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electromagnetic probes are ideally suited to investigate hot and dense matter produced in high energy heavy ion collisions because they do not undergo strong interactions and thus probe the full time evolution of the collision . the dielectron continuum is rich in physics . it is expected that dalitz decays of light hadrons , direct decays of vector mesons , as well as correlated charm decays contribute . at cern sps energies , the ceres experiment @xcite has discovered an enhanced dielectron yield over the expected sources , interpreted as hint for in medium modification of hadron spectral functions , in particular of the @xmath0 meson . although @xmath1 pairs are rare , the 0.24 nb@xmath2 collected by phenix in au+au collisions at @xmath3= 200 gev in 2004 provide a significant sample to investigate the dielectron continuum . in the following , the analysis of 766 m minimum bias events is presented . the phenix detector was designed for electron measurements . it combines excellent mass resolution ( 1% ) with powerful particle identification obtained by matching the reconstructed tracks with the information from a ring imaging cherenkov detector ( rich ) and an electromagnetic calorimeter ( emc ) . electrons are identified by requiring at least 3 phototubes matched in the rich and by correlating the energy @xmath4 measured in the emc and the momentum @xmath5 , parameterized in terms of @xmath6 . pair cuts are applied to avoid sharing of detector hits : shared hits in the drift chambers are removed with a cut on position parameters ; tracks which are parallel in the rich are rejected by a cut on the angular difference . whenever encountering such a pair , the complete event is rejected . + pairs are created by combining all electrons and all positrons in one event . the overwhelming majority of these pairs is uncorrelated . a statistical procedure is used to determine this combinatorial background . since the phenix acceptance is different for like and unlike sign pairs , the combinatorial background is computed with a mixed event technique by pairing unlike sign tracks from different events with similar vertex position and centrality . the shape of the background is reproduced with high precision by the mixed event technique , and tested with the ratio of the like sign spectra for real and mixed events which deviates from one by less than 0.1% . + four different methods have been tested to normalize the background distributions . the first normalizes the number of mixed events to the number of physical events . the second relies on the mean number of single electron and positron tracks which contribute to uncorrelated pairs @xmath7 . under the assumption that electron and positron multiplicities are poisson - distributed , and that the like sign pairs are uncorrelated , one can derive a third normalization as the geometrical mean of the like sign distributions @xmath8 . finally one can empirically normalize the background to the measured like sign distributions and apply the same factor to the unlike sign distribution . all the normalizations agree within 0.5% . the empiric normalization of the like sign pairs was chosen for the final results and a systematic uncertainty of 0.25% was assigned . + after removal of the combinatorial background , the contribution of photon conversions was removed , cutting on the orientation angle of the pair in the magnetic field . finally the spectra are corrected for efficiency such that the data represent the dielectron yield for which electron and positron are in the detector acceptance ( @xmath9 ) . figure [ fig : mass ] shows the measured dielectron pairs , the background , and the subtracted spectra with unctertainty : the error bars in the left panel correspond to all the systematic errors , which are dominated by the background normalization . the right panel shows separately the uncertainty arising from electron identification , efficiency , acceptance and run - by - run fluctuations , ( @xmath10 22% ) represented by the band around the data points , and the uncertainty on the background represented by the band around zero , which is the dominant source of the uncertainty due to the low signal to background ratio . + after background subtraction , a significant signal remains over the full invariant mass range , corresponding to an integral of @xmath11 pairs , out of those 15,000 above the @xmath12 mass . the expectations are based on a cocktail of hadron decay sources . the pion spectrum used as input is determined by a parametrization of phenix charged and neutral pion data . the spectra of the other mesons are determined from the pion spectrum by @xmath15 scaling @xcite . the systematic error , depending on the pion yield and the relative cross section of the other contributions , varies from 10% to 25% . + an additional source of dielectron pairs , which becomes dominant for invariant masses above 1@xmath16 is correlated charm production . this contribution has been simulated with pythia , scaling the p+p equivalent @xmath17 cross section of 622@xmath1857@xmath18160 @xmath19barn to minimum bias au+au collisions proportional to the number of binary collisions ( @xmath20 ) @xcite . + the left panel of figure [ fig : cock ] shows the data compared to the cocktail . the data are in good agreement with the cocktail over the full mass range . the @xmath21 and @xmath22 resonances are not fully reproduced , most likely because of the combined effect of an overstimate of the mass resolution in the event generator and low signal - to - background ratio . the data seem to lie above the cocktail in the region 0.3 - 0.8@xmath16 ( see table [ tab : yield ] for a quantitative comparison ) . the systematic uncertainty however does not allow to draw any conclusive statement . the right panel shows the ratio of data to cocktail . + in figure [ fig : rapp ] the data are compared to theoretical predictions ( @xcite,@xcite ) , where the @xmath23 invariant mass spectra @xmath24 have been calculated using different in - medium @xmath0 spectral functions and an expanding thermal fireball model . although the systematical uncertainty does not allow to state any deviation from the known sources , it is intriguing to observe the consistency of the data with predictions that include in - medium modifications in the same mass region where other experiments quantified such an effect . | the phenix experiment has performed the first measurement of the dielectron continuum in au+au collisions at rhic energies .
mass spectra are presented and compared with expectations from hadron decays . |
this video is a visualization of 490 nm diameter fluorescently labeled ps spheres suspended in a 1 mmol / l sodium tetraborate aqueous solution at a volume fraction of @xmath1 flowing through a fused - silica microchannel ( nominal cross - sectional dimensions of 30 @xmath0 m @xmath2 350 @xmath0 m ) . the visualizations use evanescent - wave illumination generated by the total internal reflection of light at the fused silica - fluid interface , and the exponentially decaying intensity of the illumination ensures that only particles within about 0.5 @xmath0 m of the channel wall are visible in these images . the first set of video clips shows the near - wall particle dynamics in poiseuille flow at a pressure gradient @xmath3 0.4 bar / m . in this set , flow goes from left to right , the vertical dimension of the field of view is about 200 @xmath0 m , and the particles blink due to brownian diffusion . the next segment shows what happens to the particle dynamics when an electric field along the streamwise direction of @xmath4 v / cm ( so the anode is upstream , and the cathode is downstream , and the mobile counterions , which are cations , are driven in a direction opposite to the poiseuille flow ) . more particles are visible , suggesting that the negatively charged particles are attracted to the negatively charged wall . the next three segments show particle dynamics for poiseuille flow at the same @xmath5 with an electric field @xmath6 v / cm , @xmath7 v / cm and -@xmath8 . at @xmath6 v / cm , even more particles are visible , and the formation of chains of perhaps @xmath9 particles can be observed . at the two highest values of @xmath10 , dense streamwise bands of particles are evident , with a cross - stream dimension of roughly 10 @xmath0 m . at the end of the @xmath11 v / cm clip , the electric field is turned off , and the bands disappear within about 15 s. the next set of video clips shows the bands at a reduced magnification at different streamwise locations at @xmath11 v / cm , where @xmath12 is measured from the bend at the upstream end of the straight section of this microchannel . flow still goes from left to right , and the entire 350 @xmath0 m cross - stream dimension of the channel is visualized . this set shows that the bands occur over most of the entire 4 cm length of the channel ; the bands appear to become more defined as @xmath12 increases . the last set of video clips ( with a vertical dimension of @xmath13 m ) shows that the bands are deflected by obstacles , here debris stuck on the channel wall . as a final note , our previous studies ( cevheri & yoda ( 2013 ) evanescent - wave particle velocimetry studies of combined electroosmotic and poiseuille flow, proceedings of the 10th international symposium on particle image velocimetry ( delft , the netherlands ) ) show that applying a positive electric field to the same dilute particle suspension driven by a poiseuille flow repels the particles from the negatively charged wall . | this fluid dynamics video , presented at the 66th annual meeting of the american physical society division of fluid dynamics ( pittsburgh , pa ) , shows how dielectric colloidal polystyrene ( ps ) particles with a negative surface charge in a dilute suspension flowing through a microchannel can be manipulated and assembled into streamwise structures by using a combination of shear and an applied negative electric field along the streamwise direction .
interestingly , these structures are only observed within about 1 @xmath0 m of the wall , which also has a negative surface charge , and are not present in the bulk flow . |
* gillessen et al . ( 2012 ) ) discovered a fast moving object within the range of the s - star cluster close to sgr a*. vlt naco images show the object in l-band , but not in k - band , indicating that it is a dusty , ionised gas cloud . the spatially resolved ionised gas emission ( especially in the brackett-@xmath0 line ) monitored with the sinfoni instrument allows to accurately constrain the orbit around sgr a * to be highly eccentric ( e=0.98 ) with a peri - centre passage at a distance of 2400 schwarzschild radii . the cloud has a mass of 3 earth masses and an orbital period of 400 years . the tidal interaction with the central black hole is clearly visible in the developing gradients in observed position - velocity ( pv ) diagrams ( * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ? * ( gillessen et al . , 2013a , 2013b ) ) . an overlay of the pv diagrams of the years 2004 to 2014 shows that g2 , a second cloud g1 and the _ tail _ might form a stream of gas ( * ? ? ? * ( pfuhl et al . , 2015 ) ) . we employ 3d amr hydro - dynamical simulations using the pluto code in order to follow the evolution of a diffuse gas cloud which starts initially in pressure equilibrium with an adaf - like atmosphere on the observed orbit . 1 shows that the spherical cloud is initially compressed due to the radially increasing atmospheric pressure and ram pressure interaction ( fig . close to peri - centre , the massive black hole leads to tidal stretching ( fig . 1b ) and after the peri - centre passage , the cloud develops a nozzle - like accretion stream feeding gas towards the centre ( fig . 1c ) with small infall rates . however , despite the seemingly disruption of the cloud , the ( normalised ) brackett-@xmath0 emission on the sky closely follows the observed orbit , even after the cloud s peri - centre passage . by directly comparing our simulated position - velocity ( pv ) diagrams for various starting times ( in pressure equilibrium ) along the orbit ( upper row in fig . 2 ) with the observed ones ( residuals in second row in fig . 2 ) , we find better correspondence for models with a starting time close to apo - centre of the best - fit g2 orbit , as inferred from a reduced @xmath1 analysis . this might indicate a formation scenario due to stellar wind interaction within the disc of young stars ( * ? ? ? * ( caldern et al . , 2016 ) ) or g2 s origin from a gas streamer . brackett-@xmath0 light curves for these simulations show a ( partly physical ) mixing plateau and are roughly in agreement with the data . similarly good overall agreement is found for the _ compact source scenario _ ( see conference contribution by alessandro ballone ) . however , in the latter scenario , the source leaves g2 behind in approximately 5 years from now and forms a separate cloud , allowing us to distinguish the two scenarios . | with the help of 3d amr hydrodynamical simulations we aim at understanding g2 s nature , recent evolution and fate in the coming years . by exploring the possible parameter space of the diffuse cloud scenario
, we find that a starting point within the disc of young stars is favoured by the observations , which may hint at g2 being the result of stellar wind interactions . |
in simulations with our resistive version of the zeus-3d code , in the axisymmetry option , we set innermost region of a star - disk system ( see fig . [ fig1 ] ) . the computational domain is @xmath0 au . disk is in a slightly sub - keplerian rotation , with a rotating , hydrostatic corona and purely dipole magnetic field centered at the origin . resistivity in the disk is constant , and in corona it is modeled by density , with @xmath1 , following @xcite . all simulations of star - disk interaction in our setup go through four stages : 1 ) relaxation with pinching of magnetic field inwards , 2 ) reconnection with opening of the stellar dipole , 3 ) narrowing of the disk gap with formation of transient funnel flow onto the stellar surface , 4 ) final stage of equilibrium of magnetic and disk ram pressure , with two outflows , one axial and another conical . the final stage is shown in fig . it is similar to the result reported in @xcite , but with the difference that our simulation is in the regime with magnetic prandtl number smaller than unity . physical resistivity , together with reconnection , helps launching of outflows . in purely resistive mhd numerical simulations , we obtain solutions with two streams of matter flowing out from the innermost magnetosphere around a young stellar object . this is the first simulation in which a conical outflow is launched with magnetic prandtl number less than unity , that is , with resistivity larger than viscosity , by magnetic reconnection . the configurations of the field are modified during the reconnection to channel flowing out from the innermost region of the disks . | we perform numerical simulations in the close vicinity of a slowly rotating young stellar object . using our own resistive mhd zeus347 code in 2d axisymmetry ,
magnetospheric interaction experiences four robust stages in evolution .
quasi - stationary axial and conical streams of outflowing matter can last many orbital periods as results of the resistivity - facilitated magnetic reconnections .
the shape of the magnetic field depends on resistivity in the magnetosphere . |
the stability criterion for dynamical shear instability is the richardson criterion : @xmath2 , where @xmath3 is the horizontal velocity , @xmath4 the vertical coordinate and @xmath5 the brunt - visl frequency . using this criterion , the timescale of the instability is the dynamical timescale and the instability is called dynamical shear instability ( endal & sofia 1978 ) . if heat losses are accounted for in @xmath6 ( maeder 1997 ) , the timescale is the thermal timescale and in that case the instability is called secular shear instability . the critical value , @xmath7 , is used by most authors as the limit for the occurrence of the dynamical shear . however , recent studies ( canuto 2002 ; brggen & hillebrandt 2001 ) show that turbulence may occur as long as @xmath8 . + different formulae for the corresponding diffusion coefficient , @xmath9 , are used at the present time ( zahn 1992 ; maeder 1997 ; heger et al 2000 ; brggen & hillebrandt 2001 ) . the following dynamical shear diffusion coefficient suggested by j .- p . zahn is used in this study : @xmath10 where @xmath11 is the mean radius of the zone where the instability occurs , @xmath12 is the variation of @xmath13 over the zone and @xmath14 is the extent of the zone . the zone is the reunion of consecutive shells where @xmath15 . this is valid if the peclet number , @xmath16 . + the computer model used is the geneva evolutionary code . modifications ( to be described in a future paper ) have been made to study the advanced stages of the evolution of massive stars . the models are calculated for 3 stars of 15 @xmath0 at @xmath17 with @xmath18 km / s . convective stability is determined by the schwarzschild criterion . the overshooting parameter , @xmath19 for h and he burning and 0 afterwards . in the first model , the dynamical shear was not included . then one model was calculated with @xmath20 and one with @xmath21 . the calculations reached shell o burning . note that the computer model includes secular shear and meridional circulation for any calculation . the characteristic timescale of the dynamical shear is very short ( a fraction of a year ) throughout evolution when using equation ( 1 ) . we obtain diffusion coefficients between @xmath22 and @xmath23 @xmath24/s . this is usually 1 or 2 orders of magnitude larger than the dynamical shear diffusion coefficients of brggen & hillebrandt ( 2001 ) or heger et al ( 2000 ) . however , the extent of the unstable zone is very small , a few @xmath25 so the shear mainly smoothens the sharp @xmath13gradients but does not transport angular momentum over long distances . the total angular momentum of our models , at the beginning and at the end of the calculations are of the same order of magnitude as the values obtained by heger et al ( 2000 ) in their models e15 and e15b . although dynamical shear strengthens convection , especially the he burning convective shell , the structure and the convective zones are similar between the model without dynamical shear and the one with dynamical shear and @xmath7 . concerning the richardson criterion , we see that there is a difference during ne burning between the model using @xmath7 and @xmath26 . indeed , using the latter , there is another large c burning convective shell while the central convective core is smaller . one could argue that our diffusion coefficient is too high but we obtained a similar trend using the diffusion coefficient of brggen & hillebrandt ( 2001 ) with @xmath26 . the well known discrepancy between the observed and predicted pulsar rotation periods might be reduced with the interaction between rotation and magnetic field ( see contributions by heger and spruit in this volume ) or with a formula linking dynamical and secular shear in the advanced stages of the evolution of massive stars . + poster copy @ http://obswww.unige.ch/@xmath27hirschi/work/cancun02.ps brggen , m. , hillebrandt , w. 2001 , 320 , 73 canuto , v. m. 2002 , 384 , 1119 endal , a. s. , sofia , s. 1978 , 220 , 279 heger , a. , langer , n. , woosley , s. e. 2000 , 528 , 368 maeder , a. 1997 , 321 , 134 zahn , j - p . 1992 , 265 , 115 | the dynamical shear instability is an important mixing process in the advanced stages of the evolution of massive stars .
we calculated different models of 15 @xmath0 with an initial rotational velocity , @xmath1 km / s to investigate its efficiency .
we found that the dynamical shear instability has a timescale shorter than oxygen burning timescale and that it slightly enlarges the convective zones and smoothens the omega gradients throughout the evolution .
however , its effect is too localized to slow down the core of the star
. + # 1_#1 _ # 1_#1 _ = # 1 1.25 in .125 in .25 in |
the main goal of our project is to derive a representative sample of nearby isolated galaxies useful for testing galaxy evolution in low density regions of the local universe . at present , there are only two all - sky samples of isolated galaxies : a list of 197 galaxies in the local volume (= lv , @xmath1 10 mpc ) with negative tidal indexes ( karachentsev et al . , 2004 ) , and a catalog of 3227 2mass - selected isolated galaxies ( karachentseva et al . , 2010 = 2mig ) compiled in a similar manner as the catalog of isolated galaxies on the northern sky ( karachentseva , 1973 = kig ) . both the last catalogs have a typical depth of @xmath280 mpc . to fill up the gap between lv and 2mig , we create a new sample of `` local orphan galaxies '' situated in the local supercluster within @xmath1 45 mpc . we tested on isolation @xmath210500 galaxies with radial velocities in the local group rest frame @xmath0 km / s situated at galactic latitudes @xmath3 . first , we cleaned spurious data arrived from automated sky surveys : sdss , 2df , 6df , deep2 , etc . , then determined @xmath4-magnitudes and morphological type if absent . the observed @xmath5- band magnitudes were transformed into @xmath6 ones to derive the @xmath7-band luminosity of the galaxies . we bound the galaxies in systems based on the following algorithm , which tooks into account individual properties of galaxies . thus , two arbitrary galaxies were considered as a pair if their mutual radial velocity @xmath8 and projected separation @xmath9 satisfy the condition of negative total energy : @xmath10 where @xmath11 is the total mass of the pair . we use also the second condition that the pair components locate inside their `` zero - velocity '' sphere : @xmath12 where @xmath13 is the hubble constant . here we determined masses of galaxies from their @xmath7-band luminosity , assuming one and the same ratio @xmath14 with a dimentionless parameter @xmath15 . this quantity corresponds to the mean cosmic ratio of dark - to - luminous matter . we identified all pairs satisfying conditions ( 1)(3 ) and then grouped all pairs with a common component into a single entity . as a result , we created the catalogs of binary galaxies ( karachentsev & makarov , 2008 ) , triple galaxies ( makarov & karachentsev , 2009 ) , and members of groups ( makarov & karachentsev , 2010 ) . this algorithm leaves 46% of galaxies as not clusterized , `` field '' ones . apparently , the higher adopted quantity @xmath16 , the lower fraction of field galaxies . increasing the @xmath16 in 40 times , we derived a fraction of isolated galaxies to be 10% . finally , we applied to them the karachentseva s ( 1973 ) criterion of isolation and obtained the sample of 513 local orphan galaxies ( logs ) . our subsequent spectral observations of neighbouring galaxies around the logs manifest ( melnyk et al . , 2009 ) that most of them turn out to be background objects with a median difference of radial velocities + 9400 km / s regarding to logs . we conclude that our sample amounts to ( 85 - 90)% true , spatially well isolated galaxies . distribution of the isolated galaxies on the sky in equatorial coordinates is shown in fig.1 . the sky distribution looks quite smooth without prominent over- and under - densities in the regions of known clusters / voids . fig.2 presents the distribution of radial velocities of the galaxies within bins of 250 km / s . the shaded histogram is for galaxies detected in iras . the sample of logs is dominated by flat , bulgeless galaxies ( fig.4 ) . about 75% of the sample are late type objects ( t @xmath17sc ) with a peak at t = 8 ( sdm ) . notice that the log galaxies seen in iras have a wider peak at t = 4 6 . being the distance limited ( but not flux - limited ) sample , the log catalog is over - represented by dwarf galaxies in comparison with kig and 2mig samples . fig.5 demonstrates distribution of logs according to their @xmath7-magnitudes and hi- fluxes in the logariphmic scale . the diagonal lines indicate the total gas - to - stellar mass ratio equal to : 0.01 , 0.1 , 1 , 10 and 100 . most of the logs are gas - rich galaxies with the median @xmath18 . the e and s0 galaxies , like their nearest representator ngc 404 , amounts to a minor ( 4% ) fraction of logs . they stand out against normal e and s0 galaxies situated in groups and clusters by a low median luminosity ( @xmath19 ) and the presence of gas and dust . we found among logs about 20 objects having peculiar structures : distorted / asymmetric shape or tails that can be interpreted as a result of recent merging or current interaction with a massive unvisible body ( dark sub - halo ) . such well isolated but peculiar objects deserve closer attention to understand their kinematics and structure . | we introduce the first entire - sky catalog of the most isolated nearby galaxies with radial velocities @xmath0 km / s .
this kind of cosmic `` orphans '' amounts to 4% among all known galaxies within the same velocity range .
we describe a criterion of isolation applied to select our sample , the `` local orphan galaxies '' , and discuss their basic optical and hi properties . |
among the various models proposed for the explanation of the accelerated expansion in terms of dark energy ( de ) , distinctions can be made between static ( cosmological constant ) or dynamical ( e.g. quintessence ) , coupled or uncoupled to dark matter ( dm ) , clustering or unclustering or even unified ( chaplygin gas ) de . this wealth of models calls for discriminating schemes . the goal of this work is to propose a unified analysis extending previous studies ( see le delliou 2006@xcite , manera & mota 2006@xcite and@xcite references therein ) of de impact on dark matter haloes on mass functions , for confrontation with other de assessments . [ cap : choice - of - scalar ] we model a cosmic fluid with baryons , radiation and , either uncoupled ( and coupled ) dm with > p10.2cmc [ cols="^ " , ] & > m11 cm le delliou 2006@xcite & manera & mota 2006@xcite a(n ) ( un)clustering scalar field de ( quintessence ) @xmath0 , ( non-)minimally coupled to dm , or a chaplygin gas ( gcg ) dm / de unified component defined either from @xmath1 or from a scalar field mimicking it . we restrict to flat backgrounds , a linear coupling and model clustering through energy conservation . the models are defined by their potential ( table [ cap : choice - of - scalar ] ) . we already studied homogeneous minimal quintessences ( left side , upper part@xcite ) and a coupled , clustering quintessence ( left side , lower part@xcite ) . all potentials shown will have clustering and interaction . we use the top hat spherical collapse to model non - linear structure formation as a friedmann sphere with higher , varying curvature . we extract the linearly extrapolated overdensity as a function of non - linear collapse scale factor @xmath2 . this is combined in a press - schechter scheme to get the mass function of large scale structures . the results obtained so far are presented in fig . [ cap : cumulative - mass - functions ] . extending previous evidence of de models impact on dm mass functions , our results permit the confrontation of several homogeneous models and the examination of clustering and interacting quintessence . this have shown that more insights can be drawn from confrontation of several homogeneous models@xcite and that strong effects on mass function evolution proceed from clustering and interacting quintessence@xcite . indeed , the spread of @xmath310% at @xmath4 between mass functions and the hierarchy between models on the lower ( @xmath5 ) panel of the left part of fig . [ cap : cumulative - mass - functions ] shows that the method should be most discriminant on clusters scales and that the impact of @xmath6 dominates other effects . moreover , its right part entails that , contrary to homogeneous models , de clustering increases dm clustering while coupling decreases it . this motivates our extended study of de models with mass functions . some pending questions remain : our use of birkhoff s theorem with spherical symmetry in cosmology may require some mass function corrections ; geometric effects are argued to induce a degeneracy in angular mass functions@xcite , not taking the bias - geometry dependence@xcite into account . we are extending our results to other models ( table [ cap : choice - of - scalar ] ; chaplygin gas ) , including clustering and interacting de . further developments are also planned . see acknowledgements in @xcite . current work involves j.p . mimoso , u. lisboa , d.f . mota , u. heidelberg , c. van de bruck , u. sheffield and o. bertolami , ist lisboa . 1 m. le delliou , _ jcap _ * 0601 * , 021 ( 2006 ) [ astro - ph/0506200 ] m. manera and d. f. mota , _ mnras _ * 371 * , 1373 ( 2006 ) [ astro - ph/0504519 ] r. mainini and s. a. bonometto , _ phys . d _ * 74 * , 043504 ( 2006 ) [ astro - ph/0605621 ] a. albrecht and c. skordis , _ phys . lett . _ * 84 * , _ _ _ _ 2076 _ _ ( 2000 ) [ astro - ph/9908085 ] v. sahni and l. wang , _ phys . d _ * 62 * , 103517 ( 2000 ) [ astro - ph/9910097 ] s. dodelson , m. kaplinghat and e. stewart , _ phys . lett _ * 85 * , 5276 ( 2000 ) [ astro - ph/0002360 ] o. bertolami , a. a. sen , s. sen and p. t. silva , _ mnras _ * 353 * , 329 ( 2004 ) [ astro - ph/0402387 ] p. solevi , r. mainini and s. a. bonomento , _ apj _ ( 2004 ) [ astro - ph/0412054 ] n. kaiser , _ apj _ * 284 * , l9 ( 1984 ) | this project proposes to discriminate in the wealth of models for dark energy using the formation of non - linear dark matter structures . in particular , it focuses on structures traced by the mass function of dark matter haloes . |
it may be that the felobal qso phenomenon is a phase in which the central super - massive black hole is strongly obscured by the surrounding material . the spectra of some of these objects are indeed redder than the spectra of typical agn , which could signify thermal re - processing of the underlying central engine emission . at some point , due to either an ejection event or a wind , the outer envelope of this cloud would be blown away . in the spectra of these objects we see spectral features that appear to be consistent with this . in fact , they appear much the same as the p - cygni profiles that are seen in objects that have winds . we present models that are consistent with this scenario . we are beginning to model felobals , assuming a single spherically symmetric line forming region , with synow and phoenix in an attempt to to understand more about their physical properties . synow is a paramterized spectral synthesis code used for line identification in spectra of supernovae and supernova like events . the major assumptions are spherical symmetry , @xmath0 ( velocity ) @xmath1 ( radius ) , and that the line source functions are those of resonance scattering . synow s strengths are speed and inclusion of multiple scattering while using a large atomic line list . it is difficult , however , to quantitatively interpret the results of synow in terms of physical parameters . phoenix assumes a one - dimensional atmosphere either in spherical or slab geometry . greatest strength is its self - consistent solution of the radiation field with the nlte atomic level populations . phoenix requires only a few input parameters , most of which are observable . this can result in a high degree of physical realism . phoenix can be used with lte or nlte level populations . with phoenix we match observables with the initial boundary conditions in the hope of deriving realistic physical parameters . the boundary conditions are the luminosity and the pressure at the outside of the atmosphere . input parameters include : the maximim velocity of the ejecta , the chemical compositions , etc . in addition phoenix can use a variety of velocity laws for the atmosphere including those used in winds and supernovae . phoenix calculates the spectrum self - consistently therefore providing reliable information about temperatures and densities , and the kinetic energy and mass - loss rate for the ejected atmosphere . we have used synow to fit the spectrum of iso j005645.1273816 ( duc et al . 2002 ) identifying lines of c iii , mg ii , al iii , si ii , cr ii , fe ii , fe iii , and ni ii ( figure 1 ) . in the synthetic spectrum , almost all of the features that are not labeled are produced by fe ii . the model has a velocity at the photosphere of 1500 , a power law optical depth distribution with index of @xmath2 , and an excitation temperature of 7000 k. the two emission spikes in the observed spectrum that are marked with crosses are spurious . the spectrum of another felobal , fbqs1214 + 2803 ( white et al . 2002 ) was studied with synow by branch et al . ( 2002 ) , who emphasized the need for a more detailed self - consistent calculation . we have calculated a phoenix model for fbqs1214 + 2803 with the following physical parameters : a luminosity of l=@xmath3 ergs s@xmath4 , which with an effective temperature of @xmath5 k corresponds to a radius of @xmath6 cm . we used @xmath7 km @xmath4 , @xmath8 , solar metallicity , lte , and a power law density structure with an index of @xmath9 . this density structure is probably more correct for an ejection event than a wind and in the future we intend to explore other density distributions such as @xmath2 which would be expected for a wind . the pressure at the surface is set to be @xmath10 ergs @xmath11 . so far we have only investigated the region of the mg ii doublet . with this set of parameters and boundary conditions we can clearly see the mg ii feature ( figure 2 ) . however , the mg ii optical depth appears to be too low and the emission peak is slightly blue - shifted perhaps due to the absorption feature of a redder line . this may be fixed by introducing nlte and finding a more adequate realization of physical conditions that increase the optical depth of mg ii and reduce the optical depths of other features . given the input parameters above our model implies a mass loss rate of @xmath12 m@xmath13 yr@xmath4 . this is high , and if correct may imply an ejection event . however , these are preliminary models and with a more satisfactory set of input parameters the final result will differ . we have shown that the resonance scattering interpretation of at least some felobal spectra needs to be considered . in particular , the synow model of iso j005645.1273816 is superb . however much more work needs to be done . we need to do nlte calculations and explore additional density and velocity structures . we also need to model iso j005645.1273816 and other felobals to learn the extent to which the resonance scattering interpretation is applicable . | we find that spectra of certain iron low ionization broad absorption line ( felobal ) qsos , which are characterized by low ionization emission and blue shifted absorption lines , can be well matched with the spectral synthesis code synow .
synow is a resonance scattering code and assumes that line emission comes from a single line forming region .
this interpretation is novel as traditionally line emission and absorption in balqsos are thought to come from two different regions .
we extend this analysis by using the detailed phoenix code to model the spectra .
we present a synow fit and a preliminary model result from phoenix .
# 1_#1 _ # 1_#1 _ = 214fbqs 1214 + 2803 # 1 1.25 in .125 in .25 in |
the atlas tau and missing transverse energy performance was studied using the 7 tev collisions recorded at the lhc in the spring of 2010 . both are important signatures for the study of the standard model and in the search for new physics . to determine the performance of the triggers a comparison was made between the mc simulation and the data collected . the results obtained are presented in this note . the atlas detector deploys a three - level trigger scheme to select potentially interesting physics events and to reduce the amount of data events to be reconstructed and stored . level 1 ( l1 ) is implemented in hardware using fast custom built electronics . level 2 ( l2 ) and event - filter ( ef ) are software based , running their algorithms on a computer farm . the tau l1 hardware trigger is based on electromagnetic ( em ) and hadronic ( had ) calorimeter trigger towers ( tts ) of size @xmath1 in @xmath2 . four em and had tts are used to select a local @xmath3 maximum region - of - interest ( roi ) . narrowness , isolation and low track multiplicity of the tau jet are used to distinguish from the multijet background at l2 and ef . the missing transverse energy trigger requires the magnitude of the vector sum of all transverse energies to exceed some threshold . at l1 only calorimeter information from tts is used . at l2 , the l1 result is reused with an additional correction for muons reconstructed at l2 , this correction is currently is not included in the trigger decision . at ef , the missing transverse energy ( ) is recomputed using the full granularity of the detector . a pure sample of real hadronic tau decays is not available yet . therefore tau - like qcd events are used to study the performance of the tau trigger in data @xcite . all figures shown here compare minimum bias collision data with the expected results from mc simulations . figure [ fig : tau_et ] shows the @xmath3 distribution of tau candidates at l1 , displaying a good agreement between collision data results and mc simulation . figure [ fig : tau_emradius ] shows the energy - weighted em radius at ef , which is a measure of the shower shape . possible sources that can contribute to the discrepancy such as the simulation of the underlying event are currently being studied . the turn - on curve measures the probability for offline reconstructed taus to be selected at l1 as a function of the @xmath3 of the offline tau candidate . figure [ fig : tau_turnon ] shows that predictions from mc simulations match the collected data with high precision . larger than 5 gev as a function of the @xmath4 of the offline tau candidate.,width=297 ] larger than 5 gev as a function of the @xmath4 of the offline tau candidate.,width=297 ] larger than 5 gev as a function of the @xmath4 of the offline tau candidate.,width=297 ] good agreement is shown in figure [ fig : met_ef ] between the ef @xmath3 distributions for real collision candidate data , after applying jet clean - up cuts , and mc events from minimum bias events @xcite . figure [ fig : met_topo_l1vsef ] shows the correlation between measured @xmath3 at ef and its offline reconstructed counterpart for collision candidates after applying jet clean - up cuts . a clear linear relationship exists between the trigger and offline reconstruction . the mc ef turn - on curve ( figure [ fig : met_turnon ] ) closely describes real collision candidate data results , after applying jet clean - up cuts , and the 100@xmath5 efficiency plateau is reached close to the trigger threshold + thresholds of 20 gev at ef for collision candidates and simulated events . ] thresholds of 20 gev at ef for collision candidates and simulated events.,width=336 ] thresholds of 20 gev at ef for collision candidates and simulated events.,width=307 ] performance studies demonstrate that the tau trigger can be safely used for physics data taking , though minor descrepancies between the shape variables measured with real and mc events remain to be fully understood . the calorimeter - based missing energy trigger has been validated and it is currently enabled , rejecting events at l1 , l2 and ef , and is used in various physics analyses . work is in progress to commission a muon correction term at l2 and ef . | * abstract . * a study of the performance of the atlas tau and missing energy triggers with data collected in spring 2010 at @xmath0 tev proton - proton collisions at the large hadron collider ( lhc ) is presented .
a comparison was performed between data and monte carlo simulations for the tau and missing transverse energy triggers . as well as a comparison between missing transverse energy trigger quantities and their offline reconstructed counterparts .
tau trigger results compare well with predictions from monte carlo simulations .
slight deviations are observed for tau shower shape quantities .
possible sources contributing to the discrepancy such as the simulation of the underlying event are currently being studied .
the missing transverse energy reconstructed by the event filter is well correlated with the offline result .
in addition , there is good agreement between the results obtained with collision data and monte carlo simulations . |
development of fits viewer and data retrieval system ( fvdrs ) began around three years ago . the program is written entirely in java . this design decision was made to take advantage of the multiplatform nature of the java language . although the discovery of new variable stars is the primary purpose of the program several different alternate versions have been created to solve various astronomical problems . these include programs to calculate sky transparency , colors of stars and asteroids , as well as several other less used programs . the most used version , variable star search , uses numerous new automated finding algorithms to assist in the discovery of new variable stars . efficiency was a major development goal of the variable star search program . the current version of the program is capable of processing up to 20 mb / s of images using 50% of computer resources on an intel i5 processor with 4 gb of ram . the program is designed to scale up based on the computer that the code is on . this means that the program is highly versatile , capable of analyzing various data sets of almost any scope . in addition , automatic multi - core setup results in increased ease of use . so far fvdrs variable star search has been tested on a data set taken at calvin college using our 0.4 m telescope in rehoboth , new mexico . the data set was obtained by melissa dykhuis as part of a study of the spin orientations of the asteroids in the flora collisional family . this makes it ideal for the discovery of short period variables for several reasons . the first reason is the area and time range covered by the survey . in total the asteroid data generated around 400 good fields for searching , covering 36 square degrees . a good field contains approximately 60 images spanning 4 hours . each image covers an area of 14 by 23 arc minutes and contains between 50 and 1000 detectable stars . the second reason was the depth of coverage , the limiting magnitudes tended to be between 17th and 19th magnitude . finally the survey has little bias in position . because the data followed the ecliptic the survey s galactic latitude and longitude was not chosen and as a result , variables of nearly all types have been discovered . the table shows variables found during the initial testing of four weeks . several hundred additional variables have been found with the software after this initial test period . for about half of these systems , we have obtained followup data ( either from the catalina surveys database or taking new data with our telescope ) sufficient to characterize the variable classification and period . these have been published in the variable star index . in addition to the scientific version , a laboratory version has been created . this version has been successfully used from the middle school level through the introductory college level , allowing students to experience the excitement of their own new variable star discovery and engaging them in doing real science , hands on . rcccccc + rr lyrea & 4 & 17 + delta scuti & 0 & 3 + mira & 1 & 2 + semiregular & 0 & 16 + eclipsing algol & 3 & 3 + eclipsing binary & 4 & 3 + w ursa majoris & 22 & 21 + rs cvn & 0 & 2 + elliptical & 0 & 3 + unknown or other type & 2 & 42 + the next step in the development of the software is to apply it to a larger dataset . a larger survey will allow for continuing development of the automated finding algorithms . more data will allow for better weights to be calculated for the different finding algorithms . in addition to the limited single computer version , a new version is planned that will run online , allowing interested parties to upload and search data . using archival data , institutions without their own telescope could run a variable star discovery lab with this online tool . v2008@xmath11753 ( see figure 1 ) was one of the most interesting discoveries made using fvdrs . this binary system was discovered within the calvin data archive and is a subdwarf b star and a main sequence m dwarf , a combination known as an hw vir system . this system has the shortest period of any known hw vir system , with a period that is less than 95 minutes . the extremely short period may put constraints on the formation models for these systems . further work is ongoing , with a paper in preparation giving more details of this fascinating system . the discovery of this system and several other interesting variable systems demonstrates the value of efficient searching of archival data . modern advances in computer technology have made it possible for high end data searching on simple home computers . fvdrs takes advantage of these new technologies to allow for simple data processing . future versions will improve both the accuracy and the scope of this software . through the mining of old data sets interesting new objects , such as v2008@xmath11753 , can be discovered , helping to fill in the current understanding of the universe without the need for more observations devoted to discovery . dmv and sds acknowledge support from the michigan space grant consortium . dmv has also received support from the calvin college integrated science research institute . | with recent developments in imaging and computer technology the amount of available astronomical data has increased dramatically . although most of these data sets are not dedicated to the study of variable stars much of it can , with the application of proper software tools , be recycled for the discovery of new variable stars .
fits viewer and data retrieval system is a new software package that takes advantage of modern computer advances to search astronomical data for new variable stars .
more than 200 new variable stars have been found in a data set taken with the calvin college rehoboth robotic telescope using fvdrs .
one particularly interesting example is a very fast subdwarf b with a 95 minute orbital period , the fastest currently known of the hw vir type .
[ 1996/06/01 ] 2@xmath0 2c ii 4c iv 2fe ii 3fe iii 1 mg i 2 mg ii 2si ii 4si iv 2al ii 3al iii 1o
i 1n i 1h i = |
in the last few years several active galactic nuclei ( agn ) showing short - term x - ray variability have been reported ( see for instance ark 564 and ton s180 @xcite , i zw 1 @xcite , mgc-6 - 30 - 15 @xcite ) . modeling this behavior remains a complex task : owing to the short variability time scales observed , one has to assume small emission regions down to the size of a few @xmath1 ( schwarzschild radii ) . such regions exist within the framework of the flare model . in this model compact hard x - ray sources resulting from magnetic reconnection evolve above the accretion disk . in the following we present detailed numerical modeling of the reprocessed x - ray spectra induced by a magnetic flare . we investigate the influence of a realistic flare illumination as compared to an isotropic one and the dependency on the disk inclination . using this model we attempt to derive the consequences for the time evolution of the observed spectra . then we briefly discuss the hydrostatic balance and the optical properties of a the disk atmosphere below a flare . we assume a plane - parallel model atmosphere at a typical distance of @xmath2 from the central black hole . @xcite have shown that , after the onset of a flare , the thermal and the ionization profile change much quicker than the hydrostatic equilibrium . we therefore assume the steady density structure of a non - irradiated disk in hydrostatic equilibrium calculated according to @xcite . the incident flux follows a power law with @xmath3 , @xmath4 over 0.1 ev up to 100 kev . we choose a ratio @xmath5 of incident flux of the flare to the flux coming from the disk , hence the flare by far dominates over the disk emission . = 6.0 cm in previous flare models the disk illumination was defined as semi - isotropic @xcite or with a constant incident angle @xcite . however , the incident angle and the ionization parameter @xmath6 of the flare ( with @xmath7 being the incident flux and @xmath8 being the hydrogen density at the disk surface ) change significantly with the distance to the center of the illuminated spot ( fig.[fig1 ] ) . in particular we have @xmath9 if @xmath10 denotes the ionization parameter at the spot center . we have to define a maximum radius of the irradiated spot , i.e. , a maximum half - opening angle @xmath11 of the flare cone . we choose @xmath12 because within the corresponding spot @xmath13 of the luminosity reaching the disk is reprocessed . the observed reprocessed spectrum then consists of the integrated spectra of successive concentric rings at incident angles with @xmath14 . these spectra can be computed for different inclination angles @xmath15 ( measured from the disk symmetry axis ) . we perform detailed radiative transfer simulations coupling the codes titan and noar . titan simulates radiative transfer inside optically thick media @xcite determining the temperature and ionization structure . noar is a monte - carlo code treating the compton processes . the reflected spectra have been computed for successive rings of the illuminated hot spot up to @xmath12 . while the compton hump in the hard x - ray range is rather similar for all incident angles considered , the spectral slope in the soft x - rays rises for emission regions farther away from the spot center . the integrated compton reflection for several half - opening angles seen at an inclination of about @xmath16 , which represents a typical seyfert-1 inclination , are shown in fig.[fig2 ] . due to different distances to the flare source the reprocessing will evolve in time from the center of the spot toward the outer regions . this can be seen as successively growing half - opening angles of the flare cone . the spectra should become harder as the flare intensifies . the time scale of this evolution is determined by the height of the source above the disk . such a development was observed for the narrow line seyfert 1 galaxy i zw 1 @xcite . after the dynamical time scale , the atmosphere settles into a new hydrostatic equilibrium with a total height @xmath17 and a thomson optical depth @xmath18 . we constrain the effect of a flare on the total height @xmath17 and the thomson optical depth @xmath18 . we analytically recompute the new equilibrium and again include the angular dependence of the incident flux for different distances @xmath19 from the spot center . we find the general result that the expansion of the disk atmosphere induced by the flare and its optical depth depend strongly on the distance of the flare from the central black hole . in fig.[fig3 ] we show the ratio @xmath20 , with @xmath21 being the height of the flare source , and @xmath18 versus @xmath22 . we choose a black hole mass of @xmath23 , an accretion rate @xmath24 ( eddington units ) , and a covering factor of the disk surface with hot - spots of @xmath25 ( see details of this work in czerny & goosmann ) .the different curves refer to three values of the fraction of flux dissipated in the corona . the tendency in all cases is that toward the outer regions of the disk the atmosphere reaches a higher altitude and becomes optically thinner . for intermediate distances the flare source eventually will be shrouded by an optically thick ( @xmath26 ) disk atmosphere ( @xmath27 which should modify the observed spectrum . | short - term variability of x - ray continuum spectra has been reported for several active galactic nuclei .
significant x - ray flux variations are observed within time scales down to @xmath0 seconds .
we discuss short variability time scales in the frame of the x - ray flare model , which assumes the release of a large hard x - ray flux above a small portion of the accretion disk .
the resulting observed x - ray spectrum is composed of the primary radiation and of a reprocessed compton reflection component that we model with numerical radiative transfer simulations .
the incident hard x - rays of the flare will heat up the atmosphere of the accretion disk and hence induce thermal expansion . eventually , the flare source will be surrounded by an optically -thick medium , which should modify the observed spectra . |
supernovae observations suggest that our universe is accelerating and the dark energy contributes @xmath0 to the critical energy density of the present universe . in addition , cosmic microwave background observations imply that the standard cosmology is given by the inflation and frw universe . on the one hand , a non - zero cosmological constant satisfies the existence of dark energy in the universe . on the other hand , our measurements are claimed to apply the existence of a dark energy in the background gravity with non - zero cosmological constant . therefore , a typical candidate for the dark energy is the cosmological constant . in quantum field theory it is shown that , a short distance cutoff ( uv cutoff : @xmath1 ) is related to a long distance cutoff ( ir cutoff : @xmath2 ) due to the limit set by forming a black hole . taking @xmath3 as the size of the present universe , the resulting energy is comparable to the present dark energy . even though when this approach leads to the data , the description is incomplete because it fails to explain the dark energy dominated present universe . to resolve this situation , one is forced to introduce another candidate for ir cutoff . one is the particle horizon @xmath4that used by fishler and susskind . this gives @xmath5 which implies @xmath6 however ; this result corresponds to a decelerating universe . a recent study of the x - ray emission of hot gas in a massive cluster of galaxy has allowed astronomers to determine the distribution of its dark matter content . the density of dark matter appears to increase towards the center of the cluster in agreement with cold - dark matter production . the x - ray data show that the dark matter density increases smoothly all the way into the central galaxy of the cluster . in the past five years , there has been growing evidence in favor of the cold - dark matter model . the wilkinson microwave anisotropy probe showed that normal baryon matter only accounts for 17 percent of the matter content of the universe ; the rest being cold dark matter of unknown nature . dark matter particles must have the property of increasing with each other and with normal baryon matter only through gravity . these so - called weakly interacting massive particles are difficult to detect and have been elusive until now . massive neutrinos are a possible dark matter candidate , usually referred to them as hot dark matter because they travel at close the speed of light . due to this high speed , hot dark matter models of the early universe create big structure of the size of galaxy clusters , which then fragment to form galaxies . by contrast , the slower cold dark matter particles can not travel as far and so form small galaxies , which then merge to form the bigger structures such as clusters of galaxies . our problem is related to answer the question : hot dark matter drives an accelerating universe or cold dark matter . the friedman equation is solved for a universe contains hot - dark matter and could dark matter . it is shown that , hot - dark matter drives an accelerating universe no cold dark matter . now , we explain the effects of massive neutrinos ( as natural candidate for hot dark matter ) to accelerating universe . the constraint on the ir cutoff of a box with volume @xmath7 in an effective field theory is given by , @xmath8 where @xmath9 is the ir cutoff scale . let take @xmath2 as the size of our universe ( @xmath10 ) . the resulted energy is comparable to the present dark energy . in this case the friedman equation including a matter of @xmath11 is given by @xmath12 which leads to an uncertainty with @xmath13 . however , accelerating universe requires that@xmath14 . so this case is excluded . for a universe containing cold dark matter one can take the case of the friedman equation @xmath15 leading to an integral equation @xmath16 and taking the form @xmath17 the energy density is @xmath18 . this case is still a decelerating phase because the moving hubble scale(@xmath19/a ) is increasing with time . an accelerating universe is satisfied by @xmath20 so , in an inflationary universe the changing rate of @xmath21 with respect to @xmath22 is always negative . let us solve the friedman equation in a universe containing hot - dark matter . in the early universe , hot dark matter creates the big structure of universe . massive neutrinos ( as natural candidate for hot dark matter ) travel at close to the speed of light . according to relativity theory , in the viewpoint of an observer ( due to the light speed ) , the time expansions will occur . for this reason , we must take the integral bound of fishler - susskind integral from , @xmath23 to , @xmath24 using an integral form of friedman equation of @xmath25=c , we obtain , @xmath26 this leads to @xmath27 with @xmath28 that corresponds to an accelerating universe . dark particles must have the property of increasing with each other and with normal baryon matter only through gravity . so - called weakly gravity interacting massive dark particle are difficult to detect and have been elusive until now . massive neutrinos are a possible dark particle candidate , usually referred to them as hot dark matter because they travel at close to the speed of light , due to this light speed , hot dark matter models of the early universe create big structure of the size of galaxy clusters , which then fragment to form galaxies . by contrast , the slower cold dark matter particles can not travel as far and forms the small galaxies first , which then merge to form the bigger structures such as clusters of galaxy . we showed that , the hot dark matter ( neutrinos ) drives an accelerating universe . | the friedman equation is solved for a universe containing hot - dark matter and cold dark matter . in this scenario ,
hot - dark matter drives an accelerating universe no cold dark matter .
# 1_#1 _ # 1_#1 _ = # 1 1.25 in .125 in .25 in |
the measurement of the proton struture function f@xmath2 at low q@xmath3 has been used recently by zeus @xcite to study the transition between photoproduction and deep inelastic scattering . the first measurement by zeus @xcite using 1995 data has now been followed by a higher precision measurement using dedicated detector components . a measurement of f@xmath2 has been made in the range 0.015 gev@xmath3 @xmath4 q@xmath3 @xmath4 0.65 gev@xmath3 and @xmath5 @xmath4 x @xmath4 @xmath7 , where q@xmath3 is the four - momentum transfer squared and x is the bjorken scaling variable . the measurement was made using 3.9 pb@xmath8 of data taken using special triggers in 1997 and , compared to the previous result , covers a larger kinematic region with improved accuracy . reconstruction of the scattered positron is performed using dedicated detector compontents : the beam pipe calorimeter ( bpc ) and the beam pipe tracker ( bpt ) of the zeus detector . the bpc is a small tungsten - scintillator sampling calorimeter that detects positrons scattered at angles of 18 - 32mrad with respect to the positron beam direction . it has an energy resolution of @xmath9 = 0.17@xmath10}$ ] . the bpt consisted of two silicon microstrip detectors . a track is reconstructed as the straight line between a hit on each detector and provides information on the positron scattering angle and impact point on the bpc . this helps eliminate background and reduce the systematic uncertainties . figure 1 shows f@xmath2 as a function of x in bins of q@xmath3 . down to q@xmath3@xmath111 the data is well described by nlo qcd fits . the steep rise in f@xmath2 at low x observed at higher q@xmath3 persists down to the low q@xmath3 region . this rise though , becomes shallower as q@xmath3 decreases into the new region of measuremement . at low values of q@xmath3 the data are well described by regge theory . the zeus collaboration has measured f@xmath2 in the region 0.015 gev@xmath3 @xmath4 q@xmath3 @xmath4 0.65 gev@xmath3 and @xmath5 @xmath4 x @xmath4 @xmath6 with high precision . the data can be used to examine the transition between perturbative and non - perturbative qcd . | using 3.9 @xmath0 of data from ep @xmath1 ex interactions recorded using the zeus detector in 1997 , the proton structure function , f@xmath2 , has been measured in the range 0.015 gev@xmath3 @xmath4 q@xmath3 @xmath4 0.65 gev@xmath3 and @xmath5 @xmath4 x @xmath4 @xmath6 .
the analysis is based on data taken incorporating new detector components .
compared with the previous analysis , these components allow improved background suppression and better control of systematic uncertainties , extending the accessible kinematic region towards lower q@xmath3 .
bris / hep/200004july 2000 |
several x - ray point sources with no radio counterpart , generically called ccos , have recently been detected near the center of snrs . in most cases , these sources are claimed to be the neutron stars ( nss ) left behind after the supernova explosions . one of them , 1e 1207.4 - 5209 , was found to lie at the center of an depression ( giacani et al . 2000 ) , raising the question of whether the hot atmosphere of the ns is capable of heating up the neighboring gas and producing the observed depression . we present the results of a search for similar traces in the interstellar gas towards a sample of ccos in southern snrs . the environs of the ccos rx j08224300 in puppis a , 1e 1613485055 in rcw 103 , cxou j08521.4461753 in vela jr and 1 wga j1713.43949 in g347.30.5 were observed in the @xmath1 cm line and in continuum using the australia telescope compact array . the data were combined with single dish data from the parkes telescope ( mcclure - griffiths et al . rx j08224300 , the cco in puppis a , was found to lie between two opposite lobe - like minima ( reynoso et al . 2003a ) . the lobes are aligned with the proper motion of the cco , assuming that the explosion site of the supernova is given by the optical expansion center measured by winkler et al . the lobes are centered at the same systemic velocity previously measured for puppis a , + 16 . reynoso et al . ( 2003a ) propose that this structure is created by the ejection of two opposite jets from the cco . more x - ray observations towards rx j08224300 are needed to search for jets ( like in vela or the crab pulsar ) and measure the cco s proper motion . at + 3 , the shows another depression coincident with rx j08224300 , but in this case the morphology and size are similar to the minimum found by giacani et al . ( 2000 ) around the cco associated with g296.5 + 10.0 . rcw 103 represents the third case in which the associated cco has created an depression ( reynoso et al . 2003b ) . in all three cases , these features have sizes of 1 to 3 pc , the ccos are off - centered by @xmath2 pc , and the missing masses are estimated to be 0.1 to 0.3 @xmath3 . it is very unlikely that these depressions are due to self - absorption , since the involved temperatures should be @xmath4 k , too low for a snr interior . most probably , the ccos swept up the surrounding gas ( reynoso et al . 2003b ) . in all cases , the measured column densities favor blackbody rather than power law fits to the x - ray spectra . for g347.30.5 , a preliminary analysis of our data did not allow us to find any feature suggestive of being associated with the cco down to a limit of @xmath5 k ( 3@xmath6 ) . at a velocity compatible with the distance proposed to this snr , there appears a tiny depression , marginally enclosing the cco , but it does not look different than many other spots in the image . finally , the radio continuum data towards the snr vela jr reveal an elongated nebula , approximately @xmath7 in length and @xmath8 in width , centered at the position of the cco . in addition , a compact source is found at the location of the cco . the flux of this compact source is 7.2 , and its size , @xmath9 . polarization and spectral index studies will provide information to confirm if this emission arises from the pulsar wind nebula created by cxou j085201.4461753 . such observations are proposed early in 2004 . giacani , e. b. , dubner , g. m. , green , a. j. , goss , w. m. , gaensler , b. m. , 2000 , , 119 , 281 mcclure griffiths , n. m. , green , a. j. , dickey , j. , m. , gaensler , b. m. , haynes , r. f. , wieringa , m. h. , 2001 , , 551 , 394 reynoso , e. m. , green , a. j. , johnston , s. , dubner , g. m. , giacani , e. b. , goss , w. m. , 2003a , , 345 , 671 reynoso , e. m. , green , a. j. , johnston , s. , goss , w. m. , dubner , g. m. , giacani , e. b. , 2003b , pasa , in press ( astro - ph/0310100 ) winkler , p. f. , turtle , j. h. , kirshner , r. p. , 1988 , in supernova remnants and the interstellar medium , cambridge university press , p65 | we have carried out an survey towards x - ray central compact objects ( ccos ) inside supernova remnants ( snrs ) which shows that many of them are placed within local minima .
the nature of these minima is not clear , but the most likely explanation is that the ccos have evacuated the neighboring gas .
this survey also allowed us to detect a weak , diffuse radio nebula inside the snr vela jr , probably created by the winds of its associated cco .
# 1_#1 _ # 1_#1 _ = 2@xmath0 # 1 1.25 in .125 in .25 in |
barium stars are peculiar red giants characterised by an overabundance of carbon and s - process heavy elements . the discovery that these stars were all binaries with white dwarf companions has led to the canonical model for the formation of these stars ( ( * ? ? ? * boffin & jorissen , 1988 ) ) . in this scenario the barium star was polluted in most cases while still on the main sequence by the wind of its companion that dredged up carbon and s - process elements during thermal pulses on the agb . after ejecting its envelope as a pn , the agb star then evolved into a white dwarf , while the contaminated star presents chemical anomalies : a barium star . barium stars are important to better understand the s - process in agb stars , mass transfer in binary systems and mixing processes . the 2mass survey recorded an unusually red @xmath1 mag colour for the cspn which suggested the light is dominated by a cool companion , probably a subgiant or giant . gemini gmos and vlt fors2 long - slit spectra confirmed the presence of the cool star , and indicated it is s - process enhanced , while galex observations reveal the presence of the hot white dwarf responsible for the nebula ( ( * ? ? ? * miszalski et al . 2011 ) , see fig . 1 ) . the radial velocities of the g8 iv - v star , as measured from the mean velocity of three mg i absorption lines @xmath25167 , 5172 and 5183 , are consistent with the heliocentric nebula radial velocity , proving that the g8 iv - v star is physically connected to the nebula , as well as hinting at possible radial velocity variations due to orbital motion . a 70 thus joins the growing club of the so - called a 35 type pn ( a 35 , lotr 1 , lotr 5 , and webo1 ; although a 35 may not be a true pn ) , that contain cool , rapidly rotating central stars exhibiting enhanced s - process abundances accompanied by very hot white dwarfs dominating at uv wavelengths ( ( * ? ? ? * bond et al . 2003 ) ) . these would therefore represent barium stars caught in a very transient stage , in which we can see both the polluted s - process rich cool star and the nebula ejected by the polluting star . the apparent morphology of a 70 is that of a ring nebula . on closer inspection , the [ o iii ] image shows a ridged appearance similar to sp 1 ( which is a bipolar nebula viewed close to pole - on ; ( * ? ? ? * bond & livio 1990 ) , ( * ? ? ? * jones et al . 2011 ) ) . multiple knots of low - ionisation are also seen which are common in post - ce nebulae . it is unlikely however that the bipolar nebula of a 70 is the outcome of a ce interaction , as the barium star nature of a 70 most likely tells us that wind interaction in a long orbital period binary has happened and that this is the likely shaping mechanism for the bipolar nebula . our deep spectra allowed us to measure accurate chemical abundances of the nebula , which was found to have a genuine type - i composition with strong he and n enrichment . because of its evolutionary status having just left the main sequence and not yet gone through the first dredge - up that might dilute the accreted material the g8 iv - v secondary in a 70 presents us with a formidable opportunity to study several important aspects related to barium stars and planetary nebulae , in particular the s - process mechanism occurring in thermally - pulsing agb stars , the common envelope phase , as well as mass transfer and wind accretion , all of which are still very far from being understood . we plan to perform a detailed study of a 70 in order to determine its orbital elements and derive the abundances of both low and high s - elements . a 70 also offers a unique chance to detect technetium ( tc ) in a star that has been polluted by material coming from an agb star , and , hence , proving the mass transfer scenario and the direct link between the cool star and the hot cspn in a 70 . | we have found the central star of abell 70 ( pn g038.1@xmath025.4 , hereafter a 70 ) to be a binary consisting of a g8 iv - v secondary and a hot white dwarf .
the secondary shows enhanced ba ii and sr ii features , firmly classifying it as a barium star .
the nebula is found to have type - i chemical abundances with helium and nitrogen enrichment , which combined with future abundance studies of the central star , will establish a 70 as a unique laboratory for studying s - process agb nucleosynthesis . |
there has been an attempt @xcite to find out the properties of potentials which can produce closed , stable orbits using special relativistic techniques . in general relativistic parlance the particular spacetime @xmath0 called bertrand spacetime@xcite of type ii ( bst - ii ) has the property of admitting periodic closed orbits . the parameters @xmath1 , @xmath2 and @xmath3 are real , and @xmath4 must be a positive rational number . the specialty of bst - ii proposed by perlick , in ref . [ ] , is that this kind of spacetime admits closed , stable and periodic orbits from any point in the manifold . unlike schwarszchild solution bst - ii is not a vacuum solution of einstein s equation . the work presented in this talk rests heavily on ref . . the energy density , in bst - ii , turns out to be @xmath5 for @xmath6 , this implies that the energy density is negative for positive values of @xmath3 . the situation might be remedied by choosing a negative value of @xmath3 . one can note that this necessitates , from eq . ( [ type2 ] ) that for @xmath7 ( where @xmath8 is a positive real number ) , @xmath9 . we can thus choose @xmath10 so that the positivity of the energy density of space - time of eq . ( [ type2 ] ) is guaranteed for a large range of @xmath11 . the analysis of the weak energy condition ( wec ) shows that a given choice of @xmath8 ( in accordance with the discussion above ) , the wec is always satisfied for @xmath9 when @xmath2 is a small positive real number . before we end this section , we will briefly comment on the strong energy condition ( sec ) : @xmath12 . we find that for the metric of eq .. ([type2 ] ) , @xmath13 so that the sec is satisfied whenever @xmath9 , for positive values of @xmath2 . calling the deformation ( between two points on two geodesics ) vector @xmath14 one can write @xmath15 , where @xmath16 is a second rank tensor . from the last equation one can write : @xmath17 in @xmath18 space - time dimensions , the general form of the second rank tensor @xmath19 can be decomposed into irreducible parts as @xcite : @xmath20 where @xmath21 for @xmath22 time - like tangent vector on the geodesic , and @xmath23 is the expansion variable , @xmath24 is associated with shear and @xmath25 signifies rotation . one can explicitly write @xmath26 the esr variables are generally denoted by @xmath23 , @xmath30 and @xmath31 . from the discussions in this section it is seen that if one knows the form of @xmath32 one can calculate @xmath19 , and hence the esr parameters as shown in refs . [ ] . from now we will discuss the geodesics and their properties in the equatorial plane , i.e. for @xmath33 and @xmath3 will be assumed to be a negative real number unless it is set to zero . in general we will assume @xmath2 to be a positive real number . the choices are guided by the energy conditions discussed previously . using the geodesic equations and the normalization condition of the 4-velocity @xmath34 ( where @xmath28 is the affine parameter ) the expression for @xmath35 for the outgoing timelike radial geodesics comes out as : @xmath36}\ , . \label{ur}\end{aligned}\ ] ] in the above expression @xmath37 is an integration constant appearing in the geodesic equations . assuming @xmath38 this implies that there is a turning point of the outgoing radial time - like geodesics , for @xmath39 . if @xmath29 then the @xmath23 parameter for the radial outgoing timelike geodesics looks like : @xmath40 one can solve eq . ( [ ur ] ) in terms of @xmath28 and then plug in this solution in the above equation and get @xmath23 as a function of the affine parameter . the functional dependence of @xmath11 , @xmath23 and @xmath27 on @xmath28 is shown in fig . [ st : f1 ] . to draw the above plot we have taken @xmath41 , @xmath42 , and the lower and upper limits of the affine parameter have been set to @xmath43 and @xmath44 . the upper limit of @xmath28 is chosen so that @xmath11 varies from zero to the turning point of @xmath35 , which can be seen to be @xmath45 in this case . from the figure we see that @xmath46 is always negative . as @xmath47 ( in this case ) this fact confirms the focusing theorem @xcite . also , @xmath23 diverges at the upper and lower limits of @xmath11 , signaling a true spacetime singularity at @xmath48 and the turning point . the @xmath49 case for radial time - like geodesics follow the same qualitative behavior . in our work we did not explicitly solve the raychaudhuri equation in bst - ii but have expressed the esr parameters in terms of the affine parameter @xmath28 by using the geodesic equations . as finally the esr parameters are expressed in terms of @xmath28 our treatment indirectly gives the solution of the raychaudhuri equations in bst - ii . kumar , k. bhattacharya and t. sarkar , _ phys . d _ * 86 * , 044028 ( 2012 ) [ arxiv:1206.4249 [ gr - qc ] ] . e. poisson , `` _ a relativist s toolkit : the mathematics of black hole mechanics_,''cambridge ( 2004 ) . | in this article we will discuss some features of a particular spacetime called bertrand space - time of type ii ( bst - ii ) .
the talk discusses about the energy conditions and the esr parameters in this spacetime . |
the existence of astrophysical non - baryonic dark matter ( dm ) has been established by its gravitational effect on galaxy rotation @xcite and the velocity dispersions of objects from dwarf galaxies @xcite through large galaxy clusters @xcite . additional evidence of dm existence comes from cosmic microwave background measurements @xcite and gravitational lensing of galaxies by foreground galaxy clusters , for example , the evident separation of dark and baryonic matter in 1e0657 - 558 , the `` bullet cluster '' @xcite . at present though , the existence of dark matter is solely inferred from its gravitational influence . the particle nature of dark matter is yet to be revealed through direct detection in terrestrial dark matter searches , its production in particle accelerators , or indirect dark matter searches looking for evidence of a flux of known particles produced by annihilation of dark matter particle pairs . here we report on an indirect dark matter search carried out using veritas located at the fred lawrence whipple observatory in southern arizona , usa , at an elevation of 1268 m @xcite . gamma rays can be produced either directly from the pair annhilation of weakly interacting massive particles ( wimps ) or as secondary decay products from the primary particles produced in wimp annihilation . the former would produce a monoenergetic source of gamma rays equal to the wimp mass and would constitute definitive evidence for particle dark matter . the latter mechanism would produce a spectrum of gamma - ray energies with a cutoff at the wimp mass . for astrophysical targets , the wimp annihilation rate and associated gamma - ray flux are highly uncertain due to theoretical uncertainties and limited observational constraints on the dm halo profile . therefore , veritas has surveyed a variety of possible sources in its dark matter search . we present here results from observations of three dwarf spheroidal galaxies ( dsph ) : draco , ursa minor , and willman 1 ; the globular cluster m5 ; and the local group galaxies m32 and m33 . the emphasis of the program has been to target dsphs due to their relative proximity and low expected background from known astrophysical gamma - ray sources . veritas can detect and measure gamma rays in the @xmath0100 gev - 30 tev energy range with an energy resolution of 15 - 20% , and angular resolution of @xmath1 per event . further technical description of veritas can be found in @xcite . dwarf spheroidal galaxies typically have stellar velocity dispersions implying a high mass - to - light ( @xmath2 ) ratio indicative of their dynamics being dominated by dark matter . observations of the draco , ursa minor , and willman 1 dsph galaxies were performed in 2007 and 2008 in three and four telescope array configurations . details of the observations are summarized in table [ tbl : obs ] . 99 rubin , v.c . , ford , w.k . , & thonnard , n. , 1980 , aj , * 238 * , 471 walker , m.g . , 2007 , apj , * 667 * , l53 zwicky , f. , 1937 , apj * 86 * , 217 spergel , d.n . , 2007 , apjs , * 170 * , 377 clowe , d. , 2006 , apj , * 648 * , l109 weekes , t.c . ( veritas collaboration ) . 2002 , astropart . phys . , * 17 * , 221 acciari , v.a . , ( veritas collaboration ) 2008 , apj , * 679 * , 1427 berge , d. , funk , s. , & hinton , j. a&a , * 466 * , 1219 li , t - p . and ma , y - q , 1983 , apj , * 272 * , 317 rolke , w.a . , lopez , a.m. & conrad , j. 2005 , arxiv:0403059v4 wood , m. , 2008 , apj * 678 * , 594 hillas , a. m. , 1998 , apj , * 503 * , 744 navarro , j.f . , frenk , c.s . & white , s.d.m . 1997 , apj , * 490 * , 493 strigari , l.e . , 2007 , , * d75 * , 083526 gondolo , p. , 2004 , jcap , * 0407 * , 008 see m. mccutcheon , ( these proceedings ) | a leading candidate for astrophysical dark matter ( dm ) is a massive particle with a mass in the range from 50 gev to greater than 10 tev and an interaction cross section on the weak scale .
the self - annihilation of such particles in astrophysical regions of high dm density can generate stable secondary particles including very high energy gamma rays with energies up to the dm particle mass .
dwarf spheroidal galaxies of the local group are attractive targets to search for the annihilation signature of dm due to their proximity and large dm content .
we report on gamma - ray observations taken with the very energetic radiation imaging telescope array system ( veritas ) of several dwarf galaxy targets as well as the globular cluster m5 and the local group galaxies m32 and m33 .
we discuss the implications of these measurements for the parameter space of dm particle models veritas gamma - ray dark matter |
in order to search for correlation between various characteristics of the hard x - ray emission from the source the original data were regrouped according to the source intensity in the following way . the entire range of the 40 - 150 kev flux variations was divided into number of bins of the same width . for each individual dataset the bin number was determined according to its intensity . the mean energy and power density spectra corresponding to each intensity bin were calculated by averaging over all individual datasets with intensity falling into the given bin intensity range . for cyg x-1 16 intensity bins were chosen covering the 1.9 to 6.9 cnt / sec/@xmath10 ( 0.5 - 1.8 crab ) intensity range . the regrouping procedure was applied to the data of individual si exposures ( 4 - 8 hours long - the highest time resolution providing both spectral and timing information ) each exposure being treated as a separate dataset . in the case of 1e1740 - 294 , having 5 to 20 times lower signal to noise ratio the data averaged over single observations ( comprised of 1 - 6 si exposures with total duration of 4 - 34 hours ) were treated as individual datasets to be regrouped . the intensity range 0.3 to 5.6 cnt / sec/@xmath11(80 - 1500 mcrab ) was divided into 10 intensity bins . in order to quantify the hardness of the spectrum the optically - thin thermal bremsstrahlung model was chosen . although likely having no direct physical relation to the origin of the hard x - ray emission from the source , it provides a good approximation to the observed spectra and quantifies the spectral shape in terms of a single parameter - the best - fit temperature . the relative error of the observed spectrum approximation by this model is less than 10% in the 40 - 300 kev energy range . the approach to timing analysis of the sigma data was described in vikhlinin et al . the dependence of the best - fit bremsstrahlung temperature on the 40 - 200 kev luminosity for both sources is shown in fig.1 . the similarity in the behaviors of the two sources is apparent . approximation of the points for cyg x-1 by a broken constant is shown by a dashed line . surprisingly , the same curve describes very well the data for 1e1740 - 294 . 2 shows a dependence of the best - fit bremsstrahlung temperature upon the @xmath7 of the short - term flux variations for cyg x-1 ( the individual datasets were grouped in the same way as in fig.1 ) . it should be noted , that shown in fig . 1 and 2 are parameters derived from averaged energy and power density spectra for each intensity bin and the error bars are statistical only . the analysis of individual datasets , corresponding to the given intensity bin reveals considerable dispersion of the best - fit parameters above the level of statistical fluctuations . this dispersion is of the order of @xmath1215% of the values of the best - fit temperature shown in fig . therefore , dependencies , shown in fig . 1 and 2 are not point - to - point correlations , but rather represent some averaged pattern of the behavior of the parameters . there are two major possibilities to explain observed behavior . the first one is that softening of the source spectrum corresponds to the beginning of the transition to the soft spectral state known as a common feature of black hole candidates . it is known also that the @xmath7 of the short - term flux variations is considerably smaller during soft spectral state which explains the pattern in fig . 2 . note , that in this case the decrease of the hard x - ray luminosity does not reflect at all the behavior of the overall x - ray luminosity which is increasing . the second possibility is that the change of the spectral hardness reflects changes of conditions in the hard x - rays production site having no connection with transition to the soft spectral state . in this case pattern in fig . 2 hints on close relation between the hardness of the emergent spectrum and level of the short - term flux variations . | the entire dataset of the granat / sigma observations of cyg x-1 and 1e1740.7 - 2942 in 19901994 was analyzed in order to search for correlations between primary observational characteristics of the hard x - ray ( 40400 kev ) emission hard x - ray luminosity @xmath0 , hardness of the spectrum ( quantified in terms of the best - fit thermal bremsstrahlung temperature @xmath1 ) and the _ rms _ of short - term flux variations .
two distinct modes of the @xmath1 vs. @xmath0 dependence were found for both sources ( fig.1 ) . at low luminosity below the level corresponding approximately to the @xmath2 state of cyg x-1 ( ling et al .
1987 )
the @xmath1 increases as the @xmath0 increases .
quantitatively it corresponds to increase of the temperature from 70 kev at @xmath3 to 150 kev at @xmath4 . above the luminosity level of @xmath5
the spectrum hardness is nearly constant ( @xmath6 kev ) and does not depend on the luminosity . in the case of cyg x-1 (
1e1740.7 - 2942 is not bright enough and is located in crowded galactic center region ) the correlation of similar kind was found between the spectrum hardness and @xmath7 of the short - term flux variations ( fig.2 ) .
the increase of the @xmath1 , corresponding to the increasing branch on the @xmath1 vs. @xmath0 diagram , is accompanied with increase of the @xmath7 from @xmath8 few percent level to @xmath9% .
further increase of the @xmath7 is not accompanied with change of the @xmath1 and does not correlate with changes in the luminosity . |
the consensus has been reached that the afterglow emission originates from a relativistic thin shell of baryonic matter propagating in the circumburst medium ( cbm ) and that its description can be obtained from the relativistic conservation laws of energy and momentum . in both our approach and in the other ones in the current literature ( see e.g. refs . ) such conservations laws are used . the main difference is that in the current literature an ultra - relativistic approximation , following the blandford & mckee self - similar solution,@xcite is widely adopted , leading to a simple constant - index power - law relations between the lorentz @xmath0 factor of the optically thin `` fireshell '' and its radius : @xmath1 with @xmath2 in the fully radiative case and @xmath3 in the adiabatic case.@xcite on the contrary , we use the exact solutions of the equations of motion of the fireshell.@xcite a detailed comparison between the equations used in the two approaches has been presented in refs . . in particular , in ref . it is shown that the regime represented in eq.([gr0 ] ) is reached only asymptotically when @xmath4 in the fully radiative regime and @xmath5 in the adiabatic regime , where @xmath6 the initial lorentz gamma factor of the optically thin fireshell . factor during the afterglow era is plotted versus the radial coordinate of the expanding optically thin fireshell in the fully radiative case ( solid line ) and in the adiabatic case ( dotted line ) starting from @xmath7 and the same initial conditions as grb 991216@xcite . in the lower panel are plotted the corresponding values of the `` effective '' power - law index @xmath8 ( see eq.([eff_a ] ) ) , which is clearly not constant , is highly varying and systematically lower than the constant values @xmath9 and @xmath10 purported in the current literature ( horizontal thin dotted lines ) . ] in fig . [ gdir_a_comp_rad - ad_mg11 ] we show the differences between the two approaches . in the upper panel there are plotted the exact solutions for the fireshell dynamics in the fully radiative and adiabatic cases . in the lower panel we plot the corresponding `` effective '' power - law index @xmath8 , defined as the index of the power - law tangent to the exact solution:@xcite @xmath11 such an `` effective '' power - law index of the exact solution smoothly varies from @xmath12 to a maximum value which is always smaller than @xmath9 or @xmath10 , in the fully radiative and adiabatic cases respectively , and finally decreases back to @xmath12 ( see fig . [ gdir_a_comp_rad - ad_mg11 ] ) . thanks to the _ swift _ satellite@xcite , we have now for many grbs almost gapless multi - wavelength light curves from the beginning of the prompt emission ( which in our model coincides with the peak of the afterglow , see refs . ) all the way to the latest afterglow phases . in the interpretation of such gapless data it is therefore crucial to use the exact solution for the fireshell dynamics . | we here re - examine the validity of the constant - index power - law relation between the fireshell lorentz gamma factor and its radial coordinate , usually adopted in the current gamma - ray burst ( grb ) literature on the grounds of an `` ultrarelativistic '' approximation .
such expressions are found to be mathematically correct but only approximately valid in a very limited range of the physical and astrophysical parameters and in an asymptotic regime which is reached only for a very short time , if any . |
it is important to understand the charged particle dynamics in the pulsar magnetosphere to unravel the radiation mechanism of pulsars . the particles are constrained to move strictly along the field lines , owing to the super - strong magnetic field that the gyration of the particles are almost suppressed . the equation of motion for a charged particle moving along the rotating field line is given by gangadhara ( 1996 ) . here we extend this work to obtain an analytical expression for particle trajectory and stokes parameters . the pulsar rotation effects such as aberration and retardation can create asymmetric pulse profiles the equation of motion of a charged particle along a rotating magnetic field line is given by ( gangadhara 1996 ) @xmath0 where @xmath1 is the relativistic electron mass , @xmath2 is the rest mass , c is the speed of light , @xmath3 is the lorentz factor , @xmath4 is the effective angular velocity of the particle , and @xmath5 we have solved this equation and obtained the analytical solution : @xmath6 where @xmath7 is the jacobian elliptical cosine function ( abramowitz @xmath8 stegun ) , @xmath9 @xmath10 the initial particle injection point , @xmath11 the distance between magnetic pole and rotation axis in the projected 2d plane , @xmath12 the initial injection angle with respect to meridional plane , @xmath13 the angular velocity of the pulsar , k is an integration constant , @xmath14 is a dummy variable , @xmath15 is the angle that the line of sight makes with the 2d plane . using the expression for the r an approximate value for @xmath16 , the radius of curvature of the particle in the lab frame , is found out to be @xmath17 where @xmath18 is the light cylinder radius . for a pulsar with period of 1 s , we estimated the components of the electric field of radiation and hence the stokes parameters . in fig . 1a , we have plotted the intensity @xmath19 , linear polarization @xmath20 and in fig . 1b circular polarization @xmath21 is plotted . due to aberration - retardation phase shift the profile is asymmetric about the center @xmath22 of the profile . it also shows that leading part of the profile is stronger than trailing part . since line of sight stays above or below the plane of particle trajectory , circular polarization becomes one sense , as observed in many pulsars . | we present a relativistic model of pulsar radio emission by plasma accelerated along the rotating magnetic field lines projected on to a 2d plane perpendicular to the rotation axis .
we have derived the expression for the trajectory of a particle , and estimated the spectrum of radio emission by the plasma bunches .
we used the parameters given in the paper by peyman and gangadhara ( 2002 ) .
further the analytical expressions for the stokes parameters are obtained , and compared their values with the observed profiles .
the one sense of circular polarization , observed in many pulsars , can be explained in the light of our model .
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this video is made up of three sequences from the original film of a turbulent pipe flow , entitled `` the wall region in turbulent flow '' , that formed the basis of the 1965 ohio state university dissertation of e. r. corino . subsequently he and his dissertation advisor , bob brodkey , published a detailed set of observations from the film [ j. fluid mech . * 37 * , 1- 30 ( 1969 ) ] . the film was remarkable because the experimental setup allowed the authors to view , in a frame of reference moving with the flow , sub - micron particle motions in the near wall region at a succession of different reynolds numbers . they achieved this using a high speed movie camera mounted on a lathe bed that translated with and recorded magnified and time resolved images of the sub - layer , buffer - layer and lower part of the log - layer in the pipe flow . surprisingly , these particle motions were not nearly so locally random as was the general view of turbulence at the time . rather , connected regions of the near wall flow decelerated and then erupted away from the wall in what they called `` ejections '' . these decelerated motions were followed by larger scale connected motions toward the wall from above that they called `` sweeps '' . in the following decades this visualization study , along with that of kline et al . [ j. fluid mech . * 30 * , 741 - 773 ( 1967 ) ] showing `` low - speed streaks '' and `` bursting '' in the wall region of a boundary layer , inspired numerous laboratory and simulation studies aimed at unraveling the structure of bounded turbulent flows and understanding the transport processes within them . for example , wallace , brodkey and eckelmann [ j. fluid mech . * 54 * , 39 - 48 ( 1972 ) ] attempted to quantify the visual observations of corino and brodkey by conceiving of and carrying out a quadrant analysis of the reynolds shear stress in a turbulent oil channel flow . this analysis exploited the information contained in the signs of the velocity fluctuations by classifying the streamwise and wall normal fluctuations into four quadrants based on their pairs of signs , and calculated the contribution of each quadrant to the reynolds shear stress . quadrants 2 ( -u , + v ) and 4 ( + u and -v ) roughly correspond to the `` ejections '' and `` sweeps '' of the corino and brodkey visual observations . of course , other pairs of variables that constitute covariances can be treated with quadrant analysis . in this video , the setup of the corino and brodkey visual experiment is first illustrated . the flowing fluid was trichloroethylene with a refractive index that closely matched that of the glass pipe . the pipe itself was submerged in still trichloroethylene , contained in a glass rectangular channel , making it possible to view the moving particles through the walls of the channel and pipe with very little refraction . the remaining slight refraction reveals the pipe wall which appears as a dark horizontal line at the bottom of the video moving to the right in the translating frame of reference . the three - dimensional field of view extends out from the wall to @xmath3 at @xmath1 and to @xmath4 at @xmath5 . the depth of the field of view for these two reynolds numbers is @xmath6 and @xmath7 respectively . the video sequences are for three reynolds numbers based on pipe diameter . the striking observation at @xmath1 is how organized the flow appears . groups of particles decelerate together , more or less parallel to the wall , and then eject outward at large angles ( in the moving frame of reference ) relative to the wall . these ejection events are frequently followed by groupings of particles , extending over larger regions , that sweep in from above with higher velocities than that nearer the wall . it is also frequently observed that particles move past each other , indicating velocity variation and shear normal to the viewing plane . when the reynolds number is increased to 30,000 where the depth of the field of view is larger , the ejection and sweep events often appear to involve the same particles in swirling motions of what seem to be quasi - streamwise vortices . these vortices increase in frequency and intensity when the reynolds number is increased to 40,000 . corino and brodkey estimated that ejections accounted for @xmath0 of the reynolds shear stress at @xmath1 , while only occurring about @xmath2 of the time , demonstrating their dynamical importance . | almost 50 years ago bob brodkey and his student , corino , conceived of and carried out a visualization experiment for the very near wall region of a turbulent pipe flow that , together with the turbulent boundary layer visualization of kline et al .
, excited the turbulence research community . using a high speed movie camera mounted on a lathe bed that recorded magnified images in a frame of reference moving with the flow
, they observed the motions of sub - micron particles in the sub- , buffer- and log - layers .
surprisingly , these motions were not nearly so locally random as was the general view of turbulence at the time .
rather , connected regions of the near wall flow decelerated and then erupted away from the wall in what they called `` ejections '' .
these decelerated motions were followed by larger scale connected motions toward the wall from above that they called `` sweeps '' .
they estimated that ejections accounted for @xmath0 of the reynolds shear stress at @xmath1 while only occurring about @xmath2 of the time .
this fluid dynamics video shows short sequences , at three reynolds numbers , from the original corino and brodkey visual study . in the following decades it inspired numerous laboratory and simulation studies aimed at unraveling the structure of bounded turbulent flows and understanding the turbulent transport processes within them . |
first discovered during late 1960 s , gamma ray burst ( grb ) soon became one of the greatest puzzles in astrophysics in terms of its location , size and energetics . many satellites have been flown since then to understand this puzzling phenomenon _ hete-2 _ , _ batse _ , _ swift _ , _ fermi _ , to name a few . though we have a clear idea about their cosmic origin ( the highest spectroscopic redshift being 8.2 for grb 090423 ) and a rough idea about their energy budget ( highest among all astrophysical phenomena @xmath2 erg ) , the emission mechanism is still unsettled . hence , in spite of a great hope that grb could be used as luminosity indicator in extension to the currently used ones , e.g. , supernova ia , one has to standardize the grb energetics first . this , of course , serves two purposes solving the grb physics , which is not settled till now , and using grb as luminosity indicator . there exist certain empirical correlations of the peak energy ( @xmath3 ) of grb spectrum with the energetics of grb . these correlations are important as they can be used to independently measure a physical parameter , namely energy , using only prompt emission spectral data . amati et al . ( 2002 ) showed that @xmath3 correlates with the isotropic equivalent energy ( @xmath4 ) . it is very important that this correlation should hold within a grb , as that can prove the reality of such correlation and strongly refutes selection bias . but , basak & rao ( 2012b ) , using 9 grbs with known redshift detected by _ fermi_/gamma ray burst monitor ( gbm ) , have shown that this correlation breaks down if one uses the time - resolved data . the pearson correlation , 0.80 drops to 0.37 . they concluded that amati correlation has no meaning in a time - resolved study . the situation is saved if one uses the constituent broad pulses ( total 22 pulses ) , rather than intensity guided time cuts . pulse - wise analysis not only restores the correlation , it improves that ( 0.89 ) . they used the pulse description of basak & rao ( 2012a ) and found that replacement of @xmath3 with a new quantity of their model , namely the peak energy at zero fluence ( @xmath5 ) improves the correlation even further ( 0.96 ) . in this study , we have enlarged our sample to 19 grbs ( 43 pulses ) having measured redshifts ( z ) from gbm catalog . we consider only pulse - wise amati correlation here . the spearman rank correlation coefficient is 0.86 ( see figure 1 ) . as we have a larger sample , we are able to divide the set of grbs into various redshift ( z ) bins and study evolution of the correlation . a detailed analysis will be published later . the prompt emission spectrum of a grb is generally fitted with band model ( band et al . the empirical correlations , we have discussed , relies on the fact that the overall and instantaneous spectrum is band like . band model describes a non - thermal model . there are alternative models , e.g. , black body with a powerlaw ( ryde 2004 ) . recently , we have analyzed the brightest grbs , having separable pulses , namely grb 081221 and grb 090618 , and found that the band model is adequate in the falling part of a pulse . but , a different model is preferred in the rising part ( basak & rao 2013 ) . hence , one should take into account these findings while describing the emission mechanism of grb and thereby using the pulses for cosmological purpose . | gamma ray bursts ( grbs ) are found at much higher redshifts ( z@xmath06 ) than supernova ia ( z@xmath11 ) , and hence , they can be used to probe very primitive universe .
however , radiation mechanism of grb remains a puzzle , unlike supernova ia . through comprehensive description , both empirical and physical , we shall discuss the most likely way to use the constituent pulses of a grb to find the radiation mechanism as well as using the pulses as luminosity indicators . |
through lowering the unification of the forces from the gut scale to the weak scale , the fine tuning cancellation required due to heavy gauge bosons coupling to the higgs may be removed through lowering the planck scale ( @xmath0 ) , where gravity becomes strong , thereby increasing gravity s true strength . to maintain the perceived strength that we observe , gravity is assumed to leave the ( 3 + 1 ) space - time dimensions of the standard model ( sm ) brane and propagate into the extra dimensions of the bulk , resulting in a reduced planck scale ( @xmath1 ) , the fundamental scale in space - time , with only the weaker projection of gravity being observable on the sm brane . + large extra dimensions ( leds ) , proposed by arkani - hamed , dimopoulos and dvali ( add ) @xcite , consider the scenario in which the sm particles and gauge interactions are confined to the 3-brane which is embedded in a ( 3 + @xmath2 ) dimensional bulk , where @xmath2 are assumed compact to preserve newtonian gravity on a large scale . the compactification radius @xmath3 is given by @xmath4 . gravitons are able to propagate in the bulk , appearing as a tower of kaluza - klein @xmath5kk@xmath6 excited modes on the sm brane , and can be detected via virtual graviton exchange , leading to a modification in dilepton or diphoton cross section , or direct graviton emission detectable as single jets or photons with missing transverse energy . + randall and sundrum @xcite proposed an alternative solution with a single extra dimension with a non - euclidian ( ads ) warped metric with curvature @xmath7 extending between the planck brane , where gravity is localized , and the tev brane where the sm fields are localized . this metric leads to the graviton wave function being exponentially suppressed away from the brane along the extra dimension with a scale of order @xmath8 , where @xmath9 is the reduced planck mass . setting @xmath10 tev then produces the desired fundamental planck scale . gravitons are then free to propagate in the bulk and are detectable as kk modes on the tev brane . the lowest order of these kk modes @xmath11 is massless , thus a limit is put on @xmath12 , the mass of the first resonance . the cross section is modified by the term @xmath13 , where @xmath14 is the sm term , @xmath15 the interference and @xmath16 the graviton terms , @xmath17 is the invariant dilepton or diphoton mass and @xmath18 is the scattering angle . several formalisms are used for the effective lagrangian ; grw @xcite , hlz @xcite and hewett @xcite and accounted for through the dimensionless parameter @xmath19 , where @xmath20 and @xmath21 represents the cutoff required to keep the sum of kk states finite and is of the order @xmath1 . + this search is currently performed in the dielectron channel only @xcite using 200 @xmath22 of data . two isolated electrons were required , with transverse energy @xmath23 > 25 gev and located in the central or forward regions of the calorimeter , with at least one electron in the central region . the invariant mass spectrum for both regions is shown in figure [ fig : e_spectrum ] and is in agreement with the expected background . the effective planck scale limits for the three formalisms and lambda conventions ( @xmath24 ) are shown in table [ fig : limits_ee ] . leds may be detected through gravitons which are produced recoiling against a quark or a gluon jet , resulting in a jet plus missing @xmath23 signature . this analysis @xcite uses 368 @xmath22 of data , collected with a high @xmath23 single jet trigger with the highest @xmath23 jet in each event required to be in the central region of the detector . each reconstructed jet with @xmath23 > 20 gev is required to have matching reconstructed tracks whose sum @xmath25 corresponds to at least 10% of the jet @xmath23 and missing @xmath23 > 80 gev is asked for . a threshold of 150 gev is then placed on the leading jet to select the final events from the monojet candidate sample . figures [ et1 ] and [ met ] show the comparison of predicted events from sm mc and events seen in data , which are in agreement . based on the maximum possible number of observed signal events , limits are placed on @xmath26 , shown in table [ tab : metlim ] , for k factors ( the expected ratio of cross sections at next to leading order and leading order ) of 1.0 and 1.3 . these can be related to limits on the radius of the extra dimensions via the expression @xmath27 . similarly , direct graviton emission may lead to a photon and missing @xmath23 signature . for this search one photon was required with @xmath23 > 55 gev and to be located in the central region of the detector . missing @xmath23 of > 45 gev was also required , with no jets with @xmath23 > 15 gev and no tracks with @xmath25 > 5 gev . 72 @xmath22 of data were used to set limits on @xmath1 , also shown in table [ tab : metlim ] . .95 % confidence level lower limit on @xmath26 for n = 2 - 6 with k factors of 1.0 and 1.3 for jets plus missing @xmath23 and limits on @xmath26 for n = 4 - 8 for photons plus missing @xmath23 . [ cols="^,^,^,^ " , ] | this poster , presented at the 2006 duke hadron collider symposium , presents the results from searches for large extra dimensions , as proposed by arkani - hamed , dimopoulos and dvali ( add ) , and randall - sundrum ( rs ) model warped extra dimensions , at cdf . address = university of liverpool , uk |
in recent years there has been a revived interest in theories having a larger number of spatial dimensions than the three that are observed . in contrast to the original kaluza - klein theories of extra dimensions , the recent development of extra dimensional theories allow the extra dimensions to be large and even infinite in size ( in the original kaluza - klein theories the extra dimensions were curled up or compactified to the experimentally unobservable small size of the planck length : @xmath0 cm ) . these new extra dimensional theories have opened up new avenues to explaining some of the open questions in particle physics ( the hierarchy problem , nature of the electro - weak symmetry breaking , explanation of the family structure ) and astrophysics ( the nature of dark matter , the nature of dark energy ) . in addition they predict new experimentally measurable phenomena in high precision gravity experiments , particle accelerators , and in astronomical observations . we consider 5d gravity + two interacting fields @xcite . the key for the existence of a regular solution here is that the scalar fields potential have to have _ local _ and _ global _ minima , and at infinity the scalar fields tend to a local but _ not _ to global minimum . the 5d metric is @xmath1 the lagrangian for the scalar fields @xmath2 and @xmath3 is @xmath4 where @xmath5 . the potential @xmath6 is @xmath7 where @xmath8 is a constant which can be considered as a 5d cosmological constant @xmath9 . the profile of the potential @xmath6 is presented in fig . [ fig3 ] . the corresponding field equations are @xmath10 , \label{sec2 - 85}\\ \phi '' + 4 \frac{a'}{a } \phi ' & = & \phi \left [ \chi^2 + \lambda_1 \left ( \phi^2 - m_1 ^ 2 \right ) \right ] , \label{sec2 - 95}\\ \chi '' + 4 \frac{a'}{a } \chi ' & = & \chi \left [ \phi^2 + \lambda_2 \left ( \chi^2 - m_2 ^ 2 \right ) \right ] . \label{sec2 - 105}\end{aligned}\ ] ] the boundary conditions are @xmath11 the boundary condition and eq . give us the following constraint @xmath12 this means that the constant @xmath8 is not an arbitrary constant but it is defined by the @xmath13symmetry of the thick brane . the mathematical problem for solving these equations is that _ not for all _ values of the parameters @xmath14 _ a regular solution exists . _ thus the problem of finding a regular solution of these equations is _ a non - linear eigenvalue problem _ for the parameters _ @xmath14 _ and the eigenfunctions _ @xmath15_. in fig . [ fig1 ] we present _ the regular solution _ which describes the thick brane solution for the 5d gravity . the dimensionless energy density is presented in fig . [ fig2 ] . the thickness of the brane depends on all parameters which are included in the equations : @xmath16 * at the infinity the scalar fields tends to _ a local minimum not to global_. * the first item leads to the fact that the solution is _ topologically trivial_. * mathematically the solution of einstein - scalar fields equations is _ a non - linear eigenvalue problem . _ * there are arguments ( @xcite ) that these scalar fields present non - perturbatively quantized su(3 ) gauge field . in this case the brane world is a plain defect in 5d spacetime filled with a gauge condensate . | a new 5d thick brane solution is presented .
we conjecture that the deduced thick brane is a plane defect in a bulk gauge condensate . |
the survey for transient astronomical radio emission ( stare ) is a project designed to detect transient radio signals at 611 mhz on timescales of fractions of a second to minutes . local interference rejection is accomplished by using geographically separated multiple detectors and a coincidence requirement . stare monitors a large solid angle 24 hours / day , with an operating efficiency of @xmath3 . we present here a brief description of the project and some of the results from the first 17 months of operation . stare consists of three detectors located at geographically separated sites : hancock , nh , green bank , wv , and hat creek , ca . at each site is a total power radiometer , a gps receiver which provides timing information , and a pc which controls the equipment . operation is fully automated , and is coordinated over the internet by a computer at mit , which also receives data from the sites . the organization of the system is shown in figure [ f : ckatz:1 ] . the radiometers are simple single - conversion , dual - polarization receivers . system specifications : * center frequency : 611 mhz * bandwidth : 4 mhz * beam solid angle : 1.5 sr * integration time : @xmath4 to @xmath5 * rms sensitivity : @xmath6 ( zenith , @xmath5 averaging ) = 0.75 radiofrequency interference ( rfi ) presents a major obstacle to transient detection at uhf . at these frequencies it is imperative that an experiment have an interference rejection scheme . stare filters out rfi using a coincidence requirement . to be identified as astronomical , a signal must appear in at least two of the detectors simultaneously . the power of this criterion is apparent from the stare results : in one year of operation , the hancock station recorded 78,714 individual events ( instances in which the radiometer output exceeded the baseline by at least @xmath2 ) while the green bank station recorded 260,407 . out of these , only 138 coincidences were identified , yielding a rejection rate of well over 99% . with such a scheme , there is always the possibility of coincidences due to chance . using the mean event rates measured for hancock ( @xmath7 ) and green bank ( @xmath8 ) , the mean time between chance coincidences is found to be about 4 days , though the chance coincidence rate is quite variable since it depends on the ( variable ) underlying rates of rfi bursts at each site . adding a third site with a rate identical to that of green bank increases the mean time between chance coincidences to about 27 years . for this reason stare was designed to include three sites . the hat creek site , however , has been found to have an rfi environment unsuitable for general transient detection . work is in progress to remedy this situation in order to give stare the full interference rejection capability for which it was designed . a strength of the stare project in searching for grb counterparts is that it monitors a large fraction of the sky nearly twenty - four hours per day . it will record from grbs in its field of view any radio emission occurring after , during , or even before the grb itself ( with intensity above the stare sensitivity level , of course ) . the price paid for a large field of view is lower sensitivity than that of a narrow - field detector . however , the large field of view also increases the number of grbs expected to occur within the antenna beam . stare began multi - site operation on 26 march 1996 when the green bank station came on - line ( hancock came on - line in august 1995 ) . between that time and 31 august 1997 , 173 grbs ( detected by batse ) occurred in the field of view ( above @xmath9 elevation ) of at least one of the stare sites . for each grb , the stare coincidence record was examined for detections within @xmath10 of the gamma - ray event . 7 positive results were found , which is consistent with the number expected from chance . none of the seven occurred simultaneously with a grb . in addition , for each grb , the raw stare data record from each site was examined manually for unusual activity within @xmath11 of the grb . nothing was found which was not obviously the usual rfi . we conclude that * the stare data are consistent with an absence of radio counterparts appearing within @xmath12 of grbs , with @xmath13 detection limits ranging from tens to hundreds of kjy . * a histogram of the ensemble of upper limits is shown in figure [ f : ckatz:2 ] . | the survey for transient astronomical radio emission ( stare ) is a wide - field monitor for transient radio emission at 611 mhz on timescales of fractions of a second to minutes .
consisting of multiple geographically separated total - power radiometers which measure the sky power every 0.125 sec , stare has been in operation since march 1996 . in its first seventeen months of operation , stare collected data before , during , and after 173 gamma - ray bursts .
seven candidate astronomical radio bursts were detected within @xmath0 of a grb , consistent with the rate of chance coincidences expected from the local radio interference rates .
the stare data are therefore consistent with an absence of radio counterparts appearing within @xmath1 of grbs , with @xmath2 detection limits ranging from tens to hundreds of kjy .
the strengths of stare relative to other radio counterpart detection efforts are its large solid - angle and temporal coverage .
these result in a large number of grbs occuring in the stare field of view , allowing studies that are statistical in nature .
such a broad approach may also be valuable if the grbs are due to a heterogenous set of sources . |
a pixel module consists of a single n - on - n silicon sensor , approx . 2@xmath06 @xmath1 in size . the sensor is subdivided into 47,268 pixels which are connected individually to 16 front - end ( fe ) chips via `` bumps '' . these chips are connected to a module - control chip ( mcc ) mounted on a kapton - flex - hybrid glued onto the back - side of the sensor . the mcc communicates with the off - detector electronics via opto - links , whereas power is fed into the chips via cables connected to the flex - hybrid @xcite . the sensor is subdivided into 41984 `` standard '' pixels of 50 @xmath2 m in azimuth times 400 @xmath2 m parallel to the lhc beam , and 5284 `` long '' pixels of @xmath3 @xmath2 m to cover the gaps between adjacent front - end chips . the module has 46080 read - out channels , which is smaller than the number of pixels because there is a 200 @xmath2 m gap in between fe chips on opposite sides of the module . to get full coverage the last eight pixels in each row are connected to only four channels ( `` ganged '' pixels ) . the connection between each pixel and its read - out channel is made through a bump bond . two technologies are used , indium bumps and solder bumps . the minimum bump spacing is 50 @xmath2 m . no underfill material is used between the bumps to minimise the capacitive coupling between pixels as well as the capacitive load on the fe inputs . consequently the bumped assembly is mechanically held together only by the bumps @xcite . the fe chips contain 2880 individual charge sensitive analogue circuits with a digital read - out that operates at 40 mhz clock . the analogue part consists of a high - gain , fast preamplifier followed by a dc - coupled second stage and a differential discriminator . the threshold of the discriminator ranges up to 1 fc , its nominal value being 0.5 fc . on top of a globally set threshold value the threshold of each of the 2880 channels can be adjusted individually to allow fine tuning . when a hit is detected by the discriminator the pixel address and the time at which the hit occured is provided . alongside that the time over threshold ( tot ) information allows reconstruction of the charge seen by the preamplifier . the pixel address and timing / charge information is then passed to buffers at the bottom of the chip where data waits for a matching trigger before being sent to the mcc . the mcc does a first event - building of the individual data of the 16 fe chips @xcite . in order to assure full functionality of the modules in the later experiment , measurements in a test beam and at the production sites are performed . beam tests are performed at the sps at cern using 180 gev / c hadrons . the setup consists of a beam telescope for the position measurement @xcite , trigger scintillators for timing measurement to 36 ps , and up to four pixel modules . the number of defective channels is observed to less than @xmath4 and for standard pixels the efficiency for normal incidence particles is 99.57@xmath50.15% . the timewalk , i.e. the variation in the time when the discriminator input goes above threshold , is an issue since hits with a low deposited charge have an arrival time later than the ones with high charges , in particular for ganged pixels . this problem has been addressed in the latest version of fe chips . an important test that allows a large range of in - laboratory measurements is the threshold scan . signals are created with on - module charge injection and scanning the number of hits versus the so injected charge yields the physical value of the threshold of the discriminator and the equivalent noise charge as seen by the preamplifier . a set of such scans is used to reduce the threshold dispersion by adjusting a parameter individually for each channel ( see above ) . the resulting threshold and noise after threshold tuning is shown in figure [ thrnse ] . typically approx . 100 e threshold dispersion across a module and a noise value of below 200 e for standard pixels is achieved , as is needed for good performance . in a similar fashion , the cross - talk is measured to a few per cent for standard pixels and a timewalk measurement yields a result similar to that from the test beam . data taken when illuminating the sensor with a radioactive source allows in - laboratory detection of defective channels , again yielding a number similar to that of the test beam . the source - spectrum reconstructed from the tot - readings is in agreement with expectations . in addition , modules are irradiated to a dose approximately corresponding to 10 years of atlas operation the latter results are currently only preliminary and are thus not reported here although they look promising . 99 a. andreazza et al . , atlas edms - note atl - ip - an-0002 ( 2002 ) . r. boyd et al . , atlas edms - note atl - ip - an-0003 ( 2002 ) . r. beccherle et al . , nuclear instr . meth . a * 492 * , 117 ( 2002 ) . j. treis et al . , nuclear instum . meth . a * 490 * , 112 ( 2002 ) . | the atlas pixel detector is the innermost layer of the atlas tracking system and will contribute significantly to the atlas track and vertex reconstruction .
the detector consists of identical sensor - chip - hybrid modules , arranged in three barrels in the centre and three disks on either side for the forward region .
the position of the pixel detector near the interaction point requires excellent radiation hardness , mechanical and thermal robustness , good long - term stability , all combined with a low material budget .
the pre - production phase of such pixel modules has nearly finished , yielding fully functional modules .
results are presented of tests with these modules .
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atmospheric muons are amongst the final products of primary cosmic ray induced air shower cascades . a precise measurement of the ground level muon flux can therefore be used to test the understanding of the primary cosmic ray flux and the hadronic interactions involved in the production of the muons parent mesons . moreover , it provides a crucial test for theoretical neutrino flux calculations , because each muon is produced with an accompanying muon neutrino . + here a new measurement of the atmospheric muon flux is presented using the precise muon spectrometer of the l3 detector @xcite located at the lep accelerator at cern , geneva . during the analysis special attention was given to the precise determination of all relevant detector and environmental parameters needed to convert the raw data distributions to an absolute surface level flux . due to the large amount of available statistics , extensive studies of the residual systematic uncertainties were possible . the momentum distribution of atmospheric muons is measured with the extended l3 setup known as l3+c @xcite . it is located 450 m above sea level and shielded from the hadronic and electromagnetic air shower components by a 30 m thick molasse overburden . the muon momentum is measured with the l3 muon spectrometer , which is situated inside a large magnetic volume of at a field of . a 202 m@xmath0 scintillator array was installed on top of the detector to record the arrival time of the muons . with this arrangement a relative momentum resolution ranging from 2.2% at 20 gev to 52% at 2000 gev is achieved . being equipped with a trigger and data acquisition system independent of the normal l3 data taking , l3+c recorded 1.2@xmath1 atmospheric muon triggers during its operation in the years 1999 and 2000 . in total 2@xmath2 high quality events are used in the muon spectrum analysis . the geometrical acceptance of the detector as well as the energy loss in the molasse overburden is calculated with a simulation of the l3+c setup and its surroundings . the detector efficiencies are determined from the data itself as a function of time , charge , momentum and zenith angle . the raw event distributions at the detector level are deconvoluted taking into account the detector resolution and the stochastic energy loss in the molasse . the systematic uncertainties of the muon flux and charge ratio measurement are studied by investigating the stability of the results with time and azimuth angle and under the variation of the selection cuts . the l3+c vertical muon spectrum is shown in figure [ fig : spec ] along with previous measurements @xcite providing an independent absolute normalization . the best precision is achieved around 100 gev , where the total error amounts to 2.6% . at lower energies uncertainties of the molasse overburden get important , whereas at high energies the statistical error dominates . the measured vertical charge ratio is compared to an average @xcite of previous measurements in figure [ fig : crat ] . it is worthwhile pointing out , that the total error of one zenith angle bin from this experiment is compatible with the error from the average of all previous experiments . both , muon flux and charge ratio were measured as function of the zenith angle from 0 to 58 degrees . their relative angular dependence is found in good agreement with the prediction from an air shower simulation @xcite of atmospheric muons . 99 b. adeva _ et al _ , 1990 , nucl . instr . and a289 * , 35 ; o. adriani _ et al . _ , 2002 , nucl . instr . and a488 * , 209 . t. hebbeker and c. timmermans , 2002 , astropart . phys . * 18 * , 107 . o. c. allkofer _ et al . _ 1971 , phys * b36 * , 425 ; c. a. ayre _ et al . _ 1975 , j. phys . * g1 * , 584 ; b. j. bateman _ et al . _ 1971 , phys . lett . * b36 * , 144 ; m. p. de pascale _ et al . _ 1993 , j. geoph 98 * , 3501 ; p. j. green _ et al . _ 1979 , phys . rev . * 20 * , 1598 ; j. kremer _ et al . _ 1999 , phys . . lett . * 83 * , 4241 ; m. boezio _ et al . _ 2003 , phys . rev . * d67 * , 72003 . r. engel _ et al . _ 2001 , proc . 27th icrc , 1381 . | the atmospheric muon spectrum between 20 and 2000 gev was measured with the l3 magnetic muon spectrometer for zenith angles ranging from 0 to 58 degrees . due to the large data
set and the good detector resolution , a precision of 2.6% at 100 gev was achieved for the absolute normalization of the vertical muon flux .
the momentum dependence of the ratio of positive to negative muons was obtained between 20 and 630 gev .
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jpl s terrrestrial planet finder interferometer ( tpf - i ) technology studies set the milestone # 3 criteria for nulling performance to achieve repeatably an interferometric null of @xmath0 in a spectral band width @xmath1 over 6 hours in an ambient environment . _ * it was reached in early 2009 on the adaptive nuller testbed ( adn ) * _ @xcite . milestone # 4 set out to demonstrate the feasibility of four - beam nulling , the achievement of the required null stability , and the consequent detection of faint planets using approaches similar to the ones contemplated for a flight - mission . experimental work was to implement this goal by the detection of a planet @xmath2 fainter than the star at a signal - to - noise ratio of @xmath3 in an ambient environment . phase chopping , averaging and rotation were to yield a factor @xmath4 in residual starlight suppression . rejection levels were therefore expected to reach @xmath5 repeatably during 3 hours of operation . the planet detection testbed ( pdt ) was developed to work toward this goal . all the data to meet milestone # 4 were acquired by summer 2009 . _ * milestone # 4 was formally reviewed and accepted in october 2009 * _ @xcite . milestone # 5 , planned for the year 2010 , will demonstrate the effectiveness of spectral filtering to suppress instability noise . the expected gain in nulling depth is about one order of magnitude . once this milestone is reached , further development will have to demonstrate equivalent performance under space flight conditions , i.e. , _ * at cryogenic temperatures under vacuum*_. ias has been involved in _ darwin _ technology studies on achromatic phase shifters ( apss ) . as part of those studies , a _ * model for a cryogenic optical test bench under vacuum has been developed * _ @xcite . the next desired collaborative effort would be a joint study and implementation of interferometer technology and signal extraction procedures in a cryogenic system . it would address aspects such as the following : * in the study phase * 1 . review and agree on overall performance goals and conditions ; 2 . develop experimental layout : light sources , detectors , other independent analytic tools , phase shifting device , dispersive elements , cryogenic cooling , evacuation etc . ; 3 . identify sub - systems and interfaces ; 4 . define interface parameters , create error budget ; 5 . identify technical solutions for sub - systems . * in the implementation phase * 6 . acquire , test and fully characterize sub - systems ; 7 . integrate sub - systems , test and fully characterize integrated experiment ; 8 . demonstrate overall performance in compliance with goals . given the required financial and human resources , forseeable challenges are : 1 . site selection for system integration : will depend on surrounding infrastructure , availability of technical support , already available equipment etc . ; export / import of equipment : certain items may be rated as space and/or defense - relevant and therefore be restricted and subject to possible customs duties ; 3 . institutional property sovereignty : loan agreements vs. transfer of ownership ; 4 . visa regulations for visiting personnel and/or long - term exchange staff . further questions include : a. what can be learned from earlier agreements between space agencies regarding collaboration on space missions ? which elements can be applied to collaborations on an institutional level at the stage of technology studies and testing ? how and to what extent can formal agreements be made between the institutions involved ? b. are there ( international ) funding bodies which may support an overarching project as a whole and can split their funds according to local requirements of the project partners ? c. are there other ( international ) bodies which can facilitate the exchange and transfer of equipment and/or personnel by being a third partner ? labeque , a. et al . , 2004 , in new frontiers in stellar interferometry , ed . w. traub , spie conf . series , 5491 , 999 martin , s. r. et al . , 2009 , exoplanet interferometer technology milestone # 4 report : planet detection demonstration , jpl d-63261 , nov . 2009 . peters , r. d. et al . , 2010 , , 122 , 85 | studies of mid - infrared space interferometer concepts in the usa and in europe have converged on a single architecture .
we address the question of how the us and european communities could collaborate to advance technology efforts leading to a future space mission .
we present the current state of the art in nulling interferometry , as demonstrated at ambient temperature and pressure in the lab , and outline required steps to demonstrate its performance under space conditions
. design studies of a cryogenic optical test bench under vacuum have already been carried out .
we highlight pre - conditions and constraints of a collaborative effort , foreseeable practical and administrative challenges , and possible strategies to meet those challenges . |
the four - image gravitational lens class b1608 + 656 was one of the first lenses discovered in class ( @xcite ) . follow - up radio and optical imaging showed the four - component morphology at all wavelengths . in addition , hst multicolor imaging showed the presence of two lensing galaxies as well as lensed arcs and a faint einstein ring ( see images in @xcite and on the castles web page at http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/glensdata/ ) . spectroscopic observations have given the redshifts of the lensing galaxies and the lensed background source , which is a post - starburst radio galaxy ( @xcite ; @xcite ) . with the numerous observational constraints from the hst imaging and evidence of radio variability from early vla observations , this system presented an excellent possibility to be used for a determination of @xmath0 . thus , a program of vla monitoring was started in late 1996 . the results of the first season of vla monitoring , between 1996 october and 1997 may , are presented in fassnacht et al . we measured the three independent time delays in the system from the monitoring data , yielding @xmath2 at 95% confidence . the time delays were combined with the model presented in koopmans & fassnacht ( 1999 ) to yield @xmath3 km s@xmath4 mpc@xmath4 ( 95% confidence ) with an additional uncertainty of @xmath5 km s@xmath4 mpc@xmath4 from the modeling . the uncertainties on the measured time delays , and hence on the resulting determination of @xmath0 are rather large because the background source flux density varied by only @xmath6 during the first season of monitoring . in principle , stronger variations should allow the alignment of the light curves more accurately , thus leading to smaller uncertainties in the measured time delays . for this reason , a second season of monitoring was begun . these proceedings present initial results from the second season of monitoring . we observed the b1608 + 656 system at 8 ghz with the vla between february and october 1998 . the system was observed 80 times during this period , with observations made , on average , every 3.1 d. with the exception of using the source 1634 + 627 as the primary flux calibrator instead of 3c286 , the data reduction procedure was the same as described in fassnacht et al . the final light curves for the four b1608 + 656 components show large variations in flux density , on the order of 40% ( fig . these variations are quite a contrast to the variations of only @xmath15% seen in the light curves from the first season of monitoring . however , the nature of the variations , a nearly monotonic decline , introduces a degeneracy in magnification - delay space , making it difficult to align the curves accurately . in order to break this degeneracy , we have conducted a joint analysis of the data from the first two seasons . this approach is useful because the nearly constant light curves from the first season limit the allowed range in magnification while the steeply declining second season curves limit the allowed range of delays . an initial @xmath7 minimization analysis ( see fassnacht et al . 1999 for a description of the details ) produces much clearer minima than those produced from the first - season data alone ( fig . we also conducted monte carlo simulations to estimate the uncertainties on the delays . as hoped , the uncertainties decreased by 30 50% . the delays produced by this initial analysis are thus @xmath8 at 95% confidence . the delays derived from the joint analysis are consistent within the errors with those produced from the first season . however , there is a systematic shift to lower delays , which is especially noticeable for the shortest delay . this change may be due to small errors in matching the absolute flux densities of the curves between the two seasons , an effect that is being investigated further . composite curves created by shifting the component light curves by these delays are presented in fig . 2 . the b1608 + 656 system has produced a measurement of @xmath0 through a combination of the measured time delays with a mass model for the lensing galaxies . however , the uncertainties in both the lens model and the measured delays are still larger than desired . future work on this system could reduce the uncertainties in both of these areas . on the modeling side , blandford and surpi are developing a new lens model using the full information in the hst images of the system . the time delay uncertainties also can be reduced if the source varies in a strong , but non - monotonic , manner . it should be noted that just such a variation occurred during the gap between the first two seasons when the source began its change from its previous , nearly constant , flux density . this change in behavior was missed because the vla was in its compact configurations and could not resolve the individual source components . we are currently conducting a third season of monitoring with the vla to search for more variability in the background source . the national radio astronomy observatory is a facility of the national science foundation operated under cooperative agreement by associated universities inc . this work is supported in part by the nsf under grant # ast 9420018 and by the european commission , tmr program , research network contract erbfmrxct96 - 0034 `` ceres . '' | the four - component gravitational lens class b1608 + 656 has been monitored with the vla for two seasons in order to search for time delays between the components .
these time delays can be combined with mass models of the lens system to yield a measurement of @xmath0 . the component light curves show significantly different behavior in the two observing seasons . in the first season
the light curves have maximum variations of @xmath15% , while in the second season the components experienced a nearly monotonic @xmath140% decrease in flux .
we present the time delays derived from a joint analysis of the light curves from the two seasons . |
recently , it was also demonstrated that the spreading of dielectric liquids accelerates over solid surfaces under ionic bombardment caused by corona discharge [ 1 ] . when a potential difference above the corona discharge threshold level is applied between a sharp emitter electrode and flat grounded substrate with a deposited oil droplet in air , the surrounding air molecules become locally ionized around the sharp tip . a cloud of accelerated ions drifts towards the air / liquid interface and creates an interfacial pressure . the interfacial electric pressure resulting from the surface charge deposition due to bombardment and the normal component of electric field cause radial spreading of dielectric liquid films [ 1 ] . although the ionic bombardment initially forces spreading of the film , as we shown here , the spreading accompanies by new type of electrohydrodynamic ( ehd ) instabilities . ehd interfacial instabilities in fluid interfaces have been vigorously investigated in the presence of laplacian field ( in absence of space charge ) produced by parallel plate electrodes . however , for non - zero space charge in the presence of ionic bombardment , the literature is rare and the mechanism of instabilities is poorly understood . in the presence of ionic bombardment , the instability mechanism fundamentally changes , giving rise to a new set of very less known class of instabilities [ 2 ] . the instability patterns were shown to be drastically changes with changing viscosity of liquid . for low viscous liquids subjected to ionic discharge , we observed cell - type instability patterns and length scales of patterns are in the order of spreading film thickness . for more viscous liquids , the patterns are like complex labyrinth patterns . in the present work , a 22 g hypodermic needle was used to establish corona discharge over the deposited droplet on a grounded substrate . the applied voltage and corona current was , 17 kv and 35 @xmath0a , respectively . the substrate was ito coated glass . the working fluids were silicone oils of different viscosities . we performed no special pretreatment of purification or degassing to eliminate the possible contaminations or impurities . the experiments performed in room condition with no control on level of dust and other level of contamination . | this fluid dynamics video is an entry for the gallery of fluid motion of the 66th annual meeting of the aps - dfd .
this work reveals new types of interfacial instabilities that occur during forced - spreading of dielectric films subjected to ionic bombardment .
we demonstrated that keeping the ionic bombardment strength constant , the appearance of instability patterns dramatically changes by varying viscosity of the bombarded droplet . |
many observational and theoretical works suggest that planetary systems with only rocky planets are the most common in the universe . in particular , ( * ? ? ? * miguel et al . ( 2011 ) ) indicated that a planetary system with only small rocky planets is the most common outcome obtained from a low - mass disk ( @xmath0 0.03 @xmath1 ) for different surface density profiles . in general , most of the studies of terrestrial - type planet formation typically use ad hoc initial conditions ( ( * ? ? ? * kokubo & ida , 1998 ) ; ( * ? ? ? * raymond et al . 2005 ) ) . here , we complement the results of _ n - body high - resolution simulations _ performed by starting from a semi - analytical model developed by ( * ? ? ? * brunini & benvenuto ( 2008 ) ) and ( * ? ? ? * guilera et al . ( 2010 ) ) wich simulates the evolution of the protoplanetary disk during the gas phase . we analyze the formation of terrestrial planets and water delivery without gas giants and compare the results with the previous work . the semi - analytical model is used to calculate the formation of several embryos between 0.5 au and 5 au ( as in ( * ? ? ? * de ela et al . 2013 ) ) . these embryos were separated by 10 mutual hill radii and their initial masses correspond to the transition mass between runaway and oligarchic growth ( ( * ? ? ? * ida & makino , 1993 ) ) . in our previous work we adopted three different values for the exponent @xmath2 that characterize the slope of the surface density ( @xmath3 , @xmath4 and @xmath5 ) . the planetary systems formed with @xmath6 were the most distinctive ones from an astrobiological point of view . thus , in this new work we developed three n - body simulations with new initial conditions given by the semi - analytical model , only for @xmath6 . for this profile we found the same proportion for both populations : half the mass in embryos and half the mass in planetesimals after the gas is completely dissipated in 3 myr . these new planetary systems are globally similar to those found in our previous work . each simulation formed between 1 and 2 planets in the habitable zone ( hz ) ( between 0.8 au and 1.5 au ) after 200 myr of evolution ( fig . [ fig1 ] ) . their masses range between @xmath7 and @xmath8 and their water content between 7.5% and 24.3% by mass , which represent between 427 and 1671 earth oceans ( 1 earth ocean @xmath9 @xmath10 ) . we also found planets with masses from @xmath11 to @xmath12 near the snow line ( located at 2.7 au ) , which can be discovered by the microlensing technique . the masses of the planets in the hz are large enough to retain an atmosphere and to sustain plate tectonics , and as we also formed in the previous simulations , this profile formed _ water worlds _ that come from beyond the snow line . thus , the planets that remain in the hz present the characteristics to be potencially habitable . we therefore conclude that the results are globally similar to those found by . these planetary systems do not seem to be sensitive to the particular initial distribution of embryos and planetesimals and we suggest that the strong dependence on the final results would go with the initial mass proportion used in both populations . however , these more realistic initial conditions allowed us to find more reliable results concerning the water delivery and the global dinamics of the planetary systems . brunini , a. , & benvenuto , o. g. 2008 , _ icarus _ , 194 , 800 de ela , g. c. , guilera , o. m. , & brunini , a. 2013 , _ a&a _ , 557 , a42 guilera , o. m. , brunini , a. , & benvenuto , o. g. 2010 , _ a&a _ , 521 , a50 ida , s. , & makino , j. 1993 , _ icarus _ , 106 , 210 kokubo , e. , & ida , s. 1998 , _ icarus _ , 131 , 171 miguel , y. , guilera , o. m. , & brunini , a. 2011 , _ icarus _ , 417 , 314 raymond , s. n. , quinn , t . , & lunine , j. i. 2005 , _ apj _ , 632 , 670 ronco , m. p. , & de ela , g. c. 2014 , _ a&a _ , 567 , a54 | in general , most of the studies of terrestrial - type planet formation typically use ad hoc initial conditions . in this work
we improved the initial conditions described in starting with a semi - analytical model wich simulates the evolution of the protoplanetary disk during the gas phase .
the results of the semi - analytical model are then used as initial conditions for the n - body simulations .
we show that the planetary systems considered are not sensitive to the particular initial distribution of embryos and planetesimals and thus , the results are globally similar to those found in the previous work . |
recent observational results of ngc 1533 hi rings and numerical models for this objects are described in detail by ryan - weber et al . ( 2002 ) and by bekki et al . ( 2003 , in preparation ) , respectively . we accordingly summarize briefly the important three results derived in this numerical studies ( see figure 1 for the model details ) . firstly , the strong tidal filed of ngc 1533 s progenitor hsb strips the outer diffuse hi gas disk of the lsb and completely destroy the stellar disk of the lsb . the stripped hi gas forms an incomplete gas ring and the lsb is swallowed by the hsb finally . this outer hi ring formation is different from the merger scenario of polar ring formation proposed by bekki ( 1998 ) . secondly , the hsb forms a bar and loses its spiral arms owing to tidal heating of the interaction , and therefore can be classified as a barred s0 after merging . thirdly , star formation can proceed in the giant gas ring either by the cloud - cloud collisions within the ring or by strong external gaseous pressure of the hot gas surrounding the hi ring . the proposed merger models thus explain ( 1 ) the observed large total mass of the hi ring , ( 2 ) structure and kinematics of the hi ring , and ( 3 ) the morphology of the host s0 galaxy ( ngc 1533 ) . | we propose that the giant hi ring recently discovered by hipass for s0 galaxy ngc 1533 is formed by unequal - mass merging between gas - rich lsb ( low surface brightness : `` ghost '' ) galaxies and hsb disks .
the ngc 1533 progenitor hsb spiral is transformed into a barred s0 during merging and the outer hi gas disk of the lsb is transformed into the giant hi ring .
we also discuss two different possibilities for the origin of isolated star - forming regions ( `` eldot '' objects ) in the giant gas ring .
# 1_#1 _ # 1_#1 _ = # 1 1.25 in .125 in .25 in |
for a graph @xmath2 we denote by @xmath3 the set of its vertices , and by @xmath4 the set of its edges . [ def : h - path][def : h - cycle ] for @xmath5 , the _ @xmath0-power of a path _ , denoted by @xmath6 , is a graph with @xmath7 vertices @xmath8 such that , for @xmath9 , @xmath10 , @xmath11 if and only if @xmath12 . thus , for instance , @xmath13 is the graph made of @xmath7 isolated nodes , and @xmath14 is the path with @xmath7 vertices . [ def : indipendent subset ] an _ independent subset of a graph @xmath2 _ is a subset of @xmath3 not containing adjacent vertices . * notation . * ( i ) we denote by @xmath15 the number of independent subsets of @xmath6 . ( ii ) we denote by @xmath16 the hasse diagram of the poset of independent subsets of @xmath6 ordered by inclusion , and by @xmath17 the number of edges of @xmath16 . in this work we evaluate @xmath15 , and @xmath17 . our main result ( theorem [ th : main ] ) is that , for @xmath18 , the sequence @xmath17 is obtained by convolving the sequence @xmath19 with itself . clearly , @xmath20 is the @xmath7-dimensional cube . thus , on one hand , our work generalizes the known formula @xmath21 for the number of edges of the boolean lattice with @xmath7 atoms , obtained by the convolution of the sequence @xmath22 with itself . from a different perspective , this work could be seen as yet another generalization of the notion of fibonacci cube . indeed , observe that every independent subset @xmath23 of @xmath6 can be represented by a binary string @xmath24 , where , for @xmath25 , @xmath26 if and only if @xmath27 . more specifically , each independent subset of @xmath6 is associated with a binary string of length @xmath7 such that the distance between any two @xmath28 s of the string is greater than @xmath0 . for @xmath1 the binary strings associated with independent subsets of @xmath6 are _ fibonacci strings of order @xmath7 _ , and the hasse diagram of the set of all such strings ordered bitwise is a _ fibonacci cube of order @xmath7 _ ( see @xcite ) . fibonacci cubes were introduced as an interconnection scheme for multicomputers in @xcite , and their combinatorial structure has been further investigated , _ e.g. _ in @xcite . several generalizations of the notion of fibonacci cubes has been proposed ( see , _ e.g. _ , @xcite ) . as far as we now , our generalization , described in terms of independent subsets of powers of paths ordered by inclusion , is a new one . we denote by @xmath29 the number of independent @xmath30-subsets of @xmath6 . [ lem : p_nk formula ] for @xmath31 , @xmath32 . see ( * ? ? ? * theorem 1 ) , and @xcite , where we establish a bijection between independent @xmath30-subset of @xmath6 and @xmath30-subsets of a set with @xmath33 elements . for @xmath34 , the number of all independent subsets of @xmath6 is @xmath35 denote by @xmath36 the @xmath37 element of the fibonacci sequence @xmath38 , @xmath39 , and @xmath40 , for @xmath41 . then , @xmath42 . [ lem : p_n recurrence ] for @xmath43 , @xmath44 see the first part of ( * ? ? ? * proof of theorem 1 ) , or @xcite . figure [ fig : p_3 - 4_h ] shows a few hasse diagrams @xmath16 . notice that , as mentioned in the introduction , for each @xmath7 , @xmath45 is a fibonacci cube . no independent subset of @xmath6 containing @xmath49 contains any of the elements @xmath56 . let @xmath57 and @xmath58 be non - negative integers whose sum is @xmath59 . each independent @xmath30-subset of @xmath6 containing @xmath49 can be obtained by adding @xmath49 to a @xmath46-subset @xmath60 such that viceversa , one can obtain each of this pairs of subsets by removing @xmath49 from an independent @xmath30-subset of @xmath6 containing @xmath49 . thus , @xmath48 is obtained by counting independently the subsets of type ( a ) and ( b ) . noting that the subsets of type ( b ) are in bijection with the independent @xmath58-subsets of @xmath63 , the lemma is proved . the sum @xmath76 counts the number of independent subsets of @xmath77 containing @xmath49 . we can also obtain such a value by counting the independent subsets of both @xmath78 , and @xmath79 . thus , we have : | we provide a formula for the number of edges of the hasse diagram of the independent subsets of the @xmath0^th^ power of a path ordered by inclusion . for @xmath1
such a value is the number of edges of a fibonacci cube .
we show that , in general , the number of edges of the diagram is obtained by convolution of a fibonacci - like sequence with itself . .... .... , independent subset , path , power of graph , fibonacci cube . |
in 2008 , we observed the dusty wolf - rayet ( wr ) star wr118 using the astronomical beam recombiner ( amber , @xcite ) , at the focus of the very large telescope interferometer ( vlti ) . wr118 had already been observed using speckle interferometry , on the bta 6 m telescope , in russia ( ) . the amber visibilities and closure phases were acquired at spatial frequencies up to 5 times larger than the previous speckle observations . we clearly resolved the system with amber , with visibilities decreasing up to @xmath1 cycles / arc - second , and increasing again above . such a visibility behavior is typical of an object containing a sharp edge in its intensity distribution . in addition , the closure phase , measured at three different moments during the night , is clearly non - equal to zero , meaning that wr118 s dusty nebula is asymmetric . we modelled wr118 s dusty nebula with several geometrical models , including a clumpy spherical wind and a `` pinwheel '' nebula . this last model provides a physical description of the system and best match the observed data . therefore , we concluded that wr118 probably hosts a `` pinwheel '' nebula , detected for the first time using long - baseline interferometry ( @xcite ) . repeating the amber observations on wr118 to confirm its `` pinwheel '' nature is the next step in this research program . one step forward is to assess the feasibility of imaging such targets with the current and future capabilities of the vlti . for that , we perform simulations of the current vlti instrument amber ( k - band , 2.2 microns ) and of the second generation planned vlti instrument matisse ( l - band , 3.5 microns ) observations . we start from the model of wr118 found previously and simulate a realistic observation ( typical v@xmath2 errors of 5% ) with different baselines and one measurement per hour . then , we use the mira software ( @xcite ) to reconstruct an image of the target from these simulations . four cases are simulated here : * amber observations during 3 nights with 3 telescopes configurations , * amber observations during 7 nights with 7 telescopes configurations , * matisse observations during 3 nights with 3 telescopes configurations , * matisse observations during 7 nights with 7 telescopes configurations . as expected , we find that amber already provides some imaging capabilities , even using as few as three nights of observation . one can recognize in the reconstructed image all the features from the original image ( see fig . [ fig1 ] ) . however , as was also experienced on real datasets ( @xcite ) , the relative flux of the different features is not well constrained , because of the lack of 66% of phase information . increasing , by more than a factor two , the number of nights used , only marginally improves the quality of the image reconstruction . on the other hand , matisse simulations show a better agreement on the fluxes of the different features , even using `` only '' three nights of observation . we also note that the loss in angular resolution from the k - band and l - band do not apparently affect the quality of the image reconstruction . we showed here that long - baseline interferometry is now clearly mature to confirm the brightest suspected `` pinwheel '' nebulae , using the current abilities of amber on the vlti . in addition , we also showed that amber will be able to synthethise an image , where the `` pinwheel '' nebula would be qualitatively recognized , using at least three nights of observing time . the use of the second generation matisse instrument will permit to have more realistic flux measurements in the different parts of the image , with the same amount of observing time . | dusty wolf - rayet stars are few but remarkable in terms of dust production rates ( up to @xmath0/yr ) .
infrared excesses associated to mass - loss are found in the sub - types wc8 and wc9 .
few wc9d stars are hosting a `` pinwheel '' nebula , indirect evidence of a companion star around the primary .
while few other wc9d stars have a dust shell which has been barely resolved so far , the available angular resolution offered by single telescopes is insufficient to confirm if they also host `` pinwheel '' nebulae or not . in this article
, we present the possible detection of such nebula around the star wr118 .
we discuss about the potential of interferometry to image more `` pinwheel '' nebulae around other wc9d stars . |
for the purpose of understanding meson - meson interactions from the qcd , we studied the ground and the 1st excited state energy of 4-quark system measured by the su(2 ) lattice monte - carlo . the configuration of the four quarks that we consider are large square(ls ) , rectangular(r ) , tilted rectangular(tr ) , linear(l ) , quadrilateral(q ) , non - planar(np ) and tetrahedral(th ) . there are three possible choices of the colour singlet pairs which are denoted by a(14,23 ) , b(12,34 ) and c(13,24 ) . ( we interchange the definition of@xmath5 from@xcite . ) identifying these bases as @xmath6 and @xmath7 , we obtain the eigen - energies by diagonalizing @xmath8 matrix of @xmath9 where @xmath10 is the transfer matrix . using a trial wave function @xmath11 , the eigenvalue equation @xmath12 is solved to get @xmath13 for large t@xcite . we observed that among the three bases , one base can be treated as a linear combination of the other two , but within a base in the coarse lattice , when the shortest path between a quark and an antiquark is not along any link , there are several possible configurations of links , which are specified by the parity . when there are m(n ) parity eigenstates in a(b ) , we solve ; @xmath14\right.\ ] ] @xmath15 \right ) = 0\ ] ] we introduce the gluon overlap factor in the form @xmath16)$ ] , where @xmath1 and @xmath2 are the area and the perimeter . we assume that the length of the zig - zag perimeter has the fractal dimension 2 , and so it is fixed from that of the coarse lattice , use the string constant @xmath3 measured in the simulation of the 2-quark potentials and fit constants @xmath17 and @xmath18@xcite . the length @xmath19 depends on the base but the minimal area @xmath1 are chosen to be independent of the base and estimated by the analytical form derived in the regular surface approximation . ( the analysis of np of@xcite is revised , where the area depended on the bases . ) the perimeter dependent terms contain lattice artefacts and the physical quantities are obtained by subtracting the artefacts . the parameter @xmath17 for the area term and @xmath20 for the self energy in the linear configuration are fixed in the previous model@xcite . in the np case we fitted three coefficients @xmath21 corresponding to the three types of the perimeter lengths and a mixing parameter between the parity eigenstates@xcite . the details of the revised fitting are in @xcite . in the case of th , when the length of the links are all equal(@xmath22 ) , the ground state energy is doubly degenerate . when they differ(@xmath23 ) we evaluate minimal surface area for a - c(@xmath24 ) and for a - b(@xmath25 ) and redefine among @xmath26 and @xmath27 , the base @xmath26 such that it is connected to @xmath28 by the smaller area . we solve the secular equation of m=4 and n=4 . and @xmath29 in the th configuration.,title="fig : " ] and @xmath29 in the th configuration.,title="fig : " ] and @xmath29 in the th configuration.,title="fig : " ] and @xmath29 in the th configuration.,title="fig : " ] we explain the degeneracy of the ground state energy for the @xmath22 cases and the ground and the first excited state eigen - energies of @xmath23 cases by introducing an additional coefficient @xmath21 corresponding to the new type of perimeter length and a parameter that specifies the internal excitation of the two quark cluster . .minimal surface area in regular surface approximation and the sum of two triangles for the th and the experimental and the fitted binding energy . [ cols= " > , > , > , > , > , > , > , > " , ] in an analysis of 4-quark energy of the tetrahedral geometry , green and pennanen@xcite proposed a 6-basis model in which the ground ( @xmath30 ) and an excited state ( @xmath31 ) are considered for each of the configuration a , b and c. our choice corresponds to @xmath32 and @xmath33 for each of the configuration a and b. our estimation of the minimal surface is more accurate than their triangular approximation . the relatively large coefficients of @xmath2 suggests that the lattice artefact is still large . a.m.green , c.michael and j.e.paton , nucl.phys . * a554 * , 701 ( 1993 ) ; a.m.green , c.michael and m.sainio , z. phys . * c67 * , 291 ( 1995 ) , hep - lat/9404004 ; a.m.green , j. lukkarinen , p. pennanen , c.michael and s.furui , nucl . phys . * b*(proc . suppl . ) * 42 * , 249 ( 1995 ) . s.furui , a.m.green and b.masud , nucl phys . * a582 * , 682 ( 1995 ) . a.m.green and p. pennanen , preprint , hip-1998 - 01/th . s.furui and b.masud , to be published . | energies of four - quark systems with the tetrahedral geometry measured by the static quenched su(2 ) lattice monte carlo method are analyzed by parametrizing the gluon overlap factor in the form @xmath0)$ ] , where @xmath1 and @xmath2 are the area and perimeter defined mainly by the positions of the four quarks , @xmath3 is the string constant in the 2-quark potentials and @xmath4 are constants . |
we are interested in producing estimates from a sequence of probability distributions . the aim is to quickly report these estimates with a user - specified bound on the monte carlo error . we assume that it is possible to use mcmc methods to draw samples from the target distributions . for example , the sequence can be the posterior distributions of parameters from a bayesian model as additional data becomes available , with the aim of reporting the posterior means with the variance of the monte carlo error being less than @xmath0 . we present a general system that addresses this problem . our system involves saving the samples produced from the mcmc sampler in a database . the samples are updated each time there is a change of sample space . the update involves weighting or transiting the samples , depending on whether the space sample changes or not . in order to control the accuracy of the estimates , the samples in the database are maintained . this maintenance involves increasing or decreasing the number of samples in the database . this maintenance also involves monitoring the quality of the samples using their effective sample size . see table [ tab : control_variates ] for a summary of the control variables . another feature of our system is that the mcmc sampler is paused whenever the estimate is accurate enough . the mcmc sampler can later be resumed if a more accurate estimate is required . therefore , it may be the case that no new samples are generated for some targets . hence the system is efficient , as it reuses samples and only generates new samples when necessary . our approach has similar steps to those used in sequential monte carlo ( smc ) methods @xcite , such as an update ( or transition ) step and re - weighting of the samples . despite the similarities , smc methods are unable to achieve the desired aims considered in this paper . specifically , even though smc methods are able to produce estimates from a sequence of distributions , it is unclear how to control the accuracy of this estimate without restarting the whole procedure . for example , consider the simulations in @xcite where the bootstrap particle filter , a particular smc method , is introduced . in these simulations the posterior mean is reported with the interval between @xmath1 and @xmath2 percentile points . as these percentile points are fixed , there is no way to reduce the length of the interval . the only hope of reducing the interval is to rerun the particle filter with more particles , although there is no guarantee . this conflicts with the aim of reporting the estimates quickly . in practice , most smc methods are concerned with models where only one observation is revealed at a time ( see simulations in e.g. @xcite , @xcite , @xcite ) . our framework allows for observations to be revealed in batches of varying sizes ; see the application presented in [ sec : football ] . n. metropolis , a. w. rosenbluth , m. n. rosenbluth , a. h. teller , and e. teller . equation of state calculations by fast computing machines . _ the journal of chemical physics _ , 210 ( 6):0 10871092 , 1953 . | a system to update estimates from a sequence of probability distributions is presented .
the aim of the system is to quickly produce estimates with a user - specified bound on the monte carlo error .
the estimates are based upon weighted samples stored in a database .
the stored samples are maintained such that the accuracy of the estimates and quality of the samples is satisfactory .
this maintenance involves varying the number of samples in the database and updating their weights .
new samples are generated , when required , by a markov chain monte carlo algorithm .
the system is demonstrated using a football league model that is used to predict the end of season table .
correctness of the estimates and their accuracy is shown in a simulation using a linear gaussian model .
* key words : * importance sampling ; markov chain monte carlo methods ; monte carlo techniques ; streaming data ; sports modelling |
in the near term , the future of ultraviolet space astronomy is reasonably bright . the _ galex _ satellite was well - ranked in nasa s recent senior review and will continue its programs of broad - band spectral imaging in the ultraviolet . for uv spectroscopy , the space shuttle is scheduled to install the _ cosmic origins spectrograph _ ( cos ) on the _ hubble space telescope _ ( hst ) in mid-2009 . although delayed , the cos far - uv ( fuv ) spectrograph will provide an order - of - magnitude increase in throughput for moderate resolution ( @xmath0 or 15 km s@xmath1 ) spectra between 11501775 . however , beyond the lifetimes of _ galex _ and hst / cos , there may be a hiatus in ultraviolet - optical ( uv / o ) space astronomy . following a successful hubble servicing mission 4 ( may 2009 ) , we anticipate an additional 510 years of _ hubble _ lifetime . however , after mission completion of the two great observatories , _ hubble _ and _ chandra _ , we might expect a gap of perhaps 10 years in both uv / o and x - ray space astronomy until after 2025 , when major new missions could be approved and built . in this talk , i will briefly describe some of the scientific projects enabled by cos , then turn to strategies for filling this 10-year gap with new missions in the uv / o spectral bands . some key issues are : * what should be the science drivers for new uv / o missions ? * what is the correct distribution of small , medium , and large missions ? * how should the uv / o community advocate the best science ? * what are tradeoffs in aperture , wavelength band , and other capabilities ? the _ cosmic origins spectrograph _ ( cos ) was designed to provide high - throughput ( @xmath2 @xmath3 ) , moderate - resolution ( @xmath0 ) point - source spectroscopy in the far - ultraviolet ( @xmath4 ) . this capability would provide a factor - of - ten increase in throughput over previous uv spectrographs on _ hubble _ over the range 11501775 . in addition , a near - ultraviolet ( nuv ) channel ( 17503200 ) was added , although with only a moderate improvement ( factors of 23 ) in effective area over stis . the capabilities and pre - launch performance of cos were described by froning & green ( 2008 ) , excerpted in table 1 below . the proposed science objectives were given by morse et al . ( 1998 ) and updated briefly in this section . + however , nasa rarely operates with long - range budgets , as they are constantly facing cost overruns and budget shortfalls . one of the important tasks for us , and for nasa administrators , is to convince everyone the public , our profession , and congress that space astrophysics is an exciting area in which to invest . the problems are compelling , they excite the public , they stimulate education and technology , and they deserve more than the $ 1b / year currently devoted to the astrophysics division of nasa . a rising tide will raise all ships ( and many wavelength bands ) . travel funding to annapolis was generously provided by nasa / gsfc . our group s research support at the university of colorado for uv studies of the igm and galactic halo gas comes from cos grant nnx08-ac14 g and stsci spectroscopic archive grants ( ar-10645.02-a and ar-11773.01-a ) . i would also like to express appreciation for many years of nasa support from the fuse data analysis program , which enabled so many new ism and igm discoveries through far - uv spectroscopy . | i describe the capabilities of the _ cosmic origins spectrograph _ , scheduled for may 2009 installation on the _ hubble space telescope_. with a factor - of - ten increase in far - uv throughput for moderate - resolution spectroscopy , cos will enable a range of scientific programs that study hot stars , agn , and gas in the interstellar medium , intergalactic medium , and galactic halos .
we also plan a large - scale hst spectroscopic legacy project for qso absorption lines , galactic halos , and agn outflows .
studies of next - generation telescopes for uv / o astronomy are now underway , including small , medium , and large missions to fill the imminent ten - year gap between the end of _ hubble _ and a plausible launch of the next large mission . selecting
a strategy for achieving these goals will involve hard choices and tradeoffs in aperture , wavelength , and capability .
address = university of colorado , casa , department of astrophysical & planetary sciences , 391-ucb , boulder , co 80309 |
before the swift mission , it was generally accepted that there are two types of gamma - ray bursts ( grbs ; long versus short ) based on the bimodal distribution of their observed prompt duration@xcite . even though this dichotomous classification scheme used to be consistent with observational and theoretical consequences , it is found controversial in the swift era@xcite . here we present the results of our latest studies of both long and short grbs detected by swift and address several issues that may help solve the puzzle of classifying grbs . first of all , the prompt duration could not be well defined given that ( 1 ) the radiative distinction between the prompt and afterglow emission could not be well defined , let alone the fact that both the prompt and afterglow emission are very diverse in their observational properties@xcite and ( 2 ) the duration is strongly dependent on the sensitivity and bandpass of the detector and , in particular , the prompt duration of grbs with extended emission is debatable@xcite . a strong selection effect has been revealed regarding the distribution of the prompt duration by different detectors@xcite . the bimodal distribution is questionable and it is still an open question as to whether there are two types of grbs . the hardness ratio was considered as the spectral indicator of the difference between long and short grbs@xcite . however , it has been found that the spectral evolution of the prompt emission should be an important factor that determines the correlation between the hardness ratio and prompt duration@xcite , i.e. , shorter grbs tend to be harder and longer ones tend to be softer because of the universality of the spectral evolution of both long and short grbs@xcite . the redshift distribution has been found different for long and short grbs . however , there are many obstacles to obtaining a reshift , making it a rare event . the distribution of all grbs is very close to the so - called erlang distribution @xmath0 with shape paramenter @xmath1 and rate @xmath2 , known as the probability distribution of the waiting time until the second `` arrival '' in a one - dimensional poisson process with a given rate ( see fig . [ f1])@xcite . the previously considered discrepancy of redshift distribution between long and short grbs may be caused by the observational biases . for the redshifts of 14 short grbs in our sample , 12 of them are measured from the presumed host galaxies and only 2 of them are measured from their afterglows . for the redshifts of 137 long grbs in our sample , only 10 of them are measured from the presumed host galaxies and the rest are measure from their afterglows . with a same measurement method , long and short grbs appear to have a similar redshift distribution ( see fig . [ f1])@xcite . techniquely , short grbs are those bursts that have a prompt duration less than 2 seconds as monitored in the burst alert telescope ( bat ) . however , the composite x - ray light curves including both the prompt and afterglow emission suggest that most of the short grbs might also have an intrinsically long prompt duration@xcite . if a grb indeed have a short ( @xmath3 s ) promt duration , the transition from the promt to the afterglow emission in 2 seconds should be recognizable on the composite light curve . unfortunately , this case has never been clearly established for the short grbs detected so far due to the lack of sufficient data . we therefore consider that it is still an appealing conjecture that both long and short grbs detected by swift are drawn from the same parent sample purely by observational biases . it is yet premature to have a dichotomous classification scheme based on the prompt duration or any other related observational properties . this work was supported in part by the national natural science foundation of china ( grants 11103083 , 10973041 , 10921063 and 11163003 ) and the national basic research program of china ( no . 2007cb815404 ) . f .- w.z . acknowledges the suport by the china postdoctoral science foundation funded project ( no . 20110490139 ) , guangxi national science foundation ( no . 2010gxnsfb013050 ) and the doctoral research foundation of guilin univsersity of technology . 0 c. kouveliotou , et al . , _ astrophy . j. _ * 413 * ( 1993 ) l101 . b. zhang , _ comptes rendus physique _ * 12 * ( 2011 ) 206 . l. shao , y .- z . fan and d .- wei , _ astrophy . j. _ * 719 * ( 2010 ) l172 . b. zhang , et al . , _ astrophy . j. _ * 655 * ( 2007 ) l25 . t. sakamoto , et al . , _ astrophy . j. suppl . _ * 175 * ( 2008 ) 179 . f. frontera , et al . , _ astrophy . j. suppl . _ * 180 * ( 2009 ) 192 . l. shao , z .- g . dai , y .- z . fan , f .- w . zhang , z .- p . jin and d .- wei , _ astrophy . j. _ * 738 * ( 2011 ) 19 . g. ghirlanda , g. ghisellini , l. nava and d. burlon , _ mon . not . r. astron . * 410 * ( 2011 ) l47 . | in this paper we give a brief review of our recent studies on the long and short gamma - ray bursts ( grbs ) detected swift , in an effort to understand the puzzle of classifying grbs .
we consider that it is still an appealing conjecture that both long and short grbs are drawn from the same parent sample by observational biases . |
smc x-1 is a luminous accretion - powered high - mass x - ray binary ( hmxrb ) with a b0 i primary and a rapid spinning pulsar ( 0.71 sec ) in a 3.89-day period ( wojdowski et al . fuse observed smc x-1 for almost an entire 3.89 day orbital period in 2003 july . a total of 71 exposures ( 148 ksec ) were obtained over 3.4 days , covering phase 0.20 , through x - ray source conjunction ( @xmath0 ) , and primary eclipse ( @xmath1 ) . the exposures were divided into nine phase bins , each with @xmath2 ksec and s / n@xmath3 per 0.05 . the ovi 1032 stellar wind line profile was corrected for milky way and smc interstellar h@xmath4 and ovi 1032 absorption by simultaneously modelling the ism lines in all nine spectra . the resulting ism model was subtracted from the observed ovi 1032 line at each phase ( see figure 1a for examples ) . the equivalent width of the ovi line was measured after the ism correction . figure 1b shows the strong variation of the ovi equivalent width with orbital phase . the orbital modulation of ovi in the stellar wind , the hm effect , is a result of ionization of the wind by the x - ray source . the large x - ray luminosity of smc x-1 ( @xmath5 erg s@xmath6 ) ionizes much of the wind and leaves a large stromgren zone . this disrupts the resonance - line acceleration of the wind in portions of the orbit , quencing the wind and disrupting the mass flow . the ovi wind absorption is strongly asymmetric around the orbit . the line is at maximum strength during the eclipse of the pulsar @xmath7 0.0 . the ovi line virtually disappears near @xmath8 . the ovi 1032 column density during eclipse is @xmath9 @xmath10 . the ovi terminal velocity ( @xmath11700 km / s ) drops to near zero at @xmath7 0.3 - 0.4 . 4u1700 - 37 has an o6.5 iaf primary in a 3.451 day orbital period with a neutron star or black hole secondary . the system is believed to have escaped from sco ob i about 2.5 million years ago . most recent mass estimates by clark et al . ( 2002 ) , who found @xmath12 and @xmath13 . no x - ray /radio pulses or other periodicities are known , however rxte asm and cgro batse data show evidence of a 13.8 day periodicity . ( hong & hailey , 2004 ) . 4u1700 - 37 has been observed by fuse at the four quadrature points of the binary orbit in 2003 april and august and the hm effect ( hatchett & mccray 1977 ) has been observed for the first time in this system , 27 years after its prediction . the hm effect was predicted for 4u17000 - 37/hd153919 , but was not detected in nv 1240 , siiv 1400 , or civ 1550 in iue and hst data . the pv 1118 - 1128 and siv 1063 - 1073 p- cygni lines are weakest at @xmath14 ( x - ray source conjuction ) and strongest at @xmath15 for the red wing and at @xmath16 for the blue wing ( see figure 2 ) . the ovi and svi wind lines show orbital modulation different from pv and siv and are strongest at @xmath14 and weakest at @xmath16 ( x - ray source eclipse ) , implying that ovi and svi are byproducts of the wind s ionization by the x - ray source . such variations were not observed in nv , siiv and civ because of their high optical depth . the pv and siv transitions , on the other hand , are excellent tracers of the ionization conditions in the o star s wind . pv is the dominant ionization stage in the wind and has lower cosmic abundance than c , n or si . there is very little change in the terminal velocity ( @xmath17 km / sec ) of the wind with phase . | the high mass x - ray binaries ( hmxrb s ) smc x-1 and 4u1700 - 37 have been observed with fuse to study the effect of the x - ray source on the stellar wind of the primary . in both systems
phase dependent changes in the wind lines have been observed , indicating the creation of a x - ray ionization zone in the stellar wind .
the high x - ray luminosity of smc x-1 ionizes much of the wind and leaves a stromgren zone .
this disrupts the resonance - line acceleration of the wind in portions of the orbit , quencing the wind and disrupting the mass flow .
a similar but less dramatic effect was found for the first time in 4u1700 - 37 .
this so - called hatchett - mccray ( hm ) effect had been predicted for 4u1700 - 37 , but was not previously detected . |
the two videos for numerical simulations of droplet(s ) breakup and coalescence are http://ecommons.library.cornell.edu/bitstream/1813/8237/2/lifted_h2_emst_fuel.mpg[video1 ] and http://ecommons.library.cornell.edu/bitstream/1813/8237/4/lifted_h2_iem_fuel.mpg[video2 ] . in the link videos , the simulations are performed using a finite volume staggered mesh method coupled with moving mesh interface tracking ( mmit ) scheme to locate the interface @xcite . the advantages of this method is : 1 ) the interface is tracked by the triangular surfaces of the interior tetrahedral mesh elements , and thus zero - thickness ; 2 ) the jumps of the fluids properties and stresses across the interface are implemented directly without smoothing ; 3 ) the mass of each phase is naturally conserved due to the lagrangian motion of the interface . to capture the large deformations and wide range of length scales , a number of mesh adaptation schemes are implemented , and these mesh adaptation schemes distribute the mesh in an optimized way to achieve computing efficiency . the topological changes in multiphase flows are computed by the mesh separation and mesh combination schemes @xcite . three cases are shown in the videos . the first case is the simulation of the relaxation and breakup of an initially extended droplet . the initial drop has a shape with a cylinder in the center and two bulbous ends . the surface forces are not balanced and thus the droplet experience a contraction and for this case the droplet eventually breaks up to three satellited drops . the density and viscosity ratios are 10 , and 0.1 , respectively , and the ohnesorge number is 0.037 . the result was reported previously @xcite , however , for the current simulation , the smallest neck radius is 10 times smaller than the previous simulation . the second case is an off - center droplet pair collision , and due to the large initial momentum , the two droplets coalesce and finally break up into five satellite drops . this case has a weber number of 32 , a reynolds number of 80 , and both the density and viscosity ratios of 10 . the detail of the simulation can be found in @xcite . the third case is a droplet pair in a shear flow with matched densities of the two fluids , and a viscosity ratio of 1.4 , a reynolds number of 0.1 , and a capillary number of 0.14 . initially the droplets are 5@xmath1 ( @xmath1 is the radius of the spherical drop ) away from each other streamwisely , and have a separation of 0.5@xmath1 in the direction perpendicular to the free stream direction . the capability of our schemes in dealing with topological changes and resolving multiple length scales has been demonstrated . | droplet(s ) breakup and coalescence have been simulated by the finite volume / moving mesh interface tracking method ( mmit ) with adaptive mesh refining and coarsening . in this method ,
the interface is zero - thickness and moves in a lagrangian fashion .
the breakup and the coalescence of the interfaces are simulated by the mesh separation and mesh combination schemes .
three cases are displayed in this video , which include the relaxation and breakup of an initially extended droplet , two identical droplets off - center collision , and a droplet pair in a shear flow .
the mesh adaptation is capable of capturing large deformations and thin regions , and the smallest length resolved is three orders of magnitude smaller than the droplet radius .
the fluid dynamics videos of the simulations are to be presented in the gallery of fluid motion , @xmath0 . |
7 aql ( hd 174532 , sao 142696 , hip 92501 ) is a @xmath0 scuti variable discovered in a systematic search and characterization of new variables in preparation for the corot mission [ 1 ] and was selected as the main target of the stephi xii multisite campaign in 2003 . in this campaign 8 aql ( hd 174589 , sao 142706 , hip 92524 ) was used as the only comparison star because there are no other bright stars in the field - of - view ( fov ) of the 4-channel photometer used in the stephi network . although no check comparison star was implemented in that campaign , by carefully analyzing the derived light curves , differential and non - differential , it was demonstrated that 8 aql is a new @xmath0 scuti variable . moreover , it was shown that the amplitude spectrum of both stars are not superposed . three and seven frequency peaks were unambiguously detected with a 99 % confidence level in 8 aql and 7 aql respectively and a possible identification of the observed modes in terms of radial order was performed [ 2 ] . ccd photometric observations of 7 aql and 8 aql were reported in [ 3 ] . in the present paper , preliminary result of new photoelectric photometric observations of 7 aql and 8 aql are reported . the observations were carried out on the nights of june 21 , 22 , 23 , 28 , 30 and july 07 and 08 at the observatorio astrnomico nacional - san pedro mrtir ( oan - spm ) , baja california , mexico . the 1.5-m telescope with the six - channel strmgren spectrophotometer was implemented . the observing routine consisted of five 10 s of integration of the star from which five 10 s of integration of the sky was subtracted . two comparison constant stars were observed as well . the stars were observed for about 51 hr during the whole campaign ( see table 1 ) . this work has received financial support from the unam under grants papiit in108106 and in114309 . special thanks are given to the technical staff and night assistant of the san pedro mrtir observatory . this research has made use of the simbad database operated at cds , strasbourg ( france ) . e. poretti , et al . , 2003 , a&a , 406 , 203 . l. fox machado , et al . , 2007 , aj , 134 , 860 . l. fox machado , et al . , 2008 , coast , 153 , 20 . b. strmgren , 1966 , ara&a , 4 , 433 . t. ponman , 1981 , mnras , 196 , 543 . l. fox machado , et al . , 2002 , a&a , 382 , 556 . m. breger , et al . , 2002 , a&a , 349 , 225 l. fox machado , et al . , 2009 , new astronomy , submitted . | the preliminary results of new photometric observations of the @xmath0 scuti stars 7 aql and 8 aql are reported .
51 hr of @xmath1 photoelectric photometric data were obtained over the period june and july 2007 at the san pedro mrtir observatory , mexico .
period analyses confirm the three pulsation modes discovered in 8 aql in the framework of the stephi 2003 multisite campaign . for the star 7 aql we were able to detect only the main pulsation modes .
the standard magnitudes of both stars are obtained .
the frequency , amplitude and phases of the frequency modes in different filters are presented .
address = observatorio astronmico nacional , instituto de astronoma , universidad nacional autnoma de mxico , a.p .
877 , ensenada , bc 22860 , mexico address = observatorio astronmico nacional , instituto de astronoma , universidad nacional autnoma de mxico , a.p .
877 , ensenada , bc 22860 , mexico address = instituto de astronoma , universidad nacional autnoma de mxico , ap 70 - 264 , mexico , df 04510 , mexico address = instituto de astronoma , universidad nacional autnoma de mxico , ap 70 - 264 , mexico , df 04510 , mexico |
bounded packing was introduced for a subgroup of a countable group in hruska - wise @xcite . roughly speaking , this property gives a finite upper bound on the number of left cosets of the subgroup that are pairwise close in @xmath0 . precisely , let @xmath0 be a countable group with a left invariant proper metric @xmath1 . a subgroup @xmath2 has _ bounded packing _ in @xmath0 ( with respect to @xmath1 ) if for each positive constant @xmath3 , there is a natural number @xmath4 such that , for any collection @xmath5 of @xmath6 left @xmath2-cosets in @xmath0 , there exist at least two @xmath2-cosets @xmath7 satisfying @xmath8 . bounded packing of a subgroup is independent of the choice of the left invariant proper metric @xmath1 . equivalently , bounded packing says that for each positive constant @xmath3 , every collection of left @xmath2-cosets in @xmath0 with pairwise distance at most @xmath3 has a uniform bound @xmath4 on their cardinality . this note aims to give a proof of the following . [ thm : separable ] if @xmath2 is a separable subgroup of a countable group @xmath0 , then @xmath2 has bounded packing in @xmath0 . a subgroup @xmath2 of a group @xmath0 is _ separable _ if @xmath2 is an intersection of finite index subgroups of @xmath0 . a group is called _ subgroup separable _ or _ lerf _ if every finitely generated subgroup is separable . for example , hall showed that free groups are lerf in @xcite . it follows from a theorem of malcev @xcite that polycyclic ( and in particular finitely generated nilpotent ) groups are lerf . a group is called _ slender _ if every subgroup is finitely generated . polycyclic groups are also slender by a result of hirsch @xcite . therefore , we have the following corollary , which gives a positive answer to ( * ? ? ? * conjecture 2.14 ) . let @xmath9 be virtually polycyclic . then each subgroup of @xmath9 has bounded packing in @xmath9 . in @xcite , jordan sahattchieve obtained a special case of this corollary using different methods : any subgroup of ( hirsch ) length 1 of a polycyclic group has bounded packing . the author would like to sincerely thank prof . leonid potyagailo for his comments and interest in this work . we define the norm @xmath10 of an element @xmath11 as the distance @xmath12 . by the definition of bounded packing , it suffices to show , for each positive constant @xmath3 , that there is a uniform bound on the cardinality of every collection of left @xmath2-cosets in @xmath0 with pairwise distance at most @xmath3 . given such a collection @xmath13 satisfying @xmath14 for any @xmath15 , @xmath16 . without loss of generality , we can assume @xmath2 belongs to @xmath13 , up to a translation of @xmath13 by an appropriate element of @xmath0 . since @xmath17 for each @xmath18 , there exists an element @xmath19 in @xmath2 such that @xmath20 . hence we conclude that the collection @xmath21 lies in the finite union of double cosets @xmath22 with @xmath23 and @xmath24 . since @xmath1 is a left invariant proper metric on @xmath0 , the set @xmath25 is finite . since @xmath2 is separable in @xmath0 , we can take a finite index subgroup @xmath26 of @xmath0 such that @xmath27 and @xmath28 . we claim that no two different left @xmath2-cosets of @xmath13 lie in the same left @xmath26-coset . by way of contradiction , we suppose that there are two @xmath2-cosets @xmath29 , @xmath30 in the same coset @xmath31 such that @xmath32 . by a similar argument as above , we get that @xmath33 belongs to a double coset @xmath34 with @xmath35 . moreover , we note that @xmath36 . since we have @xmath37 for some @xmath38 , it is easy to see that @xmath39 belongs to @xmath26 . but by the choice of @xmath26 , we know that @xmath39 belongs to @xmath40 . this is a contradiction . our claim is proved . since @xmath26 is of finite index in @xmath0 , the cardinality of each @xmath13 is upper bounded by @xmath41 $ ] . thus for each @xmath3 , we have obtained a uniform bound on every @xmath13 . hence @xmath2 has bounded packing in @xmath0 . m. hall , _ coset representations in free groups . * 67 * ( 1949 ) , 421432 . k. a. hirsch , _ on infinite soluble groups i. _ proc . london math . , * s2 - 44(1 ) * ( 1938 ) , 5360 . g. hruska and d. wise , _ packing subgroups in relatively hyperbolic groups . , * 13(4 ) * ( 2009 ) , 19451988 . a. i. malcev , _ on homomorphisms onto finite groups . _ american mathematical society translations , * 119(2 ) * ( 1983 ) , 6779 . j. sahattchieve , _ on bounded packing in polycyclic groups . _ preprint , arxiv:1011.5953 , 2010 . | in this note , we prove that separable subgroups have bounded packing in ambient groups .
the notion bounded packing was introduced by hruska and wise and in particular , our result answers positively a question of theirs , asking whether each subgroup of a virtually polycyclic group has the bounded packing property . |
the study of transversity @xcite is of fundamental interest for understanding the spin structure of nucleons . generalized parton distributions ( gpds ) are the non - perturbative objects encoding the information about the quark and gluon proton structure in the most complete way . while the chiral even gpds are probed in various hard exclusive processes , the access to transverse spin dependent chiral - odd gpds has only recently been shown to be possible @xcite . since in the massless quark limit , chiral - odd functions must appear in pairs in a non - vanishing scattering amplitude , so that chirality flip encoded in one of them is compensated by another , a crucial point of our proposal is to use the transverse @xmath1 meson chiral - odd distribution amplitude . we propose to use the transverse momentum of the first meson as the large scale needed to garanty the factorization of the gpd from a hard subprocess . the nature of the first meson depends on the energy range of the experiment . at large energy ( e.g. in the compass kinematics ) , diffractive production of a vector meson is much favored as compared to pseudoscalar meson production , and we thus focus on the process @xmath2 while at lower energies ( e.g. in the jlab kinematics ) , the process @xmath3 may be easier to detect . in both cases , one should also consider the reference process , _ without _ the transversity gpd @xmath4 in the qcd factorization approach . ] in this presentation , we restrict to the large energy case where the off - shell exchanged object may be seen as a pomeron ( fig . 1 ) and a complete computation is available @xcite . the kinematics are described by the usual mandelstam variables @xmath5 , @xmath6 and @xmath7 and a skewedness parameter @xmath8 . @xmath9 is the transverse ( with respect to @xmath10 and @xmath11 ) momentum transfer in the two gluon ( pomeron ) channel , fig . we have @xmath12 we have shown @xcite that the born term for the process ( [ transproc ] ) is consistently calculable within the collinear factorization method . the amplitude is the convolution of a hard ( perturbative ) part @xmath13 , two ( non - perturbative ) meson das @xmath14 and @xmath15 and the ( non - perturbative ) gpds of the target @xmath16 , written as an integral over the longitudinal momentum fractions of the quarks @xmath17 the hard part @xmath13 is described by 6 diagrams ( fig . the hard scale is the `` pomeron '' virtuality @xmath18 .1 in the longitudinal @xmath19 or @xmath20 distribution amplitudes ( das ) are defined from @xmath21 with @xmath22 @xmath23 while the transverse @xmath24 da is @xmath25 with@xmath26 the transversity gpd is a non diagonal matrix element of the nonlocal operator @xmath27 @xmath28 not much is known about such a non perturbative object , and different plausible models will yield quite different counting rates . we have used two models : we generalized the meson pole model by gamberg et al @xcite to the kinematics with gpds and a model by scopetta @xcite based on the bag model . the resulting gpds are very different as seen on fig . 3 . in the erbl region in the meson pole model and in the model of ref . @xcite . ] the reference process with @xmath29 involves usual ( but still largely unknown ) non - polarized nucleon gpds , constructed from the operator @xmath30 fig . 4 and in fig . 5 show the photoproduction cross sections for the reference process ( [ refproc ] ) and for process ( [ transproc ] ) with the transversity gpd described by the meson pole model . and @xmath29 . ] and @xmath31 with the transversity gpd modeled by the @xmath32 meson exchange . ] we see that the magnitudes of the cross sections are quite sizable in both cases , and we can thus infer that an experiment like compass can measure these processes and thus access for the first time the transversity gpd . let us note that by replacing in the above process @xmath33 by a real photon @xmath34 and using the chiral - odd photon da one may probe the magnetic susceptibility @xmath35 of the qcd vacuum . indeed the photon da is defined by a similar correlator as the transversity gpd @xcite @xmath36 where @xmath37 we acknowledge common research with r. enberg , d.yu . ivanov and o.v . this work was supported in part by the polish grant 1 p03b 028 28 . is a visiting fellow of the fnrs ( belgium ) . x. artru and m. mekhfi , z. phys . c * 45 * , 669 ( 1990 ) ; j. l. cortes , b. pire and j. p. ralston , z. phys . c * 55 * , 409 ( 1992 ) ; r. l. jaffe and x. d. ji , phys . * 67 * , 552 ( 1991 ) ; v. barone et al . * 359 * , 1 ( 2002 ) . | electroproduction of two mesons well separated in rapidity allows the first feasible selective access to chiral - odd transversity gpds provided one of these mesons is a transversely polarized vector meson @xmath0 . |
the aim of the present work is to investigate the evolution of stellar x - ray emission during pre - main - sequence ( pms ) stages . to address this issue we have analyzed the high resolution x - ray spectra of two pms stars : the classical t tauri star ( ctts ) , and the weak - lined t tauri star ( wtts ) ( @xcite ) . these two stars allow us to probe different evolutionary phases . mass accretion is still present in as shown by its asymmetric and broad h@xmath1 emission ( @xcite ) . @xcite suggested a possible infrared excess but this finding has been ruled out by subsequent studies ( @xcite ) , indicating that no longer harbors large amount of dust . the accretion process has just ended in which has a filled in h@xmath1 line ( @xcite ) . the analysis of the x - ray emission allows us to infer the characteristics of the emitting plasma including the thermal structure , the electron densities , and the elemental abundances . .characteristics of the star sample . negative values of h@xmath1 equivalent width indicate an emission line . [ cols="<,^,^,^ , > , > " , ] we have used the density sensitivity of the intercombination and forbidden lines of he - like ions ( @xcite ) to investigate the coronal electron densities @xmath2 . in the observed x - ray spectrum of we have analyzed only the o vii triplet , because the ne ix triplet is blended with fe xix lines and the rgs spectral resolution is insufficient to resolve these blends . on the other hand in the observed x - ray spectrum of we have analyzed the ne ix , mg xi and si xiii triplets , while of the o vii triplet only the resonance line has been detected . the o vii he - like triplet for and the ne ix triplet for are shown in figures [ fig5 ] and [ fig6 ] , including observed spectra and best - fit line profiles ; the derived @xmath2 values are shown in table [ tab2 ] . we derive only upper limits for the electron densities from the observed @xmath3 ratio for all triplets except the mg xi for . it is worth noting that these results are different from those of where high densities ( @xmath4 ) have been deduced from the analysis of ne ix and o vii triplets ( @xcite ) . the shape of @xmath5 , the abundance patterns and the electron densities derived from the x - ray spectra of and suggest that the x - ray emission from the pms stars analyzed is very similar to the coronal emission of more evolved active stars . in the following we compare our results with those of , and . in figure [ fig7 ] we compare the ne / fe abundance ratios ( referred to the solar value ) for these five pms stars sorted by h@xmath1 equivalent width . note however that we obtain a similar pattern if our stars are sorted by spectral type . shows the same ratio as , while the ratio is significantly lower for the other stars , characterized by no evidence of accretion . this finding suggests that the ne / fe abundance ratio may reflect the evolutionary stage of the relevant star , although this interpretation is complicated by the fact that more evolved stars , like the zams k0 dwarf , show again very high ne / fe values ( @xmath6 ) . while ne / fe ratios are also thought to be correlated with stellar magnetic activity , another possibility is that the higher ne / fe ratio of , and , which all belong to the tw hydrae association , reflects the initial abundances of the cloud from which these stars originated , although this would require rather large variations in local ism abundances . in figure [ fig8 ] we show the @xmath7 peak temperatures of the same stars . note that the value is only indicative because no detailed emission measure analysis has been performed on its data . this plot suggests that the temperature of the emitting plasma rises with the ending of the accretion process , although there are other parameter differences between the selected stars . in conclusion we have found that ne / fe abundance ratio seems to be correlated with evolutionary stages and with spectral type . in particular has the same ne / fe abundance ratio as . on the other hand , none of the sample stars shows the same densities and plasma temperatures as . we can therefore depict two scenarios : in the first case may represent cttss with ages @xmath8 myr , but still characterized by high accretion levels , while the other sample stars represent different evolutionary phases . in the second case , and/or its environment , may be quite different from the other cttss , and therefore it is not straightforward to reconcile its characteristics with those of the other pms stars . | we report on the analysis of high resolution x - ray spectra of two pre - main - sequence stars : ( observed with _ xmm - newton _ ) and ( observed with chandra / hetgs ) .
is a classical t tauri star in the tw hydrae association while is a rapidly rotating weak - lined t tauri star in the @xmath0-pictoris moving group . for both stars
we have reconstructed the emission measure distribution and derived the coronal abundances to check for possible patterns of the abundances related to the first ionization potential of the various elements .
we have also derived estimates of the plasma density from the analysis of the he - like triplets .
we compare the characteristics of our targets with those of other pre - main sequence stars previously analyzed by other authors : , and .
our findings suggest that x - ray emission from classical t tauri and weak - lined t tauri stars is produced in all cases by magnetically - heated coronae , except for which has unique plasma temperatures and densities .
moreover we derive that has the same peculiar ne / fe abundance ratio as . |
the mid - infrared cepheid period - luminosity ( p - l , also known as the leavitt law ) relation is becoming more important in the future extra - galactic distance scale studies ( for example , see * ? ? ? this is mainly because the effect of extinction is negligible in the mid - infrared @xcite . other advantages of using the mid - infrared p - l relation include ( see also the discussion in * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ? * ) : ( a ) the dispersion of the infrared p - l relation is smaller compared to the @xmath7 p - l relations ; ( b ) the mid - infrared light curves are expected to have smaller amplitudes than the optical counterparts , therefore a smaller number ( or even a single epoch ) of observations are adequate to derive accurate mean magnitudes and p - l relations , and ( c ) , metallicity may not affect the luminosity of cepheids at these wavelengths ( however , metallicity may affect the _ observed _ magnitudes due to mass loss , see * ? ? ? * ) . the sage project ( surveying the agents of a galaxy s evolution , * ? ? ? * ) has surveyed the large magellanic cloud ( lmc ) using the _ spitzer s irac _ instrument at two epochs . the first data released from the sage team only included epoch 1 data . this has been used by @xcite and @xcite to derive the lmc p - l relation in _ irac _ bands . the second release of the sage data contains both the epoch 1 and epoch 2 data , and were used to improve the _ band p - l relations in @xcite and @xcite , respectively . the main difference between the freedman / madore group and our group is that they matched the sage catalogs to the lmc cepheids from @xcite , while we adopted the cepheid catalogs released from the ogle team ( optical gravitational lensing experiment , * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ? the two approaches lead to a discrepancy found in the slopes of the _ irac _ band p - l relations , in a sense that the slopes found by freedman / madore group are steeper than the slopes found by our group ( see table [ tab_compare ] for a comparison of the slopes found by these two groups ) . nevertheless , the sage catalogs used by both groups do not contain information regarding the time of observation . hence , random - phase corrections can not be applied to the single or double epoch sage data , in order to derive the mean magnitudes in _ irac _ bands . .comparison of the p - l slopes in _ spitzer s irac _ bands . [ cols="<,^,^",options="header " , ] we have employed a modified random - phase correction based on the methodology adopted from @xcite and @xcite . the correction function was modeled with a lower order fourier series which either include or without the amplitude term . the @xmath8 band light curve data from @xcite was used to test the fitting procedure including the random - phase correction . it was found that random - phase correction with @xmath9 in the fourier series provides the best fit results . the derived @xmath3 band p - l relation with random - phase correction is consistent with the p - l relation without the random - phase correction . however , the dispersion of the p - l relation was improved by @xmath4% when the random - phase correction is applied to the single epoch @xmath3 band data . the slope of the @xmath3 p - l relation , which is independent of the sage data , is in good agreement with the @xmath10 p - l relation found in @xcite . this research is based on observations with _ akari _ , a jaxa project with the participation of esa . we thank the _ akari irc _ lmc survey team for early access to the data , and nancy evans for constructive discussion . we would also like to thank the referee , barry f. madore , for useful comments . this work is partly supported by a grant - in - aid for scientific research ( a ) no . 18204014 from japan society for the promotion of science . ccn thank the funding from national science council ( of taiwan ) under the contract nsc 98 - 2112-m-008 - 013-my3 . | in this paper , we derive the period - luminosity ( p - l ) relation for large magellanic cloud ( lmc ) cepheids based on mid - infrared _ akari _ observations .
_ akari s irc _ sources were matched to the ogle - iii lmc cepheid catalog .
together with the available @xmath0 band light curves from the ogle - iii catalog , potential false matches were removed from the sample .
this procedure excluded most of the sources in the @xmath1 and @xmath2 bands : hence only the p - l relation in the @xmath3 band was derived in this paper .
random - phase corrections were included in deriving the p - l relation for the single epoch _
akari _ data , even though the derived p - l relation is consistent with the p - l relation without random - phase correction , though there is a @xmath4 per - cent improvement in the dispersion of the p - l relation .
the final adopted @xmath3 band p - l relation is @xmath5 , with a dispersion of @xmath6 .
[ firstpage ] cepheids distance scale . |
biological systems have been studied as networks at different levels : protein - protein interaction network @xcite , metabolic pathways network @xcite , gene regulatory network @xcite , and protein as a network of amino acids @xcite . proteins are biological macromolecules made up of a linear chain of amino acids and are organised into three - dimensional structure comprising of different secondary structural elements . they perform diverse biochemical functions and also provide structural basis in living cells . it is important to understand how proteins consistently fold into their native - state structures and the relevance of structure to their function . network analysis of protein structures is one such attempt to understand possible relevance of various network parameters . there have been several efforts to study proteins as networks . aszdi and taylor @xcite compared the linear chain of amino acids in a protein and its three dimensional structure with the help of two topological indices connectedness and effective chain length related to path length and degree of foldedness of the chain . kannan and vishveshwara @xcite have used the graph spectral method to detect side - chain clusters in three - dimensional structures of proteins . in recent years , with the elaboration of network properties in a variety of real networks , vendruscolo et al . @xcite showed that protein structures have small - world topology . they also studied transition state ensemble ( tse ) structures to identify the key residues that play a key role of `` hubs '' in the network of interactions to stabilise the structure of the transition state . greene and higman @xcite studied the short - range and long - range interaction networks in protein structures and showed that long - range interaction network is _ not _ small world and its degree distribution , while having an underlying scale - free behaviour , is dominated by an exponential term indicative of a single - scale system . atilgan et al . @xcite studied the network properties of the core and surface of globular protein structures , and established that , regardless of size , the cores have the same local packing arrangements . they also explained , with an example of binding of two proteins , how the small - world topology could be useful in efficient and effective dissipation of energy , generated upon binding . in this study , we model the native - state protein structure as a network made of its constituent amino - acids and their interactions . the @xmath0 atom of the amino acid has been used as a node and two such nodes are said to be linked if they are less than or equal to a threshold distance apart from each other @xcite . we use @xmath1 as the threshold distance . our results show that proteins are small - world networks regardless of their structural classification across four major groups as enumerated in structural classification of proteins ( scop ) @xcite . we also highlight the differences in some of the network properties among these classes . our studies are indicative of the modular nature of these networks . [ cols="^,^ " , ] our results show that protein networks have `` small - world '' property regardless of their structural classification ( @xmath2 , @xmath3 , @xmath4 , and @xmath5 ) and tertiary structures ( globular and fibrous proteins ) , even though small but definite differences exist between @xmath2 and @xmath3 classes , and fibrous and globular proteins . the size independence of the average clustering coefficient in proteins indicates toward an inherent modular organisation in the protein network . in the cell , starting from a linear chain of amino acids , the protein folds in different secondary motifs such as , the @xmath2 helices and @xmath3 sheets and their mixtures . these then assume three - dimensional tertiary structures with helices , sheets and random coils , folding to give the final shape that is useful to carry on the biochemical function . this structure evolves in such a way as to confer stability and also allow transmission of biochemical activity ( binding of ligand , allostery , etc . ) for efficient functioning . thus the networks built from such proteins are expected to show high clustering and also reflect its modular or hierarchically folded organisation . unlike other hierarchical networks @xcite that are modelled to form by replicating a core set of nodes and links , this network primarily grows linearly first , and then this polypeptide chain organises itself in a modular manner at different levels ( secondary and tertiary ) . evolution of such type of network architectures demands further study . | protein structures can be studied as complex networks of interacting amino acids .
we study proteins of different structural classes from the network perspective .
our results indicate that proteins , regardless of their structural class , show small - world network property .
various network parameters offer insight into the structural organisation of proteins and provide indications of modularity in protein networks . |
we present the preliminary findings of a model - independent , signature - based search for the anomalous production of in @xmath1 collisions at @xmath2 tev using 2 fb@xmath0 of cdf run ii data . we scan kinematic distributions including photon ( @xmath4 ) energy , invariant mass of the @xmath4 and leading jets , and total transverse energy in the event ( @xmath5 ) for an excess of events over standard model ( sm ) predictions . an excess could indicate the existence of a new heavy particle decaying into or a new physics mechanism such as gauge - mediated susy breaking @xcite . the feynman diagrams in fig . [ fig - sm - feyn ] and [ fig - gmsb - feyn ] illustrate examples of processes that yield the @xmath4 + 2 jets signature . we select a sample of @xmath4 candidates by identifying electromagnetic ( em ) clusters with transverse energy @xmath6 30 gev in the central region of the calorimeter ( @xmath7 ) . to reduce the background from charged leptons , we require an absence of tracks pointing in the direction of the em cluster . background from cosmic rays is reduced with a requirement on calorimeter timing , and we remove events that originate from the beam halo using a set of topological selection requirements . events with photomultiplier tube spikes an instrumentation effect that can resemble a @xmath4 are also removed . in the remaining event sample , we identify one or more jets with and @xmath8 . a typical @xmath4 + jet event in the cdf detector is depicted in fig . [ fig - p1j - edited ] . [ fig - evd ] the sm @xmath4 and sm charged lepton backgrounds are modeled using the pythia monte carlo generator ( tune a ) @xcite . all other backgrounds are modeled using data . background from qcd multijet production , in which a jet fakes a photon , are modeled using a sample that consists of jets that pass the photon selection requirements . although a large portion of background from cosmic rays and the beam halo is removed by the selection requirements , some events remain , and these backgrounds are significant in the large region . a pure cosmic ray event sample is attained using em timing information and is used to construct a background template . a set of topological cuts is used to select beam halo events . the beam halo and cosmic ray templates are normalized to the expected number of background events in the sample . the sm lepton template is normalized according to the luminosity of the data . after subtracting all other backgrounds , the sm @xmath4 and multijet backgrounds are normalized according to the fake @xmath4 fraction which is determined to be for photons with . figure [ fig - backgrounds ] illustrates a few of these backgrounds , and table [ tab - bg - estimates ] summarizes the background estimates . [ fig - backgrounds ] .summary of background estimates . standard model photons and multijet backgrounds are dominant by several orders of magnitude . setting a limit on in the event will reduce these dominant backgrounds and make others significant . [ cols="<,^,^",options="header " , ] [ tab - bg - estimates ] we present a few of the @xmath4 + @xmath91 jet results in fig . 4 . the data are represented by black dots and backgrounds are shown in different colors . the shaded region signifies the total systematic uncertainty . uncertainty due to the jet energy measurement is by far the largest systematic uncertainty . uncertainties in determining the fake @xmath4 fraction , integrated luminosity , em energy measurements , beam halo estimate , and cosmic ray background estimate are also taken into account . we have measured the photon spectrum from to about , and over this range the total systematic uncertainty increases from 15% to 90% . it is evident that at higher the photon purity increases . we are limited by statistics at high . the invariant mass of the @xmath4 and the leading jet extends up to . many background predictions become limited by statistics in the high mass region , and the systematic uncertainty increases from 15% to 90% . as is evident from these plots , the sm @xmath4 and qcd multijet backgrounds are dominant . an excess of data over the background prediction and uncertainties will hint at new physics . thus far , we see good agreement with the present theory predictions extending over several orders of magnitude . in the final stage of this analysis we plan to perform a closer inspection of events with large . 9 see for example s. ambrosanio , g.l . kane , g.d . kribs , s.p . martin , and s. mrenna , phys . d * 54 * , 5395 ( 1996 ) ; or c .- h . chen and j.f . gunion , phys . d * 58 * , 075005 ( 1998 ) . t. sjstrand , p. edn , c. friberg , l. lnnblad , g. miu , s. mrenna , and e. norrbin , comput . . commun . * 135 * , 238 ( 2001 ) . | many new physics models predict mechanisms that could produce a signature .
we search in the channel , independent of any model , for new physics using 2 fb@xmath0 of cdf run ii data collected at the fermilab tevatron from @xmath1 collisions at @xmath2 tev .
a variety of techniques are applied to estimate the standard model expectation and non - collision backgrounds .
we examine several kinematic distributions including photon @xmath3 , invariant masses , and total transverse energy in the event for discrepancies with predictions of the standard model . # |
high resolution n - body simulations have revealed the survival of considerable substructure within galactic halos . assuming these substructure clumps are composed of annihilating neutralinos , the flux @xmath1 of a clump at distance @xmath2 with a density distribution @xmath3 is @xmath4 where @xmath5 is the thermally averaged annihilation cross section , @xmath6 is the neutralino mass , and @xmath7 is the number of photons per annihilation with energy above an assumed energy threshold . for the density profile of the clumps we use the @xcite ( nfw ) and the @xcite profiles which were found to describe adequately the dark matter halos in simulations . as an upper limit to the degree of central concentration of the actual clump profile we also consider the singular isothermal sphere ( sis ) . the three profiles behave at the center as @xmath8 , @xmath9 , and @xmath10 , respectively . the results for the profiles and for the minimum and maximum clump masses used , are shown in fig . [ conti - susy ] . the susy models that give a 5-@xmath11 ( or more ) detection using an atmospheric cherenkov telescope ( act ) with effective area @xmath12 , energy threshold @xmath13 gev , and 100 hours of observation , are all the models that lie above the corresponding line for each density profile . the backgrounds used to calculate the noise are the hadronic and electronic cosmic ray shower contributions . clearly , massive clumps appear to be easily detectable , regardless of profile ; less massive clumps may be detectable , depending on their degree of central concentration . for more details see @xcite . there are some issues with respect to the ability of dark matter clumps to survive tidal disruption at distances small enough to yield easily detectable fluxes . in addition , there are some observational issues , given that the exact location of these clumps is not known . thus , we focus on an object whose location is known , the lmc . we derive the density profile needed to calculate the @xmath0-ray flux using rotation velocity data @xcite . we fit the data using both the nfw ( @xmath14 ) , and the @xcite profile ( @xmath15 ) , @xmath16 numerous observations indicate that the lmc is tidally stripped . the hayashi et al . profile is a modification of the nfw which accounts for the tidal stripping that a halo may have undergone . the fits are shown in the left panel of fig . [ fig : lmc_susy ] . in the right panel we present our results for the part of the susy parameter space that gives a 5-@xmath11 detection for glast and a typical act ; the instrument and observation parameters used to derive these results are also shown . requiring that @xmath17 @xmath18 s@xmath19 we find that glast will be able to detect the signal for a significant part of the parameter space . this is true especially if the recently derived limit @xmath20 gev is taken into account@xcite . assuming standard specifications , acts will not be able to probe any part of the parameter space ( dotted line ) . unless , large integration times ( say , @xmath21 month ) and effective areas ( say , @xmath22 @xmath23 ) are used ( dashed line ) . note though that such integration times are fairly long for act observations , and that such large effective areas for an energy threshold @xmath24 50 gev are beyond the goals of existing and upcoming acts . these conclusions remain essentially the same for all the profiles used to model the lmc halo . the spectrum and its characteristic features , such as the cutoff at @xmath25 will be useful in identifying neutralino annihilation as the origin of the observed flux , especially in the case of glast where the prospects of detection are fairly good . the monochromatic lines produced by neutralino annihilation ( e.g. , the @xmath26 line at @xmath25 ) would be excellent observational signatures if the cross sections for these processes were not suppressed@xcite . egret has detected a flux of @xmath27 photons @xmath28 @xmath18 @xmath29 from the lmc @xcite . the emission due to neutralino annihilation can be anywhere from @xmath30 to @xmath31 photons @xmath32 , depending on the neutralino parameters . the maximum possible flux is still @xmath24 2 orders of magnitude less than the observed flux . this means that cosmic rays may be almost the exclusive source of the observed flux , as is often assumed . this is verified in the case of synchrotron emission from neutralino annihilation as well [ for the synchrotron and for more details on the @xmath0-rays see @xcite ] . dark matter clumps are in principle detectable , depending on the susy parameters , their distance and their degree of central concentration . the expected @xmath0-ray flux from the lmc is , for most susy models , significantly smaller than what egret observed , verifying the usual assumption that cosmic rays are almost exclusively the origin of the detected flux . however , the flux is high enough to renter a large part of the susy parameter space accessible to glast ; the detection of the signal by acts is highly unlikely . | we discuss the detectability of dark matter clumps in the milky way halo due to neutralino annihilation .
we then focus on a known `` clump '' , the large magellanic cloud ( lmc ) .
, , lmc , @xmath0-rays , neutralino annihilation , egret , glast , acts |
a _ carmichael number _ @xmath1 is a composite number @xmath1 with the property that for every @xmath2 prime to @xmath1 we have @xmath3 . it follows that a carmichael number @xmath1 must be square - free , with at least three prime factors , and that @xmath4 for every prime @xmath5 dividing @xmath1 : conversely , any such @xmath1 must be a carmichael number . for background on carmichael numbers and details of previous computations we refer to our previous paper @xcite : in that paper we described the computation of the carmichael numbers up to @xmath6 and presented some statistics . these computations have since been extended to @xmath0 , using the same techniques , and we present further statistics . the complete list of carmichael numbers up to @xmath0 is available by anonymous ftp from ftp.dpmms.cam.ac.uk in directory /pub / carmichael . .distribution of carmichael numbers up to @xmath0 . [ cols=">,>",options="header " , ] | we extend our previous computations to show that there are 246683 carmichael numbers up to @xmath0 . as before ,
the numbers were generated by a back - tracking search for possible prime factorisations together with a `` large prime variation '' .
we present further statistics on the distribution of carmichael numbers . |
relatively little is known about the sub - mm properties of `` normal '' galaxies in the local universe prior to scuba there existed only a handful of sub - mm flux measurements or maps . slugs is the first , large , systematic survey of the local sub - mm universe . it consists of a sample selected from the _ iras _ bright galaxy sample ( dunne et al . , 2000 ) , and a sample selected from the cfa optical redshift survey ( vlahakis et al . , in prep . , fig . 2 ) . with the optically - selected sample we seek to understand for the first time key questions such as how the amount of cold dust varies with hubble type . using the _ iras_-selected sample dunne et al . produced the first direct estimate of the sub - mm luminosity function ( lf ) . however , since the _ iras _ sample is biased toward galaxies with larger amounts of warmer dust its lf may also be subject to bias . conversely , the optically - selected sample should , by definition , be free from temperature selection effects . here , we derive a direct @xmath2 m lf for the optically - selected sample . however , in order to better constrain the lf at the lower luminosity end we need more data points , spanning a greater range of luminosities . we do this by determining an @xmath2 m lf using @xmath3 galaxies from the _ iras _ pscz survey . we predict their @xmath2 m luminosities by extrapolating their _ iras _ fluxes using the colour - colour relation from slugs ( serjeant and harrison , 2003 ) . in fig . 1 we compare the extrapolated ( pscz ) and direct lfs and find excellent agreement between all 3 lfs . it was once thought that ellipticals were entirely devoid of dust and gas , but optical absorption studies now show that dust is usually present . dust masses for the @xmath4 of ellipticals detected by _ iras _ have been found to be as much as a factor of 10100 higher when estimated from their fir emission compared to estimates from optical absorption , suggesting a diffuse cold dust component ( goudfrooij and de jong , 1995 and refs . therein , bregman et al . , 1998 ) . at @xmath2 m we detect 6 ellipticals , from a total of 11 ellipticals in the optically - selected sample , and find them to have dust masses in excess of @xmath0 @xmath1 . we will investigate this further with scuba observations of a larger sample of ellipticals . | we discuss the progress of the scuba local universe galaxy survey ( slugs ) , the first large , statistical sub - mm survey of the local universe . since our original survey of a sample of 104 _ iras_-selected galaxies we have recently completed a sample of 78 optically - selected galaxies . since scuba is sensitive to the large proportion of dust too cold to be detected by _ iras _
the addition of this optically - selected sample allows us for the first time to determine the amount of cold dust in galaxies of different hubble types .
we detect 6 ellipticals in the sample and find them to have dust masses in excess of @xmath0 @xmath1 .
we derive local sub - mm luminosity functions , both directly for the two samples , and by extrapolation from the _ iras _ pscz , and find excellent agreement . |
x1850 - 087 is an ultracompact low mass x - ray binary ( orbital period , p@xmath0 , of 20.6 minutes , homer et al . 1996 ) located in the globular cluster ngc6712 ( at a distance of 6.8 kpc ) . ultracompact x - ray binaries ( systems with orbital period less than 80 minutes ) are believed to contain hydrogen poor or degenerate companions ( e.g. verbunt & van den heuvel , 1995 ) . recent x - ray spectral evidence indicates that these degenerate companions contain anomalously high abundance of neutral neon ( e.g. schulz et al . , 2001 ; juett et al . , indeed , a broad line - like feature at 0.7 kev , found in asca observations of ultracompact binaries ( including x1850 - 087 ) , is suggestive of the presence of an excess in the neutral neon absorption local to the systems ( juett et al . , 2001 ) . high resolution spectroscopy of the ultracompact lmxrbs 2s0918 - 549 and 4u 1543 - 624 confirmed an enhanced ne / o number ratio with respect to the expected ism ratio ne / o=0.18 ( juett & chakrabarty , 2003 ) . the aim of our xmm - newton ( jansen et al . 2001 ) observation is to deeply investigate the presence of neon excess suggested by previous asca observation , through high spectral resolution observation with rgs ( see den herder eet al . 2001 for the description of the instrument , covering the energy range 0.32 kev ) . xmm - newton data consist of two observations , performed in 2003 , september / october , 12 days apart , for a net epic pn exposure of 8.1ks and 5.9ks , respectively . pn operated in small window mode in order to minimize pile - up problems . the source rates in the 2 pn observations were @xmath146 @xmath2 and 49 @xmath2 in the 0.3 - 12 kev band . we will concentrate here only on the rgs spectra . the analysis of mos and pn spectra is still in progress , because they are particularly complex and can not be fit with simple models , because of the presence of structures in the residuals at low energies , below 2 kev . indeed , the epic pn xmm - newton spectrum can not be accounted for nor by the asca best - fit ( juett et al . 2001 ) nor by the bepposax model ( sidoli et al . an accurate visual inspection of the rgs spectra does not show any evidence for the presence of bright and narrow lines , neither in emission nor in absorption ( see fig . 1 ) . in order to search for neutral neon excess local to the source , we fit the rgs spectrum with a black - body , absorbed with a variable - absorption model ( vphabs in xspec ) and fixing to zero the neon and oxygen abundances . then , we included the edges from neutral neon and oxygen and after fitting , we obtained the ne and o column densities . we got the the following ne / o number ratio : ne / o = 0.17 @xmath3 -0.5 cm to be compared with the ism value of 0.18 . thus we can conclude that there is no evidence for a neutral neon excess local to x1850 - 087 . a search for periodicity has been performed with epoch folding techniques around the optical period ( 1233@xmath4 s , homer et al . our preliminary results shows that the @xmath5 distribution reveales a peak at 1258@xmath6 s , but only in the second pn observation . the fact that the x - ray period has been detected only in one of the xmm - newton observations is puzzling and deserves further investigation . the double - peaked shape of the folded lightcurve ( see fig . 2 ) is possibly indicative of the presence of some symmetric structure in the accretion disk . | we report on preliminary results from our xmm - newton observation of the low mass x - ray binary 4u 1850 - 087 , located in the galactic globular cluster ngc 6712 .
it is an ultracompact binary system , with an orbital period of 20.6 min . in previous low - resolution x - ray observations 4u 1850 - 087 displayed a soft excess residual around 0.7 kev , possibly indicative of the presence of a high ne / o ratio , as already found in other three ultracompact lmxbs containing a neutron star ( 4u 0614 + 091 , 4u 0918 - 549 , and 4u 1543 - 624 ) .
we discuss here our preliminary analysis of high resolution x - ray spectra of 4u 1850 - 087 , and timing results .
[ 2001/04/25 1.1 ( pwd ) ] |
during the last few years many observational programs have been devoted to recognize new planetary and proto - planetary nebulae . such studies were aimed to understand the process of formation of pns by discovering new transition objects in the very short phase between the end of the agb and the onset of the ionization . a small sub - group of b - type stars , called bq [ ] stars , defined as @xmath0 with forbidden emission lines , were recognized as potential candidates to be new transition objects ( parthasarathy & pottasch , 1989 ) on the basis of their ir excess . bq [ ] stars , however , are not a well defined group , and there is still a controversy on their evolutionary stage . in order to find new very young planetary nebulae we have selected a sample of 16 hot post - agb stars ( bq [ ] ) from the most recent compilations , namely parthasarathy , ( 1993 ) ; conlon et al . , ( 1993 ) and parthasarathy et al . , ( 2000 ) . all the selected candidates have high galactic latitude , infrared excess , spectral type b1 i - ii and the presence of nebular emission lines in their spectrum . in particular the last two requirements maximize the possibility to detect a radio nebula . the detection of radio nebulae associated to the selected targets would definitively assess the evolutionary status of this kind of objects , producing a unique sample of very young pns . + the observations were carried out by using the vla in two different runs , on june 8 and 10 , 2001 , at 8.4 ghz in cnb configuration . + we detected a total of 10 sources over 16 been observed . our results are summarized in table 1 , where the radio flux density , with associated error ( @xmath1 ) and the rms of the map , are reported . the error associated to the flux density estimation ( @xmath2 ) is a combination of the rms in the map plus the amplitude calibration @xmath3 , @xmath4 . our results have been compared to those obtained by aaquist and kwok ( 1991 , al91 ) , who observed with the vla at 15 ghz a sample of ypns . + for the ak91 sample @xmath5 and @xmath6 are systematically higher than those of our sample ; this could imply that our sample consist of more evolved pns . on the contrary , ires for our sample are systematically higher than those reported by ak91 , implying that our sample is formed by pns particularly young . + this apparent contradiction is further complicated by the fact the infrared properties of both samples are quite similar : sources belonging to differenr samples occupy the same region in the iras color - color diagram and dust temperatures of both samples have quite similar distributions , implying analogous dust characteristics . a possible cause of lower @xmath5 and @xmath6 of our sample can be a systematic effect due to the different spatial resolution used in the two surveys , as both @xmath5 and @xmath6 are function of the source angular size ( @xmath7 ) . however , only 4 out of 10 detected sources were not resolved . the apparent contradiction can be explained if we assume that sources of both samples are in the ionization bounded phase of radio nebula evolution , but our sample is less evolved and is characterized , on the average , by a lower radio luminosity when compared to the ak91 sample . consistently , ionized masses for our sample are in the range @xmath8 , much lower than typical values for evolved nebulae ( pottasch , 1984 ) . the detection of free - free radio emission in 10 of the observed sources indicates that ionization is already started in their circumstellar shells . the detected sources are in the very early stage of pns evolution and constitute a unique sample to be studied to shed light on this quite poorly understood phase of stellar evolution . | despite of numerous efforts , the stage from asymptotic giant branch ( agb ) to planetary nebulae ( pn ) is a poorly understood phase of stellar evolution .
we have therefore carried out interferometric ( vla ) observations of a sample of hot post - agb stars , selected on the basis of their optical and infrared properties .
ten sources , out of the 16 been observed , were detected .
this indicates that most of our targets are surrounded by a nebula where the ionization has already started .
this definitively determines the evolutionary status of the selected sources and provides us with a unique sample of very young planetary nebulae ( ypns ) . |
in order to make realistic predictions for @xmath10 at the linear collider ( lc ) , one needs to understand the role played by qcd in the energy dependence of total cross - sections . this will allow to reduce the large errors coming from the present large uncertainties in the @xmath11 and which affect present predictions at the lc . it must be noticed that presently all total cross - sections exhibit the same general features , namely an initial decrease followed by a more or less gentle rise@xcite , as shown in fig.([fig : allfig1 ] ) . we however lack a complete theoretical model and while we might be able to do a good parametrization of the proton - proton data , we do not know how to gauge the inherent theoretical uncertainties . this results in further uncertainties in the photoproduction cross - section and in an even larger uncertainty in predictions at lc . thus we should study in detail the cross - talk between future measurements of total proton - proton cross - section at the lhc and a similar hera measurement , to develop and fully understand what to expect at lc in terms of the hadronic background . the curve shown in fig.([fig : allfig1 ] ) is obtained by embedding the qcd mini - jet cross - section in an eikonal formulation @xcite @xmath12 \label{stot}\ ] ] where we put @xmath13 , and @xmath14 in this eikonal minijet model ( emm ) , the rise is driven by the jet cross - section , which is calculated using current parton densities down to a minimum jet transverse momentum , @xmath15 . the impact parameter distribution is the ( normalized to unity ) fourier transform of the initial transverse momentum of the colliding partons , in leading order the valence quarks , obtained through the bloch nordsieck soft gluon summation@xcite . this model can also be applied to the photo - production and @xmath16 data . the results , for a set of @xmath17 values , are shown in fig . ( [ fig : gggpfig2 ] ) , with cjkl @xcite parton densities . the emm model with soft gluons has the virtue of reproducing the gentle rise with energy which characterizes the proton - proton data and is also compatible with the photon data . this is not true for other models , as we show in fig.([fig : gggpfig3 ] ) , where a fit @xcite of the @xmath18 data with a regge - pomeron type parametrization , indicates a harder rise with energy than what is present in the proton - proton data . we also show the photoproduction data and compare it with the ( i ) emm model without soft gluons @xcite and with the ( ii ) aspen model @xcite . present tevatron data for total cross - section lead to uncertainties when extrapolated to the lhc energies . such uncertainties are also found in predictions for lc hadronic cross - sections which suffer from uncertainties in the @xmath19 cross - sections . we have emphasized that to obtain realistic estimates for the hadronic background at lc , we need combined model predictions for lhc as well as the hera data . an example has been provided through our soft gluon formula for the purely hadronic as well as the @xmath19 data . this work was supported in part by eu contract hprn - ct2002 - 00311 . rg wishes to acknowledge the partial support of the department of science and technology , india , under project number sp / s2/k-01/2000-ii . ag acknowledges support from mcyt under project number fpa2003 - 09298-c02 - 01 . 99 + + + + + | we discuss the need to compare total cross - section measurements at lhc and hera with each other and with available models in order to obtain a more precise prediction of the total hadronic cross - section at the future linear collider , thus leading to a better estimate of the hadronic background .
# 1#2#3#4#1 * # 2 * , # 3 ( # 4 ) hep - ph/0412189 + * total cross - sections : + cross - talk between hera , lhc and lc * + g. pancheri@xmath0 , a. de roeck@xmath1 r.m .
godbole@xmath2 a. grau@xmath3 and y. n. srivastava @xmath4 + @xmath5infn , frascati national laboratories , i00044 , frascati , italy + @xmath6cern , ep - division , geneva , switzerland .
+ @xmath7centre for high energy physics , indian institute of science , bangalore , 560012 , india .
+ @xmath8departamento de fsica terica y del cosmos , universidad de granada , spain .
+ @xmath9dipartimento di fisica & infn , university of perugia , perugia , italy . |
we based our analysis on the model by @xcite , which holds for a bulge of @xmath1 . in order to analyse bulges of different masses , we chose to keep the imf and infall timescales constant and to scale the effective radius and the star - formation efficiency following the inverse - wind scenario of @xcite ; therefore , for bulges of @xmath2 and @xmath3 we adopted a star - formation efficiency of 11 and 50 gyr@xmath4 and an effective radius of 1 and 4 kpc , respectively . we define a displacement radius @xmath5 where the gas contained at @xmath6 is carried by the wind , and we adopt @xmath7 . the gas binding energy @xmath8 is made up by the contribution of three components , a @xcite distribution for the bulge stellar component , an isothermal dark matter halo with circular velocity @xmath9 and a razor - thin exponential disk . these components are represented by the terms at the r.h.s . of the equation : @xmath10 where @xmath11 is the bulge gas mass , @xmath12 is the disk scalelenght , @xmath13 and @xmath14 . the supernova feedback is calculated as in @xcite . we consider a spherically accreting bh , at a rate @xmath15 given by the minimum between the bondi and eddington rate ( @xcite ) . the bolometric luminosity emitted by the bh is then @xmath16 ( @xmath17 , @xcite ) and we assume that the energy released is a fraction @xmath18 ( @xcite ) of @xmath19 integrated over the timestep . we showed that the bh feedback is in most cases not significant in triggering the galactic wind with respect to the supernova feedback . the predicted bh masses are in agreement with measurements of bh masses inside seyferts ( e.g. @xcite ) and reproduce fairly well the relations of @xcite and @xcite . the predicted bolometric luminosities lie in the range @xmath20 ergs s@xmath4 , in agreement with recent estimates ( e.g. @xcite ) , although we could not reproduce a true quiescence after the peak due to the lack of a hydrodynamical treatment . solar metallicity is reached in a very short time ( @xmath21 yr ) . the huge metallicities inferred from observations ( @xcite ) are thus easily achieved , with more massive bulges giving rise to higher metallicities ( up to @xmath22 times solar ) . after the first @xmath23 years , the bulge ism reaches overabundances of up to 10 times solar for n , fe , si , 5 times solar for mg and 3 times solar for c , o , roughly consistent with the estimates for fe , n and o in the broad and intrinsic narrow line regions of seyferts ( e.g. @xcite ; @xcite ) . the slightly supersolar [ fe / mg ] and its weak dependence on the bulge luminosity ( mass ) are recovered ( @xcite ) . the mean value of the [ n / c ] ratio is very sensitive on the bulge mass , due to its sensitivity on metallicity . the predicted values ( n / c @xmath24(n / c)@xmath25 ) agree with the estimates of @xcite . _ vs. _ @xmath26 relation compared with the observations of marconi & hunt ( 2003 , dashed - dotted line ) and mclure & dunlop ( 2002 , long - dashed line ) . _ middle and right panel _ : evolution with time and redshift @xmath27 of the [ fe / h ] and [ o / h ] abundance ratios ; @xmath27 is derived for a @xmath28cdm cosmology with @xmath29 km s@xmath4 mpc@xmath4 , @xmath30 , @xmath31 , and @xmath32.,title="fig : " ] _ vs. _ @xmath26 relation compared with the observations of marconi & hunt ( 2003 , dashed - dotted line ) and mclure & dunlop ( 2002 , long - dashed line ) . _ middle and right panel _ : evolution with time and redshift @xmath27 of the [ fe / h ] and [ o / h ] abundance ratios ; @xmath27 is derived for a @xmath28cdm cosmology with @xmath29 km s@xmath4 mpc@xmath4 , @xmath30 , @xmath31 , and @xmath32.,title="fig : " ] _ vs. _ @xmath26 relation compared with the observations of marconi & hunt ( 2003 , dashed - dotted line ) and mclure & dunlop ( 2002 , long - dashed line ) . _ middle and right panel _ : evolution with time and redshift @xmath27 of the [ fe / h ] and [ o / h ] abundance ratios ; @xmath27 is derived for a @xmath28cdm cosmology with @xmath29 km s@xmath4 mpc@xmath4 , @xmath30 , @xmath31 , and @xmath32.,title="fig : " ] | we computed the chemical evolution of seyfert galaxies , residing in spiral bulges , based on an updated model for the milky way bulge with updated calculations of the galactic potential and of the feedback from the central supermassive black hole ( bh ) in a spherical approximation .
we followed the evolution of bulges of masses @xmath0 by scaling the star - formation efficiency and the bulge scalelenght as in the inverse - wind scenario for ellipticals .
we successfully reproduced the observed relation between the bh mass and that of the host bulge , and the observed peak nuclear bolometric luminosity .
the observed metal overabundances are easily achieved , as well as the constancy of chemical abundances with the redshift . |
the numerous emission line images of seyfert galaxies show a existence of a cone - like nlr with a broad opening angles and spatial sizes from @xmath0 pc to @xmath1 kpc ( wilson & tsvetanov 1994 ) . also these galaxies has high - collimated elongated radio structures ( radio - jets ) coinciding with the cones axis ( wilson & tsvetanov 1994 ; nagar et al . a ordered z - shaped emission pattern is a frequently features in the nlrs . we found more then 20 such objects on published emission - line images of the nearby seyferts . there are no common point of view on an origin of the such regular structures in nlr . different models were proposed for individual objects : a bent bipolar outflow ( mulchaey et al . 1992 ) , strong collimated precessing twin - jet ( veilleux , tully , & bland - hawtorn 1993 ) , a system of inclined gaseous disks ( morse et al . 1998 ) and etc . a sample of galaxies with z - shaped nlrs were observed at the 6 m telescope . the scanning interferometer fabry - perot and integral field spectrograph mpfs were used for study of the 2d kinematics of stars and ionized gas . some systems of the gas clouds with velocity difference more than @xmath2 are present on the light of sight in the central region of cones , but the outer emission filaments has only one component of the emission lines . the gas velocity fields are strongly non - circular in comparing with the stellar one . a large gradient of the line of sight gas velocities presents in z - shaped spiral . we note that similar features also observed on the velocity fields in the other sy galaxies with ( see references in moiseev et al . 2000 ) and these could be common for z - shaped pattern . we suggest that z - shaped spiral filaments in nlrs have a common wave origin and generated by the hydrodynamic instability due to the velocity break between a galactic instellar medium and a outflowing gas from the central agn . a collimated radio jet corresponds to the direction of outflow and matches with the cone s axis . a linear analysis shows that jet are unstable relatively to waveguide - resonance development of pinch and helical internal gravity waves . a developments of the instabilities leads to a set of shock waves creation in an ambient medium . our 2d and 3d non - linear hydrodynamical simulations show that the shock waves penetrate outward from the jet boundaries to the ambient medium . a resulting shock - wave structure covers broad cone with open angle @xmath3 and appears in a sky - plane as a nlr with bright emission pattern ( fig . 1 ) . a pinch ( axisymmetrical ) and helical modes of the shock waves are develop in the nlr . a helical wave modes provides the z - shaped emission structures which observed in the ionized cones . moiseev a.v . , afanasiev v.l . , dodonov , s.n . , 2000 , astro - ph/0006323 morse , j. a. , cecil , g. , wilson , a.s . , tsvetanov , z.i . 1998 , apj , 505,1 59 mulchaey , j.s . , tsvetanov , z. , wilson , a.s . , et al . , apj , 394 , 91 nagar , n.n . , wilson , a.s . , mulchaey , j.s . , gallimore , j.f . 1999 , apjs , 120 , 209 veilleux , s. , tully , r.b . , bland - hawtorn , j. 1993 , aj , 105 , 1318 wilson , a.s . & tsvetanov , z.i . 1994 , aj , 107 , 1227 | the seyfert galaxies with z - shaped emission filaments in the narrow line region ( nlr ) are considered .
we assume that observable z - shaped structures and velocity pattern of nlr may be explained as tridimensional helical waves in the ionization cone . |
the study of elemental abundances in damped lyman alpha systems ( dlas ) at high redshift represents one of our best opportunities to probe galaxy formation and chemical evolution at early times . by coupling measurements made in high @xmath1 dlas with our knowledge of abundances determined locally and with nucleosynthetic models , we can start to piece together the star formation histories of these galaxies . to this end , certain key elements are generally targeted , for example zn and cr are traditionally used as a measure of the overall metallicity and gas - to - dust ratio in dlas , whereas si and s are used to determine whether there is any evidence for @xmath2 element overabundances , indicative of sn type ii enrichment . here , we propose that co , which has never before been featured in dla studies , yet is well - studied in galactic stars , may be an additional element that can provide useful clues to the nature of star formation at high redshift . the intriguing trends of [ co / fe ] as a function of [ fe / h ] in the various galactic stellar populations indicate that cobalt may be an element that can provide important clues to chemical evolution , see figure 1 . in sub - solar metallicity thin disk stars , co is found to be slightly underabundant with respect to fe ( [ co / fe ] @xmath3 , gratton and sneden 1991 ) . this trend continues in moderately metal - poor halo stars down to metallicities of [ fe / h ] @xmath4 . for more metal - poor halo stars , a considerable overabundance of co with respect to fe is observed , @xmath5 [ co / fe ] @xmath6 , ( mcwilliam et al . 1995 ; ryan , norris and beers 1996 ) . interestingly , this coincides with a downturn in relative cr to fe abundances , such that co and cr are closely anti - correlated in the metal poor population . similar [ co / fe ] overabundances are observed in the bulge ( [ co / fe ] @xmath7 , mcwilliam & rich 1994 ) , which , we recall , is as old as the halo , and to a lesser degree in the thick disk ( [ co / fe ] @xmath8 , prochaska et al . 2000 ) . the detection of co ii transitions is a challenging possibility for ism absorption line spectroscopy , both locally and at high @xmath1 . although there are numerous transitions that lie at convenient rest wavelengths for both local and high redshift studies , only two interstellar measurements currently exist ( e.g. mullman et al 1998 ) . one of the advantages of moving to higher redshifts is that the relatively strong uv lines become shifted into the optical where one has access to more efficient detectors and larger telescopes . in addition , the observed equivalent width is increased by a factor of ( @xmath9 ) . however , the fundamental problem remains that the co ii lines are all intrinsically weak and that the solar abundance of co is @xmath10 that of hydrogen . in order to maximise the likelihood of detecting co , we have selected two dlas with high @xmath11(fe ) that lie in front of relatively bright background qsos . the former criterion is to enable us to more easily reach our target detection limit of [ co / fe ] @xmath12 0 , which will be sufficient to distinguish between most of the populations plotted in figure 1 . selecting bright qsos obviously allows us to reach the requisite s / n in feasible amounts of time . the two systems chosen for this pilot study are q2206@xmath13199 ( @xmath14 , @xmath15 ) and q1223 + 17 ( @xmath16 , @xmath17 ) . observations were obtained with uves ( on the vlt ) and hires ( on keck ) the details of which ( along with data reduction steps and complete abundance analysis ) are described in full by ellison , ryan and prochaska ( 2001 ) . here , we limit ourselves to reporting the final determined co abundances which are [ co / h ] = @xmath18 for q2206@xmath13199 and [ co / h ] @xmath19 for q1223 + 17 . these points are plotted in figure 1 along with galactic stellar values and additional dla limits derived from the literature . we have shown that the detection of co in dlas is feasible with echelle spectrographs on 8-m class telescopes . the first detection of co in a dla appears to be consistent with the abundances measured in the galactic bulge and although this does nt necessarily equate dlas with high redshift bulges , it may indicate that the two share some similarities in their star formation histories . however , the interpretation of these results is hindered by our lack of understanding of the nucleosynthetic processes that produce co. only recently have models been formulated that can successfully reproduce galactic [ co / fe ] trends by forcing a deeper mass cut or higher explosion energies ( nakamura et al 1999 , 2000 ) . however , matching the [ co / fe ] has come at the expense of high ni abundances which are not seen in stars . in the case of q2206@xmath13199 , however , we @xmath20 find that high [ co / fe ] is accompanied by high [ ni / fe ] . therefore , although the results here represent a somewhat preliminary study of co with a clear need for more data points , we have demonstrated the interest of studying this element both in the context of understanding better the nature of dlas and for providing a regime for the testing of nucleosynthetic models . | we present the first ever detection of cobalt in a damped lyman alpha system ( dla ) at @xmath0 .
in addition to providing important clues to the star formation history of these high redshift galaxies , we discuss how studying the co abundance in dlas may also help to constrain models of stellar nucleosynthesis in a regime not probed by galactic stars . |
pulsars create magnetospheres around themselves ( goldreich and julian 1969 , ruderman and sutherland 1975 ) . full quantitative description of a magnetosphere requires a kinetics input we need to know how the charges and photons are produced . it turns out that the main overall characteristics of the pulsar are calculable without any detailed knowledge of the kinetics . here we calculate the pulsar spin - down power @xmath3 and the pulsar efficiency @xmath4 , defined as the ratio of the pulsed bolometric luminosity to @xmath3 . our results , valid to some 10% accuracy , are as follows . the efficiency is , where @xmath5 is the spin - dipole angle . the spin - down luminosity is l_sd(0.8 + 1.2 ^ 2 ) , where @xmath6 is the magnetic dipole moment and @xmath7 is the angular velocity . \(i ) the fermi pulsar catalog ( abdo et al 2010 ) lists 46 pulsars . only 10 are known to have @xmath8 . these might be out of the beam . \(ii ) our theory ( 3 ) in the present form should not be used for light curves and spectra kinetics seem to matter . but a crude estimate of the characteristic photon energy is possible ( curvature emission in an electric field @xmath9 magnetic field at the light cylinder , radius of curvature @xmath9 light cylinder radius ) : @xmath10 , where @xmath11 is the spin - down power in units of @xmath12erg / s and @xmath13 is the pulsar period in ms . this formula is ok ( to factor 3 ) for all the catalog pulsars but 14 . for these 14 pulsars , the formula gives a frequency some 3 - 10 times higher than observed . all these 14 pulsars either have or may have small efficiency , and may be out of the beam . we calculate the pulsar using the so - called electrodynamics of massless charges ( emc , gruzinov 2012 ) . emc describes the motion of light charges in strong electromagnetic fields . due to strong radiation damping , the dynamics becomes `` aristotelian '' , with the charge velocity rather than acceleration given by the field values . positive and negative charges move at the speed light in the directions [ emc ] * v*_=*e*(b_0*b*+e_0*e*)b^2+e_0 ^ 2 . here the scalar @xmath14 and the pseudoscalar @xmath15 are the proper electric and magnetic fields defined by b_0 ^ 2-e_0 ^ 2=b^2-e^2 , b_0e_0=*b * , e_00 . to calculate the electromagnetic field , we numerically solve maxwell equations . to solve maxwell equations we need to know the current let @xmath16 be the absolute values of the charge densities of positive and negative charges . then the emc equation ( [ emc ] ) gives = + p ( b_0*b*+e_0*e*)b^2+e_0 ^ 2 , where @xmath17 and @xmath18 . since @xmath19 , we almost have an ohm s law ( an expression for @xmath20 in terms of @xmath21 and @xmath22 ) : [ ohm ] * j*= ( ) * e*+p ( b_0*b*+e_0*e*)b^2+e_0 ^ 2 . equation ( [ ohm ] ) is not quite an ohm s law , because @xmath23 is unknown ( we only know that @xmath24 ) . we have checked that when the neutral plasma density @xmath25 becomes large enough , in practice for @xmath26 , the simulation results become insensitive to the actual value of @xmath23 . this happens in the following way . in most of the volume , the @xmath21 and @xmath22 fields are force - free , @xmath27 . there is also a small volume where the fields are not force - free . in this volume some of the poynting flux emitted by the star gets dissipated . for larger @xmath23 , the non - force - free volume shrinks , but the total dissipated power remains fixed . the damping region is shown in fig \(i ) we use uniform cubic grid in a cube . @xmath21 components are at the corresponding ( parallel ) edges of the grid , @xmath22 components are at the corresponding ( orthogonal ) faces of the grid . we use outgoing boundary conditions at the faces of the cube . we solve the evolutionary problem [ max ] _ t * b*=- , _ t * e*= -*j*. ( ii ) we have a rotating star at the center of the cube . this means that inside some sphere the current @xmath20 is given by the ohm s law in a rotating frame plus an external rotating current density . the external current density is axisymmetric , with the symmetry axis of the current inclined with respect to the rotation axis . we get the dipole radiation . \(iii ) then we add the ohm s law ( [ ohm ] ) outside the star . at this stage we have to regularize equations ( [ max ] ) by adding small diffusivities ( @xmath28 and @xmath29 with small @xmath30 ) . the poynting flux emanating from the star is the spin - down power @xmath3 . the poynting flux leaving the simulation cube is @xmath31 . | pulsar efficiency , defined as the ratio of the pulsed bolometric luminosity to the spin - down power , is calculated to be @xmath0 ( averaged over the spin - dipole inclination angle , ranging between @xmath1 for the aligned and @xmath2 for the orthogonal ) .
we also estimate the characteristic photon energy and argue that our results agree with the fermi pulsar catalog in a sense . |
after the discovery of a long periodicity in the v393 sco asas light curve by , we realized that this star is a bright galactic member of the new class of interacting binaries double periodic variables ( dpvs ) , that are characterized by two closely related photometric periodicities ( , @xcite ) . they have been interpreted as intermediate mass semi - detached binaries experiencing cyclic mass loss into the interstellar medium ( ( * ? ? ? * mennickent et al . 2008 ) , ( * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ? * mennickent & koaczkowski 2009 a , b , c ) ) . the mechanisms for cyclic mass loss still is a matter of research , and a study of v393 sco could yield important insigths on the dpv phenomenon . = 169.7 @xmath1 0.6 km / s ( crosses and pluses ) whereas hei5875 radial velocities at different long cycle phases , 0.2 @xmath2 0.8 ( asterisks ) and 0.8 @xmath2 0.2 ( squares ) , are peculiar . orbital ephemeris is from kreiner ( 2004 ) . ( right ) h@xmath0 emission at @xmath3= 0.94 ( @xmath4= 0.00 , above ) and @xmath3= 0.57 ( @xmath4= 0.97 , down ) . , title="fig:",width=249 ] = 169.7 @xmath1 0.6 km / s ( crosses and pluses ) whereas hei5875 radial velocities at different long cycle phases , 0.2 @xmath2 0.8 ( asterisks ) and 0.8 @xmath2 0.2 ( squares ) , are peculiar . orbital ephemeris is from kreiner ( 2004 ) . ( right ) h@xmath0 emission at @xmath3= 0.94 ( @xmath4= 0.00 , above ) and @xmath3= 0.57 ( @xmath4= 0.97 , down ) . , title="fig:",width=249 ] during the last two years we have monitored v393 sco with several high resolution spectrographs ( e.g. coralie , uves , feros , crires ) covering several orbital cycles and a couple of long cycles . we have also used the published asas v - band light curve and a special code ( ( * ? ? ? * djurasevic et al . 2008 ) , @xcite ) for modeling the system . spectral lines of the donor are clearly visible and follow the orbital motion without interference during the long cycle , but the gainer ( primary ) is apparently ( at least partially ) hidden by a circumprimary disc and hei absorption lines follow peculiar motions during orbital / long cycles ( fig.1 ) . the h@xmath0 double emission indicates an outer optically thin part of the circumprimary disc . a feros spectrum obtained at orbital phase 0.00 and long phase 0.94 shows h@xmath0 emission much stronger than a uves spectrum taken at orbital phase 0.97 and long phase 0.57 ( fig.1 ) . this implies that the h@xmath0 emission ( eventually the disc ) is larger on the long cycle maximum . the central absorption deeper than the continuum at this epoch suggests that the disc is eclipsed by the donor . if we interpret the hei absorption lines as produced in a deeper , optically thicker disc region , their rvs indicate strong changes in the structure of this region during the long cycle . the presence of strong line absorption wings at specific phases at the hei 1083.3 nm line indicates mass exchange / loss in the system . the strong modulation of the fwhm for the hei5875 line during long cycle could reflect a rotational instability of the circumprimary disc ( ( * ? ? ? * mennickent et al . 2009c ) ) . hei6678 is strongly influenced by emission shoulders and does not show this behavior . a comparison with a grid of spectra from nlte atmosphere models provided by dr . ewa niemczura yields @xmath5= 7900 @xmath1 100 @xmath6 and @xmath7= 3.0 @xmath1 0.1 . it is difficult to estimate the mass ratio , since the helium lines , that could be indicators of the primary motion , do not show a consistent value for @xmath8 . however , the best fit to the light curve of v393 sco always requires the presence of a circumprimary disc under reasonable assumptions . using @xmath9= 0.25 and @xmath9= 0.41 as trials we obtain @xmath10= 16910 @xmath1 150 @xmath6 and @xmath10= 17400 @xmath1 300 @xmath6 , respectively . these figures agree with the spectral type for the primary we derive from an analysis of archival iue spectra , viz . a detailed study of v393 sco is in preparation . | we give a brief report on spectroscopic properties of v393 scorpii .
h@xmath0 emission and shape and radial velocity of hei5875 are modulated with the long cycle .
the long cycle is explained as a relaxation cycle in the circumprimary disc , that cumulates the mass transferred from the donor until certain instability produces disc depletion . |
[ ] the following two unbinned clustering algorithms are used to search for neutrino point sources ( signal ) in the sky map of atmospheric neutrinos ( background ) . the _ expectation - maximization _ algorithm is based on an analytically likelihood maximization @xcite . the signal density distribution is assumed to be a two - dimensional gaussian and the background density distribution is taken from the data . the probability to have a signal for a given background model is maximized . the free parameters are the two sigmas of the two - dimensional gaussian probability density function and the expected number of signal events from the source . the _ likelihood algorithm _ calculates first the angular distance between a fixed source search point and the location of all selected neutrinos in the sky . then it fits this distribution with signal and background density distribution using maximization technique . the signal distribution is the point spread function taken from monte carlo and the background distribution is taken from data . a set of cuts have been optimized to search for an @xmath0 neutrino flux in the data sample taken in 2007 with a livetime of 140 days . an all sky point source search based on the above algorithms has not revealed any significant excess for any direction . no significant excess has been found also in a dedicated search from a selected list of 24 promising neutrino source candidates . the upper limits on the neutrino flux from the 24 candidate sources are shown in figure [ fig : plot ] . 00 j. aguilar and j. hernandez - rey , _ astrop . phys . _ * 29 * 2 ( 2008 ) 117 . m. ambrosio _ et al _ , _ astrophys . j. _ * 546 * ( 2001 ) 1038 . et al _ , _ astrop . * 29 * ( 2008 ) 42 . r. abbasi _ et al _ , _ astrophys . j. lett . _ * 701 * ( 2009 ) 47 . r. abbasi _ et al _ , _ phys . _ d * 79 * ( 2009 ) 062001 . i gratefully acknowledge the support of the jae - doc postdoctoral programme of csic . this work has also been supported by the following spanish projects : fpa2009 - 13983-c02 - 01 , multidark consolider csd2009 - 00064 , aci2009 - 1020 of micinn and prometeo/2009/026 of generalitat valenciana . | the antares neutrino telescope is installed at a depth of 2.5 km of the mediterranean sea and consists of a three - dimensional array of 885 photomultipliers arranged on twelve detector lines .
the prime objective is to detect high - energy neutrinos from extraterrestrial origin .
relativistic muons emerging from charged - current muon neutrino interactions in the detector surroundings produce a cone of cerenkov light which allows the reconstruction of the original neutrino direction .
the collaboration has implemented different methods to search for neutrino point sources in the data collected since 2007 .
results obtained with these methods as well as the sensitivity of the telescope are presented .
neutrino telescope , point source search , clustering analysis , upper limits , neutrino flux |
deep radio observations of the hubble deep field region are now advancing our understanding of the faint microjy radio source population . in particular , vla and merlin observations of the hdf ( richards et al . 1999 , muxlow et al . 1999 ) suggest that faint sub - mjy and microjy radio sources are mostly identified with star forming galaxies , often located at moderate to high redshifts . in the period april - may 1999 we observed the hdf and hff with the newly upgraded westerbork synthesis radio telescope ( wsrt ) at 1.4 ghz for a total of 72 hours . our aim was to utilise the wsrt s superb brightness sensitivity to extend the investigation of the microjy source population to extended radio sources that might otherwise be resolved out or go undetected in the previous higher resolution or higher frequency radio observations . 1 shows the wsrt image of the hdf / hff convolved with a circular 15 arcsecond gaussian restoring beam . this represents the deepest image made with the wsrt to date , reaching a rms noise level of @xmath0jy / beam . we detect radio emission from galaxies both in the hdf and hff which have not been previously detected by recent merlin or vla studies of the field . more than 30 new ( @xmath1 ) detections have been obtained in a @xmath2 arcmin field , centred on the hdf . some of these sources are actually blends of two or more sources but a large percentage are also discrete . three of the new 1.4 ghz sources are located in the hdf itself , and have infra - red iso detections . two of the three are associated with spiral galaxies and the third is an irregular galaxy ( the latter is detected by the vla at 8.4 but not 1.4 ghz ) . the new wsrt detections indicate that perhaps a significant fraction of starburst galaxies present more extended radio emission than the previous ( higher resolution ) vla and merlin observations suggest . muxlow , t.w.b . , wilkinson , p.n . , richards , a.m.s . , kellermann , k.i . , richards , e.a . , garrett , m.a . ( 1999 ) new astronomy reviews , 43 , 623 . + richards , e. a. , kellermann , k. i. , fomalont , e. b. , windhorst , r. a. , partridge , r. b. ( 1998 ) aj , 116 , 1039 . | we present wsrt 1.38 ghz observations of the hubble deep field ( and flanking fields ) .
72 hours of data were combined to produce the wsrt s deepest image yet , achieving an r.m.s .
noise level of 8 microjy per beam .
we detect radio emission from galaxies both in the hdf and hff which have not been previously detected by recent merlin or vla studies of the field .
# 1_#1 _ # 1_#1 _ = # 1 1.25 in .125 in .25 in |
the detection of magnetic fields in the atmosphere of red giant stars using spectropolarimetry ( see aurire and konstantinova - antova in this volume ) brings the opportunity to get an insight on the secular evolution of magnetic fields in solar - type and intermediate - mass stars . spectropolarimetry allows to estimate the magnetic fields intensity , the doppler imaging of magnetic red giants being a delicate matter in part due to the usually long rotation period that characterizes these objects . the star pollux is one of the first giants with a detected magnetic field , and its intensity of about 1 g , is the weakest detected so far . here , we present preliminary results of a fully 3-d dynamo computation carried out with the anelastic spherical harmonic ( ash ) version 2.0 code ( featherstone et al . 2013 , brun et al . 2004 ) , for the entire convective envelope ( 75% of the total radius , strong stratification ) of a 2.5 m@xmath0 with r = 9 r@xmath0 and l = 40 l@xmath0 , well representative of the star pollux ( see aurire et al . the hydrodynamical progenitor was computed with @xmath1 rad.s@xmath2 , corresponding to a @xmath3 sini @xmath4 km.s@xmath2 , in good agreement with published values . using a magnetic prandtl number of the simulation of p@xmath5 = 3 , we have next initialized the magnetic field with a multipole l = 3 , m = 2 seed field , with an initial total magnetic energy me less than 10@xmath6 of the total kinetic energy . our simulation is still running and as of today the dynamo is in the linear regime with an exponential growth of me having to enter yet the saturated regime . at this point of the simulation , the total magnetic energy only corresponds to 0.1% of the total kinetic energy . the me is dominated by non - axisymmetric contributions of the toroidal and poloidal fields . the purely axisymmetric components tme and pme are growing but very weak . the radial energy flux balance has reached an equilibrium . the radial energy transport by the poynting flux is negligible ( at a level of 10@xmath7 ) at this stage of the simulation . this situation should change once a saturation of the dynamo is reached . as also found in brun & palacios ( 2009 ) for a more evolved red giant , the enthalpy flux dominates the energy transport . when converted to luminosity it reaches 160% of the total stellar luminosity . this flux arises to compensate the strong inward ( negative ) kinetic energy flux found in the simulation . 1 ( left panel ) shows the convective patterns achieved consisting of warm large upflows surrounded by a network of cool thin downflows . the differential rotation profile achieved in the simulation is retrograde and cylindrical in the bulk of the domain except near the rotation axis . the rotational state is similar to that achieved in the hydrodynamical progenitor when averaged over the same period of time , indicating that the lorentz force is too weak for the magnetic field to affect the angular velocity profile at this stage of the simulation . + the radial magnetic field follows the descending flows , while the toroidal field develops within that network . the magnetic activity is larger at the bottom of the convective envelope ( see scales fig.1 left panel ) . the intensity of the flows is larger at larger depths , with a magnetic energy that can be locally intense but remains globally weak at this stage of the simulation . the global amplitude of the magnetic field is @xmath8 9 gauss . a 3d rendering of the simulation together with the extrapolated magnetic field is also shown in fig . 1 ( right panel ) . while the magnetic seed is a multipole and the simulation is not mature yet , we clearly see a dipolar configuration appearing ( strong l=1 mode ) . | we present preliminary results of a 3d mhd simulation of the convective envelope of the giant star pollux for which the rotation period and the magnetic field intensity have been measured from spectroscopic and spectropolarimetric observations .
this giant is one of the first single giants with a detected magnetic field , and the one with the weakest field so far .
our aim is to understand the development and the action of the dynamo in its extended convective envelope . |
it has been realized that smbhs assemble their mass predominantly through accretion ; however , how smbhs are fueled remains a unsolved issue . the spin of smbhs traces the angular momentum of the accreted material and therefore is a powerful cosmic probe of smbh feeding . the link between the radiative efficiency for accretion and black hole spin allows us to analyze the net angular momentum of the accreted gas by quantifying the radiative efficiency . the previous study by ( * ? ? ? * wang et al . ( 2009 ) ) on the cosmological evolution of the radiative efficiency had shown that smbhs are spinning down with time since @xmath1 , strongly implying random accretion onto smbhs . starting from the continuity equation for smbh mass function , with the help of the duty cycle of smbhs @xmath2 and the mean mass accretion rate @xmath3 , we can obtain the the radiative efficiency from observables by ( see ( * ? ? ? * li et al . 2012 ) for details ) @xmath4 where @xmath5 , @xmath6 is the mean eddington ratio , @xmath7 is the eddington luminosity , and @xmath8 consists of the smbh mass functions in galaxies ( @xmath9 ) and agns ( @xmath10 ) . this equation is the generalized @xmath11equation of ( * ? ? ? * wang et al . ( 2009 ) ) . we derive the smbh mass functions in normal galaxies from the galaxy luminosity function ( lf ; ( * ? ? ? * cirasuolo et al . 2010 ) ) and stellar mass function ( smf ; ( * ? ? ? * prez - gonzlez et al . 2008 ) ) , respectively . we use three ingredients : ( 1 ) the bulge - to - total luminosity ratio ; ( 2 ) a relation between smbh and spheroid mass ; and , for the method involving the galaxy lf , ( 3 ) a prescription to describe the passive evolution of the spheroid luminosity . fig . [ fig1 ] shows the obtained smbh mass functions at @xmath0 . a good agreement between the two methods can be found ( ( * ? ? ? * li et al 2011 ) ) . the smbh mass function of agns is calculated by combining the observed eddington ratio distribution and the agn bolometric lf of ( * ? ? ? * hopkins et al . ( 2007 ) ) . the radiative efficiency evolution for different black hole masses is plotted in fig . [ fig2 ] . assuming that the radiative efficiency provides an effective indirect measure of the black hole spin , we propose that : ( 1 ) the accretion history of smbhs and their spin evolution can be characterized by two regimes : an initial phase of mass accumulation from prolonged accretion that spins up the hole , followed by a period of random , episodic accretion that spins down the hole toward lower redshifts ( ( * ? ? ? * wang et al . 2009 ) ) . ( 2 ) the evolution of the spin , like the global pattern of agn activity , exhibits `` cosmic downsizing '' . high - mass holes gain their masses earlier , reach the peak of their agn activity earlier , and begin to spin down earlier . random accretion dominates their evolution below @xmath12 , whereas lower mass holes transition to this phase later , at @xmath13 ( ( * ? ? ? * li et al 2012 ) ) . | we derive the mass function of supermassive black holes ( smbhs ) over the redshift range @xmath0 , using the latest deep luminosity and mass functions of field galaxies . applying this mass function , combined with the bolometric luminosity function of active galactic nuclei ( agns ) , into the the continuity equation of smbh number density
, we explicitly obtain the mass - dependent cosmological evolution of the radiative efficiency for accretion .
we suggest that the accretion history of smbhs and their spins evolve in two distinct regimes : an early phase of prolonged accretion , plausibly driven by major mergers , during which the black hole spins up , then switching to a period of random , episodic accretion , governed by minor mergers and internal secular processes , during which the hole spins down .
the transition epoch depends on mass , mirroring other evidence for `` cosmic downsizing '' in the agn population . |
accurate distances to planetary nebulae ( pne ) are crucial in unraveling the connection between the physical properties of the nebulae with those of their central stars ( css ) . reliable distances facilitate the accurate estimation of fundamental parameters such as the cs mass and luminosity , and the nebular mass and age . we have begun a program of using photoionization modeling to refine the distances to a sample of nearby pne ( see also ( * ? ? ? * danehkar 2011 ) ) . in this work , we study two very different pne as a proof of concept : abell39 , a simple spherical shell with no microstructures , and ngc7027 , a well - known , young , luminous bipolar pn with a massive molecular envelope . using the 3-d photoionization code ( mocassin ; ( * ? ? ? * ercolano et al . 2003 ) ) , our ultimate aim is to constrain the distance to individual pne , utilizing the physical pn radius we have calculated and the angular size . our procedure allows us refine the nebular parameters iteratively to provide the best match against the observations , though owing to degeneracies in these parameters , there may be more than one unique solution . since a black body is not a perfect model for the cs continuum flux , we used various nlte model atmosphere fluxes from the grid of ( * ? ? ? * rauch ( 2003 ) ) . for the initial model inputs for a 39 , we adopt the line intensities and abundances from ( * ? ? ? * jacoby ( 2001 ) ) , and derived the nebular @xmath0 from the [ oiii ] lines because the density of a 39 is very low , we initially determined @xmath1 from the pn diameter and integrated h@xmath2 flux . our preliminary distance estimate is @xmath3 = 1.5 kpc , and the cs parameters are @xmath4kk and @xmath5 , which disagrees with the estimate of @xmath6 = 117kk from ziegler ( 2011 , these proceedings ) . the higher temperature is needed to explain the observed heii and [ nev ] line intensities in the nebular shell . for ngc7027 , a starting value of @xmath0 = 11kk is adopted , the line intensities and abundances being taken from ( * ? ? ? * bernard salas ( 2001 ) ) and ( * ? ? ? * zhang ( 2005 ) ) , and refined as necessary . in addition , a bipolar morphology with a mean density ( @xmath7 ; figure [ fig_1 ] ) is needed to model ngc7027 , since a simple assumption of spherical geometry conflicts with the observed ionization structure and nebular line intensities . our photoionization model outputs generally agree with the observations , except for some uncertain lines . our photoionization model of ngc7027 gives @xmath3 = 900pc , with the cspn having @xmath8kk and @xmath9 , which reproduces most observations . our distance agrees with previous determinations ( ( * ? ? ? * masson 1989 ) ; ( * ? ? ? * volk & kwok 1997 ) ; ( * ? ? ? * zijlstra 2008 ) ) . .best - fit parameters ( left ) and observations versus model outputs ( right ) . [ cols="<,^,^",options="header " , ] 4686 line compared with the _ hst _ image.,width=489 ] ad acknowledges receipt of an mqres phd scholarship and an iau travel grant . | we estimate distances to the spherical planetary nebula abell39 and the bipolar planetary nebula ngc7027 by interpolating from a wide grid of photoionization models using the 3-d code , mocassin .
we find preliminary distances of 1.5kpc and 0.9kpc respectively , with uncertainties of about 30% . |
the galactic thin and thick disks are two distinct stellar populations in terms of age distributions and kinematics . the chemical trends in the two systems are also most likely different although recent works give conflicting results , see e.g. chen et al . ( 2000 ) and fuhrmann ( 1998 ) . we show that the abundance trends for oxygen are different for the thin and thick disks . the selection of thin and thick disk stars was based on kinematics and is fully described in bensby et al . ( 2003a , in prep ) . we calculated gaussian probabilities for each star that it belongs to the thin and thick disk respectively , using the galactic velocity components @xmath6 , @xmath7 , and @xmath8 of the stars . stars with high probabilities of belonging to either the thin or the thick disk were then selected . the sample consists of 21 thick disk stars and 42 thin disk stars . spectra were obtained with the ces spectrograph on the eso 3.6 m telescope with a a resolution of @xmath9 and a signal - to - noise @xmath10 . telluric lines were divided out using spectra from fast rotating b stars . further details are given in bensby et al . ( 2003b , in prep ) . oxygen abundances were determined through fitting of synthetic spectra to the observed spectra . the forbidden oxygen line at 6300 that has a blend of nickel in its right wing . at low metallicities this blend is often negligible , but becomes severe at higher metallicities . this is illustrated in fig . 1 where we plot synthetic and observed spectra for three stars at different metallicities . fe and ni abundances have been determined from our feros spectra ( r@xmath11 ) by measuring equivalent widths of approximately 140 fei , 30 feii , and 50 nii lines for each star ( bensby et al . 2003a in prep . ) the two plots in fig . 2 presents our results . these are our findings : + * 1 . * the thin and thick disk stars clearly show different abundance trends . this is a strong indication of their disparate origin and different epochs of formation . + * 2 . * a turn - down for @xmath2 $ ] at @xmath5\sim -0.35 $ ] for the thick disk stars , from being roughly flat , continuing down to solar values . this feature is most likely a signature of the onset of snia . + the thin disk stars show a shallow decrease when going from the lowest metallicities to solar values , _ not _ showing a knee . this implies that the star formation rate in the thin disk was quite low compared to that in the thick disk . + * 4 . * at super - solar metallicities the trend found at sub - solar metallicities continues linearly for the thin disk stars . in contrast nissen and edvardsson ( 1992 ) found @xmath2 $ ] to level out at these metallicities . however , they did not take the nii blend in the [ oi ] line into account , which becomes important at these metallicities , see fig . 1 . this result has implications for different models of supernova yields , and will be investigated further . all stars have also been observed with the feros spectrograph and abundances for other elements have been determined ( na , mg , al , si , ca , sc , ti , v , cr , mn , fe , co , ni , zn , y , ba , eu ) . for the @xmath12-elements we find the same signature from the onset of snia in the thick disk which appears to be absent in the thin disk , see feltzing et al . ( 2002 ) and bensby et al . ( 2003a , in prep ) , in good agreement with the trends we find for oxygen . a few stars merits , due to their positions in fig . 2 , further comments : two thick disk stars at @xmath5\sim-0.3 $ ] and one thin disk star at @xmath5\sim-0.6 $ ] . the latter may be due to the fact that the thick disk also contain stars with `` cold '' kinematics . the first two are a bit harder to understand but their kinematics might have been heated through close encounters or they might have been kicked - out from a double or multiple stellar system . | first results from a study into the abundance trends of oxygen in the galactic thin and thick disks are presented .
oxygen abundances for 21 thick disk and 42 thin disk f and g dwarf stars based on very high resolution spectra ( @xmath0 ) and high signal - to - noise ( @xmath1 ) of the faint forbidden oxygen line at 6300 have been determined .
we find that @xmath2 $ ] for the thick disk stars show a turn - down , i.e. the `` knee '' , at [ fe / h ] between @xmath3 and @xmath4 dex indicating the onset of sne type ia .
the thin disk stars on the other hand show a shallow decrease going from @xmath5 \sim -0.7 $ ] to the highest metallicities with no apparent `` knee '' present indicating a slower star formation history .
