3 values
Using an off-shell Killing spinor analysis we perform a systematic investigation of the supersymmetric background and black hole solutions of the ${\cal N}=(1,1)$ Cosmological New Massive Gravity model. The solutions with a null Killing vector are the same pp-wave solutions that one finds in the ${\cal N}=1$ model but we find new solutions with a time-like Killing vector that are absent in the ${\cal N}=1$ case. An example of such a solution is a Lifshitz spacetime. We also consider the supersymmetry properties of the so-called rotating hairy BTZ black holes and logarithmic black holes in an $AdS_3$ background. Furthermore, we show that under certain assumptions there is no supersymmetric Lifshitz black hole solution.Comment: 27 pages, v2: Typos Corrected, Version appeared in JHE
Supersymmetric Backgrounds and Black Holes in ${\cal N}=(1,1)$ Cosmological New Massive Supergravity
supersymmetric backgrounds and black holes in ${\cal n}=(1,1)$ cosmological new massive supergravity
killing spinor supersymmetric cosmological massive model. killing finds killing absent case. lifshitz spacetime. supersymmetry rotating hairy holes logarithmic holes background. assumptions supersymmetric lifshitz pages typos corrected appeared
We study the Dalitz plot of the Cabibbo-favored charmed-meson decay $D^+\to K^-\pi^+\pi^+$ using dispersion theory. The formalism respects all constraints from analyticity and unitarity, and consistently describes final-state interactions between all three decay products. We employ pion-pion and pion-kaon phase shifts as input, and fit the pertinent subtraction constants to Dalitz plot data by the CLEO and FOCUS collaborations. Phase motions of resonant as well as nonresonant amplitudes are discussed, which should provide crucial input for future studies of CP violation in similar three-body charm decays.Comment: 32 pages, 7 figures, version published in JHE
Dispersion-theoretical analysis of the D^+ --> K^- pi^+ pi^+ Dalitz plot
dispersion-theoretical analysis of the d^+ --> k^- pi^+ pi^+ dalitz plot
dalitz cabibbo favored charmed meson theory. formalism respects analyticity unitarity consistently describes products. employ pion pion pion kaon shifts pertinent subtraction dalitz cleo collaborations. motions resonant nonresonant amplitudes crucial violation charm pages
In this paper we study the production of a heavy charged Higgs boson in association with heavy quarks at the LHC in the two-Higgs-doublet model. We present for the first time fully-differential results obtained in the four-flavour scheme at NLO accuracy, both at fixed order and including the matching with parton showers. Relevant differential distributions are studied for two values of the charged boson mass and a thorough comparison is performed between predictions obtained in the four- and five-flavour schemes. We show that the agreement between the two schemes is improved by NLO(+PS) corrections for observables inclusive in the degrees of freedom of bottom quarks. We argue that the four-flavour scheme leads to more reliable predictions, thanks to its accurate description of the bottom-quark kinematics and its small dependence on the Monte Carlos, which in turn is rather large in the five-flavour scheme. A detailed set of recommendations for the simulation of this process in experimental analyses at the LHC is provided
Heavy charged Higgs boson production at the LHC
heavy charged higgs boson production at the lhc
boson quarks doublet model. flavour matching parton showers. boson thorough flavour schemes. schemes observables inclusive freedom quarks. argue flavour reliable thanks kinematics monte carlos flavour scheme. recommendations
Entanglement entropy of holographic CFTs is expected to play a crucial role in the reconstruction of semiclassical bulk gravity. We consider the entanglement entropy of spherical regions of vacuum, which is known to contain universal contributions. After perturbing the CFT with a relevant scalar operator, also the first order change of this quantity gives a universal term which only depends on a discrete set of basic CFT parameters. We show that in gravity this statement corresponds to the uniqueness of the ghost-free graviton propagator on an AdS background geometry. While the gravitational dynamics in this context contains little information about the structure of the bulk theory, there is a discrete set of dimensionless parameters of the theory which determines the entanglement entropy. We argue that for every (not necessarily holographic) CFT, any reasonable gravity model can be used to compute this particular entanglement entropy. We elucidate how this statement is consistent with AdS/CFT and also give various generalizations. On the one hand this illustrates the remarkable usefulness of geometric concepts for understanding entanglement in general CFTs. On the other hand, it provides hints as to what entanglement data can be expected to provide enough information to distinguish, e.g., bulk theories with different higher curvature couplings.Comment: 37 pages; v2: added references; v3: minor clarifications and added references (published version
Comments on universal properties of entanglement entropy and bulk reconstruction
comments on universal properties of entanglement entropy and bulk reconstruction
entanglement holographic cfts crucial reconstruction semiclassical gravity. entanglement spherical universal contributions. perturbing quantity universal parameters. statement uniqueness ghost graviton propagator geometry. gravitational dimensionless determines entanglement entropy. argue necessarily holographic reasonable entanglement entropy. elucidate statement generalizations. illustrates remarkable usefulness geometric concepts entanglement cfts. hints entanglement distinguish e.g. curvature pages minor clarifications
We consider field theories that exhibit a supersymmetric Lifshitz scaling with two real supercharges. The theories can be formulated in the language of stochastic quantization. We construct the free field supersymmetry algebra with rotation singlet fermions for an even dynamical exponent $z=2k$ in an arbitrary dimension. We analyze the classical and quantum $z=2$ supersymmetric interactions in $2+1$ and $3+1$ spacetime dimensions and reveal a supersymmetry preserving quantum diagrammatic cancellation. Stochastic quantization indicates that Lifshitz scale invariance is broken in the $(3+1)$-dimensional quantum theory.Comment: 26 page
On Supersymmetric Lifshitz Field Theories
on supersymmetric lifshitz field theories
exhibit supersymmetric lifshitz supercharges. formulated stochastic quantization. supersymmetry singlet fermions exponent dimension. analyze supersymmetric spacetime reveal supersymmetry preserving diagrammatic cancellation. stochastic quantization lifshitz invariance broken
We compute conductivities of strongly-interacting and non-uniform charge densities dual to inhomogeneous anti-de Sitter--black hole spacetimes. Backreacting bulk scalars with periodic boundary profiles, we construct generalizations of Reissner-Nordstr\"om-AdS that interpolate between those used in two previous studies --- one that reports power-law scaling for the boundary optical conductivity and one that does not. We find no evidence for power-law scaling of the conductivity, thereby corroborating the previous negative result that gravitational crystals are insufficient to generate the power-law mid-infrared conductivity observed in cuprate superconductors.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, 7 image
Absence of Power-Law Mid-Infrared Conductivity in Gravitational Crystals
absence of power-law mid-infrared conductivity in gravitational crystals
conductivities interacting densities inhomogeneous sitter spacetimes. backreacting scalars generalizations reissner nordstr interpolate conductivity not. conductivity thereby corroborating gravitational crystals insufficient infrared conductivity cuprate pages
We present an extended version of the Conformal Standard Model (characterized by the absence of any new intermediate scales between the electroweak scale and the Planck scale) with an enlarged scalar sector coupling to right-chiral neutrinos. The scalar potential and the Yukawa couplings involving only right-chiral neutrinos are invariant under a new global symmetry SU(3)$_N$ that complements the standard U(1)$_{B-L}$ symmetry, and is broken explicitly only by the Yukawa interaction, of order $10^{-6}$, coupling right-chiral neutrinos and the electroweak lepton doublets. We point out four main advantages of this enlargement, namely: (1) the economy of the (non-supersymmetric) Standard Model, and thus its observational success, is preserved; (2) thanks to the enlarged scalar sector the RG improved one-loop effective potential is everywhere positive with a stable global minimum, thereby avoiding the notorious instability of the Standard Model vacuum; (3) the pseudo-Goldstone bosons resulting from spontaneous breaking of the SU(3)$_N$ symmetry are natural Dark Matter candidates with calculable small masses and couplings; and (4) the Majorana Yukawa coupling matrix acquires a form naturally adapted to leptogenesis. The model is made perturbatively consistent up to the Planck scale by imposing the vanishing of quadratic divergences at the Planck scale (`softly broken conformal symmetry'). Observable consequences of the model occur mainly via the mixing of the new scalars and the standard model Higgs boson.Comment: version accepted for publication in the JHEP, 41 pages, 1 figur
Conformal Standard Model with an extended scalar sector
conformal standard model with an extended scalar sector
conformal electroweak planck enlarged chiral neutrinos. yukawa couplings involving chiral neutrinos complements broken explicitly yukawa chiral neutrinos electroweak lepton doublets. advantages enlargement economy supersymmetric observational success preserved thanks enlarged everywhere thereby avoiding notorious instability pseudo goldstone bosons spontaneous breaking candidates calculable couplings majorana yukawa acquires naturally adapted leptogenesis. perturbatively planck imposing vanishing quadratic divergences planck softly broken conformal observable consequences scalars publication jhep pages figur
We study the most general renormalizable ${\cal N}=1$ $U(N)$ Chern-Simons gauge theory coupled to a single (generically massive) fundamental matter multiplet. At leading order in the 't Hooft large $N$ limit we present computations and conjectures for the $2 \times 2$ $S$ matrix in these theories; our results apply at all orders in the 't Hooft coupling and the matter self interaction. Our $S$ matrices are in perfect agreement with the recently conjectured strong weak coupling self duality of this class of theories. The consistency of our results with unitarity requires a modification of the usual rules of crossing symmetry in precisely the manner anticipated in arXiv:1404.6373, lending substantial support to the conjectures of that paper. In a certain range of coupling constants our $S$ matrices have a pole whose mass vanishes on a self dual codimension one surface in the space of couplings.Comment: 63 pages + 26 pages appendices, 6 figures, V2: Corrected typos, added references, V3: Corrected typos, added clarification
Unitarity, Crossing Symmetry and Duality in the scattering of ${\cal N}=1$ Susy Matter Chern-Simons theories
unitarity, crossing symmetry and duality in the scattering of ${\cal n}=1$ susy matter chern-simons theories
renormalizable chern simons generically massive multiplet. hooft computations conjectures orders hooft interaction. perfect conjectured duality theories. consistency unitarity modification usual crossing precisely manner anticipated lending substantial conjectures paper. pole vanishes codimension pages pages appendices corrected typos corrected typos clarification
We study the sensitivity of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to top quark chromomagnetic (CMDM) and chromoelectric (CEDM) dipole moments and $Wtb$ effective couplings in single-top production in association with a $W^-$ boson, followed by semileptonic decay of the top. The $Wt$ single-top production mode helps to isolate the anomalous $ttg$ and $Wtb$ couplings, in contrast to top-pair production and other single-top production modes, where other new-physics effects can also contribute. We calculate the top polarization and the effects of these anomalous couplings on it at two centre-of-mass (cm) energies, 8 TeV and 14 TeV. As a measure of top polarization, we look at decay-lepton angular distributions in the laboratory frame, without requiring reconstruction of the rest frame of the top, and study the effect of the anomalous couplings on these distributions. We construct certain asymmetries to study the sensitivity of these distributions to top-quark couplings. We determine individual limits on the dominant couplings, viz., the real part of the CMDM $\mathrm{Re}\rho_2$, the imaginary part of the CEDM $\mathrm{Im}\rho_3$, and the real part of the tensor $Wtb$ coupling $\mathrm{Ref_{2R}}$, which may be obtained by utilizing these asymmetries at the LHC. We also obtain simultaneous limits on pairs of these couplings taking two couplings to be non-zero at a time.Comment: 25 pages, 13 figures, 2 tables. Matches the Published Version. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1211.4075, arXiv:1107.259
Polarization of top quark as a probe of its chromomagnetic and chromoelectric couplings in $tW$ production at the Large Hadron Collider
polarization of top quark as a probe of its chromomagnetic and chromoelectric couplings in $tw$ production at the large hadron collider
hadron collider chromomagnetic cmdm chromoelectric cedm dipole moments couplings boson semileptonic top. helps isolate anomalous couplings contribute. anomalous couplings tev. look lepton requiring reconstruction anomalous couplings distributions. asymmetries couplings. couplings viz. cmdm mathrm imaginary cedm mathrm mathrm utilizing asymmetries lhc. simultaneous couplings couplings pages tables. matches version. admin overlap
We study Yang-Baxter deformations of 4D Minkowski spacetime. The Yang-Baxter sigma model description was originally developed for principal chiral models based on a modified classical Yang-Baxter equation. It has been extended to coset curved spaces and models based on the usual classical Yang-Baxter equation. On the other hand, for flat space, there is the obvious problem that the standard bilinear form degenerates if we employ the familiar coset Poincaré group/Lorentz group. Instead we consider a slice of AdS5 by embedding the 4D Poincaré group into the 4D conformal group SO(2, 4) . With this procedure we obtain metrics and B-fields as Yang-Baxter deformations which correspond to well-known configurations such as T-duals of Melvin backgrounds, Hashimoto-Sethi and Spradlin-Takayanagi-Volovich backgrounds, the T-dual of Grant space, pp-waves, and T-duals of dS4 and AdS4. Finally we consider a deformation with a classical r-matrix of Drinfeld-Jimbo type and explicitly derive the associated metric and B-field which we conjecture to correspond to a new integrable system
Yang-Baxter deformations of Minkowski spacetime
yang-baxter deformations of minkowski spacetime
baxter deformations minkowski spacetime. baxter sigma originally principal chiral baxter equation. coset curved usual baxter equation. obvious bilinear degenerates employ familiar coset poincaré lorentz group. slice embedding poincaré conformal metrics baxter deformations configurations duals melvin backgrounds hashimoto sethi spradlin takayanagi volovich backgrounds duals deformation drinfeld jimbo explicitly derive conjecture integrable
Precision tests of the Standard Model (SM) require not only accurate experiments, but also precise and reliable theoretical predictions. Triple vector boson production provides a unique opportunity to investigate the quartic gauge couplings and check the validity of the gauge principle in the SM. Since the tree-level predictions alone are inadequate to meet this demand, the next-to-leading order (NLO) calculation becomes compulsory. In this paper, we calculate the NLO QCD + NLO electroweak (EW) corrections to the $W^{\pm}ZZ$ productions with subsequent leptonic decays at the $14~{\rm TeV}$ LHC by adopting an improved narrow width approximation which takes into account the off-shell contributions and spin correlations from the $W^{\pm}$- and $Z$-boson leptonic decays. The NLO QCD+EW corrected integrated cross sections for the $W^{\pm}ZZ$ productions and some kinematic distributions of final products are provided. The results show that both the NLO QCD and NLO EW corrections are significant. In the jet-veto event selection scheme with $p_{T,jet}^{cut} = 50~ {\rm GeV}$, the NLO QCD+EW relative corrections to the integrated cross section are $20.5\%$ and $31.1\%$, while the genuine NLO EW relative corrections are $-5.42\%$ and $-4.58\%$, for the $W^+ZZ$ and $W^-ZZ$ productions, respectively. We also investigate the theoretical dependence of the integrated cross section on the factorization/renormalization scale, and find that the scale uncertainty is underestimated at the LO due to the fact that the strong coupling $\alpha_s$ is not involved in the LO matrix elements.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure
NLO QCD + NLO EW corrections to $WZZ$ productions with leptonic decays at the LHC
nlo qcd + nlo ew corrections to $wzz$ productions with leptonic decays at the lhc
precision precise reliable predictions. triple boson opportunity quartic couplings check validity inadequate meet compulsory. electroweak productions leptonic decays adopting narrow boson leptonic decays. corrected productions kinematic provided. significant. veto genuine productions respectively. factorization renormalization underestimated alpha pages
Resummation of hadron collision cross sections, when the measurement imposes a hierarchy of scales, relies on factorization. Cancellation of Glauber / Coulomb gluons is a necessary condition for factorization. For Drell-Yan-like processes, the known proofs of cancellation of Glauber gluons are not applicable when jet vetoes are introduced, via jet algorithms or event shape variables such as the beam thrust. A priori, this does not rule out the possibility that an unknown new cancellation mechanism exists, or the possibility that a generalized factorization formalism is correct. To resolve the questions, we construct a direct counter-example in QCD with scalar quarks, contradicting any form of factorization in which the two collinear sectors are decoupled from each other. In the counter-example, decoupling of the two collinear sectors implies zero dependence of the beam thrust distribution on the longitudinal spin of the incoming hadrons, but we find a non-zero spin asymmetry at leading power due to Glauber gluons exchanged between spectators. We discuss implications for resumming large logarithms from jet vetoes.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure
Drell-Yan process with jet vetoes: breaking of generalized factorization
drell-yan process with jet vetoes: breaking of generalized factorization
resummation hadron collision imposes hierarchy relies factorization. cancellation glauber coulomb gluons factorization. drell proofs cancellation glauber gluons applicable vetoes thrust. priori unknown cancellation factorization formalism correct. resolve counter quarks contradicting factorization collinear sectors decoupled other. counter decoupling collinear sectors thrust longitudinal incoming hadrons asymmetry glauber gluons exchanged spectators. resumming logarithms pages
The spherical reduction of the rational Calogero model (of type A n−1 and after removing the center of mass) is considered as a maximally superintegrable quantum system, which describes a particle on the (n−2)-sphere subject to a very particular potential. We present a detailed analysis of the simplest non-separable case, n=4, whose potential is singular at the edges of a spherical tetrahexahedron. A complete set of independent conserved charges and of Hamiltonian intertwiners is constructed, and their algebra is elucidated. They arise from the ring of polynomials in Dunkl-deformed angular momenta, by classifying the subspaces invariant and antiinvariant under all Weyl reflections, respectively.Alexander von Humboldt Foundation/CHL 1153844 STPDFG/LE 838/12-
The tetrahexahedric angular Calogero model
the tetrahexahedric angular calogero model
spherical rational calogero removing maximally superintegrable describes sphere potential. simplest separable singular spherical tetrahexahedron. conserved charges intertwiners elucidated. arise polynomials dunkl deformed momenta classifying subspaces antiinvariant weyl reflections respectively.alexander humboldt foundation stpdfg
We argue that all consistent 4D quantum field theories obey a spacetime-averaged weak energy inequality $\langle T^{00} \rangle \ge -C/L^4$, where $L$ is the size of the smearing region, and $C$ is a positive constant that depends on the theory. If this condition is violated, the theory has states that are indistinguishable from states of negative total energy by any local measurement, and we expect instabilities or other inconsistencies. We apply this condition to 4D conformal field theories, and find that it places constraints on the OPE coefficients of the theory. The constraints we find are weaker than the "conformal collider" constraints of Hofman and Maldacena. We speculate that there may be theories that violate the Hofman-Maldacena bounds, but satisfy our bounds. In 3D CFTs, the only constraint we find is equivalent to the positivity of 2-point function of the energy-momentum tensor, which follows from unitarity. Our calculations are performed using momentum-space Wightman functions, which are remarkably simple functions of momenta, and may be of interest in their own right.Comment: 33 pages, 1 figure v2: adding clarifying information and fixed typo
Positive Energy Conditions in 4D Conformal Field Theory
positive energy conditions in 4d conformal field theory
argue obey spacetime averaged inequality langle rangle smearing theory. violated indistinguishable instabilities inconsistencies. conformal places theory. weaker conformal collider hofman maldacena. speculate violate hofman maldacena bounds satisfy bounds. cfts positivity unitarity. wightman remarkably momenta pages adding clarifying typo
The correspondence between on-shell diagrams in maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and cluster varieties in the Grassmannian remains largely unexplored beyond the planar limit. In this article, we describe a systematic program to survey such 'on-shell varieties', and use this to provide a complete classification in the case of $G(3,6)$. In particular, we find exactly 24 top-dimensional varieties and 10 co-dimension one varieties in $G(3,6)$---up to parity and relabeling of the external legs. We use this case to illustrate some of the novelties found for non-planar varieties relative to the case of positroids, and describe some of the features that we expect to hold more generally.Comment: 35 pages, 70 figures, and 1 table; also included is a file with explicit details for our classification. Signs corrected in two residue theorems, and a new interpretation (and formula) given for the las
Stratifying On-Shell Cluster Varieties: the Geometry of Non-Planar On-Shell Diagrams
stratifying on-shell cluster varieties: the geometry of non-planar on-shell diagrams
correspondence diagrams maximally supersymmetric mills varieties grassmannian largely unexplored planar limit. varieties varieties varieties parity relabeling legs. illustrate novelties planar varieties positroids hold pages file classification. signs corrected residue theorems
We consider vacuum decay in the presence of a non-minimal coupling to gravity. We extend the usual thin-wall solution to include the non-minimal coupling. We also perform a full numerical study and discuss the validity of the new thin-wall approximation. Implications of a large cosmological constant, whose influence on the geometry boosts the tunnelling rate, are discussed. Our results show that the influence of the non-minimal coupling differs significantly between the cases of Minkowski and deSitter backgrounds. In the latter the decay probability quickly decreases when the coupling grows and in fact the vacuum can be made absolutely stable simply due to introduction of the non-minimal coupling. In the case of Minkowski background the effect is much weaker and the decay rate even increases for small values of the non-minimal coupling
The impact of non-minimally coupled gravity on vacuum stability
the impact of non-minimally coupled gravity on vacuum stability
gravity. extend usual coupling. validity approximation. cosmological boosts tunnelling discussed. differs minkowski desitter backgrounds. quickly grows absolutely coupling. minkowski weaker
Beauty baryons are being observed in large numbers in the LHCb detector. The rich kinematic distributions of their multibody decays are therefore becoming accessible and provide us with new opportunities to search for CP violation. We analyse the angular distributions of some three- and four-body decays of spin-$1/2$ baryons using the Jacob-Wick helicity formalism. The asymmetries that provide access to small differences of CP-odd phases between decay amplitudes of identical CP-even phases are notably discussed. The understanding gained on processes featuring specific resonant intermediate states allows us to establish which asymmetries are relevant for what purpose. It is for instance shown that some CP-odd angular asymmetries measured by the LHCb collaboration in the $\Lambda_b \to \Lambda\,\varphi \to p\,\pi\, K^+ K^-$ decay are expected to vanish identically.Comment: 2 figures, 16 tables, minor comments and references added in v2 (published version
CP violation in multibody decays of beauty baryons
cp violation in multibody decays of beauty baryons
beauty baryons lhcb detector. kinematic multibody decays becoming accessible opportunities violation. analyse decays baryons jacob wick helicity formalism. asymmetries amplitudes notably discussed. gained featuring resonant establish asymmetries purpose. asymmetries lhcb lambda lambda varphi vanish tables minor comments
New physics beyond the standard model (SM) can be model-independently formulated via dimension-6 effective operators, whose coefficients (cutoffs) characterize the scales of new physics. We study the probe of new physics scales from the electroweak precision observables (EWPO) and the Higgs observables (HO) at the future $e^+e^-$ Higgs factory (such as CEPC). To optimize constraints of new physics from all available observables, we establish a scheme-independent approach. With this formulation, we treat the SM electroweak parameters and the coefficients of dimension-6 operators on equal footing, which can be fitted simultaneously by the same $\chi^2$ function. As deviations from the SM are generally small, we can expand the new physics parameters up to linear order and perform an analytical $\chi^2$ fit to derive the potential reach of the new physics scales. We find that the HO from both Higgs produnction and decay rates can probe the new physics scales up to 10TeV (and to 44TeV for the case of gluon-involved operator $\mathcal{O}_g$), and the new physics scales of Yukawa-type operators can be probed by the precision Higgs coupling measurements up to (13-25)TeV. Further including the EWPO can push the limit up to 35TeV. From this prospect, we demonstrate that the EWPO measured in the early phase of a Higgs factory can be as important as the Higgs observables. These indirect probes of new physics scales at the Higgs factory can mainly cover the energy range to be directly explored by the next generation hadron colliders of pp(50-100TeV), such as the SPPC and FCC-hh.Comment: JHEP Final Version, 43 pages, 10 Tables, 6 Figs, using jheppub.sty format, only minor refinement
Probing New Physics Scales from Higgs and Electroweak Observables at $e^+ e^-$ Higgs Factory
probing new physics scales from higgs and electroweak observables at $e^+ e^-$ higgs factory
independently formulated cutoffs characterize physics. electroweak precision observables ewpo observables factory cepc optimize observables establish approach. formulation treat electroweak footing fitted simultaneously function. deviations expand derive scales. produnction gluon mathcal yukawa probed precision tev. ewpo push tev. prospect ewpo factory observables. indirect probes factory cover explored hadron colliders sppc jhep pages tables figs jheppub.sty format minor refinement
We study the electric and heat current response resulting from an electric field quench in a holographic model of momentum relaxation at nonzero charge density. After turning the electric field off, currents return to equilibrium as governed by the vector quasi-normal modes of the dual black brane, whose spectrum depends qualitatively on a parameter controlling the strength of inhomogeneity. We explore the dynamical phase diagram as a function of this parameter, showing that signatures of incoherent transport become identifiable as an oscillatory ringdown of the heat current. We also study nonlinear conductivity by holding the electric field constant. For small electric fields a balance is reached between the driving electric field and the momentum sink -- a steady state described by DC linear response. For large electric fields Joule heating becomes important and the black branes exhibit significant time dependence. In a regime where the rate of temperature increase is small, the nonlinear electrical conductivity is well approximated by the DC linear response calculation at an appropriate effective temperature.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figures. Plot of thermal conductivity added. Version as published in JHE
Nonlinear conductivity and the ringdown of currents in metallic holography
nonlinear conductivity and the ringdown of currents in metallic holography
quench holographic relaxation nonzero density. turning currents return governed quasi brane qualitatively controlling inhomogeneity. explore signatures incoherent identifiable oscillatory ringdown current. conductivity holding constant. balance reached driving sink steady response. joule heating branes exhibit dependence. electrical conductivity approximated pages figures. conductivity added.
Lepton number violation is searched for at the LHC using same-sign leptons plus jets. The standard lore is that the ratio of same-sign lepton to opposite-sign lepton events, $R_{ll}$, is equal to $R_{ll}=1$ ($R_{ll}=0$) for Majorana (Dirac) neutrinos. We argue that for "quasi-Dirac" neutrinos, $R_{ll}$ can have any value between 0 and 1, the precise value being controlled by the mass splitting versus the width of the quasi-Dirac resonances. A measurement of $R_{ll}\neq 0,1$ would then contain valuable information about the origin of neutrino masses. We consider as an example the inverse seesaw mechanism in a left-right symmetric scenario, which is phenomenologically particularly interesting since all the heavy states in the high energy completion of the model could be within experimental reach. A prediction of this scenario is a correlation between the values of $R_{ll}$ and the ratio between the rates for heavy neutrino decays into standard model gauge bosons, and into three body final states $ljj$ mediated by off-shell $W_R$ exchange
Quasi-Dirac neutrinos at the LHC
quasi-dirac neutrinos at the lhc
lepton violation searched leptons jets. lore lepton opposite lepton majorana dirac neutrinos. argue quasi dirac neutrinos precise splitting quasi dirac resonances. valuable masses. seesaw phenomenologically completion reach. decays bosons
We present the first lattice QCD study of coupled-channel $D\pi$, $D\eta$ and $D_{s}\bar{K}$ scattering in isospin-1/2 in three partial waves. Using distillation, we compute matrices of correlation functions with bases of operators capable of resolving both meson and meson-meson contributions to the spectrum. These correlation matrices are analysed using a variational approach to extract the finite-volume energy eigenstates. Utilising L\"uscher's method and its extensions, we constrain scattering amplitudes in $S$, $P$ and $D$-wave as a function of energy. By analytically continuing the scattering amplitudes to complex energies, we investigate the $S$-matrix singularities. Working at $m_\pi \approx 391$ MeV, we find a pole corresponding to a $J^{P} = 0^{+}$ near-threshold bound state with a large coupling to $D\pi$. We also find a deeply bound $J^{P} = 1^{-}$ state, and evidence for a $J^{P} = 2^{+}$ narrow resonance coupled predominantly to $D\pi$. Elastic $D\pi$ scattering in the isospin-$3/2$ channel is studied and we find a weakly repulsive interaction in $S$-wave
Coupled-Channel $D\pi$, $D\eta$ and $D_{s}\bar{K}$ Scattering from Lattice QCD
coupled-channel $d\pi$, $d\eta$ and $d_{s}\bar{k}$ scattering from lattice qcd
isospin waves. distillation bases capable resolving meson meson meson spectrum. analysed variational extract eigenstates. utilising uscher extensions constrain amplitudes energy. analytically continuing amplitudes singularities. approx pole deeply narrow predominantly elastic isospin weakly repulsive
We study the superconformal index of five-dimensional SCFTs and the sphere partition function of four-dimensional gauge theories with eight supercharges in the presence of co-dimension two half-BPS defects. We derive a prescription which is valid for defects which can be given a "vortex construction", i.e. can be defined by RG flow from vortex configurations in a larger theory. We test the prescription against known results and expected dualities. We employ our prescription to develop a general computational strategy for defects defined by coupling the bulk degrees of freedom to a Gauged Linear Sigma Model living in co-dimension two.We study the superconformal index of five-dimensional SCFTs and the sphere partition function of four-dimensional gauge theories with eight supercharges in the presence of co-dimension two half-BPS defects. We derive a prescription which is valid for defects which can be given a "vortex construction", i.e. can be defined by RG flow from vortex configurations in a larger theory. We test the prescription against known results and expected dualities. We employ our prescription to develop a general computational strategy for defects defined by coupling the bulk degrees of freedom to a Gauged Linear Sigma Model living in co-dimension two.11
Surface defects and instanton partition functions
surface defects and instanton partition functions
superconformal scfts sphere partition eight supercharges defects. derive prescription valid defects quot vortex quot i.e. vortex configurations theory. prescription dualities. employ prescription defects freedom gauged sigma living two.we superconformal scfts sphere partition eight supercharges defects. derive prescription valid defects quot vortex quot i.e. vortex configurations theory. prescription dualities. employ prescription defects freedom gauged sigma living two.
