3 values
We study asymptotic relations connecting unipotent averages of $Sp(2g,\mathbb{Z})$ automorphic forms to their integrals over the moduli space of principally polarized abelian varieties. We obtain reformulations of the Riemann hypothesis as a class of problems concerning the computation of the equidistribution convergence rate in those asymptotic relations. We discuss applications of our results to closed string amplitudes. Remarkably, the Riemann hypothesis can be rephrased in terms of ultraviolet relations occurring in perturbative closed string theory.Comment: 15 page
Equidistribution Rates, Closed String Amplitudes, and the Riemann Hypothesis
equidistribution rates, closed string amplitudes, and the riemann hypothesis
asymptotic connecting unipotent averages mathbb automorphic integrals moduli principally polarized abelian varieties. reformulations riemann concerning equidistribution asymptotic relations. amplitudes. remarkably riemann rephrased ultraviolet occurring perturbative
We propose a new class of models with gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking, the cascade supersymmetry breaking. This class of models is consistent with the gravitino mass as low as O(1)eV without having suppressed gaugino masses, nor the Landau pole problems of the gauge coupling constants of the Standard Model below the scale of the grand unification. In particular, there is no supersymmetric vacuum in the vicinity of the supersymmetry breaking vacuum even for such a low gravitino mass. Thus, the model does not have a vacuum stability problem decaying into supersymmetric vacua.Comment: 27 pages, 3 figure
Cascade supersymmetry breaking and low-scale gauge mediation
cascade supersymmetry breaking and low-scale gauge mediation
propose supersymmetry breaking cascade supersymmetry breaking. gravitino suppressed gaugino landau pole grand unification. supersymmetric vicinity supersymmetry breaking gravitino mass. decaying supersymmetric pages
The complex method to obtain 2-dimensional Born-Infeld electrostatic solutions is presented in a renewed form. The solutions are generated by a holomorphic seed that makes contact with the Coulombian complex potential. The procedure is exemplified by solving the Born-Infeld multipolar configurations. Besides, it is shown that the attractive force between two equal but opposite charges is lower than its Coulombian partner; it decreases up to vanish when the charges approach each other below a distance ruled by the Born-Infeld constant.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure
Born-Infeld electrostatics in the complex plane
born-infeld electrostatics in the complex plane
born infeld electrostatic renewed form. holomorphic seed coulombian potential. exemplified solving born infeld multipolar configurations. besides attractive opposite charges coulombian partner vanish charges ruled born infeld pages
We study holographic superconductors in five dimensional Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity both numerically and analytically. We find the critical temperature of the superconductor decreases as backreaction is increased, although the effect of the Gauss-Bonnet coupling is more subtle: the critical temperature first decreases then increases as the coupling tends towards the Chern-Simons value in a backreaction dependent fashion. We compute the conductivity of the system, finding the energy gap, and show that the effect of both backreaction and higher curvature is to increase the gap ratio $\omega_g/T_c$, thus there is no universal relation for these superconductors.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, typos corrected, reference adde
Gauss-Bonnet Holographic Superconductors
gauss-bonnet holographic superconductors
holographic superconductors einstein gauss bonnet numerically analytically. superconductor backreaction gauss bonnet subtle tends chern simons backreaction fashion. conductivity backreaction curvature omega universal pages typos corrected adde
Multijet plus missing energy searches provide universal coverage for theories that have new colored particles that decay into a dark matter candidate and jets. These signals appear at the LHC further out on the missing energy tail than two-to-two scattering indicates. The simplicity of the searches at the LHC contrasts sharply with the Tevatron where more elaborate searches are necessary to separate signal from background. The searches presented in this article effectively distinguish signal from background for any theory where the LSP is a daughter or granddaughter of the pair-produced colored parent particle without ever having to consider missing energies less than 400 GeV.Comment: 26 pages, 8 Figures. Minor textual changes, typos fixed and references adde
Bigger, Better, Faster, More at the LHC
bigger, better, faster, more at the lhc
multijet missing searches universal coverage colored candidate jets. missing tail indicates. simplicity searches contrasts sharply tevatron elaborate searches background. searches effectively distinguish daughter granddaughter colored parent ever missing pages figures. minor textual typos adde
We introduce bi-galileon theory, the generalisation of the single galileon model introduced by Nicolis et al. The theory contains two coupled scalar fields and is described by a Lagrangian that is invariant under Galilean shifts in those fields. This paper is the first of two, and focuses on the motivation and formulation of the theory. We show that the boundary effective theory of the cascading cosmology model corresponds to a bi-galileon theory in the decoupling limit, and argue that this is to be expected for co-dimension 2 braneworld models exhibiting infra-red modification of gravity. We then generalise this, by constructing the most general bi-galileon Lagrangian. By coupling one of the galileons to the energy-momentum tensor, we pitch this as a modified gravity theory in which the modifications to General Relativity are encoded in the dynamics of the two galileons. We initiate a study of phenomenology by looking at maximally symmetric vacua and their stability, developing elegant geometric techniques that trivially explain why some of the vacua have to be unstable in certain cases (eg DGP). A detailed study of phenomenology appears in our companion paper.Comment: 18 pages, JHEP versio
Bi-galileon theory I: motivation and formulation
bi-galileon theory i: motivation and formulation
galileon generalisation galileon nicolis lagrangian galilean shifts fields. focuses motivation formulation theory. cascading cosmology galileon decoupling argue braneworld exhibiting infra modification gravity. generalise constructing galileon lagrangian. galileons pitch modifications relativity encoded galileons. initiate phenomenology looking maximally vacua elegant geometric trivially vacua unstable phenomenology companion pages jhep versio
We study a fully backreacted holographic model of a four-dimensional superconductor by including a higher curvature interaction in the bulk action. We study how the critical temperature and the field theory condensate vary in this model and conclude that positive higher curvature couplings make the condensation harder. We also compute the conductivity, finding significant deviations from the conjectured universal frequency gap to critical temperature ratio.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures; v2: published version plus one reference adde
Holographic Superconductors and Higher Curvature Corrections
holographic superconductors and higher curvature corrections
backreacted holographic superconductor curvature action. condensate vary curvature couplings condensation harder. conductivity deviations conjectured universal pages adde
We continue an effort to obtain information on the QED perturbation series at high loop orders, and particularly on the issue of large cancellations inside gauge invariant classes of graphs, using the example of the l - loop N - photon amplitudes in the limit of large photons numbers and low photon energies. As was previously shown, high-order information on these amplitudes can be obtained from a nonperturbative formula, due to Affleck et al., for the imaginary part of the QED effective lagrangian in a constant field. The procedure uses Borel analysis and leads, under some plausible assumptions, to a number of nontrivial predictions already at the three-loop level. Their direct verification would require a calculation of this `Euler-Heisenberg lagrangian' at three-loops, which seems presently out of reach. Motivated by previous work by Dunne and Krasnansky on Euler-Heisenberg lagrangians in various dimensions, in the present work we initiate a new line of attack on this problem by deriving and proving the analogous predictions in the simpler setting of 1+1 dimensional QED. In the first part of this series, we obtain a generalization of the formula of Affleck et al. to this case, and show that, for both Scalar and Spinor QED, it correctly predicts the leading asymptotic behaviour of the weak field expansion coefficients of the two loop Euler-Heisenberg lagrangians.Comment: 28 pages, 1 figures, final published version (minor modifications, refs. added
Euler-Heisenberg lagrangians and asymptotic analysis in 1+1 QED, part 1: Two-loop
euler-heisenberg lagrangians and asymptotic analysis in 1+1 qed, part 1: two-loop
continue effort perturbation orders cancellations amplitudes photons energies. amplitudes nonperturbative affleck imaginary lagrangian field. borel plausible assumptions nontrivial level. verification euler heisenberg lagrangian loops presently reach. motivated dunne krasnansky euler heisenberg lagrangians initiate attack deriving proving analogous simpler qed. generalization affleck spinor correctly predicts asymptotic euler heisenberg pages minor modifications refs.
Mixed anomaly and gauge mediation ("gaugomaly'' mediation) gives a natural solution to the SUSY flavor problem with a conventional LSP dark matter candidate. We present a minimal version of gaugomaly mediation where the messenger masses arise directly from anomaly mediation, automatically generating a messenger scale of order 50 TeV. We also describe a simple relaxation mechanism that gives rise to realistic mu and B mu terms. B is naturally dominated by the anomaly-mediated contribution from top loops, so the mu/B mu sector only depends on a single new parameter. In the minimal version of this scenario the full SUSY spectrum is determined by two continuous parameters (the anomaly- and gauge-mediated SUSY breaking masses) and one discrete parameter (the number of messengers). We show that these simple models can give realistic spectra with viable dark matter.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures; v2: corrected example generating non-holomorphic Kahler term
Minimal Gaugomaly Mediation
minimal gaugomaly mediation
anomaly mediation gaugomaly mediation susy flavor candidate. gaugomaly mediation messenger arise anomaly mediation automatically generating messenger tev. relaxation realistic terms. naturally dominated anomaly loops parameter. susy anomaly susy breaking messengers realistic viable pages corrected generating holomorphic kahler
We study the conditions of marginal stability for two-center extremal black holes in N-extended supergravity in four dimensions, with particular emphasis on the N=8 case. This is achieved by exploiting triangle inequalities satisfied by matrix norms. Using different norms and relative bounds among them, we establish the existence of marginal stability and split attractor flows both for BPS and some non-BPS solutions. Our results are in agreement with previous analysis based on explicit construction of multi-center solutions.Comment: 1+15 pages; v2: some new formulas added and misprints corrected; v3: typos fixed, various refinements, Sec. 2.4 rewritten; to appear on JHE
Matrix Norms, BPS Bounds and Marginal Stability in N=8 Supergravity
matrix norms, bps bounds and marginal stability in n=8 supergravity
marginal extremal holes supergravity emphasis case. exploiting triangle inequalities satisfied norms. norms bounds establish marginal split attractor flows solutions. pages formulas misprints corrected typos refinements sec. rewritten
The existence of a nontrivial interpolating function h(\lambda) is one of the novel features of the new AdS4/CFT3 correspondence involving ABJM theory. At strong coupling, most of the investigation of semiclassical effects so far has been for strings in the AdS4 sector. Several cutoff prescriptions have been proposed, leading to different predictions for the constant term in the expansion h(\lambda)=\sqrt{\lambda/2} + c + ... . We calculate quantum corrections for giant magnons, using the algebraic curve, and show by comparing to the dispersion relation that the same prescriptions lead to the same values of c in this CP3 sector. We then turn to finite-J effects, where a comparison with the Luescher F-term correction shows a mismatch for one of the three sum prescriptions. We also compute some dyonic and higher F-terms for future comparisons.Comment: 30 pages, 1 figure, 1 table. v2 has minor improvements to the text, and extra references. v3 has further textual changes, version to appear in JHE
Quantum Strings and the AdS4/CFT3 Interpolating Function
quantum strings and the ads4/cft3 interpolating function
nontrivial interpolating lambda correspondence involving abjm theory. semiclassical strings sector. cutoff prescriptions lambda sqrt lambda giant magnons algebraic prescriptions sector. luescher mismatch prescriptions. dyonic pages table. minor improvements extra references. textual
We present a theoretical foundation for the Index theorem in naive and minimally doubled lattice fermions by studying the spectral flow of a Hermitean version of Dirac operators. We utilize the point splitting method to implement flavored mass terms, which play an important role in constructing proper Hermitean operators. We show the spectral flow correctly detects the index of the would-be zero modes which is determined by gauge field topology. Using the flavored mass terms, we present new types of overlap fermions from the naive fermion kernels, with a number of flavors that depends on the choice of the mass terms. We succeed to obtain a single-flavor naive overlap fermion which maintains hypercubic symmetry.Comment: 27 pages, 17 figures; references added, version accepted in JHE
Index Theorem and Overlap Formalism with Naive and Minimally Doubled Fermions
index theorem and overlap formalism with naive and minimally doubled fermions
foundation naive minimally doubled fermions studying hermitean dirac operators. utilize splitting implement flavored constructing proper hermitean operators. correctly detects topology. flavored overlap fermions naive fermion kernels flavors terms. succeed flavor naive overlap fermion maintains hypercubic pages
The inclusion of gauge messengers in models of gauge mediation allows for more general predictions that those described by the framework of general gauge mediation. Motivated by this, we explore some models of gauge mediation with gauge messengers in SU(5) GUTs. In most previous attempts of building viable models where gauge messengers play a role in determining the soft terms, squark and/or slepton masses turned out to be tachyonic. The objective of this paper is to address this problem and propose two possible solutions, one of which has a natural realization in the solution of the doublet-triplet problem. Another interesting result is that in these models the association of SUSY breaking with the breaking of the GUT group provides a simple mechanism that can explain why $SU(5)\rightarrow SU(3)\times SU(2) \times U(1)$ is preferred over other symmetry breaking patterns.Comment: 33 pages, 7 figures, version submitted to jhe
Gauge Mediation with Gauge Messengers in SU(5)
gauge mediation with gauge messengers in su(5)
inclusion messengers mediation mediation. motivated explore mediation messengers guts. attempts viable messengers determining squark slepton turned tachyonic. propose realization doublet triplet problem. susy breaking breaking rightarrow preferred breaking pages submitted
We study gauge mediation in a wide class of O'Raifeartaigh type models where supersymmetry breaking metastable vacuum is created by gravity and/or quantum corrections. We examine their thermal evolution in the early universe and the conditions under which the susy breaking vacuum can be selected. It is demonstrated that thermalization typically makes the metastable supersymmetry breaking cosmologically disfavoured but this is not always the case. Initial conditions with the spurion displaced from the symmetric thermal minimum and a small coupling to the messenger sector can result in the realization of the susy breaking vacuum even if the reheating temperature is high. We show that this can be achieved without jeopardizing the low energy phenomenology. In addition, we have found that deforming the models by a supersymmetric mass term for messengers in such a way that the susy breaking minimum and the susy preserving minima are all far away from the origin does not change the conclusions. The basic observations are expected to hold also in the case of models with an anomalous U(1) group.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figures, plain Latex, journal versio
Cosmological vacuum selection and metastable susy breaking
cosmological vacuum selection and metastable susy breaking
mediation raifeartaigh supersymmetry breaking metastable created corrections. examine universe susy breaking selected. thermalization metastable supersymmetry breaking cosmologically disfavoured case. spurion displaced messenger realization susy breaking reheating high. jeopardizing phenomenology. deforming supersymmetric messengers susy breaking susy preserving minima away conclusions. hold anomalous pages plain latex versio
