Macdonald polynomials and algebraic integrability How to Check Data Usage on AT&T 1 Call *3282# (*DATA#) to receive a text with your data usage information. It may take a moment or two for the SMS message to arrive. Do this from the phone that you want to check the data usage for. [1]You can also dial *646# (*MIN#) to check your remaining minutes. The sentiment expressed in this movie review is positive. Jason Voorhees Jason Voorhees is the main character from the Friday the 13th series . He first appeared in Friday the 13th ( 1980 ) as the young son of camp cook-turned-murderer Mrs. Voorhees , in which he was portrayed by Ari Lehman . Created by Victor Miller , with contributions by Ron Kurz , Sean S. Cunningham , and Tom Savini , Jason was not originally intended to carry the series as the main antagonist . The character has subsequently been represented in various other media , including novels , video games , comic books , and a cross-over film with another iconic horror film character , Freddy Krueger . The character has primarily been an antagonist in the films , whether by stalking and killing the other characters , or acting as a psychological threat to the protagonist , as is the case in Friday the 13th : A New Beginning . Since Lehman 's portrayal , the character has been represented by numerous actors and stuntmen , sometimes by more than one at a time ; this has caused some controversy as to who should receive credit for the portrayal . Kane Hodder is the best known of the stuntmen to portray Jason Voorhees , having played the character in four consecutive films . The character 's physical appearance has gone through many transformations , with various special makeup effects artists making their mark on the character 's design , including makeup artist Stan Winston . Tom Savini 's initial design has been the basis for many of the later incarnations . The trademark hockey goalie mask did not appear until Friday the 13th Part III . Since Friday the 13th Part VI : Jason Lives , filmmakers have given Jason superhuman strength , regenerative powers , and near invulnerability . He has been seen as a sympathetic character , whose motivation for killing has been cited as being driven by the immoral actions of his victims and his own rage over having drowned as a child . Jason Voorhees has been featured in various humor magazines , referenced in feature films , parodied in television shows , and was the inspiration for a horror punk band . Several toy lines have been released based on various versions of the character from the Friday the 13th films . Jason Voorhees 's hockey mask is a widely recognized image in popular culture . Rock Island County, IL Rock Island County, IL04:00 PM Current Temperature 32 ° Population 147,457Homefacts County Report Rock Island County is located in the state of Illinois . The population is 147,457. There are 50 public schools in Rock Island County with an average Homefacts rating of C. There are 261 registered sex offenders residing in the county. Unemployment in Rock Island County is very high and the median home sales price is $85,300.toprightbottomleft center Road+-The specified credentials are invalid. You can sign up for a free developer account at Schools School Rating is Average No High School Diploma: 11.8%High School Graduate or Higher: 65.6%Bachelor's Degree or Higher: 22.6%Registered Offenders12.92% Higher than national avg.261 offenders in Rock Island County17.70 offenders/10,000 residents Real Estate Median List Price $86,750Median Sales Price: $85,300Homes For Sale: 407Homes For Rent: 10Environmental Hazards826 Found nearby Brownfields: 24Registered Polluters: 29Superfunds: 23Tanks & Spills: 750Unemployment Very High 4.9%Illinois unemployment average: 5.0%National unemployment average: 4.1% Taglierini Taglierini ] (or Tagliolini) is a type of ribbon pasta, long like Spaghetti, two to three mm or roughly a tenth of an inch wide, similar to tagliatelle, but thin like Capellini. It is a traditional recipe in regions Molise and Piedmont of Italy, in Piedmont called Tajarin and made of egg dough ("pasta all'uovo"). The dough also contains semolina, flavor and salt. It is typically served with butter and truffles ("tajarin ai tartufi") or meat roast sauce. Taglierini finish in short cooking time, exceedingly on fresh doug and fit best to light sauces, fish, delicacies or soups. They don't. You can't prove or disprove the existence of a higher power whose very purported nature is outside the realm of science. People who try to use science to disprove faith are just as confused as people who try to use faith to disprove science. The Quranic text seems to have no beginning, middle, or end, its nonlinear structure being akin to a web or net. The textual arrangement is sometimes considered to exhibit lack of continuity, absence of any chronological or thematic order and repetitiousness. Michael Sells, citing the work of the critic Norman O. Brown, acknowledges Brown's observation that the seeming disorganization of Quranic literary expression – its scattered or fragmented mode of composition in Sells's phrase – is in fact a literary device capable of delivering profound effects as if the intensity of the prophetic message were shattering the vehicle of human language in which it was being communicated. Sells also addresses the much-discussed repetitiveness of the Quran, seeing this, too, as a literary device. Tanzania Tanzania -LSB- ˌtænzəˈniːə -RSB- , officially the United Republic of Tanzania ( Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania ) , is a country in Eastern Africa within the African Great Lakes region . Parts of the country are in Southern Africa . It is bordered by Kenya and Uganda to the north ; Rwanda , Burundi , and the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the west ; Zambia , Malawi , and Mozambique to the south ; and by the Indian Ocean to the east . Mount Kilimanjaro , Africa 's highest mountain , is in northeastern Tanzania . Tanzania 's population of 51.82 million ( 2014 ) is diverse , composed of several ethnic , linguistic , and religious groups . Tanzania is a presidential constitutional republic , and since 1996 , its official capital city has been Dodoma , where the President 's Office , the National Assembly , and some government ministries are located . Dar es Salaam , the former capital , retains most government offices and is the country 's largest city , principal port , and leading commercial centre . Tanzania is a one party dominant state with the socialist-progressive Chama Cha Mapinduzi ( CCM ) party in power . From its formation until 1992 , it was the only legally permitted party in the country . This changed on 1 July 1992 , when amendments to the Constitution and a number of laws permitting and regulating the formation and operations of more than one political party were enacted by the National Assembly . Elections for president and all National Assembly seats were last held in October 2015 . The CCM holds approximately 75 % of the seats in the assembly . Prehistoric population migrations include Southern Cushitic speakers , who are ancestral to the Iraqw , Gorowa , and Burunge and who moved south from Ethiopia into Tanzania . Based on linguistic evidence , there may also have been two movements into Tanzania of Eastern Cushitic people at about 4,000 and 2,000 years ago , originating from north of Lake Turkana . Archaeological evidence supports the conclusion that Southern Nilotes , including the Datoog , moved south from the present-day South Sudan-Ethiopia border region into central northern Tanzania between 2,900 and 2,400 years ago . These movements took place at about the same time as the settlement of the iron-making Mashariki Bantu from West Africa in the Lake Victoria and Lake Tanganyika areas . They brought with them the west African planting tradition and the primary staple of yams . They subsequently migrated out of these regions across the rest of Tanzania , between 2,300 and 1,700 years ago . European colonialism began in mainland Tanzania during the late 19th century when Germany formed German East Africa , which gave way to British rule following World War I . The mainland was governed as Tanganyika , with the Zanzibar Archipelago remaining a separate colonial jurisdiction . Following their respective independence in 1961 and 1963 , the two entities merged in April 1964 to form the United Republic of Tanzania . Tanzania is mountainous and densely forested in the northeast , where Mount Kilimanjaro is located . Three of Africa 's Great Lakes are partly within Tanzania . To the north and west lie Lake Victoria , Africa 's largest lake , and Lake Tanganyika , the continent 's deepest lake , known for its unique species of fish . The eastern shore is hot and humid , with the Zanzibar Archipelago just offshore . The Kalambo water falls in the southwestern region of Rukwa are the second highest uninterrupted fall in Africa and are located near the southeastern shore of Lake Tanganyika on the border with Zambia . The Menai Bay Conservation Area is Zanzibar 's largest marine protected area . Over 100 different languages are spoken in Tanzania , making it the most linguistically diverse country in East Africa . Among the languages spoken in Tanzania are all four of Africa 's language families : Bantu , Cushitic , Nilotic , and Khoisan . Swahili and English are Tanzania 's official languages . A highly multilingual country , Swahili is used in parliamentary debate , in the lower courts , an What is the difference between Market Order and Limit Order? Which one is wise to use? Business & Finance Investing What is the difference between Market Order and Limit Order? Which one is wise to use? Plz explain in layman terms, as I am beginner to Share Markets Follow Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: Market order will execute your order at the current market price. Limit order is a conditional order, it will get executed at the price specified by you or at a price beneficial to you. As an example, if you place a BUY order for 1000 Nos. of X stock at a limit price of Rs.100, the stock will be bought at Rs.100 or lesser depending on the market availability. Similarly in the case of SELL it will be excuted at Rs.100 or more. It is always better to specify the limit value as sometimes, the order will be queued and may not get executed due to some system delay, then if you had placed the market order, the order might get executed at a price which is not favourable to the investor. I came across one site which is suitable for the beginner in trading, which you can also go through.,Source (s): Roshan L · 1 decade ago1 0 Comment Market Order Vs Limit Order Source (s): · 2 years ago0 0 Comment To start, MARKET order means you're telling the market you want ### number of shares, and you're given them at a price usually somewhere between the ask and bid (ask/bid spread). In a high volume market, it's pretty safe to do a market order, and if you're buying for the long run, then saving a few pennies on your order will mean nothing. For long term investments, just do a market order to raise your odds of a quick order execution. REMEMBER - many people forget this, it's not like you can just buy a stock whenever you want, there has to be a seller to meet your order. In high volume markets, you're pretty much guaranteed this with a market order. Now, with LIMIT order, you're telling the market you want ### number of shares at a certain price. This is used more in lower volume markets and lower priced stocks. Example, for a stock priced at $1, every penny = 1%, so a limit order is a must to save you from placing an order that executes pennies above the current trade price, where you basically incure an immediate loss if the price returns to what it was initially at. There are also stop, stop limit, and trailing stop orders, but if you're a beginner, don't worry about them, but look them up and see what they're all about too. CONJ · 1 decade ago1 0 Comment A market order means you will pay whatever the market demands. A limit order is where YOU set the price you want to buy and sell. With a limit order there are no surprises. By placing a market order you are at the mercy of the market and may overpay or undersell. ALWAYS use limit orders Ryan M · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment1. market order means you want to buy or sell at any price that is available 2. limit order means you want to buy or sell at certain price or better 3. it depends on the purpose of your orders. If you want to open a position then the limit order would be better and if you want to cut loss then the market order would be better. Source (s): Investing in Stock http://investinginstock.blogspot.comd10 · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment When you specifiy a market order, it will be executed immediately at the current price. When you set a limit, the execution will take place only when the price reaches that point. If the stock is thinly traded, a market order can be executed at a lot less than the last trade. SDD · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment Market order is when u tell your broker to sell or buy a share at current prevailing price eg Reliance right now is quoting at 2635 and u tell ur broker to buy/sell at this price or nearit. it is a market price order. suyppose u want to buy at 2630 and your broker puts a bid to buy ,say, 100 shares at 2630. this is limit order. Anonymous · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment Perhaps you would like to learn more about one of these? Look For Franchises For Sale Need a Small Business Loan? Fi What are some foods that contain carbohydrates? American Diabetes Association Administration The following foods have carbohydrates:bread, bagels, muffins, crackers, tortillas, and crustcerealpasta, noodles, and ricestarchy vegetables such as corn, peas, potatoes, and sweet potatoespancakes and wafflesdried beans (such as kidney or pinto beans) and peas (such as black-eyed or split peas)fruit (canned, dried, and fresh) and fruit juicemilk, soy milk, and yogurtsweets such as cake, cookies, ice cream, jam, jelly, and sugarpopcorn, potato chips, pretzels, and French fries Honor Society of Nursing (STTI)Administration Foods containing simple carbohydrates include sugary fluids like soda or energy drinks, deserts, syrups, and processed foods. Complex carbohydrates include two types of foods: dietary fibers and starches. Foods with dietary fiber include nuts seed, fruits, beans, oatmeal, barley, bran, and vegetables. Starches include potatoes, beans, peas, corn, and some breads, cereals, and grains. Continue Learning about Carbohydrates Related to Carbohydrates Complex Carbohydrates Carbohydrates and Health Important: This content reflects information from various individuals and organizations and may offer alternative or opposing points of view. It should not be used for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. As always, you should consult with your healthcare provider about your specific health needs. Trending on Sharecare Drinking Water After Eating It also helps get rid of any toxins in the body. Before a meal: Drinking a glass of water about half an hour before a meal improves digestion. It is a good idea to avoid drinking water too soon before or after your meal to avoid diluting the digestive juices. Wait for an hour after your meal to drink water. Even after a blizzard takes away a bunch of parking spaces, this cunt shows up at the Kings in Bedminster 2003–04 Houston Rockets season The 2003–04 NBA season was the Rockets' 37th season in the National Basketball Association, and their 33rd season in the city of Houston. The season saw the Rockets move their home games from Compaq Center to the new Toyota Center. During the offseason, the Rockets hired head coach Jeff Van Gundy, who is best known for his tenure with the New York Knicks, and signed free agent Jim Jackson. Midway through the season, they signed free agent point guard Mark Jackson. The Rockets finished fifth in the Midwest Division with a 45–37 record, and qualified for the playoffs for the first time since 1999 as the number 7 seed in the Western Conference. Second-year star Yao Ming and Steve Francis were both selected for the 2004 NBA All-Star Game. However, the Rockets were eliminated from the first round of the playoffs by the Los Angeles Lakers, who added Karl Malone and Gary Payton to join Shaquille O'Neal and Kobe Bryant, in five games. This also marked Francis' only playoff appearance in his career. Following the season, he was traded along with Cuttino Mobley and Kelvin Cato to the Orlando Magic, and Mark Jackson retired. Thoracic aortic aneurysms Thoracic aortic aneurysms (Redirected from Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms)navigation search Contents [ hide ]1 Definition2 Etiology3 Echocardiography3.1 Transthoracic echocardiography3.2 Transoesophageal echocardiography4 Aorta size [2]5 Normal values [2]6 Recommendation7 References Definition Aortic aneurysm is a pathological dilatation of the normal aortic lumen involving one or several segments . The most used criterion defines aneurysm as a permanent dilatation at least 1,5 times that of expected normal diameter of that given aortic segment [ 1], although no definition is universally accepted. Aneurysms are described in terms of location, size, morphological appearance and origin. The morphology of an aortic aneurysm is :fusiform - the most common shape, with symmetrical dilatation of the full circumference of the aortic wallsaccular - a more localized dilatation that involves only a portion of the aortic wall [ 1]The presence of an aortic aneurysm may be a marker of more diffuse aortic disease; 25-28% of patients with thoracic aortic aneurysms have concomitant abdominal aortic aneurysms . Thus, a patients in whom an aortic aneurysm is discovered should undergo examination of the entire aorta for the possible presence of other aneurysms [ 1]. Thoracic aortic aneurysms are much less common than aneurysms of the abdominal aorta. The main classification of thoracic aortic aneurysms is anatomical (ascending aorta, aortic arch or descending aorta), because the etiology, natural history and treatment differ for each of these aortic segments involved [ 1]. Aneurysms of ascending aorta occur most commonly , followed by aneurysms of descending aorta, whereas aortic arch or thoracoabdominal aneurysms occur less often [ 1]. Etiology Aneurysms of ascending thoracic aorta often result from cystic medial necrosis, leading to a weakening of the aortic wall, which results in formation of fusiform aneurysms. Such aneurysms often involve the aortic root and may consequently result in aortic regurgitation; this association is called annuloaortic ectasia. Cystic medial necrosis occurs :at younger ages in association withconective tissue disorders ( Marfan, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome)familial thoracic aortic aneurysm syndromebicuspid aortic valvein older ages, accelerated by hypertension [ 1]Atherosclerosis is the main cause of descending aorta aneurysms and infrequently leads to ascending aorta aneurysms (only when is associated with diffuse aortic atherosclerosis) [ 1] . Aneurysms in aortic arch are contiguous with those of ascending or descending aorta and have the same etiology (cystic medial necrosis or atherosclerosis). Syphilis and infectious aortitis are nowadays very rare causes of ascending aorta aneurysms [ 1] . Aortic aneurysms are an important cause of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Except when complications are life-threatening, such as acute aortic syndrome or aortic rupture, most aortic aneurysms are asymptomatic and without abnormalities on physical examination; thus, diagnosis and follow-up depend exclusively on imaging techniques. Echocardiography Echocardiography has become the most used imaging test and plays an important role in the diagnosis and follow-up of aortic diseases [ 2] . Transthoracic echocardiography Transthoracic echocardiography is one of the techniques most used to measure proximal aortic segments in clinical practice. Using different windows, the proximal ascending aorta is visualized in the left and right parasternal long-axis views and, to a lesser extent, in basal short-axis views. In all patients with suspected aortic disease, the right parasternal view is recommended for estimating the true size of the ascending aorta. The ascending aorta is also visualized in the apical long-axis and modified apical five- chamber views; however, in these views, the aortic walls are seen with suboptimal lateral resolution. Modified subcostal views may in some cases (more frequently in children) be helpful, but here the ascending aorta is far from the transducer. All these views also per What is a Crankshaft? Top 10 amazing movie makeup transformations. The crankshaft is located in the engine of a vehicle and converts the force created by the engine's pistons moving up and down into a force that moves the wheels in a circular motion so the car can go forward.Located inside the car's engine, it is connected to all the pistons in the engine and to the flywheel.he pistons, which are attached to the crankshaft in an engine, are moved down by the explosions inside the cylinders. When the pistons move down, the crankshaft rotates. The pistons are connected to the crankshaft to ensure it moves with them and keeps their movements regulated. From a public policy perspective, the extreme cost and loss of liberty that a ban would require outweighs the harm tobacco products do. Cigarettes are harmful over the long term, but from a societal perspective, fairly benign over the short term. Nicotine addicts are fully functional members of society. Unlike most other drugs, you are not impaired while under the influence, you don't fly into a rage or crash cars. Overdoses are rare and you don't have to keep using more and more to get the same effect. Sure, the health consequences will eventually catch up with you and some of that cost will likely be born by society. But that is true for many activities, like overeating, lack of exercise, or riding a motorcycle. The Professionals (TV series) in 2011. The characters of Bodie, Doyle and Cowley would be played by new actors. The film would have been a prequel to the 1970s series concerning how Bodie and Doyle entered CI5. The Professionals (TV series) The Professionals is a British crime-action television drama series produced by Avengers Mark1 Productions for London Weekend Television (LWT) that aired on the ITV network from 1977 to 1983. In all, 57 episodes were produced, filmed between 1977 and 1981. It starred Martin Shaw, Lewis Collins and Gordon Jackson as agents of the fictional "CI5" (Criminal Intelligence 5, alluding to the real life The "Notre Dame Victory March" is the fight song for the University of Notre Dame. It was written by two brothers who were Notre Dame graduates. The Rev. Michael J. Shea, a 1904 graduate, wrote the music, and his brother, John F. Shea, who earned degrees in 1906 and 1908, wrote the original lyrics. The lyrics were revised in the 1920s; it first appeared under the copyright of the University of Notre Dame in 1928. The chorus is, "Cheer cheer for old Notre Dame, wake up the echos cheering her name. Send a volley cheer on high, shake down the thunder from the sky! What though the odds be great or small, old Notre Dame will win over all. While her loyal sons are marching, onward to victory!" This review was considered to be very poor, resulting in the lowest rating of one star. They're much easier to peel if you immediately cool them off, as opposed to letting them sit in the hot water after turning off the stove. Climate Climate Download .xls CLIMATE OVERVIEWMount Vernon, Oregon, gets 13 inches of rain per year. The US average is 39. Snowfall is 30 inches. The average US city gets 26 inches of snow per year. The number of days with any measurable precipitation is 61. On average, there are 205 sunny days per year in Mount Vernon, Oregon. The July high is around 88 degrees. The January low is 24. Sperling's comfort index for Mount Vernon is a 70 out of 100, where a higher score indicates a more comfortable year-around climate. The US average for the comfort index is 54. Our index is based on the total number of days annually within the comfort range of 70-80 degrees, and we also applied a penalty for days of excessive humidity. Temperature in Degrees CLIMATE24° 24°88.2° 88.2°29.9° 29.9°81.6° 81.6°22.6° 22.6°86.1° 86.1°Mount Vernon Oregon State United States Series 4January Low Temp. July High Temp. CLIMATE Mount Vernon, Oregon United States Rainfall (in. )88.168 86.1Avg. Jan. Low3.9 4.3Elevation ft. 2,999 1,443View More Data >CLIMATE MAPPlease Sign up or Log In to use maps. ORReviews for Mount Vernon Unknown Mount_Vernon Mouse over the stars for your rating and click to rate. 1=Not a Fan. 2=Not for Me. 3=Just Okay. 4=Great Place. 5=The Best Place. Start Your Review of Mount_Vernon, ORWe're looking for comments about Mount Vernon. Express your opinion High Blood Sugar (Hyperglycemia) Whenever the glucose (sugar) level in one's blood rises high temporarily, this condition is known as hyperglycemia. The opposite condition, low blood sugar, is called hypoglycemia. Glucose comes from most foods, and the body uses other chemicals to create glucose in the liver and muscles. Tre, Pol and Pen headland. Cornish surnames and placenames are generally pronounced with the emphasis on the second syllable. Tre, Pol and Pen The phrase Tre, Pol and Pen is used to describe people from or places in Cornwall, UK. The full rhyming couplet runs: "By Tre Pol and Pen / Shall ye know all Cornishmen", a version of which was recorded by Richard Carew in his "Survey of Cornwall", published in 1602. Many Cornish surnames and place names still retain these words as prefixes, such as the surname Trelawny and the village Polzeath. "Tre" in the Cornish language means a settlement or homestead; I believe they made some realistic CGI films a few years ago. People found them unsettling. They weren't quite 100% realistic, but very very close, and people found that when they saw slightly odd behaviour in characters that looked that realistic, it was just "wrong". I'll try to find a reference..... Edit: found a [reference](_URL_0_). It even has a name, which I had forgotten: [Uncanny Valley](_URL_1_). With few exceptions, chemical nerve agents are very volatile, and break down quickly. For this reason, and because they are *extremely* hazardous, nerve agents are stored as benign precusor agents. These are mixed together just prior to use to create the nerve agent itself. When chemical weapons facilities are destroyed, only the precusor chemicals are released. While some incidental mixing may occur if agent precursors are stored together, it generally creates negligible volumes of active agent. Other chemical agents, such as blister, blood, and lung agents, are stored in their active state, and can be released during an attack. But because military infrastructure is usually remote, and because chemical agents affect a small geographic area, the effects of such an event would be limited. Rhinitis Rhinitis: Introduction. Rhinitis: Nasal lining inflammation leading to runny/blocked nose. More detailed information about the symptoms, causes, and treatments of Rhinitis is available below. Symptoms of Rhinitis Photosynthesis Most plants, most algae, and cyanobacteria perform photosynthesis; such organisms are called photoautotrophs. Photosynthesis is largely responsible for producing and maintaining the oxygen content of the Earth's atmosphere, and supplies all of the organic compounds and most of the energy necessary for life on Earth. FAQ - OS specific info Because before things even got started, there was one extremely well financed, extremely well connected Democratic candidate whose presence in the race scared a lot of other people out. There was no equivalent to Hillary on the GOP side; it's a much more open race. Composition of the human body Almost 99% of the mass of the human body is made up of six elements: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus. Only about 0.85% is composed of another five elements: potassium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, and magnesium. All 11 are necessary for life. Geneva, Idaho Geneva, Idaho From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Geneva Unincorporated community Geneva Location within the state of Idaho Coordinates: 42°21′31″N 111°3′55″WCoordinates: 42°21′31″N 111°3′55″WCountry United States State Idaho County Bear Lake Elevation 6,178 ft (1,883 m)Time zone Mountain (MST) ( UTC-7)• Summer ( DST) MDT ( UTC-6)ZIP codes 83238GNIS feature ID 396540 [1]Welcome sign for Idaho on US 89 coming from Wyoming Geneva is an unincorporated community in Bear Lake County, Idaho, United States. Its elevation is 6,178 feet (1,883 m). [1] Although Geneva is unincorporated, it has a post office, with the ZIP code of 83238; [2] the ZCTA for ZIP Code 83238 had a population of 141 at the 2000 census. [3]U. S. Route 89 runs west 15 miles (24 km) to Montpelier and northeast 23 miles (37 km) to Smoot, Wyoming. Idaho State Highway 61 leads south briefly to connect with Wyoming Highway 89 and Border Junction, Wyoming, 13 miles (21 km) south. Geneva is located about 1 mile (1.6 km) west of the Idaho- Wyoming state line. [4]A post office called Geneva has been in operation since 1898. [5] The community was named after Geneva, in Switzerland, the native land of a large share of the first settlers. [6] The Geneva Cemetery is located in the community. [7] [8]See also [ edit]Charles C. Rich (1809 – 1883), an early leader in the Latter Day Saint movement and pioneer in Geneva and the Bear Lake area. References [ edit]^ a b "Geneva, Idaho". Geographic Names Information System. United States Geological Survey.^ Zip Code Lookup^ "American Fact Finder". United States Census Bureau. Archived from the original on 2013-09-11. Retrieved 2008-01-31.^ Official State Highway Map of Wyoming (Map). Wyoming Department of Transportation. 2014.^ "Post Offices". Retrieved 22 January 2018.^ The Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine, Volumes 9-10. 1918. p. 182.^^ U. S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Geneva Cemetery [ hide]v t e Municipalities and communities of Bear Lake County, Idaho, United States County seat: Paris Cities Bloomington Georgetown Montpelier Paris St. Charles CDPBennington Unincorporated communities Bern Dingle Fish Haven Geneva Giveout Liberty Nounan Ovid Pegram Wardboro This Idaho location article is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Categories: Unincorporated communities in Bear Lake County, Idaho Unincorporated communities in Idaho Idaho geography stubs What is the earth's speed around the sun? ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Astronomy What is the earth's speed around the sun? Flag What is the earth's speed around the sun? Answer by Ken Mitchell Confidence votes 35.0KRetired US Navy officer, astronomy buff, history nut. The Earth orbits the Sun at an average of about 107,000 km/h (67,000 mph). The Earth orbits the Sun in an elliptical path; when closer to the Sun (perihelion is on January 4), the Earth is moving a bit more quickly, and when the Earth is farther away (aphelion about July 3) it is moving a little bit more slowly. But the average speed is around 67,000 MPH.6 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No Paul Yost 7,748 Contributions At what speed does the sun orbit around the sun? The sun does not orbit itself. It does spin, however, with theequatorial region spinning slightly faster than the polar regions. The sun rotates about once every 24 days. What is the earth's path around the sun?mercery venus earth mars jupiture saturn neptune pluto Speed of earth around sun?100 miles per hour Anand Mehta 278,423 Contributionsmehtamatics = mathematics with a difference Earth's revolution around the sun? A year Aria96 23 Contributions What is caused by Earth's rotation around the Sun? Seasons Maureen Frazier 11 Contributions What is the earth's orbit around the sun?elliptical What is the speed of revolution around the sun? For earth, 365.245 EARTH days is the time it takes to travel round the sun. That means that, given that the earth's orbit is approximately 939951264 km, the speed of revolutio …Connorsh 2,240 Contributions What is the speed of the earth's rotation around the sun?67,000 MPH'. Hilmar Zonneveld 66,847 Contributions What is earth's rotation around the sun? That is called "revolution". Al Cohen 126,337 Contributions Senior Fellow in Electrical Engineering What is earth's speed around sun? The earth's mean orbital velocity is 29.8 km per second ( 18.5 miles per second ). Earth's orbit around the sun is? An ellipse. The orbit is completed in one year. Ken Mitchell Retired US Navy officer, astronomy buff, history nut. What would happen if the earth's speed around the sun increased? If the Earth's velocity around the Sun were to increase while the Sun's gravity and mass remained constant, the Earth's orbit would become more elliptical, leading to greater …Answered In Stars What is earth's complete travel around the sun?around 365 days Answered In Stars What is the earth's travel around the sun called? A revolution Al Cohen 126,337 Contributions Senior Fellow in Electrical Engineering Answered In Astronomy Where is earth's orbit around the sun is the speed of earth the greatest? In every closed orbit, the speed is greatest when the two bodies are closest together. In our time, the earth is closest to the sun (at 'perihelion') at a moment during the …Al Cohen 126,337 Contributions Senior Fellow in Electrical Engineering Answered In Astronomy Where in Earth's orbit around the Sun is the speed of Earth the greatest? The speed is greatest when the Earth is at perihelion ... the pointin the orbit that is nearest to the sun, always sometime during the first few days of January. Historikeren 9,339 Contributions Answered In Planetary Science How small the speed of earth's orbit around the sun change if Earth's distance from the sun increased by 4 times? If a planet were 4 times further away from the Sun its orbital speed would be halved. That can be deduced from Kepler's third law using an approximation based on a circular or … - Cellebrite UFED Touch Ultimate (Rugged Version) for Sale. Cellebrite UFED Touch Ultimate (Rugged Version) for Sale. This device is in mint condition, includes all parts, accessories and licenses. Price: $10,000 (or nearest offer). Seller is willing to hand deliver the unit and demonstrate working functionality before closing sale. Gamma globulin This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (May 2016) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)Schematic representation of a protein electrophoresis gel Gamma globulins are a class of globulins, identified by their position after serum protein electrophoresis. [1] [2] The most significant gamma globulins are immunoglobulins ( antibodies ), although some immunoglobulins are not gamma globulins, and some gamma globulins are not immunoglobulins. Contents [ hide ]1 Use as medical treatment2 Pathology3 References4 External links Use as medical treatment [ edit]Further information: Intravenous immunoglobulin Gamma globulin injections are usually given in an attempt to temporarily boost a patient's immunity against disease. Being a product derived from bone marrow and lymph gland cells, gamma globulin injections, along with blood transfusions and intravenous drug use, can pass along hepatitis C to their recipients. Once hepatitis C was identified in 1989, blood banks began screening all blood donors for the presence of the virus in their bloodstream. However, since hepatitis C is known to have been present since at least the 1940s, a gamma globulin shot received prior to the early 1990s put the recipient at risk of being infected. Injections are most commonly used on patients having been exposed to hepatitis A or measles, or to make a kidney donor and a recipient compatible regardless of blood type or tissue match. Injections are also used to boost immunity in patients unable to produce gamma globulins naturally because of an immune deficiency, such as X-linked agammaglobulinemia and hyper Ig M syndrome. Such injections are less common in modern medical practice than they were previously, and injections of gamma globulin previously recommended for travelers have largely been replaced by the use of hepatitis A vaccine. Gamma globulin infusions are also used to treat some immunological diseases, such as idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura (ITP), a disease in which the platelets are being attacked by antibodies, leading to seriously low platelet counts. It appears that gamma globulin causes the spleen to ignore the antibody-tagged platelets, thus allowing them to survive and function. A recent clinical trial of gamma globulin in chronic fatigue syndrome patients had no recognizable benefit, while an older trial showed improvement. The success of this treatment remains uncertain. [ citation needed]Another theory on how gamma globulin administration works in autoimmune disease is by overloading the mechanisms that degrade gamma globulins. Overloading the degradation mechanism causes the harmful gamma globulins to have a much shorter halflife in sera. Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) may be used in Kawasaki disease. Intravenous gamma globulin was FDA-approved in 2004 to reduce antibodies in a patient with kidney failure to allow that person to accept a kidney from a donor with a different blood type (ABO-incompatible), or who is an unacceptable tissue match. Stanley Jordan at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles pioneered this treatment. [3]Pathology [ edit]An excess is known as hypergammaglobulinemia. A deficiency is known as hypogammaglobulinemia. A disease of gamma globulins is called a "gammopathy" (for example, in monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance ). References [ edit]^ S. Ramakrishnan (October 2004). Textbook of Medical Biochemistry. Orient Blackswan. pp. 157–. ISBN 978-81-250-2071-4. ^ Allan Gaw; Michael Murphy; Rajeev Srivastava, Robert A. Cowan, Denis St. J. O'Reilly (7 June 2013). Clinical Biochemistry E-Book: An Illustrated Colour Text. Elsevier Health Sciences. pp. 52–. ISBN 978-0-7020-5414-3.^ "Multi-center Study Finds Therapy Boosts Kidney Transplants In 'Highly Sensitized' Patients". External links [ edit]gamma-Globulins at the US National Library of Medicine Medical Subject Headings (Me SH) [ hide]v t e Proteins: Globular proteins Filter Related Categories: Beauty & Personal Care Health & Medical Supplier Location: All Countries & Regions Sort By : Relevancy You may want to search: cheek retractor retractor dental cheek retractor tribest dental loupes orthodontic dental surgical equipment China Dental Ortho Cheek Retractor and Lip Retractor with CE,ISO and FDA Ad US $ 3.5 - 4.0 / Set50 Sets (Min. Order)Hangzhou Yahong Medical Apparatus Co., Ltd. Teeth Whitening Dental Cheek Retractor Mouth Opener Ad US $ 0.01 - 8 / Piece5000 Pieces (Min. Order)Xiamen Yizhou Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd. China Supplier new products 2016 Dental Disposable Cheek Retractor Ad US $ 0.15 - 0.3 / Piece1 Piece (Min. Order)Cangzhou Lankang Medical Instrument Developing Co., Ltd. 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Stonewall Jackson From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article is about the Confederate general. For other uses, see Stonewall Jackson (disambiguation). Lieutenant General Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson General Jackson at Winchester, Virginia 1862Nickname (s) "Stonewall", "Old Jack", "Old Blue Light", "Tom Fool"Born January 21, 1824 [1]Clarksburg, Virginia, U. S. (now Clarksburg, West Virginia)Died May 10, 1863 (aged 39) Guinea Station, Virginia Buried Stonewall Jackson Memorial Cemetery Lexington, Virginia, U. S. Allegiance United States of America (1846–1851)Confederate States of America (1861–1863)Service/ branch United States Army Confederate States Army Years of service1846–18611861–1863Rank First Lieutenant (USA)Brevet Major (USA)Lieutenant General (CSA)Commands held Stonewall Brigade Second Corps, Army of Northern Virginia Battles/wars Mexican–American War American Civil War Great Train Raid of 1861Battle of Falling Waters First Battle of Bull Run (First Manassas) ( WIA)Romney Expedition Jackson's Valley Campaign First Battle of Kernstown Battle of Front Royal First Battle of Winchester Battle of Port Republic Seven Days Battles Battle of Gaines's Mill Battle of Savage's Station Battle of White Oak Swamp Battle of Malvern Hill Northern Virginia Campaign Battle of Cedar Mountain First Battle of Rappahannock Station Manassas Station Second Battle of Bull Run (Second Manassas)Battle of Chantilly Maryland Campaign Battle of Harpers Ferry Battle of Antietam Battle of Fredericksburg Battle of Chancellorsville (DOW)Signature Thomas Jonathan " Stonewall " Jackson (January 21, 1824 – May 10, 1863) served as a Confederate general (1861–1863) during the American Civil War, and became arguably the best-known Confederate commander after General Robert E. Lee. [2] Jackson played a prominent role in nearly all military engagements in the Eastern Theater of the war until his death, and had an important part in winning many significant battles. Born in what was then part of Virginia, Jackson received an appointment to the United States Military Academy at West Point, served in the U. S. Army during the Mexican–American War of 1846–1848 and distinguished himself at Chapultepec (1847). From 1851 to 1863 he taught at the Virginia Military Institute, where he was unpopular with his students. During this time, he married twice. His first wife died, but his second, Mary Anna Morrison, outlived him by many years. When Virginia seceded from the Union in May 1861 after the attack on Fort Sumter (12 April 1861), Jackson followed it and joined the Confederate Army. He distinguished himself commanding a brigade at the First Battle of Bull Run (21 July 1861) the following month, providing crucial reinforcements and beating back a fierce Union assault. In this context Barnard Elliott Bee Jr., allegedly highlighting Jackson's courage and tenacity, compared him to a "stone wall", hence his enduring nickname. Jackson performed audaciously in 1862's campaigns in the Shenandoah Valley. Despite an initial defeat due largely to faulty intelligence, through swift and careful maneuvers Jackson was able to defeat three separate Union armies and prevent any of them from reinforcing General George B. Mc Clellan 's Army of the Potomac in its campaign against Richmond. Jackson then quickly moved his three divisions to reinforce General Lee's Army of Northern Virginia in its defense of Richmond. His performance in the subsequent Seven Days Battles (June–July 1862) against George B. Mc Clellan 's Army of the Potomac was poor, but did not cost the Confederacy the battles. During the Northern Virginia Campaign that summer, Jackson's troops captured and destroyed an important supply depot for General John Pope 's Army of Virginia, and then withstood repeated assaults from Pope's troops at the Second Battle of Bull Run (August 1862). Jackson's troops played a prominent role in September's Maryland Campaign, capturing the town of Harpers Ferry, an important strategic location, and providing an important defense of the Confederate Army's What you need to know about alopecia areata Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease. Autoimmune means that the body's immune system attacks the body. When alopecia areata develops, the body attacks its own hair follicles. A person's genetic makeup, combined with other factors, triggers this form of hair loss. Kevlar is a fabric, which spreads the impact of a bullet across a larger area. The blade of a knife can slip between the threads of the fabric. A fragmenting bullet is still lead, which is soft, and warps before passing through the weave. A lead knife probably would be stopped by kevlar, but a steel knife wouldn't be. Error Error Home Error Whoops!The page you were looking for could not be located on our site. Please try entering the information you were looking for into our search: Search Get Involved Donate Today Sign a Petition Donate Monthly Nearby Events Get the Latest Updates Sign Up Now What's Trending Recovering America's Wildlife Act Our declining wildlife need urgent protection before they face serious risk of extinction. This bold vision for conservation funding could be the solution. Read More Protect Polar Bears From Drilling Urge Congress to stand up for polar bears and their young by opposing drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Read More Help Save African Elephants Students ages 9-18 are invited to share their big idea through the "Every Elephant Counts" contest for a chance to win a trip to Botswana. Read More Wildlife Guide Get to know the amazing wildlife in your backyard and beyond. Read More Happening Near You You don't have to travel far to join us for an event. Attend an upcoming event with one of our regional centers or affiliates. Learn More ABOUT US CONTACT US MAGAZINES BLOG ACTION CENTER CAREERSThe National Wildlife Federation Uniting all Americans to ensure wildlife thrive in a rapidly changing world PO Box 1583, Merrifield, VA 22116-1583800.822.9919Meet Ranger Rick Our beloved wildlife ambassador has been creating lifelong connections with nature for generations. Learn More National Wildlife Federation is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization Terms & Disclosures Site Map Privacy Policy Language how can i extract audio from a video file through java program Ford Explorer Front Strut Replacement Cost Ford Explorer Front Strut Replacement Cost Know what price you should pay to get your vehicle fixed. Estimator / Ford / Explorer / Front Strut Replacement Cost The average cost for a Ford Explorer Strut/Shock Absorber Replacement - Front is between $373 and $437. Labor costs are estimated between $140 and $178 while parts are priced between $233 and $259. Estimate does not include taxes and fees. View repair cost for a different car Get a repair estimate for your car Submit What is a front strut/shock absorber? A front strut, commonly called a Mac Pherson strut, is a suspension assembly that is integral to the front suspension and steering system of a vehicle. A loaded front strut assembly consists of two basic components, a coil spring and a shock absorber. The coil spring is in place to support the weight of the vehicle and to absorb large bumps. It allows the front suspension to travel up and down so that the vehicle body can remain stable. The shock absorber runs through the center of the spring and eases smaller bumps, dampens vibrations, and lends stability to the vehicle. How does the front strut/shock absorber work? The two components of a loaded front strut - the coil spring and the shock absorber - are mounted together in an assembly that is connected to the vehicle's steering knuckle. The steering knuckle is attached to the steering system by way of the tie rod so that the front wheels can be turned. The top of the strut assembly bolts to the vehicle body in the strut tower, where it is able to pivot when the steering wheel is turned. The bottom is connected (by way of the steering knuckle) to the lower control arm and wheel hub. The strut assembly allows the vehicle suspension to rotate while it absorbs impact from rough terrain, helps maintain contact between the tires and the ground, and offers a smoother ride for passengers. Find a Certified Mechanic Find a high quality auto repair shop or dealer near youx What are the symptoms related to a bad front strut/shock absorber? Worn front struts result in diminished ride quality that might feel “soft,” as the vehicle leans excessively during turns, and bounces over bumps. The shock absorber in the strut may leak when it is worn. The strut may also cause a knocking or rattling sound if it is worn, damaged, or broken. If the vehicle leans excessively in turns, and bounces up and down over bumps, the struts are likely worn. If the strut rattles or knocks over bumps, it may be broken. Can I drive with a front strut/shock absorber problem? A vehicle with worn front struts can be driven, but the ride quality will be diminished, and, more importantly, the vehicle's handling will be compromised. A car's ability to remain level while turning, with traction spread between all four wheels, is dependent on the struts. As the condition of the front struts worsens, the ability of the suspension to perform properly, especially in an emergency situation, also worsens. Loss of control and chance of vehicle rollover can be the result of severely worn struts. If a front strut is broken (rather than worn), the vehicle should not be driven until the strut can be replaced. How often do front strut/shock absorbers need to be replaced? There is no replacement schedule for front struts, through many vehicles will need to have them changed at some point. Rough driving habits may shorten the life of these parts. Struts may need to be replaced anywhere between 50k and 100k miles. If at any time the struts are leaking, broken, or damaged, they should be replaced immediately. Struts should always be replaced in pairs. Related Ford Explorer Estimates Wheel Bearing Replacement - Front$387 - $497Radiator Replacement$562 - $828Head Gasket Replacement$1174 - $1638Water Pump Replacement$309 - $518Spark Plug Replacement$177 - $242Ball Joint Replacement - Lower$223 - $332Thermostat Replacement$113 - $155Brake Pad Replacement$165 - $230Fuel Pump Replacement$548 - $750Brake Rotor Replacement$397 - $554How are front strut/shock absorber issues diagnosed? Worn, Is Sesame Oil Healthy? Is Sesame Oil Healthy?by JINAN BANNA Oct. 03, 2017Fat serves a variety of roles in the body, including insulation and cushioning of organs. You can obtain fat in your diet through several sources, but oils of plant origin are generally healthier than animal-source fats because of their decreased saturated-fat content. Sesame oil, which is extracted from sesame seeds, is a healthy source of fat, with a small amount of saturated fat and large amounts of heart-healthy fat. Video of the Day Error loading player: Flash plugin failed to load Calories Sesame oil is pure fat, so it is high in calories compared to other foods. One tablespoon contains 120 calories, or approximately 6 percent of the total calories needed daily for someone who consumes 2,000 calories. All other oils contain the same number of calories per tablespoon, as they are also composed only of fat. Use sesame oil in moderation to keep your intake under control. Unsaturated Fat The fat found in sesame oil is mostly "healthy" fat; 1 tbsp. contains 8 g of monounsaturated fat, which is comparable to olive oil, which has 10 g in 1 tbsp. Sesame oil also contains some polyunsaturated fat, with 2 g in 1 tbsp., compared to 4 g in olive oil. Both types of fat increase "good" HDL cholesterol and decrease "bad" LDL cholesterol. Saturated Fat There is not a high amount of saturated fat in sesame oil, with 2 g in 1 tbsp. Olive oil contains the same amount. Saturated fat has been shown to increase risk of heart disease by increasing harmful LDL cholesterol and decreasing beneficial HDL. Vitamins and Minerals Sesame oil does not contain vitamins and minerals in significant amounts; 1 tbsp. contains only 0.19 mg vitamin E and 1.8 mcg vitamin K. Sesame seeds in their whole form, however, contain larger amounts of nutrients, with 88 mg calcium, 32 mg magnesium, 42 mg potassium and 9 mcg folate. Lose Weight. Feel Great!Change your life with My Plate by LIVE STRONG . COMGOALGENDER AGEWEIGHT HEIGHTGET MY CALORIE GOALYOU MIGHT ALSO LIKEFat Content of Sesame Seeds Coconut Oil and Belly Fat Is Sesame Oil a Bad Fat? What Does Sesame Oil Do Topically to the Eye Skin Area? Can Coconut Oil Clog Arteries? List of Foods Containing Vegetable Fat Is Cottonseed Oil Healthy? Canola Oil Vs. Sunflower Oil Are Sesame Sticks Healthy? Comparison of Sesame Oil & Olive Oil What Is the Nutritional Difference Between Hulled & Unhulled Sesame Seeds? Is Soybean Oil Good or Bad for You? List of Foods With Lipids Monounsaturated Fat Vs. Polyunsaturated Fat List of Foods That Are High in Saturated Fat and Trans Fatty Acids Adverse Effects of Palm Oil Are Japanese Rice Crackers Healthy? How to Replace Butter for Olive Oil Is Flaxseed Oil or Olive Oil Better? What Are the Health Benefits of Margarine vs. Butter? No. Even in a nebula the gasses are absurdly sparse, and not even within several orders of magnitude of the density we'd need to breathe. And that's assuming it's pure oxygen, which it obviously wouldn't be. Separation barrier populated Free Zone. The Berlin Wall was a barrier that divided Berlin from 1961 to 1989, constructed by the German Democratic Republic (GDR, East Germany) starting on 13 August 1961, that completely cut off (by land) West Berlin from surrounding East Germany and from East Berlin until it was opened in November 1989. Its demolition officially began on 13 June 1990 and was completed in 1992. The barrier included guard towers placed along large concrete walls, which circumscribed a wide area (later known as the "death strip") that contained anti-vehicle trenches, "fakir beds" and other defenses. The Eastern Bloc claimed Well you can accumulate a voltage of between [1000 and 10000 volts](_URL_0_) with static electricity and most electric fly swatters have a voltage of 1500 volts or less, so I would assume it is safe to say that a fly could be killed with a static charge. Sapir-Whorf hypothesis We control what you think with Language Said and done Champagne socialist Conservative correctness Constructed language Esperanto (Esperanto)Heaven OLiterature Novlangue Polygenesis WASPJargon, buzzwords, slogans Alt-right glossary IBGYBGManosphere glossary Mass immigration Misandry Social justice warrior Technobabble The powers that be WOMBATv - t - e The high school yearbook of society Sociology Memorable cliques Appropriate technology Conflict theory Ethnic cleansing Social constructionism Wilderness therapy World report on violence and health Class projects Hip-hop Journalism Marriage Pan-Arabism Religion Romav - t - e The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, more accurately referred to as linguistic relativity, posits that the language we use can influence and even control how we see the world, the categories we make, and the associations we make about those categories. On the one hand, it is a strong form of social constructionism. On the other hand, it has its origins in Romantic era ideas of national mysticism, in which languages were thought to embody a Volksgeist, a "national spirit" and identity of the people who spoke them. [1] The hypothesis asserts that aspects of language, including not only the ideas specified in its lexicon, but even technical details such as the ways it uses to specify grammatical tenses and its use of copulas, all create a complex gestalt or world view that can only be imperfectly translated to another language. Contents [ hide ]1 Weak and strong2 Popular incarnations2.1 Eskimo snow3 See also4 External links5 Notes Weak and strong [ edit]It comes in two forms, the weak hypothesis and strong hypothesis, although this distinction originates with neither Sapir nor Whorf. [2] The strong version states that language influences how we think and allows us particular modes of thought, creating our cognitive categories which in turn control cognitive processes. This is also referred to as linguistic determinism. The weak version states that our linguistic categories merely influence our thoughts, but do not create or control the cognitive processes, or restrict certain thoughts because the language terms do not exist (as in Newspeak). There is no hard and fast boundary between the "weak" and "strong" versions of linguistic relativity; they merely open up debate as to the strength of the effect language has on thought processes. Most research into language disfavours the strongest formulations of the idea, and so remaining controversies are as to the scale extent that language does influence thought and whether experimental observations can be explained by other cultural factors. Popular incarnations [ edit]The limitation of thought and action by the control of language is the principle behind George Orwell's " Newspeak ." As Orwell explains in the appendix to Nineteen Eighty-Four :“”...a heretical thought - that is, a thought diverging from the principles of Ing Soc - should be literally unthinkable, at least so far as thought is dependent on words. The principles of Newspeak relied on strong linguistic relativity, which does not have much empirical support as being the case. Concepts and thought are not controlled and limited by language, but they are influenced for instance in the naming of colours, language plays a key part in what colours people can describe in a single word and research suggests an order in which they are prioritised. All languages at least have words for "black" and "white", but purple and pink are often left indescribable until the language is given more terms to describe colours. This doesn't mean that the very concept of those distinct colours is impossible to think about, as the strong Sapir-Whorf hypothesis may seem to suggest. A language can always name colors for which it lacks specific terms with compounds or words for objects bearing that color (just as crayon manufacturers come up with names like orange-red and cornflower). A few languages, like the Pirahã language, lack specific words for anything besides light and dark, but far from being unable to v Kenning: Poems & Examples Instructions: Choose an answer and hit 'next'. You will receive your score and answers at the end.question 1 of 3A kenning is a...metaphorical representationpoetic meterdramatic monologuemetrical foot Next Can stress cause a light period? Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy Can stress cause a light period? Hmm.. I waws a virgin and had sex on my period. The guy used the pull out method. ha! My period came on time but was very light and only lasted two or three days. I have been under alot of stress and had the flu the past 4 days. Could this cause the light period or am I pregnant? Update: p.s. I took 3 home pregnancy tests and they were all negative. Follow 5 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: stress can do alot to a person. if you had sex on your period then chances are your not!! having all this plus the flu has probably just really backed you up!! wait and see what your next period is like hon!!! you should be safe!!! how bout thinking about birth control now!!!!!! !sherry s · 1 decade ago1 0 Comment Stress can cause your periods to be light , heavy or just not show up at all.... Go to a clinic or doctor to make 100% sure your not pregnant ( that will help with the stress) and next time be smart and protect yourself ( don't depend on any method that a guy tells you ) it's your body besides getting pregnant you can end up with alot of other problems ..... Good Luckvickie b · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment Stress can cause several things to happen to your period. It can make it lighter, heavier, possibly even miss your period. When your bodies balance gets upset it can mess with you several ways. Regulation of menstrual periods is controlled by a complex hormonal balance. Likewise, the body's reaction to stress involves changes in the levels of many hormones. Because it affects hormone balance and many other processes in the body, psychological stress can also interfere with the menstrual cycle. In fact, stress is considered to be a common cause of missed or late menstrual periods.christopher · 2 years ago0 0 Commentyes stress can cause a late period i would go to the dr or a health department if you have one where you live. just to make sure sometimes the tests can lie. Source (s):mother of a 7 month old and 5 months pregnantloveshane_1 · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment I dunno... stress usually throws off my cycle considerably. I think it varies by the person. Industrial Girl86 · 1 decade ago0 0 Comment Maybe you would like to learn more about one of these? Masters of marketing online Need an electronic signature? Want to build your own website? Looking for a new chandelier? Alabama Code Title 28. Intoxicating Liquor, Malt Beverages, and Wine § 28-1-5 Alabama Code Title 28. Intoxicating Liquor, Malt Beverages, and Wine § 28-1-5. Search Code of Alabama. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 26-1-1, it shall be unlawful for a person less than 21 years of age to purchase, consume, possess, or to transport any alcohol, liquor or malt or brewed beverages within the State of Alabama. 10 Strangest Endurance Contests 10 Strangest Endurance Contests March 28, 2014 by Steve Moramarco Cateogory: Misc68,912 views1 Ferret-Legging 5 Hours 30 Minutes Is that a ferret in your trousers or are you just happy to see me? Why oh why would you put a live ferret down your pants? Because you are a contestant in a Ferret-Legging contest! This “sport” was thought to have been started by coal miners in 1970s Yorkshire, England who apparently were gluttons for punishment. The goal is simple enough: keep the ferret – who has not been defanged or declawed – in your trousers for as long as you can. From 2003-2009 the unusual endurance event took place in Richmond, Virginia and the longest time is 5 hours 30 minutes. Watch some competitors below:ferret in your trousers Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 2:47Source Photo2 Living 23 Days in a Trash-Filled Ford Ranger Sritharan Amordalingam recently won an unusual endurance contest which took place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. On Feb 25, 2014, four people climbed into a new Ford Ranger, albeit one filled with trash. It was a contest sponsored by radio station hitz fm called “Ford: Live In It To Win It." Contestants had to remain in the car without showering, air conditioning, or being able to move about in the vehicle (but thankfully they were allowed a 15-minute bathroom break every 3 hours. )Twenty-three days later, Sritharan was the only one left in the hot, smelly car, and he drove away the prize. Source Photo15 Scariest Looking People That Actually Exist CNN Refuses To Show This Hillary Video. Click Here To Watch13 Brutal Wedding Night Photos Shared By Husband?3 Touching a Truck for 77 Hours Image from the documentary Hands on a Hardbody It sounds so easy. Just touch something as long as you can, in this case a truck, but as the minutes, hours, and even days slip away, it becomes extremely difficult to stay awake with your hands on the hood. The most famous event was called “Hands on a Hardbody” and first began in 1992, at a Nissan dealer in Texas (a Hardbody is a type of Nissan truck). Participants were allowed a 5-minute break every hour and 15 minutes every six; that competition lasted 87 hours. In 1995, the now-annual event was the subject of a documentary of the same name, this time lasting 77 hours. The film became a cult classic and spawned a Broadway musical. Famed director Robert Altman was rumored to be working on a fictional adaptation before he died. In 2005, one contestant, Richard Vega, dropped out after 48 hours, then walked across the street, stole a gun and killed himself. His wife sued the dealership, accusing them of “brainwashing” contestants, causing them to temporarily go insane. The matter was settled out of court for an undisclosed sum and the contest was discontinued. Source 1, Source 2 Photo4 5,152 Hour Dance Marathon The final four couples from that record-breaking marathon During the Great Depression of the 1930s, dance marathons were extremely popular in the United States as people needed money and (presumably) had a lot of free time. These took place in ballrooms across the country and were quite the spectacle. They all had different rules for breaks, but the longest one on record for that period was won by Mike Ritof and Edith Boudreaux who somehow slow-danced from August 29, 1930, to April 1, 1931 for a total of 5,5152 hours. For their efforts they took home a $2000 (worth about $28,000 today). Eventually, dance marathons were banned in the US. Here's one from 1931 Chicago: Dance Marathon (c.1931) Chicago Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 5:15Source Photo5 Longest Kissing Contest: 58 Hours 35 Minutes, 58 Seconds The kissing couple on the way to the bathroom On Valentine's Day 2013 a new Guinness World Record was achieved for longest kissing contest. Ekkachai and Laksana Tiranarat from Bankok won the record wit - 1 Have the equivalent of at least two years clinical experience as a dentist. 2 Complete an accredited three year full-time university degree in orthodontics. 3 Be registered as a Specialist in Orthodontics. 43 Tips On How To Get Rid Of Plaque In Arteries & Veins Naturally 1 Leg pain refers to any kind of pain that occurs between the heels and the pelvis. 2 Many causes of leg pain are obvious, such as injury after an accident. Leg pain can have less obvious causes, such as peripheral artery disease. How Long to Keep Records for Business Taxes How Long to Keep Records for Business Taxes The length of time you need to keep records depends on the action or expense each document records. You may need to hold on to some records permanently, but typically for business taxes, you only need to keep records supporting income or deductions on a return until the period of limitations for that return is up. The period of limitations is the time-span you can amend a tax return to get credit or a refund. Even if you no longer need records for tax purposes, you may still decide to keep them, as other organizations may require them. Get started Ask a Lawyer a Question You'll hear back in one business day. Here are some of the standard limitation periods on tax-related documents, according to the IRS: If you owe additional taxes, keep records for 3 years If you do not report income that should have been reported, and it exceeds 25% of the gross income on your return, keep records for 6 years If you file a fraudulent return, keep records indefinitely If you do not file a return, keep records indefinitely If you file a claim for credit or refund after filing your return, keep records for 3 years from the filing of the original return If you file a claim for a loss due to bad debt deduction or worthless securities, keep records for 7 years Keep all employment records for at least 4 years after the tax is due or paid Some business records should be kept permanently: Audit reports and charts of accounts Canceled checks for important payments Records of capital stocks and bonds Cash books Contracts and leases still in effect Legal correspondence Deeds, mortgages, bills of sale End of year financial statements Insurance records Minutes, bylaws and charters Property appraisals and records State and federal income tax returns Trademark registrations Other records are commonly kept only up to seven years: Accident reports and claims Ledgers and schedules for accounts payable and receivable Bank statements Most canceled checks Expired contracts and leases Product, material and supply inventory Customer and vendor invoices Ledger and schedules for notes receivable Option records Payroll account records Purchase orders Sales records Canceled stock and bond certificates Vouchers For more information about business taxes, go to Get started Ask a Lawyer a Question You'll hear back in one business day. This article contains general legal information and does not contain legal advice. Rocket Lawyer is not a law firm or a substitute for an attorney or law firm. The law is complex and changes often. For legal advice, please ask a lawyer. SHARE THIS ARTICLE This comment is not toxic. Delete a reminder. Battle of Reims (1814) heavy casualties and the defeats at Craonne and Laon. According to the historian F.W.O. Maycock, success at Reims was, "surely one of the greatest triumphs of [Napoleon's] remarkable career, and speaks volumes for his powers as a leader of men". Napoleon once again interposed between the forces of Blücher and Schwarzenberg, putting him in position to move on the latter's line of communications. Battle of Reims (1814) The Battle of Reims (12–13 March 1814) was fought at Reims, France between an Imperial French army commanded by Emperor Napoleon and a combined Russian-Prussian corps led by General Emmanuel de Saint-Priest. On Electromagnet From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search For a broader coverage related to this topic, see Electromagnetism. A simple electromagnet consisting of a coil of wire wrapped around an iron core. A core of ferromagnetic material like iron serves to increase the magnetic field created. [1] The strength of magnetic field generated is proportional to the amount of current through the winding. [1]Magnetic field produced by a solenoid (coil of wire). This drawing shows a cross section through the center of the coil. The crosses are wires in which current is moving into the page; the dots are wires in which current is moving up out of the page. An electromagnet is a type of magnet in which the magnetic field is produced by an electric current. The magnetic field disappears when the current is turned off. Electromagnets usually consist of wire wound into a coil. A current through the wire creates a magnetic field which is concentrated in the hole in the center of the coil. The wire turns are often wound around a magnetic core made from a ferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic material such as iron; the magnetic core concentrates the magnetic flux and makes a more powerful magnet. The main advantage of an electromagnet over a permanent magnet is that the magnetic field can be quickly changed by controlling the amount of electric current in the winding. However, unlike a permanent magnet that needs no power, an electromagnet requires a continuous supply of current to maintain the magnetic field. Electromagnets are widely used as components of other electrical devices, such as motors, generators, electromechanical solenoids, relays, loudspeakers, hard disks, MRI machines, scientific instruments, and magnetic separation equipment. Electromagnets are also employed in industry for picking up and moving heavy iron objects such as scrap iron and steel. [2]Contents [ hide ]1 History2 Uses of electromagnets3 Simple solenoid4 Physics4.1 Ampere's law4.2 Magnetic core4.3 Magnetic circuit – the constant B field approximation4.4 Magnetic field created by a current4.5 Force exerted by magnetic field4.6 Closed magnetic circuit4.7 Force between electromagnets5 Side effects5.1 Ohmic heating5.2 Inductive voltage spikes5.3 Lorentz forces5.4 Core losses6 High field electromagnets6.1 Superconducting electromagnets6.2 Bitter electromagnets6.3 Explosively pumped flux compression7 Definition of terms8 See also9 References10 External links History [ edit]Sturgeon's electromagnet, 1824 One of Henry's electromagnets that could lift hundreds of pounds, 1830s Closeup of a large Henry electromagnet Danish scientist Hans Christian Ørsted discovered in 1820 that electric currents create magnetic fields. British scientist William Sturgeon invented the electromagnet in 1824. [3] [4] His first electromagnet was a horseshoe-shaped piece of iron that was wrapped with about 18 turns of bare copper wire ( insulated wire didn't exist yet). The iron was varnished to insulate it from the windings. When a current was passed through the coil, the iron became magnetized and attracted other pieces of iron; when the current was stopped, it lost magnetization. Sturgeon displayed its power by showing that although it only weighed seven ounces (roughly 200 grams), it could lift nine pounds (roughly 4 kilos) when the current of a single-cell battery was applied. However, Sturgeon's magnets were weak because the uninsulated wire he used could only be wrapped in a single spaced out layer around the core, limiting the number of turns. Beginning in 1830, US scientist Joseph Henry systematically improved and popularized the electromagnet. [5] [6] By using wire insulated by silk thread, and inspired by Schweigger 's use of multiple turns of wire to make a galvanometer, [7] he was able to wind multiple layers of wire on cores, creating powerful magnets with thousands of turns of wire, including one that could support 2,063 lb (936 kg). The first major use for electromagnets was in telegraph sounders. The magnetic domain theory of how ferromagnetic cores work was first prop Ounces to Teaspoon Conversion (fl oz to tsp) Home » Volume Conversion » Ounces Ounces to Teaspoon Conversion (fl oz to tsp)Please enter ounces (fl oz) value of volume unit to convert ounces to teaspoon. Ounces (fl oz)↺Decimals1 fl oz = 6 tsp Facebook Google+ Twitter » Teaspoon to Ouncesfl oz: Ounces, tsp: Teaspoon How Many Teaspoon in a Ounce? There are 6 teaspoon in a ounce. 1 Ounce is equal to 6 Teaspoon. 1 fl oz = 6 tsp Ounces Definition Known as the US fluid ounce, the unit of volume for liquid substances is used as ounce in the US and other countries practicing the US Customary system. It is equals to approximately 1/8 of US cup, 1/16 of US pint, approximately 1.040842731 Imperial Fluid Ounces, 2 tablespoons or 6 teaspoons. The name ounce is derived from an old Latin word Onza, and the symbol adopted for this unit is fl oz. Convert Ounces Teaspoon Definition A teaspoon as a volume measuring unit is widely used in cooking, pharmaceutical medicine, and some other areas. A teaspoon is a very convenient unit of volume used since the middle of the 17 th century. It is roughly equal to 1/3 rd of a tablespoon, 1/48 th of a US cup, 1/3 rd of a cubic inch, or 5 m L. This unit can be abbreviated to tsp. Convert Teaspoon About fl oz to tsp Converter This is a very easy to use ounces to teaspoon converter . First of all just type the ounces (fl oz) value in the text field of the conversion form to start converting fl oz to tsp , then select the decimals value and finally hit convert button if auto calculation didn't work. Teaspoon value will be converted automatically as you type. The decimals value is the number of digits to be calculated or rounded of the result of ounces to teaspoon conversion. You can also check the ounces to teaspoon conversion chart below, or go back to ounces to teaspoon converter to top. Ounces to Teaspoon Conversion Examples1 fl oz = 6 Teaspoon Example for 0.25 Ounces: 0.25 Ounces = 0.25 (Ounces) 0.25 Ounces = 0.25 x (6 Teaspoon) 0.25 Ounces = 1.5 Teaspoon Example for 2 Ounces: 2 Ounces = 2 (Ounces) 2 Ounces = 2 x (6 Teaspoon) 2 Ounces = 12 Teaspoon Example for 1.4 Ounces: 1.4 Ounces = 1.4 (Ounces) 1.4 Ounces = 1.4 x (6 Teaspoon) 1.4 Ounces = 8.4 Teaspoon Ounces to Teaspoon Conversion Chart Ounces Teaspoon1 fl oz 6 tsp2 fl oz 12 tsp3 fl oz 18 tsp4 fl oz 24 tsp5 fl oz 30 tsp6 fl oz 36 tsp7 fl oz 42 tsp8 fl oz 48 tsp9 fl oz 54 tsp10 fl oz 60 tsp11 fl oz 66 tsp12 fl oz 72 tsp13 fl oz 78 tsp14 fl oz 84 tsp15 fl oz 90 tsp16 fl oz 96 tsp17 fl oz 102 tsp18 fl oz 108 tsp19 fl oz 114 tsp20 fl oz 120 tsp21 fl oz 126 tsp22 fl oz 132 tsp23 fl oz 138 tsp24 fl oz 144 tsp25 fl oz 150 tsp26 fl oz 156 tsp27 fl oz 162 tsp28 fl oz 168 tsp29 fl oz 174 tsp30 fl oz 180 tsp31 fl oz 186 tsp32 fl oz 192 tsp33 fl oz 198 tsp34 fl oz 204 tsp35 fl oz 210 tsp36 fl oz 216 tsp37 fl oz 222 tsp38 fl oz 228 tsp39 fl oz 234 tsp40 fl oz 240 tsp41 fl oz 246 tsp42 fl oz 252 tsp43 fl oz 258 tsp44 fl oz 264 tsp45 fl oz 270 tsp46 fl oz 276 tsp47 fl oz 282 tsp48 fl oz 288 tsp49 fl oz 294 tsp50 fl oz 300 tsp Ounces Teaspoon50 fl oz 300 tsp55 fl oz 330 tsp60 fl oz 360 tsp65 fl oz 390 tsp70 fl oz 420 tsp75 fl oz 450 tsp80 fl oz 480 tsp85 fl oz 510 tsp90 fl oz 540 tsp95 fl oz 570 tsp100 fl oz 600 tsp105 fl oz 630 tsp110 fl oz 660 tsp115 fl oz 690 tsp120 fl oz 720 tsp125 fl oz 750 tsp130 fl oz 780 tsp135 fl oz 810 tsp140 fl oz 840 tsp145 fl oz 870 tsp150 fl oz 900 tsp155 fl oz 930 tsp160 fl oz 960 tsp165 fl oz 990 tsp170 fl oz 1020 tsp175 fl oz 1050 tsp180 fl oz 1080 tsp185 fl oz 1110 tsp190 fl oz 1140 tsp195 fl oz 1170 tsp200 fl oz 1200 tsp205 fl oz 1230 tsp210 fl oz 1260 tsp215 fl oz 1290 tsp220 fl oz 1320 tsp225 fl oz 1350 tsp230 fl oz 1380 tsp235 fl oz 1410 tsp240 fl oz 1440 tsp245 fl oz 1470 tsp250 fl oz 1500 tsp255 fl oz 1530 tsp260 fl oz 1560 tsp265 fl oz 1590 tsp270 fl oz 1620 tsp275 fl oz 1650 tsp280 fl oz 1680 tsp285 fl oz 1710 tsp290 fl oz 1740 tsp295 fl oz 1770 tsp Ounces to Teaspoon Common Values1 fl oz = 6 tsp0.25 fl oz = 1.5 tsp2 fl oz = 12 tsp0.5 fl oz = 3 tsp3 fl oz = 18 tsp0.2 fl oz = 1.2 tsp8 fl oz = 48 tsp1.5 fl oz = 9 tsp0.1 fl In 1970, the New Haven Black Panther trials took place, the largest and longest trials in Connecticut history. Black Panther Party co-founder Bobby Seale and ten other Party members were tried for murdering an alleged informant. Beginning on May Day, the city became a center of protest for 12,000 Panther supporters, college students, and New Left activists (including Jean Genet, Benjamin Spock, Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, and John Froines), who amassed on the New Haven Green, across the street from where the trials were being held. Violent confrontations between the demonstrators and the New Haven police occurred, and several bombs were set off in the area by radicals. The event became a rallying point for the New Left and critics of the Nixon Administration. Wages have not kept pace with inflation since the late 1970's. If they had, minimum wage today would be around $20. productivity and corporate profits are higher than ever before, but that wealth has all been consolidated amongst the top .1% of earners. Because of this, it is no longer possible for most families to survive from one income. Here are some enlightening charts showing this data. Top earners wages have gone up 138% since 1979, while middle class wages only increased 6%. _URL_0_ George Washington Biography George Washington Biography. George Washington (1732–1799) was commander in chief of the American and French forces in the American Revolution (1775–83) and became the first president of the United States. George Washington was born at Bridges Creek (later known as Wakefield) in Westmoreland County, Virginia, on February 22, 1732. His father died when he was eleven years old, and the boy spent the next few years living in different households throughout Virginia. NYT Opinion: A Progressive Way to Replace Corporate Taxes Ohio and Erie Canal It is a four-mile (6 km) section within the village of Valley View comprising three locks, the Tinkers Creek Aqueduct, and two other structures. A remaining watered section of the Ohio & Erie Canal is located in Summit County, Ohio. The Ohio & Erie Canal is maintained, to this day, as a water supply for local industries. After the flood, a few sections of the canal continued in use hauling cargo to local industries. Fire and Ice (Hunter novel) Fire and Ice is a children's fantasy novel, the second book in the "Warriors" series, written by Kate Cary under the pen name of Erin Hunter. The plot centers around Fireheart and Graystripe, newly promoted warriors of ThunderClan, which is one of the four groups of feral cats living in the wilderness. Fireheart learns that his best friend Graystripe has fallen in love with Silverstream, a warrior from RiverClan, even though it is against the cats' "warrior code". Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young work in other groups (Crosby for the Byrds, Stills for Buffalo Springfield and Nash for the Hollies). Neil Young has also been inducted as a solo artist and as a member of Buffalo Springfield. Prior to the formation of CSN, each member of the band had belonged to another prominent group. David Crosby played guitar, sang and wrote songs with the Byrds; Stephen Stills had been a guitarist, keyboardist, vocalist and songwriter in the band Buffalo Springfield (which also featured Neil Young); and Graham Nash had been a guitarist, singer and songwriter with The Hollies. Due to internal friction, Crosby This comment is not toxic. Come & watch sport with the cape crew & our avid cape crusaders The Cape of Good Hope. A True Canalside Pub - The Grand Union Canal is just a few feet from the front door, adjacent to Cape top lock on the Grand Union Canal. Open All Day Every Day for Food & Drink from 11. Our full menu is available from 12 - 9:15pm. We love our Real Ales & won awards in Camra Pub of the Year 2016. NBC This Is Us Renewed for Season 2 By NBC. This Is Us Season 2 release date – Fall 2017; official date coming soon. Bookmark or keep this page handy so you don’t miss the return of This Is Us! About This Is Us. *This Is Us Season 1B release date - January 10, 2017 on NBC. NOTE: NBC has renewed This Is Us for TWO additional seasons (Season 2 and 3), to air Fall 2017 and Fall 2018, respectively. Sometimes life will surprise you. What is BASE PAIRING RULE? What is BASE PAIRING RULE? A rule which states that DNA from any cell should have a 1:1 ratio of pyrimidine and purine bases: amount of guanine should be equal to the amount of cytosine and the amount of adenine should be equal to the amount of thymine. This pattern refers to both strands of the DNA. Kristen Stewart Kristen Jaymes Stewart ( born ) is an American actress and model . Born in Los Angeles to parents working in show business , Stewart began her acting career in 1999 with uncredited roles and a minor character appearance in several films . She gained notice in 2002 for playing Jodie Foster 's daughter in the thriller Panic Room , which garnered her a Young Artist Award nomination for Best Leading Actress in a Feature Film . She went on to star in Speak ( 2004 ) , Catch That Kid ( 2004 ) , Zathura ( 2005 ) , and Into The Wild ( 2007 ) , for which she was nominated for a Screen Actors Guild Award . She received widespread recognition in 2008 for playing Bella Swan in The Twilight Saga film series ( 2008 -- 12 ) , which grossed over $ 3.3 billion worldwide . Stewart has appeared in a wide variety of films , including Adventureland ( 2009 ) , The Runaways ( 2010 ) , Snow White and the Huntsman ( 2012 ) , On the Road ( 2012 ) , Camp X-Ray ( 2014 ) , Still Alice ( 2014 ) and Equals ( 2015 ) . She won the BAFTA Rising Star Award in 2010 and was awarded the Milan International Film Festival Award for Best Actress in 2011 for Welcome to the Rileys ( 2010 ) . In 2015 , she received critical acclaim for her role opposite Juliette Binoche in Clouds of Sils Maria , for which she won a multitude of accolades , including the César Award for Best Supporting Actress , making her the first American actress to win a César Award . She starred in Personal Shopper ( 2016 ) , written for her by director Olivier Assayas , who had worked with her in the previous film . Stewart was listed as the highest-earning female actress in the Vanity Fair `` Hollywood Top Earners List of 2010 , '' with an estimated earning of $ 28.5 million . In 2011 , she was named number one on Forbes list of `` Hollywood 's Best Actors for the Buck . '' Forbes also named her as the highest paid actress in 2012 , with total earnings of $ 34.5 million . She is the `` face '' of Chanel and Balenciaga fashion brands . Baker job Description On average, bakers make around $11.50 per hour. Bakers usually start working very early in the morning, and most bakers get their careers started with apprenticeships.n average, bakers make around $11.50 per hour. Bakers usually start working very early in the morning, and most bakers get their careers started with apprenticeships. What are the functions of the hypodermis?® is making the world better one answer at a time. The hypodermis (subcutaneous layer, or superficial fascia) lies between the dermis and underlying tissues and organs. It consists of mostly adipose tissue and is the storage site of most body fat. It serves to fasten the skin to the underlying surface, provides thermal insulation, and absorbs shocks from impacts to the skin. John Cena John Felix Anthony Cena Jr. ( -LSB- ˈsiːnə -RSB- born April 23 , 1977 ) is an American professional wrestler , rapper , actor , and reality television show host . He is signed to WWE , where he performs on the SmackDown brand . Cena started his professional wrestling career in 1999 with Ultimate Pro Wrestling ( UPW ) and won the UPW Heavyweight Championship the following year . Cena signed a developmental contract with the World Wrestling Federation ( WWF , later renamed to World Wrestling Entertainment , or simply WWE ) in 2001 , debuting on the WWE main roster in 2002 . From a generic character in 2002 , Cena morphed into a rapper for the time period of 2002 -- 2004 , which earned him fame within the audience on SmackDown ! . Cena later transitioned to his current character , which he describes as a `` goody-two shoes Superman '' . However , Cena has been labeled as the `` most polarizing professional wrestler ever '' as his character has many supporters and many detractors , according to Jim Ross of Fox Sports , who also noted that Cena has been WWE 's franchise player for a long-time . In 2012 , IGN described Cena as WWE 's franchise player since 2005 and WWE credited Cena as being the `` face of WWE '' in 2015 since 2004 . Industry veterans John Layfield , Paul Heyman , and Kurt Angle have called Cena the greatest WWE star of all time . Throughout his WWE career , Cena has won 25 championships , with 16 reigns as a world champion ( 13 times as WWE Champion and three times as WWE 's World Heavyweight Champion ) , an accomplishment only previously achieved by WWE Hall of Famer Ric Flair . He is also a five-time United States Champion , and four-time world tag team champion ( two World Tag Team and two WWE Tag Team ) . Furthermore , he is a Money in the Bank ladder match winner ( 2012 ) , a two-time Royal Rumble winner ( 2008 , 2013 ) , and a three-time Superstar of the Year Slammy Award winner ( 2009 , 2010 , 2012 ) . Cena has the fourth-highest number of combined days as WWE Champion , behind Bruno Sammartino , Bob Backlund , and Hulk Hogan . He has also headlined WWE 's flagship event , WrestleMania , on five different occasions ( WrestleManias 22 , 23 , XXVII , XXVIII , and 29 ) over the course of his career , as well as many others pay-per-view events . As of 2016 , John Cena is WWE 's highest-paid wrestler . Outside of wrestling , Cena has released the rap album You Ca n't See Me , which debuted at No. 15 on the US Billboard 200 chart , and starred in the feature films The Marine ( 2006 ) , 12 Rounds ( 2009 ) , Legendary ( 2010 ) , The Reunion ( 2011 ) , Trainwreck ( 2015 ) , and Sisters ( 2015 ) . Cena has also made appearances on television shows including Manhunt , Deal or No Deal , MADtv , Saturday Night Live , Punk 'd , Psych , and Parks and Recreation . He was also a contestant on Fast Cars and Superstars : The Gillette Young Guns Celebrity Race , where he made it to the final round before being eliminated , placing third in the overall competition . Cena is also the host of American Grit on Fox . Cena is involved in numerous philanthropic causes ; most notably with the Make-A-Wish Foundation . He has granted the most wishes in Make-A-Wish history . How many years are in a century? 4 centuries is 400 years and a leap year occurs every 4 years, therefore 100 leap years will occur in 4 centuries. 365*300 + 366*100 = 146100 days 1440 minutes in 1 day …1440*146100 = 210384000 minutes in 400 years. US Want: Bad Company 2; Have: some games. This may be difficult, but I'm still hopeful! - Assassin's Creed II - Dead Rising - Fable II - Gears of War 1 - Gears of War 2 - The Godfather 2 - Grand Theft Auto IV - Mass Effect 1 - Modern Warfare 1 - Modern Warfare 2 - Oblivion (regular edition) - The Orange Box - Viva Pinata Totally willing to do a two-fer, since I know my games are mostly outdated. Lemme know! What is the difference D3 datum vs. data? Analytical chemistry focuses on the chemical Analytical chemistry focuses on the chemical SCHOOLBrighton High COURSE TITLECHEMISTRY 11-BTYPEHomework Help UPLOADED BYnaynay980PAGES 4This preview shows pages 2–4. Sign up to view the full content. View Full Document Analytical chemistry focuses on the chemical composition and function of matter. Analytical chemists are concerned with reaction rates and levels of chemicals in differenttypes of matter. For example, an analytical chemist might test a patient's blood toinvestigate how a medication is working. An illustration shows a person giving blood. A medical professional puts pressure on theneedle while blood flows into a blood bag. The last branch of chemistry, physical chemistry, deals with the behavior of chemicalsubstances. Physical chemists might test factors that affect breathing rate duringexercise. A photograph shows a person jogging. Although chemistry is subdivided into five distinct categories, none of the branches arecompletely independent of one another. For example, an organic chemist might depend This preview has intentionally blurred sections. Sign up to view the full version. View Full Documenton the work of an analytical chemist to understand the composition of a substance thatshe is studying. The concept map showing the five areas of chemistry—physical chemistry, biochemistry,inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, and analytical chemistry—is displayed again. Now respond to the following question. Rev i ew Question is displayed with answer choices. Question text: Which branch of chemistry is most likely to involve the study of the Earth’s crust? Answer choices:a) inorganic chemistry.b) organic chemistry.c) physical chemistry. Pause your reader to answer the question. The correct answer is: a) inorganic chemistry. Not only are there five different types of chemistry, there are also two differentapproaches to chemistry: pure chemistry and applied chemistry. Scientists who try toanswer questions about the world around them use applied chemistry. There is a directapplication for what they are researching. This is the end of the preview. Sign up to access the rest of the document. TERM Winter '15PROFESSOR TAGSChemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Chemistry, Notes,Report View Full Document Most Popular Documents from Brighton High4 pages Chemistry radiisotopes Brighton High CHEMISTRY 11-B - Winter 2015Anna Mikhailova chemistry HH L6 USES OF RADIO ISOTOPES Radioisotopes are used in nucl Chemistry radiisotopes6 pages9702_s05_ms_2Brighton High PHYSICS physics a- - Fall 2013w w ap e P m e tr . X w UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS om .c s er G9702_s05_ms_26 pages9702_s05_ms_5Brighton High PHYSICS physics a- - Fall 20139702_s05_ms_524 pages9702_s05_qp_6Brighton High PHYSICS physics a- - Fall 20139702_s05_qp_616 pages9702_s06_qp_2Brighton High PHYSICS physics a- - Fall 20139702_s06_qp_25 pages9702_s07_ms_4Brighton High PHYSICS physics a- - Fall 20139702_s07_ms_4Study on the go Download the i OS app Download the Android app Other Related Materials28 pageschapter01Texas A&MCHEMISTRY 101 - Fall 2015CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Chemistry Chemistry is a science that is central to our livchapter01184 pages178658158-General-Chemistry-pdf Bronx Community College CHEMISTRY 11 - Spring 201510/24/13 General Chemistry/Print version - Wikibooks, open books for an open world Ge178658158-General-Chemistry-pdf855 pages Introductory Chemistry Bronx Community College CHEMISTRY 11 - Spring 2015This text was adapted by The Saylor Foundation under a Creative Commons Attribution-NIntroductory Chemistry2 pages Biochemistry is the study of the processes that take place in is focused on the Idaho City High School CHEMISTRY engineer - Spring 2014Name Date Class CHEMISTRY Section Review Objectives Identify five traditional areas HC Ch1 S1W149 pagesgeneral do not contain carbon is called inorganic chemistry Many inorganic Middletown H S North SCIENCE 101 - Spring 20161.1 The Scope of Chemistry > Chapter 1 Introduction to Chemistry 1.1 The Scope of Che CHEM12_C01_L1_LO397 pageschemistry How do I teach myself how to fight? Vyt Bakaitis Vyt Bakaitis (born 1940) is an American translator, editor, and poet born in Lithuania and living in New York City. His first collection of poetry "City Country" (1991) was followed by "Deliberate Proof" (2010). Thirst, the magazine he co-edited with Benjamin Sloan, lasted only a few issues, but his translations of Lithuanian poetry are significant; particularly the 20th-century anthology "Breathing Free" (2001), which he also edited. Three additional volumes he translated from the Lithuanian are by contemporary poets Jonas Mekas and Julius Keleras. He was married to the late artist Sharon Gilbert. prostration definition : prostration Prostration is the placement of the body in a reverentially or submissively prone position as a gesture. Typically prostration is distinguished from the lesser acts of bowing or kneeling by involving a part of the body above the knee touching the ground, especially the hands. Major world religions employ prostration as an act of submissiveness or worship to a supreme being or other worshiped entities (i.e. God or the gods), as in the sajdah of the Islamic prayer, salat, or to show reverence to persons or other elements of the religion. In various cultures and traditions, prostrations are similarly used to show respect to rulers, civil authorities and social elders or superiors, as in the Chinese kowtow or Ancient Persian proskynesis. The act has often traditionally been an important part of religious, civil and traditional rituals and ceremonies, and remains in use in many cultures.==Traditional religious practices==Many religious institutions (listed alphabetically below) use prostrations to embody the lowering, submitting or relinquishing of the individual ego before a greater spiritual power or presence.===Baha'i Faith=== In the Bahá'í Faith, prostrations are performed as a part of one of the alternatives of obligatory prayer (the "Long" one) and in the case of traveling, a prostration is performed in place of each missed obligatory prayer in addition to saying "Glorified be God, the Lord of Might and Majesty, of Grace and Bounty". However, if unable to do so, saying "Glorified be God" is sufficient. There are specifics about where the prostration can take place including, "God hath granted you leave to prostrate yourselves on any surface that is clean..." (note #10) and "He also condemns such practices as prostrating oneself before another person and other forms of behaviour that abase one individual in relation to another". (note #57)===Buddhism===In Buddhism, prostrations are commonly used and the various stages of the physical movement are traditionally counted in threes and related to the Triple Gem, consisting of: * the Awakened One (Sanskrit/Pali: Buddha) (in this meaning, to own potential) * his teaching (Sanskrit: Dharma; Pali: Dhamma ) * his community ( Sangha) of noble disciples ( ariya-savaka ). In addition, different schools within Buddhism use prostrations in various ways, such as the Tibetan tantric preliminary practice of a 100,000 prostrations as a means of overcoming pride (see Ngöndro). Tibetan pilgrims often progress by prostrating themselves fully at each step, then moving forward as they get up, in such a way that they have lain on their face on each part of their route. Each three paces involves a full prostration; the number three is taken to refer to the Triple Gem. This is often done round a stupa, and in an extremely arduous pilgrimage, Mount Kailash is circumnavigated entirely by this method, which takes about four weeks to complete the 52 kilometre route. It is also not unusual to see pilgrims prostrating all the way from their home to Lhasa, sometimes a distance of over 2000 km, the process taking up to two years to complete.