# 1_#1 _ # 1_#1 _ = # 1 1.25 in .125 in .25 in |
when bulk water is in contact with a hydrophilic metallic interface , the water shows an exclusion zone ordered water layer that repels large objects such as colloidal particles and even heavy ions but can carry extra semi - conducting electrons@xcite . the exclusion zone layer of perhaps as thick as hundreds of microns may be considered to be an ordered phase of water . exclusion zone layers are sensitive to electromagnetic radiation@xcite at least when in contact with hydrophilic organic substrates . the same should hold true for metals . while there are many works on the water - metal interface without considerations of the layer of exclusion zone water , the understanding how electromagnetic radiation with a metallic surface immersed in water remains incomplete@xcite . the situation changed when experiments@xcite were performed yielding data on the work function required to bring an electron from the metal into the water . our purpose is to theoretically explain the magnitude of the work function required to bring an electron from a metal into the exclusion zone water layer making hydrophilic contact with the metallic interface the agreement between theory and experimental data is satisfactory . water molecules in the ideal vapor phase have a static polarizability@xcite of the form @xmath0 the value of the dipole moment is often incorrectly associated with a thermal mean dipole moment but this must thought through more carefully since in virtue of tumbling motions the thermal dipole moment is null . the polarizability is given in ideal gas statistical thermodynamics @xmath1 \left|{\bf d}_{nm } \right|^2 , \label{pw2}\end{aligned}\ ] ] wherein @xmath2 is the probability of the molecule being in state @xmath3 and @xmath4 are the electric dipole matrix elements . define the restricted double sum @xmath5 eqs.([pw1 ] ) and ( [ pw2 ] ) imply @xmath6 with the inequality applying in virtue of the finite but small value of @xmath7 . eq.([pw4 ] ) defines the _ experimental _ electric dipole moment @xmath8 of a single water molecule given that @xmath9 due to parity and/or time reversal symmetry . metal surfaces tend to be hydrophilic . water is a liquid ferroelectric@xcite . the mean polarization @xmath10 is the order parameter for ferroelectricity in water . the water layer adjacent to the metal is thereby ordered with a structure in the polarization @xmath11 characteristic of a ferroelectric boundary . the ferroelectric order is illustrated below in fig . large objects of micron length scales are excluded from the ordered layer since such objects would destroy the polarization which would require a positive free energy to destroy ferroelectrcity@xcite . also excluded in the ordered water layer are positive ions and some other effectively large charged objects . what does exists in the ordered exclusion zone water layer are extra electrons described in chemical terms as @xmath12 . some protons @xmath13 get absorbed into the metal leaving behind a net negatively charged exclusion zone layer . but other extra protons yield a positive charge beyond the water metal interface exist above the boundary of the exclusion zone layer perhaps a few hundred microns away from the metal water interface . the negative charged region which is the exclusion zone layer increases with the incidence of electromagnetic radiation wherein a battery voltage exists between the positively and negatively charged regions within water . .work functions into the vacuum and into water [ cols="<,>,>",options="header " , ] experimental determinations@xcite of the work @xmath14 required to move an electron from the metal into the vacuum and the work @xmath15 required to move an electron from the metal into the exclusion zone layer of the water . experimental determinations were discussed@xcite for the work required to move an electron from the metal into the vacuum @xmath16 and from the metal into the exclusion zone layer of water . @xmath17 . these measurements have been listed in table [ tab1 ] . to remove an electron from an isolated water molecule requires an energy of @xmath18 . to remove an electron from an isolated water molecule that is initially in the first excited state of an isolated water molecule requires an energy of @xmath19 . the difference @xmath20 is thereby @xmath21 . as a first approximation , the work function to bring an electron from the metal into a ferroelectric ordered layer of water is @xmath22 this work function is in qualitative agreement with data listed in table [ tab1 ] . the ordered polarized state of water has molecules which are in a coherent superposition of these two states@xcite with matrix elements of the dipole moment @xmath23 which may be taken to be a real dipole vector . the state @xmath24 is in an electronic _ s _ state forming a scalar while the first excited state @xmath25 is in an electronic _ p _ state which is thereby triply energy degenerate forming an electric dipole vector . this dipole vector may coherently rotate within an ordered fluid domain . our purpose was to theoretically explain the magnitude of the work function required to bring an electron from a metal into the exclusion zone water layer making hydrophilic contact with the metallic interface . under the assumption of quantum coherent polarization ordered domains@xcite in the exclusion zone layer , the agreement between theory and experimental data is satisfactory . j. s. would like to thank the united states national science foundation for support under phy-1205845 . | the magnitude of the work function to bring an electron from a metal into the exclusion zone water layer making hydrophilic contact with the metallic interface is theoretically computed .
the agreement with recent experimental measurements is satisfactory . |
we provide a brief description of some of the measured quantities in our sloan digital sky survey ( sdss ; * ? ? ? * ) data release 7 ( dr7 ; * ? ? ? * ) value - added catalog below . a much more thorough description of the catalog selection and its bulk characteristics can be found in @xcite . the catalog will eventually be available on the vizier site , but can also be obtained immediately by contacting the primary author ( aaw ) . we visually inspected 116,161 m dwarf candidates ( color selected from the sdss database ) and manually assigned spectral types . the sample was divided among 17 individuals who used the manual `` eyecheck '' mode of the hammer ( v. 1_2_5 ; * ? ? ? * ) to assign spectral types and remove non - m dwarf interlopers , resulting in 70,841 m dwarfs ( see figure [ fig : bam ] ) . we also matched our catalog to the 2mass point source catalog @xcite , matching only to unique 2mass counterparts within 5@xmath5 of the sdss position that do not fall within the boundaries of an extended source ( gal_contam @xmath60 ) . radial velocities ( rvs ) were measured by cross - correlating each spectrum with the appropriate @xcite m dwarf template . this method has been shown to produce uncertainties ranging from 7 - 10 kms@xmath7 @xcite . all of the dr7 objects were cross - matched to the usno - b / sdss proper motion catalog @xcite , identifying 39,151 m dwarfs with good proper motions . distances to each star were calculated using the @xmath8 vs. @xmath9 color - magnitude relation given in @xcite . the proper motions and distances were combined with the rvs to produce 3-dimensional space motions for the dr7 m dwarfs . as part of our analysis , we measured a number of spectral lines and molecular features in each m dwarf spectrum . all of the spectral measurements were made using the rv corrected spectra . the tio1 , tio2 , tio3 , tio4 , tio5 , tio8 , caoh , cah1 , cah2 , and cah3 molecular bandhead indices and their formal uncertainties were measured using the hammer with the molecular bandheads as defined by @xcite and @xcite . we also measured the chromospheric hydrogen balmer and ca ii lines that are associated with magnetic activity . we expanded the h@xmath0 analysis of @xcite to include h@xmath1 , h@xmath2 , h@xmath3 and ca ii k ( h@xmath10 and ca ii h are blended in sdss data and were not included in our sample ) . all of the line measurements were made by integrating over the specific line region ( 8 wide centered on the line ) and subtracting off the mean flux calculated from two adjacent continuum regions . equivalent widths ( ew ) were computed for each line by dividing the integrated line flux by the mean continuum value . for all of the active stars in the sample ( see * ? ? ? * for definition of activity ) we computed the ratio of luminosity in the emission line as compared to the bolometric luminosity ( l@xmath11/l@xmath12 ) . we followed the methods of @xcite , @xcite and @xcite who derived @xmath13 factors for the balmer and ca ii chromospheric lines as a function of m dwarf spectral type . the l@xmath11/l@xmath12 values were computed by multiplying the ew of each active star by the appropriate @xmath13 value . formal uncertainties were computed for each l@xmath11/l@xmath12 value and are included in the final database . we also computed the metal sensitive parameter @xmath4 , defined by @xcite , which uses a combination of the tio5 , cah2 , and cah3 molecular band indices to separate the sample into different metallicity classes . this is similar to the @xcite classification system but was re - calibrated using wide common proper motion pairs that were assumed to be at the same metallicity . stars with solar metallicity ( [ fe / h]=0 ) have @xmath4 values @xmath141 and stars with [ fe / h]=-1 have @xmath4 @xmath140.4 @xcite . although there is considerable scatter in the [ fe / h ] versus @xmath4 relation at high - metallicities , this parameter is very useful for finding and classifying low - metallicity stars that are likely members of the galactic halo . as with previous sdss spectroscopic catalogs of low - mass stars , we remind the community that these data do not represent a complete sample and that the complicated sdss spectral targeting introduces a variety of selection effects . however , our new sample covers a large range of values for many of the physical attributes of the m dwarfs , including parameters that are sensitive to activity , metallicity , and galactic motion , making accurate activity , kinematic , and chemical analyses possible . in addition , because some of the derived quantities are computed by automatic routines , values for a small percentage of individual stars may be incorrect ; this should not affect large statistical results . users are nevertheless cautioned to understand the origin of specific data products before using them indiscriminately . | we present a spectroscopic catalog of 70,841 visually inspected m dwarfs from the seventh data release ( dr7 ) of the sloan digital sky survey ( sdss ) . for each spectrum , we provide measurements of the spectral type , a number of molecular bandheads , and the h@xmath0 , h@xmath1 , h@xmath2 , h@xmath3 and ca ii k emission lines . in addition , we calculate the metallicity - sensitive parameter @xmath4 and 3d space motions for most of the stars in the sample .
our catalog is cross - matched to two micron all sky survey ( 2mass ) infrared data , and contains photometric distances for each star .
future studies will use these data to thoroughly examine magnetic activity and kinematics in late - type m dwarfs and examine the chemical and dynamical history of the local milky way . |
21 has a flat radio spectral index , and is highly polarized ( green 2000 ) . it is a 1.3 diameter plerion ( @xmath5 1.9 pc at a distance of 5.0 kpc ) in the radio , infrared , and in x - rays ( prior to ; becker and szymkowiak 1981 ) . early observations ( slane 2000 ) revealed a low - surface brightness extended component interpreted as the missing snr shell . 21 shares similar properties to 3c 58 and ctb 87 , plerions having a spectral break at low frequencies and classified as plerions of the _ second kind _ ( woltjer 1997 ) . bock , wright , & dickel ( 2001 ) have however recently questioned the spectral break in 21 . in this paper , we highlight the observations . more details about the analysis ( including and observations ) and interpretation of our results can be found in safi - harb ( 2001 ) . in fig . 1 , we show the images of 21 in the soft and hard energy bands . with _ rosat _ and previous radio observations , only the bright 40 radius core is detected . allowed the discovery of a faint extended component ( fig . 1 , left ) making the snr at least twice as big as previously thought . in fig . 2 , the hardness ratio map ( 2.410 kev over 0.52.4 kev ) shows that the central core is harder than the extended component ( in agreement with our spectral analysis below ) . moreover , the extended component is harder in the northern quadrant , with brighter knots and filamentary structures . we perform a spatially resolved spectroscopy of the plerion using a 72 ksec exposure with @xmath6 acis s3 . the spectrum of the inner core is extracted from a circle of radius @xmath7=40@xmath8 ( with rings of 5 " thickness ) . for the extended component , we extract a spectrum from 50@xmath8150@xmath8 . all spectra are best described by a power law with the photon index , @xmath9 , steepening away from the bright center from 1.5 to 2.7 ( @xmath0=2.2@xmath110@xmath2 @xmath3 ) . we rule out thermal models for the extended component . collisional equilibrium ionization ( cei ) models , such as @xmath10 , yield poor fits ( @xmath11@xmath51.15 ) . non - equilibrium ionization ( nei ) models , such as @xmath12 , are unlikely since they yield a very low ionization timescale , and an interstellar column density , @xmath0 , much lower than that derived for the snr ( table 1 ) . furthermore , we find no evidence of line emission from the filaments and knots . their spectra are well fitted with a power law model . .spectral parameters of the fits to the low - surface - brightness extended component using acis - s3 observations . [ cols="^,^,^,^ " , ] the extended component is non - thermal in agreement with observations ( warwick 2001 ) . the softening of the spectral index away from the core could be explained by synchrotron losses . unlike other plerions , 21 is the only candidate whose x - ray size is bigger than its radio size . deep radio observations ( recently performed with the vla ) will allow us to search for the radio counterpart of the extended x - ray component and the missing snr shell . since 21 is bright and heavily absorbed , a significant fraction of its flux would be scattered by dust ( r. smith , private communication ) . future work should include modeling a dust scattering x - ray halo . becker , r.h . & szymkowiak , a.e . 1981 , , 248 , 23 bock , d. , wright , m. , & dickel , j. 2001 , , 561 , l203 green , d. a. 2000 , http://www.mrao.cam.ac.uk/surveys/snrs/ kennel , c. f. & coroniti , f. v. 1984 , , 283 , 694 safi - harb , s. et al . 2001 , , 561 , 308 slane , p. et al . 2000 , , 533 , l29 warwick , r. s. et al . 2001 , , 365 , 248 woltjer , l. et al . 1997 , , 325 , 295 | 21 is a center - brightened ( or plerionic ) supernova remnant ( snr ) whose properties hint at the presence of a pulsar yet no pulsations have been found at any wavelength .
early observations with led to the discovery of an extended component , making the snr at least twice as big as originally thought .
our analysis indicates that this low - surface brightness extended component is non - thermal with a filamentary hard structure in the northern quadrant .
we perform a spatially resolved spectroscopy and find no evidence of line emission using a 72 ksec exposure with acis - s .
the 5 diameter remnant is well fitted with a power law with a photon index steepening from 1.5 to 2.7 ( @xmath0=2.2@xmath110@xmath2 @xmath3 ) . using a 76 ksec exposure with the hrc
, we derive an upper limit of 16% on the pulsed fraction from a putative pulsar .
we also infer the parameters of the ` hidden pulsar ' in 21 .
this remnant remains unique and intriguing since it is , to date , the only candidate whose size is bigger in x - rays than in the radio .
# 1_#1 _ # 1_#1 _ = 21g21.5@xmath40.9 # 1 1.25 in .125 in .25 in |
the be / x - ray binaries represent the largest subclass of high - mass x - ray binaries . these systems consist of a neutron star and a be star with a cool equatorial disk . the orbit is wide and usually eccentric . most of the be / x - ray binaries show only transient activity in the x - ray emission . these outbursts result from the transient accretion onto the neutron star from the circumsteller matter of the be star . in this paper , we simulate the accretion flow around the neutron star in be / x - ray binaries , using a 3d sph code ( bate et al . 1995 ) and the mass - transfer rate from the be - star disk obtained by okazaki et al . in be / x - ray binaries , the mass - transfer rate has strong phase dependence ( okazaki et al . therefore , the structure of an accretion disk formed around the neutron star in these systems is also likely to be strongly phase dependent . figure 1 gives the radial disk structures and the snapshots of a developed accretion disk around the neutron star for @xmath2 . from the figure , we note that the material transferred from the be - star disk to the neutron star forms a non - steady accretion disk around the neutron star . it is noted from the upper panels that the disk is nearly keplerian at any phase and the accretion flow is highly subsonic except in the outermost part for a short period of time when the material of the be - star disk is transferred to the neutron star . the disk shrinks at periastron passage by a negative torque exerted by the be star . in addition , the ram pressure of the supersonic infall of matter captured by the neutron star around periastron enhances the density in the outermost part of the accretion disk , making the disk outer edge sharp . afterwards , the disk restores its radius by the viscous diffusion . thus , our simulation confirms that the strucutre of the accretion disk in be / x - ray binaries has a strong dependence on the orbital phase . | we study accretion onto the neutron star in be / x - ray binaries , using a 3d sph code and the data imported from a high resolution simulation by okazaki et al .
( 2002 ) for a coplanar system with a short period ( @xmath0 ) and moderate eccentricity @xmath1 .
we find that a time - dependent accretion disk is formed around the neutron star in be / x - ray binaries .
the disk shrinks after the periastron passage of the be star and restores its radius afterwards .
our simulations show that the truncated be disk model for be / x - ray binaries is consistent with the observed x - ray behavior .
# 1_#1 _ # 1_#1 _ = # 1 1.25 in .125 in .25 in |
the mandelbrot set @xmath3 generation relates , in the original experiment , to a given non - linear and one - parameter map @xmath4 where both @xmath5 and @xmath6 is the complex parameter ranging over the whole @xmath7 . the key concept of this experiment refers back to early fatou s and julia s ideas on testing julia set connectivity under perturbations of the parameter @xmath6 , as well as on their renown theorem of existence of one critical point @xmath8 in any basin of attraction and the concept of ` post - critical ' set be the set of critical points for @xmath9 . it is the closure of all forward orbits @xmath10 , where @xmath11 . ] , revealing so helpful today to explore several properties in the dynamics of complex maps . let @xmath1 be the seed at the critical point of @xmath9 . let @xmath12 . then @xmath4 is iterated per each @xmath6 . one associates each resulting orbit @xmath13 to a connected or disconnected julia set , if @xmath13 is bounded or not respectively , so that @xmath6 may belong or not to @xmath3 . thus @xmath3 can be intended as a chart of julia sets connectivity , compiled and drawn in the @xmath14parameter space . what does it happen to @xmath3 as @xmath1 is perturbed and it lies no longer at @xmath8 ? the question here posed was previously introduced in section 6.3 of @xcite , where , in the course of related experiments , we noticed that the connectivity of the mandelbrot set @xmath3 , for the classic quaternionic iterator @xmath15 @xmath16 , breaks as the seed @xmath17 of each orbit is distinct from the critical point ( in this case at the origin ) . anyway the interpretation of figures with solid 3-d models for the quaternionic julia sets looks very hard to evince the question here posed ; therefore we moved to the more simply looking environment @xmath7 , where figures are displayed quite clearer . the still open mlc ( standing for ` mandelbrot locally connected ' ) conjecture states that the mandelbrot set @xmath3 is locally connected , every neighborhood of @xmath18 includes a connected open neighborhood . ] , roughly speaking , the set includes no uni - dimensional filaments . these pages want to enjoy an empirical flavor exclusively , i.e. no mathematics is achieved and any goal or pretension to deep into the theory is disclaimed . we will not dare into the proof of it for sure , because we are not skilled enough for that . this is just a communication collecting a bunch of figures processed by playing with the seed @xmath1 . two journeys are shown : given @xmath19 , we let @xmath6 range along the real @xmath20 $ ] and the imaginary segment @xmath21 $ ] respectively , where @xmath3 is more visible . we noticed that as far as one runs away from the origin ( @xmath22 for @xmath0 ) along both real and imaginary directions , @xmath3 loses progressively connectivity in the peripheral regions , while the central cardioid is deformed , shrinking again and again . if the seed is very close to the critical point , disconnectivity is hardly noticed because only the most marginal periphery of @xmath3 is notched ; but , as one moves farther from @xmath8 , the disconnectivity rate increases , even the cardiod is deformed and more evident figures are displayed . we liked to give some ( nave , maybe ) impressions : one could try to attack the mlc conjecture by an inverse approach , that is , proving that @xmath3 is always disconnected when the seed , for each orbit in the @xmath3 experiment for @xmath0 is not at the origin , according to the original experiment . does the connectivity of @xmath3 depend on @xmath1 at the critical point ? if so , one would try to determine , if possible , a sort of _ disconnectivity rate _ decreasing to @xmath23 along any path leading to the critical point of the given function @xmath9 . thus , on one hand , we pull out the evidence , from the next figures , that @xmath3 is not connected for seeds not lying at the critical point ; on the other hand , from the known figure of @xmath3 ( see fig . [ pic00 ] ) , it seems to be locally connected . perhaps , things may match together . my intention here is just to suggest an idea , an attack to mlc and know if it might work or not or where it might lead somewhere . in some cases , like jacobi s for elliptic integrals , the history of mathematics showed that an inverted look - up at the problem helped . who knows whether the above considerations could actually work ? without addressing to audience , one would never check it . the next images are snapshots from a couple of animations we made , downloadable from our site and showing how @xmath3 shifts its shape when the seed @xmath24 , like in the original experiment . | by means of a graphical journey across the mandelbrot set for the classic quadratic iterator @xmath0 , we illustrate how connectivity breaks as the seed @xmath1 is no longer at the critical point of @xmath2 .
finally we suggest an attack to the mlc conjecture . |
the dynamics of a simple pendulum for small amplitudes is probably the most widely used example by educators to illustrate simple harmonic motion : both the experiment and theory are accesible to college students . however the discussion of the large amplitude oscillations is rarely carried out , probably because there is no simple " analytical formula for the period . over the years several approximation schemes have been developed to discuss the large angle oscillations and in this paper we provide yet another . it turns out that the formula derived here , which is quite accurate even for very large amplitudes , was obtained a long time ago by ganley @xcite using a very different method . however , while the final result is the same , the derivation here is probably simpler and also directly linked to the usual derivation for the linearised pendulum . indeed , the interested reader could potentially use the presentation here as the starting point for a systematic improvement of the formula . furthermore , an important difference between the result of ganley and that obtained in this paper is mentioned at the end of the next section . the equation of motion for the simple pendulum can be derived by applying newton s second law to motion along the tangential direction of the arc , giving @xmath0 where @xmath1 is the length of the pendulum , @xmath2 the acceleration due to gravity and @xmath3 the angular displacemnent . the usual linearised approximation involves replacing @xmath4 by @xmath3 . let @xmath5 , so that the period , @xmath6 , of a linear pendulum is @xmath7 , which up to a constant of proportionality is the unique expression obtained by dimensional analysis . indeed , by dimensional analysis the period of the non - linear pendulum must be of the form @xmath8 where @xmath9 is the amplitude of oscillations and @xmath10 a function to be determined . an approximate expression for @xmath10 can be obtained by first rewriting the equation of motion in the suggestive form @xmath11 if one could treat the term in brackets as a constant , as it approximately is for small angles , then an attempted estimate of the period of the non - linear pendulum would be @xmath12 . of course this formula does not make much sense as it stands since the period can not depend on the angular displacement : the varying @xmath3 should be replaced by some `` average '' value @xmath13 that depends on the amplitude @xmath9 . thus we obtain @xmath14 perturbative solutions @xcite of the non - linear pendulum equation of motion give @xmath15 . comparing this with the perturbative expansion of the right - hand - side of eq.([try1 ] ) implies @xmath16 or @xmath17 . hence an first approximation for the period of a non - linear pendulum is @xmath18 the quality of this approximation can be determined by comparing it to the exact value @xcite given by @xmath19 where @xmath20 is the complete elliptic integral of the first kind . the two expressions @xmath21 and @xmath22 are plotted in figure(1 ) which shows that the approximation @xmath23 gives an accuracy of @xmath24 for amplitudes as large as @xmath25 radians . it should be noted that the approximation always lies below the exact answer , but unlike the exact answer it does not diverge at @xmath26 . while the same formula for the _ ratio _ @xmath21 was obtained by ganley in an interesting paper @xcite using different methods , the approach presented here gives @xmath23 explicitly and consequently in the limit of small angles the known expression @xmath6 is also recovered . perturbative solutions for @xmath10 are known ( or can be obtained by expansing the right - hand - side of ( [ ex ] ) ) . from the symmetry of the problem , one sees that only even powers of @xmath9 can appear . a natural question is : how many terms of the series expansion must be kept to get a @xmath24 accuracy in the period for an amplitude @xmath25 ? " ( that is , to compare with the approximate formula of the last section ) . a simple numerical exercise shows that all terms up to and including the eighth - order term must be taken into account . in a recent paper kidd and fogg @xcite motivated the approximation @xmath27 which provides a @xmath24 accuracy in the period for @xmath9 up to @xmath28 . though the expression of kidd and fogg is accurate over a smaller range of amplitudes than the expression @xmath23 , it shares one interesting feature with the exact expression : a divergence at @xmath29 . this suggests that one generalise the method of the last section by trying an _ ansatz _ for @xmath10 that also diverges at the extreme amplitude @xmath29 . one simple possibility , suggested by the form of eq.([rewrite ] ) is @xmath30 where @xmath31 is a positive constant to be determined . by comparing the first nontrivial terms of the power - series of both sides of the last equation , one obtains @xmath32 . the resulting expression @xmath33 always exceeds the exact answer and has an accuracy of @xmath24 for amplitudes up to @xmath34 radians . interestingly , the result @xmath35 is precisely the expression of molina @xcite but obtained there with a slightly different motivation . the approach presented in sect.(2 ) may possibly be viewed as a kind of adiabatic approximation " and perhaps improved on to give successively better approximations . the main result ( [ res1 ] ) is relatively simple and accurate to very large amplitudes . while the _ ratio _ @xmath36 was previously obtained in @xcite using different arguments , here an explicit expression for @xmath23 has been obtained . | a heuristic but pedagogical derivation is given of an explicit formula which accurately reproduces the period of a simple pendulum even for large amplitudes .
the formula is compared with others in the literature . *
an approximate expression for the large angle period of a simple pendulum * rajesh r. parwani department of physics and + university scholars programme , + # 03 - 07 , old administration block , + national university of singapore , + kent ridge , singapore . |
it is well known that within the standard model ( sm ) , single top quark production is negligible because of the flavor conservation in the leading order.however in a wide class of dynamical models extending the sm this possibility exists due to the large top mass close to the electroweak symmetry breaking scale . flavor changing neutral current ( fcnc ) interactions of top quarks has a particular importance . in these models the top quarks is predicted to have significantly large fcnc interactions @xcite . production of single top quarks via fcnc vertices was extensively studied at @xmath3 @xcite and at hadron colliders @xcite . at hera , as a lepton - hadron type collider , the same production was first investigated in @xcite . in this reference only the charm distribution in the proton is considered . the h1 collaboration searched for the production by considering both of anomalous vertices @xmath4 and @xmath5 from the fact that hera has much higher sensitivity to @xmath6 than to @xmath7 , due to more favorable parton density @xcite . in this paper we analyze anomalous single top production considering both of the @xmath8 and @xmath9 couplings to see especially the contribution of the second coupling . in order to make illustration clear we present the numerical results for hera and thera @xcite colliders with the cm energies @xmath10 and @xmath11 @xmath12 respectively . we consider the most general effective lagrangian proposed in @xcite ( generalized by the h1 collaboration to include @xmath13 transition ) to describe the anomalous top decays @xmath14 and @xmath15 : @xmath16uz^{\mu } + h.c.,\ ] ] where @xmath17 $ ] , @xmath18 is the weinberg angle , @xmath19 is the electric charge of up - type quarks , and @xmath20 denotes the scale up to which the effective theory is assumed to hold . by convention we set @xmath21 in the following . | we study the single top production mediated by flavor changing neutral current via both of the @xmath0 and @xmath1 vertices ( here q represents c and u quarks ) in @xmath2 collisions at two colliders hera and thera .
contribution of the second vertex becomes even more important as the couplings take more improved values provided by the higher luminosities of colliders .
in addition to these improvements if the cm energy of the collider is increased , the production will be dominated by the anomalous @xmath1 vertex . |
dwarf galaxies are the most dominant population of the present day universe @xcite . in the standard cold dark matter model low mass galaxies are considered to be the first luminous objects . if the present dwarfs are dark matter dominated , they could account for a significant fraction of the mass of galaxy clusters . besides their numerosity , dwarfs seem to be the simplest galactic system available for reliable observational study and theoretical modelling . the hydrodynamical simulations are based on our own variant of the chemo dynamical smoothed particle hydrodynamics ( * cd sph * ) approach , including feedback through star formation phenomena . the dynamics of the dark matter component are treated within a standard n body approach . thus , the satellite galaxy consists of dark matter , gas and `` star '' particles . for a detailed description of the * cd sph * code ( the star formation algorithm , the snii , snia and pn production , and the chemical enrichment ) the reader is referred to @xcite . it is to be noted that the code was slightly modified for the present problem so as to include the photometric evolution of each `` star '' particle , based on the idea of the single stellar population ( ssp ) @xcite . at each time - step , absolute magnitudes : m@xmath0 , m@xmath1 , m@xmath2 , m@xmath3 , m@xmath4 , m@xmath5 , m@xmath6 and m@xmath7 are defined separately for each `` star '' particle . the ssp integrated colours ( ubvrikm ) are taken from @xcite ( table 2 ) . the spectro photometric evolution of the overall ensemble of the `` star '' particles forms the spectral energy distribution ( sed ) of the satellite . the central host galaxy is assumed to be a milky - way like system . it is modelled as a disk + bulge + halo system according to @xcite . the initial satellite proto - galaxy is taken to be a gas rich and dark matter dominated proto dwarf with a total mass @xmath8 and an initial radius @xmath9 . the baryonic ( i.e. initial `` gas '' ) mass of the proto dwarf is @xmath10 , and the initial dark - matter ( dm ) mass is @xmath11 . initially the centre of the proto dwarf is located at galactocentric coordinates ( 0 , 0 , 150 kpc ) . the initial velocity field of this object is defined as the sum of the orbital motion in the host galaxy in the polar plane ( yz ) and the rotation around its own rotational axis ( parallel to the x axis of host galaxy ) . the initial velocity of orbital motion is : @xmath12 . the dimensionless angular velocity vector of the rotation is @xmath13 . as the system unit for this physical parameter we use the value : @xmath14 . extensive numerical simulation show that model evolution results in the formation of a baryon - dominated satellite galaxy . the basic process keeping this scenario is the dissipative nature of the baryonic component of the proto dwarf , which easily forms a compact structure with a radius smaller than the tidal radius . the practically dissipationless dark - matter component forms an extended structure which is effectively destroyed via tidal influence of the massive galaxy . this mechanism is very interesting in the context of the possible existence of of dsph galaxies with a low dark - matter content . * acknowledgements * the authors are grateful to pavel kroupa for stimulating this work and l.s . pilyugin and yu.i . izotov for fruitful discussions during the process of preparing this work . the work was partially supported by nato grant * nig 974675*. | the formation and evolution of a low mass galaxy in the gravitational field of a massive disk galaxy ( like the milky way ) has been studied .
numerical simulations of complex gas - dynamic flows are based on our own variant of the chemo
dynamical smoothed particle hydrodynamical ( * cd sph * ) approach , which incorporates star formation .
the dynamics of the dark matter was treated as a standard n body problem .
it is shown that the satellite galaxy effectively looses its dark matter component due to the strong tidal influence of the massive galaxy , while the gas , owing to its strong dissipative nature , forms an almost dark - matter free dwarf galaxy . |
the infrared spectrograph ( irs ) ( @xcite ) will provide the space infrared telescope facility ( sirtf ) ( @xcite ) with low and moderate - spectral resolution spectroscopic capabilities from 5.3 to 40 microns . the irs ( see fig . [ irs ] ) is composed of four separate modules , with two of the modules providing r@xmath360 spectral resolution over 5.3 to 40 microns and two modules providing r@xmath0600 spectral resolution over 10 to 37 microns . the irs instrument has no moving parts ( `` bolt - and - go '' philosophy ) . each module has its own entrance slit in the focal plane . the low - resolution modules employ long slit designs that allow both spectral and one - dimensional spatial information to be acquired simultaneously on the same detector array . two small imaging sub - arrays ( `` peak - up cameras '' ) in the short - low module ( sl ) will also allow infrared objects with poorly known positions to be accurately placed into any of the irs modules entrance slits . the high - resolution modules use a cross - dispersed echelle design that gives both spectral and spatial measurements on the same detector array . the expected sensitivity of irs is much higher than the one of the infrared space observatory . the theoretical sensitivity plots for the four modules are presented in following figures . the continuum point source ( 7@xmath4 , 500 seconds ) sensitivity of the low resolution module is 1 mjy at 12@xmath5 m . the line sensitivity of the high resolution module is 4@xmath610@xmath7 wm@xmath8 at 15@xmath5 m . the two peak - up cameras can center on sources as faint as 0.7 mjy . the saturation limits in 8 seconds for point ( extended ) sources are 5 jy ( 0.4 jyarcsec@xmath8 ) at 10@xmath5 m for the low resolution module and 50 jy ( 2.1 jy arcsec@xmath8 ) at 15@xmath5 m for the high resolution module . the 4 s saturation limits for the peak - up cameras are 0.5 jy for point sources and 40 mjyarcsec@xmath8 for extended sources . [ cols="^,^,^,^,^,^ " , ] [ table1 ] the diversity of the mid - infrared spectral features , became evident in this meeting . the intensity of the unidentified infrared bands was shown to vary substantially as a function of the intensity of the radiation field . their nature ( molecules in aromatic bond structures ) and physical properties are still under debate , while new features , such as the the 16.4 @xmath1 m ( @xcite ) are being discovered . it appears though , that the carriers of these bands are present in the photo - dissociation regions and their intensity reveals the presence of star formation activity , often obscured in the optical wavelengths . in conjunction with the other two instruments of sirtf , the mid - infrared camera ( irac ) and the mid / far - infrared photometer ( mips ) , irs provides unique opportunities for a wide range of research projects . it s worth mentioning that most of the sources detected by iras two decades ago are too bright to be observed by irs ! the superior sensitivity of irs will allow to detect dust in galaxies at high redshift ( @xcite ) and cool faint nearby stars . the small sizes of the slits , which are similar to the size of the point spread function , and the availability of the spectral - mapping mode will be powerful tools in tracing weak mid - infrared lines over a wide range of ism conditions . this improved spatial resolution should permit a better comparison between the mid - infrared and the optical / radio properties of the ism and result to a better understanding the underlying physical processes . more information on the irs and on upcoming deadlines for observing opportunities with sirtf can be found at the following web sites : + + http://www.astro.cornell.edu/sirtf + http://sirtf.caltech.edu | the infrared spectrograph ( irs ) is one of the three instruments on board the space infrared telescope facility ( sirtf ) to be launched in december 2001
. the irs will provide high resolution spectra ( r@xmath0600 ) from 1037@xmath1 m and low resolution spectra ( r@xmath260 ) from 5.340@xmath1 m .
its high sensitivity and `` spectral mapping - mode '' make it a powerful instrument for observing both faint point - like and extended sources . |
we have computed the x - ray and far infrared ( fir ) luminosities expected in a massive , young starburst using the cmhk ( cervio , mas - hesse & kunth ) synthesis population models @xcite . a salpeter initial mass function ( @xmath3 ) has been assumed , with masses within the range @xmath4 , 2 different star formation regimes instantaneous burst ( ib ) or constant star formation rate ( csfr ) and solar metallicities . we have analyzed the first 30 myrs after the onset of a massive starburst episode . the x - ray luminosity is calculated in the range @xmath5 kev . the models compute only the emisison by the diffuse gas heated by the mechanical energy released by stellar winds and supernova remnants . the x - ray emission is modeled by raymond - smith thermal plasmas with a range of temperatures typical of starburst galaxies ( between 0.5 and 1.0 kev ) . the fraction of mechanical energy @xmath6 effectively heating the gas up to x - rays temperatures is left as a free parameter . the contribution by x - ray binaries and stellar atmospheres has not been considered , since it should be negligible ( cervio et al . 2002 ) . a thermal equilibrium of dust has been assumed , which implies all energy absorbed by dust being reemitted in the far infrared range . the models assume that a fraction @xmath7 of lyman continuum photons are directly absorbed by the dust . the absorption of of uv optical continuum photons is parameterized through @xmath8 . the values considered were @xmath9 and @xmath10 . figure [ fig : figu1 ] shows the evolution of the soft x ray luminosity and the @xmath1/@xmath2 ratio , as predicted by the models assuming different star formation regimes and efficiencies . we want to stress that this ratio is strongly dependent on the evolutionary state of the starburst , spanning around 2 orders of magnitude within few million years . the data samples from @xcite and @xcite ( hereinafter , _ ran _ and _ tul _ respectively ) were chosen in order to compare with the predictions from the models . as shown in the bottom panels of figure [ fig : figu1 ] , the observational ratios can be well reproduced by the synthesis models considering efficiency values in the range @xmath11 , typical of starburst galaxies ( cervio et al . moreover , our results show that the dispersion observed in the samples ratios can be explained as being mostly an evolutionary effect . therefore we conclude that the empirical calibration of the soft x - ray luminosity as an sfr ( star formation rate ) tracer has to be taken with care , since it would be valid only for starbursts around a relatively short period of time . cervio , m. , & mas - hesse , j. m. 1994 , , 284 , 749 cervio , m. , mas - hesse , j. m. , & kunth , d. 2002 , , 392 , 19 ranalli , p. , comastri , a. , & setti , g. 2003 , , 399 , 39 tllmann , r. , breitschwerdt , d. , rossa , j. , et al . 2006 , , 457 , 779 | the study of massive star formation needs some basic tools , among which reliable sfr tracers are crucial ones .
we are presently revising the calibration of sfr tracers at different wavelength ranges using last generation evolutionary population synthesis codes .
the fir luminosity produced by the heated dust in star forming regions is commonly used to characterize a starburst .
the x - ray luminosity has been found to show a narrow correlation with it , and therefore it has been proposed as an additional tracer of potential interest for high @xmath0 galaxies , whose fir emission is redshifted to the sub - mm range . in this communication
we analyze the evolution of the x - ray to fir luminosities ratio as predicted by the cmhk population synthesis models , both for constant stellar formation and instantaneous bursts .
the results are compared to some sample data taken from the literature .
the conclusion drawn from the comparison is that the empirical calibration of the soft x - ray luminosity seems a valid sfr tracer only for starbursts around a rather short period of time . |
with isospin symmetry conserving interactions , the @xmath1 of neutron - rich matter of isospin asymmetry @xmath2 can be written as ( see e.g. , @xcite ) , @xmath3 , where @xmath4 and @xmath5 is the energy per nucleon in isospin asymmetric and symmetric nuclear matter , respectively . the density dependence of the symmetry energy @xmath6 is the most important issue about the eos of neutron - rich matter@xcite . in fact , to determine the @xmath6 has been a longstanding goal of extensive research with various microscopic and/or phenomenological models over the last few decades . however , the predicted @xmath6 are still rather divergent especially at high densities . theoretical results can be roughly classified into two groups , i.e. , a group where the @xmath6 rises monotonically with density and one in which it begins to fall above about @xmath7@xcite . the high density behaviour of @xmath6 is actually considered by some astrophysicists as the most uncertain property of dense neutron - rich matter@xcite . the importance of probing the eos of neutron - rich matter lies in both nuclear physics and astrophysics . first of all , new structures of dripline nuclei , such as the appearance of new magic numbers , and the reaction mechanisms of radioactive nuclei are all strongly influenced by the isospin - dependence of the nuclear eos . it also has profound consequences on many important issues in astrophysics@xcite . these include nucleosynthesis in pre - supernova evolution of massive stars , mechanisms of supernova explosions , neutrino flux , kaon condensations and the hadron - qgp phase transition in neutron stars , etc . in a neutron star , several of its main properties are affected significantly by the correlation between the density and the proton fraction @xmath8 at @xmath9 equilibrium . the latter is determined by @xmath10 the equilibrium proton fraction is therefore entirely determined by the @xmath6 . we use the following two forms of the symmetry energy for an illustration @xmath11 and @xmath12 where @xmath13 . the values of @xmath14 corresponding to these two forms of symmetry energy are shown in the insert of fig . 1 . with the @xmath15 , the @xmath16 is @xmath17 for @xmath18 , indicating that the neutron star has become a pure neutron matter at these high densities . on the contrary , with the @xmath19 , the neutron star becomes more proton - rich as the density increases . to see the connection between neutron stars and heavy - ion collisions , using a nuclear transport model@xcite we study in fig . 1 the isospin asymmetry @xmath20 in central @xmath21 reactions@xcite . effects due to the different symmetry energies are clearly revealed especially at high densities . an astonishing similarity is seen in the resultant @xmath22 correlations for neutron stars and heavy - ion collisions since the same underlying nuclear @xmath1 is at work in both cases . it is qualitatively easy to understand why the @xmath0 ratio in heavy - ion collisions can be used to extract crucial information about the eos of neutron - rich matter . on one hand , within the @xmath23 resonance model for pion production from first - chance independent nucleon - nucleon collisions , the primordial @xmath0 ratio is @xmath24 . it is thus sensitive to the isospin asymmetry @xmath25 of dense matter in the participant region of heavy - ion collisions . on the other hand , within the statistical model for pion production@xcite , the @xmath0 ratio is proportional to @xmath26 $ ] , where t is the temperature . the difference in nucleon chemical potentials @xmath27 is proportional to the strength of the symmetry potential@xcite . therefore from both pictures the @xmath0 ratio is useful for extracting the eos of dense neutron - rich matter . shown in fig . 2 are the isospin asymmetry of the high density region @xmath28 ( left ) and the @xmath29 ratio ( right ) @xmath30 as a function of time for the central @xmath21 reaction at beam energies from 200 to 1000 mev / nucleon . this ratio naturally becomes the final @xmath0 ratio at the freeze - out when the reaction time @xmath31 is much longer than the lifetime of the delta resonance @xmath32 . the @xmath29 ratio is rather high in the early stage of the reaction because of the large numbers of neutron - neutron scatterings near the surfaces where the neutron skins of the colliding nuclei overlap . it is seen that a variation of about 30% in the @xmath33 due to the different @xmath6 results in about 15% change in the final @xmath0 ratio . it has thus an appreciable response factor of about 0.5 to the variation of n / p ratio and is approximately beam energy independent . therefore , the @xmath29 ratio is a sensitive probe of the high density behaviour of nuclear symmetry energy . shown in fig . 3 is the reaction system dependence of the @xmath0 ratio . the symmetry energy effects increase with the isospin asymmetry energy as one expected . in summary , within an isospin - dependent transport model we found that the @xmath0 ratio is a promising probe of the eos of dense neutron - rich matter . this work was supported by the national science foundation under grant no . phy-0088934 and phy-0243571 . | nuclear reactions induced by high energy radioactive beams create a transient state of nuclear matter with high density and appreciable neutron to proton asymmetry . this will provide a unique opportunity to explore novel properties of dense neutron - rich matter and the isospin - dependence of the nuclear equation of state ( eos ) . here
we study the @xmath0 ratio as a probe of the eos of dense neutron - rich matter . |
vega ( @xmath1 lyr = hd 172167 = hr 7001 ) is a population i star of spectral type a0 v , with a projected rotational velocity @xmath2 km@xmath3s@xmath4 . it has been extensively studied both for its role of primary spectrophotometric standard in the visual and in the uv , respectively , and for its role of comparison star in abundance studies of a - type stars . vega has a distinctly non solar composition . since baschek & slettebak ( 1988 ) drew attention to the similarity between the abundance pattern of @xmath0 boo stars and that of vega , there has been a long debate whether vega should be listed among the chemically peculiar stars of @xmath0 boo type . moreover , baschek & slettebak suggested that the @xmath0 boo stars may be regarded as _ rotating vegas _ , or conversely vega may be regarded as a _ mild non rotating @xmath0 boo star_. high dispersion spectrum ( 4 @xmath3mm@xmath4 ) of vega was obtained with the coud spectrograph of the ondejov observatory 2m telescope on 19 august 1992 . the blue region was covered , @xmath5 4043 to 5057 . the abundances of individual elements are derived by the curve - of - growth method . altogether , 245 lines of 16 elements have been identified and their equivalent widths were measured . the mean microturbulent velocity was @xmath6 km@xmath3s@xmath4 . .abundances derived for vega in the present work ( the number of lines used is indicated in parentheses ) , and compared with the study by adelman & gulliver ( 1990 , hereafter ag ) , and solar composition as derived by anders & grevesse ( 1989 ) . [ cols="<,^,^,^,<,^,^,^",options="header " , ] the results of the abundance analysis are given in table 1 along with the results of a previous study by adelman & gulliver ( 1990 ) . for reference we also give the solar composition from anders & grevesse ( 1989 ) . abundances are expressed as @xmath7 . the @xmath0 boo stars are a class of metal - poor population i a - type stars . since the prototype was recognized by w.w . morgan in 1943 , somewhat different criteria of classification of @xmath0 boo stars were used ( c.f . review by paunzen in the present volume for more details ) . the most detailed abundance study of @xmath0 boo stars was performed by strenburg ( 1993 ) who analyzed 13 stars . the abundance pattern known from previous studies was confirmed : ( i ) the light elements ( c , n , o and s ) have a solar abundance , and ( ii ) the heavier elements ( mg , al , ca , fe , ... ) are underabundant by up to a factor of 100 . vega is not included in the recent ` consolidated catalogue of @xmath0 bootis stars ' by paunzen et al . ( 1997 ) since at classification resolution it does not share the properties of @xmath0 boo stars ( c.f . gray , 1996 , for details ) . however , its abundance pattern clearly resembles those of @xmath0 boo stars as inferred from comparison with strenburg s results for his sample of @xmath0 boo stars ( fig . it certainly is slightly metal - weak , and either 1 ) may possibly represent what a @xmath0 boo star would look like some tens of millions of years after the _ @xmath0 boo mechanism _ turns off , or 2 ) may derive its properties from a similar mechanism to the @xmath0 boo mechanism which , presumably , is the accretion of metal - depleted gas under slightly different conditions , which would lead to a result similar to , but not identical with what we see in the @xmath0 boo stars ( gray 1997 , priv . commun . ) . holweger & rentsch holm ( 1995 ) have found that if vega was observed at a more typical inclination , it would follow the correlation between ca deficiency and rotation shown by other stars of the @xmath0 boo class . in that sense , vega is exceptional among so - called vega - type dusty a stars . evidence for rapid rotation of vega came from luminosity excess ( gray 1988 ) and detailed line profile calculations ( gulliver et al . the idea that vega is a rapid rotator seen pole - on may have an important role in interpreting the observed properties of vega . the authors are thankful to dr . richard gray for stimulating correspondence . kp thanks the staff of the stellar dept . of the astronomical institute of the academy of sciences of the czech republic for their help and hospitality during an observing run in august 1992 . this work has been supported by a mzt project 007002 of croatian ministery of science and technology . | since baschek & slettebak ( 1988 ) drew attention to the similarity between the abundance pattern of @xmath0 boo stars and that of vega , there has been a long debate whether vega should be listed among the chemically peculiar stars of @xmath0 boo type .