We interpret the matrix boundaries of the one matrix model (1MM) recently constructed by two of the authors as an outcome of a relation among FZZT branes. In the double scaling limit, the 1MM is described by the (2,2p+1) minimal Liouville gravity. These matrix operators are shown to create a boundary with matter boundary conditions given by the Cardy states. We also demonstrate a recursion relation among the matrix disc correlator with two different boundaries. This construction is then extended to the two matrix model and the disc correlator with two boundaries is compared with the Liouville boundary two point functions. In addition, the realization within the matrix model of several symmetries among FZZT branes is discussed.Comment: 26 page
Boundary operators in minimal Liouville gravity and matrix models
boundary operators in minimal liouville gravity and matrix models
interpret boundaries fzzt branes. liouville gravity. create cardy states. recursion disc correlator boundaries. disc correlator boundaries liouville functions. realization symmetries fzzt branes
Direct detection of dark matter (DM) requires an interaction of dark matter particles with nucleons. The same interaction can lead to dark matter pair production at a hadron collider, and with the addition of initial state radiation this may lead to mono-jet signals. Mono-jet searches at the Tevatron can thus place limits on DM direct detection rates. We study these bounds both in the case where there is a contact interaction between DM and the standard model and where there is a mediator kinematically accessible at the Tevatron. We find that in many cases the Tevatron provides the current best limit, particularly for light dark matter, below 5 GeV, and for spin dependent interactions. Non-standard dark matter candidates are also constrained. The introduction of a light mediator significantly weakens the collider bound. A direct detection discovery that is in apparent conflict with mono-jet limits will thus point to a new light state coupling the standard model to the dark sector. Mono-jet searches with more luminosity and including the spectrum shape in the analysis can improve the constraints on DM-nucleon scattering cross section.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, final version in JHE
The Tevatron at the Frontier of Dark Matter Direct Detection
the tevatron at the frontier of dark matter direct detection
nucleons. hadron collider mono signals. mono searches tevatron rates. bounds mediator kinematically accessible tevatron. tevatron interactions. candidates constrained. mediator weakens collider bound. discovery apparent conflict mono sector. mono searches luminosity nucleon pages
We present benchmark points for Pure General Gauge Mediation (GGM) models specifically optimised for early LHC searches. The pure GGM set-up is as defined in our previous paper arXiv:0910.2674: namely we adopt the minimal set-up in which B_mu is generated only through gauge interactions, and as a result tan beta is a prediction rather than an input. The only input parameters are messenger masses together with two independent scales which generate gaugino and scalar masses. The parameter space favoured by current experimental data includes an interesting region with light gluinos (m_g < 500 GeV and relatively heavy squarks) and a bino-like NLSP where early discovery is likely. We also find interesting regions of parameter space where the NLSP is a stau or stau/neutralino co-NLSP and the squark masses are relatively low. We present benchmark points which are typical for each of these three regions, and give the spectrum, branching ratios, and also the overall 2 -> 2 cross-sections. This data in SLHA format can be found at 22 pages, 6 figures. Version 2: added discussion of Tevatron limit
Pure General Gauge Mediation for Early LHC Searches
pure general gauge mediation for early lhc searches
benchmark mediation optimised searches. adopt beta input. messenger gaugino masses. favoured gluinos squarks bino nlsp discovery likely. nlsp stau stau neutralino nlsp squark low. benchmark branching sections. slha format susycomment pages figures. tevatron
In this paper we start from the original formulation of the galileon model with the original choice for couplings to gravity. Within this framework we find that there is still a subset of possible Lagrangians that give selfaccelerating solutions with stable spherically symmetric solutions. This is a certain constrained subset of the third order galileon which has not been explored before. We develop and explore the background cosmological evolution of this model drawing intuition from other even more restricted galileon models. The numerical results confirm the presence of selfacceleration, but also reveals a possible instability with respect to galileon perturbations.Comment: 30 pages, 24 figure
Cosmology of the selfaccelerating third order Galileon
cosmology of the selfaccelerating third order galileon
formulation galileon couplings gravity. lagrangians selfaccelerating spherically solutions. constrained galileon explored before. explore cosmological drawing intuition restricted galileon models. confirm selfacceleration reveals instability galileon pages
We study the perturbative quantisation of N=8 supergravity in a formulation where its E7(7) symmetry is realised off-shell. Relying on the cancellation of SU(8) current anomalies we show that there are no anomalies for the non-linearly realised E7(7) either; this result extends to all orders in perturbation theory. As a consequence, the e7(7) Ward identities can be consistently implemented and imposed at all orders in perturbation theory, and therefore potential divergent counterterms must in particular respect the full non-linear E7(7) symmetry.Comment: Corrected version for publication in JHEP. 79 page
E7(7) symmetry in perturbatively quantised N=8 supergravity
e7(7) symmetry in perturbatively quantised n=8 supergravity
perturbative quantisation supergravity formulation realised shell. relying cancellation anomalies anomalies linearly realised extends orders perturbation theory. ward identities consistently implemented imposed orders perturbation divergent counterterms corrected publication jhep.
Because the LHC is a proton-proton collider, sizable production of two positively charged W-bosons in association with two jets is possible. This process leads to a distinct signature of same sign high-pt leptons, missing energy and jets. We compute the NLO QCD corrections to the QCD-mediated part of pp -> W+W+jj. These corrections reduce the dependence of the production cross-section on the renormalization and factorization scale to about +- 10 percent. We find that a large number of W+W+jj events contain a relatively hard third jet. The presence of this jet should help to either pick up the W+W+jj signal or to reject it as an unwanted background.Comment: 15 pages, 5 (lovely) figures, v3 accepted for publication in JHEP, corrects tables in appendi
Next-to-leading order QCD predictions for W+W+jj production at the LHC
next-to-leading order qcd predictions for w+w+jj production at the lhc
proton proton collider sizable positively bosons jets possible. signature leptons missing jets. renormalization factorization percent. jet. pick reject unwanted pages lovely publication jhep corrects tables appendi
An important phase transition in black hole thermodynamics is associated with the divergence of the specific heat with fixed charge and angular momenta, yet one can demonstrate that neither Ruppeiner's entropy metric nor Weinhold's energy metric reveals this phase transition. In this paper, we introduce a new thermodynamical metric based on the Hessian matrix of several free energy. We demonstrate, by studying various charged and rotating black holes, that the divergence of the specific heat corresponds to the curvature singularity of this new metric. We further investigate metrics on all thermodynamical potentials generated by Legendre transformations and study correspondences between curvature singularities and phase transition signals. We show in general that for a system with n-pairs of intensive/extensive variables, all thermodynamical potential metrics can be embedded into a flat (n,n)-dimensional space. We also generalize the Ruppeiner metrics and they are all conformal to the metrics constructed from the relevant thermodynamical potentials.Comment: Latex, 25 pages, reference added, typos corrected, English polished and the Hawking-Page phase transition clarified; to appear in JHE
Thermodynamical Metrics and Black Hole Phase Transitions
thermodynamical metrics and black hole phase transitions
thermodynamics divergence momenta neither ruppeiner weinhold reveals transition. thermodynamical hessian energy. studying rotating holes divergence curvature singularity metric. metrics thermodynamical potentials legendre transformations correspondences curvature singularities signals. intensive extensive thermodynamical metrics embedded space. generalize ruppeiner metrics conformal metrics thermodynamical latex pages typos corrected english polished hawking clarified
We describe a simple and robust mechanism that stabilizes all Kahler moduli in Type IIB orientifold compactifications. This is shown to be possible with just one non-perturbative contribution to the superpotential coming from either a D3-instanton or D7-branes wrapped on an ample divisor. This moduli-stabilization mechanism is similar to and motivated by the one used in the fluxless G_2 compactifications of M-theory. After explaining the general idea, explicit examples of Calabi-Yau orientifolds with one and three Kahler moduli are worked out. We find that the stabilized volumes of all two- and four-cycles as well as the volume of the Calabi-Yau manifold are controlled by a single parameter, namely, the volume of the ample divisor. This feature would dramatically constrain any realistic models of particle physics embedded into such compactifications. Broad consequences for phenomenology are discussed, in particular the dynamical solution to the strong CP-problem within the framework.Comment: RevTeX, 24 pages, 2 tables, 1 figure
Stabilizing All Kahler Moduli in Type IIB Orientifolds
stabilizing all kahler moduli in type iib orientifolds
robust stabilizes kahler moduli orientifold compactifications. perturbative superpotential coming instanton branes wrapped ample divisor. moduli stabilization motivated fluxless compactifications theory. explaining calabi orientifolds kahler moduli worked out. stabilized volumes cycles calabi manifold ample divisor. dramatically constrain realistic embedded compactifications. broad consequences phenomenology revtex pages tables
We consider QCD at very low temperatures and non-zero quark chemical potential from lattice Monte Carlo simulations of the two-color theory in a very small spatial volume (the attoscale). In this regime the quark number rises in discrete levels in qualitative agreement with what is found analytically at one loop on S3xS1 with radius R_S3 << 1/{\Lambda}_QCD. The detailed level degeneracy, however, cannot be accounted for using weak coupling arguments. At each rise in the quark number there is a corresponding spike in the Polyakov line, also in agreement with the perturbative results. In addition the quark number susceptibility shows a similar behaviour to the Polyakov line and appears to be a good indicator of a confinement-deconfinement type of transition.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure
Numerical Study of the Two Color Attoworld
numerical study of the two color attoworld
monte carlo attoscale rises qualitative analytically lambda qcd. degeneracy accounted arguments. spike polyakov perturbative results. susceptibility polyakov indicator confinement deconfinement pages
The effective action on long strings, such as confining strings in pure Yang-Mills theories, is well-approximated by the Nambu-Goto action, but this action cannot be exact. The leading possible corrections to this action (in a long string expansion in the static gauge), allowed by Lorentz invariance, were recently identified, both for closed strings and for open strings. In this paper we compute explicitly in a Hamiltonian formalism the leading corrections to the lowest-lying Nambu-Goto energy levels in both cases, and verify that they are consistent with the previously computed effective string partition functions. For open strings of length R the leading correction is of order 1/R^4, for excited closed strings of length R in D>3 space-time dimensions it is of order 1/R^5, while for the ground state of the closed string in any dimension it is of order 1/R^7. We attempt to match our closed string corrections to lattice results, but the latter are still mostly outside the range of convergence of the 1/R expansion that we use.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figure, JHEP format. v2: added remark on 1/R^7 corrections to ground state energ
Corrections to Nambu-Goto energy levels from the effective string action
corrections to nambu-goto energy levels from the effective string action
strings confining strings mills approximated nambu goto exact. lorentz invariance strings strings. explicitly formalism lying nambu goto verify partition functions. strings excited strings attempt match mostly pages jhep format. remark energ
We formulate maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory in five dimensions in light-cone superspace. The light-cone Hamiltonian is of the quadratic form and the theory can be understood as an oxidation of the N=4 Super Yang-Mills Theory in four dimensions. We specifically study three-point counterterms and show how these counterterms vanish on-shell. This study is a preliminary to set up the technique in order to study possible four-point counterterms.Comment: 25 pages, typos corrected, references adde
Maximally Supersymmetric Yang-Mills in five dimensions in light-cone superspace
maximally supersymmetric yang-mills in five dimensions in light-cone superspace
formulate maximally supersymmetric mills cone superspace. cone quadratic understood oxidation super mills dimensions. counterterms counterterms vanish shell. preliminary pages typos corrected adde
We propose a general correspondence between gravity and spin models, inspired by the well-known IR equivalence between lattice gauge theories and the spin models. This suggests a connection between continuous type Hawking-phase transitions in gravity and the continuous order-disorder transitions in ferromagnets. The black-hole phase corresponds to the ordered and the graviton gas corresponds to the disordered phases respectively. A simple set-up based on Einstein-dilaton gravity indicates that the vicinity of the phase transition is governed by a linear-dilaton CFT. Employing this CFT we calculate scaling of observables near T_c, and obtain mean-field scaling in a semi-classical approximation. In case of the XY model the Goldstone mode is identified with the zero mode of the NS-NS two-form. We show that the second speed of sound vanishes at the transition also with the mean field exponent.Comment: 68 pages + appendices, 4 figures; v2: the published version - discussion in section 2 extended, typos corrected, new referenced adde
Gravity/Spin-model correspondence and holographic superfluids
gravity/spin-model correspondence and holographic superfluids
propose correspondence inspired equivalence models. connection hawking disorder ferromagnets. ordered graviton disordered respectively. einstein dilaton vicinity governed dilaton cft. employing observables approximation. goldstone form. sound vanishes pages appendices typos corrected referenced adde
We construct for the first time an energy-momentum tensor for the electromagnetic field of a p-brane in arbitrary dimensions, entailing finite energy-momentum integrals. The construction relies on distribution theory and is based on a Lorentz-invariant regularization, followed by the subtraction of divergent and finite counterterms supported on the brane. The resulting energy-momentum tensor turns out to be uniquely determined. We perform the construction explicitly for a generic flat brane. For a brane in arbitrary motion our approach provides a new paradigm for the derivation of the, otherwise divergent, self-force of the brane. The so derived self-force is automatically finite and guarantees, by construction, energy-momentum conservation.Comment: 41 pages, no figures, minor change
Ultraviolet singularities in classical brane theory
ultraviolet singularities in classical brane theory
electromagnetic brane entailing integrals. relies lorentz regularization subtraction divergent counterterms brane. turns uniquely determined. explicitly generic brane. brane paradigm derivation divergent brane. automatically guarantees pages minor
Gaugino screening, the absence of next-to-leading order corrections to gaugino masses, is a generic feature of gauge mediation models of supersymmetry breaking. We show that in a specific class of models, known as semi-direct gauge mediation, it is possible to avoid gaugino screening by allowing for a chiral messenger sector. Messengers then acquire a mass at some scale, for instance by higgsing or by some auxiliary strong coupling dynamics. We implement this idea in a simple model which we work out explicitly.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures. Minor clarifications added in Section 2, version to appear in JHE
Unscreening the Gaugino Mass with Chiral Messengers
unscreening the gaugino mass with chiral messengers
