3 values
The sectorized description of the (chiral) heterotic string using pure spinors has been misleadingly viewed as an infinite tension string. One evidence for this fact comes from the tree level 3-point graviton amplitude, which we show to contain the usual Einstein term plus a higher curvature contribution. After reintroducing a dimensionful parameter $\ell$ in the theory, we demonstrate that the heterotic model is in fact two-fold, depending on the choice of the supersymmetric sector, and that the spectrum also contains one massive (open string like) multiplet. By taking the $\ell\to\infty$ limit, we finally show that the ambitwistor string is recovered, reproducing the unexpected heterotic state in Mason and Skinner's RNS description.Comment: 30 pages, one figure. Clarifications and references added. Published versio
Connecting the ambitwistor and the sectorized heterotic strings
connecting the ambitwistor and the sectorized heterotic strings
sectorized chiral heterotic spinors misleadingly viewed infinite tension string. comes graviton usual einstein curvature contribution. reintroducing dimensionful heterotic supersymmetric massive multiplet. infty ambitwistor recovered reproducing unexpected heterotic mason skinner pages figure. clarifications added. versio
We outline a systematic procedure to obtain horizonless microstate geometries that have the same charges as three-charge five-dimensional black holes with a macroscopically-large horizon area and an arbitrarily-small angular momentum. There are two routes through which such solutions can be constructed: using multi-center Gibbons-Hawking (GH) spaces or using superstratum technology. So far the only solutions corresponding to microstate geometries for black holes with no angular momentum have been obtained via superstrata, and multi-center Gibbons-Hawking spaces have been believed to give rise only to microstate geometries of BMPV black holes with a large angular momentum. We perform a thorough search throughout the parameter space of smooth horizonless solutions with four GH centers and find that these have an angular momentum that is generally larger than 80% of the cosmic censorship bound. However, we find that solutions with three GH centers and one supertube (which are smooth in six-dimensional supergravity) can have an arbitrarily-low angular momentum. Our construction thus gives a recipe to build large classes of microstate geometries for zero-angular-momentum black holes without resorting to superstratum technology.Comment: 36 pages, 23 figure
A systematic construction of microstate geometries with low angular momentum
a systematic construction of microstate geometries with low angular momentum
outline horizonless microstate geometries charges holes macroscopically horizon arbitrarily momentum. routes gibbons hawking superstratum technology. microstate geometries holes superstrata gibbons hawking believed microstate geometries bmpv holes momentum. thorough horizonless centers cosmic censorship bound. centers supertube supergravity arbitrarily momentum. recipe build microstate geometries holes resorting superstratum pages
Admissible curved space backgrounds for four-dimensional supersymmetric field theories are determined by solving Killing spinor equations of four-dimensional off-shell supergravities. These can be obtained by combining ten-dimensional type IIB supersymmetry with D-brane kappa-symmetry and identifying auxiliary fields of the four-dimensional supergravity fields in terms of type IIB fields. In this paper we show how to extend a number of solutions of four-dimensional Killing spinor equations with four or less supercharges to solutions of the ten-dimensional supersymmetry constraints.Comment: 31 page
Ten-dimensional lifts of global supersymmetry on curved spaces
ten-dimensional lifts of global supersymmetry on curved spaces
admissible curved backgrounds supersymmetric solving killing spinor supergravities. combining supersymmetry brane kappa identifying auxiliary supergravity fields. extend killing spinor supercharges supersymmetry
We discuss a scenario that the dark matter in late time universe emerges as part of the holographic stress-energy tensor on the hypersurface in higher dimensional flat spacetime. Firstly we construct a toy model with a de Sitter hypersurface as the holographic screen in the flat bulk. After adding the baryonic matter on the screen, we assume that both of the dark matter and dark energy can be described by the Brown-York stress-energy tensor. From the Hamiltonian constraint equation in the flat bulk, we find an interesting relation between the dark matter and baryonic matter's energy density parameters, by comparing with the Lambda cold dark matter parameterization. We further compare this holographic embedding of emergent dark matter with traditional braneworld scenario and present an alternative interpretation as the holographic universe. It can be reduced to our toy constraint in the late time universe, with the new parameterization of the Friedmann equation. We also comment on the possible connection with Verlinde's emergent gravity, where the dark matter is treated as the elastic response of the baryonic matter on the de Sitter spacetime background. We show that from the holographic de Sitter model with elasticity, the Tully-Fisher relation and the dark matter distribution in the galaxy scale can be derived.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figures; Matches published version and we thank the referees for many insightful comments; v3: typos in the Friedmann equations are fixe
Emergent Dark Matter in Late Time Universe on Holographic Screen
emergent dark matter in late time universe on holographic screen
universe emerges holographic hypersurface spacetime. firstly sitter hypersurface holographic screen bulk. adding baryonic screen brown tensor. baryonic lambda cold parameterization. holographic embedding emergent traditional braneworld holographic universe. universe parameterization friedmann equation. comment connection verlinde emergent elastic baryonic sitter spacetime background. holographic sitter elasticity tully fisher pages matches referees insightful comments typos friedmann fixe
Type II string theory and M-theory admit flux configurations that break supersymmetry below the Kaluza-Klein scale. These backgrounds play a central role in most models of the string landscape. I argue that the behavior of such backgrounds at weak coupling is generically a rolling solution, not a static space-time. Quantum corrections to the space-time potential are computed around this classical time-dependent background. This is particularly important for non-perturbative corrections. This change in perspective offers an explanation for why there appear to be many effective field theory models that seemingly evade the known no-go theorems forbidding de Sitter space-times. This has interesting implications for type IIB string landscape models.Comment: 31 pages; LaTeX; references added; minor changes and more references adde
Supersymmetry Breaking by Fluxes
supersymmetry breaking by fluxes
admit configurations break supersymmetry kaluza klein scale. backgrounds landscape. argue backgrounds generically rolling time. background. perturbative corrections. perspective offers explanation seemingly evade theorems forbidding sitter times. landscape pages latex minor adde
A search for exotic decays of the Higgs boson into a pair of spin-zero particles, H → aa, where the a-boson decay sin to b-quarks promptly or with a mean proper lifetime cτa up to 6 mm and has a mass in the range of 20–60 GeV, is presented. The search is performed in events where the Higgs boson is produced in association with a W or Z boson, giving rise to a signature of one or two charged leptons (electrons or muons) and multiple jets from b-quark decays. The analysis is based on the dataset of proton-proton collisions at s√=13 TeV recorded in 2015 and 2016 by the ATLAS detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 36.1 fb−1. No significant excess of events above the Standard Model background prediction is observed, and 95% confidence-level upper limits are derived for the production cross-sections for pp → WH, ZH and their combination, times the branching ratio of the decay chain H → aa → 4b. For a-bosons which decay promptly, the upper limit on the combination of cross-sections for WH and ZH times the branching ratio of H → aa → 4b ranges from 3.0 pb for ma = 20 GeV to 1.3 pb for ma = 60 GeV, assuming that the ratio of WH to ZH cross-sections follows the Standard Model prediction. For a-bosons with longer proper lifetimes, the most stringent limits are 1.8 pb and 0.68 pb, respectively, at cτa ∼ 0.4 mm
Search for the Higgs boson produced in association with a vector boson and decaying into two spin-zero particles in the H → aa → 4b channel in pp collisions at s√=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
search for the higgs boson produced in association with a vector boson and decaying into two spin-zero particles in the h → aa → 4b channel in pp collisions at s√=13 tev with the atlas detector
exotic decays boson boson quarks promptly proper lifetime presented. boson boson giving signature leptons muons jets decays. dataset proton proton collisions atlas cern hadron collider luminosity excess confidence branching bosons promptly branching ranges prediction. bosons proper lifetimes stringent
We have constructed a class of perturbative dynamical black hole solutions in presence of cosmological constant. We have done our calculation in large number of dimensions. The inverse power of dimension has been used as the perturbation parameter and our calculation is valid upto the first subleading order. The solutions are in one to one correspondence with a dynamical membrane and a velocity field embedded in the asymptotic geometry. Our method is manifestly covariant with respect to the asymptotic geometry. One single calculation and the same universal result works for both dS and AdS geometry or in case of AdS for both global AdS and Poincare patch. We have checked our final answer with various known exact solutions and the known spectrum of Quasi Normal modes in AdS/dS.Comment: 74 pages. v2: Minor changes, typos correcte
The large D black hole dynamics in AdS/dS backgrounds
the large d black hole dynamics in ads/ds backgrounds
perturbative cosmological constant. dimensions. perturbation valid upto subleading order. correspondence embedded asymptotic geometry. manifestly covariant asymptotic geometry. universal poincare patch. checked answer quasi pages. minor typos correcte
Inspired by the Contino-Pomarol-Rattazzi mechanism we explore scenarios with a very light (100 keV to 10 GeV) radion which could be associated with the suppression of the electroweak contribution to vacuum energy. We construct explicit, realistic models that realize this mechanism and explore the phenomenological constraints on this class of models. Compared with axion-like particles in this mass range, the bounds from SN 1987a and from cosmology can be much weaker, depending on the the mass of the radion and its coupling to other particles. With couplings suppressed by a scale lower than 100 TeV much of the mass window from 100 keV to 10 GeV is still open.Comment: 30 pages, 12 figures, published version, software for figure uploade
The Light Radion Window
the light radion window
inspired contino pomarol rattazzi explore scenarios radion suppression electroweak energy. realistic realize explore phenomenological models. axion bounds cosmology weaker radion particles. couplings suppressed window pages uploade
We present the full basis of effective operators relevant for dark matter direct detection, up to and including operators of mass dimension seven. We treat the cases where dark matter is either a Dirac fermion, a Majorana fermion, a complex scalar, or a real scalar, allowing for dark matter to furnish a general representation of the electroweak gauge group. We describe the algorithmic procedure used to obtain the minimal set of effective operators and provide the tree-level matching conditions onto the effective theory valid below the electroweak scale.Comment: 30 pages, 1 figur
Effective Field Theory for Dark Matter Direct Detection up to Dimension Seven
effective field theory for dark matter direct detection up to dimension seven
seven. treat dirac fermion majorana fermion allowing furnish electroweak group. algorithmic matching valid electroweak pages figur
We analytically construct asymptotically AdS5 black string solutions starting from the four-dimensional domain wall black hole of [1]. It is shown that its uplift gives a black string in d = 5 minimal gauged supergravity, with momentum along the string. Applying instead the residual symmetries of N = 2, d = 4 Fayet-Iliopoulos-gauged super-gravity discovered in [2] to the domain wall seed leads, after uplifting, to a dyonic black string that interpolates between AdS5 and AdS3 × H2 at the horizon. A Kaluza-Klein reduction of the latter along an angular Killing direction ϕ followed by a duality transformation yields, after going back to five dimensions, a black string with both momentum along the string and rotation along ϕ. This is the first instance of using solution-generating techniques in gauged supergravity to add rotation to a given seed. These solutions all have constant scalar fields. As was shown in [3], the construction of supersymmetric static magnetic black strings in the FI-gauged stu model amounts to solving the SO(2, 1) spinning top equations, which descend from an inhomogeneous version of the Nahm equations. We are able to solve these in a particular case, which leads to a generalization of the Maldacena-Nuñez solution
AdS5 black strings in the stu model of FI-gauged N = 2 supergravity
ads5 black strings in the stu model of fi-gauged n = 2 supergravity
analytically asymptotically uplift gauged supergravity string. residual symmetries fayet iliopoulos gauged super discovered seed uplifting dyonic interpolates horizon. kaluza klein killing duality going generating gauged supergravity seed. fields. supersymmetric strings gauged amounts solving spinning descend inhomogeneous nahm equations. solve generalization maldacena nuñez
Loop amplitudes for massless five particle scattering processes contain Feynman integrals depending on the external momentum invariants: pentagon functions. We perform a detailed study of the analyticity properties and cut structure of these functions up to two loops in the planar case, where we classify and identify the minimal set of basis functions. They are computed from the canonical form of their differential equations and expressed in terms of generalized polylogarithms, or alternatively as one-dimensional integrals. We present analytical expressions and numerical evaluation routines for these pentagon functions, in all kinematical configurations relevant to five-particle scattering processes
Pentagon functions for massless planar scattering amplitudes.
pentagon functions for massless planar scattering amplitudes.
