6 values
what can cause slipping rib
hi for further information consult a chiropractor online
hi doctor I have one rib out of its place I think it is third or fourth one next to my sternum once a doctor put it back but it has slipped out again can you guide me through this
low severity
my daughter is very thin please suggest few weight gaining products
hello other options for her are revert back for further details to an internal medicine physician online
hello doctor my daughter is 21 years old and is very thin her weight is only keg and height is 4 since her birth she is of low weight and does not have any medical problems kindly advice some treatment plan that would help her to increase her weight how long will it take for her to gain weight with medicines kindly suggest few weight gaining products suitable for her
high severity
do I need to take insulin with fbi 271 and pubs level 475
hello for further information consult a diabetologist online
hi doctor I am a 70 year old female my weight is 60 keg I am a known case of niddm I am on glimepiride my bid and repaglinide bid but my fbi is 271 and pubs is 457 is there any solution to lower my sugar without insulin for me insulin was already prescribed but still I have not started
medium severity
is it advisable to get angioplasty done for mitral stenosis
hello I am sorry to hear about your mother poor health condition there is a very good chance that angioplasty can help with the 100 blockage alongside a stent she is still young if she can adhere to lifestyle modifications and medications it will help rotablator or ives can definitely help with clearing the clogged arteries although they also will require tenting because the site of the clogged arteries have become weak and will require tenting as support in situations like this I advise angiography for my patient the recovery period is shorter and patients are able to live a quality life with modification of lifestyle and medication it is not safe for her to undergo the stress of traveling at this time
hello doctor my mother age 59 had an ischemic attack recently trop test positive cpu mb elevated she has had a bev for her mitral stenosis two years back she is currently in the icu on medicinal therapy anti thrombotics she underwent an angiogram yesterday report and video attached her ca is 100 percent chronically occluded lda and lex have 70 percent and 90 percent occlusion respectively I have the following questions what the chance that angioplasty can help the total occlusion in her lex will a newer technology like rotablator ivus increase chances of clearing the totally occluded artery we are in a center that does not have surgical facilities so a bypass surgery will require shifting her to a another hospital how safe is it to do angioplasty in this situation and would you consider it risky to shift her to a bigger city that will involve 5 hours of road travel after which we can wait followed by a 5 hour long flight
high severity
why does a patient with pod have an urge to urinate always
hello since you are a patient of polycystic kidney disease you will be more prone for urinary tract infections urinary stones or cysts which could burst and form clots which can result in obstruction one cannot be sure unless you get a sonography done since you say you get urges for urinating and you cannot pass I think you should go to emergency room er and get yourself checked I would advise you to get a complete blood count serum creatinine urine routine and sonography try to keep a chart of the amount of urine you pass and fluids you drink daily and a daily weight chart let me know the laboratory reports for pain use safe painkillers like paracetamol and tramadol revert back after the tests to a nephrologist online
hi doctor I am 17 years old I was born with polycystic kidney disease when I was 14 I was diagnosed as I was having severe chest pain and dizzy spells I am currently four months postpartum since my son was born I have not been able to use the bathroom as frequently as most it never caused me pain or anything up until about a week ago for the past one week I pee once a day I feel the urge to pee all the time but I cannot no matter how hard I try the pain is entirely unbearable at this point I drink plenty of water a day I have even tried cranberry juice but nothing has helped I have put off going to the hospital for the fear of being admitted but I cannot any longer I want a professional opinion do you think I need to suck it up and go to the er or is there anything I am not doing that you think might help please guide
medium severity
patient with metastatic carcinoma has severe diarrhea please help
hello revert back after investigations to a radiation oncologist online
hi doctor my mother is having metastatic carcinoma and went through radiotherapy now she has got severe diarrhea swelling in face and do not like to eat food please help
medium severity
what do the echo reports of an 18 days old baby suggest
hi I have gone through the echocardiogram reports normal breastfeeding and monitoring of symptoms keep close contact with pediatricians for further clarification consult a paediatrician online
hi doctor please find the attached echo reports of my 18 days old baby boy please review and give your feedback thank you
low severity
what is the best treatment option for wisdom tooth decay extraction or restoration
hello I understand your concern and I have studied your ray the tooth is divided into the crown part and the root part the tooth structure till the bone level from top is called the crown and beyond that is root more than one half of the crown part is decayed and the decay had started penetrating the root part too if you notice the ray you could see the infection penetrated the root and weakened the adjacent bone too the gap between the root and bone on the left side of ray the infection has engulfed one of the roots completely the ideal treatment for this tooth is removal I extraction if the same scenario occurred in a tooth other than the wisdom tooth I the third molar I would have definitely advised you to save the tooth the reasons for advising extraction the wisdom tooth is highly unstable and there are more chances of secondary infection even after a good root canal treatment it carries out less than of chewing extracting it will not make much difference to your chewing efficiency oral hygiene maintenance in the wisdom tooth area is highly challenging which caused your decay in the first place our brush does not reach that far any treatment like fillings and root canal treatment in wisdom tooth may lead to jaw issues in the future because of its unstable nature I hope this helps
hello doctor I am suffering from tooth decay of my third molar should I go for extraction or is there any way to save my tooth
medium severity
kindly explain about the causes and management of acne scarring
hello during severe active acne inflammatory process leads to scarring if it is not properly treated or treated late during course of acne so treatment of acne is very important both early and according to recommendations because inflammation leads to destruction of collagen fires in skin resulting in scar formation people should use products that contain collagen hyaluronic acid elastic the natural ingredients present in our skin and maintain its contour and give it even surface scarring can be more difficult to treat in darker skin type because of heavy melanin pigmentation present naturally in their skin which also take part in inflammatory process occurring during acne once scarring occur it is not possible that it get improved on its own or without any treatment different options available for scars are topical gels and chemical peeling apart from that cop fractional laser is also available to get rid of it chemical peeling is a method by which skin is stimulated to produce more collagen and making the skin scar free and improving its texture the more effective treatment is fractional laser that helps in stimulating fibroblasts increasing collagen production and improving acne scars people can use topical gels containing collagen if they do not want to undergo procedures sunscreen do not have much role to play for prevention of scarring early and proper treatment of acne is needed oral retinoids are recommended to prevent scarring
hello doctor what causes acne scarring what ingredients should people be looking for to diminish them in the products they use is scarring more difficult to get rid of on darker skin tones if so please explain why is it possible to achieve complete removal of this without getting something like a chemical peel how effective are peels and other cosmetic procedures for this issue which procedures would you say are the most effective for people who do not want to undergo a cosmetic procedure what are some things they can do on their own to help sunscreen is there any way to prevent scarring from occurring if so please explain
low severity
I have swelling in foreskin with itching and pain during sex why
hello the foreskin of your glans is edematous and little inflammatory this condition may be due to vigorous sexual activity against the dry vagina or may be due to local infection possibility of balanoposthitis so you may check blood sugar levels complete blood picture wear soft cotton related innerwear apply clotrimazole plus betamethazone gel locally twice a day for five days use tablet fluconazole 150 my once a week for five weeks if no improvement get it done local swab culture and microscope but do not worry it is a simple condition it may subside within one to two weeks take care
hello doctor I am 24 years old student recently during a sexual intercourse I felt an acute pain after which I suddenly stopped the next day I had swelling all around my penis it seems like the foreskin has swollen I was a bit worried so I visited the go here who advised me to take anti bacterial anti fungal and anti inflammatory medicines the dosage is over but the swelling still persists the penis and genital area feels itchy at times and sometimes has a foul smell too the medications recommend by the go were as follows co amoxiclav 500 125 aciclovir ibuprofen 400 my I have a regular partner with whom I indulge in sexual intercourse is this a classic case of balanitis please tell me what to do
low severity
there is chest pain with high be is it due to heart attack
hello heart attack in your grandfather case is diagnosed on the basis of comb and qualitative troponin tests comb is not specific test to diagnose heart attack and it may come positive in many other conditions same is the case with qualitative troponin test yes but if there is no kidney problem no severe infection in body and patient has chest discomfort then we can say its heart attack egg may help in making diagnosis as well echocardiography is overall normal to diagnose heart attack best tests are egg and quantitative troponin I test if your grandfather still has chest pain I would advise go directly for angiography and then angioplasty if indicated on angiography if your father has no chest pain then go for a test called stress echocardiography or myocardial perfusion imaging and if positive for changes consistent with heart attack then angioplasty please note in some cases angioplasty is preferred and in some cases bypass is preferred that is decided on many factors including angiography report patient overall condition and patients wish in some cases of very frail old peoples only medical treatment is preferred and no angioplasty or bypass is attempted this also depends upon overall condition of the patient and angiography report in any case whether angioplasty bypass or only medical treatment medicines are continued throughout life keeping in view contraindications and side effects of medicines please tell about overall health of your grandfather any other diseases he is suffering from such as kidney diseases lung problems walking issues etc also show me his egg and other reports if already done when overall picture scenario of patient is in mind then I can guide you properly for further management
hello doctor my grandfather is feeling chest pain and high be since last days we admitted him to the hospital and according to the doctor he had a mild heart attack we want a second opinion about his health condition and further treatment I will attach the reports
low severity
is gastroenteritis contagious
hello it is a classical food related infection it is gastroenteritis if those symptoms of stooling and vomiting have subsided then he is free you are safe with him if there are no more symptoms he is no longer contagious if you both keep good personal hygiene if there is not contamination of your food or water and there will not be any infections wash your hands with soap and water after using the toilet keep the environment clean these measures will prevent germs from your environment
hello doctor last saturday my partner while temporarily at his mother home got sick then following day evening he was diagnosed with gastrointestinal bacterial infection most likely from coli bacteria by a home visit doctor service who gave him something for his symptoms next day no more vomiting but still other symptoms are present and the next day most symptoms eased or gone except gastritis and diarrhea and since yesterday all symptoms are gone my question is how long number of days after his recovery it is safe for him to return home so his body is no longer contagious as we have not seen each other in person since he stayed at his mother home I do not want to afford the risk of being exposed to this infection
low severity
can high be with migraine cause stroke
hello I would largely comment from cardiac point of view so overall other than be your cardiac status is normal your heart function is normal and no rwma your blood vessels were clean on it coronary angiography so I do not think there is anything to worry from cardiac perspective regarding chest pain if be is elevated then it can cause some strain over the heart and cause chest pain but it would be limited to time during which be is elevated now considering that you did not have any chest pain during stress test and be was elevated during stress test pain is probably unrelated to be or heart if you are having any ventricular ectopic or extra beats then it can cause some dull ache in chest now other aspect is be you have tendency for be elevation due to your genetic make up which is part of cos etc how much do you weigh also your psychological issues tend to worsen be may rise during exercising and considering your high be tendency it may excessively rise during exercising other factors which can worsen be is stress high salt intake like pickles nsaids like brufen or other pain killers migraine medicines or even any pain can worsen be so avoid pain killers other than paracetamol or tramadol plenty of fruits have low salt diet regular exercises try to keep weight under control if be elevates then you may have an additional dose of telmisartan maximum you may up to 80 my in a day also while taking be readings you should keep your arm relaxed take 3 readings at a time and take be after rest of 10 min if be is rising persistently in the evening then additional dose of telmisartan may be added in the afternoon hours before the expected be rise your average in last abpm was fine and occasional high readings are not worrisome regarding inflammation best way to settle inflammation is healthy lifestyle like avoiding fatty oily and high calorie diet having regular exercises like brisk walking or running according to capacity also you should get your lipid profile done and stations like rosuvastatin prescribed to settle this inflammation dinner should be light now regarding your stroke risk it is better to get a neurologist opinion the changes may be related to inadequate be in the past but you should also obtain carotid artery doppler for source of emboli also transesophageal echo should be obtained to rule out possibility of patent formanen oval as a source of emboli
hello doctor I am 42 years old single parent with two kids aged 15 and 10 the last 19 years I have had several stress related in my view ailments history erratic bowel syndrome 19 years back corrected now polycystic ovaries corrected now was on metformin for one year severe migraines twice a week that lasted 3 days corrected now hyperthyearoidism which got over corrected to hypothyearoidism and therefore medication was stopped was on eltroxin 25 mug I was diagnosed with be issues and chest pain years back I was on lonzaep for anxiety and prothiaden 50 my a day ten 25 my for be had a c for continuous periods biopsy was clear ten was stopped and nebistar my once a day was initiated by my cardiologist along with 20 my telmisartan I was also diagnosed with arterial stiffness persiscope cardiovascular analysis report enclosed I experienced alopecia and lost almost all my hair I got it back after treatment the cardiologist increased thelma to twice daily 20 my along with nebistar my recently my concerns and questions the be continues to fluctuate going as high as 170 10 and then dropping very suddenly to very low be rises typically in the evenings while it is very low at night I understand that this is the case naturally while I understand the concept of be fluctuating all day and looking at the average I am worried that when it is very low I am probably aggravating the situation by taking a medicine to low it further app reports taken all these years are enclosed when the be is high mostly I have chest discomfort and pain in the chest for 4 days and then subsides on its own I am concerned that my arteries are inflamed please see reports on high sensitivity reactive protein when I had continuous migraine and chest pain I went in for a coronary angio and a brain mri reports enclosed acute ischemic foi is there a correlation my cardiologist was concerned about my echo tests and the be shooting up very quickly during the stress test can you explain what the test implies and the connection between the inflammation and these tests results my stress levels overall are definitely better I am consulting a psychotherapist for the last years practising yoga however the be seems to have shot up again the last few weeks is it because of the extreme winters I am undergoing a stressful situation at the moment on the whole I would like to know if I am at risk of a stroke if yes what is the probability is there inflammation if so how bad is it how can I control reverse it why does the chest pain persist the pain is usually followed along with high be when I particularly have a heavy session in psychotherapy or overthink some issues what do I do when the be reaches dangerous levels like 170 10 are there any drugs that I should avoid what are the safe supplements that I can have for magnesium I am taking omega supplements are there any follow on tests and medications that you recommend I got a full health check done four months back and kidney tumors etc have been ruled out happy to share additional reports in case needed
medium severity
I get intense palpitations and panic attacks should I worry about my heart
hello panic attacks often mic a heart attack in fact one of the common differential diagnosis for panic attack is cardiac arrest if it is happening often it is advisable to get an egg electrocardiogram done please tell me from last how many days are you taking anti anxiety medications secondly I would advise you to start cognitive behavior therapy anxiety is caused by negative thoughts called cognitive distortions these can be improved with various techniques used in the therapy once you learn how to cope up with these negative thoughts you will be able to control your anxiety find a local therapist or you can opt for online therapy via video consultation the relaxation techniques such as box breathing and progressive muscle relaxation help in long term efficacy I hope this helps
