**Anonymous authors** |
Paper under double-blind review |
We demonstrate that self-learning techniques like entropy minimization and |
pseudo-labeling are simple and effective at improving performance of a deployed |
computer vision model under systematic domain shifts. We show consistent |
improvements irrespective of the model architecture, the pre-training technique |
or the type of distribution shift. At the same time, self-learning is simple to |
use in practice because it does not require knowledge or access to the original |
training data or scheme, is robust to hyperparameter choices, is straight-forward |
to implement and requires only a few adaptation epochs. This makes selflearning techniques highly attractive for any practitioner who applies machine |
learning algorithms in the real world. We present state-of-the art adaptation |
results on CIFAR10-C (8.5% error), ImageNet-C (22.0% mCE), ImageNet-R |
(17.4% error) and ImageNet-A (14.8% error), theoretically study the dynamics |
of self-supervised adaptation methods and propose a new classification dataset |
(ImageNet-D) which is challenging even with adaptation. |
Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) can reach human-level performance in complex cognitive tasks |
(Brown et al., 2020; He et al., 2016a; Berner et al., 2019) if the distribution of the test data is |
sufficiently similar to the training data. However, DNNs are known to struggle if the distribution of |
the test data is shifted relatively to the training data (Geirhos et al., 2018; Dodge & Karam, 2017). |
Two largely distinct communities aim to increase the performance of models under test-time |
distribution shifts: The robustness community generally considers ImageNet-scale datasets and |
evaluates models in an ad-hoc scenario. Models are trained on a clean source dataset like ImageNet, |
using heavy data augmentation (Hendrycks et al., 2020a; Rusak et al., 2020; Geirhos et al., 2019) |
and/or large-scale pre-training (Xie et al., 2020a; Mahajan et al., 2018). The trained models are |
not adapted in any way to test-time distribution shifts. This evaluation scenario is relevant for |
applications in which very different distribution shifts are encountered in an unpredictable order, |
and hence misses out on the gains of adaptation to unlabeled samples of the target distribution. |
Figure 1: Robustness and adaptation to new datasets has traditionally been achieved by robust pre-training (with |
hand-selected/data-driven augmentation strategies, or additional data), unsupervised domain adaptation (with |
access to unlabeled samples from the test set), or, more recently, self-supervised learning methods. We show |
that on top of these different pre-training tasks, it is always possible (irrespective of architecture, model size or |
pre-training algorithm) to further adapt models to the target domain with simple self-learning techniques. |
----- |
The unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) community often considers smaller-scale datasets and |
assumes that both the source and the (unlabeled) target dataset are known. Models are trained on |
both datasets (e.g., with an adversarial domain objective, Ganin et al., 2016) before evaluation on |
the target domain data. This evaluation scenario provides optimal conditions for adaptation, but the |
reliance on the source dataset makes UDA more computationally expensive, more impractical and |
prevents the use of pre-trained models for which the source dataset is unknown or simply too large. |
In this work, we consider the source-free domain adaptation setting, a middle ground between the |
classical ad-hoc robustness setting and UDA in which models can adapt to the target distribution |
but without using the source dataset (Kundu et al., 2020; Kim et al., 2021; Li et al., 2020; Liang |
et al., 2020). This evaluation scenario is interesting for many practitioners and applications as an |
extension of the ad-hoc robustness scenario. It evaluates the possible performance of a deployed |
model on a systematic, unseen distribution shift at inference time: an embedded computer vision |
system in an autonomous car should adapt to changes without being trained on all available training |
data; an image-based quality control software may not necessarily open-source the images it has |
been trained on, but still has to be adapted to the lighting conditions at the operation location; a |
computer vision system in a hospital should perform robustly when tested on a scanner different |
from the training images—importantly, it might not be known at development time which scanner it |
will be tested on, and it might be prohibited to share images from many hospitals to run UDA. |
Can self-learning methods like pseudo-labeling and entropy-minimization also be used in this |
_source-free domain adaptation setting? To answer this question, we perform an extensive study_ |
of several self-learning variants, and find consistent and substantial gains in test-time performance |
across several robustness and out-of-domain benchmarks and a wide range of models and pretraining methods, including models trained with UDA methods that do not use self-learning. We |