amplitudes massless feynman integrals invariants pentagon functions. analyticity loops planar classify functions. canonical polylogarithms alternatively integrals. expressions routines pentagon kinematical configurations
The formal derivatives of the Yang-Baxter equation with respect to its spectral parameters, evaluated at some fixed point of these parameters, provide us with two systems of differential equations. The derivatives of the $R$ matrix elements, however, can be regarded as independent variables and eliminated from the systems, after which two systems of polynomial equations are obtained in place. In general, these polynomial systems have a non-zero Hilbert dimension, which means that not all elements of the $R$ matrix can be fixed through them. Nonetheless, the remaining unknowns can be found by solving a few number of simple differential equations that arise as consistency conditions of the method. The branches of the solutions can also be easily analyzed by this method, which ensures the uniqueness and generality of the solutions. In this work we considered the Yang-Baxter equation for two-state systems, up to the eight-vertex model. This differential approach allowed us to solve the Yang-Baxter equation in a systematic way and also to completely classify its regular solutions.Comment: Final version. 40 pages, 3 tables. Keywords: Yang-Baxter Equation, Lattice Integrable Models, Eight-Vertex Model, Bethe Ansatz, Differential and Algebraic Geometr
Solving and classifying the solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation through a differential approach. Two-state systems
solving and classifying the solutions of the yang-baxter equation through a differential approach. two-state systems
formal derivatives baxter equations. derivatives regarded eliminated place. hilbert them. nonetheless unknowns solving arise consistency method. branches ensures uniqueness generality solutions. baxter eight model. solve baxter classify version. pages tables. keywords baxter integrable eight bethe ansatz algebraic geometr
We investigate an excess observed in hadronic events in the archived LEP2 ALEPH data. This excess was observed at preselection level during data-MC comparisons of four-jet events when no search was being performed. The events are clustered into four jets and paired such that the mass difference between the two dijet systems is minimized. The excess occurs in the region $M_1+M_2\sim 110\mbox{ GeV}$; about half of the excess is concentrated in the region $M_1\sim 80\mbox{ GeV}$, $M_2\sim 25\mbox{ GeV}$, with a local significance between $4.7\sigma$ and $5.5\sigma$, depending on assumptions about hadronization uncertainties. The other half of the events are in a broad excess near $M_1\sim M_2\sim 55\mbox{ GeV}$; these display a local significance of $4.1-4.5\sigma$. We investigate the effects of changing the SM QCD Monte Carlo sample, the jet-clustering algorithm, and the jet rescaling method. We find that the excess is remarkably robust under these changes, and we find no source of systematic uncertainty that can explain the excess. No analogue of the excess is seen at LEP1.Comment: 40 pages, 17 figures. Version published in JHEP. Detector section removed, S/B and SM expectation figure added, expanded discussion of hadronization uncertainties, small changes in systematic errors due to LEP1 data statistics, table added with significance as a function of center-of-mass energy, changes in tex
Localized $4\sigma$ and $5\sigma$ Dijet Mass Excesses in ALEPH LEP2 Four-Jet Events
localized $4\sigma$ and $5\sigma$ dijet mass excesses in aleph lep2 four-jet events
excess hadronic archived aleph data. excess preselection comparisons performed. clustered jets paired dijet minimized. excess mbox excess concentrated mbox mbox sigma sigma assumptions hadronization uncertainties. broad excess mbox display sigma changing monte carlo clustering rescaling method. excess remarkably robust excess. analogue excess pages figures. jhep. removed expectation expanded hadronization
Freeze-in dark matter (DM) mediated by a light ($\ll$ keV) weakly-coupled dark-photon is an important benchmark for the emerging low-mass direct detection program. Since this is one of the only predictive, detectable freeze-in models, we investigate how robustly such testability extends to other scenarios. For concreteness, we perform a detailed study of models in which DM couples to a light scalar mediator and acquires a freeze-in abundance through Higgs-mediator mixing. Unlike dark-photons, whose thermal properties weaken stellar cooling bounds, the scalar coupling to Standard Model (SM) particles is subject to strong astrophysical constraints, which severely limit the fraction of DM that can be produced via freeze-in. While it seems naively possible to compensate for this reduction by increasing the mediator-DM coupling, sufficiently large values eventually thermalize the dark sector with itself and yield efficient DM annihilation to mediators, which depletes the freeze-in population; only a small window of DM candidate masses near the $\sim$ GeV scale can accommodate the total observed abundance. Since many qualitatively similar issues arise for other light mediators, we find it generically difficult to realize a viable freeze-in scenario in which production arises only from renormalizable interactions with SM particles. We also comment on several model variations that may evade these conclusions.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures, 2 appendice
Freezing In, Heating Up, and Freezing Out: Predictive Nonthermal Dark Matter and Low-Mass Direct Detection
freezing in, heating up, and freezing out: predictive nonthermal dark matter and low-mass direct detection
freeze weakly benchmark emerging program. predictive detectable freeze robustly testability extends scenarios. concreteness couples mediator acquires freeze abundance mediator mixing. unlike photons weaken cooling bounds astrophysical severely freeze naively compensate mediator sufficiently eventually thermalize annihilation mediators depletes freeze window candidate accommodate abundance. qualitatively arise mediators generically realize viable freeze arises renormalizable particles. comment evade pages appendice
The amplituhedron provides a beautiful description of perturbative superamplitude\ud integrands in N = 4 SYM in terms of purely geometric objects, generalisations of\ud polytopes. On the other hand the Wilson loop in supertwistor space also gives an explicit\ud description of these superamplitudes as a sum of planar Feynman diagrams. Each Feynman\ud diagram can be naturally associated with a geometrical object in the same space as the\ud amplituhedron (although not uniquely). This suggests that these geometric images of the\ud Feynman diagrams give a tessellation of the amplituhedron. This turns out to be the case\ud for NMHV amplitudes. We argue however that beyond NMHV this is not true. Specifically,\ud each Feynman diagram leads to an image with a physical boundary and spurious\ud boundaries. The spurious ones should be “internal”, matching with neighbouring diagrams.\ud We however show that there is no choice of geometric image of the Wilson loop Feynman\ud diagrams which yields a geometric object without leaving unmatched spurious boundaries
The twistor Wilson loop and the amplituhedron.
the twistor wilson loop and the amplituhedron.
amplituhedron beautiful perturbative superamplitude integrands purely geometric generalisations polytopes. wilson supertwistor superamplitudes planar feynman diagrams. feynman naturally geometrical amplituhedron uniquely geometric feynman diagrams tessellation amplituhedron. turns nmhv amplitudes. argue nmhv true. feynman spurious boundaries. spurious “internal” matching neighbouring diagrams. geometric wilson feynman diagrams geometric leaving unmatched spurious boundaries
Jet production at hadron colliders is a benchmark process to probe the dynamics of the strong interaction and the structure of the colliding hadrons. One of the most basic jet production observables is the single jet inclusive cross section, which is obtained by summing all jets that are observed in an event. Our recent computation of next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) QCD contributions to single jet inclusive observables uncovered large corrections in certain kinematical regions, which also resulted in a sizeable ambiguity on the appropriate choice of renormalization and factorization scales. We now perform a detailed investigation of the infrared sensitivity of the different ingredients to the single jet inclusive cross section. We show that the contribution from the second jet, ordered in transverse momentum pT, in the event is particularly sensitive to higher order effects due to implicit restrictions on its kinematics. By investigating the second-jet transverse momentum distribution, we identify large-scale cancellations between different kinematical event configurations, which are aggravated by certain types of scale choice. Taking perturbative convergence and stability as selection criteria enables us to single out the total partonic transverse energy ĤT and twice the individual jet transverse momentum 2 pT (with which ĤT coincides in Born kinematics) as the most appropriate scales in the perturbative description of single jet inclusive production
Infrared sensitivity of single jet inclusive production at hadron colliders.
infrared sensitivity of single jet inclusive production at hadron colliders.
hadron colliders benchmark colliding hadrons. observables inclusive summing jets event. nnlo inclusive observables uncovered kinematical resulted sizeable ambiguity renormalization factorization scales. infrared ingredients inclusive section. ordered implicit restrictions kinematics. investigating cancellations kinematical configurations aggravated choice. perturbative enables partonic twice coincides born kinematics perturbative inclusive
We present a complete description of top quark pair production in association with a hard photon in the dilepton channel. Our calculation is accurate to NLO in QCD. It is based on matrix elements for e+νeμ−ν¯¯¯μbb¯¯γ production and includes all resonant and non-resonant diagrams, interferences, and off-shell effects of the top quarks and the W gauge bosons. This calculation constitutes the first full computation for top quark pair production with a final state photon in hadronic collisions at NLO in QCD. Numerical results for total and differential cross sections are presented for the LHC at a centre-of-mass energy of s√=13 TeV. For a few observables relevant for new physics searches, beyond some kinematic bounds, we observe shape distortions of more than 100%. In addition, we confirm that the size of the top quark off-shell effects for the total cross section is consistent with the expected uncertainties of the narrow width approximation. Results presented here are not only relevant for beyond the Standard Model physics searches but also important for precise measurements of the top-quark fiducial cross sections and top-quark properties at the LHC
Hard photons in hadroproduction of top quarks with realistic final states.
hard photons in hadroproduction of top quarks with realistic final states.
dilepton channel. qcd. νeμ−ν¯¯¯μbb¯¯γ resonant resonant diagrams interferences quarks bosons. constitutes hadronic collisions qcd. tev. observables searches kinematic bounds distortions confirm narrow approximation. searches precise fiducial
Measurements of differential cross sections of top quark pair production in association with jets by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC are presented. The measurements are performed as functions of the top quark transverse momentum, the transverse momentum of the top quark-antitop quark system and the out-of-plane transverse momentum using data from pp collisions at s√=13 TeV collected by the ATLAS detector at the LHC in 2015 and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3.2 fb−1. The top quark pair events are selected in the lepton (electron or muon) + jets channel. The measured cross sections, which are compared to several predictions, allow a detailed study of top quark production
Measurements of differential cross sections of top quark pair production in association with jets in pp collisions at s√=13 TeV using the ATLAS detector
measurements of differential cross sections of top quark pair production in association with jets in pp collisions at s√=13 tev using the atlas detector
jets atlas presented. antitop collisions atlas luminosity lepton muon jets channel.
It has recently been shown that a center-twisted compactification of the four-dimensional pure $SU(N)$ Yang-Mills theory on a three-torus gives rise to the two-dimensional $\mathbb{CP}^{N-1}$-model on a circle with a flavor-twisted boundary condition. We verify the consistency of this statement non-perturbatively at theta angle $\theta=\pi$, in terms of the mixed 't Hooft anomalies for flavor symmetries and the time-reversal symmetry. This provides further support for the approach to the confinement of four-dimensional Yang-Mills theory from the two-dimensional $\mathbb{CP}^{N-1}$-model.Comment: 6 page
Relating 't Hooft Anomalies of 4d Pure Yang-Mills and 2d $\mathbb{CP}^{N-1}$ Model
relating 't hooft anomalies of 4d pure yang-mills and 2d $\mathbb{cp}^{n-1}$ model
twisted compactification mills torus mathbb circle flavor twisted condition. verify consistency statement perturbatively theta theta hooft anomalies flavor symmetries reversal symmetry. confinement mills mathbb
We investigate low-energy string excitations in AdS3 × S\ud 3 × T\ud 4\ud . When the worldsheet is decompactified,\ud the theory has gapless modes whose spectrum at low energies is determined by massless\ud relativistic integrable S matrices of the type introduced by Al. B. Zamolodchikov. The S matrices\ud are non-trivial only for excitations with identical worldsheet chirality, indicating that the low-energy\ud theory is a CFT2. We construct a Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz (TBA) for these excitations and\ud show how the massless modes’ wrapping effects may be incorporated into the AdS3 spectral problem.\ud Using the TBA and its associated Y-system, we determine the central charge of the low-energy CFT2\ud to be c = 6 from calculating the vacuum energy for antiperiodic fermions - with the vacuum energy\ud being zero for periodic fermions in agreement with a supersymmetric theory - and find the energies\ud of some excited states
The low-energy limit of AdS3/CFT2 and its TBA
the low-energy limit of ads3/cft2 and its tba
excitations worldsheet decompactified gapless massless relativistic integrable zamolodchikov. trivial excitations worldsheet chirality thermodynamic bethe ansatz excitations massless modes’ wrapping incorporated problem. calculating antiperiodic fermions fermions supersymmetric excited
A search for dark matter (DM) particles produced in association with a hadronically decaying vector boson is performed using pp collision data at a centre-of-mass energy of s√=13 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 36.1 fb−1, recorded by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. This analysis improves on previous searches for processes with hadronic decays of W and Z bosons in association with large missing transverse momentum (mono-W/Z searches) due to the larger dataset and further optimization of the event selection and signal region definitions. In addition to the mono-W/Z search, the as yet unexplored hypothesis of a new vector boson Z′ produced in association with dark matter is considered (mono-Z′ search). No significant excess over the Standard Model prediction is observed. The results of the mono-W/Z search are interpreted in terms of limits on invisible Higgs boson decays into dark matter particles, constraints on the parameter space of the simplified vector-mediator model and generic upper limits on the visible cross sections for W/Z+DM production. The results of the mono-Z′ search are shown in the framework of several simplified-model scenarios involving DM production in association with the Z′ boson
Search for dark matter in events with a hadronically decaying vector boson and missing transverse momentum in pp collisions at s√=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
search for dark matter in events with a hadronically decaying vector boson and missing transverse momentum in pp collisions at s√=13 tev with the atlas detector
hadronically decaying boson collision luminosity atlas hadron collider. improves searches hadronic decays bosons missing mono searches dataset definitions. mono unexplored boson mono excess observed. mono interpreted invisible boson decays simplified mediator generic visible production. mono simplified scenarios involving boson
