3 values
We consider a right-handed scalar neutrino as the inflaton which carries a gravitational coupling with a supersymmetric QCD sector responsible for breaking supersymmetry dynamically. The framework suggests an inflaton potential which is a deformed version of the quadratic chaotic inflation leading to a flatter potential. We find that this deformation results a sizable tensor to scalar ratio which falls within the allowed region by PLANCK 2015. At the same time supersymmetry breaking at the end of inflation can naturally be induced in this set-up. The symmetries required to construct the framework allows the neutrino masses and mixing to be of right order.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figures; version to appear in JHE
A Dynamic Modification to Sneutrino Chaotic Inflation
a dynamic modification to sneutrino chaotic inflation
handed inflaton carries gravitational supersymmetric breaking supersymmetry dynamically. inflaton deformed quadratic chaotic inflation flatter potential. deformation sizable falls planck supersymmetry breaking inflation naturally symmetries pages
We investigate T-duality of a closed string moving in a weakly curved background of the second order. A previously discussed weakly curved background consisted of a flat metric and a linearly coordinate dependent Kalb-Ramond field with an infinitesimal strength. The background here considered differs from the above in a coordinate dependent metric of the second order. Consequently, the corresponding Ricci tensor is nonzero. As this background does not posses the global shift symmetry the generalized Buscher T-dualization procedure is not applicable to it. We redefine it and make it applicable to backgrounds without the global symmetry
T-dualization in a curved background in absence of a global symmetry
t-dualization in a curved background in absence of a global symmetry
duality moving weakly curved order. weakly curved consisted linearly coordinate kalb ramond infinitesimal strength. differs coordinate order. ricci nonzero. posses buscher dualization applicable redefine applicable backgrounds
We show how to extend systematically the FONLL scheme for inclusion of heavy quark mass effects in DIS to account for the possible effects of an intrinsic charm component in the nucleon. We show that when there is no intrinsic charm, FONLL is equivalent to S-ACOT to any order in perturbation theory, while when an intrinsic charm component is included FONLL is identical to ACOT, again to all orders in perturbation theory. We discuss in detail the inclusion of top and bottom quarks to construct a variable flavour number scheme, and give explicit expressions for the construction of the structure functions $F^c_2$, $F^c_L$ and $F^c_3$ to NNLO.Comment: 43 pages, 1 figure. Final JHEP versio
Charm in Deep-Inelastic Scattering
charm in deep-inelastic scattering
extend systematically fonll inclusion intrinsic charm nucleon. intrinsic charm fonll acot perturbation intrinsic charm fonll acot orders perturbation theory. inclusion quarks flavour expressions pages figure. jhep versio
We study compactification of 6 dimensional (1,0) theories on T^2. We use geometric engineering of these theories via F-theory and employ mirror symmetry technology to solve for the effective 4d N=2 geometry for a large number of the (1,0) theories including those associated with conformal matter. Using this we show that for a given 6d theory we can obtain many inequivalent 4d N=2 SCFTs. Some of these respect the global symmetries of the 6d theory while others exhibit SL(2,Z) duality symmetry inherited from global diffeomorphisms of the T^2. This construction also explains the 6d origin of moduli space of 4d affine ADE quiver theories as flat ADE connections on T^2. Among the resulting 4d N=2 CFTs we find theories whose vacuum geometry is captured by an LG theory (as opposed to a curve or a local CY geometry). We obtain arbitrary genus curves of class S with punctures from toroidal compactification of (1,0) SCFTs where the curve of the class S theory emerges through mirror symmetry. We also show that toroidal compactification of the little string version of these theories can lead to class S theories with no punctures on arbitrary genus Riemann surface.Comment: 58 pages, 8 figures, v2: references added, typos fixed, table 2 update
Geometric Engineering, Mirror Symmetry and 6d (1,0) -> 4d, N=2
geometric engineering, mirror symmetry and 6d (1,0) -> 4d, n=2
compactification geometric employ mirror solve conformal matter. inequivalent scfts. symmetries exhibit duality inherited diffeomorphisms explains moduli affine quiver connections cfts captured opposed genus punctures toroidal compactification scfts emerges mirror symmetry. toroidal compactification punctures genus riemann pages typos update
Searching for Higgs bosons beyond the Standard Model (BSM) is one of the most important missions for hadron colliders. As a landmark of BSM physics, the MSSM Higgs sector at the LHC is expected to be tested up to the scale of the decoupling limit of O(1) TeV, except for a wedge region centered around $\tan\beta \sim 3 -10$, which has been known to be difficult to probe. In this article, we present a dedicated study testing the decoupled MSSM Higgs sector, at the LHC and a next-generation $pp$-collider, proposing to search in channels with associated Higgs productions, with the neutral and charged Higgs further decaying into $tt$ and $tb$, respectively. In the case of neutral Higgs we are able to probe for the so far uncovered wedge region via $pp\to bb H/A \to bbtt$. Additionally, we cover the the high $\tan\beta$ range with $pp\to bb H/A \to bb\tau\tau$. The combination of these searches with channels dedicated to the low $\tan\beta$ region, such as $pp\to H/A \to tt$ and $pp\to tt H/A \to tttt$ potentially covers the full $\tan\beta$ range. The search for charged Higgs has a slightly smaller sensitivity for the moderate $\tan\beta$ region, but additionally probes for the higher and lower $\tan\beta$ regions with even greater sensitivity, via $pp\to tb H^\pm \to tbtb$. While the LHC will be able to probe the whole $\tan\beta$ range for Higgs masses of O(1) TeV by combining these channels, we show that a future 100 TeV $pp$-collider has a potential to push the sensitivity reach up to $\sim \mathcal O(10)$ TeV. In order to deal with the novel kinematics of top quarks produced by heavy Higgs decays, the multivariate Boosted Decision Tree (BDT) method is applied in our collider analyses. The BDT-based tagging efficiencies of both hadronic and leptonic top-jets, and their mutual fake rates as well as the faking rates by other jets ($h$, $Z$, $W$, $b$, etc.) are also presented.Comment: published versio
Heavy Higgs Bosons at 14 TeV and 100 TeV
heavy higgs bosons at 14 tev and 100 tev
searching bosons missions hadron colliders. landmark mssm decoupling wedge centered beta probe. dedicated decoupled mssm collider proposing productions neutral decaying respectively. neutral uncovered wedge bbtt additionally cover beta searches dedicated beta tttt potentially covers beta range. moderate beta additionally probes beta tbtb beta combining collider push mathcal tev. deal kinematics quarks decays multivariate boosted collider analyses. tagging efficiencies hadronic leptonic jets mutual fake faking jets etc. versio
We present an extensive study of non-minimal flavour violation in the squark sector in the framework of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model. We investigate the effects of multiple non-vanishing flavour-violating elements in the squark mass matrices by means of a Markov Chain Monte Carlo scanning technique and identify parameter combinations that are favoured by both current data and theoretical constraints. We then detail the resulting distributions of the flavour-conserving and flavour-violating model parameters. Based on this analysis, we propose a set of benchmark scenarios relevant for future studies of non-minimal flavour violation in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model.Comment: 31 pages, 12 figures, 6 tables; SLHA files for non-minimally flavour-violating MSSM benchmark scenarios available as ancillary files; version to appear in JHE
General squark flavour mixing: constraints, phenomenology and benchmarks
general squark flavour mixing: constraints, phenomenology and benchmarks
extensive flavour violation squark supersymmetric model. vanishing flavour violating squark markov monte carlo scanning combinations favoured constraints. flavour conserving flavour violating parameters. propose benchmark scenarios flavour violation supersymmetric pages tables slha files minimally flavour violating mssm benchmark scenarios ancillary files
The recently proposed ER=EPR correspondence postulates the existence of wormholes (Einstein-Rosen bridges) between entangled states (such as EPR pairs). Entanglement is famously known to be unobservable in quantum mechanics, in that there exists no observable (or, equivalently, projector) that can accurately pick out whether a generic state is entangled. Many features of the geometry of spacetime, however, are observables, so one might worry that the presence or absence of a wormhole could identify an entangled state in ER=EPR, violating quantum mechanics, specifically, the property of state-independence of observables. In this note, we establish that this cannot occur: there is no measurement in general relativity that unambiguously detects the presence of a generic wormhole geometry. This statement is the ER=EPR dual of the undetectability of entanglement.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure
Wormhole and Entanglement (Non-)Detection in the ER=EPR Correspondence
wormhole and entanglement (non-)detection in the er=epr correspondence
correspondence postulates wormholes einstein rosen bridges entangled entanglement famously unobservable mechanics observable equivalently projector accurately pick generic entangled. spacetime observables worry wormhole entangled violating mechanics independence observables. establish relativity unambiguously detects generic wormhole geometry. statement undetectability pages
We consider a generic framework where the Standard Model (SM) coexists with a hidden sector endowed with some additional gauge symmetry. When this symmetry is broken by a scalar field charged under the hidden gauge group, the corresponding scalar boson generally mixes with the SM Higgs boson. In addition, massive hidden gauge bosons emerge and via the mixing, the observed Higgs-like mass eigenstate is the only known particle that couples to these hidden gauge bosons directly. We study the LHC monojet signatures of this scenario and the corresponding constraints on the gauge coupling of the hidden gauge group as well as the mixing of the Higgs scalars.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure
Higgsophilic gauge bosons and monojets at the LHC
higgsophilic gauge bosons and monojets at the lhc
generic coexists hidden endowed symmetry. broken hidden boson mixes boson. massive hidden bosons emerge eigenstate couples hidden bosons directly. monojet signatures hidden pages
Warped conformal field theories (WCFTs) are a novel class of non-relativistic theories. A simple, yet non-trivial, example of such theory is a massive Weyl fermion in $(1+1)$-dimensions, which we study in detail. We derive general properties of the spectrum and modular properties of partition functions of WCFTs. The periodic (Ramond) sector of this fermionic system is non-trivial, and we build two novel partition functions for this sector which have no counterpart in a CFT$_2$. The thermodynamical properties of WCFTs are revisited in the canonical and micro-canonical ensemble.Comment: 41 page
Warped Weyl fermion partition functions
warped weyl fermion partition functions
warped conformal wcfts relativistic theories. trivial massive weyl fermion detail. derive modular partition wcfts. ramond fermionic trivial build partition counterpart thermodynamical wcfts revisited canonical micro canonical
We consider the off-shell formulation of the 5D, $ {\cal N}$=1 super Yang-Mills and super Chern-Simons theories in harmonic superspace. Using such a formulation we develop a manifestly supersymmetric and gauge invariant approach to constructing the one-loop effective action both in super Yang-Mills and super Chern-Simons models. On the base of this approach we compute the leading low-energy quantum contribution to the effective action on the Abelian vector multiplet background. This contribution corresponds to $F^4$ invariant which is given in 5D superfield form.Comment: 29 pages, minor modification, published versio
Effective actions in ${\cal N}$=1, D5 supersymmetric gauge theories: harmonic superspace approach
effective actions in ${\cal n}$=1, d5 supersymmetric gauge theories: harmonic superspace approach
formulation super mills super chern simons harmonic superspace. formulation manifestly supersymmetric constructing super mills super chern simons models. abelian multiplet background. superfield pages minor modification versio
Double field theory is an approach for massless modes of string theory, unifying and geometrizing all gauge invariance in manifest $\mathbf{O}(D,D)$ covariant manner. In this approach, we derive off-shell conserved Noether current and corresponding Noether potential associated with unified gauge invariance. We add Wald-type counter two-form to the Noether potential and define conserved global charges as surface integral. We check our $\mathbf{O}(D,D)$ covariant formula against various string backgrounds, both geometric and non-geometric. In all cases we examined, we find perfect agreements with previous results. Our formula facilitates to evaluate momenta along not only ordinary spacetime directions but also dual spacetime directions on equal footing. From this, we confirm recent assertion that null wave in doubled spacetime is the same as macroscopic fundamental string in ordinary spacetime.Comment: v2) 1+42 pages, Refs added, minor changes. To appear in JHE
$\mathbf{O}(D,D)$ Covariant Noether Currents and Global Charges in Double Field Theory
$\mathbf{o}(d,d)$ covariant noether currents and global charges in double field theory
massless unifying geometrizing invariance manifest mathbf covariant manner. derive conserved noether noether unified invariance. wald counter noether conserved charges integral. check mathbf covariant backgrounds geometric geometric. perfect agreements results. facilitates momenta ordinary spacetime directions spacetime directions footing. confirm assertion doubled spacetime macroscopic ordinary pages refs minor changes.
