3 values
We construct new gravity backgrounds holographic dual to neutral plasma with U(1) global symmetry in the presence of constant electric field, considering its full back-reactions to the metric. As the electric field and the induced current cause a net energy in-flow to the system, the plasma is continually heated up and the corresponding gravity solution has an expanding horizon. After proposing a consistent late-time expansion scheme, we present analytic solutions in the scheme up to next-leading order, and our solutions are new time-dependent solutions of 5D asymptotic AdS Einstein-Maxwell(-Chern-Simons) theory. To extract dual CFT stress tensor and U(1) current from the solutions, we perform a rigorous holographic renormalization of Einstein-Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory including full back-reactions, which can in itself be an interesting addition to literatures. As by-products, we obtain interesting modifications of energy-momentum/current Ward identities due to the U(1) symmetry and its triangle anomaly.Comment: 27 pages, no figure, v3, minor typos fixed, matches with published versio
Electrified plasma in AdS/CFT correspondence
electrified plasma in ads/cft correspondence
backgrounds holographic neutral metric. continually heated expanding horizon. proposing analytic asymptotic einstein maxwell chern simons theory. extract rigorous holographic renormalization einstein maxwell chern simons literatures. modifications ward identities triangle pages minor typos matches versio
A simple BRST-closed expression for the color-ordered super-Yang-Mills 5-point amplitude at tree-level is proposed in pure spinor superspace and shown to be BRST-equivalent to the field theory limit of the open superstring 5-pt amplitude. It is manifestly cyclic invariant and each one of its five terms can be associated to the five Feynman diagrams which use only cubic vertices. Its form also suggests an empirical method to find superspace expressions in the cohomology of the pure spinor BRST operator for higher-point amplitudes based on their kinematic pole structure. Using this method, Ansaetze for the 6- and 7-point 10D super-Yang-Mills amplitudes which map to their 14 and 42 color-ordered diagrams are conjectured and their 6- and 7-gluon expansions are explicitly computed.Comment: 14 pages, harvmac, v4: trivial edits in the text to comply with JHEP refere
Towards Field Theory Amplitudes From the Cohomology of Pure Spinor Superspace
towards field theory amplitudes from the cohomology of pure spinor superspace
brst ordered super mills spinor superspace brst superstring amplitude. manifestly cyclic feynman diagrams cubic vertices. superspace expressions cohomology spinor brst amplitudes kinematic pole structure. ansaetze super mills amplitudes ordered diagrams conjectured gluon expansions explicitly pages harvmac trivial edits comply jhep refere
At the Large Hadron Collider, we prove the feasibility to detect pair production of the lightest CP-even Higgs boson h of a Type II 2-Higgs Doublet Model through the process q \bar q' --> Vhh (Higgs-strahlung, V=W+-,Z), in presence of two h --> b \bar b decays. We also show that, through such production and decay channels, one has direct access to the following Higgs self-couplings, thus enabling one to distinguish between a standard and the Supersymmetric version of the above model: lambda_(Hhh) -- which constrains the form of the Higgs potential -- as well as lambda_(W+- H+- h) and lambda_(Z A h) -- which are required by gauge invariance. Unfortunately, such claims cannot be extended to the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model, where the extraction of the same signals is impossible.Comment: Extended discussion at the end of Sect. 3.2. Results unchanged. Version to appear on JHE
Production of Light Higgs Pairs in 2-Higgs Doublet Models via the Higgs-strahlung Process at the LHC
production of light higgs pairs in 2-higgs doublet models via the higgs-strahlung process at the lhc
hadron collider feasibility detect lightest boson doublet strahlung decays. couplings enabling distinguish supersymmetric lambda constrains lambda lambda invariance. unfortunately claims supersymmetric extraction sect. unchanged.
We construct rotating black hole solutions in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet theory in five spacetime dimensions. These black holes are asymptotically flat, and possess a regular horizon of spherical topology and two equal-magnitude angular momenta associated with two distinct planes of rotation. The action and global charges of the solutions are obtained by using the quasilocal formalism with boundary counterterms generalized for the case of Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet theory. We discuss the general properties of these black holes and study their dependence on the Gauss-Bonnet coupling constant $\alpha$. We argue that most of the properties of the configurations are not affected by the higher derivative terms. For fixed $\alpha$ the set of black hole solutions terminates at an extremal black hole with a regular horizon, where the Hawking temperature vanishes and the angular momenta attain their extremal values. The domain of existence of regular black hole solutions is studied. The near horizon geometry of the extremal solutions is determined by employing the entropy function formalism.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figure
Rotating black holes with equal-magnitude angular momenta in d=5 Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet theory
rotating black holes with equal-magnitude angular momenta in d=5 einstein-gauss-bonnet theory
rotating einstein gauss bonnet spacetime dimensions. holes asymptotically possess horizon spherical topology momenta planes rotation. charges quasilocal formalism counterterms einstein gauss bonnet theory. holes gauss bonnet alpha argue configurations terms. alpha terminates extremal horizon hawking vanishes momenta attain extremal values. studied. horizon extremal employing pages
We describe a procedure for classifying N=2 superconformal theories of the type introduced by Davide Gaiotto. Any curve, C, on which the 6D A_{N-1} SCFT is compactified, can be decomposed into 3-punctured spheres, connected by cylinders. We classify the spheres, and the cylinders that connect them. The classification is carried out explicitly, up through N=5, and for several families of SCFTs for arbitrary N. These lead to a wealth of new S-dualities between Lagrangian and non-Lagrangian N=2 SCFTs.Comment: 61 pages, 136 figures (a veritable comic book). V2: Grotty bitmapped figures replaced with PDF versions; a couple of references fixe
Tinkertoys for Gaiotto Duality
tinkertoys for gaiotto duality
classifying superconformal davide gaiotto. scft compactified decomposed punctured spheres cylinders. classify spheres cylinders connect them. explicitly families scfts wealth dualities lagrangian lagrangian pages veritable comic book grotty bitmapped replaced versions couple fixe
We extend previous techniques for calculations of transplanckian-energy string-string collisions to the high-energy scattering of massless closed strings from a stack of N Dp-branes in Minkowski spacetime. We show that an effective non-trivial metric emerges from the string scattering amplitudes by comparing them against the semiclassical dynamics of high-energy strings in the extremal p-brane background. By changing the energy, impact parameter and effective open string coupling, we are able to explore various interesting regimes and to reproduce classical expectations, including tidal-force excitations, even beyond the leading-eikonal approximation.Comment: 40 pages, 5 figures, v2: minor corrections, new appendix with a discussion of the Feynman diagrams contributing to the scattering amplitude in the field theory limi
High-energy string-brane scattering: leading eikonal and beyond
high-energy string-brane scattering: leading eikonal and beyond
extend transplanckian collisions massless strings stack branes minkowski spacetime. trivial emerges amplitudes semiclassical strings extremal brane background. changing explore regimes reproduce expectations tidal excitations eikonal pages minor feynman diagrams contributing limi
Jet shapes are weighted sums over the four-momenta of the constituents of a jet and reveal details of its internal structure, potentially allowing discrimination of its partonic origin. In this work we make predictions for quark and gluon jet shape distributions in N-jet final states in e+e- collisions, defined with a cone or recombination algorithm, where we measure some jet shape observable on a subset of these jets. Using the framework of Soft-Collinear Effective Theory, we prove a factorization theorem for jet shape distributions and demonstrate the consistent renormalization-group running of the functions in the factorization theorem for any number of measured and unmeasured jets, any number of quark and gluon jets, and any angular size R of the jets, as long as R is much smaller than the angular separation between jets. We calculate the jet and soft functions for angularity jet shapes \tau_a to one-loop order (O(alpha_s)) and resum a subset of the large logarithms of \tau_a needed for next-to-leading logarithmic (NLL) accuracy for both cone and kT-type jets. We compare our predictions for the resummed \tau_a distribution of a quark or a gluon jet produced in a 3-jet final state in e+e- annihilation to the output of a Monte Carlo event generator and find that the dependence on a and R is very similar.Comment: 62 pages plus 21 pages of Appendices, 13 figures, uses JHEP3.cls. v2: corrections to finite parts of NLO jet functions, minor changes to plots, clarified discussion of power corrections. v3: Journal version. Introductory sections significantly reorganized for clarity, classification of logarithmic accuracy clarified, results for non-Mercedes-Benz configurations adde
Jet Shapes and Jet Algorithms in SCET
jet shapes and jet algorithms in scet
shapes weighted sums momenta constituents reveal potentially allowing discrimination partonic origin. gluon collisions cone recombination observable jets. collinear factorization renormalization running factorization unmeasured jets gluon jets jets jets. angularity shapes alpha resum logarithms logarithmic cone jets. resummed gluon annihilation monte carlo generator pages pages appendices jhep .cls. minor plots clarified corrections. version. introductory reorganized clarity logarithmic clarified mercedes benz configurations adde
Ultraviolet physics typically induces a kinetic mixing between gauge singlets which is marginal and hence non-decoupling in the infrared. In singlet extensions of the minimal supersymmetric standard model, e.g. the next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model, this furnishes a well motivated and distinctive portal connecting the visible sector to any hidden sector which contains a singlet chiral superfield. In the presence of singlet kinetic mixing, the hidden sector automatically acquires a light mass scale in the range 0.1 - 100 GeV induced by electroweak symmetry breaking. In theories with R-parity conservation, superparticles produced at the LHC invariably cascade decay into hidden sector particles. Since the hidden sector singlet couples to the visible sector via the Higgs sector, these cascades necessarily produce a Higgs boson in an order 0.01 - 1 fraction of events. Furthermore, supersymmetric cascades typically produce highly boosted, low-mass hidden sector singlets decaying visibly, albeit with displacement, into the heaviest standard model particles which are kinematically accessible. We study experimental constraints on this broad class of theories, as well as the role of singlet kinetic mixing in direct detection of hidden sector dark matter. We also present related theories in which a hidden sector singlet interacts with the visible sector through kinetic mixing with right-handed neutrinos.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure
Singlet Portal to the Hidden Sector
singlet portal to the hidden sector
ultraviolet induces singlets marginal decoupling infrared. singlet extensions supersymmetric e.g. supersymmetric furnishes motivated distinctive portal connecting visible hidden singlet chiral superfield. singlet hidden automatically acquires electroweak breaking. parity conservation superparticles invariably cascade hidden particles. hidden singlet couples visible cascades necessarily boson events. supersymmetric cascades boosted hidden singlets decaying visibly albeit displacement heaviest kinematically accessible. broad singlet hidden matter. hidden singlet interacts visible handed pages
We compute form factors in planar N=4 Super Yang-Mills at strong coupling. Namely we consider the overlap between an operator insertion and 2n gluons. Through the gauge/string duality these are given by minimal surfaces in AdS space. The surfaces end on an infinite periodic sequence of null segments at the boundary of AdS. We consider surfaces that can be embedded in AdS_3. We derive set of functional equations for the cross ratios as functions of the spectral parameter. These equations are of the form of a Y-system. The integral form of the Y-system has Thermodynamics Bethe Ansatz form. The area is given by the free energy of the TBA system or critical value of Yang-Yang functional. We consider a restricted set of operators which have small conformal dimension
Form factors at strong coupling via a Y-system
form factors at strong coupling via a y-system
planar super mills coupling. overlap insertion gluons. duality space. infinite segments ads. embedded derive parameter. system. thermodynamics bethe ansatz form. functional. restricted conformal
We give an explicit realization of the "String Axiverse" discussed in Arvanitaki et. al \cite{Arvanitaki:2009fg} by extending our previous results on moduli stabilization in $M$ theory to include axions. We extend the analysis of \cite{Arvanitaki:2009fg} to allow for high scale inflation that leads to a moduli dominated pre-BBN Universe. We demonstrate that an axion which solves the strong-CP problem naturally arises and that both the axion decay constants and GUT scale can consistently be around $2\times 10^{16}$ GeV with a much smaller fine tuning than is usually expected. Constraints on the Axiverse from cosmological observations, namely isocurvature perturbations and tensor modes are described. Extending work of Fox et. al \cite{Fox:2004kb}, we note that {\it the observation of tensor modes at Planck will falsify the Axiverse completely.} Finally we note that Axiverse models whose lightest axion has mass of order $10^{-15}$ eV and with decay constants of order $5\times 10^{14}$ GeV require no (anthropic) fine-tuning, though standard unification at $10^{16}$ GeV is difficult to accommodate.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, v2 References adde
An M Theory Solution to the Strong CP Problem and Constraints on the Axiverse
an m theory solution to the strong cp problem and constraints on the axiverse
realization axiverse arvanitaki cite arvanitaki extending moduli stabilization axions. extend cite arvanitaki inflation moduli dominated universe. axion solves naturally arises axion consistently fine tuning expected. axiverse cosmological isocurvature perturbations described. extending cite planck falsify axiverse completely. axiverse lightest axion anthropic fine tuning unification pages adde
We investigate the thermal photon production-rates using one dimensional boost-invariant second order relativistic hydrodynamics to find proper time evolution of the energy density and the temperature. The effect of bulk-viscosity and non-ideal equation of state are taken into account in a manner consistent with recent lattice QCD estimates. It is shown that the \textit{non-ideal} gas equation of state i.e $\epsilon-3\,P\,\neq 0$ behaviour of the expanding plasma, which is important near the phase-transition point, can significantly slow down the hydrodynamic expansion and thereby increase the photon production-rates. Inclusion of the bulk viscosity may also have similar effect on the hydrodynamic evolution. However the effect of bulk viscosity is shown to be significantly lower than the \textit{non-ideal} gas equation of state. We also analyze the interesting phenomenon of bulk viscosity induced cavitation making the hydrodynamical description invalid. We include the viscous corrections to the distribution functions while calculating the photon spectra. It is shown that ignoring the cavitation phenomenon can lead to erroneous estimation of the photon flux.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures; accepted for publication in JHE
Thermal photons in QGP and non-ideal effects
thermal photons in qgp and non-ideal effects
boost relativistic hydrodynamics proper temperature. viscosity ideal manner estimates. textit ideal epsilon expanding slow hydrodynamic thereby rates. inclusion viscosity hydrodynamic evolution. viscosity textit ideal state. analyze phenomenon viscosity cavitation hydrodynamical invalid. viscous calculating spectra. ignoring cavitation phenomenon erroneous pages publication
Non-perturbative renormalization factors of bilinear quark operators are computed for the Chirally Improved lattice action with two dynamic quarks. The analysis is based on five different parameter sets with lattice size 12^3 x 24 and four parameter sets with lattice size 16^3 x 32. For the pseudoscalar renormalization factor the pion pole contribution is subtracted and chiral extrapolations are performed. Results are given in RIprime- and MSbar-scheme as well as in RGI-form.Comment: 23 pages, JHEP style, 8 tables, 9 figures; updated version as publishe
Renormalization factors of quark bilinears using the DCI operator with dynamical quarks
renormalization factors of quark bilinears using the dci operator with dynamical quarks
perturbative renormalization bilinear chirally quarks. pseudoscalar renormalization pion pole subtracted chiral extrapolations performed. riprime msbar pages jhep style tables updated publishe
Recent data from cosmic ray experiments may be explained by a new GeV scale of physics. In addition the fine-tuning of supersymmetric models may be alleviated by new O(GeV) states into which the Higgs boson could decay. The presence of these new, light states can affect early universe cosmology. We explore the consequences of a light (~ GeV) scalar on the electroweak phase transition. We find that trilinear interactions between the light state and the Higgs can allow a first order electroweak phase transition and a Higgs mass consistent with experimental bounds, which may allow electroweak baryogenesis to explain the cosmological baryon asymmetry. We show, within the context of a specific supersymmetric model, how the physics responsible for the first order phase transition may also be responsible for the recent cosmic ray excesses of PAMELA, FERMI etc. We consider the production of gravity waves from this transition and the possible detectability at LISA and BBO
