audioduration (s)
I see a little boy on a stool almost falling over taking cookies out of the cookie jar and the little girl is putting her finger to her mouth that she's uh to keep it quiet the uh mother is washing dishes she's drying the dishes and letting the water uh keep being uh keep on running in the in the sink and then water is running over and she is standing in the sink water s rret in the water that's uh running over uh there's a window there she's looking at at the grass and the flowers and the uh uh curtains seem to be shaking from the wind and the air that's blowing in the dishes that she's through drying are sitting on the sink top and the little girl's raising her hands for the little boy to hand her a cookie and he has one cookie in his hand and he's going after another one uh he's ready to hand her a cookie mother is uh holding a dish cloth that she's drying the dishes with she has a platter that she's drying I don't see any other action
the kids are swiping some cookies and uh and a stool is upsetting and the kid the girl's telling him to be quiet so his mother over there washing dishes and the sink's overflowing gram and uh the window's up and uh I don't see much more than that she's drying dishes did you say action I about it gram cookie jar lid's falling gram
well the mother is uh and clears throat washing dishes and the the she hasn't turned the water off and the the water is spilling out from the sink onto the floor and she's standing in the puddle of water and the boy is uh standing on a stool a high stool and he is uh robbing the cookie jar and at the same time his sister is asking him for a cookie and in the in the process his stool is starting to tip over and uh I guess that's the main point to this it looks like that boy is boy is in for a bad fall and laughs going to be in for a bad fall gram
um the boy is taking uh cookies uh the girl is is saying quiet he's he's the boy is falling off the stool uh the mother is drying dishes the water is running over the sink um the curtains are blowing in the breeze um and hm and hm and hm the girl is putting her hand up to have him pass the cookies um she's drying the dishes the water's running over it's splashing on the floor well the window's open but that's not action that's the curtain blowing right I guess that's it he's passing her the cookies did I say that and he's taking them out of the jar
well let's see the girl is whispering to be quiet because mother might find out that the he's is standing on a school stool p wret stool which is bending over and he's reaching in a cookie jar and he has a cookie and she's grabbing for the one that he has in his left hand and the sink is running over with water for some reason or other while she's drying a dish and looking out the window and stepping in a puddle of water and the race horse is jumping through the window no
uhhuh all of the action well the little boy is gonna fall off the stool he's getting a cookie do you want me to go slower okay the little girl is asking for a cookie she's the mother is drying dishes and the sink is overflowing with water she's getting water all over the floor and let me see if anything is going on outside here and hm well I can't see anything else as far as action goes is there more
oh I was xxx oh this is gonna be like looking at those artistic things and fiddling when we get there xxx at her dishwasher's or her dishsinku xn n uk is overflowing on the floor because the faucet is running and she's standing in it yet her kiddos are robbing the cookie jar and the little boy is falling off of the stool he's getting some cookies though and uh the girl doesn't have hers yet um I don't think the perspective on the corner's quite right in the room um you wanna know how many dishes there are two cups and a plate on the counter and uh she's drying a plate and uh you know xxx curtains on the windows are tied back and a real pretty view out the window gram you see the a wing of the house the living room and the path around the house the landscaping is bushes up close and uh xxx and INV mhm happy evergreens and stuff xxx outside there's grass on the ground and there's a tree in at these hedges yeah there's he's uh getting cookies out of the cookie jar and he's falling off the stool he's got two cookies already he's giving one to his sister and he's gonna have one and then he doesn't even if he falls he's gonna have his cookies she has her finger up to her mouth I don't know whether she's saying shh or I want one too um I don't know how the mother can be so unaware
there's a girl waiting to get a cookie from I guess her brother the chair's stool's s r tipping over where he's in he's into the cookie jar in the cupboard woman's washing dishes gram sink's overflowing gram window's open gram where the kid's into the cookie jar the lid's off of course I don't know whether the curtains are blowing or not these are the action things you want right no I don't see anything else what did I miss
action type things there is water coming out of a faucet into a basin which is overflowing onto the floor the mother is drying dishes and she's walking in the water that is flowing on the floor two children are stealing cookies one of whom is up on a uh stool that is about to fall gram he's removing cookies from an upper shelf in the closet the wind appears to be blowing because the curtains appear to be you know puffed those are the only action things that I can see
okay mother is drying the dishes but the water is flowing out over the sink onto the floor uh it's a pretty day outside there's lots of flowers there are three dishes left to wash and dry I guess she's standing in the water looks dangerous gram the children and i are getting into the cookie jar the boy's up there on the stool and it's almost falling over he's got one cookie in his hand he's handing it to the little girl and he's getting another one out of the cookie jar in the cupboard did you say action that's going on and INV uhhuh uh the little girl is kinda has her hand up to looks like she's telling him either to be quiet or she's laughing and laughs gram the mother doesn't seem to be paying much attention she looks like she's looking out the window the water is splashing onto the floor
let's see the boy's taking the cookies out of the cookie jar and the girl is reaching to get the cookie and the boy is falling off the stool uh mother is drying the dishes while the water spills over the sink uh it looks like the wind's blowing the curtain there she's the mother is stepping out of the water I guess that's about it the boy is handing the girl a cookie too I don't know if I've said that and she's reaching for it the boy is um I don't wanna say falling off the stool and laughs or stepping off as it's moving I and laughs okay xxx I think that's it
