3 values
We use holography to study (3+1)-dimensional N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory with gauge group SU(Nc), in the large-Nc and large-coupling limits, coupled to a single massless (n+1)-dimensional hypermultiplet in the fundamental representation of SU(Nc), with n=3,2,1. In particular, we study zero-temperature states with a nonzero baryon number charge density, which we call holographic matter. We demonstrate that a moduli space of such states exists in these theories, specifically a Higgs branch parameterized by the expectation values of scalar operators bilinear in the hypermultiplet scalars. At a generic point on the Higgs branch, the R-symmetry and gauge group are spontaneously broken to subgroups. Our holographic calculation consists of introducing a single probe Dp-brane into AdS5 times S^5, with p=2n+1=7,5,3, introducing an electric flux of the Dp-brane worldvolume U(1) gauge field, and then obtaining explicit solutions for the worldvolume fields dual to the scalar operators that parameterize the Higgs branch. In all three cases, we can express these solutions as non-singular self-dual U(1) instantons in a four-dimensional space with a metric determined by the electric flux. We speculate on the possibility that the existence of Higgs branches may point the way to a counting of the microstates producing a nonzero entropy in holographic matter. Additionally, we speculate on the possible classification of zero-temperature, nonzero-density states described holographically by probe D-branes with worldvolume electric flux.Comment: 56 pages, 8 PDF images, 4 figure
Moduli Spaces of Cold Holographic Matter
moduli spaces of cold holographic matter
holography supersymmetric mills massless hypermultiplet nonzero baryon call holographic matter. moduli branch parameterized expectation bilinear hypermultiplet scalars. generic branch spontaneously broken subgroups. holographic introducing brane introducing brane worldvolume obtaining worldvolume parameterize branch. express singular instantons flux. speculate branches counting microstates producing nonzero holographic matter. additionally speculate nonzero holographically branes worldvolume pages
We study a two parameter single trace 3-matrix model with SO(3) global symmetry. The model has two phases, a fuzzy sphere phase and a matrix phase. Configurations in the matrix phase are consistent with fluctuations around a background of commuting matrices whose eigenvalues are confined to the interior of a ball of radius R=2.0. We study the co-existence curve of the model and find evidence that it has two distinct portions one with a discontinuous internal energy yet critical fluctuations of the specific heat but only on the low temperature side of the transition and the other portion has a continuous internal energy with a discontinuous specific heat of finite jump. We study in detail the eigenvalue distributions of different observables.Comment: 20 page
Matrix geometries and Matrix Models
matrix geometries and matrix models
trace symmetry. fuzzy sphere phase. configurations commuting eigenvalues confined interior ball portions discontinuous portion discontinuous jump. eigenvalue
We investigate systematic classifications of low energy and lower dimensional effective holographic theories with Lifshitz and Schr\"odinger scaling symmetries only using metrics in terms of hyperscaling violation ($\theta$) and dynamical ($z$) exponents. Their consistent parameter spaces are constrained by null energy and positive specific heat conditions, whose validity is explicitly checked against a previously known result. From dimensional reductions of many microscopic string solutions, we observe the classifications are tied with the number of scales in the original microscopic theories. Conformal theories do not generate a nontrivial $\theta$ for a simple sphere reduction. Theories with Lifshitz scaling with one scale are completely fixed by $\theta$ and $z$, and have a universal emblackening factor at finite temperature. Dimensional reduction of intersecting M2-M5 requires, we call, spatial anisotropic exponents ($\sharp$), along with $z$=1, $\theta$=0, because of another scale. Theories with Schr\"odinger scaling show similar simple classifications at zero temperature, while require more care due to an additional parameter being a thermodynamic variable at finite temperature.Comment: 1+63 pages, 12 figures, v2 : typos corrected, published versio
Hyperscaling violation : a unified frame for effective holographic theories
hyperscaling violation : a unified frame for effective holographic theories
classifications holographic lifshitz schr odinger symmetries metrics hyperscaling violation theta exponents. constrained validity explicitly checked result. reductions microscopic classifications tied microscopic theories. conformal nontrivial theta sphere reduction. lifshitz theta universal emblackening temperature. intersecting call anisotropic exponents sharp theta scale. schr odinger classifications thermodynamic pages typos corrected versio
We evaluate all phase space master integrals which are required for the total cross section of generic 2 -> 1 processes at NNLO as a series expansion in the dimensional regulator epsilon. Away from the limit of threshold production, our expansion includes one order higher than what has been available in the literature. At threshold, we provide expressions which are valid to all orders in terms of Gamma functions and hypergeometric functions. These results are a necessary ingredient for the renormalization and mass factorization of singularities in 2 -> 1 inclusive cross sections at NNNLO in QCD.Comment: 37 pages, plus 3 ancillary files containing analytic expressions in Maple forma
NNLO phase space master integrals for two-to-one inclusive cross sections in dimensional regularization
nnlo phase space master integrals for two-to-one inclusive cross sections in dimensional regularization
master integrals generic nnlo regulator epsilon. away literature. expressions valid orders gamma hypergeometric functions. ingredient renormalization factorization singularities inclusive nnnlo pages ancillary files analytic expressions maple forma
The CDF and D0 collaborations have observed a forward-backward asymmetry in t-tbar production at large invariant mass in excess of the standard model prediction. One explanation involves a heavy color octet particle with axial vector couplings to quarks (an axigluon). We describe and contrast various aspects of axigluons obtained from the breaking of a chiral SU(3)_L x SU(3)_R gauge theory both from the standpoint of a string-inspired field theory and from a quiver analysis of a local type IIa intersecting brane construction. Special attention is paid to the additional constraints and issues that arise from these classes of top-down constructions compared with the more common effective field theory approach. These include the implications of a perturbative connection to a large scale; Yukawa couplings, which must be generated from higher-dimensional operators in many constructions; anomaly cancellation, in particular the implications of the required exotics for the axigluon width, perturbativity, and the signatures from exotic decays; the possibility of family nonuniversality via mirror representations, mixing with exotics, or additional SU(3) factors; the additional constraints from anomalous U(1) factors in the string constructions; tadpole cancellation, which implies new uncolored matter; the prevention of string-scale masses for vector pairs; and various phenomenological issues involving FCNC, CKM constraints, and the axigluon coupling strength. It is concluded that the construction of viable axigluon models from type IIa or similar constructions is problematic and would require considerable fine tuning, but is not entirely excluded. These considerations illustrate the importance of top-down constraints on possible TeV-scale physics, independent of the ultimate explanation of the t-tbar asymmetry.Comment: 40 pages. v2: references added, typos correcte
Ultraviolet Completions of Axigluon Models and Their Phenomenological Consequences
ultraviolet completions of axigluon models and their phenomenological consequences
collaborations backward asymmetry tbar excess prediction. explanation involves octet axial couplings quarks axigluon axigluons breaking chiral standpoint inspired quiver intersecting brane construction. paid arise constructions approach. perturbative connection yukawa couplings constructions anomaly cancellation exotics axigluon perturbativity signatures exotic decays nonuniversality mirror representations exotics anomalous constructions tadpole cancellation uncolored prevention phenomenological involving fcnc axigluon strength. concluded viable axigluon constructions problematic considerable fine tuning entirely excluded. considerations illustrate ultimate explanation tbar pages. typos correcte
The ALICE experiment at the LHC has studied J/ψ production at mid-rapidity in pp collisions at √s=7 TeV through its electron pair decay on a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity L int = 5.6 nb−1. The fraction of J/ψ from the decay of long-lived beauty hadrons was determined for J/ ψ candidates with transverse momentum pt > 1.3 GeV/c and rapidity |y| < 0.9. The cross section for prompt J/ψ mesons, i.e. directly produced J/ψ and prompt decays of heavier charmonium states such as the ψ(2S) and χc resonances, is σprompt J/ ψ (pt > 1.3 GeV/c, |y| < 0.9) = 8.3 ± 0.8 (stat.) ± 1.1 (syst.) +1.5−1.4 (syst. pol.) μb. The cross section for the production of b-hadrons decaying to J/ψ with pt > 1.3 GeV/c and |y| < 0.9 is σJ/ ψ←hB (p t > 1.3 GeV/c, |y| < 0.9) = 1.46 ± 0.38 (stat.) +0.26−0.32 (syst.) μb. The results are compared to QCD model predictions. The shape of the pt and y distributions of b-quarks predicted by perturbative QCD model calculations are used to extrapolate the measured cross section to derive the bbar-b pair total cross section and dσ/dy at mid-rapidity
Measurement of prompt J/Psi and beauty hadron production cross sections at mid-rapidity in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV
measurement of prompt j/psi and beauty hadron production cross sections at mid-rapidity in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 tev
alice rapidity collisions luminosity lived beauty hadrons candidates rapidity prompt mesons i.e. prompt decays heavier charmonium resonances σprompt stat. syst. syst. pol. hadrons decaying ψ←hb stat. syst. predictions. quarks perturbative extrapolate derive bbar rapidity
We investigate the breakdown of collinear factorization for non-inclusive observables in hadron-hadron collisions. For pure QCD processes, factorization is violated at the three-loop level and it has a structure identical to that encountered previously in the case of super-leading logarithms. In particular, it is driven by the non-commutation of Coulomb/Glauber gluon exchanges with other soft exchanges. Beyond QCD, factorization may be violated at the two-loop level provided that the hard subprocess contains matrix element contributions with phase differences between different colour topologies.Comment: Version 2: minor improvements for journal publicatio
On the breaking of collinear factorization in QCD
on the breaking of collinear factorization in qcd
breakdown collinear factorization inclusive observables hadron hadron collisions. factorization violated encountered super logarithms. commutation coulomb glauber gluon exchanges exchanges. factorization violated subprocess colour minor improvements publicatio
The tt− production cross section (σtt−) is measured in proton-proton collisions at s√=7 TeV in data collected by the CMS experiment, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 2.3 fb−1. The measurement is performed in events with two leptons (electrons or muons) in the final state, at least two jets identified as jets originating from b quarks, and the presence of an imbalance in transverse momentum. The measured value of σtt− for a top-quark mass of 172.5 GeV is 161.9±2.5(stat.)+5.1−5.0(syst.)±3.6(lumi.)pb , consistent with the prediction of the standard model
Measurement of the production cross section in the dilepton channel in pp collisions at \sqrt{s} =7 TeV
measurement of the production cross section in the dilepton channel in pp collisions at \sqrt{s} =7 tev
σtt− proton proton collisions luminosity leptons muons jets jets originating quarks imbalance momentum. σtt− stat. syst. lumi.