The Dark Side of the Electroweak Phase Transition
the dark side of the electroweak phase transition
cosmic physics. fine tuning supersymmetric alleviated boson decay. universe cosmology. explore consequences electroweak transition. trilinear electroweak bounds electroweak baryogenesis cosmological baryon asymmetry. supersymmetric cosmic excesses pamela fermi etc. detectability lisa
We discuss order 1/m_b^4 and 1/m_b^5 corrections in inclusive semileptonic decay of a $B$ meson. We identify relevant hadronic matrix elements of dimension seven and eight and estimate them using the ground-state saturation approximation. Within this approach the effects on the integrated rate and on kinematic moments are estimated. The overall relative shift in V_{cb} turns out about +0.4% as applied to the existing fits. Similar estimates are presented for B -> X_s+\gamma decays.Comment: 30 pages, 16 figure
Higher Order Power Corrections in Inclusive B Decays
higher order power corrections in inclusive b decays
inclusive semileptonic meson. hadronic seven eight saturation approximation. kinematic moments estimated. turns fits. gamma pages
Various new physics models predict a light CP-odd Higgs boson (labeled as $a$) and open up new decay modes for Z-boson, such as $Z \to \bar{f} f a$, $Z\to a\gamma$ and $Z\to aaa$, which could be explored at the GigaZ option of the ILC. In this work we investigate these rare decays in several new physics models, namely the type-II two Higgs doublet model (type-II 2HDM), the lepton-specific two Higgs doublet model (L2HDM), the nearly minimal supersymetric standard model (nMSSM) and the next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model (NMSSM). We find that in the parameter space allowed by current experiments, the branching ratios can reach $10^{-4}$ for $Z \to \bar{f} f a $ ($f=b,\tau$), $10^{-9}$ for $Z\to a\gamma$ and $10^{-3}$ for $Z\to aaa$, which implies that the decays $Z \to \bar{f} f a$ and $Z \to a a a$ may be accessible at the GigaZ option. Moreover, since different models predict different patterns of the branching ratios, the measurement of these rare decays at the GigaZ may be utilized to distinguish the models.Comment: Version in JHEP (discussions added, errors corrected
Rare Z-decay into light CP-odd Higgs bosons: a comparative study in different new physics models
rare z-decay into light cp-odd higgs bosons: a comparative study in different new physics models
predict boson labeled boson gamma explored gigaz option ilc. rare decays doublet lepton doublet nearly supersymetric nmssm supersymmetric nmssm branching gamma decays accessible gigaz option. predict branching rare decays gigaz utilized distinguish jhep discussions corrected
Motivated by its relation to the Pohlmeyer reduction of AdS_5 x S^5 superstring theory we continue the investigation of the generalized sine-Gordon model defined by SO(N+1)/SO(N) gauged WZW theory with an integrable potential. Extending our previous work (arXiv:0912.2958) we compute the one-loop two-particle S-matrix for the elementary massive excitations. In the N = 2 case corresponding to the complex sine-Gordon theory it agrees with the charge-one sector of the quantum soliton S-matrix proposed in hep-th/9410140. In the case of N > 2 when the gauge group SO(N) is non-abelian we find a curious anomaly in the Yang-Baxter equation which we interpret as a gauge artifact related to the fact that the scattered particles are not singlets under the residual global subgroup of the gauge group
On the perturbative S-matrix of generalized sine-Gordon models
on the perturbative s-matrix of generalized sine-gordon models
motivated pohlmeyer superstring continue sine gordon gauged integrable potential. extending elementary massive excitations. sine gordon agrees soliton abelian curious anomaly baxter interpret artifact scattered singlets residual subgroup
Recently, a nonperturbative formulation of 4d N=4 super Yang-Mills theory which does not require fine tuning at least to all order in perturbation theory has been proposed by combining two-dimensional lattice and matrix model techniques. In this paper we provide an analogous model by utilizing deconstruction approach of Kaplan et al. Two-dimensional lattice with a plane wave deformation is deconstructed from a matrix model and two additional dimensions emerge through the Myers effect. In other words we construct a D1-brane theory from which a D3-brane theory comes out. The action is much simpler than the previous formulation and hence numerical study, which enables us to test the AdS/CFT duality at fully nonperturbative level, becomes much easier.Comment: v1: 16 pages, no figure. v2: 18 pages, no figure. Comments and references added. Title changed slightly following the referee's suggestion. The version accepted by JHEP. v3: a few sign errors in equations correcte
A proposal of a fine tuning free formulation of 4d N=4 super Yang-Mills
a proposal of a fine tuning free formulation of 4d n=4 super yang-mills
nonperturbative formulation super mills fine tuning perturbation combining techniques. analogous utilizing deconstruction kaplan deformation deconstructed emerge myers effect. brane brane comes out. simpler formulation enables duality nonperturbative pages figure. pages figure. comments added. title changed referee suggestion. jhep. correcte
In this article a first step is made towards the extension of Britto-Cachazo-Feng-Witten (BCFW) tree level on-shell recursion relations to integrands and integrals of scattering amplitudes to arbitrary loop order. Surprisingly, it is shown that the large BCFW shift limit of the integrands has the same structure as the corresponding tree level amplitude in any minimally coupled Yang-Mills theory in four or more dimensions. This implies that these integrands can be reconstructed from a subset of their `single cuts'. The main tool is powercounting Feynman graphs in a special lightcone gauge choice employed earlier at tree level by Arkani-Hamed and Kaplan. The relation between shifts of integrands and shifts of its integrals is investigated explicitly at one loop. Two particular sources of discrepancy between the integral and integrand are identified related to UV and IR divergences. This is cross-checked with known results for helicity equal amplitudes at one loop. The nature of the on-shell residue at each of the single-cut singularities of the integrand is commented upon. Several natural conjectures and opportunities for further research present themselves.Comment: 43 pages, 6 figures, v2: minor improvement in exposition, typos fixed, bibliography update
On BCFW shifts of integrands and integrals
on bcfw shifts of integrands and integrals
britto cachazo feng witten bcfw recursion integrands integrals amplitudes order. surprisingly bcfw integrands minimally mills dimensions. integrands reconstructed cuts powercounting feynman lightcone arkani hamed kaplan. shifts integrands shifts integrals explicitly loop. discrepancy integrand divergences. checked helicity amplitudes loop. residue singularities integrand commented upon. conjectures opportunities pages minor exposition typos bibliography update
We study compactification of heterotic strings to three dimensions on orbifolds of G_2 holonomy. We consider the standard embedding and show that the gauge group is broken from E_8 x E_8 or SO(32) to F_4 x E_8 or SO(25) respectively. We also compute the spectrum of massless states and compare with the results obtained from reduction of the 10-dimensional fields. Non-standard embeddings are discussed briefly. For type II compactifications we verify that IIB and IIA have equal massless spectrum.Comment: LaTex, 21 page
Heterotic strings on G_2 orbifolds
heterotic strings on g_2 orbifolds
compactification heterotic strings orbifolds holonomy. embedding broken respectively. massless fields. embeddings briefly. compactifications verify massless latex
Cubic couplings between a complex scalar field and a tower of symmetric tensor gauge fields of all ranks are investigated on any constant curvature spacetime of dimension d>2. Following Noether's method, the gauge fields interact with the scalar field via minimal coupling to the conserved currents. A symmetric conserved current, bilinear in the scalar field and containing up to r derivatives, is obtained for any rank r from its flat spacetime counterpart in dimension d+1, via a radial dimensional reduction valid precisely for the mass-square domain of unitarity in (anti) de Sitter spacetime of dimension d. The infinite collection of conserved currents and cubic vertices are summarized in a compact form by making use of generating functions and of the Weyl/Wigner quantization on constant curvature spaces.Comment: 35+1 pages, v2: two references added, typos corrected, enlarged discussions in Subsection 5.2 and in Conclusion, to appear in JHE
Higher spin interactions with scalar matter on constant curvature spacetimes: conserved current and cubic coupling generating functions
higher spin interactions with scalar matter on constant curvature spacetimes: conserved current and cubic coupling generating functions
cubic couplings tower ranks curvature spacetime noether interact conserved currents. conserved bilinear derivatives spacetime counterpart valid precisely unitarity sitter spacetime infinite conserved currents cubic summarized generating weyl wigner quantization curvature pages typos corrected enlarged discussions subsection
We study the implication of refined topological string amplitudes in the supersymmetric N=1 flux compactification. They generate higher derivative couplings among the vector multiplets and graviphoton with generically non-holomorphic moduli dependence. For a particular term, we can compute them by assuming the geometric engineering. We claim that the Dijkgraaf-Vafa large N matrix model with the beta-ensemble measure directly computes the higher derivative corrections to the supersymmetric effective action of the supersymmetric N=1$ gauge theory.Comment: 16 pages, v2: reference adde
Refined topological amplitudes in N=1 flux compactification
refined topological amplitudes in n=1 flux compactification
implication refined topological amplitudes supersymmetric compactification. couplings multiplets graviphoton generically holomorphic moduli dependence. geometric engineering. claim dijkgraaf vafa beta ensemble computes supersymmetric supersymmetric pages adde
We initiate a comprehensive study of a set of solutions of topologically massive gravity known as null warped anti-de Sitter spacetimes. These are pp-wave extensions of three-dimensional anti-de Sitter space. We first perform a careful analysis of the linearized stability of black holes in these spacetimes. We find two qualitatively different types of solutions to the linearized equations of motion: the first set has an exponential time dependence, the second - a polynomial time dependence. The solutions polynomial in time induce severe pathologies and moreover survive at the non-linear level. In order to make sense of these geometries, it is thus crucial to impose appropriate boundary conditions. We argue that there exists a consistent set of boundary conditions that allows us to reject the above pathological modes from the physical spectrum. The asymptotic symmetry group associated to these boundary conditions consists of a centrally-extended Virasoro algebra. Using this central charge we can account for the entropy of the black holes via Cardy's formula. Finally, we note that the black hole spectrum is chiral and prove a Birkoff theorem showing that there are no other stationary axisymmetric black holes with the specified asymptotics. We extend most of the analysis to a larger family of pp-wave black holes which are related to Schr\"odinger spacetimes with critical exponent z.Comment: 29 pages + appendices, refs adde
The Curious Case of Null Warped Space
the curious case of null warped space
initiate comprehensive topologically massive warped sitter spacetimes. extensions sitter space. careful linearized holes spacetimes. qualitatively linearized exponential dependence. induce pathologies survive level. geometries crucial impose conditions. argue reject pathological spectrum. asymptotic centrally virasoro algebra. holes cardy formula. chiral birkoff stationary axisymmetric holes specified asymptotics. extend holes schr odinger spacetimes exponent pages appendices refs adde
We investigate zero sound in $D$-dimensional effective holographic theories, whose action is given by Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton terms. The bulk spacetimes include both zero temperature backgrounds with anisotropic scaling symmetry and their near-extremal counterparts obtained in 1006.2124 [hep-th], while the massless charge carriers are described by probe D-branes. We discuss thermodynamics of the probe D-branes analytically. In particular, we clarify the conditions under which the specific heat is linear in the temperature, which is a characteristic feature of Fermi liquids. We also compute the retarded Green's functions in the limit of low frequency and low momentum and find quasi-particle excitations in certain regime of the parameters. The retarded Green's functions are plotted at specific values of parameters in $D=4$, where the specific heat is linear in the temperature and the quasi-particle excitation exists. We also calculate the AC conductivity in $D$-dimensions as a by-product.Comment: 29 pages, 1 figur
Zero Sound in Effective Holographic Theories
zero sound in effective holographic theories
sound holographic einstein maxwell dilaton terms. spacetimes backgrounds anisotropic extremal counterparts massless carriers branes. thermodynamics branes analytically. clarify fermi liquids. retarded quasi excitations parameters. retarded plotted quasi exists. conductivity pages figur
We study methods for reconstructing the momenta of invisible particles in cascade decay chains at hadron colliders. We focus on scenarios, such as SUSY and UED, in which new physics particles are pair produced. Their subsequent decays lead to two decay chains ending with neutral stable particles escaping detection. Assuming that the masses of the decaying particles are already measured, we obtain the momenta by imposing the mass-shell constraints. Using this information, we develop techniques of determining spins of particles in theories beyond the standard model. Unlike the methods relying on Lorentz invariant variables, this method can be used to determine the spin of the particle which initiates the decay chain. We present two complementary ways of applying our method by using more inclusive variables relying on kinematic information from one decay chain, as well as constructing correlation variables based on the kinematics of both decay chains in the same event.Comment: Version to appear in JHE
Missing Momentum Reconstruction and Spin Measurements at Hadron Colliders
missing momentum reconstruction and spin measurements at hadron colliders
reconstructing momenta invisible cascade chains hadron colliders. scenarios susy produced. decays chains ending neutral escaping detection. decaying momenta imposing constraints. determining spins model. unlike relying lorentz initiates chain. complementary ways inclusive relying kinematic constructing kinematics chains
We study the phase structure and equilibrium state space geometry of R-charged black holes in $D = 5$, 4 and 7 and the corresponding rotating $D3$, $M2$ and $M5$ branes. For various charge configurations of the compact black holes in the canonical ensemble we demonstrate new liquid-gas like phase coexistence behaviour culminating in second order critical points. The critical exponents turn out to be the same as that of four dimensional asymptotically AdS black holes in Einstein Maxwell theory. We further establish that the regions of stability for R-charged black holes are, in some cases, more constrained than is currently believed, due to properties of some of the response coefficients. The equilibrium state space scalar curvature is calculated for various charge configurations, both for the case of compact as well as flat horizons and its asymptotic behaviour with temperature is established.Comment: 1 + 33 pages, LaTeX, 25 figures. References adde
On The Phase Structure and Thermodynamic Geometry of R-Charged Black Holes
on the phase structure and thermodynamic geometry of r-charged black holes
holes rotating branes. configurations holes canonical ensemble coexistence culminating points. exponents asymptotically holes einstein maxwell theory. establish holes constrained believed coefficients. curvature configurations horizons asymptotic pages latex figures. adde
The extreme Kerr throat solution is believed to be non-supersymmetric. However, its isometry group SO(2,1) x U(1) matches precisely the bosonic subgroup of N=2 superconformal group in one dimension. In this paper we construct N=2 supersymmetric extension of a massive particle moving near the horizon of the extreme Kerr black hole. Bosonic conserved charges are related to Killing vectors in a conventional way. Geometric interpretation of supersymmetry charges remains a challenge.Comment: V2: 10 pages; discussion in sect. 4 and 5 extended, acknowledgements and references adde
Particle dynamics near extreme Kerr throat and supersymmetry
particle dynamics near extreme kerr throat and supersymmetry
extreme kerr throat believed supersymmetric. isometry matches precisely bosonic subgroup superconformal dimension. supersymmetric massive moving horizon extreme kerr hole. bosonic conserved charges killing way. geometric supersymmetry charges pages sect. acknowledgements adde
We discuss the problem of infrared divergences in the N=2 superspace approach to classically marginal three-dimensional Chern-Simons-matter theories. Considering the specific case of ABJM theory, we describe the origin of such divergences and offer a prescription to eliminate them by introducing non-trivial gauge-fixing terms in the action. We also comment on the extension of our procedure to higher loop order and to general three-dimensional Chern-Simons-matter models.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures, JHEP3; v2: minor corrections and references added; v3: introduction expanded, presentation of section 3.3.1 improved, references added, version to appear in JHE
On the infrared behaviour of 3d Chern-Simons theories in N=2 superspace
on the infrared behaviour of 3d chern-simons theories in n=2 superspace
infrared divergences superspace classically marginal chern simons theories. abjm divergences offer prescription eliminate introducing trivial fixing action. comment chern simons pages jhep minor expanded presentation
Neutral particles can couple with the $U(1)$ gauge field in the adjoint representation at the tree level if the space-time coordinates are noncommutative (NC). Considering neutrino-photon coupling in the NC QED framework, we obtain the differential cross section of neutrino-electron scattering. Similar to the magnetic moment effect, one of the NC terms is proportional to $\frac 1 T$, where $T$ is the electron recoil energy. Therefore, this scattering provides a chance to achieve a stringent bound on the NC scale in low energy by improving the sensitivity to the smaller electron recoil energy.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure
Neutrino-electron scattering in noncommutative space
neutrino-electron scattering in noncommutative space
neutral couple adjoint noncommutative scattering. moment frac recoil energy. chance stringent improving recoil pages
We present evidence for a new class of strongly coupled N = 1 superconformal field theories (SCFTs) motivated by F-theory GUT constructions. These SCFTs arise from D3-brane probes of tilted seven-branes which undergo monodromy. In the probe theory, this tilting corresponds to an N = 1 deformation of an N = 2 SCFT by a matrix of field-dependent masses with non-trivial branch cuts in the eigenvalues. Though these eigenvalues characterize the geometry, we find that they do not uniquely specify the holomorphic data of the physical theory. We also comment on some phenomenological aspects of how these theories can couple to the visible sector. Our construction can be applied to many N = 2 SCFTs, resulting in a large new class of N = 1 SCFTs.Comment: v3: 40 pages, 1 figure, typos correcte
N = 1 SCFTs from Brane Monodromy
n = 1 scfts from brane monodromy
superconformal scfts motivated constructions. scfts arise brane probes tilted seven branes undergo monodromy. tilting deformation scft trivial branch cuts eigenvalues. eigenvalues characterize uniquely specify holomorphic theory. comment phenomenological couple visible sector. scfts pages typos correcte
Using G2(2) dualities we construct the most general black string solution of minimal five-dimensional ungauged supergravity. The black string has five independent parameters, namely, the magnetic one-brane charge, smeared electric zero-brane charge, boost along the string direction, energy above the BPS bound, and rotation in the transverse space. In one extremal limit it reduces to the three parameter supersymmetric string of five-dimensional minimal supergravity; in another extremal limit it reduces to the three parameter non-supersymmetric extremal string of five-dimensional minimal supergravity. It also admits an extremal limit when it has maximal rotation in the four-dimensional transverse space. The decoupling limit of our general black string is a BTZ black hole times a two sphere. The macroscopic entropy of the string is reproduced by the Maldacena-Strominger-Witten CFT in appropriate ranges of the parameters. When the pressureless condition is imposed, our string describes the infinite radius limit of the most general class of black rings of minimal supergravity. We discuss implications our solution has for extremal and non-extremal black rings of minimal supergravity.Comment: 35 pages; 3 figures; v2 section 4.1.1 rewritten + minor changes + ref adde
A General Black String and its Microscopics
a general black string and its microscopics
dualities ungauged supergravity. brane smeared brane boost space. extremal reduces supersymmetric supergravity extremal reduces supersymmetric extremal supergravity. admits extremal maximal space. decoupling sphere. macroscopic reproduced maldacena strominger witten ranges parameters. pressureless imposed describes infinite rings supergravity. extremal extremal rings pages rewritten minor adde
We study the effects induced by heavy fields on the masses of light fields in supersymmetric theories, under the assumption that the heavy mass scale is much higher than the supersymmetry breaking scale. We show that the square-masses of light scalar fields can get two different types of significant corrections when a heavy multiplet is integrated out. The first is an indirect level-repulsion effect, which may arise from heavy chiral multiplets and is always negative. The second is a direct coupling contribution, which may arise from heavy vector multiplets and can have any sign. We then apply these results to the sGoldstino mass and study the implications for the vacuum metastability condition. We find that the correction from heavy chiral multiplets is always negative and tends to compromise vacuum metastability, whereas the contribution from heavy vector multiplets is always positive and tends on the contrary to reinforce it. These two effects are controlled respectively by Yukawa couplings and gauge charges, which mix one heavy and two light fields respectively in the superpotential and the Kahler potential. Finally we also comment on similar effects induced in soft scalar masses when the heavy multiplets couple both to the visible and the hidden sector.Comment: LaTex, 24 pages, no figures; v2 some comments and references adde
Effects of heavy modes on vacuum stability in supersymmetric theories
effects of heavy modes on vacuum stability in supersymmetric theories
supersymmetric supersymmetry breaking scale. multiplet out. indirect repulsion arise chiral multiplets negative. arise multiplets sign. sgoldstino metastability condition. chiral multiplets tends compromise metastability multiplets tends contrary reinforce yukawa couplings charges superpotential kahler potential. comment multiplets couple visible hidden latex pages comments adde
Matrix factorisations describe B-type boundary conditions in N=2 supersymmetric Landau-Ginzburg models. At the infrared fixed point, they correspond to superconformal boundary states. We investigate the relation between boundary states and matrix factorisations in the Grassmannian Kazama-Suzuki coset models. For the first non-minimal series, i.e. for the models of type SU(3)_k/U(2), we identify matrix factorisations for a subset of the maximally symmetric boundary states. This set provides a basis for the RR charge lattice, and can be used to generate (presumably all) other boundary states by tachyon condensation.Comment: 63 pages, 2 figure
D-branes and matrix factorisations in supersymmetric coset models
d-branes and matrix factorisations in supersymmetric coset models
factorisations supersymmetric landau ginzburg models. infrared superconformal states. factorisations grassmannian kazama suzuki coset models. i.e. factorisations maximally states. presumably tachyon pages
We write down an action for a charged, massive spin two field in a fixed Einstein background. Despite some technical problems, we argue that in an effective field theory framework and in the context of the AdS/CFT correspondence, this action can be used to study the properties of a superfluid phase transition with a d-wave order parameter in a dual strongly interacting field theory. We investigate the phase diagram and the charge conductivity of the superfluid phase. We also explain how possible couplings between the spin two field and bulk fermions affect the fermion spectral function.Comment: 42 pages, 6 figure
Gauge gravity duality for d-wave superconductors: prospects and challenges
gauge gravity duality for d-wave superconductors: prospects and challenges
massive einstein background. argue correspondence superfluid interacting theory. conductivity superfluid phase. couplings fermions fermion pages
We construct gauge-invariant and U-duality covariant expressions for Wess-Zumino terms corresponding to general Dp-branes (for any p<D) in arbitrary 2<D<11 dimensions. A distinguishing feature of these Wess-Zumino terms is that they contain twice as many scalars as the 10-D compactified dimensions, in line with doubled geometry. We find that for D<10 the charges of the higher-dimensional branes can all be expressed as products of the 0-brane charges, which include the D0-brane and the NS-NS 0-brane charges. We give the general expressions for these charges and show how they determine the non-trivial conjugacy class to which some of the higher-dimensional D-branes belong.Comment: 42 pages. Typos corrected, an error in table 6 corrected, comments in the conclusions adde
D-Brane Wess-Zumino Terms and U-Duality
d-brane wess-zumino terms and u-duality
duality covariant expressions wess zumino branes dimensions. distinguishing wess zumino twice scalars compactified doubled geometry. charges branes brane charges brane brane charges. expressions charges trivial conjugacy branes pages. typos corrected corrected comments adde
The embedding of a $p$-brane into higher dimensional spacetime breaks not only translational symmetries transverse to the worldvolume, but also Lorentz symmetries. There exist formulations for $p$-brane actions which associate Goldstone bosons with the generators of the broken Lorentz symmetries. These Goldstone bosons are unphysical, in that they can be eliminated in favour of other Goldstone bosons either via their equations of motion or via the imposition of an inverse Higgs constraint. In this paper, we examine the inter-relationship between the coset parameterization necessary to implement the inverse Higgs constraint, the equivalence of the inverse Higgs constraint to equations of motion, and the ability to find versions of the action with no explicit dependence on the unphysical Goldstone bosons. This is evidence that the unphysical Goldstone bosons are gauge degrees of freedom associated with an enlarged isotropy group. In addition to $p$-brane actions, a number of other cases, including conformally invariant dilaton actions, are shown to exhibit the same structure.Comment: 24 pages; references adde
Nonlinear realizations of symmetries and unphysical Goldstone bosons
nonlinear realizations of symmetries and unphysical goldstone bosons
embedding brane spacetime breaks translational symmetries worldvolume lorentz symmetries. formulations brane associate goldstone bosons generators broken lorentz symmetries. goldstone bosons unphysical eliminated favour goldstone bosons imposition constraint. examine coset parameterization implement equivalence versions unphysical goldstone bosons. unphysical goldstone bosons freedom enlarged isotropy group. brane conformally dilaton exhibit pages adde
We study the effect of marginal and irrelevant deformations on the renormalization of operators near a CFT fixed point. New divergences in a given operator are determined by its OPE with the operator D that generates the deformation. This provides a scheme to compute the couplings a_DAB between the operator D and two arbitrary operators O_A and O_B. We exemplify for the case of N=4 SYM, considering the simplest case of the exact Lagrangian deformation. In this case the deformed anomalous dimension matrix is determined by the derivative of the anomalous dimension matrix with respect to the coupling. We use integrability techniques to compute the one-loop couplings a_LAB between the Lagrangian and two distinct large operators built with Magnons, in the SU(2) sector of the theory. Then we consider a_DAA at strong coupling, and show how to compute it using the gauge/gravity duality, when D is a chiral operator dual to any supergravity field and O_A is dual to a heavy string state. We exemplify for the Lagrangian and operators O_A dual to heavy string states, showing agreement with the prediction derived from the renormalization group arguments.Comment: 31 pages, 1 figur
On three-point correlation functions in the gauge/gravity duality
on three-point correlation functions in the gauge/gravity duality
marginal irrelevant deformations renormalization point. divergences generates deformation. couplings exemplify simplest lagrangian deformation. deformed anomalous anomalous coupling. integrability couplings lagrangian built magnons theory. duality chiral supergravity state. exemplify lagrangian renormalization pages figur
We construct a zero-curvature Lax connection in a sub-sector of the superstring theory on AdS(4) x CP(3) which is not described by the OSp(6|4)/U(3) x SO(1,3) supercoset sigma-model. In this sub-sector worldsheet fermions associated to eight broken supersymmetries of the type IIA background are physical fields. As such, the prescription for the construction of the Lax connection based on the Z_4-automorphism of the isometry superalgebra OSp(6|4) does not do the job. So, to construct the Lax connection we have used an alternative method which nevertheless relies on the isometry of the target superspace and kappa-symmetry of the Green-Schwarz superstring.Comment: 1+26 pages; v2: minor typos corrected, acknowledgements adde
Evidence for the classical integrability of the complete AdS(4) x CP(3) superstring
evidence for the classical integrability of the complete ads(4) x cp(3) superstring
curvature connection superstring supercoset sigma model. worldsheet fermions eight broken supersymmetries fields. prescription connection automorphism isometry superalgebra job. connection nevertheless relies isometry superspace kappa schwarz pages minor typos corrected acknowledgements adde
In this note we demonstrate the use of top polarization in the study of $t \bar t$ resonances at the LHC, in the possible case where the dynamics implies a non-zero top polarization. As a probe of top polarization we construct an asymmetry in the decay-lepton azimuthal angle distribution (corresponding to the sign of $\cos\phi_\ell$) in the laboratory. The asymmetry is non-vanishing even for a symmetric collider like the LHC, where a positive $z$ axis is not uniquely defined. The angular distribution of the leptons has the advantage of being a faithful top-spin analyzer, unaffected by possible anomalous $tbW$ couplings, to linear order. We study, for purposes of demonstration, the case of a $Z'$ as might exist in the little Higgs models. We identify kinematic cuts which ensure that our asymmetry reflects the polarization in sign and magnitude. We investigate possibilities at the LHC with two energy options: $\sqrt{s} = 14$ TeV and $\sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV, as well as at the Tevatron. At the LHC the model predicts net top quark polarization of the order of a few per cent for $M_{Z'} \simeq 1200 $ GeV, being as high as $10 %$ for a smaller mass of the $Z'$ of $700$ GeV and for the largest allowed coupling in the model, the values being higher for the $7$ TeV option. These polarizations translate to a deviation from the standard-model value of azimuthal asymmetry of up to about $4%$ ($7%$) for $14$ ($7$) TeV LHC, whereas for the Tevatron, values as high as $12%$ are attained. For the $14$ TeV LHC with an integrated luminosity of 10 fb$^{-1}$, these numbers translate into a $3 \sigma$ sensitivity over a large part of the range $500 \lesssim M_{Z'} \lesssim 1500 $ GeV.Comment: 28 page, LaTeX, requires JHEP style file, 12 figures. Typos corrected and references adde
On measurement of top polarization as a probe of $t \bar t$ production mechanisms at the LHC
on measurement of top polarization as a probe of $t \bar t$ production mechanisms at the lhc
resonances polarization. asymmetry lepton azimuthal laboratory. asymmetry vanishing collider uniquely defined. leptons advantage faithful analyzer unaffected anomalous couplings order. purposes demonstration models. kinematic cuts ensure asymmetry reflects magnitude. possibilities options sqrt sqrt tevatron. predicts cent simeq option. polarizations translate azimuthal asymmetry tevatron attained. luminosity translate sigma lesssim lesssim latex jhep style file figures. typos corrected adde
We study the time evolution of a brane construction that is holographically dual to a strongly coupled gauge theory that dynamically breaks a global symmetry through the generation of an effective composite Higgs vev. The D3/D7 system with a background magnetic field or non-trivial gauge coupling (dilaton) profile displays the symmetry breaking. We study motion of the D7 brane in the background of the D3 branes. For small field inflation in the field theory the effective Higgs vev rolls from zero to the true vacuum value. We study what phenomenological dilaton profile generates the slow rolling needed, hence learning how the strongly coupled gauge theory's coupling must run. We note that evolution of our configuration in the holographic direction, representing the phyiscs of the strong interactions, can provide additional slowing of the roll time. Inflation seems to be favoured if the coupling changes by only a small amount or very gently. We speculate on how such a scenario could be realized away from N=4 gauge theory, for example, in a walking gauge theory.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures; v2: Added reference
Holography of a Composite Inflaton
holography of a composite inflaton
brane holographically dynamically breaks composite vev. trivial dilaton displays breaking. brane branes. inflation rolls value. phenomenological dilaton generates slow rolling run. holographic representing phyiscs slowing roll time. inflation favoured gently. speculate realized away walking pages
We study the greybody factor and Hawking radiation with a non-minimal derivative coupling between the scalar field and the curvature in the background of the slowly rotating Kerr-Newman black hole. Our results show that both the absorption probability and luminosity of Hawking radiation of the scalar field increase with the coupling. Moreover, we also find that for the weak coupling $\eta<\eta_c$, the absorption probability and luminosity of Hawking radiation decrease when the black hole's Hawking temperature decreases; while for stronger coupling $\eta>\eta_c$, the absorption probability and luminosity of Hawking radiation increase on the contrary when the black hole's Hawking temperature decreases. This feature is similar to the Hawking radiation in a $d$-dimensional static spherically-symmetric black hole surrounded by quintessence \cite{chensong}.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, Title changed, Appendix changed, accepted by JHE
Extension of non-minimal derivative coupling theory and Hawking radiation in black-hole spacetime
extension of non-minimal derivative coupling theory and hawking radiation in black-hole spacetime
greybody hawking curvature slowly rotating kerr newman hole. luminosity hawking coupling. luminosity hawking hawking stronger luminosity hawking contrary hawking decreases. hawking spherically surrounded quintessence cite chensong .comment pages title changed changed
We study the evolution of entanglement entropy in a 2-dimensional equilibration process that has a holographic description in terms of a Vaidya geometry. It models a unitary evolution in which the field theory starts in a pure state, its vacuum, and undergoes a perturbation that brings it far from equilibrium. The entanglement entropy in this set up provides a measurement of the quantum entanglement in the system. Using holographic techniques we recover the same result obtained before from the study of processes triggered by a sudden change in a parameter of the hamiltonian, known as quantum quenches. Namely, entanglement in 2-dimensional conformal field theories propagates with velocity v^2=1. Both in quantum quenches and in the Vaidya model equilibration is only achieved at the local level. Remarkably, the holographic derivation of this last fact requires information from behind the apparent horizon generated in the process of gravitational collapse described by the Vaidya geometry. In the early stages of the evolution the apparent horizon seems however to play no relevant role with regard to the entanglement entropy. We speculate on the possibility of deriving a thermalization time for occupation numbers from our analysis.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figure
Holographic Evolution of Entanglement Entropy
holographic evolution of entanglement entropy
entanglement equilibration holographic vaidya geometry. unitary starts undergoes perturbation brings equilibrium. entanglement entanglement system. holographic recover triggered sudden quenches. entanglement conformal propagates quenches vaidya equilibration level. remarkably holographic derivation behind apparent horizon gravitational collapse vaidya geometry. apparent horizon regard entanglement entropy. speculate deriving thermalization occupation pages
We discuss flavor mixing and resultant flavor changing neutral current processes in the SU(3) \otimes SU(3)_\text{color} gauge-Higgs unification scenario. To achieve flavor violation is a challenging issue in the scenario, since the Yukawa couplings are originally higher dimensional gauge interactions. We argue that the presence of Z_2-odd bulk masses of fermions plays a crucial role as the new source of flavor violation. Although introducing brane-localized mass terms in addition to the bulk masses is necessary to realize flavor mixing, if the bulk masses were universal among generations, the flavor mixing and flavor changing neutral current processes are known to disappear. We also discuss whether natural flavor conservation is realized in the scenario. It is shown that the new source of flavor violation leads to flavor changing neutral current processes at the tree level due to the exchange of non-zero Kaluza-Klein gauge bosons. As a typical example we calculate the rate of K^0 - \bar{K}^0 mixing due to the non-zero Kaluza-Klein gluon exchange at the tree level. The obtained result for the mass difference of neutral kaon is suppressed by the inverse powers of the compactification scale. By comparing our prediction with the data we obtain the lower bound of the compactification scale as a function of one unfixed parameter of the theory, which is of {\cal O}(10) TeV, except for some extreme cases. We argue that the reason to get such rather mild lower bound is the presence of "GIM-like" mechanism, which is a genuine feature of GHU scenario.Comment: 20 pages, 5 eps files, discussion and numerical analysis under the general parameterization of flavor mixings added, minor changes for numerical calculation but results unchange
Flavor Mixing in Gauge-Higgs Unification
flavor mixing in gauge-higgs unification
flavor resultant flavor changing neutral otimes unification scenario. flavor violation challenging yukawa couplings originally interactions. argue fermions plays crucial flavor violation. introducing brane localized realize flavor universal generations flavor flavor changing neutral disappear. flavor conservation realized scenario. flavor violation flavor changing neutral kaluza klein bosons. kaluza klein gluon level. neutral kaon suppressed powers compactification scale. compactification unfixed extreme cases. argue mild genuine pages files parameterization flavor mixings minor unchange
The IR dynamics of effective holographic theories capturing the interplay between charge density and the leading relevant scalar operator at strong coupling are analyzed. Such theories are parameterized by two real exponents $(\gamma,\delta)$ that control the IR dynamics. By studying the thermodynamics, spectra and conductivities of several classes of charged dilatonic black hole solutions that include the charge density back reaction fully, the landscape of such theories in view of condensed matter applications is characterized. Several regions of the $(\gamma,\delta)$ plane can be excluded as the extremal solutions have unacceptable singularities. The classical solutions have generically zero entropy at zero temperature, except when $\gamma=\delta$ where the entropy at extremality is finite. The general scaling of DC resistivity with temperature at low temperature, and AC conductivity at low frequency and temperature across the whole $(\gamma,\delta)$ plane, is found. There is a codimension-one region where the DC resistivity is linear in the temperature. For massive carriers, it is shown that when the scalar operator is not the dilaton, the DC resistivity scales as the heat capacity (and entropy) for planar (3d) systems. Regions are identified where the theory at finite density is a Mott-like insulator at T=0. We also find that at low enough temperatures the entropy due to the charge carriers is generically larger than at zero charge density.Comment: (v3): Added discussion on the UV completion of the solutions, and on extremal spectra in the charged case. Expanded discusion on insulating extremal solutions. Many other refinements and corrections. 126 pages. 48 figure
Effective Holographic Theories for low-temperature condensed matter systems
effective holographic theories for low-temperature condensed matter systems
holographic capturing interplay analyzed. parameterized exponents gamma delta dynamics. studying thermodynamics conductivities dilatonic landscape condensed characterized. gamma delta excluded extremal unacceptable singularities. generically gamma delta extremality finite. resistivity conductivity gamma delta found. codimension resistivity temperature. massive carriers dilaton resistivity planar systems. mott insulator carriers generically completion extremal case. expanded discusion insulating extremal solutions. refinements corrections. pages.
We locate a supersymmetry breaking hidden sector and supersymmetric standard model on different lattice points of an orbifold moose. The hidden sector is encoded in a set of current correlators and the effects of the current correlators are mediated by the lattice site gauge groups with "lattice hopping" functions and through the bifundamental matter that links the lattice sites together. We show how the gaugino mass, scalar mass and Casimir energy of the lattice can be computed for a general set of current correlators and then give specific formulas when the hidden sector is specified to be a generalised messenger sector coupled to a supersymmetry breaking spurion. The results reproduce the effect of five dimensional gauge mediation from a purely four dimensional construction.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure. Version accepted by JHE
General Gauge Mediation and Deconstruction
general gauge mediation and deconstruction
locate supersymmetry breaking hidden supersymmetric orbifold moose. hidden encoded correlators correlators hopping bifundamental links together. gaugino casimir correlators formulas hidden specified generalised messenger supersymmetry breaking spurion. reproduce mediation purely pages figure.
We show how quark-disconnected and quark-connected contributions to hadronic n-point functions can be written as independent correlators for which one can derive expressions in partially quenched chiral effective theory. As an example we apply the idea to the case of the hadronic vacuum polarisation. In particular, we consider the cases of the Nf = 2 theory without and with a partially quenched strange quark and also the Nf = 2 + 1 theory. In the latter two cases a parameter-free prediction for the disconnected contribution at NLO in the effective theory is given. Finally we show how twisted boundary conditions can then be used in lattice QCD to improve the q^2 resolution in the connected contributions even when flavour singlet operators are considered.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures; results unchanged; typos corrected, references added and discussion extended; accepted for publication in JHE
Quark disconnected diagrams in chiral perturbation theory
quark disconnected diagrams in chiral perturbation theory
disconnected hadronic correlators derive expressions partially quenched chiral theory. hadronic polarisation. partially quenched strange theory. disconnected given. twisted flavour singlet pages unchanged typos corrected publication
Soft gluon exponentiation in non-abelian gauge theories can be described in terms of webs. So far this description has been restricted to amplitudes with two hard partons, where webs were defined as the colour-connected subset of diagrams. Here we generalise the concept of webs to the multi-leg case, where the hard interaction involves non-trivial colour flow. Using the replica trick from statistical physics we solve the combinatorial problem of non-abelian exponentiation to all orders. In particular, we derive an algorithm for computing the colour factor associated with any given diagram in the exponent. The emerging result is exponentiation of a sum of webs, where each web is a linear combination of a subset of diagrams that are mutually related by permuting the eikonal gluon attachments to each hard parton. These linear combinations are responsible for partial cancellation of subdivergences, conforming with the renormalization of a multi-leg eikonal vertex. We also discuss the generalisation of exponentiation properties to beyond the eikonal approximation.Comment: Revised version, accepted for publication in JHEP. Section 6 revised. 85 pages, 28 figure
Webs in multiparton scattering using the replica trick
webs in multiparton scattering using the replica trick
gluon exponentiation abelian webs. restricted amplitudes partons webs colour diagrams. generalise webs involves trivial colour flow. replica trick solve combinatorial abelian exponentiation orders. derive colour exponent. emerging exponentiation webs diagrams mutually permuting eikonal gluon attachments parton. combinations cancellation subdivergences conforming renormalization eikonal vertex. generalisation exponentiation eikonal revised publication jhep. revised. pages
Higher dimensional theories which address some of the problematic issues of the Standard Model(SM) naturally involve some form of $D=4+n$-dimensional Lorentz invariance violation (LIV). In such models the fundamental physics which leads to, e.g., field localization, orbifolding, the existence of brane terms and the compactification process all can introduce LIV in the higher dimensional theory while still preserving 4-d Lorentz invariance. In this paper, attempting to capture some of this physics, we extend our previous analysis of LIV in 5-d UED-type models to those with 5-d warped extra dimensions. To be specific, we employ the 5-d analog of the SM Extension of Kostelecky et. al. ~which incorporates a complete set of operators arising from spontaneous LIV. We show that while the response of the bulk scalar, fermion and gauge fields to the addition of LIV operators in warped models is qualitatively similar to what happens in the flat 5-d UED case, the gravity sector of these models reacts very differently than in flat space. Specifically, we show that LIV in this warped case leads to a non-zero bulk mass for the 5-d graviton and so the would-be zero mode, which we identify as the usual 4-d graviton, must necessarily become massive. The origin of this mass term is the simultaneous existence of the constant non-zero $AdS_5$ curvature and the loss of general co-ordinate invariance via LIV in the 5-d theory. Thus warped 5-d models with LIV in the gravity sector are not phenomenologically viable.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figs; discussion added, algebra repaire
Lorentz Violation in Warped Extra Dimensions
lorentz violation in warped extra dimensions
problematic naturally involve lorentz invariance violation e.g. localization orbifolding brane compactification preserving lorentz invariance. attempting capture extend warped extra dimensions. employ analog kostelecky incorporates arising spontaneous liv. fermion warped qualitatively happens reacts differently space. warped graviton usual graviton necessarily massive. simultaneous curvature ordinate invariance theory. warped phenomenologically pages figs repaire
The DO collaboration has measured a deviation from the standard model (SM) prediction in the like sign dimuon asymmetry in semileptonic b decay with a significance of 3.2 sigma. We discuss how minimal flavour violating (MFV) models with multiple scalar representations can lead to this deviation through tree level exchanges of new MFV scalars. We review how the two scalar doublet model can accommodate this result and discuss some of its phenomenology. Limits on electric dipole moments suggest that in this model the coupling of the charged scalar to the right handed u-type quarks is suppressed while its coupling to the d-type right handed quarks must be enhanced. We construct an extension of the MFV two scalar doublet model where this occurs naturally.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, v3 final JHEP versio
On theories of enhanced CP violation in B_s,d meson mixing
on theories of enhanced cp violation in b_s,d meson mixing
dimuon asymmetry semileptonic sigma. flavour violating representations exchanges scalars. doublet accommodate phenomenology. dipole moments handed quarks suppressed handed quarks enhanced. doublet pages jhep versio
We study the phenomenology of new heavy vector-like fermions that couple to the third generation quarks via Yukawa interactions, covering all the allowed representations under the standard model gauge groups. We first review tree and loop level bounds on these states. We then discuss tree level decays and loop-induced decays to photon or gluon plus top. The main decays at tree level are to W b and/or Z and Higgs plus top via the new Yukawa couplings. The radiative loop decays turn out to be quite close to the naive estimate: in all cases, in the allowed perturbative parameter space, the branching ratios are mildly sensitive on the new Yukawa couplings and small. We therefore conclude that the new states can be observed at the LHC and that the tree level decays can allow to distinguish the different representations. Moreover, the observation of the radiative decays at the LHC would suggest a large Yukawa coupling in the non-perturbative regime.Comment: 32 pages, 2 tables, 10 figure
Bounds and Decays of New Heavy Vector-like Top Partners
bounds and decays of new heavy vector-like top partners
phenomenology fermions couple quarks yukawa covering representations groups. bounds states. decays decays gluon top. decays yukawa couplings. radiative decays naive perturbative branching mildly yukawa couplings small. decays distinguish representations. radiative decays yukawa perturbative pages tables
We propose gauge-Higgs unification in fuzzy extra dimensions as a possible solution to the Higgs naturalness problem. In our approach, the fuzzy extra dimensions are created spontaneously as a vacuum solution of certain four-dimensional gauge theory. As an example, we construct a model which has a fuzzy torus as its vacuum. The Higgs field in our model is associated with the Wilson loop wrapped on the fuzzy torus. We show that the quadratic divergence in the mass of the Higgs field in the one-loop effective potential is absent. We then argue based on symmetries that the quantum corrections to the Higgs mass is suppressed including all loop contributions. We also consider a realization on the worldvolume theory of D3-branes probing C-3/(Z(N) x Z(N)) orbifold with discrete torsion
Gauge-Higgs unification in spontaneously created fuzzy extra dimensions
gauge-higgs unification in spontaneously created fuzzy extra dimensions
propose unification fuzzy extra naturalness problem. fuzzy extra created spontaneously theory. fuzzy torus vacuum. wilson wrapped fuzzy torus. quadratic divergence absent. argue symmetries suppressed contributions. realization worldvolume branes probing orbifold torsion
We present an exact asymptotically Lifshitz black hole solution in Brans-Dicke theory of gravity in arbitrary $n(\ge 3)$ dimensions in presence of a power-law potential. In this solution, the dynamical exponent $z$ is determined in terms of the Brans-Dicke parameter $\omega$ and $n$. Asymptotic Lifshitz condition at infinity requires $z>1$, which corresponds to $-(n-1)/(n-2) \le \omega < -n/(n-1)$. On the other hand, the no-ghost condition for the scalar field in the Einstein frame requires $0<z \le 2(n-2)/(n-3)$. We compute the Hawking temperature of the black hole solution and discuss the problems encountered and the proposals in defining its thermodynamic properties. A generalized solution charged under the Maxwell field is also presented.Comment: 32 pages, no figure. v2: revised version. Section 3.1 and Appendix B improved. The argument in Appendix A clarified. v3: References added. v4: analysis on the black hole thermodynamical properties corrected. Final version to appear in JHE
Lifshitz black holes in Brans-Dicke theory
lifshitz black holes in brans-dicke theory
asymptotically lifshitz brans dicke potential. exponent brans dicke omega asymptotic lifshitz infinity omega ghost einstein hawking encountered proposals defining thermodynamic properties. maxwell pages figure. revised version. improved. argument clarified. added. thermodynamical corrected.
Open Access at SpringerUsing integrability we reduce the problem of constructing general classical splitting string solutions on R??S3 to a series of Birkhoff factorization problems. Namely, given any incoming string solution satisfying a necessary self-intersection property at some given instant in time, we use the integrability of the worldsheet ??-model to implicitly construct the pair of outgoing strings resulting from a split. The solution for each outgoing string is expressed recursively through a sequence of dressing transformations with parameters determined by the solutions to Birkhoff factorization problems in an appropriate real form of the loop group of SL2(C)
Splitting strings on integrable backgrounds
splitting strings on integrable backgrounds
springerusing integrability constructing splitting birkhoff factorization problems. incoming satisfying intersection instant integrability worldsheet implicitly outgoing strings split. outgoing recursively dressing transformations birkhoff factorization
If R hadrons are discovered at the LHC, investigation of their properties will be of paramount importance. One important question is how much of the R-hadron mass is due to electroweak symmetry breaking, i.e. the coupling of the Higgs to R-hadrons. In this paper we show that in models where the Higgs has a sizable coupling to R-hadrons we can readily observe Higgs production in association with a pair of R-hadrons ("Higgsstrahlung"). This process can be used to distinguish between different models of R-hadrons. It may be the discovery mode of the Higgs for low mass Higgs bosons, and provides a low-background Higgs sample to study h to bb.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, 2 table
Higgsstrahlung from R-hadrons
higgsstrahlung from r-hadrons
hadrons discovered paramount importance. hadron electroweak breaking i.e. hadrons. sizable hadrons readily hadrons higgsstrahlung distinguish hadrons. discovery bosons pages
We make a comprehensive study of (rigid) N=1 supersymmetric sigma-models with general K\"ahler potentials K and superpotentials w on four-dimensional space-times with boundaries. We determine the minimal (non-supersymmetric) boundary terms one must add to the standard bulk action to make it off-shell invariant under half the supersymmetries without imposing any boundary conditions. Susy boundary conditions do arise from the variational principle when studying the dynamics. Upon including an additional boundary action that depends on an arbitrary real boundary potential B one can generate very general susy boundary conditions. We show that for any set of susy boundary conditions that define a Lagrangian submanifold of the K\"ahler manifold, an appropriate boundary potential B can be found. Thus the non-linear sigma-model on a manifold with boundary is characterised by the tripel (K,B,w). We also discuss the susy coupling to new boundary superfields and generalize our results to supersymmetric junctions between completely different susy sigma-models, living on adjacent domains and interacting through a "permeable" wall. We obtain the supersymmetric matching conditions that allow us to couple models with different K\"ahler potentials and superpotentials on each side of the wall.Comment: 38 pages, 1 figur
Supersymmetric Boundaries and Junctions in Four Dimensions
supersymmetric boundaries and junctions in four dimensions
comprehensive rigid supersymmetric sigma ahler potentials superpotentials boundaries. supersymmetric supersymmetries imposing conditions. susy arise variational studying dynamics. susy conditions. susy lagrangian submanifold ahler manifold found. sigma manifold characterised tripel susy superfields generalize supersymmetric junctions susy sigma living adjacent interacting permeable wall. supersymmetric matching couple ahler potentials superpotentials pages figur
We present a framework in which well-defined predictions are obtained in an eternally inflating multiverse, based on the principles of quantum mechanics. We show that the entire multiverse is described purely from the viewpoint of a single "observer," who describes the world as a quantum state defined on his/her past light cones bounded by the (stretched) apparent horizons. We find that quantum mechanics plays an essential role in regulating infinities. The framework is "gauge invariant," i.e. predictions do not depend on how spacetime is parametrized, as it should be in a theory of quantum gravity. Our framework provides a fully unified treatment of quantum measurement processes and the multiverse. We conclude that the eternally inflating multiverse and many worlds in quantum mechanics are the same. Other important implications include: global spacetime can be viewed as a derived concept; the multiverse is a transient phenomenon during the world relaxing into a supersymmetric Minkowski state. We also present a theory of "initial conditions" for the multiverse. By extrapolating our framework to the extreme, we arrive at a picture that the entire multiverse is a fluctuation in the stationary, fractal "mega-multiverse," in which an infinite sequence of multiverse productions occurs. The framework discussed here does not suffer from problems/paradoxes plaguing other measures proposed earlier, such as the youngness paradox, the Boltzmann brain problem, and a peculiar "end" of time.Comment: 66 pages, 13 figures, longer version of the abstract in the body of the paper; v2: minor revisio
Physical Theories, Eternal Inflation, and Quantum Universe
physical theories, eternal inflation, and quantum universe
eternally inflating multiverse principles mechanics. multiverse purely viewpoint observer describes cones stretched apparent horizons. mechanics plays regulating infinities. i.e. spacetime parametrized gravity. unified multiverse. eternally inflating multiverse worlds mechanics same. spacetime viewed multiverse transient phenomenon relaxing supersymmetric minkowski state. multiverse. extrapolating extreme arrive picture multiverse fluctuation stationary fractal mega multiverse infinite multiverse productions occurs. suffer paradoxes plaguing youngness paradox boltzmann peculiar pages minor revisio
We consider the transverse-momentum (qT ) distribution of Standard Model Higgs bosons produced by gluon fusion in hadron collisions. At small qT (qT ≪ mH , mH being the mass of the Higgs boson), we resum the logarithmically-enhanced contributions due to multiple soft-gluon emission to all order in QCD perturbation theory. At interme-diate and large values of qT (qT < mH), we consistently combine resummation with the known fixed-order results. We use the most advanced perturbative information that is available at present: next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic resummation combined with the next-to-leading fixed-order calculation. We extend previous results including exactly all the perturbative terms up to order αS in our computation and, after integration over qT, we recover the known next-to-next-to-leading order result for the total cross section. We present numerical results at the Tevatron and the LHC, together with an estimate of the corresponding uncertainties. Our calculation is implemented in an updated version of the numerical code HqT
Transverse-momentum resummation: Higgs boson production at the Tevatron and the LHC
transverse-momentum resummation: higgs boson production at the tevatron and the lhc
bosons gluon fusion hadron collisions. boson resum logarithmically gluon perturbation theory. interme diate consistently combine resummation results. advanced perturbative logarithmic resummation calculation. extend perturbative recover section. tevatron uncertainties. implemented updated
We update the electroweak study of the predictions of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) including the recent results on the muon anomalous magnetic moment, the weak boson masses, and the final precision data on the Z boson parameters from LEP and SLC. We find that the region of the parameter space where the slepton masses are a few hundred GeV is favored from the muon g-2 for \tan\beta \ltsim 10, whereas for \tan\beta \simeq 50 heavier slepton mass up to \sim 1000 GeV can account for the reported 3.2 \sigma difference between its experimental value and the Standard Model (SM) prediction. As for the electroweak measurements, the SM gives a good description, and the sfermions lighter than 200 GeV tend to make the fit worse. We find, however, that sleptons as light as 100 to 200 GeV are favored also from the electroweak data, if we leave out the jet asymmetry data that do not agree with the leptonic asymmetry data. We extend the survey of the preferred MSSM parameters by including the constraints from the b \to s \gamma transition, and find favorable scenarios in the minimal supergravity, gauge-, and mirage-mediation models of supersymmetry breaking.Comment: 40 pages, 12 figures. v2: minor changes, references added, version to appear in JHE
The MSSM confronts the precision electroweak data and the muon g-2
the mssm confronts the precision electroweak data and the muon g-2
update electroweak supersymmetric mssm muon anomalous moment boson precision boson slc. slepton hundred favored muon beta ltsim beta simeq heavier slepton sigma prediction. electroweak sfermions lighter tend worse. sleptons favored electroweak leave asymmetry agree leptonic asymmetry data. extend preferred mssm gamma favorable scenarios supergravity mirage mediation supersymmetry pages figures. minor
We establish a close parallel between classicalization of gravitons and derivatively-coupled Nambu-Goldstone-type scalars. We show, that black hole formation in high energy scattering process represents classicalization with the classicalization radius given by Schwarzschild radius of center of mass energy, and with the precursor of black hole entropy being given by number of soft quanta composing this classical configuration. Such an entropy-equivalent is defined for scalar classicalons also and is responsible for exponential suppression of their decay into small number of final particles. This parallel works in both ways. For optimists that are willing to hypothesize that gravity may indeed self-unitarize at high energies via black hole formation, it illustrates that the Goldstones may not be much different in this respect, and they classicalize essentially by similar dynamics as gravitons. In the other direction, it may serve as an useful de-mystifier of via-black-hole-unitarization process and of the role of entropy in it, as it illustrates, that much more prosaic scalar theories essentially do the same. Finally, it illustrates that in both cases classicalization is the defining property for unitarization, and that it sets-in before one can talk about accompanying properties, such as entropy and thermality of static classicalons (black holes). These properties are by-products of classicalization, and their equivalents can be defined for non-gravitational cases of classicalization.Comment: 23 page
Classicalization of Gravitons and Goldstones
classicalization of gravitons and goldstones
establish classicalization gravitons derivatively nambu goldstone scalars. classicalization classicalization schwarzschild precursor quanta composing configuration. classicalons exponential suppression particles. ways. optimists willing hypothesize unitarize illustrates goldstones classicalize essentially gravitons. serve mystifier unitarization illustrates prosaic essentially same. illustrates classicalization defining unitarization talk accompanying thermality classicalons holes classicalization equivalents gravitational
We revisit the CDF data on di-muon production to impose constraints on a large class of Z' bosons occurring in a variety of E_6 GUT based models. We analyze the dependence of these limits on various factors contributing to the production cross-section, showing that currently systematic and theoretical uncertainties play a relatively minor role. Driven by this observation, we emphasize the use of the Bayesian statistical method, which allows us to straightforwardly (i) vary the gauge coupling strength, g', of the underlying U(1)'; (ii) include interference effects with the Z' amplitude (which are especially important for large g'); (iii) smoothly vary the U(1)' charges; (iv) combine these data with the electroweak precision constraints as well as with other observables obtained from colliders such as LEP 2 and the LHC; and (v) find preferred regions in parameter space once an excess is seen. We adopt this method as a complementary approach for a couple of sample models and find limits on the Z' mass, generally differing by only a few percent from the corresponding CDF ones when we follow their approach. Another general result is that the interference effects are quite relevant if one aims at discriminating between models. Finally, the Bayesian approach frees us of any ad hoc assumptions about the number of events needed to constitute a signal or exclusion limit for various actual and hypothetical reference energies and luminosities at the Tevatron and the LHC.Comment: PDFLaTeX, 24 pages, 7 figures. Version with improved tables and figure
Z' Bosons at Colliders: a Bayesian Viewpoint
z' bosons at colliders: a bayesian viewpoint
revisit muon impose bosons occurring models. analyze contributing minor role. emphasize bayesian straightforwardly vary interference smoothly vary charges combine electroweak precision observables colliders preferred excess seen. adopt complementary couple differing percent approach. interference aims discriminating models. bayesian frees assumptions constitute exclusion hypothetical luminosities tevatron pdflatex pages figures. tables
We discuss classical integrable structure of two-dimensional sigma models which have three-dimensional Schrödinger spacetimes as target spaces. The Schrödinger spacetimes are regarded as null-like deformations of AdS3. The original AdS3 isometry SL(2, R)L × SL(2, R)R is broken to SL(2, R)L × U(1)R due to the deformation. According to this symmetry, there are two descriptions to describe the classical dynamics of the system, 1) the SL(2, R)L description and 2) the enhanced U(1)R description. In the former 1), we show that the Yangian symmetry is realized by improving the SL(2, R)L Noether current. Then a Lax pair is constructed with the improved current and the classical inte-grability is shown by deriving the r/s-matrix algebra. In the latter 2), we find a non-local current by using a scaling limit of warped AdS3 and that it enhances U(1)R to a q-deformed Poincaré algebra. Then another Lax pair is presented and the corresponding r/s-matrices are also computed. The two descriptions are equivalent via a non-local map
Classical integrability of Schrödinger sigma models and q-deformed Poincaré symmetry
classical integrability of schrödinger sigma models and q-deformed poincaré symmetry
integrable sigma schrödinger spacetimes spaces. schrödinger spacetimes regarded deformations isometry broken deformation. descriptions description. former yangian realized improving noether current. inte grability deriving algebra. warped enhances deformed poincaré algebra. computed. descriptions
We provide dramatic evidence that ‘Mellin space’ is the natural home for correlation functions in CFTs with weakly coupled bulk duals. In Mellin space, CFT correlators have poles corresponding to an OPE decomposition into ‘left’ and ‘right’ sub-correlators, in direct analogy with the factorization channels of scattering amplitudes. In the regime where these correlators can be computed by tree level Witten diagrams in AdS, we derive an explicit formula for the residues of Mellin amplitudes at the corresponding factorization poles, and we use the conformal Casimir to show that these amplitudes obey algebraic finite difference equations. By analyzing the recursive structure of our factorization formula we obtain simple diagrammatic rules for the construction of Mellin amplitudes corresponding to tree-level Witten diagrams in any bulk scalar theory. We prove the diagrammatic rules using our finite difference equations. Finally, we show that our factorization formula and our diagrammatic rules morph into the flat space S-Matrix of the bulk theory, reproducing the usual Feynman rules, when we take the flat space limit of AdS/CFT. Throughout we emphasize a deep analogy with the properties of flat space scattering amplitudes in momentum space, which suggests that the Mellin amplitude may provide a holographic definition of the flat space S-Matrix
A natural language for AdS/CFT correlators.
a natural language for ads/cft correlators.
dramatic ‘mellin space’ home cfts weakly duals. mellin correlators poles decomposition ‘left’ ‘right’ correlators analogy factorization amplitudes. correlators witten diagrams derive mellin amplitudes factorization poles conformal casimir amplitudes obey algebraic equations. analyzing recursive factorization diagrammatic mellin amplitudes witten diagrams theory. diagrammatic equations. factorization diagrammatic morph reproducing usual feynman cft. emphasize analogy amplitudes mellin holographic
In this note we study the symmetry-breaking phases of 3D gravity coupled to matter. In particular, we consider black holes with scalar hair as a model of symmetry-breaking phases of a strongly coupled 1+1 dimensional CFT. In the case of a discrete symmetry, we show that these theories admit metastable phases of broken symmetry and study the thermodynamics of these phases. We also demonstrate that the 3D Einstein-Maxwell theory shows continuous symmetry breaking at low temperature. The apparent contradiction with the Coleman-Mermin-Wagner theorem is discussed.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figur
Holographic Symmetry-Breaking Phases in AdS$_3$/CFT$_2$
holographic symmetry-breaking phases in ads$_3$/cft$_2$
breaking matter. holes hair breaking cft. admit metastable broken thermodynamics phases. einstein maxwell breaking temperature. apparent contradiction coleman mermin wagner pages figur
We propose a remarkably simple solution of cubic open string field theory which describes inhomogeneous tachyon condensation. The solution is in one-to-one correspondence with the IR fixed point of the RG-flow generated in the two--dimensional world-sheet theory by integrating a relevant operator with mild enough OPE on the boundary. It is shown how the closed string overlap correctly captures the shift in the closed string one point function between the UV and the IR limits of the flow. Examples of lumps in non-compact and compact transverse directions are given.Comment: 45 pages. v2: typos and minor improvements. v3: submitted to jhe
Relevant Deformations in Open String Field Theory: a Simple Solution for Lumps
relevant deformations in open string field theory: a simple solution for lumps
propose remarkably cubic describes inhomogeneous tachyon condensation. correspondence sheet integrating mild boundary. overlap correctly captures flow. lumps directions pages. typos minor improvements. submitted
We construct loop operators in two dimensional Toda CFT and calculate with them the exact expectation value of certain supersymmetric 't Hooft and dyonic loop operators in four dimensional \Ncal=2 gauge theories with SU(N) gauge group. Explicit formulae for 't Hooft and dyonic operators in \Ncal=2^* and \Ncal=2 conformal SQCD with SU(N) gauge group are presented. We also briefly speculate on the Toda CFT realization of arbitrary loop operators in these gauge theories in terms of topological web operators in Toda CFT.Comment: 49 pages, LaTeX. Typos fixed, references adde
't Hooft Operators in Gauge Theory from Toda CFT
't hooft operators in gauge theory from toda cft
toda expectation supersymmetric hooft dyonic ncal group. formulae hooft dyonic ncal ncal conformal sqcd presented. briefly speculate toda realization topological toda pages latex. typos adde
In this paper we compute the Casimir energy for a coupled fermion-pseudoscalar field system. In the model considered in this paper the pseudoscalar field is \textit{static} and \textit{prescribed} with two adjustable parameters. These parameters determine the values of the field at infinity ($\pm \theta_0$) and its scale of variation ($\mu$). One can build up a field configuration with arbitrary topological charge by changing $\theta_0$, and interpolate between the extreme adiabatic and non-adiabatic regimes by changing $\mu$. This system is exactly solvable and therefore we compute the Casimir energy exactly and unambiguously by using an energy density subtraction scheme. We show that in general the Casimir energy goes to zero in the extreme adiabatic limit, and in the extreme non-adiabatic limit when the asymptotic values of the pseudoscalar field properly correspond to a configuration with an arbitrary topological charge. Moreover, in general the Casimir energy is always positive and on the average an increasing function of $\theta_0$ and always has local maxima when there is a zero mode, showing that these configurations are energetically unfavorable. We also compute and display the energy densities associated with the spectral deficiencies in both of the continua, and those of the bound states. We show that the energy densities associated with the distortion of the spectrum of the states with $E>0$ and $E<0$ are mirror images of each other. We also compute and display the Casimir energy density. Finally we compute the energy of a system consisting of a soliton and a valance electron and show that the Casimir energy of the system is comparable with the binding energy.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure
Casimir Energy for a Coupled Fermion-Soliton System
casimir energy for a coupled fermion-soliton system
casimir fermion pseudoscalar system. pseudoscalar textit textit prescribed adjustable parameters. infinity theta build topological changing theta interpolate extreme adiabatic adiabatic regimes changing solvable casimir unambiguously subtraction scheme. casimir goes extreme adiabatic extreme adiabatic asymptotic pseudoscalar properly topological charge. casimir theta maxima configurations energetically unfavorable. display densities deficiencies continua states. densities distortion mirror other. display casimir density. consisting soliton valance casimir comparable pages
Using the matrix model which calculates the exact free energy of ABJM theory on S^3 we study non-perturbative effects in the large N expansion of this model, i.e., in the genus expansion of type IIA string theory on AdS4xCP^3. We propose a general prescription to extract spacetime instanton actions from general matrix models, in terms of period integrals of the spectral curve, and we use it to determine them explicitly in the ABJM matrix model, as exact functions of the 't Hooft coupling. We confirm numerically that these instantons control the asymptotic growth of the genus expansion. Furthermore, we find that the dominant instanton action at strong coupling determined in this way exactly matches the action of an Euclidean D2-brane instanton wrapping RP^3.Comment: 26 pages, 14 figures. v2: small corrections, final version published in JHE
Nonperturbative aspects of ABJM theory
nonperturbative aspects of abjm theory
calculates abjm perturbative i.e. genus propose prescription extract spacetime instanton integrals explicitly abjm hooft coupling. confirm numerically instantons asymptotic genus expansion. instanton matches euclidean brane instanton wrapping pages figures.
We provide the geometrical meaning of the ${\cal N}=4$ superconformal index. With this interpretation, the ${\cal N}=4$ superconformal index can be realized as the partition function on a Scherk-Schwarz deformed background. We apply the localization method in TQFT to compute the deformed partition function since the deformed action can be written as a $\delta_\epsilon$-exact form. The critical points of the deformed action turn out to be the space of flat connections which are, in fact, zero modes of the gauge field. The one-loop evaluation over the space of flat connections reduces to the matrix integral by which the ${\cal N}=4$ superconformal index is expressed.Comment: 42+1 pages, 2 figures, JHEP style: v1.2.3 minor corrections, v4 major revision, conclusions essentially unchanged, v5 published versio
Localization of N=4 Superconformal Field Theory on S^1 x S^3 and Index
localization of n=4 superconformal field theory on s^1 x s^3 and index
geometrical meaning superconformal index. superconformal realized partition scherk schwarz deformed background. localization tqft deformed partition deformed delta epsilon form. deformed connections field. connections reduces superconformal pages jhep style minor revision essentially unchanged versio
The final publication is available at; an inflationary model with a vector field coupled to the inflaton was proposed and the phenomenology studied for the Bianchi type I spacetime. It was found that the model demonstrates a counter-example to the cosmic no-hair theorem since there exists a stable anisotropically inflationary fix-point. One of the great triumphs of inflation, however, is that it explains the observed flatness and isotropy of the universe today without requiring special initial conditions. Any acceptable model for inflation should thus explain these observations in a satisfactory way. To check whether the model meets this requirement, we introduce curvature to the background geometry and consider axisymmetric spacetimes of Bianchi type II,III and the Kantowski-Sachs metric. We show that the anisotropic Bianchi type I fix-point is an attractor for the entire family of such spacetimes. The model is predictive in the sense that the universe gets close to this fix-point after a few e-folds for a wide range of initial conditions. If inflation lasts for N e-folds, the curvature at the end of inflation is typically of order ~ e −2N . The anisotropy in the expansion rate at the end of inflation, on the other hand, while being small on the one-percent level, is highly significant. We show that after the end of inflation there will be a period of isotropization lasting for ∼23N e-folds. After that the shear scales as the curvature and becomes dominant around N e-folds after the end of inflation. For plausible bounds on the reheat temperature the minimum number of e-folds during inflation, required for consistency with the isotropy of the supernova Ia data, lays in the interval (21, 48). Thus the results obtained for our restricted class of spacetimes indicates that inflation with anisotropic hair is cosmologically viable
Inflation with stable anisotropic hair
inflation with stable anisotropic hair
publication jhep .recently inflationary inflaton phenomenology bianchi spacetime. demonstrates counter cosmic hair anisotropically inflationary point. great triumphs inflation explains flatness isotropy universe today requiring conditions. acceptable inflation satisfactory way. check meets requirement curvature axisymmetric spacetimes bianchi kantowski sachs metric. anisotropic bianchi attractor spacetimes. predictive universe gets folds conditions. inflation lasts folds curvature inflation anisotropy inflation percent significant. inflation isotropization lasting folds. curvature folds inflation. plausible bounds reheat folds inflation consistency isotropy supernova lays restricted spacetimes inflation anisotropic hair cosmologically viable
The energy flow, dE/d(eta), is studied at large pseudorapidities in proton-proton collisions at the LHC, for centre-of-mass energies of 0.9 and 7 TeV. The measurements are made in the pseudorapidity range 3.15 < |eta| < 4.9, for both minimum-bias events and events with at least two high-momentum jets, using the CMS detector. The data are compared to various pp Monte Carlo event generators whose theoretical models and input parameter values are sensitive to the energy-flow measurements. Inclusion of multiple-parton interactions in the Monte Carlo event generators is found to improve the description of the energy-flow measurements
Measurement of energy flow at large pseudorapidities in pp collisions at √s = 0.9 and 7 TeV
measurement of energy flow at large pseudorapidities in pp collisions at √s = 0.9 and 7 tev
pseudorapidities proton proton collisions tev. pseudorapidity jets detector. monte carlo generators measurements. inclusion parton monte carlo generators
We present a standard hydrodynamical description for non-canonical scalar field theories with kinetic gravity braiding. In particular, this picture applies to the simplest galileons and k-essence. The fluid variables not only have a clear physical meaning but also drastically simplify the analysis of the system. The fluid carries charges corresponding to shifts in field space. This shift-charge current contains a spatial part responsible for diffusion of the charges. Moreover, in the incompressible limit, the equation of motion becomes the standard diffusion equation. The fluid is indeed imperfect because the energy flows neither along the field gradient nor along the shift current. The fluid has zero vorticity and is not dissipative: there is no entropy production, the energy-momentum is exactly conserved, the temperature vanishes and there is no shear viscosity. Still, in an expansion around a perfect fluid one can identify terms which correct the pressure in the manner of bulk viscosity. We close by formulating the non-trivial conditions for the thermodynamic equilibrium of this imperfect fluid.Comment: 23 pages plus appendices. New version includes extended discussion on diffusion and dynamics in alternative frames, as well as additional references. v3 reflects version accepted for publication in JHEP: minor comments added regarding suitability to numerical approache
The Imperfect Fluid behind Kinetic Gravity Braiding
the imperfect fluid behind kinetic gravity braiding
hydrodynamical canonical braiding. picture applies simplest galileons essence. meaning drastically simplify system. carries charges shifts space. charges. incompressible equation. imperfect flows neither current. vorticity dissipative conserved vanishes viscosity. perfect manner viscosity. formulating trivial thermodynamic imperfect pages appendices. frames references. reflects publication jhep minor comments suitability approache
In the present paper we derive six and seven loop formulas for the anomalous dimension of the Konishi operator in N=4 SYM from string theory using the technique of Luscher corrections. We derive analytically the integrand using the worldsheet S-matrix and evaluate the resulting integral and infinite sum using a combination of high precision numerical integration and asymptotic expansion. We use this high precision numerical result to fit the integer coefficients of zeta values in the final analytical answer. The presented six and seven loop results can be used as a cross-check with FiNLIE on the string theory side, or with direct gauge theory computations. The seven loop level is the theoretical limit of this Luscher approach as at eight loops double-wrapping corrections will appear.Comment: 18 pages, typos correcte
Six and seven loop Konishi from Luscher corrections
six and seven loop konishi from luscher corrections
derive seven formulas anomalous konishi luscher corrections. derive analytically integrand worldsheet infinite precision asymptotic expansion. precision integer zeta answer. seven check finlie computations. seven luscher eight loops wrapping pages typos correcte
The coupling of a composite Higgs to the standard model fields can deviate substantially from the standard model values. In this case perturbative unitarity might break down before the scale of compositeness is reached, which would suggest that additional composites should lie well below this scale. In this paper we account for the presence of an additional spin 1 custodial triplet of rhos. We examine the implications of requiring perturbative unitarity up to the compositeness scale and find that one has to be close to saturating certain unitarity sum rules involving the Higgs and the rho couplings. Given these restrictions on the parameter space we investigate the main phenomenological consequences of the spin 1 triplet. We find that they can substantially enhance the Higgs di-photon rate at the LHC even with a reduced Higgs coupling to gauge bosons. The main existing LHC bounds arise from di-boson searches, especially in the experimentally clean channel where the charged rhos decay to a W-boson and a Z, which then decay leptonically. We find that a large range of interesting parameter space with 700 GeV < m(rho) < 2 TeV is currently experimentally viable.Comment: 37 pages, 12 figures; v4: sum rule corrected, conclusions unchange
Composite Higgs Sketch
composite higgs sketch
composite deviate substantially values. perturbative unitarity break compositeness reached composites scale. custodial triplet rhos. examine requiring perturbative unitarity compositeness saturating unitarity involving couplings. restrictions phenomenological consequences triplet. substantially enhance bosons. bounds arise boson searches experimentally clean rhos boson leptonically. experimentally pages corrected unchange
We study the moduli-dependent prefactor of M5-instanton corrections to the superpotential in four-dimensional F-theory compactifications. In light of the M-theory and type IIb limits and also heterotic duality, we propose that the explicit moduli dependence of the prefactor can be computed by a study of zero modes localized at intersections between the instanton and seven-branes. We present an instanton prefactor in an E_6 F-theory GUT which does not admit a heterotic dual and show that it vanishes if and only if a point of E_8 enhancement is present in the instanton worldvolume. More generically, we discuss the relationship between points of E_8 and superpotential zeroes and give sufficient conditions for such a point to cause a zero, even for an SU(5) GUT. We scan a large class of compactifications for instanton physics and demonstrate that many instantons have the same prefactor structure. We discuss the associated implications and complications for moduli stabilization. We present an explicit resolution and construction of G-flux in a generic E_6 GUT and identify a global compactification of the local model spectral cover which happens to facilitate prefactor computations. Via a Leray spectral sequence, we demonstrate the relationship between right-movers of heterotic worldsheet instantons, 3-3 strings of euclidean D3 instantons, and the Fermi zero modes of M5-instantons.Comment: 86 page
On Seven-Brane Dependent Instanton Prefactors in F-theory
on seven-brane dependent instanton prefactors in f-theory
moduli prefactor instanton superpotential compactifications. heterotic duality propose moduli prefactor localized intersections instanton seven branes. instanton prefactor admit heterotic vanishes enhancement instanton worldvolume. generically superpotential zeroes gut. scan compactifications instanton instantons prefactor structure. complications moduli stabilization. generic compactification cover happens facilitate prefactor computations. leray movers heterotic worldsheet instantons strings euclidean instantons fermi
The Yang-Mills gradient flow is considered on the four dimensional torus T 4 for SU(N) gauge theory coupled to N f flavors of massless fermions in arbitrary representations. The small volume dynamics is dominated by the constant gauge fields. The expectation value of the field strength tensor squared TrF μν F μν (t) is calculated for positive flow time t by treating the non-zero gauge modes perturbatively and the zero modes exactly. The finite volume correction to the infinite volume result is found to contain both algebraic and exponential terms. The leading order result is then used to define a one parameter family of running coupling schemes in which the coupling runs with the linear size of the box. The new scheme is tested numerically in SU(3) gauge theory coupled to N f = 4 flavors of massless fundamental fermions. The calculations are performed at several lattice spacings with a controlled continuum extrapolation. The continuum result agrees with the perturbative prediction for small renormalized coupling as expected
The Yang-Mills gradient flow in finite volume
the yang-mills gradient flow in finite volume
mills torus flavors massless fermions representations. dominated fields. expectation squared treating perturbatively exactly. infinite algebraic exponential terms. running schemes runs box. numerically flavors massless fermions. spacings continuum extrapolation. continuum agrees perturbative renormalized
We provide evidences for the duality between ${\cal N}=6$ $U(M)_{4} \times U(N)_{-4}$ Chern-Simons matter theory and ${\cal N}=5$ $O(\hat{M})_{2} \times USp(2\hat{N})_{-1}$ theory for a suitable $\hat{M},\hat{N}$ by working out the superconformal index, which shows perfect matching. For ${\cal N}=5$ theories, we show that supersymmetry is enhanced to ${\cal N}=6$ by explicitly constructing monopole operators filling in $SO(6)_R$ $R$-currents. Finally we work out the large $N$ index of $O(2N)_{2k} \times USp(2N)_{-k}$ and show that it exactly matches with the gravity index on $AdS_4 \times S^7/D_k$, which further provides additional evidence for the duality between the ${\cal N}=5$ and ${\cal N}=6$ theory for $k=1$Comment: 15 pages; references adde
Duality between N=5 and N=6 Chern-Simons matter theory
duality between n=5 and n=6 chern-simons matter theory
evidences duality chern simons superconformal perfect matching. supersymmetry explicitly constructing monopole filling currents. matches duality comment pages adde
We present a phenomenological study of a CP-violating two-Higgs-doublet Model with type-II Yukawa couplings at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). In the light of recent LHC data, we focus on the parameter space that survives the current and past experimental constraints as well as theoretical bounds on the model. Once the phenomenological scenario is set, we analyse the scope of the LHC in exploring this model through the discovery of a charged Higgs boson produced in association with a W boson, with the former decaying into the lightest neutral Higgs and a second W state, altogether yielding a b\bar b W^+W^- signature, of which we exploit the W^+W^- semileptonic decays.Comment: 37 pages, 16 figures; v2 updated treatment of LHC constraint
Probing the charged Higgs boson at the LHC in the CP-violating type-II 2HDM
probing the charged higgs boson at the lhc in the cp-violating type-ii 2hdm
phenomenological violating doublet yukawa couplings hadron collider survives bounds model. phenomenological analyse scope exploring discovery boson boson former decaying lightest neutral altogether yielding signature exploit semileptonic pages updated
We consider minimally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory with a Chern-Simons term on a flat spatial two-torus. The Witten index may be computed in the weak coupling limit, where the ground state wave-functions localize on the moduli space of flat gauge connections. We perform such computations by considering this moduli space as an orbifold of a certain flat complex torus. Our results agree with those obtained previously by instead considering the moduli space as a complex projective space. An advantage of the present method is that it allows for a more straightforward determination of the discrete electric 't Hooft fluxes of the ground states in theories with non-simply connected gauge groups. A consistency check is provided by the invariance of the results under the mapping class group of a (Euclidean) three-torus.Comment: 18 page
Ground states of supersymmetric Yang-Mills-Chern-Simons theory
ground states of supersymmetric yang-mills-chern-simons theory
minimally supersymmetric mills chern simons torus. witten localize moduli connections. computations moduli orbifold torus. agree moduli projective space. advantage straightforward hooft fluxes groups. consistency check invariance euclidean
Using the gauge/gravity correspondence, we study the properties of 2-point correlation functions of finite-temperature strongly coupled gauge field theories, defined on a curved space of general spatial topology with a dual black hole description. We derive approximate asymptotic expressions for the correlation functions and their poles, supported by exact numerical calculations, and study their dependence on the dimension of spacetime and the spatial topology. The asymptotic structure of the correlation functions depends on the relation between the spatial curvature and the temperature, and is noticeable when they are of the same order. In the case of a hyperbolic topology, a specific temperature is identified for which exact analytical solutions exist for all types of perturbations. The asymptotic structure of the correlation functions poles is found to behave in a non-smooth manner when approaching this temperature.Comment: 65 pages, LaTeX, 21 figures, 1 table; fixed a small error in subsection 3.
The Sound of Topology in the AdS/CFT Correspondence
the sound of topology in the ads/cft correspondence
correspondence curved topology description. derive approximate asymptotic expressions poles spacetime topology. asymptotic curvature noticeable order. hyperbolic topology perturbations. asymptotic poles behave manner approaching pages latex subsection
In a recent paper [arXiv:1206.4916] by T. Padmanabhan, it was argued that our universe provides an ideal setup to stress the issue that cosmic space is emergent as cosmic time progresses and that the expansion of the universe is due to the difference between the number of degrees of freedom on a holographic surface and the one in the emerged bulk. In this note following this proposal we obtain the Friedmann equation of a higher dimensional Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universe. By properly modifying the volume increase and the number of degrees of freedom on the holographic surface from the entropy formulas of black hole in the Gauss-Bonnet gravity and more general Lovelock gravity, we also get corresponding dynamical equations of the universe in those gravity theories.Comment: Latex 9 pages without figur
Emergence of Space and Spacetime Dynamics of Friedmann-Robertson-Walker Universe
emergence of space and spacetime dynamics of friedmann-robertson-walker universe
padmanabhan argued universe ideal setup cosmic emergent cosmic progresses universe freedom holographic emerged bulk. proposal friedmann friedmann robertson walker universe. properly modifying freedom holographic formulas gauss bonnet lovelock universe latex pages figur
In this paper we investigate the thermodynamics of the inner horizon and its implication on the holographic description of the black hole. We focus on the black holes with two physical horizons. Under reasonable assumption, we prove that the first law of thermodynamics of the outer horizon always indicates that of the inner horizon. As a result, the fact that the area product being mass-independent is equivalent to the relation $T_+S_+=T_-S_-$, with $T_\pm$ and $S_\pm$ being the Hawking temperatures and the entropies of the outer and inner horizon respectively. We find that the mass-independence of area product breaks down in general Myers-Perry black holes with spacetime dimension $d\geq6$ and Kerr-AdS black holes with $d\geq4$. Moreover we discuss the implication of the first laws of the outer and inner horizons on the thermodynamics of the right- and left-moving sectors of dual CFT in Kerr/CFT correspondence. We show that once the relation $T_+S_+=T_-S_-$ is satisfied, the central charges of two sectors must be same. Furthermore from the thermodynamics relations, we read the dimensionless temperatures of microscopic CFT, which are in exact agreement with the ones obtained from hidden conformal symmetry in the low frequency scattering off the black holes, and then determine the central charges. This method works well in well-known cases in Kerr/CFT correspondence, and reproduce successfully the holographic pictures for 4D Kerr-Newman and 5D Kerr black holes. We go on to predict the central charges and temperatures of a possible holographic CFT description dual to 5D doubly rotating black ring.Comment: 29 pages; match published versio
Thermodynamics of Black Hole Horizons and Kerr/CFT Correspondence
thermodynamics of black hole horizons and kerr/cft correspondence
thermodynamics horizon implication holographic hole. holes horizons. reasonable thermodynamics outer horizon horizon. hawking entropies outer horizon respectively. independence breaks myers perry holes spacetime kerr holes implication laws outer horizons thermodynamics moving sectors kerr correspondence. satisfied charges sectors same. thermodynamics read dimensionless microscopic hidden conformal holes charges. kerr correspondence reproduce successfully holographic pictures kerr newman kerr holes. predict charges holographic doubly rotating pages match versio
We use global fits to analyze the most recent Higgs data from ATLAS, CMS and Tevatron and compare the Standard Model (SM) prediction with natural extensions of the SM. In particular we study wide classes of composite Higgs models based on different coset structures (leading at low energy to different Higgs sectors including extra singlets and Higgs doublets) and different coupling structures of the elementary fermions to the strong sector. We point out in what situations the composite models could improve (or worsen) the fit to the data and compare with similar trends in the MSSM.Comment: Updated data from ICHEP2012; typos fixed and references adde
Higgs discovery: the beginning or the end of natural EWSB?
higgs discovery: the beginning or the end of natural ewsb?
fits analyze atlas tevatron extensions composite coset sectors extra singlets doublets elementary fermions sector. situations composite worsen updated ichep typos adde
We consider branes in refined topological strings. We argue that their wave-functions satisfy a Schr\"odinger equation depending on multiple times and prove this in the case where the topological string has a dual matrix model description. Furthermore, in the limit where one of the equivariant rotations approaches zero, the brane partition function satisfies a time-independent Schroedinger equation. We use this observation, as well as the back reaction of the brane on the closed string geometry, to offer an explanation of the connection between integrable systems and N=2 gauge systems in four dimensions observed by Nekrasov and Shatashvili.Comment: 64 pages, 2 figure
Quantum Geometry of Refined Topological Strings
quantum geometry of refined topological strings
branes refined topological strings. argue satisfy schr odinger topological description. equivariant rotations brane partition satisfies schroedinger equation. brane offer explanation connection integrable nekrasov pages
We compute the relative-order-v^4 contribution to gluon fragmentation into quarkonium in the 3S1 color-singlet channel, using the nonrelativistic QCD (NRQCD) factorization approach. The QCD fragmentation process contains infrared divergences that produce single and double poles in epsilon in 4-2epsilon dimensions. We devise subtractions that isolate the pole contributions, which ultimately are absorbed into long-distance NRQCD matrix elements in the NRQCD matching procedure. The matching procedure involves two-loop renormalizations of the NRQCD operators. The subtractions are integrated over the phase space analytically in 4-2epsilon dimensions, and the remainder is integrated over the phase-space numerically. We find that the order-v^4 contribution is enhanced relative to the order-v^0 contribution. However, the order-v^4 contribution is not important numerically at the current level of precision of quarkonium-hadroproduction phenomenology. We also estimate the contribution to hadroproduction from gluon fragmentation into quarkonium in the 3PJ color-octet channel and find that it is significant in comparison to the complete next-to-leading-order-in-alpha_s contribution in that channel.Comment: 41 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables, minor corrections, version published in JHE
Higher-order relativistic corrections to gluon fragmentation into spin-triplet S-wave quarkonium
higher-order relativistic corrections to gluon fragmentation into spin-triplet s-wave quarkonium
gluon fragmentation quarkonium singlet nonrelativistic nrqcd factorization approach. fragmentation infrared divergences poles epsilon epsilon dimensions. devise subtractions isolate pole ultimately absorbed nrqcd nrqcd matching procedure. matching involves renormalizations nrqcd operators. subtractions analytically epsilon remainder numerically. contribution. numerically precision quarkonium hadroproduction phenomenology. hadroproduction gluon fragmentation quarkonium octet alpha pages tables minor
In this paper, we investigate the holographic descriptions of two kinds of black rings, the neutral doubly rotating black ring and the dipole charged black ring. For generic nonextremal black rings, the information of holographic CFT duals, including the central charges and left- and right-moving temperatures, could be read from the thermodynamics at the outer and inner horizons, as suggested in arXiv:1206.2015. To confirm these pictures, we study the extreme black rings in the well-established formalism. We compute the central charges of dual CFTs by doing asymptotic symmetry group analysis in the stretched horizon formalism, and find exact agreements. Moreover, we study the superradiant scattering of a scalar field off the near-extremal black rings and obtain the scattering amplitudes, which are in good match with the CFT predictions.Comment: 23 pages, no figures; some text overlap with arXiv:1206.201
Holographic Descriptions of Black Rings
holographic descriptions of black rings
holographic descriptions kinds rings neutral doubly rotating dipole ring. generic nonextremal rings holographic duals charges moving read thermodynamics outer horizons confirm pictures extreme rings formalism. charges cfts asymptotic stretched horizon formalism agreements. superradiant extremal rings amplitudes match pages overlap
We propose a construction of G-flux in singular elliptic Calabi-Yau fourfold compactifications of F-theory, which in the local limit allow a spectral cover description. The main tool of construction is the so-called spectral divisor in the resolved Calabi-Yau geometry, which in the local limit reduces to the Higgs bundle spectral cover. We exemplify the workings of this in the case of an E_6 singularity by constructing the resolved geometry, the spectral divisor and in the local limit, the spectral cover. The G-flux constructed with the spectral divisor is shown to be equivalent to the direct construction from suitably quantized linear combinations of holomorphic surfaces in the resolved geometry, and in the local limit reduces to the spectral cover flux.Comment: 30 page
G-flux and Spectral Divisors
g-flux and spectral divisors
propose singular elliptic calabi fourfold compactifications cover description. divisor resolved calabi reduces bundle cover. exemplify workings singularity constructing resolved divisor cover. divisor suitably quantized combinations holomorphic resolved reduces cover
The spontaneous breaking of SU(4) heterotic standard models by Z_3 x Z_3 Wilson lines to the MSSM with three right-handed neutrino supermultiplets and gauge group SU(3)_C x SU(2)_L x U(1) x U(1) is explored. The two-dimensional subspace of the Spin(10) Lie algebra that commutes with su(3)_C + su(2)_L is analyzed. It is shown that there is a unique basis for which the initial soft supersymmetry breaking parameters are uncorrelated and for which the U(1) x U(1) field strengths have no kinetic mixing at any scale. If the Wilson lines "turn on" at different scales, there is an intermediate regime with either a left-right or a Pati-Salam type model. We compute their spectra directly from string theory, and adjust the associated mass parameter so that all gauge parameters exactly unify. A detailed analysis of the running gauge couplings and soft gaugino masses is presented.Comment: 59 pages, 9 figure
Wilson Lines and a Canonical Basis of SU(4) Heterotic Standard Models
wilson lines and a canonical basis of su(4) heterotic standard models
spontaneous breaking heterotic wilson mssm handed supermultiplets explored. subspace commutes analyzed. supersymmetry breaking uncorrelated strengths scale. wilson pati salam model. adjust unify. running couplings gaugino pages