uh the sink's running over the water's going all over the floor here the boy the stepladder stepstool s r is turning under his legs and he's stealing cookies out of the cookie jar and she's begging for cookies the girl is coming back to the sink let's see here aw mama's stepping in the water and I and s and clears throat I said the sink was running over she's drying dishes wait a minute what the devil is xxx there is something but I don't know what it is written on the grass it seems what is that and the curtains gram that's a pl pl something there es hm and coughs let's see I don't see anything else there she's stepping in the water the sink's running over that spells something down there but I can't see it and coughs xxx so far xxx and he's on a a stool that's gonna fall over while they're stealing cookies and there's a plate and two cups on the sink and she's got a plate in her hand I don't see anything else
the woman is washing dishes she's wearing an apron water is pouring out of the sink the boy is taking cookies from the cookie jar and his sister or young girl is asking for some for her the lid is off the cookie jar the cupboard door is open he is on a three legged stool which is falling uh which is tilted there are curtains in the kitchen there's a tree outside the window there are shrubs there's a walk there are two cups on the uh sink counter there's a plate there and as I said the water is overflowing it is already on the floor there are cupboards above the kitchen counter and below and the window is above the kitchen sink and the mother has a short sleeve dress on has short hair and is drying the dishes by hand curtains on the window that you can see outside the window to the other side of the house gram you can see the grass you can see the handles on the cupboards anything else
mother's washing dishes the sink is overflowing the boy's falling off a chair stool s r as he's getting for the cookie gram girl's reaching up for the cookie gram um I did say the water is running down the mother's looking out the window uh dishes of course are on the sink think that's about it
okay uh the little boy is on the uh stool uh which is tipping over and he's getting into the cookie jar which is up in the cabinet uh the lid is off the jar he has a cookie in one hand he's reaching for another one uh the little girl has her hand up for uh a cookie I guess to take from him and one hand is up to her mouth like she's uh doesn't want mother to know uh mother's doing the dishes at the sink and the sink is overflowing uh the water's overflowing onto the floor she's drying a dish uh there's uh it looks like two cups and a plate on the counter outside the window it looks like a path and there's another window and some trees apparently and grass and some shrubs and it's either I guess it's another part of the house because there's a curtain in the window and there's curtains on her windows I guess that's about it she has an apron on
you mean right now tell you uh the boy is stealing cookies out of the jar and he's on a stool that's falling down and the girl is laughing at him and the mother is washing dishes but she's preoccupied and the water is flowing over the sink and uh there's trouble galore the wind is blowing the uh curtains um she is not paying any attention to her kids and um the boy in addition to stealing he's trying to give the girl a a cookie and uh the whole thing is going to collapse uh but aside from that they seem to be a fairly happy family
little boy getting in the cookie jar gram and the little girl holding out her hand for some cookies and a stool the boy is on is about to tip over and a lady is drying a dish and the water is running over overflowing from the sink uh you said just the action the lady is stepping in the water on the floor and hm I don't know what's going on outside the window
okay there's a child reaching for a cookie the chair stool s r is tilted the girl is possibly moving her finger towards her mouth and reaching for a cookie water's running out of the sink the mother's drying dishes somebody's gonna be screaming when the kid falls uh I don't know if it's action but mom was standing in water that's about all I see
well my goodness here little boy's about to fall off a chair stool s r while he's reaching for some cookies gram and he's handing some cookies to his sister apparently and the mother and o is over here probably the mother gram wiping a plate gram filling dishes gram and meanwhile the water's overflowing out of the sink and dropping on the floor and she's standing in water which doesn't make sense does it gram I don't see any birds on the windowsills no action outside so that looks like that's about all the action girl's reaching up for a cookie gram she's got her finger up her nose or to touching her nose for some reason can't tell if the grass is growing sorry no no
mhm um there's a boy and a girl and the boy is on the ladder stool s r uh taking cookies out of the uh cookie uh jar on a stool and the stool is tilting over and uh the girl is reaching up and he's passing the cookies to her and the mother is drying dishes uh in front of the open window and um the uh while she's drying the dish with the dish with the towel the sink is running over and it's all splashing on the floor and there's a cup uh there's two cups and plate that she's that are sitting on the counter and um I don't know there's trees and grass outside and the kitchen has all these cabinets that it
well the girl the boy is handing the girl uh cookies and she's telling him to be quiet I guess his stool is go he's going to fall the mother is drying dishes and laughs just is oblivious to the water coming out all over the place um xxx the dishes and hm that that's the action okay the action is that that's the only action I can see water running and the mother and the kids taking the cookies gram
okay um you mean drying dishes gram uh overflowing the water's overflowing out of the sink climbing a stool gram getting a cookie gram giving the cookie to the girl gram raising her arm gram uh stepping in the water gram looking out the window gram hm that's about all I can see is there more
okay the kid on the bench who's got his hand in the cookie jar and he's falling off and his sister wants one uh his mother is standing in a puddle of water because she didn't turn off the faucet and she's drying dry a dish she oughta dry her feet instead uh the window is open um uh well the sink is overflowing uh it's obviously summer because the window as I said was open there's uh supposedly leaves on the trees uh anything else that I'm sposta pick up well the kid's gonna fall off and it xxx the lid is off the cookie jar and he's got one in his hand and handing it to his sister and one and he's sneaking another one gram not sneaking gram uh the water is still running in the sink and splashing on the floor gram
the little girl's saying don't tell my mother she's reaching for a cookie the boy's getting cookies out of the cookie jar the lid fell off the cookie jar the stool's ready to fall it's slanted the lady's drying dishes water's running out of the sink faucets are running um dishes are sitting on the counter the window's open water's going on the floor the lady has her back to the kids looks like the drapes are blowing in the wind that's about all there is isn't it