Multi-loop scattering amplitudes in N=4 Yang-Mills theory possess cluster algebra structure. In order to develop a computational framework which exploits this connection, we show how to construct bases of Goncharov polylogarithm functions, at any weight, whose symbol alphabet consists of cluster coordinates on the $A_n$ cluster algebra. Using such a basis we present a new expression for the 2-loop 6-particle NMHV amplitude which makes some of its cluster structure manifest.Comment: 32 pages; v2: minor corrections and clarification
Hedgehog Bases for A_n Cluster Polylogarithms and An Application to Six-Point Amplitudes
hedgehog bases for a_n cluster polylogarithms and an application to six-point amplitudes
amplitudes mills possess structure. exploits connection bases goncharov polylogarithm symbol alphabet algebra. nmhv pages minor clarification
We explore the phenomenological predictions of a supersymmetric standard model, with a large extra dimension and unifying gauge couplings. The modified five dimensional renormalisation group equations make it possible to obtain light, maximally mixed stops, with a low scale of supersymmetry breaking and a low unification scale. This allows the fine-tuning to be lowered right down to the barrier coming directly from experimental lower limits on the stop masses. We also show that attempts at modifying the SUSY breaking pattern to obtain more natural soft terms at the high scale do not give the expected fine-tuning relaxation, and only RGE effects turn out to be effective in generating a lower fine-tuning
Features of electroweak symmetry breaking in five dimensional SUSY models
features of electroweak symmetry breaking in five dimensional susy models
explore phenomenological supersymmetric extra unifying couplings. renormalisation maximally stops supersymmetry breaking unification scale. fine tuning lowered barrier coming stop masses. attempts modifying susy breaking fine tuning relaxation generating fine tuning
In the framework of the QCD light-cone sum rules (LCSRs) we present the analysis of all $B, B_{s}\to \eta^{(\prime)}$ and $D, D_{s}\to \eta^{(\prime)}$ form factors ($f^+, f^0$ and $f^T$) by including $m_{\eta^{(\prime)}}^2$ corrections in the leading (up to the twist-four) and next-to-leading order (up to the twist-three) in QCD, and two-gluon contributions to the form factors at the leading twist. The SU(3)-flavour breaking corrections and the axial anomaly contributions to the distribution amplitudes are also consistently taken into account. The complete results for the $f^0$ and $f^T$ form factors of $B,B_s \to \eta^{(\prime)}$ and $D, D_{s} \to \eta^{(\prime)}$ relevant for processes like $B \to \eta^{(\prime)} \tau \nu_{\tau}$ or $B_{s} \to \eta^{(\prime)} l^+ l^-$ are given for the first time, as well as the two-gluon contribution to the tensor form factors. The values obtained for the $f^+$ form factors are as follows: $f^+_{B\eta}(0)= 0.168^{+0.042}_{-0.047}$, $|f^+_{B_s\eta}(0)|= 0.212^{+0.015}_{-0.013}$, $f^+_{B\eta^\prime}(0)= 0.130^{+0.036}_{-0.032}$, $f^+_{B_s\eta^\prime}(0)= 0.252^{+0.023}_{-0.020}$ and $f^+_{D\eta}(0)= 0.429^{+0.165}_{-0.141}$, $|f^+_{D_s\eta}(0)|= 0.495^{+0.030}_{-0.029}$, $f^+_{D\eta^\prime}(0)= 0.292^{+0.113}_{-0.104}$, $f^+_{D_s\eta^\prime}(0)= 0.558^{+0.047}_{-0.045}$. Also phenomenological predictions for semileptonic $B, B_{s}\to \eta^{(\prime)}$ and $D, D_{s}\to \eta^{(\prime)}$ decay modes are given.Comment: 36 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in JHE
Form factors of B, Bs -> eta, eta' and D, Ds -> eta, eta' transitions from QCD light-cone sum rules
form factors of b, bs -> eta, eta' and d, ds -> eta, eta' transitions from qcd light-cone sum rules
cone lcsrs prime prime prime twist twist gluon twist. flavour breaking axial anomaly amplitudes consistently account. prime prime prime prime gluon factors. prime prime prime prime phenomenological semileptonic prime prime pages publication
We examine axino dark matter in the regime of a low reheating temperature T_R after inflation and taking into account that reheating is a non-instantaneous process. This can have a significant effect on the dark matter abundance, mainly due to entropy production in inflaton decays. We study both thermal and non-thermal production of axinos in the context of the MSSM with ten free parameters. We identify the ranges of the axino mass and the reheating temperature allowed by the LHC and other particle physics data in different models of axino interactions. We confront these limits with cosmological constraints coming the observed dark matter density, large structures formation and big bang nucleosynthesis. We find a number of differences in the phenomenologically acceptable values of the axino mass and the reheating temperature relative to previous studies. In particular, an upper bound on the axino mass becomes dependent on T_R, reaching a maximum value at T_R~10^2 GeV. If the lightest ordinary supersymmetric particle is a wino or a higgsino, we obtain lower a limit of approximately 10 GeV for the reheating temperature. We demonstrate also that entropy production during reheating affects the maximum allowed axino mass and lowest values of the reheating temperature.Comment: v2: improved discussion of warm dark matter bounds, results for stau LOSP adde
Axino dark matter with low reheating temperature
axino dark matter with low reheating temperature
examine axino reheating inflation reheating instantaneous process. abundance inflaton decays. axinos mssm parameters. ranges axino reheating axino interactions. confront cosmological coming bang nucleosynthesis. phenomenologically acceptable axino reheating studies. axino reaching gev. lightest ordinary supersymmetric wino higgsino reheating temperature. reheating affects axino reheating warm bounds stau losp adde
The formalism of quantum state space geometry on manifolds of generalised coherent states is proposed as a natural setting for the construction of geometric dual descriptions of non-relativistic quantum systems. These state manifolds are equipped with natural Riemannian and symplectic structures derived from the Hilbert space inner product. This approach allows for the systematic construction of geometries which reflect the dynamical symmetries of the quantum system under consideration. We analyse here in detail the two dimensional case and demonstrate how existing results in the AdS_2/CFT_1 context can be understood within this framework. We show how the radial/bulk coordinate emerges as an energy scale associated with a regularisation procedure and find that, under quite general conditions, these state manifolds are asymptotically anti-de Sitter solutions of a class of classical dilaton gravity models. For the model of conformal quantum mechanics proposed by de Alfaro et. al. the corresponding state manifold is seen to be exactly AdS_2 with a scalar curvature determined by the representation of the symmetry algebra. It is also shown that the dilaton field itself is given by the quantum mechanical expectation values of the dynamical symmetry generators and as a result exhibits dynamics equivalent to that of a conformal mechanical system.Comment: 25 Pages, References Adde
Duality constructions from quantum state manifolds
duality constructions from quantum state manifolds
formalism manifolds generalised coherent geometric descriptions relativistic systems. manifolds equipped riemannian symplectic hilbert product. geometries reflect symmetries consideration. analyse understood framework. coordinate emerges regularisation manifolds asymptotically sitter dilaton models. conformal mechanics alfaro manifold curvature algebra. dilaton expectation generators exhibits conformal pages adde
We study some aspects of asymmetric orbifolds of tori, with the orbifold group being some $\mathbb{Z}_N$ subgroup of the T-duality group and, in particular, provide a concrete understanding of certain phase factors that may accompany the T-duality operation on the stringy Hilbert space in toroidal compactification. We discuss how these T-duality twist phase factors are related to the symmetry and locality properties of the closed string vertex operator algebra, and clarify the role that they enact in the modular covariance of the orbifold theory, mainly using asymmetric orbifolds of tori which are root lattices as working examples.Comment: 67 pages. v2: references added and typos correcte
T-duality Twists and Asymmetric Orbifolds
t-duality twists and asymmetric orbifolds
asymmetric orbifolds tori orbifold mathbb subgroup duality concrete accompany duality stringy hilbert toroidal compactification. duality twist locality clarify enact modular covariance orbifold asymmetric orbifolds tori lattices pages. typos correcte
We propose a novel method to study flavor-changing neutral currents in the $e^+e^-\to D^{*0}$ and $e^+e^-\to B_{s}^* $ transitions, tuning the energy of $e^+e^-$- collisions to the mass of the narrow vector resonance $D^{*0}$ or $ B_{s}^*$. We present a thorough study of both short-distance and long-distance contributions to $e^+e^-\to D^{*0}$ in the Standard Model and investigate possible contributions of new physics in the charm sector. This process, albeit very rare, has clear advantages with respect to the $D^0 \to e^+e^-$ decay: the helicity suppression is absent, and a richer set of effective operators can be probed. Implications of the same proposal for $B_{s}^*$ are also discussed.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figure
Direct probes of flavor-changing neutral currents in $e^+e^-$ collisions
direct probes of flavor-changing neutral currents in $e^+e^-$ collisions
propose flavor changing neutral currents tuning collisions narrow thorough charm sector. albeit rare advantages helicity suppression absent richer probed. proposal pages
We consider baryogenesis in a model which has a CP invariant Lagrangian, CP invariant initial conditions and does not spontaneously break CP at any of the minima. We utilize the fact that tunneling processes between CP invariant minima can break CP to implement baryogenesis. CP invariance requires the presence of two tunneling processes with opposite CP breaking phases and equal probability of occurring. In order for the entire visible universe to see the same CP violating phase, we consider a model where the field doing the tunneling is the inflaton.Comment: 12 page
Baryogenesis in a CP invariant theory
baryogenesis in a cp invariant theory
baryogenesis lagrangian spontaneously break minima. utilize tunneling minima break implement baryogenesis. invariance tunneling opposite breaking occurring. visible universe violating tunneling
We discuss properties of interpolating geometries in three dimensional gravity in the presence of a chiral anomaly. This anomaly, which introduces an unbalance between left and right central charges, is protected under RG flows. For this simple reason it is impossible to gap a system with such an anomaly. Our goal is to discuss how holography captures this basic and robust feature. We demonstrate the absence of a mass gap by analysing the linearized spectrum and holographic entanglement entropy of these backgrounds in the context of AdS$_3$/CFT$_2$.Comment: 22 pages + Appendices, v2 bibliography fixed + references adde
Fake gaps in AdS_3/CFT_2
fake gaps in ads_3/cft_2
interpolating geometries chiral anomaly. anomaly introduces unbalance charges protected flows. impossible anomaly. goal holography captures robust feature. analysing linearized holographic entanglement backgrounds .comment pages appendices bibliography adde
We conjecture an embedding operator which assigns, to any 2n+1 hermitian matrices, a 2n-dimensional hypersurface in flat (2n + 1)-dimensional Euclidean space. This corresponds to precisely defining a fuzzy D(2n)-brane corresponding to N D0-branes. Points on the emergent hypersurface correspond to zero eigenstates of the embedding operator, which have an interpretation as coherent states underlying the emergent noncommutative geometry. Using this correspondence, all physical properties of the emergent D(2n)-brane can be computed. We apply our conjecture to noncommutative flat and spherical spaces. As a by-product, we obtain a construction of a rotationally symmetric flat noncommutative space in 4 dimensions.Comment: 14 pages, no figures. v2: added references and a clarificatio
Noncommutative spaces and matrix embeddings on flat R^{2n+1}
noncommutative spaces and matrix embeddings on flat r^{2n+1}
conjecture embedding assigns hermitian hypersurface euclidean space. precisely defining fuzzy brane branes. emergent hypersurface eigenstates embedding coherent emergent noncommutative geometry. correspondence emergent brane computed. conjecture noncommutative spherical spaces. rotationally noncommutative pages figures. clarificatio
A few years ago, it had been shown that effects stemming from renormalisation group running can be quite large in the scotogenic model, where neutrinos obtain their mass only via a 1-loop diagram (or, more generally, in many models in which the light neutrino mass is generated via quantum corrections at loop-level). We present a new computation of the renormalisation group equations (RGEs) for the scotogenic model, thereby updating previous results. We discuss the matching in detail, in particular in what regards the different mass spectra possible for the new particles involved. We furthermore develop approximate analytical solutions to the RGEs for an extensive list of illustrative cases, covering all general tendencies that can appear in the model. Comparing them with fully numerical solutions, we give a comprehensive discussion of the running in the scotogenic model. Our approach is mainly top-down, but we also discuss an attempt to get information on the values of the fundamental parameters when inputting the low-energy measured quantities in a bottom-up manner. This work serves the basis for a full parameter scan of the model, thereby relating its low- and high-energy phenomenology, to fully exploit the available information.Comment: 44 pages, 13 figures; continuation of 1205.0008 [hep-ph]; content matches published version; v3 corrected a minor typo in Eq. (25
Running of Radiative Neutrino Masses: The Scotogenic Model - REVISITED
running of radiative neutrino masses: the scotogenic model - revisited
stemming renormalisation running scotogenic neutrinos renormalisation rges scotogenic thereby updating results. matching regards involved. approximate rges extensive illustrative covering tendencies model. comprehensive running scotogenic model. attempt inputting quantities manner. serves scan thereby relating phenomenology exploit pages continuation matches corrected minor typo
Clarifying the locality properties of higher-spin gravity is a pressing task, but notoriously difficult due to the absence of a weakly-coupled flat regime. The simplest non-trivial case where this question can be addressed is the quartic self-interaction of the AdS scalar field present in the higher-spin multiplet. We investigate this issue in the context of the holographic duality between the minimal bosonic higher-spin theory on AdS$_4$ and the free $O\left(N\right)$ vector model in three dimensions. In particular, we determine the exact explicit form of the derivative expansion of the bulk scalar quartic vertex. The quartic vertex is obtained from the field theory four-point function of the operator dual to the bulk scalar, by making use of our previous results for the Witten diagrams of higher-spin exchanges. This is facilitated by establishing the conformal block expansions of both the boundary four-point function and the dual bulk Witten diagram amplitudes. We show that the vertex we find satisfies a generalised notion of locality.Comment: 40 pages plus appendices, 8 figure
Quartic AdS Interactions in Higher-Spin Gravity from Conformal Field Theory
quartic ads interactions in higher-spin gravity from conformal field theory
clarifying locality pressing notoriously weakly regime. simplest trivial addressed quartic multiplet. holographic duality bosonic dimensions. quartic vertex. quartic witten diagrams exchanges. facilitated establishing conformal expansions witten amplitudes. satisfies generalised notion pages appendices
Mandelbrot set is a closure of the set of zeroes of $resultant_x(F_n,F_m)$ for iterated maps $F_n(x)=f^{\circ n}(x)-x$ in the moduli space of maps $f(x)$. The wonderful fact is that for a given $n$ all zeroes are not chaotically scattered around the moduli space, but lie on smooth curves, with just a few cusps, located at zeroes of $discriminant_x(F_n)$. We call this phenomenon the Mandelbrot property. If approached by the cabling method, symmetrically-colored HOMFLY polynomials $H^{\cal K}_n(A|q)$ can be considered as linear forms on the $n$-th "power" of the knot ${\cal K}$, and one can wonder if zeroes of $resultant_{q^2}(H_n,H_m)$ can also possess the Mandelbrot property. We present and discuss such resultant-zeroes patterns in the complex-$A$ plane. Though $A$ is hardly an adequate parameter to describe the moduli space of knots, the Mandelbrot-like structure is clearly seen -- in full accord with the vision of arXiv:hep-th/0501235, that concrete slicing of the Universal Mandelbrot set is not essential for revealing its structure.Comment: 16 page
Colored HOMFLY and Generalized Mandelbrot set
colored homfly and generalized mandelbrot set
mandelbrot closure zeroes resultant iterated circ moduli wonderful zeroes chaotically scattered moduli cusps zeroes discriminant call phenomenon mandelbrot property. approached cabling symmetrically colored homfly polynomials knot wonder zeroes resultant possess mandelbrot property. resultant zeroes plane. hardly adequate moduli knots mandelbrot accord vision concrete slicing universal mandelbrot revealing
We calculate the two-loop correction to the dispersion relation for worldsheet modes of the BMN string in AdS(n) x S(n) x T(10-2n) for n=2,3,5. For the massive modes the result agrees with the exact dispersion relation derived from symmetry considerations with no correction to the interpolating function h. For the massless modes in AdS(3) x S(3) x T(4) however our result does not match what one expects from the corresponding symmetry based analysis. We also derive the S-matrix for massless modes up to the one-loop order. The scattering phase is given by the massless limit of the Hernandez-Lopez phase. In addition we compute a certain massless S-matrix element at two loops and show that it vanishes suggesting that the two-loop phase in the massless sector is zero.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figures; v2: References and comment on type IIB added, acknowledgements updated; v3: Comparison to proposed exact massless S-matrix in sec 5.3 corrected. Only non-trivial phase appears at one loop. Additional minor clarification
The AdS(n) x S(n) x T(10-2n) BMN string at two loops
the ads(n) x s(n) x t(10-2n) bmn string at two loops
worldsheet massive agrees considerations interpolating massless match expects analysis. derive massless order. massless hernandez lopez phase. massless loops vanishes massless pages comment acknowledgements updated massless corrected. trivial loop. minor clarification
We study N=1 theories on Hermitian manifolds of the form M^4=S^1xM^3 with M^3 a U(1) fibration over S^2, and their 3d N=2 reductions. These manifolds admit an Heegaard-like decomposition in solid tori D^2xT^2 and D^2xS^1. We prove that when the 4d and 3d anomalies are cancelled the matrix integrands in the Coulomb branch partition functions can be factorised in terms of 1-loop factors on D^2xT^2 and D^2xS^1 respectively. By evaluating the Coulomb branch matrix integrals we show that the 4d and 3d partition functions can be expressed as sums of products of 4d and 3d holomorphic blocks.Comment: 57 page
Factorisation and holomorphic blocks in 4d
factorisation and holomorphic blocks in 4d
hermitian manifolds fibration reductions. manifolds admit heegaard decomposition tori anomalies cancelled integrands coulomb branch partition factorised respectively. evaluating coulomb branch integrals partition sums holomorphic
By compactifying gauge theories on a lower dimensional manifold, we often find many interesting relationships between a geometry and a supersymmetric quantum field theory. In this paper we consider conformal field theories obtained from twisted compactification on a Riemann surface with a boundary. Various kinds of supersymmetric boundary conditions are exchanged under S-duality. To consider these transformations one need to take into account boundary degrees of freedom. So we study how the degrees of freedom can be added at the boundary of the Riemann surface. In this paper I show that this introduction of the boundary fields can be done preserving supersymmetry by means of 2-dimensional superfields.Comment: 14 pages, some typos corrected and introduction is rewritten, the title and abstract were change