also find that self-learning outperforms state-of-the-art source-free domain adaptation methods, |
namely Test-Time Training which is based on a self-supervised auxiliary objective and continual |
training (Sun et al., 2019b), test-time entropy minimization (Wang et al., 2020) and (gradient-free) |
BatchNorm adaptation (Schneider et al., 2020; Nado et al., 2020). We perform a large number |
of ablations to study important design choices for self-learning methods in source-free domain |
adaptation. Furthermore, we show that a variant of pseudo-labeling with a robust loss function |
consistently outperforms entropy minimization on ImageNet-scale datasets. We theoretically |
analyze and empirically verify the influence of the temperature parameter in self-learning and |
provide guidelines how this single parameter should be chosen. Our approach is visualized in |
Figure 1. We do not consider test-time adaptation in an online setting like is studied e.g., by Zhang |
et al. (2021), where the model is adapted to one example at a time, and reset after each example. |
**Related Work. Variants of self-learning have been used for UDA (Berthelot et al., 2021), for** |
example using auxiliary information (Xie et al., 2020b), consistency (Wei et al., 2020; Cai et al., |
2021; Prabhu et al., 2021) or confidence (Zou et al., 2019) regularization. The main difference from |
these works to ours is that they 1) utilize both source and target data for self-learning whereas we |
only require access to unlabeled target data, 2) train their models from scratch whereas we merely |
fine-tune pretrained checkpoints on the unlabeled target data, and 3) are generally more complicated |
than our approach due to using more than one term in the objective function. |
Our work is conceptually most similar to virtual adversarial domain adaptation in the fine-tuning |
phase of DIRT-T (Shu et al., 2018)) and Test-time entropy minimization (TENT; Wang et al., 2020). |
In contrast to DIRT-T, our objective is simpler and we scale the approach to considerably larger |
datasets on ImageNet scale. TENT, on the other hand, only evaluated a single method (entropy |
minimization) on a single vanilla model (ResNet-50) on IN-C. We substantially expand this analysis |
to show that self-learning almost universally increases test-time performance under distribution |
shifts, regardless of the type of distribution shift, the model architecture or the pre-training method. |
Self-learning has also been applied to UDA for semantic segmentation (Zou et al., 2018), for gradual |
domain adaptation (Kumar et al., 2020), for semi-supervised learning (Rizve et al., 2021; Mukherjee |
& Awadallah, 2020), for learning in biased datasets (Chen et al., 2020b) and for automated data |
annotation (De Sousa Ribeiro et al., 2020). Zoph et al. (2020) show that self-learning outperforms |
pretraining when stronger data augmentation is used and more labeled data is present. A more |
detailed discussion of related work alongside with the main differences to our work can be found in |
Appendix F. Our main contribution beyond these works is to show the effectiveness of self-learning |
on top of both robust, large scale, and domain adapted models, at scale. |
----- |
Different variants of self-learning have been used in both unsupervised domain adaptation (French |
et al., 2018; Shu et al., 2018), self-supervised representation learning (Caron et al., 2021), and in |
semi-supervised learning (Xie et al., 2020a). In a typical self-learning setting a teacher network |
**f** _[t]_ trained on the source domain predicts labels on the target domain. Then, a student model f _[s]_ is |
fine-tuned on the predicted labels. |
In the following, let f _[t](x) denote the logits for sample x and let p[t](j_ **x)** _σj(f_ _[t](x)) denote_ |
_|_ _≡_ |
the probability for class j obtained from a softmax function σj( ). Similarly, f _[s](x) and p[s](j_ **x)** |
_·_ _|_ |
denote the logits and probabilities for the student model f _[s]. For all techniques, one can optionally_ |
only admit samples where the probability maxj p[t](j|x) exceeds some threshold. We consider |
three popular variants of self-learning: Pseudo-labeling with hard or soft labels, as well as entropy |
minimization. |
**Hard Pseudo-Labeling (Lee, 2013; Galstyan & Cohen, 2007). We generate labels using the** |
teacher and train the student on pseudo-labels i using the standard cross-entropy loss, |
_ℓH_ (x) := − log p[s](i|x), _i = argmaxj p[t](j|x)_ (1) |
Usually, only samples with a confidence above a certain threshold are considered for training the |
student. We test several thresholds but note that thresholding means discarding a potentially large |
portion of the data which leads to a performance decrease in itself. The teacher is updated after each |
epoch. |
**Soft Pseudo-Labeling (Lee, 2013; Galstyan & Cohen, 2007). In contrast to the hard pseudo-** |
labeling variant, we here train the student on class probabilities predicted by the teacher, |
_p[t](j|x) log p[s](j|x)._ (2) |
_ℓS(x) :=_ |
_−_ |
Soft pseudo-labeling is typically not used in conjunction with thresholding, since it already |
incorporates the certainty of the model. The teacher is updated after each epoch. |
