# Copyright (c) 2023 Amphion. # # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. import os import torch import numpy as np import json from tqdm import tqdm from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from utils.io import save_feature, save_txt, save_torch_audio from utils.util import has_existed from utils.tokenizer import extract_encodec_token from utils.stft import TacotronSTFT from utils.dsp import compress, audio_to_label from utils.data_utils import remove_outlier from preprocessors.metadata import replace_augment_name from scipy.interpolate import interp1d from utils.mel import ( extract_mel_features, extract_linear_features, extract_mel_features_tts, ) ZERO = 1e-12 def extract_utt_acoustic_features_parallel(metadata, dataset_output, cfg, n_workers=1): """Extract acoustic features from utterances using muliprocess Args: metadata (dict): dictionary that stores data in train.json and test.json files dataset_output (str): directory to store acoustic features cfg (dict): dictionary that stores configurations n_workers (int, optional): num of processes to extract features in parallel. Defaults to 1. Returns: list: acoustic features """ for utt in tqdm(metadata): if cfg.task_type == "tts": extract_utt_acoustic_features_tts(dataset_output, cfg, utt) if cfg.task_type == "svc": extract_utt_acoustic_features_svc(dataset_output, cfg, utt) if cfg.task_type == "vocoder": extract_utt_acoustic_features_vocoder(dataset_output, cfg, utt) if cfg.task_type == "tta": extract_utt_acoustic_features_tta(dataset_output, cfg, utt) def avg_phone_feature(feature, duration, interpolation=False): feature = feature[: sum(duration)] if interpolation: nonzero_ids = np.where(feature != 0)[0] interp_fn = interp1d( nonzero_ids, feature[nonzero_ids], fill_value=(feature[nonzero_ids[0]], feature[nonzero_ids[-1]]), bounds_error=False, ) feature = interp_fn(np.arange(0, len(feature))) # Phoneme-level average pos = 0 for i, d in enumerate(duration): if d > 0: feature[i] = np.mean(feature[pos : pos + d]) else: feature[i] = 0 pos += d feature = feature[: len(duration)] return feature def extract_utt_acoustic_features_serial(metadata, dataset_output, cfg): """Extract acoustic features from utterances (in single process) Args: metadata (dict): dictionary that stores data in train.json and test.json files dataset_output (str): directory to store acoustic features cfg (dict): dictionary that stores configurations """ for utt in tqdm(metadata): if cfg.task_type == "tts": extract_utt_acoustic_features_tts(dataset_output, cfg, utt) if cfg.task_type == "svc": extract_utt_acoustic_features_svc(dataset_output, cfg, utt) if cfg.task_type == "vocoder": extract_utt_acoustic_features_vocoder(dataset_output, cfg, utt) if cfg.task_type == "tta": extract_utt_acoustic_features_tta(dataset_output, cfg, utt) def __extract_utt_acoustic_features(dataset_output, cfg, utt): """Extract acoustic features from utterances (in single process) Args: dataset_output (str): directory to store acoustic features cfg (dict): dictionary that stores configurations utt (dict): utterance info including dataset, singer, uid:{singer}_{song}_{index}, path to utternace, duration, utternace index """ from utils import audio, f0, world, duration uid = utt["Uid"] wav_path = utt["Path"] if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dataset_output, cfg.preprocess.raw_data)): wav_path = os.path.join( dataset_output, cfg.preprocess.raw_data, utt["Singer"], uid + ".wav" ) with torch.no_grad(): # Load audio data into tensor with sample rate of the config file wav_torch, _ = audio.load_audio_torch(wav_path, cfg.preprocess.sample_rate) wav = wav_torch.cpu().numpy() # extract features if cfg.preprocess.extract_duration: durations, phones, start, end = duration.get_duration( utt, wav, cfg.preprocess ) save_feature(dataset_output, cfg.preprocess.duration_dir, uid, durations) save_txt(dataset_output, cfg.preprocess.lab_dir, uid, phones) wav = wav[start:end].astype(np.float32) wav_torch = torch.from_numpy(wav).to(wav_torch.device) if cfg.preprocess.extract_linear_spec: linear = extract_linear_features(wav_torch.unsqueeze(0), cfg.preprocess) save_feature( dataset_output, cfg.preprocess.linear_dir, uid, linear.cpu().numpy() ) if cfg.preprocess.extract_mel: if cfg.preprocess.mel_extract_mode == "taco": _stft = TacotronSTFT( sampling_rate=cfg.preprocess.sample_rate, win_length=cfg.preprocess.win_size, hop_length=cfg.preprocess.hop_size, filter_length=cfg.preprocess.n_fft, n_mel_channels=cfg.preprocess.n_mel, mel_fmin=cfg.preprocess.fmin, mel_fmax=cfg.preprocess.fmax, ) mel = extract_mel_features( wav_torch.unsqueeze(0), cfg.preprocess, taco=True, _stft=_stft ) if cfg.preprocess.extract_duration: mel = mel[:, : sum(durations)] else: mel = extract_mel_features(wav_torch.unsqueeze(0), cfg.preprocess) save_feature(dataset_output, cfg.preprocess.mel_dir, uid, mel.cpu().numpy()) if cfg.preprocess.extract_energy: if ( cfg.preprocess.energy_extract_mode == "from_mel" and cfg.preprocess.extract_mel ): energy = (mel.exp() ** 2).sum(0).sqrt().cpu().numpy() elif cfg.preprocess.energy_extract_mode == "from_waveform": energy = audio.energy(wav, cfg.preprocess) elif cfg.preprocess.energy_extract_mode == "from_tacotron_stft": _stft = TacotronSTFT( sampling_rate=cfg.preprocess.sample_rate, win_length=cfg.preprocess.win_size, hop_length=cfg.preprocess.hop_size, filter_length=cfg.preprocess.n_fft, n_mel_channels=cfg.preprocess.n_mel, mel_fmin=cfg.preprocess.fmin, mel_fmax=cfg.preprocess.fmax, ) _, energy = audio.get_energy_from_tacotron(wav, _stft) else: assert cfg.preprocess.energy_extract_mode in [ "from_mel", "from_waveform", "from_tacotron_stft", ], f"{cfg.preprocess.energy_extract_mode} not in supported energy_extract_mode [from_mel, from_waveform, from_tacotron_stft]" if cfg.preprocess.extract_duration: energy = energy[: sum(durations)] phone_energy = avg_phone_feature(energy, durations) save_feature( dataset_output, cfg.preprocess.phone_energy_dir, uid, phone_energy ) save_feature(dataset_output, cfg.preprocess.energy_dir, uid, energy) if cfg.preprocess.extract_pitch: pitch = f0.get_f0(wav, cfg.preprocess) if cfg.preprocess.extract_duration: pitch = pitch[: sum(durations)] phone_pitch = avg_phone_feature(pitch, durations, interpolation=True) save_feature( dataset_output, cfg.preprocess.phone_pitch_dir, uid, phone_pitch ) save_feature(dataset_output, cfg.preprocess.pitch_dir, uid, pitch) if cfg.preprocess.extract_uv: assert isinstance(pitch, np.ndarray) uv = pitch != 0 save_feature(dataset_output, cfg.preprocess.uv_dir, uid, uv) if cfg.preprocess.extract_audio: save_feature(dataset_output, cfg.preprocess.audio_dir, uid, wav) if cfg.preprocess.extract_label: if cfg.preprocess.is_mu_law: # compress audio wav = compress(wav, cfg.preprocess.bits) label = audio_to_label(wav, cfg.preprocess.bits) save_feature(dataset_output, cfg.preprocess.label_dir, uid, label) if cfg.preprocess.extract_acoustic_token: if cfg.preprocess.acoustic_token_extractor == "Encodec": codes = extract_encodec_token(wav_path) save_feature( dataset_output, cfg.preprocess.acoustic_token_dir, uid, codes ) # TODO: refactor extract_utt_acoustic_features_task function due to many duplicated code def extract_utt_acoustic_features_tts(dataset_output, cfg, utt): """Extract acoustic features from utterances (in single process) Args: dataset_output (str): directory to store acoustic features cfg (dict): dictionary that stores configurations utt (dict): utterance info including dataset, singer, uid:{singer}_{song}_{index}, path to utternace, duration, utternace index """ from utils import audio, f0, world, duration uid = utt["Uid"] wav_path = utt["Path"] if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dataset_output, cfg.preprocess.raw_data)): wav_path = os.path.join( dataset_output, cfg.preprocess.raw_data, utt["Singer"], uid + ".wav" ) if not os.path.exists(wav_path): wav_path = os.path.join( dataset_output, cfg.preprocess.raw_data, utt["Singer"], uid + ".flac" ) assert os.path.exists(wav_path) with torch.no_grad(): # Load audio data into tensor with sample rate of the config file wav_torch, _ = audio.load_audio_torch(wav_path, cfg.preprocess.sample_rate) wav = wav_torch.cpu().numpy() # extract features if cfg.preprocess.extract_duration: durations, phones, start, end = duration.get_duration( utt, wav, cfg.preprocess ) save_feature(dataset_output, cfg.preprocess.duration_dir, uid, durations) save_txt(dataset_output, cfg.preprocess.lab_dir, uid, phones) wav = wav[start:end].astype(np.float32) wav_torch = torch.from_numpy(wav).to(wav_torch.device) if cfg.preprocess.extract_linear_spec: from utils.mel import extract_linear_features linear = extract_linear_features(wav_torch.unsqueeze(0), cfg.preprocess) save_feature( dataset_output, cfg.preprocess.linear_dir, uid, linear.cpu().numpy() ) if cfg.preprocess.extract_mel: from utils.mel import extract_mel_features if cfg.preprocess.mel_extract_mode == "taco": _stft = TacotronSTFT( sampling_rate=cfg.preprocess.sample_rate, win_length=cfg.preprocess.win_size, hop_length=cfg.preprocess.hop_size, filter_length=cfg.preprocess.n_fft, n_mel_channels=cfg.preprocess.n_mel, mel_fmin=cfg.preprocess.fmin, mel_fmax=cfg.preprocess.fmax, ) mel = extract_mel_features_tts( wav_torch.unsqueeze(0), cfg.preprocess, taco=True, _stft=_stft ) if cfg.preprocess.extract_duration: mel = mel[:, : sum(durations)] else: mel = extract_mel_features(wav_torch.unsqueeze(0), cfg.preprocess) save_feature(dataset_output, cfg.preprocess.mel_dir, uid, mel.cpu().numpy()) if cfg.preprocess.extract_energy: if ( cfg.preprocess.energy_extract_mode == "from_mel" and cfg.preprocess.extract_mel ): energy = (mel.exp() ** 2).sum(0).sqrt().cpu().numpy() elif cfg.preprocess.energy_extract_mode == "from_waveform": energy = audio.energy(wav, cfg.preprocess) elif cfg.preprocess.energy_extract_mode == "from_tacotron_stft": _stft = TacotronSTFT( sampling_rate=cfg.preprocess.sample_rate, win_length=cfg.preprocess.win_size, hop_length=cfg.preprocess.hop_size, filter_length=cfg.preprocess.n_fft, n_mel_channels=cfg.preprocess.n_mel, mel_fmin=cfg.preprocess.fmin, mel_fmax=cfg.preprocess.fmax, ) _, energy = audio.get_energy_from_tacotron(wav, _stft) else: assert cfg.preprocess.energy_extract_mode in [ "from_mel", "from_waveform", "from_tacotron_stft", ], f"{cfg.preprocess.energy_extract_mode} not in supported energy_extract_mode [from_mel, from_waveform, from_tacotron_stft]" if cfg.preprocess.extract_duration: energy = energy[: sum(durations)] phone_energy = avg_phone_feature(energy, durations) save_feature( dataset_output, cfg.preprocess.phone_energy_dir, uid, phone_energy ) save_feature(dataset_output, cfg.preprocess.energy_dir, uid, energy) if cfg.preprocess.extract_pitch: pitch = f0.get_f0(wav, cfg.preprocess) if cfg.preprocess.extract_duration: pitch = pitch[: sum(durations)] phone_pitch = avg_phone_feature(pitch, durations, interpolation=True) save_feature( dataset_output, cfg.preprocess.phone_pitch_dir, uid, phone_pitch ) save_feature(dataset_output, cfg.preprocess.pitch_dir, uid, pitch) if cfg.preprocess.extract_uv: assert isinstance(pitch, np.ndarray) uv = pitch != 0 save_feature(dataset_output, cfg.preprocess.uv_dir, uid, uv) if cfg.preprocess.extract_audio: save_torch_audio( dataset_output, cfg.preprocess.audio_dir, uid, wav_torch, cfg.preprocess.sample_rate, ) if cfg.preprocess.extract_label: if cfg.preprocess.is_mu_law: # compress audio wav = compress(wav, cfg.preprocess.bits) label = audio_to_label(wav, cfg.preprocess.bits) save_feature(dataset_output, cfg.preprocess.label_dir, uid, label) if cfg.preprocess.extract_acoustic_token: if cfg.preprocess.acoustic_token_extractor == "Encodec": codes = extract_encodec_token(wav_path) save_feature( dataset_output, cfg.preprocess.acoustic_token_dir, uid, codes ) def extract_utt_acoustic_features_svc(dataset_output, cfg, utt): __extract_utt_acoustic_features(dataset_output, cfg, utt) def