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I was expecting more routines, but this VHS was so old, it didn't offer much. Don't bother.
I love "I Love Lucy" so much!!! This is my go-to series for blue days. Well worth the money.
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I bought this as a gift for my brother. My two brothers tried using it and both found it to be distorted. It worked better with only using one eye! We think it was off or something. I honestly cannot speak about the actual issue, but just understand that my brother put me through the hassle of returning it. Well, it was hardly a hassle because Amazon made it quite easy. Thank you Amazon!
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One of my sons plays the iPod version of Spore and so we bought the Mac/PC version. Our Mac is less than a year old, but if you read the fine print the full feature set will only run on very new Macs. We then installed it on my Vista PC, which is brand new, with lots of memory and a fast graphics card. It installed OK but kept shutting down. The EA help forum contained a complex set of instructions for running this in Vista Compatibility Mode, but I doubt we'll bother. I strongly suggest not buying this game until the bugs are worked out.
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The movie is almost 1 + - hours long. It is all so boring you will feel it right away from the very beginning. Half of the movie is based on nudity and mixed with sex scenes. But was even this fun to watch? No, like the whole movie it was plain boring. I advice to skip it or watch without high expectations.
The book was pretty good as I recall (it was a while back when I read the book). If I remember right, the book seemed liked it ended TOO abruptly (Mazer left 'ya hanging). But after searching on Amazon I see why: There's a Sequel. It was A good book overall.P.s. If I recall corectly, There was some mild profanity in it.
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I am a big Stella fan and have many of her songs on '45. So I was delighted to see an anthology and could hear the old songs again without the scratches. Was very disappointed as the songs, especially the hits are rerecords. If you like the original songs, don't buy this album. If you don't really care, then the songs are close enough to be a good listen.
Kudos to those people that wrote these great and exciting episodes and who chose these wonderful actors to play the different and sometimes quirky characters so well that we fell in love with them all. I will miss my Friday nites curled up watching the next adventure...good luck in detoxing from the high of this thrilling show.
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This movie is like when you were a kid and your were visiting relatives and your mother made you hang out with your cousin, who was a loser, and his friends, who thought they were really funny, and you were never more bored or miserable in your life and you thought the night would never end. David Cross comes off as arrogant and mean-spirited in this movie, but he released it so I guess that is the image he likes. It is interminable and irritating and deadly dull.
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It sure puts you to sleep, but as far as losing weight, I don't think so. I was very disappointed.
Dell two button mouse works great on my laptop. I bought it after my wireless mouse died. Should have chosen this one instead the first time. I already knew this one would be good because I have the same one on my desktop computer. It was easy to order, shipped on time and installed easily. Wonderful product.
A Very good movie, well dispatched in time. The blu ray box bore few bumps on each sides certainly because of the handling
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My wife always buys high tech looking bad equipment. This was to go with the tent she bought for her New Zealand relatives to camp out in the grand canyon. I dug it out, a few years later... No batteries, which is good when stored. Kicked it around for 4 or 5 months wondering when I would locate suitable batteries without wasting a trip to the store... Found bats, have lantern -load batteries (accordingly) and Wa-laa... NOTHING!!! Reload... Nothing, nothing, nothing. Worthless junk, tossed it in garbage. Use once and toss... If I could give it no stars I would. If I questioned why I'd take this time to review, I wouldn't. It's obviously a bad product not worth mention to begin with. Lesson learned? Help wife who goes camping before I going sailing. It's cheap because it is. Buy the better cheaper but not this one because it is worthless.
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i mean yeah... the first time i heard stupify i thought it was pretty good, but then it really got on my nerves and it was really overplayed. All the songs sound the same and get really boring after a while. Its good at first, but then it really gets on your nerves.
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This would work great if it worked longer than one day. I can no longer mount the drive on any computer.
Bought this for my grandchildren after seeing it myself on a rental. I thought it was so special the way it depicted the differences in religions, and how the boys bonded and accepted each other, while the Catholic father was much less understanding. I haven't not heard what the grandchildren thought of it. ( They are in Hawaii now.)