gaugino screening gaugino generic mediation supersymmetry breaking. mediation avoid gaugino screening allowing chiral messenger sector. messengers acquire higgsing auxiliary dynamics. implement pages figures. minor clarifications
We motivate through a detailed analysis of the Hawking radiation in a Schwarzschild background a scheme in accordance with quantum unitarity. In this scheme the semi-classical approximation of the unitary quantum - horizonless - black hole S-matrix leads to the conventional description of the Hawking radiation from a classical black hole endowed with an event horizon. Unitarity is borne out by the detailed exclusive S-matrix amplitudes. There, the fixing of generic out-states, in addition to the in-state, yields in asymptotic Minkowski space-time saddle-point contributions which are dominated by Planckian metric fluctuations when approaching the Schwarzschild radius. We argue that these prevent the corresponding macroscopic "exclusive backgrounds" to develop an event horizon. However, if no out-state is selected, a distinct saddle-point geometry can be defined, in which Planckian fluctuations are tamed. Such "inclusive background" presents an event horizon and constitutes a coarse-grained average over the aforementioned exclusive ones. The classical event horizon appears as a coarse-grained structure, sustaining the thermodynamic significance of the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy. This is reminiscent of the tentative fuzzball description of extremal black holes: the role of microstates is played here by a complete set of out-states. Although the computations of unitary amplitudes would require a detailed theory of quantum gravity, the proposed scheme itself, which appeals to the metric description of gravity only in the vicinity of stationary points, does not.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figures. Typos corrected. Two footnotes added (footnotes 3 and 5
The hidden horizon and black hole unitarity
the hidden horizon and black hole unitarity
motivate hawking schwarzschild accordance unitarity. unitary horizonless hawking endowed horizon. unitarity borne exclusive amplitudes. fixing generic asymptotic minkowski saddle dominated planckian approaching schwarzschild radius. argue prevent macroscopic exclusive backgrounds horizon. saddle planckian tamed. inclusive presents horizon constitutes coarse grained aforementioned exclusive ones. horizon coarse grained sustaining thermodynamic bekenstein hawking entropy. reminiscent tentative fuzzball extremal holes microstates played states. computations unitary amplitudes appeals vicinity stationary pages figures. typos corrected. footnotes footnotes
The collision of two particles in the background of a Sen black hole is studied. With the equations of motion of the particles, the center-of-mass energy is investigated when the collision takes place at the horizon of a Sen black hole. For an extremal Sen black hole, we find that the center-of-mass energy will be arbitrarily high with two conditions: (1) spin $a\neq 0$ and (2) one of the colliding particles has the critical angular momentum $l_{\text{c}}=2$. For a nonextremal Sen black hole, we show that, in order to obtain an unlimited center-of-mass energy, one of the colliding particles should have the critical angular momentum $l'_{\text{c}}=2 r_{+}/a$ ($r_{+}$ is the radius of the outer horizon for a nonextremal black hole). However, a particle with the angular momentum $l=l'_{\text{c}}$ could not approach the black hole from outside of the horizon through free fall, which implies that the collision with arbitrarily high center-of-mass energy could not take place. Thus, there is an upper bound of the center-of-mass energy for the nonextremal black hole. We also obtain the maximal center-of-mass energy for a near-extremal black hole and the result implies that the Planck-scale energy is hard to be approached. Furthermore, we also consider the back-reaction effects. The result shows that, neglecting the gravitational radiation, it has a weak effect on the center-of-mass energy. However, we argue that the maximum allowed center-of-mass energy will be greatly reduced to below the Planck-scale when the gravitational radiation is included.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, published versio
Particle Collisions on Stringy Black Hole Background
particle collisions on stringy black hole background
collision studied. collision horizon hole. extremal arbitrarily colliding nonextremal unlimited colliding outer horizon nonextremal horizon fall collision arbitrarily place. nonextremal hole. maximal extremal planck approached. effects. neglecting gravitational energy. argue greatly planck gravitational pages versio
Myers-Perry black holes with a single spin in d>5 have been shown to be unstable if rotating sufficiently rapidly. We extend the numerical analysis which allowed for that result to the asymptotically AdS case. We determine numerically the stationary perturbations that mark the onset of the instabilities for the modes that preserve the rotational symmetries of the background. The parameter space of solutions is thoroughly analysed, and the onset of the instabilities is obtained as a function of the cosmological constant. Each of these perturbations has been conjectured to represent a bifurcation point to a new phase of stationary AdS black holes, and this is consistent with our results.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures. v2: Reference added. Matches published versio
Ultraspinning instability of anti-de Sitter black holes
ultraspinning instability of anti-de sitter black holes
myers perry holes unstable rotating sufficiently rapidly. extend asymptotically case. numerically stationary perturbations mark onset instabilities preserve rotational symmetries background. thoroughly analysed onset instabilities cosmological constant. perturbations conjectured bifurcation stationary holes pages figures. added. matches versio
Matrix element reweighting is a powerful experimental technique widely employed to maximize the amount of information that can be extracted from a collider data set. We present a procedure that allows to automatically evaluate the weights for any process of interest in the standard model and beyond. Given the initial, intermediate and final state particles, and the transfer functions for the final physics objects, such as leptons, jets, missing transverse energy, our algorithm creates a phase-space mapping designed to efficiently perform the integration of the squared matrix element and the transfer functions. The implementation builds up on MadGraph, it is completely automatized and publicly available. A few sample applications are presented that show the capabilities of the code and illustrate the possibilities for new studies that such an approach opens up.Comment: 41 pages, 21 figure
Automation of the matrix element reweighting method
automation of the matrix element reweighting method
reweighting powerful widely maximize collider set. automatically weights beyond. leptons jets missing creates efficiently squared functions. builds madgraph automatized publicly available. capabilities illustrate possibilities opens pages
In this paper we study (3+1) dimensional holographic superconductors in quasi-topological gravity which is recently proposed by R. Myers {\it}. Through both analytical and numerical analysis, we find in general the condensation becomes harder with the increase of coupling parameters of higher curvature terms. In particular, comparing with those in ordinary Gauss-Bonnet gravity, we find that positive cubic corrections in quasi-topological gravity suppress the condensation while negative cubic terms make it easier. We also calculate the conductivity numerically for various coupling parameters. It turns out that the universal relation of $\omega_g/T_c\simeq 8$ is unstable and this ratio becomes larger with the increase of the coupling parameters. A brief discussion on the condensation from the CFT side is also presented.Comment: 23 pages, 28 figures, accepted for publication in JHE
Holographic Superconductors in Quasi-topological Gravity
holographic superconductors in quasi-topological gravity
holographic superconductors quasi topological myers condensation harder curvature terms. ordinary gauss bonnet cubic quasi topological suppress condensation cubic easier. conductivity numerically parameters. turns universal omega simeq unstable parameters. brief condensation pages publication
We investigate a gravity solution containing the gravitational backreaction of the massive scalar field dual to the chiral condensate, which corresponds to $1/N_c$ correction. In general, condensation changes the vacuum structure, so the present dual geometry is appropriate to describe the chiral condensate vacuum in the gauge theory side. After constructing the dual geometry numerically and applying the hard wall model we study the effect of the $1/N_c$ correction on the lightest meson spectra, which improves the values for lightest meson masses into the observations. In addition, we investigate the chiral condensate dependence the binding energy of heavy quarkonium.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figure
Holographic 1/Nc correction from the chiral condensate
holographic 1/nc correction from the chiral condensate
gravitational backreaction massive chiral condensate correction. condensation chiral condensate side. constructing numerically lightest meson improves lightest meson observations. chiral condensate pages
We reformulate and extend our recently introduced quantum kinetic theory for interacting fermion and scalar fields. Our formalism is based on the coherent quasiparticle approximation (cQPA) where nonlocal coherence information is encoded in new spectral solutions at off-shell momenta. We derive explicit forms for the cQPA propagators in the homogeneous background and show that the collision integrals involving the new coherence propagators need to be resummed to all orders in gradient expansion. We perform this resummation and derive generalized momentum space Feynman rules including coherent propagators and modified vertex rules for a Yukawa interaction. As a result we are able to set up self-consistent quantum Boltzmann equations for both fermion and scalar fields. We present several examples of diagrammatic calculations and numerical applications including a simple toy model for coherent baryogenesis.Comment: 13 figures, 49 pages. Replaced with the published version. Typos and misprints corrected. Improved coloring in some figures. One new chapter (6.1) added. No changes on result
Coherent quantum Boltzmann equations from cQPA
coherent quantum boltzmann equations from cqpa
reformulate extend interacting fermion fields. formalism coherent quasiparticle cqpa nonlocal coherence encoded momenta. derive cqpa propagators homogeneous collision integrals involving coherence propagators resummed orders expansion. resummation derive feynman coherent propagators yukawa interaction. boltzmann fermion fields. diagrammatic coherent pages. replaced version. typos misprints corrected. coloring figures. added.
The extremal Kerr black hole with the angular momentum J is conjectured to be dual to CFT with central charges c_L=c_R=12J. However, the central charge in the right sector remains to be explicitly derived so far. In order to investigate this issue, we introduce new near horizon limits of (near) extremal Kerr and five-dimensional Myers-Perry black holes. We obtain Virasoro algebras as asymptotic symmetries and calculate the central charges associated with them. One of them is equivalent to that of the previous studies, and the other is non-zero, but still the order of near extremal parameter. Redefining the algebras to take the standard form, we obtain a finite value as expected by the Kerr/CFT correspondence.Comment: 25 pages, minor changes, references adde
New Near Horizon Limit in Kerr/CFT
new near horizon limit in kerr/cft
extremal kerr conjectured charges explicitly far. horizon extremal kerr myers perry holes. virasoro algebras asymptotic symmetries charges them. extremal parameter. redefining algebras kerr pages minor adde
Using N=2 superspace techniques we compute the four-loop spectrum of single trace operators in the SU(2) x SU(2) sector of ABJM and ABJ supersymmetric Chern-Simons theories. Our computation yields a four-loop contribution to the function h^2(\lambda) (and its ABJ generalization) in the magnon dispersion relation which has fixed maximum transcendentality and coincides with the findings in components given in the revised versions of arXiv:0908.2463 and arXiv:0912.3460. We also discuss possible scenarios for an all-loop function h^2(\lambda) that interpolates between weak and strong couplings.Comment: LaTeX, feynmp, 34 pages; v2: typos corrected, formulations improved, references adde
Superspace calculation of the four-loop spectrum in N=6 supersymmetric Chern-Simons theories
superspace calculation of the four-loop spectrum in n=6 supersymmetric chern-simons theories
superspace trace abjm supersymmetric chern simons theories. lambda generalization magnon transcendentality coincides revised versions scenarios lambda interpolates latex feynmp pages typos corrected formulations adde
We consider the generation of fermion masses in an emergent model of electroweak symmetry breaking with composite $W,Z$ gauge bosons. A universal bulk fermion profile in a warped extra dimension is used for all fermion flavors. Electroweak symmetry is broken at the UV (or Planck) scale where boundary mass terms are added to generate the fermion flavor structure. This leads to flavor-dependent nonuniversality in the gauge couplings. The effects are suppressed for the light fermion generations but are enhanced for the top quark where the $Zt{\bar t}$ and $Wt{\bar b}$ couplings can deviate at the $10-20%$ level in the minimal setup. By the AdS/CFT correspondence our model implies that electroweak symmetry is not a fundamental gauge symmetry. Instead the Standard Model with massive fermions and $W,Z$ gauge bosons is an effective chiral Lagrangian for some underlying confining strong dynamics at the TeV scale, where mass is generated without a Higgs mechanism.Comment: modified discussion in Sec 3.1, version published in JHE
Fermion Masses in Emergent Electroweak Symmetry Breaking
fermion masses in emergent electroweak symmetry breaking
fermion emergent electroweak breaking composite bosons. universal fermion warped extra fermion flavors. electroweak broken planck fermion flavor structure. flavor nonuniversality couplings. suppressed fermion generations couplings deviate setup. correspondence electroweak symmetry. massive fermions bosons chiral lagrangian confining
We study the remnants of Yangian symmetry of AdS/CFT magnons reflecting from boundaries with no degrees of freedom. We present the generalized twisted boundary Yangian of open strings ending on boundaries which preserve only a subalgebra h of the bulk algebra g, where (g,h) is a symmetric pair. This is realized by open strings ending on the D3 brane known as the Y=0 maximal giant graviton in AdS_5 x S^5. We also consider the Yangian symmetry of the boundary which preserves an su(1|2) subalgebra only.Comment: 17 pages, v2: minor correction made, accepted for publication in JHE
Yangian symmetry of the Y=0 maximal giant graviton
yangian symmetry of the y=0 maximal giant graviton
remnants yangian magnons reflecting boundaries freedom. twisted yangian strings ending boundaries preserve subalgebra pair. realized strings ending brane maximal giant graviton yangian preserves subalgebra pages minor publication
Lattice measurements of spatial correlation functions of the operators FF and FF-dual in thermal SU(3) gauge theory have revealed a clear difference between the two channels at "intermediate" distances, x ~ 1/(pi T). This is at odds with the AdS/CFT limit which predicts the results to coincide. On the other hand, an OPE analysis at short distances (x << 1/(pi T)) as well as effective theory methods at long distances (x >> 1/(pi T)) suggest differences. Here we study the situation at intermediate distances by determining the time-averaged spatial correlators through a 2-loop computation. We do find unequal results, however the numerical disparity is small. Apart from theoretical issues, a future comparison of our results with time-averaged lattice measurements might also be of phenomenological interest in that understanding the convergence of the weak-coupling series at intermediate distances may bear on studies of the thermal broadening of heavy quarkonium resonances.Comment: 31 page
Intermediate distance correlators in hot Yang-Mills theory
intermediate distance correlators in hot yang-mills theory
distances odds predicts coincide. distances distances differences. distances determining averaged correlators computation. unequal disparity small. apart averaged phenomenological distances bear broadening quarkonium
Three-dimensional gauge theory T[G] arises on a domain wall between four-dimensional N=4 SYM theories with the gauge groups G and its S-dual G^L. We argue that the N=2^* mass deformation of the bulk theory induces a mass-deformation of the theory T[G] on the wall. The partition functions of the theory T[SU(2)] and its mass-deformation on the three-sphere are shown to coincide with the transformation coefficient of Liouville one-point conformal block on torus under the S-duality.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures. v2: Revised the analysis in sections 3.3 and 4. Notes and references added. Version to appear in JHE
AGT on the S-duality Wall
agt on the s-duality wall
arises argue deformation induces deformation wall. partition deformation sphere coincide liouville conformal torus pages figures. revised notes added.
