#ifndef UTIL_PROBING_HASH_TABLE_H #define UTIL_PROBING_HASH_TABLE_H #include "util/exception.hh" #include "util/mmap.hh" #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace util { /* Thrown when table grows too large */ class ProbingSizeException : public Exception { public: ProbingSizeException() throw() {} ~ProbingSizeException() throw() {} }; // std::identity is an SGI extension :-( struct IdentityHash { template T operator()(T arg) const { return arg; } }; class DivMod { public: explicit DivMod(std::size_t buckets) : buckets_(buckets) {} static uint64_t RoundBuckets(uint64_t from) { return from; } template It Ideal(It begin, uint64_t hash) const { return begin + (hash % buckets_); } template void Next(BaseIt begin, BaseIt end, OutIt &it) const { if (++it == end) it = begin; } void Double() { buckets_ *= 2; } private: std::size_t buckets_; }; class Power2Mod { public: explicit Power2Mod(std::size_t buckets) { UTIL_THROW_IF(!buckets || (((buckets - 1) & buckets)), ProbingSizeException, "Size " << buckets << " is not a power of 2."); mask_ = buckets - 1; } // Round up to next power of 2. static uint64_t RoundBuckets(uint64_t from) { --from; from |= from >> 1; from |= from >> 2; from |= from >> 4; from |= from >> 8; from |= from >> 16; from |= from >> 32; return from + 1; } template It Ideal(It begin, uint64_t hash) const { return begin + (hash & mask_); } template void Next(BaseIt begin, BaseIt /*end*/, OutIt &it) const { it = begin + ((it - begin + 1) & mask_); } void Double() { mask_ = (mask_ << 1) | 1; } private: std::size_t mask_; }; template class AutoProbing; /* Non-standard hash table * Buckets must be set at the beginning and must be greater than maximum number * of elements, else it throws ProbingSizeException. * Memory management and initialization is externalized to make it easier to * serialize these to disk and load them quickly. * Uses linear probing to find value. * Only insert and lookup operations. */ template , class ModT = DivMod> class ProbingHashTable { public: typedef EntryT Entry; typedef typename Entry::Key Key; typedef const Entry *ConstIterator; typedef Entry *MutableIterator; typedef HashT Hash; typedef EqualT Equal; typedef ModT Mod; static uint64_t Size(uint64_t entries, float multiplier) { uint64_t buckets = Mod::RoundBuckets(std::max(entries + 1, static_cast(multiplier * static_cast(entries)))); return buckets * sizeof(Entry); } // Must be assigned to later. ProbingHashTable() : mod_(1), entries_(0) #ifdef DEBUG , initialized_(false) #endif {} ProbingHashTable(void *start, std::size_t allocated, const Key &invalid = Key(), const Hash &hash_func = Hash(), const Equal &equal_func = Equal()) : begin_(reinterpret_cast(start)), end_(begin_ + allocated / sizeof(Entry)), buckets_(end_ - begin_), invalid_(invalid), hash_(hash_func), equal_(equal_func), mod_(end_ - begin_), entries_(0) #ifdef DEBUG , initialized_(true) #endif {} void Relocate(void *new_base) { begin_ = reinterpret_cast(new_base); end_ = begin_ + buckets_; } MutableIterator Ideal(const Key key) { return mod_.Ideal(begin_, hash_(key)); } ConstIterator Ideal(const Key key) const { return mod_.Ideal(begin_, hash_(key)); } template MutableIterator Insert(const T &t) { #ifdef DEBUG assert(initialized_); #endif UTIL_THROW_IF(++entries_ >= buckets_, ProbingSizeException, "Hash table with " << buckets_ << " buckets is full."); return UncheckedInsert(t); } // Return true if the value was found (and not inserted). This is consistent with Find but the opposite of hash_map! template bool FindOrInsert(const T &t, MutableIterator &out) { #ifdef DEBUG