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I have used Natural Instincts Linen for many years and have always loved how natural it looked. Not any more! The new formula doesn't cover as well and has an unnatural look. And the special solution you put on after two weeks makes it worse!! For the first time ever, my friends asked me what I did to my hair. If I can't find the old solution somewhere, I'll be forced to look at products from other companies. Please, Clairol, bring back the old formula!!
I bought one...I love it...and I keep dozens, nay hundreds of pics stored on those cute little disks. I can pack ten of the disks and have virtually NO LIMIT to the number of photos I can store on a long trip (and I travel a lot as I live in Europe). Others pay $199 for a 64 MB flash per MB cost is less by a factor of at least 6. Then I pop the PC Clik drive into my laptop and bingo they're in....
Creo que todas las mujeres deberían leer este libro. Ayudaría a comprender muchas cosas que se dan por obvias en los hombres y que luego no son otra cosa que frustraciones por ambas partes cuando se descubre que lo que se supone que debería ser de una forma, no es así. Las investigaciones sobre la sexualidad masculina apenas se acercan a lo avanzadas que están las femeninas. Por suerte hay algunos libros como éste que comienzan a desvelar y tirar por los suelos tantos mitos del supermacho superdotado.
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It's a very quick read with some small interesting theories and tidbits but altogether very very out-dated and in my opinion, no longer has any relevant information to give today's actor. These techniques have already been surpassed and the book can be at times very stupid and quite sexist. It's really not worth your time or money. I would only suggest this if you were bored and wanted to kill some time on a long bus ride. But I wouldn't suggest that you take most of the things in this book into practice. Times have changed...
This recording satisfies the need to bring the fully realized score of Harvey Schmidt's 110 in the Shade to modern listeners, after 49 years of having just the original, abbreviated, Original Cast Recording, which was released to CD only about 15 years ago. This newer recording gives everyone a chance to hear the original orchestrations, created by Hershe Kay, and all of the incidental music is included. An addition, several recordings from the NYC Opera Production of 110 were also included. My only complaint is that a separate release of the NYC Opera production should have been made available as well. This is due to the fact that different songs were added and subtracted between the two recordings. Great performances on the part of Karen Ziemba and Ron Raines and the rest of the cast in both versions.
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I bought this title after hearing peoples reviews, but I really wish I would have just rented it. If you've seen it once, there's really not much to go back for.The HD quality seems pretty good. I didn't notice anything to complain about.The movie itself is really not that great. Some of it is pretty fun, but other parts will have you groan. After the girl next door realizes that this guy's been spying on her, she says a line that pretty much made me want to get my money back.There is some decent suspense in this. The ending, however, is extremely disappointing, and doesn't even make any sense. The main antagonist goes completely against his character, and the whole thing has feeling of being rushed. It's the sort of thing where they only had 10 minutes left and figured they needed to do something.Rent it instead, or borrow it from the fool who bought it ;)
I am a big fan of HoNg Kong movie, and i also a big fan of Kristy yang. The movie didn't talk much about her though, but it was a happy ending for her. I know you might want to know an overview here it is:King ( ekin cheng) is sorta a playah, he has many girlfriends, but after meeting Eleven ( shu sQi) he realy inlove with her. Jack ( Louis koo tin lok) always expect a 100% girlF. So his girlfriend got tired of him, so she dumped him. Queen (kristie yang) has been loving jack along time, and she finaly expresed it out after he broke up with his girlf. fist he didn't except her, but after all he realize dat he likeher. so it is sorta happy ending. Wellz King didn't have quite a happy ending but he still happy. Want to know more?WAtch it!!!!!it is an excellent movie, i saw it more than 5 times alredy. have fun!
Product is in excellent shape. much better even than exactly what I was looking for,of great interest and help to me.. wellwritten ,not beyond or abovea common person's understanding.