In this paper we consider the parametrizations of gluon transverse momentum dependent (TMD) correlators in terms of TMD parton distribution functions (PDFs). These functions, referred to as TMDs, are defined as the Fourier transforms of hadronic matrix elements of nonlocal combinations of gluon fields. The nonlocality is bridged by gauge links, which have characteristic paths (future or past pointing), giving rise to a process dependence that breaks universality. For gluons, the specific correlator with one future and one past pointing gauge link is, in the limit of small $x$, related to a correlator of a single Wilson loop. We present the parametrization of Wilson loop correlators in terms of Wilson loop TMDs and discuss the relation between these functions and the small-$x$ `dipole' gluon TMDs. This analysis shows which gluon TMDs are leading or suppressed in the small-$x$ limit. We discuss hadronic targets that are unpolarized, vector polarized (relevant for spin-$1/2$ and spin-$1$ hadrons), and tensor polarized (relevant for spin-$1$ hadrons). The latter are of interest for studies with a future Electron-Ion Collider with polarized deuterons.Comment: 27 page
Gluon and Wilson loop TMDs for hadrons of spin $\leq$ 1
gluon and wilson loop tmds for hadrons of spin $\leq$ 1
parametrizations gluon correlators parton pdfs referred tmds fourier transforms hadronic nonlocal combinations gluon fields. nonlocality bridged links paths pointing giving breaks universality. gluons correlator pointing correlator wilson loop. parametrization wilson correlators wilson tmds dipole gluon tmds. gluon tmds suppressed limit. hadronic targets unpolarized polarized hadrons polarized hadrons collider polarized
Bethe/Gauge correspondence as it is usually stated is ill-defined in five dimensions and needs a "non-perturbative" completion; a related problem also appears in three dimensions. It has been suggested that this problem, probably due to incompleteness of Omega background regularization in odd dimension, may be solved if we consider gauge theory on compact $S^5$ and $S^3$ geometries. We will develop this idea further by giving a full Bethe/Gauge correspondence dictionary on $S^5$ and $S^3$ focussing mainly on the eigenfunctions of (open and closed) relativistic 2-particle Toda chain and its quantized spectral curve: these are most properly written in terms of non-perturbatively completed NS open topological strings. A key ingredient is Faddeev's modular double structure which is naturally implemented by the $S^5$ and $S^3$ geometries.Comment: 53 pages, 7 tables, 7 figures; ver.2: references adde
Bethe/Gauge correspondence in odd dimension: modular double, non-perturbative corrections and open topological strings
bethe/gauge correspondence in odd dimension: modular double, non-perturbative corrections and open topological strings
bethe correspondence stated perturbative completion dimensions. probably incompleteness omega regularization solved geometries. giving bethe correspondence dictionary focussing eigenfunctions relativistic toda quantized properly perturbatively completed topological strings. ingredient faddeev modular naturally implemented pages tables ver. adde
Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) and axions are arguably the most compelling dark matter candidates in the literature. Could they coexist as dark matter particles? More importantly, can they be incorporated in a well motivated framework in agreement with experimental data? In this work, we show that this two component dark matter can be realized in the Inert Doublet Model in an elegant and natural manner by virtue of the spontaneous breaking of a Peccei-Quinn $U(1)_{PQ}$ symmetry into a residual $Z_2$ symmetry. The WIMP stability is guaranteed by the $Z_{2}$ symmetry and a new dark matter component, the axion, arises. There are two interesting outcomes: (i) vector-like quarks needed to implement the Peccei-Quinn symmetry in the model act as a portal between the dark sector and the SM fields with a supersymmetry-type phenomenology at colliders; (ii) two-component Inert Doublet Model re-opens the phenomenologically interesting 100-500 GeV mass region. We show that the model can plausibly have two component dark matter and at the same time avoid low and high energy physics constraints such as monojet and dijet plus missing energy, as well as indirect and direct dark matter detection bounds.Comment: 29pp, 6 Figure
Collider and Dark Matter Searches in the Inert Doublet Model from Peccei-Quinn Symmetry
collider and dark matter searches in the inert doublet model from peccei-quinn symmetry
weakly interacting massive wimps axions arguably compelling candidates literature. coexist importantly incorporated motivated realized inert doublet elegant manner virtue spontaneous breaking peccei quinn residual symmetry. wimp guaranteed axion arises. quarks implement peccei quinn portal supersymmetry phenomenology colliders inert doublet opens phenomenologically region. plausibly avoid monojet dijet missing indirect
We analyse the production of a top quark pair through a heavy scalar at the LHC. We first review the main features of the signal as well as the interference with the top-anti-top background at leading order in QCD. We then study higher order QCD effects. While the background and the signal can be obtained at NNLO and NLO in QCD respectively, that is not the case for their interference, which is currently known only at LO. In order to improve the accuracy of the prediction for the interference term, we consider the effects of extra QCD radiation, i.e. the $2 \to 3$ (loop-induced) processes and obtain an estimate of the NLO corrections. As a result, we find that the contribution of the interference is important both at the total cross-section level and, most importantly, for the line-shape of the heavy scalar. In particular for resonances with widths larger than a couple of percent of the resonance mass, the interference term distorts the invariant mass distribution and generically leads to a non-trivial peak-dip structure. We study this process in a simplified model involving an additional scalar or pseudoscalar resonance as well as in the Two-Higgs-Doublet-Model for a set of representative benchmarks. We present the constraints on simplified models featuring an extra scalar as set by the LHC searches for top-anti-top resonances, and the implications of the 750 GeV diphoton excess recently reported by CMS and ATLAS for the top pair production assuming a scalar or a pseudoscalar resonance.Comment: 30 pages, 17 figure
Signal background interference effects in heavy scalar production and decay to a top-anti-top pair
signal background interference effects in heavy scalar production and decay to a top-anti-top pair
analyse lhc. interference qcd. effects. nnlo interference interference extra i.e. corrections. interference importantly scalar. resonances widths couple percent interference distorts generically trivial structure. simplified involving pseudoscalar doublet benchmarks. simplified featuring extra searches resonances diphoton excess atlas pseudoscalar pages
We consider direct detection prospects for a class of simplified models of fermionic dark matter (DM) coupled to left and right-handed Standard Model fermions via two charged scalar mediators with arbitrary mixing angle $\alpha$. DM interactions with the nucleus are mediated by higher electromagnetic moments, which, for Majorana DM, is the anapole moment. After giving a full analytic calculation of the anapole moment, including its $\alpha$ dependence, and matching with limits in the literature, we compute the DM-nucleon scattering cross-section and show the LUX and future LZ constraints on the parameter space of these models. We then compare these results with constraints coming from $Fermi$-LAT continuum and line searches. Results in the supersymmetric limit of these simplified models are provided in all cases. We find that future direct detection experiments will be able to probe most of the parameter space of these models for $\mathcal{O}(100-200)$ GeV DM and lightest mediator mass $\lesssim \mathcal{O}(5\%)$ larger than the DM mass. The direct detection prospects dwindle for larger DM mass and larger mass gap between the DM and the lightest mediator mass, although appreciable regions are still probed for $\mathcal{O}(200)$ GeV DM and lightest mediator mass $\lesssim \mathcal{O}(20\%)$ larger than the DM mass. The direct detection bounds are also attenuated near certain "blind spots" in the parameter space, where the anapole moment is severely suppressed due to cancellation of different terms. We carefully study these blind spots and the associated $Fermi$-LAT signals in these regions.Comment: 30 pages, 10 captioned figures; v2: 32 pages, 10 captioned figures, revised and published versio
Simplified Dark Matter Models with Charged Mediators: Prospects for Direct Detection
simplified dark matter models with charged mediators: prospects for direct detection
prospects simplified fermionic handed fermions mediators alpha nucleus electromagnetic moments majorana anapole moment. giving analytic anapole moment alpha matching nucleon models. coming fermi continuum searches. supersymmetric simplified cases. mathcal lightest mediator lesssim mathcal mass. prospects dwindle lightest mediator appreciable probed mathcal lightest mediator lesssim mathcal mass. bounds attenuated blind spots anapole moment severely suppressed cancellation terms. carefully blind spots fermi pages captioned pages captioned revised versio
We construct $\mathcal{N}=1$ supersymmetric nonlocal theories in four dimension. We discuss higher derivative extensions of chiral and vector superfields, and write down generic forms of K\"ahler potential and superpotential up to quadratic order. We derive the condition in which an auxiliary field remains non-dynamical, and the dynamical scalars and fermions are free from the ghost degrees of freedom. We also investigate the nonlocal effects on the supersymmetry breaking and find that supertrace (mass) formula is significantly modified even at the tree level.Comment: 12 pages, version published in JHE
Nonlocal N=1 Supersymmetry
nonlocal n=1 supersymmetry
mathcal supersymmetric nonlocal dimension. extensions chiral superfields generic ahler superpotential quadratic order. derive auxiliary scalars fermions ghost freedom. nonlocal supersymmetry breaking supertrace pages
We consider the most general asymptotically anti-de Sitter boundary conditions in three-dimensional Einstein gravity with negative cosmological constant. The metric contains in total twelve independent functions, six of which are interpreted as chemical potentials (or non-normalizable fluctuations) and the other half as canonical boundary charges (or normalizable fluctuations). Their presence modifies the usual Fefferman-Graham expansion. The asymptotic symmetry algebra consists of two sl(2)_k current algebras, the levels of which are given by k=l/(4G_N), where l is the AdS radius and G_N the three-dimensional Newton constant.Comment: 22 pp, v2: added refs. and subsection 4.4, v3: added two footnotes, v4: corrected minor misprint
Most general AdS_3 boundary conditions
most general ads_3 boundary conditions
asymptotically sitter einstein cosmological constant. twelve interpreted potentials normalizable canonical charges normalizable modifies usual fefferman graham expansion. asymptotic algebras newton refs. subsection footnotes corrected minor misprint
Superstring field theory expresses the perturbative S-matrix of superstring theory as a sum of Feynman diagrams each of which is manifestly free from ultraviolet divergences. The interaction vertices fall off exponentially for large space-like external momenta making the ultraviolet finiteness property manifest, but blow up exponentially for large time-like external momenta making it impossible to take the integration contours for loop energies to lie along the real axis. This forces us to carry out the integrals over the loop energies by choosing appropriate contours in the complex plane whose ends go to infinity along the imaginary axis but which take complicated form in the interior navigating around the various poles of the propagators. We consider the general class of quantum field theories with this property and prove Cutkosky rules for the amplitudes to all orders in perturbation theory. Besides having applications to string field theory, these results also give an alternative derivation of Cutkosky rules in ordinary quantum field theories.Comment: LaTeX, 52 pages; v2: minor additions in section 5.4; v3: corrections added to section 5.2.3, no change in the final result
Cutkosky Rules for Superstring Field Theory
cutkosky rules for superstring field theory
superstring expresses perturbative superstring feynman diagrams manifestly ultraviolet divergences. fall exponentially momenta ultraviolet finiteness manifest blow exponentially momenta impossible contours axis. forces carry integrals choosing contours ends infinity imaginary complicated interior navigating poles propagators. cutkosky amplitudes orders perturbation theory. besides derivation cutkosky ordinary latex pages minor additions
The Coleman formula for vacuum decay and bubble nucleation has been used to estimate the tunneling rate in models of axion monodromy in recent literature. However, several of Coleman's original assumptions do not hold for such models. Here we derive a new estimate with this in mind using a similar Euclidean procedure. We find that there are significant regions of parameter space for which the tunneling rate in axion monodromy is not well approximated by the Coleman formula. However, there is also a regime relevant to large field inflation in which both estimates parametrically agree. We also briefly comment on the applications of our results to the relaxion scenario
Tunneling in Axion Monodromy
tunneling in axion monodromy
coleman bubble nucleation tunneling axion monodromy literature. coleman assumptions hold models. derive mind euclidean procedure. tunneling axion monodromy approximated coleman formula. inflation parametrically agree. briefly comment relaxion
Standard-Model Higgs bosons are dominantly produced via the gluon-fusion mechanism $gg \to H$ at the LHC, i.e. in a loop-mediated process with top loops providing the dominant contribution. For the measured Higgs boson mass of $\sim 125$ GeV the limit of heavy top quarks provides a reliable approximation as long as the relative QCD corrections are scaled with the full mass-dependent LO cross section. In this limit the Higgs coupling to gluons can be described by an effective Lagrangian. The same approach can also be applied to the coupling of more than one Higgs boson to gluons. We will derive the effective Lagrangian for multi-Higgs couplings to gluons up to N$^4$LO thus extending previous results for more than one Higgs boson. Moreover we discuss gluonic Higgs couplings up to NNLO, if several heavy quarks contribute.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur
Effective Multi-Higgs Couplings to Gluons
effective multi-higgs couplings to gluons
bosons dominantly gluon fusion i.e. loops contribution. boson quarks reliable scaled section. gluons lagrangian. boson gluons. derive lagrangian couplings gluons extending boson. gluonic couplings nnlo quarks pages figur
In this analysis we explore the phenomenological constraints of models with non-holomorphic soft SUSY breaking terms in a beyond the MSSM scenario having identical particle content. The model referred as NHSSM shows various promising features like the possibility of a strong reduction in electroweak fine-tuning even for a scenario of a heavy higgsino type of LSP, a fact that is unavailable in pMSSM models. The other important aspect is satisfying the muon $g-2$ data even for a small $\tan\beta$ via a small value of coupling $A_\mu'$ associated with the tri-linear non-holomorphic soft term. Thus, a large SUSY contribution to muon $g-2$ is possible even for a significantly large smuon mass $m_{\tilde {\mu_1}}$. The Higgs mass radiative corrections are contributed by both the holomorphic and non-holomorphic trilinear soft parameters $A_t$ and $A_t'$, thus diluting the requirement to have a larger $A_t$ to satisfy the Higgs mass data. The model also provides with valid parameter space satisfying the constraint of $B \rightarrow X_s +\gamma$ for large values of $\tan\beta$, a scenario unfavourable in pMSSM.Comment: v2, 25 pages, 6 figures, introduction elaborated, references added, no change in conclusion, to be published in JHE
Probing Non-holomorphic MSSM via precision constraints, dark matter and LHC data
probing non-holomorphic mssm via precision constraints, dark matter and lhc data
explore phenomenological holomorphic susy breaking mssm content. referred nhssm promising electroweak fine tuning higgsino unavailable pmssm models. aspect satisfying muon beta holomorphic term. susy muon smuon tilde radiative contributed holomorphic holomorphic trilinear diluting requirement satisfy data. valid satisfying rightarrow gamma beta unfavourable pages elaborated
The unitary evaporation of a black hole (BH) in an initially pure state must lead to the eventual purification of the emitted radiation. It follows that the late radiation has to be entangled with the early radiation and, as a consequence, the entanglement among the Hawking pair partners has to decrease continuously from maximal to vanishing during the BH's life span. Starting from the basic premise that both the horizon radius and the center of mass of a finite-mass BH are fluctuating quantum mechanically, we show how this process is realized. First, it is shown that the horizon fluctuations induce a small amount of variance in the total linear momentum of each created pair. This is in contrast to the case of an infinitely massive BH, for which the total momentum of the produced pair vanishes exactly on account of momentum conservation. This variance leads to a random recoil of the BH during each emission and, as a result, the center of mass of the BH undergoes a quantum random walk. Consequently, the uncertainty in its momentum grows as the square root of the number of emissions. We then show that this uncertainty controls the amount of deviation from maximal entanglement of the produced pairs and that this deviation is determined by the ratio of the cumulative number of emitted particles to the initial BH entropy. Thus, the interplay between the horizon and center-of-mass fluctuations provides a mechanism for teleporting entanglement from the pair partners to the BH and the emitted radiation.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figur
Teleporting entanglement during black hole evaporation
teleporting entanglement during black hole evaporation
unitary evaporation initially eventual purification emitted radiation. entangled entanglement hawking partners continuously maximal vanishing span. premise horizon fluctuating mechanically realized. horizon induce created pair. infinitely massive vanishes conservation. recoil undergoes walk. grows emissions. maximal entanglement cumulative emitted entropy. interplay horizon teleporting entanglement partners emitted pages figur
The susceptibility of finite-density QCD matter to vorticity is introduced, as an analog of magnetic susceptibility. It describes the spin polarization of quarks and antiquarks in finite-density QCD matter induced by rotation. We estimate this quantity in the chirally broken phase using the mixed gauge-gravity anomaly at finite baryon density. It is proposed that the vortical susceptibility of QCD matter is responsible for the polarization of $\Lambda$ and ${\bar \Lambda}$ hyperons observed recently in heavy ion collisions at RHIC by the STAR Collaboration.Comment: 13 page
Vortical susceptibility of finite-density QCD matter
vortical susceptibility of finite-density qcd matter
susceptibility vorticity analog susceptibility. describes quarks antiquarks rotation. quantity chirally broken anomaly baryon density. vortical susceptibility lambda lambda hyperons collisions rhic
We extend our lattice QCD potential based study arXiv:1509.07366 (JHEP 1512 (2015) 101) of the in-medium properties of heavy quark bound states to P-wave bottomonium and charmonium. Similar to the behavior found in the S-wave channel their spectra show a characteristic broadening, as well as mass shifts to lower energy with increasing temperature. In contrast to the S-wave states, finite angular momentum leads to the survival of spectral peaks even at temperatures, where the continuum threshold reaches below the bound state remnant mass. We elaborate on the ensuing challenges in defining quarkonium dissolution, present estimates of melting temperatures for the spin averaged $\chi_b$ and $\chi_c$ states and contrast the findings to recent direct lattice NRQCD studies of P-wave quarkonium. As an application to heavy-ion collisions we estimate the contribution of feed down to S-wave quarkonium through the P-wave states after freezeout.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figure
In-medium P-wave quarkonium from the complex lattice QCD potential
in-medium p-wave quarkonium from the complex lattice qcd potential
extend jhep bottomonium charmonium. broadening shifts temperature. continuum reaches remnant mass. elaborate ensuing challenges defining quarkonium dissolution melting averaged nrqcd quarkonium. collisions feed quarkonium pages