String theory in d dimensions has n+1=11-d parameters that may be thought of as being inherited from the geometry of an n+1 torus which may be used to construct the theory using dimensional reduction from eleven dimensions. We give the precise relationship between these parameters and the expectation values of the scalar fields that parameterise the E_{n+1} coset of the d dimensional theory. This allows us to examine all possible limits of the automorphic forms which occur as the coefficient functions of the higher derivative corrections to the d dimensional type II string effective action.Comment: 73 pages. Typos fixed and other minor correction
Parameters, limits and higher derivative type II string corrections
parameters, limits and higher derivative type ii string corrections
thought inherited torus eleven dimensions. precise expectation parameterise coset theory. examine automorphic pages. typos minor
For the field theories dual to D3/D7- and D3/D5-brane systems we find non-relativistic finite density fixed points exhibiting a violation of hyperscaling. This violation is measured by the critical exponent $\theta=1$ while the dynamical critical exponent is $z=2$. At zero temperature we compute the thermodynamic potentials, the speed of normal sound, and the speed of zero sound for both these massive D3/D(2n+1)-brane systems near their non-relativistic fixed points. Moreover, we determine the first correction to the free energy for small temperatures yielding the critical exponents $\alpha$ and $\nu$.Comment: v1: 22 pages, 1 figure; v2: 23 pages, references added, extended introductio
Hyperscaling-Violation on Probe D-Branes
hyperscaling-violation on probe d-branes
brane relativistic exhibiting violation hyperscaling. violation exponent theta exponent thermodynamic potentials sound sound massive brane relativistic points. yielding exponents alpha .comment pages pages introductio
We study the two-point Topological Charge Density Correlator (TCDC) in lattice QCD with two degenerate flavours of unimproved Wilson fermions and Wilson gauge action at two values of lattice spacings and different volumes, for a range of quark masses. Configurations are generated with DDHMC algorithm and smoothed with HYP smearing. In order to shed light on the mechanisms leading to the observed suppression of topological susceptibility with respect to the decreasing quark mass and decreasing volume, in this work, we carry out a detailed study of the two-point TCDC. We have shown that, (1) the TCDC is negative beyond a positive core and radius of the core shrinks as lattice spacing decreases, (2) as the volume decreases, the magnitude of the contact term and the radius of the positive core decrease and the magnitude of the negative peak increases resulting in the suppression of the topological susceptibility as the volume decreases, (3) the contact term and radius of the positive core decrease with decreasing quark mass at a given lattice spacing and the negative peak increases with decreasing quark mass resulting in the suppression of the topological susceptibility with decreasing quark mass, (4) increasing levels of smearing suppresses the contact term and the negative peak keeping the susceptibility intact and (5) both the contact term and the negative peak diverge in nonintegrable fashion as lattice spacing decreases. It is gratifying to note that observations similar to 1 and 5 have been made using topological charge density operator based on chiral fermion. The observations 2 and 3 may be confirmed more precisely by using formulations based on chiral fermions.Comment: some qualifying remarks are added, results unchange
Topological charge density correlator in Lattice QCD with two flavours of unimproved Wilson fermions
topological charge density correlator in lattice qcd with two flavours of unimproved wilson fermions
topological correlator tcdc degenerate flavours unimproved wilson fermions wilson spacings volumes masses. configurations ddhmc smoothed smearing. shed suppression topological susceptibility decreasing decreasing carry tcdc. tcdc shrinks spacing suppression topological susceptibility decreasing spacing decreasing suppression topological susceptibility decreasing smearing suppresses keeping susceptibility intact diverge nonintegrable fashion spacing decreases. gratifying topological chiral fermion. confirmed precisely formulations chiral qualifying remarks unchange
The production of χb(1P ) mesons in pp collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV is studied using 32 pb−1 of data collected with the LHCb detector. The χb(1P ) mesons are reconstructed in the decay mode χ b (1P ) → Υ (1S)γ → μ + μ −γ. The fraction of Υ (1S) originating from χb(1P ) decays in the Υ (1S) transverse momentum range 6 < pT Υ (1S) < 15 GeV/c and rapidity range 2.0 < y Υ (1S) < 4.5 is measured to be (20.7±5.7±2.1+2.7−5.4)% , where the first uncertainty is statistical, the second is systematic and the last gives the range of the result due to the unknown Υ (1S) and χb(1P) polarizations
Measurement of the fraction of Υ(1S) originating from χb(1P) decays in pp collisions at s√=7 TeV
measurement of the fraction of υ(1s) originating from χb(1p) decays in pp collisions at s√=7 tev
mesons collisions lhcb detector. mesons reconstructed originating decays rapidity unknown polarizations
This paper links the field of potential theory — i.e. the Dirichlet and Neumann problems for the heat and Laplace equation — to that of the Feynman path integral, by postulating the some seemingly ill-defined potential. The Laplacian of the indicator can be interpreted using the theory of distributions: it is the d-dimensional analogue of the Dirac δ′-function, which can formally be defined as the second derivative of the Heaviside step function. We show, first, that the path integral’s perturbation series (or Born series) matches the classical single and double boundary layer series of potential theory, thereby connecting two hitherto unrelated fields. Second, we show that the perturbation series is valid for all domains D that allow Green’s theorem (i.e. with a finite number of corners, edges and cusps), thereby expanding the classical applicability of boundary layers. Third, we show that the minus (plus) in the potential holds for the Dirichlet (Neumann) boundary condition; showing for the first time a particularly close connection between these two classical problems. Fourth, we demonstrate that the perturbation series of the path integral converges as follows monotonically. We also discuss the third boundary problem (which poses Robin boundary conditions) and discuss an extension to moving domains
Potential theory, path integrals and the Laplacian of the indicator
potential theory, path integrals and the laplacian of the indicator
links i.e. dirichlet neumann laplace feynman postulating seemingly potential. laplacian indicator interpreted analogue dirac formally heaviside function. integral’s perturbation born matches thereby connecting hitherto unrelated fields. perturbation valid green’s i.e. corners cusps thereby expanding applicability layers. minus dirichlet neumann connection problems. fourth perturbation converges monotonically. poses robin moving
We study certain features of strongly coupled theories with hyperscaling violation by making use of their gravitational duals. We will consider models with an anisotropic scaling in time or in one of spatial directions. In particular for the case where the anisotropic scaling is along a spatial direction we will compute the holographic entanglement entropy and show that for specific values of the parameters it exhibits a logarithmic violation of the area law. We will also probe the backgrounds by different closed and open strings which in turn can be used to read, for example, effective potential of an external object, drag force and etc.Comment: 25 pages, 3 figure
On Holography with Hyperscaling Violation
on holography with hyperscaling violation
hyperscaling violation gravitational duals. anisotropic directions. anisotropic holographic entanglement exhibits logarithmic violation law. backgrounds strings read drag pages
We investigate the Dyson-Schwinger equations for the gluon and ghost propagators and the ghost-gluon vertex of Landau-gauge gluodynamics in two dimensions. While this simplifies some aspects of the calculations as compared to three and four dimensions, new complications arise due to a mixing of different momentum regimes. As a result, the solutions for the propagators are more sensitive to changes in the three-point functions and the ansaetze used for them at the leading order in a vertex a expansion. Here, we therefore go beyond this common truncation by including the ghost-gluon vertex self-consistently for the first time, while using a model for the three-gluon vertex which reproduces the known infrared asymptotics and the zeros at intermediate momenta as observed on the lattice. A separate computation of the three-gluon vertex from the results is used to confirm the stability of this behavior a posteriori. We also present further arguments for the absence of the decoupling solution in two dimensions. Finally, we show how in general the infrared exponent kappa of the scaling solutions in two, three and four dimensions can be changed by allowing an angle dependence and thus an essential singularity of the ghost-gluon vertex in the infrared.Comment: 24 pages; added references, improved choices of parameters for vertex models; identical to version published in JHE
Two- and three-point functions in two-dimensional Landau-gauge Yang-Mills theory: Continuum results
two- and three-point functions in two-dimensional landau-gauge yang-mills theory: continuum results
dyson schwinger gluon ghost propagators ghost gluon landau gluodynamics dimensions. simplifies complications arise regimes. propagators ansaetze expansion. truncation ghost gluon consistently gluon reproduces infrared asymptotics zeros momenta lattice. gluon confirm posteriori. arguments decoupling dimensions. infrared exponent kappa changed allowing singularity ghost gluon pages choices
We discuss extensions of a recently introduced model of multi-critical CDT to higher multi-critical points. As in the case of pure CDT the continuum limit can be taken on the level of the action and the resulting continuum surface model is again described by a matrix model. The resolvent, a simple observable of the quantum geometry which is accessible from the matrix model is calculated for arbitrary multi-critical points. We go beyond the matrix model by determining the propagator using the peeling procedure which is used to extract the effective quantum Hamiltonian and the fractal dimension in agreement with earlier results by Ambjorn et al. With this at hand a string field theory formalism for multi-critical CDT is introduced and it is shown that the Dyson-Schwinger equations match the loop equations of the matrix model. We conclude by commenting on how to formally obtain the sum over topologies and a relation to stochastic quantisation.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures, improved discussion, some new results regarding Hausdorff dimension, as publishe
On the Quantum Geometry of Multi-critical CDT
on the quantum geometry of multi-critical cdt
extensions points. continuum continuum model. resolvent observable accessible points. determining propagator peeling extract fractal ambjorn formalism dyson schwinger match model. commenting formally topologies stochastic pages hausdorff publishe
We consider the natural supersymmetry scenario in the framework of the R-parity conserving minimal supersymmetric standard model (called natural MSSM) and examine the observability of stop pair production at the LHC. We first scan the parameters of this scenario under various experimental constraints, including the SM-like Higgs boson mass, the indirect limits from precision electroweak data and B-decays. Then in the allowed parameter space we study the stop pair production at the LHC followed by the stop decay into a top quark plus a lightest neutralino or into a bottom quark plus a chargino. From detailed Monte Carlo simulations of the signals and backgrounds, we find the two decay modes are complementary to each other in probing the stop pair production, and the LHC with $\sqrt{s}= 14$ TeV and 100 $fb^{-1}$ luminosity is capable of discovering the stop predicted in natural MSSM up to 450 GeV. If no excess events were observed at the LHC, the 95% C.L. exclusion limits of the stop masses can reach around 537 GeV.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, version accepted by JHE
Probing natural SUSY from stop pair production at the LHC
probing natural susy from stop pair production at the lhc
supersymmetry parity conserving supersymmetric mssm examine observability stop lhc. scan boson indirect precision electroweak decays. stop stop lightest neutralino chargino. monte carlo backgrounds complementary probing stop sqrt luminosity capable discovering stop mssm gev. excess c.l. exclusion stop pages
We consider the effects of fields with suddenly changing mass on the inflationary power spectra. In this context, when a field becomes light, it will be excited. This process contributes to the tensor power spectrum. We compute these effects in a gauge-invariant manner, where we use a novel analytical method for evaluating the corrections to the tensor spectrum due to these excitations. In the case of a scalar field, we show that the net impact on the tensors is small as long as the perturbative expansion is valid. Thus, in these scenarios, measurement of tensor modes is still in one-to-one correspondence with the Hubble scale
Rapid field excursions and the inflationary tensor spectrum
rapid field excursions and the inflationary tensor spectrum
suddenly changing inflationary spectra. excited. contributes spectrum. manner evaluating excitations. tensors perturbative valid. scenarios correspondence hubble
We compute holographically the diffusion constant of supercharges in N=4 SYM at finite chemical potential for the R-charge, by solving the equations of motion for the transverse mode of the gravitino in the STU black hole in 5 dimensions. We consider the case of one charge and three charges, and we present analytical solutions for small values of the charges and numerical solutions for arbitrary values. We compare our results with other known results in 4 dimensions.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures; v2: typos correcte
Diffusion constant of supercharge density in N=4 SYM at finite chemical potential
diffusion constant of supercharge density in n=4 sym at finite chemical potential
holographically supercharges solving gravitino dimensions. charges charges values. pages typos correcte
In this work we elaborate on an extension of the AdS/CFT framework to a subclass of gravitational theories with vanishing cosmological constant. By building on earlier ideas, we construct a correspondence between Ricci-flat spacetimes admitting asymptotically hyperbolic hypersurfaces and a family of conformal field theories on a codimension two manifold at null infinity. By truncating the gravity theory to the pure gravitational sector, we find the most general spacetime asymptotics, renormalize the gravitational action, reproduce the holographic stress tensors and Ward identities of the family of CFTs and show how the asymptotics is mapped to and reconstructed from conformal field theory data. In even dimensions, the holographic Weyl anomalies identify the bulk time coordinate with the spectrum of central charges with characteristic length the bulk Planck length. Consistency with locality in the bulk time direction requires a notion of locality in this spectrum.Comment: 44 pages, 4 figures. v2: minor changes in section
Holographic Reconstruction and Renormalization in Asymptotically Ricci-flat Spacetimes
holographic reconstruction and renormalization in asymptotically ricci-flat spacetimes
elaborate subclass gravitational vanishing cosmological constant. ideas correspondence ricci spacetimes admitting asymptotically hyperbolic hypersurfaces conformal codimension manifold infinity. truncating gravitational spacetime asymptotics renormalize gravitational reproduce holographic tensors ward identities cfts asymptotics mapped reconstructed conformal data. holographic weyl anomalies coordinate charges planck length. consistency locality notion locality pages figures. minor
We show that there is an infinite class of partition functions with world-sheet metric, space-time coordinates and first order systems, that correspond to volume forms on the moduli space of Riemann surfaces and are free of singularities at the Deligne-Mumford boundary. An example is the partition function with 4=2(c_2+c_3+c_4-c_5) space-time coordinates, a $b$-$c$ system of weight 3, one of weight 4 and a beta-gamma system of weight 5. Such partition functions are derived from the mapping of the Mumford forms to non-factorized scalar forms on M_g introduced in arXiv:1209.6049.Comment: 12 pp. More results, references adde
Finite Strings From Non-Chiral Mumford Forms
finite strings from non-chiral mumford forms
infinite partition sheet moduli riemann singularities deligne mumford boundary. partition beta gamma partition mumford factorized adde
We present the general formulation of non-covariant Lagrangian of self-dual gauge theory. After specifying the parameters therein the previous Lagrangian in the decomposition of spacetime into $6=D_1+D_2$ and $6=D_1+D_2+D_3$ can be obtained. The self-dual property of the general Lagrangian is proved in detail. We furthermore show that the new non-covariant actions give field equations with 6d Lorentz invariance. The method can be straightforward extended to any dimension and we also give a short discussion about the 10D self-dual gauge theory.Comment: Latex 20 pages. Typos corrected. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1111.511
General Lagrangian of Non-Covariant Self-dual Gauge Field
general lagrangian of non-covariant self-dual gauge field
formulation covariant lagrangian theory. specifying therein lagrangian decomposition spacetime obtained. lagrangian proved detail. covariant lorentz invariance. straightforward latex pages. typos corrected. admin substantial overlap