This is a faithful sequel to Sense and Sensibility and reacquaints us to most of the characters from the original. Imaginative and yet staying true to Ms. Austen's characterizations, Jane Barrett has proven herself (with this and "Persuasion") as one of the better novelists who have dared to follow in Ms. Austen's shoes.
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I was very disappointed with this CD. As a hard core Stevie Nicks fan, I couldn't see wasting my money on this one. If you have Timepeace and/or Enchanted, why buy this when all these songs are already on the other compilations. Don't waste your money if you have Stevie's greatest hits CD already.
My son has loved this little laptop beginning at around 4 months and still loves it at 10 months! His little face lights up every time we turn it on - it's my go-to toy!
I purchased these shoe trees for my ballroom dance shoes. They are well-made and are high quality. They absorb moisture and odors and keep your shoes from being crushed or misshapen.
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So many ASD kids are sick with bowel disease and live in terrible pain. This book only covers the bare minimum of ASD issues and deals effectively only with ABA treatment. Sadly, it takes far more to recover many children than ABA. Ms. Siff-Exhorn's book oversimplifies the very complex causes and medical problems that all too often go untreated or are simply viewed as behavioral.
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Prospective buyers, beware!I did a lot of research, and finally settled on the Creative Zen Vision:M. I was certainly impressed when it arrived, it is handsome and the player itself is easy to figure out, with gorgeous sample photos and videos to admire as I installed the software.When I finally plugged the ZVM into my PC, an alert came up, "Device malfunction, not recognized." Since then, I've spent 12+ hours researching the internet, downloading fixes, firmware updates, driver updates, etc., to no avail. I am an average PC user, but common solutions include meddling around in the registry and completely re-installing windows XP. I haven't been brave enough to do either of those yet.I do believe the ZVM will be fantastic when I get it to communicate with my computer, it has such great reviews. I just want everyone to be aware that mine is a common problem, as demonstrated on Creative's Support website. Don't be dissappointed if it happens to you.
What is taught in this book is that you cannot make a mistake. My kind of beading! I have spent thousands of hours in pleasurable meditation beading scluptural peyote. I have raised my daughters in skating rinks while I beaded, and could even tolerate that music. Many people now call it freeform, but the partnership of Jeannette Cook and Vicki Star cannot be copied. Check out "the curl" in this book. Jeannette still does classes in it. Also:Beading With Peyote Stitch: A Beadwork How-To BookBeading with Herringbone Stitch (Beadwork How-To series)I also discovered another great bookMastering Beadwork: A Comprehensive Guide to Off-loom Techniquesscluptural peyote is the easiest beading that there is; there is no wrong way to do it. Gail Woodman
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As the album says in its liner, this was a singer trying to break his way into the recording business with the help of a couple friends. His friends happened to be JPJ and Jimmy Page. This is a technique that labels used in the sixties to get new artists on the charts: billing the stars who helps on the album, but who aren't the featured performers. Overall I really didn't like the music, but I don't really like 50's rock-a-billy to begin with. If you enjoy it, then by all means go for it.
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Will never buy another Oster product. Broke on 2nd use. Doesn't do anything as advertised. Probably the worst consumer appliance product ever. It is impossible to buy replacement parts. Can only go through their service centers which are not convenient and hard to work with. I can't believe this company is still in business. Absolutely horrible.
This is music to savour. I personally enjoy Clark's rolling, blues-soaked style better in this trio setting rather than with horns.There's plenty to unravel here, and its all performed in a spirit of relaxed invention.Music for the head and the heart! And,on a more prosaic note, the alternate takes are not sequenced after each other - a pet hate!
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None of the advertising shows that the bottom doesn't close when your bag is inside. My normal carry bag with 46' driver left a 3" gap between the bottom piece and the case. The bottom is then held in place by 3 straps that I wouldn't trust in an airport baggage situation. If it ever came apart, it would be very arkward to put back together and you clubs would be toast.
This is my third CD player like this, and I buy them because it has a single drawer.We use them at church to play solo accompaniment music, and we don't like multipledrawer CD players. The Teac is the only one I can find with a single drawer.I haven't had any trouble with them, and they are all still in use.I would recommend this if you're looking for a single drawer CD player.