We compare the physics potential of two representative options for a SuperBeam in Europe, studying the achievable precision at 1\sigma with which the CP violation phase (\delta) could be measured, as well as the mass hierarchy and CP violation discovery potentials. The first setup corresponds to a high energy beam aiming from CERN to a 100 kt liquid argon detector placed at the Pyh\"asalmi mine (2300 km), one of the LAGUNA candidate sites. The second setup corresponds to a much lower energy beam, aiming from CERN to a 500 kt water \v{C}erenkov detector placed at the Gran Sasso underground laboratory (730 km). This second option is also studied for a baseline of 650 km, corresponding to the LAGUNA candidate sites of Umbria and the Canfranc underground laboratory. All results are presented also for scenarios with statistics lowered by factors of 2, 4, 8 and 16 to study the possible reductions of flux, detector mass or running time allowed by the large value of \theta_{13} recently measured.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure
Physics reach of CERN-based SuperBeam neutrino oscillation experiments
physics reach of cern-based superbeam neutrino oscillation experiments
options superbeam europe studying achievable precision sigma violation delta hierarchy violation discovery potentials. setup aiming cern argon placed asalmi mine laguna candidate sites. setup aiming cern erenkov placed gran sasso underground option laguna candidate umbria canfranc underground laboratory. scenarios lowered reductions running theta pages
We present the complete threshold enhanced predictions in QCD for the total cross section of gluino pair production at hadron colliders at next-to-next-to-leading order. Thanks to the computation of the required one-loop hard matching coefficients our results are accurate to the next-to-next-to-leading logarithm. In a brief phenomenological study we provide predictions for the total hadronic cross sections at the LHC and we discuss the uncertainties arising from scale variations and the parton distribution functions.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures, 5 tables, v2: references added, figures added, expanded discussion of the hadronic cross section, typo in eq. (B.4) correcte
QCD threshold corrections for gluino pair production at hadron colliders
qcd threshold corrections for gluino pair production at hadron colliders
gluino hadron colliders order. thanks matching logarithm. brief phenomenological hadronic arising parton pages tables expanded hadronic typo correcte
The higher-dimensional vacuum Einstein equation admits translationally non-uniform black string solutions. It has been argued that infinitesimally non-uniform black strings should be unstable in 13 or fewer dimensions and otherwise stable. We construct numerically non-uniform black string solutions in 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 dimensions. Their stability is investigated using local Penrose inequalities. Weakly non-uniform solutions behave as expected. However, in 12 and 13 dimensions, strongly non-uniform solutions appear to be stable and can have greater horizon area than a uniform string of the same mass. In 14 and 15 dimensions all non-uniform black strings appear to be stable.Comment: 26 pages, 11 figures. V2: reference added, matches published versio
Stable non-uniform black strings below the critical dimension
stable non-uniform black strings below the critical dimension
einstein admits translationally solutions. argued infinitesimally strings unstable fewer stable. numerically dimensions. penrose inequalities. weakly behave expected. horizon mass. strings pages figures. matches versio
We present ans\"{a}tze that reduce the mass-deformed ABJM model to gauged Abelian scalar theories, using the fuzzy sphere matrices $G^\alpha$. One such reduction gives a Toda system, for which we find a new type of nonabelian vortex. Another gives the standard Abelian-Higgs model, thereby allowing us to embed all the usual (multi-)vortex solutions of the latter into the ABJM model. By turning off the mass deformation at the level of the reduced model, we can also continuously deform to the massive $\phi^4$ theory in the massless ABJM case. In this way we can embed the Landau-Ginzburg model into the AdS/CFT correspondence as a consistent truncation of ABJM. In this context, the mass deformation parameter $\mu$ and a field VEV $<\phi>$ act as $g$ and $g_c$ respectively, leading to a well-motivated AdS/CMT construction from string theory. To further this particular point, we propose a simple model for the condensed matter field theory that leads to an approximate description for the ABJM abelianization. Finally, we also find some BPS solutions to the mass-deformed ABJM model with a spacetime interpretation as an M2-brane ending on a spherical M5-brane.Comment: 43 pages, latex, explanations added in the introduction, end of section 4, and on page 2
Abelian-Higgs and Vortices from ABJM: towards a string realization of AdS/CMT
abelian-higgs and vortices from abjm: towards a string realization of ads/cmt
deformed abjm gauged abelian fuzzy sphere alpha toda nonabelian vortex. abelian thereby allowing embed usual vortex abjm model. turning deformation continuously deform massive massless abjm case. embed landau ginzburg correspondence truncation abjm. deformation motivated theory. propose condensed approximate abjm abelianization. deformed abjm spacetime brane ending spherical pages latex explanations
CP violation in the standard model originates from the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa mixing matrix. Upon integrating all fermions out of the theory, its effects are captured by a series of effective nonrenormalizable operators for the bosonic gauge and Higgs fields. We compute the CP-violating part of the effective action to the leading nontrivial, sixth order in the covariant gradient expansion as a function of temperature. In the limit of zero temperature, our result addresses the discrepancy between two independent calculations existing in the literature [1,2]. We find that CP violation in the standard model is strongly suppressed at high temperature, but that at T<1GeV it may be relevant for certain scenarios of baryogenesis. We also identify a selected class of operators at the next, eighth order and discuss the convergence of the covariant gradient expansion.Comment: 34 pages, 5 eps figures, jheppub style; v2: minor corrections, published versio
Computing the temperature dependence of effective CP violation in the standard model
computing the temperature dependence of effective cp violation in the standard model
violation originates cabibbo kobayashi maskawa matrix. integrating fermions captured nonrenormalizable bosonic fields. violating nontrivial sixth covariant temperature. addresses discrepancy violation suppressed scenarios baryogenesis. eighth covariant pages jheppub style minor versio
In the classical pure spinor worldsheet theory of AdS5xS5 there are some vertex operators which do not correspond to any physical excitations. We study their flat space limit. We find that the BRST operator of the worldsheet theory in flat space-time can be nontrivially deformed without deforming the worldsheet action. Some of these deformations describe the linear dilaton background. But the deformation corresponding to the nonphysical vertex differs from the linear dilaton in not being worldsheet parity even. The nonphysically deformed worldsheet theory has nonzero beta-function at one loop. This means that the classical Type IIB SUGRA backgrounds are not completely characterized by requiring the BRST symmetry of the classical worldsheet theory; it is also necessary to require the vanishing of the one-loop beta-function.Comment: LaTeX 40pp; v2: explained the relation to the linear dilaton background (Section 6), changes in Introduction and Abstrac
Cornering the unphysical vertex
cornering the unphysical vertex
spinor worldsheet excitations. limit. brst worldsheet nontrivially deformed deforming worldsheet action. deformations dilaton background. deformation nonphysical differs dilaton worldsheet parity even. nonphysically deformed worldsheet nonzero beta loop. sugra backgrounds requiring brst worldsheet vanishing beta latex dilaton abstrac
We use holography to study N=4 supersymmetric SU(Nc) Yang-Mills theory in the large-Nc and large-coupling limits coupled to a number Nf << Nc of (n+1)-dimensional massless supersymmetric hypermultiplets in the Nc representation of SU(Nc), with n=2,3. We introduce a temperature T, a baryon number chemical potential mu, and a baryon number magnetic field B, and work in a regime with mu >> T,\sqrt{B}. We study the collective excitations of these holographic quantum liquids by computing the poles in the retarded Green's function of the baryon number charge density operator and the associated peaks in the spectral function. We focus on the evolution of the collective excitations as we increase the frequency relative to T, i.e. the hydrodynamic/collisionless crossover. We find that for all B, at low frequencies the tallest peak in the spectral function is associated with hydrodynamic charge diffusion. At high frequencies the tallest peak is associated with a sound mode similar to the zero sound mode in the collisionless regime of a Landau Fermi liquid. The sound mode has a gap proportional to B, and as a result for intermediate frequencies and for B sufficiently large compared to T the spectral function is strongly suppressed. We find that the hydrodynamic/collisionless crossover occurs at a frequency that is approximately B-independent.Comment: 45 pages, 8 png and 47 pdf images in 22 figure
Collective Excitations of Holographic Quantum Liquids in a Magnetic Field
collective excitations of holographic quantum liquids in a magnetic field
holography supersymmetric mills massless supersymmetric hypermultiplets baryon baryon sqrt collective excitations holographic liquids poles retarded baryon function. collective excitations i.e. hydrodynamic collisionless crossover. tallest hydrodynamic diffusion. tallest sound sound collisionless landau fermi liquid. sound sufficiently suppressed. hydrodynamic collisionless crossover pages
We present an NLO analysis of the massive vector current correlator at temperatures above a few hundred MeV. The physics of this correlator originates from a transport peak, related to heavy quark diffusion, and from the quark-antiquark threshold, related to quarkonium physics. In the bottom case both can be studied with separate effective theories, but for charm these may not be accurate, so a study within the full theory is needed. Working in imaginary time, the NLO correlator can be computed in unresummed perturbation theory; comparing with lattice data, we find good agreement. Subsequently we inspect how non-perturbative modifications of the transport peak would affect the imaginary-time correlator. The massive NLO quark-number susceptibility is also contrasted with numerical measurement.Comment: 28 pages. v2: references and clarifications added, published versio
Massive vector current correlator in thermal QCD
massive vector current correlator in thermal qcd
massive correlator hundred mev. correlator originates antiquark quarkonium physics. charm needed. imaginary correlator unresummed perturbation agreement. subsequently inspect perturbative modifications imaginary correlator. massive susceptibility contrasted pages. clarifications versio
The path integral representation for the Renyi entanglement entropies of integer index n implies these information measures define operator correlation functions in QFT. We analyze whether the limit $n\rightarrow 1$, corresponding to the entanglement entropy, can also be represented in terms of a path integral with insertions on the region's boundary, at first order in $n-1$. This conjecture has been used in the literature in several occasions, and specially in an attempt to prove the Ryu-Takayanagi holographic entanglement entropy formula. We show it leads to conditional positivity of the entropy correlation matrices, which is equivalent to an infinite series of polynomial inequalities for the entropies in QFT or the areas of minimal surfaces representing the entanglement entropy in the AdS-CFT context. We check these inequalities in several examples. No counterexample is found in the few known exact results for the entanglement entropy in QFT. The inequalities are also remarkable satisfied for several classes of minimal surfaces but we find counterexamples corresponding to more complicated geometries. We develop some analytic tools to test the inequalities, and as a byproduct, we show that positivity for the correlation functions is a local property when supplemented with analyticity. We also review general aspects of positivity for large N theories and Wilson loops in AdS-CFT.Comment: 36 pages, 10 figures. Changes in presentation and discussion of Wilson loops. Conclusions regarding entanglement entropy unchange
Positivity, entanglement entropy, and minimal surfaces
positivity, entanglement entropy, and minimal surfaces
renyi entanglement entropies integer qft. analyze rightarrow entanglement insertions conjecture occasions specially attempt takayanagi holographic entanglement formula. conditional positivity infinite inequalities entropies representing entanglement context. check inequalities examples. counterexample entanglement qft. inequalities remarkable satisfied counterexamples complicated geometries. analytic inequalities byproduct positivity supplemented analyticity. positivity wilson loops pages figures. presentation wilson loops. entanglement unchange
It is shown that the coefficient of the cubic interaction vertex, in higher spin Lagrangians, has a very simple form when written in terms of spinor helicity products. The result for a higher-spin field, of spin $\lambda$, is equal to the corresponding Yang-Mills coefficient raised to the power $\lambda$. Among other things, this suggests perturbative ties, similar to the KLT relations, between higher spin theories and pure Yang-Mills. This result is obtained in four-dimensional flat spacetime.Comment: 5 pages. v2: minor changes, references adde
Spinor helicity structures in higher spin theories
spinor helicity structures in higher spin theories
cubic lagrangians spinor helicity products. lambda mills raised lambda things perturbative ties mills. pages. minor adde
N=2 four dimensional gauge theories admit interesting half BPS surface operators preserving a (2,2) two dimensional SUSY algebra. Typical examples are (2,2) 2d sigma models with a flavor symmetry which is coupled to the 4d gauge fields. Interesting features of such 2d sigma models, such as (twisted) chiral rings, and the tt* geometry, can be carried over to the surface operators, and are affected in surprising ways by the coupling to 4d degrees of freedom. We will describe in detail a relation between the parameter space of twisted couplings of the surface operator and the Seiberg-Witten geometry of the bulk theory. We will discuss a similar result about the tt* geometry of the surface operator. We will predict the existence and general features of a wall-crossing formula for BPS particles bound to the surface operator.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figure
Surface Operators in N=2 4d Gauge Theories
surface operators in n=2 4d gauge theories
admit preserving susy algebra. sigma flavor fields. sigma twisted chiral rings surprising ways freedom. twisted couplings seiberg witten theory. operator. predict crossing pages
It is proposed that all flavor mixing is caused by the mixing of the three quark and lepton families with vectorlike fermions in 5 + 5-bar multiplets of SU(5). This simple assumption implies that both V_{CKM} and U_{MNS} are generated by a single matrix. The entire 3-by-3 complex mass matrix of the neutrinos M_{nu} is then found to have a simple expression in terms of two complex parameters and an overall scale. Thus, all the presently unknown neutrino parameters are predicted. The best fits are for theta_{atm} less than or approximately 40 degrees. The leptonic Dirac CP phase is found to be somewhat greater than pi radians.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, one table. Typos correcte
A Simple Grand Unified Relation between Neutrino Mixing and Quark Mixing
a simple grand unified relation between neutrino mixing and quark mixing
flavor lepton families vectorlike fermions multiplets matrix. neutrinos scale. presently unknown predicted. fits theta degrees. leptonic dirac somewhat pages table. typos correcte
Vector-boson pair production ranks among the most important Standard-Model benchmark processes at the LHC, not only in view of on-going Higgs analyses. These processes may also help to gain a deeper understanding of the electroweak interaction in general, and to test the validity of the Standard Model at highest energies. In this work, the first calculation of the full one-loop electroweak corrections to on-shell W-boson pair production at hadron colliders is presented. We discuss the impact of the corrections on the total cross section as well as on relevant differential distributions. We observe that corrections due to photon-induced channels can be amazingly large at energies accessible at the LHC, while radiation of additional massive vector bosons does not influence the results significantly.Comment: 29 pages, 15 figures, 4 tables; some references and comments on \gamma\gamma -> WW added; matches version published in JHE
Electroweak corrections to W-boson pair production at the LHC
electroweak corrections to w-boson pair production at the lhc
boson ranks benchmark going analyses. deeper electroweak validity energies. electroweak boson hadron colliders presented. distributions. amazingly accessible massive bosons pages tables comments gamma gamma matches
We present the calculation of the most important electroweak corrections to dijet production at the LHC and the Tevatron, comprising tree-level effects of O(\alpha_s\alpha,\alpha^2) and weak loop corrections of O(\alpha_s^2\alpha). Although negligible for integrated cross sections, these corrections can reach 10-20% in the TeV range for transverse jet momenta k_T. Our detailed discussion of numerical results comprises distributions in the dijet invariant mass and in the transverse momenta of the leading and subleading jets. We find that the weak loop corrections amount to about -12% and -10% for leading jets with k_T~3TeV at the 14TeV LHC and k_T~800GeV at the Tevatron, respectively. The electroweak tree-level contributions are of the same generic size and typically positive at the LHC and negative at the Tevatron at high energy scales. Generally the corrections to the dijet invariant mass distributions are smaller by at least a factor of two as compared to the corresponding reach in the k_T distributions, because unlike the k_T spectra the invariant-mass distributions are not dominated by the Sudakov regime at high energy scales.Comment: 37 pages, latex, 22 figure
Weak radiative corrections to dijet production at hadron colliders
weak radiative corrections to dijet production at hadron colliders
electroweak dijet tevatron comprising alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha negligible momenta comprises dijet momenta subleading jets. jets tevatron respectively. electroweak generic tevatron scales. dijet unlike dominated sudakov pages latex
We consider quantum general relativity in three dimensions with a positive cosmological constant. The Hartle-Hawking wave function is computed as a function of metric data at asymptotic future infinity. The analytic continuation from Euclidean Anti-de Sitter space provides a natural integration contour in the space of metrics, allowing us -- with certain assumptions -- to compute the wave function exactly, including both perturbative and non-perturbative effects. The resulting wave function is a non-normalizable function of the conformal structure of future infinity which is infinitely peaked at geometries where I^+ becomes infinitely inhomogeneous. We interpret this as a non-perturbative instability of de Sitter space in three dimensional Einstein gravity.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure
The Wave Function of Quantum de Sitter
the wave function of quantum de sitter
relativity cosmological constant. hartle hawking asymptotic infinity. analytic continuation euclidean sitter contour metrics allowing assumptions perturbative perturbative effects. normalizable conformal infinity infinitely peaked geometries infinitely inhomogeneous. interpret perturbative instability sitter einstein pages
