diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a6344aac8c09253b3b630fb776ae94478aa0275b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitattributes
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+*.7z filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
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+*.bz2 filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.ckpt filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.ftz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.gz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.h5 filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.joblib filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.lfs.* filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.mlmodel filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.model filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.msgpack filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.npy filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.npz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.onnx filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.ot filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.parquet filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.pb filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
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+*.pth filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.rar filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.safetensors filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+saved_model/**/* filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.tar.* filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.tar filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.tflite filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.tgz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.wasm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.xz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.zip filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.zst filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*tfevents* filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..485dee64bcfb48793379b200a1afd14e85a8aaf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3165591b4bd900bdf926ae207612954d65ebc657
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+title: Sovits New
+emoji: 😻
+colorFrom: gray
+colorTo: blue
+sdk: gradio
+sdk_version: 3.36.1
+app_file: app.py
+pinned: false
+duplicated_from: pivich/sovits-new
+Check out the configuration reference at https://huggingface.co/docs/hub/spaces-config-reference
diff --git a/app.py b/app.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f72c41308123462a345d006eccbed2ef3f1e8623
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app.py
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+import os
+import io
+import gradio as gr
+import librosa
+import numpy as np
+import logging
+import soundfile
+import torchaudio
+import asyncio
+import argparse
+import subprocess
+import gradio.processing_utils as gr_processing_utils
+limitation = os.getenv("SYSTEM") == "spaces" # limit audio length in huggingface spaces
+def unused_vc_fn(input_audio, vc_transform, voice):
+ if input_audio is None:
+ return "You need to upload an audio", None
+ sampling_rate, audio = input_audio
+ duration = audio.shape[0] / sampling_rate
+ if duration > 20 and limitation:
+ return "Please upload an audio file that is less than 20 seconds. If you need to generate a longer audio file, please use Colab.", None
+ audio = (audio / np.iinfo(audio.dtype).max).astype(np.float32)
+ if len(audio.shape) > 1:
+ audio = librosa.to_mono(audio.transpose(1, 0))
+ if sampling_rate != 16000:
+ audio = librosa.resample(audio, orig_sr=sampling_rate, target_sr=16000)
+ raw_path = io.BytesIO()
+ soundfile.write(raw_path, audio, 16000, format="wav")
+ raw_path.seek(0)
+ out_audio, out_sr = model.infer(sid, vc_transform, raw_path,
+ auto_predict_f0=True,
+ )
+ return "Success", (44100, out_audio.cpu().numpy())
+def run_inference(input_audio, speaker):
+ if input_audio is None:
+ return "You need to upload an audio", None
+ sampling_rate, audio = input_audio
+ duration = audio.shape[0] / sampling_rate
+ if duration > 20 and limitation:
+ return "Please upload an audio file that is less than 20 seconds. If you need to generate a longer audio file, please use Colab.", None
+ audio = (audio / np.iinfo(audio.dtype).max).astype(np.float32)
+ if len(audio.shape) > 1:
+ audio = librosa.to_mono(audio.transpose(1, 0))
+ if sampling_rate != 16000:
+ audio = librosa.resample(audio, orig_sr=sampling_rate, target_sr=16000)
+ #TODO edit from GUI
+ cluster_ratio = 1
+ noise_scale = 2
+ is_pitch_prediction_enabled = True
+ f0_method = "dio"
+ transpose = 0
+ model_path = f"./models/{speaker}/{speaker}.pth"
+ config_path = f"./models/{speaker}/config.json"
+ cluster_path = ""
+ raw_path = 'tmp.wav'
+ soundfile.write(raw_path, audio, 16000, format="wav")
+ inference_cmd = f"svc infer {raw_path} -m {model_path} -c {config_path} {f'-k {cluster_path} -r {cluster_ratio}' if cluster_path != '' and cluster_ratio > 0 else ''} -t {transpose} --f0-method {f0_method} -n {noise_scale} -o out.wav {'' if is_pitch_prediction_enabled else '--no-auto-predict-f0'}"
+ print(inference_cmd)
+ result = subprocess.run(
+ inference_cmd.split(),
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
+ text=True
+ )
+ audio, sr = torchaudio.load('out.wav')
+ out_audio = audio.cpu().numpy()[0]
+ print(out_audio)
+ return 'out.wav' # (sr, out_audio)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument('--device', type=str, default='cpu')
+ parser.add_argument('--api', action="store_true", default=False)
+ parser.add_argument("--share", action="store_true", default=False, help="share gradio app")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ speakers = ["chapaev", "petka", "anka", "narrator", "floppa"]
+ models = []
+ voices = []
+ # !svc infer {NAME}.wav -c config.json -m G_riri_220.pth
+ # display(Audio(f"{NAME}.out.wav", autoplay=True))
+ with gr.Blocks() as app:
+ gr.Markdown(
+ "#
Sovits Chapay\n"
+ )
+ with gr.Row():
+ with gr.Column():
+ vc_input = gr.Audio(label="Input audio"+' (less than 20 seconds)' if limitation else '')
+ speaker = gr.Dropdown(label="Speaker", choices=speakers, visible=True)
+ vc_submit = gr.Button("Generate", variant="primary")
+ with gr.Column():
+ vc_output = gr.Audio(label="Output Audio")
+ vc_submit.click(run_inference, [vc_input, speaker], [vc_output])
+ app.queue(concurrency_count=1, api_open=True).launch(show_api=True, show_error=True)
diff --git a/models/.gitkeep b/models/.gitkeep
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/models/anka/anka.pth b/models/anka/anka.pth
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2731a1190806eaec0f576f626d3df7995e0f2f7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/models/anka/anka.pth
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
+oid sha256:ef4aee974c04aa9990648b9d1f0e374270f57b9e85692b9b091e22c12eccda43
+size 548687709
diff --git a/models/anka/config.json b/models/anka/config.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..78d4a7aa4a742ec4689af83c64a4cc375e2f6387
--- /dev/null
+++ b/models/anka/config.json
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+ "train": {
+ "log_interval": 100,
+ "eval_interval": 200,
+ "seed": 1234,
+ "epochs": 10000,
+ "learning_rate": 0.0001,
+ "betas": [
+ 0.8,
+ 0.99
+ ],
+ "eps": 1e-09,
+ "batch_size": 16,
+ "fp16_run": false,
+ "bf16_run": false,
+ "lr_decay": 0.999875,
+ "segment_size": 10240,
+ "init_lr_ratio": 1,
+ "warmup_epochs": 0,
+ "c_mel": 45,
+ "c_kl": 1.0,
+ "use_sr": true,
+ "max_speclen": 512,
+ "port": "8001",
+ "keep_ckpts": 3,
+ "num_workers": 4,
+ "log_version": 0,
+ "ckpt_name_by_step": false,
+ "accumulate_grad_batches": 1
+ },
+ "data": {
+ "training_files": "filelists/44k/train.txt",
+ "validation_files": "filelists/44k/val.txt",
+ "max_wav_value": 32768.0,
+ "sampling_rate": 44100,
+ "filter_length": 2048,
+ "hop_length": 512,
+ "win_length": 2048,
+ "n_mel_channels": 80,
+ "mel_fmin": 0.0,
+ "mel_fmax": 22050,
+ "contentvec_final_proj": false
+ },
+ "model": {
+ "inter_channels": 192,
+ "hidden_channels": 192,
+ "filter_channels": 768,
+ "n_heads": 2,
+ "n_layers": 6,
+ "kernel_size": 3,
+ "p_dropout": 0.1,
+ "resblock": "1",
+ "resblock_kernel_sizes": [
+ 3,
+ 7,
+ 11
+ ],
+ "resblock_dilation_sizes": [
+ [
+ 1,
+ 3,
+ 5
+ ],
+ [
+ 1,
+ 3,
+ 5
+ ],
+ [
+ 1,
+ 3,
+ 5
+ ]
+ ],
+ "upsample_rates": [
+ 8,
+ 8,
+ 2,
+ 2,
+ 2
+ ],
+ "upsample_initial_channel": 512,
+ "upsample_kernel_sizes": [
+ 16,
+ 16,
+ 4,
+ 4,
+ 4
+ ],
+ "n_layers_q": 3,
+ "use_spectral_norm": false,
+ "gin_channels": 256,
+ "ssl_dim": 768,
+ "n_speakers": 200,
+ "type_": "hifi-gan",
+ "pretrained": {
+ "D_0.pth": "https://huggingface.co/datasets/ms903/sovits4.0-768vec-layer12/resolve/main/sovits_768l12_pre_large_320k/clean_D_320000.pth",
+ "G_0.pth": "https://huggingface.co/datasets/ms903/sovits4.0-768vec-layer12/resolve/main/sovits_768l12_pre_large_320k/clean_G_320000.pth"
+ }
+ },
+ "spk": {
+ "anka": 0
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/models/chapaev/chapaev.pth b/models/chapaev/chapaev.pth
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..73ba1d5d849642cf70c2a0286fa168d7b60d9c42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/models/chapaev/chapaev.pth
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
+oid sha256:33f2fd791a7a6dcd075a4c56fa992b8ef3ca1acc13aeeff2ef437a712e032fad
+size 548687709
diff --git a/models/chapaev/config.json b/models/chapaev/config.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dfb2311c0f0c399cdbb691829f005eff35afb56d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/models/chapaev/config.json
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+ "train": {
+ "log_interval": 100,
+ "eval_interval": 200,
+ "seed": 1234,
+ "epochs": 10000,
+ "learning_rate": 0.0001,
+ "betas": [
+ 0.8,
+ 0.99
+ ],
+ "eps": 1e-09,
+ "batch_size": 16,
+ "fp16_run": false,
+ "bf16_run": false,
+ "lr_decay": 0.999875,
+ "segment_size": 10240,
+ "init_lr_ratio": 1,
+ "warmup_epochs": 0,
+ "c_mel": 45,
+ "c_kl": 1.0,
+ "use_sr": true,
+ "max_speclen": 512,
+ "port": "8001",
+ "keep_ckpts": 3,
+ "num_workers": 4,
+ "log_version": 0,
+ "ckpt_name_by_step": false,
+ "accumulate_grad_batches": 1
+ },
+ "data": {
+ "training_files": "filelists/44k/train.txt",
+ "validation_files": "filelists/44k/val.txt",
+ "max_wav_value": 32768.0,
+ "sampling_rate": 44100,
+ "filter_length": 2048,
+ "hop_length": 512,
+ "win_length": 2048,
+ "n_mel_channels": 80,
+ "mel_fmin": 0.0,
+ "mel_fmax": 22050,
+ "contentvec_final_proj": false
+ },
+ "model": {
+ "inter_channels": 192,
+ "hidden_channels": 192,
+ "filter_channels": 768,
+ "n_heads": 2,
+ "n_layers": 6,
+ "kernel_size": 3,
+ "p_dropout": 0.1,
+ "resblock": "1",
+ "resblock_kernel_sizes": [
+ 3,
+ 7,
+ 11
+ ],
+ "resblock_dilation_sizes": [
+ [
+ 1,
+ 3,
+ 5
+ ],
+ [
+ 1,
+ 3,
+ 5
+ ],
+ [
+ 1,
+ 3,
+ 5
+ ]
+ ],
+ "upsample_rates": [
+ 8,
+ 8,
+ 2,
+ 2,
+ 2
+ ],
+ "upsample_initial_channel": 512,
+ "upsample_kernel_sizes": [
+ 16,
+ 16,
+ 4,
+ 4,
+ 4
+ ],
+ "n_layers_q": 3,
+ "use_spectral_norm": false,
+ "gin_channels": 256,
+ "ssl_dim": 768,
+ "n_speakers": 200,
+ "type_": "hifi-gan",
+ "pretrained": {
+ "D_0.pth": "https://huggingface.co/datasets/ms903/sovits4.0-768vec-layer12/resolve/main/sovits_768l12_pre_large_320k/clean_D_320000.pth",
+ "G_0.pth": "https://huggingface.co/datasets/ms903/sovits4.0-768vec-layer12/resolve/main/sovits_768l12_pre_large_320k/clean_G_320000.pth"
+ }
+ },
+ "spk": {
+ "chapaev": 0
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/models/floppa/config.json b/models/floppa/config.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..75ef6b3e6a0c754994d681b583385e43d1d63f1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/models/floppa/config.json
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+ "train": {
+ "log_interval": 100,
+ "eval_interval": 200,
+ "seed": 1234,
+ "epochs": 10000,
+ "learning_rate": 0.0001,
+ "betas": [
+ 0.8,
+ 0.99
+ ],
+ "eps": 1e-09,
+ "batch_size": 16,
+ "fp16_run": false,
+ "bf16_run": false,
+ "lr_decay": 0.999875,
+ "segment_size": 10240,
+ "init_lr_ratio": 1,
+ "warmup_epochs": 0,
+ "c_mel": 45,
+ "c_kl": 1.0,
+ "use_sr": true,
+ "max_speclen": 512,
+ "port": "8001",
+ "keep_ckpts": 3,
+ "num_workers": 4,
+ "log_version": 0,
+ "ckpt_name_by_step": false,
+ "accumulate_grad_batches": 1
+ },
+ "data": {
+ "training_files": "filelists/44k/train.txt",
+ "validation_files": "filelists/44k/val.txt",
+ "max_wav_value": 32768.0,
+ "sampling_rate": 44100,
+ "filter_length": 2048,
+ "hop_length": 512,
+ "win_length": 2048,
+ "n_mel_channels": 80,
+ "mel_fmin": 0.0,
+ "mel_fmax": 22050,
+ "contentvec_final_proj": false
+ },
+ "model": {
+ "inter_channels": 192,
+ "hidden_channels": 192,
+ "filter_channels": 768,
+ "n_heads": 2,
+ "n_layers": 6,
+ "kernel_size": 3,
+ "p_dropout": 0.1,
+ "resblock": "1",
+ "resblock_kernel_sizes": [
+ 3,
+ 7,
+ 11
+ ],
+ "resblock_dilation_sizes": [
+ [
+ 1,
+ 3,
+ 5
+ ],
+ [
+ 1,
+ 3,
+ 5
+ ],
+ [
+ 1,
+ 3,
+ 5
+ ]
+ ],
+ "upsample_rates": [
+ 8,
+ 8,
+ 2,
+ 2,
+ 2
+ ],
+ "upsample_initial_channel": 512,
+ "upsample_kernel_sizes": [
+ 16,
+ 16,
+ 4,
+ 4,
+ 4
+ ],
+ "n_layers_q": 3,
+ "use_spectral_norm": false,
+ "gin_channels": 256,
+ "ssl_dim": 768,
+ "n_speakers": 200,
+ "type_": "hifi-gan",
+ "pretrained": {
+ "D_0.pth": "https://huggingface.co/datasets/ms903/sovits4.0-768vec-layer12/resolve/main/sovits_768l12_pre_large_320k/clean_D_320000.pth",
+ "G_0.pth": "https://huggingface.co/datasets/ms903/sovits4.0-768vec-layer12/resolve/main/sovits_768l12_pre_large_320k/clean_G_320000.pth"
+ }
+ },
+ "spk": {
+ "floppa": 0
+ }
diff --git a/models/floppa/floppa.pth b/models/floppa/floppa.pth
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..776ec6013ec24daa98a1226d99a7f40a26ae9587
--- /dev/null
+++ b/models/floppa/floppa.pth
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
+oid sha256:7632553218440835f8bd563b9c02de3fe5660adea0e8a40cdb13173cbfbb7d0d
+size 548687709
diff --git a/models/narrator/config.json b/models/narrator/config.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e0777450ee1ea744db9bc2bd99545de249ae6444
--- /dev/null
+++ b/models/narrator/config.json
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+ "train": {
+ "log_interval": 100,
+ "eval_interval": 200,
+ "seed": 1234,
+ "epochs": 10000,
+ "learning_rate": 0.0001,
+ "betas": [
+ 0.8,
+ 0.99
+ ],
+ "eps": 1e-09,
+ "batch_size": 16,
+ "fp16_run": false,
+ "bf16_run": false,
+ "lr_decay": 0.999875,
+ "segment_size": 10240,
+ "init_lr_ratio": 1,
+ "warmup_epochs": 0,
+ "c_mel": 45,
+ "c_kl": 1.0,
+ "use_sr": true,
+ "max_speclen": 512,
+ "port": "8001",
+ "keep_ckpts": 3,
+ "num_workers": 4,
+ "log_version": 0,
+ "ckpt_name_by_step": false,
+ "accumulate_grad_batches": 1
+ },
+ "data": {
+ "training_files": "filelists/44k/train.txt",
+ "validation_files": "filelists/44k/val.txt",
+ "max_wav_value": 32768.0,
+ "sampling_rate": 44100,
+ "filter_length": 2048,
+ "hop_length": 512,
+ "win_length": 2048,
+ "n_mel_channels": 80,
+ "mel_fmin": 0.0,
+ "mel_fmax": 22050,
+ "contentvec_final_proj": false
+ },
+ "model": {
+ "inter_channels": 192,
+ "hidden_channels": 192,
+ "filter_channels": 768,
+ "n_heads": 2,
+ "n_layers": 6,
+ "kernel_size": 3,
+ "p_dropout": 0.1,
+ "resblock": "1",
+ "resblock_kernel_sizes": [
+ 3,
+ 7,
+ 11
+ ],
+ "resblock_dilation_sizes": [
+ [
+ 1,
+ 3,
+ 5
+ ],
+ [
+ 1,
+ 3,
+ 5
+ ],
+ [
+ 1,
+ 3,
+ 5
+ ]
+ ],
+ "upsample_rates": [
+ 8,
+ 8,
+ 2,
+ 2,
+ 2
+ ],
+ "upsample_initial_channel": 512,
+ "upsample_kernel_sizes": [
+ 16,
+ 16,
+ 4,
+ 4,
+ 4
+ ],
+ "n_layers_q": 3,
+ "use_spectral_norm": false,
+ "gin_channels": 256,
+ "ssl_dim": 768,
+ "n_speakers": 200,
+ "type_": "hifi-gan",
+ "pretrained": {
+ "D_0.pth": "https://huggingface.co/datasets/ms903/sovits4.0-768vec-layer12/resolve/main/sovits_768l12_pre_large_320k/clean_D_320000.pth",
+ "G_0.pth": "https://huggingface.co/datasets/ms903/sovits4.0-768vec-layer12/resolve/main/sovits_768l12_pre_large_320k/clean_G_320000.pth"
+ }
+ },
+ "spk": {
+ "narrator": 0
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/models/narrator/narrator.pth b/models/narrator/narrator.pth
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..604334ae8281e6706b1f3342b355a2b7d1b8c74d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/models/narrator/narrator.pth
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
+oid sha256:4fc8ac7ceac3992ba322a0729b49ddc58bee85e319f9e2697f154e5a2048d9f8
+size 548687709
diff --git a/models/petka/config.json b/models/petka/config.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..530601c396e37b5b4243de756a5cd73bc254cd91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/models/petka/config.json
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+ "train": {
+ "log_interval": 100,
+ "eval_interval": 200,
+ "seed": 1234,
+ "epochs": 10000,
+ "learning_rate": 0.0001,
+ "betas": [
+ 0.8,
+ 0.99
+ ],
+ "eps": 1e-09,
+ "batch_size": 16,
+ "fp16_run": false,
+ "bf16_run": false,
+ "lr_decay": 0.999875,
+ "segment_size": 10240,
+ "init_lr_ratio": 1,
+ "warmup_epochs": 0,
+ "c_mel": 45,
+ "c_kl": 1.0,
+ "use_sr": true,
+ "max_speclen": 512,
+ "port": "8001",
+ "keep_ckpts": 3,
+ "num_workers": 4,
+ "log_version": 0,
+ "ckpt_name_by_step": false,
+ "accumulate_grad_batches": 1
+ },
+ "data": {
+ "training_files": "filelists/44k/train.txt",
+ "validation_files": "filelists/44k/val.txt",
+ "max_wav_value": 32768.0,
+ "sampling_rate": 44100,
+ "filter_length": 2048,
+ "hop_length": 512,
+ "win_length": 2048,
+ "n_mel_channels": 80,
+ "mel_fmin": 0.0,
+ "mel_fmax": 22050,
+ "contentvec_final_proj": false
+ },
+ "model": {
+ "inter_channels": 192,
+ "hidden_channels": 192,
+ "filter_channels": 768,
+ "n_heads": 2,
+ "n_layers": 6,
+ "kernel_size": 3,
+ "p_dropout": 0.1,
+ "resblock": "1",
+ "resblock_kernel_sizes": [
+ 3,
+ 7,
+ 11
+ ],
+ "resblock_dilation_sizes": [
+ [
+ 1,
+ 3,
+ 5
+ ],
+ [
+ 1,
+ 3,
+ 5
+ ],
+ [
+ 1,
+ 3,
+ 5
+ ]
+ ],
+ "upsample_rates": [
+ 8,
+ 8,
+ 2,
+ 2,
+ 2
+ ],
+ "upsample_initial_channel": 512,
+ "upsample_kernel_sizes": [
+ 16,
+ 16,
+ 4,
+ 4,
+ 4
+ ],
+ "n_layers_q": 3,
+ "use_spectral_norm": false,
+ "gin_channels": 256,
+ "ssl_dim": 768,
+ "n_speakers": 200,
+ "type_": "hifi-gan",
+ "pretrained": {
+ "D_0.pth": "https://huggingface.co/datasets/ms903/sovits4.0-768vec-layer12/resolve/main/sovits_768l12_pre_large_320k/clean_D_320000.pth",
+ "G_0.pth": "https://huggingface.co/datasets/ms903/sovits4.0-768vec-layer12/resolve/main/sovits_768l12_pre_large_320k/clean_G_320000.pth"
+ }
+ },
+ "spk": {
+ "petka": 0
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/models/petka/petka.pth b/models/petka/petka.pth
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d005953e93e123f0e886bb5e4e97b3f0cc9566ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/models/petka/petka.pth
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
+oid sha256:7e2a112117ad6902b6d40b9d171f575be47b477fa43dc600973666a504694319
+size 548687709
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f84e4e7b2f1443780cb7f7ece11524a5f403139b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
diff --git a/so_vits_svc_fork/__init__.py b/so_vits_svc_fork/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b5b8a591b7d2cd30f45b76bbd08fbc811ba87a2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/so_vits_svc_fork/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+__version__ = "4.1.1"
+from .logger import init_logger
diff --git a/so_vits_svc_fork/__main__.py b/so_vits_svc_fork/__main__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..813384e2c000849aa3b6bc9d88b5930fb71e84d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/so_vits_svc_fork/__main__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,917 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+import os
+from logging import getLogger
+from multiprocessing import freeze_support
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Literal
+import click
+import torch
+from so_vits_svc_fork import __version__
+from so_vits_svc_fork.utils import get_optimal_device
+LOG = getLogger(__name__)
+IS_TEST = "test" in Path(__file__).parent.stem
+if IS_TEST:
+ LOG.debug("Test mode is on.")