we performed an elemental abundance analysis using a high dispersion spectrum in the optical region , and confirmed its mild metal underabundance . in our discussion
we reinforce the suggestion that vega is a mild @xmath0 boo star . |
a characteristic feature of high energy collisions is the multiparticle production . it is generally understood as following from a primary hard interaction ( here @xmath5 ) with subsequent evolution of a parton cascade according to the rules of perturbative qcd from the initial scale @xmath6 down to a low energy scale @xmath7 where colour confinement leads to the formation of hadrons . the parton evolution is dominated by gluon bremsstrahlung with its collinear and soft singularities which causes the jet structure of the partonic final state also characteristic of the final state of hadrons . the transition into hadrons is described by non - perturbative models . in a particularly simple ansatz for hadronization one assumes that observables for the multiparticle final state are proportional to the corresponding quantities for partons , an idea which has been proposed originally for single inclusive energy spectra and is called `` local parton hadron duality '' ( lphd ) . subsequently , this idea has been applied to a rather wide range of phenomena from inclusive multiparticle correlations to quasi - exclusive processes ( for reviews , see @xcite ) . the agreement with data generally increases with the accuracy of the calculations . here we report on a recent application @xcite of these duality ideas to the moments of multiplicity distributions which correspond to integrals over multiparticle correlation functions . experimental results on these quantities have been presented by the l3 collaboration @xcite . we consider here the unnormalized and normalized factorial moments @xmath8 and @xmath9 @xmath10 with multiplicity distribution @xmath11 and mean multiplicity @xmath12 . furthermore , one introduces the cumulant moments @xmath13 and @xmath14 which are used to measure the genuine correlations without uncorrelated background in a multiparticle sample @xmath15 in particular @xmath16 ; for a poisson distribution @xmath17 for @xmath18 . of special interest are the ratios @xmath19 as there is a prediction for high energies of an oscillatory behaviour @xcite with the first minimum near @xmath20 at lep energies . such a minimum has been observed indeed in @xmath0 annihilations at slc @xcite and at lep @xcite but the magnitudes of moments are found much smaller than predicted @xcite . predictions in @xcite are obtained by solving numerically the evolution equations for the moments which are derived from the evolution equations of the single jet generating function ( review @xcite ) together with the initial condition at threshold at fixed transverse momentum cut - off @xmath21 . this cut - off characterizes at the same time the hadronization scale @xmath22 in the description of the hadronic final state and also the jet resolution ( parameter @xmath23 at jet energy @xmath24 ) for the jet final state obtained with a jet algorithm based on a transverse momentum cut - off ( `` durham algorithm '' ) . different approximations are considered . in the double logarithmic approximation ( dla ) one takes into account the most singular bremsstrahlung singularities . this corresponds to the asymptotic solution and some results can be given in analytic form , for example , @xmath25 . these asymptotic results are quickly approached above threshold energy @xmath26 where there is only one particle in the jet . then , @xmath27 for @xmath18 and @xmath14 oscillates @xmath28 and consequently also @xmath1 does . the modified logarithmic approximation ( mlla ) takes into account certain non - leading logarithmic terms and gives a more realistic description at finite energies . in fig . [ hqmlla - nf ] the energy dependence of the parton multiplicity ( cut - off @xmath7 for hadrons ) is seen above the multiplicity for jets at the same ratio @xmath29 because the transverse momentum is in the argument of the coupling constant @xmath30 and @xmath31 ( see also @xcite ) . contrary to the dla the threshold for higher moments @xmath9 is shifted towards higher energies . remarkably , there is a poissonian transition point with @xmath32 for all moments . below this point the @xmath1 ratios show rapid oscillations as in ( [ kmom0 ] ) whereas above there is a transition to oscillations of length increasing with energy . finally , a comparison of data is performed with a monte carlo calculation of the parton cascade where we use ariadne - d as in @xcite but with refit parameters @xmath7 and @xmath33 to simulate the hadronic final state directly . here energy momentum conservation is fully taken into account as well as the @xmath34 matrix element for @xmath35 . the results are similar to those from the mlla evolution equation . in particular , the data on jet and hadron multiplicities with the splitting as in fig . [ hqmlla - nf ] are rather well described and also the variation of the oscillation pattern of @xmath1 with jet resolution @xmath36 , see fig . [ l3oscillations ] , in further support of the duality approach . l3 collaboration , p.achard et al . , ; l3 note 2676 , submitted to int . europhysics conf . on hep ( paper 512 ) , budapest , 2001 , http://l3.web.cern.ch/l3/conferences/budapest2001/papers/ + note_2676/note_2676.ps.gz ( june 25 , 2001 ) . | recently , the moments of multiplicity distributions in @xmath0 annihilation and the ratios @xmath1 ( cumulant over factorial moments @xmath2 ) have been determined both for the hadronic final state and for jets at variable resolution .
these ratios show an oscillatory behaviour as function of @xmath3 with strong dependence of the amplitude and length of oscillation on the jet resolution parameter @xmath4 .
the recent explanation of this phenomenon based on perturbative qcd calculations is discussed . |
we introduce an enhancement to destin @xcite that is aimed at simplifying the architecture and improving its ability to capture temporal features . the destin architecture consists of multiple instantiations of a common node arranged into layers . using the recurrent clustering algorithm presented , spatiotemporal dependencies are naturally captured throughout the hierarchy . this recurrent clustering algorithm replaces the earlier incremental clustering algorithm and state - transition table which previously constructed the core of the destin node . each node operates independently and in parallel to all others which makes this architecture particularly well - suited to implementation in parallel hardware . the changes made here make the task of a parallel implementation , whether it be on a gpu or in custom analog circuitry , much more achievable . in this section we will describe a recurrent incremental clustering algorithm that forms centroids on a space comprised of a concatenation of the current spatial input and the previous belief state . the belief state represents the probability that the current combination of external observation and internal belief state belongs to each of the centroids . the core of this recurrent clustering system is a winner - take - all clustering algorithm that maintains estimates for the mean , @xmath0 , and a variance , @xmath1 , for each dimension of each centroid @xcite . these are updated according to eqs . and . in these equations @xmath2 is the current observation , @xmath3 is the centroid being updated , and @xmath4 are learning rates . in order to handle cases of poor centroid initialization , a mechanism called starvation trace is employed to help select the centroid to be updated , as outlined in eqs . and . the starvation trace , @xmath5 , decays with time when a centroid is not selected for an update . this value is used to weight the distance between the corresponding centroid and the observation , such that centroids which are distant from all observations can be updated . @xmath6 @xmath7 @xmath8}}\label{eq : selectupdate-1}\ ] ] @xmath9 once the selected centroid is updated , the elements of the belief state , @xmath10 , are updated using the normalized euclidean distance between the @xmath11-dimensional input vector , @xmath2 , and each centroid , @xmath12 , in the set of centroids , @xmath13 , as shown in eqs . and . @xmath14 @xmath15 in recurrent clustering the belief state is concatenated with the current input to form the space over which clustering is performed.,height=1 ] this belief state is used as a portion of the input to the core clustering algorithm , as depicted in figure [ fig : recurrent - clustering ] . introducing this feedback raises the concern of balancing the importance of the spatial input and the temporal belief in the selection algorithm . if the temporal component is not given adequate weight , this feedback loop will have no effect . if , however , it is given too much weight , the spatial element may be ignored . it was sufficient to employ a simple euclidean distance measure to select the winning centroid . however , if the distributions of the spatial input and the belief states are vastly different , it may be necessary to use a normalized euclidean distance with a constant normalization vector , the elements of which serve as weights for each dimension . here we report on a series of experiments designed to demonstrate the ability of the revised destin architecture to represent temporal information . first , we explore the recurrent clustering algorithm s abilities on a simple sequence analysis test case , and then the performance of the algorithm in a full - scale architecture is demonstrated on a couple of standard benchmarks . it is important that the recurrent clustering be able to capture regularities across time . in order to demonstrate this capability , binary sequence detection tasks were studied with varying lengths for the sequence of interest . the clustering algorithm is presented with equal probability either the sequence of interest , or a sequence identical to it with only the first element inverted . the belief states for each of the sequences were provided to a feed - forward neural network for the purpose of classifying each sequence . figure [ fig : seqdet ] illustrates an exponentially - decaying relationship between the classification accuracy and the length of the sequence of interest . this is to be expected given that there is no supervision to guide the algorithm in capturing temporal dependencies of any specific length . the results highlight that if too few centroids are considered , the algorithm has insufficient resources to represent dependencies that span longer time intervals . if too many centroids are used , the belief state may capture features in the data not relevant to identifying the sequence of interest . however , such sensitivity to the number of centroids is desirably weak . the revised clustering scheme was next used in a full - scale architecture and applied to the mnist dataset classification problem @xcite . the destin hierarchy used was made up of @xmath16 layers of nodes with each layer consisting @xmath17 , @xmath18 and @xmath19 nodes from bottom to top . the bottom layer viewed a @xmath20 window that is shifted over the image , with each bottom layer node receiving a unique @xmath17 patch . the bottom , middle , and top layer nodes used @xmath21 , @xmath22 , and @xmath21 centroids , respectively . the hierarchy was then trained on @xmath23 of the training set images . next , all training images and testing images were provided to the hierarchy in order to generate feature vectors . the feature vector for each image consisted of each node s belief state sampled at every @xmath24 movement . these feature vectors were provided to an ensemble of 11 feed - forward neural networks trained with negative correlation learning . each ffnn consisted of two hidden layers , with 128 and 64 hidden neurons in the first and second layer respectively . a classification accuracy of @xmath25 was achieved which is comparable to results using the first - generation destin architecture @xcite and to results achieved with other state - of - the - art methods @xcite . | this paper presents a basic enhancement to the destin deep learning architecture by replacing the explicitly calculated transition tables that are used to capture temporal features with a simpler , more scalable mechanism .
this mechanism uses feedback of state information to cluster over a space comprised of both the spatial input and the current state .
the resulting architecture achieves state - of - the - art results on the mnist classification benchmark . |
recent analysis of the spectra of the family of schrdinger operators with a complex pt invariant potential @xcite @xmath0 has raised considerable interest on such class of operators @xcite-@xcite . the motivation for the requirement of parity times time reversal ( pt ) ( actually , complex conjugation ) symmetry comes from a conjecture of d. bessis relating it to the existence of real energy bound states ( in other words , non - decaying resonances ) . from a practical point of view , pt symmetry is a way of selecting a specific riemann sheet in the @xmath1 cut complex coordinate plane , the cut being necessary to cope with the @xmath2 branch point of the potential . the loss of hermiticity of @xmath3 seems to imply complex energies for localized eigenstates , with @xmath4 ( i.e. , levels with nonzero widths ) , and consequently certain rate of decay of any initially localized state . the loss of hermiticity may be mediated , e.g. , by a spatial asymmetry of the potential . for example , it seems obvious that the cubic anharmonic hamiltonian @xmath5 allows particles to escape to infinity for any real coupling @xmath6 . a deeper perturbative and borel - summation analysis of this problem proved such an oversimplified thumb rule wrong many years ago . calicetti et al @xcite have shown that the spectrum of the cubic anharmonic oscillator ( [ aho ] ) becomes _ purely real _ and positive at any purely imaginary coupling @xmath7 with @xmath8 . moreover , the interpretation of the set of resonances of the hamiltonian ( [ aho ] ) as analogous to a set of bound states requires a suitable analytic continuation in @xmath9 and/or a careful deformation of the integration path @xcite . the schrdinger equation for the hamiltonian operator eq . ( [ xpown ] ) can not be integrated algebraically , and one has to resort to numerical methods for its analysis . cannata et al @xcite have found the way of generating complex hamiltonians related to real hamiltonians , by applying a method invented by darboux more than one hundred years ago . unfortunately , the resulting models have a very complicated structure . in this paper we propose a family of problems characterized by two parameters , see eq . ( [ pot ] ) below , one of them ( @xmath10 ) playing a role analogous to the parameter @xmath10 of eq . ( [ xpown ] ) and the other ( @xmath11 ) serving to _ tune _ the interaction thus widening the richness of the spectrum . our study of this family will be numerical or , in other words , phenomenological , hoping that it will help a further mathematical analysis . one of the main simplifications of our model is that the required complex integration paths are lines parallel to the real axis , easy to implement and to interpret . we consider the two - parameter family of one - dimensional potentials @xmath12 for arbitrary real values of @xmath10 and @xmath11 . these functions have in general a branch point at @xmath2 and we select such a branch that the real part of the potential is _ symmetric _ and the imaginary part _ antisymmetric _ with respect to the origin . specifically , the potential will be defined by the two equations @xmath13 thus having an invariant hamiltonian under the pt transformation , i.e. , parity transformation and complex conjugation . this requires to cut the complex @xmath14-plane from @xmath2 up to @xmath15 , and to consider the relevant negative @xmath14 values below the cut , i.e. with a small negative imaginary part or a phase @xmath16 . .variability of our pt symmetric potential with parameter @xmath10 , for @xmath17 and any real @xmath11 [ cols="<,<,<",options="header " , ] for nonhermitean cases we change the coordinate according to @xmath18 so that the hamiltonian operator becomes @xmath19^ { \alpha } \cos(q)^ { \beta}\ ] ] and we can apply the rpm as in the case of a real schrdinger equation . if the potential energy is an even function of @xmath20 we apply the method just indicated ; if it is not then the rpm leads to two hankel determinants @xcite from which we obtain both @xmath21 and @xmath22 . table [ rpm2 ] shows results for @xmath23 and @xmath24 in excellent agreement with the numerical integration discussed above . we have carried out the rpm calculations algebraically by means of maple , resorting to a numerical approach just at the end in order to obtain the roots of the hankel determinants @xcite . for this reason the requirement of computer memory is considerable in the case of a nonsymmetric potential - energy function , and we can not handle determinants of the same dimension as in the symmetric case . for @xmath25 we have tried to overcome this problem by means of the change of coordinate @xmath26 @xcite and applying rpm for symmetric potential - energy functions to the resulting hamiltonian operator @xmath27^{\alpha}.\ ] ] table [ rpm3 ] shows results for @xmath23 and @xmath24 . in the former case the result is identical ( though more accurate ) to the one shown in table [ rpm2 ] ; however , in the latter case we do not obtain the lowest eigenvalue but the first excited one . we have not yet being able to justify this anomalous behavior of the rpm when @xmath24 . rg and jr are supported by dges under contract nb . mz acknowledges the financial support via grants a 104 8602 ( ga av r ) and 202/96/0218 ( ga r ) . | we consider a two - parameter nonhermitean quantum - mechanical hamiltonian operator that is invariant under the combined effects of parity and time reversal transformations .
numerical investigation shows that for some values of the potential parameters the hamiltonian operator supports real eigenvalues and localized eigenfunctions .
in contrast with other pt symmetric models which require special integration paths in the complex plane , our model is integrable along a line parallel to the real axis .
pacs numbers : 03.65.-w , 03.65.ge , 02.60.lj , 11.30.er , 12.90.+b , 34.10.+x , |
the straightforward generalization of the standard model through the inclusion of extra chiral generations of heavy leptons ( n , e ) and quarks ( u , d ) was studied in a number of papers @xcite . in @xcite the analysis of deviations from the standard model due to 4th generation contribution was carried out in terms of @xmath3 , @xmath4 and @xmath5 parameters for 4th generation particles being much heavier than @xmath6 . the case of new light physics was investigated in @xcite , using modified @xmath3 , @xmath4 and @xmath5 parameters in order to take into account the effects of relatively light new particles . particle and astroparticle implications of the 4th generation neutrinos were studied in @xcite . a more thourough investigation of the properties of the 4th generation in the framework of gut models was carried out in @xcite . it was shown in @xcite that unifying spins and charges in the framework of so(1,13 ) group one gets four families of leptons and quarks . possible manifestations of 4th generation particles at hadron colliders were studied in @xcite . the bounds on the existence of the 4th generation from the analysis of the electroweak data fit were obtained in @xcite . however , the dependence of z - resonance shape on the contribution of 4th generation and , in particular , on the location of the threshold of @xmath0 production was not considered in @xcite , because the results were obtained in the breit - wigner approximation . this approximation is valid for the thresholds of 4th generation particles production being far from @xmath6 . if the threshold location approaches @xmath6 ( @xmath7 ) , than one gets a fast worsening of the fit ( see fig . 4 of @xcite ) . it is due to the fact that the standard approach to the radiative corrections to the electroweak observables , used in @xcite , does not work in the presence of the heavy neutrino ( n ) with @xmath8 . after taylor expansion over @xmath9 the expression for the polarization operator tends to infinity for @xmath10 , because the point , at which the taylor expansion is performed , becomes the branch point of the polarization operator . according to the results of @xcite the best fit corresponds to @xmath11 gev , that is why careful analysis of the region @xmath12 is undertaken in this paper . we study the dependence of the z - lineshape on the location of the threshold of @xmath0 production . we analyze the energy dependence of @xmath13 cross section near z - resonance and find that it exhibits a characteristic behavior near the threshold , a casp . the casp is caused by the square root ( @xmath14 ) , appearing in the contribution of 4th generation neutrino to the polarization operator of z - boson . the form of the casp is determined by the location of the threshold with respect to @xmath6 . then we compare the theoretical expression for the z - lineshape with the experimental data , presented in @xcite , using the zfitter @xcite in order to take into account the electromagnetic corrections , and find that the 4th generation is excluded at 95% c. l. for @xmath15 gev . this bound depends on the masses of the charged 4th generation particles and on the mass of the higgs . using the results of @xcite , we fix the mass of the charged lepton ( e ) and take into account that the splitting of quark masses and higgs mass are not independent . this leaves us with one free parameter the splitting of quark masses , which we vary from 0 to 50 gev . this variation is the source of the theoretical uncertainty in the bound on n mass as well as the uncertainties of the input parameters of zfitter . note , that the @xmath16 for the z - lineshape with 4th generation is even better for certain region of mass values then the @xmath16 for the sm prediction . the paper is organized as follows . in section 2 we discuss the general behaviour of the cross - sections near threshold . in section 3 the exact formulae for the contributions of 4th generation particles to the cross section of @xmath17 are presented . we study the behavior of the @xmath18 cross section near the threshold of @xmath0 production in section 4 . using the result of section 3 we compare our prediction for the z - lineshape in the presence of 4th generation with the experimental data in section 5 . the conclusions are presented in section 6 . let s consider the interaction of two particles a and b , which form some resonance r , which in its turn decays into a system of particles f ( see fig . 1 ) . the behavior of the cross section of this process near r - peak can be calculated in the general case , regardless of the exact form of interaction . we need only the partial width of particle r. the cross section near the resonance is described by the breit - wigner formula @xcite : @xmath19 where @xmath20 , @xmath21 and @xmath22 are mass and total width of r correspondingly , @xmath23 . @xmath24 , @xmath25 and @xmath26 are spins of particles r , a and b correspondingly . | the dependence of the z - resonance shape on the location of the threshold of the @xmath0 production ( @xmath1 is the 4th generation neutrino ) is analyzed .
the bounds on the existence of 4th generation are derived from the comparison of the theoretical expression for the z - lineshape with the experimental data .
the 4th generation is excluded at 95% c. l. for @xmath2 gev . |
we are carrying out an exoplanet search to exploit the `` m dwarf opportunity . '' approximately 70% of main sequence stars are m dwarfs , spanning a factor of 5 in mass / radius and @xmath210@xmath3 in luminosity . due to their smaller masses and radii and cooler temperatures compared to fgk stars , transiting exoplanets produced deeper eclipses of m dwarfs , exoplanet habitable zones are closer , and exoplanet radial velocity amplitude reflex motions are larger . more recently , a new `` m dwarf opportunity '' for finding exoplanets has been identified with the kepler mission not only are planets smaller than 4 @xmath4 more common than jovian planets , they are predominantly found around lower mass stars ( howard et al . 2012 , dressing & charbonneau 2013 ) . there are several factors spoiling the `` m dwarf opportunity . '' first , m dwarfs are red and faint , with @xmath5 mag and only 4 m4 or later dwarfs with @xmath6 mag . additionally , small planetary rv signals are comparable in amplitude and time - scale to numerous periodic perturbing stellar jitter signals such as rotational spot modulation & magnetic activity cycles ( vanderberg et al . 2015 , robertson et al . 2015 ) . one solution to both of these challenges is to observe in the nir , where m dwarfs put out much of their bolometric luminosity , and the amplitude of stellar jitter is diminished ( reiners et al . 2010 , plavchan et al . 2013a , b,2015 , anglada - escude et al . we have obtained our goal precision of @xmath230 - 60 m / s in our young m dwarf survey from 2010 - 2012 , and @xmath220 - 30 m / s in 2014 at higher snr for nearby m dwarfs not previously surveyed by visible rv teams . we present a sample rv curve and our survey results in figure 1 . we are in the process of publishing our detailed survey results . looking towards the future , we have made the gas cells for ishell ( r@xmath275,000 , spectral grasp of 250 nm ) , which will replace cshell in 2016 . we expect to get to @xmath7 5 m / s precision with ishell due to the increased spectral grasp alone ( figure 2 ) . the increased efficiency , resolution , no fringing , and smaller number of bad pixels will provide further improvements . = 6 , rms=22 m / s , @xmath8 ) . right : cshell nir rv survey results , plotted as a function of rv rms and reduced chi - squared for both young and nearby m dwarfs in red and blue respectively.,title="fig:",width=211 ] = 6 , rms=22 m / s , @xmath8 ) . right : cshell nir rv survey results , plotted as a function of rv rms and reduced chi - squared for both young and nearby m dwarfs in red and blue respectively.,title="fig:",width=240 ] anglada - escude , g. , et al . , 2012 , pasp , 124 , 586 dressing , c. & charbonneau , d. , 2013 , apj , 767 , 95 2012 , apjs , 201 , 15 reiners , a. , et al . , 2010 , apj , 710 , 432 plavchan , p. , et al . , 2015 , nasa exopag report , arxiv:1503.01770 plavchan , p. , et al . , 2013a , spie , 8864 , 0 g plavchan , p. , et al . , 2013b , spie 8864 , 1j 2015 , apj 801 , 79 vanderberg , a. , et al . , 2015 , in prep . | we present the results of two 2.3 @xmath0 m near - infrared ( nir ) radial velocity ( rv ) surveys to detect exoplanets around 36 nearby and young m dwarfs .
we use the cshell spectrograph ( @xmath146,000 ) at the nasa infrared telescope facility ( irtf ) , combined with an isotopic methane absorption gas cell for common optical path relative wavelength calibration .
we have developed a sophisticated rv forward modeling code that accounts for fringing and other instrumental artifacts present in the spectra . with a spectral grasp of only 5 nm , we are able to reach long - term radial velocity dispersions of @xmath220 - 30 m / s on our survey targets . + +
keywords : instrumentation : spectrographs , techniques : radial velocities |
spatially resolving cepheid binary systems is the first step in measuring the inclination of the orbit . a successful resolution means that ultimately both the mass and distance can be determined from first principles . this provides cosmologically important distances , and also benchmarks for stellar evolution calculations . we have developed a new approach to resolving cepheid binaries using the hubble space telescope faint object camera ( hst foc ) in the objective prism mode . the basic approach was first put forward by massa & endal ( 1987a , b ) . in cepheid binary systems , bright companions will be hot main sequence stars . in this case , the cepheid dominates in the visible part of the spectrum , however it contributes very little flux to the ultraviolet spectrum , where the hot companion dominates . the two components may be unresolved in an image . in the low resolution foc spectra , however , the location of the centroid of the spectrum on the detector will shift as a function of wavelength as the star producing the spectrum changes from the cepheid in the visible to the companion in the ultraviolet . the locations of the spectrum centroids for the two stars can be measured very accurately , better than 0.01 " for the foc . we have now obtained first epoch observations of both aw per and u aql with the hst foc ( faint object camera ) with the nuv ( near ultraviolet ) objective prism . measuring the inclination of a system requires two observations at phases carefully selected from the ground - based orbit of the cepheid . in addition , at each epoch , several observations must be made with varying satellite roll angles to determine the magnitude and orientation of the angular separation on the sky . results are shown in fig.1 . the data are fitted to a model of the relative contribution of each component based on observed iue spectra of the composite system , which , of course , includes the reddening ( evans , 1992 , 1994 ) . ( residual distortions in the field have been removed with a fourth order polynomial . ) the three values of the projected separation ( `` amp '' in fig.1 ) , are then fitted as a function of the roll angle to determine the full separation . using this approach , we have obtained a clear resolution of the cepheid aw per at one epoch ( separation 0.013 @xmath0 0.003 " ) . we also have a marginal resolution of u aql . what can we say about the results so far ? fig.2 is an example using uaql , showing the predicted separations for three inclinations from the spectroscopic orbit of the cepheid ( welch et al . , 1987 ) . the mass ratio between the cepheid and the companion is taken from this orbit and the velocity of the companion measured with the hst goddard high resolution spectrograph ( evans et al . , 1998 ) . while a second centroid measurement is required to determine the inclination independently without using a mass ratio , fig . 2 shows that combination of the separation already measured and the mass ratio requires a high inclination . full results will be given in massa & evans ( 2002 ) . observations for the second epoch are being scheduled on the hst stis spectrograph . stis should provide improved accuracy because of easier extraction from geometrically distinct pixels , and higher photometric sensitivity . evans , n. r. 1992 , , 389 , 657 evans , n. r. 1994 , , 436 , 273 evans , n. r. , bhm - vitense , e. , carpenter , k. , beck - winchatz , b. , & robinson , r. 1998 , , 494 , 768 massa , d. & endal , a. s. 1987a , , 93 579 massa , d. & endal , a. s. 1987b , , 93 760 massa , d. & evans , n. r. 2002 , in preparation welch , d. l. , evans , n. r. , lyons , r. w. , harris , h. c. , barnes , t. g. iii , slovak , m. h. , & moffett , t. j. 1987 , , 99 , 610 _ m. jerzykiewicz : _ how sensitive is your method to interstellar reddening ? _ n. evans : _ the model to which the centroid shift is compared is created from the observed iue composite spectrum so it already includes reddening . in addition , each star completely dominates at one end of the spectrum , so fluxes of each star are well determined . _ t. bedding : _ comment : the idea of using centroid variations as a function of wavelength from spectra has also been developed by jeremy bailey from aao who calls it `` spectro - astrometry '' ( e.g. bailey , 1998 , , 301 , 161 ) . question : there seems to be a scatter in your luminosity - mass relation ( e.g. fig.5 in evans et al . , 1998 ) . could this be due to rotation as an extra parameter ? | we have measured the centroid shift of low resolution hst foc spectra as the dominant star changes from the cepheid to the hot companion . with this approach
we have resolved the aw per system and marginally resolved the u aql system . |
with the advent of the _ james webb space telescope _ ( _ jwst _ ) and the next generation of 30 m class telescopes , it will soon be possible to detect sne at the edge of the observable universe at @xmath2 10 - 20 and use them to probe the earliest stellar populations ( ( * ? ? ? * whalen et al . 2008 ) ; @xcite , ( * ? ? ? * b ) , ( * ? ? ? * c ) , ( * ? ? ? * d ) , ( * ? ? ? * e ) , ( * ? ? ? * f ) ; ( * ? ? ? * whalen et al . 2014a ) , ( * ? ? * b ) ; ( * ? ? ? * de souza et al . 2013);@xcite ) . but sne could be discovered in surveys at @xmath3 5 now . in principle , strong lensing by massive galaxy clusters at @xmath4 could boost flux from sne by factors of 20 or more and allow them to be detected at @xmath5 10 by hst ( ( * ? ? ? * whalen et al . 2013 g ) ) . we have computed the number of sne expected to be found in the frontier fields ( ff ) survey at @xmath6 5 . first , we construct magnification maps , @xmath7 , as a function of redshift for each cluster in ff from its @xmath8 and @xmath9 maps , which are taken from ( * ? ? ? * zitrin et al . 2015 ) . then we calculate the volume that is lensed to a given @xmath7 by a small patch on the map with that magnification , @xmath10 , and sum the @xmath11 to compute the total volume of space , @xmath12 , lensed to this @xmath7 at @xmath13 by the cluster . we then convolve these lensed volumes with cosmic star formation rates ( sfrs ) from observations and simulations to calculate the number of sne enclosed by the lensing volume @xmath12 whose flux is boosted by a factor @xmath7 or more at redshift @xmath14 over the time d@xmath15 in the observer frame : @xmath16 to obtain the total number of sne above a given redshift , @xmath17 , we integrate @xmath18 over all @xmath14 above that redshift and all @xmath7 above the minimum magnification needed to detect the event at each redshift . light curves for pop iii core - collapse sne and detection rates are shown in fig . [ fig : lcs ] . ff could find dozens of sne at 5 @xmath0 12 , and future surveys of these clusters by jwst might find hundreds of sne out to @xmath2 15 - 17 . such detections will probe the properties of stars and their formation rates in the era of first galaxy formation . , d. j. , even , w. , frey , l. h. , smidt , j. , johnson , j. l. , lovekin , c. c. , fryer , c. l. , stiavelli , m. , holz , d. e. , heger , a. , woosley , s. e. , & hungerford , a. l. 2013a , astrophysical journal , 777 , 110 | supernovae are important probes of the properties of stars at high redshifts because they can be detected at early epochs and their masses can be inferred from their light curves .
direct detection of the first cosmic explosions in the universe will only be possible with jwst , wfirst and the next generation of extremely large telescopes .
but strong gravitational lensing by massive clusters , like those in the frontier fields , could reveal supernovae at slightly lower redshifts now by magnifying their flux by factors of 10 or more .
we find that frontier fields will likely discover dozens of core - collapse supernovae at 5 @xmath0 12 .
future surveys of cluster lenses similar in scope to frontier fields by jwst might find hundreds of these events out to @xmath1 15 - 17 .
besides revealing the masses of early stars , these ancient supernovae could also constrain cosmic star formation rates in the era of first galaxy formation . |
synchrotron aging can provide wealth of information related to plasma conditions in young supernovae . we discuss two supernovae in this context - an eleven years old type - iib supernova sn 1993j and a one year old type - ic sn 2003bg . we observed sn 1993j around day 3200 with the gmrt in 610 , 235 and 1420 mhz bands combined this dataset with the high frequency vla observations provided by c. stockdale & collaboration ( see @xcite ) . the spectrum suggests a break in the spectral index ( @xmath0 ) in the optically thin part of the spectrum at 4 ghz ( fig . this variation is consistent with that predicted from the synchrotron cooling effect with continuous injection @xcite . including the effect of acceleration and adiabatic loss processes , and using size of the sn @xmath1 cm on day 3200 from vlbi @xcite , we obtain magnetic field @xmath2 g @xcite . from the best fit in ssa , the magnetic field under equipartition assumption is @xmath3 mg . comparison of the two magnetic field determines the the ratio of relativistic energy of particles to magnetic field energy , which is @xmath4 . sn 2003bg is type ic supernova in mcg -05 - 10 - 015 ( 19 mpc ) . it was discovered on 2003 feb 25 , most likely two weeks after the explosion . we observed sn 2003bg with gmrt in 1280 , 610 and 325 mhz bands between 2003 feb 2- feb 8 and it was observed at high vla frequencies on 2003 feb 8 by a. soderberg and s. kulkarni , thus obtaining the radio spectrum covering @xmath5 ghz . we fit homogeneous free - free absorption ( ffa ) and synchrotron self absorption ( ssa ) models to the spectrum ( see fig . 1 ) . the 610 mhz data point clearly eliminates the ffa model and favors the ssa model . we find the following parameters from our fits : spectral index ( @xmath6 ) , size of sn 2003bg ( @xmath7 cm ) , expansion speed ( @xmath8 ) , and magnetic field ( @xmath9 g ) . there seems to be hint of a break around 30 ghz , although this could be due to calibration problems at high frequencies . we need the radio spectrum extended beyond 40 ghz to determine if the break is real . we are planning simultaneous observations of sn 2003bg with gmrt along with vla and atca . this will provide us the spectrum from 0.2 ghz to 80 ghz and will establish whether the spectral break is real or due to data artefact . the relativistic particle energy density is far below than the magnetic energy density ( by a factor of 1/10000 ) . this is quite unlike the expectation of efficient shock acceleration of relativistic particles in sne . the expected fraction of post - shock pressure in relativistic particles is @xmath10 as 10% of the energy ejected by the sne is needed to power the cosmic rays in the galaxy @xcite . it indicates that perhaps the efficiency of acceleration is either highly variable in sne , or it will evolve with time in sn 1993j . bartel , n. , bietenholz , m.f . , rupen , m.p . , et al 2002 apj , 581 , 404 chandra , p. , ray , a. , bhatnagar , s. 2004 , , 612 , 974 chevalier , r. 1998 apj , 499 , 810 kardashev , n.s . , 1962 , sov . astr . , 6 , 317 mckee , c. f. 1987 , spectroscopy of astrophysical plasmas , p. 226 | we present here the combined radio spectrum from the giant metrewave radio telescope ( gmrt ) and very large array ( vla ) of type - iib sn 1993j ( age 11 years ) and a type - ic sn 2003bg ( age 1 year ) . in sn 1993j
, we find a break in the spectrum at 4 ghz and associate it with synchrotron cooling break .
hence , we determine the magnetic field independent of equipartition assumption between relativistic electrons and magnetic energy .
we also see a hint of break in the spectrum of sn 2003bg between 22 - 40 ghz .
the spectrum of sn 2003bg is well described by the synchrotron self absorption model . |
the inclusive jet cross section in collisions has recently been measured by the cdf @xcite and d @xcite collaborations . these measurements are compared with nlo perturbative qcd predictions @xcite . these experimental measurements have uncertainties that are smaller than the the uncertainties of the theoretical predictions , @xmath030@xmath1 @xcite . + the cdf measurement of the inclusive jet cross section showed an excess of jet production at high transverse energy ( ) which could be caused by new physics such as quark compositeness , inaccuracies in the parton distribution functions , or inadequacies in the nlo qcd predictions . the theoretical predictions are in good agreement with the d measurement . both experimental measurements are also in agreement @xcite . our ability to compare quantitatively the theoretical predictions and the measurements depends on a thorough understanding of the systematic uncertainties . the major components of the systematic uncertainties of the cdf measurement are depicted in fig . [ fig : cdf_uncertainties ] . the dominant uncertainties are due to the jet energy scale correction , the resolution unsmearing , and the integrated luminosity . the uncertainties are divided up into different components ( see fig . [ fig : cdf_uncertainties ] ) . each component is assumed to be @xmath2 correlated as a function of and independent of all other components . + similarily , the five largest uncertainties in the d measurement are depicted in fig . [ fig : d0_uncertainties ] . the uncertainties are either @xmath2 correlated , partially correlated ( correlation lies between @xmath3 to @xmath4 ) , or uncorrelated as a function of . + in general the uncertainties in the jet energy scale , jet energy resolutions , the luminosity , etc . , are assumed to be gaussian . hence , the uncertainties of the cross section are asymmetric , i.e. the positive and negative errors on the cross section are different . this is a direct result of the steeply falling inclusive jet cross section . + the assumption of gaussian uncertainties is not always a valid one . one of the major sources of uncertainty in the inclusive jet cross section is the integrated luminosity . the two experiments base their luminosity calculations on different measurements of the total cross section . cdf uses its own measurement @xcite while d uses a world average cross section @xcite based on the cdf @xcite and e710 @xcite measurements . this leads to a @xmath5 difference between the luminosities quoted by the two experiments . the assumption that the uncertainty due to the luminosity is gaussian in nature is probably incorrect . d has made quantitative comparisons @xcite between theoretical predictions and their measurement base on a test . the is given by@xmath6 where @xmath7 is the difference between the data and theory for a given bin , and @xmath8 is element @xmath9 of the covariance matrix : @xmath10 where @xmath11 is the sum of the systematic uncertainty and the statistical error added in quadrature if @xmath12 and the systematic uncertainty if @xmath13 . @xmath14 is the correlation between the uncertainties of two bins . + the construction of the covariance matrix requires that the uncertainties follow a gaussian distribution . hence using to determine the probability that a theoretical prediction agrees with a measurement does not take advantage of all the information available . additionally it does not take into account boundary conditions ( for example you can not fluctuate a cross section more than @xmath4 below its value ) . + parton distribution fits @xcite are now using the measurements of the inclusive jet cross section to constrain the gluon distributions . if the information available in the inclusive jet measurements is to be used to best effect then new methods must be developed to calculate the probability that a theoretical prediction agrees with the data . the treatment of the systematic uncertainties of the inclusive jet cross section in collisions have been discussed . the values presented in @xcite are based on approximations of the uncertainties and do not use all of the information available . + i thank my colleagues on the d and cdf experiments for their helpful comments , suggestions and discussions . | the systematic uncertainties of the measurements of the inclusive jet cross section at the tevatron and their effect on the comparisons between data and theoretical predictions are discussed .
psfig epsf |
a graph g represents as g = ( v , e ) : v is number of vertices in graph and e is number of edges in graph and impliment as an adjacency lists or as an adjacency matrix for both directed and undirected graphs . there are two types of graph i.e. ( i ) sparse graphs - those for which @xmath2 is much less than @xmath3 @xmath4 . ( ii ) dense graphs - those for which @xmath2 is close to @xmath5 . here we presented the graph as the adjacency - list for the evaluation of our algorithm . + the vertex - cover problem is to find a minimum number of vertex to cover a given undirected graph . we call such a vertex cover an optimal vertex cover . this problem is the optimization version of an np - complete decision problem . proposed algorithm is polynomial time algorithm in order to find the set of vertex to cover the graph . which shows the better performance than the traditional algorithm for vertex cover @xcite . as it is np - hard problem so it is hard to find an optimal solution of a graph g , but not difficult to find a near optimal solution . our propose method gives very near optimal solution for vertex - cover problem . the following approximation algorithm takes an undirected graph g as input @xcite and returns a set of vertex to cover the graph and whose size is less than the previous method . + all graphs mentioned here are simple undirected graph . we follow @xcite for definitions . our proposed method ( see algorithm and fig.[fig:2 ] ) is on undirected graph . here we used the adjacency list to represent graph g. we introduce a new field _ weight _ in the _ list _ to store the degree of each individual vertex . _ i.e. _ struct list \ { char vertex ; int weight ; struct node * next ; struct node * ref ; } ; [ 1 ] @xmath6 l = _ list _ l[w ] = reference weight ( h , v ) = highest weight of the list and respective vertex [ marker ] @xmath7 v[w ] @xmath8 l[w ] @xmath9 l[w]-1 * go to * [ marker ] @xmath10 it s space complexity is @xmath1 @xcite . for step 4 search in the list is o(v ) . in the for loop _ i.e. step 8 to 10 _ for each individual vertex need to search its reference vertices . so worst time complexity is @xmath11= @xmath12 . so the worst time complexity of the graph is @xmath0 . _ ( thomas h. cormen et.al . @xcite ) _ [ vcp1 ] approx - vertex - cover is a polynomial - time 2-approximation algorithm . [ vcp2 ] proposed approximate vertex - cover is a polynomial - time @xmath13-approximation algorithm . in theorem [ vcp1 ] @xmath14 is the set of vertex for approx - vertex - cover and @xmath15 in the optimal vertex cover @xmath16 . in our approach we pick one vertex and remove the edges connected to that vertex . so most of the times we do nt consider both end point of one edges , which followed in theorem [ vcp1 ] . for our proposed method we consider the resultant set of vertex is @xmath10 , then @xmath17 . + @xmath18 , @xmath19 . in some cases proposed method@xmath20 approaches to optimal solution when @xmath21 value is 1 . our method is shown in fig . [ fig:1 ] , algorithm ( approximate vertex - cover ) , and proved in theorem [ vcp2 ] . the comparison of the optimal vertex - cover , previous vertex - cover and proposed vertex - cover shown in fig . [ fig:2 ] . . _ ( c ) _ there are three vertex with highest weight ( _ b , c , e _ ) ; arbitrary vertex _ c _ is chosen and add to the set @xmath10 . _ ( d ) _ vertex _ a _ is chosen ; added to @xmath10 . _ ( e ) _ vertex _ f _ is chosen ; added to @xmath10 . _ ( f ) _ the resultant vertex cover with our proposed method . approximate vertex - cover , contains the four vertices _ a , c , d , f_. , scaledwidth=65.0% ] here in our proposed technique we produce the set of vertex for vertex - cover problem . which is more near optimal solution and better than the previous technique . | recently , there has been increasing interest and progress in improvising the approximation algorithm for well - known np - complete problems , particularly the approximation algorithm for the vertex - cover problem .
here we have proposed a polynomial time efficient algorithm for vertex - cover problem for more approximate to the optimal solution , which lead to the worst time complexity @xmath0 and space complexity @xmath1 .
we show that our proposed method is more approximate with example and theorem proof .
our algorithm also induces improvement on previous algorithms for the independent set problem on graphs of small and high degree . * keywords*:approximation algorithm vertex - cover problem complexity adjacency list . |
the metallic a - f giants , found by hauck ( 1986 ) on the basis of their high @xmath0 index , have an abundance pattern similar to that of am stars , except for ca and sc which have a more or less solar abundance ( berthet 1990 , 1991 ) . their chemical anomalies closely resemble those of the @xmath2 stars , which seem to be evolved am stars ( kurtz 1976 ) . therefore , it appeared natural to consider the metallic a - f giants as evolved am stars too . indeed , the theory of radiative diffusion foresees that calcium , which had sinked to large atmospheric depths in the beginning of the star s life would be finally dredged up by the increasingly deeper outer convective zone as the star would reach the giant phase . this scenario was advocated by berthet ( 1992 ) . hereafter , we reconsider this question from a different standpoint and examine the evolutionary state of the metallic a - f giants in the light of the hipparcos results . if metallic a - f giants were indeed evolved am stars , they should share with them two essential characteristics : slow rotation and high rate of binaries . since giants have a larger radius , they should rotate even more slowly than am stars , merely by conservation of angular momentum . however , a glance at the distributions of the @xmath1 values of am , metallic and non - metallic a - f giants suffices to cast serious doubts on the idea of an evolutionary link between am and metallic giants ( see figure 11 of knzli & north 1997 ) : @xmath1 is uniformly distributed between 0 and 150 kms@xmath3 for metallic giants , while it shows a maximum at 30 - 40 kms@xmath3 and remains smaller than 100 kms@xmath3 for am stars . the rate of binaries has been examined using both data from the literature and observations done at observatoire de haute - provence ( cnrs ) , france , with the aurlie spectrograph attached to the 1.52 m telescope in 1994 . for metallic a - f giants , the rate of binaries with orbital periods shorter than 1000 days is no more than about 23% , matching very well the figure ( 21.7% ) found by duquennoy & mayor ( 1991 ) for g dwarfs . this figure is to be compared with the result of abt & levy ( 1985 ) , who found 75% of binaries among am stars . here again , the metallic giants lack an essential characteristic of am stars , namely a high rate of binaries ( knzli & north 1997 ) . if metallic a - f giants are not evolved am stars , what are they ? the simplest alternative scenario is that every a star goes through a short `` metallic '' phase at the end of its life on ( or just beyond ) the main sequence . practically all stars considered by hauck ( 1986 ) have been measured by hipparcos , and many of them are closer than 100 pc or have , in any case , a relative precision on the parallax better than @xmath4 . the resulting hr diagram shows that the metallic giants tend to be more evolved on average than their normal counterparts , as confirmed by the cumulative distributions of the @xmath5 values . the @xmath5 values were obtained from the luminosities deduced from the hipparcos parallaxes , from the @xmath6 deduced from geneva photometry calibrated by knzli et al . ( 1997 ) and from masses interpolated in the evolutionary tracks of schaller et al . the ks test shows a very significant difference between the distributions of @xmath5 for metallic and normal giants . the mass distribution of the metallic giants is strongly peaked at 2 m@xmath7 , while the mass distribution of am stars is peaked at 1.5 m@xmath7 ( north 1993 ) . this difference alone does not completely exclude , however , any possible link between am stars and metallic giants , because low mass am stars would have evolved into giants with a @xmath6 cooler than the limit above which radiative diffusion still works . there is a set of rather compelling arguments against the idea that metallic a - f giants would be evolved am stars . on the other hand , the precise hipparcos parallaxes allow for the first time to pinpoint these metallic giants in the hr diagram and to show that they all have @xmath8 . this seems to add some weight to the alternative idea that these giants have nothing to do with am stars but may be former `` normal '' a stars going through a short phase where , for some as yet unclear reason , radiative diffusion is allowed to enhance the metallic abundance in their atmosphere . | using hipparcos parallaxes , we show that the metallic a - f giants found by hauck ( 1986 ) on the basis of their high @xmath0 index in geneva photometry are on average more evolved than their non - metallic counterparts . their mass distribution , rate of binaries and @xmath1 are shown to be incompatible with those of am stars , so that they can not be descendants of the latter
. they might be former normal stars going through a short metal - rich phase at the very end of their life on the main sequence . |
the result of sampling and quantization of a monochromic n - by - n image is a matrix of real numbers@xcite @xmath4 \label{1}\ ] ] each element of this matrix is called _ pixel_. the pixel @xmath5 is a gray - level value . the value @xmath6 is proportional to brightness or energy . let column vector @xmath7 , where @xmath8 represents the transpose of a vector . the digital image @xmath9 can be expressed as formula @xmath10 \label{3}\ ] ] fig . 1 illustrates the conception of digital image . [ cols="^ " , ] + + is represented by the right @xmath11 matrix . each element of this matrix is called _ pixel_. the pixel value @xmath5 is a gray - level value . the value @xmath6 is proportional to brightness or energy . the more @xmath5 is large , the more corresponding point in image is bright.,width=302,height=151 ] : the initial state @xmath20 is rotated in the subspace @xmath21 by @xmath22 towards the superposition @xmath23 of all solutions to the search . initially , it is inclined at angle @xmath24 from @xmath25 , a state orthogonal to @xmath26 . the product operation @xmath27 reflects the state about the state @xmath28 , then the operation @xmath29 reflect it about @xmath30 in the subspace @xmath31.,width=363,height=311 ] | discrete cosine transform ( dct ) is very important in image compression .
classical 1-d dct and 2-d dct has time complexity @xmath0 and @xmath1 respectively .
this paper presents a quantum dct iteration , and constructs a quantum 1-d and 2-d dct algorithm for image compression by using the iteration .
the presented 1-d and 2-d dct has time complexity @xmath2 and @xmath3 respectively .
in addition , the method presented in this paper generalizes the famous grover s algorithm to solve complex unstructured search problem . |
@xmath1gosc , the galactic o - star catalog , is an on - line catalog for o stars ( and relatives ) : http://gosc.iaa.es . the first version was presented by http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2004apjs..151..103m[maz apellniz et al . ( 2004 ) ] and the first major update by http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2008rmxac..33...56s[sota et al . ( 2008 ) ] . the current version is v3.2.2 an it has two sections : one public with 601 objects and another private with 7000 + objects . gosss , the galactic o - star spectroscopic survey ( http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2011hsa6.conf..467m[maz apellniz et al . 2011 ] ) , is observing all optically accessible galactic stars that anybody has ever classified as o ( if we get time on a large enough telescope ) . it obtains @xmath2 2500 spectroscopy in the blue - violet region with s / n @xmath0 250 . it has currently observed 2500 + stars , including all o stars down to complete to @xmath3 , with some objects as dim as @xmath4 . in some cases , mostly for extreme sb2s and variables , we have multiple epochs . as of 2016 we have published three major blocks of the survey : gosss - i ( http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2011apjs..193...24s[sota et al . 2011 ] ) , gosss - ii ( http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2014apjs..211...10s[sota et al . 2014 ] ) , and gosss - iii ( http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2016apjs..224....4m[maz apellniz et al . 2016 ] ) . @xmath1the primary goal of gosc and gosss is the spectral classification of o stars . more specifically we aim to [ a ] identify and classify all optically accessible galactic o stars , [ b ] improve classification criteria and possibly define new special types and [ c ] identify objects wrongly classified as o. they also have five secondary goals : 1 . derive the physical properties of o stars such as effective temperature or @xmath5 . 2 . study sb2s in collaboration with their high - resolution sister surveys ( own , caf - beans , iacob , and nomads ) . 3 . improve our knowledge of the extinction law and the ism . 4 . measure the spatial distribution of massive stars and dust . 5 . obtain the massive - star imf . @xmath1 in the last two years gosc has produced several new versions , going from from v3.1.1 to v3.2.2 . the most important update has been the use of gosss dr2.0 from gosss - iii ( http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2016apjs..224....4m[maz apellniz et al . 2016 ] ) for public spectral types ( those in the main catalog and supplements 1 - 4 , see table 1 ) . furthermore , the following updates have also been included : * there are 1500 new objects , including all bright b stars . * we have added wise hii regions in the clusters and nebulae field . * coordinates have been revised with new tycho-2 and 2mass data . * we have added 2mass catalog numbers and simbad names . * we have added identifiers ( cpd , bd , and als ) . * we are coordinating with the cds team at strasbourg for updates on simbad spectral types . | we present the updates of the galactic o - star catalog ( gosc ) that we have undertaken in the last two years : new spectral types , more objects , additional information , and coordination with cds .
we also present updates for the galactic o - star spectroscopic survey ( gosss ) .
a new paper ( gosss - iii ) has been published and @xmath01000 targets have been observed since 2014 .
four new setups have been added to our lineup and for two of them we have already obtained over 100 spectra : with osiris at the 10.4 m gtc we are observing northern dim stars and with frodospec at the 2.0 m liverpool telescope we are observing northern bright stars .
finally , we also make available new versions of mgb , the spectral classification tool associated with the project , and of the gosss grid of spectroscopic standards . |
a theoretical possibility of non - resonant , fast , and efficient heating of very thin conducting cylindrical targets by coaxial broad electromagnetic beams was described in ref . @xcite ( see also the sections on the `` longitudinal geometry '' in refs . @xcite and references there ) . the diameter of the cylinder can be orders of magnitude smaller than the beam waist of the electromagnetic radiation . efficient heating takes place in several broad domains of parameters ( see the exact conditions in refs . @xcite ) . this possibility can be used for such applications as pumping of active media of short - wavelength lasers and creation of low - density channels in the lower atmosphere ( ref . @xcite ) . recently , experimental confirmation of efficient heating of extremely thin conducting cylindrical targets by broad electromagnetic beams was obtained in ref . @xcite for the transverse geometry of refs . @xcite . the longitudinal geometry of target irradiation by an electromagnetic beam is illustrated in fig . [ fig : gr1 ] . in this work we present a qualitative experimental confirmation of the predictions of refs . the experimental setup is shown schematically in fig . [ fig : picnew2 ] . the co@xmath0 laser emits infrared radiation ( the wavelength @xmath1 is 10.6 micron ) . the thin wire was mounted using crosswires in vertical planes at each end . each crosswire consisted of two mutually orthogonal thin nickel wires ( length about 60 mm , diameter 50 micron ) . the wires were placed at @xmath2 to the vertical . the horizontal wire was placed upon these crosswires and had to be pulled taut to ensure its stability in the course of heating . previously , a different wire mounting method was used ( see the previous version of this preprint ) . the parameters of the horizontal wire are given in table 1 . [ cols="^,^,^,^,^",options="header " , ] table 1 . wire material , diameter @xmath3 , length @xmath4 , temperature coefficient of resistance @xmath5 , linear heat exchange coefficient @xmath6 . the linear heat exchange coefficient depends weakly on the material and the wire diameter in this range of parameters . it was measured through heating the wire with direct current . the beam is focused by a znse lens ( the focal length @xmath7 is 1700 mm ) . the electrical resistance of the wire is measured with an ohmmeter . the parameters of the beam and the wire provide efficient absorption for the platinum wire ( case , eq . ( 167 ) of ref . @xcite , version 1 ) . the wire is heated by the radiation , and the initial electrical resistance of the wire @xmath8 changes by @xmath9 . the average wire temperature increase @xmath10 corresponding to @xmath9 was calculated as @xmath11 on the other hand , the steady state wire temperature increase depends on the absorbed power @xmath12 and the conditions of heat exchange with the environment ( the newton s law of cooling ) @xcite : @xmath13 where @xmath4 is the length of the wire between the crosswires , @xmath14 is the linear heat exchange coefficient for the wires used in the experiment . it follows from eqs . ( [ eq:2],[eq:3 ] ) that @xmath15 therefore , the efficiency of absorption of laser beam power in the wire equals : @xmath16 where p is the power in the laser beam . the results of the experiments are presented in fig . [ fig : processingextra ] . the measured absorption efficiency ( 13 - 36% ) was compared to the absorption efficiency of 58% computed using the precise theoretical method for a gaussian beam of refs . @xcite ( see the details at the end of this section ) . thus , the experimental results are in qualitative agreement with the theoretical predictions derived for gaussian beams . it should be emphasized that the efficiency achieved in the experiment is quite high , as the measured width of the beam s waist ( 1.2 mm at 1/e intensity level ) is two orders of magnitude greater than the wire diameter ( 20 micron ) . the exact cause of the nonlinearity ( significant dependence of the absorption efficiency on the beam power ) has not been established yet , but wire elongation due to heating is a candidate , as it could dramatically decrease absorption efficiency at higher beam power levels : while this elongation was small for the temperature increase in the experiment , it could lead to wire sagging by several millimeters . as a result , the wire could move out of the beam , at least partially . to avoid this , the wire was connected to a spring at one end to provide compensation of the elongation . the incident gaussian beam was modeled by an exact solution of the maxwell equations in free space ( equations 176 - 178 of ref . @xcite , version 1 ) . this solution describes a circularly polarized beam , but it was used for the linearly polarized beam of the laser in this preliminary computation , as the results depend on polarization very weakly in this geometry . the total power absorbed in the cylinder was computed using equations 186 - 190 of ref . @xcite , v. 1 , and equations 99 and 101 of ref . @xcite , v. 1 , but the integration in equation 186 of ref . @xcite , v. 1 , was performed over the finite length of the wire , rather than from @xmath17 to @xmath18 . the results of the experiments demonstrate the feasibility of efficient heating of thin cylindrical targets with a coaxial electromagnetic beam with a waist width several orders of magnitude greater than the diameter of the target . to this end , there needs to be a match between the diameter of the target , its conductivity , and the wavelength . however , the conditions of efficient heating are non - resonant and therefore very promising for numerous applications . the heating efficiency of tens percent can be achieved for very thin targets . | experiments provide a qualitative confirmation of significant absorption of a wide electromagnetic beam propagating along a thin conducting cylinder ( the diameter of the cylinder can be orders of magnitude less than the beam waist width ) .
this new physical effect can be used for numerous applications , such as pumping of active media of short - wavelength lasers and creation of low - density channels in the lower atmosphere . |
@xmath0 scuti stars are short - period pulsating variables of a - f spectral types , located at the intersection of the main sequence and the classical instability strip in the hertzsprung - russell diagram . typical periods are in the order of a few hours with amplitudes less than 1 mag . a prominent group within the family comprises the high - amplitude @xmath0 scuti stars ( hads ) , which have v - band amplitudes larger than 0.3 mag . population ii members of the group are also known as sx phoenicis stars , often found in globular clusters ( for a review of @xmath0 scuti stars see e.g. @xcite ) . hads s are the short - period counterparts of the classical cepheids , excited by the @xmath3-mechanism and pulsating in one or two radial modes , usually in the fundamental and first - overtone modes @xcite . the data in @xcite show that there is no rapidly rotating hads ( @xmath4 km s@xmath2 ) , suggesting an intimate relationship between the rotational state and the excitation of pulsations . in recent years , the number of hads known with multimode oscillations has rapidly grown , hinting a new potential for asteroseismic studies of these objects ( e.g. * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ? several investigations suggested that some of the stars may have non - radial pulsation modes present @xcite . however , an important parameter in modeling stellar oscillations is the mass of the star , which is usually constrained from evolutionary models . this will inevitably lead to great uncertainties in any kind of modeling attempts , so that independent mass estimates could be of paramount importance . thus , binary @xmath0 scutis may play a key role in understanding oscillations of these stars . there has been a great interest recently in @xmath0 scuti stars that reside in eclipsing binary systems ( e.g. * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ? currently , we know about 40 such @xmath0 scutis , of which only one belongs to the hads group @xcite . there are also a handful of non - eclipsing binary hads @xcite , usually deduced from the apparent cyclic period changes but with a few exceptions , like the single - lined spectroscopic binary sz lyn . the low number of binary @xmath0 scutis suggests a strong observational bias , because one needs accurate observations with a long time span to detect multiplicity unambiguously @xcite . in this paper we present the results of our investigations into binarity and multiple periodicity in bright hads variables . the sample was initially selected from the variable star catalogue of the hipparcos satellite , which contains 21 `` sx phe '' type stars @xcite . of these , here we discuss 9 stars ( and ry lep in addition ) , i.e. our present sample contains almost half of all known bright hads . using a wide range of telescopes and instruments , we have been monitoring the target stars over the last five years , extending the earlier studies by our group @xcite . the paper is organized as follows . the observations and the data analysis are described in sect . the main discussion is in sect . 3 , in which the results for individual stars are presented . a brief summary is given in sect . the observed stars and their main observational properties are listed in table[obsprop ] . the full log of observations is given in table [ obslog ] in the appendix . all data presented in this paper are available for download from the cds , strasbourg . observations were carried out using seven different instruments at five observatories in australia , hungary and the usa on a total of 65 nights between 2003 october and 2008 july . in the following we briefly describe the telescopes and the detectors used in this project , in an order of increasing mirror size : .[obsprop ] the list of programme stars . the asterisks mark multiperiodic stars , for which this table contains the dominant period only . references for the parameters are the following : ( a ) @xcite ; ( b ) @xcite ; ( c ) @xcite ; ( d ) @xcite ; ( e ) @xcite ; ( f ) @xcite ; ( g ) @xcite ; ( h ) @xcite ; ( i ) @xcite . [ cols="<,<,>,>,<,^",options="header " , ] | we have carried out a photometric and spectroscopic survey of bright high - amplitude @xmath0 scuti ( hads ) stars . the aim was to detect binarity and multiperiodicity ( or both ) in order to explore the possibility of combining binary star astrophysics with stellar oscillations . here
we present the first results for ten , predominantly southern , hads variables .
we detected the orbital motion of rs gru with a semi - amplitude of @xmath16.5 km s@xmath2 and 11.5 days period .
the companion is inferred to be a low - mass dwarf star in a close orbit around rs gru .
we found multiperiodicity in ry lep both from photometric and radial velocity data and detected orbital motion in the radial velocities with hints of a possible period of 500700 days .
the data also revealed that the amplitude of the secondary frequency is variable on the time - scale of a few years , whereas the dominant mode is stable .
radial velocities of ad cmi revealed cycle - to - cycle variations which might be due to non - radial pulsations .
we confirmed the multiperiodic nature of bq ind , while we obtained the first radial velocity curves of zz mic and be lyn .
the radial velocity curve and the o c diagram of cy aqr are consistent with the long - period binary hypothesis .
we took new time series photometry on xx cyg , dy her and dy peg , with which we updated their o c diagrams .
stars : variables : @xmath0 scuti binaries : general binaries : spectroscopic techniques : photometric techniques : radial velocities methods : observational |
the production of isolated prompt photons is studied at hera in photoproduction and in deep inelastic scattering ( dis ) . in electron proton scattering , photons are emitted by the incoming electron and interact with the proton which are quasi real ( photoproduction ) or have substantial virtuality ( dis ) . these photon - proton interactions can lead to the process of so called prompt photon emission which is sensitive to the partonic substructure of the proton and , in case of resolved photon interactions , also to that of the exchanged photon . it is an advantage of this reaction that an isolated photon at large transverse energy @xmath3 can be related directly to the partonic event structure . in contrast to jet measurements , here the partonic structure is not hidden behind the non perturbative hadronisation process . further information on the dynamics of the process can be obtained if prompt photons are measured together with jets . preliminary results on inclusive prompt photon production have previously been presented by the h1 collaboration @xcite . in the present report , photoproduction results are presented where in addition to the prompt photon a jet is detected . these measurements are confronted with nlo calculations using the program of fontannaz , guillet and heinrich @xcite . also presented are first results on prompt photon production in dis by the zeus collaboration , which are compared with the event generators pythia @xcite and herwig and with pqcd nlo calculations by kramer and spiesberger based on @xcite . in dis the resolved photon contribution is suppressed and , in contrast to photoproduction , is not taken into account in the calculation . the data were taken in the years 1996 - 2000 and correspond to more than 100 pb@xmath4 for each experiment . the prompt photons are identified by dense calorimetric clusters without associated tracks . the main experimental difficulty is the separation of the prompt photons from hadronic background , in particular from signals due to @xmath5 mesons and , to less extent , from @xmath6 s , as for those , at high energies , the two energetic decay photons can not be resolved in the calorimeters . the neutral mesons are predominantly produced in jets . therefore an isolation condition is imposed that the transverse energy , @xmath7 , in a cone around the @xmath8 candidate in the plane of pseudorapidity and azimuth , @xmath9 , does not exceed 10% of the transverse energy @xmath3 of the prompt photon candidate . minimal @xmath3 is 5 gev for both experiments . after these cuts , the background is still of similar size as the prompt photon signal . the signal is thus extracted by a combination of discriminating shower shape functions exploiting the fact the prompt @xmath8 showers are more compact than the @xmath5 and @xmath6 showers . the h1 results are given for @xmath10 gev and @xmath0 gev@xmath1 , where @xmath11 is the @xmath12 center of mass energy , and @xmath13 the virtuality of the exchanged photon . associated jets are reconstructed using the inclusive @xmath14 algorithm @xcite with the conditions @xmath15 gev and @xmath16 for the jet energy and pseudorapidity respectively . the zeus dis results are given for @xmath2 gev@xmath1 , the associated jets are reconstructed using the cone algorithm with @xmath17 and @xmath18 gev and @xmath19 . cross sections for a prompt photon associated with a jet are presented in fig . [ nloscale ] as function of the variables @xmath20 and @xmath21 , where @xmath22 correspond to the energy fractions of the incident proton and of the exchanged photon participating in the hard process , respectively . the data are compared to the nlo pqcd calculation of fontannaz et al . @xcite . in the nlo calculation @xmath3 is used for the renormalisation and the factorisation scales . the photon and proton parton densities afg @xcite and mrst2 @xcite are used , respectively . the nlo predictions are substantially different from lo and lead to a good description of the data . taking into account the multiple interaction effects , as expected on the basis of pythia , improves the data description in particular at @xmath23 and @xmath24 . no corrections have been made to the nlo prediction for hadronisation effects . first results on prompt photon production in dis are presented by the zeus collaboration . fig . [ dis ] shows @xmath3 and @xmath25 distributions for inclusive prompt photon production ( upper row ) and associated with one jet ( lower row ) . after application of normalisation factors of 2.4 and 8.3 , respectively , pythia and herwig describe the @xmath3 distribution , but the @xmath25 distribution is poorly described by pythia . the pqcd nlo calculation gives an approximate description of the jet data with no need of an extra normalisation factor . production of prompt photons has been studied in @xmath12 interactions and in @xmath26 dis . the photoproduction results are quite well described by a nlo pqcd calculation , in particular if corrections for multiple interactions are applied . also the dis data are reasonably well described by a nlo pqcd calculation . the herwig and pythia models need substantial normalisation factors . s. d. ellis and d. e. soper , phys . d * 48 * ( 1993 ) 3160 . p. aurenche , j. p. guillet and m. fontannaz , z. phys . c * 64 * ( 1994 ) 621 . a. d. martin , r. g. roberts , w. j. stirling and r. s. thorne , eur . j. c * 14 * ( 2000 ) 133 . | results are presented on the production of isolated prompt photons in photoproduction ( virtuality @xmath0 gev@xmath1 ) and in deep inelastic scattering ( @xmath2 gev@xmath1 ) .
the results are reasonably well described by pqcd calculations in next to leading order .
comparisons to the monte carlo models pythia and herwig are also presented . |
the magnetic field of @xmath0sco is unique because it is structurally far more complex than the mostly - dipolar fields ( @xmath1 ) usually observed in magnetic ob stars , with significant power in spherical - harmonic modes up to @xmath2 and a mean surface field strength of @xmath3 g ( * ? ? ? * ( donati et al . 2006 ) ) . @xmath0sco also stands out from the crowd of early - b stars because of its stellar wind anomalies , as diagnosed through its odd uv spectrum . these anomalies , unique to this star , are indicative of a highly ionised outflow . interestingly , the wind lines of @xmath0sco vary periodically with the star s 41 d rotation period ( * ? ? ? * ( donati et al . 2006 ) ) . clearly the magnetic field exerts an important influence on the wind dynamics . what is not clear is whether the wind - line anomalies described above are a consequence of the unusual complexity of @xmath0sco s magnetic field , a general consequence of wind confinement in this class of star , or perhaps even unrelated to the presence of a magnetic field . we present two early b - type stars - hd66665 and hd63425 - that we identified to be the first @xmath0sco analogues . these stars were first discovered by their uv spectra , which are strikingly similar to the uv spectrum of @xmath0sco . spectropolarimetric observations of hd66665 and hd63425 were taken with espasons at the canada - france - hawaii telescope , in the context of the magnetism in massive stars large program . we acquired 4 high - resolution , broad - band , intensity ( stokes i ) and circular polarisation ( stokes v ) for each star . in order to determine the stellar and wind parameters of hd66665 and hd63425 we used non - lte model atmospheres from the cmfgen code ( * ? ? ? * ( hillier & miller 1998 ) ) . the physical parameters are similar to @xmath0sco s . in order to increase the magnetic sensitivity of our data , we applied the least - squares deconvolution ( lsd ) procedure ( * ? ? ? * ( donati et al . 1997 ) ) , which enables the simultaneous use of many spectral lines to detect a magnetic field stokes v signature . all observations led to a significant detection of a ( time - variable ) magnetic signal ( see figure [ fig1 ] ) . the same analysis was performed on the diagnostic null profiles , and no signal was detected . as the exact rotation phases of our observations are not known , we used the method described by ( * ? ? ? * petit et al . ( 2008 , in prep ) ) , which compares the observed stokes v profiles to a rotation independent , dipolar oblique rotator model , in a bayesian statistic framework . we can obtain a conservative estimate of the surface field strength , in a dipolar approximation . the average surface field strengths are of the same scale as the surface field of @xmath0sco . however , more phase - resolved observations are required in order to assess the potential complexity of their magnetic field , and verify if it is linked to the wind anomalies . | the b0.2 v magnetic star @xmath0sco stands out from the larger population of massive magnetic ob stars due to its remarkable , superionized wind , apparently related to its peculiar magnetic field - a field which is far more complex than the mostly - dipolar fields usually observed in magnetic ob stars .
@xmath0sco is therefore a puzzling outlier in the larger picture of stellar magnetism - a star that still defies interpretation in terms of a physically coherent model .
recently , two early b - type stars were discovered as @xmath0sco analogues , identified by the striking similarity of their uv spectra to that of @xmath0sco , which was - until now - unique among ob stars .
we present the recent detection of their magnetic fields by the mimes collaboration , reinforcing the connection between the presence of a magnetic field and a superionized wind
. we will also present ongoing observational efforts undertaken to establish the precise magnetic topology , in order to provide additional constrains for existing models attempting to reproduce the unique wind structure of @xmath0sco - like stars . |
dwarf elliptical galaxies ( des ) are the most common galaxy type in the nearby universe , accounting , for about 75% of all objects in the virgo cluster ( e.g. trentham & tully 2002 ) . as potential building blocks of massive galaxies ( in the current hierarchical galaxy formation paradigm ) , des may provide important clues on the main processes involved in galaxy assembly and evolution . a detailed analysis of structural properties , internal kinematics and stellar populations is , therefore , essential to understanding the evolutionary properties of this class of objects . we observed four virgo and one field galaxy during 3 nights in january 2010 using the sauron instrument mounted on the 4.2 m william herschel telescope at the observatorio del roque de los muchachos in la palma , spain . the average exposure time was 5h per galaxy . additionaly , we used the wht auxiliary camera acam to obtain deep images ( 300s ) for each object . we used the penalized pixel fitting ( ppxf ) method of capellari and emselem ( 2004 ) to derive stellar absorption line kinematics for each galaxy by directly fitting the spectra in the pixel space . we used absorption spectra taken from the single - burst stellar population models of vazdekis ( 1999 ) . we find one rotating galaxy with misaligned photometric and kinematic major axes , indicating the presence of a bar ( see fig . [ map ] ) . our field galaxy , ngc 3073 , also shows signs of rotation . two out of three of our objects that do not appear to rotate are significantly flattened ( vcc 1087 and vcc 1261 ) , we speculate that they might be triaxial systems . we used the ulyss full spectrum fitting package of koleva et al . ( 2009 ) together with pegase.hr/elodie.3.1 models ( prugniel et al . 2007 ) to estimate ages and metallicities ( @xmath0 ) of our objects . we fitted 1-ssp models to obtain equivalent ages and @xmath0 and found significant gradients in at least one of the objects ( vcc 1261 ) . bacon , r. 2001 , mnras , 326 , 23 . cappellari , m. 2004 , pasp , 116 , 138 . koleva m. 2009 , a&a , 501 , 1269 . lisker , t. 2006 , aj , 132 , 497 . prugniel , p. vizier on - line data catalog : iii/251 . trentham , n. & tully , r. b. 2002 , mnras , 335 , 712 . vazdekis , a. 1999 , aj , 513 , 224 . | dwarf elliptical galaxies are the most common galaxy type in nearby galaxy clusters , yet they remain relatively poorly studied objects and many of their basic properties have yet to be quantified . in this contribution we present the preliminary results of a study of 4 virgo and 1 field galaxy obtained with the sauron integral field unit on the william herschel telescope ( la palma ) . while traditional long - slit observations are likely to miss more complicated kinematic features , with sauron we are able to study both kinematics and stellar populations in two dimensions , obtaining a much more detailed view of the mass distribution and star formation histories . |
in this paper we analyze transitions in the structure of the us , the uk , and the german stock market . in particular we observe a phase of dominance of it oriented stocks followed by a transition period that leads to a dominance of the financial sector . the analysis of the differences in the returns of stocks have long been dominated by the discussions around different versions of a capm model @xcite . the original version of the capm is in fact a one factor model , which postulates that the returns @xmath0 of the stocks should be governed by the market return @xmath1 and only differ by an idiosyncratic component @xmath2 for each stock @xmath3 , such that @xmath4 hence , stocks differ by the amount of volatility with respect to the market , and economic rational necessitates that higher stock volatility is compensated by higher absolute returns ( additionally eq . [ capm ] may incorporate the risk free interest rate ) . empirical tests of this model had rather mixed results and have let to two conclusions : more factors are needed to explain the variation of stock returns . the widely used fama and french @xcite model for example is a three - factor model that incorporates firm size and book - to - market ratio . the second conclusion was that beta values are not constant but time - varying , see @xcite . the reasons for the variability of the betas are manifold . they could change due to microeconomic factors , the business environment , macroeconomic factors , or due to changes of expectations , see , e.g. , @xcite . also models that assume a first - order auto - regressive process have been suggested , see @xcite . our approach to identify different states of a stock market consists in an analysis of a covariance matrix , similar to @xcite , and of the transaction volumes , like in @xcite . the properties of the covariance matrix of asset returns depend on the time horizon @xmath5 in which they are determined . for short @xmath5 in the order of months they are rather volatile , and partly mirror economic and political changes @xcite . @xcite for example argue that correlations increase in times of crisis , which has profound implication for portfolio choice and hedging of risks . for large @xmath5 in the order of several years , a principal component analysis @xcite of the correlation matrix is possible . the component with the largest eigenvalue can be interpreted as the market . the @xmath6 coefficients are proportional to the corresponding eigenvector . in order to detect changes in stock betas we use time windows of less than 4 years and a rather large numbers @xmath7 of stocks for different markets . in this case the principal component is well separated from the rest . within the assumption of market dominance motivated by implementing eq . ( [ capm ] ) with a stochastic volatility model ( svm ) , one can determine the @xmath6 coefficients . a problem may be the statistical accuracy , which could be of order @xmath8 as suggested by random matrix theory @xcite . however , a monte carlo simulation shows that the errors for the @xmath6 are in the order of @xmath9 . this paper consists in a substantial extension of the research presented in @xcite , with respect both to methods and data . the paper is organized as follows : in section [ sec : methods ] we briefly describe the data sets before we describe the methodology to analyze the covariance matrix and the distribution of the stock returns . in section [ monte ] we present a monte carlo study for the error estimate on @xmath6 . after this we show the transitions in the markets and introduce a sector specific risk measure . in section [ sec : explain ] we present a model that can replicate the transitions and we discuss whether the cause of the changes is an internal or external one . section [ sec : conc ] concludes . .summary statistics of the data sets [ cols=">,^,^,^ " , ] distribution of @xmath10 for the standardized ( @xmath11 ) market return @xmath12 for the ftse market . for @xmath13 @xmath10 is multiplied with 10 . ] | in an analysis of the us , the uk , and the german stock market we find a change in the behavior based on the stock s beta values . before 2006 risky trades were concentrated on stocks in the it and technology sector .
afterwards risky trading takes place for stocks from the financial sector .
we show that an agent - based model can reproduce these changes .
we further show that the initial impulse for the transition might stem from the increase of high frequency trading at that time .
+ + an earlier version of this paper is available as kiel working paper no .
1979 . |
below , we highlight some of the important effects of gas cooling and star formation on the properties of galaxy clusters : * gas cooling induces condensation of gas in the cluster core region ( @xmath2kpc ) , and the baryon mass in the cluster core at @xmath3 is dominated by the stars associated with the central galaxy . * the condensation of baryons causes contraction of dark matter and steepens the dark matter profile in the central region from @xmath4 in the adiabatic runs to @xmath5 in the simulations with cooling . * gas cooling induces inflow of high - entropy gas from the outside and raises the level of entropy and gas temperature in the cluster core region . * stellar feedback and/or additional preheating suppress the effects described above by regulating gas cooling . the magnitude of the effects on the distribution of dark matter , entropy and temperature of gas is , therefore , sensitive to the total fraction of baryons which cooled to form stars and cold gas clouds . the cluster simulations with cooling and starformation revealed a significant problem : 35 - 55% of baryons within the virial radius are in the form of cold gas and stars at @xmath3 , which is significantly larger than the observed value of @xmath610 - 20% ( _ e.g. , _ balogh 2001 ; lin , mohr & stanford 2003 ) . this problem was previously reported in the simulations using the smoothed particle hydrodynamics ( sph ) simulations ( _ e.g. , _ suginohara & ostriker 1998 ; lewis et.al . 2000 ; tornatore et.al . we find that the same problem exists in our higher - resolution eulerian simulations that include metallicity - dependent radiative cooling . moreover , we find that the cold and stellar mass fractions depend on the details of star formation implementation . however , we were not able to solve the overcooling problem by varying parameters of thermal stellar feedback within reasonable limits , as shown in figure [ fcold ] . additional preheating can help resolve some of the discrepancies between cluster simulations and observations . such preheating , presumably associated with the epoch of vigorous starformation , is often advocated as the solution to the overcooling problem and the discrepancies between the predicted and observed cluster scaling relations ( _ e.g. , _ bialek et.al . 2001 ; muanwong et.al . 2002 , da silva et.al . our results , however , indicate that the additional preheating results in starformation history significantly different from observations , as shown in figure 2 . if the preheating occurs relatively early ( @xmath7 ) the gas manages to cool back by z@xmath81 , and the resulting star formation rate remains high ( @xmath9 ) at @xmath10 . this results in incorrect star formation history : most of the cluster stars form in the last 7 - 10 billion years in stark contrast to observations , which indicate that less than 30% of cluster stars form during this epoch . if preheating occurs late , the amount of the required energy is unrealistic and the expected effect on the intergalactic medium is in contradiction to observations of the low - redshift lyman alpha forest . these results provide a strong argument against the simple uniform `` preheating '' scenario . = 2.5truein = 2.5truein the overcooling problem is a serious challenge for the cluster formation simulations . our analysis shows that the overcooling in a cluster as a whole is really the overcooling in its core . in other words , the central cluster galaxies formed in simulations are too massive and bright compared to observations . analysis of cluster evolution indicates that the problem sets in early at high redshifts , and is not limited to a single object or region . this indicates that an additional heating mechanism is necessary for reproducing the observed cluster properties . these results lend support to the idea that feedback from active galactic nuclei is an important missing ingredient in the current simulations of cluster formation . | we study the effects of radiative cooling , star formation and stellar feedback on the properties and evolution of galaxy clusters using high - resolution adaptive mesh refinement n - body+gasdynamics simulations of clusters forming in the @xmath0cdm universe .
cooling leads to the condensation of gas in the inner regions of clusters , which in turn leads to steepening of the dark matter profile .
the cooling gas is replaced by the higher - entropy gas from the outer regions , which raises the entropy and temperature of gas in the cluster core .
the magnitude of these effects is likely overestimated in the current simulations because they suffer from the overcooling problem : a much larger fraction of baryons is in the form of cold gas and stars than is observed .
we find that the thermal stellar feedback alone does not remedy this problem .
additional ad - hoc preheating can lower the amount of cold gas but a simple uniform preheating results in incorrect star formation history , as it delays the bulk of star formation until @xmath1 .
our analysis shows that the overcooling in a cluster as a whole is really the overcooling in the central galaxy and its progenitors at high redshifts .
this indicates that an additional heating mechanism that can continuously heat the gas in the cluster core is required to reproduce the observed cluster properties .
energy injection by the active galactic nuclei , which may provide such heating , may thus be an important missing ingredient in the current theoretical models of cluster formation . |
violent phenomenae in astrophysics are often related with the sudden release of nuclear binding energy . in some cases , when material is very degenerate , such release is practically isochoric and we refer it as explosive ignition . in other situations there is some expansion and the evolution takes place at nearly constant pressure and high temperature . in both combustion regimes , however , the nuclear system evolves from the initial composition to a final state characterized by the coexistence of hundreds or even thousands elements in chemical equilibrium . from the point of view of stellar modelization , different burning regimes translates into a variety of subroutines in order to properly handle all combustion stages . it is frequent to use a second order implicit scheme to integrate the chemical equations and assume nse wherever density and temperature are high enough . while this approach has proven useful in many situations , it would be worthwile an integration algorithm suitable to handle rapid combustion , including the limiting cases of qse and nse , fast and stable enough to keep large time - steps . a possible solution is to couple molar fractions with temperature through the energy or entropy equation as proposed by e.mller @xcite . taking a small network of 13 nuclei , from @xmath0 to @xmath1 , he showed how the inclusion of temperature effects was decisive to avoid the numerical oscillations which otherwise show up during and after the relaxation to the nse regime . in this paper we extend the previous work of mller considering a larger nuclear network and providing some more test cases . in addition we also propose a slightly different integration method which is very robust and straightforward to implement . nowadays , the effort to write the proposed numerical scheme for large networks ( even kilo - nuclide networks ) can take great advantage of libraries of theoretical reaction rates recently published @xcite . first of all the chemical equations are written in their implicit form and linearized taking @xmath2 as described in @xcite . in addition we also take @xmath3 and make a first order taylor expansion of nuclear rates with respect the temperature . for instance , for photodesintegration rates we take @xmath4 . neglecting second order terms like @xmath5 or @xmath6 the discretized system of equations reads : where @xmath10 stands for particle reactions , @xmath11 is for photodesintegrations , an upper comma means to take the temperature derivative and the remaining symbols have the usual meaning . in addition we need an extra equation to close the system . we took the energy equation , which for an adiabatic process can be written as follows : eventual diffusion terms should be added to the independent terms to the right of equation 2 . this method can be applied to arbitrarly large networks . the computational effort to integrate the system with and without thermal coupling is practically the same . the nuclear evolution of dense plasmas under extreme thermal conditions involve a large quantity of nuclei . however , in current multidimensional simulations of supernovae and others explosive events the size of the network is strongly constrained by computational efficiency . small networks of around ten nuclei are used in this case , which approximately give the correct nuclear energy rate . thus , we have checked the method with two networks of different size : an @xmath0-chain of 14 nuclei from @xmath0 to @xmath13 ( including @xmath14 , and @xmath15 binary reactions ) and a network of moderate size with 86 nuclei from protons and neutrons to @xmath13 . nuclear rates were taken from @xcite and the sparse matrix solver was that of @xcite . the following cases of astrophysical interest were successfully calculated : a ) isochoric combustion of an initial fuel composed by @xmath16 at @xmath17 followed by an adiabatic expansion in the hydrodynamical time ( figure 1 , upper right ) , b ) photodesintegration of a system composed of @xmath18 at constant density of @xmath19 ( bottom left ) and , c ) isobaric propagation of a nuclear flame in a medium composed by @xmath16 and @xmath17 ( bottom right ) . as a comparation , the isochoric burning case was also calculated without thermal coupling . in this case the oscillations of both , abundances and temperature , are clearly visible when nse is approached ( upper left , using 14 nuclei ) . fortunately , once the thermal coupling was included the qse and the nse regimes were smoothly achieved with no fluctuation in all cases , allowing the scheme to take longer time - steps in these phases . more details about the performance of the method will be presented elsewhere @xcite . 9 e. mller , a&a 162 ( 1986 ) 103 t.rauscher and f.k.thielemann , atomic data and nuclear data tables 75 ( 2000 ) 1 d.w . arnett and j.w . truran apj , 157 ( 1969 ) 339 n. prantzos , m. arnould and j.p . arcoragi , apj 315 ( 1987 ) 209 r.m . cabezn and d. garca - senz , ( 2003 ) , in preparation . | we present a straightforward integration method to compute the abundance and temperature evolution in explosive scenarios . in this approach the thermal equation
is implicitely coupled with chemical equations in order to avoid instabilities and ensure a gentle transition from the normal combustion regime to the quasi ( qse ) and complete nuclear statistical equilibrium ( nse ) .
two nuclear networks , with 14 nuclei ( @xmath0-network ) and 86 nuclei ( including protons and neutrons ) respectively , have been considered .
the scheme is suitable to cope with a variety of explosive burning regimes . |
in order to estimate the projected cluster shape we diagonalize the inertia tensor ( @xmath0 ) where @xmath1 is the @xmath2 unit matrix . the eigenvalues @xmath3 with @xmath4 define the ellipticity of the configuration under study : @xmath5 . initially the galaxy positions are transformed to the coordinate system of each cluster . then the discrete galaxy distribution is smoothed using a gaussian kernel . all cells that have a density above some threshold are used to define the moments of inertia with weight @xmath6 where @xmath7 is the mean projected apm galaxy density . this method is free of the aperture bias and we found that it performs significantly better than using the discrete galaxy distribution . inverting a set of integral equations , which relate the projected and real axial ratio distribution , we obtain the distribution of real axial ratios under the assumption that the orientations are random with respect of line of sight . according to @xcite , if the inverted distribution of axial ratios has significantly negative values , a fact which is unphysical , then this can be viewed as a strong indication that the particular spheroidal model is unacceptable . in figure 1 we present the uncorrected and corrected intrinsic axial ratio distributions . it is evident that the apm cluster shapes are better represented by that the prolate spheroids ( in agreement with @xcite ) rather than oblate beacause the former model provides a distribution of intrinsic axial ratios that is positive over the whole axial ratio range . | we estimate the distribution of intrinsic shapes of the apm galaxy clusters from their corresponding distribution of apparent shapes .
we smooth the discrete galaxy distribution and define the cluster shape by fitting the best ellipse to the different isodensity contours . using monte - carlo simulations we have studied the performance of our method in the presence of the expected galaxy background , at the different distances traced by the apm clusters , and we have devised a method to correct statistically the projected cluster shapes for discreteness effects and random fluctuations .
we find that the true cluster shape is consistent with that of prolate spheroids . |
with the aim to understand the role of massive outflows in high - mass star formation , we mapped 26 massive star formation regions in co(21 ) with a spatial resolution of @xmath2 . a detailed analysis of the data is presented by beuther et al . ( subm . to a&a ) . here we are just outlining the major statistical results of the study . in 21 of the observed sources show bipolar structure , they are very massive and energetic and show higher collimation factors than previous studies . mean outflow parameters are : fig . 1 presents comparisons of different quantities within our sample to previous studies in the low- and high - mass regime . 1(a ) shows that previously determined correlations in the low - mass regime between the mechanical force @xmath3 and the core mass @xmath4 seem to be valid for massive star formation regions as well . we consider this as support for similar physical processes driving outflows of all masses . it looks different in fig 1(b ) , where we plot the mass entrainment rate versus the luminosity . obviously , at the high - mass end those data are not correlated . while outflows in low - mass regions can be identified usually with one protostar , massive stars form in clusters , and the resolution is not sufficient to resolve the driving sources exactly . thus , possibly the flows are driven from one of the youngest sources whereas the main part of luminosity might stem from a more evolved source , which could already have reached the main sequence . but so far this is speculation and has to be investigated at higher resolution in detail . our data indicate high mean accretion rates @xmath5 for @xmath6 in a few cases larger than @xmath7 . furthermore , we see a tight correlation between the mass of the molecular outflow and the core mass ( fig . the ratio of both quantities is rather constant with a mean of 0.04 . as outlined in beuther et al . ( submitted to a&a ) this correlation implies that the product of the accretion efficiency @xmath8 and the deflection efficiency @xmath9 is about constant for all star forming regions , and the accretion rate is an approximately linear function of the core mass : @xmath10}.$ ] bontemps s. , andre p. , terebey s. , cabrit s. , a&a , 1996 , 311 , 858 cabrit s. , bertout c. , 1992 , a&a , 261 276 churchwell e. , 2000 , in : the origins of stars and planetary systems , eds . & kylafis n.d . , kluwer academic press shepherd d. , churchwell e. , 1996 , apj , 472 , 225 | well established correlations of low - mass flows show a continuity in the high - mass regime , and mean accretion rates for @xmath0 are @xmath1
. we also present a tight correlation between outflow masses and core masses , which implies that the accretion rate is to first order a linear function of the core mass .
all those results support the idea that similar physical processes drive outflows of all masses . |
the lsnd experiment at los alamos studied the @xmath1 flux originating from protons with 800 mev kinetic energy hitting a beam dump consisting of water to a good fraction . they reported a 3.8@xmath0 excess of @xmath1 events over background @xcite . the excess was interpreted as originating from @xmath2 oscillation , which gave rise to many theoretical speculations as to the existence of sterile neutrinos . the miniboone collaboration reported inconsistency of this interpretation with the findings from their search at fnal for @xmath3 oscillations @xcite . a critical issue in the lsnd analysis is the background level of @xmath1 events that originates from the decay chain @xmath4 . an underestimate of @xmath5 production which was quite uncertain at the time of the lsnd experiment , would reduce the anomalous excess of @xmath1 events . the relevant input is a precise measurement of the ratio of secondary @xmath5 to @xmath6 production by 800 mev protons . with a view to clarifying this issue , the harp detector at the cern ps that took data in 2001 and 2002 with proton and pion beams with momentum from 1.5 to 15 gev/_c _ , also recorded data from the exposure of a water target to protons with 800 mev kinetic energy ( 1.5 gev/_c _ momentum ) . this paper reports ratios @xmath7 from this exposure and compares them with the ratios that were used in the lsnd analysis . the harp detector combined a forward spectrometer with a large - angle spectrometer . the latter comprised a cylindrical time projection chamber ( tpc ) around the target and an array of resistive plate chambers ( rpcs ) that surrounded the tpc . the purpose of the tpc was track reconstruction and particle identification by . the purpose of the rpcs was to complement the particle identification by time of flight . for the work reported here , only the harp large - angle spectrometer was used @xcite . its salient technical characteristics are stated in table [ lacharacteristics ] . the good particle identification capability stemming from in the tpc and from time of flight in the rpc s is demonstrated in fig . [ dedxandbeta ] . correct particle identification is of crucial importance as 800 mev protons produce many more secondary protons than @xmath6 s . this is highlighted in fig . [ particleid ] which demonstrates that the decomposition of the observed secondary particle spectrum into particle species is well understood . .technical characteristics of the harp large - angle spectrometer [ cols="^,^",options="header " , ] most positive pions from the interaction of the 800 mev protons in the beam dump are slowed down and decay at rest , while a few per cent decay at flight . the positive muons from the decay also slow down and mostly decay at rest , with only a very small fraction decaying in flight . the neutrino flux resulting from positive pions consists of @xmath8 , @xmath9 , and @xmath10 . for negative pions the decay chain is the same except for charge conjugation , yet negative pions that come to rest disappear 100% by strong interaction , and likewise negative muons at the 90% level by weak interaction . the neutrino flux resulting from negative pions can only come from pions decaying in flight , and muons decaying in orbit after capture . the neutrino flux consists of @xmath10 , @xmath1 , and @xmath8 . overall , the @xmath1 which is of interest is reduced by a factor of order @xmath11 . in more detail , the reduction depends on the level of @xmath5 production , the probability of @xmath5 decay in flight ( related to the momentum spectrum and the beam dump geometry ) , and of the probability of a stopped @xmath12 to decay in orbit . our measurement addresses the first of these three issues . figure [ pionratio ] shows preliminary results of the measured ratio of @xmath5 to @xmath6 production in four bins of polar angle @xmath13 with respect to the incoming proton direction . also shown is the parametrization of this ratio that was used in the lsnd analysis @xcite . the measured ratio is smaller than the parametrization . thus , if by the time of the lsnd analysis our data had been known , the reported anomalous excess of @xmath1 events would have been even larger . further work on this interesting result is in progress . | the so - called ` lsnd anomaly ' , a 3.8@xmath0 excess of @xmath1 events interpreted as originating from @xmath2 oscillation , gave rise to many theoretical speculations .
the miniboone collaboration reported inconsistency of this interpretation with the findings from their search for @xmath3 oscillations .
yet the origin of the lsnd anomaly was never clarified .
a critical issue is the prediction of the background @xmath1 flux that was used in the analysis of the lsnd experiment . for this
, decisive input comes from pion spectra measured with the harp large - angle spectrometer under conditions that closely resemble the lsnd situation : a proton beam with 800 mev kinetic energy hitting a water target . |