3 values
In this short notes using AGT correspondence we express simplest fully degenerate primary fields of Toda field theory in terms an analogue of Baxter's $Q$-operator naturally emerging in ${\cal N}=2$ gauge theory side. This quantity can be considered as a generating function of simple trace chiral operators constructed from the scalars of the ${\cal N}=2$ vector multiplets. In the special case of Liouville theory, exploring the second order differential equation satisfied by conformal blocks including a degenerate at the second level primary field (BPZ equation) we derive a mixed difference-differential relation for $Q$-operator. Thus we generalize the $T$-$Q$ difference equation known in Nekrasov-Shatashvili limit of the $\Omega$-background to the generic case.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure
VEV of Baxter's Q-operator in N=2 gauge theory and the BPZ differential equation
vev of baxter's q-operator in n=2 gauge theory and the bpz differential equation
notes correspondence express simplest degenerate toda analogue baxter naturally emerging side. quantity generating trace chiral scalars multiplets. liouville exploring satisfied conformal blocks degenerate derive operator. generalize nekrasov shatashvili omega generic pages
We study $N=(2,4,8)$ supersymmetric extensions of the three dimensional BMS algebra (BMS$_3$) with most generic possible central extensions. We find that $N$-extended supersymmetric BMS$_3$ algebras can be derived by a suitable contraction of two copies of the extended superconformal algebras. Extended algebras from all the consistent contractions are obtained by scaling left-moving and right-moving supersymmetry generators symmetrically, while Virasoro and R-symmetry generators are scaled asymmetrically. On the way, we find that the BMS/GCA correspondence does not in general hold for supersymmetric systems. Using the $\beta$-$\gamma$ and the ${\mathfrak b}$-${\mathfrak c}$ systems, we construct free field realisations of all the extended super-BMS$_3$ algebras.Comment: 25 pages, 1 tabl
Extended Supersymmetric BMS$_3$ algebras and Their Free Field Realisations
extended supersymmetric bms$_3$ algebras and their free field realisations
supersymmetric extensions generic extensions. supersymmetric algebras contraction copies superconformal algebras. algebras contractions moving moving supersymmetry generators symmetrically virasoro generators scaled asymmetrically. correspondence hold supersymmetric systems. beta gamma mathfrak mathfrak realisations super pages tabl
We discover that the 26D open bosonic string scattering amplitudes (SSA) of three tachyons and one arbitrary string state can be expressed in terms of the D-type Lauricella functions with associated SL(K+3,C) symmetry. As a result, SSA and symmetries or relations among SSA of different string states at various limits calculated previously can be rederived. These include the linear relations first conjectured by Gross [1-3] and later corrected and proved in [4-9] in the hard scattering limit, the recurrence relations in the Regge scattering limit with associated SL(5,C) symmetry [19-21] and the extended recurrence relations in the nonrelativistic scattering limit with associated SL(4,C) symmetry [24] discovered recently. Finally, as an application, we calculate a new recurrence relation of SSA which is valid for all energies.Comment: 20 pages, no figure, extended form of arXiv:1603.0039
The Lauricella Functions and Exact String Scattering Amplitudes
the lauricella functions and exact string scattering amplitudes
discover bosonic amplitudes tachyons lauricella symmetry. symmetries rederived. conjectured gross corrected proved recurrence regge recurrence nonrelativistic discovered recently. recurrence valid pages
We prove that, for M theory or type II, generic Minkowski flux backgrounds preserving $\mathcal{N}$ supersymmetries in dimensions $D\geq4$ correspond precisely to integrable generalised $G_{\mathcal{N}}$ structures, where $G_{\mathcal{N}}$ is the generalised structure group defined by the Killing spinors. In other words, they are the analogues of special holonomy manifolds in $E_{d(d)} \times\mathbb{R}^+$ generalised geometry. In establishing this result, we introduce the Kosmann-Dorfman bracket, a generalisation of Kosmann's Lie derivative of spinors. This allows us to write down the internal sector of the Killing superalgebra, which takes a rather simple form and whose closure is the key step in proving the main result. In addition, we find that the eleven-dimensional Killing superalgebra of these backgrounds is necessarily the supertranslational part of the $\mathcal{N}$-extended super-Poincar\'e algebra.Comment: 34 page
Supersymmetric Backgrounds, the Killing Superalgebra, and Generalised Special Holonomy
supersymmetric backgrounds, the killing superalgebra, and generalised special holonomy
generic minkowski backgrounds preserving mathcal supersymmetries precisely integrable generalised mathcal mathcal generalised killing spinors. analogues holonomy manifolds mathbb generalised geometry. establishing kosmann dorfman bracket generalisation kosmann spinors. killing superalgebra closure proving result. eleven killing superalgebra backgrounds necessarily supertranslational mathcal super poincar
We study T-duality chains of five-branes in heterotic supergravity where the first order $\alpha'$-corrections are present. By performing the $\alpha'$-corrected T-duality transformations of the heterotic NS5-brane solutions, we obtain the KK5-brane and the exotic $5^2_2$-brane solutions associated with the symmetric, the neutral and the gauge NS5-branes. We find that the Yang-Mills gauge field in these solutions satisfies the self-duality condition in the three- and two-dimensional transverse spaces to the brane world-volumes. The $O(2,2)$ monodromy structures of the $5^2_2$-brane solutions are investigated by the $\alpha'$-corrected generalized metric. Our analysis shows that the symmetric $5^2_2$-brane solution, which satisfies the standard embedding condition, is a T-fold and it exhibits the non-geometric nature. We also find that the neutral $5^2_2$-brane solution is a T-fold at least at $\mathcal{O} (\alpha')$. On the other hand, the gauge $5^2_2$-brane solution is not a T-fold but show unusual structures of space-time.Comment: 26 pages, 1 figure, a reference added, typos corrected, publish versio
Non-geometric Five-branes in Heterotic Supergravity
non-geometric five-branes in heterotic supergravity
duality chains branes heterotic supergravity alpha present. performing alpha corrected duality transformations heterotic brane brane exotic brane neutral branes. mills satisfies duality brane volumes. monodromy brane alpha corrected metric. brane satisfies embedding exhibits geometric nature. neutral brane mathcal alpha brane unusual pages typos corrected publish versio
CP violation of the SM is insufficient to explain the baryon asymmetry in the universe and therefore an additional source of CP violation is needed. Here the extension of the SM by a neutral complex scalar singlet with a nonzero vacuum expectation value (cSMCS) plus a heavy vector quark pair is considered. This model offers the spontaneous CP violation and proper description in the baryogenesis, it leads strong enough first-order electro-weak phase transition to suppress the baryon-violating sphaleron process.Comment: Typos in the caption Fig. 2 and Eq.(26) are corrected and acknowledgment has been adde
Baryogenesis of the Universe in cSMCS Model plus Iso-Doublet Vector Quark
baryogenesis of the universe in csmcs model plus iso-doublet vector quark
violation insufficient baryon asymmetry universe violation needed. neutral singlet nonzero expectation csmcs considered. offers spontaneous violation proper baryogenesis electro suppress baryon violating sphaleron typos caption fig. corrected acknowledgment adde
Motivated by a class of flux compactifications of type IIA strings on rigid Calabi-Yau manifolds, preserving N=2 local supersymmetry in four dimensions, we derive a non-perturbative potential of all scalar fields from the exact D-instanton corrected metric on the hypermultiplet moduli space. Applying this potential to moduli stabilization, we find a discrete set of exact vacua for axions. At these critical points, the stability problem is decoupled into two subspaces spanned by the axions and the other fields (dilaton and Kahler moduli), respectively. Whereas the stability of the axions is easily achieved, numerical analysis shows instabilities in the second subspace.Comment: 38 pages; some changes in presentatio
Non-perturbative scalar potential inspired by type IIA strings on rigid CY
non-perturbative scalar potential inspired by type iia strings on rigid cy
motivated compactifications strings rigid calabi manifolds preserving supersymmetry derive perturbative instanton corrected hypermultiplet moduli space. moduli stabilization vacua axions. decoupled subspaces spanned axions dilaton kahler moduli respectively. axions instabilities pages presentatio
The $R+R^2$, shortly named "$R^2$" ("Starobinsky") inflationary model, represents a fully consistent example of a one-parameter inflationary scenario. This model has a "graceful exit" from inflation and provides a mechanism for subsequent creation and final thermalization of the standard matter. Moreover, it produces a very good fit of the observed spectrum of primordial perturbations. In the present paper we show explicitly that the $R^2$ inflationary spacetime is an exact solution of a range of weakly non-local (quasi-polynomial) gravitational theories, which provide an ultraviolet completion of the $R^2$ theory. These theories are ghost-free, super-renormalizable or finite at quantum level, and perturbatively unitary. Their spectrum consists of the graviton and the scalaron that is responsible for driving the inflation. Notably, any further extension of the spectrum leads to propagating ghost degrees of freedom. We are aimed at presenting a detailed construction of such theories in the so called Weyl basis. Further, we give a special account to the cosmological implications of this theory by considering perturbations during inflation. The highlight of the non-local model is the prediction of a modified, in comparison to a local $R^2$ model, value for the ratio of tensor and scalar power spectra $r$, depending on the parameters of the theory. The relevant parameters are under control to be successfully confronted with existing observational data. Furthermore, the modified $r$ can surely meet future observational constraints.Comment: 41 pages; minor corrections and presentation improvement; matches the published versio
Occurrence of exact $R^2$ inflation in non-local UV-complete gravity
occurrence of exact $r^2$ inflation in non-local uv-complete gravity
shortly named starobinsky inflationary inflationary scenario. graceful exit inflation creation thermalization matter. produces primordial perturbations. explicitly inflationary spacetime weakly quasi gravitational ultraviolet completion theory. ghost super renormalizable perturbatively unitary. graviton scalaron driving inflation. notably propagating ghost freedom. aimed presenting weyl basis. cosmological perturbations inflation. highlight theory. successfully confronted observational data. surely meet observational pages minor presentation matches versio
In a conformal field theory with weakly broken higher spin symmetry, the leading order anomalous dimensions of the broken currents can be efficiently determined from the structure of the classical non-conservation equations. We apply this method to the explicit example of $O(N)$ invariant scalar field theories in various dimensions, including the large $N$ critical $O(N)$ model in general $d$, the Wilson-Fisher fixed point in $d=4-\epsilon$, cubic scalar models in $d=6-\epsilon$ and the nonlinear sigma model in $d=2+\epsilon$. Using information from the $d=4-\epsilon$ and $d=2+\epsilon$ expansions, we obtain some estimates for the dimensions of the higher spin operators in the critical 3d $O(N)$ models for a few low values of $N$ and spin.Comment: 39 pages, 1 figure. v2: minor correction
Anomalous dimensions in CFT with weakly broken higher spin symmetry
anomalous dimensions in cft with weakly broken higher spin symmetry
conformal weakly broken anomalous broken currents efficiently conservation equations. wilson fisher epsilon cubic epsilon sigma epsilon epsilon epsilon expansions pages figure. minor
We discuss an interesting class of models, based on strongly coupled Dark Matter (DM), where sizable effects can be expected in LHC missing energy (MET) searches, compatibly with a large separation of scales. In this case, an effective field theory (EFT) is appropriate (and sometimes necessary) to describe the most relevant interactions at the LHC. The selection rules implied by the structure of the new strong dynamics shape the EFT in an unusual way, revealing the importance of higher-derivative interactions previously ignored. We compare indications from relic density and direct detection experiments with consistent LHC constraints, and asses the relative importance of the latter. Our analysis provides an interesting and well-motivated scenario to model MET at the LHC in terms of a handful of parameters.Comment: 27 pages + appendices, 7 figure
The Last Gasp of Dark Matter Effective Theory
the last gasp of dark matter effective theory
sizable missing searches compatibly scales. sometimes lhc. implied unusual revealing ignored. indications relic asses latter. motivated handful pages appendices
Serious searches for the weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) have now begun. In this context, the most important questions that need to be addressed are: "To what extent can we constrain the WIMP models in the future?" and "What will then be the remaining unexplored regions in the WIMP parameter space for each of these models?" In our quest to answer these questions, we classify WIMP in terms of quantum number and study each case adopting minimality as a guiding principle. As a first step, we study one of the simple cases of the minimal composition in the well-tempered fermionic WIMP regime, namely the singlet-doublets WIMP model. We consider all available constraints from direct and indirect searches and also the predicted constraints coming from the near future and the future experiments. We thus obtain the current status, the near future prospects and the future prospects of this model in all its generality. We find that in the future, this model will be constrained almost solely by the future direct dark matter detection experiments (as compared to the weaker indirect and collider constraints) and the cosmological (relic density) constraints and will hence be gradually pushed to the corner of the coannihilation region, if no WIMP signal is detected. Future lepton colliders will then be useful in exploring this region not constrained by any other experiments.Comment: 34 pages, 6 figures; v2: minor corrections, published versio
WIMP Dark Matter in a Well-Tempered Regime: A case study on Singlet-Doublets Fermionic WIMP
wimp dark matter in a well-tempered regime: a case study on singlet-doublets fermionic wimp
serious searches weakly interacting massive wimp begun. addressed constrain wimp unexplored wimp quest answer classify wimp adopting minimality guiding principle. tempered fermionic wimp singlet doublets wimp model. indirect searches coming experiments. prospects prospects generality. constrained solely weaker indirect collider cosmological relic gradually pushed corner coannihilation wimp detected. lepton colliders exploring constrained pages minor versio
We consider a class of minimal anomaly free $\mathrm{U}(1)$ extensions of the Standard Model with three generations of right-handed neutrinos and a complex scalar. Using electroweak precision constraints, new 13 TeV LHC data, and considering theoretical limitations such as perturbativity, we show that it is possible to constrain a wide class of models. By classifying these models with a single parameter, $\kappa$, we can put a model independent upper bound on the new $\mathrm{U}(1)$ gauge coupling $g_z$. We find that the new dilepton data puts strong bounds on the parameters, especially in the mass region $M_{Z'}\lesssim 3~ \mathrm{TeV}$.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures. Modified model parametrization, exclusion limits with new dat
Constraining minimal anomaly free $\mathrm{U}(1)$ extensions of the Standard Model
constraining minimal anomaly free $\mathrm{u}(1)$ extensions of the standard model
anomaly mathrm extensions generations handed neutrinos scalar. electroweak precision limitations perturbativity constrain models. classifying kappa mathrm dilepton puts bounds lesssim mathrm .comment pages figures. parametrization exclusion
In the SM gauge symmetries and fermion content of neutrinos, charged leptons and quarks, we study the effective four-fermion operators of Einstein-Cartan type and their contributions to the Schwinger-Dyson equations of fermion self-energy functions. The study is motivated by the speculation that these four-fermion operators are probably originated due to the quantum gravity that provides the natural regularization for chiral-symmetric gauge field theories. In the chiral-gauge symmetry breaking phase, as to achieve the energetically favorable ground state, only the top-quark mass is generated via the spontaneous symmetry breaking, and other fermion masses are generated via the explicit symmetry breaking induced by the top-quark mass, four-fermion interactions and fermion-flavor mixing matrices. A phase transition from the symmetry breaking phase to the chiral-gauge symmetric phase at TeV scale occurs and the drastically fine-tuning problem can be resolved. In the infrared fixed-point domain of the four-fermion coupling for the SM at low energies, we qualitatively obtain the hierarchy patterns of the SM fermion Dirac masses, Yukawa couplings and family-flavor mixing matrices with three additional right-handed neutrinos $\nu^f_R$. Large Majorana masses and lepton-symmetry breaking are originated by the four-fermion interactions among $\nu^f_R$ and their left-handed conjugated fields $\nu^{fc}_R$. Light masses of gauged Majorana neutrinos in the normal hierarchy ($10^{-5}-10^{-2}$ eV) are obtained consistently with neutrino oscillations. We present some discussions on the composite Higgs phenomenology and forward-backward asymmetry of $t\bar t$-production, as well as remarks on the candidates of light and heavy dark matter particles (fermions, scalar and pseudoscalar bosons).Comment: In this article, the study of the third fermion family (arXiv1506.05994 PRD93, 073001 (2016)) is generalized to the three fermion families. This is an updated version 52 pages, 8 Figures and 2 table
