3 values
We compute the partition function for non-interacting chiral fermions at second order in a derivative expansion of an arbitrary time-independent gravitational and gauge background. We find that Pauli-Villars regularization of the vacuum part is needed to get consistent results. We use our results to discuss some features of the non-dissipative constitutive relations of second order hydrodynamics.Comment: 27 pages; v2 minor changes in sec. 5 and discussion improved in secs. 6 and 7, references added, version to appear in JHE
Second-order partition function of a non-interacting chiral fluid in 3+1 dimensions
second-order partition function of a non-interacting chiral fluid in 3+1 dimensions
partition interacting chiral fermions gravitational background. pauli villars regularization results. dissipative constitutive pages minor sec. secs.
We present a class of 3D Black Holes based on flat connections which are polynomials in the BTZ $hs(\lambda) \times hs(\lambda)$-valued connection. We solve analytically the fluctuation equations of matter in their background and find the spectrum of their Quasi Normal Modes. We analyze the bulk to boundary two-point functions. We also relate our results and those arising in other backgrounds discussed recently in the literature on the subject.Comment: v3: typo corrected in first line of Eq (4.2), improved presentatio
Black Holes in the 3D Higher Spin Theory and Their Quasi Normal Modes
black holes in the 3d higher spin theory and their quasi normal modes
holes connections polynomials lambda lambda valued connection. solve analytically fluctuation quasi modes. analyze functions. relate arising backgrounds typo corrected presentatio
We study correlation functions in an equilibrated spatially modulated phase of Einstein-Maxwell two-derivative gravity. We find that the ratio of the appropriate low frequency limit of the stress-stress two point function to the entropy density is modulated. The conductivity, the stress-current and current-stress correlation functions are also modulated. At temperatures close to the phase transition we obtain analytic expressions for some of the correlation functions.Comment: 38 pages, 2 figures; v2: added reference, minor correctio
A modulated shear to entropy ratio
a modulated shear to entropy ratio
equilibrated spatially modulated einstein maxwell gravity. modulated. conductivity modulated. analytic expressions pages minor correctio
It has been proven in arXiv:1303.0853 that all regular supersymmetric near-horizon geometries in minimal five-dimensional gauged supergravity admit automatic supersymmetry enhancement. Using this result, the integrability conditions associated with the existence of the additional supersymmetry are analysed, and the near-horizon geometries are determined explicitly. We show that they all correspond to previously constructed examples. Hence, there are no supersymmetric black ring solutions in minimal five-dimensional gauged supergravity
Non-existence of supersymmetric AdS 5 black rings
non-existence of supersymmetric ads 5 black rings
proven supersymmetric horizon geometries gauged supergravity admit automatic supersymmetry enhancement. integrability supersymmetry analysed horizon geometries explicitly. examples. supersymmetric gauged supergravity
We consider current and alternative approaches to setting limits on new physics signals having backgrounds from misidentified objects; for example jets misidentified as leptons, b -jets or photons. Many ATLAS and CMS analyses have used a heuristic “matrix method” for estimating the background contribution from such sources. We demonstrate that the matrix method suffers from statistical shortcomings that can adversely affect its ability to set robust limits. A rigorous alternative method is discussed, and is seen to produce fake rate estimates and limits with better qualities, but is found to be too costly to use. Having investigated the nature of the approximations used to derive the matrix method, we propose a third strategy that is seen to marry the speed of the matrix method to the performance and physicality of the more rigorous approach
Improving estimates of the number of ‘fake’ leptons and other mis-reconstructed objects in hadron collider events: BoB’s your UNCLE
improving estimates of the number of ‘fake’ leptons and other mis-reconstructed objects in hadron collider events: bob’s your uncle
backgrounds misidentified jets misidentified leptons jets photons. atlas heuristic “matrix method” estimating sources. suffers shortcomings adversely robust limits. rigorous fake qualities costly use. approximations derive propose marry physicality rigorous
We consider current and alternative approaches to setting limits on new physics signals having backgrounds from misidentified objects; for example jets misidentified as leptons, b-jets or photons. Many ATLAS and CMS analyses have used a heuristic “matrix method” for estimating the background contribution from such sources. We demonstrate that the matrix method suffers from statistical shortcomings that can adversely affect its ability to set robust limits. A rigorous alternative method is discussed, and is seen to produce fake rate estimates and limits with better qualities, but is found to be too costly to use. Having investigated the nature of the approximations used to derive the matrix method, we propose a third strategy that is seen to marry the speed of the matrix method to the performance and physicality of the more rigorous approach.This is the final published version. It is available online from Springer in the Journal of High Energy Physics here:
Improving estimates of the number of fake leptons and other mis-reconstructed objects in hadron collider events: BoB's your UNCLE
improving estimates of the number of fake leptons and other mis-reconstructed objects in hadron collider events: bob's your uncle
backgrounds misidentified jets misidentified leptons jets photons. atlas heuristic “matrix method” estimating sources. suffers shortcomings adversely robust limits. rigorous fake qualities costly use. approximations derive propose marry physicality rigorous approach.this version. springer jhep
We present an ansatz which makes the equations of motion more tractable for the simplest of Vasiliev's four-dimensional higher spin theories. The ansatz is similar to axial gauge in electromagnetism. We present a broad class of solutions in the gauge where the spatial connection vanishes, and we discuss the lift of one of these solutions to a full spacetime solution via a gauge transformation.Comment: 12 pages. v2: Noted a complication with spacetime interpretation. v3: Revised section 4, correcting a limiting proces
An axial gauge ansatz for higher spin theories
an axial gauge ansatz for higher spin theories
ansatz tractable simplest vasiliev theories. ansatz axial electromagnetism. broad connection vanishes lift spacetime pages. complication spacetime interpretation. revised correcting limiting proces
Supersymmetry (SUSY) has been proposed to be a central concept for the physics beyond the standard model and for a description of the strong interactions in the context of the AdS/CFT correspondence. A deeper understanding of these developments requires the knowledge of the properties of supersymmetric models at finite temperatures. We present a Monte Carlo investigation of the finite temperature phase diagram of the N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory (SYM) regularised on a space-time lattice. The model is in many aspects similar to QCD: quark confinement and fermion condensation occur in the low temperature regime of both theories. A comparison to QCD is therefore possible. The simulations show that for N=1 SYM the deconfinement temperature has a mild dependence on the fermion mass. The analysis of the chiral condensate susceptibility supports the possibility that chiral symmetry is restored near the deconfinement phase transition.Comment: 26 pages, 12 figure
Phase structure of the N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory at finite temperature
phase structure of the n=1 supersymmetric yang-mills theory at finite temperature
supersymmetry susy correspondence. deeper developments supersymmetric temperatures. monte carlo supersymmetric mills regularised lattice. confinement fermion condensation theories. possible. deconfinement mild fermion mass. chiral condensate susceptibility supports chiral restored deconfinement pages
A necessary ingredient for our previous results on the form of the long distance effective action of the twisted lattice N=4 super Yang-Mills theory is the existence of a real space renormalization group which preserves the lattice structure, both the symmetries and the geometric interpretation of the fields. In this brief article we provide an explicit example of such a blocking scheme and illustrate its practicality in the context of a small scale Monte Carlo renormalization group calculation. We also discuss the implications of this result, and the possible ways in which to use it in order to obtain further information about the long distance theory.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure
Real space renormalization group for twisted lattice N=4 super Yang-Mills
real space renormalization group for twisted lattice n=4 super yang-mills
ingredient twisted super mills renormalization preserves symmetries geometric fields. brief blocking illustrate practicality monte carlo renormalization calculation. ways pages
We compute the logarithmic correction to black hole entropy about exponentially suppressed saddle points of the Quantum Entropy Function corresponding to Z(N) orbifolds of the near horizon geometry of the extremal black hole under study. By carefully accounting for zero mode contributions we show that the logarithmic contributions for quarter--BPS black holes in N=4 supergravity and one--eighth BPS black holes in N=8 supergravity perfectly match with the prediction from the microstate counting. We also find that the logarithmic contribution for half--BPS black holes in N = 2 supergravity depends non-trivially on the Z(N) orbifold. Our analysis draws heavily on the results we had previously obtained for heat kernel coefficients on Z(N) orbifolds of spheres and hyperboloids in arXiv:1311.6286 and we also propose a generalization of the Plancherel formula to Z(N) orbifolds of hyperboloids to an expression involving the Harish-Chandra character of SL(2,R), a result which is of possible mathematical interest.Comment: 40 page
Logarithmic Corrections to Extremal Black Hole Entropy in N = 2, 4 and 8 Supergravity
logarithmic corrections to extremal black hole entropy in n = 2, 4 and 8 supergravity
logarithmic exponentially suppressed saddle orbifolds horizon extremal study. carefully accounting logarithmic quarter holes supergravity eighth holes supergravity perfectly match microstate counting. logarithmic holes supergravity trivially orbifold. draws heavily kernel orbifolds spheres hyperboloids propose generalization plancherel orbifolds hyperboloids involving harish chandra character mathematical
The standard method to calculate non-perturbatively the evolution of the running coupling of a SU(N) gauge theory is based on the Schr\"odinger functional (SF). In this paper we construct a family of boundary fields for general values of N which enter the standard definition of the SF coupling. We provide spatial boundary conditions for fermions in several representations which reduce the condition number of the squared Dirac operator. In addition, we calculate the O(a) improvement coefficients for N>3 needed to remove boundary cutoff effects from the gauge action. After this, residual cutoff effects on the step scaling function are shown to be very small even when considering non-fundamental representations. We also calculate the ratio of Lambda parameters between the MS-bar and SF schemes.Comment: 33 pages, 6 figure
Schr\"odinger functional boundary conditions and improvement for N>3
schr\"odinger functional boundary conditions and improvement for n>3
perturbatively running schr odinger enter coupling. fermions representations squared dirac operator. remove cutoff action. residual cutoff representations. lambda pages
We study the three-loop four-point amplitude in ABJM theory. We determine the dual conformal invariant integrals with highest number of propagators and fix their coefficients by two-particle cuts. Evaluating such a combination of integrals in dimensional regularization we provide evidence for exponentiation of the amplitude, including the finite terms. In addition we show that the three-loop amplitude can be expressed in terms of classical polylogarithms of uniform degree of transcendentality.Comment: 31 pages, 4 figure
On the ABJM four-point amplitude at three loops and BDS exponentiation
on the abjm four-point amplitude at three loops and bds exponentiation
abjm theory. conformal integrals propagators cuts. evaluating integrals regularization exponentiation terms. polylogarithms pages
We study the effect of soft gluon emission on the total cross section predictions for the gg → HZ associated Higgs production process at the LHC. To this end, we perform resummation of threshold corrections at the NLL accuracy in the absolute threshold production limit and in the threshold limit for production of a ZH system with a given invariant mass. Analytical results and numerical predictions for various possible LHC collision energies are presented. The perturbative stability of the results is verified by including universal NNLL effects. We find that resummation significantly reduces the scale uncertainty of the gg → HZ contribution, which is the dominant source of perturbative uncertainty to ZH production. We use our results to evaluate updated numbers for the total inclusive cross section of associated pp → ZH production at the LHC. The reduced scale uncertainty of the gg → HZ component translates into a decrease of the overall scale error by about a factor of two
Soft gluon resummation for gluon-induced Higgs Strahlung
soft gluon resummation for gluon-induced higgs strahlung
gluon lhc. resummation mass. collision presented. perturbative verified universal nnll effects. resummation reduces perturbative production. updated inclusive lhc. translates
In the context of the type-I seesaw mechanism, it is known that θ 13 is zero and leptogenesis can not be realized if there exists a residual flavor symmetry resulting in the Tri-Bimaximal neutrino mixing pattern. We propose a simple framework where additional particles, odd under a Z 2 symmetry, break the residual flavor symmetry and the lightest of the Z 2 odd particles is the dark matter candidate. As as result, nonzero θ 13 , δ CP , leptogenesis and the correct dark matter density can be accommodated. On the other hand, a Z 2 odd scalar can play the role of the inflaton with mass of 10 13 GeV motivated by the recent BICEP2 results. Interestingly, the model can “generate” δ CP ≃ − π/ 2, preferred by the T2K experiment in the normal hierarchy neutrino mass spectrum
The dark side of θ 13 , δ CP , leptogenesis and inflation in type-I seesaw
the dark side of θ 13 , δ cp , leptogenesis and inflation in type-i seesaw
seesaw leptogenesis realized residual flavor bimaximal pattern. propose break residual flavor lightest candidate. nonzero leptogenesis accommodated. inflaton motivated bicep results. interestingly “generate” preferred hierarchy
We apply the worldline formalism to the Grosse-Wulkenhaar model and obtain an expression for the one-loop effective action which provides an efficient way for computing Schwinger functions in this theory. Using this expression we obtain the quantum corrections to the effective background and the β -functions, which are known to vanish at the self-dual point. The case of degenerate noncommutativity is also considered. Our main result can be straightforwardly applied to any polynomial self-interaction of the scalar field and we consider that the worldline approach could be useful for studying effective actions of noncommutative gauge fields as well as in other non-local models or in higher-derivative field theories
Worldline approach to the Grosse-Wulkenhaar model
worldline approach to the grosse-wulkenhaar model
worldline formalism grosse wulkenhaar schwinger theory. vanish point. degenerate noncommutativity considered. straightforwardly worldline studying noncommutative
We generalize the gradient flow equation for field theories with nonlinearly realized symmetry. Applying the formalism to super Yang-Mills theory, we construct a supersymmetric extension of the gradient flow equation. It can be shown that the super gauge symmetry is preserved in the gradient flow. Furthermore, choosing an appropriate modification term to damp the gauge degrees of freedom, we obtain a gradient flow equation which is closed within the Wess-Zumino gauge.Comment: 35 pages, v2: typos corrected and references added, v3: published versio
Generalized Gradient Flow Equation and Its Application to Super Yang-Mills Theory
generalized gradient flow equation and its application to super yang-mills theory
generalize nonlinearly realized symmetry. formalism super mills supersymmetric equation. super preserved flow. choosing modification damp freedom wess zumino pages typos corrected versio
Standard results in 4d N = 1 $$ \mathcal{N}=1 $$ string compactifications assign a number of moduli to each space-time filling D-brane, computed by analysing the D-brane action in a fixed background. We revisit such conventional wisdom and argue that this naive counting of open string moduli is incorrect, in the sense that some of them will be lifted when making dynamical the bulk degrees of freedom. We explicitly discuss this effect for D6-branes wrapping special Lagrangian three-cycles, showing that some geometric and Wilson line moduli are lifted even before taking into account worldsheet instanton effects. From a 4d effective theory viewpoint the moduli lifting is due to an F-term potential, and can be deduced from the superpotentials in the literature. From a microscopic viewpoint the lifting is due to D-brane backreaction effects and flux quantisation in a compact manifold, and provides a mechanism for lifting Wilson line moduli. The latter applies to certain D6-branes and D7-brane Wilson lines, yielding new possibilities to build models of inflation in string theory