Construction of 4d SYM compactified on open Riemann surfaces by the superfield formalism
construction of 4d sym compactified on open riemann surfaces by the superfield formalism
compactifying manifold supersymmetric theory. conformal twisted compactification riemann boundary. kinds supersymmetric exchanged duality. transformations freedom. freedom riemann surface. preserving supersymmetry pages typos corrected rewritten title
In this paper, we study massive gravity in the presence of Born-Infeld nonlinear electrodynamics. First, we obtain metric function related to this gravity and investigate the geometry of the solutions and find that there is an essential singularity at the origin ($r=0$). It will be shown that due to contribution of the massive part, the number, types and places of horizons may be changed. Next, we calculate the conserved and thermodynamic quantities and check the validation of the first law of thermodynamics. We also investigate thermal stability of these black holes in context of canonical ensemble. It will be shown that number, type and place of phase transition points are functions of different parameters which lead to dependency of stability conditions to these parameters. Also, it will be shown how the behavior of temperature is modified due to extension of massive gravity and strong nonlinearity parameter. Next, critical behavior of the system in extended phase space by considering cosmological constant as pressure is investigated. A study regarding neutral Einstein-massive gravity in context of extended phase space is done. Geometrical approach is employed to study the thermodynamical behavior of the system in context of heat capacity and extended phase space. It will be shown that GTs, heat capacity and extended phase space have consistent results. Finally, critical behavior of the system is investigated through use of another method. It will be pointed out that the results of this method is in agreement with other methods and follow the concepts of ordinary thermodynamics.Comment: 19 pages with 17 figures, Sections V, VI, VII, VIII with related figures and discussions are added. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1507.0656
Einstein-Born-Infeld-Massive Gravity: adS-Black Hole Solutions and their Thermodynamical properties
einstein-born-infeld-massive gravity: ads-black hole solutions and their thermodynamical properties
massive born infeld electrodynamics. singularity massive places horizons changed. conserved thermodynamic quantities check validation thermodynamics. holes canonical ensemble. dependency parameters. massive nonlinearity parameter. cosmological investigated. neutral einstein massive done. geometrical thermodynamical space. results. method. pointed concepts ordinary pages viii discussions added. admin overlap
The presence of extra scalar singlets is a feature of several motivated extensions of the Standard Model, and the mixing of such a singlet with the Higgs boson is allowed to be quite large by current experiments. In this paper we perform a thorough phenomenological study of this possibility. We consider both direct and indirect searches, and we quantify the current constraints as well as the prospects for future hadron and lepton machines - from the forthcoming LHC run up to a futuristic 100 TeV proton-proton collider. The direct reaches are obtained extrapolating the current limits with a technique that we discuss and check with various tests. We find a strong complementarity between direct and indirect searches, with the former dominating for lower values of the singlet mass. We also find that the trilinear Higgs coupling can have sizeable deviations from its Standard Model value, a fact for which we provide an analytical understanding. The results are first presented in a general scalar singlet extension of the Standard Model, taking advantage of the very small number of parameters relevant for the phenomenology. Finally, we specify the same analysis to a few most natural models, i.e. the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model, Twin Higgs and Composite Higgs.Comment: 30 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables. v2: discussion extended in sections 2 and 5, references added, matches version published in JHE
Singlet-like Higgs bosons at present and future colliders
singlet-like higgs bosons at present and future colliders
extra singlets motivated extensions singlet boson experiments. thorough phenomenological possibility. indirect searches quantify prospects hadron lepton machines forthcoming futuristic proton proton collider. reaches extrapolating check tests. complementarity indirect searches former dominating singlet mass. trilinear sizeable deviations understanding. singlet advantage phenomenology. specify i.e. supersymmetric twin composite pages tables. matches
We investigate QCD-like theory with exact center symmetry, with emphasis on the finite-temperature phase transition concerning center and chiral symmetries. On the lattice, we formulate center symmetric $SU(3)$ gauge theory with three fundamental Wilson quarks by twisting quark boundary conditions in a compact direction ($Z_3$-QCD model). We calculate the expectation value of Polyakov loop and the chiral condensate as a function of temperature on 16^3 x 4 and 20^3 x 4 lattices along the line of constant physics realizing $m_{PS}/m_{V}=0.70$. We find out the first-order center phase transition, where the hysteresis of the magnitude of Polyakov loop exists depending on thermalization processes. We show that chiral condensate decreases around the critical temperature in a similar way to that of the standard three-flavor QCD, as it has the hysteresis in the same range as that of Polyakov loop. We also show that the flavor symmetry breaking due to the twisted boundary condition gets qualitatively manifest in the high-temperature phase. These results are consistent with the predictions based on the chiral effective model in the literature. Our approach could provide novel insights to the nonperturbative connection between the center and chiral properties.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figures, to apper in JHE
Lattice study on QCD-like theory with exact center symmetry
lattice study on qcd-like theory with exact center symmetry
emphasis concerning chiral symmetries. formulate wilson quarks twisting expectation polyakov chiral condensate lattices realizing hysteresis polyakov thermalization processes. chiral condensate flavor hysteresis polyakov loop. flavor breaking twisted gets qualitatively manifest phase. chiral literature. insights nonperturbative connection chiral pages apper
We elaborate on the Green's functions that appeared in [1,2] when generalizing, from massless to massive particles, various equivalences between soft theorems and Ward identities of large gauge symmetries. We analyze these Green's functions in considerable detail and show that they form a hierarchy of functions which describe `boundary to bulk' propagators for large $U(1)$ gauge parameters, supertranslations and sphere vector fields respectively. As a consistency check we verify that the Green's functions associated to the large diffeomorphisms map the Poincare group at null infinity to the Poincare group at time-like infinity.Comment: 16 page
Null to time-like infinity Green's functions for asymptotic symmetries in Minkowski spacetime
null to time-like infinity green's functions for asymptotic symmetries in minkowski spacetime
elaborate appeared generalizing massless massive equivalences theorems ward identities symmetries. analyze considerable hierarchy propagators supertranslations sphere respectively. consistency check verify diffeomorphisms poincare infinity poincare
We present a symplectic rearrangement of the effective four-dimensional non-geometric scalar potential resulting from type IIB superstring compactification on Calabi Yau orientifolds. The strategy has two main steps. In the first step, we rewrite the four dimensional scalar potential utilizing some interesting flux combinations which we call new generalized flux orbits. After invoking a couple of non-trivial symplectic relations, in the second step, we further rearrange all the pieces of scalar potential into a completely `symplectic-formulation' which involves only the symplectic ingredients (such as period matrix etc.) without the need of knowing Calabi Yau metric. Moreover, the scalar potential under consideration is induced by a generic tree level K\"{a}hler potential and (non-geometric) flux superpotential for arbitrary numbers of complex structure moduli, K\"ahler moduli and odd-axions. Finally, we exemplify our symplectic formulation for the two well known toroidal examples based on type IIB superstring compactification on ${\mathbb T}^6/{({\mathbb Z}_2 \times {\mathbb Z}_2)}$-orientifold and ${\mathbb T}^6/{{\mathbb Z}_4}$-orientifold.Comment: version 3: 43 pages, some improvements, to appear in JHE
A symplectic rearrangement of the four dimensional non-geometric scalar potential
a symplectic rearrangement of the four dimensional non-geometric scalar potential
symplectic rearrangement geometric superstring compactification calabi orientifolds. steps. rewrite utilizing combinations call orbits. invoking couple trivial symplectic rearrange pieces symplectic formulation involves symplectic ingredients etc. knowing calabi metric. consideration generic hler geometric superpotential moduli ahler moduli axions. exemplify symplectic formulation toroidal superstring compactification mathbb mathbb mathbb orientifold mathbb mathbb pages improvements
We discuss reductions of general N=1 four dimensional gauge theories on S^2. The effective two dimensional theory one obtains depends on the details of the coupling of the theory to background fields, which can be translated to a choice of R-symmetry. We argue that, for special choices of R-symmetry, the resulting two dimensional theory has a natural interpretation as an N=(0,2) gauge theory. As an application of our general observations, we discuss reductions of N=1 and N=2 dualities and argue that they imply certain two dimensional dualities
On the reduction of 4d N=1 theories on S^2
on the reduction of 4d n=1 theories on s^2
reductions obtains translated symmetry. argue choices theory. reductions dualities argue imply dualities
The target-space interpretation of the exact (in $\alpha'$) reflection coefficient for scattering from Euclidean black-hole horizons in classical string theory is studied. For concreteness, we focus on the solvable $SL(2, \mathbb{R})_k/U(1)$ black hole. It is shown that it exhibits a fascinating UV/IR mixing, dramatically modifying the late-time behavior of general relativity. We speculate that this might play an important role in the black-hole information puzzle, as well as in clarifying features related with the non-locality of Little String Theory
Stringy Horizons and UV/IR Mixing
stringy horizons and uv/ir mixing
alpha reflection euclidean horizons studied. concreteness solvable mathbb hole. exhibits fascinating dramatically modifying relativity. speculate puzzle clarifying locality
The decays $K^+\to\pi^+\nu\bar\nu$ and $K_L\to\pi^0\nu\bar\nu$, being the theoretically cleanest rare decays of mesons, are very sensitive probes of New Physics. In view of the excellent prospects of reaching the Standard Model sensitivity for $K^+\to\pi^+\nu\bar\nu$ by the NA62 experiment at CERN and for $K_L\to\pi^0\nu\bar\nu$ by the KOTO experiment at J-PARC, we study them in the simplest extensions of the SM in which stringent correlations between these two decays and other flavour observables are present. We first consider simple models with tree-level Z and Z' contributions in which either MFV or a $U(2)^3$ symmetry is imposed on the quark flavour-violating couplings. We then compare the resulting correlations with those present in generic models in which the latter couplings are arbitrary, subject to constraints from $\Delta F=2$ processes, electroweak and collider data. Of particular interest are the correlations with $\epsilon'/\epsilon$ and $K_L\to\mu^+\mu^-$ which limit the size of NP contributions to $K^+\to\pi^+\nu\bar\nu$ and $K_L\to\pi^0\nu\bar\nu$, depending on the Dirac structure of couplings and the relevant operators. But in MFV also the constraint from $B_s\to\mu^+\mu^-$ turns out to be important. We take into account the recent results from lattice QCD and large N approach that indicate $\epsilon'/\epsilon$ in the SM to be significantly below the data. While in many models the enhancement of $\epsilon'/\epsilon$ implies a suppression of $K_L\to\pi^0\nu\bar\nu$, we present two models in which these observables can be simultaneously enhanced relative to SM predictions. A correlation between $K^+\to\pi^+\nu\bar\nu$ and $B\to K(K^*)\mu^+\mu^-$, found by us in the simple models considered here, should be of interest for NA62 and LHCb experimentalists at CERN in the coming years. The one with $B\to K(K^*)\nu\bar\nu$ will be tested at Belle II.Comment: 32 pages, 6 figures, 1 table. v2: updated analysis in section 4, matches version published in JHE
$K\to\pi\nu\bar\nu$ and $\epsilon'/\epsilon$ in Simplified New Physics Models
$k\to\pi\nu\bar\nu$ and $\epsilon'/\epsilon$ in simplified new physics models
decays theoretically cleanest rare decays mesons probes physics. excellent prospects reaching cern koto parc simplest extensions stringent decays flavour observables present. imposed flavour violating couplings. generic couplings delta electroweak collider data. epsilon epsilon dirac couplings operators. turns important. epsilon epsilon data. enhancement epsilon epsilon suppression observables simultaneously predictions. lhcb experimentalists cern coming years. belle pages table. updated matches
It is well-known that there is a geometric correspondence between high-frequency quasi-normal modes (QNMs) and null geodesics (spherical photon orbits). In this paper, we generalize such correspondence to charged scalar field in Kerr-Newman space-time. In our case, the particle and black hole are all charged, so one should consider non-geodesic orbits. Using the WKB approximation, we find that the real part of quasi-normal frequency corresponds to the orbits frequency, the imaginary part of the frequency corresponds to the Lyapunov exponent of these orbits and the eigenvalue of angular equation corresponds to carter constant. From the properties of the imaginary part of quasi-normal frequency of charged massless scalar field, we can still find that the QNMs of charged massless scalar field possess the zero damping modes in extreme Kerr-Newman spacetime under certain condition which has been fixed in this paper.Comment: 30 pages, many figures, to appear in JHE
The Quasi-normal Modes of Charged Scalar Fields in Kerr-Newman black hole and Its Geometric Interpretation
the quasi-normal modes of charged scalar fields in kerr-newman black hole and its geometric interpretation
geometric correspondence quasi qnms geodesics spherical orbits generalize correspondence kerr newman time. geodesic orbits. quasi orbits imaginary lyapunov exponent orbits eigenvalue carter constant. imaginary quasi massless qnms massless possess damping extreme kerr newman spacetime pages
Recently an orthogonal basis of $\mathcal{W}_N$-algebra (AFLT basis) labeled by $N$-tuple Young diagrams was found in the context of 4D/2D duality. Recursion relations among the basis are summarized in the form of an algebra SH$^c$ which is universal for any $N$. We show that it has an $\mathfrak{S}_3$ automorphism which is referred to as triality. We study the level-rank duality between minimal models, which is a special example of the automorphism. It is shown that the nonvanishing states in both systems are described by $N$ or $M$ Young diagrams with the rows of boxes appropriately shuffled. The reshuffling of rows implies there exists partial ordering of the set which labels them. For the simplest example, one can compute the partition functions for the partially ordered set (poset) explicitly, which reproduces the Rogers-Ramanujan identities. We also study the description of minimal models by SH$^c$. Simple analysis reproduces some known properties of minimal models, the structure of singular vectors and the $N$-Burge condition in the Hilbert space.Comment: 1+38 pages and 12 figures. v2: typos corrected + comments adde
SH$^c$ Realization of Minimal Model CFT: Triality, Poset and Burge Condition
sh$^c$ realization of minimal model cft: triality, poset and burge condition
orthogonal mathcal aflt labeled tuple diagrams duality. recursion summarized universal mathfrak automorphism referred triality. duality automorphism. nonvanishing diagrams rows boxes appropriately shuffled. reshuffling rows ordering labels them. simplest partition partially ordered poset explicitly reproduces rogers ramanujan identities. reproduces singular burge hilbert pages figures. typos corrected comments adde
We describe a one-parameter family of new holographic RG flows that start from $AdS_4 \times S^7$ and go to $\widehat{AdS_5} \times {\cal B}_6$, where ${\cal B}_6$ is conformal to a K\"ahler manifold and $\widehat{AdS_5}$ is Poincar\'e $AdS_5$ with one spatial direction compactified and fibered over ${\cal B}_6$. The new solutions "flow up dimensions," going from the $(2+1)$-dimensional conformal field theory on M2 branes in the UV to a $(3+1)$-dimensional field theory on intersecting M5 branes in the infra-red. The M2 branes completely polarize into M5 branes along the flow and the Poincar\'e sections of the $\widehat{AdS_5}$ are the $(3+1)$-dimensional common intersection of the M5 branes. The emergence of the extra dimension in the infra-red suggests a new strongly-coupled phase of the M2 brane and ABJM theories in which charged solitons are becoming massless. The flow solution is first analyzed by finding a four-dimensional $N \! = \! 2$ supersymmetric flow in $N \! = \! 8$ gauged supergravity. This is then generalized to a one parameter family of non-supersymmetric flows. The infra-red limit of the solutions appears to be quite singular in four dimensions but the uplift to eleven-dimensional supergravity is remarkable and regular (up to orbifolding). Our construction is a non-trivial application of the recently derived uplift formulae for fluxes, going well beyond the earlier constructions of stationary points solutions. The eleven-dimensional supersymmetry is also analyzed and shows how, for the supersymmetric flow, the M2-brane supersymmetry in the UV is polarized entirely into M5-brane supersymmetry in the infra-red.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figures. Version 2 contains a discussion of new non-supersymmetric flow
Flowing to Higher Dimensions: A New Strongly-Coupled Phase on M2 Branes
flowing to higher dimensions: a new strongly-coupled phase on m2 branes
holographic flows widehat conformal ahler manifold widehat poincar compactified fibered going conformal branes intersecting branes infra red. branes polarize branes poincar widehat intersection branes. emergence extra infra brane abjm solitons becoming massless. supersymmetric gauged supergravity. supersymmetric flows. infra singular uplift eleven supergravity remarkable orbifolding trivial uplift formulae fluxes going constructions stationary solutions. eleven supersymmetry supersymmetric brane supersymmetry polarized entirely brane supersymmetry infra pages figures. supersymmetric
We address the recent anomalies in semi-leptonic $B$-meson decays using a model of fermion masses based on the $U(2)$ flavor symmetry. The new contributions to $b \to s \ell \ell$ transitions arise due to a tree-level exchange of a $Z^\prime$ vector boson gauging a $U(1)$ subgroup of the flavor symmetry. They are controlled by a single parameter and are approximately aligned to the Standard Model prediction, with constructive interference in the $e$-channel and destructive interference in the $\mu$-channel. The current experimental data on semi-leptonic $B$-meson decays can be very well reproduced without violating existing constraints from flavor violation in the quark and lepton sectors. Our model will be tested by new measurements of $b \to s \ell \ell$ transitions and also by future electroweak precision tests, direct $Z^\prime$ searches, and $\mu$-$e$ conversion in nuclei.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figures, references added, matches published versio
Lepton Flavor Non-Universality in B-meson Decays from a U(2) Flavor Model
lepton flavor non-universality in b-meson decays from a u(2) flavor model
