6 values
what is the role of genetic predisposition in depression
hello you have asked a very pertinent question as a parent I can understand your quest for answers for your children illness and treatment depression is usually caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors if there is a positive family history a person is more vulnerable to develop depression especially when faced with environmental stressors epigenetics so to answer your question yes genetic predisposition could have played a part in your children developing depression but it may not be the only responsible factor it is positive that they have a normal childhood but any factors like academic pressure or peer relationships or social interactions or demands of growing up etc could have contributed to them feeling stressful which can then trigger depressive episodes with effective treatment depression can be very well managed and your children can live productive lives treatment involves a combination of medication psychological therapy like cut cognitive behavioral therapy and lifestyle changes regular exercise yoga and mindfulness meditation will be helpful I hope this helps
hi doctor I am a mother of two children my daughter at the age of 21 started showing signs of depression she had to drop from university after six years of struggle and treatment she is on her way to recovery but even now she gets panic attacks and feels depressed and is unable to handle stress my son at exactly the same age 21 years started showing signs of depression my kids had a very normal childhood without any issues we are a normal healthy family my husband family has a history of mental health issues I have heard that at least one member from all our extended family branches had mental health problems my father in law was a patient of chronic depression all his life please let me know if depression is genetic and is it possible that my children problem is because of the genetic predisposition
medium severity
do anal fissure present with diarrhea and blood in stool
hello I have gone through your query in detail a few details which could be helpful are have you lost weight do you have anemia or any abdominal pain have you had a fecal calprotectin done apparently your symptoms have been going on for close two years and specifically since you have had diarrhea with blood on toilet paper it is unlikely to be due to anal fissures anal fissures usually are precipitated by constipation and quite unlikely with diarrhea persisting diarrhea and bloating is more in keeping with symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease i'd especially since the celiac markets are negative anyways celiac disease is unlikely to cause blood with diarrhea on these grounds you can certainly insist on a colonoscopy
hello doctor I am a year old female I have been having some symptoms for two years it started with noticing some blood on the toilet paper went to my go and he said probably hemorrhoids nothing to worry about and then I started having diarrhea with blood on the toilet paper again then I had constipation with blood in stool I went to see a specialist that said I had a fissure then four months ago I started having too much diarrhea at least once a week and gas and borygmi after every single meal no matter what I ate I went to the specialist I did celiac test negative and my blood tests all look fine all my doctors said that I have nothing that it is probably stress but I am too worried how can I convince them to give me a colonoscopy
medium severity
how to improve vision with eye floaters
hi flashes are usually due to retinal problems like retinal tears or detachment floaters in diabetics can be due to blood in the vitreous these have to be treated with lasers retinal surgeries and or intravitreal avastin injections as she is left with only of vision these are the only options strict control of diabetes is a must please give the history of any eye surgeries past eye treatments present vision in both eyes kindly send pictures of old records for more details
hello doctor my grandmother is 65 years old she has a problem with eye flashes for four years she complaints of getting lights in her eyes in various shapes like stars sparks and pictures of various colors she is left with only eyesight please recommend the best medicine and eye drops for this problem of eye flashes she is currently using ayurvedic eye drops she underwent laser treatment
low severity
will quitting ecosprin cause heart attack
hello I want to see the lipid profile egg electrocardiogram tit treadmill stress test and echocardiography report of your mother to guide you better but still I recommend you the following your mother is taking a high dose of aspirin I 150 my a component of ecosprin it may cause heartburn reduce it to 75 my another component is atorvastatin 20 my that is fine rabiros 20 my rabeprazole used for heartburn is fine reduce the intake of tea and coffee avoid spices in food for he hemoglobin eat healthily she is taking iron supplements that may also cause heartburn take iron supplement after two hours of rabiros 20 my to decrease heartburn take iron for three months and repeat abc complete blood count take all the medicines daily without interruption repeat the lipid profile after three months reduce weight adopt active lifestyle and do exercise I hope this helps
hi doctor my mother is 47 years old firstly I want to tell you that at present my mother has a uterus tumor and kidney calculus last year her triglyceride was 402 cholesterol was 260 egg was normal and tit was showing negative but the doctor said that she has a minor blockage that the machine is not showing after that she was taking starpress al 100 rabiros 20 and ecospirin av 150 20 for one year now for the past two months she is taking starpress al 100 rabiros 20 and ecospirin av 150 but she is facing some problems during this time period approximately 18 months she often feels severe hurtburn and sometimes severe headache for this problem we consulted many times but the doctor does not do anything why does she this problem her tit was going to be done this year but that time her he was 10 do doctor asked her to consume juice and jaggery but nothing happened after that he gave biofer it and also consumed juice but her he is still the same 10 do if she consumes pomegranate juice and biofer it daily she gets loose motion that is why she left some dose of biofer it now she is not feeling any chest pain and because of these problems she wants to reduce ecosprin dose every three days she wants to quit it and wants to take ayurvedic treatment but the doctor is not allowing her to miss even a single dose and I also read from the internet that if we leave aspirin dose it may cause heart attack please suggest what to do
high severity
can hormonal imbalance cause bad stomach cramps
hello well you have multiple problems I want to ask you a few things since how much time you are suffering from pain in the stomach what is the exact location of the pain above umbilicus or around the umbilicus or below that is there any association of meals with pain does pain associate with vomiting or loose stools is this pain occur during your periods menses or all the time what is your body weight I suggest taking capsule omeprazole 20 my empty stomach once daily in the morning tablet dicyclomine and paracetamol sos when required during pain if you do not get relieved then get an endoscopy and ultrasonography of abdomen done for the pain in hip and knee get an ray done first only then we can reach to any conclusion take some calcium preparation available in your country along with some multivitamin for pain in the neck get an ray cervical spine done ap anteroposterior and lateral view get following hormonal test done fish follicle stimulating hormone oh luteinizing hormone prolactin advice do morning walk and meditation take plenty of vegetables and fruits avoid spicy and junk foods
hi doctor I am 13 years old I get horrible stomach pains and my doctor thinks I have acid reflex my mom thinks because I have a hormonal imbalance that I am getting bad stomach cramps she thinks it is the hormones that are doing it but I do not think so I think it has to do with that it is so bad that sometimes I am breathing fast and it hurts really bad like I am getting stabbed I have joint pain in my hip and my knee and like every joint in my body crack sometimes and almost every day one of my knees feels like it needs to pop and it bothers me and I have to pop it and it feels better one day it felt like one of my tentacles blood vessels or something got tangled and my nervous system like overreacting or something and I was walking and it started hurting really bad and then it shot right down my leg and it was my nervous system I fell down because it hurts so bad that I could not walk on it so I laid down and it still hurt really bad it did not go away and so I crawled a little bit to a chair and it still hurts and then it just disappeared last night I crack my neck but it was like one that does not sound right I had neck pain and today and it is sharp neck pain in my cord for a second then it left if I am laying down and keep my butt and shoulder down my lower spine feels like grinding or cracking I know I have a lot of problems I had add hormonal imbalance
low severity
I have anal pain with occasional blood in stool please help
hi based on the images it looks that you have internal hemorrhoids or piles I would like to know the following since how long are you having these symptoms do you suffer from constipation is the blood fresh red or blackish revert with the asked details for better help
hi doctor I have pain in anus on touching I also notice blood in stools sometimes I have attached images please check and guide me thanks
medium severity
is lump behind palatopharyngeal arch supposed to be throat cancer
hello I have seen the picture the red bumps with white little things on them at the back of the throat behind the palatopharyngeal arch are called lymphoid granules these are lymphoid tissues that are normally present however in you they seem to be slightly enlarged when enlarged and infected they are very congested red and may exude pus in your picture I cannot make out pus the enlargement without redness or pus may indicate chronic throat infection in case of chronic pharyngitis or tonsillitis you may be having these bumps for a long time however you may have suffered throat pain fever soreness difficulty in swallowing and painful swallowing intermittently they are not cancer the tonsils appear normal to me they do not have a smooth surface they have pits called crypts through which tonsillar secretions come out into the mouth when the pits are clogged then you may develop tonsilloliths or stones which may be painful and give globes feeling otherwise the tonsils look normal if you suffer from the intermittent symptoms I mentioned then perhaps this is a case of chronic tonsillopharyngitis where we can explore the option of surgically removing the tonsils from both sides to give you relief from the symptoms otherwise we need not bother
hello doctor I recently noticed white little lumps on the spots at the back of my throat one behind palatopharyngeal arch which is a red lump and another on the back of my throat each side with red bumps and white little things on them what is it I do not know how long I had it I do not drink or smoke is it cancer like throat cancer or mouth cancer I am a 27 year old female I have white sack looking things behind my tonsil as well with which look like blood vessels but anyway I am sending the picture I am scared please help
high severity
how to fix procrastination
hello procrastination is a common trait present in almost all humans you are insightful about your problem and its commendable that you are trying to address it and change yourself many people do not even recognize procrastination as a problem as you know people who are able to avoid procrastination are more productive what sort of career you are in how much is procrastination affecting your daily life is procrastination affecting both your personal and professional life sometimes when there are more routine and strict deadlines in office we tend to perform better and avoid procrastination I will suggest you write down and make a list of things you could have achieved in your life if procrastination was not an issue be objective and just make small points it should serve as a reminder and motivate you further to avoid procrastinating further break all work or goals into small multiple tasks do not aim too big even if you take just a few steps your mind will get a sense of achievement and you can gradually build up the momentum do not worry if you have bad days when you are not able to achieve much humans cannot be perfect all the time make sure your general lifestyle is good eat healthily sleep well and exercise regularly you mention some anxiety so try progressive muscle relaxation exercise and deep breathing exercises discuss with a trusted family member spouse or friend about your struggles and plan to overcome them they can help you stay motivated if there are any other problems like low mood excessive anxiety you can consult your family doctor locally you are welcome to contact us again if further advice is needed
hello doctor I am years old I am a typical introvert person my problem is I procrastinate a lot sometimes because of social or workplace anxiety but sometimes just for nothing I have read many online blogs and watched motivational videos about it I can understand my problem and know what to do but when I think of taking the step I feel pressure inside that I cannot overcome and again I procrastinate maybe I need to awaken my willpower but do not know how I know there are many others like me and maybe it is normal for us but I really want to change myself what should I do
low severity
will antidepressant and opioid combination develop serotonin syndrome in elderly
hi looking at the age and co morbid conditions the polypharmacy multiple drugs is a must at the same time the clinician will assess monitor the patient for any serious side effects or drug incompatibility since your father has many geriatric complaints I feel all these drugs are required due to old age he may be having some trouble with kidney or liver functions most of the drug gets metabolized in the liver and excreted through the kidneys hence continuous monitoring is required as per the clinician advice I hope you are following the clinician advice regarding depression and pain in the hip the antidepressant drugs and analgesic are unavoidable please do not worry about its side effects like serotonin syndrome this is not seen in all the patients the symptoms of serotonin syndrome will be taken care of by other antihypertensive or cardiac drugs sometimes he develops diarrhea as I told earlier do not worry about the side effects these are not seen in all patients and these drugs are mandatory for your father he can avoid tyearamine rich foods example beer chocolate alcoholic beverages fermented foods cheese sore cream yogurt shrimp paste soy sauce soybean condiments teriyaki sauce tempeh miso soup sauerkraut kimchi etc the antidepressant drugs cause side effects only if more tyearamine rich food is consumed while under the medication I hope this helps
hello doctor my father is a 73 year old male with the following diagnoses essential tremor congestive heart failure he has a pacemaker hypertension borderline diabetes arthritis in the hips depression moderate to severe and cognitive issues he received an epidural yesterday for pain in his hips and buttocks and my mother found his medication list and shared it with me I am somewhat alarmed about the anti depressants and opioid combinations in particular after doing some research on serotonin syndrome kindly evaluate his prescription
high severity
is fourth generation hiv test conclusive in months
hello generally the hiv infection takes few days to years to produce the symptoms it is called as incubation period the incubation period is not fixed in hiv infection it is the time taken for the organism to establish itself within the human body as all of us know that hiv establishes when one immunity comes down so if someone is immunity is good enough he may not develop any symptoms even after hiv infection if the immunity had come down then the hiv infections will be expressed thus the clinical symptoms appear based on patients immunity similarly the few tests show positive only after the immunity has come down but there are some confirmation tests that tell about hiv even in the early stages the fourth generation hiv test is one among such tests thus we can come to the conclusion that you are hiv negative the peripheral neuropathy may be due to other causes definitely it is not due to hiv the first symptoms of hiv infections are continuous fever body weight loss and chronic diarrhea in advanced cases there will be white coating in tongue continuous sputum expulsion by cough and peripheral neuropathy I feel you no need to repeat the hiv test again if you still want do it after one year be prepare your mind that hiv is negative for you it is the confirmation test
