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Full of cliches, both lyrically and musically. Derivative drivel with embarrassing lyrics. The hit single is not strong enough to carry this. Don't waste your money or your time.
The End of Money is an inciteful prediction of the future of our economy. Richard Rahn's use of everyday language and descriptions makes the book understandable to everyone. This is a quick read that provides valuable information for our future wealth. The End of Money is a must read for anyone who wants to build and safeguard their finances.
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Linda Keen provides the reader with a very imaginative view of the afterlife and reincarnation in this colorful story. The first couple of chapters are believable, however, when we learn that John Lennon was Mozart and Robert Browning. . .it becomes less believable. Towards the end of the book, the "journey" seems more like a really good acid trip than an actual psychic encounter.
Timothy Steele, in terms of his command of meter and rhyme, wit and irony, powers of observation and restraint, is the finest of the New Formalist poets. My only complaint with his work is that I get a strong sense of deja vu when reading it -- sometimes I think I'm reading Richard Wilbur instead. (Of course, Richard Wilbur is hardly a bad model.) Steele writes almost entirely in meter and rhyme and is the most competent poet featured in the "Rebel Angels" anthology.
Gringas, this music changed me. You will learn to feel the emotion behind complex Latin rhythms and it will not seem foreign to you. Juan Luis writes the perfect music to go with his sensual, creative, and loving poetry. He's also a hip and savvy political analyst! You will want to fall in love with him (but I don't recommend it, cuz youz gots no chance!). If you don't know Spanish, his music is reason enough to learn, but you will love it any which way! YOU NEED THIS MUSIC. Nuff said.
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Don't waste your money as I did if you're expecting to hear the Korn you know and love. What a disappointment. I didn't know Korn was trying to make it in the world of "pop" music. This is no where near as hard as they have been in the past.
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While this book has good parts, they are completely countered by Pinker's theory that the humans are the exact OPPOSITE of a blank slate. I would highly recommend, for an alternate and more credible viewpoint, the works Of George H. Weinberg (sometimes listed without the "H"), particularly his books THE PLIANT ANIMAL and SELF-CREATION.
Nothing fancy but does the job well.It's indispensible if you want to use the Gamecube controllers to play Super Mario Brawl on Wii with a big screen that requires you to sit further away from your screen and console.
I look for this movie all the time, and never can find it :( so a friend suggested Amazon and all I can find is a used VHS version of the movie. This movie had some award nominations I think, and it's well acted by everyone in it. So I beg please put it on DVD.
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Annie, where did our 'in your face' 'kick your butt' Diva go? When did you turn into a slobering Enya? This CD is a major disappointment. The only song that comes close to the Annie we all grew to love is Bitter Pill and it's just a tired remake. Cliches and poor pitiful me songs are not Annie Lennox songs. Such a long wait for such a big disappointment.
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Written during the Great Depression when Americans needed escapism, GWTW and the resulting movie it spawned are primarily responsible for distorting many Americans impressions of slavery, as well as trivializing the horror of the Civil War. If you like your history covered with moonlight and magnolias and sugar-coated beyond all reality GWTW is just what you are looking for. After all, its only fiction. Problem is, too many people over the years have come to regard it as almost gospel. In the end, GWTW is little more than a cheap attempt to create an American version of Tolstoy's "War & Peace."
Although I haven't much experience with 2-way radios, I have found it to be a most satisfactory device. It is very easy to use, and has excellent range. It is also very clear. The only things which might be considered faults are that it is not entirely water-resistent, and tends to act strangely in the cold weather. I found the multitude of functions quite impressive, such as the battery-level indicator and the temperature. The pager is also very handy, as is the ability to lock one's settings. I would definitely recommend this product.
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Although described as a hardcover, I purchased this for my daughter for her birthday and there was NOTHING in it that was not in the Dragonolgy text. It was also NOT a hardback, but a little pamphlet in a box with a cheap bit of plastic token. Definetly not of the quality of Dragonolgy.
I got these specifically for polishing off blackening on jewelry I make. They didn't shred as badly as regular steel wool can, there were a few bits to pick out of the finished jewelry but not much at all. The small size of the pads makes them easy to use for smaller things like jewelry, and they didn't seem very harsh on my hands.Recommended if you use liver of sulfur on your copper or sterling pieces. I'm going to post a customer image to show what kind of threads I had on my wire jewelry.
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Abosolutely loved the size of this towel. Gives plenty of coverage. With that being said this product is not worth the money you pay. The velcro does it's job but since the towel itself seems to be of cheap quality if it stick to it (the towel) it pulls long strings out. Makes the towel look very ratty. I removed the velcro and put in three snaps. You're better off buying the material and making on yourself!!
I love the quirkiness of these books, they are so fun and my little man loves getting these read to him and they never get old with me either since i'm wondering every time i read them where in the heck did this lady come up with this stuff!
This thing is great, good quality videos, excellent sound, one thing that i found usefull is the personalized equalizator, is a good feature, is fast and the micro sd allows 10.0 gb, too way better that the ipod nano.Recommended
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This product has written in red on it that it contains LEAD!!!! Returned right away and not even taking a chance.
I liked the book, and the way they greatly described the dragons.the book kept me in suspense, wondering what would happen was suspensfull alot and the dragons were described exceptionally well, I give it a 5\5 and definately recomend this book for anyone, and everyone to read....
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I was disapointed that this product didn't live up to the reviews. I have previously used Pantene products but can no longer find the leave-in-conditioner in the stores. This stuff is far inferior to just using regular conditioner. It looks like water, leaves hair tangled, and makes your hair feel like you need another shampoo. I won't be getting any more of this.
This bra provided very good support for high impact sports. I have tried several other sports bras, but due to a large cup size, have had difficulty finding one that gives this level of support. It does fit tight, but not uncomfortable.
This has been a family favorite for about 15 years. This is our third copy purchased in that time. Great background music while studying too!
If you were to only buy one Kottonmouth Kings album, this would have to be it. Altough in my opinion it has alot of filler songs(songs not meant to be great but good enough for hardcore fans). This cd best represents the group and acts like an introduction into their type of genre. Songs which are the most notable are as follows;Sleeper- A fast-paced intro into the world of suburb-pop-punk-hip hop which this group seems to engulf itself in.Rest of my life- A classic stoner tune in every aspect. Even if you don't smoke weed, you'll catch yourself singing along.Strange Dayz- A great example of how KMK can get down lyrically with a hard hip-hop flavor.Tangerine Sky- My personal favorite, call it ska, punk, or even hip-hop. Something about KMK can appeal to just about anybody.
At her very best, Eisenberg compares favorably with giants such as Flannery O'Connor and even Chekov. "What It Was Like, Seeing Chris" is definitely the author at her best--richly provocative, continually surprising, virtuosic in covering registers from the mundane to the philosophic and epiphanic. Should anyone like to share impressions about this story, I'd love to hear from you
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I must agree with several others reviewers here, who've in my opinion, stated the obvious. This book was too short, too 'narrow' & greatly lacked character depth. I didn't ever feel I *knew* anyone in the story. Actions, not feelings which prompted them, seemed to be the point.I have been through divorce & know its scars. This book seemed to be about a different subject altogether... and I still have no idea what it was. I don't intend to read this author again.
This has been my favorite album of the year. Great, natural, country-soul. I originally purchased the album digitally, and I just bought it again from Amazon in order to get the lyrics.Both the music and lyrics are brilliantly crafted.
It pleases me to no end that the authors found it in themselves to tell another story involving the original heroes. It's like finding a forgotten video tape of old friends. Years ago, I remember expecting to find more detail about what happened to the companions by reading the second Chronicles book, Dragons of Winter Night. The new story is a good sign that there is still a place for the world they forged so long ago.The heroes begin another epic journey in a land unaware of an approaching army. Safe travel is not guaranteed, the characters are challenged to thier wits end, and cell phone chargers don't exist here. I enjoy the imagery descriptions and character interaction for the different settings. It really feels that I've visited the fantastic places they write about.If you can get a used copy of Karen Wynn Fonstad's Atlas of Krynn, it will serve as a visual treat during the journey this book takes you on.Thank you Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman for the magic ruby spectacles!
The Greatest Hip-Hop album I have ever heard.The man had more lyrical talent than anyone in Rap history. I would pick a favorite song, but it would take up my review to list all the tracks.. R.I.P. Big Poppa(THE GREATEST RAPPER OF ALL TIME)
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Although the book is only 159 pages long, my underlinings of informative sections would amount to 4 pages at the most. In other words, the book is full of anecdotes and statements of the obvious but business insight is alarmingly lacking.
This crossing can't be used on a curve; however, I was able to get use from it on my layout. It is very basic with a low price. You might consider Bachmann's actuated RR Xing if your crossing is on a straight section of track. I used one on an N Scale layout and it worked beautifully.
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This book - and Michael Harner - are a horrifically bad joke. A true shaman does NOT teach shamanism to the masses in workshops, and for exorbitant amounts, I might add. One is called by Spirit to be a shaman, and if one is called, one spends the rest of one's life in service, FOR FREE. I won't go on, because the rest of the negative reviewers have pretty much said it all. This man should be ashamed.
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I have bought stevia before (granted not flavored except liquid) but in the other brands I opened the packet and the powder came out like sugar. This is NEW and all hardened and i cannot even get it out. Total waste. Never again. (The tiny bit I can get out tastes good but it's all hardened and wasted :(
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This product of very poor quality. Needs a lot of improvement. Will have to send mine back it has never worked.
A very informative book on DigiComm.. It gives a lot of useful insights into difficult concepts in Digital Communications. This is one book which helped me a lot in my undergraduate study. A very good book to start learning the fundas of DigiComm.
Anything with Schlick, Mononyios and Jochens singing and Schneider directing his La Stagione is going to be good anyway, but at this price it is a gift!
I bought this lens for my wifes Nikon D-3000, I have found that the lens works perfectly. and is very easy to use in all types of, situations,
they have different ways of how you can dry food in this book. you can even dry food in your car.
Great playback and better than average recording if you know how to set-up the unit. Read the manual!... is important to know that the SVHS benefit only comes from recording(s) in SVHS if you are using a S-Video CABLE AND a S-Video output SIGNAL like another VCR w/SVHS, a camcorder w/ S-Video, or cable box w/ S-Video. NOTE: the signal from the outputting device to the SVHS VCR must remain S-Video -- no where can the signal be converted to `Composite video' [RCA style jack] or the "Super" quality will be lost.
That about says it all. I had no idea what to expect when I picked up Heller's masterpiece and perhaps that was part of the wonderful-ness: it was a total surprise. After reading Catch-22, my outlook on life was completely thrown for a loop. No book has ever made me think and reevaluate as this one did. A perfect novel - it makes you laugh, it makes you feel sad, it makes you think and it stays with you. I am ever amazed at the intricacy with which the novel is structured and how the story unfolds. I re-read Catch-22 regularly.
First got this CD from the library but it went out of circulation. I found myself singing "I Had Ham" and wishing for "Ruben the Rooster" so we bought one. I especially like some of the parent humor; reminds me of old Sesame Streets or Veggie Tales with witty grown-up humor kids miss.
This series is full of all kinds of really cool stuff. Some might say it's useless is "lil wayne." And if I have to fill my time with useless things, this is definietly my prefered way of going about it. Great graphics, very in depth and thought provoking. Love it. In fact I think I'm going to watch now. Watched several times and never get tired of it. It's been said that Stephen hawking isn't one of the top rated physicist amongst his colleagues. But given his way of describing things and his disabilities that do not seem to hold him back much, I'd say he's very important in his field. He brings theoretical astrophysics into a manner in which anyone can understand (even if it's difficult to comprehend sometimes). But it's like Einstein said, if you can't explain a theory to a child, the theory is probably useless.