oh goodness sakes the little girl is saying be quiet because we don't want mother to know we're in the cookie jar the boy is getting cookies and he's going to have an accident because the stool is going to go and laughs quite off the mother is in dream world somewhere because and laughs she's drying dishes and the water's coming out over the floor um she's standing in the water even my goodness sakes the and hm there's nothing the matter with those dishes I guess you could look out the window and see that and hm I don't know Karen that's
uh there's a boy reaching and clears throat on he's on a stool reaching for cookies and the stool is ready to fall over uh he's got one hand in the cookie jar and he's got a cookie in the left hand and his girl's standing beside him and uh she's reaching for the cookie that he has in his hand and she has her right finger up to her lips uh there's a woman presumably the mother standing at the sink drying dishes and the sink is overflowing with water onto the floor um you just want the action and INV mhm you just want the action the faucet the water's coming out of the faucet
well the boy has climbed up on the stool to get some cookies from the cookie jar and he's giving his sister the cookies and she is she isn't actually eating one but she has her finger her hand up to her mouth but the stool is going to fall over and uh the mother is washing the dishes she's really wiping a dish and the sink is running over them um the dishes are on the sink you wanna know that sort of thing just what's going that's all that I well that all that I see she's standing in the water too
well this uh little boy is up on the stool taking cookies handing them down to his sister and she's telling him to be quiet and the stool is tipping over the mother is washing or drying dishes the water is running into the sink and running over down onto the floor uh the wind must be blowing because the curtains look like they're kitchen door the cabinet door is open mother's standing in water that's it
oh for god's sakes the lady is wiping dishes the sink is overflowing the uh boy is uh getting a cookie he's handing another one to the little girl the little girl is uh shushing whatever you call that um the boy because evidently they're stealing them and sneaking them is a better word and um they're you said happening a verb it hasta be movement and just including identifying things the lady is standing in a puddle of water and the faucet is running and uh the window is open and there's a house next door with curtains at the window the same kind of curtains as hers and there's a tree in the next yard it almost looks like it doesn't have a trunk it doesn't start in the ground it starts in the air uh there's a shrub between the two yards there are two cups on the counter one plate and laughs the stool is crooked she's he's gonna fall over because it and it's a it's a three it's a tripod stool that is falling over not very steady the cupboards don't have handles except one door and the bottom ones do and the ones on the left have a different kind of handle and and laughs can I quit pretty soon
alright the um little boy is on the stool which is tipping and he has the cookie jar open he is has his a hand on one cookie up in the jar and another one and h with his left hand which he's uh going to I believe hand to his sister who's standing beside the and tips tippy stool she has her her finger up close to her mouth I think she's trying to say be and care either be careful or or be quiet and and she's reaching up for the cookie uh the mother is standing with her back to the to her son can't see him gram and she's drying a dish but letting the water spill over in the sink um which is full of water and and sh and washing the dishes but the water's still running and it's making a puddle on the floor and she's her and f right foot is right in the puddle she's um wearing an apron the window's uh there are some dishes on the counter um the window is open and uh the curtains are sort of look as if they might be blowing a little in the wind you can see the garage or no another part of the house gram it has curtains in that window um the mother's mouth is a little bit open she could be either singing or talking alright
okay um the mother's um drying a dish and the water's running over and um the boy is taking cookies out of the cabinet and he's tipping over on the stool and the girl is reaching for one and she has one finger to her mouth like so say shh the mother won't hear I guess and um the lady has um one foot in back of the other and uh it looks like the window's open and uh she's already dried some dishes there on the counter cabinet door's open gram um let's see water's all over the floor sink is running over gram I guess I said that okay he's handing one cookie to the other girl the lid the lid is off the cookie jar
okay the sink's running over the kid's on a stool and is falling over and mm she's standing in the water um I'd say that's about it oh no there's there's something no no it ain't it ain't writing upside down here it looks like it uh no that's that's all
okay uh the little boy is falling off the stool he is giving cookies to the little girl the little girl is telling him to be quiet so that mother will not hear mother is drying the dishes while the sink is overflowing
mhm um a boy's standing on a stool getting a cookie out of the cookie jar and the stool is tipping over his sister is reaching up asking him she's asking for another cookie and he's handing it down to her and he has one in his left hand for her and one in his right hand for himself except he's gonna fall down first um the lid's off the cookie jar the mother's washing drying um she's washing dishes she's drying a plate somehow or she's gotten bemused and let the sink run over the water's flowing into the sink there are two cups and a plate on the counter the window is open and um it must be uh summer or you know maybe autumn because there are bushes and trees and things and they have leaves on and um it's in kitchen that's about uh and m oh the mother has on a dress that's just about comes to her knees she has an apron and uh a sleeveless dress um little girl's in a miniskirt and the boy is in shorts that's about it
oh there's a little boy on a and s and la um stepstool about to fall he's reaching in the cookie jar and the little girl reaching for a cookie and the mother washing dishes and the sink is overflowing and the tap water's coming in and it looks like there might be a breeze blowing the curtains because the water's running on the floor gram and the door of the cupboard is ajar where he has a cookie jar and hm
okay is there a number of things I mean and eh and eh do I hafta come up with a certain amount oh okay okay number one the boy is stealing some cookies and he's falling over from the chair stool s r that's not setting straight and the sink is overflowing you wanna know everything that's wrong with the picture or and eh everything that's happening okay it looks like it's a nice summer day outside and the lady's drying the dishes and uh everything that's happening and she's standing in the water better get out of there and laughs gram the girl seems to be giggling looks like uh the mother is a little p o'd pissed off and uh that's about all I can see