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Some serious problem with the lamp. Probably the worst thing I have purchased on Amazon.1. several days after normal use, it started emitting an obnoxious smell similar to what laser printer would smell during printing. After 30 minutes, the room is filled with this smell causing headache and nauseous. I'm certain it is not the heat burning the plastic. For whatever reason, this smell cannot be good for health.2. the rubber feet material left circular brown marks on my daughter's otherwise beautiful white desk. Tried all kinds of cleaners but didn't help. Not only I cannot use this lamp because of the terrible smell problem, it also ruined my furniture.3. contacted manufacture. they want you to pay the shipping to them, as well as $18 return shipping back to you. Not worth it.
I Played Grand Theft Auto 2 And It Is The Coolest Game Since Pong. The High Definition Levels And The Graphics Make This My Pick Of The Year. The Most Fun Is Getting To Grab Any Car You Want And Getting To Fight For Respect In Gangs. With 3 Levels And 75 Missions, This Game Will Steal You Too.
Up until now I had a Garmin eTrex Legend. What I was mostly missing was the capability to save tracks with all the information (when you save a track it is compressed: less points and the timestamp information is taken away). With the VistaHCx you can automatically save tracks (it will generate one for each day in GPX format) on the micro-sd card. This saved track maintains all the information so I can use it to geotag my photos. I expect it to give me a more accurate altitude reading and have a more sensitive GPS reception but I didn't verify this yet.
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I bought this one in Bed, Bath & Beyond. The cotton cover is so thin that it tore within a month of use and the thin, cheap foam pad moves around and bunches up. To make matters worse, you cannot get a cover for it anywhere, including Polder!! I told BB&B that they are selling an ironing board that they do not sell a cover for and that you cannot get a cover for. There are Polder covers, but they are either too long or the pull cord is on the wide end and does not fit between the board and the iron holder on the end. After spending a lot of time looking and so much frustration, I returned it for a Rowenta model.
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For the price, what can you expect? It's a poor-quality, made in China product. The colours are a little off (the blue is way too dark), but that's not a huge deal. The second time I raised it in a moderately windy day, the bottom grommet ripped through.If you're looking for something to just hang in your dorm window or something, this will do. Don't expect to use it as a real flag though.
Sat down a watched the Hunger Games with my family this the first installment of many to come is a classic for tomorrow. The DVD came on time and amazon again lived up to its reputation. A great addition to my library.
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I do not have a Kindle or any other reader. I am 77, and have arthritis in my hands, which means I can't read the new translation of "War and Peace." I want to know if there is a reader that I could comfortably use without too much prior computer experience. Is the Kindle it? (No, I can't afford it at this time, but would put it on my wish list if I could use it.) And this is the best way I know to ask.
I am so glad I found this colloidal silver. It is effective and the price is great. I used to pay almost twice as much. And to order it through Amazon is so convenient. Anyone wondering if this is the one to buy, just wanted to let you know, it is.
Young adults, Internet ethics, and digital information are the intense focus of communities all across the U.S. Frances Jacobson Harris is a widely published librarian/author who addresses issues that concern library boards and parents. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are examined with clarity. Every library serving young adults in public libraries and schools should read this book and deliberate on the issues. This book is especially important for private and charter school staff who often struggle with little context. I believe I Found It on the Internet will broaden understanding and lead to fewer unfounded fears.
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We have no record of this item ever being shipped or received. We are, however, interested in this item, and after the issue has been clarified, we shall place an order for it. By the way, the system requires a rating; I am using one star, just to be able to send this message, which is unfair to the shipper. This should be fixed. Thank you.
While I don't think this movie is an Oscar-caliber, genius film, it is exactly what it claims to be. Justin Bieber has taken over the world with no signs of stopping any time soon. If you, or someone you know, is a Bieliber then this is perfect for them. Great "documentary" type film showcasing his hit "Never Say Never" tour. Just prepare yourself for the screaming...
