""" |
TODO: save the data with different config |
TODO: get stats for the frequency based selection |
""" |
import json |
from itertools import product |
import numpy as np |
import pandas as pd |
import seaborn as sns |
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt |
from datasets import Dataset |
parameters_min_e_freq = [4, 8, 12, 16] |
parameters_max_p_freq = [100, 50, 25, 10] |
assert len(parameters_min_e_freq) == 4 |
assert len(parameters_max_p_freq) == 4 |
sns.set_theme(style="whitegrid") |
with open(f"data/t_rex.filter.jsonl") as f: |
data = Dataset.from_list([json.loads(i) for i in f.read().split('\n') if len(i) > 0]) |
df_main = data.to_pandas() |
def is_entity(token): |
return any(i.isupper() for i in token) |
def filtering(row, min_freq: int = 3, target: str = "subject"): |
if not row['is_entity']: |
return True |
return row[target] >= min_freq |
def main(min_entity_freq, max_pairs_predicate, min_pairs_predicate: int = 3, random_sampling: bool = True): |
df = df_main.copy() |
c_sub = df.groupby("subject")['title'].count() |
c_obj = df.groupby("object")['title'].count() |
key = set(list(c_sub.index) + list(c_obj.index)) |
count = pd.DataFrame([{'entity': k, "subject": c_sub[k] if k in c_sub else 0, "object": c_obj[k] if k in c_obj else 0} for k in key]) |
count.index = count.pop('entity') |
count['is_entity'] = [is_entity(i) for i in count.index] |
count['sum'] = count['subject'] + count['object'] |
count_filter_sub = count[count.apply(lambda x: filtering(x, min_freq=min_entity_freq, target='subject'), axis=1)]['subject'] |
count_filter_obj = count[count.apply(lambda x: filtering(x, min_freq=min_entity_freq, target='object'), axis=1)]['object'] |
vocab_sub = set(count_filter_sub.index) |
vocab_obj = set(count_filter_obj.index) |
df['flag_subject'] = [i in vocab_sub for i in df['subject']] |
df['flag_object'] = [i in vocab_obj for i in df['object']] |
df['flag'] = df['flag_subject'] & df['flag_object'] |
df_filter = df[df['flag']] |
df_filter.pop("flag") |
df_filter.pop("flag_subject") |
df_filter.pop("flag_object") |
df_filter['count_subject'] = [count_filter_sub.loc[i] for i in df_filter['subject']] |
df_filter['count_object'] = [count_filter_obj.loc[i] for i in df_filter['object']] |
df_filter['count_sum'] = df_filter['count_subject'] + df_filter['count_object'] |
if random_sampling: |
df_balanced = pd.concat( |
[g if len(g) <= max_pairs_predicate else g.sample(max_pairs_predicate, random_state=0) for _, g in |
df_filter.groupby("predicate") if len(g) >= min_pairs_predicate]) |
else: |
df_balanced = pd.concat( |
[g if len(g) <= max_pairs_predicate else g.sort_values(by='count_sum', ascending=False).head(max_pairs_predicate) for _, g in |
df_filter.groupby("predicate") if len(g) >= min_pairs_predicate]) |
df_balanced.pop("count_subject") |
df_balanced.pop("count_object") |
df_balanced.pop("count_sum") |
target_data = [i.to_dict() for _, i in df_balanced.iterrows()] |
predicate_dist = df_balanced.groupby("predicate")['text'].count().sort_values(ascending=False).to_dict() |
entity, count = np.unique(df_balanced['object'].tolist() + df_balanced['subject'].tolist(), return_counts=True) |
entity_dist = dict(list(zip(entity.tolist(), count.tolist()))) |
return predicate_dist, entity_dist, len(df_balanced), target_data |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
p_dist_full = [] |
e_dist_full = [] |
data_size_full = [] |
config = [] |
candidates = list(product(parameters_min_e_freq, parameters_max_p_freq)) |
for min_e_freq, max_p_freq in candidates: |
p_dist, e_dist, data_size, new_data = main( |
min_entity_freq=min_e_freq, max_pairs_predicate=max_p_freq, random_sampling=False) |
p_dist_full.append(p_dist) |
e_dist_full.append(e_dist) |
data_size_full.append(data_size) |
config.append([min_e_freq, max_p_freq]) |
with open(f"data/t_rex.filter.min_entity_{min_e_freq}_max_predicate_{max_p_freq}.jsonl", 'w') as f: |
f.write('\n'.join([json.dumps(i) for i in new_data])) |
print("- Data Size") |
df_size = pd.DataFrame([{"min entity": mef, "max predicate": mpf, "freq": x} for x, (mef, mpf) in zip(data_size_full, candidates)]) |
df_size = df_size.pivot(index="min entity", columns="max predicate", values="freq") |
df_size.index.name = "min entity / max predicate" |
df_size.to_csv("data/stats.data_size.csv") |
print(df_size.to_markdown()) |
df_size_p = pd.DataFrame( |
[{"min entity": mef, "max predicate": mpf, "freq": len(x)} for x, (mef, mpf) in zip(p_dist_full, candidates)]) |
df_size_p = df_size_p.pivot(index="max predicate", columns="min entity", values="freq") |
df_size_p = df_size_p.loc[10] |
df_size_p.to_csv("data/stats.predicate_size.csv") |
print(df_size_p.to_markdown()) |
df_p = pd.DataFrame([dict(enumerate(sorted(p.values(), reverse=True))) for p in p_dist_full]).T |
df_p.columns = [f"min entity: {mef}, max predicate: {mpf}" for mef, mpf in candidates] |
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, constrained_layout=True) |
fig.suptitle('Predicate Distribution over Different Configurations') |
for (x, y), mpf in zip([(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)], parameters_max_p_freq): |
_df = df_p[[f"min entity: {mef}, max predicate: {mpf}" for mef in parameters_min_e_freq]] |
_df.columns = [f"min entity: {mef}" for mef in parameters_min_e_freq] |
ax = sns.lineplot(ax=axes[x, y], data=_df, linewidth=1) |
if mpf != 100: |
ax.legend_.remove() |
axes[x, y].set_title(f'max predicate: {mpf}') |
fig.supxlabel('unique predicates sorted by frequency') |
fig.supylabel('number of triples') |
fig.savefig("data/stats.predicate_distribution.png", bbox_inches='tight') |
fig.clf() |
df_e = pd.DataFrame([dict(enumerate(sorted(e.values(), reverse=True))) for e in e_dist_full]).T |
df_e.columns = [f"min entity: {mef}, max predicate: {mpf}" for mef, mpf in candidates] |
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, constrained_layout=True) |
fig.suptitle('Entity Distribution over Different Configurations') |
for (x, y), mpf in zip([(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)], parameters_max_p_freq): |
_df = df_e[[f"min entity: {mef}, max predicate: {mpf}" for mef in parameters_min_e_freq]] |
_df.columns = [f"min entity: {mef}" for mef in parameters_min_e_freq] |
ax = sns.lineplot(ax=axes[x, y], data=_df, linewidth=1) |
ax.set(xscale='log') |
if mpf != 100: |
ax.legend_.remove() |
axes[x, y].set_title(f'max predicate: {mpf}') |
fig.supxlabel('unique entities sorted by frequency') |
fig.supylabel('number of triples') |
fig.savefig("data/stats.entity_distribution.png", bbox_inches='tight') |
fig.clf() |