Stable Diffusion concepts library


AI & ML interests

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Stable Diffusion Textual Inversion Concepts Library

Browse through objects and styles taught by the community to Stable Diffusion and use them in your prompts!

  • Run Stable Diffusion with all concepts pre-loaded - Navigate the public library visually and run Stable Diffusion with all the 100+ trained concepts from the library 🎨 Library Navigator UI
  • Training Colab - personalize Stable Diffusion by teaching new concepts to it with only 3-5 examples via Textual Inversion 👩‍🏫 (in the Colab you can upload them directly here to the public library)
  • Inference Colab - run Stable Diffusion with the learned concepts, one at a time 🖼️ (including those that are private or not on the library )
  • This library is moderated and content with pornography, violence or gore will be removed.