Hierarchy spectrum of SM fermions: from top quark to electron neutrino
hierarchy spectrum of sm fermions: from top quark to electron neutrino
symmetries fermion neutrinos leptons quarks fermion einstein cartan schwinger dyson fermion functions. motivated speculation fermion probably originated regularization chiral theories. chiral breaking energetically favorable spontaneous breaking fermion breaking fermion fermion flavor matrices. breaking chiral drastically fine tuning resolved. infrared fermion qualitatively hierarchy fermion dirac yukawa couplings flavor handed neutrinos majorana lepton breaking originated fermion handed conjugated gauged majorana neutrinos hierarchy consistently oscillations. discussions composite phenomenology backward asymmetry remarks candidates fermions pseudoscalar bosons .comment fermion fermion families. updated pages
We compute the next-to-leading order term in the long-distance expansion of the mutual information for free scalars in three space-time dimensions. The geometry considered is two disjoint disks separated by a distance $r$ between their centers. No evidence for non-analyticity in the R\'enyi parameter $n$ for the continuation $n \rightarrow 1$ in the next-to-leading order term is found.Comment: 15 pages, This version contains few extra references, some technical material has been move to appendices, and other minor modifications to match with the version accepted for publicatio
Large distance expansion of Mutual Information for disjoint disks in a free scalar theory
large distance expansion of mutual information for disjoint disks in a free scalar theory
mutual scalars dimensions. disjoint disks separated centers. analyticity enyi continuation rightarrow pages extra move appendices minor modifications match publicatio
We present all-multiplicity evidence that the tree-level S-matrix of gluons and gravitons in heterotic string theory can be reduced to color-ordered single-trace amplitudes of the gauge multiplet. Explicit amplitude relations are derived for up to three gravitons, up to two color traces and an arbitrary number of gluons in each case. The results are valid to all orders in the inverse string tension $\alpha'$ and generalize to the ten-dimensional superamplitudes which preserve 16 supercharges. Their field-theory limit results in an alternative proof of the recently discovered relations between Einstein-Yang-Mills amplitudes and those of pure Yang-Mills theory. Similarities and differences between the integrands of the Cachazo-He-Yuan formulae and the heterotic string are investigated.Comment: 29 pages; v2: cosmetic changes, references updated, published versio
Amplitude relations in heterotic string theory and Einstein-Yang-Mills
amplitude relations in heterotic string theory and einstein-yang-mills
multiplicity gluons gravitons heterotic ordered trace amplitudes multiplet. gravitons traces gluons case. valid orders tension alpha generalize superamplitudes preserve supercharges. discovered einstein mills amplitudes mills theory. similarities integrands cachazo yuan formulae heterotic pages cosmetic updated versio
Warped models with the Higgs in the bulk can generate light Kaluza-Klein (KK) Higgs modes consistent with the electroweak precision analysis. The first KK mode of the Higgs (h_{1}) could lie in the 1-2 TeV range in the models with a bulk custodial symmetry. We find that the h_{1} is gaugephobic and decays dominantly into a t\bar{t} pair. We also discuss the search strategy for h_{1} decaying to t\bar{t} at the Large Hadron Collider. We used substructure tools to suppress the large QCD background associated with this channel. We find that h_{1} can be probed at the LHC run-2 with an integrated luminosity of 300 fb^{-1}.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl
A Higgs in the Warped Bulk and LHC signals
a higgs in the warped bulk and lhc signals
warped kaluza klein electroweak precision analysis. custodial symmetry. gaugephobic decays dominantly pair. decaying hadron collider. substructure suppress channel. probed luminosity .comment pages tabl
We provide a non-linear realisation of composite Higgs models in the context of the SU(4)/Sp(4) symmetry breaking pattern, where the effective Lagrangian of the spin-0 and spin-1 resonances is constructed via the CCWZ prescription using the Hidden Symmetry formalism. We investigate the EWPT constraints by accounting the effects from reduced Higgs couplings and integrating out heavy spin-1 resonances. This theory emerges from an underlying theory of gauge interactions with fermions, thus first principle lattice results predict the massive spectrum in composite Higgs models. This model can be used as a template for the phenomenology of composite Higgs models at the LHC and at future 100 TeV colliders, as well as for other application. In this work, we focus on the formalism for spin-1 resonances and their bounds from di-lepton and di-boson searches at the LHC.Comment: 52 pages, 10 figures, 3 tables; v2 correct definition for G-parity, update fermion currents and C-parity in table II, and add appendix B; v3 final version accepted by JHE
Vector and Axial-vector resonances in composite models of the Higgs boson
vector and axial-vector resonances in composite models of the higgs boson
realisation composite breaking lagrangian resonances ccwz prescription hidden formalism. ewpt accounting couplings integrating resonances. emerges fermions predict massive composite models. template phenomenology composite colliders application. formalism resonances bounds lepton boson searches pages tables parity update fermion currents parity
We point out that a class of non-supersymmetric models based on the gauge group $SU(3)_C \times SU(2)_L\times SU(2)_R\times U(1)_{Y_L}\times U(1)_{Y_R}$ possesses an automatic, exact $Z_{2 }$ symmetry under which the fermions in the $SU(2)_R\times U(1)_{Y_R}$ sector (called $R$-sector) are odd and those in the standard model sector (called $L$-sector) are even. This symmetry, which is different from the usual parity symmetry of the left-right symmetric models, persists in the lepton sector even after the gauge symmetry breaks down to $SU(3)_C \times U(1)_{\rm EM}$. This keeps the lightest right-handed neutrino naturally stable, thereby allowing it to play the role of dark matter (DM) in the Universe. There are several differences between the usual left-right models and the model presented here: (i) our model can have two versions, one which has no parity symmetry so that the couplings and masses in the $L$ and $R$ sectors are unrelated, and another which has parity symmetry so that couplings are related; (ii) the $R$-sector fermions are chosen much heavier than the $L$-sector ones in both scenarios; and finally (iii) both light and heavy neutrinos are Majorana fermions with the light neutrino masses arising from a pure type-II seesaw mechanism. We discuss the DM relic density, direct and indirect detection prospects and associated collider signatures of the model. Comparing with current collider and direct detection constraints, we find a lower bound on the DM mass of order of 1 TeV. We also point out a way to relax the DM unitarity bound in our model for much larger DM masses by an entropy dilution mechanism. An additional feature of the model is that the DM can be made very long lived, if desired, by allowing for weak breaking of the above $Z_{2}$ symmetry. Our model also predicts the existence of long-lived colored particles which could be searched for at the LHC.Comment: 31 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables, version for publication in JHE
Naturally Stable Right-Handed Neutrino Dark Matter
naturally stable right-handed neutrino dark matter
supersymmetric possesses automatic fermions even. usual parity persists lepton breaks keeps lightest handed naturally thereby allowing universe. usual versions parity couplings sectors unrelated parity couplings fermions heavier scenarios neutrinos majorana fermions arising seesaw mechanism. relic indirect prospects collider signatures model. collider tev. relax unitarity dilution mechanism. lived desired allowing breaking symmetry. predicts lived colored searched pages tables publication
Combining Pati-Salam (PS) and flavour symmetries in a renormalisable setup, we devise a scenario which produces realistic masses for the charged leptons. Flavour-symmetry breaking scalar fields in the adjoint representations of the PS gauge group are responsible for generating different flavour structures for up- and down-type quarks as well as for leptons. The model is characterised by new heavy fermions which mix with the Standard Model quarks and leptons. In particular, the partners for the third fermion generation induce sizeable sources of flavour violation. Focusing on the charged-lepton sector, we scrutinise the model with respect to its implications for lepton-flavour violating processes such as $\mu \rightarrow e\gamma$, $\mu\rightarrow 3e$ and muon conversion in nuclei.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figure
Lepton-flavour violation in a Pati-Salam model with gauged flavour symmetry
lepton-flavour violation in a pati-salam model with gauged flavour symmetry
combining pati salam flavour symmetries renormalisable setup devise produces realistic leptons. flavour breaking adjoint representations generating flavour quarks leptons. characterised fermions quarks leptons. partners fermion induce sizeable flavour violation. focusing lepton scrutinise lepton flavour violating rightarrow gamma rightarrow muon conversion pages
We discuss the $\{ \beta \}$-expansion for renormalization group invariant quantities tracing this expansion to the different contractions of the corresponding incomplete BPHZ $R$-operation. All of the coupling renormalizations, which follow from these contractions, should be taken into account for the $\{ \beta \}$-expansion. We illustrate this feature considering the nonsinglet Adler function $D^\text{NS}$ in the third order of perturbation. We propose a generalization of the $\{ \beta \}$-expansion for the renormalization group covariant quantities -- the $\{ \beta,\gamma \}$-expansion.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, a few editorial corrections for JHEP versio
The $\{\beta\}$-expansion formalism in perturbative QCD and its extension
the $\{\beta\}$-expansion formalism in perturbative qcd and its extension
beta renormalization quantities tracing contractions incomplete bphz operation. renormalizations contractions beta expansion. illustrate nonsinglet adler perturbation. propose generalization beta renormalization covariant quantities beta gamma pages editorial jhep versio
The quantum $\tau_2$-model with generic site-dependent inhomogeneity and arbitrary boundary fields is studied via the off-diagonal Bethe Ansatz method. The eigenvalues of the corresponding transfer matrix are given in terms of an inhomogeneous T-Q relation, which is based on the operator product identities among the fused transfer matrices and the asymptotic behavior of the transfer matrices. Moreover, the associated Bethe Ansatz equations are also obtained.Comment: 26 pages, no figures, published versio
Bethe ansatz solution of the $\tau_2$-model with arbitrary boundary fields
bethe ansatz solution of the $\tau_2$-model with arbitrary boundary fields
generic inhomogeneity diagonal bethe ansatz method. eigenvalues inhomogeneous identities fused asymptotic matrices. bethe ansatz pages versio
We discuss R-parity violation (RPV) in semi-local and local F-theory constructions. We first present a detailed analysis of all possible combinations of RPV operators arising from semi-local F-theory spectral cover constructions, assuming an $SU(5)$ GUT. We provide a classification of all possible allowed combinations of RPV operators originating from operators of the form $10\cdot \bar 5\cdot \bar 5$, including the effect of $U(1)$ fluxes with global restrictions. We then relax the global constraints and perform explicit computations of the bottom/tau and RPV Yukawa couplings, at an $SO(12)$ local point of enhancement in the presence of general fluxes subject only to local flux restrictions. We compare our results to the experimental limits on each allowed RPV operator, and show that operators such as $LLe^c$, $LQd^c$ and $u^cd^cd^c$ may be present separately within current bounds, possibly on the edge of observability, suggesting lepton number violation or neutron-antineutron oscillations could constrain F-theory models.Comment: 40 pages, 13 figures, minor correction
R-Parity violation in F-Theory
r-parity violation in f-theory
parity violation constructions. combinations arising cover constructions gut. combinations originating cdot cdot fluxes restrictions. relax computations yukawa couplings enhancement fluxes restrictions. separately bounds possibly observability lepton violation neutron antineutron oscillations constrain pages minor
Precision gauge coupling unification is one of the primary quantitative successes of low energy or split supersymmetry. Preserving this success puts severe restrictions on possible matter and gauge sectors that might appear at collider-accessible energies. In this work we enumerate new gauge sectors which are compatible with unification, consisting of horizontal gauge groups acting on vector-like matter charged under the Standard Model. Interestingly, almost all of these theories are in the supersymmetric conformal window at high energies and confine quickly after the superpartners are decoupled. For a range of scalar masses compatible with both moderately tuned and minimally split supersymmetry, the confining dynamics happen at the multi-TeV scale, leading to a spectrum of multiple spin-0 and spin-1 resonances accessible to the LHC, with unusual quantum numbers and striking decay patterns.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figure
Unification and New Particles at the LHC
unification and new particles at the lhc
precision unification successes split supersymmetry. preserving success puts restrictions sectors collider accessible energies. enumerate sectors compatible unification consisting acting model. interestingly supersymmetric conformal window confine quickly superpartners decoupled. compatible moderately tuned minimally split supersymmetry confining happen resonances accessible unusual striking pages
We derive a rigorous classification of topologically stable Fermi surfaces of non-interacting, discrete translation-invariant systems from electronic band theory, adiabatic evolution and their topological interpretations. For systems on an infinite crystal it is shown that there can only be topologically unstable Fermi surfaces. For systems on a half- space and with a gapped bulk, our derivation naturally yields a $\mathit{K}$-theory classification. Given the $d-1$-dimensional surface Brillouin zone $\mathrm{X}_{s}$ of a $d$-dimensional half-space, our result implies that different classes of globally stable Fermi surfaces belong in $\mathit{K^{-1}}\mathrm{(X_{s})}$ for systems with only discrete translation-invariance. This result has a chiral anomaly inflow interpretation, as it reduces to the spectral flow for $d = 2$. Through equivariant homotopy methods we extend these results for symmetry classes $AI,\,AII,\, C$ and $D$ and discuss their corresponding anomaly inflow interpretation.Comment: Removed Born-von Karman boundary conditions for $\mathbb{R}^{d}$ and $\mathbb{R}^{d-1}\times [0,\infty)$ and includes the 'weak' topological phase found by Kitaev for $\Xi^2 = I, d= 2
Topology of Fermi Surfaces and anomaly inflows
topology of fermi surfaces and anomaly inflows
derive rigorous topologically fermi interacting translation adiabatic topological interpretations. infinite topologically unstable fermi surfaces. gapped derivation naturally mathit classification. brillouin mathrm globally fermi belong mathit mathrm translation invariance. chiral anomaly inflow reduces equivariant homotopy extend anomaly inflow removed born karman mathbb mathbb infty topological kitaev
We calculate all neutral vector two-point functions in Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT) to two-loop order and use these to estimate the ratio of disconnected to connected contributions as well as contributions involving the strange quark. We extend the ratio of $-1/10$ derived earlier in two flavour ChPT at one-loop order to a large part of the higher order contributions and discuss corrections to it. Our final estimate of the ratio disconnected to connected is negative and a few % in magnitude.Comment: 16 pages, one reference added, small changes in table 1, version to be published in JHE
Connected, Disconnected and Strange Quark Contributions to HVP
connected, disconnected and strange quark contributions to hvp
neutral chiral perturbation chpt disconnected involving strange quark. extend flavour chpt disconnected pages
We explore an alternative discretization of continuum SU(N_c) Yang-Mills theory on a Euclidean spacetime lattice, originally introduced by Budzcies and Zirnbauer. In this discretization the self-interactions of the gauge field are induced by a path integral over N_b auxiliary boson fields, which are coupled linearly to the gauge field. The main progress compared to earlier approaches is that N_b can be as small as N_c. In the present paper we (i) extend the proof that the continuum limit of the new discretization reproduces Yang-Mills theory in two dimensions from gauge group U(N_c) to SU(N_c), (ii) derive refined bounds on N_b for non-integer values, and (iii) perform a perturbative calculation to match the bare parameter of the induced gauge theory to the standard lattice coupling. In follow-up papers we will present numerical evidence in support of the conjecture that the induced gauge theory reproduces Yang-Mills theory also in three and four dimensions, and explore the possibility to integrate out the gauge fields to arrive at a dual formulation of lattice QCD.Comment: 37 pages, 2 figure
Induced QCD I: Theory
induced qcd i: theory
explore discretization continuum mills euclidean spacetime originally budzcies zirnbauer. discretization auxiliary boson linearly field. progress extend continuum discretization reproduces mills derive refined bounds integer perturbative match bare coupling. papers conjecture reproduces mills explore integrate arrive formulation pages
In this paper we define, independent of theories, two discriminant matrices involving a solution to the scattering equations in four dimensions, the ranks of which are used to divide the solution set into a disjoint union of subsets. We further demonstrate, {entirely within the Cachazo-He-Yuan formalism,} that each subset of solutions gives nonzero contribution to tree-level $\text{N}^{k}\text{MHV}$ gauge/gravity amplitudes only for a specific value of $k$. Thus the solutions can be characterized by the rank of their discriminant matrices, which in turn determines the value of $k$ of the $\text{N}^{k} \text{MHV}$ amplitudes a solution can support. As another application of the technique developed, we show analytically that in Einstein-Yang-Mills theory, if all gluons have the same helicity, the tree-level single-trace amplitudes must vanish.Comment: 26 pages. v2: Introduction expanded, more references and one discussion section added. v3: an example added in section 5.2, matching published versio