On D-brane moduli stabilisation
on d-brane moduli stabilisation
mathcal compactifications assign moduli filling brane analysing brane background. revisit wisdom argue naive counting moduli incorrect lifted freedom. explicitly branes wrapping lagrangian cycles geometric wilson moduli lifted worldsheet instanton effects. viewpoint moduli lifting deduced superpotentials literature. microscopic viewpoint lifting brane backreaction quantisation manifold lifting wilson moduli. applies branes brane wilson yielding possibilities build inflation
We use a geometric generalization of the Seiberg-Witten map between noncommutative and commutative gauge theories to find the expansion of noncommutative Chern-Simons (CS) theory in any odd dimension $D$ and at first order in the noncommutativity parameter $\theta$. This expansion extends the classical CS theory with higher powers of the curvatures and their derivatives. A simple explanation of the equality between noncommutative and commutative CS actions in $D=1$ and $D=3$ is obtained. The $\theta$ dependent terms are present for $D\geq 5$ and give a higher derivative theory on commutative space reducing to classical CS theory for $\theta\to 0$. These terms depend on the field strength and not on the bare gauge potential. In particular, as for the Dirac-Born-Infeld action, these terms vanish in the slowly varying field strength approximation: in this case noncommutative and commutative CS actions coincide in any dimension. The Seiberg-Witten map on the $D=5$ noncommutative CS theory is explored in more detail, and we give its second order $\theta$-expansion for any gauge group. The example of extended $D=5$ CS gravity, where the gauge group is $SU(2,2)$, is treated explicitly.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX. Added clarifications, added reference. Matches published version on JHE
Noncommutative Chern-Simons gauge and gravity theories and their geometric Seiberg-Witten map
noncommutative chern-simons gauge and gravity theories and their geometric seiberg-witten map
geometric generalization seiberg witten noncommutative commutative noncommutative chern simons noncommutativity theta extends powers curvatures derivatives. explanation equality noncommutative commutative obtained. theta commutative reducing theta bare potential. dirac born infeld vanish slowly noncommutative commutative coincide dimension. seiberg witten noncommutative explored theta group. pages latex. clarifications reference. matches
We construct chiral perturbation theory for the gradient flow of the microscopic Dirac eigenvalues and compute the density of and correlations between the microscopic eigenvalues at zero and non-zero flow time. The results show that the repulsion of the microscopic Dirac eigenvalues from the dynamical quark mass decreases with increasing gradient flow time. Furthermore, the flow of the spectral resolvent is compared to the flow of the chiral condensate obtained from a fermionic gradient flow.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figure
The gradient flow of the Dirac spectrum
the gradient flow of the dirac spectrum
chiral perturbation microscopic dirac eigenvalues microscopic eigenvalues time. repulsion microscopic dirac eigenvalues time. resolvent chiral condensate fermionic pages
We consider general-symmetry higher spin fields in AdS 5 and derive the expressions for their one-loop corrections to vacuum energy E c and the associated 4d boundary conformal anomaly a-coefficient. We propose a similar expression for the second conformal anomaly c-coefficient. We show that all the three quantities ( E c , a , c) computed for N = 8 $$ \mathcal{N}=8 $$ gauged 5d supergravity are equal to − 1 2 $$ -\frac{1}{2} $$ of their values for N = 4 $$ \mathcal{N}=4 $$ conformal 4d supergravity and also to twice the values for N = 4 $$ \mathcal{N}=4 $$ Maxwell multiplet. This gives a 5d derivation of the fact that the system of N = 4 $$ \mathcal{N}=4 $$ conformal supergravity and four N = 4 $$ \mathcal{N}=4 $$ Maxwell multiplets is anomaly free. The values of ( E c , a , c) for the states at level p of Kaluza-Klein tower of 10d type IIB supergravity compactified on S 5 turn out to be equal to those for p copies of N = 4 $$ \mathcal{N}=4 $$ Maxwell multiplets. This may be related to the fact that these states appear in the tensor product of p superdoubletons. Under a natural regularization of the sum over p , the full 10d supergravity contribution is then minus that of one Maxwell multiplet, in agreement with the standard adjoint AdS/CFT duality (SU( N ) SYM contribution is N 2 − 1 times that of one Maxwell multiplet). We also verify the matching of ( E c , a , c) for spin 0 and 1 2 $$ \frac{1}{2} $$ boundary theory cases of vectorial AdS/CFT duality. The consistency conditions for vectorial AdS/CFT turn out to be equivalent to the cancellation of anomalies in the closely related 4d conformal higher spin theories. In addition, we study novel example of the vectorial AdS/CFT duality when the boundary theory is described by free spin 1 fields and is dual to a particular higher spin theory in AdS 5 containing fields in mixed-symmetry representations. We also discuss its supersymmetric generalizations
Higher spins in AdS 5 at one loop: vacuum energy, boundary conformal anomalies and AdS/CFT
higher spins in ads 5 at one loop: vacuum energy, boundary conformal anomalies and ads/cft
derive expressions conformal anomaly coefficient. propose conformal anomaly coefficient. quantities mathcal gauged supergravity frac mathcal conformal supergravity twice mathcal maxwell multiplet. derivation mathcal conformal supergravity mathcal maxwell multiplets anomaly free. kaluza klein tower supergravity compactified copies mathcal maxwell multiplets. superdoubletons. regularization supergravity minus maxwell multiplet adjoint duality maxwell multiplet verify matching frac vectorial duality. consistency vectorial cancellation anomalies closely conformal theories. vectorial duality representations. supersymmetric generalizations
The resummed transverse momentum distribution of supersymmetric Higgs bosons produced through gluon fusion at NLO+NLL is presented, including the exact quark and squark mass dependences. Considering various MSSM scenarios, we compare our results to previous ones within the POWHEG approach. We analyze the impact of the bottom loop which becomes the dominant contribution to the gluon fusion cross section for a wide range of the parameter space for the pseudo-scalar and heavy Higgs.Comment: 33 pages, 13 figure
Transverse momentum resummation for Higgs production via gluon fusion in the MSSM
transverse momentum resummation for higgs production via gluon fusion in the mssm
resummed supersymmetric bosons gluon fusion squark dependences. mssm scenarios powheg approach. analyze gluon fusion pseudo pages
Chern-Simons gravities are theories with a lagrangian given by a Chern-Simons form constructed from a space-time gauge group. In previous investigations we showed that, for some special field configurations that are solutions of the field equations, the extension from Chern-Simons to Transgression forms as lagrangians, motivated by gauge invariance, automatically yields the boundary terms required to regularize the theory, giving finite conserved charges and black hole thermodynamics. Further work by other researchers showed that one of the action functionals considered in the above mentioned work yields a well defined action principle in the metric (zero torsion) case and for asymptotically Anti de Sitter (AdS) space-times. In the present work we consider several action functionals for Chern-Simons AdS gravity constructed from Transgression forms, and show the action principles to be well defined and the Noether charges and Euclidean action to be finite for field configurations satisfying only that the gauge field curvature (field strength) for the AdS gauge group is asymptotically finite. For that purpose we consider an asymptotic expansion of the vielbein and spin connection that may be regarded as a perturbation of an AdS space-time, but allowing a non zero torsion. Our results are of potential interest for Lovelock gravity theories, as it has been shown that the boundary terms dictated by the transgressions for Chern-Simons gravities are also suitable to regularize Lovelock theories.Comment: The review sections of the present paper may have some overlap with the work of the same author arXiv:1010.5110 (which has not been published in a journal). Version 2: Subsection 6.1 clarifying action principle added, references adde
Action Principles for Transgression and Chern-Simons AdS Gravities
action principles for transgression and chern-simons ads gravities
chern simons gravities lagrangian chern simons group. investigations configurations chern simons transgression lagrangians motivated invariance automatically regularize giving conserved charges thermodynamics. researchers functionals torsion asymptotically sitter times. functionals chern simons transgression principles noether charges euclidean configurations satisfying curvature asymptotically finite. asymptotic vielbein connection regarded perturbation allowing torsion. lovelock dictated transgressions chern simons gravities regularize lovelock overlap subsection clarifying adde
We prove a generalized Flato-Fronsdal theorem for higher-order, scalar and spinor, singletons. In the resulting infinite tower of bulk higher-spin fields, we point out the occurrence of partially-massless fields of all depths. This leads us to conjecture a holographic duality between a higher-spin gravity theory around AdS d +1 with the aforementioned spectrum of fields, and a free CFT d of fundamental (higher-order) scalar and spinor singletons. As a first check of this conjecture, we find that the total Casimir energy vanishes at one loop
Flato-Fronsdal theorem for higher-order singletons
flato-fronsdal theorem for higher-order singletons
flato fronsdal spinor singletons. infinite tower occurrence partially massless depths. conjecture holographic duality aforementioned spinor singletons. check conjecture casimir vanishes
We present an analytic O(αs) calculation of cross sections in deep inelastic scattering (DIS) dependent on an event shape, 1-jettiness, that probes final states with one jet plus initial state radiation. This is the first entirely analytic calculation for a DIS event shape cross section at this order. We present results for the differential and cumulative 1-jettiness cross sections, and express both in terms of structure functions dependent not only on the usual DIS variables x, Q 2 but also on the 1-jettiness τ. Combined with previous results for log resummation, predictions are obtained over the entire range of the 1-jettiness distribution
Analytic calculation of 1-jettiness in DIS at O(αs)
analytic calculation of 1-jettiness in dis at o(αs)
analytic inelastic jettiness probes radiation. entirely analytic order. cumulative jettiness express usual jettiness resummation jettiness
We studied an extension of the standard model with a fourth generation of fermions to explain the discrepancy in the muon $(g-2)$ and explain the positron excess seen in the AMS-02 experiment. We introduce a gauged $SU(2)_{HV}$ horizontal symmetry between the muon and the 4th generation lepton families. The 4th generation right-handed neutrino is identified as the dark matter with mass $\sim 700$ GeV. The dark matter annihilates only to $(\mu^+ \mu^-)$ and $(\nu^c_\mu ~\nu_\mu)$ states via $SU(2)_{HV}$ gauge boson. The $SU(2)_{HV}$ gauge boson with mass $\sim 1.4$ TeV gives an adequate contribution to the $(g-2)$ of muon and fulfill the experimental constraint from BNL measurement. The higgs production constraints from 4th generation fermions is evaded by extending the higgs sector.Comment: Journal version, to appear in JHE
Muon anomalous magnetic moment and positron excess at AMS-02 in a gauged horizontal symmetric model
muon anomalous magnetic moment and positron excess at ams-02 in a gauged horizontal symmetric model
fourth fermions discrepancy muon positron excess experiment. gauged muon lepton families. handed gev. annihilates boson. boson adequate muon fulfill measurement. fermions evaded extending
We present a systematic classification of counterterms of four-dimensional supersymmetric field theories on curved space, obtained as the rigid limit of new minimal supergravity. These are supergravity invariants constructed using the field theory background fields. We demonstrate that if the background preserves two supercharges of opposite chirality, then all dimensionless counterterms vanish, implying that in this case the supersymmetric partition function is free of ambiguities. When only one Euclidean supercharge is preserved, we describe the ambiguities that appear in the partition function, in particular in the dependence on marginal couplings
Supersymmetric counterterms from new minimal supergravity
supersymmetric counterterms from new minimal supergravity
counterterms supersymmetric curved rigid supergravity. supergravity invariants fields. preserves supercharges opposite chirality dimensionless counterterms vanish implying supersymmetric partition ambiguities. euclidean supercharge preserved ambiguities partition marginal couplings
Using the attractor mechanism for extremal solutions in ${\cal N}=2$ gauged supergravity, we construct a $c$-function that interpolates between the central charges of theories at ultraviolet and infrared conformal fixed points corresponding to anti-de Sitter geometries. The $c$-function we obtain is couched purely in terms of bulk quantities and connects two different dimensional CFTs at the stable conformal fixed points under the RG flow.Comment: 13 pages, revised references and typographic modification
Attractive holographic $c$-functions
attractive holographic $c$-functions
attractor extremal gauged supergravity interpolates charges ultraviolet infrared conformal sitter geometries. couched purely quantities connects cfts conformal pages revised typographic modification
In light of the observation of a relatively large θ 13 , the ever popular Tri-Bimaximal (TBM) neutrino mixing which predicts a vanishing θ 13 needs modifications. In this paper, we shall discuss the possibility of modifying it in a minimal way to fulfil this task. In the first part, a neutrino mass matrix with three independent parameters, which leads to the TM2 mixing, is obtained by analogy with that for the TBM mixing. In the second part, a model that can realize the TM2 mixing is constructed with flavor symmetries A 4 × U(1) × Z 2 × Z 2 × Z 2 . It is the variant of a model that gives the TBM mixing, with only one more flavon field included. Furthermore, the imaginary vacuum expectation value (VEV) of this flavon breaks the imposed CP symmetry and results in θ 23 = 45° and the maximal CP violation. Besides, this model building approach can be generalized to the TM1 mixing in a straightforward way
Minimal modifications to the Tri-Bimaximal neutrino mixing
minimal modifications to the tri-bimaximal neutrino mixing
ever popular bimaximal predicts vanishing modifications. modifying fulfil task. analogy mixing. realize flavor symmetries variant flavon included. imaginary expectation flavon breaks imposed maximal violation. besides straightforward
The stability of the Standard Model (SM) at high energies implies that the SM Higgs forms a condensate during inflation, which starts oscillating soon after the inflationary stage ends. This causes the Higgs to decay very fast, via non-perturbative effects, into all the SM fields coupled directly to it. The excited species act as a source of gravitational waves (GWs), and as a result, all Yukawa and SU(2) L gauge couplings of the SM are imprinted as features in the GW spectrum. In practice, the signal is dominated by the most strongly interacting species, rendering the information on the other species inaccessible. To detect this background new high frequency GW detection technology is required, beyond that of currently planned detectors. If detected, this signal could be used for measuring properties of high-energy particle physics, including beyond the SM scenarios
A gravitational wave background from the decay of the standard model Higgs after inflation
a gravitational wave background from the decay of the standard model higgs after inflation
condensate inflation starts oscillating soon inflationary ends. perturbative excited gravitational yukawa couplings imprinted spectrum. dominated interacting rendering inaccessible. detect planned detectors. measuring scenarios
We explore the effects of Higgs mixing in the general next-to-minimal supersymmetric Standard Model (NMSSM). Extended to include a gauge singlet, the Higgs sector can naturally explain the observed Higgs boson mass in TeV scale supersymmetry without invoking large stop mixing. This is particularly the case when the singlet scalar is light so that singlet-doublet mixing increases the mass of the SM-like Higgs boson. In such a case the Higgs mixing has interesting implications following from the fact that the higgsino mass parameter and the singlet coupling to Higgs bilinear crucially depend on the Higgs boson masses and mixing angles. For the mixing compatible with the current LHC data on the Higgs signal rates, the higgsinos are required to be relatively light, around or below a few hundred GeV, as long as the heavy doublet Higgs boson has a mass smaller than about 250\sqrt{\tan\beta} GeV and the singlet-like Higgs boson is consistent with the LEP constraint. In addition, the Higgs coupling to photons can receive a sizable contribution of either sign from the charged-higgsino loops combined with singlet-doublet mixing.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures, Higgs data updated, discussion extended, typos fixed, to appear in JHE
Higgs Mixing in the NMSSM and Light Higgsinos
higgs mixing in the nmssm and light higgsinos
explore supersymmetric nmssm singlet naturally boson supersymmetry invoking stop mixing. singlet singlet doublet boson. higgsino singlet bilinear crucially boson angles. compatible higgsinos hundred doublet boson sqrt beta singlet boson constraint. photons receive sizable higgsino loops singlet doublet pages updated typos
