3 values
We construct a new class of 4-dimensional z=2 Lifshitz black branes that have a nonzero linear momentum. These are solutions of an Einstein-Proca-dilaton model that can be obtained by Scherk-Schwarz circle reduction of AdS_5 gravity coupled to a free real scalar field. The boundary of a bulk Lifshitz space-time is a Newton-Cartan geometry. We show that the fluid dual to the moving Lifshitz black brane leads to a novel form of Lifshitz hydrodynamics on a Newton-Cartan space-time. Since the linear momentum of the black brane cannot be obtained by a boost transformation the velocity of the fluid or rather, by boundary rotational invariance, its magnitude plays the role of a chemical potential. The conjugate dual variable is mass density. The Lifshitz perfect fluid can be thought of as arising from a Schroedinger perfect fluid with broken particle number symmetry.Comment: 26 pages + 20 pages appendi
Lifshitz Hydrodynamics from Lifshitz Black Branes with Linear Momentum
lifshitz hydrodynamics from lifshitz black branes with linear momentum
lifshitz branes nonzero momentum. einstein proca dilaton scherk schwarz circle field. lifshitz newton cartan geometry. moving lifshitz brane lifshitz hydrodynamics newton cartan time. brane boost rotational invariance plays potential. conjugate density. lifshitz perfect thought arising schroedinger perfect broken pages pages appendi
We consider supersymmetric near-horizon geometries in heterotic supergravity up to two loop order in sigma model perturbation theory. We identify the conditions for the horizons to admit enhancement of supersymmetry. We show that solutions which undergo supersymmetry enhancement exhibit an sl(2,R) symmetry, and we describe the geometry of their horizon sections. We also prove a modified Lichnerowicz type theorem, incorporating $\alpha'$ corrections, which relates Killing spinors to zero modes of near-horizon Dirac operators. Furthermore, we demonstrate that there are no AdS2 solutions in heterotic supergravity up to second order in $\alpha'$ for which the fields are smooth and the internal space is smooth and compact without boundary. We investigate a class of nearly supersymmetric horizons, for which the gravitino Killing spinor equation is satisfied on the spatial cross sections but not the dilatino one, and present a description of their geometry.Comment: 55 pages, late
Anomaly Corrected Heterotic Horizons
anomaly corrected heterotic horizons
supersymmetric horizon geometries heterotic supergravity sigma perturbation theory. horizons admit enhancement supersymmetry. undergo supersymmetry enhancement exhibit horizon sections. lichnerowicz incorporating alpha relates killing spinors horizon dirac operators. heterotic supergravity alpha boundary. nearly supersymmetric horizons gravitino killing spinor satisfied dilatino pages
We present the results of the computation of the next-to-leading order QCD corrections to the production cross section of a Higgs boson in association with a top-antitop pair at the LHC, including the three relevant dimension-six operators ($O_{t \varphi }, O_{\varphi G}, O_{tG}$) of the standard model effective field theory. These operators also contribute to the production of Higgs bosons in loop-induced processes at the LHC, such as inclusive Higgs, $Hj$ and $HH$ production, and modify the Higgs decay branching ratios for which we also provide predictions. We perform a detailed study of the cross sections and their uncertainties at the total as well as differential level and of the structure of the effective field theory at NLO including renormalisation group effects. Finally, we show how the combination of information coming from measurements of these production processes will allow to constrain the three operators at the current and future LHC runs. Our results lead to a significant improvement of the accuracy and precision of the deviations expected from higher-dimensional operators in the SM in both the top-quark and the Higgs-boson sectors and provide a necessary ingredient for performing a global EFT fit to the LHC data at NLO accuracy.Comment: typos in figures 7 & 12 correcte
Higgs production in association with a top-antitop pair in the Standard Model Effective Field Theory at NLO in QCD
higgs production in association with a top-antitop pair in the standard model effective field theory at nlo in qcd
boson antitop varphi varphi theory. bosons inclusive modify branching predictions. renormalisation effects. coming constrain runs. precision deviations boson sectors ingredient performing typos correcte
The splitting processes of bremsstrahlung and pair production in a medium are coherent over large distances in the very high energy limit, which leads to a suppression known as the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal (LPM) effect. In this paper, we continue study of the case when the coherence lengths of two consecutive splitting processes overlap (which is important for understanding corrections to standard treatments of the LPM effect in QCD), avoiding soft-gluon approximations. In particular, this paper completes the calculation of the rate for real double gluon bremsstrahlung from an initial gluon with various simplifying assumptions (thick media; $\hat q$ approximation; and large $N_c$) by now including processes involving 4-gluon vertices.Comment: 35 pages, 17 figures [changes from v1: minor typo fixes and minor referencing updates
The LPM effect in sequential bremsstrahlung: 4-gluon vertices
the lpm effect in sequential bremsstrahlung: 4-gluon vertices
splitting bremsstrahlung coherent distances suppression landau pomeranchuk migdal effect. continue coherence lengths consecutive splitting overlap treatments avoiding gluon approximations. completes gluon bremsstrahlung gluon simplifying assumptions thick involving gluon pages minor typo fixes minor referencing updates
We introduce a new kind of jet function: the semi-inclusive jet function $J_i(z, \omega_J, \mu)$, which describes how a parton $i$ is transformed into a jet with a jet radius $R$ and energy fraction $z = \omega_J/\omega$, with $\omega_J$ and $\omega$ being the large light-cone momentum component of the jet and the corresponding parton $i$ that initiates the jet, respectively. Within the framework of Soft Collinear Effective Theory (SCET) we calculate both $J_q(z, \omega_J, \mu)$ and $J_g(z, \omega_J, \mu)$ to the next-to-leading order (NLO) for cone and anti-k$_{\rm T}$ algorithms. We demonstrate that the renormalization group (RG) equations for $J_i(z, \omega_J, \mu)$ follow exactly the usual DGLAP evolution, which can be used to perform the $\ln R$ resummation for {\it inclusive} jet cross sections with a small jet radius $R$. We clarify the difference between our RG equations for $J_i(z, \omega_J, \mu)$ and those for the so-called unmeasured jet functions $J_i(\omega_J, \mu)$, widely used in SCET for {\it exclusive} jet production. Finally, we present applications of the new semi-inclusive jet functions to inclusive jet production in $e^+e^-$ and $pp$ collisions. We demonstrate that single inclusive jet production in these collisions shares the same short-distance hard functions as single inclusive hadron production, with only the fragmentation functions $D_i^h(z, \mu)$ replaced by $J_i(z, \omega_J, \mu)$. This can facilitate more efficient higher-order analytical computations of jet cross sections. We further match our $\ln R$ resummation at both LL$_{R}$ and NLL$_{R}$ to fixed NLO results and present the phenomenological implications for single inclusive jet production at the LHC.Comment: 35 pages, 11 figures, published version at JHE
The semi-inclusive jet function in SCET and small radius resummation for inclusive jet production
the semi-inclusive jet function in scet and small radius resummation for inclusive jet production
kind inclusive omega describes parton transformed omega omega omega omega cone parton initiates respectively. collinear scet omega omega cone algorithms. renormalization omega usual dglap resummation inclusive clarify omega unmeasured omega widely scet exclusive production. inclusive inclusive collisions. inclusive collisions shares inclusive hadron fragmentation replaced omega facilitate computations sections. match resummation phenomenological inclusive pages
We propose new five-dimensional gauge theory descriptions of six-dimensional $\mathcal{N}=(1,0)$ superconformal field theories arising from type IIA brane configurations including an $ON^0$-plane. The new five-dimensional gauge theories may have $SO$, $Sp$, and $SU$ gauge groups and further broaden the landscape of ultraviolet complete five-dimensional $\mathcal{N}=1$ supersymmetric gauge theories. When we include an $O8^-$-plane in addition to an $ON^0$-plane, T-duality yields two $O7^-$-planes at the intersections of an $ON^0$-plane and two $O5^0$-planes. We propose a novel resolution of the $O7^-$-plane with four D7-branes in such a configuration, which enables us to obtain three different types of five-dimensional gauge theories, depending on whether we resolve either none or one or two $O7^-$-planes. Such different possibilities yield a new five-dimensional duality between a D-type $SU$ quiver and an $SO-Sp$ quiver theories. We also claim that a twisted circle compactification of a six-dimensional superconformal field theory may lead to a five-dimensional gauge theory different from those obtained by a simple circle compactification.Comment: 41 pages, published versio
More on 5d descriptions of 6d SCFTs
more on 5d descriptions of 6d scfts
propose descriptions mathcal superconformal arising brane configurations plane. broaden landscape ultraviolet mathcal supersymmetric theories. duality planes intersections planes. propose branes enables resolve none planes. possibilities duality quiver quiver theories. claim twisted circle compactification superconformal circle pages versio
We propose a simple method for the computation of the flat coordinates and Saito primitive forms on Frobenius manifolds of the deformations of Jacobi rings associated with isolated singularities. The method is based on using a conjecture about integral representations for the flat coordinates and on the Saito cohomology theory. This reduces the computation to a simple linear problem. We consider the case of the deformed Gepner chiral rings. The knowledge of the flat structures of Frobenius manifolds can be used for exact solution of the models of the topological conformal field theories corresponding to these chiral rings.Comment: 17 page
Flat structures on the deformations of Gepner chiral rings
flat structures on the deformations of gepner chiral rings
propose saito primitive frobenius manifolds deformations jacobi rings singularities. conjecture representations saito cohomology theory. reduces problem. deformed gepner chiral rings. frobenius manifolds topological conformal chiral
We introduce a new set of symmetries obeyed by tree-level gauge-theory amplitudes involving at least one gluon. The symmetry acts as a momentum-dependent shift on the color factors of the amplitude. Using the radiation vertex expansion, we prove the invariance under this color-factor shift of the $n$-gluon amplitude, as well as amplitudes involving massless or massive particles in an arbitrary representation of the gauge group with spin zero, one-half, or one. The Bern-Carrasco-Johansson relations are a direct consequence of this symmetry. We also introduce the cubic vertex expansion of an amplitude, and use it to derive a generalized-gauge-invariant constraint on the kinematic numerators of the amplitude. We show that the amplitudes of the bi-adjoint scalar theory are invariant under the color-factor symmetry, and use this to derive the null eigenvectors of the propagator matrix. We generalize the color-factor shift to loop level, and prove the invariance under this shift of one-loop $n$-gluon amplitudes in any theory that admits a color-kinematic-dual representation of numerators. We show that the one-loop color-factor symmetry implies known relations among the integrands of one-loop color-ordered amplitudes.Comment: 52 pages, 7 figures; v2: various clarifications, added figures and references, published versio
BCJ relations from a new symmetry of gauge-theory amplitudes
bcj relations from a new symmetry of gauge-theory amplitudes
symmetries obeyed amplitudes involving gluon. acts amplitude. invariance gluon amplitudes involving massless massive one. bern carrasco johansson symmetry. cubic derive kinematic numerators amplitude. amplitudes adjoint derive eigenvectors propagator matrix. generalize invariance gluon amplitudes admits kinematic numerators. integrands ordered pages clarifications versio
We find new exact relations between the partition function and vacuum expectation values (VEVs) of 1/2 BPS Wilson loops in ABJ theory, which allow us to predict the large N expansions of the 1/2 BPS Wilson loops from known results of the partition function. These relations are interpreted as an open-closed duality where the closed string background is shifted by the insertion of Wilson loops due to a back-reaction. Using the connection between ABJ theory and the topological string on local P1 x P1, we explicitly write down non-trivial relations between open and closed string amplitudes.Comment: 34 page
Exact results for ABJ Wilson loops and open-closed duality
exact results for abj wilson loops and open-closed duality
partition expectation vevs wilson loops predict expansions wilson loops partition function. interpreted duality shifted insertion wilson loops reaction. connection topological explicitly trivial
We study deviations between MSSM and $Z_3$-invariant NMSSM, with respect to their predictions in $\Delta F=2 $ processes. We find that potentially significant effects arise either from the well known double-penguin diagrams, due to the extra scalar NMSSM states, or from neutralino-gluino box contributions, due to the extended neutralino sector. Both are discussed to be effective in the large $\tan\beta$ regime. Enhanced genuine-NMSSM contributions in double penguins are expected for a light singlet spectrum (CP-even,CP-odd), while the magnitude of box effects is primarily controlled through singlino mixing. The latter is found to be typically subleading (but non-negligible) for $\lambda \lesssim 0.5$, however it can become dominant for $\lambda\sim \mathcal{O}(1)$. We also study the low $\tan\beta$ regime, where a distinction between MSSM and NMSSM can come instead due to experimental constraints, acting differently on the allowed parameter space of each model. To this end, we incorporate the LHC Run-I limits from $H\rightarrow Z Z$, $A \rightarrow hZ$ and $H^\pm \rightarrow \tau \nu $ non-observation along with Higgs observables and set (different) upper bounds for new physics contributions in $\Delta F=2 $ processes. We find that a $\sim 25\%$ contribution in $\Delta M_{s(d)}$ is still possible for MFV models, however such a large effect is nowadays severely constrained for the case of MSSM, due to stronger bounds on the charged Higgs masses.Comment: 30 pp. text, 13 pp. appendix. Phrase "Recent limits" replaced by the more appropriate "LHC Run-I limits" due to new data becoming available from ATLAS, CMS. Note added with a brief discussion on these preliminary results. Refs adde
Distinguishing between MSSM and NMSSM through $\Delta F=2$ processes
distinguishing between mssm and nmssm through $\delta f=2$ processes
deviations mssm nmssm delta processes. potentially arise penguin diagrams extra nmssm neutralino gluino neutralino sector. beta regime. genuine nmssm penguins singlet primarily singlino mixing. subleading negligible lambda lesssim lambda mathcal beta distinction mssm nmssm come acting differently model. incorporate rightarrow rightarrow rightarrow observables bounds delta processes. delta nowadays severely constrained mssm stronger bounds appendix. phrase replaced becoming atlas cms. brief preliminary results. refs adde
Given the fact that the relatively light Higgsino mass $\mu$ favored in natural supersymmetry usually results in a sizable scattering cross section between the neutralino dark matter and the nucleon, we study the impact of the recently updated direct detection bounds from LUX experiment, including both Spin Independent (SI) and Spin Dependent (SD) measurements, on the parameter space of natural Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (nNMSSM). Different from the common impression that the SI bound is stronger than the SD one, we find that the SD bound is complementary to the SI bound and in some cases much more powerful than the latter in limiting the nNMSSM scenarios. After considering the LUX results, nNMSSM is severely limited, e.g. for the peculiar scenarios of the NMSSM where the next-to-lightest CP-even Higgs corresponds to the $125 {\rm GeV}$ Higgs boson discovered at the LHC, the samples obtained in our random scan are excluded by more than $85\%$. By contrast, the monojet search at the LHC Run-I can not exclude any sample of nNMSSM. We also investigate the current status of nNMSSM and conclude that, although the parameter points with low fine tuning are still attainable, they are distributed in some isolated parameter islands which are difficult to get. Future dark matter direct search experiments such as XENON-1T will provide a better test of nNMSSM.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures, meet JHEP published versio
Strong constraints of LUX-2016 results on the natural NMSSM
strong constraints of lux-2016 results on the natural nmssm
higgsino favored supersymmetry sizable neutralino nucleon updated bounds supersymmetric nnmssm impression stronger complementary powerful limiting nnmssm scenarios. nnmssm severely e.g. peculiar scenarios nmssm lightest boson discovered scan excluded monojet exclude nnmssm. nnmssm fine tuning attainable islands get. xenon pages meet jhep versio