Characterizing the solutions to scattering equations that support tree-level $\text{N}^{k}\text{MHV}$ gauge/gravity amplitudes
characterizing the solutions to scattering equations that support tree-level $\text{n}^{k}\text{mhv}$ gauge/gravity amplitudes
discriminant involving ranks divide disjoint union subsets. entirely cachazo yuan formalism nonzero amplitudes discriminant determines amplitudes support. analytically einstein mills gluons helicity trace amplitudes pages. expanded added. matching versio
The scale factor duality is a symmetry of dilaton gravity which is known to lead to pre-big-bang cosmologies. A conformal time version of the scale factor duality (SFD) was recently implemented as a UV/IR symmetry between decelerated and accelerated phases of the post-big-bang evolution within Einstein gravity coupled to a scalar field. The problem investigated in the present paper concerns the employment of the conformal time SFD methods to the construction of pre-big-bang and cyclic extensions of these models. We demonstrate that each big-bang model gives rise to two qualitatively different pre-big-bang evolutions: a contraction/expansion SFD model and Penrose's Conformal Cyclic Cosmology (CCC). A few examples of SFD symmetric cyclic universes involving certain gauged K\"ahler sigma models minimally coupled to Einstein gravity are studied. We also describe the specific SFD features of the thermodynamics and the conditions for validity of the generalized second law in the case of Gauss-Bonnet (GB) extension of these selected CCC models.Comment: v3; 41 pages; Sect.6 extended by discussion of scale factor duality properties of the adiabatic fluctuations; references added; to appear in JHE
Scale Factor Duality for Conformal Cyclic Cosmologies
scale factor duality for conformal cyclic cosmologies
duality dilaton bang cosmologies. conformal duality implemented decelerated accelerated bang einstein field. concerns employment conformal bang cyclic extensions models. bang qualitatively bang evolutions contraction penrose conformal cyclic cosmology cyclic universes involving gauged ahler sigma minimally einstein studied. thermodynamics validity gauss bonnet pages sect. duality adiabatic
We explicitly construct and list all unitary superconformal multiplets, along with their index contributions, in five and six dimensions. From this data, we uncover various unifying themes in the representation theory of five- and six-dimensional superconformal field theories. At the same time, we provide a detailed argument for the complete classification of unitary irreducible representations in five dimensions using a combination of physical and mathematical techniques.Comment: 118 pages; v2 typos corrected and references added ; v3 classification of 5D unitary multiplets corrected and C-type multiplets removed ; v4 discussion of the procedure for obtaining irreps of the SCA improved and typos corrected, published versio
Aspects of Superconformal Multiplets in D>4
aspects of superconformal multiplets in d>4
explicitly unitary superconformal multiplets dimensions. uncover unifying themes superconformal theories. argument unitary irreducible representations mathematical pages typos corrected unitary multiplets corrected multiplets removed obtaining irreps typos corrected versio
We expand upon a claim made in a recent paper [arXiv: 1411.5721] that generic minimally supersymmetric AdS backgrounds of warped flux compactifications of Type II and M theory can be understood as satisfying a straightforward weak integrability condition in the language of E-d(d) x R+ generalised geometry. Namely, they are spaces admitting a generalised G-structure set by the Killing spinor and with constant singlet generalised intrinsic torsion.Foundational Questions Institute (FQXi) FundSilicon Valley Community FoundationDFG/EXC/QUESTEPSRC/EP/K034456/
Generalised structures for N=1 AdS backgrounds
generalised structures for n=1 ads backgrounds
expand claim generic minimally supersymmetric backgrounds warped compactifications understood satisfying straightforward integrability generalised geometry. admitting generalised killing spinor singlet generalised intrinsic torsion.foundational fqxi fundsilicon valley foundationdfg questepsrc
We revisit the transport properties induced by the chiral anomaly in a charged plasma holographically dual to anomalous $U(1)_V\times U(1)_A$ Maxwell theory in Schwarzschild-$AdS_5$. Off-shell constitutive relations for vector and axial currents are derived using various approximations generalising most of known in the literature anomaly-induced phenomena and revealing some new ones. In a weak external field approximation, the constitutive relations have all-order derivatives resummed into six momenta-dependent transport coefficient functions: the diffusion, the electric/magnetic conductivity, and three anomaly induced functions. The latter generalise the chiral magnetic and chiral separation effects. Nonlinear transport is studied assuming presence of constant background external fields. The chiral magnetic effect, including all order nonlinearity in magnetic field, is proven to be exact when the magnetic field is the only external field that is turned on. Non-linear corrections to the constitutive relations due to electric and axial external fields are computed.Comment: v1: 42 pages, 10 multi-figures, 3 appendices; v2: minor corrections introduced and a few refs adde
Anomalous transport from holography: Part I
anomalous transport from holography: part i
revisit chiral anomaly holographically anomalous maxwell schwarzschild constitutive axial currents approximations generalising anomaly phenomena revealing ones. constitutive derivatives resummed momenta conductivity anomaly functions. generalise chiral chiral effects. fields. chiral nonlinearity proven turned constitutive axial pages appendices minor refs adde
Using an approach based on Soft Collinear Effective Theory (SCET) and Heavy Quark Effective Theory (HQET) we determine the $b$-quark fragmentation function from electron-positron annihilation data at the $Z$-boson peak at next-to-next-to leading order, with next-to-next-to leading log resummation of DGLAP logarithms, and next-to-next-to-next-to leading log resummation of endpoint logarithms. This analysis improves, by one order, the previous extraction of the $b$-quark fragmentation function. We find that while the addition of the next order in the calculation does not much shift the extracted form of the fragmentation function, it does reduce theoretical errors indicating that the expansion is converging. Using an approach based on effective field theory allows us to systematically control theoretical errors. While the fits of theory to data are generally good, the fits seem to be hinting that higher order correction from HQET may be needed to explain the $b$-quark fragmentation function at smaller values of momentum fraction.Comment: 62 pages. python code for the DGLAP evolution of the fragmentation function attache
Effective field theory approach to heavy quark fragmentation
effective field theory approach to heavy quark fragmentation
collinear scet hqet fragmentation positron annihilation boson resummation dglap logarithms resummation endpoint logarithms. improves extraction fragmentation function. fragmentation converging. systematically errors. fits fits seem hinting hqet fragmentation pages. python dglap fragmentation attache
The imperfect knowledge of the Higgs boson decay rates and cross sections at the LHC constitutes a critical systematic uncertainty in the study of the Higgs boson properties. We show that the full covariance matrix between the Higgs rates can be determined from the most elementary sources of uncertainty by a direct application of probability theory. We evaluate the error magnitudes and full correlation matrix on the set of Higgs cross sections and branching ratios at $\sqrt{s}=7$, $8$, $13$ and $14$ TeV, which are provided in ancillary files. The impact of this correlation matrix on the global fits is illustrated with the latest $7$+$8$ TeV Higgs dataset.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figure. Complete covariance matrix is available in C, Fortran, Mathematica, PDF, TeX and text formats in ancillary file
The correlation matrix of Higgs rates at the LHC
the correlation matrix of higgs rates at the lhc
imperfect boson constitutes boson properties. covariance elementary theory. magnitudes branching sqrt ancillary files. fits illustrated latest pages figure. covariance fortran mathematica formats ancillary file
We present a comprehensive study of the production of top quark pairs in association with one hard jet in the di-lepton decay channel at the LHC. Our predictions, accurate at NLO in QCD, focus on the LHC Run II with a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. All resonant and non-resonant contributions at the perturbative order ${\cal O}(\alpha_s^4 \alpha^4)$ are taken into account, including irreducible backgrounds to $t\bar{t}j$ production, interferences and off-shell effects of the top quark and the $W$ gauge boson. We extensively investigate the dependence of our results upon variation of renormalisation and factorisation scales and parton distribution functions in the quest for an accurate estimate of the theoretical uncertainties. Additionally, we explore a few possibilities for a dynamical scale choice with the goal of stabilizing the perturbative convergence of the differential cross sections far away from the $t\bar{t}$ threshold. Results presented here are particularly relevant for searches of new physics as well as for precise measurements of the top-quark fiducial cross sections and top-quark properties at the LHC.Comment: 51 pages, 36 figures, 6 tables, version to appear in JHE
Off-shell Top Quarks with One Jet at the LHC: A comprehensive analysis at NLO QCD
off-shell top quarks with one jet at the lhc: a comprehensive analysis at nlo qcd
comprehensive lepton lhc. tev. resonant resonant perturbative alpha alpha irreducible backgrounds interferences boson. extensively renormalisation factorisation parton quest uncertainties. additionally explore possibilities goal stabilizing perturbative away threshold. searches precise fiducial pages tables
The large-$N$ limit of ABJM theory is holographically dual to M-theory on AdS$_4\times S^7/\mathbb{Z}_k$. The 3-sphere partition function has been obtained via localization, and its leading behavior $F_{\text{ABJM}}^{(0)}\sim k^{1/2}N^{3/2}$ is exactly reproduced in the dual theory by tree-level supergravity. We extend this comparison to the sub-leading $\mathcal O(N^0)$ order by computing the one-loop supergravity free energy as a function of $k$ and comparing it with the ABJM result. Curiously, we find that the expressions do not match, with $F_{\text{SUGRA}}^{(1)}\sim k^6$, while $F_{\text{ABJM}}^{(1)}\sim k^2$. This suggests that the low-energy approximation $Z_{\text{M-theory}}=Z_{\text{SUGRA}}$ breaks down at one-loop order.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figure, discussion on the O(N^{1/2}) order and references adde
One-loop supergravity on $\mathrm{AdS}_4\times S^7/\mathbb{Z}_k$ and comparison with ABJM theory
one-loop supergravity on $\mathrm{ads}_4\times s^7/\mathbb{z}_k$ and comparison with abjm theory
abjm holographically mathbb sphere partition localization abjm reproduced supergravity. extend mathcal supergravity abjm result. curiously expressions match sugra abjm sugra breaks pages adde
We discuss non-renormalization theorems applying to galileon field theories and their generalizations. Galileon theories are similar in many respects to other derivatively coupled effective field theories, including general relativity and $P(X)$ theories. In particular, these other theories also enjoy versions of non-renormalization theorems that protect certain operators against corrections from self-loops. However, we argue that the galileons are distinguished by the fact that they are not renormalized even by loops of other heavy fields whose couplings respect the galileon symmetry.Comment: 33 pages. v2: minor corrections, added comments, version to appear in JHE
Aspects of Galileon Non-Renormalization
aspects of galileon non-renormalization
renormalization theorems galileon generalizations. galileon respects derivatively relativity theories. enjoy versions renormalization theorems protect loops. argue galileons distinguished renormalized loops couplings galileon pages. minor comments
Integrable structure has played a very important role in the study of various non-perturbative aspects of planar ABJM theories. In this paper we showed that this remarkable structure survive after orbifold operation with discrete group $\Gamma(\simeq\mathbb{Z}_n)<SU(4)_R\times U(1)_b$. For general $\Gamma$, we prove the integrability in the scalar sector at the planar two-loop order and get the Bethe ansatz equations. The eigenvalues of the anomalous dimension matrix are also obtained. For $\Gamma<SU(4)$, two-loop all-sector and all-loop BAEs are proposed. Supersymmetric orbifolds are discussed in this framework.Comment: 33 pages, 9 figure
Integrability of Orbifold ABJM Theories
integrability of orbifold abjm theories
integrable played perturbative planar abjm theories. remarkable survive orbifold gamma simeq mathbb gamma integrability planar bethe ansatz equations. eigenvalues anomalous obtained. gamma baes proposed. supersymmetric orbifolds pages
Entanglement entropy is a valuable tool for characterizing the correlation structure of quantum field theories. When applied to gauge theories, subtleties arise which prevent the factorization of the Hilbert space underlying the notion of entanglement entropy. Borrowing techniques from extended topological field theories, we introduce a new definition of entanglement entropy for both Abelian and non-Abelian gauge theories. Being based on the notion of excitations, it provides a completely relational way of defining regions. Therefore, it naturally applies to background independent theories, e.g. gravity, by circumventing the difficulty of specifying the position of the entangling surface. We relate our construction to earlier proposals and argue that it brings these closer to each other. In particular, it yields the non-Abelian analogue of the "magnetic centre choice", as obtained through an extended-Hilbert-space method, but applied to the recently introduced fusion basis for 3D lattice gauge theories. We point out that the different definitions of entanglement theory can be related to a choice of (squeezed) vacuum state.Comment: 25 pages + Appendice
On entanglement entropy in non-Abelian lattice gauge theory and 3D quantum gravity
on entanglement entropy in non-abelian lattice gauge theory and 3d quantum gravity
entanglement valuable characterizing theories. subtleties arise prevent factorization hilbert notion entanglement entropy. borrowing topological entanglement abelian abelian theories. notion excitations relational defining regions. naturally applies e.g. circumventing difficulty specifying entangling surface. relate proposals argue brings closer other. abelian analogue hilbert fusion theories. definitions entanglement squeezed pages appendice
New models of the SU(2|1) supersymmetric mechanics based on gauging the systems with dynamical (1,4,3) and semi-dynamical (4,4,0) supermultiplets are presented. We propose a new version of SU(2|1) harmonic superspace approach which makes it possible to construct the Wess-Zumino term for interacting (4,4,0) multiplets. A new N=4 extension of d=1 Calogero-Moser multiparticle system is obtained by gauging the U(n) isometry of matrix SU(2|1) harmonic superfield model.Comment: 0 + 22 pages, reference added, typos correcte
Gauged spinning models with deformed supersymmetry
gauged spinning models with deformed supersymmetry
supersymmetric mechanics gauging supermultiplets presented. propose harmonic superspace wess zumino interacting multiplets. calogero moser multiparticle gauging isometry harmonic superfield pages typos correcte
We analytically compute the two-loop scattering amplitude $gg \to Hg$ assuming that the mass of the quark, that mediates the ggH interaction, is vanishingly small. Our computation provides an important ingredient required to improve the theoretical description of the top-bottom interference effect in Higgs boson production in gluon fusion, and to elucidate its impact on the Higgs boson transverse momentum distribution.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figures, analytical results attached as ancillary files, v2 minor typos corrected, published on JHE
Two-loop $gg \to Hg$ amplitude mediated by a nearly massless quark
two-loop $gg \to hg$ amplitude mediated by a nearly massless quark
analytically mediates vanishingly small. ingredient interference boson gluon fusion elucidate boson pages attached ancillary files minor typos corrected
We perform a systematic one-loop renormalization of a general renormalizable Yang-Mills theory coupled to scalars and fermions using a regularization scheme with a smooth momentum cutoff $\Lambda$ (implemented through an exponential damping factor). We construct the necessary finite counterterms restoring the BRST invariance of the effective action by analyzing the relevant Slavnov-Taylor identities. We find the relation between the renormalized parameters in our scheme and in the conventional $\overline{\rm MS}$ scheme which allow us to obtain the explicit two-loop renormalization group equations in our scheme from the known two-loop ones in the $\overline{\rm MS}$ scheme. We calculate in our scheme the divergences of two-loop vacuum graphs in the presence of a constant scalar background field which allow us to rederive the two-loop beta functions for parameters of the scalar potential. We also prove that consistent application of the proposed regularization leads to counterterms which, together with the original action, combine to a bare action expressed in terms of bare parameters. This, together with treating $\Lambda$ as an intrinsic scale of a hypothetical underlying finite theory of all interactions, offers a possibility of an unconventional solution to the hierarchy problem if no intermediate scales between the electroweak scale and the Planck scale exist.Comment: updated references, 90 pages, many figure
Two-loop RGE of a general renormalizable Yang-Mills theory in a renormalization scheme with an explicit UV cutoff
