In Search of Deep Learning Architectures for Load Forecasting: A Comparative Analysis and the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Model Performance
In power grids, short-term load forecasting (STLF) is crucial as it contributes to the optimization of their reliability, emissions, and costs, while it enables the participation of energy companies in the energy market. STLF is a challenging task, due to the complex demand of active and reactive power from multiple types of electrical loads and their dependence on numerous exogenous variables. Amongst them, special circumstances, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, can often be the reason behind distribution shifts of load series. This work conducts a comparative study of Deep Learning (DL) architectures, namely Neural Basis Expansion Analysis Time Series Forecasting (N-BEATS), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), and Temporal Convolutional Networks (TCN), with respect to forecasting accuracy and training sustainability, meanwhile examining their out-of-distribution generalization capabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic era. A Pattern Sequence Forecasting (PSF) model is used as baseline. The case study focuses on day-ahead forecasts for the Portuguese national 15-minute resolution net load time series. The results can be leveraged by energy companies and network operators (i) to reinforce their forecasting toolkit with state-of-the-art DL models; (ii) to become aware of the serious consequences of crisis events on model performance; (iii) as a high-level model evaluation, deployment, and sustainability guide within a smart grid context.
[ "Sotiris Pelekis", "Evangelos Karakolis", "Francisco Silva", "Vasileios Schoinas", "Spiros Mouzakitis", "Georgios Kormpakis", "Nuno Amaro", "John Psarras" ]
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[ "2022 13th International Conference on Information, Intelligence,\n Systems & Applications (IISA)" ]
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3 2 0 2 b e F 5 2 ] G L . s c [ 1 v 6 4 0 3 1 . 2 0 3 2 : v i X r a In Search of Deep Learning Architectures for Load Forecasting: A Comparative Analysis and the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Model Performance Sotiris Pelekis Decision Support Systems Laboratory National Technical University of Athens, ICCS, Greece 0000-0002-9259-9115 Evangelos Karakolis Decision Support Systems Laboratory National Technical University of Athens, ICCS, Greece 0000-0003-2833-3088 Francisco Silva R&D NESTER Lisbon, Portugal Vasileios Schoinas Decision Support Systems Laboratory National Technical University of Athens, Greece 0000-0001-9809-6220 Spiros Mouzakitis Decision Support Systems Laboratory National Technical University of Athens, ICCS, Greece 0000-0001-9616-447X Georgios Kormpakis Decision Support Systems Laboratory National Technical University of Athens, ICCS, Greece 0000-0003-4052-4549 Nuno Amaro R&D NESTER Lisbon, Portugal John Psarras Decision Support Systems Laboratory National Technical University of Athens, ICCS, Greece Abstract-In power grids, short-term load forecasting (STLF) is crucial as it contributes to the optimization of their reliability, emissions, and costs, while it enables the participation of energy companies in the energy market. STLF is a challenging task, due to the complex demand of active and reactive power from mul- tiple types of electrical loads and their dependence on numerous exogenous variables. Amongst them, special circumstances-such as the COVID-19 pandemic-can often be the reason behind distribution shifts of load series. This work conducts a compara- tive study of Deep Learning (DL) architectures-namely Neural Basis Expansion Analysis Time Series Forecasting (N-BEATS), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), and Temporal Convolutional Networks (TCN)-with respect to forecasting accuracy and train- ing sustainability, meanwhile examining their out-of-distribution generalization capabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic era. A Pattern Sequence Forecasting (PSF) model is used as baseline. The case study focuses on day-ahead forecasts for the Portuguese national 15-minute resolution net load time series. The results can be leveraged by energy companies and network operators (i) to reinforce their forecasting toolkit with state-of-the-art DL models; (ii) to become aware of the serious consequences of crisis events on model performance; (iii) as a high-level model evaluation, deployment, and sustainability guide within a smart grid context. Index Terms-COVID-19, Deep Learning, LSTM, MLOps, N- BEATS, Out-of-Distribution Generalization, Short-Term Load Forecasting, Smart Grid, Sustainability, Temporal Convolution, Forecasting I. INTRODUCTION A. Background Electricity load forecasts are crucial in assuring the devel- opment and optimal operation of power systems, which have always been a significant challenge for any country regardless of their economical state. Load forecasts, both at demand and generation side, can serve in maintaining the balance between load and generation, the economic power dispatch, storage scheduling, network planning and expansion of power grids. Recently, this task is becoming even more popular [1] and important, especially for European countries as the energy crisis has reached an unprecedented peak with geopolitical extensions. According to the European Union's Institute for Security Studies [2] the balance between the security, afford- ability and sustainability dimensions of the energy "trilemma" has come under serious strain and governments often resort to disparate measures, impeding the progress of the global energy and climate change agenda [3]. Considering the urge to face this energy crisis, the integration of smart grids and the high penetration of renewable energy sources (RES) has been considered as the only way forward [4]. The stochasticity of RES, along with the privatization and deregulation of electricity market pose severe uncertainties in electricity load forecasts. Additionally, energy demand patterns depend on numerous external variables such as the weather Β© 2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. conditions, energy prices [5], seasonal factors and social activ- ities leading to complex correlations and therefore demanding modelling for Load Forecasting (LF). The COVID-19 global health emergency is a bright example of an occasion that radically altered the patterns social activities for a long time and therefore power systems operation and electricity demand patterns [6]. These distribution shifts are projected on the patterns of time series and definitely require either dedicated handling depending on the nature of the utilized forecasting technique [7], [8]. This variety of factors and events, form a multiparametric and complex problem calling for innovative and rigorous LF solutions with out-of-distribution generaliza- tion capabilities [9]. Fortunately, the smart grid paradigm is, essentially, wide open to innovative approaches enabling the integration and exploitation of real-time and data-centric solutions powered by Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) such as Big Data, Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and lately Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) [10] towards harmonized network operation [11], [12]. Such tech- nologies, and especially MLOps, have the potential to revo- lutionize the energy sector by establishing a new paradigm in load forecasting (LF) that goes beyond conventional model development processes. In this context, automated and contin- uous model training, evaluation, validation and deployment are expected to replace the manual processes of the conventional Machine Learning (ML) lifecycle, leading to faster and more efficient decision making for network operators and generally Electrical Power and Energy System (EPES) stakeholders. LF is divided into four major categories based on the forecasting horizon. Very short-term load forecasting (VSTLF) addresses forecast horizons of a few minutes to a few hours. It is mainly used for real-time control and demand response. Electricity demand forecasts of one day to one week ahead are known as Short-Term Load Forecasting (STLF). The resolution of such forecasts ranges from 15-minute to hourly and mainly serves for day-to-day operations of utilities and participation in the electricity market. Medium-term load forecasting (MTLF) involves demand forecasts of a week up to a year ahead and is mainly used for maintenance scheduling and planning of fuel purchases as well as energy trading and revenue assessment for the utilities. Finally, long-term load forecasting (LTLF) may involve time horizons up to 20 years ahead and is usually linked to grid development and strategical planning [13]. ML based STLF forms the core task of this study and therefore the focus of the rest of this paper is shifted towards this direction. B. Related Work Over the years, various forecasting approaches have been proposed in literature for load forecasting, and specifically Short-Term Load Forecasting (STLF). However, the studies have been inconclusive regarding the superiority of a specific technique as different solutions exhibit varying robustness, complexity and requirements for computational resources. Ad- ditionally, each time series and each forecasting technique ex- hibit their unique characteristics depending on the use case in question and the scope of the analysis. Forecasting models can be divided into two basic categories, namely: (a) conventional statistical methods and basic ML methods, b) advanced, state- of-the-art methods that usually include Deep Learning (DL) and, very commonly, hybrid setups. Conventional methods usually serve as baselines. Statistical models like linear regression have been widely used for STLF [14], [15]. Specifically, Dudek in [16] com- bined them with pattern-based techniques. Simpler models like the Box-Jenkins method [17], Exponential Smoothing (ES) [18], and nonparametric regression [19] are also common in literature. ARIMA models [20] and their variations, such as ARIMAX [21] and SARIMA [22], have also been an option for STLF. Techniques like decomposition [23] are rarely used alone, however they are often met in hybrid models [24], such as Wavelet transformation [25]. Conventional methods can also include simple ML approaches. These models usually are Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) [26], [27] and Support Vector Machines (SVM) [28], [29]. Self- Organising Maps (SOM) [30], regression trees [31], random forests (RF) [32], gradient boosting regression trees (GBRT) [33] and Kalman filtering [34] have been also proposed for STLF. Ultimately, clustering approaches have proven to be very efficient in predicting load profiles [35]. Conventional models sometimes fail to model the nonlinear relationship between weather and load or are susceptible to outliers [36], however they offer simplicity and robustness [37], and can serve as baselines. More advanced and state-of-the art-models very often in- clude hybrid and ensemble models. Genetic algorithms (GA) have been widely used in order to minimize training time [38], [39] and select training parameters for Genetic Algo- rithm Neural Network (GA-NN) hybrid models [40], [41]. Fuzzy logic (FL) [34], [37] ensembled with other models is used for better and faster handling of very long time- series [42]. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)-Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) hybrids are often used to better correlate load patterns with weather conditions [43], [44]. ANNs can be trained from an Artificial Immune System model mainly for hyper-parameter optimization [45], [46]. Additional fields of research include extreme learning machine [47], sequence-to-sequence models and specifically encoder- decoder architectures [48]–[50]. These advanced techniques can also have various applications in more specific problems like transmission system loads for special days, such as New Years' Eve or Easter [37], or even special loads like data center consumption [40]. C. Contribution The high-level objective of this paper is STLF at Transmis- sion System Operator (TSO) level. Specifically, we examine day-ahead forecasts of 15-minute resolution (96 timesteps- ahead predictions) for the net load time series of the Por- tuguese transmission system. Specifically, the purpose of this paper is to perform an extensive comparison of DL archi- tectures, namely Neural Basis Expansion Analysis Time Se- ries Forecasting (N-BEATS) [51], Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent NNs (LSTM) [52] and Temporal Convolutional Networks (TCN) [53]. An averaging and a stacking ensemble of PSF estimators [35] serve as baseline models. Moreover, we attempt to demonstrate the effects of the COVID-19 global emergency that initiated in early 2020 on the performance of the employed models by alternating their training, validation, and testing periods accordingly. Ultimately, motivated by the capabilities of the smart grid for integration of ICT tech- nologies and automation we also propose a high-level model deployment scheme targeted for production environments and production systems of network operators. and special events. An initial step of data transformations was thus performed leading to additional variables, from now on referred to as temporal covariates. Temporal covariates are synthetic variables that encode the timely characteristics of each time step and can be used as predictors enriching the input feature space of the forecasting problem. Table I lists the specific temporal covariates accompanied by their modelling approach. A very common encoding approach is through sinusoidal and cosinusoidal transformations as they can reproduce the continuousness periodicity of time. Both temporal transformations need to be included in the final covariates to avoid getting the same values for different time moments due to their nonmonotonic nature. D. Structure of the Article The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II describes our methodological approach, including the utilized methods, architectures, and the proposed evaluation and de- ployment scheme. Section III summarizes the results of the forecasting models, in terms of accuracy and sustainability, also discussing the effects of the pandemic on them, followed by concluding remarks and future work in Section IV. II. METHODOLOGY This section presents the followed methodology for address- ing the common stages of an ML lifecycle. Specifically, the stages described are (i) data collection, wrangling and transfor- mations; (ii) exploratory analysis of the dataset; (iii) selection of ML and DL architectures along with their development process and model validation; (iv) an evaluation framework tailored to the requirements of production smart grid envi- ronment and finally (v) a proposed conceptual framework for models' deployment to production based on the principles of MLOps. A. Data Collection and Feature Extraction The main part of the dataset consisted of the Portuguese net energy demand time series at a 15-minute resolution. Such data are publicly available online. Except for performing a compar- ative analysis of state-of-the-art ML models in forecasting the Portuguese load at day-ahead level, the aim of this study is also to observe the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on model performance. Therefore, collected net load data from 2009 to 2020 were utilized, as they permit to experiment with different whole year test sets that either referred (2020) or not (2019) to time periods related with the global health emergency. Some common operations that were applied before proceeding to transformations and feature engineering, are: (i) removal of duplicate entries (mainly caused by changes between standard and daylight saving time) and (ii) filling missing data (very few cases that were handled with linear interpolation). Autoregressive models can predict future values of a time series by looking back at its past values. However, as already discussed, various exogenous variables can affect its patterns, therefore holding predicting power. Amongst them, we decided to model the time in an attempt to capture seasonal factors TABLE I CHARACTERISTICS OF INTRODUCED TEMPORAL COVARIATES Time Feature Year Month Day of Year Day of Week Week of Year Holiday Periodicity - Yearly Yearly Weekly Yearly Yearly Encoding Method Integer Sine & Cosine Sine & Cosine Sine & Cosine Sine & Cosine Boolean Number of Derived Covariates 1 2 2 2 2 1 B. Exploratory Data Analysis Following data wrangling and feature engineering, several data exploratory analytics and insights were extracted for the dataset. These analytics mainly contribute to visualize and understand the basic patterns of the load series along with the pandemic's effects on the time series profile, motivating the COVID-19 related analysis. All statistics range from 2017 to 2020, highlighting the distribution shift of the load time series during the lockdown period, which began on 17th of March 2020 and lasted until the 3rd of May 2020 when a gradual relaxation of measures was applied. Fig. 1 illustrates the alteration of the distribution of load values within 2020 compared to previous years, denoting a general load reduction, smoothing and transition to a unimodal rather than bimodal yearly distribution. Fig. 2 illustrates the total monthly load values for all years of interest, pinpointing a harsh and unprecedented decrease during the lockdown which is highly expected due to the commercial, tourism and food industries of the country being closed and the corporate ones shifting to the Work from Home paradigm. Fig. 3 clearly depicts the alteration of average daily profiles with respect to mostly their magnitude yet their shape as well. In summary, all observations imply that any conventional model being trained on the historical values of the Portuguese load series is expected to fail to completely adapt to the distributions shift caused by the pandemic, leading to dips in performance and increased errors while predicting 2020. This factor subjects to further investigation within the present study. C. Model Selection In this section we present the ML and DL models employed within our experimentation. PSF. The Pattern Sequence Forecast algorithm (PSF) in- troduced by Martinez-Alvarez et al. in [35], is a univariate time-series forecasting approach based on the similarity be- tween pattern sequences. It consists in two distinct steps: the clustering step, in which time-series patterns are grouped, and the predictive step, which leverages on the cluster models to generate forecasts. PSF therefore treats training data as a set of cluster labels, using their sequencing to find and match windows of similar sequencing and combining them into a single forecast. LSTM. Unlike standard feedforward neural networks, RNNs have feedback connections that render them appro- priate for processing sequential data. Long short-term mem- ory (LSTM) is an extension of the conventional RNN that came to solve the vanishing gradient problem, mitigating the inability to learn long range dependencies [52]. LSTMs have been widely used for short-term load forecasting tasks. A very common approach of employing LSTMs is through encoder-decoder setups-instead of fully recurrent architec- tures-especially for sequence-to-sequence tasks, and there- fore were utilized for the multi-step horizon forecasts of the present study (96 forecast steps) [48]–[50]. N-BEATS is a neural network that was first described in a 2019 article by Oreshkin et al. in [51]. The authors reported that N-BEATS outperformed the M4 forecast competition winner by 3%. The M4 winner was a hybrid between a recur- rent neural network and Holt-Winters exponential smoothing, whereas N-BEATS implements a "pure" deep neural architec- ture. N-BEATS treats forecasting as a non-linear multivariate regression problem. It comprises a very deep stack of fully connected non-linear neural regressor blocks interconnected with doubly residual links. N-BEATS has already been vali- dated on mid-term energy forecasting tasks [54]. However, our case study tasks fall within the scope of STLF, hence opening a new perspective for validating the architecture on this task. TCN is a CNN that consists of dilated, causal 1-dimensional convolutional layers with the same input and output lengths and was first proposed in [53] as a solution for time series forecasting tasks. The authors reported that a simple convo- lutional architecture is more effective across diverse sequence modelling tasks than recurrent architectures such as LSTMs and GRUs. TCNs have been recently validated for STLF tasks [55], [56] and are employed throughout our case study. D. Model Training The aim of the training process has been the creation of models for day-ahead forecasting at 15-minute resolution for the net electricity demand of the Portuguese transmission system. In this context, the selected ML and DL methods were trained for multiple combinations of hyperparameters allowing to select the optimal architecture for each method, as described in detail in Table II. Additionally to the hyperparameters of the table, an experimentation on different lookback window values took place, namely 384 (3 days), 672 (7 days), and 960 (10 days) timesteps. Note that the number of layers of the TCN architectures are set to "auto" as they are adjusted Fig. 1. Histogram of the 15-minute load values for the years 2017-2020. Fig. 2. Average monthly load for the years 2017-2020. Fig. 3. Average daily load profiles for the years 2017-2020. at each training round to ensure full receptive field coverage based on Eq. 11. n = logb (cid:18) (l βˆ’ 1) * (b βˆ’ 1) (k βˆ’ 1) (cid:19) + 1 (1) where n represents the number of convolutional layers, l the length of the lookback window, b the dilation base, and k the kernel size. For the training of the PSF baseline models several instances were obtained for different pattern window lengths and underlying clustering algorithms, including K-Means, SOM, and Gaussian Mixture Models. Each of the baseline algorithms was optimized using the Silhouette Index. The final optimized PSF models were used to create ensemble forecasts, using both averaging and stacking ensemble techniques, with SVR as the meta-learning algorithm. Model training took place on a laptop with an AMD Ryzen 9 4900H CPU, an NVIDIA RTX2060 6GB GPU, and 24GB RAM. TABLE II MODEL FLAVORS ORDERED BY INCREASING COMPLEXITY OF DEEP LEARNING ARCHITECTURE HYPERPARAMETERS Base Model N-BEATS Encoder – Decoder LSTM TCN PSF Architectural Properties per Model Flavor Property Name Number of stacks Number of blocks Number of layers Layer widths Expansion coefficient dim. Recurrent layers Hidden dimension Dropout Learning rate Kernel size Number of filters Dilation base Convolutional layers Ensemble Method Flavor 0 20 1 4 64 5 1 20 0 0.0008 3 3 2 auto Averaging Flavor 1 30 1 4 512 5 2 64 0 0.001 5 5 3 auto SVR The dataset split was as follows: (i) training set: 2009- 2017 (ii) validation set: 2018 (iii) test set: 2019. Subsequently, the best models from the previous step were retrained to investigate the effect of the COVID-19 load distribution shifts on model performance. For this purpose, the dataset split was modified for the test set to include the pandemic period as follows: (i) training set: 2009-2018 (ii) validation set: 2019 (iii) test set: 2020. The results of the experiments are summarized in the section III. With respect to temporal covariates, the N-BEATS model them as: (i) indicated in [51], [54]; was trained without (ii) it was observed that its performance was systematically lower when the covariates were included in the model. On the contrary, LSTMs and TCNs are trained and evaluated including the temporal covariates for the opposite reason. Temporal covariates are not applicable to the PSF method. E. Model Validation and Evaluation Framework Regarding model validation and evaluation, in our case every DL model was: (i) trained on the predefined training 1 forecasting/ set; (ii) validated on the validation set to discover the best hyperparameters; (iii) and evaluated on the remaining and pre- viously unseen test set. With respect to performance measures, various forecast errors are common in forecasting applications including the Mean Absolute Error (MAE), the Mean Squared Error (MSE), the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE), the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), the Symmetric Mean Absolute Percentage Error (SMAPE), and the Mean Absolute Scaled Error (MASE) [57]. We use MAPE (Eq. 2) as a widely accepted choice for STLF benchmarks. M AP E = 1 m m (cid:88) i=1 (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) Yt βˆ’ Ft Yt (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) * 100(%) (2) where m represents the number of samples, Yt and Ft stand for the actual data values and forecasted data values, respectively. Regarding the calculation of MAPE-as our experimen- tation is aimed for smart grid applications and deployment to production-we opted for a backtesting approach. Back- testing refers to the periodical updating of a model's history depending on its forecasting horizon. To elaborate more, let us suppose a TSO that aims to participate in the Portuguese daily energy market. Every day, a 96-step-ahead (day-ahead) forecast is required. However, at the end of the forecasted day, the ground truth values of the series are already known and thus can be fed to the model to update its lookback window for day-ahead inference. Hence, the proposed DL models are validated and evaluated following this approach, which is however not applicable to the PSF method. F. High-Level Deployment Framework As previously discussed, the proposed deployment frame- work can be part of a TSO smart grid system that is used for producing daily load forecasts in an automated manner. At this deployment stage, it is important that the model's performance is constantly monitored by being evaluated on newly ingested data. Dips in performance possibly indicate that the entire training process may need to be repeated to update the model to incorporate new trends. Fig. 4 illustrates this concept within a smart grid application. III. RESULTS This section presents the results of our study. Python and MLflow [10] were used to set up the experimentation pipeline and keep track of of the performed experiments. A. Results of the Comparative Analysis The results of the comparative analysis for the 2009-2019 experimentation period (training set: 2009-2017, validation set: 2018, test set: 2019) are shown in Table III. They refer both to model accuracies (MAPE) and GPU training times as such a measurement can be a good indicator of envi- ronmental friendliness and sustainability. Specifically, the N- BEATS architecture clearly outperforms the LSTM and TCN architectures from both perspectives with Model 4 achieving the lowest MAPE at a relatively low GPU time. Moreover, regarding TCN and LSTM it can be concluded that a lookback TABLE III MODEL TRAINING AND EVALUATION RESULTS FOR THE 2009-2019 PERIOD Architecture Performance Model Family Model ID Flavor l MAPE Epochs PSF N-BEATS LSTM TCN 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 - - 384 672 960 384 672 960 384 672 960 384 672 960 384 672 960 384 672 960 3.333 3.581 2.245 2.212 2.001 2.305 2.315 2.179 2.437 2.57 2.56 2.212 2.087 2.201 2.525 2.409 2.413 2.293 2.243 2.268 - - 51 43 71 23 31 37 261 141 149 35 43 41 127 145 117 123 99 89 GPU Time (h) 0 0 1.10 1.00 1.49 0.94 1.04 1.18 5.85 3.67 3.85 1.19 1.98 2.15 3.06 3.44 3.04 2.70 2.58 2.39 accuracy decrease proving to be the most robust choice for the distribution shift observed during the lockdown period. A potential interpretation of this result can be that the TCN model exhibited a relative "underfitting" compared to the other models for the testing period of 2019; and underfitted models usually tend to estimate less accurately the target distribution, however they are less affected by potential distribution shifts, which is the case for 2020. IV. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK Power grids have been undergoing an unprecedented change during the last few years, integrating RES and new tech- nologies such Big Data and ML. In this context, STLF is a multiparametric task of great importance as it allows for harmonized grid operation and participation of EPES stakeholders in the energy market. In the meanwhile of this smart grid evolution, the COVID-19 global health emergency triggered socioeconomic phenomena that led to distribution shifts of energy demand, demonstrating the need for rig- orous forecasting models and out-of-distribution generaliza- tion. The present work focuses on comparing three state-of- the-art DL architectures-namely N-BEATS, encoder-decoder LSTM, and TCN-in terms of accuracy and sustainability, also examining their robustness during the pandemic period. During the pre-pandemic period, it has been demonstrated that N-BEATS outperforms both the other architectures lever- aging a relatively simple architecture, while also exhibiting acceptable GPU times and hence sustainability. Nonetheless, it is significantly affected by the load distribution shifts of the pandemic leading to decreased accuracy when tested on 2020. The TCN architecture exhibits lower accuracy and sustainability in general, however it demonstrates better out- Fig. 4. High-level deployment framework for the STLF pipeline. window (l) of 7 days (672 15-minute timesteps) is the best option for higher accuracy. However, the case for N-BEATS which performs better for the 10-day lookback window. Note here that all deep architectures outperform the PSF baseline model in terms of accuracy at the cost-of course-of significant GPU utilization. this is not As a general comment, larger and more complex neural network architectures (flavor 1) on average result to fewer epochs as they can fit the datasets faster, denoting lower GPU times and thus higher sustainability. In fact, except for N-BEATS, deeper architectures lead as well to higher accuracies, avoiding potential overfitting thanks to the early stopping approach. Note here that a poor selection of neural architecture-such as the flavor 0 of the LSTM family-can lead to low accuracy and increased GPU times and eventually higher electricity consumption during training. B. Impact of the Pandemic on the Model Performance To examine the impact of the COVID-19 global health emergency on DL models' performance, the most accurate setups from each DL model family from the experiments of 2009-2019 period (Model 4, 12 and 18) were retrained on 2009-2018 validated on 2019, and tested on 2020. Even though the training dataset is larger by one year, a condition that is usually beneficial for the accuracy of DL models, this is not the case here as most models perform lower on average as illustrated in Fig. 5. To get a more detailed insight on the effects of the pandemic, the model errors are listed for each season separately, revealing the most affected period by the pandemic. Expectedly, during the spring and summer periods the MAPE is significantly increased. Of course, the lockdown period, which can be approximately projected to spring 2020 (also accounting for the post-lockdown measures) is linked with larger errors, especially for the LSTM and N-BEATS models. Nonetheless, the TCN model exhibits a much smaller Fig. 5. Model errors per season for the years 2019 (normal year) and 2020 (COVID-19 global health emergency) of-distribution generalization during the pandemic, as a poten- tial result of underfitting the pre-pandemic training set. The encoder-decoder LSTM proved to be highly sensitive to the architecture depth and complexity, while it also failed to adapt to the COVID-19 distribution shift. As a main conclusion, it is always upon EPES stakeholders and their ML engineers to decide on their architecture of preference for STLF tasks based on their computational resources, error tolerance per season, and readiness for model retraining in case of distribution shifts. Hence, we would suggest TCN for those that need a "one-for- all" solution without the constant necessity for monitoring and retraining. On the contrary, we would suggest N-BEATS for stakeholders that require state-of-the-art performance and high sustainability at the cost of an automated monitoring process as the one proposed in the deployment scheme of Fig. 4. Future work includes: (i) the integration of weather vari- ables-and specifically weather forecasts-in the models; (ii) an exhaustive hyperparameter space search as long as High- Performance Computers (HPC) become available; (iv) the extensive search of rigorous setups-including DL ensem- bles-that will allow for out-of-distribution generalization without the compromise of underfitting during normal periods; (v) a thorough study on the tradeoff between accuracy and GPU times in terms of grid and environmental sustainability. From a broader perspective, a future step could as well be the extension of this experimentation to more European countries alongside the development of a production ICT system for automated and easily deployable STLF. 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Does Noise Affect Housing Prices? A Case Study in the Urban Area of Thessaloniki
Real estate markets depend on various methods to predict housing prices, including models that have been trained on datasets of residential or commercial properties. Most studies endeavor to create more accurate machine learning models by utilizing data such as basic property characteristics as well as urban features like distances from amenities and road accessibility. Even though environmental factors like noise pollution can potentially affect prices, the research around this topic is limited. One of the reasons is the lack of data. In this paper, we reconstruct and make publicly available a general purpose noise pollution dataset based on published studies conducted by the Hellenic Ministry of Environment and Energy for the city of Thessaloniki, Greece. Then, we train ensemble machine learning models, like XGBoost, on property data for different areas of Thessaloniki to investigate the way noise influences prices through interpretability evaluation techniques. Our study provides a new noise pollution dataset that not only demonstrates the impact noise has on housing prices, but also indicates that the influence of noise on prices significantly varies among different areas of the same city.
[ "Georgios Kamtziridis", "Dimitris Vrakas", "Grigorios Tsoumakas" ]
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Kamtziridis et al. REGULAR ARTICLE Does Noise Affect Housing Prices? A Case Study in the Urban Area of Thessaloniki Georgios Kamtziridis1*, Dimitris Vrakas1 and Grigorios Tsoumakas1 *Correspondence: 1Department of Informatics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, GR Full list of author information is available at the end of the article 3 2 0 2 b e F 5 2 ] G L . s c [ 1 v 4 3 0 3 1 . 2 0 3 2 : v i X r a Abstract Real estate markets depend on various methods to predict housing prices, including models that have been trained on datasets of residential or commercial properties. Most studies endeavor to create more accurate machine learning models by utilizing data such as basic property characteristics as well as urban features like distances from amenities and road accessibility. Even though environmental factors like noise pollution can potentially affect prices, the research around this topic is limited. One of the reasons is the lack of data. In this paper, we reconstruct and make publicly available a general purpose noise pollution dataset based on published studies conducted by the Hellenic Ministry of Environment and Energy for the city of Thessaloniki, Greece. Then, we train ensemble machine learning models, like XGBoost, on property data for different areas of Thessaloniki to investigate the way noise influences prices through interpretability evaluation techniques. Our study provides a new noise pollution dataset that not only demonstrates the impact noise has on housing prices, but also indicates that the influence of noise on prices significantly varies among different areas of the same city. Keywords: Housing Prices Prediction; Noise Pollution; Ensemble Models; Interpretability Introduction The real estate market plays an important role in people's lives, from individuals and families, to small businesses and large corporations. The process of purchas- ing or renting a property, whether for residential or commercial purposes, mainly depends on the economic and financial planning of a family or a company. Addition- ally, it is strongly related to the macroeconomics and the financial stability of much larger groups of people such as countries. Any sign of inconsistency or fluctuation in the real estate market can provoke apprehension in the state, trigger an economic recession or, ultimately, even lead to financial crises through housing bubble bursts. The potential risks are well known to the concerned parties and more importantly to governments that monitor the market on a regular basis. Banks have also in- vested greatly in real estate in order to obtain accurate house pricing estimates for mortgages and housing loans. These organizations often need to estimate the value of a given property for auctions or damage control when clients are unable to pay their debts. Besides states and organizations, property owners and investors should have the right to access valuable insights about the value of their properties too. This knowledge can increase the efficiency of managing assets or even help make profitable property investments. Kamtziridis et al. Page 2 of 24 Property estimations are performed by human experts like real estate brokers and engineers. This estimation process considers properties' features and amenities, as well as external factors such as bus station density or distances to city centers. These are combined with other metrics, like the House Price Index [1], which tracks the changes in property prices, to arrive at a price estimate. During this process, there is no way of quantifying the accuracy of prediction nor the importance of each component that was included in the task. Therefore, the absence of confidence increases the risk of the forthcoming decision, which can end up being financially harmful. In the contemporary world, the real estate market is represented mostly through different web-based services. In each country, there are numerous websites with vast amounts of properties available for renting or buying. These data have been utilized in the past for different analyses, ranging from creating models capable of predicting house prices based on their features to estimating prices over time in order to understand their seasonality. There has been a lot of research on this topic over the years, with big real estate datasets containing hundreds of properties being used to train machine learning models with the ultimate goal of providing meaningful price estimates. These datasets contain basic property features that are specific to the building itself, such as location, size, floor level and heating type to name a few. Moreover, they can incorporate other features related to the surrounding area of the property, such as road network accessibility and distances from basic points of interest. All these features contribute to the urban profile of a neighborhood, which can directly or indirectly affect prices to a great extent. The importance of these features and their correlation to the price estimates have been validated in previous research [2, 3, 4, 5]. Environmental factors have not been taken into consideration in the literature as much as they should have, despite their obvious role when selecting a property. The two most popular are the air quality index and the noise pollution. The first indicates the level of cleanliness in the air that influences the overall health of the population in a given area. The second one is related to the actual noise caused by road traffic, crowds, aviation and other factors such as the presence of night clubs or manufacturing establishments. Although these two features play a major role in the nature of a neighborhood, research on their impact on house prices remains largely underexplored. To some extent, this is to be expected given the practical challenges of gathering environmental data, such as expensive measuring and monitoring tools, specialized software, and on-site orchestration of distributed sensors. Usually, these studies are conducted by large corporations or state departments that subsequently hold the data for internal use. Even when the results are made public, the raw data that were collected and used in the experiments are typically not made available. The impact of the real estate market on a country, in addition to the innovations that can emerge through research in the field, highlights the potential profit of such work. Being able to generate valuable environmental features of an urban area and, then, use those in the housing price prediction problem can help individuals, small and medium-sized businesses, all the way to large corporations, banks and government experts make profitable decisions. Aside from profitability, it can shed Kamtziridis et al. Page 3 of 24 light on the various factors that influence prices. Knowing if and how the environ- ment affects housing prices can assist urban planners to design more functional and efficient cities. In the first part of this paper, we extract environmental data, and more specifically noise pollution, from published scientific studies. We focus on studies performed by the Hellenic Ministry of Environment and Energy[1] for the urban area of Thessa- loniki, Greece. The end results were published by the government with heat maps demonstrating the spatial distribution of noise across the city. However, none of the core noise measurements were made public, making any future use or contribution to the field difficult. We have managed to overcome this limitation by meticulously re-creating the sense of noise into a general-purpose and easy to use dataset. In the second part of this work, we highlight the importance of noise in predicting house prices. To verify this, we have used the property database of Openhouse[2], which is a real estate platform operating in major cities of Greece and, mainly, in the area of Thessaloniki. Since we need to create accurate models we choose to use ensemble methods that proved to work well in the research literature. The property and the noise data are used to create multiple models with distinct configurations, exploring different aspects of the same problem. The main contributions of this work are: 1 A new general-purpose sense-of-noise dataset, as well as a new housing price dataset containing noise information for the area of Thessaloniki[3]. 