3 values
We find non-supersymmetric metastable vacua in four dimensional N=2 gauge theories softly broken to N=1 by a superpotential term. First we study the simplest case, namely the SU(2) gauge theory without flavors. We study the spectrum and lifetime of the metastable vacuum and possible embeddings of the model in UV complete theories. Then we consider larger gauge group theories with flavors. We show that when we softly break them to N=1, the potential induced on specific submanifolds of their moduli space is identical to the potential in lower rank gauge theories. Then we show that the potential increases when we move away from this submanifold, allowing us to construct metastable vacua on them in the theories that can be reduced to the SU(2) case.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figure
Non Supersymmetric Metastable Vacua in N=2 SYM Softly Broken to N=1
non supersymmetric metastable vacua in n=2 sym softly broken to n=1
supersymmetric metastable vacua softly broken superpotential term. simplest flavors. lifetime metastable embeddings theories. flavors. softly break submanifolds moduli theories. move away submanifold allowing metastable vacua pages
We provide the metric, the gravitino fields and the gauge fields to all orders in the fermionic zero modes for D=5 and D=4, N=2 gauged supergravity solutions starting from non-extremal AdS--Schwarzschild black holes. We compute the Brown-York stress--energy tensor on the boundary of AdS_5 / AdS_4 spaces and we discuss some implications of the fermionic corrections to perfect fluid interpretation of the boundary theory. The complete non-linear solution, which we denote as fermionic wig, is achieved by acting with supersymmetry transformations upon the supergravity fields and that expansion naturally truncates at some order in the fermionic zero modes.Comment: 27 pages, Latex2e, no figures, 3 ancillary file
Fermionic Wigs for AdS-Schwarzschild Black Holes
fermionic wigs for ads-schwarzschild black holes
gravitino orders fermionic gauged supergravity extremal schwarzschild holes. brown fermionic perfect theory. fermionic acting supersymmetry transformations supergravity naturally truncates fermionic pages latex ancillary file
We study worldsheet scattering for the type IIA superstring in AdS(2) x S(2) x T(6). Using the Green--Schwarz action to quartic order in fermions we take the near-BMN limit, where as in the AdS(3)/CFT(2) case there are both massive and massless excitations. For the massive excitations we compute all possible tree-level processes, and show that these agree with a truncated version of the exact AdS(5) x S(5) S-matrix. We also compute several S-matrix elements involving massless excitations. At one loop we find that the dressing phase is the same Hernandes-Lopez phase appearing in AdS(5)/CFT(4). We see the same phase when calculating this by semiclassical means using the PSU(1,1|2)/U(1)^2 coset sigma model, for which we can also study the scattering of fermions. This supports the conjecture that the all-loop dressing phase is again the BES phase, rather than a new phase like that seen in AdS(3)/CFT(2).Comment: 21 pages. v2 corrects one sign error; version to appear in JHE
Scattering in AdS(2)/CFT(1) and the BES Phase
scattering in ads(2)/cft(1) and the bes phase
worldsheet superstring schwarz quartic fermions massive massless excitations. massive excitations agree truncated matrix. involving massless excitations. dressing hernandes lopez appearing calculating semiclassical coset sigma fermions. supports conjecture dressing .comment pages. corrects
Baryonic R-parity violation could explain why low-scale supersymmetry has not yet been discovered at colliders: sparticles would be hidden in the intense hadronic activity. However, if the known flavor structures are any guide, the largest baryon number violating couplings are those involving the top/stop, so a copious production of same-sign top-quark pairs is in principle possible. Such a signal, with its low irreducible background and efficient identification through same-sign dileptons, provides us with tell-tale signs of baryon number violating supersymmetry. Interestingly, this statement is mostly independent of the details of the supersymmetric mass spectrum. So, in this paper, after analyzing the sparticle decay chains and lifetimes, we formulate a simplified benchmark strategy that covers most supersymmetric scenarios. We then use this information to interpret the same-sign dilepton searches of CMS, draw approximate bounds on the gluino and squark masses, and extrapolate the reach of the future 14 TeV runs.Comment: 32 pages, 12 figures, 3 tables, 1 appendi
The same-sign top signature of R-parity violation
the same-sign top signature of r-parity violation
baryonic parity violation supersymmetry discovered colliders sparticles hidden intense hadronic activity. flavor guide baryon violating couplings involving stop copious possible. irreducible dileptons tell tale signs baryon violating supersymmetry. interestingly statement mostly supersymmetric spectrum. analyzing sparticle chains lifetimes formulate simplified benchmark covers supersymmetric scenarios. interpret dilepton searches draw approximate bounds gluino squark extrapolate pages tables appendi
In this note we provide a new construction of BCJ dual-trace factor using the kinematic algebra proposed in arXiv:1105.2565 and arXiv:1212.6168. Different from the construction given in arXiv:1304.2978 based on the proposal of arXiv:1103.0312, the method used in this note exploits the adjoint representation of kinematic algebra and the use of inner product in dual space. The dual-trace factor defined in this way naturally satisfies cyclic symmetry condition but not KK-relation, just like the trace of U(N) Lie algebra satisfies cyclic symmetry condition, but not KK-relation. In other words the new construction naturally leads to formulation sharing more similarities with the color decomposition of Yang-Mills amplitude.Comment: 15 pages, improved versio
Note on Construction of Dual-trace Factor in Yang-Mills Theory
note on construction of dual-trace factor in yang-mills theory
trace kinematic proposal exploits adjoint kinematic space. trace naturally satisfies cyclic trace satisfies cyclic relation. naturally formulation sharing similarities decomposition mills pages versio
We analyse slow-roll inflationary cosmologies that are holographically dual to a three-dimensional conformal field theory deformed by a nearly marginal scalar operator. We show the cosmological power spectrum is inversely proportional to the spectral density associated with the 2-point function of the trace of the stress tensor in the deformed CFT. Computing this quantity using second-order conformal perturbation theory, we obtain a holographic power spectrum in exact agreement with the expected inflationary power spectrum to second order in slow roll.Comment: 26 pp, 4 fig
On the power spectrum of inflationary cosmologies dual to a deformed CFT
on the power spectrum of inflationary cosmologies dual to a deformed cft
analyse slow roll inflationary cosmologies holographically conformal deformed nearly marginal operator. cosmological inversely trace deformed cft. quantity conformal perturbation holographic inflationary slow
Current CERN Large Hadron Collider data on the 126 GeV standard model-like Higgs boson suggest the possibility of larger Higgs boson couplings with the weak gauge bosons, $g_{hVV}$, than those in the standard model. We use the Georgi-Machacek model as an explicit model to realize such a scenario. We find that the $g_{hVV}$ couplings can be larger than the standard model value by a factor of about 1.3 maximally in the parameter region consistent with the current Higgs boson search data and allowed by various other constraints. We then show how the modified $g_{hVV}$ couplings lead to enhancements in various weak boson scattering processes. This can be clearly observed as excesses in the transverse mass distributions at around 126 GeV and also the mass of heavy Higgs bosons.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figure
Enhancements of weak gauge boson scattering processes at the CERN LHC
enhancements of weak gauge boson scattering processes at the cern lhc
cern hadron collider boson boson couplings bosons model. georgi machacek realize scenario. couplings maximally boson constraints. couplings enhancements boson processes. excesses pages
Using the off-shell formulation for N-extended conformal supergravity in three dimensions, which has recently been presented in arXiv:1305.3132, we construct superspace actions for conformal supergravity theories with N<6. For each of the cases considered, we work out the complete component action as well as the gauge transformation laws of the fields belonging to the Weyl supermultiplet. The N=1 and N=2 component actions derived coincide with those proposed by van Nieuwenhuizen and Rocek in the mid-1980s. The off-shell N=3, N=4 and N=5 supergravity actions are new results. Upon elimination of the auxiliary fields, these actions reduce to those constructed by Lindstrom and Rocek in 1989 (and also by Gates and Nishino in 1993).Comment: 47 pages; v2: published versio
Conformal supergravity in three dimensions: Off-shell actions
conformal supergravity in three dimensions: off-shell actions
formulation conformal supergravity superspace conformal supergravity laws belonging weyl supermultiplet. coincide nieuwenhuizen rocek supergravity results. elimination auxiliary lindstrom rocek gates nishino .comment pages versio
The Riemann curvature correction to the type II supergravity at eight-derivative level is given schematically as $(t_8t_8+{1}{8}\eps_{10}\eps_{10})R^4$ at tree-level. The replacement of the generalized Riemann curvature in $t_8t_8R^4$, proposed by Gross and Sloan, produces various NS-NS couplings which are invariant under T-duality. Recently, using the combination of S-duality and T-duality transformations on these couplings, we have found groups of couplings which are invariant under the S-duality transformation. In this paper, we have examined the couplings involving the dilaton with direct scattering amplitude calculations of four NS-NS vertex operators in the superstring theory and found exact agreement. The coupling $\eps_{10}\eps_{10}R^4$ is a total derivative term at four-field level. The $\sigma$-model beta function approach implies the presence of this term at the tree-level. By examining the sphere-level scattering amplitude of five gravitons, we have also confirmed the presence of this term in the tree-level effective action.Comment: 15 pages, Latex file, no figure; v4: the version appears in JHE
S-duality invariant dilaton couplings at order $\alpha'^3$
s-duality invariant dilaton couplings at order $\alpha'^3$
riemann curvature supergravity eight schematically level. replacement riemann curvature gross sloan produces couplings duality. duality duality transformations couplings couplings duality transformation. couplings involving dilaton superstring agreement. level. sigma beta level. examining sphere gravitons confirmed pages latex file
We show that the three-body decays of the resonance recently discovered at the LHC are potentially sensitive to effects of new physics. Even if the fully integrated partial decay widths are consistent with the minimal Standard Model there is information that is lost upon integration, which can be uncovered in the differential decay widths. Concentrating on the decay $h \to Z \ell \bar{\ell}$, we identify the regions in the three-body phase space in which these effects become especially pronounced and could be detected in future experiments.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, matches version published in JHE
Searching for New Physics in the Three-Body Decays of the Higgs-like Particle
searching for new physics in the three-body decays of the higgs-like particle
decays discovered potentially physics. widths lost uncovered widths. concentrating pronounced pages matches
We compute holographic entanglement entropy in two strongly coupled nonlocal field theories: the dipole and the noncommutative deformations of SYM theory. We find that entanglement entropy in the dipole theory follows a volume law for regions smaller than the length scale of nonlocality and has a smooth cross-over to an area law for larger regions. In contrast, in the noncommutative theory the entanglement entropy follows a volume law for up to a critical length scale at which a phase transition to an area law occurs. The critical length scale increases as the UV cutoff is raised, which is indicative of UV/IR mixing and implies that entanglement entropy in the noncommutative theory follows a volume law for arbitrary large regions when the size of the region is fixed as the UV cutoff is removed to infinity. Comparison of behaviour between these two theories allows us to explain the origin of the volume law. Since our holographic duals are not asymptotically AdS, minimal area surfaces used to compute holographic entanglement entropy have novel behaviours near the boundary of the dual spacetime. We discuss implications of our results on the scrambling (thermalization) behaviour of these nonlocal field theories.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figure
Holographic entanglement entropy in nonlocal theories
holographic entanglement entropy in nonlocal theories
holographic entanglement nonlocal dipole noncommutative deformations theory. entanglement dipole nonlocality regions. noncommutative entanglement occurs. cutoff raised indicative entanglement noncommutative cutoff removed infinity. law. holographic duals asymptotically holographic entanglement behaviours spacetime. scrambling thermalization nonlocal pages
We analyze the scalar sector properties of a general class of two-Higgs-doublet models which has a global U(1) symmetry in the quartic terms. We find constraints on the parameters of the potential from the considerations of unitarity of scattering amplitudes, the global stability of the potential and the $\rho$-parameter. We concentrate on the spectrum of the non-standard scalar masses in the decoupling limit which is preferred by the Higgs data at the LHC. We exhibit charged-Higgs induced contributions to the diphoton decay width of the 125\,GeV Higgs boson and its correlation with the corresponding $Z\gamma$ width.Comment: 12 pages, 15 eps figure files; minor modifications made and a few references adde
Scalar sector properties of two-Higgs-doublet models with a global U(1) symmetry
scalar sector properties of two-higgs-doublet models with a global u(1) symmetry
analyze doublet quartic terms. considerations unitarity amplitudes parameter. concentrate decoupling preferred lhc. exhibit diphoton boson gamma pages files minor modifications adde
The sudden injection of energy in a strongly coupled conformal field theory and its subsequent thermalization can be holographically modeled by a shell falling into anti-de Sitter space and forming a black brane. For a homogeneous shell, Bhattacharyya and Minwalla were able to study this process analytically using a weak field approximation. Motivated by event-by-event fluctuations in heavy ion collisions, we include inhomogeneities in this model, obtaining analytic results in a long wavelength expansion. In the early-time window in which our approximations can be trusted, the resulting evolution matches well with that of a simple free streaming model. Near the end of this time window, we find that the stress tensor approaches that of second-order viscous hydrodynamics. We comment on possible lessons for heavy ion phenomenology.Comment: 53 pages, 10 figures; v2: references adde
Inhomogeneous holographic thermalization
inhomogeneous holographic thermalization
sudden injection conformal thermalization holographically modeled falling sitter forming brane. homogeneous bhattacharyya minwalla analytically approximation. motivated collisions inhomogeneities obtaining analytic expansion. window approximations trusted matches streaming model. window viscous hydrodynamics. comment lessons pages adde
We use the relation between certain diffeomorphisms in the bulk and Weyl transformations on the boundary to build the conformal structure of the metric in the presence of matter in the bulk. We explicitly obtain the conformal anomaly in any spacetime dimension d in a holographic frame work in the case of gravity coupled to the scalar fields. This way we also provide a holographic construction of the bulk spacetime metric and of the matter fields in the bulk of this spacetime out of sources that are related to conformal field theory data. With the latter, we produce an asymptotic expansion of the bulk fields and scalar fields near the boundary in terms of spacetime dimension in the context of the AdS/CFT correspondence. We work out both the gravitational and matter conformal anomalies of the boundary theory as a coefficient of the infrared logarithmic divergence that appears in the on-shell action.Comment: 39 pages, Latex file, no figure; v3: references added, to appear in JHE
On Holographic Weyl Anomaly
on holographic weyl anomaly
diffeomorphisms weyl transformations build conformal bulk. explicitly conformal anomaly spacetime holographic fields. holographic spacetime spacetime conformal data. asymptotic spacetime correspondence. gravitational conformal anomalies infrared logarithmic divergence pages latex file