two-loop rge of a general renormalizable yang-mills theory in a renormalization scheme with an explicit uv cutoff
renormalization renormalizable mills scalars fermions regularization cutoff lambda implemented exponential damping counterterms restoring brst invariance analyzing slavnov taylor identities. renormalized overline renormalization overline scheme. divergences rederive beta potential. regularization counterterms combine bare bare parameters. treating lambda intrinsic hypothetical offers unconventional hierarchy electroweak planck updated pages
We conjecture a formula for the Schur index of N=2 four-dimensional theories in the presence of boundary conditions and/or line defects, in terms of the low-energy effective Seiberg-Witten description of the system together with massive BPS excitations. We test our proposal in a variety of examples for SU(2) gauge theories, either conformal or asymptotically free. We use the conjecture to compute these defect-enriched Schur indices for theories which lack a Lagrangian description, such as Argyres-Douglas theories. We demonstrate in various examples that line defect indices can be expressed as sums of characters of the associated two-dimensional chiral algebra and that for Argyres-Douglas theories the line defect OPE reduces in the index to the Verlinde algebra.Comment: 63 pages + appendices, 15 figures. v2 published version, references added, representations of SO(8) Kac-Moody discusse
Infrared Computations of Defect Schur Indices
infrared computations of defect schur indices
conjecture schur defects seiberg witten massive excitations. proposal conformal asymptotically free. conjecture defect enriched schur indices lagrangian argyres douglas theories. defect indices sums characters chiral argyres douglas defect reduces verlinde pages appendices figures. representations moody discusse
We assess how different ATLAS and CMS searches for supersymmetry in the $t\bar t + E_T^{\rm miss}$ final state at Run 1 of the LHC constrain scenarios with a fermionic top partner and a dark matter candidate. We find that the efficiencies of these searches in all-hadronic, 1-lepton and 2-lepton channels are quite similar for scalar and fermionic top partners. Therefore, in general, efficiency maps for stop-neutralino simplified models can also be applied to fermionic top-partner models, provided the narrow width approximation holds in the latter. Owing to the much higher production cross-sections of heavy top quarks as compared to stops, masses up to $m_T\approx 850$ GeV can be excluded from the Run 1 stop searches. Since the simplified-model results published by ATLAS and CMS do not extend to such high masses, we provide our own efficiency maps obtained with CheckMATE and MadAnalysis 5 for these searches. Finally, we also discuss how generic gluino/squark searches in multi-jet final states constrain heavy top partner production.Comment: 39 pages, 8 figures, 17 tables. Version accepted by JHEP. Efficiency maps derived for this paper can be downloaded from
Scalar versus fermionic top partner interpretations of $t\bar t + E_T^{\rm miss}$ searches at the LHC
scalar versus fermionic top partner interpretations of $t\bar t + e_t^{\rm miss}$ searches at the lhc
atlas searches supersymmetry miss constrain scenarios fermionic partner candidate. efficiencies searches hadronic lepton lepton fermionic partners. stop neutralino simplified fermionic partner narrow latter. owing quarks stops approx excluded stop searches. simplified atlas extend checkmate madanalysis searches. generic gluino squark searches constrain partner pages tables. jhep. downloaded recasting susy ttbarme
We present the Renormalization Group improvement of the Twin Higgs effective potential at cubic order in logarithmic accuracy. We first introduce a model-independent low-energy effective Lagrangian that captures both the pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson nature of the Higgs field and the twin light degrees of freedom charged under a copy of the Standard Model. We then apply the background field method to systematically re-sum all the one loop diagrams contributing to the potential. We show how this technique can be efficient to implicitly renormalize the higher-dimensional operators in the twin sector without classifying all of them. A prediction for the Higgs mass in the Twin Higgs model is derived and found to be of the order of $M_H \sim 120 ~\text{GeV}$ with an ultraviolet cut-off $m_*\sim 10-20 ~\text{TeV}$. Irrespective of any possible ultraviolet completion of the low-energy Lagrangian, the infrared degrees of freedom alone are therefore enough to account for the observed value of the Higgs mass through running effects.Comment: 28 pages, 6 figure
The RG-improved Twin Higgs effective potential at NNLL
the rg-improved twin higgs effective potential at nnll
renormalization twin cubic logarithmic accuracy. lagrangian captures pseudo nambu goldstone boson twin freedom copy model. systematically diagrams contributing potential. implicitly renormalize twin classifying them. twin ultraviolet irrespective ultraviolet completion lagrangian infrared freedom running pages
We show that different (brane and constrained superfield) descriptions for the Volkov-Akulov goldstino coupled to N=1, D=4 supergravity with matter produce similar wide classes of models with spontaneously broken local supersymmetry and discuss the relation between the different formulations. As with the formulations with irreducible constrained superfields, the geometric goldstino brane approach has the advantage of being manifestly off-shell supersymmetric without the need to introduce auxiliary fields. It provides an explicit solution of the nilpotent superfield constraints and avoids issues with non-Gaussian integration of auxiliary fields. We describe general couplings of the supersymmetry breaking sector, including the goldstino and other non-supersymmetric matter, to supergravity and matter supermultiplets. Among various examples, we discuss a goldstino brane contribution to the gravitino mass term and the supersymmetrization of the anti-D3-brane contribution to the effective theory of type IIB warped flux compactifications.Comment: Dedicated to the memory of Mario Tonin, 47 pages; v2,v3: comments and references added, typos correcte
The Goldstino Brane, the Constrained Superfields and Matter in N=1 Supergravity
the goldstino brane, the constrained superfields and matter in n=1 supergravity
brane constrained superfield descriptions volkov akulov goldstino supergravity spontaneously broken supersymmetry formulations. formulations irreducible constrained superfields geometric goldstino brane advantage manifestly supersymmetric auxiliary fields. nilpotent superfield avoids auxiliary fields. couplings supersymmetry breaking goldstino supersymmetric supergravity supermultiplets. goldstino brane gravitino supersymmetrization brane warped dedicated mario tonin pages comments typos correcte
We clarify a Wess-Zumino-Wtten-like structure including Ramond fields and propose one systematic way to construct gauge invariant actions: Wess-Zumino-Witten-like complete action $S_{\rm WZW}$. We show that Kunitomo-Okawa's action proposed in arXiv:1508.00366 can obtain a topological parameter dependence of Ramond fields and belongs to our WZW-like framework. In this framework, once a WZW-like functional $\mathcal{A}_{\eta } = \mathcal{A}_{\eta } [\Psi ]$ of a dynamical string field $\Psi $ is constructed, we obtain one realization of $S_{\rm WZW}$ parametrized by $\Psi $. On the basis of this way, we construct an action $\widetilde{S}$ whose on-shell condition is equivalent to the Ramond equations of motion proposed in arXiv:1506.05774. Using these results, we provide the equivalence of two these theories: arXiv:1508.00366 and arXiv:1506.05774.Comment: 25+5 pages; Published ve
Comments on complete actions for open superstring field theory
comments on complete actions for open superstring field theory
clarify wess zumino wtten ramond propose wess zumino witten kunitomo okawa topological ramond belongs framework. mathcal mathcal realization parametrized widetilde ramond equivalence pages
We evaluate one-interval R\'enyi entropy and entanglement entropy for the excited states of two-dimensional conformal field theory (CFT) on a cylinder, and examine their differences from the ones for the thermal state. We assume the interval to be short so that we can use operator product expansion (OPE) of twist operators to calculate R\'enyi entropy in terms of sum of one-point functions of OPE blocks. We find that the entanglement entropy for highly excited state and thermal state behave the same way after appropriate identification of the conformal weight of the state with the temperature. However, there exists no such universal identification for the R\'enyi entropy in the short-interval expansion. Therefore, the highly excited state does not look thermal when comparing its R\'enyi entropy to the thermal state one. As the R\'enyi entropy captures the higher moments of the reduced density matrix but the entanglement entropy only the average, our results imply that the emergence of thermality depends on how refined we look into the entanglement structure of the underlying pure excited state.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure; V2, 17 pages, 2 figures, published versio
Thermality and excited state R\'enyi entropy in two-dimensional CFT
thermality and excited state r\'enyi entropy in two-dimensional cft
enyi entanglement excited conformal cylinder examine state. twist enyi blocks. entanglement excited behave conformal temperature. universal enyi expansion. excited look enyi one. enyi captures moments entanglement imply emergence thermality refined look entanglement excited pages pages versio
We consider scattering in quantum gravity and derive long-range classical and quantum contributions to the scattering of light-like bosons and fermions (spin-0, spin-1/2, spin-1) from an external massive scalar field, such as the Sun or a black hole. This is achieved by treating general relativity as an effective field theory and identifying the non-analytic pieces of the one-loop gravitational scattering amplitude. It is emphasized throughout the paper how modern amplitude techniques, involving spinor-helicity variables, unitarity, and squaring relations in gravity enable much simplified computations. We directly verify, as predicted by general relativity, that all classical effects in our computation are universal (in the context of matter type and statistics). Using an eikonal procedure we confirm the post-Newtonian general relativity correction for light-like bending around large stellar objects. We also comment on treating effects from quantum hbar dependent terms using the same eikonal method.Comment: latex 31 pages. 5 feynmp figures. v2: Clarifications on conventions and notations. Minors changes and latex format update. v3: A sign mistake corrected and various typos correcte
Light-like Scattering in Quantum Gravity
light-like scattering in quantum gravity
derive bosons fermions massive hole. treating relativity identifying analytic pieces gravitational amplitude. emphasized modern involving spinor helicity unitarity squaring enable simplified computations. verify relativity universal eikonal confirm newtonian relativity bending objects. comment treating hbar eikonal latex pages. feynmp figures. clarifications conventions notations. minors latex format update. mistake corrected typos correcte
Many theories of modified gravity with higher order derivatives are usually ignored because of serious problems that appear due to an additional ghost degree of freedom. Most dangerously, it causes an immediate decay of the vacuum. However, breaking Lorentz invariance can cure such abominable behavior. By analyzing a model that describes a massive graviton together with a remaining Boulware-Deser ghost mode we show that even ghostly theories of modified gravity can yield models that are viable at both classical and quantum levels and, therefore, they should not generally be ruled out. Furthermore, we identify the most dangerous quantum scattering process that has the main impact on the decay time and find differences to simple theories that only describe an ordinary scalar field and a ghost. Additionally, constraints on the parameters of the theory including some upper bounds on the Lorentz-breaking cutoff scale are presented. In particular, for a simple theory of massive gravity we find that a breaking of Lorentz invariance is allowed to happen even at scales above the Planck mass. Finally, we discuss the relevance to other theories of modified gravity.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, version published in JHE
A spectre is haunting the cosmos: Quantum stability of massive gravity with ghosts
a spectre is haunting the cosmos: quantum stability of massive gravity with ghosts
derivatives ignored serious ghost freedom. dangerously immediate vacuum. breaking lorentz invariance cure abominable behavior. analyzing describes massive graviton boulware deser ghost ghostly viable ruled out. dangerous ordinary ghost. additionally bounds lorentz breaking cutoff presented. massive breaking lorentz invariance happen planck mass. relevance pages
We discuss relations between quantum BPS invariants defined in terms of a product decomposition of certain series, and difference equations (quantum A-polynomials) that annihilate such series. We construct combinatorial models whose structure is encoded in the form of such difference equations, and whose generating functions (Hilbert-Poincar\'e series) are solutions to those equations and reproduce generating series that encode BPS invariants. Furthermore, BPS invariants in question are expressed in terms of Lyndon words in an appropriate language, thereby relating counting of BPS states to the branch of mathematics referred to as combinatorics on words. We illustrate these results in the framework of colored extremal knot polynomials: among others we determine dual quantum extremal A-polynomials for various knots, present associated combinatorial models, find corresponding BPS invariants (extremal Labastida-Mari\~no-Ooguri-Vafa invariants) and discuss their integrality.Comment: 41 pages, 1 figure, a supplementary Mathematica file attache
BPS counting for knots and combinatorics on words
bps counting for knots and combinatorics on words
invariants decomposition polynomials annihilate series. combinatorial encoded generating hilbert poincar reproduce generating encode invariants. invariants lyndon thereby relating counting branch mathematics referred combinatorics words. illustrate colored extremal knot polynomials extremal polynomials knots combinatorial invariants extremal labastida mari ooguri vafa invariants pages supplementary mathematica file attache
We compute the vacuum expectation values of $1/6$ supersymmetric Wilson loops in higher dimensional representations of the gauge group in ABJM theory. We present results for the $m$-symmetric and $m$-antisymmetric representations by exploiting standard matrix model techniques. At leading order, in the saddle point approximation, our expressions reproduce holographic results from both D6 and D2 branes corresponding to the antisymmetric and symmetric representations, respectively. We also compute 1/N corrections to the leading saddle point results.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure
Higher Rank ABJM Wilson Loops from Matrix Models
higher rank abjm wilson loops from matrix models
expectation supersymmetric wilson loops representations abjm theory. antisymmetric representations exploiting techniques. saddle expressions reproduce holographic branes antisymmetric representations respectively. saddle pages
Assuming that there is a sterile neutrino, we ask what then is the ability of long-baseline experiments to i) establish that neutrino oscillation violates CP, ii) determine the three-neutrino mass ordering, and iii) determine which CP-violating phase or phases are the cause of any CP violation that may be observed. We find that the ability to establish CP violation and to determine the mass ordering could be very substantial. However, the effects of the sterile neutrino could be quite large, and it might prove very difficult to determine which phase is responsible for an observed CP violation. We explain why a sterile neutrino changes the long-baseline sensitivities to CP violation and to the mass ordering in the ways that it does. We note that long-baseline experiments can probe the presence of sterile neutrinos in a way that is different from, and complementary to, the probes of short-baseline experiments. We explore the question of how large sterile-active mixing angles need to be before long-baseline experiments can detect their effects, or how small they need to be before the interpretation of these experiments can safely disregard the possible existence of sterile neutrinos.Comment: Published in JHEP, 24 pages, 12 figures, IH results adde
Capabilities of long-baseline experiments in the presence of a sterile neutrino
capabilities of long-baseline experiments in the presence of a sterile neutrino
sterile establish oscillation violates ordering violating violation observed. establish violation ordering substantial. sterile violation. sterile sensitivities violation ordering ways does. sterile neutrinos complementary probes experiments. explore sterile angles detect safely disregard sterile jhep pages adde
We study $\alpha'$-corrections in multiple D7-brane configurations with non-commuting profiles for their transverse position fields. We focus on T-brane systems, crucial in F-theory GUT model building. There $\alpha'$-corrections modify the D-term piece of the BPS equations which, already at leading order, require a non-primitive Abelian worldvolume flux background. We find that $\alpha'$-corrections may either i) leave this flux background invariant, ii) modify the Abelian non-primitive flux profile, or iii) deform it to a non-Abelian profile. The last case typically occurs when primitive fluxes, a necessary ingredient to build 4d chiral models, are added to the system. We illustrate these three cases by solving the $\alpha'$-corrected D-term equations in explicit examples, and describe their appearance in more general T-brane backgrounds. Finally, we discuss implications of our findings for F-theory GUT local models.Comment: 42 page
T-branes and $\alpha'$-corrections
t-branes and $\alpha'$-corrections
alpha brane configurations commuting fields. brane crucial building. alpha modify piece primitive abelian worldvolume background. alpha leave modify abelian primitive deform abelian profile. primitive fluxes ingredient build chiral system. illustrate solving alpha corrected appearance brane backgrounds.
