use crate::{ log, node_communication::spawn_listener_loop, node_inputs, runtime_node_inputs, runtime_node_outputs, DoraEvent, Event, NodeExitStatus, OutputId, }; use aligned_vec::{AVec, ConstAlign}; use dora_arrow_convert::IntoArrow; use dora_core::{ config::{DataId, NodeRunConfig}, daemon_messages::{DataMessage, DataflowId, NodeConfig, RuntimeConfig, Timestamped}, descriptor::{ resolve_path, source_is_url, Descriptor, OperatorDefinition, OperatorSource, PythonSource, ResolvedNode, SHELL_SOURCE, }, get_python_path, message::uhlc::HLC, }; use dora_download::download_file; use dora_node_api::{ arrow::array::ArrayData, arrow_utils::{copy_array_into_sample, required_data_size}, Metadata, }; use eyre::{ContextCompat, WrapErr}; use std::{ env::consts::EXE_EXTENSION, path::{Path, PathBuf}, process::Stdio, sync::Arc, }; use tokio::{ fs::File, io::{AsyncBufReadExt, AsyncWriteExt}, sync::{mpsc, oneshot}, }; use tracing::{debug, error}; /// clock is required for generating timestamps when dropping messages early because queue is full pub async fn spawn_node( dataflow_id: DataflowId, working_dir: &Path, node: ResolvedNode, daemon_tx: mpsc::Sender>, dataflow_descriptor: Descriptor, clock: Arc, ) -> eyre::Result { let node_id =; tracing::debug!("Spawning node `{dataflow_id}/{node_id}`"); let queue_sizes = node_inputs(&node) .into_iter() .map(|(k, v)| (k, v.queue_size.unwrap_or(10))) .collect(); let daemon_communication = spawn_listener_loop( &dataflow_id, &node_id, &daemon_tx, dataflow_descriptor.communication.local, queue_sizes, clock.clone(), ) .await?; let send_stdout_to = node .send_stdout_as() .context("Could not resolve `send_stdout_as` configuration")?; let mut child = match node.kind { dora_core::descriptor::CoreNodeKind::Custom(n) => { let mut command = match n.source.as_str() { SHELL_SOURCE => { if cfg!(target_os = "windows") { let mut cmd = tokio::process::Command::new("cmd"); cmd.args(["/C", &n.args.clone().unwrap_or_default()]); cmd } else { let mut cmd = tokio::process::Command::new("sh"); cmd.args(["-c", &n.args.clone().unwrap_or_default()]); cmd } } source => { let resolved_path = if source_is_url(source) { // try to download the shared library let target_path = Path::new("build") .join(node_id.to_string()) .with_extension(EXE_EXTENSION); download_file(source, &target_path) .await .wrap_err("failed to download custom node")?; target_path.clone() } else { resolve_path(source, working_dir).wrap_err_with(|| { format!("failed to resolve node source `{}`", source) })? }; // If extension is .py, use python to run the script let mut cmd = match resolved_path.extension().map(|ext| ext.to_str()) { Some(Some("py")) => { let python = get_python_path().context("Could not get python path")?; tracing::info!("spawning: {:?} {}", &python, resolved_path.display()); let mut cmd = tokio::process::Command::new(&python); cmd.arg(&resolved_path); cmd } _ => { tracing::info!("spawning: {}", resolved_path.display()); tokio::process::Command::new(&resolved_path) } }; if let Some(args) = &n.args { cmd.args(args.split_ascii_whitespace()); } cmd } }; command.current_dir(working_dir); command.stdin(Stdio::null()); let node_config = NodeConfig { dataflow_id, node_id: node_id.clone(), run_config: n.run_config.clone(), daemon_communication, dataflow_descriptor, }; command.env( "DORA_NODE_CONFIG", serde_yaml::to_string(&node_config).wrap_err("failed to serialize node config")?, ); // Injecting the env variable defined in the `yaml` into // the node runtime. if let Some(envs) = node.env { for (key, value) in envs { command.env(key, value.to_string()); } } if let Some(envs) = n.envs { // node has some inner env variables -> add them too for (key, value) in envs { command.env(key, value.to_string()); } } command .stdin(Stdio::null()) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .stderr(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() .wrap_err_with(move || { format!