We compute the expectation value of the 1/2 BPS circular Wilson loop operator in ABJ(M) theory at two loops in perturbation theory. Our result turns out to be in exact agreement with the weak coupling limit of the prediction coming from localization, including finite N contributions associated to non-planar diagrams. It also confirms the identification of the correct framing factor that connects framing-zero and framing-one expressions, previously proposed. The evaluation of the 1/2 BPS operator is made technically difficult in comparison with other observables of ABJ(M) theory by the appearance of integrals involving the coupling between fermions and gauge fields, which are absent for instance in the 1/6 BPS case. We describe in detail how to analytically solve these integrals in dimensional regularization with dimensional reduction (DRED). By suitably performing the physical limit to three dimensions we clarify the role played by short distance divergences on the final result and the mechanism of their cancellation.Comment: 54 pages, 2 figure
The 1/2 BPS Wilson loop in ABJ(M) at two loops: The details
the 1/2 bps wilson loop in abj(m) at two loops: the details
expectation circular wilson loops perturbation theory. turns coming localization planar diagrams. confirms framing connects framing framing expressions proposed. technically observables appearance integrals involving fermions absent case. analytically solve integrals regularization dred suitably performing clarify played divergences pages
It is shown that substantially enhanced Higgs to diphoton rate induced by light staus with large left-right mixing in MSSM requires at the GUT scale non-universal gaugino masses with bino and/or wino lighter than gluino. The possibility of such enhancement is investigated in MSSM models with arbitrary gaugino masses at the GUT scale with additional restriction of top-bottom-tau Yukawa unification, as predicted by minimal SO(10) GUTs. Many patterns of gaugino masses leading to enhanced Higgs to diphoton rate and the Yukawa unification are identified. Some of these patterns can be accommodated in a well-motivated scenarios such as mirage mediation or SUSY breaking F-terms being a non-singlet of SO(10). Phenomenological implications of a scenario with non-universal gaugino masses generated by a mixture of the singlet F-term and the F-term in a 24-dimensional representation of SU(5) $\subset$ SO(10) are studied in detail. Possible non-universalities of other soft terms generated by such F-terms are discussed. The enhancement of Higgs to diphoton rate up to 30% can be obtained in agreement with all phenomenological constraints, including vacuum metastability bounds. The lightest sbottom and pseudoscalar Higgs are within easy reach of the 14 TeV LHC. The LSP can be either bino-like or wino-like. The thermal relic abundance in the former case may be in agreement with the cosmological data thanks to efficient stau coannihilation.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figures, comments and references added, matches published versio
Light staus and enhanced Higgs diphoton rate with non-universal gaugino masses and SO(10) Yukawa unification
light staus and enhanced higgs diphoton rate with non-universal gaugino masses and so(10) yukawa unification
substantially diphoton staus mssm universal gaugino bino wino lighter gluino. enhancement mssm gaugino restriction yukawa unification guts. gaugino diphoton yukawa unification identified. accommodated motivated scenarios mirage mediation susy breaking singlet phenomenological universal gaugino mixture singlet detail. universalities discussed. enhancement diphoton phenomenological metastability bounds. lightest sbottom pseudoscalar lhc. bino wino like. relic abundance former cosmological thanks stau pages comments matches versio
We study the $Y=0$ triplet extended supersymmetric model in the light of the recent Higgs boson discovery. We calculate full one loop Higgs mass spectrum in this model where the possible doublet-triplet mixing is considered in the charged Higgs sector. This mixing changes the prediction of $\mathcal{B}r(B_s\to X_s \gamma)$ in this model, compared to the MSSM. The constraints from the $\sim 125$ GeV Higgs along with $\mathcal{B}r(B_s\to X_s \gamma)$ are incorporated to find out the allowed parameter space. The lower bounds on the third generation squark masses coming from 125 GeV Higgs are rather week in this scenario compared to most constrained supersymmetric scenarios, e.g. a 200 GeV squark mass is still possible.Comment: 25 pages, 32 figures, JHEP styl
Status of $Y=0$ Triplet Higgs with supersymmetry in the light of $\sim 125$ GeV Higgs discovery
status of $y=0$ triplet higgs with supersymmetry in the light of $\sim 125$ gev higgs discovery
triplet supersymmetric boson discovery. doublet triplet sector. mathcal gamma mssm. mathcal gamma incorporated space. bounds squark coming week constrained supersymmetric scenarios e.g. squark pages jhep styl
We argue that in large classes of string compactifications with a MSSM-like structure substantial flavor violating SUSY-breaking soft terms are generically induced. We specify to the case of flavor dependent soft-terms in type IIB/F-theory SU(5) unified models, although our results can be easily extended to other settings. The Standard Model (SM) degrees of freedom reside in a local system of 7-branes wrapping a 4-fold S in the extra dimensions. It is known that in the presence of closed string 3-form fluxes SUSY-breaking terms are typically generated. We explore the generation dependence of these soft terms and find that non-universalities arise whenever the flux varies over the 4-fold S. These non-universalities are parametrically suppressed by (M_{GUT}/M_{Pl})^{1/3}. They also arise in the case of varying open string fluxes, in this case parametrically suppressed by \alpha_{GUT}^{1/2}. For a standard unification scheme with M_{GUT} = 10^{16} GeV and \alpha_{\rm GUT} = 1/24 these suppressions are very mild. Although limits from the kaon mass difference \Delta m_K are easily obeyed for squark masses above the present LHC limits, constraints from the CP-violation parameter \epsilon_K imply squark masses in the multi-TeV region. The constraints from BR(\mu \rightarrow e\gamma) turn out to be the strongest ones, with slepton masses of order ~10 TeV or heavier required to obey the experimental limits. These sfermion masses are consistent with the observed large value m_H ~ 126 GeV of the Higgs mass. We discuss under what conditions such strong limits may be relaxed allowing for SUSY particle production at LHC.Comment: 38 pages, 6 figures, 1 table; v2: references adde
The String Origin of SUSY Flavor Violation
the string origin of susy flavor violation
argue compactifications mssm substantial flavor violating susy breaking generically induced. specify flavor unified settings. freedom reside branes wrapping extra dimensions. fluxes susy breaking generated. explore universalities arise whenever varies universalities parametrically suppressed arise fluxes parametrically suppressed alpha unification alpha suppressions mild. kaon delta obeyed squark violation epsilon imply squark region. rightarrow gamma strongest slepton heavier obey limits. sfermion mass. relaxed allowing susy pages adde
We explore the constraints on the parameter space of a Randall-Sundrum warped geometry scenario, where a radion field arises out of the attempt to stabilise the radius of the extra compact spacelike dimension, using the most recent data from higgs searches at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the Tevatron. We calculate contributions from both the scalar mass eigenstates arising from radion-higgs kinetic mixing in all important search channels. The most important channel to be affected is the decay via WW*, where no invariant mass peak can discern the two distinct physical states. Improving upon the previous studies, we perform a full analysis in the WW* channel, taking into account the effect of various cuts and interference when the two scalar are closely spaced. We examine both cases where the experimentally discovered scalar is either 'higgs-like' or 'radion-like'. The implications of a relatively massive scalar decaying into a pair of 125 GeV scalars is also included. Based on a global analysis of the current data, including not only a single 125 GeV scalar but also another one with mass over the range 110 to 600 GeV, we obtain the up-to-date exclusion contours in the parameter space. Side by side, regions agreeing with the data within 68% and 95% confidence level based on a \chi^2-minimisation procedure, are also presented
An updated analysis of radion-higgs mixing in the light of LHC data
an updated analysis of radion-higgs mixing in the light of lhc data
explore randall sundrum warped radion arises attempt stabilise extra spacelike searches hadron collider tevatron. eigenstates arising radion channels. discern states. improving cuts interference closely spaced. examine experimentally discovered radion massive decaying scalars included. exclusion contours space. agreeing confidence minimisation
AdS_3 solutions dual to N = (0,2) SCFTs arise when D3-branes wrap Kahler two-cycles in manifolds with SU(4) holonomy. Here we review known AdS_3 solutions and identify the corresponding three-dimensional gauged supergravities, solutions of which uplift to type IIB supergravity. In particular, we discuss gauged supergravities dual to twisted compactifications on Riemann surfaces of both N=4 SYM and N =1 SCFTs with Sasaki-Einstein duals. We check in each case that c-extremization gives the exact central charge and R symmetry. For completeness, we also study AdS_3 solutions from intersecting D3-branes, generalise recent KK reductions of Detournay & Guica and identify the underlying gauged supergravities. Finally, we discuss examples of null-warped AdS_3 solutions to three-dimensional gauged supergravity, all of which embed in string theory.Comment: v1 48 pages; v2 two references added, to appear in JHE
3D Supergravity from wrapped D3-branes
3d supergravity from wrapped d3-branes
scfts arise branes wrap kahler cycles manifolds holonomy. gauged supergravities uplift supergravity. gauged supergravities twisted compactifications riemann scfts sasaki einstein duals. check extremization symmetry. completeness intersecting branes generalise reductions detournay guica gauged supergravities. warped gauged supergravity embed pages
We consider supersymmetric gauge theories on Riemannian three-manifolds with the topology of a three-sphere. The three-manifold is always equipped with an almost contact structure and an associated Reeb vector field. We show that the partition function depends only on this vector field, giving an explicit expression in terms of the double sine function. In the large N limit our formula agrees with a recently discovered two-parameter family of dual supergravity solutions. We also explain how our results may be applied to prove vortex-antivortex factorization. Finally, we comment on the extension of our results to three-manifolds with non-trivial fundamental group.Comment: 34 pages; v2: discussion of vortex factorization added; v3: minor correction
Localization on Three-Manifolds
localization on three-manifolds
supersymmetric riemannian manifolds topology sphere. manifold equipped reeb field. partition giving sine function. agrees discovered supergravity solutions. vortex antivortex factorization. comment manifolds trivial pages vortex factorization minor
The full, explicit, scale dependence of the inclusive N3LO cross section for single Higgs hadroproduction is obtained by calculating the convolutions of collinear splitting kernels with lower-order partonic cross sections. We provide results for all convolutions of splitting kernels and lower-order partonic cross sections to the order in epsilon needed for the full N3LO computation, as well as their expansions around the soft limit. We also discuss the size of the total scale uncertainty at N3LO that can be anticipated with existing information.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figure, 1 table, 8 ancillary files. v2: added 4 references, changed labelling of contour plot
Scale dependence and collinear subtraction terms for Higgs production in gluon fusion at N3LO
scale dependence and collinear subtraction terms for higgs production in gluon fusion at n3lo
inclusive hadroproduction calculating convolutions collinear splitting kernels partonic sections. convolutions splitting kernels partonic epsilon expansions limit. anticipated pages ancillary files. changed labelling contour
We consider heterotic strings on a warped Eguchi-Hanson space with five-brane and line bundle gauge fluxes. The heterotic string admits an exact CFT description in terms of an asymmetrically gauged SU(2)xSL(2,R) WZW model, in a specific double scaling limit in which the blow-up radius and the string scale are sent to zero simultaneously. This allows us to compute the perturbative 6D spectra for these models in two independent fashions: i) Within the supergravity approximation we employ a representation dependent index; ii) In the double scaling limit we determine all marginal vertex operators of the coset CFT. To achieve agreement between the supergravity and the CFT spectra, we conjecture that the untwisted and the twisted CFT states correspond to the same set of hyper multiplets in supergravity. This is in a similar spirit as a conjectured duality between asymptotically linear dilaton CFTs and little string theory living on NS-five-branes. As the five-brane charge is non-vanishing, heterotic (anti-)five-branes have to be added in order to cancel irreducible gauge anomalies. The local spectra can be combined in such a way that supersymmetry is preserved on the compact resolved T^4/Z_2 orbifold by choosing the local gauge fluxes appropriately.Comment: 1+36 pages LaTe
Heterotic warped Eguchi-Hanson spectra with five-branes and line bundles
heterotic warped eguchi-hanson spectra with five-branes and line bundles
heterotic strings warped eguchi hanson brane bundle fluxes. heterotic admits asymmetrically gauged blow sent simultaneously. perturbative fashions supergravity employ marginal coset cft. supergravity conjecture untwisted twisted hyper multiplets supergravity. spirit conjectured duality asymptotically dilaton cfts living branes. brane vanishing heterotic branes cancel irreducible anomalies. supersymmetry preserved resolved orbifold choosing fluxes pages
Efficient methods for describing non abelian charges in worldline approaches to QFT are useful to simplify calculations and address structural properties, as for example color/kinematics relations. Here we analyze in detail a method for treating arbitrary non abelian charges. We use Grassmann variables to take into account color degrees of freedom, which however are known to produce reducible representations of the color group. Then we couple them to a U(1) gauge field defined on the worldline, together with a Chern-Simons term, to achieve projection on an irreducible representation. Upon gauge fixing there remains a modulus, an angle parametrizing the U(1) Wilson loop, whose dependence is taken into account exactly in the propagator of the Grassmann variables. We test the method in simple examples, the scalar and spin 1/2 contribution to the gluon self energy, and suggest that it might simplify the analysis of more involved amplitudes.Comment: 14 page
Particles with non abelian charges
particles with non abelian charges
describing abelian charges worldline simplify kinematics relations. analyze treating abelian charges. grassmann freedom reducible representations group. couple worldline chern simons projection irreducible representation. fixing modulus parametrizing wilson propagator grassmann variables. gluon simplify
Supersymmetric terms in the effective action of N=2 supergravity in four dimensions are generically classified into chiral-superspace integrals and full-superspace integrals. For a theory of N=2 vector multiplets coupled to supergravity, a special class of couplings is given by chiral-superspace integrals that are governed by a holomorphic prepotential function. The quantum entropy of BPS black holes in such theories depends on the prepotential according to a known integral formula. We show, using techniques of localization, that a large class of full-superspace integrals in the effective action of N=2 supergravity do not contribute to the quantum entropy of BPS black holes at any level in the derivative expansion. Our work extends similar results for semi-classical supersymmetric black hole entropy, and goes towards providing an explanation of why the prepotential terms capture the exact microscopic quantum black hole entropy.Comment: 22 page
Quantum black hole entropy and the holomorphic prepotential of N=2 supergravity
quantum black hole entropy and the holomorphic prepotential of n=2 supergravity
supersymmetric supergravity generically classified chiral superspace integrals superspace integrals. multiplets supergravity couplings chiral superspace integrals governed holomorphic prepotential function. holes prepotential formula. localization superspace integrals supergravity holes expansion. extends supersymmetric goes explanation prepotential capture microscopic
We explore an extended coupling constant space of 4d regularized Euclidean quantum gravity, defined via the formalism of dynamical triangulations. We add a measure term which can also serve as a generalized higher curvature term and determine the phase diagram and the geometries dominating in the various regions. A first order phase transition line is observed, but no second order transition point is located. As a consequence we cannot attribute any continuum physics interpretation to the so-called crinkled phase of 4d dynamical triangulations.Comment: 24 pages and many figures. A few references added in v
Euclidian 4d quantum gravity with a non-trivial measure term
euclidian 4d quantum gravity with a non-trivial measure term
explore regularized euclidean formalism triangulations. serve curvature geometries dominating regions. located. attribute continuum crinkled pages figures.