**Entropy Minimization (ENT; Grandvalet & Bengio, 2004). This variant is similar to soft pseudo-** |
labeling, but we no longer differentiate between a teacher and student network. It corresponds to an |
“instantaneous” update of the teacher. The training objective becomes |
_p[s](j|x) log p[s](j|x)._ (3) |
_ℓE(x) :=_ |
_−_ |
Intuitively, self-training with entropy minimization leads to a sharpening of the output distribution |
for each sample, making the model more confident in its predictions. |
**Robust Pseudo-Labeling (RPL). Virtually all introduced self-training variants use the standard** |
cross-entropy classification objective. However, the standard cross-entropy loss has been shown |
to be sensitive to label noise (Zhang & Sabuncu, 2018; Zhang et al., 2017). In the setting of |
domain adaptation, inaccuracies in the teacher predictions and, thus, the labels for the student, are |
inescapable, with severe repercussions for training stability and hyperparameter sensitivity as we |
show in the results. |
As a straight-forward solution to this problem, we propose to replace the cross-entropy loss by a |
robust classification loss designed to withstand certain amounts of label noise (Ghosh et al., 2017; |
Song et al., 2020; Shu et al., 2020; Zhang & Sabuncu, 2018). A popular candidate is the Generalized |
_Cross Entropy (GCE) loss which combines the noise-tolerant Mean Absolute Error (MAE) loss_ |
(Ghosh et al., 2017) with the CE loss. We only consider the hard labels and use the robust GCE loss |
as the training loss for the student, |
_i = argmaxj p[t](j|x),_ _ℓGCE(x, i) := q[−][1](1 −_ _p[s](i|x)[q]),_ (4) |
with q ∈ (0, 1]. For the limit case q → 0, the GCE loss approaches the CE loss and for q = 1, the |
GCE loss is the MAE loss (Zhang & Sabuncu, 2018). We test updating the teacher both after every |
update step of the student (RPL) and once per epoch (RPL[ep]). |
----- |
**Datasets. IN-C (Hendrycks & Dietterich, 2019) contains corrupted versions of the 50 000 images in** |
the IN validation set. There are fifteen test and four hold-out corruptions, and there are five severity |
levels for each corruption. The established metric to report model performance on IN-C is the mean |
Corruption Error (mCE) where the error is normalized by the AlexNet error, and averaged over all |
corruptions and severity levels, see Eq. 20, Appendix C.1. IN-R (Hendrycks et al., 2020a) contains |
30 000 images with artistic renditions of 200 classes of the IN dataset. IN-A (an, 2019) is composed |
of 7500 unmodified real-world images on which standard IN-trained ResNet50 (He et al., 2016b) |
models yield chance level performance. CIFAR10 (Krizhevsky et al., 2009) and STL10 (Coates |
et al., 2011) are small-scale image recognition datasets with 10 classes each, and training sets of |
50 000/5000 images and test sets of 10 000/8000 images, respectively. The digit datasets MNIST |
(Deng, 2012) and MNIST-M (Ganin et al., 2016) both have 60 000 training and 10 000 test images. |
**Hyperparameters. The different self-learning variants have a range of hyperparameters such as the** |
learning rate or the stopping criterion. Our goal is to give a realistic estimation on the performance |
to be expected in practice.. To this end, we optimize hyperparameters for each variant of pseudolabeling on a hold-out set of IN-C that contains four types of image corruptions (“speckle noise”, |
“Gaussian blur”, “saturate” and “spatter”) with five different strengths each, following the procedure |
suggested in Hendrycks & Dietterich (2019). We refer to the hold-out set of IN-C as our dev set. |
**Models for ImageNet-scale datasets.** We consider four popular model architectures: ResNet50 |
(He et al., 2016b), DenseNet161 (Huang et al., 2017), ResNeXt101 (Xie et al., 2017) and |
EfficientNet-L2 (Tan & Le, 2019) (see Appendix B.1 for details on the used models). For |
ResNet50, DenseNet and ResNeXt101, we include a simple vanilla version trained on IN only. For |
ResNet50 and ResNeXt101, we additionally include a state-of-the-art robust version trained with |
DeepAugment and Augmix (DAug+AM, Hendrycks et al., 2020a)[1]. For the ResNeXt model, we |
also include a version that was trained on 3.5 billion weakly labeled images (IG-3.5B, Mahajan et al., |
2018). Finally, for EfficientNet-L2 we select the current state of the art on IN-C which was trained |
on 300 million images from JFT-300M (Chollet, 2017; Hinton et al., 2014) using a noisy studentteacher protocol (Xie et al., 2020a). We validate the IN and IN-C performance of all considered |
models and match the originally reported scores (Schneider et al., 2020). For EfficientNet-L2, we |
match IN top-1 accuracy up to 0.1% points, and IN-C up to 0.6% mCE. |
**Models for CIFAR10/MNIST-scale datasets.** For CIFAR10-C experiments, we use two |
WideResNets (WRN, Zagoruyko & Komodakis, 2016): the first one is trained on CIFAR10 and |
has a depth of 28 and a width of 10 and the second one is trained with AugMix (Hendrycks et al., |
2020b) and has a depth of 40 and a width of 2. The remaining small-scale models are trained with |
unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) methods. We propose to regard any UDA method which |