( "failed to run `{}` with args `{}`", n.source, n.args.as_deref().unwrap_or_default(), ) })? } dora_core::descriptor::CoreNodeKind::Runtime(n) => { let python_operators: Vec<&OperatorDefinition> = n .operators .iter() .filter(|x| matches!(x.config.source, OperatorSource::Python { .. })) .collect(); let other_operators = n .operators .iter() .any(|x| !matches!(x.config.source, OperatorSource::Python { .. })); let mut command = if !python_operators.is_empty() && !other_operators { // Use python to spawn runtime if there is a python operator // TODO: Handle multi-operator runtime once sub-interpreter is supported if python_operators.len() > 2 { eyre::bail!( "Runtime currently only support one Python Operator. This is because pyo4 sub-interpreter is not yet available. See:" ); } let python_operator = python_operators .first() .context("Runtime had no operators definition.")?; if let OperatorSource::Python(PythonSource { source: _, conda_env: Some(conda_env), }) = &python_operator.config.source { let conda = which::which("conda").context( "failed to find `conda`, yet a `conda_env` was defined. Make sure that `conda` is available.", )?; let mut command = tokio::process::Command::new(conda); command.args([ "run", "-n", &conda_env, "python", "-c", format!("import dora; dora.start_runtime() # {}",, ]); command } else { let python = get_python_path() .context("Could not find python path when spawning runtime node")?; let mut command = tokio::process::Command::new(python); command.args([ "-c", format!("import dora; dora.start_runtime() # {}",, ]); command } } else if python_operators.is_empty() && other_operators { let mut cmd = tokio::process::Command::new( std::env::current_exe().wrap_err("failed to get current executable path")?, ); cmd.arg("runtime"); cmd } else { eyre::bail!("Runtime can not mix Python Operator with other type of operator."); }; command.current_dir(working_dir); let runtime_config = RuntimeConfig { node: NodeConfig { dataflow_id, node_id: node_id.clone(), run_config: NodeRunConfig { inputs: runtime_node_inputs(&n), outputs: runtime_node_outputs(&n), }, daemon_communication, dataflow_descriptor, }, operators: n.operators, }; command.env( "DORA_RUNTIME_CONFIG", serde_yaml::to_string(&runtime_config) .wrap_err("failed to serialize runtime config")?, ); // Injecting the env variable defined in the `yaml` into // the node runtime. if let Some(envs) = node.env { for (key, value) in envs { command.env(key, value.to_string()); } } command .stdin(Stdio::null()) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .stderr(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() .wrap_err(format!( "failed to run runtime {}/{}", runtime_config.node.dataflow_id, runtime_config.node.node_id ))? } }; let dataflow_dir: PathBuf = working_dir.join("out").join(dataflow_id.to_string()); if !dataflow_dir.exists() { std::fs::create_dir_all(&dataflow_dir).context("could not create dataflow_dir")?; } let (tx, mut rx) = mpsc::channel(10); let mut file = File::create(log::log_path(working_dir, &dataflow_id, &node_id)) .await .expect("Failed to create log file"); let mut child_stdout = tokio::io::BufReader::new(child.stdout.take().expect("failed to take stdout")); let pid =; let stdout_tx = tx.clone(); // Stdout listener stream tokio::spawn(async move { let mut buffer = String::new(); let mut finished = false; while !finished { let mut raw = Vec::new(); finished = match child_stdout .read_until(b'\n', &mut raw) .await .wrap_err_with(|| format!("failed to read stdout line from spawned node {node_id}")) { Ok(0) => true, Ok(_) => false, Err(err) => { tracing::warn!("{err:?