3 values
We propose a strategy to study massive Quantum Field Theory (QFT) using conformal bootstrap methods. The idea is to consider QFT in hyperbolic space and study correlation functions of its boundary operators. We show that these are solutions of the crossing equations in one lower dimension. By sending the curvature radius of the background hyperbolic space to infinity we expect to recover flat-space physics. We explain that this regime corresponds to large scaling dimensions of the boundary operators, and discuss how to obtain the flat-space scattering amplitudes from the corresponding limit of the boundary correlators. We implement this strategy to obtain universal bounds on the strength of cubic couplings in 2D flat-space QFTs using 1D conformal bootstrap techniques. Our numerical results match precisely the analytic bounds obtained in our companion paper using S-matrix bootstrap techniques.Comment: 25+21 pages, 14 figures; v2: minor correction
The S-matrix Bootstrap I: QFT in AdS
the s-matrix bootstrap i: qft in ads
propose massive conformal bootstrap methods. hyperbolic operators. crossing dimension. sending curvature hyperbolic infinity recover physics. amplitudes correlators. implement universal bounds cubic couplings qfts conformal bootstrap techniques. match precisely analytic bounds companion bootstrap pages minor
We describe global embeddings of fractional D3 branes at orientifolded singularities in type IIB flux compactifications. We present an explicit Calabi-Yau example where the chiral visible sector lives on a local orientifolded quiver while non-perturbative effects, $\alpha'$ corrections and a T-brane hidden sector lead to full closed string moduli stabilisation in a de Sitter vacuum. The same model can also successfully give rise to inflation driven by a del Pezzo divisor. Our model represents the first explicit Calabi-Yau example featuring both an inflationary and a chiral visible sector.Comment: 33 pages, 8 figures and 3 tables; new inflationary plots and typos corrected; references adde
Global Orientifolded Quivers with Inflation
global orientifolded quivers with inflation
embeddings fractional branes orientifolded singularities compactifications. calabi chiral visible lives orientifolded quiver perturbative alpha brane hidden moduli stabilisation sitter vacuum. successfully inflation pezzo divisor. calabi featuring inflationary chiral visible pages tables inflationary plots typos corrected adde
Given the Dirac neutrino mass term, we explore the constraint conditions which allow the corresponding mass matrix to be invariant under the \mu-\tau reflection transformation, leading us to the phenomenologically favored predictions \theta_{23} = \pi/4 and \delta = 3\pi/2 in the standard parametrization of the 3\times 3 lepton flavor mixing matrix. If such a flavor symmetry is realized at a superhigh energy scale \Lambda_{\mu\tau}, we investigate how it is spontaneously broken via the one-loop renormalization-group equations (RGEs) running from \Lambda_{\mu\tau} down to the Fermi scale \Lambda_{\rm F}. Such quantum corrections to the neutrino masses and flavor mixing parameters are derived, and an analytical link is established between the Jarlskog invariants of CP violation at \Lambda_{\mu\tau} and \Lambda_{\rm F}. Some numerical examples are also presented in both the minimal supersymmetric standard model and the type-II two-Higgs-doublet model, to illustrate how the octant of \theta_{23}, the quadrant of \delta and the neutrino mass ordering are correlated with one another as a result of the RGE-induced \mu-\tau reflection symmetry breaking effects.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures, some changes made, 2HDM considered, accepted for publication in JHE
The $\mu-\tau$ reflection symmetry of Dirac neutrinos and its breaking effect via quantum corrections
the $\mu-\tau$ reflection symmetry of dirac neutrinos and its breaking effect via quantum corrections
dirac explore reflection phenomenologically favored theta delta parametrization lepton flavor matrix. flavor realized superhigh lambda spontaneously broken renormalization rges running lambda fermi lambda flavor jarlskog invariants violation lambda lambda supersymmetric doublet illustrate octant theta quadrant delta ordering reflection breaking pages publication
Motivated by discrete flavour symmetry models, we analyse Spontaneous CP Violation (SCPV) for potentials involving three or six Higgs fields (both electroweak doublets and singlets) which fall into irreducible triplet representations of discrete symmetries belonging to the $\Delta(3n^2)$ and $\Delta(6n^2)$ series, including $A_4$, $S_4$, $\Delta(27)$ and $\Delta(54)$. For each case, we give the potential and find various global mimima for different regions of the parameter space of the potential. Using CP-odd basis Invariants that indicate the presence of Spontaneous CP Violation we separate the VEVs into those that do or do not violate CP. In cases where CP is preserved we reveal a CP symmetry of the potential that is preserved by those VEVs, otherwise we display a non-zero CP-odd Invariant. Finally we identify interesting cases where there is Spontaneous Geometrical CP Violation in which the VEVs have calculable phases.Comment: 57 pages, 4 diagram
Spontaneous CP violation in multi-Higgs potentials with triplets of $\Delta(3n^2)$ and $\Delta(6n^2)$
spontaneous cp violation in multi-higgs potentials with triplets of $\delta(3n^2)$ and $\delta(6n^2)$
motivated flavour analyse spontaneous violation scpv potentials involving electroweak doublets singlets fall irreducible triplet representations symmetries belonging delta delta delta delta mimima potential. invariants spontaneous violation vevs violate preserved reveal preserved vevs display invariant. spontaneous geometrical violation vevs calculable pages
We study half-BPS surface operators in supersymmetric gauge theories in four and five dimensions following two different approaches. In the first approach we analyze the chiral ring equations for certain quiver theories in two and three dimensions, coupled respectively to four- and five-dimensional gauge theories. The chiral ring equations, which arise from extremizing a twisted chiral superpotential, are solved as power series in the infrared scales of the quiver theories. In the second approach we use equivariant localization and obtain the twisted chiral superpotential as a function of the Coulomb moduli of the four- and five-dimensional gauge theories, and find a perfect match with the results obtained from the chiral ring equations. In the five-dimensional case this match is achieved after solving a number of subtleties in the localization formulas which amounts to choosing a particular residue prescription in the integrals that yield the Nekrasov-like partition functions for ramified instantons. We also comment on the necessity of including Chern-Simons terms in order to match the superpotentials obtained from dual quiver descriptions of a given surface operator.Comment: 41 pages. v3: typos corrected in the text and in some formulae. Some sentences rephrased according to the suggestions of the referee. Matches the version published on JHE
Surface operators, chiral rings, and localization in N=2 gauge theories
surface operators, chiral rings, and localization in n=2 gauge theories
supersymmetric approaches. analyze chiral quiver theories. chiral arise extremizing twisted chiral superpotential solved infrared quiver theories. equivariant localization twisted chiral superpotential coulomb moduli perfect match chiral equations. match solving subtleties localization formulas amounts choosing residue prescription integrals nekrasov partition ramified instantons. comment necessity chern simons match superpotentials quiver descriptions pages. typos corrected formulae. sentences rephrased suggestions referee. matches
Rare $b \to s\ell^+\ell^-$ flavour-changing-neutral-current processes provide important tests of the Standard Model of particle physics. Angular observables in exclusive $b \to s\ell^+\ell^-$ processes can be particularly powerful as they allow hadronic uncertainties to be controlled. Amongst the exclusive processes that have been studied by experiments, the decay $\Lambda_b\to \Lambda\ell^+\ell^-$ is unique in that the $\Lambda_b$ baryon can be produced polarised. In this paper, we derive an expression for the angular distribution of the $\Lambda_b\to \Lambda\ell^+\ell^-$ decay for the case where the $\Lambda_b$ baryon is produced polarised. This extends the number of angular observables in this decay from 10 to 34. Standard Model expectations for the new observables are provided and the sensitivity of the observables is explored under a variety of new physics models. At low-hadronic recoil, four of the new observables have a new short distance dependence that is absent in the unpolarised case. The remaining observables depend on the same short distance contributions as the unpolarised observables, but with different dependence on hadronic form-factors. These relations provide possibilities for novel tests of the SM that could be carried out with the data that will become available at the LHC or a future $e^+e^-$ collider
Angular distribution of polarised $\Lambda_b$ baryons decaying to $\Lambda \ell^+\ell^-$
angular distribution of polarised $\lambda_b$ baryons decaying to $\lambda \ell^+\ell^-$
rare flavour changing neutral physics. observables exclusive powerful hadronic controlled. amongst exclusive lambda lambda lambda baryon polarised. derive lambda lambda lambda baryon polarised. extends observables expectations observables observables explored models. hadronic recoil observables absent unpolarised case. observables unpolarised observables hadronic factors. possibilities collider
We consider the low momentum expansion of the four graviton and the two graviton--two gluon amplitudes in heterotic string theory at one loop in ten dimensions, and analyze contributions upto the D^2 R^4 interaction from the four graviton amplitude, and the D^4 R^2 F^2 interaction from the two graviton--two gluon amplitude. The calculations are performed by obtaining equations for the relevant modular graph functions that arise in the modular invariant integrals, and involve amalgamating techniques used in the type II theory and the calculation of the elliptic genus in the heterotic theory.Comment: 67 pages, LaTeX, 14 figure
Low momentum expansion of one loop amplitudes in heterotic string theory
low momentum expansion of one loop amplitudes in heterotic string theory
graviton graviton gluon amplitudes heterotic analyze upto graviton graviton gluon amplitude. obtaining modular arise modular integrals involve amalgamating elliptic genus heterotic pages latex
We analyze the classical and quantum vacua of 2d $\mathcal{N}=(8,8)$ supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory with $SU(N)$ and $U(N)$ gauge group, describing the worldvolume interactions of $N$ parallel D1-branes with flat transverse directions $\mathbb{R}^8$. We claim that the IR limit of the $SU(N)$ theory in the superselection sector labeled $M \pmod{N}$ --- identified with the internal dynamics of $(M,N)$-string bound states of Type IIB string theory --- is described by the symmetric orbifold $\mathcal{N}=(8,8)$ sigma model into $(\mathbb{R}^8)^{D-1}/\mathbb{S}_D$ when $D=\gcd(M,N)>1$, and by a single massive vacuum when $D=1$, generalizing the conjectures of E. Witten and others. The full worldvolume theory of the D1-branes is the $U(N)$ theory with an additional $U(1)$ 2-form gauge field $B$ coming from the string theory Kalb-Ramond field. This $U(N)+B$ theory has generalized field configurations, labeled by the $\mathbb{Z}$-valued generalized electric flux and an independent $\mathbb{Z}_N$-valued 't Hooft flux. We argue that in the quantum mechanical theory, the $(M,N)$-string sector with $M$ units of electric flux has a $\mathbb{Z}_N$-valued discrete $\theta$ angle specified by $M \pmod{N}$ dual to the 't Hooft flux. Adding the brane center-of-mass degrees of freedom to the $SU(N)$ theory, we claim that the IR limit of the $U(N) + B$ theory in the sector with $M$ bound F-strings is described by the $\mathcal{N}=(8,8)$ sigma model into ${\rm Sym}^{D} ( \mathbb{R}^8)$. We provide strong evidence for these claims by computing an $\mathcal{N}=(8,8)$ analog of the elliptic genus of the UV gauge theories and of their conjectured IR limit sigma models, and showing they agree. Agreement is established by noting that the elliptic genera are modular-invariant Abelian (multi-periodic and meromorphic) functions, which turns out to be very restrictive.Comment: 47 pages. Comments welcome
Quantum Vacua of 2d Maximally Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory
quantum vacua of 2d maximally supersymmetric yang-mills theory
analyze vacua mathcal supersymmetric mills describing worldvolume branes directions mathbb claim superselection labeled pmod orbifold mathcal sigma mathbb mathbb massive generalizing conjectures witten others. worldvolume branes coming kalb ramond field. configurations labeled mathbb valued mathbb valued hooft flux. argue mathbb valued theta specified pmod hooft flux. adding brane freedom claim strings mathcal sigma mathbb claims mathcal analog elliptic genus conjectured sigma agree. noting elliptic genera modular abelian meromorphic turns pages. comments welcome
Factorization theorems underly our ability to make predictions for many processes involving the strong interaction. Although typically formulated at leading power, the study of factorization at subleading power is of interest both for improving the precision of calculations, as well as for understanding the all orders structure of QCD. We use the SCET helicity operator formalism to construct a complete power suppressed basis of hard scattering operators for $e^+e^-\to$ dijets, $e^- p\to e^-$ jet, and constrained Drell-Yan, including the first two subleading orders in the amplitude level power expansion. We analyze the form of the hard, jet, and soft function contributions to the power suppressed cross section for $e^+e^-\to$ dijet event shapes, and give results for the lowest order matching to the contributing operators. These results will be useful for studies of power corrections both in fixed order and resummed perturbation theory.Comment: 110 pages, many figure
A Complete Basis of Helicity Operators for Subleading Factorization
a complete basis of helicity operators for subleading factorization
factorization theorems underly involving interaction. formulated factorization subleading improving precision orders qcd. scet helicity formalism suppressed dijets constrained drell subleading orders expansion. analyze suppressed dijet shapes matching contributing operators. resummed perturbation pages
We consider constraints on the S-matrix of any gapped, Lorentz invariant quantum field theory in 1 + 1 dimensions due to crossing symmetry and unitarity. In this way we establish rigorous bounds on the cubic couplings of a given theory with a fixed mass spectrum. In special cases we identify interesting integrable theories saturating these bounds. Our analytic bounds match precisely with numerical bounds obtained in a companion paper where we consider massive QFT in an AdS box and study boundary correlators using the technology of the conformal bootstrap.Comment: 25+6 pages, 15 figures; v2: minor correction
The S-matrix Bootstrap II: Two Dimensional Amplitudes
the s-matrix bootstrap ii: two dimensional amplitudes
gapped lorentz crossing unitarity. establish rigorous bounds cubic couplings spectrum. integrable saturating bounds. analytic bounds match precisely bounds companion massive correlators conformal pages minor
