import os, sys if sys.platform == "darwin": os.environ["PYTORCH_ENABLE_MPS_FALLBACK"] = "1" now_dir = os.getcwd() sys.path.append(now_dir) import multiprocessing class Harvest(multiprocessing.Process): def __init__(self, inp_q, opt_q): multiprocessing.Process.__init__(self) self.inp_q = inp_q self.opt_q = opt_q def run(self): import numpy as np, pyworld while 1: idx, x, res_f0, n_cpu, ts = self.inp_q.get() f0, t = pyworld.harvest( x.astype(np.double), fs=16000, f0_ceil=1100, f0_floor=50, frame_period=10, ) res_f0[idx] = f0 if len(res_f0.keys()) >= n_cpu: self.opt_q.put(ts) if __name__ == "__main__": from multiprocessing import Queue from queue import Empty import numpy as np import multiprocessing import traceback, re import json import PySimpleGUI as sg import sounddevice as sd import noisereduce as nr from multiprocessing import cpu_count import librosa, torch, time, threading import torch.nn.functional as F import torchaudio.transforms as tat from i18n import I18nAuto i18n = I18nAuto() device = torch.device( "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else ("mps" if torch.backends.mps.is_available() else "cpu") ) current_dir = os.getcwd() inp_q = Queue() opt_q = Queue() n_cpu = min(cpu_count(), 8) for _ in range(n_cpu): Harvest(inp_q, opt_q).start() from rvc_for_realtime import RVC class GUIConfig: def __init__(self) -> None: self.pth_path: str = "" self.index_path: str = "" self.pitch: int = 12 self.samplerate: int = 40000 self.block_time: float = 1.0 # s self.buffer_num: int = 1 self.threhold: int = -30 self.crossfade_time: float = 0.08 self.extra_time: float = 0.04 self.I_noise_reduce = False self.O_noise_reduce = False self.index_rate = 0.3 self.n_cpu = min(n_cpu, 8) self.f0method = "harvest" class GUI: def __init__(self) -> None: self.config = GUIConfig() self.flag_vc = False self.launcher() def load(self): input_devices, output_devices, _, _ = self.get_devices() try: with open("values1.json", "r") as j: data = json.load(j) data["pm"] = data["f0method"] == "pm" data["harvest"] = data["f0method"] == "harvest" data["crepe"] = data["f0method"] == "crepe" data["rmvpe"] = data["f0method"] == "rmvpe" except: with open("values1.json", "w") as j: data = { "pth_path": " ", "index_path": " ", "sg_input_device": input_devices[sd.default.device[0]], "sg_output_device": output_devices[sd.default.device[1]], "threhold": "-45", "pitch": "0", "index_rate": "0", "block_time": "1", "crossfade_length": "0.04", "extra_time": "1", "f0method": "rmvpe", } return data def launcher(self): data = self.load() sg.theme("LightBlue3") input_devices, output_devices, _, _ = self.get_devices() layout = [ [ sg.Frame( title=i18n("加载模型"), layout=[ [ sg.Input( default_text=data.get("pth_path", ""), key="pth_path", ), sg.FileBrowse( i18n("选择.pth文件"), initial_folder=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "weights"), file_types=((". pth"),), ), ], [ sg.Input( default_text=data.get("index_path", ""), key="index_path", ), sg.FileBrowse( i18n("选择.index文件"), initial_folder=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "logs"), file_types=((". index"),), ), ], ], ) ], [ sg.Frame( layout=[ [ sg.Text(i18n("输入设备")), sg.Combo( input_devices, key="sg_input_device", default_value=data.get("sg_input_device", ""), ), ], [ sg.Text(i18n("输出设备")), sg.Combo( output_devices, key="sg_output_device", default_value=data.get("sg_output_device", ""), ), ], ], title=i18n("音频设备(请使用同种类驱动)"), ) ], [ sg.Frame( layout=[ [ sg.Text(i18n("响应阈值")), sg.Slider( range=(-60, 