Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022 |
Pierre-Alexandre Kamienny∗1,2, Jean Tarbouriech∗1,3, |
Sylvain Lamprier2, Alessandro Lazaric1, Ludovic Denoyer†1 |
1 Meta AI |
2 Sorbonne University, LIP6/ISIR |
3 Inria Scool |
Learning meaningful behaviors in the absence of reward is a difficult problem in |
reinforcement learning. A desirable and challenging unsupervised objective is to |
learn a set of diverse skills that provide a thorough coverage of the state space |
while being directed, i.e., reliably reaching distinct regions of the environment. |
In this paper, we build on the mutual information framework for skill discovery |
and introduce UPSIDE, which addresses the coverage-directedness trade-off in |
the following ways: 1) We design policies with a decoupled structure of a directed |
skill, trained to reach a specific region, followed by a diffusing part that induces |
a local coverage. 2) We optimize policies by maximizing their number under the |
constraint that each of them reaches distinct regions of the environment (i.e., they |
are sufficiently discriminable) and prove that this serves as a lower bound to the |
original mutual information objective. 3) Finally, we compose the learned directed |
skills into a growing tree that adaptively covers the environment. We illustrate in |
several navigation and control environments how the skills learned by UPSIDE |
solve sparse-reward downstream tasks better than existing baselines. |
1 |
Deep reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms have been shown to effectively solve a wide variety |
of complex problems (e.g., Mnih et al., 2015; Bellemare et al., 2013). However, they are often |
designed to solve one single task at a time and they need to restart the learning process from scratch |
for any new problem, even when it is defined on the very same environment (e.g., a robot navigating |
to different locations in the same apartment). Recently, Unsupervised RL (URL) has been proposed |
as an approach to address this limitation. In URL, the agent first interacts with the environment |
without any extrinsic reward signal. Afterward, the agent leverages the experience accumulated |
during the unsupervised learning phase to efficiently solve a variety of downstream tasks defined on |
the same environment. This approach is particularly effective in problems such as navigation (see |
e.g., Bagaria et al., 2021) and robotics (see e.g., Pong et al., 2020) where the agent is often required |
to readily solve a wide range of tasks while the dynamics of environment remains fixed. |
In this paper, we focus on the unsupervised objective of discovering a set of skills that can be |
used to efficiently solve sparse-reward downstream tasks. In particular, we build on the insight |
that mutual information (MI) between the skills’ latent variables and the states reached by them |
can formalize the dual objective of learning policies that both cover and navigate the environment |
efficiently. Indeed, maximizing MI has been shown to be a powerful approach for encouraging |
exploration in RL (Houthooft et al., 2016; Mohamed & Rezende, 2015) and for unsupervised skill |
discovery (e.g., Gregor et al., 2016; Eysenbach et al., 2019; Achiam et al., 2018; Sharma et al., 2020; |
Campos et al., 2020). Nonetheless, learning policies that maximize MI is a challenging optimization |
problem. Several approximations have been proposed to simplify it at the cost of possibly deviating |
from the original objective of coverage and directedness (see Sect. 4 for a review of related work). |
∗equal contribution |
†Now at Ubisoft La Forge |
{pakamienny,jtarbouriech,lazaric}@fb.com, sylvain.lamprier@isir.upmc.fr, ludovic.den@gmail.com |
1 |
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022 |
Figure 1: Overview of UPSIDE. The black dot corresponds to the initial state. (A) A set of random policies is |
initialized, each policy being composed of a directed part called skill (illustrated as a black arrow) and a dif- |
fusing part (red arrows) which induces a local coverage (colored circles). (B) The skills are then updated to |
maximize the discriminability of the states reached by their corresponding diffusing part (Sect. 3.1). (C) The |
least discriminable policies are iteratively removed while the remaining policies are re-optimized. This is ex- |
ecuted until the discriminability of each policy satisfies a given constraint (Sect. 3.2). In this example two |
policies are consolidated. (D) One of these policies is used as basis to add new policies, which are then opti- |
mized following the same procedure. For the “red” and “purple” policy, UPSIDE is not able to find sub-policies |
of sufficient quality and thus they are not expanded any further. (E) At the end of the process, UPSIDE has |
created a tree of policies covering the state space, with skills as edges and diffusing parts as nodes (Sect. 3.3). |
In this paper, we propose UPSIDE (UnsuPervised Skills that dIrect then DiffusE) to learn a set of |
policies that can be effectively used to cover the environment and solve goal-reaching downstream |
tasks. Our solution builds on the following components (Fig. 1): |
• Policy structure (Sect. 3.1, see Fig. 1 (A)). We consider policies composed of two parts: 1) a |
directed part, referred to as the skill, that is trained to reach a specific region of the environment, |
and 2) a diffusing part that induces a local coverage around the region attained by the first part. |
This structure favors coverage and directedness at the level of a single policy. |
• New constrained objective (Sect. 3.2, see Fig. 1 (B) & (C)). We then introduce a constrained opti- |
mization problem designed to maximize the number of policies under the constraint that the states |
reached by each of the diffusing parts are distinct enough (i.e., they satisfy a minimum level of |
discriminability). We prove that this problem can be cast as a lower bound to the original MI |
objective, thus preserving its coverage-directedness trade-off. UPSIDE solves it by adaptively |
adding or removing policies to a given initial set, without requiring any prior knowledge on a |
sensible number of policies. |
• Tree structure (Sect. 3.3, see Fig. 1 (D) & (E)). Leveraging the directed nature of the skills, |
UPSIDE effectively composes them to build longer and longer policies organized in a tree struc- |
ture. This overcomes the need of defining a suitable policy length in advance. Thus in UPSIDE |
we can consider short policies to make the optimization easier, while composing their skills along |
a growing tree structure to ensure an adaptive and thorough coverage of the environment. |
The combination of these components allows UPSIDE to effectively adapt the number and the length |
of policies to the specific structure of the environment, while learning policies that ensure coverage |
and directedness. We study the effectiveness of UPSIDE and the impact of its components in hard- |
to-explore continuous navigation and control environments, where UPSIDE improves over existing |
baselines both in terms of exploration and learning performance. |
2 |
We consider the URL setting where the agent interacts with a Markov decision process (MDP) M |
with state space S, action space A, dynamics p(s′|s, a), and no reward. The agent starts each |
episode from a designated initial state s0 ∈S.1 Upon termination of the chosen policy, the agent is |
then reset to s0. This setting is particularly challenging from an exploration point of view since the |
agent cannot rely on the initial distribution to cover the state space. |
We recall the MI-based unsupervised skill discovery approach (see e.g., Gregor et al., 2016). Denote |
by Z some (latent) variables on which the policies of length T are conditioned (we assume that Z |
is categorical for simplicity and because it is the most common case in practice). There are three |
1More generally, s0 could be drawn from any distribution supported over a compact region. |
2 |
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022 |
optimization variables: (i) the cardinality of Z denoted by NZ, i.e., the number of policies (we write |
Z = {1, . . . , NZ} = [NZ]), (ii) the parameters π(z) of the policy indexed by z ∈Z, and (iii) the |
policy sampling distribution ρ (i.e., ρ(z) is the probability of sampling policy z at the beginning of |
the episode). Denote policy z’s action distribution in state s by π(·|z, s) and the entropy function |
by H. Let the variable ST be the random (final) state induced by sampling a policy z from ρ and |
executing π(z) from s0 for an episode. Denote by pπ(z)(sT ) the distribution over (final) states |
induced by executing policy z, by p(z|sT ) the probability of z being the policy to induce (final) |
state sT , and let p(sT ) = P |
z∈Z ρ(z)pπ(z)(sT ). Maximizing the MI between Z and ST can be |
written as maxNZ, ρ, π I(ST ; Z), where |
I(ST ; Z) = H(ST ) −H(ST |Z) = − |
X |
sT |
p(sT ) log p(sT ) + |