Out-of-equilibrium fermions can be created in the early Universe by non-perturbative parametric effects, both at preheating or during the thermal era. An anisotropic stress is developed in the fermion distribution, acting as a source of a stochastic background of gravitational waves (GW). We derive a general formalism to calculate the spectrum of GW produced by an ensemble of fermions, which we apply to a variety of scenarios after inflation. We discuss in detail the regularization of the source, i.e. of the unequal-time-correlator of the fermions' transverse-traceless anisotropic stress. We discuss how the GW spectrum builds up in time and present a simple parametrization of its final amplitude and peak frequency. We find that fermions may generate a GW background with a significant amplitude at very high frequencies, similarly to the case of preheating with scalar fields. A detection of this GW background would shed light about the physics of the very early Universe, but new technology at high frequencies is required, beyond the range accessible to currently planned detectors.Comment: 62 pages, 7 figures (updated to match published version in JHEP
Stochastic Background of Gravitational Waves from Fermions -- Theory and Applications
stochastic background of gravitational waves from fermions -- theory and applications
fermions created universe perturbative parametric preheating era. anisotropic fermion acting stochastic gravitational derive formalism ensemble fermions scenarios inflation. regularization i.e. unequal correlator fermions traceless anisotropic stress. builds parametrization frequency. fermions preheating fields. shed universe accessible planned pages updated match jhep
If the kinetic interactions of a Lorentz-invariant massive graviton are Einstein-Hilbert, then the only possible potential terms free from the Boulware-Deser ghost are those of de Rham, Gabadadze and Tolley (dRGT). We point out there are other possibilities if the kinetic terms are not required to be Einstein-Hilbert. We construct pseudo-linear ghost-free potentials, terms that derive in a natural way from the linear theory. The simplicity of this approach allows us to construct diffeomorphism non-invariant higher-derivative interaction terms that do not introduce ghosts. We conjecture that these terms should have counterparts in the full dRGT theory. These terms would introduce new free parameters into the theory and may change some of the conclusions heretofore drawn.Comment: 21 pages. v4 typo in equations with vectors fixed agai
Ghost-Free Derivative Interactions for a Massive Graviton
ghost-free derivative interactions for a massive graviton
lorentz massive graviton einstein hilbert boulware deser ghost rham gabadadze tolley drgt possibilities einstein hilbert. pseudo ghost potentials derive theory. simplicity diffeomorphism ghosts. conjecture counterparts drgt theory. heretofore pages. typo agai
A recently proposed asymmetric mirror dark matter model where the mirror sector is connected with the visible one by a right handed neutrino portal, is shown to lead naturally to a 3+1 active-sterile neutrino spectrum, if the portal consists only of two right handed neutrinos. At the tree level the model has four massless neutrino states, three active and one sterile. The active neutrinos pick up tiny masses via the minimal radiative inverse seesaw mechanism at the one loop level. The loop effects also generate the large solar and atmospheric mixings, as well as the observed reactor mixing for certain range of parameters of the model. The dominant contribution to the sterile neutrino mass ($\sim$ eV) arises from the gravitationally induced dimension-5 operators. Generating active-sterile mixing requires a two Higgs doublet extension of SM and a small mixing between the ordinary and mirror Higgs fields, which occurs naturally in mirror models.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables, text minorly modified, one figure added, typos and lapses corrected, references updated, version published in JHE
A Naturally Light Sterile neutrino in an Asymmetric Dark Matter Model
a naturally light sterile neutrino in an asymmetric dark matter model
asymmetric mirror mirror visible handed portal naturally sterile portal handed neutrinos. massless sterile. neutrinos pick tiny radiative seesaw level. mixings reactor model. sterile arises gravitationally operators. generating sterile doublet ordinary mirror naturally mirror pages tables minorly typos lapses corrected updated
We study the naturalness problem using a model independent bottom up approach by considering models where only the interaction terms needed to cancel the Higgs quadratic divergences are present. If quadratic divergences are canceled by terms linear in the Higgs field, then the collider phenomenology is well covered by current electroweakino and fourth generation searches. If quadratic divergences are canceled by terms bilinear in the Higgs field, then the signatures are highly dependent on the quantum numbers of the new particles. Precision Higgs measurements can reveal the presence of new particles with either vevs or Standard Model charges. If the new particles are scalar dark matter candidates, their direct and indirect detection signatures will be highly correlated and within the reach of XENON100 and Fermi. Observation at one of these experiments would imply observation at the other one. Observable LHC decay channels can also arise if the new particles mix with lighter states. This decay channel involves only the Higgs boson and not the gauge bosons. Observation of such decays would give evidence that the new particle is tied to the naturalness problem.Comment: 14 pages + appendix, journal versio
Minimal Signatures of Naturalness
minimal signatures of naturalness
naturalness cancel quadratic divergences present. quadratic divergences canceled collider phenomenology covered electroweakino fourth searches. quadratic divergences canceled bilinear signatures particles. precision reveal vevs charges. candidates indirect signatures xenon fermi. imply one. observable arise lighter states. involves boson bosons. decays tied naturalness pages versio
We study semiclassical strings in the near horizon geometry of certain curved branes. We investigate the rigidly rotating strings in the near horizon geometry of NS5-branes wrapped on AdS3 x S3 and in the presence of background NS-NS flux. We study several string solutions corresponding to giant magnon, single spike and more general folded strings for the fundamental string in this background. We comment that in the S-dual background the situation changes drastically.Comment: 22 pages, JHEP styl
Semiclassical Strings on Curved Branes
semiclassical strings on curved branes
semiclassical strings horizon curved branes. rigidly rotating strings horizon branes wrapped flux. giant magnon spike folded strings background. comment pages jhep styl
Holographic entanglement entropy provides a direct connection between classical geometry and quantum entanglement; however the usual prescription does not apply to theories of higher spin gravity, where standard notions of geometry are no longer gauge invariant. We present a proposal for the holographic computation of entanglement entropy in field theories dual to higher spin theories of gravity in AdS3. These theories have a Chern-Simons description, and our proposal involves a Wilson line in an infinite-dimensional representation of the bulk gauge group. In the case of spin-2 gravity such Wilson lines are the natural coupling of a heavy point particle to gravity and so are equivalent to the usual prescription of Ryu and Takayanagi. For higher spin gravity they provide a natural generalization of these ideas. We work out spin-3 gravity in detail, showing that our proposal recovers many expected results and computes thermal entropies of black holes with higher spin charge, finding agreement with previous expressions in the literature. We encounter some peculiarities in the case of non-unitary RG flow backgrounds and outline future generalizations.Comment: 52 pages + appendices, 5 figures; v2: references added, expanded discussion in Appendix C; v3: minor typos corrected, accepted version JHEP; v4: minor typos correcte
Wilson Lines and Entanglement Entropy in Higher Spin Gravity
wilson lines and entanglement entropy in higher spin gravity
holographic entanglement connection entanglement usual prescription notions invariant. proposal holographic entanglement chern simons proposal involves wilson infinite group. wilson usual prescription takayanagi. generalization ideas. proposal recovers computes entropies holes expressions literature. encounter peculiarities unitary backgrounds outline pages appendices expanded minor typos corrected jhep minor typos correcte
We derive the low-energy effective action for the spinning (GKP) string in AdS(3) x S(3) x M(4) where M(4) = S(3) x S(1) or T(4). In the first case the action consists of two O(4) non-linear sigma models which are coupled through their interaction with four massless Majorana fermions (plus one free decoupled scalar). While in the second case it consists of one O(4) sigma model coupled to four Majorana fermions together with four free scalars from the T(4). We show that these models are classically integrable by constructing their Lax connections.Comment: 13 page
The low energy limit of the AdS(3) x S(3) x M(4) spinning string
the low energy limit of the ads(3) x s(3) x m(4) spinning string
derive spinning sigma massless majorana fermions decoupled sigma majorana fermions scalars classically integrable constructing
We analyze vacuum instability of strongly coupled gauge theories in a constant electric field using AdS/CFT correspondence. The model is the N=2 1-flavor supersymmetric large N_c QCD in the strong 't Hooft coupling limit. We calculate the Euler-Heisenberg effective Lagrangian L(E), which encodes the nonlinear response and the quantum decay rate of the vacuum in a background electric field E, from the complex D-brane action in AdS/CFT. We find that the decay rate given by Im L(E) becomes nonzero above a critical electric field set by the confining force between quarks. A large-E expansion of Im L(E) is found to coincide with that of the Schwinger effects in QED, replacing its electron mass by the confining force. Then, the time-dependent response of the system in a strong electric field is solved non-perturbatively, and we observe a universal thermalization at a shortest timescale "Planckian thermalization time" t ~ 1/T ~ E^{-1/2}. Here, T is an effective temperature which quarks feel in the nonequilibrium state with nonzero electric current, calculated in AdS/CFT as a Hawking temperature. Stronger electric fields accelerate the thermalization, and for a realistic value of the electric field in RHIC experiment, we obtain t ~ 1 [fm/c], which is consistent with the believed value.Comment: 41 page
Vacuum Instability in Electric Fields via AdS/CFT: Euler-Heisenberg Lagrangian and Planckian Thermalization
vacuum instability in electric fields via ads/cft: euler-heisenberg lagrangian and planckian thermalization
analyze instability correspondence. flavor supersymmetric hooft limit. euler heisenberg lagrangian encodes brane cft. nonzero confining quarks. coincide schwinger replacing confining force. solved perturbatively universal thermalization shortest timescale planckian thermalization quarks feel nonequilibrium nonzero hawking temperature. stronger accelerate thermalization realistic rhic believed
We apply the principle of maximum conformality (PMC) to the Balitsky-Fadin-Kuraev-Lipatov (BFKL) Pomeron intercept at the next-to-leading logarithmic (NLL) accuracy. The PMC eliminates the conventional renormalization scale ambiguity by absorbing the non-conformal $\{\beta_i\}$-terms into the running coupling, and a more accurate pQCD estimation can be obtained. After PMC scale setting, the QCD perturbative convergence can be greatly improved due to the elimination of renormalon terms in pQCD series, and the BFKL Pomeron intercept has a weak dependence on the virtuality of the reggeized gluon. For example, by taking the Fried-Yennie gauge, we obtain $\omega_{\rm MOM}^{\rm PMC}(Q^{2},0)\in [0.149,0.176]$ for $Q^2\in[1,100]\;{\rm GeV}^2$. This is a good property to apply to the high-energy phenomenology. Further more, to compare with the data, it is found that the physical ${\rm MOM}$-scheme is more reliable than the $\overline{\rm MS}$-scheme. The ${\rm MOM}$-scheme is gauge dependent, which can also be greatly suppressed after PMC scale setting. We discuss the MOM-scheme gauge dependence for the Pomeron intercept by adopting three gauges, i.e. the Landau gauge, the Feynman gauge and the Fried-Yennie gauge, and we obtain $\omega_{\rm MOM}^{\rm PMC}(Q^{2}=15\;{\rm GeV}^2,0) = 0.166^{+0.010}_{-0.017}$; i.e. about $10\%$ gauge dependence is observed. We apply the BFKL Pomeron intercept to the photon-photon collision process, and compare the theoretical predictions with the data from the OPAL and L3 experiments.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures. References updated and discussions improve
Reanalysis of the BFKL Pomeron at the next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy
reanalysis of the bfkl pomeron at the next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy
conformality balitsky fadin kuraev lipatov bfkl pomeron intercept logarithmic accuracy. eliminates renormalization ambiguity absorbing conformal beta running pqcd obtained. perturbative greatly elimination renormalon pqcd bfkl pomeron intercept virtuality reggeized gluon. fried yennie omega phenomenology. reliable overline scheme. greatly suppressed setting. pomeron intercept adopting gauges i.e. landau feynman fried yennie omega i.e. observed. bfkl pomeron intercept collision opal pages figures. updated discussions
A new two-loop radiative Majorana neutrino mass model is constructed from the gauge-invariant effective operator $L^i L^j Q^k d^c Q^l d^c \epsilon_{ik} \epsilon_{jl}$ that violates lepton number conservation by two units. The ultraviolet completion features two scalar leptoquark flavors and a color-octet Majorana fermion. We show that there exists a region of parameter space where the neutrino oscillation data can be fitted while simultaneously meeting flavor-violation and collider bounds. The model is testable through lepton flavor-violating processes such as ${\mu} \to e{\gamma}$, $\mu \to eee$, and $\mu N \to eN$ conversion, as well as collider searches for the scalar leptoquarks and color-octet fermion. We computed and compiled a list of necessary Passarino-Veltman integrals up to boxes in the approximation of vanishing external momenta and made them available as a Mathematica package, denoted as ANT.Comment: 42 pages, 11 figures, typo in Eq. (4.9) as well as wrong chirality structures in Secs. 4.5 and 5.2 corrected, final results unchange
Testable two-loop radiative neutrino mass model based on an $LLQd^cQd^c$ effective operator
testable two-loop radiative neutrino mass model based on an $llqd^cqd^c$ effective operator
radiative majorana epsilon epsilon violates lepton conservation units. ultraviolet completion leptoquark flavors octet majorana fermion. oscillation fitted simultaneously meeting flavor violation collider bounds. testable lepton flavor violating gamma conversion collider searches leptoquarks octet fermion. compiled passarino veltman integrals boxes vanishing momenta mathematica package denoted pages typo wrong chirality secs. corrected unchange
We present a rigorous theoretical analysis of the ALICE measurement of low-p_T direct-photon production in central lead-lead collisions at the LHC with a centre-of-mass energy of \sqrt{s_{NN}}=2.76 TeV. Using NLO QCD, we compute the relative contributions to prompt-photon production from different initial and final states and the theoretical uncertainties coming from independent variations of the renormalisation and factorisation scales, the nuclear parton densities and the fragmentation functions. Based on different fits to the unsubtracted and prompt-photon subtracted ALICE data, we consistently find T = 304 \pm 58 MeV and 309 \pm 64 MeV for the effective temperature of the quark-gluon plasma (or hot medium) at p_T \in [0.8;2.2] GeV and p_T \in [1.5;3.5] GeV as well as a power-law (p_T^{-4}) behavior for p_T > 4 GeV as predicted by QCD hard scattering.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl
How robust is a thermal photon interpretation of the ALICE low-p_T data?
how robust is a thermal photon interpretation of the alice low-p_t data?