In previous work, we have shown that elliptic fibrations with two sections, or Mordell-Weil rank one, can always be mapped birationally to a Weierstrass model of a certain form, namely, the Jacobian of a $\mathbb{P}^{112}$ model. Most constructions of elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau manifolds with two sections have been carried out assuming that the image of this birational map was a "minimal" Weierstrass model. In this paper, we show that for some elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau manifolds with Mordell-Weil rank-one, the Jacobian of the $\mathbb{P}^{112}$ model is not minimal. Said another way, starting from a Calabi-Yau Weierstrass model, the total space must be blown up (thereby destroying the "Calabi-Yau" property) in order to embed the model into $\mathbb{P}^{112}$. In particular, we show that the elliptic fibrations studied recently by Klevers and Taylor fall into this class of models.Comment: 16 page
Tall sections from non-minimal transformations
tall sections from non-minimal transformations
elliptic fibrations mordell weil mapped birationally weierstrass jacobian mathbb model. constructions elliptically fibered calabi manifolds birational weierstrass model. elliptically fibered calabi manifolds mordell weil jacobian mathbb minimal. said calabi weierstrass blown thereby destroying calabi embed mathbb elliptic fibrations klevers taylor fall
We point out that the determinant formula for a parabolic Verma module plays a key role in the study of (super)conformal field theories and in particular their (super)conformal blocks. The determinant formula is known from the old work of Jantzen for bosonic conformal algebras, and we present a conjecture for superconformal algebras. The application of the formula includes derivation of the unitary bound and recursion relations for conformal blocks.Comment: 14 pages, v2: notations and section 2.3 improved, typos corrected, v3: published versio
Comments on Determinant Formulas for General CFTs
comments on determinant formulas for general cfts
determinant parabolic verma module plays super conformal super conformal blocks. determinant jantzen bosonic conformal algebras conjecture superconformal algebras. derivation unitary recursion conformal pages notations typos corrected versio
We study effective actions for simultaneous breaking of space-time and internal symmetries. Novel features arise due to the mixing of Goldstone modes under the broken symmetries which, in contrast to the usual Adler's zero, leads to non-vanishing soft limits. Such scenarios are common for spontaneously broken SCFT's. We explicitly test these soft theorems for $\mathcal{N}=4$ sYM in the Coulomb branch both perturbatively and non-perturbatively. We explore the soft constraints systematically utilizing recursion relations. In the pure dilaton sector of a general CFT, we show that all amplitudes up to order $s^{n} \sim \partial^{2n}$ are completely determined in terms of the $k$-point amplitudes at order $s^k$ with $k \leq n$. Terms with at most one derivative acting on each dilaton insertion are completely fixed and coincide with those appearing in the conformal DBI, i.e. DBI in AdS. With maximal supersymmetry, the effective actions are further constrained, leading to new non-renormalization theorems. In particular, the effective action is fixed up to eight derivatives in terms of just one unknown four-point coefficient and one more coefficient for ten-derivative terms. Finally, we also study the interplay between scale and conformal invariance in this context.Comment: 20+4 pages, 1 figure; v2: references added, typos corrected; v3: typos corrected, JHEP versio
Exploring soft constraints on effective actions
exploring soft constraints on effective actions
simultaneous breaking symmetries. arise goldstone broken symmetries usual adler vanishing limits. scenarios spontaneously broken scft explicitly theorems mathcal coulomb branch perturbatively perturbatively. explore systematically utilizing recursion relations. dilaton amplitudes amplitudes acting dilaton insertion coincide appearing conformal i.e. ads. maximal supersymmetry constrained renormalization theorems. eight derivatives unknown terms. interplay conformal invariance pages typos corrected typos corrected jhep versio
We describe examples of drastic truncations of conformal bootstrap equations encoding much more information than that obtained by a direct numerical approach. A three-term truncation of the four point function of a free scalar in any space dimensions provides algebraic identities among conformal block derivatives which generate the exact spectrum of the infinitely many primary operators contributing to it. In boundary conformal field theories, we point out that the appearance of free parameters in the solutions of bootstrap equations is not an artifact of truncations, rather it reflects a physical property of permeable conformal interfaces which are described by the same equations. Surface transitions correspond to isolated points in the parameter space. We are able to locate them in the case of 3d Ising model, thanks to a useful algebraic form of 3d boundary bootstrap equations. It turns out that the low-lying spectra of the surface operators in the ordinary and the special transitions of 3d Ising model form two different solutions of the same polynomial equation. Their interplay yields an estimate of the surface renormalization group exponent, $y_{h}=0.72558(18)$ for the ordinary universality class and $y_{h}=1.646(2)$ for the special universality class, which compare well with the most recent Monte Carlo calculations. Estimates of other surface exponents as well as OPE coefficients are also obtained.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures. v2: typos corrected, references added, acknowledgements update
Truncatable bootstrap equations in algebraic form and critical surface exponents
truncatable bootstrap equations in algebraic form and critical surface exponents
drastic truncations conformal bootstrap encoding approach. truncation algebraic identities conformal derivatives infinitely contributing conformal appearance bootstrap artifact truncations reflects permeable conformal interfaces equations. space. locate ising thanks algebraic bootstrap equations. turns lying ordinary ising equation. interplay renormalization exponent ordinary universality universality monte carlo calculations. exponents pages figures. typos corrected acknowledgements update
We study three properties of a holographic superconductor related to conductivities, where momentum relaxation plays an important role. First, we find that there are constraints between electric, thermoelectric and thermal conductivities. The constraints are analytically derived by the Ward identities regarding diffeomorphism from field theory perspective. We confirm them by numerically computing all two-point functions from holographic perspective. Second, we investigate Homes' law and Uemura's law for various high-temperature and conventional superconductors. They are empirical and (material independent) universal relations between the superfluid density at zero temperature, the transition temperature, and the electric DC conductivity right above the transition temperature. In our model, it turns out that the Homes' law does not hold but the Uemura's law holds at small momentum relaxation related to coherent metal regime. Third, we explicitly show that the DC electric conductivity is finite for a neutral scalar instability while it is infinite for a complex scalar instability. This shows that the neutral scalar instability has nothing to do with superconductivity as expected.Comment: 31 pages, 14 figures, v2: minor changes, typos corrected, references adde
Ward Identity and Homes' Law in a Holographic Superconductor with Momentum Relaxation
ward identity and homes' law in a holographic superconductor with momentum relaxation
holographic superconductor conductivities relaxation plays role. thermoelectric conductivities. analytically ward identities diffeomorphism perspective. confirm numerically holographic perspective. homes uemura superconductors. universal superfluid conductivity temperature. turns homes hold uemura relaxation coherent regime. explicitly conductivity neutral instability infinite instability. neutral instability nothing superconductivity pages minor typos corrected adde
In modern mathematical and theoretical physics various generalizations, in particular supersymmetric or quantum, of Riemann surfaces and complex algebraic curves play a prominent role. We show that such supersymmetric and quantum generalizations can be combined together, and construct supersymmetric quantum curves, or super-quantum curves for short. Our analysis is conducted in the formalism of super-eigenvalue models: we introduce $\beta$-deformed version of those models, and derive differential equations for associated $\alpha/\beta$-deformed super-matrix integrals. We show that for a given model there exists an infinite number of such differential equations, which we identify as super-quantum curves, and which are in one-to-one correspondence with, and have the structure of, super-Virasoro singular vectors. We discuss potential applications of super-quantum curves and prospects of other generalizations.Comment: 60 page
Super-quantum curves from super-eigenvalue models
super-quantum curves from super-eigenvalue models
modern mathematical generalizations supersymmetric riemann algebraic prominent role. supersymmetric generalizations supersymmetric super short. formalism super eigenvalue beta deformed derive alpha beta deformed super integrals. infinite super correspondence super virasoro singular vectors. super prospects
We study the integrable $\eta$ and $\lambda$-deformations of supercoset string sigma models, the basic example being the deformation of the $AdS_5 \times S^5$ superstring. We prove that the kappa symmetry variations for these models are of the standard Green-Schwarz form, and we determine the target space supergeometry by computing the superspace torsion. We check that the $\lambda$-deformation gives rise to a standard (generically type II*) supergravity background; for the $\eta$-model the requirement that the target space is a supergravity solution translates into a simple condition on the R-matrix which enters the definition of the deformation. We further construct all such non-abelian R-matrices of rank four which solve the homogeneous classical Yang-Baxter equation for the algebra so(2,4). We argue that the corresponding backgrounds are equivalent to sequences of non-commuting TsT-transformations, and verify this explicitly for some of the examples.Comment: 32 pages. Remarks of referee addressed: references and comments added. Published versio
Target space supergeometry of $\eta$ and $\lambda$-deformed strings
target space supergeometry of $\eta$ and $\lambda$-deformed strings
integrable lambda deformations supercoset sigma deformation superstring. kappa schwarz supergeometry superspace torsion. check lambda deformation generically supergravity requirement supergravity translates enters deformation. abelian solve homogeneous baxter argue backgrounds commuting transformations verify explicitly pages. remarks referee addressed comments added. versio
R-matrix is explicitly constructed for simplest representations of the Ding-Iohara-Miki algebra. The calculation is straightforward and significantly simpler than the one through the universal R-matrix used for a similar calculation in the Yangian case by A.~Smirnov but less general. We investigate the interplay between the R-matrix structure and the structure of DIM algebra intertwiners, i.e.\ of refined topological vertices and show that the R-matrix is diagonalized by the action of the spectral duality belonging to the SL(2,Z) group of DIM algebra automorphisms. We also construct the T-operators satisfying the RTT relations with the R-matrix from refined amplitudes on resolved conifold. We thus show that topological string theories on the toric Calabi-Yau threefolds can be naturally interpreted as lattice integrable models. Integrals of motion for these systems are related to q-deformation of the reflection matrices of the Liouville/Toda theories.Comment: 31 page
Toric Calabi-Yau threefolds as quantum integrable systems. R-matrix and RTT relations
toric calabi-yau threefolds as quantum integrable systems. r-matrix and rtt relations
explicitly simplest representations ding iohara miki algebra. straightforward simpler universal yangian smirnov general. interplay intertwiners i.e. refined topological diagonalized duality belonging automorphisms. satisfying refined amplitudes resolved conifold. topological toric calabi threefolds naturally interpreted integrable models. integrals deformation reflection liouville toda
Semilocal strings are vortices in the extended Abelian-Higgs model with two complex Higgs scalar fields among which a global $SU(2)$ symmetry acts. They are known to be stable (unstable against expansion) in type-I (II) superconductors, in which gauge field is heavier (lighter) than the Higgs scalar field. In this paper, we find that vortices can be stabilized in the whole parameter region including the type-II region by adding a potential term breaking the $SU(2)$ symmetry. We construct numerical solutions in various parameters and determine the vortex phase diagram consisting of six phases. In two phases, a vortex is polarized, that is, split into two half-quantized vortices with a certain distance, to form a vortex molecule, while in the rests a vortex is identical to the conventional Abrikosov-Nielsen-Olesen vortex.Comment: 30 pages, 12 figure
Stabilizing semilocal strings by polarization
stabilizing semilocal strings by polarization
semilocal strings vortices abelian acts. unstable superconductors heavier lighter field. vortices stabilized adding breaking symmetry. vortex consisting phases. vortex polarized split quantized vortices vortex molecule rests vortex abrikosov nielsen olesen pages
By using integral forms we derive the superspace action of D=3, N=1 supergravity as an integral on a supermanifold. The construction is based on target space picture changing operators, here playing the role of Poincare' duals to the lower-dimensional spacetime surfaces embedded into the supermanifold. We show how the group geometrical action based on the group manifold approach interpolates between the superspace and the component supergravity actions, thus providing another proof of their equivalence.Comment: 22 page
The Integral Form of Supergravity
the integral form of supergravity
derive superspace supergravity supermanifold. picture changing playing poincare duals spacetime embedded supermanifold. geometrical manifold interpolates superspace supergravity
We apply the massive analogue of the truncated conformal space approach to study the two dimensional $\phi^{4}$ theory in finite volume. We focus on the broken phase and determine the finite size spectrum of the model numerically. We interpret the results in terms of the Bethe-Yang spectrum, from which we extract the infinite volume masses and scattering matrices for various couplings. We compare these results against semiclassical analysis and perturbation theory. We also analyze the critical point of the model and confirm that it is in the Ising universality class.Comment: pdflatex, 35 pages with 29 pdf figures. Binary program is also attached, run on linux as: phi4 config.dat, v2: typos corrected, comparison to other works and references added, vacuum splitting analysis corrected, comparison to sine-Gordon TCSA added, v3: improved numerics, analysis on excited kink added, critical point investigate
Truncated Hilbert space approach to the 2d $\phi^{4}$ theory
truncated hilbert space approach to the 2d $\phi^{4}$ theory
massive analogue truncated conformal volume. broken numerically. interpret bethe extract infinite couplings. semiclassical perturbation theory. analyze confirm ising universality pdflatex pages figures. attached linux config.dat typos corrected splitting corrected sine gordon tcsa numerics excited kink
We calculate the quantum corrections to the gauge-invariant gravitational potentials of spinning particles in flat space, induced by loops of both massive and massless matter fields of various types. While the corrections to the Newtonian potential induced by massless conformal matter for spinless particles are well-known, and the same corrections due to massless minimally coupled scalars [Class. Quant. Grav. 27 (2010) 245008], massless non-conformal scalars [Phys. Rev. D 87 (2013) 104027] and massive scalars, fermions and vector bosons [Phys. Rev. D 91 (2015) 064047] have been recently derived, spinning particles receive additional corrections which are the subject of the present work. We give both fully analytic results valid for all distances from the particle, and present numerical results as well as asymptotic expansions. At large distances from the particle, the corrections due to massive fields are exponentially suppressed in comparison to the corrections from massless fields, as one would expect. However, a surprising result of our analysis is that close to the particle itself, on distances comparable to the Compton wavelength of the massive fields running in the loops, these corrections can be enhanced with respect to the massless case.Comment: 44 pages, 2 figures. Matches published version. Factor 1/2 for the vector contributions correcte
Quantum gravitational corrections for spinning particles
quantum gravitational corrections for spinning particles
gravitational potentials spinning loops massive massless types. newtonian massless conformal spinless massless minimally scalars class. quant. grav. massless conformal scalars phys. rev. massive scalars fermions bosons phys. rev. spinning receive work. analytic valid distances asymptotic expansions. distances massive exponentially suppressed massless expect. surprising distances comparable compton massive running loops massless pages figures. matches version. correcte
It has been argued recently by Almheiri and Polchinski that the near-horizon conformal symmetry of extremal black holes must be broken due to gravitational backreaction at an IR scale linear in $G_N$. In this paper, we show that this scale coincides with the so-called `thermodynamic mass gap' of near-extremal black holes, a scale which signals the breakdown of their thermodynamic description. We also develop a method which extends the analysis of Almheiri and Polchinski to more complicated models with extremal throats by studying the bulk linearized quantum field theory. Moreover, we show how their original model correctly captures the universal physics of the near-horizon region of near-extremal black holes at tree level, and conclude that this equivalence of the conformal breaking and mass gap scale is general.Comment: 33 pages. v2: footnote added. v3: minor changes and reference adde
Conformal Symmetry Breaking and Thermodynamics of Near-Extremal Black Holes
conformal symmetry breaking and thermodynamics of near-extremal black holes
argued almheiri polchinski horizon conformal extremal holes broken gravitational backreaction coincides thermodynamic extremal holes breakdown thermodynamic description. extends almheiri polchinski complicated extremal throats studying linearized theory. correctly captures universal horizon extremal holes equivalence conformal breaking pages. footnote added. minor adde
We present up-to-date matched predictions for the $b\bar{b}H$ inclusive cross section at the LHC at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV. Using a previously developed method, our predictions consistently combine the complete NLO contributions that are present in the 4-flavor scheme calculation, including finite b-quark mass effects as well as top-loop induced $Y_b Y_t$ interference contributions, with the resummation of collinear logarithms of $m_b/m_H$ as present in the 5-flavor scheme calculation up to NNLO. We provide a detailed estimate of the perturbative uncertainties of the matched result by examining its dependence on the factorization and renormalization scales, the scale of the Yukawa coupling, and also the low b-quark matching scale in the PDFs. We motivate the use of a central renormalization scale of $m_H$/2, which is halfway between the values typically chosen in the 4-flavor and 5-flavor scheme calculations. We evaluate the parametric uncertainties due to the PDFs and the b-quark mass, and in particular discuss how to systematically disentangle the parametric $m_b$ dependence and the unphysical b-quark matching scale dependence. Our best prediction for the $b\bar{b} H$ production cross section in the Standard Model at 13 TeV and for $m_H$ = 125 GeV is $\sigma(b\bar b H) = 0.52 \,{\rm pb}\, [1 \pm 9.6\% {\rm (perturbative)}\,{}^{+2.9\%}_{-3.6\%} {\rm (parametric)}]$. We also provide predictions for a range of Higgs masses $m_H\in [50, 750]$ GeV. Our method to compute the matched prediction and to evaluate its uncertainty can be readily applied to other heavy-quark-initiated processes at the LHC.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables. Final version published in JHE
Matched predictions for the $b\bar{b}H$ cross section at the 13 TeV LHC
matched predictions for the $b\bar{b}h$ cross section at the 13 tev lhc
matched inclusive sqrt tev. consistently combine flavor interference resummation collinear logarithms flavor nnlo. perturbative matched examining factorization renormalization yukawa matching pdfs. motivate renormalization halfway flavor flavor calculations. parametric pdfs systematically disentangle parametric unphysical matching dependence. sigma perturbative parametric gev. matched readily initiated pages tables.
