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"in light of both our holding today and previous rulings in johnson, dueser, and gronroos, we now explicitly overrule dupree.",overruling,0
"see mciver, 134 at 588, 518 s.e.2d at 526.",not overruling,1
"to the extent that paprskar v. state, supra, applied the general test of waiver of constitutional rights set forth in johnson v. zerbst, supra, it is no longer viable.",overruling,2
"we reverse and remand, and in doing so, we overrule commonwealth v. constant",overruling,3
"to the extent that other cases have cited carr for the proposition that a conviction under section 245(a)(2) does not involve moral turpitude, those cases, too, are overruled in that limited way.",overruling,4
"accordingly, it is overruled.",overruling,5
grigsby has since unsuccessfully filed multiple 28 u.s.c. 2255 motions to vacate his sentence.,not overruling,6
"id., at 386387.",not overruling,7
the following facts are taken from the administrative record.,not overruling,8
"schweiker v. hansen, 450 u. s. 785, 791 (1981) (marshall, j., dissenting).",not overruling,9
we recognize that this reading of fager disapproves prior cases.,overruling,10
this is not allowable.,not overruling,11
" narrowstep, 2010 wl 5422405, at *12.",not overruling,12
"transfer of property from a parent to a child is presumed to be a gift, and the presumption may only be overcome by clear and convincing evidence to the contrary."""").",not overruling,13
"accordingly, to the extent of any conflict nemecek v. state, 621 s.w.2d 404 ( 1980) is overruled.",overruling,14
tenn. sup. ct. r. 14.,not overruling,15
"see id. 275(a)(4) (""""no deduction shall be allowed for the following taxes: . . . excess profits taxes imposed by the authority of any foreign country . . . if the taxpayer chooses to take to any extent the benefits of [] 901.""""); 26 c.f.r. 1.901-1(h)(2) (""""taxpayers who are denied the credit for taxes for particular taxable years are the following: . . . [a] taxpayer who elects to deduct taxes paid or accrued to any foreign country . . . [pursuant to sections] 164 and 275."""").",not overruling,16
"incompetence may occur at various points after conviction, and it may recede and later reoccur.",not overruling,17
we therefore overrule mata and hartman to the extent of the conflict and reverse the trial court's judgment and remand the cause for a new trial.,overruling,18
"490 f.3d 575, 580-81 (7th cir. 2007).",not overruling,19
"app. 1981), or voninski v. voninski, 661 s.w.2d 872, 878-79 (tenn.",overruling,20
"more importantly, a sufficient factual basis exists here because mccoy stipulated he """"was a member of a conspiracy with others, in gaston county . . . to distribute and to possess with intent to distribute cocaine base, commonly known as 'crack cocaine.'""""",not overruling,21
the decision of the fourth district court of appeal holding section 550.081 unconstitutional is disapproved.,overruling,22
the court noted at the outset that the guarantees of that constitutional provisionfreedom from discrimination in housing and employmenthad been legislatively implemented through the illinois human rights act.,not overruling,23
"we are fully in accord with the relaxation of the federal requirements as expressed in illinois v. gates, supra, and to the extent that berkshire v. commonwealth, supra; thompson v. commonwealth, supra; and buchenburger v. commonwealth, supra, express a contrary view, they are overruled.",overruling,24
"see scott, supra at 352; commonwealth v. ruffin, 475 mass. 1003, 1004 (2016).",not overruling,25
"for the reasons stated below, we approve the fifth district court of appeal's decision in winter park, and disapprove the decision in belleair to the extent described herein.",overruling,26
"however, to the extent that cervantes, and ex parte mcatee, 599 s.w.2d 335 ( 1980), indicate that a failure to admonish pursuant to art. 26.13(a)(4) automatically entitles one to post-conviction collateral relief without a showing of harm, they are overruled.",overruling,27
"having reviewed the question en banc, we now answer that question in the affirmative and overrule laffey.",overruling,28
"in people v. correa (2012) 54 cal.4th 331, 142 cal.rptr.3d 546, 278 p.3d 809, also decided today, we are disapproving language in one of our cases to bring our section 654 jurisprudence closer to the statutory language.",overruling,29
"in reaching that conclusion, we recede from the previous holding of this court in hall v. state, 505 so.2d 657, 658 (fla. 2d dca), cause dismissed, 509 so.2d 1117 (fla. 1987), in which we stated that an essential element of proof in regard to the crime of robbery is ""that the accused had the specific intent to permanently deprive the owner of property.",overruling,30
"while not limited to these cases, to the extent the following cases are in conflict, they are overruled.",overruling,31
the court also offered no explanation for imposing the particular sentence it chose.,not overruling,32
"even if his earlier filings had passed muster, trying a case is more difficult than drafting minimally coherent documents.",not overruling,33
"to the extent that the holding in wilson v. bureau of state police, supra, conflicts with this opinion, it is overruled.",overruling,34
"furthermore, the trial court indicated in its order that it had """"consider[ed] . . . [appellant's] special appearance, the pleadings, the affidavits, and arguments of counsel.""""",not overruling,35
"see boles, 554 so.2d at 961 ([i]f the county and other persons are not bound, then the status of the road as public or private is subject to being litigated again, and the results of later litigation may be inconsistent with the results of the initial litigation.).",not overruling,36
"see tex. r. app. p. 48.4; see also in re schulman, 252 s.w.3d at 412 n.35; ex parte owens, 206 s.w.3d 670, 673 (tex. crim. app. 2006).",not overruling,37
"we flatly rejected this logic a century ago in state ex rel. state capitol commission v. lister, 91 wash. 9, 156 p. 858 (1916), and we reject it again now.",overruling,38
"the tribe sold the land for a fixed sum of $50,000.",not overruling,39
"to the extent that these cases directly and indirectly misconstrued the rationale of hedges, they are hereby overruled.",overruling,40
"the supreme court has chosen not """"to prescribe a precise algorithm for determining the proper restitution amount.""""",not overruling,41
"see bassett, 528 f.3d at 430.",not overruling,42
"in this case, the trial court did not clearly err by finding clear and convincing evidence to support termination under mcl 712a.19b(3)(g) and (j).",not overruling,43
"to the extent that this opinion causes conflict with earlier decisions such as holmes, those cases are overruled.",overruling,44
"569 u.s., at , 133 s.ct., at 1576(dissenting opinion).",not overruling,45
"we therefore overrule mcgore; and we hold, like every other circuit to have reached the issue, that under rule 15(a) a district court can allow a plaintiff to amend his complaint even when the complaint is subject to dismissal under the plra.",overruling,46
we disapprove this dicta.,overruling,47
"we disapprove abdelaziz as well as henderson v. north, 545 so.2d 486 (fla. 1st dca 1989), which adopted the principle of abdelaziz, to the extent that they disapproved a cause of action for negligent stillbirth.",overruling,48
"we therefore conclude that the improper-purpose doctrine has not worked well in practice, and that more good than harm will come by departing from precedent.",overruling,49