requires joint training with source and target data as a pre-training step, similar to regular pretraining on IN, and use self-learning on top of the final checkpoint. We consider two popular UDA |
methods: self-supervised domain adaptation (UDA-SS; Sun et al., 2019a) and Domain-Adversarial |
Training of Neural Networks (DANN; Ganin et al., 2016). In UDA-SS, the authors seek to align the |
representations of both domains by performing an auxiliary self-supervised task on both domains |
simultaneously. In all UDA-SS experiments, we use a WideResNet with a depth of 26 and a width of |
16. In DANN, the authors learn a domain-invariant embedding by optimizing a minimax objective. |
For all DANN experiments except for MNIST→MNIST-M, we use the same WRN architecture as |
above. For the MNIST→MNIST-M experiment, the training with the larger model diverged and |
we used a smaller WideResNet version with a width of 2. We note that DANN training involves |
optimizing a minimax objective and is generally harder to tune. |
Self-learning is a powerful learning scheme, and in the following section we show that it allows to |
perform test-time adaptation on robustified models, models obtained with large-scale pre-training, |
as well as domain adapted models across a wide range of datasets and distribution shifts. Our main |
results on large-scale and small-scale datasets are shown in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. These |
1see leaderboard at github.com/hendrycks/robustness |
----- |
summary tables show final results, and all experiments use the hyperparameters we determined |
separately on the dev set. |
**Table 1: Self-learning successfully adapts ImageNet-scale models across different model** |
**architectures on IN-C, IN-A and IN-R. We adapt the vanilla ResNet50, ResNeXt101 and** |
DenseNet161 models to IN-C and decrease the mCE by over 19 percent points in all models. Further, |
self-learning works for models irrespective of their size: Self-learning substantially improves the |
performance of the ResNet50 and the ResNext101 trained with DAug+AM, on IN-C by 11.9 and |
9.7 percent points, respectively. Finally, we further improve the current state-of-the-art model on |
IN-C—the EfficientNet-L2 Noisy Student model—and report a new state-of-the-art result of 22% |
mCE (which corresponds to a top1 error of 17.1%) on this benchmark with test-time adaptation |
(compared to 28% mCE without adaptation). |
number of w/o adapt w/ adapt ∆ |
mCE [%] on IN-C test (↘) parameters RPL |
ResNet50 vanilla (He et al., 2016b) 2.6 × 10[7] 76.7 50.5 (-26.2) |
ResNet50 DAug+AM (Hendrycks et al., 2020a) 2.6 × 10[7] 53.6 41.7 (-11.9) |
DenseNet161 vanilla (Huang et al., 2017) 2.8 × 10[7] 66.4 47.0 (-19.4) |
ResNeXt10132 8d vanilla (Xie et al., 2017) 8.8 10[7] 66.6 43.2 (-23.4) |
_×_ _×_ |
ResNeXt10132 8d DAug+AM (Hendrycks et al., 2020a) 8.8 10[7] 44.5 34.8 (-9.7) |
_×_ _×_ |
ResNeXt10132 8d IG-3.5B (Mahajan et al., 2018) 8.8 10[7] 51.7 40.9 (-10.8) |
_×_ _×_ |
EfficientNet-L2 Noisy Student (Xie et al., 2020a) 4.8 × 10[8] 28.3 **22.0** (-6.3) |
top1 error [%] on IN-R (↘) |
ResNet50 vanilla (He et al., 2016b) 2.6 × 10[7] 63.8 54.1 (-9.7) |
EfficientNet-L2 Noisy Student (Xie et al., 2020a) 4.8 × 10[8] 23.5 **17.4** (-6.1) |
top1 error [%] on ImageNet-A (↘) |
EfficientNet-L2 Noisy Student (Xie et al., 2020a) 4.8 × 10[8] 16.5 **14.8** (-1.7) |
Self-learning is not limited to the distribution shifts in IN-C like compression artefacts or blur. |
On IN-R, a dataset with renditions, self-learning improves both the vanilla ResNet50 and the |
EfficientNet-L2 model, the latter of which improves from 23.5% to a new state-of-the art of 17.4% |
top-1 error. For a vanilla ResNet50, we improve the top-1 error from 63.8% (Hendrycks et al., |
2020a) to 54.1%. On IN-A, adapting the EfficientNet-L2 model using self-learning decreases the |
top-1 error from 16.5% (Xie et al., 2020a) to 14.8% top-1 error, again constituting a new state of the |
art with test-time adaptation on this dataset. |
**Table 2:** **Self-learning improves robustified and domain adapted models on small-scale** |
**datasets. We test common domain adaptation techniques like DANN (Ganin et al., 2016) and** |
UDA-SS (Sun et al., 2019a), and show that self-learning is effective at further tuning such models |
to the target domain. We suggest to view unsupervised source/target domain adaptation as a step |
comparable to pre-training under corruptions, rather than an adaptation technique specifically tuned |
to the target set—indeed, we can achieve error rates using, e.g., DANN + target adaptation previously |
only possible with source/target based pseudo-labeling, across different common domain adaptation |
benchmarks. Self-learning also decreases the error on CIFAR10-C of the Wide ResNet model |
trained with AugMix (AM, Hendrycks et al., 2020b) and reaches a new state of the art on CIFAR10C of 8.5% top1 error with test-time adaptation. _[†]denotes preliminary results on CIFAR-C dev only,_ |
due to instabilities in training the adversarial network in DANN. |
number of w/o adapt w/ adapt ∆ |
top1 error [%] on CIFAR10-C (↘) parameters ENT |
WRN-28-10 vanilla (Zagoruyko & Komodakis, 2016) 3.6 × 10[7] 26.5 13.3 (-13.2) |