We present predictions for the total cross sections for pair production of squarks and gluinos at the LHC including a combined NNLL resummation of soft and Coulomb gluon effects. We derive all terms in the NNLO cross section that are enhanced near the production threshold, which include contributions from spin-dependent potentials and so-called annihilation corrections. The NNLL corrections at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV range from up to $20\%$ for squark-squark production to $90\%$ for gluino pair production relative to the NLO results and reduce the theoretical uncertainties of the perturbative calculation to the $10\%$ level. Grid files with our numerical results are publicly available.Comment: 42 pages, 17 figures. v2: published version; corrected fig. 6; generalized eq.(A.5) to arbitrary SU(N) gauge group
NNLL soft and Coulomb resummation for squark and gluino production at the LHC
nnll soft and coulomb resummation for squark and gluino production at the lhc
squarks gluinos nnll resummation coulomb gluon effects. derive nnlo potentials annihilation corrections. nnll sqrt squark squark gluino perturbative level. files publicly pages figures. corrected fig.
Using Monte Carlo simulations and extended mean field theory calculations we show that the $3$-dimensional $Z_3$ spin model with complex external fields has non-monotonic spatial correlators in some regions of its parameter space. This model serves as a proxy for heavy-dense QCD in $(3+1)$ dimensions. Non-monotonic spatial correlators are intrinsically related to a complex mass spectrum and a liquid-like (or crystalline) behavior. A liquid phase could have implications for heavy-ion experiments, where it could leave detectable signals in the spatial correlations of baryons.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, updated to match published versio
Oscillating propagators in heavy-dense QCD
oscillating propagators in heavy-dense qcd
monte carlo monotonic correlators space. serves proxy dense dimensions. monotonic correlators intrinsically crystalline behavior. leave detectable pages updated match versio
We compute the two-loop QED corrections to the Altarelli-Parisi (AP) splitting functions by using a deconstructive algorithmic Abelianization of the well-known NLO QCD corrections. We present explicit results for the full set of splitting kernels in a basis that includes the leptonic distribution functions that, starting from this order in the QED coupling, couple to the partonic densities. Finally, we perform a phenomenological analysis of the impact of these corrections in the splitting functions.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures. Typos corrected, 1 figure added. Final version published in JHEP. Comment added about Eq. (51
Two-loop QED corrections to the Altarelli-Parisi splitting functions
two-loop qed corrections to the altarelli-parisi splitting functions
altarelli parisi splitting deconstructive algorithmic abelianization corrections. splitting kernels leptonic couple partonic densities. phenomenological splitting pages figures. typos corrected added. jhep. comment
We generalize the construction by Aharony, Hashimoto, Hirano, and Ouyang of ${\cal N}=4$ quiver gauge theory with gauge group $U(N+M) \times U(N)$, $k$ fundamentals charged under $U(N)$ and bi-fundamentals, to the case with gauge group $\prod_{i=1}^{\hat k} U(N_i)$ with $k_i$ fundamentals charged under $U(N_i)$. This construction is facilitated by considering the resolved $ALE_{\hat k} \times TN_{k}$ background in M-theory including non-trivial fluxes through the resolved 4-cycles in the geometry. We also describe the M-theory lift of the IIA Page charge quantization condition. Finally, we clarify the role of string corrections in various regimes of parameter space.Comment: 34 pages, 11 figure
Resolved gravity duals of ${\cal N}=4$ quiver field theories in 2+1 dimensions
resolved gravity duals of ${\cal n}=4$ quiver field theories in 2+1 dimensions
generalize aharony hashimoto hirano ouyang quiver fundamentals fundamentals prod fundamentals facilitated resolved trivial fluxes resolved cycles geometry. lift quantization condition. clarify regimes pages
Fermion masses can be generated through four-fermion condensates when symmetries prevent fermion bilinear condensates from forming. This less explored mechanism of fermion mass generation is responsible for making four reduced staggered lattice fermions massive at strong couplings in a lattice model with a local four-fermion coupling. The model has a massless fermion phase at weak couplings and a massive fermion phase at strong couplings. In particular there is no spontaneous symmetry breaking of any lattice symmetries in both these phases. Recently it was discovered that in three space-time dimensions there is a direct second order phase transition between the two phases. Here we study the same model in four space-time dimensions and find results consistent with the existence of a narrow intermediate phase with fermion bilinear condensates, that separates the two asymptotic phases by continuous phase transitions.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure file
Fermion masses through four-fermion condensates
fermion masses through four-fermion condensates
fermion fermion condensates symmetries prevent fermion bilinear condensates forming. explored fermion staggered fermions massive couplings fermion coupling. massless fermion couplings massive fermion couplings. spontaneous breaking symmetries phases. discovered phases. narrow fermion bilinear condensates separates asymptotic pages file
In this work, the perturbative QCD series of the scalar correlation function $\Psi(s)$ is investigated. Besides ${\rm Im}\Psi(s)$, which is relevant for Higgs decay into quarks, two other physical correlators, $\Psi^{"}(s)$ and $D^L(s)$, have been employed in QCD applications like quark mass determinations or hadronic $\tau$ decays. $D^L(s)$ suffers from large higher-order corrections and, by resorting to the large-$\beta_0$ approximation, it is shown that this is related to a spurious renormalon ambiguity at $u=1$. Hence, this correlator should be avoided in phenomenological analyses. Moreover, it turns out advantageous to express the quark mass factor, introduced to make the scalar current renormalisation group invariant, in terms of the renormalisation invariant quark mass $\hat m_q$. To further study the behaviour of the perturbative expansion, we introduce a QCD coupling $\hat\alpha_s$, whose running is explicitly renormalisation scheme independent. The scheme dependence of $\hat\alpha_s$ is parametrised by a single parameter $C$, being related to transformations of the QCD scale parameter $\Lambda$. It is demonstrated that appropriate choices of $C$ lead to a substantial improvement in the behaviour of the perturbative series for $\Psi^{"}(s)$ and ${\rm Im}\Psi(s)$.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figures; minor modifications, version to be published in JHE
Scalar correlator, Higgs decay into quarks, and scheme variations of the QCD coupling
scalar correlator, higgs decay into quarks, and scheme variations of the qcd coupling
perturbative investigated. besides quarks correlators determinations hadronic decays. suffers resorting beta spurious renormalon ambiguity correlator avoided phenomenological analyses. turns advantageous express renormalisation renormalisation perturbative alpha running explicitly renormalisation independent. alpha parametrised transformations lambda choices substantial perturbative .comment pages minor modifications
We extend the results of arXiv:1401.7016, computing one loop partition functions for massive fields with spin half in AdS_2 using the quasinormal mode method proposed by Denef, Hartnoll, and Sachdev in arXiv:0908.2657. We find the finite representations of SO(2,1) for spin zero and spin half, consisting of a highest weight state |h\rangle and descendants with non-unitary values of h. These finite representations capture the poles and zeroes of the one loop determinants. Together with the asymptotic behavior of the partition functions (which can be easily computed using a large mass heat kernel expansion), these are sufficient to determine the full answer for the one loop determinants. We also discuss extensions to higher dimensional AdS_{2n} and higher spins.Comment: 18 pages + appendix; V2 has an extended section 5, following a suggestion by the refere
Partition Functions with spin in AdS_2 via Quasinormal Mode Methods
partition functions with spin in ads_2 via quasinormal mode methods
extend partition massive quasinormal denef hartnoll sachdev representations consisting rangle descendants unitary representations capture poles zeroes determinants. asymptotic partition kernel answer determinants. extensions pages suggestion refere
We consider the determination of the finite temperature phase transition in the Yang--Mills SU(3) gauge theory. We compute the difference of the spatial and temporal energy density at a physical Wilson flow time. This difference is zero in the confined phase and becomes non zero in the deconfined phase. We locate the phase transition by using a new technique based on an exponential smoothing spline. This method is an alternative to the determination of the phase transition based on the Polyakov loop susceptibility and can also be used with dynamical fermions.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures; clarification added in section 2.4; version accepted for publication in JHE
The Wilson Flow and the finite temperature phase transition
the wilson flow and the finite temperature phase transition
mills theory. wilson time. confined deconfined phase. locate exponential smoothing spline. polyakov susceptibility pages clarification publication
In this paper we study supersymmetric co-dimension 2 and 4 defects in the compactification of the 6d $(2,0)$ theory of type $A_{N-1}$ on a 3-manifold $M$. The so-called 3d-3d correspondence is a relation between complexified Chern-Simons theory (with gauge group $SL(N, \mathbb{C})$) on $M$ and a 3d $\mathcal{N}=2$ theory $T_{N}[M]$. We establish a dictionary for this correspondence in the presence of supersymmetric defects, which are knots/links inside the 3-manifold. Our study employs a number of different methods: state-integral models for complex Chern-Simons theory, cluster algebra techniques, domain wall theory $T[SU(N)]$, 5d $\mathcal{N}=2$ SYM, and also supergravity analysis through holography. These methods are complementary and we find agreement between them. In some cases the results lead to highly non-trivial predictions on the partition function. Our discussion includes a general expression for the cluster partition function, in particular for non-maximal punctures and $N>2$. We also highlight the non-Abelian description of the 3d $\mathcal{N}=2$ $T_N[M]$ theory with defect included, as well as its Higgsing prescription and the resulting `refinement' in complex CS theory. This paper is a companion to our shorter paper arXiv:1510.03884, which summarizes our main results.Comment: 129 pages (sorry), 22 figure
Aspects of Defects in 3d-3d Correspondence
aspects of defects in 3d-3d correspondence
supersymmetric defects compactification manifold correspondence complexified chern simons mathbb mathcal establish dictionary correspondence supersymmetric defects knots links manifold. employs chern simons mathcal supergravity holography. complementary them. trivial partition function. partition maximal punctures highlight abelian mathcal defect higgsing prescription refinement theory. companion shorter summarizes pages sorry
The correct description of Double Parton Scattering (DPS), which represents a background in several channels for the search of new Physics at the LHC, requires the knowledge of double parton distribution functions (dPDFs). These quantities represent also a novel tool for the study of the three-dimensional nucleon structure, complementary to the possibilities offered by electromagnetic probes. In this paper we analyze dPDFs using Poincar\'e covariant predictions obtained by using a Light-Front constituent quark model proposed in a recent paper, and QCD evolution. We study to what extent factorized expressions for dPDFs, which neglect, at least in part, two-parton correlations, can be used. We show that they fail in reproducing the calculated dPDFs, in particular in the valence region. Actually measurable processes at existing facilities occur at low longitudinal momenta of the interacting partons; to have contact with these processes we have analyzed correlations between pairs of partons of different kind, finding that, in some cases, they are strongly suppressed at low longitudinal momenta, while for other distributions they can be sizeable. For example, the effect of gluon-gluon correlations can be as large as 20 $\%$. We have shown that these behaviors can be understood in terms of a delicate interference of non-perturbative correlations, generated by the dynamics of the model, and perturbative ones, generated by the model independent evolution procedure. Our analysis shows that at LHC kinematics two-parton correlations can be relevant in DPS, and therefore we address the possibility to study them experimentally.Comment: 34 pages, 20 figure
Correlations in Double Parton Distributions: Perturbative and Non-Perturbative effects
correlations in double parton distributions: perturbative and non-perturbative effects
parton parton dpdfs quantities nucleon complementary possibilities offered electromagnetic probes. analyze dpdfs poincar covariant front constituent evolution. factorized expressions dpdfs neglect parton used. fail reproducing dpdfs valence region. measurable facilities longitudinal momenta interacting partons partons kind suppressed longitudinal momenta sizeable. gluon gluon behaviors understood delicate interference perturbative perturbative procedure. kinematics parton pages
Transverse-momentum-dependent (TMD) gluon distributions have different operator definitions, depending on the process under consideration. We study that aspect of TMD factorization in the small-x limit, for the various unpolarized TMD gluon distributions encountered in the literature. To do this, we consider di-jet production in hadronic collisions, since this process allows to be exhaustive with respect to the possible operator definitions, and is suitable to be investigated at small x. Indeed, for forward and nearly back-to-back jets, one can apply both the TMD factorization and Color Glass Condensate (CGC) approaches to compute the di-jet cross-section, and compare the results. Doing so, we show that both descriptions coincide, and we show how to express the various TMD gluon distributions in terms of CGC correlators of Wilson lines, while keeping Nc finite. We then proceed to evaluate them by solving the JIMWLK equation numerically. We obtain that at large transverse momentum, the process dependence essentially disappears, while at small transverse momentum, non-linear saturation effects impact the various TMD gluon distributions in very different ways. We notice the presence of a geometric scaling regime for all the TMD gluon distributions studied: the "dipole" one, the Weizs\"acker-Williams one, and the six others involved in forward di-jet production.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures, version published in JHE
Transverse-momentum-dependent gluon distributions from JIMWLK evolution
transverse-momentum-dependent gluon distributions from jimwlk evolution
gluon definitions consideration. aspect factorization unpolarized gluon encountered literature. hadronic collisions exhaustive definitions nearly jets factorization glass condensate results. descriptions coincide express gluon correlators wilson keeping finite. proceed solving jimwlk numerically. essentially disappears saturation gluon ways. notice geometric gluon dipole weizs acker williams pages
Thermal states of quantum systems with many degrees of freedom are subject to a bound on the rate of onset of chaos, including a bound on the Lyapunov exponent, $\lambda_L\leq 2\pi /\beta$. We harness this bound to constrain the space of putative holographic CFTs and their would-be dual theories of AdS gravity. First, by studying out-of-time-order four-point functions, we discuss how $\lambda_L=2\pi/\beta$ in ordinary two-dimensional holographic CFTs is related to properties of the OPE at strong coupling. We then rule out the existence of unitary, sparse two-dimensional CFTs with large central charge and a set of higher spin currents of bounded spin; this implies the inconsistency of weakly coupled AdS$_3$ higher spin gravities without infinite towers of gauge fields, such as the $SL(N)$ theories. This fits naturally with the structure of higher-dimensional gravity, where finite towers of higher spin fields lead to acausality. On the other hand, unitary CFTs with classical $W_{\infty}[\lambda]$ symmetry, dual to 3D Vasiliev or hs[$\lambda$] higher spin gravities, do not violate the chaos bound, instead exhibiting no chaos: $\lambda_L=0$. Independently, we show that such theories violate unitarity for $|\lambda|>2$. These results encourage a tensionless string theory interpretation of the 3D Vasiliev theory. We also perform some CFT calculations of chaos in Rindler space in various dimensions.Comment: 50+18 pages. v3: Section 3 clarified and reorganized, related improvement
Bounding the Space of Holographic CFTs with Chaos
bounding the space of holographic cfts with chaos
freedom onset chaos lyapunov exponent lambda beta harness constrain putative holographic cfts gravity. studying lambda beta ordinary holographic cfts coupling. unitary sparse cfts currents inconsistency weakly gravities infinite towers theories. fits naturally towers acausality. unitary cfts infty lambda vasiliev lambda gravities violate chaos exhibiting chaos lambda independently violate unitarity lambda encourage tensionless vasiliev theory. chaos rindler pages. clarified reorganized
We present new relations for scattering amplitudes of color ordered gluons and gravitons in Einstein-Yang-Mills theory. Tree-level amplitudes of arbitrary multiplicities and polarizations involving up to three gravitons and up to two color traces are reduced to partial amplitudes of pure Yang-Mills theory. In fact, the double-trace identities apply to Einstein-Yang-Mills extended by a dilaton and a B-field. Our results generalize recent work of Stieberger and Taylor for the single graviton case with a single color trace. As the derivation is made in the dimension-agnostic Cachazo-He-Yuan formalism, our results are valid for external bosons in any number of spacetime dimensions. Moreover, they generalize to the superamplitudes in theories with 16 supercharges.Comment: 28 pages, v2: references and appendix added, published versio
Einstein-Yang-Mills from pure Yang-Mills amplitudes
einstein-yang-mills from pure yang-mills amplitudes
