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#![allow(clippy::borrow_deref_ref)] // clippy warns about code generated by #[pymethods]
use super::{OperatorEvent, StopReason};
use dora_core::{
config::{NodeId, OperatorId},
descriptor::{source_is_url, Descriptor, PythonSource},
use dora_download::download_file;
use dora_node_api::Event;
use dora_operator_api_python::PyEvent;
use dora_operator_api_types::DoraStatus;
use eyre::{bail, eyre, Context, Result};
use pyo3::{
types::{IntoPyDict, PyAnyMethods, PyDict, PyTracebackMethods},
Py, PyAny, Python,
use std::{
panic::{catch_unwind, AssertUnwindSafe},
use tokio::sync::{mpsc::Sender, oneshot};
use tracing::{error, field, span, warn};
fn traceback(err: pyo3::PyErr) -> eyre::Report {
let traceback = Python::with_gil(|py| err.traceback_bound(py).and_then(|t| t.format().ok()));
if let Some(traceback) = traceback {
} else {
#[tracing::instrument(skip(events_tx, incoming_events), level = "trace")]
pub fn run(
node_id: &NodeId,
operator_id: &OperatorId,
python_source: &PythonSource,
events_tx: Sender<OperatorEvent>,
incoming_events: flume::Receiver<Event>,
init_done: oneshot::Sender<Result<()>>,
dataflow_descriptor: &Descriptor,
) -> eyre::Result<()> {
let path = if source_is_url(&python_source.source) {
let target_path = Path::new("build")
.join(format!("{}.py", operator_id));
// try to download the shared library
let rt = tokio::runtime::Builder::new_current_thread()
rt.block_on(download_file(&python_source.source, &target_path))
.wrap_err("failed to download Python operator")?;
} else {
if !path.exists() {
bail!("No python file exists at {}", path.display());
let path = path
.wrap_err_with(|| format!("no file found at `{}`", path.display()))?;
let module_name = path
.ok_or_else(|| eyre!("module path has no file stem"))?
.ok_or_else(|| eyre!("module file stem is not valid utf8"))?;
let path_parent = path.parent();
let send_output = SendOutputCallback {
events_tx: events_tx.clone(),
let init_operator = move |py: Python| {
if let Some(parent_path) = path_parent {
let parent_path = parent_path
.ok_or_else(|| eyre!("module path is not valid utf8"))?;
let sys = py
.wrap_err("failed to import `sys` module")?;
let sys_path = sys
.wrap_err("failed to import `sys.path` module")?;
let sys_path_append = sys_path
.wrap_err("`sys.path.append` was not found")?;
.wrap_err("failed to append module path to python search path")?;
let module = py.import_bound(module_name).map_err(traceback)?;
let operator_class = module
.wrap_err("no `Operator` class found in module")?;
let locals = [("Operator", operator_class)].into_py_dict_bound(py);
let operator = py
.eval_bound("Operator()", None, Some(&locals))
pythonize::pythonize(py, dataflow_descriptor)?,
Result::<_, eyre::Report>::Ok(Py::from(operator))
let python_runner = move || {
let mut operator =
match Python::with_gil(init_operator).wrap_err("failed to init python operator") {
Ok(op) => {
let _ = init_done.send(Ok(()));
Err(err) => {
let _ = init_done.send(Err(err));
bail!("Could not init python operator")
let mut reload = false;
let reason = loop {
let Ok(mut event) = incoming_events.recv() else {
break StopReason::InputsClosed;
if let Event::Reload { .. } = event {
reload = true;
// Reloading method
match Python::with_gil(|py| -> Result<Py<PyAny>> {
// Saving current state
let current_state = operator
.getattr(py, "__dict__")
.wrap_err("Could not retrieve current operator state")?;
let current_state = current_state
.wrap_err("could not extract operator state as a PyDict")?;
// Reload module
let module = py
.wrap_err(format!("Could not retrieve {module_name} while reloading"))?;
let importlib = py
.wrap_err("failed to import `importlib` module")?;
let module = importlib
.call_method("reload", (module,), None)
.wrap_err(format!("Could not reload {module_name} while reloading"))?;
let reloaded_operator_class = module
.wrap_err("no `Operator` class found in module")?;
// Create a new reloaded operator
let locals = [("Operator", reloaded_operator_class)].into_py_dict_bound(py);
let operator: Py<pyo3::PyAny> = py
.eval_bound("Operator()", None, Some(&locals))
.wrap_err("Could not initialize reloaded operator")?
// Replace initialized state with current state
.getattr(py, "__dict__")
.wrap_err("Could not retrieve new operator state")?
.wrap_err("could not extract new operator state as a PyDict")?
.wrap_err("could not restore operator state")?;
}) {
Ok(reloaded_operator) => {
operator = reloaded_operator;
Err(err) => {
error!("Failed to reload operator.\n {err}");
let status = Python::with_gil(|py| -> Result<i32> {
let span = span!(tracing::Level::TRACE, "on_event", input_id = field::Empty);
let _ = span.enter();
// Add metadata context if we have a tracer and
// incoming input has some metadata.
#[cfg(feature = "telemetry")]
if let Event::Input {
id: input_id,
} = &mut event
use dora_tracing::telemetry::{deserialize_context, serialize_context};
use tracing_opentelemetry::OpenTelemetrySpanExt;
span.record("input_id", input_id.as_str());
let cx = deserialize_context(&metadata.parameters.open_telemetry_context);
let cx = span.context();
let string_cx = serialize_context(&cx);
metadata.parameters.open_telemetry_context = string_cx;
let py_event = PyEvent::from(event);
let status_enum = operator
.call_method1(py, "on_event", (py_event, send_output.clone()))
match status_enum {
Ok(status_enum) => {
let status_val = Python::with_gil(|py| status_enum.getattr(py, "value"))
.wrap_err("on_event must have enum return value")?;
Python::with_gil(|py| status_val.extract(py))
.wrap_err("on_event has invalid return value")
Err(err) => {
if reload {
// Allow error in hot reloading environment to help development.
Ok(DoraStatus::Continue as i32)
} else {
match status {
s if s == DoraStatus::Continue as i32 => {} // ok
s if s == DoraStatus::Stop as i32 => break StopReason::ExplicitStop,
s if s == DoraStatus::StopAll as i32 => break StopReason::ExplicitStopAll,
other => bail!("on_event returned invalid status {other}"),
// Dropping the operator using Python garbage collector.
// Locking the GIL for immediate release.
Python::with_gil(|_py| {
Result::<_, eyre::Report>::Ok(reason)
let closure = AssertUnwindSafe(|| {
python_runner().wrap_err_with(|| format!("error in Python module at {}", path.display()))
match catch_unwind(closure) {
Ok(Ok(reason)) => {
let _ = events_tx.blocking_send(OperatorEvent::Finished { reason });
Ok(Err(err)) => {
let _ = events_tx.blocking_send(OperatorEvent::Error(err));
Err(panic) => {
let _ = events_tx.blocking_send(OperatorEvent::Panic(panic));
struct SendOutputCallback {
events_tx: Sender<OperatorEvent>,
mod callback_impl {
use crate::operator::OperatorEvent;
use super::SendOutputCallback;
use aligned_vec::{AVec, ConstAlign};
use arrow::{array::ArrayData, pyarrow::FromPyArrow};
use dora_core::message::ArrowTypeInfo;
use dora_node_api::{
arrow_utils::{copy_array_into_sample, required_data_size},
use dora_operator_api_python::pydict_to_metadata;
use dora_tracing::telemetry::deserialize_context;
use eyre::{eyre, Context, Result};
use pyo3::{
types::{PyBytes, PyBytesMethods, PyDict},
Bound, PyObject, Python,
use tokio::sync::oneshot;
use tracing::{field, span};
use tracing_opentelemetry::OpenTelemetrySpanExt;
/// Send an output from the operator:
/// - the first argument is the `output_id` as defined in your dataflow.
/// - the second argument is the data as either bytes or pyarrow.Array for zero copy.
/// - the third argument is dora metadata if you want to link the tracing from one input into an output.
/// `e.g.: send_output("bbox", pa.array([100], type=pa.uint8()), dora_event["metadata"])`
impl SendOutputCallback {
fn __call__(
&mut self,
output: &str,
data: PyObject,
metadata: Option<Bound<'_, PyDict>>,
py: Python,
) -> Result<()> {
let parameters = pydict_to_metadata(metadata)
.wrap_err("failed to parse metadata")?
let span = span!(
output_id = field::Empty
span.record("output_id", output);
let cx = deserialize_context(&parameters.open_telemetry_context);
let _ = span.enter();
let allocate_sample = |data_len| {
if data_len > ZERO_COPY_THRESHOLD {
let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
.blocking_send(OperatorEvent::AllocateOutputSample {
len: data_len,
sample: tx,
.map_err(|_| eyre!("failed to send output to runtime"))?;
.wrap_err("failed to request output sample")?
.wrap_err("failed to allocate output sample")
} else {
let avec: AVec<u8, ConstAlign<128>> = AVec::__from_elem(128, 0, data_len);
let (sample, type_info) = if let Ok(py_bytes) = data.downcast_bound::<PyBytes>(py) {
let data = py_bytes.as_bytes();
let mut sample = allocate_sample(data.len())?;
(sample, ArrowTypeInfo::byte_array(data.len()))
} else if let Ok(arrow_array) = ArrayData::from_pyarrow_bound(data.bind(py)) {
let total_len = required_data_size(&arrow_array);
let mut sample = allocate_sample(total_len)?;
let type_info = copy_array_into_sample(&mut sample, &arrow_array);
(sample, type_info)
} else {
eyre::bail!("invalid `data` type, must by `PyBytes` or arrow array")
py.allow_threads(|| {
let event = OperatorEvent::Output {
output_id: output.to_owned().into(),
data: Some(sample),
.map_err(|_| eyre!("failed to send output to runtime"))