hello doctor how conclusive are three months negative hiv fourth generation duo test I did an unprotected vaginal and oral sex with a prostitute and have feet and leg burning pain prickling tingling in feet and hand fingers is there any test that tells I am 100 hiv free my doctor told me it can take up to five years to detect hiv but on the internet it says three months please clear my doubt when can I do the final test and what I do for my symptoms is there any other test for that is this neuropathy of hiv
high severity
I have blurred vision is it due to glaucoma
hi I have seen your attachments it seems like you have posterior uveitis there is a reaction in vitreous and also inflammation in the retina however vomiting and blackouts can be due to neurological deficits please get an mri brain and also followup with a neurologist in the meantime start timolol eye drop twice daily and moxifloxacin and dexamethasone eye drop four times a day
hello doctor I think I might have glaucoma I have vomiting loss of consciousness and blurred vision 12 in the right eye and in the left eye all details are in the attached report I can send photos I am currently taking medicines for depression
medium severity
why do I get intestinal blockage while on suppositories
hello from what I could make out from your description is that you have history of constipation but have a recent worsening possibly due to the cleanse you have a background of hypothyearoidism you have used a plethora of laxatives with some partial relief for your immediate relief I would recommend using safer laxatives like peg polyethylene glycol and stool softener under the guidance of a physician or a gastroenterologist you should also get your thyearoid profile checked as uncontrolled hypothyearoidism is a known cause of constipation do not strain excessively and use enema or suppositories if you feel impaction you may require a colonoscopy in case you have not had one recently I hope this helps
hello doctor I did a herbal cleanse which seemed to cause a blockage I worked with suppositories fleet laxative magnesium supplements senna docusate for temporary results my symptoms are straining excessively feeling of rectal blockage digital retrieval to relieve pressure feeling of incomplete evacuation intermittent pressure rectal area and dyschezia feel this can be the case even with soft stool I used miralax for eight days shortly thereafter I took 500 my magnesium capsules and benefiber the next day the stool was bulky good diameter and easy to pass I took the same supplements but for the next day the stool is fairly bulky with some strain I used the restroom four times to empty the rectum with straining later pressure cannot be moved so used suppository I am concerned about impaction but no blood or leakage I had a history of constipation but never like this before I am taking dilantin and levothyearoxine for several years
high severity
what is the possibility of breast cancer in brca1 positive
hi welcome to icliniq com since you have brca1 breast cancer type positive with a strong family history of breast cancer there is always a risk of developing cancer you need to have a regular followup ultrasound sometime may miss early changes since you have a high tendency of developing cancer you can undergo a complete mastectomy it is a tough decision for you but it is worth
hi doctor I am 30 years old I have brca1 genetic mutation that is still undergoing more research as they are not sure of the exact risk yet my mom had breast cancer at the age of 56 and her cousin had the same at the age of 46 they were both positive to hormonal therapy another cousin had ovarian cancer at the age of 49 they are all cancer free now I have a fibrocystic breast and one fibroadenoma confirmed with a biopsy three years ago I had an ultrasound scan three months ago and found more cysts and nothing major to worry about I had another ultrasound a week ago as I felt a new little lump that lump turned out to be another cyst but the doctor found another lump she had not seen three months before it has regular borders and it is moveable but it has some vascularities she says it cannot be a cyst and could be a fibroadenoma but it has to be confirmed by a biopsy which I will have next week I know that sometimes triple negative breast cancer lumps can be mistaken for fibroadenoma but how likely is that chance I am feeling quite anxious and worried with a fibrocystic breast is it possible to have a fibroadenoma appear this fast or is it possible that an ultrasound would have missed it last time
high severity
do any ayurvedic medicine give immediate result for premature ejaculation
hi for immediate result pde5 phosphodiesterase type inhibitor is the only option but it has its own side effects kindly share more details so we can find the cause of your issue there are many reasons for premature ejaculation stressful work night duties 24 hour jobs diabetes hypertension thyearoid issue has an effect on premature ejaculation keeping your blood sugar blood pressure and thyearoid hormones under control will help you long term antihypertensive and antipsychiatric medications frequent masturbation excess porn receiving less foreplay from partner or lack of knowledge regarding foreplay and female masturbation having an affair giving you a guilty feeling lack of exercise and obesity need to check fbi fasting blood sugar and pubs post prandial blood sugar to rule out diabetes check your be blood pressure free to ash thyearoid stimulating hormone for ruling out thyearoid issues kindly share details regarding the above reasons so we can work on understanding the cause and plan treatment accordingly
hello doctor I think I have a problem with premature ejaculation for the past five to six months because of stress it lasts for only three to four minutes after almost 15 minutes of foreplay what is an ayurvedic medicine you can suggest for immediate results will it cause any side effects also how long I need to take such medicines
low severity
is surgical removal necessary for last tooth pain
hello I am sorry to hear about your problems the symptoms and line of treatment you have described points to be normal though you can take painkillers as per your requirement I advise you to not to stop the antacid rabeprazole and domperidone in many cases as they may help you prevent conditions like nausea and vomiting the blood appearing is alarming and the source of bleeding should be figured out notice if the blood is coming out along with pus of the tooth or not you may consult or call me in this regard it would be better if you send me a picture of the tooth and gums in questions to pinpoint the condition it is not always necessary to go for surgical procedures
hello doctor one week ago I started feeling pain in the mouth in the left side last tooth the pain was so severe that I was unable to open mouth and also ulcer over that area was not visible to the doctor go he advised me to take becosules rubifol and zoon it for five days I started taking those medicines but I started feeling pain in the full left side teeth and jaw that extends towards the ear after searching over the net I came to know that it is a swelling of gum and something called gingivitis which may be the cause of my pain after I have gone to the dentist she advised me the following medicines augmenting 625 my ads for five days metrogyl 400 my ads for five days chymoral forte be for five days zerodol be for five days rantac 150 my od for five days I asked the dentist to reduce so much of medicine but she told me that you cannot modulate the antibiotics as it is a course plus she told me that your affected teeth I beneath the swollen gum needs to be surgically removed once you get back to normal I started taking these medicines leaving the above medicine advised by go except becosules now my queries are after one day I started vomiting and minor flecks of blood were also visible in the vomit now I want to know whether I am taking the right medicines and the right dosage whether any of the above medicines can be removed since I had gone to the dentist after full five days of ulcer medicines my jaw was not opening that time but from the next day I started reliving pain and gradually my jaw also started working and helps in chewing foods so can I reduce the dosage of the above medicines and leave zerodol as I think it is a pain killer and I do not have so much pain now I am scared of hearing surgical removal of my teeth so whether it is necessary to get it removed will I get back to normalcy after medicine whether removal is actually required in case of gingivitis any other suggestions
medium severity
can increased hematocrit values indicate polycythemia
hello your hemoglobin level and red blood cells count are slight high the hematocrit level is within limit so you can have secondary polycythemia case drink lots of water at least 3 liter per day I suggest you investigate with serum ego estimation ekg and chest ray investigation for further work up your physical examination also should be done if all reports and physical evaluation is within limit then you may need not worry about that
hello doctor I am 40 and male do not smoke four years back hemoglobin was 18 rec normal hematocrit 50 normal now hemoglobin was 18 value was up to 17 rec normal 78 value up to and hematocrit at 50 platelets were 26 the doctor thinks I just run high but nervous would the counts be much higher all other values are normal should I worry about anything like polycythemia
medium severity
what can be done for extreme mood imbalance
hi I have gone through your query and I must say that it seems you are going through a tough time for most of the cases who are going through what you are going through exercising helps I would suggest you start engaging in some physical activity for your blood flow to increase in all parts of your body and help you remain energetic for a long time this will help you have an activity in the times you are alone and then make you tired to sleep and rest apart from this also try and find activities that you can do once you are back home so that you can substitute the quite and lonely time with doing a task which interests you I hope once you start practicing the above mentioned on a regular basis you will feel better all the best
hello doctor I am a 19 year old female in college and I have been struggling with my mood lately during the day I am super loud and happy but when I am alone or bored my mind wanders and I find myself get deeply sad I also sometimes get irritable and snap at people I do not know why I get sad or angry I also sleep all the time I am on lexapro for my anxiety I am worried with how fast my mood changes and how sometimes I think everyone likes me and then all of a sudden I think they do not what is going on and could it be some other mental illness
high severity
will a gum shield help to protect the crown implant while playing
hello I understand your concern the normal healing time of bone is six to eight weeks however complete healing may take anywhere between three to six months in the case of implants it will take a minimum of three months for it to closely adapt to the surrounding bone and gain stability this is the most crucial phase in the entire treatment the amount of stability gained in this healing period determines the success rate and longevity of the implants temporary dentures made of acrylic may not create and actively transfer the chewing and other forces to the implant and hence suggested during this healing period any disturbances or accidental injuries to that area during this period can lead to failure of implants which is the most advanced option for replacement in this worst scenario we will have no other option other than giving a removable denture I understand your dedication and involvement towards your profession but please do consider the safety of your implants in which you have invested your time and money although you would be wearing a professional gum shield over the implants any accidental injuries could deliver the impact across your jaw bone thereby delaying or disturbing the healing process I hope this helps
hello doctor I am a professional rugby player who has recently broken and had my three front teeth removed I have had two implants fitted and currently have to wear a denture until I get the crown and bridge fitted I have been advised by one dentist to avoid playing rugby again as an impact could break my jaw bone however another dentist has said that the implants are meant to be resistant and with a professional gumshield the risk is not much higher than with normal teeth I would like to get some other opinions on my situation whether I should wait for a certain amount of time before playing again or if it is reasonable to consider playing immediately with a gumshield or if I should be very careful and consider playing altogether
medium severity
is epilex chrono recommended for partial seizure in an year old kid
hi surely I would like to answer this with my best concerns but for that what actually happened during the event did she have involuntary movements like head turning uprolling of eyeballs frothing from the mouth and loss of consciousness seizure and stroke are entirely different things and their treatment is different please do not just mention stroke please tell what happened to her I shall interpret myself if it was a stroke or a seizure I hope you got it please ask a follow up question with the required information
hello doctor my daughter is years old and got a stroke for the first time that lasted for 25 minutes after eg we came to know that she had a partial seizure doctor prescribed her epilex chrono 200 is it fine she is complaining of occasional headaches for the past two years
high severity
is snoring related to swollen tonsils
hello based on your message I could understand that you have either tonsillitis or adenoids usually this problem gets solved as the child grows I mean your problem is persisting from your school days till now this is due to the chronic settlement of few bacteria in your throat which leads to the settlement of the same bacteria nearby lymph node right neck so please follow the following advice a use warm water and salt for gargling the throat every third hour continuously use alum small piece dissolve in warm water and do throat gargle before bedtime if you do not get alum no issues you can do with regular saltwater make a drink using five pieces of garlic with 150 my of boiled milk and honeny drink it twice daily if possible practice pranayama do not use cold items which are kept in the fridge karisaalai madakku thailam a siddha drug if you can get it this should be applied on your hair scalp daily half an hour before bath the same oil few drops to be applied on your tonsils with the help of earbuds this should be done daily three times if you follow these advice within one week you will get relief if you continue for three months you will get a complete and permanent cure
hello doctor the right area of my tonsils are swollen in the swollen area there is a hole with like rice thing I do not know what it is I had a nose problem when I sleep where only one nose hole functioning well I also always snore at night the swollen area has been decreased a bit on my right neck I hope you can help me I am currently taking habbatus sauda
medium severity
I am stressed due to marriage talks and financial debt what can be done
hi I can see that you are under a lot of stress to start with the debt I do not know the financial details and your social economic position so cannot comment on how you can come out of it but to start with you have to understand that this is your reality instead of getting upset about it try to sit and practically think of what you can possibly do to start with to help your father in this situation getting married does not mean that you cannot help your father or you have to abandon the responsibilities you feel you have regarding your family as a female I can understand your feelings it does happen in many cases that after marriage the in laws expect the female to just look after their family and not have involvement in her own family but times have changed now even I am a female and I do support my family even after marriage as much as I want the good things to do would be to communicate with your potential partner about how you expect your life to be clear with your partner that after marriage you will be taking care of your own family and not abandon them the relatives and society are just chatter do not get bothered with that getting married is not a bad thing everybody needs someone in their life as a partner make sure you find the right partner and you will realise that it is a good thing regarding social service I can see that you are altruism tech and you strive for higher good it is a very good thing but remember whenever you will try to do something which is not normal for the people around you they are going to laugh it is your choice whether you listen to it and get stressed or you ignore it and do what you want to work in politics or to do social work you do not need to postpone or ignore marriage you can start small do as much as you can in your position and then increase with time if you are not able to handle the stress I would suggest you to talk to a counselor
