import os import torch import torch.nn as nn from uyghur import uyghur_latin from data import melfuture class ResB(nn.Module): def __init__(self, num_filters, kernel, pad, d = 0.4): super().__init__() self.conv = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv1d(num_filters, num_filters, kernel_size = kernel, stride = 1 , padding=pad, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm1d(num_filters) ) self.relu = nn.ReLU() = nn.BatchNorm1d(num_filters) self.drop =nn.Dropout(d) def forward(self, x): identity = x out = self.conv(x) out += identity out = out = self.relu(out) out = self.drop(out) return out class UModel(nn.Module): def __init__(self, num_features_input, load_best=False): super(UModel, self).__init__() self.in1 = nn.Conv1d(128,256,11,2, 5*1, dilation = 1, bias=False) self.in2 = nn.Conv1d(128,256,15,2, 7*2, dilation = 2, bias=False) self.in3 = nn.Conv1d(128,256,19,2, 9*3, dilation = 3, bias=False) self.concat = nn.Conv1d(256*3,256,1,1,bias=True) self.relu = nn.ReLU() self.cnn1 = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv1d(256, 256, 11, 1, 5, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm1d(256), nn.ReLU(), nn.Dropout(0.2), ResB(256,11,5,0.2), ResB(256,11,5,0.2), ResB(256,11,5,0.2), ResB(256,11,5,0.2) ) self.rnn = nn.GRU(256, 384, num_layers=1 , batch_first=True, bidirectional=True) self.cnn2 = nn.Sequential( ResB(384,13,6,0.2), ResB(384,13,6,0.2), ResB(384,13,6,0.2), nn.Conv1d(384, 512, 17, 1,8, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm1d(512), nn.ReLU(), nn.Dropout(0.2), ResB(512,17,8,0.3), ResB(512,17,8,0.3), nn.Conv1d(512, 1024, 1, 1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm1d(1024), nn.ReLU(), nn.Dropout(0.3), ResB(1024,1,0,0.0), ) self.outlayer = nn.Conv1d(1024, uyghur_latin.vocab_size, 1, 1) self.softMax = nn.LogSoftmax(dim=1) self.checkpoint = 'results/UModel' self._load(load_best) print(f'The model has {self.parameters_count(self):,} trainable parameters') # X : N x F x T def forward(self, x, input_lengths): inp =[self.in1(x), self.in2(x), self.in3(x)],dim = 1) inp = self.concat(inp) inp = self.relu(inp) out = self.cnn1(inp) out_lens = input_lengths//2 out = out.permute(0,2,1) out,_ = self.rnn(out) out = (out[:, :, :self.rnn.hidden_size] + out[:, :, self.rnn.hidden_size:]).contiguous() out = self.cnn2(out.permute(0,2,1)) out = self.outlayer(out) out = self.softMax(out) return out, out_lens def parameters_count(self, model): sum_par = sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters() if p.requires_grad) return sum_par def _load(self, load_best=False): path = None self.trained_epochs = 0 self.best_cer = 1.0 if load_best == True and os.path.exists(self.checkpoint + '_best.pth'): path = path = self.checkpoint + '_best.pth' elif os.path.exists(self.checkpoint + '_last.pth'): path = self.checkpoint + '_last.pth' if path is not None: pack = torch.load(path, map_location='cpu') self.load_state_dict(pack['st_dict']) self.trained_epochs = pack['epoch'] self.best_cer = pack.get('BCER', 1.0) print(f' Model loaded: {path}') print(f' Best CER: {self.best_cer:.2%}') print(f' Trained: {self.trained_epochs} epochs') def save(self, epoch, best = False): pack = { 'st_dict':self.state_dict(), 'epoch':epoch, 'BCER':self.best_cer } if best == True: path = path = self.checkpoint + '_best.pth' else: path = path = self.checkpoint + '_last.pth', path) def predict(self, path, device): self.eval() spect = melfuture(path).to(device) spect.unsqueeze_(0) xn = [spect.size(2)] xn = torch.IntTensor(xn) out, xn = self.forward(spect, xn) text = self.greedydecode(out, xn) self.train() return text[0] #CTC greedy decode def greedydecode(self, yps, yps_lens): _, max_yps = torch.max(yps, 1) preds = [] for x in range(len(max_yps)): pred = [] last = None for i in range(yps_lens[x]): char = int(max_yps[x][i].item()) if char != uyghur_latin.pad_idx: if char != last: pred.append(char) last = char preds.append(pred) predstrs = [uyghur_latin.decode(pred) for pred in preds] return predstrs @classmethod def from_pretrained(cls, repo_id: str, filename: str = "best_model.pth", device: str = "cpu", **kwargs): """ Load a pretrained UModel from a Hugging Face repository. Args: repo_id (str): The Hugging Face repository ID. filename (str): The name of the checkpoint file in the repo. device (str): The device to load the model onto ("cpu" or "cuda"). **kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to the UModel constructor. Returns: UModel: An instance of UModel with pretrained weights loaded. """ # Download the checkpoint from the Hugging Face Hub checkpoint_path = hf_hub_download(repo_id=repo_id, filename=filename) # Initialize the model model = cls(**kwargs) # Load state dict checkpoint = torch.load(checkpoint_path, map_location=device) model.load_state_dict(checkpoint["st_dict"]) # Set model to evaluation mode model.eval() print(f"Loaded model from {repo_id}/{filename} onto {device}") return model if __name__ == "__main__": from data import featurelen, melfuture device ="cpu" net = UModel(featurelen).to(device) text = net.predict("test1.wav",device) print(text) text = net.predict("test2.wav",device) print(text) melf = melfuture("test3.wav") melf.unsqueeze_(0) conv0 = nn.Conv1d(featurelen,256,11,2, 5, 1) conv1 = nn.Conv1d(256,256,11,1, 5, 1) conv3 = nn.Conv1d(256,256,11,1, 5*2, 2) conv5 = nn.Conv1d(256,256,11,1, 5*3, 3) out0 = conv0(melf) out1 = conv1(out0) out3 = conv3(out0) out5 = conv5(out0) print(out1.size()) print(out3.size()) print(out5.size()) out = out1 * out3 * out5 print(out.size()) #net = GCGCRes(featurelen).to(device) #text = net.predict("test1.wav",device) #print(text) #text = net.predict("test2.wav",device) #print(text)