+class RichHelpFormatter(click.HelpFormatter):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ indent_increment: int = 2,
+ width: int | None = None,
+ max_width: int | None = None,
+ ) -> None:
+ width = 100
+ super().__init__(indent_increment, width, max_width)
+ LOG.info(f"Version: {__version__}")
+def patch_wrap_text():
+ orig_wrap_text = click.formatting.wrap_text
+ def wrap_text(
+ text,
+ width=78,
+ initial_indent="",
+ subsequent_indent="",
+ preserve_paragraphs=False,
+ ):
+ return orig_wrap_text(
+ text.replace("\n", "\n\n"),
+ width=width,
+ initial_indent=initial_indent,
+ subsequent_indent=subsequent_indent,
+ preserve_paragraphs=True,
+ ).replace("\n\n", "\n")
+ click.formatting.wrap_text = wrap_text
+CONTEXT_SETTINGS = dict(help_option_names=["-h", "--help"], show_default=True)
+click.Context.formatter_class = RichHelpFormatter
+def cli():
+ """so-vits-svc allows any folder structure for training data.
+ However, the following folder structure is recommended.\n
+ When training: dataset_raw/{speaker_name}/**/{wav_name}.{any_format}\n
+ When inference: configs/44k/config.json, logs/44k/G_XXXX.pth\n
+ If the folder structure is followed, you DO NOT NEED TO SPECIFY model path, config path, etc.
+ (The latest model will be automatically loaded.)\n
+ To train a model, run pre-resample, pre-config, pre-hubert, train.\n
+ To infer a model, run infer.
+ """
+ "-c",
+ "--config-path",
+ type=click.Path(exists=True),
+ help="path to config",
+ default=Path("./configs/44k/config.json"),
+ "-m",
+ "--model-path",
+ type=click.Path(),
+ help="path to output dir",
+ default=Path("./logs/44k"),
+ "-t/-nt",
+ "--tensorboard/--no-tensorboard",
+ default=False,
+ type=bool,
+ help="launch tensorboard",
+ "-r",
+ "--reset-optimizer",
+ default=False,
+ type=bool,
+ help="reset optimizer",
+ is_flag=True,
+def train(
+ config_path: Path,
+ model_path: Path,
+ tensorboard: bool = False,
+ reset_optimizer: bool = False,
+ """Train model
+ If D_0.pth or G_0.pth not found, automatically download from hub."""
+ from .train import train
+ config_path = Path(config_path)
+ model_path = Path(model_path)
+ if tensorboard:
+ import webbrowser
+ from tensorboard import program
+ getLogger("tensorboard").setLevel(30)
+ tb = program.TensorBoard()
+ tb.configure(argv=[None, "--logdir", model_path.as_posix()])
+ url = tb.launch()
+ webbrowser.open(url)
+ train(
+ config_path=config_path, model_path=model_path, reset_optimizer=reset_optimizer
+ )
+def gui():
+ """Opens GUI
+ for conversion and realtime inference"""
+ from .gui import main
+ main()
+ "input-path",
+ type=click.Path(exists=True),
+ "-o",
+ "--output-path",
+ type=click.Path(),
+ help="path to output dir",
+@click.option("-s", "--speaker", type=str, default=None, help="speaker name")
+ "-m",
+ "--model-path",
+ type=click.Path(exists=True),
+ default=Path("./logs/44k/"),
+ help="path to model",
+ "-c",
+ "--config-path",
+ type=click.Path(exists=True),
+ default=Path("./configs/44k/config.json"),
+ help="path to config",
+ "-k",
+ "--cluster-model-path",
+ type=click.Path(exists=True),
+ default=None,
+ help="path to cluster model",
+ "-re",
+ "--recursive",
+ type=bool,
+ default=False,
+ help="Search recursively",
+ is_flag=True,
+@click.option("-t", "--transpose", type=int, default=0, help="transpose")
+ "-db", "--db-thresh", type=int, default=-20, help="threshold (DB) (RELATIVE)"
+ "-fm",
+ "--f0-method",
+ type=click.Choice(["crepe", "crepe-tiny", "parselmouth", "dio", "harvest"]),
+ default="dio",
+ help="f0 prediction method",
+ "-a/-na",
+ "--auto-predict-f0/--no-auto-predict-f0",
+ type=bool,
+ default=True,
+ help="auto predict f0",
+ "-r", "--cluster-infer-ratio", type=float, default=0, help="cluster infer ratio"
+@click.option("-n", "--noise-scale", type=float, default=0.4, help="noise scale")
+@click.option("-p", "--pad-seconds", type=float, default=0.5, help="pad seconds")
+ "-d",
+ "--device",
+ type=str,
+ default=get_optimal_device(),
+ help="device",
+@click.option("-ch", "--chunk-seconds", type=float, default=0.5, help="chunk seconds")
+ "-ab/-nab",
+ "--absolute-thresh/--no-absolute-thresh",
+ type=bool,
+ default=False,
+ help="absolute thresh",
+ "-mc",
+ "--max-chunk-seconds",
+ type=float,
+ default=40,
+ help="maximum allowed single chunk length, set lower if you get out of memory (0 to disable)",
+def infer(
+ # paths
+ input_path: Path,
+ output_path: Path,
+ model_path: Path,
+ config_path: Path,
+ recursive: bool,
+ # svc config
+ speaker: str,
+ cluster_model_path: Path | None = None,
+ transpose: int = 0,
+ auto_predict_f0: bool = False,
+ cluster_infer_ratio: float = 0,
+ noise_scale: float = 0.4,
+ f0_method: Literal["crepe", "crepe-tiny", "parselmouth", "dio", "harvest"] = "dio",
+ # slice config
+ db_thresh: int = -40,
+ pad_seconds: float = 0.5,
+ chunk_seconds: float = 0.5,
+ absolute_thresh: bool = False,
+ max_chunk_seconds: float = 40,
+ device: str | torch.device = get_optimal_device(),
+ """Inference"""
+ from so_vits_svc_fork.inference.main import infer
+ if not auto_predict_f0:
+ LOG.warning(
+ f"auto_predict_f0 = False, transpose = {transpose}. If you want to change the pitch, please set transpose."
+ "Generally transpose = 0 does not work because your voice pitch and target voice pitch are different."
+ )
+ input_path = Path(input_path)
+ if output_path is None:
+ output_path = input_path.parent / f"{input_path.stem}.out{input_path.suffix}"
+ output_path = Path(output_path)
+ if input_path.is_dir() and not recursive:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "input_path is a directory. Use 0re or --recursive to infer recursively."
+ )
+ model_path = Path(model_path)
+ if model_path.is_dir():
+ model_path = list(
+ sorted(model_path.glob("G_*.pth"), key=lambda x: x.stat().st_mtime)
+ )[-1]
+ LOG.info(f"Since model_path is a directory, use {model_path}")
+ config_path = Path(config_path)
+ if cluster_model_path is not None:
+ cluster_model_path = Path(cluster_model_path)
+ infer(
+ # paths
+ input_path=input_path,
+ output_path=output_path,
+ model_path=model_path,
+ config_path=config_path,
+ recursive=recursive,
+ # svc config
+ speaker=speaker,
+ cluster_model_path=cluster_model_path,
+ transpose=transpose,
+ auto_predict_f0=auto_predict_f0,
+ cluster_infer_ratio=cluster_infer_ratio,
+ noise_scale=noise_scale,
+ f0_method=f0_method,
+ # slice config
+ db_thresh=db_thresh,
+ pad_seconds=pad_seconds,
+ chunk_seconds=chunk_seconds,
+ absolute_thresh=absolute_thresh,
+ max_chunk_seconds=max_chunk_seconds,
+ device=device,
+ )
+ "-m",
+ "--model-path",
+ type=click.Path(exists=True),
+ default=Path("./logs/44k/"),
+ help="path to model",
+ "-c",
+ "--config-path",
+ type=click.Path(exists=True),
+ default=Path("./configs/44k/config.json"),
+ help="path to config",
+ "-k",
+ "--cluster-model-path",
+ type=click.Path(exists=True),
+ default=None,
+ help="path to cluster model",
+@click.option("-t", "--transpose", type=int, default=12, help="transpose")
+ "-a/-na",
+ "--auto-predict-f0/--no-auto-predict-f0",
+ type=bool,
+ default=True,
+ help="auto predict f0 (not recommended for realtime since voice pitch will not be stable)",
+ "-r", "--cluster-infer-ratio", type=float, default=0, help="cluster infer ratio"
+@click.option("-n", "--noise-scale", type=float, default=0.4, help="noise scale")
+ "-db", "--db-thresh", type=int, default=-30, help="threshold (DB) (ABSOLUTE)"
+ "-fm",
+ "--f0-method",
+ type=click.Choice(["crepe", "crepe-tiny", "parselmouth", "dio", "harvest"]),
+ default="dio",
+ help="f0 prediction method",
+@click.option("-p", "--pad-seconds", type=float, default=0.02, help="pad seconds")
+@click.option("-ch", "--chunk-seconds", type=float, default=0.5, help="chunk seconds")
+ "-cr",
+ "--crossfade-seconds",
+ type=float,
+ default=0.01,
+ help="crossfade seconds",
+ "-ab",
+ "--additional-infer-before-seconds",
+ type=float,
+ default=0.2,
+ help="additional infer before seconds",
+ "-aa",
+ "--additional-infer-after-seconds",
+ type=float,
+ default=0.1,
+ help="additional infer after seconds",
+@click.option("-b", "--block-seconds", type=float, default=0.5, help="block seconds")
+ "-d",
+ "--device",
+ type=str,
+ default=get_optimal_device(),
+ help="device",
+@click.option("-s", "--speaker", type=str, default=None, help="speaker name")
+@click.option("-v", "--version", type=int, default=2, help="version")
+@click.option("-i", "--input-device", type=int, default=None, help="input device")
+@click.option("-o", "--output-device", type=int, default=None, help="output device")
+ "-po",
+ "--passthrough-original",
+ type=bool,
+ default=False,
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="passthrough original (for latency check)",
+def vc(
+ # paths
+ model_path: Path,
+ config_path: Path,
+ # svc config
+ speaker: str,
+ cluster_model_path: Path | None,
+ transpose: int,
+ auto_predict_f0: bool,
+ cluster_infer_ratio: float,
+ noise_scale: float,
+ f0_method: Literal["crepe", "crepe-tiny", "parselmouth", "dio", "harvest"],
+ # slice config
+ db_thresh: int,
+ pad_seconds: float,
+ chunk_seconds: float,
+ # realtime config
+ crossfade_seconds: float,
+ additional_infer_before_seconds: float,
+ additional_infer_after_seconds: float,
+ block_seconds: float,
+ version: int,
+ input_device: int | str | None,
+ output_device: int | str | None,
+ device: torch.device,
+ passthrough_original: bool = False,
+) -> None:
+ """Realtime inference from microphone"""
+ from so_vits_svc_fork.inference.main import realtime
+ if auto_predict_f0:
+ LOG.warning(
+ "auto_predict_f0 = True in realtime inference will cause unstable voice pitch, use with caution"
+ )
+ else:
+ LOG.warning(
+ f"auto_predict_f0 = False, transpose = {transpose}. If you want to change the pitch, please change the transpose value."
+ "Generally transpose = 0 does not work because your voice pitch and target voice pitch are different."
+ )
+ model_path = Path(model_path)
+ config_path = Path(config_path)
+ if cluster_model_path is not None:
+ cluster_model_path = Path(cluster_model_path)
+ if model_path.is_dir():
+ model_path = list(
+ sorted(model_path.glob("G_*.pth"), key=lambda x: x.stat().st_mtime)
+ )[-1]
+ LOG.info(f"Since model_path is a directory, use {model_path}")
+ realtime(
+ # paths
+ model_path=model_path,
+ config_path=config_path,
+ # svc config
+ speaker=speaker,
+ cluster_model_path=cluster_model_path,
+ transpose=transpose,
+ auto_predict_f0=auto_predict_f0,
+ cluster_infer_ratio=cluster_infer_ratio,
+ noise_scale=noise_scale,
+ f0_method=f0_method,
+ # slice config
+ db_thresh=db_thresh,
+ pad_seconds=pad_seconds,
+ chunk_seconds=chunk_seconds,
+ # realtime config
+ crossfade_seconds=crossfade_seconds,
+ additional_infer_before_seconds=additional_infer_before_seconds,
+ additional_infer_after_seconds=additional_infer_after_seconds,
+ block_seconds=block_seconds,
+ version=version,
+ input_device=input_device,
+ output_device=output_device,
+ device=device,
+ passthrough_original=passthrough_original,
+ )
+ "-i",
+ "--input-dir",
+ type=click.Path(exists=True),
+ default=Path("./dataset_raw"),
+ help="path to source dir",
+ "-o",
+ "--output-dir",
+ type=click.Path(),
+ default=Path("./dataset/44k"),
+ help="path to output dir",
+@click.option("-s", "--sampling-rate", type=int, default=44100, help="sampling rate")
+ "-n",
+ "--n-jobs",
+ type=int,
+ default=-1,
+ help="number of jobs (optimal value may depend on your RAM capacity and audio duration per file)",
+@click.option("-d", "--top-db", type=float, default=30, help="top db")
+@click.option("-f", "--frame-seconds", type=float, default=1, help="frame seconds")
+ "-ho", "-hop", "--hop-seconds", type=float, default=0.3, help="hop seconds"
+def pre_resample(
+ input_dir: Path,
+ output_dir: Path,
+ sampling_rate: int,
+ n_jobs: int,
+ top_db: int,
+ frame_seconds: float,
+ hop_seconds: float,
+) -> None:
+ """Preprocessing part 1: resample"""
+ from so_vits_svc_fork.preprocessing.preprocess_resample import preprocess_resample
+ input_dir = Path(input_dir)
+ output_dir = Path(output_dir)
+ preprocess_resample(
+ input_dir=input_dir,
+ output_dir=output_dir,
+ sampling_rate=sampling_rate,
+ n_jobs=n_jobs,
+ top_db=top_db,
+ frame_seconds=frame_seconds,
+ hop_seconds=hop_seconds,
+ )
+from so_vits_svc_fork.preprocessing.preprocess_flist_config import CONFIG_TEMPLATE_DIR
+ "-i",
+ "--input-dir",
+ type=click.Path(exists=True),
+ default=Path("./dataset/44k"),
+ help="path to source dir",
+ "-f",
+ "--filelist-path",
+ type=click.Path(),
+ default=Path("./filelists/44k"),
+ help="path to filelist dir",
+ "-c",
+ "--config-path",
+ type=click.Path(),
+ default=Path("./configs/44k/config.json"),
+ help="path to config",
+ "-t",
+ "--config-type",
+ type=click.Choice([x.stem for x in CONFIG_TEMPLATE_DIR.rglob("*.json")]),
+ default="so-vits-svc-4.0v1",
+ help="config type",
+def pre_config(
+ input_dir: Path,
+ filelist_path: Path,
+ config_path: Path,
+ config_type: str,
+ """Preprocessing part 2: config"""
+ from so_vits_svc_fork.preprocessing.preprocess_flist_config import preprocess_config
+ input_dir = Path(input_dir)
+ filelist_path = Path(filelist_path)
+ config_path = Path(config_path)
+ preprocess_config(
+ input_dir=input_dir,
+ train_list_path=filelist_path / "train.txt",
+ val_list_path=filelist_path / "val.txt",
+ test_list_path=filelist_path / "test.txt",
+ config_path=config_path,
+ config_name=config_type,
+ )
+ "-i",
+ "--input-dir",
+ type=click.Path(exists=True),
+ default=Path("./dataset/44k"),
+ help="path to source dir",
+ "-c",
+ "--config-path",
+ type=click.Path(exists=True),
+ help="path to config",
+ default=Path("./configs/44k/config.json"),
+ "-n",
+ "--n-jobs",
+ type=int,
+ default=None,
+ help="number of jobs (optimal value may depend on your VRAM capacity and audio duration per file)",
+ "-f/-nf",
+ "--force-rebuild/--no-force-rebuild",
+ type=bool,
+ default=True,
+ help="force rebuild existing preprocessed files",
+ "-fm",
+ "--f0-method",
+ type=click.Choice(["crepe", "crepe-tiny", "parselmouth", "dio", "harvest"]),
+ default="dio",
+def pre_hubert(
+ input_dir: Path,
+ config_path: Path,
+ n_jobs: bool,
+ force_rebuild: bool,
+ f0_method: Literal["crepe", "crepe-tiny", "parselmouth", "dio", "harvest"],
+) -> None:
+ """Preprocessing part 3: hubert
+ If the HuBERT model is not found, it will be downloaded automatically."""
+ from so_vits_svc_fork.preprocessing.preprocess_hubert_f0 import preprocess_hubert_f0
+ input_dir = Path(input_dir)
+ config_path = Path(config_path)
+ preprocess_hubert_f0(
+ input_dir=input_dir,
+ config_path=config_path,
+ n_jobs=n_jobs,
+ force_rebuild=force_rebuild,
+ f0_method=f0_method,
+ )
+ "-i",
+ "--input-dir",
+ type=click.Path(exists=True),
+ default=Path("./dataset_raw_raw/"),
+ help="path to source dir",
+ "-o",
+ "--output-dir",
+ type=click.Path(),
+ default=Path("./dataset_raw/"),
+ help="path to output dir",
+ "-n",
+ "--n-jobs",
+ type=int,
+ default=-1,
+ help="number of jobs (optimal value may depend on your VRAM capacity and audio duration per file)",
+@click.option("-min", "--min-speakers", type=int, default=2, help="min speakers")
+@click.option("-max", "--max-speakers", type=int, default=2, help="max speakers")
+ "-t", "--huggingface-token", type=str, default=None, help="huggingface token"
+@click.option("-s", "--sr", type=int, default=44100, help="sampling rate")
+def pre_sd(
+ input_dir: Path | str,
+ output_dir: Path | str,
+ min_speakers: int,
+ max_speakers: int,
+ huggingface_token: str | None,
+ n_jobs: int,
+ sr: int,
+ """Speech diarization using pyannote.audio"""
+ if huggingface_token is None:
+ huggingface_token = os.environ.get("HUGGINGFACE_TOKEN", None)
+ if huggingface_token is None:
+ huggingface_token = click.prompt(
+ "Please enter your HuggingFace token", hide_input=True
+ )
+ if os.environ.get("HUGGINGFACE_TOKEN", None) is None:
+ LOG.info("You can also set the HUGGINGFACE_TOKEN environment variable.")