We consider the Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton system with an arbitrary kinetic gauge function and a dilaton potential. A family of analytic solutions is obtained by the potential reconstruction method. We then study its holographic dual QCD model. The kinetic gauge function can be fixed by requesting the linear Regge spectrum of mesons. We calculate the free energy to obtain the phase diagram of the holographic QCD model.Comment: 21 pages, 17 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1301.038
A Refined Holographic QCD Model and QCD Phase Structure
a refined holographic qcd model and qcd phase structure
einstein maxwell dilaton dilaton potential. analytic reconstruction method. holographic model. requesting regge mesons. holographic pages figures. admin substantial overlap
We present a thorough analysis of the electromagnetic response of strongly coupled neutral plasmas described by the gauge/gravity correspondence. The coupling of the external electromagnetic field with the tower of quasi-normal modes of the plasmas supports the presence of various electromagnetic modes with different properties. Among them we underline the existence of negative refraction with low dissipation for a transverse non-hydrodynamical mode. Previous hydrodynamical approaches have shown the ubiquitous character of negative refraction in charged plasmas and the absence thereof in neutral plasmas. Our results here extend the analysis for neutral plasmas beyond the hydrodynamical regime. As an application of these new insights we briefly discuss the case of the quark gluon plasma in the temperature dominated regime.Comment: 29 pages, 15 figure
Electromagnetic response of strongly coupled plasmas
electromagnetic response of strongly coupled plasmas
thorough electromagnetic neutral plasmas correspondence. electromagnetic tower quasi plasmas supports electromagnetic properties. underline refraction dissipation hydrodynamical mode. hydrodynamical ubiquitous character refraction plasmas thereof neutral plasmas. extend neutral plasmas hydrodynamical regime. insights briefly gluon dominated pages
We show using string dualities that Mathieu moonshine controls Gromov-Witten invariants and periods of the holomorphic 3-form $\Omega$ for certain $CY_3$ manifolds. We also discuss how the period vectors appear in flux compactifications on these $CY_3$ manifolds and work out the connection between the sporadic group M$_{24}$ and the Yukawa couplings in four dimensional theories that arise from heterotic string theory compactifications on these $CY_3$ manifolds.Comment: 27 pages, v2: minor additions, published versio
Comments on M$_{24}$ representations and $CY_3$ geometries
comments on m$_{24}$ representations and $cy_3$ geometries
dualities mathieu moonshine gromov witten invariants holomorphic omega manifolds. compactifications manifolds connection sporadic yukawa couplings arise heterotic compactifications pages minor additions versio
In this paper we present a new compact expression of the elliptic genus of SL(2)/U(1)-supercoset theory by making use of the `spectral flow method' of the path-integral evaluation. This new expression is written in a form like a Poincare series with a non-holomorphic Gaussian damping factor, and manifestly shows the modular and spectral flow properties of a real analytic Jacobi form. As a related problem, we present similar compact formulas for the modular completions of various mock modular forms which appear in the representation theory of N=2,4 superconformal algebras. We further discuss the generalization to the cases of arbitrary spin-structures, that is, the world-sheet fermions with twisted boundary conditions parameterized by a continuous parameter. This parameter is naturally identified with the `u-variable' in the Appell-Lerch sum.Comment: 1+31 pages, no figure; v2 minor corrections, typos corrected, version to appear in JHE
Compact Formulas for the Completed Mock Modular Forms
compact formulas for the completed mock modular forms
elliptic genus supercoset evaluation. poincare holomorphic damping manifestly modular analytic jacobi form. formulas modular completions mock modular superconformal algebras. generalization sheet fermions twisted parameterized parameter. naturally appell lerch pages minor typos corrected
Exploring MSSM parameter space after the discovery of Higgs Boson with mass 125 GeV naturally demands large top-squark mixing or large trilinear coupling parameter $A_t$ in particular, so as to avoid excessively heavy squark, specially for the universal models like CMSSM. We study stability of electroweak symmetry breaking vacua in possible presence of deeper charge-color symmetry breaking minima within MSSM. Besides stable vacua, we consider scenarios characterized by the presence of global CCB minima, with SM like charge and color conserving vacuum, having stability over cosmologically large lifetime {(\it long-lived states)}. We allow vacuum expectation values for both stop as well as sbottom fields, since these belong to the third generation of sfermions with larger Yukawa couplings that have immediate effect on the tunneling time. Moreover, for large $\mu$ regions, radiative corrections to Higgs boson mass from bottom-squark loop is quite significant. Regions of MSSM parameters space become viable for large $A_t$ and large $\mu$ zones which are generically excluded via the traditional analytical CCB constraints. For a large value of $\tan\beta$, safe vacua associated with large values of $|\mu|$ and $|A_t|$ are predominantly long-lived and may be associated with relatively light stop masses. We also identify low $\mu$ regions associated with long-lived states. Both the above zones can be friendly to muon $g-2$ constraint. We also impose constraints from ${\rm Br}(B \rightarrow X_s \gamma)$ and ${\rm Br}(B_s \rightarrow \mu^+ \mu^-)$. We do the analysis for a moderate and a large $\tan\beta$. Results are compatible with dark matter related constraints, as expected.Comment: 29 pages, pdfLaTex. Rechecked the long-lived states for accuracy with no essential change in results. Conclusion unchange
Exploring MSSM for Charge and Color Breaking and Other Constraints in the Context of Higgs@125 GeV
exploring mssm for charge and color breaking and other constraints in the context of higgs@125 gev
exploring mssm discovery boson naturally demands squark trilinear avoid excessively squark specially universal cmssm. electroweak breaking vacua deeper breaking minima mssm. besides vacua scenarios minima conserving cosmologically lifetime lived expectation stop sbottom belong sfermions yukawa couplings immediate tunneling time. radiative boson squark significant. mssm viable zones generically excluded traditional constraints. beta safe vacua predominantly lived stop masses. lived states. zones friendly muon constraint. impose rightarrow gamma rightarrow moderate beta compatible pages pdflatex. rechecked lived results. unchange
We discuss an SL(2,R) family of deformed N=2 four-dimensional gauge theories which we derive from a flux background in M-theory. In addition to the Omega-deformation this family includes a new deformation, which we call the Alpha-deformation, which can be viewed as an S-dual to the Omega-deformation. We study these gauge theories in two ways: by constructing a non-Abelian (but UV-complete) Lagrangian, and by their strong coupling lift to M-theory where their low-energy dynamics can be determined by examining the equation of motion of a single M5-brane wrapped on a Riemann surface.Comment: 25 pages. Typos corrected. Reference added. JHEP versio
Alpha- and Omega-Deformations from fluxes in M-Theory
alpha- and omega-deformations from fluxes in m-theory
deformed derive theory. omega deformation deformation call alpha deformation viewed omega deformation. ways constructing abelian lagrangian lift examining brane wrapped riemann pages. typos corrected. added. jhep versio
We study the partition function of three-dimensional ${\mathcal N}=4$ superconformal Chern-Simons theories of the circular quiver type, which are natural generalizations of the ABJM theory, the worldvolume theory of M2-branes. In the ABJM case, it was known that the perturbative part of the partition function sums up to the Airy function as $Z(N)=e^{A}C^{-1/3}\mathrm{Ai}[C^{-1/3}(N-B)]$ with coefficients $C$, $B$ and $A$ and that for the non-perturbative part the divergences coming from the coefficients of worldsheet instantons and membrane instantons cancel among themselves. We find that many of the interesting properties in the ABJM theory are extended to the general superconformal Chern-Simons theories. Especially, we find an explicit expression of $B$ for general ${\mathcal N}=4$ theories, a conjectural form of $A$ for a special class of theories, and cancellation in the non-perturbative coefficients for the simplest theory next to the ABJM theory.Comment: 36 pages, 4 figures; v2: typos corrected and clarifications adde
Partition Functions of Superconformal Chern-Simons Theories from Fermi Gas Approach
partition functions of superconformal chern-simons theories from fermi gas approach
partition mathcal superconformal chern simons circular quiver generalizations abjm worldvolume branes. abjm perturbative partition sums airy mathrm perturbative divergences coming worldsheet instantons instantons cancel themselves. abjm superconformal chern simons theories. mathcal conjectural cancellation perturbative simplest abjm pages typos corrected clarifications adde
The Lagrangian of the Liouville theory with topological defects is analyzed in detail and general solution of the corresponding defect equations of motion is found. We study the heavy and light semiclassical limits of the defect two-point function found before via the bootstrap program. We show that the heavy asymptotic limit is given by the exponential of the Liouville action with defects, evaluated on the solutions with two singular points. We demonstrate that the light asymptotic limit is given by the finite dimensional path integral over solutions of the defect equations of motion with a vanishing energy-momentum tensor.Comment: 50 pages, typos corrected, references added, comments and explanations adde
On classical and semiclassical properties of the Liouville theory with defects
on classical and semiclassical properties of the liouville theory with defects
lagrangian liouville topological defects defect found. semiclassical defect bootstrap program. asymptotic exponential liouville defects singular points. asymptotic defect vanishing pages typos corrected comments explanations adde
We consider a three-dimensional effective theory of Polyakov lines derived previously from lattice Yang-Mills theory and QCD by means of a resummed strong coupling expansion. The effective theory is useful for investigations of the phase structure, with a sign problem mild enough to allow simulations also at finite density. In this work we present a numerical method to determine improved values for the effective couplings directly from correlators of 4d Yang-Mills theory. For values of the gauge coupling up to the vicinity of the phase transition, the dominant short range effective coupling are well described by their corresponding strong coupling series. We provide numerical results also for the longer range interactions, Polyakov lines in higher representations as well as four-point interactions, and discuss the growing significance of non-local contributions as the lattice gets finer. Within this approach the critical Yang-Mills coupling β c is reproduced to better than one percent from a one-coupling effective theory on N τ = 4 lattices while up to five couplings are needed on N τ = 8 for the same accuracy
Numerical corrections to the strong coupling effective Polyakov-line action for finite T Yang-Mills theory
numerical corrections to the strong coupling effective polyakov-line action for finite t yang-mills theory
polyakov mills resummed expansion. investigations mild density. couplings correlators mills theory. vicinity series. polyakov representations growing gets finer. mills reproduced percent lattices couplings
We analyze the running at one-loop of the gauge couplings in the spectral Pati-Salam model that was derived in the framework of noncommutative geometry. There are a few different scenario's for the scalar particle content which are determined by the precise form of the Dirac operator for the finite noncommutative space. We consider these different scenarios and establish for all of them unification of the Pati-Salam gauge couplings. The boundary conditions are set by the usual RG flow for the Standard Model couplings at an intermediate mass scale at which the Pati-Salam symmetry is broken.Comment: 8 page
Grand Unification in the Spectral Pati-Salam Model
grand unification in the spectral pati-salam model
analyze running couplings pati salam noncommutative geometry. precise dirac noncommutative space. scenarios establish unification pati salam couplings. usual couplings pati salam
Dark matter and dark energy are dominating components of the Universe. Their presence affects the course and results of processes, which are driven by the gravitational interaction. The objective of the paper was to examine the influence of the dark sector on the gravitational collapse of an electrically charged scalar field. A phantom scalar field was used as a model of dark energy in the system. Dark matter was modeled by a complex scalar field with a quartic potential, charged under a U(1)-gauge field. The dark components were coupled to the electrically charged scalar field via the exponential coupling and the gauge field-Maxwell field kinetic mixing, respectively. Complete non-linear simulations of the investigated process were performed. They were conducted from regular initial data to the end state, which was the matter dispersal or a singularity formation in a spacetime. During the collapse in the presence of dark energy dynamical wormholes and naked singularities were formed in emerging spacetimes. The wormhole throats were stabilized by the violation of the null energy condition, which occurred due to a significant increase of a value of the phantom scalar field function in its vicinity. The square of mass parameter of the dark matter scalar field potential controlled the formation of a Cauchy horizon or wormhole throats in the spacetime. The joint impact of dark energy and dark matter on the examined process indicated that the former decides what type of an object forms, while the latter controls the amount of time needed for the object to form. Additionally, the dark sector suppresses the natural tendency of an electrically charged scalar field to form a dynamical Reissner-Nordstr\"om spacetime during the gravitational collapse.Comment: 46 pages, 28 figure
Dark sector impact on gravitational collapse of an electrically charged scalar field
dark sector impact on gravitational collapse of an electrically charged scalar field
dominating universe. affects gravitational interaction. examine gravitational collapse electrically field. phantom system. modeled quartic field. electrically exponential maxwell respectively. performed. dispersal singularity spacetime. collapse wormholes naked singularities emerging spacetimes. wormhole throats stabilized violation occurred phantom vicinity. cauchy horizon wormhole throats spacetime. former decides form. additionally suppresses tendency electrically reissner nordstr spacetime gravitational pages
We discuss general supersymmetric brane configurations in flux backgrounds of string and M-theory and derive a necessary condition for the worldvolume theory to be supersymmetric on a given curved manifold. This condition resembles very much the conditions found from coupling a supersymmetric field theory to off-shell supergravity but can be derived in any dimension and for up to sixteen supercharges. Apart from the topological twist, all couplings appearing in the supersymmetry condition are linked to fluxes in the bulk. We explicitly derive the condition for D3-, M2- and M5-branes, in which case the results are also useful for constructing holographic duals to the corresponding field theories. In $N=1$ setups we compare the supersymmetry conditions to those that arise by coupling the field theory to off-shell supergravity. We find that the couplings of both old and new minimal supergravity are simultaneously realized, indicating that off-shell supergravity should be coupled via the S-multiplet of 16/16 supergravity in order to describe all supersymmetric brane theories on curved spaces.Comment: 18 pages; v2: Added discussion refering to 16/16 supergravity for the N=1 case and added reference
Supersymmetric branes on curved spaces and fluxes
supersymmetric branes on curved spaces and fluxes
supersymmetric brane configurations backgrounds derive worldvolume supersymmetric curved manifold. resembles supersymmetric supergravity sixteen supercharges. apart topological twist couplings appearing supersymmetry fluxes bulk. explicitly derive branes constructing holographic duals theories. setups supersymmetry arise supergravity. couplings supergravity simultaneously realized supergravity multiplet supergravity supersymmetric brane curved pages refering supergravity
We perform a detailed analysis of the one-loop corrections to the light neutrino mass matrix within low scale type I seesaw extensions of the Standard Model and their implications in experimental searches for neutrinoless double beta decay. We show that a sizable contribution to the effective Majorana neutrino mass from the exchange of heavy Majorana neutrinos is always possible, provided one requires a fine-tuned cancellation between the tree-level and one-loop contribution to the light neutrino masses. We quantify the level of fine-tuning as a function of the seesaw parameters and introduce a generalisation of the Casas-Ibarra parametrization of the neutrino Yukawa matrix, which easily allows to include the one-loop corrections to the light neutrino masses. © 2015, The Author(s)
Radiative Corrections to Light Neutrino Masses in Low Scale Type I Seesaw Scenarios and Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay
radiative corrections to light neutrino masses in low scale type i seesaw scenarios and neutrinoless double beta decay
seesaw extensions searches neutrinoless beta decay. sizable majorana majorana neutrinos fine tuned cancellation masses. quantify fine tuning seesaw generalisation casas ibarra parametrization yukawa masses.