amplitudes ordered gluons gravitons einstein mills theory. amplitudes multiplicities polarizations involving gravitons traces amplitudes mills theory. trace identities einstein mills dilaton field. generalize stieberger taylor graviton trace. derivation agnostic cachazo yuan formalism valid bosons spacetime dimensions. generalize superamplitudes pages versio
We analyze the constraints from direct and indirect detection on fermionic Majorana Dark Matter (DM). Because the interaction with the Standard Model (SM) particles is spin-dependent, a priori the constraints that one gets from neutrino telescopes, the LHC, direct and indirect detection experiments are comparable. We study the complementarity of these searches in a particular example, in which a heavy $Z'$ mediates the interactions between the SM and the DM. We find that for heavy dark matter indirect detection provides the strongest bounds on this scenario, while IceCube bounds are typically stronger than those from direct detection. The LHC constraints are dominant for smaller dark matter masses. These light masses are less motivated by thermal relic abundance considerations. We show that the dominant annihilation channels of the light DM in the Sun and the Galactic Center are either $b\bar b$ or $t\bar t$, while the heavy DM annihilation is completely dominated by $Zh$ channel. The latter produces a hard neutrino spectrum which has not been previously analyzed. We study the neutrino spectrum yielded by DM and recast IceCube constraints to allow proper comparison with constraints from direct and indirect detection experiments and LHC exclusions. Note that the original version of the paper contains an important error: the contribution of the $Z$-mediated processes was overlooked. This changes some of the results of the paper. For the details and the correct results please see the erratum attached to this file as an appendix.Comment: v1: 38 pages, 8 figures; v2: added references; v3: matches published version: added a recast of the indirect constraints from Fermi-LAT observations of Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies; v4: corrected an important error, by including the Z exchange, updating the result and attaching an erratu
Complementarity of DM Searches in a Consistent Simplified Model: the Case of Z'
complementarity of dm searches in a consistent simplified model: the case of z'
analyze indirect fermionic majorana priori gets telescopes indirect comparable. complementarity searches mediates indirect strongest bounds icecube bounds stronger detection. masses. motivated relic abundance considerations. annihilation galactic annihilation dominated channel. produces analyzed. yielded recast icecube proper indirect exclusions. overlooked. paper. please erratum attached file pages matches recast indirect fermi dwarf spheroidal corrected updating attaching erratu
We study the decoherence of massive fields during inflation based on the Zurek's density matrix approach. With the cubic interaction between inflaton and massive fields, the reduced density matrix for the massive fields can be calculated in the Schr\"odinger picture which is related to the variance of the non-Gaussian exponent in the wave functional. The decoherence rate is computed in the one-loop form from functional integration. For heavy fields with $m\gtrsim \mathcal{O}(H)$, quantum fluctuations will easily stay in the quantum state and decoherence is unlikely. While for light fields with mass smaller than $\mathcal{O}(H)$, quantum fluctuations are easily decohered within $5\sim10$ e-folds after Hubble crossing. Thus heavy fields can play a key role in studying problems involving inflationary quantum information.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figures; added references and corrected typo
Cosmic Decoherence: Massive Fields
cosmic decoherence: massive fields
decoherence massive inflation zurek approach. cubic inflaton massive massive schr odinger picture exponent functional. decoherence integration. gtrsim mathcal stay decoherence unlikely. mathcal decohered folds hubble crossing. studying involving inflationary pages corrected typo
We study the AdS$_5$/CFT$_4$ duality where the boundary CFT is free Yang-Mills theory with gauge group SU(N). At the planar level we use the spectrum and correlation functions of the boundary theory to explicate features of the bulk theory. Further, by computing the one-loop partition function of the bulk theory using the methods of arXiv:1603.05387, we argue that the bulk coupling constant should be shifted to $N^2$ from $N^2-1$. Similar conclusions are reached by studying the dualities in thermal AdS$_5$ with $S^1\times S^3$ boundary.Comment: 44 pages, version to appear in JHE
On the Holography of Free Yang-Mills
on the holography of free yang-mills
duality mills planar explicate theory. partition argue shifted reached studying dualities pages
The double field theory monopole solution by Berman and Rudolph is shown to reproduce non-geometric backgrounds with non-vanishing Q- and R-flux upon an appropriate choice of physical and dual coordinates. The obtained backgrounds depend non-trivially on dual coordinates and have only trivial monodromies. Upon smearing the solutions along the dual coordinates one reproduces the known $5^2_2$ solution for the Q-brane and co-dimension 1 solution for the R-brane. The T-duality invariant magnetic charge is explicitly calculated for all these backgrounds and is found to be equal to the magnetic charge of (unsmeared) NS5-brane.Comment: 26 pages and appendi
Non-geometric branes are DFT monopoles
non-geometric branes are dft monopoles
monopole berman rudolph reproduce geometric backgrounds vanishing coordinates. backgrounds trivially trivial monodromies. smearing reproduces brane brane. duality explicitly backgrounds unsmeared pages appendi
We discuss the representation theory of non-linear chiral algebra $\mathcal{W}_{1+\infty}$ of Gaberdiel and Gopakumar and its connection to Yangian of $\hat{\mathfrak{u}(1)}$ whose presentation was given by Tsymbaliuk. The characters of completely degenerate representations of $\mathcal{W}_{1+\infty}$ are for generic values of parameters given by the topological vertex. The Yangian picture provides an infinite number of commuting charges which can be explicitly diagonalized in $\mathcal{W}_{1+\infty}$ highest weight representations. Many properties that are difficult to study in $\mathcal{W}_{1+\infty}$ picture turn out to have a simple combinatorial interpretation
W-symmetry, topological vertex and affine Yangian
w-symmetry, topological vertex and affine yangian
chiral mathcal infty gaberdiel gopakumar connection yangian mathfrak presentation tsymbaliuk. characters degenerate representations mathcal infty generic topological vertex. yangian picture infinite commuting charges explicitly diagonalized mathcal infty representations. mathcal infty picture combinatorial
The D3-probe-D7 brane system, oriented so as to have 2+1-dimensional Poincare symmetry, is argued to be the holographic representation of a strongly correlated fractional topological insulator which exhibits a zero-field quantized Hall effect with half-units of Hall conductivity. The phase diagram of the system with charge density and external magnetic field is found and, as well as charge gapped quantum Hall states, it exhibits metallic and semi-metallic phases with interesting behaviours. The relationship of this to other models of fractional topological insulators is discussed.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figures, text restructured, five additional plots included, published versio
The D3-probe-D7 brane holographic fractional topological insulator
the d3-probe-d7 brane holographic fractional topological insulator
brane oriented poincare argued holographic fractional topological insulator exhibits quantized hall hall conductivity. gapped hall exhibits metallic metallic behaviours. fractional topological insulators pages restructured plots versio
We establish a linear relation between the $a$-type Weyl anomaly and the 't Hooft anomaly coefficients for the $R$-symmetry and gravitational anomalies in six-dimensional $(1,0)$ superconformal field theories. For RG flows onto the tensor branch, where conformal symmetry is spontaneously broken, supersymmetry relates the anomaly mismatch $\Delta a$ to the square of a four-derivative interaction for the dilaton. This establishes the $a$-theorem for all such flows. The four-derivative dilaton interaction is in turn related to the Green-Schwarz-like terms that are needed to match the 't Hooft anomalies on the tensor branch, thus fixing their relation to $\Delta a$. We use our formula to obtain exact expressions for the $a$-anomaly of $N$ small $E_8$ instantons, as well as $N$ M5-branes probing an orbifold singularity, and verify the $a$-theorem for RG flows onto their Higgs branches. We also discuss aspects of supersymmetric RG flows that terminate in scale but not conformally invariant theories with massless gauge fields.Comment: 38 pages, 3 figures; added references and an appendi
Anomalies, Renormalization Group Flows, and the a-Theorem in Six-Dimensional (1,0) Theories
anomalies, renormalization group flows, and the a-theorem in six-dimensional (1,0) theories
establish weyl anomaly hooft anomaly gravitational anomalies superconformal theories. flows branch conformal spontaneously broken supersymmetry relates anomaly mismatch delta dilaton. establishes flows. dilaton schwarz match hooft anomalies branch fixing delta expressions anomaly instantons branes probing orbifold singularity verify flows branches. supersymmetric flows terminate conformally massless pages appendi
One of the cleanest signatures of a heavy Higgs boson in models with vectorlike leptons is $H\to e_4^\pm \ell^\mp \to h\ell^+\ell^-$ which, in two Higgs doublet model type-II, can even be the dominant decay mode of heavy Higgses. Among the decay modes of the standard model like Higgs boson, $h$, we consider $b \bar b$ and $\gamma \gamma$ as representative channels with sizable and negligible background, respectively. We obtained new model independent limits on production cross section for this process from recasting existing experimental searches and interpret them within the two Higgs doublet model. In addition, we show that these limits can be improved by about two orders of magnitude with appropriate selection cuts immediately with existing data sets. We also discuss expected sensitivities with integrated luminosity up to 3 ab$^{-1}$ and present a brief overview of other channels.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figure
New constraints and discovery potential for Higgs to Higgs cascade decays through vectorlike leptons
new constraints and discovery potential for higgs to higgs cascade decays through vectorlike leptons
cleanest signatures boson vectorlike leptons doublet higgses. boson gamma gamma sizable negligible respectively. recasting searches interpret doublet model. orders cuts immediately sets. sensitivities luminosity brief overview pages
The lightest mass eigenvalue of a six-dimensional theory compactified on a torus is numerically evaluated in the presence of the brane-localized mass term. The dependence on the cutoff scale $\Lambda$ is non-negligible even when $\Lambda$ is two orders of magnitude above the compactification scale, which indicates that the mass eigenvalue is sensitive to the size of the brane, in contrast to five-dimensional theories. We obtain an approximate expression of the lightest mass in the thin brane limit, which well fits the numerical calculations, and clarifies its dependence on the torus moduli parameter $\tau$. We find that the lightest mass is typically much lighter than the compactification scale by an order of magnitude even in the limit of a large brane mass.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figures, published version in JHE
Spectrum in the presence of brane-localized mass on torus extra dimensions
spectrum in the presence of brane-localized mass on torus extra dimensions
lightest eigenvalue compactified torus numerically brane localized term. cutoff lambda negligible lambda orders compactification eigenvalue brane theories. approximate lightest brane fits clarifies torus moduli lightest lighter compactification brane pages
Gauge symmetries indicate redundancies in the description of the relevant degrees of freedom of a given field theory and restrict the nature of observable quantities. One of the problems faced by emergent theories of relativistic fields is to understand how gauge symmetries can show up in systems that contain no trace of these symmetries at a more fundamental level. In this paper we start a systematic study aimed to establish a satisfactory mathematical and physical picture of this issue, dealing first with abelian field theories. We discuss how the trivialization, due to the decoupling and lack of excitation of some degrees of freedom, of the Noether currents associated with physical symmetries leads to emergent gauge symmetries in specific situations. An example of a relativistic field theory of a vector field is worked out in detail in order to make explicit how this mechanism works and to clarify the physics behind it. The interplay of these ideas with well-known results of importance to the emergent gravity program, such as the Weinberg-Witten theorem, are discussed
From physical symmetries to emergent gauge symmetries
from physical symmetries to emergent gauge symmetries
symmetries redundancies freedom restrict observable quantities. faced emergent relativistic symmetries trace symmetries level. aimed establish satisfactory mathematical picture dealing abelian theories. trivialization decoupling freedom noether currents symmetries emergent symmetries situations. relativistic worked clarify behind interplay ideas emergent weinberg witten
In a weakly coupled gravity theory in the anti-de Sitter space, local states in the bulk are linear superpositions of Ishibashi states for a crosscap in the dual conformal field theory. The superposition structure can be constrained either by the microscopic causality in the bulk gravity or the bootstrap condition in the boundary conformal field theory. We show, contrary to some expectation, that these two conditions are not compatible to each other in the weak gravity regime. We also present an evidence to show that bulk local states in three dimensions are not organized by the Virasoro symmetry.Comment: 8 page
Bulk Local States and Crosscaps in Holographic CFT
bulk local states and crosscaps in holographic cft
weakly sitter superpositions ishibashi crosscap conformal theory. superposition constrained microscopic causality bootstrap conformal theory. contrary expectation compatible regime. organized virasoro
We explore the possibility that physics at the TeV scale possesses approximate $N = 2$ supersymmetry, which is reduced to the $N=1$ minimal supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model (MSSM) at the electroweak scale. This doubling of supersymmetry modifies the Higgs sector of the theory, with consequences for the masses, mixings and couplings of the MSSM Higgs bosons, whose phenomenological consequences we explore in this paper. The mass of the lightest neutral Higgs boson $h$ is independent of $\tan \beta$ at the tree level, and the decoupling limit is realized whatever the values of the heavy Higgs boson masses. Radiative corrections to the top quark and stop squarks dominate over those due to particles in $N=2$ gauge multiplets. We assume that these radiative corrections fix $m_h \simeq 125$ GeV, whatever the masses of the other neutral Higgs bosons $H, A$, a scenario that we term the $h$2MSSM. Since the $H, A$ bosons decouple from the $W$ and $Z$ bosons in the $h$2MSSM at tree level, only the LHC constraints on $H, A$ and $H^\pm$ couplings to fermions are applicable. These and the indirect constraints from LHC measurements of $h$ couplings are consistent with $m_A \gtrsim 200$ GeV for $\tan \beta \in (2, 8)$ in the $h$2MSSM.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure
Doubling Up on Supersymmetry in the Higgs Sector
doubling up on supersymmetry in the higgs sector
explore possesses approximate supersymmetry supersymmetric mssm electroweak scale. doubling supersymmetry modifies consequences mixings couplings mssm bosons phenomenological consequences explore paper. lightest neutral boson beta decoupling realized whatever boson masses. radiative stop squarks dominate multiplets. radiative simeq whatever neutral bosons mssm. bosons decouple bosons mssm couplings fermions applicable. indirect couplings gtrsim beta pages
AdS spacetime has been shown numerically to be unstable against a large class of arbitrarily small perturbations. In arXiv:1410.1869, the authors presented a preliminary study of the effects on stability of changing the local dynamics by adding a Gauss-Bonnet term to the Einstein action. Here we provide further details as well as new results with improved numerical methods. In particular, we elucidate new structure in Choptuik scaling plots. We also provide evidence of chaotic behavior at the transition between immediate horizon formation and horizon formation after the matter pulse reflects from the AdS conformal boundary. Finally, we present data suggesting the formation of naked singularities in spacetimes with ADM mass below the algebraic bound for black hole formation.Comment: 26pp; v2 added references & minor comment
Black Hole Formation in AdS Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet Gravity
black hole formation in ads einstein-gauss-bonnet gravity
spacetime numerically unstable arbitrarily perturbations. preliminary changing adding gauss bonnet einstein action. methods. elucidate choptuik plots. chaotic immediate horizon horizon reflects conformal boundary. naked singularities spacetimes algebraic minor comment
We analytically evaluate the three-loop Feynman integral which was the last missing ingredient for the analytical evaluation of the three-loop quark static potential. To evaluate the integral we introduce an auxiliary parameter $y$, which corresponds to the residual energy in some of the HQET propagators. We construct a differential system for 109 master integrals depending on $y$ and fix boundary conditions from the asymptotic behaviour in the limit $y\to \infty$. The original integral is recovered from the limit $y\to 0$. To solve these linear differential equations we try to find an $\epsilon$-form of the differential system. Though this step appears to be, strictly speaking, not possible, we succeed to find an $\epsilon$-form of all irreducible diagonal blocks, which is sufficient for solving the differential system in terms of an $\epsilon$ expansion. We find a solution up to weight six in terms of multiple polylogarithms and obtain an analytical result for the required three-loop Feynman integral by taking the limit $y\to 0$. As a by-product, we obtain analytical results for some Feynman integrals typical for HQET.Comment: 7 page
Evaluating the last missing ingredient for the three-loop quark static potential by differential equations
evaluating the last missing ingredient for the three-loop quark static potential by differential equations