hello doctor my father has debt I am upset severely by that and I am 26 years now all are asking marriage questions believe me my ambition is to get into the politics or to do social service the relatives laugh if I tell this and I do not want to get into relationship I hate marriage and commitments because of all this I feel like dying and stressed out so much kindly help
low severity
I am getting periods once in three months will it affect my fertility
hi do not worry this is all normal now you are in a period of adolescence your hormonal levels are not fully mature by around 20 21 years of age you will have regular periods in a normal cycle you should ovulate around the 14 15th day of periods always 14 days after ovulation you will get periods in the initial few years the hormones controlling this ovulation are not fully normal or mature so you do not ovulate so the bleeding which occurs every three to six months is not real periods it may be light bleeding or heavy clots with pain or no pain at all I hope you have got thyearoid profile and serum prolactin done both in empty stomach early morning sample these hormones can affect ovulation even if not overweight try to reduce any mid body obesity around waist thighs and breast these fats can convert into hormones and affect ovulation do not bother for a scan at this age to control weight have regular aerobic exercise and brisk walking have regular dieting and high protein food no fasting no junk foods your weight should be height in am 100 for example 156 am 100 56 keg do not worry about future problems I hope this helps
hi doctor I am a 17 year old female I am not getting my periods regularly and they occur once every three months and sometimes even six months I did not have sex ever still I am not getting my periods I started getting my periods in my eighth grade since then they have not been regular please do tell me the reason why am I not getting my periods regularly I consulted with two of the gynecologist they prescribed me some medicines which were having very bad side effects on me so I stopped taking them I still had to know that will I be able to get my periods regularly like every month and will it affect my future in any manner
medium severity
what is the pregnancy possibility with precum
hello I do not think you have to worry about this let me explain each one by one if periods are irregular you can never predict when ovulation is it is always 14 days before the periods so even if it is day cycle ovulation will be on the third or fourth day life of egg is only 24 hours then it dies emergency contraceptive is very effective if taken early earlier the better so even if the ovulation has occurred pills will not allow the pregnancy to settle dryness in the vagina could be due to lack of lubrication caused by any infection anxiety or due to hormones in the pills even if you did not have good foreplay her vagina will be dry being a virgin she is prone to have abarations or scratches in the vagina in the first act of sex it will resolve on its own seminal fluid is the clear white fluid before semen ejaculation it contains a high concentration of sperms it need not enter the vagina even if semen falls on the thighs it can swim up because of chemical attraction this fluid is formed only when you have the sexual arousal or touch sensation from the partner it is always better to have safe sex with a condom to avoid all these moments of anxiety if still you are anxious you have to wait until the date of periods and check urine for pregnancy
hi doctor I and my partner had unprotected sex she is a virgin we tried intercourse three times and each time it was not even more than 15 seconds as she is a virgin she is getting huge pain when I insert into her vagina moreover as it is hurting her I not even inserted my organ completely into her vagina I have inserted only half of my penis and not more than that I have not even rubbed to and fro in her vagina and there is no chance of ejaculating inside her vagina I do not know exactly whether my precum existed or not because I thought that it will not cause any pregnancy but while going through on the internet the next day I found that precum may also contain a small amount of sperm which also cause pregnancy if they are alive moreover I washed my bud and shaft with soap before intercourse after reading the article the next day I was so scared that she may become pregnant so I asked her to take an I pill in less than 24 hours she took the pill between 23 hours after our intercourse she does not have a regular cycle of periods it varies each time and it was a day usually now I am afraid that her ovulation took place exactly on the same date of our intercourse I am also afraid that she may become pregnant will the pill work or will she become pregnant if it was exactly her ovulation date even if she took an emergency contraceptive pill can she become pregnant even with my precum without ejaculating inside her will the pill work for all cases she is experiencing vaginal dryness from the date of intercourse until today is that any symptom for anything or is it just the pills side effect please help
medium severity
I have been getting reddish pink bumps on my skin what shall I do
hi I have read your query in detail and viewed the attached pictures and do understand your concern I need to get a few more details about your lesions you seem to be suffering from chronic urticaria it may be due to many things like chemicals dyes exertion insect bite perfumes packaged foods dietary protein allergens and may be idiopathic usually long term low dose treatment is required in the form of antihistamines example levocetirizine montelukast combination it consists of levocetirizine my and montelukast 10 my this can be taken twice daily in the morning and evening in severe cases your doctor may prescribe you a short course of oral corticosteroids use a medicated gentle cleansing lotion on your skin for bath like cetaphil cleansing lotion wear cotton clothes avoid allergens like pets dust etc if you find any causative factors such as any dietary substance dust exertion etc try to avoid it apply calamine lotion over affected areas revert back with the answers to a dermatologist online
hi doctor for the past seven months I have been getting these reddish pink non itchy bumps on my skin they are round to oval and small to big when they first appear they were all over my arms abdomen back and on my thighs now they randomly show up here and there I had a large one in my elbow crease and it went away after a day or two now I have two small ones on my forearm and two larger ones on my back and one on my left lower abdomen every time I go to the doctor and they disappear some of them leave flat reddish like scar for a few weeks currently I am taking ativan and metoprolol but I was not on these medicines when this rash began what shall I do now
low severity
do painless dark vaginal pigmentation suggest herpes or genital warts
hello do not be worried just a dark pigmentation or red area is not of much significance in herpes usually there are a lot of painful eruptions which is not so in your case in warts there are irregular bumps which are again not so in your case just maintain genital hygiene do vaginal cytology for culture and sensitivity do blood for sugar herpes egg and ig immunoglobulin and and vdrl venereal disease research laboratory avoid soap dettol and touching apply locally an emollient apply locally a clotrimazole ointment review with reports
hello doctor I have two concerns I have not had sex in over a month and I used a condom with a partner I have been on and off with over the last two years I have never had any sores from him and he never had a sore either my concerns are I have noticed this dark pigmentation in a few spots there is no pain burning or itching they do not appear to be raised it is just a dark pigmentation I did the vinegar test and they did not turn white although the vinegar really burned my vagina a gynecologist I went to did not comment about the dark pigmentation in two exams I have this red area near my vaginal opening that is slightly irritated I know that area has burned a lot with the vinegar so not sure if it is burned from that with both concerns do they look like herpes genital warts or sad please let me know and address all the questions thoroughly please also provide treatment options my lab test shows no chlamydia gonorrhea or trichomonas
medium severity
I experience occasional peripheral vision shadow on widening my eyes what is it
hello what you are describing is most probably breaks in the gel shaped part of the eye and is called floaters it is a normal and physiological condition that we see in patients that have refractive errors and have no significant consequences if these symptoms persist and are causing you discomfort look for an ophthalmologist that does a procedure called laser vitreolysis who could break them down into smaller bits so that you do not notice them that much and that is pretty much the only method of treatment
hello doctor I am a 19 year old male I have been to a few ophthalmologist about this and they seem to think it is benign but I want to get some other input on this if I widen my eyes and move my head around I can see shadows in my far peripheral vision moving as my head does and it seems that the shadows change and become different sizes as time goes on now I do have astigmatism in my right eye and from time to time I get aching almost gnawing pains that are with the movement of the eye and has happened in both at the same time before I find that it happens mostly when I am in a place with very weird or bright lighting or when I am looking at a bright screen in a weirdly lit room I suffer from anxiety and depression which is why I guess I am coming out to ask some more questions and I also have asperger's syndrome the aches radiate to my temple as well but as I have said I have been to doctors and they have dilated my pupils and looked at my retina and ocular nerves and told me they looked good so I honestly do not know what could be causing these weird shadows I have had them for quite a while and they also get bigger and more noticeable with head tilt like when I exercise or go running or do something very physical I currently take prozac 20 my and pantoprazole 10 my
medium severity
is it safe to fly with eustachian tube dysfunction
hello though the history you have given is insufficient to come to any conclusion about the possible causes I will give information about the common conditions which can have such symptoms the most common cause for scratchy throat with hoarse voice is routine throat infections such as acute pharyngotonsillitis or acute laryngitis which usually resolves with simple antibiotics and mouth gargles the next common cause which can present similarly is reflux laryngopharyngitis which is a type of acidity related disorder in this condition constant reflux of digestive acid into the throat causes injury to taste buds vocal cords and throat which leads to symptoms such as change of voice and change in taste in general people with reflux laryngopharyngitis will have symptoms such as burning sensation in chest repeated burping chest tightness dryness of throat etc regarding your inner ear conditions super semicircular canal dehiscence is a rare inner ear condition in this condition there will be giddiness and imbalance when exposed to loud noise and echoing of once own voice etc this condition usually does not get worsened by the change in environmental pressure so air travel would not be an issue in this condition in any case keep anti vertigo medications such as stemetil handy when you fly patulous eustachian tube is a condition involving the middle ear and nose my guess is because of the similarity in symptoms you have given in both the diagnoses I can say that if there is vertigo then it is superior canal dehiscence if there is no vertigo chances of patulous eustachian tube are high in any case people with patulous eustachian tube will have a certain degree of pressure symptoms in ear when they fly but most of the time it would not be very severe you can use simple saline nasal spray before boarding the flight and every two hours in the air to reduce symptoms
hello doctor I have a metal taste in the mouth hoarse voice and scratchy throat I am not on any medicines or vitamin supplements I have not changed my diet in any way and my dental hygiene is very good I am allergic to aspirin and have no health issues at all I also have two inner ear conditions both are somewhat rare in the right semicircular canal dehiscence and in the left patulous eustachian tube dysfunction what I want to know is whether I can fly take an airplane without getting ill and sustain further inner ear damage
low severity
pelvic ultrasound suggest endometriosis and adenomyosis will they cause infertility in long run
hello welcome to iclniq com I have read your query both problems more or less will have the same effect in the long run it might affect you getting pregnant but if you get pregnant then symptoms of endometriosis subsided may be for ever it does not have any effects on pregnancy and baby no risk of preterm delivery or anything the permanent solution for this condition is the removal of uterus and ovary but not recommended if you have plans for further pregnancy of oral contraceptive pills can help you in disease suppression some gnrh gonadotropin releasing hormone injection are also available but they have side effects so not recommend for long term of pills can be taken for years if you miss of pills for two to three months or so then endometriosis should not return back immediately so any time if you want to stop it for a few months definitely you can do that talking about the sharp pelvic pain it could be because of fibrosis after cesarean section you can do some moderate exercise on a daily basis which can help you there are no specific dietary things which can help
hello doctor I am a 32 year old female I had my second baby via section a couple of months after I started getting pelvic pain the pain is across my whole pelvic area and lower back and some times in my thighs too very similar to menstrual cramps occasionally I would get a sharp pain on either side of my pelvic area especially on the right side I also get pelvic cramps every time after sexual intercourse and occasional pain when I go to the toilet the pain is bearable and when it gets a little worse I can manage it by taking pain killers I get the pain almost every single day as well not just when I am on my period my periods have always been very heavy and painful from the beginning but have been able to keep it under control by taking the combined contraceptive pill gedarel 30 150 my and mefenamic acid which I have been taking for many years I have also been getting headaches and I am always very tired due to the lack of sleep I get from these pains during the night half the time I feel very stressed out because of the way I am feeling and it is not easy being a mom of two young children as well and having to manage with the pains etc I eventually visited the go and had some tests done such as smear tests infection swabs blood tests and an ultrasound scan everything was normal but the transvaginal ultrasound showed I have endometriosis and adenomyosis I was referred to a specialist gynecologist and although he has given me a course of action to follow for the next six months I felt that the appointment was a bit rushed and I had a lot of questions to ask regarding the two conditions I would really like to ask a few questions regarding the conditions as soon as possible because my next appointment is not for another six months and there are a few things I would like to know about how these two conditions will affect me in the long run I just need some answers for peace of mind nothing specific to me but more about the disease itself the doctor has advised to take the combined contraceptive pill for another six months without a break and to take pain killers as and when required the consultant also mentioned progesterone based methods but we had to rule that out as it causes hair loss and I have been through years of a form of alopecia and have just managed to get my hair back I have tried asking doctors online and have been conned by them because they have taken money from me and just copied and pasted answers from other places online which made me quite upset and furious hopefully someone from here can give me proper and professional answers these are the following questions I would like to ask what causes these two conditions I am aware that these two conditions cannot be 100 diagnosed via imaging methods and laparoscopy is the only method that provides a definitive diagnosis so how can a clinician be sure that they are treating me for the right condition and it is not something worse how will these conditions affect me in the long run if they begin the progress which out of the two endometriosis or adenomyosis is more severe and serious how will they affect my fertility and what would happen if I wanted to have another baby in the future will it be hard to get pregnant will it cause problems to either me or the baby is there an increased risk of miscarriages and preterm labor and if so how likely is this what if I were to come off the pill for whatever reason how can I manage these conditions are there any other methods or a form of lifestyle I can follow to help such as certain dietary intakes etc how can I prevent getting pain when I go to the toilet mainly passing stool and help with sleep any other information will be greatly appreciated also are there any online groups or support websites for these conditions