We study generalized diffeomorphisms in exceptional geometry with U-duality group E_{n(n)} from an algebraic point of view. By extending the Lie algebra e_n to an infinite-dimensional Borcherds superalgebra, involving also the extension to e_{n+1}, the generalized Lie derivatives can be expressed in a simple way, and the expressions take the same form for any n less than 8. The closure of the transformations then follows from the Jacobi identity and the grading of e_{n+1} with respect to e_n.Comment: 19 pages. v2: Changes in the part of section 3.3 about generalized Jordan triple systems. v3: Typos corrected. Published version. v4: Infinitesimal change
Exceptional geometry and Borcherds superalgebras
exceptional geometry and borcherds superalgebras
diffeomorphisms exceptional duality algebraic view. extending infinite borcherds superalgebra involving derivatives expressions closure transformations jacobi grading pages. jordan triple systems. typos corrected. version. infinitesimal
In view of the recent start of the NA62 experiment at CERN that is expected to measure the $K^+\to\pi^+\nu\bar\nu$ branching ratio with a precision of 10%, we summarise the present status of this promising decay within the Standard Model (SM). We do likewise for the closely related $K_L\to\pi^0\nu\bar\nu$, which will be measured by the KOTO experiment around 2020. As the perturbative QCD and electroweak corrections in both decays are under full control, the dominant uncertainties within the SM presently originate from the CKM parameters $V_{cb}$, $V_{ub}$ and $\gamma$. We show this dependence with the help of analytic expressions as well as accurate interpolating formulae. Unfortunately a clarification of the discrepancies between inclusive and exclusive determinations of $V_{cb}$ and $V_{ub}$ from tree-level decays will likely require results from the Belle II experiment available at the end of this decade. Thus we investigate whether higher precision on both branching ratios is achievable by determining $V_{cb}$, $V_{ub}$ and $\gamma$ by means of other observables that are already precisely measured. In this context $\varepsilon_K$ and $\Delta M_{s,d}$, together with the expected progress in QCD lattice calculations will play a prominent role. We find $\mathcal{B}(K^+\to\pi^+\nu\bar\nu) = (9.11\pm 0.72) \times 10^{-11}$ and $\mathcal{B}(K_L\to\pi^0\nu\bar\nu) = (3.00\pm 0.30) \times 10^{-11}$, which is more precise than using averages of the present tree-level values of $V_{cb}$, $V_{ub}$ and $\gamma$. Furthermore, we point out the correlation between $\mathcal{B}(K^+\to\pi^+\nu\bar\nu)$, $\overline{\mathcal{B}}(B_s\to\mu^+\mu^-)$ and $\gamma$ within the SM, that is only very weakly dependent on other CKM parameters. Finally, we also update the ratio $\varepsilon'/\varepsilon$ in the SM and present its correlation with $K_L\to\pi^0\nu\bar\nu$.Comment: 33 pages, 8 figures, 5 tables; v2: new correlation presented and discussion extended in section 3.2, analysis in section 5 updated, typos corrected; matches version published in JHE
$K^+\to\pi^+\nu\bar\nu$ and $K_L\to\pi^0\nu\bar\nu$ in the Standard Model: Status and Perspectives
$k^+\to\pi^+\nu\bar\nu$ and $k_l\to\pi^0\nu\bar\nu$ in the standard model: status and perspectives
cern branching precision summarise promising likewise closely koto perturbative electroweak decays presently originate gamma analytic expressions interpolating formulae. unfortunately clarification discrepancies inclusive exclusive determinations decays belle decade. precision branching achievable determining gamma observables precisely measured. varepsilon delta progress prominent role. mathcal mathcal precise averages gamma mathcal overline mathcal gamma weakly parameters. update varepsilon varepsilon .comment pages tables updated typos corrected matches
We study the general formulation of gauged supergravity in seven dimensions with sixteen supercharges keeping duality covariance by means of the embedding tensor formalism. We first classify all inequivalent duality orbits of consistent deformations. Secondly, we analyse the complete set of critical points in a systematic way. Interestingly, we find the first examples of stable de Sitter solutions within a theory with such a large amount of supersymmetry.Fil: Dibitetto, Giuseppe. University of Uppsala; SueciaFil: Fernandez Melgarejo, Jose J.. Harvard University; Estados UnidosFil: Marques, Diego. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciónes Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio. - Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio; Argentin
All gaugings and stable de Sitter in D = 7 half-maximal supergravity
all gaugings and stable de sitter in d = 7 half-maximal supergravity
formulation gauged supergravity seven sixteen supercharges keeping duality covariance embedding formalism. classify inequivalent duality orbits deformations. secondly analyse way. interestingly sitter supersymmetry.fil dibitetto giuseppe. uppsala sueciafil fernandez melgarejo jose harvard estados unidosfil marques diego. consejo nacional investigaciónes científicas técnicas. oficina coordinación administrativa ciudad universitaria. instituto astronomía física espacio. universidad buenos aires. facultad ciencias exactas naturales. instituto astronomía física espacio argentin
With the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) as an example, we show that the presence of even one sterile neutrino of mass $\sim$1 eV can significantly impact the measurements of CP violation in long baseline experiments. Using a probability level analysis and neutrino-antineutrino asymmetry calculations, we discuss the large magnitude of these effects, and show how they translate into significant event rate deviations at DUNE. Our results demonstrate that measurements which, when interpreted in the context of the standard three family paradigm, indicate CP conservation at long baselines, may, in fact hide large CP violation if there is a sterile state. Similarly, any data indicating the violation of CP cannot be properly interpreted within the standard paradigm unless the presence of sterile states of mass O(1 eV) can be conclusively ruled out. Our work underscores the need for a parallel and linked short baseline oscillation program and a highly capable near detector for DUNE, in order that its highly anticipated results on CP violation in the lepton sector may be correctly interpreted.Comment: Published in Journal of High Energy Physics, Volume 2015, Issue 1
The impact of sterile neutrinos on CP measurements at long baselines
the impact of sterile neutrinos on cp measurements at long baselines
underground dune sterile violation experiments. antineutrino asymmetry translate deviations dune. interpreted paradigm conservation baselines hide violation sterile state. violation properly interpreted paradigm unless sterile conclusively ruled out. underscores oscillation capable dune anticipated violation lepton correctly
In this paper we study a $2+1$ dimensional system in which fermions are coupled to the self-dual topological vortex in $U(1) \times U(1)$ Chern-Simons theory, where both $U(1)$ gauge symmetries are spontaneously broken. We consider two Abelian Higgs scalars with visible and hidden sectors coupled to a fermionic field through three interaction Lagrangians, where one of them violates the fermion number. Using a fine tuning procedure, we could obtain the number of the fermionic zero modes which is equal to the absolute value of the sum of the vortex numbers in the visible and hidden sectors.Comment: 10 page
Fermion zero modes in the vortex background of a Chern-Simons-Higgs theory with a hidden sector
fermion zero modes in the vortex background of a chern-simons-higgs theory with a hidden sector
fermions topological vortex chern simons symmetries spontaneously broken. abelian scalars visible hidden sectors fermionic lagrangians violates fermion number. fine tuning fermionic vortex visible hidden
We explicitly derive Lax pairs for string theories on Yang-Baxter deformed backgrounds, 1) gravity duals for noncommutative gauge theories, 2) γ-deformations of S[5], 3) Schrödinger spacetimes and 4) abelian twists of the global AdS[5]. Then we can find out a concise derivation of Lax pairs based on simple replacement rules. Furthermore, each of the above deformations can be reinterpreted as twisted boundary conditions with the undeformed background by using the rules. As another derivation, the Lax pair for gravity duals for noncommutative gauge theories is reproduced from the one for a q-deformed AdS[5]×S[5] by taking a scaling limit. Keyword
Lax pairs on Yang-Baxter deformed backgrounds
lax pairs on yang-baxter deformed backgrounds
explicitly derive baxter deformed backgrounds duals noncommutative deformations schrödinger spacetimes abelian twists concise derivation replacement rules. deformations reinterpreted twisted undeformed rules. derivation duals noncommutative reproduced deformed limit. keyword
We give a prescription for the computation of loop-level scattering amplitudes in pure Einstein gravity, and four-dimensional pure supergravities, using the color-kinematics duality. Amplitudes are constructed using double copies of pure (super-)Yang-Mills parts and additional contributions from double copies of fundamental matter, which are treated as ghosts. The opposite-statistics states cancel the unwanted dilaton and axion in the bosonic theory, as well as the extra matter supermultiplets in supergravities. As a spinoff, we obtain a prescription for obtaining amplitudes in supergravities with arbitrary non-self-interacting matter. As a prerequisite, we extend the color-kinematics duality from the adjoint to the fundamental representation of the gauge group. We explain the numerator relations that the fundamental kinematic Lie algebra should satisfy. We give nontrivial evidence supporting our construction using explicit tree and loop amplitudes, as well as more general arguments.Comment: 48 pages + refs, 15 figures, 3 tables; v2 minor corrections, journal versio
Pure Gravities via Color-Kinematics Duality for Fundamental Matter
pure gravities via color-kinematics duality for fundamental matter
prescription amplitudes einstein supergravities kinematics duality. amplitudes copies super mills copies ghosts. opposite cancel unwanted dilaton axion bosonic extra supermultiplets supergravities. spinoff prescription obtaining amplitudes supergravities interacting matter. prerequisite extend kinematics duality adjoint group. numerator kinematic satisfy. nontrivial supporting amplitudes pages refs tables minor versio
We evaluate the contribution of chiral fermions in d = 2, 4, 6, chiral bosons, a chiral gravitino like theory in d = 2 and chiral gravitinos in d = 6 to all the leading parity odd transport coefficients at one loop. This is done by using finite temperature field theory to evaluate the relevant Kubo formulae. For chiral fermions and chiral bosons the relation between the parity odd transport coefficient and the microscopic anomalies including gravitational anomalies agree with that found by using the general methods of hydrodynamics and the argument involving the consistency of the Euclidean vacuum. For the gravitino like theory in d = 2 and chiral gravitinos in d = 6, we show that relation between the pure gravitational anomaly and parity odd transport breaks down. From the perturbative calculation we clearly identify the terms that contribute to the anomaly polynomial, but not to the transport coefficient for gravitinos. We also develop a simple method for evaluating the angular integrals in the one loop diagrams involved in the Kubo formulae. Finally we show that charge diffusion mode of an ideal 2 dimensional Weyl gas in the presence of a finite chemical potential acquires a speed, which is equal to half the speed of light
Anomalous transport at weak coupling
anomalous transport at weak coupling
chiral fermions chiral bosons chiral gravitino chiral gravitinos parity loop. kubo formulae. chiral fermions chiral bosons parity microscopic anomalies gravitational anomalies agree hydrodynamics argument involving consistency euclidean vacuum. gravitino chiral gravitinos gravitational anomaly parity breaks down. perturbative anomaly gravitinos. evaluating integrals diagrams kubo formulae. ideal weyl acquires
As a sequel to our earlier work on wino-dominated $\tilde \chi_1^{\pm}$ and $\tilde \chi_2^{0}$ (wino models), we focus on the pMSSM models where $\tilde \chi_1^{\pm}$ and $\tilde \chi_{2,3}^{0}$ are either higgsino dominated (higgsino models) or admixtures of significant amount of higgsino and wino components (mixed models), with or without light sleptons. The LHC constraints in the trilepton channel are significantly weaker even in the presence of light sleptons, especially in the higgsino models, compared to those mostly studied by the LHC collaborations with wino-dominated $\tilde \chi_1^{\pm}$ and $\tilde \chi_2^{0}$. The modes $\tilde \chi_{2,3}^{0}\rightarrow h~\tilde\chi_1^{0}$ with large branching ratios (BRs) are more common in the higgsino models and may produce spectacular signal in the LHC Run-II. In a variety of higgsino and mixed models we have delineated the allowed parameter space due to the LHC constraints, the observed Dark Matter (DM) relic density of the universe, which gets contributions from many novel DM producing mechanisms i.e., the annihilation/coannihilation processes that lead to the correct range of relic density, and the precise measurement of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. In the higgsino models many new DM producing mechanisms, which are not allowed in the wino models, open up. We have also explored the prospects of direct and indirect detection of DM in the context of the LUX and IceCube experiments respectively. In an extended model having only light gluinos in addition to the electroweak sparticles, the gluinos decay into final states with multiple taggable b-jets with very large BRs. As a consequence, the existing ATLAS data in the $0l$ + jets (3b) + $E\!\!\!\!/_T$ channel provide the best limit on $m_{\tilde g}$ ($\approx$ 1.3 TeV). Several novel signatures of higgsino models for LHC Run-II and ILC have been identified.Comment: 55 pages, 13 figures, 10 tables. Version published in JHE
Reduced LHC constraints for higgsino-like heavier electroweakinos
reduced lhc constraints for higgsino-like heavier electroweakinos
sequel wino dominated tilde tilde wino pmssm tilde tilde higgsino dominated higgsino admixtures higgsino wino sleptons. trilepton weaker sleptons higgsino mostly collaborations wino dominated tilde tilde tilde rightarrow tilde branching higgsino spectacular higgsino delineated relic universe gets producing i.e. annihilation coannihilation relic precise anomalous moment muon. higgsino producing wino explored prospects indirect icecube respectively. gluinos electroweak sparticles gluinos taggable jets brs. atlas jets tilde approx signatures higgsino pages tables.