0), key="threhold", resolution=1, orientation="h", default_value=data.get("threhold", ""), ), ], [ sg.Text(i18n("音调设置")), sg.Slider( range=(-24, 24), key="pitch", resolution=1, orientation="h", default_value=data.get("pitch", ""), ), ], [ sg.Text(i18n("Index Rate")), sg.Slider( range=(0.0, 1.0), key="index_rate", resolution=0.01, orientation="h", default_value=data.get("index_rate", ""), ), ], [ sg.Text(i18n("音高算法")), sg.Radio( "pm", "f0method", key="pm", default=data.get("pm", "") == True, ), sg.Radio( "harvest", "f0method", key="harvest", default=data.get("harvest", "") == True, ), sg.Radio( "crepe", "f0method", key="crepe", default=data.get("crepe", "") == True, ), sg.Radio( "rmvpe", "f0method", key="rmvpe", default=data.get("rmvpe", "") == True, ), ], ], title=i18n("常规设置"), ), sg.Frame( layout=[ [ sg.Text(i18n("采样长度")), sg.Slider( range=(0.12, 2.4), key="block_time", resolution=0.03, orientation="h", default_value=data.get("block_time", ""), ), ], [ sg.Text(i18n("harvest进程数")), sg.Slider( range=(1, n_cpu), key="n_cpu", resolution=1, orientation="h", default_value=data.get( "n_cpu", min(self.config.n_cpu, n_cpu) ), ), ], [ sg.Text(i18n("淡入淡出长度")), sg.Slider( range=(0.01, 0.15), key="crossfade_length", resolution=0.01, orientation="h", default_value=data.get("crossfade_length", ""), ), ], [ sg.Text(i18n("额外推理时长")), sg.Slider( range=(0.05, 3.00), key="extra_time", resolution=0.01, orientation="h", default_value=data.get("extra_time", ""), ), ], [ sg.Checkbox(i18n("输入降噪"), key="I_noise_reduce"), sg.Checkbox(i18n("输出降噪"), key="O_noise_reduce"), ], ], title=i18n("性能设置"), ), ], [ sg.Button(i18n("开始音频转换"), key="start_vc"), sg.Button(i18n("停止音频转换"), key="stop_vc"), sg.Text(i18n("推理时间(ms):")), sg.Text("0", key="infer_time"), ], ] self.window = sg.Window("RVC - GUI", layout=layout) self.event_handler() def event_handler(self): while True: event, values = if event == sg.WINDOW_CLOSED: self.flag_vc = False exit() if event == "start_vc" and self.flag_vc == False: if self.set_values(values) == True: print("using_cuda:" + str(torch.cuda.is_available())) self.start_vc() settings = { "pth_path": values["pth_path"], "index_path": values["index_path"], "sg_input_device": values["sg_input_device"], "sg_output_device": values["sg_output_device"], "threhold": values["threhold"], "pitch": values["pitch"], "index_rate": values["index_rate"], "block_time": values["block_time"], "crossfade_length": values["crossfade_length"], "extra_time": values["extra_time"], "n_cpu": values["n_cpu"], "f0method": ["pm", "harvest", "crepe", "rmvpe"][ [ values["pm"], values["harvest"], values["crepe"], values["rmvpe"], ].index(True) ], } with open("values1.json", "w") as j: json.dump(settings, j) if event == "stop_vc" and self.flag_vc == True: self.flag_vc = False def set_values(self, values): if len(values["pth_path"].strip()) == 0: sg.popup(i18n("请选择pth文件")) return False if len(values["index_path"].strip()) == 0: sg.popup(i18n("请选择index文件")) return False pattern = re.compile("[^\x00-\x7F]+") if pattern.findall(values["pth_path"]): sg.popup(i18n("pth文件路径不可包含中文")) return False if pattern.findall(values["index_path"]): sg.popup(i18n("index文件路径不可包含中文")) return False self.set_devices(values["sg_input_device"], values["sg_output_device"]) self.config.pth_path = values["pth_path"] self.config.index_path = values["index_path"] self.config.threhold = values["threhold"] self.config.pitch = values["pitch"] self.config.block_time = values["block_time"] self.config.crossfade_time = values["crossfade_length"] self.config.extra_time = values["extra_time"] self.config.I_noise_reduce = values["I_noise_reduce"] self.config.O_noise_reduce = values["O_noise_reduce"] self.config.index_rate = values["index_rate"] self.config.n_cpu = values["n_cpu"] self.config.f0method = ["pm", "harvest", "crepe", "rmvpe"][ [ values["pm"], values["harvest"], values["crepe"], values["rmvpe"], ].index(True) ] return True def start_vc(self): torch.cuda.empty_cache() self.flag_vc = True self.rvc = RVC( self.config.pitch, self.config.pth_path, self.config.index_path, self.config.index_rate, self.config.n_cpu, inp_q, opt_q, device, ) self.config.samplerate = self.rvc.tgt_sr self.config.crossfade_time = min( self.config.crossfade_time, self.config.block_time ) self.block_frame = int(self.config.block_time * self.config.samplerate) self.crossfade_frame = int( self.config.crossfade_time * self.config.samplerate ) self.sola_search_frame = int(0.01 * self.config.samplerate) self.extra_frame = int(self.config.extra_time * self.config.samplerate) self.zc = self.rvc.tgt_sr // 100 self.input_wav: np.ndarray = np.zeros( int( np.ceil( ( self.extra_frame + self.crossfade_frame + self.sola_search_frame + self.block_frame ) / self.zc ) * self.zc ), dtype="float32", ) self.output_wav_cache: torch.Tensor = torch.zeros( int( np.ceil( ( self.extra_frame + self.crossfade_frame + self.sola_search_frame + self.block_frame ) / self.zc ) * self.zc ), device=device, dtype=torch.float32, ) self.pitch: np.ndarray = np.zeros( self.input_wav.shape[0] // self.zc, dtype="int32", ) self.pitchf: np.ndarray = np.zeros( self.input_wav.shape[0] // self.zc, dtype="float64", ) self.output_wav: torch.Tensor = torch.zeros( self.block_frame, device=device, dtype=torch.float32 ) self.sola_buffer: torch.Tensor = torch.zeros( self.crossfade_frame, device=device, dtype=torch.float32 ) self.fade_in_window: torch.Tensor = torch.linspace( 0.0, 1.0, steps=self.crossfade_frame, device=device, dtype=torch.float32 ) self.fade_out_window: torch.Tensor = 1 - self.fade_in_window self.resampler = tat.Resample( orig_freq=self.config.samplerate, new_freq=16000, dtype=torch.float32 ).to(device) thread_vc = threading.Thread(target=self.soundinput) thread_vc.start() def soundinput(self): """ 接受音频输入 """ channels = 1 if sys.platform == "darwin" else 2 with sd.Stream( channels=channels, callback=self.audio_callback, blocksize=self.block_frame, samplerate=self.config.samplerate, dtype="float32", ): while self.flag_vc: time.sleep(self.config.block_time) print("Audio block passed.") print("ENDing VC") def audio_callback( self, indata: np.ndarray, outdata: np.ndarray, frames, times, status ): """ 音频处理 """ start_time = time.perf_counter() indata = librosa.to_mono(indata.T) if self.config.I_noise_reduce: indata[:] = nr.reduce_noise(y=indata, sr=self.config.samplerate) """noise gate""" frame_length = 2048 hop_length = 1024 rms = librosa.feature.rms( y=indata, frame_length=frame_length, hop_length=hop_length ) if self.config.threhold > -60: db_threhold = ( librosa.amplitude_to_db(rms, ref=1.0)[0] < self.config.threhold ) for i in range(db_threhold.shape[0]): if db_threhold[i]: indata[i * hop_length : (i + 1) * hop_length] = 0 self.input_wav[:] = np.append(self.input_wav[self.block_frame :], indata) # infer inp = torch.from_numpy(self.input_wav).to(device) ##0 res1 = self.resampler(inp) ###55% rate1 = self.block_frame / ( self.extra_frame + self.crossfade_frame + self.sola_search_frame + self.block_frame ) rate2 = ( self.crossfade_frame + self.sola_search_frame + self.block_frame ) / ( self.extra_frame + self.crossfade_frame + self.sola_search_frame + self.block_frame ) res2 = self.rvc.infer( res1, res1[-self.block_frame :].cpu().numpy(), rate1, rate2, self.pitch, self.pitchf, self.config.f0method, ) self.output_wav_cache[-res2.shape[0] :] = res2 infer_wav = self.output_wav_cache[ -self.crossfade_frame - self.sola_search_frame - self.block_frame : ] # SOLA algorithm from cor_nom = F.conv1d( infer_wav[None, None, : self.crossfade_frame + self.sola_search_frame], self.sola_buffer[None, None, :], ) cor_den = torch.sqrt( F.conv1d( infer_wav[ None, None, : self.crossfade_frame + self.sola_search_frame ] ** 2, torch.ones(1, 1, self.crossfade_frame, device=device), ) + 1e-8 ) if sys.platform == "darwin": cor_nom = cor_nom.cpu() cor_den = cor_den.cpu() sola_offset = torch.argmax(cor_nom[0, 0] / cor_den[0, 0]) print("sola offset: " + str(int(sola_offset))) self.output_wav[:] = infer_wav[sola_offset : sola_offset + self.block_frame] self.output_wav[: self.crossfade_frame] *= self.fade_in_window self.output_wav[: self.crossfade_frame] += self.sola_buffer[:] # crossfade if sola_offset < self.sola_search_frame: self.sola_buffer[:] = ( infer_wav[ -self.sola_search_frame - self.crossfade_frame + sola_offset : -self.sola_search_frame + sola_offset ] * self.fade_out_window ) else: self.sola_buffer[:] = ( infer_wav[-self.crossfade_frame :] * self.fade_out_window ) if self.config.O_noise_reduce: if sys.platform == "darwin": noise_reduced_signal = nr.reduce_noise( y=self.output_wav[:].cpu().numpy(), sr=self.config.samplerate ) outdata[:] = noise_reduced_signal[:, np.newaxis] else: outdata[:] = np.tile( nr.reduce_noise( y=self.output_wav[:].cpu().numpy(), sr=self.config.samplerate, ), (2, 1), ).T else: if sys.platform == "darwin": outdata[:] = self.output_wav[:].cpu().numpy()[:, np.newaxis] else: outdata[:] = self.output_wav[:].repeat(2, 1).t().cpu().numpy() total_time = time.perf_counter() - start_time self.window["infer_time"].update(int(total_time * 1000)) print("infer time:" + str(total_time)) def get_devices(self, update: bool = True): """获取设备列表""" if update: sd._terminate() sd._initialize() devices = sd.query_devices() hostapis = sd.query_hostapis() for hostapi in hostapis: for device_idx in hostapi["devices"]: devices[device_idx]["hostapi_name"] = hostapi["name"] input_devices = [ f"{d['name']} ({d['hostapi_name']})" for d in devices if d["max_input_channels"] > 0 ] output_devices = [ f"{d['name']} ({d['hostapi_name']})" for d in devices if d["max_output_channels"] > 0 ] input_devices_indices = [ d["index"] if "index" in d else d["name"] for d in devices if d["max_input_channels"] > 0 ] output_devices_indices = [ d["index"] if "index" in d else d["name"] for d in devices if d["max_output_channels"] > 0 ] return ( input_devices, output_devices, input_devices_indices, output_devices_indices, ) def set_devices(self, input_device, output_device): """设置输出设备""" ( input_devices, output_devices, input_device_indices, output_device_indices, ) = self.get_devices() sd.default.device[0] = input_device_indices[ input_devices.index(input_device) ] sd.default.device[1] = output_device_indices[ output_devices.index(output_device) ] print("input device:" + str(sd.default.device[0]) + ":" + str(input_device)) print( "output device:" + str(sd.default.device[1]) + ":" + str(output_device) ) gui = GUI()