3 values
A global $U(1)_\text{PQ}$ symmetry is protected from gravitational effects in the s-confining $SU(N)^k$ product group theory with $A+4Q +N\overline{Q}$ matter. If the $SU(4)$ family symmetry is gauged and an appropriate tree-level superpotential is added, then the dynamically generated superpotential spontaneously breaks $SU(4)\times U(1)_\text{PQ} \rightarrow SU(3)_c$ and produces a QCD axion. Small values of the $CP$-violating $\theta$ parameter are then possible without any fine-tuning, as long as the product group is suitably large. By introducing a second copy of the s-confining $SU(N)$ product group also coupled to the gauged $SU(4)$, we find that values as small as $N=7$ are consistent with $\bar\theta<10^{-10}$, even under the pessimistic assumption that the dominant contribution to the axion quality is at tree level.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, 4 tables, 2 appendice
A Composite Axion from a Supersymmetric Product Group
a composite axion from a supersymmetric product group
protected gravitational confining overline matter. gauged superpotential dynamically superpotential spontaneously breaks rightarrow produces axion. violating theta fine tuning suitably large. introducing copy confining gauged theta pessimistic axion pages tables appendice
Visible-sector SUSY-breaking effects are computed in terms of hidden-sector correlation functions for generic holomorphic scalar portals. The solutions, which are valid irrespective of the hidden-sector dynamics, are approximated with the help of the operator product expansion (OPE). Indeed, for theories with superconformal symmetry at high energy, the superconformal OPE formalism can be used to disentangle the high-energy dynamics, encoded in the OPE coefficients, from the low-energy dynamics of the SUSY-breaking vacuum expectation values. A systematic method is proposed to compute the OPE coefficients, using relations between correlation functions of superfields and correlation functions of their quasi-primary component fields. The method, which is quite general, could be useful in building models of gauge- or gravity-mediated SUSY breaking and in analysing the viability of such models in a systematic way.Comment: 1+22 pages, 1 figure, minor correction
Holomorphic Scalar Portals and the OPE
holomorphic scalar portals and the ope
visible susy breaking hidden generic holomorphic portals. valid irrespective hidden approximated superconformal superconformal formalism disentangle encoded susy breaking expectation values. superfields quasi fields. susy breaking analysing viability pages minor
We point out that recent Verlinde's proposal of emergent gravity suffers from some internal inconsistencies. The main idea in this proposal is to preserve general relativity at short scales where numerous tests verified its validity, but modify it on large scales where we meet puzzles raised by observations (in particular dark matter), by using some entropic concepts. We first point out that gravity as a conservative force is very difficult (if possible at all) to portray as an entropic force. We then show that the derivation of the MOND relation using the elastic strain idea is not self-consistent. When properly done, Verlinde's elaborate procedure recovers the standard Newtonian gravity instead of MOND.Comment: accepted for publication in JHE
Inconsistencies in Verlinde's emergent gravity
inconsistencies in verlinde's emergent gravity
verlinde proposal emergent suffers inconsistencies. proposal preserve relativity numerous verified validity modify meet puzzles raised entropic concepts. conservative portray entropic force. derivation mond elastic consistent. properly verlinde elaborate recovers newtonian publication
Models with extended Higgs sectors can contain several additional Higgs states, heavier or lighter than the SM Higgs boson. The couplings of lighter extra states to SM particles can be strongly reduced, leading to small cross sections for their direct production. Heavier extra states can have larger couplings to SM particles and, moreover, have large branching fractions into lighter extra states, notably into a SM-like Higgs boson accompagnied by another Higgs state which can be lighter or heavier than 125$\sim$GeV. Motivated by corresponding scenarios in the NMSSM we study the prospects for the discovery or exclusion of cascade decays $ggF \to H_3 \to H_2 + H_1$ in the $b\bar{b}b\bar{b}$, $b\bar{b}\tau\tau$ and $b\bar{b}\gamma\gamma$ final states where either $H_1$ or $H_2$ can be SM-like. Significant regions of the NMSSM parameter space can be tested by these searches. These are, however, not confined to models of the NMSSM type.Comment: 34 pages, 64 figures, explanations, figures and reference added, to appear in JHE
Simultaneous Search for Extra Light and Heavy Higgs Bosons via Cascade Decays
simultaneous search for extra light and heavy higgs bosons via cascade decays
sectors heavier lighter boson. couplings lighter extra production. heavier extra couplings branching fractions lighter extra notably boson accompagnied lighter heavier gev. motivated scenarios nmssm prospects discovery exclusion cascade decays gamma gamma like. nmssm searches. confined nmssm pages explanations
Where collider searches for resonant invisible particles loose steam, dark sectors might leave their trace as virtual effects in precision observables. Here we explore this option in the framework of Higgs portal models, where a sector of dark fermions interacts with the standard model through a strong renormalizable coupling to the Higgs boson. We show that precise measurements of Higgs-gauge and triple Higgs interactions can probe dark fermions up to the TeV scale through virtual corrections. Observation prospects at the LHC and future lepton colliders are discussed for the so-called singlet-doublet model of Majorana fermions, a generalization of the bino-higgsino scenario in supersymmetry. We advocate a two-fold search strategy for dark sectors through direct and indirect observables.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl
Virtual signatures of dark sectors in Higgs couplings
virtual signatures of dark sectors in higgs couplings
collider searches resonant invisible loose steam sectors leave trace virtual precision observables. explore option portal fermions interacts renormalizable boson. precise triple fermions virtual corrections. prospects lepton colliders singlet doublet majorana fermions generalization bino higgsino supersymmetry. advocate sectors indirect pages tabl
A search for a light pseudoscalar Higgs boson (A) produced in association with bottom quarks and decaying into a muon pair is reported. The search uses 19.7 inverse femtobarns of proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 8 TeV, collected by the CMS experiment. No signal is observed in the dimuon mass range from 25 to 60 GeV. Upper limits on the cross section times branching fraction, sigma(pp to b bbar A) B(A to mu mu), are set.Comment: Replaced with the published version. Added the journal reference and DOI. All the figures and tables can be found at (CMS Public Pages
Search for a light pseudoscalar Higgs boson produced in association with bottom quarks in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 8 TeV
search for a light pseudoscalar higgs boson produced in association with bottom quarks in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 8 tev
pseudoscalar boson quarks decaying muon reported. femtobarns proton proton collisions experiment. dimuon gev. branching sigma bbar replaced version. doi. tables publications pages
The issue intensively claimed in the literature on the generation of a CPT-odd and Lorentz violating Chern-Simons-like term by radiative corrections owing to a CPT violating interaction -- the axial coupling of fermions with a constant vector field $b_\m$ -- is mistaken. The presence of massless gauge field triggers IR divergences that might show up from the UV subtractions, therefore, so as to deal with the (actual physical) IR divergences, the Lowenstein-Zimmermann subtraction scheme, in the framework of BPHZL renormalization method, has to be adopted. The proof on the non generation of such a Chern-Simons-like term is done, independent of any kind of regularization scheme, at all orders in perturbation theory.Comment: In honor of Prof. Manfred Schweda (1939-2017). Work presented at the XXXVIII National Meeting on Particle Physics and Fields, September 18-22, 2017 - Passa Quatro - Minas Gerais - Brazil. Reference [46] correcte
No radiative generation of Chern-Simons-like term in Lorentz-violating QED: dealing with IR divergences
no radiative generation of chern-simons-like term in lorentz-violating qed: dealing with ir divergences
intensively claimed lorentz violating chern simons radiative owing violating axial fermions mistaken. massless triggers divergences subtractions deal divergences lowenstein zimmermann subtraction bphzl renormalization adopted. chern simons kind regularization orders perturbation honor prof. manfred schweda xxxviii meeting september passa quatro minas gerais brazil. correcte
Poisson-Lie dualising the eta deformation of the G/H symmetric space sigma model with respect to the simple Lie group G is conjectured to give an analytic continuation of the associated lambda deformed model. In this paper we investigate when the eta deformed model can be dualised with respect to a subgroup G_0 of G. Starting from the first-order action on the complexified group and integrating out the degrees of freedom associated to different subalgebras, we find it is possible to dualise when G_0 is associated to a sub-Dynkin diagram. Additional U_1 factors built from the remaining Cartan generators can also be included. The resulting construction unifies both the Poisson-Lie dual with respect to G and the complete abelian dual of the eta deformation in a single framework, with the integrated algebras unimodular in both cases. We speculate that extending these results to the path integral formalism may provide an explanation for why the eta deformed AdS_5 x S^5 superstring is not one-loop Weyl invariant, that is the couplings do not solve the equations of type IIB supergravity, yet its complete abelian dual and the lambda deformed model are.Comment: 37 pages, v2: minor change
Poisson-Lie duals of the eta deformed symmetric space sigma model
poisson-lie duals of the eta deformed symmetric space sigma model
poisson dualising deformation sigma conjectured analytic continuation lambda deformed model. deformed dualised subgroup complexified integrating freedom subalgebras dualise dynkin diagram. built cartan generators included. unifies poisson abelian deformation algebras unimodular cases. speculate extending formalism explanation deformed superstring weyl couplings solve supergravity abelian lambda deformed pages minor
We discuss the only two viable realizations of fermion compositeness described by a calculable relativistic effective field theory consistent with unitarity, crossing symmetry and analyticity: chiral-compositeness vs goldstino-compositeness. We construct the effective theory of $\mathcal{N}$ Goldstini and show how the Standard Model can emerge from this dynamics. We present new bounds on either type of compositeness, for quarks and leptons, using dilepton searches at LEP, dijets at the LHC, as well as low-energy observables and precision measurements. Remarkably, a scale of compositeness for Goldstino-like electrons in the 2 TeV range is compatible with present data, and so are Goldstino-like first generation quarks with a compositeness scale in the 10 TeV range. Moreover, assuming maximal $R$-symmetry, goldstino-compositeness of both right- and left-handed quarks predicts exotic spin-1/2 colored sextet particles that are potentially within the reach of the LHC.Comment: 32 pages on how Thomson might have discovered supersymmetry; v2: few typos fixed and comments adde
The Other Fermion Compositeness
the other fermion compositeness
viable realizations fermion compositeness calculable relativistic unitarity crossing analyticity chiral compositeness goldstino compositeness. mathcal goldstini emerge dynamics. bounds compositeness quarks leptons dilepton searches dijets observables precision measurements. remarkably compositeness goldstino compatible goldstino quarks compositeness range. maximal goldstino compositeness handed quarks predicts exotic colored sextet potentially pages thomson discovered supersymmetry typos comments adde
We examine some recently-constructed families of asymptotically-AdS$_3 \times$S$^3$ supergravity solutions that have the same charges and mass as supersymmetric D1-D5-P black holes, but that cap off smoothly with no horizon. These solutions, known as superstrata, are quite complicated, however we show that, for an infinite family of solutions, the null geodesic problem is completely integrable, due to the existence of a non-trivial conformal Killing tensor that provides a quadratic conservation law for null geodesics. This implies that the massless scalar wave equation is separable. For another infinite family of solutions, we find that there is a non-trivial conformal Killing tensor only when the left-moving angular momentum of the massless scalar is zero. We also show that, for both these families, the metric degrees of freedom have the form they would take if they arose from a consistent truncation on S$^3$ down to a (2+1)-dimensional space-time. We discuss some of the broader consequences of these special properties for the physics of these black-hole microstate geometries.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figur
Integrability and Black-Hole Microstate Geometries
integrability and black-hole microstate geometries
examine families asymptotically supergravity charges supersymmetric holes smoothly horizon. superstrata complicated infinite geodesic integrable trivial conformal killing quadratic conservation geodesics. massless separable. infinite trivial conformal killing moving massless zero. families freedom arose truncation time. broader consequences microstate pages figur
We investigate the present constraints from MINOS and T2K experiments for the neutrino decay scenario induced by non-diagonal couplings of Majorons to neutrinos. As novelty, on top of the typical invisible decay prescription, we add the contribution of visible decay, where final products can be observed. This new effect depends on the nature of the neutrino - Majoron coupling, which can be of scalar or pseudoscalar type. Using the combination of disappearance data from MINOS and disappearance and appearance data from T2K, for normal ordering, we constrain the decay parameter $\alpha\equiv E\,\Gamma$ for the heaviest neutrino, where $E$ and $\Gamma$ are the neutrino energy and width, respectively. We find that when considering visible decay within appearance data, one can improve current neutrino long-baseline constraints up to $\alpha< \mathcal{O}(10^{-5})$ eV$^2$, at 90\% C.L., for both kinds of couplings, which is better by one order of magnitude compared to previous bounds.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures, 3 appendices; v2: Corrected errors, version accepted for publication in JHE
Visible neutrino decay in the light of appearance and disappearance long baseline experiments
visible neutrino decay in the light of appearance and disappearance long baseline experiments
minos diagonal couplings majorons neutrinos. novelty invisible prescription visible observed. majoron pseudoscalar type. disappearance minos disappearance appearance ordering constrain alpha equiv gamma heaviest gamma respectively. visible appearance alpha mathcal c.l. kinds couplings pages appendices corrected publication
If super-Yang-Mills theory possesses the exact conformal invariance, there is an additional modular invariance under the change of the complex bare charge $\tau = \frac{\theta}{2\pi}+ \frac{4\pi\imath}{g^2}\longrightarrow -\frac{1}{\tau}$. The low-energy Seiberg-Witten prepotential ${\cal F}(a)$, however, is not explicitly invariant, because the flat moduli also change $a \longrightarrow a_D = \partial{\cal F}/\partial a$. In result, the prepotential is not a modular form and depends also on the anomalous Eisenstein series $E_2$. This dependence is usually described by the universal MNW modular anomaly equation. We demonstrate that, in the $6d$ $SU(N)$ theory with {\it two} independent modular parameters $\tau$ and $\hat \tau$, the modular anomaly equation changes, because the modular transform of $\tau$ is accompanied by an ($N$-dependent!) shift of $\hat\tau$ and vice versa. This is a new peculiarity of double-elliptic systems, which deserves further investigation.Comment: 23 page
Modular properties of 6d (DELL) systems
modular properties of 6d (dell) systems
super mills possesses conformal invariance modular invariance bare frac theta frac imath longrightarrow frac seiberg witten prepotential explicitly moduli longrightarrow prepotential modular anomalous eisenstein universal modular anomaly equation. modular modular anomaly modular transform accompanied vice versa. peculiarity elliptic deserves
Weakly interacting massive particles are a widely well-probed dark matter candidate by the dark matter direct detection experiments. Theoretically, there are a large number of ultraviolet completed models that consist of a weakly interacting massive particle dark matter. The variety of models makes the comparison with the direct detection data complicated and often non-trivial. To overcome this, in the non-relativistic limit, the effective theory was developed in the literature which works very well to significantly reduce the complexity of dark matter-nucleon interactions and to better study the nuclear response functions. In the effective theory framework for a spin-1/2 dark matter, we combine three independent likelihood functions from the latest PandaX, LUX, and XENON1T data, and give a joint limit on each effective coupling. The astrophysical uncertainties of the dark matter distribution are also included in the likelihood. We further discuss the isospin violating cases of the interactions. Finally, for both dimension-five and dimension-six effective theories above the electroweak scale, we give updated limits of the new physics mass scales.Comment: 33 pages, 11 figures, PandaX run10 data included and version accepted in JHEP, "code is available at the LikeDM website,
A combined analysis of PandaX, LUX, and XENON1T experiments within the framework of dark matter effective theory
a combined analysis of pandax, lux, and xenon1t experiments within the framework of dark matter effective theory