While current ATLAS and CMS measurements exclude a light charged Higgs ($m_{H^\pm}<160$ GeV) for most of the parameter region in the context of the MSSM scenarios, these bounds are significantly weakened in the Type II 2HDM once the exotic decay channel into a lighter neutral Higgs, $H^\pm \to AW/HW$, is open. In this study, we examine the possibility of a light charged Higgs produced in top decay via single top or top pair production, with the subsequent decay $H^\pm \rightarrow AW/HW$, which can reach a sizable branching fraction at low $\tan\beta$ once it is kinematically permitted. With a detailed collider analysis, we obtain exclusion and discovery bounds for the 14 TeV LHC assuming the existence of a 70 GeV neutral scalar. Assuming ${\rm BR}(H^\pm \rightarrow AW/HW)=100\%$ and ${\rm BR}(A/H \rightarrow \tau\tau)=8.6\%$, the 95% exclusion limits on ${\rm BR}(t \rightarrow H^+ b)$ are about 0.2% and 0.03% for single top and top pair production respectively, with an integrated luminosity of 300 ${\rm fb}^{-1}$. The discovery reaches are about 3 times higher. In the context of the Type II 2HDM, discovery is possible at both large $\tan\beta > 17$ for 155 GeV $< m_{H^\pm} <$ 165 GeV, and small $\tan\beta < 6$ over the entire mass range. Exclusion is possible in the entire $\tan\beta$ versus $m_{H^\pm}$ plane except for charged Higgs masses close to the top threshold. The exotic decay channel $H^\pm \to AW/HW$ is therefore complementary to the conventional $H^\pm \rightarrow \tau\nu$ channel.Comment: 21 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1408.411
Light Charged Higgs Bosons to AW/HW via Top Decay
light charged higgs bosons to aw/hw via top decay
atlas exclude mssm scenarios bounds weakened exotic lighter neutral open. examine rightarrow sizable branching beta kinematically permitted. collider exclusion discovery bounds neutral scalar. rightarrow rightarrow exclusion rightarrow luminosity discovery reaches higher. discovery beta beta range. exclusion beta threshold. exotic complementary rightarrow pages. admin overlap
We determine the next-to-leading order renormalization group equations for the Two-Higgs-Doublet model with a softly broken $Z_2$ symmetry and CP conservation in the scalar potential. We use them to identify the parameter regions which are stable up to the Planck scale and find that in this case the quartic couplings of the Higgs potential cannot be larger than 1 in magnitude and that the absolute values of the S-matrix eigenvalues cannot exceed 2.5 at the electroweak symmetry breaking scale. Interpreting the 125 GeV resonance as the light CP-even Higgs eigenstate, we combine stability constraints, electroweak precision and flavour observables with the latest ATLAS and CMS data on Higgs signal strengths and heavy Higgs searches in global parameter fits to all four types of $Z_2$ symmetry. We quantify the maximal deviations from the alignment limit and find that in type II and Y the mass of the heavy CP-even (CP-odd) scalar cannot be smaller than 340 GeV (360 GeV). Also, we pinpoint the physical parameter regions compatible with a stable scalar potential up to the Planck scale. Motivated by the question how natural a Higgs mass of 125 GeV can be in the context of a Two-Higgs-Doublet model, we also address the hierarchy problem and find that the Two-Higgs-Doublet model does not offer a perturbative solution to it beyond 5 TeV.Comment: 30 pages, 29 figures. Major update of the experimental inputs; references adde
Global fits of the two-loop renormalized Two-Higgs-Doublet model with soft $Z_2$ breaking
global fits of the two-loop renormalized two-higgs-doublet model with soft $z_2$ breaking
renormalization doublet softly broken conservation potential. planck quartic couplings eigenvalues exceed electroweak breaking scale. interpreting eigenstate combine electroweak precision flavour observables latest atlas strengths searches fits symmetry. quantify maximal deviations alignment pinpoint compatible planck scale. motivated doublet hierarchy doublet offer perturbative pages figures. update inputs adde
The electroweak sector may play a crucial role in discovering supersymmetry. We systematically investigate the patterns of the MSSM-like electroweakinos, when the neutralino relic abundance $\Omega_\chi h^2\leq 0.12$, that is, also admitting for multi-component Dark Matter, in a broad range of the parameter space. We find that for a very large range of parameters the Direct Detection experiments are/will be sensitive to underabundant neutralinos, in spite of the strong rescaling of the flux factor. The second general conclusion is that the bound $\Omega_\chi h^2\leq 0.12$ together with the LUX (XENON1T) limits for the neutralino spin independent scattering cross sections constrain the electroweakino spectrum so that the mass differences between the NLSP and the LSP are smaller than 40 (10) GeV, respectively, with important implications for the collider searches. The future Direct Detection experiments and the high luminosity LHC run will probe almost the entire range of the LSP and NLSP mass spectrum that is consistent with the bound $\Omega_\chi h^2\leq 0.12$.Comment: 36 pages, 15 figure
Detecting underabundant neutralinos
detecting underabundant neutralinos
electroweak crucial discovering supersymmetry. systematically mssm electroweakinos neutralino relic abundance omega admitting broad space. underabundant neutralinos spite rescaling factor. omega xenon neutralino constrain electroweakino nlsp collider searches. luminosity nlsp omega .comment pages
We study how codimension-two objects like vortices back-react gravitationally with their environment in theories (such as 4D or higher-dimensional supergravity) where the bulk is described by a dilaton-Maxwell-Einstein system. We do so both in the full theory, for which the vortex is an explicit classical `fat brane' solution, and in the effective theory of `point branes' appropriate when the vortices are much smaller than the scales of interest for their back-reaction (such as the transverse Kaluza-Klein scale). We extend the standard Nambu-Goto description to include the physics of flux-localization wherein the ambient flux of the external Maxwell field becomes partially localized to the vortex, generalizing the results of a companion paper to include dilaton-dependence for the tension and localized flux. In the effective theory, such flux-localization is described by the next-to-leading effective interaction, and the boundary conditions to which it gives rise are known to play an important role in how (and whether) the vortex causes supersymmetry to break in the bulk. We track how both tension and localized flux determine the curvature of the space-filling dimensions. Our calculations provide the tools required for computing how scale-breaking vortex interactions can stabilize the extra-dimensional size by lifting the dilaton's flat direction. For small vortices we derive a simple relation between the near-vortex boundary conditions of bulk fields as a function of the tension and localized flux in the vortex action that provides the most efficient means for calculating how physical vortices mutually interact without requiring a complete construction of their internal structure. In passing we show why a common procedure for doing so using a $\delta$-function can lead to incorrect results. Our procedures generalize straightforwardly to general co-dimension objects.Comment: 45 pages + appendix, 6 figure
EFT for Vortices with Dilaton-dependent Localized Flux
eft for vortices with dilaton-dependent localized flux
codimension vortices react gravitationally supergravity dilaton maxwell einstein system. vortex brane branes vortices kaluza klein extend nambu goto localization wherein ambient maxwell partially localized vortex generalizing companion dilaton tension localized flux. localization vortex supersymmetry break bulk. track tension localized curvature filling dimensions. breaking vortex stabilize extra lifting dilaton direction. vortices derive vortex tension localized vortex calculating vortices mutually interact requiring structure. passing delta incorrect results. generalize straightforwardly pages
We derive the scattering amplitude for Goldstone bosons of chiral symmetry off the pseudoscalar charmed mesons up to leading one-loop order in a covariant chiral effective field theory, using the so-called extended-on-mass-shell renormalization scheme. Then we use unitarized chiral perturbation theory to fit to the available lattice data of the S-wave scattering lengths. The lattice data are well described. However, most of the low-energy constants determined from the fit bear large uncertainties. Lattice simulations in more channels are necessary to pin down these values which can then be used to make predictions in other processes related by chiral and heavy quark symmetries
One-loop analysis of the interactions between charmed mesons and Goldstone bosons
one-loop analysis of the interactions between charmed mesons and goldstone bosons
derive goldstone bosons chiral pseudoscalar charmed mesons covariant chiral renormalization scheme. unitarized chiral perturbation lengths. described. bear uncertainties. chiral symmetries
We investigate single Higgs and Higgs pair production at the LHC in models of Universal Extra Dimensions. After calculating the relevant cross sections, we use the UED model as a testing ground for the Effective Field Theory approach to physics beyond the Standard Model. We show how the UED contributions to Higgs production can be matched to a dimension-6 operator. We then discuss the range of validity of this approach, in particular for Higgs pair production, and determine the sensitivity to the number of KK modes in the loop.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure
Applying EFT to Higgs Pair Production in Universal Extra Dimensions
applying eft to higgs pair production in universal extra dimensions
universal extra dimensions. calculating model. matched operator. validity pages
Non-supersymmetric black hole microstates are of great interest in the context of the black hole information paradox. We identify the holographic description of the general class of non-supersymmetric orbifolded D1-D5-P supergravity solutions found by Jejjala, Madden, Ross and Titchener. This class includes both completely smooth solutions and solutions with conical defects, and in the near-decoupling limit these solutions describe degrees of freedom in the cap region. The CFT description involves a general class of states obtained by fractional spectral flow in both left-moving and right-moving sectors, generalizing previous work which studied special cases in this class. We compute the massless scalar emission spectrum and emission rates in both gravity and CFT and find perfect agreement, thereby providing strong evidence for our proposed identification. We also investigate the physics of ergoregion emission as pair creation for these orbifolded solutions. Our results represent the largest class of non-supersymmetric black hole microstate geometries with identified CFT duals presently known.Comment: 35 pages, v2: comments added, typos corrected, reference adde
Holographic description of non-supersymmetric orbifolded D1-D5-P solutions
holographic description of non-supersymmetric orbifolded d1-d5-p solutions
supersymmetric microstates great paradox. holographic supersymmetric orbifolded supergravity jejjala madden ross titchener. conical defects decoupling freedom region. involves fractional moving moving sectors generalizing class. massless perfect thereby identification. ergoregion creation orbifolded solutions. supersymmetric microstate geometries duals presently pages comments typos corrected adde
We study chiral deformations of ${\cal N}=2$ and ${\cal N}=4$ supersymmetric gauge theories obtained by turning on $\tau_J \,{\rm tr} \, \Phi^J$ interactions with $\Phi$ the ${\cal N}=2$ superfield. Using localization, we compute the deformed gauge theory partition function $Z(\vec\tau|q)$ and the expectation value of circular Wilson loops $W$ on a squashed four-sphere. In the case of the deformed ${\cal N}=4$ theory, exact formulas for $Z$ and $W$ are derived in terms of an underlying $U(N)$ interacting matrix model replacing the free Gaussian model describing the ${\cal N}=4$ theory. Using the AGT correspondence, the $\tau_J$-deformations are related to the insertions of commuting integrals of motion in the four-point CFT correlator and chiral correlators are expressed as $\tau$-derivatives of the gauge theory partition function on a finite $\Omega$-background. In the so called Nekrasov-Shatashvili limit, the entire ring of chiral relations is extracted from the $\epsilon$-deformed Seiberg-Witten curve. As a byproduct of our analysis we show that $SU(2)$ gauge theories on rational $\Omega$-backgrounds are dual to CFT minimal models.Comment: 33 pages, 2 figure, in this version we have added two new references and a detailed comparison with the results obtained in one of these tw
Wilson Loops and Chiral Correlators on Squashed Sphere
wilson loops and chiral correlators on squashed sphere
chiral deformations supersymmetric turning superfield. localization deformed partition expectation circular wilson loops squashed sphere. deformed formulas interacting replacing describing theory. correspondence deformations insertions commuting integrals correlator chiral correlators derivatives partition omega background. nekrasov shatashvili chiral epsilon deformed seiberg witten curve. byproduct rational omega backgrounds pages
Supersymmetric flux compactification of F-theory in the geometric phase yields numerous vacua, and provides an ensemble of low-energy effective theories with different symmetry, matter multiplicity and Lagrangian parameters. Theoretical tools have already been developed so that we can study how the statistics of flux vacua depend on the choice of symmetry and some of Lagrangian parameters. In this article, we estimate the fraction of i) vacua that have a U(1) symmetry for spontaneous R-parity violation, and ii) those that realise ideas which achieve hierarchical eigenvalues of the Yukawa matrices. We also learn a lesson that the number of flux vacua is reduced very much when the unbroken $U(1)_Y$ symmetry is obtained from a non-trivial Mordell--Weil group, while it is not when $U(1)_Y$ is in SU(5) unification. It also turns out that vacua with an approximate U(1) symmetry forms a locus of accumulation points of the flux vacua distribution.Comment: 51 page
Statistics of Flux Vacua for Particle Physics
statistics of flux vacua for particle physics
supersymmetric compactification geometric numerous vacua ensemble multiplicity lagrangian parameters. vacua lagrangian parameters. vacua spontaneous parity violation realise ideas hierarchical eigenvalues yukawa matrices. learn lesson vacua unbroken trivial mordell weil unification. turns vacua approximate locus accumulation vacua
We develop a consistent semiclassical method to calculate the probability of topological soliton-antisoliton pair production in collisions of elementary particles. In our method one adds an auxiliary external field pulling the soliton and antisoliton in the opposite directions. This transforms the original scattering process into a Schwinger pair creation of the solitons induced by the particle collision. One describes the Schwinger process semiclassically and recovers the original scattering probability in the limit of vanishing external field. We illustrate the method in (1+1)-dimensional scalar field model where the suppression exponents of soliton-antisoliton production in the multiparticle and two-particle collisions are computed numerically.Comment: 55 pages, 30 figures; journal versio
Semiclassical description of soliton-antisoliton pair production in particle collisions
semiclassical description of soliton-antisoliton pair production in particle collisions
semiclassical topological soliton antisoliton collisions elementary particles. adds auxiliary pulling soliton antisoliton opposite directions. transforms schwinger creation solitons collision. describes schwinger semiclassically recovers vanishing field. illustrate suppression exponents soliton antisoliton multiparticle collisions pages versio
The most common search channel for heavy neutral Higgses in models with an extension of the Standard Model Higgs sector is $A/H^0\rightarrow \tau\tau$, which becomes ineffective when new decay modes of $A/H^0$ open. In this paper, we analyzed two such channels involving charged Higgses in the final states: $A/H^0 \rightarrow W^\pm H^\mp$ and $H^0 \rightarrow H^+H^-$. With the consequent decay of $H^\pm\rightarrow \tau\nu$, we found that the limits for $\sigma\times{BR}(gg \rightarrow A/H^0 \rightarrow W^\pm H^\mp)\times {BR}(H^\pm \rightarrow \tau \nu)$ vary from 30 to 10 fb for $m_{A/H^0}$ between 300 and 1000 GeV for 95% C.L. exclusion, and about 80 to 30 fb for 5$\sigma$ discovery. For $H^+H^-$ mode, 95% C.L. limits on $\sigma\times {BR}(gg\to H^0\to H^+ H^-)\times {BR}^2(H^\pm\to \tau\nu)$ vary from 9 to 4 fb for $m_{H^0}$ between 400 and 1000 GeV, while the 5$\sigma$ reach is about 20 to 10 fb. We further interpret the cross section limits in the Type II 2HDM parameter space. While $A\rightarrow W^\pm H^\mp$ offers great sensitivity in both $\sin(\beta-\alpha)$ versus $\tan\beta$ and $m_A$ versus $\tan\beta$ parameter space, $H^0\rightarrow H^+ H^-$ can cover most of the parameter space for $H^0$. Reach in $H^0\rightarrow W^\pm H^\mp$ is more limited, especially for $m_{H^0}>2 m_{H^\pm}$. It is, however, complementary to $H^0\rightarrow H^+ H^-$ when ${BR}(H^0\rightarrow H^+ H^-)$ is accidentally suppressed.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, version appear in JHE
Exotic Higgs Decay via Charged Higgs
exotic higgs decay via charged higgs
neutral higgses rightarrow ineffective open. involving higgses rightarrow rightarrow consequent rightarrow sigma rightarrow rightarrow rightarrow vary c.l. exclusion sigma discovery. c.l. sigma vary sigma interpret space. rightarrow offers great beta alpha beta beta rightarrow cover rightarrow complementary rightarrow rightarrow accidentally pages