rigorous alice collisions sqrt tev. prompt coming renormalisation factorisation parton densities fragmentation functions. fits unsubtracted prompt subtracted alice consistently gluon pages tabl
Indirect detection constraints on gamma rays (both continuum and lines) have set strong constraints on wino dark matter. By combining results from Fermi-LAT and HESS, we show that: light nonthermal wino dark matter is strongly excluded; thermal wino dark matter is allowed only if the Milky Way dark matter distribution has a significant (>~0.4 kpc) core; and for plausible NFW and Einasto distributions the entire range of wino masses from 100 GeV up to 3 TeV can be excluded. The case of light, nonthermal wino dark matter is particularly interesting in scenarios with decaying moduli that reheat the universe to a low temperature. Typically such models have been discussed for low reheating temperatures, not far above the BBN bound of a few MeV. We show that constraints on the allowed wino relic density push such models to higher reheating temperatures and hence heavier moduli. Even for a flattened halo model consisting of an NFW profile with constant-density core inside 1 kpc and a density near the sun of 0.3 GeV/cm^3, for 150 GeV winos current data constrains the reheat temperature to be above 1.4 GeV. As a result, for models in which the wino mass is a loop factor below the gravitino mass, the data favor moduli that are more than an order of magnitude heavier than the gravitino. We discuss some of the sobering implications of this result for the status of supersymmetry. We also comment on other neutralino dark matter scenarios, in particular the case of mixed bino/higgsino dark matter. We show that in this case, direct and indirect searches are complementary to each other and could potentially cover most of the parameter space
In Wino Veritas? Indirect Searches Shed Light on Neutralino Dark Matter
in wino veritas? indirect searches shed light on neutralino dark matter
indirect gamma rays continuum wino matter. combining fermi hess nonthermal wino excluded wino milky plausible einasto wino excluded. nonthermal wino scenarios decaying moduli reheat universe temperature. reheating mev. wino relic push reheating heavier moduli. flattened halo consisting winos constrains reheat gev. wino gravitino favor moduli heavier gravitino. sobering supersymmetry. comment neutralino scenarios bino higgsino matter. indirect searches complementary potentially cover
We construct charged black branes in type IIA flux compactifications that are dual to (2+1)-dimensional field theories at finite density. The internal space is a general Calabi-Yau manifold with fluxes, with internal dimensions much smaller than the AdS radius. Gauge fields descend from the 3-form RR potential evaluated on harmonic forms of the Calabi-Yau, and Kaluza-Klein modes decouple. Black branes are described by a four-dimensional effective field theory that includes only a few light fields and is valid over a parametrically large range of scales. This effective theory determines the low energy dynamics, stability and thermodynamic properties. Tools from flux compactifications are also used to construct holographic CFTs with no relevant scalar operators, that can lead to symmetric phases of condensed matter systems stable to very low temperatures. The general formalism is illustrated with simple examples such as toroidal compactifications and manifolds with a single size modulus. We initiate the classification of holographic phases of matter described by flux compactifications, which include generalized Reissner-Nordstrom branes, nonsupersymmetric $AdS_2 \times R^2$ and hyperscaling violating solutions.Comment: 37 pages, 2 figures, typos corrected and comments adde
Black branes in flux compactifications
black branes in flux compactifications
branes compactifications density. calabi manifold fluxes radius. descend harmonic calabi kaluza klein decouple. branes valid parametrically scales. determines thermodynamic properties. compactifications holographic cfts condensed temperatures. formalism illustrated toroidal compactifications manifolds modulus. initiate holographic compactifications reissner nordstrom branes nonsupersymmetric hyperscaling violating pages typos corrected comments adde
In this work we analyze the corrections to tribimaximal (TBM), bimaximal (BM) and democratic (DC) mixing matrices for explaining large reactor mixing angle $\theta_{13}$ and checking the consistency with other neutrino mixing angles. The corrections are parameterized in terms of small orthogonal rotations (R) with corresponding modified PMNS matrix of the form $R_{ij}\cdot U \cdot R_{kl}$ where $R_{ij}$ is rotation in ij sector and U is any one of these special matrices. We showed the rotations $R_{13}\cdot U \cdot R_{23}$, $R_{12}\cdot U \cdot R_{13}$ for BM and $R_{13}\cdot U \cdot R_{13}$ for TBM perturbative case successfully fit all neutrino mixing angles within $1\sigma$ range. The perturbed PMNS matrix $R_{12}\cdot U \cdot R_{13}$ for DC, TBM and $R_{23}\cdot U \cdot R_{23}$ for TBM case is successful in producing mixing angles at 2$\sigma$ level. The other rotation schemes are either excluded or successful in producing mixing angles at $3\sigma$ level.Comment: 25 pages, 56 figures; v2: new rotation cases with corresponding discussion and figures included, new references added, accepted for publication in JHE
Corrections for tribimaximal, bimaximal and democratic neutrino mixing matrices
corrections for tribimaximal, bimaximal and democratic neutrino mixing matrices
analyze tribimaximal bimaximal democratic explaining reactor theta checking consistency angles. parameterized orthogonal rotations pmns cdot cdot matrices. rotations cdot cdot cdot cdot cdot cdot perturbative successfully angles sigma range. perturbed pmns cdot cdot cdot cdot successful producing angles sigma level. schemes excluded successful producing angles sigma pages publication
Sphalerons of a new gauge interaction can convert a primordial asymmetry in B or L into a dark matter asymmetry. From the equilibrium conditions for the sphalerons of both the electroweak and the new interactions, one can compute the ratios of B, L, and X, where X is the dark matter number, thus determining the mass of the dark matter particle fairly precisely. Such a scenario can arise naturally in the context of unification with larger groups. An illustrative model embeddable in $SU(6) \times SU(2) \subset E_6$ is described as well as an equally simple model based on SU(7).Comment: 13 pages. Revised introduction and references, changed titl
Cogeneration of Dark Matter and Baryons by Non-Standard-Model Sphalerons in Unified Models
cogeneration of dark matter and baryons by non-standard-model sphalerons in unified models
sphalerons convert primordial asymmetry asymmetry. sphalerons electroweak determining fairly precisely. arise naturally unification groups. illustrative embeddable equally .comment pages. revised changed titl
We extend the analysis of the RG trajectory connecting successive minimal CFT models ${\cal M}_p$ and ${\cal M}_{p-1}$ for $p\gg 1$, performed by A. Zamolodchikov, to the fields $\varphi_{n,n\pm 3}$. This required a close investigation of mixing with the descendant fields at the level 2. In particular we identify those specific linear combinations of UV fields which flow to the IR fields $\varphi_{n+3,n}$ and $\varphi_{n-3,n}$. We report also the results of the calculation of the same mixing coefficients through the recent RG domain wall approach by Gaiotto. These results are in complete agreement with the leading order perturbation theory.Comment: 13 pages; minor corrections; version published in JHE
Mixing with descendant fields in perturbed minimal CFT models
mixing with descendant fields in perturbed minimal cft models
extend trajectory connecting successive zamolodchikov varphi descendant combinations varphi varphi gaiotto. perturbation pages minor
We investigate the current status of the light neutralino dark matter scenario within the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) taking into account latest results from the LHC. A discussion of the relevant constraints, in particular from the dark matter relic abundance, leads us to a manageable simplified model defined by a subset of MSSM parameters. Within this simplified model we reinterpret a recent search for electroweak supersymmetric particle production based on a signature including multi-taus plus missing transverse momentum performed by the ATLAS collaboration. In this way we derive stringent constraints on the light neutralino parameter space. In combination with further experimental information from the LHC, such as dark matter searches in the monojet channel and constraints on invisible Higgs decays, we obtain a lower bound on the lightest neutralino mass of about 24 GeV. This limit is stronger than any current limit set by underground direct dark matter searches or indirect detection experiments. With a mild improvement of the sensitivity of the multi-tau search, light neutralino dark matter can be fully tested up to about 30 GeV.Comment: 26 pages, 11 figures. v2: version published in JHE
Cornering light Neutralino Dark Matter at the LHC
cornering light neutralino dark matter at the lhc
neutralino supersymmetric mssm latest lhc. relic abundance manageable simplified mssm parameters. simplified reinterpret electroweak supersymmetric signature taus missing atlas collaboration. derive stringent neutralino space. searches monojet invisible decays lightest neutralino gev. stronger underground searches indirect experiments. mild neutralino pages figures.
We study the fine tuning associated to a `Natural Supersymmetry' spectrum with stops, after RG running, significantly lighter than the first two generation sfermions and the gluino. In particular, we emphasise that this tuning should be measured with respect to the parameters taken to be independent at the assumed UV boundary of the renormalisation group flow, and improve the accuracy of previous approximate expressions. It is found that, if running begins at $10^{16}~\rm{GeV}$ $\left(10^5~\rm{GeV}\right)$, decreasing the UV stop mass below $0.75$ $\left(0.4\right)$ of the weak scale Majorana gluino mass does not improve the overall fine tuning of the theory. In contrast, it is possible to raise the first two generation sfermion masses out of LHC reach without introducing additional tuning. After running, regions of parameter space favoured by naturalness and consistent with LHC bounds typically have IR stop masses of order 1.5 TeV (0.75 TeV), and fine tuning of at least 400 (50) for high (low) scale mediation. We also study the fine tuning of theories with Dirac gluinos. These allow for substantial separation of the gluino and sfermion masses and, regardless of the scale of mediation, lead to relatively low fine tuning of order 50. Hence viable models can still favour light stops, but this requires extra structure beyond the MSSM field content.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figures, V3: JHEP versio
Is Natural SUSY Natural?
is natural susy natural?
fine tuning supersymmetry stops running lighter sfermions gluino. emphasise tuning renormalisation approximate expressions. running begins decreasing stop majorana gluino fine tuning theory. raise sfermion introducing tuning. running favoured naturalness bounds stop fine tuning mediation. fine tuning dirac gluinos. substantial gluino sfermion regardless mediation fine tuning viable favour stops extra mssm pages jhep versio
Extended Higgs sectors appear in many models for physics beyond the Standard Model. Current Higgs measurements at the LHC are starting to significantly constrain them. We study their Higgs coupling patterns at tree level as well as including quantum corrections. Our benchmarks include a dark singlet-doublet extension and several two-doublet setups. Using SFitter we translate the current Higgs coupling measurements for one light Higgs state into their respective parameter spaces. Finally, we show how two-Higgs-doublet models can serve as a consistent ultraviolet completion of an assumed single Standard-Model-like Higgs boson with free couplings.Comment: 49 pages, including the updated SFitter Higgs couplings results for the Standard Mode
Measuring extended Higgs sectors as a consistent free couplings model
measuring extended higgs sectors as a consistent free couplings model
sectors model. constrain them. corrections. benchmarks singlet doublet doublet setups. sfitter translate respective spaces. doublet serve ultraviolet completion boson pages updated sfitter couplings
The generalized quark-antiquark potential of N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory on S^3 x R calculates the potential between a pair of heavy charged particles separated by an arbitrary angle on S^3 and also an angle in flavor space. It can be calculated by a Wilson loop following a prescribed path and couplings, or after a conformal transformation, by a cusped Wilson loop in flat space, hence also generalizing the usual concept of the cusp anomalous dimension. In AdS_5 x S^5 this is calculated by an infinite open string. I present here an open spin-chain model which calculates the spectrum of excitations of such open strings. In the dual gauge theory these are cusped Wilson loops with extra operator insertions at the cusp. The boundaries of the spin-chain introduce a non-trivial reflection phase and break the bulk symmetry down to a single copy of psu(2|2). The dependence on the two angles is captured by the two embeddings of this algebra into \psu(2|2)^2, i.e., by a global rotation. The exact answer to this problem is conjectured to be given by solutions to a set of twisted boundary thermodynamic Bethe ansatz integral equations. In particular the generalized quark-antiquark potential or cusp anomalous dimension is recovered by calculating the ground state energy of the minimal length spin-chain, with no sites. It gets contributions only from virtual particles reflecting off the boundaries. I reproduce from this calculation some known weak coupling perturtbative results.Comment: 40 pages, 11 figures; v2-some formulas corrected, results unchange
Integrable Wilson loops
integrable wilson loops
antiquark supersymmetric mills calculates separated flavor space. wilson prescribed couplings conformal cusped wilson generalizing usual cusp anomalous dimension. infinite string. calculates excitations strings. cusped wilson loops extra insertions cusp. boundaries trivial reflection break copy angles captured embeddings i.e. rotation. answer conjectured twisted thermodynamic bethe ansatz equations. antiquark cusp anomalous recovered calculating sites. gets virtual reflecting boundaries. reproduce perturtbative pages formulas corrected unchange
In the framework of a gauge mediated quiver-like model, the standard model flavor texture can be naturally generated. The model - like the MSSM - has furthermore a region in parameter space where the lightest Higgs mass is fed by heavy stop loops, which in turn sets the average squark mass scale near 10-20 TeV. We perform a careful flavor analysis to check whether this type of mild-split SUSY passes all flavor constraints as easily as envisioned in the original type of split SUSY. Interestingly, it turns out to be on the border of several constraints, in particular, the branching ratio of mu -> e gamma and, if order one complex phases are assumed, also epsilon_K neutron and electron EDM. Furthermore, we consider unification as well as dark matter candidates, especially the gravitino. Finally, we provide a closed-form formula for the soft masses of matter in arbitrary representations of any of the gauge groups in a generic quiver-like model with a general messenger sector.Comment: LaTeX, 37 pages, 15 figures; V2: references added, minor corrections in sec.
Mild-split SUSY with flavor
mild-split susy with flavor
quiver flavor texture naturally generated. mssm lightest stop loops squark tev. careful flavor check mild split susy passes flavor envisioned split susy. interestingly turns border branching gamma epsilon neutron edm. unification candidates gravitino. representations generic quiver messenger latex pages minor sec.
We present a subset method which solves the sign problem for QCD at nonzero quark chemical potential in 0+1 dimensions. The subsets gather gauge configurations based on the center symmetry of the SU(3) group. We show that the sign problem is solved for one to five quark flavors and that it slowly reappears for a larger number of flavors. We formulate an extension of the center subsets that solves the sign problem for a larger number of flavors as well. We also derive some new analytical results for this toy model.Comment: 29 pages, 12 figures; references added, as published in JHE
Subset method for one-dimensional QCD
subset method for one-dimensional qcd
solves nonzero dimensions. subsets gather configurations group. solved flavors slowly reappears flavors. formulate subsets solves flavors well. derive pages
The complete tree-level S-matrix of four dimensional ${\cal N}=4$ super Yang-Mills and ${\cal N} = 8$ supergravity has compact forms as integrals over the moduli space of certain rational maps. In this note we derive formulas for amplitudes in three dimensions by using the fact that when amplitudes are dressed with proper wave functions dimensional reduction becomes straightforward. This procedure leads to formulas in terms of rational maps for three dimensional maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills and gravity theories. The integrand of the new formulas contains three basic structures: Parke-Taylor-like factors, Vandermonde determinants and resultants. Integrating out some of the Grassmann directions produces formulas for theories with less than maximal supersymmetry, which exposes yet a fourth kind of structure. Combining all four basic structures we start a search for consistent S-matrices in three dimensions. Very nicely, the most natural ones are those corresponding to ABJM and BLG theories. We also make a connection between the power of a resultant in the integrand, representations of the Poincar\'e group, infrared behavior and conformality of a theory. Extensions to other theories in three dimensions and to arbitrary dimensions are also discussed.Comment: 21 page
Scattering in Three Dimensions from Rational Maps
scattering in three dimensions from rational maps
super mills supergravity integrals moduli rational maps. derive formulas amplitudes amplitudes dressed proper straightforward. formulas rational maximally supersymmetric mills theories. integrand formulas parke taylor vandermonde determinants resultants. integrating grassmann directions produces formulas maximal supersymmetry exposes fourth kind structure. combining dimensions. nicely abjm theories. connection resultant integrand representations poincar infrared conformality theory. extensions
Potential reconstruction can be used to find various analytical asymptotical AdS solutions in Einstein dilation system generally. We have generated two simple solutions without physical singularity called zero temperature solutions. We also proposed a numerical way to obtain black hole solution in Einstein dilaton system with special dilaton potential. By using this method, we obtain the corresponding black hole solutions numerically and investigate the thermal stability of the black hole by comparing the free energy of thermal gas and the corresponding black hole. In two groups of non-conformal gravity solutions obtained in this paper, we find that the two thermal gas solutions are more unstable than black hole solutions respectively. Finally, we consider black hole solutions as a thermal state of zero temperature solutions to check that the first thermal dynamical law exists in entanglement system from holographic point of view.Comment: 39 pages, 14 figures, version accepted by JHE
Entanglement Temperature in Non-conformal Cases
entanglement temperature in non-conformal cases
reconstruction asymptotical einstein dilation generally. singularity solutions. einstein dilaton dilaton potential. numerically hole. conformal unstable respectively. check entanglement holographic pages
We compute the asymptotic symmetry group of the four dimensional near-extremal Kerr-Sen black hole within an AdS2/CFT1 correspondence. We do this by performing a Robinson-Wilczek two dimensional reduction and construct a quantum theory of the remaining field content. The resulting energy momentum tensor generates an asymptotic Virasoro algebra, to s-wave, with a calculable central extension. This center in conjunction with the proper regularized lowest Virasoro eigen-mode yields the near-extremal Kerr-Sen entropy via the statistical Cardy formula. Finally we analyze quantum holomorphic fluxes of the dual CFT giving rise to a finite Hawking temperature weighted by the central charge of the near-extremal Kerr-Sen metric.Comment: 16 pages, references added, revised for clarity. To appear in JHE
Near-Extremal Black Hole Thermodynamics from AdS2/CFT1 Correspondence in The Low Energy Limit of 4D Heterotic String Theory
near-extremal black hole thermodynamics from ads2/cft1 correspondence in the low energy limit of 4d heterotic string theory
asymptotic extremal kerr correspondence. performing robinson wilczek content. generates asymptotic virasoro calculable extension. conjunction proper regularized virasoro eigen extremal kerr cardy formula. analyze holomorphic fluxes giving hawking weighted extremal kerr pages revised clarity.