This CD hasn't left my CD player since I got it...I'm from Chicago...and used to go to Wax Trax back in 89'...I remember hearing ACID HORSE'S "No Name No Slogan" for the first time there and asking Chris Connelly who sang it (most of Ministry was working at Wax Trax at one point or another)...for years I thought he said "Acid House"...Ah, the joke was on me...The fact that this CD has all the releases from Pailhead, 1000 HOMO DJ's, PTP and Acid Horse is simply flows like a great mix tape...all you need to get now is LARD: The Power of Lard and Revolting Cocks: Beers, Steers & Queers and your set.Oh yeah...Pick up a copy of Ministry's Land of Rape and Honey while your at it.
I have ordered this item twice in the past two weeks through Amazon Marketplace. Although each time I received my order promptly, IN EACH INSTANCE THE SECOND DISC WAS MISSING! This 2-disc set is in completely separate disc cases, and if you are not paying attention, it is quite easy to not notice that the case is labeled "Disc One" on the spine and in the back text. As much as I would like to have a physical copy of this CD set, I can't take another chance that I am only going to get half my order again so I'm giving up and just ordering this on iTunes.
It will work well ONLY with a mono recorder. DO NOT BUY it for for a stereo recorder because it will decrease the quality of your sound.
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The digital numbers were impossible to see I don't know if there was something wrong with the watch but the glare was terrible. I sent this watch back.
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The keyboard itsself is fine. The buttons are placed well, I never had any hardware issues with it after having it for about 3 or 4 years. The software however, is junk. After like 3 new versions the forums are still plagued with people who cannot get the software to display the tab necessary to program the extra buttons. Tried reinstalling over and over, talking to the (Indian) tech support, going through the forums. Nothing worked. If you want a cheap decent keyboard and don't care about customizing the buttons, go for it. I myself am avoiding Logitech from now on since they never addressed this issue after several years and software versions.
My husband and I have been using Designer Whey in our iced coffee as a milk substitute for quite a while. It helps us get the added protein we need in a way we enjoy. I can't say I like it any other way, but this one is really great.
Some of the West Coast Soul was overlooked and underrated. This joint offers some of the best and the rare, though some or most of, these artists never got the attention they deserved. Take The San Francisco TKOs, whose version of Smokey Robinson's "Ooh Baby Baby" gets your attention. By the way, the vocalist on this track is deep baritone (yes, a female can do it too!) Penny Lewis. People mistook her voice for a male lead and thought the song was "screwy". Try to listen again, please. Other of their hits include "Make Up Your Mind". A true treasure from Kent Records (original label) which was a small company foreshadowed by the likes of RCA and Capitol Records (a damn shame). You miss a lot when you are in the time-warp of manufactured pseudo-soul! Don't forget the rarities on this one! (Kent)
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I bought this cable to connect my netbook to my bedroom tv. The cable itself is thick and appears to be made of quality materials, however it doesn't work when solidly connected to both components. The screen color goes purplish-pink, unless I play with one side and keep it held in that position.This cable was also tested with my Desktop Monitor and PC, and I found the same issue. No, it's not my equipment, it's this cable. I'm using this cable right now with tape, while a wait for another cable. Very annoying that a simple VGA cable doesn't work properly.Not recommended.
The video was here on time and was in excellent shape and a lot more entertaining than we remembered 20 years ago!!
good ent. esp. done up w/ the cute rankin/bass style, like a monstamash christmas. this is a good orig. film w/ the makers from ja-pan. in apx order of monsta action it has--robotkong, k.k., t-rex, sea serpent, thats it from this monsta isle-mondo isle, but not enough japan bldg. damg.
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was shipped a different product than was pictured. was put in touch with the vendor who was terrible to deal with. had to pay for the return shipping eventhough amazon and the outdoor store agreed the item was not what was pictured. will never deal with either one again.
This laser pointer is a bright, inexpensive laser pointer suitable for any general use. The delivery was prompt and the quality of the laser appears to be good.PROS: Inexpensive; bright; comes with a basic carrying case and slipcover; generic batteries are included.CONS: Feels a little lightweight; batteries included aren't the best.Overall, I recommend this as a good-quality basic laser.
Karen starts the DVD off nicely. She's a very beautiful lady. Nikki Schieler probably has better clips & when her short segment ended I was wishing she was PMOY instead of Karen. Then Karen had a cute clip with cats during the credits where she had some cute facial expressions. My only real complaint is that it isn't longer (on both accounts).
Great balad and melody in all aspects with of course the always very good vocal performance of Michael Jackson. I definetly recommend this song to all of you. Fabien
i purchased this cd along with 3 others for the car when my daughter was 7 months old. she hated being in the car, and it was so stressful for me since there was nothing i could do from the driver's seat (especially since she was rear-facing at the time). none of the other cds comforted her much, but this one has been a true lifesaver. no matter how fussy she is, the minute i turn on track 1 of this cd, she stops whining and starts listening to bob and larry! it really is amazing, and i can't say enough good things about this cd. bob and larry talk quite a bit in between the songs, but the dialogue is cute and funny, even for adults (my husband likes it too). i also like how this cd introduces my daughter to some classic christian songs, such as "this is the day" and "this little light of mine." my daughter is 14 months old now and still *loves* this cd, and it has made car rides much more peaceful for both of us!
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"Haunted boat" is a joke. When you read the plot it seems like it has potenial, but you see nothing in the movie. They add so much random crap, the ending makes no sense. The bad part is, you keep watching the movie expecting it to get better, or to even see anything that was remotely described in the "reviews". If you're seeing this movie for the horror, you'll be dissapointed. If you're seeing this movie for the plot, you'll be dissapointed. If you're seeing this movie for any other reason than to waste an hour and a half it's not worth it.
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We have had two of these irons and neither has lasted a full year. There is only two of us so my wife doesn't do that much ironing, but it still didn't last. We just replaced it with am iron from a different manufacturer.
I am a student at the FAME music workshop in Durham, NC and Lynne is one of our teachers. She gave a concert for us and I was completely blown away by her performance. She has the most incredible voice that she can wrap around all sorts of different songs. She can make you laugh and then she can make you cry at the next moment. Her rendition of the The Babysitter's Here is absolutely adorable. Besides all of this, she is incredibly talented and has a true passion for singing that shows through in all of her work. I highly recommend her CD to anyone who enjoys an eclectic mix of songs sung by a very versatile singer. And check out her website.
In my opinion, a bands first self produced CD is often my favorite because it tends to showcase the band in a most honest light. This CD is raw energy that will groove you in an "I love summer, beers and the beach" kind of way. Just drop it in and hit play. There are no tracks to be skipped! "Everybody Rise UP"
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This dopey book has little good information and much (often-repeated) useless opinion. The author's choice for a survival tool is a locking pliers with fold-out tools - must of broke down back in the woods on his ATV one time. He says you should carry the biggest knife you can - a machete or khukri - but only if it has a hole in the handle. The author did have the courage to self-publish this large leaflet.
I saw this movie when I was 5 years old and as a child was fascinated with the special effects and until today it is my favorite fantasy-adventure movie. The story is romantic and Andromeda(Judi Bowker) and Perseus (Harry Hamlin) are wonderful as lovers. The special effects are unique and it's all tied to the Greek mythology. Medusa's head of snakes, the sea monster, scorpions, vultures, statues that talk, sea monsters,etc. I always wondered how the special effects back in the early 80's were so good and so realistic and today with all the technology I don't see movies that are as well done. The movie is a great romance and the story is well written and I learned alot about Greek mythology from it.
This was the best book I've ever read! I have never read a book and felt like I wanted to shake the hand and pat the back of the author! Chef Bourdain certainly learned everything the hard way, but he was smart enough to learn from his mistakes. This guy understands himself and explains why and when he fell down on his luck, screwed up, and made bad and good decisions in the most hilarious way. The greatest thing about this book is his passing on of his self analysis to others so we can learn, laugh and be a better person, chef or not. You don't have to have a love for good food or cooking bone in your body to love this book. Bon Appetite!
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We bought this item to clean our expensive pots. It did not do a thing. Not sure of return policy but this product does not work.
Taken from the inside cover - "A red Ferrari Dino speeds down a coastside Californian highway. Its' roof is down and the driver's blonde hair is ruffled in the breeze. As the waves crash in on the shore his companion - with the somewhat longer brown hair - pushes the cartridge into the eight track and some groovy sounds fill the air. The couple could be Ali McGraw and Steve McQueen, and the soundtrack should almost certainly be Corduroy." If you are interested in getting a taste of the music that Corduroy make then this is a good buy. All the favorites are on here. Acid Jazz at it's greatest! It is a shame that they have broken up now. This best of does not include anything from "The New You" album or "Clik" but I those 2 albums are very different to what the first 3 were. Hard to find a band that compares to what Corduroy does - if you know of some let me know!
I like it so much that I want to recommend it to everyone who needs to make progress either in written or spoken American English. The workbook style provides exactly the exercises I need to consolidate the grammars I just learned. It's written in such an explicit and detailed way that even the most complicated grammar seems easy to understand to a foreigner like me. Each chapter begins with an interesting story and you can control your learning progress by chapter easily. It's the best grammar book I've ever had.
Fiskars ceased making bulk soaker hose in 96'. Excellent product and system using there black and yellow compression fittings. I found an online retailer that carries the same product (part #120, .580 bulk soaker hose in 100' 500' rolls) with many more items, hose sizes in there product lineup. It appears they have a new formula as of June of 2010, that works so much like the original Fiskars. The mfg. is [...]
I like absolutely everything about this worm factory! There's absolutely nothing i dislike about the product. My worms are very active in there and loving it! They are eating all the pulp from my morning and night time pulp from vegetable juice that I make + banana peels and all kinds of organic matter. I highly recommend this product to anyone that has no idea on how to raise worms and collect worm castings. If you are new i would suggest you just get this instead of going through the trouble of making one yourself and then struggling with trial and error.
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This is one of the most overrated "horror" films you'll ever see. I, too, was swayed to check it out after hearing about its "legendary" status as one of the greatest ever made. It's just not true. It's unintentionally hilarious in many scenes. About the only positive comments I can offer are for the effective use of extreme color and an interesting soundtrack. Otherwise - a waste of time. Watch "Dead Alive", instead.
Fun historic adventure tale with great character development that make Follett's stories my favorite. Was a bit disappointed with the end, however - felt like he was trying to quickly wrap things up in a James Bondish kind of way. But then I read the postscript - highlight of the book IMO. Not his best book for me, but like all Follett books I've read - a great tale based on historic events. Highly recommended.
Very nice material and comfy fit.I think I'll were it all the time.I like it a lot and it's onr of my favorite jeans.
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Length:: 0:55 MinsMy name is Able and this is my reason why you shouldn't buy this DVD!
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This book is junk. No insights, just soft core porn (and pretty flaccid soft core at that - it wouldn't stimulate a monk with hormone shots)
I like this pan. I line it with foil and cook bacon in the oven (25 minutes @ 400.) It just barely fits into one of my side by side gas ovens.Other reviewers mentioned it warping. MOST metal (particularly aluminum) will deform when heated. Mine, like other reviewers, however, came with a warp, but that doesn't interfere with the this purpose specific item. (Aluminum will warp when heated or cooled abruptly.)The rolled edges ARE the way that professional cookware is made. The pan I got had smoothed edges - half roll - and I don't think you could cut yourself on it without a lot of trying.So, all in all a 4 star due to the mishandling. It should NOT have been warped out of the package, but I would put the blame on UPS for that particular problem, although I can't prove it.
I absolutely love KV. I have read 10 or so of his books and love them all.For a while, Mother Night was my favorite but Slapstick has dethroned it. It doesn't quite have the believable nature to it that Mother Night has but it is a great yarn. Vonnegution wisdom abounds in this book as it will make you laugh while ponder the words on the pages. It is filled with many of my favorite quotes from any of the books that I have read. This being said, I wouldn't start out with Slapstick as my first Vonnegut novel because it is very strange. I would read Cat's Cradle or one of his better known books before I read Slapstick.
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Did I get a bad batch? These pencils break constantly! Sometimes the tip breaks off after coloring for 30 seconds, and other times it breaks off right in the sharpener. I tried leaving just a teeny amount above the wood but anymore than that it just breaks off over and over. My kids 8 and 10 try to be careful, and I just can't understand why these pencils won't last longer. I bought Crayola for the name but we've sharpened away about half of them after just a few pictures. Very disappointing.
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If you need to break concrete, form steel, or just convince something to be in it's place, this is a great hammer. Hey, Amazon refuses to let me leave a five star original review, so, here's a stupid one, review removed 10 times, stupid moderators = trolls
This back brush is what I have been looking for for a long time. others I have tried were too soft or were of sponge material that deteriorated quickly or fell off the handle. This one is a good, stiff, scrubbing brush that can get to all those places on my back that I cannot reach.I recommend this to anyone who wants to feel clean and scrubbed.
Chris has been my favorite Idol contestant so far. I was really looking forward to see what kind of music he would produce once he was allowed to break away from the Idol theme choices. I wasn't disappointed! He sounds fantastic.
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The wrist unit worked fine. So I strapped the chest unit on, and .... nothing. The wrist unit simply was not picking up anything from the chest unit, or the chest unit wasnt working. It might be due to my chest hair. Who knows?
1. WAR GAMES:Batista, Chris Benoit, Rey Mysterio, Lashleyvs.King Booker, Finlay, William Regal, Chavo Guerrero2. 1st Blood Match: Undertaker vs. Great Khali3. Tag Titles: Pit Bulls vs. Hardys vs. London/Kendrick4. Cruiserweight: Gregory Helms vs. Super Crazy5. US Title: Mr. Kennedy vs. Sylvester Turkay6. Random DIVA BS match7. Hardcore Holly vs. Sylvan
Arrived in perfect time for the holidays. Arrivedin perfect condition. Good viewing, very long movie but every minute worth the time. Nothing could be cut out and still keep pirate fans on the edge. Very satisfied.GW,Texas
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Received my order, started loading software, then prompted for a key code. Clicked the help to determine location of key code. Discovered that the "certificate of Authenticity" had been removed from the box. This leaves me with nothing more than a "Trial Version" at this point.I have contacted Amazon for a possible remedy.Haven't even had a chance to check the software out no comment on that aspect.Received an e-mail from product is being shipped! Two thumbs for Amazon on this one.
This guide is beautifully illustrated and carefully written by many of the finest Shakespeare scholars alive (there are entries by Helen Vendler, Park Honan, Jonathan Bate, Stephen Orgel, and many others). It is a joy to simply open it to a random page and read. There is an admitted and fairly strong bias toward British Shakespearians and productions, but this helps focus the book and give it a depth many similar guides lack. That doesn't mean it's a provincial book, however, for there are numerous entries surveying Shakespeare across the world and in a variety of contexts. One of the most helpful aspects of the book is an outline of categories and entries at the beginning, a remarkably useful aid when terminology or names slip your mind. It is helpful, but not necessary, to have a copy of the Oxford Shakespeare to refer to, since titles, chronologies, and line references are all keyed to it.
I have owned other brands of bread machines and got only frustrated with the results. A friend insisted I try the Breadman. I love it!!! The hole caused by the paddle is hardly noticable. It takes less than two minutes to put all the ingredients in and you leave it alone. So far everything I have made tasted great. The only trouble I had was getting the paddle out to clean it. I figured out if you gently wiggle it back and forth it comes out much easier than trying to yank it out. A+
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I bought this cart for my father about one year ago. It worked for a few months and then started behaving erratically, probably due to an acute malfunction in the control module. For over six months I've been trying to sort this out without success. Amazon claim they are unable to assist and there is absolutely no response from NFM - they did not even respond to a letter from my lawyer. Beware!!!
On the first listen, I wasn't so sure about this CD. On the second listen, I thought "I kind of like this." By number three... I was hooked!!! I love the contemporary sound and the nightclub type of beat to most of the songs. I am definitely more captivated by the upbeat, faster tunes, but the slower ballads are beautiful and leave lasting impressions. It is obvious that making this CD was a very personal venture for George Michael as almost every song is a reflection of events in his life. His expression of love is obvious, especially in the amazing track "Amazing" (definitely my favorite). Can't go wrong with this one; great background music and just as great jamming down in the car.
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Mechanically this brewer works fine. However, I give Keurig customer service a big fat "F" grade. I placed an order with them and after nearly a month it has not arrived and they continue to give me the run around about fixing the problem. On *FOUR* different occasions customer service has promised me that a service technician would call me back within 24 hours to fix the problem. Every time they "guarantee" a call back. I have never once had them call me back to fix the problem. I will have to resort to seeking resolution through my bank. I would urge you to think about whether you want to do business with a company that fails to provide even basic customer service.
Extremely easy to read and understand. The section on charts is exceptional!
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The product just isn't very good for its purpose. I now have to buy another gel one because this is just pretty much useless to me. Both the mouse support and the keyboard support. I bought matching, naturally. I still end up having to hold my wrists up because the beads inside of the product migrate over to either end within a minute or two and my wrist is sitting on the table again. There just isn't much support.
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I bought this sound machine to replace an over 10-year old Homedics sound machine. The older machine had been used all day while I was at work to have a little background noise. I really wish I hadn't junked the old machine - it was still working. The SS-2000 is not. First the volume control went out so you can't have a quiet white noise background; then a "tick tick" started in on the sounds. It was never dropped or moved around - it just stopped working properly.
I like this series because it takes you back to the original mini series. Also its more serious ...
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My daughter was so excited for this costume. It came just in time for her school party. However the boot covers and the wig were way to small. (I think the wig would fit an infant-maybe!!) My daughter is a small 9 year old(wears size 7 in jeans) So I thought 8-10 size would fit. It left her in tears!
This shoe is probably the most comfortable shoe I have ever owned. I would have given it 5 stars, but the patern of material resembles a bowling shoe. They really are cute if you don't see the bowling shoe resemblance. I love shoes and would recommend this if you care about comfort or a sneaker style that's unique!
The caller id feature on the handset is fabulous, because I can see who is calling no matter where the phone is. The answering machine works good, though it is a bit fuzzy. Reception on the phone is excellent, getting far better and far more distance than previous cordless phones I have had.
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This movie grabs & assimilates every smug sentimental cliche ever to appear in film or print. The scenes between Damon & Driver are as artificial as could possibly be imagined. Williams heaving up massively shallow platitudes (one more time) is the crowning touch. How depressing that so many found in this film some form of significant human statement. It simply shows how deeply we continue to regress as a culture.
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The three legions massacred in the German forests was only one of the many defeats suffered by the Romans, and by not means the most dramatic (just compare this to Cannae). Although catastrophic at the time, the Romans did not follow up with an aggressive campaign in Germany as the land did not provide any valuable commodity, and was considered poor for agriculture (unlike the British Isles were despite being defeated the legions returned). The book is interesting but I find it full of speculations, specially its conclusions. If interested in Roman military history buy one of Adrian Goldsworthy's books. They have greater analysis, and are very readable.
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This book IS NOT by Tom Osborne. It includes a foreword by Coach Osborne, but the cover and listing on Amazon are clearly intended to mislead people into thinking the book was authored by Tom Osborne. Nice marketing strategy, but bad publishing practice!
I picked up a number of PHP and MySQL books along with this one and find myself using this one the most. If you already know how to program in another language and want to get up to speed fast on PHP and MySQL this is the book you need. Some issues I ran into I could not find the answer anywhere in other books or on the web, then I grabbed this book as a last resort and wa-la the answer was there. Now this is the first book I look for answers to questions in.If you just need a little examples of how to do things in PHP and MySQL this book does it.
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This item was cheap and a complete waste of money. It did not do the job and was cheaply made. I could have spent the money on bubble gum and it would have done a better job after i chewed it.