X |
z∈Z |
ρ(z)EsT |z |
log pπ(z)(sT ) |
= H(Z) −H(Z|ST ) = − |
X |
z∈Z |
ρ(z) log ρ(z) + |
X |
z∈Z |
ρ(z)EsT |z [log p(z|sT )] , |
(1) |
where in the expectations sT |z ∼pπ(z)(sT ). In the first formulation, the entropy term over states |
captures the requirement that policies thoroughly cover the state space, while the second term mea- |
sures the entropy over the states reached by each policy and thus promotes policies that have a |
directed behavior. Learning the optimal NZ, ρ, and π to maximize Equation 1 is a challenging prob- |
lem and several approximations have been proposed (see e.g., Gregor et al., 2016; Eysenbach et al., |
2019; Achiam et al., 2018; Campos et al., 2020). Many approaches focus on the so-called reverse |
formulation of the MI (second line of Equation 1). In this case, the conditional distribution p(z|sT ) is |
usually replaced with a parametric model qϕ(z|sT ) called the discriminator that is trained via a neg- |
ative log likelihood loss simultaneously with all other variables. Then one can maximize the lower |
bound (Barber & Agakov, 2004): I(ST ; Z) ≥Ez∼ρ(z),τ∼π(z) [log qϕ(z|sT ) −log ρ(z)], where we |
denote by τ ∼π(z) trajectories sampled from the policy indexed by z. As a result, each policy π(z) |
can be trained with RL to maximize the intrinsic reward rz(sT ) := log qϕ(z|sT ) −log ρ(z). |
3 |
In this section we detail the three main components of UPSIDE, which is summarized in Sect. 3.4. |
3.1 |
While the trade-off between coverage and directedness is determined by the MI objective, the |
amount of stochasticity of each policy (e.g., injected via a regularization on the entropy over the |
actions) has also a major impact on the effectiveness of the overall algorithm (Eysenbach et al., |
2019). In fact, while randomness can promote broader coverage, a highly stochastic policy tends |
to induce a distribution pπ(z)(sT ) over final states with high entropy, thus increasing H(ST |Z) and |
losing in directedness. In UPSIDE, we define policies with a decoupled structure (see Fig. 1 (A)) |
composed of a) a directed part (of length T) that we refer to as skill, with low stochasticity and |
trained to reach a specific region of the environment and b) a diffusing part (of length H) with high |
stochasticity to promote local coverage of the states around the region reached by the skill. |
Coherently with this structure, the state variable in the con- |
ditional entropy in Equation 1 becomes any state reached |
during the diffusing part (denote by Sdiff the random vari- |
able) and not just the skill’s terminal state. |
Following |
Sect. 2 we define an intrinsic reward rz(s) = log qϕ(z|s)− |
log ρ(z) and the skill of policy z maximizes the cumulative |
reward over the states traversed by the diffusing part. For- |
mally, we can conveniently define the objective function: |
max |
π(z) Eτ∼π(z) |
h X |
t∈J |
α · rz(st) + β · H(π(·|z, st)) |
i |
, |
(2) |
directed |
skill |
diffusing |
part |
policy |
policy |
state |
variable |
Sdiff |
Sdiff |
ST |
S |
J |
{T, . . . , |
T + H} |
{T, . . . , |
T + H} {T } {1, ..., T } |
(α, β) |
(1, 0) |
(0, 1) |
(1, 0) |
(1, 1) |
Table 1: Instantiation of Equation 2 for |
each part of an UPSIDE policy, and for |
VIC (Gregor et al., 2016) and DIAYN |
(Eysenbach et al., 2019) policies. |
where J = {T, . . . , T + H} and α = 1, β = 0 (resp. α = 0, β = 1) when optimizing for the skill |
(resp. diffusing part). In words, the skill is incentivized to bring the diffusing part to a discriminable |
region of the state space, while the diffusing part is optimized by a simple random walk policy (i.e., |
a stochastic policy with uniform distribution over actions) to promote local coverage around sT . |
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Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022 |
Table 1 illustrates how UPSIDE’s policies compare to other methods. Unlike VIC and similar to |
DIAYN, the diffusing parts of the policies tend to “push” the skills away so as to reach diverse |
regions of the environment. The combination of the directedness of the skills and local coverage of |
the diffusing parts thus ensures that the whole environment can be properly visited with NZ ≪|S| |
policies.2 Furthermore, the diffusing part can be seen as defining a cluster of states that represents |
the goal region of the directed skill. This is in contrast with DIAYN policies whose stochasticity may |
be spread over the whole trajectory. This allows us to “ground” the latent variable representations |
of the policies Z to specific regions of the environment (i.e., the clusters). As a result, maximizing |
the MI I(Sdiff; Z) can be seen as learning a set of “cluster-conditioned” policies. |
3.2 |
In this section, we focus on how to optimize the number of policies NZ and the policy sampling |
distribution ρ(z). The standard practice for Equation 1 is to preset a fixed number of policies NZ and |
to fix the distribution ρ to be uniform (see e.g., Eysenbach et al., 2019; Baumli et al., 2021; Strouse |
et al., 2021). However, using a uniform ρ over a fixed number of policies may be highly suboptimal, |
in particular when NZ is not carefully tuned. In App. A.2 we give a simple example and a theoretical |
argument on how the MI can be ensured to increase by removing skills with low discriminability |
when ρ is uniform. Motivated by this observation, in UPSIDE we focus on maximizing the number |
of policies that are sufficiently discriminable. We fix the sampling distribution ρ to be uniform over |
N policies and define the following constrained optimization problem |
max |
N≥1 N |
s.t. |
g(N) ≥log η, |
where |
g(N) := max |
π,ϕ min |
z∈[N] Esdiff [log qϕ(z|sdiff)] , |
(Pη) |
where qϕ(z|sdiff) denotes the probability of z being the policy traversing sdiff during its diffusing |
part according to the discriminator and η ∈(0, 1) defines a minimum discriminability threshold. |
By optimizing for (Pη), UPSIDE automatically adapts the number of policies to promote coverage, |
while still guaranteeing that each policy reaches a distinct region of the environment. Alternatively, |
we can interpret (Pη) under the lens of clustering: the aim is to find the largest number of clusters |
(i.e., the region reached by the directed skill and covered by its associated diffusing part) with a |
sufficient level of inter-cluster distance (i.e., discriminability) (see Fig. 1). The following lemma |
(proof in App. A.1) formally links the constrained problem (Pη) back to the original MI objective. |
Lemma 1. There exists a value η† ∈(0, 1) such that solving (Pη†) is equivalent to maximizing a |
lower bound on the mutual information objective max NZ,ρ,π,ϕ I(Sdiff; Z). |
Since (Pη†) is a lower bound to the MI, optimizing it ensures that the algorithm does not deviate |
too much from the dual covering and directed behavior targeted by MI maximization. Interestingly, |
Lem. 1 provides a rigorous justification for using a uniform sampling distribution restricted to the |
η-discriminable policies, which is in striking contrast with most of MI-based literature, where a |
uniform sampling distribution ρ is defined over the predefined number of policies. |
In addition, our alternative objective (Pη) has the benefit of providing a simple greedy strategy to |
optimize the number of policies N. Indeed, the following lemma (proof in App. A.1) ensures that |
starting with N = 1 (where g(1) = 0) and increasing it until the constraint g(N) ≥log η is violated |
is guaranteed to terminate with the optimal number of policies. |
Lemma 2. The function g is non-increasing in N. |
3.3 |
Both the original MI objective and our constrained formulation (Pη) depend on the initial state s0 |
and on the length of each policy. Although these quantities are usually predefined and only appear |
implicitly in the equations, they have a crucial impact on the obtained behavior. In fact, resetting |
after each policy execution unavoidably restricts the coverage to a radius of at most T + H steps |
around s0. This may suggest to set T and H to large values. However, increasing T makes training |
the skills more challenging, while increasing H may not be sufficient to improve coverage. |
2Equation 1 is maximized by setting NZ = |S| (i.e., maxY I(X, Y ) = I(X, X) = H(X)), where each z |
represents a goal-conditioned policy reaching a different state, which implies having as many policies as states, |
thus making the learning particularly challenging. |
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Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022 |
Instead, we propose to “extend” the length of the policies through composition. We rely on the |
key insight that the constraint in (Pη) guarantees that the directed skill of each η-discriminable |
policy reliably reaches a specific (and distinct) region of the environment and it is thus re-usable |
and amenable to composition. We thus propose to chain the skills so as to reach further and further |
parts of the state space. Specifically, we build a growing tree, where the root node is a diffusing |
part around s0, the edges represent the skills, and the nodes represent the diffusing parts. When a |
policy z is selected, the directed skills of its predecessor policies in the tree are executed first (see |
Fig. 9 in App. B for an illustration). Interestingly, this growing tree structure builds a curriculum |
on the episode lengths which grow as the sequence (iT + H)i≥1, thus avoiding the need of prior |
knowledge on an adequate horizon of the downstream tasks.3 Here this knowledge is replaced by |
T and H which are more environment-agnostic and task-agnostic choices as they rather have an |
impact on the size and shape of the learned tree (e.g., the smaller T and H the bigger the tree). |
3.4 |
We are now ready to introduce the UPSIDE al- |
gorithm, which provides a specific implementation |
of the components described before (see Fig. 1 for |
an illustration, Alg. 1 for a short pseudo-code and |
Alg. 2 in App. B for the detailed version). We first |
make approximations so that the constraint in (Pη) |
is easier to estimate. |
We remove the logarithm |
from the constraint to have an estimation range of |
[0, 1] and thus lower variance.4 We also replace the |
expectation over sdiff with an empirical estimate |
b |
q |
B |
ϕ(z) = |
1 |
|Bz| |
P |
s∈Bz qϕ(z|s), where Bz denotes |
a small replay buffer, which we call state buffer, |
that contains states collected during a few rollouts |
by the diffusing part of πz. In our experiments, we |
take B = |Bz| = 10H. Integrating this in (Pη) |
leads to |
max |
N≥1 N |
s.t. |
max |
π,ϕ min |
z∈[N] b |
q |
B |
ϕ(z) ≥η, |
(3) |
where η is an hyper-parameter.5 From Lem. 2, this |
optimization problem in N can be solved using the |
incremental policy addition or removal in Alg. 1 |
(lines 5 & 9), independently from the number of |
initial policies N. |
Algorithm 1: UPSIDE |
Parameters: Discriminability threshold |
η ∈(0, 1), branching factor N start, N max. |
Initialize: Tree T initialized as a root node |
0, policies candidates Q = {0}. |
while Q ̸= ∅do // tree expansion |
1 |
Dequeue a policy z ∈Q and create |
N = N start policies C(z). |
2 |
3 |
if minz′∈C(z) b |
q |
B |
ϕ (z′) > η then |
// Node addition |
4 |
while minz′∈C(z) b |
q |
B |
ϕ (z′) > η |
and N < N max do |
5 |
Increment N = N + 1 and add |
one policy to C(z). |
6 |
7 |
else // Node removal |
8 |
while minz′∈C(z) b |
q |
B |
ϕ (z′) < η |
and N > 1 do |
9 |
Reduce N = N −1 and |
remove least discriminable |
policy from C(z). |
10 |
11 |
Add η-discriminable policies C(z) to |
Q, and to T as nodes rooted at z. |
We then integrate the optimization of Equation 3 into an adaptive tree expansion strategy that in- |
crementally composes skills (Sect. 3.3). The tree is initialized with a root node corresponding to a |
policy only composed of the diffusing part around s0. Then UPSIDE iteratively proceeds through |
the following phases: (Expansion) While policies/nodes can be expanded according to different |
ordering rules (e.g., a FIFO strategy), we rank them in descending order by their discriminability |
(i.e., b |
q |
B |
ϕ(z)), thus favoring the expansion of policies that reach regions of the state space that are |
not too saturated. Given a candidate leaf z to expand from the tree, we introduce new policies |
by adding a set C(z) of N = N start nodes rooted at node z (line 2, see also steps (A) and (D) in |
Fig. 1). (Policy learning) The new policies are optimized in three steps (see App. B for details on |
the POLICYLEARNING subroutine): i) sample states from the diffusing parts of the new policies |
sampled uniformly from C(z) (state buffers of consolidated policies in T are kept in memory), ii) |
update the discriminator and compute the discriminability b |
q |
B |
ϕ(z′) of new policies z′ ∈C(z), iii) |
3See e.g., the discussion in Mutti et al. (2021) on the “importance of properly choosing the training horizon |
in accordance with the downstream-task horizon the policy will eventually face.” |
4While Gregor et al. (2016); Eysenbach et al. (2019) employ rewards in the log domain, we find that map- |
ping rewards into [0, 1] works better in practice, as observed in Warde-Farley et al. (2019); Baumli et al. (2021). |
5Ideally, we would set η |
= |
η† from Lem. 1, however η† is non-trivial to compute. |
A strategy |
may be to solve (Pη′) for different values of η′ and select the one that maximizes the MI lower bound |
E [log qϕ(z|sdiff) −log ρ(z)]. In our experiments we rather use the same predefined parameter of η = 0.8 |
which avoids computational overhead and performs well across all environments. |
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Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022 |
update the skills to optimize the reward (Sect. 3.1) computed using the discriminator (see step (B) |
in Fig. 1). (Node adaptation) Once the policies are trained, UPSIDE proceeds with optimizing N |
in a greedy fashion. If all the policies in C(z) have an (estimated) discriminability larger than η |
(lines 3-5), a new policy is tentatively added to C(z), the policy counter N is incremented, the policy |
learning step is restarted, and the algorithm keeps adding policies until the constraint is not met |
anymore or a maximum number of policies is attained. Conversely, if every policy in C(z) does |
not meet the discriminability constraint (lines 7-9), the one with lowest discriminability is removed |
from C(z), the policy learning step is restarted, and the algorithm keeps removing policies until all |
policies satisfy the constraint or no policy is left (see step (C) in Fig. 1). The resulting C(z) is added |
to the set of consolidated policies (line 11) and UPSIDE iteratively proceeds by selecting another |
node to expand until no node can be expanded (i.e., the node adaptation step terminates with N = 0 |
for all nodes) or a maximum number of environment iterations is met. |
4 |
URL methods can be broadly categorized depending on how the experience of the unsupervised |
phase is summarized to solve downstream tasks in a zero- or few-shot manner. This includes model- |
free (e.g., Pong et al., 2020), model-based (e.g., Sekar et al., 2020) and representation learning (e.g., |
Yarats et al., 2021) methods that build a representative replay buffer to learn accurate estimates or |
low-dimensional representations. An alternative line of work focuses on discovering a set of skills |
in an unsupervised way. Our approach falls in this category, on which we now focus this section. |
Skill discovery based on MI maximization was first proposed in VIC (Gregor et al., 2016), where |
the trajectories’ final states are considered in the reverse form of Equation 1 and the policy parame- |
ters π(z) and sampling distribution ρ are simultaneously learned (with a fixed number of skills NZ). |
DIAYN (Eysenbach et al., 2019) fixes a uniform ρ and weights skills with an action-entropy co- |
efficient (i.e., it additionally minimizes the MI between actions and skills given the state) to push |
the skills away from each other. DADS (Sharma et al., 2020) learns skills that are not only diverse |
but also predictable by learned dynamics models, using a generative model over observations and |
optimizing a forward form of MI I(s′; z|s) between the next state s′ and current skill z (with con- |
tinuous latent) conditioned on the current state s. EDL (Campos et al., 2020) shows that existing |
skill discovery approaches can provide insufficient coverage and relies on a fixed distribution over |
states that is either provided by an oracle or learned. SMM (Lee et al., 2019) uses the MI formalism |
to learn a policy whose state marginal distribution matches a target state distribution (e.g., uniform). |
Other MI-based skill discovery methods include Florensa et al. (2017); Hansen et al. (2019); Modhe |
et al. (2020); Baumli et al. (2021); Xie et al. (2021); Liu & Abbeel (2021); Strouse et al. (2021), and |
extensions in non-episodic settings (Xu et al., 2020; Lu et al., 2020). |
While most skill discovery approaches consider a fixed number of policies, a curriculum with in- |
creasing NZ is studied in Achiam et al. (2018); Aubret et al. (2020). We consider a similar dis- |
criminability criterion in the constraint in (Pη) and show that it enables to maintain skills that can |
be readily composed along a tree structure, which can either increase or decrease the support of |
available skills depending on the region of the state space. Recently, Zhang et al. (2021) propose a |
hierarchical RL method that discovers abstract skills while jointly learning a higher-level policy to |
maximize extrinsic reward. Our approach builds on a similar promise of composing skills instead |
of resetting to s0 after each execution, yet we articulate the composition differently, by exploiting |
the direct-then-diffuse structure to ground skills to the state space instead of being abstract. Har- |