2 An extensive experimental evaluation of the contribution of noise in the prop- erty price estimation process via ensemble models such as XGBoost [6] and light gradient boosting [7] models. Related Work This section presents relevant research in the field of housing price prediction from a data perspective. It is important to discuss key relevant work in order to better understand the current state of the area, as well as to position this paper prop- erly within the literature. We begin by outlining the basic solutions proposed along the years on housing price estimates that take basic property features into consid- eration. Then, we move to more advanced approaches, which incorporate various environmental information and, eventually, focus on experiments based on noise pollution. Baldominos [3] studies the housing price prediction problem in the Salamanca district of Madrid. With a collection of 2,266 properties from popular online sites containing the fundamental characteristics, they test the correlation between the features and the price to find out that size is the most important one. They use these data to construct various regression models of different specifications, such as support vector machines, multi-layer perceptrons and ensembles of regression trees, all trying to predict prices given the features. The final results showcase the supe- riority of the ensemble trees when compared to others. Imran [8] follows another approach for the capital of Pakistan, Islamabad. Alongside the basic property char- acteristics, they gather some features related to the surrounding area of a property. [1] [2] [3] Kamtziridis et al. Page 4 of 24 For instance, they attempt to include neighborhood related information through binary values (yes/no) indicating the existence of core amenities and services like hospitals, schools and entertainment. Although their experiments encapsulate many features, the results show that besides the total size, the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, also, radically influence the price, with support vector machines being the best performing model. Truong [5] focuses on the Beijing area by using the "Housing Price in Beijing" dataset which contains more than 300,000 properties. Each property, apart from its standard attributes, has various spatial information like distance from the city center and subway accessibility. The exploratory analysis demonstrates direct corre- lation between the location and the property price, since each district has a different price range. Initially, random forest [9], XGBoost and lightweight gradient boost- ing models were used for training. Then, the authors combine these to build a stacked generalization model [10] by placing random forest and lightweight gradi- ent boosting at the first level and XGBoost at the second one. This architecture outperforms any of the individual ones in terms of accuracy, with a much higher computational cost. Similarly, Xue [11] accumulates property data and urban de- tails like bus and metro stations and routes, traffic and road network information for the city of Xi'an, China. The urban data are preprocessed and new meaningful indices are introduced. The property features and the new indices are utilized by ensemble models to highlight the fact that size is, again, the most influential factor in the matter of predicting prices. Additionally, they illustrate the importance of the neighborhood of a property, because the next most important group of features is related to the spatial indices. Along the same lines, Kang [12] engineers relevant features from more generic urban characteristics like human mobility patterns and socioeconomic data. They experiment with a gradient boosting ensemble in order to analyze features' significance, where they come to the conclusion that some spatial features can play a more decisive role when it comes to predicting prices. For exam- ple, the prices of properties located near university campuses are mainly affected by the distance to the campus rather than their total size. Environmental conditions can, also, act on prices. Chiarazzo [13] gathers property and air pollution data for the city of Taranto in Italy, which is marked as a high environmental risk area due to its heavy industry. With feature selection and an artificial neural network they put to the test the correlation of each feature through an one-by-one elimination process. Interestingly, they state that sulfur dioxide con- centration, one of the five major air pollutants, is the most determinant with respect to price, ranking higher than other characteristics such as floor level and distance to the city center. Shanghai is another industrialized city, where Zou [14] evaluates the air pollution phenomenon in connection with property prices to quantify even more their relation. A total of 27,608 properties in conjunction with air pollutants are used as training data in a gradient boosting model which it attributes 1.6% in terms of contribution. Under no circumstance, this percentage can be considered as minimal, since a reduction of 1 ΞΌg/m3 in nitrogen dioxide increases the price by roughly 278 Yuan per square meter. Regarding noise pollution, there is much less research available attempting to cor- relate house prices to noise levels. In general, noise pollution is measured in decibels, Kamtziridis et al. Page 5 of 24 where higher values suggest noisier environments. Blanco [15] uses hedonic models to analyze the connection between prices and noise levels in three different areas in the United Kingdom. They suggest that when evaluating properties with similar amenities the presence or absence of noise affects people's choices. In particular, the way noise impinges on prices differ depending on the area, where in some there is a positive correlation and in others a negative one. Brandt [16] investigates the same hypothesis in the city of Hamburg, Germany by combining multiple sources such as road, air and rail traffic noise pollution with hedonic models too. They highlight the non-linear relationship among noise and price by stating that price decreases significantly lower in areas with low levels of noise, as opposed to high noise level areas where the decrease is more remarkable. Contrary to Brandt's work, Szczepan- ska [17] study the noise effect on two rather dissimilar locations, with reference to noise, in the city of Olsztyn, Poland. They indicate the existence of linear correla- tion between prices and noise pollution which underlines the notion that location can influence the noise-price connection in great measure. Tsao and Lu [18] collect property data from the Ministry of the Interior of Taiwan for the city of Taoyuan and enhances them with a five year period of noise pollution data from the international airport of Taoyuan. The authors investigate the way aviation noise impacts the real estate market of the city, due to heavy air traffic in lower altitudes, with hedonic models. The models indicate that as the number of flights increases on top of an area, which translates to more noisy conditions, the prices of the corresponding properties decrease noticeably. Moreover, they measure the rate of price decline in certain decibel ranges and conclude that for roughly 65dB of noise due to air traffic the decrease in price can get to 2,356USD, where for more polluted areas the decline reaches the amount of 3,622USD. Similarly, Morano [19] study the area of Bari, Italy in order to link noise pollution to house prices, with a total of 200 properties and noise information from the Strategic Noise Map of Bari as well as perceptual views for the quality of an area with regards to noise from residents. To measure the effect of noise, they employ a variation of a data-driven technique known as Evolutionary Polynomial Regression, or ERP [20], referred to as ERP-MOGA [21] which utilize genetic algorithms. The final results outline the negative correlation between prices and noise levels, where highly polluted areas lead to cheaper housing. The methodology of the research literature that experimented with the feature of noise in the housing price prediction problem is presented in Table 1. Most of them use the conventional hedonic model to predict prices and investigate the contribution of noise. However, there are more advanced techniques available to use in terms of predicting accuracy. Also, there are new practices regarding the interpretability of the model that are able to investigate even further how noise affects the real estate market of a city. These two points are the primary differences of the current work. Noise Data Reconstruction As previously stated, noise data are difficult to obtain because they require special- ized equipment for precise measurements, as well as urban environmental specialists capable of completing a task of this complexity. These data must include geograph- ical references in a form of a coordinate system, mapping points or blocks on a Kamtziridis et al. Page 6 of 24 Table 1: Prediction methods used in the literature when incorporating noise Paper Blanco [15] Brandt [16] Tsao and Lu [18] Morano [19] Method Hedonic Price Model Hedonic Price Model Hedonic Price Model ERP-MOGA map to certain noise values in decibels. As far as we know, there is no such data openly available for the urban area of Thessaloniki, Greece. However, there are offi- cial studies of noise pollution for Thessaloniki orchestrated by the Hellenic Ministry of Environment and Energy[4]. The studies were conducted in 2015 for three major municipalities of the urban area of Thessaloniki, namely Thessaloniki, Neapoli and Kalamaria, with specialized equipment capable of measuring ground noise caused by factors like vehicles and crowds, while additionally calculating aviation noise produced by airplanes landing to or taking off at the nearby airport. The duration of the studies were set to 46 consecutive days, capturing noise pollution at least once every hour or, in cases, every 15 minutes. The final results were illustrated on a heatmap, where discrete colors represent different noise ranges of 5 decibel intervals. For each municipality, the noise is segmented into daytime and nighttime noise and, in both cases, the data accumulate the overall noise by taking into ac- count both traffic and aviation disturbances. Additionally, for Kalamaria there is a separate heatmap representing only the aviation noise. Idea and Approach The aforementioned studies did not make public the underlying data that were used to create the provided heatmaps. To overcome this problem, we propose a process for reconstructing the initial noise data with a small error. It is important to state that heatmaps used discrete colors mapped to specific small ranges of decibels as shown in Tables 2a and 2b. This means that each color represents the entire range without changing its tone. The ultimate goal is to be able to create the exact same maps by utilizing the reconstructed data. More specifically, the new dataset will contain the noise, in decibels, of a point given its latitude and longitude coordinates. Table 2: Mapping of Noise Ranges to Colors (a) Thessaloniki & Neapoli Ranges Range [40, 45) dB [45, 50) dB [50, 55) dB [55, 60) dB [60, 65) dB [65, 70) dB [70, 75) dB [75, 80) dB 80+ dB Color (RGB) [182, 254, 191] [255, 255, 0] [254, 196, 71] [253, 103, 2] [255, 51, 50] [152, 0, 51] [174, 155, 219] [1, 0, 251] [1, 1, 65] (b) Kalamaria Ranges Range [35, 40) dB [40, 45) dB [45, 50) dB [50, 55) dB [55, 60) dB [60, 65) dB [65, 70) dB [70, 75) dB [75, 80) dB 80+ dB Color (RGB) [80, 167, 50] [14, 113, 49] [255, 243, 59] [172, 121, 78] [255, 94, 55] [192, 23, 18] [138, 18, 19] [144, 14, 102] [40, 115, 183] [10, 65, 121] It is obvious that an approximation of the noise levels can be extracted through the maps' colors. However, there is no spatial information in order to map each pixel [4] Kamtziridis et al. Page 7 of 24 to the corresponding place on a geographic map. To resolve this, we use a technique called Georeferencing [22], which attempts to relate digital representations of maps, like the ones in the noise studies, to a ground system of geographic coordinates. Geographic Information System (GIS) software tools are used to perform this task. In our case, we use an open-source GIS software called QGIS[5], where by selecting a certain amount of points on the actual map and the corresponding points on the heatmap, we manage to align the two and, eventually, enhance the heatmap with spatial characteristics. The next part of the reconstruction process maps every pixel of the image to a noise value in decibels based on its color. Even though the provided heatmaps incorporate only discrete colors with no fading effects, the pixel-by-pixel analysis introduces resolution restrictions, where many pixels cannot be mapped to a color due to transitioning effects. These cases are found for the most part at the borders where one color switches to another, as depicted in Figure 1. To address this problem we can compute the difference between the color of such pixels and the predefined color ranges [23]. When this difference is sufficiently small, we can assign noise values of the corresponding color. If this calculation is done properly, the reconstruction error will be small and, therefore, the data will be more accurate. Figure 1: Color transition effects at the border of decibel ranges (60, 65] and (65, 70] in Thessaloniki's original noise heatmaps One way of proceeding with the calculation is by using the Euclidean distance of the two RGB values. The RGB format consists of 3 separate values ranging from 0 to 255 indicating the amount of red, green and blue in a pixel. State-of-the- art solutions discourage this approach because it does not take into consideration how different these colors are perceived by the human eye [24]. The transition effects on an image aim to smooth the leap from one color to another in terms of human eye perception, which highlights the need of another metric. To overcome this issue, the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) proposed a new method, called βˆ†Eβˆ—, able to handle the perceptual non-uniformities of colors, using the LAB format to represent colors. Similarly to RGB, the LAB format makes use of 3 separate numbers to identify colors. The first one is the Lightness, ranging from [5] Kamtziridis et al. Page 8 of 24 0 to 100, with value 0 defining black and value 100 defining white. The second is the "A" component representing greenness to redness scale, ranging from -128 to +127. Finally, the third is the "B" component which represents blueness to yellowness following the range of the previous component. We used the most recent version of the βˆ†Eβˆ— method, called CIELAB2000. The color comparison result is a number, where 0 means a complete match and as the number increases, the difference between the colors increases too. To use this method, one must carefully select the threshold after which the two colors will be considered to be non-matching. After running some experiments, we set the threshold to 20. As a consequence of the discreteness of colors on the heatmaps, the threshold is not considered to be that crucial in our scenario, because the main goal is to differentiate between the predefined ranges. Essentially, when the color of a pixel matches a color range, this pixel is assigned the corresponding noise value. Since our intention is to correlate housing prices with human perceived noise, we choose to represent each noise range with its arithmetic mean. So, if a pixel color matches the color of the 50-55 range, it will receive 52.5 as its noise value. The final result will be sufficient to describe the noise perception of an area if we take into account the "3dB rule" in the field of Acoustics. The rule states that during an increase of 3 decibels, the sound energy is doubled and, thus, it is accepted as the smallest difference that can be easily heard by most people [25]. For instance, the average human will rarely notice a transition from 50 to 51 decibels or between 60 and 61. Process The reconstruction process consists of two phases. In the first phase, we scan the image pixel-by-pixel and assign to each pixel the appropriate coordinates, as well as its color. During the second phase, we calculate the color difference of each pixel with the predefined color ranges. It is clear that not all pixels are important due to the transitioning effects we mentioned earlier. For example, in cases where two ranges of radically different colors are adjacent on the map, the transitioning effect will add some pixels in between that probably will not match any color range. Additionally, there are cases where the initial studies could not accurately receive measurements, like the inside of buildings and at the sea. These pixels are not matched to any of the available noise ranges and, hence, are dropped to declutter the data. Table 3 gives the structure of the final dataset. Table 3: Final dataset structure Type float float int int int float Range [-90, 90] [-180, 180] [0, 255] [0, 255] [0, 255] [0, 85] Features latitude longitude red green blue noise These datasets can be used to create heatmaps that resemble the initial ones. Even though most parts of the images were removed in the process, the remaining locations are still great in number. This can be verified by considering the dataset Kamtziridis et al. Page 9 of 24 size in terms of number of rows in the second column of Table 4. To plot that many points on a single map is exceedingly difficult due to memory constraints. At the same time, the datasets hold spatial information that is way too dense, making them really hard to work with. The dataset supports an accuracy in latitude and longitude values to at least 5 decimals which in actual distances translates to 1.1 meters. This level of detail is unnecessary and superfluous for the purposes of this work. To minimize the density of information to more practical levels, we utilize tessellation. Through this method, the map is segmented into separate same-sized squared tiles. We chose to tessellate the map by keeping only the four decimal points of the coordinates. Thus, the accuracy decreases to a resolution of 10 meters that is more manageable and adequate for our case. We group the points based on this rule and aggregate their noise using the arithmetic mean to create a representative indicator for the noise level of the given tile. This technique alters the shape of the dataset as shown in the third column of Table 4 and allows us to plot the results on a map. Table 4: Dataset shapes Dataset Thessaloniki & Neapoli (Day) Thessaloniki & Neapoli (Night) Kalamaria (Day) Kalamaria (Night) Kalamaria Aviation (Day) Kalamaria Aviation (Night) # Rows 3,312,310 3,157,730 21,606,947 20,355,609 21,843,537 21,831,157 # Rows (tessellated) 197,445 189,046 109,245 104,070 110,111 109,736 Reduction 94% 94% 99.4% 99.4% 99.4% 99.4% Results for Thessaloniki and Neapoli Figure 2 shows the average daily noise for the areas of Thessaloniki and Neapoli, ranging from 40dB to almost 85dB, for both the original and the reconstructed versions. The noisiest parts are the main roads and the intersections that can ac- commodate large numbers of vehicles. The two most distinguishable examples are the East and West entrances of the city where the noise can reach a level of 80dB. Also, it is visible the way that the noise spreads almost equally around these highly polluted spots, which, in fact, increase the noise pollution of the surrounding area. Besides the road network, one more part of the city that is apparently noisy is the port, which is very big in size and greatly active during both daytime and night- time. Furthermore, the correlation between road size, which leads to high traffic, and the noise pollution can be validated in urban areas with narrow streets. A very useful example is the area of "Upper Town" marked in Figure 2, which is one of the oldest parts of the city where due to the increased elevation and the rough terrain the roads are extremely narrow. This fact, except the restrictions it imposes on the number of vehicles that can pass simultaneously, makes access difficult and not appealing to drivers. This is one reason why it is one of the quietest places in Thessaloniki. Figure 3 shows the average nightly noise in the same area in which, although the noisiest and quietest places remain the same, the noise pollution levels are much lower. Results for Kalamaria As in the previous subsection, Figure 5 shows the average daily noise for the area of Kalamaria. Once again, the noisiest places are the main roads, while the quietest Kamtziridis et al. Page 10 of 24 Figure 2: Average Daily Noise in Thessaloniki/Neapoli (a) Reconstructed (b) Original Figure 3: Average Nightly Noise in Thessaloniki/Neapoli (a) Reconstructed (b) Original are those surrounded by low traffic streets. The yellow color indicates regions with the maximum noise levels such as the core intersections. Contrary to the heatmaps of the other two municipalities where the noise was almost entirely driven by the road network, in Kalamaria there are certain zones with little or no road network that are very noisy. This is caused due to air traffic, since the airline routes pass over the vicinity in relatively low altitude and the turbines generate noise that can reach over 100dB [26]. This effect is more recognizable at night (see Figure 6). Despite the fact that the road network has minimal traffic, some areas are noisier compared to others. The noise generated by airplanes is shown in Figure 7 and 8. These figures are zoomed in a bit to improve readability and distinguish the street layout. The aviation data can be of great interest both in research and in industry, so in this paper, we provide a separate dataset for the aviation noise. Kamtziridis et al. Page 11 of 24 Implementation and Experimentation Property Data Investigating the correlation and influence of noise in housing prices requires a real world housing prices dataset. For the purposes of this paper, we have utilized Open- house[6]. Openhouse is a real estate platform operating in major cities of Greece. It contains high quality information for a wide range of properties, considering mul- tiple aspects of them. Since Openhouse is a data oriented platform, paying critical attention to their service, they have provided Thessaloniki's properties in order to experiment with the noise data reconstructed in the previous section. The data refer to residential properties offered for sale that were listed on the platform in October 2022. Each property has the features mentioned in Table 5. Table 5: Openhouse Property Features Feature Size NumberOfRooms Latitude Longitude EnergyEfficiencyId ConstructionDate SubTypeId FloorLevelId BasicHeatingTypeId DoorFrameTypeId Type Float Int Float Float Categorical Datetime Categorical Categorical Categorical Categorical Missing Values 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 13.75% 0.17% 0.30% 30.71% 31.77% Imputation - - - - - Mean Mode Rounded mean Mode Mode The majority of the features are self-explanatory with the exception of 'Sub- TypeId' and 'DoorFrameTypeId'. 'SubTypeId' refers to the structural subtype of the residential property receiving values like 'apartment' and 'studio' among others. 'DoorFrameTypeId' corresponds to the type of door frames a property has, such as 'synthetics' and 'aluminum' to name a few. We have performed an exploratory data analysis on the given dataset to locate potential outliers and verify the overall integrity. Outlier detection was done with the interquartile range (IQR) method. Using IQR in the 'NumberOfRooms' feature led to an upper limit of 7 rooms, which decreased the dataset size by no more than 1%. Similarly, in the 'Size' feature, the upper limit was 300m2, which consequently reduced the size by almost 8%. Addi- tionally, price outliers were removed too, by forcing a price range between 10,000 and 500,000 euros. Eventually, the filtered set consists of 2,014 properties. The miss- ing values were filled according to Table 5, where different aggregations were used depending on the data type. It must be noted that although 'DoorFrameTypeId' and 'BasicHeatingTypeId' features are missing approximately 30% of their values, they are considered of significant importance in the housing price prediction process based on the domain knowledge provided by Openhouse. Therefore, we decided to fill these too, and check their influence in practice. As far as the encoding of features, the 'EnergyEfficiencyId' and 'FloorLevelId' were encoded using incremental indices because they are ordinal categorical features. The other categorical features are nominal so one-hot and binary encoding [27] were used and compared. The one-hot encoding achieved better results and, thus, used in the following experiments. [6] Kamtziridis et al. Page 12 of 24 Experiments To investigate the correlation between housing prices and noise we utilize tree- based models that perform well in similar cases [5, 12, 14]. In particular, we use decision trees, random forest, XGBoost and light gradient boosting models. To verify the impact of noise we employ standard interpretability methods like feature importance, partial dependence [28, 29] and permutation importance [30] plots. To shed even more light on interpretability, we employ other advanced techniques such as local interpretable model-agnostic explanations, or LIME, [31] and Shapley additive explanations, or SHAP, [32]. The hyperparameter tuning for each model was accomplished with Bayesian optimization [33], which outperformed grid search, and 5-fold cross-validation. The experiments were structured in three different axes. The first one corresponds to the procedure followed to assign the appropriate noise value to each property of the dataset. We choose to average the noise within a certain radius around each property, where the actual radius distance is manually selected. The second one refers to the main noise characteristics we can use when assigning a noise value to a property. These characteristics are the following: β€’ One feature for the average day noise and one for the average night noise (I) β€’ One feature which averages both day and night noise (II) β€’ One feature for the average day noise (III) β€’ One feature for the average night noise (IV) The third and last experimental component is the area where we examine the effect of noise in pricing. The presence of noise can be translated differently depending on the urban attributes of each part of a city. Good examples that demonstrate this behavior are city centers, where the noise levels are usually increased compared to other places in the same city as a consequence of the high road and pedestrian traffic. In turn, the traffic is caused by the commercial nature of the center since most of the provided services and amenities are located there. This, in fact, gives extra value to the properties of this area which makes them more expensive. However, this is not the case in other parts of the city. For instance, in the suburbs, where there are mostly residential properties of families, the absence of noise is generally considered to be a positive factor that can raise the prices. Taking these into consideration, we focus on three different areas of Thessaloniki with contrasting urban features: the city center (A), Triandria, Toumpa and Harilaou areas (B) and Kalamaria area (C), as they are depicted in Figure 4. Another reason why we chose these areas is their difference in terms of price-noise correlation. This is illustrated in Figure 9, where the correlation between price per m2 and noise is plotted for the entire area of interest as well as each individual area. Even though it is difficult to imply any kind of correlation when looking at the entire area of Thessaloniki, that is not the case for areas A and C, where their shapes indicate some sort of correlation. Area B follows the pattern of Figure 9a and was chosen as a representative subset of the entire area. Results The final results are organized into two different groups based on the noise radius that was used. These radiuses were set to 100 and 50 meters. For each group all four Kamtziridis et al. Page 13 of 24 Figure 4: Areas of Thessaloniki models were trained on the three areas of Thessaloniki for all four noise character- istics described in the previous section. Due to the area segmentation, the number of properties has declined, leading to a concern about the sufficiency of the train- ing set. To make sure the data were enough to be able to make valid conclusions, we plotted the learning curves of each model and verified that the curves reach a plateau. Also, because of the large number of different experimental combina- tions based on the experimentation axes we mentioned previously, we decided to omit showcasing every examination of the noise characteristics and keep, only, the one that performs the best. We should point out that when changing noise radius there are circumstances where a property can end up without a noise value, espe- cially when the radius decreases. In such cases, these properties are removed from the dataset and this is why there seems to be inconsistencies in the results when switching from one radius to another, even without incorporating the noise data. Table 6: Results for radius set to 100m A C B MAE MAPE Noise MAE MAPE Noise MAE MAPE Noise 0.15 28919 0.144 28888 0.158 32572 0.173 31477 0.181 32519 0.182 31759 0.238 35264 0.25 31771 31511 30141 32752 31139 38922 40389 48802 52077 22504 19189 21618 22715 24259 24481 28966 30671 0.223 0.233 0.258 0.258 0.267 0.259 0.277 0.271 0.138 0.128 0.151 0.138 0.165 0.173 0.209 0.225 - IV - IV - II - III - II - II - II - III - I - II - II - II Model XGBoost XGBoost † LGBM LGBM † RF RF † DT DT † †:Indicates the use of noise. Bold text marks the best score across all models for a given area. The results of Table 6, where the radius is set to 100 meters, indicate a clear dominance of the XGBoost model in terms of both mean squared error (MAE) and mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) values. The performance gain in each area varies as well as the noise characteristics that are used. More precisely, in area A there is no significant improvement, while in the other two areas noise improves both scores radically. The LGBM model benefits from noise only in area C. The random Kamtziridis et al. Page 14 of 24 Table 7: Results for radius set to 50m A C B MAE MAPE Noise MAE MAPE Noise MAE MAPE Noise 0.15 28919 0.15 28001 0.158 32572 0.161 30216 0.182 31785 0.183 31380 0.27 35319 0.191 35453 22504 20858 21618 22408 24224 24028 33561 27756 31511 31370 32752 29872 38886 39626 48802 50290 0.223 0.229 0.258 0.241 0.256 0.254 0.279 0.271 0.138 0.132 0.151 0.13 0.165 0.168 0.209 0.209 - III - III - IV - II - I - IV - I - III - I - III - II - III Model XGBoost XGBoost † LGBM LGBM † RF RF † DT DT † forest and decision tree models are unable to make use of noise with the exception of area A where both are boosted. When the radius is set to 50 meters in Table 7, we observe the same pattern where the hierarchy between the models remains the same. The main differences appear to be the LGBM model that achieves finer results than XGBoost in area C and, also, the decision tree which is crucially improved with the use of noise in area B. Regarding the best performing models, even though setting the radius to 50 meters can reduce the MAE in areas A and C, the MAPE does not change remarkably. Furthermore, decreasing the radius exacerbates the results in area B, so the radius switch does not necessarily enhance the overall performance of the model. To measure the extent by which noise increases model performance and inves- tigate the correlation between noise and price through interpretability evaluation methods, for the best performing models of each area, we plot the feature impor- tance, permutation importance and partial dependence plots together with LIME and SHAP plots. We must mention that in permutation importance plots the mea- sure of importance in XGBoost refers to the average gain across all splits a feature is used in, while in LGBM refers to the number of times a feature is used to split the data. Area A For the center area of Thessaloniki XGBoost is the best performing model, when radius is set to 50 meters. In this model, both average day and night noise are used as features in the training. The average day noise is ranked in the feature impor- tance plot of Figure 10 almost as high as the construction date, while the night noise is located at a couple of ranks below. In the same plot, the 'SubTypeId 4', which denotes properties classsified as studios, is marked as the most important fea- ture. The partial dependence plot in Figure 11a shows that property prices increase as the noise increases, which confirms the initial claim that city centers evaluate noise positively, which most probably occurs due to their commerciality. This can be verified by the LIME weights in Figure 13 where high noise values correspond to bigger weights. SHAP values in the beeswarm of Figure 12 highlights this relation- ship too, since the left hand-side is mostly colored with blue (low values), while the right hand-side with red (high values). At last, in Figure 11b the night noise does not appear to act on prices at the quieter areas. However, as we progress to noisier parts, night noise has a negative impact on pricing. This is not strange because during night time the commerciality factor is not that crucial. Kamtziridis et al. Page 15 of 24 Area B For the Triandria, Toumpa and Harilaou areas the best results are demonstrated, again, by XGBoost with a noise radius of 100 meters. As in the previous area, this model utilizes both average day and night noise values. The night noise has similar importance to features such as the location and the heating type as it is depicted in Figure 14. In the same figure, the permutation importance plot showcases that the overall noise affects at some degree the accuracy of the model. Even though, at first, day and night noise do not seem to influence prices, after a certain threshold in decibels they do have a negative effect on prices which contradicts the results of area A. One of the possible reasons why noise does not cause price changes in the initial decibel ranges is the fact that some parts of area B are close to the city center and, hence, noise is not directly considered as a bad attribute. Once more Figures 17 and 16 reinforces the previous findings about the generally negative correlation between noise and price. It should be noted that area B is the only area where setting the radius to 100 meters leads to better results when compared to setting it to 50 meters. This differentiation can be attributed to the fact that area B is the only one located far from the coastline. Seaside properties are notably more expensive than the rest, which makes property prices' distribution less uniform. In such scenarios, using a smaller radius can help the model recognize these non- uniformities. Due to area's B distance from the sea, this does not occur, making the selection of a bigger radius a better choice. Area C In the Kalamaria area, the LGBM model when trained with a noise radius of 50 meters while taking into consideration only the average day noise achieves the best scores. The performance gain in terms of MAE is at approximately 2.880 euros and for MAPE marginally over 2%. In particular, the noise is ranked almost as high as 'Size' with regard to importance in Figure 18. This area is located far from the center and as a consequence the noise appears to influence price negatively at most noise ranges. In Figure 19a, the price declines almost linearly as we move to more noisy parts of the area, while LIME weights in Figure 19b indicate the preference of the model to assign higher prices to properties with relatively low surrounding noise. Once more, the SHAP values of Figure 20 confirm the aforementioned ob- servations, where high average day noise values cause price drops and low average noises escalate prices. As far as the noise characteristic used, one plausible reason why the model chooses to incorporate only the day noise is that contrary to the previous areas, Kalamaria includes also the aviation noise. As it can be seen by the corresponding heatmaps, aviation noise during night increases the overall noise which at some extend narrows the gap between day and night noise. This means that the two noise features are more correlated and, thus, one of them can potentially be redundant. Discussion and Conclusion The main goal of this paper was to investigate how urban noise impacts residential property prices in the area of Thessaloniki. Currently, there is no publicly available spatial data regarding noise for the area of interest. Therefore, the first part of this Kamtziridis et al. Page 16 of 24 work attempts to create a general purpose dataset indicating the sense of noise based on coordinates by taking advantage of official and public studies conducted by the Hellenic Ministry of Environment and Energy. This new dataset is combined with the properties of the Openhouse platform to train tree-based machine learning models in order to verify the importance of noise in housing price estimates. The assumption that noise might be translated differently depending on the location of the property led us to focus the experiments on three separate regions of Thessaloniki with dissimilar characteristics. XGBoost and LGBM models attain the best results which first of all confirm that noise, as a matter of fact, influences prices and, secondly, it can affect some locations positively while others negatively. More specifically, property prices in the city center as well as locations in its vicinity, do increase as noise increases, which is probably the aftereffect of the overall commerciality of the area. In contrast, properties located far from the center are impacted negatively by noise. This makes sense considering that in decentralized areas, such as suburbs, there are mainly houses of families where quietness is more appreciated. Besides the further research that can be conducted around this topic with different models, different property types and features, the newly reconstructed noise dataset can be used wherever needed for commercial projects and researches that are, even, not real estate related, since it is a general purpose sense of noise set. Kamtziridis et al. Page 17 of 24 Appendix A: Reconstructed Heatmaps Figure 5: Average Daily Noise in Kalamaria Figure 6: Average Nightly Noise in Kalamaria Figure 7: Average Daily Aviation Noise in Kalamaria Kamtziridis et al. Page 18 of 24 Figure 8: Average Nightly Aviation Noise in Kalamaria Appendix B: Correlation Plots Figure 9: Correlation Between Price/m2 and Noise for Different Areas (a) Entire Area of Thessaloniki (b) Center (A) (c) Triandria, Toumpa and Harilaou (B) (d) Kalamaria (C) Kamtziridis et al. Page 19 of 24 Appendix C: Result Plots Figure 10: Feature Importance & Permutation Importance for Area A Figure 11: Partial Dependence Plots for Area A (a) Day Noise (b) Night Noise Figure 12: SHAP Plot for Area A Kamtziridis et al. Page 20 of 24 Figure 13: LIME Plots for Area A (a) Day Noise (b) Night Noise Figure 14: Feature Importance & Permutation Importance for Area B Figure 15: Partial Dependence Plots for Area B (a) Day Noise (b) Night Noise Kamtziridis et al. Page 21 of 24 Figure 16: SHAP Plot for Area B Figure 17: LIME Plots for Area B (a) Day Noise (b) Night Noise Figure 18: Feature Importance & Permutation Importance for area C Kamtziridis et al. Page 22 of 24 Figure 19: Partial Dependence and LIME Plots for Area C (a) Partial Dependence (day noise) (b) LIME Weights (day noise) Figure 20: SHAP Plot for Area C Acknowledgements The authors thank to Anna-Maria Feneri for her helpful comments. Abbreviations DT, Decision Trees; GIS, Geographic Information System; IQR, Interquartile Range; LGBM, Light Gradient Boosting Models; LIME, Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations; MAPE, Mean Absolute Percentage Error; MAE, Mean Absolute Error; RF, Random Forest; SHAP, Shapley Additive Explanations; XGBoost, Extreme Gradient Boosting. Competing interests The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Availability of data and materials All data generated or analyzed during this study are included in this published article. Authors' contributions Conceptualization: GK, GT; Data collection: GK; Formal analysis: GK, Investigation: GK, Writing original manuscript: GK, GT, DV. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. 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MASS: Mobility-Aware Sensor Scheduling of Cooperative Perception for Connected Automated Driving
Timely and reliable environment perception is fundamental to safe and efficient automated driving. However, the perception of standalone intelligence inevitably suffers from occlusions. A new paradigm, Cooperative Perception (CP), comes to the rescue by sharing sensor data from another perspective, i.e., from a cooperative vehicle (CoV). Due to the limited communication bandwidth, it is essential to schedule the most beneficial CoV, considering both the viewpoints and communication quality. Existing methods rely on the exchange of meta-information, such as visibility maps, to predict the perception gains from nearby vehicles, which induces extra communication and processing overhead. In this paper, we propose a new approach, learning while scheduling, for distributed scheduling of CP. The solution enables CoVs to predict the perception gains using past observations, leveraging the temporal continuity of perception gains. Specifically, we design a mobility-aware sensor scheduling (MASS) algorithm based on the restless multi-armed bandit (RMAB) theory to maximize the expected average perception gain. An upper bound on the expected average learning regret is proved, which matches the lower bound of any online algorithm up to a logarithmic factor. Extensive simulations are carried out on realistic traffic traces. The results show that the proposed MASS algorithm achieves the best average perception gain and improves recall by up to 4.2 percentage points compared to other learning-based algorithms. Finally, a case study on a trace of LiDAR frames qualitatively demonstrates the superiority of adaptive exploration, the key element of the MASS algorithm.
[ "Yukuan Jia", "Ruiqing Mao", "Yuxuan Sun", "Sheng Zhou", "Zhisheng Niu" ]
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1 MASS: Mobility-Aware Sensor Scheduling of Cooperative Perception for Connected Automated Driving Yukuan Jia, Ruiqing Mao, Yuxuan Sun, Member, IEEE, Sheng Zhou, Member, IEEE, and Zhisheng Niu, Fellow, IEEE 3 2 0 2 b e F 5 2 ] O R . s c [ 1 v 9 2 0 3 1 . 2 0 3 2 : v i X r a Abstract-Timely and reliable environment perception is fun- damental to safe and efficient automated driving. However, the perception of standalone intelligence inevitably suffers from occlusions. A new paradigm, Cooperative Perception (CP), comes to the rescue by sharing sensor data from another perspective, i.e., from a cooperative vehicle (CoV). Due to the limited commu- nication bandwidth, it is essential to schedule the most beneficial CoV, considering both the viewpoints and communication quality. Existing methods rely on the exchange of meta-information, such as visibility maps, to predict the perception gains from nearby vehicles, which induces extra communication and pro- cessing overhead. In this paper, we propose a new approach, learning while scheduling, for distributed scheduling of CP. The solution enables CoVs to predict the perception gains using past observations, leveraging the temporal continuity of perception gains. Specifically, we design a mobility-aware sensor scheduling (MASS) algorithm based on the restless multi-armed bandit (RMAB) theory to maximize the expected average perception gain. An upper bound on the expected average learning regret is proved, which matches the lower bound of any online algorithm up to a logarithmic factor. Extensive simulations are carried out on realistic traffic traces. The results show that the proposed MASS algorithm achieves the best average perception gain and improves recall by up to 4.2 percentage points compared to other learning-based algorithms. Finally, a case study on a trace of LiDAR frames qualitatively demonstrates the superiority of adaptive exploration, the key element of the MASS algorithm. Index Terms-Cooperative perception, mobility-aware, sensor scheduling, restless multi-armed bandit. I. INTRODUCTION Automated driving (AD) has received fast-growing atten- tions in recent years. Among the enabling technologies of AD, reliable and timely perception is the basis for safety and energy efficiency. Much effort has been made to improve the object detector, using state-of-the-art neural networks and multi- modality sensors [2]–[5]. However, the standalone perception has an intrinsic flaw because it can only provide line-of-sight (LoS) information with onboard sensors, and thus the traffic participants occluded in the blind zone cannot be detected. Thanks to the Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication technology [6], vehicles can communicate with each other and Yukuan Jia, Ruiqing Mao, Sheng Zhou, and Zhisheng Niu are with Beijing National Research Center for Information Science and Technology, Depart- ment of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, China. Emails: {jyk20, mrq20}, {sheng.zhou, niuzhs} Yuxuan Sun is with School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, China. Email: Part of this work has been published in IEEE ICC 2022 [1]. a wide range of V2X applications are made possible, including cooperative perception (CP). By exchanging sensor data with other cooperative vehicles (CoVs), the occluded objects can be detected, and the perception quality is essentially improved. There are three levels of CP, namely raw-level, feature-level, and object-level, differentiated by the type of the shared sensor data. In its primitive form, object-level CP, only the list of detected objects is broadcast to other CoVs. The messages are relatively lightweight, but the loss of details in sensor data causes difficulties in merging noisy, discrepant results from multiple sources [7]. In the raw-level CP [8], [9], raw sensor data such as LiDAR point clouds and images are transmitted to other CoVs, which preserves complete context information. However, the data volume to be transmitted in the raw-level CP is extremely high. Feature-level CP [10], [11] strikes a balance between the above two in terms of the communication load, via extracting key features using neural networks. As reported in Refs. [8], [12], there are hard objects unrecognizable from any viewpoint alone but can be identified only when the raw data are aggregated. This implies the significance of context information and calls for an advanced CP system framework where more comprehensive sensor data, in raw-level or feature-level, are shared among CoVs. Current research on CP has been focusing on designing novel fusion architectures [11], [13], with limited attention paid to practical challenges such as the scarce V2X com- munication bandwidth and the high mobility of vehicles. For Cellular-V2X technology, the allocated bandwidth is 20MHz in China and 30MHz in US [14]. However, the real-time streaming of high-definition video or LiDAR point clouds takes several megabytes per second for one single link, which is not scalable subject to the total bandwidth constraint. It is hardly feasible for the V2X network to support raw-level or feature-level sensor data broadcast by all CoVs. Therefore, the scheduling of sensors in unicast CP, i.e., whom to cooperate with, is a challenging and important problem yet to solve. High mobility is another under-addressed issue in the litera- ture of CP. When multiple CoVs are available, it is challenging to accurately determine the perception gain of a viewpoint due to unclear occlusion relationships, heterogeneous sensor qualities, as well as the black-box nature of neural networks. The movements of CoV also lead to a dynamic candidate CoV set over time-varying network topologies. Many architectures rely on extra metadata messages to gather clues about the perception gain of additional sensors. For example, the future trajectories [9] or confidence maps [13] are exchanged for spatial reasoning and perception gain prediction. However, the sensor viewpoints and wireless channels are time-varying, making the prediction stale very quickly. These challenges motivate our solution, learning while scheduling, in the framework of online learning. Specifically, we harness the mobility and make scheduling decisions based on the historical perception gains from other CoVs' sensor data, with notably less scheduling overhead compared to existing methods. This leads to a Multi-Armed Bandit (MAB) typed problem, which requires exploring to learn about the environment and simultaneously exploiting the empirically op- timal action. Its basic form, with stationary reward distribution, is well solved by the Upper Confidence Bound (UCB) algo- rithm with performance guarantee [15]. The UCB algorithm has been applied in a wide range of areas, including edge computing [16] and mobility management [17] in wireless networks. Our problem, on the other hand, falls within the domain of Restless Multi-Armed Bandit (RMAB) [18], where the rewards are constantly evolving due to mobility. To deal with the RMAB problem, discounted UCB and sliding-window UCB [19] are adapted from the classic UCB algorithm by introducing forgetting mechanisms. An activation-based policy is proposed for Brownian restless bandit [20], which leverages statistical assumptions of re- wards. Moreover, the Exp3 [21] algorithm combats adversarial rewards that can change arbitrarily. However, none of the existing methods is engaged with an ever-changing set of CoV candidates, as is the case when CoVs have different destina- tions. Our main contributions are summarized as follows: 1) We propose a learning while scheduling framework based on the RMAB theory for the distributed scheduling of decentralized CP. Our framework enjoys the advantage of negligible communication and processing overhead, com- pared to existing solutions that require frequent exchange of meta-information. 2) A novel mobility-aware sensor scheduling (MASS) algo- rithm is proposed to leverage the dynamics in perception gains due to vehicular mobility. It is also proved that MASS effectively balances exploration and exploitation with a dynamic set of CoV candidates, where the learning regret matches the lower bound of any online algorithm up to a logarithmic factor. 3) Extensive simulations along with supporting empirical studies are carried out, showing that the proposed MASS algorithm outperforms other online scheduling policies. A case study on a trace of LiDAR frames is also provided to qualitatively illustrate the benefit of adaptive exploration, which serves as the key element of MASS. 2 II. RELATED WORK A. Dataflow of CP There is a wide range of CP systems designed with different architectures. In this subsection, we divide them into three categories based on the dataflow of sensor data, namely broadcast, centralized, and decentralized. Broadcast. It is most straightforward to share one's sensor data by broadcasting to its neighbor CoVs. The broadcast of object-level data has been standardized as collective perception message (CPM) [22] by ETSI, but suffers from poor scalability due to severe wireless interference and processing burden in the current C-V2X network [23]. Other new designs require the broadcast of bird eye's view (BEV) features, and the method of data fusion from multiple sources has been a research focus. For example, DiscoNet [24] is a teacher- student framework to learn the pose-aware, attention-based merging via knowledge distillation, where raw-level CP guides the feature-level CP. A vision transformer-based architecture is proposed to capture the inter-agent relationships in V2X-ViT [25]. V2VNet [11] leverages graph neural networks (GNN) to achieve a multi-round aggregation of compressed feature data among nearby CoVs. However, the volume of feature data still poses a major challenge for the V2X network, particularly subject to the limited data rate of broadcast transmission. the RSU can broadcast Centralized. Road side units (RSUs) are deployed in the intelligent transportation system to provide a holistic, supe- rior viewpoint from above, especially at urban intersections. Therefore, its detection results to nearby CoVs. Following this idea, VIPS [26] specializes in object fusion based on efficient matching of graph structures, handling the time asynchrony and localization error. On the other hand, the RSU can also serve as a fusion center to aggregate CPMs from nearby CoVs and broadcast the merged results [27]. Moreover, compressed raw point clouds and features can also be transmitted to the edge server to perform data fusion and detection, as in EMP [28] and VINet [29]. Although RSU is very effective in assisting perception, the deployment is costly and it is impossible to cover everywhere. Decentralized. Without a fusion center, the sensor data are exchanged in a decentralized, on-demand, and unicast manner among CoVs, which is more bandwidth-efficient than broadcast. Decentralized CP can be realized in two different ways. In one way, a global scheduler determines the communi- cation topology among CoVs based on the estimated rewards provided by the CoVs [9]. The transmission decision could also be determined independently by the CoVs themselves with locally available information [13]. In the following sub- section, we review some recent works on the scheduling of decentralized CP. The rest of this paper proceeds as follows. We first brief on the related works in Section II. Then the system model and problem formulation are introduced in Section III. In Section IV, the MASS algorithm is proposed, followed by the performance analysis conducted in Section V. The experiment results are presented in Section VI, and the paper is concluded in Section VII. B. Scheduling of Decentralized CP Under network bandwidth constraints, the sensor scheduling problem of CP arises naturally. AutoCast [9] predicts the vis- ibility and relevance of detected objects to other CoVs, using meta-information including their future trajectories. Then a global scheduler allocates the communication bandwidth using a greedy max-weight scheduler. Ref. [30] uses reinforcement learning techniques to address the CoV association problem by RSU, based on the CoVs' interest in locations. Similar to the centralized architecture, these methods also rely on RSU to coordinate the transmissions. Besides, Ref. [31] groups ve- hicles into a cooperative platoon, incorporates task offloading into CP, and solves the joint optimization problem. Recently, the paradigm of multi-agent collaboration has been applied. For example, When2com [32] applies a three-stage handshake mechanism between any two CoVs to decide whether the cooperation is necessary. Request maps are exchanged in Where2com [13], which then utilizes spatial confidence to determine the communication graph. To summarize, the scheduling of decentralized CP depends on spatial reasoning or attention mechanism, both of which require extra communication and computation. In fact, timeli- ness is one of the most crucial factor for environmental per- ception in automated vehicles. Excessive cooperation results in network latency, leading to severe performance drop due to positional drifts [33]. In our previous work [1], an algorithm is proposed to gradually learn the perception gain under the quasi-stationary assumption, which enjoys negligible schedul- ing overhead. While preserving the real-time advantage, this paper deals with the dynamics of the perception gains due to vehicular mobility, which is more practical. III. SYSTEM MODEL AND PROBLEM FORMULATION A. System Overview We consider a connected automated driving scenario where a number of CoVs are connected via the V2V network. For safe and efficient self-driving, perception with timeliness and high reliability is crucial to vehicles. In this system, CP is supplementary to the standalone perception. As the basis, standalone perception is carried out with only onboard sensors and performs object detection at a high frequency to ensure timeliness. On the other hand, CP merges the sensor data from multiple sources with the local data to deal with blind areas and long-tail cases. A CoV can simultaneously request sensor data from others and transmit its sensor data to others on demand. Typically, the CoVs periodically broadcasts short beacon messages such as Cooperative Awareness Messages (CAMs) [34] that include vehicle states and other optional information. To enable CP, a bit indicating sensor sharing functionality and a list of indicators for available data formats are added to the beacon message, thereby other CoVs can request sensor data in a compatible data format. The sensor data formats can be raw images, raw point clouds, or intermediate features extracted by neural networks. To save the communication bandwidth, we assume that the CoVs can receive sensor data from only one of the peers at a time. Based on the received beacons, each CoV sends a sensor request to one of the other CoVs for additional sensor data to augment its perception. Furthermore, the amount of communicated sensor data is subject to the available data rate of wireless links. In this work, we investigate the distributed sensor schedul- ing problem in CP, where each CoV independently schedules another CoV to transmit its sensor data, without the latency 3 Fig. 1. Illustration of the sensor scheduling procedure in CP. induced by coordination. Therefore, we focus on one particular CoV and refer to it as the ego vehicle below. As illustrated in Fig. 1, the ego vehicle (CoV 0) is driving on the street and aims to detect the surrounding objects using a CP framework. It receives beacon messages from three other CoVs, i.e., CoV 1 to 3, that can offer sensor data from different views and identify them as candidates. The ego vehicle then decides to schedule CoV 2 because it has a richer supplementary view and a LoS communication link. Finally, the transmitted sensor data are merged with the onboard sensor data and fed into the detector. The optimality of sensor sharer is determined by many factors, such as occlusion relationships, wireless link states, sensor qualities and configurations. Therefore, it is challenging to optimize scheduling decisions. B. Procedure of CP We consider a discrete-time system, with the length of a time slot βˆ†t equal to the period of CP. Candidate Discovery: At the beginning of time slot t, the ego vehicle identifies the nearby CoVs that can offer compatible formats of sensor data based on received beacon messages. The ego vehicle then determines the set of candidate sharers Vt by filtering the CoVs outside a specific range to restrict the total number of candidates under Vmax. The total bandwidth of V2X communications is denoted by W . Depending on the network status and the use of other V2X applications, the ratio of available communication resources Ξ·i(t) is typically time-varying and different across CoVs. According to Shannon's formula, the data transmission rate from CoV i to the ego vehicle at time slot t is expressed as ri(t) = W Ξ·i(t) log2 1 + (cid:18) (cid:19) , P hi(t) Οƒ2 n (1) where P is the transmit power, hi(t) denotes the channel gain between CoV i and the ego vehicle, and Οƒ2 n is the noise power. Standalone Perception: At time slot t, the set of interested objects in the proximity of the ego vehicle is denoted by Ot. With onboard sensors, the ego vehicle captures a frame of data X (t) 0 , which can be a raw image or a frame of LiDAR point clouds. The part of the data that relate to object j ∈ Ot is denoted by X (t) 0 . Then the sensor data are fed into an object detector to obtain the detection results, i.e., Ξ¦ 0,j contains enough information ∈ {0, 1}. If X (t) 0,j βŠ‚ X (t) X (t) 0,j (cid:16) (cid:17) CoV 21Beacon1Beacon2RequestEgoVehicle(CoV0)CoV 1CoV 33Transmission1Beacon of object j for accurate classification and localization, the = 1, detector can correctly detect the object j, i.e., Ξ¦ (cid:16) (cid:17) X (t) 0,j (cid:17) (cid:16) X (t) 0,j = 0. Particularly, if an interested object (cid:16) (cid:17) X (t) otherwise Ξ¦ 0,j j is completely occluded, then X (t) 0,j = βˆ… and Ξ¦ = 0. Cooperative Perception: With CP, the ego vehicle sched- ules a candidate CoV i ∈ Vt and requests for its sensor data that could be raw sensor data or features extracted from neural networks. This additional sensor data can contain finer textures of objects, provide a better perspective or even reveal invisible objects from the ego view. Assume the CoVs are well-synchronized with perfect pose information, then it is very likely that the shared data could help identify missed detections. To guarantee the timeliness of perception results, the scheduled CoV has to compress the sensor data subject to the transmission rate, otherwise the high latency would compromise the benefit of CP. For example, the raw sensor data are uniformly down-sampled to a lower resolution, while fewer channels of the feature data are transmitted. More efficient compression algorithms are beyond the scope of this paper. Before transmission, the original sensor data X (t) are compressed to ΜƒX (t) i i , satisfying (cid:16) ΜƒX (t) D (cid:17) i ≀ ri(t)βˆ†t, (2) where D (*) denotes the data size in bits. Finally, the detection 0,j βˆͺ ΜƒX (t) X (t) ∈ {0, 1} for CP with result of object j is Ξ¦ CoV i, where ΜƒX (t) that relate to object j. i,j denotes the part of compressed sensor data (cid:16) (cid:17) i,j unknown to the ego vehicle. Nevertheless, the perception gain from CoV i can be calculated by 4 gi(t) = c0(t) βˆ’ ci(t) (cid:88) (cid:16) = w(t) j 1 βˆ’ Ξ¦ (cid:16) X (t) 0,j (cid:17)(cid:17) (cid:16) Ξ¦ 0,j βˆͺ ΜƒX (t) X (t) i,j (cid:17) . (5) j∈Ot In other words, the gain is the sum of the weighted costs for newly detected objects. However, this perception gain from the scheduled CoV is available only when the detection is finished at the end of a time slot. C. Problem Formulation Consider the ego vehicle driving on a trip over T time slots. During the trip, other traffic participants travel alongside the ego vehicle and form highly dynamic occlusion relationships and volatile wireless links. Among them, the CoVs may come close and leave at certain times during the trip. Consequently, the set of candidate CoVs Vt and their perception gain gi(t) are constantly evolving. The objective is to maximize the total perception gain of cooperative perception by optimizing the scheduling decisions of the ego vehicle. The sensor scheduling problem is formulated as max a1,...,aT 1 T T (cid:88) t=1 gat(t), s.t. at ∈ Vt, (6) (7) Perception Gain Evaluation: One of the usual metrics for object detection is recall, defined as the number of detected objects divided by the total number of objects. In the auto- mated driving scenario, objects can have different importance to the ego vehicle, and thus we consider the sum of importance the weight for missed objects in the metric. Specifically, perception cost of standalone intelligence is given by c0(t) = (cid:88) (cid:16) w(t) j 1 βˆ’ Ξ¦ (cid:17)(cid:17) (cid:16) X (t) 0,j , (3) j∈Ot where w(t) is the importance weight of object j at time slot j t. The importance weights relate to the distance or the future trajectory of the ego vehicle, and it is up to the implementation. As a special case, minimizing the perception cost is equivalent to maximizing the recall when the importance weights are equal. With the shared data from the CoV i, the ego vehicle performs CP to augment the standalone perception, and the cost is ci(t) = (cid:88) (cid:16) w(t) j 1 βˆ’ Ξ¦ (cid:16) X (t) 0,j (cid:17)(cid:17) (cid:16) 1 βˆ’ Ξ¦ (cid:16) 0,j βˆͺ ΜƒX (t) X (t) i,j (cid:17)(cid:17) . j∈Ot (4) The cost of cooperative perception is determined by not only the viewpoint but also the transmission rate that decides the quality of shared data. A major challenge in the evaluation of perception quality is that without the knowledge of ground the actual perception costs c0(t) and ci(t) are truths Ot, where at is the optimization variable, representing the index of the scheduled CoV in time slot t. Note that there are some subtleties in this problem. Firstly, since there is no complete information of everything on the road, it is usually hard to directly estimate the gain gi(t) due to unpredictable occlusions. Moreover, only the perception gain of scheduled CoV, i.e., gat(t), is available at the end of time slot t, while the other unscheduled CoVs are not observed. Therefore, the offline optimal solution to (6), i.e., aβˆ— t = arg max at∈Vt gat(t), (8) is not feasible in practice. Nevertheless, we seek to leverage the temporal continuity of gi(t) and propose to learn the gains online from historical observations ga1 (1), ga2(2), . . . , gatβˆ’1(tβˆ’1). Specifically, due to the velocity limit, the relative positions among CoVs and their perspectives cannot drift too much from time slot to time slot. This type of problem falls in the category of the restless multi-armed bandits (RMAB) [18], where the CoVs correspond to the arms. The change of gi(t) from the last observation requires the algorithm to schedule every candidate CoV once in a while to gain knowledge of its latest perception gain. This process is termed exploration. On the other hand, the empirically optimal CoV should be scheduled frequently to exploit the knowledge. The target is to learn and schedule the optimal CoV aβˆ— t while balancing exploration and exploitation. IV. MASS: MOBILITY-AWARE SENSOR SCHEDULING ALGORITHM In this section, we develop an online learning-based algo- rithm to tackle the decentralized sensor scheduling problem in CP. Compared with existing solutions, our algorithm considers the dynamics of perception gains due to vehicular mobility and has negligible communication and computation overhead. It is well known that the Upper Confidence Bound (UCB) algorithm [15] is an optimal solution to stationary multi-armed bandits problems, where the rewards of arms have stationary distributions. The UCB algorithm gradually eliminates the randomness in the rewards and schedules the most promising arm in each time slot. On the contrary, our problem deals with dynamics rather than randomness. The intuition is that, rather than shrinking the confidence bound with more trials, we should enlarge the confidence bound for idle CoVs over time in this problem. We propose a low-complexity yet effective algorithm named MASS, as described in Algorithm 1, to schedule CoVs to share their sensor data. This algorithm maintains confidence bounds of perception gains for all candidate CoVs and schedules the CoV with the maximum upper confidence bound. The confidence bounds are computed based on the historical obser- vations and properties of the assumed underlying process gi(t). Since the variation of perception gains is mainly influenced by frequent blockages due to mobility, without loss of generality, we approximate the increment of gi(t) by independent, nor- mally distributed random variables. Therefore, the confidence bound of a nearby CoV is proportional to the square root of its idle time. The scale of confidence bounds is specified by a parameter Ξ² that depends on the rate of change in gi(t) and the confidence level. When Ξ² takes a larger value, the algorithm is more aggressive in exploration. In Algorithm 1, Line 2 is the CoV discovery phase, when the ego vehicle determines the candidate set of available CoVs with maximum size Vmax, based on beacon messages. In Lines 3-4, the newly available CoV is explored once by immediately sending a sensor data request if one exists. Otherwise, in Line 6, we calculate the upper confidence bound Μƒgi(t) of the perception gain for each CoV. Specifically, Λ†gi is the last- seen gain of CoV i, and the padding function depends on the last-seen time Ο„i and the parameter Ξ². The motivation for using the last-seen gain rather than all observations is that dynamics is more significant than randomness due to the mobility of vehicles, which will be shown in Section VI-B through experiments. The key intuition is that the reward of scheduling a CoV consists of its perception gain and the knowledge of its exact gain at t. This knowledge is crucial in the problem since the perception gain is highly dynamic. We must ensure a moderate level of exploration to avoid missing the optimal CoV. Therefore, in Line 7, the ego vehicle optimistically schedules CoV at with the maximum upper confidence bound. In Lines 9-12, the sensor data, compressed if the transmission rate is inadequate, is then sent to the ego vehicle for sensor fusion, detection, and evaluation. Finally, the last-seen gain and last-seen time of CoV at are updated for future scheduling. 5 Algorithm 1 MASS: Mobility-Aware Sensor Scheduling Al- gorithm Parameter: Ξ² 1: for t = 1, * * * , T do 2: Determine the candidate set of available CoVs Vt. if any CoV i ∈ Vt has not been scheduled then Schedule CoV i, i.e., at = i. else Calculate the upper confidence bound for each CoV i ∈ Vt: Μƒgi(t) = Λ†gi + Ξ² t βˆ’ Ο„i. (9) √ Schedule the CoV at with the maximum upper con- fidence bound, ties broken arbitrarily: at = arg max i∈Vt Μƒgi(t). (10) end if Send a request to CoV at for sensor data, compressed subject to (2) if the transmission rate is inadequate. Receive the sensor data, run the object detector, and evaluate the perception gain gat(t) by (5). Update the last-seen gain of CoV at: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: Λ†gat = gat(t). 12: Update the last-seen time of CoV at: Ο„at = t. 13: end for (11) (12) Overhead Analysis: In the scheduling of decentralized cooperative perception, frequent metadata message exchanges and data processing introduces extra overhead. This inevitably adds latency to the perception pipeline, which may compro- mise the actual perception quality. We compare the com- munication and computation overhead of our proposed al- gorithm with existing centralized and distributed scheduling methods. Assume there are N CoVs that request and provide the sensor data simultaneously. In the MASS algorithm, the few bits of data format information are piggybacked on the periodically broadcast beacons. Consequently, there are totally O(N 2) simple computations among N CoVs and negligible communication overhead for scheduling decisions. Conventional scheduling algorithms usually require much more detailed perceptual state information of all CoVs. For example, an RSU-based algorithm in [27] requires the visi- bility grid states from all CoVs for global scheduling. This procedure takes at least 2N extra messages to communicate with the edge server and a computation load of O(GN 2) for the deep reinforcement learning algorithm, where G is the number of grids. On the other hand, Who2com [35] proposes a handshake mechanism for distributed scheduling. Each CoV first broadcasts a request message with compressed sensor data, then computes the matching scores with the candidates' message. It involves O(N 2) neural network attention opera- tions and N 2 extra messages to feedback the scores before initializing a connection. Similarly, Where2com [13] utilizes confidence-aware spatial maps to decide the most beneficial CoV. Although it reduces the communication amount with the attention mechanism, multiple rounds of message exchange and fusion process still take much time. By comparison, our proposed MASS algorithm enjoys the advantage of low over- head thanks to online learning, by harnessing the dynamics of the perception gain. V. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS In this section, we characterize the perception performance of our proposed MASS algorithm in the fixed and dynamic CoV candidate scenarios, respectively. A. Assumptions For theoretical analysis, we first normalize the perception gain gi(t) to the fundamental interval [0, 1]: Gi(t) = min{gi(t)/gmax, 1}, (13) where gmax is a threshold to restrict the maximum possible perception gain. We assume that Gi(t) independently follows a Gaussian random walk with reflecting boundaries: Gi(t + 1) = fI (Gi(t) + Xi(t)), (14) 6 sublinear to T . Therefore, we define the expected average learning regret of a scheduling algorithm A as Μ„RA = 1 T E [RA(T )], (17) where the expectation is taken over all sample paths of the stochastic processes Gi(t). In the following subsections, we derive the upper bounds on the expected learning regret of the MASS algorithm under both fixed and dynamic CoV candidate settings. B. Bounds on Two Fixed Candidate CoVs We first investigate a simplified problem by assuming there are two fixed candidate CoVs, i.e., Vt = V = {1, 2}. As in [20], define a function f to be well-behaved on an interval [t1, t2] if (18) |f (t) βˆ’ f (t(cid:48))| ≀ cf (cid:112)|t βˆ’ t(cid:48)|Οƒ, βˆ€t, t(cid:48) ∈ [t1, t2] ∩ N, Οƒ )1/2 is a large enough constant where cf = Θ(log 1 to guarantee low violation probability. Furthermore, we define a problem instance to be well-behaved near t if the per- ception gains of all CoVs are well-behaved on the interval [t βˆ’ Οƒβˆ’2, t + Οƒβˆ’2]. Note that when t ≀ Οƒβˆ’2 or t β‰₯ T βˆ’ Οƒβˆ’2, the definition is on the interval [t βˆ’ Οƒβˆ’2, t + Οƒβˆ’2] ∩ [0, T ]. Define Et as the event that the problem is well-behaved near t. The following lemma bounds the violation probability of well-behavedness. where Xi(t) takes an i.i.d. sample from N (0, Οƒ2), and fI (x) = (cid:40) x(cid:48) < 1 x(cid:48), 2 βˆ’ x(cid:48), x(cid:48) β‰₯ 1, Lemma 1. Let cf = 3(log 1 Οƒ )1/2. For a problem instance, the violation probability of the well-behavedness near t satisfies (15) P ( Μ„Et) < O(Οƒ2.4). (19) where x(cid:48) ≑ x (mod 2). In practice, the perception gain is influenced by many factors, such as the instantaneous occlu- sion status, available data rate, and time-varying importance weights. Therefore, it is appropriate to regard the increment of Gi(t) as Gaussian random variables by the central limit theorem. The standard deviation of the increment Οƒ reflects the rate of change in the traffic environment. Generally, when Οƒ is smaller, better perception quality can be achieved since the perception gains are less dynamic. In the analysis below, we will measure the performance with respect to Οƒ. According to the dynamics (14), Gi(t) is ergodic and has uniform stationary distribution on [0, 1]. Without loss of generality, we also assume that the initial states Gi(0) follow the stationary distribution. In an RMAB problem, the performance of an algorithm is usually measured by a learning regret, defined as the performance loss compared to the offline optimal solution. Given a specific problem instance, the learning regret of a scheduling algorithm A by time slot T is written as RA(T ) = T (cid:88) t=1 [Gβˆ—(t) βˆ’ Gat(t)] , (16) where Gβˆ—(t) = Gaβˆ— (t) is the normalized gain of the optimal CoV. Since Gi(t) is constantly shifting during the trip, no online algorithm can achieve an upper bound of learning regret t Proof. See Appendix A. At time t, define the leader as the CoV with maximum last- seen gain. Let H βˆ—(t) denote the gain of the leader, and Ο„i(t) denote the last-seen time of CoV i at time t. We divide the average learning regret into two parts: RA(T ) = Rβˆ—(T ) + 2 (cid:88) i=1 Ri(T ), (20) where the first part denotes the gain difference between the optimal CoV and the leader, i.e., Rβˆ—(T ) = T (cid:88) t=1 [Gβˆ—(t) βˆ’ H βˆ—(t)] , (21) and the second part is the gain difference between the leader and the scheduled CoV, i.e., Ri(T ) = = ≀ T (cid:88) t=1 T (cid:88) t=1 T (cid:88) t=1 [H βˆ—(t) βˆ’ Gat(t)] I(at = i) [H βˆ—(t) βˆ’ Gi(t)] H βˆ—(Ο„i(t)) βˆ’ Gi(Ο„i(t)) t βˆ’ Ο„i(t) , (22) (23) (24) where we spread the regret incurred at time Ο„i(t) over the subsequent idle time. We set the algorithm parameter Ξ² = 5cf , and provide some basic deterministic properties of the proposed MASS algorithm conditioned on Et. Lemma 2. For a problem instance well-behaved near t, the MASS algorithm has the following properties: a) The optimal CoV at time t is scheduled no later than t + 1. b) The leader at time t is scheduled no later than t + 1. c) The change of the leader's gain in one slot is lower bounded by H βˆ—(t + 1) βˆ’ H βˆ—(t) β‰₯ βˆ’2cf Οƒ. (25) d) The gain difference between the optimal CoV and the leader is bounded by Gβˆ—(t) βˆ’ H βˆ—(t) < 5cf Οƒ. (26) Proof. See Appendix B. Let Ξ΄i(t) = H βˆ—(t) βˆ’ Gi(t). To bound Ri(T ), it is important to characterize a relationship between Ξ΄i(Ο„i(t)) and t βˆ’ Ο„i(t). Lemma 3. For a problem instance well-behaved near t, with the MASS algorithm we have: a) if CoV i is not optimal at t, then t βˆ’ Ο„i(t) β‰₯ Ξ©(Ξ΄i(t)/Ξ²Οƒ)2, Ξ΄i(Ο„i(t)) ≀ 2Ξ΄i(t) + O(cf Οƒ). b) If CoV i is optimal at t, then Ξ΄i(Ο„i(t)) ≀ O(cf Οƒ). Proof. See Appendix C. (27) (28) (29) The intuition behind Lemma 3 is that after scheduling a sub- optimal CoV, the subsequent idle time is proportional to the quadratic of the sub-optimality gap. It is important to note that Lemma 2 and Lemma 3 are deterministic, conditioned on the well-behavedness of the problem instance. Next, we deal with the conditional probability and bound the expected learning regret of the MASS algorithm with two fixed candidate CoVs. Theorem 1 (Fixed Candidates). Let Ξ² = 15Οƒ log Οƒβˆ’1. For a sufficiently long trip T β‰₯ Ξ©(Οƒβˆ’2), the expected average learning regret of MASS with two fixed candidate CoV is bounded by Μ„RMASS ≀ O (cid:0)Οƒ2 log3(1/Οƒ)(cid:1) . (30) Proof. See Appendix D. Remark. This theorem utilizes the uniform stationary distribu- tion of ergodic process Gi(t) to bound the expected average learning regret. The key of the proof is that the gap between two CoVs, G1(t)βˆ’G2(t), has a very high probability of being much larger than Οƒ. Then the expected regret can be bounded using Lemma 3 by conditional probabilities. Note that the expected average learning regret is lower bounded by O(Οƒ2) for any online algorithm [20]. Our algorithm is near-optimal in the sense that our upper bound matches the lower bound up to a logarithmic factor. 7 C. Bounds on Dynamic Candidate CoVs During the trip, the candidate set of available CoVs Vt changes occasionally. In the following algorithm, we will divide the trip into periods by the arrival times of candidate CoVs, and bound the regret in each period using Theorem 1. Theorem 2 (Dynamic Candidates). Let Ξ² = 15Οƒ log Οƒβˆ’1. For a sufficient long trip T β‰₯ Ξ©(Οƒβˆ’2) with a dynamic candidate CoV set satisfying |Vt| ≀ 2, the expected average learning regret of MASS is bounded by Μ„RMASS ≀ O (cid:0)Οƒ2 log3(1/Οƒ)(cid:1) + 2Ξ», (31) where Ξ» is the arrival rate of candidate CoVs. When Ξ» ≀ O (cid:0)Οƒ2 log3(1/Οƒ)(cid:1), is bounded by the expected average learning regret Μ„RMASS ≀ O (cid:0)Οƒ2 log3(1/Οƒ)(cid:1) . (32) Proof. See Appendix E. It is much more difficult to prove the bound for any number of candidate CoVs since it is hard to guarantee the basic properties in Lemma 2 without extra constraints. A similar algorithm with an activation mechanism is proposed in [20]. Specifically, when the upper confidence bound of a candidate is larger than the last-seen gain of the leader, it is activated until scheduled. The earliest activated candidate is scheduled in odd-numbered time slots, while in even-numbered time slots the leader is exploited. Although the additional rules facilitate a bound for any number of candidate CoVs, this algorithm is less efficient than our proposed MASS algorithm. We will show through experiments in Section VI-B that this algorithm compromises the regret performance. Moreover, we also conjecture that the regret bound also exists for our proposed MASS algorithm with any number of candidate CoVs, described as follows. Conjecture 1. Let Ξ² = 15Οƒ log Οƒβˆ’1. For a sufficient long trip T β‰₯ Ξ©(Οƒβˆ’2) with a dynamic candidate CoV set satisfying |Vt| ≀ Vmax, the expected average learning regret of MASS is bounded by Μ„RMASS ≀ O (cid:0)VmaxΟƒ2 log3(1/Οƒ)(cid:1) + 2Ξ». (33) where Ξ» is the arrival rate of candidate CoVs. When Ξ» ≀ O (cid:0)VmaxΟƒ2 log3(1/Οƒ)(cid:1), the expected average learning regret is bounded by Μ„RMASS ≀ O (cid:0)VmaxΟƒ2 log3(1/Οƒ)(cid:1) . (34) VI. EXPERIMENTS In this section, we first conduct empirical studies on the LiDAR-based object detection to characterize a relationship between the input sensor data X and the output of the object detector Ξ¦(X ). Then based on the empirical model, extensive simulations are conducted to evaluate the perception gain of the proposed MASS algorithm, compared with baseline algorithms. Finally, a case study is provided to compare the behavior of different online algorithms qualitatively. 8 Fig. 3. The empirical probability of missing an object with respect to the number of scanned points (in log scale). increased as well in Fig. 2b. Our evaluation of the perception gain depends on high precision since the gain is calculated based on the additional detections from CP. Moreover, it is reasonable to observe the trade-off that when the score threshold increases, the precision enhances while the recall degrades. To strike a balance between recall and precision, in the following experiments, the score threshold is set to 0.4. With mean precision as high as 0.99 for CP, we can safely approximate the perception gain from the newly detected objects, neglecting the false positives. Now turn to the relationship between the detection result and the scanned LiDAR points of an object. As shown in Fig. 3, the ground-truth objects are binned based on the number of points within the labeled 3D bounding boxes in log scale. Then we fit the missed detection probability to the exponential distribution and obtain the best fit with goodness R2 = 0.994. The statistics implies that the empirical probability of missing an object is approximately a power function of the number of scanned points on the object, i.e., (cid:17) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:16) = 1 = eβˆ’0.4343 log2 NX = N βˆ’0.6265 , P Ξ¦ (35) X (t) 0,j X where NX denotes the number of points on an object. Based on this observation, in the simulation of the following subsection, we will assume the detection result of an object is determined by the number of scanned points, neglecting other factors. Therefore, for each object j ∈ Ot, a minimum number of scanned points Nj are required for accurate detection, representing the difficulty of the object. This assumption is reasonable since a certain number of points are needed to exhibit the texture and shape information of a particular object. the object difficulty Nj follows a long-tail zeta By (35), random distribution with cumulative distribution function FN (n) = nβˆ’0.6265. (36) Then with CP, the total number of points on an object is increased, thus improving the chance of accurate detection. B. Simulation with Detection Model We first generate mobility traces in BEV using the micro- scopic traffic simulator SUMO [40], highlighting the sensor coverage and occlusion relationships. A Manhattan-like map is created with a 4-by-4 grid, as shown in Fig. 4. The street is bidirectional, with two lanes and a sidewalk in each direction, (a) (b) Fig. 2. Performances of CP over standalone perception at different score thresholds. (a) The mean recall. (b) The mean precision. A. Empirical Studies on LiDAR-based Perception We conduct 3D object detection experiments on an open- source large-scale automated driving dataset, DOLPHINS [36]. It is generated using the CARLA [37] traffic simulator, with a realistic environment rendered in six different scenarios, including intersections, highways, and T-junctions. The dataset features the support for V2X, providing temporally-aligned sensor data from the ego vehicle, a collaborative vehicle, and an RSU. There are 42,376 frames of sensor data with 3D bounding box labels for cars and pedestrians. The ego vehicle is required to detect all the other traffic participants, including the occluded, within [-100m, 100m] in the driving direction and [-40m, 40m] in the perpendicular direction. For generality and robustness, we focus on the raw-level sensor fusion, using point clouds scanned by LiDARs installed on the top of vehicles. Based on the pose information, the raw point clouds are merged after the coordinate transformation. The dataset is randomly split into the training, validation, and test sets with a 60%:20%:20% ratio. We adopt a popular LiDAR-based 3D detection model, PointPillars [38], with pillar size 0.16mΓ—0.16m. The intersection-over-union (IoU) threshold for accurate detection is set as 0.7 and 0.3 for cars and pedestrians, respectively. With an open-source platform OpenPCDet [39], we train the model for 200 epochs using the one-cycle Adam optimizer. We run the detection task on the test set and obtain mean i.e., cars recall and precision results over two categories, and pedestrians. The score threshold for a positive detection sweeps from 0.1 to 0.7. As shown in Fig. 2a, the recall is significantly improved by the supplementary view, which shows the great potential of CP. Besides, the precision, defined as the ratio of true detections to all detections, is slightly Threshold0. RecallCPStandalone Perception0. Threshold0.650.70.750.80.850.90.951Mean PrecisionCPStandalone Perception1248163264128256512# of Scanned Points00. of Missing an Object 9 TABLE I SIMULATION PARAMETERS Parameters Values Length of Time Slot Number of Cars CoV Ratio Speed Limit of Cars Turning Probabilities Arrival Rate of Pedestrians Speed of Pedestrians 0.1s 200 30% 50km/h 0.25 (Left), 0.25 (Right) 0.2 persons/s 1.2m/s LiDAR-Related # of Lasers Vertical Field-of-view Maximum Range Height of Objects Angular Resolution Data Rate (64 channels) 16, 32, 64 26.8β—¦ 100m 1.7m 0.09β—¦ 33.27Mbps V2X-Related Carrier Frequency Transmission Power Noise Power Spectral Density Receiver Noise Figure Shadowing Fading Std. Dev. Vehicle Blockage Loss Channel Bandwidth Available Comm. Resource Ratio Transition Time of Resource Ratio 5.9GHz 23dBm -174dBm/Hz 9dB 3dB (LOS, NLOSv), 4dB (NLOS) max{0, N (5, 4)} dB 30MHz 1.2MHz, 6MHz, 30MHz 10s Fig. 4. An illustration of the map created in SUMO with a zoomed snapshot at an intersection. and the side length of a block is 200 meters. The blocks represent the space for buildings, which occludes the sight of perpendicular directions, causing blind zones. The traffic flow is controlled by the traffic lights at intersections, leading to queues of cars waiting to enter the intersection as well as some occlusions. While the total number of cars is fixed, pedestrians are spawned randomly at the endpoints of each sidewalk and move towards the other endpoint as destinations. Based on the empirical modeling of perception in the subsection above, we randomly assign the difficulties, the minimum number of LiDAR points for correct detection, to each car and pedestrian. We randomly select one vehicle as the ego vehicle, which aims to perceive the other traffic participants within 100m using CP. The importance weight of objects is calculated by w(t) j = ο£±   1, 2 βˆ’ log10 d(t) j , 0, d(t) j ≀ 10, 10 < d(t) d(t) j β‰₯ 100, j < 100, (37) where d(t) is the distance between the object j and the ego j vehicle. Define CoV ratio as the proportion of CoVs with sensor sharing functionality among vehicles on the road. Each CoV, including the ego vehicle, is equipped with an omni- directional LiDAR on the top. We simulate the laser scanning process in the experiment, considering the blockage effect of vehicles and buildings. During the trip, the CoVs within 100 meters from the ego vehicle are identified as candidates since they are more likely to help reveal important objects. Due to the decentralized congestion control (DCC) mecha- nism of the V2X network [41], the LiDAR point clouds are down-sampled when the communication bandwidth is inade- quate. For each CoV, the evolution of available communication resource ratio Ξ·i(t) is modeled by independent Markov chains with three states [42]. Besides, we adopt the V2V sidelink channel models in 3GPP TR 37.885 [43], which introduces the NLOSv state, in which the direct path is blocked by vehicles. Unlike the conventional NLOS channel that assumes blockage by larger objects such as buildings, the behavior of NLOSv channel is closer to a LOS channel with extra attenuation. In the urban setting, the pathloss of the LOS and the NLOSv channels are specified by P LLOS = 38.77 + 16.7 log10 d + 18.2 log10 fc, (38) where the NLoSv channel adds an extra blockage loss for each vehicle. On the other hand, the pathloss of the NLOS channel Fig. 5. A sample path on the evolution of perception gains of nearby CoVs. The start point of a curve represents that a CoV is approaching the ego vehicle and becomes a candidate. The end point represents that the CoV is no longer a candidate. is given by P LNLOS = 36.85 + 30 log10 d + 18.9 log10 fc. (39) The simulation parameters are summarized in Table I. We simulate for T = 104 time slots, corresponding to a trip of 1,000 seconds. An exemplary sample path of the perception gains is plotted in Fig. 5. In the following, we compare the proposed MASS algo- rithm to four baselines: 1) Closest CoV is a naive policy without regard to historical observations. It is supported by the fact that the closest CoV usually has a good viewpoint for closer objects which have greater importance weights, and the pathloss is minimum. 2) In Periodic ETC (Periodic Explore-Then-Commit), the time is divided into epochs of 1011121314151617181920Time (s)0123456Perception GainCoV 1CoV 2CoV 3CoV 4CoV 5 TABLE II SWEEPING PARAMETERS IN ALGORITHMS Algorithm Parameter Range of Value Closest CoV Periodic ETC SW-UCB Earliest Activation MASS - Epoch Length Horizon Length Scale of UCB Ξ² Scale of UCB Ξ² Scale of UCB Ξ² - {2,3,...101} {5,10,20,30,40} [10βˆ’1, 101] (log scale) [10βˆ’1, 100.5] (log scale) [10βˆ’0.9, 100.6] (log scale) 10 (a) (b) Fig. 6. The average regret of different scheduling policies with sweeping algorithm parameters. The ranges of parameters for each algorithm are specified in Table II. The optimal regrets of scheduling policies are marked on the figure. equal length. At the beginning of an epoch, each candidate is explored once, then for the rest of the epoch, the CoV with the maximum empirical perception gain is scheduled. 3) SW-UCB (Sliding Window UCB) [19] is adapted from the classic UCB algorithm, using the averaged observed rewards on a fixed-size horizon rather than the infinite horizon. 4) Earliest Activated [20] is another online algorithm for restless bandit problem. It explores the earliest activated CoV in odd-numbered time slots and exploits the leader in even-numbered time slots. For a fair comparison, the algorithms are evaluated with sweeping parameters, summarized in Table II. Fig. 6 shows the average learning regret for sweeping algorithm parameters. The average learning regret reflects the perception cost difference to the offline optimal decision across time. With reasonable parameters, all the learning- based algorithms, including SW-UCB, Earliest Activated, and the proposed MASS algorithm, outperform the distance-based policy, showing the benefit of learning from historical observa- tions. Among the learning-based algorithms, MASS achieves a uniformly better regret performance than other algorithms in a wide range of parameter values. Furthermore, a well- tuned parameter can minimize the average regret, shown by the markers on the curves. The optimal parameter of the MASS algorithm is influenced by the rate of change in the perception gain, as stated in Section V. Fig. 7 compares the average perception gain of scheduling policies at optimal parameters during the trip under different CoV ratios. We make three observations as follows. First, the Fig. 7. Comparisons of scheduling algorithms under different CoV ratios. a) The perception gain. b) The recall value. perception gain generally increases when the CoV ratio is higher. Typically, when there are more candidate CoVs, the gain from the optimal CoV is higher, and thus the perfor- mance is improved when the optimal CoV is exploited. With different CoV ratios, the MASS algorithm has stable optimal parameters around Ξ² β‰ˆ 0.6, showing its robustness to the number of candidates. Second, the MASS algorithm performs uniformly the best with all CoV ratios. The perception gain is improved by up to 49% compared to position-based policy and 12% compared to other learning-based algorithms in high CoV ratio settings. The advantage over SW-UCB implies an essential finding that dynamics is more significant than randomness due to the high-mobility nature of the automated driving scenario. In contrast to the Periodic ETC algorithm that explores regularly, MASS explores more efficiently by adapting to the actual state. Finally, although the optimization objective is not precisely aligned to the recall, the MASS algorithm achieves the best perception performance. The recall is improved by up to 4.2 percentage points compared to other learning-based algorithms in the high CoV ratio setting, which is a considerable gain in the context of automated driving. C. Case Study: A Trace with LiDAR Frames To further illustrate the benefits of adaptive exploration, we conduct a case study with a CARLA-generated trace of LiDAR frames. For a hundred frames, the LiDAR point clouds from the ego vehicle and four other CoVs are simultaneously recorded during a trip of 50 seconds. The trajectories of the vehicles on the town map are shown in Fig. 8. In each time 102030405060708090100Index of Parameter in Algorithms00. RegretClosest CoVPeriodic ETCSW-UCBEarliest ActivatedMASS [Proposed]10%30%50%70%CoV Ratio2.533.544.555.56Average Perception GainClosest CoVPeriodic ETCSW-UCBEarliest ActivatedMASS [Proposed]10%30%50%70%CoV Ratio70%72%74%76%78%80%82%Average RecallClosest CoVPeriodic ETCSW-UCBEarliest ActivatedMASS [Proposed] 11 (a) (b) Fig. 10. Visualization of the merged point clouds and detection results. (a) The merged point clouds when CoV 1 is scheduled by Closest CoV and Periodic ETC algorithms. (b) The merged point clouds when CoV 2 is scheduled by the proposed MASS algorithm. Such a process takes full advantage of the information within the historical detection results and learns to make optimal decisions, which is the core intuition of our algorithm. VII. CONCLUSION In this paper, we have studied the scheduling of decen- tralized cooperative perception within the RMAB framework, fully considering the mobility of CoVs. A mobility-aware sensor scheduling (MASS) algorithm has been proposed to maximize the average perception gain, leveraging the temporal continuity of perception gains. The MASS algorithm enables each CoV to learn the perception gains from candidates in a distributed manner, without the overhead of frequent meta- information exchanges. An upper bound for the expected average learning regret is provided that matches the lower bound of any online algorithm up to a logarithmic factor. We have evaluated the MASS algorithm under a realistic SUMO trace, showing that the proposed algorithm can improve the average perception gain by up to 12% and the recall by up to 4.2 percentage points, compared to other learning-based algorithms. Finally, a case study has been presented to show the superiority of adaptive exploration from our proposed algorithm. For future work, we plan to extend the sensor scheduling problem towards more sources, using the combinatorial multi- armed bandit framework [44]. Note that the reward is then non-linear since the perception gains of different sources are not independent. Besides, we will study the uncertainty reduction modeling of the perception gain [45] to incorporate the influence of false positives in the perception performance. APPENDIX A PROOF OF LEMMA 1 Define the event (cid:110) E(i) t,t(cid:48) = |Gi(t) βˆ’ Gi(t(cid:48))| ≀ cf (cid:112)|t βˆ’ t(cid:48)|Οƒ (cid:111) . Fig. 8. The trajectories of the ego vehicle and other CoVs on the CARLA town map. The position of the ego vehicle is marked every 10 seconds. Fig. 9. The comparison of moving average perception costs of different scheduling algorithms. slot, the ego vehicle identifies the CoVs within 100 meters as candidates and selects a CoV to schedule. For sensor fusion, the received point clouds are transformed into the view of the ego vehicle and then appended together with the onboard sensor data. Then it is feed into the 3D object detector, PointPillars, to obtain the perception results. Several representative algorithms are tested, including the one-shot distance-based Closest CoV, the regularly exploring Periodic ETC, and the adaptively exploring MASS algorithm. The standalone perception and CP with the offline optimal CoV serve as the upper and lower bounds for the perception cost, respectively. As shown in Fig. 9, the MASS algorithm achieves the best perception quality, consistent with the simulation results. We further visualize the merged point clouds and detection results, as illustrated in Fig. 10. At around 38.0s, the ego vehicle is leaving the roundabout, when two cars and one pedestrian are invisible due to the blockage effect. The CoV 1 in front is scheduled with the Closest CoV policy and the Periodic ETC in the exploitation phase. However, as shown in Fig. 10(a), there is no traffic in front, and thus the extra sensor has no gain. Owing to the adaptive exploration, the MASS algorithm is aware of the decrease in the leader's gain. Therefore, the ego vehicle explores and quickly identifies CoV 2 as the new leader since it reveals three additional objects in Fig. 10(b). LegendEgoCoV 1CoV 2CoV 3CoV 410 sec20 sec30 sec40 sec50 sec50m100mScale0m0 sec01020304050Time (s)0.511.522.53Moving Average Perception CostStandalone PerceptionClosest CoVPeriodic ETC, =10sMASS [Proposed], =0.3Offline OptimalEgo VehicleCoV1(Scheduled)Missed TargetsEgo VehicleCoV2(Scheduled)Newly Detected 12 2cf Οƒ. By assumption, Gi(t) βˆ’ Gi(t(cid:48)) ∼ N (0, |t βˆ’ t(cid:48)|Οƒ2), thus If CoV 1 is scheduled at t βˆ’ 1, then eβˆ’x2/2dx G1(t + 1) βˆ’ G2(t) β‰₯ G1(t + 1) βˆ’ G1(t βˆ’ 1) β‰₯ βˆ’ √ P (E(i) t,t(cid:48)) = 1 βˆ’ 2 (cid:90) ∞ 1 2Ο€ cf = 1 βˆ’ O (cid:0)log Οƒβˆ’1(cid:1)βˆ’1/2 eβˆ’ 9 2 log Οƒβˆ’1 β‰₯ 1 βˆ’ O(Οƒ4.4). Then 2 (cid:89) t+Οƒβˆ’2 (cid:89) P (Et) β‰₯ P (E(i) t,t(cid:48)) > 1 βˆ’ O(Οƒ2.4). t(cid:48)=tβˆ’Οƒβˆ’2 Therefore, P ( Μ„Et) < O(Οƒ2.4). i=1 APPENDIX B PROOF OF LEMMA 2 In the proposed algorithm, the last-seen time Ο„i(t) must exist and satisfies t βˆ’ Ο„i(t) < Οƒβˆ’2. For simplicity, we denote Ο„i = Ο„i(t) when there is no confusion. a) Without loss of generality, we assume CoV 1 is optimal at t. If CoV 2 is scheduled at time t, then at t + 1, G1(Ο„1) + Ξ²Οƒ √ t βˆ’ Ο„1 + 1 β‰₯ G1(t) βˆ’ cf Οƒ √ + Ξ²Οƒ t βˆ’ Ο„1 + 1 √ t βˆ’ Ο„1 > G2(t) + Ξ²Οƒ. Therefore, CoV 1 must be scheduled no later than t + 1. b) Without loss of generality, we assume CoV 1 is the leader at t. If CoV 1 is not scheduled at time t βˆ’ 1, then √ G1(Ο„1) + Ξ² t βˆ’ Ο„1 β‰₯ G2(t βˆ’ 1) + Ξ²Οƒ, since G1(Ο„1) β‰₯ G2(t βˆ’ 1), and the proof is completed. Otherwise, we have CoV 1 scheduled at t βˆ’ 1 and CoV 2 scheduled at t, then G1(Ο„1) + Ξ²Οƒ √ t βˆ’ Ο„1 βˆ’ 1 β‰₯ G2(Ο„2) + Ξ²Οƒ √ t βˆ’ Ο„2 βˆ’ 1. (40) i) If Ο„1 = t βˆ’ 2, Ο„2 ≀ t βˆ’ 3, then (40) implies G1(t βˆ’ 2) + Ξ²Οƒ β‰₯ G2(Ο„2) + Ξ²Οƒ √ t βˆ’ Ο„2 βˆ’ 1. Therefore, at time t + 1, √ G1(t βˆ’ 1) + 2Ξ²Οƒ β‰₯ G1(t βˆ’ 2) + cf Οƒ + > G2(t) + Ξ²Οƒ. √ 2Ξ²Οƒ ii) If Ο„2 = t βˆ’ 2, Ο„1 ≀ t βˆ’ 3, then at time t + 1, √ √ G1(t βˆ’ 1) + 2Ξ²Οƒ β‰₯ G2(t βˆ’ 2) + 2Ξ²Οƒ > G2(t) + Ξ²Οƒ. To sum up, CoV 1 is scheduled no later than t + 1. c) The statement is trivially true if the leader stays the same from t to t+1. Otherwise, Let CoV 1 be the leader at t+1, CoV 2 be the leader at t, H βˆ—(t + 1) βˆ’ H βˆ—(t) = G1(t + 1) βˆ’ G2(t). i) Assume CoV 1 is scheduled at t, then CoV 2 must be scheduled at t βˆ’ 1. Therefore, G1(t + 1) βˆ’ G2(t) β‰₯ G1(t + 1) βˆ’ G2(t βˆ’ 1) βˆ’ cf Οƒ If CoV 2 is scheduled at t βˆ’ 1, then √ G1(t + 1) βˆ’ G2(t) β‰₯ G1(Ο„1) βˆ’ t βˆ’ Ο„1 + 1cf Οƒ βˆ’ G2(t) > cf + Ξ² Ξ² β‰₯ βˆ’2cf Οƒ, (G1(Ο„1) βˆ’ G2(t)) βˆ’ 2cf Οƒ where the second inequality is by (41). d) Let CoV 1 be the optimal CoV at tβˆ’2, which is scheduled at t(cid:48) ∈ {t βˆ’ 2, t βˆ’ 1}. Then either G1(t(cid:48)) ≀ H βˆ—(t(cid:48)) or CoV 1 becomes the new leader at t(cid:48) + 1. Either of them leads to H βˆ—(t(cid:48) + 1) β‰₯ G1(t(cid:48)) βˆ’ cf Οƒ. If t(cid:48) = t βˆ’ 2, by c) we have H βˆ—(t) β‰₯ H βˆ—(t βˆ’ 1) βˆ’ 2cf Οƒ β‰₯ Gi(t βˆ’ 2) βˆ’ 3cf Οƒ = Gβˆ—(t βˆ’ 2) βˆ’ 3cf Οƒ > Gβˆ—(t) βˆ’ 5cf Οƒ. If t(cid:48) = t βˆ’ 1, H βˆ—(t) = Gi(t βˆ’ 1) βˆ’ cf Οƒ = Gi(t βˆ’ 2) βˆ’ 2cf Οƒ = Gβˆ—(t βˆ’ 2) βˆ’ 2cf Οƒ > Gβˆ—(t) βˆ’ 4cf Οƒ. Therefore, Gβˆ—(t) βˆ’ H βˆ—(t) < 5cf Οƒ. APPENDIX C PROOF OF LEMMA 3 a) We focus on a sub-optimal CoV i and omit the subscript i for simplicity. Since the problem instance is well-behaved near t, for βˆ€t(cid:48) ∈ [t βˆ’ Οƒβˆ’2, t + Οƒβˆ’2], √ |G(t(cid:48)) βˆ’ G(Ο„ )| ≀ cf |H βˆ—(t(cid:48)) βˆ’ H βˆ—(Ο„ )| ≀ cf √ t(cid:48) βˆ’ Ο„ Οƒ, t(cid:48) βˆ’ Ο„ Οƒ + 5cf Οƒ. Then |Ξ΄(t(cid:48)) βˆ’ Ξ΄(Ο„ )| ≀ 2cf √ t(cid:48) βˆ’ Ο„ Οƒ + 5cf Οƒ. If Ξ΄(t) ≀ 20cf Οƒ, then CoV i is scheduled soon and trivially t βˆ’ Ο„ = O(1) = Θ(Ξ΄i(t)/Ξ²Οƒ)2, Ξ΄(Ο„ ) = O(cf Οƒ) = Ξ΄(t) + O(cf Οƒ), which satisfies the condition. Otherwise, i) if Ξ΄(Ο„ ) < Ξ΄(t)/2, √ 2cf t βˆ’ Ο„ Οƒ β‰₯ |Ξ΄(t) βˆ’ Ξ΄(Ο„ )| βˆ’ 5cf Οƒ β‰₯ Ξ΄/4, and thus t βˆ’ Ο„ β‰₯ Θ(Ξ΄(t)/cf Οƒ). ii) If Ξ΄(Ο„ ) β‰₯ Ξ΄(t)/2, we have for βˆ€t(cid:48) ∈ [Ο„, t + Οƒβˆ’2], √ G(Ο„ ) + Ξ²Οƒ t(cid:48) βˆ’ Ο„ = H βˆ—(Ο„ ) βˆ’ Ξ΄(Ο„ ) + Ξ²Οƒ √ t(cid:48) βˆ’ Ο„ ≀ H βˆ—(t(cid:48)) βˆ’ Ξ΄(t)/2 + (cf + Ξ²)Οƒ √ t(cid:48) βˆ’ Ο„ . β‰₯ G1(t + 1) βˆ’ G1(t) βˆ’ cf Οƒ β‰₯ βˆ’2cf Οƒ. For any t(cid:48) satisfying t(cid:48) βˆ’ t ≀ O(Ξ΄(t)/Ξ²Οƒ)2, ii) Assume CoV 2 is scheduled at t, we have √ G1(Ο„1) + t βˆ’ Ο„1Ξ²Οƒ ≀ G2(Ο„2) + √ t βˆ’ Ο„2Ξ²Οƒ. (41) √ G(Ο„ ) + Ξ²Οƒ t(cid:48) βˆ’ Ο„ ≀ H βˆ—(t(cid:48)) + Ξ²Οƒ, Therefore, t βˆ’ Ο„ β‰₯ Θ(Ξ΄(t)/Ξ²Οƒ). During the unscheduled time t(cid:48) ∈ (Ο„, t], we have √ Ξ²Οƒ t(cid:48) βˆ’ Ο„ ≀ H βˆ—(t(cid:48)) + Ξ²Οƒ βˆ’ G(Ο„ ) = Ξ΄(t(cid:48)) + G(t(cid:48)) βˆ’ G(Ο„ ) + Ξ²Οƒ √ ≀ Ξ΄(t(cid:48)) + cf Οƒ t(cid:48) βˆ’ Ο„ + Ξ²Οƒ, √ and consequently Ξ΄(t(cid:48)) β‰₯ 4cf |Ξ΄(t(cid:48)) βˆ’ Ξ΄(Ο„ )| ≀ 2cf t(cid:48) βˆ’ Ο„ Οƒ βˆ’ Ξ²Οƒ. Finally, √ t(cid:48) βˆ’ Ο„ Οƒ + O(cf Οƒ) ≀ Ξ΄(t(cid:48))/2 + O(cf Οƒ). Let t(cid:48) = t, and we obtain Ξ΄(Ο„ ) ≀ 2Ξ΄(t) + O(cf Οƒ). b) Assume the CoV 1 is optimal at t. Suppose Ο„1 < t βˆ’ 2, then CoV 2 is scheduled at t βˆ’ 1. We have √ √ G1(Ο„1) + Ξ² t βˆ’ Ο„1Οƒ β‰₯ G1(t) + 4 β‰₯ G2(t) + cf 3cf Οƒ √ 2Οƒ + Ξ²Οƒ, which contradicts the scheduling decision. Thus, Ο„1 β‰₯ t βˆ’ 2, and √ Ξ΄1(Ο„1) ≀ 2 2cf Οƒ + 5cf Οƒ = O(cf Οƒ). APPENDIX D PROOF OF THEOREM 1 We first bound the expectation of Rβˆ—(T ). By (26), define the events Ft = {Gβˆ—(t) βˆ’ H βˆ—(t) ∈ (0, 5cf Οƒ)} , Μ„Ft = {Gβˆ—(t) βˆ’ H βˆ—(t) = 0} . Since Gi(t) has uniform stationary distribution, P (Ft) = P (|G1(t) βˆ’ G2(t)| ∈ (0, 5cf Οƒ)) ≀ O(cf Οƒ), and we obtain E[Gβˆ—(t) βˆ’ H βˆ—(t)] = E[Gβˆ—(t) βˆ’ H βˆ—(t)|Et] * P (Et) + P ( Μ„Et) ≀ E[Gβˆ—(t) βˆ’ H βˆ—(t)|Et, Ft] * P (EtFt) + 0 * P (Et Μ„Ft) + P ( Μ„Et) ≀ O(cf Οƒ)2 + O(Οƒ2.4) ≀ O(cf Οƒ)2. Next we bound the the expectation of Ri(T ). i) For sub-optimal CoV i, define the event Ξ“ = {Ξ΄i(t) = Ξ΄, Gi(t) < Gβˆ—(t)}, and we have E (cid:20) Ξ΄i(t) t βˆ’ Ο„i(t) (cid:21) |Ξ“ ≀ E (cid:40) ≀ (cid:21) |Ξ“Et (cid:20) Ξ΄i(t) t βˆ’ Ο„i(t) O (cid:0)(Ξ²Οƒ)2/Ξ΄(cid:1) , O(cf Οƒ), + 1 * P ( Μ„Et|Ξ“) Ξ΄ > Ξ±cf Οƒ, Ξ΄ < Ξ±cf Οƒ, where we use (27), (28) at the second inequality, and Ξ± is a large enough constant. The distribution of Ξ΄i(t) is bounded by P (Ξ΄i(t) ≀ Ξ΄|Gi(t) < Gβˆ—(t) = Gβˆ—) ≀P (Gβˆ—(t) βˆ’ Gi(t) ≀ Ξ΄ + O(cf Οƒ)|Gi(t) < Gβˆ—) ≀ Ξ΄ + O(cf Οƒ) Gβˆ— . Integrating over Gβˆ—, P (Ξ΄i(t) ≀ Ξ΄|Gi(t) < Gβˆ—(t)) = (cid:90) 1 f (Gβˆ—)dGβˆ— 0 Ξ΄ + O(cf Οƒ) Gβˆ— = (Ξ΄ + O(cf Οƒ)) * E[1/Gβˆ—] ≀ Ξ΄ + O(cf Οƒ). 13 Then, E (cid:20) Ξ΄i(t) t βˆ’ Ο„i(t) |Gi(t) < Gβˆ—(t) (cid:21) ≀ O(cf Οƒ)2 + (cid:90) 1 Ξ±cf Οƒ ≀ O(Οƒ2 log3(1/Οƒ)). (Ξ²Οƒ)2 Ξ΄ dΞ΄ ii) For optimal CoV i, define Ξ› = {Gi(t) = Gβˆ—(t)}. (cid:20) Ξ΄i(t) t βˆ’ Ο„i(t) ≀ O(Οƒ2 log2(1/Οƒ)), (cid:20) Ξ΄i(t) t βˆ’ Ο„i(t) (cid:21) |Ft, Ξ› ≀ E |Ξ› E (cid:21) * P (Ft) + 0 * P ( Μ„Ft) where the second inequality is by (29). To sum up, (cid:34) E Rβˆ—(T ) + (cid:35) Ri(T ) 2 (cid:88) i=1 E Gβˆ—(t) βˆ’ H βˆ—(t) + Μ„RMASS = ≀ 1 T 1 T (cid:34) T (cid:88) t=3 Ξ΄i(t) t βˆ’ Ο„i(t) (cid:35) + 2 T 2 (cid:88) i=1 ≀ O(Οƒ2 log3(1/Οƒ)). APPENDIX E PROOF OF THEOREM 2 Denote the arrival time of new candidates CoV i by s1, s2, * * * , sN . We split the whole trip into periods [1, s1 βˆ’ the beginning of the i-th 1], [s1, s2 βˆ’ 1], * * * , [sN , T ]. At period si, if Gi(si) > Gj(si), we augment the period to [Ο„j(si), si+1 βˆ’ 1] so that Ο„j(t) exists within the period for t > si + 1. Then by Lemma 2, CoV j is sub-optimal during [Ο„j(si), si βˆ’ 2], otherwise CoV j should be scheduled before si. Naturally, the scheduling decision is optimal at [Ο„j(si) + 1, si βˆ’ 2]. Therefore, we compute the expected learning regret inside the i-th period, si+1βˆ’1 (cid:88) (cid:34) Gβˆ—(t) βˆ’ H βˆ—(t) + E Ri ≀ t=si+1 (cid:35) 2 (cid:88) i=1 Ξ΄i(t) t βˆ’ Ο„i(t) + 2. (42) To sum up, we obtain the average expected learning rate using the results in the proof of Theorem 1, Μ„RMASS = ≀ 1 T 1 T N (cid:88) i=1 N (cid:88) Ri si+1βˆ’1 (cid:88) (cid:34) Gβˆ—(t) βˆ’ H βˆ—(t) + E t=si+1 (cid:21) i=1 (cid:20) 2N T + E (cid:35) 2 (cid:88) i=1 Ξ΄i(t) t βˆ’ Ο„i(t) ≀ O (cid:0)Οƒ2 log3(1/Οƒ)(cid:1) + 2Ξ». When Ξ» ≀ O (cid:0)Οƒ2 log3(1/Οƒ)(cid:1), Μ„RMASS ≀ O (cid:0)Οƒ2 log3(1/Οƒ)(cid:1) . 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A Light-weight Deep Learning Model for Remote Sensing Image Classification
"In this paper, we present a high-performance and light-weight deep learning\nmodel for Remote Sensi(...TRUNCATED)
[ "Lam Pham", "Cam Le", "Dat Ngo", "Anh Nguyen", "Jasmin Lampert", "Alexander Schindler", "Ian McLoughlin" ]
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI", "cs.LG" ]
DCLP: Neural Architecture Predictor with Curriculum Contrastive Learning
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[ "Shenghe Zheng", "Hongzhi Wang", "Tianyu Mu" ]
[ "cs.LG" ]
"DCLP: Neural Architecture Predictor with Curriculum Contrastive Learning\n\nShenghe Zheng1 , Hongzh(...TRUNCATED)
A Unified Framework for Soft Threshold Pruning
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[ "Yanqi Chen", "Zhengyu Ma", "Wei Fang", "Xiawu Zheng", "Zhaofei Yu", "Yonghong Tian" ]
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "cs.CV", "cs.NE" ]
"Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2023\n\nA UNIFIED FRAMEWORK FOR SOFT THRESHOLD\nPRUNING\n\n(...TRUNCATED)
AugGPT: Leveraging ChatGPT for Text Data Augmentation
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["Haixing Dai","Zhengliang Liu","Wenxiong Liao","Xiaoke Huang","Yihan Cao","Zihao Wu","Lin Zhao","Sh(...TRUNCATED)
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Better Generative Replay for Continual Federated Learning
"Federated learning is a technique that enables a centralized server to learn\nfrom distributed clie(...TRUNCATED)
[ "Daiqing Qi", "Handong Zhao", "Sheng Li" ]
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
Inaccurate Label Distribution Learning
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[ "Zhiqiang Kou", "Yuheng Jia", "Jing Wang", "Xin Geng" ]
[ "cs.LG" ]
Generalization Bounds for Set-to-Set Matching with Negative Sampling
"The problem of matching two sets of multiple elements, namely set-to-set\nmatching, has received a (...TRUNCATED)
[ "Masanari Kimura" ]
[ "stat.ML", "cs.LG" ]

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