G\"{o}ttsche-Nakajima-Yoshioka K-theoretic blowup equations characterize the Nekrasov partition function of five dimensional $\mathcal{N}=1$ supersymmetric gauge theories compactified on a circle, which via geometric engineering correspond to the refined topological string theory on $SU(N)$ geometries. In this paper, we study the K-theoretic blowup equations for general local Calabi-Yau threefolds. We find that both vanishing and unity blowup equations exist for the partition function of refined topological string, and the crucial ingredients are the $\bf r$ fields introduced in our previous paper. These blowup equations are in fact the functional equations for the partition function and each of them results in infinite identities among the refined free energies. Evidences show that they can be used to determine the full refined BPS invariants of local Calabi-Yau threefolds. This serves an independent and sometimes more powerful way to compute the partition function other than the refined topological vertex in the A-model and the refined holomorphic anomaly equations in the B-model. We study the modular properties of the blowup equations and provide a procedure to determine all the vanishing and unity $\bf r$ fields from the polynomial part of refined topological string at large radius point. We also find that certain form of blowup equations exist at generic loci of the moduli space.Comment: 85 pages. v2: Journal versio
Blowup Equations for Refined Topological Strings
blowup equations for refined topological strings
ttsche nakajima yoshioka theoretic blowup characterize nekrasov partition mathcal supersymmetric compactified circle geometric refined topological geometries. theoretic blowup calabi threefolds. vanishing unity blowup partition refined topological crucial ingredients paper. blowup partition infinite identities refined energies. evidences refined invariants calabi threefolds. serves sometimes powerful partition refined topological refined holomorphic anomaly model. modular blowup vanishing unity refined topological point. blowup generic loci moduli pages. versio
Within warped extra dimension models that explain flavor through geometry, flavor changing neutral current constraints generally force the Kaluza-Klein scale to be above many TeV. This creates tension with a natural electroweak scale. On the other hand, a much lower scale compatible with precision electroweak and flavor changing neutral current constraints is allowed if we decouple the Kaluza-Klein states of Standard Model gauge bosons from light fermions $c_{\rm light}\simeq c_b\simeq 0.5$ bulk mass parameters). The main signature for this approach is four top quark production via the Kaluza-Klein excitations' strong coupling to top quarks. We study single lepton, like-sign dilepton, and trilepton observables of four-top events at the Large Hadron Collider. The like-sign dilepton signature typically has the largest discovery potential for a strongly coupled right-handed top case ($M_{KK} \sim 2-2.5 \TeV$), while single lepton is the better when the left-handed top couples most strongly ($M_{KK} \sim 2 \TeV$). We also describe challenging lepton-jet collimation issues in the like-sign dilepton and trilepton channels. An alternative single lepton observable is considered which takes advantage of the many bottom quarks in the final state. Although searches of other particles may compete, we find that four top production via Kaluza-Klein gluons is most promising in a large region of this parameter space.Comment: 35 pages, 8 figures. discussions improved, references adde
Low-scale warped extra dimension and its predilection for multiple top quarks
low-scale warped extra dimension and its predilection for multiple top quarks
warped extra flavor flavor changing neutral kaluza klein tev. creates tension electroweak scale. compatible precision electroweak flavor changing neutral decouple kaluza klein bosons fermions simeq simeq signature kaluza klein excitations quarks. lepton dilepton trilepton observables hadron collider. dilepton signature discovery handed lepton handed couples challenging lepton collimation dilepton trilepton channels. lepton observable advantage quarks state. searches compete kaluza klein gluons promising pages figures. discussions adde
The hidden conformal symmetry of extreme and non-extreme Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton-Axion (EMDA) black holes is addressed in this paper. For the non-extreme one, employing the wave equation of massless scalars, the conformal symmetry with left temperature $T_{L}=\frac{M}{2\pi a}$ and right temperature $T_{R}=\frac{\sqrt{M^{2}-a^{2}}}{2\pi a}$ in the near region is found. The conformal symmetry is spontaneously broken due to the periodicity of the azimuthal angle. The microscopic entropy is derived by the Cardy formula and is fully in consistence with the Bekenstein-Hawking area-entropy law. The absorption cross section in the near region is calculated and exactly equals that in a 2D CFT. For the extreme case, by redefining the conformal coordinates, the duality between the solution space and CFT is studied. The microscopic entropy is found to exactly agree with the area-entropy law.Comment: V3, typos corrected, version to appear in JHE
Hidden conformal symmetry of extreme and non-extreme Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton-Axion black holes
hidden conformal symmetry of extreme and non-extreme einstein-maxwell-dilaton-axion black holes
hidden conformal extreme extreme einstein maxwell dilaton axion emda holes addressed paper. extreme employing massless scalars conformal frac frac sqrt found. conformal spontaneously broken periodicity azimuthal angle. microscopic cardy consistence bekenstein hawking law. equals cft. extreme redefining conformal duality studied. microscopic agree typos corrected
We investigate the possibility of probing high reheating temperature scenarios at the LHC, in supersymmetric models where the gravitino is the lightest supersymmetric particle, and the stau is the next-to-lightest supersymmetric particle. In such scenarios, the big-bang nucleosynthesis and the gravitino abundance give a severe upper bound on the gluino mass. We find that, if the reheating temperature is \sim 10^8 GeV or higher, the scenarios can be tested at the LHC with an integrated luminosity of O(1 fb^{-1}) at \sqrt{s}=7 TeV in most of the parameter space.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, minor modification
Probing High Reheating Temperature Scenarios at the LHC with Long-Lived Staus
probing high reheating temperature scenarios at the lhc with long-lived staus
probing reheating scenarios supersymmetric gravitino lightest supersymmetric stau lightest supersymmetric particle. scenarios bang nucleosynthesis gravitino abundance gluino mass. reheating scenarios luminosity sqrt pages minor modification
The production of doubly charged Higgs bosons (H^{\pm\pm}) at the CERN LHC can give rise to distinctive multi-lepton signatures. The discovery potential of H^{\pm\pm} can be optimized by considering a search strategy which is sensitive to both of the dominant production mechanisms, q\bar q\to H^{++}H^{--} and q\bar {q'}\to H^{\pm\pm}H^{\mp}. We compare the discovery potential for the signatures of exactly four leptons and at least three leptons in the final state, using the same set of cuts. We have carried out fast detector simulations at the LHC for both signal and backgrounds for a wide range of values of the charged Higgs mass. We find that the use of the latter channel can substantially improve the detection prospects of the doubly charged Higgs boson at the LHC.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, discussion of QCD backgrounds added, version to appear in JHE
Leptonic signatures of doubly charged Higgs boson production at the LHC
leptonic signatures of doubly charged higgs boson production at the lhc
doubly bosons cern distinctive lepton signatures. discovery optimized discovery signatures leptons leptons cuts. backgrounds mass. substantially prospects doubly boson pages backgrounds
We point out that the type III seesaw mechanism introducing fermion triplets predicts peculiar Higgs boson signatures of displaced vertices with two b jets and one or two charged particles which can be cleanly identified. In a supersymmetric theory, the scalar partner of the fermion triplet contains a neutral dark matter candidate which is almost degenerate with its charged components. A Higgs boson can be produced together with such a dark matter triplet in the cascade decay chain of a strongly produced squark or gluino. When the next lightest supersymmetric particle (NLSP) is bino/wino-like, there appears a Higgs boson associated with two charged tracks of a charged lepton and a heavy charged scalar at a displacement larger than about 1 mm. The corresponding production cross-section is about 0.5 fb for the squark/gluino mass of 1 TeV. In the case of the stau NLSP, it decays mainly to a Higgs boson and a heavy charged scalar whose decay length is larger than 0.1 mm for the stau NLSP mixing with the left-handed stau smaller than 0.3. As this process can have a large cascade production $\sim 2$ pb for the squark/gluino mass $\sim 1$ TeV, one may be able to probe it at the early stage of the LHC experiment.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure
Displaced Higgs production in type III seesaw
displaced higgs production in type iii seesaw
seesaw introducing fermion triplets predicts peculiar boson signatures displaced jets cleanly identified. supersymmetric partner fermion triplet neutral candidate degenerate components. boson triplet cascade squark gluino. lightest supersymmetric nlsp bino wino boson tracks lepton displacement squark gluino tev. stau nlsp decays boson stau nlsp handed stau cascade squark gluino pages
We discuss the emergence of W-algebras as asymptotic symmetries of higher-spin gauge theories coupled to three-dimensional Einstein gravity with a negative cosmological constant. We focus on models involving a finite number of bosonic higher-spin fields, and especially on the example provided by the coupling of a spin-3 field to gravity. It is described by a SL(3) \times SL(3) Chern-Simons theory and its asymptotic symmetry algebra is given by two copies of the classical W_3-algebra with central charge the one computed by Brown and Henneaux in pure gravity with negative cosmological constant.Comment: 38 pages; version to be published in JHEP; typos corrected in eqs. (2.9) and (2.54
Asymptotic symmetries of three-dimensional gravity coupled to higher-spin fields
asymptotic symmetries of three-dimensional gravity coupled to higher-spin fields
emergence algebras asymptotic symmetries einstein cosmological constant. involving bosonic gravity. chern simons asymptotic copies brown henneaux cosmological pages jhep typos corrected eqs.
We explore a variant on the MT2 kinematic variable which enables dark matter mass measurements for simple, one stage, cascade decays. This will prove useful for constraining a subset of supersymmetric processes, or a class of leptophilic dark matter models at the LHC. We investigate the statistical reach of these measurements and discuss which sources of error have the largest effects. For example, we find that using only single stage cascade decays with initial state radiation, a measurement of a 150 GeV dark matter candidate can be made to O(10%) for a parent mass of 300 GeV with a production cross section of 100 fb and 100 fb^(-1) of integrated luminosity.Comment: 23 Pages, 14 Figures, 2 Appendice
Extracting the Dark Matter Mass from Single Stage Cascade Decays at the LHC
extracting the dark matter mass from single stage cascade decays at the lhc
explore variant kinematic enables cascade decays. constraining supersymmetric leptophilic lhc. effects. cascade decays candidate parent pages appendice
We find attractor equations describing moduli stabilization for heterotic compactifications with generic SU(3)-structure. Complex structure and K\"ahler moduli are treated on equal footing by using SU(3)xSU(3)-structure at intermediate steps. All independent vacuum data, including VEVs of the stabilized moduli, is encoded in a pair of generating functions that depend on fluxes alone. We work out an explicit example that illustrates our methods.Comment: 37 pages, references and clarifications adde
Heterotic Flux Attractors
heterotic flux attractors
attractor describing moduli stabilization heterotic compactifications generic structure. ahler moduli footing steps. vevs stabilized moduli encoded generating fluxes alone. illustrates pages clarifications adde
The gravitational dual of an insulator/superconductor transition driven by increasing the chemical potential has recently been constructed. However, the system was studied in a probe limit and only a part of the phase diagram was obtained. We include the backreaction and construct the complete phase diagram for this system. For fixed chemical potential there are typically two phase transitions as the temperature is lowered. Surprisingly, for a certain range of parameters, the system first becomes a superconductor and then becomes an insulator as the temperature approaches zero. As a byproduct of our analysis, we also construct the gravitational dual of a Bose-Einstein condensate of glueballs in a confining gauge theory.Comment: 19 pages; v2: references adde
Complete Phase Diagrams for a Holographic Superconductor/Insulator System
complete phase diagrams for a holographic superconductor/insulator system
gravitational insulator superconductor constructed. obtained. backreaction system. lowered. surprisingly superconductor insulator zero. byproduct gravitational bose einstein condensate glueballs confining pages adde
We consider the production of a light non-standard model Higgs boson of order $100~\GEV$ with an associated $W$ boson at CERN Large Hadron Collider. We focus on an interesting scenario that, the Higgs boson decays predominately into two light scalars $\chi$ with mass of few GeV which sequently decay into four gluons, i.e. $h\to 2\chi \to 4g$. Since $\chi$ is much lighter than the Higgs boson, it will be highly boosted and its decay products, the two gluons, will move close to each other, resulting in a single jet for $\chi$ decay in the detector. By using electromagnetic calorimeter-based and jet substructure analyses, we show in two cases of different $\chi$ masses that it is quite promising to extract the signal of Higgs boson out of large QCD background.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure
Search for the Elusive Higgs Boson Using Jet Structure at LHC
search for the elusive higgs boson using jet structure at lhc
boson boson cern hadron collider. boson decays predominately scalars sequently gluons i.e. lighter boson boosted gluons move detector. electromagnetic calorimeter substructure promising extract boson pages
The gauge/string dualities have drawn attention to a class of variational problems on a boundary at infinity, which are not well defined unless a certain boundary term is added to the classical action. In the context of supergravity in asymptotically AdS spaces these problems are systematically addressed by the method of holographic renormalization. We argue that this class of a priori ill defined variational problems extends far beyond the realm of holographic dualities. As we show, exactly the same issues arise in gravity in non asymptotically AdS spaces, in point particles with certain unbounded from below potentials, and even fundamental strings in flat or AdS backgrounds. We show that the variational problem in all such cases can be made well defined by the following procedure, which is intrinsic to the system in question and does not rely on the existence of a holographically dual theory: (i) The first step is the construction of the space of the most general asymptotic solutions of the classical equations of motion that inherits a well defined symplectic form from that on phase space. The requirement of a well defined symplectic form is essential and often leads to a necessary repackaging of the degrees of freedom. (ii) Once the space of asymptotic solutions has been constructed in terms of the correct degrees of freedom, then there exists a boundary term that is obtained as a certain solution of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation which simultaneously makes the variational problem well defined and preserves the symplectic form. This procedure is identical to holographic renormalization in the case of asymptotically AdS gravity, but it is applicable to any Hamiltonian system.Comment: 37 pages; v2 minor corrections in section 2, 2 references and a footnote on Palatini gravity added. Version to appear in JHE
Holographic renormalization as a canonical transformation
holographic renormalization as a canonical transformation
dualities drawn variational infinity unless action. supergravity asymptotically systematically addressed holographic renormalization. argue priori variational extends realm holographic dualities. arise asymptotically unbounded potentials strings backgrounds. variational intrinsic rely holographically asymptotic inherits symplectic space. requirement symplectic repackaging freedom. asymptotic freedom hamilton jacobi simultaneously variational preserves symplectic form. holographic renormalization asymptotically applicable pages minor footnote palatini added.