one of the the boy is on the stool getting cookies from the cookie jar and giving them to the girl but the stool is about ready to tip over uh the mother is drying the dishes as the sink faucet has filled the sink bowl and is running over onto the floor uh that's all the action let's see
mhm mhm a lot of things are happening yes the uh water's going over the water's overflowing and uh the little boy is slipping off the stool while he's trying to steal some cookies and the little girl is laughing at him and she's not happy in one bit and the lady is drying the dishes and looking out the window it's beautiful out there it must be June I don't know but it anyhow it looks like it's not winter and laughs and clears throat and that's about all I can see
you mean this house oh whatever uhhuh do you want me to start at any particular time well top left cookie being removed from the cookie jar gram uh handing cookie to sister gram about to upend on the three legged stool gram uh mother drying dishes sink overflowing onto the floor gram uh you want you want action type things xxx yeah drying I said drying dishes gram let's see water overflowing in the sink gram and hm xxx have a heck of a lot to do with it and that and INV okay good spiral maybe I should
beginning now boy is getting reaching for cookies gram the stool is falling over his sister is reaching at uh for cookies uh and s woman's wiping the dishes gram the sink is running over um curtains um are blowing a little bit but not much gram the boy is stepping on one of his own toes uh the little girl's telling him to be and q be quiet don't let mommy see that's about it yeah
I see a little boy on a stool trying to reach the cookie jar he's got one in his hand that to his little sister gram and the stool is falling over tipping and the lady is guess mama is standing by the sink washing dishes and the water's running over on the floor and outside you can see the walk and the shrubbery and there's some dishes setting on the counter and that's all I see
okay there's a little boy and he's getting he's standing on a stool that's upsetting and he's getting a cookie and he's sharing a cookie with the little girl who is shushing her mother with her finger and reaching for the cookie at the same time on the and k what are what are the instructions just give as many details like action or and d or oh okay the cupboard door is open the stool is crooked the water is splashing on the floor the and m uh mother is um I'm assuming it's a mother is stepping in it she's drying her dishes the uh sink is overflowing the cups and the saucers are there the window is open and you see the lawn outside and it must be summertime they all have on and shor short sleeves and uh she's wearing an apron okay
okay uh the child's falling off the chair he's taking cookies out of the jar the girl is standing on the floor uh asking for a cookie the door to the and c cabinet door is open mother is washing dishes the sink is overflowing the water's running uh I don't know if she's drying them or washing them anyway and the kitchen window has curtains the window's open um it looks like a view of the back there are three dishes on the uh counter
okay it looks like the mother is washing dishes the sink is overflowing there are uh two children trying to get in the cookie jar the boy is on the stool and the stool seems to be toppling over the little girl has her hand up as though she's hoping her brother would give her a cookie and uh there is shrubbery outside the window and c uh a curved walkway gram curtains at the window gram I guess that's about it
well well well we got a faucet turned on and water's overflowing from the sink onto the floor grass is growing on the outside trees are growing no indication that wind is coming in the window or that the window's open so we can't say that it might be open because it might not be gram and it looks like there's a mother there who's washing or drying dishes and uh she's standing in the water and Johnny over there is trying to take some cookies out of the cookie jar and he's uh falling off his little stool and he's handing a cookie while he's falling to his sister I suppose who's reaching up to get it and looks like she's also putting a finger in her nose but maybe she's not gram I think that's about all the action Johnny of course is reaching into the cookie jar
she's uh drying uh dishes the water is pouring out of the sink this kid's about to break his neck because this is moving this thing's moving es and she's talking and moving her hands and he's moving getting the cookie out of the jar um I don't know she may want if she isn't moving her feet out of that water she's going to be shortly and that's uh oh over no I don't see the wind blowing hmhunh that about it
what do I tell you when I see it as I see it uh is there something going on here or and i oh it's just well the first bad thing I see is the water running out of the s ink running over and the little boy up stealing cookies and giving one to his sister gram and mama's drying the dishes and standing in the water she's looking the other direction and the little boy's falling off the stool xxx standing up on to get the cookie he's gonna get hurt when he hits that sink xxx like an airplane going crazy hmhunh no you can see out the window out into the yard and you can see uh a window over there on the other side of the house
and laughs the woman is drying the dishes and the and w sink is overflowing the boy's getting the cookies out of the cookie jar and the stool's about to tip over and the girl's telling him to be quiet and laughs uh it's a warm sunny day because the window is open and she looks like she's sort of in a in a daze and doesn't quite know what's going on could be daydreaming or daft one or the other gram is that it
well the little girl is reaching for a cookie and the boy is on a stool which is falling over to get in the cookie jar up on the second shelf of the cupboard with the door open the faucet is running and it's overflowing onto the floor because um it's overflowing into the sink the woman is drying a plate she's also looking out the window there's a couple of bowls and a plate on the uh counter curtains at the windows gram there's a driveway or it looks like a driveway outside and you can see another window and some bushes out there and the tree and I guess that's and pa looks like a part of the garage window of the garage out there gram and uh um the cookie jar has the lid off and the boy has one hand in the cookie jar and one with a cookie in it handing uh to the little girl who's got her hand up for it and her she looks like got her finger to mouth tell him to be careful and laughs
