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I ordered this book because I grew up in Knoxville as a part of the Jewish community. However, I returned this book after a review of the context, due to its lack of substance. The author was extremely weak on reporting the events which are now a part of the history of this Jewish community. There were many people who were an important part of the past that were not even mentioned. It was very obvious that the writer relied on personal friendships to gather the "facts" for her novel. If you are looking for a book concerning the history of the Jewish population in Knoxville, TN, don't look here. For those looking for a book that mentions their name, this book is perfect for you. My opinion is that it was tragic that some tree had to be wasted for the paper needed to print this book. Purchase at your own risk!
I have been subscribing to Time Magazine for the past 6 years, and last year when I purchased my Kindle this was the first magazine I subscribed to, and still keep on my Kindle. I like reading while eating lunch. The Kindle makes reading magazines so much easier, no folded pages etc. Anyways, A few months ago they started adding pictures to the e-version of the magazine. That was a great addition, still no graphs and sometimes the formatting is off. I still keep my print edition so I can view some of the photographs or view on the time website. If you are looking for the information it's all in the Kindle version and I highly recommend it.Some reviews are complaining about the articles, If you don't like the content of the magazine, don't purchase it. I consider myself to be conservative, and some articles have a liberal view, but if you don't read other views on subjects you will never grow personally!
I was training for a half marathon and realized I'd have to stop running, not because my muscles were tired but because my feet hurt. My friend recommended running socks and body glide. The running socks helped solve about 80% of the problem and the body glide the rest! It doesn't leave a residue and is easy to apply. Totally did the trick for me.
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If you want Harman Kardon receivers it's ok. Even most of the DVD's. I own a 22 and a 31 and I also got this one which is really annoying.Issues:- it does not save caption settings- it does not save video settings; even after I set it up to be 16:9 1080i default it always reverted to 720p.- after a period of time the DVD unit itself refused to read discsI returned to HK, got a replacement and I'm testing it to see if there are any improvements, but... I think this is unacceptable for HK. After all I did not buy an 80$ Sony, and if I bought HK I bought it for the name which supposedley means quality.
As an author and former owner of 6 Christian bookstores for 20 years I have read many books. Connie Cenac's book From Trials to Triumph is certainly at the top. It's not only informative, but life changing. She is brutally honest and transparent in revealing her heart amidst her trials. But watching God show up because of her relentless faith in Him, will blow you away! God will be bigger than ever after reading this comfortable read. It's like she's sharing these incredable stories in you living room, its just that your back won't hit the back of the chair, clinging to every word! Thanks Connie for the challenge of desiring..."Great Faith" in a "Big God"!
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Bob Marley fought all his days to keep these old studio runnings in the trashbin where they belong, but once Bob was in his grave, the ghouls rose from behind the headstones in the cemetery to make money off Bob's own personal rejects! Yes-I, hear me out! Show nuff respect for Bob and his bredred and buy LEGEND, not this--the stones that the builder himself refused!
Super warm and cozy with tons of room. My husband and I purchased this for camping along the west coast during November, and it kept u warm and dry.
The socialist in this country no doubt cannot stand this book even exists, however thinking people will find the book an eye opener! The reviewers who didn't like the book are obviously hard core leftist of the George Soros variety. If you value traditional American values, this book is for you!
This is short, sweet and to the point!!! I've been looking for the "Legend" for years, ever since the original copy my dad had dissapeared. This album is the greatest! The characters come to life and the musicianship of these fantastic performers is 2nd to none! GET IT!!!!!!
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This saw works great on light iron, such as purlin. When cutting heavy pipe or structural steel, the blade quickly overheats and the life of the blade is shorter than abrasive blades. Milwaukee does not tell you that this machine is not suited for hardened steel or galvanized iron. I made 10 cuts with this saw on 2 3/8 in. pipe and the 10 th. cut was the blades last. I was very disapointed in the life of this $100.00 blade. If you only cut light iron, this saw is the best. If you plan on cutting any shaft or bolt, forget it. The blade can not handle the heat.
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I have a history of foot problems, migraines and neck pain I received from military service. I have went to various military and civilian doctors over the years for all of these medical issues to seek relief. I saw this guide on Amazon and thought this would help give some relief for frequent pain. Also, and to my disappointment, this book has NO listing whatsoever in regards to problems with the foot below the ankle. The author seems to have neglected a very important part of the human body. The Podiatrist confirmed that anyone could have many problems, including arthritis, throughout the foot located below the ankle. I have applied the techniques listed in this book and have not received relief. I could only find relief from these migraines through medication and a masssage therapist for neck and foot pain. I waited many months to give feedback to ensure that I gave this purchase an appropriate amount of time to help others. Thank you.
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I read Trading in the Zone by Douglas. That book is an inspiration. I thought this older book by Douglas should be as good and may provide some additional insights. I was wrong.There is so much "filler" in this book with the same thing said over, and over, and over again. I found myself flipping pages just to get to the point.Do not get this book, buy Trading in The Zone. If you own Trading in the Zone just read it again and pass on this older book by Douglas.
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I't simple. I purchased two of these one for each computer. In under a year they began heating up and finally burned out. I didn't get a single response from customer service requests. <br />It'sa dud!!!!!!!
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I was very disappointed. I'm a big fan of Covey's but I did expect this audio program to be longer and deeper providing more knowledge and inspiration.This book is simply a very short REVIEW of the book, repeating, not explaining, for the most part, Stephen's principles - only a real devout of The Seven habitsmight get any use from this refresher.I know that Audio books are sometimes condensed or abridged but this is so short and shallow, I feel cheated
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To those of you thinking about buying a movie about a sea disaster, this film is in no way worth they money. Buy the original instead. When compared to this dud, the original is a classic. And besides this film does not have the famous death scene with Shelley Winters.
This album shows Hypocrisy really coming into thier own musically. The departure of Masse Broberg left Peter in vocal control, and almost with entire creative control, which shows is a good thing. This album remains a little closer to the Penetralia/Osculum Obscenum era than it does to the later, more melodic era of Hypocrisy. None the less, this album shows Hypocrisy leaning toward more melodic, and heavier musical stylings. The songs "Apocalypse" & "The Fourth Dimension", along with additional track "The Abyss", gives hint as to where Hypocrisy is to be headed. This is not nearly my favorite album, but it is definetely a good Hypocrisy album to get into if you are a fan of more traditional, speed death metal.
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There are always problems when trying to cover the basics of a huge environment in only a few hundred pages. However, this book is hampered as much by lack of complete examples as it is anything else. When you've spent half an hour typing in a program (a CD is provided so you don't have to type anything) and you find that there is no main() function or anything that actually exercises the code you've written that's just frustrating. Seemingly complete programs don't compile and there is just no excuse for that. This is just a poor book.
beautiful movie--showing Jesus would go to any length to save a life--I was touched by the realness of the man who played Jesus. The movie showed all of humanity and our sick way of life. Well done!!!
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I purchased this item for about 60 british pounds, had to pay about 23 pounds for customs, UPS will only deliver if you pay up. Then found out I could not get this to work because the voltage is based on the American system. I admit, this item maybe terrific,but unfortunately I have never had the chance to try it out!!! I am so gutted about it!!!
I love the garden weasel. I don't have to kneel down to turn over my garden before planting. I also use it after the plants are growing to loosen the weeds and easily pick them out.
these will be great for craft time with my kids. they are very colorful and there are a ton of them.
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I found this corkscrew difficult to use. The problem was that the lever was not long enough to get good leaverage. I have owned other corskrew of this type that had longer levers, and were much easier to use.
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The basic premise in this book is good - you don't need to punish your dog to train her, but it is a little off the wall sometimes. For example, the author suggests that your should play music for your dog while you are out of the house and leaving her alone (good suggestion), but then goes on to say that the best type of music to play is New Age. It also suggests not buying prepared food for your dog, instead feeding her raw food which is the only type to contain "life energy". I love my pets, but all of this goes a little too far for me. the only reason I don't send this book back is because it only cost $8 to begin with and would cost me $3 to send it back. For $5 I'll keep it and try to get past the tree hugging.
If your buying a grinder? This is a good kit to start with to ues with your grinder, not a bad price. SW
I was pleased to discover this book from a review in the Orlando Sentinel. It explains why certain spaces in a home may be beautifully decorated, yet not feel right. The author says, "feeling at home isn't about spending money." Our bedrooms should reflect our private self and the living room our best self.This book makes you rethink the spaces in your home and tells you why some area work for you and others just don't have the feel you want.
I read In Christ every day and it is an eye opener. It should be republished. I thank God that I have one. I wish that I could buy more to give to friends.Jimmy Crowder
I used them while mowing and other yard activities. I'd say I'm a heavy user because I do at least 2hrs a week in the yard so.....
I really enjoyed reading about other families from different backgrounds and how they make homeschooling work for them. While the families did not give a lot of information on the curriculum they used, they did share information on why they homeschool and how they feel about structure and socialization. This is a book I would share with someone considering homeschool but were worried about making it work into their lifestyle. Though not a book I would reach to continually for advice, I did learn some tips and tricks while reading that I have implented into our own homeschool routine. If you see it at the library and you have time to fit in an extra read, I would recommend this book.
It was the best value for my money, with four grandchildren using it. They had no trouble attaching it to the easel. The paper was very heavy duty.
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What is this for heaven's sake ? It is so annoying that it suffocates you! Catherine Breillat should have spent more attention to character development than the "fashionable" costumes of her protagonist(or whatever the heck she was). Reviews said that it was the most erotic film ever. But in fact it's the most neurotic! This is pretentiousness at its tops! Avoid it at the cost of your life!
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I decided to buy this product for my new born baby due to relatively good review summary. However, it disappointed me completely. First of all, I received one with broken frame in intact box. After replacement request, I got a second one with a crack on the edge glass face. Then I found no more replacement available on Amazon. Due to the tight timeline for need of such product and tired of online search, I try to use it anyway. It turned out that the rolling pin is really a piece of junk. Quite a lot of material was stick to it if you use the rolling pin included. What a waste of that poor suffieient amount of material. The cutting ruler did not work well since the material stick to it too, better to use your own knife.Overall, it is waste money to buy this junk.
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When James Patterson first began his writing career, I read every book he wrote and couldn't wait for the next one to appear. During the past two years,it appears as though he were cranking out books to meet a deadline. Each one was worse than the previous. The Lake House has really hit bottom. Perhaps if Mr. Patterson just "vegged out" for a year or two, he might do better.
I first saw this video on PBS as a special and I HAD to research him on the internet. I'm so freakin' jealous. Wayne Lytle is a genius. I am also a musician and a computer guy, and I can't imagine the amount of work that went into developing this product. Mr Lytle is all at once an artist, musician, programmer and very creative, imaginative mind. I own his second video as well.
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I have three other RF20s and just purchased a fourth. There is a "clone" feature which allows you to copy an already programmed RF20 to another RF20 to avoid having to manually program that RF20 when you want them to be programmed the same. I wanted to use this feature as I did with my older RF20s to avoid manually programming the new one. According to Universal Remote tech support, on the new RF20s this feature is incompatible with the older RF20s. I would have given it a 4 or 5 star rating otherwise. I wonder if they changed other things too? I'm contemplating returning it and getting a Logitech Harmony.
This was my first taste of a Mallomar although I have heard of them for many years, I don't remember every seeing them before. I thought the chocolate covering was a bit to dark and bitter as my preference is for milk chocolate. My husband however, likes dark chocolate and wolfed the rest of the package down. So how you feel about these cookies, would depend on how you like your chocolate.
How many times have we been told to love ourselves? How often do we pay attention? As readers we get a chance to travel with Ms. Berry's character Serpentine, as she moves through life. Her journey is not uncommon: family, career, love, joy, despair and ...can I still wear these pants? All things we can relate to. Serpentine reminds us that we all have the "fire" to enjoy life. We've just got to remember to add "new logs" to our souls to make sure it is going strong. Thank you, Ms. Berry! I am paying attention!
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I bought this with the soul purpose of charging my ipod in the car - the fm transmission has lots of white noise - when using a cassette adapter via the headphone jack, eq settings are over-ridden as well as volume setting. Eventually the socket came undone and launched the fuse into the car making it unusable till I found another fuse. I now have an adapter from crutchfield that plugs directly into my cd changer controller and works (clean sound) much better as well as keeping the ipod charged.
This book is not just pages filled with poetry. Each poem contains a story that anyone could relate their life to. Once you start reading, it is difficult to stop. I cried, laughed and felt ecstatic at times. The feeling of living through so many of his experiences amazed me. I feel so inspired by Mr. Levine and can't wait for his next book to be published.
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First I think it's sad that the author took the same exact characters (personalities not description)from the movie Mummy crossed them with the adventures of Sinbad and then tried to pass them off as her own. There is absolutely *no* chemistry between the hero and heroine. I just found the whole experience boring.
Great read! I have never read anything by Alan Russell before.I enjoyed it so much that I will read all his previous mysteries
I gave this as a gift less than a month ago. It's said to be working fine. Speakers are not as powerful as more expensive models, but it seems to be a good product for the price. Very easy to operate.
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I've been using a SCSI Orb on both PC and Mac, and have spoken to a PC USB Orb user. The USB on Win98 seems to be the worst, causing problems with Windows Explorer and crashes, and SCSI on Win98 couldn't reformat a disk using Castlewood's software. (FDISK worked, God only knows why...) SCSI on Mac is only usable now that 3rd parties have come out with drivers for Orb, and Castlewood has licensed a good tools program.Microsoft takes a lot of flak for Windows being buggy, but the biggest source of problems is badly written drivers. This time it's not Bill's fault.
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I really would like to buy this item but it's not listed what videos or performances are on it can somebody leave a review or a program list on here so I'll know what I'm buying.
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I previously purchased The Settlers Rise of an Empire. My kids (13-21) and I absolutely loved this. So I thought I was purchasing an upgraded version of The Settlers. The animation of the game seemed so outdated compared to the earlier version. I was very disappointed and bored. There was no tutorial as in the Rise of an Empire, so it really takes some time to figure out how to play the game. Needless to say I was disappointed with the purchase and would not buy the game if I had known this. But you will most definitely enjoy Rise of an Empire. It will keep you busy for hours on end.Karen/Florida
Certainly not a typical Grisham but shows how a great writer can tackle any subject and entertain the reader. I've enjoyed all of Grisham's novels.
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The content of this dvd is exceptional - my 2 and a half year old loves all the songs. however after playing it a few times the dvd started skipping and halting. tried cleaning it to no avail.
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The instructions say you should see results within 60 days taking 1 caplet 3 times a day. But you can speed up results by taking 2 caplets 3 times a day. I have been taking 2 caplets 3 times a day with NO RESULTS. I will finish bottle and NOT buy this product again. If the manufacture wants me to continue send me a FREE BOTTLE and I will give you my honest opinion IF IT WORKS. Right now it was a waste of my money and I would like to have a REFUND.
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Boring. Clare Kramer = low-rent Katherine Heigl, and that isn't any kind of complement to either of them. The dialogue is bad, the main characters are a drag. The professor and his assistant are the only remotely interesting members of the cast. The middle third of the story is somewhat interesting - I won't give any spoilers because if you watch this, you deserve what you get - but the ending is very, very stinky, for lack of any better terms that don't involve expletives.
The ratchet knob on the top sets the time a minute per click, so it really takes a lot of work to set a time 12 hours, but it does the job. The radio isn't really that great but I can get local stations ok. I took the clock apart and wired it to activate a fire buzzer when the alarm goes off. The only parts I needed was a reed relay, some wire and a switch. Now I can really wake up with a serious alarm. (any day of the week)The liquid quartz display is too hard to read. I can't see to make out the days of the week. I like the clock and it is a good idea, but I wish all letters and numbers were LEDs so I could see them.
Very user friendly/easy to use. Very good sound and call quality. I especially like the adjustable ear hook. But be careful not to bend that ear hook too much, or it might break off.
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well - we got this talking watch for my 4 year old son who is constantly asking us what time it is. It is easy to push the button for it to tell them time, but very easily messed up if the other buttons are pushed so that was disappointing because it was then almost never right. Also - we could never figure out how to get it off of military time (a concept which is lost on a 4 yr old) so he never uses it. at least it was only $10!