In this work we present a simple thick braneworld model that is generated by an intriguing interplay between a 5D cosmological constant with a de Sitter metric induced in the 3-brane without the inclusion of scalar fields. We show that 4D gravity is localized on this brane, provide analytic expressions for the massive Kaluza-Klein (KK) fluctuation modes and also show that the spectrum of metric excitations displays a mass gap. We finally present the corrections to Newton's law due to these massive modes. This model has no naked singularities along the fifth dimension despite the existence of a mass gap in the graviton spectrum as it happens in thick branes with 4D Poincare symmetry, providing a simple model with very good features: the curvature is completely smooth along the fifth dimension, it localizes 4D gravity and the spectrum of gravity fluctuations presents a mass gap, a fact that rules out the existence of phenomenologically dangerous ultralight KK excitations in the model. We finally present our solution as a limit of scalar thick branes.Comment: 11 pages in latex, no figures, title and abstract changed, a new section and some references adde
Localization of gravity on a de Sitter thick braneworld without scalar fields
localization of gravity on a de sitter thick braneworld without scalar fields
thick braneworld intriguing interplay cosmological sitter brane inclusion fields. localized brane analytic expressions massive kaluza klein fluctuation excitations displays gap. newton massive modes. naked singularities fifth graviton happens thick branes poincare curvature fifth localizes presents phenomenologically dangerous ultralight excitations model. thick pages latex title changed adde
We present a simple systematic method to study candidate counterterms in N=8 supergravity. Complicated details of the counterterm operators are avoided because we work with the on-shell matrix elements they produce. All n-point matrix elements of an independent SUSY invariant operator of the form D^{2k} R^n +... must be local and satisfy SUSY Ward identities. These are strong constraints, and we test directly whether or not matrix elements with these properties can be constructed. If not, then the operator does not have a supersymmetrization, and it is excluded as a potential counterterm. For n>4, we find that R^n, D^2 R^n, D^4 R^n, and D^6 R^n are excluded as counterterms of MHV amplitudes, while only R^n and D^2 R^n are excluded at the NMHV level. As a consequence, for loop order L<7, there are no independent D^{2k}R^n counterterms with n>4. If an operator is not ruled out, our method constructs an explicit superamplitude for its matrix elements. This is done for the 7-loop D^4 R^6 operator at the NMHV level and in other cases. We also initiate the study of counterterms without leading pure-graviton matrix elements, which can occur beyond the MHV level. The landscape of excluded/allowed candidate counterterms is summarized in a colorful chart.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figure, published versio
A simple approach to counterterms in N=8 supergravity
a simple approach to counterterms in n=8 supergravity
candidate counterterms supergravity. complicated counterterm avoided produce. susy satisfy susy ward identities. constructed. supersymmetrization excluded counterterm. excluded counterterms amplitudes excluded nmhv level. counterterms ruled constructs superamplitude elements. nmhv cases. initiate counterterms graviton level. landscape excluded candidate counterterms summarized colorful pages versio
We derive the infinite dimensional Supersymmetric Galilean Conformal Algebra (SGCA) in the case of two spacetime dimensions by performing group contraction on 2d superconformal algebra. We also obtain the representations of the generators in terms of superspace coordinates. Here we find realisations of the SGCA by considering scaling limits of certain 2d SCFTs which are non-unitary and have their left and right central charges become large in magnitude and opposite in sign. We focus on the Neveu-Schwarz sector of the parent SCFTs and develop, in parallel to the GCA studies recently in (arXiv:0912.1090), the representation theory based on SGCA primaries, Ward identities for their correlation functions and their descendants which are null states.Comment: La TeX file, 32 pages; v2: typos corrected, journal versio
Supersymmetric Extension of GCA in 2d
supersymmetric extension of gca in 2d
derive infinite supersymmetric galilean conformal sgca spacetime performing contraction superconformal algebra. representations generators superspace coordinates. realisations sgca scfts unitary charges opposite sign. neveu schwarz parent scfts sgca primaries ward identities descendants file pages typos corrected versio
In the pure spinor formalism for the superstring, the b antighost is necessary for multiloop amplitude computations and is a composite operator constructed to satisfy {Q,b}=T where Q is the BRST operator and T is the holomorphic stress-tensor. In superstring backgrounds with only NS-NS fields turned on, or in flat space, one needs to introduce "non-minimal" variables in order to construct the b antighost. However, in Type II backgrounds where the Ramond-Ramond bispinor field-strength satisfies certain conditions, the b antighost can be constructed without the non-minimal variables. Although the b antighost in these backgrounds is not holomorphic, its antiholomorphic derivative is BRST-trivial. We discuss the properties of this operator both in the AdS_5 x S^5 background and in a generic curved background.Comment: 23 pages, harvmac; refs added; corrected the necessary conditions on Ramond-Ramond field to construct b antighos
Taming the b antighost with Ramond-Ramond flux
taming the b antighost with ramond-ramond flux
spinor formalism superstring antighost multiloop computations composite satisfy brst holomorphic tensor. superstring backgrounds turned antighost. backgrounds ramond ramond bispinor satisfies antighost variables. antighost backgrounds holomorphic antiholomorphic brst trivial. generic curved pages harvmac refs corrected ramond ramond antighos
We define a theory of Galilean gravity in 2+1 dimensions with cosmological constant as a Chern-Simons gauge theory of the doubly-extended Newton-Hooke group, extending our previous study of classical and quantum gravity in 2+1 dimensions in the Galilean limit. We exhibit an r-matrix which is compatible with our Chern-Simons action (in a sense to be defined) and show that the associated bi-algebra structure of the Newton-Hooke Lie algebra is that of the classical double of the extended Heisenberg algebra. We deduce that, in the quantisation of the theory according to the combinatorial quantisation programme, much of the quantum theory is determined by the quantum double of the extended q-deformed Heisenberg algebra.Comment: 22 page
Galilean quantum gravity with cosmological constant and the extended q-Heisenberg algebra
galilean quantum gravity with cosmological constant and the extended q-heisenberg algebra
galilean cosmological chern simons doubly newton hooke extending galilean limit. exhibit compatible chern simons newton hooke heisenberg algebra. deduce quantisation combinatorial quantisation programme deformed heisenberg
We investigate the relation between N=(2,2) superconformal Lie group WZNW models and Lie supergroup WZNW models. The B-twist of an exactly marginal perturbation of the world-sheet superconformal sigma model is the supergroup model. Moreover, the superconformal currents are expressed in terms of Lie superalgebra currents in the twisted theory. As applications, we find protected sectors and boundary actions in the supergroup sigma model. A special example is the relation between string theory on AdS_3 x S^3 x T^4 in the RNS formalism and the U(1,1|2) x U(1|1) x U(1|1) supergroup WZNW model.Comment: 37 page
From world-sheet supersymmetry to super target spaces
from world-sheet supersymmetry to super target spaces
superconformal wznw supergroup wznw models. twist marginal perturbation sheet superconformal sigma supergroup model. superconformal currents superalgebra currents twisted theory. protected sectors supergroup sigma model. formalism supergroup wznw
Configurations of multiple concentric black rings play an important role in determining the pattern of branchings, connections and mergers between different phases of higher-dimensional black holes. We examine them using both approximate and (in five dimensions) exact methods. By identifying the role of the different scales in the system, we argue that it is possible to have multiple black ring configurations in which all the rings have equal temperature and angular velocity. This allows us to correct and improve in a simple, natural manner, an earlier proposal for the phase diagram of singly-rotating black holes in $D\geq 6$.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure
Multi-black rings and the phase diagram of higher-dimensional black holes
multi-black rings and the phase diagram of higher-dimensional black holes
configurations concentric rings determining branchings connections mergers holes. examine approximate methods. identifying argue configurations rings velocity. manner proposal singly rotating holes .comment pages
A simple realization of inflation consists of adding the following operators to the Einstein-Hilbert action: (partial phi)^2, lambda phi^4, and xi phi^2 R, with xi a large non-minimal coupling. Recently there has been much discussion as to whether such theories make sense quantum mechanically and if the inflaton phi can also be the Standard Model Higgs. In this note we answer these questions. Firstly, for a single scalar phi, we show that the quantum field theory is well behaved in the pure gravity and kinetic sectors, since the quantum generated corrections are small. However, the theory likely breaks down at ~ m_pl / xi due to scattering provided by the self-interacting potential lambda phi^4. Secondly, we show that the theory changes for multiple scalars phi with non-minimal coupling xi phi dot phi R, since this introduces qualitatively new interactions which manifestly generate large quantum corrections even in the gravity and kinetic sectors, spoiling the theory for energies > m_pl / xi. Since the Higgs doublet of the Standard Model includes the Higgs boson and 3 Goldstone bosons, it falls into the latter category and therefore its validity is manifestly spoiled. We show that these conclusions hold in both the Jordan and Einstein frames and describe an intuitive analogy in the form of the pion Lagrangian. We also examine the recent claim that curvature-squared inflation models fail quantum mechanically. Our work appears to go beyond the recent discussions.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures. Version 2: Clarified findings and improved wording. Elaborated important sections and removed an unnecessary section. Added references. Version 3: Updated towards JHEP version. Version 4: Final JHEP versio
On Inflation with Non-minimal Coupling
on inflation with non-minimal coupling
realization inflation adding einstein hilbert lambda coupling. mechanically inflaton higgs. answer questions. firstly behaved sectors small. breaks interacting lambda secondly scalars introduces qualitatively manifestly sectors spoiling doublet boson goldstone bosons falls validity manifestly spoiled. hold jordan einstein frames intuitive analogy pion lagrangian. examine claim curvature squared inflation fail mechanically. pages figures. clarified wording. elaborated removed unnecessary section. references. updated jhep version. jhep versio
In this paper we study dynamical supersymmetry breaking in absence of gravity with the matter content of the minimal supersymmetric standard model. The hidden sector of the theory is a strongly coupled gauge theory, realized in terms of microscopic variables which condensate to form mesons. The supersymmetry breaking scalar potential combines F, D terms with instanton generated interactions in the Higgs-mesons sector. We show that for a large region in parameter space the vacuum breaks in addition to supersymmetry also electroweak gauge symmetry. We furthermore present local D-brane configurations that realize these supersymmetry breaking patterns.Comment: 30 pages, 4 figures, pdflate
Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking in Intersecting Brane Models
dynamical supersymmetry breaking in intersecting brane models
supersymmetry breaking supersymmetric model. hidden realized microscopic condensate mesons. supersymmetry breaking combines instanton mesons sector. breaks supersymmetry electroweak symmetry. brane configurations realize supersymmetry breaking pages pdflate
In order to describe the appearance in F theory of the non--simply--laced Lie algebras, we use the representation of symmetry enhancements by means of string junctions. After an introduction to the techniques used to describe symmetry enhancement, that is algebraic geometry, BPS states analysis and string junctions, we concentrate on the latter. We give an explicit description of the folding of D_{2n} to B_n of the folding of E_6 to F_4 and that of D_4 to G_2 in terms of junctions and Jordan strings. We also discuss the case of C_n, but we are unable in this case to provide a string interpretation.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figure
Non-simply-laced Lie algebras via F theory strings
non-simply-laced lie algebras via f theory strings
appearance laced algebras enhancements junctions. enhancement algebraic junctions concentrate latter. folding folding junctions jordan strings. unable pages
We explore the possibility of spontaneous R parity violation in the context of $A_4$ flavor symmetry. Our model contains $SU(3)_c \times SU(2)_L \times U(1)_Y$ singlet matter chiral superfields which are arranged as triplet of $A_4$ and as well as few additional Higgs chiral superfields which are singlet under MSSM gauge group and belong to triplet and singlet representation under the $A_4$ flavor symmetry. R parity is broken spontaneously by the vacuum expectation values of the different sneutrino fields and hence we have neutrino-neutralino as well as neutrino-MSSM gauge singlet higgsino mixings in our model, in addition to the standard model neutrino- gauge singlet neutrino, gaugino-higgsino and higgsino-higgsino mixings. Because all of these mixings we have an extended neutral fermion mass matrix. We explore the low energy neutrino mass matrix for our model and point out that with some specific constraints between the sneutrino vacuum expectation values as well as the MSSM gauge singlet Higgs vacuum expectation values, the low energy neutrino mass matrix will lead to a tribimaximal mixing matrix. We also analyze the potential minimization for our model and show that one can realize a higher vacuum expectation value of the $SU(3)_c \times SU(2)_L \times U(1)_Y$ singlet sneutrino fields even when the other sneutrino vacuum expectation values are extremely small or even zero.Comment: 18 page
Spontaneous R-Parity Violation, $A_4$ Flavor Symmetry and Tribimaximal Mixing
spontaneous r-parity violation, $a_4$ flavor symmetry and tribimaximal mixing
explore spontaneous parity violation flavor symmetry. singlet chiral superfields arranged triplet chiral superfields singlet mssm belong triplet singlet flavor symmetry. parity broken spontaneously expectation sneutrino neutralino mssm singlet higgsino mixings singlet gaugino higgsino higgsino higgsino mixings. mixings neutral fermion matrix. explore sneutrino expectation mssm singlet expectation tribimaximal matrix. analyze minimization realize expectation singlet sneutrino sneutrino expectation extremely
We propose a procedure to clarify part of the physical sector in the five dimensional bubble geometries based on ideas similar to the split attractor flow conjecture proposed by Denef. This procedure involves building some simple tree-like graphs that we call skeletons without referring to the moduli space. The skeleton (tree) exists if and only if it passes the existence conditions which are purely based on some local CTC's (closed timelike curves) checking. Then, we propose the conjecture similar to Denef's version which states that every existing skeleton (tree) should correspond to some solution in which the global absence of CTC's is ensured. Furthermore, we propose two pictures to identify this correspondence explicitly and use some numerical examples to show how this procedure works. We also analyze the physical sector of the simplest bubbled supertube and see how the existence conditions constrain the charge parameter space.Comment: 46 pages, 31 figures; v2: JHEP style, discussion in section 3 generally improved, additional section 3.3 included for clarification, typos and wording correcte
Split Flows in Bubbled Geometries
split flows in bubbled geometries
propose clarify bubble geometries ideas split attractor conjecture denef. involves call skeletons referring moduli space. skeleton passes purely timelike checking. propose conjecture denef skeleton ensured. propose pictures correspondence explicitly works. analyze simplest bubbled supertube constrain pages jhep style clarification typos wording correcte
Writing the fully color dressed and graviton amplitudes, respectively, as ${\bf A}=<C|A> =<C|M|N> $ and ${\bf A}_{gr}= <\tilde N|M|N> $, where $|A> $ is a set of Kleiss-Kuijf color-ordered basis, $|N>, $|\tilde N> $ and $|C>$ are the similarly ordered numerators and color coefficients, we show that the propagator matrix $M$ has $(n-3)(n-3)!$ independent eigenvectors $|\lambda ^0_j>$ with zero eigenvalue, for $n$-particle processes. The resulting equations $<\lambda ^0_j|A> = 0$ are relations among the color ordered amplitudes. The freedom to shift $|N> \to |N> +\sum_j f_j|\lambda ^0_j>$ and similarly for $|\tilde N>$, where $f_j$ are $(n-3)(n-3)!$ arbitrary functions, encodes generalized gauge transformations. They yield both BCJ amplitude and KLT relations, when such freedom is accounted for. Furthermore, $f_j$ can be promoted to the role of effective Lagrangian vertices in the field operator space.Comment: 22 pages, JHEP version, Appendix A expanded, one typo fixe
Constraints and Generalized Gauge Transformations on Tree-Level Gluon and Graviton Amplitudes
constraints and generalized gauge transformations on tree-level gluon and graviton amplitudes
writing dressed graviton amplitudes tilde kleiss kuijf ordered tilde ordered numerators propagator eigenvectors lambda eigenvalue processes. lambda ordered amplitudes. freedom lambda tilde encodes transformations. freedom accounted for. promoted lagrangian pages jhep expanded typo fixe
Recently a model has been proposed that links dark matter and neutrino masses. The dark matter candidate which is dubbed as SLIM has a mass of MeV scale and can show up at low energy experiments. The model also has a high energy sector which consists of a scalar doublet, $(\phi^-, \phi^0)$. We discuss the potential of the LHC for discovering the new scalars. We focus on the $\phi^+\phi^-$ and $\phi^{\pm} \phi^0$ production and the subsequent decay of the charged scalar to a charged lepton and the SLIM which appears as missing energy. Identifying the background, we estimate the signal significance and find that it can exceed $5 \sigma$ at 30 ${\rm fb}^{-1}$ for the 14 TeV run at the LHC. We comment on the possibility of extracting the flavor structure of the Yukawa couplings which also determine the neutrino mass matrix. Finally, we discuss the prospects of this search at the current 7 TeV run of the LHC.Comment: 26 pages, 21 figure