Scattering amplitudes of any four-dimensional theory with nonabelian gauge group $\mathcal G$ may be recast as two-dimensional correlation functions on the asymptotic two-sphere at null infinity. The soft gluon theorem is shown, for massless theories at the semiclassical level, to be the Ward identity of a holomorphic two-dimensional $\mathcal G$-Kac-Moody symmetry acting on these correlation functions. Holomorphic Kac-Moody current insertions are positive helicity soft gluon insertions. The Kac-Moody transformations are a $CPT$ invariant subgroup of gauge transformations which act nontrivially at null infinity and comprise the four-dimensional asymptotic symmetry group.Comment: 18 pages; v2: Corrected typos; v3: Added references and a footnot
2D Kac-Moody Symmetry of 4D Yang-Mills Theory
2d kac-moody symmetry of 4d yang-mills theory
amplitudes nonabelian mathcal recast asymptotic sphere infinity. gluon massless semiclassical ward holomorphic mathcal moody acting functions. holomorphic moody insertions helicity gluon insertions. moody transformations subgroup transformations nontrivially infinity comprise asymptotic pages corrected typos footnot
We study the effects of non-standard interactions (NSI) and the genuine CP phase $\delta_D$ in neutrino oscillations at low, $E_\nu \lesssim 1\,\mbox{GeV}$, and very low, $E_\nu \lesssim 0.1\,\mbox{GeV}$, energies. For experimental setup with baseline and neutrino energy tuned to the first 1-3 oscillation maximum, we develop a simple analytic formalism to show the effects of NSI. The vacuum mimicking and its violation as well as the use of the separation basis play a central role in our formalism. The NSI corrections that affect the CP phase measurement mainly come from the violation of vacuum mimicking as well as from the corrections to the 1-3 mixing angle and mass-squared difference. We find that the total NSI correction to the $\nu_\mu - \nu_e$ probability $P_{\mu e}$ can reach $20\% - 30\%$ ($1 \sigma$) at T2(H)K. Correspondingly, the correction to the CP phase can be as large as $50^\circ$ and hence significantly deteriorates the CP sensitivity at T2(H)K. The proposed TNT2K experiment, a combination of T2(H)K and the short baseline experiment $\mu$Kam that uses the Super-K/Hyper-K detector at Kamioka to measure the oscillation of the antineutrinos from muon decay at rest ($\mu$DAR), can substantially reduce the degeneracy between NSI and the genuine CP phase $\delta_D$ to provide high CP sensitivity. The NSI correction to $P_{\mu e}$ is only $2\%$ ($1 \sigma$) for $\mu$DAR neutrinos.Comment: The signs of the CP phases in analytic expressions are changed while the conclusions are unchange
Non-standard interactions and the CP phase measurements in neutrino oscillations at low energies
non-standard interactions and the cp phase measurements in neutrino oscillations at low energies
genuine delta oscillations lesssim mbox lesssim mbox energies. setup tuned oscillation analytic formalism nsi. mimicking violation formalism. come violation mimicking squared difference. sigma correspondingly circ deteriorates super hyper kamioka oscillation antineutrinos muon substantially degeneracy genuine delta sensitivity. sigma signs analytic expressions changed unchange
We review the state-of-the-art of Glauber-inspired models for estimating the distribution of the number of participating nucleons in pA and AA collisions. We argue that there is room for improvement in these models when it comes to the treatment of diffractive excitation processes, and present a new simple Glauber-like model where these processes are better taken into account. We also suggest a new way of using the number of participating, or wounded, nucleons to extrapolate event characteristics from pp collisions, and hence get an estimate of basic hadronic final-state properties in pA collisions, which may be used to extract possible nuclear effects. The new method is inspired by the Fritiof model, but based on the full, semi-hard multiparton interaction model of Pythia 8.Comment: 50 pages, 13 figure
Diffractive and non-diffractive wounded nucleons and final states in pA collisions
diffractive and non-diffractive wounded nucleons and final states in pa collisions
glauber inspired estimating participating nucleons collisions. argue room comes diffractive glauber account. participating wounded nucleons extrapolate collisions hadronic collisions extract effects. inspired fritiof multiparton pythia pages
We study boundary renormalization group flows between boundary conformal field theories in $1+1$ dimensions using methods of quantum information theory. We define an entropic $g$-function for theories with impurities in terms of the relative entanglement entropy, and we prove that this $g$-function decreases along boundary renormalization group flows. This entropic $g$-theorem is valid at zero temperature, and is independent from the $g$-theorem based on the thermal partition function. We also discuss the mutual information in boundary RG flows, and how it encodes the correlations between the impurity and bulk degrees of freedom. Our results provide a quantum-information understanding of (boundary) RG flow as increase of distinguishability between the UV fixed point and the theory along the RG flow.Comment: 34 pages + appendices, 8 figures. v2. Improved and corrected version of the proo
The g-theorem and quantum information theory
the g-theorem and quantum information theory
renormalization flows conformal theory. entropic impurities entanglement renormalization flows. entropic valid partition function. mutual flows encodes impurity freedom. distinguishability pages appendices figures. corrected proo
Causality in a shockwave state is related to the analytic properties of a four-point correlation function. Extending recent results for scalar probes, we show that this constrains the couplings of the stress tensor to light spinning operators in conformal field theory, and interpret these constraints in terms of the interaction with null energy. For spin-1 and spin-2 conserved currents in four dimensions, the resulting inequalities are a subset of the Hofman-Maldacena conditions for positive energy deposition. It is well known that energy conditions in holographic theories are related to causality on the gravity side; our results make a connection on the CFT side, and extend it to non-holographic theories.Comment: 24+10 page
A New Spin on Causality Constraints
a new spin on causality constraints
causality shockwave analytic function. extending probes constrains couplings spinning conformal interpret energy. conserved currents inequalities hofman maldacena deposition. holographic causality connection extend holographic
We study $\mathcal{N}=2$ supergravity with higher-derivative corrections that preserve the $\mathcal{N}=2$ supersymmetry and show that Kerr-Newman black holes are solutions to these theories. Modifications of the black hole entropy due to the higher derivatives are universal and apply even in the BPS and Schwarzschild limits. Our solutions and their entropy are greatly simplified by supersymmetry of the theory even though the black holes generally do not preserve any of the supersymmetry.Comment: 27 pages, 4 table
Kerr-Newman Black Holes with String Corrections
kerr-newman black holes with string corrections
mathcal supergravity preserve mathcal supersymmetry kerr newman holes theories. modifications derivatives universal schwarzschild limits. greatly simplified supersymmetry holes preserve pages
Recently, it has been proposed that the butterfly velocity - a speed at which quantum information propagates - may provide a fundamental bound on diffusion constants in dirty incoherent metals. We analytically compute the charge diffusion constant and the butterfly velocity in charge-neutral holographic matter with long wavelength "hydrodynamic" disorder in a single spatial direction. In this limit, we find that the butterfly velocity does not set a sharp lower bound for the charge diffusion constant.Comment: 16+7 pages; 1 figure. v2: published versio
Charge diffusion and the butterfly effect in striped holographic matter
charge diffusion and the butterfly effect in striped holographic matter
butterfly propagates dirty incoherent metals. analytically butterfly neutral holographic hydrodynamic disorder direction. butterfly sharp pages figure. versio
We study asymptotic charges for symmetric massless higher-spin fields on Anti de Sitter backgrounds of arbitrary dimension within the canonical formalism. We first analyse in detail the spin-3 example: we cast Fronsdal's action in Hamiltonian form, we derive the charges and we propose boundary conditions on the canonical variables that secure their finiteness. We then extend the computation of charges and the characterisation of boundary conditions to arbitrary spin.Comment: 44 pages. References and comments added; version to appear in JHE
Higher-spin charges in Hamiltonian form. I. Bose fields
higher-spin charges in hamiltonian form. i. bose fields
asymptotic charges massless sitter backgrounds canonical formalism. analyse cast fronsdal derive charges propose canonical secure finiteness. extend charges characterisation pages. comments
We present a detailed discussion on neutrinoless double beta decay within a class of left-right symmetric models where neutrino mass originates by natural type-II seesaw dominance. The spontaneous symmetry breaking is implemented with doublets, triplets and bidoublet scalars. The fermion sector is extended with an extra sterile neutrino per generation that helps in implementing the seesaw mechanism. The presence of extra particles in the model exactly cancels type-I seesaw and allows large value for Dirac neutrino mass matrix $M_D$. The key feature of this work is that all the physical masses and mixing are expressed in terms of neutrino oscillation parameters and lightest neutrino mass thereby facilitating to constrain light neutrino masses from $0\nu\beta\beta$ decay. With this large value of $M_D$ new contributions arise due to; i) purely left-handed current via exchange of heavy right-handed neutrinos as well as sterile neutrinos, ii) the so called $\lambda$ and $\eta$ diagrams. New physics contributions also arise from right-handed currents with right-handed gauge boson $W_R$ mass around $3$~TeV. From the numerical study, we find that the new contributions to $0\nu\beta\beta$ decay not only saturate the current experimental bound but also give lower limit on absolute scale of lightest neutrino mass and favor NH pattern of light neutrino mass hierarchy.Comment: 40 pages, Discussion added on NMEs uncertainty, Version accepted in JHE
Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay in LRSM with Natural Type-II seesaw Dominance
neutrinoless double beta decay in lrsm with natural type-ii seesaw dominance
neutrinoless beta originates seesaw dominance. spontaneous breaking implemented doublets triplets bidoublet scalars. fermion extra sterile helps implementing seesaw mechanism. extra cancels seesaw dirac oscillation lightest thereby facilitating constrain beta beta decay. arise purely handed handed neutrinos sterile neutrinos lambda diagrams. arise handed currents handed boson tev. beta beta saturate lightest favor pages nmes
The scattering equations, originally introduced by Fairlie and Roberts in 1972 and more recently shown by Cachazo, He and Yuan to provide a kinematic basis for describing tree amplitudes for massless particles in arbitrary space-time dimension, have been reformulated in polynomial form. The scattering equations for N particles are equivalent to N-3 polynomial equations h_m=0, m=1,...,N-3, in N-3 variables, where h_m has degree m and is linear in the individual variables. Facilitated by this linearity, elimination theory is used to construct a single variable polynomial equation of degree (N-3)! determining the solutions. \Delta_N is the sparse resultant of the system of polynomial scattering equations and it can be identified as the hyperdeterminant of a multidimensional matrix of border format within the terminology of Gel'fand, Kapranov and Zelevinsky. Macaulay's Unmixedness Theorem is used to show that the polynomials of the scattering equations constitute a regular sequence, enabling the Hilbert series of the variety determined by the scattering equations to be calculated, independently showing that they have (N-3)! solutions.Comment: v2 completes the proof that the construction yields \Delta_N for all N, identifies it as the hyperdeterminant of a multidimensional matrix, and proves that the polynomial scattering equations constitute a regular sequence, enabling the Hilbert series of the associated variety to be calculated, 26 page
General Solution of the Scattering Equations
general solution of the scattering equations
originally fairlie roberts cachazo yuan kinematic describing amplitudes massless reformulated form. variables. facilitated linearity elimination determining solutions. delta sparse resultant hyperdeterminant multidimensional border format terminology fand kapranov zelevinsky. macaulay unmixedness polynomials constitute enabling hilbert independently completes delta identifies hyperdeterminant multidimensional proves constitute enabling hilbert
We study supersymmetry enhancement from ${\cal N}=3$ to ${\cal N}=4$ proposed by Aharony and Tachikawa by using string junctions in S-folds. The central charges carried by junctions play a central role in our analysis. We consider planer junctions in a specific plane. Before the S-folding they carry two complex central charges, which we denote by $Z$ and $\bar Z$. The S-fold projection eliminates $\bar Z$ as well as one of the four supercharges, and when the supersymmetry is enhanced $\bar Z$ should be reproduced by some non-perturbative mechanism. For the models of $\mathbb{Z}_3$ and $\mathbb{Z}_4$ S-folds which are expected to give $SU(3)$ and $SO(5)$ ${\cal N}=4$ theories we compare the junction spectra with those in perturbative brane realization of the same theories. We establish one-to-one correspondence so that $Z$ coincides. By using the correspondence we also give an expression for the enhanced central charge $\bar Z$.Comment: 30 pages, 7 figures, v2: minor corrections, version accepted for publication in JHE
Supersymmetry Enhancement and Junctions in S-folds
supersymmetry enhancement and junctions in s-folds
supersymmetry enhancement aharony tachikawa junctions folds. charges junctions analysis. planer junctions plane. folding carry charges projection eliminates supercharges supersymmetry reproduced perturbative mechanism. mathbb mathbb folds junction perturbative brane realization theories. establish correspondence coincides. correspondence .comment pages minor publication
The purpose of this contribution is to initiate the study of integrable deformations for different superstring theory formalisms that manifest the property of (classical) integrability. In this paper we choose the hybrid formalism of the superstring in the background AdS_{2}xS^{2} and explore in detail the most immediate consequences of its lambda-deformation. The resulting action functional corresponds to the lambda-model of the matter part of the fairly more sophisticated pure spinor formalism, which is also known to be classical integrable. In particular, the deformation preserves the integrability and the one-loop conformal invariance of its parent theory, hence being a marginal deformation.Comment: LaTex, 37 pages, references added, match published version in Journal of High Energy Physics, 201
Exploring The Lambda Model Of The Hybrid Superstring
exploring the lambda model of the hybrid superstring
initiate integrable deformations superstring formalisms manifest integrability. hybrid formalism superstring explore immediate consequences lambda deformation. lambda fairly sophisticated spinor formalism integrable. deformation preserves integrability conformal invariance parent marginal latex pages match
Holographic model of a three-dimensional current carrying superconductor or superfluid with {\it dark matter} sector described by the additional $U(1)$-gauge field coupled to the ordinary Maxwell one, has been studied in the probe limit. We investigated analytically by the Sturm-Liouville variational method, the holographic s-wave and p-wave models in the background of the AdS soliton as well as five-dimensional AdS black hole spacetimes. The two models of p-wave superfluids were considered, the so called $SU(2)$ and the Maxwell-vector. Special attention has been paid to the dependence of the critical chemical potential and critical transition temperature on the velocity of the condensate and {\it dark matter} parameters. The current $J$ in holographic three-dimensional superconductor studied here, shows the linear dependence on $T_c-T$ for both s and p-wave symmetry. This is in a significant contrast with the previously obtained results for two-dimensional superconductors, which reveal the $(T-T_c)^{3/2}$ temperature dependence. The coupling constant $\alpha$, as well as, chemical potential $\mu_D$ and the velocity $S_D$ of the {\it dark matter}, affect the critical chemical potential of the p-wave holographic $SU(2)$ system. On the other hand, $\alpha$, {\it dark matter} velocity $S_D$ and density $\rho_D$ determine the actual value of the transition temperature of the same superconductor/superfluid set up. However, the {\it dark matter} does not affect the value of the current.Comment: Completely rewritten version. Added new references and the discussion of experimental relevance. 36 pages. JHEP style - file include
Condensate flow in holographic models in the presence of dark matter
condensate flow in holographic models in the presence of dark matter