}"); false } }; match String::from_utf8(raw) { Ok(s) => buffer.push_str(&s), Err(err) => { let lossy = String::from_utf8_lossy(err.as_bytes()); tracing::warn!( "stdout not valid UTF-8 string (node {node_id}): {}: {lossy}", err.utf8_error() ); buffer.push_str(&lossy) } }; if buffer.contains("TRACE") || buffer.contains("INFO") || buffer.contains("DEBUG") || buffer.contains("WARN") || buffer.contains("ERROR") { // tracing output, potentially multi-line -> keep reading following lines // until double-newline if !buffer.ends_with("\n\n") && !finished { continue; } } // send the buffered lines let lines = std::mem::take(&mut buffer); let sent = stdout_tx.send(lines.clone()).await; if sent.is_err() { println!("Could not log: {lines}"); } } }); let mut child_stderr = tokio::io::BufReader::new(child.stderr.take().expect("failed to take stderr")); // Stderr listener stream let stderr_tx = tx.clone(); let node_id =; let uhlc = clock.clone(); let daemon_tx_log = daemon_tx.clone(); tokio::spawn(async move { let mut buffer = String::new(); let mut finished = false; while !finished { let mut raw = Vec::new(); finished = match child_stderr .read_until(b'\n', &mut raw) .await .wrap_err_with(|| format!("failed to read stderr line from spawned node {node_id}")) { Ok(0) => true, Ok(_) => false, Err(err) => { tracing::warn!("{err:?}"); true } }; match String::from_utf8(raw) { Ok(s) => buffer.push_str(&s), Err(err) => { let lossy = String::from_utf8_lossy(err.as_bytes()); tracing::warn!( "stderr not valid UTF-8 string (node {node_id}): {}: {lossy}", err.utf8_error() ); buffer.push_str(&lossy) } }; if buffer.starts_with("Traceback (most recent call last):") { if !finished { continue; } else { tracing::error!("{dataflow_id}/{}: \n{buffer}", node_id); } } // send the buffered lines let lines = std::mem::take(&mut buffer); let sent = stderr_tx.send(lines.clone()).await; if sent.is_err() { println!("Could not log: {lines}"); } } }); let node_id =; let (log_finish_tx, log_finish_rx) = oneshot::channel(); tokio::spawn(async move { let exit_status = NodeExitStatus::from(child.wait().await); let _ = log_finish_rx.await; let event = DoraEvent::SpawnedNodeResult { dataflow_id, node_id, exit_status, } .into(); let event = Timestamped { inner: event, timestamp: clock.new_timestamp(), }; let _ = daemon_tx.send(event).await; }); let node_id =; // Log to file stream. tokio::spawn(async move { while let Some(message) = rx.recv().await { // If log is an output, we're sending the logs to the dataflow if let Some(stdout_output_name) = &send_stdout_to { // Convert logs to DataMessage let array = message.into_arrow(); let array: ArrayData = array.into(); let total_len = required_data_size(&array); let mut sample: AVec> = AVec::__from_elem(128, 0, total_len); let type_info = copy_array_into_sample(&mut sample, &array); let metadata = Metadata::new(uhlc.new_timestamp(), type_info); let output_id = OutputId( node_id.clone(), DataId::from(stdout_output_name.to_string()), ); let event = DoraEvent::Logs { dataflow_id, output_id, metadata, message: DataMessage::Vec(sample), } .into(); let event = Timestamped { inner: event, timestamp: uhlc.new_timestamp(), }; let _ = daemon_tx_log.send(event).await; } let _ = file .write_all(message.as_bytes()) .await .map_err(|err| error!("Could not log {message} to file due to {err}")); let formatted = message.lines().fold(String::default(), |mut output, line| { output.push_str(" "); output.push_str(line); output.push('\n'); output }); tracing::trace!("{dataflow_id}/{} logged:\n{formatted}",; // Make sure that all data has been synced to disk. let _ = file .sync_all() .await .map_err(|err| error!("Could not sync logs to file due to {err}")); } let _ = log_finish_tx .send(()) .map_err(|_| error!("Could not inform that log file thread finished")); }); Ok(pid) }