hello doctor I am a 23 year old male two years ago I had intense palpitations and I was diagnosed with anxiety disorder I had panic attacks but then I was able to recover by myself from a few days I had two panic attacks and I am afraid if this is anxiety or if my diagnosis was wrong as if I had some serious health issues I worry that I have a heart problem even if someone touches my chest I feel uncomfortable I do not think a lot I try to calm myself but somehow I am not able to calm myself no matter what I try the main problem now is my anger I suddenly feel so much angry on very stupid things like I am walking on a road and a car blows horn continuously I feel very irritated and angry if my girlfriend does not pick my call I get so much angry and it is not normal if I try to control my anger I feel numbness and hand shakes I even have palpitations this is very worrying for me as I think this is very serious this time my heart palpitations go away only when I am in deep sleep or when I am doing something so deeply without noticing anything I had palpitations two days before my exams I tried calming technique but it did not went away but when I was in the examination center when I started writing my answers I was so deeply busy in writing that my palpitations go away and then after the exam I was fine but anger is ruining my life I want to change the way I am please help I am currently taking sertraline and beta blockers
medium severity
what is the treatment option for broken molar tooth
hello you need to show to a dentist itself as the teeth is broken and only a quarter of actual size should be removed the tooth next to this which has cavity should also be filled or maybe would require root canal treatment you can delay the crown placement if you do not have money for otherwise just extracting or pulling out those infected teeth will give you much relief and it would be cheaper also than trying to restore it use saline or betadine gargle for at least twice a day after food for a month to reduce the gum infection I can prescribe you antibiotics but I do not know whether you will be able to buy them there without a prescription amoxicillin 500 my thrice for five days would reduce the underlying infection and give you relief for a month or so stop if you have any allergic reaction you can take some painkillers and antacids if required as a last resort if you do not have any money for the treatment and also do not have insurance just use betadine gargle and try to buy the above antibiotic and use it for five days then when you have money show to a dentist and get those teeth pulled out or restored maintain proper hygiene so that at least other teeth do not get infected use warm saline gargling as much as possible and for as long as possible I hope this helps
hello doctor ten years ago I had a molar break nearly in half at that time I tried to do the correct thing I went to a clinic and had a temporary filling I switched jobs within a few months acquired actual dental insurance and went to a clinic I got my teeth cleaned a couple of fillings and set up for a root canal on my broken tooth during and after the root canal I was out of it I have severe taj and had to be medicated it was not until a few days later when I received the bill that I even realized the procedure did not include the cost of a crown so I have not had my crown as it was expensive there is not an excuse that is acceptable but the fact remains that I have not done anything about this for a decade between that time and now I have switched jobs and no longer have any provided insurance I stopped chewing on one side of my mouth a few years ago my broken tooth has died and fallen out a piece at a time there is about a quarter left the teeth next to it are in bad shape my gums are swollen and surely infected I am aware of the liveliness of deeper infection I have zero dental insurance and minimal health insurance I am highly anxious in general and suffer from irrational fears for reasons I cannot explain I am terrified of visiting doctors and especially dentists no offense I also have very little in the way of expendable income and I cannot afford to hop from doctor to doctor paying each along the way I have no clue where to start but I know I need to I just have no one to ask I am scared what do I do can I get to see my general physician about this I know they will have to refer me but going straight to a dentist will surely cost a great deal more I need step one and I do not know what it is
medium severity
what causes extreme lows and highs and anger control issues
hello you are reporting symptoms like mood fluctuations unstable relationships anger control issues self harm substance abuse etc I can understand why you feel like having a personality disorder but these symptoms can also happen in people without personality disorders you may be probably having traits but whether you will reach the threshold for referral to specialist mental health team psychiatrist will be best judged by your go based on your history and clinical presentation I will advise you to maintain a log of your symptoms on a regular basis like a diary record significant events like self harm episodes you can use a mood diary online and share it with your go during your next review I note that you are on prozac fluoxetine for just over a month you should be able to see therapeutic response by around weeks if there is no significant improvement request a review also you will benefit by having some talking therapy if you have not already had it you can request your go or self refer to the local apt service improving access to psychological therapies you will be seeing a therapist with whom you can discuss further about your concerns and they will feedback into the system about any recommendations if at anytime you are not able to cope or manage the situation speak to a trusted family member friend and contact emergency services
hi doctor I have recently noticed that I have been having a pattern of symptoms since I was a teen which have gotten worse in recent years I have extreme lows and highs unstable relationships and anger control issues I have noticed that I do not react to bad news the way people around me do I tend to scream harm myself and substance abuse I have been to my go twice and both times they have said they cannot refer me to a psychiatrist because my symptoms are not severe enough I feel like I have a personality disorder but I want to have a diagnosis this is proving impossible for me can you shed some light on this
high severity
what are the ways to treat razor bumps
hi I saw the picture it is very common because of the allergy secondary to shaving also happens after waxing anyways try to avoid shaving as much as possible if it is troubling you a lot then you can go for laser permanent hair removal for now I am prescribing you few creams start using it within a month it will decrease we will take a follow up after a month and according to the response we will decide the further treatment plan shaving waxing acneiform eruption keratosis pilaris retina a 025 cream apply in the morning after bath
hi doctor I have severe razor bumps and want to get rid of them asap when I first started shaving I did not know the proper way to do it and scars where left over the years and razor bumps and sometimes ingrown hairs I got tested for herpes because that is what I thought it was after a while but the test came back negative I started waxing and she told me to exfoliate down there twice a week I have done that and still no results I do not even want to get waxed because it is very embarrassing having to show an ugly scared vagina please help
low severity
can thyearoid problem cause tingling burning and numbness
hi there are two issues involved thyearoid problem and the other one is if you have is about thyearoid you are taking 100 mug not 100mg synthroid since long my suggestion is to look for thyearoid levels and consider tapering slowly over six months you can discuss with your doctor for the same next are your tingling and numbness it could be because of diabetes I am not sure if you have diabetes if yes reasonable control of sugar is required if you are not tested for diabetes then get tested for the same as you have hypothyearoidism there is a good chance that you may also have diabetes tingling and numbness can also be because of vitamin b12 deficiency check for levels of the same as it can be easily corrected with supplements multiple sclerosis can be diagnosed clinically and by specific laboratory tests if your doctor has already done it and assured that you do not have it then no need to worry you have fear and anxiety about getting the same as you have a family history and your husband is also diagnosed with it recently if you have any weakness in legs or hands blurring of vision and paresthesia in extremities then consult your doctor thanks
hi doctor I was diagnosed with hypothyearoidism five years ago and currently taking 100 my of synthroid my most recent lab work showed that I am now at hyperthyearoid levels in the past I tried reduced levels of synthroid but felt terrible I was diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy about 15 years ago with tingling and burning in the face and limbs my neurologist looked for is due to my sister having the disease the neurologist said only to contact him if it got worse I used to get two or three episodes per year mostly during stress or period of fatigue in the last six months or so I have almost constant tingling in my face feet and arms and numbness on the sole of my foot burning is off and on some days worse than others I mentioned it to my go at an appointment about one month ago but he said it was nothing to worry about researched that thyearoid problems can cause tingling burning and numbness could this be from thyearoid usually I would push my go but my husband was recently diagnosed with late onset is five months ago and I feel doctors will think I am a hypochondriac I am planning to visit my doctor after the holidays but my husband had his attack recently and I am focused on his issues I am just curious if I should be worried please help
medium severity
can fluctuating blood pressure cause elevated abc
hi thank you for providing a detailed history to answer your first query there is no direct correlation between fluctuating be and the increase in cell counts cop is usually elevated in ra rheumatoid arthritis disease which is a common finding reflecting the body reaction to inflammatory or autoimmune disorders like ra though your be is now controlled to some extent the low pulse rate could be because of systolic my nebivolol you need a review with your cardiologist for the same also looking at your non specific symptoms like weakness fatigue intermittent shortness of breath fever chills along with elevated differential white cell counts it is advisable to have bone marrow examination done to rule out hematological malignancy I am not convinced with your or of 98 have you checked it correctly please update thank you bone marrow aspiration review with cardiologist and hematologist
hi doctor can fluctuate blood pressure cause elevated abc I got sick with chronic idiopathic urticaria and started mtx my rheumatologist diagnosed me with seronegative ra and stopped mtx did vectra da test and scored 42 moderate for ra disease I was supposed to start remicade this thursday but my blood pressure started fluctuating as high as 189 108 mhg to 138 83 mhg with low he as low as 43 at rest in er they checked heart lungs and kidneys they referred me to a cardiologist and she added a new medicine edarbi 40 my but said abc is 20 with polls 93 and lymph 5 I was referred to a hematologist he said that it looks to be some bone marrow abnormalities and suggested more extensive blood tests to see if reactive effect to inflammation or blood disease or cancer the other symptoms are weakness fatigue and intermittent slight shortness of breath but I suspected all was due to pressure or heart rate issue fever chills and body ache lasted for one day I was fine after I took 500 my naproxen there is no cold symptom with fever I saw my rheumatologist and she said it is not ra related based on high polls cop ranged from 2 to 17 earlier that is before two years and now almost at its lowest at does this look like a body reacting to inflammation or pressure or heart rate also I have intermittent pain in lower left abdominal area I do not see my hematologist for follow up until next month and cannot start remicade until I get it figured out
low severity
I get recurrent pancreatitis attacks is there a cure in ayurveda
hi as you are aware there are many reasons for repeated pancreatitis that including alcohol consumption some viral infections autoimmune etc you can discuss the following drugs with an ayurvedic physician nearby and use with consent karisalai karpam tablet or heptowin tablets morning noon evening after food this is pure herbal kaasukatti tablets pills morning noon evening after food this tablet is chewable or can swallow with water this is also pure herbal bantha chendooram 100 my mix with honey and drink twice a day morning and evening after food this is prepared from magnet and herbal all these drugs should be consumed for six months you feel the difference within 20 days of the first dose continue for six months and can stop it if your pancreatitis is due to autoimmune cause then you need to take the following additional two tablets rasaganthi mezhugu capsule one capsule morning and one evening after food poorna chandrodayam tablet one tablet morning and one at evening after food these two drugs help reduce the autoimmunity in your body and improve your immunity at high we follow these drugs in our practice these drugs also should be continued for three months and then can leave a gap of one month again one month therapy then one month gap once you start you will get the improvement within a week while taking these drugs if you have any doubt please feel free to contact me thank you
hi doctor I am a year old male is there any treatment in ayurveda for pancreatitis I had six recurrent pancreatic attacks in the last three years please help
medium severity
what is the treatment for cutaneous vasculitis
hi I have gone through your history it seems a bit weird that no one is starting the treatment yet firstly with vasculitis one needs to see if it is limited only to the skin or the internal organs as well we need to see her blood routine urine routine and a chest ray before concluding it is only limited to the skin secondly if you can then please get her tested for ana antinuclear antibody and anna anti neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody these are the mandatory test for vasculitis will only respond to steroids I am not sure if you can get your hands on it unless your go suggests but meanwhile give her some anti inflammatory like naprosyn naproxen only after making sure that her renal function tests are normal I hope the information is useful do let me know for more queries
hi doctor my 18 year old daughter has cutaneous vasculitis mainly covers her lower legs according to the er doctor and family doctor as of weeks ago she is so miserable I have had to keep her home from school and let her put her feet up when she goes to school or is on her feet for any length of time she ends up in pain she cries and tells me her legs hurt and burn poorly she feels nauseated and complains of stomach pain regularly and tired today she became weak as she could hardly go from one room to the next she seemed as if she was going to drop or pass out as usual I brought her to the er again where she was told it was not an emergency and there is nothing they can do she needs to wait until a rheumatologist can see her which is still a week away is there anything I can do to make her more comfortable or is this normal for her to feel this way with vasculitis
medium severity
I have a mild tender lump under the skin of the deltoid muscle is that sarcoma
hi I can understand the anxiety you would be suffering from after suspecting that it is a sarcoma here is what I can suggest to you sarcoma is an uncommon cause of such lumps and much more common are some harmless cysts and lipomas malignant tumors like sarcoma generally do not stay the same size for three years most malignant sarcoma in limbs are not associated with pain however there is only one way to find out for sure and that is doing some tests on this lump you have not mentioned the size of the lump if it is small for about 2 am in diameter then it may be possible to take it out and test for malignant cells thoroughly if it is larger then an mri scan and a needle core biopsy can be done to decide the treatment whether it can directly be taken out or not will be decided by the size and exact location of the lump please send a picture with a scale measure by the side of the lump if you want to follow up much more commonly however it is a cyst that can be easily taken out without any ill effects to know if it is a cyst or not your doctor needs to examine you and maybe do an ray of the limb and an ultrasound examination of the site but only if required for now do not worry just see a good surgeon most likely it is a lipoma or a cyst and not a tumor
hi doctor I am having a mild tender bump or a lump or a kind of knot deep under the skin on the deltoid muscle it is very hard to tell if it is moving under the skin it has been there for three years I have not noticed any significant growth in the last three years I am quite scared after reading about sarcomas I am 20 years old please help
medium severity
why am I feeling wetness in the perianal area after some years of fistulotomy
hi after reviewing the information shared and your pictures a few things come to mind wetness in the perianal area and itching are because of the small amount of seepage of stools around the anus this stool causes irritation to the skin around the anus which causes the itch also the irritation can erode the skin and cause a blood drop to appear I would like to know a bit more regarding your problem did you have any pain along with the blood spot or any pain after stools how frequent is this problem of itching did you ever feel a small amount of stool or gas passed without your control while coughing or laughing hard when did it start happening did it start happening any time soon or was it there all along after surgery has it changed over time was it a normal delivery was anything done to assist the delivery was there any complication at the time of delivery of baby from the picture I can think of two possibilities there is a defect in your anal sphincter the contracting muscle although to be sure a thorough examination is required along with an ultrasound called trust transanal ultrasound a special type done from inside the anus in this case the trouble would be there all along after surgery so you may be right that it did not heal properly there might be a new fistula in ano developing just in front of the anal opening and behind the vaginal opening in this case it would have started troubling for a couple of months if it was painful for you to pass stools or associated with pain after passing stools then it could be an anal fissure my advice as follows do sit bath take lukewarm water in a tub and put a half teaspoon of ordinary salt in it now sit in this water and try to make the water clean and sooth your anal region sit for around 15 minutes three to four times every day try to do it at least twice per day it will decrease itching avoid constipation with a large platter of salad sprouts or sat isabgol spoonful three times per day take to liters of water measured by a bottle every day do exercises for building pelvic muscles and improving the tone or control of anal sphincter it is best to discuss all the above with your local doctor who can examine you in person as a definite diagnosis is unlikely without examination if there is a defect seen on trust and weakness of sphincter some surgical repair may be possible otherwise exercises can help kindly get back with the queries and follow up on icliniq thank you