holographic carrying superconductor superfluid ordinary maxwell limit. analytically sturm liouville variational holographic soliton spacetimes. superfluids maxwell vector. paid condensate parameters. holographic superconductor symmetry. superconductors reveal dependence. alpha holographic system. alpha superconductor superfluid rewritten version. relevance. pages. jhep style file
In view of the large discrepancy about the associated production of a prompt $J/\psi$ and a $Z$ boson between the ATLAS data at $\sqrt{s}=8$ TeV and theoretical predictions for Single Parton Scattering (SPS) contributions, we perform an evaluation of the corresponding cross section at one loop accuracy (Next-to-Leading Order, NLO) in a quark-hadron-duality approach, also known as the Colour-Evaporation Model (CEM). This work is motivated by (i) the extremely disparate predictions based on the existing NRQCD fits conjugated with the absence of a full NLO NRQCD computation and (ii) the fact that we believe that such an evaluation provides a likely upper limit of the SPS cross section. In addition to these theory improvements, we argue that the ATLAS estimation of the Double Parton Scattering (DPS) yield may be underestimated by a factor as large as 3 which then reduces the size of the SPS yield extracted from the ATLAS data. Our NLO SPS evaluation also allows us to set an upper limit on $\sigma_{\rm eff}$ driving the size of the DPS yield. Overall, the discrepancy between theory and experiment may be smaller than expected, which calls for further analyses by ATLAS and CMS, for which we provide predictions, and for full NLO computations in other models. As an interesting side product of our analysis, we have performed the first NLO computation of $d\sigma / dP_T$ for prompt single-$J/\psi$ production in the CEM from which we have fit the CEM non-pertubative parameter at NLO using the most recent ATLAS data.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables. LaTeX uses
Associated production of a quarkonium and a Z boson at one loop in a quark-hadron-duality approach
associated production of a quarkonium and a z boson at one loop in a quark-hadron-duality approach
discrepancy prompt boson atlas sqrt parton hadron duality colour evaporation motivated extremely disparate nrqcd fits conjugated nrqcd believe section. improvements argue atlas parton underestimated reduces atlas data. sigma driving yield. discrepancy calls atlas computations models. sigma prompt pertubative atlas pages tables. latex
We study the velocity statistics distribution of an external heavy particle in holographic fluids. We argue that when the dual supergravity background has a finite temperature horizon the velocity statistics goes generically as $1/v$, compatible with the jet-quenching intuition from the quark-gluon plasma. A careful analysis of the behavior of the classical string whose apparent worldsheet horizon deviates from the background horizon reveals that other regimes are possible. We numerically discuss two cases: the magnetized quark-gluon plasma and a model of superfluid flow. We explore a range of parameters in these top-down supergravity solutions including, respectively, the magnetic field and the superfluid velocity. We determine that the velocity statistics goes largely as $1/v$, however, as we leave the non-relativistic regime we observe some deviations.Comment: 32 pages, 12 figures, references added and minor correction
Velocity Statistics in Holographic Fluids: Magnetized Quark-Gluon Plasma and Superfluid Flow
velocity statistics in holographic fluids: magnetized quark-gluon plasma and superfluid flow
holographic fluids. argue supergravity horizon goes generically compatible quenching intuition gluon plasma. careful apparent worldsheet horizon deviates horizon reveals regimes possible. numerically magnetized gluon superfluid flow. explore supergravity superfluid velocity. goes largely leave relativistic pages minor
Starting from a recently proposed linear formulation in terms of auxiliary fields, we study $n$-field generalizations of Born and Born-Infeld theories. In this description the Lagrangian is quadratic in the vector field strengths and the symmetry properties (including the characteristic self-duality) of the corresponding non-linear theory are manifest as on-shell duality symmetries and depend on the choice of the (homogeneous) manifold spanned by the auxiliary scalar fields and the symplectic frame. By suitably choosing these defining properties of the quadratic Lagrangian, we are able to reproduce some known multi-field Born-Infeld theories and to derive new non-linear models, such as the $n$-field Born theory. We also discuss non-Abelian generalizations of these theories obtained by choosing the vector fields in the adjoint representation of an off-shell compact global symmetry group $K$ and replacing them by non-Abelian, $K$-covariant field strengths, thus promoting $K$ to a gauge group.Comment: 22 pages, LaTeX source, minor corrections and references adde
On Multifield Born and Born-Infeld Theories and their non-Abelian Generalizations
on multifield born and born-infeld theories and their non-abelian generalizations
formulation auxiliary generalizations born born infeld theories. lagrangian quadratic strengths duality manifest duality symmetries homogeneous manifold spanned auxiliary symplectic frame. suitably choosing defining quadratic lagrangian reproduce born infeld derive born theory. abelian generalizations choosing adjoint replacing abelian covariant strengths promoting pages latex minor adde
When analyzing the perception of Hawking radiation by different observers, the Hawking effect becomes mixed with the Unruh effect. The separation of both effects is not always clear in the literature. Here we propose an inconsistency-free interpretation of what constitutes a Hawking effect and what an Unruh effect. An appropriate interpretation is important in order to elucidate what sort of effects a detector might experience depending on its trajectory and the state of the quantum field. Under simplifying assumptions we introduce an analytic formula that separates these two effects. Armed with the previous interpretation we argue that for a free-falling detector to cross the horizon without experiencing high-energy effects, it is necessary that the horizon crossing is not attempted at low velocities.Comment: Minor corrections to match the published version. 14 pages, 2 figure
Hawking versus Unruh effects, or the difficulty of slowly crossing a black hole horizon
hawking versus unruh effects, or the difficulty of slowly crossing a black hole horizon
analyzing perception hawking observers hawking unruh effect. literature. propose inconsistency constitutes hawking unruh effect. elucidate sort trajectory field. simplifying assumptions analytic separates effects. armed argue falling horizon experiencing horizon crossing attempted minor match version. pages
We extend the four-dimensional unsubtraction method, which is based on the loop-tree duality (LTD), to deal with processes involving heavy particles. The method allows to perform the summation over degenerate IR configurations directly at integrand level in such a way that NLO corrections can be implemented directly in four space-time dimensions. We define a general momentum mapping between the real and virtual kinematics that accounts properly for the quasi-collinear configurations, and leads to an smooth massless limit. We illustrate the method first with an scalar toy example, and then analyse the case of the decay of a scalar or vector boson into a pair of massive quarks. The results presented in this paper are suitable for the application of the method to any multipartonic process.Comment: 31 pages, 9 figure
Four-dimensional unsubtraction with massive particles
four-dimensional unsubtraction with massive particles
extend unsubtraction duality deal involving particles. summation degenerate configurations integrand implemented dimensions. virtual kinematics accounts properly quasi collinear configurations massless limit. illustrate analyse boson massive quarks. multipartonic pages
We study some analytic properties of the BFKL ladder at next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy (NLLA). We use a procedure by Chirilli and Kovchegov to construct the NLO eigenfunctions, and we show that the BFKL ladder can be evaluated order by order in the coupling in terms of certain generalised single-valued multiple polylogarithms recently introduced by Schnetz. We develop techniques to evaluate the BFKL ladder at any loop order, and we present explicit results up to five loops. Using the freedom in defining the matter content of the NLO BFKL eigenvalue, we obtain conditions for the BFKL ladder in momentum space at NLLA to have maximal transcendental weight. We observe that, unlike in moment space, the result in momentum space in N = 4 SYM is not identical to the maximal weight part of QCD, and moreover that there is no gauge theory with this property. We classify the theories for which the BFKL ladder at NLLA has maximal weight in terms of their field content, and we find that these theories are highly constrained: there are precisely four classes of theories with this property involving only fundamental and adjoint matter, all of which have a vanishing one-loop beta function and a matter content that fits into supersymmetric multiplets. Our findings indicate that theories which have maximal weight are highly constrained and point to the possibility that there is a connection between maximal transcendental weight and superconformal symmetry.Comment: 45 pages, 1 figure, 1 table. v2: published versio
The analytic structure and the transcendental weight of the BFKL ladder at NLL accuracy
the analytic structure and the transcendental weight of the bfkl ladder at nll accuracy
analytic bfkl ladder logarithmic nlla chirilli kovchegov eigenfunctions bfkl ladder generalised valued polylogarithms schnetz. bfkl ladder loops. freedom defining bfkl eigenvalue bfkl ladder nlla maximal transcendental weight. unlike moment maximal property. classify bfkl ladder nlla maximal constrained precisely involving adjoint vanishing beta fits supersymmetric multiplets. maximal constrained connection maximal transcendental superconformal pages table. versio
The clockwork mechanism is a novel method for generating a large separation between the dynamical scale and interaction scale of a theory. We demonstrate how the mechanism can arise from a sequence of strongly-coupled sectors. This framework avoids elementary scalar fields as well as ad hoc continuous global symmetries, both of which are subject to serious stability issues. The clockwork factor, $q$, is determined by the consistency of the strong dynamics. The preserved global $U(1)$ of the clockwork appears as an accidental symmetry, resulting from discrete or $U(1)$ gauge symmetries, and it is spontaneously broken by the chiral condensates. We apply such a dynamical clockwork to construct models with an effectively invisible QCD axion from TeV-scale strong dynamics. The axion couplings are determined by the localisation of the Standard Model interactions along the clockwork sequence. The TeV spectrum includes either coloured hadrons or vector-like quarks. Dark matter can be accounted for by the axion or the lightest neutral baryons, which are accidentally stable.Comment: 41 page
Dynamical Clockwork Axions
dynamical clockwork axions
clockwork generating theory. arise sectors. avoids elementary symmetries serious issues. clockwork consistency dynamics. preserved clockwork accidental symmetries spontaneously broken chiral condensates. clockwork effectively invisible axion dynamics. axion couplings localisation clockwork sequence. coloured hadrons quarks. accounted axion lightest neutral baryons accidentally
Massless particles in $n+1$ dimensions lead to massive particles in $n$ dimensions on Kaluza-Klein reduction. In string theory, wrapped branes lead to multiplets of massive particles in $n$ dimensions, in representations of a duality group $G$. By encoding the masses of these particles in auxiliary worldline scalars, also transforming under $G$, we write an action which resembles that for a massless particle on an extended spacetime. We associate this extended spacetime with that appearing in double field theory and exceptional field theory, and formulate a version of the action which is invariant under the generalised diffeomorphism symmetry of these theories. This provides a higher-dimensional perspective on the origin of mass and tension in string theory and M-theory. Finally, we consider the reduction of exceptional field theory on a twisted torus, which is known to give the massive IIA theory of Romans. In this case, our particle action leads naturally to the action for a D0 brane in massive IIA. Here an extra vector field is present on the worldline, whose origin in exceptional field theory is a vector field introduced to ensure invariance under generalised diffeomorphisms.Comment: 36 pages plus appendices, v2: typos, minor clarifications etc, v3: ditt
Particle actions and brane tensions from double and exceptional geometry
particle actions and brane tensions from double and exceptional geometry
massless massive kaluza klein reduction. wrapped branes multiplets massive representations duality encoding auxiliary worldline scalars transforming resembles massless spacetime. associate spacetime appearing exceptional formulate generalised diffeomorphism theories. perspective tension theory. exceptional twisted torus massive romans. naturally brane massive iia. extra worldline exceptional ensure invariance generalised pages appendices typos minor clarifications ditt
The SYK model is a quantum mechanical model that has been proposed to be holographically dual to a $1+1$-dimensional model of a quantum black hole. An emergent "gravitational" mode of this model is governed by an unusual action that that has been called the Schwarzian action. It governs a reparametrization of a circle. We show that the path integral of the Schwarzian theory is one-loop exact. The argument uses a method of fermionic localization, even though the model itself is purely bosonic.Comment: 19+9 page
Fermionic Localization of the Schwarzian Theory
fermionic localization of the schwarzian theory
holographically hole. emergent gravitational governed unusual schwarzian action. governs reparametrization circle. schwarzian exact. argument fermionic localization purely
We construct four-center bubbled BPS solutions with a Gibbons-Hawking base space. We give a systematic procedure to build scaling solutions: starting from three-supertube configurations and using generalized spectral flows and gauge transformations to extend to solutions with four Gibbons-Hawking centers. This allows us to construct very large families of smooth horizonless solutions that have the same charges and angular momentum as supersymmetric black holes with a macroscopically large horizon area. Our construction reveals that all scaling solutions with four Gibbons Hawking centers have an angular momentum at around 99% of the cosmic censorship bound. We give both an analytical and a numerical explanation for this unexpected feature.Comment: 23 pages, 16 figures; v2: minor correction
Four-center bubbled BPS solutions with a Gibbons-Hawking base
four-center bubbled bps solutions with a gibbons-hawking base
bubbled gibbons hawking space. build supertube configurations flows transformations extend gibbons hawking centers. families horizonless charges supersymmetric holes macroscopically horizon area. reveals gibbons hawking centers cosmic censorship bound. explanation unexpected pages minor
Memory effects in scattering processes are described in terms of the asymptotic retarded fields. These fields are completely determined by the scattering data and the zero mode part is set by the soft photon theorem. The dressed asymptotic states defining an infrared finite S- matrix for charged particles can be defined as quantum coherent states using the corpuscular resolution of the asymptotic retarded fields. Im- posing that the net radiated energy in the scattering is zero leads to the new set of conservation laws for the scattering S-matrix which are equivalent to the decoupling of the soft modes. The actual observabil- ity of the memory requires a non vanishing radiated energy and could be described using the infrared part of the differential cross section that only depends on the scattering data and the radiated energy. This is the IR safe cross section with any number of emitted pho- tons carrying total energy equal to the energy involved in the actual memory detection
Memory and the Infrared
memory and the infrared
asymptotic retarded fields. theorem. dressed asymptotic defining infrared coherent corpuscular asymptotic retarded fields. posing radiated conservation laws decoupling modes. observabil vanishing radiated infrared radiated energy. safe emitted tons carrying
We consider the supergravity back-reaction of M2 branes wrapping around the space-time cycles in 1/8-BPS microstate geometries. We show that such brane wrappings will generically break all the supersymmetries. In particular, all the supersymmetries will be broken if there are such wrapped branes but the net charge of the wrapped branes is zero. We show that if M2 branes wrap a single cycle, or if they wrap a several of co-linear cycles with the same orientation, then the solution will be 1/16-BPS, having two supersymmetries. We comment on how these results relate to using W-branes to understand the microstate structure of 1/8-BPS black holes.Comment: 20 page
Supersymmetry and Wrapped Branes in Microstate Geometries
supersymmetry and wrapped branes in microstate geometries
supergravity branes wrapping cycles microstate geometries. brane wrappings generically break supersymmetries. supersymmetries broken wrapped branes wrapped branes zero. branes wrap wrap cycles supersymmetries. comment relate branes microstate
