Unnamed: 0
Status John: I'm not really sure what happened between us.? I was under the impression after my visit to Houston that we were about to enter into a trial agreement for my advisory work.? Somehow,?this never occurred.? Did I say or do something wrong to screw this up??? I don't know if you've blown this whole thing off, but I still hope you are interested in trying?to create an arrangement.? As a courtesy, here is my report from this past weekend.? If you are no longer interested in my work, please tell me so.??Best wishes, Mark Sagel Psytech Analytics (410)308-0245? energy2000-1112.doc
re:summer inverses i suck-hope youve made more money in natgas last 3 weeks than i have. mkt shud be getting bearish feb forward-cuz we already have the weather upon us-fuel switching and the rest shud invert the whole curve not just dec cash to jan and feb forward???? have a good weekend john
The WTI Bullet swap contracts Hi, Following the e-mail you have received yesterday concerning the new WTI bullet swap contracts, we would like to summarize what we have done on the ICE system yesterday evening: -Deleted WTI monthly time spreads -Deleted WTI/Brent monthly diff spreads (spread with legging) -Deleted 1% NYH Harbor Fuel Oil Crack monthly (spread with legging) -Added WTI/Brent monthly diff spreads (spread with NO legging) -Added 1% NYH Harbor Fuel Oil Crack monthly (spread with NO legging) Unfortunately the WTI/Brent and the 1% NYH Fuel Oil Crack contracts (with the legging functionality) have been removed from your portfolios. You will need to add the first four nearby months' contracts to your portfolios by going to Admin Manage Portfolios Edit your portfolio.... Please do not hesitate to contact us is you have any question: Helpdesk on +1 770 738 2101 (US) Stephanie Trabia: +44 207 484 5546 (UK) Regards, Stephanie Trabia Marketing Manager IntercontinentalExchange Tel +44 207 484 5546 Fax +44 207 484 5100 Mob +44 77 33 261 268
Fwd: Article: Suspended Rabbi Quits Seminary Presidency >Sender: >Reply-To: >From: >To:
daily charts and matrices as hot links 5/15 The information contained herein is based on sources that we believe to be reliable, but we do not represent that it is accurate or complete. Nothing contained herein should be considered as an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any financial instruments discussed herein. Any opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author. As such, they may differ in material respects from those of, or expressed or published by on behalf of Carr Futures or its officers, directors, employees or affiliates. 2001 Carr Futures The charts are now available on the web by clicking on the hot link(s) contained in this email. If for any reason you are unable to receive the charts via the web, please contact me via email and I will email the charts to you as attachments. Distillate and unleaded charts to follow. Crude <URL> Natural Gas <URL> Nat Gas Strip Matrix <URL> Nat Gas Spread Matrix <URL> Crude and Products Spread Matrix <URL> Carr Futures 150 S. Wacker Dr., Suite 1500 Chicago, IL 60606 USA Tel: 312-368-6149 Fax: 312-368-2281 <URL>
RE: Resume John, Thanks for the email and the offer to route my resume in the most expeditious way. I saw only one job that was posted on Enron's website that looked like a good fit. It was an asset evaluation and integration job for Enron North America: job 0000105886. My primary strengths are: Natural gas asset acquisition and management Supporting a trading organization by providing excellent futures and derivatives execution Trading proprietary books (fixed price or otherwise)where there is a competitive reason to be in the market, i.e. transportation spreads, storage, physical presence Good customer relations/account development Ability to focus on and analyze a wide range of problems/opportunities Stong negotiator I know that Enron is a big, happening place and it is invaluble to have someone like you to help me sort out the opportunities. Where I am coming from is that I have to more valuble to Enron than I am to Oxy because Oxy is doing frustratingly little to leverage itself and Enron is setting every trend imaginable in leveraging itself. I appreciate any help you can provide. Thanks. Alan To:
Wrong address John, I think I have the wrong email address for your brother. Please email me the correct one when you get a chance. Thanks, Brian _____________________________________________________________________ IMPORTANT NOTICES: This message is intended only for the addressee. Please notify the sender by e-mail if you are not the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient, you may not copy, disclose, or distribute this message or its contents to any other person and any such actions may be unlawful. Banc of America Securities LLC("BAS") does not accept time sensitive, action-oriented messages or transaction orders, including orders to purchase or sell securities, via e-mail. BAS reserves the right to monitor and review the content of all messages sent to or from this e-mail address. Messages sent to or from this e-mail address may be stored on the BAS e-mail system.
Additional offerings to round out your portfolio John I left a message about this last week, but wanted to follow-up with additional information for your review. We have three offerings currently available (or coming soon) that I feel would compliment the small/mid cap and fixed income exposure you already have through Redwood, Sequoia, and Willow. Quantitative Allocation, LLC: Integrates four quantitative investment models to drive aggressive (and potentially leveraged) asset allocation decisions. Generates exposure to stock and bond markets through indexing techniques and futures transactions. Portfolio market exposures can range from +325% to -175% of net assets. This is clearly different from the largely non-leveraged stock-picker funds you already own. I would consider this to be a predominately large-cap investment (I think of it as an index fund with a brain and on steroids call me and I'll explain that comment in more detail). Juniper Crossover Fund, LLC: Managed by OrbiMed Advisors, and focused on global biotech and pharma. Up to 30% participation in private equity. This could be a way to get you some private equity exposure with a world-class manager. Tamarack International Fund, LLC: Long/short stock-picker fund focused on the international mid-cap market. I feel this fund is very similar in style to the managers you already own, but would give you exposure to the international markets that you currently lack. This is a new fund and the first closing will probably be in June. Of course, the summaries above are for information purposes only and do not constitute an offer to sell or solicitation of an offer to buy interests in these funds. Please call me if you're interested in any of the strategies outlined above, and I'll have the appropriate offering memorandum sent to you. Thanks, Michael Gapinski Account Vice President Emery Financial Group PaineWebber, Inc. 713-654-0365 800-553-3119 x365 Fax: 713-654-1281 Cell: 281-435-0295 Notice Regarding Entry of Orders and Instructions: Please do not transmit orders and/or instructions regarding your PaineWebber account(s) by e-mail. Orders and/or instructions transmitted by e-mail will not be accepted by PaineWebber and PaineWebber will not be responsible for carrying out such orders and/or instructions. Notice Regarding Privacy and Confidentiality: PaineWebber reserves the right to monitor and review the content of all e-mail communications sent and/or received by its employees.
they are crazy but mite have to scale in which i have a little and have some sort of length on,sprd length in the front to hedge weather risk-if ny stays 5 bucks or so above hub seems hard to think jan /feb gonna fall much. also know aron and some of them "pre rolled" jan/feb goldman rolls not sure if they bot em back, start pxing tomorrow.doubt they have much any impact on the sprd. am a bit worried as are most what we must be doing to industrial demand,switching at huge px sprds. tend to think ealry mid jan y on y stx gap will fall do to aforementioned and rationing this mkt gonna fall-who knows from what levels?? thots when you have a chance. distillate mkt save for addional demand it shud be getting from natgas switching wud have been in trouble i think so it will stay discount to gas on 12/07/2000 06:38:53 AM
more about you A little bird told me about this. Read it when you have time. <URL> ___________________________________________________________________ To get your own FREE ZDNet Onebox FREE voicemail, email, and fax, all in one place sign up today at <URL>
Big news! I'm not sure if you have heard our fun news yet, but Rob and I are moving to Boston at the first of the year!! I will be working remotely for HBK while looking for something new up there. Rob is continuing his career with Fidelity, though in a much more convenient location. The only downside is he will actually have to go into the office every day! We would love to see everybody before we leave, though it may not be possible with the holidays. I'll be back in Dallas once a week in January and February, so we could plan to get together during one of those trips. But before that time, Rob and I will be with a group of friends from HBK at Martini Ranch on Thursday, December 14th right after work. I'm sure we'll be there late, given my love of martinis, so please stop by if you can. Regardless, I really want to stay in touch with my Texas friends, so make sure and send me your updated contact information if anything has changed in the last year. Please pass this on to people who I may have inadvertently missed or I did not have their current email address. Cheers, Heather Robertson P.S. By the way, our house is on the market right now, so if you know of anyone looking, please tell them about it. The address is 6815 Vivian Avenue, Dallas, 75223 and can be seen on <URL>
RE: i think thats rite -think curve flattens somewhat.back end the overvalued part for now. i think we more consolidate sideways choppy for a few sessions but if the present rate of injections continue the end users/utilties will have to stop buying cuz of real phys limitations to take the gas into storage. funds short but only 6% of open int and have covered later part of last week. think vol comes in again too.i think it sale 4.50 scale up-talked to some others to o thinking it cant go below 4.00 so i actually think more the suprise in the short term for a break of 4.00!! so who knows/cud work the other way. agree-disappointed at lack of producer selling-we had one deal come thur but its been worked for months so not price relevant. when are you in town next? To: LaFontaine, Steve
BNP PARIBAS Commodity Futures NG MarketWatch For 5/14/01 (See attached file: g051401.pdf) ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Ce message et toutes les pieces jointes (ci-apres le "message") sont etablis a l'intention exclusive de ses destinataires et sont confidentiels. Si vous recevez ce message par erreur, merci de le detruire et d'en avertir immediatement l'expediteur. Toute utilisation de ce message non conforme a sa destination, toute diffusion ou toute publication, totale ou partielle, est interdite, sauf autorisation expresse. L'internet ne permettant pas d'assurer l'integrite de ce message, BNP PARIBAS (et ses filiales) decline(nt) toute responsabilite au titre de ce message, dans l'hypothese ou il aurait ete modifie. ---- This message and any attachments (the "message") are intended solely for the addressees and are confidential. If you receive this message in error, please delete it and immediately notify the sender. Any use not in accord with its purpose, any dissemination or disclosure, either whole or partial, is prohibited except formal approval. The internet can not guarantee the integrity of this message. BNP PARIBAS (and its subsidiaries) shall (will) not therefore be liable for the message if modified. ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ g051401.pdf
ALL daily charts and matrices as hot links 5/15 The information contained herein is based on sources that we believe to be reliable, but we do not represent that it is accurate or complete. Nothing contained herein should be considered as an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any financial instruments discussed herein. Any opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author. As such, they may differ in material respects from those of, or expressed or published by on behalf of Carr Futures or its officers, directors, employees or affiliates. 2001 Carr Futures The charts are now available on the web by clicking on the hot link(s) contained in this email. If for any reason you are unable to receive the charts via the web, please contact me via email and I will email the charts to you as attachments. Crude <URL> Natural Gas <URL> Distillate <URL> Unleaded <URL> Nat Gas Strip Matrix <URL> Nat Gas Spread Matrix <URL> Crude and Products Spread Matrix <URL> Carr Futures 150 S. Wacker Dr., Suite 1500 Chicago, IL 60606 USA Tel: 312-368-6149 Fax: 312-368-2281 <URL>
re:spreads mkt getting a little more bearish the back of winter i think-if we get another cold blast jan/feb mite move out. with oil moving down and march closer flat px wide to jan im not so bearish these sprds now-less bullish march april as well.
Did you ever get the check I sent? And where is the article you owe me? Click the link!!! Jeff Pesot GA Options,LLC 212 947 3337 212 947 3339 fax 646 522 2528 cell <URL>
Service Agreement John: Thanks again for the opportunity to provide my technical service.? Attached is an agreement that covers our arrangement.? Let me know if you have any questions.? If it's ok, please sign and fax back to me at (410)308-0441.? I look forward to working with you.? Mark Sagel Psytech Analytics (410)308-0245 Agree-Enron.doc
daily charts and matrices as hot links 5/14 The information contained herein is based on sources that we believe to be reliable, but we do not represent that it is accurate or complete. Nothing contained herein should be considered as an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any financial instruments discussed herein. Any opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author. As such, they may differ in material respects from those of, or expressed or published by on behalf of Carr Futures or its officers, directors, employees or affiliates. 2001 Carr Futures The charts are now available on the web by clicking on the hot link(s) contained in this email. If for any reason you are unable to receive the charts via the web, please contact me via email and I will email the charts to you as attachments. Crude <URL> Natural Gas <URL> Distillate <URL> Unleaded <URL> Nat Gas Strip Matrix <URL> Nat Gas Spread Matrix <URL> Crude and Products Spread Matrix <URL> Carr Futures 150 S. Wacker Dr., Suite 1500 Chicago, IL 60606 USA Tel: 312-368-6149 Fax: 312-368-2281 <URL>
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re:f/g again- weather moderating, enuf switching to offset hdds, cash showing same, i wudnt touch it ...yet
Nat Gas market analysis for 5-14-01 Attached please find the Natural Gas market analysis for today. Thanks, Bob McKinney 5-14-01 Nat Gas.doc
wassup Hey freak-o! How have you been? I'm just taking a study break (finals, ick!) and thought I would say hello. What's new? Have you moved into your place yet? Let me know if I can come and see it--I'll be home (in college station) a week from making a pit stop in Tahoe on my way home...just gotta get thru these pesky exams first! Greetings from la-la-land, eleanor Eleanor Fraser The Anderson School at UCLA, MBA 2002 Home 310.446.7735 Mobile 310.963.4474
option candlesticks 5/15 The information contained herein is based on sources that we believe to be reliable, but we do not represent that it is accurate or complete. Nothing contained herein should be considered as an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any financial instruments discussed herein. Any opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author. As such, they may differ in material respects from those of, or expressed or published by on behalf of Carr Futures or its officers, directors, employees or affiliates. 2001 Carr Futures The charts are now available on the web by clicking on the hot link(s) contained in this email. If for any reason you are unable to receive the charts via the web, please contact me via email and I will email the charts to you as attachments. Option Candlesticks <URL> Carr Futures 150 S. Wacker Dr., Suite 1500 Chicago, IL 60606 USA Tel: 312-368-6149 Fax: 312-368-2281 <URL>
null Article: Energy Industry Raises Production at a Record Pace This article from has been sent to you by advertisement Looking for better IT solutions? Toshiba is uniting digital, mobile and network innovations in a bold new vision of Information Technology for today and tomorrow. Take a closer look at life in the new Digital Age. And imagine how good IT can be. Visit for more details. <URL> Energy Industry Raises Production at a Record Pace By JOSEPH KAHN and JEFF GERTH The energy industry is drilling for natural gas, building gas pipelines and constructing power plants at an unprecedented pace as companies respond to high energy prices by significantly boosting investment. <URL> 3f7def0d7bb148 Visit for complete access to the most authoritative news coverage on the Web, updated throughout the day. Become a member today! It's free! <URL> HOW TO ADVERTISE For information on advertising in e-mail newsletters or other creative advertising opportunities with The New York Times on the Web, please contact Alyson Racer at or visit our online media kit at <URL> For general information about, write to Copyright 2001 The New York Times Company
bank wire wsex Dear Mr.. Lavorato, The $1500 that you sent to us in October, has not been credited to our account.If those funds were sent through AM TRADE INTERNATIONAL, you need to have your bank send an amendment message stating that the respective funds are intended for final credit to World Sports Exchange/ ACCT 12307915. Most likely, those funds are sitting at the Antigua Overseas Bank. 2. Another suggestion would be to call back those funds since the beneficiary is not in receipt of payment, and resend it through the new instruction as per our website.This method is guaranteed more efficient. For any further questions, please call the accounts department at WSEX. REGARDS MARIA. Accounts Manager _________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at <URL> Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at <URL>
Agreement John: Hope you did ok today. As I said yesterday, the poor close Monday should lead to additional market weakness, which we saw today. You indicated that you would mail the service agreement back to me.? I don't know if you have the mailing address, so here it is: Psytech Analytics 11604 Greenspring Ave. Lutherville, MD? 21093 Speak to you soon.? I'll call when I have?the next decent set-up on my work for natural.? Feel free to buzz me anytime. Mark
Request For Additional Information Thank you for requesting additional information on Creating Value Through Financial Management. You can download this information by going to the following link. **If the link spans more than one line, please paste the entire link into your browser window.** <URL> DFM&pcode=51
Natural gas update Latest natural report ng051301.doc
Mothers Day thank you for the beautiful flowers!? They arrived late Friday and Vic emptied the refrigerator and stored them in there.? There were very fresh this morning.? The aroma is so strong that you smell them upon just entering my office.? It's those lilies that they used.? It really is a very pretty arrangement.? Thank you so much. Uncle Elmer Rosa are not coming this week as they have an illness in the family.? I am busy emptying the kitchen...they start Wed. morning. See you Saturday!? Love, Your Mom
BNP PARIBAS Commodity Futures NG MarketWatch For 5/15/01 (See attached file: g051501.pdf) ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Ce message et toutes les pieces jointes (ci-apres le "message") sont etablis a l'intention exclusive de ses destinataires et sont confidentiels. Si vous recevez ce message par erreur, merci de le detruire et d'en avertir immediatement l'expediteur. Toute utilisation de ce message non conforme a sa destination, toute diffusion ou toute publication, totale ou partielle, est interdite, sauf autorisation expresse. L'internet ne permettant pas d'assurer l'integrite de ce message, BNP PARIBAS (et ses filiales) decline(nt) toute responsabilite au titre de ce message, dans l'hypothese ou il aurait ete modifie. ---- This message and any attachments (the "message") are intended solely for the addressees and are confidential. If you receive this message in error, please delete it and immediately notify the sender. Any use not in accord with its purpose, any dissemination or disclosure, either whole or partial, is prohibited except formal approval. The internet can not guarantee the integrity of this message. BNP PARIBAS (and its subsidiaries) shall (will) not therefore be liable for the message if modified. ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ g051501.pdf
RE: Defense i am open to any of your wonderful ideas. new orleans..1..2...out To:
How are things in Houston? Hello Mr. Arnold, I hope that things have calmed down in the gas market with the cold weather finally developing. I have been selected to come to Houston for final round interviews. Do you know if visitors can come to the trading floor to see what the operations are like? Also, if you have any hints on approaching the final round of interviews, I would appreciate them. Thank you for your help during the application process, and I hope you have a good week. Cordially, Adam Bayer
Attached please find a follow up to today's Natural Gas market analysis. Thanks, Bob 11-30-00 Nat Gas intraday update 1.doc
This was sent to me from my friend who works at the Home Depot corporate office.> >>The stupidity of some people in this world never fails to amaze me. >> >> This picture is real not doctored in anyway and was taken last week >>in >> Waldorf, MD by a Transportation Supervisor for a company that delivers >> building materials for 84 Lumber. When he saw it there in the parking >>lot >> of IHOP, he went and bought a camera to take pictures. >> >> The car is still running as can be witnessed by the exhaust. A woman is >> either asleep or otherwise out in the front seat passenger side. The >>guy >> driving it was over jogging up and down on Rt. 925 in the background. >>The >> witnesses said their physical state was OTHER than normal and the police >> just shook their heads in amazement. The driver finally came back after >> the police were there and was getting down at the back to cut the 'twine >> around the load. They told him to get back until it was taken off. >> >> The materials were loaded at Home Depot. Their store manager said they >> had the customer sign a waiver! >> >> Both back tires are trashed. The back shocks were driven up through >>the >> floorboard. In the back seat are 10 bags, 80 lbs. each of concrete. >> On the roof is many 2X4s, 4X4s and OSB sheets of lumber. They estimated >>the >> load weight at 3000 lbs. The car is a VW Jetta with FL plates and the >>guy >> said he was headed for Annapolis. >> >>JUST UNBELIEVABLE!!!! >> stupid.jpg
Mom's Itinerary Panama Canal Cruise Ship: Sun Princess 1-900-225-5744 or 1-800-princess Leave: November 29, 2000 Delta Airlines DFW to Atlanta Flt 16, depart 07:35am, arrive 10:39am Atlanta to San Jose: Flt. 464, depart 12:00 noon, arrive 04:36pm Return: December 9, 2000 Continental Airlines San Jose to Houston Flt. 723, depart 8:02pm, arrive 09:08pm I'll talk with you Tuesday evening before I leave.? Love you.? Your Mom.