WRN-40-2 AM (Hendrycks et al., 2020b) 2.2 × 10[6] 11.2 8.5 (-2.7) |
WRN-26-16 UDA-SS (Sun et al., 2019a) 9.3 × 10[7] 27.7 16.7 (-11.0) |
WRN-26-16 DANN (Ganin et al., 2016) 9.3 × 10[7] _†29.7_ _†28.5_ (-1.2) |
UDA CIFAR10→STL10, top1 error on target [%](↘) |
WRN-26-16 UDA-SS (Sun et al., 2019a) 9.3 × 10[7] 28.7 21.8 (-6.9) |
WRN-26-16 DANN (Ganin et al., 2016) 9.3 × 10[7] 25.0 23.9 (-1.1) |
UDA MNIST→MNIST-M, top1 error on target [%](↘) |
WRN-26-16 UDA-SS (Sun et al., 2019a) 9.3 × 10[7] 4.8 2.0 (-2.8) |
WRN-26-2 DANN (Ganin et al., 2016) 1.5 × 10[6] 11.4 5.1 (-6.3) |
----- |
**Table 3: Self-learning also improves large pre-trained models. Unlike BatchNorm adaptation** |
(Schneider et al., 2020), we show that self-learning transfers well to models pre-trained on a large |
amount of unlabeled data: self-learning decreases the mCE on IN-C of the ResNeXt101 trained on |
3.5 billion weakly labeled samples (IG-3.5B, Mahajan et al., 2018) from 51.7% to 40.9%. |
mCE on IN-C test [%] (↘) no adaptation BN adaptation self-learning |
ResNeXt10132 8d vanilla 66.6 56.8 43.2 |
_×_ |
ResNeXt10132 8d IG-3.5B 51.7 51.8 **40.9** |
_×_ |
**Table 4: Self-learning outperforms previously published test-time adaptation approaches on** |
**IN-C. The robustness benchmark IN-C has so far mostly been regarded in the ad-hoc evaluation** |
setting as discussed in our introduction. Thus, there are only few published methods that report |
numbers for test-time adaptation: BatchNorm adaptation (Schneider et al., 2020), Test-Time |
Training (TTT, Sun et al., 2019b), and TENT (Wang et al., 2020). In particular, note that TTT |
requires a special loss function at training time, while our approach is agnostic to the pre-training |
phase. Our self-training results outperforms all three baselines (also after tuning TENT with our full |
experimental protocol): |
mCE on IN-C test [%] (↘) w/o adapt BN adapt TENT (ours) self-learning |
ResNet50 vanilla 76.7 62.2 53.5 (51.6) **50.5** |
top1 error [%] on IN-C, sev. 5 (↘) w/o adapt BN adapt TTT self-learning |
ResNet18 vanilla 85.4 72.2 66.3 **61.9** |
**Table 5:** **Self-supervised methods based on self-learning allow out-of-the-box test-time** |
**adaptation. The recently published DINO method (Caron et al., 2021) is another variant of self-** |
supervised learning that has proven to be effective for unsupervised representation learning. At the |
core, the method uses soft pseudo-labeling. Here, we test whether a model trained with DINO on the |
source dataset can be test-time adapted on IN-C using DINO to further improve out-of-distribution |
performance. Since the used model is a vision transformer model, we test different choices of |
adaptation parameters and find considerable performance improvements in all cases, yielding an |
mCE of 43.5%mCE at a parameter count comparable to a ResNet50 model. For adapting the affine |
layers, we follow Houlsby et al. (2019): |
w/o adapt w/ adapt w/ adapt w/ adapt w/ adapt |
mCE on IN-C test [%] (↘) affine layers bottleneck layers lin. layers all weights |
ViT-S/16 62.3 51.8 46.8 45.2 **43.5** |
In the following section, we show ablations and interesting insights of using self-learning for testtime adaptation. If not specified otherwise, all ablations are run on the holdout corruptions of IN-C |
(our dev set) with a vanilla ResNet50. |
**Table 6: Robust pseudo-labeling outperforms entropy minimization on large-scale datasets** |
**while the reverse is true on small-scale datasets. We find that robust pseudo-labeling consistently** |
improves over entropy minimization on IN-C, while entropy minimization performs better on |
smaller scale data (CIFAR10, STL10, MNIST). The finding highlights the importance of testing |
both algorithms on new datasets. The improvement is typically on the order of one percent point: |
mCE, IN-C dev ResNet50 ResNeXt-101 EfficientNet-L2 |
ENT 50.0 ± 0.04 43.0 22.2 |
RPL **48.9 ± 0.02** **42.0** **21.3** |
top-1 err, CIFAR-C WRN-40 |
ENT **8.5** |
RPL 9.0 |
**Table 7: Robust pseudo-labeling allows usage of the full dataset without a threshold. Classical** |
hard labeling needs a confidence threshold (T) for best performance, thereby reducing the dataset |
size, while best performance for RPL is reached for full dataset training with a threshold T of 0.0: |
diff. self-learning methods no adapt soft PL hard PL (T): 0.0 **0.5** 0.9 RPL (T): **0.0** 0.5 0.9 |
mCE on IN-C dev [%] 69.5 60.1 53.8 51.9 52.4 **49.7 49.9 51.8** |
----- |
**Table 8: Short update intervals are crucial for fast adaptation.** Having established that |
RPL generally performs better than soft- and hard-labeling, we vary the update interval for the |
teacher. We find that instant updates are most effective. In entropy minimization, the update interval |
is instant per default. |
Update interval for RPL w/o adapt no update epoch instant |
mCE on IN-C dev [%] 69.5 54.0 49.7 **49.2** |
**Table 9: Adaptation of only affine layers is important in CNNs. On IN-C, adapting only the** |
affine parameters after the normalization layers (i.e., the rescaling and shift parameters β and γ) |
works better on a ResNet50 architecture than adapting all parameters or only the last layer. We |