well the kid's uh stealing cookies out of the jar and on a stool that's tilted over and uh his sister's waiting for him to hand her a cookie or the mother is uh looking out the window and the dishes are uh being washed but the water's uh overrunning in the sink and uh I'd say that's about it
do you want me to start the water is running over woman is drying the dishes gram the boy is climbing up and taking something from the cookie jar the stool is turning over the girl is laughing um did I say the woman's drying the dishes the floor is getting wet the lid is off the cookie jar the girl is reaching the water is running over the sink but it's also running out of the spigot yeah I guess that's all
everything that I see going on okay well a little boy is stealing a cookie from the cookie jar he's also handing a cookie with his left hand to the girl he's also falling off a stool or the stool is tipping over the little girl is reaching for the cookie at the same time she's picking her nose or something and laughs I don't know what's she's doing and laughs and laughs uh it looks like maybe the lid is falling from the cookie jar I'm not sure the lady is wiping a plate while the sink overflows and she's standing in a puddle of water am I going too fast and she's looking out the window I can't make out anything in particular going on outside the water the faucet's turned on of course which is causing the sink to overflow and the water is splashing on the floor that's really about all I can tell going on so to speak
okay anywhere um the little girl's laughing the little boy's getting cookies and he's falling uh I guess the mother would be doing dishes and the water's overflowing out of the sink uh the window's open and I would say the wind is blowing I guess that's it
there hasta be action oh the stool the boy is falling off the stool uh the lady is drying dishes the water is running out of the sink uh and hm I don't know what else they would want that's about all I can see those three things gram
water's pouring out of the sink and the woman is washing dishes the uh child is and fa on a stool falling off as he's reaching for the cookie jar with his right hand and uh trying to hand the other cookies to a little girl who's reaching up with her left hand to get the cookie and her right hand looks like she's almost uh trying to make a signal of silence so the mother doesn't hear it the mother's and wa feet are in the water as it's pouring on the floor and the window is open you can see a yard outside there's a dish and cups on the sink and the curtains are pulled back so you can see out the window the cupboard door is open and uh they're all fully dressed and they have sort of a nondescript expression on their face the woman has her mouth open a little bit well each one of them have their mouths open a little bit and um that's about it
well Johnny's falling off the stool the boy's falling off a stool after trying to steal cookies out of a cookie jar gonna give them to his sister gram the mother is washing dishes the water's running on the floor window's open gram the water's running can't think of anything uh they're in the kitchen the little girl's whispering or motioning to be quiet I guess that's it
um a boy and a girl are in the kitchen with their mother and the little boy is getting a cookie for the little girl but he's on a stool it's about to fall down uh the mother is washing dishes and she's obviously thinking of something else because the water's pouring out over the uh sink she's finished with some of the dishes it seems to be summertime because there are bushes the window is open there seems to be some kind of a breeze because the curtains on the sill there blowing must be fairly hot gram the mother's in a sleeveless dress the children are in in short sleeve um tops and have sandals the little boy has uh tennis shoes on um the mother obviously is unaware of what the children are doing she's going to be aware of it very shortly um I mean how much more do you want hm okay
okay okay and clears throat the stool that the the boy was standing on was about to fall he was reaching into the cookie jar in the open cupboard little girl was holding up her left hand to receive a cookie the mother was washing or drying or washing dishes and the water from the faucet was spilling over the cabinet of the sink I see two cups and a plate on the right hand side her feet was m a in a puddle of water and clears throat coming from the overflowing sink the curtains the outside
well the little girl is saying to be quiet to her brother and her brother's in the cookie jar and he's falling off the chair stool s r the mother's oblivious to all she's washing her dishes and the water's coming out of her sink I don't know what she's thinking of um let's see what we have anything outside I guess those are bushes I don't know okay nothing out there these are okay the dishes are okay let's see how are their shoes their socks are alright I don't know
young boy is up at the cookie jar gram he has the cookie jar opened he's reaching for one for himself he's handing one down to his sister the three legged stool is coming down with him uh they're nicely dressed kids but uh the boy needs his socks pulled up and mm that's all I see there mother I presume it's mother is at the sink the water is and r running over out of sink she's drying a dish she's looking out the window there are two cups and a dish I presume that's a dish that are already dry I guess and sitting on the side of the sink uh nicely groomed gram nice curtains pulled back gram it's apparently summer outside because the window's open and it looks like shrubs are growing you can see a window in the other part of the house I presume that's still their house and there's a driveway bordered with grass and there's a tree out there somewhere that you can see part of the trunk and part of the foliage and uh I see cabinets around the kitchen other cabinets and that's about it
do you want me to start alright du the boy is standing on a stool and he is slipping and he is reaching into the cookie jar to take cookies out for him and his sister who has her hand out reaching for a cookie she's standing there beside him the door of the cabinet is open mother is standing at the sink drying a dish water is overflowing onto the floor there are cups and saucers on the counter the window is open you can see out the curtains look as if they are fluttering there is a tree and a walk and mother has her back to the youngsters I don't believe she knows what is going on what I see or what I see going on okay that's the activity
well the stool is tilting as the kid is taking cookies to give to his sister the water's running over in the sink the mother hasta be blind and w and w and w you know she's drying the dishes what else am I sposta find out what else am I sposta know oh happening the like I say the water running over the uh over onto the floor and uh the mother standing in it gram she she's washing dishes and she'd hafta be blind not to know what's going on in that nuthouse