Nat Gas market analysis for 5-15-01 Attached please find the Natural Gas market analysis for today. Thanks, Bob McKinney 5-15-01 Nat Gas.doc
Fwd: christmas list-I'm getting the cheap stuff >From:
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Dell online order > DELL ENRON ClickAtHome ORDER CONFIRMATION > Thank you for your Enron ClickAtHome order! Please read and retain this e-mail for your records. It contains important information relating to your order that should be used in any future communications with Dell. > Your Dell customer number is: 12213206 > Your order number is: 483017901 > Your total "Out of Pocket" amount: $565.96 The total "Out of Pocket" amount includes upgrade costs, shipping and taxes. > Your Online Sales Point of Contact: We are here to assist you with your order if needed. Our office hours are Monday- Friday, 8am-7pm Central Standard Time. You can reach our office by calling 1-866-220-3355 or through e-mail at: <> > Estimated Ship Date: We estimate that your order should be shipped on or before 12/29/00. Although we do not anticipate a delay in your order, we cannot guarantee the shipping date as we occasionally run into unexpected delays in manufacturing. Your order is being shipped to you under Dell's terms and conditions of sale found at: <URL> <<URL> > Total Satisfaction Policy: If you wish to cancel your order for any reason within 30 days, we'll refund amounts paid by you, minus shipping costs, no questions asked. You are responsible for the cost of shipping your system back to us. > How to Check Order Status: If you would like to check the status of your order, please call Dell's automated order status inquiry system at: 1-800-433-9014, or visit Dell's Order Status Page at: <<URL> > You can also register to have Dell e-mail you when your order is shipped, by going to: <<URL> > How to reach a Technical Support Representative: Once you have received your equipment, if you need to contact a Dell technical support representative, please call 1-866-220-3355, option 3. You will be asked to give your "Service Tag Number". The "Service Tag Number" is a five digit alphanumeric number written on the white bar code label on the back of the system. Please have this number ready before you contact the technical support representative. > Thank you for participating in the Dell/ Enron ClickAtHome program. It is my pleasure to work with you. > Sincerely, > > Jerome Alder Dell Sales Rep. EPP 1-800-695-8133 Ext. 49761 >
Dell Order Confirmation Dear JENNIFER S MEDCALF, Thank you for your order. We are currently reviewing for completeness and accuracy. A separate email with your Dell Order number(s) will be sent to you after the order is processed. A recap of your order is provided at the end of this message for your reference. We encourage you to verify, print, and retain the information on this page for your records. Date Submitted: 12/13/00 10:51:00 AM If at any time you have questions regarding your order please contact your Dell Sales Representative: Name: EPP Sales Email: Phone: 866-220-3355 Again, thank you for your order. We appreciate you buying from Dell and using your Dell Premier Pages Service. Sincerely, Dell Premier Pages Service Shopping cart includes 1 unique item(s) Total Price: $547.00 Item Detail#:1 Dell Inspiron 3800 Notebook--Intel&#174; Celeron&#153; processor, 600 MHz, 12.1" SVGA Display Memory: 64MB, SDRAM, 1 DIMM Color Choice/Pointing Option: Tahoe Blue, 12.1" Dual Pointing Keyboard Primary Hard Drive: 10GB Ultra ATA Hard Drive Floppy Drive: Removable modular floppy drive Operating System Software: Microsoft&#174 Windows&#174 2000 Network Adapter: Xircom&#174 CardBus Ethernet II 10/100 PC Card Analog Modem: Internal Modem V.90 56K Modem Optical Device: Modular 24X Max CD-ROM Bundled Software: Microsoftc Office 2000 Small Business Edition w/Bookshelf Norton Antivirus: Norton Antivirus&#174 2000 Primary Battery: Intelligent Lithium-Ion Battery with ExpressCharge&#153 Carrying Cases: Nylon Carrying Case,Dual Compartment Hardware Support Services: 3Yrs Parts Labor (Next Business Day, International) CompleteCare Software and Peripherals: Program Management Services Single Item Cost: $547.00 Quantity: 1 Sub-Total for Item: $547.00 ___________________ END OF ORDER
option candlesticks as a hot link 10/5 The information contained herein is based on sources that we believe to be reliable, but we do not represent that it is accurate or complete. Nothing contained herein should be considered as an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any financial instruments discussed herein. Any opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author. As such, they may differ in material respects from those of, or expressed or published by on behalf of Carr Futures or its officers, directors, employees or affiliates. 2001 Carr Futures The charts are now available on the web by clicking on the hot link(s) contained in this email. If for any reason you are unable to receive the charts via the web, please contact me via email and I will email the charts to you as attachments. Option Candlesticks <URL> Scott Oblander 312-762-1015 312-762-1014 fax Carr Futures 150 S. Wacker Suite 1500 Chicago, IL 60606
revised unleaded chart 11/27 Unleaded <URL>
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Click on the MORE= link for the most current information.=09[IMAGE]=09 =09=09=09=09[IMAGE]=09=09=09=09 =09=09 =09=09 [IMAGE] Markets Index Last Change Chg Dow9,340.29[I= MAGE]43.94-0.46% NASDAQ1,691.20[IMAGE]30.87-1.79% S?5001,089.71[IMAGE]7.83-= 0.71% 30 Yr53.15[IMAGE]0.32-0.59% Russell428.96[IMAGE]5.57-1.28%- - - M= ORE [IMAGE][IMAGE] Enter multiple symbols separated by a space [IMAGE] [IMAGE]=09 =09 [IMAGE] Economic Calendar Date Release 10/17 Build= ing Permits 10/18 Initial Claims 10/18 Philadelphia Fed 10/19 CPI 10/19 Cor= e CPI - - MORE [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE]Qcharts =09[IMAGE]= =09 =09=09 =09 Quote of the Day =09=09=09 The only thing that saves us fro= m the bureaucracy is its inefficiency.: Eugene McCarthy =09[IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE] US Stocks Pct Gainers As of 10/17/2001 13:08 ET Symbol Last Change Chg [IMAGE] HYGS4.46[IMAGE]1.8973.54%[IMAGE] PDY= N3.33[IMAGE]1.2157.07%[IMAGE] FLDR2.00[IMAGE]0.5033.33%[IMAGE] XLA2.51[IMAG= E]0.7139.44%[IMAGE] MTIC2.16[IMAGE]0.5735.84%[IMAGE] CFLO2.23[IMAGE]0.5028.= 90%[IMAGE]NYSE AMEX quotes delayed at least 20 min. At least 15 min. othe= rwise.- - -Personalize The Daily Quote: [IMAGE][IMAGE]Question of the D= ay! Q. Phyllis A. McDermitt asks, "Just what is a Value Stock?"A value stoc= k, or value investing, is an investing strategy that tries to pick good....= MORE [IMAGE] Do you have a financial question? Ask our editor - - VIEW Archive [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE]=09 =09=09=09=09[IMAGE] [I= MAGE] Market Outlook Dow +33, Nasdaq -3, S?+1.59: As Of: Oct 17 2001 1= 1:30AM ET Although volume is continuing at a solid pace, the market averag= es have changed relatively little over the last hour or so as the Dow holds= a modest gain while the Nasdaq Composite drifts near unchanged. Biggest d= rags on the Nasdaq this morning are semiconductor and biotech. The Greenspa= n testimony is still going on but his comments have focused on working thro= ugh of uncertainties as the system absorbs the shocks; sees weak pace of bu= siness investment as the most in need of stimulus but must remain wary of t= he impact that this would have on long term rates. Market internals are no= w slightly favorable in terms of the A/D line, up/down volume and the new h= igh/low ratios... MORE [IMAGE] - - MORE Breaking News [IMAGE] [IMA= GE] [IMAGE]=09[IMAGE]=09 =09 [IMAGE] Today's Feature Wednesday From, week of October 14, 2001 ChangeWave Investing 2.0: Picking the Next Monster Stock= s While Protecting Your Gains in a Volatile Market by Tobin Smith [IMAGE= [IMAGE] [IMAGE]=09 =09 [IMAGE] Stocks to Watch As Of: Oct 17 2001 11:11AM ET Pfizer vs Intel Since yesterday's close, a plethora of c= ompanies have reported their earnings results for the September quarter. Tw= o companies, in particular, that have caught's attention are d= rug maker, Pfizer (PFE 41.70 +0.60), and semiconductor maker, Intel (INTC 2= 5.81 +0.8.. MORE [IMAGE] As Of: Oct 17 2001 10:08AM ET AOL Time Warner (A= OL) 31.47 -2.03: This morning, AOL reported third quarter numbers that exc= eeded previously reduced estimates. Total revenue rose 6% to $9.3 billion e= xceeding the consensus of $9.2 billion. MORE [IMAGE] - - MORE Br= eaking News [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE]=09[IMAGE]=09 =09=09=09 [IMAGE] Your Watch List News HYGS News Hydrogenics stoc= k soars on GM fuel-cell alliance Reuters: 10/17/2001 10:36 ET GM, Hydrogen= ics Team Up for Fuel Cell Development PR Newswire: 10/17/2001 07:56 ET UPD= ATE 1-GM (NYSE:GM), Suzuki to cooperate on fuel-cell cars Reuters: 10/17/2= 001 01:03 ET - - MORE [IMAGE] PDYN News TABLE-Paradyne (NASDAQ:PDYN= posts third-quarter pro forma profit Reuters: 10/16/2001 16:29 ET Parady= ne Reports Positive Earnings in Third Quarter; Paradyne Exceeds Expectation= s Earning $0.05 Per Share and Continuing to Improve Cash Position Busin= essWire: 10/16/2001 16:08 ET Paradyne Announces Third Quarter 2001 Conferen= ce Call; Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2001, at 5:30 p.m. ET BusinessWire: 10/09/2001 17:47 ET - - MORE [IMAGE] FLDR News FLANDERS CORP FILES FORM 10-Q NASDAQ:FLDR) EDGAR Online: 08/20/2001 16:36 ET Flanders Corporation Report= s Second Quarter 2001 Results BusinessWire: 08/15/2001 17:29 ET FLANDERS CORP FILES FORM NT 10-Q (NASDAQ:FLDR) EDGAR Online: 08/14/2001 18:25 ET = - - MORE [IMAGE] XLA News ASG Technologies completes private placemen= t for up to C$15,000,000 PR Newswire: 10/17/2001 06:58 ET Mirror Image Ann= ounces Management Changes BusinessWire: 10/12/2001 19:11 ET Xcelera Receiv= es Favorable Arbitration Decision BusinessWire: 09/28/2001 18:15 ET - = - MORE [IMAGE] MTIC News MTI Unveils New Infinity Tape Libraries: Highe= st Density Enterprise Backup Solutions on the Market PR Newswire: 10/16/20= 01 08:42 ET Vivant Storage Solutions by MTI Technology Demonstrate Function= ality At Oracle iCenter PR Newswire: 10/09/2001 08:47 ET MTI Delivers SAN Hardware Investment Protection With Four Way Scalability Of Vivant Storage Platform PR Newswire: 10/08/2001 08:47 ET - - MORE [IMAGE] CFLO Ne= ws SAFECO, an Insurance and Financial Powerhouse, Picks Websense To Manage= Employee Web Use Across 30 Locations Nationwide BusinessWire: 10/16/2001= 08:21 ET Secure Computing and CacheFlow Provide Internet Management Soluti= on for 33,000 Users At Johnson Controls BusinessWire: 10/16/2001 08:20 ET CacheFlow Furthers Leadership with Secure Content Delivery for the Enterpri= se; cIQ Architecture Offers Advanced Security Features for Enterprise CDNs BusinessWire: 09/26/2001 08:40 ET - - MORE [IMAGE] [IMAGE]=09 =09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE]=09You are subscribed to this newsletter as U N S= U B S C R I B E The Daily Quote is the free daily newsletter for Lycos Fin= ance Members. To UNSUBSCRIBE To stop rece= iving this newsletter, send an e-mail to: = Please include only your email address in the subject line of the email. Yo= u can also change your subscription status here: <URL> cgi-bin/mayaRegister?m_PR=3D4&m_RC=3D3 To SUBSCRIBE ----------- If you've received this e-mail from a friend and wish to be on the Daily Quote mailing list, please go to <URL> and re= gister to become a Member of Quote and the Lycos Network. =09 =09 =09 [IMAGE]=09 =09 [IMAGE]Site Map Help Feedback About Terra Lycos Jobs Adverti= se Business Development Copyright 2001 Lycos, Inc. All Rights Reser= ved. Lycos is a registered trademark of Carnegie Mellon University. Privacy Policy Terms Conditions
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RE: wheres the love? well the mkts changed a bit since this writing. im more neturalish now i guess. suprised about the cash strongth. and i guess it doesnt mattr CUZ YOU DONT ANSWER YOUR EMAILS ANYWAY. regards To: John Arnold (E-mail)
Nat Gas market analysis for 10-10-01 Attached please find the Natural Gas market analysis for today. Thanks, Bob McKinney 10-10-01 Nat Gas.doc
I will close the auction at noon as I advertised, if nobody buys them by then, I'll sell them to you for $300. I know what you mean, the combo of Bonds getting walked all the time and the Stros getting killed really sucks. Original Message To: Arnold, John
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Dallas World Congress-Houston Chapter Reception Center Please see the attachment for the IDRC Texas World Congress Houston Chapter Reception Center. Thank you and hope to see you there. The following section of this message contains a file attachment prepared for transmission using the Internet MIME message format. If you are using Pegasus Mail, or any another MIME-compliant system, you should be able to save it or view it from within your mailer. If you cannot, please ask your system administrator for assistance. File information File: Houstoninvited3.doc Date: 11 Oct 2001, 11:20 Size: 26112 bytes. Type: Unknown Houstoninvited3.doc
Earn 1,000 bonus Starpoints each night EARN 1K PER DAY! Remember, there's still time to take advantage of this incredible bonus Starpoint(SM) earning opportunity. Register for 1K Per Day and you'll earn 1,000 bonus Starpoints every night you stay Sunday through Thursday. Register today at: <URL> These bonus Starpoints are in addition to the Starpoints you would normally earn as a member. This incredible offer is available at more than 400 hotels in the continental U.S. now through January 31, 2002. 1K Per Day bonus is available at all participating Westin Hotels Resorts(R), Sheraton Hotels Resorts(R), St. Regis(R), The Luxury Collection(R) and W hotels(R). At participating Four Points(R) by Sheraton hotels, you will earn 500 bonus Starpoints. START EARNING 1,000 BONUS STARPOINTS EVERY NIGHT! REGISTER ONLINE FOR 1K PER DAY AT: <URL> ________________________________________________________________ Terms and Conditions To receive the benefits of this promotion you must be a member of Starwood Preferred Guest and register online at <URL> for the 1K Per Day promotion. New Starwood Preferred Guests must join online at <URL> and in doing so will be automatically registered. 1,000 Starpoint bonuses apply on a per night basis for eligible stays Sunday-Thursday nights and will be awarded on Starwood Preferred Guest eligible rate plans only. An eligible stay is defined as a stay at a Starpoint eligible rate. Friday and Saturday nights are not eligible. Offer is valid October 18, 2001 through January 31, 2002 at all participating hotels in North America. 1,000 Starpoint bonus applies at all participating hotels, excluding participating Four Points by Sheraton Hotels, where a 500 Starpoint bonus per night will apply. This promotion may be used in combination with other Starwood Preferred Guest bonus offers, provided that only one 1K Per Day bonus is awarded per member per night. All bonuses will be credited to the member's account 2-3 weeks after completion of stay. Additional restrictions may apply. Void where prohibited by law. All promotions are subject to the Starwood Preferred Guest terms and conditions, which are subject to change without notice. Starwood Hotels Resorts is not responsible for typographical errors. For a complete list of non-participating hotels please visit <URL> ________________________________________________________________ If you would like to receive future promotional e-mails in HTML format when available, click the link below: <URL> You are subscribed as: If you would like your e-mail to be sent to a different address, please click the link below: <URL> Click the link below to review the Starwood Preferred Guest privacy statement: <URL> Click the link below to review the Starwood Preferred Guest program terms and conditions: <URL> You have received this e-mail as a member of Starwood Preferred Guest. If you prefer not to receive future promotional e-mails from Starwood Preferred Guest, please click below. It may take up to 10 business days to completely remove you from our e-mail list and there is a slight chance that you may receive e-mail from us within that time. <URL>
Hot Lots Without Bids at A quick reminder that's current auction, including our special auction of California Cabernet Sauvignon, begins closing Sunday, Oct. 21, at 9 p.m. US Eastern Time. Browse our lots without bids for these hot buys: 1996 Caymus Cabernet Sauvignon, magnum, $100 1996 PlumpJack Founders Reserve, magnum, $120 1998 Haut-Brion (Parker 93 points), $130 1982 Margaux (Wine Spectator 95 points), $320 1996 Beringer Private Reserve Cab, 6-bottle case, $340 1983 Petrus (Broadbent 5 stars), $350 1981 Haut-Brion, 12-bottle case, $960 1998 Lafite-Rothschild, (Parker 92-94 points) imperial, $1,200 And for the holidays: 1990 Comtes de Champagne Blanc de Blancs (Tattinger), $100 1993 Veuve Clicquot La Grand Dame, 6-bottle case, $550 1994 Warre Vintage Port, (Wine Spectator 95 points) 12-bottle case, $480 Find these and other terrific values at lots without bids: <URL> In our special auction of California Cabs, classic and cult, we offer the pride of California's winemaking country. Find Cabs for every palette in this extraordinary collection: <URL> If la dolce vita is more your style, take a look at our alluring Italians. We offer Guado Al Tasso (P. Antinori) 1997, available in 750 ml and magnum format. Wine Spectator rated it at 96 points and placed it No. 12 of the 100 top wines of 2000. How about Ornellaia (L. Antinori) 1997, Spectator's No. 9 wine for 2000? Prefer something French? We have Chateau d'Yquem Sauternes 1981 and a rare 1959, awarded 97 points by Wine Spectator. Find them here: <URL> Rhone wine fans, you may be interested in Tablas Creek Vineyard Reserve Cuvee 1999, a Rhone-style red made in California by a partnership part owned by the owners of Chateau de Beaucastel. Find it here: <URL> If you click on a link in this email and it doesn't open properly in your browser, try copying and pasting the link directly into your browser's address or location field. Forget your password?: <URL> To be removed from the mailing list, click here: <URL> Be sure to visit the updates page for policy changes: <URL>
daily hoil unlded cahrts 11/26 The information contained herein is based on sources that we believe to be reliable, but we do not represent that it is accurate or complete. Nothing contained herein should be considered as an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any financial instruments discussed herein. Any opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author. As such, they may differ in material respects from those of, or expressed or published by on behalf of Carr Futures or its officers, directors, employees or affiliates. 2001 Carr Futures The charts are now available on the web by clicking on the hot link(s) contained in this email. If for any reason you are unable to receive the charts via the web, please contact me via email and I will email the charts to you as attachments. Distillate <URL> Unleaded <URL> J
SPEC's EVENTS and GREAT 1997 CABERNET VALUE Click Here for Last Mailing: <URL> GREAT 1997 CABERNET VALUE RH PHILLIPS Toasted Head CABERNET SAUVIGNON/SYRAH, CALIFORNIA, 1997 12x750ml $13.99 per bottle (cash) $154.91 per case (Cash) A blend of 55% Mendocino County Cabernet Sauvignon with 45% Dunnigan Hills (Yolo County) Syrah this is a juicy, ripe, well-focused, flavorful Cabernet-blend that exemplifies the excellent 1997 vintage. Alive with flavor, it offeres black cherry, blackberry, and black raspberry fruit along with notes cedar, black pepper, tobacco, and leather. It has a great medium-weight feel and a supple texture. It is alive, vibrant, and elegant in the mouth. Not complex but super delicious. I almost don't want to give it the score it deserves because I'm afraid no one will believe me; it tastes like it cost much more and comes from a much fancier appellation. Excellent. SPEC's Score: 92+ points. (Due to the fact that only 22 cases of this 1997 are available, this item will be sold at SPEC's 2410 Smith Street Warehouse Store only.) THE GREAT UNKNOWN: Wine From Off the Well-Worn Path Whether you're a wine adventurer or you're just tired of drinking the same old thing, this is the class for you. On THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18TH at 7:00pm, SPEC's and the Wine School at l'Alliance Francaise will offer a class and tasting entitled THE GREAT UNKNOWN: Wine from Off the Well-Worn Path. This class will look at and taste twelve very-good-to-great wines from lesser-known wine growing areas in France, Spain, and Portugal. The class will focus on how the wines are made, the grapes used to make them, and the land they come from as well as how they match-up with food. Twelve wines representing a range of styles including both red and white wines will be tasted. THE GREAT UNKNOWN: Wine from Off the Well-Worn Path will cost$46.00 "cash" per person ($48.42 regular) with a $10.00 discount available for 1000 SPEC's Key points. For directions, reservations, or more information on this class, please call SPEC's at 713-526-8787. This class will be held at l'Alliance Francaise. L?Alliance Fran?aise, the French cultural organization in Houston, is located at 427 Lovett Boulevard (on the southeast corner of Lovett and Whitney, one block south of Westheimer).PLEASE SEE WINE SCHOOL CANCELLATION POLICY AT BOTTOM. THUNDER IN TUSCANY: Fontodi and Felsina Chianti Dinner at Simposio Please join SIMPOSIO Chef Alberto Baffoni and SPEC's Italian wine buyer Joseph Kemble for the premier dinner at Simposio featuring the newly released 1999 Chiantis from both Fontodi and Felsina. Be among the first in Texas to hear the thunder coming from Tuscany. Chef Baffoni's Menu starts with Tuna carpaccio marinated in a lemon dressing with calamata olives and red onion dressing served with Pra Soave Classico Superiore 2000. Then comes Spinach and potato gnocchi in a gorgonzola cheese sauce served with Felsina Chinati Classico 1998 followed by Grilled wild boar sausage with baby spinach salad in a balsamic tomato vinaigrette served with Fontodi Chianti Classico 1998. The main course is a Duck leg confit with sauteed swiss chard and sweet and sour shallot sauce served with Fontodi Chianti Classico 1999. A Cheese platter with fruit and walnut will be served with Felsina Chianti Classico 1999. Thunder in Tuscany is $79.00 per person plus tax and gratituity and will take place at Simposio Restaurant, 5591 Richmond Avenue at Chimney Rock, at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, October 16, 2001. For more information or reservations, please call Simposio at 713-532-0550 or e-mail OUISIE?S TABLE MORGAN VINEYARDS OCTOBER WINE PAIRING DINNER Ouisie?s Table at 3939 San Felipe Road is hosting their last wine pairing dinner of the year on Wednesday, October 31, 2001 (Halloween). The evening will begin at 6:45p.m with a cocktail reception. The guests will enjoy a multi-course meal along with wines from the Morgan Winery produced out of the Santa Lucia Highlands appellation and Monterey County in California. Dan and Donna Lee founded Morgan Winery in 1982, with a goal of creating the finest wines possible by obtaining the highest quality fruit. The Lee's named the ranch the Double L, short for Double Luck, for their identical twin daughters, Annie and Jackie, who were 5 years old at the time. The Double L is farmed organically, the only organic vineyard in the Santa Lucia Highlands. The tariff for the dinner is $85.00 per person plus tax and gratuity. For reservations please call Ouisie's 713-528-2264 Tuesday through Saturday. Any questions regarding the menu or wines may be directed to a Ouisie's manager. OTHER UPCOMING EVENTS (Details to be Announced) 10/25/01 (Thursday, 7pm) 1999 Zinfandel: Round II 10/30/01 (Tuesday, 7pm) Ch. Haut Brion Dinner at Four Seasons Hotel 11/07/01 (Wednesday, 7pm) Oysters and Fevre Chablis Dinner 11/13/01 (Tuesday, 7pm) Rhone Valley Wines Class and Tasting 11/14/01 (Wednesday, 7pm) BV Georges de Latour Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve 1998 Release Party WINE SCHOOL CANCELLATION POLICY If for any reason you need to cancel a reservation for a class, dinner, or other event, please let us know at 713-526-8787 as soon as possible. Reservations canceled before 4pm on the last business day before the event (usually 27 hours) will not be charged. Cancellations received after 4pm on the business day before the event will be charged unless those seats can be resold. All no-shows will be charged.