In this note, we introduce and study a new class of "half integrands" in Cachazo-He-Yuan (CHY) formula, which naturally generalize the so-called Parke-Taylor factors; these are dubbed Cayley functions as each of them corresponds to a labelled tree graph. The CHY formula with a Cayley function squared gives a sum of Feynman diagrams, and we represent it by a combinatoric polytope whose vertices correspond to Feynman diagrams. We provide a simple graphic rule to derive the polytope from a labelled tree graph, and classify such polytopes ranging from the associahedron to the permutohedron. Furthermore, we study the linear space of such half integrands and find (1) a nice formula reducing any Cayley function to a sum of Parke-Taylor factors in the Kleiss-Kuijf basis (2) a set of Cayley functions as a new basis of the space; each element has the remarkable property that its CHY formula with a given Parke-Taylor factor gives either a single Feynman diagram or zero. We also briefly discuss applications of Cayley functions and the new basis in certain disk integrals of superstring theory.Comment: 30+8 pages, many figures;typos fixe
Labelled tree graphs, Feynman diagrams and disk integrals
labelled tree graphs, feynman diagrams and disk integrals
integrands cachazo yuan naturally generalize parke taylor dubbed cayley labelled graph. cayley squared feynman diagrams combinatoric polytope feynman diagrams. graphic derive polytope labelled classify polytopes ranging associahedron permutohedron. integrands nice reducing cayley parke taylor kleiss kuijf cayley remarkable parke taylor feynman zero. briefly cayley integrals superstring pages typos fixe
We develop a superfield approach to compute chiral anomalies in general ${\cal N}=(1,0)$ supersymmetric gauge theories in six dimensions. Within the harmonic-superspace formulation for these gauge theories, the anomalous contributions to the effective action only come from matter and ghost hypermultiplets. By studying the short-distance behaviour of the propagator for the hypermultiplet coupled to a background vector multiplet, we compute the covariant and consistent chiral anomalies. We also provide a superform formulation for the non-abelian anomalous current multiplet in general ${\cal N}=(1,0)$ supersymmetric gauge theories.Comment: 33 page
Chiral anomalies in six dimensions from harmonic superspace
chiral anomalies in six dimensions from harmonic superspace
superfield chiral anomalies supersymmetric dimensions. harmonic superspace formulation anomalous come ghost hypermultiplets. studying propagator hypermultiplet multiplet covariant chiral anomalies. superform formulation abelian anomalous multiplet supersymmetric
We complete the four-dimensional ${\cal N}=1$ superfield description of six-dimensional supergravity. The missing ingredients in the previous works are the superfields that contain the sechsbein $e_4^{\;\;\underline{\nu}}$, $e_5^{\;\;\underline{\nu}}$, $e_\mu^{\;\;\underline{4}}$, $e_\mu^{\;\;\underline{5}}$ and the second gravitino. They are necessary to make the action invariant under the diffeomorphisms and the Lorentz transformations involving the extra dimensions. We find the corresponding superfield transformation laws, and show the invariance of the action under them. We also check that the resultant action reproduces the known superfield description of five-dimensional supergravity through the dimensional reduction.Comment: 45 pages, some comments adde
Full diffeomorphism and Lorentz invariance in 4D ${\cal N}=1$ superfield description of 6D SUGRA
full diffeomorphism and lorentz invariance in 4d ${\cal n}=1$ superfield description of 6d sugra
superfield supergravity. missing ingredients superfields sechsbein underline underline underline underline gravitino. diffeomorphisms lorentz transformations involving extra dimensions. superfield laws invariance them. check resultant reproduces superfield supergravity pages comments adde
We study the semileptonic and non-leptonic charmed baryon decays with $SU(3)$ flavor symmetry, where the charmed baryons can be ${\bf B}_{c}=(\Xi_c^0,\Xi_c^+,\Lambda_c^+)$, ${\bf B}'_{c}=(\Sigma_c^{(++,+,0)},\Xi_{c}^{\prime(+,0)},\Omega_c^0)$, ${\bf B}_{cc}=(\Xi_{cc}^{++},\Xi_{cc}^+,\Omega_{cc}^+)$, or ${\bf B}_{ccc}=\Omega^{++}_{ccc}$. With ${\bf B}_n^{(\prime)}$ denoted as the baryon octet (decuplet), we find that the ${\bf B}_{c}\to {\bf B}'_n\ell^+\nu_\ell$ decays are forbidden, while the $\Omega_c^0\to \Omega^-\ell^+\nu_\ell$, $\Omega_{cc}^+\to\Omega_c^0\ell^+\nu_\ell$, and $\Omega_{ccc}^{++}\to \Omega_{cc}^+\ell^+\nu_\ell$ decays are the only existing Cabibbo-allowed modes for ${\bf B}'_{c}\to {\bf B}'_n\ell^+\nu_\ell$, ${\bf B}_{cc}\to {\bf B}'_c\ell^+\nu_\ell$, and ${\bf B}_{ccc}\to {\bf B}_{cc}^{(\prime)}\ell^+\nu_\ell$, respectively. We predict the rarely studied ${\bf B}_{c}\to {\bf B}_n^{(\prime)}M$ decays, such as ${\cal B}(\Xi_c^0\to\Lambda^0\bar K^0,\,\Xi_c^+\to\Xi^0\pi^+)=(8.3\pm 0.9,8.0\pm 4.1)\times 10^{-3}$ and ${\cal B}(\Lambda_c^+\to \Delta^{++}\pi^-,\,\Xi_c^0\to\Omega^- K^+)=(5.5\pm 1.3,4.8\pm 0.5)\times 10^{-3}$. For the observation, the doubly and triply charmed baryon decays of $\Omega_{cc}^{+}\to \Xi_c^+\bar K^0$, $\Xi_{cc}^{++}\to (\Xi_c^+\pi^+$, $\Sigma_c^{++}\bar K^0)$, and $\Omega_{ccc}^{++}\to (\Xi_{cc}^{++}\bar K^0,\Omega_{cc}^+\pi^+,\Xi_c^+ D^+)$ are the favored Cabibbo-allowed decays, which are accessible to the BESIII and LHCb experiments.Comment: 29 pages, no figure, a typo in the table correcte
Charmed Baryon Weak Decays with SU(3) Flavor Symmetry
charmed baryon weak decays with su(3) flavor symmetry
semileptonic leptonic charmed baryon decays flavor charmed baryons lambda sigma prime omega omega omega prime denoted baryon octet decuplet decays forbidden omega omega omega omega omega omega decays cabibbo prime respectively. predict rarely prime decays lambda lambda delta omega doubly triply charmed baryon decays omega sigma omega omega favored cabibbo decays accessible besiii lhcb pages typo correcte
In this paper we apply the discrete gravity and Regge calculus to tensor networks and Anti-de Sitter/conformal field theory (AdS/CFT) correspondence. We construct the boundary many-body quantum state $|\Psi\rangle$ using random tensor networks as the holographic mapping, applied to the Wheeler-deWitt wave function of bulk Euclidean discrete gravity in 3 dimensions. The entanglement R\'enyi entropy of $|\Psi\rangle$ is shown to holographically relate to the on-shell action of Einstein gravity on a branch cover bulk manifold. The resulting R\'enyi entropy $S_n$ of $|\Psi\rangle$ approximates with high precision the R\'enyi entropy of ground state in 2-dimensional conformal field theory (CFT). In particular it reproduces the correct $n$ dependence. Our results develop the framework of realizing the AdS$_3$/CFT$_2$ correspondence on random tensor networks, and provide a new proposal to approximate CFT ground state.Comment: 8+2 pages, 10 figures, presentation improved, references adde
Discrete Gravity on Random Tensor Network and Holographic R\'enyi Entropy
discrete gravity on random tensor network and holographic r\'enyi entropy
regge calculus sitter conformal correspondence. rangle holographic wheeler dewitt euclidean dimensions. entanglement enyi rangle holographically relate einstein branch cover manifold. enyi rangle approximates precision enyi conformal reproduces dependence. realizing correspondence proposal approximate pages presentation adde
The eigenstate thermalization hypothesis (ETH) explains how closed unitary quantum systems can exhibit thermal behavior in pure states. In this work we examine a recently proposed microscopic model of a black hole in AdS$_2$, the so-called Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model. We show that this model satisfies the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis by solving the system in exact diagonalization. Using these results we also study the behavior, in eigenstates, of various measures of thermalization and scrambling of information. We establish that two-point functions in finite-energy eigenstates approximate closely their thermal counterparts and that information is scrambled in individual eigenstates. We study both the eigenstates of a single random realization of the model, as well as the model obtained after averaging of the random disordered couplings. We use our results to comment on the implications for thermal states of the dual theory, i.e. the AdS$_2$ black hole.Comment: 36 pages, many figures; references added; matches published versio
Eigenstate thermalization in the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model
eigenstate thermalization in the sachdev-ye-kitaev model
eigenstate thermalization explains unitary exhibit states. examine microscopic sachdev kitaev model. satisfies eigenstate thermalization solving diagonalization. eigenstates thermalization scrambling information. establish eigenstates approximate closely counterparts scrambled eigenstates. eigenstates realization averaging disordered couplings. comment i.e. pages matches versio
In this paper we present a next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) QCD calculation of the processes $pp\rightarrow l^+l^-\gamma$ and $pp\rightarrow \nu\bar\nu\gamma$ that we have implemented in MCFM. Our calculation includes QCD corrections at NNLO both for the Standard Model (SM) and additionally in the presence of $Z\gamma\gamma$ and $ZZ\gamma$ anomalous couplings. We compare our implementation, obtained using the jettiness slicing approach, with a previous SM calculation and find broad agreement. Focusing on the sensitivity of our results to the slicing parameter, we show that using our setup we are able to compute NNLO cross sections with numerical uncertainties of about $0.1\%$, which is small compared to residual scale uncertainties of a few percent. We study potential improvements using two different jettiness definitions and the inclusion of power corrections. At $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV we present phenomenological results and consider $Z\gamma$ as a background to $H\to Z\gamma$ production. We find that, with typical cuts, the inclusion of NNLO corrections represents a small effect and loosens the extraction of limits on anomalous couplings by about $10\%$.Comment: 30 pages, 14 figure
$Z\gamma$ production at NNLO including anomalous couplings
$z\gamma$ production at nnlo including anomalous couplings
nnlo rightarrow gamma rightarrow gamma implemented mcfm. nnlo additionally gamma gamma gamma anomalous couplings. jettiness slicing broad agreement. focusing slicing setup nnlo residual percent. improvements jettiness definitions inclusion corrections. sqrt phenomenological gamma gamma production. cuts inclusion nnlo loosens extraction anomalous couplings .comment pages
The two-dimensional QCD in the large $N$ limit, generally referred to as the 't Hooft model, is numerically investigated in the axial gauge in a comprehensive manner. The corresponding Bethe-Salpeter equation for a bound $q\bar{q}$ pair, originally derived by Bars and Green in 1978, was first numerically tackled by Li and collaborators in late 1980s, yet only for the {\it stationary} mesons. In this paper, we make further progress by numerically solving the Bars-Green equation for {\it moving} mesons, ranging from the chiral pion to charmonium. By choosing several different quark masses, we computed the corresponding quark condensates, meson spectra and their decay constants for a variety of meson momenta, and found satisfactory agreement with their counterparts obtained using light-cone gauge, thus numerically verified the gauge and Poincar\'{e} invariance of the 't Hooft model. Moreover, we have explicitly confirmed that, as the meson gets more and more boosted, the large component of the Bars-Green wave function indeed approaches the corresponding 't Hooft light-cone wave function, while the small component of the wave function rapidly fades away.Comment: v2, 25 pages, 12 figures, and 1 table; Some figures updated, references added, typo corrrected; to appear in JHE
Solving the Bars-Green equation for moving mesons in two-dimensional QCD
solving the bars-green equation for moving mesons in two-dimensional qcd
referred hooft numerically axial comprehensive manner. bethe salpeter originally numerically tackled collaborators stationary mesons. progress numerically solving moving mesons ranging chiral pion charmonium. choosing condensates meson meson momenta satisfactory counterparts cone numerically verified poincar invariance hooft model. explicitly confirmed meson gets boosted hooft cone rapidly fades pages updated typo corrrected
We consider known examples of non-supersymmetric AdS$_7$ and AdS$_4$ solutions arising from compactifications of massive type IIA supergravity and study their stability, taking into account the coupling between closed- and open-string sector excitations. Generically, open strings are found to develop modes with masses below the Breitenlohner-Freedman (BF) bound. We comment on the relation with the Weak Gravity Conjecture, and how this analysis may play an important role in examining the validity of non-supersymmetric constructions in string theory.Comment: 26 pages and 8 table
A swamp of non-SUSY vacua
a swamp of non-susy vacua
supersymmetric arising compactifications massive supergravity excitations. generically strings breitenlohner freedman bound. comment conjecture examining validity supersymmetric constructions pages
We study the gravitational action induced by coupling two-dimensional non-conformal, massive matter to gravity on a Riemann surface with boundaries. A small-mass expansion gives back the Liouville action in the massless limit, while the first-order mass correction allows us to identify what should be the appropriate generalization of the Mabuchi action on a Riemann surface with boundaries. We provide a detailed study for the example of the cylinder. Contrary to the case of manifolds without boundary, we find that the gravitational Lagrangian explicitly depends on the space-point, via the geodesic distances to the boundaries, as well as on the modular parameter of the cylinder, through an elliptic theta-function.Comment: 33 page
2D gravitational Mabuchi action on Riemann surfaces with boundaries
2d gravitational mabuchi action on riemann surfaces with boundaries
gravitational conformal massive riemann boundaries. liouville massless generalization mabuchi riemann boundaries. cylinder. contrary manifolds gravitational lagrangian explicitly geodesic distances boundaries modular cylinder elliptic theta
Kinematic space can be used as an intermediate step in the AdS/CFT dictionary and lends itself naturally to the description of diffeomorphism invariant quantities. From the bulk it has been defined as the space of boundary anchored geodesics, and from the boundary as the space of pairs of CFT points. When the bulk is not globally AdS$_3$ the appearance of non-minimal geodesics leads to ambiguities in these definitions. In this work conical defect spacetimes are considered as an example where non-minimal geodesics are common. From the bulk it is found that the conical defect kinematic space can be obtained from the AdS$_3$ kinematic space by the same quotient under which one obtains the defect from AdS$_3$. The resulting kinematic space is one of many equivalent fundamental regions. From the boundary the conical defect kinematic space can be determined by breaking up OPE blocks into contributions from individual bulk geodesics. A duality is established between partial OPE blocks and bulk fields integrated over individual geodesics, minimal or non-minimal.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figures. As published in JHE
Kinematic space for conical defects
kinematic space for conical defects
kinematic dictionary lends naturally diffeomorphism quantities. anchored geodesics points. globally appearance geodesics ambiguities definitions. conical defect spacetimes geodesics common. conical defect kinematic kinematic quotient obtains defect kinematic regions. conical defect kinematic breaking blocks geodesics. duality blocks geodesics pages figures.
Quantum quenches in continuum field theory across critical points are known to display different scaling behaviours in different regimes of the quench rate. We extend these results to integrable lattice models such as the transverse field Ising model on a one-dimensional chain and the Kitaev model on a two-dimensional honeycomb lattice using a nonlinear quench protocol which allows for exact analytical solutions of the dynamics. Our quench protocol starts with a finite mass gap at early times and crosses a critical point or a critical region, and we study the behaviour of one point functions of the quenched operator at the critical point or in the critical region as a function of the quench rate. For quench rates slow compared to the initial mass gap, we find the expected Kibble-Zurek scaling. In contrast, for rates fast compared to the mass gap, but slow compared to the inverse lattice spacing, we find scaling behaviour similar to smooth fast continuum quenches. For quench rates of the same order of the lattice scale, the one point function saturates as a function of the rate, approaching the results of an abrupt quench. The presence of an extended critical surface in the Kitaev model leads to a variety of scaling exponents depending on the starting point and on the time where the operator is measured. We discuss the role of the amplitude of the quench in determining the extent of the slow (Kibble-Zurek) and fast quench regimes, and the onset of the saturation.Comment: 54 pages, 13 figures; v2: added analytic argument for Kitaev mode
An exactly solvable quench protocol for integrable spin models
an exactly solvable quench protocol for integrable spin models
quenches continuum display behaviours regimes quench rate. extend integrable ising kitaev honeycomb quench dynamics. quench starts crosses quenched quench rate. quench slow kibble zurek scaling. slow spacing continuum quenches. quench saturates approaching abrupt quench. kitaev exponents measured. quench determining slow kibble zurek quench regimes onset pages analytic argument kitaev
We present a detailed phenomenological study of the next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) QCD corrections for $t$-channel single top (anti-)quark production and its semi-leptonic decay at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC). We find the NNLO corrections for the total inclusive rates at the LHC with different center of mass energies are generally smaller than the NLO corrections, indicative of improved convergence. However, they can be large for differential distributions, reaching a level of $10\%$ or more in certain regions of the transverse momentum distributions of the top (anti-)quark and the pseudo-rapidity distributions of the leading jet in the event. In all cases the perturbative hard scale uncertainties are greatly reduced after the NNLO corrections are included. We also show a comparison of the normalized parton-level distributions to recent data from the 8 TeV measurement of the ATLAS Collaboration. The NNLO corrections tend to shift the theoretical predictions closer to the measured transverse momentum distribution of the top (anti)-quark. Importantly, for the LHC at 13 TeV, we present NNLO cross sections in a fiducial volume with decays of the top quark included.Comment: minor changes, published versio
Differential Distributions for t-channel Single Top-Quark Production and Decay at Next-to-Next-to-Leading Order in QCD
differential distributions for t-channel single top-quark production and decay at next-to-next-to-leading order in qcd
phenomenological nnlo leptonic cern hadron collider nnlo inclusive indicative convergence. reaching pseudo rapidity event. perturbative greatly nnlo included. parton atlas collaboration. nnlo tend closer quark. importantly nnlo fiducial decays minor versio
In marked contrast to conventional string theory, ambitwistor strings remain solvable worldsheet theories when coupled to curved background fields. We use this fact to consider the quantization of ambitwistor strings on plane wave metric and plane wave gauge field backgrounds. In each case, the worldsheet model is anomaly free as a consequence of the background satisfying the field equations. We derive vertex operators (in both fixed and descended picture numbers) for gravitons and gluons on these backgrounds from the worldsheet CFT, and study the 3-point functions of these vertex operators on the Riemann sphere. These worldsheet correlation functions reproduce the known results for 3-point scattering amplitudes of gravitons and gluons in gravitational and gauge theoretic plane wave backgrounds, respectively.Comment: 29 pages, 1 figure. v2: added discussion, published versio
Amplitudes on plane waves from ambitwistor strings
amplitudes on plane waves from ambitwistor strings
marked ambitwistor strings solvable worldsheet curved fields. quantization ambitwistor strings backgrounds. worldsheet anomaly satisfying equations. derive descended picture gravitons gluons backgrounds worldsheet riemann sphere. worldsheet reproduce amplitudes gravitons gluons gravitational theoretic backgrounds pages figure. versio
The pre-equilibrium evolution of a quark-gluon plasma produced in a heavy-ion collision is studied in the framework of kinetic theory. We discuss the approach to local thermal equilibrium, and the onset of hydrodynamics, in terms of a particular set of moments of the distribution function. These moments quantify the momentum anisotropies to a finer degree than the commonly used ratio of longitudinal to transverse pressures. They are found to be in direct correspondence with viscous corrections of hydrodynamics, and provide therefore an alternative measure of these corrections in terms of the distortion of the momentum distribution. As an application, we study the evolution of these moments by solving the Boltzmann equation for a boost invariant expanding system, first analytically in the relaxation time approximation, and then numerically for a quark-gluon plasma within the small angle approximation to the collision kernel.Comment: updated version, with corrected discussion
Onset of hydrodynamics for a quark-gluon plasma from the evolution of moments of distribution functions
onset of hydrodynamics for a quark-gluon plasma from the evolution of moments of distribution functions
gluon collision theory. onset hydrodynamics moments function. moments quantify anisotropies finer commonly longitudinal pressures. correspondence viscous hydrodynamics distortion distribution. moments solving boltzmann boost expanding analytically relaxation numerically gluon collision updated corrected
Supersymmetric theories supplemented by an underlying flavor-symmetry $\mathcal{G}_f$ provide a rich playground for model building aimed at explaining the flavor structure of the Standard Model. In the case where supersymmetry breaking is mediated by gravity, the soft-breaking Lagrangian typically exhibits large tree-level flavor violating effects, even if it stems from an ultraviolet flavor-conserving origin. Building on previous work, we continue our phenomenological analysis of these models with a particular emphasis on leptonic flavor observables. We consider three representative models which aim to explain the flavor structure of the lepton sector, with symmetry groups $\mathcal{G}_f = \Delta(27)$, $A_4,$ and $S_3$.Comment: References added, minor typos corrected. 28 pages, 8 figure
Slepton Non-Universality in the Flavor-Effective MSSM
slepton non-universality in the flavor-effective mssm
supersymmetric supplemented flavor mathcal playground aimed explaining flavor model. supersymmetry breaking breaking lagrangian exhibits flavor violating stems ultraviolet flavor conserving origin. continue phenomenological emphasis leptonic flavor observables. flavor lepton mathcal delta .comment minor typos corrected. pages
New particles beyond the Standard Model might be produced with a very high boost, for instance if they result from the decay of a heavier particle. If the former decay hadronically, then their signature is a single massive fat jet which is difficult to separate from QCD backgrounds. Jet substructure and machine learning techniques allow for the discrimination of many specific boosted objects from QCD, but the scope of possibilities is very large, and a suite of dedicated taggers may not be able to cover every possibility - in addition to making experimental searches cumbersome. In this paper we describe a generic model-independent tagger that is able to discriminate a wide variety of hadronic boosted objects from QCD jets using N-subjettiness variables, with a significance improvement varying between 2 and 8. This is in addition to any improvement that might come from a cut on jet mass. Such a tagger can be used in model-independent searches for new physics yielding fat jets. We also show how such a tagger can be applied to signatures over a wide range of jet masses without sculpting the background distributions, allowing to search for new physics as bumps on jet mass distributions.Comment: Main text: 19 page
A generic anti-QCD jet tagger
a generic anti-qcd jet tagger
boost heavier particle. former hadronically signature massive backgrounds. substructure machine discrimination boosted scope possibilities suite dedicated taggers cover searches cumbersome. generic tagger discriminate hadronic boosted jets subjettiness come mass. tagger searches yielding jets. tagger signatures sculpting allowing bumps
We investigate a holographic version of Maxwell's equal area law analogous to that for the phase transition in the black hole temperature/black hole entropy plane of a charged AdS black hole. We consider proposed area laws for both the black hole temperature/holographic entanglement entropy plane and the black hole temperature/2-point correlation function plane. Despite recent claims to the contrary, we demonstrate numerically that neither proposal is valid. We argue that there is no physical reason to expect such a construction in these planes.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures. v2: Added appendix and discussio
Breakdown of the Equal Area Law for Holographic Entanglement Entropy
breakdown of the equal area law for holographic entanglement entropy
holographic maxwell analogous hole. laws holographic entanglement plane. claims contrary numerically neither proposal valid. argue pages figures. discussio
We consider the Bremsstrahlung function associated to a 1/6-BPS Wilson loop in ABJM theory, with a cusp in the couplings to scalar fields. We non-trivially extend its recent four-loop computation at weak coupling to include non-planar corrections. We have recently proposed a conjecture relating this object to supersymmetric circular Wilson loops with multiple windings, which can be computed via localization. We find agreement between this proposal and the perturbative computation of the Bremsstrahlung function, including color sub-leading corrections. This supports the conjecture and hints at its validity beyond the planar approximation.Comment: 22 page
ABJM $\theta$-Bremsstrahlung at four loops and beyond: non-planar corrections
abjm $\theta$-bremsstrahlung at four loops and beyond: non-planar corrections
bremsstrahlung wilson abjm cusp couplings fields. trivially extend planar corrections. conjecture relating supersymmetric circular wilson loops windings localization. proposal perturbative bremsstrahlung corrections. supports conjecture hints validity planar
We discuss the constraints that a conformal field theory should enjoy to admit exactly marginal deformations, i.e. to be part of a conformal manifold. In particular, using tools from conformal perturbation theory, we derive a sum rule from which one can extract restrictions on the spectrum of low spin operators and on the behavior of OPE coefficients involving nearly marginal operators. We then consider conformal field theories admitting a gravity dual description, and as such a large-$N$ expansion. We discuss the relation between conformal perturbation theory and loop expansion in the bulk, and show how such connection could help in the search for conformal manifolds beyond the planar limit. Our results do not rely on supersymmetry, and therefore apply also outside the realm of superconformal field theories.Comment: 30 pages, figures. v3: discussion on contribution of graviton exchange extended + minor correction
On non-supersymmetric conformal manifolds: field theory and holography
on non-supersymmetric conformal manifolds: field theory and holography
conformal enjoy admit marginal deformations i.e. conformal manifold. conformal perturbation derive extract restrictions involving nearly marginal operators. conformal admitting expansion. conformal perturbation connection conformal manifolds planar limit. rely supersymmetry realm superconformal pages figures. graviton minor
Large gauge symmetries in Minkowski spacetime are often studied in two distinct regimes: either at asymptotic (past or future) times or at spatial infinity. By working in harmonic gauge, we provide a unified description of large gauge symmetries (and their associated charges) that applies to both regimes. At spatial infinity the charges are conserved and interpolate between those defined at the asymptotic past and future. This explains the equality of asymptotic past and future charges, as recently proposed in connection with Weinberg's soft photon theorem.Comment: 23 page
Asymptotic $U(1)$ charges at spatial infinity
asymptotic $u(1)$ charges at spatial infinity
symmetries minkowski spacetime regimes asymptotic infinity. harmonic unified symmetries charges applies regimes. infinity charges conserved interpolate asymptotic future. explains equality asymptotic charges connection weinberg
There are two alternative approaches to the minimal gravity - direct Liouville approach and matrix models. Recently there has been a certain progress in the matrix model approach, growing out of presence of a Frobenius manifold (FM) structure embedded in the theory. The previous studies were mainly focused on the spherical topology. Essentially, it was shown that the action principle of Douglas equation allows to define the free energy and to compute the correlation numbers if the resonance transformations are properly incorporated. The FM structure allows to find the explicit form of the resonance transformation as well as the closed expression for the partition function. In this paper we elaborate on the case of gravitating disk. We focus on the bulk correlators and show that in the similar way as in the closed topology the generating function can be formulated using the set of flat coordinates on the corresponding FM. Moreover, the resonance transformations, which follow from the spherical topology consideration, are exactly those needed to reproduce FZZ result of the Liouville gravity approach
Minimal gravity and Frobenius manifolds: bulk correlation on sphere and disk
minimal gravity and frobenius manifolds: bulk correlation on sphere and disk
liouville models. progress growing frobenius manifold embedded theory. focused spherical topology. essentially douglas transformations properly incorporated. partition function. elaborate gravitating disk. correlators topology generating formulated transformations spherical topology consideration reproduce liouville
A measurement is presented of decay-time-dependent CP violation in the decays $B^0 \to J/\psi K^0_S$ and $B^0 \to \psi(2S) K^0_S$, where the $J/\psi$ is reconstructed from two electrons and the $\psi(2S)$ from two muons. The analysis uses a sample of pp collision data recorded with the LHCb experiment at centre-of-mass energies of 7 and 8 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3 $fb^{−1}$. The CP -violation observables are measured to be\ud $C(B^0 \to J/\psi K^0_S) = 0.12 \pm 0.07 \pm 0.02,$\ud $S(B^0 \to J/\psi K^0_S) = 0.83 \pm 0.08 \pm 0.01,$\ud $C(B^0 \to \psi(2S) K^0_S) = −0.05 \pm 0.10 \pm 0.01,$\ud $S(B^0 \to \psi(2S) K^0_S) = 0.84 \pm 0.10 \pm 0.01,$\ud where C describes CP violation in the direct decay, and S describes CP violation in the interference between the amplitudes for the direct decay and for the decay after $B^0 − \overline{B}^0$ oscillation. The first uncertainties are statistical and the second are systematic. The two sets of results are compatible with the previous LHCb measurement using $B^0 \to J/\psi K^0_S$ decays, where the $J/ψ$ meson was reconstructed from two muons. The averages of all three sets of LHCb results are\ud $C(B^0 \to [c\overline{c}]K^0_S) = −0.017 \pm 0.029,$\ud $S(B^0 \to [c\overline{c}]K^0_S) = 0.760 \pm 0.034,$\ud under the assumption that higher-order contributions to the decay amplitudes are negligible. The uncertainties include statistical and systematic contributions
Measurement of CP violation in $B^0 \to J/\psi K^0_S$ and $B^0 \to \psi(2S) K^0_S$ decays
measurement of cp violation in $b^0 \to j/\psi k^0_s$ and $b^0 \to \psi(2s) k^0_s$ decays
violation decays reconstructed muons. collision lhcb luminosity violation observables describes violation describes violation interference amplitudes overline oscillation. systematic. compatible lhcb decays meson reconstructed muons. averages lhcb overline overline amplitudes negligible.
Quantization of closed string proceeds with a suitable choice of worldsheet vacuum. A priori, the vacuum may be chosen independently for left-moving and right-moving sectors. We construct {\sl ab initio} quantized bosonic string theory with left-right asymmetric worldsheet vacuum and explore its consequences and implications. We critically examine the validity of new vacuum and carry out first-quantization using standard operator formalism. Remarkably, the string spectrum consists only of a finite number of degrees of freedom: string gravity (massless spin-two, Kalb-Ramond and dilaton fields) and two massive spin-two Fierz-Pauli fields. The massive spin-two fields have negative norm, opposite mass-squared, and provides a Lee-Wick type extension of string gravity. We compute two physical observables: tree-level scattering amplitudes and one-loop cosmological constant. Scattering amplitude of four dilatons is shown to be a rational function of kinematic invariants, and in $D=26$ factorizes into contributions of massless spin-two and a pair of massive spin-two fields. The string one loop partition function is shown to perfectly agree with one loop Feynman diagram of string gravity and two massive spin-two fields. In particular, it does not exhibit modular invariance. We critically compare our construction with recent studies and contrast differences.Comment: 42 pages, 1 figure, minor corrections, references added; v3: minor corrections, references added, published version in JHE
A String Theory Which Isn't About Strings
a string theory which isn't about strings
quantization proceeds worldsheet vacuum. priori independently moving moving sectors. initio quantized bosonic asymmetric worldsheet explore consequences implications. critically examine validity carry quantization formalism. remarkably freedom massless kalb ramond dilaton massive fierz pauli fields. massive norm opposite squared wick gravity. observables amplitudes cosmological constant. dilatons rational kinematic invariants factorizes massless massive fields. partition perfectly agree feynman massive fields. exhibit modular invariance. critically pages minor minor
In ABJ(M) theory a generalized cusp can be constructed out of the 1/6 BPS Wilson line by introducing an angle $\varphi$ in the spacial contour and/or an angle $\theta$ in the internal R-symmetry space. The small angles limits of its anomalous dimension are controlled by corresponding Bremsstrahlung functions. In this note we compute the internal space $\theta$-Bremsstrahlung function to four loops at weak coupling in the planar limit. Based on this result, we propose an all order conjecture for the $\theta$-Bremsstrahlung function.Comment: 40 pages; v2: references added, JHEP published extended versio
ABJM $\theta$-Bremsstrahlung at four loops and beyond
abjm $\theta$-bremsstrahlung at four loops and beyond
cusp wilson introducing varphi spacial contour theta space. angles anomalous bremsstrahlung functions. theta bremsstrahlung loops planar limit. propose conjecture theta bremsstrahlung pages jhep versio
We construct new families of 1/4 BPS Wilson loops in circular quiver $\mathcal N=4$ superconformal Chern-Simons-matter (SCSM) theories in three dimensions. They are defined as the holonomy of superconnections that contain non-trivial couplings to scalar and fermions, and cannot be reduced to block-diagonal matrices. Consequently, the new operators cannot be written in terms of double-node Wilson loops, as the ones considered so far in the literature. For particular values of the couplings the superconnection becomes block-diagonal and we recover the known fermionic 1/4 and 1/2 BPS Wilson loops. The new operators are cohomologically equivalent to bosonic 1/4 BPS Wilson loops and are then amenable of exact evaluation via localization techniques. Moreover, in the case of orbifold ABJM theory we identify the corresponding gravity duals for some of the 1/4 and 1/2 BPS Wilson loops.Comment: 32 pages; v2: minor improvements, general classification of BPS WLs added; v3: comments added, typos fixed, JHEP published versio
New BPS Wilson loops in $\mathcal N \textbf{= 4}$ circular quiver Chern-Simons-matter theories
new bps wilson loops in $\mathcal n \textbf{= 4}$ circular quiver chern-simons-matter theories
families wilson loops circular quiver mathcal superconformal chern simons scsm dimensions. holonomy superconnections trivial couplings fermions diagonal matrices. wilson loops literature. couplings superconnection diagonal recover fermionic wilson loops. cohomologically bosonic wilson loops amenable localization techniques. orbifold abjm duals wilson pages minor improvements comments typos jhep versio
We formulate a kinematical extension of Double Field Theory on a $2d$-dimensional para-Hermitian manifold $(\mathcal{P},\eta,\omega)$ where the $O(d,d)$ metric $\eta$ is supplemented by an almost symplectic two-form $\omega$. Together $\eta$ and $\omega$ define an almost bi-Lagrangian structure $K$ which provides a splitting of the tangent bundle $T\mathcal{P}=L\oplus\tilde{L}$ into two Lagrangian subspaces. In this paper a canonical connection and a corresponding generalised Lie derivative for the Leibniz algebroid on $T\mathcal{P}$ are constructed. We find integrability conditions under which the symmetry algebra closes for general $\eta$ and $\omega$, even if they are not flat and constant. This formalism thus provides a generalisation of the kinematical structure of Double Field Theory. We also show that this formalism allows one to reconcile and unify Double Field Theory with Generalised Geometry which is thoroughly discussed.Comment: 41 pages, v2: typos corrected, references added, published versio
Generalised Kinematics for Double Field Theory
generalised kinematics for double field theory
formulate kinematical para hermitian manifold mathcal omega supplemented symplectic omega omega lagrangian splitting tangent bundle mathcal oplus tilde lagrangian subspaces. canonical connection generalised leibniz algebroid mathcal constructed. integrability closes omega constant. formalism generalisation kinematical theory. formalism reconcile unify generalised thoroughly pages typos corrected versio
A method to directly determine the Wilson coefficients for rare $b\to s$ transitions using $B^0\to K^{*0}\mu^+\mu^-$ decays in an unbinned maximum likelihood fit is presented. The method has several advantages compared to the conventional determination of the Wilson coefficients from angular observables that are determined in bins of $q^2$, the square of the mass of the dimuon system. The method uses all experimental information in an optimal way and automatically accounts for experimental correlations. Performing pseudoexperiments, we show the improved sensitivity of the proposed method for the Wilson coefficients. We also demonstrate that it will be possible to use the method with the combined Run 1 and 2 data sample taken by the LHCb experiment.Comment: 36 pages, 8 figures; v2: Negligible changes in numerics, references added, matches published versio
Direct determination of Wilson coefficients using $B^0\to K^{*0}\mu^+\mu^-$ decays
direct determination of wilson coefficients using $b^0\to k^{*0}\mu^+\mu^-$ decays
wilson rare decays unbinned likelihood presented. advantages wilson observables bins dimuon system. automatically accounts correlations. performing pseudoexperiments wilson coefficients. lhcb pages negligible numerics matches versio
String theory provides us with 8d supersymmetric gauge theory with gauge algebras $\mathfrak{su}(N)$, $\mathfrak{so}(2N)$, $\mathfrak{sp}(N)$, $\mathfrak{e}_{6}$, $\mathfrak{e}_{7}$ and $\mathfrak{e}_{8}$, but no construction for $\mathfrak{so}(2N{+}1)$, $\mathfrak{f}_4$ and $\mathfrak{g}_2$ is known. In this paper, we show that the theories for $\mathfrak{f}_4$ and $\mathfrak{so}(2N{+}1)$ have a global gauge anomaly associated to $\pi_{d=8}$, while $\mathfrak{g}_2$ does not have it. We argue that the anomaly associated to $\pi_d$ in $d$-dimensional gauge theories cannot be canceled by topological degrees of freedom in general. We also show that the theories for $\mathfrak{sp}(N)$ have a subtler gauge anomaly, which we suggest should be canceled by a topological analogue of the Green-Schwarz mechanism.Comment: 27 page
8d gauge anomalies and the topological Green-Schwarz mechanism
8d gauge anomalies and the topological green-schwarz mechanism
supersymmetric algebras mathfrak mathfrak mathfrak mathfrak mathfrak mathfrak mathfrak mathfrak mathfrak known. mathfrak mathfrak anomaly mathfrak argue anomaly canceled topological freedom general. mathfrak subtler anomaly canceled topological analogue schwarz
We propose a way to define and compute invariants of general smooth 4-manifolds based on topological twists of non-Lagrangian 4d N=2 and N=3 theories in which the problem is reduced to a fairly standard computation in topological A-model, albeit with rather unusual targets, such as compact and non-compact Gepner models, asymmetric orbifolds, N=(2,2) linear dilaton theories, "self-mirror" geometries, varieties with complex multiplication, etc.Comment: 49 pages, 8 figures, 8 tables, v2: a reference adde
Trisecting non-Lagrangian theories
trisecting non-lagrangian theories
propose invariants manifolds topological twists lagrangian fairly topological albeit unusual targets gepner asymmetric orbifolds dilaton mirror geometries varieties multiplication pages tables adde
Motivated by recent constructions of TeV-scale strongly-coupled dynamics, either associated with the Higgs sector itself as in pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson (pNGB) Higgs models or in theories of asymmetric dark matter, we show that stable solitonic Q- balls can be formed from light pion-like pNGB fields carrying a conserved global quantum number in the presence of the Higgs field. We focus on the case of thick-wall Q-balls, where solutions satisfying all constraints are shown to exist over a range of parameter values. In the limit that our approximations hold, the Q-balls are weakly bound and parametrically large, and the form of the interactions of the light physical Higgs with the Q-ball is determined by the breaking of scale symmetry.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl
Higgs Assisted Q-balls from Pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone Bosons
higgs assisted q-balls from pseudo-nambu-goldstone bosons
motivated constructions pseudo nambu goldstone boson pngb asymmetric solitonic balls pion pngb carrying conserved field. thick balls satisfying values. approximations hold balls weakly parametrically ball breaking pages tabl
We study the SYK model with complex fermions, in the presence of an all-to-all $q$-body interaction, with a non-vanishing chemical potential. We find that, in the large $q$ limit, this model can be solved exactly and the corresponding Lyapunov exponent can be obtained semi-analytically. The resulting Lyapunov exponent is a sensitive function of the chemical potential $\mu$. Even when the coupling $J$, which corresponds to the disorder averaged values of the all to all fermion interaction, is large, values of $\mu$ which are exponentially small compared to $J$ lead to suppression of the Lyapunov exponent.Comment: 18pages, 4 figures, v2:references and acknowledgment added, typos correcte
SYK Model, Chaos and Conserved Charge
syk model, chaos and conserved charge
fermions vanishing potential. solved lyapunov exponent analytically. lyapunov exponent disorder averaged fermion exponentially suppression lyapunov pages acknowledgment typos correcte
We present a formalism for a fully coherent QED parton shower. The complete multipole structure of photonic radiation is incorporated in a single branching kernel. The regular on-shell 2 to 3 kinematic picture is kept intact by dividing the radiative phase space into sectors, allowing for a definition of the ordering variable that is similar to QCD antenna showers. A modified version of the Sudakov veto algorithm is discussed that increases performance at the cost of the introduction of weighted events. Due to the absence of a soft singularity, the formalism for photon splitting is very similar to the QCD analogon of gluon splitting. However, since no color structure is available to guide the selection of a spectator, a weighted selection procedure from all available spectators is introduced.Comment: 33 pages, 12 figures. Added subsection 4.3 and some comments and references per reviewer request. Version accepted by JHE
Final-state QED Multipole Radiation in Antenna Parton Showers
final-state qed multipole radiation in antenna parton showers
formalism coherent parton shower. multipole photonic incorporated branching kernel. kinematic picture kept intact dividing radiative sectors allowing ordering antenna showers. sudakov veto weighted events. singularity formalism splitting analogon gluon splitting. guide spectator weighted spectators pages figures. subsection comments reviewer request.
We derive a universal formula for the average heavy-heavy-light structure constants for 2d CFTs with non-vanishing u(1) charge. The derivation utilizes the modular properties of one-point functions on the torus. Refinements in N=2 SCFTs, show that the resulting Cardy-like formula for the structure constants has precisely the same shifts in the central charge as that of the thermodynamic entropy found earlier. This analysis generalizes the recent results by Kraus and Maloney for CFTs with an additional global u(1) symmetry. Our results at large central charge are also shown to match with computations from the holographic dual, which suggest that the averaged CFT three-point coefficient also serves as an useful probe of detecting black hole hair.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figure; v2: approximates published versio
Charged structure constants from modularity
charged structure constants from modularity
derive universal cfts vanishing charge. derivation utilizes modular torus. refinements scfts cardy precisely shifts thermodynamic earlier. generalizes kraus maloney cfts symmetry. match computations holographic averaged serves detecting pages approximates versio
We discuss a number of strategies to reduce the $\mathcal B(B^0_s \to \ell^{+} \ell^{-} \gamma)$ theoretical error, and make such a measurement a new probe of the interactions that are interesting in the light of present-day flavor discrepancies. In particular, for low di-lepton invariant mass we propose to exploit the close parenthood between $\mathcal B(B^0_s \to \ell^{+} \ell^{-} \gamma)$ and the measured $\mathcal B(B^0_s \to \phi (\to K^+ K^-) \gamma)$. For high $q^2$, conversely, we exploit the fact that the decay is dominated by two form-factor combinations, plus contributions from broad charmonium that we model accordingly. We construct the ratio $R_\gamma$, akin to $R_K$ and likewise sensitive to lepton-universality violation. Provided the two rates in this ratio are integrated in a suitable region that minimises bremsstrahlung contributions while maximising statistics, the ratio is very close to unity and the form-factor dependence cancels to an extent that makes it a new valuable probe of lepton-universality violating contributions in the effective Hamiltonian. We finally speculate on additional ideas to extract short-distance information from resonance regions, which are theoretically interesting but statistically limited at present.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures. v4: in appendix removed equation already present in main tex
$B^0_s \to \ell^+ \ell^- \gamma$ as a Test of Lepton Flavor Universality
$b^0_s \to \ell^+ \ell^- \gamma$ as a test of lepton flavor universality
mathcal gamma flavor discrepancies. lepton propose exploit parenthood mathcal gamma mathcal gamma conversely exploit dominated combinations broad charmonium accordingly. gamma akin likewise lepton universality violation. minimises bremsstrahlung maximising unity cancels valuable lepton universality violating hamiltonian. speculate ideas extract theoretically statistically pages figures. removed
We consider the transverse momentum dependent gluon distribution functions (called gluon TMDs) by studying the light-front gluon-gluon correlator, extending the results for unpolarized and vector polarized targets to also include tensor polarized targets -- the latter type of polarization is relevant for targets of spin $\ge1$. The light-front correlator includes process-dependent gauge links to guarantee color gauge invariance. As from the experimental side the gluon TMDs are largely unknown, we present positivity bounds for combinations of leading-twist gluon distributions that may be used to estimate their maximal contribution to observables. Since the gluonic content of hadrons is particularly relevant in the small-$x$ kinematic region, we also study these bounds in the small-$x$ limit for the dipole-type gauge link structure using matrix elements of a single Wilson loop.Comment: 10 page
Positivity bounds on gluon TMDs for hadrons of spin $\le$ 1
positivity bounds on gluon tmds for hadrons of spin $\le$ 1
gluon gluon tmds studying front gluon gluon correlator extending unpolarized polarized targets polarized targets targets front correlator links guarantee invariance. gluon tmds largely unknown positivity bounds combinations twist gluon maximal observables. gluonic hadrons kinematic bounds dipole wilson
We show that large $N$ phases of a $0$ dimensional generic unitary matrix model (UMM) can be described in terms of topologies of two dimensional droplets on a plane spanned by eigenvalue and number of boxes in Young diagram. Information about different phases of UMM is encoded in the geometry of droplets. These droplets are similar to phase space distributions of a unitary matrix quantum mechanics (UMQM) ($(0 + 1)$ dimensional) on constant time slices. We find that for a given UMM, it is possible to construct an effective UMQM such that its phase space distributions match with droplets of UMM on different time slices at large $N$. Therefore, large $N$ phase transitions in UMM can be understood in terms of dynamics of an effective UMQM. From the geometry of droplets it is also possible to construct Young diagrams corresponding to $U(N)$ representations and hence different large $N$ states of the theory in momentum space. We explicitly consider two examples : single plaquette model with $\text{Tr} U^2$ terms and Chern-Simons theory on $S^3$. We describe phases of CS theory in terms of eigenvalue distributions of unitary matrices and find dominant Young distributions for them.Comment: 52 pages, 15 figures, v2 Introduction and discussions extended, References adde
Emergent Phase Space Description of Unitary Matrix Model
emergent phase space description of unitary matrix model
generic unitary topologies droplets spanned eigenvalue boxes diagram. encoded droplets. droplets unitary mechanics umqm slices. umqm match droplets slices understood umqm. droplets diagrams representations space. explicitly plaquette chern simons eigenvalue unitary pages discussions adde
We construct firstly the complete list of five quantum deformations of $D=4$ complex homogeneous orthogonal Lie algebra $\mathfrak{o}(4;\mathbb{C})\cong \mathfrak{o}(3;\mathbb{C})\oplus \mathfrak{o}(3;\mathbb{C})$, describing quantum rotational symmetry of four-dimensional complex space-time, in particular we provide the corresponding universal quantum $R$-matrices. Further applying four possible reality conditions we obtain all sixteen Hopf-algebraic quantum deformations for the real forms of $\mathfrak{o}(4;\mathbb{C})$: Euclidean $\mathfrak{o}(4)$, Lorentz $\mathfrak{o}(3,1)$, Kleinian $\mathfrak{o}(2,2)$ and quaternionic $\mathfrak{o}^{\star}(4)$. For $\mathfrak{o}(3,1)$ we only recall well-known results obtained previously by the authors, but for other real Lie algebras (Euclidean, Kleinian, quaternionic) as well as for the complex Lie algebra $\mathfrak{o}(4;\mathbb{C})$ we present new results.Comment: 32 pages, v2 minor improvements, added references, new formulas on p.2
Basic quantizations of $D=4$ Euclidean, Lorentz, Kleinian and quaternionic $\mathfrak{o}^{\star}(4)$ symmetries
basic quantizations of $d=4$ euclidean, lorentz, kleinian and quaternionic $\mathfrak{o}^{\star}(4)$ symmetries
firstly deformations homogeneous orthogonal mathfrak mathbb cong mathfrak mathbb oplus mathfrak mathbb describing rotational universal matrices. reality sixteen hopf algebraic deformations mathfrak mathbb euclidean mathfrak lorentz mathfrak kleinian mathfrak quaternionic mathfrak mathfrak algebras euclidean kleinian quaternionic mathfrak mathbb pages minor improvements formulas
We evaluate the full time dependence of holographic complexity in various eternal black hole backgrounds using both the complexity=action (CA) and the complexity=volume (CV) conjectures. We conclude using the CV conjecture that the rate of change of complexity is a monotonically increasing function of time, which saturates from below to a positive constant in the late time limit. Using the CA conjecture for uncharged black holes, the holographic complexity remains constant for an initial period, then briefly decreases but quickly begins to increase. As observed previously, at late times, the rate of growth of the complexity approaches a constant, which may be associated with Lloyd's bound on the rate of computation. However, we find that this late time limit is approached from above, thus violating the bound. Adding a charge to the eternal black holes washes out the early time behaviour, i.e., complexity immediately begins increasing with sufficient charge, but the late time behaviour is essentially the same as in the neutral case. We also evaluate the complexity of formation for charged black holes and find that it is divergent for extremal black holes, implying that the states at finite chemical potential and zero temperature are infinitely more complex than their finite temperature counterparts.Comment: 52+31 pages, 30 figure
On the Time Dependence of Holographic Complexity
on the time dependence of holographic complexity
holographic eternal backgrounds conjectures. conjecture monotonically saturates limit. conjecture uncharged holes holographic briefly quickly begins increase. lloyd computation. approached violating bound. adding eternal holes washes i.e. immediately begins essentially neutral case. holes divergent extremal holes implying infinitely pages
We discuss effective models derived from a supersymmetric model whose mediation mechanism of supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking is namely mirage mediation. In this model, light higgsino mass, that is required by the natural realization of the electroweak scale, is achieved by the unification of the soft SUSY breaking parameters at the low scale. Besides, we find that extra Higgs fields are also possibly light in some cases. Then, the effective model is a two Higgs doublet model (2HDM) with higgsinos, and it is distinguishable with namely type-II 2HDM which is widely discussed. In this paper, we study the mass spectrum of SUSY particles and the extra Higgs fields, and summarize the phenomenology in the effective model. We survey the current experimental bounds from the LHC and the dark matter experiments as well as the flavor physics. Then, we point out the expected mass scale of the SUSY particles and reveal the future prospects for the direct and indirect searches. We also discuss the difference between our effective model and the 2HDM in the bottom-up approach.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures and 1 tabl
Analysis of the TeV-scale mirage mediation with heavy superparticles
analysis of the tev-scale mirage mediation with heavy superparticles
supersymmetric mediation supersymmetry susy breaking mirage mediation. higgsino realization electroweak unification susy breaking scale. besides extra possibly cases. doublet higgsinos distinguishable widely discussed. susy extra summarize phenomenology model. bounds flavor physics. susy reveal prospects indirect searches. pages tabl
We continue the discussion of the decorated on-shell diagrammatics for planar N < 4 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories started in arXiv:1510.03642. In particular, we focus on its relation with the structure of varieties on the Grassmannian. The decoration of the on-shell diagrams, which physically keeps tracks of the helicity of the coherent states propagating along their edges, defines new on-shell functions on the Grassmannian and can introduce novel higher-order singularities, which graphically are reflected into the presence of helicity loops in the diagrams. These new structures turn out to have similar features as in the non-planar case: the related higher-codimension varieties are identified by either the vanishing of one (or more) Plucker coordinates involving at least two non-adjacent columns, or new relations among Plucker coordinates. A distinctive feature is that the functions living on these higher-codimenson varieties can be thought of distributionally as having support on derivative delta-functions. After a general discussion, we explore in some detail the structures of the on-shell functions on Gr(2,4) and Gr(3,6) on which the residue theorem allows to obtain a plethora of identities among them.Comment: 34 pages, 65 figure
On-shell diagrams and the geometry of planar N < 4 SYM theories
on-shell diagrams and the geometry of planar n < 4 sym theories
continue decorated diagrammatics planar supersymmetric mills started varieties grassmannian. decoration diagrams physically keeps tracks helicity coherent propagating defines grassmannian singularities graphically reflected helicity loops diagrams. planar codimension varieties vanishing plucker involving adjacent columns plucker coordinates. distinctive living codimenson varieties thought distributionally delta functions. explore residue plethora identities pages
In this paper we describe a novel, model-independent technique of "rectangular aggregations" for mining the LHC data for hints of new physics. A typical (CMS) search now has hundreds of signal regions, which can obscure potentially interesting anomalies. Applying our technique to the two CMS jets+MET SUSY searches, we identify a set of previously overlooked $\sim 3\sigma$ excesses. Among these, four excesses survive tests of inter- and intra-search compatibility, and two are especially interesting: they are largely overlapping between the jets+MET searches and are characterized by low jet multiplicity, zero $b$-jets, and low MET and $H_T$. We find that resonant color-triplet production decaying to a quark plus an invisible particle provides an excellent fit to these two excesses and all other data -- including the ATLAS jets+MET search, which actually sees a correlated excess. We discuss the additional constraints coming from dijet resonance searches, monojet searches and pair production. Based on these results, we believe the wide-spread view that the LHC data contains no interesting excesses is greatly exaggerated.Comment: 31 pages + appendices, 14 figures, source code for recasted searches attached as auxiliary materia
Digging Deeper for New Physics in the LHC Data
digging deeper for new physics in the lhc data
rectangular aggregations mining hints physics. hundreds obscure potentially anomalies. jets susy searches overlooked sigma excesses. excesses survive intra compatibility largely overlapping jets searches multiplicity jets resonant triplet decaying invisible excellent excesses atlas jets sees excess. coming dijet searches monojet searches production. believe spread excesses greatly pages appendices recasted searches attached auxiliary materia
This paper proposes a new search program for dark sector parton showers at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). These signatures arise in theories characterized by strong dynamics in a hidden sector, such as Hidden Valley models. A dark parton shower can be composed of both invisible dark matter particles as well as dark sector states that decay to Standard Model particles via a portal. The focus here is on the specific case of 'semi-visible jets,' jet-like collider objects where the visible states in the shower are Standard Model hadrons. We present a Simplified Model-like parametrization for the LHC observables and propose targeted search strategies for regions of parameter space that are not covered by existing analyses. Following the 'mono-$X$' literature, the portal is modeled using either an effective field theoretic contact operator approach or with one of two ultraviolet completions; sensitivity projections are provided for all three cases. We additionally highlight that the LHC has a unique advantage over direct detection experiments in the search for this class of dark matter theories.Comment: 36 pages, 14 figures; v2, JHEP versio
LHC Searches for Dark Sector Showers
lhc searches for dark sector showers
proposes parton showers hadron collider signatures arise hidden hidden valley models. parton shower composed invisible portal. visible jets collider visible shower hadrons. simplified parametrization observables propose targeted covered analyses. mono portal modeled theoretic ultraviolet completions projections cases. additionally highlight advantage pages jhep versio
Light-cone gauge formulation of relativistic dynamics of a continuous-spin field propagating in the flat space is developed. Cubic interaction vertices of continuous-spin massless fields and totally symmetric arbitrary spin massive fields are studied. We consider parity invariant cubic vertices that involve one continuous-spin massless field and two arbitrary spin massive fields and parity invariant cubic vertices that involve two continuous-spin massless fields and one arbitrary spin massive field. We construct the complete list of such vertices explicitly. Also we demonstrate that there are no cubic vertices describing consistent interaction of continuous-spin massless fields with arbitrary spin massless fields.Comment: 49 pages, v2: Typos in text and eqs.(4.35),(B.13),(B.14),(B.24) corrected. Above eqs.(3.37) and below eqs.(3.43), brief remarks adde
Cubic interaction vertices for continuous-spin fields and arbitrary spin massive fields
cubic interaction vertices for continuous-spin fields and arbitrary spin massive fields
cone formulation relativistic propagating developed. cubic massless totally massive studied. parity cubic involve massless massive parity cubic involve massless massive field. explicitly. cubic describing massless massless pages typos eqs. corrected. eqs. eqs. brief remarks adde
We evaluate the master integrals for the two-loop, planar box-diagrams contributing to the elastic scattering of muons and electrons at next-to-next-to leading-order in QED. We adopt the method of differential equations and the Magnus exponential series to determine a canonical set of integrals, finally expressed as a Taylor series around four space-time dimensions, with coefficients written as combination of generalised polylogarithms. The electron is treated as massless, while we retain full dependence on the muon mass. The considered integrals are also relevant for crossing-related processes, such as di-muon production at $e^+ e^-$-colliders, as well as for the QCD corrections to $top$-pair production at hadron colliders.Comment: published version, 39 pages, 7 figures, 3 ancillary file
Master integrals for the NNLO virtual corrections to $\mu e$ scattering in QED: the planar graphs
master integrals for the nnlo virtual corrections to $\mu e$ scattering in qed: the planar graphs
master integrals planar diagrams contributing elastic muons qed. adopt magnus exponential canonical integrals taylor generalised polylogarithms. massless retain muon mass. integrals crossing muon colliders hadron pages ancillary file
We give a formulation of linearized 11D supergravity in 4D, $N=1$ superspace keeping all eleven bosonic coordinates. The fields are fluctuations around $\mathbf M=\mathbf R^{4|4}\times Y$, where $Y$ is a background Riemannian 7-manifold admitting a $G_2$ structure. We embed the 11D fields into superfield representations of the 4D, $N=1$ superconformal algebra. These consist of the conformal graviton superfield, seven conformal gravitino superfields, a tensor hierarchy of superfields describing the 11D 3-form, and a non-abelian Kaluza-Klein vector multiplet gauging the tensor hierarchy by diffeomorphisms on $Y$. The quadratic action consists of the linearization of a superspace volume term and a Chern-Simons action for the gauged hierarchy coupled to the supergravity and gravitino superfields, and the full structure is fixed by superconformal and gauge invariance. When this action is projected to components, we recover the full linearized action of 11D supergravity.Comment: 33+16 page
Eleven-Dimensional Supergravity in 4D, $N=1$ Superspace
eleven-dimensional supergravity in 4d, $n=1$ superspace
formulation linearized supergravity superspace keeping eleven bosonic coordinates. mathbf mathbf riemannian manifold admitting structure. embed superfield representations superconformal algebra. consist conformal graviton superfield seven conformal gravitino superfields hierarchy superfields describing abelian kaluza klein multiplet gauging hierarchy diffeomorphisms quadratic linearization superspace chern simons gauged hierarchy supergravity gravitino superfields superconformal invariance. projected recover linearized
We extend our previous construction of global solutions to Type IIB supergravity that are invariant under the superalgebra $F(4)$ and are realized on a spacetime of the form $AdS_6 \times S^2$ warped over a Riemann surface $\Sigma$ by allowing the supergravity fields to have non-trivial $SL(2,{\mathbb R})$ monodromy at isolated punctures on $\Sigma$. We obtain explicit solutions for the case where $\Sigma$ is a disc, and the monodromy generators are parabolic elements of $SL(2,{\mathbb R})$ physically corresponding to the monodromy allowed in Type IIB string theory. On the boundary of $\Sigma$ the solutions exhibit singularities at isolated points which correspond to semi-infinite five-branes, as is familiar from the global solutions without monodromy. In the interior of $\Sigma$, the solutions are everywhere regular, except at the punctures where $SL(2,{\mathbb R})$ monodromy resides and which physically correspond to the locations of $[p,q]$ seven-branes. The solutions have a compelling physical interpretation corresponding to fully localized five-brane intersections with additional seven-branes, and provide candidate holographic duals to the five-dimensional superconformal field theories realized on such intersections.Comment: 43 pages, 6 figure
Warped $AdS_6\times S^2$ in Type IIB supergravity III: Global solutions with seven-branes
warped $ads_6\times s^2$ in type iib supergravity iii: global solutions with seven-branes
extend supergravity superalgebra realized spacetime warped riemann sigma allowing supergravity trivial mathbb monodromy punctures sigma sigma disc monodromy generators parabolic mathbb physically monodromy theory. sigma exhibit singularities infinite branes familiar monodromy. interior sigma everywhere punctures mathbb monodromy resides physically locations seven branes. compelling localized brane intersections seven branes candidate holographic duals superconformal realized pages
We study the minimal seesaw model, where two right-handed Majorana neutrinos are introduced, focusing on the CP violating phase. In addition, we take the trimaximal mixing pattern for the neutrino flavor where the charged lepton mass matrix is diagonal. Thanks to this symmetric framework, the $3\times 2$ Dirac neutrino mass matrix is given in terms of a few parameters. Numerical studies reveal that the observation of the CP violating phase can determine the flavor structure of the Dirac neutrino mass matrix in the minimal seesaw model. In particular, new minimal Dirac neutrino mass matrices are proposed in the case of $\rm TM_1$, which is derived by the additional 2-3 family mixing to the tri-bimaximal mixing basis in the normal hierarchy of neutrino masses. Our analyses include the Littlest seesaw model by King {\it et al.}, which is one of the specific one in our results. Furthermore, it is remarked that our $3\times 2$ Dirac neutrino mass matrix is reproduced by introducing gauge singlet flavons with the specific alignments of the VEV's. These alignments suggest the residual symmetry of $S_4$ group.Comment: 27 pages, 27 figures, final versio
Towards the minimal seesaw model via CP violation of neutrinos
towards the minimal seesaw model via cp violation of neutrinos
seesaw handed majorana neutrinos focusing violating phase. trimaximal flavor lepton diagonal. thanks dirac parameters. reveal violating flavor dirac seesaw model. dirac bimaximal hierarchy masses. littlest seesaw king results. remarked dirac reproduced introducing singlet flavons alignments alignments residual pages versio
We show that neutral current (NC) measurements at neutrino detectors can play a valuable role in the search for new physics. Such measurements have certain intrinsic features and advantages that can fruitfully be combined with the usual well-studied charged lepton detection channels in order to probe the presence of new interactions or new light states. In addition to the fact that NC events are immune to uncertainties in standard model neutrino mixing and mass parameters, they can have small matter effects and superior rates since all three flavours participate. We also show, as a general feature, that NC measurements provide access to different combinations of CP phases and mixing parameters compared to CC measurements at both long and short baseline experiments. Using the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) as an illustrative setting, we demonstrate the capability of NC measurements to break degeneracies arising in CC measurements, allowing us, in principle, to distinguish between new physics that violates three flavour unitarity and that which does not. Finally, we show that NC measurements can enable us to restrict new physics parameters that are not easily constrained by CC measurements.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figure
What measurements of neutrino neutral current events can reveal
what measurements of neutrino neutral current events can reveal
neutral detectors valuable physics. intrinsic advantages fruitfully usual lepton states. immune superior flavours participate. combinations experiments. underground dune illustrative capability break degeneracies arising allowing distinguish violates flavour unitarity not. enable restrict constrained pages
It is known that soft photon and graviton theorems can be regarded as the Ward-Takahashi identities of asymptotic symmetries. In this paper, we consider soft theorem for pions, i.e., Nambu-Goldstone bosons associated with a spontaneously broken axial symmetry. The soft pion theorem is written as the Ward-Takahashi identities of the $S$-matrix under asymptotic transformations. We investigate the asymptotic dynamics, and find that the conservation of charges generating the asymptotic transformations can be interpreted as a pion memory effect.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figures, v2: references and discussions adde
Soft pion theorem, asymptotic symmetry and new memory effect
soft pion theorem, asymptotic symmetry and new memory effect
graviton theorems regarded ward takahashi identities asymptotic symmetries. pions i.e. nambu goldstone bosons spontaneously broken axial symmetry. pion ward takahashi identities asymptotic transformations. asymptotic conservation charges generating asymptotic transformations interpreted pion pages discussions adde
We discuss the Hamiltonian dynamics of general relativity with real connection variables on a null foliation, and use the Newman-Penrose formalism to shed light on the geometric meaning of the various constraints. We identify the equivalent of Sachs' constraint-free initial data as projections of connection components related to null rotations, i.e. the translational part of the ISO(2) group stabilising the internal null direction soldered to the hypersurface. A pair of second-class constraints reduces these connection components to the shear of a null geodesic congruence, thus establishing equivalence with the second-order formalism, which we show in details at the level of symplectic potentials. A special feature of the first-order formulation is that Sachs' propagating equations for the shear, away from the initial hypersurface, are turned into tertiary constraints; their role is to preserve the relation between connection and shear under retarded time evolution. The conversion of wave-like propagating equations into constraints is possible thanks to an algebraic Bianchi identity; the same one that allows one to describe the radiative data at future null infinity in terms of a shear of a (non-geodesic) asymptotic null vector field in the physical spacetime. Finally, we compute the modification to the spin coefficients and the null congruence in the presence of torsion.Comment: 23 pages + Appendix, 2 figures. v2: Improved text and some amendments throughout, added more details on the relation between 2+2 foliations and null tetrads, updated references. Version submitted for peer reviewing. v3: Few minor amendments, footnote added on a null congruence in the presence of torsion; matches published versio
Sachs' free data in real connection variables
sachs' free data in real connection variables
relativity connection foliation newman penrose formalism shed geometric meaning constraints. sachs projections connection rotations i.e. translational stabilising soldered hypersurface. reduces connection geodesic congruence establishing equivalence formalism symplectic potentials. formulation sachs propagating away hypersurface turned tertiary preserve connection retarded evolution. conversion propagating thanks algebraic bianchi radiative infinity geodesic asymptotic spacetime. modification congruence pages figures. amendments foliations tetrads updated references. submitted peer reviewing. minor amendments footnote congruence torsion matches versio