We study pure noncommutative U(1) gauge theory representing its one-loop effective action in terms of a phase space worldline path integral. We write the quadratic action using the background field method to keep explicit gauge invariance, and then employ the worldline formalism to write the one-loop effective action, singling out UV-divergent parts and finite (planar and non-planar) parts, and study renormalization properties of the theory. This amounts to employ worldline Feynman rules for the phase space path integral, that nicely incorporate the Fadeev-Popov ghost contribution and efficiently separate planar and non-planar contributions. We also show that the effective action calculation is independent of the choice of the worldline Green's function, that corresponds to a particular way of factoring out a particle zero-mode. This allows to employ homogeneous string-inspired Feynman rules that greatly simplify the computation.Comment: 27+1 pages. Minor corrections; matches published versio
Noncommutative U(1) gauge theory from a worldline perspective
noncommutative u(1) gauge theory from a worldline perspective
noncommutative representing worldline integral. quadratic keep invariance employ worldline formalism singling divergent planar planar renormalization theory. amounts employ worldline feynman nicely incorporate fadeev popov ghost efficiently planar planar contributions. worldline factoring mode. employ homogeneous inspired feynman greatly simplify pages. minor matches versio
Recent studies on the Lorentzian version of the type IIB matrix model show that (3+1)D expanding universe emerges dynamically from (9+1)D space-time predicted by superstring theory. Here we study a bosonic matrix model obtained by omitting the fermionic matrices. With the adopted simplification and the usage of a large-scale parallel computer, we are able to perform Monte Carlo calculations with matrix size up to $N=512$, which is twenty times larger than that used previously for the studies of the original model. When the matrix size is larger than some critical value $N_{\rm c}\simeq 110$, we find that (3+1)D expanding universe emerges dynamically with a clear large-$N$ scaling property. Furthermore, at sufficiently late times, we observe a power-law behavior $t^{1/2}$ of the spatial extent with respect to time $t$, which is reminiscent of the expanding behavior of the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universe in the radiation dominated era. We discuss possible implications of this result on the original model including fermionic matrices.Comment: 22 pages, 21 figures, 4 tables, (v2) typos correcte
Power-law expansion of the Universe from the bosonic Lorentzian type IIB matrix model
power-law expansion of the universe from the bosonic lorentzian type iib matrix model
lorentzian expanding universe emerges dynamically superstring theory. bosonic omitting fermionic matrices. adopted simplification usage monte carlo twenty model. simeq expanding universe emerges dynamically property. sufficiently reminiscent expanding friedmann robertson walker universe dominated era. fermionic pages tables typos correcte
We study an axially symmetric solution of a vortex in the Abelian-Higgs model at critical coupling in detail. Here we propose a new idea for a perturbative expansion of a solution, where the winding number of a vortex is naturally extended to be a real number and the solution is expanded with respect to it around its origin. We test this idea on three typical constants contained in the solution and confirm that this expansion works well with the help of the Pad\'e approximation. For instance, we analytically reproduce the value of the scalar charge of the vortex with an error of $O(10^{-6})$. This expansion is also powerful even for large winding numbers.Comment: 38 pages,48 figure
Small Winding-Number Expansion: Vortex Solutions at Critical Coupling
small winding-number expansion: vortex solutions at critical coupling
axially vortex abelian detail. propose perturbative winding vortex naturally expanded origin. confirm approximation. analytically reproduce vortex powerful winding pages
We consider the Higgs Lepton Flavor Violating process $h \rightarrow \tau \mu$, in which CMS found a $2.5 \sigma$ excess of events, from a model independent perspective, and find that it is difficult to generate this operator without also obtaining a sizeable Wilson coefficient for the dipole operators responsible for tau radiative decay, constrained by BABAR to ${BR}(\tau \rightarrow \mu \gamma)< 4.4 \times 10^{-8} $. We then survey a set of representative models for new physics, to determine which ones are capable of evading this problem. We conclude that, should this measurement persist as a signal, type-III Two Higgs Doublet Models and Higgs portal-like models are favored, while SUSY and Composite Higgs models are unlikely to explain it.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures; update: minor typo correction and references added, formatted for submission to JHE
Higgs Flavor Violation as a Signal to Discriminate Models
higgs flavor violation as a signal to discriminate models
lepton flavor violating rightarrow sigma excess perspective obtaining sizeable wilson dipole radiative constrained babar rightarrow gamma capable evading problem. persist doublet portal favored susy composite unlikely pages update minor typo formatted submission
In the context of type IIB orientifold compactification with the presence of (non-)geometric fluxes, we conjecture a modular completed version of the generalized flux-orbits of various NS-NS and RR fluxes. Subsequently, considering two explicit examples with frozen complex structure moduli, we illustrate the utility of these new flux orbits in a very compact rearrangement of the four dimensional effective scalar potential.Comment: version 4: minor improvements, references added, and to appear in JHE
On modular completion of generalized flux orbits
on modular completion of generalized flux orbits
orientifold compactification geometric fluxes conjecture modular completed orbits fluxes. subsequently frozen moduli illustrate utility orbits rearrangement minor improvements
We calculate the transverse momentum dependence in the production of two back-to-back hadrons in electron-positron annihilations at the medium/large energy scales of BES-III and BELLE experiments. We use the parameters of the transverse-momentum-dependent (TMD) fragmentation functions that were recently extracted from the semi-inclusive deep-inelastic-scattering multiplicities at low energy from HERMES. TMD evolution is applied according to different approaches and using different parameters for the nonperturbative part of the evolution kernel, thus exploring the sensitivity of our results to these different choices and to the flavor dependence of parton fragmentation functions. We discuss how experimental measurements could discriminate among the various scenarios.Comment: 33 pages, 10 composite figures, JHEP style fil
Effects of TMD evolution and partonic flavor on $e^+e^-$ annihilation into hadrons
effects of tmd evolution and partonic flavor on $e^+e^-$ annihilation into hadrons
hadrons positron annihilations belle experiments. fragmentation inclusive inelastic multiplicities hermes. nonperturbative kernel exploring choices flavor parton fragmentation functions. discriminate pages composite jhep style
We study theories which naturally select a vacuum with parametrically small Electroweak Scale due to finite temperature effects in the early universe. In particular, there is a scalar with an approximate shift symmetry broken by a technically natural small coupling to the Higgs, and a temperature dependent potential. As the temperature of the universe drops, the scalar follows the minimum of its potential altering the Higgs mass squared parameter. The scalar also has a periodic potential with amplitude proportional to the Higgs expectation value, which traps it in a vacuum with a small Electroweak Scale. The required temperature dependence of the potential can occur through strong coupling effects in a hidden sector that are suppressed at high temperatures. Alternatively, it can be generated perturbatively from a one-loop thermal potential. In both cases, for the scalar to be displaced, a hidden sector must be reheated to temperatures significantly higher than the visible sector. However this does not violate observational constraints provided the hidden sector energy density is transferred to the visible sector without disrupting big bang nucleosynthesis. We also study how the mechanism can be implemented when the visible sector is completed to the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model at a high scale. Models with a UV cutoff of 10 TeV and no fields taking values over a range greater than 10^12 GeV are possible, although the scalar must have a range of order 10^8 times the effective decay constant in the periodic part of its potential.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure, JHEP versio
Electroweak relaxation from finite temperature
electroweak relaxation from finite temperature
naturally select parametrically electroweak universe. approximate broken technically potential. universe drops altering squared parameter. expectation traps electroweak scale. hidden suppressed temperatures. alternatively perturbatively potential. displaced hidden reheated visible sector. violate observational hidden transferred visible disrupting bang nucleosynthesis. implemented visible completed supersymmetric scale. cutoff pages jhep versio
We investigate Lefschetz thimble structure of the complexified path-integration in the one-dimensional lattice massive Thirring model with finite chemical potential. The lattice model is formulated with staggered fermions and a compact auxiliary vector boson (a link field), and the whole set of the critical points (the complex saddle points) are sorted out, where each critical point turns out to be in a one-to-one correspondence with a singular point of the effective action (or a zero point of the fermion determinant). For a subset of critical point solutions in the uniform-field subspace, we examine the upward and downward cycles and the Stokes phenomenon with varying the chemical potential, and we identify the intersection numbers to determine the thimbles contributing to the path-integration of the partition function. We show that the original integration path becomes equivalent to a single Lefschetz thimble at small and large chemical potentials, while in the crossover region multi thimbles must contribute to the path integration. Finally, reducing the model to a uniform field space, we study the relative importance of multiple thimble contributions and their behavior toward continuum and low-temperature limits quantitatively, and see how the rapid crossover behavior is recovered by adding the multi thimble contributions at low temperatures. Those findings will be useful for performing Monte-Carlo simulations on the Lefschetz thimbles.Comment: 32 pages, 14 figures (typo etc. corrected
Lefschetz thimble structure in one-dimensional lattice Thirring model at finite density
lefschetz thimble structure in one-dimensional lattice thirring model at finite density
lefschetz thimble complexified massive thirring potential. formulated staggered fermions auxiliary boson saddle sorted turns correspondence singular fermion determinant subspace examine upward downward cycles stokes phenomenon intersection thimbles contributing partition function. lefschetz thimble potentials crossover thimbles integration. reducing thimble toward continuum quantitatively crossover recovered adding thimble temperatures. performing monte carlo lefschetz pages typo etc. corrected
Combining recent perturbative analyses on the static QCD potential and the quark pole mass, we find that, for the heavy quarkonium states $c\bar{c}$, $b\bar{b}$ and $t\bar{t}$, (1) ultra-soft (US) corrections in the binding energies are small, and (2) there is a stronger cancellation of IR contributions than what has been predicted by renormalon dominance hypothesis. By contrast, for a hypothetical heavy quarkonium system with a small number of active quark flavors ($n_l\approx 0$), we observe evidence that renormalon dominance holds accurately and that non-negligible contributions from US corrections exist. In addition, we examine contributions of renormalons at $u=- 1$. As an important consequence, we improve on a previous prediction for possible achievable accuracy of top quark $\overline{\rm MS}$--mass measurement at a future linear collider and estimate that in principle 20--30~MeV accuracy is reachable.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables; Revisions in ver.2: We added (i) a more conservative error estimate of m_t determination, (ii) discussion on u=+1 and u=-1 renormalons, (iii) interpretation of PS-schem
Strong IR Cancellation in Heavy Quarkonium and Precise Top Mass Determination
strong ir cancellation in heavy quarkonium and precise top mass determination
combining perturbative pole quarkonium ultra stronger cancellation renormalon dominance hypothesis. hypothetical quarkonium flavors approx renormalon dominance accurately negligible exist. examine renormalons achievable overline collider pages tables revisions ver. conservative renormalons schem
The electric dipole moments (EDMs) of electron and nucleons are promising probes of the new physics. In generic high-scale supersymmetric (SUSY) scenarios such as models based on mixture of the anomaly and gauge mediations, gluino has an additional contribution to the nucleon EDMs. In this paper, we studied the effect of the $CP$-violating gluon Weinberg operator induced by the gluino chromoelectric dipole moment in the high-scale SUSY scenarios, and we evaluated the nucleon and electron EDMs in the scenarios. We found that in the generic high-scale SUSY models, the nucleon EDMs may receive the sizable contribution from the Weinberg operator. Thus, it is important to compare the nucleon EDMs with the electron one in order to discriminate among the high-scale SUSY models.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures, Version accepted for publication in JHE
Nucleon Electric Dipole Moments in High-Scale Supersymmetric Models
nucleon electric dipole moments in high-scale supersymmetric models
dipole moments edms nucleons promising probes physics. generic supersymmetric susy scenarios mixture anomaly mediations gluino nucleon edms. violating gluon weinberg gluino chromoelectric dipole moment susy scenarios nucleon edms scenarios. generic susy nucleon edms receive sizable weinberg operator. nucleon edms discriminate susy pages publication
The exact partition function in ABJM theory on three-sphere can be regarded as a canonical partition function of a non-interacting Fermi-gas with an unconventional Hamiltonian. All the information on the partition function is encoded in the discrete spectrum of this Hamiltonian. We explain how (quantum mechanical) non-perturbative corrections in the Fermi-gas system appear from a spectral consideration. Basic tools in our analysis are a Mellin-Barnes type integral representation and a spectral zeta function. From a consistency with known results, we conjecture that the spectral zeta function in the ABJM Fermi-gas has an infinite number of "non-perturbative" poles, which are invisible in the semi-classical expansion of the Planck constant. We observe that these poles indeed appear after summing up perturbative corrections. As a consequence, the perturbative resummation of the spectral zeta function causes non-perturbative corrections to the grand canonical partition function. We also present another example associated with a spectral problem in topological string theory. A conjectured non-perturbative free energy on the resolved conifold is successfully reproduced in this framework.Comment: 32 pages, 4 figures, v2: published versio
Spectral zeta function and non-perturbative effects in ABJM Fermi-gas
spectral zeta function and non-perturbative effects in abjm fermi-gas
partition abjm sphere regarded canonical partition interacting fermi unconventional hamiltonian. partition encoded hamiltonian. perturbative fermi consideration. mellin barnes zeta function. consistency conjecture zeta abjm fermi infinite perturbative poles invisible planck constant. poles summing perturbative corrections. perturbative resummation zeta perturbative grand canonical partition function. topological theory. conjectured perturbative resolved conifold successfully reproduced pages versio
Finite 't Hooft coupling corrections to multiple physical observables in strongly coupled $N=4$ supersymmetric Yang-Mills plasma are examined, in an attempt to assess the stability of the expansion in inverse powers of the 't Hooft coupling $\lambda$. Observables considered include thermodynamic quantities, transport coefficients, and quasinormal mode frequencies. Although large $\lambda$ expansions for quasinormal mode frequencies are notably less well behaved than the expansions of other quantities, we find that a partial resummation of higher order corrections can significantly reduce the sensitivity of the results to the value of $\lambda$.Comment: 22 pages, typos fixed, numerics improve
Finite coupling corrections to holographic predictions for hot QCD
finite coupling corrections to holographic predictions for hot qcd
hooft observables supersymmetric mills attempt powers hooft lambda observables thermodynamic quantities quasinormal frequencies. lambda expansions quasinormal notably behaved expansions quantities resummation lambda .comment pages typos numerics
We report progress in computing and analyzing all tree amplitudes in ABJM theory. Inspired by the isomorphism between the orthogonal Grassmannian and the pure spinor geometries, we adopt a new gauge, called u-gauge, for evaluating the orthogonal Grassmannian integral for ABJM amplitudes. We carry out the integral explicitly for the 8-point amplitude and obtain the complete supersymmetric amplitude. The physical and spurious poles arise from the integral as expected from on-shell diagrams. We also derive a double scalar soft theorem of ABJM amplitudes and verify it for known amplitudes.Comment: 35 pages, 6 figures; v2. minor correction
