Browse files
@@ -23,6 +23,88 @@ In addition, we collected a variety of demographic variables (e.g. age and gende
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## Citation
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If you found the dataset useful, please cite:
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## Codebook
27 |
| Column Name | Description | Type |
28 |
| -------------- | ------------------ |---------------- |
29 |
|id|annotator ID|integer|
30 |
31 |
|gender|Gender<br> 1: Female2: Male<br> 3: Something Else<br> 4: Prefer not to say<br> |factor|
32 |
|afam|African-American<br> 0: No<br> 1: Yes|binary|
33 |
|asian|Asian-American<br> 0: No<br> 1: Yes|binary|
34 |
|hispanic|Hispanic<br> 0: No<br> 1: Yes|binary|
35 |
|white|White<br> 0: No<br> 1: Yes|binary|
36 |
|race_other|Other race/ethnicity<br> 0: No<br> 1: Yes|binary|
37 |
|race_not_say|Prefer not to say race/ethnicity<br> 0: No<br> 1: Yes|binary|
38 |
|education|Highest educational attainment<br> 1: Less than high school2: High school<br> 3: Some college<br> 4: College graduate<br> 5: Master's degree or professional degree (Law, Medicine, MPH, etc.) <br> 6: Doctoral degree (PhD, DPH, EdD, etc.)|factor|
39 |
|sexuality|Sexuality<br> 1: Gay or Lesbian2: Bisexual<br> 3: Straight<br> 4: Something Else<br> |factor|
40 |
|english|English first language? <br> 0: No<br> 1: Yes|binary|
41 |
|tw_use|Twitter Use <br> 1: Most days2: Most weeks, but not every day<br> 3: A few times a month<br> 4: A few times a year<br> 5: Less often <br> 6: Never|factor|
42 |
|social_media_use|Social Media Use<br> 1: Most days2: Most weeks, but not every day<br> 3: A few times a month<br> 4: A few times a year<br> 5: Less often <br> 0: Never|factor|
43 |
|prolific_hours|Prolific hours worked last month|integer|
44 |
|task_fun|Coding work was: fun<br> 0: No<br> 1: Yes|binary|
45 |
|task_interesting|Coding work was: interesting<br> 0: No<br> 1: Yes|binary|
46 |
|task_boring|Coding work was: boring<br> 0: No<br> 1: Yes|binary|
47 |
|task_repetitive|Coding work was: repetitive<br> 0: No<br> 1: Yes|binary|
48 |
|task_important|Coding work was: important<br> 0: No<br> 1: Yes|binary|
49 |
|task_depressing|Coding work was: depressing<br> 0: No<br> 1: Yes|binary|
50 |
|task_offensive|Coding work was: offensive<br> 0: No<br> 1: Yes|binary|
51 |
|another_tweettask|Likelihood to do another Tweet related task<br> not at all: Not at all likely<br> somewhat: Somewhat likely<br> very: Very likely|factor|
52 |
|another_hatetask|Likelihood to do another Hate Speech related task<br> not at all: Not at all likely<br> somewhat: Somewhat likely<br> very: Very likely|factor|
53 |
|page_history|Order in which annotator saw pages|character|
54 |
|date_of_first_access|Datetime of first access|datetime|
55 |
|date_of_last_access|Datetime of last access|datetime|
56 |
|duration_sec|Task duration in seconds|integer|
57 |
|version|Version of annotation task <br> A: Version AB: Version B<br> C: Version C<br> D: Version D<br> E: Version E<br> F: Version F|factor|
58 |
|tw1|Label assigned to Tweet 1<br> hate speech: Hate Speech<br> offensive language: Offensive Language<br> neither: Neither HS nor OL <br> NA: Missing or "don't know"|factor|
59 |
|tw2|Label assigned to Tweet 2<br> hate speech: Hate Speech<br> offensive language: Offensive Language<br> neither: Neither HS nor OL <br> |factor|
60 |
|tw3|Label assigned to Tweet 3<br> hate speech: Hate Speech<br> offensive language: Offensive Language<br> neither: Neither HS nor OL <br> |factor|
61 |
|tw4|Label assigned to Tweet 4<br> hate speech: Hate Speech<br> offensive language: Offensive Language<br> neither: Neither HS nor OL <br> |factor|
62 |
|tw5|Label assigned to Tweet 5<br> hate speech: Hate Speech<br> offensive language: Offensive Language<br> neither: Neither HS nor OL <br> |factor|
63 |
|tw6|Label assigned to Tweet 6<br> hate speech: Hate Speech<br> offensive language: Offensive Language<br> neither: Neither HS nor OL <br> |factor|
64 |
|tw7|Label assigned to Tweet 7<br> hate speech: Hate Speech<br> offensive language: Offensive Language<br> neither: Neither HS nor OL <br> |factor|
65 |
|tw8|Label assigned to Tweet 8<br> hate speech: Hate Speech<br> offensive language: Offensive Language<br> neither: Neither HS nor OL <br> |factor|
66 |