The pseudoscalar correlator is an ideal lattice probe for thermal modifications to quarkonium spectra, given that it is not compromised by a contribution from a large transport peak. We construct a perturbative spectral function incorporating resummed thermal effects around the threshold and vacuum asymptotics above the threshold, and compare the corresponding imaginary-time correlators with continuum-extrapolated lattice data for quenched SU(3) at several temperatures. Modest differences are observed, which may originate from non-perturbative mass shifts or renormalization factors, however no resonance peaks are needed for describing the quenched lattice data for charmonium at and above T ~ 1.1Tc ~ 350 MeV. For comparison, in the bottomonium case a good description of the lattice data is obtained with a spectral function containing a single thermally broadened resonance peak.Comment: 28 pages. v2: published versio
Thermal quarkonium physics in the pseudoscalar channel
thermal quarkonium physics in the pseudoscalar channel
pseudoscalar correlator ideal modifications quarkonium compromised peak. perturbative incorporating resummed asymptotics imaginary correlators continuum extrapolated quenched temperatures. modest originate perturbative shifts renormalization describing quenched charmonium mev. bottomonium thermally broadened pages. versio
We construct explicit examples of fibre inflation models which are globally embedded in type IIB orientifolds with chiral matter on D7-branes and full closed string moduli stabilisation. The minimal setup involves a Calabi-Yau threefold with h^{1,1}=4 Kaehler moduli which features multiple K3 fibrations and a del Pezzo divisor supporting non-perturbative effects. We perform a consistent choice of orientifold involution, brane setup and gauge fluxes which leads to chiral matter and a moduli-dependent Fayet-Iliopoulos term. After D-term stabilisation, the number of Kaehler moduli is effectively reduced to 3 and the internal volume reduces to the one of fibre inflation models. The inflationary potential is generated by suitable string loop corrections in combination with higher derivative effects. We analyse the inflationary dynamics both in the single-field approximation and by numerically deriving the full multi-field evolution in detail. Interestingly, we find that the Kaehler cone conditions set strong constraints on the allowed inflaton field range.Comment: 34 pages + appendix; reference added and typos correcte
Chiral Global Embedding of Fibre Inflation Models
chiral global embedding of fibre inflation models
fibre inflation globally embedded orientifolds chiral branes moduli stabilisation. setup involves calabi threefold kaehler moduli fibrations pezzo divisor supporting perturbative effects. orientifold involution brane setup fluxes chiral moduli fayet iliopoulos term. stabilisation kaehler moduli effectively reduces fibre inflation models. inflationary effects. analyse inflationary numerically deriving detail. interestingly kaehler cone inflaton pages typos correcte
We show that 10D spinor helicity formalism can be understood as spinor moving frame approach to supersymmetric particles extended to the description of amplitudes. This allows us to develop the spinor helicity formalism for 11D supergravity and a new constrained superfield formalism for 10D SYM and 11D SUGRA amplitudes. We show how the constrained on-shell superfields, one-particle counterparts of the superamplitudes, can be obtained by quantization of massless superparticle mechanics. We make some stages towards the calculation of amplitudes of 10D SYM and 11D SUGRA in this framework. In particular we have found supersymmetric Ward identities for constrained amplitudes and an especially convenient gauge, fixed on the spinor frame variables corresponding to scattered particles, which promises to be an extremely useful tool for further development of our approach. We also discuss a candidate for generalization of the BCFW recurrent relations for the constrained tree superamplitudes, indicate and discuss a problem of dependence of the expressions obtained with it on a deformation vector, which is not fixed uniquely in higher dimensional $D>4$ cases.Comment: 73 pages, no figures. V2: revised. Discussion improved and extended, 78 pages. V3. Published version, 82 page
Spinor frame formalism for amplitudes and constrained superamplitudes of 10D SYM and 11D supergravity
spinor frame formalism for amplitudes and constrained superamplitudes of 10d sym and 11d supergravity
spinor helicity formalism understood spinor moving supersymmetric amplitudes. spinor helicity formalism supergravity constrained superfield formalism sugra amplitudes. constrained superfields counterparts superamplitudes quantization massless superparticle mechanics. amplitudes sugra framework. supersymmetric ward identities constrained amplitudes convenient spinor scattered promises extremely approach. candidate generalization bcfw recurrent constrained superamplitudes expressions deformation uniquely pages figures. revised. pages.
A search is performed for resonant and non-resonant Higgs boson pair production in the γγbb¯¯ final state. The data set used corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 36.1 fb−1 of proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV recorded by the ATLAS detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. No significant excess relative to the Standard Model expectation is observed. The observed limit on the non-resonant Higgs boson pair cross-section is 0.73 pb at 95% confidence level. This observed limit is equivalent to 22 times the predicted Standard Model cross-section. The Higgs boson self-coupling (κλ = λHHH/λ HHH SM ) is constrained at 95% confidence level to −8.2 < κλ < 13.2. For resonant Higgs boson pair production through X→HH→γγbb¯¯, the limit is presented, using the narrow-width approximation, as a function of mX in the range 260 GeV < mX < 1000 GeV. The observed limits range from 1.1 pb to 0.12 pb over this mass range
Search for Higgs boson pair production in the γγbb¯¯ final state with 13 TeV pp collision data collected by the ATLAS experiment
search for higgs boson pair production in the γγbb¯¯ final state with 13 tev pp collision data collected by the atlas experiment
resonant resonant boson γγbb¯¯ state. luminosity proton proton collisions atlas cern hadron collider. excess expectation observed. resonant boson confidence level. section. boson λhhh constrained confidence resonant boson x→hh→γγbb¯¯ narrow gev.
Three dimensional supersymmetric gauge theories are often in a gapped phase, in which SUSY is spontaneously broken, if all the matter fields are massive and decoupled in the low energy. We study this phase in the large N limit using the localization technique for the theory on the ellipsoid, which interpolates the round three sphere and the flat space compactified on S¹. We find a large N saddle point solution for the gauge theory with some massive matter fields. This solution gives a vanishing (generalized) Polyakov loop in the flat space limit, thus, it corresponds to the confining phase at the leading order in the 1/N expansion
Supersymmetry breaking phase in three dimensional large N gauge theories
supersymmetry breaking phase in three dimensional large n gauge theories
supersymmetric gapped susy spontaneously broken massive decoupled energy. localization ellipsoid interpolates round sphere compactified saddle massive fields. vanishing polyakov confining
Dark matter may reside in sector without Standard Model (SM) gauge interactions. One way in which such a dark sector can still impact SM particles through non-gravitational interactions is via the "photon portal" in which a dark photon kinetically mixes with the ordinary SM photon. We study the implications of this setup for electron recoil events at TEXONO reactor and nuclear recoil events at the COHERENT experiment. We find that the recent COHERENT data rules out previously allowed regions of parameter space favored by the thermal relic hypothesis for the DM abundance. When mapped onto the DM-electron cross section, we find that COHERENT provides the leading direct constraints for DM masses < 30 MeV.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, extended study for both fermionic and scalar DM; to appear in JHE
Constraining Photon Portal Dark Matter with Texono and Coherent Data
constraining photon portal dark matter with texono and coherent data
reside interactions. gravitational portal kinetically mixes ordinary photon. setup recoil texono reactor recoil coherent experiment. coherent favored relic abundance. mapped coherent pages fermionic
We propose a mechanism that allows for sizeable flavour violation in quark-lepton currents, while suppressing flavour changing neutral currents in quark-quark and lepton-lepton sectors. The mechanism is applied to the recently proposed “4321” renormalizable model, which can accommodate the current experimental anomalies in B-meson decays, both in charged and neutral currents, while remaining consistent with all other indirect flavour and electroweak precision measurements and direct searches at high-pT. To support this claim, we present an exhaustive phenomenological survey of this fully calculable UV complete model and highlight the rich complementarity between indirect and direct searches
Maximal flavour violation : a Cabibbo mechanism for leptoquarks.
maximal flavour violation : a cabibbo mechanism for leptoquarks.
propose sizeable flavour violation lepton currents suppressing flavour changing neutral currents lepton lepton sectors. renormalizable accommodate anomalies meson decays neutral currents indirect flavour electroweak precision searches claim exhaustive phenomenological calculable highlight complementarity indirect searches
A search for charged Higgs bosons heavier than the top quark and decaying via H± → tb is presented. The data analysed corresponds to 36.1 fb−1 of pp collisions at s√=13 TeV and was recorded with the ATLAS detector at the LHC in 2015 and 2016. The production of a charged Higgs boson in association with a top quark and a bottom quark, pp → tbH±, is explored in the mass range from mH± = 200 to 2000 GeV using multi-jet final states with one or two electrons or muons. Events are categorised according to the multiplicity of jets and how likely these are to have originated from hadronisation of a bottom quark. Multivariate techniques are used to discriminate between signal and background events. No significant excess above the background-only hypothesis is observed and exclusion limits are derived for the production cross-section times branching ratio of a charged Higgs boson as a function of its mass, which range from 2.9 pb at mH± = 200 GeV to 0.070 pb at mH± = 2000 GeV. The results are interpreted in two benchmark scenarios of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model
Search for charged Higgs bosons decaying into top and bottom quarks at s√=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
search for charged higgs bosons decaying into top and bottom quarks at s√=13 tev with the atlas detector
bosons heavier decaying presented. analysed collisions atlas boson tbh± explored muons. categorised multiplicity jets originated hadronisation quark. multivariate discriminate events. excess exclusion branching boson gev. interpreted benchmark scenarios supersymmetric
The equivalent of fusion in boundary conformal field theory (CFT) can be realized quite simply in the context of lattice models by essentially glueing two open spin chains. This has led to many developments, in particular in the context of chiral logarithmic CFT. We consider in this paper a possible generalization of the idea to the case of bulk conformal field theory. This is of course considerably more difficult, since there is no obvious way of merging two closed spin chains into a big one. In an earlier paper, two of us had proposed a "topological" way of performing this operation in the case of models based on the affine Temperley-Lieb (ATL) algebra, by exploiting the associated braid group representation and skein relations. In the present work, we establish - using, in particular, Frobenius reciprocity - the resulting fusion rules for standard modules of ATL in the generic as well as partially degenerate cases. These fusion rules have a simple interpretation in the continuum limit. However, unlike in the chiral case this interpretation does not match the usual fusion in non-chiral CFTs. Rather, it corresponds to the glueing of the right moving component of one conformal field with the left moving component of the other.Comment: 40pp, v2: Acknowledgments added, v3: typos fixed and few explanations added, for a version in JHE
A fusion for the periodic Temperley-Lieb algebra and its continuum limit
a fusion for the periodic temperley-lieb algebra and its continuum limit
fusion conformal realized essentially glueing chains. developments chiral logarithmic cft. generalization conformal theory. considerably obvious merging chains one. topological performing affine temperley lieb exploiting braid skein relations. establish frobenius reciprocity fusion modules generic partially degenerate cases. fusion continuum limit. unlike chiral match usual fusion chiral cfts. glueing moving conformal moving acknowledgments typos explanations
We investigate whether one can observe in SO(3) and SO(4) (lattice) gauge theories the presence of spinorial flux tubes, i.e. ones that correspond to the fundamental representation of SU(2); and similarly for SO(6) and SU(4). We do so by calculating the finite volume dependence of the JP=2+ glueball in 2+1 dimensions, using lattice simulations. We show how this provides strong evidence that these SO(N) gauge theories contain states that are composed of pairs of (conjugate) winding spinorial flux tubes, i.e. ones that are in the (anti)fundamental of the corresponding SU(N') gauge theories. Moreover, these two flux tubes can be arbitrarily far apart. This is so despite the fact that the fields that are available in the SO(N) lattice field theories do not appear to allow us to construct operators that project onto single spinorial flux tubes.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, reference to recent relevant paper, version to be submitted to journa
Spinorial flux tubes in SO(N) gauge theories in 2+1 dimensions
spinorial flux tubes in so(n) gauge theories in 2+1 dimensions
spinorial tubes i.e. calculating glueball simulations. composed conjugate winding spinorial tubes i.e. theories. tubes arbitrarily apart. spinorial pages submitted journa
We study the two-point function of local operators in the presence of a defect in a generic conformal field theory. We define two pairs of cross ratios, which are convenient in the analysis of the OPE in the bulk and defect channel respectively. The new coordinates have a simple geometric interpretation, which can be exploited to efficiently compute conformal blocks in a power expansion. We illustrate this fact in the case of scalar external operators. We also elucidate the convergence properties of the bulk and defect OPE decompositions of the two-point function. In particular, we remark that the expansion of the two-point function in powers of the new cross ratios converges everywhere, a property not shared by the cross ratios customarily used in defect CFT. We comment on the crucial relevance of this fact for the numerical bootstrap.Comment: Matches journal version; the attached mathematica file (Bulk CB.nb + rec.txt) computes the conformal blocks in the bulk channe
Radial coordinates for defect CFTs
radial coordinates for defect cfts
defect generic conformal theory. convenient defect respectively. geometric exploited efficiently conformal blocks expansion. illustrate operators. elucidate defect decompositions function. remark powers converges everywhere shared customarily defect cft. comment crucial relevance matches attached mathematica file cb.nb rec.txt computes conformal blocks channe
A search for the electroweak production of supersymmetric particles in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV is presented in final states with a τ lepton pair. Both hadronic and leptonic decay modes are considered for the τ leptons. Scenarios involving the direct pair production of τ sleptons, or their indirect production via the decays of charginos and neutralinos, are investigated. The data correspond to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb⁻¹ collected with the CMS detector in 2016. The observed number of events is consistent with the standard model background expectation. The results are interpreted as upper limits on the cross section for τ slepton pair production in different scenarios. The strongest limits are observed in the scenario of a purely left-handed low mass τ slepton decaying to a nearly massless neutralino. Exclusion limits are also set in the context of simplified models of chargino-neutralino and chargino pair production with decays to τ leptons, and range up to 710 and 630 GeV, respectively. Keywords: Hadron-Hadron scattering (experiments); Supersymmetr
Search for Supersymmetry in Events with a τ Lepton Pair and Missing Transverse Momentum in Proton-Proton Collisions at √s = 13 TeV
search for supersymmetry in events with a τ lepton pair and missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 tev
electroweak supersymmetric proton proton collisions lepton pair. hadronic leptonic leptons. scenarios involving sleptons indirect decays charginos neutralinos investigated. luminosity fb⁻¹ expectation. interpreted slepton scenarios. strongest purely handed slepton decaying nearly massless neutralino. exclusion simplified chargino neutralino chargino decays leptons respectively. keywords hadron hadron supersymmetr
A search for a Higgs boson decaying into a pair of electrons or muons and a photon is described. Higgs boson decays to a Z boson and a photon (H → Zγ → ℓℓγ, ℓ = e or μ), or to two photons, one of which has an internal conversion into a muon pair (H → γ*γ → μμγ) were considered. The analysis is performed using a data set recorded by the CMS experiment at the LHC from proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb⁻¹. No significant excess above the background prediction has been found. Limits are set on the cross section for a standard model Higgs boson decaying to opposite-sign electron or muon pairs and a photon. The observed limits on cross section times the corresponding branching fractions vary between 1.4 and 4.0 (6.1 and 11.4) times the standard model cross section for H → γ*γ → μμγ (H → Zγ → ℓℓγ) in the 120–130 GeV mass range of the ℓℓγ system. The H → γ*γ → μμγ and H → Zγ →ℓℓγ analyses are combined for mH =125GeV, obtaining an observed (expected) 95% confidence level upper limit of 3.9 (2.0) times the standard model cross section. Keywords: Beyond Standard Model; Hadron-Hadron scattering (experiments); Higgs Physic
Search for the Decay of a Higgs Boson in the ℓℓγ Channel in Proton-Proton Collisions at √s = 13 TeV
search for the decay of a higgs boson in the ℓℓγ channel in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 tev
boson decaying muons described. boson decays boson photons conversion muon considered. proton proton collisions luminosity fb⁻¹. excess found. boson decaying opposite muon photon. branching fractions vary system. →ℓℓγ obtaining confidence section. keywords hadron hadron physic
We present a complete momentum-space prescription for the renormalisation of tensorial correlators in conformal field theories. Our discussion covers all 3-point functions of stress tensors and conserved currents in arbitrary spacetime dimensions. In dimensions three and four, we give explicit results for the renormalised correlators, the anomalous Ward identities they obey, and the conformal anomalies. For the stress tensor 3-point function in four dimensions, we identify the specific evanescent tensorial structure responsible for the type A Euler anomaly, and show this anomaly has the form of a double copy of the chiral anomaly.Comment: 70 pages; published versio
Renormalised 3-point functions of stress tensors and conserved currents in CFT
renormalised 3-point functions of stress tensors and conserved currents in cft
prescription renormalisation tensorial correlators conformal theories. covers tensors conserved currents spacetime dimensions. renormalised correlators anomalous ward identities obey conformal anomalies. evanescent tensorial euler anomaly anomaly copy chiral pages versio
We discuss the breaking of SO(3) down to finite family symmetries such as A4, S4 and A5 using supersymmetric potentials for the first time. We analyse in detail the case of supersymmetric A4 and its finite subgroups Z3 and Z2. We then propose a supersymmetric A4 model of leptons along these lines, originating from SO(3) × U(1), which leads to a phenomenologically acceptable pattern of lepton mixing and masses once subleading corrections are taken into account. We also discuss the phenomenological consequences of having a gauged SO(3), leading to massive gauge bosons, and show that all domain wall problems are resolved in this mode
Spontaneous breaking of SO(3) to finite family symmetries with supersymmetry — an A4 model.