anomalies leptonic meson decays fermion flavor symmetry. arise prime boson gauging subgroup flavor symmetry. aligned constructive interference destructive interference channel. leptonic meson decays reproduced violating flavor violation lepton sectors. electroweak precision prime searches conversion pages matches versio
We show that compatibility of supersymmetry with exact semi-classics demands that in calculating multi-instanton amplitudes, the "separation" quasi-zeromode must be complexified and the integration cycles must be found by using complex gradient flow (or Picard-Lefschetz equations.) As a non-trivial application, we study $\mathcal N=2$ extended supersymmetric quantum mechanics. Even though in this case supersymmetry is unbroken, the instanton-anti-instanton amplitude (naively calculated) seems to contribute to the ground state energy. We show, however, that the instanton-anti-instanton event consists of two parts: a fermion-correlated and a scalar-correlated event. Although both of these contributions are naively of the same sign and the latter is superficially higher order in the perturbative coupling, we show that the two contributions exactly cancel when they are evaluated on Lefschetz thimbles due to their relative Hidden Topological Angles (HTAs). This gives strong evidence that the semi-classical expansion using Lefschetz thimbles is not only a meaningful prescription for higher order semi-classics, but a necessary one. This deduction seems to be universal and applicable to both supersymmetric and non-supersymmetric theories. In conclusion we speculate that similar conspiracies are responsible for the non-formation of certain molecular contributions in theories where instantons have more than two fermionic zeromodes and do not contribute to the superpotential.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures. Some extensions and minor corrections were implemented. This version was accepted for publication at JHE
The curious incident of multi-instantons and the necessity of Lefschetz thimbles
the curious incident of multi-instantons and the necessity of lefschetz thimbles
compatibility supersymmetry classics demands calculating instanton amplitudes quasi zeromode complexified cycles picard lefschetz equations. trivial mathcal supersymmetric mechanics. supersymmetry unbroken instanton instanton naively energy. instanton instanton fermion event. naively superficially perturbative cancel lefschetz thimbles hidden topological angles htas lefschetz thimbles meaningful prescription classics one. deduction universal applicable supersymmetric supersymmetric theories. speculate conspiracies instantons fermionic zeromodes pages figures. extensions minor implemented. publication
Horndeski gravities are theories of gravity coupled to a scalar field, in which the action contains an additional non-minimal quadratic coupling of the scalar, through its first derivative, to the Einstein tensor or the analogous higher-derivative tensors coming from the variation of Gauss-Bonnet or Lovelock terms. In this paper we study the thermodynamics of the static black hole solutions in $n$ dimensions, in the simplest case of a Horndeski coupling to the Einstein tensor. We apply the Wald formalism to calculate the entropy of the black holes, and show that there is an additional contribution over and above those that come from the standard Wald entropy formula. The extra contribution can be attributed to unusual features in the behaviour of the scalar field. We also show that a conventional regularisation to calculate the Euclidean action leads to an expression for the entropy that disagrees with the Wald results. This seems likely to be due to ambiguities in the subtraction procedure. We also calculate the viscosity in the dual CFT, and show that the viscosity/entropy ratio can violate the $\eta/S\ge 1/(4\pi)$ bound for appropriate choices of the parameters.Comment: 30 pages, no figure, minor revision
Black Hole Entropy and Viscosity Bound in Horndeski Gravity
black hole entropy and viscosity bound in horndeski gravity
horndeski gravities quadratic einstein analogous tensors coming gauss bonnet lovelock terms. thermodynamics simplest horndeski einstein tensor. wald formalism holes come wald formula. extra attributed unusual field. regularisation euclidean disagrees wald results. ambiguities subtraction procedure. viscosity viscosity violate choices pages minor revision
The frequency dependence of the AC conductivity is studied in a holographic model of a non-fermi liquid that is amenable to both analytical and numerical computation. In the regime that dissipation dominates the DC conductivity, the AC conductivity is described well in the IR by a Drude peak despite the absence of quasiparticles. In the regime where pair-production-like processes dominate the conductivity there is no Drude peak. A scaling tail is found for the AC conductivity that is independent of the charge density and momentum dissipation. Evidence is given that this scaling tail $\sigma_{AC}\sim \omega^m$ appears generically in quantum critical holographic systems and the associated scaling exponent $m$ is calculated in terms of the Lifshitz and conduction critical exponents.Comment: 66 pages, 14 figures and 2 table
Scaling of the Holographic AC conductivity for non-Fermi liquids at criticality
scaling of the holographic ac conductivity for non-fermi liquids at criticality
conductivity holographic fermi amenable computation. dissipation dominates conductivity conductivity drude quasiparticles. dominate conductivity drude peak. tail conductivity dissipation. tail sigma omega generically holographic exponent lifshitz conduction pages
We initiate the perturbative study of the S-matrix for the excitations on top of the GKP vacuum at strong coupling. Using the string sigma model action expanded around the null cusp classical solution, we compute the tree-level S-matrix elements and compare them with the predictions from the asymptotic Bethe Ansatz. We also check the factorization of the three-body S-matrix for various bosonic processes, finding precise agreement with the constraints imposed by integrability.Comment: 33 pages, 13 figure
Worldsheet scattering for the GKP string
worldsheet scattering for the gkp string
initiate perturbative excitations coupling. sigma expanded cusp asymptotic bethe ansatz. check factorization bosonic precise imposed pages
Models of 4D $\mathcal{N}=1$ supergravity coupled to chiral multiplets with vanishing or positive scalar potential have been denoted as no-scale. Of particular interest in the context of string theory are models which additionally possess a shift-symmetry. In this case there exists a dual description of chiral models in terms of real linear multiplets. We classify all ungauged shift-symmetric no-scale supergravities in both formulations and verify that they match upon dualization. Additionally, we comment on the realizations within effective supergravities descending from string compactifications.Comment: 31 pages; v2: References adde
Classification of Shift-Symmetric No-Scale Supergravities
classification of shift-symmetric no-scale supergravities
mathcal supergravity chiral multiplets vanishing denoted scale. additionally possess symmetry. chiral multiplets. classify ungauged supergravities formulations verify match dualization. additionally comment realizations supergravities descending pages adde
We derive a torsionfull version of three-dimensional N=2 Newton-Cartan supergravity using a non-relativistic notion of the superconformal tensor calculus. The “superconformal” theory that we start with is Schrödinger supergravity which we obtain by gauging the Schrödinger superalgebra. We present two non-relativistic N=2 matter multiplets that can be used as compensators in the superconformal calculus. They lead to two different off-shell formulations which, in analogy with the relativistic case, we call “old minimal” and “new minimal” Newton-Cartan supergravity. We find similarities but also point out some differences with respect to the relativistic case
Newton-Cartan supergravity with torsion and Schrödinger supergravity
newton-cartan supergravity with torsion and schrödinger supergravity
derive torsionfull newton cartan supergravity relativistic notion superconformal calculus. “superconformal” schrödinger supergravity gauging schrödinger superalgebra. relativistic multiplets compensators superconformal calculus. formulations analogy relativistic call “old minimal” “new minimal” newton cartan supergravity. similarities relativistic
AdS black holes with hyperbolic horizons provide strong-coupling descriptions of thermal CFT states on hyperboloids. The low-temperature limit of these systems is peculiar. In this note we show that, in addition to a large ground state degeneracy, these states also have an anomalously large holographic complexity, scaling logarithmically with the temperature. We speculate on whether this fact generalizes to other systems whose extreme infrared regime is formally controlled by Conformal Quantum Mechanics, such as various instances of near-extremal charged black holes.Comment: Reference added. 14 pages, 3 figure
Holographic Complexity Of Cold Hyperbolic Black Holes
holographic complexity of cold hyperbolic black holes
holes hyperbolic horizons descriptions hyperboloids. peculiar. degeneracy anomalously holographic logarithmically temperature. speculate generalizes extreme infrared formally conformal mechanics instances extremal added. pages
We link the FDR treatment of ultraviolet (UV) divergences to dimensional regularization up to two loops in QCD. This allows us to derive the one-loop and two-loop coupling constant and quark mass shifts necessary to translate infrared finite quantities computed in FDR to the MSbar renormalization scheme. As a by-product of our analysis, we solve a problem analogous to the breakdown of unitarity in the Four Dimensional Helicity (FDH) method beyond one loop. A fix to FDH is then presented that preserves the renormalizability properties of QCD without introducing evanescent quantities.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figure
Two-loop off-shell QCD amplitudes in FDR
two-loop off-shell qcd amplitudes in fdr
ultraviolet divergences regularization loops qcd. derive shifts translate infrared quantities msbar renormalization scheme. solve analogous breakdown unitarity helicity loop. preserves renormalizability introducing evanescent pages
Working within a five-dimensional consistent truncation of type IIB supergravity dimensionally reduced on $T^{1,1}$, we consider supersymmetry breaking solutions with the asymptotics of the supersymmetric Klebanov-Strassler background. There exists a two-parameter family of such solutions. Within this family, we show that those (and only those) solutions related to antiD-branes at the tip of the conifold correspond to dual field theory vacua where a goldstino mode is present and supercurrent Ward identities hold. Our findings do not depend on the IR singularity of the dual backgrounds, nor on its resolution. As such, they constitute an independent, necessary check for the existence of supersymmetry breaking vacua in the conifold cascading gauge theory. Our analysis relies on a holographic derivation of the Ward identities which has a wider applicability, beyond the specific system and symmetries considered here.Comment: 33+1 pages; v2: Slight rephrasing of the abstract, typos corrected and a reference added; v3: More minor typos corrected, footnote 18 added, version published in JHE
A goldstino at the bottom of the cascade
a goldstino at the bottom of the cascade
truncation supergravity dimensionally supersymmetry breaking asymptotics supersymmetric klebanov strassler background. solutions. antid branes conifold vacua goldstino supercurrent ward identities hold. singularity backgrounds resolution. constitute check supersymmetry breaking vacua conifold cascading theory. relies holographic derivation ward identities wider applicability symmetries pages slight rephrasing typos corrected minor typos corrected footnote
If large extra dimensions exist, the Planck scale may be as low as a TeV and microscopic black holes may be produced in high-energy particle collisions at this energy scale. We simulate microscopic black hole formation at the Large Hadron Collider and compare the simulation results with recent experimental data by the Compact Muon Solenoid collaboration. The absence of observed black hole events in the experimental data allows us to set lower bounds on the Planck scale and various parameters related to microscopic black hole formation for a number ($3-6$) of extra dimensions. Our analysis sets lower bounds on the fundamental Planck scale ranging from 0.6 TeV to 4.8 TeV for black holes fully decaying into Standard Model particles and 0.3 TeV to 2.8 TeV for black holes settling down to a remnant, depending on the minimum allowed black hole mass at formation. Formation of black holes with mass less than 5.2 TeV to 6.5 TeV (SM decay) and 2.2 TeV to 3.4 TeV (remnant) is excluded at 95\% C.L. Our analysis shows consistency with and difference from the CMS results.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure
Bounds on large extra dimensions from the simulation of black hole events at the LHC
bounds on large extra dimensions from the simulation of black hole events at the lhc
extra planck microscopic holes collisions scale. simulate microscopic hadron collider muon solenoid collaboration. bounds planck microscopic extra dimensions. bounds planck ranging holes decaying holes settling remnant formation. holes remnant excluded c.l. consistency pages
We discuss consequences of assuming ($i$) that the (Majorana) neutrino mass matrix $M_\nu$ displays flavour antisymmetry, $S_\nu^T M_\nu S_\nu=-M_\nu$ with respect to some discrete symmetry $S_\nu$ contained in $SU(3)$ and ($ii$) $S_\nu$ together with a symmetry $T_l$ of the Hermitian combination $M_lM_l^\dagger$ of the charged lepton mass matrix forms a finite discrete subgroup $G_f$ of $SU(3)$ whose breaking generates these symmetries. Assumption ($i$) leads to at least one massless neutrino and allows only four textures for the neutrino mass matrix in a basis with a diagonal $S_\nu$ if it is assumed that the other two neutrinos are massive. Two of these textures contain a degenerate pair of neutrinos.Assumption ($ii$) can be used to determine the neutrino mixing patterns. We work out these patterns for two major group series $\Delta(3 N^2)$ and $\Delta(6 N^2)$ as $G_f$. It is found that all $\Delta(6 N^2)$ and $\Delta(3 N^2)$ groups with even $N$ contain some elements which can provide appropriate $S_\nu$. Mixing patterns can be determined analytically for these groups and it is found that only one of the four allowed neutrino mass textures is consistent with the observed values of the mixing angles $\theta_{13}$ and $\theta_{23}$. This texture corresponds to one massless and a degenerate pair of neutrinos which can provide the solar pair in the presence of some perturbations. The well-known groups $A_4$ and $S_4$ provide examples of the groups in respective series allowing correct $\theta_{13}$ and $\theta_{23}$. An explicit example based on $A_4$ and displaying a massless and two quasi degenerate neutrinos is discussed.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figur
Neutrino masses and mixing from flavour antisymmetry
neutrino masses and mixing from flavour antisymmetry
consequences majorana displays flavour antisymmetry hermitian dagger lepton subgroup breaking generates symmetries. massless textures diagonal neutrinos massive. textures degenerate neutrinos.assumption patterns. delta delta delta delta analytically textures angles theta theta texture massless degenerate neutrinos perturbations. respective allowing theta theta displaying massless quasi degenerate neutrinos pages figur
We show that the classical S-matrix calculated from the recently proposed superstring field theories give the correct perturbative S-matrix. In the proof we exploit the fact that the vertices are obtained by a field redefinition in the large Hilbert space. The result extends to include the NS-NS subsector of type II superstring field theory and the recently found equations of motions for the Ramond fields. In addition, our proof implies that the S-matrix obtained from Berkovits' WZW-like string field theory then agrees with the perturbative S-matrix to all orders.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figure
The S-Matrix of superstring field theory
the s-matrix of superstring field theory
superstring perturbative matrix. exploit redefinition hilbert space. extends subsector superstring motions ramond fields. berkovits agrees perturbative pages
We study an extension of the Standard Model featuring a hidden sector that consists of a new scalar charged under a new SU$(N)_D$ gauge group, singlet under all Standard Model gauge interactions, and coupled with the Standard Model only via a Higgs portal. We assume that the theory is classically conformal, with electroweak symmetry breaking dynamically induced via the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism operating in the hidden sector. Due to the symmetry breaking pattern, the SU$(N)_D$ gauge group is completely Higgsed and the resulting massive vectors of the hidden sector constitute a stable dark matter candidate. We perform a thorough scan over the parameter space of the model at different values of $N=2$, $3$, and $4$, and investigate the phenomenological constraints. We find that $N=2,3$ provide the most appealing model setting in light of present data from colliders and dark matter direct search experiments. We expect a heavy Higgs to be discovered at LHC by the end of Run II or the $N=3$ model to be ruled out.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures (8 plots); typos corrected, previous results do not change; new section with new figure added before conclusions, few sentences added to abstract and conclusions; two citations adde
A minimal model for ${\rm SU}(N)$ vector dark matter
a minimal model for ${\rm su}(n)$ vector dark matter
featuring hidden singlet portal. classically conformal electroweak breaking dynamically coleman weinberg operating hidden sector. breaking higgsed massive hidden constitute candidate. thorough scan phenomenological constraints. appealing colliders experiments. discovered ruled pages plots typos corrected sentences citations adde
The ATLAS collaboration has recently reported a 2.6 sigma excess in the search for a heavy resonance decaying into a pair of weak gauge bosons. Only fully hadronic final states are being looked for in the analysis. If the observed excess really originates from the gauge bosons' decays, other decay modes of the gauge bosons would inevitably leave a trace on other exotic searches. In this paper, we propose the use of the Z boson decay into a pair of neutrinos to test the excess. This decay leads to a very large missing energy and can be probed with conventional dark matter searches at the LHC. We discuss the current constraints from the dark matter searches and the prospects. We find that optimizing these searches may give a very robust probe of the resonance, even with the currently available data of the 8 TeV LHC.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures; v2: added references, fixed typos; v3: added some clarifications and figures showing MET distributions, published versio
Testing ATLAS Diboson Excess with Dark Matter Searches at LHC
testing atlas diboson excess with dark matter searches at lhc
atlas sigma excess decaying bosons. hadronic looked analysis. excess really originates bosons decays bosons inevitably leave trace exotic searches. propose boson neutrinos excess. missing probed searches lhc. searches prospects. optimizing searches robust pages typos clarifications versio
We give a complete analysis of indirect determinations of the top quark mass in the Standard Model by introducing a systematic procedure to identify observables that receive quantum corrections enhanced by powers of $M_t$. We propose to use flavour physics as a tool to extract the top quark mass. Although present data give only a poor determination, we show how future theoretical and experimental progress in flavour physics can lead to an accuracy in $M_t$ well below 2 GeV. We revisit determinations of $M_t$ from electroweak data, showing how an improved measurement of the $W$ mass leads to an accuracy well below 1 GeV.Comment: 31 pages, 6 figures. v2: final version to appear on JHE
Indirect determinations of the top quark mass
indirect determinations of the top quark mass
indirect determinations introducing observables receive powers propose flavour extract mass. progress flavour gev. revisit determinations electroweak pages figures.
