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Name,Link,Organization / Author,Brief Description,Sector,Geographical scope,Target Audience,Stage of Development,Date started,Country/region of origin,Notes (including specific SDG(s) and OECD AI Principles addressed),Label: AI and Ethics,Label: AI and Governance,Label: AI and Social Good
AI Civic Forum,,"Algora Lab, University of Montreal, TFS, Mila","The AI Civic Forum (AICF) is a multi-stakeholder platform to proactively engage people around the world in discussions on AI ethics and governance. Anchored in a robust collective intelligence process, the objectives are delivered through four key deliverables: face-to-face deliberations; an online platform; an AI Literacy Toolkit and a Trainer-the-trainer Playbook. The AI Civic Forum is co-led by The Future Society, AlgoraLab and Mila. - The initiative's mission is: 'Bring together diverse communities of citizens, policymakers, academics, experts, private sector representatives and other key stakeholders to deliberate on the ethical design, deployment, and governance of AI.'",Mixed academia/non-profit,Global,"Civil Society, Policymakers, Citizens",Set-up in progress,June 2019,United States,,0,1,0
Tieto’s AI ethics guidelines,;,Tieto,"Foundation for all Tieto employees who develop or use AI in any capacity. Also trialling internal AI ethics course & certification, plus establishing new roles focusing on ethical values embedded within AI - The initiative's mission is: 'Part of a sustained drive to promote ethical AI product and service development across the company and advance ethical and responsible AI'",Private,Global,Employees,Published,Oct 2018,Finland,,1,1,0
Charlevoix Common Vision for the Future of Artificial Intelligence,,Leaders of the G7,"G7 leaders' vision for a predictable and stable policy environment that promotes innovation, as recognized by the 2018 G7 Montreal Ministerial Statement on Artificial Intelligence, and the multi-stakeholder, human-centric vision outlined in the 2017 G7 ICT and Industry Ministers’ Torino Declaration. - The initiative's mission is: 'To commit to 12 principles for the future of AI.'",International organisation,G7,self (gov),Published,Jun 2018,International,,1,1,0
The National Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Strategic Plan,,National Science and Technology Council; Networking and Information Technology Research and Development Subcommittee,"Report laying out US national AI strategy - The initiative's mission is: 'High-level framework to identify scientific and technological needs in AI and track the progress and maximizing the impact of R&D investements to fill those needs; to establish priorities for federally-funded R&D in AI, looking beyong near-term AI capabiltites towards long-term transformational impacts of AI on society and the world.'",Public,US,Employees,Published,Oct 2016,United States,,1,0,0
Humane-AI-Net - H2020-ICT-48 European network of AI excellence centres,,European Commission with a network of 53 academic and industrial partners across Europe,"The HumanE AI Network leverages the synergies between the involved centers of excellence to develop the scientific foundations and technological breakthroughs needed to shape the AI revolution in a direction that is beneficial to humans both individually and societally, and that adheres to European ethical values and social, cultural, legal, and political norms. The core challenge is the development of robust, human-centred, trustworthy AI systems capable of what could be described as “understanding” humans, adapting to complex real-world environments, and appropriately interacting in complex social settings. The aim is to facilitate AI systems that enhance human capabilities and empower individuals and society as a whole while respecting human autonomy and self-determination. The HumanE AI Net project will engender the mobilization of a research landscape far beyond direct project funding, involve and engage European industry, reach out to relevant social stakeholders, and create a unique innovation ecosystem that provides a manyfold return on investment for the European economy and society.","Network of research centres of excellence in AI, academia and industries",European Union,"Research, industry, policy makers, citizens","Network design and research roadmap completed, operational phase started",2018,Germany,Initiative addressed to operationalize the full spectrum of OECD and European AI principles,1,0,1
Guiding Principles on Trusted AI Ethics,,Telia Company,"Guiding Principles to for operations and employees - The initiative's mission is: 'The proactive design, implementation, testing, use and followup of AI.'",Private,Global,Employees,Published,2019,Sweden,,1,1,0
AI Explained - Non-technical Guide for Policymakers,,AI for Peace,"A manual to explain AI basics to policymakers and interested individuals without technical background. - The initiative's mission is: 'Demystify what AI is, and demonstrate how it is already altering our lives and societies we live in.'",Civil society,Global,"Policymakers, Citizens",Published,February 2020,International,,0,1,1
Dutch Artificial Intelligence Manifesto,,"Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence (SIGAI), ICT Platform Netherlands (IPN)",Manifesto by the Dutch Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence - The initiative's mission is: 'In this manifesto the Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence (SIGAI) proposes a research agenda and identifies priorities that require investments to ensure AI research in the Netherlands is able to establish and maintain its leading role in the world. ',Academia,Netherlands,"multiple (Dutch government, researchers)",Published,September 2018,Netherlands,,1,1,0
Declaración de Principios Éticos Para La IA de Latinoamérica,,IA Latam,"A Declaration of Ethical Principles for AI in Latin America, created in line with IA Latam's committment to Responsible Innovation and Evolution - The initiative's mission is: 'To promote the creation of self-adhesion ethical criteria and frameworks that help IA Latam and guide everyone to continue for the best possible path always having as a goal the improvement of people's well-being and a better planet for new generation.'",Non-profit,Latin America,Public,Published,2019,Latin America,,1,1,0
Oversight Board,,Oversight Board (for Facebook & Instagram's content moderation),"A group of 20 independent experts in charge of reviewing content brought to it by Facebook users or Facebook itself, to decide on whether the content is in accordance with Facebook's content policies and values. - The initiative's mission is: 'Protect free expression by making principled, independent decisions about important pieces of content and by issuing policy advisory opinions on Facebook's content policies.'",Mixed,Global,Industry,Set-up in progress,January 2019,United States,,0,1,0
Te Mana Raraunga (Māori Data Sovereignty Network),,Te Mana Raraunga (Māori Data Sovereignty Network,"Promotes the Māori data sovereignty through establishment of a charter on data governance and operations, expert database, advocacy, workshops, research, and other projects. - The initiative's mission is: 'The purpose of Te Mana Raraunga is to enable Māori Data Sovereignty and
to advance Māori aspirations for collective and individual wellbeing.'",Civil society,New Zealand,All,Publically launched,July 2015,New Zealand,,0,1,1
"Science, Law and Society (SLS) Initiative - Principles for the Governance of AI",,The Future Society,"Principles for the Governance of AI - The initiative's mission is: 'To reap AI’s promise, while mitigating its risks.'",Non-profit,Global,"Policymakers, academics, technologists",Published,July 2017,United States,,1,0,0
Opening the Black Box - Driving Business,,Element AI,Explaining the business case for Explainable AI products and services such as those sold by.,Private,Global,Industry,Publically launched,August 2019,Canada,,0,0,1
Countries & initiatives overview,,OECD Artificial Intelligence Policy Observatory,"Interactive database of AI policies and initiatives from countries, territories and other stakeholders - The initiative's mission is: 'To facilitate international co-operation, benchmarking and help develop best practices.'",International organisation,Global,All,Publically launched,2020,International,,0,1,0
Stanford Human-Centered AI Initiative (HAI) - three principles,",subtle%20and%20nuanced%20as%20human%20intelligence.",Stanford HAI,"An interdisciplinary, global hub for AI learners, researchers, developers, builders and users from academia, government and industry, as well as leaders and policymakers who want to understand and influence AI’s impact and potential. - The initiative's mission is: 'To advance AI research, education, policy and practice to improve the human condition.'",Academia,US,"self (academics, citizens)",Published,March 2019,United States,,1,0,1
Responsible bots: 10 guidelines for developers of conversational AI,,Microsoft,Set of guidelines - The initiative's mission is: 'To help developers design bots that build trust in the company and service that the bot represents',Private,Global,developers,"Published v1 (""we fully expect that they will be revised over time
in response to your feedback and our own experiences."")",Nov 2018,United States,,1,0,0
"The Malicious Use of Artificial Intelligence: Forecasting, Prevention, and Mitigation",,Future of Humanity Institute; University of Oxford; Centre for the Study of Existential Risk; University of Cambridge; Center for a New American Security; Electronic Frontier Foundation; OpenAI,"This report surveys the landscape of potential security threats from malicious uses of artificial intelligence technologies, and proposes ways to better forecast, prevent, and mitigate these threats. It includes four high level recommendations and high priority research areas. - The initiative's mission is: 'To forecast, prevent and mitigate the malicious use of AI'",Mixed academia/non-profit,Global,unspecified,Published,Feb 2018,United Kingdom,,1,1,0
AI for Good Global Summit,,International Telecommunications Union,Yearly summit in partnership with 35 UN agencies to foster discussion and coordination on fulfilling the Sustainable Development Goals using AI. - The initiative's mission is: 'Identify practical applications of AI and scale those solutions for global impact',Mixed,Global,All,Publically launched,2017,Switzerland,,0,0,1
Artificial Intelligence Industry Code of Conduct (Consultation Version),,Artificial Intelligence Industry Alliance,"Code of conduct for AI developers - The initiative's mission is: 'To promote the ethical self-discipline of China's artificial intelligence industry, build consensus, and promote the healthy development of artificial intelligence'",Professional association,China,All,Consultation published,2019,China,,1,0,0
Partnership on AI Issue Area on Safety-Critical AI (SCAI),,Partnership on AI,"Partnership on AI conducts research, organizes discussions, shares insights, provides thought leadership, consults with relevant third parties, responds to questions from the public and media, and creates educational material that advances the understanding of AI technologies including machine perception, learning, and automated reasoning. Their members have agreed to eight tenets. - The initiative's mission is: 'To help ensure AI benefits people and society.'",Private sector alliance,Global,self,Adopted,Sep 2016,International,,1,1,0
Everyday Ethics for Artificial Intelligence. A practical guide for designers & developers,,IBM,"Report intended to ""begin a conversation"" about defining the ethics embedded in the desgn and development of AI systems. - The initiative's mission is: 'This guide provides discussion points concerning: Specific virtues that AI systems should possess; Guidance for designers and developers building and training AI.'",Private,Global,Employees and Civil Society,Published,2019,United States,,1,0,0
"Work in the age of artificial intelligence. Four perspectives on the economy, employment, skills and ethics",,"Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Finland","Collection of four main articles that discuss (1) the effects of artificial intelligence on general economic and employment trends; (2) the transformation of work and the labour market; (3) reforms on education and skills maintenance; and (4) ethics. - The initiative's mission is: 'Work out what happens to work/the economy in Finland given developments in AI, to turn artificial intelligence into a success factor for Finnish companies. Finland’s goal is to be a global leader in applying artificial intelligence'",Public,Finland,Government,Published,Sep 2018,Finland,,1,1,0
You and AI,,The Royal Society; DeepMind,"A series of events, publications and multimedia content explaining machine learning, collecting views on machine learning and analyzing these views, run throughout 2018 by the Royal Society supported by DeepMind. - The initiative's mission is: 'Build greater understand of what machine learning and AI are, how the technology works, and the ways it may affect our lies.'",Mixed,United Kingdom,Citizens,Closed,2018,United Kingdom,,0,1,0
The Toronto Declaration: Protecting the right to equality and non- discrimination in machine learning systems,,Access Now; Amnesty International,"The Toronto Declaration is a landmark statement on protecting human rights in the age of artificial intelligence. Led by Amnesty International and Access Now, the Declaration has been widely endorsed by the global human rights community. The Toronto Declaration proposes that human rights law and standards are put front and center in existing and emerging conversations and methods analyzing the impact of machine learning and related technologies. - The initiative's mission is: 'To serve as a useful resource for researchers, policy-makers and tech professionals looking for guidance on applying human rights principles and standards to new technologies.'",Mixed international organisation/non-profit,Canada,"multiple (states, private sector ac- tors)",Published,May 2018,International,,1,0,1
Policy Recommendations on Augmented Intelligence in Health Care H-480.940,,American Medical Association (AMA),"A policy to provide a broad framework for the evolution of AI in health care - The initiative's mission is: 'To ensure that the evolution of augmented intelligence (AI) in medicine benefits patients, physicians, and the health care community.'",Professional association,US,Medical professionals,Implemented,2018,United States,"AMA will seek to: 1. Leverage its ongoing engagement in digital health and other priority areas for improving patient outcomes and physicians’ professional satisfaction to help set priorities for health care AI. 2. Identify opportunities to integrate the perspective of practicing physicians into the development, design, validation, and implementation of health care AI. 3. Promote development of thoughtfully designed, high-quality, clinically validated health care AI that: a. is designed and evaluated in keeping with best practices in user-centered design, particularly for physicians and other members of the health care team; b. is transparent; c. conforms to leading standards for reproducibility; d. identifies and takes steps to address bias and avoids introducing or exacerbating health care disparities including when testing or deploying new AI tools on vulnerable populations; and e. safeguards patients’ and other individuals’ privacy interests and preserves the security and integrity of personal information. 4. Encourage education for patients, physicians, medical students, other health care professionals, and health administrators to promote greater understanding of the promise and limitations of health care AI. 5. Explore the legal implications of health care AI, such as issues of liability or intellectual property, and advocate for appropriate professional and governmental oversight for safe, effective, and equitable use of and access to health care AI.",0,1,0
G20 Ministerial Statement on Trade and Digital Economy,,G20 Trade Ministers and Digital Economy Ministers,"Statement, principles and recommendations for the responsible stewardship of Trustworthy AI, resulting from 2 days meeting of G20 digital economy ministers - The initiative's mission is: 'To design and implement digital policies to maximize benefits and minimize the challenges from the development of the digital economy, and to overcome challenges with special attention to developing countries and underrepresented populations'",International organisation,Global,Policymakers,Published,2019,International,,1,1,0
AI Repository,,International Telecommunication Union (ITU),"Catalogue/inventory of AI initiatives which accelerate progress towards the “17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” - The initiative's mission is: 'To identify AI related projects, research initiatives, think-tanks and organizations that can accelerate progress towards the “17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”'",International organisation,Global,All,Publically launched,2020,Europe,,0,0,1
AI Now 2017 Report,,AI Now Institute,"Report which identifies new developments, emerging challenges and makes recommendations in four areas: labor and automation, bias and inclusion, rights and liberties, and ethics and governance - The initiative's mission is: 'To ensure that the benefits of AI will be shared broadly, and that risks can be identified and mitigated.'",Academia,Global,"multiple (core public agencies, companies, industry, universities, conferences, other stakeholders)",Published,Oct 2017,United States,,1,0,0
"SoBigData (2015-2024, H2020-Excellent Science Research Infrastructures) Integrated Infrastructure for Social Mining & Big Data Analytics",,"European Commission, Italian National research Council and 32 academic and industrial partners from 12 EU countries","SoBigData (2015-2024, H2020-Excellent Science Research Infrastructures) Integrated Infrastructure for Social Mining & Big Data Analytics. A research infrastructure for open data science for social good, at the second stage of “Advanced community”, aggregating 32 partners of 12 EU Countries.
SoBigData++ is a resource for sharing datasets, methods, research skills and computational resources for supporting the comprehension of social phenomena through the lens of BigData and Artificial Intelligence. Its uniqueness lies in its ability to make the effort of data science and artificial intelligence scientific communities accessible to multiple stakeholders on a unique ecosystem. SoBigData++ is a distributed and multi-disciplinary RI aimed at using social mining, big data and artificial intelligence to understand our globally-interconnected society. The RI’s service platform empowers researchers for the design and execution of large-scale social mining experiments. Pushing the FAIR (findable, accessible, Interoperable, responsible) and FACT (Fair, Accountable, Confidential and Transparent) principles, the RI renders social mining experiments more efficiently designed, and repeatable by leveraging concrete tools that operationalize ethics, incorporating values and norms for privacy, fairness, transparency and pluralism. SoBigData++ RI is based on three pillars: 1) a data ecosystem for procurement, access, and data curation. 2) a platform of interoperable social data mining tools, and methodologies. Over 200 resources are available: curated data sets, analytical tools and services from six thematic clusters: text and social media mining; social network analysis; human mobility analytics; web analytics; visual analytics and social data. 3) a community comprising scientific, industrial and third-party stakeholders, such as policymakers, it counts 6,000 users registered to the e-infrastructure.
SoBigData++ operates in six domains: Societal debates and online misinformation studies how the information is created and how it influences debates; Sustainable cities for citizens focuses on urban challenges, aiming at value creation for city stakeholders; Demography, economics and finance 2.0 measures the patterns of well-being and poverty at a local and global scale; Migration Studies analyses the development of new methods for studying migration phenomenon; Sports data science combines data with analytical tools to unveil the complexity underlying sports; Social Impacts of AI provides a forum for studying impacts of artificial intelligence on our society. Finally, a special interest group is dedicated to Network Medicine aimed at combining Big data, omics, and network science to advance the frontiers of medicine
SoBigData++ integrates 31 key European data science and AI centres. SoBigData++ combines research areas related to big data analytics, computational social science, digital humanities, city planners, and human-centred artificial intelligence. The project includes competences on ethics, economic analysis, media ecology, contrast to misinformation, environmental sustainability and energy saving.
SoBigData++ works in synergy with different H2020 projects and network of excellence: HumaneAI-net, TAILOR, AI4EU, WeVerify, Pericles, NoBias, Clarin, and five SoBigData scientists are PIs of ERC grants in artificial intelligence. ","Research infrastructure provided by (mostly public) research centres, universities, but also industries and start-ups","Europe, Global","Multiple stakeholders: interdisciplinary researchers, innovators, industry, policy makers, citizens","Advanced integrated research infrastructure, operational since 2015",2015,Italy,"SoBigData++ is aimed at operationalizing the ethical principles set by Europe and OECD within the research infrastructure, using ethics-by-design approaches in the big data/AI projects developed in the ""exploratories"", research & innovation labs oriented at multiple SGD's related societal impact (sustainable cities for citizens, well-being, sustainable growth, migration studies, ecology of media and social media).",0,0,1
AI factsheets 360,,IBM,Template for capturing relevant information about the creation and deployment of an AI model or service - The initiative's mission is: 'To foster trust in AI by increasing transparency and enabling governance.',Private,Global,Developers,Published,2019,United States,,0,1,0
Automated and Connected Driving: Report,,"Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, Ethics Commission, Germany","20 Ethical rules for automated and connected vehicular traffic - The initiative's mission is: 'What technological development guidelines are required to ensure that we do not blur the contours of a human society that places individuals, their freedom of development, their physical and intellectual integrity and their entitlement to social respect at the heart of its legal regime?'",Public,Germany,Government,Published,June 2017,Germany,,1,0,0
Mozilla Voice STT (formerly Deep Speech),,Mozilla Foundation,"An open-source software project to build Speech To Text engine, with a community of developers, companies and researchers contributing to its growth. - The initiative's mission is: 'Make speech recognition technology openly available to developers.'",Non-profit,Global,Developers,Pilot,2018,United States,,0,0,1
Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence & AI Decision Makers' Toolkit,,UNESCO's AHEG (Ad Hoc Expert Group),"Outline of ethical benefits, risks and recommendations around AI - The initiative's mission is: 'To guide the development and application of AI in a human-centred approach and to be trustworthy.'",International organisation,Global,All,Published,May 2020,International,,1,1,0
Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI,,High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence,Proposes seven requirements that AI systems should meet in order to be deemed trustworthy - The initiative's mission is: 'To promote Trustworthy AI',International organisation,Europe,All,"Published, sought fedback",Apr 2019,Europe,,1,1,0
Closing the Human Rights Gap in AI Governance,,Element AI,"A 20-page report explaining what investors, companies and government can do to implement due diligence, data governance an human rights by design practices into their activity.",Private,Canada,"Industry, Policymakers",Published,November 2019,Canada,,0,1,0
Universal Guidelines for Artificial Intelligence,,The Public Voice,"Twelve Universal Guidelines to inform and improve the design and use of AI. The Guidelines are intended to maximize the benefits of AI, to minimize the risk, and to ensure the protection of human rights. These Guidelines should be incorporated into ethical standards, adopted in national law and international agreements, and built into the design of systems. - The initiative's mission is: 'To inform and improve the design and use of A'",Mixed,Global,"multiple (institu- tions, govern- ments)",Published,Oct 2018,International,,1,1,0
Seeking Ground Rules for AI,,New York Times’ New Work Summit,10 recommendations to encourage the ethical use of AI - The initiative's mission is: 'To make AI trustworthy',Private,Global,All,Published,2019,United States,,1,1,0
Principles for the Cognitive Era,,IBM,"Describes three principles for AI development/deployment - The initiative's mission is: 'Guiding what IBM develops and brings to the world, and how they do so, to achieve the economic and societal potential of a cognitive future.'",Private,Global,Employees,Published,2017,United States,,1,0,0
Everyday Ethics for AI,,IBM,"Everyday ethics for AI provides discussion points concerning:
specific virtues that AI systems should possess;
guidance for designers and developers training and building AI.",Private,United States,Developers & deployers,Published,2014,United States,,1,1,0
Discussion Paper: National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence,,National Institution for Transforming India (Niti Aayog),"National strategy for government of India. It is termed #AIForAll as it is focused on leveraging AI for inclusive growth in line with the Government policy of Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas. Role of the Government has been clearly delineated to develop the research ecosystem, promote adoption and address skilling challenges. The strategy also flags important issues like ethics, bias and privacy issues relating to AI and envisions Government promoting research in technology to address these concerns. The focus is on sectors like agriculture, health and education where public investment and lead would be necessary. - The initiative's mission is: 'Explore how India can leverage the transformative technologies to ensure social and inclusive growth in line with the development philosophy of the government.'",Public,India,Government,Published,June 2018,India,,1,0,0
FRR Quality Mark,,Fondation for Responsible Robotics,"Label on robotics products indicating a positive assessment from an independent external expert group on responsible robotics. This group takes into account security, safety, privacy, fairness, sustainability, accountability and transparency. - The initiative's mission is: 'empower innovators and producers to create their products in an ethical and responsible way'",Civil society,Global,Industry,Pilot,December 2015,Netherlands,,0,1,0
Towards the deployment of smart virtual systems for emotional support to women suffering breast cancer,"Not yet. For more info, contact",Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional. CINVESTAV - IPN. Dr. Matías Alvarado,"Breast cancer is a hard traumatic event in women’s life. Each woman's personality influences the coping strategies used to deal with it. This project analyzes the emotional regulation by regarding the influence of personality in strategic choices. Emotions include fear, anguish, sadness, depression, braveness, acceptance, among others. The psychology ""Big Five Model"" backs the analysis on personalities, namely conscious, open, agreeable, extrovert and neurotic. The strategies are: situation selection, modify situation, attention deployment, cognitive change and response modulation. The project establishes a quantitative correlation between personality/strategies/emotion-regulation. The analytical result may evolve in smart virtual systems for emotional support to women suffering breast cancer. The increasing world health problem of breast cancer makes the deployment of these kind of system more useful and relevant.",Academia,Local - Mexico,Health and medical stakeholders; to support women living with breast cancer.,Implementation,2020,Mexico,SDG 2 Health and well being,0,0,1
"Building safe artificial intelligence: specification, robustness, and assurance",,DeepMind,"Blog post discussing three areas of technical AI safety - specification, robustness and assurance - with the goal of contributing to the development of the field, and encouraging substantive engagement with the technical ideas it discusses.
",Private,Gllobal,Researchers,Published,"September, 2018",United Kingdom,,0,1,0
Detailed Explanation on Key Points Concerning AI Utilization Principles,,"The Conference toward AI Network Society, MIC",Manual for how to translate the AI Utilization Principles in practice,Public,Japan,Private Sector,Published,"9 August, 2019",Japan,,0,1,0
Report on Artificial Intelligence and Human Society (Unofficial translation),,Advisory Board on Artificial Intelligence and Human Society (initiative of the Minister of State for Science and Technology Policy),"Report exploring the influence of AI technologies on society to ensure these technologies are used safely and beneficially - The initiative's mission is: 'Discuss the influence of AI technologies on society to ensure these technologies are used safely and beneficially, to clarify what benefits are expected, what issues are to be concerned, what issues are to be resolved, and what attitudes are beneficial.'",Public,Japan,"multiple (researchers, government, businesses, public, educators)",Published,March 2017,Japan,,1,1,0
Governing Artificial Intelligence. Upholding Human Rights & Dignity,,Data & Society,Report which draws the connections between AI and human rights; reframes recent AI-related controversies through a human rights lens; and reviews current stakeholder efforts at the intersection of AI and human rights. - The initiative's mission is: 'Help target audience incorporate human rights into social and organizational contexts related to the development and governance of AI.',Non-profit,Global,"Technology companies, governments, intergovernmental organizations, civil society groups, academia",Published,Oct 2018,United States,,1,0,1
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 42,,International Standards Organisation,A group of 8 project working groups to standardize technologies in the area of Artificial Intelligence. - The initiative's mission is: 'Trustworthy AI',Mixed,Global,Industry,Published,2017,United States,,0,1,0
Ethics Policy for Peaceful R&D,,Icelandic Institute for Intelligent Machines (IIIM),"Takes aim at two major threats to societal prosperity and peace. On the one hand, increases in military spending continue throughout the world, including automated weapons development. Justified by “growing terrorist threats”, these actions are themselves resulting in increased use of undue and unjustified force, military and otherwise — the very thing they are aiming to suppress. On the other, the increased possibility — and in many cases clearly documented efforts — of governments wielding advanced technologies to spy on their law-abiding citizens, in numerous ways, and sidestep long-accepted public policy intended to protect private lives from public exposure has gradually become too acceptable. In the coming years and decades artificial intelligence (AI) technologies — and powerful automation in general — has the potential to make these matters significantly worse. - The initiative's mission is: 'Establishing an Ethical Policy for all current and future activities of IIIM'",Non-profit,Iceland,Employees,Published,N.d.,Iceland,,1,0,0
ITI AI Policy Principles,,Information Technology Industry Council (ITI),"Set of principles developed by ITI member companies. ITI is a trusted leader in innovation policy that drives sustainable, ethical, and equitable growth and opportunity for all. - The initiative's mission is: 'To ensure that member companies allow AI to flourish while guarding against unwanted impacts, our industry is committing to a set of principles to formalize our promise to responsible design of AI. '",Private,Global,self (members),Published,Oct 2017,United States,,1,0,0
Mid- to Long-Term Master Plan in Preparation for the Intelligent Information Society,,Government of the Republic of Korea,"The report considers the role of AI alongside other converging technologies such as the Internet of Things, cloud computing, big data analysis, and mobile technologies. The report discusses a range of implications of AI related to the workforce and economy as well as lifestyles and living environments. It outlines core factors of success including growing the economy, providing opportunity to all, and improving everyone’s safety and happiness. It also lays out a “National Vision” which is “Realizing a Human-Centered Intelligent Information Society.” - The initiative's mission is: 'To foster an intelligent information society on the basis of public-private partnership, with businesses and citizens playing leading roles and the government and research community providing support.'",Public,South Korea,Government,Published,July 2017,South Korea,,1,0,0