spontaneous breaking of so(3) to finite family symmetries with supersymmetry — an a4 model.
breaking symmetries supersymmetric potentials time. analyse supersymmetric subgroups propose supersymmetric leptons originating phenomenologically acceptable lepton subleading account. phenomenological consequences gauged massive bosons resolved
Since holography yields exact results, even in situations where perturbation theory is not applicable, it is an ideal framework for modeling strongly correlated systems. We extend previous holographic methods to take the dynamical charge response into account and use this to perform the first holographic computation of the dispersion relation for plasmons. As the dynamical charge response of strange metals can be measured using the new technique of momentum-resolved electron energy-loss spectroscopy (M-EELS), plasmon properties are the next milestone in verifying predictions from holographic models of new states of matter.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures. v2: Minor changes v3: Minor adjustments v4: Published versio
Holographic Plasmons
holographic plasmons
holography situations perturbation applicable ideal systems. extend holographic holographic plasmons. strange metals resolved spectroscopy eels plasmon milestone verifying holographic pages figures. minor minor adjustments versio
We describe a new method to parameterise dark energy theories including massive gravity, elastic dark energy and tensor-metric theories. We first examine the existing framework which describes any second order Lagrangian which depends on the variation of the metric and find new constraints on the parameters. We extend the method to Lorentz violating theories which depend on the variation of the time and spatial parts of the metric separately. We show how this can describe massive gravity and elastic dark energy, while ruling out the whole class of theories where the Lagrangian depends only on the variation of the time part of the metric.\ud \ud We further generalise our method to tensor-metric theories, both with and without splitting the metric into time and spatial parts. Our method extends existing physics by providing a mechanism to easily evaluate large classes of dark energy theories
Cosmological perturbations in generalised dark Lagrangians.
cosmological perturbations in generalised dark lagrangians.
parameterise massive elastic theories. examine describes lagrangian parameters. extend lorentz violating separately. massive elastic ruling lagrangian metric. generalise splitting parts. extends
Measurements of Higgs boson properties in the H → γγ decay channel are reported. The analysis is based on data collected by the CMS experiment in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV during the 2016 LHC running period, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb⁻¹. Allowing the Higgs mass to float, the measurement yields a signal strength relative to the standard model prediction of 1.18[subscript − 0.14][superscript + 0.17]  = 1.18[subscript − 0.11][superscript + 0.12] (stat)[subscript − 0.07][superscript + 0.09](syst)[subscript − 0.06][superscript + 0.07](theo), which is largely insensitive to the exact Higgs mass around 125 GeV. Signal strengths associated with the different Higgs boson production mechanisms, couplings to bosons and fermions, and effective couplings to photons and gluons are also measured. Keywords: Hadron-Hadron scattering (experiments); Higgs physics Photon productio
Measurements of Higgs Boson Properties in the Diphoton Decay Channel in Proton-Proton Collisions at √s =13 TeV
measurements of higgs boson properties in the diphoton decay channel in proton-proton collisions at √s =13 tev
boson reported. proton proton collisions running luminosity fb⁻¹. allowing float subscript superscript subscript superscript stat subscript superscript syst subscript superscript theo largely insensitive gev. strengths boson couplings bosons fermions couplings photons gluons measured. keywords hadron hadron productio
We consider the relation of mixed global gauge gravitational anomalies and boundary conformal field theory in WZW models for simple Lie groups. The discrete symmetries of consideration are the centers of the simple Lie groups. These mixed anomalies prevent to gauge them i.e, take the orbifold by the center. The absence of anomalies impose conditions on the levels of WZW models. Next, we study the conformal boundary conditions for the original theories. We consider the existence of a conformal boundary state invariant under the action of the center. This also gives conditions on the levels of WZW models. By considering the combined action of the center and charge conjugation on boundary states, we reproduce the condition obtained in the orbifold analysis.Comment: 24pages, 1 figure, references adde
Mixed global anomalies and boundary conformal field theories
mixed global anomalies and boundary conformal field theories
gravitational anomalies conformal groups. symmetries consideration centers groups. anomalies prevent orbifold center. anomalies impose models. conformal theories. conformal center. models. conjugation reproduce orbifold pages adde
Noncommutative spacetimes lead to nonlocal quantum field theories (qft's) where spin-statistics theorems cannot be proved. For this reason, and also backed by detailed arguments, it has been suggested that they get corrected on such spacetimes leading to small violations of the Pauli principle. In a recent paper \cite{Pauli}, Pauli-forbidden transitions from spacetime noncommutativity were calculated and confronted with experiments. Here we give details of the computation missing from this paper. The latter was based on a spacetime $\mathcal{B}_{\chi\vec{n}}$ different from the Moyal plane. We argue that it quantizes time in units of $\chi$. Energy is then conserved only mod $\frac{2\pi}{\chi}$. Issues related to superselection rules raised by non-Pauli effects are also discussed in a preliminary manner.Comment: 15 Pages, 1 Table, Full details and further developments of arXiv:1003.2250. This version is close to the one accepted by JHE
Non-Pauli Effects from Noncommutative Spacetimes
non-pauli effects from noncommutative spacetimes
noncommutative spacetimes nonlocal theorems proved. backed arguments corrected spacetimes violations pauli principle. cite pauli pauli forbidden spacetime noncommutativity confronted experiments. missing paper. spacetime mathcal moyal plane. argue quantizes conserved frac superselection raised pauli preliminary pages developments
At the level of the bosonic fields, we construct consistent Kaluza--Klein reductions of D=11 supergravity on $\Sigma_3\times S^4$, where $\Sigma_3=H^3/\Gamma,S^3/\Gamma$ or $R^3/\Gamma$ where $\Gamma$ is a discrete group of isometries. The result is the bosonic content of an N=2 D=4 gauged supergravity with a single vector multiplet and two hypermultiplets, whose scalar fields parametrise $SU(1,1)/U(1)\times G_{2(2)}/SO(4)$. %, and the gauging is only in the hypermultiplet When $\Sigma_3=H^3/\Gamma$ the D=4 theory has an $AdS_4$ vacuum which uplifts to the known supersymmetric $AdS_4\times H^3/\Gamma\times S^4$ solution of D=11 supergravity that describes the N=2 $d=3$ SCFT arising when M5-branes wrap SLag 3-cycles $H^3/\Gamma$ in Calabi-Yau three-folds. We use the KK reduction for $\Sigma_3=H^3/\Gamma$ to construct D=11 black hole solutions that describe these d=3 SCFTs at finite temperature and charge density and show that there is a superconducting instability involving a charged scalar field, and another instability involving involving neutral fields including both scalar and vector fields. We also use this KK reduction to construct a D=11 Lifshitz solution that is dual to a d=3 field theory with dynamical exponent $z\sim 39$.Comment: 47 pages, reference added, typos corrected. Published versio
Wrapped M5-branes, consistent truncations and AdS/CMT
wrapped m5-branes, consistent truncations and ads/cmt
bosonic kaluza klein reductions supergravity sigma sigma gamma gamma gamma gamma isometries. bosonic gauged supergravity multiplet hypermultiplets parametrise gauging hypermultiplet sigma gamma uplifts supersymmetric gamma supergravity describes scft arising branes wrap slag cycles gamma calabi folds. sigma gamma scfts superconducting instability involving instability involving involving neutral fields. lifshitz exponent .comment pages typos corrected. versio
We consider "Orientifold field theories", namely SU(N) gauge theories with Dirac fermions in the two-index representation at high temperature. When N is even these theories exhibit a spontaneously broken Z2 centre symmetry. We study aspects of the domain wall that interpolates between the two vacua of the theory. In particular we calculate its tension to two-loop order. We compare its tension to the corresponding domain wall in a SU(N) gauge theory with adjoint fermions and find an agreement at large-N, as expected from planar equivalence between the two theories. Moreover, we provide a non-perturbative proof for the coincidence of the tensions at large-N. We also discuss the vacuum structure of the theory when the fermion is given a large mass and argue that there exist N-2 metastable vacua. We calculate the lifetime of those vacua in the thin wall approximation.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figures. v2: minor changes in the introduction section. to appear in JHE
Domain Walls and Metastable Vacua in Hot Orientifold Field Theories
domain walls and metastable vacua in hot orientifold field theories
orientifold dirac fermions temperature. exhibit spontaneously broken symmetry. interpolates vacua theory. tension order. tension adjoint fermions planar equivalence theories. perturbative coincidence tensions fermion argue metastable vacua. lifetime vacua pages figures. minor section.