We study the production of scalar leptoquarks at IceCube, in particular, a particle transforming as a triplet under the weak interaction. The existence of electroweak-triplet scalars is highly motivated by models of grand unification and also within radiative seesaw models for neutrino mass generation. In our framework, we extend the Standard Model by a single colored electroweak-triplet scalar leptoquark and analyze its implications on the excess of ultra-high energy neutrino events observed by the IceCube collaboration. We consider only couplings between the leptoquark to first generation leptons and quarks and carry out a statistical analysis to determine the parameters that best describe the IceCube data as well as set $95\%$ CL upper bounds. We analyze whether this study is still consistent with most up-to-date LHC data and various low energy observables.Comment: 30 pages, 12 figures, Updated LHC constraints; Figure 9 modified consistently. Added comment on interference effect
Implications of a Electroweak Triplet Scalar Leptoquark on the Ultra-High Energy Neutrino Events at IceCube
implications of a electroweak triplet scalar leptoquark on the ultra-high energy neutrino events at icecube
leptoquarks icecube transforming triplet interaction. electroweak triplet scalars motivated grand unification radiative seesaw generation. extend colored electroweak triplet leptoquark analyze excess ultra icecube collaboration. couplings leptoquark leptons quarks carry icecube bounds. analyze pages updated consistently. comment interference
We propose a stringy construction giving rise to a class of interacting and non-supersymmetric CFT's in six dimensions. Such theories may be obtained as an IR conformal fixed point of an RG flow ending up in a $(1, 0)$ theory in the UV. We provide the due holographic evidence in the context of massive type IIA on $\textrm {AdS}_{7}\times M_3$, where $M_3$ is topologically an $S^3$. In particular, in this paper we present a 10d flow solution which may be interpreted as a non-BPS bound state of NS5, D6 and $\overline{\textrm{D6}}$ branes. Moreover, by adopting its 7d effective description, we are able to holographically compute the free energy and the operator spectrum in the novel IR conformal fixed point.Comment: 33 pages + appendices, 6 figures and 5 tables; v2: discussions on the SUSY breaking flow (sec. 2.3) and perturbative/non-perturbative stability (sec. 5) improved, figure added, references added, minor corrections, typos corrected, published versio
A new 6d fixed point from holography
a new 6d fixed point from holography
propose stringy giving interacting supersymmetric dimensions. conformal ending holographic massive textrm topologically interpreted overline textrm branes. adopting holographically conformal pages appendices tables discussions susy breaking sec. perturbative perturbative sec. minor typos corrected versio
In this paper, we study the holographic models of s-wave and p-wave Josephoson junction away from probe limit in (3+1)-dimensional spacetime, respectively. With the backreaction of the matter, we obtained the anisotropic black hole solution with the condensation of matter fields. We observe that the critical temperature of Josephoson junction decreases with increasing backreaction. In addition to this, the tunneling current and condenstion of Josephoson junction become smaller as backreaction grows larger, but the relationship between current and phase difference still holds for sine function. Moreover, condenstion of Josephoson junction deceases with increasing width of junction exponentially.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figures, v2: typos corrected, contents improved, published versio
Holographic s-wave and p-wave Josephson junction with backreaction
holographic s-wave and p-wave josephson junction with backreaction
holographic josephoson junction away spacetime respectively. backreaction anisotropic condensation fields. josephoson junction backreaction. tunneling condenstion josephoson junction backreaction grows sine function. condenstion josephoson junction deceases junction pages typos corrected contents versio
We present a new black hole solution in the asymptotic Lifshitz spacetime with a hyperscaling violating factor. A novel computational method is introduced to compute the DC thermoelectric conductivities analytically. We find that both the linear-T and quadratic-T contributions to the resistivity can be realized, indicating that a more detailed comparison with experimental phenomenology can be performed in this scenario.Comment: 1+26 pages, 2 figures, major revision; perturbation of the auxiliary field considered; a new method was developed to compute the dc conductivities; published in JHE
Linear and quadratic in temperature resistivity from holography
linear and quadratic in temperature resistivity from holography
asymptotic lifshitz spacetime hyperscaling violating factor. thermoelectric conductivities analytically. quadratic resistivity realized phenomenology pages revision perturbation auxiliary conductivities
The volume of the region inside the bulk Ryu-Takayanagi surface is a codimension-one object, and a natural generalization of holographic complexity to the case of subregions in the boundary QFT. We focus on time-independent geometries, and study the properties of this volume in various circumstances. We derive a formula for computing the volume for a strip entangling surface and a general asymptotically AdS bulk geometry. For an AdS black hole geometry, the volume exhibits non-monotonic behaviour as a function of the size of the entangling region (unlike the behaviour of the entanglement entropy in this setup, which is monotonic). For setups in which the holographic entanglement entropy exhibits transitions in the bulk, such as global AdS black hole, geometries dual to confining theories and disjoint entangling surfaces, the corresponding volume exhibits a discontinuous finite jump at the transition point (and so do the volumes of the corresponding entanglement wedges). We compute this volume discontinuity in several examples. Lastly, we compute the codim-zero volume and the bulk action of the entanglement wedge for the case of a sphere entangling surface and pure AdS geometry.Comment: 25 page
On Volumes of Subregions in Holography and Complexity
on volumes of subregions in holography and complexity
takayanagi codimension generalization holographic subregions qft. geometries circumstances. derive strip entangling asymptotically geometry. exhibits monotonic entangling unlike entanglement setup monotonic setups holographic entanglement exhibits geometries confining disjoint entangling exhibits discontinuous jump volumes entanglement wedges discontinuity examples. lastly codim entanglement wedge sphere entangling
We revisit the old black hole S-Matrix construction and its new partial wave expansion of 't Hooft. Inspired by old ideas from non-critical string theory \& $c=1$ Matrix Quantum Mechanics, we reformulate the scattering in terms of a quantum mechanical model\textemdash of waves scattering off inverted harmonic oscillator potentials\textemdash that exactly reproduces the unitary black hole S-Matrix for all spherical harmonics; each partial wave corresponds to an inverted harmonic oscillator with ground state energy that is shifted relative to the s-wave oscillator. Identifying a connection to 2d string theory allows us to show that there is an exponential degeneracy in how a given total initial energy may be distributed among many partial waves of the 4d black hole.Comment: 31 pages. Acknowledgements added. Published in JHE
The Black Hole S-Matrix from Quantum Mechanics
the black hole s-matrix from quantum mechanics
revisit hooft. inspired ideas mechanics reformulate textemdash inverted harmonic oscillator potentials textemdash reproduces unitary spherical harmonics inverted harmonic oscillator shifted oscillator. identifying connection exponential degeneracy pages. acknowledgements added.
We study the thermodynamics of flavor D7-branes embedded in an anisotropic black brane solution of type IIB supergravity. The flavor branes undergo a phase transition between a `Minkowski embedding', in which they lie outside of the horizon, and a `black hole embedding', in which they fall into the horizon. This transition depends on the black hole temperature, its degree of anisotropy, and the mass of the flavor degrees of freedom. It happens either at a critical temperature or at a critical anisotropy. A general lesson we learn from this analysis is that the anisotropy, in this particular realization, induces similar effects as the temperature. In particular, increasing the anisotropy bends the branes more and more into the horizon. Moreover, we observe that the transition becomes smoother for higher anisotropies.Comment: 24 pages, 16 figures; v2: 25 pages, discussion of chiral condensate improved, minor changes, references adde
Thermodynamics of anisotropic branes
thermodynamics of anisotropic branes
thermodynamics flavor branes embedded anisotropic brane supergravity. flavor branes undergo minkowski embedding horizon embedding fall horizon. anisotropy flavor freedom. happens anisotropy. lesson learn anisotropy realization induces temperature. anisotropy bends branes horizon. smoother pages pages chiral condensate minor adde
In this paper we construct a new Type IIB background with an $AdS_4$ factor that preserves ${\cal N}=4$ Supersymmetry. This solution is obtained using a non-Abelian T-duality transformation on the Type IIA reduction of the $AdS_4\times S^7$ background. We interpret our configuration as a patch of a more general background with localised sources, dual to the renormalisation fixed point of a $T_{\rho}^{\hat{\rho}} (SU(N))$ quiver field theory. This relates explicitly the $AdS_4$ geometry to a D3-D5-NS5 brane intersection, illuminating what seems to be a more general phenomenon, relating $AdS_{p+1}$ backgrounds generated by non-Abelian T-duality to Dp-D(p+2)-NS5 branes intersections.Comment: 36 pages, various figures. Minor changes, to match the version to be published in JHE
Three-dimensional N=4 Linear Quivers and non-Abelian T-duals
three-dimensional n=4 linear quivers and non-abelian t-duals
preserves supersymmetry. abelian duality background. interpret patch localised renormalisation quiver theory. relates explicitly brane intersection illuminating phenomenon relating backgrounds abelian duality branes pages figures. minor match
We classify possible supersymmetry-preserving relevant, marginal, and irrelevant deformations of unitary superconformal theories in $d \geq 3$ dimensions. Our method only relies on symmetries and unitarity. Hence, the results are model independent and do not require a Lagrangian description. Two unifying themes emerge: first, many theories admit deformations that reside in multiplets together with conserved currents. Such deformations can lead to modifications of the supersymmetry algebra by central and non-central charges. Second, many theories with a sufficient amount of supersymmetry do not admit relevant or marginal deformations, and some admit neither. The classification is complicated by the fact that short superconformal multiplets display a rich variety of sporadic phenomena, including supersymmetric deformations that reside in the middle of a multiplet. We illustrate our results with examples in diverse dimensions. In particular, we explain how the classification of irrelevant supersymmetric deformations can be used to derive known and new constraints on moduli-space effective actions.Comment: 73 pages, 34 table
Deformations of Superconformal Theories
deformations of superconformal theories
classify supersymmetry preserving marginal irrelevant deformations unitary superconformal dimensions. relies symmetries unitarity. lagrangian description. unifying themes emerge admit deformations reside multiplets conserved currents. deformations modifications supersymmetry charges. supersymmetry admit marginal deformations admit neither. complicated superconformal multiplets display sporadic phenomena supersymmetric deformations reside multiplet. illustrate diverse dimensions. irrelevant supersymmetric deformations derive moduli pages
We study on-shell diagrams for gravity theories with any number of supersymmetries and find a compact Grassmannian formula in terms of edge variables of the graphs. Unlike in gauge theory where the analogous form involves only $\dlog$-factors, in gravity there is a non-trivial numerator as well as higher degree poles in the edge variables. Based on the structure of the Grassmannian formula for $\N=8$ supergravity we conjecture that gravity loop amplitudes also possess similar properties. In particular, we find that there are only logarithmic singularities on cuts with finite loop momentum, poles at infinity are present and loop amplitudes show special behavior on certain collinear cuts. We demonstrate on 1-loop and 2-loop examples that the behavior on collinear cuts is a highly non-trivial property which requires cancellations between all terms contributing to the amplitude.Comment: 45 pages, 37 figure
Gravity On-shell Diagrams
gravity on-shell diagrams
diagrams supersymmetries grassmannian graphs. unlike analogous involves dlog trivial numerator poles variables. grassmannian supergravity conjecture amplitudes possess properties. logarithmic singularities cuts poles infinity amplitudes collinear cuts. collinear cuts trivial cancellations contributing pages
We examine the onset of superfluid instabilities for geometries that exhibit hyperscaling violation and Lifshitz-like scaling at infrared and intermediate energy scales, and approach AdS in the ultraviolet. In particular, we are interested in the role of a non-trivial coupling between the neutral scalar supporting the scaling regime, and the (charged) complex scalar which condenses. The analysis focuses exclusively on unstable modes arising from the hyperscaling-violating portion of the geometry. Working at zero temperature, we identify simple analytical criteria for the presence of scalar instabilities, and discuss under which conditions a minimal charge will be needed to trigger a transition. Finite temperature examples are constructed numerically for a few illustrative cases.Comment: 41 pages, 7 figure
Criteria For Superfluid Instabilities of Geometries with Hyperscaling Violation
criteria for superfluid instabilities of geometries with hyperscaling violation
examine onset superfluid instabilities geometries exhibit hyperscaling violation lifshitz infrared ultraviolet. interested trivial neutral supporting condenses. focuses exclusively unstable arising hyperscaling violating portion geometry. instabilities trigger transition. numerically illustrative pages
We extend our prescription for the construction of a covariant and background-independent effective action for scalar quantum field theories to the case where momentum modes below a certain scale are suppressed by the presence of an infrared regulator. The key step is an appropriate choice of the infrared cutoff for which the Ward identity, capturing the information from single-field dependence of the ultraviolet action, continues to be exactly solvable, and therefore, in addition to covariance, manifest background independence of the effective action is guaranteed at any scale. A practical consequence is that in this framework one can adopt truncations dependent on the single total field. Furthermore we discuss the necessary and sufficient conditions for the preservation of symmetries along the renormalization group flow.Comment: 20 pages, latex, revised version, accepted for pub. on JHE
Covariant and background independent functional RG flow for the effective average action
covariant and background independent functional rg flow for the effective average action
extend prescription covariant suppressed infrared regulator. infrared cutoff ward capturing ultraviolet continues solvable covariance manifest independence guaranteed scale. practical adopt truncations field. preservation symmetries renormalization pages latex revised pub.
Even though the Standard Model (SM) is weakly coupled at the Fermi scale, a new strong dynamics involving its degrees of freedom may conceivably lurk at slightly higher energies, in the multi TeV range. Approximate symmetries provide a structurally robust context where, within the low energy description, the dimensionless SM couplings are weak, while the new strong dynamics manifests itself exclusively through higher-derivative interactions. We present an exhaustive classification of such scenarios in the form of effective field theories, paying special attention to new classes of models where the strong dynamics involves, along with the Higgs boson, the SM gauge bosons and/or the fermions. The IR softness of the new dynamics suppresses its effects at LEP energies, but deviations are in principle detectable at the LHC, even at energies below the threshold for production of new states. Our construction provides the so far unique structurally robust context where to motivate several searches in Higgs physics, diboson production, or WW scattering, which were so far poorly justified. Perhaps surprisingly, the interplay between weak coupling, strong coupling and derivatives, which is controlled by symmetries, can override the naive expansion in operator dimension, providing instances where dimension-8 dominates dimension-6, well within the domain of validity of the low energy effective theory. This result reveals the limitations of an analysis that is both ambitiously general and restricted to dimension-6 operators.Comment: 37 pages, 1 figur
Patterns of Strong Coupling for LHC Searches
patterns of strong coupling for lhc searches
weakly fermi involving freedom conceivably lurk range. approximate symmetries structurally robust dimensionless couplings manifests exclusively interactions. exhaustive scenarios paying involves boson bosons fermions. softness suppresses deviations detectable states. structurally robust motivate searches diboson poorly justified. perhaps surprisingly interplay derivatives symmetries override naive instances dominates validity theory. reveals limitations ambitiously restricted pages figur
The computation of the correlation numbers in Minimal Liouville Gravity involves an integration over moduli spaces of complex curves. There are two independent approaches to the calculation: the direct one, based on the CFT methods and Liouville higher equations of motion, and the alternative one, motivated by discrete description of 2D gravity and based on the Douglas string equation. However these two approaches give rise to the results that are not always consistent among themselves. In this paper we explore this problem. We show that in order to reconcile two methods the so-called discrete terms in the operator product expansion in the underlying Liouville theory must be properly taken into account. In this way we propose modified version of the expression for four-point correlation number and find full agreement between direct and alternative approaches. Our result allows to consider correlators without any restrictions on the number of conformal blocks contributing to the matter sector correlation function
On the construction of the correlation numbers in Minimal Liouville Gravity
on the construction of the correlation numbers in minimal liouville gravity
liouville involves moduli curves. liouville motivated douglas equation. themselves. explore problem. reconcile liouville properly account. propose approaches. correlators restrictions conformal blocks contributing
We propose a connected prescription formula in twistor space for all tree-level form factors of the stress tensor multiplet operator in $\mathcal{N}=4$ super Yang-Mills, which is a generalisation of the expression of Roiban, Spradlin and Volovich for superamplitudes. By introducing link variables, we show that our formula is identical to the recently proposed four-dimensional scattering equations for form factors. Similarly to the case of amplitudes, the link representation of form factors is shown to be directly related to BCFW recursion relations, and is considerably more tractable than the scattering equations. We also discuss how our results are related to a recent Grassmannian formulation of form factors, and comment on a possible derivation of our formula from ambitwistor strings.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure
The connected prescription for form factors in twistor space
the connected prescription for form factors in twistor space
propose prescription twistor multiplet mathcal super mills generalisation roiban spradlin volovich superamplitudes. introducing factors. amplitudes bcfw recursion considerably tractable equations. grassmannian formulation comment derivation ambitwistor pages
We introduce the transverse momentum dependent fragmenting jet function (TMDFJF), which appears in factorization theorems for cross sections for jets with an identified hadron. These are functions of $z$, the hadron's longitudinal momentum fraction, and transverse momentum, $\boldsymbol{\mathrm{p}}_{\perp}$, relative to the jet axis. In the framework of Soft-Collinear Effective Theory (SCET) we derive the TMDFJF from both a factorized SCET cross section and the TMD fragmentation function defined in the literature. The TMDFJFs are factorized into distinct collinear and soft-collinear modes by matching onto SCET$_+$. As TMD calculations contain rapidity divergences, both the renormalization group (RG) and rapidity renormalization group (RRG) must be used to provide resummed calculations with next-to-leading-logarithm prime (NLL') accuracy. We apply our formalism to the production of $J/\psi$ within jets initiated by gluons. In this case the TMDFJF can be calculated in terms of NRQCD (Non-relativistic quantum chromodynamics) fragmentation functions. We find that when the $J/\psi$ carries a significant fraction of the jet energy, the $p_T$ and $z$ distributions differ for different NRQCD production mechanisms. Another observable with discriminating power is the average angle that the $J/\psi$ makes with the jet axis.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figure
Transverse Momentum Dependent Fragmenting Jet Functions with Applications to Quarkonium Production
transverse momentum dependent fragmenting jet functions with applications to quarkonium production
fragmenting tmdfjf factorization theorems jets hadron. hadron longitudinal boldsymbol mathrm perp axis. collinear scet derive tmdfjf factorized scet fragmentation literature. tmdfjfs factorized collinear collinear matching scet rapidity divergences renormalization rapidity renormalization resummed logarithm prime accuracy. formalism jets initiated gluons. tmdfjf nrqcd relativistic chromodynamics fragmentation functions. carries nrqcd mechanisms. observable discriminating pages
Three-loop vacuum integrals are an important building block for the calculation of a wide range of three-loop corrections. Until now, only results for integrals with one and two independent mass scales are known, but in the electroweak Standard Model and many extensions thereof, one often encounters more mass scales of comparable magnitude. For this reason, a numerical approach for the evaluation of three-loop vacuum integrals with arbitrary mass pattern is proposed here. Concretely, one can identify a basic set of three master integral topologies. With the help of dispersion relations, each of these can be transformed into one-dimensional or, for the most complicated case, two-dimensional integrals in terms of elementary functions, which are suitable for efficient numerical integration.Comment: 17 pages; ancillary file with subtraction formulae for the U5 master integral in Mathematica format are supplied with this submission. v2: minor typos corrected and few references added, version to published in JHE
Three-loop vacuum integrals with arbitrary masses
three-loop vacuum integrals with arbitrary masses
integrals corrections. integrals electroweak extensions thereof encounters comparable magnitude. integrals here. concretely master topologies. transformed complicated integrals elementary pages ancillary file subtraction formulae master mathematica format supplied submission. minor typos corrected
In light of the Higgs boson discovery we reconsider generation of the baryon asymmetry in the non-minimal split Supersymmetry model with an additional singlet superfield in the Higgs sector. We find that successful baryogenesis during the first order electroweak phase transition is possible within phenomenologically viable part of the model parameter space. We discuss several phenomenological consequences of this scenario, namely, predictions for the electric dipole moments of electron and neutron and collider signatures of light charginos and neutralinos.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figure
Split NMSSM with electroweak baryogenesis
split nmssm with electroweak baryogenesis
boson discovery reconsider baryon asymmetry split supersymmetry singlet superfield sector. successful baryogenesis electroweak phenomenologically viable space. phenomenological consequences dipole moments neutron collider signatures charginos pages
We present the calculation of the impact factor for the $\gamma^{(*)}\to q\bar{q}$ transition with one loop accuracy in arbitrary kinematics. The calculation was done within Balitsky's high energy operator expansion. Together with our previous result for the $\gamma^{(*)}\to q\bar{q} g$ Born impact factor it allows one to derive cross-sections for 2- (one loop) and 3-jet (Born) difractive electroproduction. We write such cross sections for the 2 and 3 jet exclusive diffractive electroproduction off a proton in terms of hadronic matrix elements of Wilson lines. For the 2-jet cross section we demonstrate the cancellation of IR, collinear and rapidity singularities. Our result can be directly exploited to describe the recently analyzed data on exclusive dijet production at HERA and used for the study of jet photoproduction in ultraperipheral proton or nuclear scattering.Comment: 54 pages, 2 figure
On the one loop $\gamma^{(*)}\to q\bar{q}$ impact factor and the exclusive diffractive cross sections for the production of two or three jets
on the one loop $\gamma^{(*)}\to q\bar{q}$ impact factor and the exclusive diffractive cross sections for the production of two or three jets
gamma kinematics. balitsky expansion. gamma born derive born difractive electroproduction. exclusive diffractive electroproduction proton hadronic wilson lines. cancellation collinear rapidity singularities. exploited exclusive dijet hera photoproduction ultraperipheral proton pages
We consider two possible flat space limits of three dimensional $\mathcal{N} = (1,1)$ AdS supergravity. They differ by how the supercharges are scaled with the AdS radius $\ell$: the first limit (democratic) leads to the usual super-Poincare theory, while a novel `twisted' theory of supergravity stems from the second (despotic) limit. We then propose boundary conditions such that the asymptotic symmetry algebras at null infinity correspond to supersymmetric extensions of the BMS algebras previously derived in connection to non- and ultra-relativistic limits of the $\mathcal{N}=(1,1)$ Virasoro algebra in two dimensions. Finally, we study the supersymmetric energy bounds and find the explicit form of the asymptotic and global Killing spinors of supersymmetric solutions in both flat space supergravity theories.Comment: 22 pages, v2 version published in JHE
Super-BMS$_3$ algebras from $\mathcal{N}=2$ flat supergravities
super-bms$_3$ algebras from $\mathcal{n}=2$ flat supergravities
mathcal supergravity. supercharges scaled democratic usual super poincare twisted supergravity stems despotic limit. propose asymptotic algebras infinity supersymmetric extensions algebras connection ultra relativistic mathcal virasoro dimensions. supersymmetric bounds asymptotic killing spinors supersymmetric supergravity pages
We find the first smooth microstate geometries with non-Abelian fields. The solutions constitute an extension of the BPS three-charge smooth microstates. These consist in general families of regular supersymmetric solutions with non-trivial topology, i.e. bubbles, of $\mathcal{N}=1$, $d=5$ Super-Einstein-Yang-Mills theory, having the asymptotic charges of a black hole or black ring but with no horizon. The non-Abelian fields make their presence at the very heart of the microstate structure: the physical size of the bubbles is affected by the non-Abelian topological charge they carry, which combines with the Abelian flux threading the bubbles to hold them up. Interestingly the non-Abelian fields carry a set of adjustable continuous parameters that do not alter the asymptotics of the solutions but modify the local geometry. This feature can be used to obtain a classically infinite number of microstate solutions with the asymptotics of a single black hole or black ring.Comment: 27 pages, 1 figure. v2 references added and typos correcte
Non-Abelian bubbles in microstate geometries
non-abelian bubbles in microstate geometries
microstate geometries abelian fields. constitute microstates. consist families supersymmetric trivial topology i.e. bubbles mathcal super einstein mills asymptotic charges horizon. abelian microstate bubbles abelian topological carry combines abelian threading bubbles hold interestingly abelian carry adjustable alter asymptotics modify geometry. classically infinite microstate asymptotics pages figure. typos correcte
A sector with QCD-like strong dynamics is common in models of non-standard physics. Such a model could be accessible in LHC searches if both confinement and big-quarks charged under the confining group are at the TeV scale. Big-quark masses at this scale can be explained if the new fermions are chiral under a new $U(1)^\prime$ gauge symmetry such that their bare masses are related to the $U(1)^\prime$-breaking and new confinement scales. Here we present a study of a minimal GUT-motivated and gauge anomaly-free model with implications for the LHC Run 2 searches. We find that the first signatures of such models could appear as two gauge boson resonances. The chiral nature of the model could be confirmed by observation of a $Z^\prime \gamma$ resonance, where the $Z^\prime$ naturally has a large leptonic branching ratio because of its kinetic mixing with the hypercharge gauge boson.Comment: Version accepted for publication in JHE
Phenomenology of Strongly Coupled Chiral Gauge Theories
phenomenology of strongly coupled chiral gauge theories
physics. accessible searches confinement quarks confining scale. fermions chiral prime bare prime breaking confinement scales. motivated anomaly searches. signatures boson resonances. chiral confirmed prime gamma prime naturally leptonic branching hypercharge publication
Heavy vector-like quarks coupled to a scalar $S$ will induce a coupling of this scalar to gluons and possibly (if electrically charged) photons. The decay of the heavy quark into $Sq$, with $q$ being a Standard Model quark, provides, if kinematically allowed, new channels for heavy quark searches. Inspired by naturalness considerations, we consider the case of a vector-like partner of the top quark. For illustration, we show that a singlet partner can be searched for at the 13$\,$TeV LHC through its decay into a scalar resonance in the $2\gamma+\ell + X$ final states, especially if the diphoton branching ratio of the scalar $S$ is further enhanced by the contribution of non coloured particles. We then show that conventional heavy quark searches are also sensitive to this new decay mode, when $S$ decays hadronically, by slightly tightening the current selection cuts. Finally, we comment about the possibility of disentangling, by scrutinising appropriate kinematic distributions, heavy quark decays to $St$ from other standard decay modes.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures and 1 table; v3: typos fixed. Matches published versio
Implications of a High-Mass Diphoton Resonance for Heavy Quark Searches
implications of a high-mass diphoton resonance for heavy quark searches
quarks induce gluons possibly electrically photons. kinematically searches. inspired naturalness considerations partner quark. illustration singlet partner searched gamma diphoton branching coloured particles. searches decays hadronically tightening cuts. comment disentangling scrutinising kinematic decays pages typos fixed. matches versio
We propose a new method to evaluate jet substructure observables in inclusive jet measurements, based upon semi-inclusive jet functions in the framework of Soft Collinear Effective Theory (SCET). As a first example, we consider the jet fragmentation function, where a hadron $h$ is identified inside a fully reconstructed jet. We introduce a new semi-inclusive fragmenting jet function ${\mathcal G}^h_i(z= \omega_J/\omega,z_h=\omega_h/\omega_J,\omega_J, R,\mu)$, which depends on the jet radius $R$ and the large light-cone momenta of the parton `$i$' initiating the jet ($\omega$), the jet ($\omega_J$), and the hadron $h$ ($\omega_h$). The jet fragmentation function can then be expressed as a semi-inclusive observable, in the spirit of actual experimental measurements, rather than as an exclusive one. We demonstrate the consistency of the effective field theory treatment and standard perturbative QCD calculations of this observable at next-to-leading order (NLO). The renormalization group (RG) equation for the semi-inclusive fragmenting jet function ${\mathcal G}_i^h(z,z_h, \omega_J, R,\mu)$ are also derived and shown to follow exactly the usual timelike DGLAP evolution equations for fragmentation functions. The newly obtained RG equations can be used to perform the resummation of single logarithms of the jet radius parameter $R$ up to next-to-leading logarithmic (NLL$_R$) accuracy. In combination with the fixed NLO calculation, we obtain NLO+NLL$_R$ results for the hadron distribution inside the jet. We present numerical results for $pp\to(\mathrm{jet}\,h)X$ in the new framework, and find excellent agreement with existing LHC experimental data.Comment: 28 pages, 6 figures, published versio