weakly interacting massive widely probed candidate experiments. theoretically ultraviolet completed consist weakly interacting massive matter. complicated trivial. overcome relativistic nucleon functions. combine likelihood latest pandax xenon coupling. astrophysical likelihood. isospin violating interactions. electroweak updated pages pandax jhep likedm website
Heterotic $M$-theory consists of a five-dimensional manifold of the form $S^1/\mathbf{Z}_2 \times M_{4}$. It has been shown that one of the two orbifold planes, the "observable" sector, can have a low energy particle spectrum which is precisely the $N=1$ supersymmetric standard model with three right-handed neutrino chiral supermultiplets. The other orbifold plane constitutes a "hidden" sector which, since its communication with the observable sector is suppressed, will be ignored in this paper. However, the finite fifth-dimension allows for the existence of three-brane solitons which, in order to render the vacuum anomaly free, must appear. That is, heterotic $M$-theory provides a natural framework for brane-world cosmological scenarios coupled to realistic particle physics. The complete worldvolume action of such three-branes is unknown. Here, treating these solitons as probe branes, we construct their scalar worldvolume Lagrangian as a derivative expansion of the heterotic DBI action. In analogy with similar calculations in the $M_{5}$ and $AdS_{5}$ context, this leads to the construction of "heterotic Galileons". However, realistic vacua of heterotic $M$-theory are necessarily $N=1$ supersymmetric in four dimensions. Hence, we proceed to supersymmetrize the three-brane worldvolume action, first in flat superspace and then extend the results to $N=1$ supergravity. Such a worldvolume action may lead to interesting cosmology, such as "bouncing" universe models, by allowing for the violation of the Null Energy Condition (NEC).Comment: Version 3: Typos corrected, updated to be consistent with journal version. 39 pages, 4 figure
$N=1$ Supergravitational Heterotic Galileons
$n=1$ supergravitational heterotic galileons
heterotic manifold mathbf orbifold planes observable precisely supersymmetric handed chiral supermultiplets. orbifold constitutes hidden observable suppressed ignored paper. fifth brane solitons render anomaly appear. heterotic brane cosmological scenarios realistic physics. worldvolume branes unknown. treating solitons branes worldvolume lagrangian heterotic action. analogy heterotic galileons realistic vacua heterotic necessarily supersymmetric dimensions. proceed supersymmetrize brane worldvolume superspace extend supergravity. worldvolume cosmology bouncing universe allowing violation .comment typos corrected updated version. pages
The charmless three-body decays $B^0_{(s)} \to K_s^0 h^+ h^{\prime-}$ (where $h^{(\prime)} = \pi, K$) are analysed using a sample of $pp$ collision data recorded by the LHCb experiment, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3 fb$^{−1}$. The branching fractions are measured relative to that of the $B^0 \to K_S^0\pi^+\pi^-$ decay, and are determined to be:\ud $\frac{\mathcal{B}(B^0 \to K_S^0K^{\pm}\pi^{\mp})}{\mathcal{B}(B^0 \to K_S^0K^+\pi^-)} = 0.123 \pm 0.009(stat) \pm 0.015(syst)$,\ud $\frac{\mathcal{B}(B^0 \to K_S^0K^+K^-)}{\mathcal{B}(B^0 \to K_S^0\pi^+\pi^-)} = 0.549 \pm 0.018(stat) \pm 0.033(syst)$,\ud $\frac{\mathcal{B}(B_S^0 \to K_S^0\pi^+\pi^-)}{\mathcal{B}(B^0 \to K_S^0\pi^+\pi^-)} = 0.191 \pm 0.027(stat) \pm 0.031(syst) \pm 0.011(f_s/f_d)$,\ud $\frac{\mathcal{B}(B_S^0 \to K_S^0K^{\pm}\pi^{\mp})}{\mathcal{B}(B^0 \to K_S^0\pi^+\pi^-)} = 1.70 \pm 0.07(stat) \pm 0.11(syst) \pm 0.10(f_s/f_d)$,\ud $\frac{\mathcal{B}(B_S^0 \to K_S^0K^+K^-)}{\mathcal{B}(B^0 \to K_S^0\pi^+\pi^-)} \in [0.008−0.051]$ at 90% confidence level,\ud where $f_s/f_d$ represents the ratio of hadronisation fractions of the $B_s^0$ and $B^0$ mesons
Updated branching fraction measurements of $B^0_{(s)} \to K_s^0 h^+ h^{\prime-}$ decays
updated branching fraction measurements of $b^0_{(s)} \to k_s^0 h^+ h^{\prime-}$ decays
charmless decays prime prime analysed collision lhcb luminosity branching fractions frac mathcal mathcal stat syst frac mathcal mathcal stat syst frac mathcal mathcal stat syst frac mathcal mathcal stat syst frac mathcal mathcal confidence hadronisation fractions mesons
We study the effect of vortices on the tunneling decay of a symmetry-breaking false vacuum in three spacetime dimensions with gravity. The scenario considered is one in which the initial state, rather than being the homogeneous false vacuum, contains false vortices. The question addressed is whether, and, if so, under which circumstances, the presence of vortices has a significant catalyzing effect on vacuum decay. After studying the existence and properties of vortices, we study their decay rate through quantum tunneling using a variety of techniques. In particular, for so-called thin-wall vortices we devise a one-parameter family of configurations allowing a quantum-mechanical calculation of tunneling. Also for thin-wall vortices, we employ the Israel junction conditions between the interior and exterior spacetimes. Matching these two spacetimes reveals a decay channel which results in an unstable, expanding vortex. We find that the tunneling exponent for vortices, which is the dominant factor in the decay rate, is half that for Coleman-de Luccia bubbles. This implies that vortices are short-lived, making them cosmologically significant even for low vortex densities. In the limit of the vanishing gravitational constant we smoothly recover our earlier results for the decay of the false vortex in a model without gravity.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figures, Typos correcte
Tunneling decay of false vortices with gravitation
tunneling decay of false vortices with gravitation
vortices tunneling breaking false spacetime gravity. homogeneous false false vortices. addressed circumstances vortices catalyzing decay. studying vortices tunneling techniques. vortices devise configurations allowing tunneling. vortices employ israel junction interior exterior spacetimes. matching spacetimes reveals unstable expanding vortex. tunneling exponent vortices coleman luccia bubbles. vortices lived cosmologically vortex densities. vanishing gravitational smoothly recover false vortex pages typos correcte
According to common lore, Equations of State of field theories with gravity duals tend to be soft, with speeds of sound either below or around the conformal value of $v_s=1/\sqrt{3}$. This has important consequences in particular for the physics of compact stars, where the detection of two solar mass neutron stars has been shown to require very stiff equations of state. In this paper, we show that no speed limit exists for holographic models at finite density, explicitly constructing examples where the speed of sound becomes arbitrarily close to that of light. This opens up the possibility of building hybrid stars that contain quark matter obeying a holographic equation of state in their cores.Comment: 22 pages+appendices, 12 figure
Stiff phases in strongly coupled gauge theories with holographic duals
stiff phases in strongly coupled gauge theories with holographic duals
lore duals tend speeds sound conformal sqrt consequences neutron stiff state. holographic explicitly constructing sound arbitrarily light. opens hybrid obeying holographic pages appendices
We apply the average null energy condition to obtain upper bounds on the three-point function coefficients of stress tensors and a scalar operator, $\langle TT {\cal O } \rangle,$ in general CFTs. We also constrain the gravitational anomaly of $U(1)$ currents in four-dimensional CFTs, which are encoded in three-point functions of the form $\langle TT J \rangle$. In theories with a large $N$ AdS dual we translate these bounds into constraints on the coefficient of a higher derivative bulk term of the form $\int \phi\hspace{.5mm} W^2 $. We speculate that these bounds also apply in de-Sitter. In this case our results constrain inflationary observables, such as the amplitude for chiral gravity waves that originate from higher derivative terms in the Lagrangian of the form $\phi \hspace{.5mm}W W^*$.Comment: 46 pages, 3 figure
Bounds on OPE Coefficients from Interference Effects in the Conformal Collider
bounds on ope coefficients from interference effects in the conformal collider
bounds tensors langle rangle cfts. constrain gravitational anomaly currents cfts encoded langle rangle translate bounds hspace speculate bounds sitter. constrain inflationary observables chiral originate lagrangian hspace .comment pages
We present a general class of operators resembling compact tetraquarks which have a range of colour-flavour-spin structures, transform irreducibly under the symmetries of the lattice and respect other relevant symmetries. These constructions are demonstrated in lattice QCD calculations with light quarks corresponding to $m_\pi =$ 391 MeV. Using the distillation framework, correlation functions involving large bases of meson-meson and tetraquark operators are computed in the isospin-1 hidden-charm and doubly-charmed sectors, and finite-volume spectra are extracted with the variational method. We find the spectra are insensitive to the addition of tetraquark operators to the bases of meson-meson operators. For the first time, through using diverse bases of meson-meson operators, the multiple energy levels associated with meson-meson levels which would be degenerate in the non-interacting limit are extracted reliably. The number of energy levels in each spectrum is found to be equal to the number of expected non-interacting meson-meson levels in the energy region considered and the majority of energies lie close to the non-interacting levels. Therefore, there is no strong indication for any bound state or narrow resonance in the channels we study.Comment: 31 pages, 9 figures, minor changes to reflect published versio
Tetraquark operators in lattice QCD and exotic flavour states in the charm sector
tetraquark operators in lattice qcd and exotic flavour states in the charm sector
resembling tetraquarks colour flavour transform irreducibly symmetries symmetries. constructions quarks mev. distillation involving bases meson meson tetraquark isospin hidden charm doubly charmed sectors variational method. insensitive tetraquark bases meson meson operators. diverse bases meson meson meson meson degenerate interacting reliably. interacting meson meson majority interacting levels. indication narrow pages minor reflect versio
Instanton partition functions of $\mathcal{N}=1$ 5d Super Yang-Mills reduced on $S^1$ can be engineered in type IIB string theory from the $(p,q)$-branes web diagram. To this diagram is superimposed a web of representations of the Ding-Iohara-Miki (DIM) algebra that acts on the partition function. In this correspondence, each segment is associated to a representation, and the (topological string) vertex is identified with the intertwiner operator constructed by Awata, Feigin and Shiraishi. We define a new intertwiner acting on the representation spaces of levels $(1,n)\otimes(0,m)\to(1,n+m)$, thereby generalizing to higher rank $m$ the original construction. It allows us to use a folded version of the usual $(p,q)$-web diagram, bringing great simplifications to actual computations. As a result, the characterization of Gaiotto states and vertical intertwiners, previously obtained by some of the authors, is uplifted to operator relations acting in the Fock space of horizontal representations. We further develop a method to build qq-characters of linear quivers based on the horizontal action of DIM elements. While fundamental qq-characters can be built using the coproduct, higher ones require the introduction of a (quantum) Weyl reflection acting on tensor products of DIM generators.Comment: 42 page
(p,q)-webs of DIM representations, 5d N=1 instanton partition functions and qq-characters
(p,q)-webs of dim representations, 5d n=1 instanton partition functions and qq-characters
instanton partition mathcal super mills engineered branes diagram. superimposed representations ding iohara miki acts partition function. correspondence segment topological intertwiner awata feigin shiraishi. intertwiner acting otimes thereby generalizing construction. folded usual bringing great simplifications computations. gaiotto intertwiners uplifted acting fock representations. build characters quivers elements. characters built coproduct weyl reflection acting
Given an $\mathcal{N}=2$ superconformal field theory, we reconsider the Schur index $\mathcal{I}_L(q)$ in the presence of a half line defect $L$. Recently Cordova-Gaiotto-Shao found that $\mathcal{I}_L(q)$ admits an expansion in terms of characters of the chiral algebra $\mathcal{A}$ introduced by Beem et al., with simple coefficients $v_{L,\beta}(q)$. We report a puzzling new feature of this expansion: the $q \to 1$ limit of the coefficients $v_{L_,\beta}(q)$ is linearly related to the vacuum expectation values $\langle L \rangle$ in $U(1)_r$-invariant vacua of the theory compactified on $S^1$. This relation can be expressed algebraically as a commutative diagram involving three algebras: the algebra generated by line defects, the algebra of functions on $U(1)_r$-invariant vacua, and a Verlinde-like algebra associated to $\mathcal{A}$. Our evidence is experimental, by direct computation in the Argyres-Douglas theories of type $(A_1,A_2)$, $(A_1,A_4)$, $(A_1, A_6)$, $(A_1, D_3)$ and $(A_1, D_5)$. In the latter two theories, which have flavor symmetries, the Verlinde-like algebra which appears is a new deformation of algebras previously considered.Comment: 64 pages, 21 figures. v2 published version, references update
Line defect Schur indices, Verlinde algebras and $U(1)_r$ fixed points
line defect schur indices, verlinde algebras and $u(1)_r$ fixed points
mathcal superconformal reconsider schur mathcal defect cordova gaiotto shao mathcal admits characters chiral mathcal beem beta puzzling beta linearly expectation langle rangle vacua compactified algebraically commutative involving algebras defects vacua verlinde mathcal argyres douglas flavor symmetries verlinde deformation algebras pages figures. update
We describe a novel technique that renders theories of $N$ axions tractable, and more generally can be used to efficiently analyze a large class of periodic potentials of arbitrary dimension. Such potentials are complex energy landscapes with a number of local minima that scales as $\sqrt{N!}$, and so for large $N$ appear to be analytically and numerically intractable. Our method is based on uncovering a set of approximate symmetries that exist in addition to the $N$ periods. These approximate symmetries, which are exponentially close to exact, allow us to locate the minima very efficiently and accurately and to analyze other characteristics of the potential. We apply our framework to evaluate the diameters of flat regions suitable for slow-roll inflation, which unifies, corrects and extends several forms of "axion alignment" previously observed in the literature. We find that in a broad class of random theories, the potential is smooth over diameters enhanced by $N^{3/2}$ compared to the typical scale of the potential. A Mathematica implementation of our framework is available online.Comment: 68 pages, 17 figure
Systematics of Aligned Axions
systematics of aligned axions
renders axions tractable efficiently analyze potentials dimension. potentials landscapes minima sqrt analytically numerically intractable. uncovering approximate symmetries periods. approximate symmetries exponentially locate minima efficiently accurately analyze potential. diameters slow roll inflation unifies corrects extends axion alignment literature. broad diameters potential. mathematica pages
Recent years have seen a surprising connection between the physics of scattering amplitudes and a class of mathematical objects--the positive Grassmannian, positive loop Grassmannians, tree and loop Amplituhedra--which have been loosely referred to as "positive geometries". The connection between the geometry and physics is provided by a unique differential form canonically determined by the property of having logarithmic singularities (only) on all the boundaries of the space, with residues on each boundary given by the canonical form on that boundary. In this paper we initiate an exploration of "positive geometries" and "canonical forms" as objects of study in their own right in a more general mathematical setting. We give a precise definition of positive geometries and canonical forms, introduce general methods for finding forms for more complicated positive geometries from simpler ones, and present numerous examples of positive geometries in projective spaces, Grassmannians, and toric, cluster and flag varieties. We also illustrate a number of strategies for computing canonical forms which yield interesting representations for the forms associated with wide classes of positive geometries, ranging from the simplest Amplituhedra to new expressions for the volume of arbitrary convex polytopes.Comment: 123 pages, 12 figures, v2: fixed a reference and some minor typo
Positive Geometries and Canonical Forms
positive geometries and canonical forms
surprising connection amplitudes mathematical grassmannian grassmannians amplituhedra loosely referred geometries connection canonically logarithmic singularities boundaries canonical boundary. initiate exploration geometries canonical mathematical setting. precise geometries canonical complicated geometries simpler numerous geometries projective grassmannians toric flag varieties. illustrate canonical representations geometries ranging simplest amplituhedra expressions convex pages minor typo
We propose an effective conformal field theory (CFT) description of steady state incompressible fluid turbulence at the inertial range of scales in any number of spatial dimensions. We derive a KPZ-type equation for the anomalous scaling of the longitudinal velocity structure functions and relate the intermittency parameter to the boundary Euler (A-type) conformal anomaly coefficient. The proposed theory consists of a mean field CFT that exhibits Kolmogorov linear scaling (K41 theory) coupled to a dilaton. The dilaton is a Nambu-Goldstone gapless mode that arises from a spontaneous breaking due to the energy flux of the separate scale and time symmetries of the inviscid Navier-Stokes equations to a K41 scaling with a dynamical exponent $z=\frac{2}{3}$. The dilaton acts as a random measure that dresses the K41 theory and introduces intermittency. We discuss the two, three and large number of space dimensions cases and how entanglement entropy can be used to characterize the intermittency strength.Comment: 27 pages, revtex; added discussions, added formulas, added referenc
Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking, Conformal Anomaly and Incompressible Fluid Turbulence
spontaneous symmetry breaking, conformal anomaly and incompressible fluid turbulence
propose conformal steady incompressible turbulence inertial dimensions. derive anomalous longitudinal relate intermittency euler conformal anomaly coefficient. exhibits kolmogorov dilaton. dilaton nambu goldstone gapless arises spontaneous breaking symmetries inviscid navier stokes exponent frac dilaton acts dresses introduces intermittency. entanglement characterize intermittency pages revtex discussions formulas referenc
We consider 5d $\mathcal{N}=1$ $Sp(1)$ gauge theory based on a brane configuration with an O5-plane. At the UV fixed point, the theory with no matter enjoys enhanced global symmetry $SU(2)$ or $U(1)$ depending on the discrete theta angle $\theta=0, \pi$ (mod $2\pi$). A naive brane configuration with an O5-plane, however, does not distinguish two different theories, as it describes the weak coupling region. We devise a technique for computing 5d Seiberg-Witten curve of the two theories from the brane web with an O5-plane. Their Seiberg-Witten curves show that their M5 configurations under the presence of OM5-planes are different. The decompactification limit of each Seiberg-Witten curve also shows distinct phase structures in their Coulomb branch leading to significantly different $(p,q)$ 5-brane configurations with an O5-plane in the strong coupling region.Comment: v1: 45 pages, 36 figures, v2: published version, v3: a typo correcte
Discrete theta angle from an O5-plane
discrete theta angle from an o5-plane
mathcal brane plane. enjoys theta theta naive brane distinguish describes region. devise seiberg witten brane plane. seiberg witten configurations planes different. decompactification seiberg witten coulomb branch brane configurations pages typo correcte
We study the possibilities and the implications of a spontaneous breakdown of charge in the MSSM and in the $Z_3$-symmetric NMSSM. The breakdown is triggered by the charged states of the Higgs doublets acquiring vacuum expectation values. In the MSSM, it is known that the presence of a charge conserving minimum for the tree-level Higgs potential precludes a deeper (global) charge-breaking minimum. We find that the inclusion of radiative correction to the potential does not alter the situation while a deeper charge-conserving minimum could arise, albeit with no major practical consequences. In the NMSSM scenario, a charge-breaking global minimum, with or without an accompanying charge-conserving deeper minimum, could appear even with the tree-level Higgs potential thanks to the presence of a charge-neutral scalar state which transforms as a singlet under the Standard Model gauge group. Use of the NMSSM Higgs potential that includes both quantum and thermal corrections and the requirement of a viable (stable or long-lived) vacuum that breaks the electroweak symmetry, along with its compatibility with the latest Higgs data, lead to nontrivial constraints on the NMSSM parameter space.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figures, 1 table; matches with published versio
Spontaneous breakdown of charge in the MSSM and in the NMSSM: Possibilities and Implications
spontaneous breakdown of charge in the mssm and in the nmssm: possibilities and implications
possibilities spontaneous breakdown mssm nmssm. breakdown triggered doublets acquiring expectation values. mssm conserving precludes deeper breaking minimum. inclusion radiative alter deeper conserving arise albeit practical consequences. nmssm breaking accompanying conserving deeper thanks neutral transforms singlet group. nmssm requirement viable lived breaks electroweak compatibility latest nontrivial nmssm pages matches versio
The requirement for an ultraviolet completable theory to be well-behaved upon compactification has been suggested as a guiding principle for distinguishing the landscape from the swampland. Motivated by the weak gravity conjecture and the multiple point principle, we investigate the vacuum structure of the standard model compactified on $S^1$ and $T^2$. The measured value of the Higgs mass implies, in addition to the electroweak vacuum, the existence of a new vacuum where the Higgs field value is around the Planck scale. We explore two- and three-dimensional critical points of the moduli potential arising from compactifications of the electroweak vacuum as well as this high scale vacuum, in the presence of Majorana/Dirac neutrinos and/or axions. We point out potential sources of instability for these lower dimensional critical points in the standard model landscape. We also point out that a high scale $AdS_4$ vacuum of the Standard Model, if exists, would be at odd with the conjecture that all non-supersymmetric $AdS$ vacua are unstable. We argue that, if we require a degeneracy between three- and four-dimensional vacua as suggested by the multiple point principle, the neutrinos are predicted to be Dirac, with the mass of the lightest neutrino O(1-10) meV, which may be tested by future CMB, large scale structure and $21$cm line observations.Comment: 56 pages, 22 figures, published versio
Weak Gravity Conjecture, Multiple Point Principle and the Standard Model Landscape
weak gravity conjecture, multiple point principle and the standard model landscape
requirement ultraviolet completable behaved compactification guiding distinguishing landscape swampland. motivated conjecture compactified electroweak planck scale. explore moduli arising compactifications electroweak majorana dirac neutrinos axions. instability landscape. conjecture supersymmetric vacua unstable. argue degeneracy vacua neutrinos dirac lightest pages versio
The Nambu-Goldstone (NG) bosons of the SYK model are described by a coset space Diff/$\mathbb{SL}(2,\mathbb{R})$, where Diff, or Virasoro group, is the group of diffeomorphisms of the time coordinate valued on the real line or a circle. It is known that the coadjoint orbit action of Diff naturally turns out to be the two-dimensional quantum gravity action of Polyakov without cosmological constant, in a certain gauge, in an asymptotically flat spacetime. Motivated by this observation, we explore Polyakov action with cosmological constant and boundary terms, and study the possibility of such a two-dimensional quantum gravity model being the AdS dual to the low energy (NG) sector of the SYK model. We find strong evidences for this duality: (a) the bulk action admits an exact family of asymptotically AdS$_2$ spacetimes, parameterized by Diff/$\mathbb{SL}(2,\mathbb{R})$, in addition to a fixed conformal factor of a simple functional form; (b) the bulk path integral reduces to a path integral over Diff/$\mathbb{SL}(2,\mathbb{R})$ with a Schwarzian action; (c) the low temperature free energy qualitatively agrees with that of the SYK model. We show, up to quadratic order, how to couple an infinite series of bulk scalars to the Polyakov model and show that it reproduces the coupling of the higher modes of the SYK model with the NG bosons.Comment: 2+33 pages (including Appendices), 3 figures; v2 has revised discussion of orbits in Section 2, typos corrected; v3 has a new appendix analysing the off-shell equations of motion; v4 is published version with some more typos corrected; v5 corrects some typesetting error
Coadjoint orbit action of Virasoro group and two-dimensional quantum gravity dual to SYK/tensor models
coadjoint orbit action of virasoro group and two-dimensional quantum gravity dual to syk/tensor models
nambu goldstone bosons coset diff mathbb mathbb diff virasoro diffeomorphisms coordinate valued circle. coadjoint orbit diff naturally turns polyakov cosmological asymptotically spacetime. motivated explore polyakov cosmological model. evidences duality admits asymptotically spacetimes parameterized diff mathbb mathbb conformal reduces diff mathbb mathbb schwarzian qualitatively agrees model. quadratic couple infinite scalars polyakov reproduces pages appendices revised orbits typos corrected analysing typos corrected corrects typesetting
Chaos and complexity entail an entropic and computational obstruction to describing a system, and thus are intrinsically difficult to characterize. In this paper, we consider time evolution by Gaussian Unitary Ensemble (GUE) Hamiltonians and analytically compute out-of-time-ordered correlation functions (OTOCs) and frame potentials to quantify scrambling, Haar-randomness, and circuit complexity. While our random matrix analysis gives a qualitatively correct prediction of the late-time behavior of chaotic systems, we find unphysical behavior at early times including an $\mathcal{O}(1)$ scrambling time and the apparent breakdown of spatial and temporal locality. The salient feature of GUE Hamiltonians which gives us computational traction is the Haar-invariance of the ensemble, meaning that the ensemble-averaged dynamics look the same in any basis. Motivated by this property of the GUE, we introduce $k$-invariance as a precise definition of what it means for the dynamics of a quantum system to be described by random matrix theory. We envision that the dynamical onset of approximate $k$-invariance will be a useful tool for capturing the transition from early-time chaos, as seen by OTOCs, to late-time chaos, as seen by random matrix theory.Comment: 61 pages, 14 figures; v2: references added, typos fixe
Chaos, Complexity, and Random Matrices
chaos, complexity, and random matrices
chaos entail entropic obstruction describing intrinsically characterize. unitary ensemble hamiltonians analytically ordered otocs potentials quantify scrambling haar randomness circuit complexity. qualitatively chaotic unphysical mathcal scrambling apparent breakdown locality. salient hamiltonians traction haar invariance ensemble meaning ensemble averaged look basis. motivated invariance precise theory. envision onset approximate invariance capturing chaos otocs chaos pages typos fixe
We demonstrate that a holographic model of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen pair exhibits fast scrambling. Strongly entangled quark and antiquark in $\mathcal{N}=4$ super Yang-Mills theory are considered. Their gravity dual is a fundamental string whose endpoints are uniformly accelerated in opposite direction. We slightly increase the acceleration of the endpoint and show that it quickly destroys the correlation between the quark and antiquark. The proper time scale of the destruction is $\tau_\ast\sim \beta \ln S$ where $\beta$ is the inverse Unruh temperature and $S$ is the entropy of the accelerating quark. We also evaluate the Lyapunov exponent from correlation function as $\lambda_L=2\pi/\beta$, which saturates the Lyapunov bound. Our results suggest that the fast scrambling or saturation of the Lyapunov bound do not directly imply the existence of an Einstein dual. When we slightly decrease the acceleration, the quark and antiquark are causally connected and an "one-way traversable wormhole" is created on the worldsheet. It causes the divergence of the correlation function between the quark and antiquark.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure
Fast scrambling in holographic Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen pair
fast scrambling in holographic einstein-podolsky-rosen pair
holographic einstein podolsky rosen exhibits scrambling. entangled antiquark mathcal super mills considered. endpoints uniformly accelerated opposite direction. acceleration endpoint quickly destroys antiquark. proper destruction beta beta unruh accelerating quark. lyapunov exponent lambda beta saturates lyapunov bound. scrambling saturation lyapunov imply einstein dual. acceleration antiquark causally traversable wormhole created worldsheet. divergence pages
We find AdS5 solutions holographically dual to compactifications of six-dimensional N=(1,0) supersymmetric field theories on Riemann surfaces with punctures. We simplify a previous analysis of supersymmetric AdS5 IIA solutions, and with a suitable Ansatz we find explicit solutions organized in three classes, where an O8--D8 stack, D6- and D4-branes are simultaneously present, localized and partially localized. The D4-branes are smeared over the Riemann surface and this is interpreted as the presence of a uniform distribution of punctures. For the first class we identify the corresponding six-dimensional theory as an E-string theory coupled to a quiver gauge theory. The second class of solutions lacks D6-branes and its central charge scales as $n^{5/2}$, suggesting a five-dimensional origin for the dual field theory. The last class has elements of the previous two.Comment: 45 pages, 6 figure
AdS5 compactifications with punctures in massive IIA supergravity
ads5 compactifications with punctures in massive iia supergravity
holographically compactifications supersymmetric riemann punctures. simplify supersymmetric ansatz organized stack branes simultaneously localized partially localized. branes smeared riemann interpreted punctures. quiver theory. lacks branes theory. pages
We calculate the baryon asymmetry of the Universe in the Z3-invariant Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model where the interactions of the singlino provide the necessary source of charge and parity violation. Using the closed time path formalism, we derive and solve transport equations for the cases where the singlet acquires a vacuum expectation value (VEV) before and during the electroweak phase transition. We perform a detailed scan to show how the baryon asymmetry varies throughout the relevant parameter space. Our results show that the case where the singlet acquires a VEV during the electroweak phase transition typically generates a larger baryon asymmetry, although we expect that the case where the singlet acquires a VEV first is far more common for any model in which parameters unify at a high scale. Finally, we examine the dependence of the baryon asymmetry on the three-body interactions involving gauge singlets.Comment: 24 pages, version submitted to the journa
Electroweak baryogenesis in the Z3-invariant NMSSM
electroweak baryogenesis in the z3-invariant nmssm
baryon asymmetry universe supersymmetric singlino parity violation. formalism derive solve singlet acquires expectation electroweak transition. scan baryon asymmetry varies space. singlet acquires electroweak generates baryon asymmetry singlet acquires unify scale. examine baryon asymmetry involving pages submitted journa
We consider $D$-dimensional amplitudes in $R^2$ gravities (conformal gravity in $D=4$) and in the recently introduced $(DF)^2$ gauge theory, from the perspective of the CHY formulae and ambitwistor string theory. These theories are related through the BCJ double-copy construction, and the $(DF)^2$ gauge theory obeys color-kinematics duality. We work out the worldsheet details of these theories and show that they admit a formulation as integrals on the support of the scattering equations, or alternatively, as ambitwistor string theories. For gravity, this generalizes the work done by Berkovits and Witten on conformal gravity to $D$ dimensions. The ambitwistor is also interpreted as a $D$-dimensional generalization of Witten's twistor string (SYM + conformal supergravity). As part of our ambitwistor investigation, we discover another $(DF)^2$ gauge theory containing a photon that couples to Einstein gravity. This theory can provide an alternative KLT description of Einstein gravity compared to the usual Yang-Mills squared.Comment: 35 pages; v2: references added/updated, revised versio
Ambitwistor formulations of $R^2$ gravity and $(DF)^2$ gauge theories
ambitwistor formulations of $r^2$ gravity and $(df)^2$ gauge theories
amplitudes gravities conformal perspective formulae ambitwistor theory. copy obeys kinematics duality. worldsheet admit formulation integrals alternatively ambitwistor theories. generalizes berkovits witten conformal dimensions. ambitwistor interpreted generalization witten twistor conformal supergravity ambitwistor discover couples einstein gravity. einstein usual mills pages updated revised versio
Recursion relations for the sphere $4$-point and torus $1$-point ${\cal W}_3$ conformal blocks, generalizing Alexei Zamolodchikov's famous relation for the Virasoro conformal blocks are proposed. One of these relations is valid for any 4-point conformal block with two arbitrary and two special primaries with charge parameters proportional to the highest weight of the fundamental irrep of $SU(3)$. The other relation is designed for the torus conformal block with a special (in above mentioned sense) primary field insertion. AGT relation maps the sphere conformal block and the torus block to the instanton partition functions of the ${\cal N}=2$ $SU(3)$ SYM theory with 6 fundamental or an adjoint hypermultiplets respectively. AGT duality played a central role in establishing these recurrence relations, whose gauge theory counterparts are novel relations for the $SU(3)$ partition functions with $N_f=6$ fundamental or an adjoint hypermultiplets. By decoupling some (or all) hypermultiplets, recurrence relations for the asymptotically free theories with $0\le N_f<6$ are found.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures; minor corrections, published versio
Recurrence relations for the ${\cal W}_3$ conformal blocks and ${\cal N}=2$ SYM partition functions
recurrence relations for the ${\cal w}_3$ conformal blocks and ${\cal n}=2$ sym partition functions
recursion sphere torus conformal blocks generalizing alexei zamolodchikov famous virasoro conformal blocks proposed. valid conformal primaries irrep torus conformal insertion. sphere conformal torus instanton partition adjoint hypermultiplets respectively. duality played establishing recurrence counterparts partition adjoint hypermultiplets. decoupling hypermultiplets recurrence asymptotically pages minor versio
We study the change in the resurgent asymptotic properties of a trans-series in two parameters, a coupling $g^2$ and a gauge index $N$, as a system passes through a large $N$ phase transition, using the universal example of the Gross-Witten-Wadia third-order phase transition in the unitary matrix model. This transition is well-studied in the immediate vicinity of the transition point, where it is characterized by a double-scaling limit Painlev\'e II equation, and also away from the transition point using the pre-string difference equation. Here we present a complementary analysis of the transition at all coupling and all finite N, in terms of a differential equation, using the explicit Tracy-Widom mapping of the Gross-Witten-Wadia partition function to a solution of a Painlev\'e III equation. This mapping provides a simple method to generate trans-series expansions in all parameter regimes, and to study their transmutation as the parameters are varied. For example, at any finite N the weak coupling expansion is divergent, with a non-perturbative trans-series completion; on the other hand, the strong coupling expansion is convergent, and yet there is still a non-perturbative trans-series completion. We show how the different instanton terms `condense' at the transition point to match with the double-scaling limit trans-series. We also define a uniform large N strong-coupling expansion (a non-linear analogue of uniform WKB), which is much more precise than the conventional large N expansion through the transition region, and apply it to the evaluation of Wilson loops.Comment: 46 pages; 20 figure
Transmutation of a Trans-series: The Gross-Witten-Wadia Phase Transition
transmutation of a trans-series: the gross-witten-wadia phase transition
resurgent asymptotic passes universal gross witten wadia unitary model. immediate vicinity painlev away equation. complementary tracy widom gross witten wadia partition painlev equation. expansions regimes transmutation varied. divergent perturbative completion convergent perturbative completion. instanton condense match series. analogue precise wilson pages
We compute the off-shell 1-loop tadpole amplitude in heterotic string field theory. With a special choice of cubic vertex, we show that this amplitude can be computed exactly. We obtain explicit and elementary expressions for the Feynman graph decomposition of the moduli space, the local coordinate map at the puncture as a function of the modulus, and the $b$-ghost insertions needed for the integration measure. Recently developed homotopy algebra methods provide a consistent configuration of picture changing operators. We discuss the consequences of spurious poles for the choice of picture changing operators.Comment: v3: 36 pages, 8 figures. Figure 8 correcte
One Loop Tadpole in Heterotic String Field Theory
one loop tadpole in heterotic string field theory
tadpole heterotic theory. cubic exactly. elementary expressions feynman decomposition moduli coordinate puncture modulus ghost insertions measure. homotopy picture changing operators. consequences spurious poles picture changing pages figures. correcte
We consider the production of an arbitrary number of colour-singlet particles near partonic threshold, and show that next-to-leading order cross sections for this class of processes have a simple universal form at next-to-leading power (NLP) in the energy of the emitted gluon radiation. Our analysis relies on a recently derived factorisation formula for NLP threshold effects at amplitude level, and therefore applies both if the leading-order process is tree-level and if it is loop-induced. It holds for differential distributions as well. The results can furthermore be seen as applications of recently derived next-to-soft theorems for gauge theory amplitudes. We use our universal expression to re-derive known results for the production of up to three Higgs bosons at NLO in the large top mass limit, and for the hadro-production of a pair of electroweak gauge bosons. Finally, we present new analytic results for Higgs boson pair production at NLO and NLP, with exact top-mass dependence.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figure
Universality of next-to-leading power threshold effects for colourless final states in hadronic collisions
universality of next-to-leading power threshold effects for colourless final states in hadronic collisions
colour singlet partonic universal emitted gluon radiation. relies factorisation applies induced. well. theorems amplitudes. universal derive bosons hadro electroweak bosons. analytic boson pages
We provide expressions for the nonperturbative matching of the effective field theory describing dark matter interactions with quarks and gluons to the effective theory of nonrelativistic dark matter interacting with nonrelativistic nucleons. We give the leading and subleading order expressions in chiral counting. In general, a single partonic operator already matches onto several nonrelativistic operators at leading order in chiral counting. Thus, keeping only one operator at the time in the nonrelativistic effective theory does not properly describe the scattering in direct detection. Moreover, the matching of the axial--axial partonic level operator, as well as the matching of the operators coupling DM to the QCD anomaly term, naively include momentum suppressed terms. However, these are still of leading chiral order due to pion poles and can be numerically important. We illustrate the impact of these effects with several examples.Comment: 47 pages, 8 figures. Improved discussion, corrected typographical errors, updated reference
From quarks to nucleons in dark matter direct detection
from quarks to nucleons in dark matter direct detection
expressions nonperturbative matching describing quarks gluons nonrelativistic interacting nonrelativistic nucleons. subleading expressions chiral counting. partonic matches nonrelativistic chiral counting. keeping nonrelativistic properly detection. matching axial axial partonic matching anomaly naively suppressed terms. chiral pion poles numerically important. illustrate pages figures. corrected typographical updated
We present an expression for the four-point conformal blocks of symmetric traceless operators of arbitrary spin as an integral over a pair of geodesics in Anti-de Sitter space, generalizing the geodesic Witten diagram formalism of Hijano et al [arXiv:1508.00501] to arbitrary spin. As an intermediate step in the derivation, we identify a convenient basis of bulk three-point interaction vertices which give rise to all possible boundary three point structures. We highlight a direct connection between the representation of the conformal block as a geodesic Witten diagram and the shadow operator formalism.Comment: 28+6 pages, 8 figure
Spinning Geodesic Witten Diagrams
spinning geodesic witten diagrams
conformal blocks traceless geodesics sitter generalizing geodesic witten formalism hijano spin. derivation convenient structures. highlight connection conformal geodesic witten shadow pages
Stringent relations between the $B^{(*)} \to D^{(*)} $ form factors exist in the heavy quark limit and the leading symmetry breaking corrections are known. We reconsider their uncertainty and role in the analysis of recent Belle data for $B\to D^{(*)}\ell\nu$ with model-independent parametrizations and in the related prediction of $R(D^{(*)})$. We find $|V_{cb}|=41.5(1.3) \ 10^{-3}$ and $|V_{cb}|=40.6(^{+1.2}_{-1.3}) \ 10^{-3}$ using input from Light Cone Sum Rules, and $R(D^{*})=0.260(8)$.Comment: 13 pages. Improved discussion of R(D*), P_tau prediction and various explanations adde
$R(D^*)$, $|V_{cb}|$, and the Heavy Quark Symmetry relations between form factors
$r(d^*)$, $|v_{cb}|$, and the heavy quark symmetry relations between form factors
stringent breaking known. reconsider belle parametrizations cone .comment pages. explanations adde
We present a new method of deriving the off-shell spectrum of supergravity and massless $4D,~\mathcal{N}=1$ higher spin multiplets without the need of an action and based on a set of natural requirements: (a.) existence of an underlying superspace description, (b.) an economical description of free, massless, higher spins and (c.) equal numbers of bosonic and fermionic degrees of freedom. We prove that for any theory that respects the above, the fermionic auxiliary components come in pairs and are gauge invariant and there are two types of bosonic auxiliary components. Type (1) are pairs of a $(2,0)$-tensor with real or imaginary $(1,1)$-tensor with non-trivial gauge transformations. Type (2) are singlets and gauge invariant. The outcome is a set of Diophantine equations, the solutions of which determine the off-shell spectrum of supergravity and massless higher spin multiplets. This approach provides (i) a classification of the irreducible, supersymmetric, representations of arbitrary spin and (ii) a very clean and intuitive explanation to why some of these theories have more than one formulations (e.g. the supergravity multiplet) and others do not
From Diophantus to Supergravity and massless higher spin multiplets
from diophantus to supergravity and massless higher spin multiplets
deriving supergravity massless mathcal multiplets superspace economical massless spins bosonic fermionic freedom. respects fermionic auxiliary come bosonic auxiliary components. imaginary trivial transformations. singlets invariant. diophantine supergravity massless multiplets. irreducible supersymmetric representations clean intuitive explanation formulations e.g. supergravity multiplet
We study a class of 6d $\mathcal{N}=(1,0)$ non-geometric vacua of the $\text{Spin}(32)/\mathbb Z_2$ heterotic string which can be understood as fibrations of genus-two curves over a complex one-dimensional base. The 6d $\mathcal{N}=(1,0)$ theories living on the defects that arise when the genus-two fiber degenerates at a point of the base are analyzed by dualizing to F-theory on elliptic K3-fibered non-compact Calabi-Yau threefolds. We consider all possible degenerations of genus-two curves and systematically attempt to resolve the singularities of the dual threefolds. As in the analogous non-geometric vacua of the $E_8\times E_8$ heterotic string, we find that many of the resulting dual threefolds contain singularities which do not admit a crepant resolution. When the singularities can be resolved crepantly, we determine the emerging effective theories which turn out to be little string theories at a generic point on their tensor branch. We also observe a form of duality in which theories living on distinct defects are the same.Comment: 39 pages, 3 figures, and 6 table
Non-Geometric Vacua of the $\mathbf{\text{Spin}(32)/\mathbb Z_2}$ Heterotic String and Little String Theories
non-geometric vacua of the $\mathbf{\text{spin}(32)/\mathbb z_2}$ heterotic string and little string theories
mathcal geometric vacua mathbb heterotic understood fibrations genus base. mathcal living defects arise genus fiber degenerates dualizing elliptic fibered calabi threefolds. degenerations genus systematically attempt resolve singularities threefolds. analogous geometric vacua heterotic threefolds singularities admit crepant resolution. singularities resolved crepantly emerging generic branch. duality living defects pages
We derive the stochastic description of a massless, interacting scalar field in de Sitter space directly from the quantum theory. This is done by showing that the density matrix for the effective theory of the long wavelength fluctuations of the field obeys a quantum version of the Fokker-Planck equation. This equation has a simple connection with the standard Fokker-Planck equation of the classical stochastic theory, which can be generalised to any order in perturbation theory. We illustrate this formalism in detail for the theory of a massless scalar field with a quartic interaction.Comment: 25 pages, no figure
The quantum Fokker-Planck equation of stochastic inflation
the quantum fokker-planck equation of stochastic inflation
derive stochastic massless interacting sitter theory. obeys fokker planck equation. connection fokker planck stochastic generalised perturbation theory. illustrate formalism massless quartic pages
It is known that there are AdS vacua obtained from compactifying the SM to 2 or 3 dimensions. The existence of such vacua depends on the value of neutrino masses through the Casimir effect. Using the Weak Gravity Conjecture, it has been recently argued by Ooguri and Vafa that such vacua are incompatible with the SM embedding into a consistent theory of quantum gravity. We study the limits obtained for both the cosmological constant $\Lambda_4$ and neutrino masses from the absence of such dangerous 3D and 2D SM AdS vacua. One interesting implication is that $\Lambda_4$ is bounded to be larger than a scale of order $m_\nu^4$, as observed experimentally. Interestingly, this is the first argument implying a non-vanishing $\Lambda_4$ only on the basis of particle physics, with no cosmological input. Conversely, the observed $\Lambda_4$ implies strong constraints on neutrino masses in the SM and also for some BSM extensions including extra Weyl or Dirac spinors, gravitinos and axions. The upper bounds obtained for neutrino masses imply (for fixed neutrino Yukawa and $\Lambda_4$) the existence of upper bounds on the EW scale. In the case of massive Majorana neutrinos with a see-saw mechanism associated to a large scale $M\simeq 10^{10-14}$ GeV and $Y_{\nu_1}\simeq 10^{-3}$, one obtains that the EW scale cannot exceed $M_{EW}\lesssim 10^2-10^4$ GeV. From this point of view, the delicate fine-tuning required to get a small EW scale would be a mirage, since parameters yielding higher EW scales would be in the swampland and would not count as possible consistent theories. This would bring a new perspective into the issue of the EW hierarchy.Comment: 41 pages, 21 figures, 5 tables. v2: Added section 6 + fig.12 + references; typos correcte
Constraining Neutrino Masses, the Cosmological Constant and BSM Physics from the Weak Gravity Conjecture
constraining neutrino masses, the cosmological constant and bsm physics from the weak gravity conjecture
vacua compactifying dimensions. vacua casimir effect. conjecture argued ooguri vafa vacua incompatible embedding gravity. cosmological lambda dangerous vacua. implication lambda experimentally. interestingly argument implying vanishing lambda cosmological input. conversely lambda extensions extra weyl dirac spinors gravitinos axions. bounds imply yukawa lambda bounds scale. massive majorana neutrinos simeq simeq obtains exceed lesssim gev. delicate fine tuning mirage yielding swampland count theories. bring perspective pages tables. fig. typos correcte
We study the transverse momentum distribution of hadrons within jets, where the transverse momentum is defined with respect to the standard jet axis. We consider the case where the jet substructure measurement is performed for an inclusive jet sample $pp\to\text{jet}+X$. We demonstrate that this observable provides new opportunities to study transverse momentum dependent fragmentation functions (TMDFFs) which are currently poorly constrained from data, especially for gluons. The factorization of the cross section is obtained within Soft Collinear Effective Theory (SCET), and we show that the relevant TMDFFs are the same as for the more traditional processes semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering (SIDIS) and electron-positron annihilation. Different than in SIDIS, the observable for the in-jet fragmentation does not depend on TMD parton distribution functions which allows for a cleaner and more direct probe of TMDFFs. We present numerical results and compare to available data from the LHC.Comment: 28 pages, 3 figures, published versio
The transverse momentum distribution of hadrons within jets
the transverse momentum distribution of hadrons within jets
hadrons jets axis. substructure inclusive observable opportunities fragmentation tmdffs poorly constrained gluons. factorization collinear scet tmdffs traditional inclusive inelastic sidis positron annihilation. sidis observable fragmentation parton cleaner tmdffs. pages versio
The one-loop correction to heavy quark pair back-to-back production in unpolarized semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering is given in this work in the framework of transverse momentum dependent(TMD) factorization. Both unpolarized and linearly polarized TMD gluon distribution functions are taken into account. A subtraction method based on diagram expansion is used to get finite hard coefficients. It is found the soft and collinear divergences of one-loop amplitude is proportional to tree level ones and can be expressed through several basic scalar triangle and bubble integrals. The subtraction of these divergences is spin independent. Beyond tree level an additional soft factor related to final heavy quark pair must be added into the factorization formula. This soft factor affects the azimuthal angle distribution of virtual photon in a nonperturbative way. Integrating over virtual photon azimuthal angle we construct three weighted cross sections, which depend on only three additional integrated soft factors. These weighted cross sections can be used to extract linearly polarized gluon distribution function. In addition, lepton azimuthal angle is unintegrated in this work, which provides more observables. All hard coefficients relevant to lepton and virtual photon azimuthal angle distributions are given at one-loop level.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figure
Back-to-back heavy quark pair production in Semi-inclusive DIS
back-to-back heavy quark pair production in semi-inclusive dis
unpolarized inclusive inelastic factorization. unpolarized linearly polarized gluon account. subtraction coefficients. collinear divergences triangle bubble integrals. subtraction divergences independent. factorization formula. affects azimuthal virtual nonperturbative way. integrating virtual azimuthal weighted factors. weighted extract linearly polarized gluon function. lepton azimuthal unintegrated observables. lepton virtual azimuthal pages
We revisit the flavor-changing processes involving an axion-like particle (ALP) in the context of generic ALP effective lagrangian with a discussion of possible UV completions providing the origin of the relevant bare ALP couplings. We focus on the minimal scenario that ALP has flavor-conserving couplings at tree level, and the leading flavor-changing couplings arise from the loops involving the Yukawa couplings of the Standard Model fermions. We note that such radiatively generated flavor-changing ALP couplings can be easily suppressed in field theoretic ALP models with sensible UV completion. We discuss also the implication of our result for string theoretic ALP originating from higher-dimensional $p$-form gauge fields, for instance for ALP in large volume string compactification scenario.Comment: 41 pages, 3 figures; v3: a discussion on general extended Higgs sector added in sec. 2, version published in JHE
Minimal Flavor Violation with Axion-like Particles
minimal flavor violation with axion-like particles
revisit flavor changing involving axion generic lagrangian completions bare couplings. flavor conserving couplings flavor changing couplings arise loops involving yukawa couplings fermions. radiatively flavor changing couplings suppressed theoretic sensible completion. implication theoretic originating compactification pages sec.
We describe the defect operator interpretation of the supersymmetric Renyi entropies of superconformal field theories in three, four and five dimensions. The operators involved are supersymmetric codimension-two defects in an auxiliary Z_n gauge theory coupled to n copies of the SCFT. We compute the exact expectation values of such operators using localization, and compare the results to the supersymmetric Renyi entropy. The agreement between the two implies a relationship between the partition function on a squashed sphere and the one on a round sphere in the presence of defects.Comment: 45 pages, 1 figur
Supersymmetric R\'enyi Entropy and Defect Operators
supersymmetric r\'enyi entropy and defect operators
defect supersymmetric renyi entropies superconformal dimensions. supersymmetric codimension defects auxiliary copies scft. expectation localization supersymmetric renyi entropy. partition squashed sphere round sphere pages figur
We study reheating in $\alpha$-attractor models of inflation in which the inflaton couples to other scalars or fermions. We show that the parameter space contains viable regions in which the inflaton couplings to radiation can be determined from the properties of CMB temperature fluctuations, in particular the spectral index. This may be the only way to measure these fundamental microphysical parameters, which shaped the universe by setting the initial temperature of the hot big bang and contain important information about the embedding of a given model of inflation into a more fundamental theory of physics. The method can be applied to other models of single field inflation.Comment: 39 pages, 14 figures. Identical to the version that is to appear in JHE
CMB constraints on the inflaton couplings and reheating temperature in $\alpha$-attractor inflation
cmb constraints on the inflaton couplings and reheating temperature in $\alpha$-attractor inflation
reheating alpha attractor inflation inflaton couples scalars fermions. viable inflaton couplings index. microphysical shaped universe bang embedding inflation physics. pages figures.
It is one of the major issues to realize a vacuum which breaks supersymmetry (SUSY) and R-symmetry, in a supersymmetric model. We study the model, where the same sector breaks the gauge symmetry and SUSY. In general, the SUSY breaking model without gauge symmetry has a flat direction at the minimum of F-term scalar potential. When we introduce U(1) gauge symmetry to such a SUSY breaking model, there can appear a runaway direction. Such a runway direction can be lifted by loop effects, and the gauge symmetry breaking and SUSY breaking are realized. The R-symmetry, that is assigned to break SUSY, is also spontaneously broken at the vacuum. This scenario can be extended to non-Abelian gauge theories. We also discuss application to the Pati-Salam model and the SU(5) grand unified theory. We see that non-vanishing gaugino masses are radiatively generated by the R-symmetry breaking and the gauge messenger contribution.Comment: 23 pages, version accepted in JHE
Realization of a spontaneous gauge and supersymmetry breaking vacuum
realization of a spontaneous gauge and supersymmetry breaking vacuum
realize breaks supersymmetry susy supersymmetric model. breaks susy. susy breaking potential. susy breaking runaway direction. runway lifted breaking susy breaking realized. assigned break susy spontaneously broken vacuum. abelian theories. pati salam grand unified theory. vanishing gaugino radiatively breaking messenger pages
The decay rate of a false vacuum is studied in gauge theory, paying particular attention to its gauge invariance. Although the decay rate should not depend on the gauge parameter $\xi$ according to the Nielsen identity, the gauge invariance of the result of a perturbative calculation has not been clearly shown. We give a prescription to perform a one-loop calculation of the decay rate, with which a manifestly gauge-invariant expression of the decay rate is obtained. We also discuss the renormalization necessary to make the result finite, and show that the decay rate is independent of the gauge parameter even after the renormalization.Comment: 39 pages, 1 figure, typos corrected, reference adde
False Vacuum Decay in Gauge Theory
false vacuum decay in gauge theory
false paying invariance. nielsen invariance perturbative shown. prescription manifestly obtained. renormalization pages typos corrected adde
It has been shown that AdS/CFT calculations can reproduce certain exclusive 2->2 cross sections in QCD at high energy, both for near-forward and for fixed-angle scattering. In this paper, we extend prior treatments by using AdS/CFT to calculate the inclusive single-particle production cross section in QCD at high center-of-mass energy. We find that conformal invariance in the UV restricts the cross section to have a characteristic power-law falloff in the transverse momentum of the produced particle, with the exponent given by twice the conformal dimension of the produced particle, independent of incoming particle types. We conclude by comparing our findings to recent LHC experimental data from ATLAS and ALICE, and find good agreement.Comment: JHEP version. Discussion, appendix, figures, and tables added. Conclusions and key results unchange
Inclusive Production Through AdS/CFT
inclusive production through ads/cft
reproduce exclusive scattering. extend treatments inclusive energy. conformal invariance restricts falloff exponent twice conformal incoming types. atlas alice jhep version. tables added. unchange
We study the holographic entanglement entropy of spatial regions with corners in the AdS4/BCFT3 correspondence by considering three dimensional boundary conformal field theories whose boundary is a timelike plane. We compute analytically the corner function corresponding to an infinite wedge having one edge on the boundary. A relation between this corner function and the holographic one point function of the stress tensor is observed. An analytic expression for the corner function of an infinite wedge having only its tip on the boundary is also provided. This formula requires to find the global minimum among two extrema of the area functional. The corresponding critical configurations of corners are studied. The results have been checked against a numerical analysis performed by computing the area of the minimal surfaces anchored to some finite domains containing corners.Comment: 83 pages, 29 figures. v2: published versio
Corner contributions to holographic entanglement entropy in AdS4/BCFT3
corner contributions to holographic entanglement entropy in ads4/bcft3
holographic entanglement corners bcft correspondence conformal timelike plane. analytically corner infinite wedge boundary. corner holographic observed. analytic corner infinite wedge provided. extrema functional. configurations corners studied. checked anchored pages figures. versio
We review the systematics of Mandelstam cut contributions to planar scattering amplitudes in the multi-Regge limit. Isolating the relevant cut terms, we explain how the BFKL expansion can be used to construct the perturbative n-point multi-Regge limit amplitude in certain kinematic regions from a finite number of basic building blocks. At three loops and at leading logarithmic order, two building blocks are required. Their symbols are extracted from the known three-loop six-point and seven-point symbols for general kinematics. The new seven-point building block is constructed in terms of single-valued multiple polylogarithms to the extent it can be determined using the symbol as well as further symmetry and consistency constraints. Beyond the leading logarithmic order, the subleading and sub-subleading terms require two and one further building block, respectively. The latter could either be reconstructed from further perturbative data, or from BFKL integrals involving yet-unknown corrections to the central emission block.Comment: 34 pages, 88 diagrams; v2: added references, fixed typos, minor revision; v3: significant extension, new section on construction of the function g3, new appendix on four-loop decomposition, published versio
Systematics of the Multi-Regge Three-Loop Symbol
systematics of the multi-regge three-loop symbol
systematics mandelstam planar amplitudes regge limit. isolating bfkl perturbative regge kinematic blocks. loops logarithmic blocks required. symbols seven symbols kinematics. seven valued polylogarithms symbol consistency constraints. logarithmic subleading subleading respectively. reconstructed perturbative bfkl integrals involving unknown pages diagrams typos minor revision decomposition versio
We explicitly construct families of integrable $\sigma$-model actions smoothly interpolating between exact CFTs. In the ultraviolet the theory is the direct product of two current algebras at levels $k_1$ and $k_2$. In the infrared and for the case of two deformation matrices the CFT involves a coset CFT, whereas for a single matrix deformation it is given by the ultraviolet direct product theories but at levels $k_1$ and $k_2-k_1$. For isotropic deformations we demonstrate integrability. In this case we also compute the exact beta-function for the deformation parameters using gravitational methods. This is shown to coincide with previous results obtained using perturbation theory and non-perturbative symmetries.Comment: 1+27 pages, text improvements, version published in JHE
Integrable flows between exact CFTs
integrable flows between exact cfts
explicitly families integrable sigma smoothly interpolating cfts. ultraviolet algebras infrared deformation involves coset deformation ultraviolet isotropic deformations integrability. beta deformation gravitational methods. coincide perturbation perturbative pages improvements
Coulomb branches of a set of $3d\ \mathcal{N}=4$ supersymmetric gauge theories are closures of nilpotent orbits of the algebra $\mathfrak{so}(n)$. From the point of view of string theory, these quantum field theories can be understood as effective gauge theories describing the low energy dynamics of a brane configuration with the presence of orientifold planes. The presence of the orientifold planes raises the question to whether the orthogonal factors of a the gauge group are indeed orthogonal $O(N)$ or special orthogonal $SO(N)$. In order to investigate this problem, we compute the Hilbert series for the Coulomb branch of $T^\sigma(SO(n)^\vee)$ theories, utilizing the monopole formula. The results for all nilpotent orbits from $\mathfrak {so} (3)$ to $\mathfrak{so}(10)$ which are special and normal are presented. A new relationship between the choice of $SO/O(N)$ factors in the gauge group and the Lusztig's Canonical Quotient of the corresponding nilpotent orbit is observed. We also provide a new way of projecting several magnetic lattices of different $SO(N)$ gauge group factors by the simultaneous action of a $\mathbb Z_2$ group.Comment: 33 pages, 3 figures, 28 table
Nilpotent orbits and the Coulomb branch of $T^\sigma (G)$ theories: special orthogonal vs orthogonal gauge group factors
nilpotent orbits and the coulomb branch of $t^\sigma (g)$ theories: special orthogonal vs orthogonal gauge group factors
coulomb branches mathcal supersymmetric closures nilpotent orbits mathfrak understood describing brane orientifold planes. orientifold planes raises orthogonal orthogonal orthogonal hilbert coulomb branch sigma utilizing monopole formula. nilpotent orbits mathfrak mathfrak presented. lusztig canonical quotient nilpotent orbit observed. projecting lattices simultaneous mathbb pages
We discuss inflation and dark matter in the inert doublet model coupled non-minimally to gravity where the inert doublet is the inflaton and the neutral scalar part of the doublet is the dark matter candidate. We calculate the various inflationary parameters like $n_s$, $r$ and $P_s$ and then proceed to the reheating phase where the inflaton decays into the Higgs and other gauge bosons which are non-relativistic owing to high effective masses. These bosons further decay or annihilate to give relativistic fermions which are finally responsible for reheating the universe. At the end of the reheating phase, the inert doublet which was the inflaton enters into thermal equilibrium with the rest of the plasma and its neutral component later freezes out as cold dark matter with a mass of about 2 TeV.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures, 1 table; some explanations added; references added; version published in JHE
Inflation and Dark Matter in the Inert Doublet Model
inflation and dark matter in the inert doublet model
inflation inert doublet minimally inert doublet inflaton neutral doublet candidate. inflationary proceed reheating inflaton decays bosons relativistic owing masses. bosons annihilate relativistic fermions reheating universe. reheating inert doublet inflaton enters neutral freezes cold pages explanations
Computing the exact spectrum of charged massless matter is a crucial step towards understanding the effective field theory describing F-theory vacua in four dimensions. In this work we further develop a coherent framework to determine the charged massless matter in F-theory compactified on elliptic fourfolds, and demonstrate its application in a concrete example. The gauge background is represented, via duality with M-theory, by algebraic cycles modulo rational equivalence. Intersection theory within the Chow ring allows us to extract coherent sheaves on the base of the elliptic fibration whose cohomology groups encode the charged zero-mode spectrum. The dimensions of these cohomology groups are computed with the help of modern techniques from algebraic geometry, which we implement in the software gap. We exemplify this approach in models with an Abelian and non-Abelian gauge group and observe jumps in the exact massless spectrum as the complex structure moduli are varied. An extended mathematical appendix gives a self-contained introduction to the algebro-geometric concepts underlying our framework.Comment: 41 pages + extended appendice
Gauge Backgrounds and Zero-Mode Counting in F-Theory
gauge backgrounds and zero-mode counting in f-theory
massless crucial describing vacua dimensions. coherent massless compactified elliptic fourfolds concrete example. duality algebraic cycles modulo rational equivalence. intersection chow extract coherent sheaves elliptic fibration cohomology encode spectrum. cohomology modern algebraic implement gap. exemplify abelian abelian jumps massless moduli varied. mathematical algebro geometric concepts pages appendice
We consider partition functions with insertions of surface operators of topologically twisted N=2, SU(2) supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory, or Donaldson-Witten theory for short, on a four-manifold. If the metric of the compact four-manifold has positive scalar curvature, Moore and Witten have shown that the partition function is completely determined by the integral over the Coulomb branch parameter $a$, while more generally the Coulomb branch integral captures the wall-crossing behavior of both Donaldson polynomials and Seiberg-Witten invariants. We show that after addition of a Q-exact surface operator to the Moore-Witten integrand, the integrand can be written as a total derivative to the anti-holomorphic coordinate $\bar a$ using Zwegers' indefinite theta functions. In this way, we reproduce G\"ottsche's expressions for Donaldson invariants of rational surfaces in terms of indefinite theta functions for any choice of metric.Comment: 23 pages + appendices, comments welcome. v2: published versio
Donaldson-Witten theory and indefinite theta functions
donaldson-witten theory and indefinite theta functions
partition insertions topologically twisted supersymmetric mills donaldson witten manifold. manifold curvature moore witten partition coulomb branch coulomb branch captures crossing donaldson polynomials seiberg witten invariants. moore witten integrand integrand holomorphic coordinate zwegers indefinite theta functions. reproduce ottsche expressions donaldson invariants rational indefinite theta pages appendices comments welcome. versio
We consider compactifications of type IIA superstring theory on mirror-folds obtained as K3 fibrations over two-tori with non-geometric monodromies involving mirror symmetries. At special points in the moduli space these are asymmetric Gepner models. The compactifications are constructed from non-geometric automorphisms that arise from the diagonal action of an automorphism of the K3 surface and of an automorphism of the mirror surface. We identify the corresponding gaugings of N=4 supergravity in four dimensions, and show that the minima of the potential describe the same four-dimensional low-energy physics as the worldsheet formulation in terms of asymmetric Gepner models. In this way, we obtain a class of Minkowski vacua of type II string theory which preserve N=2 supersymmetry. The massless sector consists of N=2 supergravity coupled to 3 vector multiplets, giving the STU model. In some cases there are additional massless hypermultiplets.Comment: 48 pages, no figures; v2: few typos corrected, one rephrased statement in subsection 5.