We discuss the issue of how to include magnetic charges in the AdS(4) superalgebra osp(4|2). It is shown that the usual way of introducing a pseudoscalar central charge on the right hand side of the basic anticommutator does not work, because this breaks SO(2,3) covariance. We propose a way out by promoting the magnetic charge to a vector charge, which amounts to enlarge osp(4|2) to the superconformal algebra su(2,2|1). The conditions for 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4 BPS states are then analyzed. These states form the boundary of the convex cone associated with the Jordan algebra of 4x4 complex hermitian matrices. An Inonu-Wigner contraction of the constructed superalgebra yields a known extension of the Poincare' superalgebra containing electric and magnetic 0-brane charges as well as string- and space-filling 3-brane charges. As an example, we show how some supersymmetric AdS(4) black holes fit into the classification scheme of BPS states.Comment: 17 pages, uses JHEP3.cls. v2: ref. added. v3: Section "Final remarks" and refs. adde
Magnetic charges in the AdS(4) superalgebra osp(4|2)
magnetic charges in the ads(4) superalgebra osp(4|2)
charges superalgebra usual introducing pseudoscalar anticommutator breaks covariance. propose promoting amounts enlarge superconformal analyzed. convex cone jordan hermitian matrices. inonu wigner contraction superalgebra poincare superalgebra brane charges filling brane charges. supersymmetric holes pages jhep .cls. ref. added. remarks refs. adde
We study cosmic-rays in decaying dark matter scenario, assuming that the dark matter is the lightest superparticle and it decays through a R-parity violating operator. We calculate the fluxes of cosmic-rays from the decay of the dark matter and those from the standard astrophysical phenomena in the same propagation model using the GALPROP package. We reevaluate the preferred parameters characterizing standard astrophysical cosmic-ray sources with taking account of the effects of dark matter decay. We show that, if energetic leptons are produced by the decay of the dark matter, the fluxes of cosmic-ray positron and electron can be in good agreements with both PAMELA and Fermi-LAT data in wide parameter region. It is also discussed that, in the case where sizable number of hadrons are also produced by the decay of the dark matter, the mass of the dark matter is constrained to be less than 200-300 GeV in order to avoid the overproduction of anti-proton. We also show that the cosmic gamma-ray flux can be consistent with the results of Fermi-LAT observation if the mass of the dark matter is smaller than nearly 4 TeV.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figure
Decaying Dark Matter in Supersymmetric Model and Cosmic-Ray Observations
decaying dark matter in supersymmetric model and cosmic-ray observations
cosmic rays decaying lightest superparticle decays parity violating operator. fluxes cosmic rays astrophysical phenomena propagation galprop package. reevaluate preferred characterizing astrophysical cosmic decay. energetic leptons fluxes cosmic positron agreements pamela fermi region. sizable hadrons constrained avoid overproduction proton. cosmic gamma fermi nearly pages
We study loop corrections to correlation functions of inflationary perturbations. Previous calculations have found that the two-point function can have a logarithmic running of the form log(k/mu), where k is the wavenumber of the perturbation, and mu is the renormalization scale. We highlight that this result would have profound consequences for both eternal inflation and the predictivity of standard inflation. We find a different result. We consider two sets of theories: one where the inflaton has a large cubic self-interaction and one where the inflaton interacts gravitationally with N massless spectator scalar fields. We find that there is a logarithmic running but of the form log(H/mu), where H is the Hubble constant during inflation. We find this result in three independent ways: by performing the calculation with a sharp cutoff in frequency-momentum space, in dimensional regularization and by the simple procedure of making the loop integral dimensionless. For the simplest of our theories we explicitly renormalize the correlation function proving that the divergencies can be reabsorbed and that the correlation function for super-horizon modes does not depend on time (once the tadpole terms have been properly taken into account). We prove the time-independence of the super-horizon correlation function in several additional ways: by doing the calculation of the correlation function at finite time using both the regularizations and by developing a formalism which expresses loop corrections directly in terms of renormalized quantities at each time. We find this last formalism particularly helpful to develop intuition which we then use to generalize our results to higher loops and different interactions.Comment: 51 pages, 7 figure
On Loops in Inflation
on loops in inflation
inflationary perturbations. logarithmic running wavenumber perturbation renormalization scale. highlight profound consequences eternal inflation predictivity inflation. result. inflaton cubic inflaton interacts gravitationally massless spectator fields. logarithmic running hubble inflation. ways performing sharp cutoff regularization dimensionless. simplest explicitly renormalize proving divergencies reabsorbed super horizon tadpole properly independence super horizon ways regularizations formalism expresses renormalized quantities time. formalism helpful intuition generalize loops pages
We study counterterms (CT's), candidates for UV divergences in the four-dimensional N=8 supergravity. They have been constructed long ago in a Lorentz covariant on shell superspace and recently in the chiral light-cone (LC) superspace. We prove that all of these CT's are ruled out since they are not available in the real LC superspace. This implies the perturbative UV finiteness of d=4 N=8 supergravity under the assumption that supersymmetry and continuous E7 symmetry are anomaly-free. The proof, based on the chiral nature of CT's in the LC superspace, is a generalization of the perturbative F-term non-renormalization theorem for N=8 supergravity.Comment: 18 page
The Ultraviolet Finiteness of N=8 Supergravity
the ultraviolet finiteness of n=8 supergravity
counterterms candidates divergences supergravity. lorentz covariant superspace chiral cone superspace. ruled superspace. perturbative finiteness supergravity supersymmetry anomaly free. chiral superspace generalization perturbative renormalization
In this paper we analyse formulas which reproduce different contributions to scattering amplitudes in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory through a Grassmannian integral. Recently their Yangian invariance has been proved directly by using the explicit expression of the Yangian level-one generators. The specific cyclic structure of the form integrated over the Grassmannian enters in a crucial way in demonstrating the symmetry. Here we show that the Yangian symmetry fixes this structure uniquely.Comment: 26 pages. v2: typos corrected, published versio
The Yangian origin of the Grassmannian integral
the yangian origin of the grassmannian integral
analyse formulas reproduce amplitudes super mills grassmannian integral. yangian invariance proved yangian generators. cyclic grassmannian enters crucial demonstrating symmetry. yangian fixes pages. typos corrected versio
We start from the classical action describing a single M2-brane on AdS_4 x S^7/ Z_k and consider semiclassical fluctuaitions around a static, 1/2 BPS configuration whose shape is AdS_2 x S^1. The internal manifold S^7/ Z_k is described as a U(1) fibration over CP^3 and the static configuration is wrapped on the U(1) fiber. Then the configuration is reduced to an AdS_2 world-sheet of type IIA string on AdS_4 x CP^3 through the Kaluza-Klein reduction on the S^1. It is shown that the fluctuations form an infinite set of N=1 supermultiplets on AdS_2, for k=1,2. The set is invariant under SO(8) which may be consistent with N=8 supersymmetry on AdS_2. We discuss the behavior of the fluctuations around the boundary of AdS_2 and its relation to deformations of Wilson loop operator.Comment: 27 pages, v2: references added, v3: major revision including the clarification of k=2 case, references added, version to appear in JHE
Semiclassical Analysis of M2-brane in AdS_4 x S^7 / Z_k
semiclassical analysis of m2-brane in ads_4 x s^7 / z_k
describing brane semiclassical fluctuaitions manifold fibration wrapped fiber. sheet kaluza klein infinite supermultiplets supersymmetry deformations wilson pages revision clarification
We present an algorithm for the numerical calculation of one-loop QCD amplitudes. The algorithm consists of subtraction terms, approximating the soft, collinear and ultraviolet divergences of one-loop amplitudes and a method to deform the integration contour for the loop integration into the complex space. The algorithm is formulated at the amplitude level and does not rely on Feynman graphs. Therefore all required ingredients can be calculated efficiently using recurrence relations. The algorithm applies to massless partons as well as to massive partons.Comment: 62 pages, version to be publishe
Numerical NLO QCD calculations
numerical nlo qcd calculations
amplitudes. subtraction approximating collinear ultraviolet divergences amplitudes deform contour space. formulated rely feynman graphs. ingredients efficiently recurrence relations. applies massless partons massive pages publishe
We analyse semiclassical strings in AdS in the limit of one large spin. In this limit, classical string dynamics is described by a finite number of collective coordinates corresponding to spikes or cusps of the string. The semiclassical spectrum consists of two branches of excitations corresponding to "large" and "small" spikes respectively. We propose that these states are dual to the excitations known as large and small holes in the spin chain description of N=4 SUSY Yang-Mills. The dynamics of large spikes in classical string theory can be mapped to that of a classical spin chain of fixed length. In turn, small spikes correspond to classical solitons propagating on the background formed by the large spikes. We derive the dispersion relation for these excitations directly in the finite gap formalism.Comment: 36 pages, 9 figure
Spiky Strings and Giant Holes
spiky strings and giant holes
analyse semiclassical strings spin. collective spikes cusps string. semiclassical branches excitations spikes respectively. propose excitations holes susy mills. spikes mapped length. spikes solitons propagating spikes. derive excitations pages
We compare theoretical and experimental predictions of two main classes of models addressing fermion mass hierarchies and flavour changing neutral currents (FCNC) effects in supersymmetry: Froggatt-Nielsen (FN) U(1) gauged flavour models and Nelson-Strassler/extra dimensional models with hierarchical wave functions for the families. We show that whereas the two lead to identical predictions in the fermion mass matrices, the second class generates a stronger suppression of FCNC effects. We prove that, whereas at first sight the FN setup is more constrained due to anomaly cancelation conditions, imposing unification of gauge couplings in the second setup generates conditions which precisely match the mixed anomaly constraints in the FN setup. Finally, we provide an economical extra dimensional realisation of the hierarchical wave functions scenario in which the leptonic FCNC can be efficiently suppressed due to the strong coupling (CFT) origin of the electron mass.Comment: 23 page
Flavour in supersymmetry: horizontal symmetries or wave function renormalisation
flavour in supersymmetry: horizontal symmetries or wave function renormalisation
addressing fermion hierarchies flavour changing neutral currents fcnc supersymmetry froggatt nielsen gauged flavour nelson strassler extra hierarchical families. fermion generates stronger suppression fcnc effects. sight setup constrained anomaly cancelation imposing unification couplings setup generates precisely match anomaly setup. economical extra realisation hierarchical leptonic fcnc efficiently suppressed
We study compactifications of eleven-dimensional supergravity on Calabi-Yau threefolds times a circle, with a duality twist along the circle a la Scherk-Schwarz. This leads to four-dimensional N=2 gauged supergravity with a semi-positive definite potential for the scalar fields, which we derive explicitly. Furthermore, inspired by the orientifold projection in string theory, we define a truncation to N=1 supergravity. We determine the D-terms, Kaehler- and superpotentials for these models and study the properties of the vacua. Finally, we point out a relation to M-theory compactifications on seven-dimensional manifolds with G2 structure.Comment: 42 pages; v2: typo correcte
New potentials from Scherk-Schwarz reductions
new potentials from scherk-schwarz reductions
compactifications eleven supergravity calabi threefolds circle duality twist circle scherk schwarz. gauged supergravity definite derive explicitly. inspired orientifold projection truncation supergravity. kaehler superpotentials vacua. compactifications seven manifolds pages typo correcte
We numerically study the dual field theory evolution of five-dimensional asymptotically anti-de Sitter solutions of supergravity that develop cosmological singularities. The dual theory is an unstable deformation of the N = 4 gauge theory on R $\times$ S3, and the big crunch singularity in the bulk occurs when a boundary scalar field runs to infinity. Consistent quantum evolution requires one imposes boundary conditions at infinity. Modeling these by a steep regularization of the scalar potential, we find that when an initially nearly homogeneous wavepacket rolls down the potential, most of the potential energy of the initial configuration is converted into gradient energy during the first oscillation of the field. This indicates there is no transition from a big crunch to a big bang in the bulk for dual boundary conditions of this kind.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure
Particle Production near an AdS Crunch
particle production near an ads crunch
numerically asymptotically sitter supergravity cosmological singularities. unstable deformation crunch singularity runs infinity. imposes infinity. steep regularization initially nearly homogeneous wavepacket rolls converted oscillation field. crunch bang pages
We propose that the complete planar S-matrix of N=4 super Yang-Mills - including all N^kMHV partial amplitudes to all loops - is equivalent to the correlation function of a supersymmetric Wilson loop in twistor space. Remarkably, the entire classical S-matrix arises from evaluating the correlation function in the self-dual sector, while the expansion of the correlation function in powers of the Yang-Mills coupling constant provides the loop expansion of the amplitudes. We support our proposal with explicit computations of the n particle NMHV and NNMHV trees, the integrands of the 1-loop MHV and NMHV amplitudes, and the n particle 2-loop MHV amplitude. These calculations are performed using the twistor action in axial gauge. In this gauge, the Feynman diagrams of the correlation function are the planar duals of the usual MHV diagrams for the scattering amplitude. The results are presented in the form of a sum of products of dual superconformal invariants in (momentum) twistor space, and agree with the expressions derived in arXiv:1009.1854 directly from the MHV rules. The twistor space Wilson loop is a natural supersymmetric generalization of the standard Wilson loop used to compute MHV amplitudes. We show how the Penrose-Ward transform can be used to determine a corresponding supersymmetrization on space-time.Comment: 36 pages, 10 figures. Substantial clarification added to section
The Complete Planar S-matrix of N=4 SYM as a Wilson Loop in Twistor Space
the complete planar s-matrix of n=4 sym as a wilson loop in twistor space
propose planar super mills kmhv amplitudes loops supersymmetric wilson twistor space. remarkably arises evaluating powers mills amplitudes. proposal computations nmhv nnmhv trees integrands nmhv amplitudes amplitude. twistor axial gauge. feynman diagrams planar duals usual diagrams amplitude. superconformal invariants twistor agree expressions rules. twistor wilson supersymmetric generalization wilson amplitudes. penrose ward transform supersymmetrization pages figures. substantial clarification
If the minimal supersymmetric standard model is the solution to the hierarchy problem, the scalar top quark (stop) and the Higgsino should weigh around the electroweak scale such as 200 GeV. A low messenger scale, which results in a light gravitino, is also suggested to suppress the quantum corrections to the Higgs mass parameters. Therefore the minimal model for natural supersymmetry is a system with stop/Higgsino/gravitino whereas other superparticles are heavy. We study the LHC signatures of the minimal system and discuss the discovery potential and methods for the mass measurements.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl
Natural Supersymmetry at the LHC
natural supersymmetry at the lhc
supersymmetric hierarchy stop higgsino weigh electroweak gev. messenger gravitino suppress parameters. supersymmetry stop higgsino gravitino superparticles heavy. signatures discovery pages tabl
We consider lattice field theories with topological actions, which are invariant against small deformations of the fields. Some of these actions have infinite barriers separating different topological sectors. Topological actions do not have the correct classical continuum limit and they cannot be treated using perturbation theory, but they still yield the correct quantum continuum limit. To show this, we present analytic studies of the 1-d O(2) and O(3) model, as well as Monte Carlo simulations of the 2-d O(3) model using topological lattice actions. Some topological actions obey and others violate a lattice Schwarz inequality between the action and the topological charge Q. Irrespective of this, in the 2-d O(3) model the topological susceptibility \chi_t = \l< Q^2 >/V is logarithmically divergent in the continuum limit. Still, at non-zero distance the correlator of the topological charge density has a finite continuum limit which is consistent with analytic predictions. Our study shows explicitly that some classically important features of an action are irrelevant for reaching the correct quantum continuum limit.Comment: 38 pages, 12 figure
Topological Lattice Actions
topological lattice actions
topological deformations fields. infinite barriers separating topological sectors. topological continuum perturbation continuum limit. analytic monte carlo topological actions. topological obey violate schwarz inequality topological irrespective topological susceptibility logarithmically divergent continuum limit. correlator topological continuum analytic predictions. explicitly classically irrelevant reaching continuum pages
We study a strongly coupled $Z_2$ lattice gauge theory with two flavors of quarks, invariant under an exact $\mathrm{SU}(2)\times \mathrm{SU}(2) \times \mathrm{U}_A(1) \times \mathrm{U}_B(1)$ symmetry which is the same as QCD with two flavors of quarks without an anomaly. The model also contains a coupling that can be used to break the $\mathrm{U}_A(1)$ symmetry and thus mimic the QCD anomaly. At low temperatures $T$ and small baryon chemical potential $\mu_B$ the model contains massless pions and massive bosonic baryons similar to QCD with an even number of colors. In this work we study the $T-\mu_B$ phase diagram of the model and show that it contains three phases : (1) A chirally broken phase at low $T$ and $\mu_B$, (2) a chirally symmetric baryon superfluid phase at low $T$ and high $\mu_B$, and (3) a symmetric phase at high $T$. We find that the nature of the finite temperature chiral phase transition and in particular the location of the tricritical point that seperates the first order line from the second order line is affected significantly by the anomaly.Comment: 22 pages, 16 figures, 5 tables, references adde
Anomaly and a QCD-like phase diagram with massive bosonic baryons
anomaly and a qcd-like phase diagram with massive bosonic baryons
flavors quarks mathrm mathrm mathrm mathrm flavors quarks anomaly. break mathrm mimic anomaly. baryon massless pions massive bosonic baryons colors. chirally broken chirally baryon superfluid chiral tricritical seperates pages tables adde
We report on the results of numerical simulations of 1+1 dimensional SU(N) Yang-Mills theory with maximal supersymmetry at finite temperature and compactified on a circle. For large N this system is thought to provide a dual description of the decoupling limit of N coincident D1-branes on a circle. It has been proposed that at large N there is a phase transition at strong coupling related to the Gregory-Laflamme (GL) phase transition in the holographic gravity dual. In a high temperature limit there was argued to be a deconfinement transition associated to the spatial Polyakov loop, and it has been proposed that this is the continuation of the strong coupling GL transition. Investigating the theory on the lattice for SU(3) and SU(4) and studying the time and space Polyakov loops we find evidence supporting this. In particular at strong coupling we see the transition has the parametric dependence on coupling predicted by gravity. We estimate the GL phase transition temperature from the lattice data which, interestingly, is not yet known directly in the gravity dual. Fine tuning in the lattice theory is avoided by the use of a lattice action with exact supersymmetry.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures. v2: References added, two figures were modified for clarity. v3: Normalisation of lattice coupling corrected by factor of two resulting in change of estimate for c_cri
Thermal phases of D1-branes on a circle from lattice super Yang-Mills
thermal phases of d1-branes on a circle from lattice super yang-mills
mills maximal supersymmetry compactified circle. thought decoupling coincident branes circle. gregory laflamme holographic dual. argued deconfinement polyakov continuation transition. investigating studying polyakov loops supporting this. parametric gravity. interestingly dual. fine tuning avoided pages figures. clarity. normalisation corrected
We calculate the grand canonical partition function at the one-loop level for scalar quantum electrodynamics at finite temperature and chemical potential. A classical background charge density with a charge opposite that of the scalars ensures the neutrality of the system. For low density systems we find evidence of a first order phase transition. We find upper and lower bounds on the transition temperature below which the charged scalars form a condensate. A first order phase transition may have consequences for helium-core white dwarf stars in which it has been argued that such a condensate of charged helium-4 nuclei could exist.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures. Version accepted for publication in JHE
Phase Transitions of Charged Scalars at Finite Temperature and Chemical Potential
phase transitions of charged scalars at finite temperature and chemical potential
grand canonical partition electrodynamics potential. opposite scalars ensures neutrality system. transition. bounds scalars condensate. consequences helium dwarf argued condensate helium nuclei pages figures. publication