indicate the number of adapted parameters in brackets. |
Adaptation mechanism w/o adapt last layer full model affine |
mCE on IN-C dev [%] 69.5 [0] 60.2 [2M] 51.5 [22.6M] **48.9 [5.3k]** |
Note that for Vision Transformers, full model adaptation works better than affine adaptation (see |
Table 5). We also noticed that on convolutional models with a smaller parameter count like |
ResNet18, full model adaptation is possible. |
**Hyperparameters obtained on corruption datasets transfer well to real world datasets. When** |
evaluating models, we select the hyperparameters discussed above (the learning rate and the epoch |
used for early stopping are the most critical ones) on the holdout set of IN-C. We note that this |
technique transfers well to IN-R, -A and -D, highlighting the practical value of corruption robustness |
datasets for adapting models on real distribution shifts. |
On IN-D, we performed a control experiment where we selected hyperparameters with leave-oneout cross validation—this selection scheme actually performed worse than IN-C parameter selection |
(see Appendix D.1). |
Robustness datasets on ImageNet-scale have so far been limited to a few selected domains (image |
corruptions in IN-C, image renditions in IN-R, difficult images for ResNet50 classifiers in IN-A). |
In order to test our approach on a wider range of complex distribution shifts, we re-purpose the |
dataset from the Visual Domain Adaptation Challenge 2019 (DomainNet, Saenko et al., 2019) as an |
additional robustness benchmark. This dataset comes with six image styles: Clipart, Real, Infograph, |
Painting, Quickdraw and Sketch. It has 345 classes in total, of which 164 overlap with IN. To |
benchmark robustness of IN trained models out of the box, we filter out the classes that cannot be |
mapped to IN and refer to the smaller version of DomainNet as ImageNet-D (IN-D). We map 463 |
classes in IN to these 164 IN-D classes, e.g., for an image from the “bird” class in IN-D, we accept |
all 39 bird classes in IN as valid predictions. We show example images from IN-D in Table 10. The |
detailed evaluation protocol along with justifications for our design choices and additional analysis |
are outlined in Appendix D. |
The benefit of IN-D over DomainNet is the re-mapping to ImageNet classes which allows robustness |
researchers to easily benchmark on this dataset, without the need of re-training a model (as common |
in UDA). To test whether self-learning is helpful for more complex distribution shifts, we adapt a |
vanilla ResNet50, several robust IN-C models and the EfficientNet-L2 Noisy Student model on IND. We use the same hyperparameters we obtained on IN-C dev for all our IN-D experiments. We |
show our main results in Table 10. |
**More robust models perform better on IN-D. Comparing the performance of the vanilla ResNet50** |
model to its robust DAug+AM variant, we find that the DAug+AM model performs better on all |
domains, with the most significant gains on the “Clipart”, “Painting” and “Sketch” domains. We |
show detailed results for all domains and all tested models in Appendix D.2, along with results |
on IN-C and IN-R for comparison. We find that the best performing models on IN-D are also the |
----- |
Table 10: Self-learning decreases the top1 error on some IN-D domains but increases it on others. |
domain Real Painting Clipart Sketch Infograph Quickdraw |
adapt w/o w/ w/o w/ w/o w/ w/o w/ w/o w/ w/o w/ |
model |
EffNet-L2 Noisy Student 29.2 **27.9** 42.7 **40.9** 45.0 **37.9** 56.4 **51.5** **77.9** 94.3 **98.4** 99.4 |
ResNet50 DAug+AM 39.2 36.5 58.7 53.4 68.4 57.0 75.2 61.3 88.1 83.2 98.2 99.1 |
ResNet50 vanilla 40.1 37.3 65.1 57.8 76.0 63.6 82.0 73.0 89.6 85.1 99.2 99.8 |
strongest ones on IN-C and IN-R which indicates good generalization capabilities of the techniques |
combined for these models, given the large differences between the three considered datasets. |
However, even the best models perform 20 to 30 percentage points worse on IN-D compared to |
their performance on IN-C or IN-R, indicating that IN-D might be a more challenging benchmark. |
**All models struggle with some domains of IN-D. The EfficientNet-L2 Noisy Student model** |
obtains the best results on most domains. However, we note that the overall error rates are |
surprisingly high compared to the model’s strong performance on the other considered datasets |
(IN-A: 14.8% top-1 error, IN-R: 17.4% top-1 error, IN-C: 22.0% mCE). Even on the “Real” domain |
closest to clean IN where the EfficientNet-L2 model has a top-1 error of 11.6%, the model only |
reaches a top-1 error of 29.2%. Self-learning decreases the top1 error on all domains except for |
“Infograph” and “Quickdraw”. We note that both domains have very high error rates from the |
beginning and thus hypothesize that the produced pseudo-labels are of low quality. |
**Error analysis on IN-D. We investigate the errors a ResNet50 model makes on IN-D by analyzing** |
the most frequently predicted classes for different domains to reveal systematic errors indicative |
of the encountered distribution shifts. We find most errors interpretable: the classifier assigns the |
