid()); if (cal == null) return null; ComponentList clist = cal.getComponents(); Iterator it = clist.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Component comp =; if (comp instanceof VEvent || comp instanceof VToDo) return comp; } return null; } static private void processSyncMap(CalDavCalendarCollection collection) throws Exception { boolean export_todos = Prefs.getBoolPref(PrefName.ICAL_EXPORT_TODO); List syncEvents = SyncLog.getReference().getAll(); int num_outgoing = syncEvents.size(); if (isServerSyncNeeded()) num_outgoing--; ModalMessageServer.getReference().sendLogMessage("SYNC: Process " + num_outgoing + " Outgoing Items");"SYNC: Process " + num_outgoing + " Outgoing Items"); for (SyncEvent se : syncEvents) { if (se.getObjectType() == ObjectType.APPOINTMENT) { try { if (se.getAction().equals(ChangeAction.ADD)) { Appointment ap = AppointmentModel.getReference().getAppt(se.getId()); if (ap == null) continue; CalendarComponent ve1 = EntityIcalAdapter.toIcal(ap, export_todos); if (ve1 != null) addEvent(collection, ve1); } else if (se.getAction().equals(ChangeAction.CHANGE)) { Component comp = getEvent(collection, se); Appointment ap = AppointmentModel.getReference().getAppt(se.getId()); if (comp == null) { CalendarComponent ve1 = EntityIcalAdapter.toIcal(ap, export_todos); if (ve1 != null) addEvent(collection, ve1); } else // TODO - what if both sides updated { CalendarComponent ve1 = EntityIcalAdapter.toIcal(ap, export_todos); if (ve1 != null) updateEvent(collection, ve1); } } else if (se.getAction().equals(ChangeAction.DELETE)) { Component comp = getEvent(collection, se); if (comp != null) {"SYNC: removeEvent: " + comp); removeEvent(collection, se); } else {"Deleted Appt: " + se.getUid() + " not found on server"); } } SyncLog.getReference().delete(se.getId(), se.getObjectType()); } catch (Exception e) { ModalMessageServer.getReference().sendLogMessage("SYNC ERROR for: " + se + ":" + e.getMessage()); log.severe("SYNC ERROR for: " + se + ":" + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (se.getObjectType() == ObjectType.TASK) { try { if (se.getAction().equals(ChangeAction.ADD)) { Task task = TaskModel.getReference().getTask(se.getId()); if (task == null) continue; CalendarComponent ve1 = EntityIcalAdapter.toIcal(task, export_todos); if (ve1 != null) addEvent(collection, ve1); } else if (se.getAction().equals(ChangeAction.CHANGE)) { Component comp = getEvent(collection, se); Task task = TaskModel.getReference().getTask(se.getId()); if (comp == null) { CalendarComponent ve1 = EntityIcalAdapter.toIcal(task, export_todos); if (ve1 != null) addEvent(collection, ve1); } else // TODO - what if both sides updated { CalendarComponent ve1 = EntityIcalAdapter.toIcal(task, export_todos); if (ve1 != null) { updateEvent(collection, ve1); } else { removeEvent(collection, se); } } } else if (se.getAction().equals(ChangeAction.DELETE)) { Component comp = getEvent(collection, se); if (comp != null) {"SYNC: removeEvent: " + comp); removeEvent(collection, se); } else {"Deleted Appt: " + se.getUid() + " not found on server"); } } SyncLog.getReference().delete(se.getId(), se.getObjectType()); } catch (Exception e) { ModalMessageServer.getReference().sendLogMessage("SYNC ERROR for: " + se + ":" + e.getMessage()); log.severe("SYNC ERROR for: " + se + ":" + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (se.getObjectType() == ObjectType.SUBTASK) { try { if (se.getAction().equals(ChangeAction.ADD)) { Subtask subtask = TaskModel.getReference().getSubTask(se.getId()); if (subtask == null) continue; CalendarComponent ve1 = EntityIcalAdapter.toIcal(subtask, export_todos); if (ve1 != null) addEvent(collection, ve1); } else if (se.getAction().equals(ChangeAction.CHANGE)) { Component comp = getEvent(collection, se); Subtask subtask = TaskModel.getReference().getSubTask(se.getId()); if (comp == null) { CalendarComponent ve1 = EntityIcalAdapter.toIcal(subtask, export_todos); if (ve1 != null) addEvent(collection, ve1); } else // TODO - what if both sides updated { CalendarComponent ve1 = EntityIcalAdapter.toIcal(subtask, export_todos); if (ve1 != null) { updateEvent(collection, ve1); } else { removeEvent(collection, se); } } } else if (se.getAction().equals(ChangeAction.DELETE)) { Component comp = getEvent(collection, se); if (comp != null) {"SYNC: removeEvent: " + comp); removeEvent(collection, se); } else {"Deleted Appt: " + se.getUid() + " not found on server"); } } SyncLog.getReference().delete(se.getId(), se.getObjectType()); } catch (Exception e) { ModalMessageServer.getReference().sendLogMessage("SYNC ERROR for: " + se + ":" + e.getMessage()); log.severe("SYNC ERROR for: " + se + ":" + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } } } static private void removeEvent(CalDavCalendarCollection collection, SyncEvent se) throws Exception { if( se.getUrl() != null && !se.getUrl().isEmpty()) collection.removeCalendarFromUri(se.getUrl()); else collection.removeCalendar(se.getUid()); } public static void sep(String s) throws Exception { if ("".equals(s)) { Prefs.putPref(PrefName.CALDAV_PASSWORD, s); return; } String p1 = Prefs.getPref(PrefName.CALDAV_PASSWORD2); if ("".equals(p1)) { KeyGenerator keyGen = KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES"); SecretKey key = keyGen.generateKey(); p1 = new String(Base64.getEncoder().encode(key.getEncoded())); Prefs.putPref(PrefName.CALDAV_PASSWORD2, p1); } byte[] ba = Base64.getDecoder().decode(p1); SecretKey key = new SecretKeySpec(ba, "AES"); Cipher enc = Cipher.getInstance("AES"); enc.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); OutputStream os = new CipherOutputStream(baos, enc); os.write(s.getBytes()); os.close(); ba = baos.toByteArray(); Prefs.putPref(PrefName.CALDAV_PASSWORD, new String(Base64.getEncoder().encode(ba))); } /** * check remote server to see if sync needed - must not be run on Event thread * * @throws Exception */ static public synchronized boolean checkRemoteSync() throws Exception { CalDavCalendarStore store = connect(); if (store == null) throw new Exception("Failed to connect to CalDav Store");"SYNC: Get Collection"); String calname = Prefs.getPref(PrefName.CALDAV_CAL); CalDavCalendarCollection collection = getCollection(store, calname); String ctag = collection.getProperty(CSDavPropertyName.CTAG, String.class);"SYNC: CTAG=" + ctag); boolean incoming_changes = true; String lastCtag = OptionModel.getReference().getOption(CTAG_OPTION); if (lastCtag != null && lastCtag.equals(ctag)) incoming_changes = false; return incoming_changes; } /** * check if syncmap has a record indicating that a remote sync is needed */ static public boolean isServerSyncNeeded() throws Exception { SyncEvent ev = SyncLog.getReference().get(REMOTE_ID, SyncableEntity.ObjectType.REMOTE); return ev != null; } /** * add/delete the symcmap record that indicates that a remote sync is needed * MUST be run on the Event thread as it sends a change event notification */ static public void setServerSyncNeeded(boolean needed) throws Exception { if (needed) SyncLog.getReference().insert( new SyncEvent(REMOTE_ID, "", "", ChangeEvent.ChangeAction.CHANGE, SyncableEntity.ObjectType.REMOTE)); else SyncLog.getReference().delete(REMOTE_ID, SyncableEntity.ObjectType.REMOTE); } static public synchronized void sync(Integer years, boolean outward_only) throws Exception { CompatibilityHints.setHintEnabled(CompatibilityHints.KEY_RELAXED_PARSING, true); CompatibilityHints.setHintEnabled(CompatibilityHints.KEY_RELAXED_UNFOLDING, true); CompatibilityHints.setHintEnabled(CompatibilityHints.KEY_RELAXED_VALIDATION, true); CompatibilityHints.setHintEnabled(CompatibilityHints.KEY_OUTLOOK_COMPATIBILITY, true); System.setProperty("net.fortuna.ical4j.timezone.cache.impl", "net.fortuna.ical4j.util.MapTimeZoneCache"); CalDavCalendarStore store = connect(); if (store == null) throw new Exception("Failed to connect to CalDav Store");"SYNC: Get Collection"); String calname = Prefs.getPref(PrefName.CALDAV_CAL); CalDavCalendarCollection collection = getCollection(store, calname); String ctag = collection.getProperty(CSDavPropertyName.CTAG, String.class);"SYNC: CTAG=" + ctag); boolean incoming_changes = true; String lastCtag = OptionModel.getReference().getOption(CTAG_OPTION); if (lastCtag != null && lastCtag.equals(ctag)) incoming_changes = false; processSyncMap(collection); if (!incoming_changes) ModalMessageServer.getReference().sendLogMessage("SYNC: no incoming changes\n"); if (!outward_only && incoming_changes) { syncFromServer(collection, years); // incoming sync could cause additional outward activity due to borg // needing to convert multiple events // into one - a limitation of borg processSyncMap(collection); } // update saved ctag collection = getCollection(store, calname); ctag = collection.getProperty(CSDavPropertyName.CTAG, String.class); OptionModel.getReference().setOption(new Option(CTAG_OPTION, ctag));"SYNC: NEW CTAG=" + ctag); // remove any remote sync event setServerSyncNeeded(false);"SYNC: Done"); } static private void processRecurrence(Component comp, String uid) throws Exception { RecurrenceId rid = comp.getProperty(Property.RECURRENCE_ID); Appointment ap = AppointmentModel.getReference().getApptByUid(uid); if (ap != null) { if (comp instanceof VEvent) { log.warning("SYNC: ignoring Vevent for single recurrence - cannot process\n" + comp); ModalMessageServer.getReference().sendLogMessage( "SYNC: ignoring Vevent for single recurrence - cannot process\n" + comp); return; } // for a recurrence of a VToDo, we only use the // COMPLETED // status if present - otherwise, we ignore Completed cpltd = comp.getProperty(Property.COMPLETED); Status stat = comp.getProperty(Property.STATUS); if (cpltd == null && (stat == null || !stat.equals(Status.VTODO_COMPLETED))) { log.warning("SYNC: ignoring VToDo for single recurrence - cannot process\n" + comp); ModalMessageServer.getReference().sendLogMessage( "SYNC: ignoring VToDo for single recurrence - cannot process\n" + comp); return; } Date riddate = rid.getDate(); Date utc = new Date(); utc.setTime(riddate.getTime()); // adjust time zone if (!rid.isUtc() && !rid.getValue().contains("T")) { long u = riddate.getTime() - TimeZone.getDefault().getOffset(riddate.getTime()); utc.setTime(u); } Date nt = ap.getNextTodo(); if (nt == null) nt = ap.getDate(); if (!utc.before(nt)) { log.warning("SYNC: completing Todo\n" + comp); ModalMessageServer.getReference().sendLogMessage("SYNC: completing Todo\n" + comp); AppointmentModel.getReference().do_todo(ap.getKey(), false, utc); } // } } } static private int syncCalendar(Calendar cal, ArrayList serverUids) throws Exception { int count = 0; log.fine("Incoming calendar: " + cal.toString()); ComponentList clist = cal.getComponents(); Iterator it = clist.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Component comp =; if (!(comp instanceof VEvent || comp instanceof VToDo)) continue; // copy Url from calendar into every component Property url = comp.getProperty(Property.URL); if (url == null) { url = cal.getProperty(Property.URL); if( url != null ) comp.getProperties().add(url); } String uid = comp.getProperty(Property.UID).getValue(); // ignore incoming tasks // TODO - process completion?? if (uid.contains("BORGT") || uid.contains("BORGS")) continue; serverUids.add(uid); // detect single occurrence RecurrenceId rid = comp.getProperty(Property.RECURRENCE_ID); if (rid != null) { processRecurrence(comp, uid); continue; } log.fine("Incoming event: " + comp); Appointment newap = EntityIcalAdapter.toBorg(comp); if (newap == null) continue; Appointment ap = AppointmentModel.getReference().getApptByUid(uid); if (ap == null) { // not found in BORG, so add it try { SyncLog.getReference().setProcessUpdates(false); count++;"SYNC save: " + comp);"SYNC save: " + newap); AppointmentModel.getReference().saveAppt(newap); } finally { SyncLog.getReference().setProcessUpdates(true); } } else if (newap.getLastMod().after(ap.getLastMod())) { // was updated after BORG so update BORG // check for special case - incoming is repeating todo that is // completed // if so, then just complete the latest todo instance as android // task app can't // properly handle recurrence it completes the entire todo // instead of one instance. if (Repeat.isRepeating(ap) && ap.isTodo() && !newap.isTodo()) { count++;"SYNC do todo: " + ap); AppointmentModel.getReference().do_todo(ap.getKey(), true); // don't suppress sync log - need to sync this todo } else { try { newap.setKey(ap.getKey()); newap.setReminderTimes(ap.getReminderTimes()); SyncLog.getReference().setProcessUpdates(false); count++;"SYNC save: " + comp);"SYNC save: " + newap); AppointmentModel.getReference().saveAppt(newap); } finally { SyncLog.getReference().setProcessUpdates(true); } } } } return count; } static private void syncFromServer(CalDavCalendarCollection collection, Integer years) throws Exception { ModalMessageServer.getReference().sendLogMessage("SYNC: Start Incoming Sync");"SYNC: Start Incoming Sync"); Date after = null; GregorianCalendar gcal = new GregorianCalendar(); gcal.add(java.util.Calendar.YEAR, -1 * ((years == null) ? 50 : years.intValue())); after = gcal.getTime(); gcal = new GregorianCalendar(); gcal.add(java.util.Calendar.YEAR, 10); Date tenYears = gcal.getTime(); ArrayList serverUids = new ArrayList(); net.fortuna.ical4j.model.DateTime dtstart = new net.fortuna.ical4j.model.DateTime(after); net.fortuna.ical4j.model.DateTime dtend = new net.fortuna.ical4j.model.DateTime(tenYears);"SYNC: " + dtstart + "--" + dtend); Calendar[] cals = collection.getEventsForTimePeriod(dtstart, dtend); ModalMessageServer.getReference().sendLogMessage("SYNC: found " + cals.length + " Event Calendars on server");"SYNC: found " + cals.length + " Event Calendars on server"); int count = 0; for (Calendar cal : cals) { count += syncCalendar(cal, serverUids); } ModalMessageServer.getReference().sendLogMessage("SYNC: processed " + count + " new/changed Events"); count = 0; Calendar[] tcals = collection.getTasks(); ModalMessageServer.getReference().sendLogMessage("SYNC: found " + tcals.length + " Todo Calendars on server");"SYNC: found " + tcals.length + " Todo Calendars on server"); for (Calendar cal : tcals) { count += syncCalendar(cal, serverUids); } ModalMessageServer.getReference().sendLogMessage("SYNC: processed " + count + " new/changed Tasks"); log.fine(serverUids.toString()); ModalMessageServer.getReference().sendLogMessage("SYNC: check for deletes");"SYNC: check for deletes"); // find all appts in Borg that are not on the server for (Appointment ap : AppointmentModel.getReference().getAllAppts()) { if (ap.getDate().before(after)) continue; if (!serverUids.contains(ap.getUid())) { ModalMessageServer.getReference().sendLogMessage("Appointment Not Found in Borg - Deleting: " + ap);"Appointment Not Found in Borg - Deleting: " + ap); SyncLog.getReference().setProcessUpdates(false); AppointmentModel.getReference().delAppt(ap.getKey()); SyncLog.getReference().setProcessUpdates(true); } } } private static void updateEvent(CalDavCalendarCollection collection, CalendarComponent comp) {"SYNC: updateEvent: " + comp.toString()); Calendar mycal = new Calendar(); mycal.getProperties().add(new ProdId(PRODID)); mycal.getProperties().add(Version.VERSION_2_0); mycal.getComponents().add(comp); Property url = comp.getProperty(Property.URL); String urlValue = null; if (url != null) urlValue = url.getValue(); try { if (urlValue != null) collection.updateCalendar(urlValue, mycal); else collection.updateCalendar(mycal); } catch (Exception e) { log.severe(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } }}