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use std::{
path::{Path, PathBuf},
use ::dora_ros2_bridge::{ros2_client, rustdds};
use arrow::{
array::{make_array, ArrayData},
pyarrow::{FromPyArrow, ToPyArrow},
use dora_ros2_bridge_msg_gen::types::Message;
use eyre::{eyre, Context, ContextCompat, Result};
use futures::{Stream, StreamExt};
use pyo3::{
prelude::{pyclass, pymethods},
types::{PyAnyMethods, PyDict, PyList, PyModule, PyModuleMethods},
Bound, PyAny, PyObject, PyResult, Python,
use typed::{deserialize::StructDeserializer, TypeInfo, TypedValue};
pub mod qos;
pub mod typed;
/// ROS2 Context holding all messages definition for receiving and sending messages to ROS2.
/// By default, Ros2Context will use env `AMENT_PREFIX_PATH` to search for message definition.
/// AMENT_PREFIX_PATH folder structure should be the following:
/// - For messages: <namespace>/msg/<name>.msg
/// - For services: <namespace>/srv/<name>.srv
/// You can also use `ros_paths` if you don't want to use env variable.
/// warning::
/// dora Ros2 bridge functionality is considered **unstable**. It may be changed
/// at any point without it being considered a breaking change.
/// ```python
/// context = Ros2Context()
/// ```
/// :type ros_paths: typing.List[str], optional
pub struct Ros2Context {
context: ros2_client::Context,
messages: Arc<HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Message>>>,
impl Ros2Context {
/// Create a new context
pub fn new(ros_paths: Option<Vec<PathBuf>>) -> eyre::Result<Self> {
Python::with_gil(|py| -> Result<()> {
let warnings = py
.wrap_err("failed to import `warnings` module")?;
.call_method1("warn", ("dora-rs ROS2 Bridge is unstable and may change at any point without it being considered a breaking change",))
.wrap_err("failed to call `warnings.warn` module")?;
let ament_prefix_path = std::env::var("AMENT_PREFIX_PATH");
let empty = String::new();
let paths: Vec<_> = match &ros_paths {
Some(paths) => paths.iter().map(|p| p.as_path()).collect(),
None => {
let ament_prefix_path_parsed = match &ament_prefix_path {
Ok(path) => path,
Err(std::env::VarError::NotPresent) => &empty,
Err(std::env::VarError::NotUnicode(s)) => {
"AMENT_PREFIX_PATH is not valid unicode: `{}`",
let packages = dora_ros2_bridge_msg_gen::get_packages(&paths)
.map_err(|err| eyre!(err))
.context("failed to parse ROS2 message types")?;
let mut messages = HashMap::new();
for message in packages.into_iter().flat_map(|p| p.messages.into_iter()) {
let entry: &mut HashMap<String, Message> =
entry.insert(, message);
Ok(Self {
context: ros2_client::Context::new()?,
messages: Arc::new(messages),
/// Create a new ROS2 node
/// ```python
/// ros2_node = ros2_context.new_node(
/// "turtle_teleop",
/// "/ros2_demo",
/// Ros2NodeOptions(rosout=True),
/// )
/// ```
/// warning::
/// dora Ros2 bridge functionality is considered **unstable**. It may be changed
/// at any point without it being considered a breaking change.
/// :type name: str
/// :type namespace: str
/// :type options: dora.Ros2NodeOptions
/// :rtype: dora.Ros2Node
pub fn new_node(
name: &str,
namespace: &str,
options: Ros2NodeOptions,
) -> eyre::Result<Ros2Node> {
let name = ros2_client::NodeName::new(namespace, name)
.map_err(|err| eyre!("invalid node name: {err}"))?;
Ok(Ros2Node {
node: self
.new_node(name, options.into())
.map_err(|e| eyre::eyre!("failed to create ROS2 node: {e:?}"))?,
messages: self.messages.clone(),
/// ROS2 Node
/// warnings::
/// - dora Ros2 bridge functionality is considered **unstable**. It may be changed
/// at any point without it being considered a breaking change.
/// - There's a known issue about ROS2 nodes not being discoverable by ROS2
/// See:
pub struct Ros2Node {
node: ros2_client::Node,
messages: Arc<HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Message>>>,
impl Ros2Node {
/// Create a ROS2 topic to connect to.
/// ```python
/// turtle_twist_topic = ros2_node.create_topic(
/// "/turtle1/cmd_vel", "geometry_msgs/Twist", topic_qos
/// )
/// ```
/// :type name: str
/// :type message_type: str
/// :type qos: dora.Ros2QosPolicies
/// :rtype: dora.Ros2Topic
pub fn create_topic(
name: &str,
message_type: String,
qos: qos::Ros2QosPolicies,
) -> eyre::Result<Ros2Topic> {
let (namespace_name, message_name) =
match (message_type.split_once('/'), message_type.split_once("::")) {
(Some(msg), None) => msg,
(None, Some(msg)) => msg,
_ => eyre::bail!("Expected message type in the format `namespace/message` or `namespace::message`, such as `std_msgs/UInt8` but got: {}", message_type),
let message_type_name = ros2_client::MessageTypeName::new(namespace_name, message_name);
let topic_name = ros2_client::Name::parse(name)
.map_err(|err| eyre!("failed to parse ROS2 topic name: {err}"))?;
let topic = self
.create_topic(&topic_name, message_type_name, &qos.into())?;
let type_info = TypeInfo {
package_name: namespace_name.to_owned().into(),
message_name: message_name.to_owned().into(),
messages: self.messages.clone(),
Ok(Ros2Topic { topic, type_info })
/// Create a ROS2 publisher
/// ```python
/// pose_publisher = ros2_node.create_publisher(turtle_pose_topic)
/// ```
/// warnings:
/// - dora Ros2 bridge functionality is considered **unstable**. It may be changed
/// at any point without it being considered a breaking change.
/// :type topic: dora.Ros2Topic
/// :type qos: dora.Ros2QosPolicies, optional
/// :rtype: dora.Ros2Publisher
pub fn create_publisher(
&mut self,
topic: &Ros2Topic,
qos: Option<qos::Ros2QosPolicies>,
) -> eyre::Result<Ros2Publisher> {
let publisher = self
Ok(Ros2Publisher {
type_info: topic.type_info.clone(),
/// Create a ROS2 subscription
/// ```python
/// pose_reader = ros2_node.create_subscription(turtle_pose_topic)
/// ```
/// warnings:
/// - dora Ros2 bridge functionality is considered **unstable**. It may be changed
/// at any point without it being considered a breaking change.
/// :type topic: dora.Ros2Topic
/// :type qos: dora.Ros2QosPolicies, optional
/// :rtype: dora.Ros2Subscription
pub fn create_subscription(
&mut self,
topic: &Ros2Topic,
qos: Option<qos::Ros2QosPolicies>,
) -> eyre::Result<Ros2Subscription> {
let subscription = self
Ok(Ros2Subscription {
subscription: Some(subscription),
deserializer: StructDeserializer::new(Cow::Owned(topic.type_info.clone())),
/// ROS2 Node Options
/// :type rosout: bool, optional
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
pub struct Ros2NodeOptions {
pub rosout: bool,
impl Ros2NodeOptions {
pub fn new(rosout: Option<bool>) -> Self {
Self {
rosout: rosout.unwrap_or(false),
impl From<Ros2NodeOptions> for ros2_client::NodeOptions {
fn from(value: Ros2NodeOptions) -> Self {
/// ROS2 Topic
/// :type rosout: bool, optional
/// warnings:
/// - dora Ros2 bridge functionality is considered **unstable**. It may be changed
/// at any point without it being considered a breaking change.
pub struct Ros2Topic {
topic: rustdds::Topic,
type_info: TypeInfo<'static>,
/// ROS2 Publisher
/// warnings:
/// - dora Ros2 bridge functionality is considered **unstable**. It may be changed
/// at any point without it being considered a breaking change.
pub struct Ros2Publisher {
publisher: ros2_client::Publisher<TypedValue<'static>>,
type_info: TypeInfo<'static>,
impl Ros2Publisher {
/// Publish a message into ROS2 topic.
/// Remember that the data format should respect the structure of the ROS2 message using an arrow Structure.
/// ex:
/// ```python
/// gripper_command.publish(
/// pa.array(
/// [
/// {
/// "name": "gripper",
/// "cmd": np.float32(5),
/// }
/// ]
/// ),
/// )
/// ```
/// :type data: pyarrow.Array
/// :rtype: None
pub fn publish(&self, data: Bound<'_, PyAny>) -> eyre::Result<()> {
let pyarrow = PyModule::import_bound(, "pyarrow")?;
let data = if data.is_instance_of::<PyDict>() {
// convert to arrow struct scalar
} else {
let data = if data.is_instance(&pyarrow.getattr("StructScalar")?)? {
// convert to arrow array
let list = PyList::new_bound(, [data]);
} else {
let value = arrow::array::ArrayData::from_pyarrow_bound(&data)?;
//// add type info to ensure correct serialization (e.g. struct types
//// and map types need to be serialized differently)
let typed_value = TypedValue {
value: &make_array(value),
type_info: &self.type_info,
.map_err(|e| e.forget_data())
.context("publish failed")?;
/// ROS2 Subscription
/// warnings:
/// - dora Ros2 bridge functionality is considered **unstable**. It may be changed
/// at any point without it being considered a breaking change.
pub struct Ros2Subscription {
deserializer: StructDeserializer<'static>,
subscription: Option<ros2_client::Subscription<ArrayData>>,
impl Ros2Subscription {
pub fn next(&self, py: Python) -> eyre::Result<Option<PyObject>> {
let message = self
.context("subscription was already used")?
.context("failed to take next message from subscription")?;
let Some((value, _info)) = message else {
return Ok(None);
let message = value.to_pyarrow(py)?;
// TODO: add `info`
impl Ros2Subscription {
pub fn into_stream(&mut self) -> eyre::Result<Ros2SubscriptionStream> {
let subscription = self
.context("subscription was already used")?;
Ok(Ros2SubscriptionStream {
deserializer: self.deserializer.clone(),
pub struct Ros2SubscriptionStream {
deserializer: StructDeserializer<'static>,
subscription: ros2_client::Subscription<ArrayData>,
impl Ros2SubscriptionStream {
pub fn as_stream(
) -> impl Stream<Item = Result<(ArrayData, ros2_client::MessageInfo), rustdds::dds::ReadError>> + '_
impl Stream for Ros2SubscriptionStream {
type Item = Result<(ArrayData, ros2_client::MessageInfo), rustdds::dds::ReadError>;
fn poll_next(
self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>,
cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>,
) -> std::task::Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
let s = self.as_stream();
pub fn create_dora_ros2_bridge_module(m: &Bound<'_, PyModule>) -> PyResult<()> {