We address the problem of classifying all N=2 supercurrent multiplets in four space-time dimensions. For this purpose we consider the minimal formulation of N=2 Poincare supergravity with a tensor compensator, and derive its linearized action in terms of three N=2 off-shell multiplets: an unconstrained scalar superfield, a vector multiplet, and a tensor multiplet. Such an action was ruled out to exist in the past. Using the action constructed, one can derive other models for linearized N=2 supergravity by applying N=2 superfield duality transformations. The action depends parametrically on a constant non-vanishing real isotriplet g^{ij}=g^{ji} which originates as an expectation value of the tensor compensator. Upon reduction to N=1 superfields, we show that the model describes two dually equivalent formulations for the massless multiplet (1,3/2)+(3/2,2) depending on a choice of g^{ij}. In the case g^{11}=g^{22}=0, the action describes (i) new minimal N=1 supergravity; and (ii) the Fradkin-Vasiliev-de Wit-van Holten gravitino multiplet. In the case g^{12}=0, on the other hand, the action describes (i) old minimal N=1 supergravity; and (ii) the Ogievetsky-Sokatchev gravitino multiplet.Comment: 40 pages; v2: added references, some comments, new appendi
N=2 supergravity and supercurrents
n=2 supergravity and supercurrents
classifying supercurrent multiplets dimensions. formulation poincare supergravity compensator derive linearized multiplets unconstrained superfield multiplet multiplet. ruled past. derive linearized supergravity superfield duality transformations. parametrically vanishing isotriplet originates expectation compensator. superfields describes dually formulations massless multiplet describes supergravity fradkin vasiliev holten gravitino multiplet. describes supergravity ogievetsky sokatchev gravitino pages comments appendi
We generalize the vacuum static black brane solutions of Einstein's equations with negative cosmological constant recently discussed in literature, by introducing rotations and an electromagnetic field. We investigate numerically the thermodynamical properties of the charged and of the rotating $AdS$ black brane and we provide evidences for the existence of the charged and rotating case. In particular, we study the influence of the rotation and charge on the tension and mass. We find that the rotation essentially influences the tensions while the charge essentially influences the mass.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure
Charged and rotating Black AdS Branes in $n+p+2$ dimensions
charged and rotating black ads branes in $n+p+2$ dimensions
generalize brane einstein cosmological introducing rotations electromagnetic field. numerically thermodynamical rotating brane evidences rotating case. tension mass. essentially influences tensions essentially influences pages
In this paper we study the scattering amplitudes at strong coupling for the case where the number of gluons is a multiple of four. This is an important missing piece in arXiv:1002.2459. The tricky point for n=4K is that there is some accidental degeneracy in such case. We explain this point in detail and show that a non-trivial monodromy around infinity was developed by the world-sheet coordinate transformation appearing in the computation. It turns out that besides solving the Y system, we also need to calculate T functions to compute the full amplitudes. We show that the T functions can be derived by taking a limit of Y functions of a higher-point case. As a check, we obtain the known result of eight-point in AdS_3 case.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figures. v3: A major revision of the paper, various points much clarified, appendix added; no change of the main result
Scattering amplitudes at strong coupling for 4K gluons
scattering amplitudes at strong coupling for 4k gluons
amplitudes gluons four. missing piece tricky accidental degeneracy case. trivial monodromy infinity sheet coordinate appearing computation. turns besides solving amplitudes. case. check eight pages figures. revision clarified
We examine the structure of lower-dimensional standard model vacua for two-dimensional compactifications (on a 2D torus and on a 2D sphere). In the case of the torus we find a new standard model vacuum for a large range of neutrino masses consistent with experiment. Quantum effects play a crucial role in the existence of this vacuum. For the compactification on a sphere the classical terms dominate the effective potential for large radii and a stable vacuum is achieved only by introducing a large magnetic flux. We argue that there are no two-dimensional standard model vacua for compactifications on a surface of genus greater than one.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures; v2: published in JHE
Standard Model Vacua for Two-dimensional Compactifications
standard model vacua for two-dimensional compactifications
examine vacua compactifications torus sphere torus experiment. crucial vacuum. compactification sphere dominate radii introducing flux. argue vacua compactifications genus pages
We provide some evidence that closed string coordinates will become non-commutative turning on H-field flux background in closed string compactifications. This is in analogy to open string non-commutativity on the world volume of D-branes with B- and F-field background. The class of 3-dimensional backgrounds we are studying are twisted tori (fibrations of a 2-torus over a circle) and the their T-dual H-field, 3-form flux backgrounds (T-folds). The spatial non-commutativity arises due to the non-trivial monodromies of the toroidal Kahler resp. complex structure moduli fields, when going around the closed string along the circle direction. In addition we study closed string non-commutativity in the context of doubled geometry, where we argue that in general a non-commutative closed string background is T-dual to a commutative closed string background and vice versa. Finally, in analogy to open string boundary conditions, we also argue that closed string momentum and winding modes define in some sense D-branes in closed string doubled geometry.Comment: 31 pages, references added, extended version contains new sections 3.3., 3.4 and
T-duality and closed string non-commutative (doubled) geometry
t-duality and closed string non-commutative (doubled) geometry
commutative turning compactifications. analogy commutativity branes background. backgrounds studying twisted tori fibrations torus circle backgrounds folds commutativity arises trivial monodromies toroidal kahler resp. moduli going circle direction. commutativity doubled argue commutative commutative vice versa. analogy argue winding branes doubled pages
We study the colored resonance production at the LHC in a most general approach. We classify the possible colored resonances based on group theory decomposition, and construct their effective interactions with light partons. The production cross section from annihilation of valence quarks or gluons may be on the order of 400 - 1000 pb at LHC energies for a mass of 1 TeV with nominal couplings, leading to the largest production rates for new physics at the TeV scale, and simplest event topology with dijet final states. We apply the new dijet data from the LHC experiments to put bounds on various possible colored resonant states. The current bounds range from 0.9 to 2.7 TeV. The formulation is readily applicable for future searches including other decay modes.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figures. References updated and additional K-factors include
Colored Resonant Signals at the LHC: Largest Rate and Simplest Topology
colored resonant signals at the lhc: largest rate and simplest topology
colored approach. classify colored resonances decomposition partons. annihilation valence quarks gluons nominal couplings simplest topology dijet states. dijet bounds colored resonant states. bounds tev. formulation readily applicable searches pages figures. updated
We analyze the dynamics of a four-dimensional null hypersurface in a five-dimensional bulk spacetime with Einstein-Yang-Mills fields. In an appropriate ansatz, the projection of the field equations onto the hypersurface takes the form of conservation laws for relativistic hydrodynamics with global non-abelian charges. A Chern-Simons term in the bulk action corresponds to anomalies in the global charges, with a vorticity term arising in the hydrodynamics. We derive the entropy current and obtain unique expressions for some of the leading-order transport coefficients (in the abelian case, all of them) for arbitrary equations of state. As a special case and a concrete example, we discuss the event horizon of a boosted Einstein-Yang-Mills black brane in an asymptotically Anti-de-Sitter spacetime. The evolution equations in that case describe the hydrodynamic limit of a conformal field theory with anomalous global non-abelian charges on the Anti-de-Sitter boundary.Comment: 46 pages, 1 appendix; v2: fixed typo
Holographic Non-Abelian Charged Hydrodynamics from the Dynamics of Null Horizons
holographic non-abelian charged hydrodynamics from the dynamics of null horizons
analyze hypersurface spacetime einstein mills fields. ansatz projection hypersurface conservation laws relativistic hydrodynamics abelian charges. chern simons anomalies charges vorticity arising hydrodynamics. derive expressions abelian state. concrete horizon boosted einstein mills brane asymptotically sitter spacetime. hydrodynamic conformal anomalous abelian charges sitter pages typo
Recently a reformulation of the MHV diagram method in N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory in momentum twistor space was presented and was shown to be equivalent to the perturbative expansion of the expectation value of a supersymmetric Wilson loop in momentum twistor space. In this note we present related explicit Feynman rules in dual momentum space, which should have the interpretation of Wilson loop diagrams in dual momentum space. We show that these novel rules are completely equivalent to ordinary spacetime MHV rules and can be naturally viewed as their graph dual representation.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figure
A Note on Dual MHV Diagrams in N=4 SYM
a note on dual mhv diagrams in n=4 sym
reformulation supersymmetric mills twistor perturbative expectation supersymmetric wilson twistor space. feynman wilson diagrams space. ordinary spacetime naturally viewed pages
The Langevin diffusion process of a relativistic heavy quark in a non-conformal holographic setup is discussed. The bulk geometry is a general, five-dimensional asymptotically AdS black hole. The heavy quark is described by a trailing string attached to a flavor brane, moving at constant velocity. From the equations describing linearized fluctuations of the string world-sheet, the correlation functions defining a generalized Langevin process are constructed via the AdS/CFT prescription. In the local limit, analytic expressions for the Langevin diffusion and friction coefficients are obtained in terms of the bulk string metric. Modified Einstein relations between these quantities are also derived. The spectral densities associated to the Langevin correlators are analyzed, and simple analytic expressions are obtained in the small and large frequency limits. Finally, a numerical analysis of the jet-quenching parameter, and a comparison to RHIC phenomenology are performed in the case of Improved Holographic QCD.Comment: 73 pages, 13 figures. Version accepted for publication in JHEP. Various comments and references added, one appendix and 3 figures added, section 4.4 shortened, one appendix removed. v3: journal version. Some comments added, figure 9 rectifie
Langevin diffusion of heavy quarks in non-conformal holographic backgrounds
langevin diffusion of heavy quarks in non-conformal holographic backgrounds
langevin relativistic conformal holographic setup discussed. asymptotically hole. trailing attached flavor brane moving velocity. describing linearized sheet defining langevin prescription. analytic expressions langevin friction metric. einstein quantities derived. densities langevin correlators analytic expressions limits. quenching rhic phenomenology holographic pages figures. publication jhep. comments shortened removed. version. comments rectifie
We investigate sl(n) conformal Toda theory with maximally symmetric boundaries. There are two types of maximally symmetric boundary conditions, due to the existence of an order two automorphism of the W(n>2) algebra. In one of the two cases, we find that there exist D-branes of all possible dimensions 0 =< d =< n-1, which correspond to partly degenerate representations of the W(n) algebra. We perform classical and conformal bootstrap analyses of such D-branes, and relate these two approaches by using the semi-classical light asymptotic limit. In particular we determine the bulk one-point functions. We observe remarkably severe divergences in the annulus partition functions, and attribute their origin to the existence of infinite multiplicities in the fusion of representations of the W(n>2) algebra. We also comment on the issue of the existence of a boundary action, using the calculus of constrained functional forms, and derive the generating function of the B"acklund transformation for sl(3) Toda classical mechanics, using the minisuperspace limit of the bulk one-point function.Comment: 42 pages; version 4: added clarifications in section 2.2 and footnotes 1 and
Conformal Toda theory with a boundary
conformal toda theory with a boundary
conformal toda maximally boundaries. maximally automorphism algebra. branes partly degenerate representations algebra. conformal bootstrap branes relate asymptotic limit. functions. remarkably divergences annulus partition attribute infinite multiplicities fusion representations algebra. comment calculus constrained derive generating acklund toda mechanics minisuperspace pages clarifications footnotes
We investigate probe limit vortex solutions of a charged scalar field in Einstein-Maxwell theory in 3+1 dimensions, for an asymptotically AdS Schwarzschild black hole metric with the addition of an axionic coupling to the Maxwell field. We show that the inclusion of such a term, together with a suitable potential for the axion field, can induce an effective Chern-Simons term on the 2+1 dimensional boundary. We obtain numerical solutions of the equations of motion and find Maxwell-Chern-Simons like magnetic vortex configurations, where the magnetic field profile varies with the size of the effective Chern-Simons coupling. The axion field has a non-trivial profile inside the AdS bulk but does not condense at spatial infinity.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, version accepted for publication in JHE
Maxwell-Chern-Simons Vortices and Holographic Superconductors
maxwell-chern-simons vortices and holographic superconductors
vortex einstein maxwell asymptotically schwarzschild axionic maxwell field. inclusion axion induce chern simons boundary. maxwell chern simons vortex configurations varies chern simons coupling. axion trivial condense pages publication
A slice of AdS_5 is used to provide a 5D gravitational description of 4D strongly-coupled Seiberg dual gauge theories. An (electric) SU(N) gauge theory in the conformal window at large N is described by the 5D bulk, while its weakly coupled (magnetic) dual is confined to the IR brane. This framework can be used to construct an N = 1 MSSM on the IR brane, reminiscent of the original Randall-Sundrum model. In addition, we use our framework to study strongly-coupled scenarios of supersymmetry breaking mediated by gauge forces. This leads to a unified scenario that connects the extra-ordinary gauge mediation limit to the gaugino mediation limit in warped space.Comment: 47 Pages,
A slice of AdS_5 as the large N limit of Seiberg duality
a slice of ads_5 as the large n limit of seiberg duality
slice gravitational seiberg theories. conformal window weakly confined brane. mssm brane reminiscent randall sundrum model. scenarios supersymmetry breaking forces. unified connects extra ordinary mediation gaugino mediation warped pages axodraw
We study the correlators of half-BPS protected operators in N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory, in the limit where the positions of the adjacent operators become light-like separated. We compute the loop corrections by means of Lagrangian insertions. The divergences resulting from the light-cone limit are regularized by changing the dimension of the integration measure over the insertion points. Switching from coordinates to dual momenta, we show that the logarithm of the correlator is identical with twice the logarithm of the matching MHV gluon scattering amplitude. We present a number of examples of this new relation, at one and two loops.Comment: typos corrected, references adde
From correlation functions to scattering amplitudes
from correlation functions to scattering amplitudes
correlators protected super mills adjacent separated. lagrangian insertions. divergences cone regularized changing insertion points. switching momenta logarithm correlator twice logarithm matching gluon amplitude. typos corrected adde
We construct the giant graviton on AdS4xCP3 out of a four-brane embedded in and moving on the complex projective space. This configuration is dual to the totally anti-symmetric Schur polynomial operator chiR(A1B1) in the 2+1-dimensional, N=6 super Chern-Simons ABJM theory. We demonstrate that this BPS solution of the D4-brane action is energetically degenerate with the point graviton solution and initiate a study of its spectrum of small fluctuations. Although the full computation of this spectrum proves to be analytically intractable, by perturbing around a 'small' giant graviton, we find good evidence for a dependence of the spectrum on the size, alpha0, of the giant. This is a direct result of the changing shape of the worldvolume as it grows in size
The giant graviton on AdS4xCP3 - another step towards the emergence of geometry
the giant graviton on ads4xcp3 - another step towards the emergence of geometry
giant graviton brane embedded moving projective space. totally schur chir super chern simons abjm theory. brane energetically degenerate graviton initiate fluctuations. proves analytically intractable perturbing giant graviton alpha giant. changing worldvolume grows
The spectrum of linearized excitations of the Type IIB SUGRA on AdS5xS5 contains both unitary and non-unitary representations. Among the non-unitary, some are finite-dimensional. We explicitly construct the pure spinor vertex operators for a family of such finite-dimensional representations. The construction can also be applied to infinite-dimensional representations, including unitary, although it becomes in this case somewhat less explicit.Comment: LaTeX 48pp; v2: added explanations, small corrections, referenc
Finite dimensional vertex
finite dimensional vertex
linearized excitations sugra unitary unitary representations. unitary dimensional. explicitly spinor representations. infinite representations unitary somewhat latex explanations referenc
This brief note is devoted to a study of genuine non-perturbative corrections to the Landau gauge ghost-gluon vertex in terms of the non-vanishing dimension-two gluon condensate. We prove these corrections to give account of current SU(2) lattice data for the vertex with different kinematical configurations in the domain of intermediate momenta, roughly above 2-3 GeV. We pay special attention to the kinematical limit which the bare vertex takes for its tree-level expression at any perturbative order, according to the well-known Taylor theorem. Based on our OPE analysis, we also present a simple model for the vertex, in acceptable agreement with the lattice data also in the IR domain
On the leading OPE corrections to the ghost-gluon vertex and the Taylor theorem
on the leading ope corrections to the ghost-gluon vertex and the taylor theorem
brief devoted genuine perturbative landau ghost gluon vanishing gluon condensate. kinematical configurations momenta roughly gev. kinematical bare perturbative taylor theorem. acceptable
The kink signature of charged tracks is predicted in some SUSY models, and it is very characteristic signal at collider experiments. We study the kink signature at LHC using two models, SUSY models with a gravitino LSP and a stau NLSP, and R-parity violating SUSY models with a stau (N)LSP. We find that a large number of kink events can be discovered in a wide range of the SUSY parameters, when the decay length is O(10-10^5)mm. Model discrimination by identifying the daughter particles of the kink tracks is also discussed.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures; Version published in JHEP; abstract refined, reference added and several minor corrections in tex
Stau Kinks at the LHC
stau kinks at the lhc
kink signature tracks susy collider experiments. kink signature susy gravitino stau nlsp parity violating susy stau lsp. kink discovered susy discrimination identifying daughter kink tracks pages jhep refined minor
We study sigma models in AdS_4 with global N=1 supersymmetry and find that they differ significantly from their flat-space cousins -- the target space is constrained to be a Kahler manifold with an exact Kahler form, the superpotential transforms under Kahler transformations, the space of supersymmetric vacua is generically a set of isolated points even when the superpotential vanishes, and the R-symmetry is classically broken by the cosmological constant. Remarkably, the exactness of the Kahler class is also required for the sigma model to arise as a decoupling limit of N=1 supergravity, and ensures the vanishing of gravitational anomalies. As simple applications of these results, we argue that fields with AdS_4 scale masses are ubiquitous in, for example, type IIB N=1 AdS_4 vacua stabilized near large volume; we also show that the Affleck-Dine-Seiberg runaway of N_f < N_c SQCD is regulated by considering the theory in AdS_4.Comment: 32 pages; v2: minor changes and references added; v3: discussion in sect. 5 extended, version published in JHE
N=1 Sigma Models in AdS_4
n=1 sigma models in ads_4
sigma supersymmetry cousins constrained kahler manifold kahler superpotential transforms kahler transformations supersymmetric vacua generically superpotential vanishes classically broken cosmological constant. remarkably exactness kahler sigma arise decoupling supergravity ensures vanishing gravitational anomalies. argue ubiquitous vacua stabilized affleck dine seiberg runaway sqcd regulated pages minor sect.
The antenna subtraction method handles real radiation contributions in higher order corrections to jet observables. The method is based on antenna functions, which encapsulate all unresolved radiation between a pair of hard radiator partons. To apply this method to compute hadron collider observables, initial-initial antenna functions with both radiators in the initial state are required. In view of extending the antenna subtraction method to next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) calculations at hadron colliders, we derive the one-loop initial-initial antenna functions in unintegrated and integrated form
Antenna subtraction at NNLO with hadronic initial states: real-virtual initial-initial configurations
antenna subtraction at nnlo with hadronic initial states: real-virtual initial-initial configurations
antenna subtraction handles observables. antenna encapsulate unresolved radiator partons. hadron collider observables antenna radiators required. extending antenna subtraction nnlo hadron colliders derive antenna unintegrated
We study string solutions in the beta-deformed Sasaki-Einstein gauge/gravity dualities. We find that the BPS point-like strings move in the submanifolds where the two U(1) circles shrink to zero size. In the corresponding T^3 fibration description, the strings live on the edges of the polyhedron, where the T^3 fibration degenerates to T^1. Moreover, we find that for each deformed Sasaki-Einstein manifold the BPS string solutions exist only for particular values of the deformation parameter. Our results imply that in the dual field theory the corresponding BPS operators exist only for these particular values of the deformation parameter we find. We also examine the non-BPS strings, derive their dispersion relations and compare them with the undeformed ones. Finally, we comment on the range of the validity of our solutions and their dependence on the deformation parameter.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figure
Semiclassical strings in marginally deformed toric AdS/CFT
semiclassical strings in marginally deformed toric ads/cft
beta deformed sasaki einstein dualities. strings move submanifolds circles shrink size. fibration strings live polyhedron fibration degenerates deformed sasaki einstein manifold deformation parameter. imply deformation find. examine strings derive undeformed ones. comment validity deformation pages
The matrix model of Kapustin, Willett, and Yaakov is a powerful tool for exploring the properties of strongly interacting superconformal Chern-Simons theories in 2+1 dimensions. In this paper, we use this matrix model to study necklace quiver gauge theories with {\cal N}=3 supersymmetry and U(N)^d gauge groups in the limit of large N. In its simplest application, the matrix model computes the free energy of the gauge theory on S^3. The conjectured F-theorem states that this quantity should decrease under renormalization group flow. We show that for a simple class of such flows, the F-theorem holds for our necklace theories. We also provide a relationship between matrix model eigenvalue distributions and numbers of chiral operators that we conjecture holds more generally. Through the AdS/CFT correspondence, there is therefore a natural dual geometric interpretation of the matrix model saddle point in terms of volumes of 7-d tri-Sasaki Einstein spaces and some of their 5-d submanifolds. As a final bonus, our analysis gives us the partition function of the T(U(N)) theory on S^3.Comment: 3 figures, 41 pages; v2 minor improvements, refs adde
From Necklace Quivers to the F-theorem, Operator Counting, and T(U(N))
from necklace quivers to the f-theorem, operator counting, and t(u(n))
kapustin willett yaakov powerful exploring interacting superconformal chern simons dimensions. necklace quiver supersymmetry simplest computes conjectured quantity renormalization flow. flows necklace theories. eigenvalue chiral conjecture generally. correspondence geometric saddle volumes sasaki einstein submanifolds. bonus partition pages minor improvements refs adde
We initiate a systematic study of amplitudes with massive external particles on the Coulomb-branch of N=4 super Yang Mills theory: 1) We propose that (multi-)soft-scalar limits of massless amplitudes at the origin of moduli space can be used to determine Coulomb-branch amplitudes to leading order in the mass. This is demonstrated in numerous examples. 2) We find compact explicit expressions for several towers of tree-level amplitudes, including scattering of two massive W-bosons with any number of positive helicity gluons, valid for all values of the mass. 3) We present the general structure of superamplitudes on the Coulomb branch. For example, the n-point "MHV-band" superamplitude is proportional to a Grassmann polynomial of mixed degree 4 to 12, which is uniquely determined by supersymmetry. We find explicit tree-level superamplitudes for this MHV band and for other simple sectors of the theory. 4) Dual conformal generators are constructed, and we explore the dual conformal properties of the simplest massive amplitudes. Our compact expressions for amplitudes and superamplitudes should be of both theoretical and phenomenological interest; in particular the tree-level results carry over to truncations of the theory with less supersymmetry.Comment: 29 pages, 1 figur
Massive amplitudes on the Coulomb branch of N=4 SYM
massive amplitudes on the coulomb branch of n=4 sym
initiate amplitudes massive coulomb branch super mills propose massless amplitudes moduli coulomb branch amplitudes mass. numerous examples. expressions towers amplitudes massive bosons helicity gluons valid mass. superamplitudes coulomb branch. superamplitude grassmann uniquely supersymmetry. superamplitudes sectors theory. conformal generators explore conformal simplest massive amplitudes. expressions amplitudes superamplitudes phenomenological carry truncations pages figur
The E6 grand unified theory is an attractive candidate intermediate theory between the standard model and string theory. However, only one E6 grand unified model with three generations and at least one adjoint Higgs field has been derived from string theory in the literature, and this model is phenomenologically unsatisfactory. Recently, in arXiv:1012.1690, we have constructed two new such E6 grand unified models in heterotic asymmetric orbifolds. Although our new models themselves cannot resolve the unsatisfactory point in the previous model, our discovery raises hopes that one can construct many other such models in this framework and find better models. Here, by giving partition functions explicitly, we explain the details of our construction. Utilizing the lattice engineering technique and the diagonal embedding method, we can construct models systematically. We hope that these techniques and the details of our construction will lead to more phenomenologically desirable models.Comment: 42 pages, 2 figures, v2: text rearranged, version to appear in JHE
Heterotic E6 GUTs and Partition Functions
heterotic e6 guts and partition functions
grand unified attractive candidate theory. grand unified generations adjoint phenomenologically unsatisfactory. grand unified heterotic asymmetric orbifolds. resolve unsatisfactory discovery raises hopes models. giving partition explicitly construction. utilizing diagonal embedding systematically. hope phenomenologically desirable pages rearranged
Using the gauge/gravity correspondence, we study the dynamics of a heavy quark in two strongly-coupled systems at finite temperature: Super-Yang-Mills in the presence of a magnetic field and non-commutative Super-Yang-Mills. In the former, our results agree qualitatively with the expected behavior from weakly-coupled theories. In the latter, we propose a Langevin equation that accounts for the effects of non-commutativity and we find new interesting features. The equation resembles the structure of Brownian motion in the presence of a magnetic field and implies that the fluctuations along non-commutative directions are correlated. Moreover, our results show that the viscosity is smaller than the commutative case and that the diffusion properties of the quark are unaffected by non-commutativity. Finally, we compute the random force autocorrelator and verify that the fluctuation-dissipation theorem holds in the presence of non-commutativity.Comment: 34 pages. v2: typos corrected. v3: title and abstract slightly modified in order to better reflect the contents of the paper; footnote 3 and one reference were also added; version accepted for publication in JHE
Holographic Brownian Motion in Magnetic Environments
holographic brownian motion in magnetic environments
correspondence super mills commutative super mills. former agree qualitatively weakly theories. propose langevin accounts commutativity features. resembles brownian commutative directions correlated. viscosity commutative unaffected commutativity. autocorrelator verify fluctuation dissipation pages. typos corrected. title reflect contents footnote publication
The superconformal index of a 4d gauge theory is computed by a matrix integral arising from localization of the supersymmetric path integral on S^3 x S^1 to the saddle point. As the radius of the circle goes to zero, it is natural to expect that the 4d path integral becomes the partition function of dimensionally reduced gauge theory on S^3. We show that this is indeed the case and recover the matrix integral of Kapustin, Willet and Yaakov from the matrix integral that computes the superconformal index. Remarkably, the superconformal index of the "parent" 4d theory can be thought of as the q-deformation of the 3d partition function.Comment: 12 pages, Corrected typos in the appendix, Updated reference
Reducing the 4d Index to the S^3 Partition Function
reducing the 4d index to the s^3 partition function
superconformal arising localization supersymmetric saddle point. circle goes partition dimensionally recover kapustin willet yaakov computes superconformal index. remarkably superconformal parent thought deformation partition pages corrected typos updated
We report the results of Monte Carlo simulations of a medium baseline reactor neutrino experiment. The difference in baselines resulting from the 1 km separations of Daya Bay and Ling Ao reactors reduces the amplitudes of 1-3 oscillations at low energies, decreasing the sensitivity to the neutrino mass hierarchy. A perpendicular detector location eliminates this effect. We simulate experiments under several mountains perpendicular to the Daya Bay/Ling Ao reactors, considering in particular the background from the TaiShan and YangJiang reactor complexes. In general the hierarchy can be determined most reliably underneath the 1000 meter mountain BaiYunZhang, which is 44.5 km from Daya Bay. If some planned reactors are not built then nearby 700 meter mountains at 47-51 km baselines gain a small advantage. Neglecting their low overhead burdens, hills near DongKeng would be the optimal locations. We use a weighted Fourier transform to avoid a spurious dependence on the high energy neutrino spectrum and find that a neural network can extract quantities which determine the hierarchy marginally better than the traditional RL + PV.Comment: 22 pages, added details on the neural network (journal version
Mass Hierarchy Determination Using Neutrinos from Multiple Reactors
mass hierarchy determination using neutrinos from multiple reactors