Jet substructure using semi-inclusive jet functions within SCET
jet substructure using semi-inclusive jet functions within scet
propose substructure observables inclusive inclusive collinear scet fragmentation hadron reconstructed jet. inclusive fragmenting mathcal omega omega omega omega omega cone momenta parton initiating omega omega hadron omega fragmentation inclusive observable spirit exclusive one. consistency perturbative observable renormalization inclusive fragmenting mathcal omega usual timelike dglap fragmentation functions. newly resummation logarithms logarithmic accuracy. hadron jet. mathrm excellent pages versio
Heavy scalar and pseudoscalar resonance searches through the $gg\rightarrow S\rightarrow t\bar t$ process are challenging due to the peculiar behavior of the large interference effects with the standard model $t\bar t$ background. Such effects generate non-trivial lineshapes from additional relative phases between the signal and background amplitudes. We provide the analytic expressions for the differential cross sections to understand the interference effects in the heavy scalar signal lineshapes. We extend our study to the case of CP-violation and further consider the effect of bottom quarks in the production and decay processes. We also evaluate the contributions from additional particles to the gluon fusion production process, such as stops and vector-like quarks, that could lead to significant changes in the behavior of the signal lineshapes. Taking into account the large interference effects, we perform lineshape searches at the LHC and discuss the importance of the systematic uncertainties and smearing effects. We present projected sensitivities for two LHC performance scenarios to probe the $gg\rightarrow S \rightarrow t\bar t$ channel in various models.Comment: 44 pages, 17 figures; v2: minor updates, reference added, match the published version on JHE
Challenges and opportunities for heavy scalar searches in the $t\bar t$ channel at the LHC
challenges and opportunities for heavy scalar searches in the $t\bar t$ channel at the lhc
pseudoscalar searches rightarrow rightarrow challenging peculiar interference background. trivial lineshapes amplitudes. analytic expressions interference lineshapes. extend violation quarks processes. gluon fusion stops quarks lineshapes. interference lineshape searches smearing effects. projected sensitivities scenarios rightarrow rightarrow pages minor updates match
In single-metric approximations to the exact renormalization group (RG) for quantum gravity, it has been not been clear how to treat the large curvature domain beyond the point where the effective cutoff scale $k$ is less than the lowest eigenvalue of the appropriate modified Laplacian. We explain why this puzzle arises from background dependence, resulting in Wilsonian RG concepts being inapplicable. We show that when properly formulated over an ensemble of backgrounds, the Wilsonian RG can be restored. This in turn implies that solutions should be smooth and well defined no matter how large the curvature is taken. Even for the standard single-metric type approximation schemes, this construction can be rigorously derived by imposing a modified Ward identity (mWI) corresponding to rescaling the background metric by a constant factor. However compatibility in this approximation requires the space-time dimension to be six. Solving the mWI and flow equation simultaneously, new variables are then derived that are independent of overall background scale.Comment: 34 pages, 2 figures; various small improvement
Large curvature and background scale independence in single-metric approximations to asymptotic safety
large curvature and background scale independence in single-metric approximations to asymptotic safety
approximations renormalization treat curvature cutoff eigenvalue laplacian. puzzle arises wilsonian concepts inapplicable. properly formulated ensemble backgrounds wilsonian restored. curvature taken. schemes rigorously imposing ward rescaling factor. compatibility six. solving simultaneously pages
Studying a quantum field theory involves a choice of space-time manifold and a choice of background for any global symmetries of the theory. We argue that many more choices are possible when specifying the background. In the context of branes in string theory, the additional data corresponds to a choice of supergravity tensor fluxes. We propose the existence of a landscape of field theory backgrounds, characterized by the space-time metric, global symmetry background and a choice of tensor fluxes. As evidence for this landscape, we study the supersymmetric six-dimensional (2,0) theory compactified to two dimensions. Different choices of metric and flux give rise to distinct two-dimensional theories, which can preserve differing amounts of supersymmetry.Comment: 33 pages, LaTe
A Landscape of Field Theories
a landscape of field theories
studying involves manifold symmetries theory. argue choices specifying background. branes supergravity fluxes. propose landscape backgrounds fluxes. landscape supersymmetric compactified dimensions. choices preserve differing amounts pages
Charged Higgs bosons are predicted in variety of theoretically well-motivated new physics models with extended Higgs sectors. In this study, we focus on a type-II two Higgs doublet model (2HDM-II) and consider a heavy charged Higgs with its mass ranging from 500 GeV to 1 TeV as dictated by the $b\to s\gamma$ constraints which render $M_{H^\pm}>480$ GeV. We study the dominant production mode $H^\pm t$ associated production with $H^\pm \to W^\pm A$ being the dominant decay channel when the pseudoscalar $A$ is considerably lighter. For such a heavy charged Higgs, both the decay products $W^\pm$ and $A$ are relatively boosted. In such a scenario, we apply the jet substructure analysis of tagging the fat pseudoscalar and $W$ jets in order to eliminate the standard model background efficiently. We perform a detailed detector simulation for the signal and background processes at the 14 TeV LHC. We introduce various kinematical cuts to determine the signal significance for a number of benchmark points with charged Higgs boson mass from 500 GeV to 1 TeV in the $W^\pm A$ decay channel. Finally we perform a multivariate analysis utilizing a boosted decision tree algorithm to optimize these significances.Comment: 25 pages, 7 Tables, 12 figures, Matches Published Version in JHE
Boosting the charged Higgs search prospects using jet substructure at the LHC
boosting the charged higgs search prospects using jet substructure at the lhc
bosons theoretically motivated sectors. doublet ranging dictated gamma render gev. pseudoscalar considerably lighter. boosted. substructure tagging pseudoscalar jets eliminate efficiently. lhc. kinematical cuts benchmark boson channel. multivariate utilizing boosted optimize pages tables matches
We compute the entanglement and R\'enyi entropy growth after a global quench in various dimensions in free scalar field theory. We study two types of quenches: a boundary state quench and a global mass quench. Both of these quenches are investigated for a strip geometry in 1, 2, and 3 spatial dimensions, and for a spherical geometry in 2 and 3 spatial dimensions. We compare the numerical results for massless free scalars in these geometries with the predictions of the analytical quasiparticle model based on EPR pairs, and find excellent agreement in the limit of large region sizes. At subleading order in the region size, we observe an anomalous logarithmic growth of entanglement coming from the zero mode of the scalar.Comment: v2: references added, minor improvements; v1: 32 pages, 9 figure
Entanglement Growth after a Global Quench in Free Scalar Field Theory
entanglement growth after a global quench in free scalar field theory
entanglement enyi quench theory. quenches quench quench. quenches strip spherical dimensions. massless scalars geometries quasiparticle excellent sizes. subleading anomalous logarithmic entanglement coming minor improvements pages
We evaluate the prompt atmospheric neutrino flux at high energies using three different frameworks for calculating the heavy quark production cross section in QCD: NLO perturbative QCD, $k_T$ factorization including low-$x$ resummation, and the dipole model including parton saturation. We use QCD parameters, the value for the charm quark mass and the range for the factorization and renormalization scales that provide the best description of the total charm cross section measured at fixed target experiments, at RHIC and at LHC. Using these parameters we calculate differential cross sections for charm and bottom production and compare with the latest data on forward charm meson production from LHCb at $7$ TeV and at $13$ TeV, finding good agreement with the data. In addition, we investigate the role of nuclear shadowing by including nuclear parton distribution functions (PDF) for the target air nucleus using two different nuclear PDF schemes. Depending on the scheme used, we find the reduction of the flux due to nuclear effects varies from $10\%$ to $50 \%$ at the highest energies. Finally, we compare our results with the IceCube limit on the prompt neutrino flux, which is already providing valuable information about some of the QCD models.Comment: 61 pages, 25 figures, 11 table
Prompt atmospheric neutrino fluxes: perturbative QCD models and nuclear effects
prompt atmospheric neutrino fluxes: perturbative qcd models and nuclear effects
prompt frameworks calculating perturbative factorization resummation dipole parton saturation. charm factorization renormalization charm rhic lhc. charm latest charm meson lhcb data. shadowing parton nucleus schemes. varies energies. icecube prompt valuable pages
We study the higher-spin gauge theory in six-dimensional anti-de Sitter space $AdS_6$ that is based on the exceptional Lie superalgebra $F(4)$. The relevant higher-spin algebra was constructed in arXiv:1409.2185 [hep-th]. We determine the spectrum of the theory and show that it contains the physical fields of the Romans $F(4)$ gauged supergravity. The full spectrum consists of an infinite tower of unitary supermultiplets of $F(4)$ which extend the Romans multiplet to higher spins plus a single short supermultiplet. Motivated by applications to this novel supersymmetric higher-spin theory as well as to other theories, we extend the known one-loop tests of $AdS/CFT$ duality in various directions. The spectral zeta-function is derived for the most general case of fermionic and mixed-symmetry fields, which allows one to test the Type-A and B theories and supersymmetric extensions thereof in any dimension. We also study higher-spin doubletons and partially-massless fields. While most of the tests are successfully passed, the Type-B theory in all even dimensional anti-de Sitter spacetimes presents an interesting puzzle: the free energy as computed from the bulk is not equal to that of the free fermion on the CFT side, though there is some systematics to the discrepancy.Comment: 45 pages + 30 pages of Appendices; typo fixed, notation improve
Exceptional F(4) Higher-Spin Theory in AdS(6) at One-Loop and other Tests of Duality
exceptional f(4) higher-spin theory in ads(6) at one-loop and other tests of duality
sitter exceptional superalgebra romans gauged supergravity. infinite tower unitary supermultiplets extend romans multiplet spins supermultiplet. motivated supersymmetric extend duality directions. zeta fermionic supersymmetric extensions thereof dimension. doubletons partially massless fields. successfully passed sitter spacetimes presents puzzle fermion systematics pages pages appendices typo notation
We study the linearized transport of transverse momentum and charge in a conjectured field theory dual to a black brane solution of Horava gravity with Lifshitz exponent $z=1$. As expected from general hydrodynamic reasoning, we find that both of these quantities are diffusive over distance and time scales larger than the inverse temperature. We compute the diffusion constants and conductivities of transverse momentum and charge, as well the ratio of shear viscosity to entropy density, and find that they differ from their relativistic counterparts. To derive these results, we propose how the holographic dictionary should be modified to deal with the multiple horizons and differing propagation speeds of bulk excitations in Horava gravity. When possible, as a check on our methods and results, we use the covariant Einstein-Aether formulation of Horava gravity, along with field redefinitions, to re-derive our results from a relativistic bulk theory.Comment: v2: minor changes, added references; 30 pages, 1 figur
Momentum and charge transport in non-relativistic holographic fluids from Ho\v{r}ava gravity
momentum and charge transport in non-relativistic holographic fluids from ho\v{r}ava gravity
linearized conjectured brane horava lifshitz exponent hydrodynamic reasoning quantities diffusive temperature. conductivities viscosity relativistic counterparts. derive propose holographic dictionary deal horizons differing propagation speeds excitations horava gravity. check covariant einstein aether formulation horava redefinitions derive relativistic minor pages figur
In this short paper we look at the action of T-duality and string duality groups on fermions, in maximally-supersymmetric theories and related theories. Briefly, we argue that typical duality groups such as SL(2,Z) have sign ambiguities in their actions on fermions, and propose that pertinent duality groups be extended by Z_2, to groups such as the metaplectic group. Specifically, we look at duality groups arising from mapping class groups of tori in M theory compactifications, T-duality, ten-dimensional type IIB S-duality, and (briefly) four-dimensional N=4 super Yang-Mills, and in each case, propose that the full duality group is a nontrivial Z_2 extension of the duality group acting on bosonic degrees of freedom, to more accurately describe possible actions on fermions. We also walk through U-duality groups for toroidal compactifications to nine, eight, and seven dimensions, which enables us to perform cross-consistency tests of these proposals.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX; v2: references adde
Duality group actions on fermions
duality group actions on fermions
look duality duality fermions maximally supersymmetric theories. briefly argue duality ambiguities fermions propose pertinent duality metaplectic group. look duality arising tori compactifications duality duality briefly super mills propose duality nontrivial duality acting bosonic freedom accurately fermions. walk duality toroidal compactifications nine eight seven enables consistency pages latex adde
In a Mirror Twin World with a maximally symmetric Higgs sector the little hierarchy of the Standard Model can be significantly mitigated, perhaps displacing the cutoff scale above the LHC reach. We show that consistency with observations requires that the Z2 parity exchanging the Standard Model with its mirror be broken in the Yukawa couplings. A minimal such effective field theory, with this sole Z2 breaking, can generate the Z2 breaking in the Higgs sector necessary for the Twin Higgs mechanism. The theory has constrained and correlated signals in Higgs decays, direct Dark Matter Detection and Dark Radiation, all within reach of foreseen experiments, over a region of parameter space where the fine-tuning for the electroweak scale is 10-50%. For dark matter, both mirror neutrons and a variety of self-interacting mirror atoms are considered. Neutrino mass signals and the effects of a possible additional Z2 breaking from the vacuum expectation values of B-L breaking fields are also discussed.Comment: 42 pages, 8 figures; additional references and discussion on higgs physics and dark matte
Minimal Mirror Twin Higgs
minimal mirror twin higgs
mirror twin maximally hierarchy mitigated perhaps displacing cutoff reach. consistency parity exchanging mirror broken yukawa couplings. sole breaking breaking twin mechanism. constrained decays foreseen fine tuning electroweak mirror neutrons interacting mirror considered. breaking expectation breaking pages matte
We study the origin of neutrino mass from $SO(10)$ arising from $M$ Theory compactified on a $G_2$-manifold. This is linked to the problem of the breaking of the extra $U(1)$ gauge group, in the $SU(5)\times U(1)$ subgroup of $SO(10)$, which we show can achieved via a (generalised) Kolda-Martin mechanism. The resulting neutrino masses arise from a combination of the seesaw mechanism and induced R-parity breaking contributions. The rather complicated neutrino mass matrix is analysed for one neutrino family and it is shown how phenomenologically acceptable neutrino masses can emerge.Comment: 32 pages, 12 figure
Neutrino mass from M Theory SO(10)
neutrino mass from m theory so(10)
arising compactified manifold. breaking extra subgroup generalised kolda martin mechanism. arise seesaw parity breaking contributions. complicated analysed phenomenologically acceptable pages