Ola How you doing? Have you been following Heffner? Very sad about the Carr people in NY. But his technical analysis is waaay off.
Dear Mr. Arnold: Please let me know if I can call you this week at your convenient. Sincerely, Gad Caspy To:
daily charts and matrices as hot links 10/5 The information contained herein is based on sources that we believe to be reliable, but we do not represent that it is accurate or complete. Nothing contained herein should be considered as an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any financial instruments discussed herein. Any opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author. As such, they may differ in material respects from those of, or expressed or published by on behalf of Carr Futures or its officers, directors, employees or affiliates. 2001 Carr Futures The charts are now available on the web by clicking on the hot link(s) contained in this email. If for any reason you are unable to receive the charts via the web, please contact me via email and I will email the charts to you as attachments. Crude <URL> Natural Gas <URL> Distillate and Unleaded charts to follow. Nov WTI/Brent Spread <URL> Heat Crack <URL> Gas Crack <URL> Jan/Feb Heat <URL> Gas/Heat Spread <URL> Nov/Mar Unlead <URL> Nat Gas Strip Matrix <URL> Nat Gas Spread Matrix <URL> Crude and Products Spread Matrix <URL> Scott Oblander 312-762-1015 312-762-1014 fax Carr Futures 150 S. Wacker Suite 1500 Chicago, IL 60606
dot.commodore e-mail newsletter [IMAGE]=09 Vol. 1, No. 5 October 2001 Table of Contents Alumni News Campus News V= anderbilt in the News Research at Vanderbilt Sports News Alumni Club Happen= ings Alumni News Alumni Enjoy Homecoming 2001 The rainy weather didn't= dampen the spirits of Commodore alumni returning to campus for Homecoming= 2001, October 12-13. Hundreds of alumni and guests attended the tradition= al parade, the pre-game tailgate, the big game, educational events, and th= e annual Young Alum Bash. Read more about the weekend and check out photos= at the link above. The next Reunion and Homecoming weekend is October 25-= 26, 2002, so mark your calendars now. AVBA Members Gather, Elect New Lead= ers Members of the Association of Vanderbilt Black Alumni met at the Bisho= p Joseph Johnson Black Cultural Center after the Homecoming game to visit with old friends and announce the new club officers for the coming year. Many alumni returned for the open house reception and to congratulate the newly elected AVBA officers. For more information about AVBA and the elect= ions, click on the link above or e-mail Campus News Saint on Campus THE TENNESSEAN--Academy Award-winning actres= s Eva Marie Saint and her husband, actor-director Jeffrey Hayden, were on campus in mid-October as part of the Fred Coe Artist-in-Residence program.= Saint and Hayden gave master classes for theater department students for a week. Past theater artists in the Fred Coe program have included Olympia= Dukakis, Karl Malden, Fiona Shaw and Nashville actor Barry Scott. Saint w= on the Oscar as best supporting actress in the 1954 Elia Kazan classic, "O= n the Waterfront," opposite Marlon Brando. Vanderbilt Adopts Anti-Sweats= hop Position Vanderbilt University has announced steps designed to ensure that no officially licensed apparel bearing the University's name or logos= is produced under conditions that violate basic workers' rights. In annou= ncing the University's anti-sweatshop position, Chancellor Gordon Gee said= Vanderbilt would seek membership in both the Fair Labor Association and W= orkers Rights Consortium, two organizations that monitor and protect the r= ights of workers worldwide. Vanderbilt Transplant Center Among Top Choice= s in Recent Survey For the second year in a row, the Vanderbilt Transplant= Center has been among the top choices for clients of transplant services across the country. In a recent United Resources Networks survey, Vanderbi= lt University Medical Center ranked No. 2 for both administrative ease and= communications. Last year, the center was No. 1 in both of these categori= es. Lilly Endowment Grant to Aid Vanderbilt's Kelly Miller Smith Institut= e, American Baptist College THE TENNESSEAN--American Baptist College and= Vanderbilt Divinity School's Kelly Miller Smith Institute have received a= n $841,000 grant from the Lilly Endowment to train African-American congre= gations in theology and social activism. The grant, which will be spread o= ut over three years, expands American Baptist College's extension program that exists at 33 training centers, mostly in local churches. The Smith In= stitute promotes theological reflection about the role of the black church= in society. Angels and Devils Comprise Exhibit of Rare Books at Heard Lib= rary Books about witches, witchcraft, magic and occult sciences, many of wh= ich have survived multiple attempts at book burnings since their publicati= on, are among those featured in a new exhibit at the Jean and Alexander He= ard Library. "Angels and Devils: Religious and Secular Texts from the Spe= cial Collections Vault" also includes several rare copies of religious tex= ts. The exhibit is open weekdays from 9 am to 4 pm through Dec. 31. For mo= re information, call 615-322-2807. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Award= s Grant to Peabody College The Bill Melinda Gates Foundation has awarded a three-year, $2.7 million grant to Vanderbilt University's Peabody Colleg= e to provide leadership and technology training to about 1,800 school prin= cipals and superintendents across the state of Tennessee. The award to Van= derbilt is part of the $100 million State Challenge Grants for Leadership Development program set up by the Gates Foundation. Vanderbilt Professor= s Receive Grant to Study and Improve Special Education The U.S. Department of Education has announced more than $8.7 million in awards to establish n= ine centers devoted to studying and improving special education. The cente= rs, at eight universities, will concentrate on reading skills, behavior an= d learning disabilities. Professors Doug Fuchs and Dan Reschly of Vanderbi= lt University were awarded a total of $700,000. Vanderbilt in the News B= aby Saved Amid Terrorist Attacks ABC NEWS.COM--When federal aviation offic= ials ordered all commercial flights nationwide grounded after terrorists s= truck New York and Washington Sept. 11, one family in Texas feared their i= nfant daughter would die as a result. Six-month-old Kareena lay dying in a= Houston hospital, awaiting the commercial flight that was supposed to bri= ng her a new liver that would save her life. Hundreds of miles away at Van= derbilt University Medical Center in Tennessee, Dr. Ravi Chari listened to= radio reports about the World Trade Center and the Pentagon as he removed= a donor's liver in preparation for Kareena's transplant. Retired Profes= sor Keeps Up With Religion THE TENNESSEAN--For some reason, it's hard to f= ind people in Nashville who know much about religion other than their own.= Charles Hambrick has always been an exception. For 25 years, he taught wo= rld religions at Vanderbilt University. He can still be found at any serio= us interfaith study group in town, no matter how small. Business Leaders= Shown Metro Schools Need Their Help THE TENNESSEAN--A school busload of b= usiness and community leaders were impressed recently with Metro's new Max= well Elementary, but they also got a reality check on its needs. At Maxwel= l the gleaming hallways still smell new and teachers are pleased with spac= ious, well-lighted classrooms. But computers are scarce, and many library shelves are still empty. That's the sort of true-life picture that the Nas= hville Area Chamber of Commerce wants business people and community leader= s to understand. New Metro Schools Director Pedro Garcia joined Mayor Bill= Purcell, Vanderbilt Chancellor Gordon Gee and other leaders for the trip.= Vanderbilt Physician Writes Book of Personal Essays THE NASHVILLE BUSI= NESS JOURNAL--Nashville physician and philanthropist Frank Boehm is gettin= g personal. The Vanderbilt doctor has authored a book titled "Doctors Cry,= Too: Essays from the Heart of a Physician." Boehm's point of view on subj= ects such as strength and courage, faith, humor, forgiveness, death and dy= ing, parenting and the physician/patient bond is addressed in the collecti= on of essays. Research at Vanderbilt Military Kids Looking Sharper USA TODAY--Students at Department of Defense schools outscore their public sch= ool peers on standardized tests, regardless of race, family income and par= ents' educational levels, according to a recent study. "It's the best-kept= secret in Washington," says Claire Smrekar, lead researcher for the study= commissioned by the National Education Goals Panel, a body of federal and= state officials who monitor schools. The yearlong study by the Peabody Ce= nter for Education Policy at Vanderbilt looked at 1998 test results of the= National Assessment of Educational Progress, a congressionally mandated e= xam popularly called the Nation's Report Card, and the SAT college entranc= e exam. Laughter Still the Best Medicine SCIENCE DAILY MAGAZINE--Humans= have many ways to express themselves, but one of the most enjoyable and m= ysterious is laughter. While scientists have thoroughly researched many ot= her human sounds, such as singing and talking, remarkably little is known about the acoustics of laughter. Seeking to rectify this, Vanderbilt psych= ology professor Jo-Anne Bachorowski and Cornell psychology professor Micha= el Owren studied 1,024 laughter episodes from 97 young adults as they watc= hed funny video clips from films such as "When Harry Met Sally" and "Monty= Python and the Holy Grail." The surprising results were published in the September issue of the "Journal of the Acoustical Society of America." Ne= w Clues to the Location of Visual Consciousness A new test that measures what people see when viewing discordant images in each eye has produced im= portant new clues about the location of the brain activity underlying visu= al consciousness. Exploring the Interactions of Light and Matter Researc= hers at Vanderbilt's Free-Electron Laser Center are developing new kinds o= f laser surgery, creating a better X-ray source for mammography and findin= g faster ways to identify proteins. A multimedia feature uses animations, videos, photos and text to describe center research. Sports News Commodor= e Recruit Looks Forward to SEC THE TENNESSEAN--Bryson Krueger, a shooting= guard from Phoenix who committed to the Vanderbilt men's basketball team recently, made a splash at the Adidas Big Time Tournament and is aiming fo= r the big time. Krueger said one of the things that attracted him to Vande= rbilt was the opportunity to play in the Southeastern Conference. Commodo= res Get Big Center from Philadelphia THE PHILADEPHIA DAILY NEWS--Who says= homework has to be limited to math, English, science, etc? Not Ted Skucha= s. A 6-11, 240-pound senior center at Germantown Academy, Skuchas does won= derfully in all of the traditional subjects. He also earned an A-plus in a= course he just completed: How to Make an Intelligent Decision for Academi= c and Basketball Futures. With family and school friends happily looking o= n, Skuchas recently put on a baseball cap to reveal Vanderbilt will be his= college destination. Vanderbilt Baseball Team Gets Commitment From Top P= itcher THE TENNESSEAN--Vanderbilt baseball has gotten a commitment from Bl= ake Owen, a 6-3, 195-pound senior right-hander from East Robertson High Sc= hool. Owen, who last season had an 0.90 earned run average and struck out 118 batters in 59 innings, has been rated the No. 4 prospect in Tennessee and No. 81 nationally by "Baseball America." State Champion Golfer To Si= gn with Vanderbilt THE TENNESSEAN--May Wood, a three-time winner of the Di= vision II TSSAA state golf tournament from Baylor High School in Chattanoo= ga, verbally committed to Vanderbilt recently. Among the nation's top high= school prospects, Wood turned down scholarship offers from North Carolina= Florida and Alabama. She will sign with Vanderbilt during the signing pe= riod that begins Nov. 14. Alumni Club Happenings The Nashville Vanderbi= lt Club tipped its hat to William Shakespeare as it celebrated Vanderbilt University Theatre's 25th season at Neely Auditorium, Oct. 7. More than 90= alumni and guests attended "Brunch with the Bard" on Alumni Lawn. The eve= nt featured a presentation by Mark Cabus, a leading authority on Shakespea= re and classical literature. Afterwards the group enjoyed Vanderbilt's pro= duction of "The Comedy of Errors," followed by a visit with the director a= nd cast. The Washington, D.C., Vanderbilt Club was one of 12 Southeastern Conference alumni groups who participated in this year's capital kick-off Sept. 14. The event, held every year in conjunction with the beginning of= the college football season, took place at the Hard Rock Caf?. Atlanta area alumni and friends spent a rewarding day helping out their home city in Vanderbilt's name. The group participated in the annual "Hands on Atlan= ta Day," Oct. 6, by cleaning up trails and working on landscape needs at M= urphy Candler Park. Los Angeles and Orange County alumni got together for a pre-performance picnic dinner and then enjoyed the Hollywood Bowl Orches= tra's grand finale show of the season, Sept. 16. The show featured splendi= d music from Hollywood, Broadway and the performing arts. The good times rolled in New Orleans when the Vanderbilt Club gathered for a wine tasting= Oct. 4. Alumni enjoyed the "fruits of the vine" while receiving instructi= on from wine experts. Dallas Vanderbilt alums who couldn't make it to camp= us for Homecoming 2001 had their own homecoming celebration in Dallas. The= club hosted a football watching party at the McKinney Avenue Tavern, Oct.= 13. The University of Georgia Alumni Club of Dallas joined the VU fans to= add a little competitive spirit to the afternoon. The Dores are on the r= oad! The Charlotte, N.C., Vanderbilt club caravanned to the VU-South Ca= rolina football game Oct. 20. .commodore e-news is published monthly by the Division of Institutional Planning and Advancement, Vanderbilt Univers= ity, from editorial and business offices at the Baker Building, Suite 1000= 110 21st Ave. S., Nashville, TN 37203. Phone: 615-322-2601. Fax: 615-343= -8547. E-mail: Co-editors: Joanne Beckham and Lew Harris. Design/development: Arlene Samowich Production: Samantha Fortn= er =09 If you do not wish to receive future Emails from Vanderbilt University, pl= ease CLICK HERE =20 [IMAGE]
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Hot Lots Without Bids at A quick reminder that's current auction is underway and that there are some terrific lots without bids. Take a look especially at the many large format bottles and wonderful recent-vintage Burgundies offered. Here are a few: 1989 Haut-Brion, 5 liters, Parker 100 pts, reserve $3,800 <URL> 1982 Petrus, 6 liters, Parker 98 pts, reserve $13,995 <URL> 1996 Cos d1Estournel, 3 liters, Wine Spectator 95 pts, reserve $370 <URL> 1985 d'Yquem, 6 liters, Wine Spectator 91 pts, reserve $1,260 <URL> 1997 Solaia (P. Antinori), 1.5 liters, WS 98 pts, also listed by WS as #1 of top 100 wines of 2000, reserve $640 <URL> 1997 Chateau Montelena Estate, 1.5 liters, Parker 98 pts, reserve $240 <URL> 1999 Corton Charlemagne (Louis Latour), 750 ml, Parker 90-91, reserve $95 <URL> 1999 Montrachet (Bouchard), 750 ml, WS 95-100 pts, reserve $240 <URL> 1986 Penfolds Grange (Hermitage), 750 ml, Parker 99 pts, reserve $230 <URL> 1990 Perrier Jouet Cuvee Belle Epoque, 6-bottle case, WS 94 pts, reserve $450 <URL> If you click on a link in this email and it doesn't open properly in your browser, try copying and pasting the link directly into your browser's address or location field. Forget your password?: <URL> To be removed from the mailing list, click here: <URL> Be sure to visit the updates page for policy changes: <URL>