Non-geometric Calabi-Yau Backgrounds and K3 automorphisms
non-geometric calabi-yau backgrounds and k3 automorphisms
compactifications superstring mirror folds fibrations tori geometric monodromies involving mirror symmetries. moduli asymmetric gepner models. compactifications geometric automorphisms arise diagonal automorphism automorphism mirror surface. gaugings supergravity minima worldsheet formulation asymmetric gepner models. minkowski vacua preserve supersymmetry. massless supergravity multiplets giving model. massless pages typos corrected rephrased statement subsection
Of all $B \to D \overline{D}$ decays, the $B^0 \to D^0 \overline{D^0}$ decay has the smallest observed branching ratio as it takes place primarily via the suppressed $W$-exchange diagram. The $CP$ asymmetry for this mode is yet to be measured experimentally. By exploiting the relationship among the decay amplitudes of $B \to D\overline{D}$ decays (using isospin and topological amplitudes) we are able to relate the $CP$ asymmetries and branching ratios by a simple expression. This enables us to predict the $CP$ asymmetry $C_{00}$ in $B^0 \to D^0 \overline{D^0}$. While the predicted central values of $C_{00}$ are outside the physically allowed region, they are currently associated with large uncertainties owing to the large errors in the measurements of the $B^0 \to D^0 \overline{D^0}$ branching ratio ($B_{00}$), the other $CP$ asymmetries $C_{+-}$ (of $B^0 \to D^+ D^-$) and $A_{\text{CP}}$ (of $B^+ \to D^+ \overline{D^0}$). With a precise determination of $B_{00}$, $C_{+-}$ and $A_{\text{CP}}$, one can use our analytical result to predict $C_{00}$ with a reduced error and compare it with the experimental measurement when it becomes available. The correlation between $B_{00}$ and $C_{00}$ is an interesting aspect that can be probed in ongoing and future particle physics experiments such as LHCb and Belle II.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in JHE
Prediction of the $CP$ asymmetry $C_{00}$ in $B^0 \to D^0\overline{D^0}$ decay
prediction of the $cp$ asymmetry $c_{00}$ in $b^0 \to d^0\overline{d^0}$ decay
overline decays overline smallest branching primarily suppressed diagram. asymmetry experimentally. exploiting amplitudes overline decays isospin topological amplitudes relate asymmetries branching expression. enables predict asymmetry overline physically owing overline branching asymmetries overline precise predict available. aspect probed ongoing lhcb belle pages publication
We match the seesaw model for generating neutrino masses onto the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT). We perform this matching at tree level up to dimension seven in the operator expansion. We explain how some of the perturbations of the neutrino mass matrix due to operators of mass dimension greater than five are tied to integrating out the heavy Majorana mass eigenstates in sequence. We demonstrate that the low energy limit of seesaw models are well described by the SMEFT, particularly when constructed using a flavour space expansion. Flavour space expansions of seesaw models are of interest as the coupling of the heavy states to the Standard Model, that are integrated out to generate neutrino masses, are through flavour space vectors $\in \mathbb{C}^3$. We point out that neutrino phenomenology can be systematically developed as a perturbation around the unknown eigenvectors diagonalizing the charged lepton mass matrix using the fact that these eigenvectors also form a basis of $\mathbb{C}^3$. This point holds in seesaw models and can also be applied to other models of neutrino mass generation to develop systematic expansions. We develop the algebra for this flavour space and discuss some phenomenology to illustrate this approach.Comment: 16 pages + appendix, 3 figures, one nice algebra, V3: minor correction
On expansions in neutrino effective field theory
on expansions in neutrino effective field theory
match seesaw generating smeft matching seven expansion. perturbations tied integrating majorana eigenstates sequence. seesaw smeft flavour expansion. flavour expansions seesaw flavour mathbb phenomenology systematically perturbation unknown eigenvectors diagonalizing lepton eigenvectors mathbb seesaw expansions. flavour phenomenology illustrate pages nice minor
We present an explicit expression for the grand potential of the U(N)^3 superconformal Chern-Simons theory with the Chern-Simons levels being (k,0,-k). From the viewpoint of the Newton polygon, it is expected that the grand potential is given by the free energy of the topological string theory on the local D_5 del Pezzo geometry, though the explicit identification was a puzzle for years. We show how the expectation is realized explicitly. As a bonus, we can also study the Z_2 orbifold of this theory and find the grand potential is now given in terms of the local E_7 del Pezzo geometry.Comment: 47 pages; v3: typos corrected, published versio
Superconformal Chern-Simons Theories from del Pezzo Geometries
superconformal chern-simons theories from del pezzo geometries
grand superconformal chern simons chern simons viewpoint newton polygon grand topological pezzo puzzle years. expectation realized explicitly. bonus orbifold grand pezzo pages typos corrected versio
In this paper we discuss $3d$ ${\cal N}=2$ supersymmetric gauge theories and their IR dualities when they are compactified on a circle of radius $r$, and when we take the $2d$ limit in which $r\to 0$. The $2d$ limit depends on how the mass parameters are scaled as $r\to 0$, and often vacua become infinitely distant in the $2d$ limit, leading to a direct sum of different $2d$ theories. For generic mass parameters, when we take the same limit on both sides of a duality, we obtain $2d$ dualities (between gauge theories and/or Landau-Ginzburg theories) that pass all the usual tests. However, when there are non-compact branches the discussion is subtle because the metric on the moduli space, which is not controlled by supersymmetry, plays an important role in the low-energy dynamics after compactification. Generally speaking, for IR dualities of gauge theories, we conjecture that dualities involving non-compact Higgs branches survive. On the other hand when there is a non-compact Coulomb branch on at least one side of the duality, the duality fails already when the $3d$ theories are compactified on a circle. Using the valid reductions we reproduce many known $2d$ IR dualities, giving further evidence for their validity, and we also find new $2d$ dualities
From 3d duality to 2d duality
from 3d duality to 2d duality
supersymmetric dualities compactified circle scaled vacua infinitely distant theories. generic sides duality dualities landau ginzburg pass usual tests. branches subtle moduli supersymmetry plays compactification. speaking dualities conjecture dualities involving branches survive. coulomb branch duality duality fails compactified circle. valid reductions reproduce dualities giving validity dualities
We examine the large $N$ 1/4-BPS spectrum of the symmetric orbifold CFT Sym$^N(M)$ deformed to the supergravity point in moduli space for $M= K3$ and $T^4$. We consider refinement under both left- and right-moving $SU(2)_R$ symmetries of the superconformal algebra, and decompose the spectrum into characters of the algebra. We find that at large $N$ the character decomposition satisfies an unusual property, in which the degeneracy only depends on a certain linear combination of left- and right-moving quantum numbers, suggesting deeper symmetry structure. Furthermore, we consider the action of discrete symmetry groups on these degeneracies, where certain subgroups of the Conway group are known to play a role. We also comment on the potential for larger discrete symmetry groups to appear in the large $N$ limit.Comment: 27 pages + appendices; v2: minor change
Symmetries of the refined D1/D5 BPS spectrum
symmetries of the refined d1/d5 bps spectrum
examine orbifold deformed supergravity moduli refinement moving symmetries superconformal decompose characters algebra. character decomposition satisfies unusual degeneracy moving deeper structure. degeneracies subgroups conway role. comment pages appendices minor
We derive the electroweak (EW) collinear splitting functions for the Standard Model, including the massive fermions, gauge bosons and the Higgs boson. We first present the splitting functions in the limit of unbroken SU(2)xU(1) and discuss their general features in the collinear and soft-collinear regimes. We then systematically incorporate EW symmetry breaking (EWSB), which leads to the emergence of additional "ultra-collinear" splitting phenomena and naive violations of the Goldstone-boson Equivalence Theorem. We suggest a particularly convenient choice of non-covariant gauge (dubbed "Goldstone Equivalence Gauge") that disentangles the effects of Goldstone bosons and gauge fields in the presence of EWSB, and allows trivial book-keeping of leading power corrections in the VEV. We implement a comprehensive, practical EW showering scheme based on these splitting functions using a Sudakov evolution formalism. Novel features in the implementation include a complete accounting of ultra-collinear effects, matching between shower and decay, kinematic back-reaction corrections in multi-stage showers, and mixed-state evolution of neutral bosons (gamma/Z/h) using density-matrices. We employ the EW showering formalism to study a number of important physical processes at O(1-10 TeV) energies. They include (a) electroweak partons in the initial state as the basis for vector-boson-fusion; (b) the emergence of "weak jets" such as those initiated by transverse gauge bosons, with individual splitting probabilities as large as O(30%); (c) EW showers initiated by top quarks, including Higgs bosons in the final state; (d) the occurrence of O(1) interference effects within EW showers involving the neutral bosons; and (e) EW corrections to new physics processes, as illustrated by production of a heavy vector boson (W') and the subsequent showering of its decay products.Comment: 67 pages, 12 figures; v2, published in JHEP, some expanded discussions and other minor revision
Electroweak Splitting Functions and High Energy Showering
electroweak splitting functions and high energy showering
derive electroweak collinear splitting massive fermions bosons boson. splitting unbroken collinear collinear regimes. systematically incorporate breaking ewsb emergence ultra collinear splitting phenomena naive violations goldstone boson equivalence theorem. convenient covariant dubbed goldstone equivalence disentangles goldstone bosons ewsb trivial book keeping vev. implement comprehensive practical showering splitting sudakov formalism. accounting ultra collinear matching shower kinematic showers neutral bosons gamma matrices. employ showering formalism energies. electroweak partons boson fusion emergence jets initiated bosons splitting probabilities showers initiated quarks bosons occurrence interference showers involving neutral bosons illustrated boson showering pages jhep expanded discussions minor revision
We consider a composite model where both the Higgs and a complex scalar $\chi$, which is the dark matter (DM) candidate, arise as light pseudo Nambu-Goldstone bosons (pNGBs) from a strongly coupled sector with TeV scale confinement. The global symmetry structure is $SO(7)/SO(6)$, and the DM is charged under an exact $U(1)_{\rm DM} \subset SO(6)$ that ensures its stability. Depending on whether the $\chi$ shift symmetry is respected or broken by the coupling of the top quark to the strong sector, the DM can be much lighter than the Higgs or have a weak-scale mass. Here we focus primarily on the latter possibility. We introduce the lowest-lying composite resonances and impose calculability of the scalar potential via generalized Weinberg sum rules. Compared to previous analyses of pNGB DM, the computation of the relic density is improved by fully accounting for the effects of the fermionic top partners. This plays a crucial role in relaxing the tension with the current DM direct detection constraints. The spectrum of resonances contains exotic top partners charged under the $U(1)_{\rm DM}$, whose LHC phenomenology is analyzed. We identify a region of parameters with $f = 1.4\; \mathrm{TeV}$ and $200\;\mathrm{GeV} \lesssim m_\chi \lesssim 400\;\mathrm{GeV}$ that satisfies all existing bounds. This DM candidate will be tested by XENON1T in the near future.Comment: 36 pages + appendices and references, 10 figures. v2: minor modifications, references added. Matches version published in JHE
Charged Composite Scalar Dark Matter
charged composite scalar dark matter
composite candidate arise pseudo nambu goldstone bosons pngbs confinement. ensures stability. respected broken lighter mass. primarily possibility. lying composite resonances impose calculability weinberg rules. pngb relic accounting fermionic partners. plays crucial relaxing tension constraints. resonances exotic partners phenomenology analyzed. mathrm mathrm lesssim lesssim mathrm satisfies bounds. candidate xenon pages appendices figures. minor modifications added. matches
If the scalar sector of the Standard Model is non-minimal, one might expect multiple generations of the hypercharge-1/2 scalar doublet analogous to the generational structure of the fermions. In this work, we examine the structure of a Higgs sector consisting of N Higgs doublets (where N \geq 2). It is particularly convenient to work in the so-called charged Higgs basis, in which the neutral Higgs vacuum expectation value resides entirely in the first Higgs doublet, and the charged components of remaining N-1 Higgs doublets are mass-eigenstate fields. We elucidate the interactions of the gauge bosons with the physical Higgs scalars and the Goldstone bosons and show that they are determined by an Nx2N matrix. This matrix depends on (N-1)(2N-1) real parameters that are associated with the mixing of the neutral Higgs fields in the charged Higgs basis. Among these parameters, N-1 are unphysical (and can be removed by rephasing the physical charged Higgs fields), and the remaining 2(N-1)^2 parameters are physical. We also demonstrate a particularly simple form for the cubic interaction and some of the quartic interactions of the Goldstone bosons with the physical Higgs scalars. These results are applied in the derivation of Higgs coupling sum rules and tree-level unitarity bounds that restrict the size of the quartic scalar couplings. In particular, new applications to three Higgs doublet models with an order-4 CP symmetry and with a Z_3 symmetry, respectively, are presented.Comment: 66 pages, 3 figures. v2: refs adde
Multi-Higgs doublet models: physical parametrization, sum rules and unitarity bounds
multi-higgs doublet models: physical parametrization, sum rules and unitarity bounds
generations hypercharge doublet analogous generational fermions. examine consisting doublets convenient neutral expectation resides entirely doublet doublets eigenstate fields. elucidate bosons scalars goldstone bosons matrix. neutral basis. unphysical removed rephasing physical. cubic quartic goldstone bosons scalars. derivation unitarity bounds restrict quartic couplings. doublet pages figures. refs adde
We are interested in thermalization in the D1D5 CFT, since this process is expected to be dual to black hole formation. We expect that the lowest order process where thermalization occurs will be at second order in the perturbation that moves us away from the orbifold point. The operator governing the deformation off of the orbifold point consists of a twist operator combined with a supercharge operator acting on this twist. In a previous paper we computed the action of two twist operators on an arbitrary state of the CFT. In the present work we compute the action of the supercharges on these twist operators, thereby obtaining the full action of two deformation operators on an arbitrary state of the CFT. We show that the full amplitude can be related to the amplitude with just the twists through an action of the supercharge operators on the initial and final states. The essential part of this computation consists of moving the contours from the twist operators to the initial and final states; to do this one must first map the amplitude to a covering space where the twists are removed, and then map back to the original space on which the CFT is defined.Comment: 48 pages, 2 figure
Full action of two deformation operators in the D1D5 CFT
full action of two deformation operators in the d1d5 cft
interested thermalization formation. thermalization perturbation moves away orbifold point. governing deformation orbifold twist supercharge acting twist. twist cft. supercharges twist thereby obtaining deformation cft. twists supercharge states. moving contours twist covering twists removed pages
We propose an optimization procedure for Euclidean path-integrals that evaluate CFT wave functionals in arbitrary dimensions. The optimization is performed by minimizing certain functional, which can be interpreted as a measure of computational complexity, with respect to background metrics for the path-integrals. In two dimensional CFTs, this functional is given by the Liouville action. We also formulate the optimization for higher dimensional CFTs and, in various examples, find that the optimized hyperbolic metrics coincide with the time slices of expected gravity duals. Moreover, if we optimize a reduced density matrix, the geometry becomes two copies of the entanglement wedge and reproduces the holographic entanglement entropy. Our approach resembles a continuous tensor network renormalization and provides a concrete realization of the proposed interpretation of AdS/CFT as tensor networks. The present paper is an extended version of our earlier report arXiv:1703.00456 and includes many new results such as evaluations of complexity functionals, energy stress tensor, higher dimensional extensions and time evolutions of thermofield double states.Comment: 63 pages, 10 figure
Liouville Action as Path-Integral Complexity: From Continuous Tensor Networks to AdS/CFT
liouville action as path-integral complexity: from continuous tensor networks to ads/cft
propose euclidean integrals functionals dimensions. minimizing interpreted metrics integrals. cfts liouville action. formulate cfts optimized hyperbolic metrics coincide slices duals. optimize copies entanglement wedge reproduces holographic entanglement entropy. resembles renormalization concrete realization networks. evaluations functionals extensions evolutions thermofield pages
The $\sim 3\sigma$ discrepancy between the predicted and observed reactor anti-neutrino flux, known as the reactor anti-neutrino anomaly, continues to intrigue. The recent discovery of an unexpected bump in the reactor anti-neutrino spectrum, as well as indications that the flux deficit is different for different fission isotopes seems to disfavour the explanation of the anomaly in terms of sterile neutrino oscillations. We critically review this conclusion in view of all available data on electron (anti)neutrino disappearance. We find that the sterile neutrino hypothesis cannot be rejected based on global data and is only mildly disfavored compared to an individual rescaling of neutrino fluxes from different fission isotopes. The main reason for this is the presence of spectral features in recent data from the NEOS and DANSS experiments. If state-of-the-art predictions for reactor fluxes are taken at face value, sterile neutrino oscillations allow a consistent description of global data with a significance close to $3\sigma$ relative to the no-oscillation case. Even if reactor fluxes and spectra are left free in the fit, a $2\sigma$ hint in favour of sterile neutrinos remains, with allowed parameter regions consistent with an explanation of the anomaly in terms of oscillations.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figures. 1 page and table 4 added. Published in JHE
Sterile Neutrinos or Flux Uncertainties? - Status of the Reactor Anti-Neutrino Anomaly
sterile neutrinos or flux uncertainties? - status of the reactor anti-neutrino anomaly
sigma discrepancy reactor reactor anomaly continues intrigue. discovery unexpected bump reactor indications deficit fission isotopes disfavour explanation anomaly sterile oscillations. critically disappearance. sterile rejected mildly disfavored rescaling fluxes fission isotopes. neos danss experiments. reactor fluxes sterile oscillations sigma oscillation case. reactor fluxes sigma hint favour sterile neutrinos explanation anomaly pages figures. added.
We introduce a set of identities in the cohomology ring of elliptic fibrations which are equivalent to the cancellation of gauge and mixed gauge-gravitational anomalies in F-theory compactifications to four and six dimensions. The identities consist in (co)homological relations between complex codimension-two cycles. The same set of relations, once evaluated on elliptic Calabi-Yau three-folds and four-folds, is shown to universally govern the structure of anomalies and their Green-Schwarz cancellation in six- and four-dimensional F-theory vacua, respectively. We furthermore conjecture that these relations hold not only within the cohomology ring, but even at the level of the Chow ring, i.e. as relations among codimension-two cycles modulo rational equivalence. We verify this conjecture in non-trivial examples with Abelian and non-Abelian gauge groups factors. Apart from governing the structure of local anomalies, the identities in the Chow ring relate different types of gauge backgrounds on elliptically fibred Calabi-Yau four-folds.Comment: 45 page
Algebraic Cycles and Local Anomalies in F-Theory
algebraic cycles and local anomalies in f-theory
identities cohomology elliptic fibrations cancellation gravitational anomalies compactifications dimensions. identities consist homological codimension cycles. elliptic calabi folds folds universally govern anomalies schwarz cancellation vacua respectively. conjecture hold cohomology chow i.e. codimension cycles modulo rational equivalence. verify conjecture trivial abelian abelian factors. apart governing anomalies identities chow relate backgrounds elliptically fibred calabi
Within a phenomenological holographic model in $(4+1)$-bulk dimensions, defined by Einstein-gravity with a negative cosmological constant, coupled to a Dirac-Born-Infeld and a Chern-Simons term, we explore the fate of BF-bound violation for a probe scalar field and a fluctuation mode of the corresponding geometry. We assume this simple model to capture the dynamics of a strongly coupled SU$(N_c)$ gauge theory with $N_f$ fundamental matter, which in the limit ${\cal O} \left( N_c \right) \sim {\cal O}\left(N_f\right)$ and with a non-vanishing matter density, is holographically described by an AdS$_2$-geometry in the IR. We demonstrate that, superconductor/superfluid instabilities are facilitated and spontaneous breaking of translational invariance is inhibited with increasing values of $\left(N_f / N_c \right) $. This is similar, in spirit, with known results in large $N_c$ Quantum Chromodynamics with $N_f$ quarks and a non-vanishing density, in which the chiral density wave phase becomes suppressed and superconducting instabilities become favoured as the number of quarks is increased.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figure
Flavours and Infra-red Instability in Holography
flavours and infra-red instability in holography
phenomenological holographic einstein cosmological dirac born infeld chern simons explore fate violation fluctuation geometry. capture vanishing holographically superconductor superfluid instabilities facilitated spontaneous breaking translational invariance inhibited spirit chromodynamics quarks vanishing chiral suppressed superconducting instabilities favoured quarks pages
Quantum radiated power emitted by an Unruh-DeWitt (UD) detector in linear oscillatory motion in (3+1)D Minkowski space, with the internal harmonic oscillator minimally coupled to a massless scalar field, is obtained non-perturbatively by numerical method. The signal of the Unruh-like effect experienced by the detector is found to be pronounced in quantum radiation in the highly non-equilibrium regime with high averaged acceleration and short oscillatory cycle, and the signal would be greatly suppressed by quantum interference when the averaged proper acceleration is sufficiently low. An observer at a fixed angle would see periods of negative radiated power in each cycle of motion, while the averaged radiated power over a cycle is always positive as guaranteed by the quantum inequalities. Coherent high harmonic generation and down conversion are identified in the detector's quantum radiation. Due to the overwhelming largeness of the vacuum correlators of the free field, the asymptotic reduced state of the harmonics of the radiation field is approximately a direct product of the squeezed thermal states.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figures, partly based on [arXiv:1601.07006
Quantum radiation by an Unruh-DeWitt detector in oscillatory motion
quantum radiation by an unruh-dewitt detector in oscillatory motion
radiated emitted unruh dewitt oscillatory minkowski harmonic oscillator minimally massless perturbatively method. unruh experienced pronounced averaged acceleration oscillatory greatly suppressed interference averaged proper acceleration sufficiently low. observer radiated averaged radiated guaranteed inequalities. coherent harmonic conversion radiation. overwhelming largeness correlators asymptotic harmonics squeezed pages partly
The thermodynamics of quantum chromodynamics at low temperatures and in sufficiently strong magnetic fields is governed by neutral pions. We analyze the interacting system of neutral pions and photons at zero baryon chemical potential using effective field theory. As a consequence of the axial anomaly and the external magnetic field, the pions and photons mix with one another. The resulting spectrum contains one usual, relativistic photon state, and two nonrelativistic modes, one of which is gapless and the other gapped. Furthermore, we calculate the leading, one-loop contribution to the pressure of the system. In the chiral limit, a closed analytic expression for the pressure exists, which features an unusual scaling with temperature and magnetic field, $T^3B/f_\pi$, at low temperatures, $T\ll B/f_\pi$. Finally, we determine the pion decay rate as a function of the magnetic field at the tree level. The result is affected by a competition of the anisotropic kinematics and the enlarged phase space due to the anomalous mass of the neutral pion. In the chiral limit, the decay rate scales as $B^3/f_\pi^5$.Comment: 1+19 pages, v2: matches published versio
Anomalous low-temperature thermodynamics of QCD in strong magnetic fields
anomalous low-temperature thermodynamics of qcd in strong magnetic fields
thermodynamics chromodynamics sufficiently governed neutral pions. analyze interacting neutral pions photons baryon theory. axial anomaly pions photons another. usual relativistic nonrelativistic gapless gapped. system. chiral analytic unusual pion level. competition anisotropic kinematics enlarged anomalous neutral pion. chiral .comment pages matches versio
We use the gauge gravity correspondence to study the renormalization group flow of a double trace fermionic operator in a quark-gluon plasma subject to the influence of a strong magnetic field and compare it with the results for the case at zero temperature and no magnetic field, where the flow between two fixed points is observed. Our results show that the energy necessary to access the physics of the ultraviolet theory increases with the intensity of the magnetic field under which the processes happen. We provide arguments to support that this increase is scheme independent, and to exhibit further evidence we do a very simple calculation showing that the dimensional reduction expected in the gauge theory in this scenario is effective up to an energy scale that grows with the strength of such a background field. We also show that independently of the renormalization scheme, the coupling of the double trace operators in the ultraviolet fixed point increases with the intensity of the background field. These effects combined can change both, the processes that are expected to be involved in a collision experiment at a given energy and the azimuthal anisotropy of the measurements resulting of them.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures. Added section about renormalization scheme independenc
Increase of the Energy Necessary to Probe Ultraviolet Theories Due to the Presence of a Strong Magnetic Field
increase of the energy necessary to probe ultraviolet theories due to the presence of a strong magnetic field
correspondence renormalization trace fermionic gluon observed. ultraviolet happen. arguments exhibit grows field. independently renormalization trace ultraviolet field. collision azimuthal anisotropy pages figures. renormalization independenc
We obtain finite-temperature M2 black branes in 11-dimensional supergravity, in a $G_4$-flux background whose self-dual part approaches a solution of Cveti\v{c}, Gibbons, L\"u, and Pope, based upon Stenzel's family of Ricci-flat K\"ahler deformed cones. Our solutions are asymptotically $AdS_4$ times a 7-dimensional Stiefel manifold $V_{5,2}$, and the branes are ``smeared'' to retain $SO(5)$ symmetry in the internal space. The solutions represent a mass deformation of the corresponding dual $CFT_3$, whose full description is at this time only partially-understood. We investigate the possibility of a confinement/de-confinement phase transition analogous to the $AdS_5 \times S^5$ case, and a possible Gregory-Laflamme type instability which could lead to polarised brane solutions which break $SO(5)$. We discuss possible consequences for AdS/CFT and the KKLT cosmological uplift mechanism.Comment: 33 pages, 3 figure
Mass-deformed M2 branes in Stenzel space
mass-deformed m2 branes in stenzel space
branes supergravity cveti gibbons pope stenzel ricci ahler deformed cones. asymptotically stiefel manifold branes smeared retain space. deformation partially understood. confinement confinement analogous gregory laflamme instability polarised brane break consequences kklt cosmological uplift pages
The Two-Higgs-Doublet model (2HDM) is a simple and viable extension of the Standard Model (SM) with a scalar potential complex enough that two minima may coexist. In this work we investigate if the procedure to identify our vacuum as the global minimum by tree-level formulas carries over to the one-loop corrected potential. In the CP conserving case, we identify two distinct types of coexisting minima --- the regular ones (moderate $\tan\beta$) and the non-regular ones (small or large $\tan\beta$) --- and conclude that the tree level expectation fails only for the non-regular type of coexisting minima. For the regular type, the sign of $m^2_{12}$ already precisely indicates which minima is the global one, even at one-loop.Comment: to appear in JHE
One-loop considerations for coexisting vacua in the CP conserving 2HDM
one-loop considerations for coexisting vacua in the cp conserving 2hdm
doublet viable minima coexist. formulas carries corrected potential. conserving coexisting minima moderate beta beta expectation fails coexisting minima. precisely minima
Three related analyses of $\phi^4$ theory with $O(N)$ symmetry are presented. In the first, we review the $O(N)$ model over the $p$-adic numbers and the discrete renormalization group transformations which can be understood as spin blocking in an ultrametric context. We demonstrate the existence of a Wilson-Fisher fixed point using an $\epsilon$ expansion, and we show how to obtain leading order results for the anomalous dimensions of low dimension operators near the fixed point. Along the way, we note an important aspect of ultrametric field theories, which is a non-renormalization theorem for kinetic terms. In the second analysis, we employ large $N$ methods to establish formulas for anomalous dimensions which are valid equally for field theories over the $p$-adic numbers and field theories on $\mathbb{R}^n$. Results for anomalous dimensions agree between the first and second analyses when they can be meaningfully compared. In the third analysis, we consider higher derivative versions of the $O(N)$ model on $\mathbb{R}^n$, the simplest of which has been studied in connection with spatially modulated phases. Our general formula for anomalous dimensions can still be applied. Analogies with two-derivative theories hint at the existence of some interesting unconventional field theories in four real Euclidean dimensions.Comment: 44 pages, 8 figure
O(N) and O(N) and O(N)
o(n) and o(n) and o(n)
presented. adic renormalization transformations understood blocking ultrametric context. wilson fisher epsilon anomalous point. aspect ultrametric renormalization terms. employ establish formulas anomalous valid equally adic mathbb anomalous agree meaningfully compared. versions mathbb simplest connection spatially modulated phases. anomalous applied. analogies hint unconventional euclidean pages
The most dramatic "Sommerfeld enhancements" of neutral-wino-pair annihilation occur when the wino mass is near a critical value where there is a zero-energy S-wave resonance at the neutral-wino-pair threshold. Near such a critical mass, low-energy winos can be described by a zero-range effective field theory in which the winos interact nonperturbatively through a contact interaction. The effective field theory is controlled by a renormalization-group fixed point at which the neutral and charged winos are degenerate in mass and their scattering length is infinite. The parameters of the zero-range effective field theory can be determined by matching wino-wino scattering amplitudes calculated by solving the Schr\"odinger equation for winos interacting through a potential due to the exchange of weak gauge bosons. If the wino mass is larger than the critical value, the resonance is a wino-pair bound state. The power of the zero-range effective field theory is illustrated by calculating the rate for formation of the bound state in the collision of two neutral winos through the emission of two soft photons.Comment: 63 pages, 22 figures, Corrected typos in version
Zero-Range Effective Field Theory for Resonant Wino Dark Matter I. Framework
zero-range effective field theory for resonant wino dark matter i. framework
dramatic sommerfeld enhancements neutral wino annihilation wino neutral wino threshold. winos winos interact nonperturbatively interaction. renormalization neutral winos degenerate infinite. matching wino wino amplitudes solving schr odinger winos interacting bosons. wino wino state. illustrated calculating collision neutral winos pages corrected typos
The $R_{K^{(*)}}$ anomaly can be explained by tree level exchange of leptoquarks. We study the consequences of subjecting these models to the principle of minimal flavor violation (MFV). We consider MFV in the linear regime, and take the charged lepton Yukawa matrix to be the only spurion that violates lepton flavor universality. We find that a combination of constraints from a variety of processes -- $b\to s\mu\mu$, $b\to s\tau\tau$, $b\to s\nu\nu$, $b\bar b\to\tau\tau$ and $b\to c\tau\nu$ -- excludes MFV in these models.Comment: Version published in JHEP, 15 pages, 1 figur
Testing Minimal Flavor Violation in Leptoquark Models of the $R_{K^{(*)}}$ Anomaly
testing minimal flavor violation in leptoquark models of the $r_{k^{(*)}}$ anomaly
anomaly leptoquarks. consequences subjecting flavor violation lepton yukawa spurion violates lepton flavor universality. excludes jhep pages figur
We introduce and study renormalization group interfaces between two holographic conformal theories which are related by deformation by a scalar double trace operator. At leading order in the 1/N expansion, we derive expressions for the two point correlation functions of the scalar, as well as the spectrum of operators living on the interface. We also compute the interface contribution to the sphere partition function, which in two dimensions gives the boundary g factor. Checks of our proposal include reproducing the g factor and some defect overlap coefficients of Gaiotto's RG interfaces at large N, and the two-point correlation function whenever conformal perturbation theory is valid.Comment: 59 pages, 2 figure
Double Trace Interfaces
double trace interfaces
renormalization interfaces holographic conformal deformation trace operator. derive expressions living interface. sphere partition factor. checks proposal reproducing defect overlap gaiotto interfaces whenever conformal perturbation pages
Light-cone cuts have recently been proposed as a method to reconstruct the conformal metric of a holographic spacetime. We explore how additional information about the bulk geometry gets encoded in the structure of these light-cone cuts. In particular, we study how the hyperbolic angle related to a cusp in the light-cone cut encodes information about the matter content of the spacetime. We provide an explicit numerical example reconstructing the metric for a 4- dimensional spacetime composed by the superposition of a boson star and a gas of radiation in AdS.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure
Reconstruction of an AdS Radiation/Boson Star Bulk Geometry Using Light-cone Cuts
reconstruction of an ads radiation/boson star bulk geometry using light-cone cuts
cone cuts reconstruct conformal holographic spacetime. explore gets encoded cone cuts. hyperbolic cusp cone encodes spacetime. reconstructing spacetime composed superposition boson pages
In this paper we propose (0,2) mirrors for general Fano toric varieties with special tangent bundle deformations, corresponding to subsets of toric deformations. Our mirrors are of the form of (B/2-twisted) (0,2) Landau-Ginzburg models, matching Hori-Vafa mirrors on the (2,2) locus. We compare our predictions to (0,2) mirrors obtained by Chen et al for certain examples of toric varieties, and find that they match. We also briefly outline conjectures for analogous results for hypersurfaces in Fano toric varieties. Our methods utilize results from supersymmetric localization, which allows us to incidentally gain occasional further insights into GLSM-based (2,2) mirror constructions. For example, we explicitly verify that closed-string correlation functions of the original A-twisted GLSM match those of the mirror B-twisted Landau-Ginzburg model, as well as (0,2) deformations thereof.Comment: 52 pages, LaTeX; v2: miscellaneous writing updates, typos fixe
A proposal for (0,2) mirrors of toric varieties
a proposal for (0,2) mirrors of toric varieties
propose mirrors fano toric varieties tangent bundle deformations subsets toric deformations. mirrors twisted landau ginzburg matching hori vafa mirrors locus. mirrors toric varieties match. briefly outline conjectures analogous hypersurfaces fano toric varieties. utilize supersymmetric localization incidentally occasional insights glsm mirror constructions. explicitly verify twisted glsm match mirror twisted landau ginzburg deformations pages latex miscellaneous writing updates typos fixe
Action principles for the single and double valued continuous-spin representations of the Poincare group have been recently proposed in a Segal-like formulation. We address three related issues: First, we explain how to obtain these actions directly from the Fronsdal-like and Fang-Fronsdal-like equations by solving the traceless constraints in Fourier space. Second, we introduce a current, similar to the one of Berends, Burgers and Van Dam, which is bilinear in a pair of scalar matter fields, to which the bosonic continuous-spin field can couple minimally. Third, we investigate the current exchange mediated by a continuous-spin particle obtained from this action principle and investigate whether it propagates the right degrees of freedom, and whether it reproduces the known result for massless higher-spin fields in the helicity limit.Comment: 31 pages, no figur
Continuous-spin field propagator and interaction with matter
continuous-spin field propagator and interaction with matter
principles valued representations poincare segal formulation. fronsdal fang fronsdal solving traceless fourier space. berends burgers bilinear bosonic couple minimally. propagates freedom reproduces massless helicity pages figur
We present general formulae to compute Wilson line correlators with the Color Glass Condensate described by the McLerran-Venugopalan model. We explicitly construct a complete and non-orthogonal set of color-singlet bases and write matrix elements down, so that the exponential of the matrix leads to the Wilson line correlators. We further develop a systematic perturbative expansion of dipole Wilson line correlators in terms of $1/N_c$ where $N_c$ is the color number. As a phenomenological application we calculate the flow harmonics $v_n\{m\}$ in the dipole model and discuss the $N_c$ scaling.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure
General formulae for dipole Wilson line correlators with the Color Glass Condensate
general formulae for dipole wilson line correlators with the color glass condensate
formulae wilson correlators glass condensate mclerran venugopalan model. explicitly orthogonal singlet bases exponential wilson correlators. perturbative dipole wilson correlators number. phenomenological harmonics dipole pages
We discuss USp(2n) supersymmetric models with eight fundamental fields and a field in the antisymmetric representation. Turning on the most generic superpotentials, coupling pairs of fundamental fields to powers of the antisymmetric field while preserving an R symmetry, we give evidence for the statement that the models are connected by a large network of dualities which can be organized into orbits of the Weyl group of E_8. We make also several curious observations about such models. In particular, we argue that a USp(2m) model with the addition of singlet fields and even rank m flows in the IR to a CFT with E_7 U(1) symmetry. We also discuss an infinite number of duals for the USp(2) theory with eight fundamentals and no superpotential.Comment: 15 pages, harvmac. v2: added reference
E_8 orbits of IR dualities
e_8 orbits of ir dualities
supersymmetric eight antisymmetric representation. turning generic superpotentials powers antisymmetric preserving statement dualities organized orbits weyl curious models. argue singlet flows symmetry. infinite duals eight fundamentals pages harvmac.
We study structure constants of local operators inserted on the Wilson loop in ${\cal N}=4$ super Yang-Mills theory. We compute the structure constants in the SU(2) sector at tree level using the correspondence between operators on the Wilson loop and the open spin chain. The results are interpreted as the summation over all possible ways of changing the signs of magnon momenta in the hexagon form factors. This is consistent with a holographic description of the correlator as the cubic open string vertex, which consists of one hexagonal patch and three boundaries. We then conjecture that a similar expression should hold also at finite coupling.Comment: 38 pages; v3: JHEP published versio
Structure constants of operators on the Wilson loop from integrability
structure constants of operators on the wilson loop from integrability
inserted wilson super mills theory. correspondence wilson chain. interpreted summation ways changing signs magnon momenta hexagon factors. holographic correlator cubic hexagonal patch boundaries. conjecture hold pages jhep versio
As sequel to a recent paper we examine the phenomenology of the full electroweakino sector of the pMSSM without invoking the adhoc but often employed assumption that the heavier ones are decoupled. We identify several generic models which illustrate the importance of the heavier electroweakinos and constrain them with the LHC $3l$ + ${E\!\!\!\!/_T}$ data. The constraints are usually stronger than that for decoupled heavier electroweakinos indicating that the LHC data is already sensitive to their presence. We also take into account the constraints from the observed dark matter relic density of the universe and precisely measured anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. Using the allowed parameter space thus obtained, we show that in addition to the conventional $3l$ + ${E\!\!\!\!/_T}$ signatures novel multilepton ($ml$) + ${E\!\!\!\!/_T}$ final states with $m > 3$, which are not viable in models with lighter electroweakinos only, can be observed before the next long shut down of the LHC.Comment: 40 pages, 5 figure
Multilepton signals of heavier electroweakinos at the LHC
multilepton signals of heavier electroweakinos at the lhc
sequel examine phenomenology electroweakino pmssm invoking adhoc heavier decoupled. generic illustrate heavier electroweakinos constrain data. stronger decoupled heavier electroweakinos presence. relic universe precisely anomalous moment muon. signatures multilepton viable lighter electroweakinos shut pages
We show that superpositions of classical states in quantum gravity with fixed topology can lead to new classical states with a different topology. We study this phenomenon in a particular limit of the LLM geometries. In this limit, the UV complete minisuperspace of allowed quantum states is exactly given by the Hilbert space of a free chiral boson in two dimensions. We construct this chiral boson purely in terms of combinatorial objects associated with the permutation group. As a byproduct of this analysis, we re-derive the Murnaghan-Nakayama rule for characters of the permutation group. We are able to express this rule in terms of operator relations for raising and lowering operators on the Hilbert space of states in a free fermion basis. Our construction provides a preferred notion of bulk locality by studying an appropriate notion of D-brane state generating functions. We describe how multi-droplet LLM geometries with different topologies give new classical limits of the free chiral boson, even though they can be written as superpositions of coherent states with trivial topology. As a consequence, topology cannot be accessed by a single operator measurement in this quantum system. We study other non-linear measurements in the quantum wave-function, based on uncertainty and entanglement between modes of the chiral boson, that can be used as order parameters to measure the topology of such states.Comment: 87 pages (incl. appendices). v2: updated reference
Superposition induced topology changes in quantum gravity
superposition induced topology changes in quantum gravity
superpositions topology topology. phenomenon geometries. minisuperspace hilbert chiral boson dimensions. chiral boson purely combinatorial permutation group. byproduct derive murnaghan nakayama characters permutation group. express raising lowering hilbert fermion basis. preferred notion locality studying notion brane generating functions. droplet geometries topologies chiral boson superpositions coherent trivial topology. topology accessed system. entanglement chiral boson topology pages incl. appendices updated
Superstring field theory gives expressions for heterotic and type II string loop amplitudes that are free from ultraviolet and infrared divergences when the number of non-compact space-time dimensions is five or more. We prove the subleading soft graviton theorem in these theories to all orders in perturbation theory for S-matrix elements of arbitrary number of finite energy external states but only one external soft graviton. We also prove the leading soft graviton theorem for arbitrary number of finite energy external states and arbitrary number of soft gravitons. Since our analysis is based on general properties of one particle irreducible effective action, the results are valid in any theory of quantum gravity that gives finite result for the S-matrix order by order in perturbation theory without violating general coordinate invariance.Comment: LaTeX file, 20 pages; v2: added explanation for dropping terms involving Christoffel symbols from the covariant derivatives; v3: references updated, other minor change
Subleading Soft Graviton Theorem for Loop Amplitudes
subleading soft graviton theorem for loop amplitudes
superstring expressions heterotic amplitudes ultraviolet infrared divergences more. subleading graviton orders perturbation graviton. graviton gravitons. irreducible valid perturbation violating coordinate latex file pages explanation dropping involving christoffel symbols covariant derivatives updated minor
We analyze exotic matter representations that arise on singular seven-brane configurations in F-theory. We develop a general framework for analyzing such representations, and work out explicit descriptions for models with matter in the 2-index and 3-index symmetric representations of SU($N$) and SU(2) respectively, associated with double and triple point singularities in the seven-brane locus. These matter representations are associated with Weierstrass models whose discriminants vanish to high order thanks to nontrivial cancellations possible only in the presence of a non-UFD algebraic structure. This structure can be described using the normalization of the ring of intrinsic local functions on a singular divisor. We consider the connection between geometric constraints on singular curves and corresponding constraints on the low-energy spectrum of 6D theories, identifying some new examples of apparent "swampland" theories that cannot be realized in F-theory but have no apparent low-energy inconsistency.Comment: 71 page
Exotic matter on singular divisors in F-theory
exotic matter on singular divisors in f-theory
analyze exotic representations arise singular seven brane configurations theory. analyzing representations descriptions representations triple singularities seven brane locus. representations weierstrass discriminants vanish thanks nontrivial cancellations algebraic structure. normalization intrinsic singular divisor. connection geometric singular identifying apparent swampland realized apparent
We study models in which reheating happens only through non-perturbative processes. The energy transferred can be exponentially suppressed unless the inflaton is coupled to a particle with a parametrically small mass. Additionally, in some models a light scalar with a negative mass squared parameter leads to much more efficient reheating than one with a positive mass squared of the same magnitude. If a theory contains many sectors similar to the Standard Model coupled to the inflaton via their Higgses, such dynamics can realise the Nnaturalness solution to the hierarchy problem. A sector containing a light Higgs with a non-zero vacuum expectation value is dominantly reheated and there is little energy transferred to the other sectors, consistent with cosmological constraints. The inflaton must decouple from other particles and have a flat potential at large field values, in which case the visible sector UV cutoff can be raised to 10 TeV in a simple model.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure
Non-perturbative reheating and Nnaturalness
non-perturbative reheating and nnaturalness
reheating happens perturbative processes. transferred exponentially suppressed unless inflaton parametrically mass. additionally squared reheating squared magnitude. sectors inflaton higgses realise nnaturalness hierarchy problem. expectation dominantly reheated transferred sectors cosmological constraints. inflaton decouple visible cutoff raised pages
We treat the topic of the closures of the nilpotent orbits of the Lie algebras of Exceptional groups through their descriptions as moduli spaces, in terms of Hilbert series and the highest weight generating functions for their representation content. We extend the set of known Coulomb branch quiver theory constructions for Exceptional group minimal nilpotent orbits, or reduced single instanton moduli spaces, to include all orbits of Characteristic Height 2, drawing on extended Dynkin diagrams and the unitary monopole formula. We also present a representation theoretic formula, based on localisation methods, for the normal nilpotent orbits of the Lie algebras of any Classical or Exceptional group. We analyse lower dimensioned Exceptional group nilpotent orbits in terms of Hilbert series and the Highest Weight Generating functions for their decompositions into characters of irreducible representations and/or Hall Littlewood polynomials. We investigate the relationships between the moduli spaces describing different nilpotent orbits and propose candidates for the constructions of some non-normal nilpotent orbits of Exceptional algebras.Comment: 87 pages, 4 figure
Quiver Theories and Formulae for Nilpotent Orbits of Exceptional Algebras
quiver theories and formulae for nilpotent orbits of exceptional algebras
treat topic closures nilpotent orbits algebras exceptional descriptions moduli hilbert generating content. extend coulomb branch quiver constructions exceptional nilpotent orbits instanton moduli orbits drawing dynkin diagrams unitary monopole formula. theoretic localisation nilpotent orbits algebras exceptional group. analyse dimensioned exceptional nilpotent orbits hilbert generating decompositions characters irreducible representations hall littlewood polynomials. moduli describing nilpotent orbits propose candidates constructions nilpotent orbits exceptional pages
The transverse momentum distribution of the Higgs at large $P_T$ is complicated by its dependence on three important energy scales: $P_T$, the top quark mass $m_t$, and the Higgs mass $m_H$. A strategy for simplifying the calculation of the cross section at large $P_T$ is to calculate only the leading terms in its expansion in $m_t^2/P_T^2$ and/or $m_H^2/P_T^2$. The expansion of the cross section in inverse powers of $P_T$ is complicated by logarithms of $P_T$ and by mass singularities. In this paper, we consider the top-quark loop contribution to the subprocess $q\bar{q}\to H+g$ at leading order in $\alpha_s$. We show that the leading power of $1/P_T^2$ can be expressed in the form of a factorization formula that separates the large scale $P_T$ from the scale of the masses. All the dependence on $m_t$ and $m_H$ can be factorized into a distribution amplitude for $t \bar t$ in the Higgs, a distribution amplitude for $t \bar t$ in a real gluon, and an endpoint contribution. The factorization formula can be used to simplify calculations of the $P_T$ distribution at large $P_T$ to next-to-leading order in $\alpha_s$.Comment: 49 pages, 8 figure
Mass Dependence of Higgs Production at Large Transverse Momentum
mass dependence of higgs production at large transverse momentum
complicated simplifying powers complicated logarithms singularities. subprocess alpha factorization separates masses. factorized gluon endpoint contribution. factorization simplify alpha .comment pages
It is shown that the notion of Conformal Mass can be defined within a given anti-de Sitter (AdS) branch of a Lovelock gravity theory as long as the corresponding vacuum is not degenerate. Indeed, conserved charges obtained by the addition of Kounterterms to the bulk action turn out to be proportional to the electric part of the Weyl tensor, when the fall-off of a generic solution in that AdS branch is considered. The factor of proportionality is the degeneracy condition for the vacua in the particular Lovelock AdS theory under study. This last feature explains the obstruction to define Conformal Mass in the degenerate case.Comment: 22 pages, no figures, a few references adde
Vacuum Degeneracy and Conformal Mass in Lovelock AdS Gravity
vacuum degeneracy and conformal mass in lovelock ads gravity
notion conformal sitter branch lovelock degenerate. conserved charges kounterterms weyl fall generic branch considered. proportionality degeneracy vacua lovelock study. explains obstruction conformal degenerate pages adde
We investigate the variation of the charged anti-de Sitter black hole under charged particle absorption by considering thermodynamic volume. The variation exactly corresponds to that expected as the first law of thermodynamics. Nevertheless, we find the decrease of the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy for extremal and near-extremal black holes under the absorption to be an irreversible process. This violation of the second law of thermodynamics is only found in the case considering thermodynamic volume. We test the weak cosmic censorship conjecture affected by the violation. Fortunately, the conjecture is still valid. However, extremal and near-extremal black holes do not change their configurations under the absorption. This is quite different from the case without thermodynamic volume.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure
Thermodynamics with Pressure and Volume under Charged Particle Absorption
thermodynamics with pressure and volume under charged particle absorption
sitter thermodynamic volume. thermodynamics. nevertheless bekenstein hawking extremal extremal holes irreversible process. violation thermodynamics thermodynamic volume. cosmic censorship conjecture violation. fortunately conjecture valid. extremal extremal holes configurations absorption. thermodynamic pages
String-localized quantum fields transforming in Wigner's infinite-spin representations were introduced by Mund, Schroer and Yngvason. We construct these fields as limits of fields of finite mass $m\to 0$ and finite spin $s\to\infty$. We determine a string-localized infinite-spin quantum stress-energy tensor with a novel prescription that does not refer to a classical Lagrangean.Comment: v3: 35 pages. Version as published. v2: Two substantial mistakes fixed, Sect. 2, 3, and 4 more appropriately organize
Pauli-Lubanski limit and stress-energy tensor for infinite-spin fields
pauli-lubanski limit and stress-energy tensor for infinite-spin fields
localized transforming wigner infinite representations mund schroer yngvason. infty localized infinite prescription pages. published. substantial mistakes sect. appropriately organize
We study out-of-time-ordered correlation functions in permutation orbifolds at large central charge. We show that they do not decay at late times for arbitrary choices of low-dimension operators, indicating that permutation orbifolds are non-chaotic theories. This is in agreement with the fact they are free discrete gauge theories and should be integrable rather than chaotic. We comment on the early-time behaviour of the correlators as well as the deformation to strong coupling.Comment: 15 pages, v2: more references and additional comments in the introductio
Permutation Orbifolds and Chaos
permutation orbifolds and chaos
ordered permutation orbifolds charge. choices permutation orbifolds chaotic theories. integrable chaotic. comment correlators deformation pages comments introductio
We study the implications of dark matter searches, together with collider constraints, on the phenomenological MSSM with neutralino dark matter and focus on the consequences of the related uncertainties in some detail. We consider, inter alia, the latest results from AMS-02, Fermi-LAT and XENON1T. In particular, we examine the impact of the choice of the dark matter halo profile, as well as the propagation model for cosmic rays, for dark matter indirect detection and show that the constraints on the MSSM differ by one to two orders of magnitude depending on the astrophysical hypotheses. On the other hand, our limited knowledge of the local relic density in the vicinity of the Earth and the velocity of Earth in the dark matter halo leads to a factor 3 in the exclusion limits obtained by direct detection experiments. We identified the astrophysical models leading to the most conservative and the most stringent constraints and for each case studied the complementarities with the latest LHC measurements and limits from Higgs, SUSY and monojet searches. We show that combining all data from dark matter searches and colliders, a large fraction of our supersymmetric sample could be probed. Whereas the direct detection constraints are rather robust under the astrophysical assumptions, the uncertainties related to indirect detection can have an important impact on the number of the excluded points.Comment: 32 pages, 26 figures. v2: update of the conservative scenario for the astrophysical uncertainties, references adde
Robustness of dark matter constraints and interplay with collider searches for New Physics
robustness of dark matter constraints and interplay with collider searches for new physics
searches collider phenomenological mssm neutralino consequences detail. alia latest fermi xenon examine halo propagation cosmic rays indirect mssm orders astrophysical hypotheses. relic vicinity earth earth halo exclusion experiments. astrophysical conservative stringent complementarities latest susy monojet searches. combining searches colliders supersymmetric probed. robust astrophysical assumptions indirect excluded pages figures. update conservative astrophysical adde