high severity
what does supravermian arachnoid cyst in mri brain suggest
hello welcome to icliniq com it is fine about the report please explain the symptoms that you are suffering from then I will explain about the report
hello doctor I have a headache back and right chest pain nausea vision blur and dizzy mri brain suggest supravermian archanoid cyst 1 am mri spine suggest straightening of the cervical spine scoliosis of the upper dorsal spine decreased la disc space with mild vertebral waist probably congenital right posterior lateral osteophytosis at the la and la level causing right neural foraminal narrowing please suggest
high severity
do I need a dental assessment for greenish discoloration of upper front teeth
hello yes you need to visit your dentist as early as possible those green lines are basically a form of calcified plaque or calculus in medical term and the reason behind their green color can be chromogenic bacteria these plaques are needed to be removed at the earliest otherwise they will become much more heavy in bulk and will degrade the underlying bone which is supporting your tooth and in advanced stages it may lead to tooth mobility gum recession and in severe cases it can even lead to loss of tooth but you do not have to worry about that cause your disease is already diagnosed what you need is oral prophylaxis and dental scaling from your dentist to get rid of those greenish lines post prophylaxis polishing is required I generally prescribe chlorhexidine 2 oral rinse or mouthwash twice daily for seven days nothing per mouth for 15 minutes after your rinse using this solution never swallow the solution in case of an allergic reaction to this drug avoid or stop the medication and visit your nearby dentist however allergic reactions to this medication are very rare as per my experience you also need to brush your tooth daily with a soft toothbrush and toothpaste and you must brush your tooth twice a day after breakfast and after dinner to maintain your oral hygiene calculus deposit clinical examination is required to asses probing depths around the teeth greenish to yellowish streak of calculus deposit over upper front teeth and lower teeth also oral prophylaxis and chlorhexidine 2 mouth rinse twice daily for seven days initially brush twice daily following meals follow up required after three weeks after completion of oral prophylaxis
hi doctor I have a crack that runs from my two front top teeth and it has a green color and is noticeable when I smile it is near the gum line but causes no pain do I need a dentist checkup
medium severity
I have acne since the age of 13 kindly get me a solution
hello I have read your query and I understand your concern revert back with the images to a dermatologist online
hi doctor I am a 27 year old female I am getting acne since the age of 13 I have asthma no product has worked on my face I have sensitive oily skin kindly advice some solution
low severity
what test should I undergo to confirm hiv
hi for further information consult an hiv aids specialist online
hi doctor I had sex 40 days back I feel burning sensation in penis for last month I had hiv test after 12 days of exposure and it was negative now I have severe throat pain and fever even after three days course of medication what to do please guide
low severity
is systemic hypertension the same as high be
hi I am really thankful for your kind comments you have always been so nice and a health conscious person I want to assure you do not worry as everything is going to be fine soon I have thoroughly gone through your case and can well understand your genuine health concerns thanks for attaching the supporting documents attachments removed to protect patient identity for a thorough insight on the issue you had an unremarkable angiography it was a very good and a bold decision to go for a timely angiography I appreciate that you did as advised now at least we have got a direction to move on now I will reply every part of your query in the order
hi doctor I am a 45 year old male my weight is 96 keg and my height is 184 am my symptoms are breathlessness on exertion neck constriction while walking as well as on and off chest pain in the mornings that are unconnected with exertion I am also suffering from severe sleep apnea I had tit positive mets 3 minutes and it depression of 5 to my in inferolateral leads I underwent coronary angiography last week fortunately no significant blocks were found doctor said many small blocks are there which do not restrict the flow of blood the diagnoses are minor coronary atherosclerotic disease and systemic hypertension the report says only minor plaques in lda and lex does this mean angiogram is negative I mean normal if so are my symptoms non cardiac in nature can I ignore further chest pains or where should I go to treat them am I right in thinking that this report means I am unlikely to have a heart attack at least in near future what are the chances that these minor plaques may progress and become bigger or serious how will I know if and when the blocks become bigger since my stress test was already positive false positive is systemic hypertension the same as high be my be was only 130 80 at the hospital my home be machine often gives 150 160 90 how did they diagnose systemic hypertension being a wonderful doctor I need your help again today
medium severity
can cervical disc bulge lead to arm numbness
hi degenerative changes surgical decompression avoid lifting weight and use cervical collar revert back with mri report to a spine surgeon online
hi doctor my right arm is numb from the elbow to the wrist and sometime I feel like getting electric shock inside about 29 years ago I got my ca c5 lower disc removed I have neck and back pain too and for which I am taking lyearica now I had an mri and the report is as follows tight cervical spinal canal at c5 ca disc level and posterior disc herniation seen inventing the ventral aspect of the cord in c3 ca c5 and ca mild diffuse posterior disc bulges seen please guide me
medium severity
does slow rise in hug indicate any abnormality
hi if hug human chorionic gonadotropin report can be relied it indicates possibility of impending abortion miscarriage for further information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hi doctor my hug level is not doubling what can be the reason a week back it was 250 and now it is 423 is this abnormal please suggest
low severity
is abnormal vaginal bleeding a sign of reproductive cancer
hi I believe this is the first episode of heavy intermenstrual bleeding or polymenorrhagia for you and during the mid cycle if the bleeding is not controlled and remains heavy causing anemia and dizziness as manifestation then to stop the bleed the best way would be to undertake a dilatation and curettage procedure through which can remove the endometrium and subject sample for histopathological exam to rule out any endometrial hyperplasia and accompanied atypia which may indicate towards an endometrial cancer depending on the reports at present wait and watch for excessive bleeding for few more days and if it does not reduce then review with er and get the ultrasound done sooner and further evaluation keep yourself well hydrated to maintain the blood volume and avoid dizziness episodes for further information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hi doctor I have been bleeding heavily from my vagina for past five days it only happens when I either open my bowel or while urinating I put in a tampon to confirm that the bleeding is coming from my vagina and not from rectum when I am not using the bathroom there is no bleeding and no blood on underwear but as soon as I urinate and have a bowel movement I start to bleed it is not just spotting it is a heavy bright blood to sometimes dark heavy blood it reminds me of my heavy days on my periods I am nowhere close to my periods now I am taking birth control and have been getting my periods correctly each month this bleeding is not a consistent flow it only happens when I use the bathroom it is like I have blood pool above my vagina and the minute I push a little to pee or have a bowel movement it spills out I do not have period cramping but the pain will be like a dull achy to sometimes sharp pain especially when the blood comes out it radiates all over my pelvis ovaries stomach and back sometimes to my kidneys I did consult a gynaecologist earlier today he pressed on my stomach in which I had some discomfort he also did a vaginal exam and said there was a lot of mucus with blood when pressed inside I felt little discomfort he did a swab and sent it out to be checked for infection and prescribed me some antibiotics just in case it was an infection he also scheduled me an ultrasound for next week and wants me back in two weeks he told me to come back sooner if it gets worse he seemed quite concerned this evening I have started to become more dizzy and lightheaded could this be just an infection or something else I do not have itchy or burning vaginal symptoms that you get when you have an infection I am really worried about this I am scared of cancer now as I knew that the abnormal bleeding and pain are signs of reproductive cancer so I need a second opinion from another doctor while I am waiting for the results
high severity
how to halt demyelination
hello for further information consult a neurologist online
hi doctor this query is regarding my dad he has been limping for a year now he is a construction worker and about two years ago he accidentally fell down from the first floor he reassures me that his left leg limping is not due to the fall he had about 20 sessions of physical therapy he went to a pain specialist who injected him with steroid injections but that did not help the pain specialist also performed an electro test to see the response reaction in both feet the right one jumped and the left one did not he said he barely felt any sensation in his left leg his left leg is not responsive and he cannot carry it around we had an mri and consulted a neurosurgeon the neurosurgeon said that he is not to be operated on the result of his mri is as follows 47 years old with radiculopathy correlation is made with prior mri of the thoracic spine findings are mild spondylotic changes are seen within the cervical spine with disc desiccation multiple levels ca c3 there is a shallow central disc herniation impression on the thecar sac c3 ca no focal disc herniation or neurocompressive changes are seen ca c5 shallow central disc herniation impresses on the thecar sac c5 ca there is central disc herniation with effacement of the ventral csi ca shallow central disc herniation impresses on the thecar sac ca to no focal disc herniation or neurocompressive changes are seen vertebrae the vertebral bodies demonstrate normal height and marrow signal characteristics spinal cord there are multiple foi of abnormal to signal within the substance of the spinal cord one at the ca level and one at ca it is unclear whether this reflects myelomalacia versus the possibility of a demyelinating process clinical correlation as well as evaluation of the intracranial compartment with mri of the brain is recommended craniovertebral junction the craniovertebral junction is unremarkable mild prominence of the nasopharyngeal soft tissues is incidentally noted please correlate with direct clinical examination impression is multiple foi of abnormal to signal within the substance of the spinal cord as described these may be on the basis of myelomalacia however given the patient age the possibility of a demyelinating process is not excluded clinical correlation as well as evaluation of the brain with mri scanning is recommended mild spondylotic changes within the cervical spine with shallow central disc herniation at ca c3 ca c5 and ca levels slightly larger central disc herniation c5 ca with effacement of the ventral csi mild prominence of the nasopharyngeal soft tissue as I want an unbiased opinion please consider only the results and not the possible diagnosis my questions are what are the possible causes of these what are the outcomes in the future can anything be done to regenerate neural tissue and myelin finally how many herniated discs does he actually have
high severity
what can cause painless swelling in a baby tibia bone
hi revert back with the photos to an orthopaedician and traumatologist online
hi doctor my month old baby boy has swelling in tibia bone he does not have any pain or irritation over the swelling he started standing by his months onwards what is the reason for this swelling
medium severity
why do I feel vomiting sensation after having a contraceptive pill
hello for further information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hi doctor I have taken morning after pill after having unprotected sex on my est day of periods feeling vomiting sensation but there is no vomit happening please help me
low severity
what is the treatment for cyclic itching of skin in arms and back
hello I have examined the pictures as well as carefully noted the details provided I understand your concerns and will do my best for further information consult a geriatrician online
hi doctor my grandfather aged 85 years is having a lot of itching on his body the main areas are his arms and back there is a lot of inflammation at times and all of a sudden the inflammation increases and then goes down it appears in cycle he has been prescribed with the following medicines namely tablet tenzin my and momate cream he used these medicines for weeks it was good while he was using them but then again itching started slowly once he stopped using them please advice some other medicine as there is dryness in mouth when he uses these medicines thank you
medium severity
do stomach cramp and chest pain accompany streptococcal infection
hi I have read your query and understood your health concern infection by streptococcus or viral complete blood count chest ray nasal and throat swab culture per for further information consult an internal medicine physician online
hi doctor I have left sided crappy stomach pain and chest pain which is mostly located under breast near ribcage about two years ago I got streptococcal infection pneumonia and bronchitis at the same time in er they prescribed amoxicillin but it did not work for me as I am allergic to penicillin and amoxicillin that is the only time I can remember being in this pain three weeks back again I had streptococcal infection my doctor said that I might have flu and I am on azithromycin now I am wondering are stomach cramps chest pain back pain and labored breathing symptoms of flu please do the needful
medium severity
I had mucoram pill along with rhinocort spray do they interact
hi I read your question and I understand your concern allergies recent sore throat cold flu and seasonal variation pulmonary functions test allergen immunotherapy allergen sensitivity test peak flow meter fev1 forced expiratory volume in the first second allergic bronchitis sinusitis laryngitis pharyngitis asthma sinusitis decongestant mucolytics and home remedies avoid allergens pollen use humidifier and avoid beverages cold drinks and spices for further information consult a neurologist online
hi doctor I took a mucoram pill along with rhinocort spray then I had hyperventilating difficulty I could not swallow and I cannot balance myself and felt more tired and weak I feel that my brain became numb for a month after a month I am good now but still I feel some pressure and continuous pulse in my head all day my blood tests are all normal please help
medium severity
my pap test is abnormal with brown discharge why
hi I understand your concern at the age of 29 years I would want to know what the abnormality in pap smear was I hope it is lil low grade squamous intro epithelial lesion or ascus atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance or only mild dysplasia any of these findings are suggestive of only some infection in the cervix creating some changes in the lining of the cervical canal this only warrants follow up and repeated pap smear evaluation these infections on the cervix can cause small ulcerations which would appear like a raw wound once the raw surface if formed the secretions from the underlying cervix increases just like in common cold secretion from the nostrils increase cervical secretions also increase the sudden appearance of excessive brown discharge can follow any local insult like recent sex or recent periods or local trauma by a tampon or even urinary infection but it is not to be worried about if it is been a year since last pap smear or at least six months have a repeated smear you may need local antibiotic treatment if the cervical erosion is significant and the abnormality you are experiencing in pap is more than what I mentioned then you may need excision of the ulcer with cryotherapy or electrotherapy or chemical but at this young age of 29 years and as the doctor has put you follow up for four years I bet you belong to low risk stage nothing to worry about just simple treatment of local medication will do
hi doctor I have had abnormal pap tests for the past four years now I am having really thick light brown mucus discharge almost daily the last one this morning was bigger than a quarter what could this be
high severity
what is the reason for new wound during chemotherapy
hi for further information consult a surgical oncologist online
hi doctor my father had a surgery for cancer and subsequent chemoradiation on cheeks after that he developed a wound on right cheek which developed into a big hollow wound please help us
high severity
my father noticed blood in sputum is it cancer
hi welcome to clinic com for further information consult a medical oncologist online
hello doctor my father is years old he is a patient having do cad cab it cod and sht now he has severe cough for more than 15 days and can see blood occasionally while spitting he is also undergoing dialysis twice in a week his present hemoglobin is 1 creatinine is 6 and urea is 81 I am worried whether it is cancer please help
high severity
had corneal transplant and my vision is opaque now is this rejection
hi revert back with the photos to an eye care ophthalmologist online
hi doctor I am having vision problem in my right eye I had corneal transplant done and no stitches have been removed my vision is opaque now is this possibly a rejection for the eye I am using prednisolone timolol antibiotic eye drops and euro 128 I am diabetic and also taking medicines for blood pressure cholesterol depression and prostate problem please help
high severity
my us of 36 weeks showed big head with mild prominence what to do
hi I have checked the attachment mri brain revert back with brain mri to a paediatric surgeon online
hi doctor my earlier ultrasound mentioned big head but my present ultrasound done in 36 weeks says big head with mild prominence of bilateral lateral ventricles my radiosonologist did confirm big head but on part of hydrocephalus she was not sure I have attached the report for your feedback
high severity
the sight of blood worries me please help
hi revert back for doubts to a community medicine physician online
hi doctor I am a 23 year old man I am working in a hospital cafeteria when I was washing a cart for coffee I saw a red spot I freaked and I became worried it was blood and I have a few cuts on my hand I did not wear gloves now any time I see red color I have phobia I am worried whether I will develop some infection please help
high severity
other than baclofen which medicine can be used for muscle stiffness
hi thank you for the detailed information I am happy to see your father improve gradually here is what I suggest for further information consult a neurosurgeon online
hi doctor my dad is without ventilator support since 40 days and his tracheotomy has also removed five days back without any life support system he is currently breathing by himself for last 8 days with saturation level 100 on air past four days he is able to keep his eyes open for few minutes and moving his pupils and following the moving objects my brother showed him pictures of family members and he is trying to look at the picture and recognize it he is trying to hold hand or other objects with his left hand when asked he has minor movement in his left leg as well but there is no movement on right hand or leg and occasionally he moves his neck I have attached a video showing his movements bedsores on side of the head and hip continues to be a point of concern as per your advice I had requested the treating doctor for mri however they only did a it scan and the same is attached for your reference I am also sharing the two it scans which they did two months back for comparison please advise on the below his left hand and leg getting stiff and he was given baclofen for the same is there other better medicine apart from changing position every 2 hours and applying candid powder on the affected area is there any medicine for curing bedsores do you see any chances of recovery from here what needs to be done next for reasonable improvement do you see any chances of him speaking soon below are his vital statuses serum sodium 129 serum potassium 8 serum chloride 98 serum creatinine 6 egfr 103 blood pressure 150 100 of saturation 100 maintaining without oxygen support for last 8 days pulse 75 90 blood sugar 230 to 265 after taking insulin comes down to 140 160 I have attached the list of medicines which he is taking for the past one week kindly guide us
medium severity
can I take a break before starting next pack of ocp
hi following are answer to your queries for further queries consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hi doctor I am using ocp for last 5 months in my last cycle I took active pills for days but took two cops each day from day19 to day along with this took an I pill on day18 of ocp cycle on ith day of pill free break got withdrawal bleeding I want to know when to start the next pack to remain protected without requiring any backup method can I start after day of last pill or day of withdrawal bleed or day of withdrawal bleed please let me know if day start and day start are same or not if in any cycle I take active pills for or 23 days to delay withdrawal bleed a little then take a break and start next pack on and or ord day of withdrawal bleed is it fine thank you in advance
low severity
had safe sex on expected day of period is there a chance to get pregnant
hello thanks for using this platform for further information consult a sexologist online
hi doctor my girlfriend was expecting her periods between ord and ith of last month we had protected sex on ord after hours she took an I pill then again on ith we had protected sex and after 10 hours she had another I pill now it is 12th and she has not had her periods but only spotting is there are there chances of pregnancy
low severity
what is amniocentesis
hi for further information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hi doctor my wife is 27 years old and 13 weeks pregnant now as per suggestion from doctor we went for a double marker test it is found that trisomy 21 it risk is 86 and doctor suggested for amniocentesis procedure now I am confused and do not know what to do my wife scared that the procedure is risky and painful please explain us about it
high severity
how is asperger syndrome named today
hi asperger was previously regarded as a separate disorder but now it is categorized as a form of autism spectrum disorder and in dsm diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorder and includes by the current dsm criteria individuals previously diagnosed with asperger syndrome would be diagnosed as having and without language or intellectual impairment this is because previously when asperger was introduced in 1994 it was distinguished from autistic disorders as there was no delay in language and general cognition but now it is put under autism spectrum disorders because there is no evidence of different response to treatment or of a distinct cause in asperger syndrome versus high functioning autism previously asperger was diagnosed only if they did not meet the criteria of autistic disorder so to resolve this confusion both were kept under the same umbrella of and for further information consult a general medicine physician online
hi doctor I was diagnosed with asperger syndrome when I was 13 years of age I am now how does the dsm change that disorder
low severity
kindly suggest an effective treatment plan for modular acne
hi I can understand your concern seborrhea hormonal imbalance lipid profile liver function tests acne vulgaris follow up after five weeks to a dermatologist online
hi doctor I am a 20 year old female and having modular acne for more than a year it looks very terrible and painful in my teen age I had pimples but of moderate type I have tried every possible treatments such as chemical peel and isotretinoin but nothing worked currently I am taking divya kayakalp which is an ayurveda tablet how can I get rid of this please help
medium severity
grafted unsealing leg wound opened up after 12 years is it varicose veins
hi can be due to weak immune system or malnutrition or chronic medical illness over tightening of sutures or poor suturing technique followed it can also be due to the suture material used in appropriate surgery site grafted smoking can be a cause can be due to obesity it could have caused because of premature post surgery exercise heavy lifting physical examination from a general surgeon is a must blood tests such as abc complete blood count and wound culture to be done check post prandial fasting blood sugar and glycated hemoglobin up fbi hba1c wound dehiscence good wound care and hygiene with appropriate dressing and cleaning as instructed by your doctor regular wound dressing antibiotics to be taken if the culture is positive for micro organisms revert back with the investigations to a general practitioner online
hi doctor around 12 years back my unsealing leg wound was cured by multiple skin grafting now after 12 years the wound opened up reason is unknown is it varicose I have attached the latest snaps
medium severity
kindly suggest an alternate medicine for indomethacin for joint pain
hi I have gone through your history and it is a bit unusual for a 40 year old to have polyarticular gout that is involving a lot of joints firstly I would recommend you visit a rheumatologist near you to sort it out meanwhile first we should rule out if it is gout only or some other form of arthritis which are intermittent sorts like gout such as palindromic rheumatism I would like to know your last uric acid levels and if you have ever got rheumatoid factor of and anti cop anti cyclic citrullinated peptide done if it is gout then indomethacin is just going to help the attack you need to start on proper medications the treatment would be to start tablet zycolchine colchicine along with drugs like febuxostat or allopurinol 24 hour urine for uric acid rheumatoid factor anti cop antibody liver function tests kidney function tests palindromic rheumatism zycolchine high fluid intake consult a rheumatologist at the earliest
hello doctor I am suffering from chronic gouty arthritis it started ten plus years ago and now progressed to every joint in my body with multiple joint attacks at once I have contact pain in joints even if there is no attack the attacks jump from joint to joint nonstop I have seen many doctors they can only give me shots and prescription of indomethacin which is not working for me as it has been taken for more than 10 years I have changed my diet to exclude a lot of food and drinks with sugar purines citrus salt etc right now the pain is in my ankle knees and left arm shoulder rotator cuff elbow wrist thumb and neck I have been very depressed and go to bed in pain and wake up in pain daily my daily functions are limited
low severity
kindly explain the ways to increase the body weight
hi with the details you gave I understand that you are an 18 year old girl who is slim and unable to increase weight also I see that your body mass index is 15 43 where as the weight that is desirable to you would be about 50 to 53 keg you are in your puberty and hence there will be growth spurt because of which the body energy would be used fast to put height and other bodily developments also this is the time your body sexually matures these might be the reasons why you are unable to put weight however I give you the following suggestions to help increase weight and bring it in normal range eat plenty of proteins soyabeans fish chicken take ghee in appropriate amounts you may use ghee as a cooking medium if you are not susceptible to pimples and acne ghee has great deal of energy in it and helps put weight eat adequate green leafy vegetables and minerals take spinach gooseberry fenugreek leaves palak leaves drink to litres of water daily drink 500 my of milk daily make sure the milk is not condensed skimmed milk is devoid of the fat you require the fat increase the amount of food you eat if you are eating meals make it spread out through the day keep your body in shape by exercising so that weight gain is healthy and not in appropriate places practice yoga and a daily workout regime concentrating more on weight gain exercises than cardio exercises help lose weight than gain if still not satisfied take protein powders soy or milk protein powders with good energy content search for protein powders for ladies for putting weight next do not worry unnecessarily about your weight this age one grows tremendously and so it might be difficult to put weight however within a few years your growth spurt will stop and you body metabolism will stabilize take the above measures and follow my advice it is important to keep oneself healthy and appreciate ones own body
hi doctor my problem is I am not able to get fat doctor please help me to get fat
low severity
is it advisable to put lidocaine viscous oral topical solution in ear for pain
hello please do not put lidocaine viscous into ear for pain first of all ear pain can be due to multiple reasons the causes of ear pain are as follows localized causes external ear pina ear canal middle ear cleft eustachian tube facial nerve mastoid cavity inner ear eighth nerve petrositis referred causes throat tonsillitis pharyngitis neck cervical spine disorders spondylosis oral cavity glossitis tootache tooth infection larynx laryngitis epiglottitis under each infections inflammations tumors malignancies non malignant growths hypersensitivities etc can result in ear ache referred earache is due to sharing of same nerve supply by the ear as well as the above said organs hence please do not treat earache on your own I will strongly suggest you consult an ent specialist doctor and follow his advise please provide us with details with regards to the following onset of ear ache duration nature of pain pricking dull aching throbbing any associated giddiness ear discharge headache nausea any throat pain nose block change of voice difficulty in swallowing any previous relevant history with regards to the ear or nose and throat which ear both ears you have fever any neck problems tooth ache artificial dentures next lidocaine viscous is for use on oro mucosal surfaces it is not for use inside the ear it will not get absorbed from intact skin surfaces like what you find in the outer ear where you are planning to apply the viscous top solution to relieve pain I suggest you try paracetamol 650 my tablet one tab sos not more than tablets per day however it is prudent to ascertain the exact cause for the earache and treat accordingly do contact us for any more queries on the subject
hello doctor can I put lidocaine viscous oral topical solution qualitest in ear for pain
medium severity
what causes chest cold with weight loss nausea and dry heaves
hi after reviewing your complaints and your blood investigation I can draw the following conclusions it is highly unlikely that you have multiple myeloma as your globulins in blood report are normal though it is a rare scenario before 40 years it can happen to people your case seems something else there is however abnormally low carbon dioxide level in your report this occurs because of hyperventilation anxiety some lung pathology more importantly your medication are the most likely reason for your anxiety sometimes these can cause diarrhea as well raised all can be from many causes liver uncommon if you do not have jaundice bone intestine and placenta being most common isoenzyme assay that your doctor is doing will help isolate the source to some extent given your age and your month old respiratory problem I would suspect a lung infection including tuberculosis to can also cause the left sided chest fatigue and weight loss pain itself can lead to hyperventilation moreover your all is only mildly raised which is against the diagnosis of multiple myeloma where it can be in thousands mildly raised all can be due to vitamin deficiency as well given you live in montana low sunlight please discuss with your doctor regarding need for a chest ray and possibility of to and vitamin supplementation do not worry the reason you might feel anxious is most probably your medications take a healthy balanced diet try some meditation as well
hi doctor my symptoms include a chest cold for approximately one month 12 pound weight loss nausea dry heaves excessive bowel movements shortness of breath muscle aches left side rib pain fatigue I had normal labs except mildly elevated alkaline phosphate my doctor is now running a all isoenzyme test do I have multiple myeloma am I too young what are my chances what else besides my liver could make that test elevated
high severity
kindly advise the medicines for patient with to mood swings and low be
hi welcome to icliniq com first of all stay calm and support her fully I understand it is tough to stay calm and there are too many medicines to take but she can do this all drugs are correct for the treatment to drugs are very important and one must complete the treatment rifampicin is the drug that might decrease the effect of other group of drugs for which we can increase the dose of other drugs do not take all the drugs altogether go slow keep a gap and keep record of all the blood tests and get them monthly checked to check their side effect on the body by keeping a check you can reach your goal and free of to
hello doctor my mother is 67 years old she has the following health issues type diabetes mellitus without complications high blood pressure disorder aneurysm fluid in the lungs hfpef heart failure with preserved ejection fraction atrial fibrillation irregular heartbeat collection of fluid in sac covering heart chest pain chronic left sided low back pain with left sided sciatica temporary loss of blood supply to brain low blood pressure from this year bladder infection currently her most upsetting symptoms are as follows doctors think that she might have to and so she is on to medicine as an empirical treatment severe shortness of breath even when lying on the bed temporary loss of vision currently she sees but not like before low blood pressure she is currently on sodium chloride serum very moody and frustrated and angry most of the time she used to be a very calm person before hallucinations not able to sleep her medications are shown in the attached picture along with the number of tablets per day and the total dosage could you please advise us about the medicines she is being given since she is very upset about it and we think she might not be able to complete the to treatment are there any medicines that have bad interactions or unnecessary
medium severity
I get whitish pus at the end of my tail bone what is it
hi from your description you could be suffering from a pilonidal sinus or cyst color of pus yellow or white is not of great concern what can be concerning is a large amount of pus kindly try to quantify it may be in drops or teaspoon measures it is a disease of young men mostly hairy and sedentary lifestyles professional drivers also get it in higher proportions going to see a doctor at local surgery is a good decision the best way for pain relief is surgery to drain it properly and clean it can require to be completely removed in some complicated cases wash the area with soap and water daily try to avoid sitting for long periods in case you are worried about the possibility of cancer it is extremely rare in a pilonidal sinus this is a common problem and only a handful of cases have been reported in the world of some cancer developing in it that also after years of inflammation and without treatment but kindly confirm with your local doctor that it is in fact pilonidal sinus and not anything else
hi doctor I am a 20 year old male a few months ago I noticed a small lump on my skin directly on my tailbone I picked it and it formed into a small dent I did not think anything of it but for the past one week the same dent has become inflamed on the outer edge and extremely painful to touch I struggle to get up when I sit down as it is painful when I touch it after standing up it feels wet I have just asked my partner to look at it as I cannot see for myself and I gently opened my cheeks she told me that a thick white pus substance was coming out in large amounts I felt again and when I looked at my hands a small amount of white pus was on my nail whenever I have an infection in a scab my pus usually turns out to be a yellowish white or a yellow color so I am quite worried this color is not normal for me please help
medium severity
do alcohol consumption contribute upper abdominal pain
hi your complaint of left sided pain in the abdomen and its running to the back can be suggestive of one of the following gastritis is the swelling or inflammation of the stomach the acid problems may be due to your obesity as your weight and mi are high 32 89 it may be due to high spicy food alcohol smoking especially in the empty stomach pain killers also can cause it pancreatitis is the inflammation of a deep seated gland called pancreas pain is set on after alcohol intake last for a couple of hours and runs to the back it can be accompanied by vomiting the type of arthritis that you have described can also be associated with some other organ problems but it is less likely what to do about it stop smoking stop taking alcohol at least till this issue has been resolved also I would like to know more about the type and amount you consume and frequency try to lose weight your weight as per your height should be 80 85 keg target for around one to two kilogram loss per week kindly elaborate more regarding your symptom of feeling quite congested and full at times and how exactly this has affected your activity regarding the fullness if you feel a tightness in the abdomen when did it start how has it increased or decreased over the last couple of months do you have regular bowel movements or are you constipated a jumbo plate of salad and drinking three to four liters of water per day will help also it will help reduce weight did you ever need to visit the emergency for this pain if yes what treatment was given please upload the records any investigations done like an ultrasound of abdomen or blood investigations if yes please follow up with the reports if no then I think you should get the following investigations ultrasound of abdomen blood investigations hemoglobin hematocrit hit total leukocyte count tac platelet count test plt ear erythrocyte sedimentation rate serum sodium potassium creatinine urea ast aspartate aminotransferase alt alanine aminotransferase all alkaline phosphatase bilirubin albumin amylase you may require an endoscopy later get back with these questions and investigations or follow up with your doctor in case of severe pain go to a good hospital rather than to stay home and take painkillers
hello doctor I have pain in my left upper abdomen and feels like something is about to bulge out I smoke and drink too I feel quite congested and full at times and it has affected my activity too sometimes the pain radiates to the back and I have difficulty in breathing as well I am 2 in height but weighs around 10kg I had reactive arthritis with spondyloarthropathy when I was 17 years old and last year I was diagnosed with costochondritis sometimes I take etoricoxib 120 my
low severity
why am I not getting my period even after taking I pill and meprate
hi do not worry you have nothing to worry about as you have pod polycystic ovarian disease your ovulation will not be on time as you mentioned that he did not ejaculate and you took I pill within 24 hours chances of pregnancy are very low meprate is a hormone pill that increases the inner lining of the uterus and when you suddenly stop it cause withdrawal bleeding usually you can wait up to 10 days after stopping because you had I pill and meprate your period would have got postponed so I would advise you to wait for periods till 10 days after the last day of meprate if still no periods just for confirmation get urine pregnancy tested I bet it will be negative then take any of the oral contraceptive pills like novelone or ovrel or dear 21 or diane 35 or intimacy plus twice a day for 10 days throw that extra last tab you will surely get periods within the next 10 days if you get periods in between just stop the pills in pod the inner lining of the uterus may not be thick enough so your periods will be light sometimes with pink discharge only so no withdrawal bleeding with meprate these pills will increase the thickness next time onwards never have unprotected sex to avoid these anxious moments I hope this helps
hi doctor I had intercourse he did not ejaculate and took an I pill the next day I am suffering from pod and by doctor prescription I took meprate for seven days twice daily but still no sign of periods what can be the causes also after taking the I pill there is no withdrawal bleeding my last period was before two months and it is causing stress and I am overthinking please help
medium severity
do receptive anal sex result in uncomfortable lump at the anus opening
hello welcome to icliniq com I have seen the picture you have uploaded it appears to be thrombosed piles it takes a few days for it to settle down well but it is not anything sinister a few things would help to give relief take sit bath a large basin to be filled with warm water and a couple of spoons of common salt to be added and sit in it for 10 minutes twice a day take analgesic ibuprofen or paracetamol twice a day for five days laxatives fybogel for three days and laxido before bedtime for a week these would sort out the pain and discomfort you have higher chances of developing hemorrhoids piles in the long term do exercise regularly eat high fiber diet no restrictions in having nonvegetarian and reduce straining while opening bowels
hello doctor I see a lump at the opening of the anus it is been there for over a week it is not much painful but it is uncomfortable while sitting I am a 25 year old male it never happened before and no current medications
medium severity
how to have safe sex
hello I appreciate your awareness regarding safe sex and seeking opinion for it for further information consult a sexologist online
hi doctor I am a 23 year old male I am currently in a relationship with a girl I would like to have sexual affair with her but I am shy I request some tips on how to have safe sex and how to approach the entire act I have searched the internet but it is more confusing secondly I want my partner to try out blowjob is it safe what precaution should I take and how can I lubricate my penis thank you in advance
low severity
what is the safest way to fill the gap between the front teeth without braces
hello you have two options laminate veneers which are more esthetic and durable but comparatively expensive composite veneers which are esthetic but less durable compared to laminates
hello doctor I want to fill the gap in four of my front teeth and reduce the size of two front teeth that seems large than others what are the safest options if I do not use braces please suggest
low severity
an inflamed tissue in the right side of my throat is irritating what could it be
hi I went through your symptoms and pictures your fiber optic picture indeed shows some amount of changes of laryngopharyngeal reflux so even though you do not have acidity and reflux you still have some laryngeal reflux for which you will have to take a proton pump inhibitor tablet pantoprazole 20 my twice a day for one month the white area in your throat needs to be investigated by a throat swab for culture and sensitivity to know if it is actually a bacterial infection regarding nose block have the ent surgeon done a nasal endoscopy in your nose if yes what did he say if not done I will suggest go for a it computed tomography scan pins paranasal sinus axial and coronal view to be done to rule out sinusitis as if sinusitis is too much even then you have these symptoms I hope this helps
hello doctor for the past seven months I have been having the following symptoms they have gotten progressively worse until the point where it is severely affecting my quality of life to where it is hard to function in a normal lifestyle I have this really irritated inflamed and damaged area of tissue on the right side of my throat the area is white and it is covering the bottom half of my vocal cords I taste blood and pus I have an earache in one ear the same side that the throat irritation is on I feel weak faint and dizzy my nostrils are blocked I do not have a runny nose I do not have a regular stopped up nose either when I blow my nose nothing comes out it just feels like the back of my nostrils are blocked I have a lot of trouble breathing which causes my heart to beat very fast I breathe through my mouth but it is not the same I have no heart condition and my pulse never raced before this started happening my blood pressure is fine I have tried nose sprays to open up my nose sinus congestion medications allergy medications I do not have any allergies when the symptoms first started they were not bad but only got progressively worse I went to my primary care physician I was put on antibiotics while I was on the antibiotics and for about a week after my symptoms disappeared but then they came back I went back to my primary care physician he said that since the antibiotics helped the first time maybe another weeks worth would make the symptoms go away permanently the same thing happened while I was on antibiotics and about a week after my symptoms disappeared but only to reappear again I went back to my primary care physician he said that he could not put me on any more antibiotics he did a blood test to see if I have an infection the blood test came back negative for infection he sent me to an ear nose and throat doctor the ear nose and throat doctor did a fiberoptic laryngoscope he found the severely irritated spot in my throat he said it was probably acid reflux he sent me to a gastroenterologist the gastroenterologist performed an upper endoscopy he did not see any signs of acid reflux except for the severely irritated spot in my throat I do not have any of the symptoms of acid reflux even before I started taking protonic he put me on protonic I have been on protonic for two months now the symptoms have only gotten worse all of the symptoms are hard to deal with but I could learn to live with most of them if I had to the main symptom that concerns me is that not being able to breathe good and my pulse racing as a result of that I have a lot of questions but my biggest question is what I can do about my nor being able to breathe well and my pulse racing I have a picture I can send you of my throat when the fiberoptic laryngoscope was done I can send you if you think it would help
medium severity
my post delivery weight gain causes low back pain please help
hi I am sorry to hear about your pain but I will try my best to help you from history the lower back pain may be related to mechanical or disc protrusion pied or some rare conditions like a kidney stone or pelvic inflammatory disease mechanical and pied prolapsed herniated or extruded intervertebral disc can be differentiated by a dragging pain to one of your legs in pied dragging pain is common you may need an ray of your lower back this pain is not related to an epidural but as there is a pinching pain in front of the abdomen other causes should be ruled which is addressed with an ultrasound as per your age pied is a common symptom that is addressed initially with conservative management the diagnosis is confirmed with an mri if it is pied need not take bed rest you can do your daily activities if pain reduces completely then start physiotherapy back strengthening exercises
hello doctor I am 25 years old I have a year old and a year old kid after my son birth I have gained quite a bit of weight just a little over the obese range I say this because I do not know if it has anything to do with my problem I am writing because I am having trouble finding online information about my lower back pain behind the backbone it does not hurt all the time mainly there is constant pain while walking laying flat or when leaning forward without support also there is a real sharp pinch when my kids or spouse push on it either side I am not sure if this matters but once in a while when I stand from the couch there is a pinching pain in my lower front abdomen that goes away after a minute or two is there any idea you may have as to what is going on I have been dealing with my back for a year now and my spouse is starting to tell me to get it checked out I used to take only ibubrufen when I get headaches
low severity
how to treat old dark scars in legs