We propose a supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model (SM) with a continuous global $U(1)_R$ symmetry. The $R$-charges of the SM fields are identified with that of their lepton numbers. As a result, both bilinear and trilinear `$R$-parity violating' (RPV) terms could be present at the superpotential. However, $R$-symmetry is not an exact symmetry as it is broken by supergravity effects. Hence, sneutrinos acquire a small vacuum expectation value in this framework. However, a suitable choice of basis ensures that the bilinear RPV terms can be completely rotated away from the superpotential and the scalar potential. On the other hand, the trilinear terms play a very crucial role in generating neutrino masses and mixing at the tree level. This is noticeably different from the typical $R$-parity violating Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model. Also, gravitino mass turns out to be the order parameter of $R$-breaking and is directly related to the neutrino mass. We show that such a gravitino, within the mass range $200~\text{keV}\lesssim m_{3/2}\lesssim 0.1~\text{GeV}$ can be an excellent dark matter candidate. Finally, we looked into the collider implications of our framework.Comment: 23 pages, one figure (added), title changed, discussion added on sneutrino vev basis, accepted for publication in JHE
Natural emergence of neutrino masses and dark matter from $R$-symmetry
natural emergence of neutrino masses and dark matter from $r$-symmetry
propose supersymmetric symmetry. charges lepton numbers. bilinear trilinear parity violating superpotential. broken supergravity effects. sneutrinos acquire expectation framework. ensures bilinear rotated away superpotential potential. trilinear crucial generating level. noticeably parity violating supersymmetric model. gravitino turns breaking mass. gravitino lesssim lesssim excellent candidate. looked collider pages title changed sneutrino publication
Light dark matter is a compelling experimental target in light of stringent constraints on heavier WIMPs. However, for a sub-MeV WIMP, the universe is sufficiently well understood at temperatures below 10 MeV that there is no room for it to be a thermal relic. Avoiding thermalization is itself a strong constraint with significant implications for direct detection. In this paper, we explore the space of models of sub-MeV dark matter with viable cosmologies. The parameter space of these models that is also consistent with astrophysical and lab-based limits is highly restricted for couplings to electrons but somewhat less constrained for nuclei. We find that achieving nuclear cross-sections well-above the neutrino floor necessarily predicts a new contribution to the effective number of neutrino species, $\Delta N_{\rm eff} = 0.09$ that will be tested by the next generation of CMB observations. On the other hand, models with absorption signatures of dark matter are less restricted by cosmology even with future observations.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures; V2: figures corrected, minor changes; V3: additional stellar cooling constraint include
The Cosmology of Sub-MeV Dark Matter
the cosmology of sub-mev dark matter
compelling stringent heavier wimps. wimp universe sufficiently understood room relic. avoiding thermalization detection. explore viable cosmologies. astrophysical restricted couplings somewhat constrained nuclei. achieving floor necessarily predicts delta observations. signatures restricted cosmology pages corrected minor cooling
We calculate the vacuum stability conditions and renormalisation group equations for the extensions of standard model with a higher colour multiplet scalar up to the representation $\mathbf{15'}$ that leaves the strong interaction asymptotically free. In order to find the vacuum stability conditions, we calculate the orbit spaces for the self-couplings of the higher multiplets, which for the representations $\mathbf{15}$ and $\mathbf{15'}$ of $SU(3)_c$ are highly complicated. However, if the scalar potential is linear in orbit space variables, it is sufficient to know the convex hull of the orbit space. In contrast to the self-couplings of other multiplets, we find that the scalar quartic couplings of the representations $\mathbf{3}$ and $\mathbf{8}$ walk rather than run, remaining nearly constant and perturbative over a vast energy range. We describe the conditions for walking couplings using a schematic model. With these technical results at hand we revise earlier results of generation of new scales with large $SU(3)_c$ scalar multiplets. Our results are easily extendable to models of new physics with additional $SU(3)$ or SU($N$) gauge symmetries.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures, 2 table
Vacuum Stability and Perturbativity of SU(3) Scalars
vacuum stability and perturbativity of su(3) scalars
renormalisation extensions colour multiplet mathbf leaves asymptotically free. orbit couplings multiplets representations mathbf mathbf complicated. orbit convex hull orbit space. couplings multiplets quartic couplings representations mathbf mathbf walk nearly perturbative vast range. walking couplings schematic model. revise multiplets. extendable pages
We consider two copies of the Standard Model, interchanged by an exact parity symmetry, P. The observed fermion mass hierarchy is described by suppression factors $\epsilon^{n_i}$ for charged fermion $i$, as can arise in Froggatt-Nielsen and extra-dimensional theories of flavor. The corresponding flavor factors in the mirror sector are $\epsilon'^{n_i}$, so that spontaneous breaking of the parity P arises from a single parameter $\epsilon'/\epsilon$, yielding a tightly constrained version of Minimal Mirror Twin Higgs, introduced in our previous paper. Models are studied for simple values of $n_i$, including in particular one with SU(5)-compatibility, that describe the observed fermion mass hierarchy. The entire mirror quark and charged lepton spectrum is broadly predicted in terms of $\epsilon'/\epsilon$, as are the mirror QCD scale and the decoupling temperature between the two sectors. Helium-, hydrogen- and neutron-like mirror dark matter candidates are constrained by self-scattering and relic ionization. In each case, the allowed parameter space can be fully probed by proposed direct detection experiments. Correlated predictions are made as well for the Higgs signal strength and the amount of dark radiation.Comment: 43 pages, 15 figure
Effective Theory of Flavor for Minimal Mirror Twin Higgs
effective theory of flavor for minimal mirror twin higgs
copies interchanged parity fermion hierarchy suppression epsilon fermion arise froggatt nielsen extra flavor. flavor mirror epsilon spontaneous breaking parity arises epsilon epsilon yielding tightly constrained mirror twin paper. compatibility fermion hierarchy. mirror lepton broadly epsilon epsilon mirror decoupling sectors. helium neutron mirror candidates constrained relic ionization. probed experiments. pages
We introduce a mirror copy of the ordinary fermions and Higgs scalars for embedding the $SU(2)_L\times U(1)_Y$ electroweak gauge symmetry into an $SU(2)_L\times SU(2)_R\times U(1)_{B-L}$ left-right gauge symmetry. We then show the spontaneous left-right symmetry breaking can automatically break the parity symmetry motivated by solving the strong CP problem. Through the $SU(2)_R$ gauge interactions, a mirror Majorana neutrino can decay into a mirror charged lepton and two mirror quarks. Consequently we can obtain a lepton asymmetry stored in the mirror charged leptons. The Yukawa couplings of the mirror and ordinary charged fermions to a dark matter scalar then can transfer the mirror lepton asymmetry to an ordinary lepton asymmetry which provides a solution to the cosmic baryon asymmetry in association with the $SU(2)_L$ sphaleron processes. In this scenario, the baryon asymmetry can be well described by the neutrino mass matrix up to an overall factor.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur
Spontaneous mirror left-right symmetry breaking for leptogenesis parametrized by Majorana neutrino mass matrix
spontaneous mirror left-right symmetry breaking for leptogenesis parametrized by majorana neutrino mass matrix
mirror copy ordinary fermions scalars embedding electroweak symmetry. spontaneous breaking automatically break parity motivated solving problem. mirror majorana mirror lepton mirror quarks. lepton asymmetry stored mirror leptons. yukawa couplings mirror ordinary fermions mirror lepton asymmetry ordinary lepton asymmetry cosmic baryon asymmetry sphaleron processes. baryon asymmetry pages figur
In theories of Einstein gravity coupled with a dilaton and a two-form, a soft theorem for the two-form, known as the Kalb-Ramond B-field, has so far been missing. In this work we fill the gap, and in turn formulate a unified soft theorem valid for gravitons, dilatons and B-fields in any tree-level scattering amplitude involving the three massless states. The new soft theorem is fixed by means of on-shell gauge invariance and enters at the subleading order of the graviton's soft theorem. In contrast to the subsubleading soft behavior of gravitons and dilatons, we show that the soft behavior of B-fields at this order cannot be fully fixed by gauge invariance. Nevertheless, we show that it is possible to establish a gauge invariant decomposition of the amplitudes to any order in the soft expansion. We check explicitly the new soft theorem in the bosonic string and in Type II superstring theories, and furthermore demonstrate that, at the next order in the soft expansion, totally gauge invariant terms appear in both string theories which cannot be factorized into a soft theorem.Comment: 27 pages, 1 figur
The B-field soft theorem and its unification with the graviton and dilaton
the b-field soft theorem and its unification with the graviton and dilaton
einstein dilaton kalb ramond missing. fill formulate unified valid gravitons dilatons involving massless states. invariance enters subleading graviton theorem. subsubleading gravitons dilatons invariance. nevertheless establish decomposition amplitudes expansion. check explicitly bosonic superstring totally factorized pages figur
The clockwork mechanism is a means of naturally generating exponential hierarchies in theories without significant hierarchies among fundamental parameters. We emphasize the role of interactions in the clockwork mechanism, demonstrating that clockwork is an intrinsically abelian phenomenon precluded in non-abelian theories such as Yang-Mills, non-linear sigma models, and gravity. We also show that clockwork is not realized in extra-dimensional theories through purely geometric effects, but may be generated by appropriate localization of zero modes.Comment: 30 pages plus appendices, 4 figures. v2: Clarifications, minor changes, and comment on 1705.10162 added. Conclusions unchange
Disassembling the Clockwork Mechanism
disassembling the clockwork mechanism
clockwork naturally generating exponential hierarchies hierarchies parameters. emphasize clockwork demonstrating clockwork intrinsically abelian phenomenon precluded abelian mills sigma gravity. clockwork realized extra purely geometric localization pages appendices figures. clarifications minor comment added. unchange
We present a calculation of the hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment, $a_\mu^{\mathrm hvp}$, in lattice QCD employing dynamical up and down quarks. We focus on controlling the infrared regime of the vacuum polarization function. To this end we employ several complementary approaches, including Pad\'e fits, time moments and the time-momentum representation. We correct our results for finite-volume effects by combining the Gounaris-Sakurai parameterization of the timelike pion form factor with the L\"uscher formalism. On a subset of our ensembles we have derived an upper bound on the magnitude of quark-disconnected diagrams and found that they decrease the estimate for $a_\mu^{\mathrm hvp}$ by at most 2%. Our final result is $a_\mu^{\mathrm hvp}=(654\pm32\,{}^{+21}_{-23})\cdot 10^{-10}$, where the first error is statistical, and the second denotes the combined systematic uncertainty. Based on our findings we discuss the prospects for determining $a_\mu^{\mathrm hvp}$ with sub-percent precision.Comment: 42 pages, 7 figures, version published in JHE
The hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to the muon $g-2$ from lattice QCD
the hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to the muon $g-2$ from lattice qcd
hadronic muon anomalous moment mathrm employing quarks. controlling infrared function. employ complementary fits moments representation. combining gounaris sakurai parameterization timelike pion uscher formalism. ensembles disconnected diagrams mathrm mathrm cdot uncertainty. prospects determining mathrm percent pages
In this work we propose an effective low-energy theory for a large class of 2+1 dimensional non-Abelian topological spin liquids whose edge states are conformal degrees of freedom with central charges corresponding to the coset structure $su(2)_k\oplus su(2)_{k'}/su(2)_{k+k'}$. For particular values of $k'$ it furnishes the series for unitary minimal and superconformal models. These gapped phases were recently suggested to be obtained from an array of one-dimensional coupled quantum wires. In doing so we provide an explicit relationship between two distinct approaches: quantum wires and Chern-Simons bulk theory. We firstly make a direct connection between the interacting quantum wires and the corresponding conformal field theory at the edges, which turns out to be given in terms of chiral gauged WZW models. Relying on the bulk-edge correspondence we are able to construct the underlying non-Abelian Chern-Simons effective field theory.Comment: 41 pages, 5 figures, typos corrected, references added, published versio
Effective Theories for 2+1 Dimensional Non-Abelian Topological Spin Liquids
effective theories for 2+1 dimensional non-abelian topological spin liquids
propose abelian topological liquids conformal freedom charges coset oplus furnishes unitary superconformal models. gapped array wires. wires chern simons theory. firstly connection interacting wires conformal turns chiral gauged models. relying correspondence abelian chern simons pages typos corrected versio
We calculate the spectrum of light glueballs and the string tension in a number of SO(N) lattice gauge theories in 2+1 dimensions, with N in the range from N=3 to N=16. After extrapolating to the continuum limit and then to N=oo we compare to the spectrum and string tension of the SU(N=oo) gauge theory and find that the most reliably and precisely calculated physical quantities are consistent in that limit. We also compare the glueball spectra of those pairs of SO(N) and SU(N') theories that possess the same Lie algebra, i.e. SO(3) and SU(2), SO(4) and SU(2)xSU(2), SO(6) and SU(4), and find that for the very lightest glueballs the spectra are consistent within each such pair, as are the string tensions and the couplings. Where there are apparent discrepancies they are typically for heavier glueballs, where the systematic errors are much harder to control. We calculate the SO(N) string tensions with a particular focus on the confining properties of SO(2N+1) theories which, unlike SO(2N) theories, possess a trivial centre. We find that for both the light glueballs and for the string tension SO(2N) and SO(2N+1) gauge theories appear to form a single smooth sequence.Comment: 99 pages, 32 figures, new SO6 calculations, others revised; more on confinement; mass estimates graded for reliabilit
SO(N) gauge theories in 2+1 dimensions: glueball spectra and confinement
so(n) gauge theories in 2+1 dimensions: glueball spectra and confinement
glueballs tension extrapolating continuum tension reliably precisely quantities limit. glueball possess i.e. lightest glueballs tensions couplings. apparent discrepancies heavier glueballs harder control. tensions confining unlike possess trivial centre. glueballs tension pages revised confinement graded reliabilit
We construct solutions of IIB supergravity dual to non-supersymmetric states of the D1D5 system. These solutions are constructed as perturbations carrying both left and right moving momentum around the maximally rotating D1D5 ground state at linear order. They are found by extending to the asymptotically flat region the geometry generated in the decoupling limit by the action of left and right R-currents on a known D1D5 microstate. The perturbations are regular everywhere and do not carry any global charge. We also study the near-extremal limit of the solutions and derive the first non-trivial correction to the extremal geometry.Comment: 25 page
Non-extremal superdescendants of the D1D5 CFT
non-extremal superdescendants of the d1d5 cft
supergravity supersymmetric system. perturbations carrying moving maximally rotating order. extending asymptotically decoupling currents microstate. perturbations everywhere carry charge. extremal derive trivial extremal
We elaborate on the class of deformed T-dual (DTD) models obtained by first adding a topological term to the action of a supercoset sigma model and then performing (non-abelian) T-duality on a subalgebra $\tilde{\mathfrak{g}}$ of the superisometry algebra. These models inherit the classical integrability of the parent one, and they include as special cases the so-called homogeneous Yang-Baxter sigma models as well as their non-abelian T-duals. Many properties of DTD models have simple algebraic interpretations. For example we show that their (non-abelian) T-duals---including certain deformations---are again in the same class, where $\tilde{\mathfrak{g}}$ gets enlarged or shrinks by adding or removing generators corresponding to the dualised isometries. Moreover, we show that Weyl invariance of these models is equivalent to $\tilde{\mathfrak{g}}$ being unimodular; when this property is not satisfied one can always remove one generator to obtain a unimodular $\tilde{\mathfrak{g}}$, which is equivalent to (formal) T-duality. We also work out the target space superfields and, as a by-product, we prove the conjectured transformation law for Ramond-Ramond (RR) fields under bosonic non-abelian T-duality of supercosets, generalising it to cases involving also fermionic T-dualities.Comment: 25 pages. Comments added. Published versio