label “comic book” to images from the “Clipart” or “Painting” domains, “website” to images from |
the “Infograph” domain, and “envelope” to images from the “Sketch” domain. Thus, the classifier |
predicts the domain rather than the class. We find no systematic errors on the “Real” domain which |
is expected since this domain should be similar to IN. Detailed results on the top-3 most frequently |
predicted classes for different domains can be found in Fig. 9, Appendix D.4. |
**IN-D should be used as an additional robustness benchmark. While the error rates on IN-C,** |
-R and -A are at a well-acceptable level for our largest EfficientNet-L2 model after adaptation, |
IN-D performance is consistently worse for all models. We propose to move from isolated |
benchmark settings like IN-R (single domain) to benchmarks more common in domain adaptation |
(like DomainNet) and make IN-D publicly available as an easy to use dataset for this purpose. |
**Additional experiments and limitations. We discuss additional proof-of-concept implementations** |
on the WILDS benchmark (Koh et al., 2021), BigTransfer (BiT; Chen et al., 2020a) models and |
on self-learning based UDA models in Appendix E. On WILDS, self-learning is effective for the |
Camelyon17 task with a systematic shift between train, validation and test sets (each set is comprised |
of different hospitals), while self-learning fails to improve on tasks with mixed domains. |
We observed that different self-learning schemes are optimal for small-scale vs. large-scale datasets |
and varying amount of classes. We reconsider the used loss functions, and unify them into |
**f t(x)** **f s(x)** |
_ℓ(x) =_ _σj_ log _σj_ _,_ |
_−_ _τt_ _τs_ |
_j_ |
X (5) |
**f** (x), entropy minimization |
**f** _[t](x) =_ |
sg(f (x)), pseudo-labeling. |
We introduced student and teacher temperature τs and τt as parameters in the softmax function |
and the stop gradient operation sg. Caron et al. (2021) fixed τs and varied τt during training, |
----- |
and empirically found an upper bound for τt above which the training was no longer stable. |
To better understand such behavior, we study the learning dynamics of the loss function in |
equation 5 theoretically in a simple two-datapoints, two-classes model with linear student and |
teacher networks f _[s](x) = x[⊤]w[s]_ and f _[t](x) = x[⊤]w[t]_ defined in Appendix A.1. Gradient |
descent with stop gradient corresponds to hard pseudo-labeling in the limit τt 0 and to |
soft pseudo-labeling when τs = τt = 1. Gradient descent without stop gradient, i.e., setting → |
**w[s]** = **w[t]** = **w corresponds to entropy minimization.** We obtain the following result: |
Two points |
**Proposition 1 (Collapse in the two-point model).** |
_The student and teacher networks ws and wt_ |
_trained with stop gradient does not collapse to the_ |
_trivial representation ∀x : x[⊤]w[s]_ = 0, x[⊤]w[t] = 0 |
_if τs > τt. The network w trained without stop_ |
_gradient does not collapse if τs > τt/2._ _Proof._ |
_see § A.2._ |
We validate the proposition on a simulated two |
datapoint toy dataset, as well as on the CIFARC dataset and outline the results in Figure 2. In |
general, the size and location of the region where |
collapse is observed in the simulated model also |
depends on the initial conditions, the learning rate |
and the optimization procedure. An in depth |
discussion, as well as additional simulations are |
given in the Appendix. In practice, the result |
suggests that student temperatures should exceed |
_the teacher temperatures for pseudo-labeling, and_ |
_student temperatures should exceed half the teacher_ |
_temperature for entropy minimization._ |
PL |
_τs_ |
10 |
log |
1 1 |
Error Error |
0 0%50% 0 _≤>BASBAS_ |
100% |
_−1_ _−1_ |
_−2−2_ _−1_ 0 1 _−2_ _−2_ _−1_ 0 1 |
1 1 |
_τt = 2τs_ |
_τt = τs_ |
0 |
0 |
_−1_ |
_−2−2_ _−1_ 0 1 _−1_ _−1_ 0 1 |
log10 τt log10 τt |
discussion, as well as additional simulations are |
Figure 2: For the two point model, we show |
given in the Appendix. In practice, the result |
error and for the CIFAR10-C simulation, we show |
suggests that student temperatures should exceed improvement (yellow) vs. degradation (purple) |
_the teacher temperatures for pseudo-labeling, and_ over the non-adapted baseline (BAS). An important |
_student temperatures should exceed half the teacher_ convergence criterion for pseudo-labeling (top |
_temperature for entropy minimization._ row) and entropy minimization (bottom row) is the |
ratio of student and teacher temperatures; it lies at |
Entropy minimization with standard temperatures _τs = τt for PL, and 2τs = τt for ENT. Despite_ |
(are hence stable. The two-point learning dynamicsτs = τt = 1) and hard pseudo-labeling (τt → 0) the simplicity of the two-point model, the generalconvergence regions transfer to CIFAR10-C. |
vanish for soft pseudo-labeling with τs = _τt,_ |
suggesting that one would have to analyze a more complex model with more data points. While |
this does not directly imply that the learning is unstable at this point, we empirically observe that |
both entropy minimization and hard labeling outperform soft-labeling in practice. |
We evaluated and analysed how self-learning, an essential component in many unsupervised domain |
adaptation and self-supervised pre-training techniques, can be applied for adaptation to both small |
and large-scale image recognition problems common in robustness research. We demonstrated new |
state-of-the-art adaptation results with the EfficientNet-L2 model on the benchmarks ImageNet-C, |
-R, and -A, and introduced a new benchmark dataset (ImageNet-D) which remains challenging even |
after adaptation. Our theoretical analysis shows the influence of the temperature parameter in the |
self-learning loss function on the training stability and provides guidelines how to choose a suitable |
value. Self-learning universally improves test-time performance under diverse, but systematic |
distribution shifts irrespective of the architecture or pre-training method. We hope that our work |
encourages both researchers and practitioners to use self-learning if their data distribution shifts. |
**Reproducibility Statement** We attempted to make our work as reproducible as possible: We |
mostly used pre-trained models which are publicly available and we denoted the URL addresses |
of all used checkpoints; for the checkpoints that were necessary to retrain, we report the Github |
directories with the source code and used an official or verified reference implementation when |
available. We report all used hyperparameters in the Appendix and will release our code upon |
acceptance of the paper. |
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To understand the learning dynamics and properties of different loss functions and their |
hyperparameters, we propose a simple model of self-learning, both for entropy minimization and |
pseudo-labeling. |
A student network w[s] R[d] and a teacher network w[t] R[d] are trained on N data points **xi** _i=1_ |
_∈_ _∈_ _{_ _}[N]_ |
with the cross-entropy loss function L defined as |
_σt(x[⊤]i_ **[w][t][) log][ σ][s][(][x]i[⊤][w][s][) +][ σ][t][(][−][x]i[⊤][w][t][) log][ σ][s][(][−][x]i[⊤][w][s][)]** |
_L = −_ |
_ℓ(xi) =_ |
_−_ |
_i=1_ |
X |
(6) |
_i=1_ |
where σt(z) = |
1 |
1 + e[−][z/τ][t][ and][ σ][s][(][z][) =] |
1 + e[−][z/τ][s][ .] |
Here τs and τt denote the student and teacher temperature parameters. With stop gradient, student |
and teacher evolve in time according to |
**w˙** _[s]_ = **ws** **w[s], w[t][]** _,_ **w˙** _[t]_ = α(w[s] **w[t]),** (7) |
_−∇_ _L_ _−_ |
where α is the learning rate of the teacher. Without stop gradient, student and teacher are set equal |
to each other, and they evolve as |
**w˙** = **w** (w), where w[s] = w[t] = w. (8) |
_−∇_ _L_ |
We restrict the theoretical analysis to the time evolution of the components of w[s,t] in direction of |
two data points xk and xl, yk[s,t] _≡_ **x[⊤]k** **[w][s,t][ and][ y]l[s,t]** _≡_ **x[⊤]l** **[w][s,t][. All other components][ y]i[s,t]** with |
_i ̸= k, l are neglected to reduce the dimensionality of the equation system. It turns out that the_ |
resulting model captures the neural network dynamics quite well despite the drastic simplification |
of taking only two data points into account (see Figure 2). |
with stop gradient: ˙yk[s] [=][ −][x]k[⊤][∇][w][s][ (][ℓ][(][x][k][) +][ ℓ][(][x][l][))][,] _y˙l[s]_ [=][ −][x]l[⊤][∇][w][s][ (][ℓ][(][x][k][) +][ ℓ][(][x][l][))][,] |
_y˙k[t]_ [=][ α][(][y]k[t] _[−]_ _[y]k[s][)][,]_ _y˙l[t]_ [=][ α][(][y]l[t] _[−]_ _[y]l[s][)][,]_ |
without stop gradient: ˙yk = **x[⊤]k** [(][ℓ][(][x][k][) +][ ℓ][(][x][l][))][,] _y˙l =_ **x[⊤]l** [(][ℓ][(][x][k][) +][ ℓ][(][x][l][))][ .] |
_−_ _[∇][w]_ _−_ _[∇][w]_ |
(9) |
**Learning dynamics with stop gradient.** Computing the stop gradient evolution defined in |
equation 7 explicitly yields |
_N_ |
**w˙** _[s]_ = **ws** = [1] _σt(x[⊤]i_ **[w][t][)][σ][s][(][−][x]i[⊤][w][s][)][ −]** _[σ][t][(][−][x]i[⊤][w][t][)][σ][s][(][x]i[⊤][w][s][)]_ **xi** |
_−∇_ _L_ _τs_ (10) |
_i=1_ |
X |
**w˙** _[t]_ = α(w[s] _−_ **w[t])** |
The second equality uses the well-known derivative of the sigmoid function, ∂zσ(z) = σ(z)σ( _z)._ |
_−_ |
The equation system of 2d nonlinear, coupled ODEs for w[s] _∈_ R[d] and w[t] _∈_ R[d] in equation 10 is |
analytically difficult to analyze. Instead of studying the ODEs directly, we act on them with the data |
points x[⊤]k [,][ k][ = 1][, . . ., N] [, and investigate the dynamics of the components][ x]k[⊤][w][s,t][ ≡] _[y]k[s,t][:]_ |
_N_ |
_y˙k[s]_ [= 1] **x[⊤]i** **[x][k]** _σt(yi[t][)][σ][s][(][−][y]i[s][)][ −]_ _[σ][t][(][−][y]i[t][)][σ][s][(][y]i[s][)]_ |
_τs_ (11) |
_i=1_ |
X |
_y˙k[t]_ [=][ α][(][y]k[s] _[−]_ _[y]k[t]_ [)][.] |
The learning rate of each mode yk[s] [is scaled by][ (][x]k[⊤][x][i][)][ which is much larger for][ i][ =][ k][ than for][ i][ ̸][=][ k] |
in high-dimensional spaces. In the two-point approximation, we consider only the two (in absolute |
----- |
value) largest terms i = k, l for a given k in the sum in equation 11. Any changes that yk[s,t][(][t][)][ and] |
_yl[s,t][(][t][)][ might induce in other modes][ y]i[s,t][(][t][)][ are neglected, and so we are left with only four ODEs:]_ |
_y˙k[s]_ [= 1] **xk** _σt(yk[t]_ [)][σ][s][(][−][y]k[s][)][ −] _[σ][t][(][−][y]k[t]_ [)][σ][s][(][y]k[s][)] |
_τs_ _∥_ _∥[2][ ]_ |
+ [1] (x[⊤]k **[x][l][)]** _σt(yl[t][)][σ][s][(][−][y]l[s][)][ −]_ _[σ][t][(][−][y]l[t][)][σ][s][(][y]l[s][)]_ |
_τs_ |