In de Sitter space, the gravitational fluctuation at the super-horizon scale may make physical quantities time dependent by breaking the de Sitter symmetry. We adopt the Kadanoff-Baym approach to evaluate soft gravitational effects in a matter system at the sub-horizon scale. This investigation proves that only the local terms contribute to the de Sitter symmetry breaking at the one-loop level. The IR singularities in the non-local terms cancel after summing over degenerate states between real and virtual processes. The corresponding IR cut-off is given by the energy resolution like QED. Since the energy resolution is physical and independent of cosmic evolution, the non-local contributions do not induce the de Sitter symmetry breaking. We can confirm that soft gravitational effects preserve the effective Lorentz invariance.Comment: 27 page
Soft gravitational effects in Kadanoff-Baym approach
soft gravitational effects in kadanoff-baym approach
sitter gravitational fluctuation super horizon quantities breaking sitter symmetry. adopt kadanoff baym gravitational horizon scale. proves sitter breaking level. singularities cancel summing degenerate virtual processes. qed. cosmic induce sitter breaking. confirm gravitational preserve lorentz
We consider a hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm which is applicable to lattice theories defined on Lefschetz thimbles. In the algorithm, any point (field configuration) on a thimble is parametrized uniquely by the flow-direction and the flow-time defined at a certain asymptotic region close to the critical point, and it is generated by solving the gradient flow equation downward. The associated complete set of tangent vectors is also generated in the same manner. Molecular dynamics is then formulated as a constrained dynamical system, where the equations of motion with Lagrange multipliers are solved by the second-order constraint-preserving symmetric integrator. The algorithm is tested in the lambda phi^4 model at finite density, by choosing the thimbles associated with the classical vacua for subcritical and supercritical values of chemical potential. For the lattice size L=4, we find that the residual sign factors average to not less than 0.99 and are safely included by reweighting and that the results of the number density are consistent with those obtained by the complex Langevin simulations.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figures, references updated, comments added, typos correcte
Hybrid Monte Carlo on Lefschetz Thimbles -- A study of the residual sign problem
hybrid monte carlo on lefschetz thimbles -- a study of the residual sign problem
hybrid monte carlo applicable lefschetz thimbles. thimble parametrized uniquely asymptotic solving downward. tangent manner. formulated constrained lagrange multipliers solved preserving integrator. lambda choosing thimbles vacua subcritical supercritical potential. residual safely reweighting langevin pages updated comments typos correcte
The AdS/CFT correspondence predicts that background non-abelian magnetic fields induce instabilities in strongly-coupled systems with non-abelian global symmetries. These instabilities lead to the formation of vortex lattices in which the non-abelian currents "antiscreen" the applied magnetic field. From the bulk perspective, this behaviour can be traced to a well-known instability of Yang-Mills theory. We analyse the phase structure of the instability and comment on aspects of the vortex lattice.Comment: 13 pages. Version to appear in JHE
A Non-Abelian Vortex Lattice in Strongly Coupled Systems
a non-abelian vortex lattice in strongly coupled systems
correspondence predicts abelian induce instabilities abelian symmetries. instabilities vortex lattices abelian currents antiscreen field. perspective traced instability mills theory. analyse instability comment vortex pages.
We study N=2 four-dimensional flux vacua describing intrinsic non-perturbative systems of 3 and 7 branes in type IIB string theory. The solutions are described as compactifications of a G(ravity) theory on a Calabi Yau threefold which consists of a fibration of an auxiliary K3 surface over an S^2 base. In the spirit of F-theory, the complex structure of the K3 surface varying over the base codifies the details of the fluxes, the dilaton and the warp factors in type IIB string theory. We discuss in detail some simple examples of geometric and non-geometric solutions where the precise flux/geometry dictionary can be explicitly worked out. In particular, we describe non-geometric T-fold solutions exhibiting non-trivial T-duality monodromies exchanging 3- and 7-branes.Comment: 30 pages, 4 figures, v2: typos corrected, comments added, references adde
U-folds as K3 fibrations
u-folds as k3 fibrations
vacua describing intrinsic perturbative branes theory. compactifications ravity calabi threefold fibration auxiliary base. spirit codifies fluxes dilaton warp theory. geometric geometric precise dictionary explicitly worked out. geometric exhibiting trivial duality monodromies exchanging pages typos corrected comments adde
We consider 3d N>= 2 superconformal field theories on a branched covering of a three-sphere. The Renyi entropy of a CFT is given by the partition function on this space, but conical singularities break the supersymmetry preserved in the bulk. We turn on a compensating R-symmetry gauge field and compute the partition function using localization. We define a supersymmetric observable, called the super Renyi entropy, parametrized by a real number q. We show that the super Renyi entropy is duality invariant and reduces to entanglement entropy in the q -> 1 limit. We provide some examples.Comment: 39 pages, 4 figure
Supersymmetric Renyi Entropy
supersymmetric renyi entropy
superconformal branched covering sphere. renyi partition conical singularities break supersymmetry preserved bulk. compensating partition localization. supersymmetric observable super renyi parametrized super renyi duality reduces entanglement limit. pages
The discovery of the Higgs boson with a mass of about 125 GeV intimates us a possibility of a high-scale supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking model, where a sfermion mass scale is much higher than the electroweak scale. Although a general SUSY standard model can contribute to the low-energy flavor and/or CP-violating processes, the high-scale SUSY breaking model provides smaller signatures and therefore are less constrained, even in the presence of large flavor/CP violations of sfermions. However, a manner of gluino decay directly reflects the squark flavor structure and provides us a clue for the sfermion flavor structure. In this paper, we study the gluino decay in detail and discuss the interplay with the gluino decay and low-energy flavor and CP observation.Comment: 31 pages, 9 figure
Flavor of Gluino Decay in High-Scale Supersymmetry
flavor of gluino decay in high-scale supersymmetry
discovery boson intimates supersymmetry susy breaking sfermion electroweak scale. susy flavor violating susy breaking signatures constrained flavor violations sfermions. manner gluino reflects squark flavor clue sfermion flavor structure. gluino interplay gluino flavor pages
We study an extension of the Standard Model (SM) with two interacting cold Dark Matter (DM) candidates: a neutral Majorana fermion ($\nu$) and a neutral scalar singlet ($\varphi$). The scalar $\varphi$ interacts with the SM through the "Higgs portal" coupling while $\nu$ at the tree level interacts only with $\varphi$ through Yukawa interactions. The relic abundance of $\nu$ and $\varphi$ is found by solving the Boltzmann equations numerically; for the case $m_\nu > m_\varphi$ we also derive a reliable approximate analytical solution. Effects of the interaction between the two DM components are discussed. A scan over the parameter space is performed to determine the regions consistent with the WMAP data for DM relic abundance, and with the XENON100 direct detection limits for the DM-nucleus cross section. We find that although a large region of the parameter space is allowed by the WMAP constraints, the XENON100 data severely restricts the parameter space. Taking into account only amplitudes generated at the tree level one finds three allowed regions for the scalar mass: $m_\varphi \sim 62.5$ GeV (corresponding to the vicinity of the Higgs boson resonance responsible for $\varphi\varphi$ annihilation into SM particles), $m_\varphi \simeq 130-140$ GeV and $m_\varphi \gesim 3 $TeV. 1-loop induced $\nu$-nucleon scattering has been also calculated and discussed. A possibility of DM direct detection by the CREST-II experiment was considered.Comment: 22 pages, 17 figures; v2: references added, published in JHEP, v3: misspelled authors name correcte
Two-Component Dark Matter
two-component dark matter
interacting cold candidates neutral majorana fermion neutral singlet varphi varphi interacts portal interacts varphi yukawa interactions. relic abundance varphi solving boltzmann numerically varphi derive reliable approximate solution. discussed. scan wmap relic abundance xenon nucleus section. wmap xenon severely restricts space. amplitudes finds varphi vicinity boson varphi varphi annihilation varphi simeq varphi gesim tev. nucleon discussed. crest pages jhep misspelled name correcte
The infrared behavior of perturbative quantum gravity is studied using the method developed for QED by Faddeev and Kulish. The operator describing the asymptotic dynamics is derived and used to construct an IR-finite S matrix and space of asymptotic states. All-orders cancellation of IR divergences is shown explicitly at the level of matrix elements for the example case of gravitational potential scattering. As a practical application of the formalism, the soft part of a scalar scattering amplitude is related to the gravitational Wilson line and computed to all orders.Comment: 34 pages, 8 figure
Construction of an asymptotic S matrix for perturbative quantum gravity
construction of an asymptotic s matrix for perturbative quantum gravity
infrared perturbative faddeev kulish. describing asymptotic asymptotic states. orders cancellation divergences explicitly gravitational scattering. practical formalism gravitational wilson pages
We analyze the corrections to the precision EW observables in minimal composite Higgs models by using a general effective parametrization which also includes the lightest fermionic resonances. A new, possibly large, logarithmically divergent contribution to S is identified, which comes purely from the strong dynamics. It can be interpreted as a running of S induced by the non-renormalizable Higgs interactions due to the non-linear sigma-model structure. As expected, the corrections to the T parameter coming from fermion loops are finite and dominated by the contributions of the lightest composite states. The fit of the oblique parameters suggests a rather stringent lower bound on the sigma-model scale f > 750GeV. The corrections to the Z bL bL vertex coming from the lowest-order operators in the effective Lagrangian are finite and somewhat correlated to the corrections to T. Large additional contributions are generated by contact interactions with 4 composite fermions. In this case a logarithmic divergence can be generated and the correlation with T is removed. We also analyze the tree-level corrections to the top couplings, which are expected to be large due to the sizable degree of compositeness of the third generation quarks. We find that for a moderate amount of tuning the deviation in Vtb can be of order 5% while the distortion of the Z tL tL vertex can be 10%.Comment: 55 pages. V2: Typos corrected and references added. Matches published versio
Light top partners and precision physics
light top partners and precision physics
analyze precision observables composite parametrization lightest fermionic resonances. possibly logarithmically divergent comes purely dynamics. interpreted running renormalizable sigma structure. coming fermion loops dominated lightest composite states. oblique stringent sigma gev. coming lagrangian somewhat composite fermions. logarithmic divergence removed. analyze couplings sizable compositeness quarks. moderate tuning distortion .comment pages. typos corrected added. matches versio
In this paper, we analyse the stability of extremal black brane horizons with homogeneous symmetry in the spatial directions in five dimensional gauged supergravity, under the fluctuations of the scalar fields about their attractor values. We examine the scalar fluctuation equations at the linearised level and demand that the fluctuations vanish as one approaches the horizon. Imposing certain restrictions on the Killing vectors used for gauging we find that the necessary conditions for stability are satisfied only by a subclass of the Bianchi metrics whose symmetry group factorises into a two dimensional Lifshitz symmetry and any homogeneous symmetry group given by the Bianchi classification. We apply these results to a simple example of a gauged supergravity model with one vector multiplet to find the stable attractors.Comment: 25 pages, V2 minor changes, added discussions on gauge field and metric fluctuation
Stability of Bianchi attractors in Gauged Supergravity
stability of bianchi attractors in gauged supergravity
analyse extremal brane horizons homogeneous directions gauged supergravity attractor values. examine fluctuation linearised vanish horizon. imposing restrictions killing gauging satisfied subclass bianchi metrics factorises lifshitz homogeneous bianchi classification. gauged supergravity multiplet pages minor discussions fluctuation
A measurement of the Zγ→νν¯γ cross section in pp collisions at s√=7 TeV is presented, using data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 5.0 fb−1 collected with the CMS detector. This measurement is based on the observation of events with an imbalance of transverse energy in excess of 130 GeV and a single photon in the absolute pseudorapidity range |η| < 1.4 with transverse energy above 145 GeV. The Zγ→νν¯γ production cross section is measured to be 21.1 ± 4.2 (stat.) ± 4.3 (syst.) ± 0.5 (lum.) fb, which agrees with the standard model prediction of 21.9 ± 1.1 fb. The results are combined with the CMS measurement of Zγ production in the ℓ + ℓ − γ final state (where ℓ is an electron or a muon) to yield the most stringent limits to date on triple gauge boson couplings: ∣∣hZ3∣∣<2.7×10−3 , ∣∣hZ4∣∣<1.3×10−5 for ZZγ and ∣∣hγ3∣∣<2.9×10−3 , ∣∣hγ4∣∣<1.5×10−5 for Zγγ couplings
Measurement of the production cross section for Zγ→νν¯γ in pp collisions at s√=7 TeV and limits on ZZγ and Zγγ triple gauge boson couplings
measurement of the production cross section for zγ→νν¯γ in pp collisions at s√=7 tev and limits on zzγ and zγγ triple gauge boson couplings
zγ→νν¯γ collisions luminosity detector. imbalance excess pseudorapidity gev. zγ→νν¯γ stat. syst. lum. agrees muon stringent triple boson couplings ∣∣hz ∣∣hz ∣∣hγ ∣∣hγ couplings