If pairs of new colored particles are produced at the Large Hadron Collider, determining their quantum numbers, and even discovering them, can be non-trivial. We suggest that valuable information can be obtained by measuring the resonant signals of their near-threshold QCD bound states. If the particles are charged, the resulting signatures include photons and leptons and are sufficiently rich for unambiguously determining their various quantum numbers, including the charge, color representation and spin, and obtaining a precise mass measurement. These signals provide well-motivated benchmark models for resonance searches in the dijet, photon+jet, diphoton and dilepton channels. While these measurements require that the lifetime of the new particles be not too short, the resulting limits, unlike those from direct searches for pair production above threshold, do not depend on the particles' decay modes. These limits may be competitive with more direct searches if the particles decay in an obscure way.Comment: 39 pages, 9 figures; v2: more recent searches include
Probing Colored Particles with Photons, Leptons, and Jets
probing colored particles with photons, leptons, and jets
colored hadron collider determining discovering trivial. valuable measuring resonant states. signatures photons leptons sufficiently unambiguously determining obtaining precise measurement. motivated benchmark searches dijet diphoton dilepton channels. lifetime unlike searches modes. competitive searches obscure pages searches
We present the general algorithm to establish the classical and quantum asymptotic symmetry algebra for non-AdS higher spin gravity and implement it for the specific example of spin-3 gravity in the non-principal embedding with Lobachevsky (H^2xR) boundary conditions. The asymptotic symmetry algebra for this example consists of a quantum W_3^2 (Polyakov-Bershadsky) and an affine u(1) algebra. We show that unitary representations of the quantum W_3^2 algebra exist only for two values of its central charge, the trivial c=0 "theory" and the simple c=1 theory.Comment: 23pp, v2: added Ref. [25], corrected typo in (5.4c
Non-AdS holography in 3-dimensional higher spin gravity - General recipe and example
non-ads holography in 3-dimensional higher spin gravity - general recipe and example
establish asymptotic implement principal embedding lobachevsky conditions. asymptotic polyakov bershadsky affine algebra. unitary representations trivial ref. corrected typo
We consider periodic arrays of M2-branes in the ABJM model in the spirit of a circle compactification to D2-branes in type IIA string theory. The result is a curious formulation of three-dimensional maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory in terms of fermions, seven transverse scalars, a non-dynamical gauge field and an additional scalar `dual gluon'. Upon further T-duality on a transverse torus we obtain a non-manifest-Lorentz-invariant description of five-dimensional maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills. Here the additional scalar field can be thought of as the components of a two-form along the torus. This action can be viewed as an M-theory description of M5-branes on ${\mathbb T}^3$.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure, v3: typos corrected, published versio
Periodic Arrays of M2-Branes
periodic arrays of m2-branes
arrays branes abjm spirit circle compactification branes theory. curious formulation maximally supersymmetric mills fermions seven scalars gluon duality torus manifest lorentz maximally supersymmetric mills. thought torus. viewed branes mathbb .comment pages typos corrected versio
We continue our study of holographic transport in the presence of a background lattice. We recently found evidence that the presence of a lattice induces a new intermediate scaling regime in asymptotically $AdS_4$ spacetimes. This manifests itself in the optical conductivity which exhibits a robust power-law dependence on frequency, $\sigma \sim \omega^{-2/3}$, in a "mid-infrared" regime, a result which is in striking agreement with experiments on the cuprates. Here we provide further evidence for the existence of this intermediate scaling regime. We demonstrate similar scaling in the thermoelectric conductivity, find analogous scalings in asymptotically $AdS_5$ spacetimes, and show that we get the same results with an ionic lattice.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figure
Further Evidence for Lattice-Induced Scaling
further evidence for lattice-induced scaling
continue holographic lattice. induces asymptotically spacetimes. manifests conductivity exhibits robust sigma omega infrared striking cuprates. regime. thermoelectric conductivity analogous scalings asymptotically spacetimes ionic pages
In theories with no fundamental scalars, one gauge group can become strong at a large scale Lambda and spontaneously break a global symmetry, producing the Higgs and the axion as composite pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone bosons. We show how KSVZ and DFSZ axion models can be naturally realised. The assumption Lambda around 10^{11} GeV is phenomenologically favoured because: a) The axion solves the QCD theta problem and provides the observed DM abundance; b) The observed Higgs mass is generated via RGE effects from a small Higgs quartic coupling at the compositeness scale, provided that the Higgs mass term is fine-tuned to be of electroweak size; c) Lepton, quark as well as neutrino masses can be obtained from four-fermion operators at the compositeness scale. d) The extra fermions can unify the gauge couplings.Comment: 19 pages. Refs. added and eq. 3.6 fixe
Axion-Higgs Unification
axion-higgs unification
scalars lambda spontaneously break producing axion composite pseudo nambu goldstone bosons. ksvz dfsz axion naturally realised. lambda phenomenologically favoured axion solves theta abundance quartic compositeness fine tuned electroweak lepton fermion compositeness scale. extra fermions unify pages. refs. fixe
We investigate the possibility for cosmic ray experiments to discover non-thermal small black holes with masses in the TeV range. Such black holes would result due to the impact between ultra high energy cosmic rays or neutrinos with nuclei from the upper atmosphere and decay instantaneously. They could be produced copiously if the Planck scale is in the few TeV region. As their masses are close to the Planck scale, these holes would typically decay into two particles emitted back-to-back. Depending on the angles between the emitted particles with respect to the center of mass direction of motion, it is possible for the simultaneous showers to be measured by the detectors.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure
Quantum Black Holes from Cosmic Rays
quantum black holes from cosmic rays
cosmic discover holes range. holes ultra cosmic rays neutrinos nuclei atmosphere instantaneously. copiously planck region. planck holes emitted back. angles emitted simultaneous showers pages
Motivated by the ATLAS and CMS discovery of a Higgs-like boson with a mass around 125 GeV, and by the need of explaining neutrino masses, we analyse the three canonical SUSY versions of the seesaw mechanism (type I, II and III) with CMSSM boundary conditions. In type II and III cases, SUSY particles are lighter than in the CMSSM (or the constrained type I seesaw), for the same set of input parameters at the universality scale. Thus, to explain m(h0) similar or equal to 125 GeV at low energies, one is forced into regions of parameter space with very large values of m(0), M-1/2 or A(0). We compare the squark and gluino masses allowed by the ATLAS and CMS ranges for m(h0) (extracted from the 2011-2012 data), and discuss the possibility of distinguishing seesaw models in view of future results on SUSY searches. In particular, we briefly comment on the discovery potential of LHC upgrades, for squark/gluino mass ranges required by present Higgs mass constraints. A discrimination between different seesaw models cannot rely on the Higgs mass data alone, therefore we also take into account the MEG upper limit on BR(mu -> e gamma) and show that, in some cases, this may help to restrict the SUSY parameter space, as well as to set complementary limits on the seesaw scale
Constrained SUSY seesaws with a 125 GeV Higgs
constrained susy seesaws with a 125 gev higgs
motivated atlas discovery boson explaining analyse canonical susy versions seesaw cmssm conditions. susy lighter cmssm constrained seesaw universality scale. forced squark gluino atlas ranges distinguishing seesaw susy searches. briefly comment discovery upgrades squark gluino ranges constraints. discrimination seesaw rely gamma restrict susy complementary seesaw
We study constraints from perturbativity and vacuum stability as well as the EWPD in the type II seesaw model. As a result, we can put stringent limits on the Higgs triplet couplings depending on the cut-off scale. The EWPD tightly constrain the Higgs triplet mass splitting to be smaller than 40 GeV. Analyzing the Higgs-to-diphoton rate in the allowed parameter region, we show a possible enhancement by up to 100 % and 50 % for the cut-off scale of 100 TeV and $10^{19}$ GeV, respectively, if the doubly charged Higgs boson mass is as low as 100 GeV.Comment: Figs modified, reference added, matches with published versio
Vacuum Stability, Perturbativity, EWPD and Higgs-to-diphoton rate in Type II Seesaw Models
vacuum stability, perturbativity, ewpd and higgs-to-diphoton rate in type ii seesaw models
perturbativity ewpd seesaw model. stringent triplet couplings scale. ewpd tightly constrain triplet splitting gev. analyzing diphoton enhancement doubly boson figs matches versio
Using holography, we compute the Chern-Simons diffusion rate of 4d gauge theories constructed by wrapping D4-branes on a circle. In the model with antiperiodic boundary conditions for fermions, we find that it scales like $T^6$ in the high-temperature phase. With periodic fermions, this scaling persists at low temperatures. The scaling is reminiscent of 6d hydrodynamic behavior even at temperatures small compared to compactification scales of the M5-branes from which the D4-branes descend. We offer a holographic explanation of this behavior by adding a new entry to the known map between D4 and M5 hydrodynamics, and suggest a field theory explanation based on "deconstruction" or "fractionization".Comment: 13 pages, misstatement in published version about low temperature phase removed, main results unaffecte
Chern-Simons diffusion rate in a holographic Yang-Mills theory
chern-simons diffusion rate in a holographic yang-mills theory
holography chern simons wrapping branes circle. antiperiodic fermions phase. fermions persists temperatures. reminiscent hydrodynamic compactification branes branes descend. offer holographic explanation adding entry hydrodynamics explanation deconstruction fractionization .comment pages misstatement removed unaffecte
We investigate the critical behaviour of charged and rotating AdS black holes in d spacetime dimensions, including effects from non-linear electrodynamics via the Born-Infeld action, in an extended phase space in which the cosmological constant is interpreted as thermodynamic pressure. For Reissner-Nordstrom black holes we find that the analogy with the Van der Walls liquid-gas system holds in any dimension greater than three, and that the critical exponents coincide with those of the Van der Waals system. We find that neutral slowly rotating black holes in four space-time dimensions also have the same qualitative behaviour. However charged and rotating black holes in three spacetime dimensions do not exhibit critical phenomena. For Born-Infeld black holes we define a new thermodynamic quantity B conjugate to the Born-Infeld parameter b that we call Born-Infeld vacuum polarization. We demonstrate that this quantity is required for consistency of both the first law of thermodynamics and the corresponding Smarr relation.Comment: 23 pages, 32 figures, v2: minor changes, upgraded reference
Extended phase space thermodynamics for charged and rotating black holes and Born-Infeld vacuum polarization
extended phase space thermodynamics for charged and rotating black holes and born-infeld vacuum polarization
rotating holes spacetime electrodynamics born infeld cosmological interpreted thermodynamic pressure. reissner nordstrom holes analogy walls exponents coincide waals system. neutral slowly rotating holes qualitative behaviour. rotating holes spacetime exhibit phenomena. born infeld holes thermodynamic quantity conjugate born infeld call born infeld polarization. quantity consistency thermodynamics smarr pages minor upgraded
We study beta-ensembles with Bn, Cn, and Dn eigenvalue measure and their relation with refined topological strings. Our results generalize the familiar connections between local topological strings and matrix models leading to An measure, and illustrate that all those classical eigenvalue ensembles, and their topological string counterparts, are related one to another via various deformations and specializations, quantum shifts and discrete quotients. We review the solution of the Gaussian models via Macdonald identities, and interpret them as conifold theories. The interpolation between the various models is plainly apparent in this case. For general polynomial potential, we calculate the partition function in the multi-cut phase in a perturbative fashion, beyond tree-level in the large-N limit. The relation to refined topological string orientifolds on the corresponding local geometry is discussed along the way.Comment: 33 pages, 1 figur
ABCD of Beta Ensembles and Topological Strings
abcd of beta ensembles and topological strings
beta ensembles eigenvalue refined topological strings. generalize familiar connections topological strings illustrate eigenvalue ensembles topological counterparts deformations specializations shifts quotients. macdonald identities interpret conifold theories. interpolation plainly apparent case. partition perturbative fashion limit. refined topological orientifolds pages figur
Most holographic models of superconducting systems neglect the effects of dynamical boundary gauge fields during the process of spontaneous symmetry-breaking. Usually a global symmetry gets broken. This yields a superfluid, which then is gauged "weakly" afterwards. In this work we build (and probe the dynamics of) a holographic model in which a local boundary symmetry is spontaneously broken instead. We compute two-point functions of dynamical non-Abelian gauge fields in the normal and in the broken phase, and find non-trivial gapless modes. Our AdS3 gravity dual realizes a p-wave superconductor in (1+1) dimensions. The ground state of this model also breaks (1+1)-dimensional parity spontaneously, while the Hamiltonian is parity-invariant. We discuss possible implications of our results for a wider class of holographic liquids.Comment: 32 pages, 12 figures; v3: string theory derivation of setup added (section 3.1), improved presentation, version accepted by JHEP; v2: paragraph added to discussion, figure added, references added, typos correcte
Non-Equilibrium Field Dynamics of an Honest Holographic Superconductor
non-equilibrium field dynamics of an honest holographic superconductor
holographic superconducting neglect spontaneous breaking. gets broken. superfluid gauged weakly afterwards. build holographic spontaneously broken instead. abelian broken trivial gapless modes. realizes superconductor dimensions. breaks parity spontaneously parity invariant. wider holographic pages derivation setup presentation jhep paragraph typos correcte
We argue that the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron (a_e) can be used to probe new physics. We show that the present bound on new-physics contributions to a_e is 8*10^-13, but the sensitivity can be improved by about an order of magnitude with new measurements of a_e and more refined determinations of alpha in atomic-physics experiments. Tests on new-physics effects in a_e can play a crucial role in the interpretation of the observed discrepancy in the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon (a_mu). In a large class of models, new contributions to magnetic moments scale with the square of lepton masses and thus the anomaly in a_mu suggests a new-physics effect in a_e of (0.7 +- 0.2)*10^-13. We also present examples of new-physics theories in which this scaling is violated and larger effects in a_e are expected. In such models the value of a_e is correlated with specific predictions for processes with violation of lepton number or lepton universality, and with the electric dipole moment of the electron.Comment: 34 pages, 7 figures. Minor changes and references adde
Testing new physics with the electron g-2
testing new physics with the electron g-2
argue anomalous moment physics. refined determinations alpha experiments. crucial discrepancy anomalous moment muon moments lepton anomaly violated expected. violation lepton lepton universality dipole moment pages figures. minor adde
We study one and two-loop triangle integrals with massless propagators and all external legs off shell. We show that there is a kinematic region where the results can be expressed in terms of a basis of single-valued polylogarithms in one complex variable. The relevant space of single-valued functions can be determined a priori and the results take strikingly a simple and compact form when written in terms of this basis. We study the properties of the basis functions and illustrate how one can easily analytically continue our results to all kinematic regions where the external masses have the same sign.Comment: 31 pages, 2 figure
Three-mass triangle integrals and single-valued polylogarithms
three-mass triangle integrals and single-valued polylogarithms
triangle integrals massless propagators legs shell. kinematic valued polylogarithms variable. valued priori strikingly basis. illustrate analytically continue kinematic pages
Direct searches and the hints for the Higgs at ~125 GeV put increasing pressure on simple models of SUSY breaking, in particular (but not exclusively) on those that automatically solve the flavour problem, such as gauge mediation. SUSY-breaking parameters are pushed to higher and higher values, increasing the fine-tuning required to achieve electroweak symmetry breaking at the observed scale. In this note we consider the situation for models which do not attempt to solve the flavour problem. To treat them on equal footing, we consider the combined fine-tuning arising from electroweak symmetry breaking as well as from fulfilling flavour constraints. We also consider CP. We find that for an anarchic flavour (and CP) structure of the soft SUSY breaking terms, the minimum in the fine-tuning occurs at a scale of a few TeV. This is consistent with the current experimental situation and leads to motivating conclusions for direct searches as well as future flavour and CP measurements.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures v2 updated versio
The TeV Dawn of SUSY Models - Consequences for Flavour and CP
the tev dawn of susy models - consequences for flavour and cp
searches hints susy breaking exclusively automatically solve flavour mediation. susy breaking pushed fine tuning electroweak breaking scale. attempt solve flavour problem. treat footing fine tuning arising electroweak breaking fulfilling flavour constraints. anarchic flavour susy breaking fine tuning tev. motivating searches flavour pages updated versio
We consider the issue of vacuum stability and triviality bound of the singlet extension of the Standard Model (SM) with a singlet fermion dark matter (DM). In this model, the singlet scalar plays the role of a messenger between the SM sector and the dark matter sector. This model has two Higgs-like scalar bosons, and is consistent with all the data on electroweak precision tests, thermal relic density of DM and its direct detection constraints. We show that this model is stable without hitting Landau pole up to Planck scale for 125 GeV Higgs boson. We also perform a comprehensive study of vacuum structure, and point out that a region where electroweak vacuum is the global minimum is highly limited. In this model, both Higgs-like scalar bosons have reduced couplings to the SM weak gauge bosons and the SM fermions, because of the mixing between the SM Higgs boson and the singlet scalar. There is also a possibility of their invisible decay(s) into a pair of DM's. Therefore this model would be disfavored if the future data on the $(\sigma \cdot B)_{VV}$ or $(\sigma \cdot B)_{f\bar{f}}$ with $V=\gamma,W,Z$ and $f=b, \tau$ turn out larger than the SM predictions.Comment: 41 pages, 31 figures; v2: references added; v3: new figure added, version to appear in JHE
Vacuum structure and stability of a singlet fermion dark matter model with a singlet scalar messenger
vacuum structure and stability of a singlet fermion dark matter model with a singlet scalar messenger
triviality singlet singlet fermion singlet plays messenger sector. bosons electroweak precision relic constraints. hitting landau pole planck boson. comprehensive electroweak limited. bosons couplings bosons fermions boson singlet scalar. invisible disfavored sigma cdot sigma cdot gamma pages
We analyse the vector bundle moduli arising from generic heterotic compactifications from the point of view of quiver representations. Phenomena such as stability walls, crossing between chambers of supersymmetry, splitting of non-Abelian bundles and dynamic generation of D-terms are succinctly encoded into finite quivers. By studying the Poincar\'e polynomial of the quiver moduli space using the Reineke formula, we can learn about such useful concepts as Donaldson-Thomas invariants, instanton transitions and supersymmetry breaking.Comment: 38 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl
Quiver Structure of Heterotic Moduli
quiver structure of heterotic moduli
analyse bundle moduli arising generic heterotic compactifications quiver representations. phenomena walls crossing chambers supersymmetry splitting abelian bundles succinctly encoded quivers. studying poincar quiver moduli reineke learn concepts donaldson thomas invariants instanton supersymmetry pages tabl
Recent papers have established the relationship between projective superspace and a complexified version of harmonic superspace. We extend this construction to the case of general nonlinear sigma models in both frameworks. Using an analogy with Hamiltonian mechanics, we demonstrate how the Hamiltonian structure of the harmonic action and the symplectic structure of the projective action naturally arise from a single unifying action on a complexified version of harmonic superspace. This links the harmonic and projective descriptions of hyperkahler target spaces. For the two examples of Taub-NUT and Eguchi-Hanson, we show how to derive the projective superspace solutions from the harmonic superspace solutions.Comment: 25 pages; v3: typo fixed in eq (1.36
Relating harmonic and projective descriptions of N=2 nonlinear sigma models
relating harmonic and projective descriptions of n=2 nonlinear sigma models
papers projective superspace complexified harmonic superspace. extend sigma frameworks. analogy mechanics harmonic symplectic projective naturally arise unifying complexified harmonic superspace. links harmonic projective descriptions hyperkahler spaces. taub eguchi hanson derive projective superspace harmonic superspace pages typo
We study holographic three-dimensional fluids with vorticity in local equilibrium and discuss their relevance to analogue gravity systems. The Fefferman-Graham expansion leads to the fluid's description in terms of a comoving and rotating Papapetrou-Randers frame. A suitable Lorentz transformation brings the fluid to the non-inertial Zermelo frame, which clarifies its interpretation as moving media for light/sound propagation. We apply our general results to the Lorentzian Kerr-AdS_4 and Taub-NUT-AdS_4 geometries that describe fluids in cyclonic and vortex flows respectively. In the latter case we associate the appearance of closed timelike curves to analogue optical horizons. In addition, we derive the classical rotational Hall viscosity of three-dimensional fluids with vorticity. Our formula remarkably resembles the corresponding result in magnetized plasmas
Holographic Fluids with Vorticity and Analogue Gravity
holographic fluids with vorticity and analogue gravity
holographic fluids vorticity relevance analogue systems. fefferman graham comoving rotating papapetrou randers frame. lorentz brings inertial zermelo clarifies moving sound propagation. lorentzian kerr taub geometries fluids cyclonic vortex flows respectively. associate appearance timelike analogue horizons. derive rotational hall viscosity fluids vorticity. remarkably resembles magnetized plasmas
We argue that dark radiation is naturally generated from the decay of the overall volume modulus in the LARGE volume scenario. We consider both sequestered and non-sequestered cases, and find that the axionic superpartner of the modulus is produced by the modulus decay and it can account for the dark radiation suggested by observations, while the modulus decay through the Giudice-Masiero term gives the dominant contribution to the total decay rate. In the sequestered case, the lightest supersymmetric particles produced by the modulus decay can naturally account for the observed dark matter density. In the non-sequestered case, on the other hand, the supersymmetric particles are not produced by the modulus decay, since the soft masses are of order the heavy gravitino mass. The QCD axion will then be a plausible dark matter candidate.Comment: 27 pages, 4 figures; version 3: version published in JHE
Dark Radiation and Dark Matter in Large Volume Compactifications
dark radiation and dark matter in large volume compactifications
argue naturally modulus scenario. sequestered sequestered axionic superpartner modulus modulus modulus giudice masiero rate. sequestered lightest supersymmetric modulus naturally density. sequestered supersymmetric modulus gravitino mass. axion plausible pages
The resummation for the event-shape variable jet broadening is extended to next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy by computing the relevant jet and soft functions at one-loop order and the collinear anomaly to two-loop accuracy. The anomaly coefficient is extracted from the soft function and expressed in terms of polylogarithmic as well as elliptic functions. With our results, the uncertainty on jet-broadening distributions is reduced significantly, which should allow for a precise determination of the strong coupling constant from the existing experimental data and provide a consistency check on the extraction of alpha_s from higher-log resummations of thrust.Comment: 44 pages, 9 figure
NNLL Resummation for Jet Broadening
nnll resummation for jet broadening
resummation broadening logarithmic collinear anomaly accuracy. anomaly polylogarithmic elliptic functions. broadening precise consistency check extraction alpha resummations pages
Supersymmetric extensions to the standard model provide viable dark matter candidates, and can introduce additional charge-parity (CP) violation, needed for obtaining the observed baryon asymmetry of the universe. We study the possibilities of scalar and neutralino dark matter with spontaneous CP violation in the next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model with a right handed neutrino. The observed relic density can be produced both by neutralino and right handed sneutrino as the lightest supersymmetric particle, but when CP is violated, the new annihilation channels lower the achieved relic density in general. We consider collider phenomenology in a number of benchmark points, in which all experimental constraints are satisfied, and either the neutralino or the right handed sneutrino contribute to the dark matter abundance.Comment: v2: corrected spelling, edited for clarity, added description of experimental bound, added local report numbe
Comparison of neutralino and sneutrino dark matter in a model with spontaneous CP violation
comparison of neutralino and sneutrino dark matter in a model with spontaneous cp violation
supersymmetric extensions viable candidates parity violation obtaining baryon asymmetry universe. possibilities neutralino spontaneous violation supersymmetric handed neutrino. relic neutralino handed sneutrino lightest supersymmetric violated annihilation relic general. collider phenomenology benchmark satisfied neutralino handed sneutrino corrected spelling edited clarity numbe
We study the non-perturbative renormalization group flow of f(R)-gravity in three-dimensional Asymptotically Safe Quantum Einstein Gravity. Within the conformally reduced approximation, we derive an exact partial differential equation governing the RG-scale dependence of the function f(R). This equation is shown to possess two isolated and one continuous one-parameter family of scale-independent, regular solutions which constitute the natural generalization of RG fixed points to the realm of infinite-dimensional theory spaces. All solutions are bounded from below and give rise to positive definite kinetic terms. Moreover, they admit either one or two UV-relevant deformations, indicating that the corresponding UV-critical hypersurfaces remain finite dimensional despite the inclusion of an infinite number of coupling constants. The impact of our findings on the gravitational Asymptotic Safety program and its connection to new massive gravity is briefly discussed.Comment: 34 pages, 14 figure
Fixed-Functionals of three-dimensional Quantum Einstein Gravity
fixed-functionals of three-dimensional quantum einstein gravity
perturbative renormalization asymptotically safe einstein gravity. conformally derive governing possess constitute generalization realm infinite spaces. definite terms. admit deformations hypersurfaces inclusion infinite constants. gravitational asymptotic connection massive briefly pages
The LHC experiments ATLAS and CMS have discovered a new boson that resembles the long-sought Higgs boson: it cannot have spin one, and has couplings to other particles that increase with their masses, but the spin and parity remain to be determined. We show here that the `Higgs' + gauge boson invariant-mass distribution in `Higgs'-strahlung events at the Tevatron or the LHC would be very different under the J^P = 0+, 0- and 2+ hypotheses, and could provide a fast-track indicator of the `Higgs' spin and parity. Our analysis is based on simulations of the experimental event selections and cuts using PYTHIA and Delphes, and incorporates statistical samples of `toy' experiments.Comment: 18 pages, 9 pdf figure
A Fast Track towards the `Higgs' Spin and Parity
a fast track towards the `higgs' spin and parity
atlas discovered boson resembles sought boson couplings parity determined. boson strahlung tevatron hypotheses track indicator parity. selections cuts pythia delphes incorporates pages
We examine the thermodynamic properties of recently constructed black hole solutions in SL(3,R) x SL(3,R) Chern-Simons theory in the presence of a chemical potential for spin-3 charge, which acts as an irrelevant deformation of the dual CFT with W_3 x W_3 symmetry. The smoothness or holonomy conditions admit four branches of solutions describing a flow between two AdS_3 backgrounds corresponding to two different CFTs. The dominant branch at low temperatures, connected to the BTZ black hole, merges smoothly with a thermodynamically unstable branch and disappears at higher temperatures. We confirm that the UV region of the flow satisfies the Ward identities of a CFT with W_3^(2) x W_3^(2) symmetry deformed by a spin-3/2 current. This allows to identify the precise map between UV and IR thermodynamic variables. We find that the high temperature regime is dominated by a black hole branch whose thermodynamics can only be consistently inferred with reference to this W_3^(2) x W_3^(2) CFT.Comment: 29 pages, 2 figure
Thermodynamics of higher spin black holes in 3D
thermodynamics of higher spin black holes in 3d
examine thermodynamic chern simons acts irrelevant deformation symmetry. smoothness holonomy admit branches describing backgrounds cfts. branch merges smoothly thermodynamically unstable branch disappears temperatures. confirm satisfies ward identities deformed current. precise thermodynamic variables. dominated branch thermodynamics consistently inferred pages
We extend to black branes (BB) in arbitrary dimensions the results of Ref. [1] about hyperscaling violation and phase transition for scalar black 2-branes. We derive the analytic form of the (d+1)-dimensional scalar soliton interpolating between a conformal invariant AdS vacuum in the infrared and a scale covariant metric in the ultraviolet. We show that the thermodynamical system undergoes a phase transition between Schwarzschild-AdS and a scalar-dressed BB. We calculate the critical exponent and the hyperscaling violation parameter in the two phases. We show that our scalar BB solutions generically emerge as compactifications of p-brane solutions of supergravity theories. We also derive the short distance form of the correlators for the scalar operators corresponding to an UV exponential potential supporting our black brane solution. We show that also for negative values of the hyperscaling violation parameter these correlators have a short distance power-law behavior.Comment: Final version accepted for publication in JHE
Hyperscaling violation for scalar black branes in arbitrary dimensions
hyperscaling violation for scalar black branes in arbitrary dimensions
extend branes ref. hyperscaling violation branes. derive analytic soliton interpolating conformal infrared covariant ultraviolet. thermodynamical undergoes schwarzschild dressed exponent hyperscaling violation phases. generically emerge compactifications brane supergravity theories. derive correlators exponential supporting brane solution. hyperscaling violation correlators publication
We present an analytic solution of a charged black hole with hyperscaling violating factor in an Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton model where the scalar potential is key to the existence of a solution. This solution provides a candidate gravitational description of theories with hyperscaling violation at both finite temperature and finite charge density. Using this background we explore certain features of these theories via AdS/CFT correspondence. Finally, we discuss embeddings based on the well-known sphere reductions of ten and eleven-dimensional supergravity.Comment: 1+21 pages, section on optical conductivity added, references corrected, agrees with published versio
Charged Black Branes with Hyperscaling Violating Factor
charged black branes with hyperscaling violating factor
analytic hyperscaling violating einstein maxwell dilaton solution. candidate gravitational hyperscaling violation density. explore correspondence. embeddings sphere reductions eleven pages conductivity corrected agrees versio
The recent results that $\theta_{13}$ is relatively large, of the order of the previous upper bound, and the indications of a sizable deviation of $\theta_{23}$ from the maximal value are in agreement with the predictions of Anarchy in the lepton sector. The quark and charged lepton hierarchies can then be reproduced in a SU(5) GUT context by attributing non-vanishing $U(1)_{FN}$ charges, different for each family, only to the SU(5) tenplet states. The fact that the observed mass hierarchies are stronger for up quarks than for down quarks and charged leptons supports this idea. As discussed in the past, in the flexible context of $SU(5)\otimes U(1)_{FN}$, different patterns of charges can be adopted going from Anarchy to various types of hierarchy. We revisit this approach by also considering new models and we compare all versions to the present data. As a result we confirm that, by relaxing the extreme ansatz of equal $U(1)_{FN}$ charges for all SU(5) pentaplets and singlets, better agreement with the data than for Anarchy is obtained without increasing the model complexity. We also present the distributions obtained in the different models for the Dirac CP-violating phase. Finally we discuss the relative merits of these simple models.Comment: v1: 12 pages, 3 figures; v2: 13 pages, 3 figures, text improved, matches version accepted for publication; v3: submitted to add an acknowledgment to a networ
Repressing Anarchy in Neutrino Mass Textures
repressing anarchy in neutrino mass textures
theta indications sizable theta maximal anarchy lepton sector. lepton hierarchies reproduced attributing vanishing charges tenplet states. hierarchies stronger quarks quarks leptons supports idea. flexible otimes charges adopted going anarchy hierarchy. revisit versions data. confirm relaxing extreme ansatz charges pentaplets singlets anarchy complexity. dirac violating phase. merits pages pages matches publication submitted acknowledgment networ
We investigate the cutoff effects in 2-d lattice O(N) models for a variety of lattice actions, and we identify a class of very simple actions for which the lattice artifacts are extremely small. One action agrees with the standard action, except that it constrains neighboring spins to a maximal relative angle delta. We fix delta by demanding that a particular value of the step scaling function agrees with its continuum result already on a rather coarse lattice. Remarkably, the cutoff effects of the entire step scaling function are then reduced to the per mille level. This also applies to the theta-vacuum effects of the step scaling function in the 2-d O(3) model. The cutoff effects of other physical observables including the renormalized coupling and the mass in the isotensor channel are also reduced drastically. Another choice, the mixed action, which combines the standard quadratic with an appropriately tuned large quartic term, also has extremely small cutoff effects. The size of cutoff effects is also investigated analytically in 1-d and at N = infinity in 2-d.Comment: 39 pages, 18 figure
Drastic Reduction of Cutoff Effects in 2-d Lattice O(N) Models
drastic reduction of cutoff effects in 2-d lattice o(n) models
cutoff artifacts extremely small. agrees constrains neighboring spins maximal delta. delta demanding agrees continuum coarse lattice. remarkably cutoff mille level. applies theta model. cutoff observables renormalized isotensor drastically. combines quadratic appropriately tuned quartic extremely cutoff effects. cutoff analytically infinity pages
We study relation between stochastic quantization and holographic Wilsonian renormalization group flow. Considering stochastic quantization of the boundary on-shell actions with the Dirichlet boundary condition for certain $AdS$ bulk gravity theories, we find that the radial flows of double trace deformations in the boundary effective actions are completely captured by stochastic time evolution with identification of the $AdS$ radial coordinate `$r$' with the stochastic time '$t$' as $r=t$. More precisely, we investigate Langevin dynamics and find an exact relation between radial flow of the double trace couplings and 2-point correlation functions in stochastic quantization. We also show that the radial evolution of double trace deformations in the boundary effective action and the stochastic time evolution of the Fokker-Planck action are the same. We demonstrate this relation with a couple of examples: (minimally coupled)massless scalar fields in $AdS_2$ and U(1) vector fields in $AdS_4$.Comment: 1+30 pages, a new subsection is added, references are adde
Stochastic quantization and holographic Wilsonian renormalization group
stochastic quantization and holographic wilsonian renormalization group
stochastic quantization holographic wilsonian renormalization flow. stochastic quantization dirichlet flows trace deformations captured stochastic coordinate stochastic precisely langevin trace couplings stochastic quantization. trace deformations stochastic fokker planck same. couple minimally massless .comment pages subsection adde
We investigate the G/G gauged Wess-Zumino-Witten model on a Riemann surface from the point of view of the algebraic Bethe Ansatz for the phase model. After localization procedure is applied to the G/G gauged Wess-Zumino-Witten model, the diagonal components for group elements satisfy Bethe Ansatz equations for the phase model. We show that the partition function of the G/G gauged Wess-Zumino-Witten model is identified as the summation of norms with respect to all the eigenstates of the Hamiltonian with the fixed number of particles in the phase model. We also consider relations between the Chern-Simons theory on $S^1\times\Sigma_h$ and the phase model.Comment: 15 pages.v2: published versio
G/G gauged WZW model and Bethe Ansatz for the phase model
g/g gauged wzw model and bethe ansatz for the phase model
gauged wess zumino witten riemann algebraic bethe ansatz model. localization gauged wess zumino witten diagonal satisfy bethe ansatz model. partition gauged wess zumino witten summation norms eigenstates model. chern simons sigma pages.v versio
I present a novel Four-Dimensional Regularization/Renormalization approach (FDR) to ultraviolet divergences in field theories which can be interpreted as a natural separation between physical and non physical degrees of freedom. Based on the observation that some infinities can be reabsorbed into the vacuum expectation value of the fields, rather than into the parameters of the Lagrangian, a new type of four-dimensional loop integral is introduced (the FDR integral) which is independent of any UV regulator and respects all properties required by gauge invariance. FDR reproduces the correct ABJ anomaly and no change in the definition of gamma_5 is needed. With FDR the possibility is open for an approach to UV infinities in which the renormalization program is substituted by a simple reinterpretation of the appearing loop integrals as FDR ones, leading to important consequences in the context of non-renormalizable field theories. Finally, I show how FDR can also be used to regularize infrared and collinear divergences.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figures. A few misprints corrected. Accepted by JHE
A four-dimensional approach to quantum field theories
a four-dimensional approach to quantum field theories
regularization renormalization ultraviolet divergences interpreted freedom. infinities reabsorbed expectation lagrangian regulator respects invariance. reproduces anomaly gamma needed. infinities renormalization substituted reinterpretation appearing integrals consequences renormalizable theories. regularize infrared collinear pages figures. misprints corrected.