|tw9|Label assigned to Tweet 9<br> hate speech: Hate Speech<br> offensive language: Offensive Language<br> neither: Neither HS nor OL <br> |factor|
67 |
|tw10|Label assigned to Tweet 10<br> hate speech: Hate Speech<br> offensive language: Offensive Language<br> neither: Neither HS nor OL <br> |factor|
68 |
|tw11|Label assigned to Tweet 11<br> hate speech: Hate Speech<br> offensive language: Offensive Language<br> neither: Neither HS nor OL <br> |factor|
69 |
|tw12|Label assigned to Tweet 12<br> hate speech: Hate Speech<br> offensive language: Offensive Language<br> neither: Neither HS nor OL <br> |factor|
70 |
|tw13|Label assigned to Tweet 13<br> hate speech: Hate Speech<br> offensive language: Offensive Language<br> neither: Neither HS nor OL <br> |factor|
71 |
|tw14|Label assigned to Tweet 14<br> hate speech: Hate Speech<br> offensive language: Offensive Language<br> neither: Neither HS nor OL <br> |factor|
72 |
|tw15|Label assigned to Tweet 15<br> hate speech: Hate Speech<br> offensive language: Offensive Language<br> neither: Neither HS nor OL <br> |factor|
73 |
|tw16|Label assigned to Tweet 16<br> hate speech: Hate Speech<br> offensive language: Offensive Language<br> neither: Neither HS nor OL <br> |factor|
74 |
|tw17|Label assigned to Tweet 17<br> hate speech: Hate Speech<br> offensive language: Offensive Language<br> neither: Neither HS nor OL <br> |factor|
75 |
|tw18|Label assigned to Tweet 18<br> hate speech: Hate Speech<br> offensive language: Offensive Language<br> neither: Neither HS nor OL <br> |factor|
76 |
|tw19|Label assigned to Tweet 19<br> hate speech: Hate Speech<br> offensive language: Offensive Language<br> neither: Neither HS nor OL <br> |factor|
77 |
|tw20|Label assigned to Tweet 20<br> hate speech: Hate Speech<br> offensive language: Offensive Language<br> neither: Neither HS nor OL <br> |factor|
78 |
|tw_duration_1|Annotation duration in milliseconds Tweet 1|numerical|
79 |
|tw_duration_2|Annotation duration in milliseconds Tweet 2|numerical|
80 |
|tw_duration_3|Annotation duration in milliseconds Tweet 3|numerical|
81 |
|tw_duration_4|Annotation duration in milliseconds Tweet 4|numerical|
82 |
|tw_duration_5|Annotation duration in milliseconds Tweet 5|numerical|
83 |
|tw_duration_6|Annotation duration in milliseconds Tweet 6|numerical|
84 |
|tw_duration_7|Annotation duration in milliseconds Tweet 7|numerical|
85 |
|tw_duration_8|Annotation duration in milliseconds Tweet 8|numerical|
86 |
|tw_duration_9|Annotation duration in milliseconds Tweet 9|numerical|
87 |
|tw_duration_10|Annotation duration in milliseconds Tweet 10|numerical|
88 |
|tw_duration_11|Annotation duration in milliseconds Tweet 11|numerical|
89 |
|tw_duration_12|Annotation duration in milliseconds Tweet 12|numerical|
90 |
|tw_duration_13|Annotation duration in milliseconds Tweet 13|numerical|
91 |
|tw_duration_14|Annotation duration in milliseconds Tweet 14|numerical|
92 |
|tw_duration_15|Annotation duration in milliseconds Tweet 15|numerical|
93 |
|tw_duration_16|Annotation duration in milliseconds Tweet 16|numerical|
94 |
|tw_duration_17|Annotation duration in milliseconds Tweet 17|numerical|
95 |
|tw_duration_18|Annotation duration in milliseconds Tweet 18|numerical|
96 |
|tw_duration_19|Annotation duration in milliseconds Tweet 19|numerical|
97 |
|tw_duration_20|Annotation duration in milliseconds Tweet 20|numerical|
98 |
|num_approvals|Prolific data: number of previous task approvals of annotator|integer|
99 |
|num_rejections|Prolific data: number of previous task rejections of annotator|integer|
100 |
|prolific_score|Annotator quality score by Prolific|numerical|
101 |
|countryofbirth|Prolific data: Annotator country of birth|character|
102 |
|currentcountryofresidence|Prolific data: Annotator country of residence|character|
103 |
|employmentstatus|Prolific data: Annotator Employment Status<br> Full-timePart-time<br> Unemployed (and job-seeking)<br> Due to start a new job within the next month<br> Not in paid work (e.g. homemaker, retired or disabled)<br> Other<br> DATA EXPIRED|factor|
104 |
|firstlanguage|Prolific data: Annotator first language|character|
105 |
|nationality|Prolific data: Nationality|character|
106 |
|studentstatus|Prolific data: Student status<br> Yes<br> No <br> DATA EXPIRED|factor|
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## Citation
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If you found the dataset useful, please cite: