import torch import modules.scripts as scripts import gradio as gr from modules.script_callbacks import on_cfg_denoiser from modules import processing from torchvision import transforms class Script(scripts.Script): def title(self): return "Latent Mirroring extension" def show(self, is_img2img): return scripts.AlwaysVisible def ui(self, is_img2img): with gr.Group(): with gr.Accordion("Latent Mirroring", open=False): mirror_mode = gr.Radio(label='Latent Mirror mode', choices=['None', 'Alternate Steps', 'Blend Average'], value='None', type="index") mirror_style = gr.Radio(label='Latent Mirror style', choices=['Horizontal Mirroring', 'Vertical Mirroring', 'Horizontal+Vertical Mirroring', '90 Degree Rotation', '180 Degree Rotation', 'Roll Channels', 'None'], value='Horizontal Mirroring', type="index") with gr.Row(): x_pan = gr.Slider(minimum=-1.0, maximum=1.0, step=0.01, label='X panning', value=0.0) y_pan = gr.Slider(minimum=-1.0, maximum=1.0, step=0.01, label='Y panning', value=0.0) mirroring_max_step_fraction = gr.Slider(minimum=0.0, maximum=1.0, step=0.01, label='Maximum steps fraction to mirror at', value=0.25) if not is_img2img: disable_hr = gr.Checkbox(label='Disable during hires pass', value=False) else: disable_hr = gr.State(False) self.run_callback = False return [mirror_mode, mirror_style, x_pan, y_pan, mirroring_max_step_fraction, disable_hr] def denoise_callback(self, params): is_hires = self.is_hires # indices start at -1 # params.sampling_step = max(0, real_sampling_step) if params.sampling_step >= params.total_sampling_steps - 2: self.is_hires = not is_hires and self.enable_hr if not self.run_callback or is_hires: return if params.sampling_step >= params.total_sampling_steps * self.mirroring_max_step_fraction: return try: if self.mirror_mode == 1: if self.mirror_style == 0: params.x[:, :, :, :] = torch.flip(params.x, [3]) elif self.mirror_style == 1: params.x[:, :, :, :] = torch.flip(params.x, [2]) elif self.mirror_style == 2: params.x[:, :, :, :] = torch.flip(params.x, [3, 2]) elif self.mirror_style == 3: params.x[:, :, :, :] = torch.rot90(params.x, dims=[2, 3]) elif self.mirror_style == 4: params.x[:, :, :, :] = torch.rot90(torch.rot90(params.x, dims=[2, 3]), dims=[2, 3]) elif self.mirror_style == 5: params.x[:, :, :, :] = torch.roll(params.x, shifts=1, dims=[1]) elif self.mirror_mode == 2: if self.mirror_style == 0: params.x[:, :, :, :] = (torch.flip(params.x, [3]) + params.x)/2 elif self.mirror_style == 1: params.x[:, :, :, :] = (torch.flip(params.x, [2]) + params.x)/2 elif self.mirror_style == 2: params.x[:, :, :, :] = (torch.flip(params.x, [2, 3]) + params.x)/2 elif self.mirror_style == 3: params.x[:, :, :, :] = (torch.rot90(params.x, dims=[2, 3]) + params.x)/2 elif self.mirror_style == 4: params.x[:, :, :, :] = (torch.rot90(torch.rot90(params.x, dims=[2, 3]), dims=[2, 3]) + params.x)/2 elif self.mirror_style == 5: params.x[:, :, :, :] = (torch.roll(params.x, shifts=1, dims=[1]) + params.x)/2 except RuntimeError as e: if self.mirror_style in (3, 4): raise RuntimeError('90 Degree Rotation requires a square image.') from e else: raise RuntimeError('Error transforming image for latent mirroring.') from e if self.x_pan != 0: params.x[:, :, :, :] = torch.roll(params.x, shifts=int(params.x.size()[3]*self.x_pan), dims=[3]) if self.y_pan != 0: params.x[:, :, :, :] = torch.roll(params.x, shifts=int(params.x.size()[2]*self.y_pan), dims=[2]) def process(self, p, mirror_mode, mirror_style, x_pan, y_pan, mirroring_max_step_fraction, disable_hr): self.mirror_mode = mirror_mode self.mirror_style = mirror_style self.mirroring_max_step_fraction = mirroring_max_step_fraction self.x_pan = x_pan self.y_pan = y_pan if mirror_mode != 0: p.extra_generation_params["Mirror Mode"] = mirror_mode p.extra_generation_params["Mirror Style"] = mirror_style p.extra_generation_params["Mirroring Max Step Fraction"] = mirroring_max_step_fraction if x_pan != 0: p.extra_generation_params["X Pan"] = x_pan if y_pan != 0: p.extra_generation_params["Y Pan"] = y_pan if not hasattr(self, 'callbacks_added'): on_cfg_denoiser(self.denoise_callback) self.callbacks_added = True self.run_callback = True self.enable_hr = getattr(p, 'enable_hr', False) and not disable_hr self.is_hires = False def postprocess(self, *args): self.run_callback = False return