We consider the hydrodynamics of supersymmetric fluids. Supersymmetry is broken spontaneously and the low energy spectrum includes a fermionic massless mode, the $\mathit{phonino}$. We use two complementary approaches to describe the system: First, we construct a generating functional from which we derive the equations of motion of the fluid and of the phonino propagating through the fluid. We write the form of the leading corrections in the derivative expansion, and show that the so called diffusion terms in the supercurrent are in fact not dissipative. Second, we use an effective field theory approach which utilizes a non-linear realization of supersymmetry to analyze the interactions between phoninos and phonons, and demonstrate the conservation of entropy in ideal fluids. We comment on possible phenomenological consequences for gravitino physics in the early universe.Comment: Modified introduction and discussion of diffusion terms in the supercurren
Supersymmetric sound in fluids
supersymmetric sound in fluids
hydrodynamics supersymmetric fluids. supersymmetry broken spontaneously fermionic massless mathit phonino complementary generating derive phonino propagating fluid. supercurrent dissipative. utilizes realization supersymmetry analyze phoninos phonons conservation ideal fluids. comment phenomenological consequences gravitino supercurren
Higher-derivative theories of free higher-spin fields are investigated focusing on their symmetries. Generalizing familiar two-derivative constrained formulations, we first construct less-constrained Einstein-like and Maxwell-like higher-derivative actions. Then, we construct Weyl-like actions - the actions admitting constrained Weyl symmetries - with different numbers of derivatives. They are presented in a factorized form making use of Einstein-like and Maxwell-like tensors. The last (highest-derivative) member of the hierarchy of the Weyl-like actions coincides with the Fradkin-Tseytlin conformal higher-spin action in four dimensions.Comment: Version to appear in JHEP, 22 page
A note on higher-derivative actions for free higher-spin fields
a note on higher-derivative actions for free higher-spin fields
focusing symmetries. generalizing familiar constrained formulations constrained einstein maxwell actions. weyl admitting constrained weyl symmetries derivatives. factorized einstein maxwell tensors. member hierarchy weyl coincides fradkin tseytlin conformal jhep
We work out the strongly interacting sector of a non-minimal Universal Extra Dimension (nmUED) scenario with one flat extra spatial dimension orbifolded on S^1/Z_2 in the presence of brane-localized kinetic and Yukawa terms. On compactification, these terms are known to have significant, nontrivial impact on the masses and the couplings of the Kaluza-Klein (KK) excitations. We study the masses of the level `1' KK gluon and the quarks and find the modified strong interaction vertices involving these particles. The scenario conserves KK parity. Possibility of significant level-mixing among the quarks from different KK-levels is pointed out with particular reference to the top quark sector. Cross sections for various generic final states involving level `1' KK-gluon and KK-quarks from first two generations are estimated at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) via an implementation of the scenario in MadGraph-5 with the help of FeynRules. The decay branching fractions of both strong and weakly interacting KK excitations are studied to estimate yields in various different final states involving jets, leptons and missing energy. These are used to put some conservative constraints on the nmUED parameter space using the latest LHC data. Nuances of the scenario are elucidated with reference to the minimal Universal Extra Dimension (mUED) and Supersymmetry (SUSY) and their implications for the LHC are discussed.Comment: 45 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables (v1); 39 pages, 8 figures, 4 tables (v2): Version accepted in JHEP. Some sections are added/modifie
Non-minimal Universal Extra Dimensions: The strongly interacting sector at the Large Hadron Collider
non-minimal universal extra dimensions: the strongly interacting sector at the large hadron collider
interacting universal extra nmued extra orbifolded brane localized yukawa terms. compactification nontrivial couplings kaluza klein excitations. gluon quarks involving particles. conserves parity. quarks pointed sector. generic involving gluon quarks generations hadron collider madgraph feynrules. branching fractions weakly interacting excitations involving jets leptons missing energy. conservative nmued latest data. nuances elucidated universal extra mued supersymmetry susy pages tables pages tables jhep. modifie
We determine the complete NLL running of the static potential associated with the locally 1/2 BPS Wilson loop in N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. We present results for the SU(N_c) singlet as well as for the adjoint configuration and arbitrary N_c at weak coupling. In order to derive the respective anomalous dimensions we perform a two-loop calculation in the N=4 supersymmetric version of the effective field theory pNRQCD. In addition we confirm the recently obtained fixed-order result for the singlet static potential generated exclusively by ladder diagrams to the third order in the t`Hooft coupling. We also give an explicit expression for the logarithmic contribution of all non-ladder diagrams at this order.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figure, 2 appendices; minor changes, reference + footnote added, matches published versio
NLL resummation for the static potential in N=4 SYM theory
nll resummation for the static potential in n=4 sym theory
running locally wilson supersymmetric mills theory. singlet adjoint coupling. derive respective anomalous supersymmetric pnrqcd. confirm singlet exclusively ladder diagrams hooft coupling. logarithmic ladder diagrams pages appendices minor footnote matches versio
We study the single spin asymmetry in the lepton angular distribution of Drell-Yan processes in the frame work of collinear factorization. The asymmetry has been studied in the past and different results have been obtained. In our study we take an approach different than that used in the existing study. We explicitly calculate the transverse-spin dependent part of the differential cross-section with suitable parton states. Because the spin is transverse, one has to take multi-parton states for the purpose. Our result agrees with one of the existing results. A possible reason for the disagreement with others is discussed.Comment: Typos corrected. Conclusions unchange
Single Spin Asymmetry in Lepton Angular Distribution of Drell-Yan Processes
single spin asymmetry in lepton angular distribution of drell-yan processes
asymmetry lepton drell collinear factorization. asymmetry obtained. study. explicitly parton states. parton purpose. agrees results. disagreement typos corrected. unchange
We conjecture formulae of the colored superpolynomials for a class of twist knots $K_p$ where p denotes the number of full twists. The validity of the formulae is checked by applying differentials and taking special limits. Using the formulae, we compute both the classical and quantum super-A-polynomial for the twist knots with small values of p. The results support the categorified versions of the generalized volume conjecture and the quantum volume conjecture. Furthermore, we obtain the evidence that the Q-deformed A-polynomials can be identified with the augmentation polynomials of knot contact homology in the case of the twist knots.Comment: 22+16 pages, 16 tables and 5 figures; with a Maple program by Xinyu Sun and a Mathematica notebook in the ancillary files linked on the right; v2 change in appendix B, typos corrected and references added; v3 change in section 3.3; v4 corrections in Ooguri-Vafa polynomials and quantum super-A-polynomials for 7_2 and 8_1 are adde
Super-A-polynomials for Twist Knots
super-a-polynomials for twist knots
conjecture formulae colored superpolynomials twist knots twists. validity formulae checked differentials limits. formulae super twist knots categorified versions conjecture conjecture. deformed polynomials augmentation polynomials knot homology twist pages tables maple xinyu mathematica notebook ancillary files typos corrected ooguri vafa polynomials super polynomials adde
The processes of P-wave Quarkonium exclusive decays to two mesons are investigated, in which the final state vector mesons with various polarizations are considered separately. In the calculation, the initial heavy quarkonia are treated in the framework of non-relativistic quantum chromodynamics, whereas for light mesons, the light cone distribution amplitudes up to twist-3 are employed. It turns out that the higher twist contribution is significant and provides a possible explanation for the observation of the hadron helicity selection rule violated processes $\chi_{c1}\rightarrow \phi\phi,\omega\omega$ by the BESIII collaboration in recently. We also evaluate the $\chi_{b1}\to J/\psi J/\psi$ process and find that its branching ratio is big enough to be measured at the B-factories.Comment: more results and discussions adde
P-wave Quarkonium Decays to Meson Pairs
p-wave quarkonium decays to meson pairs
quarkonium exclusive decays mesons mesons polarizations separately. quarkonia relativistic chromodynamics mesons cone amplitudes twist employed. turns twist explanation hadron helicity violated rightarrow omega omega besiii recently. branching discussions adde
Starting with generic Wess-Zumino type coupling to constant four-form and the dual seven-form field strengths in the ABJM theory, we obtain mass-deformed theories with ${\cal N}=2,4$ supersymmetries. These theories contain massless scalar fields and allow the implementation of the Mukhi-Papageorgakis Higgsing procedure. Using this procedure, we connect the Higgsed theories to three-dimensional mass-deformed SYM theories. These are also connected by the four-dimensional ${\cal N}=1^*,2^*$ mass-deformed SYM theories through dimensional reduction. We classify the three-dimensional mass-deformed SYM theories of ${\cal N}=1,2,4$ supersymmetry, of which a few cases of ${\cal N}=1,2$ are connected neither by MP Higgsing procedure nor dimensional reduction.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figur
Partially Supersymmetric ABJM Theory with Flux
partially supersymmetric abjm theory with flux
generic wess zumino seven strengths abjm deformed supersymmetries. massless mukhi papageorgakis higgsing procedure. connect higgsed deformed theories. deformed reduction. classify deformed supersymmetry neither higgsing pages figur
This work is a step towards a non-perturbative continuum definition of quantum field theory (QFT), beginning with asymptotically free two dimensional non-linear sigma-models, using recent ideas from mathematics and QFT. The ideas from mathematics are resurgence theory, the trans-series framework, and Borel-Ecalle resummation. The ideas from QFT use continuity on R^1 x S^1_L, i.e, the absence of any phase transition as N \to infinity, or rapid-crossovers for finite-N, and the small-L weak coupling limit to render the semi-classical sector well-defined and calculable. We classify semi-classical configurations with actions 1/N (kink-instantons), 2/N (bions and bi-kinks), in units where the 2d instanton action is normalized to one. Perturbation theory possesses the IR-renormalon ambiguity that arises due to non-Borel summability of the large-orders perturbation series (of Gevrey-1 type), for which a microscopic cancellation mechanism was unknown. This divergence must be present because the corresponding expansion is on a singular Stokes ray in the complexified coupling constant plane, and the sum exhibits the Stokes phenomenon crossing the ray. We show that there is also a non-perturbative ambiguity inherent to certain neutral topological molecules (neutral bions and bion-anti-bions) in the semiclassical expansion. We find a set of "confluence equations" that encode the exact cancellation of the two different type of ambiguities. We show that a new notion of "graded resurgence triangle" is necessary to capture the path integral approach to resurgence, and that graded resurgence underlies a potentially rigorous definition of general QFTs. The mass gap and the Theta angle dependence of vacuum energy are calculated from first principles, and are in accord with large-N and lattice results.Comment: 89 pages; 13 figure
Resurgence and Trans-series in Quantum Field Theory: The CP(N-1) Model
resurgence and trans-series in quantum field theory: the cp(n-1) model
perturbative continuum beginning asymptotically sigma ideas mathematics qft. ideas mathematics resurgence borel ecalle resummation. ideas continuity infinity crossovers render calculable. classify configurations kink instantons bions kinks instanton one. perturbation possesses renormalon ambiguity arises borel summability orders perturbation gevrey microscopic cancellation unknown. divergence singular stokes complexified exhibits stokes phenomenon crossing ray. perturbative ambiguity inherent neutral topological neutral bions bion bions semiclassical expansion. confluence encode cancellation ambiguities. notion graded resurgence triangle capture resurgence graded resurgence underlies potentially rigorous qfts. theta principles accord pages
We investigate BPS equations which determine the configuration of an M2-M5 bound state preserving half of the supersymmetries in the ABJM theory. We argue that the BPS equations are classically integrable, showing that they admit a Lax representation. The integrable structure of the BPS equations is closely related to that of the Nahm equations. Using this relation we formulate an efficient way of constructing solutions of the BPS equations from those of the Nahm equations. As an illustration of our method, we construct explicitly the most general solutions describing two M2-branes suspended between two parallel M5-branes as well as two semi-infinite M2-branes ending on an M5-brane. These include previously unknown new solutions. We also discuss a reduction of the BPS equations in connection with the periodic Toda chain.Comment: 23 pages. v2: a footnote and a reference added, version to appear in JHE
Integrability of BPS equations in ABJM theory
integrability of bps equations in abjm theory
preserving supersymmetries abjm theory. argue classically integrable admit representation. integrable closely nahm equations. formulate constructing nahm equations. illustration explicitly describing branes suspended branes infinite branes ending brane. unknown solutions. connection toda pages. footnote
We study supersymmetric field theories in three space-time dimensions doped by various configurations of electric charges or magnetic fluxes. These are supersymmetric avatars of impurity models. In the presence of additional sources such configurations are shown to preserve half of the supersymmetries. Mirror symmetry relates the two sets of configurations. We discuss the implications for impurity models in 3d N=4 QED with a single charged hypermultiplet (and its mirror, the theory of a free hypermultiplet) as well as 3d N=2 QED with one flavor and its dual, a supersymmetric Wilson-Fisher fixed point. Mirror symmetry allows us to find backreacted solutions for arbitrary arrays of defects in the IR limit of N=4 QED. Our analysis, complemented with appropriate string theory brane constructions, sheds light on various aspects of mirror symmetry, the map between particles and vortices and the emergence of ground state entropy in QED at finite density.Comment: 33 pages, 10 figures. arXiv admin note: Figure 1 taken from arXiv:hep-th/970311
Supersymmetric Defect Models and Mirror Symmetry
supersymmetric defect models and mirror symmetry
supersymmetric doped configurations charges fluxes. supersymmetric avatars impurity models. configurations preserve supersymmetries. mirror relates configurations. impurity hypermultiplet mirror hypermultiplet flavor supersymmetric wilson fisher point. mirror backreacted arrays defects qed. complemented brane constructions sheds mirror vortices emergence pages figures. admin
The charged Higgs bosons can be produced as a resonance in s-channel single top events. The light charged Higgs in such events preferably decays to a pair of $\tau \nu$ thus making it difficult to distinguish from the large single W events producing the same final state. However, the heavy charged Higgs decay to a pair of $t \bar{b}$ can be extracted from the SM background events. The final state under consideration in this paper contains the top quark decay to $W^+ b$ followed by $W^+$ decay to electrons or muons. It is shown that this signal can be observed at LHC at a large area of MSSM phase space ($m(H^+), tan\beta$). Finally $5\sigma$ and 95% CL exclusion contours are presented at different integrated luminosities of LHC assuming a nominal center of mass energy of $\sqrt{s}$ = 14 TeV.Comment: 18 pages, 16 figure
Observability of Heavy Charged Higgs through s-channel Single Top Events at LHC
observability of heavy charged higgs through s-channel single top events at lhc
bosons events. preferably decays distinguish producing state. events. consideration muons. mssm beta sigma exclusion contours luminosities nominal sqrt pages
We construct an ionic lattice background in the framework of Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton theory in four dimensional space time. The optical conductivity of the dual field theory on the boundary is investigated. Due to the lattice effects, we find the imaginary part of the conductivity is manifestly suppressed in the zero frequency limit, while the DC conductivity approaches a finite value such that the previous delta function reflecting the translation symmetry is absent. Such a behavior can be exactly fit by the Drude law at low frequency. Moreover, we find that the modulus of the optical conductivity exhibits a power-law behavior at intermediate frequency regime. Our results provides further support for the universality of such power-law behavior recently disclosed in Einstein-Maxwell theory by Horowitz, Santos and Tong.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures, references adde
Holographic Lattice in Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton Gravity
holographic lattice in einstein-maxwell-dilaton gravity
ionic einstein maxwell dilaton time. conductivity investigated. imaginary conductivity manifestly suppressed conductivity delta reflecting translation absent. drude frequency. modulus conductivity exhibits regime. universality disclosed einstein maxwell horowitz santos pages adde
We present an analytic solution for tachyon condensation on a non-BPS D-brane in Berkovits' open superstring field theory. The solution is presented as a product of $2\times 2$ matrices in two distinct $GL_2$ subgroups of the open string star algebra. All string fields needed for computation of the nonpolynomial action can be derived in closed form, and the action produces the expected non-BPS D-brane tension in accordance with Sen's conjecture. We also comment on how D-brane charges may be encoded in the topology of the tachyon vacuum gauge orbit.Comment: v2: 43 pages, 6 figures. Minor corrections, references adde
Analytic Solution for Tachyon Condensation in Berkovits' Open Superstring Field Theory
analytic solution for tachyon condensation in berkovits' open superstring field theory
analytic tachyon condensation brane berkovits superstring theory. subgroups algebra. nonpolynomial produces brane tension accordance conjecture. comment brane charges encoded topology tachyon pages figures. minor adde
It has long been speculated that the spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB) of SO(D) occurs in matrix models obtained by dimensionally reducing super Yang-Mills theory in D=6,10 dimensions. In particular, the D=10 case corresponds to the IIB matrix model, which was proposed as a nonperturbative formulation of superstring theory, and the SSB may correspond to the dynamical generation of four-dimensional space-time. Recently, it has been shown by using the Gaussian expansion method that the SSB indeed occurs for D=6 and D=10, and interesting nature of the SSB common to both cases has been suggested. Here we study the same issue from first principles by a Monte Carlo method in the D=6 case. In spite of a severe complex-action problem, the factorization method enables us to obtain various quantities associated with the SSB, which turn out to be consistent with the previous results obtained by the Gaussian expansion method. This also demonstrates the usefulness of the factorization method as a general approach to systems with the complex-action problem or the sign problem.Comment: 28 pages, 19 figures, v2 some minor correction
Monte Carlo studies of the spontaneous rotational symmetry breaking in dimensionally reduced super Yang-Mills models
monte carlo studies of the spontaneous rotational symmetry breaking in dimensionally reduced super yang-mills models
speculated spontaneous breaking dimensionally reducing super mills dimensions. nonperturbative formulation superstring time. suggested. principles monte carlo case. spite factorization enables quantities method. demonstrates usefulness factorization pages minor
Only two kinds of compactification are known that lead to four-dimensional supersymmetric AdS vacua with moduli stabilisation and separation of scales at tree-level. The most studied ones are compactifications of massive IIA supergravity on SU(3) structures with smeared O6 planes, for which a general ten-dimensional expression for the solution in terms of the SU(3) structure was found. Less studied are compactifications of IIB supergravity with smeared O5/O7 planes. In this paper we derive a general ten-dimensional expression for the smeared O5/O7 solutions in terms of SU(2) structures. For a specific choice of orientifold projections, we recover the known examples and we also provide new explicit solutions.Comment: 27 + 16 pages; v2 references added and typos in few equations correcte
AdS vacua with scale separation from IIB supergravity
ads vacua with scale separation from iib supergravity
kinds compactification supersymmetric vacua moduli stabilisation level. compactifications massive supergravity smeared planes found. compactifications supergravity smeared planes. derive smeared structures. orientifold projections recover pages typos correcte
We provide a list of particle physics models at the TeV-scale that are compatible with neutrino masses and dark matter. In these models, the Standard Model particle content is extended with a small number (\leq 4) of scalar and fermion fields transforming as singlets, doublets or triplets under SU(2), and neutrino masses are generated radiatively via 1-loop diagrams. The dark matter candidates are stabilized by a Z_2 symmetry and are in general mixtures of the neutral components of such new multiplets. We describe the particle content of each of these models and determine the conditions under which they are consistent with current data. We find a total of 35 viable models, most of which have not been previously studied in the literature. There is a great potential to test these models at the LHC not only due to the TeV-scale masses of the new fields but also because about half of the viable models contain particles with exotic electric charges, which give rise to background-free signals. Our results should serve as a first step for detailed analysis of models that can simultaneously account for dark matter and neutrino masses.Comment: 37 pages, 5 figures; v2: discussions extended, references added, matches the published versio
Models with radiative neutrino masses and viable dark matter candidates
models with radiative neutrino masses and viable dark matter candidates
compatible matter. fermion transforming singlets doublets triplets radiatively diagrams. candidates stabilized mixtures neutral multiplets. data. viable literature. great viable exotic charges signals. serve simultaneously pages discussions matches versio
We study SUSY models in which Bino contributions solve the muon g-2 anomaly. The contributions are enhanced by large left-right mixing of the smuons. However, it is constrained by the vacuum stability condition of the slepton--Higgs potential. Therefore, there are upper bounds on masses of sleptons and Bino. When the slepton soft masses are universal, the upper bound on the smuon mass becomes 330 (460)GeV in order to solve the g-2 anomaly at the 1 sigma (2 sigma) level. It is within the reach of LHC and ILC. If the stau is heavier than the smuon, the bound can be as large as 1.4 (1.9)TeV. Such non-universal slepton mass spectrum generically predicts too large LFV/CPV. We show that the models are expected to be probed by LHC/ILC and LFV/CPV complementarily in future.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figures; Authors were regenerate
Probing Bino Contribution to Muon g-2
probing bino contribution to muon g-2
susy bino solve muon anomaly. smuons. constrained slepton potential. bounds sleptons bino. slepton universal smuon solve anomaly sigma sigma level. ilc. stau heavier smuon tev. universal slepton generically predicts cpv. probed complementarily pages regenerate
New hard-scattering measurements from the LHC proton-lead run have the potential to provide important constraints on the nuclear parton distributions and thus contributing to a better understanding of the initial state in heavy ion collisions. In order to quantify these constraints, as well as to assess the compatibility with available nuclear data from fixed target experiments and from RHIC, the traditional strategy is to perform a global fit of nuclear PDFs. This procedure is however time consuming and technically challenging, and moreover can only be performed by the PDF fitters themselves. In the case of proton PDFs, an alternative approach has been suggested that uses Bayesian inference to propagate the effects of new data into the PDFs without the need of refitting. In this work, we apply this reweighting procedure to study the impact on nuclear PDFs of low-mass Drell-Yan and single-inclusive hadroproduction pseudo-data from proton-lead collisions at the LHC as representative examples. In the hadroproduction case, in addition we assess the possibility of discriminating between the DGLAP and CGC production frameworks. We find that the LHC proton-lead data could lead to a substantial reduction of the uncertainties on nuclear PDFs, in particular for the small-x gluon PDF where uncertainties could decrease by up to a factor two. The Monte Carlo replicas of EPS09 used in the analysis are released as a public code for general use. It can be directly used, in particular, by the experimental collaborations to check, in a straightforward manner, the degree of compatibility of the new data with the global nPDF analyses.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figure
Bayesian reweighting of nuclear PDFs and constraints from proton-lead collisions at the LHC
bayesian reweighting of nuclear pdfs and constraints from proton-lead collisions at the lhc
proton parton contributing collisions. quantify compatibility rhic traditional pdfs. consuming technically challenging fitters themselves. proton pdfs bayesian inference propagate pdfs refitting. reweighting pdfs drell inclusive hadroproduction pseudo proton collisions examples. hadroproduction discriminating dglap frameworks. proton substantial pdfs gluon two. monte carlo replicas released use. collaborations check straightforward manner compatibility npdf pages
We use the AdS/CFT correspondence to study a thermally isolated conformal field theory in four dimensions which undergoes a repeated deformation by an external periodic time-dependent source coupled to an operator of dimension Delta. The initial state of the theory is taken to be at a finite temperature. We compute the energy dissipated in the system as a function of the frequency and of the dimension Delta of the perturbing operator. This is done in the linear response regime. In order to study the details of thermalization in the dual field theory, the leading-order backreaction on the AdS black brane metric is computed. The evolution of the event and the apparent horizons is monitored; the increase of area in each cycle coincides with the increase in the equilibrium entropy corresponding to the amount of energy dissipated. The time evolution of the entanglement entropy of a spherical region and that of the two-points function of a probe operator with a large dimension are also inspected; we find a delay in the thermalization of these quantities which is proportional to the size of the region which is being probed. Thus, the delay is more pronounced in the infrared. We comment on a possible transition in the time evolution of the energy fluctuations.Comment: 44 pages, 35 figures; V2: corrected typo
On periodically driven AdS/CFT
on periodically driven ads/cft
correspondence thermally conformal undergoes repeated deformation delta. temperature. dissipated delta perturbing operator. regime. thermalization backreaction brane computed. apparent horizons monitored coincides dissipated. entanglement spherical inspected delay thermalization quantities probed. delay pronounced infrared. comment pages corrected typo
In the Next-to-Minimal Supersymemtric Standard Model (NMSSM), one of the neutral Higgs scalars (CP-even or CP-odd) may be lighter than half of the SM-like Higgs boson. In this case, the SM-like Higgs boson h can decay into such a light scalar pair and consequently the diphoton and ZZ signal rates at the LHC will be suppressed. In this work, we examine the constraints of the latest LHC Higgs data on such a possibility. We perform a comprehensive scan over the parameter space of the NMSSM by considering various experimental constraints and find that the LHC Higgs data can readily constrain the parameter space and the properties of the light scalar, e.g., at 3 $\sigma$ level this light scalar should be highly singlet dominant and the branching ratio of the SM-like Higgs boson decay into the scalar pair should be less than about 30%. Also we investigate the detection of this scalar at various colliders. Through a detailed Monte Carlo simulation we find that under the constraints of the current Higgs data this light scalar can be accessible at the LHC-14 with an integrated luminosity over 300 fb$^{-1}$.Comment: Accepted by JHE
A light Higgs scalar in the NMSSM confronted with the latest LHC Higgs data
a light higgs scalar in the nmssm confronted with the latest lhc higgs data
supersymemtric nmssm neutral scalars lighter boson. boson diphoton suppressed. examine latest possibility. comprehensive scan nmssm readily constrain e.g. sigma singlet branching boson colliders. monte carlo accessible luminosity .comment
We consider the universal logarithmic divergent term in the entanglement entropy of gauge fields in the Minkowski vacuum with an entangling sphere. Employing the mapping in arXiv:1102.0440, we analyze the corresponding thermal entropy on open Einstein universe and on the static patch of de Sitter. Using the heat kernel of the vector Laplacian we resolve a discrepancy between the free field calculation and the expected Euler conformal anomaly. The resolution suggests a modification of the well known formulas for the vacuum expectation value of the spin-1 energy-momentum tensor on conformally flat space-times.Comment: 17 page
Entanglement and Thermal Entropy of Gauge Fields
entanglement and thermal entropy of gauge fields
universal logarithmic divergent entanglement minkowski entangling sphere. employing analyze einstein universe patch sitter. kernel laplacian resolve discrepancy euler conformal anomaly. modification formulas expectation conformally
We investigate the neutralino dark matter in the focus point gaugino mediation model with the O(100) GeV gravitino. The thermal relic abundance of the neutralino with a sizable Higgsino fraction can explain the dark matter density at the present universe. The spin-independent cross section is marginally consistent with the current upper limit from the XENON 100 experiment, and the whole parameter region can be covered at the XENON1T experiment. We also discuss the origin of the gluino mass to wino mass ratio at around 3/8, which is crucial for the mild fine-tuning in the electroweak symmetry breaking sector. It is shown that the existence of the non-anomalous discrete R-symmetry can fix this ratio to 3/8.Comment: 17 pages; 5 figure