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Click on the MORE= link for the most current information.=09[IMAGE]=09 =09=09=09=09[IMAGE]=09=09=09=09 =09=09 =09=09 [IMAGE] Markets Index Last Change Chg Dow9,090.64[I= MAGE]29.13-0.31% NASDAQ1,607.28[IMAGE]1.980.12% S?5001,064.61[IMAGE]6.77-0.= 63% 30 Yr53.15N/A0.00% Russell413.19[IMAGE]1.78-0.42%- - - MORE [IMAGE= ][IMAGE] Enter multiple symbols separated by a space [IMAGE] [IMAGE]= =09 =09 [IMAGE] Economic Calendar Date Release 10/10 Wholesale Inve= ntories 10/11 Export Prices ex-ag. 10/11 Import Prices ex-oil 10/11 Initial= Claims 10/12 Core PPI - - MORE [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE]Qch= arts =09[IMAGE]=09 =09=09 =09 Quote of the Day =09=09=09 Establish a no-excuses environme= nt and watch your productivity and earnings soar.: Jordan Kimmel =09[IMAG= E]=09 [IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE] US Stocks Pct Gainers As of 10/08/2001 12:51 ET Symbol Last Change Chg [IMAGE] IRSND2.20[IMAGE]0.7956.02%[IMAGE] TL= CP13.66[IMAGE]3.6236.05%[IMAGE] DKEY5.52[IMAGE]1.4736.29%[IMAGE] TPTH6.53[I= MAGE]1.4829.30%[IMAGE] ICTS11.56[IMAGE]2.4927.45%[IMAGE] LVLT2.48[IMAGE]0.5= 025.25%[IMAGE]NYSE AMEX quotes delayed at least 20 min. At least 15 min. otherwise.- - -Personalize The Daily Quote: [IMAGE][IMAGE]Question of t= he Day! Q. Melvin Blocker asks, "What is a bid and a ask when looking at a chart or quote?"The bid and ask price essentially represent the difference between the price a stock........ MORE [IMAGE] Do you have a financial que= stion? Ask our editor - - VIEW Archive [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE]= =09 =09=09=09=09[IMAGE] [IMAGE] Market Outlook Fallout By:Adam Ma= rtin The upward climb continues this morning as stocks are now solidly int= o positive territory. It's hard to say exactly what the upward impetus is,= but analysts have mentioned the positive guidance by tech companies such a= s Cisco and others and a possible relief rally as occurred after previous m= ilitary actions, and the notion that after months of declines and a dip due= to the attacks of 9/11, stocks are well oversold. Still, the gains so far= have been tenuous, and downward pressure remains in the form of investor f= ears about the cost and duration of the war against terrorism in light of t= he weekend's attacks on Afghanistan and renewed threats of terrorist retali= ation. Added to existing concerns as Wall Street faces what could be the w= orst earnings season in what has been a very bleak year, and it's hard to s= peculate where we may end up. - - MORE Breaking News [IMAGE] [IMAGE= [IMAGE]=09[IMAGE]=09 =09 [IMAGE] Today's Feature Monday Do you need Insurance? Get q= uotes right now for Auto, Home, Health and Life Insurance. It is quick an= d easy! Visit the Insurance Center [IMAGE] [IMAGE]=09 =09 [IMAGE] Stocks to Watch Northwest NatGas to buy Portland General for $1.8 bln Northwest Natural Gas Co. (NYSE:NWN) on Monday said it agreed to buy Enron Corp.'s (NYSE:ENE) Portland General Electric for $1.8 billion, in a deal th= at combines Oregon's largest natural gas utility with the state's largest e= lectric utility. AT&T Wireless to buy rest of TeleCorp for $2.4 bln in sto= ck AT&T Wireless Services Inc. (NYSE:AWE), the No. 3 U.S. wireless compan= y, said on Monday it will buy the 77 percent of TeleCorp PCS (NASDAQ:TLCP) it does not already own for $2.4 billion in stock, giving it full control o= f its largest affiliate. Clear Channel to buy Ackerley in $495 mln deal T= op U.S. radio broadcaster Clear Channel Communications Inc. (NYSE:CCU), whi= ch is boosting its media presence in key cities, on Monday said it has agre= ed to acquire outdoor media and broadcasting company Ackerley Group Inc. (N= YSE:AK) in a stock deal worth about $495 million. GE Power buys U.K.'s Bal= s Electrical General Electric Co. (NYSE:GE) subsidiary GE Power Systems on Monday said it acquired Bals Electrical Engineering, a substation engine= ering company,for an undisclosed amount. Staples pulls PCs off the shelf on= demand woes Staples Inc. (NASDAQ:SPLS), the nation's second largest offic= e supply retailer, said on Friday it has begun liquidating stock of persona= l computers at its U.S. stores and will now focus on built-to-order sales i= n a bid to boost profitability. - - MORE Breaking News [IMAGE] [IMA= GE] [IMAGE]=09[IMAGE]=09 =09=09=09 [IMAGE] Your Watch List News IRSND News Irvine Sensors Files Pro-Forma Accounting Adjustments; Restatement Increases Irvine Sensor= s' Stockholders Equity By $6.5 Million PR Newswire: 10/01/2001 15:51 ET = - - MORE [IMAGE] TLCP News Hot stocks highlights Oct. 8 Reuters: 10/08/2001 10:01 ET TeleCorp.'s 2002 capital spending may be higher Reuter= s: 10/08/2001 09:16 ET Before The Bell Futures off; AOL, Cisco fall, defe= nse up Reuters: 10/08/2001 09:12 ET - - MORE [IMAGE] DKEY News Dat= akey to Extend OPSEC Integration With Check Point VPN-1/FireWall-1 Next Gen= eration PR Newswire: 10/08/2001 10:43 ET DATAKEY INC FILES FORM SC 13D/A *US:DKEY) EDGAR Online: 10/03/2001 11:47 ET Datakey CIP ISign Approved as Fully Identrus(TM) Compliant PR Newswire: 10/03/2001 10:03 ET - - MO= RE [IMAGE] TPTH News TriPath Imaging Receives FDA Approval to Screen Auto= Cyte(R) PREP Thin-Layer Slide Preparations on the AutoPap(R) System PR New= swire: 10/08/2001 09:24 ET TriPath Imaging CEO to Present at UBS Warburg Gl= obal Life Sciences Conference PR Newswire: 10/03/2001 09:21 ET Endeca Secu= res $15 Million Second Round Funding From Ampersand Ventures, Bessemer Vent= ure Partners and Venrock Associates BusinessWire: 10/01/2001 09:36 ET - - - MORE [IMAGE] ICTS News UPDATE 1-Security stocks are top performers of the day Reuters: 09/17/2001 17:28 ET ICTS International N.V. Expresses Concern Over Tragedy, Resolves To Participate in Strengthening Procedures i= n United States PR Newswire: 09/17/2001 13:58 ET UPDATE 2-Investigators sw= arm Boston airport after hijackings Reuters: 09/11/2001 21:33 ET - - MORE [IMAGE] LVLT News Moody's may cut 17 telecoms, billions in debt Re= uters: 10/03/2001 19:24 ET Siebel still leads, but no longer alone in CRM r= ace Reuters: 10/02/2001 16:57 ET LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS INC FILES FORM SC TO-I/A (*US:LVLT) EDGAR Online: 10/02/2001 14:14 ET - - MORE [IMAGE]= [IMAGE]=09 =09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE]=09You are subscribed to this newsletter as U N S= U B S C R I B E The Daily Quote is the free daily newsletter for Lycos Fin= ance Members. To UNSUBSCRIBE To stop rece= iving this newsletter, send an e-mail to: = Please include only your email address in the subject line of the email. Yo= u can also change your subscription status here: <URL> cgi-bin/mayaRegister?m_PR=3D4&m_RC=3D3 To SUBSCRIBE ----------- If you've received this e-mail from a friend and wish to be on the Daily Quote mailing list, please go to <URL> and re= gister to become a Member of Quote and the Lycos Network. =09 =09 =09 [IMAGE]=09 =09 [IMAGE]Site Map Help Feedback About Terra Lycos Jobs Adverti= se Business Development Copyright 2001 Lycos, Inc. All Rights Reser= ved. Lycos is a registered trademark of Carnegie Mellon University. Privacy Policy Terms Conditions
K@W Newsletter Oct. 24-Nov 6, 2001: What's Hot How Swissair Landed in Trouble Knowledge@Wharton Newsletter<URL> October 24-November 6, 2001 What's Hot How Swissair Landed in Trouble The problems of Swissair clearly multiplied after the September 11 terrorist attack and subsequent plunge in ticket sales. But industry experts say the company's woes run deeper, involving management missteps that could occur at any corporation as well as troubles rooted in the economics, politics and culture of Europe.<URL> Finance and Investment A New Approach to Valuing Biotech Stocks Now that the U.S. faces a bioterrorist attack in the shape of anthrax, stocks of biotechnology companies are soaring. But while these companies have promising technologies, they are years away from profits. The boomlet shows, however, how hard it is to value biotech stocks. Analysts often use proxy drivers such as the number of patents or the dollar value of partnerships to value such companies, but these drivers fail to show if the companies will be able to turn their research into marketable products. Research by Karl Ulrich, a Wharton professor of operations and information management, and other colleagues offers insights into a new approach to value biotech companies. Hint: Look at how the company's drug discovery process is organized.<URL> Finance and Investment James J. Cramer Finds Truth and Inspiration in the Shopping Habits of Americans When James J. Cramer, co-founder of Smart Money and and analyst on CNBC, wants to know where the U.S. economy is headed, he looks at the performance of major retailers. That, and his observations on everything from gasoline to telecom to Winston Churchill, formed the basis for an optimistic economic outlook he recently shared with participants at the Wharton Investment Management Conference.<URL> Finance and Investment Should Hong Kong Worry When China Joins the WTO? As Frederick Lau sees it, what's good for China is good for Hong Kong. Lau, chief representative of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority's New York office, talked about China's entry into the World Trade Organization and other events that will have an impact on Hong Kong's future during a meeting earlier this month with the Wharton Asia Club.<URL> Managing Technology Behind the Telecom Meltdown: Too Much Money, Too Little Foresight While investors in the late 1990s remained oblivious to signs of trouble, it is clear in hindsight that the telecommunications bubble could not possibly have lasted, according to a panel of telecom experts at the October 12 Wharton Finance Conference. They cite a number of reasons for the unraveling of the industry, and point to Europe and Asia as the real leaders in telecom.<URL> Finance and Investment Citigroup CFO Sees Economic Recovery in Mid-2002 "It is going to be a very, very tough next couple of quarters," is how Todd S. Thomas, CFO of Citigroup, described the near-term economic outlook to an audience at the Wharton Finance Conference on Oct. 12. But longer-term, Thomson was more optimistic, predicting that increased government spending and/or tax cuts would stimulate a recovery. He also suggested that the financial markets must learn to adapt to the reality of "continued minor terrorism."<URL> Managing Technology An Insider's Scathing Look at E-commerce Excesses As a manager in an Old Economy firm, Brian Ross naturally felt defensive when proselytizers of the New Economy preached that the Internet "had changed everything" and folks (like him) who "just didn't get it" would soon be by-passed by competitors who did. Well, Ross has done more than survive; he has written a book entitled, When the Caffeine Wears Off: De-Hyping the New Economy, in which he cheerfully kicks 'em while they're down.<URL> Links from Knowledge@Wharton Sponsors GE Capital: Sales-Leasebacks: Benefits and Challenges Today CFOs must negotiate their way through a weakened economy. But even as they search for new ways to generate revenue and conserve capital, CFOs from a variety of industries are discovering the value of one strategy sale-leasebacks that for many years was primarily focused on real estate transactions. Sale-leasebacks are generally structured to unlock the equity a business has in its assets (like machinery and equipment), converting that equity into cash.<URL> GE Capital: Maximizing Your Trucking Fleet in Tough Times Tough times have hit the trucking industry as shippers evaluate the best way to move goods around the country: Lease or buy? For-hire truckers or private fleet? The queries arise as a glut of used trucks comes on the market and some shippers evaluate how long they can stretch existing leases. Learn how to maximize your trucking fleet in tough times from the experts at Wharton and GE Capital.<URL> Help Spread Knowledge Do you know people who might be interested in these research studies and more? If you do, please forward this e-mail message to them. The Knowledge@Wharton Newsletter is a free service of The Wharton School (<URL> of the University of Pennsylvania. Its companion web site, Knowledge@Wharton, includes full details of the stories listed here. To read these stories, go to<URL> To comment on these stories, go to:<URL> To unsubscribe from this newsletter, visit:<URL>
Alumni e-news [IMAGE]=09 Vol. 1, No. 7 December 2001 Table of Contents Alumni News Campus News Vanderbilt in the News Research at Vanderbilt Sports News Alumni Club Happ= enings Alumni News What's in a Name? The Office of Alumni Programs has a= new name and a new location. Now called Alumni Relations, our office has moved from Alumni Hall to the 10th floor of the Baker Building on 21st Ave= nue South. Our new name better describes the broad range of programs and s= ervices provided by the staff and volunteers. These services range from st= udent recruitment and alumni club events to online services and Alumni Tra= vel programs. Please visit us in person or click here for our Web page. Expand Your Horizons It's time to make your travel plans for 2002. Alumn= i Association tours are filling up fast, so don't wait to sign up for one of these trips. Destinations include a journey through China and down the Yangtze River; a visit to Machu Picchu and the Galapagos Islands; a trip t= hrough Cuba; and a Mississippi River boat cruise. All trips feature a Vand= erbilt professor who will share a unique perspective and knowledge of the region with members of the tour. Hot Off the Press Vanderbilt's first Alu= mni Guide has hit the mail and should be in your living room now. Packaged= together with the latest issue of Vanderbilt Magazine, the comprehensive guide is loaded with useful phone numbers, answers to frequently asked que= stions, and other relevant information about campus happenings. You can al= so find information about alumni events, services and programs, by visitin= g <URL> =3D466 Attention Young Alumni If you are a graduate of the classes of 1998,= 1999, 2000 or 2001, please fill out and submit the annual Young Alumni Su= rvey recently mailed to you. The information will be valuable in planning young alumni events, updating your contact information, and assessing the programs offered to young alums. Filling out the survey will also allow yo= u to be included in this year's Black Gold Pages-Your Class News. If yo= u didn't receive a survey, click here to fill one out. The deadline to su= bmit your survey is coming soon, so don't delay. VU Alum Named One of To= p Artists Defining the Visual Arts Vanderbilt graduate Mel Chin was select= ed by PBS as one of 21 artists who are defining the visual arts for a new millennium. Chin and the other 20 artists discussed their lives, their wor= k and their visions in Art:21-Art in the Twenty-First Century, a four-part= series that premiered in September on PBS. Board of Trust Chair Writes= Biography About Late Husband, Bronson Ingram NASHVILLE BUSINESS JOURNAL--= Martha Rivers Ingram has written a biography about her late husband, Brons= on Ingram, titled E. Bronson Ingram: Complete These Unfinished Tasks of Mi= ne. The 320-page book presents a behind-the-scenes look at a man who was r= enowned for his multiple business interests and philanthropic involvement.= Martha Ingram became the chairman of Ingram Industries, her husband's com= pany, five days after he died in 1995. The company is now an $11 billion d= istribution conglomerate, and Martha Ingram is well-known as one of the to= p female executives in the nation. She is also chair of the Vanderbilt Boa= rd of Trust. Vanderbilt Alumna Writes Book About FBI Spy Vanderbilt gradua= te Elaine Shannon, BA'68, covers the Justice Department and the FBI for Ti= me magazine and specializes in writing about terrorism. Little Brown will publish her third book in January-The Spy Next Door: The Extraordinary Sec= ret Life of Robert Philip Hanssen, the Most Damaging FBI Agent in U.S. His= tory. Shannon is a correspondent with Time magazine's Washington bureau. Vanderbilt Crew Forms Local Alumni Club Aboard USS Porter Three Vanderbilt alumni-Lt. Cmdr. Roger Camp, BS'90, Lt. j.g. Lauren Brick, BS'99, and Ensi= gn Katie Dudash, BS'00, recently completed a six-month Mediterranean cruis= e as sailors onboard the USS Porter. The Porter is one of the Navy's newes= t Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyers. These destroyers have a w= ardroom complement of 22-24 officers; so three officers from Vanderbilt pr= actically constituted a local alumni club. Alumna Works With Burn Victims= of World Trade Center Attacks Vanderbilt alumna Hayes Vargo, BA'96, went o= n to earn a BSN in nursing from Columbia University, and now works as a st= aff nurse in the William Randolph Hearst Burn Center located at New York P= resbyterian's Cornell Medical Center. She was there on Sept. 11 and has sp= ent the days since working with the burn victims from the World Trade Cent= er terrorist attacks. Campus News Vanderbilt Funds Bridge Across 21st Av= enue South NASHVILLE BUSINESS JOURNAL--The Metropolitan Planning Commissio= n has approved a $2 million campus footbridge that will span 21st Avenue S= outh and connect the Peabody campus to the Vanderbilt historic campus near= the Central Library. Plans call for the pedestrian bridge to cross the he= avily congested road near the Edgehill intersection, with endpoints near M= agnolia Circle on the Peabody side and Godchaux Hall on the other. Vander= bilt Community Office Helps Students Be Good Neighbors THE TENNESSEAN--Ma= ry Pat Teague says things are not perfect between Vanderbilt University st= udents who live off campus and their neighbors, but she's trying to change= that. Teague is the assistant director of the Office of Community, Neighb= orhood and Government Relations at Vanderbilt. The results of the office's= work are apparent, Teague said. Last academic year, she received 22 compl= aints from neighbors, most of them about noisy parties. This year, Teague said, she's had to intervene only six times. Owen School, Law School Esta= blish New Program THE TENNESSEAN--To the students, it's a way to get a tast= e of how lawyers and executives think and work-before the two groups are thrown together on the job. At Vanderbilt University's new law and business= program, MBA and law students come together in special courses focusing on transactions. Law students earn a law degree with a certificate of spec= ialization in law and business. Business students graduate with an MBA deg= ree and a concentration in law and business. Vanderbilt Student-Conducte= d Poll: Nashvillians Favor Scrutiny of People from Middle East THE TENNES= SEAN--Most Nashvillians say it's OK to single out people of Middle Eastern= descent for special law enforcement checks, according to a poll released recently by Vanderbilt University. The poll indicated that more African-Am= ericans than others supported the extra security checks for people who are= -or appear to be-Middle Eastern. Seventy-four percent of African-Americans= said they support such special scrutiny vs. 64 percent of white and other= residents. VUMC Board Votes to Build Outpatient Tower Next to Children'= s Hospital THE TENNESSEAN--The Vanderbilt University Medical Center Board has approved an 11-story pediatric outpatient tower to be built next to th= e Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital now under construction on the camp= us. If the university's Board of Trust approves the plan, work will begin right away on the 169,000-square-foot tower. It would almost triple the am= ount of outpatient clinic space and consolidate services that are now spre= ad over five buildings. Vanderbilt in the News Vanderbilt Generates Lot= s of Jobs in Middle Tennessee NASHVILLE BUSINESS JOURNAL--According to fede= ral statistics, research and development activities at Vanderbilt Universi= ty generated more than 5,000 jobs in Middle Tennessee on and off campus. T= hose jobs are among the nearly 1 million created by research and developme= nt activities at colleges and universities throughout the United States. Owen Recognized as One of Most Tech-Savvy Business Schools NASHVILLE BUSI= NESS JOURNAL--Vanderbilt University's Owen Graduate School of Management h= as been recognized as one of the most tech-savvy business schools in the n= ation by Business 2.0 magazine. For its eLab and tech offerings in other a= reas of study, the Owen School joined 19 others across the nation on the m= agazine's list. Research at Vanderbilt VUMC Plans to Build Facility to Care for People With Diabetes THE TENNESSEAN--Vanderbilt University Medic= al Center plans to build a multimillion-dollar, one-of-a-kind facility dev= oted exclusively to the care of people with diabetes and research into the= disease. The plans for the new comprehensive-care center, set to open in the next few years, were formally unveiled recently at a dinner that cappe= d a daylong symposium. Mosquito May Be Nature's Most Effective Bioterro= rist Laurence Zwiebel calls the mosquito "the ultimate bioterrorist." He should know. The assistant professor of biological sciences at Vanderbilt University has contracted malaria many times while studying the bugs throug= hout the Third World. Recently, however, Zwiebel and colleagues reported a= genetic breakthrough that might tip the scale of the people-versus-mosqui= to battle decidedly into the human camp. The Road to Greener Cities Com= munication of Science, Engineering and Technology intern Nana Koram descri= bes the process of developing more efficient fuel cells as replacements fo= r the internal combustion engine based on her experience working in the la= boratory of chemistry professor Charles Lukehart. Differences in Brain Us= age Among Braille Readers Shed New Light on the Relationship Between Thoug= ht and Language Individuals who have been blind from birth use different p= arts of their brain when reading Braille than those who lost their sight e= arly in life-a difference that sheds new light on the relationship between= thought and language. VU Creates Innovative Engineering and Multidiscipl= inary Program NASHVILLE BUSINESS JOURNAL--The National Science Foundation h= as granted $2.7 million to Vanderbilt to teach engineers to design safer a= nd more reliable aircraft, automobiles and buildings-just about anything that requires a complex engineering system. Using the Science Foundation c= ash, the university will create the Multidisciplinary Training in Reliabili= ty and Risk Engineering and Management Program. Sports News Vanderbilt Athletics Official Home Page For the latest on Vanderbilt athletics, inclu= ding news about the men's and women's teams, visit the official Vanderbilt= Website at: <URL> =3D1874045&o=3D462 Vanderbilt Women's Basketball Coach is "Philly Guy" THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER--Fourth-ranked Vanderbilt visited Temple recentl= y to complete a homecoming weekend for Commodore women's basketball coach Jim Foster. He has never stopped being a "Philly guy" since leaving as co= ach of St. Joseph's in 1991 for Nashville and the Southeastern Conference.= He is a 1980 graduate of Temple and also served in the late 1970s as head= coach of the Bishop McDevitt High girls' team, where he persuaded his fri= end Geno Auriemma-now the women's coach at No. 1-ranked Connecticut-to joi= n him on the bench with the Lancers. Alumni Club Happenings For upcomi= ng alumni club events in your area, click on the headline above Nashville Young Alums Gather for Po' Boys and Hush Puppies On Thursday, Nov. 29, memb= ers of the Nashville Vanderbilt Club "GOLD" (Graduates Of the Last Decade)= gathered for a fun-filled night at the South Street restaurant. The crowd= enjoyed food, drink and beach ambiance. Louisville, Tampa, and Dallas Hap= py Hours Alumni in Louisville got together at Brasserie Deitrich on Oct. 2= 5; the Tampa Vanderbilt Club gathered with the University of Florida-Tampa Gator Club at Pop City on Nov. 1; and the Dallas Vanderbilt Club joined t= he SMU Young Alumni Club at Sambucca Jazz Caf? on Nov.14. American Icon Ro= ckwell Highlighted in the Big Apple The New York Vanderbilt Club paid tribu= te to Norman Rockwell on Nov. 17, when more than 70 alumni and guests gath= ered for a breakfast reception at the Stanhope Park Hyatt. The breakfast w= as followed by a lecture and slide presentation on Norman Rockwell by Amy Kirschke, assistant professor of fine arts at Vanderbilt. After the lectur= e, the group walked to the Guggenheim Museum to view the exhibit, Norman R= ockwell: Pictures for the American People, the most comprehensive collecti= on of Rockwell's art ever organized. Windy City Art Event The Chicago Van= derbilt Club hosted one of their most successful events this fall on Nov. 10 in conjunction with the Van Gogh and Gauguin: The Studio of the South e= xhibit at the Art Institute of Chicago. Before touring the exhibit, the gr= oup gathered for breakfast and a lecture at the Hilton Chicago and Towers.= The featured professor was Vivien Fryd, associate professor of art histor= y and American and Southern Studies. .commodore e-news is published month= ly by the Division of Institutional Planning and Advancement, Vanderbilt U= niversity, from editorial and business offices at the Baker Building, Suit= e 1000, 110 21st Ave. S., Nashville, TN 37203. Phone: 615-322-2601. Fax: 6= 15-343-8547. E-mail: Editor: Lew Harris, BA'68= Co-editor: Joanne Beckham, BA'62. Design/development: Arlene Samowich. P= roduction: Samantha Fortner. =09 If you do not wish to receive future Emails from Vanderbilt University, pl= ease CLICK HERE =20 [IMAGE]
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Opus One and more . To Place an order . PLEASE CALL 973-376-0005 ask for Order Dept.<URL> or e-mail us at 1. #13794 Opus One 1998 $117.99 a bottle On Sale Limit 2 bottles per customer please!! Well here it is again,the 1998 Opus One. Not much you can say here, except- keep those verticals going! 2. #15427 Corzano 1998 "I Tre Borri" Chianti $30.99 a bottle (Only $24.79 when you buy a case) 93 Points Gary Vaynerchuk Wine Library This wine comes in 6-pack cases "This wine could go down as 1 of the top 5 wines I have had this year. I have always been impressed by this winery and the Reserva Chianti is amoung the best ever produced. The Riserva is 100% Sangiovese, from the oldest vines, with the best exposure. Vinfied in barrel, this silky, explosively aromatic Chianti is the best wine Corzano e Paterno has ever produced. Aljosha feels it best represents the wonderful vineyards of Corzano e Paterno. "Gary V Wine Library Have your own tasting notes? Post your own review of this wine on Wine! 3. #13554 Babcock 1999 Black Label Syrah $54.99 a bottle (Only $43.99 when you buy a case) This wine comes in 6-pack cases This wine is huge in every respect. It really typifies one of Babcock's favorite themes in winemaking-- the integration of amplitude and balance. In contrast to the 1997 Black Label Cuvee, this wine is a little more compact, achieving the same riveting intensity, but at a lower finished alcohol. The result-- a concentrated, teeth-staining wine, with elegance. Parker has now put this wine on the map,and Babcock has taken it to even a higher level with this massive effort Have your own tasting notes? Post your own review of this wine on Wine! 4. #13918 La Fleur De Bouard 1998 Lalande de Pomerol $27.99 a bottle (Only $22.39 when you buy a case) Featured in last week's Wall Street Journal! Limited Supply Avail! "An outstanding effort . this 98 from Pomerol displays a brilliant nose and a deep, dark color. The fruit just seems to last and last throughout the palate leading you to a tremendously smooth finish. Limited Supply! "Have your own tasting notes? Post your own review of this wine on Wine! 5. #15875 Bollini 2000 Pinot Grigio $8.99 a bottle (Only $7.19 when you buy a case) "Clear, yellowish-straw color, with fresh white grape aromas and a distinct floral fruit found typical of Pinot Grigio. Citric acidity and crisp flavors, full-bodied and round, clean and fresh. If you like Santa Margherita you will never drink it again after tasting this wine!"Have your own tasting notes? Post your own review of this wine on Wine! 6. #16144 Manzone 2000 Dolcetto D'Alba $11.99 a bottle (Only $9.59 when you buy a case) Manzone is one of Piedmonte's superstars. The 2000 version of this Dolcetto is a very explosive wine and an outstanding value. The dark fruit and complexity on both the finish and the mid-palate is very exciting. If you are looking for a wine to drink with a steak or lamb I couldn't think of a better combo than this. Have your own tasting notes? Post your own review of this wine on Wine! 7. #11869 Joel Gott 2000 Zinfandel $14.99 a bottle (Only $11.99 when you buy a case) 90 Points Rob Hunter Wine Library This lush fruit driven red explodes on the palate, ripe bright raspberries and subtle cherry flavors come forth right from the beginning. Slight hints of pepper and spice intermingle on the palate. A true pleasure to drink, try this with your holiday meals. This also has a lasting finish that really rounds out this wonderful wine. Have your own tasting notes? Post your own review of this wine on Wine! 8. #13003 Cline 1999 California Syrah $8.79 a bottle On Sale Dollar for dollar this may be the best value in the shop Cline has always made great wine and this 1999 Syrah is an explosive fruit bomb. If you have been a fan of the Shiraz grape from Australia you will find this to be an amazing wine. Cherry is the dominate flavor in this wine and the finish is almost overwhelming. Don't miss this wine Have your own tasting notes? Post your own review of this wine on Wine!
The hottest e-mail of the year???? To Place an order . PLEASE CALL 973-376-0005 ask for Order Dept.<URL> or e-mail us at 1. #16311 Riecine 1999 Chianti Classico $19.99 a bottle (comes to $15.99 when you buy a case!) 91 Points Wine Spectator "Super for 1999. Beautiful aromas of plum and berry, with hints of smoky, grilled meat, brushwood and tea. Full-bodied, with big, well-integrated tannins and a long, silky-smooth, chocolaty finish. Best after 2002. 1,300 case made."Have your own tasting notes? Post your own review of this wine on Wine! 2. #16260 Aldo Conterno 1997 Barolo "Colonnello" $93.99 a bottle On Sale!!! 94 Points Wine Spectator This wine comes in 6-pack cases "A racy young wine, with lots of class. Very refined aromas of flowers, raspberries, plums and hints of spice. Starts slowly on the palate, then kicks in with tight and pronouncedly silky tannins. Best Colonnello ever. Best after 2005 830 cases made"Have your own tasting notes? Post your own review of this wine on Wine! 3. #16271 Diamond Creek 1999 Gravelly Meadow $139.99 a bottle On Sale!!! This wine comes in 6-pack cases This is a very rare wine Diamond Creek has done it again,they have made a super wine in 1999.Look for the Gravelly Meadow to be this years top wine,the Meadow is a exploding example of what the 1999 vintage is all about.Huge massive fruit and exploding ripe tannis make this wine one of the top 1999 we tasted !Have your own tasting notes? Post your own review of this wine on Wine! 4. #16272 Diamond Creek 1999 Volcanic Hill $139.99 a bottle On Sale This wine comes in 6-pack cases Diamond Creek has done it again,they have made a super wine in 1999.After scoring 94 points in 1998 one can only imagine the ratings these wines may score.Huge massive wine that easily can age for 20-40 years.The Volcanic Hill is a serious wine for a serious wine drinker.Have your own tasting notes? Post your own review of this wine on Wine! 5. #16273 Diamond Creek 1999 Red Rock $139.99 a bottle On Sale This wine comes in 6-pack cases Diamond Creek has done it again,they have made a super wine in 1999.After scoring 94 points in 1998 one can only imagine the ratings these wines may score.Huge massive wine that easily can age for 20-40 years.The Red Rock is massive and exciting,blackberry,currant and cassis are all exploding on the palate.Have your own tasting notes? Post your own review of this wine on Wine! 6. #16171 Chat St. Michelle 1998 Reserve Syrah $28.99 a bottle (comes to $23.19 when you buy a case!) 93 Points Wine Spectator This wine comes in 6-pack cases "Chateau Ste. Michelle and its sister winery, Columbia Crest, have been fine-tuning their approaches to Syrah since 1995, and plans are to dive into production of this varietal in a big way. A ripe 1998 vintage produced a gorgeous example of what's possible in Washington with Syrah. This wine is rich and fragrant, a supple and yummy mouthful of plum, blackberry and cherry fruit that mingles on the creamy finish with hints of vanilla and exotic spices. It's beautifully made, and packed with enough flavor to develop with cellaring. Drink now through 2008. "Have your own tasting notes? Post your own review of this wine on Wine! 7. #15935 Beringer 1999 Sbragia Chardonnay $49.99 a bottle (comes to $39.99 when you buy a case!) 94 Points Robert Parker reveals more structure than previous vintages (due to the cool growing season). Dense and thick, with an unctuous texture as well as fine underlying acidity, smoky oak, rich, leesy, hazelnut married with copious quantities of tropical fruit, and a flamboyant personality, this sensational Chardonnay should drink well for 4-5 years"Have your own tasting notes? Post your own review of this wine on Wine! 8. #16301 Rochioli 2000 Chardonnay $38.99 a bottle (comes to $31.19 when you buy a case!) This wine comes in 6-pack cases Many of you have been waiting for this one.Rochioli is making some of the best wines in all of California,the 2000 Chardonnay is world class.With loads of fruit,cream,butter and even butterscotch the wines complexity is overwhelming.Very limited !!!Have your own tasting notes? Post your own review of this wine on Wine! 9. #11856 Riecine 1997 La Gioia $52.99 a bottle (comes to $42.39 when you buy a case!) 93 Points Wine Spectator "Super class in a glass. Wonderful aromas of berry, cherry, raspberry and mint. Full-bodied, with very fine tannins and a long, long aftertaste of ripe fruit and mint. Best from 2000 through 2005. (1025 cases produced)"Have your own tasting notes? Post your own review of this wine on Wine! 10. #15637 Poggio Al Sole Toscana Serraselva 1998 $39.99 a bottle (comes to $31.99 when you buy a case!) 95 Points Wine Spectator This wine comes in 6-pack cases You heard it here first! Our own Gary Vaynerchuk also gave this wine his own 95+ rating back on June 8th! "Glorious blackberries, currants and berries. Full-bodied and incredibly classy, with a solid palate and ultrafine tannins. Goes on and on. One of the most underrated producers in the business. Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon. Best after 2006" The Wine Spectator "The Seraselva is 60% Merlot and 40% Cabernet Sauvignon. The wine is a full-bodied with good tannic structure. Seraselva displays aromas of cedar, cigar-box, and deep, dark fruit. The wine has powerful flavors of black currant, licorice and with strong impressions of oak. The extracted and tannic structure of this wine could benefit from bottle aging.The Seraselva was scored 93 Points by the Wine Spectator last year,this is clearly a far superior wine." 95+ Points Gary Vaynerchuk (June 8, 2001)Have your own tasting notes? Post your own review of this wine on Wine! Last Shot Wines! size> A key feature of our e-mail service is not only letting you know when hot, new wines come into the store . but also when outstanding bottles are just about to sell out. Here are three tremendous efforts that won't see much more time here!!! 1. #14740 Chateau Pavie Macquin 1998 $84.99 a bottle On Sale 95 Points Robert Parker "Nearly exaggerated levels of intensity, extract, and richness are apparent in this opaque blue/purple-colored wine. Sumptuous aromas of blueberries, blackberries, and cherries combine with smoke, licorice, vanillin, and truffles to create a compelling aromatic explosion. The wine is fabulously dense, full-bodied, and layered, with multiple dimensions, gorgeous purity, and superbly integrated acidity as well as tannin. One of the most concentrated wines of the vintage, it possesses immense potential, but patience is requires. Anticipated maturity: 2006-2030" Have your own tasting notes? Post your own review of this wine on Wine! 2. #14793 Chateau Quinault L`Enclos 1998 $74.99 a bottle On Sale 94 Points Robert Parker "An elegant as well as powerful effort, this dense ruby/purple-colored 1998 reveals notes of plums, black raspberries, vanillin, minerals, licorice, and spice. Exceptionally rich with an outstanding texture, this medium to full-bodied wine possesses a distinctive, individualistic style, largely because of its floral, blueberry fruit flavors. Although accessible, it will age for two decades. Anticipated maturity: 2002-2020." Have your own tasting notes? Post your own review of this wine on Wine! 3. #16109 Antinori 1997 Badia A Passignano Chianti Classico Riserva $37.99 a bottle On Sale 92 Points Robert Parker "One of the treasures of the Piero Antinori empire. The dense ruby/purple-colored 1997 Chianti Classico Riserva is the finest wine I have tasted from this relatively new estate...medium to full-bodied and concentrated, with low acidity and ripe tannin, it is a voluptuous, pure, super-concentrated yet accessible 1997 Chianti Classico." Have your own tasting notes? Post your own review of this wine on Wine!
GREAT SAVINGS FROM Spec's Wines, Spirits Finer Foods! [ width='172' height='25' alt='' border='0'>](<URL> src=) **Store Member:** **Spec's Wines, Spirits Finer Foods** Members E-mail ![](<URL> alt=) Hi JOHN, Spec's Wines, Spirits Finer Foods and have teamed up to offer you some great savings on your favorite wines and spirits. We hope you enjoy these specials. 5% discount is available for those not using credit cards. Use of debit cards earns the 5% cash discount. Both regular and cash discount prices are listed. Specials available at all locations. E-mail any questions or comments about these special offers to: []( Spec's largest and most famous location is at 2400 Smith St. on the south edge of downtown. 16 other locations are around Houston. Spec's is famous for providing customers more wine, liquor, beer and specialty foods and at lower prices than anyone in Texas. Store Hours: All stores are open from 10AM to 9PM Monday through Saturday. Charge Cards Honored: American Express, Mastercard, Visa, Discover cards. To arrange delivery, call order department at 713-526-8787 OR TOLL FREE 888-526-8787 **_Spec's, for the good stuff. _** Spec's is not responsible for mis-prints or typographical errors. All customers must be at least 21 years old. ![](<URL>)](<URL>) _Monthly Specials:_ October, 2001 Valid 10/8 thru 11/3 ![](<URL> alt=) Turning Leaf Cabernet Sauvignon 750 ml. This wine expresses itself with dark plum and black currant flavors layered with spicy oak and a slight chocolate finish. The wine is full bodied with structured tannins providing balance and elegance for a pleasurable drinking experience. Cash Price: $5.79 Regular Price: $6.09 * ![](<URL> alt=) Torresella 2000 Pinot Grigio 750ml. Aromas of fresh fruit, apple and melon; crisp and clean flavors; dry and beautifully balanced. An excellent complement to soups, antipasti, prosciutto, melon and light fish and pastas. Cash Price: $6.49 Regular Price: $6.83 * ![](<URL> alt=) Bella Sera Pinot Grigio 1.5 L The new Bella Sera Pinot Grigio is clean, crisp and refreshing. Utilizing fruit from the Tre Venezie region and subtle winemaker influence, Bella Sera captures the essence of the Pinot Grigio varietal and is a wine that is "true to the grape". The 1999 Pinot Grigio has a clear, straw color and a pleasant nose with delicate aromas of apricot and tropical fruit. This wine is refreshing and crisp with a light to medium body that will allow it to pair well with dishes of all types. Particularly good pairings include grilled vegetables, light pasta dishes and seafood. The refreshing style of the wine makes it a must for hot summer months. Cash Price: $7.99 Regular Price: $8.41 * ![](<URL> alt=) Bella Sera Merlot 1.5L The new Bella Sera Merlot clearly attests to the rising notoriety of Merlot in general, and Italian Merlot in particular, by offering a full flavored style without the more astringent tannins found in Cabernet Sauvignon. Ruby red in color, with aromas of currants and cherries, Bella Sera Merlot offers supple plum and blackberry flavors on the palate, and a ripe, rich finish. The vibrant fruit flavors and good acidity of this Merlot make it an excellent match with a wide range of foods, including tomato-based pasta dishes, grilled meats and poultry. Cash Price: $7.99 Regular Price: $8.41 * ![](<URL> alt=) Tosti Asti 750 ml. Tosti was founded in 1820 and is located in Canelli, Italy in the heart of the Asti region. Produced from the Moscato grape, it has a pale straw color with golden highlights. The sparkle is soft, lively with a delicate, aromatic nose and a trace of pear and fruit with a sweet flavor. Enjoy Tosti Asti whenever you feel like enjoying a great glass of wine. Cash Price: $7.69 Regular Price: $8.09 * ![](<URL> alt=) Ecco Domani Pinot Grigio 750 ml. This Pinot Grigio has a clear, straw color and a pleasant nose with delicate aromas of apricot and tropical fruit. The wine displays crisp subtle flavors with excellent balance and a snappy finish. With its harmonious flavors and crisp acidity, this wine is an excellent match with seafood, poultry, pasta and vegetarian dishes. Cash Price: $7.88 Regular Price: $8.29 * ![](<URL> alt=) Ecco Domani Merlot 750 ml. Ecco Domani Merlot displays a deep red color tinged with ruby-red reflections. Aromas of blueberry and blackberry are evident, with a hint of jam on the nose. This wine is well-balanced, soft and harmonic wine on the palate. Our Merlot is a perfect match for a wide range of foods, particularly tomato-based pasta dishes, poultry and grilled meats. Cash Price: $7.99 Regular Price: $8.41 * ![](<URL> alt=) Lockwood 1998 Cabernet Sauvignon, Monterey 750 ml. All of the grapes used in this 1998 Cabernet Sauvignon came from Lockwood's San Lucas vineyard. Two percent Cabernet Franc and a touch of Merlot enhance its complexity. This is a powerful wine that beams with bright, jammy fruit and rich layers of cocoa, eucalyptus, and leather that will soften and grow more elegant over the next 5-7 years. Cash Price: $9.99 Regular Price: $10.52 * ![](<URL> alt=) Monthaven Coastal 1998 Cabernet Sauvignon 750 ml. Monthaven Coastal wines are produced using fruit grown along California's Central Coast. A region best known for its warm, sunny days, foggy evenings, and cool ocean breezes, the Central Coast's mild climate and longer growing season enhance the grapes' varietal characteristics and allow the rich, complex and decidedly distinctive flavors to show themselves in each and every bottle of Monthaven Coastal. Cash Price: $8.99 Regular Price: $9.46 * ![](<URL> alt=) Monthaven Coastal 1998 Chardonnay 750 ml. Monthaven Coastal wines are produced using fruit grown along California's Central Coast. A region best known for its warm, sunny days, foggy evenings, and cool ocean breezes, the Central Coast's mild climate and longer growing season enhance the grapes' varietal characteristics and allow the rich, complex and decidedly distinctive flavors to show themselves in each and every bottle of Monthaven Coastal. Cash Price: $8.99 Regular Price: $9.46 * ![](<URL> alt=) E J Cask Cream Liqueur 34? 750 ml. a smooth, easy-to-drink cream liqueur made from blending E&J; and rich, imported cream to give it a uniquely delicious flavor. The brandy provides lingering delights of vanilla and butterscotch, which are enriched with velvety, Dutch cream." Gregory Hill, Brandymaster Cash Price: $9.99 Regular Price: $10.52 * ![](<URL> alt=) Moskovskaya Vodka 80? 1 L. From Moscow's famous Cristall Distillery, makers of Stolichnaya and known worldwide for exceptional quality, this is the top-selling vodka in Russia. Virtually identical to Stoli (except the label is green, not red) at a bargain price! Cash Price: $12.99 Regular Price: $13.67 * ![](<URL> alt=) Bacardi 8 Yr Rum 80? 750 ml. From its origins in Cuba in 1862, Bacardi has always been considered one of the world's finest rums. It has a slight hint of banana in the nose, with a warm, syrupy palate. Cash Price: $16.99 Regular Price: $17.88 * ![](<URL> alt=) J?germeister 70? 750 ml. Named after Germany's patron saint of hunting, this unique herbal liqueur is made with 56 different spices for a pleasantly bitter taste. It's enjoyed cold (some bars feature it on tap with a chiller that keeps it at 4 degrees!) or in mixed drinks such as the German Chocolate Cake (1/2 oz. each Jagermeister and chocolate liqueur, with splashes of coconut rum and butterscotch schnapps). Cash Price: $16.99 Regular Price: $17.88 * ![](<URL> alt=) Amaretto Di Saronno 56? 750 ml. When Bernardino Luini painted a fresco of the Madonna in 1525, his model, a young inkeeper, fell in love with him and created this liqueur as a gift of her love. It's still made according to that original recipe, from the highest quality natural ingredients alcohol, burnt sugar and the pure essence of 17 selected herbs and fruits soaked in apricot kernel oil. The sweet almond flavors have notes of honey, chocolate and orange. Cash Price: $17.99 Regular Price: $18.94 * ![](<URL> alt=) Remy Martin VSOP Cognac 80? 750ml. The flagship of the brand. One bottle alone contains hundreds of blend components, ranging from four to 15 years in age. The brand itself is a Fine Champagne Cognac taken from the two best crus. It has a golden amber color (old pale), great smoothness and complexity; balanced and perfectly mature. Cash Price: $27.99 Regular Price: $29.46 * ![](<URL> alt=) Covey Run Cab-Merlot 750 ml. Founded in 1982, Covey Run has established itself as a leading producer of outstanding varietal wines from Washington state's fertile Yakima Valley. Year after year, wine lovers and critics continue to recognize the unmatched quality and value found in Covey Run wines, honoring them with growing popularity and acclaim. Cash Price: $6.99 Regular Price: $7.36 * ![](<URL> alt=) Rancho Zabaco 1998 Sonoma Heritage Vines Zinfandel 750 ml. One of the outstanding brands being produced at the Gallo of Sonoma winery, created to showcase the bold, intense varietals of the best Sonoma areas. They're best known for their Zinfandels, and this one captures the essence of the grape's character-lush berry fruit flavors and moderate tannins. It's great for everyday drinking. Cash Price: $8.99 Regular Price: $9.46 * ![](<URL> alt=) Vermeer Dutch Chocolate Cream 34? 750 ml. Winner of the GOLD MEDAL for taste and the BEST OF SHOW Award from the American Tasting Institute. VERMEER is a superior tasting liqueur made from real Dutch chocolate, premium vodka, and fresh dairy cream. This holiday season, treat your friends and family to VERMEER Dutch Chocolate Cream. Enjoy it straight up or on the rocks. Cash Price: $18.49 Regular Price: $19.46 * Member E-mail is a special service for members. If you wish to unsubscribe to this E-mail, simply click [_here_](<URL> class=) and update your preferences on our E-mail preferences page. We'll remove you from our member E-mail list as quickly as possible.
daily charts and matrices as hot links 10/26 The information contained herein is based on sources that we believe to be reliable, but we do not represent that it is accurate or complete. Nothing contained herein should be considered as an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any financial instruments discussed herein. Any opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author. As such, they may differ in material respects from those of, or expressed or published by on behalf of Carr Futures or its officers, directors, employees or affiliates. 2001 Carr Futures The charts are now available on the web by clicking on the hot link(s) contained in this email. If for any reason you are unable to receive the charts via the web, please contact me via email and I will email the charts to you as attachments. Crude <URL> Natural Gas <URL> Distillate <URL> Unleaded chart to follow. Dec WTI/Brent Spread <URL> Dec Heat Crack <URL> Dec Gas Crack <URL> Dec/May Heat Spread <URL> Jan/Feb Heat Spread <URL> Nov Gas/Heat Spread <URL> Dec Gas/Heat Spread <URL> Nov/Mar Unlead Spread <URL> Nat Gas Strip Matrix <URL> Nat Gas Spread Matrix <URL> Crude and Products Spread Matrix <URL> Scott Oblander 312-762-1015 312-762-1014 fax Carr Futures 150 S. Wacker Suite 1500 Chicago, IL 60606
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OnePass Member Specials for john arnold Specials for john arnold Tuesday, October 9, 2001 EARN DOUBLE MILES THAT APPLY TOWARD ELITE STATUS We're offering double miles to OnePass members traveling between October 2 and November 15, 2001 on Continental Airlines, Continental Express and Continental code-share flights. In addition, these double miles will apply toward 2002 Elite status. Visit: <URL> to register and for complete details. TOOLS FOR THE MOBILE TRAVELER You can conveniently manage your travel planning and OnePass account with Continental's wireless services when and where you want. We make it easy for you to get the information you need. Check real-time flight status View Continental schedules View current eTicketed itineraries Check seat availability for a Continental flight Check OnePass Mileage Balance View Continental contact information Check Ticket Office and Presidents Club Locations and Numbers Visit: <URL> and get connected TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. This Week's Destinations 2. Westin Hotels Resorts, Sheraton Hotels Resorts, Four Points by Sheraton, St. Regis, The Luxury Collection and W Hotels 3. Hilton Hotel Offers 4. Alamo Rent A Car Offers 5. National Car Rental Offers 1. THIS WEEK'S DESTINATIONS Depart Saturday, October 13 and return on either Monday, October 15 or Tuesday, October 16, 2001. Please see the Terms and Conditions listed at the end of this e-mail. For OnePass members, here are special opportunities to redeem miles for travel to the following destinations. As an additional benefit, OnePass Elite members can travel using the miles below as the only payment necessary. The following are this week's OnePass Specials. To use your OnePass miles (as listed below) to purchase Specials, you must call 1-800-642-1617. THERE WILL NOT BE AN ADDITIONAL $20 CHARGE WHEN REDEEMING ONEPASS MILES FOR CONTINENTAL.COM SPECIALS THROUGH THE TOLL FREE RESERVATIONS NUMBER. If you are not using your OnePass miles, purchase Specials online until 11:59pm (CST) Friday at <URL> You can also purchase Specials for an additional cost of $20 per ticket through our telephone service at 1-800-642-1617. TRAVEL MAY ORIGINATE IN EITHER CITY ****Roundtrip BETWEEN CLEVELAND, OH and: $29 10,000 Miles or $109 Chicago, IL (Midway only) $29 12,500 Miles or $119 Louisville, KY $29 12,500 Miles or $129 Milwaukee, WI $29 12,500 Miles or $129 New York, NY (LaGuardia only) ****Roundtrip BETWEEN HOUSTON, TX and: $29 10,000 Miles or $109 Austin, TX $29 10,000 Miles or $109 Brownsville/South Padre Island, TX $29 10,000 Miles or $109 Gulfport/Biloxi, MS ****Roundtrip BETWEEN NEW YORK/NEWARK and: $29 10,000 Miles or $109 Portland, ME $29 12,500 Miles or $119 West Palm Beach, FL 2. CONTINENTAL.COM SPECIALS LAST-MINUTE WEEKEND RATES FROM WESTIN HOTELS RESORTS, SHERATON HOTELS RESORTS, FOUR POINTS BY SHERATON, ST. REGIS, THE LUXURY COLLECTION, AND W HOTELS Visit our site for booking these and other Last-Minute Weekend Rates for this weekend October 12 October 16, 2001. <URL> Florida Pompano Beach Four Points by Sheraton Pompano Beach $75.00 Illinois Arlington Heights Sheraton Chicago Northwest $65.00 Illinois Chicago Sheraton Chicago Hotel and Towers $130.00 Illinois Chicago The Westin Michigan Avenue Chicago $136.00 Illinois Chicago The Westin Chicago River North $119.00 Illinois Elk Grove Village Sheraton Suites Elk Grove Village $71.00 Illinois Oakbrook Terrace Four Points by Sheraton Oakbrook $64.00 Maine South Portland Sheraton South Portland Hotel $116.00 New Jersey East Rutherford Sheraton Meadowlands Hotel and Conference Center $99.00 New Jersey Elizabeth Four Points by Sheraton Newark Airport $71.00 New Jersey Iselin Sheraton at Woodbridge Place Hotel $71.00 New Jersey Parsippany Sheraton Parsippany Hotel $70.00 New Jersey Piscataway Four Points by Sheraton Somerset/Piscataway $65.00 New Jersey Weehawken Sheraton Suites on the Hudson $109.00 New York New York Sheraton Russell Hotel $179.00 New York New York Sheraton New York Hotel and Towers $169.00 New York New York Essex House A Westin Hotel $185.00 Ohio Cuyahoga Falls Sheraton Suites Akron/Cuyahoga Falls $99.00 Ohio Independence Four Points by Sheraton Cleveland South $65.00 Texas Houston Sheraton Houston Brookhollow Hotel $45.00 Texas Houston The Westin Galleria Houston $64.00 Texas Houston The Westin Oaks $70.00 Wisconsin Brookfield Sheraton Milwaukee Brookfield Hotel $49.00 For complete details on these offers, please refer to the terms and conditions below. 3. CONTINENTAL.COM SPECIALS FROM HILTON HOTELS AND RESORTS The following rates are available October 13 October 15, 2001 and are priced per night. Austin, TX Doubletree Hotel Austin $99 Austin, TX Hilton Austin North $99 Chicago, IL Doubletree Guest Suites Downers Grove, Downers Grove, IL $129 Chicago, IL Embassy Suites Hotel Chicago-Downtown/Lakefront $179 Chicago, IL Hilton Garden Inn Chicago Downtown North $159 Chicago, IL Hilton Oak Lawn, Oak Lawn, IL $109 Cleveland, OH Hilton Cleveland East/Beachwood, Beachwood, OH $109 Houston, TX Hilton Houston Hobby Airport $109 Houston, TX Hilton Houston Southwest $109 Houston, TX Hilton Houston Westchase and Towers $149 New York, NY Hilton Times Square, New York, NY $189 New York, NY/Newark, NJ Hilton Hasbrouck Heights, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ $149 New York, NY/Newark, NJ Hilton Parsippany, Parsippany, NJ $89 Palm Beach, FL Doubletree Hotel Palm Beach Gardens $79 Palm Beach, FL Hilton Palm Beach Airport $86 Portland, ME Doubletree Hotel Portland $89 To book this week's special rates for Hilton Family Hotels, visit and book at <URL> Special rates apply only for the dates listed at each hotel and are subject to availability. Check for specific dates at each Hilton Family Hotel. Or call at 1-800-774-1500 and ask for Value Rates. Restrictions apply to these rates. 4. CONTINENTAL.COM SPECIALS FROM ALAMO RENT A CAR Rates listed below are valid on compact class vehicles at airport locations only. Other car types may be available. Rates are valid for rentals on Saturday, October 13 with returns Monday, October 15 or Tuesday, October 16, 2001. $20 a day in: Austin, TX (AUS) $23 a day in: Cleveland, OH (CLE) $26 a day in: Newark, NJ (EWR) $18 a day in: Houston, TX (IAH) $26 a day in: Chicago, IL (MDW) $18 a day in: Milwaukee, WI (MKE) $26 a day in: West Palm Beach, FL (PBI) $20 a day in: Portland, ME (PWM) To receive special Specials discounted rates, simply make advance reservations and be sure to request ID 596871 and Rate Code 33. Book your reservation online at: <URL> or contact Alamo at 1-800 GO ALAMO. *If you are traveling to a city or a different date that is not listed, Alamo offers great rates when you book online at: <URL> For complete details on these offers, please refer to Alamo's terms and conditions below. 5. CONTINENTAL.COM SPECIALS FROM NATIONAL CAR RENTAL Rates listed below are valid on intermediate class vehicles at airport locations only. Other car types may be available. Rates are valid for rentals on Saturday, October 13 with returns Monday, October 15 or Tuesday, October 16, 2001. $23 a day in: Austin, TX (AUS) $26 a day in: Cleveland, OH (CLE) $29 a day in: Newark, NJ (EWR) $21 a day in: Gulfport/Biloxi, MS (GPT) $21 a day in: Houston, TX (IAH) $47 a day in: New York, NY (LGA) $29 a day in: Chicago, IL (MDW) $24 a day in: Milwaukee, WI (MKE) $29 a day in: West Palm Beach, FL (PBI) $23 a day in: Portland, ME (PWM) $47 a day in: Louisville, KY (SDF) To receive your Specials discounted rates, simply make your reservations in advance and be sure to request Product Code COOLUS. To make your reservation, contact National at 1-800-CAR-RENT (1-800-227-7368), or book your reservation online at <URL> Please enter COOLUS in the Product Rate Code field, and 5037126 in the Contract ID field to ensure you get these rates on these dates. If you are traveling to a city or a different date that is not listed, National offers great rates when you book online at: <URL> For complete details on these offers, please refer to National's terms and conditions below. CONTINENTAL.COM SPECIALS RULES: Fares include a $37.20 fuel surcharge. Passenger Facility Charges, up to $18 depending on routing, are not included. Up to $2.75 per segment federal excise tax, as applicable, is not included. Applicable International and or Canadian taxes and fees up to $108, varying by destination, are not included and may vary slightly depending on currency exchange rate at the time of purchase. For a complete listing of rules please visit: <URL> ALAMO RENT A CAR'S TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Taxes (including VLF taxes up to US$1.89 per day in California and GST), other governmentally-authorized or imposed surcharges, license recoupment fees, fuel, additional driver fee, drop charges and optional items (such as CDW Waiver Savers(R) up to US$18.99 a day,) are extra. Renter must meet standard age, driver and credit requirements. Rates higher for drivers under age 25. Concession recoupment fees may add up to 14% to the rental rate at some on-airport locations. Up to 10.75% may be added to the rental rate if you rent at an off-airport location and exit on our shuttle bus. Weekly rates require a 5-day minimum rental or daily rates apply. For weekend rates, the vehicle must be picked up after 9 a.m. on Thursday and returned before midnight on Monday or higher daily rates apply. 24-hour advance reservation required. May not be combined with other discounts. Availability is limited. All vehicles must be returned to the country of origin. Offer not valid in San Jose, CA. NATIONAL CAR RENTAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer must provide Contract ID# at the time of reservation to be eligible for discounts. Offer valid at participating National locations in the US and Canada. Minimum rental age is 25. This offer is not valid with any other special discount or promotion. Standard rental qualifications apply. Subject to availability and blackout dates. Advance reservations required. Geographic driving restrictions may apply. TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR WESTIN, SHERATON, FOUR POINTS, ST. REGIS, THE LUXURY COLLECTION, AND W HOTELS: Offer is subject to availability. Advance Reservations required and is based on single/double occupancy. Offer not applicable to group travel. Additional Service charge and tax may apply. The discount is reflected in the rate quoted. Offer valid at participating hotel only. Offer valid for stays on Fri Mon with a Friday or Saturday night arrival required. Rate available for this coming weekend only. Offer available only by making reservations via the internet. A limited number of rooms may be available at these rates. This e-mail message and its contents are copyrighted and are proprietary products of Continental Airlines, Inc. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, or transfer of the message or its content, in any medium, is strictly prohibited. UNFORTUNATELY MAIL SENT TO THIS ADDRESS CANNOT BE ANSWERED. If you need assistance please visit: <URL> This e-mail was sent to: You registered with OnePass Number: AK772745 View our privacy policy at: <URL> TO UNSUBSCRIBE: We hope you will find Specials a valuable source of information. However, if you prefer not to take advantage of this opportunity, please let us know by visiting the Specials page on our web site at: <URL> TO SUBSCRIBE: Please visit the Specials page on our web site at: <URL>
Nat Gas market analysis for 10-25-01 Attached please find the Natural Gas market analysis for today. Thanks, Bob McKinney 10-25-01 Nat Gas.doc
CFTC Charges Two Tx. Men With Defrauding Former Employer =09 =09 =09 =09 10/29/2001 =09 Dow Jones Commodities Service =09 =09 =09 =09 (Copyright (c) 2001, Dow Jones Company, Inc.) =09 =09 =09 =09 WASHINGTON -(Dow Jones)- The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission ann= ounced Monday it has filed an administrative action against two Texasmen for defrauding their former employer, Coastal Corporation. The CFTC says over a five-month period during 1996, Clay Krhovjak, of Bellville, Texas, a= nd Paul Cochran, of Houston, engaged in a fraudulent trading scheme to allo= cate profitable trades belonging to Coastal to accounts controlled by other= unnamed scheme participants. =09 =09 The two men were assistant vice presidents at Coastal'scommodity futures trading desk in Houstonand were responsible for placing energy futures or= ders for Coastal with floor personnel at the New York Mercantile Exchange, the CFTC said. The CFTC said the men conducted their scheme through Refin= ed Energy, Inc. of Red Bank, New Jersey, which was one of the NYMEX floor o= perations used by Coastal. "This allocation scheme ensured Cochran, Krhov= jakand other participants risk-free personal profits," according to the CFT= C complaint. The CFTC also alleges the two men defrauded Coastal by tradi= ng ahead of the firm's futures trades, in that they used advance knowledge of Coastal trades to obtain profits illegally for themselves and others. A public hearing will be held at a later date to determine if the allegatio= ns are true and if so, what sanctions are appropriate, the CFTC said. Sep= arately, in September 2001, Krhovjakand Cochran each pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit commodities fraud before the U.S. District Co= urt for the Southern District of Texas. Sentencing in that case is expected= in early 2002, the CFTC said. -By Kim Archer, Dow Jones Newswires; 202= -479-0853; =09
Spend less on PC accessories more! RADEON(tm) 7500 is a powerful and versatile graphic solution. <URL> ___________________________________________________________ <<<COMPUTERS>>> ___________________________________________________________ SMC 4-Port Cable/DSL Router ENTER TO WIN A TRIP TO THE SUPERBOWL FROM SMC! price: $69.95 List Price: $119.00 An ideal all-in-one networking solution for home and small business users. For more info about product and sweepstakes, click here: <URL> ___________________________________________________________ Linksys 11Mbps Wireless Cable/DSL Router -REBATE AVAILABLE! price: $188.95 List Price: $344.00 Connects your wireless network to a high-speed broadband Internet Connection and more. For more info about item and rebate offer, click here: <URL> ___________________________________________________________ Samsung Combo Drive CDRW/DVD-ROM 8x/4x/32x/8x price: NEW LOW PRICE! List price: $219.00 Offers 8x CD-Recording, 4XCD-Rewriting, 32X CD-ROM Reading and 8X DVD ROM Reading. For more info about this device, click here: <URL> ___________________________________________________________ Altec Lansing AVS500 5 Speaker Set $10 MAIL-IN REBATE ($31.95 AFTER REBATE) price: $41.95 List Price: $59.99 Turn your MP3 player or personal CD player into a high-end stereo system! For more info about product and rebate offer, click here: <URL> ___________________________________________________________ Dymo LabelWriter 300 $50 MAIL-IN REBATE ($80.95 AFTER REBATE) price: $130.95 List price: $249.95 A fast and efficient way to print labels one-at-a-time from your PC or Macintosh! For more info about item and rebate offer, click here: <URL> ___________________________________________________________ Compaq Presario 705US Notebook GREAT OFFER REBATE AVAILABLE! price: $1,599.00 Get $100 cash back via mail-in rebate or a notebook starter kit ($150 value) for a limited time! For more info about product and offers, click here: <URL> ___________________________________________________________ Kodak DC3200 Zoom price: $148.95 Get great looking, eye-catching prints up to 5" x 7" thanks to 1.0 MP resolution. For more info about this product, click here: <URL> ___________________________________________________________ Microsoft Natural Keyboard Pro REBATE OFFER! price: $50.95 before rebate List Price: $74.95 The ultimate PC command console with 19 hot keys, a pair of USB ports, and proven ergonomic design. For more info about product and rebate offer, click here: <URL> ___________________________________________________________ Microsoft Intellimouse Optical SAVE 37% price: $34.95 List Price: $54.95 The hassle-free mouse with a great eye for precision! For more info about this product, click here: <URL> _________________________________________________________ <<<SOFTWARE>>> ___________________________________________________________ Microsoft Windows XP Pro Upgrade price: $199.00 Designed for businesses of all sizes and for individuals who demand the most from their computing. For more info about this title, click here: <URL> Check out the Windows XP Resource Center: <URL> Also available Windows XP Home Upgrade: <URL> ___________________________________________________________ Roxio Easy CD Creator $30 MAIL-IN REBATE OFFER ($41.95 AFTER REBATE!) price: $71.95 List Price: $99.00 The most complete and powerful CD burning software available! For more info about program and rebate offer, click here: <URL> ___________________________________________________________ <<<ELECTRONICS>>> ___________________________________________________________ Toshiba 5-disc Carousel DVD/CD/MP3 Changer SAVE 24% price: $229.95 List Price: $299.99 Bring the most intense and lifelike movie theater experience right into your living room! For more details about this item, click here: <URL> ___________________________________________________________ Panasonic DVD/CD Micro System with 5 Speakers SAVE 43% price: $399.95 List Price: $699.95 This system has two front, one center, and two rear speakers required for surround sound reproduction. For more details about this item, click here: <URL> ___________________________________________________________ Top Selling Wireless Broadband networking products from Linksys! <URL> In addition to electronics, also offers top-of-the-line computers, best-selling books, videos, wireless, software and much more. Check out these stores: Computers <URL> Software <URL> Electronics <URL> Wireless <URL> Books <URL> Music <URL> Games <URL> Video <URL> DVD <URL> Clearance <URL> Anytime Help: Please use the link below for your Customer Support questions. Please do not reply to the eMail address. It is not an active mailbox. Click here: <URL> All prices and product availability subject to change without notice. Unless noted, prices do not include shipping and applicable sales taxes. Product quantities limited. List price refers to manufacturer's suggested retail price and may be different than actual selling prices in your area. Please visit us at or the links above for more information including latest pricing, availability, and restrictions on each offer. "" and "The Internet Superstore" are trademarks of BUY.COM Inc. BUY.COM Inc. 2001. All rights reserved. We respect your privacy. If you would rather not receive eMail alerting you of special offers, product announcements, and other news, just let us know by clicking here: <URL>
Nat Gas market analysis for 11-26-01 Attached please find the Natural Gas market analysis for today. Thanks, Bob McKinney 11-26-01 Nat Gas.doc
New Products for Power and Natural Gas A Reminder to all Power and Natural Gas Traders: IntercontinentalExchange has launched financial swaps settling against our Power and Natural Gas indices. Two new products, NG Fin Sw Swap, FP for IC= E and Fin Swap-Peak, FP for ICE are now listed for the Henry Hub in Natural= Gas and for Cinergy and PJM-West in Power. Please include these new marke= ts in your portfolios.
whats up young man? johnny hope all is well. is ok here. new york a little stranger than normal for obvious reasons.. wwe're trying to get back to normal. pretty stressful cupla weeks. business has been pretty good(trading anyway) in natgas and oil. certainly have been some changes in natgas fundamentals but too littl too late im afraid to get bullish market sucks and the newest shock to macr economics im starting to think are mitigating what mite have been some postive bullish changes like gas/oil relationship and gas shut ins. looks shitty i think. im not as short as ive been but starting to think this witer is waaay too high priced. just funtction timing i guess. i sold a few march aprils again. just doesnt fit the curve and i think 80% probabitly we end march with over 1.3 tcf in the ground. wud keep things ugle for awhile. anyway curious your thots as always. also wanted to say hi.have a good weekend
Natural FYI energy092301.doc
John, We are not pulling the25 million today. No one from Man should have demanded anything from you today. Eddie
_Membership Rewards_ October Travel Update for JENNIFER STEWART Special Offers for MEMBERSHIP REWARDS Enrollees from American Express October 25, 2001 DESTINATION: HOME Home is where the heart is. As a new year approaches there's no better time to visit friends and loved ones. The MEMBERSHIP REWARDS program from American Express can help get you there! You can easily redeem and earn points for your next trip...just scroll down the page. EUROPE-BOUND? TRANSFER Membership Rewards POINTS TO THE DELTA SKYMILES PROGRAM NOW AND SAVE 10,000 MILES Visit your family and friends or see the old country with as little as 40,000 miles. Now through 3/14/02 SkyMiles members can save 10,000 miles on a Coach/Economy SkySaver(TM) Award when traveling from North America to Europe. This award is good for travel on Delta or the Delta Connection carriers and is subject to capacity controls pending seat availability and blackout dates. Please allow 2-5 business days for MEMBERSHIP REWARDS points to be transferred into your Delta SkyMiles account. All standard Delta program rules and conditions apply. To transfer MEMBERSHIP REWARDS points to the Delta SkyMiles program, copy and paste the following URL address into your browser: SkyMiles members: For more information about this and other awards: visit or call Delta reservations at 1-800-323-2323. To enroll in the SkyMiles program, visit or call 1-800-221-1212. EARN UP TO 5,000 OnePass BONUS MILES WHEN YOU PURCHASE A ROUNDTRIP TICKET ON CONTINENTAL AIRLINES Purchase a roundtrip BusinessFirst ticket (J class of service) to Europe, Japan or Hong Kong for travel between 11/1/01 and 1/31/02, and you'll earn 5,000 bonus miles! Or, purchase an economy class ticket (Y and H class of service) to any of these destinations and you'll earn 2,500 bonus miles. Just use your American Express Card and you'll be ready for take-off. To transfer MEMBERSHIP REWARDS points to your OnePass account, copy and paste the following URL address into your browser: To book a trip or to register for this offer, copy and paste the following URL address into your browser: (If you are not currently a OnePass member, you can enroll for the program when you register). All terms and conditions of OnePass apply. Visit the Web site for complete details. US AIRWAYS MILEAGE BONUS WHEN YOU TRANSFER Membership Rewards POINTS Earn Dividend Miles faster! From 10/25/01 through 11/16/01, you will receive a 20% mileage bonus for all MEMBERSHIP REWARDS points that are transferred to Dividend Miles. To participate, register prior to transferring points by calling 1-800-872-4738 and enter Bonus Request Number 5363. Or, copy and paste the following URL address into your browser: AMERICAN EXPRESS AND SOUTHWEST AIRLINES JOINING TOGETHER TO KEEP AMERICA FLYING! American Express is proud to be a Preferred Partner with Southwest Airlines. Enrollees have the opportunity to transfer 1,250 MEMBERSHIP REWARDS points for one Rapid Rewards credit. With Rapid Rewards, Southwest's frequent flyer program, it takes only 8 roundtrips (or 16 Rapid Rewards credits) within 12 consecutive months to earn a free, transferable Award Ticket! Plus, earn double credit for each one-way trip or four credits for every roundtrip when you purchase your ticket on To transfer MEMBERSHIP REWARDS points to the Rapid Rewards Program, copy and paste the following URL address into your browser: If you are interested in receiving the latest news and information on Southwest and Rapid Rewards, go to to subscribe to the Rapid Rewards email. You must present your Rapid Rewards membership card upon check- in. All Rapid Rewards rules apply. GO WORK, GO PLAY, GO USA! GREAT RATES FROM STARWOOD HOTELS RESORTS See America with Starwood Hotels Resorts! With over 300 unique destinations, we've got you covered. Transfer MEMBERSHIP REWARDS points to your Starwood Preferred Guest(SM) account and you can stay at Westin, Sheraton, Four Points by Sheraton, St.Regis, The Luxury Collection and W Hotels using Starpoints(SM)! And, now through 1/27/02, you can take advantage of $49 to $179 weekend rates (Thurs-Sun) and savings of up to 40% on weekday rates (Mon- Wed). To book online visit or call 877-782-0114 and be sure to ask for promotion code "GO USA". To see terms and conditions, copy and paste the following URL address into your browser: To transfer MEMBERSHIP REWARDS points to your Starwood Preferred Guest account, copy and paste the following URL address into your browser: EARN 500 Membership Rewards BONUS POINTS AT HILTON HHONORS HOTELS Now through 8/31/02, MEMBERSHIP REWARDS enrollees who are also Hilton HHonors members can Double Dip and earn both HHonors points and MEMBERSHIP REWARDS bonus points per stay. Earn 500 MEMBERSHIP REWARDS bonus points at U.S. HHonors hotels, including Hilton Conrad Doubletree Embassy Suites Hotels Hilton Garden Inn and Homewood Suites by Hilton. Earn 100 MEMBERSHIP REWARDS bonus points per stay at Hampton Inn and Hampton Inn Suites hotels. For complete details, terms conditions and to enroll in Hilton HHonors, visit EARN FREE WEEKEND NIGHTS WITH MARRIOTT'S REWARDING WEEKENDS Visit your family, get away for a weekend or go on a sightseeing trip and earn a free weekend night for every 3 paid weekend nights you stay! Valid now until 12/23/01. As always, MEMBERSHIP REWARDS points can be exchanged into Marriott Rewards points to redeem for a free stay! To learn more, copy and paste the following URL address into your browser: VENTURE BY CAR WITH AS LITTLE AS 5,000 POINTS! The MEMBERSHIP REWARDS program makes it easy to drive away with great rewards with our car rental partners. Why spend money on a car rental when you can redeem for a $50 certificate with just 5,000 points! Choose from the most popular car rental companies in the country Hertz, Avis, Budget Rent A Car or National Car Rental then hit the road! To redeem points for a car rental certificate, copy and paste the following URL into your browser: If you were sent this e-mail in error or you wish to unsubscribe to this newsletter, please use this address in your communication to us. If you do not want to receive this monthly publication, please click the reply button and type the word "remove" in the subject line of your response. This option will not affect any preferences you may have previously expressed with respect to other American Express e-mails. Please visit the American Express Privacy Statement at to set, review or change preferences regarding the type of e-mail offers you want to receive. ? 2001 American Express
Metro Briefs Inside Real Estate [IMAGE]=20 =09[IMAGE]=09[IMAGE]=09=09 [IMAGE] =09[IMAGE] [IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] =09[IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE] =09=09[IMAGE]=09=09=09 =09=09[IMAGE]=09=09[IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09[IMAGE]=09[IMAGE] [IMAGE] ReisCast October 9, 2001 Reis America's Source for Real Estate Investing Welcome to ReisCast= our weekly email newsletter. This week's edition highlights are: Insi= de Real Estate Metro Briefs More Great News for Reis SE Subscribers IMAGE] [IMAGE] 1. Inside Real Estate The Post-Attack Economic Outl= ook Wars are fought as much on an economic front as a military one, a poi= nt underscored by the terrorists' choice of the World Trade Towers to initi= ate their villainous attack on the continental US...On the economic front, we are in for a fight... Although the markets have since rallied somewhat..= .the US economy will close out this year in recession. Reis's senior edit= or Sam Truitt spoke with Mark M. Zandi chief economist and co-founder of= financial information site who is regularly cited in The Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, Business Week and Fortune to gauge j= ust how deep and how long this recession is likely to be and where it is mo= st likely to be felt. To read the entire article, go to: Inside Real Esta= te at <URL> [IMAGE]= 2. Metro Briefs A Charmed Life Baltimore Retail Market Second Qua= rter 2001 Having emerged as a cultural, educational and economic center in= its own right, the "Charm City" of Baltimore continues to win over employe= rs, residents, tourists and convention planners with its Super Bowl XXXV ch= ampion Ravens football team, award-winning Inner Harbor tourist area, and w= orld-famous Johns Hopkins University... But just how far could D.C.'s "unde= rachieving stepbrother" go without a homegrown high-tech presence? In ligh= t of recent events in the dot-com and high-tech sectors, their relative abs= ence from the Baltimore economic landscape may have proven to be a blessing= To get the entire market excerpt as well as an opportunity to buy the= full Reis Observer report, go to <URL> tlight1.cfm Small Market: Big Reach Fort Lauderdale Industrial Market - Second Quarter 2001 Even as other industrial metros struggle during the current economic slowdown, the Ft. Lauderdale industrial market is capitali= zing on its role as a global marketplace. Located in Broward County, the metro's 72-million-square-foot industrial market, according to Reis's estim= ate, is modest by comparison with other Florida industrial markets, but it continues to draw foreign and domestic investors eager to capitalize on the= area's low costs, favorable business climate and expanded transportation i= nfrastructure... To get the entire market excerpt as well as an opportu= nity to buy the full Reis Observer report, go to <URL> ights_metro_spotlight1.cfm#two [IMAGE] [IMAGE] 3. More Great Ne= ws for Reis SE Subscribers Reis SE our revolutionary information sou= rce designed to help real estate professionals make more informed investmen= t decisions has even more great news for subscribers and corporate accou= nt users... Coming next week, get the latest trends on those hard-to-gath= er secondary US markets with Reis's enhanced reporting on 30 expansion metr= os for office and apartment markets as well as vital rent comps in these ne= w markets with Reis's MetroStats and SubmarketStats reports. Just when you need a competitive edge, too since secondary market trends and rent comp= information aren't available from any other standardized, timely source. And don't forget...beginning next week you can also get class-cut distinc= tions for the 50 top US Office and Apartment markets with Reis's new MetroT= rend Class Cuts and SubTrend Class Cuts reports. To become a REIS SE sub= scriber or corporate account user and get access to the same investment dec= ision-support information used by thousands of professionals among leading commercial banks, lenders, appraisers, owner/developers, REITs and mortgage= bankers, call us today for a DEMO at 1(800) 366-REIS, or email us at INFO@= From Wall Street to Main Street, our clients rely on Reis for comprehensive and proven transaction support. As always, we welcome your comments and suggestions. [IMAGE] You are receiving the email because= you have subscribed to this list. If you would like to remove yourself fr= om this list, please click here and you will be removed immediately! Thank= you! [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] ?2001 Reis, Inc. All rights reserved. =09[IMAGE]=09[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09