SLIM at LHC: LHC search power for a model linking dark matter and neutrino mass
slim at lhc: lhc search power for a model linking dark matter and neutrino mass
links masses. candidate dubbed slim experiments. doublet discovering scalars. lepton slim missing energy. identifying exceed sigma lhc. comment extracting flavor yukawa couplings matrix. prospects pages
This work explores the role of thermodynamic fluctuations in the two parameter Hawking radiating black hole configurations. The system is characterized by an ensemble of arbitrary mass and radiation frequency of the black holes. In the due course of the Hawking radiations, we find that the intrinsic geometric description exhibits an intriguing set of exact pair correction functions and global correlation lengths. We investigate the nature of the constant amplitude radiation and find that it's not stable under fluctuations of the mass and frequency. Subsequently, the consideration of the York model decreasing amplitude radiation demonstrates that thermodynamic fluctuations are globally stable in the small frequency region. In connection with quantum gravity refinements, we take an account of the logarithmic correction into the constant amplitude and York amplitude over the Hawking radiation. In both considerations, we notice that the nature of the possible parametric fluctuations may precisely be ascertained without any approximation. In the frequency domain $w \in (0, \infty)$, we observe that both the local and the global thermodynamic fluctuations of the radiation energy flux are stable in the s-channel. The intrinsic geometry exemplifies a definite stability character to the thermodynamic fluctuations, and up to finitely many topological defects on the parametric surface, the notion remains almost the same for both the constant amplitude and the York model. The Gaussian fluctuations over equilibrium radiation energy flux and fluctuating horizon configurations accomplish a well-defined, non-degenerate, curved and regular intrinsic Riemannian manifolds, for all the physically admissible domains of the radiation parameters. PACS numbers: 04.70.-s: Physics of black holes; 04.70.-Bw: Classical black holes; 04.70.Dy Quantum aspects of black holes, evaporation, thermodynamics; 04.60.Cf Gravitational aspects of string theory. Keywords: Quantum Gravity, Hawking Radiation; Horizon Perturbations; Vaidya Geometry; York Model; Statistical Fluctuations; Thermodynamic ConfigurationsComment: 38 pages, 12 figure
Thermodynamic Geometry and Hawking Radiation
thermodynamic geometry and hawking radiation
explores thermodynamic hawking radiating configurations. ensemble holes. hawking radiations intrinsic geometric exhibits intriguing lengths. frequency. subsequently consideration decreasing demonstrates thermodynamic globally region. connection refinements logarithmic hawking radiation. considerations notice parametric precisely ascertained approximation. infty thermodynamic channel. intrinsic exemplifies definite character thermodynamic finitely topological defects parametric notion model. fluctuating horizon configurations accomplish degenerate curved intrinsic riemannian manifolds physically admissible parameters. pacs holes holes holes evaporation thermodynamics gravitational theory. keywords hawking horizon perturbations vaidya thermodynamic configurationscomment pages
We resume our discussion of the new orbifold-string theories of permutation-type, focusing in the present series on the algebraic formulation of the general bosonic prototype and especially the target space-times of the theories. In this first paper of the series, we construct one twisted BRST system for each cycle $j$ in each twisted sector $\sigma$ of the general case, verifying in particular the previously-conjectured algebra $[Q_{i}(\sigma),Q_{j}(\sigma)]_{+} =0$ of the BRST charges. The BRST systems then imply a set of extended physical-state conditions for the matter of each cycle at cycle central charge $\hat{c}_{j}(\sigma)=26f_{j}(\sigma)$ where $f_{j}(\sigma)$ is the length of cycle $j$.Comment: 31 page
The Orbifold-String Theories of Permutation-Type: I. One Twisted BRST per Cycle per Sector
the orbifold-string theories of permutation-type: i. one twisted brst per cycle per sector
resume orbifold permutation focusing algebraic formulation bosonic prototype theories. twisted brst twisted sigma verifying conjectured sigma sigma brst charges. brst imply sigma sigma sigma .comment
We discuss a hidden symmetry of a two-dimensional sigma model on a squashed S^3. The SU(2) current can be improved so that it can be regarded as a flat connection. Then we can obtain an infinite number of conserved non-local charges and show the Yangian algebra by directly checking the Serre relation. This symmetry is also deduced from the coset structure of the squashed sphere. The same argument is applicable to the warped AdS_3 spaces via double Wick rotations.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, typos corrected, references adde
Hidden Yangian symmetry in sigma model on squashed sphere
hidden yangian symmetry in sigma model on squashed sphere
hidden sigma squashed regarded connection. infinite conserved charges yangian checking serre relation. deduced coset squashed sphere. argument applicable warped wick pages typos corrected adde
The weak gravity conjecture and the shear viscosity to entropy density bound place constraints on low energy effective field theories that may help to distinguish which theories can be UV completed. Recently, there have been suggestions of a possible correlation between the two constraints. In some interesting cases, the behavior was precisely such that the conjectures were mutually exclusive. Motivated by these works, we study the mass to charge and shear viscosity to entropy density ratios for charged AdS5 black branes, which are holographically dual to four-dimensional CFTs at finite temperature. We study a family of four-derivative and six-derivative perturbative corrections to these backgrounds. We identify the region in parameter space where the two constraints are satisfied and in particular find that the inclusion of the next-to-leading perturbative correction introduces wider possibilities for the satisfaction of both constraints.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures, v2: published version, refs added, minor clarificatio
The Weak Gravity Conjecture and the Viscosity Bound with Six-Derivative Corrections
the weak gravity conjecture and the viscosity bound with six-derivative corrections
conjecture viscosity distinguish completed. suggestions constraints. precisely conjectures mutually exclusive. motivated viscosity branes holographically cfts temperature. perturbative backgrounds. satisfied inclusion perturbative introduces wider possibilities satisfaction pages refs minor clarificatio
Aging phenomena are examples of `non-equilibrium criticality' and can be exemplified by systems with Galilean and scaling symmetries but no time translation invariance. We realize aging holographically using a deformation of a non-relativistic version of gauge/gravity duality. Correlation functions of scalar operators are computed using holographic real-time techniques, and agree with field theory expectations. At least in this setup, general aging phenomena are reproduced holographically by complexifying the bulk space-time geometry, even in Lorentzian signature.Comment: 1 pdf figur
Aging and Holography
aging and holography
aging phenomena criticality exemplified galilean symmetries translation invariance. realize aging holographically deformation relativistic duality. holographic agree expectations. setup aging phenomena reproduced holographically complexifying lorentzian figur
We obtain concise analytic formulae for Wilson loops computed on special n-point polygonal contours through two-loops in weakly coupled N=4 supersymmetric gauge theory. The contours we consider can be embedded into a (1+1)-dimensional subspace of the 4-dimensional gauge theory, corresponding to the boundary of the AdS_3 on the string theory side. Our analytic results hold for any number of edges, thus generalising to arbitrary n the recently derived expressions for 2-dimensional octagons. These polygonal Wilson loops have been conjectured to be equivalent to MHV scattering amplitudes in planar N=4 SYM.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure
Analytic Results for MHV Wilson Loops
analytic results for mhv wilson loops
concise analytic formulae wilson loops polygonal contours loops weakly supersymmetric theory. contours embedded subspace side. analytic hold generalising expressions octagons. polygonal wilson loops conjectured amplitudes planar pages
Near-extreme Reissner-Nordstrom-anti-de Sitter black holes are unstable against the condensation of an uncharged scalar field with mass close to the Breitenlohner-Freedman bound. It is shown that a similar instability afflicts near-extreme large rotating AdS black holes, and near-extreme hyperbolic Schwarzschild-AdS black holes. The resulting nonlinear hairy black hole solutions are determined numerically. Some stability results for (possibly charged) scalar fields in black hole backgrounds are proved. For most of the extreme black holes we consider, these demonstrate stability if the ``effective mass" respects the near-horizon BF bound. Small spherical Reissner-Nordstrom-AdS black holes are an interesting exception to this result.Comment: 34 pages; 13 figure
A scalar field condensation instability of rotating anti-de Sitter black holes
a scalar field condensation instability of rotating anti-de sitter black holes
extreme reissner nordstrom sitter holes unstable condensation uncharged breitenlohner freedman bound. instability afflicts extreme rotating holes extreme hyperbolic schwarzschild holes. hairy numerically. possibly backgrounds proved. extreme holes respects horizon bound. spherical reissner nordstrom holes exception pages
Within a supersymmetric (SUSY) type-I seesaw framework with flavor-blind universal boundary conditions, we study the consequences of requiring that the observed baryon asymmetry of the Universe be explained by either thermal or non-thermal leptogenesis. In the former case, we find that the parameter space is very constrained. In the bulk and stop-coannihilation regions of mSUGRA parameter space (that are consistent with the measured dark matter abundance), lepton flavor-violating (LFV) processes are accessible at MEG and future experiments. However, the very high reheat temperature of the Universe needed after inflation (of about 10^{12} GeV) leads to a severe gravitino problem, which disfavors either thermal leptogenesis or neutralino dark matter. Non-thermal leptogenesis in the preheating phase from SUSY flat directions relaxes the gravitino problem by lowering the required reheat temperature. The baryon asymmetry can then be explained while preserving neutralino dark matter, and for the bulk or stop-coannihilation regions LFV processes should be observed in current or future experiments.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl
Examining leptogenesis with lepton flavor violation and the dark matter abundance
examining leptogenesis with lepton flavor violation and the dark matter abundance
supersymmetric susy seesaw flavor blind universal consequences requiring baryon asymmetry universe leptogenesis. former constrained. stop coannihilation msugra abundance lepton flavor violating accessible experiments. reheat universe inflation gravitino disfavors leptogenesis neutralino matter. leptogenesis preheating susy directions relaxes gravitino lowering reheat temperature. baryon asymmetry preserving neutralino stop coannihilation pages tabl
We calculate the ttbar forward-backward asymmetry, A_FB^t, in Randall-Sundrum (RS) models taking into account the dominant next-to-leading order (NLO) corrections in QCD. At Born level we include the exchange of Kaluza-Klein (KK) gluons and photons, the Z boson and its KK excitations, as well as the Higgs boson, whereas beyond the leading order (LO) we consider the interference of tree-level KK-gluon exchange with one-loop QCD box diagrams and the corresponding bremsstrahlungs corrections. We find that the strong suppression of LO effects, that arises due to the elementary nature and the mostly vector-like couplings of light quarks, is lifted at NLO after paying the price of an additional factor of alpha_s/(4 pi). In spite of this enhancement, the resulting RS corrections in A_FB^t remain marginal, leaving the predicted asymmetry SM-like. As our arguments are solely based on the smallness of the axial-vector couplings of light quarks to the strong sector, our findings are model-independent and apply to many scenarios of new physics that address the flavor problem via geometrical sequestering.Comment: 29 pages, 1 table, 5 figures; v2: matches version published in JHE
Top-Quark Forward-Backward Asymmetry in Randall-Sundrum Models Beyond the Leading Order
top-quark forward-backward asymmetry in randall-sundrum models beyond the leading order
ttbar backward asymmetry randall sundrum qcd. born kaluza klein gluons photons boson excitations boson interference gluon diagrams bremsstrahlungs corrections. suppression arises elementary mostly couplings quarks lifted paying alpha spite enhancement marginal leaving asymmetry like. arguments solely smallness axial couplings quarks scenarios flavor geometrical pages matches
The F-theory background of four D7 branes in a type I' orientifold was conjectured to be described by the Seiberg-Witten curve for the superconformal SU(2) gauge theory with four flavors. This relation was explained by considering in this background a probe D3 brane, which supports this theory with SU(2) realized as Sp(1). Here we explicitly compute the non-perturbative corrections to the D7/D3 system in type I' due to D-instantons. This computation provides both the quartic effective action on the D7 branes and the quadratic effective action on the D3 brane; the latter agrees with the F-theoretic prediction. The action obtained in this way is related to the one derived from the usual instanton calculus \`a la Nekrasov (or from its AGT realization in terms of Liouville conformal blocks) by means of a non-perturbative redefinition of the coupling constant. We also point out an intriguing relation between the four-dimensional theory on the probe D3 brane, which has a SO(8) flavor symmetry, and the eight-dimensional dynamics on the D7 branes. On the latter, SO(8) represents a gauge group and the flavor masses correspond to the vacuum expectation values of an adjoint scalar field m: what we find is that the exact effective coupling in four dimensions is obtained from its perturbative part by taking into account in its mass dependence the full quantum dynamics of the field m in eight dimensions.Comment: 44 pages, 2 figures, PdfLaTeX. V2: Typos fixed, a few references added, Eq. (2.28) corrected, improved discussion in Section 3.4, a couple of sentences reformulated in section 7. Version published on JHE
F-theoretic vs microscopic description of a conformal N=2 SYM theory
f-theoretic vs microscopic description of a conformal n=2 sym theory
branes orientifold conjectured seiberg witten superconformal flavors. brane supports realized explicitly perturbative instantons. quartic branes quadratic brane agrees theoretic prediction. usual instanton calculus nekrasov realization liouville conformal blocks perturbative redefinition constant. intriguing brane flavor eight branes. flavor expectation adjoint perturbative eight pages pdflatex. typos corrected couple sentences reformulated
We investigate the structure of the moduli space of multiple BPS non-Abelian vortices in U(N) gauge theory with N fundamental Higgs fields, focusing our attention on the action of the exact global (color-flavor diagonal) SU(N) symmetry on it. The moduli space of a single non-Abelian vortex, CP(N-1), is spanned by a vector in the fundamental representation of the global SU(N) symmetry. The moduli space of winding-number k vortices is instead spanned by vectors in the direct-product representation: they decompose into the sum of irreducible representations each of which is associated with a Young tableau made of k boxes, in a way somewhat similar to the standard group composition rule of SU(N) multiplets. The K\"ahler potential is exactly determined in each moduli subspace, corresponding to an irreducible SU(N) orbit of the highest-weight configuration.Comment: LaTeX 46 pages, 4 figure
Group Theory of Non-Abelian Vortices
group theory of non-abelian vortices
moduli abelian vortices focusing flavor diagonal moduli abelian vortex spanned symmetry. moduli winding vortices spanned decompose irreducible representations tableau boxes somewhat multiplets. ahler moduli subspace irreducible orbit latex pages
The star-product between functions enable us to take the large $N$ limit in a controlled way. At finite $N$ it serves as a substitute for matrix multiplications. Non-abelian gauge theory can be deconstructed from lower dimensional gauge theories using star-products. In this paper we extend the star-product to a star-three-product. We then apply the star-three-product to realize hermitian three-algebra of ABJM theory. We define a fuzzy three-torus. We deconstruct Abelian M five-brane in a constant background three-form potential on a fuzzy three-torus. We deconstruct non-Abelian extensions which might be related with multiple M five branes. We also mention the fuzzy three-sphere case.Comment: 53 page
An associative star-three-product and applications to M two/M five-brane theory
an associative star-three-product and applications to m two/m five-brane theory
enable way. serves substitute multiplications. abelian deconstructed products. extend product. realize hermitian abjm theory. fuzzy torus. deconstruct abelian brane fuzzy torus. deconstruct abelian extensions branes. mention fuzzy sphere
We present a calculation of the two-loop bottom-sbottom-gluino contributions to Higgs boson production via gluon fusion in the MSSM. The calculation is based on an asymptotic expansion in the masses of the supersymmetric particles, which are assumed to be much heavier than the bottom quark and the Higgs bosons. We obtain explicit analytic results that allow for a straightforward identification of the dominant contributions in the NLO bottom corrections. We emphasize the interplay between the calculations of the masses and the production cross sections of the Higgs bosons, discussing sensible choices of renormalization scheme for the parameters in the bottom/sbottom sector.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures. v2: references and two figures added, version published in JHE
NLO QCD bottom corrections to Higgs boson production in the MSSM
nlo qcd bottom corrections to higgs boson production in the mssm
sbottom gluino boson gluon fusion mssm. asymptotic supersymmetric heavier bosons. analytic straightforward corrections. emphasize interplay bosons discussing sensible choices renormalization sbottom pages figures.