We study the asymptotic geometry of the spin foam partition function for a large class of models, including the models of Barrett and Crane, Engle, Pereira, Rovelli and Livine, and, Freidel and Krasnov. The asymptotics is taken with respect to the boundary spins only, no assumption of large spins is made in the interior. We give a sufficient criterion for the existence of the partition function. We find that geometric boundary data is suppressed unless its interior continuation satisfies certain accidental curvature constraints. This means in particular that most Regge manifolds are suppressed in the asymptotic regime. We discuss this explicitly for the case of the configurations arising in the 3-3 Pachner move. We identify the origin of these accidental curvature constraints as an incorrect twisting of the face amplitude upon introduction of the Immirzi parameter and propose a way to resolve this problem, albeit at the price of losing the connection to the SU(2) boundary Hilbert space. The key methodological innovation that enables these results is the introduction of the notion of wave front sets, and the adaptation of tools for their study from micro local analysis to the case of spin foam partition functions.Comment: 63 pages, 5 figures v2: Reference correcte
Holonomy spin foam models: Asymptotic geometry of the partition function
holonomy spin foam models: asymptotic geometry of the partition function
asymptotic foam partition barrett crane engle pereira rovelli livine freidel krasnov. asymptotics spins spins interior. criterion partition function. geometric suppressed unless interior continuation satisfies accidental curvature constraints. regge manifolds suppressed asymptotic regime. explicitly configurations arising pachner move. accidental curvature incorrect twisting immirzi propose resolve albeit losing connection hilbert space. methodological innovation enables notion front adaptation micro foam partition pages correcte
The W-boson helicity fractions in top-quark decays are measured with tt¯ events in the lepton+jets final state, using proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV, collected in 2011 with the CMS detector at the LHC. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 5.0 fb−1. The measured fractions of longitudinal, left-, and right-handed helicity are F 0 = 0.682 ± 0.030 (stat.) ± 0.033 (syst.), F L = 0.310 ± 0.022 (stat.) ± 0.022 (syst.), and F R = 0.008 ± 0.012 (stat.) ± 0.014 (syst.), consistent with the standard model predictions. The measured fractions are used to probe the existence of anomalous Wtb couplings. Exclusion limits on the real components of the anomalous couplings g L , g R are also derived
Measurement of the W-boson helicity in top-quark decays from tt¯ production in lepton+jets events in pp collisions at s√=7 TeV
measurement of the w-boson helicity in top-quark decays from tt¯ production in lepton+jets events in pp collisions at s√=7 tev
boson helicity fractions decays lepton jets proton proton collisions lhc. luminosity fractions longitudinal handed helicity stat. syst. stat. syst. stat. syst. predictions. fractions anomalous couplings. exclusion anomalous couplings
We construct a set of supersymmetric geometries that represent regular microstates of the D1-D5-P 3-charge system, using the solution generating technique of hep-th/0311092. These solutions are constructed as perturbations around the maximally rotating D1-D5 solution at the linear order, and depend on the coordinate of S^1 on which the D1- and D5-branes are wrapped. In the framework of six-dimensional supergravity developed by Gutowski, Martelli and Reall [hep-th/0306235], these solutions have a 4-dimensional base that depend on the S^1 coordinate v. The v-dependent base is expected of the superstratum solutions which are parametrized by arbitrary surfaces, and these solutions give a modest step toward their explicit construction.Comment: 25 pages. v4: a typo correcte
Perturbative 3-charge microstate geometries in six dimensions
perturbative 3-charge microstate geometries in six dimensions
supersymmetric geometries microstates generating perturbations maximally rotating coordinate branes wrapped. supergravity gutowski martelli reall coordinate superstratum parametrized modest toward pages. typo correcte
We analyze the signatures of inflationary models that are coupled to strongly interacting field theories, a basic class of multifield models also motivated by their role in providing dynamically small scales. Near the squeezed limit of the bispectrum, we find a simple scaling behavior determined by operator dimensions, which are constrained by the appropriate unitarity bounds. Specifically, we analyze two simple and calculable classes of examples: conformal field theories (CFTs), and large-N CFTs deformed by relevant time-dependent double-trace operators. Together these two classes of examples exhibit a wide range of scalings and shapes of the bispectrum, including nearly equilateral, orthogonal and local non-Gaussianity in different regimes. Along the way, we compare and contrast the shape and amplitude with previous results on weakly coupled fields coupled to inflation. This signature provides a precision test for strongly coupled sectors coupled to inflation via irrelevant operators suppressed by a high mass scale up to 1000 times the inflationary Hubble scale.Comment: 40 pages, 10 figure
Anomalous Dimensions and Non-Gaussianity
anomalous dimensions and non-gaussianity
analyze signatures inflationary interacting multifield motivated dynamically scales. squeezed bispectrum constrained unitarity bounds. analyze calculable conformal cfts cfts deformed trace operators. exhibit scalings shapes bispectrum nearly equilateral orthogonal gaussianity regimes. weakly inflation. signature precision sectors inflation irrelevant suppressed inflationary hubble pages
Neutrino mass hierarchy can be measured in atmospheric neutrino experiments through the observation of earth matter effects. Magnetized iron calorimeters have been shown to be good in this regard due to their charge identification capabilities. The charged current interaction of $\nu_\mu$ in this detector, produces a muon track and a hadron shower. The direction of the muon track can be measured very accurately. We show the improvement expected in the reach of this class of experiments to the neutrino mass hierarchy, as we improve the muon energy resolution and the muon reconstruction efficiency. We next propose to include the hadron events in the analysis, by tagging them with the zenith angle of the corresponding muon and binning the hadron data first in energy and then in zenith angle. To the best of our knowledge this way of performing the analysis of the atmospheric neutrino data has not be considered before. We show that the hadron events increase the mass hierarchy sensitivity of the experiment. Finally, we show the expected mass hierarchy sensitivity in terms of the reconstructed neutrino energy and zenith angle. We show how the detector resolutions spoil the earth matter effects in the neutrino channel and argue why the sensitivity obtained from the neutrino analysis cannot be significantly better than that obtained from the analysis using muon data alone. As a result, the best mass hierarchy sensitivity is obtained when we add the contribution of the muon and the hadron data. For $\sin^22\theta_{13}=0.1$, $\sin^2\theta_{23}=0.5$, a muon energy resolution of 2\%, reconstruction efficiency of 80\% and exposure of $50\times 10$ kton-year, we could get up to $4.5\sigma$ signal for the mass hierarchy from combining the muon and hadron data.Comment: 29 page
Measuring the Mass Hierarchy with Muon and Hadron Events in Atmospheric Neutrino Experiments
measuring the mass hierarchy with muon and hadron events in atmospheric neutrino experiments
hierarchy earth effects. magnetized iron calorimeters regard capabilities. produces muon track hadron shower. muon track accurately. hierarchy muon muon reconstruction efficiency. propose hadron tagging zenith muon binning hadron zenith angle. performing before. hadron hierarchy experiment. hierarchy reconstructed zenith angle. resolutions spoil earth argue muon alone. hierarchy muon hadron data. theta theta muon reconstruction kton sigma hierarchy combining muon hadron
We show that vector-like fermions can act as the dark matter candidate in the universe whilst also playing a crucial role in electroweak baryogenesis through contributing to the barrier in the one-loop thermal scalar potential. In order for the new fermions to give rise to a strong first order phase transition, we show that one requires rather large Yukawa couplings in the new sector, which are strongly constrained by electroweak precision tests and perturbativity. Strong couplings between the dark matter candidate and the Higgs boson intuitively lead to small values of the relic density and problems with dark matter direct detection bounds. Nevertheless, when considering the most general realisation of the model, we find regions in the parameter space that respect all current constraints and may explain both mysteries simultaneously.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures, references added, includes discussion of vacuum stability, matches published versio
Baryogenesis and Dark Matter with Vector-like Fermions
baryogenesis and dark matter with vector-like fermions
fermions candidate universe whilst playing crucial electroweak baryogenesis contributing barrier potential. fermions yukawa couplings constrained electroweak precision perturbativity. couplings candidate boson intuitively relic bounds. nevertheless realisation mysteries pages matches versio
We confront the problem of giving a fundamental definition to perturbative string theory in spacetimes with totally compact space (taken to be a torus for simplicity, though the nature of the problem is very general) and non-compact time. Due to backreaction induced by the presence of even a single string quantum, the usual formulation of perturbative string theory in a fixed classical background is infrared-divergent at all subleading orders in the string coupling, and needs to be amended. The problem can be seen as a closed string analogue of D0-brane recoil under an impact by closed strings (a situation displaying extremely similar infrared divergences). Inspired by the collective coordinate treatment of the D0-brane recoil, whereby the translational modes of the D0-brane are introduced as explicit dynamical variables in the path integral, we construct a similar formalism for the case of string-induced gravitational backreaction, in which the spatially uniform modes of the background fields on the compact space are quantized explicitly. The formalism can equally well be seen as an ultraviolet completion of a minisuperspace quantum cosmology with string degrees of freedom. We consider the amplitudes for the universe to have two cross-sections with specified spatial properties and string contents, and show (at the first non-trivial order) that they are finite within our formalism.Comment: 37 pages, 4 figures; v2: cosmetic changes, published versio
Strings in compact cosmological spaces
strings in compact cosmological spaces
confront giving perturbative spacetimes totally torus simplicity time. backreaction usual formulation perturbative infrared divergent subleading orders amended. analogue brane recoil strings displaying extremely infrared divergences inspired collective coordinate brane recoil whereby translational brane formalism gravitational backreaction spatially quantized explicitly. formalism equally ultraviolet completion minisuperspace cosmology freedom. amplitudes universe specified contents trivial pages cosmetic versio
We derive exact formulae for the partition function and the expectation values of Wilson/'t Hooft loops, thus directly checking their S-duality transformations. We focus on a special class of N=2 gauge theories on S^4 with fundamental matter. In particular we show that, for a specific choice of the masses, the matrix model integral defining the gauge theory partition function localizes around a finite set of critical points where it can be explicitly evaluated and written in terms of generalized hypergeometric functions. From the AGT perspective the gauge theory partition function, evaluated with this choice of masses, is viewed as a four point correlator involving the insertion of a degenerated field. The well known simplicity of the degenerated correlator reflects the fact that for these choices of masses only a very restrictive type of instanton configurations contributes to the gauge theory partition function.Comment: 30 pages, 4 figures. reference added, typos corrected. version accepted for publication on JHE
Exact results in N=2 gauge theories
exact results in n=2 gauge theories
derive formulae partition expectation wilson hooft loops checking duality transformations. matter. defining partition localizes explicitly hypergeometric functions. perspective partition viewed correlator involving insertion degenerated field. simplicity degenerated correlator reflects choices restrictive instanton configurations contributes partition pages figures. typos corrected. publication
We explore the properties of non-BPS multi-centre extremal black holes in ungauged N=2 supergravity coupled to n_v vector multiplets, as described by solutions to the composite non-BPS linear system. After setting up an explicit description that allows for arbitrary non-BPS charges to be realised at each centre, we study the structure of the resulting solutions. Using these results, we prove that the binding energy of the composite is always positive and we show explicitly the existence of walls of marginal stability for generic choices of charges. The two-centre solutions only exist on a hypersurface of dimension n_v+1 in moduli space, with an n_v-dimensional boundary, where the distance between the centres diverges and the binding energy vanishes.Comment: 54 pages, 1 figur
non-BPS walls of marginal stability
non-bps walls of marginal stability
explore extremal holes ungauged supergravity multiplets composite system. charges realised solutions. composite explicitly walls marginal generic choices charges. hypersurface moduli centres diverges pages figur
Modular invariance is known to constrain the spectrum of 2d conformal field theories. We investigate this constraint systematically, using the linear functional method to put new improved upper bounds on the lowest gap in the spectrum. We also consider generalized partition functions of N = (2,2) superconformal theories and discuss the application of our results to Calabi-Yau compactifications. For Calabi-Yau threefolds with no enhanced symmetry we find that there must always be non-BPS primary states of weight 0.6 or less.Comment: 41 pages, 5 figure
Constraints on 2d CFT partition functions
constraints on 2d cft partition functions
modular invariance constrain conformal theories. systematically bounds spectrum. partition superconformal calabi compactifications. calabi threefolds pages
We study a set of examples of holographic duals to theories with spontaneous breaking of conformal invariance in different dimensions. The geometries are domain walls interpolating between two AdS spaces, with a non-trivial background scalar field dual to a relevant operator. We comment on a subtlety in the low momentum expansion pointed out in arXiv:1304.3051 for the case of background gravity and revise the dynamical gravity results of arXiv:1207.0006, where the dilaton pole was missing in the scalar-scalar and tensor-tensor two-point functions. We compute the energy-momentum tensor and scalar two-point functions and show that there is indeed a massless dilaton pole.Comment: 28 pages. v2: references added. v3: published version in JHE
The holographic dilaton
the holographic dilaton
holographic duals spontaneous breaking conformal invariance dimensions. geometries walls interpolating trivial operator. comment subtlety pointed revise dilaton pole missing functions. massless dilaton pages. added.