===Christianity=== In Christianity, the Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Anglican churches use full prostrations, lying flat on the floor face down, during the imposition of Holy Orders, Religious Profession and the Consecration of Virgins. Additionally, in the Roman Catholic Church at the beginning of the Good Friday Liturgy, the celebrating priest and the deacon prostrate themselves in front of the altar. Dominican practice on Good Friday services in priory churches includes prostration by all friars in the aisle of the church. In the Roman Catholic and Anglican churches, partial prostrations ("profound bows") can be used in place of genuflections for those who are unable to genuflect. The prostration is always performed before God, and in the case of holy orders, profession or consecration the candidates prostrate themselves in front of the altar which is a symbol of Christ. Lesser prostrations, lit., "low bows" ( zemnoy pok Through the Wormhole Through the Wormhole is an American science documentary television series narrated and hosted by American actor Morgan Freeman. It began airing on Science in the United States on June 9, 2010. The series concluded its run on May 16, 2017. - A Chief Engineer earns an average salary of £59,638 per year.Most people in this job have more than five years' experience in related jobs. Chief Engineer earns an average salary of £59,638 per year. Most people in this job have more than five years' experience in related jobs. What Is an English Roast? An English roast is a cut of beef taken from the shoulder. It is a cut traditionally roasted for Sunday dinner in England. Beef shoulder is the same as beef chuck. All rain helps for any drought, goes without saying. However, with the years of impact with this major drought, it will take years of normal rain & snow pact to replenish back to "normal". Snow pact up in the Sierra's is main factor in supplying with water. Even in best of seasons, it can be stressful what with never ending demands continuing to grow with population & agriculture expansions. Well folks, there's only so much to go around, isn't there. California has down the through the ages been known to have dry times & wet times. Water. That precious commodity should be used sparingly no matter what. Just because it's raining cats & dogs now, it may dry up again at any time. "1,549 Cumulative Reported Domestic Well Failures (an increase of 1 from previous report) as of January 3, 2017", in Tulare Co, a major agri. county. ... _URL_0_ But, everyone seems to have to have green lawns and wash their damn car every weekend. grrr. Whigham, Georgia Whigham, Georgia. Whigham is a city in Grady County, Georgia, United States. The population was 471 at the 2010 census, down from 631 in 2000. SDK (source development kits), modding tools, 3D design tools, audio production software and many other means. To explain it in detail would overwhelm you. Online market research: Methods, benefits and issues â Part 1 Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice April 2011, Volume 12, Issue 4 , pp 315–327 | Cite as Online market research: Methods, benefits and issues — Part 1Authors Authors and affiliations Pete Comley Email author Jon Beaumont Pete Comley1Email author Jon Beaumont11. Virtual Surveys Ltd, Faulkner House Manchester UKPaper First Online: 27 April 2011700Downloads2Citations Abstract This paper is an update of one written in 2002, when online surveys had made a significant impact on research in the USA, but were yet to take hold in Europe and elsewhere. This latest paper — part 1 of 2 — describes how online market research has now become a de facto methodology for many organizations. It describes the key drivers for growth of online access panels, plus the benefits, issues and applications of the other main quantitative research tools and techniques, including online surveys, river sampling, client panels and databases, and website visitor surveys. Part 2, to be published in the next issue of JDDDMP, will describe developments in qualitative online market research. Keywordsonline surveys panels communities research quantitative Download article PDFCite article How to cite?. RISPapers Reference Manager Ref Works Zotero. ENWEnd Note. BIBBib Te XJab Ref Mendeley Introduction The online market research landscape: Then and now Quantitative online market research Concluding comments — Part 1References and Notes Copyright information At Home: A Short History of Private Life credited in the ample bibliography". At Home: A Short History of Private Life At Home: A Short History of Private Life is a history of domestic life written by Bill Bryson. It was published in May 2010. The book covers topics of the commerce, architecture, technology and geography that have shaped homes into what they are today, told through a series of "tours" through Bryson's Norfolk rectory that quickly digress into the history of each particular room. This chapter starts with Joseph Paxton's Crystal Palace at the Great Exhibition of 1851 and all the difficulties and problems needed to overcome The regulations forbid embedding non-edible things inside food. While banning bits of plastic in chocolate bars is a good idea in general, it also catches kinder eggs. The legal versions have a ridge on the plastic capsule which sticks out of the chocolate, like [this](_URL_0_). Legally, it's now two pieces of chocolate on the sides of a piece of plastic, not a piece of plastic embedded in a piece of chocolate. What is the point of (Compactness theorem in the) Overspill principle? How You Can Nurture A Culture Of Wellness To truly make a difference in your employees’ wellness and sustain those results, an employer needs to create a culture of wellness. A culture of wellness will make health a part of your company’s mission and empower employees to get healthier, happier and more productive by creating healthy habits. Send a message. Nanda Devi National Park Nanda Devi National Park The Nanda Devi National Park or Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve, established in 1982 , is a national park situated around the peak of Nanda Devi (7816 m) in the state of Uttarakhand in northern India. The entire park lies at an elevation of more than above mean sea level. The National Park was inscribed a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1988. The latter was expanded and renamed to Nanda Devi and Valley of Flowers National Parks in 2005. Within the National Park lies the "Nanda Devi Sanctuary", a glacial basin surrounded by a ring of In turn, according to Kozinski's analysis, the contemporary rule of binding precedent became possible in the U.S. in the nineteenth century only after the creation of a clear court hierarchy (under the Judiciary Acts), and the beginning of regular verbatim publication of U.S. appellate decisions by West Publishing. The rule gradually developed, case-by-case, as an extension of the judiciary's public policy of effective judicial administration (that is, in order to efficiently exercise the judicial power). The rule of precedent is generally justified today as a matter of public policy, first, as a matter of fundamental fairness, and second, because in the absence of case law, it would be completely unworkable for every minor issue in every legal case to be briefed, argued, and decided from first principles (such as relevant statutes, constitutional provisions, and underlying public policies), which in turn would create hopeless inefficiency, instability, and unpredictability, and thereby undermine the rule of law. Bağcılar Olympic Sport Hall thin-shell structures rising up through it. Bağcılar Olympic Sport Hall Bağcılar Olympic Sport Hall () is a multi-purpose indoor sports complex with Olympic standards located in Bağcılar district of Istanbul, Turkey. Its construction began in 1998 and the sport hall was inaugurated on March 20, 2001 in presence of the Belgian action films actor and former martial arts sportsman Jean-Claude Van Damme. The sports complex is owned by the Metropolitan Municipality of Istanbul. The main hall of the building is suitable for sports events such as basketball, volleyball, badminton, wrestling, handball, tennis, gymnastics, weightlifting, boxing, martial arts, fencing, table tennis Weird coincidences are a mathematical certainty. Anything that happens to 1 in a million people today will happen to over 7 thousand people today. But to each of them, it will feel like a 1 in a million chance. Top 7 Companies Owned by Home Depot (HD) Top 7 Companies Owned by Home Depot (HD)By David Gorton August 24, 2016 — 1:00 PM EDTAs a worldwide leader in providing home improvement goods, The Home Depot Inc. (NYSE: HD) has a diversified chain of products and locations. Through acquisitions and brand development, it carries numerous items for sale in areas all around the world. Although Home Depot’s main acquisition period occurred in the 2000s, it made a $1.63 billion acquisition in July 2015 that further solidified itself as a global industry leader. The company, which recently reported a market capitalization of almost $170 billion, experiences success, in part, due to the subsidiaries that it owns. Home Decorators Collection In 2006, Home Depot agreed to buy Home Decorators Collection, a leader in catalog as well as online sales of home decor items. The acquisition doubled the size of Home Depot’s direct-to-consumer business, as the new company operates out of the Home Depot Direct division. Home Decorators Collection had the third-largest house file in the catalog industry at the time of the deal and increased its catalog with 65,000 new home decor products. Home Mart In 2004, Home Depot doubled its presence in Mexico through the acquisition of Home Mart Mexico. Home Mart was the country’s second-largest home improvement chain behind Home Depot. It operated 20 stores in Mexico, and after the deal, Home Depot had 39 stores in central and northern Mexico. The key piece of the deal was the 10 new stores in metropolitan Mexico City, as Home Depot previously had only three stores in the area. Home Mart was established in 1993, and the financial sum paid to the group of private Mexican owners was not disclosed. Interline Brands The world’s largest home improvement retailer completed a $1.63 billion acquisition of Interline Brands, Inc., a leading national distributor and direct marketer of maintenance, repair and operations products. Interline’s extensive local distribution network of more than 90 locations across the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico allowed for the delivery of its maintenance, repair and operations products. Headquartered in Florida, Interline serves more than 175,000 customer locations and holds market presence in institutional, multi-family housing and residential markets. The deal boosted Home Depot’s Pro division that caters to professional contractors and builders. The Home Way Home Depot, as part of its global expansion strategy, entered Chinese markets through its acquisition of The Home Way. The Home Way, a home improvement retailer founded in 1996, is based in Tianjin. Its 12 stores, averaging 90,000 square feet of selling space, were located in six Chinese cities. The financial terms of the deal were not disclosed. Your Other Warehouse Home Depot purchased a master distributor of faucets, fixtures, bath accessories and kitchen accessories called Your Other Warehouse. Based in Baton Rouge, with a second facility in Las Vegas, Your Other Warehouse was a Home Depot vendor prior to the purchase. It distributes faucets, sinks, accessories and commercial fixtures. The company also retails exclusive brands. Home Depot’s motivation for the deal was to expand its wholesale plumbing industry presence. As part of the deal, Home Depot received the mailing list of 3.3 million customers of Home Decorators Collection, which is headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri. The financial details of the acquisition were not released to the public. Exclusive Brands In addition to owning multiple companies, Home Depot owns exclusive rights to earn retail sales from several major brands. Founded in 1977, Chem-Dry was purchased by the company in 2006. It is a carpet-cleaning franchise based in Utah. Behr Process Corporation manufactures house paints, primers, stains and surface preparation products sold exclusively at Home Depot. Homelite Corporation is a power equipment manufacturer of chainsaws, leaf blowers and trimmers that are sold at Home Depot. House Brands Home Depot also owns various house brands. Husky is a manuf Location of Caylee Anthony's body Location of Caylee Anthony's body. Caylee Anthony's body was found approximately here on Dec 11, 2008. Map of the location of Caylee Anthony's body. Supposedly this area was underwater earlier, so that the body was submerged in previous searches. Constraining non-commutative space-time from GW150914 Fedora: How to capture streaming audio? For a site such as this one... what would be simplest CLI way to capture some of my favorite songs? Note that I tried Audacity, did not work., I tried modprobe snd-pcm-oss; cat /dev/dsp >my-audio.raw; # followed by a raw import of my-audio.raw in Audacity, did not work. I've tried arecord, alsamixer, krec,... and some combination of these mentioned on gazillion places over the web, still no luck. Could you share your favorite trick for this? Nobody knows the answer. There are predictions, but they are all extrapolations. Those are the least reliable kind of predictions. In the long term, there will be very slightly more CO2 in the atmosphere. This will change the climate in many small ways, bigger storms, ocean current shifts, less polar ice and higher ocean levels. The magnitude of these effects is much less certain. Also, to foretell the future 100 years out one would need to know what humanity does. That's absolutely unknowable, given free will. Asking "if we do nothing" is ridiculous, as this is among the least likely courses of action. Generally, humans wait for things to get bad and then do something about it. The best guesses probably look something like that. How to Connect With Verizon FiOS Internet To connect to the Verizon FiOS service you'll need to connect your Internet router to the Verizon wall outlet with an RG6 coaxial cable, and then hook up your office computers to the router with an Ethernet network cable or via a wireless connection if you have a Wi-Fi wireless router. Step 1. Death Tunnel Death Tunnel is a 2005 horror movie filmed at the Waverly Hills Sanatorium. It stars Steffany Huckaby, Annie Burgstede, Kristin Novak, and Jason Lasater. The Wear and Tear Theory of Aging The Wear and Tear Theory of Aging. The wear and tear theory of aging believes that the effects of aging are caused by damage done to cells and body systems over time. Essentially, these systems wear out due to use. Once they wear out, they can no longer function correctly. How Much Do Countertops Cost To Install? Granite countertops are among the most popular countertops in kitchens today. The average cost to install granite countertops is between $3,100 and $4,500, depending on surface size and materials.Generally, granite is cut into long slabs, negating the need for seams and grout. Then it’s polished and sealed to protect against extreme heat, scratches and stains.orian. The cost to install corian countertops averages between $2,200 and $5,000, though prices will vary depending on a number of factors. Corian countertops are among the most popular solid surface cabinets available. This comment is not toxic. 1979–80 European Cup 1979–80 European Cup The 1979–80 season of the European Cup football club tournament was won by holders Nottingham Forest in the final against Hamburg. The winning goal was scored by John Robertson, who drilled the ball into the corner of the Hamburg net from outside the penalty area. Forest became the only side to win the European Cup more times than their domestic top flight league, a record which still stands. "Dundalk won 3–1 on aggregate." "Nottingham Forest won 3–1 on aggregate." "Argeș Pitești won 3–2 on aggregate." "Dynamo Berlin won 4–1 on aggregate." "Servette won 4–2 on aggregate." "Dukla - If your fine has a payment reference number you can pay the whole amount or the first instalment online. If you have lost your fine you can still pay by: Logging into your TMR account (My account) and pay under My infringements. Calling us on 13 23 80 to obtain your payment reference number. How to Become a High School Guidance Counselor in 5 Steps To work as a high school counselor, your graduate degree should be in school and guidance counseling. You'll want to study topics such as assessment, group and guidance counseling, counseling theories, administration principles, counseling ethics, special needs students and career counseling. History of Bolivia the establishment of the Bolivian Republic, named for the Liberator Simón Bolívar, on August 6, 1825. Since then Bolivia has endured regular periods of political and economic instability, including the loss of various provinces to its neighbors, such as Acre, parts of the Gran Chaco and its Pacific coast, making it a land-locked country. Cultures of indigenous peoples in Bolivia developed in the high altitude settings of altiplano with low oxygen levels, poor soils and extreme weather patterns. The better suited lowlands were sparsely inhabited by hunter-gatherer societies while much of the pre-Columbian population was concentrated in altiplano valleys of This comment is not toxic. How Often Do Dogs Need the Parvo Vaccine? Dog Health How Often Do Dogs Need the Parvo Vaccine?by Bethney Foster Labradors, rottweilers, doberman pinschers, American Staffordshire terriers and German shepherds are more likely to contract parvovirus than other breeds of dogs. Parvo is a life-threatening virus that infects dogs, mainly puppies. It is highly contagious and attacks the dog's intestinal tract and white blood cells and can even damage the heart. A series of three to four vaccinations, followed by annual boosters, are necessary to ensure a puppy is protected. Vaccination Series Your puppy received maternal antibodies that protected his against parvovirus and other diseases. These antibodies wane as the puppy's immune system develops. If the puppy still has antibodies when he is vaccinated, the antibodies will stop the vaccination from stimulating the immune system to provide protections against the virus. Because no one knows for sure when the maternal antibodies are gone and a vaccination will work, and because this can vary from puppy to puppy, a series of vaccinations are given to young dogs. The hope is that one of these vaccinations will be given after the puppy's body has lost the maternal antibodies, but before the puppy is exposed to the virus. Timing Different veterinarians have different protocols about the timing of vaccinations. Most veterinarians recommend that a puppy receive his first parvovirus vaccination when he is 8 weeks old. The second vaccination is given in three to four weeks, about age 11 to 12 weeks. A third vaccination is given in three to four more weeks, about age 14 to 15 weeks. A vaccination is sometimes given three to four weeks later, about age 17 to 18 weeks. Most all veterinarians agree the final vaccination in the series should be given after the puppy is 4 months old. Once the puppy series is complete, your dog should received a booster vaccination each year. Administration The vaccination for parvovirus is administered through an injection. While it may sound as if your puppy is going to get stuck a lot in his early months, don't worry. The parvovirus vaccination is administered through an injection that is given under the puppy's skin, but doesn't go into the muscle. Most puppies don't even notice it is being given. Side effects associated with the parvovirus vaccination are rare. When your puppy gets his first parvo vaccination, your veterinarian will probably ask you to wait for a few minutes to be sure your puppy doesn't have an allergic reaction. Less serious side effects can include a low-grade fever, lethargy and decreased appetite for a few days. Limiting Exposure Because parvovirus is contagious, it is best you limit your puppy's exposure until he has completed the entire series of vaccinations. This means not taking your puppy to the pet supply store, dog park or even the groomer until after the vaccination series is complete. Areas where large numbers of dogs gather are the most likely environments to be contaminated. It is even a good idea to carry your puppy when you go to the veterinarian. It's possible a dog infected with parvovirus just walked across the lobby floor. Most obedience schools, puppy kindergartens and other such programs will not accept puppies until the vaccination series is complete. This is for your puppy's protection as well as the protection of the other dogs. References ASPCA: Parvovirus Dogster: Dog Vaccination Schedule Sun Lakes Animal Clinic: The DHPPC Vaccination for Your Dog About the Author Bethney Foster is social justice coordinator for Mercy Junction ministry, where she edits the monthly publication "Holy Heretic." She is also an adoption coordinator with a pet rescue agency. Foster spent nearly two decades as a newspaper reporter/editor. She graduated from Campbellsville University, receiving a Bachelor of Arts in English, journalism and political science. Photo Credits Tired Puppy image by Donna Faulkenberry from MORE MUST-CLICKS: What Vaccinations Does a 6-Week-Old Puppy Need? The Causes of Dogs Eating Dirt and Grass Angela Hitler Angela Franziska Johanna Hammitzsch (née Hitler; 28 July 1883 – 30 October 1949) was the elder half-sister of Adolf Hitler. By her first husband, Leo Raubal, Sr., she was the mother of Geli Raubal. Susie Q (film) Susie Q is a 1996 Super RTL movie that originally aired on the channel, followed by Disney Channel airing it in the United States frequently in the mid 1990s. Justin Whalin, Amy Jo Johnson and Shelley Long starred. The movie told the story of a teenager dying with her boyfriend (Bentley Mitchum) on her way to their Winter Formal back in the mid-1950s and coming back to her old house about 40 years later in order to help her parents avoid being kicked out of their trailer park home. Later, Zach (Whalin) moves into Susie's (Johnson) old house, but he is the only one who is able to see Susie. How do I get a virtual card? J. Cole Jermaine Lamarr Cole ( born January 28 , 1985 ) , better known by his stage name J. Cole , is an American hip hop recording artist and record producer . Raised in Fayetteville , North Carolina , Cole initially gained recognition as a rapper following the release of his debut mixtape , The Come Up , in early 2007 . Intent on further pursuing a solo career as a rapper , he went on to release two additional mixtapes after signing to Jay Z 's Roc Nation imprint in 2009 . Cole released his debut studio album , Cole World : The Sideline Story , in 2011 . It debuted at number one on the U.S. Billboard 200 , and was soon certified platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America ( RIAA ) . His next two releases , 2013 's Born Sinner and 2014 's 2014 Forest Hills Drive , received mostly positive reviews from critics , while being both certified platinum in the US . The latter earned him his first Grammy Award nomination for Best Rap Album . In December 2016 Cole released his fourth studio album 4 Your Eyez Only . The album debuted at number one on the Billboard 200 chart and was certified platinum in April 2017 . Self-taught on piano , Cole also acts as a producer alongside his hip hop career , producing singles for artists such as Kendrick Lamar and Janet Jackson , as well as handling the majority of the production in his own projects . He has also developed other ventures , including Dreamville Records , as well as non-profit organization the Dreamville Foundation . The Dreamville Foundation is not the only non-profit gesture Cole has put forth ; in January 2015 , he decided to house single mothers rent-free in his childhood home at 2014 Forest Hills Drive , Fayetteville , North Carolina . - These are the most popular girls' names in Switzerland (French) for 2012. 1 Emma. 2 Lea. 3 Chloe. Zoe. 4 Lara. 5 Eva. Charlotte. Clara. Shared doctrines would include beliefs about one God; the virgin birth; miracles; atonement for sins through the death, burial, and bodily resurrection of Jesus; the Trinity; the need for salvation (through belief in Jesus Christ as the son of God, his death and resurrection, and confession of Christ as Lord); grace; the Kingdom of God; last things (eschatology) (Jesus Christ will return personally and visibly in glory to the earth, the dead will be raised, and Christ will judge everyone in righteousness); and evangelism and missions. Some historically significant Baptist doctrinal documents include the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith, 1742 Philadelphia Baptist Confession, the 1833 New Hampshire Baptist Confession of Faith, the Southern Baptist Convention's Baptist Faith and Message, and written church covenants which some individual Baptist churches adopt as a statement of their faith and beliefs. No. The size of atoms depends on a few fundamental physical constants. You can look at the formula for the [Bohr radius](_URL_0_) to see this: a*_0_* = hbar/(m*_e_*\*c\*alpha) On the right hand side you have the Planck constant, the mass of the electron, the speed of light, and the fine structure constant. To the best that we can determine, none of those constants have changed since the beginning of the universe (and there have been serious attempts to look for these changes by observing very distant objects). So atoms were the same size for as long as the four fundamental interactions (strong, weak, E & M, and gravity) have existed. The expanding universe just provides more space for the matter to move around in. World population In demographics, the world population is the total number of humans currently living. As of August 2016, it was estimated at 7.4 billion. The United Nations estimates it will further increase to 11.2 billion in the year 2100. Dog-cow Hybrids It being produced by Linaria seems to us no less monstrous than a calf with a wolf’s head being produced by a cow. —Carl Linnaeus Nova acta eruditorum 1760, p. 409Caution: The many eyewitness reports quoted below, have not as yet been confirmed by molecular genetic tests. An alleged dog-cow hybrid birthed by a cow in 2011. Enlarge A second view of the alleged dog-cow cross. Enlarge View of same animal as above, showing the interior of the mouth. Enlarge T his article began as an account of a hybrid birth that allegedly occurred in Indonesia in 2011, but which seems never to have made the news here in the United States. That particular event is described in what immediately follows, the portion of this page that was written first. However, subsequent searches for other records about hybrids of this type revealed many additional, eyewitness reports, which are quoted lower down on this page, after the account of the Indonesian case. According to Indonesian-, Malay- and Arabic-language news reports and blogs, on February 2nd of that year, a cow on the island of Madura, off the northeastern coast of Java, gave birth to a creature (pictured at right) that created widespread excitement and, given that cattle are often accorded sacred status in eastern Asia, even religious awe. The owner, described in the various articles as the “farmer Misnoto” (also pictured at right), is a resident of the hamlet of Katuje in the Gate District of Sumenep, Madura. He told reporters that the “calf” was born early that Wednesday morning via normal processes and that he and his neighbors were all surprised when they saw its dog-like face. The various reports seem not to identify the type of cow that served as maternal parent, but Maduran farmers do not keep European domestic cattle ( Bos taurus ), so the mother would most likely have been either a banteng cow ( Bos javanicus ), shown below at right, or a cow of the Madura breed ( Bos javanicus × Bos indicus ). Several of the articles, translated into English with the Google translator, say that the male parent was a wolf. However, the word wolf is likely an artifact of the automated translation. For even if a canid-bovid cross were possible — and it is unknown whether such crosses might rarely occur — it seems highly unlikely that a wolf ( Canis lupus) would be present at the locale in question to perform the requisite mating, let alone to produce such a hybrid (unless it were perhaps a pet, or a wolf in a zoo). C. lupus is not native to Indonesia. The only possibility for a canid sire, then, would be domestic dog. Unlike wolves, dogs are notorious for their willingness to mate with almost any type of animal. For example, male dogs have been observed mating with ducks, geese and chickens (see the section on dog hybrids elsewhere on this website). A video showing a male dog mating with a cow at right above. Gape of a thylacine, an extinct carnivore As the photos show, this animal, which is male, is a very strange-looking creature. In particular, it has a huge mouth opening, as do many carnivores. Cattle and most herbivores have relatively small mouth openings. In this bizarre “calf,” the mouth opening reaches almost to the ears. It also has a lolling tongue like a dog. Also dog-like is the loose fur on the breast visible in the middle photo. Perhaps it’s just my imagination, but there’s something about its winsome expression in the middle picture that reminds me of my own dog in some of his more relaxed and satisfied moments. Cow’s dental pad. ( Enlarge )However, as can be seen in the enlarged version of the lowermost photo, this animal has no upper incisors. Instead, there is a dental pad at the front of the upper jaw, as in cattle (see picture at right). The lower incisors, clearly visible in the enlargement of the middle picture, are cow-like. However, in the uppermost photo (also enlargeable) the erupting molars seem to be pointed like the carnassials of a dog, instead of flat like a cow’s. The lower jaw is much shorter than the upper and, according to the news reports, the mout - Provide a few details about your project and receive competitive quotes from local pros. The average national cost of window installation is $4,747, with most homeowners spending between $2,643 and $7,091.This data is based on actual project costs as reported by HomeAdvisor members. Windows can bring light and warmth, provide views, beautify inside and out and add tremendous value to your home.rovide a few details about your project and receive competitive quotes from local pros. The average national cost of window installation is $4,747, with most homeowners spending between $2,643 and $7,091. [discussion][link] study on rehoming animals How many chromosomes do human body cells have? ® Wiki Answers ® Categories Science Biology Human Anatomy and Physiology How many chromosomes do human body cells have? Flag How many chromosomes do human body cells have? Answered by The Wiki Answers ®Community ® is making the world better one answer at a time.46 Chromosomes in the Human body cells. Body cells have "pairs" of chromosomes while sex cells have only single sets of chromosomes. The human body cells have 22 pairs of autosomes and 1 pair of sex chromosomes for a total of 23 pairs or 46 chromosomes. Sex cells for humans will have half of that (because they are not paired) so a total of 23 chromosomes. 23 pairs The short answer is 46 chromosomes in the human body cell. Save Eggs and sperm have only 23 each. Then there is a whole host of genetic disorders, trisomy 21 (Down's syndrome), for example where there are three number 21 chromosomes and each cell would have 47 chromosomes. The syndrome is caused by having too much information--one too many chromosomes.15 people found this useful Was this answer useful? Yes Somewhat No How many chromosomes do humans have in their body cells? Humans have 4 Chromosomes in ther body. Ligand 7,255 Contributions How many chromosomes does a human body cell have?46 chromosomes There are 23 pairs of chromosomes in a human body cell. One set of 23 came from each parent. Because our body cells contain two sets of chromosomes, the …Acid36 1,822 Contributions All cells in the human body start with how many chromosomes? In terms of chromosomal number, there are two types of cells in the human body. Autosomes , or body cells, have 46 chromosomes (the diploid number) Allosomes , or sex ch …Dan Samuel Burgos 414 Contributions How many chromosomes are in a typical human body cell?23 pairs Magniflorious 261 Contributions How many pairs of chromosomes does a human body cell contain? Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes; however, gamete cells contain 23 unpaired chromosomes. Neodarwinian 16,472 Contributions How many chromosomes do humans have in each body cell? The general somatic chromosome number is 46. 23 pairs. Mark Henninger 1 Contribution How many chromosomes are their in each human body cell?26Jharkhandi 3,330 Contributions How many chromosomes do human body cells have in them?twenty five Human chromosomes are made up of 23 pairs. 22 pairs are autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes to make a total of 23 pairs Twiddles 97 Contributions How many cells in the human body have chromosomes? All cells. Chromosomes are tightly wound coils of DNA that split and allow the identical replication of all cells, and all cells contain DNA. Alex146 49,465 Contributions How many produced chromosomes does a human body cell have? There are 46 chromosomes in each human body cell. How many chromosomes does a body cell of a human parent have?46Muhozi Trust 1 Contribution How many chromosomes are they in a human body cell?46Answered In Genetics How many chromosomes are in a human diploid body cell?26Mudkipo 407 Contributions Answered In Genetics How many chromosomes are there in human body cell? Typically there are 46 chromosomes, 23 pairs of homologous chromosomes. Some cells are denucleated like red blood cells and genetic disorders can reduce or increase the number …Answered In Genetics How many pairs of chromosome are in human body cells? There are 23 pairs or 46 individual chromosomes in a humans cells . Laura Gill 4,359 Contributions Answered In Genetics How many chromosomes do body cells have in humans?46Answered In Science How many pairs of chromosomes does a human have in all their body cells? There are 23 pairs of chromosomes in all of a human's body cells. Ask an Expert: Do Heating Pads After a Workout Help Reduce Muscle Soreness? Some like it hot- specifically sore muscles. We asked our Fitness Expert Kristy Wilson to share how heat helps alleviate post-workout pains. Expert's Take Kristy Wilson, NSCA, NASM: Whether you're just starting to exercise or are a bona fide gym rat, post-workout soreness is bound to happen once in awhile; especially when starting a new exercise program. Soreness is the body's response to adapting to something new. It is a normal reaction to unusual exertion. However, feeling sore after a workout isn't a measure of effectiveness. There are lots of factors that can come into play including the quality of the warm up and cool down, intensity of the workout, pre and post-workout nutrition, and even how much you've slept. Post-workout muscle soreness is commonly referred to as DOMS- delayed onset muscle soreness. After finishing a workout we may feel a little tired, but over the next 12-24 hours the soreness sets in. When we exercise we are placing stress on our muscles, actually causing small microscopic tears (this is a good thing since it leads to a stronger regrowth!). Along with inflammation, these cause the muscle soreness and discomfort known as DOMS. Rule of thumb: when it comes to sprains and pains use ice, but heat when it's muscles that are sore. (Ice is better for acute injuries, especially if there is swelling and bruising. You can also use ice on sore muscles in the acute stage. But for chronic muscle soreness lasting more than a few days, heat is better. )To reduce soreness, take a long, relaxing soak in a warm bath (bonus points for adding epsom salt). But since bath time at work isn't a viable option, try using a heating pad. Heat helps warm our muscles, increasing blood flow to the area. Heating pads ease muscle soreness by applying low heat, directly to the source of pain. Leave on for about 20 minutes, and be sure to place a towel between the pad and skin to avoid potential burns. If soreness persists after 7 days or sudden, severe muscle pain is felt, consult a doctor. THE NEWSLETTERTired? Sign up for our newsletter to get the sleep cheat sheet you desperately need. Privacy - Termsprotected by re CAPTCHAPrivacy - Terms Pin It Share Experts Fitness - I use the kohlrabi as a potato substitute in venison roasts along with carrots. We also eat it raw and in salads. I work in FL and it is hard to find. So my visit to my home in MI I will be bringing some back. Natalie Portman Natalie Portman ( born Neta-Lee Hershlag , נטע-לי הרשלג June 9 , 1981 ) is an actress with dual American and Israeli citizenship . Her first role was in the 1994 action thriller Léon : The Professional , opposite Jean Reno . She was later cast as Padmé Amidala in the Star Wars prequel trilogy ( released in 1999 , 2002 and 2005 ) . Born in Jerusalem to an Israeli father and American mother , Portman grew up in the eastern United States from the age of three . She studied dancing and acting in New York , and starred in Star Wars : Episode I -- The Phantom Menace while still at high school on Long Island . In 1999 , Portman enrolled at Harvard University to study psychology , alongside her work as an actress ; she completed a bachelor 's degree in 2003 . During her studies she starred in a second Star Wars film and opened in New York City 's The Public Theater production of Anton Chekhov 's The Seagull in 2001 . Portman won a Golden Globe and was nominated for an Academy Award for starring in the 2004 drama Closer , appeared in Star Wars : Episode III -- Revenge of the Sith the following year , and won a Constellation Award for Best Female Performance and the Saturn Award for Best Actress for her starring role in the political thriller V for Vendetta ( 2006 ) . She played leading roles in the historical dramas Goya 's Ghosts ( 2006 ) and The Other Boleyn Girl ( 2008 ) , and also appeared in Thor ( 2011 ) and its 2013 sequel . In 2010 , Portman starred in the psychological thriller film Black Swan . Her performance received widespread critical acclaim and she earned her first Academy Award for Best Actress , her second Golden Globe Award , the SAG Award , the BAFTA Award and the BFCA Award in 2011 . In 2016 , she portrayed First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy in the biographical drama Jackie . She was nominated for an Academy Award , a BAFTA Award , a Golden Globe Award , a Screen Actors Guild Award and won the BFCA for Best Actress . In May 2008 , Portman served as the youngest member of the 61st Annual Cannes Film Festival jury . The same year she directed a segment of the collective film New York , I Love You . Her first feature film as a director , A Tale of Love and Darkness , was released in 2015 . - The formal definition of RSRP in 3GPP 36.214 is as follows : Reference signal received power (RSRP), is defined as the linear average over the power contributions (in [W]) of the resource elements that carry cell-specific reference signals within the considered measurement frequency bandwidth. For RSRP determination the cell-specific reference signals R0 according TS 36.211 shall be used. In principle, the US taxes both income and gifts. Simply thinking good thoughts is not necessarily sufficient to avoid filing or payment obligations. Giving somebody money with no repayment date, no interest, and no enforceable note looks an awful lot like either income or a gift. A loan normally has interest, money sitting in a savings account is insured, and other investments generally have an expected return. Why would somebody give a loan with no interest, with only flexible or informal payment expectations, in a way where it has neither deposit insurance nor any expectation of net returns? That looks a lot like a gift - at the very least, a gift of the time value and the default risk. The IRS definitely polices loan rates. The latest release is Revenue Ruling 2014-13. The AFR is useful for tax concepts such as Original Issue Discount (when issuers sell low-interest or no-interest bonds or loans at less than face value, attempting to recharacterize interest income as return of principal), various grantor trusts (e.g. GRATs), and so forth. It's a simple way for the IRS to link to market rates of interest. Documentation and sufficient interest, as well as clear payment schedule (and maybe call or demand rights) make it a bona fide loan. There is no real way for the IRS to distinguish between an informal arrangement and a post-hoc lie to conceal a gift. Moreover, an undocumented loan is generally difficult to enforce, so it looks less like a true loan. The lender declares the interest payments as income on his Form 1040, line 8a and if necessary Schedule B. The sentiment expressed in this movie review is positive. Pretty Little Liars (season 7) Pretty Little Liars (season 7) The seventh and final season of the American mystery drama television series "Pretty Little Liars", based on the books of the same name by Sara Shepard, was renewed on June 10, 2014 for two additional seasons, making the show Freeform's longest running original series. The season consisted of 20 episodes, in which ten episodes aired in the summer of 2016, with the remaining ten episodes aired from April 2017. The season's premiere aired on June 21, 2016 on Freeform. Production and filming began in the end of March 2016, which was confirmed by showrunner I. This comment is not toxic. R.I.P. Derek Shepherd, 1966-2015: A Brutal Death For Beloved 'Greyâs Anatomyâ Surgeon 0. Derek Shepherd (Patrick Dempsey) died in episode 21 of Grey's Anatomy.. ABC. SEATTLE -- Dr. Derek Christopher McDreamy Shepherd died on April 23, 2015, at the age of 49. The Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital surgeon, who specialized in neurosurgery, not only lived his life as a hero but also died as one. . The Iron Curtain Divided Europe and Berlin During the time I was in Germany, Europe was divided by the "Iron Curtain." Intense Communism controlled the lives of people in the countries to the east of the iron curtain, contrasted with freedom in countries to the west. The above map shows a proposed tourist trail along where the Iron Curtain once stood. Germany was split by the "Iron Curtain," with Communist East Germany (Deutsche Demokratische Republik) [in orange color] on one side and free West Germany (Bundesrepublik Deutschland) [in purple color] on the other side. Berlin was stuck in the middle of Communist East Germany. It was an island of freedom in a sea of communism, but the city of Berlin itself was also split in half. At the end of World War II, Berlin (Germany's capital city) was divided into four zones. West Berlin consisted of the American, British, and French zones. East Berlin was the Soviet Union's zone. West Berlin became a popular way for people behind the iron curtain to escape communism. They would enter communist East Berlin and then cross into West Berlin and apply for refugee status. Then they flew out of West Berlin to freedom in Western countries. During the summer of 1961the flow of thousands of refugees per day became so intense that the communists were forced to take drastic action. On August 13, 1961 they closed the borders around West Berlin and began to build a wall through the middle of the city of Berlin. They also surrounded the rest of West Berlin with a concentration-camp-like fence with armed guard towers. On September 24, 1961 the Berliner Morgenpost tried to describe their plight to Americans. It published a front-page drawing of the United States with a similar "iron curtain" splitting America down the Mississippi River and dividing New York City into two halves, the eastern half being communist and the western half being free. The headline was directed at retired American General Lucius D. Clay, who was especially beloved by the people of Berlin. As the Military Governor of Germany after World War II, he thwarted a Soviet blockade of Berlin by the Berlin Airlift of 1948 - 1949. In 1961, he became President John F. Kennedy's special representative in Berlin. The newspaper reads: "General Clay! What would your countrymen say if......if the U. S. A. were torn and the eastern part of the country groaned under the whip of a foreign rule?...if New York lay in a red [e.g. communist] sea, a divided city in which a son could not go to his dying mother?...if the freedom of several million New Yorkers was bought with the betrayal of Georgia, Virginia and Ohio?...if the allies of the U. S. A. decided that the American people should forego their unity?" [ Top ] [ Back] [ Home] Which subatomic particles are located in the nucleus of a carbon atom? The subatomic particles in the nucleus of a carbon atom are protons and neutrons. The atomic nucleus contains protons and usually neutrons (except for hydrogen-1 (protium) atoms. The number of protons is an element's atomic number and is the same for all atoms of an element. Carbon has atomic number #6#. So all atoms of carbon have #6# protons in their atomic nuclei. The James Bond gadget that turns you into a FISH: Concept mask lets you breathe underwater without oxygen tanks The James Bond gadget that turns you into a FISH: Concept mask lets you breathe underwater without oxygen tanks Concept gadget has arms which branch out to the side and work as gills Material on these two arms conceal tiny holes where water is sucked in Chambers inside separate the oxygen and release the water so that the user can breathe continuously while swimming By Reporter Published: 10:33 EDT, 16 January 2014 | Updated: 11:41 EDT, 6 April 2016297View comments It’s the James Bond gadget on everyone’s wishlist. The rebreather, a system that lets you breathe underwater, has got Mr Bond out of some tricky situations. Now one South Korean designer Korea has taken inspiration from the spy’s device to create a concept gadget that claims to instantly transform the user into a human fish.+7The mask, dubbed Triton, acts like a fish gill to extract oxygen from water so that the user can keep on breathing while under the sea HOW TRITON COULD WORKTo use Triton, swimmers would bite down on a plastic mouth piece. Two arms, which branch out to the sides of the scuba mask, have been developed to function as gills. The scaly texture on the arms conceals small holes in the material where water is sucked in. Chambers inside separate the oxygen and release the liquid so that the user can breathe comfortably in the ocean. Using a very small but powerful micro compressor, the system compresses oxygen and stores it in tanks. The gadget is powered by micro battery around 30 times smaller than a battery. The device, however, is only a concept and questions remain over whether it would be technically feasible to recreate. The mask, dubbed Triton, acts like a fish gill to extract oxygen from water so that the user can keep on breathing while under the sea. While it may not be as slick as a rebreather, designer Jeabyun Yeon, who came up with the concept, believes it will change the way people approach water. To use Triton, swimmers would bite down on a plastic mouth piece. Two arms, which branch out to the sides of the scuba mask, can then function as efficient gills to deliver oxygen. The scaly texture on the arms conceal small holes in the material where water is sucked in. Chambers inside separate the oxygen and release the liquid so that the user can breathe comfortably in the ocean. Using a very small but powerful micro compressor, the concept system would compress oxygen and store it in tanks. The entire gadget is powered by micro battery which is around 30 times smaller than a current battery that can quickly charge 1,000 times faster. But you may have to wait a little longer before placing an order as the product is still at concept stage. Mr Yeon describes it as ‘a future product’ that could one day replace complicated scuba equipment. RELATED ARTICLESPrevious 1 Next A bright idea! Genetically engineered plant glows so... Could Triton 'artificial gills' work? Firm refunds $900,000... Share this article+7A more radical design was recently unveiled by a South Korean designer Korea which claims to instantly transform the user into a human fish+7The mask, dubbed Triton, acts like a fish gill to extract oxygen from water so that the user can keep on breathing while under the sea+7 +7A designer in South Korea has taken inspiration from James Bond's rebreather (left) to create the Triton gadget that claims to instantly transform the user into a human fish+7Chambers inside separate the oxygen and release the water so that the user can breathe comfortably+7Mr Yeon describes Triton as 'a future product' that could one day replace complicated scuba equipment See how you can hold your breath like David Blaine (related)Loaded Progress 0:00/0:00Advertisement Share or comment on this article Most watched News videos Embed this Car smashes into both sides of motorway as driver has a 'seizure' Former RHONJ star says autistic son was kicked out of NJ library Dreadful footage shows moment before dog is cruelly killed... Window sh The sentiment of this tweet is neutral, meaning that the content does not express any strong emotions or opinions. what common processors are not IEEE 754 compliant? I'd like to curious to know. this is more up to the compiler, which may issue slightly different instructions which may yield slightly different results. In fact, intel got it wrong once, and it cost the company half a billion dollars. _URL_0_ Cyberlink Malware? Question Cyberlink Malware?by gflash128 / April 27, 2013 10:40 PM PDThi everyone! Samsung R580, Intel i3 @2.4Ghz, 4G Ram, Win 7 Home Premium, AVG free 2013. Q: I keep reading that Cyberlink is malware or a virus. Further, that it is a nightmare to uninstall. Could anyone shed some light on this suite of programs? Any Help? Gordon Discussion is locked Flag Permalink Track this discussion Thread display: Collapse / Expand 7 total posts All Answers Collapse - Answer Cyberlinkby pgc3 / April 27, 2013 11:05 PM PDTIn reply to: Cyberlink Malware? Cyberlink, as I recall is a part of Power DVD and I do not believe is considered malware but is basically a media package, playback, copy, etc. Flag Permalink This was helpful ( 1)Collapse - Answer All good R. Proffitt Forum moderator / April 27, 2013 11:23 PM PDTIn reply to: Cyberlink Malware? I have yet to have any trouble with this suite. I did know someone that downloaded a cracked version from a torrent and wow, what a pack of trouble that was. I can only guess this is what caused you to write this? Bob Flag Permalink This was helpful ( 1)Collapse - Cyberlinkby pgc3 / April 27, 2013 11:26 PM PDTIn reply to: All good here. Yeah Bob, Cyberlink is pretty common and I don't think I've heard any issues with it either, sounds as if he may have some other issues or doesn't understand the function/use. Flag Permalink This was helpful ( 0)Collapse - Answer What is your reason for asking?by Carol~ Moderator / April 28, 2013 8:33 AM PDTIn reply to: Cyberlink Malware? Gordon.. What is your reason for asking? If you scanned with AVG and it reported FCL_DLL.dll to be a source of infection (Win32/Heur), I only know to tell you it has done so in the past. It was a confirmed false positive. This is not the first time the question has been asked. As far back as 2007 some were reporting files related to Cyberlink's Power DVD to be infected. Most were false positives. Some scanners detected an Aurora file. IF present and IF from Direct Revenue, it's considered adware. To the best of my knowledge. these instances were few and far between. More recently, certain Norton products were reporting RIKVM 38F51D56.sys to be a rootkit. More often than not .. Norton Power Eraser. The following is noted in a thread titled " Is this a virus RIKVM_38F51D56. SYS ? at the Norton Community Forum: 'It is a legitimate Cyberlink file. Norton Power Eraser is more aggressive than the regular Norton security products and possible false positives are something you need to be aware of when using the product. You always need to verify that the items NPE suggests to remove, are, in fact, malicious.' The original poster also posted at the Cyberlink Forum. ( Is RIKVM_38F51D56. SYS a legit Power DVD file or a virus?) The Cyberlink Administrator indicated it was a false positive. Lastly.. and only my opinion. I found the thread at the Norton forum here. The site which purports the file to be a rootkit, I find unreliable and highly suspect. Putting aside the fact they've spammed our forums, see what those at Web of Trust (WOT) have to report about the site. If the reason you asked is because you were considering installing it and IF.. AVG has a problem with it, I would suggest uploading the file/s to Virus Total or another service which analyzes suspicious files. With hopes this was.. "enough lights shed"... Carol Flag Permalink This was helpful ( 0)Collapse - reply to 'Cyberlink Malware? 