assert(initialized_); #endif for (MutableIterator i = Ideal(t.GetKey());;mod_.Next(begin_, end_, i)) { Key got(i->GetKey()); if (equal_(got, t.GetKey())) { out = i; return true; } if (equal_(got, invalid_)) { UTIL_THROW_IF(++entries_ >= buckets_, ProbingSizeException, "Hash table with " << buckets_ << " buckets is full."); *i = t; out = i; return false; } } } void FinishedInserting() {} // Don't change anything related to GetKey, template bool UnsafeMutableFind(const Key key, MutableIterator &out) { #ifdef DEBUG assert(initialized_); #endif for (MutableIterator i(Ideal(key));; mod_.Next(begin_, end_, i)) { Key got(i->GetKey()); if (equal_(got, key)) { out = i; return true; } if (equal_(got, invalid_)) return false; } } // Like UnsafeMutableFind, but the key must be there. template MutableIterator UnsafeMutableMustFind(const Key key) { for (MutableIterator i(Ideal(key));; mod_.Next(begin_, end_, i)) { Key got(i->GetKey()); if (equal_(got, key)) { return i; } assert(!equal_(got, invalid_)); } } // Iterator is both input and output. template bool FindFromIdeal(const Key key, ConstIterator &i) const { #ifdef DEBUG assert(initialized_); #endif for (;; mod_.Next(begin_, end_, i)) { Key got(i->GetKey()); if (equal_(got, key)) return true; if (equal_(got, invalid_)) return false; } } template bool Find(const Key key, ConstIterator &out) const { out = Ideal(key); return FindFromIdeal(key, out); } // Like Find but we're sure it must be there. template ConstIterator MustFind(const Key key) const { for (ConstIterator i(Ideal(key));; mod_.Next(begin_, end_, i)) { Key got(i->GetKey()); if (equal_(got, key)) { return i; } assert(!equal_(got, invalid_)); } } void Clear() { Entry invalid; invalid.SetKey(invalid_); std::fill(begin_, end_, invalid); entries_ = 0; } // Return number of entries assuming no serialization went on. std::size_t SizeNoSerialization() const { return entries_; } // Return memory size expected by Double. std::size_t DoubleTo() const { return buckets_ * 2 * sizeof(Entry); } // Inform the table that it has double the amount of memory. // Pass clear_new = false if you are sure the new memory is initialized // properly (to invalid_) i.e. by mremap. void Double(void *new_base, bool clear_new = true) { begin_ = static_cast(new_base); MutableIterator old_end = begin_ + buckets_; buckets_ *= 2; end_ = begin_ + buckets_; mod_.Double(); if (clear_new) { Entry invalid; invalid.SetKey(invalid_); std::fill(old_end, end_, invalid); } std::vector rolled_over; // Move roll-over entries to a buffer because they might not roll over anymore. This should be small. for (MutableIterator i = begin_; i != old_end && !equal_(i->GetKey(), invalid_); ++i) { rolled_over.push_back(*i); i->SetKey(invalid_); } /* Re-insert everything. Entries might go backwards to take over a * recently opened gap, stay, move to new territory, or wrap around. If * an entry wraps around, it might go to a pointer greater than i (which * can happen at the beginning) and it will be revisited to possibly fill * in a gap created later. */ Entry temp; for (MutableIterator i = begin_; i != old_end; ++i) { if (!equal_(i->GetKey(), invalid_)) { temp = *i; i->SetKey(invalid_); UncheckedInsert(temp); } } // Put the roll-over entries back in. for (typename std::vector::const_iterator i(rolled_over.begin()); i != rolled_over.end(); ++i) { UncheckedInsert(*i); } } // Mostly for tests, check consistency of every entry. void CheckConsistency() { MutableIterator last; for (last = end_ - 1; last >= begin_ && !equal_(last->GetKey(), invalid_); --last) {} UTIL_THROW_IF(last == begin_, ProbingSizeException, "Completely full"); MutableIterator i; // Beginning can be wrap-arounds. for (i = begin_; !equal_(i->GetKey(), invalid_); ++i) { MutableIterator ideal = Ideal(i->GetKey()); UTIL_THROW_IF(ideal > i && ideal <= last, Exception, "Inconsistency at position " << (i - begin_) << " should be at " << (ideal - begin_)); } MutableIterator pre_gap = i; for (; i != end_; ++i) { if (equal_(i->GetKey(), invalid_)) { pre_gap = i; continue; } MutableIterator ideal = Ideal(i->GetKey()); UTIL_THROW_IF(ideal > i || ideal <= pre_gap, Exception, "Inconsistency at position " << (i - begin_) << " with ideal " << (ideal - begin_)); } } ConstIterator RawBegin() const { return begin_; } ConstIterator RawEnd() const { return end_; } private: friend class AutoProbing; template MutableIterator UncheckedInsert(const T &t) { for (MutableIterator i(Ideal(t.GetKey()));; mod_.Next(begin_, end_, i)) { if (equal_(i->GetKey(), invalid_)) { *i = t; return i; } } } MutableIterator begin_; MutableIterator end_; std::size_t buckets_; Key invalid_; Hash hash_; Equal equal_; Mod mod_; std::size_t entries_; #ifdef DEBUG bool initialized_; #endif }; // Resizable linear probing hash table. This owns the memory. template > class AutoProbing { private: typedef ProbingHashTable Backend; public: static std::size_t MemUsage(std::size_t size, float multiplier = 1.5) { return Backend::Size(size, multiplier); } typedef EntryT Entry; typedef typename Entry::Key Key; typedef const Entry *ConstIterator; typedef Entry *MutableIterator; typedef HashT Hash; typedef EqualT Equal; AutoProbing(std::size_t initial_size = 5, const Key &invalid = Key(), const Hash &hash_func = Hash(), const Equal &equal_func = Equal()) : allocated_(Backend::Size(initial_size, 1.2)), mem_(allocated_, KeyIsRawZero(invalid)), backend_(mem_.get(), allocated_, invalid, hash_func, equal_func) { threshold_ = std::min(backend_.buckets_ - 1, backend_.buckets_ * 0.9); if (!KeyIsRawZero(invalid)) { Clear(); } } // Assumes that the key is unique. Multiple insertions won't cause a failure, just inconsistent lookup. template MutableIterator Insert(const T &t) { ++backend_.entries_; DoubleIfNeeded(); return backend_.UncheckedInsert(t); } template bool FindOrInsert(const T &t, MutableIterator &out) { DoubleIfNeeded(); return backend_.FindOrInsert(t, out); } template bool UnsafeMutableFind(const Key key, MutableIterator &out) { return backend_.UnsafeMutableFind(key, out); } template MutableIterator UnsafeMutableMustFind(const Key key) { return backend_.UnsafeMutableMustFind(key); } template bool Find(const Key key, ConstIterator &out) const { return backend_.Find(key, out); } template ConstIterator MustFind(const Key key) const { return backend_.MustFind(key); } std::size_t Size() const { return backend_.SizeNoSerialization(); } void Clear() { backend_.Clear(); } ConstIterator RawBegin() const { return backend_.RawBegin(); } ConstIterator RawEnd() const { return backend_.RawEnd(); } private: void DoubleIfNeeded() { if (UTIL_LIKELY(Size() < threshold_)) return; HugeRealloc(backend_.DoubleTo(), KeyIsRawZero(backend_.invalid_), mem_); allocated_ = backend_.DoubleTo(); backend_.Double(mem_.get(), !KeyIsRawZero(backend_.invalid_)); threshold_ = std::min(backend_.buckets_ - 1, backend_.buckets_ * 0.9); } bool KeyIsRawZero(const Key &key) { for (const uint8_t *i = reinterpret_cast(&key); i < reinterpret_cast(&key) + sizeof(Key); ++i) { if (*i) return false; } return true; } std::size_t allocated_; util::scoped_memory mem_; Backend backend_; std::size_t threshold_; }; } // namespace util #endif // UTIL_PROBING_HASH_TABLE_H