We find broad classes of exact 4-dimensional asymptotically flat black hole solutions in Einstein-Maxwell theories with a non-minimally coupled dilaton and its non-trivial potential. We consider a few interesting limits, in particular, a regular generalization of the dilatonic Reissner-Nordstr{\"o}m solution and, also, smooth deformations of supersymmetric black holes. Further examples are provided for more general dilaton potentials. We discuss the thermodynamical properties and show that the first law is satisfied. In the non-extremal case the entropy depends, as expected, on the asymptotic value of the dilaton. In the extremal limit, the entropy is determined purely in terms of charges and is independent of the asymptotic value of the dilaton. The attractor mechanism can be used as a criterion for the existence of the regular solutions. Since there is a `competition' between the effective potential and dilaton potential, we also obtain regular extremal black hole solutions with just one U(1) gauge field turned on.Comment: 19 pages, no figures; v2: comments and refs. added, matches the published versio
Exact asymptotically flat charged hairy black holes with a dilaton potential
exact asymptotically flat charged hairy black holes with a dilaton potential
broad asymptotically einstein maxwell minimally dilaton trivial potential. generalization dilatonic reissner nordstr deformations supersymmetric holes. dilaton potentials. thermodynamical satisfied. extremal asymptotic dilaton. extremal purely charges asymptotic dilaton. attractor criterion solutions. competition dilaton extremal turned pages comments refs. matches versio
We construct the three-dimensional effective field theory which reproduces low-momentum static correlation functions in four-dimensional quantum field theories with U(1) axial anomalies and a dynamical vector gauge field, in thermal equilibrium. We compute radiative corrections to parity-violating chiral conductivities, to leading order in the effective theory. All of the anomaly-induced transport is susceptible to radiative corrections, except for certain two-point functions which are required by symmetry to vanish.Comment: 53 pages, 2 figure
Chiral conductivities and effective field theory
chiral conductivities and effective field theory
reproduces axial anomalies equilibrium. radiative parity violating chiral conductivities theory. anomaly susceptible radiative pages
The pair production of squarks is one of the main search channels for supersymmetry at the LHC. We present a fully differential calculation of the next-to-leading order (NLO) SUSY-QCD corrections to the on-shell production of a pair of squarks in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM), supplemented by the leading-order decay of the squarks to the lightest neutralino and a quark. In addition, we use the Powheg method to match our NLO calculation with parton showers. To this end, the process was implemented in the Powheg-Box framework and interfaced with Pythia6 and Herwig++. We study the differential scale dependence and K-factors, and investigate the effects of the parton showers for a benchmark scenario in the constrained MSSM.Comment: 42 pages, 21 figures, reference added, minor typos corrected, version accepted by JHE
Matching Squark Pair Production at NLO with Parton Showers
matching squark pair production at nlo with parton showers
squarks supersymmetry lhc. susy squarks supersymmetric mssm supplemented squarks lightest neutralino quark. powheg match parton showers. implemented powheg interfaced pythia herwig parton showers benchmark constrained pages minor typos corrected
Explicit expressions for one-loop five supergraviton scattering amplitudes in both type II superstring theories are determined by making use of the pure spinor formalism. The type IIB amplitude can be expressed in terms of a doubling of ten-dimensional super Yang--Mills tree amplitude, while the type IIA amplitude has additional pieces that cannot be expressed in that manner. We evaluate the coefficients of terms in the analytic part of the low energy expansion of the amplitude, which correspond to a series of terms in an effective action of the schematic form D^{2k}R^5 for 0\le k \le 5 (where R is the Riemann curvature). Comparison with earlier analyses of the tree amplitudes and of the four-particle one-loop amplitude leads to an interesting extension of the action of SL(2,Z) S-duality on the moduli-dependent coefficients in the type IIB theory. We also investigate closed-string five-particle amplitudes that violate conservation of the U(1) R-symmetry charge -- processes that are forbidden in supergravity. The coefficients of their low energy expansion are shown to agree with S-duality systematics. A less detailed analysis is also given of the six-point function, resulting in the vanishing of the analytic parts of the R^6 and D^4 R^6 interactions in the ten-dimensional effective action, but not in lower dimensions.Comment: 62 pages, Mathematica notebook on integral expansion included in submission. v2: minor modifications, references added, matches published versio
Multiparticle one-loop amplitudes and S-duality in closed superstring theory
multiparticle one-loop amplitudes and s-duality in closed superstring theory
expressions supergraviton amplitudes superstring spinor formalism. doubling super mills pieces manner. analytic schematic riemann curvature amplitudes duality moduli theory. amplitudes violate conservation forbidden supergravity. agree duality systematics. vanishing analytic pages mathematica notebook submission. minor modifications matches versio
We show that both perturbative and non-perturbative parts of universal partition functions of Chern-Simons theory on 3d sphere are ratios of four over four Barnes' quadruple gamma functions with arguments given by linear combinations of universal parameters. Since nonperturbative part of partition function is essentially a universal compact simple Lie group's volume, latter appears to be expressed through quadruple Barnes' functions, also. For SU(N) values of parameters recurrent relations on Barnes' functions give the proof of level-rank duality of complete partition function, thus extending that duality on non-integer level and rank. We note that integral representation of universal partition function is defined on few disjoint regions in parameters' space, corresponding to different signs of real parts of parameters, and introduce a framework for discussion of analytic continuation of partition functions(s) from these regions. Although initial integral representation is symmetric under all permutations of parameters (which corresponds particularly to $N \rightarrow -N$ duality of gauge theories with classical groups), analytic continuations are not symmetric under transposition of parameters with different signs of their real parts. For the particular case of SU(N) Chern-Simons this asymmetry appears to be the Kinkelin's functional equation (reflection relation) for Barnes' G-function.Comment: 15 page
Universal Chern-Simons partition functions as quadruple Barnes' gamma-functions
universal chern-simons partition functions as quadruple barnes' gamma-functions
perturbative perturbative universal partition chern simons sphere barnes quadruple gamma arguments combinations universal parameters. nonperturbative partition essentially universal quadruple barnes also. recurrent barnes duality partition extending duality integer rank. universal partition disjoint signs analytic continuation partition regions. permutations rightarrow duality analytic continuations transposition signs parts. chern simons asymmetry kinkelin reflection barnes
Squeezed supersymmetric spectra are challenging for the LHC searches based on a sizable missing energy and hard visible particles. One such scenario consists of chargino/second-lightest neutralino NLSPs and a lightest neutralino LSP with a relatively small mass gap (10-50GeV). In this note, we explore search strategies to better probe this parameter space. We focus on the three-lepton plus missing energy channel arising from the chargino/second-lightest neutralino associated production, and we investigate the role of a relatively hard initial state radiation (ISR) jet. In addition to typical kinematic variables, such as the minimum lepton pair invariant mass, we propose an angular separation variable and two ratio variables which capitalize on the main kinematic features; leptons stay relatively soft under the boost from ISR and a sizable missing energy arises only in tight correlation with the ISR boost. With 300/fb of data at the 14 TeV LHC, we expect to probe electroweakinos up to 320 (700) GeV with 30GeV mass-gap and up to 220 (620) GeV with 20GeV mass-gap if gauginos decay via gauge bosons (light sleptons). We emphasize that the three-lepton channel is technically challenging for mass-gap below 12GeV.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figure
Cornering electroweakinos at the LHC
cornering electroweakinos at the lhc
squeezed supersymmetric challenging searches sizable missing visible particles. chargino lightest neutralino nlsps lightest neutralino explore space. lepton missing arising chargino lightest neutralino jet. kinematic lepton propose capitalize kinematic leptons stay boost sizable missing arises tight boost. electroweakinos gauginos bosons sleptons emphasize lepton technically challenging pages
It has been suggested that for QCD at finite baryon density the distribution of the phase angle, i.e. the angle defined as the imaginary part of the logarithm of the fermion determinant, has a simple Gaussian form. This distribution provides the density in the density of states approach to the sign problem. We calculate this phase angle distribution using i) the hadron resonance gas model; and ii) a combined strong coupling and hopping parameter expansion in lattice gauge theory. While the former model leads only to a Gaussian distribution, in the latter expansion we discover terms which cause the phase angle distribution to deviate, by relative amounts proportional to powers of the inverse lattice volume, from a simple Gaussian form. We show that despite the tiny inverse-volume deviation of the phase angle distribution from a simple Gaussian form, such non-Gaussian terms can have a substantial impact on observables computed in the density of states/reweighting approach to the sign problem.Comment: 43 pages, 4 figure
The density in the density of states method
the density in the density of states method
baryon i.e. imaginary logarithm fermion determinant form. problem. hadron hopping theory. former discover deviate amounts powers form. tiny substantial observables reweighting pages
Five dimensional Einstein gravity vacuum solutions in general fall into two classes of black rings with horizon topology S^2 \times S^1, and black holes with horizon topology S^3. These solutions are specified by their mass and two spins. There are "overlapping" regions of this parameter space where one has extremal rings and holes of the same spins. We show that for such regions the hole has generically a larger entropy than the ring, and likewise, the central charge of the proposed chiral 2d CFT dual to the hole is larger than that of the ring. For special places of this overlapping region where one of the spins tends to zero, the entropies of the extremal ring and hole also tend to zero and essentially become equal. In this case we are dealing with Extremal Vanishing Horizon (EVH) black holes or rings. The near horizon geometry of the near-EVH hole and rings both contain locally AdS_3 throats, providing a basis for the EVH/CFT proposal, a 2d CFT description of the low energy excitations of EVH hole or ring. We argue how the near-EVH hole and near-EVH ring can be distinguished from this dual 2d CFT viewpoint: The hole is a thermal state with zero temperature in the left sector and finite temperature in the right, while the ring is a generic state in the ground state (of the CFT on the plane) in the left sector and a thermal state in the right. The latter is part of the Hilbert space of the 2d CFT obtained in the Discrete Light Cone Quantization (DLCQ).Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures. v2, accepted in JHE
Dual 2d CFT Identification of Extremal Black Rings from Holes
dual 2d cft identification of extremal black rings from holes
einstein fall rings horizon topology holes horizon topology specified spins. overlapping extremal rings holes spins. generically likewise chiral ring. places overlapping spins tends entropies extremal tend essentially equal. dealing extremal vanishing horizon holes rings. horizon rings locally throats proposal excitations ring. argue distinguished viewpoint generic right. hilbert cone quantization dlcq .comment pages figures.
In this paper we treat the black hole horizon as a physical boundary to the spacetime and study its dynamics following from the Gibbons-Hawking-York boundary term. Using the Kerr black hole as an example we derive an effective action that describes, in the large wave number limit, a massless Klein-Gordon field living on the average location of the boundary. Complete solutions can be found in the small rotation limit of the black hole. The formulation suggests that the boundary can be treated in the same way as any other matter contributions. In particular, the angular momentum of the boundary matches exactly with that of the black hole, suggesting an interesting possibility that all charges (including the entropy) of the black hole are carried by the boundary. Using this as input, we derive predictions on the Planck scale properties of the boundary.Comment: References added, nature of boundary stress tensor clarified, discussion of statistics refined and a mistake with Hawking temperature corrected, 16 pages; version to appear in journa
Fluctuating Black Hole Horizons
fluctuating black hole horizons
treat horizon spacetime gibbons hawking term. kerr derive describes massless klein gordon living boundary. hole. formulation contributions. matches charges boundary. derive planck clarified refined mistake hawking corrected pages journa
We propose a new type of radiative seesaw model in which observed neutrino masses are generated through a three-loop level diagram in combination with tree-level type-II seesaw mechanism in a renormalizable theory. We introduce a Non-abelian flavor symmetry $T_7$ in order to constrain the form of Yukawa interactions and Higgs potential. Although several models based on a Non-abelian flavor symmetry predict the universal coupling constants among the standard model like Higgs boson and charged leptons, which is disfavored by the current LHC data, our model can avoid such a situation. We show a benchmark parameter set that is consistent with the current experimental data, and we discuss multi-muon events as a key collider signature to probe our model.Comment: Footnote 6 is slightly modifie
$T_7$ Flavor Model in Three Loop Seesaw and Higgs Phenomenology
$t_7$ flavor model in three loop seesaw and higgs phenomenology
propose radiative seesaw seesaw renormalizable theory. abelian flavor constrain yukawa potential. abelian flavor predict universal boson leptons disfavored avoid situation. benchmark muon collider signature footnote modifie
We work out Seiberg-like dualities for 3d $\mathcal{N}=2$ theories with SU(N) gauge group. We use the $SL(2,\mathbb{Z})$ action on 3d conformal field theories with U(1) global symmetry. One of generator S of $SL(2,\mathbb{Z})$ acts as gauging of the U(1) global symmetry. Utilizing $S=S^{-1}$ up to charge conjugation, we obtain Seiberg-like dual of SU(N) theories by gauging topological U(1) symmetry of the Seiberg-like dual of U(N) theories with the same matter content. We work out the Aharony dualities for SU(N) gauge theory with $N_f$ fundamental/anti-fundamnetal flavors, with/without one adjoint matter with the superpotential. We also work out the Giveon-Kutasov dualities for SU(N) gauge theory with Chern-Simons term and with $N_f$ fundamental/anti-fundamental flavors. For all the proposed dualities, we give various evidences such as chiral ring matching and the superconformal index computations. We find the perfect matchings.Comment: 29 pages; SU(N) dual with N_f=N_c clarifie
Seiberg-like Dualities for 3d N=2 Theories with SU(N) gauge group
seiberg-like dualities for 3d n=2 theories with su(n) gauge group
seiberg dualities mathcal group. mathbb conformal symmetry. generator mathbb acts gauging symmetry. utilizing conjugation seiberg gauging topological seiberg content. aharony dualities fundamnetal flavors adjoint superpotential. giveon kutasov dualities chern simons flavors. dualities evidences chiral matching superconformal computations. perfect pages clarifie
The Super-light Sterile Neutrino Scenario (SSNS) has been proposed in the literature to explain the suppression of the upturn in the low energy solar data. In this scenario, the mass splitting between the new mass eigenstate, $\nu_0$ and the standard $\nu_1$ is of order of $\Delta m_{01}^2\sim 10^{-5}$ eV$^2$. Reactor neutrino experiments with baseline larger than $\sim$20 km can help us to probe this scenario. We study the potential of upcoming JUNO and RENO-50 reactor experiments for discovering the superlight sterile neutrino or constraining its mixing parameters. We study the dependence of sensitivity to the SNSS and find that the proposed JUNO setup is very close to the optimal setup for probing the SSNS.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure
Constraining Super-light Sterile Neutrino Scenario by JUNO and RENO-50
constraining super-light sterile neutrino scenario by juno and reno-50
super sterile ssns suppression upturn data. splitting eigenstate delta reactor scenario. upcoming juno reno reactor discovering superlight sterile constraining parameters. snss juno setup setup probing pages
Some aspects of string compactifications with non-geometric fluxes are revisited in the light of recent progress in double field theory. After rederiving the general form of these fluxes, we consider the proposed flux induced four-dimensional effective superpotential and oxidize its induced scalar potential to terms in a ten-dimensional action. This analysis is performed independently for an explicit toroidal type IIA and its T-dual type IIB orientifold. We show in detail that the result of this bottom-up approach is compatible with the gauged supergravity motivated flux formulation of the double field theory action in both the NS-NS and the R-R sector.Comment: 34 pages, v2: typos corrected, refs added, v3: major revision of the introduction and sec.(2.5), final version to be publishe
Dimensional Oxidation of Non-geometric Fluxes in Type II Orientifolds
dimensional oxidation of non-geometric fluxes in type ii orientifolds
compactifications geometric fluxes revisited progress theory. rederiving fluxes superpotential oxidize action. independently toroidal orientifold. compatible gauged supergravity motivated formulation pages typos corrected refs revision sec. publishe
We analyze the properly normalized three-point correlator of two protected scalar operators and one higher spin twist-two operator in N=4 super Yang-Mills, in the limit of large spin j. The relevant structure constant can be extracted from the OPE of the four-point correlator of protected scalar operators. We show that crossing symmetry of the four point correlator plus a judicious guess for the perturbative structure of the three-point correlator, allow to make a prediction for the structure constant at all loops in perturbation theory, up to terms that remain finite as the spin becomes large. Furthermore, the expression for the structure constant allows to propose an expression for the all loops four-point correlator G(u,v), in the limit u,v -> 0. Our predictions are in perfect agreement with the large j expansion of results available in the literature.Comment: 14 pages,v2:minor changes, refs adde
Higher-spin correlators
higher-spin correlators
analyze properly correlator protected twist super mills correlator protected operators. crossing correlator judicious guess perturbative correlator loops perturbation large. propose loops correlator perfect pages minor refs adde
In this paper we study the coupled system of non-abelian gauge fields with higher-derivative gravity. Charge renormalization is investigated in this coupled system. It is found that the leading term in the gauge coupling beta function comes due to interaction of gauge fields with gravitons. This is shown to be a universal quantity in the sense that it doesn't depend on the gauge coupling and the gauge group, but may depend on the other couplings of the action (gravitational and matter). The coupled system is studied at one-loop. It is found that the leading term of gauge beta function is zero at one-loop in four dimensions. The effect of gauge fields on the running of gravitational couplings is investigated. The coupled system of gauge field with higher-derivative gravity is shown to satisfy unitarity when quantum corrections are taken in to account. Moreover, it is found that Newton constant goes to zero at short distances. In this renormalizable and unitary theory of gauge field coupled with higher-derivative gravity, the leading term of the gauge beta function, found to be universal for all gauge groups, is further studied in more detail by isolating it in the context of abelian gauge theories coupled with gravity in four dimensions. Using self-duality of abelian gauge theories in four dimensions, this term of the gauge beta function is shown to be zero to all loops. This is found to be independent of the gravity action, regularization scheme and gauge fixing condition. An explicit one-loop computation for arbitrary gravity action further demonstrates the vanishing of this term in the gauge beta function in four dimensions, independent of the regularization scheme and gauge fixing condition. Consequences of this are discussed.Comment: 1+42 pages, 7 figure
Running Couplings in Quantum Theory of Gravity Coupled with Gauge Fields
running couplings in quantum theory of gravity coupled with gauge fields
abelian gravity. renormalization system. beta comes gravitons. universal quantity couplings gravitational loop. beta dimensions. running gravitational couplings investigated. satisfy unitarity account. newton goes distances. renormalizable unitary beta universal isolating abelian dimensions. duality abelian beta loops. regularization fixing condition. demonstrates vanishing beta regularization fixing condition. consequences pages
We extend the Helac-Dipoles package with the implementation of a new subtraction formalism, first introduced by Nagy and Soper in the formulation of an improved parton shower. We discuss a systematic, semi-numerical approach for the evaluation of the integrated subtraction terms for both massless and massive partons, which provides the missing ingredient for a complete implementation. In consequence, the new scheme can now be used as part of a complete NLO QCD calculation for processes with arbitrary parton masses and multiplicities. We assess its overall performance through a detailed comparison with results based on Catani-Seymour subtraction. The importance of random polarization and color sampling of the external partons is also examined.Comment: 37 pages, 8 tables, 3 figures. References added, version to appear in JHE
Complete Nagy-Soper subtraction for next-to-leading order calculations in QCD
complete nagy-soper subtraction for next-to-leading order calculations in qcd
extend helac dipoles package subtraction formalism nagy soper formulation parton shower. subtraction massless massive partons missing ingredient implementation. parton multiplicities. catani seymour subtraction. partons pages tables figures.