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Do not use on potatoes! Unless they are perfectly proportioned, you will end up with a very tiny result once the peel is removed. I read the other reviews on adjusting the device, but every time we ended up very poor results.
This does not give you new information. It is more stories. If your interested in a nice read before bed, get it. But do not expect to learn anything new.
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This book has been around for so long I finally decided to pick it up after such great reviews and recommendations from others. I found this book to be of NO help whatsoever. The stories in the book in my opinion have nothing to do with anything and the repetitive speaking is what actually made me not even want to continue reading. The entire book is just saying the same thing over and over and over again but in a different way, actually sometimes the same exact way. Page 1 of a book should not say the same thing as page 200. I just was really tired of all the same things being said I had to stop reading.
I was wandering around a secondhand bookstore struggling to find something interesting to read. Somehow I just picked up the Skull Mantra and as sometimes happens a random book can be a treat. And this certainly was. The thing that sticks in my mind was the chance to be taken on a journey somewhere completely new and unfamiliar to me.I found this story to be a great education and also very entertaining. Tibet, Buddhism and the Chinese regime are indeed interesting subjects and all invoking different and personal emotions. The characters seemed so real and although a few times I did get a little lost (probably my fault, not the authors) it all came together and I was not quite ready for it to end. I am off now to get the next book...
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This book is the nauseating monitary exploitation of a Lovecraft has no magickal merit and is totally unrelated to Wicca and it's tenents
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It's almost unbeliavable that, with Spielberg at the helm of this production, this movie is so bad, heartless, mercenary, I would say, one of the wors sequences ever done (rivalling, perhaps, with Speed 2. IT's a total flop.
Shipped fast and it works perfectly on my synthetic savage .308 stock. Hold shells nice and tight as well.Thank you very much!
Great for any beginner - while skeptical that the chanter and pipe combination was not redundant I quickly became a believer when I realized hearing was indeed everything!
This has 6 classic games: Asteroids, Centipede, Missile Command, Tempest, Super Breakout, and Pong. I especially enjoyed pong. This is a great value, since versions of each of the games are sold by themselves for $20.
If you don't mind the cardboard case, the songs are great. This is the only great album by Don McLean, but I disagree with those who only like the title track. All of the original songs are good, and several are classics. "I done some bad, and I done some good, but I did a whole lot better than they thought I would."The two bonus tracks are better skipped.
Please come out with a DVD version of this masterpiece as soon as possible. I saw this movie many years ago, and never thought I'd see it again. If it had not been for all your reviews, I would not have known it was this movie. Yes, this is the ultimate 'primitive' movie...definitely much better than 'Clan of the Cave Bears'. Here are the things you'll see : hairy cavemen, cannibals, neanderthals, sabre-tooth tigers, mammoths, pigmies, great landscapes and sceneries. The movie will humble you and make you think how precious the most basic necessities of life really is. You'll experience love, sex, tribal wars, sadness, humor. And for the last time, forget the historical experts that always claim some movie is bad because its historically inaccurate. I won't trade this movie for 99% of the Hollywood movies out there today!
If not the BEST album of all times, surely the top three, bar none. This video explains the wonder of Wonder and the album concepts and precepts. A MUST for all of Steve's followers.
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This is a very comprehensive review of Four Tops "cuts' what I simply can't understand is why none of these 'Hit Lists' do not include what I believe to be one their greatest, Jimmy Webbs, Do Whatcha Gotta Do! Other than this terrific song I love the rest of the Boxed set immenesly
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We had a car stolen (in Montreal, of course, the car theft capital of North America; Americans should NOT visit there; our cars -- even the older ones --are targeted by thieves, and the police REALLY don't care about it).The car had a Masterlock club on the steering wheel, which was not impediment to the thieves.Masterlock is supposed to cover deductibles up to $1000, as they proudly display on their packing. However, after being bounced between the US and Canadian offices, I was told that the fine print said that you have to send in the product registration within 15 days of purchase BY CERTIFIED MAIL, or they won't pay anything out. I was told that only 4 registrations have been sent in from my state of Vermont in the last 3 years.Seems to me that this company cares more about their lawyers than about their customers. It will be the last time I buy one of their products.