We study quantum gravity with the Einstein-Hilbert action including the cosmological constant on the Euclidean Einstein universe $S^1\times S^3$. We compute exactly the spectra and the heat kernels of the relevant operators on $S^3$ and use these results to compute the heat trace of the graviton and ghost operators and the exact one-loop effective action on $S^1\times S^3$. We show that the system is unstable in the infrared limit due to the presence of the negative modes of the graviton and the ghost operators. We study the thermal properties of the model with the temperature $T=(2\pi a_1)^{-1}$ determined by the radius $a_1$ of the circle $S^1$. We show that the heat capacity $C_v$ is well defined and behaves like $\sim T^3$ in the high temperature limit and has a singularity of the type $\sim (T-T_c)^{-1}$, indicating a second-order phase transition, with the critical temperature $T_c$ determined by the cosmological constant $\Lambda$ and the radius $a$ of the sphere $S^3$. We also discuss some peculiar properties of the model such as the negative heat capacity as well as possible physical applications.Comment: 50 pages, 2 figures; misprints in eqs. (5.114), (5.115), (5.181), (5.186), (5.187) corrected; final results not affecte
One-Loop quantum gravity in the Einstein universe
one-loop quantum gravity in the einstein universe
einstein hilbert cosmological euclidean einstein universe kernels trace graviton ghost unstable infrared graviton ghost operators. circle behaves singularity cosmological lambda sphere peculiar pages misprints eqs. corrected affecte
In this paper we discuss the effect of the complete leading-order QED corrections to the DGLAP equations in the perturbative evolution of parton distribution functions (PDFs). This requires the extension of the purely QCD DGLAP evolution, including a PDF for the photons and, consistently, also for the charged leptons $e^{\pm}$, $\mu^\pm$ and $\tau^\pm$. We present the implementation of the QED-corrected DGLAP evolution in the presence of photon and lepton PDFs in the APFEL program and, by means of different assumptions for the initial scale PDFs, we produce for the first time PDF sets containing charged lepton distributions. We also present phenomenological studies that aim to assess the impact of the presence of lepton PDFs in the proton for some relevant SM (and BSM) processes at the LHC at 13 TeV and the FCC-hh at 100 TeV. The impact of the photon PDF is also outlined for those processes.Comment: 32 pages, 19 figures, matches published version in JHE
On the Impact of Lepton PDFs
on the impact of lepton pdfs
dglap perturbative parton pdfs purely dglap photons consistently leptons corrected dglap lepton pdfs apfel assumptions pdfs lepton distributions. phenomenological lepton pdfs proton tev. outlined pages matches
We continue an examination of the microstate geometries program begun in arXiv:1409.6017, focussing on the role of branes that wrap the cycles which degenerate when a throat in the geometry deepens and a horizon forms. An associated quiver quantum mechanical model of minimally wrapped branes exhibits a non-negligible fraction of the gravitational entropy, which scales correctly as a function of the charges. The results suggest a picture of AdS_3/CFT_2 duality wherein the long string that accounts for BTZ black hole entropy in the CFT description, can also be seen to inhabit the horizon of BPS black holes on the gravity side.Comment: 50 pages, 4 figures. v2: minor corrections, reference adde
Hair-brane Ideas on the Horizon
hair-brane ideas on the horizon
continue examination microstate geometries begun focussing branes wrap cycles degenerate throat deepens horizon forms. quiver minimally wrapped branes exhibits negligible gravitational correctly charges. picture duality wherein accounts inhabit horizon holes pages figures. minor adde
We use a systematic effective field theory setup to derive the $b\bar{b}H$ production cross section. Our result combines the merits of both fixed 4-flavor and 5-flavor schemes. It contains the full 4-flavor result, including the exact dependence on the $b$-quark mass, and improves it with a resummation of collinear logarithms of $m_b/m_H$. In the massless limit, it corresponds to a reorganized 5-flavor result. While we focus on $b\bar{b}H$ production, our method applies to generic heavy-quark initiated processes at hadron colliders. Our setup resembles the variable flavor number schemes known from heavy-flavor production in deep-inelastic scattering, but also differs in some key aspects. Most importantly, the effective $b$-quark PDF appears as part of the perturbative expansion of the final result where it effectively counts as an $O(\alpha_s)$ object. The transition between the fixed-order (4-flavor) and resummation (5-flavor) regimes is governed by the low matching scale at which the $b$-quark is integrated out. Varying this scale provides a systematic way to assess the perturbative uncertainties associated with the resummation and matching procedure and reduces by going to higher orders. We discuss the practical implementation and present numerical results for the $b\bar{b}H$ production cross section at NLO+NLL. We also provide a comparison to the corresponding predictions in the fixed 4-flavor and 5-flavor results and the Santander matching prescription. Compared to the latter, we find a slightly reduced uncertainty and a larger central value, with its central value lying at the lower edge of our uncertainty band.Comment: 54 pages, 16 figures. Final version to be published in JHEP (one ref added
Resummation and Matching of $b$-quark Mass Effects in $b\bar{b}H$ Production
resummation and matching of $b$-quark mass effects in $b\bar{b}h$ production
setup derive section. combines merits flavor flavor schemes. flavor improves resummation collinear logarithms massless reorganized flavor result. applies generic initiated hadron colliders. setup resembles flavor schemes flavor inelastic differs aspects. importantly perturbative effectively counts alpha object. flavor resummation flavor regimes governed matching out. perturbative resummation matching reduces going orders. practical nll. flavor flavor santander matching prescription. lying pages figures. jhep
We use the techniques of supersymmetric localization to compute the BPS black hole entropy in N=2 supergravity. We focus on the n_v+1 vector multiplets on the black hole near horizon background which is AdS_2 x S^2 space. We find the localizing saddle point of the vector multiplets by solving the localization equations, and compute the exact one loop partition function on the saddle point. Furthermore, we propose the appropriate functional integration measure. Through this measure, the one loop determinant is written in terms of the radius of the physical metric, which depends on the localizing saddle point value of the vector multiplets. The result for the one loop determinant is consistent with the logarithmic corrections to the BPS black hole entropy from vector multiplets.Comment: 28+16 pages, improved discussion on the boundary mode in the 4.2 and conclusion sectio
Supersymmetric Localization for BPS Black Hole Entropy: 1-loop Partition Function from Vector Multiplets
supersymmetric localization for bps black hole entropy: 1-loop partition function from vector multiplets
supersymmetric localization supergravity. multiplets horizon space. localizing saddle multiplets solving localization partition saddle point. propose measure. determinant localizing saddle multiplets. determinant logarithmic pages sectio
We show that in 2d CFTs at large central charge, the coupling of the stress tensor to heavy operators can be re-absorbed by placing the CFT in a non-trivial background metric. This leads to a more precise computation of the Virasoro conformal blocks between heavy and light operators, which are shown to be equivalent to global conformal blocks evaluated in the new background. We also generalize to the case where the operators carry U(1) charges. The refined Virasoro blocks can be used as the seed for a new Virasoro block recursion relation expanded in the heavy-light limit. We comment on the implications of our results for the universality of black hole thermality in $AdS_3$, or equivalently, the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis for $CFT_2$ at large central charge.Comment: 27+7 pages, 3 figures; typos corrected, citations adde
Virasoro Conformal Blocks and Thermality from Classical Background Fields
virasoro conformal blocks and thermality from classical background fields
cfts absorbed placing trivial metric. precise virasoro conformal blocks conformal blocks background. generalize carry charges. refined virasoro blocks seed virasoro recursion expanded limit. comment universality thermality equivalently eigenstate thermalization pages typos corrected citations adde
We present a phenomenological theory of scalar particles that transform as a sextet and an octet of QCD interactions. These particles may arise as light bound states of a fundamental dynamics giving rise to a composite Higgs boson and partial compositeness for the top. As a concrete example, we discuss an explicit UV completion based on the SU(4)/Sp(4) coset, where QCD colour is carried by additional fundamental fermions charged under the confining gauge group. Top partners, as well as potentially even lighter coloured scalars, arise as bound states of the coloured fermions. We study production and detection at LHC Run I and II of the octet and sextet, setting lower limits on masses and couplings to Standard Model particles using existing 8 TeV analyses. We finally explore prospects for the ongoing 13 TeV Run II: we focus on final states with two same sign leptons, that have the potential to discriminate the sextet.Comment: 39 pages, 9 figures, 4 tables. Agrees with version published in JHEP. Changes w.r.t. v1: Fig. 1 added for illustration, U(1) charge in Tab. 1 corrected, references adde
Composite scalars at the LHC: the Higgs, the Sextet and the Octet
composite scalars at the lhc: the higgs, the sextet and the octet
phenomenological transform sextet octet interactions. arise giving composite boson compositeness top. concrete completion coset colour fermions confining group. partners potentially lighter coloured scalars arise coloured fermions. octet sextet couplings analyses. explore prospects ongoing leptons discriminate pages tables. agrees jhep. w.r.t. fig. illustration tab. corrected adde
We present a new analysis of the ratio epsilon'/epsilon within the Standard Model (SM) using a formalism that is manifestly independent of the values of leading (V-A)x(V-A) QCD penguin, and EW penguin hadronic matrix elements of the operators Q_4, Q_9, and Q_10, and applies to the SM as well as extensions with the same operator structure. It is valid under the assumption that the SM exactly describes the data on CP-conserving K -> pi pi amplitudes. As a result of this and the high precision now available for CKM and quark mass parameters, to high accuracy epsilon'/epsilon depends only on two non-perturbative parameters, B_6^(1/2) and B_8^(3/2), and perturbatively calculable Wilson coefficients. Within the SM, we are separately able to determine the hadronic matrix element <Q_4>_0 from CP-conserving data, significantly more precisely than presently possible with lattice QCD. Employing B_6^(1/2) = 0.57+-0.19 and B_8^(3/2) = 0.76+-0.05, extracted from recent results by the RBC-UKQCD collaboration, we obtain epsilon'/epsilon = (1.9+-4.5) 10^-4, substantially more precise than the recent RBC-UKQCD prediction and 2.9 sigma below the experimental value (16.6+-2.3) 10^-4, with the error being fully dominated by that on B_6^(1/2). Even discarding lattice input completely, but employing the recently obtained bound B_6^(1/2) <= B_8^(3/2) <= 1 from the large-N approach, the SM value is found more than 2 sigma below the experimental value. At B_6^(1/2) = B_8^(3/2) = 1, varying all other parameters within one sigma, we find epsilon'/epsilon = (8.6+-3.2) 10^-4. We present a detailed anatomy of the various SM uncertainties, including all sub-leading hadronic matrix elements, briefly commenting on the possibility of underestimated SM contributions as well as on the impact of our results on new physics models.Comment: 32 pages, 2 figures, systematic uncertainty for lattice B_6^(1/2) included, treatment of isospin breaking improved; some remarks added, version to appear in JHE
Improved anatomy of epsilon'/epsilon in the Standard Model
improved anatomy of epsilon'/epsilon in the standard model
epsilon epsilon formalism manifestly penguin penguin hadronic applies extensions structure. valid describes conserving amplitudes. precision epsilon epsilon perturbative perturbatively calculable wilson coefficients. separately hadronic conserving precisely presently qcd. employing ukqcd epsilon epsilon substantially precise ukqcd sigma dominated discarding employing sigma value. sigma epsilon epsilon anatomy hadronic briefly commenting underestimated pages isospin breaking remarks
We find new type II backgrounds with non-relativistic symmetries via non-Abelian T-duality. First we consider geometries with Galilean symmetries in type IIA, which have been identified as non-relativistic generalizations of the ABJM background and massive IIA supergravities. We then consider the non-Abelian T-duality transformation on the backgrounds with Lifshitz symmetry constructed by Donos and Gauntlett. Using gauge/gravity duality we study aspects of the field theory dual to these backgrounds.Comment: 43 pages, 4 figures; typos and one eq. corrected, references adde
Non-Abelian T-duality for nonrelativistic holographic duals
non-abelian t-duality for nonrelativistic holographic duals
backgrounds relativistic symmetries abelian duality. geometries galilean symmetries relativistic generalizations abjm massive supergravities. abelian duality backgrounds lifshitz donos gauntlett. duality pages typos corrected adde
We investigate stability of the Higgs effective potential in curved spacetime. To this end, we consider the gauge-less top-Higgs sector with an additional scalar field. Explicit form of the terms proportional to the squares of the Ricci scalar, the Ricci tensor and the Riemann tensor that arise at the one-loop level in the effective action has been determined. We have investigated the influence of these terms on the stability of the scalar effective potential. The result depends on background geometry. In general, the potential becomes modified both in the region of the electroweak minimum and in the region of large field strength.Comment: 32 pages, 13 figures; version accepted for publication in JHE
Stability of the effective potential of the gauge-less top-Higgs model in curved spacetime
stability of the effective potential of the gauge-less top-higgs model in curved spacetime
curved spacetime. field. squares ricci ricci riemann arise determined. potential. geometry. electroweak pages publication
We study neutrinoless double beta decay in left-right symmetric extension of the standard model with type I and type II seesaw origin of neutrino masses. Due to the enhanced gauge symmetry as well as extended scalar sector, there are several new physics sources of neutrinoless double beta decay in this model. Ignoring the left-right gauge boson mixing and heavy-light neutrino mixing, we first compute the contributions to neutrinoless double beta decay for type I and type II dominant seesaw separately and compare with the standard light neutrino contributions. We then repeat the exercise by considering the presence of both type I and type II seesaw, having non-negligible contributions to light neutrino masses and show the difference in results from individual seesaw cases. Assuming the new gauge bosons and scalars to be around a TeV, we constrain different parameters of the model including both heavy and light neutrino masses from the requirement of keeping the new physics contribution to neutrinoless double beta decay amplitude below the upper limit set by the GERDA experiment and also satisfying bounds from lepton flavor violation, cosmology and colliders.Comment: v2: 30 pages, 14 figures, Accepted for publication in JHE
Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay in Type I+II Seesaw Models
neutrinoless double beta decay in type i+ii seesaw models
neutrinoless beta seesaw masses. neutrinoless beta model. ignoring boson neutrinoless beta seesaw separately contributions. repeat exercise seesaw negligible seesaw cases. bosons scalars constrain requirement keeping neutrinoless beta gerda satisfying bounds lepton flavor violation cosmology pages publication
We compute the hadronic production of top-antitop pairs in association with a Higgs boson at next-to-leading-order QCD, including the decay of the top and antitop quark into bottom quarks and leptons. Our computation is based on full leading and next-to-leading-order matrix elements for $e^+ \nu_e \mu^-\bar{\nu}_\mu b \bar{b} H(j)$ and includes all non-resonant contributions, off-shell effects and interferences. Numerical results for the integrated cross section and several differential distributions are given for the LHC operating at 13 TeV using a fixed and a dynamical factorization and renormalization scale. The use of the dynamical instead of the fixed scale improves the perturbative stability in high-energy tails of most distributions, while the integrated cross section is hardly affected differing by only about one per cent and leading to the same K factor of 1.17.Comment: 18 pages, 1 table, 30 figures, version to appear in JHEP, numerical analysis somewhat extende
NLO QCD corrections to off-shell top-antitop production with leptonic decays in association with a Higgs boson at the LHC
nlo qcd corrections to off-shell top-antitop production with leptonic decays in association with a higgs boson at the lhc
hadronic antitop boson antitop quarks leptons. resonant interferences. operating factorization renormalization scale. improves perturbative tails hardly differing cent pages jhep somewhat extende
The Witten index counts the difference in the number of bosonic and fermionic states of a quantum mechanical system. The Schur index, which can be defined for theories with at least $\mathcal{N}=2$ supersymmetry in four dimensions is a particular refinement of the index, dependent on one parameter $q$ serving as the fugacity for a particular set of charges which commute with the hamiltonian and some supersymmetry generators. This index has a known expression for all Lagrangian and some non-Lagrangian theories as a finite dimensional integral or a complicated infinite sum. In the case of $\mathcal{N}=4$ SYM with gauge group $U(N)$ we rewrite this as the partition function of a gas of $N$ non interacting and translationally invariant fermions on a circle. This allows us to perform the integrals and write down explicit expressions for fixed $N$ as well as the exact all orders large $N$ expansion.Comment: 11 pages; v2: typos correcte
The exact Schur index of $\mathcal{N}=4$ SYM
the exact schur index of $\mathcal{n}=4$ sym
witten counts bosonic fermionic system. schur mathcal supersymmetry refinement serving fugacity charges commute supersymmetry generators. lagrangian lagrangian complicated infinite sum. mathcal rewrite partition interacting translationally fermions circle. integrals expressions orders pages typos correcte
A direct search for lepton-flavour-violating (LFV) $H\to\mu\tau$ decays of the recently discovered Higgs boson with the ATLAS detector at the LHC is presented. The analysis is performed in the $H\to\mu\tau_{\mathrm{had}}$ channel, where $\tau_{\mathrm{had}}$ is a hadronically decaying $\tau$-lepton. The search is based on the data sample of proton--proton collisions collected by the ATLAS experiment corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20.3 fb$^{-1}$ at a centre-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s}=8$ TeV. No statistically significant excess of data over the predicted background is observed. The observed (expected) 95% confidence-level upper limit on the branching fraction, Br($H\to\mu\tau$), is 1.85% (1.24%).Comment: Comments: 15 pages plus author list + cover pages (31 pages total), 3 figures, 3 tables, submitted to JHEP. All figures including auxiliary figures are available at
Search for lepton-flavour-violating $H\to\mu\tau$ decays of the Higgs boson with the ATLAS detector
search for lepton-flavour-violating $h\to\mu\tau$ decays of the higgs boson with the atlas detector
lepton flavour violating decays discovered boson atlas presented. mathrm mathrm hadronically decaying lepton. proton proton collisions atlas luminosity sqrt tev. statistically excess observed. confidence branching .comment comments pages cover pages pages tables submitted jhep. auxiliary
We use non-Abelian T-duality to construct new N=1 solutions of type IIA supergravity (and their M-theory lifts) that interpolate between AdS_5 geometries. We initiate a study of the holographic interpretation of these backgrounds as RG flows between conformal fixed points. Along the way we give an elegant formulation of non-Abelian T-duality when acting on a wide class of backgrounds, including those corresponding to such flows, in terms of their SU(2) structure.Comment: 28 pages plus appendixes. Version to appear in JHE
Holographic Flows in non-Abelian T-dual Geometries
holographic flows in non-abelian t-dual geometries
abelian duality supergravity lifts interpolate geometries. initiate holographic backgrounds flows conformal points. elegant formulation abelian duality acting backgrounds flows pages appendixes.
We investigate the supersymmetric Wilson loops in $d=3$ $\mathcal{N}=4$ super Chern-Simons-matter theory obtained from non-chiral orbifold of ABJM theory. We work in both Minkowski spacetime and Euclidean space, and we construct 1/4 and 1/2 BPS Wilson loops. We also provide a complete proof that the difference between 1/4 and 1/2 Wilson loops is $Q$-exact with $Q$ being some supercharge that is preserved by both the 1/4 and 1/2 Wilson loops. This plays an important role in applying the localization techniques to compute the vacuum expectation values of Wilson loops. We also study the M-theory dual of the 1/2 BPS circular Wilson loop.Comment: V1, 35 pages; V2, 36 pages, references added; V3, 36 pages, typos corrected, more or less published versio
Supersymmetric Wilson loops in N=4 super Chern-Simons-matter theory
supersymmetric wilson loops in n=4 super chern-simons-matter theory
supersymmetric wilson loops mathcal super chern simons chiral orbifold abjm theory. minkowski spacetime euclidean wilson loops. wilson loops supercharge preserved wilson loops. plays localization expectation wilson loops. circular wilson pages pages pages typos corrected versio
The quark-connected leading-order hadronic contributions to the running of the electromagnetic fine structure constant, $\alpha_{\rm QED}$, and the weak mixing angle, $\theta_W$, are determined by a four-flavour lattice QCD computation with twisted mass fermions. Full agreement of the results with a phenomenological analysis is observed with an even comparable statistical uncertainty. We show that the uncertainty of the lattice calculation is dominated by systematic effects which then leads to significantly larger errors than obtained by the phenomenological analysis.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, 6 tables; matches the published versio
Leading hadronic contributions to the running of the electroweak coupling constants from lattice QCD
leading hadronic contributions to the running of the electroweak coupling constants from lattice qcd
hadronic running electromagnetic fine alpha theta flavour twisted fermions. phenomenological comparable uncertainty. dominated phenomenological pages tables matches versio
The Hamilton-Jacobi method in holography has produced important results both at a renormalization group (RG) fixed point and away from it. In this paper we use the Hamilton-Jacobi method to compute the holographic trace anomaly for four- and six-dimensional boundary conformal field theories (CFTs), assuming higher-derivative gravity and interactions of scalar fields in the bulk. The scalar field contributions to the anomaly appear in CFTs with exactly marginal operators. Moving away from the fixed point, we show that the Hamilton-Jacobi formalism provides a deep connection between the holographic and the local RG. We derive the local RG equation holographically, and verify explicitly that it satisfies Weyl consistency conditions stemming from the commutativity of Weyl scalings. We also consider massive scalar fields in the bulk corresponding to boundary relevant operators, and comment on their effects to the local RG equation.Comment: 27 pages. v3: References adde
Holographic Trace Anomaly and Local Renormalization Group
holographic trace anomaly and local renormalization group
hamilton jacobi holography renormalization away hamilton jacobi holographic trace anomaly conformal cfts bulk. anomaly cfts marginal operators. moving away hamilton jacobi formalism connection holographic derive holographically verify explicitly satisfies weyl consistency stemming commutativity weyl scalings. massive comment pages. adde
In this paper we construct a CHY representation for all tree-level primitive QCD amplitudes. The quarks may be massless or massive. We define a generalised cyclic factor $\hat{C}(w,z)$ and a generalised permutation invariant function $\hat{E}(z,p,\varepsilon)$. The amplitude is then given as a contour integral encircling the solutions of the scattering equations with the product $\hat{C} \hat{E}$ as integrand. Equivalently, it is given as a sum over the inequivalent solutions of the scattering equations, where the summand consists of a Jacobian times the product $\hat{C} \hat{E}$. This representation separates information: The generalised cyclic factor does not depend on the helicities of the external particles, the generalised permutation invariant function does not depend on the ordering of the external particles.Comment: 32 pages, version to be publishe
The CHY representation of tree-level primitive QCD amplitudes
the chy representation of tree-level primitive qcd amplitudes
primitive amplitudes. quarks massless massive. generalised cyclic generalised permutation varepsilon contour encircling integrand. equivalently inequivalent summand jacobian separates generalised cyclic helicities generalised permutation ordering pages publishe
We compute the hadronic matrix elements of the four-quark operators relevant for $K^0-{\bar K^0}$ mixing beyond the Standard Model. Our results are from lattice QCD simulations with $n_f=2+1$ flavours of domain-wall fermion, which exhibit continuum-like chiral-flavour symmetry. The simulations are performed at two different values of the lattice spacing ($a\sim0.08$ and $a\sim 0.11 \, \fm $) and with lightest unitary pion mass $\sim 300\, \MeV$. For the first time, the full set of relevant four-quark operators is renormalised non-perturbatively through RI-SMOM schemes; a detailed description of the renormalisation procedure is presented in a companion paper. We argue that the intermediate renormalisation scheme is responsible for the discrepancies found by different collaborations. We also study different normalisations and determine the matrix elements of the relevant four-quark operators with a precision of $\sim 5\%$ or better.Comment: 38 page
Neutral Kaon Mixing Beyond the Standard Model with $n_f=2+1$ Chiral Fermions Part 1: Bare Matrix Elements and Physical Results
neutral kaon mixing beyond the standard model with $n_f=2+1$ chiral fermions part 1: bare matrix elements and physical results
hadronic model. flavours fermion exhibit continuum chiral flavour symmetry. spacing lightest unitary pion renormalised perturbatively smom schemes renormalisation companion paper. argue renormalisation discrepancies collaborations. normalisations precision
We introduce three right-handed neutrinos and three sterile neutrinos, and consider an inverse seesaw mechanism for neutrino mass generation. From naturalness point of view, their Majorana masses should be small, while it induces a large neutrino Yukawa coupling. Then, a neutrinoless double beta decay rate can be enhanced, and a sizable Higgs mass correction is inevitable. We find that the enhancement rate can be more than ten times compared with a standard prediction from light neutrino contribution alone, and an analytic form of heavy neutrino contributions to the Higgs mass correction. In addition, we numerically analyze the model, and find almost all parameter space of the model can be complementarily searched by future experiments of neutrinoless double beta decay and $\mu \to e$ conversion.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures: version accepted for publication in JHE
Naturalness and lepton number/flavor violation in inverse seesaw models
naturalness and lepton number/flavor violation in inverse seesaw models
handed neutrinos sterile neutrinos seesaw generation. naturalness majorana induces yukawa coupling. neutrinoless beta sizable inevitable. enhancement analytic correction. numerically analyze complementarily searched neutrinoless beta pages publication
We provide a set of tools for analyzing the geometry of elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau manifolds, starting with a description of the total space rather than with a Weierstrass model or a specified type of fiber/base. Such an approach to the subject of F-theory compactification makes certain geometric properties, which are usually hidden, manifest. Specifically, we review how to isolate genus-one fibrations in such geometries and then describe how to find their sections explicitly. This includes a full parameterization of the Mordell-Weil group where non-trivial. We then describe how to analyze the associated Weierstrass models, Jacobians and resolved geometries. We illustrate our discussion with concrete examples which are complete intersections in products of projective spaces (CICYs). The examples presented include cases exhibiting non-abelian symmetries and higher rank Mordell-Weil group. We also make some comments on non-flat fibrations in this context. In a companion paper [1] to this one, these results will be used to analyze the consequences for string dualities of the ubiquity of multiple fibrations in known constructions of Calabi-Yau manifolds.Comment: 49 pages, 3 figure
Tools for CICYs in F-theory
tools for cicys in f-theory
analyzing elliptically fibered calabi manifolds weierstrass specified fiber base. compactification geometric hidden manifest. isolate genus fibrations geometries explicitly. parameterization mordell weil trivial. analyze weierstrass jacobians resolved geometries. illustrate concrete intersections projective cicys exhibiting abelian symmetries mordell weil group. comments fibrations context. companion analyze consequences dualities ubiquity fibrations constructions calabi pages
We construct a world-sheet action for Green-Schwarz superstring in terms of doubled-yet-gauged spacetime coordinates. For an arbitrarily curved NS-NS background, the action possesses $\mathbf{O}(10,10)$ T-duality, $\mathbf{Spin}(1,9)\times\mathbf{Spin}(9,1)$ Lorentz symmetry, coordinate gauge symmetry, spacetime doubled-yet-gauged diffeomorphisms, world-sheet diffeomorphisms and Weyl symmetry. Further, restricted to flat backgrounds, it enjoys maximal spacetime supersymmetry and kappa-symmetry. After the auxiliary coordinate gauge symmetry potential being integrated out, our action can consistently reduce to the original undoubled Green-Schwarz action. Thanks to the twofold spin groups, the action is unique: it is specific choices of the NS-NS backgrounds that distinguish IIA or IIB, as well as lead to non-Riemannian or non-relativistic superstring a la Gomis-Ooguri which might deserve the nomenclature, type IIC.Comment: 1+27 pages. No figure. v2) Wess-Zumino term identified, More Refs. To be published in JHE
Green-Schwarz superstring on doubled-yet-gauged spacetime
green-schwarz superstring on doubled-yet-gauged spacetime
sheet schwarz superstring doubled gauged spacetime coordinates. arbitrarily curved possesses mathbf duality mathbf mathbf lorentz coordinate spacetime doubled gauged diffeomorphisms sheet diffeomorphisms weyl symmetry. restricted backgrounds enjoys maximal spacetime supersymmetry kappa symmetry. auxiliary coordinate consistently undoubled schwarz action. thanks twofold choices backgrounds distinguish riemannian relativistic superstring gomis ooguri deserve nomenclature pages. figure. wess zumino refs.
We construct an extremal chiral $\mathcal N=4$ superconformal field theory with central charge 24 from a $\mathbb Z_2$ orbifold of the chiral bosonic theory with target $\mathbb R^{24}/\Lambda$, where $\Lambda$ is the Niemeier lattice with root system $A_2^{12}$. This construction is analogous to constructions of extremal chiral $\mathcal N=1$ and $\mathcal N=2$ CFTs with $c=24$, where $\Lambda = \Lambda_{Leech}$ and the Niemeier lattice with root system $A_1^{24}$, respectively. The theory has a discrete symmetry group related to the sporadic group $M_{11}$.Comment: 18 pages + 12 pages of appendice
Extremal chiral $\mathcal N=4$ SCFT with $c=24$
extremal chiral $\mathcal n=4$ scft with $c=24$
extremal chiral mathcal superconformal mathbb orbifold chiral bosonic mathbb lambda lambda niemeier analogous constructions extremal chiral mathcal mathcal cfts lambda lambda leech niemeier respectively. sporadic .comment pages pages appendice
In this paper we investigate the ratio of shear viscosity to entropy density, $\eta/s$, in hyperscaling violating geometry with lattice structure. We show that the scaling relation with hyperscaling violation gives a strong constraint to the mass of graviton and usually leads to a power law of temperature, $\eta/s\sim T^\kappa$. We find the exponent $\kappa$ can be greater than two such that the new bound for viscosity raised in arXiv:1601.02757 is violated. Our above observation is testified by constructing specific solutions with UV completion in various holographic models. Finally, we compare the boundedness of $\kappa$ with the behavior of entanglement entropy and conjecture a relation between them.Comment: 38 pages, 8 figures: 1 appendix added, 2 figures added, 1 references adde
Holographic Shear Viscosity in Hyperscaling Violating Theories without Translational Invariance
holographic shear viscosity in hyperscaling violating theories without translational invariance
viscosity hyperscaling violating structure. hyperscaling violation graviton kappa exponent kappa viscosity raised violated. testified constructing completion holographic models. boundedness kappa entanglement conjecture pages adde
Tensor networks provide a natural framework for exploring holographic duality because they obey entanglement area laws. They have been used to construct explicit toy models realizing many interesting structural features of the AdS/CFT correspondence, including the non-uniqueness of bulk operator reconstruction in the boundary theory. In this article, we explore the holographic properties of networks of random tensors. We find that our models naturally incorporate many features that are analogous to those of the AdS/CFT correspondence. When the bond dimension of the tensors is large, we show that the entanglement entropy of boundary regions, whether connected or not, obey the Ryu-Takayanagi entropy formula, a fact closely related to known properties of the multipartite entanglement of assistance. Moreover, we find that each boundary region faithfully encodes the physics of the entire bulk entanglement wedge. Our method is to interpret the average over random tensors as the partition function of a classical ferromagnetic Ising model, so that the minimal surfaces of Ryu-Takayanagi appear as domain walls. Upon including the analog of a bulk field, we find that our model reproduces the expected corrections to the Ryu-Takayanagi formula: the minimal surface is displaced and the entropy is augmented by the entanglement of the bulk field. Increasing the entanglement of the bulk field ultimately changes the minimal surface topologically in a way similar to creation of a black hole. Extrapolating bulk correlation functions to the boundary permits the calculation of the scaling dimensions of boundary operators, which exhibit a large gap between a small number of low-dimension operators and the rest. While we are primarily motivated by AdS/CFT duality, our main results define a more general form of bulk-boundary correspondence which could be useful for extending holography to other spacetimes.Comment: 57 pages, 13 figure
Holographic duality from random tensor networks
holographic duality from random tensor networks
exploring holographic duality obey entanglement laws. realizing correspondence uniqueness reconstruction theory. explore holographic tensors. naturally incorporate analogous correspondence. bond tensors entanglement obey takayanagi closely multipartite entanglement assistance. faithfully encodes entanglement wedge. interpret tensors partition ferromagnetic ising takayanagi walls. analog reproduces takayanagi displaced augmented entanglement field. entanglement ultimately topologically creation hole. extrapolating permits exhibit rest. primarily motivated duality correspondence extending holography pages
The baryon asymmetry of the Universe should have been produced after the inflation era. We consider the possibility that the asymmetry is generated by the flavor oscillations in the reheating process after inflation, so that the baryon asymmetry is realized already at the beginning of the radiation dominated era. In the seesaw model, we show that the propagators of the left-handed leptons generically have flavor mixings in the thermal background, that can generate flavor-dependent lepton asymmetry through the $CP$ violation in the oscillation phenomena. The flavor dependent rates for the wash-out process can leave the net asymmetry today.Comment: 10 pages; published version(v2
Primordial Lepton Oscillations and Baryogenesis
primordial lepton oscillations and baryogenesis
baryon asymmetry universe inflation era. asymmetry flavor oscillations reheating inflation baryon asymmetry realized beginning dominated era. seesaw propagators handed leptons generically flavor mixings flavor lepton asymmetry violation oscillation phenomena. flavor wash leave asymmetry pages
The process $pp \to W^-c$ produces polarized charm quarks. The polarization is expected to be partly retained in $\Lambda_c$ baryons when those form in the $c$-quark hadronization. We argue that it will likely be possible for ATLAS and CMS to measure the $\Lambda_c$ polarization in the $W$+$c$ samples in Run 2 of the LHC. This can become the first measurement ever of a longitudinal polarization of charm quarks. Its results will provide a unique input to the understanding of polarization transfer in fragmentation. They will also allow applying the same measurement technique to other (e.g., new physics) samples of charm quarks in which the polarization is a priori unknown. The proposed analysis is similar to the ATLAS and CMS measurements of the $W$+$c$ cross section in the 7 TeV run that used reconstructed $D$-meson decays for charm tagging.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures; v2: minor improvements; published versio
Measuring c-quark polarization in W+c samples at ATLAS and CMS
measuring c-quark polarization in w+c samples at atlas and cms
produces polarized charm quarks. partly retained lambda baryons hadronization. argue atlas lambda lhc. ever longitudinal charm quarks. fragmentation. e.g. charm quarks priori unknown. atlas reconstructed meson decays charm pages minor improvements versio
Lysov, Pasterski and Strominger have shown how Low's subleading soft photon theorem can be understood as Ward identities of new symmetries of massless QED. In this paper we offer a different perspective and show that there exists a class of large $U(1)$ gauge transformations such that (i) the associated (electric and magnetic) charges can be computed from first principles (ii) their Ward identities are equivalent to Low's theorem. Our framework paves the way to analyze the sub-subleading theorem in gravity in terms of Ward identities associated to large diffeomorphisms.Comment: 17 page
Subleading soft photons and large gauge transformations
subleading soft photons and large gauge transformations
lysov pasterski strominger subleading understood ward identities symmetries massless qed. offer perspective transformations charges principles ward identities theorem. paves analyze subleading ward identities
Interacting theories of N relativistic fermion flavors in reducible spinor representations in 2+1 spacetime dimensions are formulated on a lattice using domain wall fermions (DWF), for which a U(2N) global symmetry is recovered in the limit that the wall separation $L_s$ is made large. The Gross-Neveu (GN) model is studied in the large-N limit and an exponential acceleration of convergence to the large-$L_s$ limit is demonstrated if the usual parity-invariant mass $m\bar\psi\psi$ is replaced by the U(2N)-equivalent $im_3\bar\psi\gamma_3\psi$. The GN model and two lattice variants of the Thirring model are simulated for N = 2 using a hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm, and studies made of the symmetry-breaking bilinear condensate and its associated susceptibility, the axial Ward identity, and the mass spectrum of both fermion and meson excitations. Comparisons are made with existing results obtained using staggered fermions. For the GN model a symmetry-breaking phase transition is observed, the Ward identity is recovered, and the spectrum found to be consistent with large-N expectations. There appears to be no obstruction to the study of critical UV fixed-point physics using DWF. For the Thirring model the Ward identity is not recovered, the spectroscopy measurements are inconclusive, and no symmetry breaking is observed all the way up to the effective strong coupling limit. This is consistent with a critical Thirring flavor number $N_c<2$, contradicting earlier staggered fermion results.Comment: 31 pages, 15 figure
Towards Critical Physics in 2+1d with U(2N)-Invariant Fermions
towards critical physics in 2+1d with u(2n)-invariant fermions
interacting relativistic fermion flavors reducible spinor representations spacetime formulated fermions recovered large. gross neveu exponential acceleration usual parity replaced gamma variants thirring hybrid monte carlo breaking bilinear condensate susceptibility axial ward fermion meson excitations. comparisons staggered fermions. breaking ward recovered expectations. obstruction dwf. thirring ward recovered spectroscopy inconclusive breaking limit. thirring flavor contradicting staggered fermion pages
We describe the infinitesimal moduli space of pairs $(Y, V)$ where $Y$ is a manifold with $G_2$ holonomy, and $V$ is a vector bundle on $Y$ with an instanton connection. These structures arise in connection to the moduli space of heterotic string compactifications on compact and non-compact seven dimensional spaces, e.g. domain walls. Employing the canonical $G_2$ cohomology developed by Reyes-Carri\'on and Fern\'andez and Ugarte, we show that the moduli space decomposes into the sum of the bundle moduli $H^1_{\check{d}_A}(Y,\mathrm{End}(V))$ plus the moduli of the $G_2$ structure preserving the instanton condition. The latter piece is contained in $H^1_{\check{d}_\theta}(Y,TY)$, and is given by the kernel of a map ${\cal\check F}$ which generalises the concept of the Atiyah map for holomorphic bundles on complex manifolds to the case at hand. In fact, the map ${\cal\check F}$ is given in terms of the curvature of the bundle and maps $H^1_{\check{d}_\theta}(Y,TY)$ into $H^2_{\check{d}_A}(Y,\mathrm{End}(V))$, and moreover can be used to define a cohomology on an extension bundle of $TY$ by $\mathrm{End}(V)$. We comment further on the resemblance with the holomorphic Atiyah algebroid and connect the story to physics, in particular to heterotic compactifications on $(Y,V)$ when $\alpha'=0$.Comment: 51 pages, minor corrections, references adde
Infinitesimal moduli of G2 holonomy manifolds with instanton bundles
infinitesimal moduli of g2 holonomy manifolds with instanton bundles
infinitesimal moduli manifold holonomy bundle instanton connection. arise connection moduli heterotic compactifications seven e.g. walls. employing canonical cohomology reyes carri fern andez ugarte moduli decomposes bundle moduli check mathrm moduli preserving instanton condition. piece check theta kernel check generalises atiyah holomorphic bundles manifolds hand. check curvature bundle check theta check mathrm cohomology bundle mathrm comment resemblance holomorphic atiyah algebroid connect story heterotic compactifications alpha .comment pages minor adde
We study the fate of weakly coupled dual QED3 in the infrared, that is, a single two-component Dirac fermion coupled to an emergent U(1) gauge field, but without Chern-Simons term. This theory has recently been proposed as a dual description of 2D surfaces of certain topological insulators. Using the renormalization group, we find that the interplay of gauge fluctuations with generated interactions in the four-fermi sector stabilizes an interacting conformal field theory (CFT) with finite four-fermi coupling in the infrared. The emergence of this CFT is due to cancellations in the $\beta$-function of the four-fermi coupling special to "NF = 1/2". We also quantify how a possible "strong" Dirac fermion duality between a free Dirac cone and dual QED3 would constrain the universal constants of the topological current correlator of the latter.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures; v2 minor typos fixe
Dual QED3 at "NF = 1/2" is an interacting CFT in the infrared
dual qed3 at "nf = 1/2" is an interacting cft in the infrared
fate weakly infrared dirac fermion emergent chern simons term. topological insulators. renormalization interplay fermi stabilizes interacting conformal fermi infrared. emergence cancellations beta fermi quantify dirac fermion duality dirac cone constrain universal topological correlator pages minor typos fixe
In this paper, we investigate predictions of the SO(10) Grand Unified Theory (GUT), where an extra U(1)$^\prime$ gauge symmetry remains up to the supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking scale. The minimal setup of SO(10) GUT unifies quarks and leptons into a ${\bf 16}$-representational field in each generations. The setup, however, suffers from the realization of the realistic Yukawa couplings at the electroweak scale. In order to solve this problem, we introduce ${\bf 10}$-representational matter fields, and then the two kinds of matter fields mix with each other at the SUSY breaking scale, where the extra U(1)$^\prime$ gauge symmetry breaks down radiatively. One crucial prediction is that the Standard Model quarks and leptons are given by the linear combinations of the fields with two different U(1)$^\prime$ charges. The mixing also depends on the flavor. Consequently, the U(1)$^\prime$ interaction becomes flavor violating, and the flavor physics is the smoking-gun signal of our GUT model. The flavor violating $Z'$ couplings are related to the fermion masses and the CKM matrix, so that we can derive some explicit predictions in flavor physics. We especially discuss $K$-$\overline{K}$ mixing, $B_{(s)}$-$\overline{B_{(s)}}$ mixing, and the (semi)leptonic decays of $K$ and $B$ in our model. We also study the flavor violating $\mu$ and $\tau$ decays and discuss the correlations among the physical observables in this SO(10) GUT framework.Comment: 30 pages, 20 figures, v2 : texts are improved, comments and references are adde
Flavor physics induced by light $Z'$ from SO(10) GUT
flavor physics induced by light $z'$ from so(10) gut
grand unified extra prime supersymmetry susy breaking scale. setup unifies quarks leptons representational generations. setup suffers realization realistic yukawa couplings electroweak scale. solve representational kinds susy breaking extra prime breaks radiatively. crucial quarks leptons combinations prime charges. flavor. prime flavor violating flavor smoking model. flavor violating couplings fermion derive flavor physics. overline overline leptonic decays model. flavor violating decays observables pages texts comments adde
We study N = 2* theories with gauge group U(N) and use equivariant localization to calculate the quantum expectation values of the simplest chiral ring elements. These are expressed as an expansion in the mass of the adjoint hypermultiplet, with coefficients given by quasi-modular forms of the S-duality group. Under the action of this group, we construct combinations of chiral ring elements that transform as modular forms of definite weight. As an independent check, we confirm these results by comparing the spectral curves of the associated Hitchin system and the elliptic Calogero-Moser system. We also propose an exact and compact expression for the 1-instanton contribution to the expectation value of the chiral ring elements.Comment: 37 page
Chiral observables and S-duality in N = 2* U(N) gauge theories
chiral observables and s-duality in n = 2* u(n) gauge theories
equivariant localization expectation simplest chiral elements. adjoint hypermultiplet quasi modular duality group. combinations chiral transform modular definite weight. check confirm hitchin elliptic calogero moser system. propose instanton expectation chiral