+ assert huggingface_token is not None
+ huggingface_token = huggingface_token.rstrip(" \n\r\t\0")
+ if len(huggingface_token) <= 1:
+ raise ValueError("HuggingFace token is empty: " + huggingface_token)
+ if max_speakers == 1:
+ LOG.warning("Consider using pre-split if max_speakers == 1")
+ from so_vits_svc_fork.preprocessing.preprocess_speaker_diarization import (
+ preprocess_speaker_diarization,
+ )
+ preprocess_speaker_diarization(
+ input_dir=input_dir,
+ output_dir=output_dir,
+ min_speakers=min_speakers,
+ max_speakers=max_speakers,
+ huggingface_token=huggingface_token,
+ n_jobs=n_jobs,
+ sr=sr,
+ )
+ "-i",
+ "--input-dir",
+ type=click.Path(exists=True),
+ default=Path("./dataset_raw_raw/"),
+ help="path to source dir",
+ "-o",
+ "--output-dir",
+ type=click.Path(),
+ default=Path("./dataset_raw/"),
+ help="path to output dir",
+ "-n",
+ "--n-jobs",
+ type=int,
+ default=-1,
+ help="number of jobs (optimal value may depend on your RAM capacity and audio duration per file)",
+ "-l",
+ "--max-length",
+ type=float,
+ default=10,
+ help="max length of each split in seconds",
+@click.option("-d", "--top-db", type=float, default=30, help="top db")
+@click.option("-f", "--frame-seconds", type=float, default=1, help="frame seconds")
+ "-ho", "-hop", "--hop-seconds", type=float, default=0.3, help="hop seconds"
+@click.option("-s", "--sr", type=int, default=44100, help="sample rate")
+def pre_split(
+ input_dir: Path | str,
+ output_dir: Path | str,
+ max_length: float,
+ top_db: int,
+ frame_seconds: float,
+ hop_seconds: float,
+ n_jobs: int,
+ sr: int,
+ """Split audio files into multiple files"""
+ from so_vits_svc_fork.preprocessing.preprocess_split import preprocess_split
+ preprocess_split(
+ input_dir=input_dir,
+ output_dir=output_dir,
+ max_length=max_length,
+ top_db=top_db,
+ frame_seconds=frame_seconds,
+ hop_seconds=hop_seconds,
+ n_jobs=n_jobs,
+ sr=sr,
+ )
+ "-i",
+ "--input-dir",
+ type=click.Path(exists=True),
+ required=True,
+ help="path to source dir",
+ "-o",
+ "--output-dir",
+ type=click.Path(),
+ default=None,
+ help="path to output dir",
+ "-c/-nc",
+ "--create-new/--no-create-new",
+ type=bool,
+ default=True,
+ help="create a new folder for the speaker if not exist",
+def pre_classify(
+ input_dir: Path | str,
+ output_dir: Path | str | None,
+ create_new: bool,
+) -> None:
+ """Classify multiple audio files into multiple files"""
+ from so_vits_svc_fork.preprocessing.preprocess_classify import preprocess_classify
+ if output_dir is None:
+ output_dir = input_dir
+ preprocess_classify(
+ input_dir=input_dir,
+ output_dir=output_dir,
+ create_new=create_new,
+ )
+def clean():
+ """Clean up files, only useful if you are using the default file structure"""
+ import shutil
+ folders = ["dataset", "filelists", "logs"]
+ # if pyip.inputYesNo(f"Are you sure you want to delete files in {folders}?") == "yes":
+ if input("Are you sure you want to delete files in {folders}?") in ["yes", "y"]:
+ for folder in folders:
+ if Path(folder).exists():
+ shutil.rmtree(folder)
+ LOG.info("Cleaned up files")
+ else:
+ LOG.info("Aborted")
+ "-i",
+ "--input-path",
+ type=click.Path(exists=True),
+ help="model path",
+ default=Path("./logs/44k/"),
+ "-o",
+ "--output-path",
+ type=click.Path(),
+ help="onnx model path to save",
+ default=None,
+ "-c",
+ "--config-path",
+ type=click.Path(),
+ help="config path",
+ default=Path("./configs/44k/config.json"),
+ "-d",
+ "--device",
+ type=str,
+ default="cpu",
+ help="device to use",
+def onnx(
+ input_path: Path, output_path: Path, config_path: Path, device: torch.device | str
+) -> None:
+ """Export model to onnx (currently not working)"""
+ raise NotImplementedError("ONNX export is not yet supported")
+ input_path = Path(input_path)
+ if input_path.is_dir():
+ input_path = list(input_path.glob("*.pth"))[0]
+ if output_path is None:
+ output_path = input_path.with_suffix(".onnx")
+ output_path = Path(output_path)
+ if output_path.is_dir():
+ output_path = output_path / (input_path.stem + ".onnx")
+ config_path = Path(config_path)
+ device_ = torch.device(device)
+ from so_vits_svc_fork.modules.onnx._export import onnx_export
+ onnx_export(
+ input_path=input_path,
+ output_path=output_path,
+ config_path=config_path,
+ device=device_,
+ )
+ "-i",
+ "--input-dir",
+ type=click.Path(exists=True),
+ help="dataset directory",
+ default=Path("./dataset/44k"),
+ "-o",
+ "--output-path",
+ type=click.Path(),
+ help="model path to save",
+ default=Path("./logs/44k/kmeans.pt"),
+@click.option("-n", "--n-clusters", type=int, help="number of clusters", default=2000)
+ "-m/-nm", "--minibatch/--no-minibatch", default=True, help="use minibatch k-means"
+ "-b", "--batch-size", type=int, default=4096, help="batch size for minibatch kmeans"
+ "-p/-np", "--partial-fit", default=False, help="use partial fit (only use with -m)"
+def train_cluster(
+ input_dir: Path,
+ output_path: Path,
+ n_clusters: int,
+ minibatch: bool,
+ batch_size: int,
+ partial_fit: bool,
+) -> None:
+ """Train k-means clustering"""
+ from .cluster.train_cluster import main
+ main(
+ input_dir=input_dir,
+ output_path=output_path,
+ n_clusters=n_clusters,
+ verbose=True,
+ use_minibatch=minibatch,
+ batch_size=batch_size,
+ partial_fit=partial_fit,
+ )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ freeze_support()
+ cli()
diff --git a/so_vits_svc_fork/cluster/__init__.py b/so_vits_svc_fork/cluster/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9155223724ccb281d9064dd557d073fc74404dd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/so_vits_svc_fork/cluster/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Any
+import torch
+from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
+def get_cluster_model(ckpt_path: Path | str):
+ with Path(ckpt_path).open("rb") as f:
+ checkpoint = torch.load(
+ f, map_location="cpu"
+ ) # Danger of arbitrary code execution
+ kmeans_dict = {}
+ for spk, ckpt in checkpoint.items():
+ km = KMeans(ckpt["n_features_in_"])
+ km.__dict__["n_features_in_"] = ckpt["n_features_in_"]
+ km.__dict__["_n_threads"] = ckpt["_n_threads"]
+ km.__dict__["cluster_centers_"] = ckpt["cluster_centers_"]
+ kmeans_dict[spk] = km
+ return kmeans_dict
+def check_speaker(model: Any, speaker: Any):
+ if speaker not in model:
+ raise ValueError(f"Speaker {speaker} not in {list(model.keys())}")
+def get_cluster_result(model: Any, x: Any, speaker: Any):
+ """
+ x: np.array [t, 256]
+ return cluster class result
+ """
+ check_speaker(model, speaker)
+ return model[speaker].predict(x)
+def get_cluster_center_result(model: Any, x: Any, speaker: Any):
+ """x: np.array [t, 256]"""
+ check_speaker(model, speaker)
+ predict = model[speaker].predict(x)
+ return model[speaker].cluster_centers_[predict]
+def get_center(model: Any, x: Any, speaker: Any):
+ check_speaker(model, speaker)
+ return model[speaker].cluster_centers_[x]
diff --git a/so_vits_svc_fork/cluster/train_cluster.py b/so_vits_svc_fork/cluster/train_cluster.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0a7dcb4c8f60af0be6d62a88145fae236feecbe1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/so_vits_svc_fork/cluster/train_cluster.py
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+import math
+from logging import getLogger
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Any
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+from cm_time import timer
+from joblib import Parallel, delayed
+from sklearn.cluster import KMeans, MiniBatchKMeans
+from tqdm_joblib import tqdm_joblib
+LOG = getLogger(__name__)
+def train_cluster(
+ input_dir: Path | str,
+ n_clusters: int,
+ use_minibatch: bool = True,
+ batch_size: int = 4096,
+ partial_fit: bool = False,
+ verbose: bool = False,
+) -> dict:
+ input_dir = Path(input_dir)
+ if not partial_fit:
+ LOG.info(f"Loading features from {input_dir}")
+ features = []
+ for path in input_dir.rglob("*.data.pt"):
+ with path.open("rb") as f:
+ features.append(
+ torch.load(f, weights_only=True)["content"].squeeze(0).numpy().T
+ )
+ if not features:
+ raise ValueError(f"No features found in {input_dir}")
+ features = np.concatenate(features, axis=0).astype(np.float32)
+ if features.shape[0] < n_clusters:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Too few HuBERT features to cluster. Consider using a smaller number of clusters."
+ )
+ LOG.info(
+ f"shape: {features.shape}, size: {features.nbytes/1024**2:.2f} MB, dtype: {features.dtype}"
+ )
+ with timer() as t:
+ if use_minibatch:
+ kmeans = MiniBatchKMeans(
+ n_clusters=n_clusters,
+ verbose=verbose,
+ batch_size=batch_size,
+ max_iter=80,
+ n_init="auto",
+ ).fit(features)
+ else:
+ kmeans = KMeans(
+ n_clusters=n_clusters, verbose=verbose, n_init="auto"
+ ).fit(features)
+ LOG.info(f"Clustering took {t.elapsed:.2f} seconds")
+ x = {
+ "n_features_in_": kmeans.n_features_in_,
+ "_n_threads": kmeans._n_threads,
+ "cluster_centers_": kmeans.cluster_centers_,
+ }
+ return x
+ else:
+ # minibatch partial fit
+ paths = list(input_dir.rglob("*.data.pt"))
+ if len(paths) == 0:
+ raise ValueError(f"No features found in {input_dir}")
+ LOG.info(f"Found {len(paths)} features in {input_dir}")
+ n_batches = math.ceil(len(paths) / batch_size)
+ LOG.info(f"Splitting into {n_batches} batches")
+ with timer() as t:
+ kmeans = MiniBatchKMeans(
+ n_clusters=n_clusters,
+ verbose=verbose,
+ batch_size=batch_size,
+ max_iter=80,
+ n_init="auto",
+ )
+ for i in range(0, len(paths), batch_size):
+ LOG.info(
+ f"Processing batch {i//batch_size+1}/{n_batches} for speaker {input_dir.stem}"
+ )
+ features = []
+ for path in paths[i : i + batch_size]:
+ with path.open("rb") as f:
+ features.append(
+ torch.load(f, weights_only=True)["content"]
+ .squeeze(0)
+ .numpy()
+ .T
+ )
+ features = np.concatenate(features, axis=0).astype(np.float32)
+ kmeans.partial_fit(features)
+ LOG.info(f"Clustering took {t.elapsed:.2f} seconds")
+ x = {
+ "n_features_in_": kmeans.n_features_in_,
+ "_n_threads": kmeans._n_threads,
+ "cluster_centers_": kmeans.cluster_centers_,
+ }
+ return x
+def main(
+ input_dir: Path | str,
+ output_path: Path | str,
+ n_clusters: int = 10000,
+ use_minibatch: bool = True,
+ batch_size: int = 4096,
+ partial_fit: bool = False,
+ verbose: bool = False,
+) -> None:
+ input_dir = Path(input_dir)
+ output_path = Path(output_path)
+ if not (use_minibatch or not partial_fit):
+ raise ValueError("partial_fit requires use_minibatch")
+ def train_cluster_(input_path: Path, **kwargs: Any) -> tuple[str, dict]:
+ return input_path.stem, train_cluster(input_path, **kwargs)
+ with tqdm_joblib(desc="Training clusters", total=len(list(input_dir.iterdir()))):
+ parallel_result = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(
+ delayed(train_cluster_)(
+ speaker_name,
+ n_clusters=n_clusters,
+ use_minibatch=use_minibatch,
+ batch_size=batch_size,
+ partial_fit=partial_fit,
+ verbose=verbose,
+ )
+ for speaker_name in input_dir.iterdir()
+ )
+ assert parallel_result is not None
+ checkpoint = dict(parallel_result)
+ output_path.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
+ with output_path.open("wb") as f:
+ torch.save(checkpoint, f)
diff --git a/so_vits_svc_fork/dataset.py b/so_vits_svc_fork/dataset.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f28f57bf246c5ad1e43514a2c5533c053c97dd11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/so_vits_svc_fork/dataset.py
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+from pathlib import Path
+from random import Random
+from typing import Sequence
+import torch
+import torch.nn as nn
+import torch.nn.functional as F
+from torch.utils.data import Dataset
+from .hparams import HParams
+class TextAudioDataset(Dataset):
+ def __init__(self, hps: HParams, is_validation: bool = False):
+ self.datapaths = [
+ Path(x).parent / (Path(x).name + ".data.pt")
+ for x in Path(
+ hps.data.validation_files if is_validation else hps.data.training_files
+ )
+ .read_text("utf-8")
+ .splitlines()
+ ]
+ self.hps = hps
+ self.random = Random(hps.train.seed)
+ self.random.shuffle(self.datapaths)
+ self.max_spec_len = 800
+ def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> dict[str, torch.Tensor]:
+ with Path(self.datapaths[index]).open("rb") as f:
+ data = torch.load(f, weights_only=True, map_location="cpu")
+ # cut long data randomly
+ spec_len = data["mel_spec"].shape[1]
+ hop_len = self.hps.data.hop_length
+ if spec_len > self.max_spec_len:
+ start = self.random.randint(0, spec_len - self.max_spec_len)
+ end = start + self.max_spec_len - 10
+ for key in data.keys():
+ if key == "audio":
+ data[key] = data[key][:, start * hop_len : end * hop_len]
+ elif key == "spk":
+ continue
+ else:
+ data[key] = data[key][..., start:end]
+ torch.cuda.empty_cache()
+ return data
+ def __len__(self) -> int:
+ return len(self.datapaths)
+def _pad_stack(array: Sequence[torch.Tensor]) -> torch.Tensor:
+ max_idx = torch.argmax(torch.tensor([x_.shape[-1] for x_ in array]))
+ max_x = array[max_idx]
+ x_padded = [
+ F.pad(x_, (0, max_x.shape[-1] - x_.shape[-1]), mode="constant", value=0)
+ for x_ in array
+ ]
+ return torch.stack(x_padded)
+class TextAudioCollate(nn.Module):
+ def forward(
+ self, batch: Sequence[dict[str, torch.Tensor]]
+ ) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, ...]:
+ batch = [b for b in batch if b is not None]
+ batch = list(sorted(batch, key=lambda x: x["mel_spec"].shape[1], reverse=True))
+ lengths = torch.tensor([b["mel_spec"].shape[1] for b in batch]).long()
+ results = {}
+ for key in batch[0].keys():
+ if key not in ["spk"]:
+ results[key] = _pad_stack([b[key] for b in batch]).cpu()
+ else:
+ results[key] = torch.tensor([[b[key]] for b in batch]).cpu()
+ return (
+ results["content"],
+ results["f0"],
+ results["spec"],
+ results["mel_spec"],
+ results["audio"],
+ results["spk"],
+ lengths,
+ results["uv"],
+ )
diff --git a/so_vits_svc_fork/default_gui_presets.json b/so_vits_svc_fork/default_gui_presets.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b651042a4a43dab3d74f222261a4441a6eb12697
--- /dev/null
+++ b/so_vits_svc_fork/default_gui_presets.json
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+ "Default VC (GPU, GTX 1060)": {
+ "silence_threshold": -35.0,
+ "transpose": 12.0,
+ "auto_predict_f0": false,
+ "f0_method": "dio",
+ "cluster_infer_ratio": 0.0,
+ "noise_scale": 0.4,
+ "pad_seconds": 0.1,
+ "chunk_seconds": 0.5,
+ "absolute_thresh": true,
+ "max_chunk_seconds": 40,
+ "crossfade_seconds": 0.05,
+ "block_seconds": 0.35,
+ "additional_infer_before_seconds": 0.15,
+ "additional_infer_after_seconds": 0.1,
+ "realtime_algorithm": "1 (Divide constantly)",
+ "passthrough_original": false,
+ "use_gpu": true
+ },
+ "Default VC (CPU)": {
+ "silence_threshold": -35.0,
+ "transpose": 12.0,
+ "auto_predict_f0": false,
+ "f0_method": "dio",
+ "cluster_infer_ratio": 0.0,
+ "noise_scale": 0.4,
+ "pad_seconds": 0.1,
+ "chunk_seconds": 0.5,
+ "absolute_thresh": true,
+ "max_chunk_seconds": 40,
+ "crossfade_seconds": 0.05,
+ "block_seconds": 1.5,
+ "additional_infer_before_seconds": 0.01,
+ "additional_infer_after_seconds": 0.01,
+ "realtime_algorithm": "1 (Divide constantly)",
+ "passthrough_original": false,
+ "use_gpu": false
+ },
+ "Default VC (Mobile CPU)": {
+ "silence_threshold": -35.0,
+ "transpose": 12.0,
+ "auto_predict_f0": false,
+ "f0_method": "dio",
+ "cluster_infer_ratio": 0.0,
+ "noise_scale": 0.4,
+ "pad_seconds": 0.1,
+ "chunk_seconds": 0.5,
+ "absolute_thresh": true,
+ "max_chunk_seconds": 40,
+ "crossfade_seconds": 0.05,
+ "block_seconds": 2.5,
+ "additional_infer_before_seconds": 0.01,
+ "additional_infer_after_seconds": 0.01,
+ "realtime_algorithm": "1 (Divide constantly)",
+ "passthrough_original": false,
+ "use_gpu": false
+ },
+ "Default VC (Crooning)": {
+ "silence_threshold": -35.0,
+ "transpose": 12.0,
+ "auto_predict_f0": false,
+ "f0_method": "dio",
+ "cluster_infer_ratio": 0.0,
+ "noise_scale": 0.4,
+ "pad_seconds": 0.1,
+ "chunk_seconds": 0.5,
+ "absolute_thresh": true,
+ "max_chunk_seconds": 40,
+ "crossfade_seconds": 0.04,
+ "block_seconds": 0.15,
+ "additional_infer_before_seconds": 0.05,
+ "additional_infer_after_seconds": 0.05,
+ "realtime_algorithm": "1 (Divide constantly)",
+ "passthrough_original": false,
+ "use_gpu": true
+ },
+ "Default File": {
+ "silence_threshold": -35.0,
+ "transpose": 0.0,
+ "auto_predict_f0": true,
+ "f0_method": "crepe",
+ "cluster_infer_ratio": 0.0,
+ "noise_scale": 0.4,
+ "pad_seconds": 0.1,
+ "chunk_seconds": 0.5,
+ "absolute_thresh": true,
+ "max_chunk_seconds": 40,
+ "auto_play": true,
+ "passthrough_original": false
+ }
diff --git a/so_vits_svc_fork/f0.py b/so_vits_svc_fork/f0.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d044ddd14461abe1231fc6c07cdf622c80f75e02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/so_vits_svc_fork/f0.py
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+from logging import getLogger
+from typing import Any, Literal
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+import torchcrepe
+from cm_time import timer
+from numpy import dtype, float32, ndarray
+from torch import FloatTensor, Tensor
+from so_vits_svc_fork.utils import get_optimal_device
+LOG = getLogger(__name__)
+def normalize_f0(
+ f0: FloatTensor, x_mask: FloatTensor, uv: FloatTensor, random_scale=True
+) -> FloatTensor:
+ # calculate means based on x_mask
+ uv_sum = torch.sum(uv, dim=1, keepdim=True)
+ uv_sum[uv_sum == 0] = 9999
+ means = torch.sum(f0[:, 0, :] * uv, dim=1, keepdim=True) / uv_sum
+ if random_scale:
+ factor = torch.Tensor(f0.shape[0], 1).uniform_(0.8, 1.2).to(f0.device)
+ else:
+ factor = torch.ones(f0.shape[0], 1).to(f0.device)
+ # normalize f0 based on means and factor
+ f0_norm = (f0 - means.unsqueeze(-1)) * factor.unsqueeze(-1)
+ if torch.isnan(f0_norm).any():
+ exit(0)
+ return f0_norm * x_mask
+def interpolate_f0(
+ f0: ndarray[Any, dtype[float32]]
+) -> tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[float32]], ndarray[Any, dtype[float32]]]:
+ data = np.reshape(f0, (f0.size, 1))
+ vuv_vector = np.zeros((data.size, 1), dtype=np.float32)
+ vuv_vector[data > 0.0] = 1.0
+ vuv_vector[data <= 0.0] = 0.0
+ ip_data = data
+ frame_number = data.size
+ last_value = 0.0
+ for i in range(frame_number):
+ if data[i] <= 0.0:
+ j = i + 1
+ for j in range(i + 1, frame_number):
+ if data[j] > 0.0:
+ break
+ if j < frame_number - 1:
+ if last_value > 0.0:
+ step = (data[j] - data[i - 1]) / float(j - i)
+ for k in range(i, j):
+ ip_data[k] = data[i - 1] + step * (k - i + 1)
+ else:
+ for k in range(i, j):
+ ip_data[k] = data[j]
+ else:
+ for k in range(i, frame_number):
+ ip_data[k] = last_value
+ else:
+ ip_data[i] = data[i]
+ last_value = data[i]
+ return ip_data[:, 0], vuv_vector[:, 0]
+def compute_f0_parselmouth(
+ wav_numpy: ndarray[Any, dtype[float32]],
+ p_len: None | int = None,
+ sampling_rate: int = 44100,
+ hop_length: int = 512,
+ import parselmouth
+ x = wav_numpy
+ if p_len is None:
+ p_len = x.shape[0] // hop_length
+ else:
+ assert abs(p_len - x.shape[0] // hop_length) < 4, "pad length error"
+ time_step = hop_length / sampling_rate * 1000
+ f0_min = 50
+ f0_max = 1100
+ f0 = (
+ parselmouth.Sound(x, sampling_rate)
+ .to_pitch_ac(
+ time_step=time_step / 1000,
+ voicing_threshold=0.6,
+ pitch_floor=f0_min,
+ pitch_ceiling=f0_max,
+ )
+ .selected_array["frequency"]
+ )
+ pad_size = (p_len - len(f0) + 1) // 2
+ if pad_size > 0 or p_len - len(f0) - pad_size > 0:
+ f0 = np.pad(f0, [[pad_size, p_len - len(f0) - pad_size]], mode="constant")
+ return f0
+def _resize_f0(
+ x: ndarray[Any, dtype[float32]], target_len: int
+) -> ndarray[Any, dtype[float32]]:
+ source = np.array(x)
+ source[source < 0.001] = np.nan
+ target = np.interp(
+ np.arange(0, len(source) * target_len, len(source)) / target_len,
+ np.arange(0, len(source)),
+ source,
+ )
+ res = np.nan_to_num(target)
+ return res
+def compute_f0_pyworld(
+ wav_numpy: ndarray[Any, dtype[float32]],
+ p_len: None | int = None,
+ sampling_rate: int = 44100,
+ hop_length: int = 512,
+ type_: Literal["dio", "harvest"] = "dio",
+ import pyworld
+ if p_len is None:
+ p_len = wav_numpy.shape[0] // hop_length
+ if type_ == "dio":