'by Newbie1929 / September 12, 2014 2:10 AM PDTIn reply to: What is your reason for asking? Can anyone explain why something that is not malware keeps popping up asking me to download it.? I think it could be used by people interested in videos. This is not even Goggle snooping because I have no interest in videos. Hence my suspicions. I do not download something that popped up uninvited and wanting me to download something for an unspecified reason. Surely an honest company would not do this. Flag Permalink This was helpful ( 0)Collapse - I'm not on your PC so I can't check it R. Proffitt Forum moderator / Septem What is interconnect in VLSI? Answer Wiki. As the name suggests interconnect is a connection between elements , in VLSI also it means the same thing. Interconnects in an IC are physical connections between two transistors and/or the external world. - Clown-Fish can live for 40 years and above in their natural habitat. They can only live for 4 years and above in aquarium's and tanks. 13 people found this useful. The simple answer is because the financial markets are run by people, and people don't like to work 7 days a week. You also have to look at it as you would any business. Financial markets are very expensive to run, so while it's certainly *possible* to keep markets open 24/7, doing so would be very inefficient. Stock markets are open during regular "business hours" to make the best use of their time. For example, it's the same reason that some restaurants only open at 4pm, because the owners have found that they don't get enough customers at lunchtime to justify opening early. If there were a strong demand for weekend trading, I'm sure the markets would be open all week, but for now it isn't necessary so they don't do it. Mary (name) the 1970s, but also falling below rank 100 once again in 2012. The name Mary remains more popular in the Southern United States than elsewhere in the country. Mary was the 15th most popular name for girls born in Alabama in 2007, the 22nd most popular name for girls born in Mississippi in 2007, the 44th most popular name for girls in North Carolina, the 33rd most popular name for girls in South Carolina, and the 26th most popular name for girls in Tennessee. Mary was still the most common name for women and girls in the United States in Its like the old selling food stamps. Some people get the strips for free and sell them for the cash. The buyer then sells them to people that don't get them for free at a discounted price. People used to do this with foodstamps. They would pay you 50 cents on the dollar or whatever and the person with food stamps could go buy their beer or drugs with the cash. Food stamps are free and you can only buy certain things. Well that was the case but now you can just go to the ATM and get the cash and go buy your beer and drugs. Yankee Thoughts Organised unions are the closest thing the working class have to representation in government. Unions have been roundly villified and diminished in the last 30 years thanks to laissez fare economics and a general social rejection of collective action in favour of individualism. Most of the perks of your job are down to unions and while none are perfect theyre enormously empowering to the majority of us who have the temerity to not own their own company. Some unions may corrupt, some may be incompetent, but without them its only a stone's throw to the workhouse. It's what you call a relief teacher in Australia or a substitute teacher in America. They teach classes when the regular teacher is ill or on leave. Which language is harder to learn: Japanese or Chinese? Crafters Choice⢠Polynesian Hibiscus Fragrance Oil 766 Crafters Choice™ Polynesian Hibiscus Fragrance Oil 766The requested content cannot be found ( 22 Reviews)Submit Your Own Review Pricing$5.95 for 2 fl. oz$9.95 for 4 fl. oz$16.95 for 8 fl. oz$30.95 for 16 fl. oz$404.95 for 25 lb. drum (Bulk)All Orders Over $25 Ship Free In USABulk Size Only: Avg 18 Days (Details)Sold at Retail Store: Additional Information Directions & Ingredients SDS & Documents Questions & Answers (1) Recipes & Videos (4) Customer Reviews (22) Customer Photos (0)Wild and exotic, this fragrance is a combination of red hibiscus, island plumeria, aloe vera leaf, and dewy cassis petals. Flashpoint: 200° Vanilla Content: 0.30% Country Of Origin: United States IFRA Maximum Skin Exposure Levels: Body Lotion: 58.80% Body Wash: 28.90% Soap: 28.90%Face Cream: 37.50% Body Powder: 11.50% Baby: 37.50%Perfume: 58.80% Deodorant: 1.10% Lip: 0.00%Wholesale Supplies Plus, Inc. certifies that this fragrance product is in compliance with the standards of the International Fragrance Association, provided the fragrance is used in the above application (s) at the noted maximum concentration level (s). The "Maximum Use Level for Skin Exposure" is the amount of fragrance, flavor and essential oil that can come in contact with the skin. It does not mean that your base product can perform at these levels. You must test each oil in each application for evaluation of desired performance. Baby products have lower use levels than those listed above. If a desired application is not listed above, please call us at 1-800-359-0944 for maximum skin levels for skin exposure. Scent is one of the most powerful of our five senses. Smelling a fragrance can trigger a treasured memory and provoke enjoyable thoughts. When designing products, consider how your customers will use your products. Will they be washed off? Will they be used to fragrance a home? Will they be used in conjunction with other products and how will those scents smell when combined? Consider complimenting your scent with coordinating colors. California Prop 65 Statement: This product is not on the CA Prop 65 list of toxic chemicals. This product conforms to the reporting requirements of California Proposition 65 (Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986). We are conforming to the regulation by reporting the existence, or lack thereof, of ingredients deemed reportable by the above mentioned regulations via a Safety Data Sheet (SDS), in Section 15 "Regulatory Information." Ingredients from Natural Food Sources (NFS) and are exempt from reporting in accordance with Title 27, § 25501 (a). RELATED PRODUCTSPlumeria* Fragrance Oil 459 Droppers - Plastic Island Kiss* Fragrance Oil 503 Red Hibiscus & Acai Fragrance Oil 359 Fragrance Oil Blotter Sticks Hibiscus Blueberry Tea Fragrance Oil 792 Raspberry Rose Hibiscus Tea Fragrance Oil 831 Definitions &Translations quantum electrodynamics, QED(noun) a relativistic quantum theory of the electromagnetic interactions of photons and electrons and muons. QED(Noun) Quantum electrodynamics. QED(Interjection) Quod erat demonstrandum (Latin what had to be proved or what was to be demonstrated). QED. QED were an Australian New Wave trio, whose lead singer, Jenny Morris, went on to achieve commercial success as a solo artist. Hey /rAskScience! We are super excited to be here today! I am very proud of Mastermind, but we are primarily here to answer questions from you! Please feel free to ask about wide swaths of questions that pertain to the biomedical startup world, getting started with Bioinformatics, and how the weather is today in /r/AnnArbor. Should you wish to check out Mastermind, please feel free to sign up at: [_URL_0_](_URL_1_) Super geeked! See you soon! > rendered it out No. Live television isn't like Windows Movie Maker. There's no rendering. It's all done in real time. Bisexual erasure From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Bisexual pride flag, created by Michael Page Bisexuality topics Related sexual orientations Bisexuality Heteronormativity Monosexuality Sexual identities Bi-curious Questioning Heteroflexibility Studies Kinsey scale Klein grid Attitudes and discrimination Biphobia Bisexual chic Bisexual erasure Lesbian until graduation Bisexual community Bi Community News Bi Con (UK) Bi Net USABisexual Resource Center Celebrate Bisexuality Day Lists Bisexual people LGBT-related films Media portrayals of bisexuality Portals Sexuality LGBTv t e Bisexual erasure or bisexual invisibility is the tendency to ignore, remove, falsify, or reexplain evidence of bisexuality in history, academia, the news media, and other primary sources. [1] [2] [3] In its most extreme form, bisexual erasure can include the denial that bisexuality exists. [1] [3] It is often a manifestation of biphobia, [1] [2] [3] although it does not necessarily involve overt antagonism. There is increasing inclusion and visibility of bisexuals, particularly in the LGBT community. [4] [5] American psychologist Beth Firestone writes that since she wrote her first book on bisexuality, in 1996, "bisexuality has gained visibility, although progress is uneven and awareness of bisexuality is still minimal or absent in many of the more remote regions of our country and internationally". [6]Contents [ hide ]1 Motivations1.1 Male motivations2 Common examples3 In the LGBT community4 Theoretical analyses and literature4.1 Theoretical frameworks4.1.1 Examples5 Media depictions5.1 Television6 See also7 References8 Further reading9 External links Motivations [ edit]According to scholar Kenji Yoshino, there are three main investments that motivate both self-identified homosexuals and heterosexuals to seek to culturally erase bisexuality. These motivations are firstly, sexual orientation stabilization. This relieves people of the anxiety of having sexual orientation questioned, an untenable position since it is in fact unprovable. There is a belief that bisexuals are simply undecided, and that they are fundamentally homosexual or heterosexual. This isolates, marginalises and makes bisexuals invisible within the community. [7] Secondly, the maintenance of the importance of gender, which is seen as erotically essential to monosexuals while this notion is challenged by the existence of bisexuality. Thirdly, the maintenance of monogamy since for mainstream Americans, a pair bond is preferred. However, bisexuals are generally assumed by monosexuals to be "intrinsically" non-monogamous. [8]In an article written for the 10th anniversary of Yoshino's piece, Heron Greenesmith argues that bisexuality is in fact inherently invisible in the law, beyond the reach of deliberate erasure. Firstly, she says it is because bisexuality is legally irrelevant with plaintiffs presumed to be monosexual unless outed and secondly, that when bisexuality is legally relevant it is erased within the legal culture since it complicates legal arguments that depend on a gender binary nature of sexuality. [9]Male motivations [ edit]Richard C. Friedman, an academic psychiatrist who specializes in the psychodynamics of homosexuality, writes in his essay "Denial in the Development of Homosexual Men" that many gay men have experienced sexual fantasies about women or engaged in heterosexual sex and that many straight men have experienced sexual fantasies about men or engaged in homosexual sex. Despite being bisexual in fantasy and activity, these men identify as "gay" or "straight" rather than as bisexual. This erasure of bisexuality is sometimes caused by denying the significance of an erotic encounter in order to maintain a person's sexual identity and sense of community; a man might downplay having had sexual fantasies or encounters with a woman in order to maintain his identity as a "gay man" and his membership in the gay community, or a man might downplay having had sexual fantasies or encounters with a man in order to maintain his status as a heterosexual ma Raines law Raines law The Raines law, authored by John Raines, was passed on March 23, 1896, by the New York State Legislature. It was nominally a liquor tax, but its intention was to curb the consumption of alcohol by imposing regulations. Among other provisions, it prohibited the sale of alcoholic beverages on Sunday except in hotels. Most men worked a six-day week, and Sunday was the only full day for drinking at saloons. Under the law, however, hotels were allowed to serve liquor on Sunday, to guests only, if it was served during a meal or in the bedrooms of the St Helena has long been known for its high proportion of endemic birds and vascular plants. The highland areas contain most of the 400 endemic species recognised to date. Much of the island has been identified by BirdLife International as being important for bird conservation, especially the endemic Saint Helena plover or wirebird, and for seabirds breeding on the offshore islets and stacks, in the north-east and the south-west Important Bird Areas. On the basis of these endemics and an exceptional range of habitats, Saint Helena is on the United Kingdom's tentative list for future UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Pressure Washing Cost Typical costs: 1 Renting a power washer can cost anywhere from $40-$75 a day, depending on your location and the quality of the equipment. Buying a basic residential pressure washer with an electric motor starts around $70-$200, depending on size and capacity. Angelina Jolie Angelina Jolie Pitt ( ; née Voight; born June 4, 1975) is an American actress, filmmaker, and humanitarian. She has received an Academy Award, two Screen Actors Guild Awards, and three Golden Globe Awards, and has been cited as Hollywood's highest-paid actress. Jolie made her screen debut as a child alongside her father, Jon Voight, in "Lookin' to Get Out" (1982). Her film career began in earnest a decade later with the low-budget production "Cyborg 2" (1993), followed by her first leading role in a major film, "Hackers" (1995). She starred in the critically acclaimed biographical cable films "George Wallace" (1997) and "Gia" (1998), and won an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her performance in the drama "Girl, Interrupted" (1999). CANADA Canada is located in the northern-most region of North America. Its southern territories run along the northern border of the continental United States. Canada is one of the largest countries in the world, second only to Russia in territorial size.or its size, Canada has a small population. Although physically it is the second-largest country in the world, its population was only 31,281,092, according to a July 2000 estimate, or just under one-tenth the size of that of the United States. The emotion expressed in this message is sadness. Symptoms of Raynaudâs Syndrome Raynaud's Symptoms. Symptoms of Raynaud’s Syndrome. 1) Fingers start to go white as the circulation is restricted in the capillaries. Whiteness can be on just one or just part of one finger, or two or three fingers at a time. Often there are patches of white, showing a mottled appearance. 2) Affected areas will feel numb and have a white waxy look. Amaizing: Corn genome decoded Science News from research organizations Amaizing: Corn genome decoded Date: November 21, 2009Source: Washington University School of Medicine Summary: In recent years, scientists have decoded the DNA of humans and a menagerie of creatures but none with genes as complex as a stalk of corn, the latest genome to be unraveled. A team of scientists has published the completed corn genome -- an accomplishment that will speed efforts to develop better crop varieties to meet the world's growing demands for food, livestock feed and fuel. Share: FULL STORYA team of scientists led by The Genome Center at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis published the completed corn genome in the Nov. 20 issue of the journal Science, an accomplishment that will speed efforts to develop better crop varieties to meet the world's growing demands for food, livestock feed and fuel. Credit: Iowa State In recent years, scientists have decoded the DNA of humans and a menagerie of creatures but none with genes as complex as a stalk of corn, the latest genome to be unraveled. A team of scientists led by The Genome Center at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis published the completed corn genome in the Nov. 20 journal Science, an accomplishment that will speed efforts to develop better crop varieties to meet the world's growing demands for food, livestock feed and fuel. "Seed companies and maize geneticists will pounce on this data to find their favorite genes," says senior author Richard K. Wilson, Ph. D., director of Washington University's Genome Center, who led the multi-institutional sequencing effort. "Now they'll know exactly where those genes are. Having the complete genome in hand will make it easier to breed new varieties of corn that produce higher yields or are more tolerant to extreme heat, drought, or other conditions. "Corn, also known as maize, is the top U. S. crop and the basis of products ranging from breakfast cereal to toothpaste, shoe polish and ethanol. The corn genome is a hodgepodge of some 32,000 genes crammed into just 10 chromosomes. In comparison, humans have 20,000 genes dispersed among 23 chromosomes. The $29.5 million maize sequencing project began in 2005 and is funded by the National Science Foundation and the U. S. departments of agriculture and energy. The genome was sequenced at Washington University's Genome Center. The overall effort involved more than 150 U. S. scientists with those at the University of Arizona in Tucson, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in New York and Iowa State University in Ames playing key roles. The group sequenced a variety of corn known as B73, developed at Iowa State decades ago. It is known for its high grain yields and has been used extensively in both commercial corn breeding and in research laboratories. The genetic code of corn consists of 2 billion bases of DNA, the chemical units that are represented by the letters T, C, G and A, making it similar in size to the human genome, which is 2.9 billion letters long. But that's where much of the similarity ends. The challenge for Wilson and his colleagues was to string together the order of the letters, an immense and daunting task both because of the corn genome's size and its complex genetic arrangements. About 85 percent of the DNA segments are repeated. Jumping genes, or transposons, that move from place to place make up a significant portion of the genome, further complicating sequencing efforts. A working draft of the maize genome, unveiled by the same group of scientists in 2008, indicated the plant had 50,000-plus genes. But when they placed the many thousands of DNA segments onto chromosomes in the correct order and closed the remaining gaps, the researchers revised the number of genes to 32,000. "Sequencing the corn genome was like driving down miles and miles of desolate highway with only sporadically placed sign posts," says co-investigator Sandra Clifton, Ph. D., of Washington University. "We had a rudimentary map to guide us, but because of the repetitive nature of I *think* what you are taking about is a test from the book "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" on which the film "Blade Runner" was based. If so, the test aims to distinguish humans from androids ('replicants') through their emotional response to questions requiring empathy. _URL_0_ Collect on Delivery (COD) Collect on Delivery (COD). If you're a small shipper or a mail-order fulfillment house, sometimes you don't want to wait for your customer's payment to arrive and then clear before shipping out your merchandise. For this very reason, the USPS has Collect-on-Delivery, a convenient method of payment upon receipt! Croatian phrasebook Croatian phrasebook Book a Hotel In Out Check Rates Croatian is a Slavic language spoken by around 7 million people. It is the official language of Croatia and one of the official languages of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It also is an official regional language in the province of Burgenland in Austria. It has three main dialects: Chakavian, spoken primarily on the islands, along the Croatian coast and in the Lika region, Kajkavian, spoken in northern and northwestern Croatia, and Štokavian, spoken in the rest of Croatia. This phrasebook gives an overview of useful phrases in Standard Croatian. Croatian belongs to the "synthetic" language group, which means that unlike English and other "analytical" languages, different grammatical aspects are expressed in one word by changing the structure of that word—adding an ending or prefix, modifying the core of the word, etc. In analytical languages such as English, the same is achieved by using separate auxiliary verbs, pronouns or adjectives while the actual word remains unchanged. In Croatian, one word is often sufficient to express what English can achieve only by using multiple words. Pronunciation [ edit]Croatian uses the Latin alphabet. The spelling of Croatian is largely phonetic so most words are written exactly as they are pronounced. However, there are quite a few exceptions. Those words that are written in capitals signify the stress of the word. Vowels [ edit]alike 'u' in "sun"elike 'e' in "their"ilike 'ee' in "free"olike 'o' in "orb"uapproximately like 'oo' in "soon"Unfortunately, neither stresses (which can fall at any syllable) nor vowel lengths are marked in the written language, but the stress is more predictable than in Russian or Bulgarian, where it is almost obligatory to put an accent on the stressed syllable. Unlike Bulgarian, Russian and other East Slavic languages, however, wrongly pronounced vowel length will seldom cause misunderstanding. In practice, the second-last or third-last syllable is almost always stressed. Consonants [ edit]blike 'b' in "bed"clike 'ts' in "bets"člike 'ch' in "child"ćlike 't' in "mature"dlike 'd' in "dog"džlike 'dg' in "fudge"đlike 'd' in American English "schedule"flike 'f' in "for"glike 'g' in "go"hlike 'h' in "help" [usually aspirated]jlike 'y' in "yell"klike 'k' in "king" [unaspirated]llike 'l' in "love"ljlike 'li' in "million".mlike 'm' in "mother"nlike 'n' in "nice"njlike 'ñ' in Spanish "señor" or 'ny' in "canyon"plike 'p' in "pig" [unaspirated]qlike 'q' in "quest" (only in foreign words)rtrilled 'r' as in the Spanish "roca"slike 's' in "sock"šlike 'sh' in "cash"tlike 't' in "top" [unaspirated]vlike 'v' in "victory"wlike 'v' in "victor" (only in foreign words)xlike 'cks' in "kicks" or 'gs' in "legs" (only in foreign words)zlike 'z' in "zebra"žlike 'su' in "measure"Phrase list [ edit]Basics [ edit]Common signs OPENOtvoreno ( OHT-voh-reh-noh)CLOSEDZatvoreno ( ZAHT-voh-reh-noh)ENTRANCEUlaz ( OO-lahz)EXITIzlaz ( EEZ-lahz)PUSHGurati ( GOO-rah-tee)PULLPovući ( poh-VOO-chee)TOILETSnužnik MENMuški ( MOO-shkee)WOMENŽenski ( ZHEN-skee)FORBIDDENZabranjen ( ZAH-bra-nyen)Hello. ( informal )Bok ( bohk ). How are you? Kako ste? ( formal) ( KAH-koh steh? )How are you? Kako si? (informal) ( KAH-koh see? )Fine, thank you. Dobro sam, hvala. ( DOH-broh sahm, HVAH-lah)Please. Molim. ( MOH-leem)Thank you. Hvala. ( HVAH-lah)Thank you very much Hvala lijepa. ( HVAh-lah LYEH-pah)You're welcome. Nema na čemu. ( NEH-mah na CHEH-moo )or Molim. ( MO-leem)Yes. Da. ( da)No. Ne. ( ne)Good morning. Dobro jutro. ( DOH-broh YOO-troh)Good afternoon. Dobar dan. ( DOH-bahr dahn)Good evening. Dobra večer. ( DOH-brah VEH-cher)Good night. Laku noć. ( LAH-koo notch)Good night ( to sleep )Laku noć. ( LAH-koo nohch)Excuse me. ( getting attention )Oprostite. ( oh-PROHS-tee-teh)Excuse me. ( begging pardon )Pardon. ( par-DON)I'm sorry. ("expressing condolence")Žao mi je. ( zhow mee yeh)Goodbye Doviđenja ( doh-vee-JEH-nyah) or Zbogom ( ZBOH-gohm ). Goodbye ( informal )Doviđenja ( doh-vee-JEH-nyah) or Bok. ( bok)What is your name? Kako se zovete? ( formal Washington creates the Purple Heart On February 22, 1932, Washington’s 200th birthday, the U.S. War Department announced the creation of the “Order of the Purple Heart.”. In addition to aspects of Washington’s original design, the new Purple Heart also displays a bust of Washington and his coat of arms. Red Rose of Lancaster the Canadian Army also incorporated the red rose into the design of their cap badge and regimental buttons, due to an alliance with the York and Lancaster Regiment of the British Army. The Canadian city of Montreal has a Lancastrian rose in the top right hand corner of its flag, representing the city's historical English community. The U.S. City of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, known as "Red Rose City", uses the Lancastrian rose as its seal, and in its flag. Red Rose of Lancaster The Red Rose of Lancaster (a rose gules) is the county flower of Lancashire. The exact species or This comment is not toxic. In this paper, we present a novel approach for mining opinions from product reviews, where it converts opinion mining task to identify product features, expressions of opinions and relations between them. By taking advantage of the observation that a lot of product features are phrases, a concept of phrase dependency parsing is introduced, which extends traditional dependency parsing to phrase level. This concept is then implemented for extracting relations between product features and expressions of opinions. Experimental evaluations show that the mining task can benefit from phrase dependency parsing. The "power of the mind" is absolutely [linked to your body's physiological state, including your immune response.](_URL_2_) Here's a study where existing [sinus medications fared no better than placebos:](_URL_1_). Since doctors can't easily prescribe placebos to sinus patients without them catching on, [they sometimes go on prescribing mild antibotics like amoxycillin](_URL_3_) even though they know it truly is a placebo in these situations. On a side note, there's even some interesting research that [more expensive placebos work better](_URL_0_), due to our gut reaction that they must work better if they cost more. Business valuation In capital budgeting We use the WACC, adjusted for project-specific risk, to calculate the net present value (NPV). Using a company’s overall WACC in evaluating a capital project assumes that the project has risk similar to the average project of the company.n capital budgeting We use the WACC, adjusted for project-specific risk, to calculate the net present value (NPV). Using a company’s overall WACC in evaluating a capital project assumes that the project has risk similar to the average project of the company. Interstate 88 (Illinois) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Interstate 88 (west))navigation search Interstate 88Ronald Reagan Memorial Highway/Tollway Route information Maintained by IDOT and ISTHALength 140.60 mi [2] (226.27 km)Existed July 1987 [1] – present Major junctions West end I-80 / IL 5 / IL 92 / IL 110 (CKC) in East Moline US 30 in Rock Falls I-39 / US 51 in Rochelle I-355 in Downers Grove I-294 in Hillside East end I-290 / I-294 / IL 110 (CKC) in Hillside Highway system Interstate Highway System Main Auxiliary Suffixed Business Future Illinois State Highway System Interstate U. S. State Tollways← IL 84 IL 89 →Interstate 88 ( I-88) is a tolled Interstate Highway in the US state of Illinois that runs from an interchange with I-80 near Silvis and Moline to an interchange with I-290 and I-294 in Hillside, near Chicago. I-88 is 140.60 miles (226.27 km) long. This route is not contiguous to I-88 in New York. Since 2010, all of I-88 has been part of the Chicago–Kansas City Expressway. The highway also runs through the cities of Aurora, Naperville, De Kalb, and Dixon. Contents [ hide ]1 History1.1 Ronald Reagan Memorial Tollway2 Exit list3 References4 External links History [ edit]Prior to its designation as an Interstate Highway, the route was known as IL 5, and before that, IL 190. The reason for I-88's original designation and continued existence as an Interstate has to do with a technicality in the old National Maximum Speed Law (NMSL). Originally passed in 1973, NMSL was amended in 1987 to permit 65 mph (105 km/h) speed limits on rural stretches of Interstate Highways only. Even though IL 5 was fully up to Interstate standards, it still had to carry a 55 mph (90 km/h) limit because of this wording in NMSL. The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) and Illinois State Toll Highway Authority (ISTHA) petitioned the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) to re-designate IL 5 as an Interstate, and in 1987, AASHTO approved the request and assigned the Interstate 88 numbering to the highway. [1] NMSL would be completely repealed only eight years later in 1995, but the I-88 shields remain up to this day, even though Illinois 110 shields are being posted throughout the entire Illinois I-88, since it is now part of the Chicago to Kansas City Expressway project, bannered with special "CKC" logos. Ronald Reagan Memorial Tollway in Naperville, heading east Ronald Reagan Memorial Tollway [ edit]The Ronald Reagan Memorial Tollway, originally known as the East-West Tollway, is a toll road in northern Illinois. Opened November 21, 1958, it was initially designated as U. S. Route 30 Toll, and later Illinois Route 190. The original routing extended from the Interstate 294 interchange near Hillside to Illinois Route 47 near Sugar Grove. Illinois Route 56 was overlapped on the East-West Tollway between North Aurora and Sugar Grove in 1965. Map of the Ronald Reagan Memorial Tollway, the tolled portion of Interstate 88When the East-West Tollway was extended to Dixon, Illinois in the 1970s, the Illinois 190 numbering was removed from the stretch between Aurora and Sugar Grove, making that section strictly Illinois 56. Once complete, the new routing of the combined tollway and freeway between Interstate 80 near the Quad Cities and Interstate 294 became designated as Illinois Route 5. In the late 1980s, it was renumbered as Interstate 88. Officially, the tollway portion begins in Rock Falls, IL, starting at the intersection with U. S. Route 30 at mile marker 44, although the first toll plaza does not appear until after the Illinois Route 26 interchange in Dixon, making the section between US 30 and Illinois 26 technically a freeway. It continues as a tollway until its terminus in Hillside. West of U. S. 30 to Interstate 80, Interstate 88 is a freeway. The tollway portion is 96 miles (154 km) long. After the death of Illinois native and former President Ronald Reagan in 2004, the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority voted to rename the toll roadway "Ronald Reagan Memorial Tol brainstem (brān'stěm') The part of the vertebrate brain located at the base of the brain and made up of the medulla oblongata, pons, and midbrain. The brainstem controls and regulates vital body functions, including respiration, heart rate, and blood pressure. See also reticular formation. Abby Sciuto Abigail `` Abby '' Sciuto -LSB- ˈʃuːtoʊ -RSB- is a fictional character from the NCIS television series on CBS Television , and is portrayed by Pauley Perrette . In a season 10 episode entitled `` Hit and Run '' , a young Abby was played by Brighton Sharbino in flashbacks . Like Jethro Gibbs , Anthony DiNozzo , and Dr. Donald Mallard , Abby was first introduced in the episodes `` Ice Queen '' and `` Meltdown '' of the television show JAG ( which together served as the backdoor pilot for NCIS ) , and has appeared in every episode of NCIS , in addition to being featured on the show 's spin-offs , NCIS : Los Angeles ( two episodes ) and NCIS : New Orleans ( two episodes ) . The role has made Perrette one of the most popular actresses on U.S. primetime television in 2011 , according to Q Score . Abby Sciuto is a forensic scientist at the Naval Criminal Investigative Service headquarters at the Washington Navy Yard , with expertise in ballistics , digital forensics , and DNA analysis . In the first episode of the seventh season , `` Truth or Consequences '' , DiNozzo , while under the influence of a truth serum , describes her as `` a paradox wrapped in an oxymoron smothered in contradictions in terms . Sleeps in a coffin . Really , the happiest Goth you 'll ever meet . '' Her gothic style of dress and her interest in death and the supernatural enigmatically contrast with her generally hyperactive demeanor and enthusiasm about her work . Biology Chapter 10 24 terms Tipsy Teresa Biology Chapter 10Learn Flashcards Write Spell Test Match Gravity Advertisement Upgrade to remove ads Like this study set? Create a free account to save it. Create a free account Maybe later1. Explain the problems that growth causes for cells The lardger a cell becomes, the more demands the cell places on its DNA. As a cell increases in size, it usually does not make extra copies of DNA. If a cell became too large, an "information crisis" would occur. The cell has more trouble moving enough nutrients and wastes across the cell membrane. The rate at which food, oxygen, and water enter the cell, as well as wast products leave the cell, depends on the surface area of the cell and the cell's volume. If a cell gets too large, it would be more difficult to get sufficient amounts of oxygen and nutrients in and waste products out.2. a) Describe what is meant by each of the following terms: cell volume, cell surface area, ratio of surface area to volume Cell volume is the amount of space the cell occupies and is found by multiplying the length of the cell by the width and by the height fo the cell. Cell surface area is the area of all the sides of the cell added together. It is the total area of the outside of the cell. The ratio of surface area to volume is the division of the surface area of the cell by the volume of the cell. If a cell had a volume of eight and a surface arfea of 24 then the ratio of surface area to volume ratio would be 24/8 or 3.2. b) As a cell increases in size, which increases more rapidly, its surface area or its volume? As a cell increases in size the volume of the cell increases more rapidly than the surface area.2. c) How is a cell's potential growth affected by its ratio of surface area to volume? As the cell increases in size the volume of the cell increases more rapidly than the surface area which causes a decrease in the cell's ratio of surface area to volume and makes it more difficult for the cell to move needed materials in and waste products out. If a cell gets too large, it would be more difficult to get sufficient amounts of oxygen and nutrients in and waste products out, so the cell has to stop growing before this happens.3. Describe how cell division solves the problems of cell growth. Cell division solves the problems of cell growth because cell division keeps the cells from getting too large but allows the organism enough cells to survive. Because of cell division the cells that die can me made up for and the cells work more efficiently.4. Summarize what happens during the process of cell division. In cell division, a cell copies its DNA, divides the nucleus, separates the sister chromatids, and then splits into two daughter cells.5. What is the relationship between interphase and cell division? Interphase is the time between cell divisions during which growth and preparation for division occurs. Interphase happens between every cell division and is not a part of the actual splitting of the cell.6. Name the main events of the cell cycle and discuss the relative length of the major events. The main events of the cell cycle are G1 phase, S phase, G2 phase, (these are all parts of interphase) prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, and cytokinesis (these last five are M phase). Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase are all in mitosis. Interphase is the longest part of the cell cycle; cell division is only a small part. S phase is the longest phase of interphase and G2 phase is the shortest of the three phases of interphase. The longest phase of mitosis is prophase and it takes up 50 to 60% of the total time required to complete mitosis. Metaphase only lasts a few minutes.7. Summarize what happens during interphase. During interphase cells grow and prepare for the cell cycle. The cell grows and makes new proteins and organelles, chromosomes are replicated to make another copy of the DNA, and many organelles and molecules required for cell division are produced.8. Explain how the following terms are related to one another: DNA centromere chromo Breakfast Breakfast Many people say a great breakfast is the most important meal of the day. When you pair one of our delicious breakfast options with a cup of Always Fresh coffee, it can also be the most delicious meal of the day. Available until 12 noon everyday. What Can We Get For You? Hot Breakfast Sandwich A Tims breakfast classic. Choose from a variety of meats on a Homestyle Biscuit, English Muffin or Bagel. Learn More Bagel B. E. L. T.®Breakfast should come in 5 layers. Bacon, seasoned egg omelette, lettuce, tomato and processed cheese, stacked on a bagel. Y. E. S. Learn More Fresh Grilled Breakfast Wraps Grilled to perfection and prepared fresh just for you, our grilled Breakfast Wraps will dramatically change the way you do breakfast. Learn More Homestyle Oatmeal Oatmeal the way grandma used to make it. Slow cooked and available in Maple or Mixed Berries. 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Many valuation methods are stipulated by accounting rules, such as the need to use an accepted options model to value the options that a company grants to employees. Other assets are valued simply by the price paid, such as real estate. Typically, fixed assets are valued at the historical price. Marketable securities are valued at the current market price. Next Up Valuation Analysis Historic Pricing Terminal Value - TVRich Valuation BREAKING DOWN 'Accounting Valuation'Accounting valuation is important because the value of assets on a company's financial statements needs to be reliable. Analysis of this valuation is just as important as the valuation itself. Some assets, such as real estate, which is carried at cost less depreciation, can be carried on the balance sheet at far from their true value. Securities the firm owns for its own investment portfolio versus trading will have their own rules for valuation as well, as will bonds held for investment or trading. The updated quarterly or yearly information is made available in the form of financial statements and can be found in the investor relations area of most publicly trading firms' websites. RELATED TERMSValuation Analysis A valuation analysis is a process to estimate the approximate ... Historic Pricing A method for calculating the value of an asset using the last ... Terminal Value - TVThe value of a bond at maturity, or of an asset at a specified, ... Rich Valuation An asset that is being valued by investors at a very substantial ... Relative Value Relative value is a method of determining an asset or company's ... Adjusted Net Asset Method The adjusted net asset method is a business valuation technique ... Related Articles Managing Wealth Asset Manager Ethics: Valuation Is A Tricky Business Asset managers must accurately represent all of a clients assets in the client portfolio. This can be tricky for unique and hard-to-value assets. Investing Relative Valuation: Using Stocks To Value Other Stocks This effective approach will help you understand which stocks you should be investing in. Investing Mark-To-Market: Tool Or Trouble? Mark-to-market accounting can be a valuable practice, but all bets are off when the market fluctuates wildly. Investing Peer Comparison Uncovers Undervalued Stocks Learn how to put one of the top equity analysis tools to work for you. Investing Discounted Cash Flow (DCF)Discover how investors can use this valuation method to determine the intrinsic value of a stock. Investing Learn to Value Real Estate Investment Property Make sure you know what your real estate investment is worth before you sign the ownership papers. Learn what capitalization rate means to your net operating income. Investing How To Value An Internet Stock An academic study, published several years after the peak of the dot-com bubble in March 2000, accurately described just how whacky internet valuations grew until the bubble burst. The study's ... Investing What Is The Value In Value Investing? Value investing has its advantages, but it also has significant drawbacks. We look at the pros and cons. RELATED FAQSWhat is the difference between economic value and market value? Learn about the differences between economic value and market value. Discover how they serve different purposes for businesses ... Read Answer >>What can cause an asset to trade above its market value? Learn some of the factors that can affect the price of an investment asset and the major reasons why an asset might trade ... Read Answer >>What is the difference between carrying value and market value? Understand the difference between carrying value and market value. Learn when a company uses carrying value to value an asset ... Read Answer >>Why is it important for an investor to understand business accou This comment is not toxic. Civil news: exceptional legal aid funding for immigration cases Exceptional case funding under section 10 of LASPO is the only option for family reunion work. It remains the case that legal advice required on existing matters or new applications under the above Immigration Rules (after 15 December 2014) are not in the scope of Part 1, Schedule 1, of the LASPO Act.xceptional case funding under section 10 of LASPO is the only option for family reunion work. It remains the case that legal advice required on existing matters or new applications under the above Immigration Rules (after 15 December 2014) are not in the scope of Part 1, Schedule 1, of the LASPO Act. Bermuda Triangle Previous (Bermuda) Next (Bernard Bolzano)One version of the Bermuda Triangle area The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, is an area in the Atlantic Ocean where various disappearances of people and their aircraft and surface vessels have occurred. Some of the disappearances involve a level of mystery which is often popularly explained by a variety of theories beyond human error or acts of nature, attributed by some to the paranormal, a suspension of the laws of physics, or activity by extraterrestrial beings. Contents [ hide ]1 The Triangle area2 History of the Triangle story3 Incidents3.1 Ellen Austin3.2 USS Cyclops3.3 Flight 193.4 Douglas DC-33.5 Star Tiger and Star Ariel3.6 SS Marine Sulfur Queen3.7 USS Scorpion4 Paranormal theories5 Skeptics6 The Bermuda Triangle in popular culture7 Footnotes8 References9 External links10 Credits An abundance of documentation for most incidents suggests that the Bermuda Triangle is merely a sailors' legend, later embellished by professional writers. Popular interest in the idea continues, however, reflecting the irrepressible human yearning to fathom that which lies beyond the external, physical world and interact with the realms of the imagination and spirit. The Triangle area The area of the Triangle varies with the authors. The legends of the Bermuda Triangle do not come from one primary source, but rather are a continuance of an older tradition of stories passed on orally before being written down. Consequently the reports are subject to any number of cultural perspectives, making it is impossible to pinpoint its exact dimensions. The most common representation is an isosceles triangle that stretches from Miami, Florida, to San Juan, Puerto Rico; and the mid-Atlantic island of Bermuda, with most of the accidents concentrated along the southern boundary around the Bahamas and the Florida Straits. Another popular theory is that it is more of a trapezium covering the Straits of Florida, the Bahamas, and the entire Caribbean island area east to the Azores. Occasionally, the Gulf of Mexico is added under this theory. Beyond the exact geographical boundaries, the general area of the Atlantic, Caribbean, and Gulf of Mexico have been heavily-sailed shipping lanes since Christopher Columbus led the way for the European involvement of the New World. From colonial trade ships to the modern day, ships cross through the triangle waters daily for ports in the Americas and Europe, as well as the Caribbean Islands. Cruise ships are also plentiful, and pleasure craft regularly go back and forth between Florida and the islands. It is also a heavily flown route for commercial and private aircraft heading towards Florida, the Caribbean, and South America from points north. The climate in that area of the ocean can be fairly extreme. The Gulf Stream ocean current flows through the Triangle after leaving the Gulf of Mexico. Sudden storms can and do appear, and in the summer to late fall, the occasional hurricane strikes the area. The combination of heavy maritime traffic and tempestuous weather makes it inevitable that vessels could founder in storms and be lost without a trace—especially before modern telecommunications, radar, and satellite technology arrived late in the twentieth century. History of the Triangle story Did you know? The Bermuda Triangle in the Atlantic Ocean, where a number of aircraft and ships are said to have disappeared under mysterious circumstances, is also known as the Devil's Triangle Since humankind began to sail the oceans, there have been stories of cursed waters where ships and people disappear. These disappearances were attributed to everything from vengeful deities, sea serpents, even to the purported edge of the world, when people believed Earth was flat and a ship could fall off the edge. With the advent of modern sailing equipment and techniques, along with scientific understanding of the ocean, much of the maritime lore of earlier days faded away. A few areas remained that became designated as areas of paranormal activity, the mos For the most part no. Sound travels in waves like light, but they need a material to pass through. The reason you can hear sound on Earth is that vibrations can pass between atoms and molecules and carry sounds through space until they contact your eardrums. In space the concentration of matter is to low to carry sound so you would not be able to hear anything. You could however hear sounds that came from your space suit there would be oxygen and other gasses in your helmet that sound waves could travel through. This review was deemed to be not helpful at all, hence a rating of zero stars. - page content the independent electricity system operator ieso works at the heart of ontario s power system ensuring there is enough power to meet the province s energy needs in real time while also planning and securing energy for the futureit does this byntario s ieso works to ensure sufficient electricity is available whenever and wherever it s needed ensuring there is enough energy to meet demand is an ongoing and highly complex process requiring the close coordination of all parts of the system History of the FA Cup thirteen years earlier, however, while Blackpool had been up against a Bolton side reduced to nine fit men, Sheffield Wednesday, by contrast, were in no way handicapped. The match, however, was largely forgotten as it was overshadowed by England's World Cup victory later that year. The record for most FA Cup wins by a player is held by Ashley Cole, who has won it seven times (with Arsenal in 2002, 2003 and 2005, and Chelsea in 2007, 2009, 2010 and 2012). With Chelsea's victory over Portsmouth in the 2010 final, Cole beat the record of five jointly held by Charles Top 30 Doctor insights on: What Does High Nitrates In Urine Mean Urine Issue: High levels of nitrites in your urine can be a sign that you have bacteria in your urine. The fact that you have a strange odor to your urine may indicate infection. Your urine can be sent for a bacterial culture to identify a particular bacteria causing the infection. The sentiment of this tweet is negative, indicating that the content expresses dissatisfaction or disapproval. Get the number of reminders. There are some demanding uses of computers, where *any* data loss is intolerable. Write-back writes only when necessary or after some interval, but if the power goes off in the meantime, what was in cache is lost. Imagine it like autosaves in games where every 10 minutes it saves. What you did since the last save might be lost. Now in things like banking, data loss of any sort could mean big trouble. Imagine if your direct deposit check was in the middle of being updated in your account and the bank lost power. Might have just lost that transaction! Write-through is more demanding of computer resources, but it's okay because the reduction in potential data loss is more important. Economic history of Africa and coincided with Germany's sudden emergence as an imperial power. Called for by Portugal and organized by Otto von Bismarck, first Chancellor of Germany, its outcome, the General Act of the Berlin Conference, can be seen as the formalization of the Scramble for Africa. The conference ushered in a period of heightened colonial activity by European powers, while simultaneously eliminating most existing forms of African autonomy and self-governance. During this colonial time, the economy of Africa was re-arranged to serve Europe and Europeans, and the European industrial chain began in Africa and ended in European industrial warehouses. All of Africa The sentiment expressed in this movie review is negative. How do I stop my dog from crying for no reason? Classic Roman dishes Among the classic Roman pasta dishes are: 1 bucatini all'Amatriciana (thick, hollow spaghetti in a slightly spicy tomato sauce studded with pancetta [belly bacon] or guanciale [jowl bacon]). 2 spaghetti alla carbonara (with eggs, pancetta, and cracked pepper). 