analytically feynman missing ingredient potential. auxiliary residual hqet propagators. master integrals asymptotic infty recovered solve epsilon system. strictly speaking succeed epsilon irreducible diagonal blocks solving epsilon expansion. polylogarithms feynman feynman integrals
Recently, the bi-local fields attract the interest in studying the duality between $O(N)$ vector model and a higher-spin gauge theory in AdS spacetime. In those theories, the bi-local fields are realized as collective one's of the $O(N)$ vector fields, which are the source of higher-spin bulk fields. Historically, the bi-local fields are introduced as a candidate of non-local fields by Yukawa. Today, Yukawa's bi-local fields are understood from a viewpoint of relativistic two-particle bound systems, the bi-local systems. We study the relation between the bi-local collective fields out of higher-spin bulk fields and the fields out of the bi-local systems embedded in AdS${}_5$ spacetime with warped metric. It is shown that the effective spring constant of the bi-local system depends on the brane, on which the bi-local system is located. In particular, a bi-local system with vanishing spring constant, which is similar to the bi-local collective fields, can be realized on a low-energy IR brane.Comment: 19pages,5 figure
Bi-Local Fields in AdS${}_5$ Spacetime
bi-local fields in ads${}_5$ spacetime
attract studying duality spacetime. realized collective fields. historically candidate yukawa. today yukawa understood viewpoint relativistic systems. collective embedded spacetime warped metric. spring brane located. vanishing spring collective realized pages
We develop an approach to construct local bulk operators in a CFT to order $1/N^2$. Since 4-point functions are not fixed by conformal invariance we use the OPE to categorize possible forms for a bulk operator. Using previous results on 3-point functions we construct a local bulk operator in each OPE channel. We then impose the condition that the bulk operators constructed in different channels agree, and hence give rise to a well-defined bulk operator. We refer to this condition as the "bulk bootstrap." We argue and explicitly show in some examples that the bulk bootstrap leads to some of the same results as the regular conformal bootstrap. In fact the bulk bootstrap provides an easier way to determine some CFT data, since it does not require knowing the form of the conformal blocks. This analysis clarifies previous results on the relation between bulk locality and the bootstrap for theories with a $1/N$ expansion, and it identifies a simple and direct way in which OPE coefficients and anomalous dimensions determine the bulk equations of motion to order $1/N^2$.Comment: 37 pages, LaTeX. v2: added references and comments on OPE convergence, version to appear in JHE
Locality, bulk equations of motion and the conformal bootstrap
locality, bulk equations of motion and the conformal bootstrap
conformal invariance categorize operator. channel. impose agree operator. bootstrap. argue explicitly bootstrap conformal bootstrap. bootstrap easier knowing conformal blocks. clarifies locality bootstrap identifies anomalous .comment pages latex. comments
We propose a model where sterile neutrinos are introduced to make light neutrinos to be pseudo-Dirac particles. It is shown how tiny mass splitting necessary for realizing pseudo-Dirac neutrinos can be achieved. Within the model, we show how leptogenesis can be successfully generated. Motivated by the recent observation of very high energy neutrino events at IceCube, we study a possibility to observe the effects of the pseudo-Dirac property of neutrinos by performing astronomical-scale baseline experiments to uncover the oscillation effects of very tiny mass splitting. Using the result of global fit to neutrino data for the input of neutrino mixing angles and CP phase at $1\sigma$ C.L. and fixing neutrino energy and mass splittings, we study how the oscillation effects induced by pseudo-Dirac neutrinos may affect the track-to-shower ratio obtained from IceCube data. We also discuss future prospect to observe the effects of the pseudo-Dirac property of neutrinos at high energy neutrino experiments.Comment: the version to be published in JHEP (2016), 23 pages, 13 figures, references and 8 figures adde
A Model for Pseudo-Dirac Neutrinos: Leptogenesis and Ultra-High Energy Neutrinos
a model for pseudo-dirac neutrinos: leptogenesis and ultra-high energy neutrinos
propose sterile neutrinos neutrinos pseudo dirac particles. tiny splitting realizing pseudo dirac neutrinos achieved. leptogenesis successfully generated. motivated icecube pseudo dirac neutrinos performing astronomical uncover oscillation tiny splitting. angles sigma c.l. fixing splittings oscillation pseudo dirac neutrinos track shower icecube data. prospect pseudo dirac neutrinos jhep pages adde
We extend our earlier calculations of the spectrum of closed flux tubes in SU(N) gauge theories in 2+1 dimensions, with a focus on questions raised by recent theoretical progress on the effective string action of long flux tubes and the world-sheet action for flux tubes of moderate lengths. Our new calculations in SU(4) and SU(8) provide evidence that the leading O(1/l^gamma) non-universal correction to the flux tube ground state energy does indeed have a power gamma greater than or equal to 7. We perform a study in SU(2), where we can traverse the length at which the Nambu-Goto ground state becomes tachyonic, to obtain an all-N view of the spectrum. Our comparison of the k=2 flux tube excitation energies in SU(4) and SU(6) suggests that the massive world sheet excitation associated with the k=2 binding has a scale that knows about the group and hence the theory in the bulk, and we comment on the potential implications of world sheet massive modes for the bulk spectrum. We provide a quantitative analysis of the surprising (near-)orthogonality of flux tubes carrying flux in different SU(N) representations, which implies that their screening by gluons is highly suppressed even at small N.Comment: 72 pages, including 42 figure
Closed flux tubes in D=2+1 SU(N) gauge theories: dynamics and effective string description
closed flux tubes in d=2+1 su(n) gauge theories: dynamics and effective string description
extend tubes raised progress tubes sheet tubes moderate lengths. gamma universal tube gamma traverse nambu goto tachyonic spectrum. tube massive sheet knows comment sheet massive spectrum. surprising orthogonality tubes carrying representations screening gluons suppressed pages
In the framework of the Standard Model effective field theory, we examine the indirect constraints on the trilinear Higgs coupling $\lambda$ that arise from Higgs production in gluon-gluon-fusion and diphoton Higgs decays. We calculate 2-loop contributions to the $gg \to h$ and $h \to \gamma \gamma$ amplitudes that are affected by modifications of the trilinear Higgs-boson vertex. This calculation involves both the computation of anomalous dimensions and finite matching corrections. Based on our new results, we analyse the sensitivity of present and future measurements of the $hgg$ and $h \gamma \gamma$ couplings to shifts in $\lambda$. Under the assumption that $O_6 = - \lambda \left (H^\dagger H \right )^3$ is the only dimension-6 operator that alters the trilinear Higgs interactions, we find that at present the considered loop-level probes provide stronger constraints than $pp \to 2h$. At future high-energy colliders indirect ${\cal O} (5)$ determinations of the trilinear Higgs coupling may be possible, making precision measurements of $gg \to h$ and $h \to \gamma \gamma$ a useful addition to direct extractions of $\lambda$ through double-Higgs production.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure
Indirect probes of the trilinear Higgs coupling: $gg \to h$ and $h \to \gamma \gamma$
indirect probes of the trilinear higgs coupling: $gg \to h$ and $h \to \gamma \gamma$
examine indirect trilinear lambda arise gluon gluon fusion diphoton decays. gamma gamma amplitudes modifications trilinear boson vertex. involves anomalous matching corrections. analyse gamma gamma couplings shifts lambda lambda dagger alters trilinear probes stronger colliders indirect determinations trilinear precision gamma gamma extractions lambda pages
We construct the five-dimensional supergravity dual of the $\mathcal{N}=1^*$ mass deformation of the $\mathcal{N} =4$ supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory on $S^4$ and use it to calculate the universal contribution to the corresponding $S^4$ free energy at large 't Hooft coupling in the planar limit. The holographic RG flow solutions are smooth and preserve four supercharges. As a novel feature compared to the holographic duals of $\mathcal{N} = 1^*$ on $\mathbb{R}^4$, in our backgrounds the five-dimensional dilaton has a non-trivial profile, and the gaugino condensate is fixed in terms of the mass-deformation parameters. Important aspects of the analysis involve characterizing the ambiguities in the partition function of non-conformal $\mathcal{N}=1$ supersymmetric theories on $S^4$ as well as the action of S-duality on the $\mathcal{N}=1^*$ theory.Comment: 40 pages + appendices, 4 figure
Holography for $\mathcal{N}=1^*$ on $S^4$
holography for $\mathcal{n}=1^*$ on $s^4$
supergravity mathcal deformation mathcal supersymmetric mills universal hooft planar limit. holographic preserve supercharges. holographic duals mathcal mathbb backgrounds dilaton trivial gaugino condensate deformation parameters. involve characterizing ambiguities partition conformal mathcal supersymmetric duality mathcal pages appendices
We study the Kaluza-Klein spectrum of warped $AdS_3$ compactifications of type IIB with five-form flux which are dual to $\mathcal{N}=(0,2)$ SCFTs in two dimensions. We prove that the spectra of fluctuations of both the spin 2 sector of the graviton and the axio-dilaton are bounded. At the bound the modes have the correct quantum numbers to be chiral primaries and descendants thereof respectively. Moreover, we prove that the same modes give rise to superpartners in the dilatino spectrum. Our results show that a subset of the mesonic chiral ring of the dual SCFT is isomorphic to the first Kohn-Rossi cohomology groups. As an example, we consider the compactification of four-dimensional $Y^{p,q}$ theories on Riemann surfaces for the case of the universal twist. We conclude by studying fluctuations of the three-form, where we are able to identify Betti multiplets after imposing some mild assumptions.Comment: 20 pages plus appendices, published version (revised some of the results of section 3.2.2 and added minor clarifications in the text
Superconformal Symmetry in the Kaluza-Klein Spectrum of Warped AdS(3)
superconformal symmetry in the kaluza-klein spectrum of warped ads(3)
kaluza klein warped compactifications mathcal scfts dimensions. graviton axio dilaton bounded. chiral primaries descendants thereof respectively. superpartners dilatino spectrum. mesonic chiral scft isomorphic kohn rossi cohomology groups. compactification riemann universal twist. studying betti multiplets imposing mild pages appendices revised minor clarifications
We clarify issues of convexity, gauge-dependence and radiative corrections in relation to tunneling rates. Despite the gauge dependence of the effective action at zero and finite temperature, it is shown that tunneling and nucleation rates remain independent of the choice of gauge-fixing. Taking as a starting point the functional that defines the transition amplitude from a false vacuum onto itself, it is shown that decay rates are exactly determined by a non-convex, false vacuum effective action evaluated at an extremum. The latter can be viewed as a generalized bounce configuration, and gauge-independence follows from the appropriate Nielsen identities. This holds for any election of gauge-fixing that leads to an invertible Faddeev-Popov matrix.Comment: 26 pages. v2. Improved discussion addressing issues of convexity, and distinguishing between false and true vacuum functionals. v3. Published version. Structured into sections, expanded discussion on Jacobia
Convexity, gauge-dependence and tunneling rates
convexity, gauge-dependence and tunneling rates
clarify convexity radiative tunneling rates. tunneling nucleation fixing. defines false convex false extremum. viewed bounce independence nielsen identities. election fixing invertible faddeev popov pages. addressing convexity distinguishing false functionals. version. structured expanded jacobia
The splitting processes of bremsstrahlung and pair production in a medium are coherent over large distances in the very high energy limit, which leads to a suppression known as the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal (LPM) effect. Of recent interest is the case when the coherence lengths of two consecutive splitting processes overlap (which is important for understanding corrections to standard treatments of the LPM effect in QCD). In previous papers, we have developed methods for computing such corrections without making soft-gluon approximations. However, our methods require consistent treatment of canceling ultraviolet (UV) divergences associated with coincident emission times, even for processes with tree-level amplitudes. In this paper, we show how to use dimensional regularization to properly handle the UV contributions. We also present a simple diagnostic test that any consistent UV regularization method for this problem needs to pass.Comment: 59 pages, 8 figures [main change from v1: addition of the new appendix B summarizing more about use of the i*epsilon prescription in earlier work
The LPM effect in sequential bremsstrahlung: dimensional regularization
the lpm effect in sequential bremsstrahlung: dimensional regularization
splitting bremsstrahlung coherent distances suppression landau pomeranchuk migdal effect. coherence lengths consecutive splitting overlap treatments papers gluon approximations. canceling ultraviolet divergences coincident amplitudes. regularization properly handle contributions. diagnostic regularization pages summarizing epsilon prescription
Single state saturation of the temporal correlation function is a key condition to extract physical observables such as energies and matrix elements of hadrons from lattice QCD simulations. A method commonly employed to check the saturation is to seek for a plateau of the observables for large Euclidean time. Identifying the plateau in the cases having nearby states, however, is non-trivial and one may even be misled by a fake plateau. Such a situation takes place typically for the system with two or more baryons. In this study, we demonstrate explicitly the danger from a possible fake plateau in the temporal correlation functions mainly for two baryons ($\Xi\Xi$ and $NN$), and three and four baryons ($^3{\rm He}$ and $^4{\rm He})$ as well, employing (2+1)-flavor lattice QCD at $m_{\pi}=0.51$ GeV on four lattice volumes with $L=$ 2.9, 3.6, 4.3 and 5.8 fm. Caution is given for drawing conclusion on the bound $NN$, $3N$ and $4N$ systems only based on the temporal correlation functions.Comment: 32 pages, 13 figures, minor corrections, published version, typos correcte
Mirage in Temporal Correlation functions for Baryon-Baryon Interactions in Lattice QCD
mirage in temporal correlation functions for baryon-baryon interactions in lattice qcd
saturation extract observables hadrons simulations. commonly check saturation seek plateau observables euclidean time. identifying plateau nearby trivial misled fake plateau. baryons. explicitly danger fake plateau baryons baryons employing flavor volumes caution drawing pages minor typos correcte
We study the confinement/deconfinement transition in a strongly coupled system triggered by an independent symmetry-breaking quantum phase transition in gauge/gravity duality. The gravity dual is an Einstein-scalar-dilaton system with AdS near-boundary behavior and soft wall interior at zero scalar condensate. We study the cases of neutral and charged condensate separately. In the former case the condensation breaks the discrete $\mathbb{Z}_2$ symmetry while a charged condensate breaks the continuous $U(1)$ symmetry. After the condensation of the order parameter, the non-zero vacuum expectation value of the scalar couples to the dilaton, changing the soft wall geometry into a non-confining and anisotropically scale-invariant infrared metric. In other words, the formation of long-range order is immediately followed by the deconfinement transition and the two critical points coincide. The confined phase has a scale -- the confinement scale (energy gap) which vanishes in the deconfined case. Therefore, the breaking of the symmetry of the scalar ($\mathbb{Z}_2$ or $U(1)$) in turn restores the scaling symmetry in the system and neither phase has a higher overall symmetry than the other. When the scalar is charged the phase transition is continuous which goes against the Ginzburg-Landau theory where such transitions generically only occur discontinuously. This phenomenon has some commonalities with the scenario of deconfined criticality. The mechanism we have found has applications mainly in effective field theories such as quantum magnetic systems. We briefly discuss these applications and the relation to real-world systems.Comment: 48 pages, 12 figures; this version: corrected and more detailed discussion on fractionalization, other minor improvements, added journal referenc
Confinement/deconfinement transition from symmetry breaking in gauge/gravity duality
confinement/deconfinement transition from symmetry breaking in gauge/gravity duality
confinement deconfinement triggered breaking duality. einstein dilaton interior condensate. neutral condensate separately. former condensation breaks mathbb condensate breaks symmetry. condensation expectation couples dilaton changing confining anisotropically infrared metric. immediately deconfinement coincide. confined confinement vanishes deconfined case. breaking mathbb restores neither other. goes ginzburg landau generically discontinuously. phenomenon commonalities deconfined criticality. systems. briefly pages corrected fractionalization minor improvements referenc
In this short note we organize a perturbation theory for the Bunch-Davies wavefunction in flat, accelerating cosmologies. The calculational technique avoids the in-in formalism and instead uses an analytic continuation from Euclidean signature. We will consider both massless and conformally coupled self-interacting scalars. These calculations explicitly illustrate two facts. The first is that IR divergences get sharper as the acceleration slows. The second is that UV-divergent contact terms in the Euclidean computation can contribute to the absolute value of the wavefunction in Lorentzian signature. Here UV divergent refers to terms involving inverse powers of the radial cutoff in the Euclidean computation. In Lorentzian signature such terms encode physical time dependence of the wavefunction.Comment: 15 pages + appendice
Late-time Structure of the Bunch-Davies FRW Wavefunction