We analyze the potential sensitivity of a search for $e\rightarrow\tau$ conversion at a proposed electron-ion collider (EIC) facility. To that end, we calculate the cross sections for $e\rightarrow\tau$ events in a leptoquark framework assuming that the leptoquark masses are on the order of several hundred GeV or more. Given present limits on leptoquarks from direct searches at HERA and rare decay processes, an EIC sensitive to 0.1 fb $e\rightarrow\tau$ cross sections could probe previously unexplored regions of parameter space for these lepton flavor violating events (assuming 90 GeV center-of-mass energy and 10 fb$^{-1}$ integrated luminosity). Depending on the species of leptoquark and flavor structure of the couplings, an EIC search could surpass the HERA and rare process sensitivity to $e\rightarrow\tau$ conversion amplitudes by as much as an order of magnitude or more. We also derive updated limits on quark flavor-diagonal LFV leptoquark interactions using the most recent BaBar $\tau\rightarrow e\gamma$ search. We find that limits from an EIC $e\rightarrow\tau$ search could be competitive with the most recent $\tau\rightarrow e\gamma$ limit for a subset of the quark flavor-diagonal leptoquark couplings. Using an SU(5) GUT model in which leptoquark couplings are constrained by the neutrino masses and mixing, we illustrate how observable leptoquark-induced $e\rightarrow\tau$ conversion can be consistent with stringent LFV limits imposed by $\mu\rightarrow e\gamma$ and $\mu\rightarrow e$ conversion searches.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure
Electron-to-Tau Lepton Flavor Violation at the Electron-Ion Collider
electron-to-tau lepton flavor violation at the electron-ion collider
analyze rightarrow conversion collider facility. rightarrow leptoquark leptoquark hundred more. leptoquarks searches hera rare rightarrow unexplored lepton flavor violating luminosity leptoquark flavor couplings surpass hera rare rightarrow conversion amplitudes more. derive updated flavor diagonal leptoquark babar rightarrow gamma search. rightarrow competitive rightarrow gamma flavor diagonal leptoquark couplings. leptoquark couplings constrained illustrate observable leptoquark rightarrow conversion stringent imposed rightarrow gamma rightarrow conversion pages
We study the Tevatron signatures of promptly-decaying slepton co-NLSPs in the context of General Gauge Mediation (GGM). The signatures consist of trileptons plus MET and same-sign dileptons plus MET. Focusing first on electroweak production, where the Tevatron has an advantage over the early LHC, we establish four simple benchmark scenarios within the parameter space of GGM which qualitatively capture all the relevant phenomenology. We derive limits on these benchmarks from existing searches, estimate the discovery potential with 10 fb^-1, and discuss ways in which these searches can be optimized for slepton co-NLSPs. We also analyze the Tevatron constraints on a scenario with light gluinos that could be discovered at the early LHC. Overall, we find that the Tevatron still has excellent reach for the discovery of SUSY in multilepton final states. Finally, we comment on the possible interpretation of a mild "excess" in the CDF same-sign dilepton search in terms of slepton co-NLSPs.Comment: 31 pages + appendices, published version, references adde
Slepton co-NLSPs at the Tevatron
slepton co-nlsps at the tevatron
tevatron signatures promptly decaying slepton nlsps mediation signatures consist trileptons dileptons met. focusing electroweak tevatron advantage establish benchmark scenarios qualitatively capture phenomenology. derive benchmarks searches discovery ways searches optimized slepton nlsps. analyze tevatron gluinos discovered lhc. tevatron excellent discovery susy multilepton states. comment mild excess dilepton slepton pages appendices adde
Understanding the strong coupling limit of massive type IIA string theory is a longstanding problem. We argue that perhaps this problem does not exist; namely, there may be no strongly coupled solutions of the massive theory. We show explicitly that massive type IIA string theory can never be strongly coupled in a weakly curved region of space-time. We illustrate our general claim with two classes of massive solutions in AdS4xCP3: one, previously known, with N = 1 supersymmetry, and a new one with N = 2 supersymmetry. Both solutions are dual to d = 3 Chern-Simons-matter theories. In both these massive examples, as the rank N of the gauge group is increased, the dilaton initially increases in the same way as in the corresponding massless case; before it can reach the M-theory regime, however, it enters a second regime, in which the dilaton decreases even as N increases. In the N = 2 case, we find supersymmetry-preserving gauge-invariant monopole operators whose mass is independent of N. This predicts the existence of branes which stay light even when the dilaton decreases. We show that, on the gravity side, these states originate from D2-D0 bound states wrapping the vanishing two-cycle of a conifold singularity that develops at large N.Comment: 43 pages, 5 figures. v2: added reference
Massive type IIA string theory cannot be strongly coupled
massive type iia string theory cannot be strongly coupled
massive longstanding problem. argue perhaps massive theory. explicitly massive never weakly curved time. illustrate claim massive supersymmetry supersymmetry. chern simons theories. massive dilaton initially massless enters dilaton increases. supersymmetry preserving monopole predicts branes stay dilaton decreases. originate wrapping vanishing conifold singularity develops pages figures.
The model proposed by A. Zee (1986) and K.S. Babu (1988) is a simple radiative seesaw model, in which tiny neutrino masses are generated at the two-loop level. We investigate a supersymmetric extension of the Zee-Babu model under R-parity conservation. The lightest superpartner particle can then be a dark matter candidate. We find that the neutrino data can be reproduced with satisfying current data from lepton flavour violation even in the scenario where not all the superpartner particles are heavy. Phenomenology at the Large Hadron Collider is also discussed.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure
An R-parity conserving radiative neutrino mass model without right-handed neutrinos
an r-parity conserving radiative neutrino mass model without right-handed neutrinos
k.s. babu radiative seesaw tiny level. supersymmetric babu parity conservation. lightest superpartner candidate. reproduced satisfying lepton flavour violation superpartner heavy. phenomenology hadron collider pages
The highest exclusive jet multiplicity studied at LEP experiments is five. In this paper we compute the next-to-leading order QCD corrections to e + e ‑ annihilation to five jets, essentially closing the (pure) perturbative QCD studies of exclusive jetty final states at LEP. We compare fixed-order perturbative results with ALEPH data. We estimate hadronization corrections to five-jet observables using the event generator SHERPA, which employs the CKKW procedure to combine a reliable perturbative treatment of high-multiplicity jet final states with parton showers. We show that a competitive value of the strong coupling constant {α_s}left( {{M_Z}} right) = 0.1156_{ - 0.0034}^{ + 0.0041} can be extracted from the distribution of the five-jet resolution parameter and the five-jet rate at LEP1 and LEP2
NLO QCD corrections to five-jet production at LEP and the extraction of αs(MZ)
nlo qcd corrections to five-jet production at lep and the extraction of αs(mz)
exclusive multiplicity five. annihilation jets essentially closing perturbative exclusive jetty lep. perturbative aleph data. hadronization observables generator sherpa employs ckkw combine reliable perturbative multiplicity parton showers. competitive
The AdS/CFT correspondence in principle gives a new approach to deep inelastic scattering as formulated by Polchinski and Strassler. Subsequently Brower, Polchinski, Strassler and Tan (BPST) computed the strong coupling kernel for the vacuum (or Pomeron) contribution to total cross sections. By identifying deep inelastic scattering with virtual photon total cross section, this allows a self consistent description at small-$x$ where the dominant contribution is the vacuum exchange process. Here we formulate this contribution and compare it with HERA small-$x$ DIS scattering data. We find that the BPST kernel along with a very simple local approximation to the proton and current "wave functions" gives a remarkably good fit not only at large $Q^2$ dominated by conformal symmetry but also extends to small $Q^2$, supplemented by a hard-wall cut-off of the AdS in the IR. We suggest that this is a useful phenomenological parametrization with implications for other diffractive processes, such as double diffractive Higgs production.Comment: 31 pages, 9 figures. More references and several few clarifying remarks added. Fits to the most recent H1/ZEUS data unchange
String-Gauge Dual Description of Deep Inelastic Scattering at Small-$x$
string-gauge dual description of deep inelastic scattering at small-$x$
correspondence inelastic formulated polchinski strassler. subsequently brower polchinski strassler bpst kernel pomeron sections. identifying inelastic virtual process. formulate hera data. bpst kernel proton remarkably dominated conformal extends supplemented phenomenological parametrization diffractive diffractive pages figures. clarifying remarks added. fits zeus unchange
We study the role of D-terms in supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking. By carefully analyzing the SUSY multiplets containing various conserved currents in theories with global symmetries, we obtain a number of constraints on the renormalization group flow in supersymmetric field theories. Under broad assumptions, these results imply that there are no SUSY-breaking vacua, not even metastable ones, with parametrically large D-terms. This explains the absence of such D-terms in models of dynamical SUSY-breaking. There is, however, a rich class of calculable models which generate comparable D-terms and F-terms through a variety of non-perturbative effects; these D-terms can be non-abelian. We give several explicit examples of such models, one of which is a new calculable limit of the 3-2 model.Comment: 34 pages, 2 figures; reference added, minor change
Global Symmetries and D-Terms in Supersymmetric Field Theories
global symmetries and d-terms in supersymmetric field theories
supersymmetry susy breaking. carefully analyzing susy multiplets conserved currents symmetries renormalization supersymmetric theories. broad assumptions imply susy breaking vacua metastable parametrically terms. explains susy breaking. calculable comparable perturbative abelian. calculable pages minor
We argue that the entanglement entropy offers us a useful coarse-grained entropy in time-dependent AdS/CFT. We show that the total von-Neumann entropy remains vanishing even when a black hole is created in a gravity dual, being consistent with the fact that its corresponding CFT is described by a time-dependent pure state. We analytically calculate the time evolution of entanglement entropy for a free Dirac fermion on a circle following a quantum quench. This is interpreted as a toy holographic dual of black hole creations and annihilations. It is manifestly free from the black hole information problem.Comment: 25 pages, Latex, 8 figure
Measuring Black Hole Formations by Entanglement Entropy via Coarse-Graining
measuring black hole formations by entanglement entropy via coarse-graining
argue entanglement offers coarse grained cft. neumann vanishing created state. analytically entanglement dirac fermion circle quench. interpreted holographic creations annihilations. manifestly pages latex
We obtain a holographical description of a superconductor by using the d=2 case of the AdS_{d+1}/CFT_d correspondence. The gravity system is a (2+1)-dimensional AdS black hole coupled to a Maxwell field and charged scalar. The dual (1+1)-dimensional superconductor will be strongly correlated. The characteristic exponents for vector perturbations at the boundary degenerate, which implies that d=2 is a critical dimension and the Green's function needs to be regularized. In the normal phase, the current-current correlation function and the conductivity can be analytically solved at zero chemical potential. The dc conductivity can be analytically solved at finite chemical potential. When we add a scalar hair to the black hole, a charged condensate happens at low temperatures. We compare our results with higher-dimensional cases.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures; v2: minor corrections; v3: published versio
One-dimensional holographic superconductor from AdS_3/CFT_2 correspondence
one-dimensional holographic superconductor from ads_3/cft_2 correspondence
holographical superconductor correspondence. maxwell scalar. superconductor correlated. exponents perturbations degenerate regularized. conductivity analytically solved potential. conductivity analytically solved potential. hair condensate happens temperatures. pages minor versio
We study the quasiclassical expansion associated with a complex curve. In a more specific context this is the 1/N expansion in U(N)-invariant matrix integrals. We compare two approaches, the CFT approach and the topological recursion, and show their equivalence. The CFT approach reformulates the problem in terms of a conformal field theory on a Riemann surface, while the topological recursion is based on a recurrence equation for the observables representing symplectic invariants on the complex curve. The two approaches lead to two different graph expansions, one of which can be obtained as a partial resummation of the other.Comment: Minor correction
CFT and topological recursion
cft and topological recursion
quasiclassical curve. integrals. topological recursion equivalence. reformulates conformal riemann topological recursion recurrence observables representing symplectic invariants curve. expansions resummation minor
We compute three-body nuclear forces at short distances by using the nuclear matrix model of holographic QCD proposed in our previous paper with P. Yi. We find that the three-body forces at short distances are repulsive for (a) aligned three neutrons with averaged spins, and (b) aligned proton-proton-neutron / proton-neutron-neutron. These indicate that in dense states of neutrons such as cores of neutron stars, or in Helium-3 / tritium nucleus, the repulsive forces are larger than the ones estimated from two-body forces only.Comment: 25 pages. v2: references adde
Three-Body Nuclear Forces from a Matrix Model
three-body nuclear forces from a matrix model
forces distances holographic forces distances repulsive aligned neutrons averaged spins aligned proton proton neutron proton neutron neutron. dense neutrons cores neutron helium tritium nucleus repulsive forces forces pages. adde
We investigate lepton flavor violating (LFV) radiative processes and the relic abundance of neutralino dark matter in supersymmetric type-I seesaw model. We carefully derive threshold corrections to the flavor off-diagonal elements of slepton mass matrix and up-type Higgs mass squared and find that they can be large in the case of large $B_N^0$. We examine how the branching ratios of LFV radiative decays and the relic abundance of neutralino dark matter can be significantly affected by the large threshold corrections. Soft scalar mass squared parameter of up-type Higgs scalar is also affected by the threshold corrections. Since the higgsino mass depends on the mass parameter for up-type Higgs, the LFV processes and the relic abundance of the neutralino dark matter are correlated with each other. We show that there are parameter regions where the predictions of the relic abundance of neutralino dark matter are consistent with WMAP observation and the branching ratios of LFV radiative decays are predicted to be testable in future experiments. We find that the masses of scalar supersymmetric particles are not necessarily small so that the branching ratios of LFV decays can be testable in future experiment, which is distinctive feature of this scenario.Comment: 32 pages, 6 figures, references are added, the version to appear in JHE
Effects of Large Threshold Corrections in Supersymmetric Type-I Seesaw Model
effects of large threshold corrections in supersymmetric type-i seesaw model
lepton flavor violating radiative relic abundance neutralino supersymmetric seesaw model. carefully derive flavor diagonal slepton squared examine branching radiative decays relic abundance neutralino corrections. squared corrections. higgsino relic abundance neutralino other. relic abundance neutralino wmap branching radiative decays testable experiments. supersymmetric necessarily branching decays testable distinctive pages
We study extremal cohomogeneity one five-dimensional asymptotically flat black holes of minimal supergravity in terms of the geodesics generated by nilpotent elements of the Lie algebra g2(2) on the coset manifold G2(2)/SO(2,2). There are two branches of regular extremal black holes with these properties: (i) the supersymmetric BMPV branch, and (ii) the non-supersymmetric extremal branch. We show that both of these branches are reproduced by nilpotent SO(2,2)-orbits. Furthermore, we show that the partial ordering of nilpotent orbits of G2(2) is in one-to-one correspondence with the phase diagram of these extremal black holes.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures; v2 two minus sign typos in appendix A equation (A.3) corrected, no other change
Extremal limits of the Cvetic-Youm black hole and nilpotent orbits of G2(2)
extremal limits of the cvetic-youm black hole and nilpotent orbits of g2(2)
extremal cohomogeneity asymptotically holes supergravity geodesics nilpotent coset manifold branches extremal holes supersymmetric bmpv branch supersymmetric extremal branch. branches reproduced nilpotent orbits. ordering nilpotent orbits correspondence extremal pages minus typos corrected
We investigate the dynamics of a pair of coincident D5 branes in the background of $k$ NS5 branes. It has been proposed by Kutasov that the system with a single probing D-brane moving radially in this background is dual to the tachyonic DBI action for a non-BPS Dp brane. We extend this proposal to the non-abelian case and find that the duality still holds provided one promotes the radial direction to a matrix valued field associated with a non-abelian geometric tachyon and a particular parametrization for the transverse scalar fields is chosen. The equations of motion of a pair of coincident D5 branes moving in the NS5 background are determined. Analytic and numerical solutions for the pair are found in certain simplified cases in which the U(2) symmetry is broken to $U(1) \times U(1)$ corresponding to a small transverse separation of the pair. For certain range of parameters these solutions describe periodic motion of the centre of mass of the pair 'bouncing off' a finite sized throat whose minimum size is limited by the D5 branes separation.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures, PdfLatex: references added.accepted for publication in JHE
Non Abelian Geometrical Tachyon
non abelian geometrical tachyon
coincident branes branes. kutasov probing brane moving radially tachyonic brane. extend proposal abelian duality promotes valued abelian geometric tachyon parametrization chosen. coincident branes moving determined. analytic simplified broken pair. bouncing sized throat branes pages pdflatex cepted publication
We compute the low energy decay rates of near-extremal three(four) charge black holes in five(four) dimensional N=4 string theory to sub-leading order in the large charge approximation. This involves studying stringy corrections to scattering amplitudes of a scalar field off a black hole. We adapt and use recently developed techniques to compute such amplitudes as near-horizon quantities. We then compare this with the corresponding calculation in the microscopic configuration carrying the same charges as the black hole. We find perfect agreement between the microscopic and macroscopic calculations; in the cases we study, the zero energy limit of the scattering cross section is equal to four times the Wald entropy of the black hole.Comment: 32 page
Stringy effects in black hole decay
stringy effects in black hole decay
extremal holes approximation. involves studying stringy amplitudes hole. adapt amplitudes horizon quantities. microscopic carrying charges hole. perfect microscopic macroscopic wald
We consider a simplest extension of the Standard Model (SM) through the incorporation of a real scalar singlet and an additional discrete $Z_2$ symmetry. The model admits the neutral scalar singlet to be stable and thus, a viable component of dark matter. We explore the parameter space of the model keeping in view the constraints arise from different dark matter direct detection experiments through WIMP-nucleon scattering. First of all, we have utilised the data obtained from CDMS, XENON-10 and XENON-100 collaborations. We further constraint the parameter space from the DAMA collaboration results (both with and without channelling) and CoGeNT collaboration results. Throughout our analysis, the constraint arises due to the observed relic density of dark matter reported by WMAP experiment, is also incorporated. Utilising all those constraints, on the model parameter space, we calculate the event rates and the annual variation of event rates in the context of a Liquid Argon Detector experiment.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures ; Text modified, figures modifie
Constraining Scalar Singlet Dark Matter with CDMS, XENON and DAMA and Prediction for Direct Detection Rates
constraining scalar singlet dark matter with cdms, xenon and dama and prediction for direct detection rates
simplest incorporation singlet symmetry. admits neutral singlet viable matter. explore keeping arise wimp nucleon scattering. utilised cdms xenon xenon collaborations. dama channelling cogent results. arises relic wmap incorporated. utilising argon pages modifie
Recently, an interesting work, which reformulates the tunneling framework to directly produce the Hawking emission spectrum and entropy spectroscopy in the tunneling picture, has been received a broad attention. However, during the emission process, most related observations have not incorporated the effects of back reaction on the background spacetime, whose derivations are therefore not the desiring results for the real physical process. With this point as a central motivation, in this paper we suitably adapt the \emph{reformulated} tunneling framework so that it can well accommodate the effects of back reaction to produce the Hawking emission spectrum and entropy spectroscopy. Consequently, we interestingly find that, when back reaction is considered, the Parikh-Wilczek's outstanding observations that, an isolated radiating black hole has an unitary-evolving emission spectrum that is \emph{not} precisely thermal, but is related to the change of the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy, can also be reproduced in the reformulated tunneling framework, meanwhile the entropy spectrum has the same form as that without inclusion of back reaction, which demonstrates the entropy quantum is \emph{independent} of the effects of back reaction. As our final analysis, we concentrate on the issues of the black hole information, but \emph{unfortunately} find that, even including the effects of back reaction and higher-order quantum corrections, such tunneling formalism can still not provide a mechanism for preserving the black hole information.Comment: 16 pages, no figure, use JHEP3.cls. to be published in JHE
Back reaction, emission spectrum and entropy spectroscopy
back reaction, emission spectrum and entropy spectroscopy
reformulates tunneling hawking spectroscopy tunneling picture broad attention. incorporated spacetime derivations desiring process. motivation suitably adapt emph reformulated tunneling accommodate hawking spectroscopy. interestingly parikh wilczek outstanding radiating unitary evolving emph precisely bekenstein hawking reproduced reformulated tunneling meanwhile inclusion demonstrates emph reaction. concentrate emph unfortunately tunneling formalism preserving pages jhep .cls.
We study the possibility of gauging the Standard Model flavor group. Anomaly cancellation leads to the addition of fermions whose mass is inversely proportional to the known fermion masses. In this case all flavor violating effects turn out to be controlled roughly by the Standard Model Yukawa, suppressing transitions for the light generations. Due to the inverted hierarchy the scale of new gauge flavor bosons could be as low as the electroweak scale without violating any existing bound but accessible at the Tevatron and the LHC. The mechanism of flavor protection potentially provides an alternative to Minimal Flavor Violation, with flavor violating effects suppressed by hierarchy of scales rather than couplings.Comment: 24 pages + appendices; v2) Refs. added and numerical examples improved. Results unchanged; v3) small typos in appendix B correcte
Low Scale Flavor Gauge Symmetries
low scale flavor gauge symmetries
gauging flavor group. anomaly cancellation fermions inversely fermion masses. flavor violating roughly yukawa suppressing generations. inverted hierarchy flavor bosons electroweak violating accessible tevatron lhc. flavor protection potentially flavor violation flavor violating suppressed hierarchy pages appendices refs. improved. unchanged typos correcte
We construct the interaction terms between the world-volume fields of multiple M2-branes and the 3- and 6-form fields in the context of ABJM theory with U($N$)$\times$U($N$) gauge symmetry. A consistency check is made in the simplest case of a single M2-brane, i.e, our construction matches the known effective action of M2-brane coupled to antisymmetric 3-form field. We show that when dimensionally reduced, our couplings coincide with the effective action of D2-branes coupled to R-R 3- and 5-form fields in type IIA string theory. We also comment on the relation between a coupling with a specific 6-form field configuration and the supersymmetry preserving mass deformation in ABJM theory.Comment: 30 pages, version to appear in JHE
Interaction between M2-branes and Bulk Form Fields
interaction between m2-branes and bulk form fields
branes abjm symmetry. consistency check simplest brane matches brane antisymmetric field. dimensionally couplings coincide branes theory. comment supersymmetry preserving deformation abjm pages
Generic master equations governing the highly-damped quasi-normal frequencies [QNFs] of one-horizon, two-horizon, and even three-horizon spacetimes can be obtained through either semi-analytic or monodromy techniques. While many technical details differ, both between the semi-analytic and monodromy approaches, and quite often among various authors seeking to apply the monodromy technique, there is nevertheless widespread agreement regarding the the general form of the QNF master equations. Within this class of generic master equations we can establish some rather general results, relating the existence of "families" of QNFs of the form omega_{a,n} = (offset)_a + i n (gap) to the question of whether or not certain ratios of parameters are rational or irrational.Comment: 23 pages; V2: Minor additions, typos fixed. Matches published versio
Generic master equations for quasi-normal frequencies
generic master equations for quasi-normal frequencies
generic master governing damped quasi qnfs horizon horizon horizon spacetimes analytic monodromy techniques. analytic monodromy seeking monodromy nevertheless widespread master equations. generic master establish relating families qnfs omega offset rational pages minor additions typos fixed. matches versio
We study a simple five-dimensional extension of the Standard Model, compactified on a flat line segment in which there propagate Higgs and gauge bosons of the Standard Model. We impose a Dirichlet boundary condition on the Higgs field to realize its vacuum expectation value. Since a flat Nambu-Goldstone zero-mode of the bulk Higgs is eliminated by the Dirichlet boundary condition, a superposition of the Higgs Kaluza-Klein modes play the role of the Nambu-Goldstone boson except at the boundaries. We discuss phenomenology of our model at the LHC, namely the top Yukawa deviation and the production and decay of the physical Higgs field, as well as the constraints from the electroweak precision measurements.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures, title changed, phenomenological consequences substantially modifie
Phenomenological Aspects of Dirichlet Higgs Model from Extra-Dimension
phenomenological aspects of dirichlet higgs model from extra-dimension
compactified segment propagate bosons model. impose dirichlet realize expectation value. nambu goldstone eliminated dirichlet superposition kaluza klein nambu goldstone boson boundaries. phenomenology yukawa electroweak precision pages title changed phenomenological consequences substantially modifie
We determine the form of all timelike supersymmetric solutions of all N greater or equal than 2, d=4 ungauged supergravities, for N less or equal than 4 coupled to vector supermultiplets, using the $Usp(n+1,n+1)-symmetric formulation of Andrianopoli, D'Auria and Ferrara and the spinor-bilinears method, while preserving the global symmetries of the theories all the way. As previously conjectured in the literature, the supersymmetric solutions are always associated to a truncation to an N=2 theory that may include hypermultiplets, although fields which are eliminated in the truncations can have non-trivial values, as is required by the preservation of the global symmetry of the theories. The solutions are determined by a number of independent functions, harmonic in transverse space, which is twice the number of vector fields of the theory (n+1). The transverse space is flat if an only if the would-be hyperscalars of the associated N=2 truncation are trivial.Comment: v3: Some changes in the introduction. Version to be published in JHE
All the timelike supersymmetric solutions of all ungauged d=4 supergravities
all the timelike supersymmetric solutions of all ungauged d=4 supergravities
timelike supersymmetric ungauged supergravities supermultiplets formulation andrianopoli auria ferrara spinor bilinears preserving symmetries way. conjectured supersymmetric truncation hypermultiplets eliminated truncations trivial preservation theories. harmonic twice hyperscalars truncation introduction.
Scalar leptoquarks, with baryon and lepton number conserving interactions, could have TeV scale masses, and be produced at colliders or contribute to a wide variety of rare decays. In pursuit of some insight as to the most sensitive search channels, We assume that the leptoquark-lepton-quark coupling can be constructed from the known mass matrices. We estimate the rates for selected rare processes in three cases: leptoquarks carrying lepton and quark flavour, leptoquarks with quark flavour only, and unflavoured leptoquarks. We find that leptoquark decay to top quarks is an interesting search channel.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures, minor changes and references adde
Minimal Flavour Violation for Leptoquarks
minimal flavour violation for leptoquarks
leptoquarks baryon lepton conserving colliders rare decays. pursuit insight leptoquark lepton matrices. rare leptoquarks carrying lepton flavour leptoquarks flavour unflavoured leptoquarks. leptoquark quarks pages minor adde
We present an updated study of the systematic errors in the measurements of the electroweak boson cross-sections at the LHC for various experimental cuts for a center of mass energy of 7, 10 and 14 TeV. The size of both electroweak and NNLO QCD contributions are estimated, together with the systematic error from the parton distributions. The effects of new versions of the MSTW, CTEQ, and NNPDF PDFs are considered.Comment: PDFLatex with JHEP3.cls. 22 pages, 43 figures. Version 2 adds the CT10W PDF set to analysis and updates the final systematic error table and conclusions, plus several citations and minor wording changes. Version 3 adds some references on electroweak and mixed QED/QCD corrections. Version 4 adds more references and acknowledgement
Theoretical Uncertainties in Electroweak Boson Production Cross Sections at 7, 10, and 14 TeV at the LHC
theoretical uncertainties in electroweak boson production cross sections at 7, 10, and 14 tev at the lhc
updated electroweak boson cuts tev. electroweak nnlo parton distributions. versions mstw cteq nnpdf pdfs pdflatex jhep .cls. pages figures. adds updates citations minor wording changes. adds electroweak corrections. adds acknowledgement
We reconsider the flavor problem in the models with two Higgs doublets. By studying two generation toy models, we look for flavor basis independent constraints on Yukawa couplings that will give us the mass hierarchy while keeping all Yukawa couplings of the same order. We then generalize our findings to the full three generation Standard Model. We find that we need two constraints on the Yukawa couplings to generate the observed mass hierarchy, and a slight tuning of Yukawa couplings of order 10%, much less than the Standard Model. We briefly study how these constraints can be realized, and show how flavor changing currents are under control for $K-\bar{K}$ mixing in the near-decoupling limit.Comment: 26 pages, typos are corrected, references are added, the final versio
The flavor puzzle in multi-Higgs models
the flavor puzzle in multi-higgs models
reconsider flavor doublets. studying look flavor yukawa couplings hierarchy keeping yukawa couplings order. generalize model. yukawa couplings hierarchy slight tuning yukawa couplings model. briefly realized flavor changing currents decoupling pages typos corrected versio
We demonstrate that the four and six-point tree-level amplitudes of N=6 superconformal Chern-Simons theory (ABJM) enjoy OSp(6|4) dual superconformal symmetry if one enlarges the dual superspace to include three additional Grassmann-even coordinates which correspond to an abelian isometry of CP3. The inclusion of these coordinates enables us to match the nontrivial dual superconformal generators with level-one Yangian generators when acting on on-shell amplitudes. We also discuss some implications of dual conformal symmetry for loop-level amplitudes.Comment: 32 pages; v3: minor changes, published in JHE
Dual Superconformal Symmetry of N=6 Chern-Simons Theory
dual superconformal symmetry of n=6 chern-simons theory
amplitudes superconformal chern simons abjm enjoy superconformal enlarges superspace grassmann abelian isometry inclusion enables match nontrivial superconformal generators yangian generators acting amplitudes. conformal pages minor
The present paper concludes our investigation on the QCD equation of state with 2+1 staggered flavors and one-link stout improvement. We extend our previous study [JHEP 0601:089 (2006)] by choosing even finer lattices. Lattices with $N_t=6,8$ and 10 are used, and the continuum limit is approached by checking the results at $N_t=12$. A Symanzik improved gauge and a stout-link improved staggered fermion action is utilized. We use physical quark masses, that is, for the lightest staggered pions and kaons we fix the $m_\pi/f_K$ and $m_K/f_K$ ratios to their experimental values. The pressure, the interaction measure, the energy and entropy density and the speed of sound are presented as functions of the temperature in the range $100 ...1000 \textmd{MeV}$. We give estimates for the pion mass dependence and for the contribution of the charm quark. We compare our data to the equation of state obtained by the "hotQCD" collaboration.Comment: Minor changes: Figure 1 added; Figure 15, Figure 17 and Table 5 changed. Accepted for publication in JHE