3 pasta al pomodoro (in a plain tomato sauce). A key aspect of the Gates Foundation's U.S. efforts involves an overhaul of the country's education policies at both the K-12 and college levels, including support for teacher evaluations and charter schools and opposition to seniority-based layoffs and other aspects of the education system that are typically backed by teachers' unions. It spent $373 million on education in 2009. It has also donated to the two largest national teachers' unions. The foundation was the biggest early backer of the Common Core State Standards Initiative. Jim Hegerle Jim Hegerle (February 17, 1936 – June 26, 2007), also known as Jimmy Hegerle, was a light heavyweight professional boxer from Saint Paul, Minnesota. What is the approximate speed of jet plane in kilmometers per hour? Cars & Transportation Aircraft What is the approximate speed of jet plane in kilmometers per hour? Follow 16 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: The passenger jet I travel on goes about 850-900km/hr When you get more answers in M/PH the conversion rate is 1mile=1.6 kmlukumuss · 10 years ago0 0 Comment Depending upon the type of Jet Plane, jets can fly anywhere from about 140 miles per hour and 2 thousand miles per hour. Jets routinely fly in the lower end of the speed range, taking off and landing below 140 miles per hour, and cruising at altitude between 400 and 550 miles per hour. Going faster than that means approaching or breaking through the sound barrier which is not done by the average commercial jet liners and transport (freight) jets. Really fast speeds are accomplished by military jets used for fast attack and ultra high speed reconaissance from high altitudes. Isabella · 2 years ago0 0 Comment The conversion numbers given are from miles per hour to kilometers per hour. Jet aircraft speeds are generally measure in knots (Nautical miles : 1 nautical mile = approx 1.15 statute miles = 1.61 kilometers. What really matters is ground speed-how fast the aircraft is traveling over the ground. At altitude, an aircraft could be flying 300 knots indicated air speed, but have a ground speed of 500 knots. To covert knots to km/h, multiply the speed in knots by 1.85. I fly all the time with an 500 knot ground speed, which translates to 925 km/h. Last week, we had a strong tailwind and a 600 knot ground speed = 1110 km/h Source (s): I'm an airline pilot Joe Pilot · 10 years ago1 0 Comment Speed Of A Jet Source (s): Wfeatherston · 1 year ago0 0 Comment Then you can add or subtract wind speed to get the ground speed. You might be getting the picture by now that you have asked a loaded question. It depends on the type of airplane, the altitude it is at, the weather conditions around it, and if it is capable of (or allowed to) break the speed of sound. Supersonic aircraft will generate sonic booms that are generally illegal to make over populated land. Sphinx XXVII · 10 years ago0 0 Comment The speed of modern Jet planes is 680-900 Km/hr..... Preethi R · 10 years ago0 0 Comment All that assumes you mean typical jet passenger airliners. "Jet plane" can mean anything from a Cessna Citation at 400 MPH (640 KMH) up to the SR-71 Blackbird at 2,200 MPH (3,230 KMH). You can find the specific information for any type of airplane by doing an internet search on the name of the aircraft type, like the rest of us. Good luck!Source (s):retired airline captainaviophage · 10 years ago1 0 Comment900 to 1000 km/h. Fastest jet transport is 747-400, which flies at Mach .86, or a little over 600 mph (1000 km/h). DT3238 · 10 years ago0 0 Comment750 Kms to 900 Kms per hourrajan · 10 years ago0 0 Comment I agree with joe pilot, what matter is Ground Speed and not Indicated. on an average as my a/c cost index if 10 we get 450kts as ground speed to get this in KM/h multiply by 1.85. regards Source (s): I am a Pilot Gurpal Singh · 10 years ago0 0 Comment1 2 next Perhaps you would like to learn more about one of these? Best Home Security System? Get an MBA while working Need Home Equity Loan Options? Find the best luxury cars Is APA style single or double spaced? The spacing should be double space to properly format the paper using the APA style. Paragraph should be started with at least 5 spaces. For the body paragraphs, the first lin…e should always be indented. Also, there should be two spaces after each period. How Far is the Driving Distance from Los Angeles to Las Vegas by Car, and How Long Does it Take? That all depends on what part of the massive LA area you’re starting out from, but from city hall in downtown Los Angeles, it’s exactly 263 miles (or 424 kilometers), to the Las Vegas Strip, (specifically, Mandalay Bay). In normal traffic, it would take you approximately four hours to drive it by car. The active chemical that cause the effects of marijuana use, THC, also dilates the veins in the eyes, thus making them red and glossy. Who Is Ivana Trump? 11 Facts About Ivanka's Mother And Donald's Ex-Wife Who Is Ivana Trump? 11 Facts About Ivanka's Mother And Donald's Ex-Wife By Cristina Silva @cristymsilva On 07/21/16 AT 9:58 PMIvana Trump arrives at amf AR's Cinema Against AIDS 2006 event in France, May 25, 2006. Photo: Reuters Melania Trump called her husband "intensely loyal to family" during a widely watched speech Monday night at the Republican National Convention. But she isn't his first wife. Of Donald Trump's three marriages, his longest marriage was to Ivana Trump, the mother of his three oldest children. Their daughter, Ivanka Trump, was scheduled to introduce her father Thursday night before he gave his formal presidential nomination acceptance speech. "In a decade of glitz, they were the glitziest; in a decade of greed, they were the greediest: He the scrappy investor who made a fortune wheeling and dealing real estate, she the gregarious, Czech-born outsider who charmed and clawed her way into New York's most refined social circles," People magazine once wrote about their marriage. To truly understand the Trump family dynamics, here are 11 facts about his first first lady.1. Ivana Trump and Donald Trump divorced in 1991 after his much-publicized affair with model Marla Maples, who later became his second wife.2. Ivana Trump claims she told Donald Trump to run for president years ago. "Probably five years before our divorce, Reagan or somebody brought him a letter and said, ‘You should run for president,'" Donald’s first wife told the New York Post. "So he was thinking about it. But then . . . there was the divorce, there was the scandal, and American women loved me and hated him."3. Ivana Trump and Donald Trump are still friendly toward each other.4. She claims she gives him campaign advice. "We speak before and after the appearances and he asks me what I thought," she told the New York Post.5. She grew up in Czechoslovakia, where she was a competitive skier before she became a model.6. She meet Donald Trump at a New York restaurant where she was eating with friends in 1976. He picked up the tab. The couple wed in 1977.7. She had three children with Donald Trump: Donald Jr., Ivanka and Eric.8. She often spends time with her ex-husband and sometime lover, Rossano Rubicondi, according to tabloids. He was her fourth husband and they divorced in 2009 after only being married a year.9. She once accused Donald Trump of raping her. She later said she felt "violated." "During a deposition given by me in connection with my matrimonial case, I stated that my husband had raped me," she said. " [O]n one occasion during 1989, Mr. Trump and I had marital relations in which he behaved very differently toward me than he had during our marriage. As a woman, I felt violated, as the love and tenderness, which he normally exhibited towards me, was absent. I referred to this as a ‘rape,’ but I do not want my words to be interpreted in a literal or criminal sense. "She again clarified her feelings on the incident last year: "I have recently read some comments attributed to me from nearly 30 years ago at a time of very high tension during my divorce from Donald. The story is totally without merit. Donald and I are the best of friends and together have raised three children that we love and are very proud of. I have nothing but fondness for Donald and wish him the best of luck on his campaign. Incidentally, I think he would make an incredible president."10. Her divorce from Donald Trump was granted in 1991 because of "cruel and inhuman treatment" of Ivana.11. She allegedly isn't a big fan of Melania Trump. "She can’t talk, she can’t give a speech, she doesn’t go to events, she doesn’t (seem to) want to be involved," she said, according to the New York Daily News in October. - In Nevada. The 10 largest cities in Nevada are Las Vegas, Reno, Carson City, Henderson, North Las Vegas and Sparks. Enterprise, Sunrise Manor, Spring Valley, and Paradise round out t … he 10 largest cities in Nevada. - A Florida Notary Public... 1 Perform a marriage ceremony in the State of Florida for all individuals (including any family members) with a valid Florida marriage license. 2 Charge up to $10.00 per notarial signature on a document; charge up to $20.00 for performing a marriage 1 Perform a marriage ceremony in the State of Florida for all individuals (including any family members) with a valid Florida marriage license. 2 Charge up to $10.00 per notarial signature on a document; charge up to $20.00 for performing a marriage ceremony. Why do some people cut off all ties to their parents? Galilean moons close to the limit of human visual acuity. Ganymede and Callisto, at their maximum separation, are the likeliest targets for potential naked-eye observation. GIF animation of the resonance of Io, Europa, and Ganymede
Galilean moons The Galilean moons are the four largest moons of Jupiter—Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. They were first seen by Galileo Galilei in January 1610, and recognized by him as satellites of Jupiter in March 1610. They were the first objects found to orbit another planet. Their names derive from the lovers of Zeus. They are among the largest objects in the Solar System with SYS file extension Dangerous and malicious file type. The sys file extension is associated with system files, which contain code needed to properly load and configure Windows and were also used in MS-DOS system. The sys files can also be part of hardware drivers and contain various instruction for their flawless operation. Leaking Amniotic Fluid â Signs, Causes And Treatment Amniotic fluid is: 1 Generally odourless. 2 Continues to leak, sometimes a steady flow. 3 Your undergarments and liners/pads will need to be changed often as the leak is steady. You have no control over the flow, unlike 1 urine. The fluid is mostly clear, possibly tinged with white specs and mucous or a bit of blood. For an object to ignite due to pure friction with the air, it has to be moving *extremely* quickly. Baumgartner simply never reached those speeds. The key phrase is "things from space get burned." They get burned because it is very easy to gain velocity in space due to lack of air resistance. They then carry the kinetic energy from that velocity into the atmosphere and the energy is turned into the friction that causes the burning. Baumgartner jumped from what is called "near space," where there are still gasses that would have been resisting his motion and reducing his downward velocity from the second he jumped. He was never in free fall in the true sense of the word, and thus never even exceeded terminal velocity by much, let alone the speed needed to ignite. [This graph](_URL_0_) sums it up well. Notice how terminal speed is lower the closer he gets to Earth. The gasses were slowing him down the whole way, preventing him from falling fast enough to burn. Not a physician, but from my past conversations with my med student fiance, it is my understanding the killing cancer cells does not necessarily kill what is causing the cells to mutate. If a random event causes the cells to become cancerous then I believe that killing the cells will kill the cancer. However, if there is an underlying cause of the cells mutating, then you would have to target that problem. Also, there are many different ways that cells can mutate to become cancerous and targeting each and every one of those seems to be fairly difficult. Math Functions, Relations, Domain & Range Worksheet on Functions in Math (relations, domain and range). This worksheet goes in tandem with this web page. So, what is a 'relation'? Show Answer Video Lesson Functions, Relations, Domain And Range Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5 video.0:00 / 7:12Challengeyour friends0/10Score You Scored a Fair6/10Thank you for playing !Start Next quiz How Good is your Basic Algebra?x * x = 2x x + x = 2x Slope of a straight line changes at different points in the line In the general equation , y =mx + b, 'b' is the x-intercept In the general equation, y = mx + b, 'b' is the y-intercept The solution to the equation x + 2 = x + 5 is the empty set (i.e. "no solution") x + 3 = y is a quadratic equation The slope of a horizontal line is zero The slope of a vertical line is undefined For all real values of x : x+3 = 3x TRUEFALSEsponsored Advertisementsponsored Advertisementsponsored Advertisement What is the domain and range of a 'relation'? Show Answer Examplesof the Domain and Range Example 1In the relation above the domain is { 0, 3, 90 } And the range is { 1, 22, 34 }Example 2Arrow Chart Relations are often represented using arrow charts connecting the domain and range elements. Example 3Domain and range of a relation In the relation above, the domain is { 2, 4, 11, -21} the range is is { -5, 31, -11, 3}I. Practice Identifying Domain and Range Problem 1What is the domain and range of the following relation? { (-1,2), (2, 51), (1, 3), (8, 22), (9, 51) }Show Answer Problem 2What is the domain and range of the following relation? { (-5,6), (21, -51), (11, 93), (81, 202), (19, 51) }Show Answer Problem 3What is the domain and range of the following relation? Show Answer Interactive Relation See this demonstration by itself What makes a relation a function? Show Answer What's an easy way to do this? Show Answer II. Practice Identifying Functions Problem 1Which relations below are functions? Show Answer Relation #1 { (-1,2), (-4,51), (1,2), (8,-51) }Relation #2 { (13,14), (13,5), (16,7), (18,13) }Relation #3 { (3,90), (4,54), (6,71), (8,90) }Problem 2Which relations below are functions? Show Answer Relation #1 { (3,4), (4,5), (6,7), (8,9) }Relation #2 { (3,4), (4,5), (6,7), (3,9) }Relation #3 { (-3,4), (4,-5), (0,0), (8,9) }Relation #4 { (8, 11), (34,5), (6,17), (8,19) }Practice 3For the following relation to be a function, X can not be what values? Show Answer { ( 8, 11), ( 34 ,5), ( 6 ,17), (X ,22) }Practice 4For the relation below to be a function, X cannot be what values? Show Answer { ( 12, 13), ( -11, 22), ( 33, 101), (X ,22) }Practice 5For the relation below to be a function, X cannot be what values? Show Answer { ( 12 ,14), ( 13 ,5) , ( -2 ,7), (X,13) }Further Reading Functions Home Vertical Line Test One to one function Inverse of a Function Images Where can I download synaptics touchpad drivers? "Both are saying essentially the same thing. The Forbes articles says ""as much as 20% [...] up to a maximum of $50,000"". This means the same as what the IRS page when it says the lesser of a percentage of your income or a total of $53,000. In other words, the $53k is a cap: you can contribute a percentage of your earnings, but you can never contribute more than $53k, even if you make so much money that 20% of your earnings would be more than that. (The difference between 20% and 25% in the two sources appears to reflect a difference in contribution limits depending on whether you are making contributions for employees, or for yourself as a self-employed individual; see Publication 560. The difference between $50k and $53k is due to the two pages being written in different years; the limits increase each year.)" What are the best websites to visit everyday? It depends. Definitions can differ. 1. simple pH. If it's below 7, it's acidic, if it's exactly 7, neutral and above it's a base. 2. Proton donator and acceptor. Acids have protons (H+) and give them up so they are the donators and the base has a free electron pair (or more) takes them in with a covalent bond. (Brønsted) 3. Donator or acceptor of electron pairs. Here it's reversed, the one that accepts the covalent bond and the base is the one donating it. (Lewis) ps. please excuse issues with terminology i'm neither a native english speaker nor a chemist. Norton Toolbar and Microsoft Edge Browser Compatibility Norton Toolbar and Microsoft Edge Browser Compatibility. Microsoft has introduced a new default browser with Windows 10 called Microsoft Edge. The new browser aims to provide a faster, more flexible and customizable experience. According to Microsoft, the browser-based products and features that we deliver today will not be compatible with Edge. The following Norton product features will not be compatible with the new Microsoft Edge browser: The sentiment expressed in this movie review is negative. Manitoba's minimum wage jumps a quarter in October Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 18/6/2014 (1393 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. Manitoba’s minimum wage goes up by 25 cents to $10.70 an hour Oct. 1. Labour and Immigration Minister Erna Braun said in a statement today the increase will be the 14th straight year the minimum wage has gone up.“This most recent increase builds on our long-term plan to provide the lowest wage earners increased purchasing power so they can better provide for themselves and their families," Braun said. The increase of 25 cents per hour brings the current minimum wage to $10.70 from $10.45. It will put Manitoba the fourth-highest among other Canadian jurisdictions. Ontario raised its minimum wage to $11 an hour effective June 1. Saskatchewan will increase its minimum wage from $10 to $10.20 per hour effective Oct. 1. The emotion expressed in this message is surprise. - The median home value in Chapel Hill is $334,400. Chapel Hill home values have gone up 1.4% over the past year and Zillow predicts they will rise 3.1% within the next year. The median rent price in Chapel Hill is $1,400, which is higher than the Durham Metro median of $1,300. LLR & Orbital Motion Historically, animation has been drawn one frame at a time. The primary artists might draw out key frames then hand them off to a group of animators who draw the frames in between. These days, you can have a computer interpolate the from and to and generate the frames in between. With 3D animation, you can do it in the same manner with the animator positioning the meshes of moving things for each frame. But it's sometimes more practical to use cameras to follow a real actor making the movements which are then mapped on to the 3D mesh to make it move. Dennis the Menace (1959 TV series) Episodes". Dennis the Menace (1959 TV series) Dennis the Menace is an American sitcom based on the Hank Ketcham comic strip of the same name and preceding "The Ed Sullivan Show" on Sunday evenings on CBS from October 1959 to July 1963. The series stars Jay North as Dennis Mitchell; Herbert Anderson as his father, Henry; Gloria Henry as his mother, Alice; Joseph Kearns as George Wilson; Gale Gordon as George's brother, John Wilson; Sylvia Field as George's wife, Martha Wilson; and Sara Seegar as John's wife, Eloise Wilson. Originally sponsored by Kellogg's cereals and Best Foods (Skippy peanut butter), Tito's foreign policy led to relationships with a variety of governments, such as exchanging visits (1954 and 1956) with Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, where a street was named in his honor. Pneumonia Pneumonia Also known as Pneumonia is a bacterial, viral, or fungal infection of one or both sides of the lungs that causes the air sacs, or alveoli, of the lungs to fill up with fluid or pus. Symptoms can be mild or severe and may include a cough with phlegm (a slimy substance), fever, chills, and trouble breathing. Many factors affect how serious pneumonia is, such as the type of germ causing the lung infection, your age, and your overall health. Pneumonia tends to be more serious for children under the age of five, adults over the age of 65, people with certain conditions such as heart failure, diabetes, or COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), or people who have weak immune systems due to HIV/AIDS, chemotherapy (a treatment for cancer), or organ or blood and marrow stem cell transplant procedures. To diagnose pneumonia, your doctor will review your medical history, perform a physical exam, and order diagnostic tests. This information can help your doctor determine what type of pneumonia you have. If your doctor suspects you got your infection while in a hospital, you may be diagnosed with hospital-acquired pneumonia. If you have been on a ventilator to help you breathe, you may have ventilator-associated pneumonia. The most common form of pneumonia is community-acquired pneumonia, which is when you get an infection outside of a hospital. Treatment depends on whether bacteria, viruses, or fungi are causing your pneumonia. If bacteria are causing your pneumonia, you usually are treated at home with oral antibiotics. Most people respond quickly to treatment. If your symptoms worsen you should see a doctor right away. If you have severe symptoms or underlying health problems, you may need to be treated in a hospital. It may take several weeks to recover from pneumonia. Explore this Health Topic to learn more about pneumonia, our role in research and clinical trials to improve health, and where to find more information. Causes Risk Factors Screening and Prevention Signs, Symptoms, and Complications Diagnosis Treatment Living With Participate in NHLBI Clinical Trials More Information RELATED EVENT2017 NHLBI Pneumonia Working Group: Advancing Pneumonia Research in Heart, Lung, and Blood Diseases August 21 - 22, 2017NIHThis working group will focus on identifying the gaps that will lead to improved understanding of the host factors ... 1. They collect data on you by default for targeted advertising. 2. They have a lot of services that default or redirect to Bing, which they get ad revenue from. 3. Much of their business comes from corporations using their products, not individual users. Indeed, Enterprise builds are not covered by the same upgrade deal as Win 7/8.1 Home and Professional. Can my Specialist degree be equalized to Bachelor degree? I have graduated from Russian university after 5 years of education and got a Specialist degree (Engineer in Computer Science). According to Wikipedia, Specialist is a four-tier degree and stands right above Master degree in some specialities. But despite graduation requirements and due to the duration, I suggest, it can only be put right above Bachelor degree. So the next step I should take is to continue my education to then get Master degree. Is my suggestion right? Or do I think about it wrong way? If it helps or is necessary, I'm planning to continue education in Canadian university. In 27 BC, Lusitania gained the status of Roman province. Later, a northern province of Lusitania was formed, known as Gallaecia, with capital in Bracara Augusta, today's Braga. There are still many ruins of castros (hill forts) all over modern Portugal and remains of Castro culture. Numerous Roman sites are scattered around present-day Portugal, some urban remains are quite large, like Conímbriga and Mirobriga. The former, beyond being one of the largest Roman settlements in Portugal, is also classified as a National Monument. Conímbriga lies 16 km from Coimbra which by its turn was the ancient Aeminium). The site also has a museum that displays objects found by archaeologists during their excavations. Costs of the Death Penalty Costs of the Death Penalty State and Federal Cost Studies DPIC Testimony and Presentations on Costs DPIC Reports Related to Costs: The 2% Death Penalty: How a Minority of Counties Produce Most Death Cases at Enormous Costs to All (2013)Smart on Crime: Reconsidering the Death Penalty in a Time of Economic Crisis (2009)Millions Misspent: What Politicians Don't Say About the High Costs of the Death Penalty (1994)Cost News & Developments - Current Year Cost News & Developments - Previous Years2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 20032002 1998-2001Financial Facts About the Death Penalty Oklahoma An independent study of the costs of seeking and imposing the death penalty in Oklahoma, prepared for the Oklahoma Death Penalty Review Commission, found that seeking the death penalty in Oklahoma "incurs significantly more time, effort, and costs on average, as compared to when the death penalty is not sought in first degree murder cases." The report—prepared by Seattle University criminal justice professors Peter A. Collins and Matthew J. Hickman and law professor Robert C. Boruchowitz, with research support by Alexa D. O’Brien—determined that, on average, Oklahoma capital cases cost 3.2 times more than non-capital cases. Reviewing 15 state studies of death penalty costs conducted between 2000 and 2016, the study found that, across the country, seeking the death penalty imposes an average of approximately $700,000 more in case-level costs than not seeking death. The researchers wrote that "all of these studies have found ... that seeking and imposing the death penalty is more expensive than not seeking it." The Oklahoma study reviewed 184 first-degree murder cases from Oklahoma and Tulsa counties in the years 2004-2010 and analyzed costs incurred at the pre-trial, trial, sentencing, and post-sentencing (appeals and incarceration) stages. Capital prosecutions, it found, cost the counties more than 1½ times the amount of incarceration costs than did non-capital trials because capital defendants spent an average of 324 more days in jail prior to and during death penalty trials. Prosecutors spent triple in pre-trial and trial costs on death penalty proceedings, while defense teams spent nearly 10 times more. Oklahoma capital appeal proceedings cost between five and six times more than non-capital appeals of first-degree murder convictions. The study "conservatively estimated" that an Oklahoma capital case cost $110,000 more on average than a non-capital case. The researchers said their results were "consistent with all previous research on death penalty costs, which have found that in comparing similar cases, seeking and imposing the death penalty is more expensive than not seeking it." They concluded, "It is a simple fact that seeking the death penalty is more expensive. There is not one credible study, to our knowledge, that presents evidence to the contrary." (P. Collins, M. Hickman, and R. Boruchowitz, " An Analysis of the Economic Costs of Capital Punishment in Oklahoma ," April 2017, Appendix 1B to The Report of the Oklahoma Death Penalty Review Commission, April 25, 2017; S. Vincent, " Costly death penalty cases strain state resources, report says ," Tulsa World, Apr. 29, 2017. )New Mexico A February 2017 Fiscal Impact Report prepared by the Legislative Finance Committee of the New Mexico legislature estimated that bringing back the death penalty for three types of homicides in the state would cost as much as $7.2 million over the first three years. The report notes that "Between 1979 and 2007 when the death penalty was an option to prosecutors, there were over 200 death penalty cases filed, but only 15 men sentenced to death and only one execution." The Law Offices of the Public Defender reports that the defense costs for the two New Mexico death penalty cases that remain in the system following the prospective repeal of the state's death penalty statute have been $607.4 thousand for one case and $1.3 million for the other. The Fiscal Impact Report also contains a surve Yes, and overwhelmingly so. However, you have to be careful about what you mean when you say "Big Bang Theory", for it is *not* a theory about how the universe was *created*, but rather how it has *evolved*. Despite what anyone will tell you, we physicists currently have no idea how the universe was created. In the first half of the twentieth century, almost all elevators had no automatic positioning of the floor on which the cab would stop. Some of the older freight elevators were controlled by switches operated by pulling on adjacent ropes. In general, most elevators before WWII were manually controlled by elevator operators using a rheostat connected to the motor. This rheostat (see picture) was enclosed within a cylindrical container about the size and shape of a cake. This was mounted upright or sideways on the cab wall and operated via a projecting handle, which was able to slide around the top half of the cylinder. - The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that carbohydrates make up 45 to 65 percent of your total daily calories. So, if you get 2,000 calories a day, between 900 and 1,300 calories should be from carbohydrates. That translates to between 225 and 325 grams of carbohydrates a day. Spy gadgets, top secret documents and bullet holes: Aboard the U.S. Navy ship captured more than 40 years ago by North Korea Spy gadgets, top secret documents and bullet holes: Aboard the U. S. Navy ship captured more than 40 years ago by North Korea By Daily Mail Reporter Published: 17:41 EDT, 17 April 2012 | Updated: 17:41 EDT, 17 April 201214View comments Its captivity is an enduring reminder of tensions between the United States and North Korea throughout the Cold War - the bullet holes riddling its rooms a frightening memory of the lives lost. Now, more than 40 years after its capture by North Korean forces in 1968, photographs from aboard the USS Pueblo give a haunting insight into the lives of the men who struggled to maintain its control. Walls of gauges, switches and typing and printing devices pay tribute to its few short months as a spying ship for the U. S., before it was seized and moored onthe Taedong River in Pyongyang. Captured: USS Pueblo was seized by the North Koreans during the Cold War and is moored in Pyongyang Insight: Photos taken inside this year - 44 years after its capture - show the spying vessel's surveillance hub Remembered: The ship, which contains soldiers' clothes found on board, is now used as a museum The vessel - the only ship of the U. S. Navy currently held captive - is now open to visitors as a museum in North Korea, its unpainted walls and unswept floors capturing a fearful moment in time. Images taken aboard show stark rooms designed to focus on their mission; communication boards stretching into every corner and lookout spots throughout the ship. RELATED ARTICLESPrevious 1 Next'We didn't know to be afraid': Five surviving vets from... The parachuting dog of war: Secret story of brave Bing who... Share this article The ship was seized on January 23, 1968; the U. S. Navy claimed it was in international waters, while North Korea said it was sailing within their territory. The Japanese visitor, who took pictures for Rocket News 24, said his guide told him as he toured the vessel: 'Even today, America continues to beg the ship to be returned. 'Spies: The ship was collecting data on Soviet naval patterns when it was chased by North Korean boats Terror: When the ship tried to flee, it came under fire, with the scores of bullet holes still visible Remaining evidence: As they came under attack, the crew failed to destroy all sensitive material The U. S. maintained it was an observation ship, while the North Koreans claimed it was a warship - a claim that could be supported by the scores of bullet holes in the ship, Rocket News reported. According to the American account, Pueblo was on orders to intercept and conduct surveillance of Soviet ships when a North Korean sub chaser crept upon the vessel. When it demanded the ship stand down or expect fire, the American commander attempted to move away but could not out-outmaneuver the sub chaser and growing numbers of torpedo boats. Shock: The men were not prepared for an attack and the ammunition was below deck. One crew member died Lookouts: The ship was travelling from Japan with more than 80 crew members when it was captured History: After the men were snatched from the ship, they were taken to a POW camp where they were tortured Despite expecting an imminent attack, the crew were unable to access the ship's ammunition below deck - and most were untrained in how to use the machine guns, which were wrapped in tarps. With the North Koreans trying to board the ship, one of the sub chasers fired a cannon at the ship, killing a member of the crew. A U. S. soldier, Duane Hodges, was also killed. Other vessels barraged the boat with bullets as the Americans tried to destroy the sensitive material - yet they only managed to ruin 'a small percentage' of documents, according to witnesses. In demand: A tour guide told a Japanese visitor that 'American continues to beg for its return'When the North Koreans boarded the ship, the 82 crew members were tied, blindfolded and beaten They were taken to POW camps, where some crew members were tortured before th What is PROTEST? “Protest,” in a technical sense, means only the formal declaration drawn up and signed by the notary; yet, as used by commercial men, the word includes all the steps necessary to charge an indorser. What are Ginger Jars? With the advent of food canisters and containers, ginger jars are seldom used for their designed purpose in today’s modern world. They have become a decorative eye piece that can accent any room, and they are commonly used for storing items. Because our economy isn't built around ripping tourists off or building useless shit in the hopes of it resulting in never-ending growth instead of a big bubble that's bound to burst, son. Now get me another beer, will you. . An encoder is an electrical mechanical device that converts linear or rotary displacement into digital or pulse signals. The most popular type of encoder is the optical encoder, which consists of a rotating disk, a light source, and a photo detector (light sensor). The disk, which is mounted on the rotating shaft, has patterns of opaque and transparent sectors coded into the disk (see Figure 1). As the disk rotates, these patterns interrupt the light emitted onto the photo detector, generating a digital or pulse signal output. An incremental encoder generates a pulse for each incremental step in it's rotation. Although the incremental encoder does not output absolute position, it can provide high resolution at an acceptable price. For example, an incremental encoder with a single code track, referred to as a tachometer encoder, generates a pulse signal whose frequency indicates the velocity of displacement. However, the output of the single-channel encoder does not indicate direction. To determine direction, a two-channel, or quadrature, encoder uses two detectors and two code tracks. The most common type of incremental encoder uses two output channels (A and B) to sense position. Using two code tracks with sectors positioned 90° out of phase, the two output channels of the quadrature encoder indicate both position and direction of rotation. If A leads B, for example, the disk is rotating in a clockwise direction. If B leads A, then the disk is rotating in a counter-clockwise direction. Therefore, by monitoring both the number of pulses and the relative phase of signals A and B, you can track both the position and direction of rotation. In addition, some quadrature detectors include a third output channel, called a zero or reference signal, which supplies a single pulse per revolution. This single pulse can be used for precise determination of a reference position What Is the New Jersey SUI/SDI Tax? If you work in New Jersey, you'll notice a couple extra taxes withheld from your pay. You and the employer pay State Disability Insurance and State Unemployment Insurance taxes. Although additional taxes mean a little less money in your wallet now, they fund programs and benefits that may help if you're ever disabled or out of a job. A close up of a paycheck slipcredit: jianghaistudio/i Stock/Getty Images State Disability Insurance Tax The SDI tax helps fund the New Jersey Temporary Disability Insurance Program. New Jersey's state disability program provides benefits to employees unable to work due to a disability. Unlike workman's compensation, the disability doesn't have to be the result of an injury or illness that occurred on the job. In 2014, the maximum amount of taxable wages for SDI is $31,500. As of 2014, the employer tax rate for SDI is .5 percent. Established employers are assigned pay rates annually based on their experience ratings. All employees pay at a rate of .38 percent on $31,500. State Unemployment Insurance Tax The SUI tax funds the state unemployment program. If you've worked the same job for at least 20 weeks and lose it through no fault of your own, this is the program that could help you out. In 2014, new employers pay 3.4 percent of the employee's taxable wages up to $31,500. Established employers pay rates between 0.60 percent and 6.40 percent on taxable wages. Employees pay 0.3825 percent to the Unemployment Compensation Fund and 0.0425 percent to the Workforce Development Fund, which is a total of 0.4250 percent on wages up to $31,500. Costco Hours Costco Close at 8:30 PM on weekdays from Monday to Friday. On Saturday it is open at 9 30 AM (30 minutes early) and closes at 6 PM. On Sunday it opens at 10 AM and closes at 6:00 PM. Costco values the family time of their employee, so they closes early on weekends. Costco Store Hours. Acting on State Secretary Acheson's recommendation, President Truman ordered General MacArthur to transfer matériel to the Army of the Republic of Korea while giving air cover to the evacuation of U.S. nationals. The President disagreed with advisers who recommended unilateral U.S. bombing of the North Korean forces, and ordered the US Seventh Fleet to protect the Republic of China (Taiwan), whose government asked to fight in Korea. The United States denied ROC's request for combat, lest it provoke a communist Chinese retaliation. Because the United States had sent the Seventh Fleet to "neutralize" the Taiwan Strait, Chinese premier Zhou Enlai criticized both the UN and U.S. initiatives as "armed aggression on Chinese territory." This review was considered to be very poor, resulting in the lowest rating of one star. Sahara Desert - The World's Largest Desert Sahara Desert - The World's Largest Desert The Sahara is the world's largest desert. Only a small part of the Sahara is fertile and it is here that corn, dates and other fruits grow. These parts are fed by underground rivers and oases. The Sahara can be an inspirational experience at night, with the air being crisp, clean and clear and the stars being so close you can almost touch them. The Sahara desert stretches across much of North Africa covering over 9,000,000 square kilometers (roughly the size of the United States ). In fact, the Sahara covers some 30% of the entire African continent. It is the hottest place in the world with summer temperatures that often exceeds 57 degrees Celsius. It has an annual rainfall of 0 - 25 millimeters and is very windy with windstorms sweeping the sand up to heights of 1000 meters and moving the sand dunes constantly. The Sahara consists of one quarter volcanic mountains, one quarter sand, rocks and gravel-covered plains and small areas of vast permanent vegetation. The vegetation includes shrubs, grasses, and trees in the highland and in the oases along the river beds. Some of the plants are well adjusted to the climate since they sprout within three days of rain and sow their seeds within two weeks after that. Animals in the Sahara are mainly Gerbils, Cape Hare, Deer, Weasels, Baboons, Jackals, Sand Foxes, Mongooses, Desert Hedgehogs and over 300 bird species. The following towns and villages are located in the Sahara of Morocco: Tata: Located where the desert meets the mountains, this small desert town has the reputation for being the hottest town in Morocco. Tleta Tagmout: A desert oasis Foum Zguid: Located where the Jebel Bani range meets the desert, this charming desert town boasts one of the largest palm groves in Morocco. Zagora: Located in the magnificent Drâa Valley, this town is a popular starting for camel and 4x4 excursions into the desert. A sign proclaiming that it is 52 days to Timbuktu is one of the most photographed features of the town. Tinfou: This small town is located along the Draa Valley route where the stony ground gives way to the sand-dunes of the desert. Erg Chebbi: This settlement in the dunes of the Sahara offers basic tourist facilities for visitors exploring the enormous sand dunes. Ouarzazate: Catering for the tourist trade, Ouarzazate has a number of hotels and visitors enjoy the typical Moroccan market in the city center. The Kasbah is beautifully preserved and gives in interesting glimpse into the lives of the people who live there. Rissani: Also known as Tafilalt, a cluster of small villages around the town of Rissani, is located along the last stretch of the Ziz valley. The region has a long and fascinating history and was a kingdom separate from Morocco between the 8th and 14th centuries. Merzouga: Located at the start of the oasis zone, inhabitants tap the underground water sources for drinking and irrigation purposes, and the area around the town is well cultivated. Erfoud: This small oasis town is used by many travelers as a base for exploring the beautiful Ziz valley. Popular activities in the Sahara include sunrise and sunset camel rides over the dunes, sleeping out under the desert skies, ATV/4X4 trips, visiting traditional Berber villages, dune-boarding. Tags:sahara, desert, oasis, sand dunes, climate, mountains, zagora, erfoud This review was considered to be very poor, resulting in the lowest rating of one star. The sentiment of this tweet is neutral, meaning that the content does not express any strong emotions or opinions. As computational work becomes more and more integral to many aspects of scientific research, computational reproducibility has become an issue of increasing importance to computer systems researchers and domain scientists alike. Though computational reproducibility seems more straight forward than replicating physical experiments, the complex and rapidly changing nature of computer environments makes being able to reproduce and extend such work a serious challenge. In this paper, I explore common reasons that code developed for one research project cannot be successfully executed or extended by subsequent researchers. I review current approaches to these issues, including virtual machines and workflow systems, and their limitations. I then examine how the popular emerging technology Docker combines several areas from systems research - such as operating system virtualization, cross-platform portability, modular re-usable elements, versioning, and a 'DevOps' philosophy, to address these challenges. I illustrate this with several examples of Docker use with a focus on the R statistical environment. Shades of Green (resort) Shades of Green (resort) Shades of Green (resort) Shades of Green is a United States Department of Defense-owned resort located in the city of Bay Lake, Florida, near Walt Disney World. It is an Armed Forces Recreation Center (AFRC) resort and therefore a part of the military's Morale, Welfare, and Recreation program (MWR). Chinese People Home / Tips / Facts / People. Population. China, with over 1.370537 billion people (including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan) as of April, 2011, is without doubt the most populous country in the world. According to the census at the end of 2010, the ratio of the sexes is about 51.27% male and 48.73% female. Some 49.68% of the population resides in the urban cities and towns while the rest is in rural areas. China has almost 20% of the world's total population. Top 30 Doctor insights on: How Long Can Xanax Be Detected In Urine How long can xanax be detected in urine - How long does it take for Xanax (alprazolam) to leave your urine? 2.5 days. With a normal liver it will be gone very quickly. With liver disease it can take upto 4 days. - After Gaelic became a little less popular, Scots was the main language of Scotland. Scots was spoken and written for about 400 years in Scotland. When Great Britain came to be established in 1707, Scotland's government moved to London, and Scots lost its political status to English. Dilution (equation) Dilution (equation) Dilution is a reduction in the pH of a chemical (gas, vapor, solution). It is the process of decreasing the concentration of a solute in solution, usually simply by mixing with more solvent. To dilute a solution means to add more solvent without the addition of more solute. Hot air and steam (and cold air) all have different densities. When light passes through one density to another then it changes direction, like going through glass, water, or air. All of those are "clear" but you can notice the changes in image through them. The same happens to shadows. Glass makes a certain shadow, flowing water will have a shadow, and heat waves or steam will create shadows. Bridge of Spies (film) Bridge of Spies is a 2015 historical drama legal thriller film directed and co-produced by Steven Spielberg, written by Matt Charman, Ethan and Joel Coen and stars Tom Hanks, Mark Rylance, Amy Ryan, and Alan Alda. Set during the Cold War, the film tells the story of lawyer James B. Donovan, who is entrusted with negotiating the release of Francis Gary Powers—a U.S. Air Force pilot whose U-2 spy plane was shot down over the Soviet Union in 1960—in exchange for Rudolf Abel, a convicted Soviet KGB spy held under the custody of the United States, whom he represented at trial. The name of the film refers to the Glienicke Bridge, which connects Potsdam with Berlin, where the prisoner exchange took place. The film was an international co-production of the United States and Germany. WARRENVILLE, AIKEN COUNTY, MIDLANDS, SOUTH CAROLINA LAND FOR SALE: 1 - 15 of 75 listings You can also find Warrenville, Aiken County, South Carolina real estate agents who specialize in land and rural retreats. Sign up for our Warrenville, Aiken County, South Carolina email alerts and never miss out on a new listing again! This review was deemed to be not helpful at all, hence a rating of zero stars. Search engine click logs provide an invaluable source of relevance information, but this information is biased. A key source of bias is presentation order: the probability of click is influenced by a document's position in the results page. This paper focuses on explaining that bias, modelling how probability of click depends on position. We propose four simple hypotheses about how position bias might arise. We carry out a large data-gathering effort, where we perturb the ranking of a major search engine, to see how clicks are affected. We then explore which of the four hypotheses best explains the real-world position effects, and compare these to a simple logistic regression model. The data are not well explained by simple position models, where some users click indiscriminately on rank 1 or there is a simple decay of attention over ranks. A â cascade' model, where users view results from top to bottom and leave as soon as they see a worthwhile document, is our best explanation for position bias in early ranks Which non Arabic speaking Muslim majority countries use Arabic at the UN? Not really nerves, but [trigger hairs](_URL_0_). If you look at the stiff hairs in that picture, those are the trigger hairs. The traps only close if one hair is touched twice within about 30 seconds, or if multiple hairs are touched within 30 seconds (this process prohibits the trap from closing half-cocked with nothing to show for it). The hairs transfer mechanical energy into electrical energy that signals pores to open in cells on the outside of the trap, allowing water to rush from cells on the inside of the trap to cells on the outside of the trap, causing the traps to shut. Connections between Cells and Cellular Activities The extracellular matrix of animal cells holds cells together to form a tissue and allow tissues to communicate with each other. Explain the role of the extracellular matrix in animal cells. The extracellular matrix of animal cells is made up of proteins and carbohydrates. The 7 Best Big Sedans for the Least Dough By michael frank Oct 10, 2011Times are tough—and so are our roads. But fear not. The oversize sedan may seem like a historical footnote, but there are plenty of contemporary cruisers that can glide across pavement and won't cost you a fortune. We picked apart seven of these posh rides to discover which is the best sedan for your buck. View Gallery7 Photos1 of 7Toyota Avalon$33,195; 121.3 cubic feet; $273.66 per cubic foot If you've driven an Avalon, you know what it is—a Lexus minus the Lexus name. While the car is decidedly expensive, it drives expensive. And in this price class, the Avalon is pretty tough to touch, with its roominess, supremely quiet interior, and superb fit and finish. It's a big car with the smoothest engine of any on our list, save the Ford Taurus, and a ride that errs on the soft side, but never to the detriment of safety. You probably won't find yourself rallying it around curves like we did—you know, just to make sure that it could (check)—but if you have to hustle it past a surging flow of cars in the merge lane, the 268-hp V6 steams up nicely. Inside, where it counts, the Avalon is due for a refresh (probably coming for spring), but nothing is radically amiss. The seats are huge and supportive, and only the Chrysler 300 can best the Avalon's front shoulder room (it's nearly a tie, at 59.4 inches for the Toyota and 59.5 for the Chrysler). The Avalon has the best rear shoulder room of the lot and the best rear legroom, as well. The big Toyota gets 20 mpg in the city; of the other V6s, only the Hyundai Azera can match that mileage.2 of 7Buick La Crosse$29,960; 112.6 cubic feet; $266.07 per cubic foot The La Crosse is expensive for its interior size, which is the smallest of any car on this list. It is a poised car and the only hybrid in this mix (the hybrid is the base model for the 2012 Lacrosse), which gives it a best-in-class fuel economy of 25 city/36 highway, and at a better horsepower rating than the VW Passat (182 hp versus 170 hp). Volkswagen might counter that its diesel Passat gets better fuel economy than the hybrid La Crosse, but the diesel VW's price-to-cubic foot ratio climbs to $220.48—still slightly below the Buick's, but not by as much. (More on the Passat coming up.) Mileage aside, this Buick is far more stable than your grandpappy's car with the Landau roof. It's not exactly a Porsche 911, but that's not what you'd want from a long-mileage cruiser anyway. The problem with the La Crosse is that, while it's large enough to be compared with the big sedans, it simply can't match up. The Buick has the least amount of front headroom and the worst scores for rear hip, shoulder, and headroom. It also has the smallest trunk. Don't get us wrong—the Buick is a nice car that comes with an extra year and 50,000 miles to its warranty (everything else on this list is at 3 years/36,000 miles). But it's designed to spar with Toyota Camrys, Ford Fusions, and Honda Accords.3 of 7Chrysler 300$27,170; 122.3 cubic feet; $222.15 per cubic foot This Chrysler is huge. It's only a hair away from being the biggest car here. But frankly, it's much more expensive than it should be. The finish quality is decidedly lower than average for this class, with lots of sloppy details such as loose padding in the trunk, visible hardware and wiring harnesses—lots of stuff to remind you of the bad old days of Detroit and why you went the import route. The 300 is a solid driving machine that obliterates highway miles as easily as any car in the lot, but you don't get the comfort of the Avalon, the German attitude of the Passat, or the clean trim and modern design of the Taurus. Plus, the standard 300 brings a five-speed transmission to a battle of six-speeds. That wouldn't be a big deal if you opted for the V8 that Chrysler offers, which overcomes everything with horsepower. But we're comparing the base versions, and this five-speed seems to always overshift on windy roads and never downshift when you need it to. Manually overriding is an option, but it is plagued by delays. The Round Table Conferences (India) to a strong Centre. The British agreed that representative government should be introduced on provincial level. Other important discussions were the responsibility of the executive to the legislature and a separate electorate for the Untouchables as demanded by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. The Congress had boycotted the first conference was requested to come to a settlement by Sapru, M. R. Jayakar and V. S. Srinivasa Sastri. A settlement between Mahatma Gandhi and Viceroy Lord Irwin known as the Gandhi–Irwin Pact was reached and Gandhi was appointed as the sole representative of the Congress to the second Round Table Conference. Although MacDonald - Side effects of Amlodipine are quite rare in veterinary medicine, but in some cases, the cat or dog may exhibit lethargy, loss of appetite, weight loss, swelling of the gums or a slight increase in their heart rate.It they get a laceration, it may also take longer for it to clot.mlodipine slows the rate at which calcium moves into the heart and blood vessel walls. This enables the blood vessels to relax, which ultimately results in better blood flow. The effects of Amlodipine also make it much easier for the heart to pump blood throughout the body, which lowers the pet’s blood pressure. Get event information. I often end up crying during my research. Due to the area I study I focus specifically on the 'lighter' topics within it, and even those can be very distressing. However, I think I'd be extremely worried if it didn't phase me. When you're seeing the personal experience of someone who you have a 'connection' with through their work it's very easy to understand their lives, whereas "40 million" is a number, a horrible number, but less distressing in a lot of ways. Burj Khalifa From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search"Burj Dubai" redirects here. It is not to be confused with Bur Dubai, a district of Dubai. Burj Khalifaبرج خليفةThe Burj Khalifa in October 2012Former names Burj Dubai Record height Tallest in the world since 2008 [I]Preceded by Taipei 101General information Status Complete Type Mixed-use Architectural style Neo-futurism Location 1 Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Boulevard, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Coordinates 25°11′49.7″N55°16′26.8″ECoordinates: 25°11′49.7″N 55°16′26.8″EConstruction started 6 January 2004Completed Intended: September 2008; Revised: 2 December 2009 [1]Opened 4 January 2010 [2]Cost USD $ 1.5 billion [3]Height Architectural 828 m (2,717 ft) [4]Tip 829.8 m (2,722 ft) [4]Roof 828 m (2,717 ft)Top floor 584.5 m (1,918 ft) (Level 156) [4]Observatory 555.7 m (1,823 ft) (Level 148) [4]Technical details Material Glass, steel, aluminium, reinforced concrete Floor count 163 above ground. 