late-time structure of the bunch-davies frw wavefunction
organize perturbation bunch davies wavefunction accelerating cosmologies. calculational avoids formalism analytic continuation euclidean signature. massless conformally interacting scalars. explicitly illustrate facts. divergences sharper acceleration slows. divergent euclidean wavefunction lorentzian signature. divergent refers involving powers cutoff euclidean computation. lorentzian signature encode pages appendice
We study asymptotically flat space-times in 3 dimensions for Einstein gravity near future null infinity and show that the boundary is described by Carrollian geometry. This is used to add sources to the BMS gauge corresponding to a non-trivial boundary metric in the sense of Carrollian geometry. We then solve the Einstein equations in a derivative expansion and derive a general set of equations that take the form of Ward identities. Next, it is shown that there is a well-posed variational problem at future null infinity without the need to add any boundary term. By varying the on-shell action with respect to the metric data of the boundary Carrollian geometry we are able to define a boundary energy-momentum tensor at future null infinity. We show that its diffeomorphism Ward identity is compatible with Einstein's equations. There is another Ward identity that states that the energy flux vanishes. It is this fact that is responsible for the enhancement of global symmetries to the full BMS$_3$ algebra when we are dealing with constant boundary sources. Using a notion of generalized conformal boundary Killing vector we can construct all conserved BMS$_3$ currents from the boundary energy-momentum tensor.Comment: v3: clarifications added, matches published versio
Holographic Reconstruction of 3D Flat Space-Time
holographic reconstruction of 3d flat space-time
asymptotically einstein infinity carrollian geometry. trivial carrollian geometry. solve einstein derive ward identities. posed variational infinity term. carrollian infinity. diffeomorphism ward compatible einstein equations. ward vanishes. enhancement symmetries dealing sources. notion conformal killing conserved currents clarifications matches versio
In this work we explore the physics associated to Calabi-Yau (CY) n-folds that can be described as a fibration in more than one way. Beginning with F-theory vacua in various dimensions, we consider limits/dualities with M-theory, type IIA, and heterotic string theories. Our results include many M-/F-theory correspondences in which distinct F-theory vacua - associated to different elliptic fibrations of the same CY n-fold - give rise to the same M-theory limit in one dimension lower. Examples include 5-dimensional correspondences between 6-dimensional theories with Abelian, non-Abelian and superconformal structure, as well as examples of higher rank Mordell-Weil geometries. In addition, in the context of heterotic/F-theory duality, we investigate the role played by multiple K3- and elliptic fibrations in known and novel string dualities in 8-, 6- and 4-dimensional theories. Here we systematically summarize nested fibration structures and comment on the roles they play in T-duality, mirror symmetry, and 4-dimensional compactifications of F-theory with G-flux. This investigation of duality structures is made possible by geometric tools developed in a companion paper [1].Comment: 55 pages, 9 figures, 2 table
Multiple Fibrations in Calabi-Yau Geometry and String Dualities
multiple fibrations in calabi-yau geometry and string dualities
explore calabi folds fibration way. beginning vacua dualities heterotic theories. correspondences vacua elliptic fibrations lower. correspondences abelian abelian superconformal mordell weil geometries. heterotic duality played elliptic fibrations dualities theories. systematically summarize nested fibration comment roles duality mirror compactifications flux. duality geometric companion .comment pages
We consider a neutrino mass generating model which employs a scalar leptoquark, $\Delta$, and a scalar diquark, $S$. The new scalars $\Delta$ and $S$ carry the standard model $SU(3)_c\times SU(2)_L\times U(1)_Y$ quantum numbers $(3,1,-1/3)$ and $(6,1,-2/3)$, respectively. The neutrino masses are generated at the two-loop level, as in the Zee-Babu model\cite{Zee-Babu}, and $\Delta/S$ plays the role of the doubly/singly charged scalar in the Zee-Babu model. With a moderate working assumption that the magnitudes of the six Yukawa couplings between $S$ and the down-type quarks are of the same order, strong connections are found between the neutrino masses and the charged lepton flavor violating processes. In particular, we study $Z\rightarrow \overline{l} l'$, and $l\rightarrow l' \gamma$ and find that some portions of the parameter space of this model are within the reach of the planned charged lepton flavor violating experiments. Interesting lower bounds are predicted that $B(Z\rightarrow \overline{l} l')\gtrsim 10^{-16}-10^{-14}(10^{-14})\times(1\mbox{TeV}\cdot m_S/7 m_\Delta^2)^2$ and $B(l\rightarrow l' \gamma)\gtrsim 10^{-17}-10^{-16}(10^{-18}-10^{-16})\times(1 \mbox{TeV}\cdot m_S/7 m_\Delta^2)^2$ for neutrino masses being the normal(inverted) hierarchical pattern. The type of neutrino mass hierarchy could also be determined by measuring the charged lepton flavor violating double ratios. Moreover, definite leptoquark decay branching ratios are predicted when there is no Yukawa interaction between the right-handed fermions and $\Delta$ ( the branching fraction of $\Delta$ to a charged lepton and a quark is 50\%), which could help refine the collider search limit on the scalar leptoquark mass.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figures, publication versio
Charged Lepton Flavor Violating Processes and Scalar Leptoquark Decay Branching Ratios in the Colored Zee-Babu Model
charged lepton flavor violating processes and scalar leptoquark decay branching ratios in the colored zee-babu model
generating employs leptoquark delta diquark scalars delta carry respectively. babu cite babu delta plays doubly singly babu model. moderate magnitudes yukawa couplings quarks connections lepton flavor violating processes. rightarrow overline rightarrow gamma portions planned lepton flavor violating experiments. bounds rightarrow overline gtrsim mbox cdot delta rightarrow gamma gtrsim mbox cdot delta inverted hierarchical pattern. hierarchy measuring lepton flavor violating ratios. definite leptoquark branching yukawa handed fermions delta branching delta lepton refine collider leptoquark pages publication versio
We show the entanglement entropy in certain quantum field theories to contain state-dependent divergences. Both perturbative and holographic examples are exhibited. However, quantities such as the relative entropy and the generalized entropy of black holes remain finite, due to cancellation of divergences. We classify all possible state-dependent divergences that can appear in both perturbatively renormalizeable and holographic covariant $d\le 6$ quantum field theories.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figur
State-Dependent Divergences in the Entanglement Entropy
state-dependent divergences in the entanglement entropy
entanglement divergences. perturbative holographic exhibited. quantities holes cancellation divergences. classify divergences perturbatively renormalizeable holographic covariant pages figur
In this paper, we study the holographic descriptions of the conformal block of heavy operators in two-dimensional large c conformal field theory. We consider the case that the operators are pairwise inserted such that the distance between the operators in a pair is much smaller than the others. In this case, each pair of heavy operators creates a conical defect in the bulk. We propose that the conformal block is dual to the on-shell action of three dimensional geometry with conical defects in the semi-classical limit. We show that the variation of the on-shell action with respect to the conical angle is equal to the length of the corresponding conical defect. We derive this differential relation on the conformal block in the field theory by introducing two extra light operators as both the probe and the perturbation. Our study also suggests that the area law of the holographic Renyi entropy must holds for a large class of states generated by a finite number of heavy operators insertion.Comment: 29 pages, 2 figures; more discussio
Holographic Description of 2D Conformal Block in Semi-classical Limit
holographic description of 2d conformal block in semi-classical limit
holographic descriptions conformal conformal theory. pairwise inserted others. creates conical defect bulk. propose conformal conical defects limit. conical conical defect. derive conformal introducing extra perturbation. holographic renyi pages discussio
It was noticed many years ago, in the framework of massless RG flows, that the irrelevant composite operator $T \bar{T}$, built with the components of the energy-momentum tensor, enjoys very special properties in 2D quantum field theories, and can be regarded as a peculiar kind of integrable perturbation. Novel interesting features of this operator have recently emerged from the study of effective string theory models.In this paper we study further properties of this distinguished perturbation. We discuss how it affects the energy levels and one-point functions of a general 2D QFT in finite volume through a surprising relation with a simple hydrodynamic equation. In the case of the perturbation of CFTs, adapting a result by L\"uscher and Weisz we give a compact expression for the partition function on a finite-length cylinder and make a connection with the exact $g$-function method. We argue that, at the classical level, the deformation naturally maps the action of $N$ massless free bosons into the Nambu-Goto action in static gauge, in $N+2$ target space dimensions, and we briefly discuss a possible interpretation of this result in the context of effective string models.Comment: 27 pages, 2 figures. v2: New references and comments included, minor typos correcte
$T \bar{T}$-deformed 2D Quantum Field Theories
$t \bar{t}$-deformed 2d quantum field theories
noticed massless flows irrelevant composite built enjoys regarded peculiar kind integrable perturbation. emerged distinguished perturbation. affects surprising hydrodynamic equation. perturbation cfts adapting uscher weisz partition cylinder connection method. argue deformation naturally massless bosons nambu goto briefly pages figures. comments minor typos correcte
In a general two Higgs doublet model (2HDM), the anomaly of muon anomalous magnetic moment (muon g-2) can be explained by $\mu-\tau$ flavor violating Yukawa couplings, motivated by the recent CMS excess in Higgs boson decay $h\rightarrow \mu \tau$. We study Michel parameters for $\tau$ decays $\tau \rightarrow l \nu \bar{\nu}~(l=e,~\mu)$ in the 2HDM with the lepton flavor violation, and show that they can be sensitive to the flavor structure as well as the Lorentz and chiral structures of the model. We find that the correction to the Michel parameter $\xi_\mu$ in $\tau \rightarrow \mu \nu\bar{\nu}$ is correlated to the contribution to the muon g-2, and it can be as large as $10^{-4}-10^{-2}$ in the parameter region where the $\mu-\tau$ flavor violating Yukawa couplings explain the muon g-2 anomaly. Therefore the precision measurement of the Michel parameter at the level of $10^{-4}-10^{-2}$ would significantly probe the interesting parameter space for the solution to the muon g-2 anomaly.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure
Michel parameters for $\tau$ decays $\tau \rightarrow l\nu\bar{\nu}~(l=e,~\mu)$ in a general two Higgs doublet model with $\mu-\tau$ flavor violation
michel parameters for $\tau$ decays $\tau \rightarrow l\nu\bar{\nu}~(l=e,~\mu)$ in a general two higgs doublet model with $\mu-\tau$ flavor violation
doublet anomaly muon anomalous moment muon flavor violating yukawa couplings motivated excess boson rightarrow michel decays rightarrow lepton flavor violation flavor lorentz chiral model. michel rightarrow muon flavor violating yukawa couplings muon anomaly. precision michel muon pages
We evaluate a four-loop conformal integral, i.e. an integral over four four-dimensional coordinates, by turning to its dimensionally regularized version and applying differential equations for the set of the corresponding 213 master integrals. To solve these linear differential equations we follow the strategy suggested by Henn and switch to a uniformly transcendental basis of master integrals. We find a solution to these equations up to weight eight in terms of multiple polylogarithms. Further, we present an analytical result for the given four-loop conformal integral considered in four-dimensional space-time in terms of single-valued harmonic polylogarithms. As a by-product, we obtain analytical results for all the other 212 master integrals within dimensional regularization, i.e. considered in D dimensions.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure
Evaluating four-loop conformal Feynman integrals by D-dimensional differential equations
evaluating four-loop conformal feynman integrals by d-dimensional differential equations
conformal i.e. turning dimensionally regularized master integrals. solve henn switch uniformly transcendental master integrals. eight polylogarithms. conformal valued harmonic polylogarithms. master integrals regularization i.e. pages
Recently, we proposed a new approach using a punctured Elliptic curve in the CHY framework in order to compute one-loop scattering amplitudes. In this note, we further develop this approach by introducing a set of connectors, which become the main ingredient to build integrands on $\mathfrak{M}_{1,n}$, the moduli space of n-punctured Elliptic curves. As a particular application, we study the $\Phi^3$ bi-adjoint scalar theory. We propose a set of rules to construct integrands on $\mathfrak{M}_{1,n}$ from $\Phi^ 3$ integrands on $\mathfrak{M}_{0,n}$, the moduli space of n-punctured spheres. We illustrate these rules by computing a variety of $\Phi^3$ one-loop Feynman diagrams. Conversely, we also provide another set of rules to compute the corresponding CHY-integrand on $\mathfrak{M}_{1,n}$ by starting instead from a given $\Phi^ 3$ one-loop Feynman diagram. In addition, our results can easily be extended to higher loops.Comment: 34 pages, 32 figure
CHY-Graphs on a Torus
chy-graphs on a torus
punctured elliptic amplitudes. introducing connectors ingredient build integrands mathfrak moduli punctured elliptic curves. adjoint theory. propose integrands mathfrak integrands mathfrak moduli punctured spheres. illustrate feynman diagrams. conversely integrand mathfrak feynman diagram. pages
We consider a simple extension of the Standard Model with a scalar top-philic Dark Matter (DM) $S$ coupling, apart from the Higgs portal, exclusively to the right-handed top quark $t_R$ and a colored vector-like top partner $T$ with a Yukawa coupling $y_{ST}$ which we call the topVL portal. When the Higgs portal is closed and $y_{ST}$ is perturbative $ (\lesssim 1)$, $TS\to (W^+b, gt)$, $SS\to t\bar{t}$ and $T\bar{T}\to (q\bar{q},gg)$ provide the dominant (co)annihilation contributions to obtain $\Omega_{\rm DM} h^2\simeq 0.12$ in light, medium and heavy DM mass range, respectively. However, large $y_{ST}\sim\mathcal{O}(10)$ can make $SS\to gg$ dominate via the loop-induced coupling $C_{SSgg}$ in the $m_S<m_t$ region. In this model it is the $C_{SSgg}$ coupling that generates DM-nucleon scattering in the direct detection, which can be large and simply determined by $\Omega_{\rm DM} h^2\simeq 0.12$ when $SS\to gg$ dominates the DM annihilation. The current LUX results can exclude the $SS\to gg$ dominating scenario and XENON-1T experiment may further test $y_{ST}\gtrsim 1$, and $0.5\lesssim y_{ST}\lesssim 1$ may be covered in the future LUX-ZP experiment. The current indirect detection results from Fermi gamma-ray observations can also exclude the $SS\to gg$ dominating scenario and are sensitive to the heavy DM mass region, of which the improved sensitivity by one order will push DM mass to be above 400, 600, 1000 GeV for $y_{ST}=0.3, 0.5, 1.0$, respectively. $T\bar{T}$ pair produced at the hadron collider will decay $100\%$ into $t\bar{t}+E^{miss}_T$ signal when kinematically open. The latest ATLAS 13 TeV 13.2 $\mathrm{fb^{-1}}$ data can excluded $m_T$ between 300 (650) and 1150 (1100) GeV for $m_S$ =40 (400) GeV and the exclusion region can reach up to $m_S\sim 500$ GeV.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figures, meet the JHEP accepted versio
Top-philic Scalar Dark Matter with a Vector-like Fermionic Top Partner
top-philic scalar dark matter with a vector-like fermionic top partner
philic apart portal exclusively handed colored partner yukawa call topvl portal. portal perturbative lesssim annihilation omega simeq respectively. mathcal dominate ssgg region. ssgg generates nucleon omega simeq dominates annihilation. exclude dominating xenon gtrsim lesssim lesssim covered experiment. indirect fermi gamma exclude dominating push respectively. hadron collider miss kinematically open. latest atlas mathrm excluded exclusion pages meet jhep versio
We construct a new set of boundary conditions for higher spin gravity, inspired by a recent "soft Heisenberg hair"-proposal for General Relativity on three-dimensional Anti-de Sitter. The asymptotic symmetry algebra consists of a set of affine $\hat u(1)$ current algebras. Its associated canonical charges generate higher spin soft hair. We focus first on the spin-3 case and then extend some of our main results to spin-$N$, many of which resemble the spin-2 results: the generators of the asymptotic $W_3$ algebra naturally emerge from composite operators of the $\hat u(1)$ charges through a twisted Sugawara construction; our boundary conditions ensure regularity of the Euclidean solutions space independently of the values of the charges; solutions, which we call "higher spin black flowers", are stationary but not necessarily spherically symmetric. Finally, we derive the entropy of higher spin black flowers, and find that for the branch that is continuously connected to the BTZ black hole, it depends only on the affine purely gravitational zero modes. Using our map to $W$-algebra currents we recover well-known expressions for higher spin entropy. We also address higher spin black flowers in the metric formalism and achieve full consistency with previous results.Comment: 24 pages, no figure
Higher Spin Black Holes with Soft Hair
higher spin black holes with soft hair
inspired heisenberg hair proposal relativity sitter. asymptotic affine algebras. canonical charges hair. extend resemble generators asymptotic naturally emerge composite charges twisted sugawara ensure regularity euclidean independently charges call flowers stationary necessarily spherically symmetric. derive flowers branch continuously affine purely gravitational modes. currents recover expressions entropy. flowers formalism consistency pages