ABJM Amplitudes in U-gauge and a Soft Theorem
abjm amplitudes in u-gauge and a soft theorem
progress analyzing amplitudes abjm theory. inspired isomorphism orthogonal grassmannian spinor geometries adopt evaluating orthogonal grassmannian abjm amplitudes. carry explicitly supersymmetric amplitude. spurious poles arise diagrams. derive abjm amplitudes verify pages minor
This is the second of a series of three papers examining how viable it is for entanglement to be sustained at high temperatures for quantum systems in thermal equilibrium (Case A), in nonequilibrium (Case B) and in nonequilibrium steady state conditions (Case C). The system we analyze here consists of two coupled quantum harmonic oscillators each interacting with its own bath described by a scalar field, set at temperatures $T_1 > T_2$. For \textit{constant bilinear inter-oscillator coupling} studied here (Case C1) owing to the Gaussian nature, the problem can be solved exactly at arbitrary temperatures even for strong coupling. We find that the valid entanglement criterion in general is not a function of the bath temperature difference, in contrast to thermal transport in the same NESS setting [1]. Thus lowering the temperature of one of the thermal baths does not necessarily help to safeguard the entanglement between the oscillators. Indeed, quantum entanglement will disappear if any one of the thermal baths has a temperature higher than the critical temperature $T_c$. With the Langevin equations derived we give a full display of how entanglement dynamics in this system depends on $T_{1}$, $T_{2}$ , the inter-oscillator coupling and the system-bath coupling strengths. For weak oscillator-bath coupling the critical temperature $T_c$ is about the order of the inverse oscillator frequency, but for strong oscillator-bath coupling it will depend on the bath cutoff frequency. We conclude that in most realistic circumstances, for bosonic systems in NESS with constant bilinear coupling, `hot entanglement' is largely a fiction. In Paper III we will examine the case (C2) of \textit{time-dependent driven coupling } which contains the parametric pumping type described in [2] wherein entanglement was first shown to sustain at high temperatures.Comment: 47 pages, 9 figure
Quantum Entanglement at High Temperatures? II. Bosonic Systems in Nonequilibrium Steady State
quantum entanglement at high temperatures? ii. bosonic systems in nonequilibrium steady state
papers examining viable entanglement sustained nonequilibrium nonequilibrium steady analyze harmonic oscillators interacting bath textit bilinear oscillator owing solved coupling. valid entanglement criterion bath ness lowering baths necessarily safeguard entanglement oscillators. entanglement disappear baths langevin display entanglement oscillator bath strengths. oscillator bath oscillator oscillator bath bath cutoff frequency. realistic circumstances bosonic ness bilinear entanglement largely fiction. examine textit parametric pumping wherein entanglement sustain pages
We point out that there is a parameter region in supersymmetry with heavy scalars and higgsinos, in which the heavier of bino and wino becomes long-lived as a consequence of the heavy higgsinos. In this region these electroweak gaugino sectors are secluded from each other with very small mixings that are inversely proportional to the higgsino mass. We revisit the bino and bino decays and provide simple formulae for the partial decay rates and the lifetimes in the limit of heavy higgsinos. We discuss the collider signatures of the long-lived binos and winos in this scenario.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures, text clarified, additional formulas, comparison with SDecay; to appear in JHE
Long-lived bino and wino in supersymmetry with heavy scalars and higgsinos
long-lived bino and wino in supersymmetry with heavy scalars and higgsinos
supersymmetry scalars higgsinos heavier bino wino lived higgsinos. electroweak gaugino sectors secluded mixings inversely higgsino mass. revisit bino bino decays formulae lifetimes higgsinos. collider signatures lived binos winos pages clarified formulas sdecay
The two-point function and VEV of the current density are investigated for a massive charged scalar field with arbitrary curvature coupling in the geometry of a brane on background of AdS spacetime with partial toroidal compactification.The presence of a gauge field flux enclosed by compact dimensions is assumed.On the brane the field obeys Robin boundary condition and along compact dimensions periodicity conditions with general phases are imposed.There is a range in the space of values for the coefficient in the boundary condition where Poincare vacuum is unstable.This range depends on the brane location.In models with compact dimensions the stability condition is less restrictive than for AdS bulk with trivial topology.Vacuum charge density and components of current along non-compact dimensions vanish. VEV of the current density along compact dimensions is a periodic function of the gauge field flux with a period equal to the flux quantum.It is decomposed into the boundary-free and brane-induced contributions.The asymptotic behavior of the latter is investigated near the brane, AdS boundary and horizon.In contrast to VEVs of the field squared and energy-momentum tensor, current density is finite on brane and vanishes for the special case of Dirichlet boundary condition.Both boundary-free and brane-induced contributions vanish on AdS boundary.Brane-induced contribution vanishes on the horizon and for points near the horizon the current is dominated by the boundary-free part.In the near-horizon limit, the latter is connected to the corresponding quantity for a massless field in the Minkowski bulk by a simple conformal relation.Depending on the value of the Robin coefficient, the presence of the brane can either increase or decrease the vacuum currents. Applications are given for a higher-dimensional version of the Randall-Sundrum 1-brane modelComment: 30 pages, 8 figures, PACS numbers: 04.62.+v, 04.50.-h, 11.10.Kk, 11.25.-
Vacuum currents in braneworlds on AdS bulk with compact dimensions
vacuum currents in braneworlds on ads bulk with compact dimensions
massive curvature brane spacetime toroidal compactification.the enclosed assumed.on brane obeys robin periodicity imposed.there poincare unstable.this brane restrictive trivial topology.vacuum vanish. decomposed brane contributions.the asymptotic brane vevs squared brane vanishes dirichlet condition.both brane vanish boundary.brane vanishes horizon horizon dominated horizon quantity massless minkowski conformal pending robin brane currents. randall sundrum brane modelcomment pages pacs
Wilson lines in gauge theories admit several path integral descriptions. The first one (due to Alekseev-Faddeev-Shatashvili) uses path integrals over coadjoint orbits. The second one (due to Diakonov-Petrov) replaces a 1-dimensional path integral with a 2-dimensional topological $\sigma$-model. We show that this $\sigma$-model is defined by the equivariant extension of the Kirillov symplectic form on the coadjoint orbit. This allows to define the corresponding observable on arbitrary 2-dimensional surfaces, including closed surfaces. We give a new path integral presentation of Wilson lines in terms of Poisson $\sigma$-models, and we test this presentation in the framework of the 2-dimensional Yang-Mills theory. On a closed surface, our Wilson surface observable turns out to be nontrivial for $G$ non-simply connected (and trivial for $G$ simply connected), in particular we study in detail the cases $G=U(1)$ and $G=SO(3)$.Comment: 22 page
Wilson surface observables from equivariant cohomology
wilson surface observables from equivariant cohomology
wilson admit descriptions. alekseev faddeev shatashvili integrals coadjoint orbits. diakonov petrov replaces topological sigma model. sigma equivariant kirillov symplectic coadjoint orbit. observable surfaces. presentation wilson poisson sigma presentation mills theory. wilson observable turns nontrivial trivial .comment
Starting from a full renormalised trajectory for the effective average action (a.k.a. infrared cutoff Legendre effective action) $\Gamma_k$, we explicitly reconstruct corresponding bare actions, formulated in one of two ways. The first step is to construct the corresponding Wilsonian effective action $S^k$ through a tree-level expansion in terms of the vertices provided by $\Gamma_k$. It forms a perfect bare action giving the same renormalised trajectory. A bare action with some ultraviolet cutoff scale $\Lambda$ and infrared cutoff $k$ necessarily produces an effective average action $\Gamma^\Lambda_k$ that depends on both cutoffs, but if the already computed $S^\Lambda$ is used, we show how $\Gamma^\Lambda_k$ can also be computed from $\Gamma_k$ by a tree-level expansion, and that $\Gamma^\Lambda_k\to\Gamma_k$ as $\Lambda\to\infty$. Along the way we show that Legendre effective actions with different UV cutoff profiles, but which correspond to the same Wilsonian effective action, are related through tree-level expansions. All these expansions follow from Legendre transform relationships that can be derived from the original one between $\Gamma^\Lambda_k$ and $S^k$.Comment: 32 page
Solutions to the reconstruction problem in asymptotic safety
solutions to the reconstruction problem in asymptotic safety
renormalised trajectory a.k.a. infrared cutoff legendre gamma explicitly reconstruct bare formulated ways. wilsonian gamma perfect bare giving renormalised trajectory. bare ultraviolet cutoff lambda infrared cutoff necessarily produces gamma lambda cutoffs lambda gamma lambda gamma gamma lambda gamma lambda infty legendre cutoff wilsonian expansions. expansions legendre transform gamma lambda .comment
We calculate the one loop beta function for the would-be marginal coupling on the world sheet of the k deformed sigma models associated to a quantum group with q=exp(i pi/k). This includes the bosonic principal chiral models and symmetric space sigma models but also the k deformed semi-symmetric space sigma model describing strings in a deformation of AdS_5 x S^5. The world sheet sigma model is a current-current deformation of the gauged WZW model for the supergroup PSU(2,2|4) with level k. In the string theory context the beta function is shown to vanish because of the vanishing of the Killing form of PSU(2,2|4) which is another piece of evidence that the k deformed theories define consistent string theories.Comment: 26 pages, some typos correcte
Beta Function of k Deformed AdS_5 x S^5 String Theory
beta function of k deformed ads_5 x s^5 string theory
beta marginal sheet deformed sigma bosonic principal chiral sigma deformed sigma describing strings deformation sheet sigma deformation gauged supergroup beta vanish vanishing killing piece deformed pages typos correcte
We present a calculation of the finite volume corrections to meson masses and decay constants in three flavour Partially Quenched Chiral Perturbation Theory (PQChPT) through two-loop order in the chiral expansion for the flavour-charged (or off-diagonal) pseudoscalar mesons. The analytical results are obtained for three sea quark flavours with one, two or three different masses. We reproduce the known infinite volume results and the finite volume results in the unquenched case. The calculation has been performed using the supersymmetric formulation of PQChPT as well as with a quark-flow technique. Partial analytical results can be found in the appendices. Some examples of cases relevant to lattice QCD are studied numerically. Numerical programs for all results are available as part of the CHIRON package.Comment: 29 page
Finite Volume for Three-Flavour Partially Quenched Chiral Perturbation Theory through NNLO in the Meson Sector
finite volume for three-flavour partially quenched chiral perturbation theory through nnlo in the meson sector
meson flavour partially quenched chiral perturbation pqchpt chiral flavour diagonal pseudoscalar mesons. flavours masses. reproduce infinite unquenched case. supersymmetric formulation pqchpt technique. appendices. numerically. programs chiron
We give a new formula for all tree-level correlators of boundary field insertions in gauged N=8 supergravity in AdS_4; this is an analog of the tree-level S-matrix in anti-de Sitter space. The formula is written in terms of rational maps from the Riemann sphere to twistor space, with no reference to bulk perturbation theory. It is polynomial in the cosmological constant, and equal to the classical scattering amplitudes of supergravity in the flat space limit. The formula is manifestly supersymmetric, independent of gauge choices on twistor space, and equivalent to expressions computed via perturbation theory at 3-point MHV-bar and n-point MHV. We also show that the formula factorizes and obeys BCFW recursion in twistor space.Comment: 19 pages, no figures. v2: minor improvements, published versio
Gravity with a cosmological constant from rational curves
gravity with a cosmological constant from rational curves
correlators insertions gauged supergravity analog sitter space. rational riemann sphere twistor perturbation theory. cosmological amplitudes supergravity limit. manifestly supersymmetric choices twistor expressions perturbation mhv. factorizes obeys bcfw recursion twistor pages figures. minor improvements versio
The lepton-sepcific (or type X) 2HDM (L2HDM) is an attractive new physics candidate explaining the muon $g-2$ anomaly requiring a light CP-odd boson $A$ and large $\tan\beta$. This scenario leads to $\tau$-rich signatures, such as $3\tau$, $4\tau$ and $4\tau+W/Z$, which can be readily accessible at the LHC. We first study the whole L2HDM parameter space to identify allowed regions of extra Higgs boson masses as well as two couplings $\lambda_{hAA}$ and $\xi_h^l$ which determine the 125 GeV Higgs boson decays $h\to \tau^+\tau^-$ and $h\to AA/AA^*(\tau^+\tau^-)$, respectively. This motivates us to set up two regions of interest: (A) $m_A \ll m_{H} \sim m_{H^\pm}$, and (B) $m_A \sim m_{H^\pm} \sim {\cal O}(100) \mbox{GeV} \ll m_H$, for which derive the current constraints by adopting the chargino-neutralino search at the LHC8, and then analyze the LHC14 prospects by implementing $\tau$-tagging algorithm. A correlated study of the upcoming precision determination of the 125 GeV Higgs boson decay properties as well as the observation of multi-tau events at the next runs of LHC will be able to shed light on the L2HDM option for the muon $g-2$.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figure
LHC $\tau$-rich Tests of Lepton-specific 2HDM for $(g-2)_\mu$
lhc $\tau$-rich tests of lepton-specific 2hdm for $(g-2)_\mu$
lepton sepcific attractive candidate explaining muon anomaly requiring boson beta signatures readily accessible lhc. extra boson couplings lambda boson decays respectively. motivates mbox derive adopting chargino neutralino analyze prospects implementing tagging algorithm. upcoming precision boson runs shed option muon .comment pages
Using conformal field theory (CFT) arguments we derive an infinite number of constraints on the large spin expansion of the anomalous dimensions and structure constants of higher spin operators. These arguments rely only on analiticity, unitarity, crossing-symmetry and the structure of the conformal partial wave expansion. We obtain results for both, perturbative CFT to all order in the perturbation parameter, as well as non-perturbatively. For the case of conformal gauge theories this provides a proof of the reciprocity principle to all orders in perturbation theory and provides a new "reciprocity" principle for structure constants. We argue that these results extend also to non-conformal theories.Comment: 20 pages; v2: version published in JHE
Large spin systematics in CFT
large spin systematics in cft
conformal arguments derive infinite anomalous operators. arguments rely analiticity unitarity crossing conformal expansion. perturbative perturbation perturbatively. conformal reciprocity orders perturbation reciprocity constants. argue extend conformal pages
The production of $\Upsilon$ mesons in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt=7$ and $8\,\mathrm{TeV}$ is studied with the LHCb detector using data samples corresponding to an integrated luminosity of $1\,\mathrm{fb}^{-1}$ and $2\,\mathrm{fb}^{-1}$ respectively. The production cross-sections and ratios of cross-sections are measured as functions of the meson transverse momentum $p_T$ and rapidity $y$, for $p_T<30\,\mathrm{GeV}/c$} and $2.0<y<4.5$.Comment: 36 pages, 7 figures, 16 tables. All figures and tables, along with any supplementary material and additional information, are available at
Forward production of $\Upsilon$ mesons in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=7$ and 8TeV
forward production of $\upsilon$ mesons in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=7$ and 8tev
upsilon mesons collisions sqrt mathrm lhcb luminosity mathrm mathrm respectively. meson rapidity mathrm .comment pages tables. tables supplementary .htm
The spectrum of Prokushkin--Vasiliev Theory is puzzling in light of the Gaberdiel--Gopakumar conjecture because it generically contains an additional sector besides higher-spin gauge and scalar fields. We find the unique truncation of the theory avoiding this problem to order 2 in perturbations around AdS$_3$. The second-order backreaction on the physical gauge sector induced by the scalars is computed explicitly. The cubic action for the physical fields is determined completely. We comment on a different higher-spin theory without such additional fields at $\lambda=1$.Comment: 55 pages + appendices, LaTex. Final version to appear in JHE
Higher Spins and Matter Interacting in Dimension Three
higher spins and matter interacting in dimension three
prokushkin vasiliev puzzling gaberdiel gopakumar conjecture generically besides fields. truncation avoiding perturbations backreaction scalars explicitly. cubic completely. comment lambda .comment pages appendices latex.
The Compton wavelength gives the minimum radius within which the mass of a particle may be localized due to quantum effects, while the Schwarzschild radius gives the maximum radius within which the mass of a black hole may be localized due to classial gravity. In a mass-radius diagram, the two lines intersect near the Planck point $(l_P,m_P)$, where quantum gravity effects become significant. Since canonical (non-gravitational) quantum mechanics is based on the concept of wave-particle duality, encapsulated in the de Broglie relations, these relations should break down near $(l_P,m_P)$. It is unclear what physical interpretation can be given to quantum particles with energy $E \gg m_Pc^2 $, since they correspond to wavelengths $\lambda \ll l_P$ or time periods $T \ll t_P$ in the standard theory. We therefore propose a correction to the standard de Broglie relations, which gives rise to a modified Schr{\" o}dinger equation and a modified expression for the Compton wavelength, which may be extended into the region $E \gg m_Pc^2$. For the proposed modification, we recover the expression for the Schwarzschild radius for $E \gg m_Pc^2$ and the usual Compton formula for $E \ll m_Pc^2$. The sign of the inequality obtained from the uncertainty principle reverses at $m \approx m_P$, so that the Compton wavelength and event horizon size may be interpreted as minimum and maximum radii, respectively. We interpret the additional terms in the modified de Broglie relations as representing the self-gravitation of the wave packet.Comment: 40 pages, 7 figures, 2 appendices. Published version, with additional minor typos corrected (v3
The Compton-Schwarzschild correspondence from extended de Broglie relations
the compton-schwarzschild correspondence from extended de broglie relations
compton localized schwarzschild localized classial gravity. intersect planck significant. canonical gravitational mechanics duality encapsulated broglie break unclear wavelengths lambda theory. propose broglie schr dinger compton modification recover schwarzschild usual compton inequality reverses approx compton horizon interpreted radii respectively. interpret broglie representing gravitation pages appendices. minor typos corrected
We study 3d CFTs with an $O(N)$ global symmetry using the conformal bootstrap for a system of mixed correlators. Specifically, we consider all nonvanishing scalar four-point functions containing the lowest dimension $O(N)$ vector $\phi_i$ and the lowest dimension $O(N)$ singlet $s$, assumed to be the only relevant operators in their symmetry representations. The constraints of crossing symmetry and unitarity for these four-point functions force the scaling dimensions $(\Delta_\phi, \Delta_s)$ to lie inside small islands. We also make rigorous determinations of current two-point functions in the $O(2)$ and $O(3)$ models, with applications to transport in condensed matter systems.Comment: 32 pages, 13 figures; updated Fig.2, added references and minor corrections in Sec.3.
Bootstrapping the O(N) Archipelago
bootstrapping the o(n) archipelago
cfts conformal bootstrap correlators. nonvanishing singlet representations. crossing unitarity delta delta islands. rigorous determinations condensed pages updated fig. minor sec.
We consider the quantum angular momentum generators, deformed by means of the Dunkl operators. Together with the reflection operators they generate a subalgebra in the rational Cherednik algebra associated with a finite real reflection group. We find all the defining relations of the algebra, which appear to be quadratic, and we show that the algebra is of Poincare-Birkhoff-Witt (PBW) type. We show that this algebra contains the angular part of the Calogero-Moser Hamiltonian and that together with constants it generates the centre of the algebra. We also consider the gl(N) version of the subalgebra of the rational Cherednik algebra and show that it is a non-homogeneous quadratic algebra of PBW type as well. In this case the central generator can be identified with the usual Calogero-Moser Hamiltonian associated with the Coxeter group in the harmonic confinement.Comment: 27 pages; small changes, concluding remarks expande
On Dunkl angular momenta algebra
on dunkl angular momenta algebra
generators deformed dunkl operators. reflection subalgebra rational cherednik reflection group. defining quadratic poincare birkhoff witt type. calogero moser generates algebra. subalgebra rational cherednik homogeneous quadratic well. generator usual calogero moser coxeter harmonic pages concluding remarks expande
The existence of Dark Matter (DM) in the form of Strongly Interacting Massive Particles (SIMPs) may be motivated by astrophysical observations that challenge the classical Cold DM scenario. Other observations greatly constrain, but do not completely exclude, the SIMP alternative. The signature of SIMPs at the LHC may consist of neutral, hadron-like, trackless jets produced in pairs. We show that the absence of charged content can provide a very efficient tool to suppress dijet backgrounds at the LHC, thus enhancing the sensitivity to a potential SIMP signal. We illustrate this using a simplified SIMP model and present a detailed feasibility study based on simulations, including a dedicated detector response parametrization. We evaluate the expected sensitivity to various signal scenarios and tentatively consider the exclusion limits on the SIMP elastic cross section with nucleons.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure
Simplified SIMPs and the LHC
simplified simps and the lhc
interacting massive simps motivated astrophysical challenge cold scenario. greatly constrain exclude simp alternative. signature simps consist neutral hadron trackless jets pairs. suppress dijet backgrounds enhancing simp signal. illustrate simplified simp feasibility dedicated parametrization. scenarios tentatively exclusion simp elastic pages
We study segmented strings in flat space and in $AdS_3$. In flat space, these well known classical motions describe strings which at any instant of time are piecewise linear. In $AdS_3$, the worldsheet is composed of faces each of which is a region bounded by null geodesics in an $AdS_2$ subspace of $AdS_3$. The time evolution can be described by specifying the null geodesic motion of kinks in the string at which two segments are joined. The outcome of collisions of kinks on the worldsheet can be worked out essentially using considerations of causality. We study several examples of closed segmented strings in $AdS_3$ and find an unexpected quasi-periodic behavior. We also work out a WKB analysis of quantum states of yo-yo strings in $AdS_3$ and find a logarithmic term reminiscent of the logarithmic twist of string states on the leading Regge trajectory.Comment: 38 pages, 5 figure
Segmented Strings in $AdS_3$
segmented strings in $ads_3$
segmented strings motions strings instant piecewise linear. worldsheet composed faces geodesics subspace specifying geodesic kinks segments joined. collisions kinks worldsheet worked essentially considerations causality. segmented strings unexpected quasi behavior. strings logarithmic reminiscent logarithmic twist regge pages
An extension of QED is considered in which the Dirac fermion has both Hermitian and anti-Hermitian mass terms, as well as both vector and axial-vector couplings to the gauge field. Gauge invariance is restored when the Hermitian and anti-Hermitian masses are of equal magnitude, and the theory reduces to that of a single massless Weyl fermion. An analogous non-Hermitian Yukawa theory is considered, and it is shown that this model can explain the smallness of the light-neutrino masses and provide an additional source of leptonic CP violation.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figure, JHEP style; corrections to match published versio
Non-Hermitian extension of gauge theories and implications for neutrino physics
non-hermitian extension of gauge theories and implications for neutrino physics
dirac fermion hermitian hermitian axial couplings field. invariance restored hermitian hermitian reduces massless weyl fermion. analogous hermitian yukawa smallness leptonic pages jhep style match versio
We derive a new class of supersymmetric D3/D7 brane configurations, which allow to holographically describe N=4 SYM coupled to massive N=2 flavor degrees of freedom on spaces of constant curvature. We systematically solve the $\kappa$-symmetry condition for D7-brane embeddings into AdS$_4$-sliced AdS$_5\times$S$^5$, and find supersymmetric embeddings in a simple closed form. Up to a critical mass, these embeddings come in surprisingly diverse families, and we present a first study of their (holographic) phenomenology. We carry out the holographic renormalization, compute the one-point functions and attempt a field-theoretic interpretation of the different families. To complete the catalog of supersymmetric D3/D7 configurations, we construct analogous embeddings for flavored N=4 SYM on S$^4$ and dS$_4$.Comment: 37 pages, 9 figure
Supersymmetric D3/D7 for holographic flavors on curved space
supersymmetric d3/d7 for holographic flavors on curved space
derive supersymmetric brane configurations holographically massive flavor freedom curvature. systematically solve kappa brane embeddings sliced supersymmetric embeddings form. embeddings come surprisingly diverse families holographic phenomenology. carry holographic renormalization attempt theoretic families. catalog supersymmetric configurations analogous embeddings flavored .comment pages
Starting from three minimal off-shell 4D, $\cal N$ = 1 supermultiplets, using constructions solely defined within the confines of the four dimensional field theory we show the existence of a "gadget" - a member of a class of metrics on the representation space of the supermultiplets - whose values directly and completely correspond to the values of a metric defined on the 1d, $N$ = 4 adinkra networks adjacency matrices corresponding to the projections of the four dimensional supermultiplets.Comment: LaTeX twice, 4 figures, 17 pp
A Lorentz Covariant Holoraumy-Induced "Gadget" From Minimal Off-Shell 4D, N = 1 Supermultiplets
a lorentz covariant holoraumy-induced "gadget" from minimal off-shell 4d, n = 1 supermultiplets
supermultiplets constructions solely confines gadget member metrics supermultiplets adinkra adjacency projections latex twice
We demonstrate how to realize within supergravity a novel chaotic-type inflationary scenario driven by the radial parts of a conjugate pair of Higgs superfields causing the spontaneous breaking of a grand unified gauge symmetry at a scale assuming the value of the supersymmetric grand unification scale. The superpotential is uniquely determined at the renormalizable level by the gauge symmetry and a continuous R symmetry. We select two types of Kahler potentials, which respect these symmetries as well as an approximate shift symmetry. In particular, they include in a logarithm a dominant shift-symmetric term proportional to a parameter c- together with a small term violating this symmetry and characterized by a parameter c+. In both cases, imposing a lower bound on c-, inflation can be attained with subplanckian values of the original inflaton, while the corresponding effective theory respects perturbative unitarity for r+-=c+/c-<1. These inflationary models do not lead to overproduction of cosmic defects, are largely independent of the one-loop radiative corrections and accommodate, for natural values of r+-, observable gravitational waves consistently with all the current observational data. The inflaton mass is mostly confined in the range (3.7-8.1)x10^10 GeV.Comment: Final version with some typos correcte
Shift Symmetry and Higgs Inflation in Supergravity with Observable Gravitational Waves
shift symmetry and higgs inflation in supergravity with observable gravitational waves
realize supergravity chaotic inflationary conjugate superfields causing spontaneous breaking grand unified supersymmetric grand unification scale. superpotential uniquely renormalizable symmetry. select kahler potentials symmetries approximate symmetry. logarithm violating imposing inflation attained subplanckian inflaton respects perturbative unitarity inflationary overproduction cosmic defects largely radiative accommodate observable gravitational consistently observational data. inflaton mostly confined typos correcte
Using a recently developed bootstrapping method, we compute the phase diagram of scalar field theory on the fuzzy disc with quartic even potential. We find three distinct phases with second and third order phase transitions between them. In particular, we find that the second order phase transition happens approximately at a fixed ratio of the two coupling constants defining the potential. We compute this ratio analytically in the limit of large coupling constants. Our results qualitatively agree with previously obtained numerical results.Comment: 1+17 pages, v2: typos fixed, published versio
The Phase Diagram of Scalar Field Theory on the Fuzzy Disc
the phase diagram of scalar field theory on the fuzzy disc
bootstrapping fuzzy disc quartic potential. them. happens defining potential. analytically constants. qualitatively agree pages typos versio
D3-branes wrapping constant curvature Riemann surfaces give rise to 2D N = (0,2) SCFTs, where the superconformal fixed-points are mapped to vacua of 3D N =2 U(1)^3 gauged supergravity. In this work we determine the fermionic supersymmetry variations of the theory and present all supersymmetric solutions. For spacetimes with a timelike Killing vector, we identify new timelike warped AdS_3 (G\"odel) and timelike warped dS_3 critical points. We outline the construction of numerical solutions interpolating between fixed-points, demonstrate that these flows are driven by an irrelevant scalar operator in the SCFT and identify the inverse of the superpotential as a candidate c-function. We further classify all spacetimes with a null Killing vector, in the process producing loci in parameter space where null-warped AdS_3 vacua with Schrodinger z=2 symmetry exist. We construct non-supersymmetric spacelike warped AdS_3 geometries based on D3-branes.Comment: 28 pages, 6 figures; v2 32 pages, 6 figures, references added, abstract shortened, appendix on spacelike warped AdS3 added; v3 32 pages, typos corrected, slight rewordings, references added, agrees with published versio
All supersymmetric solutions of 3D U(1)$^3$ gauged supergravity
all supersymmetric solutions of 3d u(1)$^3$ gauged supergravity
branes wrapping curvature riemann scfts superconformal mapped vacua gauged supergravity. fermionic supersymmetry supersymmetric solutions. spacetimes timelike killing timelike warped odel timelike warped points. outline interpolating flows irrelevant scft superpotential candidate function. classify spacetimes killing producing loci warped vacua schrodinger exist. supersymmetric spacelike warped geometries pages pages shortened spacelike warped pages typos corrected slight rewordings agrees versio
The apparent unification of gauge couplings in Grand Unified Theories around 10$^{16}$ GeV is one of the strong arguments in favor of Supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model. In this paper, an analysis of the measurements of the strong coupling running from the CMS experiment at the LHC is combined with a "traditional" gauge coupling unification analysis using data at the Z peak. This approach places powerful constraints on the possible scales of new physics and on the parameters around the unification scale. A supersymmetric analysis without GUT threshold corrections describes the CMS data well and provides perfect unification. The favored scales are $M_{SUSY}\ =\ 2820\ +670\ -540$ GeV and $M_{GUT}\ =\ 1.05 \pm 0.06 \cdot 10^{16}$ GeV. For zero or small threshold corrections the scale of new physics may be well within LHC reach.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, 2 table
Strong Coupling Running, Gauge Coupling Unification and the Scale of New Physics
strong coupling running, gauge coupling unification and the scale of new physics
apparent unification couplings grand unified arguments favor supersymmetric extensions model. running traditional unification peak. places powerful unification scale. supersymmetric describes perfect unification. favored susy cdot gev. pages