tikainen et al. (2020) perform unsupervised skill discovery by fitting a distance function; while their |
approach also includes a directed part and a diffusive part for exploration, it learns only a single |
directed policy and does not aim to cover the entire state space. Approaches such as DISCERN |
(Warde-Farley et al., 2019) and Skew-Fit (Pong et al., 2020) learn a goal-conditioned policy in |
an unsupervised way with an MI objective. As explained by Campos et al. (2020), this can be in- |
terpreted as a skill discovery approach with latent Z = S, i.e., where each goal state can define |
a different skill. Conditioning on either goal states or abstract latent skills forms two extremes of |
the spectrum of unsupervised RL. As argued in Sect. 3.1, we target an intermediate approach of |
learning “cluster-conditioned” policies. Finally, an alternative approach to skill discovery builds on |
“spectral” properties of the dynamics of the MDP. This includes eigenoptions (Machado et al., 2017; |
2018) and covering options (Jinnai et al., 2019; 2020), and the algorithm of Bagaria et al. (2021) |
that builds a discrete graph representation which learns and composes spectral skills. |
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Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022 |
Bottleneck Maze |
U-Maze |
29.17 |
(±0.57) |
23.33 |
(±0.57) |
DIAYN-10 |
17.67 |
(±0.57) |
14.67 |
(±0.42) |
DIAYN-20 |
23.00 |
(±1.09) |
16.67 |
(±1.10) |
DIAYN-50 |
30.00 |
(±0.72) |
25.33 |
(±1.03) |
DIAYN-curr |
18.00 |
(±0.82) |
15.67 |
(±0.87) |
DIAYN-hier |
38.33 |
(±0.68) |
49.67 |
(±0.57) |
EDL-10 |
27.00 |
(±1.41) |
32.00 |
(±1.19) |
EDL-20 |
31.00 |
(±0.47) |
46.00 |
(±0.82) |
EDL-50 |
33.33 |
(±0.42) |
52.33 |
(±1.23) |
SMM-10 |
19.00 |
(±0.47) |
14.00 |
(±0.54) |
SMM-20 |
23.67 |
(±1.29) |
14.00 |
(±0.27) |
SMM-50 |
28.00 |
(±0.82) |
25.00 |
(±1.52) |
Flat UPSIDE-10 |
40.67 |
(±1.50) |
43.33 |
(±2.57) |
Flat UPSIDE-20 |
47.67 |
(±0.31) |
55.67 |
(±1.03) |
Flat UPSIDE-50 |
51.33 |
(±1.64) |
57.33 |
(±0.31) |
85.67 |
(±1.93) |
71.33 |
(±0.42) |
Table 2: Coverage on Bottleneck Maze and U-Maze: UPSIDE cov- |
ers significantly more regions of the discretized state space than the |
other methods. The values represent the number of buckets that are |
reached, where the 50 × 50 space is discretized into 10 buckets per |
axis. To compare the global coverage of methods (and to be fair |
w.r.t. the amount of injected noise that may vary across methods), we |
roll-out for each model its associated deterministic policies. |
DIAYN-50 |
EDL-50 |
Figure 2: Policies learned on the Bot- |
tleneck Maze (see Fig. 14 in App. C |
for the other methods): |
contrary to |
the baselines, UPSIDE successfully |
escapes the bottleneck region. |
5 |
Our experiments investigate the following questions: i) Can UPSIDE incrementally cover an un- |
known environment while preserving the directedness of its skills? ii) Following the unsupervised |
phase, how can UPSIDE be leveraged to solve sparse-reward goal-reaching downstream tasks? |
iii) What is the impact of the different components of UPSIDE on its performance? |
We report results on navigation problems in continuous 2D mazes6 and on continuous control prob- |
lems (Brockman et al., 2016; Todorov et al., 2012): Ant, Half-Cheetah and Walker2d. We evaluate |
performance with the following tasks: 1) “coverage” which evaluates the extent to which the state |
space has been covered during the unsupervised phase, and 2) “unknown goal-reaching” whose ob- |
jective is to find and reliably reach an unknown goal location through fine-tuning of the policy. We |
perform our experiments based on the SaLinA framework (Denoyer et al., 2021). |
We compare UPSIDE to different baselines. First we consider DIAYN-NZ (Eysenbach et al., 2019), |
where NZ denotes a fixed number of skills. We introduce two new baselines derived from DIAYN: |
a) DIAYN-curr is a curriculum variant where the number of skills is automatically tuned following |
the same procedure as in UPSIDE, similar to Achiam et al. (2018), to ensure sufficient discriminabil- |
ity, and b) DIAYN-hier is a hierarchical extension of DIAYN where the skills are composed in a |
tree as in UPSIDE but without the diffusing part. We also compare to SMM (Lee et al., 2019), which |
is similar to DIAYN but includes an exploration bonus encouraging the policies to visit rarely en- |
countered states. In addition, we consider EDL (Campos et al., 2020) with the assumption of the |
available state distribution oracle (since replacing it by SMM does not lead to satisfying results in |
presence of bottleneck states as shown in Campos et al., 2020). Finally, we consider the RANDOM |
6The agent observes its current position and its actions (in [−1, +1]) control its shift in x and y coordinates. |
We consider two topologies of mazes illustrated in Fig. 2 with size 50 × 50 such that exploration is non-trivial. |
The Bottleneck maze is a harder version of the one in Campos et al. (2020, Fig. 1) whose size is only 10 × 10. |
7 |
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022 |
0 |
0.5 |
1 |
1.5 |
·105 |
0 |
100 |
200 |
300 |
400 |
500 |
Env interactions |
Coverage |
(a) Ant |
0 |
0.5 |
1 |
1.5 |
·105 |
0 |
5 |
10 |
15 |
20 |
25 |
Env interactions |
Coverage |
(b) Half-Cheetah |
0 |
0.5 |
1 |
1.5 |
·105 |
5 |
10 |
15 |
20 |
Env interactions |
Coverage |
(c) Walker2d |
Figure 3: Coverage on control environments: UPSIDE covers the state space signif- |
icantly more than DIAYN and RANDOM. The curve represents the number of buckets |
reached by the policies extracted from the unsupervised phase of UPSIDE and DIAYN |
as a function of the number of environment interactions. DIAYN and UPSIDE have |
the same amount of injected noise. Each axis is discretized into 50 buckets. |
DIAYN-10 |
DIAYN-20 |
(a) UPSIDE policies on Ant |
(b) DIAYN policies on Ant |
0 |
0.2 |
0.4 |
0.6 |
0.8 |
1 |
·107 |
0 |
0.2 |
0.4 |
0.6 |
0.8 |
1 |
Env interactions |
Average success rate |
TD3 |
(c) Fine-tuning on Ant |
Figure 4: (a) & (b) Unsupervised phase on Ant: visualization of the policies learned by UPSIDE and |
DIAYN-20. We display only the final skill and the diffusing part of the UPSIDE policies. (c) Downstream |
tasks on Ant: we plot the average success rate over 48 unknown goals (with sparse reward) that are sampled |
uniformly in the [−8, 8]2 square (using stochastic roll-outs) during the fine-tuning phase. UPSIDE achieves |
higher success rate than DIAYN-20 and TD3. |
policy, which samples actions uniformly in the action space. We use TD3 as the policy optimizer |
(Fujimoto et al., 2018) though we also tried SAC (Haarnoja et al., 2018) which showed equivalent |
results than TD3 with harder tuning. Similar to e.g., Eysenbach et al. (2019); Bagaria & Konidaris |
(2020), we restrict the observation space of the discriminator to the cartesian coordinates (x, y) for |
Ant and x for Half-Cheetah and Walker2d. All algorithms were ran on Tmax = 1e7 unsupervised en- |
vironment interactions in episodes of size Hmax = 200 (resp. 250) for mazes (resp. for control). For |
baselines, models are selected according to the cumulated intrinsic reward (as done in e.g., Strouse |
et al., 2021), while UPSIDE, DIAYN-hier and DIAYN-curr are selected according to the high- |
est number of η-discriminable policies. On the downstream tasks, we consider ICM (Pathak et al., |
2017) as an additional baseline. See App. C for the full experimental details. |
Coverage. We analyze the coverage achieved by the various methods following an unsupervised |
phase of at most Tmax = 1e7 environment interactions. For UPSIDE, we report coverage for the |
skill and diffusing part lengths T = H = 10 in the continuous mazes (see App. D.4 for an ablation |
on the values of T, H) and T = H = 50 in control environments. Fig. 2 shows that UPSIDE man- |
ages to cover the near-entirety of the state space of the bottleneck maze (including the top-left room) |
by creating a tree of directed skills, while the other methods struggle to escape from the bottleneck |
region. This translates quantitatively in the coverage measure of Table 2 where UPSIDE achieves |
the best results. As shown in Fig. 3 and 4, UPSIDE clearly outperforms DIAYN and RANDOM in |
state-coverage of control environments, for the same number of environment interactions. In the |
Ant domain, traces from DIAYN (Fig. 4b) and discriminator curves in App. D.3 demonstrate that |
even though DIAYN successfully fits 20 policies by learning to take a few steps then hover, it fails |
to explore the environment. In Half-Cheetah and Walker2d, while DIAYN policies learn to fall on |
the agent’s back, UPSIDE learns to move forward/backward on its back through skill composition. |
Unknown goal-reaching tasks. |
We investigate how the tree of policies learned by UPSIDE |
in the unsupervised phase can be used to tackle goal-reaching downstream tasks. All unsuper- |
vised methods follow the same protocol: given an unknown7 goal g, i) we sample rollouts over |