On non-abelian T-duality and deformations of supercoset string sigma-models
on non-abelian t-duality and deformations of supercoset string sigma-models
elaborate deformed adding topological supercoset sigma performing abelian duality subalgebra tilde mathfrak superisometry algebra. inherit integrability parent homogeneous baxter sigma abelian duals. algebraic interpretations. abelian duals deformations tilde mathfrak gets enlarged shrinks adding removing generators dualised isometries. weyl invariance tilde mathfrak unimodular satisfied remove generator unimodular tilde mathfrak formal duality. superfields conjectured ramond ramond bosonic abelian duality supercosets generalising involving fermionic pages. comments added. versio
When the Lyapunov exponent $\lambda_L$ in a quantum chaotic system saturates the bound $\lambda_L\leqslant 2\pi k_BT$, it is proposed that this system has a holographic dual described by a gravity theory. In particular, the butterfly effect as a prominent phenomenon of chaos can ubiquitously exist in a black hole system characterized by a shockwave solution near the horizon. In this paper we propose that the butterfly velocity can be used to diagnose quantum phase transition (QPT) in holographic theories. We provide evidences for this proposal with an anisotropic holographic model exhibiting metal-insulator transitions (MIT), in which the derivatives of the butterfly velocity with respect to system parameters characterizes quantum critical points (QCP) with local extremes in zero temperature limit. We also point out that this proposal can be tested by experiments in the light of recent progress on the measurement of out-of-time-order correlation function (OTOC).Comment: 7 figures, 15 page
Holographic Butterfly Effect at Quantum Critical Points
holographic butterfly effect at quantum critical points
lyapunov exponent lambda chaotic saturates lambda leqslant holographic theory. butterfly prominent phenomenon chaos ubiquitously shockwave horizon. propose butterfly diagnose holographic theories. evidences proposal anisotropic holographic exhibiting insulator derivatives butterfly characterizes extremes limit. proposal progress otoc .comment
We consider weakly-coupled theories of massive higher-spin particles. This class of models includes, for instance, tree-level String Theory and Large-N Yang-Mills theory. The S-matrix in such theories is a meromorphic function obeying unitarity and crossing symmetry. We discuss the (unphysical) regime $s,t \gg 1$, in which we expect the amplitude to be universal and exponentially large. We develop methods to study this regime and show that the amplitude necessarily coincides with the Veneziano amplitude there. In particular, this implies that the leading Regge trajectory, $j(t)$, is asymptotically linear in Yang-Mills theory. Further, our analysis shows that any such theory of higher-spin particles has stringy excitations and infinitely many asymptotically parallel subleading trajectories. More generally, we argue that, under some assumptions, any theory with at least one higher-spin particle must have strings.Comment: 44 pages, 5 figure
Strings from Massive Higher Spins: The Asymptotic Uniqueness of the Veneziano Amplitude
strings from massive higher spins: the asymptotic uniqueness of the veneziano amplitude
weakly massive particles. mills theory. meromorphic obeying unitarity crossing symmetry. unphysical universal exponentially large. necessarily coincides veneziano there. regge trajectory asymptotically mills theory. stringy excitations infinitely asymptotically subleading trajectories. argue assumptions pages
Universal spacetimes are exact solutions to all higher-order theories of gravity. We study these spacetimes in four dimensions and provide necessary and sufficient conditions for universality for all Petrov types except of type II. We show that all universal spacetimes in four dimensions are algebraically special and Kundt. Petrov type D universal spacetimes are necessarily direct products of two 2-spaces of constant and equal curvature. Furthermore, type II universal spacetimes necessarily possess a null recurrent direction and they admit the above type D direct product metrics as a limit. Such spacetimes represent gravitational waves propagating on these backgrounds. Type III universal spacetimes are also investigated. We determine necessary and sufficient conditions for universality and present an explicit example of a type III universal Kundt non-recurrent metric.Comment: 20 pages, Introduction and Conclusions slightly extended, Table 1 added. Matches published versio
Universal spacetimes in four dimensions
universal spacetimes in four dimensions
universal spacetimes gravity. spacetimes universality petrov universal spacetimes algebraically kundt. petrov universal spacetimes necessarily curvature. universal spacetimes necessarily possess recurrent admit metrics limit. spacetimes gravitational propagating backgrounds. universal spacetimes investigated. universality universal kundt recurrent pages added. matches versio
Recent encouraging experimental results on neutrino mixing parameters prompt further investigation on $SO(10)$-inspired leptogenesis and on the associated strong thermal solution that has correctly predicted a non-vanishing reactor mixing angle, it further predicts $\sin\delta \lesssim 0$, now supported by recent results at $\sim 95\%$ C.L., normally ordered neutrino masses and atmospheric mixing angle in the first octant, best fit results in latest global analyses. Extending a recent analytical procedure, we account for the mismatch between the Yukawa basis and the weak basis, that in $SO(10)$-inspired models is described by a CKM-like unitary transformation $V_L$, obtaining a full analytical solution that provides useful insight and reproduces accurately all numerical results, paving the way for future inclusion of different sources of theoretical uncertainties and for a statistical analysis of the constraints. We show how muon-dominated solutions appear for large values of the lightest neutrino mass in the range $(0.01$--$1)\,{\rm eV}$ but also how they necessarily require a mild fine tuning in the seesaw relation. For the dominant (and untuned) tauon-dominated solutions we show how, turning on $V_L \simeq V_{CKM}$, some of the constraints on the low energy neutrino parameters get significantly relaxed. In particular we show how the upper bound on the atmospheric neutrino mixing angle in the strong thermal solution gets relaxed from $\theta_{23} \lesssim 41^{\circ}$ to $\theta_{23} \lesssim 44^{\circ}$, an important effect in the light of the most recent NO$\nu$A, T2K and IceCube results.Comment: 34 pages, 4 figures; v2: matches JHEP versio
A full analytic solution of $SO(10)$-inspired leptogenesis
a full analytic solution of $so(10)$-inspired leptogenesis
encouraging prompt inspired leptogenesis correctly vanishing reactor predicts delta lesssim c.l. normally ordered octant latest analyses. extending mismatch yukawa inspired unitary obtaining insight reproduces accurately paving inclusion constraints. muon dominated lightest necessarily mild fine tuning seesaw relation. untuned tauon dominated turning simeq relaxed. gets relaxed theta lesssim circ theta lesssim circ icecube pages matches jhep versio
We derive an all-order factorization theorem for the narrow jet broadening event shape, a measure of the transverse momentum in jet events. This is a non-global observable which receives logarithmically enhanced contributions associated with the large rapidity difference between soft and collinear radiation and which is also sensitive to soft recoil effects. Our work is the first factorization analysis of an observable of this type and we show that with regard to the non-global nature, the rapidity logarithms do not constitute an essential complication since they can be tied to the jet function, which is the same as for global observables. As a consequence, the leading non-global logarithms in narrow jet broadening are encoded in the same overall factor relevant for the hemisphere soft function and light jet mass.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur
Non-global and rapidity logarithms in narrow jet broadening
non-global and rapidity logarithms in narrow jet broadening
derive factorization narrow broadening events. observable receives logarithmically rapidity collinear recoil effects. factorization observable regard rapidity logarithms constitute complication tied observables. logarithms narrow broadening encoded hemisphere pages figur
We analyze the factorization to subleading power in the flavor changing neutral current process $\bar B\to X_s \ell^+ \ell^-$. In particular, we compute the so-called resolved contributions and explore the numerical impact on observables. In these contributions the virtual photon couples to light partons instead of connecting directly to the effective weak-interaction vertex. They represent an irreducible uncertainty in the inclusive $\bar B \to X_s \ell^+ \ell^-$ decay which cannot be removed by relaxing the experimentally necessary cuts in the hadronic mass spectrum.Comment: 32 pages,18 figure
Subleading Power Factorization in $\bar B \to X_s \ell^+\ell^-$
subleading power factorization in $\bar b \to x_s \ell^+\ell^-$
analyze factorization subleading flavor changing neutral resolved explore observables. virtual couples partons connecting vertex. irreducible inclusive removed relaxing experimentally cuts hadronic pages
We study Pfaffians that appear in non-perturbative superpotential terms arising from worldsheet instantons in heterotic theories. A result by Beasley and Witten shows that these instanton contributions cancel among curves within a given homology class for Calabi-Yau manifolds that can be described as hypersurfaces or complete intersections in projective or toric ambient spaces. We provide a prescription that identifies all $\mathbb{P}^1$ curves in certain homology classes of complete intersection Calabi-Yau manifolds in products of projective spaces (CICYs) and cross-check our results by a comparison with the genus zero Gromov-Witten invariants. We then use this construction to study instanton superpotentials on those manifolds and their quotients. We identify a non-toric quotient of a non-favorable CICY with a single genus zero curve in a certain homology class, so that a cancellation \`a la Beasley-Witten is not possible. In another example, we study a non-toric quotient of a favorable CICY and check that the superpotential still vanishes. From this and related examples, we conjecture that the Beasley-Witten cancellation result can be extended to toric and non-toric quotients of CICYs, but can be avoided if the CICY is non-favorable.Comment: 25 pages, 3 figure
Heterotic Instanton Superpotentials from Complete Intersection Calabi-Yau Manifolds
heterotic instanton superpotentials from complete intersection calabi-yau manifolds
pfaffians perturbative superpotential arising worldsheet instantons heterotic theories. beasley witten instanton cancel homology calabi manifolds hypersurfaces intersections projective toric ambient spaces. prescription identifies mathbb homology intersection calabi manifolds projective cicys check genus gromov witten invariants. instanton superpotentials manifolds quotients. toric quotient favorable cicy genus homology cancellation beasley witten possible. toric quotient favorable cicy check superpotential vanishes. conjecture beasley witten cancellation toric toric quotients cicys avoided cicy pages
We present in the context of supersymmetric gauge theories an extension of the Weyl integration formula, first discovered by Robert Wendt, which applies to a class of non-connected Lie groups. This allows to count in a systematic way gauge-invariant chiral operators for these non-connected gauge groups. Applying this technique to $\mathrm{O}(n)$, we obtain, via the ADHM construction, the Hilbert series for certain instanton moduli spaces. We validate our general method and check our results via a Coulomb branch computation, using three-dimensional mirror symmetry
Non-Connected Gauge Groups and the Plethystic Program
non-connected gauge groups and the plethystic program
supersymmetric weyl discovered robert wendt applies groups. count chiral groups. mathrm adhm hilbert instanton moduli spaces. validate check coulomb branch mirror
Within gauge/gravity duality, we consider the local quench-like time evolution obtained by joining two 1+1-dimensional heat baths at different temperatures at time t=0. A steady state forms and expands in space. For the 2+1-dimensional gravity dual, we find that the shockwaves expanding the steady-state region are of spacelike nature in the bulk despite being null at the boundary. However, they do not transport information. Moreover, by adapting the time-dependent Hubeny-Rangamani-Takayanagi prescription, we holographically calculate the entanglement entropy and also the mutual information for different entangling regions. For general temperatures, we find that the entanglement entropy increase rate satisfies the same bound as in the "entanglement tsunami" setups. For small temperatures of the two baths, we derive an analytical formula for the time dependence of the entanglement entropy. This replaces the entanglement tsunami-like behaviour seen for high temperatures. Finally, we check that strong subadditivity holds in this time-dependent system, as well as further more general entanglement inequalities for five or more regions recently derived for the static case.Comment: 57 pages, 25 figures. v2: Minor revisions and references added. v3: Referee's comments included. The numerical codes described in this paper are available in the ancillary files directory (anc/) of this submissio
Time evolution of entanglement for holographic steady state formation
time evolution of entanglement for holographic steady state formation
duality quench joining baths steady expands space. shockwaves expanding steady spacelike boundary. information. adapting hubeny rangamani takayanagi prescription holographically entanglement mutual entangling regions. entanglement satisfies entanglement tsunami setups. baths derive entanglement entropy. replaces entanglement tsunami temperatures. check subadditivity entanglement inequalities pages figures. minor revisions added. referee comments included. codes ancillary files directory submissio
We consider the analogue of Kutasov-Schwimmer-Seiberg duality for two-dimensional $\mathcal{N}=(2,2)$ $U(k)$ gauge theory with one adjoint $X$ with the superpotential $\Tr X^{l+1}$ and with fundamental and anti-fundamantal chiral multiplets. We give the evidences for the proposed dualities by analytically proving that the elliptic genus of dual pair coincides with each other. For some of the dual pairs flowing to the superconformal field theory, we show the nonperturbative truncation of the chiral ring. For the theory with one adjoint and $N_f >k$ fundamentals, we argue the theory exhibits mass gap.Comment: 31 pages; references added and typos corrected, contents expande
2D Seiberg-like dualities with an adjoint matter
2d seiberg-like dualities with an adjoint matter
analogue kutasov schwimmer seiberg duality mathcal adjoint superpotential fundamantal chiral multiplets. evidences dualities analytically proving elliptic genus coincides other. flowing superconformal nonperturbative truncation chiral ring. adjoint fundamentals argue exhibits pages typos corrected contents expande
We revisit the radiative decays of the Higgs boson to a fermion pair $h\rightarrow f\bar{f}\gamma$ where $f$ denotes a fermion in the Standard Model (SM). We include the chirality-flipping diagrams via the Yukawa couplings at the order $\mathcal{O}(y_f^2 \alpha)$, the chirality-conserving contributions via the top-quark loops of the order $\mathcal{O}(y_t^2 \alpha^3)$, and the electroweak loops at the order $\mathcal{O}(\alpha^4)$. The QED correction is about $Q_f^2\times {\cal O}(1\%)$ and contributes to the running of fermion masses at a similar level, which should be taken into account for future precision Higgs physics. The chirality-conserving electroweak-loop processes are interesting from the observational point of view. First, the branching fraction of the radiative decay $h \to \mu^+\mu^- \gamma$ is about a half of that of $h \to \mu^+\mu^-$, and that of $h \to e^+ e^- \gamma$ is more than four orders of magnitude larger than that of $h \to e^+ e^-$, both of which reach about $10^{-4}$. The branching fraction of $h \to \tau^+\tau^- \gamma$ is of the order $10^{-3}$. All the leptonic radiative decays are potentially observable at the LHC Run 2 or the HL-LHC. The kinematic distributions for the photon energy or the fermion pair invariant mass provide non-ambiguous discrimination for the underlying mechanisms of the Higgs radiative decay. We also study the process $h \to c\bar c \gamma$ and evaluate the observability at the LHC. We find it comparable to the other related studies and better than the $h \to J/\psi\ \gamma$ channel in constraining the charm-Yukawa coupling.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures, 6 tables; Minor corrections, references updated, version published in JHE
Radiative Decays of the Higgs Boson to a Pair of Fermions
radiative decays of the higgs boson to a pair of fermions
revisit radiative decays boson fermion rightarrow gamma fermion chirality flipping diagrams yukawa couplings mathcal alpha chirality conserving loops mathcal alpha electroweak loops mathcal alpha contributes running fermion precision physics. chirality conserving electroweak observational view. branching radiative gamma gamma orders branching gamma leptonic radiative decays potentially observable lhc. kinematic fermion ambiguous discrimination radiative decay. gamma observability lhc. comparable gamma constraining charm yukawa pages tables minor updated
For some theories where the degrees of freedom are tensors of rank $3$ or higher, there exist solvable large $N$ limits dominated by the melonic diagrams. Simple examples are provided by models containing one rank-$3$ tensor in the tri-fundamental representation of the $O(N)^3$ symmetry group. When the quartic interaction is assumed to have a special tetrahedral index structure, the coupling constant $g$ must be scaled as $N^{-3/2}$ in the melonic large $N$ limit. In this paper we consider the combinatorics of a large $N$ theory of one fully symmetric and traceless rank-$3$ tensor with the tetrahedral quartic interaction; this model has a single $O(N)$ symmetry group. We explicitly calculate all the vacuum diagrams up to order $g^8$, as well as some diagrams of higher order, and find that in the large $N$ limit where $g^2 N^3$ is held fixed only the melonic diagrams survive. While some non-melonic diagrams are enhanced in the $O(N)$ symmetric theory compared to the $O(N)^3$ one, we have not found any diagrams where this enhancement is strong enough to make them comparable with the melonic ones. Motivated by these results, we conjecture that the model of a real rank-$3$ symmetric traceless tensor possesses a smooth large $N$ limit where $g^2 N^3$ is held fixed and all the contributing diagrams are melonic. A feature of the symmetric traceless tensor models is that some vacuum diagrams containing odd numbers of vertices are suppressed only by $N^{-1/2}$ relative to the melonic graphs.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures; v2: minor improvements, references adde
On Large $N$ Limit of Symmetric Traceless Tensor Models
on large $n$ limit of symmetric traceless tensor models
freedom tensors solvable dominated melonic diagrams. group. quartic tetrahedral scaled melonic limit. combinatorics traceless tetrahedral quartic group. explicitly diagrams diagrams held melonic diagrams survive. melonic diagrams diagrams enhancement comparable melonic ones. motivated conjecture traceless possesses held contributing diagrams melonic. traceless diagrams suppressed melonic pages minor improvements adde
We revisit the chiral transition in the finite density Sakai-Sugimoto model and find that, at fixed temperature $T$, the magnetisation near the critical line $\mu_c(B)$ acts as an order parameter to distinguish Inverse Magnetic Catalysis from Magnetic Catalysis. Moreover, we propose a universal relation between $\mu_c (B)$ and the magnetisation that allows us to predict the behaviour of the former from the behaviour of the latter. We find that a similar relation holds, at fixed chemical potential $\mu$, for the critical line $T_c(B)$. Our results are obtained by investigating a fully numerical solution to the relevant equations. At low temperatures our results reduce to those obtained by Preis, Rebhan and Schmitt [JHEP 1103 (2011) 033], based on a semi-analytic approximation.Comment: 37 pages, 17 figures; v3: References added; JHEP published versio
A universal order parameter for Inverse Magnetic Catalysis
a universal order parameter for inverse magnetic catalysis
revisit chiral sakai sugimoto magnetisation acts distinguish catalysis catalysis. propose universal magnetisation predict former latter. investigating equations. preis rebhan schmitt jhep analytic pages jhep versio
In this paper we propose a novel supersymmetric inverse seesaw model which has only one additional $Z_6$ symmetry. The field content is minimal to get a viable neutrino spectrum at tree-level. Interestingly, the inverse seesaw scale in our model is related to the scale of electroweak symmetry breaking. Due to that origin we are less biased about hierarchies and discuss three different types of the inverse seesaw mechanism with different phenomenologies. We can successfully reproduce neutrino masses and mixing and our model is consistent with current bounds on neutrinoless double beta decay, non-unitarity of the PMNS matrix and charged lepton flavor violation.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure; version published in JHE
A supersymmetric electroweak scale seesaw model
a supersymmetric electroweak scale seesaw model
propose supersymmetric seesaw symmetry. viable level. interestingly seesaw electroweak breaking. biased hierarchies seesaw phenomenologies. successfully reproduce bounds neutrinoless beta unitarity pmns lepton flavor pages
The AdS/CFT duality maps supersymmetric heavy operators with conformal dimension of the order of the central charge to asymptotically AdS supergravity solutions. We show that by studying the quadratic fluctuations around such backgrounds it is possible to derive the 4-point correlators of two light and two heavy states in the supergravity approximation. We provide an explicit example in the AdS$_3$ setup relevant for the duality with the D1-D5 CFT. Contrary to previously studied examples, the supergravity correlator derived in this work differs from the result obtained at the CFT orbifold point. Our method bypasses the difficulties of applying the standard Witten's diagrams approach to correlators with operators of large conformal dimension and also avoids some technical steps that have made the computation of dynamical 4-point correlators in the AdS$_3$/CFT$_2$ context unfeasible until now.Comment: 31 pages; v3: citations added, typos correcte
Holographic 4-point correlators with heavy states
holographic 4-point correlators with heavy states
duality supersymmetric conformal asymptotically supergravity solutions. studying quadratic backgrounds derive correlators supergravity approximation. setup duality cft. contrary supergravity correlator differs orbifold point. bypasses difficulties witten diagrams correlators conformal avoids correlators unfeasible pages citations typos correcte
We present the next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order (N^3LO) contributions to the non-singlet splitting functions for both parton distribution and fragmentation functions in perturbative QCD. The exact expressions are derived for the terms contributing in the limit of a large number of colours. For the remaining contributions, approximations are provided that are sufficient for all collider-physics applications. From their threshold limits we derive analytical and high-accuracy numerical results, respectively, for all contributions to the four-loop cusp anomalous dimension for quarks, including the terms proportional to quartic Casimir operators. We briefly illustrate the numerical size of the four-loop corrections, and the remarkable renormalization-scale stability of the N^3LO results, for the evolution of the non-singlet parton distribution and the fragmentation functions. Our results appear to provide a first point of contact of four-loop QCD calculations and the so-called wrapping corrections to anomalous dimensions in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory.Comment: 73 pages latex, 14 figures, ancillary Form and Fortran files, final version to appear in JHE
Four-Loop Non-Singlet Splitting Functions in the Planar Limit and Beyond
four-loop non-singlet splitting functions in the planar limit and beyond
singlet splitting parton fragmentation perturbative qcd. expressions contributing colours. approximations collider applications. derive cusp anomalous quarks quartic casimir operators. briefly illustrate remarkable renormalization singlet parton fragmentation functions. wrapping anomalous super mills pages latex ancillary fortran files
We study (non-)integrability and the presence of chaos in gravity dual backgrounds of strongly coupled gauge theories with unquenched flavor, specifically of the four-dimensional N=2 super Yang-Mills theory and the three-dimensional ABJM theory. By examining string motion on the geometries corresponding to backreacted D3/D7 and D2/D6 systems, we show that integrable theories with quenched flavor become non-integrable when the virtual quark loops are taken into account. For the string solutions in the backreacted D3/D7 system, we compute the leading Lyapunov exponent which turns out to saturate to a positive value as the number of flavors increases. The exponent depends very weakly on the number of flavors when they approach the number of colors. This suggests that once a particular flavor number in the theory is reached, a further increase does not lead to more severe chaotic phenomena, implying certain saturation effects on chaos.Comment: 34 pages, 6 figures; v2: minor additions, references adde
Non-integrability and Chaos with Unquenched Flavor
non-integrability and chaos with unquenched flavor
integrability chaos backgrounds unquenched flavor super mills abjm theory. examining geometries backreacted integrable quenched flavor integrable virtual loops account. backreacted lyapunov exponent turns saturate flavors increases. exponent weakly flavors colors. flavor reached chaotic phenomena implying saturation pages minor additions adde
The production of a neutral and a charged vector boson with subsequent decays into three charged leptons and a neutrino is a very important process for precision tests of the Standard Model of elementary particles and in searches for anomalous triple-gauge-boson couplings. In this article, the first computation of next-to-leading-order electroweak corrections to the production of the four-lepton final states $\mu^+\mu^- e^+ \nu_e$, $\mu^+\mu^- e^- \bar\nu_e$, $\mu^+\mu^- \mu^+\nu_\mu$, and $\mu^+\mu^- \mu^- \bar\nu_\mu$ at the Large Hadron Collider is presented. We use the complete matrix elements at leading and next-to-leading order, including all off-shell effects of intermediate massive vector bosons and virtual photons. The relative electroweak corrections to the fiducial cross sections from quark-induced partonic processes vary between $-3\%$ and $-6\%$, depending significantly on the event selection. At the level of differential distributions, we observe large negative corrections of up to $-30\%$ in the high-energy tails of distributions originating from electroweak Sudakov logarithms. Photon-induced contributions at next-to-leading order raise the leading-order fiducial cross section by $+2\%$. Interference effects in final states with equal-flavour leptons are at the permille level for the fiducial cross section, but can lead to sizeable effects in off-shell sensitive phase-space regions.Comment: 20 pages, 18 figure
Next-to-leading-order electroweak corrections to the production of three charged leptons plus missing energy at the LHC
next-to-leading-order electroweak corrections to the production of three charged leptons plus missing energy at the lhc
neutral boson decays leptons precision elementary searches anomalous triple boson couplings. electroweak lepton hadron collider presented. massive bosons virtual photons. electroweak fiducial partonic vary selection. tails originating electroweak sudakov logarithms. raise fiducial interference flavour leptons permille fiducial sizeable pages
In supersymmetric theories like the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (NMSSM), the lightest neutralino with bino or singlino as its dominant component is customarily taken as dark matter (DM) candidate. Since light Higgsinos favored by naturalness can strength the couplings of the DM and thus enhance the DM-nucleon scattering rate, the tension between naturalness and DM direct detection results becomes more and more acute with the improved experimental sensitivity. In this work, we extend the NMSSM by inverse seesaw mechanism to generate neutrino mass, and show that in certain parameter space the lightest sneutrino may act as a viable DM candidate, i.e. it can annihilate by multi-channels to get correct relic density and meanwhile satisfy all experimental constraints. The most striking feature of the extension is that the DM-nucleon scattering rate can be naturally below its current experimental bounds regardless of the higgsino mass, and hence it alleviates the tension between naturalness and DM experiments. Other interesting features include that the Higgs phenomenology becomes much richer than that of the original NMSSM due to the relaxed constraints from DM physics and also due to the presence of extra neutrinos, and that the signatures of sparticles at colliders are quite different from those with neutralino as DM candidate.Comment: 33 page
Sneutrino DM in the NMSSM with inverse seesaw mechanism
sneutrino dm in the nmssm with inverse seesaw mechanism
supersymmetric supersymmetric nmssm lightest neutralino bino singlino customarily candidate. higgsinos favored naturalness couplings enhance nucleon tension naturalness sensitivity. extend nmssm seesaw lightest sneutrino viable candidate i.e. annihilate relic meanwhile satisfy constraints. striking nucleon naturally bounds regardless higgsino alleviates tension naturalness experiments. phenomenology richer nmssm relaxed extra neutrinos signatures sparticles colliders neutralino
We explore two classes of 6d $\mathcal{N}=(1,0)$ little string theories obtained from type IIA/IIB NS5-branes probing $D_n$ singularities. Their tensor branches are described by effective gauge theories whose instanton solitons are macroscopic little strings. We specifically study two families of 2d $\mathcal{N}=(0,4)$ gauge theories which describe at low energy the worldsheet dynamics of the type IIA/IIB little strings. These gauge theories are useful to calculate the supersymmetric partition functions of the little string theories on $\mathbf{R}^4 \times T^2$. We establish the T-duality of the little string theories by utilizing their BPS spectra as a probe.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figures; v2: minor changes, published versio
Little strings on $D_n$ orbifolds
little strings on $d_n$ orbifolds
explore mathcal branes probing singularities. branches instanton solitons macroscopic strings. families mathcal worldsheet strings. supersymmetric partition mathbf establish duality utilizing pages minor versio
A Double Field Theory (DFT) description of gauge symmetry enhancing-breaking in the heterotic string is presented. The construction, based on previous results for the bosonic string, relies on the extension of the tangent frame of DFT. The fluxes of a Scherk-Schwarz like generalized toroidal compactification are moduli dependent and become identified with the structure constants of the enhanced group at fixed "self-dual" points in moduli space. Slight displacements from such points provide the breaking of the symmetry, gauge bosons acquiring masses proportional to fluxes. The inclusion of fermions is also discussed.Comment: 28 page
Double Field Theory description of Heterotic gauge symmetry enhancing-breaking
double field theory description of heterotic gauge symmetry enhancing-breaking
enhancing breaking heterotic presented. bosonic relies tangent dft. fluxes scherk schwarz toroidal compactification moduli moduli space. slight displacements breaking bosons acquiring fluxes. inclusion fermions
We reconsider a model introducing a scalar leptoquark $\phi \sim (\mathbf{3}, \mathbf{1}, -1/3)$ to explain recent deviations from the standard model in semileptonic $B$ decays. The leptoquark can accommodate the persistent tension in the decays $\bar{B}\rightarrow D^{(*)}\tau \bar{\nu}$ as long as its mass is lower than approximately $10 \text{ TeV}$, and we show that a sizeable Yukawa coupling to the right-chiral tau lepton is necessary for an acceptable explanation. Agreement with the measured $\bar{B}\rightarrow D^{(*)}\tau \bar{\nu}$ rates is mildly compromised for parameter choices addressing the tensions in $b \to s \mu \mu$, where the model can significantly reduce the discrepancies in angular observables, branching ratios and the lepton-flavor-universality observables $R_K$ and $R_{K^*}$. The leptoquark can also reconcile the predicted and measured value of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon and appears naturally in models of radiative neutrino mass derived from lepton-number violating effective operators. As a representative example, we incorporate the particle into an existing two-loop neutrino mass scenario derived from a dimension-nine operator. In this specific model, the structure of the neutrino mass matrix provides enough freedom to explain the small masses of the neutrinos in the region of parameter space dictated by agreement with the anomalies in $\bar{B}\rightarrow D^{(*)}\tau \bar{\nu}$, but not the $b \to s$ transition. This is achieved without excessive fine-tuning in the parameters important for neutrino mass.Comment: 43 pages, 17 figures, 3 tables; corrected fit contours in fig. 1
Reconsidering the One Leptoquark solution: flavor anomalies and neutrino mass
reconsidering the one leptoquark solution: flavor anomalies and neutrino mass
reconsider introducing leptoquark mathbf mathbf deviations semileptonic decays. leptoquark accommodate persistent tension decays rightarrow sizeable yukawa chiral lepton acceptable explanation. rightarrow mildly compromised choices addressing tensions discrepancies observables branching lepton flavor universality observables leptoquark reconcile anomalous moment muon naturally radiative lepton violating operators. incorporate nine operator. freedom neutrinos dictated anomalies rightarrow transition. excessive fine tuning pages tables corrected contours fig.