+ f0, t = pyworld.dio(
+ wav_numpy.astype(np.double),
+ fs=sampling_rate,
+ f0_ceil=f0_max,
+ f0_floor=f0_min,
+ frame_period=1000 * hop_length / sampling_rate,
+ )
+ elif type_ == "harvest":
+ f0, t = pyworld.harvest(
+ wav_numpy.astype(np.double),
+ fs=sampling_rate,
+ f0_ceil=f0_max,
+ f0_floor=f0_min,
+ frame_period=1000 * hop_length / sampling_rate,
+ )
+ f0 = pyworld.stonemask(wav_numpy.astype(np.double), f0, t, sampling_rate)
+ for index, pitch in enumerate(f0):
+ f0[index] = round(pitch, 1)
+ return _resize_f0(f0, p_len)
+def compute_f0_crepe(
+ wav_numpy: ndarray[Any, dtype[float32]],
+ p_len: None | int = None,
+ sampling_rate: int = 44100,
+ hop_length: int = 512,
+ device: str | torch.device = get_optimal_device(),
+ model: Literal["full", "tiny"] = "full",
+ audio = torch.from_numpy(wav_numpy).to(device, copy=True)
+ audio = torch.unsqueeze(audio, dim=0)
+ if audio.ndim == 2 and audio.shape[0] > 1:
+ audio = torch.mean(audio, dim=0, keepdim=True).detach()
+ # (T) -> (1, T)
+ audio = audio.detach()
+ pitch: Tensor = torchcrepe.predict(
+ audio,
+ sampling_rate,
+ hop_length,
+ f0_min,
+ f0_max,
+ model,
+ batch_size=hop_length * 2,
+ device=device,
+ pad=True,
+ )
+ f0 = pitch.squeeze(0).cpu().float().numpy()
+ p_len = p_len or wav_numpy.shape[0] // hop_length
+ f0 = _resize_f0(f0, p_len)
+ return f0
+def compute_f0(
+ wav_numpy: ndarray[Any, dtype[float32]],
+ p_len: None | int = None,
+ sampling_rate: int = 44100,
+ hop_length: int = 512,
+ method: Literal["crepe", "crepe-tiny", "parselmouth", "dio", "harvest"] = "dio",
+ **kwargs,
+ with timer() as t:
+ wav_numpy = wav_numpy.astype(np.float32)
+ wav_numpy /= np.quantile(np.abs(wav_numpy), 0.999)
+ if method in ["dio", "harvest"]:
+ f0 = compute_f0_pyworld(wav_numpy, p_len, sampling_rate, hop_length, method)
+ elif method == "crepe":
+ f0 = compute_f0_crepe(wav_numpy, p_len, sampling_rate, hop_length, **kwargs)
+ elif method == "crepe-tiny":
+ f0 = compute_f0_crepe(
+ wav_numpy, p_len, sampling_rate, hop_length, model="tiny", **kwargs
+ )
+ elif method == "parselmouth":
+ f0 = compute_f0_parselmouth(wav_numpy, p_len, sampling_rate, hop_length)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "type must be dio, crepe, crepe-tiny, harvest or parselmouth"
+ )
+ rtf = t.elapsed / (len(wav_numpy) / sampling_rate)
+ LOG.info(f"F0 inference time: {t.elapsed:.3f}s, RTF: {rtf:.3f}")
+ return f0
+def f0_to_coarse(f0: torch.Tensor | float):
+ is_torch = isinstance(f0, torch.Tensor)
+ f0_mel = 1127 * (1 + f0 / 700).log() if is_torch else 1127 * np.log(1 + f0 / 700)
+ f0_mel[f0_mel > 0] = (f0_mel[f0_mel > 0] - f0_mel_min) * (f0_bin - 2) / (
+ f0_mel_max - f0_mel_min
+ ) + 1
+ f0_mel[f0_mel <= 1] = 1
+ f0_mel[f0_mel > f0_bin - 1] = f0_bin - 1
+ f0_coarse = (f0_mel + 0.5).long() if is_torch else np.rint(f0_mel).astype(np.int)
+ assert f0_coarse.max() <= 255 and f0_coarse.min() >= 1, (
+ f0_coarse.max(),
+ f0_coarse.min(),
+ )
+ return f0_coarse
+f0_bin = 256
+f0_max = 1100.0
+f0_min = 50.0
+f0_mel_min = 1127 * np.log(1 + f0_min / 700)
+f0_mel_max = 1127 * np.log(1 + f0_max / 700)
diff --git a/so_vits_svc_fork/gui.py b/so_vits_svc_fork/gui.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1d58b155f1ceb43b201d92d165b9f2621b5af2d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/so_vits_svc_fork/gui.py
@@ -0,0 +1,851 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+import json
+import multiprocessing
+import os
+from copy import copy
+from logging import getLogger
+from pathlib import Path
+import PySimpleGUI as sg
+import sounddevice as sd
+import soundfile as sf
+import torch
+from pebble import ProcessFuture, ProcessPool
+from . import __version__
+from .utils import get_optimal_device
+GUI_DEFAULT_PRESETS_PATH = Path(__file__).parent / "default_gui_presets.json"
+GUI_PRESETS_PATH = Path("./user_gui_presets.json").absolute()
+LOG = getLogger(__name__)
+def play_audio(path: Path | str):
+ if isinstance(path, Path):
+ path = path.as_posix()
+ data, sr = sf.read(path)
+ sd.play(data, sr)
+def load_presets() -> dict:
+ defaults = json.loads(GUI_DEFAULT_PRESETS_PATH.read_text("utf-8"))
+ users = (
+ json.loads(GUI_PRESETS_PATH.read_text("utf-8"))
+ if GUI_PRESETS_PATH.exists()
+ else {}
+ )
+ # prioriy: defaults > users
+ # order: defaults -> users
+ return {**defaults, **users, **defaults}
+def add_preset(name: str, preset: dict) -> dict:
+ presets = load_presets()
+ presets[name] = preset
+ with GUI_PRESETS_PATH.open("w") as f:
+ json.dump(presets, f, indent=2)
+ return load_presets()
+def delete_preset(name: str) -> dict:
+ presets = load_presets()
+ if name in presets:
+ del presets[name]
+ else:
+ LOG.warning(f"Cannot delete preset {name} because it does not exist.")
+ with GUI_PRESETS_PATH.open("w") as f:
+ json.dump(presets, f, indent=2)
+ return load_presets()
+def get_output_path(input_path: Path) -> Path:
+ # Default output path
+ output_path = input_path.parent / f"{input_path.stem}.out{input_path.suffix}"
+ # Increment file number in path if output file already exists
+ file_num = 1
+ while output_path.exists():
+ output_path = (
+ input_path.parent / f"{input_path.stem}.out_{file_num}{input_path.suffix}"
+ )
+ file_num += 1
+ return output_path
+def get_supported_file_types() -> tuple[tuple[str, str], ...]:
+ res = tuple(
+ [
+ (extension, f".{extension.lower()}")
+ for extension in sf.available_formats().keys()
+ ]
+ )
+ # Sort by popularity
+ common_file_types = ["WAV", "MP3", "FLAC", "OGG", "M4A", "WMA"]
+ res = sorted(
+ res,
+ key=lambda x: common_file_types.index(x[0])
+ if x[0] in common_file_types
+ else len(common_file_types),
+ )
+ return res
+def get_supported_file_types_concat() -> tuple[tuple[str, str], ...]:
+ return (("Audio", " ".join(sf.available_formats().keys())),)
+def validate_output_file_type(output_path: Path) -> bool:
+ supported_file_types = sorted(
+ [f".{extension.lower()}" for extension in sf.available_formats().keys()]
+ )
+ if not output_path.suffix:
+ sg.popup_ok(
+ "Error: Output path missing file type extension, enter "
+ + "one of the following manually:\n\n"
+ + "\n".join(supported_file_types)
+ )
+ return False
+ if output_path.suffix.lower() not in supported_file_types:
+ sg.popup_ok(
+ f"Error: {output_path.suffix.lower()} is not a supported "
+ + "extension; use one of the following:\n\n"
+ + "\n".join(supported_file_types)
+ )
+ return False
+ return True
+def get_devices(
+ update: bool = True,
+) -> tuple[list[str], list[str], list[int], list[int]]:
+ if update:
+ sd._terminate()
+ sd._initialize()
+ devices = sd.query_devices()
+ hostapis = sd.query_hostapis()
+ for hostapi in hostapis:
+ for device_idx in hostapi["devices"]:
+ devices[device_idx]["hostapi_name"] = hostapi["name"]
+ input_devices = [
+ f"{d['name']} ({d['hostapi_name']})"
+ for d in devices
+ if d["max_input_channels"] > 0
+ ]
+ output_devices = [
+ f"{d['name']} ({d['hostapi_name']})"
+ for d in devices
+ if d["max_output_channels"] > 0
+ ]
+ input_devices_indices = [d["index"] for d in devices if d["max_input_channels"] > 0]
+ output_devices_indices = [
+ d["index"] for d in devices if d["max_output_channels"] > 0
+ ]
+ return input_devices, output_devices, input_devices_indices, output_devices_indices
+def after_inference(window: sg.Window, path: Path, auto_play: bool, output_path: Path):
+ try:
+ LOG.info(f"Finished inference for {path.stem}{path.suffix}")
+ window["infer"].update(disabled=False)
+ if auto_play:
+ play_audio(output_path)
+ except Exception as e:
+ LOG.exception(e)
+def main():
+ LOG.info(f"version: {__version__}")
+ # sg.theme("Dark")
+ sg.theme_add_new(
+ "Very Dark",
+ {
+ "BACKGROUND": "#111111",
+ "TEXT": "#FFFFFF",
+ "INPUT": "#444444",
+ "SCROLL": "#333333",
+ "BUTTON": ("white", "#112233"),
+ "PROGRESS": ("#111111", "#333333"),
+ "BORDER": 2,
+ },
+ )
+ sg.theme("Very Dark")
+ model_candidates = list(sorted(Path("./logs/44k/").glob("G_*.pth")))
+ frame_contents = {
+ "Paths": [
+ [
+ sg.Text("Model path"),
+ sg.Push(),
+ sg.InputText(
+ key="model_path",
+ default_text=model_candidates[-1].absolute().as_posix()
+ if model_candidates
+ else "",
+ enable_events=True,
+ ),
+ sg.FileBrowse(
+ initial_folder=Path("./logs/44k/").absolute
+ if Path("./logs/44k/").exists()
+ else Path(".").absolute().as_posix(),
+ key="model_path_browse",
+ file_types=(
+ ("PyTorch", "G_*.pth G_*.pt"),
+ ("Pytorch", "*.pth *.pt"),
+ ),
+ ),
+ ],
+ [
+ sg.Text("Config path"),
+ sg.Push(),
+ sg.InputText(
+ key="config_path",
+ default_text=Path("./configs/44k/config.json").absolute().as_posix()
+ if Path("./configs/44k/config.json").exists()
+ else "",
+ enable_events=True,
+ ),
+ sg.FileBrowse(
+ initial_folder=Path("./configs/44k/").as_posix()
+ if Path("./configs/44k/").exists()
+ else Path(".").absolute().as_posix(),
+ key="config_path_browse",
+ file_types=(("JSON", "*.json"),),
+ ),
+ ],
+ [
+ sg.Text("Cluster model path (Optional)"),
+ sg.Push(),
+ sg.InputText(
+ key="cluster_model_path",
+ default_text=Path("./logs/44k/kmeans.pt").absolute().as_posix()
+ if Path("./logs/44k/kmeans.pt").exists()
+ else "",
+ enable_events=True,
+ ),
+ sg.FileBrowse(
+ initial_folder="./logs/44k/"
+ if Path("./logs/44k/").exists()
+ else ".",
+ key="cluster_model_path_browse",
+ file_types=(("PyTorch", "*.pt"), ("Pickle", "*.pt *.pth *.pkl")),
+ ),
+ ],
+ ],
+ "Common": [
+ [
+ sg.Text("Speaker"),
+ sg.Push(),
+ sg.Combo(values=[], key="speaker", size=(20, 1)),
+ ],
+ [
+ sg.Text("Silence threshold"),
+ sg.Push(),
+ sg.Slider(
+ range=(-60.0, 0),
+ orientation="h",
+ key="silence_threshold",
+ resolution=0.1,
+ ),
+ ],
+ [
+ sg.Text(
+ "Pitch (12 = 1 octave)\n"
+ "ADJUST THIS based on your voice\n"
+ "when Auto predict F0 is turned off.",
+ size=(None, 4),
+ ),
+ sg.Push(),
+ sg.Slider(
+ range=(-36, 36),
+ orientation="h",
+ key="transpose",
+ tick_interval=12,
+ ),
+ ],
+ [
+ sg.Checkbox(
+ key="auto_predict_f0",
+ text="Auto predict F0 (Pitch may become unstable when turned on in real-time inference.)",
+ )
+ ],
+ [
+ sg.Text("F0 prediction method"),
+ sg.Push(),
+ sg.Combo(
+ ["crepe", "crepe-tiny", "parselmouth", "dio", "harvest"],
+ key="f0_method",
+ ),
+ ],
+ [
+ sg.Text("Cluster infer ratio"),
+ sg.Push(),
+ sg.Slider(
+ range=(0, 1.0),
+ orientation="h",
+ key="cluster_infer_ratio",
+ resolution=0.01,
+ ),
+ ],
+ [
+ sg.Text("Noise scale"),
+ sg.Push(),
+ sg.Slider(
+ range=(0.0, 1.0),
+ orientation="h",
+ key="noise_scale",
+ resolution=0.01,
+ ),
+ ],
+ [
+ sg.Text("Pad seconds"),
+ sg.Push(),
+ sg.Slider(
+ range=(0.0, 1.0),
+ orientation="h",
+ key="pad_seconds",
+ resolution=0.01,
+ ),
+ ],
+ [
+ sg.Text("Chunk seconds"),
+ sg.Push(),
+ sg.Slider(
+ range=(0.0, 3.0),
+ orientation="h",
+ key="chunk_seconds",
+ resolution=0.01,
+ ),
+ ],
+ [
+ sg.Text("Max chunk seconds (set lower if Out Of Memory, 0 to disable)"),
+ sg.Push(),
+ sg.Slider(
+ range=(0.0, 240.0),
+ orientation="h",
+ key="max_chunk_seconds",
+ resolution=1.0,
+ ),
+ ],
+ [
+ sg.Checkbox(
+ key="absolute_thresh",
+ text="Absolute threshold (ignored (True) in realtime inference)",
+ )
+ ],
+ ],
+ "File": [
+ [
+ sg.Text("Input audio path"),
+ sg.Push(),
+ sg.InputText(key="input_path", enable_events=True),
+ sg.FileBrowse(
+ initial_folder=".",
+ key="input_path_browse",
+ file_types=get_supported_file_types_concat(),
+ ),
+ sg.FolderBrowse(
+ button_text="Browse(Folder)",
+ initial_folder=".",
+ key="input_path_folder_browse",
+ target="input_path",
+ ),
+ sg.Button("Play", key="play_input"),
+ ],
+ [
+ sg.Text("Output audio path"),
+ sg.Push(),
+ sg.InputText(key="output_path"),
+ sg.FileSaveAs(
+ initial_folder=".",
+ key="output_path_browse",
+ file_types=get_supported_file_types(),
+ ),
+ ],
+ [sg.Checkbox(key="auto_play", text="Auto play", default=True)],
+ ],
+ "Realtime": [
+ [
+ sg.Text("Crossfade seconds"),
+ sg.Push(),
+ sg.Slider(
+ range=(0, 0.6),
+ orientation="h",
+ key="crossfade_seconds",
+ resolution=0.001,
+ ),
+ ],
+ [
+ sg.Text(
+ "Block seconds", # \n(big -> more robust, slower, (the same) latency)"
+ tooltip="Big -> more robust, slower, (the same) latency",
+ ),
+ sg.Push(),
+ sg.Slider(
+ range=(0, 3.0),
+ orientation="h",
+ key="block_seconds",
+ resolution=0.001,
+ ),
+ ],
+ [
+ sg.Text(
+ "Additional Infer seconds (before)", # \n(big -> more robust, slower)"
+ tooltip="Big -> more robust, slower, additional latency",
+ ),
+ sg.Push(),
+ sg.Slider(
+ range=(0, 2.0),
+ orientation="h",
+ key="additional_infer_before_seconds",
+ resolution=0.001,
+ ),
+ ],
+ [
+ sg.Text(
+ "Additional Infer seconds (after)", # \n(big -> more robust, slower, additional latency)"
+ tooltip="Big -> more robust, slower, additional latency",
+ ),
+ sg.Push(),
+ sg.Slider(
+ range=(0, 2.0),
+ orientation="h",
+ key="additional_infer_after_seconds",
+ resolution=0.001,
+ ),
+ ],
+ [
+ sg.Text("Realtime algorithm"),
+ sg.Push(),
+ sg.Combo(
+ ["2 (Divide by speech)", "1 (Divide constantly)"],
+ default_value="1 (Divide constantly)",
+ key="realtime_algorithm",
+ ),
+ ],
+ [
+ sg.Text("Input device"),
+ sg.Push(),
+ sg.Combo(
+ key="input_device",
+ values=[],
+ size=(60, 1),
+ ),
+ ],
+ [
+ sg.Text("Output device"),
+ sg.Push(),
+ sg.Combo(
+ key="output_device",
+ values=[],
+ size=(60, 1),
+ ),
+ ],
+ [
+ sg.Checkbox(
+ "Passthrough original audio (for latency check)",
+ key="passthrough_original",
+ default=False,
+ ),
+ sg.Push(),
+ sg.Button("Refresh devices", key="refresh_devices"),
+ ],
+ [
+ sg.Frame(
+ "Notes",
+ [
+ [
+ sg.Text(
+ "In Realtime Inference:\n"
+ " - Setting F0 prediction method to 'crepe` may cause performance degradation.\n"
+ " - Auto Predict F0 must be turned off.\n"
+ "If the audio sounds mumbly and choppy:\n"
+ " Case: The inference has not been made in time (Increase Block seconds)\n"
+ " Case: Mic input is low (Decrease Silence threshold)\n"
+ )
+ ]
+ ],
+ ),
+ ],
+ ],
+ "Presets": [
+ [
+ sg.Text("Presets"),
+ sg.Push(),
+ sg.Combo(
+ key="presets",
+ values=list(load_presets().keys()),
+ size=(40, 1),
+ enable_events=True,
+ ),
+ sg.Button("Delete preset", key="delete_preset"),
+ ],
+ [
+ sg.Text("Preset name"),
+ sg.Stretch(),
+ sg.InputText(key="preset_name", size=(26, 1)),
+ sg.Button("Add current settings as a preset", key="add_preset"),
+ ],
+ ],
+ }
+ # frames
+ frames = {}
+ for name, items in frame_contents.items():
+ frame = sg.Frame(name, items)
+ frame.expand_x = True
+ frames[name] = [frame]
+ bottoms = [
+ [
+ sg.Checkbox(
+ key="use_gpu",
+ default=get_optimal_device() != torch.device("cpu"),
+ text="Use GPU"
+ + (
+ " (not available; if your device has GPU, make sure you installed PyTorch with CUDA support)"
+ if get_optimal_device() == torch.device("cpu")
+ else ""
+ ),
+ disabled=get_optimal_device() == torch.device("cpu"),
+ )
+ ],
+ [
+ sg.Button("Infer", key="infer"),
+ sg.Button("(Re)Start Voice Changer", key="start_vc"),
+ sg.Button("Stop Voice Changer", key="stop_vc"),
+ sg.Push(),
+ # sg.Button("ONNX Export", key="onnx_export"),
+ ],
+ ]
+ column1 = sg.Column(
+ [
+ frames["Paths"],
+ frames["Common"],
+ ],
+ vertical_alignment="top",
+ )
+ column2 = sg.Column(
+ [
+ frames["File"],
+ frames["Realtime"],
+ frames["Presets"],
+ ]
+ + bottoms
+ )
+ # columns
+ layout = [[column1, column2]]
+ # get screen size
+ screen_width, screen_height = sg.Window.get_screen_size()
+ if screen_height < 720:
+ layout = [
+ [
+ sg.Column(
+ layout,
+ vertical_alignment="top",
+ scrollable=False,
+ expand_x=True,
+ expand_y=True,
+ vertical_scroll_only=True,
+ key="main_column",
+ )
+ ]
+ ]
+ window = sg.Window(
+ f"{__name__.split('.')[0].replace('_', '-')} v{__version__}",
+ layout,
+ grab_anywhere=True,
+ finalize=True,
+ scaling=1,
+ font=("Yu Gothic UI", 11) if os.name == "nt" else None,
+ # resizable=True,
+ # size=(1280, 720),
+ # Below disables taskbar, which may be not useful for some users
+ # use_custom_titlebar=True, no_titlebar=False
+ # Keep on top
+ # keep_on_top=True
+ )
+ # event, values = window.read(timeout=0.01)
+ # window["main_column"].Scrollable = True
+ # make slider height smaller
+ try:
+ for v in window.element_list():
+ if isinstance(v, sg.Slider):
+ v.Widget.configure(sliderrelief="flat", width=10, sliderlength=20)
+ except Exception as e:
+ LOG.exception(e)
+ # for n in ["input_device", "output_device"]:
+ # window[n].Widget.configure(justify="right")
+ event, values = window.read(timeout=0.01)
+ def update_speaker() -> None:
+ from . import utils
+ config_path = Path(values["config_path"])
+ if config_path.exists() and config_path.is_file():
+ hp = utils.get_hparams(values["config_path"])
+ LOG.debug(f"Loaded config from {values['config_path']}")
+ window["speaker"].update(
+ values=list(hp.__dict__["spk"].keys()), set_to_index=0
+ )
+ def update_devices() -> None:
+ (
+ input_devices,
+ output_devices,
+ input_device_indices,
+ output_device_indices,
+ ) = get_devices()
+ input_device_indices_reversed = {
+ v: k for k, v in enumerate(input_device_indices)
+ }
+ output_device_indices_reversed = {
+ v: k for k, v in enumerate(output_device_indices)
+ }
+ window["input_device"].update(
+ values=input_devices, value=values["input_device"]
+ )
+ window["output_device"].update(
+ values=output_devices, value=values["output_device"]
+ )
+ input_default, output_default = sd.default.device
+ if values["input_device"] not in input_devices:
+ window["input_device"].update(
+ values=input_devices,
+ set_to_index=input_device_indices_reversed.get(input_default, 0),
+ )
+ if values["output_device"] not in output_devices:
+ window["output_device"].update(
+ values=output_devices,
+ set_to_index=output_device_indices_reversed.get(output_default, 0),
+ )
+ key
+ for key in values.keys()
+ if not any(exclude in key for exclude in ["preset", "browse"])
+ ]
+ def apply_preset(name: str) -> None:
+ for key, value in load_presets()[name].items():
+ if key in PRESET_KEYS:
+ window[key].update(value)
+ values[key] = value
+ default_name = list(load_presets().keys())[0]
+ apply_preset(default_name)
+ window["presets"].update(default_name)
+ del default_name
+ update_speaker()
+ update_devices()
+ # with ProcessPool(max_workers=1) as pool:
+ # to support Linux
+ with ProcessPool(
+ max_workers=min(2, multiprocessing.cpu_count()),
+ context=multiprocessing.get_context("spawn"),
+ ) as pool:
+ future: None | ProcessFuture = None
+ infer_futures: set[ProcessFuture] = set()
+ while True:
+ event, values = window.read(200)
+ if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED:
+ break
+ if not event == sg.EVENT_TIMEOUT:
+ LOG.info(f"Event {event}, values {values}")
+ if event.endswith("_path"):
+ for name in window.AllKeysDict:
+ if str(name).endswith("_browse"):
+ browser = window[name]
+ if isinstance(browser, sg.Button):
+ LOG.info(
+ f"Updating browser {browser} to {Path(values[event]).parent}"
+ )
+ browser.InitialFolder = Path(values[event]).parent
+ browser.update()
+ else:
+ LOG.warning(f"Browser {browser} is not a FileBrowse")
+ window["transpose"].update(
+ disabled=values["auto_predict_f0"],
+ visible=not values["auto_predict_f0"],
+ )
+ input_path = Path(values["input_path"])
+ output_path = Path(values["output_path"])
+ if event == "add_preset":
+ presets = add_preset(
+ values["preset_name"], {key: values[key] for key in PRESET_KEYS}
+ )
+ window["presets"].update(values=list(presets.keys()))
+ elif event == "delete_preset":
+ presets = delete_preset(values["presets"])
+ window["presets"].update(values=list(presets.keys()))
+ elif event == "presets":
+ apply_preset(values["presets"])
+ update_speaker()
+ elif event == "refresh_devices":
+ update_devices()
+ elif event == "config_path":
+ update_speaker()
+ elif event == "input_path":
+ # Don't change the output path if it's already set
+ # if values["output_path"]:
+ # continue
+ # Set a sensible default output path
+ window.Element("output_path").Update(str(get_output_path(input_path)))
+ elif event == "infer":
+ if "Default VC" in values["presets"]:
+ window["presets"].update(
+ set_to_index=list(load_presets().keys()).index("Default File")
+ )
+ apply_preset("Default File")
+ if values["input_path"] == "":
+ LOG.warning("Input path is empty.")