(01-349) Unleaded Gasoline, Heating Oi, and Natural Gas Options E xpiration Operational Procedures PLEASE NOTE SPECIAL HOURS Notice No. 01-349 October 22, 2001 TO: All NYMEX Members/Member Firms All NYMEX Clearing Members All NYMEX Floor Traders All NYMEX Operations Managers FROM: George Henderson, Vice President RE: Options Expiration Operational Procedures for the Trading Floor and Clearing Members Revised Hours ________________________________________________________________ The expiration date for the November 2001 options contract for Unleaded Gasoline (GOX1), Heating Oil (OHX1) and Natural Gas (ONX1) is Friday, October 26, 2001. GENERAL OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES All Clearing Members and Qualified Floor Traders that carried an options position as of the close of business day prior to the expiration day, or engaged in trading activity on Expiration Day in the expiring options contract will be required to have a knowledgeable, duly authorized representative present at their normal work station promptly at 4:40 p.m. until released by the Exchange staff as specified below. All adjustments and/or corrections, must be accompanied by relevant supporting documentation prior to being incorporated into expiration processing, in essence making the expiration processing an extension of the afternoon trade resolution procedures. All input to the NYMEX Clearing Department will conclude no later than 30 minutes after floor representatives are released. Exchange Clearing (299-2110), Floor Trade Processing (299-2068 and 299-2169) personnel, as well as a representative of the Floor Committee will be available to assist with the processing of notices of Exercise and Abandonment, position transfers, trade corrections and other questions or problems you may have. CLEARING DEPARTMENT OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES The Option Expiration process is a screen based process for which all information is provided on the screens on C21 terminals. No Option Expiration Reports will be provided. The following screens will assist you through the Option Expiration process: MEMBER TRADE INQUIRY Contains real-time top day trade information, trade information for the previous 4 business days and trade=s adjusted for the previous 4 business days by adjustment date. SINGLE POSITION MAINTENANCE Contains a real-time snapshot for each option series from the start of day position to the projected end of day position. REVIEW ACCEPT REJECT TRANSFERS Contains all trade and position transfers TO your firm and the status of each transfer. REVIEW SUBMITTED TRANSFERS Contains all trade and position transfer FROM your firm and the status of each transfer. EXERCISE NOTICE SUBMISSION Contains your available long position and an input field to enter the number of long positions you wish to exercise. DO NOT EXERCISE SUBMISSION Contains your available long position and an input field to enter the number of long positions you wish to abandon. POSITION CHANGE SUBMISSION PCS may be submitted either by manual input or by electronic transmission. Any PCS input on a Clearing 21 terminal will be the input processed by the system. This input may be made at any time prior to 5:55 p.m. Any PCS input via transmission for that contract series will be disregarded. ALL POSITIONS ARE DEEMED FINAL Upon completion of all PCS input, all positions will be deemed final. EXERCISE/ASSIGNMENT INFORMATION Will be available to you on the Single Position Maintenance window by contract series or the Assignment List window which contains all your Assignments on one window. You will be notified of its availability by C21 E-Mail and by Fast Facts. This should occur within 1 hour of the last PCS input. All Clearing Members are required to have an authorized representative(s) at their C21 workstations in preparation for any communication during the expiration process. FAST FACTS Clearing Members should call the Fast Facts information service 301-4871, access code 700 for event messages advising Members of the event status. E-MAIL Clearing Members should read their C21 E-Mail messages immediately to be aware of event status. The standard event Fast Facts and/or E-Mail messages and the sequence in which they will be announced are: STANDARD EVENT APPROXIMATE TIME USUAL FAST FACTS(F) MESSAGES OF MESSAGE EVENT TIME E-MAIL (E) AVAILABILITY BOTH (B) Announce Out-of-the 4:45PM 4:45PM F Money Exercise and In-the-Money Do Not Exercise Submissions Announce Final Input to C21 5:40PM 5:55PM E Cutoff Time All positions are deemed final 6:30PM 5:55PM F Announce Exercise/Assignment 7:15PM 7:15PM B Information Available on the Single Position Maintenance Windows All Report Distribution is 11:30PM 11:30PM F completed The times appearing in the Usual Event Time column are based on normal operational conditions and could vary. If you have any questions concerning these procedures, please contact Anthony Di Benedetto at 299-2152 or John Ramos at 299-2142 prior to the expiration date. <<EXPFORMSPEC.XLS>> (See attached file: EXPFORMSPEC.XLS) EXPFORMSPEC.XLS
CFTC Commitment of Traders Natural Gas Attached please find this weeks summary of the most recent CFTC Commitment of Traders Data for Natural Gas. Thanks, Mark CFTC-NG-12-26-01.doc
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Merchant accounts, it's what your business is missing. [e9yh1] The Future is Changing, Is Your Business Ready? In the Past Decade the Internet Has Grown Into The Biggest Opportunity For All Business. Companies Big and Small are Making MONEY through Internet Sales, Advertising, Web Hosting, Online Auctions and Hundreds More! The Fastest, Easiest, And Most Popular Way to Get That Money For Your Business Is With a Merchant Account. For What Ever Size Business You Have We Have The Merchant Account That's Right For you. Simply reply with your NAME, PHONE NUMBER, and Best Time to Contact You. One of Our Friendly Staff Will Call You With Everything You Need for Starting Your Merchant Account. We Offer a super low Transaction Fee, and No Application Fee's Previous Credit Problems, That's Ok Your Business Can Accept: Visa, American Express, Discover Mastercard, Novus, Direct Check, Debt Cards and More. Please When You Reply Include Your NAME, PHONE NUMBER, And Best Time To Contact You. Don't Wait Any Longer, Start Making the Money You Deserve Today. Thank You and have a great day. To Unsubscribe From This Message Please Reply to this message with the word Remove In the Subject Line. Sorry For Any Inconvenience. Thank you
You're Invited to the IntercontinentalExchange User Forum [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE]
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Fwd: TradeSpark Power Cash Products Functional 1 ATTENTION: Intra month cash traders on TRADESPARK Cash Products for all Power locations will be intermittently brought up throughout the morning of Monday, October 15th. Beginning Tuesday, October 16th, 100% of the cash products for all power locations will be functional and available for trading. At this time, PJM is fully functional for all cash products. Please make sure you have the subscribed to the desired cash products you wish to trade. Regards, The TradeSpark Team Contacts for assistance: TradeSpark Sales Pam Anderson 713-426-6593 Jeff Linn 713-655-5095 Buck LaPoint 713-655-5005 TradeSpark Help Desk: 713-556-3386 713-556-3322 713-556-3314 713-556-3338 CONFIDENTIAL: This e-mail, including its contents and attachments, if any, are confidential. If you are not the named recipient please notify the sender and immediately delete it. You may not disseminate, distribute, or forward this e-mail message or disclose its contents to anybody else. Copyright and any other intellectual property rights in its contents are the sole property of Tradespark, Inc. E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free. The sender therefore does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of this message which arise as a result of e-mail transmission. If verification is required please request a hard-copy version. Although we routinely screen for viruses, addressees should check this e-mail and any attachments for viruses. We make no representation or warranty as to the absence of viruses in this e-mail or any attachments. Please note that to ensure regulatory compliance and for the protection of our customers and business, we may monitor and read e-mails sent to and from our server(s). For further important information, please see <URL>
ALL daily charts and matrices as hot links 10/5 The information contained herein is based on sources that we believe to be reliable, but we do not represent that it is accurate or complete. Nothing contained herein should be considered as an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any financial instruments discussed herein. Any opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author. As such, they may differ in material respects from those of, or expressed or published by on behalf of Carr Futures or its officers, directors, employees or affiliates. 2001 Carr Futures The charts are now available on the web by clicking on the hot link(s) contained in this email. If for any reason you are unable to receive the charts via the web, please contact me via email and I will email the charts to you as attachments. Crude <URL> Natural Gas <URL> Distillate <URL> Unleaded <URL> Nov WTI/Brent Spread <URL> Heat Crack <URL> Gas Crack <URL> Nov/Jan Nat Gas <URL> Jan/Feb Heat <URL> Gas/Heat Spread <URL> Nov/Mar Unlead <URL> Nat Gas Strip Matrix <URL> Nat Gas Spread Matrix <URL> Crude and Products Spread Matrix <URL> Scott Oblander 312-762-1015 312-762-1014 fax Carr Futures 150 S. Wacker Suite 1500 Chicago, IL 60606
OnePass Member Specials for john arnold Specials for john arnold Tuesday, October 16, 2001 LATIN AMERICA EUROPE FARE SALE Let Continental take you to exciting destinations in Latin America and Europe for some of our lowest fares of the season. Hurry, you must purchase your tickets at: <URL> by October 17, 2001. OUT WITH PAPER AND IN WITH BONUS MILES Earn 1,000 OnePass miles by signing up to receive your OnePass statements online. You'll have one less folder in your filing cabinet and 1,000 more bonus miles in your account. Visit: <URL> and tap into all the advantages of online statements. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. This Week's Destinations 2. Westin Hotels Resorts, Sheraton Hotels Resorts, Four Points by Sheraton, St. Regis, The Luxury Collection and W Hotels 3. Hilton Hotel Offers 4. Alamo Rent A Car Offers 5. National Car Rental Offers 1. THIS WEEK'S DESTINATIONS Depart Saturday, October 20 and return on either Monday, October 22 or Tuesday, October 23, 2001. Please see the Terms and Conditions listed at the end of this e-mail. For OnePass members, here are special opportunities to redeem miles for travel to the following destinations. As an additional benefit, OnePass Elite members can travel using the miles below as the only payment necessary. The following are this week's OnePass Specials. To use your OnePass miles (as listed below) to purchase Specials, you must call 1-800-642-1617. THERE WILL NOT BE AN ADDITIONAL $20 CHARGE WHEN REDEEMING ONEPASS MILES FOR CONTINENTAL.COM SPECIALS THROUGH THE TOLL FREE RESERVATIONS NUMBER. If you are not using your OnePass miles, purchase Specials online until 11:59pm (CST) Friday at <URL> You can also purchase Specials for an additional cost of $20 per ticket through our telephone service at 1-800-642-1617. TRAVEL MAY ORIGINATE IN EITHER CITY ****Roundtrip BETWEEN CLEVELAND, OH and: $29 12,500 Miles or $129 Milwaukee, WI ****Roundtrip BETWEEN HOUSTON, TX and: $29 10,000 Miles or $109 Alexandria, LA $29 12,500 Miles or $129 El Paso, TX $29 12,500 Miles or $119 Midland/Odessa, TX $29 15,000 Miles or $149 New York (LaGuardia only) $29 12,500 Miles or $129 Pensacola, FL ****Roundtrip BETWEEN NEW YORK/NEWARK and: $29 15,000 Miles or $149 Greenville/Spartanburg, SC $29 12,500 Miles or $129 Norfolk, VA $29 10,000 Miles or $109 Providence, RI 2. CONTINENTAL.COM SPECIALS LAST-MINUTE WEEKEND RATES FROM WESTIN HOTELS RESORTS, SHERATON HOTELS RESORTS, FOUR POINTS BY SHERATON, ST. REGIS, THE LUXURY COLLECTION, AND W HOTELS Visit our site for booking these and other Last-Minute Weekend Rates for this weekend October 19 October 23, 2001. <URL> Connecticut Stamford The Westin Stamford $84.00 Connecticut Stamford Sheraton Stamford Hotel $77.00 Massachusetts Boston Sheraton Boston Hotel $159.00 Massachusetts Needham Sheraton Needham Hotel $113.00 New Jersey East Rutherford Sheraton Meadowlands Hotel and Conference Center $99.00 New Jersey Elizabeth Four Points by Sheraton Newark Airport $77.00 New Jersey Iselin Sheraton at Woodbridge Place Hotel $71.00 New Jersey Parsippany Sheraton Parsippany Hotel $70.00 New Jersey Piscataway Four Points by Sheraton Somerset/Piscataway $65.00 New Jersey Weehawken Sheraton Suites on the Hudson $109.00 New York New York City Sheraton Russell Hotel $179.00 New York New York City Sheraton New York Hotel and Towers $169.00 New York New York City Essex House A Westin Hotel $228.00 Ohio Cuyahoga Falls Sheraton Suites Akron/Cuyahoga Falls $99.00 Ohio Independence Four Points by Sheraton Cleveland South $65.00 Rhode Island Providence The Westin Providence $136.00 Rhode Island Warwick Sheraton Providence Airport Hotel $89.00 Texas Houston Sheraton Houston Brookhollow Hotel $45.00 Texas Houston The Westin Galleria Houston $64.00 Texas Houston The Westin Oaks $70.00 Texas Houston Sheraton Suites Houston Near The Galleria $71.00 Wisconsin Brookfield Sheraton Milwaukee Brookfield Hotel $49.00 For complete details on these offers, please refer to the terms and conditions below. 3. CONTINENTAL.COM SPECIALS FROM HILTON HOTELS AND RESORTS The following rates are available October 20 October 22, 2001 and are priced per night. Cleveland, OH Hilton Cleveland East/Beachwood, Beachwood, OH. $109 Houston, TX Hilton Houston Westchase and Towers $149 Houston, TX Hilton Houston Hobby Airport $109 Houston, TX Hilton Houston Southwest $99 Houston, TX Doubletree Guest Suites Houston $179 Midland, TX Hilton Midland and Towers $79 New York, NY Newark, NJ Doubletree Club Norwalk, Norwalk, CT. $119 New York, NY Newark, NJ Hilton Hasbrouck Heights, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ. $149 New York, NY Newark, NJ The Waldorf Astoria, New York, NY. $219 New York, NY Newark, NJ The Waldorf Towers(TM), New York, NY. $339 New York, NY Newark, NJ Hilton New York, New York, NY. $179 New York, NY Newark, NJ Doubletree Club Suites Jersey City, Jersey City, NJ. $129 To book this week's special rates for Hilton Family Hotels, visit and book at <URL> Special rates apply only for the dates listed at each hotel and are subject to availability. Check for specific dates at each Hilton Family Hotel. Or call at 1-800-774-1500 and ask for Value Rates. Restrictions apply to these rates. 4. CONTINENTAL.COM SPECIALS FROM ALAMO RENT A CAR Rates listed below are valid on compact class vehicles at airport locations only. Other car types may be available. Rates are valid for rentals on Saturday, October 20 with returns Monday, October 22 or Tuesday, October 23, 2001. $26 a day in: Newark, NJ (EWR) $18 a day in: Houston, TX (IAH) $26 a day in: Providence, RI (PVD) $26 a day in: Cleveland, OH (CLE) $26 a day in: Pensacola, FL (PNS) $18 a day in: Milwaukee, WI (MKE) To receive special Specials discounted rates, simply make advance reservations and be sure to request ID 596871 and Rate Code 33. Book your reservation online at: <URL> or contact Alamo at 1-800 GO ALAMO. *If you are traveling to a city or a different date that is not listed, Alamo offers great rates when you book online at: <URL> For complete details on these offers, please refer to Alamo's terms and conditions below. 5. CONTINENTAL.COM SPECIALS FROM NATIONAL CAR RENTAL Rates listed below are valid on intermediate class vehicles at airport locations only. Other car types may be available. Rates are valid for rentals on Saturday, October 20 with returns Monday, October 22 or Tuesday, October 23, 2001. $28 a day in: Alexandria, LA (AEX) $29 a day in: Newark, NJ (EWR) $21 a day in: Houston, TX (IAH) $23 a day in: Midland/Odessa, TX (MAF) $21 a day in: Norfolk, VA (ORF) $29 a day in: Cleveland, OH (CLE) $19 a day in: El Paso, TX (ELP) $29 a day in: Pensacola, FL (PNS) $24 a day in: Milwaukee, WI (MKE) $23 a day in: Greenville/Spartanburg, SC (GSP) $47 a day in: New York, NY (LGA) To receive your Specials discounted rates, simply make your reservations in advance and be sure to request Product Code COOLUS. To make your reservation, contact National at 1-800-CAR-RENT (1-800-227-7368), or book your reservation online at <URL> Please enter COOLUS in the Product Rate Code field, and 5037126 in the Contract ID field to ensure you get these rates on these dates. If you are traveling to a city or a different date that is not listed, National offers great rates when you book online at: <URL> For complete details on these offers, please refer to National's terms and conditions below. CONTINENTAL.COM SPECIALS RULES: Fares include a $37.20 fuel surcharge. Passenger Facility Charges, up to $18 depending on routing, are not included. Up to $2.75 per segment federal excise tax, as applicable, is not included. Applicable International and or Canadian taxes and fees up to $108, varying by destination, are not included and may vary slightly depending on currency exchange rate at the time of purchase. For a complete listing of rules please visit: <URL> ALAMO RENT A CAR'S TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Taxes (including VLF taxes up to US$1.89 per day in California and GST), other governmentally-authorized or imposed surcharges, license recoupment fees, fuel, additional driver fee, drop charges and optional items (such as CDW Waiver Savers(R) up to US$18.99 a day,) are extra. Renter must meet standard age, driver and credit requirements. Rates higher for drivers under age 25. Concession recoupment fees may add up to 14% to the rental rate at some on-airport locations. Up to 10.75% may be added to the rental rate if you rent at an off-airport location and exit on our shuttle bus. Weekly rates require a 5-day minimum rental or daily rates apply. For weekend rates, the vehicle must be picked up after 9 a.m. on Thursday and returned before midnight on Monday or higher daily rates apply. 24-hour advance reservation required. May not be combined with other discounts. Availability is limited. All vehicles must be returned to the country of origin. Offer not valid in San Jose, CA. NATIONAL CAR RENTAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer must provide Contract ID# at the time of reservation to be eligible for discounts. Offer valid at participating National locations in the US and Canada. Minimum rental age is 25. This offer is not valid with any other special discount or promotion. Standard rental qualifications apply. Subject to availability and blackout dates. Advance reservations required. Geographic driving restrictions may apply. TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR WESTIN, SHERATON, FOUR POINTS, ST. REGIS, THE LUXURY COLLECTION, AND W HOTELS: Offer is subject to availability. Advance Reservations required and is based on single/double occupancy. Offer not applicable to group travel. Additional Service charge and tax may apply. The discount is reflected in the rate quoted. Offer valid at participating hotel only. Offer valid for stays on Fri Mon with a Friday or Saturday night arrival required. Rate available for this coming weekend only. Offer available only by making reservations via the internet. A limited number of rooms may be available at these rates. This e-mail message and its contents are copyrighted and are proprietary products of Continental Airlines, Inc. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, or transfer of the message or its content, in any medium, is strictly prohibited. UNFORTUNATELY MAIL SENT TO THIS ADDRESS CANNOT BE ANSWERED. If you need assistance please visit: <URL> This e-mail was sent to: You registered with OnePass Number: AK772745 View our privacy policy at: <URL> TO UNSUBSCRIBE: We hope you will find Specials a valuable source of information. However, if you prefer not to take advantage of this opportunity, please let us know by visiting the Specials page on our web site at: <URL> TO SUBSCRIBE: Please visit the Specials page on our web site at: <URL>
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