hello doctor I am a 29 year old female I suffered from abscess when I was eight and a half months pregnant after three months it was diagnosed as fistula and gone under fistulotomy operation since the past few months I feel some wetness in the perianal area and today I saw a blood spot on the tissue also I feel itchy and I am not sure if the anus is completely cured after surgery please help me
medium severity
diagnosed heart failure with 25 ejection fraction could alcohol and steroids be the reason
hi thanks for the query madam good to know you are worried about your husband yes alcohol and steroids do cause harm to the heart make sure your husband never uses these suicidal drugs again as now he has an ejection fraction of only 25 coming to the mitral valve it depends upon how much it has narrowed if severe narrow then options are either surgery to change the valve or percutaneous mitral balloon valvotomy pmbv in which the mitral valve is widened by inflating balloon in the valve if not severely narrowed then only medicines of heart failure are sufficient for your husband comply with the doctor advice and medicines have vaccination against influenza done yearly and also pneumonia five yearly if ef is 25 and not improving then have a device installed in the heart called ice implantable cardioverter defibrillator to save from sudden cardiac arrest
hi doctor my husband was just diagnosed with congestive heart failure with 25 ejection fraction they also found an artery 100 blocked but his own body made another vein and they discovered it is viable so no bypass surgery is needed they also discovered his mitral valve is stiffened and not working he has some kidney damage also we are going to have a scope done and I guess that will determine how to fix the mitral valve will they do another test to determine the cause he has told them he used some steroids during his bodybuilding days and he drinks occasionally but he drinks every night and has used mild steroids up until this happened they are going to do a test that would determine how it was caused could it be due to a virus or abuse I am just trying to be educated before we go to the next visit my husband is not always honest with the doctors
high severity
is there any permanent cure for frequent bouts of respiratory infection in a kid
hello thanks for writing your query to me I can understand that you are very much concerned about the health of your son from your history description it seems that your son has bronchial asthma usually occurs from exposure to the allergens in our surrounding environment the main treatment of asthma is inhaler medicines like budecort inhaler 200 instead of giving him daily twice nebulizer I will recommend you to start him on budecort inhaler via zerostat vt spacer two puffs twice daily followed by gargling with water and levolin inhaler two puffs as required in an emergency on a long term basis inhaler medicines are not as harmful as they are having fewer side effects than tablets and syearups also as they act at the site of action a very minimal dose of medicine is required try to find out the allergens in his surroundings and avoid them as much as possible there is no need to deprive him of dairy products such as milk cheese or paneer unless he cannot tolerate them he needs to give it as it is the most important source of calcium and required for weight gain nebulization with budecort is only to be given when he is unable to take inhaler by mouth do not forget to rinse the mouth with water after taking inhaler or nebulizer no other therapy is better for optimal control of asthma as there is no cure for it homeotherapy also cannot cure asthma in the long run as there is no scientific evidence for it I hope everything is clear to you now
hello doctor this query is regarding my and a half year old son he was born at 36 weeks and progressed normally at around years of age he used to get frequent bouts of running nose and cough he was hospitalized for lower respiratory tract infection at 7 years and had febrile convulsions at 9 due to stomach infection he still continued getting bouts of cold cough and fever approximately every month he began going to school and his frequency of falling ill increased now he is on a nebulizer taking budecort 5 my respule twice a day along with lazing dry syearup as suggested by his pediatrician he weighs 15 keg plus advise if these respules are safe for him we could not take him out if it is cold or rainy and even the ac does not suit him he has been advised not to have milk and milk products like cheese paneer etc as a result he is not putting on weight what is the permanent solution for his health problem will he improve is there any other treatment is homeopathy safe how do I increase his immunity as he falls quickly to changing weather conditions I would be extremely grateful to you as this is causing me a lot of worries thank you
medium severity
kindly explain whether diclofenac solution can affect the baby during pregnancy or not
hi you are in the last trimester 9 month of pregnancy most of the organs in the fetus might have developed and now it is growing thus care should be taken in food and lifestyle the rate of absorption of diclofenac solution into blood from skin is very less even if you apply the solution on your own body skin for long hours the absorption will be less if it is absorbed it stays in the blood for hours at the end of hours 50 of the drug from the blood gets excreted through urine remaining 25 will get excreted in fourth hour remaining 12 gets excreted in sixth hour it means if the solution reaches blood at am it gets completely excreted at am note the point that the external solution does not get absorbed through skin into blood thus need not to worry be careful with your vagina or oral because the vagina or oral is made by mucus membrane containing rich minute blood vessels vagina is different from skin in vaigna the absorption rate is higher and the diclofenac drug may reaches the blood better to avoid direct applying of diclofenac solution to vagina or nearby vagina or touching hands solution to vagina this carries some less risk to fetus if the solution is less no issues if the solution applied is more then little amount enters into your blood if more drug reaches fetus it inhibits prostaglandins in fetus heart which lead to unwanted problems in the heart you can involve in sexual activity then your husband can apply the drug or wash the hands with soap thoroughly before involving in sex I hope you could understand what I want to say
hello doctor my husband uses diclofenac solution topical for his neck pain I am 28 weeks pregnant he also uses a neck pillow after applying it will it affect my unborn baby how long will it take for the solution to be fully absorbed in his body I am scared that the diclofenac solution will be absorbed in my body and will hurt the baby also if we have sex and he touches that hand in my vagina will the diclofenac solution spread into my body should I be worried please give me some advice as I am scared
medium severity
why am I having erection and penetration problems
hi I am not sure whether you have diabetes or hypertension or any other diseases whether you are taking drugs allopathy or herbal for any other diseases if so we need to look the side effects of those drugs diabetes patients gets diabetic neuropathy thus there might be a chance for reduction in erection there are many other possible reasons as follows after 40 if the male hormone is reduced more sathwik pure vegetarian diets reduce the sexual hormones atherosclerosis to penile artery this is due to cholesterol sedimentation to the artery which supplies blood to penis arterial thickening of penile artery psychological depression related to work career economy family etc this has very strong influence on the erection any trauma hitting on the penis or back side of hip this will affect the neurons to rue out the cause and further treatment you need to consult a doctor in personally directly any psychiatrist or urologist or andrologist are the better choice to consult you may also try the following advice drink badham milk or eat badham nuts every day there is a risk of increasing cholesterol at this age eat cashew nuts one daily here is a risk of increasing cholesterol at this age do pranayama or mediation to keep the mind free go to picnic with family the new environments can remove the psychological depression try to solve other psychological problems if any rathina purush capsules one capsule morning and one at evening before food this can be continued for one month within one month if you get some effect then continue it for a total of months and stop it if there is no improvement within one month then no need to continue this drug after evaluating the cause then only we can take further drug therapy to evaluate the cause approach nearby clinician I mentioned earlier they do doppler or us to find the cause the above said physicians deal such cases daily you need not worry about it
hello doctor I am married 41 years old I have kids for the last six months I am having erection problems I cannot even penetrate due to this I fear of nights I cannot face my partner kindly give a solution to my problem
medium severity
why am I having a tender lump beneath skin near anus
hi after reviewing the information shared and your pictures it appears you are suffering from fistula in ano tubular interconnection between anal canal and outside skin near the anal opening the swelling you are talking about is called perianal abscess it is a swelling because of infection of some anal glands around 30 40 perineal abscesses are associated with a fistula in your case having a couple of good quality pictures of the anal region can help in suggesting further treatment your mri report reported presence of around am size fistula with no abscess at the time of imaging and no higher up extension this is a good prognosis type it will need either of two things there are many treatments possible but for you I would suggest these thread insertion in the fistula a tightening it every week this treatment is called cutting sexton you can use shar sutra or silk thread surgery to take the fistula out and let the area heal by itself over time weeks this can lead to loss of incontinence as well control on stool holding what to do now you need to followup with a surgeon to do any one of the above two suggested treatments do sit bath take lukewarm water in a tub put a half a teaspoon of ordinary salt in it now sit in this water and try to make the water clean and sooth your anal region sit for around 15 min to times everyday try to do at least twice per day it will decrease itching and help to heal the fissure as reported by you in your info provided avoid constipation with a large platter of salad sprouts or sat isabgol teaspoon three times per day take to litres of water measured by a bottle measuring cup everyday in case you need more information and help regarding what to choose and why kindly followup with a couple of good quality pictures of the fistula site or discuss it with your local doctor
hello doctor suffering from mild is since last four years noticed a tender lump beneath skin near anus three years ago swells and shrinks itself mild throbbing and pale yellow fluid discharge from anus when pressed during swelling proctoscopy was done in a piles hospital the doctor said no piles fissure and fistula mri was done in another hospital 17 my to hyperintense linear tract with no abscess no overt fluid signal as well the doctor said nothing and discharged me what is this tender lump I am a healthy 35 years old male working in a office
low severity
what causes bruising over the joint after ligament reconstruction
hi welcome to iclinq com after reviewing your information provided and the picture there are two concerning things are you trying not to move the leg at all could be a cause of one sided cold foot are you getting this bruise after resting the ankle on the side of bruising in that case it could be a pressure sore developing here also physiotherapy will help I think you should continue with physiotherapy as advised by your doctor physiotherapy can help in the following manner reducing pain of movement and strengthening muscles for weight bearing maintaining full movement of the joint improving the circulation and helping with this kind of pressure sore development and also cold foot regarding other causes of pain discuss it with the surgeon who did the arthroscopy depends on the findings definitely see your surgeon till you are able to bear weight and do your daily life activities well if you have cold and painful sensation in both feet or arms or a family history of such problems discuss with your go the possibility of vasculitis be very careful with the codamol it can be habit forming you should not be requiring or using this medication for a long term hot fomentation can help reduce the pain as well please discuss with your physiotherapist or orthopedic surgeon
hi doctor I had ligament reconstruction on my ankle months ago the surgery went well and my stability is back to normal however when my surgeon did the athroscopy he noticed mild damage to the joint however he said that this should heal by itself I saw my surgeon weeks ago as I have still been getting a lot of pain where the ankle joint is since seeing him I have been getting bruising over the joint with no injury and I currently cannot bare any weight on the ankle when I saw him he recommended more physiotherapy and said that the main reason was likely to be linked to the surgery I had and it should go away within time I am currently using codamol to manage the pain as normal pain relief is not helping I would just like to know if there could be any other reasons why I could be getting this joint pain and if it is worth me arranging to see my surgeon again if it carries on after giving more physiotherapy a try I am 18 64 keg and 7
low severity
kindly explain about the mammogram results taken for red line on breast
hello this does not appear worrisome to me this appears like erythematous lesion due to inflammation this has probably occurred due to some trauma like due to pressure of folds in clothing or bed sheet or lying over the chest also rule out possibility of some bite or nail scratching if this is generalized and also present on the other body parts then may be related to some infection so usually such single visible vein is not significant it should settle in a day or two but if continues to persist or increase in number or any other symptoms like swelling pain fever appears then will need examination or investigations at present does not appear significant or serious issue hope this helps you and get back if you have any doubts
hello doctor I woke up this morning to see a small red line or vein on the top of my left breast I had a breast check up and mammogram months ago which was clear is this normal what is it
medium severity
what are the ways to cure gum disease and bad breath
hello I just read your query see the main cause behind bad odor from mouth is due to bacteria present in mouth there are present several bacteria in our mouth the bacteria when come in contact with food particles release sulfur compounds which ultimately cause bad breath also you have been suffering from gum disease which exaggerate this problem along with all your oral hygiene measures and treatment add these measures in your daily regimen and these will help you a lot after every meal chew some roasted fennel seeds they will freshen your breath you can also chew fennel seeds and rinse together to increase good bacteria take one serving of curd once a day preferably in the morning or afternoon you can opt out for fat free curd if you do not want to go for curd made from full fat milk you can also chew fresh parsley leaves after meal to combat bad breath apples pine apple orange and free tea also helpful in reducing bad breath so you can also add all these in your food regimen they will help you in combat bad breath you can also use this home made mouth wash three to four times in a week take two teaspoons of baking soda and add it in a cup of lukewarm water mix it well swish it around for some time and then spit it out it is also useful in your problem and easy to do whenever you are going outside or in a meeting keep some chewing gums along with you which have peppermint zinc etc as their ingredient they quickly freshen your breath in a few seconds avoid alcohol cold drinks onion garlic and smoking if you do because all these things increase the problem of bad breath drink plenty of water because it is helpful in flushing out your mouth change your toothbrush very often basil cilantro and mint are also helpful in neutralizing your bad odor from mouth you can also chew them after meal these plants are easy to grow at home so you can grow them at home and use easily cardamom cloves and cinnamon are some commonly available spices and you can keep them in your mouth and chew them slowly they are also helpful in reducing bad breath
hello doctor I have a very personal and sensitive issue I have horrible breath I do have gum disease but my cleaning which consists of flossing several times a day using a miniature brush to brush between teeth and using tongue scrapper several times a day I occasionally oil pull as well can part of my issue be due to a deficiency of some sort any kind of advice would sincerely be appreciated this issue is significantly affecting my life
low severity
I get constant spells of dizziness headache and blackout when I stand up why
hello frequent chronic headaches are most commonly due to migraine headache chronic tension headache migraine headaches are usually unilateral associated with throbbing vomiting sensations photophobia and phonophobia chronic tension headaches usually present with heaviness in head band like sensation over the head with sleeping difficulties important here is to differentiate between the two a clinical examination especially neurological examination funds examination are must to rule out any other neurological problem which might also require neuroimaging you should see your doctor he will classify the headache and if it is migrainous treatment would be with drugs like flunarizine propanolol amitryptyline tension headaches are treated with amitryptilline escitalopram with behavioral modification treatment I hope this helps
hello doctor I am a 19 year old female almost every time I stand up or sit up I get extremely dizzy and lose all eyesight and everything looks like a to that lost signal I also lose most of my hearing and there is also ringing noises in my ear after a few minutes I can see again but I get about 20 seconds of an excruciating migraine I usually have to hold on to something because I almost always lose balance there have also been a few episodes while just sitting down I get blackouts it is just the same as described in the ones when I get while I stand up but about 20 times longer and I constantly fall and cannot stand or see absolutely anything in those cases that episode lasts for about half an hour I have had the constant spells when I stand up a few times daily at least for the past couple of years and thought they would decrease by now but the bad spells that I get have become more frequent in the past few months once every two weeks or so I have not had any injuries in the past few years so I have no clue what could be going on it is starting to really concern me also when I am exposed to the color white or yellow my color in my vision changes and I start to see different colors I have no idea if that is related but I have had those for years
