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Browse files
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license: cc-by-4.0
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- summarization
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# Dataset Card for summarization_gl
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<!-- Provide a quick summary of the dataset. -->
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summarization_gl is a dataset in Galician language that contains automatically extracted summaries from different Galician news websites.
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## Dataset Details
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### Dataset Description
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<!-- Provide a longer summary of what this dataset is. -->
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summarization_gl is a dataset in Galician language that contains automatically extracted summaries from three different Galician news websites.
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- **Curated by:** [Proxecto Nós](
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- **Language(s) (NLP):** Galician
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- **License:** CC BY 4.0
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## Uses
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<!-- Address questions around how the dataset is intended to be used. -->
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This dataset can be used for fine-tunning, instruction and evaluation of the summarization task in text models.
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## Dataset Structure
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<!-- This section provides a description of the dataset fields, and additional information about the dataset structure such as criteria used to create the splits, relationships between data points, etc. -->
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The dataset is comprised of three JSONL files, one for each split (train/test/validation).
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Train: 56.600 items
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Test: 16.200 items
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Validation: 8.080 items
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### Data Fields
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summary: str
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text: str
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{ 'summary': ' Fontes da área sanitaria A Coruña-Cee confirman que non existe ningún brote de coronavirus na Costa da Morte. ',
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'text': ' Un novo positivo na zona fixo proliferar novamente os bulos aos que estamos acostumados. Fontes do Concello de Fisterra confirman que se trata dun só caso positivo nunha familia catalana que veu a pasar as vacacións ao pobo, xa que teñen familiares na zona. Unha persoa da unidade familiar, por motivos persoais, tivo que facer unha viaxe a Cataluña e, ao volver, fixéronlle a proba porque tivo contacto con outro familiar que dera positivo posteriormente á visita. Este dou tamén positivo sendo asintomático, polo que quedou illado na súa casa á espera de realizar a corentena de 15 días. Ao resto da familia tamén se lle realizou a proba, mais estes deron todos negativo. De todos xeitos, tamén están a gardar corentena noutra casa diferente ao que dou positivo. Ademais, fontes do Sergas da área sanitaria A Coruña-Cee desminten que haxa ningún tipo de brote de Coronavirus na Costa da Morte.'}
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