We utilize the deformation theory of algebraic singularities to study charged matter in compactifications of M-theory, F-theory, and type IIa string theory on elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau manifolds. In F-theory, this description is more physical than that of resolution. We describe how two-cycles can be identified and systematically studied after deformation. For ADE singularities, we realize non-trivial ADE representations as sublattices of Z^N, where N is the multiplicity of the codimension one singularity before deformation. We give a method for the determination of Picard-Lefschetz vanishing cycles in this context and utilize this method for one-parameter smooth deformations of ADE singularities. We give a general map from junctions to weights and demonstrate that Freudenthal's recursion formula applied to junctions correctly reproduces the structure of high-dimensional ADE representations, including the 126 of SO(10) and the 43,758 of E_6. We identify the Weyl group action in some examples, and verify its order in others. We describe the codimension two localization of matter in F-theory in the case of heterotic duality or simple normal crossing and demonstrate the branching of adjoint representations. Finally, we demonstrate geometrically that deformations correctly reproduce the appearance of non-simply-laced algebras induced by monodromy around codimension two singularities, showing the reduction of D_4 to G_2 in an example. A companion mathematical paper will follow.Comment: 30 pages + references, appendices. v2: references and two figures added, typos correcte
Matter From Geometry Without Resolution
matter from geometry without resolution
utilize deformation algebraic singularities compactifications elliptically fibered calabi manifolds. resolution. cycles systematically deformation. singularities realize trivial representations sublattices multiplicity codimension singularity deformation. picard lefschetz vanishing cycles utilize deformations singularities. junctions weights freudenthal recursion junctions correctly reproduces representations weyl verify others. codimension localization heterotic duality crossing branching adjoint representations. geometrically deformations correctly reproduce appearance laced algebras monodromy codimension singularities example. companion mathematical pages appendices. typos correcte
Using the framework of collinear factorization in perturbative QCD (pQCD), we analyze the recent data of the LHCb and ALICE collaborations on exclusive photoproduction of J/{\psi} in ultraperipheral pp and AA collisions, respectively. We demonstrate that the simultaneous analysis of the proton and Pb data allows us to reduce the ambiguity of the pQCD description of the $\gamma p \to J/\psi p$ and $\gamma A \to J/\psi p$ cross sections and, hence, to place additional constraints on the gluon distributions in the nucleon and nuclei at small x. We also make predictions for the cross section of coherent exclusive photoproduction of J/{\psi} in nucleus-nucleus ultraperipheral collisions accompanied by the electromagnetic excitation of nuclei and the subsequent neutron emission.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables. The final version matching the published pape
Exclusive J/{\psi} production in ultraperipheral collisions at the LHC: constrains on the gluon distributions in the proton and nuclei
exclusive j/{\psi} production in ultraperipheral collisions at the lhc: constrains on the gluon distributions in the proton and nuclei
collinear factorization perturbative pqcd analyze lhcb alice collaborations exclusive photoproduction ultraperipheral collisions respectively. simultaneous proton ambiguity pqcd gamma gamma gluon nucleon nuclei coherent exclusive photoproduction nucleus nucleus ultraperipheral collisions accompanied electromagnetic nuclei neutron pages tables. matching pape
In this paper, we derive the field equations of quartic quasi-topological gravity by varying the action with respect to the metric. Also, we obtain the linearized graviton equations in the AdS background and find that it is governed by a second-order field equation as in the cases of Einstein, Lovelock or cubic quasi-topological gravities. But in contrast to the cubic quasi-topological gravity, the linearized field equation around a black hole has fourth-order radial derivative of the perturbation. Moreover, we analyze the conditions of having ghost free AdS solutions and AdS planar black holes. In addition, we compute the central charges of the dual conformal field theory of this gravity theory by studying holographic Weyl anomaly. Finally, we consider the effect of quartic term on the causality of dual theory in the tensor channel and show that, in the contrast to the trivial result of cubic quasi-topological gravity, the existence of both cubic and quartic terms leads to a non-trivial constraint. However, this constraint does not imply any lower positive bound on the viscosity/entropy ratio.Comment: 27 pages, 14 figures, minor typos corrected, a comment on bulk causality is added, updated to published versio
Quartic Quasi-topological Gravity, Black Holes and Holography
quartic quasi-topological gravity, black holes and holography
derive quartic quasi topological metric. linearized graviton governed einstein lovelock cubic quasi topological gravities. cubic quasi topological linearized fourth perturbation. analyze ghost planar holes. charges conformal studying holographic weyl anomaly. quartic causality trivial cubic quasi topological cubic quartic trivial constraint. imply viscosity pages minor typos corrected comment causality updated versio
As evidence for the ER=EPR conjecture, it has recently been observed that the string that is holographically dual to an entangled quark-antiquark pair separating with (asymptotically) uniform acceleration has a wormhole on its worldsheet. We point out that a two-sided horizon and a wormhole actually appear for much more generic quark-antiquark trajectories, which is consistent with the fact that the members of an EPR pair need not be permanently out of causal contact. The feature that determines whether the causal structure of the string worldsheet is trivial or not turns out to be the emission of gluonic radiation by the dual quark and antiquark. In the strongly-coupled gauge theory, it is only when radiation is emitted that one obtains an unambiguous separation of the pair into entangled subsystems, and this is what is reflected on the gravity side by the existence of the worldsheet horizon.Comment: 1+17+5 pages, 9 figures, v2: added refs, v3: small additions, matches published versio
Holographic EPR Pairs, Wormholes and Radiation
holographic epr pairs, wormholes and radiation
conjecture holographically entangled antiquark separating asymptotically acceleration wormhole worldsheet. sided horizon wormhole generic antiquark trajectories permanently causal contact. determines causal worldsheet trivial turns gluonic antiquark. emitted obtains unambiguous entangled subsystems reflected worldsheet pages refs additions matches versio
Inspired by the recent measurements of the CMS collaboration, we report a QCD study of dijet production in proton+lead collisions at the LHC involving large-transverse-momentum jets, $p_T \gtrsim 100$ GeV. Examining the inherent uncertainties of the next-to-leading order perturbative QCD calculations and their sensitivity to the free proton parton distributions (PDFs), we observe a rather small, typically much less than 5% clearance for the shape of the dijet rapidity distribution within approximately 1.5 units around the midrapidity. Even a more stable observable is the ratio between the yields in the positive and negative dijet rapidity, for which the baseline uncertainty can be made negligible by imposing a symmetric jet rapidity acceptance. Both observables prove sensitive to the nuclear modifications of the gluon distributions, the corresponding uncertainties clearly exceeding the estimated baseline uncertainties from the free-proton PDFs and scale dependence. From a theoretical point of view, these observables are therefore very suitable for testing the validity of the collinear factorization and have a high potential to provide precision constraints for the nuclear PDFs.Comment: 16 pages. The version to be published. Figures 6 and 7 replaced. Some further discussion adde
A perturbative QCD study of dijets in p+Pb collisions at the LHC
a perturbative qcd study of dijets in p+pb collisions at the lhc
inspired dijet proton collisions involving jets gtrsim gev. examining inherent perturbative proton parton pdfs clearance dijet rapidity midrapidity. observable dijet rapidity negligible imposing rapidity acceptance. observables modifications gluon exceeding proton pdfs dependence. observables validity collinear factorization precision pages. published. replaced. adde
In this note we study the applicability of the color-kinematics duality to the scattering of two distinguishable scalar matter particles with gluon emission in QCD, or graviton emission in Einstein gravity. Previous analysis suggested that direct use of the Bern-Carrasco-Johansson double-copy prescription to matter amplitudes does not reproduce the gravitational amplitude in multi-Regge kinematics. This situation, however, can be avoided by extensions to the gauge theory, while maintaning the same Regge limit. Here we present two examples of these extensions: the introduction of a scalar contact interaction and the relaxation of the distinguishability of the scalars. In both cases new diagrams allow for a full reconstruction of the correct Regge limit on the gravitational side. Both modifications correspond to theories obtained by dimensional reduction from higher-dimensional gauge theories.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure; v2 minor changes, typos corrected. It matches the version published in JHE
Color-Kinematics Duality in Multi-Regge Kinematics and Dimensional Reduction
color-kinematics duality in multi-regge kinematics and dimensional reduction
applicability kinematics duality distinguishable gluon graviton einstein gravity. bern carrasco johansson copy prescription amplitudes reproduce gravitational regge kinematics. avoided extensions maintaning regge limit. extensions relaxation distinguishability scalars. diagrams reconstruction regge gravitational side. modifications pages minor typos corrected. matches
Motivated by the recent progress of direct search for the productions of stop pair and sbottom pair at the LHC, we examine the constraints of the search results on the stop ($\tilde{t}_1$) mass in natural SUSY. We first scan the parameter space of natural SUSY in the framework of MSSM, considering the constraints from the Higgs mass, B-physics and electroweak precision measurements. Then in the allowed parameter space we perform a Monte Carlo simulation for stop pair production followed by $\tilde{t}_{1} \to t \tilde{\chi}_{1}^{0}$ or $\tilde{t}_{1} \to b \tilde{\chi}_{1}^{+}$ and sbottom pair production followed by $\tilde{b}_{1} \to b \tilde{\chi}_{1}^{0}$ or $\tilde{b}_{1} \to t \tilde{\chi}_{1}^{-}$. Using the combined results of ATLAS with 20.1 fb$^{-1}$ from the search of $\ell+{\rm jets}+\slashed E_{T}$, hadronic $t\bar{t}+\slashed E_{T}$ and $2b+\slashed E_{T}$, we find that a stop lighter than 600 GeV can be excluded at 95% CL in this scenario.Comment: Discussions added, accepted by JHE
Current experimental bounds on stop mass in natural SUSY
current experimental bounds on stop mass in natural susy
motivated progress productions stop sbottom examine stop tilde susy. scan susy mssm electroweak precision measurements. monte carlo stop tilde tilde tilde tilde sbottom tilde tilde tilde tilde atlas jets slashed hadronic slashed slashed stop lighter excluded discussions
We study N=2 superconformal theories on Euclidean and Lorentzian four-manifolds with a view toward applications to holography and localization. The conditions for supersymmetry are equivalent to a set of differential constraints including a "generalised" conformal Killing spinor equation depending on various background fields. We solve these equations in the general case and give very explicit expressions for the auxiliary fields that we need to turn on to preserve some supersymmetry. As opposed to what has been observed for the N=1 case, the conditions for unbroken supersymmetry turn out to be almost independent of the signature of spacetime, with the exception of few degenerate cases including the topological twist. Generically, the only geometrical constraint coming from supersymmetry is the existence of a conformal Killing vector on the manifold, all other constraints determine the background auxiliary fields.Comment: 31 pages, v2: minor changes and important references adde
Extended Supersymmetry on Curved Spaces
extended supersymmetry on curved spaces
superconformal euclidean lorentzian manifolds toward holography localization. supersymmetry generalised conformal killing spinor fields. solve expressions auxiliary preserve supersymmetry. opposed unbroken supersymmetry signature spacetime exception degenerate topological twist. generically geometrical coming supersymmetry conformal killing manifold auxiliary pages minor adde
Entanglement entropy in a field theory, with a holographic dual, may be viewed as a quantity which encodes the diffeomorphism invariant bulk gravity dynamics. This, in particular, indicates that the bulk Einstein equations would imply some constraints for the boundary entanglement entropy. In this paper we focus on the change in entanglement entropy, for small but arbitrary fluctuations about a given state, and analyze the constraints imposed on it by the perturbative Einstein equations, linearized about the corresponding bulk state. Specifically, we consider linear fluctuations about BTZ black hole in 3 dimension, pure AdS and AdS Schwarzschild black holes in 4 dimensions and obtain a diffeomorphism invariant reformulation of linearized Einstein equation in terms of holographic entanglement entropy. We will also show that entanglement entropy for boosted subsystems provides the information about all the components of the metric with a time index.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures; v2: new reference adde
Entropic Counterpart of Perturbative Einstein Equation
entropic counterpart of perturbative einstein equation
entanglement holographic viewed quantity encodes diffeomorphism dynamics. einstein imply entanglement entropy. entanglement analyze imposed perturbative einstein linearized state. schwarzschild holes diffeomorphism reformulation linearized einstein holographic entanglement entropy. entanglement boosted subsystems pages adde
We compute the gravitational entropy of 'spherical Rindler space', a time-dependent, spherically symmetric generalization of ordinary Rindler space, defined with reference to a family of observers traveling along non-parallel, accelerated trajectories. All these observers are causally disconnected from a spherical region H (a 'hole') located at the origin of Minkowski space. The entropy evaluates to S = A/4G, where A is the area of the spherical acceleration horizon, which coincides with the boundary of H. We propose that S is the entropy of entanglement between quantum gravitational degrees of freedom supporting the interior and the exterior of the sphere H.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure; v2: published version including updated reference
The entropy of a hole in spacetime
the entropy of a hole in spacetime
gravitational spherical rindler spherically generalization ordinary rindler observers traveling accelerated trajectories. observers causally disconnected spherical minkowski space. evaluates spherical acceleration horizon coincides propose entanglement gravitational freedom supporting interior exterior sphere pages updated
Within the framework of a constrained Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (cMSSM) augmented by an MSSM singlet-pair sector to account for the non-zero neutrino masses by inverse seesaw mechanism, the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) can be a mixed sneutrino with mass as small as 50 GeV, satisfying all existing constraints, thus qualifying as a light dark matter candidate. We study the possibility of the lightest neutral Higgs boson in this model decaying invisibly into a pair of sneutrino LSPs, thereby giving rise to novel missing energy signatures at the LHC. We perform a two-parameter global analysis of the LHC Higgs data available till date to determine the optimal invisible Higgs branching fraction in this scenario, and obtain a $2\sigma(1\sigma)$ upper limit of 0.23 (0.12). A detailed cut-based analysis is carried out thereafter, demonstrating the viability of our proposed signal vis-a-vis backgrounds at the LHC.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figures and 7 tables. Text and references added, some numbers changed slightly due to a small error in coding. To appear in JHE
Invisible Higgs Decay in a Supersymmetric Inverse Seesaw Model with Light Sneutrino Dark Matter
invisible higgs decay in a supersymmetric inverse seesaw model with light sneutrino dark matter
constrained supersymmetric cmssm augmented mssm singlet seesaw lightest supersymmetric sneutrino satisfying qualifying candidate. lightest neutral boson decaying invisibly sneutrino lsps thereby giving missing signatures lhc. till invisible branching sigma sigma thereafter demonstrating viability backgrounds pages tables. changed coding.