154 usable floors [4] [5] plus 9 maintenance levels (46 spire levels) [6] and 2 below-ground parking levels Floor area 309,473 m 2 (3,331,100 sq ft) [4]Lifts/elevators 57 (55 single deck and 2 double deck), made by Otis Elevator Company Design and construction Architect Adrian Smith at SOMDeveloper Emaar Properties [4]Structural engineer Bill Baker at SOM [7]Main contractor Samsung C&T Corporation, Besix and Arabtec Supervision Consultant Engineer & Architect of Record Hyder Consulting Construction Project Manager Turner Construction Grocon [8]Planning Bauer AG and Middle East Foundations [8]Lift contractor Otis [8]VT consultant Lerch Bates [8]Websitewww .burjkhalifa .ae The Burj Khalifa ( Arabic: برج خليفة , Arabic for "Khalifa Tower"; pronounced English: / ˈ b ɜːr dʒ k ə ˈ l iː f ə / ), known as the Burj Dubai before its inauguration, is a skyscraper in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. With a total height of 829.8 m (2,722 ft) and a roof height (excluding antenna) of 828 m (2,717 ft), the Burj Khalifa has been the tallest structure in the world since its topping out in late 2008. [4] [9] It is also called "Burj Dubai" for being the tallest building in the United Arab Emirates. It was later named "Burj Khalifa" on the 3rd anniversary in 2011. Construction of the Burj Khalifa began in 2004, with the exterior completed five years later in 2009. The primary structure is reinforced concrete. The building was opened in 2010 as part of a new development called Downtown Dubai. It is designed to be the centrepiece of large-scale, mixed-use development. The decision to construct the building is reportedly based on the government's decision to diversify from an oil-based economy, and for Dubai to gain international recognition. The building was originally named Burj Dubai but was renamed in honour of the ruler of Abu Dhabi and president of the United Arab Emirates, Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan; [3] Abu Dhabi and the UAE government lent Dubai money to pay its debts. The building broke numerous height records, including its designation as the tallest building in the world. Burj Khalifa was designed by Adrian Smith, then of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM), whose firm designed the Willis Tower and One World Trade Center. Hyder Consulting was chosen to be the supervising engineer with NORR Group Consultants International Limited chosen to supervise the architecture of the project. The design is derived from the Islamic architecture of the region, such as in the Great Mosque of Samarra. The Y-shaped tripartite floor geometry is designed to optimize residential and hotel space. A buttressed central core and wings are used to support the height of the building. Although this design was derived from Tower Palace III, the Burj Khalifa’s central core houses all vertical transportation with the exception of egress stairs within each of the wings. [10] The structure also features a cladding system which is designed to withstand Dubai's hot summer temperatures. It contains a total of 57 elevators and 8 escalators. Critical reception to Burj Khalifa has been generally positive, and the building h - If a child is over the income guidelines for Medicaid but within the MIChild income guidelines, and if there is no other comprehensive/employer based health insurance, and the child has been without comprehensive/employer based health insurance for 6 months, the child is then considered for MIChild eligibility. Top 8 List Fiverr Alternatives for 2012 - 2017 Top 8 Fiverr Aternatives with great traffic for 2017Fiverr originally started out as a new and very unique concept. There were only the big freelancing websites like Elance and Freelancer etc back then. So Fiverr brought a very refreshing change. Whether you are a proper freelancer or just a regular office-going guy, Fiverr gives you a chance to earn some quick bucks so you can cover up your extravagances. Fiverr is also a great place to get your freelancing career started. But the trouble is, Fiverr only allows you to earn $5 minus their commission per gig. For some people, this might not be enough. Luckily for them, many alternative websites to fiverr have emerged over the years. Fiverr was such a success that many others adopted the idea and came up with their own version of Fiverr. Most of these aren't very good, but some might just be better than Fiverr! So here, we will discuss about the top 10 alternatives to fiverr you must try. Why not Fiverr? There're a few legit reasons why you would not want to stay with Fiverr. It might seem very attractive, but it does has short-comings. Firstly, it doesn't pay you very well. Now I know people make hundreds of dollars off it every month, but considering the effort, is it really worth it? %5 is sort of a bottleneck which you might want to eventually break out of. Secondly, you don't even earn a full $5. Fiverr commission is 20%, which is huge by any standards! So essentially, you only get $4, and the remaining one dollar goes to Fiverr. Imagine you complete 200 gigs in a month. You will only get $800, where you could be getting a full grand. That's just $200 down the drain!Fiverr is no longer what it once was. It started off as a fun place where people could make use of their creativity. But over the years, it has become quite competitive. Much more complicated jobs are being done now for a much smaller price. Let me give you an example. I spotted two different gigs on fiverr. One promised to "Suggest a professional name and motto for a website," while another said, "I will create an attractive dynamic website using HTML, CSS, PHP, and Java Script for $5. "Do you see the injustice? The guy who suggests professional names probably is a natural at this. He might hardly take 10 minutes to come up with a good name and slogan. But the web-designer has to work for hours, just for a petty $4. Both these guys will earn the same. The point is, Fiverr might just not be worth it if it takes more than 30 minutes t complete a gig. In that case, you need to look on to alternatives, some of which we have right here for you. Top 8 Fiverr Alternatives1. Fiver Up This is one of my favorite websites. Website similar to Fiverr. The interface works very similar. And the services are the same with many more options like: Buy and sell gigs from $4 to $100Shipping Instant Delivery Video Gigs Push your gig to front page once per day FREE. Free account verification for more sales. Express D elivery Gig Extras No withdrawal limit They tweet to 100K followers They post your gigs on Makes this site one of the best Fiverr Aternatives in the world. Costumer service response in less than 12 hours. Try these guys out and you will not be disappointed. Fiver Up.com2. Gig Bucks Gig Bucks is is a very popular alternative to Fiverr. It hosts gigs for all the categories found on fiverr. It gives freelancers the opportunity to charge an appropriate amount of money for their services. A gig can be anywhere in the range of $5 to $50, definitely a big step up from the $4 on fiverr. Just like Fiverr, joining is absolutely free. And you can post as many gigs as you like. A must try for existing fiverr users or other people.3. Zeerk Zeerk is another big fish up for grabs. Working at Zeerk can be much more worth your while. You can charge as much as $100 per gig! Now, services can charged appropriately and no one needs feel left out! For small jobs such as $2 or $5 jobs, there is no commission! And I thought Fiverr was cool!4. SEOClerks Seo Clerks contains gi Lemonade Mouth (movie) The main cast members are Bridget Mendler, Adam Hicks, Hayley Kiyoko, Naomi Scott, and Blake Michael. Those are just the 5 in the band Lemonade Mouth. This review deserves the middle-of-the-road rating of three stars. Among Seattle's prominent annual fairs and festivals are the 24-day Seattle International Film Festival, Northwest Folklife over the Memorial Day weekend, numerous Seafair events throughout July and August (ranging from a Bon Odori celebration to the Seafair Cup hydroplane races), the Bite of Seattle, one of the largest Gay Pride festivals in the United States, and the art and music festival Bumbershoot, which programs music as well as other art and entertainment over the Labor Day weekend. All are typically attended by 100,000 people annually, as are the Seattle Hempfest and two separate Independence Day celebrations. - Go Purple with a Purpose for Alzheimer's Disease Awareness and Caregivers Month. President Ronald Reagan designated November as National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month in 1983. At the time, fewer than 2 million Americans had Alzheimer’s; today, the number of people with the disease has soared to nearly 5.4 million. Get involved this month, and help raise awareness for Alzheimer’s disease. Mayors in cities around the state are declaring November Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness and Caregivers Month. Click on the links below to view proclamations from around Colorado. - A: C-Sections & Tummy Tucks – One should not have a tummy tuck at the same time as a C-section, but can wait usually 3-6 months or preferentially more than 6 months after to allow for optimal wound healing. Streamwood, IL Streamwood, ILNearby Directions Streamwood is a village of Cook County, Illinois, United States. The population was 39,497 at the 2006 census. It is a suburb of Chicago. Streamwood, along with Bartlett and Hanover Park, is one of the three communities that make up the so called "Tri Village" area. Streamwood was first incorporated as a village on February 9, 1957. A major retail sector has developed in recent years at the intersection of Illinois Route 59 and Illinois Route 19 called Sutton Park. In addition to the Sutton Park Shopping Center, stores and businesses in the area include: Poker winning hands Ojos del Salado The elevation of Ojos del Salado has been the subject of debate. The mountain is hidden behind other peaks and thus its height was not appreciated in early research until 1937, when the mountain was climbed by Polish climbers. A 2006 article in Andes Magazine offered that Ojos del Salado may be higher than Aconcagua, although the argument was premised on older, less accurate altitude surveys. The results of these older surveys assigned Ojos del Salado an elevation of , which would have made it nearly higher than Aconcagua. As early as 1955, an estimate was made that the elevation There are [a couple of antibiotics that do reduce the effectiveness of the contraceptive pill](_URL_0_). The two antibiotics that do so are known as enzyme inducing, meaning they speed up the body's processing of the hormones in the contraceptive pill. However these two antibiotics are not too common. Antibiotics in general affecting contraception is a myth, possibly linked to sexist ideas that women on antibiotics shouldn't have sex (wise advice if it's for treatment of am STI, otherwise not). It may not be the only reason, but physical activity is generally cheaper for smaller animals than for larger ones - loosely, the energy required to move your body depends on its mass, which scales with the cube of size, whereas the muscle cross-section doing the moving scales with the square. This is the same reason why e.g. fleas can jump distances that would be utterly ludicrous if scaled up to human dimensions. [edited for clarity] Why choose Dash? What is Dash? Dash (DASH) is a privacy-centric digital currency with instant transactions. It is based on the Bitcoin software, but it has a two tier network that improves it. Dash allows you to remain anonymous while you make transactions, similar to cash. onal europe politics government local government house believes northern ireland There is no evidence that the Catholic population today suffers a bias in the current political system, except for that which they make for themselves. As of 2010 the Catholic representation in the House of Commons is 5 Sinn Fein and 3 SDLP against 8 Democratic Unionists,* it is only the fact that the Sinn Fein members do not take up their seats that make things uneven. In the NI Assembly things are slightly more skewed. As of 2011 there are 55 Unionists and 43 Republicans.** Attacks against Catholics are not based on religious lines. Unionist attacks are only focused on those Catholics that are Republicans. In general Catholics are perfectly safe in Northern Ireland. Additionally in united Ireland, the Protestants would become the marginalized minority. Abortion is illegal in the Republic of Ireland***, for example, which will inhibit the freedom of non- Catholics. Such laws are likely to stay because of the overwhelming Catholic majority. *, 2011, **Northern Ireland Assembly, 2011, ***Wikipedia, What is the most user-friendly and efficient project management software out there? Erectile Dysfunction (ED, Impotence) Erectile dysfunction (ED), also known as impotence, is the inability to achieve or sustain a hard enough erection for satisfactory completion of sexual activity. Lantzville Lantzville District municipality District of Lantzville [1]Location of Lantzville within the Regional District of Nanaimo on Vancouver Island Coordinates: 49°15′N 124°4′WCoordinates: 49°15′N 124°4′WCountry Canada Province British Columbia Regional District Nanaimo Incorporated 2003Government• Mayor Colin Haime• Governing body District of Lantzville Council• MP Sheila Malcolmson• MLA Michelle Stilwell Area• Total 27.08 km 2 (10.46 sq mi)Elevation 20 m (70 ft)Population (2016)• Total 3,605• Density 130.2/km 2 (337/sq mi)Time zone PST ( UTC-8)Postal code span V0R 2H0Area code (s) +1-250Website District of Lantzville Lantzville is a coastal community on the east side of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada along the western shore of the Strait of Georgia and immediately north of the City of Nanaimo. The District of Lantzville was incorporated on June 25, 2003. It covers an area of 27.87 square kilometres and has a population of 3,807. The district is almost completely residential, with some commercial buildings on Lantzville Road (formerly part of the Island Highway). History [ edit]Lantzville was originally a mining town and is named after its American founder, Fraser Harry Lantz. To remember its history Lantzville annually celebrates Minetown Day (A community fair). According to Lantzville: The First Hundred Years, the first European settler in the area was an English Coal Miner named Emanuel Wiles, also known as Robert Emanuel or Bob. Lantzville is a tourist destination with a number of well located bed and breakfast operations. Notable residents [ edit]John Wilson Dylan Ferguson References [ edit]^ "British Columbia Regional Districts, Municipalities, Corporate Name, Date of Incorporation and Postal Address" ( XLS ). British Columbia Ministry of Communities, Sport and Cultural Development. Archived from the original on July 13, 2014. Retrieved November 2, 2014. [ hide]v t e Communities on Vancouver Island Ahousat Bamberton Bamfield Black Creek Bowser Brentwood Bay Buckley Bay Campbell River Cassidy Cedar Central Saanich Chemainus Clo-oose Coal Harbour Cobble Hill Colwood Comox Coombs Courtenay Cowichan Bay Cowichan Station Crofton Cumberland Deep Bay Duncan Errington Esquimalt Fanny Bay French Creek Genoa Bay Gold River Harewood Highlands Holberg Honeymoon Bay Kildonan Koksilah Ladysmith Lake Cowichan Langford Lantzville Malahat Maple Bay Merville Mesachie Lake Metchosin Mill Bay Nanaimo Nanoose Bay Nitinat North Cowichan North Saanich Oak Bay Oceanside Oyster River Parksville Port Alberni Port Alice Port Hardy Port Mc Neill Port Renfrew Qualicum Beach Quatsino River Jordan Royston Saanich Saanichton Saltair Sayward Sechart Shawnigan Lake Sidney Sooke Tahsis Telegraph Cove Tofino Ucluelet Union Bay Greater Victoria Victoria View Royal Westholme Winter Harbour Woss Youbou Yuquot (Friendly Cove) Zeballos Jacob Stockdale Jacob Stockdale (born 3 April 1996) is an Irish professional rugby union player who currently plays for Ulster and for Ireland. How Long to Keep Your Baby in a Rear-Facing Car Seat There are lots of options if you need a new car seat for a 1-year-old! Remember, car seat safety advocates recommend that babies stay in a rear-facing car seat to the weight limit of the seat or at least until age 2, so you'll want to find a car seat that can work both rear-facing and forward-facing. In contrast with other Romance languages, Catalan has many monosyllabic words; and those ending in a wide variety of consonants and some consonant clusters. Also, Catalan has final obstruent devoicing, thus featuring many couplets like amic "(male friend") vs. amiga ("female friend"). Life of the Party (2018 film) Life of the Party is an upcoming comedy film directed by Ben Falcone and written by Falcone and Melissa McCarthy. The film stars McCarthy, Molly Gordon, Maya Rudolph, Julie Bowen, Gillian Jacobs, Debby Ryan, Matt Walsh and Jacki Weaver. Produced by On the Day, the film is scheduled to be released May 11, 2018 by Warner Bros. Pictures. Argentina had a lot of German immigrants and Peron was sort of fascist himself so he was somewhat sympathetic. He also though Argentina could benefit from taking in skilled Nazi members who didn't have the option to go anywhere else or be tried for their crimes. C & S Software Solutions Sdn Bhd One of the tasks of civil engineer is the project management. Wherever a project commence, it is starting of ‘live’ of project problem until it has been completed build. Below are some of common problems that civil engineer may faced: 1. Project commenced without acknowledgement of civil engineer. - nodular opacity. 1. a solitary, round, circumscribed shadow found in the lung on chest radiograph; causes include granuloma, primary or metastatic carcinoma, benign tumor, vascular malformation. Stedman’s Medical Dictionary © Wolters Kluwer Health. Cells adhere to things because they have surface molecules called [selectins](_URL_2_) and [integrins](_URL_0_) (and a lot of other proteins that aren't in those classes) that bind to ECM structures. They don't "like" parts of the ECM, they just have proteins that bind to parts of it. See: [CAMs](_URL_1_). Just to provide an example. Melanocytes always have these proteinss expressed, and so they adhere. When you grow melanoma tumor lines they adhere to the flasks that we use as well. T cells are non adherent normally, but when activated and going to the site of an infection they express selectins which allow them to roll along blood vessels slowly. In flasks T cells float (We call them suspension cells as opposed to adherent cells). The annual United States Open Tennis Championships is one of the world's four Grand Slam tennis tournaments and is held at the National Tennis Center in Flushing Meadows-Corona Park, Queens. The New York Marathon is one of the world's largest, and the 2004–2006 events hold the top three places in the marathons with the largest number of finishers, including 37,866 finishers in 2006. The Millrose Games is an annual track and field meet whose featured event is the Wanamaker Mile. Boxing is also a prominent part of the city's sporting scene, with events like the Amateur Boxing Golden Gloves being held at Madison Square Garden each year. The city is also considered the host of the Belmont Stakes, the last, longest and oldest of horse racing's Triple Crown races, held just over the city's border at Belmont Park on the first or second Sunday of June. The city also hosted the 1932 U.S. Open golf tournament and the 1930 and 1939 PGA Championships, and has been host city for both events several times, most notably for nearby Winged Foot Golf Club. - The stage common to both aerobic and anaerobic respiration is Glycolysis i.e also called Embden Mayhoff Parnas pathway(EMP pathway).Read more: respiration takes place in the absence of oxygen. This form of respiration is carried out in bacteria, yeasts, some prokaryotes, and muscle cells. Aerobic respir … ation take place in the presence of oxygen and occurs in all plants, animals, and some prokaryotic organisms. Are DRM location sensitive? I left chicken out on the counter all afternoon. Is it safe to eat if it smells OK? I left chicken out on the counter all afternoon. Whether raw or cooked, food can be chock-full of dangerous bacteria long before you can smell it. Perishable food (like chicken and other meats) should be tossed if left out at room temperature more than two hours (much less if in a warm room). For straightforward guidelines on food safety and handling, consult the USDA Web site. Next time you serve a buffet (or eat one elsewhere), bear this in mind. How Can You Know If Your Kidneys Are Failing Diabetes and Hypertension are the leading two causes of kidney failure. If you are unfortunately a patient of hypertension or diabetes, you are at a higher risk to suffer from kidney failure and then you need to do complete physical checkup regularly. This will help you know well about your kidney.hronic kidney failure is a long course with progressive loss of kidney function. Dialysis or kidney transplant will be needed when it runs to end stage. Therefore, having a timely diagnosis and about kidney disease and then preventing it from developing to end stage kidney failure is very necessary and beneficial. 1 Tag: Et tu, Brute? Et tu, Brute? Et tu, Brute? () is a Latin phrase meaning ""even you, Brutus?"" It is notable for its occurrence in William Shakespeare's play "Julius Caesar", where it is spoken by the Roman dictator Julius Caesar to his friend Marcus Junius Brutus at the moment of Caesar's assassination. The first known occurrences of the phrase are said to be in two earlier Elizabethan plays; Henry VI, Part 3 by Shakespeare, and an even earlier play, "Caesar Interfectus", by Richard Eedes. The phrase is often used apart from the plays to signify an unexpected betrayal by a friend. Caesar utters The sentiment of this tweet is negative, indicating that the content expresses dissatisfaction or disapproval. The Stirred Tank Reactor Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell The comments here about the fragility of oxygen-oxygen bonds are correct. There's another thing to think about, too: H2O is, of course, a very small molecule. Adding another whole oxygen atom to it is really a very large change (consider, right off the top, that you've increased its molecular weight by nearly 90%). There's no way to add or subtract an atom to any molecule that size without profoundly changing its properties. âDays Of Our Livesâ Gay Characters Will And Sonny Will Have Sex Days of our Lives actor Freddie Smith, who plays Sonny, says the delay was intentional and that cast and crew intended to build the relationship between the two characters before the much-anticipated scene. How to Prime an Electric Fuel Pump How to Prime an Electric Fuel Pump What You'll Need Manufacturer's directions Gloves An electric fuel pump is an essential component which can be found in your car. The fuel pump is used to make sure the natural gas or propane travels through to the engine. The fuel must travel through a hose, also called the fuel line, and it is the job of the fuel pump to make sure the gas reaches the proper location. The fuel pump is used in any car where gravity cannot be used to pump the fuel into the system. There are two types of engines. The first is known as a carborated engine and the other is known as a fuel injected engine. The fuel injected engine in most cases will use an electric fuel pump. Below are instructions on how to prime the electric fuel pump. Step 1 - Find the Fuel Pump Make sure the car is off and make sure it has been sitting for at least a couple hours. You will be working around the fuel injection components of your car and you can easily get burnt if the car is still warm. Put on protective gloves before you work inside and around the car. Pop the top of your hood and look for the fuel tank. If you are not sure where the fuel tank is, then pull out your manufacturer's directions. Once you have located the fuel tank, locate the electric fuel pump. The pump is usually located inside the tank. Step 2 - Flip the Switch There should be a prime switch located on the fuel pump line. Flick the switch to prime the fuel pump. You can prime the fuel pump a couple of times but do not leave it in the "on" position. Step 3 - Close the Hood and Clean Up Close the hood of the car and clean up your work area. Clean your hands completely with a cleaning agent that will remove any remnants of the fuel on your hands. Step 4 - Test the Car Test out the car. Re-prime the electric fuel pump if necessary. A Few Notes: This is generally something you will want to do when you want to bleed your line. For normal automobile operation, you will not need to prime your electric fuel pump. A prime switch is also used for safety reasons. You can use the prime switch when your engine may seem to start to die or when the filters in the car become clogged. Some models of electric fuel pumps do not need to be primed by hand as they have a self priming feature built in. Be sure to check the information located in the manufacturer's book of information to find out what type of priming system your car has. If you are unsure, consult the help of a certified automotive mechanic to prime your electric fuel pump. Comments No doubt someone better versed in spacetime than I can give you a fuller answer, but in short, no. Time is not a hidden spatial dimension. Daniel Cerone Daniel Cerone is a television writer and executive producer. His credits include "Dexter", where he served as co-showrunner, along with "The Blacklist", "The Mentalist", "Dirty Sexy Money" and "Charmed". He was the co-creator of "Constantine", the short-lived adaptation of the DC comics Vertigo series Hellblazer, which developed a cult following. He also created and executive produced "Clubhouse", the critically acclaimed CBS baseball drama, as well as the ABC police procedural "Motive". How should we book cheap air tickets? According to experts, no. It's a bit of an urban myth. However, staring at them for long periods of time can cause discomfort, albeit not permanently. You actually *do* feel it. Because of your angular momentum, there is a slight centrifugal force acting in you, pulling you away from the center of mass of the planet. This effect, however, is small and is matched by the centrifugal forces experienced by everything around you — which all have the same or nearly the same angular momentum. You're not *aware* of this force vector because there is never an appreciable and swift change in the acceleration it provides — there is no *jerk* of it. Since gravity provides acceleration towards the centre of mass of the planet, our brains are used to constant acceleration and think of that as "steady" and "normal". We perceive not the acceleration itself but the *change* of acceleration — termed the *jerk*. So, in short, you're not aware of it because they're not jerks about it. - With proper training, biofeedback can be used by professionals in many fields. Biofeedback is NOT used as a treatment alone, nor can it be used alone to make a diagnosis. Rather it is an adjunctive tool to be combined with other standard interventions carried out by knowledgeable clinicians, educators, or coaches. - The baby boomers are the generation that was born following World War II, generally from 1946 to 1964, a time that was marked by an increase in birth rates. The term baby boomer is sometimes used in a cultural context. Therefore, it is impossible to achieve broad consensus on a defined start and end date. Ghana–Nigeria relations Nigeria continued to consult on economic, political, and security issues affecting the two countries and West Africa as a whole. Between early August 1994 when Rawlings became ECOWAS chairman and the end of the following October, the Ghanaian president visited Nigeria three times to discuss the peace process in Liberia and measures to restore democracy in that country. Ghana–Nigeria relations Ghana–Nigeria relations are the bilateral diplomatic relations between the Republic of Ghana and the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The Pre-colonial relations between the peoples who occupy what is Ghana and Nigeria today are mainly orally told stories which are hard When does your passport expire? “Nearly ten years later, those passports are beginning to expire, and the Department has been experiencing increased demand for passport renewals. The Department issued 14 million passports in 2014 and the increased demand is expected to continue through 2018.”. For All We Know (1934 song) Clooney version is heard over the closing credits of Dan Ireland's 2005 British film, "Mrs. Palfrey at the Claremont". The Donny Hathaway version from the LP Roberta Flack & Donny Hathaway (Atlantic, 1972) has become one of the standout versions of the song. For All We Know (1934 song) "For All We Know" is a popular song published in 1934. The music was written by J. Fred Coots and the lyric by Sam M. Lewis. The lyrics start: For all we know We may never meet again. The first charting versions in 1934 were by Hal Kemp (#3 on the Biography Edit Amitabh Bachchan Biography Showing all 196 items Jump to: Overview (4) | Mini Bio (3) | Spouse (1) | Trade Mark (1) | Trivia (177) | Personal Quotes (9) |Salary (1)Overview (4)Born October 11, 1942 in Allahabad, United Provinces, British India [now Uttar Pradesh, India]Birth Name Amitabh Harivansh Srivastav Nicknames Big B Munna Angry Young Man Bollywood's Shahenshah Amith AB Sr. One Man Industry Superstar of the Millenium The Last Emperor Mahanayak Amit ji Height 6' 1" (1.86 m)Mini Bio (3)Son of well known poet Harivansh Rai Bachchan and Teji Bachchan. He has a brother named Ajitabh. He completed his education from Uttar Pradesh and moved to Bombay to find work as a film star, in vain though, as film-makers preferred someone with a fairer skin, and he was not quite fair enough. But they did use one of his other assets, his deep baritone voice, which was used for narration and background commentary. He was successful in being cast in Saat Hindustani. He got his break in Bollywood after a letter of introduction from the then Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi, as he was a friend of her son, Rajiv Gandhi. This is how Amitabh made an entry in Bollywood, starting with Zanjeer, co-starred with his future wife Jaya Bhaduri, and since then there has been no looking back. He married Jaya Bhaduri, an accomplished actress in her own right, and they had two children, Shweta and Abhishek. Shweta is married, lives a non-filmy life and has two children. Being friends with Rajiv Gandhi, got him to decide to run for seat in the Congress from his hometown but had to leave midterm because of controversies, particularly after Rajiv and he were implicated in the now infamous "Bofors" case along with the U. K. based Hinduja Brothers. After a four year break, he was back in the unsuccessful Mrityudaata (1997), a comeback which the actor wanted to forget. Critics written him off but his career was saved with Bade Miyan Chote Miyan (1998). But four flops in 1999 and incurring debt of over 90 Crores rupees of his sinking company ABCL saw him at an all-time low. To make matters worse, after the defeat of the Congress party, Amitabh lost considerable political support, the opposition made him a target, and his credit rating deteriorated to such an extent that a leading nationalized bank, Canara Bank, sued him for outstanding loans. He did bounce back, presenting the Indian version of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire called Kaun Banega Crorepati? (2000). After a series of hits with Mohabbatein (2000), Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham... (2001) and Baghban (2003) and Khakee (2004), this elderly Bachchan is showing no signs of slowing down and proving the critics wrong once again. His son, Abhishek, is also an actor by his own rights. Amitabh and Jaya were interested in getting Abhishek married to Karishma, the daughter of Babita and Randhir Kapoor, they went through a formal engagement, but later broke it off. The former Miss World and Bollywood actress, Aishwarya Rai, and Abhishek, were formally engaged on Sunday January 14, 2007, at the Bachchan residence in Juhu, Bombay, with the marriage taking place at the Bachchan residence on April 20, 2007. On November 16, 2011, he became a Dada (Paternal Grandfather) when Aishwarya gave birth to a daughter in Mumbai Hospital. He is already a Nana (maternal grandfather) to Navya Naveli and Agastye - Shweta's children. He continues to be one of the busiest actors and singers in Bollywood as well as on TV, as can be seen from the commercials that he appears on, especially on Sahara One. Looks like there are no limits for this super-star and once the "Angry Young Man" of Bollywood.- IMDb Mini Biography By: r Aj Oo The trademark deep baritone voice, the tall, brooding persona, and intense eyes, made Amitabh Bachchan the ideal "Angry Young Man" in the 1975-84. The son of the late poet Harivansh Rai Bachchan and Teji Bachchan, he was born in Allahabad in Uttar Pradesh. After completing his education from Sherwood College, Nainital, and Kirori Mal College, Delhi University, he moved to Calcutta to work for shipp Convert URL to normal windows filename Java 6 - Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT). Guide. An alanine aminotransferase (ALT) test measures the amount of this enzyme in the blood. ALT is found mainly in the liver, but also in smaller amounts in the kidneys, heart, muscles, and pancreas. ALT was formerly called serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT). 1 in 9 are left hand dominant. The cause of the ratio and the majority of right handers is unknown. The 1998 Strategic Defence Review and the 2003 Delivering Security in a Changing World White Paper outlined the following posture for the British Armed Forces: A Large-Scale Characterization of How Readers Browse Wikipedia . Jamaican Culture Jamaican culture describes the Jamaican religion, Jamaican lifestyle and Jamaican society on a whole. Jamaican culture is what defines a people. This portal links to all websites that deal with Jamaican culture. Christmas Past Mento Music Classical Musicians Mystic Online Garvey Liberty Hall Rootz Reggae Gathering of the Healers House of Bobo Speak Jamaican Shakti Yoga Sun RASon Jamaica Treasures Jamaican Jokes Jamaicans Culture Jamaican Culture And Jamaican Traditions Jamaican culture can be aptly described as the Jamaican human activity within different aspects of everyday life that relate to Jamaican traditions. Jamaican culture can be divided into several sectors or sects, usually called Jamaican aspects of culture. Origin: Jamaican culture is defined as the origin of its entire population. The Jamaican culture is mixed as most of the society is ethnically diverse. There are several nations and peoples, the majority are African, then Indian and Chinese, then the minority being European. There is a North American contingent but they did not contribute to the origin and main stream Jamaican society. Traditions: Jamaican traditions assist in defining the culture of the society. Jamaican traditions are ritualistic acts that are carried out over a specific period of time or at a specific event. This is very prevalent in Jamaican society and is fundamental in defining Jamaican culture. The most popular Jamaican traditions are for most national holidays, such as Christmas cake, Sorrel, pudding at Christmas time, Fried fish, lent at Easter time and other national holidays. Rituals such as the famed Nine Night after the death of a loved one are a popular Jamaican tradition that characterizes the Jamaican culture. Cuisine: Jamaican cuisine and cooking is an important aspect of cultural embodiment. The foods and the recipes make a culture richer. The Jamaican culture has been enriched by superb Jamaican foods such as Jerk Chicken Recipes, Jerk Pork and the infamous Red Stripe Beer. It is foods such as these that help to define Jamaican culture. Religion: Another key indicator and unifying aspect Jamaican culture. Jamaican has developed a unique type of religion. The primary type called Pocomania which was a blend between European Christianity and African religious practices, the secondary is Rastafarianism. This religion is practically by a small amount of people in the country, hence is not really a unifying aspect but gives Jamaican culture through religion its uniqueness and hence requires mention. Music: Reggae and its derivatives such as dance hall, rock steady are key for the development of Jamaican culture. This music has its origins in Jamaica and cannot be claimed by any other nation. The captivating type of music has led to a growing following. The music has an upbeat aspect to it’s with constant rhythmic beats. Art and Clothing: Jamaican Art and Clothing are both very important in defining Jamaican culture. Jamaican art has steeped in the depicting Jamaican everyday life. This has manifested it self in sculptures, paintings, collage and craft works. This is a direct shift from the more abstract type of European art and even the African more morbid types of art that focus a lot on history. Jamaican art culture at most does not focus on history. Jamaican clothing does reflect culture. Though Jamaican clothing and fashion is not as popular as European and African clothing it is defined by the use of primary colors and the popular use of cotton because of the tropical climate. Folk Lure: This is yet to be aptly recognized as a part of culture. Folk lure can often be cited as a part of Jamaican tradition however folk lure is stories and ballads passed down through the generations. However this is not really the case but folk lure and happenings are carried through in dance and drama which fall under ‘other arts’ another corner stone of culture. Other Arts – Jamaican dance, drama and speech in culture. Primarily Jamaican culture is depicted in dance by folk music, dancing kumina, the quadrille and other One controversial idea in my field: whether prions (infectious proteins) are taken up by plants, where they may be harbored and concentrated before later being consumed by the mammalian host, transmitting the agent. The plants aren't specifically *affected* though they could still be considered *infected* with the prion. The sentiment expressed in this movie review is positive. What is a monotreme? Vicky Donor Vicky Donor is a 2012 Indian romantic comedy directed by Shoojit Sircar and produced by actor John Abraham. It stars Ayushmann Khurrana, Yami Gautam and Annu Kapoor in the lead roles. It released on 20 April 2012 in around 750 screens across India and received positive response worldwide. "Vicky Donor" opened to critical acclaim and performed strongly at the box office. The storyline is based on sperm donation and infertility. The film won the National Film Award for Best Popular Film Providing Wholesome Entertainment at the 60th National Film Awards. The film is remade in Telugu as "Naruda Donoruda" starring Sumanth and Pallavi Subhash. Terminator (franchise) There are four movies on the Terminator series. They are The Terminator, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines and Terminator Salvation. First movie The Terminator is released on 1984. Movie is directed by James Cameron and starred by Arnold Schwarzenegger. Log into Squarespace Log into Squarespace Log In Create an Account Recover Account . In the United States and the rest of the northern hemisphere, the first day of the spring season is the day of the year when the Sun crosses the celestial equator moving northward (on March 20 th or 21 st ). This day is known as the Vernal Equinox . A common misconception is that the earth is further from the sun in winter than in summer. Actually, the Earth is closest to the sun in December which is winter in the Northern hemisphere. As the Earth travels around the Sun in its orbit, the north-south position of the Sun changes over the course of the year because of the changing orientation of the Earth's tilted rotation axes. The dates of maximum tilt of the Earth's equator correspond to the Summer Solstice and Winter Solstice, and the dates of zero tilt to the Vernal Equinox and Autumnal Equinox . The reason for these changes has to do with the Earth's yearly trip around the sun. For part of the year the Earth's North Pole points away from the sun and part of the time toward it. This is what causes our seasons. When the North Pole points toward the sun, the sun's rays hit the northern half of the world more directly. That means it is warmer and we have summer. The declination of the Sun on the vernal equinox is 0° 00'. On the day of the vernal equinox, day and night are nearly the same amounts of time. In the United States, there are about 12 hours of daylight on this day. Tornado Season March is the traditional start of tornado season in the United States. Although tornadoes can occur at any time throughout the year, the peak activity period is March through early July, according to the National Weather Service (NWS). An average of 1,200 tornadoes touch down in the United States each year, and most of them form during this tornado season. Because these storms kill about 70 Americans annually and injure some 1,500 others, disaster experts urge families to be prepared — particularly those who live in Tornado Alley. Tornado Alley is roughly defined as the area of the Central Plains from Texas to Nebraska. This is where most tornadoes form each season. Much of the damage that tornadoes inflict each year occurs in this region of the country. Texas has the highest number of tornadoes, with an average of 124 each year. Tornado map courtesy U. S. Geological Survey Links Ready - is a national public service advertising (PSA) campaign designed to educate and empower Americans to prepare for and respond to emergencies including natural and man-made disasters. The goal of the campaign is to get the public involved and ultimately to increase the level of basic preparedness across the nation. The Seasons and the Earth's Orbit - Through the Naval Oceanography Portal, the United States Naval Observatory provides astronomical information on the Earth's orbit around the Sun and how it relates to the changing seasons. Tornado Safety (American Red Cross)Sponsored Links The current is the same everywhere in a series circuit. The purpose of the resistor in that circuit is to limit the current which flows through the LED. For this purpose, it doesn't matter if the resistor comes before or after the LED, since the current drawn from the battery depends on the equivalent impedance of the entire branch. 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Sell on Amazon Troutster Fly Line Backing - Troutster Premium Fly Fishing Line Backing | 20-30 Pound Test | 50 or 100 Yards Length Fly Backing - Color: Yellow or White - Fly Reel Backer Fits All Types of Fly Fishing Reels; Fly Rod Backing for Trout, Bass, Pike, Salmon, Steelhead and More.4.5 out of 5 stars 35 customer reviews Price: $7.99FREE Shipping on orders over $25—or get FREE Two-Day Shipping with Amazon Prime In Stock. Sold by Troutster com and Fulfilled by Amazon . Gift-wrap available. Color: Yellow (Chartreuse)Size: 20 Pound Test - 50 Yards Available in 20 or 30 lb. Test. Great for trout, salmon, steelhead and other large fish. Super strong and smooth. Will fit on any fly fishing reel. Supreme knot strength. Frequently bought together+ +Total price: $33.97Add all three to Cart Add all three to List These items are shipped from and sold by different sellers. Show details This item: Fly Line Backing - Troutster Premium Fly Fishing Line Backing | 20-30 Pound Test | 50 or 100 Yards… $7.99SF Weight Forward Floating Line Fly Line Welded Loop 100 FT WF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 wt F $16.995 Pack - Fly Fishing Tapered Leaders - 9' 7.5' 12' $8.99Customers who viewed this item also viewed Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1 This shopping feature will continue to load items. In order to navigate out of this carousel please use your heading shortcut key to navigate to the next or previous heading. 