monte carlo reactor experiment. baselines separations daya ling reactors reduces amplitudes oscillations decreasing hierarchy. perpendicular eliminates effect. simulate mountains perpendicular daya ling reactors taishan yangjiang reactor complexes. hierarchy reliably underneath meter mountain baiyunzhang daya bay. planned reactors built nearby meter mountains baselines advantage. neglecting overhead burdens hills dongkeng locations. weighted fourier transform avoid spurious extract quantities hierarchy marginally traditional pages
Starting with a classical action whose matter variables are a d=10 spacetime vector $x^m$ and a pure spinor $\lambda^\alpha$, the pure spinor formalism for the superstring is obtained by gauge-fixing the twistor-like constraint $\partial x^m (\gamma_m \lambda)_\alpha =0$. The fermionic variables $\theta^\alpha$ are Faddeev-Popov ghosts coming from this gauge-fixing and replace the usual (b,c) ghosts coming from gauge-fixing the Virasoro constraint. After twisting the ghost-number such that $\theta^\alpha$ has ghost-number zero and $\lambda^\alpha$ has ghost-number one, the BRST cohomology describes the usual spacetime supersymmetric states of the superstring.Comment: 10 pages harvmac tex, added comments on small Hilbert space and U_0 dependenc
Pure spinors, twistors, and emergent supersymmetry
pure spinors, twistors, and emergent supersymmetry
spacetime spinor lambda alpha spinor formalism superstring fixing twistor gamma lambda alpha fermionic theta alpha faddeev popov ghosts coming fixing replace usual ghosts coming fixing virasoro constraint. twisting ghost theta alpha ghost lambda alpha ghost brst cohomology describes usual spacetime supersymmetric pages harvmac comments hilbert dependenc
In this paper, we explore means which can be used to change qualitatively the phase structure of charged black systems. For this, we consider a system of black D1/D5 (or its S-dual F/NS5). We find that the delocalized charged black D-strings (F-strings) alone share the same phase structure as the charged black D5 branes (NS5-branes), having no van der Waals-Maxwell liquid-gas type. However, when the two are combined to form D1/D5 (F/NS5), the resulting phase diagram has been changed dramatically to a richer one, containing now the above liquid-gas type. The effect of adding the charged D-strings (F-strings) on the phase structure can also be effectively described as a slight increase of the transverse dimensions to the original D5 (NS5). This may be viewed as a connection between a brane charge and a fraction of spatial dimension at least in a thermodynamical sense.Comment: 31 pages, 3 Figures, 2 Tables, minor corrections, version published in JHE
The phase structure of black D1/D5 (F/NS5) system in canonical ensemble
the phase structure of black d1/d5 (f/ns5) system in canonical ensemble
explore qualitatively systems. delocalized strings strings share branes branes waals maxwell type. changed dramatically richer type. adding strings strings effectively slight viewed connection brane thermodynamical pages tables minor
In this paper we study the holographic dual to a-maximization in five-dimensional N = 2 gauged supergravity. In particular, we apply the procedure described by Tachikawa to specific examples consisting of holographic duals to gauge theories arising as the IR limit of N M5-branes wrapping a Riemann surface. A key element of this analysis is a consistent truncation of seven-dimensional N = 4 SO(5) gauged supergravity reduced on a Riemann surface. We demonstrate the consistency of this truncation and match to a sector of five-dimensional matter-coupled N = 2 gauged supergravity. We determine the U(1)_R symmetry and central charge of these theories and find agreement with the literature. The final results provide a nontrivial illustration of the holographic interpretation of a-maximization.Comment: v2: Generalized reduction to include cases of two-sphere and torus. Added references, fixed typo
Comments on a-maximization from gauged supergravity
comments on a-maximization from gauged supergravity
holographic maximization gauged supergravity. tachikawa consisting holographic duals arising branes wrapping riemann surface. truncation seven gauged supergravity riemann surface. consistency truncation match gauged supergravity. literature. nontrivial illustration holographic sphere torus. typo
During the spin-down phase of the life of a higher-dimensional black hole, the emission of particles on the brane exhibits a strong angular variation with respect to the rotation axis of the black hole. It has been suggested that this angular variation is the observable that could disentangle the dependence of the radiation spectra on the number of extra dimensions and angular momentum of the black hole. Working in the low-energy regime, we have employed analytical formulae for the greybody factors, angular eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of fermions and gauge bosons, and studied the characteristics of the corresponding angular profiles of emission spectra in terms of only a few dominant partial modes. We have confirmed that, in the low-energy channel, the emitted gauge bosons become aligned to the rotation axis of the produced black hole while fermions form an angle with the rotation axis whose exact value depends on the angular-momentum of the black hole. In the case of scalar fields, we demonstrated the existence of a "spherically-symmetric zone" that is followed by the concentration of the emission on the equatorial plane, again in total agreement with the exact numerical results.Comment: 27 pages, Latex2e file, 4 figure
Angular profile of Particle Emission from a Higher-dimensional Black Hole: Analytic Results
angular profile of particle emission from a higher-dimensional black hole: analytic results
brane exhibits hole. observable disentangle extra hole. formulae greybody eigenvalues eigenfunctions fermions bosons modes. confirmed emitted bosons aligned fermions hole. spherically equatorial pages latex file
N=1 super Liouville field theory is one of the simplest non-rational conformal field theories. It possesses various important extensions and interesting applications, e.g. to the AGT relation with 4D gauge theory or the construction of the OSP(1|2) WZW model. In both setups, the N=1 Liouville field is accompanied by an additional free fermion. Recently, Belavin et al. suggested a bosonization of the product theory in terms of two bosonic Liouville fields. While one of these Liouville fields is standard, the second turns out to be imaginary (or time-like). We extend the proposal to the R sector and perform extensive checks based on detailed comparison of 3-point functions involving several super-conformal primaries and descendants. On the basis of such strong evidence we sketch a number of interesting potential applications of this intriguing bosonization.Comment: 31 page
Liouville's Imaginary Shadow
liouville's imaginary shadow
super liouville simplest rational conformal theories. possesses extensions e.g. model. setups liouville accompanied fermion. belavin bosonization bosonic liouville fields. liouville turns imaginary extend proposal extensive checks involving super conformal primaries descendants. sketch intriguing
We review the issues associated with the construction of neutrino flavor states. We then provide a consistent proof that the flavor states are approximately well-defined only if neutrinos are ultra-relativistic or the mass differences are negligible compared to energy. However, we show that weak interactions can be consistently described by only neutrino mass eigenstates. Meanwhile, the second quantization of neutrino flavor fields generally has no physical relevance as their masses are indefinite. Therefore, the flavor states are not physical quantum states and they should simply be interpreted as definitions to denote specific linear combinations of mass eigenstates involved in weak interactions. We also briefly discuss the implication of this work for the mixing between active and heavy sterile neutrinos.Comment: 13 pages, v2: version to appear in JHE
On Neutrino Flavor States
on neutrino flavor states
flavor states. flavor neutrinos ultra relativistic negligible energy. consistently eigenstates. meanwhile quantization flavor relevance indefinite. flavor interpreted definitions combinations eigenstates interactions. briefly implication sterile pages
The Lin, Lunin, Maldacena (LLM) ansatz in D = 11 supports two independent Killing directions when a general Killing spinor ansatz is considered. Here we show that these directions always commute, identify when the Killing spinors are charged, and show that both their inner product and resulting geometry are governed by two fundamental constants. In particular, setting one constant to zero leads to AdS7 x S4, setting the other to zero gives AdS4 x S7, while flat spacetime is recovered when both these constants are zero. Furthermore, when the constants are equal, the spacetime is either LLM, or it corresponds to the Kowalski-Glikman solution where the constants are simply the mass parameter.Comment: 1+30 pages, footnote adde
Beyond LLM in M-theory
beyond llm in m-theory
lunin maldacena ansatz supports killing directions killing spinor ansatz considered. directions commute killing spinors governed constants. spacetime recovered zero. spacetime kowalski glikman pages footnote adde
The location of matter fields and the pattern of gauge symmetry in extra dimensions are crucial ingredients for string model building. We analyze realistic MSSM models from the heterotic Z6 Mini-Landscape and extract those properties that are vital for their success. We find that Higgs bosons and the top quark are not localized in extra dimensions and live in the full D=10 dimensional space-time. The first two families of quarks and leptons, however, live at specific fixed points in extra dimensional space and exhibit a (discrete) family symmetry. Within a newly constructed Z2XZ4 orbifold framework we further elaborate on these location properties and the appearance of discrete symmetries. A similar geometrical picture emerges. This particular Zip-code for quarks, leptons and Higgs bosons seems to be of more general validity and thus a useful guideline for realistic model building in string theory.Comment: 42 pages, 8 figures. v2: published version, references adde
A Zip-code for Quarks, Leptons and Higgs Bosons
a zip-code for quarks, leptons and higgs bosons
extra crucial ingredients building. analyze realistic mssm heterotic mini landscape extract vital success. bosons localized extra live time. families quarks leptons live extra exhibit symmetry. newly orbifold elaborate appearance symmetries. geometrical picture emerges. quarks leptons bosons validity guideline realistic pages figures. adde
In this work, we present a realistic analysis of the potential of the present-day reactor experiments Double Chooz, Daya Bay and RENO for probing the existence of sterile neutrinos. We present exclusion regions for sterile oscillation parameters for each of these experiments, using simulations with realistic estimates of systematic errors and detector resolutions, and compare the sterile parameter sensitivity regions we obtain with the existing bounds from other reactor experiments. We find that these experimental set-ups give significant bounds on the parameter \Theta_{ee} especially in the low sterile oscillation region 0.01 < \Delta m_{41}^2 < 0.05 eV^2. These bounds can add to our understanding of the sterile neutrino sector since there is still a tension in the allowed regions from different experiments for sterile parameters.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure
Probing Sterile Neutrino Parameters with Double Chooz, Daya Bay and RENO
probing sterile neutrino parameters with double chooz, daya bay and reno
realistic reactor chooz daya reno probing sterile neutrinos. exclusion sterile oscillation realistic resolutions sterile bounds reactor experiments. bounds theta sterile oscillation delta bounds sterile tension sterile pages
The large N limit has been successfully applied to QCD, leading to qualitatively correct results even for N=3. In this work, we propose to treat the number N=3 of Standard Model generations as a large number. Specifically, we apply this idea to the neutrino anarchy scenario and study neutrino physics using Random Matrix Theory, finding new results in both areas. For neutrino physics, we obtain predictions for the masses and mixing angles as a function of the generation number N. The Seesaw mechanism produces a hierarchy of order 1/N^3 between the lightest and heaviest neutrino, and a theta(13) mixing angle of order 1/N, in parametric agreement with experimental data when N goes to 3. For Random Matrix Theory, this motivates the introduction of a new type of ensemble of random matrices, the "Seesaw ensemble." Basic properties of such matrices are studied, including the eigenvalue density and the interpretation as a Coulomb gas system. Besides its mathematical interest, the Seesaw ensemble may be useful in random systems where two hierarchical scales exist.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, 1 table; accepted version for JHEP, references adde
Large N (=3) Neutrinos and Random Matrix Theory
large n (=3) neutrinos and random matrix theory
successfully qualitatively propose treat generations number. anarchy areas. angles seesaw produces hierarchy lightest heaviest theta parametric goes motivates ensemble seesaw ensemble. eigenvalue coulomb system. besides mathematical seesaw ensemble hierarchical pages jhep adde
We calculate the time evolution of the entanglement entropy in a 1+1 CFT with a holographic dual when there is a localized left-moving packet of energy density. We find the gravity result agrees with a field theory result derived from the transformation properties of R\'enyi entropy. We are able to reproduce behavior which qualitatively agrees with CFT results of entanglement entropy of a system subjected to a local quench. In doing so we construct a finite diffeomorphism which tales three-dimensional anti-de Sitter space in the Poincar\'e patch to a general solution, generalizing the diffeomorphism that takes the Poincar\'e patch a BTZ black hole. We briefly discuss the calculation of correlation functions in these backgrounds and give results at large operator dimension.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure
Time evolution of entanglement entropy from a pulse
time evolution of entanglement entropy from a pulse
entanglement holographic localized moving packet density. agrees enyi entropy. reproduce qualitatively agrees entanglement subjected quench. diffeomorphism tales sitter poincar patch generalizing diffeomorphism poincar patch hole. briefly backgrounds pages
We present a novel idea for screening the vacuum energy contribution to the overall value of the cosmological constant, thereby enabling us to choose the bare value of the vacuum curvature empirically, without any need to worry about the zero-point energy contributions of each particle. The trick is to couple matter to a metric that is really a composite of other fields, with the property that the square-root of its determinant is the integrand of a topological invariant, and/or a total derivative. This ensures that the vacuum energy contribution to the Lagrangian is non-dynamical. We then give an explicit example of a theory with this property that is free from Ostrogradski ghosts, and is consistent with solar system physics and cosmological tests.Comment: 8 pages, typos corrected and more text added, version accepted for publication in JHE
Cleaning up the cosmological constant
cleaning up the cosmological constant
screening cosmological thereby enabling bare curvature empirically worry particle. trick couple really composite determinant integrand topological derivative. ensures lagrangian dynamical. ostrogradski ghosts cosmological pages typos corrected publication
We consider collision of two geodesic particles moving around rotating stationary axially symmetric black holes. It is shown for arbitrary nonequatorial motion that under certain conditions the energy in their centre of mass frame can grow unbound (the so-called BSW effect). This generalizes the previous results for equatorial motion around dirty (surrounded by matter) black holes and nonequatorial motion around the Kerr metric. It turns out that the BSW effect occurs near any point of the horizon surface. We do not use special symmetries of space-time typical of the Kerr metric, so the results are quite generic. The general scheme classifying all possible scenarios is discussed.Comment: 10 pages. Minor corrections. To appear in JHE
Ultra-high energy collisions of nonequatorial geodesic particles near dirty black holes
ultra-high energy collisions of nonequatorial geodesic particles near dirty black holes
collision geodesic moving rotating stationary axially holes. nonequatorial grow unbound generalizes equatorial dirty surrounded holes nonequatorial kerr metric. turns horizon surface. symmetries kerr generic. classifying scenarios pages. minor corrections.
