import contextlib import functools import io import os import time from typing import Union import av import numpy as np import torch class FrameSelectionMethod: """ Enum-like class for frame selection methods 🎞 """ RANDOM: str = "random" # 🎲 UNIFORM: str = "uniform" # 📏 SEQUENTIAL: str = "sequential" # def seek_to_second(container, stream, second): # Convert the second to the stream's time base timestamp = int( second * stream.time_base.denominator / stream.time_base.numerator ) # Seek to the timestamp, stream=stream) return container def duration_in_seconds(stream): return float(stream.duration * stream.time_base) def frame_timestamp_in_seconds(frame, stream): return float(frame.pts * stream.time_base) def duration_in_seconds_from_path(video_path, modality): with as container: stream = next(s for s in container.streams if s.type == modality) return duration_in_seconds(stream) def suppress_stderr(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): with open(os.devnull, "w") as devnull: with contextlib.redirect_stderr(devnull): return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper @suppress_stderr def extract_frames_pyav( video_data: Union[str, bytes], modality: str, starting_second: float, ending_second: float, num_frames: int, rng: np.random.Generator, frame_selection_method: str = "RANDOM", key_frames_only: bool = False, stereo_audio_if_available: bool = False, single_image_frame: bool = False, ) -> torch.Tensor: frame_dict = {} video_source = ( io.BytesIO(video_data) if isinstance(video_data, bytes) else video_data ) with as container: stream = next(s for s in container.streams if s.type == modality) if key_frames_only: stream.codec_context.skip_frame = "NONKEY" container = seek_to_second(container, stream, starting_second) # Get the duration of the video video_duration = duration_in_seconds(stream) # print(f"Video duration: {video_duration} seconds") # Get the FPS of the video video_fps = stream.average_rate # print(f"Video FPS: {video_fps}") for frame in container.decode(stream): #"Frame timestamp: {frame}") frame_timestamp = frame_timestamp_in_seconds(frame, stream) #"Frame timestamp: {frame_timestamp}") array_frame = torch.from_numpy( frame.to_ndarray( format="rgb24" if modality == "video" else None ) ) if modality == "video" and len(array_frame.shape) == 2: array_frame = array_frame.unsqueeze(0) if modality == "audio" and not stereo_audio_if_available: array_frame = array_frame[0].unsqueeze(0) if frame_timestamp > ending_second: break frame_dict[frame_timestamp] = array_frame #"Frame dict: {frame_dict}") if single_image_frame: break frame_values = ( torch.stack(list(frame_dict.values())) if modality == "video" else, dim=1).permute(1, 0) ) if frame_selection_method == FrameSelectionMethod.RANDOM: frame_indices = rng.choice( len(frame_values), min(num_frames, len(frame_values)), replace=key_frames_only, ) elif frame_selection_method == FrameSelectionMethod.UNIFORM: frame_indices = np.linspace( 0, len(frame_values), min(num_frames, len(frame_values)), endpoint=False, dtype=int, ) elif frame_selection_method == FrameSelectionMethod.SEQUENTIAL: frame_indices = np.arange(0, min(num_frames, len(frame_values))) frame_indices = sorted(set(frame_indices)) output = frame_values[frame_indices] if modality == "video" and len(output.shape) == 3: output = output.unsqueeze(0) return output def test_extract_frames_video_pyav(): video_path = "/data/datasets/tali-wit-2-1-buckets/video_data.parquet/550/550321/4chLRYT8ylY/360p_90.mp4" video_path = "/data/datasets/tali-wit-2-1-buckets//video_data.parquet/10/10586/SA7bKo4HRTg/360p_0.mp4" modality = "video" start_time = 10 end_time = 20 num_frames = 30 rng = np.random.default_rng() for selection_method in [ FrameSelectionMethod.RANDOM, FrameSelectionMethod.UNIFORM, FrameSelectionMethod.SEQUENTIAL, ]: for i in range(5): time_list = [] for key_frames_only in [False]: start_fn_time = time.time() frames = extract_frames_pyav( video_path=video_path, modality=modality, starting_second=start_time, ending_second=end_time, num_frames=num_frames, rng=rng, frame_selection_method=selection_method, key_frames_only=key_frames_only, ) end_fn_time = time.time() time_list.append(end_fn_time - start_fn_time) print( f"Using {selection_method} frame selection method 🎲, with key_frames_only: {key_frames_only}, have extracted {frames.shape}, mean time {np.mean(time_list)} seconds, std time {np.std(time_list)} seconds" ) def test_extract_frames_audio_pyav(): video_path = "/data/datasets/tali-wit-2-1-buckets/video_data.parquet/550/550321/4chLRYT8ylY/360p_90.mp4" video_path = "/data/datasets/tali-wit-2-1-buckets//video_data.parquet/10/10586/SA7bKo4HRTg/360p_0.mp4" modality = "audio" start_time = 10 end_time = 20 num_frames = 88200 rng = np.random.default_rng() for selection_method in [ FrameSelectionMethod.RANDOM, FrameSelectionMethod.UNIFORM, FrameSelectionMethod.SEQUENTIAL, ]: for i in range(5): time_list = [] for key_frames_only in [False]: start_fn_time = time.time() frames = extract_frames_pyav( video_path=video_path, modality=modality, starting_second=start_time, ending_second=end_time, num_frames=num_frames, rng=rng, frame_selection_method=selection_method, key_frames_only=key_frames_only, stereo_audio_if_available=False, ) end_fn_time = time.time() time_list.append(end_fn_time - start_fn_time) print( f"Using {selection_method} frame selection method 🎲, with key_frames_only: {key_frames_only}, have extracted {frames.shape}, mean time {np.mean(time_list)} seconds, std time {np.std(time_list)} seconds" ) if __name__ == "__main__": # test_extract_frames_torchvision() # test_extract_frames_video_pyav() test_extract_frames_audio_pyav()