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Get a $50 Gift Card instantly upon approval for the Amazon Rewar I really don't know, and I'm hoping an entomologist will answer this, but I do know that during metamorphosis the insect becomes completely liquid during that phase of its life, so I think that the emerging insect will be whole following pupation. How long can you keep uncooked bacon in the fridge? Food & Drink Cooking & Recipes How long can you keep uncooked bacon in the fridge? I bought uncooked turkey bacon that has a sell by date of April 1rst. Once I open the package can I put it in a zip lock and leave it in the fridge until April?1 following 10 answers Answers Relevance Rating Newest Oldest Best Answer: I would trim a couple weeks off of that. Or put it in the freezer. It'd probably still be good on April o1, but that IS A FOOLS day. Get as much air out of the packaging, regardless of what you decide. Vacuum sealers are great for making food last a little longer. No need to be a fool on April 1st.thinkaboutmoney · 7 years ago0 2 Comment Store Bacon Source (s): Adevereux · 1 year ago0 0 Comment Most people tend to still eat the meat a few days past the sell-by-date as the expiration date is usually later. I am not one of those people. You can always freeze it by April 1st and eat it later. Bacon is a cured meat and if kept at proper temps will last much longer than 4 days after opened. It's normally very easy to tell when bacon is bad by the smell. Most people don't keep their fridge at cold enough temps and if you find your bacon going bad in 3 days you need recheck your temps. To the person below me: bacon or any other meat will keep way longer when frozen. You can freeze bacon and eat it a year later. It will lose some flavor and taste different if not vacuum sealed but will not make you sick.sir_blunted · 7 years ago1 4 Comment Once you open the package you must use the bacon within a couple of weeks or else it will spoil. I M MORTAL · 7 years ago0 1 Comment It will be good if is frozen till april 1st. Don not unfreze the freze again cuz ill not be good to eat after. Unfrozen you can keep it no more than 24 hours at most, depending on temperature, coolder si better.ady_the.killer · 7 years ago0 2 Commentbacon is resistant but not immune to bacteria. Just freeze the unused portion. It will thaw in a few hours, so no reason not to.mark · 7 years ago0 1 Comment7 days , expiration date is meant to rmind you to use by that date for the best flavor and benefits try this site Mon Mon · 7 years ago0 1 Comment No, once opened and exposed to the air it should only be kept 4 days max. Anonymous · 7 years ago0 3 Comment I LOVE TURKEY BACON AN WAT I DO IS PLACE IN ZIP LOCK BAG AN PUT IN FREEZER UNTIL READY TOSource (s): MINEBrittany · 7 years ago0 1 Comment I just look at the color and texture. Jesseca C · 7 years ago0 3 Comment Maybe you would like to learn more about one of these? Find Moving Container Services Want to buy a domain name? Gourmet Chocolates, Eat Up VPN options for your computer Film is much higher quality than any of the digital video formats in common use. You can't really put a number on film's exact resolution, but it's ~9-10 megapixels; when you scan a 35mm negative into a computer, you keep discovering additional details until you reach 9 to 10 megapixels, so that's its rough resolution, varying a little depending on the exact brand and quality. DVD is only 0.34 (USA/Japan) or 0.41 (Australia/Europe) megapixels. HDTV is only 0.9, and Blu-ray is only 2.1. 4K is 8. Or in other words: if we take a film reel and use a big scanner to create a digital video from it, scanning at Blu-ray resolution only captures around 1/5th of the detail in the film. That's how they make DVDs/Blurays, they use a big scanner. 8K is the first digital video format we've created that's higher-quality than professional-quality 35mm film. It's still not better than 70mm film (the kind used for 2001: A Space Odyssey, Spartacus, Lawrence of Arabia, etc and Soviet films of the 70s and 80s). The sentiment of this tweet is neutral, meaning that the content does not express any strong emotions or opinions. The sentiment of this tweet is positive, suggesting that the content conveys happiness, approval, or satisfaction. The process of reclaiming the material for use can be time consuming and complex, and often costs more than working from new materials. The sentiment expressed in this movie review is positive. The sentiment of this tweet is positive, suggesting that the content conveys happiness, approval, or satisfaction. Statistical Thinking Statistical Thinking The process of using wide ranging and interacting data to understand processes, problems, and solutions. The opposite of one factor at a time (OFAT), where ones natural born tendency is to change one factor and “see” what happens. Show the critical path of your project Every task is important, but only some of them are critical. The critical path is a chain of linked tasks that directly affects the project finish date. If any task on the critical path is late, the whole project is late. Click View > Gantt Chart. Click Format, and then select the Critical Tasks check box. The Children of Lir (Loudest Whisper album) The Children of Lir is the debut album by Irish folk rock/progressive folk group Loudest Whisper. It is the studio adaption of the musical of the same name that was performed in Fermoy, Ireland in 1973. The album was released on LP record in Ireland by Polydor Records in 1974 in a limited edition of 500 copies. Is Creatine Safe? How The King Of Performance Supps Affects Your Organs Nutrition Supplementation Is Creatine Safe? How The King Of Performance Supps Affects Your Organs Kurtis Frank & Sol Orwell August 29, 2017 • 6 min read Creatine is a vitamin for some, a bogeyman for others. Do you have any reason to fear the king of performance supplements? "Part of creatine's appeal is due to its effectiveness. "Creatine is, without a doubt, one of the most popular sports supplements of our time. Given how directly people associate it with improved performance and body composition you could even place it ahead of whey protein powder, which many athletes now seem to treat like a food—or, in some cases, a food group. Part of creatine's appeal is, of course, due to its effectiveness. Most of the people who take it simply see greater strength, power, and muscle growth as a result, and the research backs this up. Creatine also happens to be one of the most studied supplements, both in a sports setting and in how it interacts with various medical conditions. In short, if you're not taking creatine because you're afraid of a certain side effect, that side effect has probably been looked at in a laboratory setting. Want the straight truth about what creatine will or won't do to your heart, liver, or kidneys? Here's what the existing research has to say. General Side Effects and Concerns First off: Yes, creatine can cause water retention. This is probably no surprise. Regardless, unless you have a specific concern—like hypertension that requires treatment with diuretics—it's not a medical issue. For people concerned about looking bloated, the water retention happens in your muscles, so it actually makes you look a bit larger. This explains why some bodybuilders cut out creatine near the end of their contest prep. The rest of us needn't worry. Regarding other potential side effects: Stomach distress. This can happen when you take too much creatine at once, perhaps during a loading phase, without much else in your stomach. The remedy is usually simple: either increase your water and food intake when you take creatine or just take smaller doses of creatine throughout the day. Intestinal distress or diarrhea. This also can happen when you simply take too much creatine in a single dose. Since it cannot be absorbed in high quantities, this can cause osmotic diarrhea, a condition where water gets drawn into the bowels. The solution, again, is to take smaller doses. All of the common side effects associated with creatine stem from its absorption profile in the intestines. At low doses, around 1-3 grams, creatine is absorbed well. As the dose gets higher, the absorption decreases, which is why you can't overdose on creatine—at least, not in a way that would present a medical concern. There are some claims that creatine can contribute to cardiovascular issues such as arrhythmia, but they seem to be based on anecdotes and the placebo effect. What About The Liver? A common knock against creatine is that it's bad for the liver, but this doesn't withstand scrutiny. A number of human studies have looked specifically at creatine usage and liver parameters and found no association between the supplement and liver problems. 1,2If you really want to go cherry-picking, a single study found liver problems in a particular mouse strain after 300 days of supplementation. 3 Even with that in mind, human studies done on people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig's Disease, over a span of 9-16 months failed to find any problems with liver enzymes. 4-6What About The Kidneys? The idea that creatine could cause kidney damage comes from the following logic: One of the tests for a malfunctioning kidney is for creatinine. If the creatinine levels in your blood are high, your kidneys could be malfunctioning. Creatinine is a waste product of creatine, and loading creatine will increase your creatinine levels. Elevated creatinine levels in and of themselves aren't a problem. They can be indicative of kidney problems, but they can also occur inde Which guitar should I buy in range of 7k-8k? The tongue can detects five different tastes: salty, sweet, sour, bitter and umami (savoury flavours). Toothpaste becomes foamy when brushing. the foam is made by a chemical called sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS). SLS stops your sweet taste buds stop working so well. SLS also destroys fats that block your bitter taste buds. SLS hides the sweetness of orange juice and makes it taste bitterer. on-demand computing On-demand computing is a delivery model in which computing resources are made available to the user as needed. The resources may be maintained within the user's enterprise, or made available by a cloud service provider. When the services are provided by a third-party, the term cloud computing is often used as a synonym for on-demand computing. Officially it's illegal to teach children about homosexualism. As the result, some gay teens were accused for "gay propaganda" just because they came out. Putin is sure that homosexualism is choice, that it's something that comes from "perverted rotten west". He thinks that if isolate kids from it, there will be less gay people (of course, he assumes gay people are bad). He ignores the fact that there were as many gay people in USSR as now in Russia. Cups, Pints, Quarts, Gallons Background Information for Teachers and Parents A gallon is a unit of measurement that is larger than a quart, pint, and cup. You may want to present to your children with an empty gallon carton of milk or a gallon soup pot. With some assistance they can pour 4 quarts into the gallon container to understand that 4 quarts are equal to 1 gallon. Moby-Dick chase, Ahab leaves Starbuck in charge of the "Pequod". Moby Dick smashes the three boats that seek him into splinters and tangles their lines. Ahab is rescued, but his ivory leg and Fedallah are lost. Starbuck begs Ahab to desist, but Ahab vows to slay the white whale, even if he would have to dive through the globe itself to get his revenge. On the third day of the chase, Ahab sights Moby Dick at noon, and sharks appear, as well. Ahab lowers his boat for a final time, leaving Starbuck again on board. Moby Dick breaches and destroys two Tom Felton Tom Felton Thomas Andrew Felton (born 22 September 1987) is an English actor and musician. Felton began appearing in commercials when he was eight years old for companies such as Commercial Union and Barclaycard. He made his screen debut in the role of Peagreen Clock in "The Borrowers" (1997) and he portrayed Louis T. Leonowens in "Anna and the King" (1999). He rose to prominence for his role as Draco Malfoy in the film adaptions of the best-selling "Harry Potter" fantasy novels by J.K. Rowling. His performances in "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" and "Harry Potter and the Deathly Rothmannia Rothmannia is a genus of flowering plants in the Rubiaceae family. It was described in 1776 and is named for Göran Rothman (1739–1778) by Thunberg – both were pupils of Linnaeus. The genus has a wide distribution area and is found tropical and southern Africa, western Indian Ocean, southern China to Indo-China and New Guinea. . Home About Photos Posts Community See more of Cape St Claire on Facebook Log Inor Create New Account Community See All897 people like this898 people follow this About See All Community Suggest Edits People897 likes People Also Like Rick Lax Has Friends Show Anne Arundel County Animal Control Government Organization Vizzini's Pizza and Subs Pizza Place Pages liked by this Page Cape Ace Hardware Broadneck Patch Go English (US) · Español · Português (Brasil) ·Français (France) · Deutsch Privacy · Terms · Advertising · Ad Choices ·Cookies · More Facebook © 2018Photos See All Posts Cape St Claire May 4, 2017 · Fall Soccer Tryouts are here. The link for registration is on the top right corner of the page. You will need to create an account with Bonzi to register. Broadneck Area Youth Sports Broadneck Area Youth Sports Broadneck Area Youth Sports See more at BROADNECKYOUTHSPORTS. COMCape St Claire shared Cape St. Claire United Methodist 's photo. April 5, 2017 ·Cape St. Claire United Methodist April 5, 2017 ·The Broadneck-area churches invite you to join us on the beach to celebrate Easter & stay for breakfast at the community clubhouse!Service @ 6:15 am. See All Posts Cape St Claire shared Cape St. Claire United Methodist 's photo. August 15, 2016 ·Cape St. Claire United Methodist August 14, 2016 ·We're taking four weeks to think about essential–transformative–Christian practices. This week? Holy Communion. Cape St Claire added 2 new photos. June 29, 2015 ·Some Little Magothy River shots. Cape St Claire May 5, 2015 ·With the support of local churches, businesses and individual donors, My Brother’s Pantry works to aid the hungry here on the Broadneck Peninsula. The Pantry provides emergency food supplies to anyone who asks for help one one-time basis, as well as regular food supplements to eligible community members on a monthly basis. Starting at 6pm on Tuesday, May 5th, My Brother's Pantry will participate in The Great Give - a 24-hour online fundraiser designed to raise awareness of... See More Cape St Claire added 2 new photos. March 6, 2015 ·Cape St Claire updated their cover photo. June 9, 2014 ·Cape St Claire updated their cover photo. March 22, 2014 ·Cape St Claire updated their cover photo. January 7, 2014 ·Cape St Claire updated their cover photo. August 19, 2013 ·Cape St Claire updated their cover photo. March 26, 2012 ·Cape St Claire February 29, 2012 ·It was good to see a small gathering at the point this morning. I have an idea it will get better each week. Cape St Claire December 10, 2011 ·FREE Play set. 4 years old good shape. You disassemble and haul Cape St Claire shared a link. August 21, 2011 ·Maryland Seafood Festival | Go Broadneck an Online Entertainment Publication about the Broadneck Pen Sandy Point State Park will again be the host site for the 44th annual Maryland Seafood Festival, a tasty and entertaining tradition, with music, great food, exhibits, arts and crafts, and featuring The Capital’s 21st Crab Soup Cook-off and the Department of Natural Resources’ Maryland Fishing Cape St Claire July 13, 2011 · Help support the special Olympics of Maryland. This is a lot of fun, and it's for a great Bumper Bash 2011 - Saturday, July 23rd, 2011 - 11:00am until 7:00pm Where: Backside of Dobbins Island on the Magothy Cape St Claire July 10, 2011 ·Lazy day at the Cape Pool... Cape St Claire shared a link. June 30, 2011 ·The Best Daily Deals in Annapolis - $30 to Spend on Food and Drink - Living Social You want crab cakes, she wants chimichangas -- deciding what's for dinner can be like fighting a border war. But at the Broadneck Grill and Cantina, both sides will be satiated with gourmet Mexican and American See More It is one of the http codes defined in the [RFC 7231 Standard](_URL_0_ ). The RFC is like 100 pages of rules. FYI, here are the other 4xx codes: 400 Bad Request 402 Payment Required 403 Forbidden 404 Not Found 405 Method Not Allowed 406 Not Acceptable 408 Request Timeout 409 Conflict 410 Gone 411 Length Required 413 Payload Too Large 414 URI Too Long 415 Unsupported Media Type 417 Expectation Failed 426 Upgrade Required How can I follow through to my goals? How cold can the Gobi Desert get, and how do its average temperatures compare to the ones in the Chihuahuan Desert? Seattle is widely considered one of the most liberal cities in the United States, even surpassing its neighbor, Portland, Oregon. Support for issues such as same-sex marriage and reproductive rights are largely taken for granted in local politics. In the 2012 U.S. general election, an overwhelming majority of Seattleites voted to approve Referendum 74 and legalize gay marriage in Washington state. In the same election, an overwhelming majority of Seattleites also voted to approve the legalization of the recreational use of cannabis in the state. Like much of the Pacific Northwest (which has the lowest rate of church attendance in the United States and consistently reports the highest percentage of atheism), church attendance, religious belief, and political influence of religious leaders are much lower than in other parts of America. In January, Japan invaded Burma, the Dutch East Indies, New Guinea, the Solomon Islands and captured Manila, Kuala Lumpur and Rabaul. After being driven out of Malaya, Allied forces in Singapore attempted to resist the Japanese during the Battle of Singapore but surrendered to the Japanese on 15 February 1942; about 130,000 Indian, British, Australian and Dutch personnel became prisoners of war. The pace of conquest was rapid: Bali and Timor also fell in February. The rapid collapse of Allied resistance had left the "ABDA area" split in two. Wavell resigned from ABDACOM on 25 February, handing control of the ABDA Area to local commanders and returning to the post of Commander-in-Chief, India. Match Thread: Germany vs Spain IRC]( / [BBC]( / [ESPN]( / [Guardian]( / [FIFA Live]( / [ZonalMarking]( / [de.eurosport Streams: ATDHE]( / [myp2p]( / [CBC]( / [Univision]( / [RojaDirecta]( / [LiveTV]( / [Eurovision]( / [LiveScoreHunter]( / [ITV Watch Live]( / [ **Germany:** 1-Neuer]( [20-Boateng]( [17-Mertesacker]( [3-Friedrich]( [16-Lahm]( [7-Schweinsteiger]( [6-Khedira]( [15-Trochowski]( [8-Özil]( [10-Podolski]( [11-Klose **Spain:** 1-Casillas]( [11-Capdevila]( [3-Pique]( [15-Ramos]( [16-Busquets]( [14-Alonso]( [6-Iniesta]( [8-Xavi]( [7-Villa]( [18-Pedro]( [5-Puyol **Referee** Viktor KASSAI **Assistants:** Gabor Eros]( and [Tibor Vamos]( (both Hungary) **Fourth official:** [Frank de Bleeckere Please don't downvote people based on the team they support. - **GER 0 - 1 ESP** Final Conquest of Wales by Edward I The Conquest of Wales by Edward I , sometimes referred to as the Edwardian Conquest of Wales , Examples of historians using the term include Professor J.E. Lloyd , regarded as the founder of the modern academic study of Welsh history , in his History of Wales from the Earliest Times to the Edwardian Conquest , first published in 1911 , and Professor R.R. Davies , the leading modern scholar of the period , in his works including The Age of Conquest : Wales , 1063 -- 1415 , published 2000 . took place between 1277 and 1283 . It resulted in the defeat and annexation of the Principality of Wales , and the other last remaining independent Welsh principalities , by Edward I , King of England . By the 13th century Wales was divided between native Welsh principalities and the territories of the Anglo-Norman Marcher lords . The leading principality was Gwynedd whose princes had gained control of the greater part of the country , making the other remaining Welsh princes their vassals , and had taken the title Prince of Wales . Although English monarchs had made several attempts to seize control of the native Welsh territories , it was not until Edward 's war of conquest against Llywelyn ap Gruffudd ( `` Llywelyn the Last '' ) of 1277 to 1283 that this was achieved on a lasting basis . In two campaigns , in 1277 and 1282/1283 respectively , Edward first significantly reduced the territory of the Principality of Wales and then completely overran it , as well as the other remaining Welsh principalities . Most of the conquered territory was retained as a royal fief , and these lands subsequently became , by custom , the territorial endowment of the heir to the English throne with the title Prince of Wales . The remainder would be granted to Edward 's supporters as new Marcher lordships . Although the territories would not be effectively incorporated into the Kingdom of England until the Laws in Wales Acts 1535 -- 1542 , Edward 's conquest marked the end of Welsh independence . What are the software companies offer visa sponsorships to candidates in the UK? Send a message. Oberlin, Ohio Oberlin, Ohio From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (July 2013) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)Oberlin City City of Oberlin Motto (s): "Live. Learn. Lead. "Location of Oberlin, Ohio Location of Oberlin in Lorain County Coordinates: 41°17′18″N 82°13′0″WCoordinates: 41°17′18″N 82°13′0″WCountry United States of America State Ohio County Lorain Government• Type Council-manager• City manager Eric Norenberg Area [1]• Total 4.96 sq mi (12.85 km 2)• Land 4.92 sq mi (12.74 km 2)• Water 0.04 sq mi (0.10 km 2)Elevation [2] 814 ft (248 m)Population ( 2010) [3]• Total 8,286• Estimate (2012 [4]) 8,300• Density 1,684.1/sq mi (650.2/km 2)Time zone Eastern (EST) ( UTC-5)• Summer ( DST) EDT ( UTC-4)ZIP code 44074Area code (s) 440FIPS code 39-57834 [5]GNIS feature ID 1049034 [2]Website is a city in Lorain County, Ohio, United States, southwest of Cleveland. Oberlin is the home of Oberlin College, a liberal arts college and music conservatory with approximately 3,000 students. The town is the birthplace of the Anti-Saloon League and the Hall-Héroult process, the process of reducing aluminum from its fluoride salts by electrolysis, which made industrial production of aluminum possible. [6]The population was 8,286 at the 2010 census. Contents [ hide ]1 History1.1 Abolitionism2 Geography2.1 Climate3 Demographics3.1 2010 census3.2 2000 census4 Government5 Transportation6 Notable people7 Sister city8 See also9 References10 Bibliography11 Further reading12 External links History [ edit]This section needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (August 2013) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)Oberlin was founded in 1833 by two Presbyterian ministers, John Jay Shipherd and Philo P. Stewart. The pair had become friends while spending the summer of 1832 together in nearby Elyria and discovered a shared dissatisfaction with what they saw as the lack of strong Christian morals among the settlers of the American West. Their proposed solution was to create a religious community that would more closely adhere to Biblical commandments, along with a school for training Christian missionaries who would eventually spread throughout the American frontier. The two decided to name their community after Jean-Frédéric Oberlin (1740–1826), an Alsatian minister whose pedagogical achievements in a poor and remote area had greatly impressed and inspired them. Shipherd and Stewart rode south from Elyria into the forests that covered the northern part of Ohio in search of a suitable location for their community. After a journey of approximately eight miles, they stopped to rest and pray in the shade of an elm tree along the forest, and agreed that this would be a good place to start their community. Legend has it that while they prayed, a hunter saw a family of bears climb down from a nearby tree. The bears saw the two men, but turned away without harming them. On hearing this story from the hunter, the two ministers took it to be a sign from God that they had selected the right place for their community and school. Shipherd traveled back east and convinced the owner of the land to donate 500 acres (2.0 km 2) of land for the school, and he purchased an additional 5,000 acres (20 km 2) for the town, at the cost of $1.50 per acre ($371/km²). While in that part of the country, he visited many of his friends and persuaded some to join in his adventure, and others to contribute money towards the construction of the community. The motto of the new Oberlin Collegiate Institute was "Learning and Labor." In those days the words were taken quite literally: tuition at Oberlin was free, but students were expected to contribute by helping to build and sustain the community. Thi Credit cards have two revenue streams: So yes, the are making money from your daily use of the card. Total Hip Replacement: How Long Does It Take to Recover? help your recovery. Improvements in strength, balance, and coordination after a hip replacement are needed to help patients return to their daily activities and decrease their risk for falls. Researchers have previously shown that hip strength and muscle weakness persist up to 2 years after surgery. Based on the rapid recovery in the first 3 to 4 months, Roasted Cauliflower Recipe Roasted Cauliflower Recipe Recipe Comments Print Pin Share 32 Tweet Stumble Yum 2 Email Roasted Cauliflower is my favorite way of serving cauliflower. If you have never roasted cauliflower – try it now! This method of preparing cauliflower is very simple and extremely delicious! Once you have taste this cauliflower, you will never go back to boiling cauliflower. Because of the quick cooking in a very hot and dry oven, the cauliflower florets are not mushy. They will have softened slightly but still retain a very pleasing crunch. Roasting the cauliflower intensifies the flavor and gives it a nutty taste. It is so good that you could even serve it as an appetizer or as a snack. Even children love cauliflower cooked this way!Roasted Cauliflower Recipe: Print Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 25 minutes Yield: 2 servings Ingredients:1 large head cauliflower (about 2 pounds) 1 teaspoon sesame oil* 1 to 2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil * 1/2 teaspoon coarse salt 1/4 teaspoon coarsely-ground black pepper* The sesame oil is fantastic in this dish. Instructions: Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Rinse cauliflower and cut into quarters. Cut off and discard leaves and cores. Cut quarters into 1/4- to 1/2-inch-thick slices or wedges. In a large bowl or resealable plastic bag, mix together cauliflower slices, sesame oil, olive oil, salt, and pepper. Spread in a single layer in a non-stick baking dish, or aluminum foil lined rimmed baking sheet. Bake prepared cauliflower approximately 20 to 25 minutes, turning every 10 minutes, or until cauliflower is browned or caramelized on edges and tender. Remove from oven and serve warm or at room temperature. Makes 2 servings. (My husband and I will eat all of the roasted cauliflower ourselves. )Roasted Cauliflower Variation Ideas: Add 1 tablespoon minced garlic. Add 1/2 teaspoon cumin seeds and 1/4 teaspoon ground coriander Delete salt and add 1/4 cup soy sauce. Substitute smoked paprika for the salt and black pepper. Add 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar and 1/2 cup finely-shredded Parmesan cheese after baking 15 minutes. Return to oven and continue roasting until the cheese is melted and any moisture has evaporated, approximately 5 to 10 additional minutes. More delicious cauliflower recipes: Cauliflower Cheese Pie This is an absolutely delicious cauliflower pie. The wonderful smell of the crispy potato crust as it bakes will set your taste buds alive. I like to serve this fantastic cauliflower pie with a nice salad for dinner. Cauliflower Rice – Gluten Free Wait until you try this amazing cauliflower rice recipe! It is delicious, very easy-to-make, low calorie, and gluten free. It is a great rice substitution. M y husband was actually surprised how delicious it is. Pasta with Roasted Cauliflower and Anchovies If you love cauliflower as I do, you will absolutely love this pasta dish. This pasta is so good that you’ll want to lick the bowl!Roasted Cauliflower Steaks This method of preparing cauliflower is very simple and wonderfully delicious! Once you’ve taste roasted cauliflower steaks, you will never go back to boiling cauliflower. This is a very elegant way to serve cauliflower. Related Recipes: Cauliflower Rice Recipe Spicy Cauliflower Recipe Roasted Cauliflower Steaks Recipe Deviled Cauliflower Recipe Categories: Cauliflower Side Dishes Vegan Recipes Comments and Reviews4 Responses to “Roasted Cauliflower Recipe”Joan October 5, 2016Just wondering – did you cook the cauliflower with the sesame oil or drizzle it over after cooking? Reply Linda Stradley October 6, 2016Thank you for letting me know of the omission of sesame oil. I corrected the recipe. In a large bowl or resealable plastic bag, mix together cauliflower slices, sesame oil, olive oil, salt, and pepper. Spread in a single layer in a non-stick baking dish, or aluminum foil lined rimmed baking sheet. Reply Tracye December 21, 2016I made this recipe, and added fresh green beans, fresh garlic, mushrooms and sliced cherry tomatoes, placed it over some creamy garlic rice. it was wonderful. I just wanted to add Quartically hyponormal weighted shifts need not be 3-hyponormal It prevents additional viruses from entering. As the immune system is busy handling one virus it leaves the body open to attack from another virus. To prevent this there are several other defense mechanisms that turn on like increased mucus production, lack of hunger and tiredness. The flu virus and influenza virus does take advantage of this as it spreads though mucus that gets airborne after you cough. So it will also stimulate mucus production. Circadian rhythms are what cause you to wake up in the morning, helped along by sunlight. Circadian rhythms raise your body temperature back up to normal levels when it's time to wake up, cause various hormones to be released, etcetera etcetera. One could argue Britain, as 92 hereditary peers still have the right to sit in the House of Lords (for which they're paid £300 a day) and debate, analyse, alter and delay government bills. However, these peers were elected (out of the large number of former hereditary peers) by the other Lords, and will not pass on their Lordships to their own children. So, essentially, a (small) somewhat privileged nobility still exists, but this is the last generation of them. For the most part, they don't. There are no mainstream scientific theories that purport the existence of wormholes. There are a lot of people, including some scientists, who *want* wormholes to exist, because they would give us the possibility of travelling interstellar distances, and some have come up with speculative theories on how wormholes might exist. But as of right now, there is no evidence to support those theories. Not "glow in the dark" but fluorescent (i.e. visible under UV (black) light), yes, absolutely. You'd need to use a virus to transfect your cells. If you just injected GFP your body would break it down. There are rumors everywhere about scientists who accidentally injected themselves with GFP transfecting viruses and have little fluorescent points on their fingers. Why is the beneficiary not allowed? 43 Best Post-Workout Meals for Faster Results This recipe comes directly from McCormick Foods. If you're a fudge and a pistachio lover, this is the recipe for you! Its so easy to make and delicious, too. fudge. green. pistachio. nuts. nutty. This comment is not toxic. Tokyo/Yokohama, Japan Tokyo is both the largest and most expensive city in the world. Small and medium cruise ships that can fit under the Rainbow Bridge dock at Harumi Passenger Ship Terminal on Harumi Island. The nearest metro station is Kachidoki Station on the Toei Oedo Subway Line (20 mins on foot, 5 mins by bus or taxi). Alternatively, you can take Toei bus 5 (¥210, Mar 2015) to Ginza station. > Checking your credit score regularly can negatively impact your credit score. How is this fair if I'm trying to monitor my account history to make sure I'm on track. Soft checks (like some sites offer) don't hurt your credit score. But the reason doing a hard check (like a bank, or a car company does, or possibly what you've been doing) hurts your credit is because it appears that you're looking for credit, which means you may be more likely to need money, which means you're slightly less of a good person to loan money to. It's not a huge hit though if it's done sparingly. Big Data &Sales Intelligence Inbusiness, you can't leave anything tochance... SALES INTELLIGENCE SOLUTIONWATCH VIDEODOWNLOAD BROCHUREPut Big Data to work for your sales team Leads – Prospecting – Closing REQUEST A DEMOCONTACT US On a damped Szego equation (with an appendix in collaboration with Christian Klein) What are the differences between Android and iOS? What are their similarities? Photosynthesis requires at least blue and a little deep red (green is actually thrown back unused). Firelight is 1700K-2000k, very skewed towards red and infrared. There is very little blue. You might cook your plants with infrared heat before making enough blue at that color temp. The sentiment expressed in this movie review is positive. What is a Mollusk? In many bivalves and snails, and in cephalopods, part of the mantle is modified into a siphon, which can be used to pump water through the mantle cavity for respiration, feeding and/or jet propulsion. Freshwater and marine mollusks have gills (called ctenidia) for respiration, located in the mantle cavity. In most bivalves, these are enlarged and serve to trap food particles as well (Morton 1983). Your Questions Answered Over time, spices will lose their potency and not flavor your food as intended. As a general rule, whole spices will stay fresh for about 4 years, ground spices for about 3 to 4 years and dried leafy herbs for 1 to 3 years.To find out storage times for specific herbs and spices, you can consult our Keep It or Toss It database.ver time, spices will lose their potency and not flavor your food as intended. As a general rule, whole spices will stay fresh for about 4 years, ground spices for about 3 to 4 years and dried leafy herbs for 1 to 3 years. Downtown East, Minneapolis Downtown East is an official neighborhood in Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States part of the larger Central community. Its boundaries are the Mississippi River to the north, Interstate 35W to the east, 5th Street South to the south, and Portland Avenue to the west. It is bounded by the Downtown West, Elliot Park, and Cedar-Riverside neighborhoods. The Marcy-Holmes neighborhood is on the other side of the river, but there is no direct automobile connection between the two neighborhoods. There is a pedestrian and bicycle connection via the Stone Arch Bridge. Downtown East was home to the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome, where the Minnesota Twins (MLB baseball), Minnesota Vikings (NFL football), and Minnesota Gophers (NCAA University of Minnesota football) have all played home games. As of 2009, the Minnesota Golden Gophers moved into the new TCF Bank Stadium on the University of Minnesota Campus. Additionally, the Minnesota Twins moved into new Target Field at the start of the 2010 season. In 2016, U.S. Bank Stadium opened on the Metrodome's former site. Wilder Wilder is a city in Canyon County, Idaho, United States. The population was 1,462 at the 2000 census. The home of former Idaho State Governor Phil Batt, Wilder is primarily an agricultural community, with onions, hops, seed corn, beans and alfalfa seed among the major crops. Wilder has a meat processing plant, SSI, manufacturing frozen individual serving hamburgers and french fries. How to Plot Multiple Lines on an Excel Graph How to Plot Multiple Lines on an Excel Graphby John Michael Thomas When you create a line chart in Microsoft Excel, your chart may display only a single plot line. It's often helpful, however, to plot two or more lines on the same chart, for example you may have multiple data series that were collected at the same time, or you want to compare data taken at different times. To create an Excel chart with multiple lines, create a new chart with multiple plot lines or add plot lines to an existing chart. Create a New Chart With Multiple Lines Enter Your Data If you already have a spreadsheet with data entered into columns, skip to the next step ( Create Your Chart, below). Step 1: Enter the labels for each of the data series In the first row of the worksheet, enter the labels for each of the data series to plot. Since each data series (the data for each separate line to be plotted) must be in a separate column, you must enter the labels for each data series in a separate column on the first row. Excel uses the labels in the first row of each column to label the lines in the chart for the data in that column. Step 2: Enter your data Enter your data into each of your columns, in the rows below the labels. Here's an example worksheet showing two data series. The data for each series is in a separate column, and the label to display on the chart for each is in the first row of each column. Step 3: Create Your Chart1. Select all the cells in each column that contain your data.2. On the Office Ribbon select the Insert tab, click on Line in the Charts section of the ribbon, and then select the type of chart you want to create. Excel creates a new chart that displays a separate plot line for each column of data. Add a Line to an Existing Chart Step 1: Enter your new data Enter or copy and paste the data for the new plot line into the column immediately to the right of the original data. Make sure to add a label to the first row of the new column so the chart can display a label for the new plot line. Step 2: Select the chart Click on the chart that displays the original data to select it. Step 3: Edit the Chart data range Right-click on the chart and choose Select Data... from the pop-up menu. Alternately, click Select Data from the Data section of the Office Ribbon in the Chart Tools Design tab. The Select Data Source dialog opens. The data displayed in the chart is shown in the Chart data range field.4. In the Chart data range field, change the last letter of the displayed range, to make it match the letter of the last column of the new data. In the example, the Chart data range displays =Sheet2!$A$1:$A$12, but the new column of data is column $B. So the last A (in the cell reference $A$12) must be changed to a B. The resulting Chart data range displays =Sheet2!$A$1:$B$12. After changing the Chart data range, press the OK button. The chart updates to display an additional plot line for the new data. References How to Make a Line Graph in Microsoft Excel How to Change the Chart Type in Excel How to Use the Chart Wizard in Excel How to Make a Cell Reference Absolute in Excel About the Author John Michael Thomas is a writer and technology consultant with more than 20 years experience in software and systems engineering, IT, cybersecurity, industrial automation and chemical and biological weapons detection. He holds a Bachelor of Science in computer science and mathematics and has worked with Fortune 100 technology companies, film and television productions, and the U. S. government. More Articles How to Sum a Column in an Excel Spread Sheet How to Capture Data From User Forms Into an Excel Worksheet How to Convert Excel Data to Charts How to Merge Multiple Spreadsheets in Excel How to Plot a Secondary Axis on Microsoft Excel How to Create Target Lines in Excel Charts How to Create a Summary Chart in Excel How to Create Sales Charts in Excel How to Append Data in Access Untouchability of executioner and butcher. Yemen: Al-Akhdam Tibet : Ragyabpa (see Social classes of Tibet) Others: * Tanka (danhu) ("boat people") in Guangdong, Fuzhou Tanka in Fujian Untouchability Untouchability, in its literal sense, is the practice of ostracising a minority group by segregating them from the mainstream by social custom or legal mandate. The term is most commonly associated with treatment of the Dalit communities in the Indian subcontinent who were considered "polluting", but the term has also been loosely used to refer to other groups, such as the Cagots in Europe, and the Al-Akhdam in Yemen. Traditionally, the groups characterized dank dank You can describe something that is unpleasantly cool, damp, and clammy as dank. If you have ever visited a cave or unfinished basement, you know how a dank place feels. Yuck. The adjective dank is often used to describe places that would have moist or damp walls. A dank cave can provide hundreds of bats shelter, but you probably wouldn't want to visit them. Tunnels can also be choice dank locations: "The tunnel under the harbor was always dank, and the workers constantly had to battle mold and lichen on the tile walls." One way to remember dank 's meaning is to think of dark since they share three letters and seem to go together; a dank place is often a dark one as well. Thesaurus Definitions of dank1adj unpleasantly cool and humid“a dank cellar”“ dank rain forests”Synonyms:clammywetcovered or soaked with a liquid such as water Word Family Usage Examples What is TrOOP or True Out-Of-Pocket Costs What is TrOOP or True Out-Of-Pocket Costs. 1 TrOOP is the annual Total out-of-pocket costs and was also known before as True out-pf-pocket costs. In general, TrOOP includes all payments for Medications listed on your plan's formulary and purchased at a Network or participating Pharmacy. . Kenneth Wayne Scruggs Obituary Remember Kenneth Wayne Scruggs September 25, 1961 - February 5, 2012Chesnee, South Carolina Set a Reminder for the Anniversary of Kenneth's Passing Forward to Family & Friends Share a Memory Make a Charitable Donation Add a Photo Print Contact Support Death Certificates Share This Obituary Obituary Send Condolences Add A Photo Memory Book Memories & Candles Previous“Lynne,thoughts and prayers for your family. Ps.91:1-2. He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will... Read More » ” 1 of 44 | Posted by: Tammy Sparks - gaffney, SC“I am so sorry to hear of Mr. Scruggs death my condolences to the family. Timothy is shocked and saddened by Mr. Scruggs death and remembers that Mr... Read More » ” 2 of 44 | Posted by: Shelia and Timothy Darden - SC“lynn and family you are in our prayers. ” 3 of 44 | Posted by: RON AND NANCY GOODE - gaffney, SC“I'm so Sorry to hear about the loss of Ken. I worked at Noland with Ken and remember he was smiling 99.9% of the time. My favorite memory of Ken... Read More » ” 4 of 44 | Posted by: Elizabeth Burnett (Everette) - SC“Dear Jeff and Betsey, I have sent this message in text, by way of Face Book and through Brian and Mandy. However, I can not express enough, how... Read More » ” 5 of 44 | Posted by: Cindy Robbins - Church Hill, TN“Kenneth was a good friend through Mayo Elementary and Chesnee High. May the Lord bless the family in a special way. We will miss Brother Kenneth... Read More » ” 6 of 44 | Posted by: Frank Walker - Chesnee, SC“Kenneth was a good friend through Mayo Elementary and Chesnee High. May the Lord bless the family in a special way. We will miss Brother Kenneth... Read More » ” 7 of 44 | Posted by: Frank Walker - Chesnee, SC“Our prayers are with you, Lynne, and your family during this hard time of separation. May God comfort you during this time. Joe and Jan Hampton ” 8 of 44 | Posted by: Joe and Jan Hampton“Wow, can't really pick a memory, starts with flying duct tape, has lots of talks and hugs and encouragement during trying times for me, with... Read More » ” 9 of 44 | Posted by: Beth - chesnee, SC - friend“We love you all so much and will miss Ken dearly. Our prayers will be with you in this transition of your lives. Please call on us anytime. We... Read More » ” 10 of 44 | Posted by: Beverly Smith - Chesnee, SC“So very sorry for your loss. It was always a pleasure to talk with Ken. He had a great smile and an upbeat attitude. Ken will be greatly missed. ... Read More » ” 11 of 44 | Posted by: Kevin and Gina Stephens - SC“Our sympathy for your lose. God will help you with your pain. Jean and Jerry Knighton ” 12 of 44 | Posted by: Jean Knighton - Wellford, SC“Farrah, Ben and boys, I'm so sorry for your loss! My heart hurts so bad for all of you! Know that you're all in our thoughts and prayers and if... Read More » ” 13 of 44 | Posted by: Kara Duncan“Lynne, I am so sorry for your loss. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Love, Sandra ” 14 of 44 | Posted by: Sandra Taylor Seiler - Sylva, NC“Lynn, We were so sorry to hear about your loss. We will keep you all in our thoughts and prayers. Susan and Michael Blanton and Morgan Ryan ” 15 of 44 | Posted by: Susan Blanton - Chesnee, SC“Jr, Betsey & Jeffrey we are so sorry for your loss. Kenneth was a super nice guy and will be missed. May God lift you all up during this most... Read More » ” 16 of 44 | Posted by: Wendy Sailor - Chesnee, SC“The Tarleton family is truely sorry for your loss . Ken will be missed. Eric Tarleton ” 17 of 44 | Posted by: Eric Tarleton - Spartanburg, SC“Sorry for your lost Ken was a good man we will miss him at NURRC ” 18 of 44 | Posted by: Julius Lewis - Spartanburg, SC“To the family... Lynn we were shocked and very sorry for your lost. Knowing Ken we all know that he is absent from your present but still in your... Read More » ” 19 of 44 | Posted by: Willam and Sandra Goode - Moore, SC“Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Brown & Brown of South Carolina ” 20 of 44 | Posted by: Kim Langley, Edd Difference Between Composite & Component AV Cable Difference Between Composite & Component AV Cableby Shea Laverty Composite cable and component cables have similar names and both use RCA connectors; these traits in common often confuse people. However, despite these similarities there are several differences between these two audio-visual cable types. Number of Connectors The biggest difference between composite and component cables is the number of connectors on each. Basic composite cables have six male connectors -- two video and four audio. Specialized connectors often employed by devices such as gaming consoles usually only have four -- one video, two audio and one specialized output plug that connects to the device itself. Basic component cables have 10 connectors -- six for video and four for audio. Specialized component cables have only six connectors - three video, two audio and one specialized input cable for the output device. These are examples of the most common integrated composite and component; some are purely video cables that require a separate RCA audio cable. Connector Colors Another visible difference is the color of the connectors. Composite connectors feature three primary colors -- yellow for video, and white and red for audio. Sometimes the white or the red is replaced with a black connector instead, but typically yellow, red and white are the basic colors. Component connectors feature red, blue and green for video, and typically the same red and white for audio. Occasionally, the audio connectors will be designed differently, featuring dark covers with colored bands to differentiate the red audio from the red video. Sometimes the opposite is employed with the video cables featuring this different cover design, again to prevent confusion. Signal Division The way composite and component video cables transmit video data is also significantly different. Composite video cables transmit image data in a single line-level cable where video information is encoded into a single channel. Component instead divides the signal into three separate channels: YPBPR. Y represents luminance or the screen's brightness, while PB carries the difference between blue and the luminance and PR carries the difference between red and the luminance. Picture Quality Composite is limited in that it transmits lower-quality video. Typically, composite is limited to a resolution of 480i or 576i. Since this is only standard definition, modern high-definition images will not display optimally using composite video. Component can display content in both standard- or high-definition, from 480i to 1,080p -- and theoretically beyond. It is hampered only by the native resolution of the display device. References Gameyeeeah: Gameyeeeah Answers Difference Between Composite, S-Video and Component Video Cable More Articles VGA to RCA Wiring Schematic How to Connect Two HDMI Cables What Is HDMI Upscaling? How do I Hook Up a Wii to a Dynex LCD? RG59 Vs. RG6 Cable What Is the Difference in Gold HDMI Cables Vs. Normal HDMI Cables? How to Turn on Subtitles on a Sony LCD Bravia Specs for the Ge Force 6150SE How to Convert RF to VGAPhoto Credits My America My America is a series of fictional diaries of children that take place during significant moments in American history. Created by Scholastic, it is a spin-off of the series, "Dear America", geared toward younger children (grades 3-5). The series covers: Jamestown, the American Revolution, the American Civil War, Westward Expansion, Underground Railroad, and slavery. Each topic has three books and is authored by a different writer. Writers include well respected and popular children's authors, such as Mary Pope Osborne of Magic Tree House fame. The series was discontinued in 2004, but the books continue to be a popular teaching device for introducing American history to elementary school age children. Causes Causes. Pertussis, a respiratory illness commonly known as whooping cough, is a very contagious disease caused by a type of bacteria called Bordetella pertussis. These bacteria attach to the cilia (tiny, hair-like extensions) that line part of the upper respiratory system. James Anderson (American actor) James Anderson (American actor) James Anderson (July 13, 1921 – September 14, 1969), sometimes billed as Kyle James, was an American television and film actor of the 1950s and 1960s. He is probably best known for his role as Robert E. Lee "Bob" Ewell in "To Kill a Mockingbird" (1962). He made more than 120 appearances, mostly in television and several films between 1941 and 1969. He made three guest appearances on "Perry Mason", including the role of murder victim Frank Anderson in the 1958 episode, "The Case of the Pint-Sized Client," and murder victim Stanley Piper in the 1960 Greenwood Lake Greenwood Lake Greenwood Lake is located in the lower corner of Orange County and extends into New Jersey. This 1,918 acre lake offers a great variety of fish species including Walleye, Largemouth and Smallmouth Bass, Crappie and other panfish. Greenwood also offers the opportunity to catch a trophy Musky! Pure strain and Tiger Muskellunge are stocked annually. If any boy produces an outstanding piece of work, it may be "Sent Up For Good", storing the effort in the College Archives for posterity. This award has been around since the 18th century. As Sending Up For Good is fairly infrequent, the process is rather mysterious to many of Eton's boys. First, the master wishing to Send Up For Good must gain the permission of the relevant Head of Department. Upon receiving his or her approval, the piece of work will be marked with Sent Up For Good and the student will receive a card to be signed by House Master, tutor and division master. George Pullman Victor Debs, a pacifist and socialist who later founded the Socialist Party of America and was its candidate for president in five elections. Under the leadership of Debs, sympathetic railroad workers across the nation tied up rail traffic to the Pacific. The so-called "Debs Rebellion" had begun. Arcade Building with strikers and soldiers Debs gave Pullman five days to respond to the union demands but Pullman refused even to negotiate (leading another industrialist to yell, "The damned idiot ought to arbitrate, arbitrate and arbitrate! ...A man who won't meet his own men halfway is a God-damn fool!"). Instead, Pullman locked Lost or Stolen Refund Check Lost or Stolen Refund Check. If your refund check has been lost, destroyed or stolen, you must write the North Carolina Department of Revenue to request another check. We must have your written authorization before issuing a stop payment or beginning forgery proceedings. If you filed a joint return, you and your spouse must both sign the letter. Rod Stewart - Cover Song - Have I Told You Lately - released June 1993 In 1993 Rod Stewart's cover of the song was released that was his last Top Five solo hit to date, becoming a #5 hit in the US and the UK. This version also spent five weeks at #1 on the US adult contemporary chart. Have I told you lately that I love you. Have I told you there's no one else above you. If this happens regularly there is either a hardware problem with your router, or maybe more likely there is a software problem casing a memory leak or some other reason making it crash. Because a router should not need to be restarted with any kind of frequency. 1992 South African apartheid referendum multi-racial elections, which resulted in a huge victory for the African National Congress and made Nelson Mandela the first black President of South Africa. 1992 South African apartheid referendum A referendum on ending apartheid was held in South Africa on 17 March 1992. The referendum was limited to white South African voters, who were asked whether or not they supported the negotiated reforms begun by State President F. W. de Klerk two years earlier, in which he proposed to end the apartheid system that had been implemented since 1948. The result of the election was a large victory for the > biologically wired to wake up several hours after sunrise and go to bed several hours after sunset It's not quite that simple. Exposure to sunlight, or artificial lighting that's close enough to sunlight, inhibits the production of hormones that make you feel tired. This is why we generally feel more tired when it's dark rather than when it's really bright. The amount of sleep each individual person needs will vary based on lifestyle as well as genes, too, so we aren't exactly hardwired to wake up "several hours after sunrise." When your body releases more tiredness hormones also depends on your sleeping habits, so if you wake up or go to sleep in a particular pattern for long enough, you will change when your body releases the hormones to match those times. Having [one long sleep](_URL_0_) is also not how it has always been. DisneyWar DisneyWar is an exposé of Michael Eisner's 20-year tenure as chairman and CEO at The Walt Disney Company by James B. Stewart. The book chronicles the careers and interactions of executives at Disney, including Card Walker, Ron W. Miller, Roy E. Disney, Frank Wells, Jeffrey Katzenberg, Michael Ovitz, Joe Roth, Robert Iger and Stan Kinsey. According to a study by the Australian National University, bees are very good at finding their way home, even over long dustances, and often rely on the position of the sun, the polarisation of light in the sky, the panorama view of the horizon and landmarks including towers, mountains or lakes. From that article: “In their forage trips, one way that honeybees use to find their way home is by storing distance and directional information when they venture out,” said Professor Zhang. “In other words, they try to go back the way they came." So bees rely on landmarks, the sky, and a general bearing of what direction they have traveled and can make it back home, even if it takes them multiple days. Though this probably begins to fail the further they go from the hive. Source: _URL_0_ Four months after fundraiser, Trump says he gave $1 million to veterans group 2:08Meet the ‘nasty’ reporter who got Trump to donate $1 million Almost four months after promising $1 million of his own money to veterans’ causes, Donald Trump moved to fulfill that pledge Monday evening — promising the entire sum to a single charity as he came under intense media scrutiny. Trump, now the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, organized a nationally televised fundraiser for veterans’ causes in Des Moines on Jan. 28. That night, Trump said he had raised $6 million, including the gift from his own pocket.“Donald Trump gave $1 million,” he said then. As recently as last week, Trump’s campaign manager had insisted that the mogul had already given that money away. But that was false: Trump had not. In recent days, The Washington Post and other media outlets had pressed Trump and his campaign for details about how much the fundraiser had actually raised and whether Trump had given his portion. The candidate refused to provide details. On Monday, a Post reporter used Twitter — Trump’s preferred social-media platform — to search publicly for any veterans groups that had received Trump’s money. By Monday afternoon, The Post had found none. But it seems to have caught the candidate’s attention. Later Monday evening, Trump called the home of James K. Kallstrom, a former FBI official who is chairman of the Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation. The charity aids families of fallen Marines and federal law enforcement officers. Trump told Kallstrom that he would give the entire $1 million to the group, according to Kallstrom’s wife. Sue Kallstrom said she was not sure whether the money had been transferred yet. [ Trump said he raised $6 million for vets. Now his campaign says it was less. ]Other big donors to Trump’s fundraiser had already made their gifts weeks before. Why had Trump waited so long?“You have a lot of vetting to do,” Trump said Tuesday in a telephone interview conducted while he was flying to a campaign rally in Albuquerque. For this particular donation, it would seem that little new vetting was required because Trump already knew the recipient well. The Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation had already received more than $230,000 in donations from the Donald J. Trump Foundation — a charity controlled by Trump but largely funded by others. Last year, the group gave Trump its “Commandant’s Leadership Award” at a gala in New York.0:00Copy Trump captures the nation’s attention as he campaigns View Photos The presidential candidate and billionaire businessman leads the field of candidates in the Republican race. When asked Tuesday whether he had given the money this week only because reporters had been asking about it, Trump responded: “You know, you’re a nasty guy. You’re really a nasty guy. I gave out millions of dollars that I had no obligation to do.”Trump’s call on Monday night stood in contradiction to an account given Friday by campaign manager Corey Lewandowski. “The money is fully spent,” Lewandowski said then. “Mr. Trump’s money is fully spent.”On Tuesday, Trump said Lewandowski would not have been in a position to know that. “I don’t know that Corey would even know when I gave it out,” he said. In the same interview, Trump said the fundraiser had raised about $5.5 million for veterans overall. He said he was not sure how much of it remained to be given away. That also contrasted with the account last week from Lewandowski, who said that about $4.5 million had been raised and that Trump’s effort had fallen short of the promised $6 million because some unnamed big donors had backed out. On Tuesday, Trump said no major contributors had reneged. “For the most part, I think they all came through,” he said. “Some of them came through very late.”Trump also said he had never actually promised that the fundraiser had raised $6 million. “I didn’t say six,” he said. But, in video of the event, Trump tells the crowd, “We just cracked $6 million! Right? $6 million.”Trump was told that he did, indeed, say “$6 million.”“We brut [broot] /brut/. noun. 1. any of a number of partly legendary, partly historical chronicles dealing with early English history, written during the Middle Ages and usually beginning with Brutus, the mythic and eponymous ancestor of the country. I selected an object—a bottle of brut cologne—and was ushered into a second smaller room. In 1744, Burke started at Trinity College Dublin, a Protestant establishment, which up until 1793, did not permit Catholics to take degrees. In 1747, he set up a debating society, "Edmund Burke's Club", which, in 1770, merged with TCD's Historical Club to form the College Historical Society; it is the oldest undergraduate society in the world. The minutes of the meetings of Burke's Club remain in the collection of the Historical Society. Burke graduated from Trinity in 1748. Burke's father wanted him to read Law, and with this in mind he went to London in 1750, where he entered the Middle Temple, before soon giving up legal study to travel in Continental Europe. After eschewing the Law, he pursued a livelihood through writing. Primary Education in the United States Primary Education in the United States In the US the first stage of compulsory education is generally known as elementary education. It takes place in elementary schools which usually incorporate the first five grades and sometimes have a kindergarten. Elementary schools in the US are also known as grade schools or grammar schools. In some schools, teachers utilize a "looping system" where the same teacher teaches the same group of students for two years. For example, a third-grade class may have one teacher who would teach those students for an entire year, then that teacher would teach fourth-grade the next year, and thereby teach the same class again. The teacher would then revert back to the third grade the following year to start the process all over with a different group of students. Over the past few decades, schools in the USA have been testing various arrangements which break from the one-teacher, one-class mould. Multi-age programmes, where children in different grades (e.g. Kindergarten through to second grade) share the same classroom and teachers, is one increasingly popular alternative to traditional elementary instruction. An alternative is that children might have a main class and go to another teacher's room for one subject, such as science, while the science teacher's main class will go to the other teacher's room for another subject, such as social studies. This could be called a two-teacher, two-class mould, or a rotation, similar to the concept of teams in junior high school. Another method is to have the children have one set of classroom teachers in the first half of the year, and a different set of classroom teachers in the second half of the year.‹ Primary Educationup Secondary Education › This review deserves the middle-of-the-road rating of three stars. Medical Dictionary Heart Health Center Heart-Healthy Foods Slideshow Pictures Heart Disease Quiz: Test Your Medical IQCoronary Heart Disease Coronary heart disease (CHD), also called coronary artery disease, affects about 14 million men and women in the United States. Disease develops when a combination of fatty material, calcium, and scar tissue (plaque) builds up in the arteries that supply the heart with blood. Through these arteries, called the coronary arteries, the heart muscle (myocardium) gets the oxygen and other nutrients it needs to pump blood. See the complete A-Z list of all the heart health related information or browse the current list of select resources. Heart Related Resources Heart Health Articles Angina Pectoris Aortic Aneurysm Ask Can a Person Live with Atrial Fibrillation Ask Can Atrial Fibrillation Go Away on Its Own Ask Feel Like Have Deep Vein Thrombosis symptoms Ask How Do You Know if Atrial Fibrillation Ask How Do You Stop an AFib Attack Ask What Can Trigger Atrial Fibrillation Atrial Fibrillation Atrial Fibrillation A-Fib FAQs Atrial Flutter Automated External Defibrillators (AED)Blood Clot in the Legs Blood Clots C Reactive Protein Blood Test (CRP)Cardiomyopathy Chest Pain Overview Congestive Heart Failure Coronary Heart Disease Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism FAQs Edema Electrocardiogram (ECG)Heart and Lung Transplant Heart Attack Heart Attack Symptoms or Hiatal Hernia Differences Heart Disease FAQs Heart Failure FAQs Heart Failure Symptoms Heart Rhythm Disorders Homocysteine Mitral Valve Prolapse Palpitations Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI)Pericarditis Pulmonary Embolism Staying Up to Date Heart Attack Guidelines Stroke Stroke-Related Dementia Sudden Cardiac Arrest Sudden Cardiac Arrest Causes Sudden Cardiac Arrest FAQs Supraventricular Tachycardia SVT Supraventricular Tachycardia vs Heart Attack Tetralogy of Fallot Transient Ischemic Attack (Mini-Stroke)Ventricular Septal Defect Heart Health Medications Heart Health Images and Slideshows Heart Health Quizzes Heart Health News Heart Health A-Z List: Complete Listing of Cardiology Related Information A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R ST U V W X Y Z Calvin Klein Biography Famous People » Fashion Calvin Klein Biography Calvin Klein is America’s extremely talented fashion designer who initiated the brand ‘Calvin Klein’. This biography gives detailed information about his childhood, life, works and timeline SHAREONQuick Facts Also Known As: Richard Klein, Calvin Richard Klein Famous as: Fashion Designer Nationality: American Birthday: November 19, 1942Age: 75 Years Sun Sign: Scorpio Height: 1.75 m Born in: The Bronxfather: Flore Sternsiblings: Alexis Klein, Barry Klein Spouse/Ex-spouse: Jayne Centre Klein, Kelly Rectorchildren: Marci Klein Ideology: Democrats Founder/Co-Founder: Calvin Klein Net worth: $700 Million as of Apr 29, 2017More Facts Image Credit Calvin Klein As PDFWhen it comes to avant-garde fashion, very few designers offer absolutely modern and sophisticated style as Calvin Klein. Endowed with a tasteful sense of fashion, Calvin Klein is one of America’s top fashion designers who created waves through his minimal yet classic designs. He never infused too many colours in his apparels. In fact, Klein best used neutral tones in his ensembles to give them richness and opulence. His Calvin Klein Empire which started off as a small coat company today proudly offers a wide range of products from apparels to fragrance, underwear to footwear and much more. While Klein’s chic designs were a rage, it was his launch of tight-fitting jeans that augmented both the company and his status by leaps and bounds. The denim wear collection had hit bull’s eye and became the talk of the town. As if this were any less, the 1980s witnessed a further boom after the launch of men’s innerwear. While Klein’s products received critical acclaim, his advertisements were severely criticized and created controversy for being outrageously provocative and socially irresponsible. Though the ads were eventually withdrawn, they gave the brand much needed publicity Recommended Lists: Fashion Designers American Men American Fashion Designers Scorpio Men Childhood & Early Life Calvin Richard Klein was born to Flo and Leo Stern on November 19, 1942 in Bronx, New York. He was the second of the three children that the couple had. Ever since he was a child, he intently watched his grandmother who was a seamstress. As such, he soon developed a love for sewing, which only deepened to become his passion and later profession. Interestingly, when kids of his age played sports, he spend hours sketching designs and sewing fashionable outfits. His mother encouraged his love for fashion and art. Upon finishing his elementary studies, he gained admission at the High School of Art and Design. Matriculating from the same, he enrolled at the esteemed Fashion Institute of Technology in New York from where he graduated in 1962. Career Klein’s first step in the professional and glamorous world of fashion came on 1962 as an apprentice worker for Dan Millestein, who owned a cloak and suit house. Enthusiastic and keen, he worked hard day and night to better his own designs. Meanwhile, he designed for other New York shops as well. In 1968, he collaborated with his childhood buddy, Barry Schwartz, to establish his own company, Calvin Klein. At the time of its initiation, the company was limited to being a coat shop. Klein bagged his first order from the Bonwit Teller—a large New York City clothing store. Interestingly, the order came as a result of sheer luck. A coat buyer from Bonwit Teller mistakenly got off on the wrong floor of a hotel on which Klein’ workroom was located and wandered into the workroom. Watching him work, she made a huge order worth $50,000. His first order was a huge hit and earned him rave reviews from both the public and fashion press. The store executives were impressed with his work and encouraged him to expand his line to sportswear as well. By 1971, Calvin Klein Company had grown dramatically. The establishment traded not just in coats, but sportswear, classic blazers and lingerie in its women’s collection. Within a matter of time, the Klein Empire became huge and highly successful and include Is it illegal to send a child a naked picture of their parent? BeatsByDre spends millions on advertisement, that is about it. Beats is much more about image and a fashion statement than sound quality. I'm not saying Beats are terrible, just that you will get much better sound for your money with other brands. Deep Conditioning Your Weave Before you get a sew-in, make sure to deep condition the weave. Begin by washing it in warm water. Apply a deep conditioner to the weave from roots to ends. And then place the hair inside a plastic cap or bag. After 10-20 minutes, rinse off any excess conditioner and air dry. To deep condition sewn-in weave, you again want to wash the weave and braids with warm water. If there is product build-up on the braids, use a clarifying shampoo. Apply the deep conditioner and place a plastic cap over your head with all the weave inside. What is the best thing someone has ever done for you? Brundidge, Alabama Brundidge is the second-largest city in Pike County, Alabama, USA. The population was 2,341 at the 2000 census. The city was once a major producer of peanut butter. Brundidge holds a Peanut Butter Festival during the last Saturday of each October, which includes live music, a recipe contest, and a parade. The city has a large number of antique stores in its historic downtown. . Home: Rat Systematics: Rats and mice Rats and mice: what's the difference? What do the terms rat and mouse mean? Differences between Norway rats and house mice How can I tell rats and mice apart? Quiz: rat or mouse? History and evolution of the Norway rat and the house mouse Common ancestry of the Norway rat and house mouse Brief history of the house mouse Brief history of the Norway rat and black rat Are rat-mouse hybrids possible? Mouse-killing behavior in rats: muricide What do the terms rat and mouse mean? Rat and mouse are actually not scientific classifications. These words are common names for rodents that look alike to the casual eye. Rat is used to describe medium-sized rodents with long thin tails. There are many species of rodent that are called rats -- kangaroo rats, cotton rats, Norway rats, black rats, African pouched rats, naked mole rats, wood rats, pack rats, Polynesian rats, and many others. These different rodent species may not be closely related to each other at all!Mouse is used to describe tiny, sparrow-sized rodents with long thin tails. As with rats, there are many species of rodents called mice which may or may not be closely related to each other: house mice, field mice, deer mice, smoky mice, spiny mice, and dormice are all called mice. So, which rats and mice are you talking about? Generally, people are referring to the domestic or pest rats and mice, which means Norway rats ( Rattus norvegicus ), black rats ( Rattus rattus ), and house mice ( Mus musculus ). Differences between Norway rats and house mice Norway rats and house mice belong to different species. A species is a group of related individuals or populations which are potentially capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring. So Norway rats and house mice belong to different species and cannot interbreed. Humans and orangutangs, chipmunks and red squirrels, bottlenosed dolphins and killer whales, all belong to different species. Norway rats and house mice are related, however. They descend from a common ancestor that lived millions of years ago -- how long ago is currently under debate, with estimates ranging from 8 to 41 million years ago. That estimate will probably become more precise over time. The descendants of that common ancestor diverged into different species, among which are Norway rats and house mice. Norway rats and house mice now have many genetic, reproductive, developmental, morphological and anatomical differences. The list below is not exhaustive, but for those with a casual interest it should get you started:• Genetic differnces: Norway rats have 22 chromosome pairs, house mice have 20 (see Levan 1991). Norway rats have 2.75 billion base pairs while mice have 2.6 billion (humans have 2.9). About 90% of rat genes have counterparts in the mouse and human genomes (Rat Genome Sequencing Consortium 2004). See Burt et al. 1999, Grutzner et al. 1999, and Watanabe et al . 1999 for more.• Growth differences: In general, Norway rats develop more slowly than house mice. For example, Norway rat gestation is slightly longer (21-24 days) than house mouse gestation (19-20 days). Norway rats lactate for about 3 weeks, house mice for 2 weeks. Both species are born naked and blind, but Norway rats open their eyes at 6 days, they are fully furred at 15 days. House mice open their eyes at 3 days, have fur at 10 days (etc. ).• Anatomical differences: Norway rats have 6 pairs of nipples, house mice have 5 pairs.• Morphological differences: Norway rats are larger, heavier and longer than house mice (Norway rat: 350-650 grams, 9-11 inch bodies and 7-9 inch tails; house mice: 30-90 grams, 3-4 inch bodies and 3-4 inch tails). Correlated with this larger size, Norway rat body parts are larger than those of the house mouse -- rats have larger ears, feet etc. The heads of Norway rats are heavy, blunt and chunky, house mouse heads are small and sharply triangular with pointed muzzles. Note, however, that Norway rats have smaller ears relative to their heads than house mice.• Sign differences: Due to their larger body size, rat fec Biodiversity Information A biodiversity hotspot is a biogeographic region with a significant reservoir of biodiversity that is threatened with destruction The concept of biodiversity hotspots was originated by Dr. Norman Myers. The hotspots idea was also promoted by Russell Mittermeier in the popular book “Hotspots Revisited” (2004)To qualify as a biodiversity hotspot on Myers 2000 edition of the hotspot-map, a region must meet two strict criteria: it must contain at least 0.5% or 1,500 species of vascular plants as endemics, and it has to have lost at least 70% of its primary vegetation Around the world, at least 25 areas qualify under this definition, with nine others possible candidates. These sites support nearly 60% of the world's plant, bird, mammal, reptile, and amphibian species, with a very high share of endemic species How many New York City blocks equals one mile? In New York City, approximately 17 to 20 street blocks equal a mile, and 5 to 10 avenue blocks equal a mile. So, one street block is 0.05 to 0.059 miles (one twentieth to one …seventeenth of a mile), and one avenue block is 0.10 to 0.20 miles (one tenth to one fifth of a mile). Overwatch (video game) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Overwatch Cover for the game's Origins Edition, featuring the hero character Tracer Developer (s) Blizzard Entertainment Publisher (s) Blizzard Entertainment Director (s)Jeff Kaplan Chris Metzen Aaron Keller Designer (s)Jeremy Craig Michael Elliott Scott Mercer Programmer (s)Mike Elliott John Le Fleur Artist (s)William Petras Arnold Tsang Writer (s) Michael Chu Composer (s) Derek Duke Platform (s)Microsoft Windows Play Station 4Xbox One Release May 24, 2016Genre (s) First-person shooter Mode (s) Multiplayer Overwatch is a team-based multiplayer first-person shooter video game developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment, which released on May 24, 2016 for Play Station 4, Xbox One, and Windows. Overwatch assigns players into two teams of six, with each player selecting from a roster of over 20 characters, known in-game as "heroes", each with a unique style of play, whose roles are divided into four general categories: Offense, Defense, Tank, and Support. Players on a team work together to secure and defend control points on a map or escort a payload across the map in a limited amount of time. Players gain cosmetic rewards that do not affect gameplay, such as character skins and victory poses, as they play the game. The game was initially launched with casual play, with a competitive ranked mode, various 'arcade' game modes, and a player-customizable server browser subsequently included following its release. Additionally, Blizzard has developed and added new characters, maps, and game modes post-release, while stating that all Overwatch updates will remain free, with the only additional cost to players being microtransactions to earn additional cosmetic rewards. Overwatch is Blizzard's fourth major franchise and came about following the 2014 cancellation of the ambitious massively multiplayer online role-playing game Titan. A portion of the Titan team came up with the concept of Overwatch, based on the success of team-based first-person shooters like Team Fortress 2 and the growing popularity of multiplayer online battle arenas, creating a hero-based shooter that emphasized teamwork. Some elements of Overwatch borrow assets and concepts from the canceled Titan project. After establishing the narrative of an optimistic near-future Earth setting after a global crisis, the developers aimed to create a diverse cast of heroes that spanned genders and ethnicities as part of this setting. Significant time is spent adjusting the balance of the characters, making sure that new players would still be able to have fun while skilled players would present each other with a challenge. Overwatch was unveiled at Blizz Con 2014 in a fully playable state and was in a closed beta from late 2015 through early 2016. An open beta in May 2016 drew in nearly 10 million players. The release of the game was promoted with short animated videos to introduce the game's narrative and each of the characters. Upon official release, Overwatch received universal acclaim from critics, who praised the game for its accessibility, diverse appeal of its hero characters, bright cartoonish art style, and enjoyable gameplay. Blizzard reported over US$1 billion in revenue during the first year of its release, and had more than 35 million players by the end of 2017. Considered one of the best games released in 2016, the game received numerous accolades, including being awarded Game of the Year at The Game Awards 2016, D. I. C. E. Awards, and Game Developers Choice Awards, as well as from numerous publications. Since its release, Overwatch has become recognized as an e Sport, with Blizzard helping to fund and produce professional leagues, such as the Overwatch League. Contents [ hide ]1 Gameplay1.1 Roles1.2 Map types1.3 Game modes2 Plot3 Development4 Marketing4.1 Related media and merchandise5 Professional competition5.1 Overwatch APEX Tournament5.2 Overwatch League6 Reception6.1 Sales6.2 Controversies6.3 Accolades7 Legacy8 References9 External links Gameplay Overwatch features squad Mary Jo Keenen Mary Jo Keenen is an American television actress. She had regular roles as Nurse Julie Milbury on the "Empty Nest" spin-off "Nurses", Gloria Elgis on "City" with Valerie Harper, and Stepanie James on "My Wildest Dreams". In addition she guest starred on series including "Search for Tomorrow", "Broken Badges", "The Commish", "The John Larroquette Show", and "Seinfeld". Her most recent TV role was on "Everybody Loves Raymond" in 1999. Dylan Thomas Dylan Thomas Dylan Marlais Thomas (27 October 1914 – 9 November 1953) was a Welsh poet and writer whose works include the poems "Do not go gentle into that good night" and "And death shall have no dominion"; the 'play for voices' "Under Milk Wood"; and stories and radio broadcasts such as "A Child's Christmas in Wales" and "Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog". He became widely popular in his lifetime and remained so after his premature death at the age of 39 in New York City. By then he had acquired a reputation, which he had encouraged, Why is my refund not showing up? assure Thesaurusassureverb Synonyms and Antonyms of assure1 to ease the grief or distress offriends trying to choose just the right words to assure the grieving parents Synonyms of assurecheer, comfort, console, reassure, solace, soothe Words Related to assurecommiserate, condole, empathize, sympathizeboost, buoy (up), elevate, lift, upliftallay, alleviate, assuage, relievecalm, quiet, relax, tranquilize ( also tranquillize)Near Antonyms of assuredemoralize, discourage, disheartenfret, upset, worryaggravate, intensify, worsenannoy, irk, irritateharass, pester Antonyms of assuredistress, torment, torture, trouble2 to make sure, certain, or safesecurity measures that assured our safety Synonyms of assurecinch, ensure, guarantee, guaranty, ice, insure, secure Words Related to assureattest, certify, vouch, warrant, witnesspledge, promise, swear Near Antonyms of assureenfeeble, undermine, weaken Synonym Discussion of assureensure, insure, assure, secure mean to make a thing or person sure. ensure, insure, and assure are interchangeable in many contexts where they indicate the making certain or inevitable of an outcome, but ensure may imply a virtual guarantee⟨ the government has ensured the safety of the refugees ⟩, while insure sometimes stresses the taking of necessary measures beforehand⟨ careful planning should insure the success of the party ⟩, and assure distinctively implies the removal of doubt and suspense from a person's mind.⟨ I assure you that no harm will be done ⟩secure implies action taken to guard against attack or loss.⟨ sent reinforcements to secure their position ⟩Learn More about assure See words that rhyme with assure Dictionary: Definition of assure Spanish Central: Translation of assure Nglish: Translation of assure for Spanish speakers Britannica English: Translation of assure for Arabic speakers Seen and Heard What made you want to look up assure? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible).show Is Digital india mission going in right direction ? The buyer discloses the financing arrangements to the seller because it makes his offer more attractive. When a seller receives and accepts an offer, the deal does not usually close until 30 to 60 days later. If the buyer cannot come up with the money by closing, the deal falls apart. This is a risk for the seller. When a seller is considering whether or not to accept an offer, it is helpful to know the likelihood that the buyer can actually obtain the amount of cash in the offer by the closing date. If the buyer can't acquire the funding, the offer isn't worth the paper it is printed on. The amount of the down payment vs. the amount of financing is also relevant to the seller. Let me give you a real-world example that happened to me once when I was selling a house. The buyer was doing a no-money-down mortgage and had no money for a down payment. He was even borrowing the closing costs. We accepted the offer, but when the bank did the appraisal, it was short of the purchase price. For most home sales, this would not be a problem, as long as the appraisal was more than the amount borrowed. But in this case, because the amount borrowed was more than the appraisal, the bank had a problem. The deal was at risk, and in order to continue either the buyer had to find some money somewhere (which he couldn't), or we had to lower the price to save the deal. Certainly, accepting the offer from a buyer with no cash to bring to the table was a risk. (In our case, we got lucky. We found some errors that were made in the appraisal, and got it redone.) The Ottomans abolished the feudal system previously in place and applied the millet system to Cyprus, under which non-Muslim peoples were governed by their own religious authorities. In a reversal from the days of Latin rule, the head of the Church of Cyprus was invested as leader of the Greek Cypriot population and acted as mediator between Christian Greek Cypriots and the Ottoman authorities. This status ensured that the Church of Cyprus was in a position to end the constant encroachments of the Roman Catholic Church. Ottoman rule of Cyprus was at times indifferent, at times oppressive, depending on the temperaments of the sultans and local officials, and the island began over 250 years of economic decline. The sentiment of this tweet is positive, suggesting that the content conveys happiness, approval, or satisfaction. The levels of scrutiny establish that, when a law discriminates against certain protected groups, it should be looked at more closely. For instance, if a law treats black and white people differently, the government must show to an *extremely* high standard that the law is necessary. If a law treats adults and minors differently, the most handwavy explanation will usually be enough. Homosexuality has traditionally been in the "not a big deal" category; courts haven't tended to apply additional scrutiny to a law simply because it discriminates against LGBT people. If SCOTUS decides to hear those cases, some people expect them to impose a higher standard. 2015 ICC World Cricket League Division Two The 2015 ICC World Cricket League Division Two was a cricket divisional tournament organised by the International Cricket Council. It formed part of the ICC World Cricket League and a qualification pathway for the ICC World Cup 2019. The Paleozoic spanned from roughly 541 to 252 million years ago (Ma) and is subdivided into six geologic periods; from oldest to youngest they are the Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian. Geologically, the Paleozoic starts shortly after the breakup of a supercontinent called Pannotia and at the end of a global ice age. Throughout the early Paleozoic, the Earth's landmass was broken up into a substantial number of relatively small continents. Toward the end of the era the continents gathered together into a supercontinent called Pangaea, which included most of the Earth's land area. Lis Pendens Notice A Lis Pendens is a type of written notice indicating that a lawsuit has been filed concerning a particular piece of real estate. Lis Pendens may be filed for lawsuits that involve “real estate claims,” such as a dispute over the title or enforcement of a lien. Just like veal, the cattle are kept fairly sedentary, so their muscles never really develop. They are fed a fairly high fat diet, and the strain of cattle have a lot of intramuscular fat, aka well marbled. If you looked at a picture of Kobe beef _URL_0_ And compare it to prime in the US _URL_1_ They are similar in fat levels, Kobe tends to have a bit more. But you probably rarely eat prime. You mostly eat select or choice, which is mostly why you thought Kobe was amazing. Atmosphere and expectations also added to why you felt it was amazing. Kobe is marketed as the best, so that biases your experience. This comment is not toxic. Untitled Han Solo film An upcoming untitled American space Western film centered on Han Solo, a character from the "Star Wars" franchise, is in production and being produced by Lucasfilm from a screenplay by Lawrence and Jon Kasdan and will be distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. The film will be the second "Star Wars Anthology" film, following the 2016 film "Rogue One". It is a standalone installment, set prior to the events of the original 1977 film, following a young Han Solo. The film stars Alden Ehrenreich as Solo, alongside Woody Harrelson, Emilia Clarke, Donald Glover, Thandie Newton, Phoebe Waller-Bridge and Joonas Suotamo. The film takes place in the universe of "Star Wars" and explores the adventures of Han Solo and Chewbacca, including meeting Lando Calrissian. Lactic acid technically isn't metabolized by the body, but when in the body the acid loses a proton and becomes lactate, its conjugate base. Then the lactate is carried in blood to the liver, where it is converted by enzymes into pyruvate, which in turn is converted into glucose, then dumped back into the blood to be used by other cells. This process is called Gluconeogenesis, and keeps your blood glucose levels normal, even during intense exercise! What The Way You Dress Reveals About You As A Person - The world's most venomous spiders are the Brazilian wandering spiders of the genus Phoneutria, and particularly the Brazilian huntsman Phoneutria fera, which has the most active neurotoxic venom of any living spider. Its venom is so potent that only 0.006 mg (0.00000021 oz) is sufficient to kill a mouse. Hare and Tomasello cover this interesting topic in [Human like social skills in dogs?](_URL_2_) its definitely worth a read. The sentiment of this tweet is negative, indicating that the content expresses dissatisfaction or disapproval. Supercharger Our electric supercharger is designed for enthusiasts looking for additional power but are not ready to buy an expensive turbo kit or supercharger kit which can void their vehicles warranty, cost upwards of $5000 and require additional maintenance. These things you do not need to worry about with our charger system. How can I install a tower in my plot? Some do! Check out [this article](_URL_0_). This mentions parrots and elephants specifically, but sea lions and bonobos have also been found to keep a beat. There may be other examples. How remove prompt messages on nexus 4 root? Is it possible to make warning messages not appear? Example, when I try to turn off 'Cellular data' in data usage, I get the stupid question "turn off..?" Is it possible to force the phone to do as you tell it without it playing smart asking you before executing? Andrea Zambelli Andrea Zambelli (April 24, 1927 – October 22, 1994) was an Italian bobsledder who competed in the mid-1950s. He won a gold medal in the two-man event at the 1954 FIBT World Championships in Cortina d'Ampezzo. Characterization on projective submanifolds of codimensions 2 and 3 What Kind of History Should We Teach? What Kind of History Should We Teach? About two years ago I moved from Madison to Austin because I was convinced that the flagship university in Texas was building the best group of scholars and students in my field of study: international history, foreign policy, and leadership. Veterans Day is set for November 11th because that's the date that pretty much all countries have for it. It's the anniversary of the end of the First World War -- it's not an arbitrary date. - Vicious returns for an hour-long special series finale, charting a year in the life of our beloved characters. Freddie (Ian McKellen) and Stuart (Derek Jacobi) are back, joined as ever by Violet (Frances de la Tour), Ash (Iwan Rheon), Penelope (Marcia Warren) and Mason (Philip Voss). Fortress of Solitude "Columbia", and a baby Sun-Eater, as well as larger-than-life memorabilia, similar to the objects found in the Batcave. It has various scientific facilities as well, including a time telescope that can receive brief cryptic messages with reception of limited quality from the future. In "" graphic novel series, the Fortress of Solitude was built by Superman's Krytonian ship's AI, using the Arctic's cave system. The Fortress has several appearances in the "Super Friends" animated series. The "Superfriends" version of the Fortress of Solitude is said to be located ""in a deserted region of the frozen Arctic"". In the episode "Terror How Viruses Work In the lysogenic cycle, the virus reproduces by first injecting its genetic material, indicated by the red line, into the host cell's genetic instructions.nce inside the host cell, some viruses, such as herpes and HIV, do not reproduce right away. Instead, they mix their genetic instructions into the host cell's genetic instructions. Alzheimer's disease to dementia are often treated with antipsychotics, but this is not usually recommended, as there is little benefit with an increased risk of early death. In 2015, there were approximately 29.8 million people worldwide with AD. It most often begins in people over 65 years of age, although 4% to 5% of cases are early-onset Alzheimer's which begin before this. It affects about 6% of people 65 years and older. In 2015, dementia resulted in about 1.9 million deaths. It was first described by, and later named after, German psychiatrist and pathologist Alois Alzheimer in 1906. In developed countries, AD - Wearing one's heart on your sleeve is not something that you want to do. This idiom means that a person is overly sensitive and easily hurt by minuscule things. Or, it means that the person has no control of emotions and shows or acts on his/her feelings too readily. This was answered about a month ago. The answer is no, because the partial pressure of CO2 in Earth's atmosphere is too low. The sublimation rate is faster than the condensation rate. _URL_0_ On April 8, 2005, a partnership led by Comcast and Sony Pictures Entertainment finalized a deal to acquire MGM and its affiliate studio, United Artists, and create an additional outlet to carry MGM/UA's material for cable and Internet distribution. On October 31, 2005, Comcast officially announced that it had acquired Susquehanna Communications a South Central Pennsylvania, -based cable television and broadband services provider and unit of the former Susquehanna Pfaltzgraff company, for $775 million cash. In this deal Comcast acquired approximately 230,000 basic cable customers, 71,000 digital cable customers, and 86,000 high-speed Internet customers. Comcast previously owned approximately 30 percent of Susquehanna Communications through affiliate company Lenfest. In December 2005, Comcast announced the creation of Comcast Interactive Media, a new division focused on online media. Started out as a meme originally, a parody that was saying ponies were cool. Almost immediately someone on 4chan made an argument that my little pony was actually well made. Good plot, diverse and unique characters, good design. People started to hop on the brony train ever since. Body Weight Workouts Here’s a good exercise. You just hold this pose for a long time. It works your whole freakin body. Start out lying on your stomach. Then prop yourself up on your toes and forearms, with your arms facing in front of you, and your hands together. Keep your body in a straight line. If your stomach slips toward the floor, you’re too tired or weak. Hold this for 30 or 60 seconds, or maybe 5 minutes if you’re good. Then do a couple more reps! P. S. That’s my shirt hanging down to the floor, not my gut! Advertisements Report this ad Report this ad Rate this:1 Vote Like One blogger likes this. Related Supermans In "abdominal workout"Transverse Plank In "abdominal workout"Finding the exercises In "core exercise" Great Rift (astronomy) In astronomy, the Great Rift (sometimes called the Dark Rift, or, less commonly, Dark River) is a series of overlapping, non-luminous, molecular dust clouds that are located between the Solar System and the Sagittarius Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy at a distance of about 100 parsecs or about 300 light years (2×10 15 miles or 3×10 15 kilometers) from Earth. La différence entre « sous peine de + infinitif » et « quitte à + infinitif » Patrick Ewing From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedianavigation search Patrick Ewing Georgetown Hoyas Position Head coach League Big East Conference Personal information Born August 5, 1962 (age 55)Kingston, Jamaica Nationality Jamaican / American Listed height 7 ft 0 in (2.13 m)Listed weight 255 lb (116 kg)Career information High school Cambridge Rindge and Latin ( Cambridge, Massachusetts)College Georgetown (1981–1985)NBA draft 1985 / Round: 1 / Pick: 1st overall Selected by the New York Knicks Playing career 1985–2002Position Center Number 33, 6Coaching career 2002–present Career history As player:1985 – 2000 New York Knicks2000–2001 Seattle Super Sonics2001–2002 Orlando Magic As coach:2002–2003 Washington Wizards (assistant)2003 – 2006 Houston Rockets (assistant)2007 – 2012 Orlando Magic (assistant)2013 – 2017 Charlotte Bobcats / Hornets (assistant)2017–present Georgetown Career highlights and awards11× NBA All-Star ( 1986, 1988 – 1997)All-NBA First Team ( 1990)6× All-NBA Second Team ( 1988, 1989, 1991 – 1993, 1997)3× NBA All-Defensive Second Team (1988, 1989, 1992)NBA Rookie of the Year ( 1986)No. 33 retired by the New York Knicks NBA's 50th Anniversary All-Time Team NCAA champion ( 1984)NCAA Final Four Most Outstanding Player (1984)National College Player of the Year (1985)3× Consensus first-team All-American ( 1983 – 1985)2× Big East Player of the Year (1984, 1985)Career NBA statistics Points 24,815 (21.0 ppg)Rebounds 11,617 (9.8 rpg)Blocks 2,894 (2.4 bpg)Stats at Basketball Hall of Fame as player College Basketball Hall of Fame Inducted in 2012Medals [hide]Men's basketball Representing United States Olympic Games1984 Los Angeles Team competition1992 Barcelona Team competition Americas Championship1992 Portland Patrick Aloysius Ewing Sr. (born August 5, 1962) is a Jamaican-American retired Hall of Fame basketball player and current head coach of Georgetown University. [1]. He played most of his career with the NBA 's New York Knicks as their starting center and played briefly with the Seattle Super Sonics and Orlando Magic. Ewing played center for Georgetown for four years—where he played in the NCAA Championship Game three times—and was named as the 16th greatest college player of all time by ESPN. [2] He had a eighteen year NBA career, predominantly playing for the New York Knicks, where he was an eleven time all-star and named to seven all-NBA teams. The Knicks appeared in the NBA Finals twice (1994 & 1999) during his tenure. He won Olympic gold medals as a member of the 1984 and 1992 United States men's Olympic basketball teams. [3] In a 1996 poll celebrating the 50th anniversary of the NBA, Ewing was selected as one of the 50 Greatest Players in NBA History. [4] He is a two-time inductee into the Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield, Massachusetts (in 2008 for his individual career, and in 2010 as a member of the 1992 Olympic team). [5] Additionally he was inducted into the U. S. Olympic Hall of Fame as a member of the "Dream Team" in 2009. His number 33 was retired by the Knicks in 2003. [6]Contents [ hide ]1 Biography1.1 Early life1.2 College career1.3 NBA career1.3.1 New York Knicks1.3.2 After the Knicks2 Awards and honors3 NBA career statistics3.1 Regular season3.2 Playoffs3.3 Career highs4 Coaching career5 Head coaching record6 Other work7 Endorsements8 Personal life9 See also10 References11 External links Biography [ edit]Early life [ edit]Patrick Ewing was born August 5, 1962 in Kingston, Jamaica. As a child he excelled at cricket and soccer. In 1975, 12-year-old Ewing moved to the United States and joined his family in Cambridge, Massachusetts. [7]He learned to play basketball at Cambridge Rindge and Latin School with the help of John Fountain. With only a few years of playing experience, Ewing developed into one of best high school players in the country, and among the most intimidating forces ever seen at the level given his size and athleticism. Due to his stature and the team's dominance, Ewing was subject to playing in front hostile away crowds and racially fueled taunts