use eyre::{bail, eyre, Context}; use std::{ env::consts::{DLL_PREFIX, DLL_SUFFIX}, ffi::OsStr, path::Path, }; pub use dora_message as message; pub mod config; pub mod coordinator_messages; pub mod daemon_messages; pub mod descriptor; pub mod topics; pub fn adjust_shared_library_path(path: &Path) -> Result { let file_name = path .file_name() .ok_or_else(|| eyre!("shared library path has no file name"))? .to_str() .ok_or_else(|| eyre!("shared library file name is not valid UTF8"))?; if file_name.starts_with("lib") { bail!("Shared library file name must not start with `lib`, prefix is added automatically"); } if path.extension().is_some() { bail!("Shared library file name must have no extension, it is added automatically"); } let library_filename = format!("{DLL_PREFIX}{file_name}{DLL_SUFFIX}"); let path = path.with_file_name(library_filename); Ok(path) } // Search for python binary. // Match `python` for windows and `python3` for other platforms. pub fn get_python_path() -> Result { let python = if cfg!(windows) { which::which("python") .context("failed to find `python` or `python3`. Make sure that python is available.")? } else { which::which("python3") .context("failed to find `python` or `python3`. Make sure that python is available.")? }; Ok(python) } // Search for pip binary. // First search for `pip3` as for ubuntu <20, `pip` can resolves to `python2,7 -m pip` // Then search for `pip`, this will resolve for windows to python3 -m pip. pub fn get_pip_path() -> Result { let python = match which::which("pip3") { Ok(python) => python, Err(_) => which::which("pip") .context("failed to find `pip3` or `pip`. Make sure that python is available.")?, }; Ok(python) } // Helper function to run a program pub async fn run(program: S, args: &[&str], pwd: Option<&Path>) -> eyre::Result<()> where S: AsRef, { let mut run = tokio::process::Command::new(program); run.args(args); if let Some(pwd) = pwd { run.current_dir(pwd); } if !run.status().await?.success() { eyre::bail!("failed to run {args:?}"); }; Ok(()) }