+ continue
+ if not input_path.exists():
+ LOG.warning(f"Input path {input_path} does not exist.")
+ continue
+ # if not validate_output_file_type(output_path):
+ # continue
+ try:
+ from so_vits_svc_fork.inference.main import infer
+ LOG.info("Starting inference...")
+ window["infer"].update(disabled=True)
+ infer_future = pool.schedule(
+ infer,
+ kwargs=dict(
+ # paths
+ model_path=Path(values["model_path"]),
+ output_path=output_path,
+ input_path=input_path,
+ config_path=Path(values["config_path"]),
+ recursive=True,
+ # svc config
+ speaker=values["speaker"],
+ cluster_model_path=Path(values["cluster_model_path"])
+ if values["cluster_model_path"]
+ else None,
+ transpose=values["transpose"],
+ auto_predict_f0=values["auto_predict_f0"],
+ cluster_infer_ratio=values["cluster_infer_ratio"],
+ noise_scale=values["noise_scale"],
+ f0_method=values["f0_method"],
+ # slice config
+ db_thresh=values["silence_threshold"],
+ pad_seconds=values["pad_seconds"],
+ chunk_seconds=values["chunk_seconds"],
+ absolute_thresh=values["absolute_thresh"],
+ max_chunk_seconds=values["max_chunk_seconds"],
+ device="cpu"
+ if not values["use_gpu"]
+ else get_optimal_device(),
+ ),
+ )
+ infer_future.add_done_callback(
+ lambda _future: after_inference(
+ window, input_path, values["auto_play"], output_path
+ )
+ )
+ infer_futures.add(infer_future)
+ except Exception as e:
+ LOG.exception(e)
+ elif event == "play_input":
+ if Path(values["input_path"]).exists():
+ pool.schedule(play_audio, args=[Path(values["input_path"])])
+ elif event == "start_vc":
+ _, _, input_device_indices, output_device_indices = get_devices(
+ update=False
+ )
+ from so_vits_svc_fork.inference.main import realtime
+ if future:
+ LOG.info("Canceling previous task")
+ future.cancel()
+ future = pool.schedule(
+ realtime,
+ kwargs=dict(
+ # paths
+ model_path=Path(values["model_path"]),
+ config_path=Path(values["config_path"]),
+ speaker=values["speaker"],
+ # svc config
+ cluster_model_path=Path(values["cluster_model_path"])
+ if values["cluster_model_path"]
+ else None,
+ transpose=values["transpose"],
+ auto_predict_f0=values["auto_predict_f0"],
+ cluster_infer_ratio=values["cluster_infer_ratio"],
+ noise_scale=values["noise_scale"],
+ f0_method=values["f0_method"],
+ # slice config
+ db_thresh=values["silence_threshold"],
+ pad_seconds=values["pad_seconds"],
+ chunk_seconds=values["chunk_seconds"],
+ # realtime config
+ crossfade_seconds=values["crossfade_seconds"],
+ additional_infer_before_seconds=values[
+ "additional_infer_before_seconds"
+ ],
+ additional_infer_after_seconds=values[
+ "additional_infer_after_seconds"
+ ],
+ block_seconds=values["block_seconds"],
+ version=int(values["realtime_algorithm"][0]),
+ input_device=input_device_indices[
+ window["input_device"].widget.current()
+ ],
+ output_device=output_device_indices[
+ window["output_device"].widget.current()
+ ],
+ device=get_optimal_device() if values["use_gpu"] else "cpu",
+ passthrough_original=values["passthrough_original"],
+ ),
+ )
+ elif event == "stop_vc":
+ if future:
+ future.cancel()
+ future = None
+ elif event == "onnx_export":
+ try:
+ raise NotImplementedError("ONNX export is not implemented yet.")
+ from so_vits_svc_fork.modules.onnx._export import onnx_export
+ onnx_export(
+ input_path=Path(values["model_path"]),
+ output_path=Path(values["model_path"]).with_suffix(".onnx"),
+ config_path=Path(values["config_path"]),
+ device="cpu",
+ )
+ except Exception as e:
+ LOG.exception(e)
+ if future is not None and future.done():
+ try:
+ future.result()
+ except Exception as e:
+ LOG.error("Error in realtime: ")
+ LOG.exception(e)
+ future = None
+ for future in copy(infer_futures):
+ if future.done():
+ try:
+ future.result()
+ except Exception as e:
+ LOG.error("Error in inference: ")
+ LOG.exception(e)
+ infer_futures.remove(future)
+ if future:
+ future.cancel()
+ window.close()
diff --git a/so_vits_svc_fork/hparams.py b/so_vits_svc_fork/hparams.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6307042c8023f9738e99bffcbde50b4e1ca2ad8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/so_vits_svc_fork/hparams.py
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+from typing import Any
+class HParams:
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
+ for k, v in kwargs.items():
+ if type(v) == dict:
+ v = HParams(**v)
+ self[k] = v
+ def keys(self):
+ return self.__dict__.keys()
+ def items(self):
+ return self.__dict__.items()
+ def values(self):
+ return self.__dict__.values()
+ def get(self, key: str, default: Any = None):
+ return self.__dict__.get(key, default)
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self.__dict__)
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ return getattr(self, key)
+ def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+ return setattr(self, key, value)
+ def __contains__(self, key):
+ return key in self.__dict__
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return self.__dict__.__repr__()
diff --git a/so_vits_svc_fork/inference/__init__.py b/so_vits_svc_fork/inference/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/so_vits_svc_fork/inference/core.py b/so_vits_svc_fork/inference/core.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e9cce2f9f0360136bc15ae4eb53c511c8321bd46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/so_vits_svc_fork/inference/core.py
@@ -0,0 +1,692 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+from copy import deepcopy
+from logging import getLogger
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Any, Callable, Iterable, Literal
+import attrs
+import librosa
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+from cm_time import timer
+from numpy import dtype, float32, ndarray
+import so_vits_svc_fork.f0
+from so_vits_svc_fork import cluster, utils
+from ..modules.synthesizers import SynthesizerTrn
+from ..utils import get_optimal_device
+LOG = getLogger(__name__)
+def pad_array(array_, target_length: int):
+ current_length = array_.shape[0]
+ if current_length >= target_length:
+ return array_[
+ (current_length - target_length)
+ // 2 : (current_length - target_length)
+ // 2
+ + target_length,
+ ...,
+ ]
+ else:
+ pad_width = target_length - current_length
+ pad_left = pad_width // 2
+ pad_right = pad_width - pad_left
+ padded_arr = np.pad(
+ array_, (pad_left, pad_right), "constant", constant_values=(0, 0)
+ )
+ return padded_arr
+class Chunk:
+ is_speech: bool
+ audio: ndarray[Any, dtype[float32]]
+ start: int
+ end: int
+ @property
+ def duration(self) -> float32:
+ # return self.end - self.start
+ return float32(self.audio.shape[0])
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ return f"Chunk(Speech: {self.is_speech}, {self.duration})"
+def split_silence(
+ audio: ndarray[Any, dtype[float32]],
+ top_db: int = 40,
+ ref: float | Callable[[ndarray[Any, dtype[float32]]], float] = 1,
+ frame_length: int = 2048,
+ hop_length: int = 512,
+ aggregate: Callable[[ndarray[Any, dtype[float32]]], float] = np.mean,
+ max_chunk_length: int = 0,
+) -> Iterable[Chunk]:
+ non_silence_indices = librosa.effects.split(
+ audio,
+ top_db=top_db,
+ ref=ref,
+ frame_length=frame_length,
+ hop_length=hop_length,
+ aggregate=aggregate,
+ )
+ last_end = 0
+ for start, end in non_silence_indices:
+ if start != last_end:
+ yield Chunk(
+ is_speech=False, audio=audio[last_end:start], start=last_end, end=start
+ )
+ while max_chunk_length > 0 and end - start > max_chunk_length:
+ yield Chunk(
+ is_speech=True,
+ audio=audio[start : start + max_chunk_length],
+ start=start,
+ end=start + max_chunk_length,
+ )
+ start += max_chunk_length
+ if end - start > 0:
+ yield Chunk(is_speech=True, audio=audio[start:end], start=start, end=end)
+ last_end = end
+ if last_end != len(audio):
+ yield Chunk(
+ is_speech=False, audio=audio[last_end:], start=last_end, end=len(audio)
+ )
+class Svc:
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ net_g_path: Path | str,
+ config_path: Path | str,
+ device: torch.device | str | None = None,
+ cluster_model_path: Path | str | None = None,
+ half: bool = False,
+ ):
+ self.net_g_path = net_g_path
+ if device is None:
+ self.device = (get_optimal_device(),)
+ else:
+ self.device = torch.device(device)
+ self.hps = utils.get_hparams(config_path)
+ self.target_sample = self.hps.data.sampling_rate
+ self.hop_size = self.hps.data.hop_length
+ self.spk2id = self.hps.spk
+ self.hubert_model = utils.get_hubert_model(
+ self.device, self.hps.data.get("contentvec_final_proj", True)
+ )
+ self.dtype = torch.float16 if half else torch.float32
+ self.contentvec_final_proj = self.hps.data.__dict__.get(
+ "contentvec_final_proj", True
+ )
+ self.load_model()
+ if cluster_model_path is not None and Path(cluster_model_path).exists():
+ self.cluster_model = cluster.get_cluster_model(cluster_model_path)
+ def load_model(self):
+ self.net_g = SynthesizerTrn(
+ self.hps.data.filter_length // 2 + 1,
+ self.hps.train.segment_size // self.hps.data.hop_length,
+ **self.hps.model,
+ )
+ _ = utils.load_checkpoint(self.net_g_path, self.net_g, None)
+ _ = self.net_g.eval()
+ for m in self.net_g.modules():
+ utils.remove_weight_norm_if_exists(m)
+ _ = self.net_g.to(self.device, dtype=self.dtype)
+ self.net_g = self.net_g
+ def get_unit_f0(
+ self,
+ audio: ndarray[Any, dtype[float32]],
+ tran: int,
+ cluster_infer_ratio: float,
+ speaker: int | str,
+ f0_method: Literal[
+ "crepe", "crepe-tiny", "parselmouth", "dio", "harvest"
+ ] = "dio",
+ ):
+ f0 = so_vits_svc_fork.f0.compute_f0(
+ audio,
+ sampling_rate=self.target_sample,
+ hop_length=self.hop_size,
+ method=f0_method,
+ )
+ f0, uv = so_vits_svc_fork.f0.interpolate_f0(f0)
+ f0 = torch.as_tensor(f0, dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device)
+ uv = torch.as_tensor(uv, dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device)
+ f0 = f0 * 2 ** (tran / 12)
+ f0 = f0.unsqueeze(0)
+ uv = uv.unsqueeze(0)
+ c = utils.get_content(
+ self.hubert_model,
+ audio,
+ self.device,
+ self.target_sample,
+ self.contentvec_final_proj,
+ ).to(self.dtype)
+ c = utils.repeat_expand_2d(c.squeeze(0), f0.shape[1])
+ if cluster_infer_ratio != 0:
+ cluster_c = cluster.get_cluster_center_result(
+ self.cluster_model, c.cpu().numpy().T, speaker
+ ).T
+ cluster_c = torch.FloatTensor(cluster_c).to(self.device)
+ c = cluster_infer_ratio * cluster_c + (1 - cluster_infer_ratio) * c
+ c = c.unsqueeze(0)
+ return c, f0, uv
+ def infer(
+ self,
+ speaker: int | str,
+ transpose: int,
+ audio: ndarray[Any, dtype[float32]],
+ cluster_infer_ratio: float = 0,
+ auto_predict_f0: bool = False,
+ noise_scale: float = 0.4,
+ f0_method: Literal[
+ "crepe", "crepe-tiny", "parselmouth", "dio", "harvest"
+ ] = "dio",
+ ) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, int]:
+ audio = audio.astype(np.float32)
+ # get speaker id
+ if isinstance(speaker, int):
+ if len(self.spk2id.__dict__) >= speaker:
+ speaker_id = speaker
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Speaker id {speaker} >= number of speakers {len(self.spk2id.__dict__)}"
+ )
+ else:
+ if speaker in self.spk2id.__dict__:
+ speaker_id = self.spk2id.__dict__[speaker]
+ else:
+ LOG.warning(f"Speaker {speaker} is not found. Use speaker 0 instead.")
+ speaker_id = 0
+ speaker_candidates = list(
+ filter(lambda x: x[1] == speaker_id, self.spk2id.__dict__.items())
+ )
+ if len(speaker_candidates) > 1:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Speaker_id {speaker_id} is not unique. Candidates: {speaker_candidates}"
+ )
+ elif len(speaker_candidates) == 0:
+ raise ValueError(f"Speaker_id {speaker_id} is not found.")
+ speaker = speaker_candidates[0][0]
+ sid = torch.LongTensor([int(speaker_id)]).to(self.device).unsqueeze(0)
+ # get unit f0
+ c, f0, uv = self.get_unit_f0(
+ audio, transpose, cluster_infer_ratio, speaker, f0_method
+ )
+ # inference
+ with torch.no_grad():
+ with timer() as t:
+ audio = self.net_g.infer(
+ c,
+ f0=f0,
+ g=sid,
+ uv=uv,
+ predict_f0=auto_predict_f0,
+ noice_scale=noise_scale,
+ )[0, 0].data.float()
+ audio_duration = audio.shape[-1] / self.target_sample
+ LOG.info(
+ f"Inference time: {t.elapsed:.2f}s, RTF: {t.elapsed / audio_duration:.2f}"
+ )
+ torch.cuda.empty_cache()
+ return audio, audio.shape[-1]
+ def infer_silence(
+ self,
+ audio: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.float32]],
+ *,
+ # svc config
+ speaker: int | str,
+ transpose: int = 0,
+ auto_predict_f0: bool = False,
+ cluster_infer_ratio: float = 0,
+ noise_scale: float = 0.4,
+ f0_method: Literal[
+ "crepe", "crepe-tiny", "parselmouth", "dio", "harvest"
+ ] = "dio",
+ # slice config
+ db_thresh: int = -40,
+ pad_seconds: float = 0.5,
+ chunk_seconds: float = 0.5,
+ absolute_thresh: bool = False,
+ max_chunk_seconds: float = 40,
+ # fade_seconds: float = 0.0,
+ ) -> np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.float32]]:
+ sr = self.target_sample
+ result_audio = np.array([], dtype=np.float32)
+ chunk_length_min = chunk_length_min = (
+ int(
+ min(
+ sr / so_vits_svc_fork.f0.f0_min * 20 + 1,
+ chunk_seconds * sr,
+ )
+ )
+ // 2
+ )
+ for chunk in split_silence(
+ audio,
+ top_db=-db_thresh,
+ frame_length=chunk_length_min * 2,
+ hop_length=chunk_length_min,
+ ref=1 if absolute_thresh else np.max,
+ max_chunk_length=int(max_chunk_seconds * sr),
+ ):
+ LOG.info(f"Chunk: {chunk}")
+ if not chunk.is_speech:
+ audio_chunk_infer = np.zeros_like(chunk.audio)
+ else:
+ # pad
+ pad_len = int(sr * pad_seconds)
+ audio_chunk_pad = np.concatenate(
+ [
+ np.zeros([pad_len], dtype=np.float32),
+ chunk.audio,
+ np.zeros([pad_len], dtype=np.float32),
+ ]
+ )
+ audio_chunk_pad_infer_tensor, _ = self.infer(
+ speaker,
+ transpose,
+ audio_chunk_pad,
+ cluster_infer_ratio=cluster_infer_ratio,
+ auto_predict_f0=auto_predict_f0,
+ noise_scale=noise_scale,
+ f0_method=f0_method,
+ )
+ audio_chunk_pad_infer = audio_chunk_pad_infer_tensor.cpu().numpy()
+ pad_len = int(self.target_sample * pad_seconds)
+ cut_len_2 = (len(audio_chunk_pad_infer) - len(chunk.audio)) // 2
+ audio_chunk_infer = audio_chunk_pad_infer[
+ cut_len_2 : cut_len_2 + len(chunk.audio)
+ ]
+ # add fade
+ # fade_len = int(self.target_sample * fade_seconds)
+ # _audio[:fade_len] = _audio[:fade_len] * np.linspace(0, 1, fade_len)
+ # _audio[-fade_len:] = _audio[-fade_len:] * np.linspace(1, 0, fade_len)
+ # empty cache
+ torch.cuda.empty_cache()
+ result_audio = np.concatenate([result_audio, audio_chunk_infer])
+ result_audio = result_audio[: audio.shape[0]]
+ return result_audio
+def sola_crossfade(
+ first: ndarray[Any, dtype[float32]],
+ second: ndarray[Any, dtype[float32]],
+ crossfade_len: int,
+ sola_search_len: int,
+) -> ndarray[Any, dtype[float32]]:
+ cor_nom = np.convolve(
+ second[: sola_search_len + crossfade_len],
+ np.flip(first[-crossfade_len:]),
+ "valid",
+ )
+ cor_den = np.sqrt(
+ np.convolve(
+ second[: sola_search_len + crossfade_len] ** 2,
+ np.ones(crossfade_len),
+ "valid",
+ )
+ + 1e-8
+ )
+ sola_shift = np.argmax(cor_nom / cor_den)
+ LOG.info(f"SOLA shift: {sola_shift}")
+ second = second[sola_shift : sola_shift + len(second) - sola_search_len]
+ return np.concatenate(
+ [
+ first[:-crossfade_len],
+ first[-crossfade_len:] * np.linspace(1, 0, crossfade_len)
+ + second[:crossfade_len] * np.linspace(0, 1, crossfade_len),
+ second[crossfade_len:],
+ ]
+ )
+class Crossfader:
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ additional_infer_before_len: int,
+ additional_infer_after_len: int,
+ crossfade_len: int,
+ sola_search_len: int = 384,
+ ) -> None:
+ if additional_infer_before_len < 0:
+ raise ValueError("additional_infer_len must be >= 0")
+ if crossfade_len < 0:
+ raise ValueError("crossfade_len must be >= 0")
+ if additional_infer_after_len < 0:
+ raise ValueError("additional_infer_len must be >= 0")
+ if additional_infer_before_len < 0:
+ raise ValueError("additional_infer_len must be >= 0")
+ self.additional_infer_before_len = additional_infer_before_len
+ self.additional_infer_after_len = additional_infer_after_len
+ self.crossfade_len = crossfade_len
+ self.sola_search_len = sola_search_len
+ self.last_input_left = np.zeros(
+ sola_search_len
+ + crossfade_len
+ + additional_infer_before_len
+ + additional_infer_after_len,
+ dtype=np.float32,
+ )
+ self.last_infered_left = np.zeros(crossfade_len, dtype=np.float32)
+ def process(
+ self, input_audio: ndarray[Any, dtype[float32]], *args, **kwargs: Any
+ ) -> ndarray[Any, dtype[float32]]:
+ """
+ chunks : â– â– â– â– â– â– â–¡â–¡â–¡â–¡â–¡â–¡
+ add last input:â–¡â– â– â– â– â– â–
+ â– â–¡â–¡â–¡â–¡â–¡â–¡
+ infer :â–¡â– â– â– â– â– â–
+ â– â–¡â–¡â–¡â–¡â–¡â–¡
+ crossfade :▲■■■■â–
+ ▲□□□□□
+ """
+ # check input
+ if input_audio.ndim != 1:
+ raise ValueError("Input audio must be 1-dimensional.")
+ if (
+ input_audio.shape[0] + self.additional_infer_before_len
+ <= self.crossfade_len
+ ):
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Input audio length ({input_audio.shape[0]}) + additional_infer_len ({self.additional_infer_before_len}) must be greater than crossfade_len ({self.crossfade_len})."
+ )
+ input_audio = input_audio.astype(np.float32)
+ input_audio_len = len(input_audio)
+ # concat last input and infer
+ input_audio_concat = np.concatenate([self.last_input_left, input_audio])
+ del input_audio
+ pad_len = 0
+ if pad_len:
+ infer_audio_concat = self.infer(
+ np.pad(input_audio_concat, (pad_len, pad_len), mode="reflect"),
+ *args,
+ **kwargs,
+ )[pad_len:-pad_len]
+ else:
+ infer_audio_concat = self.infer(input_audio_concat, *args, **kwargs)
+ # debug SOLA (using copy synthesis with a random shift)
+ """
+ rs = int(np.random.uniform(-200,200))
+ LOG.info(f"Debug random shift: {rs}")
+ infer_audio_concat = np.roll(input_audio_concat, rs)
+ """
+ if len(infer_audio_concat) != len(input_audio_concat):
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Inferred audio length ({len(infer_audio_concat)}) should be equal to input audio length ({len(input_audio_concat)})."
+ )
+ infer_audio_to_use = infer_audio_concat[
+ -(
+ self.sola_search_len
+ + self.crossfade_len
+ + input_audio_len
+ + self.additional_infer_after_len
+ ) : -self.additional_infer_after_len
+ ]
+ assert (
+ len(infer_audio_to_use)
+ == input_audio_len + self.sola_search_len + self.crossfade_len
+ ), f"{len(infer_audio_to_use)} != {input_audio_len + self.sola_search_len + self.cross_fade_len}"
+ _audio = sola_crossfade(
+ self.last_infered_left,
+ infer_audio_to_use,
+ self.crossfade_len,
+ self.sola_search_len,
+ )
+ result_audio = _audio[: -self.crossfade_len]
+ assert (
+ len(result_audio) == input_audio_len
+ ), f"{len(result_audio)} != {input_audio_len}"
+ # update last input and inferred
+ self.last_input_left = input_audio_concat[
+ -(
+ self.sola_search_len
+ + self.crossfade_len
+ + self.additional_infer_before_len
+ + self.additional_infer_after_len
+ ) :
+ ]
+ self.last_infered_left = _audio[-self.crossfade_len :]
+ return result_audio
+ def infer(
+ self, input_audio: ndarray[Any, dtype[float32]]
+ ) -> ndarray[Any, dtype[float32]]:
+ return input_audio
+class RealtimeVC(Crossfader):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ svc_model: Svc,
+ crossfade_len: int = 3840,
+ additional_infer_before_len: int = 7680,
+ additional_infer_after_len: int = 7680,
+ split: bool = True,
+ ) -> None:
+ self.svc_model = svc_model
+ self.split = split
+ super().__init__(
+ crossfade_len=crossfade_len,
+ additional_infer_before_len=additional_infer_before_len,
+ additional_infer_after_len=additional_infer_after_len,
+ )
+ def process(
+ self,
+ input_audio: ndarray[Any, dtype[float32]],
+ *args: Any,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ) -> ndarray[Any, dtype[float32]]:
+ return super().process(input_audio, *args, **kwargs)
+ def infer(
+ self,
+ input_audio: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.float32]],
+ # svc config
+ speaker: int | str,
+ transpose: int,
+ cluster_infer_ratio: float = 0,
+ auto_predict_f0: bool = False,
+ noise_scale: float = 0.4,
+ f0_method: Literal[
+ "crepe", "crepe-tiny", "parselmouth", "dio", "harvest"
+ ] = "dio",
+ # slice config
+ db_thresh: int = -40,
+ pad_seconds: float = 0.5,
+ chunk_seconds: float = 0.5,
+ ) -> ndarray[Any, dtype[float32]]:
+ # infer
+ if self.split:
+ return self.svc_model.infer_silence(
+ audio=input_audio,
+ speaker=speaker,
+ transpose=transpose,
+ cluster_infer_ratio=cluster_infer_ratio,
+ auto_predict_f0=auto_predict_f0,
+ noise_scale=noise_scale,
+ f0_method=f0_method,
+ db_thresh=db_thresh,
+ pad_seconds=pad_seconds,
+ chunk_seconds=chunk_seconds,
+ absolute_thresh=True,
+ )
+ else:
+ rms = np.sqrt(np.mean(input_audio**2))
+ min_rms = 10 ** (db_thresh / 20)
+ if rms < min_rms:
+ LOG.info(f"Skip silence: RMS={rms:.2f} < {min_rms:.2f}")
+ return np.zeros_like(input_audio)
+ else:
+ LOG.info(f"Start inference: RMS={rms:.2f} >= {min_rms:.2f}")
+ infered_audio_c, _ = self.svc_model.infer(
+ speaker=speaker,
+ transpose=transpose,
+ audio=input_audio,
+ cluster_infer_ratio=cluster_infer_ratio,
+ auto_predict_f0=auto_predict_f0,
+ noise_scale=noise_scale,
+ f0_method=f0_method,
+ )
+ return infered_audio_c.cpu().numpy()
+class RealtimeVC2:
+ chunk_store: list[Chunk]
+ def __init__(self, svc_model: Svc) -> None:
+ self.input_audio_store = np.array([], dtype=np.float32)
+ self.chunk_store = []
+ self.svc_model = svc_model
+ def process(
+ self,
+ input_audio: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.float32]],
+ # svc config
+ speaker: int | str,
+ transpose: int,
+ cluster_infer_ratio: float = 0,
+ auto_predict_f0: bool = False,
+ noise_scale: float = 0.4,
+ f0_method: Literal[
+ "crepe", "crepe-tiny", "parselmouth", "dio", "harvest"
+ ] = "dio",
+ # slice config
+ db_thresh: int = -40,
+ chunk_seconds: float = 0.5,
+ ) -> ndarray[Any, dtype[float32]]:
+ def infer(audio: ndarray[Any, dtype[float32]]) -> ndarray[Any, dtype[float32]]:
+ infered_audio_c, _ = self.svc_model.infer(
+ speaker=speaker,
+ transpose=transpose,
+ audio=audio,
+ cluster_infer_ratio=cluster_infer_ratio,
+ auto_predict_f0=auto_predict_f0,
+ noise_scale=noise_scale,
+ f0_method=f0_method,
+ )
+ return infered_audio_c.cpu().numpy()
+ self.input_audio_store = np.concatenate([self.input_audio_store, input_audio])
+ LOG.info(f"input_audio_store: {self.input_audio_store.shape}")
+ sr = self.svc_model.target_sample
+ chunk_length_min = (
+ int(min(sr / so_vits_svc_fork.f0.f0_min * 20 + 1, chunk_seconds * sr)) // 2
+ )
+ LOG.info(f"Chunk length min: {chunk_length_min}")
+ chunk_list = list(
+ split_silence(
+ self.input_audio_store,
+ -db_thresh,
+ frame_length=chunk_length_min * 2,
+ hop_length=chunk_length_min,
+ ref=1, # use absolute threshold
+ )
+ )
+ assert len(chunk_list) > 0
+ LOG.info(f"Chunk list: {chunk_list}")
+ # do not infer LAST incomplete is_speech chunk and save to store
+ if chunk_list[-1].is_speech:
+ self.input_audio_store = chunk_list.pop().audio
+ else:
+ self.input_audio_store = np.array([], dtype=np.float32)
+ # infer complete is_speech chunk and save to store
+ self.chunk_store.extend(
+ [
+ attrs.evolve(c, audio=infer(c.audio) if c.is_speech else c.audio)
+ for c in chunk_list
+ ]
+ )
+ # calculate lengths and determine compress rate
+ total_speech_len = sum(
+ [c.duration if c.is_speech else 0 for c in self.chunk_store]
+ )
+ total_silence_len = sum(
+ [c.duration if not c.is_speech else 0 for c in self.chunk_store]
+ )
+ input_audio_len = input_audio.shape[0]
+ silence_compress_rate = total_silence_len / max(
+ 0, input_audio_len - total_speech_len
+ )
+ LOG.info(
+ f"Total speech len: {total_speech_len}, silence len: {total_silence_len}, silence compress rate: {silence_compress_rate}"
+ )
+ # generate output audio
+ output_audio = np.array([], dtype=np.float32)
+ break_flag = False
+ LOG.info(f"Chunk store: {self.chunk_store}")
+ for chunk in deepcopy(self.chunk_store):
+ compress_rate = 1 if chunk.is_speech else silence_compress_rate
+ left_len = input_audio_len - output_audio.shape[0]
+ # calculate chunk duration
+ chunk_duration_output = int(min(chunk.duration / compress_rate, left_len))
+ chunk_duration_input = int(min(chunk.duration, left_len * compress_rate))
+ LOG.info(
+ f"Chunk duration output: {chunk_duration_output}, input: {chunk_duration_input}, left len: {left_len}"
+ )
+ # remove chunk from store
+ self.chunk_store.pop(0)
+ if chunk.duration > chunk_duration_input:
+ left_chunk = attrs.evolve(
+ chunk, audio=chunk.audio[chunk_duration_input:]
+ )
+ chunk = attrs.evolve(chunk, audio=chunk.audio[:chunk_duration_input])
+ self.chunk_store.insert(0, left_chunk)
+ break_flag = True
+ if chunk.is_speech:
+ # if is_speech, just concat
+ output_audio = np.concatenate([output_audio, chunk.audio])
+ else:
+ # if is_silence, concat with zeros and compress with silence_compress_rate
+ output_audio = np.concatenate(
+ [
+ output_audio,
+ np.zeros(
+ chunk_duration_output,
+ dtype=np.float32,
+ ),
+ ]
+ )
+ if break_flag:
+ break
+ LOG.info(f"Chunk store: {self.chunk_store}, output_audio: {output_audio.shape}")
+ # make same length (errors)
+ output_audio = output_audio[:input_audio_len]
+ output_audio = np.concatenate(
+ [
+ output_audio,
+ np.zeros(input_audio_len - output_audio.shape[0], dtype=np.float32),
+ ]
+ )
+ return output_audio
diff --git a/so_vits_svc_fork/inference/main.py b/so_vits_svc_fork/inference/main.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0fe93b446f4903c392ad98e8b3efe88854bc39a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/so_vits_svc_fork/inference/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+from logging import getLogger
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Literal, Sequence
+import librosa
+import numpy as np
+import soundfile
+import torch
+from cm_time import timer
+from tqdm import tqdm
+from so_vits_svc_fork.inference.core import RealtimeVC, RealtimeVC2, Svc
+from so_vits_svc_fork.utils import get_optimal_device
+LOG = getLogger(__name__)
+def infer(
+ *,
+ # paths
+ input_path: Path | str | Sequence[Path | str],
+ output_path: Path | str | Sequence[Path | str],
+ model_path: Path | str,
+ config_path: Path | str,
+ recursive: bool = False,
+ # svc config
+ speaker: int | str,
+ cluster_model_path: Path | str | None = None,
+ transpose: int = 0,
+ auto_predict_f0: bool = False,
+ cluster_infer_ratio: float = 0,
+ noise_scale: float = 0.4,
+ f0_method: Literal["crepe", "crepe-tiny", "parselmouth", "dio", "harvest"] = "dio",
+ # slice config
+ db_thresh: int = -40,
+ pad_seconds: float = 0.5,
+ chunk_seconds: float = 0.5,
+ absolute_thresh: bool = False,
+ max_chunk_seconds: float = 40,
+ device: str | torch.device = get_optimal_device(),
+ if isinstance(input_path, (str, Path)):
+ input_path = [input_path]
+ if isinstance(output_path, (str, Path)):
+ output_path = [output_path]
+ if len(input_path) != len(output_path):
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"input_path and output_path must have same length, but got {len(input_path)} and {len(output_path)}"
+ )
+ model_path = Path(model_path)
+ config_path = Path(config_path)
+ output_path = [Path(p) for p in output_path]
+ input_path = [Path(p) for p in input_path]
+ output_paths = []
+ input_paths = []
+ for input_path, output_path in zip(input_path, output_path):
+ if input_path.is_dir():
+ if not recursive:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"input_path is a directory, but recursive is False: {input_path}"
+ )
+ input_paths.extend(list(input_path.rglob("*.*")))
+ output_paths.extend(
+ [output_path / p.relative_to(input_path) for p in input_paths]
+ )
+ continue
+ input_paths.append(input_path)
+ output_paths.append(output_path)
+ cluster_model_path = Path(cluster_model_path) if cluster_model_path else None
+ svc_model = Svc(
+ net_g_path=model_path.as_posix(),
+ config_path=config_path.as_posix(),
+ cluster_model_path=cluster_model_path.as_posix()
+ if cluster_model_path
+ else None,
+ device=device,
+ )
+ try:
+ pbar = tqdm(list(zip(input_paths, output_paths)), disable=len(input_paths) == 1)
+ for input_path, output_path in pbar:
+ pbar.set_description(f"{input_path}")
+ try:
+ audio, _ = librosa.load(str(input_path), sr=svc_model.target_sample)
+ except Exception as e:
+ LOG.error(f"Failed to load {input_path}")
+ LOG.exception(e)
+ continue
+ output_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ audio = svc_model.infer_silence(
+ audio.astype(np.float32),
+ speaker=speaker,
+ transpose=transpose,
+ auto_predict_f0=auto_predict_f0,
+ cluster_infer_ratio=cluster_infer_ratio,
+ noise_scale=noise_scale,
+ f0_method=f0_method,
+ db_thresh=db_thresh,
+ pad_seconds=pad_seconds,
+ chunk_seconds=chunk_seconds,
+ absolute_thresh=absolute_thresh,
+ max_chunk_seconds=max_chunk_seconds,
+ )
+ soundfile.write(str(output_path), audio, svc_model.target_sample)
+ finally:
+ del svc_model
+ torch.cuda.empty_cache()
+def realtime(
+ *,
+ # paths
+ model_path: Path | str,
+ config_path: Path | str,
+ # svc config
+ speaker: str,
+ cluster_model_path: Path | str | None = None,
+ transpose: int = 0,
+ auto_predict_f0: bool = False,
+ cluster_infer_ratio: float = 0,
+ noise_scale: float = 0.4,
+ f0_method: Literal["crepe", "crepe-tiny", "parselmouth", "dio", "harvest"] = "dio",
+ # slice config
+ db_thresh: int = -40,
+ pad_seconds: float = 0.5,
+ chunk_seconds: float = 0.5,
+ # realtime config
+ crossfade_seconds: float = 0.05,
+ additional_infer_before_seconds: float = 0.2,
+ additional_infer_after_seconds: float = 0.1,
+ block_seconds: float = 0.5,
+ version: int = 2,
+ input_device: int | str | None = None,
+ output_device: int | str | None = None,
+ device: str | torch.device = get_optimal_device(),
+ passthrough_original: bool = False,
+ import sounddevice as sd
+ model_path = Path(model_path)
+ config_path = Path(config_path)
+ cluster_model_path = Path(cluster_model_path) if cluster_model_path else None
+ svc_model = Svc(
+ net_g_path=model_path.as_posix(),
+ config_path=config_path.as_posix(),
+ cluster_model_path=cluster_model_path.as_posix()
+ if cluster_model_path
+ else None,
+ device=device,
+ )
+ LOG.info("Creating realtime model...")
+ if version == 1:
+ model = RealtimeVC(
+ svc_model=svc_model,
+ crossfade_len=int(crossfade_seconds * svc_model.target_sample),
+ additional_infer_before_len=int(
+ additional_infer_before_seconds * svc_model.target_sample
+ ),
+ additional_infer_after_len=int(
+ additional_infer_after_seconds * svc_model.target_sample
+ ),
+ )
+ else:
+ model = RealtimeVC2(
+ svc_model=svc_model,
+ )
+ # LOG all device info
+ devices = sd.query_devices()
+ LOG.info(f"Device: {devices}")
+ if isinstance(input_device, str):
+ input_device_candidates = [
+ i for i, d in enumerate(devices) if d["name"] == input_device
+ ]
+ if len(input_device_candidates) == 0:
+ LOG.warning(f"Input device {input_device} not found, using default")
+ input_device = None
+ else:
+ input_device = input_device_candidates[0]
+ if isinstance(output_device, str):
+ output_device_candidates = [
+ i for i, d in enumerate(devices) if d["name"] == output_device
+ ]
+ if len(output_device_candidates) == 0:
+ LOG.warning(f"Output device {output_device} not found, using default")
+ output_device = None
+ else:
+ output_device = output_device_candidates[0]
+ if input_device is None or input_device >= len(devices):
+ input_device = sd.default.device[0]
+ if output_device is None or output_device >= len(devices):
+ output_device = sd.default.device[1]
+ LOG.info(
+ f"Input Device: {devices[input_device]['name']}, Output Device: {devices[output_device]['name']}"
+ )
+ # the model RTL is somewhat significantly high only in the first inference
+ # there could be no better way to warm up the model than to do a dummy inference
+ # (there are not differences in the behavior of the model between the first and the later inferences)
+ # so we do a dummy inference to warm up the model (1 second of audio)
+ LOG.info("Warming up the model...")
+ svc_model.infer(
+ speaker=speaker,
+ transpose=transpose,
+ auto_predict_f0=auto_predict_f0,
+ cluster_infer_ratio=cluster_infer_ratio,
+ noise_scale=noise_scale,
+ f0_method=f0_method,
+ audio=np.zeros(svc_model.target_sample, dtype=np.float32),
+ )
+ def callback(
+ indata: np.ndarray,
+ outdata: np.ndarray,
+ frames: int,
+ time: int,
+ status: sd.CallbackFlags,
+ ) -> None:
+ LOG.debug(
+ f"Frames: {frames}, Status: {status}, Shape: {indata.shape}, Time: {time}"
+ )
+ kwargs = dict(
+ input_audio=indata.mean(axis=1).astype(np.float32),
+ # svc config
+ speaker=speaker,
+ transpose=transpose,
+ auto_predict_f0=auto_predict_f0,
+ cluster_infer_ratio=cluster_infer_ratio,
+ noise_scale=noise_scale,
+ f0_method=f0_method,
+ # slice config
+ db_thresh=db_thresh,
+ # pad_seconds=pad_seconds,
+ chunk_seconds=chunk_seconds,
+ )
+ if version == 1:
+ kwargs["pad_seconds"] = pad_seconds
+ with timer() as t:
+ inference = model.process(
+ **kwargs,
+ ).reshape(-1, 1)
+ if passthrough_original:
+ outdata[:] = (indata + inference) / 2
+ else:
+ outdata[:] = inference
+ rtf = t.elapsed / block_seconds
+ LOG.info(f"Realtime inference time: {t.elapsed:.3f}s, RTF: {rtf:.3f}")
+ if rtf > 1:
+ LOG.warning("RTF is too high, consider increasing block_seconds")
+ try:
+ with sd.Stream(
+ device=(input_device, output_device),
+ channels=1,
+ callback=callback,
+ samplerate=svc_model.target_sample,
+ blocksize=int(block_seconds * svc_model.target_sample),
+ latency="low",
+ ) as stream:
+ LOG.info(f"Latency: {stream.latency}")
+ while True:
+ sd.sleep(1000)
+ finally:
+ # del model, svc_model
+ torch.cuda.empty_cache()
diff --git a/so_vits_svc_fork/logger.py b/so_vits_svc_fork/logger.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d3da52cb29d2dc3ad4ebe903c58646ca111c7f02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/so_vits_svc_fork/logger.py
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+import os
+import sys
+from logging import DEBUG, INFO, StreamHandler, basicConfig, captureWarnings, getLogger
+from pathlib import Path
+from rich.logging import RichHandler
+def init_logger() -> None:
+ global LOGGER_INIT
+ return
+ IS_TEST = "test" in Path.cwd().stem
+ package_name = sys.modules[__name__].__package__
+ basicConfig(
+ level=INFO,
+ format="%(asctime)s %(message)s",
+ datefmt="[%X]",
+ handlers=[
+ StreamHandler() if is_notebook() else RichHandler(),
+ # FileHandler(f"{package_name}.log"),
+ ],
+ )
+ if IS_TEST:
+ getLogger(package_name).setLevel(DEBUG)
+ captureWarnings(True)
+def is_notebook():
+ try:
+ from IPython import get_ipython
+ if "IPKernelApp" not in get_ipython().config: # pragma: no cover
+ raise ImportError("console")
+ return False
+ if "VSCODE_PID" in os.environ: # pragma: no cover
+ raise ImportError("vscode")
+ return False
+ except Exception:
+ return False
+ else: # pragma: no cover
+ return True
diff --git a/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/__init__.py b/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/attentions.py b/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/attentions.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..aeaf40fd7aeea3c2bd875effb8d2e190db68d0c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/attentions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,488 @@
+import math
+import torch
+from torch import nn
+from torch.nn import functional as F
+from so_vits_svc_fork.modules import commons
+from so_vits_svc_fork.modules.modules import LayerNorm
+class FFT(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ hidden_channels,
+ filter_channels,
+ n_heads,
+ n_layers=1,
+ kernel_size=1,
+ p_dropout=0.0,
+ proximal_bias=False,
+ proximal_init=True,
+ **kwargs
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.hidden_channels = hidden_channels
+ self.filter_channels = filter_channels
+ self.n_heads = n_heads
+ self.n_layers = n_layers
+ self.kernel_size = kernel_size
+ self.p_dropout = p_dropout
+ self.proximal_bias = proximal_bias
+ self.proximal_init = proximal_init
+ self.drop = nn.Dropout(p_dropout)
+ self.self_attn_layers = nn.ModuleList()
+ self.norm_layers_0 = nn.ModuleList()
+ self.ffn_layers = nn.ModuleList()
+ self.norm_layers_1 = nn.ModuleList()
+ for i in range(self.n_layers):
+ self.self_attn_layers.append(
+ MultiHeadAttention(
+ hidden_channels,
+ hidden_channels,
+ n_heads,
+ p_dropout=p_dropout,
+ proximal_bias=proximal_bias,
+ proximal_init=proximal_init,
+ )
+ )
+ self.norm_layers_0.append(LayerNorm(hidden_channels))
+ self.ffn_layers.append(
+ FFN(
+ hidden_channels,
+ hidden_channels,
+ filter_channels,
+ kernel_size,
+ p_dropout=p_dropout,
+ causal=True,
+ )
+ )
+ self.norm_layers_1.append(LayerNorm(hidden_channels))
+ def forward(self, x, x_mask):
+ """
+ x: decoder input
+ h: encoder output
+ """
+ self_attn_mask = commons.subsequent_mask(x_mask.size(2)).to(
+ device=x.device, dtype=x.dtype
+ )
+ x = x * x_mask
+ for i in range(self.n_layers):
+ y = self.self_attn_layers[i](x, x, self_attn_mask)
+ y = self.drop(y)
+ x = self.norm_layers_0[i](x + y)
+ y = self.ffn_layers[i](x, x_mask)
+ y = self.drop(y)
+ x = self.norm_layers_1[i](x + y)
+ x = x * x_mask
+ return x
+class Encoder(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ hidden_channels,
+ filter_channels,
+ n_heads,
+ n_layers,
+ kernel_size=1,
+ p_dropout=0.0,
+ window_size=4,
+ **kwargs
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.hidden_channels = hidden_channels
+ self.filter_channels = filter_channels
+ self.n_heads = n_heads
+ self.n_layers = n_layers
+ self.kernel_size = kernel_size
+ self.p_dropout = p_dropout
+ self.window_size = window_size
+ self.drop = nn.Dropout(p_dropout)
+ self.attn_layers = nn.ModuleList()
+ self.norm_layers_1 = nn.ModuleList()
+ self.ffn_layers = nn.ModuleList()
+ self.norm_layers_2 = nn.ModuleList()
+ for i in range(self.n_layers):
+ self.attn_layers.append(
+ MultiHeadAttention(
+ hidden_channels,
+ hidden_channels,
+ n_heads,
+ p_dropout=p_dropout,
+ window_size=window_size,
+ )
+ )
+ self.norm_layers_1.append(LayerNorm(hidden_channels))
+ self.ffn_layers.append(
+ FFN(
+ hidden_channels,
+ hidden_channels,
+ filter_channels,
+ kernel_size,
+ p_dropout=p_dropout,
+ )
+ )
+ self.norm_layers_2.append(LayerNorm(hidden_channels))
+ def forward(self, x, x_mask):
+ attn_mask = x_mask.unsqueeze(2) * x_mask.unsqueeze(-1)
+ x = x * x_mask
+ for i in range(self.n_layers):
+ y = self.attn_layers[i](x, x, attn_mask)
+ y = self.drop(y)
+ x = self.norm_layers_1[i](x + y)
+ y = self.ffn_layers[i](x, x_mask)
+ y = self.drop(y)
+ x = self.norm_layers_2[i](x + y)
+ x = x * x_mask
+ return x
+class Decoder(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ hidden_channels,
+ filter_channels,
+ n_heads,
+ n_layers,
+ kernel_size=1,
+ p_dropout=0.0,
+ proximal_bias=False,
+ proximal_init=True,
+ **kwargs
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.hidden_channels = hidden_channels
+ self.filter_channels = filter_channels
+ self.n_heads = n_heads
+ self.n_layers = n_layers
+ self.kernel_size = kernel_size
+ self.p_dropout = p_dropout
+ self.proximal_bias = proximal_bias
+ self.proximal_init = proximal_init
+ self.drop = nn.Dropout(p_dropout)
+ self.self_attn_layers = nn.ModuleList()
+ self.norm_layers_0 = nn.ModuleList()
+ self.encdec_attn_layers = nn.ModuleList()
+ self.norm_layers_1 = nn.ModuleList()
+ self.ffn_layers = nn.ModuleList()
+ self.norm_layers_2 = nn.ModuleList()
+ for i in range(self.n_layers):
+ self.self_attn_layers.append(
+ MultiHeadAttention(
+ hidden_channels,
+ hidden_channels,
+ n_heads,
+ p_dropout=p_dropout,
+ proximal_bias=proximal_bias,
+ proximal_init=proximal_init,
+ )
+ )
+ self.norm_layers_0.append(LayerNorm(hidden_channels))
+ self.encdec_attn_layers.append(
+ MultiHeadAttention(
+ hidden_channels, hidden_channels, n_heads, p_dropout=p_dropout
+ )
+ )
+ self.norm_layers_1.append(LayerNorm(hidden_channels))
+ self.ffn_layers.append(
+ FFN(
+ hidden_channels,
+ hidden_channels,
+ filter_channels,
+ kernel_size,
+ p_dropout=p_dropout,
+ causal=True,
+ )
+ )
+ self.norm_layers_2.append(LayerNorm(hidden_channels))
+ def forward(self, x, x_mask, h, h_mask):
+ """
+ x: decoder input
+ h: encoder output
+ """
+ self_attn_mask = commons.subsequent_mask(x_mask.size(2)).to(
+ device=x.device, dtype=x.dtype
+ )
+ encdec_attn_mask = h_mask.unsqueeze(2) * x_mask.unsqueeze(-1)
+ x = x * x_mask
+ for i in range(self.n_layers):
+ y = self.self_attn_layers[i](x, x, self_attn_mask)
+ y = self.drop(y)
+ x = self.norm_layers_0[i](x + y)
+ y = self.encdec_attn_layers[i](x, h, encdec_attn_mask)
+ y = self.drop(y)
+ x = self.norm_layers_1[i](x + y)
+ y = self.ffn_layers[i](x, x_mask)
+ y = self.drop(y)
+ x = self.norm_layers_2[i](x + y)
+ x = x * x_mask
+ return x
+class MultiHeadAttention(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ channels,
+ out_channels,
+ n_heads,
+ p_dropout=0.0,
+ window_size=None,
+ heads_share=True,
+ block_length=None,
+ proximal_bias=False,
+ proximal_init=False,
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ assert channels % n_heads == 0
+ self.channels = channels
+ self.out_channels = out_channels
+ self.n_heads = n_heads
+ self.p_dropout = p_dropout
+ self.window_size = window_size
+ self.heads_share = heads_share
+ self.block_length = block_length
+ self.proximal_bias = proximal_bias
+ self.proximal_init = proximal_init
+ self.attn = None
+ self.k_channels = channels // n_heads
+ self.conv_q = nn.Conv1d(channels, channels, 1)
+ self.conv_k = nn.Conv1d(channels, channels, 1)
+ self.conv_v = nn.Conv1d(channels, channels, 1)
+ self.conv_o = nn.Conv1d(channels, out_channels, 1)
+ self.drop = nn.Dropout(p_dropout)
+ if window_size is not None:
+ n_heads_rel = 1 if heads_share else n_heads
+ rel_stddev = self.k_channels**-0.5
+ self.emb_rel_k = nn.Parameter(
+ torch.randn(n_heads_rel, window_size * 2 + 1, self.k_channels)
+ * rel_stddev
+ )
+ self.emb_rel_v = nn.Parameter(
+ torch.randn(n_heads_rel, window_size * 2 + 1, self.k_channels)
+ * rel_stddev
+ )
+ nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.conv_q.weight)
+ nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.conv_k.weight)
+ nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.conv_v.weight)
+ if proximal_init:
+ with torch.no_grad():
+ self.conv_k.weight.copy_(self.conv_q.weight)
+ self.conv_k.bias.copy_(self.conv_q.bias)
+ def forward(self, x, c, attn_mask=None):
+ q = self.conv_q(x)
+ k = self.conv_k(c)
+ v = self.conv_v(c)
+ x, self.attn = self.attention(q, k, v, mask=attn_mask)
+ x = self.conv_o(x)
+ return x
+ def attention(self, query, key, value, mask=None):
+ # reshape [b, d, t] -> [b, n_h, t, d_k]
+ b, d, t_s, t_t = (*key.size(), query.size(2))
+ query = query.view(b, self.n_heads, self.k_channels, t_t).transpose(2, 3)
+ key = key.view(b, self.n_heads, self.k_channels, t_s).transpose(2, 3)
+ value = value.view(b, self.n_heads, self.k_channels, t_s).transpose(2, 3)
+ scores = torch.matmul(query / math.sqrt(self.k_channels), key.transpose(-2, -1))
+ if self.window_size is not None:
+ assert (
+ t_s == t_t
+ ), "Relative attention is only available for self-attention."
+ key_relative_embeddings = self._get_relative_embeddings(self.emb_rel_k, t_s)
+ rel_logits = self._matmul_with_relative_keys(
+ query / math.sqrt(self.k_channels), key_relative_embeddings
+ )
+ scores_local = self._relative_position_to_absolute_position(rel_logits)
+ scores = scores + scores_local
+ if self.proximal_bias:
+ assert t_s == t_t, "Proximal bias is only available for self-attention."
+ scores = scores + self._attention_bias_proximal(t_s).to(
+ device=scores.device, dtype=scores.dtype
+ )
+ if mask is not None:
+ scores = scores.masked_fill(mask == 0, -1e4)
+ if self.block_length is not None:
+ assert (
+ t_s == t_t
+ ), "Local attention is only available for self-attention."
+ block_mask = (
+ torch.ones_like(scores)
+ .triu(-self.block_length)
+ .tril(self.block_length)
+ )
+ scores = scores.masked_fill(block_mask == 0, -1e4)
+ p_attn = F.softmax(scores, dim=-1) # [b, n_h, t_t, t_s]
+ p_attn = self.drop(p_attn)
+ output = torch.matmul(p_attn, value)
+ if self.window_size is not None:
+ relative_weights = self._absolute_position_to_relative_position(p_attn)
+ value_relative_embeddings = self._get_relative_embeddings(
+ self.emb_rel_v, t_s
+ )
+ output = output + self._matmul_with_relative_values(
+ relative_weights, value_relative_embeddings
+ )
+ output = (
+ output.transpose(2, 3).contiguous().view(b, d, t_t)
+ ) # [b, n_h, t_t, d_k] -> [b, d, t_t]
+ return output, p_attn
+ def _matmul_with_relative_values(self, x, y):
+ """
+ x: [b, h, l, m]
+ y: [h or 1, m, d]
+ ret: [b, h, l, d]
+ """
+ ret = torch.matmul(x, y.unsqueeze(0))
+ return ret
+ def _matmul_with_relative_keys(self, x, y):
+ """
+ x: [b, h, l, d]
+ y: [h or 1, m, d]
+ ret: [b, h, l, m]
+ """
+ ret = torch.matmul(x, y.unsqueeze(0).transpose(-2, -1))
+ return ret
+ def _get_relative_embeddings(self, relative_embeddings, length):
+ 2 * self.window_size + 1
+ # Pad first before slice to avoid using cond ops.
+ pad_length = max(length - (self.window_size + 1), 0)
+ slice_start_position = max((self.window_size + 1) - length, 0)
+ slice_end_position = slice_start_position + 2 * length - 1
+ if pad_length > 0:
+ padded_relative_embeddings = F.pad(
+ relative_embeddings,
+ commons.convert_pad_shape([[0, 0], [pad_length, pad_length], [0, 0]]),
+ )
+ else:
+ padded_relative_embeddings = relative_embeddings
+ used_relative_embeddings = padded_relative_embeddings[
+ :, slice_start_position:slice_end_position
+ ]
+ return used_relative_embeddings
+ def _relative_position_to_absolute_position(self, x):
+ """
+ x: [b, h, l, 2*l-1]
+ ret: [b, h, l, l]
+ """
+ batch, heads, length, _ = x.size()
+ # Concat columns of pad to shift from relative to absolute indexing.
+ x = F.pad(x, commons.convert_pad_shape([[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 1]]))
+ # Concat extra elements so to add up to shape (len+1, 2*len-1).
+ x_flat = x.view([batch, heads, length * 2 * length])
+ x_flat = F.pad(
+ x_flat, commons.convert_pad_shape([[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, length - 1]])
+ )
+ # Reshape and slice out the padded elements.
+ x_final = x_flat.view([batch, heads, length + 1, 2 * length - 1])[
+ :, :, :length, length - 1 :
+ ]
+ return x_final
+ def _absolute_position_to_relative_position(self, x):
+ """
+ x: [b, h, l, l]
+ ret: [b, h, l, 2*l-1]
+ """
+ batch, heads, length, _ = x.size()
+ # pad along column
+ x = F.pad(
+ x, commons.convert_pad_shape([[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, length - 1]])
+ )
+ x_flat = x.view([batch, heads, length**2 + length * (length - 1)])
+ # add 0's in the beginning that will skew the elements after reshape
+ x_flat = F.pad(x_flat, commons.convert_pad_shape([[0, 0], [0, 0], [length, 0]]))
+ x_final = x_flat.view([batch, heads, length, 2 * length])[:, :, :, 1:]
+ return x_final
+ def _attention_bias_proximal(self, length):
+ """Bias for self-attention to encourage attention to close positions.
+ Args:
+ length: an integer scalar.