The Coulomb and Higgs branches of certain 3d N=4 gauge theories can be understood as closures of nilpotent orbits. Recently, a new theorem by Namikawa suggests that this is the simplest possible case, thus giving this class a special role. In this note we use branes to reproduce the mathematical work by Kraft and Procesi. It studies the classification of all nilpotent orbits for classical groups and it characterizes an inclusion relation via minimal singularities. We show how these minimal singularities arise naturally in the Type IIB superstring embedding of the 3d A-type theories. The Higgs mechanism can be used to remove the minimal singularity, corresponding to a transition in the brane configuration that induces a new effective 3d theory. This reproduces the Kraft-Procesi results, endowing the family of gauge theories with a new underlying structure. We provide an efficient procedure for computing such brane transitions.Comment: 64 pages, 37 figures, 16 table
Branes and the Kraft-Procesi Transition
branes and the kraft-procesi transition
coulomb branches understood closures nilpotent orbits. namikawa simplest giving role. branes reproduce mathematical kraft procesi. nilpotent orbits characterizes inclusion singularities. singularities arise naturally superstring embedding theories. remove singularity brane induces theory. reproduces kraft procesi endowing structure. brane pages
Witten indices and partition functions are computed for abelian 6d tensor and hypermultiplets on $\mathbb{R}\times S^5$ in Lorentzian signature in an R gauge field background which preserves some supersymmetry. We consider a generic supersymmetric squashing that also admits squashing of the Hopf fiber. Wick rotation to Euclidean M5 brane amounts to Wick rotation of squashing parameters and the hypermultiplet mass parameter. We compute Casimir energies for tensor and hypermultiplets separately for general squashing, and match these with the corresponding gravitational anomaly polynomials. We extract Witten indices on $\mathbb{R}\times \mathbb{CP}^2$ and find that this is zero, again matching with the vanishing anomaly polynomial on an odd dimensional space.Comment: 48 pages, several clarifications adde
Witten indices of abelian M5 brane on $\mathbb{R}\times S^5$
witten indices of abelian m5 brane on $\mathbb{r}\times s^5$
witten indices partition abelian hypermultiplets mathbb lorentzian signature preserves supersymmetry. generic supersymmetric squashing admits squashing hopf fiber. wick euclidean brane amounts wick squashing hypermultiplet parameter. casimir hypermultiplets separately squashing match gravitational anomaly polynomials. extract witten indices mathbb mathbb matching vanishing anomaly pages clarifications adde
We calculate the trace anomaly of a Weyl fermion coupled to gravity by using Fujikawa's method supplemented by the choice of a consistent regulator. The latter is constructed out of Pauli-Villars regulating fields. The motivation for presenting such a calculation stems from recent studies that suggest that the trace anomaly of chiral fermions in four dimensions might contain an imaginary part proportional to the Pontryagin density. We find that the trace anomaly of a Weyl fermion is given by half the trace anomaly of a Dirac fermion, so that no imaginary part proportional to the Pontryagin density is seen to arise.Comment: 25 pages, added references and acknowledgment
On the trace anomaly of a Weyl fermion
on the trace anomaly of a weyl fermion
trace anomaly weyl fermion fujikawa supplemented regulator. pauli villars regulating fields. motivation presenting stems trace anomaly chiral fermions imaginary pontryagin density. trace anomaly weyl fermion trace anomaly dirac fermion imaginary pontryagin pages acknowledgment
T-branes are supersymmetric configurations described by multiple Dp-branes with worldvolume flux and non-commuting vacuum expectation values for two of the worldvolume scalars. When these values are much larger than the string scale this description breaks down. We show that in this regime the correct description of T-branes is in terms of a single Dp-brane, whose worldvolume curvature encodes the T-brane data. We present the tale of the journey to reach this picture, which takes us through T-dualities and rugby-ball-shaped brane configurations that no eye has gazed upon before.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure
There and back again: A T-brane's tale
there and back again: a t-brane's tale
branes supersymmetric configurations branes worldvolume commuting expectation worldvolume scalars. breaks down. branes brane worldvolume curvature encodes brane data. tale journey picture dualities rugby ball shaped brane configurations gazed pages
We present a holographic method for computing the response of R\'enyi entropies in conformal field theories to small shape deformations around a flat (or spherical) entangling surface. Our strategy employs the stress tensor one-point function in a deformed hyperboloid background and relates it to the coefficient in the two-point function of the displacement operator. We obtain explicit numerical results for $d=3,\dots,6$ spacetime dimensions, and also evaluate analytically the limits where the R\'enyi index approaches 1 and 0 in general dimensions. We use our results to extend the work of 1602.08493 and disprove a set of conjectures in the literature regarding the relations between the R\'enyi shape dependence and the conformal weight of the twist operator. We also extend our analysis beyond leading order in derivatives in the bulk theory by studying Gauss-Bonnet gravity.Comment: 33 pages, 4 figure
Shape Dependence of Holographic R\'enyi Entropy in General Dimensions
shape dependence of holographic r\'enyi entropy in general dimensions
holographic enyi entropies conformal deformations spherical entangling surface. employs deformed hyperboloid relates displacement operator. dots spacetime analytically enyi dimensions. extend disprove conjectures enyi conformal twist operator. extend derivatives studying gauss bonnet pages
The top squarks (stops) may be the most wanted particles after the Higgs boson discovery. The searches for the lightest stop have put strong constraints on its mass. However, there is still a search gap in the low mass region if the spectrum of the stop and the lightest neutralino is compressed. In that case, it may be easier to look for the second stop since naturalness requires both stops to be close to the weak scale. The current experimental searches for the second stop are based on the simplified model approach with the decay modes $\tilde{t}_2 \to \tilde{t}_1 Z$ and $\tilde{t}_2 \to \tilde{t}_1 h$. However, in a realistic supersymmetric spectrum there is always a sbottom lighter than the second stop, hence the decay patterns are usually more complicated than the simplified model assumptions. In particular, there are often large branching ratios of the decays $\tilde{t}_2 \to \tilde{b}_1 W$ and $\tilde{b}_1 \to \tilde{t}_1 W$ as long as they are open. The decay chains can be even more complex if there are intermediate states of additional charginos and neutralinos in the decays. By studying several MSSM benchmark models at the 14 TeV LHC, we point out the importance of the multi-$W$ final states in the second stop and the sbottom searches, such as the same-sign dilepton and multilepton signals, aside from the traditional search modes. The observed same-sign dilepton excesses at LHC Run 1 and Run 2 may be explained by some of our benchmark models. We also suggest that the vector boson tagging and a new kinematic variable may help to suppress the backgrounds and increase the signal significance for some search channels. Due to the complex decay patterns and lack of the dominant decay channels, the best reaches likely require a combination of various search channels at the LHC for the second stop and the lightest sbottom.Comment: 46 pages, 9 figures, updated experimental constraints and benchmark points after the ICHEP2016 data, published in JHE
Second Stop and Sbottom Searches with a Stealth Stop
second stop and sbottom searches with a stealth stop
squarks stops wanted boson discovery. searches lightest stop mass. stop lightest neutralino compressed. easier look stop naturalness stops scale. searches stop simplified tilde tilde tilde tilde realistic supersymmetric sbottom lighter stop complicated simplified assumptions. branching decays tilde tilde tilde tilde open. chains charginos neutralinos decays. studying mssm benchmark stop sbottom searches dilepton multilepton aside traditional modes. dilepton excesses benchmark models. boson tagging kinematic suppress backgrounds channels. reaches stop lightest pages updated benchmark ichep
We present concrete embeddings of fibre inflation models in globally consistent type IIB Calabi-Yau orientifolds with closed string moduli stabilisation. After performing a systematic search through the existing list of toric Calabi-Yau manifolds, we find several examples that reproduce the minimal setup to embed fibre inflation models. This involves Calabi-Yau manifolds with $h^{1,1}= 3$ which are K3 fibrations over a $\mathbb{P}^1$ base with an additional shrinkable rigid divisor. We then provide different consistent choices of the underlying brane set-up which generate a non-perturbative superpotential suitable for moduli stabilisation and string loop corrections with the correct form to drive inflation. For each Calabi-Yau orientifold setting, we also compute the effect of higher derivative contributions and study their influence on the inflationary dynamics.Comment: 27 pages + appendix, 2 figures; references adde
Global Embedding of Fibre Inflation Models
global embedding of fibre inflation models
concrete embeddings fibre inflation globally calabi orientifolds moduli stabilisation. performing toric calabi manifolds reproduce setup embed fibre inflation models. involves calabi manifolds fibrations mathbb shrinkable rigid divisor. choices brane perturbative superpotential moduli stabilisation drive inflation. calabi orientifold inflationary pages adde
We evaluate the electromagnetic spectral function in QCD plasma in a nonperturbative background of in-medium quark and gluon condensates by incorporating the leading order power corrections in a systematic framework within the ambit of the operator product expansion in D=4 dimension. We explicitly show that the mixing of the composite operators removes mass singularities and renders Wilson coefficients finite and well defined. As a spectral property, we then obtain the nonperturbative dilepton production rate from QCD plasma. The operator product expansion automatically restricts the dilepton rate to the intermediate mass range, which is found to be enhanced due to the power corrections. We also compare our result with those from nonperturbative calculations, e.g., lattice QCD and effective QCD models based on Polyakov loop.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures; Discussion added on OPE scales, version accepted in JHE
Power corrections to the electromagnetic spectral function and the dilepton rate in QCD plasma within operator product expansion in D=4
power corrections to the electromagnetic spectral function and the dilepton rate in qcd plasma within operator product expansion in d=4
electromagnetic nonperturbative gluon condensates incorporating ambit dimension. explicitly composite removes singularities renders wilson defined. nonperturbative dilepton plasma. automatically restricts dilepton corrections. nonperturbative e.g. polyakov pages
We revisit the nonthermal gravitino production at the (p)reheating stage after inflation. Particular attention is paid to large field inflation models with a $\mathbb{Z}_2$ symmetry, for which the previous perturbative analysis is inapplicable; and inflation models with a stabilizer superfield, which have not been studied non-perturbatively. It is found that in single-superfield inflation models (without the stabilizer field), nonthermal production of the transverse gravitino can be cosmologically problematic while the abundance of the longitudinal gravitino is small enough. In multi-superfield inflation models (with the stabilizer field), production of the transverse and longitudinal gravitinos is significantly suppressed, and they are cosmologically harmless. We also clarify the relation between the background field method used in the preheating context and the standard perturbative decay method to estimate the gravitino abundance.Comment: 47 pages, 3 figures; v3, published version, extended discussions in Section 5 and Appendix
Nonthermal Gravitino Production after Large Field Inflation
nonthermal gravitino production after large field inflation
revisit nonthermal gravitino reheating inflation. paid inflation mathbb perturbative inapplicable inflation stabilizer superfield perturbatively. superfield inflation stabilizer nonthermal gravitino cosmologically problematic abundance longitudinal gravitino enough. superfield inflation stabilizer longitudinal gravitinos suppressed cosmologically harmless. clarify preheating perturbative gravitino pages discussions
We point out that leptonic weak-basis invariants are an important tool for the study of the properties of lepton flavour models. In particular, we show that appropriately chosen invariants can give a clear indication of whether a particular lepton flavour model favours normal or inverted hierarchy for neutrino masses and what is the octant of $\theta_{23}$. These invariants can be evaluated in any conveniently chosen weak-basis and can also be expressed in terms of neutrino masses, charged lepton masses, mixing angles and CP violation phases.Comment: 10 pages, no figure
Leptonic Invariants, Neutrino Mass-Ordering and the Octant of $\theta_{23}$
leptonic invariants, neutrino mass-ordering and the octant of $\theta_{23}$
leptonic invariants lepton flavour models. appropriately invariants indication lepton flavour favours inverted hierarchy octant theta invariants conveniently lepton angles violation pages
The angular distributions of lepton pairs in the Drell-Yan process can provide rich information on the underlying QCD production mechanisms. These dynamics can be parameterised in terms of a set of frame dependent angular coefficients, $A_{i=0,\ldots,7}$, which depend on the invariant mass, transverse momentum, and rapidity of the lepton pair. Motivated by recent measurements of these coefficients by ATLAS and CMS, and in particular by the apparent violation of the Lam-Tung relation $A_0-A_2=0$, we perform a precision study of the angular coefficients at $\mathcal{O}(\alpha_s^3)$ in perturbative QCD. We make predictions relevant for $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 8$ TeV, and perform comparisons with the available ATLAS and CMS data as well as providing predictions for a prospective measurement at LHCb. To expose the violation of the Lam-Tung relationship we propose a new observable $\Delta^\mathrm{LT} = 1-A_2/A_0$ that is more sensitive to the dynamics in the region where $A_0$ and $A_2$ are both small. We find that the $\mathcal{O}(\alpha_s^3)$ corrections have an important impact on the $p_{T,Z}$ distributions for several of the angular coefficients, and are essential to provide an adequate description of the data. The compatibility of the available ATLAS and CMS data is reassessed by performing a partial $\chi^2$ test with respect to the central theoretical prediction which shows that $\chi^2/N_\mathrm{data}$ is significantly reduced by going from $\mathcal{O}(\alpha_s^2)$ to $\mathcal{O}(\alpha_s^3)$.Comment: 21 pages + refs, 13 figures. v2 reflects published JHEP version. Includes the evaluation of uncorrelated scale uncertainties when computing the angular coefficients. Plots and text updated accordingl
Precise predictions for the angular coefficients in Z-boson production at the LHC
precise predictions for the angular coefficients in z-boson production at the lhc
lepton drell mechanisms. parameterised ldots rapidity lepton pair. motivated atlas apparent violation tung precision mathcal alpha perturbative qcd. collisions sqrt comparisons atlas prospective lhcb. expose violation tung propose observable delta mathrm small. mathcal alpha adequate data. compatibility atlas reassessed performing mathrm going mathcal alpha mathcal alpha .comment pages refs figures. reflects jhep version. uncorrelated coefficients. plots updated accordingl
In Neutrinophilic Two Higgs Doublet Models, Dirac neutrino masses are obtained by forbidding a Majorana mass term for the right-handed neutrinos via a symmetry. We study a variation of such models in which that symmetry is taken to be a local U(1), leading naturally to the typical Lagrangian of the inverse seesaw scenario. The presence of a new gauge boson and of an extended scalar sector result in a rich phenomenology, including modifications to Z, Higgs and kaon decays as well as to electroweak precision parameters, and a pseudoscalar associated to the breaking of lepton number.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures, matches the published version in JHE
A Neutrinophilic 2HDM as a UV Completion for the Inverse Seesaw Mechanism
a neutrinophilic 2hdm as a uv completion for the inverse seesaw mechanism
neutrinophilic doublet dirac forbidding majorana handed neutrinos symmetry. naturally lagrangian seesaw scenario. boson phenomenology modifications kaon decays electroweak precision pseudoscalar breaking lepton pages matches