7Notice that if the goal was known, the learned discriminator could be directly used to identify the most |
promising skill to fine-tune. |
8 |
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022 |
(a) UPSIDE: before and after fine-tuning |
(b) DIAYN |
(c) EDL |
(d) ICM |
Figure 5: Downstream task performance on Bottleneck Maze: UPSIDE achieves higher discounted cumulative |
reward on various unknown goals (See Fig. 15 in App. C for SMM and TD3 performance). From each of the |
16 discretized regions, we randomly sample 3 unknown goals. For every method and goal seed, we roll-out |
each policy (learned in the unsupervised phase) during 10 episodes and select the one with largest cumulative |
reward to fine-tune (with sparse reward r(s) = I[∥s −g∥2 ≤1]). Formally, for a given goal g the reported |
value is γτI[τ ≤Hmax] with τ := inf{t ≥1 : ∥st −g∥2 ≤1}, γ = 0.99 and horizon Hmax = 200. |
Figure 6: For an unknown goal |
location, UPSIDE identifies a |
promising policy in its tree and |
fine-tunes it. |
the different learned policies, ii) then we select the best policy based |
on the maximum discounted cumulative reward collected, and iii) we |
fine-tune this policy (i.e., its sequence of directed skills and its final |
diffusing part) to maximize the sparse reward r(s) = I[∥s−g∥2 ≤1]. |
Fig. 5 reports the discounted cumulative reward on various goals af- |
ter the fine-tuning phase. We see that UPSIDE accumulates more |
reward than the other methods, in particular in regions far from s0, |
where performing fine-tuning over the entire skill path is especially |
challenging. In Fig. 6 we see that UPSIDE’s fine-tuning can slightly |
deviate from the original tree structure to improve the goal-reaching |
behavior of its candidate policy. We also perform fine-tuning on the |
Ant domain under the same setting. In Fig. 4c, we show that UPSIDE |
clearly outperforms DIAYN-20 and TD3 when we evaluate the aver- |
age success rate of reaching 48 goals sampled uniformly in [−8, 8]2. |
Note that DIAYN particularly fails as its policies learned during the |
unsupervised phase all stay close to the origin s0. |
Ablative study of the UPSIDE components. The main components of UPSIDE that differ from ex- |
isting skill discovery approaches such as DIAYN are: the decoupled policy structure, the constrained |
optimization problem and the skill chaining via the growing tree. We perform ablations to show that |
all components are simultaneously required for good performance. First, we compare UPSIDE to |
flat UPSIDE, i.e., UPSIDE with the tree depth of 1 (T = 150, H = 50). Table 2 reveals that the |
tree structuring is key to improve exploration and escape bottlenecks; it makes the agent learn on |
smaller and easier problems (i.e., short-horizon MDPs) and mitigates the optimization issues (e.g., |
non-stationary rewards). However, the diffusing part of flat UPSIDE largely improves the coverage |
performance over the DIAYN baseline, suggesting that the diffusing part is an interesting structural |
bias on the entropy regularization that pushes the policies away from each other. This is particularly |
useful on the Ant environment as shown in Fig. 4. A challenging aspect is to make the skill composi- |
tion work. As shown in Table 1, DIAYN-hier (a hierarchical version of DIAYN) does not perform |
as well as UPSIDE by a clear margin. In fact, UPSIDE’s direct-then-diffuse decoupling enables |
both policy re-usability for the chaining (via the directed skills) and local coverage (via the diffusing |
part). Moreover, as shown by the results of DIAYN-hier on the bottleneck maze, the constrained |
optimization problem (Pη) combined with the diffusing part is crucial to prevent consolidating too |
many policies, thus allowing a sample efficient growth of the tree structure. |
6 |
We introduced UPSIDE, a novel algorithm for unsupervised skill discovery designed to trade off |
between coverage and directedness and develop a tree of skills that can be used to perform ef- |
ficient exploration and solve sparse-reward goal-reaching downstream tasks. Limitations of our |
approach that constitute natural venues for future investigation are: 1) The diffusing part of each |
policy could be explicitly trained to maximize local coverage around the skill’s terminal state; 2) |
UPSIDE assumes a good state representation is provided as input to the discriminator, it would be |
interesting to pair UPSIDE with effective representation learning techniques to tackle problems with |
high-dimensional input; 3) As UPSIDE relies on the ability to reset to establish a root node for its |
growing tree, it could be relevant to extend the approach in non-episodic environments. |
9 |
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022 |
Acknowledgements |
We thank both Evrard Garcelon and Jonas Gehring for helpful discussion. |
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12 |
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022 |
Appendix |
A Theoretical Details on Section 3 |
13 |
B |
UPSIDE Algorithm |
16 |
C Experimental Details |
18 |
D Additional Experiments |
22 |
A |
A.1 |
Restatement of Lemma 1. There exists a value η† ∈(0, 1) such that solving (Pη†) is equivalent to |
maximizing a lower bound on the mutual information objective max NZ,ρ,π,ϕ I(Sdiff; Z). |
Proof. We assume that the number of available skills is upper bounded, i.e., 1 ≤NZ ≤Nmax. We |
begin by lower bounding the negative conditional entropy by using the well known lower bound of |
Barber & Agakov (2004) on the mutual information |
−H(Z|Sdiff) = |
X |
z∈Z |
ρ(z)Esdiff [log p(z|sdiff)] |
≥ |
X |
z∈Z |
ρ(z)Esdiff [log qϕ(z|sdiff)] . |
We now use that any weighted average is lower bounded by its minimum component, which yields |
−H(Z|Sdiff) ≥min |
z∈Z Esdiff [log qϕ(z|sdiff)] . |
Thus the following objective is a lower bound on the original objective of maximizing I(Sdiff; Z) |
max |
NZ=N,ρ,π,ϕ |
n |
H(Z) + min |
z∈[N] Esdiff [log qϕ(z|sdiff)] |
o |
. |
(4) |
Interestingly, the second term in Equation 4 no longer depends on the skill distribution ρ, while the |
first entropy term H(Z) is maximized by setting ρ to the uniform distribution over N skills (i.e., |
maxρ H(Z) = log(N)). This enables to simplify the optimization which now only depends on N. |
Thus Equation 4 is equivalent to |
max |
NZ=N |
n |
log(N) + max |
π,ϕ min |
z∈[N] Esdiff [log qϕ(z|sdiff)] |
o |
. |
(5) |
We define the functions |
f(N) := log(N), |
g(N) := max |
π,ϕ min |
z∈[N] Esdiff [log qϕ(z|sdiff)] . |
Let N † ∈arg maxN f(N) + g(N) and η† := exp g(N †) ∈(0, 1). We now show that any solution |
of (Pη†) is a solution of Equation 5. Indeed, denote by N ⋆the value that optimizes (Pη†). First, |
by validity of the constraint, it holds that g(N ⋆) ≥log η† = g(N †). Second, since N † meets the |
constraint and N ⋆is the maximal number of skills that satisfies the constraint of (Pη†), by optimality |
we have that N ⋆≥N † and therefore f(N ⋆) ≥f(N †) since f is non-decreasing. We thus have |
g(N ⋆) ≥g(N †) |
f(N ⋆) ≥f(N †) |
= |
⇒f(N ⋆) + g(N ⋆) ≥f(N †) + g(N †). |
Putting everything together, an optimal solution for (Pη†) is an optimal solution for Equation 5, |
which is equivalent to Equation 4, which is a lower bound of the MI objective, thus concluding the |
proof. |
13 |
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022 |
Restatement of Lemma 2. The function g is non-increasing in N. |
Proof. We have that g(N) := maxπ,q minz∈[N] Es∼π(z)[log(q(z|s)], where throughout the proof |
we write s instead of sdiff for ease of notation. Here the optimization variables are π ∈(Π)N (i.e., a |
set of N policies) and q : S →∆(N), i.e., a classifier of states to N possible classes, where ∆(N) |
denotes the N-simplex. For z ∈[N], let |
hN(π, q, z) := Es∼π(z)[log(q(z|s)], |
fN(π, q) := min |
z∈[N] hN(π, q, z). |
Let (π′, q′) ∈arg maxπ,q fN+1(π, q). We define e |
π := (π′(1), . . . , π′(N)) ∈(Π)N and e |
q : S → |
∆(N) such that e |
q(i|s) := q′(i|s) for any i ∈[N −1] and e |
q(N|s) := q′(N|s) + q′(N + 1|s). |
Intuitively, we are “discarding” policy N + 1 and “merging” class N + 1 with class N. |
Then it holds that |
g(N + 1) = fN+1(π′, q′) = |
min |
z∈[N+1] hN+1(π′, q′, z) ≤min |
z∈[N] hN+1(π′, q′, z). |
Now, by construction of e |
π, e |
q, we have for any i ∈[N −1] that hN+1(π′, q′, i) = hN(e |
π, e |
q, i). As for |
class N, since e |
π(N) = π′(N), by definition of e |
q(N|·) and from monotonicity of the log function, it |
holds that hN+1(π′, q′, N) = Es∼π′(N)[log(q′(N|s)] satisfies |
hN+1(π′, q′, N) ≤Es∼˜ |
π(N)[log(e |
q(N|s)] = hN(e |
π, e |
q, N). |
Hence, we get that |
min |
z∈[N] hN+1(π′, q′, z) ≤min |
z∈[N] hN(e |
π, e |
q, z) = fN(e |
π, e |
q) ≤g(N). |
Putting everything together gives g(N + 1) ≤g(N), which yields the desired result. |
A.2 |
Figure 7: |
The agent must assign (possibly |
stochastically) N skills to M states: under the |
prior of uniform skill distribution, can the MI with |
be increased by varying the number of skills N? |
