import io import os import base64 import mimetypes import numpy as np import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import altair as alt import sklearn as skl import PIL as pil from uform import get_model from usearch.index import Index, MetricKind # Managing data script_path: str = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) data_path: str = os.environ.get( 'UNSPLASH_SEARCH_PATH', os.path.join(script_path, 'dataset')) view_local_images: bool = True if os.environ.get( 'STREAMLIT_SERVER_ENABLE_STATIC_SERVING') else False image_query = bytes() text_query = str() results = list() max_caption_length: int = 100 class FileNotFoundError(Exception): pass def img_to_data(path): """Convert a file (specified by a path) into a data URI.""" if not os.path.exists(path): raise FileNotFoundError mime, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(path) with open(path, 'rb') as fp: data = data64 = base64.b64encode(data).decode('utf-8') return f'data:{mime}/jpg;base64,{data64}' @st.cache_resource def get_uform_model(): return get_model('unum-cloud/uform-vl-english') @st.cache_resource def get_unsplash_metadata(): path = os.path.join(data_path, 'images.csv') assert os.path.exists(path), 'Missing metadata file' df = pd.read_csv(path, dtype=str).fillna('') df['photo_submitted_at'] = pd.to_datetime( df['photo_submitted_at'], format='mixed') return df @st.cache_resource def get_unsplash_usearch_index(): index = Index(ndim=256, metric=MetricKind.Cos) path = os.path.join(data_path, 'images.usearch') assert os.path.exists(path), 'Missing index file' index.view(path) return index # GUI setup st.set_page_config( page_title='USearch through Unsplash', page_icon='🐍', layout='wide', initial_sidebar_state='collapsed', ) st.title('USearch through Unsplash') text_query: str = st.text_input( 'Search Bar', placeholder='Search for Unsplash photos', value='', key='text_query', label_visibility='collapsed') if not len(text_query): text_query = None image_query: io.BytesIO = st.file_uploader( 'Alternatively, choose an image file') layout: str = 'Layout', ('List', 'Grid', 'Semantics'), horizontal=True, label_visibility='collapsed') columns: int = st.sidebar.slider( 'Grid Columns', min_value=1, max_value=10, value=5) show_captions: bool = st.sidebar.checkbox('Show Captions in Grid', value=True) max_results: int = st.sidebar.number_input( 'Max Matches', min_value=1, max_value=None, value=100) model = get_uform_model() table = get_unsplash_metadata() index = get_unsplash_usearch_index() # Search Content if not text_query and not image_query: results = table[:max_results] else: with st.spinner(f'We are searching through {len(table)} entries'): if image_query: image_query = query_data = model.preprocess_image(image_query) query_embedding = model.encode_image(query_data).detach().numpy() else: query_data = model.preprocess_text(text_query) query_embedding = model.encode_text(query_data).detach().numpy() # We don't need the text-based search, if we have AI :) # results = table[table['photo_description'].str.contains( # text_query)][:max_results] matches, _, _ = query_embedding.flatten(), max_results, exact=True, ) results = table.iloc[matches] st.success( f'Found {len(results)} matches among {len(table)} entries!', icon='✅') # Join metadata with images results = results.copy().reset_index() results['photo_image_base64'] = [ img_to_data(os.path.join(data_path, 'images', id + '.jpg')) for id in results['photo_id']] # Visualize Matches if layout == 'List': columns = [ 'photo_image_base64', 'photo_description', 'ai_description', 'photographer_username', 'photo_submitted_at', 'stats_views', 'stats_downloads', 'photo_id', 'photo_url', 'photo_image_url', ] visible_results = results[columns] st.dataframe( visible_results, column_config={ 'photo_id': st.column_config.TextColumn('ID'), 'photo_url': st.column_config.LinkColumn('Page'), 'photo_image_url': st.column_config.LinkColumn('Remote'), 'photo_image_base64': st.column_config.ImageColumn( 'Local', width='large'), 'photo_submitted_at': st.column_config.DatetimeColumn( 'Time', format='DD.MM.YYYY', ), 'photo_description': st.column_config.TextColumn('Human Text'), 'ai_description': st.column_config.TextColumn('AI Text'), 'photographer_username': st.column_config.TextColumn('Author'), 'stats_views': st.column_config.NumberColumn('Views'), 'stats_downloads': st.column_config.NumberColumn('Downloads'), }, use_container_width=True, hide_index=False, height=1000, ) elif layout == 'Semantics': vectors = np.vstack([ index.reconstruct(id, dtype=np.float32) for id in results['photo_id']]) tsne = skl.manifold.TSNE( n_components=2, learning_rate='auto', init='random', perplexity=3).fit_transform(vectors) results['x'] = tsne[:, 0] results['y'] = tsne[:, 1] altair_chart = alt.Chart(results).mark_circle(size=200).encode( x='x', y='y', tooltip=['photo_image_base64'], ) st.altair_chart(altair_chart, use_container_width=True, theme='streamlit') elif layout == 'Grid': for n_row, row in results.reset_index().iterrows(): i = n_row % columns if i == 0: st.write('---') cols = st.columns(columns, gap='large') with cols[n_row % columns]: id = row['photo_id'] username = row['photographer_username'].strip() preview_path = row['photo_image_base64'] if show_captions: description = row['photo_description'].strip() if len(description) > max_caption_length: description = description[:max_caption_length] + '...' description = f'{description} \@{username}' else: description = '' st.image( preview_path, caption=description, use_column_width='always')