extract_utt_acoustic_features_tta(dataset_output, cfg, utt): __extract_utt_acoustic_features(dataset_output, cfg, utt) def extract_utt_acoustic_features_vocoder(dataset_output, cfg, utt): """Extract acoustic features from utterances (in single process) Args: dataset_output (str): directory to store acoustic features cfg (dict): dictionary that stores configurations utt (dict): utterance info including dataset, singer, uid:{singer}_{song}_{index}, path to utternace, duration, utternace index """ from utils import audio, f0, world, duration uid = utt["Uid"] wav_path = utt["Path"] with torch.no_grad(): # Load audio data into tensor with sample rate of the config file wav_torch, _ = audio.load_audio_torch(wav_path, cfg.preprocess.sample_rate) wav = wav_torch.cpu().numpy() # extract features if cfg.preprocess.extract_mel: from utils.mel import extract_mel_features mel = extract_mel_features(wav_torch.unsqueeze(0), cfg.preprocess) save_feature(dataset_output, cfg.preprocess.mel_dir, uid, mel.cpu().numpy()) if cfg.preprocess.extract_energy: if ( cfg.preprocess.energy_extract_mode == "from_mel" and cfg.preprocess.extract_mel ): energy = (mel.exp() ** 2).sum(0).sqrt().cpu().numpy() elif cfg.preprocess.energy_extract_mode == "from_waveform": energy = audio.energy(wav, cfg.preprocess) else: assert cfg.preprocess.energy_extract_mode in [ "from_mel", "from_waveform", ], f"{cfg.preprocess.energy_extract_mode} not in supported energy_extract_mode [from_mel, from_waveform, from_tacotron_stft]" save_feature(dataset_output, cfg.preprocess.energy_dir, uid, energy) if cfg.preprocess.extract_pitch: pitch = f0.get_f0(wav, cfg.preprocess) save_feature(dataset_output, cfg.preprocess.pitch_dir, uid, pitch) if cfg.preprocess.extract_uv: assert isinstance(pitch, np.ndarray) uv = pitch != 0 save_feature(dataset_output, cfg.preprocess.uv_dir, uid, uv) if cfg.preprocess.extract_amplitude_phase: from utils.mel import amplitude_phase_spectrum log_amplitude, phase, real, imaginary = amplitude_phase_spectrum( wav_torch.unsqueeze(0), cfg.preprocess ) save_feature( dataset_output, cfg.preprocess.log_amplitude_dir, uid, log_amplitude ) save_feature(dataset_output, cfg.preprocess.phase_dir, uid, phase) save_feature(dataset_output, cfg.preprocess.real_dir, uid, real) save_feature(dataset_output, cfg.preprocess.imaginary_dir, uid, imaginary) if cfg.preprocess.extract_audio: save_feature(dataset_output, cfg.preprocess.audio_dir, uid, wav) if cfg.preprocess.extract_label: if cfg.preprocess.is_mu_law: # compress audio wav = compress(wav, cfg.preprocess.bits) label = audio_to_label(wav, cfg.preprocess.bits) save_feature(dataset_output, cfg.preprocess.label_dir, uid, label) def cal_normalized_mel(mel, dataset_name, cfg): """ mel: (n_mels, T) """ # mel_min, mel_max: (n_mels) mel_min, mel_max = load_mel_extrema(cfg, dataset_name) mel_norm = normalize_mel_channel(mel, mel_min, mel_max) return mel_norm def cal_mel_min_max(dataset, output_path, cfg, metadata=None): dataset_output = os.path.join(output_path, dataset) if metadata is None: metadata = [] for dataset_type in ["train", "test"] if "eval" not in dataset else ["test"]: dataset_file = os.path.join(dataset_output, "{}.json".format(dataset_type)) with open(dataset_file, "r") as f: metadata.extend(json.load(f)) tmp_mel_min = [] tmp_mel_max = [] for item in metadata: mel_path = os.path.join( dataset_output, cfg.preprocess.mel_dir, item["Uid"] + ".npy" ) if not os.path.exists(mel_path): continue mel = np.load(mel_path) if mel.shape[0] != cfg.preprocess.n_mel: mel = mel.T # mel: (n_mels, T) assert mel.shape[0] == cfg.preprocess.n_mel tmp_mel_min.append(np.min(mel, axis=-1)) tmp_mel_max.append(np.max(mel, axis=-1)) mel_min = np.min(tmp_mel_min, axis=0) mel_max = np.max(tmp_mel_max, axis=0) ## save mel min max data mel_min_max_dir = os.path.join(dataset_output, cfg.preprocess.mel_min_max_stats_dir) os.makedirs(mel_min_max_dir, exist_ok=True) mel_min_path = os.path.join(mel_min_max_dir, "mel_min.npy") mel_max_path = os.path.join(mel_min_max_dir, "mel_max.npy") np.save(mel_min_path, mel_min) np.save(mel_max_path, mel_max) def denorm_for_pred_mels(cfg, dataset_name, split, pred): """ Args: pred: a list whose every element is (frame_len, n_mels) Return: similar like pred """ mel_min, mel_max = load_mel_extrema(cfg.preprocess, dataset_name) recovered_mels = [ denormalize_mel_channel(mel.T, mel_min, mel_max).T for mel in pred ] return recovered_mels def load_mel_extrema(cfg, dataset_name): data_dir = os.path.join(cfg.processed_dir, dataset_name, cfg.mel_min_max_stats_dir) min_file = os.path.join(data_dir, "mel_min.npy") max_file = os.path.join(data_dir, "mel_max.npy") mel_min = np.load(min_file) mel_max = np.load(max_file) return mel_min, mel_max def denormalize_mel_channel(mel, mel_min, mel_max): mel_min = np.expand_dims(mel_min, -1) mel_max = np.expand_dims(mel_max, -1) return (mel + 1) / 2 * (mel_max - mel_min + ZERO) + mel_min def normalize_mel_channel(mel, mel_min, mel_max): """ mel: (n_mels, T) mel_min, mel_max: (n_mels) """ mel_min = np.expand_dims(mel_min, -1) mel_max = np.expand_dims(mel_max, -1) return (mel - mel_min) / (mel_max - mel_min + ZERO) * 2 - 1 def normalize(dataset, feat_dir, cfg): dataset_output = os.path.join(cfg.preprocess.processed_dir, dataset) print(f"normalize {feat_dir}") max_value = np.finfo(np.float64).min min_value = np.finfo(np.float64).max scaler = StandardScaler() feat_files = os.listdir(os.path.join(dataset_output, feat_dir)) for feat_file in tqdm(feat_files): feat_file = os.path.join(dataset_output, feat_dir, feat_file) if not feat_file.endswith(".npy"): continue feat = np.load(feat_file) max_value = max(max_value, max(feat)) min_value = min(min_value, min(feat)) scaler.partial_fit(feat.reshape((-1, 1))) mean = scaler.mean_[0] std = scaler.scale_[0] stat = np.array([min_value, max_value, mean, std]) stat_npy = os.path.join(dataset_output, f"{feat_dir}_stat.npy") np.save(stat_npy, stat) return mean, std, min_value, max_value def load_normalized(feat_dir, dataset_name, cfg): dataset_output = os.path.join(cfg.preprocess.processed_dir, dataset_name) stat_npy = os.path.join(dataset_output, f"{feat_dir}_stat.npy") min_value, max_value, mean, std = np.load(stat_npy) return mean, std, min_value, max_value def cal_pitch_statistics_svc(dataset, output_path, cfg, metadata=None): # path of dataset dataset_dir = os.path.join(output_path, dataset) save_dir = os.path.join(dataset_dir, cfg.preprocess.pitch_dir) os.makedirs(save_dir, exist_ok=True) if has_existed(os.path.join(save_dir, "statistics.json")): return if metadata is None: # load singers and ids singers = json.load(open(os.path.join(dataset_dir, "singers.json"), "r")) # combine train and test metadata metadata = [] for dataset_type in ["train", "test"] if "eval" not in dataset else ["test"]: dataset_file = os.path.join(dataset_dir, "{}.json".format(dataset_type)) with open(dataset_file, "r") as f: metadata.extend(json.load(f)) else: singers = list(set([item["Singer"] for item in metadata])) singers = { "{}_{}".format(dataset, name): idx for idx, name in enumerate(singers) } # use different scalers for each singer pitch_scalers = [[] for _ in range(len(singers))] total_pitch_scalers = [[] for _ in range(len(singers))] for utt_info in tqdm(metadata, desc="Loading F0..."): # utt = f'{utt_info["Dataset"]}_{utt_info["Uid"]}' singer = utt_info["Singer"] pitch_path = os.path.join( dataset_dir, cfg.preprocess.pitch_dir, utt_info["Uid"] + ".npy" ) # total_pitch contains all pitch including unvoiced frames if not os.path.exists(pitch_path): continue total_pitch = np.load(pitch_path) assert len(total_pitch) > 0 # pitch contains only voiced frames pitch = total_pitch[total_pitch != 0] spkid = singers[f"{replace_augment_name(dataset)}_{singer}"] # update pitch scalers pitch_scalers[spkid].extend(pitch.tolist()) # update total pitch scalers