We discuss a left-right symmetric extension of the Standard Model in which the three additional right-handed neutrinos play a central role in explaining the baryon asymmetry of the Universe, the dark matter abundance and the ultra energetic signal detected by the IceCube experiment. The energy spectrum and neutrino flux measured by IceCube are ascribed to the decays of the lightest right-handed neutrino $N_1$, thus fixing its mass and lifetime, while the production of $N_1$ in the primordial thermal bath occurs via a freeze-in mechanism driven by the additional $SU(2)_R$ interactions. The constraints imposed by IceCube and the dark matter abundance allow nonetheless the heavier right-handed neutrinos to realize a standard type-I seesaw leptogenesis, with the $B-L$ asymmetry dominantly produced by the next-to-lightest neutrino $N_2$. Further consequences and predictions of the model are that: the $N_1$ production implies a specific power-law relation between the reheating temperature of the Universe and the vacuum expectation value of the $SU(2)_R$ triplet; leptogenesis imposes a lower bound on the reheating temperature of the Universe at $7\times10^9\,\mbox{GeV}$. Additionally, the model requires a vanishing absolute neutrino mass scale $m_1\simeq0$.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures. Constraints from cosmic-ray antiprotons and gamma rays added, with hadrophobic assignment of the matter multiplets to satisfy bounds. References added. Matches version published in JHE
A consistent model for leptogenesis, dark matter and the IceCube signal
a consistent model for leptogenesis, dark matter and the icecube signal
handed neutrinos explaining baryon asymmetry universe abundance ultra energetic icecube experiment. icecube ascribed decays lightest handed fixing lifetime primordial bath freeze interactions. imposed icecube abundance nonetheless heavier handed neutrinos realize seesaw leptogenesis asymmetry dominantly lightest consequences reheating universe expectation triplet leptogenesis imposes reheating universe mbox additionally vanishing simeq .comment pages figures. cosmic antiprotons gamma rays hadrophobic assignment multiplets satisfy bounds. added. matches
Higgs mechanism to massive higher-spin gauge fields is an outstanding open problem. We investigate this issue in the context of Kaluza-Klein compactification. Starting from a free massless higher-spin field in $(d+2)$-dimensional anti-de Sitter space and compactifying over a finite angular wedge, we obtain an infinite tower of heavy, light and massless higher-spin fields in $(d+1)$-dimensional anti-de Sitter space. All massive higher-spin fields are described gauge invariantly in terms of St\"ueckelberg fields. The spectrum depends on the boundary conditions imposed at both ends of the wedges. We obseved that higher-derivative boundary condition is inevitable for spin greater than three. For some higher-derivative boundary conditions, equivalently, spectrum-dependent boundary conditions, we get a non-unitary representation of partially-massless higher-spin fields of varying depth. We present intuitive picture which higher-derivative boundary conditions yield non-unitary system in terms of boundary action. We argue that isotropic Lifshitz interfaces in $O(N)$ Heisenberg magnet or $O(N)$ Gross-Neveu model provides the holographic dual conformal field theory and propose experimental test of (inverse) Higgs mechanism for massive and partially massless higher-spin fields.Comment: v1. 62 pages, 7 figures, v2. 68 pages, 8 figures, published versio
Massless and Massive Higher Spins from Anti-de Sitter Space Waveguide
massless and massive higher spins from anti-de sitter space waveguide
massive outstanding problem. kaluza klein compactification. massless sitter compactifying wedge infinite tower massless sitter space. massive invariantly ueckelberg fields. imposed ends wedges. obseved inevitable three. equivalently unitary partially massless depth. intuitive picture unitary action. argue isotropic lifshitz interfaces heisenberg magnet gross neveu holographic conformal propose massive partially massless pages pages versio
We fit the next-to-leading order unitarity conditions to the Two-Higgs-Doublet model with a softly broken $\mathbb{Z}_2$ symmetry. In doing so, we alleviate the existing uncertainty on how to treat higher order corrections to quartic couplings of its Higgs potential. A simplified approach to implementing the next-to-leading order unitarity conditions is presented. These new bounds are then combined with all other relevant constraints, including the complete set of LHC Run I data. The upper $95\%$ bounds we find are $4.2$ on the absolute values of the quartic couplings, and $235$ GeV ($100$ GeV) for the mass degeneracies between the heavy Higgs particles in the type I (type II) scenario. In type II, we exclude an unbroken $\mathbb{Z}_2$ symmetry with a probability of $95\%$. All fits are performed using the open-source code HEPfit.Comment: 33 pages, 13 figures, 5 tables. Comments are welcom
Next-to-leading order unitarity fits in Two-Higgs-Doublet models with soft $\mathbb{Z}_2$ breaking
next-to-leading order unitarity fits in two-higgs-doublet models with soft $\mathbb{z}_2$ breaking
unitarity doublet softly broken mathbb symmetry. alleviate treat quartic couplings potential. simplified implementing unitarity presented. bounds data. bounds quartic couplings degeneracies scenario. exclude unbroken mathbb fits pages tables. comments welcom
We propose a non-associative phase space algebra for M-theory backgrounds with locally non-geometric fluxes based on the non-associative algebra of octonions. Our proposal is based on the observation that the non-associative algebra of the non-geometric R-flux background in string theory can be obtained by a proper contraction of the simple Malcev algebra generated by imaginary octonions. Furthermore, by studying a toy model of a four-dimensional locally non-geometric M-theory background which is dual to a twisted torus, we show that the non-geometric background is "missing" a momentum mode. The resulting seven-dimensional phase space can thus be naturally identified with the imaginary octonions. This allows us to interpret the full uncontracted algebra of imaginary octonions as the uplift of the string theory R-flux algebra to M-theory, with the contraction parameter playing the role of the string coupling constant $g_s$.Comment: 27 page
Non-associativity in non-geometric string and M-theory backgrounds, the algebra of octonions, and missing momentum modes
non-associativity in non-geometric string and m-theory backgrounds, the algebra of octonions, and missing momentum modes
propose associative backgrounds locally geometric fluxes associative octonions. proposal associative geometric proper contraction malcev imaginary octonions. studying locally geometric twisted torus geometric missing mode. seven naturally imaginary octonions. interpret uncontracted imaginary octonions uplift contraction playing .comment
We provide a gravitational argument in favour of the covariant holographic entanglement entropy proposal. In general time-dependent states, the proposal asserts that the entanglement entropy of a region in the boundary field theory is given by a quarter of the area of a bulk extremal surface in Planck units. The main element of our discussion is an implementation of an appropriate Schwinger-Keldysh contour to obtain the reduced density matrix (and its powers) of a given region, as is relevant for the replica construction. We map this contour into the bulk gravitational theory, and argue that the saddle point solutions of these replica geometries lead to a consistent prescription for computing the field theory Renyi entropies. In the limiting case where the replica index is taken to unity, a local analysis suffices to show that these saddles lead to the extremal surfaces of interest. We also comment on various properties of holographic entanglement that follow from this construction.Comment: 39 pages. 9 figure
Deriving covariant holographic entanglement
deriving covariant holographic entanglement
gravitational argument favour covariant holographic entanglement proposal. proposal asserts entanglement quarter extremal planck units. schwinger keldysh contour powers replica construction. contour gravitational argue saddle replica geometries prescription renyi entropies. limiting replica unity suffices saddles extremal interest. comment holographic entanglement pages.
We construct renormalizable Standard Model extensions, valid up to the Planck scale, that give a composite Higgs from a new fundamental strong force acting on fermions and scalars. Yukawa interactions of these particles with Standard Model fermions realize the partial compositeness scenario. Under certain assumptions on the dynamics of the scalars, successful models exist because gauge quantum numbers of Standard Model fermions admit a minimal enough 'square root'. Furthermore, right-handed SM fermions have an SU(2)$_R$-like structure, yielding a custodially-protected composite Higgs. Baryon and lepton numbers arise accidentally. Standard Model fermions acquire mass at tree level, while the Higgs potential and flavor violations are generated by quantum corrections. We further discuss accidental symmetries and other dynamical features stemming from the new strongly interacting scalars. If the same phenomenology can be obtained from models without our elementary scalars, they would reappear as composite states.Comment: 36 pages, 3 figures, 5 tables. v2: final published version, expanded discussion about neutrino masses, dark matter and flavou
Fundamental partial compositeness
fundamental partial compositeness
renormalizable extensions valid planck composite acting fermions scalars. yukawa fermions realize compositeness scenario. assumptions scalars successful fermions admit handed fermions yielding custodially protected composite higgs. baryon lepton arise accidentally. fermions acquire flavor violations corrections. accidental symmetries stemming interacting scalars. phenomenology elementary scalars reappear composite pages tables. expanded flavou
We use the numerical conformal bootstrap in two dimensions to search for finite, closed sub-algebras of the operator product expansion (OPE), without assuming unitarity. We find the minimal models as special cases, as well as additional lines of solutions that can be understood in the Coulomb gas formalism. All the solutions we find that contain the vacuum in the operator algebra are cases where the external operators of the bootstrap equation are degenerate operators, and we argue that this follows analytically from the expressions in arXiv:1202.4698 for the crossing matrices of Virasoro conformal blocks. Our numerical analysis is a special case of the "Gliozzi" bootstrap method, and provides a simpler setting in which to study technical challenges with the method. In the supplementary material, we provide a Mathematica notebook that automates the calculation of the crossing matrices and OPE coefficients for degenerate operators using the formulae of Dotsenko and Fateev.Comment: 11 figures, 24+19 page
Closure of the Operator Product Expansion in the Non-Unitary Bootstrap
closure of the operator product expansion in the non-unitary bootstrap
conformal bootstrap algebras unitarity. understood coulomb formalism. bootstrap degenerate argue analytically expressions crossing virasoro conformal blocks. gliozzi bootstrap simpler challenges method. supplementary mathematica notebook automates crossing degenerate formulae dotsenko
We study butterfly effect in $D$-dimensional gravitational theories containing terms quadratic in Ricci scalar and Ricci tensor. One observes that due to higher order derivatives in the corresponding equations of motion there are two butterfly velocities. The velocities are determined by the dimension of operators whose sources are provided by the metric. The three dimensional TMG model is also studied where we get two butterfly velocities at generic point of the moduli space of parameters. At critical point two velocities coincide.Comment: 16 pages, references adde
On Butterfly effect in Higher Derivative Gravities
on butterfly effect in higher derivative gravities
butterfly gravitational quadratic ricci ricci tensor. observes derivatives butterfly velocities. velocities metric. butterfly velocities generic moduli parameters. velocities pages adde
In this paper we present the null string origin of the ambitwistor string. Classically, the null string is the tensionless limit of string theory, and so too is the Ambitwistor string. Both have as constraint algebra the Galilean Conformal Algebra in two dimensions. But something interesting happens in the quantum theory since there is an ambiguity in quantizing the null string. We show that, given a particular choice of quantization scheme and a particular gauge, the null string coincides with the ambitwistor string both classically and quantum mechanically. We also show that the same holds for the spinning versions of the null string and Ambitwistor string. With these results we clarify the relationship between the Ambitwistor string, the null string, the usual string and the Hohm-Siegel-Zwiebach theory.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figur
On the null origin of the ambitwistor string
on the null origin of the ambitwistor string
ambitwistor string. classically tensionless ambitwistor string. galilean conformal dimensions. something happens ambiguity quantizing string. quantization coincides ambitwistor classically mechanically. spinning versions ambitwistor string. clarify ambitwistor usual hohm siegel zwiebach pages figur
Double trace deformations, that is products of two local operators, define perturbations of conformal field theories that can be studied exactly in the large-N limit. Even when the double trace deformation is irrelevant in the infrared, it is believed to flow to an ultraviolet fixed point. In this note we define the Kallen-Lehmann representation of the two-point function of a local operator O in a theory perturbed by the square of such operator. We use such representation to discover potential pathologies at intermediate points in the flow that may prevent to reach the UV fixed point. We apply the method to an "extremal" deformation that naively would flow to a UV fixed point where the operator O would saturate the unitarity bound. We find that the UV fixed point is not conformal and that the deformed two-point function propagates unphysical modes. We interpret the result as showing that the flow to the UV fixed point does not exist. This resolves a potential puzzle in the holographic interpretation of the deformation.Comment: 20 pages. Accepted by JHEP, extended discussion in Summary, added references and fixed minor typo
Notes on Relevant, Irrelevant, Marginal and Extremal Double Trace Perturbations
notes on relevant, irrelevant, marginal and extremal double trace perturbations
trace deformations perturbations conformal limit. trace deformation irrelevant infrared believed ultraviolet point. kallen lehmann perturbed operator. discover pathologies prevent point. extremal deformation naively saturate unitarity bound. conformal deformed propagates unphysical modes. interpret exist. resolves puzzle holographic pages. jhep minor typo
We revisit the fundamental string (F1) solution in the doubled formalism. We show that the wave-like solution of double field theory (DFT) corresponding to the F1/pp-wave duality pair is more properly a solution of the DFT action coupled to a doubled sigma model action. The doubled string configuration which sources the pp-wave can be thought of as static gauge with the string oriented in a dual direction. We also discuss the DFT solution corresponding to a vibrating string, carrying both winding and momentum. We further show that the solution dual to the F1 in both time and space can be viewed as a "negative string" solution. Negative branes are closely connected to certain exotic string theories which involve unusual signatures for both spacetime and brane worldvolumes. In order to better understand this from the doubled point of view, we construct a variant of DFT suitable for describing theories in which the fundamental string has a Euclidean worldsheet, for which T-dualities appear to change the spacetime signature.Comment: 37 pages including 2 appendices, v2: version to appear in JHEP (typos fixed, some minor comments added
Doubled strings, negative strings and null waves
doubled strings, negative strings and null waves
revisit doubled formalism. duality properly doubled sigma action. doubled thought oriented direction. vibrating carrying winding momentum. viewed solution. branes closely exotic involve unusual signatures spacetime brane worldvolumes. doubled variant describing euclidean worldsheet dualities spacetime pages appendices jhep typos minor comments
We generalize the boundary value problem with a mixed boundary condition that involves the gauge and scalar fields in the context of Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton theories. In particular, the expectation value of the dual scalar operator can be a function of the expectation value of the current operator. The properties are prevalent in a fixed charge ensemble because the conserved charge is shared by both fields through the dilaton coupling, which is also responsible for non-Fermi liquid properties. We study the on-shell action and the stress energy tensor to note practical importances of the boundary value problem. In the presence of the scalar fields, physical quantities are not fully fixed due to the finite boundary terms that manifest in the massless scalar or the scalar with mass saturating the Breitenlohner-Freedman bound.Comment: 39+1 pages. Improved discussions, typos fixed and references adde
Holographic Renormalization of Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton Theories
holographic renormalization of einstein-maxwell-dilaton theories
generalize involves einstein maxwell dilaton theories. expectation expectation operator. prevalent ensemble conserved shared dilaton fermi properties. practical importances problem. quantities manifest massless saturating breitenlohner freedman pages. discussions typos adde