Bino-Higgsino Mixed Dark Matter in a Focus Point Gaugino Mediation
bino-higgsino mixed dark matter in a focus point gaugino mediation
neutralino gaugino mediation gravitino. relic abundance neutralino sizable higgsino universe. marginally xenon covered xenon experiment. gluino wino crucial mild fine tuning electroweak breaking sector. anomalous pages
We explicitly construct $N=10$ Chern-Simons gaged supergravity in three dimensions with non-semisimple gauge group $SO(5)\ltimes \mathbf{T}^{10}$. The gauge group is embedded in $E_{6(-14)}$ which is the isometry group of the 32-dimensional scalar manifold $E_{6(-14)}/SO(10)\times U(1)$. The resulting theory is on-shell equivalent to $SO(5)$ Yang-Mills gauged supergravity coming from dimensional reduction on $S^1$ of $SO(5)$ $N=5$ gauged supergravity in four dimensions. We discuss the spectrum of the corresponding reduction. The $SO(5)\ltimes \mathbf{T}^{10}$ gauged supergravity, describing the reduced theory, admits a $\frac{1}{2}$-BPS domain wall vacuum solution whose explicit form is also given. This provides an example of a domain wall in non-maximal gauged supergravity.Comment: 20 pages no figures, the wrong number of the unbroken supersymmetry corrected and a few references adde
1/2-BPS Domain wall from N=10 three dimensional gauged supergravity
1/2-bps domain wall from n=10 three dimensional gauged supergravity
explicitly chern simons gaged supergravity semisimple ltimes mathbf embedded isometry manifold mills gauged supergravity coming gauged supergravity dimensions. reduction. ltimes mathbf gauged supergravity describing admits frac given. maximal gauged pages wrong unbroken supersymmetry corrected adde
We propose a map for extracting the holographic meaning of the metric for a class of warped AdS_3 black strings in type IIB supergravity. Our choice of holographic data is based upon a general prescription due to Papadimitriou. With this choice, we find a holographic stress tensor that is both symmetric and conserved, at least when restricted to a particular sector of the theory. Using the holographic stress tensor, we compute the energy and momentum per unit length of the black strings, as well as the conformal anomaly, and we show that the results agree with those previously obtained via covariant methods.Comment: 20 p
Decrypting the warped black strings
decrypting the warped black strings
propose extracting holographic meaning warped strings supergravity. holographic prescription papadimitriou. holographic conserved restricted theory. holographic strings conformal anomaly agree covariant
The dS/CFT proposal of Anninos, Hartman, and Strominger relates quantum Vasiliev gravity in dS_4 to a large N vector theory in three dimensions. We use this proposal to compute the Wheeler-de Witt wave function of a universe having a particular topology at future infinity. This amplitude is found to grow rapidly with the topological complexity of the spatial slice; this is due to the plethora of states of the Chern-Simons theory that is needed to impose the singlet constraint. Various mechanisms are considered which might ameliorate this growth, but none seems completely satisfactory. We also study the topology dependence in Einstein gravity by computing the action of complex instantons; the wave function then depends on a choice of contour through the space of metrics. The most natural contour prescription leads to a growth with genus similar to the one found in Vasiliev theory, albeit with a different power of Newton's constant.Comment: 1+32 page
Topology of Future Infinity in dS/CFT
topology of future infinity in ds/cft
proposal anninos hartman strominger relates vasiliev dimensions. proposal wheeler witt universe topology infinity. grow rapidly topological slice plethora chern simons impose singlet constraint. ameliorate none satisfactory. topology einstein instantons contour metrics. contour prescription genus vasiliev albeit newton
We study striped phases in holographic insulator/superconductor transition by considering a spatially modulated chemical potential in AdS soliton background. Generally striped phases can develop above a critical chemical potential. When the constant leading term in the chemical potential is set to zero, a discontinuity in the plot of charge density versus chemical potential is observed in the limit of large wave vector. We explain this discontinuity using an analytical approach. When the constant leading term in the chemical potential is present, the critical chemical potential is larger than in the case of a homogeneous chemical potential, which indicates that the spatially modulated chemical potential disfavors the phase transition. This behavior is also confirmed qualitatively by analytical calculations. We also calculate the grand canonical potential and find that the striped phase is favored.Comment: 31 pages, 28 figures, 1 table, to appear in JHE
Striped phases in the holographic insulator/superconductor transition
striped phases in the holographic insulator/superconductor transition
striped holographic insulator superconductor spatially modulated soliton background. striped potential. discontinuity vector. discontinuity approach. homogeneous spatially modulated disfavors transition. confirmed qualitatively calculations. grand canonical striped pages
We analyze oriented event-shapes in the context of Soft-Collinear Effective Theory (SCET) and in Fixed-Order perturbation theory. Oriented event-shapes are distributions of event-shape variables which are differential on the angle theta_T that the thrust axis forms with the electron-positron beam. We show that at any order in perturbation theory and for any event shape, only two angular structures can appear: F_0 = 3/8(1 + cos^2 theta_T) and F_1 = (1 - 3cos^2 theta_T). When integrating over theta_T to recover the more familiar event-shape distributions, only F_0 survives. The validity of our proof goes beyond perturbation theory, and hence only these two structures are present at the hadron level. The proof also carries over massive particles. Using SCET techniques we show that singular terms can only arise in the F_0 term. Since only the hard function is sensitive to the orientation of the thrust axis, this statement applies also for recoil-sensitive variables such as Jet Broadening. We carry out resummation at N3LL of singular terms for Thrust, Heavy-Jet Mass, the sum of the Hemisphere Masses and C-parameter. We also compute the Fixed-Order distributions for these event-shapes at O(as) analytically and at O(as^2) with the program Event2.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figures. Extended discussion on SCET proof. Added a plot comparing to experimental data. References added. Conclusions unchanged. Matches published versio
Oriented Event Shapes at N3LL + O(as^2)
oriented event shapes at n3ll + o(as^2)
analyze oriented shapes collinear scet perturbation theory. oriented shapes theta thrust positron beam. perturbation theta theta integrating theta recover familiar survives. validity goes perturbation hadron level. carries massive particles. scet singular arise term. thrust statement applies recoil broadening. carry resummation singular thrust hemisphere parameter. shapes analytically pages figures. scet proof. data. added. unchanged. matches versio
We obtain spherically-symmetric and $\R^2$-symmetric dyonic black holes that are asymptotic to anti-de Sitter space-time (AdS), which are solutions in maximal gauged four-dimensional supergravity, with just one of the U(1) fields carrying both the electric and magnetic charges $(Q,P)$. We study the thermodynamics, and find that the usually-expected first law does not hold unless P=0, Q=0 or P=Q. For general values of the charges, we find that the first law requires a modification with a new pair of thermodynamic conjugate variables. We show that they describe the scalar hair that breaks some of the asymptotic AdS symmetries.Comment: 21 pages, typos corrected, discussion of Euclidean action adde
AdS Dyonic Black Hole and its Thermodynamics
ads dyonic black hole and its thermodynamics
spherically dyonic holes asymptotic sitter maximal gauged supergravity carrying charges thermodynamics hold unless charges modification thermodynamic conjugate variables. hair breaks asymptotic pages typos corrected euclidean adde
We present a comprehensive study of the electromagnetic form factor, the decay constant and the mass of the pion computed in lattice QCD with two degenerate O(a)-improved Wilson quarks at three different lattice spacings in the range 0.05-0.08fm and pion masses between 280 and 630MeV at m_pi L >~ 4. Using partially twisted boundary conditions and stochastic estimators, we obtain a dense set of precise data points for the form factor at very small momentum transfers, allowing for a model-independent extraction of the charge radius. Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT) augmented by terms which model lattice artefacts is then compared to the data. At next-to-leading order the effective theory fails to produce a consistent description of the full set of pion observables but describes the data well when only the decay constant and mass are considered. By contrast, using the next-to-next-to-leading order expressions to perform global fits result in a consistent description of all data. We obtain <r^2_pi>=0.481(33)(13)fm^2 as our final result for the charge radius at the physical point. Our calculation also yields estimates for the pion decay constant in the chiral limit, F_pi/F=1.080(16)(6), the quark condensate, Sigma^{1/3}_MSbar(2GeV)=261(13)(1)MeV and several low-energy constants of SU(2) ChPT.Comment: 36 pages, 10 figure
The pion vector form factor from lattice QCD and NNLO chiral perturbation theory
the pion vector form factor from lattice qcd and nnlo chiral perturbation theory
comprehensive electromagnetic pion degenerate wilson quarks spacings pion partially twisted stochastic estimators dense precise transfers allowing extraction radius. chiral perturbation chpt augmented artefacts data. fails pion observables describes considered. expressions fits data. point. pion chiral condensate sigma msbar pages
The OPERA neutrino experiment is designed to perform the first observation of neutrino oscillations in direct appearance mode in the νμ→ντ channel, via the detection of the τ-leptons created in charged current ντ interactions. The detector, located in the underground Gran Sasso Laboratory, consists of an emulsion/lead target with an average mass of about 1.2 kt, complemented by electronic detectors. It is exposed to the CERN Neutrinos to Gran Sasso beam, with a baseline of 730 km and a mean energy of 17 GeV. The observation of the first ντ candidate event and the analysis of the 2008-2009 neutrino sample have been reported in previous publications. This work describes substantial improvements in the analysis and in the evaluation of the detection efficiencies and backgrounds using new simulation tools. The analysis is extended to a sub-sample of 2010 and 2011 data, resulting from an electronic detector-based pre-selection, in which an additional ντ candidate has been observed. The significance of the two events in terms of a νμ→ντ oscillation signal is of 2.40 σ
New results on ν μ → ν τ appearance with the OPERA experiment in the CNGS beam
new results on ν μ → ν τ appearance with the opera experiment in the cngs beam
opera oscillations appearance νμ→ντ leptons created interactions. underground gran sasso emulsion complemented detectors. exposed cern neutrinos gran sasso gev. candidate publications. describes substantial improvements efficiencies backgrounds tools. candidate observed. νμ→ντ oscillation
We compute the thermal free energy for all renormalizable Chern Simon theories coupled to a single fundamental bosonic and fermionic field in the 't Hooft large N limit. We use our results to conjecture a strong weak coupling duality invariance for this class of theories. Our conjectured duality reduces to Giveon Kutasov duality when restricted to {\cal N}=2 supersymmetric theories and to an earlier conjectured bosonization duality in an appropriate decoupling limit. Consequently the bosonization duality may be regarded as a deformation of Giveon Kutasov duality, suggesting that it is true even at large but finite N.Comment: 36 pages, 4 figures, v2: typos correcte
Chern Simons duality with a fundamental boson and fermion
chern simons duality with a fundamental boson and fermion
renormalizable chern simon bosonic fermionic hooft limit. conjecture duality invariance theories. conjectured duality reduces giveon kutasov duality restricted supersymmetric conjectured bosonization duality decoupling limit. bosonization duality regarded deformation giveon kutasov duality pages typos correcte
We propose holographic dualities between higher spin gravity theories extended with Chan-Paton factor on AdS_3 and a large N limit of two dimensional Grassmannian models with and without supersymmetry. These proposals are natural extensions of the duality without Chan-Paton factor, and the extensions are motivated by a higher dimensional version of the duality, which implies a possible relation to superstring theory via ABJ theory. As evidence for the proposals, we show that the free limit of the Grassmannian models have the higher spin symmetry expected from the dual gravity theory. Furthermore, we construct currents in the 't Hooft limit of the supersymmetric Grassmannian model and compare them with the currents from the bulk theory. One-loop partition function of the supergravity theory is reproduced by the 't Hooft limit of the Grassmannian model after decoupling a gauge sector.Comment: 55 pages, minor changes, published versio
Extended higher spin holography and Grassmannian models
extended higher spin holography and grassmannian models
propose holographic dualities chan paton grassmannian supersymmetry. proposals extensions duality chan paton extensions motivated duality superstring theory. proposals grassmannian theory. currents hooft supersymmetric grassmannian currents theory. partition supergravity reproduced hooft grassmannian decoupling pages minor versio
In this paper we demonstrate that the dense system of partons (gluons) can be produced in dilute-dilute system scattering, using the example of dipole-dipole collisions. This increase in density stems from the intensive gluon cascades that can be described by the enhanced BFKL Pomeron diagrams (Pomeron loops). For the first time we found the analytical solution to the equation for diffraction production in the dipole-dense parton system scattering, using the simplified BFKL kernel. Having this solution as well as the solution to Balitsky- Kovchegov equation we developed technique that allowed us to calculate the total cross section, cross sections for single and double diffractions in the MPSI approximation. Calculating inclusive production and two gluon correlations we see that the dense and strongly correlated system of gluons can be produced at high energy in the dipole-dipole scattering.Comment: 22pp. 22 figures in .eps file
Dipole-dipole scattering in CGC/saturation approach at high energy: summing Pomeron loops
dipole-dipole scattering in cgc/saturation approach at high energy: summing pomeron loops
dense partons gluons dilute dilute dipole dipole collisions. stems intensive gluon cascades bfkl pomeron diagrams pomeron loops diffraction dipole dense parton simplified bfkl kernel. balitsky kovchegov diffractions mpsi approximation. calculating inclusive gluon dense gluons dipole dipole .eps file
Hodge's formula represents the gravitational MHV amplitude as the determinant of a minor of a certain matrix. When expanded, this determinant becomes a sum over weighted trees, which is the form of the MHV formula first obtained by Bern, Dixon, Perelstein, Rozowsky and rediscovered by Nguyen, Spradlin, Volovich and Wen. The gravity MHV amplitude satisfies the Britto, Cachazo, Feng and Witten recursion relation. The main building block of the MHV amplitude, the so-called half-soft function, satisfies a different, Berends-Giele-type recursion relation. We show that all these facts are illustrations to a more general story. We consider a weighted Laplacian for a complete graph of n vertices. The matrix tree theorem states that its diagonal minor determinants are all equal and given by a sum over spanning trees. We show that, for any choice of a cocycle on the graph, the minor determinants satisfy a Berends-Giele as well as Britto-Cachazo-Feng-Witten type recursion relation. Our proofs are purely combinatorial.Comment: 12 pages, some figures embedded in the tex
Weighted Laplacians, cocycles and recursion relations
weighted laplacians, cocycles and recursion relations
hodge gravitational determinant minor matrix. expanded determinant weighted trees bern dixon perelstein rozowsky rediscovered nguyen spradlin volovich wen. satisfies britto cachazo feng witten recursion relation. satisfies berends giele recursion relation. facts illustrations story. weighted laplacian vertices. diagonal minor determinants spanning trees. cocycle minor determinants satisfy berends giele britto cachazo feng witten recursion relation. proofs purely pages embedded
We evaluate analytically the master integrals for one of two types of planar families contributing to massive two-loop Bhabha scattering in QED. As in our previous paper, we apply a recently suggested new strategy to solve differential equations for master integrals for families of Feynman integrals. The crucial point of this strategy is to use a new basis of the master integrals where all master integrals are pure functions of uniform weight. This allows to cast the differential equations into a simple canonical form, which can straightforwardly be integrated order by order in epsilon in dimensional regularization. The boundary conditions are also particularly transparent in this setup. We identify the class of functions relevant to this problem to all orders in epsilon. We present the results up to weight four for all except one integrals in terms of a subset of Goncharov polylogarithms, which one may call two-dimensional harmonic polylogarithms. For one integral, and more generally at higher weight, the solution is written in terms of Chen iterated integrals.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figure
Analytic results for two-loop master integrals for Bhabha scattering I
analytic results for two-loop master integrals for bhabha scattering i
analytically master integrals planar families contributing massive bhabha qed. solve master integrals families feynman integrals. crucial master integrals master integrals weight. cast canonical straightforwardly epsilon regularization. transparent setup. orders epsilon. integrals goncharov polylogarithms call harmonic polylogarithms. iterated pages
The gauge/gravity duality is used to investigate the imaginary part of the heavy quark potential (defined via the rectangular Wilson loop) in strongly coupled plasmas. This quantity can be used to estimate the width of heavy quarkonia in a plasma at strong coupling. In this paper the thermal worldsheet fluctuation method, proposed in [J.Noronha and A.Dumitru, Phys.\ Rev.\ Lett.\ {\bf 103}, 152304 (2009)], is revisited and general conditions for the existence of an imaginary part for the heavy quark potential computed within classical gravity models are obtained. We prove a general result that establishes the connection between this imaginary part of the potential determined holographically and the area law displayed by the Wilson loop in the vacuum of confining gauge theories. We also determine the imaginary part of the heavy quark potential in a strongly coupled plasma dual to Gauss-Bonnet gravity. This provides an estimate of how the thermal width of heavy quarkonia changes with the shear viscosity to entropy density ratio, $\eta/s$, at strong coupling.Comment: 45 pages, 20 figures; new references and appendix adde
Estimates for the Thermal Width of Heavy Quarkonia in Strongly Coupled Plasmas from Holography
estimates for the thermal width of heavy quarkonia in strongly coupled plasmas from holography
duality imaginary rectangular wilson plasmas. quantity quarkonia coupling. worldsheet fluctuation ronha a.dumitru phys. rev. lett. revisited imaginary obtained. establishes connection imaginary holographically displayed wilson confining theories. imaginary gauss bonnet gravity. quarkonia viscosity pages adde
We discuss various issues related to the understanding of the conformal anomaly matching in CFT from the dual holographic viewpoint. First, we act with a PBH diffeomorphism on a generic 5D RG flow geometry and show that the corresponding on-shell bulk action reproduces the Wess-Zumino term for the dilaton of broken conformal symmetry, with the expected coefficient aUV-aIR. Then we consider a specific 3D example of RG flow whose UV asymptotics is normalizable and admits a 6D lifting. We promote a modulus \rho appearing in the geometry to a function of boundary coordinates. In a 6D description {\rho} is the scale of an SU(2) instanton. We determine the smooth deformed background up to second order in the space-time derivatives of \rho and find that the 3D on-shell action reproduces a boundary kinetic term for the massless field \tau= log(\rho) with the correct coefficient \delta c=cUV-cIR. We further analyze the linearized fluctuations around the deformed background geometry and compute the one-point functions <T\mu\nu> and show that they are reproduced by a Liouville-type action for the massless scalar \tau, with background charge due to the coupling to the 2D curvature R. The resulting central charge matches \delta c. We give an interpretation of this action in terms of the (4,0) SCFT of the D1-D5 system in type I theory.Comment: v3: published version, 50 p
Holography and Conformal Anomaly Matching
holography and conformal anomaly matching
conformal anomaly matching holographic viewpoint. diffeomorphism generic reproduces wess zumino dilaton broken conformal air. asymptotics normalizable admits lifting. promote modulus appearing coordinates. instanton. deformed derivatives reproduces massless delta cir. analyze linearized deformed reproduced liouville massless curvature matches delta scft
We present consistent supersymmetric theories invariant under the generalization of the Galilean shift symmetry to ${\cal{N}}=1$ superspace. These theories are constructed via the decoupling limit of certain non-minimally derivative coupled supergravities, thus they correspond to the supersymmetrization of the so-called covariant Galileon. Specifically, these theories are constructed in the linearized ${\cal{N}}=1$ new-minimal supergravity set-up where the chiral supermultiplet is minimally coupled to gravity via the standard R-current contact term, and, at the same time, non-minimally derivatively coupled to the Einstein superfield.Comment: 12 pages, published versio
On Ghost-free Supersymmetric Galileons
on ghost-free supersymmetric galileons
supersymmetric generalization galilean superspace. decoupling minimally supergravities supersymmetrization covariant galileon. linearized supergravity chiral supermultiplet minimally minimally derivatively einstein pages versio
We show that the BPS spectrum of pure SU(3) four-dimensional super Yang-Mills with N=2 supersymmetry exhibits a surprising phenomenon: there are regions of the Coulomb branch where the growth of the BPS degeneracies with the charge is exponential. We show this using spectral networks and independently using wall-crossing formulae and quiver methods. The computations using spectral networks provide a very nontrivial example of how these networks determine the four-dimensional BPS spectrum. We comment on some physical implications of the wild spectrum: for example, exponentially many field-theoretic BPS states with large charge are gigantic. Finally, we exhibit some surprising, thus far unexplained, regularities of the BPS spectrum.Comment: 105 pages, 25 figure
Wild Wall Crossing and BPS Giants
wild wall crossing and bps giants
super mills supersymmetry exhibits surprising phenomenon coulomb branch degeneracies exponential. independently crossing formulae quiver methods. computations nontrivial spectrum. comment exponentially theoretic gigantic. exhibit surprising unexplained regularities pages
The five dimensional Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity with a negative cosmological constant becomes, for a special value of the Gauss-Bonnet coupling constant, a Chern-Simons (CS) theory of gravity. In this work we discuss the properties of several different types of black object solutions of this model. Special attention is paid to the case of spinning black holes with equal-magnitude angular momenta which posses a regular horizon of spherical topology. Closed form solutions are obtained in the small angular momentum limit. Nonperturbative solutions are constructed by solving numerically the equations of the model. Apart from that, new exact solutions describing static squashed black holes and black strings are also discussed. The action and global charges of all configurations studied in this work are obtained by using the quasilocal formalism with boundary counterterms generalized for the case of a d=5 CS theory.Comment: 34 pages, 3 figure
Black hole solutions in d=5 Chern-Simons gravity
black hole solutions in d=5 chern-simons gravity
einstein gauss bonnet cosmological gauss bonnet chern simons gravity. model. paid spinning holes momenta posses horizon spherical topology. limit. nonperturbative solving numerically model. apart describing squashed holes strings discussed. charges configurations quasilocal formalism counterterms pages
We explore tree-level amplitude relations for SU(N)xSU(M) bi-fundamental matter theories. Embedding the group-theory structure in a Lie three-algebra, we derive Kleiss-Kuijf-like relations for bi-fundamental matter theories in general dimension. We investigate the three-algebra color-kinematics duality for these theories. Unlike the Yang-Mills two-algebra case, the three-algebra Bern-Carrasco-Johansson relations depend on the spacetime dimension and on the detailed symmetry properties of the structure constants. We find the presence of such relations in three and two dimensions, and absence in D>3. Surprisingly, beyond six point, such relations are absent in the Aharony-Bergman-Jafferis-Maldacena theory for general gauge group, while the Bagger-Lambert-Gustavsson theory, and its supersymmetry truncations, obey the color-kinematics duality like clockwork. At four and six points the relevant partial amplitudes of the two theories are bijectively related, explaining previous results in the literature. In D=2 the color-kinematics duality gives results consistent with integrability of two-dimensional $\mathcal{N}=16$ supergravity: The four-point amplitude satisfies a Yang-Baxter equation; the six- and eight-point amplitudes vanish for certain kinematics away from factorization channels, as expected from integrability.Comment: 52 page
On Three-Algebra and Bi-Fundamental Matter Amplitudes and Integrability of Supergravity
on three-algebra and bi-fundamental matter amplitudes and integrability of supergravity
explore theories. embedding derive kleiss kuijf dimension. kinematics duality theories. unlike mills bern carrasco johansson spacetime constants. surprisingly absent aharony bergman jafferis maldacena bagger lambert gustavsson supersymmetry truncations obey kinematics duality clockwork. amplitudes bijectively explaining literature. kinematics duality integrability mathcal supergravity satisfies baxter eight amplitudes vanish kinematics away factorization
We consider time-dependent entanglement entropy (EE) for a 1+1 dimensional CFT in the presence of angular momentum and U(1) charge. The EE saturates, irrespective of the initial state, to the grand canonical entropy after a time large compared with the length of the entangling interval. We reproduce the CFT results from an AdS dual consisting of a spinning BTZ black hole and a flat U(1) connection. The apparent discrepancy that the holographic EE does not a priori depend on the U(1) charge while the CFT EE does, is resolved by the charge-dependent shift between the bulk and boundary stress tensors. We show that for small entangling intervals, the entanglement entropy obeys the first law of thermodynamics, as conjectured recently. The saturation of the EE in the field theory is shown to follow from a version of quantum ergodicity; the derivation indicates that it should hold for conformal as well as massive theories in any number of dimensions.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures; (v2) many comments added for better clarity; typos fixed; references adde
Dynamical entanglement entropy with angular momentum and U(1) charge
dynamical entanglement entropy with angular momentum and u(1) charge
entanglement charge. saturates irrespective grand canonical entangling interval. reproduce consisting spinning connection. apparent discrepancy holographic priori resolved tensors. entangling intervals entanglement obeys thermodynamics conjectured recently. saturation ergodicity derivation hold conformal massive pages comments clarity typos adde
In the ``non-decoupling'' region of the Higgs sector in MSSM, the heavier CP-even Higgs boson (H^0) is Standard-Model-like and close to the charged Higgs bosons (H^\pm) in mass, while other neutral Higgs bosons (h^0,A^0) are lighter and near the Z mass. This scenario is consistent with the current Higgs search limits, although the improved sensitivity for a light charged Higgs boson search t -> H^+ b may result in certain degree of tension. We demonstrate that it can pass the stringent flavor constraints, provided there are other light SUSY particles to contribute in the loop induced processes. In turn, the non-decoupling Higgs sector implies the existence of light (left-handed) stop, sbottom and Wino-like gauginos, with mass all below 250 GeV. These light super-partners can still escape the current SUSY searches at the LHC. Dedicated searches for soft decay products should be devised for the LHC experiments to improve the searching sensitivity. The ILC would be able to cover the full spectrum region. The solutions for the viable SUSY parameters result from subtle cancellations and are often missed by the generic multiple dimensional scans, highlighting the importance of theoretical guidance in search for such special cases.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figures, 1 table. Published in JHEP 1311 (2013) 05
Non-Decoupling MSSM Higgs Sector and Light Superpartners
non-decoupling mssm higgs sector and light superpartners
decoupling mssm heavier boson bosons neutral bosons lighter mass. boson tension. pass stringent flavor susy processes. decoupling handed stop sbottom wino gauginos gev. super partners escape susy searches lhc. dedicated searches devised searching sensitivity. cover region. viable susy subtle cancellations missed generic scans highlighting guidance pages table. jhep
In the context of recently proposed holographic dualities between higher spin theories in AdS3 and 1+1-dimensional CFTs with W-symmetry algebras, we revisit the definition of higher spin black hole thermodynamics and the dictionary between bulk fields and dual CFT operators. We build a canonical formalism based on three ingredients: a gauge-invariant definition of conserved charges and chemical potentials in the presence of higher spin black holes, a canonical definition of entropy in the bulk, and a bulk-to-boundary dictionary aligned with the asymptotic symmetry algebra. We show that our canonical formalism shares the same formal structure as the so-called holomorphic formalism, but differs in the definition of charges and chemical potentials and in the bulk-to-boundary dictionary. Most importantly, we show that it admits a consistent CFT interpretation. We discuss the spin-2 and spin-3 cases in detail and generalize our construction to theories based on the hs[\lambda] algebra, and on the sl(N,R) algebra for any choice of sl(2,R) embedding.Comment: 47 pages, references added, published versio
Observables and Microscopic Entropy of Higher Spin Black Holes
observables and microscopic entropy of higher spin black holes
holographic dualities cfts algebras revisit thermodynamics dictionary operators. build canonical formalism ingredients conserved charges potentials holes canonical dictionary aligned asymptotic algebra. canonical formalism shares formal holomorphic formalism differs charges potentials dictionary. importantly admits interpretation. generalize lambda pages versio