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Throw this pap onto your CD player and just get sickened by the garbage that comes from your speakers. She is no musician and has absolutely no musical talent. It is a shame that she has lasted this long. A new haircut and her "fans" gush about her chameleon-like persona. Yikes! Anything to distract you from the fact that she [is weak]. Listen to this CD and you can just hear her limited range and even [weaker]lyrics.
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Go to and download the trailer for the full cremaster cycle. . . . then realize how awesome it looks and how much this dvd sucks. I was wondering where the movie was on this DVD, but then realized you only get a 30 minute clip and can watch lots of alternat shots of the same stuff. The minute long trailer on the website is SOOOOO much better.Highlight: Camera Movement is kool when it moves all slow and stuff.
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I rarely write negative reviews but I make the exception here. This is not one of her better books. The characters are one-dimensional, the plot (which looked promising) became implausible quickly and got worse as the book went on. (I'm angry at myself for finishing it when I knew it was poorly written within the first 100 pages.) Patch is an interesting woman but Ethan's character has no real focus. The recovery of the victim in the crime Ethan is wrongly accused of is so sudden and happens so easily you wonder what took 17 years!?The cover promises "an amusing and imaginative romp" from Affaire de Coeur but if you want this kind of read try Julia Quinn, Sabrina Jeffries, Julia London (all 5 of her books are wonderful), Kinley MacGregor, Maggie Osborne (anything written AFTER 1993), Gaelen Foley. Now these woman can write!
This is a nice story, not excessively long, and interesting. And K Stew proves that she has been talented in her job, at some point in recorded history.
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My sister has this CD. We had to listen to it in the car and I hated it. It's not even R&B! Every song on it is a slow song. It's like GET OVER IT!!!!!
What virtues could a lighthearted memoir of a man looking for and caring for a piano have? Firstly, through seemingly superficial events and conversations, Carhart manages to convey his deep love for an instrument and the music it creates without trace of affectation. Secondly, he writes well and gives rounded and sometimes quirky character portraits that generates a sense of delight in every chapter. He does this without putting down anyone. Thirdly, his obsession with pianos of every make and provenance gives the book a structure that, while repetitive, can be delightfully comical. Fourthly, this book is well-informed and factual about history and music but never dry. Most importantly, and this is probably the reason why I like it, anyone trying to learn the instrument for pleasure will find a kindred spirit in this book.
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This could be a very good product if they improve the quality. After the 1st week, The taillight clip broke off and I had to make a Velcro strap to mount it on the back of my seat. After 6 months of use, both the headlight and taillight cuts out intermittently. I almost got hit when the taillight went out. That's when I decided to throw this thing away and put my old faithful vintage generator set back on that was purchased in the 70s.
C.S. Lewis saved the best for last. This is by far my favorite Narnia book. Although it's a children's story, anyone of any age can enjoy it. Can't wait to see this as a movie.
Very nice introductory book . If you want a good introduction to pneumatics , this is the book for you . I would say it is ideal for technicians who want a practical aspect of pneumatics . If you are an engineer , I would buy something more advanced . Of course , if you just want a basic knowledge of pneumatics , this book satisfies it .
We purchased this pan approximately 6 months ago, and have found it to be the most versatile pan we have ever owned. It is lightweight, extremely easy to clean, distributes heat evenly and quickly. It is useful as a fryer, as a dutch oven, a steamer, and for pretty much anything you need to cook by any means. It can go from stovetop to oven and act act as a serving dish when its dinnertime. The see thru cover is very useful to observe items while they cook. The depth and slightly sloping sides make it perfect for cooking just about anything. We have used it daily, and are very satisfied with the quality and the way it is holding up to heavy usage. We just purchased a 2nd, and with 2, believe that just about any complete meal could be served up quickly and easily. It is so easy to clean that it makes it a total joy to use. We've purchased very expensive pans in the past, and @ $40, consider this a real bargain. You will not regret getting this pan.
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By the time I actually purchased this, around my eighth month, I was already used to sleeping on my side. The problems I was having of basic discomfort and pain when sleeping were not helped by this product. If I wanted to move at all I had to wrestle with it to move it and I still hurt all the time. I guess by that point nothing would have helped. It might be useful if you buy it very early on, though.
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They sent me a used one, which I maybe wouldn't mind, but I paid for a new one. It's performance is about average. I e-mailed them twice about it, and they told me to send it back, but I didn't want to be out the shipping costs. I just think they should be honest about what they are selling.
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bought this item thinking I could get rid of my wired headset. NOT THE CASE.The mic only starts to work about half way through your statement. Very annoying and not functional. I would wait until another company brings their third party item. Do not waste you money on this.
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Femalien is a fun, cheesy, AND sexy romp.... but Femalien 2 seems like it was made with leftovers from Femalien without the sex! The actors and plot are so bad that they are funny, but sadly there is nothing sexy about this flick, at least the VHS version I saw.
This was a Christmas gift for a 4 year old. It has been dragged up and down the stairs and had numerous dolls in and out of it. It is all metal, except the padding. I did have the problem of one of the metal bars on the bottom breaking off at one end. Like the sautering job didn't hold that well. I don't know if my daughter did something like step on it, or if it just wore out in that spot. She doesn't seem to mind and I have taped it in place. Still, its expensive for what it is. Fits the Rock a bye Chou Chou doll just fine.
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This book provides good coverage of Fortran 90 and 95 but the only Fortran 2003 discussion is four pages that list the features. Since I don't think listing the features constitutes "Coverage", I have given this book a low rating. I would have given it the lowest rating but the coverage of Fortran 90 and 95 is very helpful to me. I wish the authors had not misrepresented the content in the book's title.
This show manages to use a serious, gritty, believable, sci-fi backdrop to explore issues of war, peace, politice, religion, hope, doubt, apocolypse, forgivenss, trauma, surviving, guilt, loyalty and how one ship, built by the hands of man and machine and blessed by gods, can change 2 races forever.It also never lets up on the cylong killing, super graphics destructo action.Simply put, the best show I have yet seen. And will ever see.I will always miss you, Commander Adama, Laura, Thrace, Baltar, the 12, the 12 and Daniel...if only we knew you.
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Especially when the water is leaking out of the on/off switch.This kettle warns against getting water in the base of the kettle. The manufacturer went so far as posting this caution in five different languages on the base of the kettle. Maybe water and electricity together is not a good thing?Don't waste time or money on this turkey.
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Ok, when Smith asserted that the Mousehouse had unduly used their influence again (first time being on Dogma) I was willing to believe him. Only 2 shows were shown, out of order and boom, it was gone.Trust me when I say they deserved to go. While I like his movies and comics, the cartoons just weren't, well, there. Very referential, repetitive and with only a good joke or two per episode (which is generally about a joke or two more than most tv shows) I just didn't like it.
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was good while i had it....which was about 5 months. But the plastic was cheap and dented the first day I used it. I dont recommend this head to anyone though I did think it was a good head while it around.
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I paid for a complete edition of 1272 pages and received a Volume 2 with 587. What's happened? I feel cheated and I feel cheated.
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After listening to this CD, I simultaneously got cancer and AIDS. While listening my eyes and ears began to bleed and I defecated blood all over my house. I still haven't been able to clean the rugs or couch and had to throw out those pants. My TV also almost broke while listening to this horrible CD using my XBOX which also almost broke.
We don't use white sugar and have always purchased cane sugar from a co-op which became inconvenient. Was glad to find many organic/natuaral products on Amazon. I had been purchasing the Billings cane sugar which was less expensive and I loved, but it is no longer available through Amazon. This has been a good replacement.
Throughout the entire CD, Phish continuously displays its master talent in the art of music making. The CD is incredibly awesome, and truly represents Phish at its best. I'd recommend this CD for any newcomers as well as faithful phans of phish.
-1no label
This has been the most useful of all our baby "gear" --such a wonderful gadget to have in the home BUT! Recently the video display stopped working, so now we just have audio. AND, I purchased it less that a year ago. Thumbs down!!
-1no label
The year 2000 crises was just a big rumor made by reporters to scare us so they could make money,it never happened,and since it is already 2002,this book is useless and should be taken off the market immediatly. I don't mean to insult anyone,but if you buy this book now,your a dummy. I would give it 0 stars if I could. It might make a good joke book,though.
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Betsy Lerner is a self-important, self-aggrandizing and deliriously self-indulgent drama queen. If you want to read something hilarious, read Sandra Tsing Loh's "A Year in Van Nuys" or if you want something magnificent, read William Styron's "Darkness Visible" or if you want an excellent memoir on food disorders, read the wonderful "Wasted", because this book is a WASTE OF MONEY.
i though this was a great book and worth the price. i relly like slappy. i love his insults. they are relly funny.R.l. stine did an amazing job. i give this book 5 out of 5
I've been using this product for 3 months. It seems to be pretty accurate with my cycle. I gave it 4 stars because they are a little pricey. You must use the monitor along with this which is very expensive too.
After ten minutes of reading the words this book has to offer you will be a bit wiser...after years of applying the messages it sends to your own life you will not only be much wiser, but much happier. -J. Gregory
-1no label
really disappointed by this actually get the spray you have to really ramp up pressure so the plants are wiped out by the pressure..stupid set up..could a part be missing?
I am getting this bad boy without hesitation. The Gift set trilogy is already on order with the extended version of them all and of RoTK I shall complete the trilogy have the book on my TV screen with 5.1 sound! 50 minutes(or more) each chapter contains an extended extention over the last. Peter Jackson really knew what he was doing with this movie and there is no movie out today that I find worth watching except for this trilogy. If you are frivolous(or a sincere fan) get the gift set on all three movies.They giftsets contain in addition to(not instead of) the usuall extended edition trilogy:Fellowship: National Geographic Doc, Statues from which the first movie ended.Towers: Making of Golumn, Golumn statueKing: Minas Tirith castle, Making of the music of Middle Earth.
If you love Joanna's unique sound and lyrics like those heard on her last full-length "The Milk-Eyed Mender" then you'd probably appreciate this two track disc which contains a more heartfelt and less 'studio' version of 'Sprout and the Bean' as well as an unreleased track 'What We Have Known' which I think is a great track and likely ranked amongst her best works.
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While I agree with many of the choices in this book, many deserving stars of the American elite were left out. For example, where are George W. Bush and Rush Limbaugh. They do more to hurt this country than most of the elitists in the book.
Catch-22- saddening, thought provoking, hope inspiring, and really rather good. no, not everyone dies, even though it starts to appear that way. i dont usually care for war related things that often, but this was worth reading. It takes a humorous and cynical approach the pointlessness of trying to escape war and the headaches it can cause. Catch-22 is the ultimate devil in this book and it consistantly pops up. The story follows one man and his struggles to survive in an insane and hopeless world. Add in a bunch of pilots begging to get home, a doctor who is technically dead, and a mess seargent who uses logic that surpasses everyone else's minds, and you have one motley crew. A book of laughs, tears, puzzlement, and thinking, Catch-22 is a book worth reading.
I purchased this for my pre-school aged twins. We were struggling with Lego pieces, building blocks etc. covering their bedroom floor. This piece was easy to construct and it looks great in their room. The best part is that I can walk into their room and see the carpet now.
-1no label
I never received this book, nor did I receive a response when I emailed you to tell you so. Please either resend or credit my account.
These books are so good you have to read the lot , I am working my way throuh them, I have read all David Eddings books .
-1no label
This software does not record on the fly. The full image is always created even on U2W SCSI HDD ! Last time for 74min cd it requested over 1GB temp space it is not even a beta software, great many bugs DO NOT BUY THAT PRODUCT, you'll be sorry if you do ;-(