This section complements Sect. 3.2: we show a sim- |
ple scenario where 1) considering both a uniform ρ |
prior and a fixed skill number NZ provably leads |
to suboptimal MI maximization, and where 2) the |
UPSIDE strategy of considering a uniform ρ re- |
stricted to the η-discriminable skills can provably in- |
crease the MI for small enough η. |
Consider the simple scenario (illustrated on Fig. 7) |
where the agent has N skills indexed by n and must |
assign them to M states indexed by m. |
We as- |
sume that the execution of each skill deterministi- |
cally brings it to the assigned state, yet the agent |
may assign stochastically (i.e., more than one state |
per skill). (A non-RL way to interpret this is that we |
want to allocate N balls into M boxes.) Denote by pn,m ∈[0, 1] the probability that skill n is |
assigned to state m. It must hold that ∀n ∈[N], P |
m pn,m = 1. Denote by I the MI between the |
skill variable and the assigned state variable, and by I the MI under the prior that the skill sampling |
distribution ρ is uniform, i.e., ρ(n) = 1/N. It holds that |
I(N, M) = − |
X |
n |
1 |
N log 1 |
N + |
X |
n,m |
1 |
N pn,m log |
1 |
N pn,m |
P |
n |
1 |
N pn,m |
= log N + 1 |
N |
X |
n,m |
pn,m log |
pn,m |
P |
n pn,m |
. |
Let I |
⋆(N, M) := max{pn,m} I(N, M) and {p⋆ |
n,m} ∈arg max{pn,m} I(N, M). We also define the |
discriminability of skill n in state m as |
qn,m := |
pn,m |
P |
n pn,m |
, |
as well as the minimum discriminability of the optimal assignment as |
η := min |
n max |
m q⋆ |
n,m. |
14 |
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022 |
Lemma 3. There exist values of N and M such that the uniform-ρ MI be improved by removing a |
skill (i.e., by decreasing N). |
Proof. The following example shows that with M = 2 states, it is beneficial for the uniform-ρ MI |
maximization to go from N = 3 to N = 2 skills. Indeed, we can numerically compute the optimal |
solutions and we obtain for N = 3 and M = 2 that |
I |
⋆(N = 3, M = 2) ≈0.918, |
p⋆ |
n,m = |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
! |
, |
q⋆ |
n,m = |
0 |
0.5 |
0 |
0.5 |
1 |
0 |
! |
, |
η = 0.5, |
whereas for N = 2 and M = 2, |
I |
⋆(N = 2, M = 2) = 1, |
p⋆ |
n,m = |
0 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
, |
q⋆ |
n,m = |
0 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
, |
η = 1. |
As a result, I |
⋆(N = 2, M = 2) > I |
⋆(N = 3, M = 2), which concludes the proof. The intuition |
why I |
⋆is increased by decreasing N is that for N = 2 there is one skill per state whereas for |
N = 3 the skills must necessarily overlap. Note that this contrasts with the original MI (that also |
optimizes ρ) where decreasing N cannot improve the optimal MI. |
The previous simple example hints to the fact that the value of the minimum discriminability of the |
optimal assignment η may be a good indicator to determine whether to remove a skill. The following |
more general lemma indeed shows that a sufficient condition for the uniform-ρ MI to be increased |
by removing a skill is that η is small enough. |
Lemma 4. Assume without loss of generality that the skill indexed by N has the minimum discrim- |
inability η, i.e., N ∈arg minn maxm q⋆ |
n,m. Define |
∆(N, η) := log N −N −1 |
N |
log(N −1) + 1 |
N log η. |
If ∆(N, η) ≤0 — which holds for small enough η — then removing skill N results in a larger |
uniform-ρ optimal MI, i.e., I |
⋆(N, M) < I |
⋆(N −1, M). |
Proof. It holds that |
I |
⋆(N, M) = log N + 1 |
N |
X |
n∈[N−1] |
X |
m∈[M] |
p⋆ |
n,m log q⋆ |
n,m + |
X |
m∈[M] |
p⋆ |
n,m log η |
= log N −N −1 |
N |
log(N −1) |
+ N −1 |
N |
log(N −1) + |
1 |
N −1 |
X |
n∈[N−1] |
X |
m∈[M] |
p⋆ |
n,m log q⋆ |
n,m |
+ 1 |
N log η |
= ∆(N, η) + N −1 |
N |
I |
⋆(N −1, M). |
As a result, if ∆(N, η) ≤0 then I |
⋆(N, M) < I |
⋆(N −1, M). |
15 |
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022 |
B |
B.1 |
Figure 8: Decoupled structure of an |
UPSIDE policy: a directed skill fol- |
lowed by a diffusing part. |
Figure 9: In the above UPSIDE tree example, executing policy z = 7 |
means sequentially composing the skills of policies z ∈{2, 5, 7} and |
then deploying the diffusing part of policy z = 7. |
B.2 |
Figure 10: High-level approach of UPSIDE. |
B.3 |
We give in Alg. 2 a more detailed version of Alg. 1 and we list some additional explanations below. |
• When optimizing the discriminator, rather than sampling (state, policy) pairs with equal probabil- |
ity for all nodes from the tree T , we put more weight (e.g. 3×) on already consolidated policies, |
which seeks to avoid the new policies from invading the territory of the older policies that were |
previously correctly learned. |
• A replay buffer BRL is instantiated at every new expansion (line 2), thus avoiding the need to start |
collecting data from scratch with the new policies at every POLICYLEARNING call. |
• J (line 22) corresponds to the number of policy updates ratio w.r.t. discriminator updates, i.e. for |
how long the discriminator reward is kept fixed, in order to add stationarity to the reward signal. |
• Instead of using a number of iterations K to stop the training loop of the POLICYLEARNING func- |
tion (line 16), we use a maximum number of environment interactions Ksteps for node expansion. |
Note that this is the same for DIAYN-hier and DIAYN-curr. |
16 |
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022 |
Algorithm 2: Detailed UPSIDE |
Parameters: Discriminability threshold η ∈(0, 1), branching factor N start, N max |
Initialize: Tree T initialized as a root node index by 0, policy candidates Q = {0}, state buffers |
BZ = {0 : [ ]} |
while Q ̸= ∅do // tree expansion |
1 |
Dequeue a policy z ∈Q and create N = N start nodes C(z) rooted at z and add new key z to BZ |
2 |
Instantiate new replay buffer BRL |
3 |
4 |
if minz′∈C(z) d(z′) > η then // Node addition |
5 |
while minz′∈C(z) d(z′) > η and N < N max do |
6 |
Increment N = N + 1 and add one policy to C(z) |
7 |
8 |
else // Node removal |
9 |
while minz′∈C(z) d(z′) < η and N > 1 do |
10 |
Reduce N = N −1 and remove least discriminable policy from C(z) |
11 |
12 |
Enqueue in Q the η-discriminable nodes C(z) |
13 POLICYLEARNING(Replay buffer BRL, State buffers BZ, Tree T , policies to update ZU) |
14 Optimization parameters: patience K, policy-to-discriminator update ratio J, Kdiscr discriminator |
update epochs, Kpol policy update epochs |
15 Initialize: Discriminator qϕ with |T | classes |
16 for K iterations do // Training loop |
17 |
For all z′ ∈ZU, clear BZ[z′] then collect and add B states from the diffusing part of π(z′) to it |
18 |
Train the discriminator qϕ for Kdiscr steps with dataset S |
z′∈T BZ[z′]. |
19 |
Compute discriminability d(z′) = b |
q |
B |
ϕ (z′) = |
1 |
|Bz′ | |
P |
s∈Bz′ qϕ(z′|s) for all z′ ∈ZU |
20 |
if minz′∈ZU d(z′) > η then // Early stopping |
21 |
Break |
22 |
for J iterations do |
23 |
For all z′ ∈ZU, sample a trajectory from π(z′) and add to replay buffer BRL |
24 |
For all z′ ∈ZU, update policy π′ |
z for Kpol steps on replay buffer BRL to optimize the |
discriminator reward as in Sect. 3.1 keeping skills from parent policies fixed |
25 Compute discriminability d(z′) for all z′ ∈ZU |
• The state buffer size B needs to be sufficiently large compared to H so that the state buffers of |
each policy represent well the distribution of the states generated by the policy’s diffusing part. |
In practice we set B = 10H. |
• In POLICYLEARNING, we add Kinitial random (uniform) transitions to the replay buffer for each |
newly instantiated policies. |
• Moreover, in POLICYLEARNING, instead of sampling uniformly the new policies we sample them |
in a round robin fashion (i.e., one after the other), which can be simply seen as a variance-reduced |
version of uniform sampling. |
B.4 |
See Fig. 11. |
B.5 |
See Fig. 12. |
17 |
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022 |
0 |
0.5 |
1 |
1.5 |
·105 |
0 |
0.2 |
0.4 |
0.6 |
0.8 |
Env interactions |
Average discriminator accuracy |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
H |
I |
Figure 11: Fine-grained evolution of the tree structure on a wall-free maze with N start = 4 and N max = 8. |
The environment is a wall-free continuous maze with initial state s0 located at the center of the maze. Image A |
represents the diffusing part around s0. In image B, N start = 4 policies are trained, yet one of them (in lime |
yellow) is not sufficiently discriminable, thus it is pruned, resulting in image C. A small number of interactions |
is enough to ensure that the three policies are η-discriminable (image C). In image D, a fourth policy (in green) is |
able to become η-discriminable. New policies are added, trained and η-discriminated from 5 policies (image E) |
to N max = 8 policies (image F). Then a policy (in yellow) is expanded with N start = 4 policies (image G). |
They are all η-discriminable so additional policies are added (images H, I, . . . ). The process continues until |
convergence or until time-out (as done here). On the left, we plot the number of active policies (which represents |