and clears throat wait until I put my glasses on oh there's a girl uh reaching for a cookie a boy is uh up standing on a stool he's falling off a stool he's got his hand in the cookie jar girl has her hand up to her mouth gram um the mother is uh washing dishes the stink sink p wret sink is overflowing the window is open and clears throat she's drying the dishes the water's all over the floor she's getting her feet wet looks like the breeze is blowing in and uh there's some dirty dishes on the counter
the action only okay let's see there's uh a boy and a girl the boy is getting cookies from the jar and he is on a stool and the stall stool p w is tilted over a catastrophe there I can see the mother is drying dishes and has the water turned on and her mind must be elsewhere and laughs because the water has overflowed and I don't see anything happening outside that's that's just about it I think
uh badly damaged and laughs sink gram mother's drying dishes uh is it action if she's standing in a puddle of water no water is running over and f is overflowing the sink the window is open it's blowing the curtain uh Billy's about to fall off the stool while handing cookies to his sister that's another thing and uh water's running on the floor as well as out of the sink and laughs water's running out of the faucet does that count too okay I don't see anything else happening
I see the lady drying the dishes and the water is spilling over the sink onto the floor and I see a boy on a stool going for a cookie jar and the stool is falling over and the girl is putting her finger to her lips and one hand out to get a cookie jar the lady is drying a dish with a towel and uh that is all I can see
somebody's getting cookies out of the cookie jar standing on a stool the stool's gonna tip over and the girl's saying shh don't let somebody hear and the mother's drying dishes the water's running out into the floor cups and plates are sitting on the counter and ou you can look out the window and see the shrubbery um the lid's sideways from the cookie jar the door is open on the cabinet um mother apparently doesn't really notice well enough and laughs and hm curtains are hanging on the window the window is open
just all of the action and clears throat do you want me to describe uh everything or just the action okay and clears throat well the boy is uh getting cookies from a cookie jar little girl is reaching up with her hand to receive one uh the boy's in danger of falling because the stool he's on is tilting that would be all the action oh oh over here then and clears throat the mother is drying the dishes and clears throat the the water is running over it's spilling on the floor uh she's stepping in the water she's looking out the window instead of paying attention to washing the dishes that's about it
well the mother's washing the dishes and the boy is reaching for cookies and he's falling off the chair stool s r and the little girl's laughing at him of I think and the water's spilling over onto the floor and hums I can't see any other action I guess she's drying her dishes not washing them she's doing something with them
well the water's running over outta out of the sink and the little boy is stealing a cookie and he's about to fall off the stool and uh the girl has her hand up to her mouth so she didn't want the mother to know what they were up to and the window's open and it must be nice weather because the grass is pretty high and needs cut and and sighs the mother is daydreaming or she'd see that the water was going on the floor and she's gonna get wet or is wet and the curtains seem to blowing brisk in the breeze
um and a anything that I want okay the boy is reaching for cookies and the stool is falling over uh the girl is reaching for her brother to give her a cookie the mother is doing dishes but the water is spilling over on the floor the window's open what else did you just want action or just no I just can't
first of all the sink is overflowing mother is washing dishes or an adult is washing dishes there are two children in the cookie jar one of them is on a stool and the stool's overturning the little girl is reaching for a cookie from the little boy as the and s and s stool turn falls over there's a window a nd the bushes and path outside the window gram and a glimpse of another window gram and another part of the house gram there are curtains with tiebacks there are dishes there is dish towels there are dish towels um well maybe there are m a only one gram there's at least only one dish towel I thought I and s I looked at one dish towel two cups a plate cabinets gram apron gram glass and trees gram I don't think I can xxx floor gram counter space gram did I xxx
okay the woman fouled up and left the spigot running and then it's running onto the floor uh the kid's reaching in for cookies which is correct but he's and d uh uh and sl falling off the stool uh she's standing in water and hm I'd say that's about it anything else I don't see nothing else right now there's snow outside she's got the window open naturally no I don't see nothing else that's out of the and or out of the ordinary right
well there's a kid stealing cookies from the cookie jar and his stool's about to topple over his his sister's asking for one the cookie jar is open of course the cupboard's open the mother's drying dishes the sink is overflowing there are some dishes on the side board window's open gram I don't know what else you want there are curtains in the window I don't know if there's any
oh I see the sink is running over I see the stool is tipping over little boy's trying to get cookies out the girl is reaching to get a cookie the mother is drying dishes the window's open xxx that's what she's washing oh she's drying dishes now she's standing in the water the cupboard door is open there's a cookie jar the brother's leaning against the cookie jar curtains on the window gram there's some grass and some shrubbery outside the house next door kitchen cabinets gram oh I see three people in there a mother and little boy and a girl
um the boy reaching uh standing on a stool which is tipping with one foot over the um edge of the stool gram and his heel is on the the heel of that foot is on the toe of his other foot um he's taking a cookie out of the cookie jar and has one in his left hand too looks as if he's going to hand it to his sister who has her arm up gram she has her finger in front of her face um looks as if she's laugh saying be quiet gram and the mother is at the the sister is standing on the floor the mother is at the kitchen sink drying a dish a plate the water is running over it's spilling over from the sink onto the floor it's running full tilt out of the tap um the mother is not looking she's facing away from everything um she has a dish cloth in her right hand dish towel in her right hand um you can see outside there's a cup two cups and a plate on the counter beside so and h she's either I guess she's finished washing those maybe um she's standing with one foot flat on the floor and the next foot up as if she's standing on the toe and th not resting on her heel gram
further right oh and tha there's a little girl reaching oh let's say the little boy's reaching for the cookie in the jar and the uh stool is falling over the little girl's reaching up to the little boy for the cookie and the mother apparently is washing the dishes and the water is running over uh she's probably busy looking out at the at the garden and the cups and saucer the cups and the saucer are on the side what else do you want and s things that I see you mean curtains and mm no I think that's about it
oh goody that boy's climbed on a stool that's falling over to get a cookie and the little girl is standing below him trying to get the cookie from his hand and the mother is washing dishes while the water's running over in the sink on the floor and the window is the sun's shining and laughs there's two cups and this plate on the counter and maybe the mother is drying a plate that's all I see
mhm well the water's running over on the floor uh the chair stool s r is tilting the boy is into the cookie jar and his sister is reaching for a cookie the mother's drying dishes um do you want action or just want anything I see okay mhm
uh a boy with a cookie in his one hand and his hand in the cookie jar gram standing on a stool which is tipping over gram the little girl's got her hand up for one and I don't know what the hand means to the mouth does it mean she wants to eat the kitchen sink is running over the water running out on the floor the mother's drying the dishes frowning but not turning off the faucet uh and hm two cups on the counter a plate gram the mother's standing in the middle of the water curtains at the windows gram the lid's falling off the cookie jar I don't know what else is I could see their cupboard's half open that's it
well let's see we have the water coming out of the spigot and the sink is stopped up and the water is going on the floor apparently the mother is drying a dish we have the boy standing on a stool trying to get cookies out of the cookie jar and handing them to uh handing them to his sister probably and he's about to fall as the stool is tipping over and the grass is growing and uh probably but I guess that's about the action
uh and ha there's a little boy's taking a cookie out of the and c cookie jar and giving it to his sister and the the stool that he's standing on is gonna fall and the the mother's back is turned and she's the water is overflowing in the sink and uh she's wiping the dish and uh the and wi the window's open and she's probably looking out the window and missing the water and f overflowing
the scene is in the in the kitchen the mother is wiping dishes and the water is running on the floor a child is trying to get a boy is trying to get cookies outta out of a jar and he's about to tip over on a stool uh the little girl is reacting to his falling uh it seems to be summer out the window is open the curtains are blowing it must be a gentle breeze there's grass outside in the garden uh mother's finished certain of the the dishes kitchen's very tidy gram the mother seems to have nothing in the house to eat except cookies in the cookie jar uh the children look to be almost about the same size perhaps they're twins they're dressed for summer warm weather um you want more the mother's in a short sleeve dress I'll hafta say it's warm
alrightie uh the action I see is um uh the uh little girl uh with her finger up to her mouth and the one arm extended up uh looking up at the boy who's reaching up to the cookie jar with his right hand he's reaching for a cookie with his left hand he already has a cookie it almost looks like the girl's trying to reach for the cookie in the lower hand the left hand and he's standing on a stool that's tipping over and uh looks like he's about ready to fall the uh woman at the sink uh looks like she's washing wiping a dish with a rag in her hand holding the dish with the other hand as water's flowing into the sink and over the sink it looks like she's not paying attention to the water just flowing out of the sink and all over the floor and she's stepping into the water too it's uh xxx as far as action no action outside the window um that's about it and INV okay
the woman is the um the mother is washing uh drying the dishes and the sink the the faucet's on and the sink is running over and splashing the floor and um the the boy is taking cookies out of the cookie jar and he's on the stool and the stool is falling over and the girl is saying be quiet and she's put her hand up ready to take a cookie that he's gonna pass her and um the window is open and hm and hm and hm and hm the mother's standing in the water she's doesn't and ha oh what's what's going on you don't want any of the what's in the picture right and inhales there's a cup and she's already dried two cups and a dish and uh that's it the lid is off the cookie jar I guess that's about it
is it action if she has a finger in her nose here no but anyway uh the boy's taking cookies out of the cookie jar he's about to fall off of the stool uh mother's drying dishes at the sink oh little girl's reaching up I don't know if that was one she's reaching up like this uh the curtains are being blown by the wind coming in through the open window uh there seems to be water running onto the floor from the sink uh is it action when mother's standing in the water and laughs uh we're drying the dishes we've we're already done that gram uh that uh doesn't seem to be more oh he's handing cookie handing cookie to girl gram girl reaching up for cookie gram uh mother's daydreaming or she would stop all this that's about all there is
everything I see in action or everything I in action or in action the little girl is trying to get a cookie from the little boy who is on a stool reaching up too high and is just about to have an accident stool is gonna tip over on him gram the supposed mother is drying dishes and not paying attention to what she's doing and the and s water in the sink is running over onto the floor making another hazardous condition the window seems to be open that's it all this activity took place in the kitchen
oh I remember this one and laughs this is great okay this looks like a mama who is uh working at the sink and actually what she's doing is looking out of the open window it looks as though it's spring or summer outside and very pleasant and she's sort of forgetting what she's doing and the water is running out of the sink and splashing down on the floor she has uh uh and sh a sleeveless dress and an apron on and she is drying a plate with a tea towel um the curtains are tieback curtains and it's a casement type window on the counter we have two cups and a plate um below the counter we have a cupboard on each side of the uh sink and I can't see the handles where there's there probably is under the sink cupboard also outsuhside outside d sw the window there are grass and trees um the lady has short hair she's um medium height and slender and she has slipon shoes with no ties or straps um while the mother is daydreaming looking out the window two children are getting into the cookie jar which is um in a cupboard which is to our left as we face the picture the little boy has climbed up on a three legged stool which is now tipping over as he reaches for the cookie jar which is on the second shelf the lid is off he has one cookie in his left hand which he is handing to his sister and he's reaching for another one with his right hand the sister is reaching up to get the cookie she has hair that is almost shoulder length and has a slight curl to it and she also has a summer short sleeve dress on with a short skirt um the boy looks as though he's dressed in sneakers and socks which are kind of sloppy he has shorts and a short sleeved shirt on the little girl has one strapped shoes with ankle socks she's making a um sign to her lips to say shh so he won't make any noise and let mother know that's what they're into mhm did I say they were tieback curtains they are at the window and sigh that's all I can see
the boy is on a stool that is falling while he's trying to get some cookies out of the cookie jar in the top shelf of the cupboard the little girl is reaching for a cookie it looks like she's sort of laughing at the boy or putting her finger up to her mouth to be quiet so her mother doesn't hear who is in the kitchen drying dishes but the water in the sink is overflowing onto the floor and she's stepping in the water the window is open looks like and s it's summer outside gram yeah there's trees with leaves is that all you want me to do she's doesn't look it's like she hears them she doesn't seem to be aware of them some of the dishes are already washed and dried is that all you want me to say
www the boy's getting cookies out of the cookie jar he's handing one to a girl the and lad the stool he's standing on is falling the lady's drying dishes the sink is running over the water's turned on full um cups are sitting on the counter plates sitting on the counter puddle of water's on the floor gram little girl is saying gram shho don't tell anybody and laughs and sighs and the cookie jar looks like it's ready to fall out and the cookie jar is full clear full that's about all I see that's going on
oh my well the ladder stool s r is falling over and the boy is reaching for the cookie and is handing it to that little sister I assume and she's telling him to be quiet because the mother is going to hear and the sink is splashed over with water as the mother is still drying the dishes and her feet are getting soaking wet is there more you want
well the mother's washing the dishes the water's running out of the sink the um boy is falling off the stool while he takes the cookie out of the cookie jar the girl is gesturing for him to be quiet the woman's standing in water she's looking out of the window drying the dish the lid is off the cookie jar whether that means anything I think that's all I can see in there
that's it okay the boy is in the cookie jar and giving them to his sister mother's washing the dishes the water's overflowing in the sink the boy is falling off the stool uh the girl is eating a cookie asking for another uh the cover's off the cookie jar door to the cabinet is open gram uh the window outside is open the yard gram the mother is impervious of what's going on she's unconscious just standing in the water and wiping the dishes that's about it the wind might be blowing near the curtain
the mother is washing the dishes the children are getting into the cookie jar the little girl has a finger on her lip as though uh trying to uh silence the boy who is the culprit who's and cli he's up on a stool which is going to upset the mother is um so busy I don't know what she's doing that she doesn't know how the um sink uh the water in the sink to overflow gram it's down on the floor she's going to be disturbed by it maybe she had been looking outside I don't know the window is up she has a nice view of a outuhside outside there's a little yard and a path and the shrubbery and the tree out there and there's some dishes already wiped evidently and put up on the sink it is a um square kitchen now in the sink and then the uh others gram along one side in the uh cupboards gram along the other side is the boy on that cupboard is that enough
everything that you see that I see them gram alright the mother is drying dishes the water is running out of the sink the boy is going to fall off the stool he's getting cookies and the girl is waiting for a cookie from his her s r brother is there more and hm I don't I don't see any other action there
oh the boy is going to fall off the stool because he is stealing cookies from the cookie jar and his sister is reaching I assume it's his sister reaching up for him to hand her a cookie mother is drying dishes but she's very inattentive here because the water is pouring all over the sink the faucet is running and the water is pouring down over uh the floor is all wet and uh it must be a nice summer day because the window looks as if it's open and that's about I don't see any birds or any animals out there
mhm and sighs the mother is washing the dishes but not very attentively allowing the sink to overflow onto the floor and she is drying a dish and sighs kids are trying to get into the cookie jar gram they have managed to get into it the boy is standing on a stool which is in the process of falling over while he's trying to hand a cookie to his younger sister who is reaching for it the window is open overlooking a garden the wind is blowing slightly it's ruffling the curtains it is summer or at least the grass is out and the trees are in leaf and the bushes that's all of the action I see
the boy is uh tipping stool reaching for the cookie jar gram the girl is reaching for a cookie putting her hand on her lips mother is drying dishes water is overflowing the sink that's all the action that I can see
boy's falling off a stool gram the lid is falling off a cookie jar he's grabbing a cookie in his hand the girl is reaching up she's touching her nose xxx the other side the mother's washing dishes gram the sink is running over her feet's m a getting wet as she's looking out the window gram that'd be pretty difficult to look out the window and get your feet getting wet at the same time but that's what it is okay
all of the action uh just go ahead and tell you the mother is drying a plate and the water's sink is clogged and there's more water going over and it's splashing onto the floor and the and s the boy's falling off the stool getting cookies from the cookie jar and the girl's putting her finger up to her lip which means I won't tell or something like that uh shoes are getting wet in the mother gram I'm looking outside but I don't see it doing anything it doesn't look snowy doesn't have too much to tell with that that's about the all the action I see is the water spilling over and the boy falling off the stool I don't know that snow is action I don't see it snowing it looked light out there I don't know

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