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this toy is very cute, the music and sounds are great and I love that it spins (though mine is broken and no longer spins now that we are on baby #2) I don't think it is very durable as a toy, it is better to be admired on a shelf. The pictures don't project onto the wall very good unless the unit is right by the wall. I wouldn't recomment this toy.
From panthers to tree snails, author Levin has experienced Florida's Everglades as no other, and here is provided an artful survey of author Ted Levin's travels through the region. From issues surrounding its restoration efforts to history of wildlife and wildlife management efforts, Liquid Land is packed from cover to cover with eye-opening insights.
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This is a two volume book, Dangerous Desires and Dark Desires..... Both stories have basically the same theme except that in 'Dangerous' our heroine is given the witchraft tools of symbols, candles and or course a drop cloth while in 'Dark' the horine find the other world through a haunted house and the obligatory horny ghosts ....Waht we do get in this book ... by the way .. it's big and it's heavy ... are two dumb little women who have lot's of sex and always wonder afetrwards why they enjoy it ....
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The bag looks nice but arrived in bad condition. There are scratches on the wheel and the handles including some on the bag itself. Looks like Amazon carelessle shipped a used/returned product when I ordered a brand new one. I am very close to a trip to Australia and this is too late to return the product too :(
The Cold Pack was everything as advertised and much less expensive than from a medical supply company. I ordered two cold packs to aid in my wife's recovery from hip surgery. They functioned very well.
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This is the slowest toaster I've ever seen. I've owned this toaster for about a year and one side has already quit working. I expected more for the money.
I enjoy all of Berg's books. Pull of the Moon is special to me, in that it accurately depicts fellings many married woman have about their not perfect and insenitive husbands. I like that she wrote her husband letters, reminding him of moments that helped her decide to do the things she does. There are something he can hold and read over and over, rather than letting it go in one ear and out the next. I found this book humerous and sweet. Makes you want to go fill up the gas tank and sit on an expressway ramp to anywhere.
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This splatter screen arrived broken. It was shipped in a soft pack envelope -- a bad idea, but revealing. Two of the four spot welds holding the handle to the screen frame failed. The shoddy packaging may have stressed these welds, but they should have held. If they had the wire frame would have simply bent under pressure. But neither the handle nor the frame was bent, so the stress could not have been great. Judging from this stress test I would not recommend this product.
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A story of an incredibly egocentric, arrogant, selfish and immature man, who manages to haul himself up to the emotional level of a late-adolescent. And he's proud of it!
i really enjoyed this video have seen it 3 times now each time finding it more hilarious.tells the story of three friends looking for love 2 gay guys and thier female flatmate.excellent preformances from all the cast especially simon callow and hugo weaving.if your looking for a good laugh,heartwarming story get this video.
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The way Amazon presents this DVD is misleading. It was found under Movies. It is NOT the movie. It is a Companion to the book and all the reviews are for the book. I returned this unseen.
This is a beautiful documentary that I enjoyed very much. It does not make any mention of the way in which the Gaelic Tiger, and the sudden affluence of Ireland, has endangered its natural resources, however. Added discussion of this subject would have been the only thing that improved it. I too wish they would have turned it into a three hour film as there's so much to elucidate. Anyway, my two favorite areas they study are the western coast and the mountains of Northern Ireland. The scenery is so pretty that I longed to jump into the screen. I should warn people though that the Guinness Oyster Bay segment made me jones for oysters like never before. They showed close-ups of what they were eating and those crustaceans were of monstrous size. We don't get oysters like that in America--at least, at the places that my wallet allows me to frequent. I loved what I saw here.
A GREAT READ. I had a hard time putting it down. My only complaint is that it ended rather abruptly.
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Why is this item taking so long to ship out? Most items I have ordered in the past are shipped out the next day or two. I am on the verge of cancelling this item and going to my local store to make this purchase.
I'm not a Harry Potter FIEND like some I know. But I was looking forward to book 6 and I did finish it in one sitting....can't say that for many books. I enjoyed this one just as much as 1-5. I was afraid that after so many titles, Rowling would try to introduce too many new things 'to keep it fresh' - and end up destroying the magic. Anyone who's read The Dark Tower books by Stephen King will know how some rushed writing can turn an excellent series -w- potential to be a classic into a giant stinking turd. But she pulled it off....and I hope she takes her time on the next one.
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B5 had an interesting yet unoriginal premise for a show. The acting was nothing spectacular and the plots needlessly elaborate. The makeup and sets were decent. However, the extreme use of action sequences (which were brilliant no doubt) took away from the story. Better to watch Star Trek (Original, Next Generation or DS9) where the characters and plot tell the story. Or the X-Files for Earth-based sci-fi, or Hercules or Xena for fantasy.
I have been shopping around for 1" 14K white gold hoops for a while. I was trying to keep the price under $100 and looked at many online sources. I bought a pair from Macy's for $89 that were very flimsy, not shiny, and basically junk. I had already bought a pair of Amazon Collection 1/2" 14K white gold hoops and was very happy with them, but the only pair of 1" hoops available at Amazon at that time had weird flat hammered ear posts that the reviews said were too wide for comfort. Then these earrings showed up with normal ear posts and I gave them a try.I am very pleased with these earrings. They are substantial (as substantial as a 2mm wide earring can be), the ear wires click solidly into and out of the clamp so I am not at all afraid of them falling out, and they are very shiny and pretty. They are true to size. Highly recommended for the $99 I paid.
These thrermal blankets perform exactly as advertised. They are very thin mylar or something, take up very little space, but are extremly good at reflecting heat. Will help keep things hot or cold. If used for an emergency, should protect one from the cold, however keep in mind these are only designed to reflect heat, basically reflect radient heat. You also would need some sort of insulation such as a regular blanket on top of this for total protection. Its a good product, well worth the cost, and if its all you have in an emergency, would certainly be helpful.
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I could only read the beginning 8 chapters. The book was just dragging along. No excitement, what so ever.
Love this work out. It's fun and the steps are clearly illustrated. Easy to work at the level you want. You can take it easy or apply some style and get your heart pumping.
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My copmlaint is not with the value of the content of the book but with the terrible quality of the binding. Every time I open the book a few more pages fall out so I end up with a stack of looseleaf papers. Because we carry the book in our motorhome it gets handled more than if it was sitting on a shelf at home and even though we have learned to handle it carefully it keeps disassembling itself. We had the 2008 version and it did the same thing. They need to hire a new bookbinder.
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I know that I am late arriving to the technical problem regarding the Universal products. I just wanted to add another return to store report. The product was exghanged but the freeze-up problems just appeard at another spot on the disc. During 2005, I have had similar problems with Adam-12 season number 1 and Hammer Horror Series. All of these of course from Universal. Shame on me for not coming here first once the problems began on the first set. Very sad because the product is great and the transfer is very good.
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I am embarrased to admit that I own this book. A book about dinosaurs should not have anything about religion in it, unless you believe that dinosaurs had a religion. Science is the meandering search for truth; religion is about accepting an established version of the truth. If you are interested in the genealogy of dinosaurs I recommend the BBC "Walking with Dinosaurs" followed by the BBC "Walking with Prehistoric Beasts".
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I found this book very difficult and repetitive to read. I had to force myself to keep reading. The title was not at all applicable to the content of the book. I didn't laugh at all although I did shed some tears in the chapter "Life Long Buddies" The only other two stories that were worth reading were "Growing Up In Sydney Australia, Or Have I?" and "The Wombat Learnings."
I think anyone facing a life threatening disease would find solace and down to earth advice from Bernie. He is a oncologist who is not afraid to let the patient be a human being and have them come first. He does not treat "doctoring" like a business. He lets people know about the healing due to the mind/body connection and gives everyone hope. By the end of the tapes he feels like a personal friend. Even if you are not seriously ill he helps you learn about being positive in the face of challenges and resolve problems in your life now that hold you back from your true happiness so you will not succumb to stress related illnesses.
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I love Dr. Sear's books, but this baby sling is much too large! I am a slightly small framed 5'5" woman. My 6'5" husband wears this sling just fine. But, for a sling to work for YOU, it MUST FIT properly! I finally bought a sling that fit me when my son was over 1 year old. I couldn't believe what a difference it made and felt so sad that I hadn't tried a different sling sooner. My son loves sitting in it on my hip and brings it to me whenever I am working in the kitchen. Try the Rosado sling or any other brand that comes in sizes and buy the size that fits your body! You will really be able to enjoy the baby wearing experience that Dr. Sears recommends so highly!
Javier Bardem stars as a man in the 90s who is trapped in his body after a catastrophic accident while diving in the sea. He lives many years with a family who cares for him very well. He dislikes a wheelchair and is not willing to live the life he has with his paralysis. He goes to court and with his loved ones and help from those who support his decision is allowed to do what he choses to do. The movie is a quiet gentle film that emphasizes the quality of life rather than the finality of death. Nice film.
I love it so much I bought a second with a different scoop size. Works especially well for hard ice cream if warmed with water first.
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I bought this antenna today, because I was trying to improve the FM reception for certain of my favorite stations, without resorting to listening to them online, or spending lots of money getting HD radio. Well, this isn't even worth the plastic it's made of. I've never written a review on Amazon, but I don't want anyone to waste their money buying this. After fiddling with the antenna for a few hours, I decided to cannibalize another FM antenna wire (the cheap ones that come with a receiver), joining them together to make the one I'm using twice as long. Cost? $0.10 if I'm being generous. Result? Perfect. No static, no problems. Why buy this worthless thing? This antenna is going back to the store.
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About a month ago I ordered the book and I still haven't received anhything. I do not know how to get my money back now or when it will arrive... Help!
I've had this tonneau cover for about two weeks now. It was shipped fully assembled and ready to install. Just took it out of the box, placed on the bed rails, and flipped down the clamps. Quick and simple, it only took but 3 minutes. It's been through a few thunderstorms and no water got past it. Not to mention, it's added nearly 2 mpg to my gas mileage. It's a bit pricey, but then it might pay for itself over the course year in fuel savings.
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Mr. Wallace seems more impressed with his own writing than he is with telling a good story. I couldn't MAKE myself finish this book. The reviews of this book were great. It makes me wonder if the reviewers were too embarassed to admit they didn't "get it" so they went along with everybody else. I'm no rocket scientist, but I'm not stupid either although I kind of felt stupid because I just didn't "get it".
I couldn't get enough of Gabriel's as I viewed his work on You Tube, so I bought both of his DVD. I shared them with so many including about 30 of relatives at a family reunion. I projected it onto a outside wall of our hotel and my family flocked to come see it. You'll enjoy.
We got it while on honeymoon in Hawaii, and it was wirth every penny. It workd well and gives you the freedom to take your digitaal camara to places you otherwise wouldn't.
This album cooks. Buy it. Love it. "Black Market" and "Badia/Boogie Woogie Waltz" are my personal favorites on this one. The version of "Birdland" that graces this album is by far the best recorded version of the song; it smokes the original from Heavy Weather.
-1no label
After completely going mental for L.A.M.B. and loving almost every single track, perhaps my expectations were a little too high for the follow-up. But I really just have to say Gwen's follow up disappoints completely!!! The songs are un-melodic, un-interesting, and just plain BAD!!! It's hip-hop meets Lite-FM! "Wind it Up" is the best song on the album, which isn't saying much. The Neptunes clearly phoned this one in. Maybe this project was rushed a little bit.It's sad when Fergie out-Gwens Gwen!!
Our family LOVES the Whirley-Pop. This is my go-to gift for birthdays, Christmas and weddings, particularly for those folks who "have everything". Few people don't like popcorn and those that love it, love the way it tastes from Whirley-Pop. It is sooooooo much better than microwave or airpopped. You can control what goes into it. You can control the amount of oil and flavoring.Above all, it is FAST. I have lost count of all the Whirley-Pops that I have given friends. Everyone of them has been happy with it. My own Whirley-Pop has been around for years and I use it every Saturday. The Amazon price is one of the best. I think though, that I would get the Whirley-Pop without the gift set the next time because we like gourmet popcorn and didn't care for the packets that came with this particular item.
-1no label
If I could have given this product, and several other Talonsoft products, a MINUS rating I would have. Why buy a product at full price and then be forced to wait for the manufacturer to provide a "patch" to fix all the problems. Why buy a product from a vendor when his suggested fix is to "just turn off the computer" without properly shutting down???
-1no label
Sound is great, navigation easy, good quality voice recording.There are two major problems:1. The title and artist name of some songs is not copied to the player. They are simply "lost" for some songs, without any detectable reason.2. After copying, recording and deleting files in the player does not correctly release the memory space. The result is that you have less and less space for new songs and recordings. The only way I found to correct the problem is to format and reload the songs, but that re-creates the problem described in #1.I am not sure if a new firmware would resolve it. I opted to return the player.
-1no label
As a 3rd year EE student I have seen a lot of textbooks. This one is one of the worst textbooks I have seen. The topics covered by this book are very important but are explained very poorly. The explanations are longwinded and the few examples are far from useful. I would avoid this book if possible.
Very happy with this laptop, I did not find anything wrong with it?Played 10 games and watch 12 DVD movies, battery life last up to 4 Hours thanx to PowerNow technology! from AMD.It really save battery life!Highly recommanded!!Faster than Penium4 1.7Ghz thats why it is called 1600+
This second CD of his really helped him boost his career and helped to uplift the spirit of the 1990s. Songs like "All the Things Your Man Won't Do", "No One Else Comes Close", and "The Love Scene" help to bring out his depth in R&B as a singer and performer. Personally, the song "Good Girls" describes how I felt for most of my life, including the period that the album came out, so as a whole, I give it 4 stars, and it's definitely worth the time and money spent.
-1no label
I tried hooking this up with a newer LCD tv as well as an old CRT TV. I checked the cable type and the inputs on the TVs to make sure they were matched correctly. However, the LCD could not get a signal, and the CRT only got a very distorted signal. Not sure what the problem is--my laptop, my software settings, or the cable. Whatever the case, it didn't work. Oh well.
Discovering Statistics Using SPSS for Windows uncovers simultaneously the functional foundations of basic statistic and how to work with SPSS statistical software. In addition, Andy Field transformed complex concepts into palatable words.Therefore, if you do not have much time and need to learn statistics in a short period, this is the best book avalailable.
I ordered the crate and it arrived within 2 days via a free shipping deal. I actually bought a similar (same company, but different style number, same # of doors and size, too) crate at PetSmart before ordering this crate from Amazon. The first crate was returned to PetSmart at a $35 dollar saving to me. Great deal, Amazon.
Im just gonna give my ratings1.As You Sleep - 5/10---annoying, weak---least favorite song on the album2. Space - 7/10--decent, kinda repetetive--blends in3. Down - 9/10---very good song. Catchy, while deep and thoughtful4. Only Ashes - 8/10 ---probably more like 8.5. Deep and emotional with very interesting lyrics--and is a harder SoCo song--my kinda song5. Me and the Moon - 8/10 ----poetic, soothing, and interesting6. The Runaway - 6/10--decent, but nothing special7. Ruthless - 7/10---still only decent, but better than The Runaway8. She Paints Me Blue - 5/10---not a favorite of mine9. Break Myself - 10/10---Now this is my kinda song--favorite of the album10. I Won't Make You - 6/10--i haven't got an opinion, really11. 21 and Invincible - 6/10--- a little too poppy and weak for my taste12. Miss America - 7/10 - decent
Yeah, this CD is great, but to really experience it, pop it into your CD player in your car, crank up the volume, and blast down the interstate. This CD was made for driving!
-1no label
The picture quality is mediocre at best.The camera setup for your LAN is ok, if you know how to operate your router and WEP settings.It still took me several tries and I know what I'm doing.Now to get it so you can monitor outside your LAN over the internet! Good Luck!First, most ISP use a dynamic IP system which means every so often your DSL/Cable modem IP address will change and you won't be able to get to your camera.OK, even afer I solved all of those problems, the connection to the camera goes up and down for no reason. At times I can't access the camera over the internet for no reason.Overall, this seems to be a rather unstable internet camera. Even over the LAN it drops the connection a lot, picture quality is sub-average and getting it to monitor over the internet is a graduate course in Internet networking.I don't know if all internet cameras suffer from these symptoms....but this one is a stinker.