hello welcome to icliniq com first of all your scratching induced issues over the skin are not scars rather they are marks that too over a background of another mild skin condition that you seem to have scars are aberrations in the skin texture irrespective of the color change what you have is background of a mild skin condition called macular amyloidosis ma you may see light brown colored speckled pigmentation in coalescing patches over your leg shins these arise spontaneously mostly without any cause although friction contributes to it in terms of making it worsen and darker so do not scratch any further few marks these are the smaller spot like darker brown colored discrete and are a few in number a result of the healing of the skin over your pointed scratched areas now ma does not have a permanent treatment and also often does not need it may also affect the upper back and upper arms just have a look sometimes it tends to run in families moisturization with cetaphil dam lotion after bath and before sleeping tends to reduce the associated dryness itching as well as roughness of those areas but many times especially in girls and women ma is associated with thyearoid dysfunction so please get your serum ash thyearoid stimulating hormone blood test done for the brown marks that are bothering you will require a depigmenting cream to be applied in the night just over the spots and a broad spectrum sunscreen with spy 50 sun protection factor in the day time on the entire legs daily I believe cetaphil uva uv sunscreen or anthelios xl spy 60 or avenge sunscreen may be available to you over the counter use them daily over the entire legs and first coat to be applied at least half an hour before going out now I would not be able to tell you which depigmenting skin lightening creams are available in your place but you can check with your local pharmacist you could select from a range of combination creams that often contain varying proportions of hydroquinone koji acid glycolic acid arbutin azelaic acid mild steroid tretinoin vitamin or etc although it would be ideal that you get a prescription cream from your dermatologist till then you may for the short time 15 30 days only use one of these creams to be used as spot therapy only over the dark spots in minuscule quantities that too strictly at night and discontinue using it if it causes excessive redness peeling irritation etc additionally take some good oral anti oxidant capsule daily for two to three months for best management please revert back with the answers to my following queries do you have similar pigmentation over the back please send pictures in your response does your mother or other family members have a similar problem get your serum ash levels checked and let us know the value contact the pharmacist and try to procure and use the sunscreen and night cream in your response please tell us the brand that you procured and the contents of the skin whitening cream so that we could further advise you about its use and safety I hope this helps serum ash levels blood test to be given in a fasting state
hello doctor I have some scars on my legs from when I was a younger kid so when I was younger I fell and bruised and got scars sometimes I would scratch my scars and over time the scars become dark and they look ugly and since then I do not wear shorts or clothes that show my legs is there anything I could try to fade the scars or lighten them
low severity
I am bleeding more than a week after taking I ipll why
hello I read your message can you tell me in detail about your periods date of intercourse date of taking I pill and date on which bleeding started after I pill bleeding is expected for a few days but you said you got bleeding twice so please tell me all the dates so that I can conclude properly
hello doctor one week ago I had intercourse on my third day of the period and after approximately 30 hours of that I have taken an I pill from the next day of taking the pill I had severe back pain and lower abdomen pain which continues for one week and after one week I started bleeding and right now do not know why I am still bleeding is it my period that came again
medium severity
will bruxism lead to occasional dull jaw pain and teeth wear
hello I understand your concern this could be a temporomandibular joint taj issue temporo mandibular joint is the jaw joint between the upper jaw and the lower jaw and involves multiple and complex structures like a disc between two jaws chewing muscles and the joining bone structure a complete taj and dental evaluation should be done to determine what is causing your jaw pain and bruxism is not a condition but one of the main symptoms of a taj disorder it could be because of tensed chewing muscles disparity in the disc changes in jaw bone structure other than taj issues it could be due to psychological stress misaligned teeth multiple dental treatments recent dental injury or infection visit a taj specialist to identify the cause initially a splint similar to your night guard called deprogrammed appliance will be suggested as a diagnostic appliance to identify the cause once the cause is determined the treatment depends on it I hope this helps
hello doctor I have been having a little bit of jaw pain from time to time and also a dull pain in different teeth at different times I suffer from bruxism and have a custom dental night guard but for the last month I am feeling pain as if I am grinding at night the dental guard split in half but it still fits perfectly the infrequent systems started before this split what could be happening I try to be conscious not to clench or grind during the day but two weeks ago the dull pain in my molars required me to take anvil what could be happening I hope it is not wearing my teeth further I am more concerned with this than the pain
low severity
is bleeding gum a sign of leukemia
hello I have seen your reports can you tell a few things like do you have any fever or night sweats any bleeding from anywhere else yes leukemia cause gum bleeds but it is not the most common cause usually the cause of gum bleeds is gingivitis or poor dental hygiene or vigorous brushing as the reports are generated by an automatic counter there is a chance of variation in abc complete blood count if it is not abnormal there is no need to worry I would advise you to repeat abc along with peripheral smear if it is normal no need worry usually in leukemia you will have low platelets and very high abc count as per the above reports it is not suggesting any serious problem I would be happy to help if you have any further questions
hello doctor I have extreme fear of leukemia after hearing about it through my friend I read on the internet that leukemia causes bleeding gums the next day I noticed blood from my gums and was extremely scared after a lot of tension I showed elevated abc of 1800 I was sure that I had leukemia however I waited for two and a half months and repeated the abc it is 10400 why is my abc not getting low the only symptom I have is my gingivitis I do not understand what is wrong with me I also read that cancer causes gingivitis I am attaching my two abc reports please help to get rid of this tension
medium severity
I am having shortness of breath with a feeling of paralysis of nasal passage please help
hello can you send me a picture of your throat clear one I want to see if your posterior pharyngeal wall or tonsils are infected are you a diabetic what problem do you have in your nose is it like a nose block shortness of breath can be due to nose block as well do you have any posterior nasal drip any coarseness of voice or cough while eating or drinking these symptoms are suggestive of vocal cord paralysis do you consume alcohol or do you smoke any problem of acid reflux
hello doctor for the past week I have been experiencing a scratchy feeling on just the left side of my throat right below my adams apple region now it feels as though whatever it is has transformed into a feeling of paralysis from my voice box up to behind my left nasal passage I am also experiencing shortness of breath
high severity
can laughing fits preceding panic attack be elastic seizure
hello I would like to know if she has strange behavior during all the time fluctuations in her mood sometimes cries and sometimes feels euphoric if she stays alone time after time feeling depressive and other times trying to attract the other attention being euphoric and impulsive in such a case I would think about a psychiatric disorder otherwise I would recommend performing an eg electroencephalogram in order to exclude possible elastic seizures a brain mri magnetic resonance imaging would be necessary too I hope this helps
hello doctor an 18 year old female lying in bed with no stimulus like to and has a laughing fit she cannot stop laughing then could not breathe so she had a panic attack and began crying she has had similar situations about once per year for the last four to five years can this be a elastic seizure she is underinsured and would like to do nothing but if it is likely something dangerous causing it she will have to see someone medications depo shot three months for birth control vyvanse lisdexamfetamine for add taken in the past sometimes prescribed as high as 90 my per day she is not taking now as she has graduated high school and does not think she needs it when not in school
medium severity
had treatment for rectal cancer before years what iss the chance of recurrence
hello as per your reports your mammography is normal it computed tomography shows retroperitoneal lymph nodes and multiple hypodense lesions chances for breast cancer recurring after 10 years are usually unlikely what can you tell about your baseline stage of cancer breast and cancer rectum as serum sea levels are normal there is discordant radiology and serological picture I would like to view it films and if previous it films are available the it is definitely abnormal liver lesions can be simple cysts too if that is the case I would not give much importance to retroperitoneal nodes and just advise you to be in close follow up may be repeat sea and it after three months there are no definite guidelines for this type of situation and the plan of action depends on experience and clinical judgment regards how likely is the recurrence if symptomatic I would advise you to follow up most likely the picture looks like recurrence of cancer rectum but as treatment was completed more than three years ago recurrence this late is not common and chances of different diagnosis like to tuberculosis or invective cause can also be there
hello doctor I am a 64 year old female operated cancer breast and cancer rectum I completed the treatment for breast cancer I underwent neoadjuvant cart and anterior resection with covering ileostomy for cancer rectum I completed adjutant chemotherapy and ileostomy closure done my it thorax shows multiple enlarged left retro pectoral nodes
high severity
the red lesion in my skin gets more redder on scratching or heat exposure why
hi I have seen the photos attahment removed to protect patient identity it is not clear I want to know about your age exact morphology site of rash any disease present or treatment taken and diagnosis made for either of the lesions please send clear photos of both the lesions and all details and any other lesions if present I will try to help you it may be allergy or infection or else
hi doctor I have a dry red small area on my face for years now I went to my dermatologist and he told me to buy a cream I do not remember the name it worked for a while but after it stopped working the redness gets redder when it is hot I sweat on my face or if I scratch it does not itch at all nor have any other redness anywhere I had dandruff but I am using dandruff shampoos for years now and do not have anymore I have another thing to say I have a small lump on my thumb it has been there for one year but these days I smashed it a little and it got bigger when I press on it hurts and it does not look like a wart what can I do for these issues I will upload the photos please help
medium severity
will similar group of drugs cause unnecessary problems in a heart patient
hi let us evaluate all medications your father is receiving diagnosis valvotomy cad with mi coronary artery disease with myocardial infarction and ca cerebrovascular accident recovered tablet metoprolol is essential in patients with heart attacks as it slows the heart and keeps it healthy so we cannot omit that the dose is already very low and so we cannot reduce it further tablet losartan again essential in people with heart attacks it is a disease modifying drug the dose is already less and cannot be reduced but yes the timing can be changed to alternate with metoprolol one in the morning and one in the evening the danger is giving potassium tablet losartan and digoxin and can cause increased potassium levels and giving more potassium is highly dangerous the doctor might have given for some time but it has to be stopped now warfarin is given for stroke prevention my is a minimal dose it cannot be removed as stroke prevention is essential timing can be made flexible atorvastatin is for heart attack prevention ideally can be taken at bedtime frusemide is a diuretic there is no specific reason to give this in your case the only issue I can think of is because of the valve surgeries they want to keep blood volume low this can be discussed and removed ideally can be given in the morning about aspirin it should not be given when you are giving warfarin remove it if it is still on if the blood becomes very thin then there are chances of brain hemorrhages I hope this helps
hello doctor my father recently had a heart attack and a stroke then had two heart valves repaired and they want to put a stent in his list of medications does not seem to make sense and although he loves his cardiologist I do not think he is paying enough attention I am in the medical field and although I am not a pharmacist or an d I know a little bit about adverse drug reactions tell me if this makes sense to you metoprolol tartrate 25 my half pill twice a day potassium chloride 20 me once daily losartan potassium 25 my once daily warfarin sodium my once daily atorvastatin 20 my digoxin 25 mug once daily and furosemide 40 my once daily I need to know if these medications are fine to take all in one day and if so I would like to split them into two times a day according to the reactions I feel that so many medications doing the same thing is redundant and unnecessary and causing problems please help me
medium severity
kindly interpret my it scan report for perforated ear
hi you have right sided chronic otitis media which is a common type of chronic middle ear infection it is common to have recurrent ear discharge in this condition because of the perforated eardrum since your ear is dry for three years you need not worry much as far as it computed tomography findings are concerned sclerosis of the mastoid is common in patients with perforation of eardrum with earlier infections it is absolutely normal in you to have these findings there is nothing to worry about maxillary retention cyst is a common incidental finding in routine it scan and not a problem to worry about if you do not have nose related problems dna with spur if asymptomatic like nose block is also a common incidental finding and can be present in many normal individuals so your it scan report can be considered normal for all practical purposes
hello doctor I am a 40 year old male I have perforated right ear for the past 20 years and get discharges on various occasions and treated every time but I have no discharges for the last three years as a routine checkup I am asked for a it scan and the findings are as follows right sided mastoid air cells are partially sclerosed with reduction pneumatization however no collection is seen at present in mastoid air cell or middle ear cavity right maxillary small retention cyst mild dna with nasal septal spur I have no problem in the ear except a tension pull in nerves veins around the right ear while moving my head to and fro I am currently taking antibiotics and montelukast my lab report shows abc 9600 see you my neutrophils 74 lymphocytes 18 monocytes 01 eosinophils 07 basophils ear first hour 06 my
medium severity
will clindamycin phosphate cause dry and flaky pubis
hi it is not clear about your age the exact morphology duration symptoms treatment taken etc can you please send the photos and details so that we can get the real picture of the rash it is good that you have been tested negative for studs sexually transmitted diseases it is not clear what lotion was prescribed I consider it may be for scabies or calamine lotion both can cause dryness and flaky use gentle soaps or cleansers like cetaphil to wash the area if the area is already shaven you can apply moisturizer cream or lotion stop applying the lotion given which might be causing you this or maybe due to other conditions it is unlikely to be any sad so you can relax and be free of any anxiety take antihistamine tablets like cetirizine if any itching or allergy please get back to me with details and photos for a more correct assessment of the situation and management
hello doctor my pubic area is white flaky and dry I was prescribed a lotion last month for folliculitis bumps and it went away now this problem persists I got tested for sad two months ago everything was fine
low severity
do negative troponin rule out heart problem inspire of chest pain
hello I understand your concern your troponin was normal this is good because that was not heart attack regarding your egg electrocardiogram I do not know what was the abnormality I want to see your egg to guide you accordingly one thing I would stress that please reduce your weight as obesity is the most to many unwelcomed diseases obesity is a field in which cardiac diseases grow only reducing weight will solve many of your symptoms and worries regarding your chest pain it is atypical and does not seem to be related to the heart take painkillers when you have pain
hello doctor I am a year old female I get random chest pain either on the left side or on the right side that is painful to touch there are some instances when it feels like my chest is going to collapse this feeling lasts for a second or two almost like a lightning bolt has shocked me there are other times where I feel like something is pinching or pressing on my left or right side of the chest I have been diagnosed with costochondritis and herd and prescribed anti inflammatory pills plus omeprazole I also have high blood pressure and high cholesterol for which I take losartan 25 my hydrocholorithazide 25 my and fenofibrate 145 my once daily I had an ekg done and that turned out normal I went to the clinic two weeks ago as I had pain in the middle of my chest that lasted less than a minute I had an ekg done again and it turned out abnormal my blood pressure was elevated at 130 100 mhg and I was having an anxiety attack although ekg was abnormal blood tests came out normal and troponin was negative I am totally freaking out doctor says that I am fine but I should see a cardiologist to rule out heart problems I am worried because several months ago my ekg was perfectly fine but now it is abnormal please help
high severity
will shilajit and ashwagandha help to regain lost power and memory due to masturbation
hello this is not abnormal in this age please take the following drugs rathina purush capsule one in the morning and one at night with a cup of milk gnanavalli capsules one in the morning and two in the evening these drugs are available in siddha and ayurveda pharma these are the two major drugs for your issues you may contact local ayurvedic medical shops to get it shilajit and ashwagandha these two are supplementary and very useful you can take shilajit one in the morning one after lunch and one in the evening ashwagantha legium is better go in the morning go after lunch and go after dinner all these four drugs are to be taken after food for three months they rejuvenate you and boost your energy level also your memory will be improved you can consume more dry grapes grape juice pomegranate juice and add more curd or buttermilk in your diet you need to apply brahma hair oil to hair and wait for 30 minutes then take a bath this should be done every alternate day in the morning this is to maintain normal body temperature
hello doctor I am 19 years old and weighs about 65 keg I am suffering from masturbation effects like leg pain fatigue night fall body weakness and weak memory I also think that my hair are getting thin and I lost my few hairs from the top of my head I masturbate for the last seven years in the beginning I do excess masturbation like four to five times a day but now I controlled it and I usually do once or twice a week I tried a lot to stop it but cannot stop it I need your help please suggest me some medicine to recover from the side effects of it can I take shilajit and ashwagandha both or not and in which dose I should take it please give me some suggestion to gain my memory power
low severity
I have black patches on the periphery of feet what can it be
hello follow up after 21 days to a dermatologist online
hi doctor I have skin allergy on feet black patches on periphery of feet lack of moisture in those areas causing wide open cracks and even the flesh are exposed outside I have attached the pictures for your reference kindly guide thank you
low severity
I have a bump in my scrotum after safe sex will it be a genital wart
hello I went through your query and picture and honestly it does not seem to be anything related to sexually transmittable disease it is not a wart too you did not mention whether it is painful or exhibiting any other symptoms and the consistency of lesion so it is impossible to make a diagnosis only with the picture of a raised nodule without close inspection and palpation for further information consult a hiv aids specialist online
hi doctor I had a protected sex with escort 15 days ago we did not keep it simple stupid or do anything without a condom today I noticed a bump next to my scrotum that looks like a wart I cannot remember whether it was there before I just noticed it today and it seems to burn it terrifies me that it may be a genital wart but it is tucked away behind the scrotum where there was never any contact so I am hopeful that it is something else no tests are performed yet my last sad was nearly years ago and came back negative please help me
medium severity
is listeria infection fatal for a baby
hi I went through your query for further information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hello doctor my wife is 18 weeks pregnant last night we went out for dinner and she ordered a shrimp cocktail the shrimp seems a bit off and so she only ate or then we returned them she also felt a little unwell the next morning but she had no fever her temperature was 34 degree celsius we have heard horror stories about listeria and pregnancy in addition to other things with eating fish and shrimp could this be a problem should we go and see our doctor are there any tests she can do to see if she caught anything if so what are the risks to the baby anything else you think we should know about or do please advice us thank you in advance
high severity
I have watery eyes eyelid swelling and redness why is it so
hi revert back with the photographs to an eye care ophthalmologist online
hi doctor when I wake up in the morning I have watery eyes eyelid swelling and redness the symptoms get clear in some half an hour to a maximum of hours and then it remains fine the entire day please help with this
medium severity
can excessive computer exposure cause dry eyes
hi it is very good to know that you have improved drastically for further information consult an eye care ophthalmologist online
hi doctor I am using artificial tear drops during the day and an artificial tear gel in the night before going to bed for dry eyes in most of the days I feel a lot better however one day or another I have the same symptoms or watery eyes and redness and minor blurred vision this happens with the left eye however I also have redness on the other one these symptoms started very mildly and then started to get worse currently I am using risperidone some things I would like you to know are I have been spending 9 hours in front of my computer in the last 4 years I also use my smartphone to play games and read emails I feel a lot better when I spend only 3 hours on the computer on the previous day I also have mild redness during the day if I am at a computer screen for 2 hours without interruption I have been diagnosed with rhinitis too my questions are can my problem be caused by a cumulative and excessive computer exposure without often breaks and for the last 4 years if yes what is your recommendation for improving I am finishing my pod in thesis and I would like to use the computer if not what else could be the cause of my dry eyes also the last time when I had conjunctivitis an optometrist detected a spot in my cornea on a slit lamp examination and 10 hours later I was diagnosed with a corneal infiltrate due to an eye infection by a general doctor can corneal infiltrates show as spots on a slit lamp examination is it possible that I have these symptoms much more intense on the left eye I have a higher uncorrected eye myopia and astigmatism in the same
low severity
what can be a soft lump on penis that is tender to touch
hello I have gone through your case history and would help you as best as possible to get your son out of the problem that is bothering I have had several patients with similar complaints during my practice our best wishes to you and your son for his early recovery revert back with the photographs to a dermatologist online
hi doctor my son has a large soft lump on the penis partially covered by pubic hair it has a blister like appearance but it is not he says it is tender to touch what is this and should we do anything about it also there does not appear to be any liquid coming from it please help
low severity
inspire of taking vigour tablets my sperm count did not increase why
hello revert back with the reports after 14 days to an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hi doctor I am years old it has been years since I got married and have one daughter aged years my main concern is my wife is not getting pregnant she is undergoing gynecology checkup all her test reports are normal I am much tensed at this moment I think my sperm count is low and not thick because years back suddenly I realized my penis not getting hard too much and also not able to have intercourse for more than two minutes I searched on internet and found a pill called vigour 300 I ordered and took as described it really worked and I started taking this pill every time while having intercourse I had 10 packs consists of 100 pills then again used another 10 pack of vigour 800 now my sex capacity is normal but still I am not able to get my wife pregnant I observed that my sperm color has changed from white to yellow and quantity is very minimum but not thick as before I really want to get my wife pregnant please suggest some measures thank you
medium severity
my eye looks dilated after using contact lens for 12 hours what to do
hello for further information consult an eye care ophthalmologist online
hi doctor I used contact lens for more than 12 hours and also applied eye drops twice during that time my left eye had slight pain but I ignored it next morning left eye looks dilated and off center what to do
low severity
what are the reasons for stomach pain and loose motions in a year old
hello welcome to clinic com I have thoroughly gone through your case and can well understand your genuine health concerns revert back with the test reports to an internal medicine physician online
hi doctor my son is year old four days before he had stomach pain and loose motion he passed loose motion for about 3 times a day we gave him anafortan syearup for stomach pain next day he felt better today again he has light stomach pain and went potty but not too loose I again I have given him anafortan syearup our family doctor is out of station I do not want him to miss his school please suggest me what should I do can I give him pecef 50 my or could you suggest any medicine
medium severity
during pregnancy when will the gender of the baby be more accurate
hello I understand your concern for further information consult a fetal medicine specialist online
hi doctor I am 30 years old I am 26 weeks pregnant my baby remained breech so far but a few days back got cephalic my sonographer said baby is female but she got mild enlarged clitoris then I went to my regular doctor and she rejected it she said that at this level and in this situation gender appears the same so do not believe in it can you tell me whom should I believe
medium severity
how to improve my sugar level
hi for further information consult an endocrinologist online
hi doctor my diabetes started as gestational diabetes around seven years back I am taking novorapid 24 units three times a day and lantus 30 units at night daily but my blood sugar levels are not at all coming down previously I took tablet zoryl my and I am using these insulin for the past six months but there is no improvement in my sugar levels also my hba1c is greater than please help
medium severity
I seem to be suffering from some kind of grounding disorder what is it
hi I can understand your feelings of detachment treatment for further information consult an internal medicine physician online
hi doctor I have been suffering from some kind of derealization or something for the past five years it seems to be related to a bunch of vitamins I took to treat autism anyway I seem to be suffering from some kind of grounding disorder that has a lot to do with the kinds of principles that lawrence barsalou is always writing about also I really miss being an ocd control freak who likes to do everything the old fashion way and has the entire future planned out to the tiniest detail I felt a lot more productive that way I think the best way to treat all this is with medication and cognitive behavioral therapy currently I am having adderall and prozac
low severity
I am having pain in the scrotum is it torsion or detorsion
hi revert back with the investigation reports to a urologist online
hi doctor I am a 48 years old male I do not have diabetes or hypertension I had on and off pain in the scrotum for two months I felt better after I had a course of doxycycline for seven days but one day I ran to catch a bus and at that time I felt some pain again I am experiencing the on and off pain but this time the pain is restricted to the area in the left scrotum my general surgeon advised me ofloxacin for a week and then I had doppler urine and blood examination my high resolution color doppler ultrasound findings are as follows left tests 40 21 29 my normal in size and echotexture there is no mass or lesion or calcification seen right tests 46 19 26 my normal in size and echotexture there is no mass lesion or calcification seen epididymis is normal in size and echotexture right 10 and left 9 there is no evidence of hydrocele and varicocele is it torsion and detorsion will doppler show that also advise further investigations please guide me thanks
high severity
do I need to take medicine for high levels of ldl
hi we are here to help you revert back after the repeat test to a cardiologist online
hello doctor I am 43 years old I do not smoke or drink but my food habits are not very good recently I got my blood checked for apo apo a and the ratio was really bad at 6 the triglyceride is around 474 and this rose from 270 around three months back my hel is 26 lil 16 and to 237 let me explain that my last 60 days diet which was really high on rice and oil I also had a lot of cashew nuts in the last 30 days before this checkup fasting sugar is 14 and postprandial 170 may I know whether I need to start taking any medication or this can be taken care of by exercise my last three years blood report has been showing elevated reports of lil around 180 and my to has been around 270 I have always maintained my blood glucose level within the normal range but this time it has overshot 14 my be has always been bang on 120 80 mhg please advice
medium severity
will steroid make sperm a weak swimmer
hi we are here to help you for further information consult an internal medicine physician online
hi doctor I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend who is on steroids I read that steroids will make sperm weak swimmers is that true also after the unprotected sex I took plan one step immediately what is the possibility of getting pregnant what are the early symptoms of pregnancy and when do they start
medium severity
what is reversed a wave in doppler
hi I went through your query and I totally understand your situation for further doubts consult a fetal medicine specialist online
hi doctor I am pregnant with ma twins we have been told that one twin has a reversed a wave what possible outcomes can this have for the twin please explain thanks
medium severity
I am having problems with my whole skeletal system please help
hi revert back with the asked details to a chiropractor online
hi doctor I am a 20 year old male my height is 3 and weight is 180 pounds I am having problems with my whole skeletal system my right knee snaps when I extend my leg and my left hip has some pain my left foot appears longer from heal to big toe and my right leg appears longer from the knee to the ground I have been diagnosed with minor scoliosis and one shoulder appears higher than the other I have minor neck pain plus my calf muscles get so tight and they hurt
medium severity
can a diabetic patient have brown rice
hello your levels are indicating that you are diabetic but the values are not that high enough to start on medications I recommend you to start diabetic diet and exercise regularly also repeat your fasting blood sugar fbi postprandial blood sugar pubs and hba1c glycated hemoglobin after three months diet to be followed exercise to be followed revert back with sugar reports after three months to a diabetologist online
hi doctor I am a 38 year old male my height is feet height and weight is 90 keg I have been a hypertensive for the past ten years my fasting sugar generally comes in the range of 100 to 130 up 140 to 170 and arc level is should I start medicine for this for hypertension I am taking loser in the morning and amtas at night all other tests such as lipid kit let thyearoid etc are normal
low severity
why do they send a mole biopsy sample for second opinion
hi for further clarification consult a pathologist online
hi doctor I had a mole removed from my leg the pathology laboratory has sent my sample to another laboratory for second opinion why would they do that
medium severity