The QCD equation of state with dynamical quarks
the qcd equation of state with dynamical quarks
concludes staggered flavors stout improvement. extend jhep choosing finer lattices. lattices continuum approached checking symanzik stout staggered fermion utilized. lightest staggered pions kaons values. sound textmd pion charm quark. hotqcd minor changed. publication
In the very special relativity (VSR) proposal by Cohen and Glashow, it was pointed out that invariance under HOM(2) is both necessary and sufficient to explain the null result of the Michelson-Morely experiment. It is the quantum field theoretic demand of locality, or the requirement of P, T, CP, or CT invariance, that makes invariance under the Lorentz group a necessity. Originally it was conjectured that VSR operates at the Planck scale; we propose that the natural arena for VSR is at energies similar to the standard model, but in the dark sector. To this end we provide an ab initio spinor representation invariant under the SIM(2) avatar of VSR and construct a mass dimension one fermionic quantum field of spin one half. This field turns out to be a very close sibling of Elko and it exhibits the same striking property of intrinsic darkness with respect to the standard model fields. In the new construct, the tension between Elko and Lorentz symmetries is fully resolved. We thus entertain the possibility that the symmetries underlying the standard model matter and gauge fields are those of Lorentz, while the event space underlying the dark matter and the dark gauge fields supports the algebraic structure underlying VSR.Comment: 19 pages. Section 5 is new. Published version (modulo a footnote, and a corrected typo
Very special relativity as relativity of dark matter: the Elko connection
very special relativity as relativity of dark matter: the elko connection
relativity proposal cohen glashow pointed invariance michelson morely experiment. theoretic locality requirement invariance invariance lorentz necessity. originally conjectured operates planck propose arena sector. initio spinor avatar fermionic half. turns sibling elko exhibits striking intrinsic darkness fields. tension elko lorentz symmetries resolved. entertain symmetries lorentz supports algebraic pages. new. modulo footnote corrected typo
We derive an exact analytical expression for the one-loop partition function of a string in AdS_5xS^5 background with world-surface ending on two anti-parallel lines. All quantum fluctuations are shown to be governed by integrable, single-gap Lame' operators. The first strong coupling correction to the quark-antiquark potential, as defined in N=4 SYM, is derived as the sum of known mathematical constants and a one-dimensional integral representation. Its full numerical value can be given with arbitrary precision and confirms a previous result.Comment: 16 pages. Typos corrected, minor change
Quark-antiquark potential in AdS at one loop
quark-antiquark potential in ads at one loop
derive partition ending lines. governed integrable lame operators. antiquark mathematical representation. precision confirms pages. typos corrected minor
We present a self-gravitating dyon solution of the Einstein-Yang-Mills-Higgs equations of motion in asymptotically AdS space. The back reaction of gauge and Higgs fields on the space-time geometry leads to the metric of an asymptotically AdS black hole. Using the gauge/gravity correspondence we analyze relevant properties of the finite temperature quantum field theory defined on the boundary. In particular we identify an order operator, characterize a phase transition of the dual theory on the border and also compute the expectation value of the finite temperature Wilson loop.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures. Revised version to appear in JHE
Holography and $AdS_4$ self-gravitating dyons
holography and $ads_4$ self-gravitating dyons
gravitating dyon einstein mills asymptotically space. asymptotically hole. correspondence analyze boundary. characterize border expectation wilson pages figures. revised
Recently, various possible expressions for the vacuum-to-vacuum superstring amplitudes has been proposed at genus $g=3,4,5$. To compare the different proposals, here we will present a careful analysis of the comparison between the two main technical tools adopted to realize the proposals: the classical theta constants and the lattice theta series. We compute the relevant Fourier coefficients in order to relate the two spaces. We will prove the equivalence up to genus 4. In genus five we will show that the solutions are equivalent modulo the Schottky form and coincide if we impose the vanishing of the cosmological constant.Comment: 21 page
Classical theta constants vs. lattice theta series, and super string partition functions
classical theta constants vs. lattice theta series, and super string partition functions
expressions superstring amplitudes genus proposals careful adopted realize proposals theta theta series. fourier relate spaces. equivalence genus genus modulo schottky coincide impose vanishing cosmological
We perform a systematic analysis of generic string flux compactifications, making use of Exceptional Generalized Geometry (EGG) as an organizing principle. In particular, we establish the precise map between fluxes, gaugings of maximal 4d supergravity and EGG, identifying the complete set of gaugings that admit an uplift to 10d heterotic or type IIB supegravity backgrounds. Our results reveal a rich structure, involving new deformations of 10d supergravity backgrounds, such as the RR counterparts of the $\beta$-deformation. These new deformations are expected to provide the natural extension of the $\beta$-deformation to full-fledged F-theory backgrounds. Our analysis also provides some clues on the 10d origin of some of the particularly less understood gaugings of 4d supergravity. Finally, we derive the explicit expression for the effective superpotential in arbitrary N = 1 heterotic or type IIB orientifold compactifications, for all the allowed fluxes.Comment: 58 pages, 6 table
U-dual fluxes and Generalized Geometry
u-dual fluxes and generalized geometry
generic compactifications exceptional organizing principle. establish precise fluxes gaugings maximal supergravity identifying gaugings admit uplift heterotic supegravity backgrounds. reveal involving deformations supergravity backgrounds counterparts beta deformation. deformations beta deformation fledged backgrounds. clues understood gaugings supergravity. derive superpotential heterotic orientifold compactifications pages
We consider fermion correlators in non-abelian holographic superconductors. The spectral function of the fermions exhibits several interesting features such as support in displaced Dirac cones and an asymmetric distribution of normal modes. These features are compared to similar ones observed in angle resolved photoemission experiments on high T_c superconductors. Along the way we elucidate some properties of p-wave superconductors in AdS_4 and discuss the construction of SO(4) superconductors.Comment: 49 pages, 11 figure
Fermion correlators in non-abelian holographic superconductors
fermion correlators in non-abelian holographic superconductors
fermion correlators abelian holographic superconductors. fermions exhibits displaced dirac cones asymmetric modes. resolved photoemission superconductors. elucidate superconductors pages
We construct an off-shell extension of cubic interaction vertices between massless bosonic Higher Spin fields on a flat background which can be obtained from perturbative bosonic string theory. We demonstrate how to construct higher quartic interaction vertices using a simple particular example. We examine whether BCFW recursion relations for interacting Higher Spin theories are applicable. We argue that for several interesting examples such relations should exist, but consistency of the theories might require that we supplement Higher Spin field theories with extended and possibly non-local objects.Comment: 34 pages; v2 fixed typos, added acknowledgments and references, several explanations and corrections in section 6, conclusions unchanged; v3 35 pages, references added, typos fixed, version accepted for publication by JHE
On the Tensionless Limit of String theory, Off - Shell Higher Spin Interaction Vertices and BCFW Recursion Relations
on the tensionless limit of string theory, off - shell higher spin interaction vertices and bcfw recursion relations
cubic massless bosonic perturbative bosonic theory. quartic example. examine bcfw recursion interacting applicable. argue consistency supplement possibly pages typos acknowledgments explanations unchanged pages typos publication
We calculate the one-loop Yukawa couplings and threshold corrections for supersymmetric local models of branes at singularities in type IIB string theory. We compute the corrections coming both from wavefunction and vertex renormalisation. The former comes in the IR from conventional field theory running and in the UV from threshold corrections that cause it to run from the winding scale associated to the full Calabi-Yau volume. The vertex correction is naively absent as it appears to correspond to superpotential renormalisation. However, we find that while the Wilsonian superpotential is not renormalised there is a physical vertex correction in the 1PI action associated to light particle loops.Comment: 37 pages, 3 figure
One-loop Yukawa Couplings in Local Models
one-loop yukawa couplings in local models
yukawa couplings supersymmetric branes singularities theory. coming wavefunction renormalisation. former comes running winding calabi volume. naively absent superpotential renormalisation. wilsonian superpotential renormalised pages
We propose a description of G-fluxes that induce chirality in 4-dimensional F-theory GUT spectra that is intrinsic to F-theory and does not rely on Heterotic/F-theory duality. Using this, we describe how to globally extend fluxes that have been constructed in a semi-local setting and obtain an F-theoretic formula for computing the chiral spectrum that they induce. Chirality computations agree with those from the semi-local Higgs bundle analysis for matter fields that are charged under the GUT-group, and hence with the standard Heterotic formulae where applicable. Finally, the relation of G-fluxes to SU(5)_{perp} bundles on the F-theory 4-fold is discussed and used to motivate a quantization rule that is consistent both with the Higgs bundle one as well as the Heterotic one when a Heterotic dual exists.Comment: 41 pages + 2 appendices; v2 references added, typo in (2.14) correcte
A Note on G-Fluxes for F-theory Model Building
a note on g-fluxes for f-theory model building
propose fluxes induce chirality intrinsic rely heterotic duality. globally extend fluxes theoretic chiral induce. chirality computations agree bundle heterotic formulae applicable. fluxes perp bundles motivate quantization bundle heterotic heterotic pages appendices typo correcte
We show model-independently that the negative like-sign charge asymmetry $(-A^b_{s\ell})$ is less than $ 3.16\times 10^{-3}$ when the constraints from the $B_q-\bar B_q$ mixings and the time-dependent CP asymmetries (CPAs) for $B_q\to J/\Psi M_q$ with $M_q=K,\phi$ and $q=d,s$ are taken into account. Although the result is smaller than the measured value by the D{\O} Collaboration at Fermilab, there is still plenty of room to have new physics, which is sensitive to new CP violating effects, as the standard model (SM) prediction is $(2.3_{-0.5}^{+0.6})\times 10^{-4}$. To illustrate the potential large $|A^{b}_{s\ell}|$, we show the influence of new $SU(2)_L$ singlet exotic quarks in the vector-like quark model, where the $Z$-mediated flavor changing neutral currents (FCNCs) are generated at tree level. In particular, we demonstrate that (a) the like-sign charge asymmetry could be enhanced by a factor of two in magnitude; (b) the CPA of $\sin2\beta^{J/\Psi \phi}_s$ could reach to $-15%$; (c) the CPA of $\sin2\beta_{\phi K_S}$ could be higher than $\sin2\beta_{J/\Psi K_S}$ when $|A^b_{s\ell}|$ is larger than the SM prediction; and (d) the branching ratio for $B_s\to \mu^+ \mu^-$ could be as large as $0.6\times 10^{-8}$.Comment: 1+19 pages, 8 figures, typos corrected and references added, version to appear in JHE
Z-mediated charge and CP asymmetries and FCNCs in $B_{d,s}$ processes
z-mediated charge and cp asymmetries and fcncs in $b_{d,s}$ processes
independently asymmetry mixings asymmetries cpas account. fermilab plenty room violating illustrate singlet exotic quarks flavor changing neutral currents fcncs level. asymmetry beta beta beta branching .comment pages typos corrected
We reconsider basic, in the sense of minimal field content, Pati-Salam x SU(3) family models which make use of the Type I see-saw mechanism to reproduce the observed mixing and mass spectrum in the neutrino sector. The goal of this is to achieve the observed baryon asymmetry through the thermal decay of the lightest right-handed neutrino and at the same time to be consistent with the expected experimental lepton flavour violation sensitivity. This kind of models have been previously considered but it was not possible to achieve a compatibility among all of the ingredients mentioned above. We describe then how different SU(3) messengers, the heavy fields that decouple and produce the right form of the Yukawa couplings together with the scalars breaking the SU(3) symmetry, can lead to different Yukawa couplings. This in turn implies different consequences for flavour violation couplings and conditions for realizing the right amount of baryon asymmetry through the decay of the lightest right-handed neutrino. Also a highlight of the present work is a new fit of the Yukawa textures traditionally embedded in SU(3) family models.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures, Some typos correcte
Bridging flavour violation and leptogenesis in SU(3) family models
bridging flavour violation and leptogenesis in su(3) family models
reconsider pati salam reproduce sector. goal baryon asymmetry lightest handed lepton flavour violation sensitivity. kind compatibility ingredients above. messengers decouple yukawa couplings scalars breaking yukawa couplings. consequences flavour violation couplings realizing baryon asymmetry lightest handed neutrino. highlight yukawa textures traditionally embedded pages typos correcte
It is known from earlier work of Iqbal, Liu (arXiv:0809.3808) that the boundary transport coefficients such as electrical conductivity (at vanishing chemical potential), shear viscosity etc. at low frequency and finite temperature can be expressed in terms of geometrical quantities evaluated at the horizon. In the case of electrical conductivity, at zero chemical potential gauge field fluctuation and metric fluctuation decouples, resulting in a trivial flow from horizon to boundary. In the presence of chemical potential, the story becomes complicated due to the fact that gauge field and metric fluctuation can no longer be decoupled. This results in a nontrivial flow from horizon to boundary. Though horizon conductivity can be expressed in terms of geometrical quantities evaluated at the horizon, there exist no such neat result for electrical conductivity at the boundary. In this paper we propose an expression for boundary conductivity expressed in terms of geometrical quantities evaluated at the horizon and thermodynamical quantities. We also consider the theory at finite cutoff outside the horizon (arXiv:1006.1902) and give an expression for cutoff dependent electrical conductivity, which interpolates smoothly between horizon conductivity and boundary conductivity . Using the results about the electrical conductivity we gain much insight into the universality of thermal conductivity to viscosity ratio proposed in arXiv:0912.2719.Comment: An appendix added discussing relation between boundary conductivity and universal conductivity of stretched horizon, version to be published in JHE
Universal thermal and electrical conductivity from holography
universal thermal and electrical conductivity from holography
iqbal electrical conductivity vanishing viscosity etc. geometrical quantities horizon. electrical conductivity fluctuation fluctuation decouples trivial horizon boundary. story complicated fluctuation decoupled. nontrivial horizon boundary. horizon conductivity geometrical quantities horizon neat electrical conductivity boundary. propose conductivity geometrical quantities horizon thermodynamical quantities. cutoff horizon cutoff electrical conductivity interpolates smoothly horizon conductivity conductivity electrical conductivity insight universality conductivity viscosity discussing conductivity universal conductivity stretched horizon
The graviton 1-loop partition function in Euclidean topologically massive gravity (TMG) is calculated using heat kernel techniques. The partition function does not factorize holomorphically, and at the chiral point it has the structure expected from a logarithmic conformal field theory. This gives strong evidence for the proposal that the dual conformal field theory to TMG at the chiral point is indeed logarithmic. We also generalize our results to new massive gravity.Comment: 19 pages, v2: major revision, considerably stronger conclusions, added comparison with LCFT partition function, confirmation of LCFT conjecture, added autho
Graviton 1-loop partition function for 3-dimensional massive gravity
graviton 1-loop partition function for 3-dimensional massive gravity
graviton partition euclidean topologically massive kernel techniques. partition factorize holomorphically chiral logarithmic conformal theory. proposal conformal chiral logarithmic. generalize massive pages revision considerably stronger lcft partition confirmation lcft conjecture autho