We present a complete (non-redundant) basis of CP- and flavour-conserving six-dimensional operators in a two Higgs doublet model (2HDM). We include Z_2-violating operators as well. In such a 2HDM effective field theory (2HDMEFT), we estimate how constraining the 2HDM parameter space from experiments can get disturbed due to these operators. Our basis is motivated by the strongly interacting light Higgs (SILH) basis used in the standard model effective field theory (SMEFT). We find out bounds on combinations of Wilson coefficients of such operators from precision observables, signal strengths of Higgs decaying into vector bosons etc. In 2HDMEFT, the 2HDM parameter space can play a significant role while deriving such constraints, by leading to reduced or even enhanced effects compared to SMEFT in certain processes. We also comment on the implications of the SILH suppressions in such considerations.Comment: 34 pages, 6 figures; to appear in JHE
Higher dimensional operators in 2HDM
higher dimensional operators in 2hdm
redundant flavour conserving doublet violating well. hdmeft constraining disturbed operators. motivated interacting silh smeft bounds combinations wilson precision observables strengths decaying bosons etc. hdmeft deriving smeft processes. comment silh suppressions pages
The Bondi-van der Burg-Metzner-Sachs (BMS) group is the asymptotic symmetry group of asymptotically flat gravity. Recently, Donnay et al. have derived an analogous symmetry group acting on black hole event horizons. For a certain choice of boundary conditions, it is a semidirect product of ${\rm Diff}(S^2)$, the smooth diffeomorphisms of the two-sphere, acting on $C^\infty(S^2)$, the smooth functions on the two-sphere. We observe that the same group appears in fluid dynamics as symmetries of the compressible Euler equations. We relate these two realizations of ${\rm Diff}(S^2)\ltimes C^\infty(S^2)$ using the black hole membrane paradigm. We show that the Lie-Poisson brackets of membrane paradigm fluid charges reproduce the near-horizon BMS algebra. The perspective presented here may be useful for understanding the BMS algebra at null infinity.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure
Near-horizon BMS symmetries as fluid symmetries
near-horizon bms symmetries as fluid symmetries
bondi burg metzner sachs asymptotic asymptotically gravity. donnay analogous acting horizons. semidirect diff diffeomorphisms sphere acting infty sphere. symmetries compressible euler equations. relate realizations diff ltimes infty paradigm. poisson brackets paradigm charges reproduce horizon algebra. perspective pages
We study operator insertions into 1/2 BPS Wilson loops in N = 6 ABJM theory and investigate their two-point correlators. In this framework, the energy emitted by a heavy moving probe can be exactly obtained from some two-point coefficients of bosonic and fermionic insertions. This allows us to confirm an early proposal for computing the Bremsstrahlung function in terms of certain supersymmetric circular Wilson loops, whose value might be accessible to localization techniques. In the derivation of this result we also elucidate the structure of protected multiplets in the relevant superconformal defect theory and perform an explicit two-loop calculation.Comment: 37 pages, 4 figures, references adde
Wilson lines as superconformal defects in ABJM theory: a formula for the emitted radiation
wilson lines as superconformal defects in abjm theory: a formula for the emitted radiation
insertions wilson loops abjm correlators. emitted moving bosonic fermionic insertions. confirm proposal bremsstrahlung supersymmetric circular wilson loops accessible localization techniques. derivation elucidate protected multiplets superconformal defect pages adde
In contrast to internal symmetries, there is no general proof that the coset construction for spontaneously broken spacetime symmetries leads to universal dynamics. One key difference lies in the role of Goldstone bosons, which for spacetime symmetries includes a subset which are inessential for the non-linear realisation and hence can be eliminated. In this paper we address two important issues that arise when eliminating inessential Goldstones. The first concerns the elimination itself, which is often performed by imposing so-called inverse Higgs constraints. Contrary to claims in the literature, there are a series of conditions on the structure constants which must be satisfied to employ the inverse Higgs phenomenon, and we discuss which parametrisation of the coset element is the most effective in this regard. We also consider generalisations of the standard inverse Higgs constraints, which can include integrating out inessential Goldstones at low energies, and prove that under certain assumptions these give rise to identical effective field theories for the essential Goldstones. Secondly, we consider mappings between non-linear realisations that differ both in the coset element and the algebra basis. While these can always be related to each other by a point transformation, remarkably, the inverse Higgs constraints are not necessarily mapped onto each other under this transformation. We discuss the physical implications of this non-mapping, with a particular emphasis on the coset space corresponding to the spontaneous breaking of the Anti-De Sitter isometries by a Minkowski probe brane
Spontaneously Broken Spacetime Symmetries and the Role of Inessential Goldstones
spontaneously broken spacetime symmetries and the role of inessential goldstones
symmetries coset spontaneously broken spacetime symmetries universal dynamics. lies goldstone bosons spacetime symmetries inessential realisation eliminated. arise eliminating inessential goldstones. concerns elimination imposing constraints. contrary claims satisfied employ phenomenon parametrisation coset regard. generalisations integrating inessential goldstones assumptions goldstones. secondly mappings realisations coset basis. remarkably necessarily mapped transformation. emphasis coset spontaneous breaking sitter isometries minkowski brane
We compute the four-loop $n_f$ contribution proportional to the quartic Casimir of the QCD cusp anomalous dimension as an expansion for small cusp angle $\phi$. This piece is gauge invariant, violates Casimir scaling, and first appears at four loops. It requires the evaluation of genuine non-planar four-loop Feynman integrals. We present results up to ${\mathcal O}(\phi^4)$. One motivation for our calculation is to probe a recent conjecture on the all-order structure of the cusp anomalous dimension. As a byproduct we obtain the four-loop HQET wave function anomalous dimension for this color structure.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, 1 ancillary file; v2: journal versio
On the Casimir scaling violation in the cusp anomalous dimension at small angle
on the casimir scaling violation in the cusp anomalous dimension at small angle
quartic casimir cusp anomalous cusp piece violates casimir loops. genuine planar feynman integrals. mathcal motivation conjecture cusp anomalous dimension. byproduct hqet anomalous pages ancillary file versio
We investigate M-theory and heterotic compactifications to 7 and 3 dimensions. In 7 dimensions we discuss a class of massive supergravities that arise from M-theory on K3 and point out obstructions to realizing these theories in a dual heterotic framework with a geometric description. Taking M-theory further down to 3 dimensions on K3xK3 with a choice of flux leads to a rich landscape of theories with various amounts of supersymmetry, including those preserving 6 supercharges. We explore possible heterotic realizations of these vacua and prove a no--go theorem: every heterotic geometry that preserves 6 supercharges preserves 8 supercharges.Comment: 31 pages; v2: added appendix B with details on flux for N=3, D=3 M-theory vacu
Non-duality in three dimensions
non-duality in three dimensions
heterotic compactifications dimensions. massive supergravities arise obstructions realizing heterotic geometric description. landscape amounts supersymmetry preserving supercharges. explore heterotic realizations vacua heterotic preserves supercharges preserves pages vacu
We compute the renormalisation factors (Z-matrices) of the $\Delta F=2$ four-quark operators needed for Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) kaon mixing. We work with nf=2+1 flavours of Domain-Wall fermions whose chiral-flavour properties are essential to maintain a continuum-like mixing pattern. We introduce new RI-SMOM renormalisation schemes, which we argue are better behaved compared to the commonly-used corresponding RI-MOM one. We find that, once converted to MS, the Z-factors computed through these RI-SMOM schemes are in good agreement but differ significantly from the ones computed through the RI-MOM scheme. The RI-SMOM Z-factors presented here have been used to compute the BSM neutral kaon mixing matrix elements in the companion paper [1]. We argue that the renormalisation procedure is responsible for the discrepancies observed by different collaborations, we will investigate and elucidate the origin of these differences throughout this work
Neutral kaon mixing beyond the Standard Model with nf=2+1 chiral fermions part II: Non Perturbative Renormalisation of the $\Delta F=2$ four-quark operators
neutral kaon mixing beyond the standard model with nf=2+1 chiral fermions part ii: non perturbative renormalisation of the $\delta f=2$ four-quark operators
renormalisation delta kaon mixing. flavours fermions chiral flavour maintain continuum pattern. smom renormalisation schemes argue behaved commonly one. converted smom schemes scheme. smom neutral kaon companion argue renormalisation discrepancies collaborations elucidate
M5-branes on an ADE singularity are described by certain six-dimensional "conformal matter" superconformal field theories. Their Higgs moduli spaces contain information about various dynamical processes for the M5s; however, they are not directly accessible due to the lack of a Lagrangian formulation. Using anomaly matching, we compute their dimensions. The result implies that M5 fractions can recombine in several different ways, where the M5s are leaving behind frozen versions of the singularity. The anomaly polynomial gives hints about the nature of the freezing. We also check the Higgs dimension formula by comparing it with various existing conjectures for the CFTs one obtains by torus compactifications down to four and three dimensions. Aided by our results, we also extend those conjectures to compactifications of theories not previously considered. These involve class S theories with twisted punctures in four dimensions, and affine-Dynkin-shaped quivers in three dimensions.Comment: 39 pages, 1 figure; v2 published in JHE
Small instanton transitions for M5 fractions
small instanton transitions for m5 fractions
branes singularity conformal superconformal theories. moduli accessible lagrangian formulation. anomaly matching dimensions. fractions recombine ways leaving behind frozen versions singularity. anomaly hints freezing. check conjectures cfts obtains torus compactifications dimensions. aided extend conjectures compactifications considered. involve twisted punctures affine dynkin shaped quivers pages
In this paper, based on simple analytic techniques, we explore the integrability conditions for classical stringy configurations defined over $ \eta $ as well as $ \lambda $- deformed backgrounds. We perform our analysis considering classical string motions within various subsectors of the full target space geometry. It turns out that classical string configurations defined over $ \eta $- deformed backgrounds are non-integrable whereas on the other hand, the corresponding configurations are integrable over the $ \lambda $- deformed background. Our analysis therefore imposes a strong constraint on the operator spectrum associated with the corresponding dual gauge theories at strong coupling.Comment: Version to appear in JHE
Analytic integrability for strings on $ \eta $ and $ \lambda $ deformed backgrounds
analytic integrability for strings on $ \eta $ and $ \lambda $ deformed backgrounds
analytic explore integrability stringy configurations lambda deformed backgrounds. motions subsectors geometry. turns configurations deformed backgrounds integrable configurations integrable lambda deformed background. imposes
We describe a notion of "higher" Wess-Zumino-Witten-like action which is natural in the context of superstring field theories formulated in the large Hilbert space. For the open string, the action is characterized by a pair of commuting cyclic $A_\infty$ structures together with a hierarchy of higher-form potentials analogous to the Maurer-Cartan elements which appear in the conventional Wess-Zumino-Witten action. We apply this formalism to get a better understanding of symmetries of open superstring field theory and the structure of interactions in the Ramond sector, describing an interesting connection between Ramond vertices and Feynman diagrams.Comment: v2: 63 pages, 4 figures. Minor corrections, references adde
Superstring Field Theory and the Wess-Zumino-Witten Action
superstring field theory and the wess-zumino-witten action
notion wess zumino witten superstring formulated hilbert space. commuting cyclic infty hierarchy potentials analogous maurer cartan wess zumino witten action. formalism symmetries superstring ramond describing connection ramond feynman pages figures. minor adde
Singular limits of 6D F-theory compactifications are often captured by T-branes, namely a non-abelian configuration of intersecting 7-branes with a nilpotent matrix of normal deformations. The long distance approximation of such 7-branes is a Hitchin-like system in which simple and irregular poles emerge at marked points of the geometry. When multiple matter fields localize at the same point in the geometry, the associated Higgs field can exhibit irregular behavior, namely poles of order greater than one. This provides a geometric mechanism to engineer wild Higgs bundles. Physical constraints such as anomaly cancellation and consistent coupling to gravity also limit the order of such poles. Using this geometric formulation, we unify seemingly different wild Hitchin systems in a single framework in which orders of poles become adjustable parameters dictated by tuning gauge singlet moduli of the F-theory model.Comment: v2: 65 pages, 6 figures, clarifications adde
T-Branes at the Limits of Geometry
t-branes at the limits of geometry
singular compactifications captured branes abelian intersecting branes nilpotent deformations. branes hitchin irregular poles emerge marked geometry. localize exhibit irregular poles one. geometric engineer bundles. anomaly cancellation poles. geometric formulation unify seemingly hitchin orders poles adjustable dictated tuning singlet moduli pages clarifications adde
It was recently pointed out that direct detection signals from at least three different targets may be used to determine whether the Dark Matter (DM) particle is different from its antiparticle. In this work, we examine in detail the feasibility of this test under different conditions, motivated by proposals for future detectors. Specifically, we perform likelihood fits to mock data under the hypotheses that the DM particle is identical to or different from its antiparticle, and determine the significance with which the former can be rejected in favor of the latter. In our analysis, we consider 3 different values of the DM mass ($50$ GeV, $300$ GeV, $1$ TeV) and 4 different experimental ensembles, each consisting of at least 3 different targets -- Xe and Ar plus one among the following: Si, Ge, $\mathrm{CaWO_4}$, or Ge/$\mathrm{CaWO_4}$. For each of these experimental ensembles and each DM mass, the expected discrimination significance is calculated as a function of the DM-nucleon couplings. In the best case scenario, the discrimination significance can reach $\mathcal{O}(3\sigma)$ for three of the four ensembles considered, and $\mathcal{O}(5\sigma)$ for the ensemble including $\mathrm{Si}$, highlighting the need for a variety of experimental targets in order to determine the DM properties. These results show that future direct detection signals could be used to exclude, at a statistically significant level, a Majorana or a real DM particle, giving a critical clue about the identity of the Dark Matter.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures. Published in JHEP. Code for reproducing the results of the paper is available at (doi:10.5281/zenodo.815457
Prospects for determining the particle/antiparticle nature of WIMP dark matter with direct detection experiments
prospects for determining the particle/antiparticle nature of wimp dark matter with direct detection experiments
pointed targets antiparticle. examine feasibility motivated proposals detectors. likelihood fits mock hypotheses antiparticle former rejected favor latter. ensembles consisting targets mathrm cawo mathrm cawo ensembles discrimination nucleon couplings. discrimination mathcal sigma ensembles mathcal sigma ensemble mathrm highlighting targets properties. exclude statistically majorana giving clue pages figures. jhep. reproducing zenodo.
We propose a new set of s-confining theories with product gauge groups and no tree-level superpotential, based on a model with one antisymmetric matter field and four flavors of quarks. For each product group we find a set of gauge-invariant operators which satisfy the 't Hooft anomaly matching conditions, and we identify the dynamically generated superpotential which reproduces the classical constraints between operators. Several of these product gauge theories confine without breaking chiral symmetry, even in cases where the classical moduli space is quantum-modified. These results may be useful for composite model building, particularly in cases where small meson operators are absent, or for theories with multiple natural energy scales, and may provide new ways to break supersymmetry dynamically.Comment: 28 pages, 8 tables, one appendi
Product Group S-Confinement in SUSY Gauge Theories
product group s-confinement in susy gauge theories
propose confining superpotential antisymmetric flavors quarks. satisfy hooft anomaly matching dynamically superpotential reproduces operators. confine breaking chiral moduli modified. composite meson absent ways break supersymmetry pages tables appendi
We present an action for chiral $N=(1,0)$ supergravity in $2+2$ dimensions. The fields of the theory are organized into an $OSp(1|4)$ connection supermatrix, and are given by the usual vierbein $V^a$, spin connection $\omega^{ab}$, and Majorana gravitino $\psi$. In analogy with a construction used for $D=10+2$ gauge supergravity, the action is given by $\int STr ({\bf R}^2 {\bf \Gamma})$, where ${\bf R}$ is the $OSp(1|4)$ curvature supermatrix two-form, and ${\bf \Gamma}$ a constant supermatrix containing $\gamma_5$. It is similar, but not identical to the MacDowell-Mansouri action for $D=2+2$ supergravity. The constant supermatrix breaks $OSp(1|4)$ gauge invariance to a subalgebra $OSp(1|2) \oplus Sp(2)$, including a Majorana-Weyl supercharge. Thus half of the $OSp(1|4)$ gauge supersymmetry survives. The gauge fields are the selfdual part of $\omega^{ab}$ and the Weyl projection of $\psi$ for $OSp(1|2)$, and the antiselfdual part of $\omega^{ab}$ for $Sp(2)$. Supersymmetry transformations, being part of a gauge superalgebra, close off-shell. The selfduality condition on the spin connection can be consistently imposed, and the resulting "projected" action is $OSp(1|2)$ gauge invariant.Comment: LaTeX, 10 page
Gauge supergravity in $D=2+2$
gauge supergravity in $d=2+2$
chiral supergravity dimensions. organized connection supermatrix usual vierbein connection omega majorana gravitino analogy supergravity gamma curvature supermatrix gamma supermatrix gamma macdowell mansouri supergravity. supermatrix breaks invariance subalgebra oplus majorana weyl supercharge. supersymmetry survives. selfdual omega weyl projection antiselfdual omega supersymmetry transformations superalgebra shell. selfduality connection consistently imposed projected latex
We analyze the mechanism of spontaneous symmetry breaking of scale invariance in Galilean invariant field theories. We show that the existence of a dynamic gapless dilaton mode depends on whether the $U(1)$ particle number or the Galilean boost symmetry are spontaneously broken. When both scale and particle number symmetries are spontaneously broken there is one propagating gapless Nambu-Goldstone mode. Its dispersion relation is linear if the chemical potential is nonzero and quadratic otherwise. We discuss the reversibility of RG flows in such theories.Comment: 25 pages; revise
Spontaneous Breaking of Non-Relativistic Scale Symmetry
spontaneous breaking of non-relativistic scale symmetry
analyze spontaneous breaking invariance galilean theories. gapless dilaton galilean boost spontaneously broken. symmetries spontaneously broken propagating gapless nambu goldstone mode. nonzero quadratic otherwise. reversibility flows pages revise