Motivated by forthcoming p-Pb experiments at Large Hadron Collider which require both knowledge of gluon densities accounting for saturation and for processes at a wide range of $p_t$ we study basic momentum space evolution equations of high energy QCD factorization. Solutions of those equations might be used to form a set of gluon densities to calculate observables in generalized high energy factorization. Moreover in order to provide a framework for predictions for exclusive final states in p-Pb scattering with high $p_t$ we rewrite the equation for the high energy factorizable gluon density in a resummed form, similarly to what has been done in \cite{Kutak:2011fu} for the BK equation. The resummed equation is then extended to account for colour coherence. This introduces an external scale to the evolution of the gluon density, and therefore makes it applicable in studies of final states.Comment: 14 pages, appendix added, accepted for publication in JHE
Resummation in nonlinear equation for high energy factorizable gluon density and its extension to include coherence
resummation in nonlinear equation for high energy factorizable gluon density and its extension to include coherence
motivated forthcoming hadron collider gluon densities accounting saturation factorization. gluon densities observables factorization. exclusive rewrite factorizable gluon resummed cite kutak equation. resummed colour coherence. introduces gluon applicable pages publication
We analyze the dependence of the effective action and the entanglement entropy in the Maxwell theory on the gauge fixing parameter $a$ in $d$ dimensions. For a generic value of $a$ the corresponding vector operator is nonminimal. The operator can be diagonalized in terms of the transverse and longitudinal modes. Using this factorization we obtain an expression for the heat kernel coefficients of the nonminimal operator in terms of the coefficients of two minimal Beltrami-Laplace operators acting on 0- and 1-forms. This expression agrees with an earlier result by Gilkey et al. Working in a regularization scheme with the dimensionful UV regulators we introduce three different regulators: for transverse, longitudinal and ghost modes, respectively. We then show that the effective action and the entanglement entropy do not depend on the gauge fixing parameter $a$ provided the certain ($a$-dependent) relations are imposed on the regulators. Comparing the entanglement entropy with the black hole entropy expressed in terms of the induced Newton's constant we conclude that their difference, the so-called Kabat's contact term, does not depend on the gauge fixing parameter $a$. We consider this as an indication of gauge invariance of the contact term.Comment: 15 pages; v2: typos in eqs. (31), (32), (34), (36) corrected; discussion in section 6 expande
Remarks on effective action and entanglement entropy of Maxwell field in generic gauge
remarks on effective action and entanglement entropy of maxwell field in generic gauge
analyze entanglement maxwell fixing dimensions. generic nonminimal. diagonalized longitudinal modes. factorization kernel nonminimal beltrami laplace acting forms. agrees gilkey regularization dimensionful regulators regulators longitudinal ghost respectively. entanglement fixing imposed regulators. entanglement newton kabat fixing indication invariance pages typos eqs. corrected expande
We consider axion-mediated dark matter models motivated by Fermi gamma ray line at 130 GeV, where anomaly interactions of an axion-like scalar mediate a singlet Dirac fermion dark matter (DM) to electroweak gauge bosons. In these models, extra vector-like leptons generate anomaly interactions for the axion and can also couple to the SM Higgs boson to modify the Higgs-to-diphoton rate. We can distinguish models by the branching fraction of the DM annihilation into a photon pair, favoring the model with a triplet fermion. From the condition that the lighter charged extra lepton must be heavier than dark matter for no tree-level DM annihilations, we also show that the ratio of Higgs-to-diphoton rate to the SM value is constrained by vacuum stability to 1.4(1.5) for the cutoff scale of 10(1) TeV.Comment: 29 pages, 6 figures, references adde
Axion-mediated dark matter and Higgs diphoton signal
axion-mediated dark matter and higgs diphoton signal
axion motivated fermi gamma anomaly axion mediate singlet dirac fermion electroweak bosons. extra leptons anomaly axion couple boson modify diphoton rate. distinguish branching annihilation favoring triplet fermion. lighter extra lepton heavier annihilations diphoton constrained cutoff pages adde
We describe the lowest Landau level of a quantum electron star in AdS4. In the presence of a suitably strong magnetic field, the dynamics of fermions in the bulk is effectively reduced from four to two dimensions. These two-dimensional fermions can subsequently be treated using the techniques of bosonization and the difficult many-body problem of building a gravitating, charged quantum star is reduced to solving the sine-Gordon model coupled to a gauge field and a metric. The kinks of the sine-Gordon model provide the holographic dual of the lowest Landau levels of the strongly-coupled d=2+1 dimensional boundary field theory. The system exhibits order one oscillations in the magnetic susceptibility, now arising as a classical effect in the bulk. Moreover, as the chemical potential is varied, we find jumps in the charge density, oscillations in the fractionalised charge density and plateaux in the cohesive charge densityComment: 39 pages; 8 Figure
Holographic Dual of the Lowest Landau Level
holographic dual of the lowest landau level
landau suitably fermions effectively dimensions. fermions subsequently bosonization gravitating solving sine gordon metric. kinks sine gordon holographic landau theory. exhibits oscillations susceptibility arising bulk. varied jumps oscillations fractionalised plateaux cohesive densitycomment pages
We analyse the possible presence of New Physics (NP) in the Flavour Sector and evaluate its potential for solving the tension between the experimental values of A(J/Psi KS) and Br(B+ -> tau(+)v(tau)) with respect to the Standard Model (SM) expectations. Updated model independent analyses, where NP contributions are allowed in B-d(0) - (B) over bar (0)(d) and B-s(0) - (B) over bar (0)(s) transitions, suggest the need of New Physics in the bd sector. A detailed analysis of recent Flavour data is then presented in the framework of a simple extension of the SM, where a Q = 2/3 vector-like isosinglet quark is added to the spectrum of the SM. Special emphasis is given to the implications of this model for correlations among various measurable quantities. We include constraints from all the relevant quark flavour sectors and give precise predictions for selected rare processes. We find important deviations from the SM in observables in the bd sector like the semileptonic asymmetry A(SL)(d), B-d(0) -> mu(+)mu(-) and A(SL)(s) - A(SL)(d). Other potential places where NP can show up include A(J/Psi Phi), gamma, K-L(0) -> pi(0)v (v) over bar, t -> Zq and D-0 -> mu(+)mu(-) among others. The experimental data favours in this model the existence of an up vector-like quark with a mass below 600(1000) GeV at 1(2) sigma
The hunt for New Physics in the Flavour Sector with up vector-like quarks
the hunt for new physics in the flavour sector with up vector-like quarks
analyse flavour solving tension expectations. updated sector. flavour isosinglet emphasis measurable quantities. flavour sectors precise rare processes. deviations observables semileptonic asymmetry places gamma others. favours sigma
For a free scalar boson field and for U(1) gauge theory finite volume (infrared) and other corrections to the energy-momentum dispersion in the lattice regularization are investigated calculating energy eigenstates from the fall off behavior of two-point correlation functions. For small lattices the squared dispersion energy defined by $E_{\rm dis}^2=E_{\vec{k}}^2-E_0^2-4\sum_{i=1}^{d-1}\sin(k_i/2)^2$ is in both cases negative ($d$ is the Euclidean space-time dimension and $E_{\vec{k}}$ the energy of momentum $\vec{k}$ eigenstates). Observation of $E_{\rm dis}^2=0$ has been an accepted method to demonstrate the existence of a massless photon ($E_0=0$) in 4D lattice gauge theory, which we supplement here by a study of its finite size corrections. A surprise from the lattice regularization of the free field is that infrared corrections do {\it not} eliminate a difference between the groundstate energy $E_0$ and the mass parameter $M$ of the free scalar lattice action. Instead, the relation $E_0=\cosh^{-1} (1+M^2/2)$ is derived independently of the spatial lattice size.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures. Parts of the paper have been rewritten and expanded to clarify the result
On the energy momentum dispersion in the lattice regularization
on the energy momentum dispersion in the lattice regularization
boson infrared regularization calculating eigenstates fall functions. lattices squared euclidean eigenstates massless supplement corrections. surprise regularization infrared eliminate groundstate action. cosh independently pages figures. rewritten expanded clarify
We construct the type-IIB $AdS_4\times K$ supergravity solutions which are dual to the three-dimensional ${\cal N}=4$ superconformal field theories that arise as infrared fixed points of circular-quiver gauge theories. These superconformal field theories are labeled by a triple $(\rho,\hat \rho,L)$ subject to constraints, where $\rho$ and $\hat \rho$ are two partitions of a number $N$, and $L$ is a positive integer. We show that in the limit of large $L$ the localized five-branes in our solutions are effectively smeared, and these type-IIB solutions are dual to the near-horizon geometry of M-theory M2-branes at a $\mathbb{C}^4/(Z_k\times Z_{\hat k})$ orbifold singularity. Our IIB solutions resolve the singularity into localized five-brane throats, without breaking the conformal symmetry. The constraints satisfied by the triple $(\rho,\hat\rho,L)$, together with the enhanced non-abelian flavour symmetries of the superconformal field theories, are precisely reproduced by the supergravity solutions. As a bonus, we uncover a novel type of "orbifold equivalence" between different quantum field theories and provide quantitative evidence for this equivalence.Comment: 53 pages, 16 figures. Added several comments and some extra references on the relation of our IIB solutions to M theory. Paper to appear in JHE
IIB Duals of D=3 N=4 Circular Quivers
iib duals of d=3 n=4 circular quivers
supergravity superconformal arise infrared circular quiver theories. superconformal labeled triple partitions integer. localized branes effectively smeared horizon branes mathbb orbifold singularity. resolve singularity localized brane throats breaking conformal symmetry. satisfied triple abelian flavour symmetries superconformal precisely reproduced supergravity solutions. bonus uncover orbifold equivalence pages figures. comments extra theory.