total_pitch_scalers[spkid].extend(total_pitch.tolist()) # save pitch statistics for each singer in dict sta_dict = {} for singer in tqdm(singers, desc="Singers statistics"): spkid = singers[singer] # voiced pitch statistics mean, std, min, max, median = ( np.mean(pitch_scalers[spkid]), np.std(pitch_scalers[spkid]), np.min(pitch_scalers[spkid]), np.max(pitch_scalers[spkid]), np.median(pitch_scalers[spkid]), ) # total pitch statistics mean_t, std_t, min_t, max_t, median_t = ( np.mean(total_pitch_scalers[spkid]), np.std(total_pitch_scalers[spkid]), np.min(total_pitch_scalers[spkid]), np.max(total_pitch_scalers[spkid]), np.median(total_pitch_scalers[spkid]), ) sta_dict[singer] = { "voiced_positions": { "mean": mean, "std": std, "median": median, "min": min, "max": max, }, "total_positions": { "mean": mean_t, "std": std_t, "median": median_t, "min": min_t, "max": max_t, }, } # save statistics with open(os.path.join(save_dir, "statistics.json"), "w") as f: json.dump(sta_dict, f, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) def cal_pitch_statistics(dataset, output_path, cfg): # path of dataset dataset_dir = os.path.join(output_path, dataset) if cfg.preprocess.use_phone_pitch: pitch_dir = cfg.preprocess.phone_pitch_dir else: pitch_dir = cfg.preprocess.pitch_dir save_dir = os.path.join(dataset_dir, pitch_dir) os.makedirs(save_dir, exist_ok=True) if has_existed(os.path.join(save_dir, "statistics.json")): return # load singers and ids singers = json.load(open(os.path.join(dataset_dir, "singers.json"), "r")) # combine train and test metadata metadata = [] for dataset_type in ["train", "test"] if "eval" not in dataset else ["test"]: dataset_file = os.path.join(dataset_dir, "{}.json".format(dataset_type)) with open(dataset_file, "r") as f: metadata.extend(json.load(f)) # use different scalers for each singer pitch_scalers = [[] for _ in range(len(singers))] total_pitch_scalers = [[] for _ in range(len(singers))] for utt_info in metadata: utt = f'{utt_info["Dataset"]}_{utt_info["Uid"]}' singer = utt_info["Singer"] pitch_path = os.path.join(dataset_dir, pitch_dir, utt_info["Uid"] + ".npy") # total_pitch contains all pitch including unvoiced frames if not os.path.exists(pitch_path): continue total_pitch = np.load(pitch_path) assert len(total_pitch) > 0 # pitch contains only voiced frames # pitch = total_pitch[total_pitch != 0] if cfg.preprocess.pitch_remove_outlier: pitch = remove_outlier(total_pitch) spkid = singers[f"{replace_augment_name(dataset)}_{singer}"] # update pitch scalers pitch_scalers[spkid].extend(pitch.tolist()) # update total pitch scalers total_pitch_scalers[spkid].extend(total_pitch.tolist()) # save pitch statistics for each singer in dict sta_dict = {} for singer in singers: spkid = singers[singer] # voiced pitch statistics mean, std, min, max, median = ( np.mean(pitch_scalers[spkid]), np.std(pitch_scalers[spkid]), np.min(pitch_scalers[spkid]), np.max(pitch_scalers[spkid]), np.median(pitch_scalers[spkid]), ) # total pitch statistics mean_t, std_t, min_t, max_t, median_t = ( np.mean(total_pitch_scalers[spkid]), np.std(total_pitch_scalers[spkid]), np.min(total_pitch_scalers[spkid]), np.max(total_pitch_scalers[spkid]), np.median(total_pitch_scalers[spkid]), ) sta_dict[singer] = { "voiced_positions": { "mean": mean, "std": std, "median": median, "min": min, "max": max, }, "total_positions": { "mean": mean_t, "std": std_t, "median": median_t, "min": min_t, "max": max_t, }, } # save statistics with open(os.path.join(save_dir, "statistics.json"), "w") as f: json.dump(sta_dict, f, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) def cal_energy_statistics(dataset, output_path, cfg): # path of dataset dataset_dir = os.path.join(output_path, dataset) if cfg.preprocess.use_phone_energy: energy_dir = cfg.preprocess.phone_energy_dir else: energy_dir = cfg.preprocess.energy_dir save_dir = os.path.join(dataset_dir, energy_dir) os.makedirs(save_dir, exist_ok=True) print(os.path.join(save_dir, "statistics.json")) if