high severity
on using epiduo for acne my skin burnt terribly why
hello you have developed contact dermatitis to this epiduo adapalene and benzoyl peroxide which you were using for treatment of acne now your skin has two problems it needs to be treated in two steps first we have to treat contact dermatitis do not use epiduo now wash your face with mild soap and water take tablet azithromycin 250 my twice daily for the first three days then on alternate days for three weeks apply sunblock of spy 60 sun protection factor from morning till evening use good moisturizer four to five times a day when your skin improves from this contact I burned condition then step two of treating acne and leftover pigmentation will be done contact dermatitis and acne vulgaris apply a sunblock of spy 60 take azithromycin 250 my be for the first three days then on alternate days for three weeks apply moistuerzer four to five times a day wash face with mild soap and water avoid using dettol and other irritant avoid scratching or pricking up the leison follow up at three weeks
hi doctor I am using a treatment on my acne called epiduo which was prescribed by my doctor my skin has very bad hyperpigmentation and acne I have been using the treatment for three days and on the second day it itched and burnt a little and I thought it was just working and all was fine but on the third night I put it on and my skin began to burn terribly and it was unbearable it blocked me from breathing and I nearly passed out I did not wash it off because I found when I did that on the second night it made it worse and when I woke up today I had terrible chemical burns all over my face my hyperpigmentation and acne had become worse and it is causing immense pain and discomfort and it really does look terrible it is similar to the worst kind of sunburn ever and the skin is plastered and dry too I do not know what I can do is there some sort of treatment I can do in a cosmetic skin clinic or something I can use on the burns and the acne and the hyperpigmentation
medium severity
will preeclampsia during pregnancy lead to potential cod
hello in preeclampsia or eclampsia patients may present with albuminuria this may lead to progress to chronic kidney disease your urine examination report also showing plenty of rec red blood corpuscles but not mentioned what is rec morphology in microscope in case of renal problems morphology is changed but if morphology is intact means it is lower urinary tract infection also check for ti urinary tract infection for your husband there is a chance of repeated urinary tract infection please review with urine culture report if unnecessary raising of serum creatinine may a need kidney biopsy control your blood pressure which may lead to proteinuria and renal problems
hello doctor I am a 24 year old female I had preeclampsia with both pregnancies as well as kidney infections during pregnancy I have a history of ti as well my creatinine was up to 67 in all of my kidney infections few months back I had a partial hysterectomy in which my left ureter was cut and not noticed and I was closed back up I returned to the er six days after my hysterectomy and was taken to emergency surgery because my left kidney was enlarged and not draining I had a stent placed which remained for six weeks my creatinine was 7 I had bloodwork done after my stent was removed and my creatinine was I had another kidney infection in four months my blood pressure has been increasing since then and I had to go to the er because my blood pressure was about 146 121 mhg I am now on blood pressure medication and my blood work shows my creatinine at 2 I had a renal scan done that came back normal is it possible that I had cod or are there any other explanations for my raised blood pressure flank pain and increased creatinine I am currently taking adderall 15mg two times a day macrobid after sex lisinopril
high severity
young patient is suffering from decreasing memory does it mean dementia
hi I appreciate that you approached for counseling I am not sure whether you are diagnosed with add or not also please do mention medicines you are taking based on given information it seems that you are experiencing attention problems due to stressful events and preoccupations in your daily work also lack of quality sleep may effect concentration that leads to recalling problems you need thorough assessment for that apparently it is related to anxiousness and stress factors dementia occurs in later age of life and you are too young for that you might need help for anxiety management and stress management also if you are diagnosed with add then another detailed assessment is required
hello doctor I am an 18 year old female who has for the past months been experiencing that my memory is degrading badly I have always had a memory that was fair enough I do have much stress and I do have social anxiety I do not sleep that well but that was never a problem before I sleep around 7 hours on school week and hours on a holiday I do take some medications for my add and I am aware there are some side effects to that medicine I could not even remember a friend name that I recently met for some split seconds then after some thinking I could finally remember it I can remember certain situations that were very important I could remember something from years ago but not weeks ago and I do feel like my memory gets better after I eat food but it feels like it is getting worse as time passes I did as a child had to do mind memory games at school but I felt like I could still remember basic information or situations that happened some days prior but now I cannot even remember what I did days ago is there something wrong with me I am showing early signs of dementia or I am just overreacting
medium severity
what is the relation between lead poisoning and heart problems
hello it saddens me to hear of the whole difficulties you have gone through in the past years I must recommend you for staying strong in the face of all these difficulties I have thoroughly gone through all your detailed explanation and here is my view although I have not had clinical experience of a patient with such complications I have thoroughly researched to find enough evidence to bring me to the conclusion that lead poisoning can lead to heart diseases and stroke but no much evidence of asbestos causing cardiovascular diseases these below are my findings in a study that involved 60 participants it was concluded that lead poisoning was associated with cardiovascular events most commonly but not limited to hypertension especially in lead blood levels below dl another article also detailed the complications of lead poisoning to the cardiovascular system although the mechanism is unknown a study by the harvard school of public health hsph also detailed the effects of bone lead to increase cardiovascular complications in my conclusion there is more than 50 chance of a cardiovascular complication due to lead poisoning although they might argue the fact that only a few cases have been reported I feel strongly that more than 50 of it caused your heart complications your level of lead exposure will help your case
hello doctor I am 42 years old I had a heart attack 12 years ago and now have three stents by the way I have no family history of heart disease high blood pressure cholesterol and anything of that nature I am a disabled military veteran and am 40 disabled as a result of being exposed to lead and asbestos during my time in service I am drawing disability for chronic or acute sinusitis and migraine headaches it is my contention that my heart complications are a result of being under those same conditions while in the service I had not had any health issues nor any family history of heart issues leading up to these complications this is a battle I have been fighting for nearly ten years I have provided case studies online articles and most recently feedback from a cardiologist that stated that there has been findings that there is a correlation between lead and asbestos exposure and heart disease even when I was able to obtain that particular feedback they are now requiring additional documentation I am reaching out to you in an effort to get an open and honest opinion the veterans administration is asking the following is there a greater than 50 chance that my exposure to lead and asbestos during my service time could have lead to my heart disease and heart attack I have also included some articles below that back up the correlation between the two
medium severity
I am having a feeling of guilt and fear how to cope with it
hello you have reported feeling stressed for the past days due to some issues were you completely normal before days it is common to feel stressed when faced with difficult life circumstances you can follow these strategies to manage stress till you get better it is very important not to isolate yourself during this period try to open up and talk to a trusted family member or friend so that they can support you if you are feeling low you will want to avoid meeting other people but try to make an effort to go out and see others exercise regularly go for walks play sports these will release natural endorphins in your body and help to improve your mood eat regularly and sleep well avoid using alcohol or any other drugs these will just numb you temporarily and will not help in the long term try meditation to calm yourself try to keep yourself occupied by continuing with your regular work distract yourself during leisure time by listening to nice music watching movies etc follow sleep hygiene measures try to sleep for atleast 8 hours daily try progressive muscle relaxation exercises and deep breathing exercises try not to worry about things beyond your control is there anything in particular which makes you feel guilty and fearful is it related to any recent stressor if you are continuing to feel stressed and not able to cope visit your doctor locally for an assessment remember it takes some days to feel back in control
hello doctor I am feeling very stressed for some issues I am having a feeling of guilt and fear how to cope with it
low severity
which is more advisable for replacing missing tooth implant or bridge
hi in my view even though I do not have any pictures or ray I believe it is better for you to get bridges you can get costly zirconium bridges which are highly aesthetic and looks exactly like natural teeth get those side teeth root canal treated to prevent future sensitivity or pain this will give you a highly satisfactory result in my view implants need much bone support and as your lateral incisors are congenitally missing the bone at the region will be very thin and any bone graft is bound to fail in 50 cases for more details send pictures if possible
hi doctor I would like to get a second opinion on my dentist plan to fix my missing teeth I am missing my upper lateral incisors since birth and have had a temporary resign bonded bridge since I was 17 I am now ready to take the step to a more permanent solution my two options are a bridge or implants after my rays and mri scan it became apparent that I do not have enough bone for implants and I would need a bone graft since I would need at least my for each side my dentist told me that there was a chance it might not take and I would need another surgery the position of the roots of the adjacent teeth are not a problem there is enough space to place the implants just not enough bone initially he did say he would prefer to do the implants since it is a better solution for long term when my dentist asked the opinion of another dentist in the office he said that the bridge would be a better solution so I would not have to go through multiple surgeries and it would be done sooner the bridge is indeed a quicker solution but I am not very keen on having parts of my teeth removed for the bridge it will also need replacing at some point and if the underlying teeth have a problem the whole bridge needs to be replaced both my sister and mother have a bridge they are also missing their upper lateral incisors and I am not impressed with either results these were placed by different dentists I am fine with the process taking a little longer and being more expensive if it means it will give me a more natural smile but I am also afraid that I will be going through surgery for something that might not even take my dentist now does not want to express his opinion anymore and just keeps giving me the pros and cons any insights would be greatly appreciated
low severity
how to know the reason for my big toe pain
hello for further information consult an orthopaedician and traumatologist online
hi doctor I have been suffering lately from pain in my big toe joint it is very severe that I could not sleep two nights when I ran out of painkillers I thought it might be a gout attack because I do have gout though my uric acid levels are mostly high I do not really watch what I eat my triggers for gouty attacks happen to be rapid weight loss it was actually the cause I had gout in the first place I lost 40 keg in a few months when I was 18 so if I count the attacks I had since the first time years ago perhaps only six times three times my right big toe and three times my left ankle all when I was not eating well and lost a lot of weight the last attack was a year ago but it has never been too severe and the most painful period will last for hours in one single night I cannot step on it and eventually it will go away gradually but this time it is too intense especially if I try to sleep I will sleep in minutes and the moment I move my toe while asleep I wake up with an extreme pain like someone stabbing my foot with a knife and cut it through from the big toe joint through the upper foot I even cried as I felt helpless with extreme pain that will not let me rest and it has been a week now and the pain is not going down with medication the moment I finished my voltaren 50 my in four days I thought it is much better now but it came back like a demon the problem is that I am confused and cannot run into all options of diagnoses due to financial situation I went today to a hospital the orthopedic was full could not get an appointment urgently so it was a general doctor he did not know for sure what is going on he suspected gout so he made blood test and uric acid was 326 umol which is the best I have ever had as he still not sure he advised to do an ray and the result he said as normal so he gave me strong painkillers and allopurinol which I did not use as my uric acid is fine and told me to see how it goes for two weeks in my ray see I noticed there is a slight difference in distance between the bones of the toes and the foot the big toe is a bit closer to the bone comparing with the other toes I do not know if this has anything to do but I want you to double check I have attached the photo taken to give you more information the pain is so intense if I am out of medication the big toe flexes up or down but up is more difficult than down and also upon stepping on it so I have to walk stepping half side of my foot avoiding landing on the big toe base of course I apply ice water almost every three hours to feel ease and also pain upon touch from the outer side of the joint to the left also you can see clear swelling and color change of the skin in the photo I am totally confused because I happen to make many mistakes that might cause different problems to my joint I am not sure which one triggered it or the cause of it I lost a lot of weight in a short period of time I was recently last month on a ketogenic diet low carbohydrate high fat in which there is a debate that it might be problem for gout sufferers I have also increased my volume and intensity of the workout due to the extra energy felt when I was veto adapted I usually stop exercising when I feel I spent a lot of hours not because I was tired so perhaps that caused a lot of stress on my body my daily workout was something like 90 minutes weight lifting in the gym and 45 minutes running and maybe 30 minutes walking to the gym if we count this as well I remember running in barefoot too I changed my shoes just a week before the pain and I chose a good quality running shoe I chose a fit one not painful or even uncomfortable but I thought because it is filled with cushioning and felt light and good I have not even known that there could be a problem until last night I read some articles against tight fit shoes especially for those with gout so I am really confused about the problem am I suffering from gout or sesamoiditis or tendinitis or turf toe I need you to guide me what should I do will I need to do an mri or it or bone scan which one will confirm everything
medium severity
I have a lipoma in my arm is there any cure
helio I have gone through your query and understood your concerns lipomas are painless swellings for lipoma the best treatment is surgical excision and as it is not a big surgery you can go for it consult a general surgeon online regarding the surgical removal of the swelling
hello doctor I have a lipoma in my arm is there any cure
low severity
I have a lipoma there is no pain as such is it normal
hello firstly I want to ask you whether the diagnosis of lipoma was made by a doctor because swellings may be of several types my advice is to visit a surgeon for an examination in person the doctor will be able to tell you the best whether you need a biopsy or excision of the lesion or whether no active management is needed it is difficult to comment without examination hope this helps for further queries consult a general surgeon online
hi doctor in my right upper arm I have a lipoma which grows slowly from three years now I have two new lipomas in the same upper arm there is no pain as such is it normal
low severity
what advise would a chiropractor give for lipoma
hi for further information consult a chiropractor online
hi doctor I am a 20 year old male healthy and active all my life I have multiple lipomas that do not bother me except for their appearance and having to explain to people what these bumps on my body are whenever I take my shirt off doctors say all I can do is have them surgically removed but that would lead to many scars frankly it does not bother me that much to undergo an elective surgery what advice would a chiropractor give for my condition
low severity
can high cholesterol with palmar erythema mean liver damage
hello do not worry you may have anxiety more than disease itself for raised total cholesterol you may take low cholesterol diet with regular exercise quitting of alcohol may be useful get it done ultrasound abdomen and liver scan avoid alcohol intake use tablet pantoprazole before breakfast for one week eat green leafy vegetables do yoga and meditation be happy and do not worry if cholesterol is still high then you may take antihyperlipidemic drugs please consult your physician he will examine and treat you accordingly take care
hello doctor I was diagnosed with palmer erythema last year I am 28 years old however I started drinking moderately from 16 20 then stayed sober for a year and a half however started drinking again at and have been more of a binge drinker consuming on average of 20 50 drinks a week over the last years I never drank everyday usually 10 one day during the week but would drink lot on friday annd saturdays since my pe diagnosis I have had my liver enzymes checked times along with abc and autoimmune diseases and just about every kind of blood work that could cause along with an ultrasound and everything has came back normal except my cholesterol and triglycerides were a high since I have gotten my triglycerides in healthy range but cholesterol is still a little high my question is how accurate is all of this in detecting liver damage I do not have any symptoms of disease except the red palms and should I be concerned since I am now sober as I have talked to several people in the cirrhosis and fatty liver disease community and it definitely scared the heck out of me how dangerous alcohol really is so I am just hoping to get some advice and if there is anything else I can do to be certain or what is your opinion on my story definitely never drinking again and totally not worth the risk of developing some kind of liver disease
medium severity
what could be the rashes in my legs causing extreme itching and petechiae
hi you do have a bright red colored rash over the legs such rashes occur mostly as a response to allergies now allergies can be because of food artificial colors or even at times because of insect bites the petechial patch on the shin is nothing but a result of excessive scratching of the skin you must use a good preservative free hydrating moisturizer cetaphil restoraderm in the morning if the itching is severe enough there is no harm in taking a short course of prednisolone most importantly get your blood workup complete blood count done you can get back to me after the blood work is done
hello doctor I am a 26 year old female with no significant health history I have anxiety and I had hyperthyearoidism in the past I have had an itchy rash for over three months it started as a small patch behind my left knee it happened after having a ring shaped rash on my left thigh I was treated for that with antifungal cream and it went away this new rash is completely different I am extremely itchy to the point it is interfering with my life there is no obvious rash unless I have already scratched that area I then get a bunch of small skin colored bumps also after scratching I often get petechiae and bruising the itch is everywhere but my face I have been waking up wet from sweating even though my bedroom is fairly cold at night a few times I have checked I had a small fever of around 1 my doctor puts me on antihistamines benadryl at night claritin during the day and steroid cream it has not worked she recently wrote me a prescription for prednisone but I am worried that a skin allergy just is not what I have I am currently taking effexor 75 my klonopin 5 my when needed
high severity
are red and itchy rosacea symptoms of lupus
hi from the photos it looks like rosacea however the possibility of lupus and allergies to sun exposure can not be ruled out you should check out for lupus steroids are not given in rosacea as initially it may give a good improvement but as the times goes by you will be completely dependent on them topical steroids cause skin atrophy and hoards of other problems which is more or less permanent so I will suggest you stay away from them topical metronidazole gel at night with a good sunscreen as rosacea worsens with sun exposure will give results rosacea is a chronic condition and will stay for a long time you will have to manage it well it some times shows signs of flare ups and downs generally as a response to anxiety stress excitement and prolonged sun exposure minimize sun exposure use sunscreen meticulously daily no cosmetics on the face follow up after the use of said medications in 15 days time
hi doctor I am 39 years old I have a very bad red itchy weeping scaly butterfly rash on my face which my doctor says is rosacea but it has responded to no treatments except steroid cream so far I also have excessive watering itching and swelling of my eyes ocular rosacea not sure if there is a connection but my periods have become unusually light during the last year could I have something more than just rosacea do you think I am currently being tested for lupus but would there be other possibilities for what could be causing this
medium severity
can anxiety cause increased heart rate and chest tightness
hello your symptoms seem to be due to anxiety if all your workup is normal there is nothing to worry about I advise you to eat healthily avoid fast foods alcohol etc do regular exercise flush all the worries out of your life there is nothing to worry about always chill you have your life and you have to make full of it always care for life as it is precious so you are too take part in healthy activities if these measures does not solve the problem pay a visit to the psychologist in my opinion you are fit and healthy and nothing to worry
hello doctor I have been to four different hospitals over within a year multiple times due to health anxiety and fear of heart failure heart attack etc I am dealing with a lot of muscle tension all my muscles are tight and I am always checking my heart rate constantly for some reason at times like standing walking or in the shower my heart feels like it is beating harder than normal and faster at times I am not sure if a tight chest makes heart beats feel more intense or if there is a problem I have had ekg chest rays and blood work to rule out serious heart conditions everything was fine except blood pressure I have been really stressed scared and constantly on edge so they think my blood pressure is due to stress as I was having a panic attack when it was taken and when I was relaxed it started going down I am extremely scared to do anything because my chest neck and back is so tight and when I feel my heart beat fast things get tighter spasm and lock up what is going on what is the remedy to this is this really anxiety can the muscle tension make my heartbeat feel stronger than normal
high severity
are painful post auricular lymph nodes concerned for cancer
hi your complaint is suggestive of some ear or scalp infection as it is painful please send a picture of the lesion as it is possible that what you think is the painful lymph node is actually folliculitis and the painless thing is actually the real lymph node in that case the antibiotics that you are currently taking are appropriate the dose should be augmenting duo 625 amoxicillin 500mg and clavulanic acid 125 my twice a day for five days do not stop before five days take tablet combiflam ibrufen 400mg and paracetamol 325mg twice a day for two to three days regarding the risk of cancer size of the painless lymph node is a very important parameter in deciding further investigation if the size is more than 5 am then fac fine needle aspiration cytology of the lymph node is usually recommended this test needs to be done if after taking the above mentioned treatment for five days the swellings continue to persist gram stain and culture of any discharge acute lymphadenitis lymphoma folliculitis continue antibiotics to complete total of five days painkillers as required hot and cold fomentation maintain scalp hygiene followup is must if the swelling persists more than a week follow up with pictures both before medicines and after a week
hello doctor I am a year old male I do no substance abuse alcohol and smoking I have a painful post auricular lymph node swelling for four days yesterday evening one more post auricular lymph node was noticed which is swollen sudden in onset and painless I am taking antibiotics augmenting duo amoxicillin and clavulanic acid and painkillers for three days I am worried because one more lymph node started swelling and I even worried about cancer please help blood test was done lymphocytes and neutrophils 30 rest all values are normal
medium severity
why do we get forehead wrinkles with age
hello forehead wrinkles are signs of aging process men get wrinkles due to decrease formation of new collagen and destruction of already existing collagen and elastic proteins in our skin wrinkles can be inherited if one gets it early but in majority people they become prominent with aging and ultraviolet radiation has the major role to play in this uv ultraviolet radiation boosts the process of collagen degradation through the formation of reactive oxygen species men get more forehead wrinkles because in females estrogen has a somewhat protective role men are more exposed to sunlight and women have more fat layer beneath the skin that gives good contouring to the skin prevention of forehead wrinkles is partially possible because they are part of the normal age process protection from sunlight is very important in this regard treatment of forehead wrinkles can be invasive or noninvasive in non invasive procedures hifu high intensity focused ultrasound is very famous nowadays in this high intensity focused ultrasound waves are given to wrinkle area and it stimulates collagen formation invasive methods are botox injection surgical correction requires fillers to be inserted
hello doctor why do men get wrinkles in their foreheads with age is it more lifestyle or genetic is it possible to tell if it is more than the other are men more or less likely to get forehead wrinkles compared to women why or why not what can men do to prevent forehead wrinkles is there anything they can do to reverse them once they show up that does not require surgery do facial muscle exercises I face yoga work what surgical options to men have and when might they consider it are forehead wrinkles a sign of an underlying health problem or cause for concern
low severity
why is there bad breath with tonsil stones
hello you suffer from tonsilloliths tonsils which are lymphoid organs in the throat produce secretions through the crypts in them in a few people these secretions calcify and become stones called tonsilloliths in a vast majority of people it stays asymptomatic however in a few like you they produce symptoms such as food stuck in the throat and mild ache the presence of these stones causes stasis of secretions in the crypts which otherwise freely flow into the mouth the stasis causes the development of bacterial colonies which result in halitosis bad breath and associated throat ache the tonsils act as a source of infection to the ears as the bacteria rises up along the eustachian tube that connects back of the nose to the ears on each side sometimes a remnant of adenoids could also be causing the ear issue if this problem has been there for more than three to four months I suggest you go ahead and get your tonsils removed the procedure is called a tonsillectomy before that we would like to take a radiograph of your nasopharynx to rule out adenoids enlargement adenoids usually regress by 10 years of age but in some it remains longer and causes problems of mouth breathing ear block snoring and ear infections if adenoids are enlarged they also can be removed along with tonsils in the same setting adenotonsillectomy if you ask me the merits and demerits of the procedure in your case the merits clearly outweigh the demerits these lymphoid organs in you have turned more harmful than protective the tonsils are causing you bad breath foreign body feeling in the throat along with tonsillar stones the tonsils or the adenoids are causing you the ear ache as well post operatively you may face mild pain for two days and you can resume your work or college in three to four days time in my set up we do this operation on day care basis we use radio frequency ablation for removing the tonsils which is one of the most recent advances in the field of ent surgery medically the problem can be managed but recurrence are the norm you may gargle the throat using chlorhexidine dilution or betadine dilution multiple times a day drink plenty of fluids treat an acute infection on a case by case basis using appropriate antibiotics and avoid cold spicy food items that may irritate the mucosa however a permanent solution for the problem will be evasive unless and until you rid yourself of the tonsils I hope this helps ray of nasopharynx soft tissue lateral view for adenoids serum ice throat swab for culture and sensitivity
hello doctor I think I have tonsil stones I have little white things in my tonsil pockets when I cough them up or manage to get them out they are whitish or yellowish hard clumps I have mild sore throats all the time bad breath I brush my teeth constantly and I make sure I do not eat food that makes breath smell bad and I get earaches it constantly feels like food or something is stuck in my throat and it is really annoying should I go see a doctor about this or is there any way I can get rid of them at home
low severity
is it possible to get natural conception at the age of 45 years
hello doctor welcome to icliniq com age is an important factor in getting conception of an embryo the best healthy ovum are usually released during the early years of life thus during a late age we might have an unhealthy ovum so if you are trying to conceive you approach a gynecologist to check the status of your uterus endometrium ovary ovum and hormonal levels if there is something wrong we can specifically give the treatments mostly in this age menopause is possible other things such as fibroid uterus should be ruled out through an ultrasonogram if menopausal attained then the estrogen progesterone level in the blood will be in the lower level I suggest you go for a lab investigation to rule out the cause in allopathy system you may try for in vitro fertilization techniques for conceiving in ayurveda take tablet alles compounds two in the morning two in the afternoon and two in the evening after food continue this tablet for three months if you do not have fibroid uterus and menopause you will get conceived if a fibroid is there we can treat with other drugs or do surgery to remove the fibroid if menopause attained then no hope for natural conception invitro fertilization may be helpful simultaneously the semen analysis to your husband to be done if a couple gets their kid at the age of 47 by the time they reach 70 years their child enters college this is how late marriages affects the care of the next generation
hello doctor I am 45 years now and still not blessed with a child due to late marriage this is my third year after marriage I get my periods regularly but this month I got my period as usual on the correct date and after one week again I got my period with lot of clots is this sign of menopause or all the cysts are coming out please advise how to become a mother in my case
medium severity
nose shape is deformed after septoplasty with turbinoplasty what to do
hello I understand you underwent septoplasty and turbinoplasty and you have not completely recovered after septoplasty post operatively it takes about two to three months for complete healing and recovery you must put solspre nasal spray two puffs four times daily for about a month in either nostril if there is excessive dryness you must also instill 5 menthol paraffin nasal drops three drops in each nostril thrice daily the room where you stay must be adequately humidified and should have moisture you must drink plenty of water and take healthy foods you must go for weekly reviews with the ent surgeon who can look into the nose and see if the healing is good if not you may require suction clearance of the nasal cavities any clots or crusts may be causing the nasal blockage for you if after two months also you are not feeling any improvement kindly contact us we can reassess the problem and get you the best treatment
hello doctor I had septoplasty and turbinoplasty 16 days ago after the surgery they asked me to come back after two days for packs removal then after two days I went to the hospital other doctor look after me and he just removed one pack even I asked him to remove the packs on both sides but he refused it I then came back home after two days I cannot able to eat or even drink anything as my mouth smells very foul and the whole nose got swelled then after seven days I revisit a doctor then the doctor who did the surgery on me looked inside my nose and pulled out the pack hardly then after this my nose shape changed badly and I cannot breathe normally now what I can do now
medium severity
do temporal area pigmentation with retinal elevation need surgery
hello I have gone through your optomap the first left eye one seems fine the second one right eye on your left hand side has a few changes it is a bit tricky to make assumptions based on images but are you referring to the retinal elevation and hole and carpe on to the left hand side there are a multitude of options to treat such a disease some doctors with such a finding might say that it is a small hole and localized elevation and especially if you yourself have no symptoms like flashing light or floating objects might ask you to simply follow up with them and recommend observation others may recommend that you get laser or surgery done more so in case you have symptoms as mentioned above and if you have had any such incidents in your other eye or have risk factors like a high power so in summary I can say that it mainly depends on the progress your symptoms and the risk factors I can assure you that observation for a retinal problem like yours can be done because it is not involving the center part macula but the doctor may opt to treat with a laser depending on the progress of the condition once again it depends on your progress risk factors and symptoms
hi doctor I went to an optometrist and diagnosed with something like below retinal exam showed od temporal area of pigmentation old carpe is tropical hole with area of retinal elevation I have attached the optomaps can you please tell me how serious is this does it need surgery
low severity
is it advisable to take ayurvedic medicine for pod while on eltroxin
hello you have hypothyearoidism and pod polycystic ovarian disease you are not trying to get pregnant now so it is time to take strict siddha medications to get a complete cure from pod I advise you to continue eltroxin tablet during your regular visit the physician will regulate its dose based on hormonal values so you no need to worry about that in many people siddha drug renders the possibility of reducing eltroxin dose for pod please follow the following medical advice a kumar legium van kumar legium take go one spoon in the morning and evening before food or alles compounds two tablets in the morning and two in the evening after food tablet chithira moola kuligai one tablet in the morning and one in the night after food kalarchi chooranam 5 go in the morning and evening after food with hot water or milk if you do not get this drug in the market you can prepare as follows kalarchi bonduc nut seed remove outer shell and use only the inner kernel 100 go black pepper 10 go asafoetida fried 10 go keep these in a pixie jar and make a powder the drug is ready store in a container alai vembathi thailam or kalingaathi thailam both or same my daily during the night before bed after some days you can increase its dose a few drops continue all these drugs within three months you will get periods then also during menstrual bleeding days stop all drugs again start from day fifth of the bleeding day continue for six months your uterus and ovary will become normal suppose if you do not get bleeding but only few spots then consider it as the bleeding if you do not get even a spot then do not worry you continue these drugs for six months tender arasam leaf peepal tree collect the tender leaves grind three leaves and mix with milk like milkshake consume this in the morning continue this daily morning until you become normal if you get more tender leaves at a time dry them and powder it then take go and mix in milk if you do not like milk then use buttermilk or water this is another important home remedy for pod