The 8 TeV LHC Higgs search data just released indicates the existence of a scalar resonance with mass ~ 125 GeV. We examine the implications of the data reported by ATLAS, CMS and the Tevatron collaborations on understanding the properties of this scalar by performing joint fits on its couplings to other Standard Model particles. We discuss and characterize to what degree this resonance has the properties of the Standard Model (SM) Higgs, and consider what implications can be extracted for New Physics in a (mostly) model-independent fashion. We find that, if the Higgs couplings to fermions and weak vector bosons are allowed to differ from their standard values, the SM is ~ 2 sigma from the best fit point to current data. Fitting to a possible invisible decay branching ratio, we find BR_{inv} = 0.05\pm 0.32\ (95% C.L.) We also discuss and develop some ways of using the data in order to bound or rule out models which modify significantly the properties of this scalar resonance and apply these techniques to the global current data set.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figures, v2 post ICHEP data updat
First Glimpses at Higgs' face
first glimpses at higgs' face
released gev. examine atlas tevatron collaborations performing fits couplings particles. characterize mostly fashion. couplings fermions bosons sigma data. fitting invisible branching c.l. ways modify pages ichep updat
By coupling {\cal N}=8 superconformal matter to {\cal N}=8 superconformal Chern-Simons gravity in three dimensions we obtain theories with novel terms in the scalar potential leading to AdS_3 solutions and superconformal symmetry breaking. If we start from the theory derived by Bagger, Lambert and Gustavsson, our coupled theory either inherits the SO(4) gauge group or reduces it to SO(3). If the construction is instead based on a free matter theory we find that the gravitational topological gauging also requires the introduction of a Chern-Simons gauge sector resulting in a consistent theory for any SO(N) gauge group.Comment: 46 pages, typos corrected, references added, discussion on background solutions in section 2.4 extende
Topologically gauged superconformal Chern-Simons matter theories
topologically gauged superconformal chern-simons matter theories
superconformal superconformal chern simons superconformal breaking. bagger lambert gustavsson inherits reduces gravitational topological gauging chern simons pages typos corrected extende
We elaborate on the recently proposed Lagrangian parent formulation. In particular, we identify a natural choice of the allowed field configurations ensuring the equivalence of the parent and the starting point Lagrangians. We also analyze the structure of the generalized auxiliary fields employed in the parent formulation and establish the relationship between the parent Lagrangian and the recently proposed Lagrange structure for the unfolded dynamics. As an illustration of the parent formalism a systematic derivation of the frame-like Lagrangian for totally symmetric fields starting from the Fronsdal one is given. We also present a concise and manifestly sp(2)-symmetric form of the off-shell constraints and gauge symmetries for AdS higher spin fields at the nonlinear level.Comment: 36 pages, typos corrected, references added, extra comment on page 32 adde
Parent formulations, frame-like Lagrangians, and generalized auxiliary fields
parent formulations, frame-like lagrangians, and generalized auxiliary fields
elaborate lagrangian parent formulation. configurations ensuring equivalence parent lagrangians. analyze auxiliary parent formulation establish parent lagrangian lagrange unfolded dynamics. illustration parent formalism derivation lagrangian totally fronsdal given. concise manifestly symmetries pages typos corrected extra comment adde
Motivated by problems arising in the study of N=2 supersymmetric gauge theories we introduce and study irregular singularities in two-dimensional conformal field theory, here Liouville theory. Irregular singularities are associated to representations of the Virasoro algebra in which a subset of the annihilation part of the algebra act diagonally. In this paper we define natural bases for the space of conformal blocks in the presence of irregular singularities, describe how to calculate their series expansions, and how such conformal blocks can be constructed by some delicate limiting procedure from ordinary conformal blocks. This leads us to a proposal for the structure functions appearing in the decomposition of physical correlation functions with irregular singularities into conformal blocks. Taken together, we get a precise prediction for the partition functions of some Argyres-Douglas type theories on the four-sphere.Comment: 84 pages, 6 figure
Irregular singularities in Liouville theory
irregular singularities in liouville theory
motivated arising supersymmetric irregular singularities conformal liouville theory. irregular singularities representations virasoro annihilation diagonally. bases conformal blocks irregular singularities expansions conformal blocks delicate limiting ordinary conformal blocks. proposal appearing decomposition irregular singularities conformal blocks. precise partition argyres douglas pages
We study the higher spin black holes in a truncated version of higher spin gravity in $AdS_3$. This theory contains only finite number of even spins s=2,4,...,2N. We mainly focus on the simplest case, so-called (Type I and II) spin ${\tilde 4}$ gravity, which contains only spin 2 and spin 4 fields. This spin ${\tilde 4}$ gravity is as simple as spin 3 gravity, thus provides another example to test various ideas on higher spin gravity. We find that the asymptotical symmetry of this spin ${\tilde 4}$ gravity is a classical W(2,4)-symmetry. Moreover, we study the black hole solution with pure spin 4 hair and discuss its thermodynamics. One important feature of this black hole is that its entropy could be written in compact forms. Furthermore, we investigate a $G_2$ generated higher spin gravity. This higher spin gravity only contains spin 2 and spin 6 fields which makes it different from other kinds of higher spin gravity. We find the corresponding black hole with spin 6 hair, and discuss its thermodynamics analytically. It turns out that the black holes with spin 4 or spin 6 hair constructed in this paper are the only black holes with single higher spin hair, besides the spin 3 black hole found in arXiv:1103.4304.Comment: 23 pages;minor revision, references added; published versio
Black holes in Truncated Higher Spin AdS$_3$ Gravity
black holes in truncated higher spin ads$_3$ gravity
holes truncated spins simplest tilde fields. tilde ideas gravity. asymptotical tilde symmetry. hair thermodynamics. forms. gravity. kinds gravity. hair thermodynamics analytically. turns holes hair holes hair besides pages minor revision versio
We derive generic predictions at hadron colliders from the large forward-backward asymmetry observed at the Tevatron, assuming the latter arises from heavy new physics beyond the Standard Model. We use an effective field theory approach to characterize the associated unknown dynamics. By fitting the Tevatron t \bar t data we derive constraints on the form of the new physics. Furthermore, we show that heavy new physics explaining the Tevatron data generically enhances at high invariant masses both the top pair production cross section and the charge asymmetry at the LHC. This enhancement can be within the sensitivity of the 8 TeV run, such that the 2012 LHC data should be able to exclude a large class of models of heavy new physics or provide hints for its presence. The same new physics implies a contribution to the forward-backward asymmetry in bottom pair production at low invariant masses of order a permil at most.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures. v2: added remarks on EFT validity range, dijet bounds and UV completions; matches published versio
Predictions from Heavy New Physics Interpretation of the Top Forward-Backward Asymmetry
predictions from heavy new physics interpretation of the top forward-backward asymmetry
derive generic hadron colliders backward asymmetry tevatron arises model. characterize unknown dynamics. fitting tevatron derive physics. explaining tevatron generically enhances asymmetry lhc. enhancement exclude hints presence. backward asymmetry permil pages figures. remarks validity dijet bounds completions matches versio
This is a second paper in our ongoing calculation of the next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) QCD correction to the total inclusive top-pair production cross-section at hadron colliders. In this paper we calculate the reaction $q\bar q \to t\bar t + q\bar q$ which was not considered in our previous work on $q\bar q \to t\bar t +X$ due to its phenomenologically negligible size. We also calculate all remaining fermion-pair-initiated partonic channels $qq', q\bar q'$ and $qq$ that contribute to top-pair production starting from NNLO. The contributions of these reactions to the total cross-section for top-pair production at the Tevatron and LHC are small, at the permil level. The most interesting feature of these reactions is their characteristic logarithmic rise in the high energy limit. We compute the constant term in the leading power behavior in this limit, and achieve precision that is an order of magnitude better than the precision of a recent theoretical prediction for this constant. All four partonic reactions computed in this paper are included in our numerical program Top++. The calculation of the NNLO corrections to the two remaining partonic reactions, $qg\to t\bar t+X$ and $gg\to t\bar t+X$, is ongoing.Comment: 1+16 pages; 3 figure
NNLO corrections to top-pair production at hadron colliders: the all-fermionic scattering channels
nnlo corrections to top-pair production at hadron colliders: the all-fermionic scattering channels
ongoing nnlo inclusive hadron colliders. phenomenologically negligible size. fermion initiated partonic nnlo. tevatron permil level. logarithmic limit. precision precision constant. partonic nnlo partonic pages
Recent claims of a line in the Fermi-LAT photon spectrum at 130 GeV are suggestive of dark matter annihilation in the galactic center and other dark matter-dominated regions. If the Fermi feature is indeed due to dark matter annihilation, the best-fit line cross-section, together with the lack of any corresponding excess in continuum photons, poses an interesting puzzle for models of thermal dark matter: the line cross-section is too large to be generated radiatively from open Standard Model annihilation modes, and too small to provide efficient dark matter annihilation in the early universe. We discuss two mechanisms to solve this puzzle and illustrate each with a simple reference model in which the dominant dark matter annihilation channel is photonic final states. The first mechanism we employ is resonant annihilation, which enhances the annihilation cross-section during freezeout and allows for a sufficiently large present-day annihilation cross section. Second, we consider cascade annihilation, with a hierarchy between p-wave and s-wave processes. Both mechanisms require mass near-degeneracies and predict states with masses closely related to the dark matter mass; resonant freezeout in addition requires new charged particles at the TeV scale.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure
Gamma Lines without a Continuum: Thermal Models for the Fermi-LAT 130 GeV Gamma Line
gamma lines without a continuum: thermal models for the fermi-lat 130 gev gamma line
claims fermi suggestive annihilation galactic dominated regions. fermi annihilation excess continuum photons poses puzzle radiatively annihilation annihilation universe. solve puzzle illustrate annihilation photonic states. employ resonant annihilation enhances annihilation freezeout sufficiently annihilation section. cascade annihilation hierarchy processes. degeneracies predict closely resonant freezeout pages
The hint of a new particle around 125 GeV at the LHC through the decay modes of diphoton and a number of others may point to quite a number of possibilities. While at the LHC the dominant production mechanism for the Higgs boson of the standard model and some other extensions is via the gluon fusion process, the alternative vector boson fusion is more sensitive to electroweak symmetry breaking through the gauge-Higgs couplings and therefore can be used to probe for models beyond the standard model. In this work, using the well known dijet-tagging technique to single out the vector boson fusion mechanism, we investigate its capability to discriminate a number of models that have been suggested to give an enhanced inclusive diphoton production rate, including the standard model Higgs boson, fermiophobic Higgs boson, Randall-Sundrum radion, inert-Higgs-doublet model, two-Higgs-doublet model, and the MSSM. The rates in vector-boson fusion can give more information of the underlying models to help distinguishing among the models.Comment: 31 pages, 3 figures; in this version some wordings are change
Distinguishing Various Models of the 125 GeV Boson in Vector Boson Fusion
distinguishing various models of the 125 gev boson in vector boson fusion
hint diphoton possibilities. boson extensions gluon fusion boson fusion electroweak breaking couplings model. dijet tagging boson fusion capability discriminate inclusive diphoton boson fermiophobic boson randall sundrum radion inert doublet doublet mssm. boson fusion distinguishing pages wordings
The discovery of Kaluza-Klein (KK) gravitons is a smoking gun of extra dimensions. Other scenarios, however, could give rise to spin-two resonances of a new strongly-coupled sector and act as impostors. In this paper we prove that a spin-two resonance does not couple to the Standard Model through dimension-four operators. We then show that the massive graviton and its impostor both couple to the Standard Model through the same dimension-five operators. Therefore the spin determination is identical. Nevertheless, we also show that one can use the ratio of branching ratios to photons and to jets for distinguishing between KK gravitons and their impostors. The capacity to distinguish between KK gravitons and impostors is a manifestation of the breakdown of the duality between AdS and strongly-coupled theories.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, 1 table. References added, typos correcte
It is a Graviton! or maybe not
it is a graviton! or maybe not
discovery kaluza klein gravitons smoking extra dimensions. scenarios resonances impostors. couple operators. massive graviton impostor couple operators. identical. nevertheless branching photons jets distinguishing gravitons impostors. distinguish gravitons impostors manifestation breakdown duality pages table. typos correcte
Previous work on t-b-\tau Yukawa-unified supersymmetry, as expected from SUSY GUT theories based on the gauge group SO(10), tended to have exceedingly large electroweak fine-tuning (EWFT). Here, we examine supersymmetric models where we simultaneously require low EWFT ("natural SUSY") and a high degree of Yukawa coupling unification, along with a light Higgs scalar with m_h\sim125 GeV. As Yukawa unification requires large tan\beta\sim50, while EWFT requires rather light third generation squarks and low \mu\sim100-250 GeV, B-physics constraints from BR(B\to X_s\gamma) and BR(B_s\to \mu+\mu-) can be severe. We are able to find models with EWFT \Delta\lesssim 50-100 (better than 1-2% EWFT) and with Yukawa unification as low as R_yuk\sim1.3 (30% unification) if B-physics constraints are imposed. This may be improved to R_yuk\sim1.2 if additional small flavor violating terms conspire to improve accord with B-constraints. We present several Yukawa-unified natural SUSY (YUNS) benchmark points. LHC searches will be able to access gluinos in the lower 1-2 TeV portion of their predicted mass range although much of YUNS parameter space may lie beyond LHC14 reach. If heavy Higgs bosons can be accessed at a high rate, then the rare H, A\to \mu+\mu- decay might allow a determination of tan\beta\sim50 as predicted by YUNS models. Finally, the predicted light higgsinos should be accessible to a linear e+e- collider with \sqrt{s}\sim0.5 TeV.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, pdflatex; 3 references adde
Yukawa-unified natural supersymmetry
yukawa-unified natural supersymmetry
yukawa unified supersymmetry susy tended exceedingly electroweak fine tuning ewft examine supersymmetric simultaneously ewft susy yukawa unification gev. yukawa unification beta ewft squarks gamma severe. ewft delta lesssim ewft yukawa unification unification imposed. flavor violating conspire accord constraints. yukawa unified susy yuns benchmark points. searches gluinos portion yuns reach. bosons accessed rare beta yuns models. higgsinos accessible collider sqrt pages pdflatex adde
We construct the non-linear realisation of the semi-direct product of E11 and its first fundamental representation at low levels in four dimensions. We include the fields for gravity, the scalars and the gauge fields as well as the duals of these fields. The generalised space-time, upon which the fields depend, consists of the usual coordinates of four dimensional space-time and Lorentz scalar coordinates which belong to the 56-dimensional representation of E7. We demand that the equations of motion are first order in derivatives of the generalised space-time and then show that they are essentially uniquely determined by the properties of the E11 Kac-Moody algebra and its first fundamental representation. The two lowest equations correctly describe the equations of motion of the scalars and the gauge fields once one takes the fields to depend only on the usual four dimensional space-time
E11, generalised space-time and equations of motion in four dimensions
e11, generalised space-time and equations of motion in four dimensions
realisation dimensions. scalars duals fields. generalised usual lorentz belong derivatives generalised essentially uniquely moody representation. correctly scalars usual
We generalize the multilevel algorithm of Luescher and Weisz to study SU(N) Yang-Mills theories with the tree-level improved gauge action. We test this algorithm, comparing its results with those obtained using the Wilson action, in SU(3) and SU(4) Yang-Mills theories in 2+1 and 3+1 dimensions. We measure the static quark potential and extract the Luescher term, predicted by the bosonic string theory.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figures. V2: Restructured subsection 2.2, added references, version published in JHE
The static quark potential from a multilevel algorithm for the improved gauge action
the static quark potential from a multilevel algorithm for the improved gauge action
generalize multilevel luescher weisz mills action. wilson mills dimensions. extract luescher bosonic pages figures. restructured subsection