has_existed(os.path.join(save_dir, "statistics.json")): return # load singers and ids singers = json.load(open(os.path.join(dataset_dir, "singers.json"), "r")) # combine train and test metadata metadata = [] for dataset_type in ["train", "test"] if "eval" not in dataset else ["test"]: dataset_file = os.path.join(dataset_dir, "{}.json".format(dataset_type)) with open(dataset_file, "r") as f: metadata.extend(json.load(f)) # use different scalers for each singer energy_scalers = [[] for _ in range(len(singers))] total_energy_scalers = [[] for _ in range(len(singers))] for utt_info in metadata: utt = f'{utt_info["Dataset"]}_{utt_info["Uid"]}' singer = utt_info["Singer"] energy_path = os.path.join(dataset_dir, energy_dir, utt_info["Uid"] + ".npy") # total_energy contains all energy including unvoiced frames if not os.path.exists(energy_path): continue total_energy = np.load(energy_path) assert len(total_energy) > 0 # energy contains only voiced frames # energy = total_energy[total_energy != 0] if cfg.preprocess.energy_remove_outlier: energy = remove_outlier(total_energy) spkid = singers[f"{replace_augment_name(dataset)}_{singer}"] # update energy scalers energy_scalers[spkid].extend(energy.tolist()) # update total energyscalers total_energy_scalers[spkid].extend(total_energy.tolist()) # save energy statistics for each singer in dict sta_dict = {} for singer in singers: spkid = singers[singer] # voiced energy statistics mean, std, min, max, median = ( np.mean(energy_scalers[spkid]), np.std(energy_scalers[spkid]), np.min(energy_scalers[spkid]), np.max(energy_scalers[spkid]), np.median(energy_scalers[spkid]), ) # total energy statistics mean_t, std_t, min_t, max_t, median_t = ( np.mean(total_energy_scalers[spkid]), np.std(total_energy_scalers[spkid]), np.min(total_energy_scalers[spkid]), np.max(total_energy_scalers[spkid]), np.median(total_energy_scalers[spkid]), ) sta_dict[singer] = { "voiced_positions": { "mean": mean, "std": std, "median": median, "min": min, "max": max, }, "total_positions": { "mean": mean_t, "std": std_t, "median": median_t, "min": min_t, "max": max_t, }, } # save statistics with open(os.path.join(save_dir, "statistics.json"), "w") as f: json.dump(sta_dict, f, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) def copy_acoustic_features(metadata, dataset_dir, src_dataset_dir, cfg): """Copy acoustic features from src_dataset_dir to dataset_dir Args: metadata (dict): dictionary that stores data in train.json and test.json files dataset_dir (str): directory to store acoustic features src_dataset_dir (str): directory to store acoustic features cfg (dict): dictionary that stores configurations """ if cfg.preprocess.extract_mel: if not has_existed(os.path.join(dataset_dir, cfg.preprocess.mel_dir)): os.makedirs( os.path.join(dataset_dir, cfg.preprocess.mel_dir), exist_ok=True ) print( "Copying mel features from {} to {}...".format( src_dataset_dir, dataset_dir ) ) for utt_info in tqdm(metadata): src_mel_path = os.path.join( src_dataset_dir, cfg.preprocess.mel_dir, utt_info["Uid"] + ".npy" ) dst_mel_path = os.path.join( dataset_dir, cfg.preprocess.mel_dir, utt_info["Uid"] + ".npy" ) # create soft-links if not os.path.exists(dst_mel_path): os.symlink(src_mel_path, dst_mel_path) if cfg.preprocess.extract_energy: if not has_existed(os.path.join(dataset_dir, cfg.preprocess.energy_dir)): os.makedirs( os.path.join(dataset_dir, cfg.preprocess.energy_dir), exist_ok=True ) print( "Copying energy features from {} to {}...".format( src_dataset_dir, dataset_dir ) ) for utt_info in tqdm(metadata): src_energy_path = os.path.join( src_dataset_dir, cfg.preprocess.energy_dir, utt_info["Uid"] + ".npy" ) dst_energy_path = os.path.join( dataset_dir, cfg.preprocess.energy_dir, utt_info["Uid"] + ".npy" ) # create soft-links if not os.path.exists(dst_energy_path): os.symlink(src_energy_path, dst_energy_path) if cfg.preprocess.extract_pitch: if not