hello doctor I have hypothyearoid and pod I am taking eltroxin 100 mug I have been put on devilry tablets a few times to regularize periods I am looking for a permanent cure for pod I read from your posts that kalarchi choornam is effective can I take them along with thyearoid eltroxin tablets or will there be any interaction what is your suggested treatment for my pod
medium severity
other than autoimmune disease what can cause chronic joint pain
hello I have gone through your history and blood reports I found a few abnormalities which I would like to ask a few more details on and also some more questions pertaining to your problem which would help us reach a conclusive diagnosis do you experience any dry eyes or dry mouth when the pain comes is it more in the nights or day do you experience fatigue in the morning hours as well any recent mood changes with irritability any history of forgetfulness as for the blood test major abnormalities I found were low vitamin positive ana but the titer is very low and further end is negative which excludes an autoimmune cause but your cop reactive protein is a bit high at the last report so there was an infection going on that time or any other symptom as your last cop was mostly normal as of now I do not think you have lupus my diagnosis is going towards fibromyalgia but would like to confirm after knowing these further queries only
hello doctor I have had many years of health problems including severe joint pain inability to lose weight chronic fatigue transient pains and abdominal pains that seem to come and go in cycles sometimes lasting for days or even months I have a medical phobia so have not been to the doctor unless it was an emergency but over 20 years ago I ended up going to the er and had several tests I was told I had lupus osteoarthritis cos and thyearoid issues I have tried to treat myself and pain naturally over the years with a healthy lifestyle and natural aids but the pain finally became so bad over the last couple of years that I have gone to some appointments I was referred to a rhuematologist that did blood work and said I was fine except low vitamin I told the new doctor about the early diagnosis and she said it was probably wrong but she would run blood test anyway when the test results came back she said I did not have an autoimmune problem and I was fine except that I had low vitamin I have a copy of the test results that look like there are some problems to me and based on her reviews and my personal experience with my health I would very much like a second opinion I am taking xanax when needed some tests are attached I have also had an mri that showed osteitis pubis fatty liver and mild bladder inflammation
low severity
after using eye drops for scleritis I had partial vision loss why
hello after going through your history I understand that you have two concerns firstly what has gone wrong and the second is how to fix it from what you have mentioned in your query I can tell that you have at least two problems interfering with your vision corneal scarring due to the viral infection of the cornea this is an end stage and can be corrected using a corneal transplant although the information you have provided is quite detailed it would be useful to have a photo of your cornea the round black part of your eye this is to check for corneal ulcers or scarring optic disc damage or glaucoma I think this may be present as well it is a common side effect of long term prednisone and probably why your second doctor said that a corneal transplant will make this worse as the problem is too deep in the eye once again although your description is detailed glaucoma cannot be ruled out by this limited information please send a photo of your doctors reports or at least the intraocular pressure readings coming to the cure corneal scarring can be cured with a corneal transplant but I am afraid if you have glaucoma there is no way to get back the vision you lost all we can hope to achieve is not to let further damage to the disc happen I hope this helps
hello doctor I saw an ophthalmologist for what I thought was a pink eye infection the following issues were addressed acute sudden onset inflammation of the conjunctive the membrane that covers the white part of the eye causing the white part of the eye to become red and irritated with the formation of little bumps inside of the inner eyelid and misalignment of the eyelashes which rub against the eyeball causing irritation his diagnosis was some type of scleritis he wrote a prescription for drops with an antibiotic and told me to give it a few weeks to clear up and nothing serious within a month there was little marked improvement so I went to see him again he was amazed that there was no improvement and laughed he said all of my patients get better with this medicine except you should probably check with the pharmacy and see if this was a bad batch maybe it got too hot on the truck I was literally taken back he took me off of that medicine and told me to get over the counter drops similar to no more tears I did and used for one more week with no improvement I called his nurse at his office and he prescribed prednisolone acetate drops which did seem to eliminate the white blisters on the white of my eye however my eye started to hurt as if someone was stabbing it with a needle over and over at random times by the next day morning I lost a part of my vision in my left eye it was as if someone smeared my lens with vaseline blurry and looked like I was looking through frosted glass and also painful I called his office and he was on vacation so they referred me to the physician on call at another facility the doctor was shocked that this had gone on for so long he was afraid my vision was in danger because of nontreatment he diagnosed me with dendritic keratitis and shingles of the eye cornea he did not want me going back to the previous doctor I have been with him since trying to get this fixed he prescribed me the shingles medicine valtrex the shingles in the eye are getting better now but the damage which could have been prevented has taken its toll my left eye is left with a smear laziness fog or frost vision which makes it impossible to focus especially with both eyes open I asked him about a possible cornea transplant and he said the damage was likely too deep in the eye to make a difference in fact that could even make it worse is this true I now see two blurry red light traffic signals covered in frost or haze he said the haze would be permanent my wife and I are almost retired and wanted to travel before this happened please let me know what I can do in this matter or any surgical recommendations the prognosis for full recovery was bleak when talking to another doctor
medium severity
I was diagnosed with positive ana when tested for eczema could it be false positive
hello according to history it looks more like the skin is the only one troubling you I would like to ask you a few more queries did your rash resolve after the sun exposure was removed do you experience it on a daily basis when exposed to the sun or was it just due to prolonged exposure how about your other blood test like complete blood count ear erythrocyte sedimentation rate and liver function test yes it is true that ana antinuclear antibody can be a false positive in a lot of people but we need to be sure that it is not the start of a disease so only ana does not give us answers we need to see if it is causing inflammation in the blood which will be clear from other tests as per history it sounds more like a polymorphous light eruption which usually should improve itself but yes if your skin is sensitive you should avoid getting prolonged exposures like tat as they can be harmful to the skin
hello doctor I am a 50 year old male I was having photosensitivity not too bad went to a dermatologist had a blood test and tested positive for ana 160 I was getting eczema on my hands and feet with the sun at the beach tiny little itchy blisters but my forearms and calves start to itch with a very slight rash I was told I essentially had very dry skin he was not even going to order a blood test but did it just to make sure of blood count I showed him a picture of a slight rash the ana then tested positive I have to go see a rheumatologist now I do not have any other symptoms of joint pain etc I am pretty healthy I work out five times a week I take atorvastatin for cholesterol baby asprin ezetimibe and vitamin I also have a vitamin deficiency I also had a physical four months ago and everything else was fine with the blood work everyone told me not to worry that there are a lot of false positives I can have an early stage of something and it needs to be monitored but what am I most likely realistically looking at how quickly does this get assigned
medium severity
how can parents keep their children safe around water this summer
hello staying safe in and around the pool avoid taking children between the age of months to years near pools as they may go unnoticed into the pool and may drown if at all you do take children to the pools make sure they have their floats and other safety equipment on at all times even when out of the pool make sure children do not drink the water of the pool staying safe in and around a beach all of the above tips plus be careful of children eating sand watch out for sea urchins crabs and insects that may bite the children carry enough water with you and advice the children to drink plenty of water so as to prevent dehydration on a hot sunny day at the beach warning signs breathlessness fainting drowsiness convulsion dry drowning is when water enters the child nose and upper respiratory airway but does not enter the lungs due to spasm of the upper respiratory tract watch out for breathlessness chest pain and irritability in this case
hello doctor what do parents need to know about keeping their children safe around water this summer how to stay safe at a pool in the water and around the pool area how to stay safe at a beach in the water and on the shore what are possible signs of distress or danger parents should look for extreme exhaustion coughing heavy breathing what is dry drowning and what to look for most important points parents should teach their kids about water safety
low severity
what is the expert review on natural remedies for chapped lips
hello for chopping of lips the following can be used conut oil has a good emollient effect and forms a barrier over the lips that prevent further chopping it can be used two to three times a day olive oil is another option to treat chapped lips and help in retaining the moisture within the lips preventing further damage it is used after washing and taking a bath rose petals and rose water another important remedy for chapped lips it has antioxidants properties and due to its fragrance it is cosmetically acceptable it can be applied three to four times a day lemon juice is full of vitamin that is ascorbic acid and being a very good antioxidants it is very important in treatment of chapped lips it can be used by mixing in few drops of water aloe vera is another very important home remedy for treatment of chapped lips it can be used along with vaseline vaseline petroleum jelly is a very good and cheap method for the treatment of chapped lips it gives good protection and provide a barrier and retain moisture almond oil and shea butter both can be used for the treatment of chapped lips honey has a lot of benefits for skin apart from wound healing and its antiinflammatory properties it has hydrating and moisture retention qualities which makes it excellent for treating chapped lips it can be applied twice a day green tea bags can also be used because their ingredients have antioxidants properties and helpful in improving the chopping
hello doctor what are the benefits of natural remedies for chapped lips can almond oil cumber lemon juice conut oil a humidifier sugar and honey green tea bags and olive oil be used as natural remedies for chapped lips I would like to know the skincare expert view please suggest
low severity
can herd cause rumbling stomach and feeling of something stuck in throat
hi not sure whether the diagnosis of herd gastric esophageal reflux disease is made by you or your physician by looking at the symptoms it looks like there is increased gastric acid secretion which is giving you the sensation of bloating diagnosis of herd is made if you feel that the gastric acid is regurgitating back and you feel soreness in your mouth especially when lying down this is because of the relaxation of lower esophageal sphincter pressure as a result acid is regurgitating into the esophagus I suggest you to modify your lifestyle as mentioned below avoid spicy and acidic foods avoid going to bed immediately after food a gap of at least one to one and a half hours is recommended elevate the head end of the bed to about 30 degrees while sleeping avoid smoking and alcohol if you do so take small feeds or meals and avoid fatty foods and large meals avoid coffee tea cold beverages like cola etc for a few days continue tablet lansoprazole or pantoprazole 40 my twice daily for a month no need to take domperidone along with these you can take antacids as and when required but not more than 20 my per day if symptoms do not resolve after 30 days give a try for pyloric kit lansoprazole amoxicillin and clarithromycin for 14 days it is readily available with chemists if the problem still persists you need to undergo endoscopy to find out the reasons for persistent symptoms and may require surgical intervention I hope this helps
hello doctor I am years old from the last few days I am suffering from herd I feel something is stuck in my throat and even if I take water this feeling never goes also I feel a loud sound in my stomach before and after lunch and formations of gas I took reblet eristozyme tables and sacral antacids but did not work please suggest me remedy so that I can get received from herd and the feeling in esophagus
low severity
please clarify if my dental problem is curable
hi a localized radiograph of that region inadequate oral hygiene maintenance deep scaling and radiograph revert back with the radiograph to an endodontist online
hello doctor my father is 70 years old he has some dental problem and that is filled with pus and blood local dentist checked it but the treatment does not provide complete solution it occurs again and again please check the picture and tell me what it is it cancerous is it curable please guide
low severity
what is your opinion regarding long term antiepileptic medication
hi I went through your query I can understand your concern about long term effects of antiepileptic medications so in reply to your query I would like to make suggestions for your son as follows treatment of many types of childhood epilepsy requires long term antiepileptic medications sometimes for years together hence your doctor a neurologist always has to judge the minimum dose that is adequate to prevent seizures and also to take care that the dose does not cause side effects dose of most of the drugs in children is decided by weight and not by age at present I assume that your son weight is around 14 15 keg and the second is please make sure that your son is taking plenty of liquids during the day to avoid a remote risk of developing renal stone renal stone is not common but a possible side effect with topiramate please take all possible measures to avoid factors that may precipitate seizures such as avoidance of physical or mental strain avoidance of excessive hunger control of fever with proper medications and tepid sponging etc please make sure that all the antiepileptic medications have side effects so it is usually the best option to choose proper medications that control seizures as well as do not cause side effects at present I would agree with your neurologist opinion however a neurologist is usually the best expert to manage childhood epilepsy for further information consult a paediatrician online
hello doctor I have already put my query to a neurologist still I would like to get opinion from you as well my son is 5 years old he has been diagnosed with benign childhood epilepsy his mri and it were normal there are epileptic form of discharge he spikes from right occipital lobe usually he will be conscious and feel involuntary movements in left leg in severe case he will lose balance and fall down this will happen once in a week we consulted a neurologist and epileptologist here in my place they prescribed him topamac 50 my twice a day and lobazam 10 my for three months I am concerned about the long term usage of lobazam will it cause any serious side effect now with medication he is fine and attends kindergarten school please do reply about my concern
high severity
do arterioles and capillaries feel pain
hi I have read through your query in detail please find my observations below for further information consult an interventional radiologist online
hi doctor does ma show arterioles does cat show small vessels can spent tell microvasculitis from vasospasm in microvessel do arterioles and capillaries feel pain
medium severity
my left shoulder is broader than the right is this a growth problem
hi for further doubts consult a chiropractor online
hi doctor I am a 19 years old female I have noticed that one of my clavicle is longer than the other my left shoulder is slightly broader than the right shoulder every now and then I am experiencing pain in my left shoulder my waist on the left is bigger than my right side as if I have lopsided curves as well as my breast is bigger on the left than the right my posture looks good and my spine looks normal I have tried looking into scoliosis but was told nothing wrong with me is this a growth problem
low severity
what can be the reason for brownish discharge following us
hello I have read through your question and understand your concerns I think it is threatened abortion you should take bed rest along with tablet austen 200 my twice daily progesterone for two weeks and mbryosafe sachet once daily arginine I think it will help you and give you better prognosis ultrasound is required after two weeks for evaluation for further information consult a fetal medicine specialist online
hi doctor my last us report showed intrauterine pregnancy with my gestation sac no fetal and yolk sac last week I had brown discharge with mild lower abdominal pain and was prescribed austen 200 my oral now I am feeling the pain frequently in the right lower abdomen with mild bleeding and pain it is less when I lie on bed what to do
medium severity
none of the eggs are maturing in my ovary what to do
hi revert back with the investigation reports to an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hi doctor I am trying to conceive for over a year now but unsuccessful I went to a gynecologist and he told me that I have no eggs maturing in my ovary and was given clomid 50 my eggs did not mature and it only grows up to 10 my he asked me to come again to try I treatments he mentioned that my uterine lining is thin my cycle is regular for the past months I have 30 days cycle but I realize that my period is getting shorter and lighter during my ovulation I use ovulation predictor kit to track the test line gets dark between 15 16th day but the test line never gets darker than the control lines so I assume it as negative please help
high severity
how to cure be
hi I have gone through your query for further information consult a general medicine physician online