the number of policies that are being trained at the current level of the tree) as well as the average discriminator |
accuracy over the active policies. |
Figure 12: Incremental expansion of the tree learned by UPSIDE towards unexplored regions of the state space |
in the Bottleneck Maze. |
C |
C.1 |
This corresponds to the original DIAYN algorithm (Eysenbach et al., 2019) where |
NZ is the number of skills to be learned. In order to make the architecture more similar to UPSIDE, |
we use distinct policies for each skill, i.e. they do not share weights as opposed to Eysenbach et al. |
(2019). While this may come at the price of sample efficiency, it may also help put lesser constraint |
on the model (e.g. gradient interference). |
DIAYN-curr. |
We augment DIAYN with a curriculum that enables to be less dependent on an |
adequate tuning of the number of skills of DIAYN. We consider the curriculum of UPSIDE where we |
start learning with N start policies during a period of time/number of interactions. If the configuration |
satisfies the discriminablity threshold η, a skill is added, otherwise a skill is removed or learning |
stopped (as in Alg. 2, lines 5-12). Note that the increasing version of this curriculum is similar to |
the one proposed in VALOR (Achiam et al., 2018, Sect. 3.3). In our experiments, we use N start = 1. |
18 |
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022 |
DIAYN-hier. |
We extend DIAYN through the use of a hierarchy of directed skills, built following |
the UPSIDE principles. The difference between DIAYN-hier and UPSIDE is that the discrimi- |
nator reward is computed over the entire directed skill trajectory, while it is guided by the diffusing |
part for UPSIDE. This introduced baseline can be interpreted as an ablation of UPSIDE without the |
decoupled structure of policies. |
SMM. |
We consider SMM (Lee et al., 2019) as it is state-of-art in terms of coverage, at least on |
long-horizon control problems, although Campos et al. (2020) reported its poor performance in |
hard-to-explore bottleneck mazes. We tested the regular SMM version, i.e. learning a state density |
model with a VAE, yet we failed to make it work on the maze domains that we consider. As we use |
the cartesian (x, y) positions in maze domains, learning the identity function on two-dimensional |
input data is too easy with a VAE, thus preventing the benefits of using a density model to drive |
exploration. In our implementation, the exploration bonus is obtained by maintaining a multinomial |
distribution over “buckets of states” obtained by discretization (as in our coverage computation), |
resulting in a computation-efficient implementation that is more stable than the original VAE-based |
method. Note that the state distribution is computed using states from past-but-recent policies as |
suggested in the original paper. |
EDL. |
We consider EDL (Campos et al., 2020) with the strong assumption of an available state |
distribution oracle (since replacing it by SMM does not lead to satisfying results in presence of bot- |
tleneck states as shown in Campos et al., 2020, page 7: “We were unable to explore this type |
of maze effectively with SMM”). In our implementation, the oracle samples states uniformly in the |
mazes avoiding the need to handle a complex exploration, but this setting is not realistic when facing |
unknown environments. |
C.2 |
The architecture of the different methods remains the same in all our experiments, except that the |
number of hidden units changes across considered environments. For UPSIDE, flat UPSIDE (i.e., |
UPSIDE with a tree depth of 1), DIAYN, DIAYN-curr, DIAYN-hier and SMM the multiple |
policies do not share weights, however EDL policies all share the same network because of the |
constraint that the policy embedding z is learnt in a supervised fashion with the VQ-VAE rather |
than the unsupervised RL objective. We consider decoupled actor and critic optimized with the TD3 |
algorithm (Fujimoto et al., 2018) though we also tried SAC (Haarnoja et al., 2018) which showed |
equivalent results than TD3 with harder tuning.8 The actor and the critic have the same architecture |
that processes observations with a two-hidden layers (of size 64 for maze environments and 256 for |
control environments) neural networks. The discriminator is a two-hidden (of size 64) layer model |
with output size the number of skills in the tree. |
Common (for all methods and environments) optimization hyper-parameters: |
• Discount factor: γ = 0.99 |
• σTD3 = {0.1, 0.15, 0.2} |
• Q-functions soft updates temperature τ = 0.005 |
• Policy Adam optimizer with learning rate lrpol = {1e−3, 1e−4} |
• policy inner epochs Kpol = {10, 100} |
• policy batch size Bpol = {64} |
• Discriminator delay: J = {1, 10} |
• Replay buffer maximum size: 1e6 |
• Kinitial = 1e3 |
We consider the same range of hyper-parameters in the downstream tasks. |
8For completeness, we report here the performance of DIAYN-SAC in the continuous mazes: DIAYN-SAC |
with NZ = 10 on Bottleneck maze: 21.0 (± 0.50); on U-maze: 17.5 (± 0.75), to compare with DIAYN-TD3 |
with NZ = 10 on Bottleneck maze: 17.67 (± 0.57); on U-maze: 14.67 (± 0.42). We thus see that DIAYN-SAC |
fails to cover the state space, performing similarly to DIAYN-TD3 (albeit over a larger range of hyperparameter |
search, possibly explaining the slight improvement). |
19 |
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022 |
UPSIDE, DIAYN and SMM variants (common for all environments) optimization hyper- |
parameters: |
• Discriminator batch size Bdiscr = 64 |
• Discriminator Adam optimizer with learning rate lrdiscr = {1e−3, 1e−4} |
• discriminator inner epochs Kdiscr = {10, 100} |
• Discriminator delay: J = {1, 10} |
• State buffer size B = 10H where the diffusing part length H is environment-specific. |
EDL optimization hyper-parameters: |
We kept the same as Campos et al. (2020). The VQ-VAE’s |
architecture consists of an encoder that takes states as an input and maps them to a code with 2 hidden |
layers with 128 hidden units and a final linear layer, and the decoder takes the code and maps it back |
to states also with 2 hidden layers with 128 hidden units. It is trained on the oracle state distribution, |
then kept fixed during policy learning. Contrary to UPSIDE, DIAYN and SMM variants, the reward |
is stationary. |
• βcommitment = {0.25, 0.5} |
• VQ-VAE’s code size 16 |
• VQ-VAE batch size Bvq-vae = {64, 256} |
• total number of epochs: 5000 (trained until convergence) |
• VQ-VAE Adam optimizer with learning rate lrvq-vae = {1e−3, 1e−4} |
Maze specific hyper-parameters: |
• Ksteps = 5e4 (and in time 10 minutes) |
• T = H = 10 |
• Max episode length Hmax = 200 |
• Max number of interactions Tmax = 1e7 during unsupervised pre-training and downstream tasks. |
Control specific optimization hyper-parameters: |
• Ksteps = 1e5 (and in time 1 hour) |
• T = H = 50 |
• Max episode length Hmax = 250 |
• Max number of interactions Tmax = 1e7 during unsupervised pre-training and downstream tasks. |
Note that hyperparameters are kept fixed for the downstream tasks too. |
C.3 |
We now detail the experimental protocol that we followed, which is common for both UPSIDE and |
baselines, on all environments. It consists in the following three stages: |
Unsupervised pre-training phase. |
Given an environment, each algorithm is trained without any |
extrinsic reward on Nunsup = 3 seeds which we call unsupervised seeds (to account for the random- |
ness in the model weights’ initialization and environment stochasticity if present). Each training |
lasts for a maximum number of Tmax environment steps (split in episodes of length Hmax). This |
protocol actually favors the baselines since by its design, UPSIDE may decide to have fewer en- |
vironment interactions than Tmax thanks to its termination criterion (triggered if it cannot fit any |
more policies); for instance, all baselines where allowed Tmax = 1e7 on the maze environments, but |
UPSIDE finished at most in 1e6 environment steps fitting in average 57 and 51 policies respectively |
for the Bottleneck Maze and U-Maze. |
Model selection. |
For each unsupervised seed, we tune the hyper-parameters of each algorithm |
according to a certain performance metric. For the baselines, we consider the cumulated intrin- |
sic reward (as done in e.g., Strouse et al., 2021) averaged over stochastic roll-outs. For UPSIDE, |
DIAYN-hier and DIAYN-curr, the model selection criterion is the number of consolidated poli- |
cies, i.e., how many policies were η-discriminated during their training stage. For each method, we |
thus have as many models as seeds, i.e. Nunsup. |
20 |
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022 |
Downstream tasks. |
For each algorithm, we evaluate the Nunsup selected models on a set of tasks. |
All results on downstream tasks will show a performance averaged over the Nunsup seeds. |