has_existed(os.path.join(dataset_dir, cfg.preprocess.pitch_dir)): os.makedirs( os.path.join(dataset_dir, cfg.preprocess.pitch_dir), exist_ok=True ) print( "Copying pitch features from {} to {}...".format( src_dataset_dir, dataset_dir ) ) for utt_info in tqdm(metadata): src_pitch_path = os.path.join( src_dataset_dir, cfg.preprocess.pitch_dir, utt_info["Uid"] + ".npy" ) dst_pitch_path = os.path.join( dataset_dir, cfg.preprocess.pitch_dir, utt_info["Uid"] + ".npy" ) # create soft-links if not os.path.exists(dst_pitch_path): os.symlink(src_pitch_path, dst_pitch_path) if cfg.preprocess.extract_uv: if not has_existed(os.path.join(dataset_dir, cfg.preprocess.uv_dir)): os.makedirs( os.path.join(dataset_dir, cfg.preprocess.uv_dir), exist_ok=True ) print( "Copying uv features from {} to {}...".format( src_dataset_dir, dataset_dir ) ) for utt_info in tqdm(metadata): src_uv_path = os.path.join( src_dataset_dir, cfg.preprocess.uv_dir, utt_info["Uid"] + ".npy" ) dst_uv_path = os.path.join( dataset_dir, cfg.preprocess.uv_dir, utt_info["Uid"] + ".npy" ) # create soft-links if not os.path.exists(dst_uv_path): os.symlink(src_uv_path, dst_uv_path) if cfg.preprocess.extract_audio: if not has_existed(os.path.join(dataset_dir, cfg.preprocess.audio_dir)): os.makedirs( os.path.join(dataset_dir, cfg.preprocess.audio_dir), exist_ok=True ) print( "Copying audio features from {} to {}...".format( src_dataset_dir, dataset_dir ) ) for utt_info in tqdm(metadata): if cfg.task_type == "tts": src_audio_path = os.path.join( src_dataset_dir, cfg.preprocess.audio_dir, utt_info["Uid"] + ".wav", ) else: src_audio_path = os.path.join( src_dataset_dir, cfg.preprocess.audio_dir, utt_info["Uid"] + ".npy", ) if cfg.task_type == "tts": dst_audio_path = os.path.join( dataset_dir, cfg.preprocess.audio_dir, utt_info["Uid"] + ".wav" ) else: dst_audio_path = os.path.join( dataset_dir, cfg.preprocess.audio_dir, utt_info["Uid"] + ".npy" ) # create soft-links if not os.path.exists(dst_audio_path): os.symlink(src_audio_path, dst_audio_path) if cfg.preprocess.extract_label: if not has_existed(os.path.join(dataset_dir, cfg.preprocess.label_dir)): os.makedirs( os.path.join(dataset_dir, cfg.preprocess.label_dir), exist_ok=True ) print( "Copying label features from {} to {}...".format( src_dataset_dir, dataset_dir ) ) for utt_info in tqdm(metadata): src_label_path = os.path.join( src_dataset_dir, cfg.preprocess.label_dir, utt_info["Uid"] + ".npy" ) dst_label_path = os.path.join( dataset_dir, cfg.preprocess.label_dir, utt_info["Uid"] + ".npy" ) # create soft-links if not os.path.exists(dst_label_path): os.symlink(src_label_path, dst_label_path) def align_duration_mel(dataset, output_path, cfg): print("align the duration and mel") dataset_dir = os.path.join(output_path, dataset) metadata = [] for dataset_type in ["train", "test"] if "eval" not in dataset else ["test"]: dataset_file = os.path.join(dataset_dir, "{}.json".format(dataset_type)) with open(dataset_file, "r") as f: metadata.extend(json.load(f)) utt2dur = {} for index in tqdm(range(len(metadata))): utt_info = metadata[index] dataset = utt_info["Dataset"] uid = utt_info["Uid"] utt = "{}_{}".format(dataset, uid) mel_path = os.path.join(dataset_dir, cfg.preprocess.mel_dir, uid + ".npy") mel = np.load(mel_path).transpose(1, 0) duration_path = os.path.join( dataset_dir, cfg.preprocess.duration_dir, uid + ".npy" ) duration = np.load(duration_path) if sum(duration) != mel.shape[0]: duration_sum = sum(duration) mel_len = mel.shape[0] mismatch = abs(duration_sum - mel_len) assert mismatch <= 5, "duration and mel length mismatch!" cloned = np.array(duration, copy=True) if duration_sum > mel_len: for j in range(1, len(duration) - 1): if mismatch == 0: break dur_val = cloned[-j] if dur_val >= mismatch: cloned[-j] -= mismatch mismatch -= dur_val break else: cloned[-j] = 0 mismatch -= dur_val elif duration_sum < mel_len: cloned[-1] += mismatch duration = cloned utt2dur[utt] = duration np.save(duration_path, duration) return utt2dur