2 values
from rest_framework import serializers from .models import * class TaskSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): class Meta: model = Task fields = ['id', 'title', 'workspace', 'assigned_to', 'priority', 'task_status', 'description', 'planned_start_date', 'planned_end_date', 'file'] class WorkSpaceSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): class Meta: model = WorkSpace fields = ['name', 'staff', 'slug'] extra_kwargs = { 'slug':{ 'read_only':True, }, } class IssueSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): class Meta: model = Issue fields = ['id', 'title', 'workspace', 'assigned_to', 'priority', 'issue_status', 'description', 'planned_start_date', 'planned_end_date', 'file']
import json import random from django.utils.safestring import SafeString # debug ''' 1. Step 1: Put your libraries in the same directory as 2. Step 2: Import your libraries here with a '.' ''' from .completeness_class import * from .outlier import * from .IntegrateFunction import * from dashboard.forms import CsvUploadForm from dashboard import models # Create your views here. def upload(request): ''' :param request: :return: page upload ''' # Handle file upload if request.method == 'POST': isupdate = False form = CsvUploadForm(request.POST, request.FILES) # form = CsvUploadForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): # if models.Dataset.objects.filter(NomDataset=form.cleaned_data['nomdataset']): # isupdate = True # else: nomdataset = form.cleaned_data['nomdataset'] cat = models.Categories.objects.get(id=form.cleaned_data['category']) pays = models.Pays.objects.get(id=form.cleaned_data['pays']) annee = models.Annee.objects.get(id=form.cleaned_data['annee']) sep = form.cleaned_data['sep'] newdataset = models.CSV(csv=request.FILES['csv'], NomDataset=nomdataset, CatDataset=cat, PaysDataset=pays, annee=annee, sep=sep) # query = models.CSV.objects.raw("select * from dashboard_csv d where d.uploaded_at in " + # "(select max(uploaded_at) from dashboard_csv " + # "where NomDataset='" + nomdataset + "' group by NomDataset)") query = models.CSV.objects.filter(NomDataset=nomdataset).order_by('-uploaded_at').first() fname = fname = fname[5:] return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('choose_type', args=(fname,))) else: form = CsvUploadForm() # A empty, unbound form # Load documents for the list page documents = models.CSV.objects.all() # Render the upload page with the documents and the form return render(request, 'upload.html', {'documents': documents, 'form': form}) def choixType(request, fname): df_pre = pd.read_csv('media/csvs/' + fname) csv = 'csvs/' + fname nom_dataset = models.CSV.objects.filter(csv=csv).values_list('NomDataset', flat=True).first() labels = list(df_pre.columns.values) dfsmall = df_pre[:5] j = dfsmall.to_json(orient='records') return render(request, 'choose_type.html', {'data': SafeString(j), 'fname': fname, 'nom_dataset': nom_dataset, 'labels': labels}) def gettype(request): if request.method == 'POST': fname = request.POST.get('fname') nom_dataset = request.POST.get('nom_dataset') type = request.POST.getlist('type') float = request.POST.getlist('float') boolean = request.POST.getlist('boolean') date = request.POST.getlist('date') text = request.POST.getlist('text') listechoix = request.POST.getlist('listechoix') reference = [] for i in range(len(float)): if float[i] != '': reference.append(float[i]) elif boolean[i] != '': reference.append(boolean[i]) elif date[i] != '': reference.append(date[i]) elif text[i] != '': reference.append(text[i]) elif listechoix[i] != '': reference.append(listechoix[i]) else: reference.append('') df_pre = pd.read_csv('media/csvs/' + fname) labels = list(df_pre.columns.values) csv = 'csvs/' + fname id_csv = models.CSV.objects.filter(csv=csv).values_list('id', flat=True).first() for i in range(len(labels)): attrib = models.Attribute() attrib.NomAttribute = labels[i] attrib.Format = type[i] attrib.NomDataset_id = id_csv attrib.reference = reference[i] statut = request.POST.get("statut_" + labels[i]) attrib.Statut = statut consisV = consistencyFunc(fname) context = {'fname': fname, 'nom_dataset': nom_dataset, 'labels': labels, 'type': type, 'listechoix': listechoix, 'float': float, 'date': date, 'boolean': boolean, 'text': text, 'consisV': consisV} return render(request, 'showtype.html', context) def accueil(request): categories = models.Categories.objects.all() pays = models.Pays.objects.all() datasets = [] dataset = {'csv': '', 'date': '', 'name': '', 'year': '', 'sep': '', 'cat': '', 'pays': '', 'score': 0, # 'dimensions': '' 'consistency': 0, 'completeness': 0, 'uniqueness': 0, 'validity': 0, 'type': '' } ''' Raw query: select * from dashboard_csv d where d.uploaded_at in ( select max(uploaded_at) from dashboard_csv group by NomDataset) ''' query = models.CSV.objects.raw( 'select * from dashboard_csv d where d.uploaded_at in ' + '(select max(uploaded_at) from dashboard_csv group by NomDataset)') for res in query: scores = get_analyse( # notes = [random.randint(80, 100) for i in range(4)] notes = [float(scores['same_data_consistency']), float(scores['completeinfo']) * 100, 100 - float(scores['duplicates_rate']), float(scores['conform_rate'])] filename = fname = filename[5:] # url = reverse('analyse_individual', args=(fname,)) filetype = detect_file_type(fname) line = [fname, res.uploaded_at, res.NomDataset, res.annee.annee, res.sep, res.CatDataset.NomCategory, res.PaysDataset.NomPays, round(sum(notes) / len(notes), 2), # json.dumps([random.randint(80, 100) for i in range(4)]) ] + notes + ['dashboard/img/' + filetype + '.png'] datasets.append(dict(zip(dataset.keys(), line))) context = {'categories': categories, 'pays': pays, # may be adding truncating to pays in order to display in two columns 'datasets': datasets, 'datasetcount': len(datasets) } return render(request, 'accueil.html', context) def analyseIndi(request, fname): # If the file name is less than 12, the file is the first upload if len(fname) <= 12: data = \ list(models.CSV.objects.filter(csv__startswith='csvs/' + fname).order_by('-uploaded_at')[:1].values('csv'))[ 0][ 'csv'] filepath = 'media/' + data idCor = \ list(models.CSV.objects.filter(csv__startswith='csvs/' + fname).order_by('-uploaded_at')[:1].values('id'))[ 0][ 'id'] # calculate all measures by integrateFunction # write all measures in dict1 dict1, dict2 = intergrateFunction(filepath, idCor, fname) return render(request, 'statistics.comment.html', {'date': dict1['date'], 'sentTotal': dict1['sentTotal'], 'incompleteValues': dict1['incompleteValues'], 'completeValues': dict1['completeValues'], 'consistenValues': dict1['consistenValues'], 'inconsistentValues': dict1['inconsistentValues'], 'duplicates': dict1['duplicates'], 'uniqueValues': dict1['uniqueValues'], 'incorrectValues': dict1['incorrectValues'], 'validValues': dict1['validValues'], 'conversion': dict1['conversion'], 'conversionEmails': dict1['conversionEmails'], 'completeRate': dict1['completeRate'], 'consistenRate': dict1['consistenRate'], 'inconsistenRate': dict1['inconsistenRate'], 'incompleteRate': dict1['incompleteRate'], 'dupRate': dict1['dupRate'], 'uniqunessRate': dict1['uniqunessRate'], 'redundancy': dict1['redundancy'], 'nb_outlier': dict1['nb_outlier'], 'novaluemiss': dict1['novaluemiss'], 'completeInfo': dict1['completeInfo'], 'conformRate': dict1['conformRate'], 'inconformRate': dict1['inconformRate'], 'same_data_consistency': dict1['same_data_consistency'] }) elif len(fname) > 12: data = \ list(models.CSV.objects.filter(csv__startswith='csvs/' + fname).order_by('-uploaded_at')[:1].values( 'csv'))[0]['csv'] filepath = 'media/' + data idCor = \ list(models.CSV.objects.filter(csv__startswith='csvs/' + fname).order_by('-uploaded_at')[:1].values( 'id'))[0]['id'] # calculate all measures by integrateFunction # write all measures in dict1 dict1, dict2 = intergrateFunction(filepath, idCor, fname) return render(request, 'statistics.comment.html', {'date': dict1['date'], 'sentTotal': dict1['sentTotal'], 'incompleteValues': dict1['incompleteValues'], 'completeValues': dict1['completeValues'], 'consistenValues': dict1['consistenValues'], 'inconsistentValues': dict1['inconsistentValues'], 'duplicates': dict1['duplicates'], 'uniqueValues': dict1['uniqueValues'], 'incorrectValues': dict1['incorrectValues'], 'validValues': dict1['validValues'], 'conversion': dict1['conversion'], 'conversionEmails': dict1['conversionEmails'], 'completeRate': dict1['completeRate'], 'consistenRate': dict1['consistenRate'], 'inconsistenRate': dict1['inconsistenRate'], 'incompleteRate': dict1['incompleteRate'], 'dupRate': dict1['dupRate'], 'uniqunessRate': dict1['uniqunessRate'], 'redundancy': dict1['redundancy'], 'nb_outlier': dict1['nb_outlier'], 'novaluemiss': dict1['novaluemiss'], 'completeInfo': dict1['completeInfo'], 'conformRate': dict1['conformRate'], 'inconformRate': dict1['inconformRate'], 'same_data_consistency': dict1['same_data_consistency'] }) # 从upload加载过来 url get 传值 # 先计算前端所需的数值,保存到数据库 # 再将这些数据渲染到前端模板 rapport general def analyseGeneral(request): # Rapport general # Analyse par catégorie ac = [] correctValues = 0 TotalValues = 0 itemAC = {} catList = list(models.Categories.objects.all().values('id', 'NomCategory')) for i in range(len(catList)): itemAC = {} nameList = list(models.CSV.objects.all().filter(CatDataset_id=catList[i]['id']).values('csv')) idList = list(models.CSV.objects.all().filter(CatDataset_id=catList[i]['id']).values('id')) itemAC['Cat'] = catList[i]['NomCategory'] correctValues = 0 TotalValues = 0 for j in range(len(idList)): itemAnalyse = list(models.Analyse_Specific.objects.all().filter(NomDataset_id=idList[j]['id']).values()) correctValues += pd.read_csv('media/' + nameList[j]['csv']).size * ( float(itemAnalyse[1]['Resultat'])) * 0.01 TotalValues += pd.read_csv('media/' + nameList[j]['csv']).size itemAC['totalValues'] = int(TotalValues) itemAC['correctValues'] = int(correctValues) ac.append(itemAC) nameList = list(models.CSV.objects.all().values('csv')) idList = list(models.CSV.objects.all().values('id')) acJson = {'id': ac} # Tendances yearList = list(models.Annee.objects.all().values('id', 'annee')) item = {} yearJson = {'id': []} for i in range(len(yearList)): item = {} item['Annee'] = yearList[i]['annee'] nameList1 = list(models.CSV.objects.all().filter(annee_id=yearList[i]['id']).values('csv')) idList1 = list(models.CSV.objects.all().filter(annee_id=yearList[i]['id']).values('id')) total = 0 totalRate = 0 for j in range(len(idList1)): itemAnalyse = list(models.Analyse_Specific.objects.all().filter(NomDataset_id=idList[j]['id']).values()) total += 1 totalRate += float(itemAnalyse[1]['Resultat']) for q in range(len(idList1)): itemAnalyse = list(models.Analyse_Specific.objects.all().filter(NomDataset_id=idList[j]['id']).values()) item['Lower'] = 0 if float(itemAnalyse[1]['Resultat']) < totalRate / total: item['Lower'] += 1 item['Total'] = total yearJson['id'].append(item) # Erreurs par dimension incompleteRate = 0 dupRate = 0 inconformRate = 0 inconsistenRate = 0 # get a list of all id and filename from database list1 = list(models.CSV.objects.all().values('id', 'csv')) # count the total number of files uploaded numCSV = len(list1) # call for intergrateFunction to calculate the percentage of errors per dimension for each dataset for i in range(len(list1)): dict1 = {} dict2 = {} idCor = list1[i]['id'] filename = list1[i]['csv'][5:] filepath = 'media/' + list1[i]['csv'] dict1, dict2 = intergrateFunction(filepath, idCor, filename) inconsistenRate += dict1['inconsistenRate'] incompleteRate += dict1['incompleteRate'] dupRate += dict1['dupRate'] inconformRate += dict1['inconformRate'] # calculate the average incorrecte rate of each dimension of all datasets # Cohérence averageInconsistentRate = round(inconsistenRate / numCSV, 2) # Complétude averageIncompleteRate = round(incompleteRate / numCSV, 2) # Unicité averageDupRate = round(dupRate / numCSV, 2) # Validité averageInconformRate = round(inconformRate / numCSV, 2) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Types de fichier en pourcentage typeCSV = 0 for i in range(len(list1)): filetype = list1[i]['csv'][:3] if filetype == "csv": typeCSV = typeCSV + 1 typePercentage = typeCSV / numCSV * 100 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Les 5 meilleurs datasets # call for intergrateFunction to calculate the average score of 4 dimensions for each dataset list3 = [] itemAverage = {} for i in range(len(list1)): itemAverage = {} idCor = list1[i]['id'] filename = list1[i]['csv'][5:] filepath = 'media/' + list1[i]['csv'] dict1, dict2 = intergrateFunction(filepath, idCor, filename) averageScore = round( (dict1['completeRate'] + dict1['consistenRate'] + dict1['uniqunessRate'] + dict1['conformRate']) / 4, 2) itemAverage = {'filename': filename, 'averageScore': averageScore, 'url': filename} list3.append(itemAverage) inter = {} flag = False countFlag = 0 while not flag: countFlag = 0 for j in range(len(list3) - 1): if list3[j]['averageScore'] < list3[j + 1]['averageScore']: countFlag += 1 inter = list3[j] list3[j] = list3[j + 1] list3[j + 1] = inter if countFlag == 0: flag = True break urlOfFile = [] # Contribution graph data = {'id': []} for i in range(len(idList)): itemAnalyse = list(models.Analyse_Specific.objects.all().filter(NomDataset_id=idList[i]['id']).values()) ErrCount = pd.read_csv('media/' + nameList[i]['csv']).size * (100 - float(itemAnalyse[1]['Resultat'])) * 0.01 dupRate = float(itemAnalyse[2]['Resultat']) item = {'name': nameList[i]['csv'][5:], 'dupliRate': dupRate, 'completeness': itemAnalyse[0]['Resultat'], 'url': nameList[i]['csv'][5:], 'Err': int(ErrCount)} data['id'].append(item) urlOfFile.append(item['url']) datasetJsonString = json.dumps(data) acJson = json.dumps(acJson) yearJson = json.dumps(yearJson) return render(request, 'TBGeneral.html', {'dataSetJson': datasetJsonString, 'acJson': acJson, 'yearJson': yearJson, 'averageInconsistentRate': averageInconsistentRate, 'averageIncompleteRate': averageIncompleteRate, 'averageDupRate': averageDupRate, 'averageInconformRate': averageInconformRate, 'typePercentage': typePercentage, 'list3': list3[0:5], 'urlOfFile': urlOfFile })
""" Released under the MIT-license: Copyright (c) 2010 Earl Marcus Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ import socket import random import os #Return Values CTF_SUCCESS = 0 CTF_FAIL = -1 CTF_INTERR = -2 def pretty(array): val = [] for i in array: print ord(i), print "" def validate_daemon(ip,port,valid_flag): #print "Trying to connect to %s:%s" % (ip, port) s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: s.connect((ip,port)) buffer_length = random.randint(40,60) buff = [] buff.append(buffer_length) for i in range(buffer_length): buff.append(random.randint(0,255)) buff[2] = 0xDE buff[6] = 0x7E packed_send = ''.join([chr(i) for i in buff]) print buff #Checksum before checksum_send = 0 for i in buff: checksum_send += i s.send(packed_send) returned_buffer = s.recv(1024) s.close() print returned_buffer #Checksum after checksum_recv = 0 for i in returned_buffer: checksum_recv += ord(i) if checksum_send != checksum_recv: print "FAIL" return CTF_FAIL print "PASS" return CTF_SUCCESS except Exception, e: raise finally: s.close() return CTF_FAIL def exploit_daemon(ip,port): return CTF_INTERR if __name__ == '__main__': validate_daemon("",17999,"0")
""" argparse interface """ from argparse import ArgumentParser as _Parser from argparse import ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter as _HelpFormatter def parser(cmd_str, arg_lst): """ an argparse parser object :param cmd_str: the command string :type cmd_str: str :param arg_lst: args and kwargs for ArgumentParser.add_argument :type arg_lst: tuple :returns: a parser object :rtype: argparse.ArgumentParser """ par = _Parser(prog=cmd_str, formatter_class=_HelpFormatter, add_help=False) for args, kwargs in arg_lst: par.add_argument(*args, **kwargs) return par def value_dictionary(prs_obj, sysargv): """ value dictionary for command-line arguments :param prs_obj: a parser object :type prs_obj: argparse.ArgumentParser :param sysargv: sys.argv :type sysargv: list """ val_dct = vars(prs_obj.parse_args(sysargv)) return val_dct def exit_helpfully(prs_obj): """ print the help message for a parser object """ prs_obj.print_help() prs_obj.exit()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Tue Jun 27 13:40:04 2017 @author: DangoMelon0701 """ import numpy as np class Funciones(object): def __init__(self,nombre,apellido,edad): = nombre self.lastname = apellido self.age = edad def puto(self): print("Sabias que {} es un reverendo puto".format( def legencoef(n): p0 = np.array([1]) p1 = np.array([1,0]) if n==0: return p0 elif n==1: return p1 else: for i in range(2,n+1): pn = ((2*i-1)*np.append(p1,0)-(i-1)*np.append([0,0],p0))/i p0=p1 p1=pn return pn if __name__ == '__main__': a = Funciones('Alejandro','Condori Alv',22) a.puto() b = Funciones('Gerardo','Rivera',21) b.puto()
from .base_classes import Attack from .closest_distance import ClosestDistanceAttack from .direct_linkage import DirectLinkage from .groundhog import Groundhog from .utils import load_attack
from django.shortcuts import render,redirect from oauth_backend import OauthBackend from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseForbidden from django.http import Http404 from django.utils.crypto import get_random_string from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth import authenticate, login from tukey.models import UnregisteredUser import urllib,json,requests from openstack_auth.exceptions import KeystoneAuthException backend=OauthBackend() def index(request): ''' Login entry for google oauth2.0, an antiforgery token is created and user is redirected to google oauth endpoint ''' state=get_random_string(length=32) parameters=settings.OAUTH['parameters'].copy() parameters['state']=state request.session['oauth_state']=state request.session['next']=request.GET.get('next','/project') return redirect(settings.OAUTH['auth_uri']+"?"+\ urllib.urlencode(parameters)) def oauth2callback(request): ''' Endpoint for google oauth2.0 callback, the antiforgery token is checked, then tukey talk to google using the code in the request, and exchange user information from google, user email is extracted from id_token ''' if request.session.get('oauth_state','')==request.GET['state']: token=backend.getToken(request.GET.get('code','')) if token.has_key('id_token'): email=backend.decode(token['id_token']) else: return render(request,'403.html',{},status=403) try: user=authenticate(password=settings.TUKEY_PASSWORD,username='openid %s' % email,\ auth_url=settings.OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_URL,request=request) user.identifier=email if user!=None and user.is_active: login(request,user) return redirect(request.session.get('next','/project')) #create unregistered user if user is not authorized in keystone, #and redirect user to apply page except KeystoneAuthException: user=UnregisteredUser('OpenId',email) from tukey.webforms.views import osdc_apply return osdc_apply(request, user) else: return render(request,'403.html',{},status=403)
from pyramid.view import view_defaults from pyramid.response import Response from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPOk from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPNotFound, HTTPInternalServerError from .. catalog import install_package from .. logger import getLogger logger = getLogger(__name__) @view_defaults(route_name='catalog_item') class CatalogItemViews(object): def __init__(self, request): self.request = request def install(self): """ Install a package from the global catalog into the local catalog """"======= install =======") try: package_name = self.request.params['package_name'] if package_name is not None and len(package_name) > 1: install_package(package_name) return HTTPOk else: return HTTPInternalServerError( explanation="Package name must be specified") except Exception as e: message = "Exception installing a package to the local catalog" logger.exception(message) details = "Details: {0}".format(e) return HTTPInternalServerError( explanation=message, details=details)
import tensorflow as tf import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from matplotlib import gridspec from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score # Plot some details about the dataset and show some example points def showDatasetExamples(xTrain, yTrain, xTest, yTest): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) fig.canvas.set_window_title('MINIST Dataset Examples') gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 1, height_ratios=[1, 1, 6]) # Subplot "Summary" ax_summary = plt.subplot(gs[0]) ax_summary.set_xticks([]) ax_summary.set_yticks([]) ax_summary.set_title('Dataset Summary', fontsize=20, fontweight='bold') ax_summary.axis('off') ax_summary.axhline(1.0, color='black') ax_summary_text_size = 12 ax_summary_mono = {'family' : 'monospace'} ax_summary.text(0.14, 0.6, "Each image size: 28*28*1", fontsize=ax_summary_text_size, fontdict=ax_summary_mono) ax_summary.text(0.14, 0.3, "Train set image numbers: {}".format(xTrain.shape[0]), fontsize=ax_summary_text_size, fontdict=ax_summary_mono) ax_summary.text(0.14, 0.0, "Test set image numbers: {}".format(xTest.shape[0]), fontsize=ax_summary_text_size, fontdict=ax_summary_mono) # Subplot "Examples" ax_examples = plt.subplot(gs[2]) ax_examples.set_xticks([]) ax_examples.set_yticks([]) ax_examples.set_title('Dataset Examples', fontsize=20, fontweight='bold') ax_examples.axis('off') ax_examples.axhline(1.0, color='black') ax_examples_inners = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(3, 5, gs[2], wspace=0.1, hspace=0.1) for i in range(ax_examples_inners.nrows): for j in range(ax_examples_inners.ncols): ax = fig.add_subplot(ax_examples_inners[i, j]) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) index = i * ax_examples_inners.nrows + j ax.imshow(xTrain[index], cmap='binary', interpolation='nearest') ax.text(0.05, 0.05, str(yTrain[index]), transform=ax.transAxes, color='green') # Define model class MyModel(tf.keras.Model): def __init__(self): super(MyModel, self).__init__() self.conv1 = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(32, 3, activation='relu', ) self.flatten = tf.keras.layers.Flatten() self.dense1 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(128, activation='relu') self.dense2 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(10) def call(self, x): x = self.conv1(x) x = self.flatten(x) x = self.dense1(x) x = self.dense2(x) return x # Train a batch # @iamges shape with (batch, width. height, channels) # @labels shape with (labels) @tf.function def train_step(images, labels): with tf.GradientTape() as tape: predictions = model(images, training=True) loss = loss_object(labels, predictions) gradients = tape.gradient(loss, model.trainable_variables) optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(gradients, model.trainable_variables)) train_loss(loss) train_accuracy(labels, predictions) @tf.function def test_step(images, labels): predictions = model(images, training=False) t_loss = loss_object(labels, predictions) test_loss(t_loss) test_accuracy(labels, predictions) # Download MNIST dataset mnist = tf.keras.datasets.mnist (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data() # Show examples #showDatasetExamples(x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test) # Prepare the data x_train = x_train / 255# Normalize x_test = x_test / 255 x_train = x_train[..., tf.newaxis]# (60000, 28, 28, ) to (60000, 28, 28, 1) x_test = x_test[..., tf.newaxis] train_ds =, y_train)).shuffle(10000).batch(32)# Contruct "Dataset" structure using the data test_ds =, y_test)).batch(32) model = MyModel() loss_object = tf.keras.losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True) optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam() # Select metrics to measure the loss and the accuracy of the model train_loss = tf.keras.metrics.Mean(name='train_loss') train_accuracy = tf.keras.metrics.SparseCategoricalAccuracy(name='train_accuracy') test_loss = tf.keras.metrics.Mean(name='test_loss') test_accuracy = tf.keras.metrics.SparseCategoricalAccuracy(name='test_accuracy') EPOCHS = 5 history = { 'loss': np.zeros(EPOCHS), 'accuracy': np.zeros(EPOCHS), 'val_loss': np.zeros(EPOCHS), 'val_accuracy': np.zeros(EPOCHS) } for epoch in range(EPOCHS): # Reset the metrics at the start of the next epoch train_loss.reset_states() train_accuracy.reset_states() test_loss.reset_states() test_accuracy.reset_states() for images, labels in train_ds: # tf.config.experimental_run_functions_eagerly(True) train_step(images, labels) # tf.config.experimental_run_functions_eagerly(False) for test_images, test_labels in test_ds: test_step(test_images, test_labels) template = 'Epoch {}, Loss: {}, Accuracy: {}, Test Loss: {}, Test Accuracy: {}' print(template.format( epoch + 1, train_loss.result(), train_accuracy.result() * 100, test_loss.result(), test_accuracy.result() * 100 )) history['loss'][epoch] = train_loss.result() history['accuracy'][epoch] = train_accuracy.result() history['val_loss'][epoch] = test_loss.result() history['val_accuracy'][epoch] = test_accuracy.result() # Test model.summary() # for i in range(10): # print(str(y_test[i])) # inputs = x_test[i] # inputs = inputs[tf.newaxis, ...] # prediction = model(inputs, training=False) # print(np.argmax(prediction)) plt.plot(history['accuracy']) plt.plot(history['val_accuracy']) plt.title('Model accuracy') plt.ylabel('Accuracy') plt.xlabel('Epoch') plt.legend(['Train', 'Val'], loc='upper left') plt.plot(history['loss']) plt.plot(history['val_loss']) plt.title('Model loss') plt.ylabel('Loss') plt.xlabel('Epoch') plt.legend(['Train', 'Val'], loc='upper left')
from rest_framework.serializers import ModelSerializer from backend.models import Video, Like class VideoCreateSerializer(ModelSerializer): class Meta: model = Video fields = [ 'id', 'owner', 'video_bucket_id', 'title', 'description', 'thumbnail', ] class VideoListSerializer(ModelSerializer): class Meta: model = Video fields = '__all__' class VideoUpdateSerializer(ModelSerializer): class Meta: model = Video fields = [ 'id', 'title', 'description', 'thumbnail', ] class VideoDeleteSerializer(ModelSerializer): class Meta: model = Video fields = '__all__'
import aiml from django.shortcuts import render, redirect kernel = aiml.Kernel() kernel.learn("./botbrains/*.aiml") kernel.saveBrain("siabrain.brn") def index(request): text = "" textreply = "" text = chat.text textreply = kernel.respond(str(text)) if textreply is not None: return render(request, "chat.html", {'message': textreply, 'send': text, }) else : textreply = "I don't understand" return render(request, "chat.html", {'message': textreply, 'send': text, }) def chat(request): chat.text = request.POST.get('text') print(chat.text) return redirect("index")
import falcon.asgi from .api.tilt_resource import * # swagger ui - NO ASGI SUPPORT YET #from falcon_swagger_ui import register_swaggerui_app # register swagger ui - NO ASGI SUPPORT YET #register_swaggerui_app(api, SWAGGERUI_URL, SCHEMA_URL, page_title=PAGE_TITLE, #favicon_url=FAVICON_URL, # config={'supportedSubmitMethods': ['get', 'post']} #) # falcon.asgi.APP instances are callable ASGI apps app = falcon.asgi.App() # res = TILTResource() app.add_route('/update', res, suffix='update') app.add_route('/update/{domain}', res, suffix='updateDomain') app.add_route('/{domain}', res, suffix='domain') app.add_route('/calculate', res, suffix='calculate') app.add_route('/calculateRisk/{domain}', res, suffix='calculateRiskDomain') #app.add_route('/calculateRisks', res, suffix='calculateRisks') app.add_route('/deleteGraph', res, suffix='deleteGraph') app.add_route('/deleteProperties', res, suffix='deleteProperties') app.add_route('/deleteCollection/{collection}', res, suffix='deleteCollection') app.add_route('/generate/{i}', res, suffix='generate') app.add_route('/path', res, suffix='path')
import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist import input_data def mlp_model(x, n_input, n_hidden_1, n_hidden_2, n_class): weights = { 'h1': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_input, n_hidden_1])), 'h2': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_hidden_1, n_hidden_2])), 'out': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_hidden_2, n_class])) } bias = { 'b1': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_hidden_1])), 'b2': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_hidden_2])), 'out': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_class])) } layer_1 = tf.add(tf.matmul(x, weights['h1']), bias['b1']) layer_2 = tf.add(tf.matmul(layer_1, weights['h2']), bias['b2']) layer_out = tf.add(tf.matmul(layer_2, weights['out']), bias['out']) return layer_out if __name__ == '__main__': n_class = 10 mnist = input_data.read_data_sets('MNIST_data', one_hot=True) X = tf.placeholder('float', shape=[None, 784]) Y = tf.placeholder('float', shape=[None, 10]) logits = mlp_model(X, 784, 256, 256, 10) loss_op = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=logits, labels=Y)) learning_rate = 0.01 optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate) train_op = optimizer.minimize(loss_op) init = tf.global_variables_initializer() with tf.Session() as sess: batch_size = 100 epoches = 15 display_step = 1 for epoch in range(epoches): avg_cost = 0 total_batch = int(mnist.train.num_examples / batch_size) for i in range(total_batch): batch_x, batch_y = mnist.train.next_batch(batch_size) # Run optimization op (backprop) and cost op (to get loss value) _, c =[train_op, loss_op], feed_dict={X: batch_x, Y: batch_y}) # Compute average loss avg_cost += c / total_batch # Display logs per epoch step if epoch % display_step == 0: print("Epoch:", '%04d' % (epoch+1), "cost={:.9f}".format(avg_cost)) pred = tf.nn.softmax(logits) # Apply softmax to logits correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(pred, 1), tf.argmax(Y, 1)) # Calculate accuracy accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, "float")) print("Accuracy:", accuracy.eval({X: mnist.test.images, Y: mnist.test.labels}))
#encoding:utf-8 import word_util import numpy as np import codecs def transform_wordseq_to_phrase_weighted(word_seq,word2vec_map,word_weighted_value = None,word_keys = None): phrase_distributed = np.zeros(256) word_freq = {} for word in word_seq: #print("0") if not word_keys: if word not in word_keys: continue #print("1") if not word_weighted_value: phrase_distributed += word2vec_map[word] else: if word not in word_weighted_value: #print(word) continue #print(word2vec_map[word]) #print(word_weighted_value[]) #print(word2vec_map[word]) #print(word_weighted_value[word]) if word in word_freq: word_freq[word] += 1 else: word_freq[word] = 1 for word in word_freq: weight = word_weighted_value[word]*word_freq[word]/len(word_freq) phrase_distributed += [word2vec_elem*weight for word2vec_elem in word2vec_map[word]] #print('2') sum_vec = np.sum(phrase_distributed**2) if sum_vec<= 1e-4 and sum_vec >=-1e-4: return phrase_distributed; return np.divide(phrase_distributed,np.sqrt(np.sum(phrase_distributed**2))) def build_questions_vector_hashmap(phrase_embedding_file,question_count,has_head = False): dict_prase_vec = {} with, 'r', 'utf-8') as p_read: count = 0 while True: line = p_read.readline() if not line: print('load %s finised' % phrase_embedding_file) break if has_head: pass has_head = False continue count += 1 if count % 1000 == 0: print('load train sample %s' % count) phrase_id, phrase_vec= line.split('\t') phrase_vec = [float(i) for i in phrase_vec.split(',')] dict_prase_vec[phrase_id] = phrase_vec if count >= question_count: break print(count) return dict_prase_vec def bulid_question_topic_hashmap(question_topic_file, has_head = False): dict_question_topic = {} with,'r', 'utf-8') as question_topic_read: #no head while True: line = question_topic_read.readline() if not line: print('read q_t finished !') break q_id, t_s = line.split('\t') t_arr = t_s.strip().split(',') dict_question_topic[q_id] = t_arr print('load %s finished' % question_topic_file) return dict_question_topic if __name__ == "__main__": question_40000_file = '../out/random_40000_question.txt' question_40000_phrase_distributed_file = '../out2/random_40000_question_embedding.txt' #question_train_file = '../data/question_train_set.txt' #question_train_phrase_vector_file = '../out/question_train_phrase_set.txt' question_eval_file = '../data/question_eval_set.txt' question_eval_phrase_vector_file = '../out2/question_eval_phrase_set.txt' word_embedding_file = '../data/word_embedding.txt' word2vec_map = word_util.build_word2vec_hashmap(word_embedding_file,has_head=True) word_tfidf_file = '../out2/global_idf.txt' word_weighted_tfidf = word_util.build_word_tfidf_hashmap(word_tfidf_file) word_keys_file = '../out2/word_keys.txt' word_keys = word_util.build_word_keys_hashmap(word_keys_file) p_write =, 'w', 'utf-8') #eval_write = #train_write =, 'w','utf-8') eval_write =, 'w', 'utf-8') count = 0 with, 'r', 'utf-8') as train_read: while True: line = train_read.readline() if not line: print("read %s finised! " % question_40000_phrase_distributed_file) break q_id,q_w_seq,c_w_seq = line.split('\t') #print(q_id) #print(q_w_seq) q_w_seq = q_w_seq.split(',') #print(c_w_seq) q_w = transform_wordseq_to_phrase_weighted(q_w_seq, word2vec_map,word_weighted_tfidf,word_keys) #print(q_w) q_w = [str(e) for e in q_w.tolist()] p_write.write(q_id +'\t' + ','.join(q_w)+'\n') count += 1 if count % 10000 == 0: print('train transform count: %d' % count) print('train set finised') # count = 0 # with, 'r', 'utf-8') as train_read: # while True: # line = train_read.readline() # if not line: # print("read %s finised! " % question_train_file) # break # q_id,_,q_w_seq,_,c_w_seq = line.split('\t') # #print(q_id) # #print(q_w_seq) # q_w_seq = q_w_seq.split(',') # #print(c_w_seq) # q_w = transform_wordseq_to_phrase_weighted(q_w_seq, word2vec_map,word_weighted_tfidf,word_keys) # #print(q_w) # q_w = [str(e) for e in q_w.tolist()] # train_write.write(q_id +'\t' + ','.join(q_w)+'\n') # count += 1 # if count % 10000 == 0: # print('train transform count: %d' % count) # print('train set finised') count = 0 with, 'r', 'utf-8') as eval_read: while True: line = eval_read.readline() if not line: print("read %s finised! " % question_eval_file) break q_id,_,q_w_seq,_,c_w_seq = line.split('\t') #print(q_id) #print(q_w_seq) q_w_seq = q_w_seq.split(',') #print(c_w_seq) q_w = transform_wordseq_to_phrase_weighted(q_w_seq, word2vec_map,word_weighted_tfidf,word_keys) #print(q_w) q_w = [str(e) for e in q_w.tolist()] eval_write.write(q_id +'\t' + ','.join(q_w)+'\n') count +=1 if count % 10000 == 0: print('eval transform count: %d' % count) print('eval set finised')
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import contextlib import sys from pathlib import Path from typing import List, Type import pytest from qemu import QemuVm, VmImage, spawn_qemu from nix import notos_image, busybox_image from root import TEST_ROOT from vmsh import spawn_vmsh_command, VmshPopen sys.path.append(str(TEST_ROOT.parent)) class Helpers: @staticmethod def root() -> Path: return TEST_ROOT @staticmethod def notos_image() -> VmImage: return notos_image() @staticmethod def busybox_image() -> "contextlib._GeneratorContextManager[Path]": return busybox_image() @staticmethod def spawn_vmsh_command( args: List[str], cargo_executable: str = "vmsh" ) -> VmshPopen: return spawn_vmsh_command(args, cargo_executable) @staticmethod def run_vmsh_command(args: List[str], cargo_executable: str = "vmsh") -> VmshPopen: proc = spawn_vmsh_command(args, cargo_executable) assert proc.wait() == 0 return proc @staticmethod def spawn_qemu( image: VmImage, extra_args: List[str] = [] ) -> "contextlib._GeneratorContextManager[QemuVm]": return spawn_qemu(image, extra_args) @pytest.fixture def helpers() -> Type[Helpers]: return Helpers
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ SPARQL Wrapper exceptions @authors: U{Ivan Herman<>}, U{Sergio Fernández<>}, U{Carlos Tejo Alonso<>} @organization: U{World Wide Web Consortium<>} and U{Foundation CTIC<>}. @license: U{W3C® SOFTWARE NOTICE AND LICENSE<href="">} """ class SPARQLWrapperException(Exception): """ Base class for SPARQL Wrapper exceptions """ msg = "an exception has occurred" def __init__(self, response=None): if response: formatted_msg = "%s: %s. \n\nResponse:\n%s" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.msg, response) else: formatted_msg = "%s: %s." % (self.__class__.__name__, self.msg) super(SPARQLWrapperException, self).__init__(formatted_msg) class EndPointInternalError(SPARQLWrapperException): """ Exception type for 500 Internal Server Error responses. Usually HTTP response status code 500. """ msg = "endpoint returned code 500 and response" class QueryBadFormed(SPARQLWrapperException): """ Query Bad Formed exception. Usually HTTP response status code 400. """ msg = "a bad request has been sent to the endpoint, probably the sparql query is bad formed" class EndPointNotFound(SPARQLWrapperException): """ End Point Not Found exception. Usually HTTP response status code 404. """ msg = "it was impossible to connect with the endpoint in that address, check if it is correct" class Unauthorized(SPARQLWrapperException): """ Access is denied due to invalid credentials (unauthorized). Usually HTTP response status code 401. @since: 1.8.2 """ msg = "access is denied due to invalid credentials (unauthorized). Check the credentials" class URITooLong(SPARQLWrapperException): """ The URI requested by the client is longer than the server is willing to interpret. Usually HTTP response status code 414. @since: 1.8.3 """ msg = "the URI requested by the client is longer than the server is willing to interpret. Check if the request was sent using GET method instead of POST method."
import warnings from import _Common_MD4_Test __all__ = [ 'Legacy_MD4_Test'] class Legacy_MD4_Test(_Common_MD4_Test): descriptionPrefix = 'passlib.utils.md4.md4()' def setUp(self): super(Legacy_MD4_Test, self).setUp() warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', '.*passlib.utils.md4.*deprecated', DeprecationWarning) def get_md4_const(self): from import md4 return md4
""" leetcode 15 Three Sum """ from typing import List """ simple solution T: O(N^3) S: O(1) result: time out """ def threeSum(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[List[int]]: if not nums: return [] res = [] for i in range(len(nums) - 2): for j in range(i, len(nums) - 1): for k in range(j, len(nums)): if nums[i] + nums[j] + nums[k] == 0 and sorted(nums[i], nums[j], nums[k]) not in res: res.append(sorted(nums[i], nums[j], nums[k])) return res """ better solution T: O(N^2) S: O(N) Note: solution premise is the array elements can be change the order. """ def threeSum(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[List[int]]: if not nums or len(nums) < 3: return [] res = set() nums.sort() for i, a in enumerate(nums[:-2]): if i >= 1 and a == nums[i-1]: continue s = set() for b in nums[i+1:]: if b not in s: s.add(-a-b) else: res.add((a, -a-b, b)) return map(list, res) """ better better solution T: O(N^2) S: O(1) """ def threeSum(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[List[int]]: if not nums and len(nums) < 3: return [] nums.sort() res = [] for i, a in enumerate(nums[:-2]): if i >= 1 and a == nums[i-1]: continue l, r = i + 1, len(nums) - 1 while l < r: sum = nums[i] + nums[l] + nums[r] if sum > 0: r -= 1 elif sum < 0: l += 1 else: res.append((nums[i], nums[l], nums[r])) while l < r and nums[l+1] == nums[l]: l += 1 while l < r and nums[r-1] == nums[r]: r -= 1 l += 1 r -= 1 return map(list, res)
# This file was auto generated; Do not modify, if you value your sanity! import ctypes try: # 3 from can_settings import can_settings from canfd_settings import canfd_settings from s_text_api_settings import s_text_api_settings except: from ics.structures.can_settings import can_settings from ics.structures.canfd_settings import canfd_settings from ics.structures.s_text_api_settings import s_text_api_settings # flags class flags(ctypes.Structure): _pack_ = 2 _fields_ = [ ('disableUsbCheckOnBoot', ctypes.c_uint32, 1), # [Bitfield] ('enableLatencyTest', ctypes.c_uint32, 1), # [Bitfield] ('reserved', ctypes.c_uint32, 30), # [Bitfield] ] # Extra names go here: # End of extra names class secu_avb_settings(ctypes.Structure): _pack_ = 2 _anonymous_ = ("flags",) _fields_ = [ ('perf_en', ctypes.c_uint16), ('can1', can_settings), ('canfd1', canfd_settings), ('can2', can_settings), ('canfd2', canfd_settings), ('network_enables', ctypes.c_uint64), ('termination_enables', ctypes.c_uint64), ('pwr_man_timeout', ctypes.c_uint32), ('pwr_man_enable', ctypes.c_uint16), ('network_enabled_on_boot', ctypes.c_uint16), ('iso15765_separation_time_offset', ctypes.c_int16), ('text_api', s_text_api_settings), ('flags', flags), ] # Extra names go here: ECU_AVBSettings = secu_avb_settings SECU_AVBSettings = secu_avb_settings # End of extra names
class Grid: """ Creates a 2D array specified by row and column """ def __init__(self, X_SIZE, Y_SIZE, item=""): self.x_size = X_SIZE self.y_size = Y_SIZE self._grid = [[item for x in range(X_SIZE)] for y in range(Y_SIZE)] def __len__(self): return sum([len(element) for element in self._grid]) def __getitem__(self, position): return self._grid[position] def __setitem__(self, index, value): self._grid[index] = value def __repr__(self): return "\n".join([''.join(['{:2}'.format(item) for item in row]) for row in self._grid])
# Definition for singly-linked list. # class ListNode: # def __init__(self, val=0, next=None): # self.val = val # = next class Solution: def insertionSortList(self, head: ListNode) -> ListNode: if not head or not return head dummy = ListNode(next=head) ptr = head cur = while cur: val = cur.val if val >= ptr.val: ptr = else: prev = dummy while < val: prev = = = = cur cur = return
import os import sys import csv import json OUTPUT_FORMATS = ('csv', 'json', 'yara', 'autofocus') def getHandler(output_format): output_format = output_format.lower() if output_format not in OUTPUT_FORMATS: print("[WARNING] Invalid output format specified.. using CSV") output_format = 'csv' handler_format = "OutputHandler_" + output_format handler_class = getattr(sys.modules[__name__], handler_format) return handler_class() class OutputHandler(object): def print_match(self, fpath, page, name, match, last = False): pass def print_header(self, fpath): pass def print_footer(self, fpath): pass def print_error(self, fpath, exception): print("[ERROR] %s" % (exception)) class OutputHandler_csv(OutputHandler): def __init__(self): self.csv_writer = csv.writer(sys.stdout, delimiter = '\t') def print_match(self, fpath, page, name, match): self.csv_writer.writerow((fpath, page, name, match)) def print_error(self, fpath, exception): self.csv_writer.writerow((fpath, '0', 'error', exception)) class OutputHandler_json(OutputHandler): def print_match(self, fpath, page, name, match): data = { 'path' : fpath, 'file' : os.path.basename(fpath), 'page' : page, 'type' : name, 'match': match } print(json.dumps(data)) def print_error(self, fpath, exception): data = { 'path' : fpath, 'file' : os.path.basename(fpath), 'type' : 'error', 'exception' : exception } print(json.dumps(data)) class OutputHandler_yara(OutputHandler): def __init__(self): self.rule_enc = ''.join(chr(c) if chr(c).isupper() or chr(c).islower() or chr(c).isdigit() else '_' for c in range(256)) def print_match(self, fpath, page, name, match): if name in self.cnt: self.cnt[name] += 1 else: self.cnt[name] = 1 string_id = "$%s%d" % (name, self.cnt[name]) self.sids.append(string_id) string_value = match.replace('\\', '\\\\') print("\t\t%s = \"%s\"" % (string_id, string_value)) def print_header(self, fpath): rule_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fpath))[0].translate(self.rule_enc) print("rule %s" % (rule_name)) print("{") print("\tstrings:") self.cnt = {} self.sids = [] def print_footer(self, fpath): cond = ' or '.join(self.sids) print("\tcondition:") print("\t\t" + cond) print("}") class OutputHandler_autofocus(OutputHandler): def __init__(self): self.rule_enc = ''.join(chr(c) if chr(c).isupper() or chr(c).islower() or chr(c).isdigit() else '_' for c in range(256)) def print_match(self, fpath, page, name, match): string_value = match.replace('hxxp', 'http').replace('\\', '\\\\') if name == "MD5": auto_focus_query = '{"field":"sample.md5","operator":"is","value":\"%s\"},' % (string_value) elif name == "SHA1": auto_focus_query = '{"field":"sample.sha1","operator":"is","value":\"%s\"},' % (string_value) elif name == "SHA256": auto_focus_query = '{"field":"sample.sha256","operator":"is","value":\"%s\"},' % (string_value) elif name == "URL": auto_focus_query = '{"field":"sample.tasks.connection","operator":"contains","value":\"%s\"},' % (string_value) elif name == "Host": auto_focus_query = '{"field":"sample.tasks.dns","operator":"contains","value":\"%s\"},' % (string_value) elif name == "Registry": #auto_focus_query = '{"field":"sample.tasks.registry","operator":"is","value":\"%s\"},' % (string_value) return elif name == "Filepath": #auto_focus_query = '{"field":"sample.tasks.file","operator":"is","value":\"%s\"},' % (string_value) return elif name == "Filename": #auto_focus_query = '{"field":"alias.filename","operator":"is","value":\"%s\"},' % (string_value) return elif name == "Email": #auto_focus_query = '{"field":"","operator":"is","value":\"%s\"},' % (string_value) return elif name == "IP": auto_focus_query = '{"field":"sample.tasks.connection","operator":"contains","value":\"%s\"},' % (string_value) elif name == "CVE": return print(auto_focus_query) def print_header(self, fpath): rule_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fpath))[0].translate(self.rule_enc) print("AutoFocus Search for: %s" % (rule_name)) print('{"operator":"Any","children":[') def print_footer(self, fpath): rule_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fpath))[0].translate(self.rule_enc) print('{"field":"sample.tag","operator":"is in the list","value":[\"%s\"]}]}' % (rule_name))
# CONVERSION OF LINKED LIST TO ARRAY class Node: def __init__(self, value): self.value = value = None class SinglyLinkedList: def __init__(self): self.head = None self.tail = None def add_last(self, value): temp = Node(value) if self.head==None: self.head = temp self.tail = temp else: = temp self.tail = def print(self): temp = self.head while(temp != None): print(temp.value, end=" ") temp = print() def to_array(self): arr = list() temp = self.head i=0 while(temp != None): arr.append(temp.value) temp = i += 1 return arr if __name__ == "__main__": sll = SinglyLinkedList() sll.add_last(5) sll.add_last(10) sll.add_last(15) sll.add_last(20) sll.print() # converting to array array_ll = sll.to_array() print(array_ll)
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import List, Any, Optional @dataclass() class Type: """ Abstract base representation of a data type. All intermediate representations of data types will either be instances of Type, or instances of subclasses of Type. All scalar data types are instances of Type (ex. Type('str') represents a `str`, Type('float') represents a `float` All complex data types are instances of subclasses of Type (ex Sequence('list', types=[Type('str')]) represents a list which holds strings... a List[str]) """ name: str def __hash__(self): return hash( @dataclass class Sequence(Type): types: List[Type] @dataclass(init=False) class HashTable(Type): name: str = field(default='dict', init=False) key: Type values: List[Type] def __init__(self, key: Type, values: List[Type]): = 'dict' self.key = key self.values = values @dataclass class DataClass(Type): """Will become a Dataclass definition""" members: List['Member'] methods = None @dataclass class Member: name: str types: List[Type] # The strings in this set are string representations of python types (ie `str`, `int`, `bool`, `None`). # This can also include names of generated data classes (ie) default: Any = None # Default value to give to new instances of the dataclass optional: bool = False # whether to treat serializer a null value for this member or a missing instance of this member as acceptable custom_field: Optional[str] = None # custom marshmallow serializer field to use for handling this member @dataclass class ResultSet: """ A ResultSet is an object which holds all the data and metadata necessary to generate a complete output artifact for a given backend (all the info necessary to create a python module using the py_dataclass backend, for example """ dataclasses: List[DataClass] preamble: str = '' # preamble is the stuff that goes in between the import statements
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Created by crazyX on 2018/7/7 from ojcrawler.crawlers.poj import POJ from ojcrawler.crawlers.hdu import HDU from ojcrawler.crawlers.codeforces import Codeforces supports = { 'poj': POJ, 'hdu': HDU, 'codeforces': Codeforces, }
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- __author__ = u"David Pärsson" __copyright__ = u"Copyright 2015, David Pärsson" __license__ = "MIT" __version__ = "1.0.0" __status__ = "Development" import re import sys import argparse def renumber(input_filename, output_filename): with open(input_filename, 'r') as input_file: with open(output_filename, 'w') as output_file: renumber_file(input_file, output_file) def renumber_file(input_file, output_file): revision_number_regex = re.compile("^Revision-number: (\d+)$") node_copyfrom_rev_regex = re.compile("^Node-copyfrom-rev: (\d+)$") known_revisions = [] for line in input_file: revision_match = revision_number_regex.match(line) if revision_match: known_revisions.append(int( copyfrom_match = node_copyfrom_rev_regex.match(line) if copyfrom_match: copyfrom_revision = int( if not copyfrom_revision in known_revisions: existing_revision = max(filter(lambda item: item < copyfrom_revision, known_revisions)) sys.stderr.write("Remapping: %d -> %d\n" % (copyfrom_revision, existing_revision)) output_file.write(line.replace(str(copyfrom_revision), str(existing_revision))) continue output_file.write(line) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Modifies Node-copyfrom-revision to existing revisions in Subversion dumps") try: parser.add_argument("--input", "-i", type=str, required=True, metavar='FILE', help='existing svn dump file to process') parser.add_argument("--output", "-o", type=str, required=True, metavar='FILE', help='output file') options = parser.parse_args() except ValueError: parser.print_help() return 1 return renumber(options.input, options.output) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())
# Copyright (c) 2013 Shotgun Software Inc. # # CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY # # This work is provided "AS IS" and subject to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit # Source Code License included in this distribution package. See LICENSE. # By accessing, using, copying or modifying this work you indicate your # agreement to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit Source Code License. All rights # not expressly granted therein are reserved by Shotgun Software Inc. from tank import Hook class HieroUpdateVersionData(Hook): """ Update the data dictionary for a Version to be created in Shotgun. """ def execute(self, version_data, task, **kwargs): """ Update the version_data dictionary to change the data for the Version that will be created in Shotgun. """ pass
#!/usr/bin/env python import scapy.all as scapy from mac_vendor_lookup import MacLookup #for printing arguments help and available options for users import optparse # for coloring the terminal from termcolor import cprint, colored import subprocess import socket # For detecting the OS the script is working on import platform # For regular expressions import re ''' Description: This tool is part of the ethical hacking toolset. It describes a simple ARP network reconnaissance tool. This is for educational use ONLY for security purposes. The usage of Network Discoverer can be invoked via a -h switch Requirements: You need only to install scapy, mac_vendor_lookup and optparse Eg: 'pip3 install scapy' Use packaged executables for Mac OS, Linux and MS Windows for deployment Usage: python3 or ./ (after making the file executable or better for deployment to change source code and package the app as executables Enjoy! ''' def display_header(): cprint( """\ _ _ _ _ _ _____ _ /\ | | | \ | | | | | | | __ \ (_) / \ _ __ __ _ | |_ | \| | ___ | |_ __ __ ___ _ __ | | __ | | | | _ ___ ___ ___ __ __ ___ _ __ ___ _ __ / /\ \ | '_ \ / _` || __| | . ` | / _ \| __|\ \ /\ / // _ \ | '__|| |/ / | | | || |/ __| / __|/ _ \\ \ / // _ \| '__|/ _ \| '__| / ____ \ | | | || (_| || |_ | |\ || __/| |_ \ V V /| (_) || | | < | |__| || |\__ \| (__| (_) |\ V /| __/| | | __/| | /_/ \_\|_| |_| \__,_| \__| |_| \_| \___| \__| \_/\_/ \___/ |_| |_|\_\ |_____/ |_||___/ \___|\___/ \_/ \___||_| \___||_| by Dr. Hussein Bakri\n""", 'green') cprint("This tool is licensed under MIT\n",'green') def ARPScan(IP): arp_request = scapy.ARP() arp_request.pdst =IP # setting the IPfield in Scapy ARP packet to IP broadcast = scapy.Ether() broadcast.dst = "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff" arp_request_broadcast = broadcast/arp_request answered_list, unanswered_list = scapy.srp(arp_request_broadcast, timeout=2, verbose=False) clients_list = [] for answer in answered_list: RetrievedMACVendor = MacLookup().lookup(answer[1].hwsrc) client_dict = {"ip":answer[1].psrc, "mac":answer[1].hwsrc, "mac_vendor": RetrievedMACVendor} clients_list.append(client_dict) return clients_list def FindMyGatewayAndConstructSubnet(): ProcessOutput = subprocess.Popen(["arp", "-a"], stdout = subprocess.PIPE) (result, error) = ProcessOutput.communicate() Out = result.decode("utf-8") MyIP = re.findall('(?<=Interface: )(.*)(?=---)', Out)[0] Splitted = Out.split("\n") MyGatewayAddress = Splitted[3].strip().split(" ")[0] # Changing the last part of the IP to 0 # example: Gateway is would become ConstructedIPwithSubnet = MyGatewayAddress.split(".")[0] + "." + MyGatewayAddress.split(".")[1] + "." + MyGatewayAddress.split(".")[2] + ".0/24" return ConstructedIPwithSubnet def PrintResults(Found_devices_list): if(not Found_devices_list): print("Sorry did not find any host/device after scanning....") exit(0) else: dash = '-' * 106 cprint(dash) cprint('{:<40s}{:<40s}{:<40s}'.format('IP','At MAC Address', 'MAC Vendor/Hostname')) cprint(dash) for device in Found_devices_list: cprint('{:<40s}{:<40s}{:<40s}'.format(device["ip"], device["mac"], device["mac_vendor"])) def main(): parser = optparse.OptionParser('Usage of the program: ' + '-t <target IP>') parser.add_option('-t', '--target', dest='targetIP', type='string' , help='specify a target IP eg: or for the whole subnet') parser.add_option('--mynet', action='store_true', dest='mynet', help='When you specify this argument --mynet, the tool will automatically behind the scene find gateway and construct the subnet') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() display_header() targetIP = options.targetIP if(options.targetIP == None and options.mynet == None): parser.print_help() exit(0) if(options.mynet and options.targetIP): parser.print_help() exit(cprint("\nYou should not specify both --target and --mynet. Please specify only one argument.","red")) if(options.mynet): ConstructedIP = FindMyGatewayAndConstructSubnet() else: ConstructedIP = targetIP results = ARPScan(ConstructedIP) PrintResults(results) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
import os import numpy as np # Precursor charges and m/z's considered. mz_interval = 1 charges, mzs = (2, 3), np.arange(50, 2501, mz_interval) # Spectrum preprocessing. min_peaks = 5 min_mz_range = 250. min_mz, max_mz = 101., 1500. remove_precursor_tolerance = 0.5 min_intensity = 0.01 max_peaks_used = 50 scaling = 'rank' # Spectrum to vector conversion. fragment_mz_tolerance = 0.05 hash_len = 800 # Spectrum matching. precursor_tol_mass, precursor_tol_mode = 20, 'ppm' # NN index construction and querying. n_neighbors, n_neighbors_ann = 64, 128 n_probe = 32 batch_size = 2**16 # DBSCAN clustering. eps = 0.1 min_samples = 2 # Input/output. overwrite = False export_representatives = False pxd = 'USI000000' peak_dir = os.path.abspath('../data/interim') work_dir = os.path.abspath('../data/processed') filenames = [os.path.join(peak_dir, filename) for filename in os.listdir(peak_dir) if filename.endswith('.mgf')]
from discord.ext import commands import discord import pymongo from codecs import open from cogs.utils import Defaults, Checks, OsuUtils class Vote(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot): = bot self.db_users = pymongo.MongoClient(bot.database)['osu-top-players-voting']['users'] @Checks.is_guild_member() @commands.dm_only() @commands.command() async def stem(self, ctx, posisjon: int, *, spiller: str): """Gi en spiller en stemme""" query = {'_id':} try: db_user = self.db_users.find_one(query) except: return await Defaults.error_fatal_send(ctx, text='Jeg har ikke tilkobling til databasen\n\n' + 'Be båtteier om å fikse dette') spiller = spiller.lower() if posisjon > 10 or posisjon < 1: return await Defaults.error_warning_send(ctx, text='Du kan bare sette rangering mellom 1-10') if db_user is None: self.db_users.insert_one({ '_id':, '1': None, '2': None, '3': None, '4': None, '5': None, '6': None, '7': None, '8': None, '9': None, '10': None}) db_user = self.db_users.find_one(query) with open('./assets/top_50_norway.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: top_50_norway = [line.rstrip('\r\n') for line in f] if spiller not in top_50_norway: return await Defaults.error_warning_send(ctx, text='Brukeren er ikke på [lista]( + ' 'LBlend/6cc58ee838d928032df48740c313fec6)') for key, value in db_user.items(): if value == spiller: self.db_users.update_one(query, {'$set': {f'{key}': None}}) self.db_users.update_one(query, {'$set': {f'{posisjon}': spiller}}) spiller = await OsuUtils.convert_name(spiller) embed = discord.Embed(, description=f':white_check_mark: Du har satt **{spiller}** som ditt {posisjon}. valg!') await Defaults.set_footer(ctx, embed) await ctx.send(embed=embed) @commands.dm_only() @commands.command(aliases=['stemmer']) async def minestemmer(self, ctx): """Se hvem du har stemt på""" query = {'_id':} try: db_user = self.db_users.find_one(query) except: return await Defaults.error_fatal_send(ctx, text='Jeg har ikke tilkobling til databasen\n\n' + 'Be båtteier om å fikse dette') if db_user is None: return await Defaults.error_warning_send(ctx, text='Du har ikke stemt på noen') votes = '' for key, value in db_user.items(): if key != '_id': if value is None: value = '' value = await OsuUtils.convert_name(value) votes += f'**{key}.** {value}\n' embed = discord.Embed(, description=votes) await Defaults.set_footer(ctx, embed) await ctx.send(embed=embed) @commands.dm_only() @commands.command() async def fjernstemmer(self, ctx): """Fjerner alle stemmene dine""" query = {'_id':} try: db_user = self.db_users.find_one(query) except: return await Defaults.error_fatal_send(ctx, text='Jeg har ikke tilkobling til databasen\n\n' + 'Be båtteier om å fikse dette') if db_user is None: return await Defaults.error_warning_send(ctx, text='Du har ikke stemt på noen') self.db_users.delete_one(query) embed = discord.Embed(, description='Alle stemme dine er nå fjernet!') await Defaults.set_footer(ctx, embed) await ctx.send(embed=embed) @commands.bot_has_permissions(embed_links=True) @commands.cooldown(1, 2, commands.BucketType.guild) @commands.command() async def kandidater(self, ctx): """Viser kandidatene""" embed = discord.Embed(, title='Kandidater', description='[Trykk her for å se lista](' + 'LBlend/6cc58ee838d928032df48740c313fec6)') await Defaults.set_footer(ctx, embed) await ctx.send(embed=embed) @commands.has_permissions(administrator=True) @commands.bot_has_permissions(embed_links=True) @commands.cooldown(1, 2, commands.BucketType.guild) @commands.command() async def resultat(self, ctx): """Viser resultatet for øyeblikket""" query = {'_id':} try: self.db_users.find_one(query) except: return await Defaults.error_fatal_send(ctx, text='Jeg har ikke tilkobling til databasen\n\n' + 'Be båtteier om å fikse dette') players = {} voters = 0 for i in self.db_users.find(): voters += 1 for key, value in i.items(): if key != '_id' and value is not None: try: players[f'{value}'] except KeyError: players[f'{value}'] = await OsuUtils.convert_score(key) continue players[f'{value}'] += await OsuUtils.convert_score(key) players = sorted(players.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) leaderboard = '' for i in players: player = await OsuUtils.convert_name(i[0]) score = i[1] leaderboard += f'**{player}**: {score}\n' embed = discord.Embed(, title='Stilling', description=leaderboard) embed.set_footer(text=f'Antall som har stemt: {voters}') await ctx.send(embed=embed) def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Vote(bot))
from unittest import TestCase import pytest from hubblestack.audit import util from collections import defaultdict from hubblestack.exceptions import ArgumentValueError, HubbleCheckValidationError class TestProcess(): """ Class used to test the functions in ```` """ def test__compare_raises_exception_if_arguments_have_invalid_type(self): """ Test that given invalid ``comp``, the function raises an ArgumentValueError exception """ with pytest.raises(ArgumentValueError): util._compare('foo', 1, 2) def test__compare_returns_correctly_with_ge_comparator(self): """ Test that given correct values, the function outputs the correct result with 'ge' comparator ge = greater equal """ ret = util._compare('ge', 1, 2) assert ret is False, '1 >= 2' ret = util._compare('ge', 2, 2) assert ret is True, '2 >= 2' ret = util._compare('ge', 2, 1) assert ret is True, '2 >= 1' def test__compare_returns_correctly_with_gt_comparator(self): """ Test that given correct values, the function outputs the correct result with 'gt' comparator gt = greater than """ ret = util._compare('gt', 10, 2) assert ret is True, '10 > 2' ret = util._compare('gt', 1, 2) assert ret is False, '1 > 2' ret = util._compare('gt', 2, 2) assert ret is False, '2 > 2' def test__compare_returns_correctly_with_lt_comparator(self): """ Test that given correct values, the function outputs the correct result with 'lt' comparator lt = lower than """ ret = util._compare('lt', 1, 2) assert ret is True, '1 < 2' ret = util._compare('lt', 2, 2) assert ret is False, '2 < 2' ret = util._compare('lt', 2, 1) ret is False, '2 < 1' def test__compare_returns_correctly_with_le_comparator(self): """ Test that given correct values, the function outputs the correct result with 'le' comparator le = lower equal """ ret = util._compare('le', 1, 2) assert ret is True, '1 <= 2' ret = util._compare('le', 2, 2) assert ret is True, '2 <= 2' ret = util._compare('le', 2, 1) assert ret is False, '2 <= 1' def test__compare_returns_correctly_with_eq_comparator(self): """ Test that given correct values, the function outputs the correct result with 'eq' comparator eq = equal """ ret = util._compare('eq', 1, 2) assert ret is False, '1 == 2' ret = util._compare('eq', 2, 1) assert ret is False, '2 == 1' ret = util._compare('eq', 1, 1) assert ret is True, '1 == 1' def test__compare_returns_correctly_with_ne_comparator(self): """ Test that given correct values, the function outputs the correct result with 'ne' comparator ne = not equal """ ret = util._compare('ne', 1, 2) assert ret is True, '1 != 2' ret = util._compare('ne', 2, 1) assert ret is True, '2 != 1' ret = util._compare('ne', 1, 1) assert ret is False, '1 != 1' def test__filter_dict_returns_none_if_filter_values_is_invalid(self): """ Test that given invalid ``filter_values``, the function returns None """ status, ret = util._filter_dict_helper('test', dct={1: 'a', 2: 'b'}, filter_values=False, filter_rules={'invalid': 1, 'data': 2}) assert status is False assert ret['error'] == 'invalid_format', 'invalid filter_rules should return None' def test__filter_dict_returns_correctly_filtered_dict_by_keys(self): """ Test that given valid ``filter_values``, the function correctly filters a dict by keys """ # keep x if 1 < x <= 4 and x != 3 expected_ret = {2: 'b', 4: 'd'} status, ret = util._filter_dict_helper('test', {1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c', 4: 'd'}, False, {'gt': 1, 'le': 4, 'ne': 3}) assert status == True assert expected_ret == ret['result'] # keep x if 'a' <= x < 'd' and x != 'c' expected_ret = {'a': 1, 'b': 2} status, ret = util._filter_dict_helper('test', {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4}, False, {'ge': 'a', 'lt': 'd', 'ne': 'c'}) assert status == True assert expected_ret == ret['result'] def test__filter_dict_returns_correctly_filtered_dict_by_values(self): """ Test that given valid ``filter_values``, the function correctly filters a dict by values """ # keep x if 1 < x <= 4 and x != 3 expected_ret = {'b': 2, 'd': 4} status, ret = util._filter_dict_helper('test', {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4}, True, {'gt': 1, 'le': 4, 'ne': 3}) assert status == True assert expected_ret == ret['result'] # keep x if 'a' <= x < 'd' and x != 'c' expected_ret = {1: 'a', 2: 'b'} status, ret = util._filter_dict_helper('test', {1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c', 4: 'd'}, True, {'ge': 'a', 'lt': 'd', 'ne': 'c'}) assert status == True assert expected_ret == ret['result'] def test__filter_dict_returns_unaltered_dict_if_filter_rules_is_empty(self): """ Test that given empty ``filter_rules``, the function leaves the dict intact """ expected_ret = {1: 'a', 2: 'b'} status, ret = util._filter_dict_helper('test', {1: 'a', 2: 'b'}, True, {}) assert status == True assert expected_ret == ret['result'] def test_filter_dict_returns_none_if_dict_is_invalid(self): """ Test that given invalid types for ``starting_dict`` or ``chained``, the function returns False and None """ # invalid starting_dict - is type list expected_status, expected_ret = False, None block_dict = {'args': {'starting_dict': [1, 2, 3]}} chaining_args = {'chaining_args': {'result': {1: 'a', 2: 'b'}, 'status': True}} status, ret = util._filter_dict('test', block_dict, chaining_args) assert status is False, 'invalid starting_dict, should return False' # invalid chained dict - is type list block_dict = {'args': {'starting_dict': {1: 'a', 2: 'b'}}} chaining_args = {'chaining_args': {'result': [1, 2], 'status': True}} status, ret = util._filter_dict('test', block_dict, chaining_args) assert status is False, 'invalid chained, should return False' def test_filter_dict_correctly_filters_out_keys(self): """ Test that given correct input, the function correctly filters by keys """ expected_ret = {1: 'a', 2: 'b', 4: 'd'} block_dict = {'args': {'starting_dict': {1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}, 'filter_rules': {'ge':1, 'ne':3}}} chaining_args = {'chaining_args': {'result': {1: 'b', 3: 'd', 4: 'd'}, 'status': True}} status, ret = util._filter_dict('test', block_dict, chaining_args) assert status is True assert expected_ret == ret['result'] def test_filter_dict_correctly_filters_out_values(self): """ Test that given correct input, the function correctly filters by values """ expected_ret = {3: 'c', 4: 'd'} block_dict = {'args': {'starting_dict': {1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}, 'filter_values': True, 'filter_rules': {'gt':'a', 'ne':'b', 'le':'d'}}} chaining_args = {'chaining_args': {'result': {1: 'b', 3: 'd', 4: 'd'}, 'status': True}} status, ret = util._filter_dict('test', block_dict, chaining_args) assert status is True assert expected_ret == ret['result'] def test__filter_returns_none_if_input_is_invalid(self): """ Test that given invalid input, the function returns None """ status, ret = util._filter('test', [1, 2, 3], {'foo': 1}) assert status == False assert ret['error'] == 'invalid_format', 'invalid input type should return None' def test__filter_correctly_filters_sequence_if_input_is_valid(self): """ Test that given valid arguments of different types, the function returns the filtered sequence """ # list expected_ret = [2, 4] seq = [1, 2, 3, 4] status, ret = util._filter('test', seq, {"gt": 1, "ne": 3, "le": 4}) assert status == True assert expected_ret == ret['result'] # set seq = set(seq) status, ret = util._filter('test', seq, {"gt": 1, "ne": 3, "le": 4}) assert status == True assert expected_ret == ret['result'] # string seq = "test string" expected_ret = ['e', 's', ' ', 's', 'r', 'i', 'n', 'g'] status, ret = util._filter('test', seq, {"ne": 't'}) assert status == True assert expected_ret == ret['result'] def test_filter_seq_returns_none_if_input_is_invalid(self): """ Test that given invalid input, the function returns None """ # invalid ``starting_seq`` chain_args = {'chaining_args': {'result': [2,3,4], 'status': True}} block_dict = {'args':{'starting_seq':1, 'filter_rules': {'ge':1, 'lt':4}}} status, ret = util._filter_seq('test', block_dict, chain_args) assert status is False, 'invalid starting_seq, should return False' # invalid ``chained`` chain_args = {'chaining_args': {'result': 4, 'status': True}} block_dict = {'args':{'starting_seq':[1,2], 'filter_rules': {'ge':1, 'lt':4}}} status, ret = util._filter_seq('test', block_dict, chain_args) assert status is False, 'invalid chained, should return False' def test_filter_seq_returns_filtered_seq_with_valid_input(self): """Test that given valid input of different types, the function returns True and the filtered sequence """ # list seq = [3, 4] chained = [1, 2] chain_args = {'chaining_args': {'result': chained, 'status': True}} block_dict = {'args':{'starting_seq':seq, 'filter_rules': {'gt':1, 'ne':3, 'le': 4}}} expected_ret = [2, 4] status, ret = util._filter_seq('test', block_dict, chain_args) assert expected_ret == ret['result'] assert status is True # set expected_ret = [3] seq = set(seq) chained = set(chained) chain_args = {'chaining_args': {'result': chained, 'status': True}} block_dict = {'args':{'starting_seq':seq, 'filter_rules': {'ge':1, 'ne':2, 'lt': 4, 'eq': 3}}} status, ret = util._filter_seq('test', block_dict, chain_args) assert expected_ret == ret['result'] assert status is True # string expected_ret = ['e', 's', ' ', 's', 'r', 'i', 'n', 'g'] seq = 'test {}' chained = 'string' chain_args = {'chaining_args': {'result': chained, 'status': True}} block_dict = {'args':{'starting_seq':seq, 'filter_rules': {'ne': 't'}}} status, ret = util._filter_seq('test', block_dict, chain_args) assert expected_ret == ret['result'] assert status is True def test_get_index_returns_none_if_invalid_input(self): """ Test that given invalid arguments, the function returns None """ # invalid ``chained`` status, ret = util._get_index('test', {'args': {'starting_list':[1, 2, 3]}}, {}) assert status is False, 'invalid chained, should return False' # index out of range status, ret = util._get_index('test', {'args': {'index':4}}, {'chaining_args': {'result': [1, 2, 3], 'status': True}}) assert status is False, 'index 4 out of range, list length is 3, should return False' # invalid ``chained`` type status, ret = util._get_index('test', {}, {'chaining_args': {'result': set([1, 2, 3]), 'status': True}}) assert status is False, 'invalid chained type, should return False' def test_get_index_returns_correctly_if_valid_input(self): """ Test that given valid arguments, the function extracts the correct value """ # return element at index -1 from [3, 4, 1, 2] expected_ret = 2 status, ret = util._get_index('test', {'args': {'index': -1, 'starting_list': [1,2]}}, {'chaining_args': {'result': [3,4], 'status': True}}) assert status is True assert expected_ret == ret['result'] # default to index 0 from [3, 4, 1, 2] expected_ret = 3 status, ret = util._get_index('test', {'args': {'starting_list': [1,2]}}, {'chaining_args': {'result': [3,4], 'status': True}}) assert status is True assert expected_ret == ret['result'] # return element at index 2 from [3, 4, 1, 2] expected_ret = 1 status, ret = util._get_index('test', {'args': {'index': 2, 'starting_list': [1,2]}}, {'chaining_args': {'result': [3,4], 'status': True}}) assert status is True assert expected_ret == ret['result'] def test_get_key_returns_none_if_invalid_input(self): """ Test that given invalid arguments, the function returns None """ # invalid ``chained`` type status, ret = util._get_key('test', {'args': {'key': '1'}}, {'chaining_args': {'result': ['a', 'b', 'c'], 'status': True}}) assert status is False, 'invalid chained type, should return False' # invalid key status, ret = util._get_key('test', {'args': {'key': 'd'}}, {'chaining_args': {'result': {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}, 'status': True}}) assert status is False, 'invalid key `d` in dict, should return False' def test_get_key_returns_correctly(self): """ Test that given valid arguments, the function returns the correct value """ expected_ret = 1 status, ret = util._get_key('test', {'args': {'key': 'b', 'starting_dict':{'b': 1, 'c': 2}}}, {'chaining_args': {'result': {'a': 1, 'b': 2}, 'status': True}}) assert status is True assert expected_ret == ret['result'] def test_join_returns_none_if_invalid_arguments(self): """ Test that given invalid arguments, the function returns None """ # invalid ``chained`` status, ret = util._join('test',{}, {'chaining_args': {'result': 1, 'status': True}}) assert status is False # invalid ``sep`` status, ret = util._join('test', {'args': {'sep': [1,2]}}, {'chaining_args': {'result': ['foo', 'bar'], 'status': True}}) assert status is False def test_join_returns_correct_string(self): """ Test that given valid arguments, the function will return the joined string """ # no ``sep`` expected_ret = 'testwordstogether' status, ret = util._join('test', {'args': {'words':'together'}}, {'chaining_args': {'result': ['test', 'words'], 'status': True}}) assert status is True assert expected_ret == ret['result'] # valid ``sep`` expected_ret = 'test-more-words-together' status, ret = util._join('test', {'args': {'words':['words', 'together'], 'sep': '-'}}, {'chaining_args': {'result': ['test', 'more'], 'status': True}}) assert status is True assert expected_ret == ret['result'] def test__sort_returns_none_if_invalid_input(self): """ Test that given invalid arguments, the function returns None """ # invalid ``seq`` ret = util._sort_helper(seq=1, desc=True, lexico=False) assert ret is None # invalid ``desc`` ret = util._sort_helper(seq=[2, 1], desc='yes', lexico=False) assert ret is None # invalid ``lexico`` ret = util._sort_helper(seq=[1, 2, 12, 13], desc=False, lexico=True) assert ret is None def test__sort_returns_sorted_seq(self): """ Test that given valid arguments, the function correctly sorts them with different parameters """ expected_ret = ['Z', 'a', 'b'] ret = util._sort_helper(seq=['b', 'a', 'Z'], desc=False, lexico=False) assert expected_ret == ret expected_ret = ['b', 'a', 'B'] ret = util._sort_helper( seq={'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'B': 3}, desc=True, lexico=False) assert expected_ret == ret expected_ret = ['A', 'b', 'C'] ret = util._sort_helper( seq=set(['b', 'A', 'C']), desc=False, lexico=True) assert expected_ret == ret def test_sort_returns_none_if_invalid_arguments(self): """ Test that given invalid arguments, the function returns None """ # invalid ``chained`` status, ret = util._sort('test', {'args': {'seq': 2}}, {'chaining_args': {'result': 1, 'status': True}}) assert status is False # invalid ``desc`` status, ret = util._sort('test', {'args': {'desc': 'yes'}}, {'chaining_args': {'result': [1, 2, 3], 'status': True}}) assert status is False # invalid ``lexico`` status, ret = util._sort('test', {'args': {'lexico': True}}, {'chaining_args': {'result': [1, 2, 3], 'status': True}}) assert status is False def test_sort_returns_sorted_seq(self): """ Test that given valid arguments, the function correctly sorts them with different parameters """ expected_ret = [3, 2, 1] # desc list status, ret = util._sort('test', {'args': {'seq': [1,2],'desc': True}}, {'chaining_args': {'result': [3], 'status': True}}) assert status is True assert expected_ret == ret['result'] # dict expected_ret = [1, 2, 3] status, ret = util._sort('test', {}, {'chaining_args': {'result': {2: 'a', 1: 'b', 3: 'c'}, 'status': True}}) assert status is True assert expected_ret == ret['result'] # desc set expected_ret = ['b', 'a', 'B', 'A'] status, ret = util._sort('test', {'args': {'seq': ['A', 'B'], 'desc': True}}, {'chaining_args': {'result': set(['a', 'b']), 'status': True}}) assert status is True assert expected_ret == ret['result'] # lexicographic string expected_ret = ['A', 'a', 'b', 'B'] status, ret = util._sort('test', {'args': {'seq': 'A{}B', 'lexico': True}}, {'chaining_args': {'result': 'ab', 'status': True}}) assert status is True assert expected_ret == ret['result'] def test__split_returns_none_if_invalid_arguments(self): """ Test that given invalid arguments, the function returns None """ ret = util._split_helper(phrase=[1, 2, 3], sep=" ", regex=False) assert ret is None, "can't split list, should return None" ret = util._split_helper(phrase="foo bar", sep=[1, 2, 3], regex=False) assert ret is None, "separator to split by can't be list, should return None" ret = util._split_helper(phrase=[1, 2, 3], sep=" ", regex=True) assert ret is None, "can't split list, should return None" ret = util._split_helper(phrase="foo bar", sep=[1, 2, 3], regex=True) assert ret is None, "separator to split by can't be list, should return None" def test__split_returns_list_from_string(self): """ Test that given valid arguments, the function correctly splits the string into a list """ # simple ``sep`` expected_ret = ['foo', 'bar'] ret = util._split_helper("foo bar", " ", False) assert expected_ret == ret # ``sep`` simple regex ret = util._split_helper("foo bar", " ", True) assert expected_ret == ret # regex ret = util._split_helper("foo bar", r"\s+", True) assert expected_ret == ret # invalid ``sep`` expected_ret = ['foo bar'] ret = util._split_helper("foo bar", "?", False) assert expected_ret == ret def test_split_returns_none_if_invalid_arguments(self): """ Test that given invalid arguments, the function returns None """ # invalid ``words`` status, ret = util._split('test', {'args': {'phrase': [1, 2, 3]}}, {'chaining_args': {'result': 'ab', 'status': True}}) assert status is False status, ret = util._split('test', {'args': {'phrase': {1: 'a', 2: 'b'}}}, {'chaining_args': {'result': 'ab', 'status': True}}) assert status is False # invalid ``words`` & ``chained`` status, ret = util._split('test', {'args': {'phrase': 1}}, {'chaining_args': {'result': 12, 'status': True}}) assert status is False status, ret = util._split('test', {'args': {'phrase': 'foo bar', 'regex': True}}, {}) assert status is False def test_split_returns_list_from_string(self): """ Test that given valid arguments, the function correctly splits in all scenarios """ expected_ret = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] # valid regex status, ret = util._split('test', {'args': {'phrase': 'a1b2c3d', 'sep': r"\d+", 'regex': True}}, {}) assert status is True assert expected_ret == ret['result'] # simple sep expected_ret = ['a1', 'b2', 'c3', 'd'] status, ret = util._split('test', {'args': {'phrase': "a1 b2 {}", 'sep': " "}}, {'chaining_args': {'result': 'c3 d', 'status': True}}) assert status is True assert expected_ret == ret['result'] # no sep expected_ret = ['a1', 'b2', 'c3', 'd'] status, ret = util._split('test', {'args': {'phrase': "a1 b2 \n{}"}}, {'chaining_args': {'result': 'c3 d', 'status': True}}) assert status is True assert expected_ret == ret['result'] # invalid regex expected_ret = ['a1b2c3d'] status, ret = util._split('test', {'args': {'phrase': "a1b2{}", 'sep': r"\d+", 'regex': False}}, {'chaining_args': {'result': 'c3d', 'status': True}}) assert status is False def test_dict_to_list_returns_none_if_invalid_arguments(self): """ Test that given invalid arguments, the function returns None """ status, ret = util._dict_to_list('test', {'args': {'starting_dict':{1: 'a'}}}, {'chaining_args': {'result': [1,2,3], 'status': True}}) assert status is False status, ret = util._dict_to_list('test', {'args': {'starting_dict':'foo'}}, {'chaining_args': {'result': {1: 'a', 2: 'b'}, 'status': True}}) assert status is False def test_dict_to_list_correctly_returns_list(self): """ Test that given valid arguments, the function outputs a valid list """ # flat dict expected_ret = [(1, 'b'), (2, 'c')] status, ret = util._dict_to_list('test', {'args': {'starting_dict':{1: 'a'}, 'update_chained': False}}, {'chaining_args': {'result': {1: 'b', 2: 'c'}, 'status': True}}) assert status is True assert expected_ret == ret['result'] # nested dict expected_ret = [(1, 'a'), (2, 'c'), (3, {1: 'a'})] status, ret = util._dict_to_list('test', {'args': {'starting_dict':{1: 'a', 3: {1: 'a'}}}}, {'chaining_args': {'result': {1: 'b', 2: 'c'}, 'status': True}}) assert status is True assert expected_ret == ret['result'] # empty dict status, ret = util._dict_to_list('test',{}, {'chaining_args': {'result': {}, 'status': True}}) assert status is False def test__dict_convert_none_returns_none_if_invalid_arguments(self): """ Test that given invalid arguments, the function returns None """ ret = util._dict_convert_none_helper([1, 2, 3]) assert ret is None ret = util._dict_convert_none_helper(1) assert ret is None expected_ret = {} ret = util._dict_convert_none_helper(defaultdict()) assert expected_ret == ret def test__dict_convert_none_replaces_empty_string_with_none_in_dict(self): """ Test that given valid arguments, the function converts empty strings to None in all scenarios """ # flat dict expected_ret = {1: None, 2: 'a', 3: "None", 4: None} ret = util._dict_convert_none_helper( {1: "", 2: 'a', 3: "None", 4: None}) assert expected_ret == ret # nested dicts expected_ret = {'a': {'aa': {'aaa': 3, 'bbb': {'bbbb': 4, 'cccc': None}, 'ccc': None}, 'bb': None}, 'b': None} ret = util._dict_convert_none_helper( {'a': {'aa': {'aaa': 3, 'bbb': {'bbbb': 4, 'cccc': ''}, 'ccc': ''}, 'bb': ''}, 'b': ''}) assert expected_ret == ret # nested dicts & seqs expected_ret = {'a': [{'b': [{'c': ['d', {'e': None}], 'f': None}, {'g': None}], 'h': None}, 'i'], 'j': None} ret = util._dict_convert_none_helper( {'a': [{'b': ({'c': ['d', {'e': ''}], 'f': ''}, {'g': ''}), 'h': ''}, 'i'], 'j': ''}) assert expected_ret == ret def test__seq_convert_none_returns_none_if_invalid_arguments(self): """ Test that given invalid arguments, the function returns None """ ret = util._seq_convert_none_helper({1: 'a', 2: 'b'}) assert ret is None ret = util._seq_convert_none_helper(1) assert ret is None ret = util._seq_convert_none_helper(True) assert ret is None def test__seq_convert_none_replaces_emtpy_strings_with_none(self): """ Test that given valid arguments, the function correctly converts empty strings to None in all scenarios """ # flat seq expected_ret = ['a', {1: None}, 'b', {1: None}, 'c'] ret = util._seq_convert_none_helper( ['a', {1: ''}, 'b', {1: ''}, 'c']) assert expected_ret == ret # nested seq & dict expected_ret = ['a', [{1: None, 2: [3, [4, {1: None, 2: {3: None}}]]}, 'b'], 'c'] ret = util._seq_convert_none_helper( ('a', [{1: '', 2: [3, (4, {1: '', 2: {3: ''}})]}, 'b'], 'c')) assert expected_ret == ret def test_dict_convert_none_returns_none_if_invalid_argument(self): """ Test that given invalid arguments, the function returns None """ status, ret = util._dict_convert_none('test', {}, {'chaining_args': {'result': 'foo bar', 'status': True}}) assert status is False status, ret = util._dict_convert_none('test', {'args': {'starting_seq':[1, 2]}}, {'chaining_args': {'result': {1: 'a'}, 'status': True}}) assert status is False status, ret = util._dict_convert_none('test', {}, {'chaining_args': {'result': {}, 'status': True}}) assert status is False def test_dict_convert_none_replaces_empty_string_with_none(self): """ Test that given valid arguments, the function returns a valid dict with None instead of empty strings """ # flat dict expected_ret = {1: 'a', 2: None, 3: 'b', 4: None} status, ret = util._dict_convert_none('test', {}, {'chaining_args': {'result': {1: 'a', 2: '', 3: 'b', 4: ''}, 'status': True}}) assert expected_ret == ret['result'] assert status is True # nested dict & tuple expected_ret = {'a': [{'b': [{'c': {'e': None}, 'f': None}, {'g': None}], 'h': None}, 'i'], 'j': None} status, ret = util._dict_convert_none('test', {'args': {'starting_seq':{'j': ''}}}, {'chaining_args': {'result': {'a': [{'b': ({'c': {'e': ''}, 'f': ''}, {'g': ''}), 'h': ''}, 'i']}, 'status': True}}) assert status is True assert expected_ret == ret['result'] # nested dict, list & tuple expected_ret = ['a', [{1: None, 2: [3, [4, {1: None, 2: {3: None}}]]}, 'b'], 'c'] status, ret = util._dict_convert_none('test', {}, {'chaining_args': {'result': ('a', [{1: '', 2: [3, (4, {1: '', 2: {3: ''}})]}, 'b'], 'c'), 'status': True}}) assert status is True assert expected_ret == ret['result'] # nested dict & list expected_ret = ['a', {1: None}, 'b', {1: None}, 'c'] status, ret = util._dict_convert_none('test', {'args': {'starting_seq': [{1: ''}, 'c']}}, {'chaining_args': {'result': ['a', {1: ''}, 'b'], 'status': True}}) assert status is True assert expected_ret == ret['result'] def test_print_string_returns_none_when_invalid_arguments(self): """ Test that given invalid arguments, the function returns None """ status, ret = util._print_string('test', {'args': {'starting_string': ['foo', 'bar']}}, {}) assert status is False status, ret = util._print_string('test', {'args': {'starting_string': ''}}, {}) assert status is False def test_print_string_returns_correct_string(self): """ Test that given valid arguments, the function returns the correct string """ expected_ret = 'foo' status, ret = util._print_string('test', {'args': {'starting_string': 'foo'}}, {'chaining_args': {'result': 'bar', 'status': True}}) assert status is True assert expected_ret == ret['result'] expected_ret = "foo ['b', 'a', 'r']" status, ret = util._print_string('test', {'args': {'starting_string': 'foo {}'}}, {'chaining_args': {'result': ['b', 'a', 'r'], 'status': True}}) assert status is True assert expected_ret == ret['result'] def test__sterilize_dict_returns_none_if_invalid_arguments(self): """ Test that given invalid arguments, the function returns None """ ret = util._sterilize_dict(dictionary=[1, 2]) assert ret is None ret = util._sterilize_dict(dictionary={}) assert ret == {} ret = util._sterilize_dict(dictionary=12) assert ret is None def test__sterilize_dict_removes_none_values_if_nested_dict(self): """ Test that given valid arguments, the function correctly removes keys containing values of None """ # flat dict expected_ret = {2: 'a'} ret = util._sterilize_dict( {1: None, 2: 'a'}) assert expected_ret == ret # nested dicts expected_ret = {2: {3: {5: 'a'}, 7: 'b'}, 8: 'c', 9: {}} ret = util._sterilize_dict( {1: None, 2: {3: {4: None, 5: 'a'}, 6: None, 7: 'b'}, 8: 'c', 9: {10: None}}) assert expected_ret == ret # nested dicts & sequences expected_ret = {2: {3: [4, {}], 6: {7: ['b', {}]}}} ret = util._sterilize_dict( {1: None, 2: {3: [4, {5: None}], 6: {7: ('b', {9: None}), 8: None}}}) assert expected_ret == ret def test__sterilize_seq_returns_none_if_arguments_are_invalid(self): """ Test that given invalid arguments, the function returns None """ ret = util._sterilize_seq( {1: 'a', 2: ['b']}) assert ret is None ret = util._sterilize_seq(12) assert ret is None ret = util._sterilize_seq([]) assert ret == [] def test__sterilize_seq_removes_none_values_from_seq(self): """ Test that given valid arguments, the function finds nested dicts and removes keys with values of None """ # flat seq expected_ret = [1, 2, [1, 2], [1, 2]] ret = util._sterilize_seq( [1, 2, set([1, 2, 1]), (1, 2)]) assert expected_ret == ret # nested dicts & seq expected_ret = [{2: {3: [{5: 'a'}, [None, {7: 'b'}]], 8: 'c', 9: {}}}] ret = util._sterilize_seq( [{1: None, 2: {3: ({4: None, 5: 'a'}, [None, {6: None, 7: 'b'}]), 8: 'c', 9: {10: None}}}]) assert expected_ret == ret def test_remove_dict_none_returns_none_if_invalid_arguments(self): """ Test that given invalid arguments, the function returns None """ # invalid ``starting_seq`` status, ret = util._dict_remove_none('test', {'args': {'starting_seq': [1, 2, 3]}}, {'chaining_args': {'result': {1: 'a', 2: 'b'}, 'status': True}}) assert status is False # invalid ``chained`` & valid ``starting_seq`` status, ret = util._dict_remove_none('test', {'args': {'starting_seq': [1, 2, 3]}}, {'chaining_args': {'result': '123', 'status': True}}) assert status is False # invalid ``chained`` status, ret = util._dict_remove_none('test', {}, {'chaining_args': {'result': '123', 'status': True}}) assert status is False def test_dict_remove_none_returns_valid_sequence(self): """ Test that given valid arguments, the function finds nested dicts and removes keys with values of None """ # flat dict expected_ret = {2: 'a', 4: 'b'} status, ret = util._dict_remove_none('test', {}, {'chaining_args': {'result': {1: None, 2: 'a', 3: None, 4: 'b'}, 'status': True}}) assert status is True assert expected_ret == ret['result'] # flat seq expected_ret = [{}, {2: 'a'}, 5, None, {4: 'b'}] status, ret = util._dict_remove_none('test', {'args': {'starting_seq':[5, None, {4: 'b'}]}}, {'chaining_args': {'result': [{1: None}, {2: 'a', 3: None}], 'status': True}}) assert status is True assert expected_ret == ret['result'] # nested sequences & dicts expected_ret = [{9: {11: [1, 2]}}, 11, {2: {3: [{5: 'a'}, [None, {7: 'b'}]], 8: 'c'}}] status, ret = util._dict_remove_none('test', {'args': {'starting_seq':[{1: None, 2: {3: ({4: None, 5: 'a'}, [None, {6: None, 7: 'b'}]), 8: 'c'}}]}}, {'chaining_args': {'result': [{9: {10: None, 11: set([1, 2, 1])}}, 11], 'status': True}}) assert status is True assert expected_ret == ret['result'] # nested dicts & sequences expected_ret = {2: {3: [{5: 'a'}, [None, {7: 'b'}]], 8: 'c'}, 9: {11: [1, 2]}} status, ret = util._dict_remove_none('test', {'args': {'starting_seq':{1: None, 2: {3: ({4: None, 5: 'a'}, [None, {6: None, 7: 'b'}]), 8: 'c'}}}}, {'chaining_args': {'result': {9: {10: None, 11: set([1, 2, 1])}, 11: None}, 'status': True}}) assert status is True assert expected_ret == ret['result'] def test_encode_base64_returns_none_if_invalid_arguments_type(self): """ Test that given invalid arguments, the function returns None """ # invalid `starting_string` status, ret = util._encode_base64('test', {'args': {'starting_string': 123}}, {'chaining_args': {'result': 'foo', 'status': True}}) assert status is False status, ret = util._encode_base64('test', {'args': {'starting_string': ['a', 'c'], 'format_chained': False}}, {}) assert status is False expected_ret = '' status, ret = util._encode_base64('test', {'args': {'starting_string': '', 'format_chained': False}}, {}) assert status is False def test_encode_base64_returns_string_if_valid_arguments(self): """ Test that given valid arguments, the function correctly encodes the string and returns it """ # format chained expected_ret = 'Zm9vIGJhcg==' status, ret = util._encode_base64('test', {'args': {'starting_string': 'foo {}'}}, {'chaining_args': {'result': 'bar', 'status': True}}) assert status is True assert expected_ret == ret['result'] # don't format chained expected_ret = 'Zm9v' status, ret = util._encode_base64('test', {'args': {'starting_string': 'foo'}}, {'chaining_args': {'result': 'bar', 'status': True}}) assert status is True assert expected_ret == ret['result'] # no chained expected_ret = 'Zm9vIHt9' status, ret = util._encode_base64('test', {'args': {'starting_string': 'foo {}', 'format_chained': False}}, {'chaining_args': {'result': 'bar', 'status': True}}) assert status is True assert expected_ret == ret['result']
import numpy as np def digest_indices(indices): if type(indices)==str: if indices in ['all', 'All', 'ALL']: indices = 'all' else: raise ValueError() elif type(indices) in [int, np.int64,]: indices = np.array([indices], dtype='int64') elif hasattr(indices, '__iter__'): indices = np.array(indices, dtype='int64') return indices
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Unittests for SDK stages.""" from __future__ import print_function import json import os import unittest import six from chromite.cbuildbot import cbuildbot_unittest from chromite.cbuildbot import commands from chromite.cbuildbot.stages import generic_stages from chromite.cbuildbot.stages import generic_stages_unittest from chromite.cbuildbot.stages import sdk_stages from chromite.lib import constants from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib from chromite.lib import cros_test_lib from chromite.lib import osutils from chromite.lib import perf_uploader from chromite.lib import portage_util from chromite.lib import toolchain from chromite.lib.buildstore import FakeBuildStore from chromite.lib.parser import package_info from chromite.scripts import upload_prebuilts class SDKBuildToolchainsStageTest(generic_stages_unittest.AbstractStageTestCase, cbuildbot_unittest.SimpleBuilderTestCase): """Tests SDK toolchain building.""" RELEASE_TAG = 'ToT.0.0' def setUp(self): self.buildstore = FakeBuildStore() # This code has its own unit tests, so no need to go testing it here. self.run_mock = self.PatchObject(commands, 'RunBuildScript') self.uploadartifact_mock = self.PatchObject( generic_stages.ArchivingStageMixin, 'UploadArtifact') def ConstructStage(self): self._run.GetArchive().SetupArchivePath() return sdk_stages.SDKBuildToolchainsStage(self._run, self.buildstore) def testNormal(self): """Basic run through the main code.""" self._Prepare('chromiumos-sdk') self.PatchObject( os, 'listdir', return_value=[ 'i686-pc.tar.xz', 'x86_64-cros.tar.xz', ]) self.RunStage() self.assertEqual(self.run_mock.call_count, 2) self.assertEqual(self.uploadartifact_mock.call_count, 2) # Sanity check args passed to RunBuildScript. for call in self.run_mock.call_args_list: buildroot, cmd = call[0] self.assertTrue(isinstance(buildroot, six.string_types)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(cmd, (tuple, list))) for ele in cmd: self.assertTrue(isinstance(ele, six.string_types)) class SDKPackageStageTest(generic_stages_unittest.AbstractStageTestCase, cbuildbot_unittest.SimpleBuilderTestCase): """Tests SDK package and Manifest creation.""" RELEASE_TAG = 'ToT.0.0' fake_packages = (('cat1/package', '1'), ('cat1/package', '2'), ('cat2/package', '3'), ('cat2/package', '4')) def setUp(self): self.buildstore = FakeBuildStore() # Replace sudo_run, since we don't care about sudo. self.PatchObject(cros_build_lib, 'sudo_run', self.uploadartifact_mock = self.PatchObject( generic_stages.ArchivingStageMixin, 'UploadArtifact') # Prepare a fake chroot. self.fake_chroot = os.path.join(self.build_root, 'chroot/build/amd64-host') self.fake_json_data = {} osutils.SafeMakedirs(self.fake_chroot) osutils.Touch(os.path.join(self.fake_chroot, 'file')) for package, v in self.fake_packages: cpv = package_info.SplitCPV('%s-%s' % (package, v)) self.fake_json_data.setdefault(cpv.cp, []).append([v, {}]) def ConstructStage(self): self._run.GetArchive().SetupArchivePath() return sdk_stages.SDKPackageStage(self._run, self.buildstore) def testTarballCreation(self): """Tests whether we package the tarball and correctly create a Manifest.""" # We'll test this separately. self.PatchObject(sdk_stages.SDKPackageStage, '_SendPerfValues') self._Prepare('chromiumos-sdk') fake_tarball = os.path.join(self.build_root, 'built-sdk.tar.xz') fake_manifest = os.path.join(self.build_root, 'built-sdk.tar.xz.Manifest') self.PatchObject( portage_util, 'ListInstalledPackages', return_value=self.fake_packages) self.RunStage() # Check tarball for the correct contents. output = ['tar', '-I', 'xz', '-tvf', fake_tarball], encoding='utf-8', capture_output=True).stdout.splitlines() # First line is './', use it as an anchor, count the chars, and strip as # much from all other lines. stripchars = len(output[0]) - 1 tar_lines = [x[stripchars:] for x in output] self.assertNotIn('/build/amd64-host/', tar_lines) self.assertIn('/file', tar_lines) # Verify manifest contents. real_json_data = json.loads(osutils.ReadFile(fake_manifest)) self.assertEqual(real_json_data['packages'], self.fake_json_data) self.uploadartifact_mock.assert_called_once_with( fake_tarball, strict=True, archive=True) def testPerf(self): """Check perf data points are generated/uploaded.""" m = self.PatchObject(perf_uploader, 'UploadPerfValues') sdk_data = 'asldjfasf' sdk_size = len(sdk_data) sdk_tarball = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'sdk.tar.xz') osutils.WriteFile(sdk_tarball, sdk_data) tarball_dir = os.path.join(self.tempdir, constants.DEFAULT_CHROOT_DIR, constants.SDK_TOOLCHAINS_OUTPUT) arm_tar = os.path.join(tarball_dir, 'arm-cros-linux-gnu.tar.xz') x86_tar = os.path.join(tarball_dir, 'i686-pc-linux-gnu.tar.xz') osutils.Touch(arm_tar, makedirs=True) osutils.Touch(x86_tar, makedirs=True) self._Prepare('chromiumos-sdk') stage = self.ConstructStage() # pylint: disable=protected-access stage._SendPerfValues(self.tempdir, sdk_tarball, 'http://some/log', '', 'sdk-bot') # pylint: enable=protected-access perf_values = m.call_args[0][0] exp = perf_uploader.PerformanceValue( description='base', value=sdk_size, units='bytes', higher_is_better=False, graph='cros-sdk-size', stdio_uri='http://some/log', ) self.assertEqual(exp, perf_values[0]) exp = set(( perf_uploader.PerformanceValue( description='arm-cros-linux-gnu', value=0, units='bytes', higher_is_better=False, graph='cros-sdk-size', stdio_uri='http://some/log', ), perf_uploader.PerformanceValue( description='i686-pc-linux-gnu', value=0, units='bytes', higher_is_better=False, graph='cros-sdk-size', stdio_uri='http://some/log', ), perf_uploader.PerformanceValue( description='base_plus_arm-cros-linux-gnu', value=sdk_size, units='bytes', higher_is_better=False, graph='cros-sdk-size', stdio_uri='http://some/log', ), perf_uploader.PerformanceValue( description='base_plus_i686-pc-linux-gnu', value=sdk_size, units='bytes', higher_is_better=False, graph='cros-sdk-size', stdio_uri='http://some/log', ), )) self.assertEqual(exp, set(perf_values[1:])) platform_name = m.call_args[0][1] self.assertEqual(platform_name, 'sdk-bot') test_name = m.call_args[0][2] self.assertEqual(test_name, 'sdk') kwargs = m.call_args[1] self.assertEqual(kwargs['revision'], 123456) class SDKPackageToolchainOverlaysStageTest( generic_stages_unittest.AbstractStageTestCase): """Tests board toolchain overlay installation and packaging.""" def setUp(self): self.buildstore = FakeBuildStore() # Mock out running of cros_setup_toolchains. self.PatchObject(commands, 'RunBuildScript', wraps=self.FakeRunBuildScript) self._setup_toolchain_cmds = [] # Prepare a fake chroot. self.fake_chroot = os.path.join(self.build_root, 'chroot/build/amd64-host') osutils.SafeMakedirs(self.fake_chroot) osutils.Touch(os.path.join(self.fake_chroot, 'file')) def FakeRunBuildScript(self, build_root, cmd, chromite_cmd=False, **kwargs): if cmd[0] == 'cros_setup_toolchains': self.assertEqual(self.build_root, build_root) self.assertTrue(chromite_cmd) self.assertTrue(kwargs.get('enter_chroot', False)) self.assertTrue(kwargs.get('sudo', False)) # Drop a uniquely named file in the toolchain overlay merged location. sysroot = None board = None targets = None for opt in cmd[1:]: if opt.startswith('--sysroot='): sysroot = opt[len('--sysroot='):] elif opt.startswith('--include-boards='): board = opt[len('--include-boards='):] elif opt.startswith('--targets='): targets = opt[len('--targets='):] self.assertTrue(sysroot) self.assertTrue(board) self.assertEqual('boards', targets) merged_dir = os.path.join(self.build_root, constants.DEFAULT_CHROOT_DIR, sysroot.lstrip(os.path.sep)) osutils.Touch(os.path.join(merged_dir, board + '.tmp')) def ConstructStage(self): return sdk_stages.SDKPackageToolchainOverlaysStage(self._run, self.buildstore) # TODO(akeshet): determine why this test is flaky @unittest.skip('Skip flaky test.') def testTarballCreation(self): """Tests that tarballs are created for all board toolchains.""" self._Prepare('chromiumos-sdk') self.RunStage() # Check that a tarball was created correctly for all toolchain sets. sdk_toolchains = set(toolchain.GetToolchainsForBoard('sdk')) all_toolchain_combos = set() for board in self._run.site_config.GetBoards(): try: toolchains = set(toolchain.GetToolchainsForBoard(board).keys()) if toolchains.issubset(sdk_toolchains): all_toolchain_combos.add('-'.join(sorted(toolchains))) except portage_util.MissingOverlayError: pass for toolchains in all_toolchain_combos: overlay_tarball = os.path.join( self.build_root, constants.DEFAULT_CHROOT_DIR, constants.SDK_OVERLAYS_OUTPUT, 'built-sdk-overlay-toolchains-%s.tar.xz' % toolchains) output = ['tar', '-I', 'xz', '-tf', overlay_tarball], encoding='utf-8', capture_output=True).stdout.splitlines() # Check that the overlay tarball contains a marker file and that the # board recorded by this marker file indeed uses the toolchains for which # the tarball was built. tmp_files = [os.path.basename(x) for x in output if x.endswith('.tmp')] self.assertEqual(1, len(tmp_files)) board = tmp_files[0][:-len('.tmp')] board_toolchains = '-'.join( sorted(toolchain.GetToolchainsForBoard(board).keys())) self.assertEqual(toolchains, board_toolchains) class SDKTestStageTest(generic_stages_unittest.AbstractStageTestCase): """Tests SDK test phase.""" def setUp(self): self.buildstore = FakeBuildStore() # This code has its own unit tests, so no need to go testing it here. self.run_mock = self.PatchObject(cros_build_lib, 'run') def ConstructStage(self): return sdk_stages.SDKTestStage(self._run, self.buildstore) def testNormal(self): """Basic run through the main code.""" self._Prepare('chromiumos-sdk') self.RunStage() class SDKUprevStageTest(generic_stages_unittest.AbstractStageTestCase): """Tests SDK Uprev stage.""" _VERSION = '2017.09.01.155318' def ConstructStage(self): return sdk_stages.SDKUprevStage( self._run, self.buildstore, version=self._VERSION) def testUprev(self): recorded_args = [] self.PatchObject(upload_prebuilts, 'RevGitFile', lambda *args, **kwargs: recorded_args.append(args)) out_dir = os.path.join(self.build_root, 'chroot', 'tmp', 'toolchain-pkgs') osutils.SafeMakedirs(out_dir) osutils.Touch(os.path.join(out_dir, 'fake_sdk.tar.xz')) self._Prepare('chromiumos-sdk') self.RunStage() # upload_prebuilts.RevGitFile should be called exact once. self.assertEqual(1, len(recorded_args)) sdk_conf, sdk_settings = recorded_args[0] self.assertEqual( sdk_conf, os.path.join(self.build_root, 'src', 'third_party', 'chromiumos-overlay', 'chromeos', 'binhost', 'host', 'sdk_version.conf')) self.assertEqual( sdk_settings, { 'SDK_LATEST_VERSION': self._VERSION, 'TC_PATH': '2017/09/%(target)s-2017.09.01.155318.tar.xz' }) class SDKUtilTest(cros_test_lib.RunCommandTempDirTestCase): """Tests various utility functions.""" def testCreateTarballBasic(self): """Basic sanity checks for CreateTarball.""" sdk_stages.CreateTarball(self.tempdir, '/chromite.tar') self.assertCommandContains(['tar', '/chromite.tar', '.']) def testCreateTarballExclude(self): """Verify CreateTarball exclude_path handling.""" sdk_stages.CreateTarball(self.tempdir, '/chromite.tar', exclude_paths=['tmp', 'usr/lib/debug']) self.assertCommandContains( ['tar', '--anchored', '--exclude=./tmp/*', '--exclude=./usr/lib/debug/*', '/chromite.tar', '.'])
from app.core.exceptions import BaseException class ValidationError(BaseException): def __init__(self, error_message): self.error_message = error_message super(BaseException, self).__init__(error_message) class AuthenticationError(BaseException): def __init__(self, error_message): self.error_message = error_message
#!/usr/bin/env python # Django environment setup: from django.conf import settings, global_settings as default_settings from import call_command from os.path import dirname, realpath, join import sys # Detect location and available modules module_root = dirname(realpath(__file__)) # Inline settings file settings.configure( DEBUG = False, # will be False anyway by DjangoTestRunner. TEMPLATE_DEBUG = True, DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': ':memory:' } }, TEMPLATE_LOADERS = ( 'django.template.loaders.app_directories.Loader', ), TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS = default_settings.TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS + ( 'django.core.context_processors.request', ), INSTALLED_APPS = ( 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.sites', 'fluent_pages', 'fluent_pages.tests.testapp', 'mptt', 'polymorphic', 'polymorphic_tree', ), SITE_ID = 4, ROOT_URLCONF = 'fluent_pages.tests.testapp.urls', FLUENT_PAGES_TEMPLATE_DIR = join(module_root, 'fluent_pages', 'tests', 'testapp', 'templates'), ) call_command('syncdb', verbosity=1, interactive=False, traceback=True) # ---- app start verbosity = 2 if '-v' in sys.argv else 1 from django.test.utils import get_runner TestRunner = get_runner(settings) # DjangoTestSuiteRunner runner = TestRunner(verbosity=verbosity, interactive=True, failfast=False) failures = runner.run_tests(['fluent_pages']) if failures: sys.exit(bool(failures))
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ :Mod: test_async :Synopsis: :Author: servilla :Created: 4/22/21 """ import asyncio from datetime import datetime import re from typing import List import daiquiri import pendulum from soh.config import Config import soh.asserts.server from soh.server.server import ApacheServer from soh.server.server import ApacheTomcatServer from soh.server.server import AuditServer from soh.server.server import AuthServer from soh.server.server import GmnServer from soh.server.server import JettyServer from soh.server.server import LdapServer from soh.server.server import PackageServer from soh.server.server import PortalServer from soh.server.server import Server from soh.server.server import SolrServer from soh.server.server import TomcatServer logger = daiquiri.getLogger(__name__) hosts = [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] status: dict = {} def test_hosts(): for host in hosts: status[host] = [0, None] print() start_time = loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() task1 = loop.create_task(check_hosts()) task2 = loop.create_task(check_uptimes()) task3 = loop.create_task(check_read_only()) tasks = asyncio.gather(task1, task2, task3) loop.run_until_complete(tasks) end_time = print(f"Testing done: {end_time - start_time} seconds") for host in hosts: print(host, status[host]) async def check_hosts(): for host in hosts: await do_check(host) async def do_check(host=None): server = None if host in Config.server_types["APACHE"]: server = ApacheServer(host=host) elif host in Config.server_types["APACHE_TOMCAT"]: server = ApacheTomcatServer(host=host) elif host in Config.server_types["AUDIT"]: server = AuditServer(host=host) elif host in Config.server_types["AUTH"]: server = AuthServer(host=host) elif host in Config.server_types["GMN"]: server = GmnServer(host=host) elif host in Config.server_types["JETTY"]: server = JettyServer(host=host) elif host in Config.server_types["LDAP"]: server = LdapServer(host=host) elif host in Config.server_types["PACKAGE"]: server = PackageServer(host=host) elif host in Config.server_types["PORTAL"]: server = PortalServer(host=host) elif host in Config.server_types["SERVER"]: server = Server(host=host) elif host in Config.server_types["SOLR"]: server = SolrServer(host=host) elif host in Config.server_types["TOMCAT"]: server = TomcatServer(host=host) else: logger.error(f"Unknown server: {host}") return status[host][0] = await server.check_server() async def check_read_only(): for host in hosts: await do_read_only(host) async def do_read_only(host): host_ro = await soh.asserts.server.read_only(host=host) if host_ro: status[host][0] = status[host][0] | Config.assertions["READ_ONLY"] async def check_uptimes(): for host in hosts: await do_uptime(host) async def do_uptime(host): host_uptime = await soh.asserts.server.uptime(host=host) status[host][1] = host_uptime if host_uptime is not None: status[host][0] = status[host][0] | load_status(get_load(host_uptime)) def get_load(uptime: str): load = None if uptime is not None: match ="\d?\d\.\d\d, \d?\d\.\d\d, \d?\d\.\d\d", uptime) if match: load = [float(_.strip()) for _ in",")] return load def load_status(load: List) -> int: ls = Config.UP if load is None: ls = Config.assertions["LOAD_HIGH"] else: load1 = load[0] load5 = load[1] load15 = load[2] if load1 >= Config.LOAD1_MAX: ls = Config.assertions["LOAD_HIGH"] return ls
# Calculates heatwaves using Nairn's methodology # Nairn et al. (2009). Defining and predicting Excessive Heat events, a National System import numpy as np # Defines runing mean functions: def moving_average_3(x, N=3): return np.convolve(x, np.ones((N,))/N)[(N-1):] def moving_average_30(x, N=30): return np.convolve(x, np.ones((N,))/N)[(N-1):] # Loads text files with maximun and minimum temperature TxtFileTmax = np.loadtxt('melbourne.acorn.sat.maxT.086071.daily.txt') TxtFileTmin = np.loadtxt('melbourne.acorn.sat.minT.086071.daily.txt') # Defines length of files ShapeTmaxTmin = TxtFileTmax.shape n = (ShapeTmaxTmin[0]) #Creates arrays to fill-in variables data Year = np.zeros((n), dtype=int) Month = np.zeros((n), dtype=int) Day = np.zeros((n), dtype=int) Tmax = np.zeros((n), dtype=float) Tmin = np.zeros((n), dtype=float) ADT = np.zeros((n), dtype=float) # Fills-in data in arrays for i in xrange(n): Year[i] = TxtFileTmax[i,0] Month[i] = TxtFileTmax[i,1] Day[i] = TxtFileTmax[i,2] Tmax[i] = TxtFileTmax[i,3] Tmin[i] = TxtFileTmin[i,3] # Calcualtes average daily temperature (ADT) # ADT is equal to the average of daily maximun (Tmax) # and minimum temperature (Tmin) for i in xrange(n): ADT[i] = (Tmax[i]+Tmin[i])/2 # Calculates Excess Heat # Climatological Excess Heat Index (EHIsig) EHIsig = np.zeros((n,4), dtype=float) movavgadt_3 = moving_average_3(ADT) for i in xrange(n): EHIsig[i,0]=Year[i] EHIsig[i,1]=Month[i] EHIsig[i,2]=Day[i] # 95th percentile calcualte in excel, across all ADT days for the period 1960-2011 according to Nairn's methodology Pctl95 = 22.2 for i in xrange(n): EHIsig[i,3] = movavgadt_3[i] - Pctl95 #print EHIsig # Calcualtes Heat Stress # Excess Heat Index (EHIaccl) movavgadt_30 = moving_average_30(ADT) EHIaccl = np.zeros((n,4), dtype=float) for i in xrange(n): EHIaccl[i,0]=Year[i] EHIaccl[i,1]=Month[i] EHIaccl[i,2]=Day[i] for i in xrange(0,n-30): EHIaccl[i,3]=movavgadt_3[i+30]-movavgadt_30[i] #print EHIaccl # Calculates Excess Heat Factor (EHF) # First and last 30 values of caluclations are not valid (running mean) EHF = np.zeros((n,4), dtype=float) for i in xrange(n): EHF[i,0]=Year[i] EHF[i,1]=Month[i] EHF[i,2]=Day[i] EHF[i,3]=abs(EHIaccl[i,3])*EHIsig[i,3] # Selects values only form 1960-2011 s = range(n-1096,n) t = range(18262) EHF = np.delete(EHF, (s), axis=0) EHF = np.delete(EHF, (t), axis=0) # Writes result into a textfile np.savetxt('melbourne.heatwaves.nairn.1960-2011.txt', EHF, fmt='%s') print EHF
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 import os def system_dependency(name): print "installing system dependency {}".format(name) os.system('sudo apt-get install %s' % name) print "done!"
import sys import os import shutil import re import glob import struct import math import collections import argparse import csv from lib import csv_classes fpath=os.path.realpath(__file__) py_path=os.path.dirname(fpath) endian = "little" pack_int = '<i' INT_BYTES=4 STR_BYTES=20 def parseError(error_string, line, index): sys.exit("Invalid line in csv. Line: " + str(line) + " - Index: " + str(index) + " " + error_string) def iterateRow(line, row, current_keystring, current_fields, csv_header): for i in range(len(row)): if i == 0: if not row[i]: #not a new keystring but continuation of the previous line if not current_keystring: parseError("Leading comma without a valid keystring.", line, i) #else just let the rest of the elements be added as fields elif row[i][0] == '#': #comment do nothing print("Skipping line: " + str(line) + " because it is commented out") return current_keystring, current_fields elif row[i] and row !="#": #add new keystring if not current_keystring: current_keystring = row[i] elif len(current_fields): csv_header.addTable(current_keystring, current_fields) current_keystring = row[i] current_fields = [] else: parseError("Keystring: " + current_keystring + " does not have any fields.", line, i) else: if not row[i]: #skip None elif row[i][0] == '#': #comment, continue print("Skipping line: " + str(line) + " after cell: " + str(i) + " because it is commented out") return current_keystring, current_fields else: #add field to list current_fields.append(row[i]) return current_keystring, current_fields def execute(is_big_endian, print, input_csv, output_csv): if is_big_endian: #lazy but also set these in all sub classes csv_classes.endian='big' csv_classes.float_endian = '>f' csv_classes.int_endian = '>i' csv_classes.short_endian = '>h' else: #lazy but also set these in all sub classes csv_classes.endian='little' csv_classes.float_endian = '<f' csv_classes.int_endian = '<i' csv_classes.short_endian = '<h' input_reader = open(input_csv, newline='') csv_reader = csv.reader(input_reader, delimiter=',') csv_header = csv_classes.CSVHeader() current_keystring = "" current_fields = [] line = 0; for row in csv_reader: current_keystring, current_fields = iterateRow(line, row, current_keystring, current_fields, csv_header) line+=1 #add last fields if they exist if current_keystring: if len(current_fields): csv_header.addTable(current_keystring, current_fields) else: parseError("Keystring: " + current_keystring + " does not have any fields.", line, 0) #now convert header to bytes! #run twice to fix indices if print: csv_header.pretty_print() csv_header.to_bytes() input_reader.close() csv_writer = open(output_csv, "wb") csv_writer.write(csv_header.to_bytes()) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Rebuild a CSV file") endian = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() endian.add_argument("-g", "--gamecube", help="Use gamecube endian - small endian", action="store_true") endian.add_argument("-x", "--xbox", help="Use xbox endian - big endian [Default]", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-p", "--print", help="Print the parsed csv", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("input", help="Input CSV file") parser.add_argument("output", type=str, help="Output file") args = parser.parse_args() #set endianess - xbox default execute(args.gamecube, args.print, args.input, args.output)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Import Modules Configure the Database Instantiate Classes """ if settings.get_L10n_languages_readonly(): # Make the Language files read-only for improved performance T.is_writable = False get_vars = request.get_vars # Are we running in debug mode? settings.check_debug() import datetime try: import json # try stdlib (Python 2.6) except ImportError: try: import simplejson as json # try external module except: import gluon.contrib.simplejson as json # fallback to pure-Python module ######################## # Database Configuration ######################## migrate = settings.get_base_migrate() fake_migrate = settings.get_base_fake_migrate() if migrate: check_reserved = ("mysql", "postgres") else: check_reserved = [] (db_string, pool_size) = settings.get_database_string() if db_string.find("sqlite") != -1: db = DAL(db_string, check_reserved=check_reserved, migrate_enabled = migrate, fake_migrate_all = fake_migrate, lazy_tables = not migrate) # on SQLite 3.6.19+ this enables foreign key support (included in Python 2.7+) # db.executesql("PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON") else: try: if db_string.find("mysql") != -1: # Use MySQLdb where available (pymysql has given broken pipes) # - done automatically now, no need to add this manually #try: # import MySQLdb # from gluon.dal import MySQLAdapter # MySQLAdapter.driver = MySQLdb #except ImportError: # # Fallback to pymysql # pass if check_reserved: check_reserved = ["postgres"] db = DAL(db_string, check_reserved = check_reserved, pool_size = pool_size, migrate_enabled = migrate, lazy_tables = not migrate) else: # PostgreSQL if check_reserved: check_reserved = ["mysql"] db = DAL(db_string, check_reserved = check_reserved, pool_size = pool_size, migrate_enabled = migrate, lazy_tables = not migrate) except: db_type = db_string.split(":", 1)[0] db_location = db_string.split("@", 1)[1] raise(HTTP(503, "Cannot connect to %s Database: %s" % (db_type, db_location))) current.db = db db.set_folder("upload") # Sessions Storage if settings.get_base_session_memcache(): # Store sessions in Memcache from gluon.contrib.memcache import MemcacheClient cache.memcache = MemcacheClient(request, [settings.get_base_session_memcache()]) from gluon.contrib.memdb import MEMDB session.connect(request, response, db=MEMDB(cache.memcache)) #################################################################### # Instantiate Classes from Modules # # - store instances in current to be accessible from other modules # #################################################################### from import Mail mail = Mail() current.mail = mail from import Messages messages = Messages(T) current.messages = messages ERROR = Messages(T) current.ERROR = ERROR # Import the S3 Framework if update_check_needed: # Reload the Field definitions reload(s3base.s3fields) else: import s3 as s3base # Set up logger (before any module attempts to use it!) import s3log s3log.S3Log.setup() # AAA current.auth = auth = s3base.AuthS3() # Use session for persistent per-user variables # - beware of a user having multiple tabs open! # - don't save callables or class instances as these can't be pickled if not session.s3: session.s3 = Storage() # Use username instead of email address for logins # - would probably require further customisation # to get this fully-working within Eden as it's not a Tested configuration #auth.settings.login_userfield = "username" auth.settings.hmac_key = settings.get_auth_hmac_key() auth.define_tables(migrate=migrate, fake_migrate=fake_migrate) current.audit = audit = s3base.S3Audit(migrate=migrate, fake_migrate=fake_migrate) # Shortcuts for models/controllers/views s3_has_role = auth.s3_has_role s3_has_permission = auth.s3_has_permission s3_logged_in_person = auth.s3_logged_in_person # Calendar current.calendar = s3base.S3Calendar() # CRUD s3.crud = Storage() # S3 Custom Validators and Widgets, imported here into the global # namespace in order to access them without the s3base namespace prefix s3_action_buttons = s3base.S3CRUD.action_buttons s3_fullname = s3base.s3_fullname s3_redirect_default = s3base.s3_redirect_default S3ResourceHeader = s3base.S3ResourceHeader from s3.s3navigation import s3_rheader_tabs from s3.s3validators import * from s3.s3widgets import * from s3.s3data import * # GIS Module gis = s3base.GIS() current.gis = gis # s3_request s3_request = s3base.s3_request # Field Selectors FS = s3base.FS # S3XML s3xml = s3base.S3XML() current.xml = s3xml # Messaging msg = s3base.S3Msg() current.msg = msg # Sync sync = s3base.S3Sync() current.sync = sync # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def s3_clear_session(): # CRUD last opened records (rcvars) s3base.s3_remove_last_record_id() # Session-owned records if "owned_records" in session: del session["owned_records"] if "s3" in session: s3 = session.s3 opts = ["hrm", "report_options", "utc_offset", "deduplicate"] for o in opts: if o in s3: del s3[o] # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def s3_auth_on_login(form): """ Actions to be performed upon successful login Do not redirect from here! """ s3_clear_session() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def s3_auth_on_logout(user): """ Actions to be performed after logout Do not redirect from here! """ s3_clear_session() # END =========================================================================
from __future__ import annotations import numpy as np from nn_recipe.NN.ActivationFunctions.__factory import ActivationFunctionFactory from nn_recipe.NN.Layers.__layer import Layer from nn_recipe.NN.__function import Function class Linear(Layer): """ This Class represents a Linear Layer (Dense - Fully connected) Linear Layer is responsible for: - Calculating the forward path Z = W * X.T - Calculating activation of the layer Y = Act(Z) - Calculating local gradients that will be used by the optimizers Gradient Calculated are: 1. dW: ∂Y/∂Z * ∂Z/∂W = activation gradient * X 2. dX: ∂Y/∂Z * ∂Z/∂X = activation gradient * W 3. dB: ∂Y/∂Z * ∂Z/∂B = activation gradient * 1 :cvar ID: unique id for the activation function used by the layer loader """ @staticmethod def load(data): """ This function is used to create a new layer based on the descriptor :rtype: Linear """ act = ActivationFunctionFactory(data.pop("activation")) return Linear(in_dim=data.pop("in_dim"), out_dim=data.pop("out_dim"), activation=act, **data) ID = 0 def __init__(self, in_dim, out_dim, activation, **kwargs): """ Initializes the layer by calling base class constructor to create weights and bias and initialize them :param in_dim: number of neurons of the previous layer :type in_dim: int :param out_dim: number of neurons of the current layer :type out_dim: int :param activation: activation function that will be used :type activation: Function :keyword weights: Initial value for layer weights :keyword bias: Initial value for layer bias :raise TypeError: When the given initial data doesn't have the expected type :raise ShapeError: When the given initial data doesn't have the expected shape """ self.__activation = activation super(Linear, self).__init__(in_dim, out_dim, **kwargs) def _init_params(self): """ Initializes layer parameters (weights and bias) """ # factor = np.tanh(1/self._in_dim) # factor that will be used to normalize params factor = np.sqrt(1 / self._in_dim) self._weights = np.random.normal(0, factor, (self._out_dim, self._in_dim)) # init weights self._bias = np.random.normal(0, factor, (self._out_dim, 1)) # self._bias = np.ones((self._out_dim, self.__batch_size)) # init bias def _forward(self, x): """ Calculates forward path (W*X.t) then apply activation function :param x: input to the layer (output from the previous layer) :type x: np.ndarray :rtype: np.ndarray """ return self.__activation(, x.T) + self._bias).T def _calc_local_grad(self, x): """ Local gradient calculations Gradient Calculated are: 1. dW: ∂Z/∂W = X 2. dX: ∂Z/∂X = W 3. dZ: ∂Y/∂Z = activation gradient :note: No need to return ∂Z/∂B as it's always 1 :param x: input to the layer (output from the previous layer) :type x: np.ndarray :rtype: dict[str, np.ndarray] """ return { 'dW': x, 'dX': np.copy(self.weights), 'dZ': self.__activation.local_grad } def _save(self): """ Methode used to get the data that will be saved in the save phase Expected Descriptor Structure: - ID: unique id for each layer (0 in case of Linear Layer) - in_dim: number of inputs (number of neurons in the previous layer) - iut_dim: number of neurons in the current layer - activation: Activation function descriptor - bias: numpy array represents the bias used by the layer - weights: numpy array represents the weights used by the layer """ return { "in_dim": self._in_dim, "out_dim": self._out_dim, "activation":, "bias": self._bias, "weights": self._weights }
{ 'targets': [ { 'target_name': 'binding', 'includes': [ 'deps/snappy/common.gypi' ], 'include_dirs': [ '<!(node -e "require(\'nan\')")', 'deps/snappy/<(os_include)' ], 'dependencies': [ 'deps/snappy/snappy.gyp:snappy' ], 'sources': [ 'src/' ] } ] }
import numpy as np import math import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn import metrics import argparse from functools import partial def distance_from_unif(samples, test='ks'): sorted_samples = np.sort(samples, axis=1) try: assert (np.greater_equal(sorted_samples, 0)).all(), np.min(sorted_samples) assert (np.less_equal(sorted_samples, 1)).all(), np.max(sorted_samples) except AssertionError: sorted_samples = np.maximum(sorted_samples, 0) sorted_samples = np.minimum(sorted_samples, 1) ts_test = partial(ts, test=test) return np.apply_along_axis(ts_test, 1, sorted_samples) def ts(sorted_samples, test): n = len(sorted_samples) if test == 'ks': # should not include 0 but include 1 unif_cdf = list(np.arange(0, 1, 1/n))[1:] + [1.0] return max(abs(sorted_samples - unif_cdf)) elif test == 'cvm': # ts = 1/(12 * n) # for i in range(1, n + 1): # ts += (sorted_samples[i-1] - (2*i - 1)/n)**2 # return ts return np.sum(np.square(np.array([(2*i - 1)/n for i in range(n)]) - sorted_samples)) + 1/(12*n) elif test == 'ad': # ts = 0 # for i in range(1, n + 1): # ts -= (2*i - 1) * math.log(np.maximum(sorted_samples[i-1], [1e-16])) # ts -= (2*n + 1 - 2*i) * math.log(np.maximum(1 - sorted_samples[i-1], [1e-16])) # ts /= n # ts -= n # return ts Ws = np.array([(2*i - 1) for i in range(n)]) * np.log(np.maximum(sorted_samples, [1e-16])) Vs = np.array([(2*n + 1 - 2*i) for i in range(n)]) * np.log(np.maximum(1 - sorted_samples, [1e-16])) return (-np.sum(Ws) - np.sum(Vs))/n - n def compute_auc(neg, pos, pos_label=1): ys = np.concatenate((np.zeros(len(neg)), np.ones(len(pos))), axis=0) neg = np.array(neg)[np.logical_not(np.isnan(neg))] pos = np.array(pos)[np.logical_not(np.isnan(pos))] scores = np.concatenate((neg, pos), axis=0) auc = metrics.roc_auc_score(ys, scores) if pos_label == 1: return auc else: return 1 - auc if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-i", type=str, default='', help="Location of checkpoint to restore") parser.add_argument("-o", type=str, default='', help="Location of checkpoint to restore") args = parser.parse_args() in_samples = np.load(args.i) out_samples = np.load(args.o) if len(in_samples.shape) > 2: in_samples = in_samples.reshape((in_samples.shape[0], -1)) out_samples = out_samples.reshape((out_samples.shape[0], -1)) # in_samples = np.random.uniform(size=(20, 3072)) # out_samples = np.random.beta(a=1, b=1.5, size=(20, 3072)) # for test in ['ks', 'cvm', 'ad']: for test in ['ad']: in_d = distance_from_unif(in_samples, test) print(np.min(in_d), np.max(in_d)) out_d = distance_from_unif(out_samples, test) print(np.min(out_d), np.max(out_d)) auc_unif = compute_auc(out_d * -1, in_d * -1) print(f'UNIF: {auc_unif}')
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import json from alipay.aop.api.constant.ParamConstants import * class AlipayUserElectronicidUserbarcodeCreateModel(object): def __init__(self): self._cert_id = None self._expire_time = None @property def cert_id(self): return self._cert_id @cert_id.setter def cert_id(self, value): self._cert_id = value @property def expire_time(self): return self._expire_time @expire_time.setter def expire_time(self, value): self._expire_time = value def to_alipay_dict(self): params = dict() if self.cert_id: if hasattr(self.cert_id, 'to_alipay_dict'): params['cert_id'] = self.cert_id.to_alipay_dict() else: params['cert_id'] = self.cert_id if self.expire_time: if hasattr(self.expire_time, 'to_alipay_dict'): params['expire_time'] = self.expire_time.to_alipay_dict() else: params['expire_time'] = self.expire_time return params @staticmethod def from_alipay_dict(d): if not d: return None o = AlipayUserElectronicidUserbarcodeCreateModel() if 'cert_id' in d: o.cert_id = d['cert_id'] if 'expire_time' in d: o.expire_time = d['expire_time'] return o
# coding=utf-8 import time, json, io, datetime, argparse item_type = ('EVENT', 'INFO', 'AD') categories = ('pregon', 'music', 'food', 'sport', 'art', 'fire', 'band') places = { 'Alameda':(41.903501, -8.866704), 'Auditorio de San Bieito':(41.899915, -8.873203), 'A Cruzada':(41.897817, -8.874520), 'As Solanas':(41.9038126, -8.8659001), 'Rúas de A Guarda':(-1, -1), 'Porto':(41.898983, -8.874545), 'O Fuscalho':(41.902495, -8.879410), 'Centro Cultural':(41.902892, -8.865532), 'Estadio A Sangriña':(41.899626, -8.861348), 'Montiño':(41.900999, -8.866232), 'Salcidos':(41.909254, -8.852916), 'Plaza do Reló':(41.9013013,-8.8744885), 'Praia do Muíño':(41.8748281,-8.8674021), 'Colexio dos Xesuítas':(41.8883961,-8.8515421,17), 'Singular Lounge Disco':(41.902339,-8.869759), 'Atalaia':(41.9026239,-8.8800699), 'As de Copas':(41.902227,-8.869925,17), 'Santa Trega':(41.8929508,-8.8737453), 'San Caetano':(41.8945184,-8.8770014), 'Recreo artístico guardés':(41.903213,-8.87437), 'O Coruto':(41.9062441,-8.8620104), 'O Rosal':(41.936970, -8.836869), 'Praia da Lamiña':(41.877793, -8.861384), 'A Guía':(41.905326, -8.876671), 'Praza dos Seixiños (A Gándara)':(41.915780, -8.847085), 'A Sangriña':(41.900790, -8.862902), 'Castelo de Santa Cruz':(41.904506, -8.872801) } """ An event can have the following fields event = { 'EVENT_NAME':'', # Mandatory 'DAY':'', # Mandatory dd/MM/yyyy 'START_TIME':'', # Mandatory hh:mm 'END_TIME':'', 'CATEGORY':'', 'PLACE':'', # Mandatory 'LATITUDE':'', 'LONGITUDE':'', 'DESCRIPTION':'', # New fields 'PRICE':'', 'IMG_URL':'', 'URL':'', 'TYPE':'' } """ def printDict(d): for ind, key in enumerate(d): print(str(ind) + " - " + key) def printList(l): for ind, item in enumerate(l): print(str(ind) + " - " + item) def getKey(ind, d): # Convert dictionary keys in a tuple so they can be accessed with an index keys = () for item in d: keys = keys + (item,) return keys[ind] def readItemsFile(): with open("proba.txt", "r") as myfile: events = json.load(myfile) # All day events are coded this way to be able to use sort function for item in events: if item['START_TIME'] == 'Todo o día': item['START_TIME'] = '00:02' return events def writeItemsFile(events): events = sorted(events, key=lambda event: time.strptime(event['START_TIME'] + ' ' + event['DAY'], "%H:%M %d/%m/%Y")) for item in events: if item['START_TIME'] == '00:02': item['START_TIME'] = 'Todo o día' with"proba.txt", "w") as myfile: json.dump(events, myfile, ensure_ascii=False) def removeOldEvents(): events = readItemsFile() # Remove events from previous days today =, minute=00) events = list(filter(lambda item: datetime.datetime.strptime(item['START_TIME'] + ' ' + item['DAY'], "%H:%M %d/%m/%Y") > today, events)) writeItemsFile(events) def addItem(): events = readItemsFile() while True: new_event = {} print("Tipos de eventos: ") printList(item_type) new_event['TYPE'] = item_type[int(input("Seleccione un número: "))] new_event['EVENT_NAME'] = input("Evento: ") new_event['DAY'] = input("Data dd/MM/yyyy: ") new_event['START_TIME'] = input("Hora de inicio (hh:mm) (vacío se dura todo o día): ") if new_event['START_TIME'] == '': new_event['START_TIME'] = '00:02' if new_event['TYPE'] == 'INFO' or new_event['TYPE'] == 'AD': event_url = input("Enlace á información: ") if event_url is not '': new_event['URL'] = event_url icon_img_url = input("URL da imaxe do icono: ") if icon_img_url is not '': new_event['IMG_URL'] = icon_img_url if new_event['TYPE'] == 'EVENT': print("Tipos de eventos: ") printList(categories) new_event['CATEGORY'] = categories[int(input("Seleccionar categoría: "))] print("Lugares: ") printDict(places) new_event['PLACE'] = getKey(int(input("Seleccionar lugar: ")), places) if new_event['PLACE'] in places: new_event['LATITUDE'] = str(places[new_event['PLACE']][0]) new_event['LONGITUDE'] = str(places[new_event['PLACE']][1]) description = input("Descrición: ") if description is not '': new_event['DESCRIPTION'] = description price = input("Precio: ") if price is not '': new_event['PRICE'] = price header_img = input("URL da imaxe de cabeceira: ") if header_img is not '': new_event['IMG_URL'] = header_img event_url = input("URL do evento: ") if event_url is not '': new_event['URL'] = event_url print('Engadir o seguinte evento? ') print(new_event) if input('Engadir? (s/n): ') == 's': events.append(new_event) if input('Continuar? (s/n): ') == 'n': break; writeItemsFile(events) # Parsing arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Manage events (add or remove)') parser.add_argument('-r', '--remove', help='Remove old events', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() if args.remove: removeOldEvents() else: addItem()
raise NotImplementedError("ast is not yet implemented in Skulpt")
import pylab as PL x0 = 0.1 samplingStartTime = 1000 sampleNumber = 100 resultA = [] resultX = [] r = 0 da = 0.005 def f(x): return r * x * (1 - x) while r <= 4.0: x = x0 for t in range(samplingStartTime): x = f(x) for t in range(sampleNumber): x = f(x) resultA.append(r) resultX.append(x) r += da PL.plot(resultA, resultX, 'bo')
from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect, Http404 from django.template import RequestContext from django.shortcuts import render_to_response, get_object_or_404 from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.core.context_processors import csrf from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_protect from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.contrib import messages from django.conf import settings from projects.models import Project from common import _json_response TEMPLATE_PATH = 'iterate/' def _create_params(req): p = {'breadcrumbs': [{reverse('iterate'): 'Iterate'}], 'is_iterate': True, 'nav_projects': Project.objects.filter( \ owner=req.user).exclude(production_url__exact='')} p.update(csrf(req)) return p @login_required def home(req): p = _create_params(req) return render_to_response(TEMPLATE_PATH + 'home.html', p, context_instance=RequestContext(req))
import numpy as np import pandas as pd from EstimatorSpectrum import TSVD from Generator import LSW from SVD import LordWillisSpektor from test_functions import kernel_transformed, BIMODAL, BETA, SMLA, SMLB replications = 10 size = [2000, 10000, 1000000] max_size = 100 functions = [BETA] functions_name = ['BETA'] taus = [1] taus_name = ['10'] rhos = [750, 1000, 2000, 3000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 50000, 100000] rhos_name = ['750', '1000', '2000', '3000', '5000', '6000', '7000', '8000', '9000', '10000', '50000', '100000'] if __name__ == '__main__': for s in size: for i, fun in enumerate(functions): for j, tau in enumerate(taus): for k, rho in enumerate(rhos): generator = LSW(pdf=fun, sample_size=s, seed=914) results = {'selected_param': [], 'oracle_param': [], 'oracle_loss': [], 'loss': [], 'solution': [], 'oracle_solution': []} for _ in range(replications): spectrum = LordWillisSpektor(transformed_measure=True) obs = generator.generate() tsvd = TSVD(kernel=kernel_transformed, singular_values=spectrum.singular_values, left_singular_functions=spectrum.left_functions, right_singular_functions=spectrum.right_functions, observations=obs, sample_size=s, max_size=max_size, tau=tau, transformed_measure=True, rho=rho) tsvd.estimate(), patience=10) solution = list(tsvd.solution(np.linspace(0, 1, 10000))) results['selected_param'].append(tsvd.regularization_param) results['oracle_param'].append(tsvd.oracle_param) results['oracle_loss'].append(tsvd.oracle_loss) results['loss'].append(tsvd.residual) results['solution'].append(solution) results['oracle_solution'].append(list(tsvd.oracle_solution)) pd.DataFrame(results).to_csv( 'TSVD_rho_{}_tau_{}_size_{}_fun_{}.csv'.format(rhos_name[k], taus_name[j], s, functions_name[i]))
# Futu Algo: Algorithmic High-Frequency Trading Framework # Copyright (c) billpwchan - All Rights Reserved # Unauthorized copying of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited # Proprietary and confidential # Written by Bill Chan <>, 2021 import argparse import importlib from multiprocessing import Process import yaml from engines import * from strategies.Strategies import Strategies from util.global_vars import * def __daily_update_filters(): filters = list(__init_filter(filter_list=['all'])) stock_filter = StockFilter(stock_filters=filters) stock_filter.update_filtered_equity_pools() def daily_update_data(futu_trade, stock_list: list, force_update: bool = False): # Daily Update Filtered Security procs = [] proc = Process(target=__daily_update_filters) # instantiating without any argument procs.append(proc) proc.start() # Daily Update Stock Info (Need to Rethink!!!) # stock_filter.update_stock_info() # Daily Update HKEX Security List & Subscribed Data data_engine.HKEXInterface.update_security_list_full() # Daily Update Owner Plate for all Stocks full_equity_list = data_engine.HKEXInterface.get_equity_list_full() futu_trade.update_owner_plate(stock_list=full_equity_list) # Update basic information for all markets futu_trade.update_stock_basicinfo() # Update historical k-line for stock_code in stock_list: futu_trade.update_DW_data(stock_code, force_update=force_update, k_type=KLType.K_DAY) futu_trade.update_DW_data(stock_code, force_update=force_update, k_type=KLType.K_WEEK) futu_trade.update_1M_data(stock_code, force_update=force_update) # Daily Update FuTu Historical Data # futu_trade.store_all_data_database() # Clean non-trading days data DataProcessingInterface.clear_empty_data() for proc in procs: proc.join() def __dynamic_instantiation(prefix: str, module_name: str, optional_parameter=None): filter_module = importlib.import_module(f"{prefix}.{module_name}") # Assume the class name is identical with the file name except for the underscore _ class_ = getattr(filter_module, module_name.replace("_", "")) if optional_parameter is not None: return class_(optional_parameter) else: return class_() def __init_strategy(strategy_name: str, input_data: dict) -> Strategies: """ Return a trading strategy instance using a strategy name in string. :param strategy_name: an available strategy module name in the strategies folder :param input_data: Initialized input data for the strategy to calculate the technical indicator :return: a strategy instance """ return __dynamic_instantiation(prefix="strategies", module_name=strategy_name, optional_parameter=input_data.copy()) def __init_filter(filter_list: list) -> list: """ Return a list of filters instances using a list of filter names. If 'all' is specified, all available filters will be returned :param filter_list: a list of filter names (in strings) :return: a list of filters """ if "all" in filter_list: filter_list = [Path(file_name).name[:-3] for file_name in glob.glob("./filters/*.py") if "__init__" not in file_name and "Filters" not in file_name] return [__dynamic_instantiation(prefix="filters", module_name=filter_name) for filter_name in filter_list] def init_backtesting(strategy_name: str): start_date = datetime(2019, 3, 20).date() end_date = datetime(2021, 3, 23).date() stock_list = data_engine.YahooFinanceInterface.get_top_30_hsi_constituents() bt = Backtesting(stock_list=stock_list, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, observation=100) bt.prepare_input_data_file_custom_M(custom_interval=5) # bt.prepare_input_data_file_1M() strategy = __dynamic_instantiation(prefix="strategies", module_name=strategy_name, optional_parameter=bt.get_backtesting_init_data()) bt.init_strategy(strategy) bt.calculate_return() # bt.create_tear_sheet() def init_day_trading(futu_trade: trading_engine.FutuTrade, stock_list: list, strategy_name: str, stock_strategy_map: dict, subtype: SubType = SubType.K_5M): input_data = futu_trade.get_data_realtime(stock_list, sub_type=subtype, kline_num=100) # strategy_map = dict object {'HK.00001', MACD_Cross(), 'HK.00002', MACD_Cross()...} strategy_map = {stock_code: __init_strategy(strategy_name=stock_strategy_map.get(stock_code, strategy_name), input_data=input_data) for stock_code in stock_list} futu_trade.cur_kline_subscription(input_data, stock_list=stock_list, strategy_map=strategy_map, timeout=3600 * 12, subtype=subtype) def init_stock_filter(filter_list: list) -> list: filters = __init_filter(filter_list) stock_filter = StockFilter(stock_filters=filters) return stock_filter.get_filtered_equity_pools() def main(): # Initialize Argument Parser parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-u", "--update", help="Daily Update Data (Execute Before Market Starts)", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-fu", "--force_update", help="Force Update All Data Up to Max. Allowed Years (USE WITH CAUTION)", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-d", "--database", help="Store All CSV Data to Database", action="store_true") # Retrieve file names for all strategies as the argument option strategy_list = [Path(file_name).name[:-3] for file_name in glob.glob("./strategies/*.py") if "__init__" not in file_name and "Strategies" not in file_name] parser.add_argument("-s", "--strategy", type=str, choices=strategy_list, help="Execute HFT using Pre-defined Strategy") parser.add_argument("-b", "--backtesting", type=str, choices=strategy_list, help="Backtesting a Pre-defined Strategy") # Retrieve file names for all strategies as the argument option filter_list = [Path(file_name).name[:-3] for file_name in glob.glob("./filters/*.py") if "__init__" not in file_name and "Filters" not in file_name] parser.add_argument("-f", "--filter", type=str, choices=filter_list, nargs="+", help="Filter Stock List based on Pre-defined Filters") parser.add_argument("-en", "--email_name", type=str, help="Name of the applied stock filtering techniques") # Evaluate Arguments args = parser.parse_args() # Initialization Connection futu_trade = trading_engine.FutuTrade() email_handler = email_engine.Email() # Initialize Stock List stock_list = json.loads(config.get('TradePreference', 'StockList')) if not stock_list: # stock_list = data_engine.DatabaseInterface( # database_path=config.get('Database', 'Database_path')).get_stock_list() # Directly get list of stock codes from the data folder. Easier. stock_list = [str(f.path).replace('./data/', '') for f in os.scandir("./data/") if f.is_dir()] stock_list = stock_list[:-1] if args.filter: filtered_stock_list = init_stock_filter(args.filter) filtered_stock_dict = YahooFinanceInterface.get_stocks_email(filtered_stock_list) subscription_list = json.loads(config.get('Email', 'SubscriptionList')) for subscriber in subscription_list: filter_name = args.email_name if args.email_name else "Default Stock Filter" email_handler.write_daily_stock_filter_email(subscriber, filter_name, filtered_stock_dict) if args.update or args.force_update: # Daily Update Data daily_update_data(futu_trade=futu_trade, stock_list=stock_list, force_update=args.force_update) if args.database: # Update ALl Data to Database futu_trade.store_all_data_database() if args.strategy: # Stock Basket => 4 Parts # 1. Currently Holding Stocks (i.e., in the trading account with existing position) # 2. Filtered Stocks (i.e., based on 1D data if -f option is adopted # 3. StockList in config.ini (i.e., if empty, default use all stocks in the database) # 4. Top 30 HSI Constituents if args.filter: stock_list.extend(filtered_stock_list) # stock_list.extend(data_engine.YahooFinanceInterface.get_top_30_hsi_constituents()) init_day_trading(futu_trade, stock_list, args.strategy, stock_strategy_map) if args.backtesting: init_backtesting(args.backtesting) futu_trade.display_quota() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
def binarySearch(array,l,r,x): while l <=r: mid = l + (r-1)//2 if array[mid] == x: return mid elif array[mid] > x: r = mid-1 else: l = mid +1 return -1 array = [2,4,5,6,7,9,10,23,53] item = 23 result = binarySearch(array, 0, len(array)-1, item) if result != -1: print("number found at index",result) else: print("number not found")
__title__ = "playground" __author__ = "murlux" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2019, " + __author__ __credits__ = (__author__, ) __license__ = "MIT" __email__ = "" from logging import Logger from typing import Dict from playground.util import setup_logger class SimulationIntegrator: """ Main simulation class, spawns the various engines. These two classes are responsable for maintaining and providing up to date datasets. """ logger: Logger = None # Critical objects def __init__(self, config: Dict = None) -> None: """Initialize the playground's simulation integrator.""" self.logger = setup_logger(name='{}.{}'.format(__title__, __name__))"Creating the SimulationIntegrator...") def run(self) -> None: """ Starts the engines. """"Running the SimulationIntegrator...")
# (C) British Crown Copyright 2011 - 2018, Met Office # # This file is part of cartopy. # # cartopy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # cartopy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with cartopy. If not, see <>. from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) import warnings import numpy as np from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal import pytest import as ccrs import from .test_downloaders import download_to_temp # noqa: F401 (used as fixture) pytestmark = [, pytest.mark.filterwarnings('ignore:SRTM requires an account'), pytest.mark.usefixtures('srtm_login_or_skip')] @pytest.fixture def srtm_login_or_skip(monkeypatch): import os try: srtm_username = os.environ['SRTM_USERNAME'] except KeyError: pytest.skip('SRTM_USERNAME environment variable is unset.') try: srtm_password = os.environ['SRTM_PASSWORD'] except KeyError: pytest.skip('SRTM_PASSWORD environment variable is unset.') from six.moves.urllib.request import (HTTPBasicAuthHandler, HTTPCookieProcessor, HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm, build_opener) from six.moves.http_cookiejar import CookieJar password_manager = HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() password_manager.add_password( None, "", srtm_username, srtm_password) cookie_jar = CookieJar() opener = build_opener(HTTPBasicAuthHandler(password_manager), HTTPCookieProcessor(cookie_jar)) monkeypatch.setattr(, 'urlopen', class TestRetrieve(object): @pytest.mark.parametrize('Source, read_SRTM, max_, min_, pt', [ (,, 602, -34, 78), (,, 602, -37, 50), ], ids=[ 'srtm3', 'srtm1', ]) def test_srtm_retrieve(self, Source, read_SRTM, max_, min_, pt, download_to_temp): # test that the download mechanism for SRTM works with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: r = Source().srtm_fname(-4, 50) assert len(w) == 1 assert issubclass(w[0].category, assert r.startswith(str(download_to_temp)), \ 'File not downloaded to tmp dir' img, _, _ = read_SRTM(r) # check that the data is fairly sensible assert img.max() == max_ assert img.min() == min_ assert img[-10, 12] == pt @pytest.mark.parametrize('Source, shape', [ (, (1201, 1201)), (, (3601, 3601)), ], ids=[ 'srtm3', 'srtm1', ]) def test_srtm_out_of_range(self, Source, shape): # Somewhere over the pacific the elevation should be 0. img, _, _ = Source().combined(120, 2, 2, 2) assert_array_equal(img, np.zeros(np.array(shape) * 2)) @pytest.mark.parametrize('Source', [,, ], ids=[ 'srtm3', 'srtm1', ]) class TestSRTMSource__single_tile(object): def test_out_of_range(self, Source): source = Source() msg = 'No srtm tile found for those coordinates.' with pytest.raises(ValueError, message=msg): source.single_tile(-25, 50) def test_in_range(self, Source): if Source == shape = (1201, 1201) elif Source == shape = (3601, 3601) else: raise ValueError('Source is of unexpected type.') source = Source() img, crs, extent = source.single_tile(-1, 50) assert isinstance(img, np.ndarray) assert img.shape == shape assert img.dtype == np.dtype('>i2') assert crs == ccrs.PlateCarree() assert extent == (-1, 0, 50, 51) def test_zeros(self, Source): source = Source() _, _, extent = source.single_tile(0, 50) assert extent == (0, 1, 50, 51) @pytest.mark.parametrize('Source', [,, ], ids=[ 'srtm3', 'srtm1', ]) class TestSRTMSource__combined(object): def test_trivial(self, Source): source = Source() e_img, e_crs, e_extent = source.single_tile(-3, 50) r_img, r_crs, r_extent = source.combined(-3, 50, 1, 1) assert_array_equal(e_img, r_img) assert e_crs == r_crs assert e_extent == r_extent def test_2by2(self, Source): source = Source() e_img, _, e_extent = source.combined(-1, 50, 2, 1) assert e_extent == (-1, 1, 50, 51) imgs = [source.single_tile(-1, 50)[0], source.single_tile(0, 50)[0]] assert_array_equal(np.hstack(imgs), e_img) @pytest.mark.parametrize('Source', [,, ], ids=[ 'srtm3', 'srtm1', ]) def test_fetch_raster_ascombined(Source): source = Source() e_img, e_crs, e_extent = source.combined(-1, 50, 2, 1) imgs = source.fetch_raster(ccrs.PlateCarree(), (-0.9, 0.1, 50.1, 50.999), None) assert len(imgs) == 1 r_img, r_extent = imgs[0] assert e_extent == r_extent assert_array_equal(e_img[::-1, :], r_img)
import gym from garage.baselines import LinearFeatureBaseline from garage.theano.baselines import GaussianMLPBaseline from garage.baselines import ZeroBaseline from garage.envs import normalize from garage.envs.box2d import CartpoleEnv from garage.envs.mujoco import SwimmerEnv from garage.theano.algos.capg_corrected import CAPG from garage.theano.envs import TheanoEnv from garage.theano.policies import GaussianMLPPolicy from garage.misc.instrument import run_experiment from garage.misc.ext import set_seed import numpy as np for learning_rate in [0.01]: for batch_size in [1000]: for n_subitr in [10]: minibatch_size = batch_size/n_subitr for i in range(10): seed = np.random.randint(1,10000) env_name = "CAPG_CartPole" hidden_sizes = (8,) env = TheanoEnv(normalize(CartpoleEnv())) policy = GaussianMLPPolicy(env_spec=env.spec, hidden_sizes=hidden_sizes) backup_policy = GaussianMLPPolicy(env.spec, hidden_sizes=hidden_sizes) mix_policy = GaussianMLPPolicy(env.spec, hidden_sizes=hidden_sizes) pos_eps_policy = GaussianMLPPolicy(env.spec, hidden_sizes=hidden_sizes) neg_eps_policy = GaussianMLPPolicy(env.spec, hidden_sizes=hidden_sizes) baseline = ZeroBaseline(env_spec=env.spec) algo = CAPG( env=env, policy=policy, backup_policy=backup_policy, mix_policy=mix_policy, pos_eps_policy=pos_eps_policy, neg_eps_policy=neg_eps_policy, n_timestep=5e5, learning_rate=learning_rate, batch_size=batch_size, minibatch_size=minibatch_size, n_sub_itr = n_subitr, center_adv=True, decay_learing_rate=True, baseline=baseline, max_path_length=100, discount=0.99, log_dir='./result_0.01/' + env_name + "seed" + str(seed) + '/', ) algo.train()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import sys import glob import shutil import subprocess from re import search def remove_dir(dir_path): try: if os.path.isdir(dir_path): shutil.rmtree(dir_path) except OSError as e: print("Failed removing {}: {}".format(dir_path, e)) else: print("\nRemove dir: {}".format(dir_path)) def create_dir(dir_path): try: if not os.path.isdir(dir_path): os.mkdir(dir_path) except OSError as e: print("Failed creating {}: {}".format(dir_path, e)) else: print("Create dir: {}".format(dir_path)) def read_file(file): try: if os.path.isfile(file): with open(file, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() return lines except (OSError, IOError) as e: print("Failed reading {}: {}".format(file, e)) def write_file(file, lines): try: if os.path.isfile(file): with open(file, 'r+') as f: f.write(lines) except (OSError, IOError) as e: print("Failed writing {}: {}".format(file, e)) def compare_lines(lines, needle): # This only finds the first occurrence. for line in lines: if search(needle, line): return lines.index(line) def python_os(): if sys.platform == 'win32': python = 'python' elif sys.platform == 'linux': python = 'python3' elif sys.platform == 'darwin': python = 'python3' else: python = 'python' return python def run_command(cmd): if sys.platform == 'win32':, shell=True, check=True) # No user input here. else: proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # No user input here. stdout, stderr = proc.communicate() print('{}'.format(stdout)) print('{}'.format(stderr)) class ArweaveBuild: """ This script builds the marketing site of Sarcophagus for the Arweave permaweb. Afterwards it outputs a command for deploying the site on Arweave. """ def __init__(self): self.baseurl = 'baseurl: "."' self.config_file = os.getcwd() + '/' + '_config.yml' self.arweave_dir = os.getcwd() + '/' + '_site_arweave/' self.config_lines, self.html_files = [], [] self.config_state = '' # commented/uncommented self.index = False self.html_lines = '' self.GREEN, self.ENDC = '\033[92m', '\033[0m' def create_folder(self): # A separate build folder for Jekyll files for an Arweave deploy. remove_dir(self.arweave_dir) create_dir(self.arweave_dir) def get_config_lines(self): self.config_lines = read_file(self.config_file) def get_config_state(self): if compare_lines(self.config_lines, '#' + self.baseurl): self.config_state = 'commented' elif compare_lines(self.config_lines, self.baseurl): self.config_state = 'uncommented' else: print( 'Could not find {} or {} in your Jekyll config file. Check your \'baseurl\' setting in _config.yml.'.format( '#' + self.baseurl, self.baseurl)) def commented_state(self): if self.config_state == 'commented': return True def uncommented_state(self): if self.config_state == 'uncommented': return True def get_index(self): # Get the line number of the baseurl: setting. if self.commented_state(): self.index = compare_lines(self.config_lines, '#' + self.baseurl) elif self.uncommented_state(): self.index = compare_lines(self.config_lines, self.baseurl) else: print('Could not get the line number of the \'baseurl\' setting in your config file.') def toggle_config(self): # We need a dot in front of some links if self.commented_state(): self.config_lines[self.index] = self.config_lines[self.index][1:] write_file(self.config_file, "".join(self.config_lines)) print('\nUncommented the baseurl setting in your Jekyll config.\n') if self.uncommented_state(): self.config_lines[self.index] = '#' + self.config_lines[self.index] write_file(self.config_file, "".join(self.config_lines)) print('\nCommented the baseurl setting in your Jekyll config.') def create_build(self): # Create a fresh build self.get_config_state() if self.uncommented_state(): cmd = ['bundle', 'exec', 'jekyll', 'build', '--destination', self.arweave_dir] run_command(cmd) elif self.commented_state(): print('NOT READY for a build, config state was {}. Running a new instance of this script.'.format( self.config_state)) cmd = [python_os(), os.getcwd() + '/'] run_command(cmd) exit() # Exit the current instance, we are running a new one now. def read_files(self): # Search all 1st lvl html files for unconverted links (e.g. main menu). os.chdir(self.arweave_dir) self.html_files = glob.glob('*.html') def change_lines(self): # Change lines with ="/ to ="./ for file in self.html_files: index_list, new_html = [], [] the_file = self.arweave_dir + '/' + file with open(the_file, 'r+') as f: self.html_lines = f.readlines() new_html = self.replace_string(new_html) write_file(the_file, "".join(new_html)) def replace_string(self, new_html): for line in self.html_lines: if search('="/', line): new_line = line.replace('="/', '="./') new_html.append(new_line) else: new_html.append(line) return new_html def deploy_build(self): # Print help for deploying the build to the Arweave permaweb print('\n' + self.GREEN + 'DONE. You can now deploy the build to Arweave with the following command:' + self.ENDC) print('\n' + self.GREEN + '$ arweave deploy-dir ' + self.arweave_dir + ' --key-file /<path to your keyfile>/<name of your keyfile>.json \n' + self.ENDC) def run(self): self.create_folder() self.get_config_lines() self.get_config_state() self.get_index() self.toggle_config() self.create_build() self.read_files() self.change_lines() self.get_config_state() self.toggle_config() self.deploy_build() if __name__ == '__main__': AD = ArweaveBuild()
import argparse __all__ = ('arg_parser') arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Converts JSON files to HTML files') arg_parser.add_argument('source', type=str, action='store', help='Source JSON file') arg_parser.add_argument('--dest', type=str, action='store', help='Output HTML filename', default=None, dest='dest')
import pickle import json import argparse import string import os from zhon import hanzi from collections import namedtuple import nltk def makedir(root): if not os.path.exists(root): os.makedirs(root) def write_json(data, root): with open(root, 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f) ImageMetaData = namedtuple('ImageMetaData', ['id', 'image_path', 'captions', 'split']) ImageDecodeData = namedtuple('ImageDecodeData', ['id', 'image_path', 'captions_id', 'split']) class Vocabulary(object): """ Vocabulary wrapper """ def __init__(self, vocab, unk_id): """ :param vocab: A dictionary of word to word_id :param unk_id: Id of the bad/unknown words """ self._vocab = vocab self._unk_id = unk_id def word_to_id(self, word): if word not in self._vocab: return self._unk_id return self._vocab[word] def id_to_word(self, id): if id not in self._reverse_vocab: return '' else: return self._reverse_vocab[id] def cap2tokens(cap): exclude = set(string.punctuation + string.whitespace + hanzi.punctuation) caption = ''.join(c for c in cap if c not in exclude) tokens = [letter for letter in caption] # print(tokens) tokens = add_start_end(tokens) return tokens def add_start_end(tokens, start_word='<START>', end_word='<END>'): """ Add start and end words for a caption """ tokens_processed = [start_word] tokens_processed.extend(tokens) tokens_processed.append(end_word) return tokens_processed def process_captions(imgs): for img in imgs: img['processed_tokens'] = [] for s in img['captions']: tokens = cap2tokens(s) img['processed_tokens'].append(tokens) def build_vocab(imgs, args, write=True): print('start build vodabulary') counts = {} for img in imgs: for tokens in img['processed_tokens']: for word in tokens: counts[word] = counts.get(word, 0) + 1 print('Total words:', len(counts)) # filter uncommon words and sort by descending count. # word_counts: a list of (words, count) for words satisfying the condition. stop_words = [] if args.remove_stopwords is not None: with open(args.remove_stopwords) as f: lines = f.readlines() stop_words = [l.strip() for l in lines] print('Stop words cnt:{}'.format(len(stop_words))) word_counts = [(w,n) for w,n in counts.items() if n >= args.min_word_count and w not in stop_words] word_counts.sort(key = lambda x : x[1], reverse=True) print('Words in vocab:', len(word_counts)) words_out = [(w,n) for w,n in counts.items() if n < args.min_word_count or w in stop_words] bad_words = len(words_out) bad_count = len([x[1] for x in words_out]) # save the word counts file if write: word_counts_root = os.path.join(args.out_root + '/word_counts.txt') with open(word_counts_root, 'w') as f: f.write('Total words: %d \n' % len(counts)) f.write('Words in vocabulary: %d \n' % len(word_counts)) f.write(str(word_counts)) word_counts_root = os.path.join(args.out_root + '/word_outs.txt') with open(word_counts_root, 'w') as f: f.write('Total words: %d \n' % len(counts)) f.write('Words in vocabulary: %d \n' % len(words_out)) f.write(str(words_out)) word_reverse = [w for (w,n) in word_counts] vocab_dict = dict([(word, index) for (index, word) in enumerate(word_reverse)]) vocab = Vocabulary(vocab_dict, len(vocab_dict)) # Save word index as pickle form word_to_idx = {} for index, word in enumerate(word_reverse): word_to_idx[word] = index if write: with open(os.path.join(args.out_root, 'word_to_index.pkl'), 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(word_to_idx, f) print('number of bad words: %d/%d = %.2f%%' % (bad_words, len(counts), bad_words * 100.0 / len(counts))) print('number of words in vocab: %d/%d = %.2f%%' % (len(word_counts), len(counts), len(word_counts) * 100.0 / len(counts))) print('number of Null: %d/%d = %.2f%%' % (bad_count, len(counts), bad_count * 100.0 / len(counts))) return vocab def load_vocab(args): with open(os.path.join(args.out_root, 'word_to_index.pkl'), 'rb') as f: word_to_idx = pickle.load(f) vocab = Vocabulary(word_to_idx, len(word_to_idx)) print('load vocabulary done') return vocab def process_metadata(split, data, args, write=True): """ Wrap data into ImageMatadata form """ id_to_captions = {} image_metadata = [] num_captions = 0 count = 0 for img in data: count += 1 # absolute image path # filepath = os.path.join(args.img_root, img['file_path']) # relative image path filepath = img['file_path'] # assert os.path.exists(filepath) id = img['id'] - 1 captions = img['processed_tokens'] # print(captions) id_to_captions.setdefault(id, []) id_to_captions[id].append(captions) assert split == img['split'], 'error: wrong split' image_metadata.append(ImageMetaData(id, filepath, captions, split)) num_captions += len(captions) print("Process metadata done!") print("Total %d captions %d images %d identities in %s" % (num_captions, count, len(id_to_captions), split)) if write: with open(os.path.join(args.out_root, 'metadata_info.txt') ,'a') as f: f.write("Total %d captions %d images %d identities in %s" % (num_captions, count, len(id_to_captions), split)) f.write('\n') return image_metadata def process_decodedata(data, vocab): """ Decode ImageMetaData to ImageDecodeData Each item in imagedecodedata has 2 captions. (len(captions_id) = 2) """ image_decodedata = [] for img in data: image_path = img.image_path cap_to_vec = [] for cap in img.captions: cap_to_vec.append([vocab.word_to_id(word) for word in cap]) image_decodedata.append(ImageDecodeData(, image_path, cap_to_vec, img.split)) print('Process decodedata done!') return image_decodedata def process_dataset(split, decodedata, args, write=True): # Process dataset # Arrange by caption in a sorted form dataset, label_range = create_dataset_sort(split, decodedata) data = write_dataset(split, dataset, args, write=write) return data def create_dataset_sort(split, data): images_sort = [] label_range = {} images = {} for img in data: label = image = [ImageDecodeData(, img.image_path, [caption_id], img.split) for caption_id in img.captions_id] if label in images: images[label].extend(image) label_range[label].append(len(image)) else: images[label] = image label_range[label] = [len(image)] print('=========== Arrange by id=============================') index = -1 for label in images.keys(): # all captions arrange together images_sort.extend(images[label]) # label_range is arranged according to their actual index # label_range[label] = (previous, current] start = index for index_image in range(len(label_range[label])): label_range[label][index_image] += index index = label_range[label][index_image] label_range[label].append(start) return images_sort, label_range def write_dataset(split, data, args, label_range=None, write=True): """ Separate each component Write dataset into binary file """ caption_id = [] images_path = [] labels = [] for img in data: assert len(img.captions_id) == 1 caption_id.append(img.captions_id[0]) labels.append( images_path.append(img.image_path) #N = len(images) data = {'caption_id': caption_id, 'labels':labels, 'images_path':images_path} if write: if label_range is not None: data['label_range'] = label_range pickle_root = os.path.join(args.out_root, split + '_sort.pkl') else: pickle_root = os.path.join(args.out_root, split + '.pkl') # Write caption_id and labels as pickle form with open(pickle_root, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(data, f) print('Save dataset') return data def generate_split(args): with open(args.json_root,'r') as f: imgs = json.load(f) # print(imgs) # process caption if not args.load_tokens: print('Spliting tokens at runtime...') process_captions(imgs) else: print('Tokens in json preserved...') print('DEBUG', [im['processed_tokens'] for im in imgs[:10]]) val_data = [] train_data = [] test_data = [] for img in imgs: if img['split'] == 'train': train_data.append(img) elif img['split'] =='val': val_data.append(img) else: test_data.append(img) write_json(train_data, os.path.join(args.out_root, 'train_reid.json')) write_json(val_data, os.path.join(args.out_root, 'val_reid.json')) write_json(test_data, os.path.join(args.out_root, 'test_reid.json')) return [train_data, val_data, test_data] def load_split(args): data = [] splits = ['train', 'val', 'test'] for split in splits: split_root = os.path.join(args.out_root, split + '_reid.json') with open(split_root, 'r') as f: split_data = json.load(f) data.append(split_data) print('load data done') return data def process_data(args): if args.load_split: train_data, val_data, test_data = load_split(args) else: train_data, val_data, test_data = generate_split(args) if args.load_vocab: vocab = load_vocab(args) else: vocab = build_vocab(train_data, args) # Transform original data to Imagedata form. train_metadata = process_metadata('train', train_data, args) val_metadata = process_metadata('val', val_data, args) test_metadata = process_metadata('test', test_data, args) # Decode Imagedata to index caption and replace image file_root with image vecetor. train_decodedata = process_decodedata(train_metadata, vocab) val_decodedata = process_decodedata(val_metadata, vocab) test_decodedata = process_decodedata(test_metadata, vocab) process_dataset('train', train_decodedata, args) process_dataset('val', val_decodedata, args) process_dataset('test', test_decodedata, args) def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Command for data preprocessing') parser.add_argument('--img_root', type=str) parser.add_argument('--json_root', type=str) parser.add_argument('--out_root',type=str) parser.add_argument('--min_word_count', type=int, default=0) parser.add_argument('--default_image_size', type=int, default=224) parser.add_argument('--load_split', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--load_tokens', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--load_vocab', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--remove_stopwords', type=str, default=None) parser.add_argument('--keep_symbol', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() return args if __name__ == '__main__': args = parse_args() makedir(args.out_root) process_data(args)
from rest_framework.response import Response from rest_framework.views import status def validate_request_data_photo(fn): def decorated(*args, **kwargs): title = args[0]"title", "") photo = args[0]"photo", "") if not title or not photo: return Response( data={ "message": "The request must have the fields 'title' and 'photo' filled." }, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST ) return fn(*args, **kwargs) return decorated
"""Test the houdini_package_runner.discoverers.package module.""" # ============================================================================= # IMPORTS # ============================================================================= # Standard Library import argparse import pathlib # Third Party import pytest # Houdini Package Runner import houdini_package_runner.discoverers.base import houdini_package_runner.discoverers.package import houdini_package_runner.items.digital_asset import houdini_package_runner.items.filesystem import houdini_package_runner.items.xml # ============================================================================= # TESTS # ============================================================================= class TestPackageItemDiscoverer: """Test houdini_package_runner.discoverers.package.PackageItemDiscoverer.""" # Object construction @pytest.mark.parametrize("has_items", (False, True)) def test___init__(self, mocker, has_items): """Test object initialization.""" mock_path = mocker.MagicMock(spec=pathlib.Path) mock_file_path = mocker.MagicMock(spec=pathlib.Path) mock_file_path.is_file.return_value = True mock_file_path.is_dir.return_value = False mock_file1 = mocker.MagicMock( spec=houdini_package_runner.items.filesystem.FileToProcess ) mock_dir = mocker.MagicMock( spec=houdini_package_runner.items.filesystem.DirectoryToProcess ) mock_process_dir = mocker.patch( "houdini_package_runner.discoverers.package.process_directory" ) mock_process_dir.side_effect = (mock_dir, None) mock_houdini_item = mocker.MagicMock( spec=houdini_package_runner.items.filesystem.HoudiniDirectoryItem ) mock_get_houdini = mocker.patch( "houdini_package_runner.discoverers.package.get_houdini_items" ) mock_get_houdini.return_value = [mock_houdini_item] if has_items else [] mock_file_to_process = mocker.patch( "houdini_package_runner.items.filesystem.FileToProcess" ) if has_items: items = [mock_file1] houdini_items = ["scripts"] mock_dir1 = mocker.MagicMock(spec=pathlib.Path) mock_dir1.is_file.return_value = False mock_dir1.is_dir.return_value = True mock_dir2 = mocker.MagicMock(spec=pathlib.Path) mock_dir2.is_file.return_value = False mock_dir2.is_dir.return_value = True extra_paths = [mock_file_path, mock_dir1, mock_dir2] inst = houdini_package_runner.discoverers.package.PackageItemDiscoverer( mock_path, houdini_items, extra_paths=extra_paths, items=items, ) assert inst.items == [ mock_file1, mock_houdini_item, mock_file_to_process.return_value, mock_dir, ] mock_file_to_process.assert_called_with(mock_file_path) mock_get_houdini.assert_called_with(houdini_items, inst.path) else: inst = houdini_package_runner.discoverers.package.PackageItemDiscoverer( mock_path, houdini_items=[], ) assert inst.items == [] def test_get_digital_asset_items(shared_datadir): """Test houdini_package_runner.discoverers.package.get_digital_asset_items.""" test_path = shared_datadir / "get_digital_asset_items" results = houdini_package_runner.discoverers.package.get_digital_asset_items( test_path ) assert len(results) == 3 expanded_dir_path = test_path / "expanded_dir" nodetype_otl_path = test_path / "nodetype.otl" operator_hda_path = test_path / "operator.hda" for item in results: if item.path in (nodetype_otl_path, operator_hda_path): assert isinstance( item, houdini_package_runner.items.digital_asset.BinaryDigitalAssetFile ) elif item.path == expanded_dir_path: assert isinstance( item, houdini_package_runner.items.digital_asset.DigitalAssetDirectory ) def test_get_houdini_items(mocker, shared_datadir): """Test houdini_package_runner.discoverers.package.get_houdini_items.""" mock_asset_item = mocker.MagicMock( spec=houdini_package_runner.items.digital_asset.BinaryDigitalAssetFile ) mock_get_asset_items = mocker.patch( "houdini_package_runner.discoverers.package.get_digital_asset_items", return_value=[mock_asset_item], ) mock_tool_item = mocker.MagicMock(spec=houdini_package_runner.items.xml.ShelfFile) mock_get_tool_items = mocker.patch( "houdini_package_runner.discoverers.package.get_tool_items", return_value=[mock_tool_item], ) mock_panel_item = mocker.MagicMock( spec=houdini_package_runner.items.xml.PythonPanelFile ) mock_get_panel_items = mocker.patch( "houdini_package_runner.discoverers.package.get_python_panel_items", return_value=[mock_panel_item], ) mock_menu_item = mocker.MagicMock(spec=houdini_package_runner.items.xml.MenuFile) mock_get_menu_items = mocker.patch( "houdini_package_runner.discoverers.package.get_menu_items", return_value=[mock_menu_item], ) mock_pydir_item = mocker.patch( "houdini_package_runner.items.filesystem.HoudiniDirectoryItem" ) mock_dir_item = mocker.MagicMock( spec=houdini_package_runner.items.filesystem.DirectoryToProcess ) mock_process = mocker.patch( "houdini_package_runner.discoverers.package.process_directory", side_effect=(mock_dir_item, None), ) test_path = shared_datadir / "get_houdini_items" item_names = [ "", "otls", "hda", "directory_item", "empty_directory_item", "pythonXlibs", "toolbar", "python_panels", "menus", "some_file", ] items = houdini_package_runner.discoverers.package.get_houdini_items( item_names, test_path ) expected = [ mock_asset_item, mock_dir_item, mock_pydir_item.return_value, mock_tool_item, mock_panel_item, mock_menu_item, ] assert items == expected mock_get_asset_items.assert_called_with(test_path / "otls") mock_get_tool_items.assert_called_with(test_path / "toolbar") mock_get_panel_items.assert_called_with(test_path / "python_panels") mock_get_menu_items.assert_called_with(test_path) mock_pydir_item.assert_called_with( test_path / "python3.7libs", traverse_children=True ) mock_process.assert_has_calls( [ / "directory_item"), / "empty_directory_item"), ] ) def test_get_menu_items(mocker): """Test houdini_package_runner.discoverers.package.get_menu_items.""" mock_menu_file = mocker.patch("houdini_package_runner.items.xml.MenuFile") mock_menu_path = mocker.MagicMock(spec=pathlib.Path) mock_houdini_root = mocker.MagicMock(spec=pathlib.Path) mock_houdini_root.glob.return_value = [mock_menu_path] result = houdini_package_runner.discoverers.package.get_menu_items( mock_houdini_root ) assert result == [mock_menu_file.return_value] mock_houdini_root.glob.assert_called_with("*.xml") mock_menu_file.assert_called_with(mock_menu_path) def test_get_python_panel_items(mocker): """Test houdini_package_runner.discoverers.package.get_python_panel_items.""" mock_panel_file = mocker.patch("houdini_package_runner.items.xml.PythonPanelFile") mock_panel_path = mocker.MagicMock(spec=pathlib.Path) mock_panel_root = mocker.MagicMock(spec=pathlib.Path) mock_panel_root.glob.return_value = [mock_panel_path] result = houdini_package_runner.discoverers.package.get_python_panel_items( mock_panel_root ) assert result == [mock_panel_file.return_value] mock_panel_root.glob.assert_called_with("*.pypanel") mock_panel_file.assert_called_with(mock_panel_path) def test_get_tool_items(mocker): """Test houdini_package_runner.discoverers.package.get_tool_items.""" mock_shelf_file = mocker.patch("houdini_package_runner.items.xml.ShelfFile") mock_shelf_path = mocker.MagicMock(spec=pathlib.Path) mock_toolbar_path = mocker.MagicMock(spec=pathlib.Path) mock_toolbar_path.glob.return_value = [mock_shelf_path] result = houdini_package_runner.discoverers.package.get_tool_items( mock_toolbar_path ) assert result == [mock_shelf_file.return_value] mock_toolbar_path.glob.assert_called_with("*.shelf") mock_shelf_file.assert_called_with(mock_shelf_path) def test_init_standard_package_discoverer( mocker, ): """Test houdini_package_runner.discoverers.package.init_standard_package_discoverer.""" mock_discoverer = mocker.patch( "houdini_package_runner.discoverers.package.PackageItemDiscoverer" ) mock_root = mocker.MagicMock(spec=pathlib.Path) mock_houdini_root = mocker.MagicMock(spec=pathlib.Path) mock_extra_paths = mocker.MagicMock(spec=list) mock_houdini_items = mocker.MagicMock(spec=list) mock_parse = mocker.patch( "houdini_package_runner.parser.process_common_arg_settings" ) mock_parse.return_value = ( mock_root, mock_houdini_root, mock_extra_paths, mock_houdini_items, ) mock_namespace = mocker.MagicMock(spec=argparse.Namespace) result = ( houdini_package_runner.discoverers.package.init_standard_package_discoverer( mock_namespace ) ) assert result == mock_discoverer.return_value mock_parse.assert_called_with(mock_namespace) mock_discoverer.assert_called_with( mock_houdini_root, houdini_items=mock_houdini_items, extra_paths=mock_extra_paths, ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_path, expected", ( ( "package_dir", houdini_package_runner.items.filesystem.PythonPackageDirectoryItem, ), ("python", houdini_package_runner.items.filesystem.PythonPackageDirectoryItem), ( "scripts", houdini_package_runner.items.filesystem.HoudiniScriptsDirectoryItem, ), ("tests", houdini_package_runner.items.filesystem.DirectoryToProcess), ("other", houdini_package_runner.items.filesystem.DirectoryToProcess), ), ) def test_process_directory(shared_datadir, test_path, expected): """Test houdini_package_runner.discoverers.package.process_directory.""" test_dir = shared_datadir / "process_directory" / test_path result = houdini_package_runner.discoverers.package.process_directory(test_dir) assert isinstance(result, expected) # Items which aren't Python packages should have 'traverse_children' set. if not isinstance( result, houdini_package_runner.items.filesystem.PythonPackageDirectoryItem ): assert result.traverse_children if test_path == "tests": assert result.is_test_item
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Author: Óscar Nájera # License: 3-clause BSD r""" Test Sphinx-Gallery """ from __future__ import (division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals) import codecs from contextlib import contextmanager from io import StringIO import os import sys import re import shutil import pytest from sphinx.application import Sphinx from sphinx.errors import ExtensionError from sphinx.util.docutils import docutils_namespace from sphinx_gallery import sphinx_compatibility from sphinx_gallery.gen_gallery import (check_duplicate_filenames, collect_gallery_files) @pytest.fixture def conf_file(request): try: env = request.node.get_closest_marker('conf_file') except AttributeError: # old pytest env = request.node.get_marker('conf_file') kwargs = env.kwargs if env else {} result = { 'content': "", } result.update(kwargs) return result class SphinxAppWrapper(object): """Wrapper for sphinx.application.Application. This allows to control when the sphinx application is initialized, since part of the sphinx-gallery build is done in sphinx.application.Application.__init__ and the remainder is done in """ def __init__(self, srcdir, confdir, outdir, doctreedir, buildername, **kwargs): self.srcdir = srcdir self.confdir = confdir self.outdir = outdir self.doctreedir = doctreedir self.buildername = buildername self.kwargs = kwargs def create_sphinx_app(self): # Avoid warnings about re-registration, see: # with self.create_sphinx_app_context() as app: pass return app @contextmanager def create_sphinx_app_context(self): with docutils_namespace(): app = Sphinx(self.srcdir, self.confdir, self.outdir, self.doctreedir, self.buildername, **self.kwargs) sphinx_compatibility._app = app yield app def build_sphinx_app(self, *args, **kwargs): with self.create_sphinx_app_context() as app: # building should be done in the same docutils_namespace context*args, **kwargs) return app @pytest.fixture def sphinx_app_wrapper(tmpdir, conf_file): _fixturedir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'testconfs') srcdir = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), "config_test") shutil.copytree(_fixturedir, srcdir) shutil.copytree(os.path.join(_fixturedir, "src"), os.path.join(str(tmpdir), "examples")) base_config = """ import os import sphinx_gallery extensions = ['sphinx_gallery.gen_gallery'] exclude_patterns = ['_build'] source_suffix = '.rst' master_doc = 'index' # General information about the project. project = u'Sphinx-Gallery <Tests>'\n\n """ with open(os.path.join(srcdir, ""), "w") as conffile: conffile.write(base_config + conf_file['content']) return SphinxAppWrapper( srcdir, srcdir, os.path.join(srcdir, "_build"), os.path.join(srcdir, "_build", "toctree"), "html", warning=StringIO()) def test_default_config(sphinx_app_wrapper): """Test the default Sphinx-Gallery configuration is loaded if only the extension is added to Sphinx""" sphinx_app = sphinx_app_wrapper.create_sphinx_app() cfg = sphinx_app.config assert cfg.project == "Sphinx-Gallery <Tests>" # no duplicate values allowed The config is present already with pytest.raises(ExtensionError) as excinfo: sphinx_app.add_config_value('sphinx_gallery_conf', 'x', True) assert 'already present' in str(excinfo.value) @pytest.mark.conf_file(content=""" sphinx_gallery_conf = { 'examples_dirs': 'src', 'gallery_dirs': 'ex', }""") def test_no_warning_simple_config(sphinx_app_wrapper): """Testing that no warning is issued with a simple config. The simple config only specifies input (examples_dirs) and output (gallery_dirs) directories. """ sphinx_app = sphinx_app_wrapper.create_sphinx_app() cfg = sphinx_app.config assert cfg.project == "Sphinx-Gallery <Tests>" build_warn = sphinx_app._warning.getvalue() assert build_warn == '' @pytest.mark.conf_file(content=""" sphinx_gallery_conf = { 'mod_example_dir' : os.path.join('modules', 'gen'), 'examples_dirs': 'src', 'gallery_dirs': 'ex', }""") def test_config_old_backreferences_conf(sphinx_app_wrapper): """Testing Deprecation warning message against old backreference config In this case the user is required to update the mod_example_dir config variable Sphinx-Gallery should notify the user and also silently update the old config to the new one. """ sphinx_app = sphinx_app_wrapper.create_sphinx_app() cfg = sphinx_app.config assert cfg.project == "Sphinx-Gallery <Tests>" assert cfg.sphinx_gallery_conf['backreferences_dir'] == os.path.join( 'modules', 'gen') build_warn = sphinx_app._warning.getvalue() assert "WARNING:" in build_warn assert "deprecated" in build_warn assert "Support for 'mod_example_dir' will be removed" in build_warn @pytest.mark.conf_file(content=""" sphinx_gallery_conf = { 'backreferences_dir': os.path.join('gen_modules', 'backreferences'), 'examples_dirs': 'src', 'gallery_dirs': 'ex', }""") def test_config_backreferences(sphinx_app_wrapper): """Test no warning is issued under the new configuration""" sphinx_app = sphinx_app_wrapper.create_sphinx_app() cfg = sphinx_app.config assert cfg.project == "Sphinx-Gallery <Tests>" assert cfg.sphinx_gallery_conf['backreferences_dir'] == os.path.join( 'gen_modules', 'backreferences') build_warn = sphinx_app._warning.getvalue() assert build_warn == '' def test_duplicate_files_warn(sphinx_app_wrapper): """Test for a warning when two files with the same filename exist.""" sphinx_app = sphinx_app_wrapper.create_sphinx_app() files = ['./a/', './a/', 'a/', './b/'] msg = ("Duplicate file name(s) found. Having duplicate file names " "will break some links. List of files: {}") m = "['./b/']" if sys.version_info[0] >= 3 else "[u'./b/']" # No warning because no overlapping names check_duplicate_filenames(files[:-1]) build_warn = sphinx_app._warning.getvalue() assert build_warn == '' # Warning because last file is named the same check_duplicate_filenames(files) build_warn = sphinx_app._warning.getvalue() assert msg.format(m) in build_warn def _check_order(sphinx_app, key): index_fname = os.path.join(sphinx_app.outdir, '..', 'ex', 'index.rst') order = list() regex = '.*:%s=(.):.*' % key with, 'r', 'utf-8') as fid: for line in fid: if 'sphx-glr-thumbcontainer' in line: order.append(int(re.match(regex, line).group(1))) assert len(order) == 3 assert order == [1, 2, 3] @pytest.mark.conf_file(content=""" sphinx_gallery_conf = { 'examples_dirs': 'src', 'gallery_dirs': 'ex', }""") def test_example_sorting_default(sphinx_app_wrapper): """Test sorting of examples by default key (number of code lines).""" sphinx_app = sphinx_app_wrapper.create_sphinx_app() _check_order(sphinx_app, 'lines') @pytest.mark.conf_file(content=""" from sphinx_gallery.sorting import FileSizeSortKey sphinx_gallery_conf = { 'examples_dirs': 'src', 'gallery_dirs': 'ex', 'within_subsection_order': FileSizeSortKey, }""") def test_example_sorting_filesize(sphinx_app_wrapper): """Test sorting of examples by filesize.""" sphinx_app = sphinx_app_wrapper.create_sphinx_app() _check_order(sphinx_app, 'filesize') @pytest.mark.conf_file(content=""" from sphinx_gallery.sorting import FileNameSortKey sphinx_gallery_conf = { 'examples_dirs': 'src', 'gallery_dirs': 'ex', 'within_subsection_order': FileNameSortKey, }""") def test_example_sorting_filename(sphinx_app_wrapper): """Test sorting of examples by filename.""" sphinx_app = sphinx_app_wrapper.create_sphinx_app() _check_order(sphinx_app, 'filename') @pytest.mark.conf_file(content=""" from sphinx_gallery.sorting import ExampleTitleSortKey sphinx_gallery_conf = { 'examples_dirs': 'src', 'gallery_dirs': 'ex', 'within_subsection_order': ExampleTitleSortKey, }""") def test_example_sorting_title(sphinx_app_wrapper): """Test sorting of examples by title.""" sphinx_app = sphinx_app_wrapper.create_sphinx_app() _check_order(sphinx_app, 'title') def test_collect_gallery_files(tmpdir): """Test that example files are collected properly.""" rel_filepaths = ['examples/', 'examples/test.rst', 'examples/README.txt', 'examples/folder1/', 'examples/folder1/', 'examples/folder2/', 'tutorials/folder1/subfolder/', 'tutorials/folder2/subfolder/subsubfolder/'] abs_paths = [tmpdir.join(rp) for rp in rel_filepaths] for ap in abs_paths: ap.ensure() examples_path = tmpdir.join('examples') dirs = [examples_path.strpath] collected_files = set(collect_gallery_files(dirs)) expected_files = set( [ap.strpath for ap in abs_paths if'examples.*\.py$', ap.strpath)]) assert collected_files == expected_files tutorials_path = tmpdir.join('tutorials') dirs = [examples_path.strpath, tutorials_path.strpath] collected_files = set(collect_gallery_files(dirs)) expected_files = set( [ap.strpath for ap in abs_paths if'.*\.py$', ap.strpath)]) assert collected_files == expected_files @pytest.mark.conf_file(content=""" sphinx_gallery_conf = { 'backreferences_dir' : os.path.join('modules', 'gen'), 'examples_dirs': 'src', 'gallery_dirs': ['ex'], 'binder': {'binderhub_url': '', 'org': 'org', 'repo': 'repo', 'branch': 'branch', 'notebooks_dir': 'ntbk_folder', 'dependencies': 'requirements.txt'} }""") def test_binder_copy_files(sphinx_app_wrapper, tmpdir): """Test that notebooks are copied properly.""" from sphinx_gallery.binder import copy_binder_files sphinx_app = sphinx_app_wrapper.create_sphinx_app() gallery_conf = sphinx_app.config.sphinx_gallery_conf # Create requirements file with open(os.path.join(sphinx_app.srcdir, 'requirements.txt'), 'w'): pass copy_binder_files(sphinx_app, None) for i_file in ['plot_1', 'plot_2', 'plot_3']: assert os.path.exists(os.path.join( sphinx_app.outdir, 'ntbk_folder', gallery_conf['gallery_dirs'][0], i_file + '.ipynb')) @pytest.mark.conf_file(content=""" sphinx_gallery_conf = { 'examples_dirs': 'src', 'gallery_dirs': 'ex', }""") def test_failing_examples_raise_exception(sphinx_app_wrapper): example_dir = os.path.join(sphinx_app_wrapper.srcdir, 'src') with, ''), 'a', encoding='utf-8') as fid: fid.write('raise SyntaxError') with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: sphinx_app_wrapper.build_sphinx_app() assert "Unexpected failing examples" in str(excinfo.value) @pytest.mark.conf_file(content=""" sphinx_gallery_conf = { 'examples_dirs': 'src', 'gallery_dirs': 'ex', 'filename_pattern': '', }""") def test_expected_failing_examples_were_executed(sphinx_app_wrapper): """Testing that no exception is issued when broken example is not built See #335 for more details. """ sphinx_app_wrapper.build_sphinx_app() @pytest.mark.conf_file(content=""" sphinx_gallery_conf = { 'examples_dirs': 'src', 'gallery_dirs': 'ex', 'expected_failing_examples' :['src/'], }""") def test_examples_not_expected_to_pass(sphinx_app_wrapper): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: sphinx_app_wrapper.build_sphinx_app() assert "expected to fail, but not failing" in str(excinfo.value) @pytest.mark.conf_file(content=""" sphinx_gallery_conf = { 'first_notebook_cell': 2, }""") def test_first_notebook_cell_config(sphinx_app_wrapper): from sphinx_gallery.gen_gallery import parse_config # First cell must be str with pytest.raises(ValueError): parse_config(sphinx_app_wrapper.create_sphinx_app())
from .ish_report_test import ish_report_test from .ish_parser_test import ish_parser_test from .ComponentTest import SnowDepthComponentTest, SkyCoverComponentTest, SolarIrradianceComponentTest from .ComponentTest import SkyConditionObservationComponentTest, SkyCoverSummationComponentTest from .Humidity_test import Humidity_test from .remarks_test import remarks_test from .Minutes_test import Minutes_test
from skidl import SKIDL, TEMPLATE, Part, Pin, SchLib SKIDL_lib_version = '0.0.1' RFSolutions = SchLib(tool=SKIDL).add_parts(*[ Part(name='ZETA-433-SO',dest=TEMPLATE,tool=SKIDL,keywords='RF TRANSCEIVER MODULE',description='FM ZETA TRANSCEIVER MODULE, OPTIMISED FOR 433MHZ',ref_prefix='U',num_units=1,do_erc=True,aliases=['ZETA-868-SO', 'ZETA-915-SO'],pins=[ Pin(num='1',name='ANT',func=Pin.BIDIR,do_erc=True), Pin(num='2',name='GND',func=Pin.PWRIN,do_erc=True), Pin(num='3',name='SDN',do_erc=True), Pin(num='4',name='VCC',func=Pin.PWRIN,do_erc=True), Pin(num='5',name='IRQ',func=Pin.OUTPUT,do_erc=True), Pin(num='6',name='NC',func=Pin.NOCONNECT,do_erc=True), Pin(num='7',name='GPIO1',func=Pin.BIDIR,do_erc=True), Pin(num='8',name='GPIO2',func=Pin.BIDIR,do_erc=True), Pin(num='9',name='SCLK',do_erc=True), Pin(num='10',name='SDI',do_erc=True), Pin(num='11',name='SDO',do_erc=True), Pin(num='12',name='SEL',do_erc=True)])])
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from serial import Serial import bitarray import time ser = Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', 115200) for i in range(1,100): for a in range(0,16): ser.write(b'\xcc') ser.write((1<<a).to_bytes(2, byteorder='big')) #ser.write(b.to_bytes(1, byteorder='big')) ser.write(b'\xff') print("Count: {} ".format(a)) time.sleep(0.5) for a in range(0,16): ser.write(b'\xcc') ser.write(((2**15)>>a).to_bytes(2, byteorder='big')) #ser.write(b.to_bytes(1, byteorder='big')) ser.write(b'\xff') print("Count: {} ".format(a)) time.sleep(0.5) for a in range(0,256): for b in range(0,256): ser.write(b'\xcc') ser.write(a.to_bytes(1, byteorder='big')) ser.write(b.to_bytes(1, byteorder='big')) ser.write(b'\xff') print("Count: {} - {}".format(a,b)) time.sleep(0.5) ser.close()
from aws_cdk import core, aws_events as events, aws_events_targets as targets from multacdkrecipies.common import base_alarm, base_lambda_function from multacdkrecipies.recipies.utils import CLOUDWATCH_CONFIG_SCHEMA, validate_configuration class AwsCloudwatchLambdaPipes(core.Construct): """ AWS CDK Construct that defines a pipe where a message is sent by a Cloudwatch Rule and a Lambda function or functions will process it and take proper actions. The construct allows to set alerts on the Lambda Functions. """ def __init__(self, scope: core.Construct, id: str, *, prefix: str, environment: str, configuration, **kwargs): """ :param scope: Stack class, used by CDK. :param id: ID of the construct, used by CDK. :param prefix: Prefix of the construct, used for naming purposes. :param environment: Environment of the construct, used for naming purposes. :param configuration: Configuration of the construct. In this case SNS_CONFIG_SCHEMA. :param kwargs: Other parameters that could be used by the construct. """ super().__init__(scope, id, **kwargs) self.prefix = prefix self.environment_ = environment self._configuration = configuration # Validating that the payload passed is correct validate_configuration(configuration_schema=CLOUDWATCH_CONFIG_SCHEMA, configuration_received=self._configuration) rule_configuration = self._configuration["cloudwatch_rule"] rule_name = self.prefix + "_" + rule_configuration["rule_name"] + "_" + self.environment_ schedule = events.Schedule.expression(f"cron({rule_configuration['schedule']})") self._cloudwatch_event = events.Rule( self, id=rule_name, rule_name=rule_name, description=rule_configuration.get("description"), enabled=rule_configuration["enabled"], schedule=schedule, ) self._lambda_functions = list() for function_definition in self._configuration["lambda_handlers"]: function_ = base_lambda_function(self, **function_definition) self._cloudwatch_event.add_target(targets.LambdaFunction(handler=function_)) self._lambda_functions.append(function_) def set_alarms(self): """ Function that set alarms for the resources involved in the construct. Except the Cloudwatch Event. :return: None """ for lambda_function_data, lambda_function_definition in zip( self._configuration["lambda_handlers"], self._lambda_functions ): if isinstance(lambda_function_data.get("alarms"), list) is True: lambda_alarms = list() for alarm_definition in lambda_function_data.get("alarms"): lambda_alarms.append( base_alarm( self, resource_name=lambda_function_data.get("lambda_name"), base_resource=lambda_function_definition, **alarm_definition, ) ) @property def configuration(self): """ :return: Construct configuration. """ return self._configuration @property def lambda_functions(self): """ :return: Construct Lambda Function. """ return self._lambda_function @property def cloudwatch_event(self): """ :return: Construct IoT Rule. """ return self._cloudwatch_event
from serial import * from tkinter import * import tkinter.ttk as ttk import serial import import threading # for parallel computing class myThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, name,ser): threading.Thread.__init__(self) = name self.ser = ser self.stopevent = threading.Event() self.paused = False def run(self): while self.ser.isOpen(): if not self.paused: received_text.insert(END,self.ser.readline()) received_text.see(END) if self.stopevent.isSet(): break def pause(self): self.paused = True def resume(self): self.paused = False def disconnect(self): self.stopevent.set() def serial_ports(): return def on_select(event=None): # get selection from event print("event.widget:", event.widget.get()) # or get selection directly from combobox print("comboboxes: ", cb.get()) def serial_open_cmd(): try: global ser ser = serial.Serial(serial_port,ser_baudrate, timeout=1) global thread1 thread1 = myThread("Updating", ser) thread1.start() print(serial_port, "is connected") # open port if not already open if ser.isOpen() == False: elif ser.isOpen() == True: b1.configure(text = "Connected") except serial.SerialException: print ("error open serial port: " + ser.port ) def serial_close_cmd(): if ser.isOpen() == True: thread1.disconnect() ser.close() print("Disconnected") b1.configure(text = "Connect") def mSend(command): # try: thread1.pause() ser.write(command.encode('ascii')) thread1.resume() # except: # print ("Could not send command. Port closed?") return def config_cmd(): mSend("C") def fwd_cmd(event): try: mSend('F') except: pass def rvs_cmd(event): try: mSend('R') except: pass def set_cmd(): mSend('S') def rst_cmd(): mSend('N') def count_cmd(): mSend('A') def change_vel(event): try: vel = w1.get() print(vel) if (vel==20): mSend('Q') if (vel==25): mSend('W') if (vel==30): mSend('E') if (vel==35): mSend('T') if (vel==40): mSend('Y') if (vel==45): mSend('D') if (vel==50): mSend('G') if (vel==60): mSend('J') if (vel==70): mSend('L') if (vel==80): mSend('V') if (vel==90): mSend('B') if (vel==100): mSend('O') except: pass def releasing(event): try: mSend('M') except: pass if len( != 0: COM = serial_port = COM[0][0] ser_baudrate = 9600 root = Tk() root.resizable(False,False) root.wm_title("MERİÇ Serial Communication For DC Motor Driver") cb = ttk.Combobox(root, values=serial_ports()) cb.grid(row = 1, column = 0,padx=10,pady=10) # assign function to combobox cb.bind('<<ComboboxSelected>>', on_select) l1=Label(root,text="Serial Port Selection",height=2,width=20) l1.grid(row=0,column=0,columnspan=2) l2=Label(root,text="Sent",height=2,width=20) l2.grid(row=0,column=2,columnspan=4,padx=10,pady=1) l3=Label(root,text="Received",height=2,width=20) l3.grid(row=2,column=2,columnspan=4,padx=10,pady=1) received_text = Text (root, takefocus=0) received_text.grid(row = 3,rowspan = 6,column = 2,columnspan = 4,padx=10,pady=10) # received_text.bind("<Return>", readSerial) b1=Button(root, text="Connect", width=12,command=serial_open_cmd) b1.grid(row=2,column=0,padx=10,pady=10) b_disconnect=Button(root, text="Disconnect", width=12,command=serial_close_cmd) b_disconnect.grid(row=3,column=0,padx=10,pady=10) b2=Button(root, text="Config", width=12,command=config_cmd) b2.grid(row=1,column=2,padx=10,pady=10) b3=Button(root, text="Forward", width=12) b3.grid(row=1,column=3,padx=10,pady=10) b3.bind("<ButtonPress-1>",fwd_cmd) b3.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>",releasing) b4=Button(root, text="Reverse", width=12) b4.grid(row=1,column=4,padx=10,pady=10) b4.bind("<ButtonPress-1>",rvs_cmd) b4.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>",releasing) b5=Button(root, text="SET", width=12,command=set_cmd) b5.grid(row=1,column=5,padx=10,pady=10) b6=Button(root, text="RESET", width=12,command=rst_cmd) b6.grid(row=1,column=6,padx=10,pady=10) b7=Button(root, text="ENCODER", width=12,command=count_cmd) b7.grid(row=2,column=6,padx=10,pady=10) global vel w1 = Scale(root, from_=20, to=100, resolution = 5,command=change_vel) vel=20 w1.set(vel) w1.grid(row = 3, column= 6,padx=10,pady=10) time.sleep(1) root.mainloop()
"""Unit tests for nautobot_ssot_ipfabric plugin."""
import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F class Cnn1d(nn.Module): def __init__(self, *, nx, nt, cnnSize=32, cp1=(64, 3, 2), cp2=(128, 5, 2)): super(Cnn1d, self).__init__() self.nx = nx self.nt = nt cOut, f, p = cp1 self.conv1 = nn.Conv1d(nx, cOut, f) self.pool1 = nn.MaxPool1d(p) lTmp = int(calConvSize(nt, f, 0, 1, 1) / p) cIn = cOut cOut, f, p = cp2 self.conv2 = nn.Conv1d(cIn, cOut, f) self.pool2 = nn.MaxPool1d(p) lTmp = int(calConvSize(lTmp, f, 0, 1, 1) / p) self.flatLength = int(cOut * lTmp) self.fc1 = nn.Linear(self.flatLength, cnnSize) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(cnnSize, cnnSize) def forward(self, x): # x- [nt,ngrid,nx] x1 = x x1 = x1.permute(1, 2, 0) x1 = self.pool1(F.relu(self.conv1(x1))) x1 = self.pool2(F.relu(self.conv2(x1))) x1 = x1.view(-1, self.flatLength) x1 = F.relu(self.fc1(x1)) x1 = self.fc2(x1) return x1 class CNN1dkernel(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, *, ninchannel=1, nkernel=3, kernelSize=3, stride=1, padding=0): super(CNN1dkernel, self).__init__() self.cnn1d = torch.nn.Conv1d( in_channels=ninchannel, out_channels=nkernel, kernel_size=kernelSize, padding=padding, stride=stride, ) def forward(self, x): output = F.relu(self.cnn1d(x)) # output = self.cnn1d(x) return output class LstmCnn1d(torch.nn.Module): # Dense layer > reduce dim > dense def __init__(self, *, nx, ny, rho, nkernel=(10,5), kernelSize=(3,3), stride=(2,1), padding=(1,1), dr=0.5, poolOpt=None): # two convolutional layer super(LstmCnn1d, self).__init__() self.nx = nx self.ny = ny self.rho = rho nlayer = len(nkernel) self.features = nn.Sequential() ninchan = nx Lout = rho for ii in range(nlayer): # First layer: no dimension reduction ConvLayer = CNN1dkernel( ninchannel=ninchan, nkernel=nkernel[ii], kernelSize=kernelSize[ii], stride=stride[ii], padding=padding[ii]) self.features.add_module('CnnLayer%d' % (ii + 1), ConvLayer) ninchan = nkernel[ii] Lout = calConvSize(lin=Lout, kernel=kernelSize[ii], stride=stride[ii]) if poolOpt is not None: self.features.add_module('Pooling%d' % (ii + 1), nn.MaxPool1d(poolOpt[ii])) Lout = calPoolSize(lin=Lout, kernel=poolOpt[ii]) self.Ncnnout = int(Lout*nkernel[-1]) # total CNN feature number after convolution def forward(self, x, doDropMC=False): out = self.features(x) # # z0 = (ntime*ngrid) * nkernel * sizeafterconv # z0 = z0.view(nt, ngrid, self.Ncnnout) # x0 =, z0), dim=2) # x0 = F.relu(self.linearIn(x0)) # outLSTM, (hn, cn) = self.lstm(x0, doDropMC=doDropMC) # out = self.linearOut(outLSTM) # # out = rho/time * batchsize * Ntargetvar return out def calConvSize(lin, kernel, stride, padding=0, dilation=1): lout = (lin + 2 * padding - dilation * (kernel - 1) - 1) / stride + 1 return int(lout) def calPoolSize(lin, kernel, stride=None, padding=0, dilation=1): if stride is None: stride = kernel lout = (lin + 2 * padding - dilation * (kernel - 1) - 1) / stride + 1 return int(lout) def calFinalsize1d(nobs, noutk, ksize, stride, pool): nlayer = len(ksize) Lout = nobs for ii in range(nlayer): Lout = calConvSize(lin=Lout, kernel=ksize[ii], stride=stride[ii]) if pool is not None: Lout = calPoolSize(lin=Lout, kernel=pool[ii]) Ncnnout = int(Lout * noutk) # total CNN feature number after convolution return Ncnnout
import sys try: from sp.base import Logging except Exception as e: print "couldn't load splib" sys.exit(1)
import configparser import os basedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) config = configparser.ConfigParser()"txdispatch.conf") SECRET_KEY = config.get("app", "secret_key") VERSION = config.get("app", "version") SERVICES = { "http": {}, "sockets": {}, "websockets": {} } for service, port in config.items("services"): SERVICES["http"][service] = int(port) SERVICES["sockets"][service] = int(port) + 10 SERVICES["websockets"][service] = int(port) + 20
import re import json import requests from Bio import SeqIO from Bio.Seq import Seq from pathlib import Path from tqdm.notebook import trange from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord from function.utilities import fasta_to_seqlist from function.utilities import find_human_sequence def uniprot_id_consistance_check(fasta_path,uniprot_id): # some uniprot id in OMA paralogs is not consist with uniprot uniprot_id_oma_fassta = find_human_sequence(fasta_path)["uniprot_id"] if uniprot_id != uniprot_id_oma_fassta: fasta_path.unlink() raise Exception("{} in uniprot is not consist with OMA's record, delete this record".format(uniprot_id)) class FetchOmaSeqBatch(): ''' faster way to get homologous from OMA: 1. get OMA raw fasta from 2. change sequence name to former format, infos are from ''' def __init__(self): pass def get_oma_seq(self, uniprot_id, path): ''' pipeline: get fasta from OMA, and change sequence info to former format ''' oma_path = Path(path) oma_fasta_path = oma_path / "{}.fasta".format(uniprot_id) # get raw fasta self.__get_oma_fasta(uniprot_id, oma_fasta_path) # get fasta info fasta_info_dict = self.__get_fasta_info(uniprot_id) # get mod info fasta self.__mod_fasta_info(oma_fasta_path, oma_fasta_path, fasta_info_dict) # uniprot id consistance check uniprot_id_consistance_check(oma_fasta_path, uniprot_id) def __get_oma_fasta(self, uniprot_id, fasta_path): ''' get raw fasta from OMA ''' try: url = "{}/fasta/".format(uniprot_id) resp = requests.get(url) resp.raise_for_status() with open(fasta_path, "w") as file: file.write(resp.text) except: raise Exception("{} get fasta failed from OMA".format(uniprot_id)) def __get_fasta_info(self, uniprot_id): ''' get sequence infos from OMA ''' try: url = "{}/".format(uniprot_id) resp = requests.get(url) resp.raise_for_status() oma_raw = json.loads(resp.text) fasta_info_dict = {} for i in oma_raw['members']: species = i["species"]["species"] species = re.sub("\(.*\)", "", species) #sometimes species name are too long, remove some strain info oma_id = i["omaid"] canonical_id = i["canonicalid"] taxon_id = i["species"]["taxon_id"] fasta_info_dict[oma_id] = { "oma_id": oma_id, "species": species, "canonical_id": canonical_id, "taxon_id": taxon_id, } return fasta_info_dict except: raise Exception("{} OMA fetch fasta seqeuence info failed".format(uniprot_id)) def __mod_fasta_info(self, oma_fasta_path, mod_fasta_path, fasta_info_dict): ''' change sequence name to former format ''' fasta_list = list(SeqIO.parse(str(oma_fasta_path), 'fasta')) mod_fasta_list = [] for seq_record in fasta_list: id = record = SeqRecord(seq=seq_record.seq, id=id, description="| {} | {} | {}".format(fasta_info_dict[id]["species"], fasta_info_dict[id]["taxon_id"], fasta_info_dict[id]["canonical_id"]) ) mod_fasta_list.append(record) SeqIO.write(mod_fasta_list, mod_fasta_path, "fasta") class FetchOmaSeq(): """ Deprecated, this is slower than FetchOmaSeqBatch() get paralogs by uniprot id from OMA, """ def __init__(self): pass def get_oma_seq(self, uniprot_id, path): """ get paralogs from OMA by uniprot id uniprot_id: str, uniprot id path: str, path to save fasta file return: None """ path = Path(path) fasta_path = path / "{}.fasta".format(uniprot_id) #get orthologs orthologs_list = self.__get_orthologs(uniprot_id) #writing to fasta self.__get_fasta(orthologs_list, fasta_path) uniprot_id_consistance_check(fasta_path, uniprot_id) def __get_protein_info_from_entry(self, ortholog_entry): try: resp = requests.get("{}/".format(ortholog_entry)) oma_raw = json.loads(resp.text) species = oma_raw["species"]["species"] species = re.sub("\(.*\)", "", species) #sometimes species name are too long, remove some strain info oma_id = oma_raw["omaid"] canonical_id = oma_raw["canonicalid"] taxon_id = oma_raw["species"]["taxon_id"] sequence = oma_raw["sequence"] return { "species": species, "oma_id": oma_id, "canonical_id": canonical_id, "taxon_id": taxon_id, "sequence": sequence, } except: raise Exception("get single ortholog entry {} from OMA failed".format(ortholog_entry)) def __get_orthologs(self, uniprot_id): try: resp = requests.get("{}/".format(uniprot_id)) oma_raw = json.loads(resp.text) orthologs_list = [] t = trange(len(oma_raw["members"]), desc=uniprot_id, leave=True, position=2) for i in t: orthologs_list.append(self.__get_protein_info_from_entry(oma_raw["members"][i]["entry_nr"])) return orthologs_list except: raise Exception("get ortholog {} from OMA failed".format(uniprot_id)) def __get_fasta(self, orthologs_list, path): fasta_list = [] for i in orthologs_list: record = SeqRecord( Seq(i["sequence"]), id=i["oma_id"], description="| {} | {} | {}".format(i["species"], i["taxon_id"], i["canonical_id"])) fasta_list.append(record) SeqIO.write(fasta_list, path, "fasta") class TaxSeqFilter(): """ filter homologous by taxonomy id """ def __init__(self, taxonomy): """ taxonomy: int, taxonomy id from NCBI for filter NCBI: """ resp = requests.get("{}".format(taxonomy)) self.taxonomy = taxonomy self.taxonomy_list = resp.text def taxfilter(self, oma_fasta_path, grouped_fasta_path): """ oma_fasta_path: str, fasta file path for all OMA paralogs grouped_fasta_path: str, fasta file path for grouped paralogs return: None """ # read oma_fasta_list = fasta_to_seqlist(oma_fasta_path) # filter filtered_list = [] for i in oma_fasta_list: tax_id = i.description.split("|")[2].replace(" ", "") if tax_id in self.taxonomy_list: filtered_list.append(i) with open(grouped_fasta_path, "w") as output_handle: SeqIO.write(filtered_list, output_handle, "fasta")
# coding=utf-8 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for # license information. # # Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. # Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is # regenerated. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- from .application_event import ApplicationEvent class ChaosRestartCodePackageFaultScheduledEvent(ApplicationEvent): """Chaos Restart Code Package Fault Scheduled event. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :param event_instance_id: Required. The identifier for the FabricEvent instance. :type event_instance_id: str :param time_stamp: Required. The time event was logged. :type time_stamp: datetime :param has_correlated_events: Shows there is existing related events available. :type has_correlated_events: bool :param kind: Required. Constant filled by server. :type kind: str :param application_id: Required. The identity of the application. This is an encoded representation of the application name. This is used in the REST APIs to identify the application resource. Starting in version 6.0, hierarchical names are delimited with the "\\~" character. For example, if the application name is "fabric:/myapp/app1", the application identity would be "myapp\\~app1" in 6.0+ and "myapp/app1" in previous versions. :type application_id: str :param fault_group_id: Required. Id of fault group. :type fault_group_id: str :param fault_id: Required. Id of fault. :type fault_id: str :param node_name: Required. The name of a Service Fabric node. :type node_name: str :param service_manifest_name: Required. Service manifest name. :type service_manifest_name: str :param code_package_name: Required. Code package name. :type code_package_name: str :param service_package_activation_id: Required. Id of Service package activation. :type service_package_activation_id: str """ _validation = { 'event_instance_id': {'required': True}, 'time_stamp': {'required': True}, 'kind': {'required': True}, 'application_id': {'required': True}, 'fault_group_id': {'required': True}, 'fault_id': {'required': True}, 'node_name': {'required': True}, 'service_manifest_name': {'required': True}, 'code_package_name': {'required': True}, 'service_package_activation_id': {'required': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'event_instance_id': {'key': 'EventInstanceId', 'type': 'str'}, 'time_stamp': {'key': 'TimeStamp', 'type': 'iso-8601'}, 'has_correlated_events': {'key': 'HasCorrelatedEvents', 'type': 'bool'}, 'kind': {'key': 'Kind', 'type': 'str'}, 'application_id': {'key': 'ApplicationId', 'type': 'str'}, 'fault_group_id': {'key': 'FaultGroupId', 'type': 'str'}, 'fault_id': {'key': 'FaultId', 'type': 'str'}, 'node_name': {'key': 'NodeName', 'type': 'str'}, 'service_manifest_name': {'key': 'ServiceManifestName', 'type': 'str'}, 'code_package_name': {'key': 'CodePackageName', 'type': 'str'}, 'service_package_activation_id': {'key': 'ServicePackageActivationId', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(ChaosRestartCodePackageFaultScheduledEvent, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.fault_group_id = kwargs.get('fault_group_id', None) self.fault_id = kwargs.get('fault_id', None) self.node_name = kwargs.get('node_name', None) self.service_manifest_name = kwargs.get('service_manifest_name', None) self.code_package_name = kwargs.get('code_package_name', None) self.service_package_activation_id = kwargs.get('service_package_activation_id', None) self.kind = 'ChaosRestartCodePackageFaultScheduled'
import pydantic as _pydantic class CreditWalletConversion(_pydantic.BaseModel): credit_wallet_type: str rate: float currency_code: str class Config: orm_mode = True
#!/usr/bin/env python #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Core video, sound and interpreter loop for Gigatron TTL microcomputer # - 6.25MHz clock # - Rendering 160x120 pixels at 6.25MHz with flexible videoline programming # - Must stay above 31 kHz horizontal sync --> 200 cycles/scanline # - Must stay above 59.94 Hz vertical sync --> 521 scanlines/frame # - 4 channels sound # - 16-bits vCPU interpreter # - Builtin vCPU programs # - Serial input handler # - Soft reset button (keep 'Start' button down for 2 seconds) # # Cleanup after ROM v1 release # XXX Readability of instructions, esp. make d() implicit # XXX GCL: Prefix notation for high/low byte >X++ instead of X>++ # XXX GCL: Rethink i, i. i; i= x, x. x= x: consistency, also DOKE, STLW etc # XXX How it works memo: brief description of every software function # # Ideas for ROM v2 # XXX Music sequencer (combined with LED sequencer, but retire soundTimer???) # XXX Adjustable return for LUP trampolines (in case SYS functions need it) # XXX Loader: make noise when data comes in # XXX vCPU: Multiplication (mulShift8?) # XXX vCPU: Interrupts / Task switching (e.g for clock, LED sequencer) # XXX Scroll out the top line of text, or generic vertical scroll SYS call # XXX Multitasking/threading/sleeping (start with date/time clock in GCL) # XXX Scoping for variables or some form of local variables? $i ("localized") # XXX Simple GCL programs might be compiled by the host instead of offline? # XXX vCPU: Clear just vAC[0:7] (Workaround is not bad: |255 ^255) # XXX Random dots screensaver # XXX Star field # # Application ideas: # XXX Pacman ghosts. Sprites by scan line 4 reset method? ("videoG"=graphics) # XXX Audio: Decay, using Karplus-Strong # XXX ROM data compression (starting with Jupiter and Racer image) # XXX Font screen 16x8 chars # XXX Info screen (zero page) # XXX Gigatron layout balls/bricks game # XXX Embedded schematics # XXX Maze game. Berzerk/Robotron? Pac Mac # XXX Horizontal scroller. Flappy Bird # XXX Primes, Fibonacci (bignum), Queens # XXX Game of Life (edit <-> stop <-> slow <-> fast) # XXX Game #5 Shooter. Space Invaders, Demon Attack, Galaga style # XXX Exhibition mode: flip between applications in auto-play mode #----------------------------------------------------------------------- from sys import argv from os import getenv from asm import * import gcl0x as gcl import font # Gigatron clock cpuClock = 6.250e+06 # Output pin assignment for VGA R, G, B, hSync, vSync = 1, 4, 16, 64, 128 syncBits = hSync+vSync # Both pulses negative # When the XOUT register is in the circuit, the rising edge triggers its update. # The loop can therefore not be agnostic to the horizontal pulse polarity. assert(syncBits & hSync != 0) # VGA 640x480 defaults (to be adjusted below!) vFront = 10 # Vertical front porch vPulse = 2 # Vertical sync pulse vBack = 33 # Vertical back porch vgaLines = vFront + vPulse + vBack + 480 vgaClock = 25.175e+06 # Video adjustments for Gigatron # 1. Our clock is (slighty) slower than 1/4th VGA clock. Not all monitors will # accept the decreased frame rate, so we restore the frame rate to above # minimum 59.94 Hz by cutting some lines from the vertical front porch. vFrontAdjust = vgaLines - int(4 * cpuClock / vgaClock * vgaLines) vFront -= vFrontAdjust # 2. Extend vertical sync pulse so we can feed the game controller the same # signal. This is needed for controllers based on the 4021 instead of 74165 vPulseExtension = max(0, 8-vPulse) vPulse += vPulseExtension # 3. Borrow these lines from the back porch so the refresh rate remains # unaffected vBack -= vPulseExtension # Game controller bits (actual controllers in kit have negative output) # +-------------------------------------+ # | Up B* | # | Left + Right B A* | # | Down Select Start A | # +-------------------------------------+ *=Auto fire buttonRight = 1 buttonLeft = 2 buttonDown = 4 buttonUp = 8 buttonStart = 16 buttonSelect = 32 buttonB = 64 buttonA = 128 # Compile option: True restricts the calling of interpreter to calls from # page 2, for 2 cycles less interpreter ENTER/EXIT overhead fastRunVcpu = True #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # RAM page 0: variables # #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Memory size in pages from auto-detect memSize = zpByte() # The current channel number for sound generation. Advanced every scan line # and independent of the vertical refresh to maintain constant oscillation. channel = zpByte() # Next sound sample being synthesized sample = zpByte() # To save one instruction in the critical inner loop, `sample' is always # reset with its own address instead of, for example, the value 0. Compare: # 1 instruction reset # st sample,[sample] # 2 instruction reset: # ld 0 # st [sample] # The difference is unhearable. This is fine when the reset/address # value is low and doesn't overflow with 4 channels added to it. # There is an alternative, but it requires pull-down diodes on the data bus: # st [sample],[sample] assert 4*63 + sample < 256 # We pin this reset/address value to 3, so `sample' swings from 3 to 255 assert sample == 3 # Booting bootCount = zpByte() # 0 for cold boot bootCheck = zpByte() # Checksum # Entropy harvested from SRAM startup and controller input entropy = zpByte(3) # Visible video videoY = zpByte() # Counts up from 0 to 238 in steps of 2 # Counts up during vertical blank (-44/-40 to 0) frameX = zpByte() # Starting byte within page frameY = zpByte() # Page of current pixel row (updated by videoA) nextVideo = zpByte() # Jump offset to scan line handler (videoA, B, C...) videoDorF = zpByte() # Handler for every 4th line (videoD or videoF) # Vertical blank (reuse some variables used in the visible part) videoSync0 = frameX # Vertical sync type on current line (0xc0 or 0x40) videoSync1 = frameY # Same during horizontal pulse # Frame counter is good enough as system clock frameCount = zpByte(1) # Serial input (game controller) serialRaw = zpByte() # New raw serial read serialLast = zpByte() # Previous serial read buttonState = zpByte() # Clearable button state resetTimer = zpByte() # After 2 seconds of holding 'Start', do a soft reset # Extended output (blinkenlights in bit 0:3 and audio in but 4:7). This # value must be present in AC during a rising hSync edge. It then gets # copied to the XOUT register by the hardware. The XOUT register is only # accessible in this indirect manner because it isn't part of the core # CPU architecture. xout = zpByte() xoutMask = zpByte() # The blinkenlights and sound on/off state # vCPU interpreter vTicks = zpByte() # Interpreter ticks are units of 2 clocks vPC = zpByte(2) # Interpreter program counter, points into RAM vAC = zpByte(2) # Interpreter accumulator, 16-bits vLR = zpByte(2) # Return address, for returning after CALL vSP = zpByte(1) # Stack pointer vTmp = zpByte() if fastRunVcpu: vReturn = zpByte(1) # Return into video loop reserved31 = zpByte(1) else: vReturn = zpByte(2) # Return into video loop # For future ROM extensions reserved32 = zpByte() # ROM type/version, numbering scheme to be determined, could be as follows: # bit 4:7 Version # bit 0:3 >=8 Formal revisions 8=alpa, 9=beta, 10=beta2...c=release, d=patch # <8 experimental/informal revisions # Perhaps it should just identify the application bindings, # so don't call it romVersion already romType = zpByte(1) # SYS function arguments and results/scratch sysFn = zpByte(2) sysArgs = zpByte(8) # Play sound if non-zero, count down and stop sound when zero soundTimer = zpByte() # Fow now the LED state machine itself is hard-coded in the program ROM ledTimer = zpByte() # Number of ticks until next LED change ledState = zpByte() # Current LED state ledTempo = zpByte() # Next value for ledTimer after LED state change # All bytes above, except 0x80, are free for temporary/scratch/stacks etc zpFree = zpByte(0) print 'zpFree %04x' % zpFree #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # RAM page 1: video line table # #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Byte 0-239 define the video lines videoTable = 0x0100 # Indirection table: Y[0] dX[0] ..., Y[119] dX[119] # Highest bytes are for channel 1 variables # Sound synthesis ch1 ch2 ch3 ch4 wavA = 250 wavX = 251 keyL = 252 keyH = 253 oscL = 254 oscH = 255 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # RAM page 2: shift table # #----------------------------------------------------------------------- soundTable = 0x0700 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # RAM page 3-7: application code GCL # #----------------------------------------------------------------------- vCpuStart = 0x0200 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Memory layout #----------------------------------------------------------------------- screenPages = 0x80 - 120 # Default start of screen memory: 0x0800 to 0x7fff #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Application definitions #----------------------------------------------------------------------- maxTicks = 28/2 # Duration of slowest virtual opcode define('$maxTicks', maxTicks) vOverheadInt = 9 # Overhead of jumping in and out. Cycles, not ticks vOverheadExt = 5 if fastRunVcpu else 7 maxSYS = -999 # Largest time slice for 'SYS minSYS = +999 # Smallest time slice for 'SYS' def runVcpu(n, ref=None): """Run interpreter for exactly n cycles""" comment = 'Run vCPU for %s cycles' % n if ref: comment += ' (%s)' % ref if n % 2 != (vOverheadExt + vOverheadInt) % 2: nop() comment = C(comment) n -= 1 n -= vOverheadExt + vOverheadInt print 'runVcpu at %04x cycles %3s info %s' % (pc(), n, ref) n -= 2*maxTicks assert n >= 0 and n % 2 == 0 global maxSYS, minSYS maxSYS = max(maxSYS, n + 2*maxTicks) minSYS = min(minSYS, n + 2*maxTicks) # Tell GCL compiler this range, so it can check SYS call operands define('$maxSYS', maxSYS) define('$minSYS', minSYS) n /= 2 returnPc = pc() + (5 if fastRunVcpu else 7) ld(val(returnPc&255)) #0 comment = C(comment) st(d(vReturn)) #1 if fastRunVcpu: # In this mode [vReturn+1] will not be used assert returnPc>>8 == 2 else: # Allow interpreter to be called from anywhere ld(val(returnPc>>8)) #2 st(d(vReturn+1)) #3 ld(val(hi('ENTER')),regY) #4 jmpy(d(lo('ENTER'))) #5 ld(val(n)) #6 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ROM page 0: Boot # #----------------------------------------------------------------------- align(0x100, 0x100) # Give a first sign of life that can be checked with a voltmeter ld(val(0b0000)); C('LEDs |OOOO|') ld(val(syncBits^hSync), regOUT) # Prepare XOUT update, hSync goes down, RGB to black ld(val(syncBits), regOUT) # hSync goes up, updating XOUT # Simple RAM test and size check by writing to [1<<n] and see if [0] changes. ld(val(1)); C('RAM test and count') label('.countMem0') st(d(memSize), busAC|ea0DregY) ld(val(255)) xora(d(0), busRAM|eaYDregAC) st(d(0), busAC|eaYDregAC) # Test if we can change and read back ok st(d(0)) # Preserve (inverted) memory value in [0] xora(d(0), busRAM|eaYDregAC) bne(d(pc())) # Just hang here on apparent RAM failure ld(val(255)) xora(d(0), busRAM|eaYDregAC) st(d(0), busAC|eaYDregAC) xora(d(0), busRAM) beq(d(lo('.countMem1'))) # Wrapped and [0] changed as well ldzp(d(memSize)) bra(d(lo('.countMem0'))) adda(busAC) label('.countMem1') # Momentarily wait to allow for debouncing of the reset switch by spinning # roughly 2^15 times at 2 clocks per loop: 6.5ms@10MHz to 10ms@6.3MHz # Real-world switches normally bounce shorter than that. # "[...] 16 switches exhibited an average 1557 usec of bouncing, with, # as I said, a max of 6200 usec" (From: # Relevant for the breadboard version, as the kit doesn't have a reset switch. ld(val(255)); C('Debounce reset button') label('.debounce') st(d(0)) bne(d(pc())) suba(val(1)) ldzp(d(0)) bne(d(lo('.debounce'))) suba(val(1)) # Update LEDs (memory is present and counted, reset is stable) ld(val(0b0001)); C('LEDs |*OOO|') ld(val(syncBits^hSync),regOUT) ld(val(syncBits),regOUT) # Scan the entire RAM space to collect entropy for a random number generator. # The 16-bit address space is scanned, even if less RAM was detected. ld(val(0)); C('Collect entropy from RAM') st(d(vAC+0),busAC|ea0DregX) st(d(vAC+1),busAC|ea0DregY) label('.initEnt0') ldzp(d(entropy+0)) bpl(d(lo('.initEnt1'))) adda(busRAM|eaYXregAC) xora(val(191)) label('.initEnt1') st(d(entropy+0)) ldzp(d(entropy+1)) bpl(d(lo('.initEnt2'))) adda(d(entropy+0),busRAM) xora(val(193)) label('.initEnt2') st(d(entropy+1)) adda(d(entropy+2),busRAM) st(d(entropy+2)) ldzp(d(vAC+0)) adda(val(1)) bne(d(lo('.initEnt0'))) st(d(vAC+0),busAC|ea0DregX) ldzp(d(vAC+1)) adda(val(1)) bne(d(lo('.initEnt0'))) st(d(vAC+1),busAC|ea0DregY) # Update LEDs ld(val(0b0011)); C('LEDs |**OO|') ld(val(syncBits^hSync),regOUT) ld(val(syncBits),regOUT) # Determine if this is a cold or a warm start. We do this by checking the # boot counter and comparing it to a simplistic checksum. The assumption # is that after a cold start the checksum is invalid. ldzp(d(bootCount)); C('Cold or warm boot?') adda(d(bootCheck),busRAM) adda(d(0x5a)) bne(d(lo('cold'))) ld(val(0)) label('warm') ldzp(d(bootCount)) # if warm start: bootCount += 1 adda(val(1)) label('cold') st(d(bootCount)) # if cold start: bootCount = 0 xora(val(255)) suba(val(0x5a-1)) st(d(bootCheck)) # vCPU reset handler vReset = videoTable + 240 # we have 10 unused bytes behind the video table ld(val((vReset&255)-2)); C('Setup vCPU reset handler') st(d(vPC)) adda(val(2),regX) ld(val(vReset>>8)) st(d(vPC+1),busAC|regY) st(d(lo('LDI')), eaYXregOUTIX) st(d(lo('SYS_Reset_36')),eaYXregOUTIX) st(d(lo('STW')), eaYXregOUTIX) st(d(sysFn), eaYXregOUTIX) st(d(lo('SYS')), eaYXregOUTIX) st(d(256-36/2+maxTicks), eaYXregOUTIX) st(d(lo('SYS')), eaYXregOUTIX) # SYS_Exec_88 st(d(256-88/2+maxTicks), eaYXregOUTIX) ld(val(255)); C('Setup serial input') st(d(frameCount)) st(d(serialRaw)) st(d(serialLast)) st(d(buttonState)) st(d(resetTimer)) ld(val(0b0111)); C('LEDs |***O|') ld(val(syncBits^hSync),regOUT) ld(val(syncBits),regOUT) # XXX Everything below should at one point migrate to Reset.gcl # Init sound tables ld(val(soundTable>>8),regY); C('Setup sound tables') ld(val(0)) st(d(channel)) ld(val(0),regX) label('.loop0') st(d(vTmp)); C('Noise: T[4x+0] = x (permutate below)') st(eaYXregOUTIX) anda(d(0x20)); C('Triangle: T[4x+1] = 2x if x<32 else 127-2x') bne(d(lo('.initTri0'))) ldzp(d(vTmp)) bra(d(lo('.initTri1'))) label('.initTri0') adda(d(vTmp),busRAM) xora(d(127)) label('.initTri1') st(eaYXregOUTIX) ldzp(d(vTmp)); C('Pulse: T[4x+2] = 0 if x<32 else 63') anda(d(0x20)) beq(d(lo('.initPul'))) ld(d(0)) ld(d(63)) label('.initPul') st(eaYXregOUTIX) ldzp(d(vTmp)); C('Sawtooth: T[4x+3] = x') st(eaYXregOUTIX) adda(val(1)) xora(val(0x40)) bne(d(lo('.loop0'))) xora(val(0x40)) ld(d(0)); C('Permutate noise table T[4i]') st(d(vAC+0)); C('x') st(d(vAC+1)); C('4y') label('.loop1') ld(d(vAC+1),busRAM|regX); C('tmp = T[4y]') ld(eaYXregAC,busRAM) st(d(vTmp)) ld(d(vAC+0),busRAM); C('T[4y] = T[4x]') adda(busAC) adda(busAC,regX) ld(eaYXregAC,busRAM) ld(d(vAC+1),busRAM|regX) st(eaYXregAC) adda(busAC); C('y += T[4x]') adda(busAC) adda(d(vAC+1),busRAM) st(d(vAC+1)) ld(d(vAC+0),busRAM); C('T[x] = tmp') adda(busAC) adda(busAC,regX) ldzp(d(vTmp)) st(eaYXregAC) ldzp(d(vAC+0)); C('while(++x)') adda(d(1)) bne(d(lo('.loop1'))) st(d(vAC+0)) # Init LED sequencer ld(val(120)); C('Setup LED sequencer') st(d(ledTimer)) ld(val(60/6)) st(d(ledTempo)) ld(val(0)) st(d(ledState)) ld(val(0b1111)); C('LEDs |****|') ld(val(syncBits^hSync),regOUT) ld(val(syncBits),regOUT) st(d(xout)) # Setup for control by video loop st(d(xoutMask)) ld(d(hi('vBlankStart')),busD|ea0DregY);C('Enter video loop') jmpy(d(lo('vBlankStart'))) ld(val(syncBits)) nop() nop() #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Extension SYS_Reset_36: Soft reset #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # SYS_Reset_36 initiates an immediate Gigatron reset from within the vCPU. # The reset sequence itself is mostly implemented in GCL by Reset.gcl . # This must first be loaded into RAM. But as that takes more than 1 scanline, # some vCPU bootstrapping code gets loaded with SYS_Exec_88. The caller of # SYS_Reset_36 provides the SYS instruction to execute that. label('SYS_Reset_36') assert(pc()>>8==0) value = getenv('romType') value = int(value, 0) if value else 0 ld(d(value)); C('Set ROM type/version')#15 st(d(romType)) #16 ld(val(0)) #17 st(d(vSP)) #18 Reset stack pointer assert(vCpuStart&255==0) st(d(vLR)) #19 st(d(soundTimer)) #20 ld(val(vCpuStart>>8)) #21 st(d(vLR+1)) #22 ld(d(lo('videoF'))) #23 Do this before first visible pixels st(d(videoDorF)) #24 ld(d(lo('SYS_Exec_88'))) #25 st(d(sysFn)) #26 High byte (remains) 0 ld(d(lo('Reset'))) #27 st(d(sysArgs+0)) #28 ld(d(hi('Reset'))) #29 st(d(sysArgs+1)) #30 # Return to interpreter ld(val(hi('REENTER')),regY) #31 jmpy(d(lo('REENTER'))) #32 ld(val(-36/2)) #33 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Extension SYS_Exec_88: Load code from ROM into memory and execute it #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This loads the vCPU code with consideration of the current vSP # Used during reset, but also for switching between applications # or for loading data from ROM during an application. # # ROM stream format is [<addrH> <addrL> <n&255> n*<byte>]* 0 # on top of lookup tables. # # Variables: # sysArgs[0:1] ROM pointer (input set by caller) # sysArgs[2:3] RAM pointer (variable) # sysArgs[4] State counter (variable) # vLR vCPU continues here (input set by caller) label('SYS_Exec_88') assert(pc()>>8==0) ld(val(0)) #15 Address of loader on zero page st(d(vPC+1),busAC|regY) #16 ldzp(d(vSP)) #17 Below the current stack pointer suba(d(53+2)) #18 (AC -> *+0) st(d(vTmp),busAC|regX) #19 adda(val(-2)) #20 (AC -> *-2) st(d(vPC)) #21 # Start of manually compiled vCPU section st(d(lo('PUSH') ),eaYXregOUTIX) #22 *+0 st(d(lo('BRA') ),eaYXregOUTIX) #23 *+1 adda(val(26)) #24 (AC -> *+24) st( eaYXregOUTIX) #25 *+2 st(d(lo('ST') ),eaYXregOUTIX) #26 *+3 Chunk copy loop st(d(sysArgs+3 ),eaYXregOUTIX) #27 *+4 High-address came first st(d(lo('CALL') ),eaYXregOUTIX) #28 *+5 adda(val(33-24)) #29 (AC -> *+33) st( eaYXregOUTIX) #30 *+6 st(d(lo('ST') ),eaYXregOUTIX) #31 *+7 st(d(sysArgs+2 ),eaYXregOUTIX) #32 *+8 Then the low address st(d(lo('CALL') ),eaYXregOUTIX) #33 *+9 st( eaYXregOUTIX) #34 *+10 st(d(lo('ST') ),eaYXregOUTIX) #35 *+11 Byte copy loop st(d(sysArgs+4 ),eaYXregOUTIX) #36 *+12 Byte count (0 means 256) st(d(lo('CALL') ),eaYXregOUTIX) #37 *+13 st( eaYXregOUTIX) #38 *+14 st(d(lo('POKE') ),eaYXregOUTIX) #39 *+15 st(d(sysArgs+2 ),eaYXregOUTIX) #40 *+16 st(d(lo('INC') ),eaYXregOUTIX) #41 *+17 st(d(sysArgs+2 ),eaYXregOUTIX) #42 *+18 st(d(lo('LD') ),eaYXregOUTIX) #43 *+19 st(d(sysArgs+4 ),eaYXregOUTIX) #44 *+20 st(d(lo('SUBI') ),eaYXregOUTIX) #45 *+21 st(d(1 ),eaYXregOUTIX) #46 *+22 st(d(lo('BCC') ),eaYXregOUTIX) #47 *+23 st(d(lo('NE') ),eaYXregOUTIX) #48 *+24 adda(val(11-2-33)) #49 (AC -> *+9) st( eaYXregOUTIX) #50 *+25 st(d(lo('CALL') ),eaYXregOUTIX) #51 *+26 Go to next block adda(val(33-9)) #52 (AC -> *+33) st( eaYXregOUTIX) #53 *+27 st(d(lo('BCC') ),eaYXregOUTIX) #54 *+28 st(d(lo('NE') ),eaYXregOUTIX) #55 *+29 adda(val(3-2-33)) #56 (AC -> *+1) st( eaYXregOUTIX) #57 *+30 st(d(lo('POP') ),eaYXregOUTIX) #58 *+31 End st(d(lo('RET') ),eaYXregOUTIX) #59 *+32 # Pointer constant pointing to the routine below (for use by CALL) adda(val(35-1)) #60 (AC -> *+35) st( eaYXregOUTIX) #61 *+33 st(d(0 ),eaYXregOUTIX) #62 *+34 # Routine to read next byte from ROM and advance read pointer st(d(lo('LD') ),eaYXregOUTIX) #63 *+35 Test for end of ROM table st(d(sysArgs+0 ),eaYXregOUTIX) #64 *+36 st(d(lo('XORI') ),eaYXregOUTIX) #65 *+37 st(d(251 ),eaYXregOUTIX) #66 *+38 st(d(lo('BCC') ),eaYXregOUTIX) #67 *+39 st(d(lo('NE') ),eaYXregOUTIX) #68 *+40 adda(val(46-2-35)) #69 (AC -> *+44) st( eaYXregOUTIX) #70 *+41 st(d(lo('ST') ),eaYXregOUTIX) #71 *+42 Wrap to next ROM page st(d(sysArgs+0 ),eaYXregOUTIX) #72 *+43 st(d(lo('INC') ),eaYXregOUTIX) #73 *+44 st(d(sysArgs+1 ),eaYXregOUTIX) #74 *+45 st(d(lo('LDW') ),eaYXregOUTIX) #75 *+46 Read next byte from ROM table st(d(sysArgs+0 ),eaYXregOUTIX) #76 *+47 st(d(lo('LUP') ),eaYXregOUTIX) #77 *+48 st(d(0 ),eaYXregOUTIX) #78 *+49 st(d(lo('INC') ),eaYXregOUTIX) #79 *+50 Increment read pointer st(d(sysArgs+0 ),eaYXregOUTIX) #80 *+51 st(d(lo('RET') ),eaYXregOUTIX) #81 *+52 Return # Return to interpreter nop() #82 ld(val(hi('REENTER')),regY) #83 jmpy(d(lo('REENTER'))) #84 ld(val(-88/2)) #85 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Extension SYS_Out_22: Send byte to output port #----------------------------------------------------------------------- label('SYS_Out_22') ld(d(sysArgs+0),busRAM|regOUT) #15 nop() #16 ld(val(hi('REENTER')),regY) #17 jmpy(d(lo('REENTER'))) #18 ld(val(-22/2)) #19 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Extension SYS_In_24: Read a byte from the input port #----------------------------------------------------------------------- label('SYS_In_24') st(d(vAC),busIN) #15 ld(val(0)) #16 st(d(vAC+1)) #17 nop() #18 ld(val(hi('REENTER')),regY) #19 jmpy(d(lo('REENTER'))) #20 ld(val(-24/2)) #21 assert pc()&255==0 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ROM page 1-2: Video loop # #----------------------------------------------------------------------- align(0x100, 0x200) # Back porch A: first of 4 repeated scan lines # - Fetch next Yi and store it for retrieval in the next scan lines # - Calculate Xi from dXi, but there is no cycle time left to store it as well label('videoA') assert(lo('videoA') == 0) # videoA starts at the page boundary ld(d(lo('videoB'))) #29 st(d(nextVideo)) #30 ld(d(videoTable>>8), regY) #31 ld(d(videoY), busRAM|regX) #32 ld(eaYXregAC, busRAM) #33 st(eaYXregOUTIX) #34 Just to increment X st(d(frameY)) #35 ld(eaYXregAC, busRAM) #36 adda(d(frameX), busRAM|regX) #37 ld(d(frameY), busRAM|regY) #38 ld(val(syncBits)) #39 # Stream 160 pixels from memory location <Yi,Xi> onwards # Superimpose the sync signal bits to be robust against misprogramming label('pixels') for i in range(160): ora(eaYXregOUTIX, busRAM) #40-199 if i==0: C('Pixel burst') ld(val(syncBits), regOUT); C('<New scan line start>')#0 Back to black # Front porch ldzp(d(channel));C('Advance to next sound channel')#1 label('soundF') anda(val(3)) #2 adda(val(1)) #3 ld(val(syncBits^hSync), regOUT);C('Start horizontal pulse')#4 # Horizontal sync label('sound2') st(d(channel),busAC|ea0DregY) #5 Sound ld(val(0x7f)) #6 anda(d(oscL),busRAM|eaYDregAC) #7 adda(d(keyL),busRAM|eaYDregAC) #8 st(d(oscL),busAC|eaYDregAC) #9 anda(val(0x80),regX) #10 ld(busRAM|ea0XregAC) #11 adda(d(oscH),busRAM|eaYDregAC) #12 adda(d(keyH),busRAM|eaYDregAC) #13 st(d(oscH), busAC|eaYDregAC) #14 anda(val(0xfc)) #15 xora(d(wavX),busRAM|eaYDregAC) #16 ld(busAC,regX) #17 ld(d(wavA),busRAM|eaYDregAC) #18 ld(d(soundTable>>8),regY) #19 adda(busRAM|eaYXregAC) #20 bmi(d(lo('.sound2a'))) #21 bra(d(lo('.sound2b'))) #22 anda(d(63)) #23 label('.sound2a') ld(d(63)) #23 label('.sound2b') adda(d(sample), busRAM|ea0DregAC)#24 st(d(sample)) #25 ldzp(d(xout)); C('Gets copied to XOUT')#26 bra(d(nextVideo)|busRAM) #27 ld(val(syncBits), regOUT); C('End horizontal pulse')#28 # Back porch B: second of 4 repeated scan lines # - Recompute Xi from dXi and store for retrieval in the next scan lines label('videoB') ld(d(lo('videoC'))) #29 st(d(nextVideo)) #30 ld(d(videoTable>>8), regY) #31 ldzp(d(videoY)) #32 adda(d(1), regX) #33 ldzp(d(frameX)) #34 adda(eaYXregAC, busRAM) #35 st(d(frameX), busAC|ea0DregX) #36 Undocumented opcode "store in RAM and X"! ld(d(frameY), busRAM|regY) #37 bra(d(lo('pixels'))) #38 ld(val(syncBits)) #39 # Back porch C: third of 4 repeated scan lines # - Nothing new to do, Yi and Xi are known label('videoC') ldzp(d(sample)); C('New sound sample is ready')#29 First something that didn't fit in the audio loop ora(d(0x0f)) #30 anda(d(xoutMask),busRAM|ea0DregAC)#31 st(d(xout)) #32 Update [xout] with new sample (4 channels just updated) st(val(sample),ea0DregAC|busD); C('Reset for next sample')#33 Reset for next sample ldzp(d(videoDorF)); C('Mode for scan line 4')#34 Now back to video business st(d(nextVideo)) #35 ld(d(frameX),busRAM|regX) #36 ld(d(frameY),busRAM|regY) #37 bra(d(lo('pixels'))) #38 ld(val(syncBits)) #39 # Back porch D: last of 4 repeated scan lines # - Calculate the next frame index # - Decide if this is the last line or not label('videoD') # Default video mode ld(d(frameX), busRAM|regX) #29 ldzp(d(videoY)) #30 suba(d((120-1)*2)) #31 beq(d(lo('.last'))) #32 ld(d(frameY), busRAM|regY) #33 adda(d(120*2)) #34 More pixel lines to go st(d(videoY)) #35 ld(d(lo('videoA'))) #36 st(d(nextVideo)) #37 bra(d(lo('pixels'))) #38 ld(val(syncBits)) #39 label('.last') wait(36-34) #34 No more pixel lines ld(d(lo('videoE'))) #36 st(d(nextVideo)) #37 bra(d(lo('pixels'))) #38 ld(val(syncBits)) #39 # Back porch "E": after the last line # - Go back to program page 0 and enter vertical blank label('videoE') # Exit visible area ld(d(hi('vBlankStart')),ea0DregY)#29 jmpy(d(lo('vBlankStart')) ) #30 ld(val(syncBits)) #31 # Back porch "F": scan lines and fast mode label('videoF') # Fast video mode ldzp(d(videoY)) #29 suba(d((120-1)*2)) #30 bne(d(lo('.notlast'))) #31 adda(d(120*2)) #32 bra(d(lo('.join'))) #33 ld(d(lo('videoE'))) #34 No more visible lines label('.notlast') st(d(videoY)) #33 More visible lines ld(d(lo('videoA'))) #34 label('.join') st(d(nextVideo)) #35 runVcpu(199-36, 'line41-521 typeF')#36 Application (every 4th of scan lines 41-521) ld(d(hi('soundF')), busD|ea0DregY)#199 XXX This is on the current page jmpy(d(lo('soundF'))); C('<New scan line start>')#0 ldzp(d(channel)) #1 Advance to next sound channel # Vertical blank part of video loop label('vBlankStart') # Start of vertical blank interval assert(pc()&255<16) # Assure that we are in the beginning of the next page st(d(videoSync0)); C('Start of vertical blank interval')#32 ld(val(syncBits^hSync)) #33 st(d(videoSync1)) #34 # (Re)initialize carry table for robustness st(d(0x00), ea0DregAC|busD); C('Carry table')#35 ld(val(0x01)) #36 st(d(0x80)) #37 # It is nice to set counter before vCPU starts ld(val(1-2*(vFront+vPulse+vBack-2)))#38 -2 because first and last are different st(d(videoY)) #39 # Uptime frame count (3 cycles) ldzp(d(frameCount)); C('Frame counter')#40 adda(val(1)) #41 st(d(frameCount)) #42 # Mix entropy (11 cycles) xora(d(entropy+1),busRAM); C('Mix entropy')#43 xora(d(serialRaw),busRAM) #44 Mix in serial input adda(d(entropy+0),busRAM) #45 st(d(entropy+0)) #46 adda(d(entropy+2),busRAM) #47 Some hidden state st(d(entropy+2)) #48 bmi(d(lo('.rnd0'))) #49 bra(d(lo('.rnd1'))) #50 xora(val(64+16+2+1)) #51 label('.rnd0') xora(val(64+32+8+4)) #51 label('.rnd1') adda(d(entropy+1),busRAM) #52 st(d(entropy+1)) #53 # LED sequencer (19 cycles) ldzp(d(ledTimer)); C('Blinkenlight sequencer')#54 bne(d(lo('.leds4'))) #55 ld(d(lo('.leds0'))) #56 adda(d(ledState)|busRAM) #57 bra(busAC) #58 bra(d(lo('.leds1'))) #59 label('.leds0') ld(d(0b1111));C('LEDs |****|') #60 ld(d(0b0111));C('LEDs |***O|') #60 ld(d(0b0011));C('LEDs |**OO|') #60 ld(d(0b0001));C('LEDs |*OOO|') #60 ld(d(0b0010));C('LEDs |O*OO|') #60 ld(d(0b0100));C('LEDs |OO*O|') #60 ld(d(0b1000));C('LEDs |OOO*|') #60 ld(d(0b0100));C('LEDs |OO*O|') #60 ld(d(0b0010));C('LEDs |O*OO|') #60 ld(d(0b0001));C('LEDs |*OOO|') #60 ld(d(0b0011));C('LEDs |**OO|') #60 ld(d(0b0111));C('LEDs |***O|') #60 ld(d(0b1111));C('LEDs |****|') #60 ld(d(0b1110));C('LEDs |O***|') #60 ld(d(0b1100));C('LEDs |OO**|') #60 ld(d(0b1000));C('LEDs |OOO*|') #60 ld(d(0b0100));C('LEDs |OO*O|') #60 ld(d(0b0010));C('LEDs |O*OO|') #60 ld(d(0b0001));C('LEDs |*OOO|') #60 ld(d(0b0010));C('LEDs |O*OO|') #60 ld(d(0b0100));C('LEDs |OO*O|') #60 ld(d(0b1000));C('LEDs |OOO*|') #60 ld(d(0b1100));C('LEDs |OO**|') #60 ld(d(0b1110+128)) #60 C('LEDs |O***|') label('.leds1') st(d(xoutMask)) #61 Temporarily park new state here bmi(d(lo('.leds2'))) #62 bra(d(lo('.leds3'))) #63 ldzp(d(ledState)) #64 label('.leds2') ld(val(-1)) #64 label('.leds3') adda(val(1)) #65 st(d(ledState)) #66 bra(d(lo('.leds5'))) #67 ldzp(d(ledTempo)) #68 Setup the LED timer for the next period label('.leds4') wait(67-57) #57 ldzp(d(ledTimer)) #67 suba(d(1)) #68 label('.leds5') st(d(ledTimer)) #69 ldzp(d(xoutMask)) #70 Low 4 bits are the LED output anda(val(0b00001111)) #71 High bits will be restored below st(d(xoutMask)) #72 # When the total number of scan lines per frame is not an exact multiple of the # (4) channels, there will be an audible discontinuity if no measure is taken. # This static noise can be suppressed by swallowing the first `lines mod 4' # partial samples after transitioning into vertical blank. This is easiest if # the modulo is 0 (do nothing) or 1 (reset sample while in the first blank scan # line). For the two other cases there is no solution yet: give a warning. soundDiscontinuity = (vFront+vPulse+vBack) % 4 extra = 0 if soundDiscontinuity == 1: st(val(sample), ea0DregAC|busD) # XXX We're swallowing _2_ samples here! C('Sound continuity') extra += 1 if soundDiscontinuity > 1: print "Warning: sound discontinuity not supressed" runVcpu(189-73-extra, 'line0') #73 Application cycles (scan line 0) # Sound on/off (6 cycles) ldzp(d(soundTimer)); C('Sound on/off')#189 bne(d(lo('.snd0'))) #190 bra(d(lo('.snd1'))) #191 ld(val(0)) #192 Sound off label('.snd0') ld(val(0xf0)) #192 Sound on label('.snd1') ora(d(xoutMask),busRAM) #193 st(d(xoutMask)) #194 # Sound timer count down (5 cycles) ldzp(d(soundTimer)); C('Sound timer')#195 beq(d(lo('.snd2'))) #196 bra(d(lo('.snd3'))) #197 suba(val(1)) #198 label('.snd2') ld(val(0)) #198 label('.snd3') st(d(soundTimer)) #199 ld(d(videoSync0), busRAM|regOUT);C('<New scan line start>')#0 label('sound1') ldzp(d(channel)); C('Advance to next sound channel')#1 anda(val(3)) #2 adda(val(1)) #3 ld(d(videoSync1),busRAM|regOUT) ;C('Start horizontal pulse')#4 st(d(channel),busAC|ea0DregY) #5 ld(val(0x7f)) ;C('Update sound channel')#6 anda(d(oscL),busRAM|eaYDregAC) #7 adda(d(keyL),busRAM|eaYDregAC) #8 st(d(oscL), busAC|eaYDregAC) #9 anda(val(0x80), regX) #10 ld(busRAM|ea0XregAC) #11 adda(d(oscH),busRAM|eaYDregAC) #12 adda(d(keyH),busRAM|eaYDregAC) #13 st(d(oscH),busAC|eaYDregAC) #14 anda(d(0xfc)) #15 xora(d(wavX),busRAM|eaYDregAC) #16 ld(busAC,regX) #17 ld(d(wavA),busRAM|eaYDregAC) #18 ld(d(soundTable>>8),regY) #19 adda(busRAM|eaYXregAC) #20 bmi(d(lo('.sound1a'))) #21 bra(d(lo('.sound1b'))) #22 anda(d(63)) #23 label('.sound1a') ld(d(63)) #23 label('.sound1b') adda(d(sample),busRAM|ea0DregAC)#24 st(d(sample)) #25 ldzp(d(xout)); C('Gets copied to XOUT')#26 nop() #27 ld(d(videoSync0),busRAM|regOUT) ;C('End horizontal pulse')#28 # Count through the vertical blank interval until its last scan line ldzp(d(videoY)) #29 bpl(d(lo('vBlankLast'))) #30 adda(d(2)) #31 st(d(videoY)) #32 # Determine if we're in the vertical sync pulse suba(d(1-2*(vBack-1))) #33 bne(d(lo('vSync0'))) #34 Tests for end of vPulse adda(d(2*vPulse)) #35 ld(val(syncBits)) #36 Entering vertical back porch bra(d(lo('vSync2'))) #37 st(d(videoSync0)) #38 label('vSync0') bne(d(lo('vSync1'))) #36 Tests for start of vPulse ld(val(syncBits^vSync)) #37 bra(d(lo('vSync3'))) #38 Entering vertical sync pulse st(d(videoSync0)) #39 label('vSync1') ldzp(d(videoSync0)) #38 Load current value label('vSync2') nop() #39 label('vSync3') xora(d(hSync)) #40 Precompute, as during the pulse there is no time st(d(videoSync1)) #41 # Capture the serial input before the '595 shifts it out ldzp(d(videoY)); C('Capture serial input')#42 xora(val(1-2*(vBack-1-1))) #43 Exactly when the 74HC595 has captured all 8 controller bits bne(d(lo('.ser0'))) #44 bra(d(lo('.ser1'))) #45 st(d(serialRaw),busIN) #46 label('.ser0') nop() #46 label('.ser1') # Update [xout] with the next sound sample every 4 scan lines. # Keep doing this on 'videoC equivalent' scan lines in vertical blank. ldzp(d(videoY)) #47 anda(d(6)) #48 bne(d(lo('vBlankNormal'))) #49 ldzp(d(sample)) #50 label('vBlankSample') ora(d(0x0f)); C('New sound sample is ready')#51 anda(d(xoutMask),busRAM|ea0DregAC)#52 st(d(xout)) #53 st(val(sample), ea0DregAC|busD); C('Reset for next sample')#54 runVcpu(199-55, 'line1-39 typeC')#55 Appplication cycles (scan line 1-43 with sample update) bra(d(lo('sound1'))) #199 ld(d(videoSync0), busRAM|regOUT);C('<New scan line start>')#0 Ends the vertical blank pulse at the right cycle label('vBlankNormal') runVcpu(199-51, 'line1-39 typeABD')#51 Application cycles (scan line 1-43 without sample update) bra(d(lo('sound1'))) #199 ld(d(videoSync0), busRAM|regOUT);C('<New scan line start>')#0 Ends the vertical blank pulse at the right cycle # Last blank line before transfering to visible area label('vBlankLast') # pChange = pNew & ~pOld # nChange = nNew | ~nOld {DeMorgan} # Filter raw serial input captured in last vblank (8 cycles) ld(val(255)); C('Filter controller input')#32 xora(d(serialLast),busRAM) #33 ora(d(serialRaw),busRAM) #34 Catch button-press events anda(d(buttonState),busRAM) #35 Keep active button presses ora(d(serialRaw),busRAM) #36 Auto-reset already-released buttons st(d(buttonState)) #37 ldzp(d(serialRaw)) #38 st(d(serialLast)) #39 # Respond to reset button (11 cycles) xora(val(~buttonStart)); C('Check for soft reset')#40 bne(d(lo('.restart0'))) #41 ldzp(d(resetTimer)) #42 As long as button pressed suba(val(1)) #43 ... count down the timer st(d(resetTimer)) #44 anda(d(127)) #45 beq(d(lo('.restart2'))) #46 ld(val((vReset&255)-2)) #47 Start force reset when hitting 0 bra(d(lo('.restart1'))) #48 ... otherwise do nothing yet bra(d(lo('.restart3'))) #49 label('.restart0') ld(val(127)) #43 Restore to ~2 seconds when not pressed st(d(resetTimer)) #44 wait(49-45) #45 bra(d(lo('.restart3'))) #49 label('.restart1') nop() #50 label('.restart2') st(d(vPC)) #48 Continue force reset ld(val(vReset>>8)) #49 st(d(vPC+1)) #50 label('.restart3') # --- Switch video mode when (only) select is pressed ldzp(d(buttonState)) #51 xora(val(~buttonSelect)) #52 beq(d(lo('.select0'))) #53 bra(d(lo('.select1'))) #54 ld(val(0)) #55 label('.select0') ld(val(lo('videoD')^lo('videoF')))#55 label('.select1') xora(d(videoDorF),busRAM) #56 st(d(videoDorF)) #57 ldzp(d(buttonState)) #58 ora(val(buttonSelect)) #59 st(d(buttonState)) #60 runVcpu(196-61, 'line40') #61 Application cycles (scan line 40) # vAC==0 now st(d(videoY)) #196 st(d(frameX)) #197 st(d(nextVideo)) #198 videoA=0 ldzp(d(channel)) #199 Advance to next sound channel anda(val(3)); C('<New scan line start>')#0 adda(val(1)) #1 ld(d(hi('sound2')), busD|ea0DregY)#2 jmpy(d(lo('sound2'))) #3 ld(val(syncBits^hSync), regOUT) #4 Start horizontal pulse nop() nop() nop() nop() nop() #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Extension SYS_NextByteIn_32 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # sysArgs[0:1] Current address # sysArgs[2] Checksum # sysArgs[3] Wait value (videoY) label('SYS_NextByteIn_32') ldzp(d(videoY)) #15 xora(d(sysArgs+3),busRAM) #16 bne(d(lo('.sysNbi'))) #17 ld(d(sysArgs+0),busRAM|regX) #18 ld(d(sysArgs+1),busRAM|regY) #19 ld(busIN) #20 st(eaYXregAC) #21 adda(d(sysArgs+2),busRAM) #22 st(d(sysArgs+2)) #23 ldzp(d(sysArgs+0)) #24 adda(d(1)) #25 st(d(sysArgs+0)) #26 ld(val(hi('REENTER')),regY) #27 jmpy(d(lo('REENTER'))) #28 ld(val(-32/2)) #29 # Restart instruction label('.sysNbi') ldzp(d(vPC)) #19 suba(d(2)) #20 st(d(vPC)) #21 ld(val(-28/2)) #22 ld(val(hi('REENTER')),regY) #23 jmpy(d(lo('REENTER'))) #24 nop() #25 assert(pc()&255 == 255) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ROM page 3: Application interpreter primary page # #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Enter the timing-aware application interpreter (aka virtual CPU, vCPU) # # This routine will execute as many as possible instructions in the # alotted time. When time runs out, it synchronizes such that the total # duration matches the caller's request. Durations are counted in `ticks', # which are multiples of 2 clock cycles. # # Synopsis: Use the runVcpu() macro as entry point # We let 'ENTER' begin one word before the page boundary, for a bit extra # precious space in the packed interpreter code page. Although ENTER's # first instruction is bra() which normally doesn't cross page boundaries, # in this case it will still jump into the right space, because branches # from $xxFF land in the next page anyway. while pc()&255 < 255: nop() label('ENTER') bra(d(lo('.next2'))) #0 Enter at '.next2' (so no startup overhead) C('vCPU interpreter') # --- Page boundary --- align(0x100,0x100) ld(d(vPC+1),busRAM|regY) #1 # Fetch next instruction and execute it, but only if there are sufficient # ticks left for the slowest instruction. label('NEXT') adda(d(vTicks),busRAM); C('Track elapsed ticks')#0 Actually counting down (AC<0) blt(d(lo('EXIT'))); C('Escape near time out')#1 label('.next2') st(d(vTicks)) #2 ldzp(d(vPC)); C('Advance vPC')#3 adda(val(2)) #4 st(d(vPC),busAC|ea0DregX) #5 ld(busRAM|eaYXregAC); C('Fetch opcode')#6 Fetch opcode (actually a branch target) st(eaYXregOUTIX); #7 Just X++ bra(busAC); C('Dispatch')#8 ld(busRAM|eaYXregAC); C('Prefetch operand')#9 # Resync with caller and return label('EXIT') adda(val(maxTicks)) #3 bgt(d(pc())); C('Resync')#4 suba(val(1)) #5 if fastRunVcpu: ld(val(2),regY) #6 else: ld(d(vReturn+1),busRAM|regY) #6 jmpy(d(vReturn+0)|busRAM); C('Return to caller')#7 ld(val(0)) #8 AC should be 0 already. Still.. assert vOverheadInt == 9 # Instruction LDWI: Load immediate constant (AC=$DDDD), 20 cycles label('LDWI') st(d(vAC)) #10 st(eaYXregOUTIX) #11 Just to increment X ld(busRAM|eaYXregAC) #12 Fetch second operand st(d(vAC+1)) #13 ldzp(d(vPC)) #14 Advance vPC one more adda(val(1)) #15 st(d(vPC)) #16 ld(val(-20/2)) #17 bra(d(lo('NEXT'))) #18 #nop() #(19) # # Instruction LD: Load from zero page (AC=[D]), 18 cycles label('LD') ld(busAC,regX) #10,19 (overlap with LDWI) ldzp(busRAM|ea0XregAC) #11 st(d(vAC)) #12 ld(val(0)) #13 st(d(vAC+1)) #14 ld(val(-18/2)) #15 bra(d(lo('NEXT'))) #16 #nop() #(17) # # Instruction LDW: Word load from zero page (AC=[D],[D+1]), 20 cycles label('LDW') ld(busAC,regX) #10,17 (overlap with LD) adda(val(1)) #11 st(d(vTmp)) #12 Address of high byte ld(busRAM|ea0XregAC) #13 st(d(vAC)) #14 ld(d(vTmp),busRAM|regX) #15 ld(busRAM|ea0XregAC) #16 st(d(vAC+1)) #17 bra(d(lo('NEXT'))) #18 ld(val(-20/2)) #19 #nop() #(20) # # Instruction STW: Word load from zero page (AC=[D],[D+1]), 20 cycles label('STW') ld(busAC,regX) #10,20 (overlap with LDW) adda(val(1)) #11 st(d(vTmp)) #12 Address of high byte ldzp(d(vAC)) #13 st(ea0XregAC) #14 ld(d(vTmp),busRAM|regX) #15 ldzp(d(vAC+1)) #16 st(ea0XregAC) #17 bra(d(lo('NEXT'))) #18 ld(val(-20/2)) #19 # Instruction BCC: Test AC sign and branch conditionally, 28 cycles label('BCC') ldzp(d(vAC+1)) #10 First inspect high byte ACH bne(d(lo('.cond2'))) #11 st(d(vTmp)) #12 ldzp(d(vAC)) #13 Additionally inspect low byte ACL beq(d(lo('.cond3'))) #14 ld(val(1)) #15 st(d(vTmp)) #16 ld(busRAM|eaYXregAC) #17 Operand is the conditional label('.cond1') bra(busAC) #18 ldzp(d(vTmp)) #19 # Conditional EQ: Branch if zero (if(ALC==0)PCL=D) label('EQ') bne(d(lo('.cond4'))) #20 label('.cond2') beq(d(lo('.cond5'))); C('AC=0 in EQ, AC!=0 from BCC...')#21,13 (overlap with BCC) ld(busRAM|eaYXregAC) #22,14 (overlap with BCC) # # (continue BCC) #label('.cond2') #nop() #13 #nop() #14 nop() #15 label('.cond3') bra(d(lo('.cond1'))) #16 ld(busRAM|eaYXregAC) #17 Operand is the conditional label('.cond4') ldzp(d(vPC)); C('False condition')#22 bra(d(lo('.cond6'))) #23 adda(val(1)) #24 label('.cond5') st(eaYXregOUTIX); C('True condition')#23 Just X++ ld(busRAM|eaYXregAC) #24 label('.cond6') st(d(vPC)) #25 bra(d(lo('NEXT'))) #26 ld(val(-28/2)) #27 # Conditional GT: Branch if positive (if(ALC>0)PCL=D) label('GT') ble(d(lo('.cond4'))) #20 bgt(d(lo('.cond5'))) #21 ld(busRAM|eaYXregAC) #22 # Conditional LT: Branch if negative (if(ALC<0)PCL=D), 16 cycles label('LT') bge(d(lo('.cond4'))) #20 blt(d(lo('.cond5'))) #21 ld(busRAM|eaYXregAC) #22 # Conditional GE: Branch if positive or zero (if(ALC>=0)PCL=D) label('GE') blt(d(lo('.cond4'))) #20 bge(d(lo('.cond5'))) #21 ld(busRAM|eaYXregAC) #22 # Conditional LE: Branch if negative or zero (if(ALC<=0)PCL=D) label('LE') bgt(d(lo('.cond4'))) #20 ble(d(lo('.cond5'))) #21 ld(busRAM|eaYXregAC) #22 # Instruction LDI: Load immediate constant (AC=$DD), 16 cycles label('LDI') st(d(vAC)) #10 ld(val(0)) #11 st(d(vAC+1)) #12 ld(val(-16/2)) #13 bra(d(lo('NEXT'))) #14 #nop() #(15) # # Instruction ST: Store in zero page ([D]=ACL), 16 cycles label('ST') ld(busAC,regX) #10,15 (overlap with LDI) ldzp(d(vAC)) #11 st(d(vAC),busAC|ea0XregAC) #12 ld(val(-16/2)) #13 bra(d(lo('NEXT'))) #14 #nop() #(15) # # Instruction POP: (LR=[SP++]), 26 cycles label('POP') ld(d(vSP),busRAM|regX) #10,15 (overlap with ST) ld(busRAM,ea0XregAC) #11 st(d(vLR)) #12 ldzp(d(vSP)) #13 adda(val(1),regX) #14 ld(busRAM,ea0XregAC) #15 st(d(vLR+1)) #16 ldzp(d(vSP)) #17 adda(val(2)) #18 st(d(vSP)) #19 label('next1') ldzp(d(vPC)) #20 suba(val(1)) #21 st(d(vPC)) #22 ld(val(-26/2)) #23 bra(d(lo('NEXT'))) #24 #nop() #(25) # # Conditional NE: Branch if not zero (if(ALC!=0)PCL=D) label('NE') beq(d(lo('.cond4'))) #20,25 (overlap with POP) bne(d(lo('.cond5'))) #21 ld(busRAM|eaYXregAC) #22 # Instruction PUSH: ([--SP]=LR), 26 cycles label('PUSH') ldzp(d(vSP)) #10 suba(d(1),regX) #11 ldzp(d(vLR+1)) #12 st(ea0XregAC) #13 ldzp(d(vSP)) #14 suba(val(2)) #15 st(d(vSP),busAC|regX) #16 ldzp(d(vLR)) #17 bra(d(lo('next1'))) #18 st(ea0XregAC) #19 # Instruction LUP: ROM lookup (AC=ROM[AC+256*D]), 26 cycles label('LUP') ld(d(vAC+1),busRAM|regY) #10 jmpy(d(251)); C('Trampoline offset')#11 adda(d(vAC),busRAM) #12 # Instruction ANDI: Logical-AND with constant (AC&=D), 16 cycles label('ANDI') anda(d(vAC),busRAM) #10 st(d(vAC)) #11 ld(val(0)) #12 Clear high byte st(d(vAC+1)) #13 bra(d(lo('NEXT'))) #14 ld(val(-16/2)) #15 # Instruction ORI: Logical-OR with constant (AC|=D), 14 cycles label('ORI') ora(d(vAC),busRAM) #10 st(d(vAC)) #11 bra(d(lo('NEXT'))) #12 ld(val(-14/2)) #13 # Instruction XORI: Logical-XOR with constant (AC^=D), 14 cycles label('XORI') xora(d(vAC),busRAM) #10 st(d(vAC)) #11 bra(d(lo('NEXT'))) #12 ld(val(-14/2)) #13 # Instruction BRA: Branch unconditionally (PCL=D), 14 cycles label('BRA') st(d(vPC)) #10 ld(val(-14/2)) #11 bra(d(lo('NEXT'))) #12 #nop() #(13) # # Instruction INC: Increment zero page byte ([D]++), 16 cycles label('INC') ld(busAC,regX) #10,13 (overlap with BRA) ld(busRAM,ea0XregAC) #11 adda(val(1)) #12 st(ea0XregAC) #13 bra(d(lo('NEXT'))) #14 ld(val(-16/2)) #15 # Instruction ADDW: Word addition with zero page (AC+=[D]+256*[D+1]), 28 cycles label('ADDW') # The non-carry paths could be 26 cycles at the expense of (much) more code. # But a smaller size is better so more instructions fit in this code page. # 28 cycles is still 4.5 usec. The 6502 equivalent takes 20 cycles or 20 usec. ld(busAC,regX) #10 Address of low byte to be added adda(val(1)) #11 st(d(vTmp)) #12 Address of high byte to be added ldzp(d(vAC)) #13 Add the low bytes adda(busRAM|ea0XregAC) #14 st(d(vAC)) #15 Store low result bmi(d(lo('.addw0'))) #16 Now figure out if there was a carry suba(busRAM|ea0XregAC) #17 Gets back the initial value of vAC bra(d(lo('.addw1'))) #18 ora(busRAM|ea0XregAC) #19 Bit 7 is our lost carry label('.addw0') anda(busRAM|ea0XregAC) #18 Bit 7 is our lost carry nop() #19 label('.addw1') anda(val(0x80),regX) #20 Move the carry to bit 0 (0 or +1) ld(busRAM,ea0XregAC) #21 adda(d(vAC+1),busRAM) #22 Add the high bytes with carry ld(d(vTmp),busRAM|regX) #23 adda(busRAM|ea0XregAC) #24 st(d(vAC+1)) #25 Store high result bra(d(lo('NEXT'))) #26 ld(val(-28/2)) #27 # Instruction PEEK: (AC=[AC]), 26 cycles label('PEEK') ld(val(hi('peek')),regY) #10 jmpy(d(lo('peek'))) #11 #ldzp(d(vPC)) #12 # # Instruction SYS: Native call, <=256 cycles (<=128 ticks, in reality less) # # The 'SYS' vCPU instruction first checks the number of desired ticks given by # the operand. As long as there are insufficient ticks available in the current # time slice, the instruction will be retried. This will effectively wait for # the next scan line if the current slice is almost out of time. Then a jump to # native code is made. This code can do whatever it wants, but it must return # to the 'REENTER' label when done. When returning, AC must hold (the negative # of) the actual consumed number of whole ticks for the entire virtual # instruction cycle (from NEXT to NEXT). This duration may not exceed the prior # declared duration in the operand + 28 (or maxTicks). The operand specifies the # (negative) of the maximum number of *extra* ticks that the native call will # need. The GCL compiler automatically makes this calculation from gross number # of cycles to excess number of ticks. # SYS functions can modify vPC to implement repetition. For example to split # up work into multiple chucks. label('retry') ldzp(d(vPC)); C('Retry until sufficient time')#13,12 (overlap with PEEK) suba(val(2)) #14 st(d(vPC)) #15 bra(d(lo('REENTER'))) #16 ld(val(-20/2)) #17 label('SYS') adda(d(vTicks),busRAM) #10 blt(d(lo('retry'))) #11 ld(d(sysFn+1),busRAM|regY) #12 jmpy(d(sysFn)|busRAM) #13 #nop() #(14) # # Instruction SUBW: Word subtract with zero page (AC-=[D]+256*[D+1]), 28 cycles # All cases can be done in 26 cycles, but the code will become much larger label('SUBW') ld(busAC,regX) #10,14 (overlap with SYS) Address of low byte to be subtracted adda(val(1)) #11 st(d(vTmp)) #12 Address of high byte to be subtracted ldzp(d(vAC)) #13 bmi(d(lo('.subw0'))) #14 suba(busRAM|ea0XregAC) #15 st(d(vAC)) #16 Store low result bra(d(lo('.subw1'))) #17 ora(busRAM|ea0XregAC) #18 Bit 7 is our lost carry label('.subw0') st(d(vAC)) #16 Store low result anda(busRAM|ea0XregAC) #17 Bit 7 is our lost carry nop() #18 label('.subw1') anda(val(0x80),regX) #19 Move the carry to bit 0 ldzp(d(vAC+1)) #20 suba(busRAM,ea0XregAC) #21 ld(d(vTmp),busRAM|regX) #22 suba(busRAM|ea0XregAC) #23 st(d(vAC+1)) #24 ld(val(-28/2)) #25 label('REENTER') bra(d(lo('NEXT'))); C('Return from SYS calls')#26 ld(d(vPC+1),busRAM|regY) #27 # Instruction DEF: Define data or code (AC,PCL=PC+2,D), 18 cycles label('DEF') ld(val(hi('def')),regY) #10 jmpy(d(lo('def'))) #11 #st(d(vTmp)) #12 # # Instruction CALL: (LR=PC+2,PC=[D]-2), 26 cycles label('CALL') st(d(vTmp)) #10,12 (overlap with DEF) ldzp(d(vPC)) #11 adda(val(2)); C('Point to instruction after CALL')#12 st(d(vLR)) #13 ldzp(d(vPC+1)) #14 st(d(vLR+1)) #15 ld(d(vTmp),busRAM|regX) #16 ld(busRAM|ea0XregAC) #17 suba(val(2)); C('Because NEXT will add 2')#18 st(d(vPC)) #19 ldzp(d(vTmp)) #20 adda(val(1),regX) #21 ld(busRAM|ea0XregAC) #22 st(d(vPC+1),busAC|regY) #23 bra(d(lo('NEXT'))) #24 ld(val(-26/2)) #25 # ALLOCA implementation # Instruction ALLOCA: (SP+=D), 14 cycles label('ALLOC') adda(d(vSP),busRAM) #10 st(d(vSP)) #11 bra(d(lo('NEXT'))) #12 ld(val(-14/2)) #13 # The instructions below are all implemented in the second code page. Jumping # back and forth makes each 6 cycles slower, but it also saves space in the # primary page for the instructions above. Most of them are in fact not very # critical, as evidenced by the fact that they weren't needed for the first # Gigatron applications (Snake, Racer, Mandelbrot, Loader). By providing them # in this way, at least they don't need to be implemented as a SYS extension. # Instruction ADDI: Add small positive constant (AC+=D), 28 cycles label('ADDI') ld(val(hi('addi')),regY) #10 jmpy(d(lo('addi'))) #11 st(d(vTmp)) #12 # Instruction SUBI: Subtract small positive constant (AC+=D), 28 cycles label('SUBI') ld(val(hi('subi')),regY) #10 jmpy(d(lo('subi'))) #11 st(d(vTmp)) #12 # Instruction LSLW: Logical shift left (AC<<=1), 28 cycles # Useful, because ADDW can't add vAC to itself. Also more compact. label('LSLW') ld(val(hi('lslw')),regY) #10 jmpy(d(lo('lslw'))) #11 ldzp(d(vAC)) #12 # Instruction STLW: Store on stack (), 26 cycles label('STLW') ld(val(hi('stlw')),regY) #10 jmpy(d(lo('stlw'))) #11 #nop() #12 # # Instruction LDLW: Load from stack (), 26 cycles label('LDLW') ld(val(hi('ldlw')),regY) #10,12 (overlap with STLW) jmpy(d(lo('ldlw'))) #11 #nop() #12 # # Instruction POKE: ([[D+1],[D]]=ACL), 28 cycles label('POKE') ld(val(hi('poke')),regY) #10,12 (overlap with LDLW) jmpy(d(lo('poke'))) #11 st(d(vTmp)) #12 # Instruction DOKE: (), 28 cycles label('DOKE') ld(val(hi('doke')),regY) #10 jmpy(d(lo('doke'))) #11 st(d(vTmp)) #12 # Instruction DEEK: (), 28 cycles label('DEEK') ld(val(hi('deek')),regY) #10 jmpy(d(lo('deek'))) #11 #nop() #12 # # Instruction ANDW: (AC&=[D]+256*[D+1]), 28 cycles label('ANDW') ld(val(hi('andw')),regY) #10,12 (overlap with DEEK) jmpy(d(lo('andw'))) #11 #nop() #12 # # Instruction ORW: (AC|=[D]+256*[D+1]), 28 cycles label('ORW') ld(val(hi('orw')),regY) #10,12 (overlap with ANDW) jmpy(d(lo('orw'))) #11 #nop() #12 # # Instruction XORW: (AC^=[D]+256*[D+1]), 26 cycles label('XORW') ld(val(hi('xorw')),regY) #10,12 (overlap with ORW) jmpy(d(lo('xorw'))) #11 st(d(vTmp)) #12 # We keep XORW 2 cycles faster than ANDW/ORW, because that # can be useful for comparing numbers for equality a tiny # bit faster than with SUBW # Instruction RET: Function return (PC=LR-2), 16 cycles label('RET') ldzp(d(vLR)) #10 assert(pc()&255 == 0) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ROM page 4: Application interpreter extension # #----------------------------------------------------------------------- align(0x100, 0x100) # (Continue RET) suba(val(2)) #11 st(d(vPC)) #12 ldzp(d(vLR+1)) #13 st(d(vPC+1)) #14 ld(val(hi('REENTER')),regY) #15 jmpy(d(lo('REENTER'))) #16 ld(val(-20/2)) #17 # DEF implementation label('def') ldzp(d(vPC)) #13 adda(val(2)) #14 st(d(vAC)) #15 ldzp(d(vPC+1)) #16 st(d(vAC+1)) #17 ldzp(d(vTmp)) #18 st(d(vPC)) #19 ld(val(hi('REENTER')),regY) #20 ld(val(-26/2)) #21 jmpy(d(lo('REENTER'))) #22 nop() #23 # ADDI implementation label('addi') adda(d(vAC),busRAM) #13 st(d(vAC)) #14 Store low result bmi(d(lo('.addi0'))) #15 Now figure out if there was a carry suba(d(vTmp),busRAM) #16 Gets back the initial value of vAC bra(d(lo('.addi1'))) #17 ora(d(vTmp),busRAM) #18 Bit 7 is our lost carry label('.addi0') anda(d(vTmp),busRAM) #17 Bit 7 is our lost carry nop() #18 label('.addi1') anda(val(0x80),regX) #19 Move the carry to bit 0 (0 or +1) ld(busRAM,ea0XregAC) #20 adda(d(vAC+1),busRAM) #21 Add the high bytes with carry st(d(vAC+1)) #22 Store high result ld(val(hi('REENTER')),regY) #23 jmpy(d(lo('REENTER'))) #24 ld(val(-28/2)) #25 # SUBI implementation label('subi') ldzp(d(vAC)) #13 bmi(d(lo('.subi0'))) #14 suba(d(vTmp),busRAM) #15 st(d(vAC)) #16 Store low result bra(d(lo('.subi1'))) #17 ora(d(vTmp),busRAM) #18 Bit 7 is our lost carry label('.subi0') st(d(vAC)) #16 Store low result anda(d(vTmp),busRAM) #17 Bit 7 is our lost carry nop() #18 label('.subi1') anda(val(0x80),regX) #19 Move the carry to bit 0 ldzp(d(vAC+1)) #20 suba(busRAM,ea0XregAC) #21 st(d(vAC+1)) #22 ld(val(hi('REENTER')),regY) #23 jmpy(d(lo('REENTER'))) #24 ld(val(-28/2)) #25 # LSLW implementation label('lslw') anda(d(128),regX) #13 adda(d(vAC),busRAM) #14 st(d(vAC)) #15 ld(ea0XregAC,busRAM) #16 adda(d(vAC+1),busRAM) #17 adda(d(vAC+1),busRAM) #18 st(d(vAC+1)) #19 ldzp(d(vPC)) #20 suba(d(1)) #21 st(d(vPC)) #22 ld(val(hi('REENTER')),regY) #23 jmpy(d(lo('REENTER'))) #24 ld(val(-28/2)) #25 # STLW implementation label('stlw') adda(d(vSP),busRAM) #13 st(d(vTmp)) #14 adda(d(1),regX) #15 ldzp(d(vAC+1)) #16 st(ea0XregAC) #17 ld(d(vTmp),busRAM|regX) #18 ldzp(d(vAC)) #19 st(ea0XregAC) #20 ld(val(hi('REENTER')),regY) #21 jmpy(d(lo('REENTER'))) #22 ld(val(-26/2)) #23 # LDLW implementation label('ldlw') adda(d(vSP),busRAM) #13 st(d(vTmp)) #14 adda(d(1),regX) #15 ld(ea0XregAC,busRAM) #16 st(d(vAC+1)) #17 ld(d(vTmp),busRAM|regX) #18 ld(ea0XregAC,busRAM) #19 st(d(vAC)) #20 ld(val(hi('REENTER')),regY) #21 jmpy(d(lo('REENTER'))) #22 ld(val(-26/2)) #23 # POKE implementation label('poke') adda(d(1),regX) #13 ld(busRAM,ea0XregAC) #14 ld(busAC,regY) #15 ld(d(vTmp),busRAM|regX) #16 ld(busRAM,ea0XregAC) #17 ld(busAC,regX) #18 ldzp(d(vAC)) #19 st(eaYXregAC) #20 ld(val(hi('REENTER')),regY) #21 jmpy(d(lo('REENTER'))) #22 ld(val(-26/2)) #23 # PEEK implementation label('peek') suba(val(1)) #13 st(d(vPC)) #14 ld(d(vAC),busRAM|regX) #15 ld(d(vAC+1),busRAM|regY) #16 ld(busRAM|eaYXregAC) #17 st(d(vAC)) #18 label('lupReturn') #Nice coincidence that lupReturn can be here ld(val(0)) #19 st(d(vAC+1)) #20 ld(val(hi('REENTER')),regY) #21 jmpy(d(lo('REENTER'))) #22 ld(val(-26/2)) #23 # # DOKE implementation label('doke') adda(d(1),regX) #13,25 (overlap with peek) ld(busRAM,ea0XregAC) #14 ld(busAC,regY) #15 ld(d(vTmp),busRAM|regX) #16 ld(busRAM,ea0XregAC) #17 ld(busAC,regX) #18 ldzp(d(vAC)) #19 st(eaYXregOUTIX) #20 ldzp(d(vAC+1)) #21 st(eaYXregAC) #22 ld(val(hi('REENTER')),regY) #23 jmpy(d(lo('REENTER'))) #24 ld(val(-28/2)) #25 # DEEK implementation label('deek') ldzp(d(vPC)) #13 suba(val(1)) #14 st(d(vPC)) #15 ld(d(vAC),busRAM|regX) #16 ld(d(vAC+1),busRAM|regY) #17 ld(busRAM|eaYXregAC) #18 st(eaYXregOUTIX) #19 st(d(vAC)) #20 ld(busRAM|eaYXregAC) #21 st(d(vAC+1)) #22 ld(val(hi('REENTER')),regY) #23 jmpy(d(lo('REENTER'))) #24 ld(val(-28/2)) #25 # ANDW implementation label('andw') st(d(vTmp)) #13 adda(d(1),regX) #14 ld(busRAM|ea0XregAC) #15 anda(d(vAC+1),busRAM) #16 st(d(vAC+1)) #17 ld(d(vTmp),busRAM|regX) #18 ld(busRAM|ea0XregAC) #19 anda(d(vAC),busRAM) #20 st(d(vAC)) #21 ld(val(-28/2)) #22 ld(val(hi('REENTER')),regY) #23 jmpy(d(lo('REENTER'))) #24 #nop() #(25) # ORW implementation label('orw') st(d(vTmp)) #13,25 (overlap with andw) adda(d(1),regX) #14 ld(busRAM|ea0XregAC) #15 ora(d(vAC+1),busRAM) #16 st(d(vAC+1)) #17 ld(d(vTmp),busRAM|regX) #18 ld(busRAM|ea0XregAC) #19 ora(d(vAC),busRAM) #20 st(d(vAC)) #21 ld(val(-28/2)) #22 ld(val(hi('REENTER')),regY) #23 jmpy(d(lo('REENTER'))) #24 #nop() #(25) # XORW implementation label('xorw') adda(d(1),regX) #13,25 (overlap with orw) ld(busRAM|ea0XregAC) #14 xora(d(vAC+1),busRAM) #15 st(d(vAC+1)) #16 ld(d(vTmp),busRAM|regX) #17 ld(busRAM|ea0XregAC) #18 xora(d(vAC),busRAM) #19 st(d(vAC)) #20 ld(val(hi('REENTER')),regY) #21 jmpy(d(lo('REENTER'))) #22 ld(val(-26/2)) #23 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # vCPU extension functions (for acceleration and compaction) follow below. # # The naming convention is: SYS_<CamelCase>_<N> # # With <N> the maximum number of cycles the function will run # (counted from NEXT to NEXT). This is the same number that must # be passed to the 'SYS' vCPU instruction as operand, and it will # appear in the GCL code upon use. # #----------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Extension SYS_Random_34: Update entropy and copy to vAC #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # This same algorithm runs automatically once per vertical blank. # Use this function to get numbers at a higher rate. label('SYS_Random_34') ldzp(d(frameCount)) #15 xora(d(entropy+1),busRAM) #16 xora(d(serialRaw),busRAM) #17 adda(d(entropy+0),busRAM) #18 st(d(entropy+0)) #19 st(d(vAC+0)) #20 adda(d(entropy+2),busRAM) #21 st(d(entropy+2)) #22 bmi(d(lo('.sysRnd0'))) #23 bra(d(lo('.sysRnd1'))) #24 xora(val(64+16+2+1)) #25 label('.sysRnd0') xora(val(64+32+8+4)) #25 label('.sysRnd1') adda(d(entropy+1),busRAM) #26 st(d(entropy+1)) #27 st(d(vAC+1)) #28 ld(val(hi('REENTER')),regY) #29 jmpy(d(lo('REENTER'))) #30 ld(val(-34/2)) #31 label('SYS_LSRW7_30') ldzp(d(vAC)) #15 anda(d(128),regX) #16 ldzp(d(vAC+1)) #17 adda(busAC) #18 ora(ea0XregAC,busRAM) #19 st(d(vAC)) #20 ldzp(d(vAC+1)) #21 anda(d(128),regX) #22 ld(ea0XregAC,busRAM) #23 st(d(vAC+1)) #24 ld(d(hi('REENTER')),regY) #25 jmpy(d(lo('REENTER'))) #26 ld(d(-30/2)) #27 label('SYS_LSRW8_24') ldzp(d(vAC+1)) #15 st(d(vAC)) #16 ld(d(0)) #17 st(d(vAC+1)) #18 ld(d(hi('REENTER')),regY) #19 jmpy(d(lo('REENTER'))) #20 ld(d(-24/2)) #21 label('SYS_LSLW8_24') ldzp(d(vAC)) #15 st(d(vAC+1)) #16 ld(d(0)) #17 st(d(vAC)) #18 ld(d(hi('REENTER')),regY) #19 jmpy(d(lo('REENTER'))) #20 ld(d(-24/2)) #21 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Extension SYS_Draw4_30: #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # sysArgs[0:3] Pixels # sysArgs[4:5] Position on screen label('SYS_Draw4_30') ld(d(sysArgs+4),busRAM|regX) #15 ld(d(sysArgs+5),busRAM|regY) #16 ldzp(d(sysArgs+0)) #17 st(eaYXregOUTIX) #18 ldzp(d(sysArgs+1)) #19 st(eaYXregOUTIX) #20 ldzp(d(sysArgs+2)) #21 st(eaYXregOUTIX) #22 ldzp(d(sysArgs+3)) #23 st(eaYXregOUTIX) #24 ld(val(hi('REENTER')),regY) #25 jmpy(d(lo('REENTER'))) #26 ld(val(-30/2)) #27 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Extension SYS_VDrawBits_134: #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Draw slice of a character # sysArgs[0] Color 0 (background) # sysArgs[1] Color 1 (pen) # sysArgs[2] 8 bits, highest bit first (destructive) # sysArgs[4:5] Position on screen label('SYS_VDrawBits_134') ld(d(sysArgs+4),busRAM|regX) #15 ld(val(0)) #16 label('.vdb0') st(d(vTmp)) #17+i*14 adda(d(sysArgs+5),busRAM|regY) #18+i*14 Y=[sysPos+1]+vTmp ldzp(d(sysArgs+2)) #19+i*14 Select color bmi(d(lo('.vdb1'))) #20+i*14 bra(d(lo('.vdb2'))) #21+i*14 ldzp(d(sysArgs+0)) #22+i*14 label('.vdb1') ldzp(d(sysArgs+1)) #22+i*14 label('.vdb2') st(eaYXregAC) #23+i*14 Draw pixel ldzp(d(sysArgs+2)) #24+i*14 Shift byte left adda(busAC) #25+i*14 st(d(sysArgs+2)) #26+i*14 ldzp(d(vTmp)) #27+i*14 Loop counter suba(val(7)) #28+i*14 bne(d(lo('.vdb0'))) #29+i*14 adda(val(8)) #30+i*14 ld(val(hi('REENTER')),regY) #129 jmpy(d(lo('REENTER'))) #130 ld(val(-134/2)) #131 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # ROM page 5-6: Shift table and code #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Lookup table for i>>n, with n in 1..6 # Indexing ix = i & ~b | (b-1), where b = 1<<(n-1) # ... # lda <.ret # st [vTmp] # ld >shiftTable,y # <calculate ix> # jmp y,ac # bra $ff # .ret: ... # # i >> 7 can be always be done with RAM: [i&128] # ... # anda $80,x # ld [x] # ... align(0x100, 0x200) label('shiftTable') shiftTable = pc() for ix in range(255): for n in range(1,7): # Find first zero if ~ix & (1 << (n-1)): break pattern = ['x' if i<n else '1' if ix&(1<<i) else '0' for i in range(8)] ld(val(ix>>n)); C('0b%s >> %d' % (''.join(reversed(pattern)), n)) assert(pc()&255 == 255) bra(d(vTmp)|busRAM); C('Jumps back into next page') label('SYS_LSRW1_48') assert(pc()&255 == 0)#First instruction on this page must be a nop nop() #15 ld(d(hi('shiftTable')),regY); C('Logical shift right 1 bit (X >> 1)')#16 ld(d(lo('.sysLsrw1a'))); C('Shift low byte')#17 st(d(vTmp)) #18 ldzp(d(vAC)) #19 anda(d(0b11111110)) #20 jmpy(busAC) #21 bra(d(255)); C('Actually: bra $%04x' % (shiftTable+255))#22 label('.sysLsrw1a') st(d(vAC)) #26 ldzp(d(vAC+1)); C('Transfer bit 8')#27 anda(d(1)) #28 adda(d(127)) #29 anda(d(128)) #30 ora(d(vAC)|busRAM) #31 st(d(vAC)) #32 ld(d(lo('.sysLsrw1b'))); C('Shift high byte')#33 st(d(vTmp)) #34 ldzp(d(vAC+1)) #35 anda(d(0b11111110)) #36 jmpy(busAC) #37 bra(d(255)); C('Actually: bra $%04x' % (shiftTable+255))#38 label('.sysLsrw1b') st(d(vAC+1)) #42 ld(d(hi('REENTER')),regY) #43 jmpy(d(lo('REENTER'))) #44 ld(d(-48/2)) #45 label('SYS_LSRW2_52') ld(d(hi('shiftTable')),regY); C('Logical shift right 2 bit (X >> 2)')#15 ld(d(lo('.sysLsrw2a'))); C('Shift low byte')#16 st(d(vTmp)) #17 ldzp(d(vAC)) #18 anda(d(0b11111100)) #19 ora( d(0b00000001)) #20 jmpy(busAC) #21 bra(d(255)); C('Actually: bra $%04x' % (shiftTable+255))#22 label('.sysLsrw2a') st(d(vAC)) #26 ldzp(d(vAC+1)); C('Transfer bit 8:9')#27 adda(busAC) #28 adda(busAC) #29 adda(busAC) #30 adda(busAC) #31 adda(busAC) #32 adda(busAC) #33 ora(d(vAC)|busRAM) #34 st(d(vAC)) #35 ld(d(lo('.sysLsrw2b'))); C('Shift high byte')#36 st(d(vTmp)) #37 ldzp(d(vAC+1)) #38 anda(d(0b11111100)) #39 ora( d(0b00000001)) #40 jmpy(busAC) #41 bra(d(255)); C('Actually: bra $%04x' % (shiftTable+255))#42 label('.sysLsrw2b') st(d(vAC+1)) #46 ld(d(hi('REENTER')),regY) #47 jmpy(d(lo('REENTER'))) #48 ld(d(-52/2)) #49 label('SYS_LSRW3_52') ld(d(hi('shiftTable')),regY); C('Logical shift right 3 bit (X >> 3)')#15 ld(d(lo('.sysLsrw3a'))); C('Shift low byte')#16 st(d(vTmp)) #17 ldzp(d(vAC)) #18 anda(d(0b11111000)) #19 ora( d(0b00000011)) #20 jmpy(busAC) #21 bra(d(255)); C('Actually: bra $%04x' % (shiftTable+255))#22 label('.sysLsrw3a') st(d(vAC)) #26 ldzp(d(vAC+1)); C('Transfer bit 8:10')#27 adda(busAC) #28 adda(busAC) #29 adda(busAC) #30 adda(busAC) #31 adda(busAC) #32 ora(d(vAC)|busRAM) #33 st(d(vAC)) #34 ld(d(lo('.sysLsrw3b'))); C('Shift high byte')#35 st(d(vTmp)) #36 ldzp(d(vAC+1)) #37 anda(d(0b11111000)) #38 ora( d(0b00000011)) #39 jmpy(busAC) #40 bra(d(255)); C('Actually: bra $%04x' % (shiftTable+255))#41 label('.sysLsrw3b') st(d(vAC+1)) #45 ld(d(-52/2)) #46 ld(d(hi('REENTER')),regY) #47 jmpy(d(lo('REENTER'))) #48 #nop() #49 label('SYS_LSRW4_50') ld(d(hi('shiftTable')),regY); C('Logical shift right 4 bit (X >> 4)')#15,49 ld(d(lo('.sysLsrw4a'))); C('Shift low byte')#16 st(d(vTmp)) #17 ldzp(d(vAC)) #18 anda(d(0b11110000)) #19 ora( d(0b00000111)) #20 jmpy(busAC) #21 bra(d(255)); C('Actually: bra $%04x' % (shiftTable+255))#22 label('.sysLsrw4a') st(d(vAC)) #26 ldzp(d(vAC+1)); C('Transfer bit 8:11')#27 adda(busAC) #28 adda(busAC) #29 adda(busAC) #30 adda(busAC) #31 ora(d(vAC)|busRAM) #32 st(d(vAC)) #33 ld(d(lo('.sysLsrw4b'))); C('Shift high byte')#34 st(d(vTmp)) #35 ldzp(d(vAC+1)) #36 anda(d(0b11110000)) #37 ora( d(0b00000111)) #38 jmpy(busAC) #39 bra(d(255)); C('Actually: bra $%04x' % (shiftTable+255))#40 label('.sysLsrw4b') st(d(vAC+1)) #44 ld(d(hi('REENTER')),regY) #45 jmpy(d(lo('REENTER'))) #46 ld(d(-50/2)) #47 label('SYS_LSRW5_50') ld(d(hi('shiftTable')),regY); C('Logical shift right 5 bit (X >> 5)')#15 ld(d(lo('.sysLsrw5a'))); C('Shift low byte')#16 st(d(vTmp)) #17 ldzp(d(vAC)) #18 anda(d(0b11100000)) #19 ora( d(0b00001111)) #20 jmpy(busAC) #21 bra(d(255)); C('Actually: bra $%04x' % (shiftTable+255))#22 label('.sysLsrw5a') st(d(vAC)) #26 ldzp(d(vAC+1)); C('Transfer bit 8:13')#27 adda(busAC) #28 adda(busAC) #29 adda(busAC) #30 ora(d(vAC)|busRAM) #31 st(d(vAC)) #32 ld(d(lo('.sysLsrw5b'))); C('Shift high byte')#33 st(d(vTmp)) #34 ldzp(d(vAC+1)) #35 anda(d(0b11100000)) #36 ora( d(0b00001111)) #37 jmpy(busAC) #38 bra(d(255)); C('Actually: bra $%04x' % (shiftTable+255))#39 label('.sysLsrw5b') st(d(vAC+1)) #44 ld(d(-50/2)) #45 ld(d(hi('REENTER')),regY) #46 jmpy(d(lo('REENTER'))) #47 #nop() #48 label('SYS_LSRW6_48') ld(d(hi('shiftTable')),regY); C('Logical shift right 6 bit (X >> 6)')#15,44 ld(d(lo('.sysLsrw6a'))); C('Shift low byte')#16 st(d(vTmp)) #17 ldzp(d(vAC)) #18 anda(d(0b11000000)) #19 ora( d(0b00011111)) #20 jmpy(busAC) #21 bra(d(255)); C('Actually: bra $%04x' % (shiftTable+255))#22 label('.sysLsrw6a') st(d(vAC)) #26 ldzp(d(vAC+1)); C('Transfer bit 8:13')#27 adda(busAC) #28 adda(busAC) #29 ora(d(vAC)|busRAM) #30 st(d(vAC)) #31 ld(d(lo('.sysLsrw6b'))); C('Shift high byte')#32 st(d(vTmp)) #33 ldzp(d(vAC+1)) #34 anda(d(0b11000000)) #35 ora( d(0b00011111)) #36 jmpy(busAC) #37 bra(d(255)); C('Actually: bra $%04x' % (shiftTable+255))#38 label('.sysLsrw6b') st(d(vAC+1)) #42 ld(d(hi('REENTER')),regY) #43 jmpy(d(lo('REENTER'))) #44 ld(d(-48/2)) #45 label('SYS_LSLW4_46') ld(d(hi('shiftTable')),regY); C('Logical shift left 4 bit (X << 4)')#15 ld(d(lo('.sysLsrl4'))) #16 st(d(vTmp)) #17 ldzp(d(vAC+1)) #18 adda(busAC) #19 adda(busAC) #20 adda(busAC) #21 adda(busAC) #22 st(d(vAC+1)) #23 ldzp(d(vAC)) #24 anda(d(0b11110000)) #25 ora( d(0b00000111)) #26 jmpy(busAC) #27 bra(d(255)); C('Actually: bra $%04x' % (shiftTable+255))#28 label('.sysLsrl4') ora(d(vAC+1),busRAM) #32 st(d(vAC+1)) #33 ldzp(d(vAC)) #34 adda(busAC) #35 adda(busAC) #36 adda(busAC) #37 adda(busAC) #38 st(d(vAC)) #39 ld(d(-46/2)) #40 ld(d(hi('REENTER')),regY) #41 jmpy(d(lo('REENTER'))) #42 #nop() #43 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Extension SYS_Read3_40: Read 3 consecutive bytes from ROM #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # sysArgs[0:2] Bytes (output) # sysArgs[6:7] ROM pointer (input) label('SYS_Read3_40') ld(d(sysArgs+7),busRAM|regY) #15,32 jmpy(d(128-7)) #16 trampoline3a ldzp(d(sysArgs+6)) #17 label('txReturn') st(d(sysArgs+2)) #34 ld(val(hi('REENTER')),regY) #35 jmpy(d(lo('REENTER'))) #36 ld(val(-40/2)) #37 def trampoline3a(): """Read 3 bytes from ROM page""" while pc()&255 < 128-7: nop() bra(busAC) #18 C('Trampoline for page $%02x00 reading (entry)' % (pc()>>8)) bra(d(123)) #19 st(d(sysArgs+0)) #21 ldzp(d(sysArgs+6)) #22 adda(val(1)) #23 bra(busAC) #24 bra(d(250)) #25 trampoline3b def trampoline3b(): """Read 3 bytes from ROM page (continue)""" while pc()&255 < 256-6: nop() st(d(sysArgs+1)) #27 C('Trampoline for page $%02x00 reading (continue)' % (pc()>>8)) ldzp(d(sysArgs+6)) #28 adda(val(2)) #29 ld(d(hi('txReturn')),regY) #30 bra(busAC) #31 jmpy(d(lo('txReturn'))) #32 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Extension SYS_Unpack_56: Unpack 3 bytes into 4 pixels #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # sysArgs[0:2] Packed bytes (input) # sysArgs[0:3] Pixels (output) label('SYS_Unpack_56') ld(val(soundTable>>8),regY) #15 ldzp(d(sysArgs+2)) #16 a[2]>>2 ora(val(0x03),regX) #17 ld(eaYXregAC|busRAM) #18 st(d(sysArgs+3)); C('-> Pixel 3')#19 ldzp(d(sysArgs+2)) #20 (a[2]&3)<<4 anda(val(0x03)) #21 adda(busAC) #22 adda(busAC) #23 adda(busAC) #24 adda(busAC) #25 st(d(sysArgs+2)); #26 ldzp(d(sysArgs+1)) #27 | a[1]>>4 ora(val(0x03),regX) #28 ld(eaYXregAC|busRAM) #29 ora(val(0x03),regX) #30 ld(eaYXregAC|busRAM) #31 ora(d(sysArgs+2),busRAM) #32 st(d(sysArgs+2)); C('-> Pixel 2')#33 ldzp(d(sysArgs+1)) #34 (a[1]&15)<<2 anda(val(0x0f)) #35 adda(busAC) #36 adda(busAC) #37 st(d(sysArgs+1)) #38 ldzp(d(sysArgs+0)) #39 | a[0]>>6 ora(val(0x03),regX) #40 ld(eaYXregAC|busRAM) #41 ora(val(0x03),regX) #42 ld(eaYXregAC|busRAM) #43 ora(val(0x03),regX) #44 ld(eaYXregAC|busRAM) #45 ora(d(sysArgs+1),busRAM) #46 st(d(sysArgs+1)); C('-> Pixel 1')#47 ldzp(d(sysArgs+0)) #48 a[1]&63 anda(val(0x3f)) #49 st(d(sysArgs+0)); C('-> Pixel 0')#50 ld(val(hi('REENTER')),regY) #51 jmpy(d(lo('REENTER'))) #52 ld(val(-56/2)) #53 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Extension SYS_PayloadCopy_34 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # sysArgs[0:1] Source address # sysArgs[4] Copy count # sysArgs[5:6] Destination address label('SYS_PayloadCopy_34') ldzp(d(sysArgs+4)) #15 Copy count beq(d(lo('.sysCc0'))) #16 suba(d(1)) #17 st(d(sysArgs+4)) #18 ld(d(sysArgs+0),busRAM|regX) #19 Current pointer ld(d(sysArgs+1),busRAM|regY) #20 ld(eaYXregAC,busRAM) #21 ld(d(sysArgs+5),busRAM|regX) #22 Target pointer ld(d(sysArgs+6),busRAM|regY) #23 st(eaYXregAC) #24 ldzp(d(sysArgs+5)) #25 Increment target adda(d(1)) #26 st(d(sysArgs+5)) #27 bra(d(lo('.sysCc1'))) #28 label('.sysCc0') ld(val(hi('REENTER')),regY) #18,29 wait(30-19) #19 label('.sysCc1') jmpy(d(lo('REENTER'))) #30 ld(d(-34/2)) #31 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ROM page 7-8: Gigatron font data # #----------------------------------------------------------------------- align(0x100, 0x100) label('font32up') for ch in range(32, 32+50): comment = 'Char %s' % repr(chr(ch)) for byte in font.font[ch-32]: ld(val(byte)) comment = C(comment) trampoline() #----------------------------------------------------------------------- align(0x100, 0x100) label('font82up') for ch in range(32+50, 128): comment = 'Char %s' % repr(chr(ch)) for byte in font.font[ch-32]: ld(val(byte)) comment = C(comment) trampoline() #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ROM page 9: Key table for music # #----------------------------------------------------------------------- align(0x100, 0x100) notes = 'CCDDEFFGGAAB' sampleRate = cpuClock / 200.0 / 4 label('notesTable') for i in range(0, 250, 2): j = i/2-1 freq = 440.0*2.0**((j-57)/12.0) if j>=0 and freq <= sampleRate/2.0: key = int(round(32768 * freq / sampleRate)) octave, note = j/12, notes[j%12] sharp = '-' if notes[j%12-1] != note else '#' comment = '%s%s%s (%0.1f Hz)' % (note, sharp, octave, freq) else: key, comment = 0, None ld(val(key&127)); C(comment) ld(val(key>>7)) trampoline() #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ROM page 10: Inversion table # #----------------------------------------------------------------------- align(0x100, 0x100) label('invTable') # Unit 64, table offset 16 (=1/4), value offset 1: (x+16)*(y+1) == 64*64 - e for i in range(251): ld(val(4096/(i+16)-1)) trampoline() #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # ROM page 11: Built-in full resolution images #----------------------------------------------------------------------- f = open('Images/gigatron.rgb', 'rb') raw = f.close() align(0x100) label('gigatronRaw') for i in xrange(len(raw)): if i&255 < 251: ld(val(ord(raw[i]))) elif i&255 == 251: trampoline() def importImage(rgbName, width, height, ref): f = open(rgbName) raw = f.close() align(0x100) label(ref) for y in range(0, height, 2): for j in range(2): align(0x80) comment = 'Pixels for %s line %s' % (ref, y+j) for x in range(0, width, 4): bytes = [] for i in range(4): R = ord(raw[3 * ((y + j) * width + x + i) + 0]) G = ord(raw[3 * ((y + j) * width + x + i) + 1]) B = ord(raw[3 * ((y + j) * width + x + i) + 2]) bytes.append( (R/85) + 4*(G/85) + 16*(B/85) ) # Pack 4 pixels in 3 bytes ld(val( ((bytes[0]&0b111111)>>0) + ((bytes[1]&0b000011)<<6) )); comment = C(comment) ld(val( ((bytes[1]&0b111100)>>2) + ((bytes[2]&0b001111)<<4) )) ld(val( ((bytes[2]&0b110000)>>4) + ((bytes[3]&0b111111)<<2) )) if j==0: trampoline3a() else: trampoline3b() importImage('Images/Parrot-160x120.rgb', 160, 120, 'packedParrot') importImage('Images/Baboon-160x120.rgb', 160, 120, 'packedBaboon') importImage('Images/Jupiter-160x120.rgb', 160, 120, 'packedJupiter') #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Application specific SYS extensions #----------------------------------------------------------------------- label('SYS_RacerUpdateVideoX_40') ld(d(sysArgs+2),busRAM|regX) #15 q, ld(d(sysArgs+3),busRAM|regY) #16 ld(eaYXregAC,busRAM) #17 st(d(vTmp)) #18 suba(d(sysArgs+4),busRAM) #19 X- ld(d(sysArgs+0),busRAM|regX) #20 p. ld(d(sysArgs+1),busRAM|regY) #21 st(eaYXregAC,busAC) #22 ld(d(sysArgs+0),busRAM) #23 p 4- p= suba(d(4)) #24 st(d(sysArgs+0)) #25 ldzp(d(vTmp)) #26 q, st(d(sysArgs+4)) #27 X= ld(d(sysArgs+2),busRAM) #28 q<++ adda(d(1)) #29 st(d(sysArgs+2)) #30 bne(d(lo('.sysRacer0'))) #31 Self-repeat by adjusting vPC ldzp(d(vPC)) #32 bra(d(lo('.sysRacer1'))) #33 nop() #34 label('.sysRacer0') suba(d(2)) #33 st(d(vPC)) #34 label('.sysRacer1') ld(val(hi('REENTER')),regY) #35 jmpy(d(lo('REENTER'))) #36 ld(val(-40/2)) #37 label('SYS_RacerUpdateVideoY_40') ldzp(d(sysArgs+3)) #15 8& anda(d(8)) #16 bne(d(lo('.sysRacer2'))) #17 [if<>0 1] bra(d(lo('.sysRacer3'))) #18 ld(d(0)) #19 label('.sysRacer2') ld(d(1)) #19 label('.sysRacer3') st(d(vTmp)) #20 tmp= ld(d(sysArgs+1),busRAM|regY) #21 ld(d(sysArgs+0),busRAM) #22 p<++ p<++ adda(d(2)) #23 st(d(sysArgs+0),busAC|regX) #24 xora(d(238)) #25 238^ st(d(vAC)) #26 st(d(vAC+1)) #27 ldzp(d(sysArgs+2)) #28 SegmentY anda(d(254)) #29 254& adda(d(vTmp),busRAM) #30 tmp+ st(eaYXregAC,busAC) #31 ldzp(d(sysArgs+2)) #32 SegmentY<++ adda(d(1)) #33 st(d(sysArgs+2)) #34 ld(val(hi('REENTER')),regY) #35 jmpy(d(lo('REENTER'))) #36 ld(val(-40/2)) #37 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Extension SYS_LoaderProcessInput_48 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # sysArgs[0:1] Source address # sysArgs[2] Checksum # sysArgs[4] Copy count # sysArgs[5:6] Destination address label('SYS_LoaderProcessInput_48') ld(d(sysArgs+1),busRAM|regY) #15 ldzp(d(sysArgs+2)) #16 bne(d(lo('.sysPi0'))) #17 ld(d(sysArgs+0),busRAM) #18 suba(d(65),regX) #19 Point at first byte of buffer ld(eaYXregAC,busRAM) #20 Command byte st(eaYXregOUTIX) #21 X++ xora(d(ord('L'))) #22 This loader lumps everything under 'L' bne(d(lo('.sysPi1'))) #23 ld(eaYXregAC,busRAM); C('Valid command')#24 Length byte st(eaYXregOUTIX) #25 X++ anda(d(63)) #26 Bit 6:7 are garbage st(d(sysArgs+4)) #27 Copy count ld(eaYXregAC,busRAM) #28 Low copy address st(eaYXregOUTIX) #29 X++ st(d(sysArgs+5)) #30 ld(eaYXregAC,busRAM) #31 High copy address st(eaYXregOUTIX) #32 X++ st(d(sysArgs+6)) #33 ldzp(d(sysArgs+4)) #34 bne(d(lo('.sysPi2'))) #35 # Execute code (don't care about checksum anymore) ldzp(d(sysArgs+5)); C('Execute')#36 Low run address suba(d(2)) #37 st(d(vPC)) #38 st(d(vLR)) #39 ldzp(d(sysArgs+6)) #40 High run address st(d(vPC+1)) #41 st(d(vLR+1)) #42 ld(val(hi('REENTER')),regY) #43 jmpy(d(lo('REENTER'))) #44 ld(d(-48/2)) #45 # Invalid checksum label('.sysPi0') wait(25-19); C('Invalid checksum')#19 Reset checksum # Unknown command label('.sysPi1') ld(d(ord('g'))); C('Unknown command')#25 Reset checksum st(d(sysArgs+2)) #26 ld(val(hi('REENTER')),regY) #27 jmpy(d(lo('REENTER'))) #28 ld(d(-32/2)) #29 # Loading data label('.sysPi2') ld(d(sysArgs+0),busRAM); C('Loading data')#37 Continue checksum suba(d(1),regX) #38 Point at last byte ld(eaYXregAC,busRAM) #39 st(d(sysArgs+2)) #40 ld(val(hi('REENTER')),regY) #41 jmpy(d(lo('REENTER'))) #42 ld(d(-46/2)) #43 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ROM page XX: Skyline for Racer # #----------------------------------------------------------------------- f = open('Images/RacerHorizon-256x16.rgb', 'rb') raw = f.close() packed, quartet = [], [] for i in xrange(0, len(raw), 3): R, G, B = ord(raw[i+0]), ord(raw[i+1]), ord(raw[i+2]) quartet.append((R/85) + 4*(G/85) + 16*(B/85)) if len(quartet) == 4: # Pack 4 pixels in 3 bytes packed.append( ((quartet[0]&0b111111)>>0) + ((quartet[1]&0b000011)<<6) ) packed.append( ((quartet[1]&0b111100)>>2) + ((quartet[2]&0b001111)<<4) ) packed.append( ((quartet[2]&0b110000)>>4) + ((quartet[3]&0b111111)<<2) ) quartet = [] label('zippedRacerHorizon') for i in xrange(len(packed)): ld(val(packed[i])) if pc()&255 == 251: trampoline() #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ROM page XX: Bootstrap vCPU # #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # For info print 'SYS limits low %s high %s' % (repr(minSYS), repr(maxSYS)) # Export some zero page variables to GCL # XXX Solve in another way (not through symbol table!) define('memSize', memSize) define('entropy', entropy) define('frameCount', frameCount) define('serialRaw', serialRaw) define('buttonState', buttonState) define('sysFn', sysFn) for i in range(8): define('sysArgs%d' % i, sysArgs+i) define('soundTimer', soundTimer) define('vAC', vAC) define('vACH', vAC+1) define('vLR', vLR) define('videoY', videoY) # XXX This is a hack (trampoline() is probably in the wrong module): define('vPC+1', vPC+1) # Compile test GCL program for gclSource in argv[1:]: name = gclSource.rsplit('.', 1)[0] name = name.rsplit('/', 1)[-1] print print 'Compile file %s label %s ROM %04x' % (gclSource, name, pc()) label(name) program = gcl.Program(vCpuStart, name) zpReset(zpFree) for line in open(gclSource).readlines(): program.line(line) program.end() print if pc()&255: trampoline() #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Finish assembly #----------------------------------------------------------------------- end()
from typing import Any, Sequence, Tuple, List, Callable, cast, TYPE_CHECKING from argparse import ArgumentParser as OriginalAP from argparse import Namespace as OriginalNS from .namespace import Namespace if TYPE_CHECKING: from hiargparse.args_providers import ArgsProvider class ArgumentParser(OriginalAP): """A wrapper class for argparse.ArgumentParser. Do some cleanups for hiargparse.ArgsProviders and returns hiargparse.Namespace instead of argparse.Namespace. """ def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._defer_actions: List[Callable[[Namespace], None]] = list() def parse_known_args( self, args: Sequence[str] = None, namespace: OriginalNS = None ) -> Tuple[Namespace, List[str]]: """Wrapper method to return hiargparse.Namespace. This method also takes some weird cleanups that hiargparse requires. """ if namespace is None: target_space = Namespace() else: target_space = Namespace(namespace) params, remains = super().parse_known_args(args, target_space) # I know this params has type hiargparse.Namespace instead of argparse.Namespace # typeshed lacks some important features params = cast(Namespace, params) self._do_deferred_actions(params) return params, remains def parse_args( self, args: Sequence[str] = None, namespace: OriginalNS = None ) -> Namespace: """Wrapper method to return hiargparse.Namespace.""" params = super().parse_args(args, namespace) # I know this params has type hiargparse.Namespace instead of argparse.Namespace params = cast(Namespace, params) return params def add_arguments_from_provider( self, provider: 'ArgsProvider' ) -> None: """Syntax sugar for args_provider.add_arguments_to_parser().""" provider.add_arguments_to_parser(self) def register_deferring_action( self, action: Callable[[Namespace], None] ) -> None: """Register an action to do after its parsing.""" self._defer_actions.append(action) def get_default_parameters(self) -> Namespace: """Get defaults by passing no arguments to the parser.""" return self.parse_args(args=[]) # protected def _do_deferred_actions(self, params: Namespace) -> None: for action in self._defer_actions: action(params)
from hytra.pluginsystem import feature_serializer_plugin from libdvid import DVIDNodeService try: import json_tricks as json except ImportError: import json class DvidFeatureSerializer(feature_serializer_plugin.FeatureSerializerPlugin): """ serializes features to dvid """ keyvalue_store = "features" def storeFeaturesForFrame(self, features, timeframe): """ Stores feature data """ assert self.server_address is not None assert self.uuid is not None node_service = DVIDNodeService(self.server_address, self.uuid) node_service.create_keyvalue(self.keyvalue_store) node_service.put( self.keyvalue_store, "frame-{}".format(timeframe), json.dumps(features) ) def loadFeaturesForFrame(self, features, timeframe): """ loads feature data """ assert self.server_address is not None assert self.uuid is not None node_service = DVIDNodeService(self.server_address, self.uuid) node_service.create_keyvalue(self.keyvalue_store) return json.loads( node_service.get(self.keyvalue_store, "frame-{}".format(timeframe)) )
import sys from PySide6.QtCore import QCoreApplication from PySide6.QtWidgets import QApplication from folder_watcher import FolderWatcher from main_dialog import MainDialog if __name__ == "__main__": # QCoreApplication.setOrganizationName("DiPaolo Company") QCoreApplication.setOrganizationDomain("") QCoreApplication.setApplicationName("watchdog-yt-uploader") app = QApplication(sys.argv) # watchdog = FolderWatcher() # watchdog.start('/Users/dipaolo/repos/watchdog-yt-uploader') mainDlg = MainDialog() sys.exit(app.exec())
from peewee import SqliteDatabase db = SqliteDatabase(None)
import socket target_host = socket.gethostname() target_port = 9999 client = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) client.connect((target_host, target_port)) client.send(b'Hello World!!') response = client.recv(4096) client.close() print(response.decode())
# coding: utf-8 """ AVACloud API 1.17.3 AVACloud API specification # noqa: E501 OpenAPI spec version: 1.17.3 Generated by: """ import pprint import re # noqa: F401 import six class ExecutionDescriptionDto(object): """NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Do not edit the class manually. """ """ Attributes: swagger_types (dict): The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type. attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition. """ swagger_types = { 'blocks': 'list[NoteTextDto]', 'label': 'str', 'identifier': 'str', 'element_type': 'str' } attribute_map = { 'blocks': 'blocks', 'label': 'label', 'identifier': 'identifier', 'element_type': 'elementType' } def __init__(self, blocks=None, label=None, identifier=None, element_type=None): # noqa: E501 """ExecutionDescriptionDto - a model defined in Swagger""" # noqa: E501 self._blocks = None self._label = None self._identifier = None self._element_type = None self.discriminator = None if blocks is not None: self.blocks = blocks if label is not None: self.label = label if identifier is not None: self.identifier = identifier if element_type is not None: self.element_type = element_type @property def blocks(self): """Gets the blocks of this ExecutionDescriptionDto. # noqa: E501 Blocks within an ExecutionDescription contain the actual information. # noqa: E501 :return: The blocks of this ExecutionDescriptionDto. # noqa: E501 :rtype: list[NoteTextDto] """ return self._blocks @blocks.setter def blocks(self, blocks): """Sets the blocks of this ExecutionDescriptionDto. Blocks within an ExecutionDescription contain the actual information. # noqa: E501 :param blocks: The blocks of this ExecutionDescriptionDto. # noqa: E501 :type: list[NoteTextDto] """ self._blocks = blocks @property def label(self): """Gets the label of this ExecutionDescriptionDto. # noqa: E501 Labels this ExecutionDescription. # noqa: E501 :return: The label of this ExecutionDescriptionDto. # noqa: E501 :rtype: str """ return self._label @label.setter def label(self, label): """Sets the label of this ExecutionDescriptionDto. Labels this ExecutionDescription. # noqa: E501 :param label: The label of this ExecutionDescriptionDto. # noqa: E501 :type: str """ self._label = label @property def identifier(self): """Gets the identifier of this ExecutionDescriptionDto. # noqa: E501 Uniquely identifies this ExecutionDescription. # noqa: E501 :return: The identifier of this ExecutionDescriptionDto. # noqa: E501 :rtype: str """ return self._identifier @identifier.setter def identifier(self, identifier): """Sets the identifier of this ExecutionDescriptionDto. Uniquely identifies this ExecutionDescription. # noqa: E501 :param identifier: The identifier of this ExecutionDescriptionDto. # noqa: E501 :type: str """ self._identifier = identifier @property def element_type(self): """Gets the element_type of this ExecutionDescriptionDto. # noqa: E501 :return: The element_type of this ExecutionDescriptionDto. # noqa: E501 :rtype: str """ return self._element_type @element_type.setter def element_type(self, element_type): """Sets the element_type of this ExecutionDescriptionDto. :param element_type: The element_type of this ExecutionDescriptionDto. # noqa: E501 :type: str """ self._element_type = element_type def to_dict(self): """Returns the model properties as a dict""" result = {} for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.swagger_types): value = getattr(self, attr) if isinstance(value, list): result[attr] = list(map( lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x, value )) elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"): result[attr] = value.to_dict() elif isinstance(value, dict): result[attr] = dict(map( lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict()) if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item, value.items() )) else: result[attr] = value if issubclass(ExecutionDescriptionDto, dict): for key, value in self.items(): result[key] = value return result def to_str(self): """Returns the string representation of the model""" return pprint.pformat(self.to_dict()) def __repr__(self): """For `print` and `pprint`""" return self.to_str() def __eq__(self, other): """Returns true if both objects are equal""" if not isinstance(other, ExecutionDescriptionDto): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Returns true if both objects are not equal""" return not self == other
"""STACS Exceptions. SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause """ class STACSException(Exception): """The most generic form of exception raised by STACS.""" class FileAccessException(STACSException): """Indicates an error occured while attempting to access a file.""" class InvalidFileException(STACSException): """Indicates the format of a file did not match what was expected.""" class InvalidFormatException(STACSException): """Indicates that the format of a rule did not match what was expected.""" class IgnoreListException(STACSException): """Indicates an invalid ignore list was provided.""" class NotImplementedException(STACSException): """Indicates that the requested method has not been implemented."""
import unittest from andes.utils.paths import list_cases import andes import os class TestPaths(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self) -> None: self.kundur = 'kundur/' self.matpower = 'matpower/' self.ieee14 = andes.get_case("ieee14/ieee14.raw") def test_tree(self): list_cases(self.kundur, no_print=True) list_cases(self.matpower, no_print=True) def test_addfile_path(self): path, case = os.path.split(self.ieee14) andes.load('ieee14.raw', addfile='ieee14.dyr', input_path=path, default_config=True, )'ieee14.raw', addfile='ieee14.dyr', input_path=path, no_output=True, default_config=True, ) def test_pert_file(self): """Test path of pert file""" path, case = os.path.split(self.ieee14) # --- with pert file --- ss ='ieee14.raw', pert='', input_path=path, no_output=True, default_config=True, ) ss.TDS.init() self.assertIsNotNone(ss.TDS.callpert) # --- without pert file --- ss ='ieee14.raw', input_path=path, no_output=True, default_config=True, ) ss.TDS.init() self.assertIsNone(ss.TDS.callpert)
from sqlalchemy import Boolean, Column, ForeignKey, Integer, String, JSON from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship from open_needs_server.database import Base class DomainModel(Base): __tablename__ = "domains" def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"[{}]{self.title}" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True) title = Column(String, unique=False, index=True) description = Column(String, unique=False, index=False) jsonschema = Column(JSON, unique=False, nullable=True, index=True)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #!/usr/bin/env python """ @author: Noah Norman """ import json def load_file(): with open('data.json') as data_file: return json.load(data_file) def verbose(): return DATA['verbose'] def fade_in(): return DATA['switch_on_fadein'] def fade_out(): return DATA['switch_off_fadeout'] def lifx_url(): return DATA['LIFX_URL'] def lights_url(): return DATA['LIGHTS_URL'] def state_url(): return DATA['STATE_URL'] DATA = load_file()
from __future__ import absolute_import import random def RandomService(services): if len(services) == 0: return None index = random.randint(0, len(services) - 1) return services[index]
import requests import sys from firecares.firestation.models import FireDepartment from import BaseCommand from optparse import make_option def chunks(l, n): for i in xrange(0, len(l), n): yield l[i:i + n] class Command(BaseCommand): help = 'Verifies that the thumbnails for given department(s) are retrievable' args = '[department]' option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + ( make_option('-d', '--department', dest='department', help='The FireCARES department id.'), ) def handle(self, *args, **options): department_id = options.get('department') firedepartments = FireDepartment.objects.filter(pk=department_id) if department_id else FireDepartment.objects.all() fd_count = len(firedepartments) bad_thumbs = 0 print('Looking up thumbnails for {cnt}'.format(cnt=fd_count)) session = requests.Session() for idx, fd in enumerate(firedepartments): if not idx % 10: print('Processing ({idx}/{all})'.format(idx=idx, all=len(firedepartments))) sys.stdout.flush() resp = session.head(fd.thumbnail) if resp.status_code != 200: bad_thumbs += 1 print('Bad thumbnail {url} for firepartment id: {id}'.format(, url=fd.thumbnail)) if not firedepartments: print('Firedepartment(s) not found') else: print('# of bad fire department thumbnails => ({bad}/{all})'.format(bad=bad_thumbs, all=fd_count))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' :file: :author: -Farmer :url: :date: 2021/09/04 23:45:40 ''' class ObjectDict(dict): """:copyright: (c) 2014 by messense. Makes a dictionary behave like an object, with attribute-style access. """ def __getattr__(self, key): if key in self: return self[key] return None def __setattr__(self, key, value): self[key] = value def __getstate__(self): return None def is_endpoint(url_or_endpoint:str) -> bool: """判断是不是端点 Args: url_or_endpoint (str): url 或 端点字符串 Returns: bool: 不是http则返回False """ if url_or_endpoint.startswith(('http://', 'https://')): return False return True
import subprocess import sys class ProcessManager(object): """ Implements a manager for process to be executed in the environment. """ def __init__( self, command, working_directory, environment_variables, ): """ Initializes the manager. :param command: the command to execute :type command: str :param working_directory: the working directory for the command :type working_directory: str :param environment_variables: the environment variables starting set :type environment_variables: dict[str, str] """ self.__command = command self.__working_directory = working_directory self.__environment_variables = environment_variables @property def environment_variables(self): """ Returns the current set of environment variables. :return: the environment variables :rtype: dict[str, str] """ return self.__environment_variables def add_environment_variables( self, variables, ): """ Adds the variables to the environment variables already set. :param variables: the variables dictionary to add :type variables: dict[str, str] """ self.__environment_variables.update(variables) def run(self): """ Executes the command. :return: the STDOUT and STDERR, together with the return code of the command """ process = subprocess.Popen( self.__command, cwd=self.__working_directory, env=self.__environment_variables, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True, ) stdout = '' for line in iter(process.stdout.readline, b''): line = str(line, 'utf-8') stdout += line print(line) sys.stdout.flush() return_code = process.wait() return stdout, return_code def echo(self): process = subprocess.Popen( 'echo ' + self.__command, cwd=self.__working_directory, env=self.__environment_variables, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True, ) stdout = '' for line in iter(process.stdout.readline, b''): line = str(line, 'utf-8') stdout += line print(line) sys.stdout.flush() return_code = process.wait() return stdout, return_code
#! /usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Bryce Adelstein-Lelbach # # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0 # Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying # file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at # TODO: Rename to jobs? # TODO: More typechecking? # TODO: Match threading.Thread interface and/or subprocess interface better? # TODO: Better exception propagation from sys import float_info, platform from threading import Thread, Lock from time import sleep, time from subprocess import Popen, STDOUT, PIPE from shlex import split from signal import SIGKILL from os import kill from platform import system from queue import Queue, Empty from errno import ESRCH # TODO: implement for Windows OS_MAC = False OS_LIN = False if platform.startswith('darwin'): OS_MAC = True from select import kqueue, kevent from select import KQ_FILTER_READ, KQ_EV_ADD, KQ_EV_DELETE, KQ_NOTE_LOWAT if platform.startswith('linux'): OS_LIN = True from select import epoll, EPOLLHUP def kill_process_tree(parent_pid, signal=SIGKILL): def find_process_tree(pid): cmd = "" if OS_MAC: cmd = "ps -o pid,ppid -ax | egrep ' %d$' | awk '{print $1}'" % pid else: cmd = "ps -o pid --ppid %d --noheaders" % pid ps_command = Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE) ps_output = retcode = ps_command.wait() if 0 == ps_command.wait(): list = [pid] for child_pid in ps_output.split("\n")[:-1]: list = list + find_process_tree(int(child_pid)) return list else: return [pid] r = True for pid in find_process_tree(parent_pid): try: kill(int(pid), signal) except OSError as err: if ESRCH != err.errno: raise err else: r = False return r class process(object): _proc = None _error = None _groups = None _timed_out = None def __init__(self, cmd, group=None): if StringType == type(cmd): cmd = split(cmd) self._proc = Popen(cmd, stderr=STDOUT, stdout=PIPE, shell=False) self._error = None self._groups = [] self._timed_out = False if group is not None: group.add_process(self) def _call(self): # annoyingly, KeyboardInterrupts are transported to threads, while most # other Exceptions aren't in python try: self._proc.wait() except Exception as err: self._error = err def _finish(self, thread): # be forceful if thread.is_alive(): # the thread may still be alive for a brief period after the process # finishes (e.g. when it is notifying groups), so we ignore any errors self.terminate() thread.join() self._timed_out = True # if an exception happened, re-raise it here in the master thread if self._error is not None: raise self._error return (self._timed_out, self._proc.returncode) def terminate(self): return kill_process_tree( def poll(self): return self._proc.poll() def pid(self): return def fileno(self): return self._proc.stdout.fileno() def timed_out(self): return self._timed_out def wait(self, timeout=None): if timeout is not None: thread = Thread(target=self._call) thread.start() # wait for the thread and invoked process to finish thread.join(timeout) return self._finish(thread) else: return (self._timed_out, self._proc.wait()) def join(self, timeout=None): return self.wait(timeout) def read(self, timeout=None): read_queue = Queue() def enqueue_output(): for block in iter(, b''): read_queue.put(block) read_queue.put('') thread = Thread(target=enqueue_output) thread.daemon = True thread.start() output = '' try: started = time() while timeout is None or not float_info.epsilon > timeout: s = read_queue.get(timeout=timeout) if s: output += s else: return output if not timeout is None: timeout -= (time() - started) except Empty: return output # modelled after Boost.Thread's boost::thread_group class class process_group(object): _lock = None _members = None _poller = None def __init__(self, *cmds): self._lock = Lock() self._members = {} if OS_MAC: self._poller = kqueue() if OS_LIN: self._poller = epoll() for cmd in cmds: self.create_process(cmd) def create_process(self, cmd): return process(cmd, self) def add_process(self, job): with self._lock: self._members[job.fileno()] = job if OS_MAC: self._poller.control([kevent(job._proc.stdout, KQ_FILTER_READ, KQ_EV_ADD, KQ_NOTE_LOWAT, 0)], 0) if OS_LIN: self._poller.register(job._proc.stdout, EPOLLHUP) def join_all(self, timeout=None, callback=None): with self._lock: not_done = self._members.copy() started = time() while timeout is None or not float_info.epsilon > timeout: if OS_MAC: if timeout == None: timeout=-1.0 ready = self._poller.control(None,1,timeout) if OS_LIN: ready = self._poller.poll(timeout=-1.0 if timeout is None else timeout) if not timeout is None: timeout -= (time() - started) if OS_MAC: for fd in ready: fd = fd.ident self._poller.control([kevent(fd, KQ_FILTER_READ, KQ_EV_DELETE)], 0) not_done.pop(fd) if callable(callback): callback(fd, self._members[fd]) if OS_LIN: for fd, flags in ready: self._poller.unregister(fd) not_done.pop(fd) if callable(callback): callback(fd, self._members[fd]) if 0 == len(not_done): return # some of the jobs are not done, we'll have to forcefully stop them for fd in not_done: if self._members[fd].terminate(): self._members[fd]._timed_out = True if callable(callback): callback(fd, self._members[fd]) def read_all(self, timeout=None, callback=None): output = {} def read_callback(fd, job): output[fd] = if callable(callback): callback(fd, job, output[fd]) self.join_all(timeout, read_callback) return output def terminate_all(self, callback=None): with self._lock: for (fd, job) in self._members.iteritems(): if job.terminate(): if callable(callback): callback(fd, job) def join_all(*tasks, **keys): def flatten(items): result = [] for element in items: if hasattr(element, "__iter__"): result.extend(flatten(el)) else: if not isinstance(element, process): raise TypeError( "'%s' is not an instance of 'hpx.process'" % str(element)) result.append(element) return result tasks = flatten(tasks) pg = process_group() for task in tasks: pg.add_process(task) pg.join_all(keys['timeout'], keys['callback']) def read_all(*tasks, **keys): output = {} callback = keys['callback'] def read_callback(fd, job): output[fd] = if callable(callback): callback(fd, job, output[fd]) keys['callback'] = read_callback join_all(*tasks, **keys) return output
import unittest from unittest.mock import patch, MagicMock from requests import Response from pylaunch.dial import Dial class TestDial(unittest.TestCase): @patch("pylaunch.core.requests.get") def setUp(self, response): with open("tests/xml/dd.xml") as f: response.return_value = MagicMock( spec=Response,, headers={"Application-URL": ""}, ) self.dial = Dial("") def test_address(self): self.assertEqual(self.dial.address, "") def test_device_type(self): self.assertEqual(self.dial.device_type, "urn:roku-com:device:player:1-0") def test_friendly_name(self): self.assertEqual(self.dial.friendly_name, "NNB CT") def test_manufacturer(self): self.assertEqual(self.dial.manufacturer, "Roku") def test_manufacturer_url(self): self.assertEqual(self.dial.manufacturer_url, "") def test_model_description(self): self.assertEqual( self.dial.model_description, "Roku Streaming Player Network Media" ) def test_model_name(self): self.assertEqual(self.dial.model_name, "Roku Express") def test_model_number(self): self.assertEqual(self.dial.model_number, "3900X") def test_model_url(self): self.assertEqual(self.dial.model_url, "") def test_serial_number(self): self.assertEqual(self.dial.serial_number, "YG00AE419756") def test_udn(self): self.assertEqual(self.dial.udn, "uuid:295c0011-5406-1067-80ac-d83134855445") def test_launch_app(self): pass def test_kill_app(self): pass @patch("requests.get") def test_get_app_status(self, response): with open("tests/xml/YouTube.xml") as f: response.return_value = MagicMock( spec=Response,, status_code=200 ) app_status = self.dial.get_app_status("YouTube") self.assertEquals( app_status, {"version": "2.1", "name": "YouTube", "state": "stopped"} )
import frappe from frappe.utils import data from frappe.utils import cstr, add_days, date_diff, getdate from frappe.utils import format_date @frappe.whitelist() def get_cl_count(from_date,to_date): dates = get_dates(from_date,to_date) data = "" for date in dates: contractors = frappe.get_all('Contractor') for contractor in contractors: shift_1 = 0 shift_2 = 0 shift_3 = 0 shift_pp1 = 0 shift_pp2 = 0 if frappe.db.exists('CL Head Count Plan',{'date':date,'contractor'}): plan = frappe.get_doc('CL Head Count Plan',{'date':date,'contractor'}) shift_1 = plan.shift_1 shift_2 = plan.shift_2 shift_3 = plan.shift_3 shift_pp1 = plan.shift_pp1 shift_pp2 = plan.shift_pp2 data += "<tr><td style = 'border: 1px solid black'>%s</td><td style = 'border: 1px solid black'>%s</td><td style = 'border: 1px solid black'>%s</td><td style = 'border: 1px solid black'>%s</td><td style = 'border: 1px solid black'>%s</td><td style = 'border: 1px solid black'>%s</td><td style = 'border: 1px solid black'>%s</td></tr>"%(format_date(date),,shift_1,shift_2,shift_3,shift_pp1,shift_pp2) return data def get_dates(from_date,to_date): no_of_days = date_diff(add_days(to_date, 1), from_date) dates = [add_days(from_date, i) for i in range(0, no_of_days)] return dates
import os import sys import argparse import torch sys.path.append(os.getcwd()) import pickle import as data import as cfg import src.interactive.functions as interactive #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. """ Basic example which iterates through the tasks specified and prints them out. Used for verification of data loading and iteration. For more documentation, see parlai.scripts.display_data. """ from parlai.scripts.display_data import display_data, setup_args from parlai.core.params import ParlaiParser from parlai.agents.repeat_label.repeat_label import RepeatLabelAgent from parlai.core.worlds import create_task import random import csv def display_data1(opt): # create repeat label agent and assign it to the specified task agent = RepeatLabelAgent(opt) world = create_task(opt, agent) model_list = interactive.load_model_file(opt['model_file']) res = [] # Show some example dialogs. print("will print "+str(opt['num_examples'])+' dialog') dialog_id = 0 idx=0 while dialog_id < 11:#opt['num_examples'] world.parley() # NOTE: If you want to look at the data from here rather than calling # world.display() you could access world.acts[0] directly # print(world.display() + '\n~~') utterance = world.acts[0] for i in range(2): event_dict = {} if i ==0: sentence = utterance['text'].split('\n')[-1] if len(utterance['text'].split('\n'))>1: dialog_id +=1 idx = 0 event_dict['utterance'] = utterance['text'].replace('\n',' || ') print(utterance['text']) else: if(len(utterance['labels'])>1): print('=======================') print(utterance) event_dict['utterance'] = utterance['labels'][0] sentence = event_dict['utterance'] event_list = ['oEffect', 'oReact', 'oWant', 'xAttr', 'xEffect', 'xIntent', 'xNeed', 'xReact', 'xWant'] print("==",sentence) eres = extract_event(opt,sentence,model_list) for etype in event_list: event_dict[etype] = "none" beam_res = eres[etype]['beams'] for res1 in beam_res: if res1 == "none": continue event_dict[etype] = res1 break event_dict["dialog_id"] = dialog_id event_dict["id"] = idx res.append(event_dict) idx += 1 if world.epoch_done(): print('EPOCH DONE') break return res try: # print dataset size if available print( '[ loaded {} episodes with a total of {} examples ]'.format( world.num_episodes(), world.num_examples() ) ) except Exception: pass def extract_event(args,input_event,model_list): opt, state_dict = model_list data_loader, text_encoder = interactive.load_data("atomic", opt) n_ctx = data_loader.max_event + data_loader.max_effect n_vocab = len(text_encoder.encoder) + n_ctx model = interactive.make_model(opt, n_vocab, n_ctx, state_dict) if args['device'] != "cpu": cfg.device = int(args['device']) cfg.do_gpu = True torch.cuda.set_device(cfg.device) model.cuda(cfg.device) else: cfg.device = "cpu" sampling_algorithm = args['sampling_algorithm'] if input_event == "help": interactive.print_help(opt.dataset) category = "all" #input("Give an effect type (type \"help\" for an explanation): ") if category == "help": interactive.print_category_help(opt.dataset) sampling_algorithm = "beam-3" #input("Give a sampling algorithm (type \"help\" for an explanation): ") if sampling_algorithm == "help": interactive.print_sampling_help() sampler = interactive.set_sampler(opt, sampling_algorithm, data_loader) if category not in data_loader.categories: category = "all" outputs = interactive.get_atomic_sequence( input_event, model, sampler, data_loader, text_encoder, category) return outputs import os if __name__ == '__main__': random.seed(42) # Get command line arguments parser = setup_args() parser.add_argument("--device", type=str, default="1") parser.add_argument("--model_file", type=str, default="models/atomic-generation/iteration-500-50000/transformer/categories_oEffect#oReact#oWant#xAttr#xEffect#xIntent#xNeed#xReact#xWant/model_transformer-nL_12-nH_12-hSize_768-edpt_0.1-adpt_0.1-rdpt_0.1-odpt_0.1-pt_gpt-afn_gelu-init_pt-vSize_40542/exp_generation-seed_123-l2_0.01-vl2_T-lrsched_warmup_linear-lrwarm_0.002-clip_1-loss_nll-b2_0.999-b1_0.9-e_1e-08/bs_1-smax_40-sample_greedy-numseq_1-gs_1000-es_1000-categories_oEffect#oReact#oWant#xAttr#xEffect#xIntent#xNeed#xReact#xWant/6.25e-05_adam_64_22000.pickle") parser.add_argument("--sampling_algorithm", type=str, default="help") opt = parser.parse_args() #parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(parser) #opt = parser.parse_args() res = display_data1(opt) f = open("dict.pkl","wb") pickle.dump(res,f) f.close() keys = res[0].keys() with open('result.csv', 'w') as output_file: dict_writer = csv.DictWriter(output_file, keys) dict_writer.writeheader() dict_writer.writerows(res)
import numpy as np import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import sklearn from sklearn import preprocessing def readdate(name): df = pd.read_csv('gene_mutation.txt', sep=',', header=None) return df if __name__ == "__main__": df=readdate('gene_mutation.txt') del df[0] t2 = df.groupby([1,2]).size().unstack(level = -1, fill_value = 0) z=t2.iloc[0:28,] scaler_value = sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler() train_values = scaler_value.fit_transform(z) zz=pd.DataFrame(train_values) f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (15, 12)) sns.heatmap(zz, cmap = 'RdBu_r', linewidths = 0.05, ax = ax, vmin=-1, vmax=1) ax.set_title('Gene mutation distribution',fontsize=27) ax.set_ylabel('gene',fontsize=25) ax.set_xticklabels(['BLCA','BRCA','CESC','COAD','HNSC','KIRC','LIHC','LUAD','LUSC','OV','READ','SKCM','STAD','THCA','UCEC']) ax.set_ylim(28, 0) plt.yticks([]) plt.xticks(rotation=45) cax = plt.gcf().axes[-1] cax.tick_params(labelsize=17) plt.tick_params(labelsize=18)
import numpy as np import pax import torchvision IMAGENET_MEAN = np.array((0.485, 0.456, 0.406)) IMAGENET_STD = np.array((0.229, 0.224, 0.225)) def convert_conv(conv, name=None): """Return a pax.Conv2D module with weights from pretrained ``conv``.""" weight =, 3, 1, 0).contiguous().numpy()[:] pax_conv = pax.Conv2D( in_features=conv.in_channels, out_features=conv.out_channels, kernel_shape=conv.kernel_size, stride=conv.stride, with_bias=False, padding=[(conv.padding[0],) * 2, (conv.padding[1],) * 2], data_format="NCHW", name=name, ) assert pax_conv.weight.shape == weight.shape return pax_conv.replace(weight=weight) def convert_bn(bn, name=None): """Return a pax.BatchNorm2D module from pretrained ``bn``.""" weight =[None, :, None, None] bias =[None, :, None, None] running_mean =[None, :, None, None] running_var =[None, :, None, None] pax_bn = pax.BatchNorm2D( num_channels=bias.shape[1], create_offset=True, create_scale=True, decay_rate=0.9, eps=1e-5, data_format="NCHW", name=name, ) assert pax_bn.scale.shape == weight.shape assert pax_bn.offset.shape == bias.shape assert pax_bn.ema_mean.averages.shape == running_mean.shape assert pax_bn.ema_var.averages.shape == running_var.shape pax_bn = pax_bn.replace(scale=weight, offset=bias) pax_bn = pax_bn.replace_node(pax_bn.ema_mean.averages, running_mean) pax_bn = pax_bn.replace_node(pax_bn.ema_var.averages, running_var) return pax_bn def convert_basic_block(block): conv1 = convert_conv(block.conv1, name="conv1") bn1 = convert_bn(block.bn1, name="bn1") conv2 = convert_conv(block.conv2, name="conv2") bn2 = convert_bn(block.bn2, name="bn2") if block.downsample is not None: conv0 = convert_conv(block.downsample[0], name="proj_conv") bn0 = convert_bn(block.downsample[1], name="proj_bn") return ((conv1, bn1), (conv2, bn2)), (conv0, bn0) else: return (((conv1, bn1), (conv2, bn2)),) def convert_block_group(group): out = [] for i in range(len(group)): out.append(convert_basic_block(group[i])) return out def convert_linear(linear): weight = bias = pax_linear = pax.Linear( in_dim=weight.shape[1], out_dim=weight.shape[0], with_bias=True ) weight = np.transpose(weight) assert pax_linear.bias.shape == bias.shape assert pax_linear.weight.shape == weight.shape return pax_linear.replace(weight=weight, bias=bias) def load_pretrained_resnet18(): resnet18 = pax.nets.ResNet18(3, 1000) resnet18_pt = torchvision.models.resnet18(pretrained=True).eval() pax_resnet = [ convert_conv(resnet18_pt.conv1), convert_bn(resnet18_pt.bn1), convert_block_group(resnet18_pt.layer1), convert_block_group(resnet18_pt.layer2), convert_block_group(resnet18_pt.layer3), convert_block_group(resnet18_pt.layer4), convert_linear(resnet18_pt.fc), ] def replace_parts(resnet18): # replace resnet18 part by part resnet18.initial_conv = pax_resnet[0] resnet18.initial_batchnorm = pax_resnet[1] for i in range(len(resnet18.block_groups)): bg = resnet18.block_groups[i] for j in range(len(bg.blocks)): b = bg.blocks[j] mods = pax_resnet[2 + i][j] b.layers = mods[0] if b.use_projection: b.proj_conv = mods[1][0] b.proj_batchnorm = mods[1][1] resnet18.logits = pax_resnet[-1] # make sure we are in `eval` mode when doing evaluation. return resnet18.eval() return pax.pure(replace_parts)(resnet18)
import tensorflow as tf from transformers import TFDistilBertForQuestionAnswering model = TFDistilBertForQuestionAnswering.from_pretrained('distilbert-base-uncased-distilled-squad') input_spec = tf.TensorSpec([1, 384], tf.int32) model._set_inputs(input_spec, training=False) # For tensorflow>2.2.0, set inputs in the following way. # Otherwise, the model.inputs and model.outputs will be None. # keras_input = tf.keras.Input([384], batch_size=1, dtype=tf.int32) # keras_output = model(keras_input, training=False) # model = tf.keras.Model(keras_input, keras_output) print(model.inputs) print(model.outputs) converter = tf.lite.TFLiteConverter.from_keras_model(model) # For normal conversion: converter.target_spec.supported_ops = [tf.lite.OpsSet.SELECT_TF_OPS] # For conversion with FP16 quantization: # converter.target_spec.supported_ops = [tf.lite.OpsSet.TFLITE_BUILTINS, tf.lite.OpsSet.SELECT_TF_OPS] # converter.target_spec.supported_types = [tf.float16] # converter.optimizations = [tf.lite.Optimize.DEFAULT] # converter.experimental_new_converter = True # For conversion with hybrid quantization: # converter.target_spec.supported_ops = [tf.lite.OpsSet.TFLITE_BUILTINS, tf.lite.OpsSet.SELECT_TF_OPS] # converter.optimizations = [tf.lite.Optimize.OPTIMIZE_FOR_SIZE] # converter.experimental_new_converter = True tflite_model = converter.convert() open("distilbert-squad-384.tflite", "wb").write(tflite_model)
"""Library for the ingress relation. This library contains the Requires and Provides classes for handling the ingress interface. Import `IngressRequires` in your charm, with two required options: - "self" (the charm itself) - config_dict `config_dict` accepts the following keys: - service-hostname (required) - service-name (required) - service-port (required) - limit-rps - limit-whitelist - max_body-size - retry-errors - service-namespace - session-cookie-max-age - tls-secret-name See [the config section]( for descriptions of each, along with the required type. As an example, add the following to `src/`: ``` from charms.nginx_ingress_integrator.v0.ingress import IngressRequires # In your charm's `__init__` method. self.ingress = IngressRequires(self, {"service-hostname": self.config["external_hostname"], "service-name":, "service-port": 80}) # In your charm's `config-changed` handler. self.ingress.update_config({"service-hostname": self.config["external_hostname"]}) ``` And then add the following to `metadata.yaml`: ``` requires: ingress: interface: ingress ``` """ import logging from ops.charm import CharmEvents from ops.framework import EventBase, EventSource, Object from ops.model import BlockedStatus # The unique Charmhub library identifier, never change it LIBID = "db0af4367506491c91663468fb5caa4c" # Increment this major API version when introducing breaking changes LIBAPI = 0 # Increment this PATCH version before using `charmcraft publish-lib` or reset # to 0 if you are raising the major API version LIBPATCH = 5 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) REQUIRED_INGRESS_RELATION_FIELDS = { "service-hostname", "service-name", "service-port", } OPTIONAL_INGRESS_RELATION_FIELDS = { "limit-rps", "limit-whitelist", "max-body-size", "retry-errors", "service-namespace", "session-cookie-max-age", "tls-secret-name", } class IngressAvailableEvent(EventBase): pass class IngressCharmEvents(CharmEvents): """Custom charm events.""" ingress_available = EventSource(IngressAvailableEvent) class IngressRequires(Object): """This class defines the functionality for the 'requires' side of the 'ingress' relation. Hook events observed: - relation-changed """ def __init__(self, charm, config_dict): super().__init__(charm, "ingress") self.framework.observe( charm.on["ingress"].relation_changed, self._on_relation_changed ) self.config_dict = config_dict def _config_dict_errors(self, update_only=False): """Check our config dict for errors.""" blocked_message = "Error in ingress relation, check `juju debug-log`" unknown = [ x for x in self.config_dict if x not in REQUIRED_INGRESS_RELATION_FIELDS | OPTIONAL_INGRESS_RELATION_FIELDS ] if unknown: logger.error( "Ingress relation error, unknown key(s) in config dictionary found: %s", ", ".join(unknown), ) self.model.unit.status = BlockedStatus(blocked_message) return True if not update_only: missing = [ x for x in REQUIRED_INGRESS_RELATION_FIELDS if x not in self.config_dict ] if missing: logger.error( "Ingress relation error, missing required key(s) in config dictionary: %s", ", ".join(missing), ) self.model.unit.status = BlockedStatus(blocked_message) return True return False def _on_relation_changed(self, event): """Handle the relation-changed event.""" # `self.unit` isn't available here, so use `self.model.unit`. if self.model.unit.is_leader(): if self._config_dict_errors(): return for key in self.config_dict:[][key] = str(self.config_dict[key]) def update_config(self, config_dict): """Allow for updates to relation.""" if self.model.unit.is_leader(): self.config_dict = config_dict if self._config_dict_errors(update_only=True): return relation = self.model.get_relation("ingress") if relation: for key in self.config_dict:[][key] = str(self.config_dict[key]) class IngressProvides(Object): """This class defines the functionality for the 'provides' side of the 'ingress' relation. Hook events observed: - relation-changed """ def __init__(self, charm): super().__init__(charm, "ingress") # Observe the relation-changed hook event and bind # self.on_relation_changed() to handle the event. self.framework.observe( charm.on["ingress"].relation_changed, self._on_relation_changed ) self.charm = charm def _on_relation_changed(self, event): """Handle a change to the ingress relation. Confirm we have the fields we expect to receive.""" # `self.unit` isn't available here, so use `self.model.unit`. if not self.model.unit.is_leader(): return ingress_data = { field:[].get(field) for field in REQUIRED_INGRESS_RELATION_FIELDS | OPTIONAL_INGRESS_RELATION_FIELDS } missing_fields = sorted( [ field for field in REQUIRED_INGRESS_RELATION_FIELDS if ingress_data.get(field) is None ] ) if missing_fields: logger.error( "Missing required data fields for ingress relation: {}".format( ", ".join(missing_fields) ) ) self.model.unit.status = BlockedStatus( "Missing fields for ingress: {}".format(", ".join(missing_fields)) ) # Create an event that our charm can use to decide it's okay to # configure the ingress. self.charm.on.ingress_available.emit()
import nltk import re import shutil import os from urllib.parse import urlparse from coalib.bears.GlobalBear import GlobalBear from dependency_management.requirements.PipRequirement import PipRequirement from coala_utils.ContextManagers import change_directory from coalib.misc.Shell import run_shell_command from coalib.results.Result import Result from coalib.settings.FunctionMetadata import FunctionMetadata from coalib.settings.Setting import typed_list class GitCommitBear(GlobalBear): LANGUAGES = {'Git'} REQUIREMENTS = {PipRequirement('nltk', '3.2')} AUTHORS = {'The coala developers'} AUTHORS_EMAILS = {''} LICENSE = 'AGPL-3.0' ASCIINEMA_URL = '' CAN_DETECT = {'Formatting'} SUPPORTED_HOST_KEYWORD_REGEX = { 'github': (r'[Cc]lose[sd]?' r'|[Rr]esolve[sd]?' r'|[Ff]ix(?:e[sd])?'), 'gitlab': (r'[Cc]los(?:e[sd]?|ing)' r'|[Rr]esolv(?:e[sd]?|ing)' r'|[Ff]ix(?:e[sd]|ing)?') } CONCATENATION_KEYWORDS = [r',', r'\sand\s'] _nltk_data_downloaded = False def setup_dependencies(self): if not self._nltk_data_downloaded and bool( self.section.get('shortlog_check_imperative', True)):[ 'punkt', 'maxent_treebank_pos_tagger', 'averaged_perceptron_tagger', ]) type(self)._nltk_data_downloaded = True @classmethod def check_prerequisites(cls): if shutil.which('git') is None: return 'git is not installed.' else: return True @classmethod def get_shortlog_checks_metadata(cls): return FunctionMetadata.from_function( cls.check_shortlog, omit={'self', 'shortlog'}) @classmethod def get_body_checks_metadata(cls): return FunctionMetadata.from_function( cls.check_body, omit={'self', 'body'}) @classmethod def get_issue_checks_metadata(cls): return FunctionMetadata.from_function( cls.check_issue_reference, omit={'self', 'body'}) @classmethod def get_metadata(cls): return FunctionMetadata.merge( FunctionMetadata.from_function(, omit={'self', 'dependency_results'}), cls.get_shortlog_checks_metadata(), cls.get_body_checks_metadata(), cls.get_issue_checks_metadata()) @staticmethod def get_host_from_remotes(): """ Retrieve the first host from the list of git remotes. """ remotes, _ = run_shell_command( "git config --get-regex '^remote.*.url$'") remotes = [url.split()[-1] for url in remotes.splitlines()] if len(remotes) == 0: return None url = remotes[0] if 'git@' in url: netloc = re.findall(r'@(\S+):', url)[0] else: netloc = urlparse(url)[1] return netloc.split('.')[0] def run(self, allow_empty_commit_message: bool = False, **kwargs): """ Check the current git commit message at HEAD. This bear ensures automatically that the shortlog and body do not exceed a given line-length and that a newline lies between them. :param allow_empty_commit_message: Whether empty commit messages are allowed or not. """ with change_directory(self.get_config_dir() or os.getcwd()): stdout, stderr = run_shell_command('git log -1 --pretty=%B') if stderr: self.err('git:', repr(stderr)) return stdout = stdout.rstrip('\n') pos = stdout.find('\n') shortlog = stdout[:pos] if pos != -1 else stdout body = stdout[pos+1:] if pos != -1 else '' if len(stdout) == 0: if not allow_empty_commit_message: yield Result(self, 'HEAD commit has no message.') return yield from self.check_shortlog( shortlog, **self.get_shortlog_checks_metadata().filter_parameters(kwargs)) yield from self.check_body( body, **self.get_body_checks_metadata().filter_parameters(kwargs)) yield from self.check_issue_reference( body, **self.get_issue_checks_metadata().filter_parameters(kwargs)) def check_shortlog(self, shortlog, shortlog_length: int=50, shortlog_regex: str='', shortlog_trailing_period: bool=None, shortlog_imperative_check: bool=True, shortlog_wip_check: bool=True): """ Checks the given shortlog. :param shortlog: The shortlog message string. :param shortlog_length: The maximum length of the shortlog. The newline character at end does not count to the length. :param shortlog_regex: A regex to check the shortlog with. :param shortlog_trailing_period: Whether a dot shall be enforced at end end or not (or ``None`` for "don't care"). :param shortlog_wip_check: Whether a "WIP" in the shortlog text should yield a result or not. """ diff = len(shortlog) - shortlog_length if diff > 0: yield Result(self, 'Shortlog of the HEAD commit contains {} ' 'character(s). This is {} character(s) longer than ' 'the limit ({} > {}).'.format( len(shortlog), diff, len(shortlog), shortlog_length)) if (shortlog[-1] != '.') == shortlog_trailing_period: yield Result(self, 'Shortlog of HEAD commit contains no period at end.' if shortlog_trailing_period else 'Shortlog of HEAD commit contains a period at end.') if shortlog_regex: match = re.fullmatch(shortlog_regex, shortlog) if not match: yield Result( self, 'Shortlog of HEAD commit does not match given regex:' ' {regex}'.format(regex=shortlog_regex)) if shortlog_imperative_check: colon_pos = shortlog.find(':') shortlog = (shortlog[colon_pos + 1:] if colon_pos != -1 else shortlog) has_flaws = self.check_imperative(shortlog) if has_flaws: bad_word = has_flaws[0] yield Result(self, "Shortlog of HEAD commit isn't in imperative " "mood! Bad words are '{}'".format(bad_word)) if shortlog_wip_check: if 'wip' in shortlog.lower()[:4]: yield Result( self, 'This commit seems to be marked as work in progress and ' 'should not be used in production. Treat carefully.') def check_imperative(self, paragraph): """ Check the given sentence/s for Imperatives. :param paragraph: The input paragraph to be tested. :return: A list of tuples having 2 elements (invalid word, parts of speech) or an empty list if no invalid words are found. """ words = nltk.word_tokenize(nltk.sent_tokenize(paragraph)[0]) # VBZ : Verb, 3rd person singular present, like 'adds', 'writes' # etc # VBD : Verb, Past tense , like 'added', 'wrote' etc # VBG : Verb, Present participle, like 'adding', 'writing' word, tag = nltk.pos_tag(['I'] + words)[1:2][0] if(tag.startswith('VBZ') or tag.startswith('VBD') or tag.startswith('VBG') or word.endswith('ing')): # Handle special case for VBG return (word, tag) else: return None def check_body(self, body, body_line_length: int=72, force_body: bool=False, ignore_length_regex: typed_list(str)=(), body_regex: str=None): """ Checks the given commit body. :param body: The body of the commit message of HEAD. :param body_line_length: The maximum line-length of the body. The newline character at each line end does not count to the length. :param force_body: Whether a body shall exist or not. :param ignore_length_regex: Lines matching each of the regular expressions in this list will be ignored. :param body_regex: If provided, checks the presence of regex in the commit body. """ if len(body) == 0: if force_body: yield Result(self, 'No commit message body at HEAD.') return if body[0] != '\n': yield Result(self, 'No newline found between shortlog and body at ' 'HEAD commit. Please add one.') return if body_regex and not re.fullmatch(body_regex, body.strip()): yield Result(self, 'No match found in commit message for the ' 'regular expression provided: %s' % body_regex) body = body.splitlines() ignore_regexes = [re.compile(regex) for regex in ignore_length_regex] if any((len(line) > body_line_length and not any( for regex in ignore_regexes)) for line in body[1:]): yield Result(self, 'Body of HEAD commit contains too long lines. ' 'Commit body lines should not exceed {} ' 'characters.'.format(body_line_length)) def check_issue_reference(self, body, body_close_issue: bool=False, body_close_issue_full_url: bool=False, body_close_issue_on_last_line: bool=False, body_enforce_issue_reference: bool=False): """ Check for matching issue related references and URLs. :param body: Body of the commit message of HEAD. :param body_close_issue: GitHub and GitLab support auto closing issues with commit messages. When enabled, this checks for matching keywords in the commit body by retrieving host information from git configuration. By default, if none of ``body_close_issue_full_url`` and ``body_close_issue_on_last_line`` are enabled, this checks for presence of short references like ``closes #213``. Otherwise behaves according to other chosen flags. More on keywords follows. [GitHub]( [GitLab]( :param body_close_issue_full_url: Checks the presence of issue close reference with a full URL related to some issue. Works along with ``body_close_issue``. :param body_close_issue_on_last_line: When enabled, checks for issue close reference presence on the last line of the commit body. Works along with ``body_close_issue``. :param body_enforce_issue_reference: Whether to enforce presence of issue reference in the body of commit message. """ if not body_close_issue: return host = self.get_host_from_remotes() if host not in self.SUPPORTED_HOST_KEYWORD_REGEX: return if body_close_issue_on_last_line: body = body.splitlines()[-1] result_message = ('Body of HEAD commit does not contain any {} ' 'reference in the last line.') else: result_message = ('Body of HEAD commit does not contain any {} ' 'reference.') if body_close_issue_full_url: result_info = 'full issue' issue_ref_regex = ( r'https?://{}\S+/issues/(\S+)'.format(re.escape(host))) else: result_info = 'issue' issue_ref_regex = r'(?:\w+/\w+)?#(\S+)' concat_regex = '|'.join(kw for kw in self.CONCATENATION_KEYWORDS) compiled_joint_regex = re.compile( r'(?:{0})\s+' # match issue related keywords, # eg: fix, closes etc. r'((?:\S(?!{1}))*\S' # match links/tags # eg: fix #123, fix r'(?:\s*(?:{1})\s*' # match conjunctions like ',','and' r'(?!{0})' # reject if new keywords appear r'(?:\S(?!{1}))*\S)*)' # match links/tags followed after # conjunctions if any r''.format( self.SUPPORTED_HOST_KEYWORD_REGEX[host], concat_regex)) matches = compiled_joint_regex.findall(body) if body_enforce_issue_reference and len(matches) == 0: yield Result(self, result_message.format(result_info)) return compiled_issue_ref_regex = re.compile(issue_ref_regex) compiled_issue_no_regex = re.compile(r'[1-9][0-9]*') compiled_concat_regex = re.compile( r'\s*(?:{})\s*'.format(concat_regex)) for match in matches: for issue in re.split(compiled_concat_regex, match): reference = compiled_issue_ref_regex.fullmatch(issue) if not reference: yield Result(self, 'Invalid {} reference: ' '{}'.format(result_info, issue)) elif not compiled_issue_no_regex.fullmatch( yield Result(self, 'Invalid issue number: ' '{}'.format(issue))
import dnslib.server import dnslib import time import binascii import struct NAME_LIMIT_HARD = 63 A = ord("A") Z = ord("Z") a = ord("a") z = ord("z") ZERO = ord("0") FIVE = ord("5") ir1 = lambda c: c <= Z and c >= A ir2 = lambda c: c <= z and c >= a ir3 = lambda c: c <= FIVE and c >= ZERO BASE32_SRC = b"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz012345" # q: why not use python's base64 module? # a: <+irungentoo> notsecure, I told you we should have used standard base32 # <notsecure> Jfreegman, irungentoo wanted to use a-z,2-7 for base32, # I chose a-z,0-5 # <notsecure> he said it would fuck with people using standard base32 # functions def notsecure32_decode(src): ret = [] bits = 0 op = 0 for char in (ord(s) for s in src): if ir1(char): char -= A elif ir2(char): char -= a elif ir3(char): char = (char - ZERO + 26) else: raise ValueError("this is an error apparently") op = (op | (char << bits)) % 256; bits += 5; if bits >= 8: bits -= 8 ret.append(op) op = (char >> (5 - bits)) % 256; return bytes(ret) # TODO optimize def notsecure32_encode(src): sl = len(src) ret = [] bits = 0 i = 0 while(i < sl): c1 = src[i] try: c2 = src[i + 1] except IndexError: c2 = 0 a = BASE32_SRC[((c1 >> bits) | (c2 << (8 - bits))) & 0x1F] ret.append(a) bits += 5 if bits >= 8: bits -= 8 i += 1 return bytes(ret) class ToxResolver(dnslib.server.BaseResolver): def __init__(self, cryptocore, store, cfg): self.cryptocore = cryptocore = store self.ttl = cfg["dns_record_ttl"] self.ireg = cfg["registration_domain"] self.home_addresses = cfg.get("home_addresses") self.home_addresses_6 = cfg.get("home_addresses_6") if not self.ireg.endswith("."): self.ireg = "".join((self.ireg, ".")) self.auth = cfg["dns_authority_name"] self.soa_rd = dnslib.SOA(cfg["dns_authority_name"], cfg["dns_hostmaster"].replace("@", ".")) self.soa = dnslib.RR("_tox.{0}".format(self.ireg), 6, ttl=86400, rdata=self.soa_rd) def update_soa(self): self.soa_rd.times = (int(time.strftime("%Y%m%d99")), 3600, 600, 86400, self.ttl) def resolve(self, request, handler): print(repr(request.get_q().qtype)) question = request.get_q() req_name = str(question.get_qname()) # TXT = 16 reply = request.reply() suffix = "._tox.{0}".format(self.ireg) if question.qtype != 16 and not req_name.endswith(self.ireg): reply.header.rcode = dnslib.RCODE.NXDOMAIN return reply if question.qtype == 16: if not req_name.endswith(suffix): reply.header.rcode = dnslib.RCODE.NXDOMAIN return reply user_name = req_name[:req_name.rfind(suffix)] if len(user_name) > NAME_LIMIT_HARD and user_name[0] == "_": encrypted = user_name.replace(".", "")[1:] try: b = notsecure32_decode(encrypted) nonce = b[:4] + (b"\0" * 20) ck = b[4:36] payload = b[36:] name = self.cryptocore.dsrep_decode_name(ck, nonce, payload) except Exception: print("error >_<") reply.header.rcode = dnslib.RCODE.NXDOMAIN return reply rec ="utf8")) if not rec: reply.header.rcode = dnslib.RCODE.NXDOMAIN return reply base = b"v=tox3;id=" if r_payload = "{0}{1}{2}".format(rec.public_key,, rec.checksum) else: r_payload = "{0}00000000{1}".format(rec.public_key, rec.checksum) msg = binascii.unhexlify(r_payload) nonce_reply = b[:4] + b"\x01" + (b"\0" * 19) ct = self.cryptocore.dsrec_encrypt_key(ck, nonce_reply, msg) key_part = notsecure32_encode(ct) reply.add_answer(dnslib.RR(req_name, 16, ttl=0, rdata=dnslib.TXT(b"".join((base, key_part))))) return reply else: rec = if not rec: reply.header.rcode = dnslib.RCODE.NXDOMAIN return reply else: reply.add_answer(dnslib.RR(req_name, 16, ttl=0, rdata=dnslib.TXT(rec.record(0) .encode("utf8")))) return reply elif question.qtype == 6: self.update_soa() reply.add_answer(self.soa) return reply elif question.qtype == 2: reply.add_answer(dnslib.RR(req_name, 2, ttl=86400, rdata=dnslib.NS(self.auth.encode("utf8")) )) return reply elif question.qtype == 1 and self.home_addresses: for ip in self.home_addresses: reply.add_answer(dnslib.RR(req_name, 1, ttl=3600, rdata=dnslib.A(ip))) elif question.qtype == 28 and self.home_addresses_6: for ip in self.home_addresses_6: reply.add_answer(dnslib.RR(req_name, 28, ttl=3600, rdata=dnslib.AAAA(ip))) else: reply.header.rcode = dnslib.RCODE.NXDOMAIN return reply return reply # TODO tornado ioloop integration def server(cryptocore, store, cfg): return dnslib.server.DNSServer(ToxResolver(cryptocore, store, cfg), port=53, address=cfg["dns_listen_addr"], logger=None, tcp=False)
# Generated by Django 3.1.11 on 2021-05-20 12:58 from django.conf import settings import django.core.validators from django.db import migrations, models import django.db.models.deletion import server.utils.model_fields class Migration(migrations.Migration): initial = True dependencies = [ migrations.swappable_dependency(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL), ] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name='Activity', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')), ('slug', models.CharField(default=server.utils.model_fields.random_slug, max_length=40, unique=True)), ('name', models.CharField(max_length=35)), ('target_audience', models.JSONField()), ('domain', models.CharField(max_length=55)), ('description', models.CharField(default='', max_length=400)), ('contact_name', models.CharField(default='', max_length=60)), ('logo', models.ImageField(blank=True, null=True, upload_to='')), ('phone_number', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=15, validators=[django.core.validators.RegexValidator(message='phone number must be between 9-15 digits', regex='^\\d{9,15}$')])), ], ), migrations.CreateModel( name='Organization', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')), ('slug', models.CharField(default=server.utils.model_fields.random_slug, max_length=40, unique=True)), ('email', models.EmailField(max_length=254)), ('description', models.CharField(max_length=250)), ('website_url', models.URLField()), ('name', models.CharField(max_length=50)), ('goal', models.CharField(max_length=250)), ('year_founded', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=4, null=True)), ('status', models.CharField(max_length=50)), ('target_audience', models.JSONField()), ('number_of_employees', models.PositiveIntegerField()), ('nuber_of_members', models.PositiveIntegerField()), ('number_of_volunteers', models.PositiveIntegerField()), ('location_lon', models.DecimalField(decimal_places=6, max_digits=9)), ('location_lat', models.DecimalField(decimal_places=6, max_digits=9)), ('address_city', models.CharField(max_length=150)), ('address_street', models.CharField(max_length=150)), ('address_house_num', models.CharField(max_length=4)), ('address_zipcode', models.CharField(max_length=9)), ('cities', models.JSONField()), ('districts', models.JSONField()), ('union_type', models.CharField(max_length=50)), ], ), migrations.CreateModel( name='OrganizationMemeber', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')), ('organization', models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, to='organizations.organization')), ('user', models.OneToOneField(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to=settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL)), ], ), migrations.CreateModel( name='ActivityMedia', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')), ('slug', models.CharField(default=server.utils.model_fields.random_slug, max_length=40, unique=True)), ('name', models.CharField(max_length=40)), ('image_url', models.ImageField(blank=True, null=True, upload_to='')), ('video_url', models.URLField(blank=True, null=True)), ('activity', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='rich_media', to='organizations.activity')), ], ), migrations.AddField( model_name='activity', name='originization', field=models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, to='organizations.organization'), ), ]
from distutils.command.install import install as install_orig from distutils.errors import DistutilsExecError from setuptools import setup class install(install_orig): def run(self): try: self.spawn(['make', 'install']) except DistutilsExecError: self.warn('listing directory failed') super().run()