• Coverage. We evaluate to which extent the state space has been covered by discretizing the |
state space into buckets (10 per axis on the continuous maze domains) and counting how many |
buckets have been reached. To compare the global coverage of methods (and also to be fair |
w.r.t. the amount of injected noise that may vary across methods), we roll-out for each model its |
associated deterministic policies. |
• Fine-tuning on goal-reaching task. We consider goal-oriented tasks in the discounted episodic |
setting where the agent needs to reach some unknown goal position within a certain radius (i.e., |
the goal location is unknown until it is reached once) and with sparse reward signal (i.e., reward |
of 1 in the goal location, 0 otherwise). The environment terminates when goal is reached or if |
the number of timesteps is larger than Hmax. The combination of unknown goal location and |
sparse reward makes the exploration problem very challenging, and calls upon the ability to first |
cover (for goal finding) and then navigate (for reliable goal reaching) the environment efficiently. |
To evaluate performance in an exhaustive manner, we discretize the state space into Bgoal = 14 |
buckets and we randomly sample Ngoal = 3 from each of these buckets according to what we call |
goal seeds (thus there are Bgoal × Ngoal = 10 different goals in total). For every goal seed, we |
initialize each algorithm with the set of policies learned during the unsupervised pre-training. |
We then roll-out each policy during Nexplo episodes to compute the cumulative reward of the |
policy, and select the best one to fine-tune. On UPSIDE, we complete the selected policy (of |
length denoted by L) by replacing the diffusing skill with a skill whose length is the remaining |
number of interactions left, i.e. Hmax −L. The ability of selecting a good policy is intrinsically |
linked to the coverage performance of the model, but also to few-shot adaptation. Learning |
curves and performance are averaged over unsupervised seeds, goal seeds, and over roll-outs of |
the stochastic policy. Since we are in the discounted episodic setting, fine-tuning makes sense, to |
reach as fast as possible the goal. This is particularly important as UPSIDE, because of its tree |
policy structure, can reach the goal sub-optimally w.r.t the discount. On the maze environments, |
we consider all unsupervised pre-training baselines as well as “vanilla” baselines trained from |
scratch during the downstream tasks: TD3 (Fujimoto et al., 2018) and ICM (Pathak et al., 2017). |
In the Ant environment, we also consider Ngoal = 3 and Bgoal = 14 in the [−8, 8]2 square. |
21 |
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022 |
(a) UPSIDE discriminator |
(b) DIAYN discriminator |
(c) EDL VQ-VAE |
Figure 13: Environment divided in colors according to the most likely latent variable Z, according to (from left |
to right) the discriminator learned by UPSIDE, the discriminator learned by DIAYN and the VQ-VAE learned |
by EDL. Contrary to DIAYN, UPSIDE’s optimization enables the discriminator training and the policy training |
to catch up to each other, thus nicely clustering the discriminator predictions across the state space. EDL’s |
VQ-VAE also manages to output good predictions (recall that we consider the EDL version with the strong |
assumption of the available state distribution oracle, see Campos et al., 2020), yet the skill learning is unable to |
cover the entire state space due to exploration issues and sparse rewards. |
(a) SMM |
(b) DIAYN-curr |
(c) DIAYN-hier |
(d) Flat UPSIDE |
Figure 14: Complement to Fig. 2: Visualization of the policies learned on the Bottleneck Maze for the remain- |
ing methods. |
(a) SMM |
(b) TD3 |
Figure 15: Complement of Fig. 5: Heatmaps of downstream task performance after fine-tuning for the remain- |
ing methods. |
D |
D.1 |
Here we include 1) Fig. 13 for an analysis of the predictions of the discriminator (see caption for |
details); 2) Fig. 14 for the policy visualizations for the remaining methods (i.e., those not reported |
in Fig. 2; 3) Fig. 15 for the downstream task performance for the remaining methods (i.e., those not |
reported in Fig. 5). |
22 |
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022 |
(a) UPSIDE |
(b) DIAYN |
(c) EDL |
(d) SMM |
(e) DIAYN-curr |
(f) DIAYN-hier |
(g) Flat UPSIDE |
Figure 16: Visualization of the policies learned on U-Maze. This is the equivalent of Fig. 2 for U-Maze. |
(a) UPSIDE before fine- |
tuning |
(b) UPSIDE |
(c) DIAYN |
(d) EDL |
(e) ICM |
(f) SMM |
(g) TD3 |
Figure 17: Heat maps of downstream task performance on U-Maze. This is the equivalent of Fig. 5 for U-Maze. |
D.2 |
Fig. 16 visualizes the policies learned during the unsupervised phase (i.e., the equivalent of Fig. 2 for |
the U-Maze), and Fig. 17 reports the heatmaps of downstream task performance (i.e., the equivalent |
of Fig. 5 for the U-Maze). The conclusion is the same as on the Bottleneck Maze described in |
Sect. 5: UPSIDE clearly outperforms all the baselines, both in coverage (Fig. 16) and in unknown |
goal-reaching performance (Fig. 17) in the downstream task phase. |
23 |
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022 |
0 |
0.2 |
0.4 |
0.6 |
0.8 |
1 |
·107 |
0.2 |
0.4 |
0.6 |
0.8 |
1 |
Env interactions |
Average discriminator accuracy |
DIAYN-10 |
DIAYN-20 |
DIAYN-50 |
(a) Bottleneck Maze |
0 |
0.2 |
0.4 |
0.6 |
0.8 |
1 |
·107 |
0.4 |
0.6 |
0.8 |
1 |
Env interactions |
Average discriminator accuracy |
DIAYN-10 |
DIAYN-20 |
(b) Ant |
0 |
0.2 |
0.4 |
0.6 |
0.8 |
1 |
·107 |
0.2 |
0.4 |
0.6 |
0.8 |
1 |
Env interactions |
Average discriminator accuracy |
DIAYN-10 |
DIAYN-20 |
(c) Half-Cheetah |
0 |
0.2 |
0.4 |
0.6 |
0.8 |
1 |
·107 |
0.2 |
0.4 |
0.6 |
0.8 |
1 |
Env interactions |
Average discriminator accuracy |
DIAYN-10 |
DIAYN-20 |
(d) Walker2d |
Figure 18: Average discriminability of the DIAYN-NZ policies. The smaller NZ is, the easier it is to obtain |
a close-to-perfect discriminability. However, even for quite large NZ (50 for mazes and 20 in control envi- |
ronments), DIAYN is able to achieve a good discriminator accuracy, most often because policies learn how to |
“stop” in some state. |
D.3 |
In Fig. 18 (see caption) we investigate the average discriminability of DIAYN depending on the |
number of policies NZ. |
24 |
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022 |
(a) T = H = 10 |
(b) T = H = 20 |
(c) T = H = 30 |
(d) T = H = 40 |
(e) T = H = 50 |
(f) T = H = 10 |
(g) T = H = 20 |
(h) T = H = 30 |
(i) T = H = 40 |
(j) T = H = 50 |
Figure 19: Ablation on the length of UPSIDE |
policies (T, H): |
Visualization of the policies |
learned on the Bottleneck Maze (top) and the U- |
Maze (bottom) for different values of T, H. (Right |
table) Coverage values (according to the same |
procedure as in Table 2). Recall that T and H de- |
note respectively the lengths of the directed skill |
and of the diffusing part of an UPSIDE policy. |
Bottleneck Maze |
U-Maze |
T = H = 10 |
85.67 |
(±1.93) |
71.33 |
(±0.42) |
T = H = 20 |
87.33 |
(±0.42) |
67.67 |
(±1.50) |
T = H = 30 |
77.33 |
(±3.06) |
68.33 |
(±0.83) |
T = H = 40 |
59.67 |
(±1.81) |
57.33 |
(±0.96) |
T = H = 50 |
51.67 |
(±0.63) |
58.67 |
(±1.26) |
D.4 |
Our ablation on the mazes in Fig. 19 investigates the sensitiveness of UPSIDE w.r.t. T and H, the |
lengths of the directed skills and diffusing parts of the policies. For the sake of simplicity, we kept |
T = H. It shows that the method is quite robust to reasonable choices of T and H, i.e., equal |
to 10 (as done in all other experiments) but also 20 or 30. Naturally, the performance degrades if |
T, H are chosen too large w.r.t. the environment size, in particular in the bottleneck maze which |
requires “narrow” exploration, thus composing disproportionately long skills hinders the coverage. |
For T = H = 50, we recover the performance of flat UPSIDE. |
D.5 |
In Sect. 5, we reported the fine-tuning results on Ant. We now focus on Half-Cheetah and Walker2d, |
and similarly observe that UPSIDE largely outperforms the baselines: |
TD3 |
Half-Cheetah |
174.93 |
(±1.45) |
108.67 |
(±25.61) |
0.0 |
(±0.0) |
Walker2d |
46.29 |
(±3.09) |
14.33 |
(±1.00) |
2.13 |
(±0.74) |
We note that the fine-tuning experiment on Half-Cheetah exactly corresponds to the standard Sparse- |
Half-Cheetah task, by rewarding states where the x-coordinate is larger than 15. Meanwhile, Sparse- |
Walker2d provides a reward as long as the x-coordinate is larger than 1 and the agent is standing |
up. Our fine-tuning task on Walker2d is more challenging as we require the x-coordinate to be |
larger than 4. Yet the agent can be rewarded even if it is not standing up, since our downstream |
task is purely goal-reaching. We indeed interestingly noticed that UPSIDE may reach the desired |
goal location yet not be standing up (e.g., by crawling), which may occur as there is no incentive in |
UPSIDE to remain standing up, only to be discriminable. |
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