hi doctor my blood pressure is 145 95 how can I cure it through home remedies please suggest
medium severity
I have multiple small nodules in both the lungs what should I do
hello for further information consult a pulmonologist online
hi doctor I underwent a comprehensive health checkup recently and it revealed multiple small nodules in both my lungs from the high resolution it scan presently I have sporadic recurring breathlessness during late evenings now I am taking osteopenia medication calcium and calcinase nasal spray the it scan report is attached for your reference please advise the next course of action
medium severity
what are the expected skin changes seen through aging
hi our skin undergoes aging process continuously there are two types of aging going on in an individual intrinsic aging that is inherited in our genes and the other is extrinsic aging that is due to environmental factors most importantly the sunlight with aging the following things happen across the decades collagen in our skin becomes less resulting in wrinkles the process of degeneration of collagen gets aggravated by the exposure to sunlight due to the formation of reactive oxygen species natural moisturizing factor and hydration of skin get low and skin becomes more dry and scaly hair follicles in our skin and sebaceous glands also become less with time resulting in few hairs on the body elastic tissue becomes less in the skin resulting in crows feet fine lines and sagging of skin sunlight exposure and extrinsic aging lead to melanin synthesis and freckles lentigines formation on exposed areas skincare protection from sunlight is advised a good sunblock of spy 60 sun protection factor should be used vitamin cream can be used plenty of water should be taken consuming fresh fruits and vegetables with antioxidants properties are very important acid toning can be started around 30 years of age when skin requires rejuvenation topical retinoids are very important in skin rejuvenation they decrease wrinkles they increase collagen synthesis and give glow and decrease fine lines from the skin
hello doctor I would like to know how does our skin change through the decades how our skin changes in our 20s 30s 40s and beyond also looking for tips on how to care for our skin what products we should be used for certain problems when should we start acid toning how about retinal products
medium severity
what are the pros and cons in hormonal birth control withdrawal
hello welcome to icliniq com there could be many effects if a woman has been on any specific birth control pills like mood variations fear of conception if not willing to conceive anxiety irregular periods skin dryness soft breast dry hairs less libido angry behavior etc if the body has been on one particular hormone then it gets used to it and after quitting the body reacts and those could be withdrawal symptoms or gradually the body original physiology comes out those who are habitual for contraceptive pills can have a strong fear of having conception or minor symptoms whatever they feel could report to their treating doctor woman who just wants to or already get rid of pills should have better physical and recreational activities and try to avoid withdrawal symptoms by making themselves busy
hello doctor I want to know about going off birth control what are the five to ten most common physical and emotional changes women can expect when they discontinue hormonal birth control use will these changes differ depending on the type of birth control and how long you have been on it how so what are some myths people tend to believe about going off birth control can you debunk these any last words of advice for women nervous about going off birth control
low severity
how to remove the black patches and pores on cheek
hello I have read your query postinflammatory uv rays sun damage start applying anti pigmentary medications like koji acid kojivit or hydroquinine h lite in the night only to the black patches for two weeks along with a sunscreen of spy 26 and above in the morning to your full face three to four times like at am am and am sunscreen can be continued for a long duration for further information consult a dermatologist online
hi doctor my age is 35 I have black patches on my face and pores on the cheek black patches first occurred years ago for the first time how to remove them and get a fair skin please suggest
low severity
I got some white patch with rashes on skin what could it be
hi I have gone through the information provided sun exposure friction sweat sunburn eczema fungal infection sunburn sun protection for further information consult a dermatologist online
hi doctor I got some white patch with rashes I feel it sometime itchy it is the same for last two weeks neither increasing nor decreasing applied face cream and cow ghee I have attached the photos for your reference
high severity
can color blindness be rectified with medicines
hello for further doubts consult an eye care ophthalmologist online
hello doctor six years ago I noticed that I have color blindness can this be corrected or will it remain forever if correction is possible then how can it be
high severity
what causes popping sound while opening the jaw
hi revert back with the details to a dentist online
hi doctor I got facial pain headaches popping sound while opening jaw pressure and sometimes neck pain as well I got patchy mucosal thickening of ethmoid sinuses from a it scan I have attached my dental ray are my symptoms due to sinuses or do I have tad of right mandible most of my symptoms are on my right side of the face I am having this issue since a year please help
high severity
what do bile salt and bile pigment signify in jaundice
hi for further information consult a family physician online
hello doctor what is the value of bile salt and bile pigment if a person has jaundice
medium severity
what can the red spots on back of hands that resemble bruising be
hello I have examined your photographs attachments removed to protect patient identity and your history details for further information consult a dermatologist online
hi doctor there are red spots on the back of my hands close to the thumbs I do not feel any itching pain or any other unusual conditions it is just redness it is present under the skin and looks like bruising I do not know if it is caused by sun exposure or something else I first noticed it three months back at present I am taking vitamin complex tablet and vitamin tablet please help
low severity
seminal leak associated with tests pain with just excitement why
hi I have read and understood your problem revert back after the investigations to an andrologist online
hi doctor I am experiencing seminal leak and pain in left tests on excitement without sex situation worsens when excited after exercising this seminal discharge is causing anxiety and pain I am having this problem since last 10 years please help
high severity
why am I having a feeling of hopelessness
hello for further information consult a psychiatrist online
hello doctor I am having feelings such as hopelessness nervousness and shortness of breath my egg and lipids are fine and my physician advised no problem with my heart and breath he says it is due to depression and anxiety I have some vertigo sometimes I feel less control over my body restless sleepy feeling and yawning negative thinking depressed mood and not interested in anything kindly suggest suitable medicine already I am taking stalopam 10 be alprax 25 be fluoxetine 20 od and trivia when feeling excessive nervousness also I am taking olmetime 20 od for be and actor ez od for cholesterol are these medicines and their dosage are fine as per my symptoms or should I change them kindly help me
medium severity
kindly suggest an alternative for yasmin to control cos
hello metyearapone metopirone is an orphan medication that holds the fda approval food and drug administration for the diagnosis of cushing syndrome and is occasionally used off label for short term treatment of cushing syndrome prior to surgery metyearapone prevents cortisol synthesis by inhibiting hydroxylase the enzyme responsible for the conversion of deoxycortisol to cortisol the restricted access and adverse reactions of metyearapone are associated with increased androgen and mineralocorticoid production which limits the use of this medication for the treatment of cushing syndrome it can cause a negative feedback increase of act adrenocorticotropic hormone leading to acne hirsutism excessive male pattern hair growth hyperkalemia however yasmin drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol is a low dose sequential pill which has been given to regularize your cycles they really do not actually affect the cortisol levels due to cushing and not really interact with metyearapone either it is often associated with weight gain so for that you may opt for dinette 35 combination of ethinyl estradiol and cyproterone acetate tablet monthly for next months to regularize cycles and balance hormones there is no need at all for ophorectomy for cos polycystic ovarian syndrome it is never indicated it can be controlled by medication as advised and revised now for further information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hi doctor I have cos hypothyearoidism and pituitary cushing disease I am taking yasmin glucophage 850 my and to 150 my as I have to take metyearapone for cushing my doctor recommended stopping yasmin but if I stop it I do not have period for months and I get acne all over my body what can I use instead of yasmin in order to control cos can I get it cured by removing ovaries
medium severity
what is the reason for sudden blurred vision
hello I reviewed your history computer screen vision testing refractive error dry eyes artificial tears avoid continuous use of computers or laptops revert back after a month with the reports to an eye care ophthalmologist online
hello doctor I am 26 years old I have never had any problems with my eyes I had a perfect vision but from yesterday morning I feel blurred vision in my right eye I am an informatician so I am in front of a screen every day for almost 10 15 years and I do not have pain in my eyes when I use it for past one month I am taking rhinocort for my nose please help me
high severity
is high creatine kinase isoenzyme related to gsd
hello revert back with the answers to a diabetologist online
hi doctor I can run slowly and do aerobic exercise for 45 minutes but if I try anaerobic workout I get tired very soon and feel very thirsty I have this problem since four years I have the ability to fast for three days or drink only water but when it comes to anaerobic workout like push up or a sprint I am unable to do during anaerobic workout I get the feeling of accumulation of glucose in my muscle to do anaerobic exercise I need to drink lots of water when I begin to do my muscle stretching exercise after a running session of 45 minutes my heart beat rises and I get a feeling of breathlessness few months back I consulted a doctor and he told me that I am suffering from glycogen storage disease I would like to know which type is it kindly help me with the solution
medium severity
what can be the reason for low he in a 65 year old
hi I can understand your concerns follow up with further information to a general medicine physician online
hi doctor my mother is 65 years old she got tested for hemoglobin and fasting blood sugar the results are 20 do and 123 my do respectively the hemoglobin level is alarming three years ago she had same hemoglobin level she was admitted for a week and two units of blood were transfused what to do now please guide
medium severity
why do my nostrils get blocked often
hello I have checked your ray reports you have deflected nasal septum with shaped deformity of the septal bone and cartilage due to this reason you are getting sleep apnea breathless nights that makes you to wake up and sit for a while to catch the breath
hello doctor I am 25 years old I am feet tall and my weight is 86 keg basically my entire problem starts at night while lying down three to four years back I had mild pain while lying down I feel acute pain or some tingling in my left chest sometime it goes down around my body when I am about to get sleep I feel short of breath then I had to wake up and sit for a while and also my nostrils are too often blocked for few days I had levocetirizine and currently just using nasal drops consulted many doctors over the years as per the doctors I have nasal muscle swollen or increased which is blocking the way I had undergone some tests of heart egg and took chest ray everything was pretty normal but from last 4 days my nights are hell I could not sleep at all I am a smoker half cigarette per day and drinks alcohol twice a week please tell me which doctor to consult is it something serious
low severity
am I taking the right medication for celiac disease and thyearoid
hi your issues are found as a consequence of thyearoid disease and celiac disease this is how the natural course of the disease is
hi doctor I have done a blood test before months and was diagnosed with celiac disease I already have thyearoid problem which is controlled right now with thyearoxine the issue is followed by a gluten free diet I cannot see any progress I am still losing weight my skin is pale and dry I also have abdominal pain cramps vomiting and constipation I am currently taking thyearoxine 150 uq movicol multivitamin and vitamin when I first did the blood test my ana result was positive titer of 1280 and he suspected fatty liver now when I repeated it the result remains the same my doctor is away and I cannot reach him do I need to worry
medium severity
is inferiority complex a mental disorder
hello inferiority or superiority complex is a term derived from a psychoanalytic perspective in psychology it is an underlying feeling in a person that one is inferior to others and is inadequate to flourish in life areas inferiority complex is developed in people who have negative past experiences such as those who faced criticisms during their childhood from immediate family members from peers friends or other people around in their social circle another factor could be the negative thinking style such as those having a personality trait of neuroticism may extract negativity from their environment which may lead to an inferiority complex there are some signs that indicate someone might have an inferiority complex which includes extremely submissive behavior lack of self confidence people pleasing behaviors arrogant attitude show off regarding their possessions authoritative behavior at inappropriate places where an individual is not expected to behave in such a way such individuals communication and behavior let you feel that they think negatively about people around them for instance other people always try to make one inferior
hello doctor what are the signs of having an inferiority complex what is it why do some people have it what are some signs someone may have an inferiority complex
medium severity
papp a screen test result is and hug level is 65 what does it indicate
hello revert back with the complete reports to an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hi doctor my wife has done a pa a screen test and results are 9 and hug level 65 she is 12 weeks pregnant please advise regarding the same thank you
medium severity
how to treat red circular lesions on lower extremities
hi kindly revert back with the pictures and answers to a dermatologist online
hi doctor I have red circular lesions on lower extremities currently I am taking amlodipine 10 my qd benazepril 20 my and clonidine 2 my I have not yet taken any tests kindly suggest what can it be
medium severity
why bisexuality among men stigmatized in the past
hello bisexuality is common and a lot of men and women have bisexual orientation at some point in their lives this does not mean that a person will have homosexual relationship with same sex partner a person who is happily married might have liking for same sex too but this has been stigmatized in the past and because of cultural beliefs people never thought of accepting this in public since birth an individual is conditioned to behave in a particular manner like boys are supposed to be more active in competitive sports they are encouraged to be masculine while girls are supposed to be delicate sophisticated in most countries and most cultures if a boy behaves like girls he faces many issues like other peers make fun of him this conditioning is the basis of sexual orientation too boys are supposed to have girlfriends and girls have boyfriends homosexuality was considered as sin and even a lot of countries still consider homosexuality a crime and is stigmatized even these days media and the internet are working to reduce the stigma but in society people make fun of homosexuals especially of men this is the reason things are improving but still people do not look at bisexuality with good intentions
hello doctor as bisexuality is defined as attraction to both men and women however many men who feel that way tend to not identify as that please explain why this is and why bisexuality among men has been so stigmatized in the past and why it has not seemed to improve even as people become more accepting of homosexuality
low severity
is it safe to wear contact lens while swimming
hello contact lenses should never be used while swimming contact lenses should never come in contact with water and patients are educated to never use water to clean or store lenses some people feel that wearing lenses underwater can help them see better this thought could perhaps have come in the mind of a professional swimmer or coach but unfortunately wearing contact lenses will not improve vision underwater the reason for this being that the eye is designed to work on the basis of a difference in the refractive index to put it in a simple way the difference in the refractive index between the eye and air is large hence vision is clear whereas the difference in refractive index is very small between our eye and water thus leading to blurred vision the only way to see clearly underwater is by using watertight swimming goggles which have a layer of air in front of the eye thus bringing back the difference in the refractive index swimmers with the refractive error may use contact lenses with their swimming goggles coming to the harmful effects of contact lens usage in water the most important being bacterial infections of the cornea called keratitis the commonest organism being pseudomonas is a very prolific bacteria this organism is the bane of every ophthalmologist thanks to a special trait it exhibits of boring through an intact and healthy cornea setting up deep seated hard to cure diseases the most characteristic organism seen would be acanthamoeba this organism is ubiquitous and infects untreated swimming pools and many natural water sources like rivers tanks lakes etc in which people swim in during hiking and outdoor activities all causes of such a corneal ulcer will need emergency hospital admission and treatment with intensive monitoring for signs of recovery if at all you are interested in wearing lenses while swimming the best option would be to use daily disposable lenses which can be disposed after swimming rigid lenses mostly will slip off the eye while swimming soft lenses usually are retained in the eye but will absorb most of the bacteria chemicals like chlorine etc used for treating the water this can set up a lot of inflammation and cause redness irritation and blurred vision to conclude I would say that wearing lenses underwater will not help you see well this blurring underwater can be overcome by wearing swimming goggles but not by contact lenses contact lens use while swimming will only cause serious eye problems and is to be best avoided
hello doctor can I swim while wearing a contact lens I am looking to connect with an eye doctor who can give advice or insight on this
low severity
by what means mineral sunscreen is better than chemical one
hello sunscreen are agents that give protection to the skin against harmful ultraviolet radiation of the sun especially uv ultraviolet radiation that is more harmful sunscreen are of two types physical sunscreen and chemical sunscreen or sunblocks mineral sunscreen is another name for physical sunscreen physical sunscreen physically blocks sun ultraviolet radiations and chemical sunscreen absorbs uv radiations and chemically disperse them physical sunscreen are zinc oxide titanium oxide and iron oxide they are cosmetically unfavorable because they have to be applied thickly and evenly so they are visible on the applied skin whereas chemical sunscreen like octocrylene etc are not visible mineral sunscreen gives better protection than chemical ones they reflect the uv light whereas chemical sunscreen absorbs light and has more chance of photoallergy and contact dermatitis mineral sunscreen are better in this regard various cosmetics are using these mineral sunblock ingredients
hello doctor I would like to know the benefits of using mineral sunscreen what is a mineral sunscreen how does mineral sunscreen differ from the chemical kind what are the biggest benefits of using mineral sunscreen what should you look for in a mineral sunscreen if you want to ensure you are getting a formula that is going to be both protective and cosmetically elegant
low severity
is herpes the only possibility for small cut in the corner of mouth
hello I understand your concern drugs like alcohol ecstasy and cigarettes reduce saliva secretion and blood flow to our mouth lips and gums a dehydrated oral cavity is prone to mouth ulcer cancer sores and the lips tend to get chapped and cracked this could be a simple mouth ulcer from dry mouth caused by heat due to multiple cigarette smoking or could also be an hav herpes simplex virus infection herpes simplex infection of lips spreads through saliva by personal or intimate contact sharing cigarettes or drinks with the infected person a clear picture of the ulcer and lip sore will help to diagnose it please visit a dentist immediately and get the ulcers examined watch for signs of fever stinging or burning of the ulcer mucosa and gums treatment is symptomatic if it is a simple mouth ulcer a topical anesthetic will help control the pain and burning sensation if present after an initial examination if the doctor suspects hav infection he will advise you to get a series of lab tests for confirmation meanwhile keep yourself hydrated at all times and maintain good oral hygiene to prevent further infection of the mouth ulcer I hope this helps
hello doctor I am worried that I may have come in contact with herpes I woke up this morning with a small cut like marking on the corner of my mouth my top lip has a red patchy spot on the inside of the lip last night I drank a ton of alcohol smoked multiple cigarettes and took ecstasy is the symptom possible from that
low severity
is recurrent muscle twitch an active sign of als
hi I have gone through your history and events I wish to know more about muscle twisting which parts of the body are affected are those twisting and painful is there any stiffness in limbs is your illness affecting your activities of daily living or occupation
hello doctor I am a 25 year old male I have had muscle twitches all around my body but primarily in my legs for three months I had the same twitches last year which lasted about a month the twitches seemed to subside shortly after I had an egg done as I was petrified and convinced that it could be als or mnd this time round with the twitches which started again almost exactly a year later I did not have another egg as my doctor did not seem it necessary but instead referred me to a neurologist which deals with als patients he did only a physical examination and test and did not have any concerns at all he also looked at my egg results and agreed they all read fine and showed benign muscle fasciculations the twitches seem to have started again more frequently the past couple of days and I have scared myself by reading als blogs on the internet where people say that they first started with muscle twitches that progressed into als do you think I should be worried about als do you think I have had my egg conducted too soon to rule out als
high severity
why do I feel extreme fatigue and joint pain with psoriasis
hello I have gone through your reports considering the symptoms and medications you are taking I would like to know a few more details how is the sleep pattern do you get enough sleep or is it disturbed any early morning fatigue any dryness of eyes or mouth do you experience any joint swellings any recent history of irritability any forgetfulness which has developed recently as per the investigations and ongoing treatment my suggestions would be didna has not much relevance in your case it looks like a false positive value mainly cause ana is negative and ear and cop are normal you are on too high dose of prednisolone which is not good for bones and psoriasis as well we need to cut down on the dosing methotrexate may be a good option as psoriasis can cause a lot of joint pains itself which will get better with it also it is a good drug for removing steroids
hello doctor I am 57 years old with extreme fatigue achy joints in hands and feet especially during the first hours in the morning or after resting I have psoriasis in hand elbow leg and behind one ear and vitiligo over 80 of my body I get random low grade fevers and develop rashes when in sun and at times I will have the butterfly rash on my face I did not get a follow up appointment with my rheumatologist until next month any recommendations with what I should ask or discuss would be greatly appreciated I have attached my most recent labs and concerned with the results of the dna is all other lab reports are normal and negative is lupus a possibility I am currently taking prednisone 10 my synthroid 125 advair 100 50 and zyeartec 10mg
medium severity
how does obesity impact body cleanliness
hello welcome to icliniq com yes overweight and obesity can lead to such problem because our sebaceous glands get bigger and too making more serum and you feel like being dirty all the time I will suggest you to first try to decrease your weight within limits it will be very helpful not only better for your health but also for your skin that is why in obese person skin infections are very common secondly sweating also increases especially is skin folds where dirt extra gather easily so you see the ultimate solution is weight loss apart from that use olive oil massage for the body before washing and use simple mild soap for bathing I hope this helps
hello doctor I am 28 years old I have an issue with keeping my body clean my body is constantly dirty in the sense that if I use my fingernails to scrub any part of my body after soaking in water for some time I always get light or dark greyish gung under them more so if I soak in a moisturizing bath soak having a simple shower and using a loofah just does not get me clean I can have showers every day after a bath and scrub but by day three I actually feel like I am not clean again if I use my fingernails gung comes off of my body again it is a real pain to have to soak twice a week and use fingernails and then exfoliate I moisturize using aveeno lotion after bath I am very overweight and suffer from hirsutism maybe that has something to do with it can anything be done about this where a simple daily shower is enough to get me properly clean
low severity
do ideal but raise during ovulation necessary to conceive
hello the chance of pregnancy in the ovulatory cycle is around 25 30 as ovulation was confirmed you have some chance rise in basal body temperature is an unreliable predictor of ovulation and once you had confirmed ovulation by a more reliable test ultrasound there was no need to check bt your body temperature does not give any information regarding the quality of ovulation and there is no need to assign any significance to body temperature in your case as I already told you have around 25 30 chance in each ovulatory cycle and there is no reason to lose hope just get your husband semen analysis done if not already done as normal semen is equally important for pregnancy to happen
hi doctor I was diagnosed with cos when I was 17 years old and from there on I was taking diane 35 to regulate my periods I was having three months gap between periods and sometimes was regular before treatment now I am 25 years old married and trying to conceive so I had stopped diane 35 last month since then we tried naturally for a few months but it did not work out so we started with treatments the doctor initially put me on ovacare my and other vitamin tablets using which I got my periods on time this continued for a month next she put me on ovacare and endothik and post 15 days I was put on duphaston this too did not help to conceive next my follicle study was done I was checked on the 12th day where my follicle was not that matured and et was just I was called on 15th day which showed my follicle in the left ovary was 19 my and et was 10 my the doctor gave me an hug trigger injection I was asked to try in this period so I and my husband had contact from 14th 15th 17th day and also 18th day I was called on the 18th day which revealed that my follicle had ruptured and it was a fresh one since it has some fluid around it so since it is confirmed ovulation I expected my temperature to rise I had not checked my but before but when I did it on 20th day it showed a temperature of 36 celsius this is way too less right with hug shot and ovulation confirmation I taught it would rise is there some issue here I am given duphaston and embryo safe sachets to be taken please advise if this cycle too I do not have any chance
medium severity
how to help a teenager with mood swings and hallucinatory thoughts
hi as per your history I find that the patient sometimes is high and sometimes depressed though some more details about the symptoms are required however I may say that the patient is suffering from bipolar affective disorder as the name suggests it has two poles the first pole is depression which is very common where the patient feels sad has decreased energy and pleasure and can have suicidal ideas the second pole being mania where the patient appears high they talk continuously talk high things about themselves highly energetic sometimes they have psychosis associated when they hear some unusual voices in their ears called hallucinations this condition requires urgent psychiatric intervention
hello doctor I would like to discuss about one of my family members he is a teenager and he is 14 years old I want to discuss his up and down moods is it just because he is a teen his mood is very strange I think so when he is really happy or high I call it he does stuff like he has enough energy to last forever and he has these ambitious plans and ideas he wants to do when he is like I say he is losing touch of reality cause he says he sees stuff that are not there and sometimes he feels like a religious person like god and sometimes there are voices in his head to tell him to jump off the bridge for fun or something like that and I know off these episodes only last about a day or two or even a week but I know he has depression but anyways when he is depressed he tends to have no energy at all to do anything at all and he is always tired and he becomes suicidal what in your opinion he has please tell me the cause I know he is depressed but why does he tend to be high
high severity
will frequent masturbation contribute to ed and pain in groin and hip
hello ed erectile dysfunction is the most common problem nowadays it is curable your spa prostate specific antigen is absolutely normal ed can be psychological or organic psychological causes are stress anxiety and other life problems since you had good erections before I think you have a psychological cause of ed you should try behavioral therapy yoga and exercise to reduce stress strictly avoid smoking and alcohol I am giving pain killers for pain if things do not improve then contact a urologist I hope this helps tablet voveran so diclofenac 75 my in the morning and evening for five days tablet pan 40 pantoprazole in the morning for five days
hello doctor I am 29 years old my spa is 93 no change in urination pattern I have a dull pain in the groin hips thighs rectum and perineum I masturbate frequently from the age of 15 I suffer ed for two weeks
medium severity
can I be pregnant after missing one shot of depo provera
hi the home pregnancy test is fairly sensitive and very unlikely to miss pregnancy except in very early pregnancy if you suspect pregnancy strongly you can repeat a home pregnancy test again after a week if period does not start most of your symptoms can be either due to indigestion or hormonal imbalance hypothyearoidism or estrogen deficiency you can take antacids pantoprazole for three to four days and see if symptoms resolve if your symptoms do not resolve and pregnancy test comes negative you can do ash thyearoid stimulating hormone test to rule out hypothyearoidism as you have taken depot for a long time estrogen deficiency is likely which can cause all of your symptoms if possible shift to oral pills for contraception for a few months to avoid the same I hope this helps
hello doctor I am a 27 year old female I have been on depo proverb for six years I am not taking any other medications lately I have been experiencing severe mood swings and have not been myself one minute I am dancing around the room and could not be happier the next I am either crying or very angry normally I do not cry and I am usually pretty laid back I have also been getting dizzy mostly when I stand up or walk up the stairs I have trouble sleeping and or sleeping too much I am hungry all the time however when I do eat I feel nausea I have done some research and have found that these symptoms are both common with the injection and also with pregnancy how do I tell if these are pregnancy symptoms or if it is because of the depo shot I did miss my last shot three months ago last month I took a home pregnancy test it came back negative will a home test be enough to tell if I am pregnant or not
medium severity
can stations be avoided in cases of high cholesterol
hello when patients present to me in the hospital with a similar presentation considering your age family history I commence them on stations initially you should use stations for atleast a month or two before trying out the option of diet or other natural methods at your age it is slower to loose weight so yes it is necessary that you use stations for atleast the first to months till your total cholesterol has dropped to atleast 200 my dl before continuing with diet and supplement perhaps stations rarely have side effects you do not need stress test now it is mostly indicated when you are having symptoms such as shortness of breath chest pain etc for now it is not necessary I advise you take the station for a couple of weeks first you can switch to diet and supplement once your total cholesterol is below 200 my dl also continue with all other medications as prescribed hopefully you will be fine best regards
hello doctor recently prescribed by arn low dose of station but prefer trying diet limited to 200 my cholesterol with average daily of 100 my plus revise days a week to lower with supplements instead I am 64 do not smoke do not drink trying to lose 20 labs female at 243 total with 58 hel is station necessary or other testing like stress test
medium severity
why am I having toothache while chewing with filled teeth
hello the problem with cavities are either you will find out about it when you start getting severe pain or if some dentists points it out in your case occlusal corrections could have been done more accurately to find out which tooth is having the high point and reduce it appropriately if there is an abscess get root canal treatment done I need to see rays and pictures to give you any definitive diagnosis and treatment plan
hello doctor I got fillings done a while back that were causing me no pain whatsoever or sensitivity so I found a new dentist got the filling done and by week the fillings on the left top were causing me more severe pain than week and my bite was off no matter how many times she adjusted it there was only tooth touching and being damaged dentist is denying she did anything says there is no infection I finally went to the er and dentist visits later and I had an abscess lanced on the roof of my mouth and need a root canal on a tooth that had a short cavity in the first place by the dentist the pain goes away with antibiotics and I have been doing alright for the past months except pain when eating on the effected side now all of sudden the top molars on the left where the infection was there are red around them and pain when pressure is applied mind that when I bite down on top left second to the back molar is the only tooth touching anything all the others are not touching each other no matter how hard I try since my dental work and I am scared I am getting an infection again
medium severity
will there be variation in spherical powers in a kid even while wearing glasses
hello I have gone through your attached photo there are both spherical and cylindrical powers in both of his eyes this power is large for a year old boy and I understand your concern regarding the cause the given age I will say that this power probably has to do with the pattern of his eye growth it is a bit longer than normal usually the most intelligent people who are bit more mature than the rest have to develop such a thing another important cause is seeing things by holding them very close for example phone books etc near work increases myopia but nobody can exactly predict what the cause could be regarding progression even if he wears the glasses regularly there could be variations in his power as I said this power is due to the lengthening of the eyeball and the eyeballs keep growing as he grows this is the reason why your doctor would have called you back for a follow up every six months or every year wearing glasses constantly helps in preventing complications like cross eyes squint and amblyopia lazy eye amblyopia is a condition where due to weakness of the visual nerve and brain vision centers the patient can no longer see the smallest letters even with the maximum power this can hamper his chances of getting into a few jobs like armed forces etc so the best course of action would be stop seeing things from close by avoid mobile phones computers and read books from as far away as possible do not rub the eyes this can increase the cylinder power wear glasses constantly to prevent complications like squint and amblyopia do not miss follow ups and consult your ophthalmologist in case of a sudden dip in vision I hope this helps
hello doctor please find the eye report of my year old son he is not getting much issues in walking in long distance reading and in anything but in the eye test report he got and 5 spherical numbers in the eyes is it a very serious number I am very tensed as I thought is a very big number for a child will the number increase if he wears glasses constantly how this much number came as we did his eye checkup at the time of birth as well as at the age of please assist as we are very tensed for his glasses and number
low severity