We analyze scattering amplitudes with one soft external graviton and arbitrary number of other finite energy external states carrying arbitrary mass and spin to sub-subleading order in the momentum of the soft graviton. Our result can be expressed as the sum of a universal part that depends only on the amplitude without the soft graviton and not the other details of the theory and a non-universal part that depends on the amplitude without the soft graviton, and the two and three point functions of the theory. For tree amplitudes our results are valid in all space-time dimensions while for loop amplitudes, infrared divergences force us to restrict our analysis to space time dimensions five or more. With this restriction the results are valid to all orders in perturbation theory. Our results agree with known results in quantum field theories and string theory.Comment: 52 pages, 7 figures v2: Proved that the non-universal sub-subleading corrections depend only on on-shell 3-point function
Sub-subleading Soft Graviton Theorem in Generic Theories of Quantum Gravity
sub-subleading soft graviton theorem in generic theories of quantum gravity
analyze amplitudes graviton carrying subleading graviton. universal graviton universal graviton theory. amplitudes valid amplitudes infrared divergences restrict more. restriction valid orders perturbation theory. agree pages proved universal subleading
We construct and study stationary, asymptotically flat multicenter solutions describing regular black holes with non-Abelian hair (colored magnetic-monopole and dyon fields) in two models of $\mathcal{N}=2,d=4$ Super-Einstein-Yang-Mills theories: the quadratic model $\overline{\mathbb{CP}}^{3}$ and the cubic model ST$[2,6]$, which can be embedded in 10-dimensional Heterotic Supergravity. These solutions are based on the multicenter dyon recently discovered by one of us, which solves the SU$(2)$ Bogomol'nyi and dyon equations on $\mathbb{E}^{3}$. In contrast to the well-known Abelian multicenter solutions, the relative positions of the non-Abelian black hole centers are unconstrained. We study necessary conditions on the parameters of the solutions that ensure the regularity of the metric. In the case of the $\overline{\mathbb{CP}}^{3}$ model we show that it is enough to require the positivity of the "masses" of the individual black holes, the finiteness of each of their entropies and their superadditivity. In the case of the $ST[2,6]$ model we have not been able to show that analogous conditions are sufficient, but we give an explicit example of a regular solution describing thousands of non-Abelian dyonic black holes in equilibrium at arbitrary relative positions. We also construct non-Abelian solutions that interpolate smoothly between just two aDS$_{2}\times$S$^{2}$ vacua with different radii (dumbbell solutions).Comment: 43 pages, 2 figure
Dyonic black holes at arbitrary locations
dyonic black holes at arbitrary locations
stationary asymptotically multicenter describing holes abelian hair colored monopole dyon mathcal super einstein mills quadratic overline mathbb cubic embedded heterotic supergravity. multicenter dyon discovered solves bogomol dyon mathbb abelian multicenter abelian centers unconstrained. ensure regularity metric. overline mathbb positivity holes finiteness entropies superadditivity. analogous describing thousands abelian dyonic holes positions. abelian interpolate smoothly vacua radii dumbbell .comment pages
We present virtual contributions up to two loop level in perturbative Quantum Chromodynamic (QCD) to the decay of pseudo-scalar Higgs boson ($A$) to three gluons ($g$) and also to quark ($q$), anti-quark ($\overline q$) and a gluon. With appropriate crossing, they are well suited for predicting the differential distribution of $A$ in association with a jet in hadron colliders up to next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) in strong coupling constant and also for the subsequent decay of $A$ to hadrons. We use effective field theory approach to integrate out the top quarks in the heavy top limit. The resulting theory involves two pseudo-scalar composite operators describing the interaction of $A$ with gluons as well as with quark and anti-quark. We perform our computation in dimensional regularisation and use minimal subtraction ($\overline{MS}$) scheme to renormalise strong coupling constant as well as the composite operators. The ultraviolet (UV) finite amplitudes contain infrared (IR) divergences that are found to be in agreement with the predictions by Catani. For both the amplitudes namely $A \rightarrow g g g$ and $A \rightarrow q \overline q g$, the leading transcendental terms at one and two loops are found to be identical to those in a three point form factor (FF) of the half-BPS operator in ${\cal N}=4$ Supersymmetric Yang Mills (SYM) theory when the QCD color factors are adjusted in a specific way. We present our results in terms of harmonic polylogs well suited for further numerical study.Comment: 29 page
Two loop QCD corrections for the process Pseudo-scalar Higgs $\rightarrow 3$ partons
two loop qcd corrections for the process pseudo-scalar higgs $\rightarrow 3$ partons
virtual perturbative chromodynamic pseudo boson gluons overline gluon. crossing suited predicting hadron colliders nnlo hadrons. integrate quarks limit. involves pseudo composite describing gluons quark. regularisation subtraction overline renormalise composite operators. ultraviolet amplitudes infrared divergences catani. amplitudes rightarrow rightarrow overline transcendental loops supersymmetric mills adjusted way. harmonic polylogs suited
The notion of a holographic entropy cone has recently been introduced and it has been proven that this cone is polyhedral. However, the original definition was fully geometric and did not strictly require a holographic duality. We introduce a new definition of the cone, insisting that the geometries used for its construction should be dual to states of a CFT. As a result, the polyhedrality of this holographic cone does not immediately follow. A numerical evaluation of the Euclidean action for the geometries that realize extremal rays of the original cone indicates that these are subdominant bulk phases of natural path integrals. The result challenges the expectation that such geometries are in fact dual to CFT states.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, minor change, added ref, published versio
Handlebody phases and the polyhedrality of the holographic entropy cone
handlebody phases and the polyhedrality of the holographic entropy cone
notion holographic cone proven cone polyhedral. geometric strictly holographic duality. cone insisting geometries cft. polyhedrality holographic cone immediately follow. euclidean geometries realize extremal rays cone subdominant integrals. challenges expectation geometries pages minor versio
We revisit the subject of one-loop determinants in AdS$_3$ gravity via the quasinormal mode method. Our goal is to evaluate a one-loop determinant with chiral boundary conditions for the metric field; chirality is achieved by imposing Dirichlet boundary conditions on certain components while others satisfy Neumann. Along the way, we give a generalization of the quasinormal mode method for stationary (non-static) thermal backgrounds, and propose a treatment for Neumann boundary conditions in this framework. We evaluate the graviton one-loop determinant on the Euclidean BTZ background with parity-violating boundary conditions (CSS), and find excellent agreement with the dual warped CFT. We also discuss a more general falloff in AdS$_3$ that is related to two dimensional quantum gravity in lightcone gauge. The behavior of the ghost fields under both sets of boundary conditions is novel and we discuss potential interpretations.Comment: 36+18 page
Tweaking one-loop determinants in AdS$_3$
tweaking one-loop determinants in ads$_3$
revisit determinants quasinormal method. goal determinant chiral chirality imposing dirichlet satisfy neumann. generalization quasinormal stationary backgrounds propose neumann framework. graviton determinant euclidean parity violating excellent warped cft. falloff lightcone gauge. ghost
The connection between entanglement and topology manifests itself in the form of the ER-EPR duality. This statement however refers to the maximally entangled states only. In this article I study the multipartite entanglement and the way in which it relates to the topological interpretation of the ER-EPR duality. The $2$ dimensional genus $1$ torus will be generalised to a $n$-dimensional general torus, where the information about the multipartite entanglement will be encoded in the higher inclusion maps of the Mayer-Vietorist sequence.Comment: 2 figure
Multipartite entanglement via the Mayer-Vietoris theorem
multipartite entanglement via the mayer-vietoris theorem
connection entanglement topology manifests duality. statement refers maximally entangled only. multipartite entanglement relates topological duality. genus torus generalised torus multipartite entanglement encoded inclusion mayer vietorist
We show how all possible one-particle reducible tadpole diagrams in constant electromagnetic fields can be constructed from one-particle irreducible constant-field diagrams. The construction procedure is essentially algebraic and involves differentiations of the latter class of diagrams with respect to the field strength tensor and contractions with derivatives of the one-particle irreducible part of the Heisenberg-Euler effective Lagrangian in constant fields. Specific examples include the two-loop addendum to the Heisenberg-Euler effective action as well as a novel one-loop correction to the charged particle propagator in constant electromagnetic fields discovered recently. As an additional example, the approach devised in the present article is adopted to derive the tadpole contribution to the two-loop photon polarization tensor in constant fields for the first time.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures; some clarifications added, matches journal versio
Tadpole diagrams in constant electromagnetic fields
tadpole diagrams in constant electromagnetic fields
reducible tadpole diagrams electromagnetic irreducible diagrams. essentially algebraic involves differentiations diagrams contractions derivatives irreducible heisenberg euler lagrangian fields. addendum heisenberg euler propagator electromagnetic discovered recently. devised adopted derive tadpole pages clarifications matches versio
In this work we systematically enumerate genus one fibrations in the class of 7,890 Calabi-Yau manifolds defined as complete intersections in products of projective spaces, the so-called CICY threefolds. This survey is independent of the description of the manifolds and improves upon past approaches that probed only a particular algebraic form of the threefolds (i.e. searches for "obvious" genus one fibrations as in [1,2]). We also study K3-fibrations and nested fibration structures. That is, K3 fibrations with potentially many distinct elliptic fibrations. To accomplish this survey a number of new geometric tools are developed including a determination of the full topology of all CICY threefolds, including triple intersection numbers. In 2,946 cases this involves finding a new "favorable" description of the manifold in which all divisors descend from a simple ambient space. Our results consist of a survey of obvious fibrations for all CICY threefolds and a complete classification of all genus one fibrations for 4,957 "Kahler favorable" CICYs whose Kahler cones descend from a simple ambient space. Within the CICY dataset, we find 139,597 obvious genus one fibrations, 30,974 obvious K3 fibrations and 208,987 nested combinations. For the Kahler favorable geometries we find a complete classification of 377,559 genus one fibrations. For one manifold with Hodge numbers (19,19) we find an explicit description of an infinite number of distinct genus-one fibrations extending previous results for this particular geometry that have appeared in the literature. The data associated to this scan is available at .Comment: 54 pages, 4 tables, 4 figure
Fibrations in CICY Threefolds
fibrations in cicy threefolds
systematically enumerate genus fibrations calabi manifolds intersections projective cicy threefolds. manifolds improves probed algebraic threefolds i.e. searches obvious genus fibrations fibrations nested fibration structures. fibrations potentially elliptic fibrations. accomplish geometric topology cicy threefolds triple intersection numbers. involves favorable manifold divisors descend ambient space. consist obvious fibrations cicy threefolds genus fibrations kahler favorable cicys kahler cones descend ambient space. cicy dataset obvious genus fibrations obvious fibrations nested combinations. kahler favorable geometries genus fibrations. manifold hodge infinite genus fibrations extending appeared literature. scan .comment pages tables
We clarify three aspects of non-compact elliptic genera. Firstly, we give a path integral derivation of the elliptic genus of the cigar conformal field theory from its non-linear sigma-model description. The result is a manifestly modular sum over a lattice. Secondly, we discuss supersymmetric quantum mechanics with a continuous spectrum. We regulate the theory and analyze the dependence on the temperature of the trace weighted by the fermion number. The dependence is dictated by the regulator. From a detailed analysis of the dependence on the infrared boundary conditions, we argue that in non-compact elliptic genera right-moving supersymmetry combined with modular covariance is anomalous. Thirdly, we further clarify the relation between the flat space elliptic genus and the infinite level limit of the cigar elliptic genus.Comment: 22 page
An Elliptic Triptych
an elliptic triptych
clarify elliptic genera. firstly derivation elliptic genus cigar conformal sigma description. manifestly modular lattice. secondly supersymmetric mechanics spectrum. regulate analyze trace weighted fermion number. dictated regulator. infrared argue elliptic genera moving supersymmetry modular covariance anomalous. thirdly clarify elliptic genus infinite cigar elliptic
We consider antiparallel Wilson lines in N=4 super Yang-Mills in the presence of a codimension-1 defect. We compute the Wilson lines' expectation value both at weak coupling, in the gauge theory, and at strong coupling, by finding the string configurations which are dual to this operator. These configurations display a Gross-Ooguri transition between a connected, U-shaped string phase and a phase in which the string breaks into two disconnected surfaces. We analyze in detail the critical configurations separating the two phases and compare the string result with the gauge theory one in a certain double scaling limit.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figures; v2: minor changes, references added, published version; v3: clarifications in Sec.
Quark-antiquark potential in defect conformal field theory
quark-antiquark potential in defect conformal field theory
antiparallel wilson super mills codimension defect. wilson expectation configurations operator. configurations display gross ooguri shaped breaks disconnected surfaces. analyze configurations separating pages minor clarifications sec.
We discuss bosonization and Fermionic Short-Range-Entangled (FSRE) phases of matter in one, two, and three spatial dimensions, emphasizing the physical meaning of the cohomological parameters which label such phases and the connection with higher-form symmetries. We propose a classification scheme for fermionic SPT phases in three spatial dimensions with an arbitrary finite point symmetry G. It generalizes the supercohomology of Gu and Wen. We argue that the most general such phase can be obtained from a bosonic "shadow" by condensing both fermionic particles and strings.Comment: 47 page
Fermionic SPT phases in higher dimensions and bosonization
fermionic spt phases in higher dimensions and bosonization
bosonization fermionic entangled fsre emphasizing meaning cohomological label connection symmetries. propose fermionic generalizes supercohomology wen. argue bosonic shadow condensing fermionic
We would like to put the area law -- believed to by obeyed by entanglement entropies in the ground state of a local field theory -- to scrutiny in the presence of non-perturbative effects. We study instanton corrections to entanglement entropy in various models whose instanton effects are well understood, including $U(1)$ gauge theory in 2+1 dimensions and false vacuum decay in $\phi^4$ theory, and we demonstrate that the area law is indeed obeyed in these models. We also perform numerical computations for toy wavefunctions mimicking the theta vacuum of the (1+1)-dimensional Schwinger model. Our results indicate that such superpositions exhibit no more violation of the area law than the logarithmic behavior of a single Fermi surface.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figures, typos corrected, substantially revised, published versio
Instantons and Entanglement Entropy
instantons and entanglement entropy
believed obeyed entanglement entropies scrutiny perturbative effects. instanton entanglement instanton understood false obeyed models. computations wavefunctions mimicking theta schwinger model. superpositions exhibit violation logarithmic fermi pages typos corrected substantially revised versio
A large number of examples of compact $G_2$ manifolds, relevant to supersymmetric compactifications of M-Theory to four dimensions, can be constructed by forming a twisted connected sum of two appropriate building blocks times a circle. These building blocks, which are appropriate $K3$-fibred threefolds, are shown to have a natural and elegant construction in terms of tops, which parallels the construction of Calabi-Yau manifolds via reflexive polytopes.Comment: 43 pages, v2: typos corrected, improved discussion, references added, v3: reorganized and improved parts of the discussion, fixed typo
Tops as Building Blocks for G2 Manifolds
tops as building blocks for g2 manifolds
manifolds supersymmetric compactifications forming twisted blocks circle. blocks fibred threefolds elegant tops parallels calabi manifolds reflexive pages typos corrected reorganized typo
We compute free energies as well as conformal anomalies associated with boundaries for a conformal free scalar field. To that matter, we introduce the family of spaces of the form $\mathbb{S}^a\times \mathbb{H}^b$, which are conformally related to $\mathbb{S}^{a+b}$. For the case of $a=1$, related to the entanglement entropy across $\mathbb{S}^{b-1}$, we provide some new explicit computations of entanglement entropies at weak coupling. We then compute the free energy for spaces $\mathbb{S}^a\times \mathbb{H}^b$ for different values of $a$ and $b$. For spaces $\mathbb{S}^{2n+1}\times \mathbb{H}^{2k}$ we find an exact match with the free energy on $\mathbb{S}^{2n+2k+1}$. For $\mathbb{H}^{2k+1}$ and $\mathbb{S}^{3}\times \mathbb{H}^{3}$ we find conformal anomalies originating from boundary terms. We also compute the free energy for strongly coupled theories through holography, obtaining similar results.Comment: 36 pages, no figures. V2: refs. adde
Free energy and boundary anomalies on $\mathbb{S}^a\times \mathbb{H}^b$ spaces
free energy and boundary anomalies on $\mathbb{s}^a\times \mathbb{h}^b$ spaces
conformal anomalies boundaries conformal field. mathbb mathbb conformally mathbb entanglement mathbb computations entanglement entropies coupling. mathbb mathbb mathbb mathbb match mathbb mathbb mathbb mathbb conformal anomalies originating terms. holography obtaining pages figures. refs. adde
Double field theory yields a formulation of the low-energy effective action of bosonic string theory and half-maximal supergravities that is covariant under the T-duality group O$(d,d)$ emerging on a torus $T^d$. Upon reduction to three spacetime dimensions and dualisation of vector fields into scalars, the symmetry group is enhanced to O$(d+1,d+1)$. We construct an enhanced double field theory with internal coordinates in the adjoint representation of O$(d+1,d+1)$. Its section constraints admit two inequivalent solutions, encoding in particular the embedding of $D=6$ chiral and non-chiral theories, respectively. As an application we define consistent generalized Scherk-Schwarz reductions using a novel notion of generalized parallelization. This allows us to prove the consistency of the truncations of $D=6$, ${\cal N}=(1,1)$ and $D=6$, ${\cal N}=(2,0)$ supergravity on AdS$_3\times \mathbb{S}^3$.Comment: 33 pages plus Appendi
O(d+1,d+1) enhanced double field theory
o(d+1,d+1) enhanced double field theory
formulation bosonic maximal supergravities covariant duality emerging torus spacetime dualisation scalars adjoint admit inequivalent encoding embedding chiral chiral respectively. scherk schwarz reductions notion parallelization. consistency truncations supergravity mathbb .comment pages appendi