+ Returns:
+ a Tensor with shape [1, 1, length, length]
+ """
+ r = torch.arange(length, dtype=torch.float32)
+ diff = torch.unsqueeze(r, 0) - torch.unsqueeze(r, 1)
+ return torch.unsqueeze(torch.unsqueeze(-torch.log1p(torch.abs(diff)), 0), 0)
+class FFN(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ in_channels,
+ out_channels,
+ filter_channels,
+ kernel_size,
+ p_dropout=0.0,
+ activation=None,
+ causal=False,
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.in_channels = in_channels
+ self.out_channels = out_channels
+ self.filter_channels = filter_channels
+ self.kernel_size = kernel_size
+ self.p_dropout = p_dropout
+ self.activation = activation
+ self.causal = causal
+ if causal:
+ self.padding = self._causal_padding
+ else:
+ self.padding = self._same_padding
+ self.conv_1 = nn.Conv1d(in_channels, filter_channels, kernel_size)
+ self.conv_2 = nn.Conv1d(filter_channels, out_channels, kernel_size)
+ self.drop = nn.Dropout(p_dropout)
+ def forward(self, x, x_mask):
+ x = self.conv_1(self.padding(x * x_mask))
+ if self.activation == "gelu":
+ x = x * torch.sigmoid(1.702 * x)
+ else:
+ x = torch.relu(x)
+ x = self.drop(x)
+ x = self.conv_2(self.padding(x * x_mask))
+ return x * x_mask
+ def _causal_padding(self, x):
+ if self.kernel_size == 1:
+ return x
+ pad_l = self.kernel_size - 1
+ pad_r = 0
+ padding = [[0, 0], [0, 0], [pad_l, pad_r]]
+ x = F.pad(x, commons.convert_pad_shape(padding))
+ return x
+ def _same_padding(self, x):
+ if self.kernel_size == 1:
+ return x
+ pad_l = (self.kernel_size - 1) // 2
+ pad_r = self.kernel_size // 2
+ padding = [[0, 0], [0, 0], [pad_l, pad_r]]
+ x = F.pad(x, commons.convert_pad_shape(padding))
+ return x
diff --git a/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/commons.py b/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/commons.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..68e990d581ef7410b1b185dfc9d7fe6bba46ba31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/commons.py
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+import torch
+import torch.nn.functional as F
+from torch import Tensor
+def slice_segments(x: Tensor, starts: Tensor, length: int) -> Tensor:
+ if length is None:
+ return x
+ length = min(length, x.size(-1))
+ x_slice = torch.zeros((x.size()[:-1] + (length,)), dtype=x.dtype, device=x.device)
+ ends = starts + length
+ for i, (start, end) in enumerate(zip(starts, ends)):
+ # LOG.debug(i, start, end, x.size(), x[i, ..., start:end].size(), x_slice.size())
+ # x_slice[i, ...] = x[i, ..., start:end] need to pad
+ # x_slice[i, ..., :end - start] = x[i, ..., start:end] this does not work
+ x_slice[i, ...] = F.pad(x[i, ..., start:end], (0, max(0, length - x.size(-1))))
+ return x_slice
+def rand_slice_segments_with_pitch(
+ x: Tensor, f0: Tensor, x_lengths: Tensor | int | None, segment_size: int | None
+ if segment_size is None:
+ return x, f0, torch.arange(x.size(0), device=x.device)
+ if x_lengths is None:
+ x_lengths = x.size(-1) * torch.ones(
+ x.size(0), dtype=torch.long, device=x.device
+ )
+ # slice_starts = (torch.rand(z.size(0), device=z.device) * (z_lengths - segment_size)).long()
+ slice_starts = (
+ torch.rand(x.size(0), device=x.device)
+ * torch.max(
+ x_lengths - segment_size, torch.zeros_like(x_lengths, device=x.device)
+ )
+ ).long()
+ z_slice = slice_segments(x, slice_starts, segment_size)
+ f0_slice = slice_segments(f0, slice_starts, segment_size)
+ return z_slice, f0_slice, slice_starts
+def slice_2d_segments(x: Tensor, starts: Tensor, length: int) -> Tensor:
+ batch_size, num_features, seq_len = x.shape
+ ends = starts + length
+ idxs = (
+ torch.arange(seq_len, device=x.device)
+ .unsqueeze(0)
+ .unsqueeze(1)
+ .repeat(batch_size, num_features, 1)
+ )
+ mask = (idxs >= starts.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1)) & (
+ idxs < ends.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1)
+ )
+ return x[mask].reshape(batch_size, num_features, length)
+def slice_1d_segments(x: Tensor, starts: Tensor, length: int) -> Tensor:
+ batch_size, seq_len = x.shape
+ ends = starts + length
+ idxs = torch.arange(seq_len, device=x.device).unsqueeze(0).repeat(batch_size, 1)
+ mask = (idxs >= starts.unsqueeze(-1)) & (idxs < ends.unsqueeze(-1))
+ return x[mask].reshape(batch_size, length)
+def _slice_segments_v3(x: Tensor, starts: Tensor, length: int) -> Tensor:
+ shape = x.shape[:-1] + (length,)
+ ends = starts + length
+ idxs = torch.arange(x.shape[-1], device=x.device).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0)
+ unsqueeze_dims = len(shape) - len(
+ x.shape
+ ) # calculate number of dimensions to unsqueeze
+ starts = starts.reshape(starts.shape + (1,) * unsqueeze_dims)
+ ends = ends.reshape(ends.shape + (1,) * unsqueeze_dims)
+ mask = (idxs >= starts) & (idxs < ends)
+ return x[mask].reshape(shape)
+def init_weights(m, mean=0.0, std=0.01):
+ classname = m.__class__.__name__
+ if classname.find("Conv") != -1:
+ m.weight.data.normal_(mean, std)
+def get_padding(kernel_size, dilation=1):
+ return int((kernel_size * dilation - dilation) / 2)
+def convert_pad_shape(pad_shape):
+ l = pad_shape[::-1]
+ pad_shape = [item for sublist in l for item in sublist]
+ return pad_shape
+def subsequent_mask(length):
+ mask = torch.tril(torch.ones(length, length)).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0)
+ return mask
+def fused_add_tanh_sigmoid_multiply(input_a, input_b, n_channels):
+ n_channels_int = n_channels[0]
+ in_act = input_a + input_b
+ t_act = torch.tanh(in_act[:, :n_channels_int, :])
+ s_act = torch.sigmoid(in_act[:, n_channels_int:, :])
+ acts = t_act * s_act
+ return acts
+def sequence_mask(length, max_length=None):
+ if max_length is None:
+ max_length = length.max()
+ x = torch.arange(max_length, dtype=length.dtype, device=length.device)
+ return x.unsqueeze(0) < length.unsqueeze(1)
+def clip_grad_value_(parameters, clip_value, norm_type=2):
+ if isinstance(parameters, torch.Tensor):
+ parameters = [parameters]
+ parameters = list(filter(lambda p: p.grad is not None, parameters))
+ norm_type = float(norm_type)
+ if clip_value is not None:
+ clip_value = float(clip_value)
+ total_norm = 0
+ for p in parameters:
+ param_norm = p.grad.data.norm(norm_type)
+ total_norm += param_norm.item() ** norm_type
+ if clip_value is not None:
+ p.grad.data.clamp_(min=-clip_value, max=clip_value)
+ total_norm = total_norm ** (1.0 / norm_type)
+ return total_norm
diff --git a/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/decoders/__init__.py b/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/decoders/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/decoders/f0.py b/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/decoders/f0.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b30b73bd59fb116ea6ddd1e3e6545cac2edf31cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/decoders/f0.py
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+import torch
+from torch import nn
+from so_vits_svc_fork.modules import attentions as attentions
+class F0Decoder(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ out_channels,
+ hidden_channels,
+ filter_channels,
+ n_heads,
+ n_layers,
+ kernel_size,
+ p_dropout,
+ spk_channels=0,
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.out_channels = out_channels
+ self.hidden_channels = hidden_channels
+ self.filter_channels = filter_channels
+ self.n_heads = n_heads
+ self.n_layers = n_layers
+ self.kernel_size = kernel_size
+ self.p_dropout = p_dropout
+ self.spk_channels = spk_channels
+ self.prenet = nn.Conv1d(hidden_channels, hidden_channels, 3, padding=1)
+ self.decoder = attentions.FFT(
+ hidden_channels, filter_channels, n_heads, n_layers, kernel_size, p_dropout
+ )
+ self.proj = nn.Conv1d(hidden_channels, out_channels, 1)
+ self.f0_prenet = nn.Conv1d(1, hidden_channels, 3, padding=1)
+ self.cond = nn.Conv1d(spk_channels, hidden_channels, 1)
+ def forward(self, x, norm_f0, x_mask, spk_emb=None):
+ x = torch.detach(x)
+ if spk_emb is not None:
+ spk_emb = torch.detach(spk_emb)
+ x = x + self.cond(spk_emb)
+ x += self.f0_prenet(norm_f0)
+ x = self.prenet(x) * x_mask
+ x = self.decoder(x * x_mask, x_mask)
+ x = self.proj(x) * x_mask
+ return x
diff --git a/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/decoders/hifigan/__init__.py b/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/decoders/hifigan/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7272ec95adb89cb302549ac98935aeebec3abd8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/decoders/hifigan/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+from ._models import NSFHifiGANGenerator
+__all__ = ["NSFHifiGANGenerator"]
diff --git a/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/decoders/hifigan/_models.py b/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/decoders/hifigan/_models.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fee8300cf2e4f314e3991a8d4ec57c193a2e92f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/decoders/hifigan/_models.py
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+from logging import getLogger
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+import torch.nn as nn
+import torch.nn.functional as F
+from torch.nn import Conv1d, ConvTranspose1d
+from torch.nn.utils import remove_weight_norm, weight_norm
+from ...modules import ResBlock1, ResBlock2
+from ._utils import init_weights
+LOG = getLogger(__name__)
+def padDiff(x):
+ return F.pad(
+ F.pad(x, (0, 0, -1, 1), "constant", 0) - x, (0, 0, 0, -1), "constant", 0
+ )
+class SineGen(torch.nn.Module):
+ """Definition of sine generator
+ SineGen(samp_rate, harmonic_num = 0,
+ sine_amp = 0.1, noise_std = 0.003,
+ voiced_threshold = 0,
+ flag_for_pulse=False)
+ samp_rate: sampling rate in Hz
+ harmonic_num: number of harmonic overtones (default 0)
+ sine_amp: amplitude of sine-wavefrom (default 0.1)
+ noise_std: std of Gaussian noise (default 0.003)
+ voiced_thoreshold: F0 threshold for U/V classification (default 0)
+ flag_for_pulse: this SinGen is used inside PulseGen (default False)
+ Note: when flag_for_pulse is True, the first time step of a voiced
+ segment is always sin(np.pi) or cos(0)
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ samp_rate,
+ harmonic_num=0,
+ sine_amp=0.1,
+ noise_std=0.003,
+ voiced_threshold=0,
+ flag_for_pulse=False,
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.sine_amp = sine_amp
+ self.noise_std = noise_std
+ self.harmonic_num = harmonic_num
+ self.dim = self.harmonic_num + 1
+ self.sampling_rate = samp_rate
+ self.voiced_threshold = voiced_threshold
+ self.flag_for_pulse = flag_for_pulse
+ def _f02uv(self, f0):
+ # generate uv signal
+ uv = (f0 > self.voiced_threshold).type(torch.float32)
+ return uv
+ def _f02sine(self, f0_values):
+ """f0_values: (batchsize, length, dim)
+ where dim indicates fundamental tone and overtones
+ """
+ # convert to F0 in rad. The integer part n can be ignored
+ # because 2 * np.pi * n doesn't affect phase
+ rad_values = (f0_values / self.sampling_rate) % 1
+ # initial phase noise (no noise for fundamental component)
+ rand_ini = torch.rand(
+ f0_values.shape[0], f0_values.shape[2], device=f0_values.device
+ )
+ rand_ini[:, 0] = 0
+ rad_values[:, 0, :] = rad_values[:, 0, :] + rand_ini
+ # instantanouse phase sine[t] = sin(2*pi \sum_i=1 ^{t} rad)
+ if not self.flag_for_pulse:
+ # for normal case
+ # To prevent torch.cumsum numerical overflow,
+ # it is necessary to add -1 whenever \sum_k=1^n rad_value_k > 1.
+ # Buffer tmp_over_one_idx indicates the time step to add -1.
+ # This will not change F0 of sine because (x-1) * 2*pi = x * 2*pi
+ tmp_over_one = torch.cumsum(rad_values, 1) % 1
+ tmp_over_one_idx = (padDiff(tmp_over_one)) < 0
+ cumsum_shift = torch.zeros_like(rad_values)
+ cumsum_shift[:, 1:, :] = tmp_over_one_idx * -1.0
+ sines = torch.sin(
+ torch.cumsum(rad_values + cumsum_shift, dim=1) * 2 * np.pi
+ )
+ else:
+ # If necessary, make sure that the first time step of every
+ # voiced segments is sin(pi) or cos(0)
+ # This is used for pulse-train generation
+ # identify the last time step in unvoiced segments
+ uv = self._f02uv(f0_values)
+ uv_1 = torch.roll(uv, shifts=-1, dims=1)
+ uv_1[:, -1, :] = 1
+ u_loc = (uv < 1) * (uv_1 > 0)
+ # get the instantanouse phase
+ tmp_cumsum = torch.cumsum(rad_values, dim=1)
+ # different batch needs to be processed differently
+ for idx in range(f0_values.shape[0]):
+ temp_sum = tmp_cumsum[idx, u_loc[idx, :, 0], :]
+ temp_sum[1:, :] = temp_sum[1:, :] - temp_sum[0:-1, :]
+ # stores the accumulation of i.phase within
+ # each voiced segments
+ tmp_cumsum[idx, :, :] = 0
+ tmp_cumsum[idx, u_loc[idx, :, 0], :] = temp_sum
+ # rad_values - tmp_cumsum: remove the accumulation of i.phase
+ # within the previous voiced segment.
+ i_phase = torch.cumsum(rad_values - tmp_cumsum, dim=1)
+ # get the sines
+ sines = torch.cos(i_phase * 2 * np.pi)
+ return sines
+ def forward(self, f0):
+ """sine_tensor, uv = forward(f0)
+ input F0: tensor(batchsize=1, length, dim=1)
+ f0 for unvoiced steps should be 0
+ output sine_tensor: tensor(batchsize=1, length, dim)
+ output uv: tensor(batchsize=1, length, 1)
+ """
+ with torch.no_grad():
+ # f0_buf = torch.zeros(f0.shape[0], f0.shape[1], self.dim, device=f0.device)
+ # fundamental component
+ # fn = torch.multiply(
+ # f0, torch.FloatTensor([[range(1, self.harmonic_num + 2)]]).to(f0.device)
+ # )
+ fn = torch.multiply(
+ f0, torch.arange(1, self.harmonic_num + 2).to(f0.device).to(f0.dtype)
+ )
+ # generate sine waveforms
+ sine_waves = self._f02sine(fn) * self.sine_amp
+ # generate uv signal
+ # uv = torch.ones(f0.shape)
+ # uv = uv * (f0 > self.voiced_threshold)
+ uv = self._f02uv(f0)
+ # noise: for unvoiced should be similar to sine_amp
+ # std = self.sine_amp/3 -> max value ~ self.sine_amp
+ # . for voiced regions is self.noise_std
+ noise_amp = uv * self.noise_std + (1 - uv) * self.sine_amp / 3
+ noise = noise_amp * torch.randn_like(sine_waves)
+ # first: set the unvoiced part to 0 by uv
+ # then: additive noise
+ sine_waves = sine_waves * uv + noise
+ return sine_waves, uv, noise
+class SourceModuleHnNSF(torch.nn.Module):
+ """SourceModule for hn-nsf
+ SourceModule(sampling_rate, harmonic_num=0, sine_amp=0.1,
+ add_noise_std=0.003, voiced_threshod=0)
+ sampling_rate: sampling_rate in Hz
+ harmonic_num: number of harmonic above F0 (default: 0)
+ sine_amp: amplitude of sine source signal (default: 0.1)
+ add_noise_std: std of additive Gaussian noise (default: 0.003)
+ note that amplitude of noise in unvoiced is decided
+ by sine_amp
+ voiced_threshold: threshold to set U/V given F0 (default: 0)
+ Sine_source, noise_source = SourceModuleHnNSF(F0_sampled)
+ F0_sampled (batchsize, length, 1)
+ Sine_source (batchsize, length, 1)
+ noise_source (batchsize, length 1)
+ uv (batchsize, length, 1)
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ sampling_rate,
+ harmonic_num=0,
+ sine_amp=0.1,
+ add_noise_std=0.003,
+ voiced_threshod=0,
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.sine_amp = sine_amp
+ self.noise_std = add_noise_std
+ # to produce sine waveforms
+ self.l_sin_gen = SineGen(
+ sampling_rate, harmonic_num, sine_amp, add_noise_std, voiced_threshod
+ )
+ # to merge source harmonics into a single excitation
+ self.l_linear = torch.nn.Linear(harmonic_num + 1, 1)
+ self.l_tanh = torch.nn.Tanh()
+ def forward(self, x):
+ """
+ Sine_source, noise_source = SourceModuleHnNSF(F0_sampled)
+ F0_sampled (batchsize, length, 1)
+ Sine_source (batchsize, length, 1)
+ noise_source (batchsize, length 1)
+ """
+ # source for harmonic branch
+ sine_wavs, uv, _ = self.l_sin_gen(x)
+ sine_merge = self.l_tanh(self.l_linear(sine_wavs))
+ # source for noise branch, in the same shape as uv
+ noise = torch.randn_like(uv) * self.sine_amp / 3
+ return sine_merge, noise, uv
+class NSFHifiGANGenerator(torch.nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, h):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.h = h
+ self.num_kernels = len(h["resblock_kernel_sizes"])
+ self.num_upsamples = len(h["upsample_rates"])
+ self.f0_upsamp = torch.nn.Upsample(scale_factor=np.prod(h["upsample_rates"]))
+ self.m_source = SourceModuleHnNSF(
+ sampling_rate=h["sampling_rate"], harmonic_num=8
+ )
+ self.noise_convs = nn.ModuleList()
+ self.conv_pre = weight_norm(
+ Conv1d(h["inter_channels"], h["upsample_initial_channel"], 7, 1, padding=3)
+ )
+ resblock = ResBlock1 if h["resblock"] == "1" else ResBlock2
+ self.ups = nn.ModuleList()
+ for i, (u, k) in enumerate(
+ zip(h["upsample_rates"], h["upsample_kernel_sizes"])
+ ):
+ c_cur = h["upsample_initial_channel"] // (2 ** (i + 1))
+ self.ups.append(
+ weight_norm(
+ ConvTranspose1d(
+ h["upsample_initial_channel"] // (2**i),
+ h["upsample_initial_channel"] // (2 ** (i + 1)),
+ k,
+ u,
+ padding=(k - u) // 2,
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ if i + 1 < len(h["upsample_rates"]): #
+ stride_f0 = np.prod(h["upsample_rates"][i + 1 :])
+ self.noise_convs.append(
+ Conv1d(
+ 1,
+ c_cur,
+ kernel_size=stride_f0 * 2,
+ stride=stride_f0,
+ padding=stride_f0 // 2,
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ self.noise_convs.append(Conv1d(1, c_cur, kernel_size=1))
+ self.resblocks = nn.ModuleList()
+ for i in range(len(self.ups)):
+ ch = h["upsample_initial_channel"] // (2 ** (i + 1))
+ for j, (k, d) in enumerate(
+ zip(h["resblock_kernel_sizes"], h["resblock_dilation_sizes"])
+ ):
+ self.resblocks.append(resblock(ch, k, d))
+ self.conv_post = weight_norm(Conv1d(ch, 1, 7, 1, padding=3))
+ self.ups.apply(init_weights)
+ self.conv_post.apply(init_weights)
+ self.cond = nn.Conv1d(h["gin_channels"], h["upsample_initial_channel"], 1)
+ def forward(self, x, f0, g=None):
+ # LOG.info(1,x.shape,f0.shape,f0[:, None].shape)
+ f0 = self.f0_upsamp(f0[:, None]).transpose(1, 2) # bs,n,t
+ # LOG.info(2,f0.shape)
+ har_source, noi_source, uv = self.m_source(f0)
+ har_source = har_source.transpose(1, 2)
+ x = self.conv_pre(x)
+ x = x + self.cond(g)
+ # LOG.info(124,x.shape,har_source.shape)
+ for i in range(self.num_upsamples):
+ x = F.leaky_relu(x, LRELU_SLOPE)
+ # LOG.info(3,x.shape)
+ x = self.ups[i](x)
+ x_source = self.noise_convs[i](har_source)
+ # LOG.info(4,x_source.shape,har_source.shape,x.shape)
+ x = x + x_source
+ xs = None
+ for j in range(self.num_kernels):
+ if xs is None:
+ xs = self.resblocks[i * self.num_kernels + j](x)
+ else:
+ xs += self.resblocks[i * self.num_kernels + j](x)
+ x = xs / self.num_kernels
+ x = F.leaky_relu(x)
+ x = self.conv_post(x)
+ x = torch.tanh(x)
+ return x
+ def remove_weight_norm(self):
+ LOG.info("Removing weight norm...")
+ for l in self.ups:
+ remove_weight_norm(l)
+ for l in self.resblocks:
+ l.remove_weight_norm()
+ remove_weight_norm(self.conv_pre)
+ remove_weight_norm(self.conv_post)
diff --git a/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/decoders/hifigan/_utils.py b/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/decoders/hifigan/_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8f862c11617c1ddd9720bf19f4661557fba28871
--- /dev/null
+++ b/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/decoders/hifigan/_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+from logging import getLogger
+# matplotlib.use("Agg")
+LOG = getLogger(__name__)
+def init_weights(m, mean=0.0, std=0.01):
+ classname = m.__class__.__name__
+ if classname.find("Conv") != -1:
+ m.weight.data.normal_(mean, std)
+def get_padding(kernel_size, dilation=1):
+ return int((kernel_size * dilation - dilation) / 2)
diff --git a/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/decoders/mb_istft/__init__.py b/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/decoders/mb_istft/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1ba61d271c3a7afc011127d10dba5f6e2cbf0adf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/decoders/mb_istft/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+from ._generators import (
+ Multiband_iSTFT_Generator,
+ Multistream_iSTFT_Generator,
+ iSTFT_Generator,
+from ._loss import subband_stft_loss
+from ._pqmf import PQMF
+__all__ = [
+ "subband_stft_loss",
+ "PQMF",
+ "iSTFT_Generator",
+ "Multiband_iSTFT_Generator",
+ "Multistream_iSTFT_Generator",
diff --git a/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/decoders/mb_istft/_generators.py b/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/decoders/mb_istft/_generators.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..31bbbd7f6b0fad978ddfcf3113584d84703878a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/decoders/mb_istft/_generators.py
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+import math
+import torch
+from torch import nn
+from torch.nn import Conv1d, ConvTranspose1d
+from torch.nn import functional as F
+from torch.nn.utils import remove_weight_norm, weight_norm
+from ....modules import modules
+from ....modules.commons import get_padding, init_weights
+from ._pqmf import PQMF
+from ._stft import TorchSTFT
+class iSTFT_Generator(torch.nn.Module):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ initial_channel,
+ resblock,
+ resblock_kernel_sizes,
+ resblock_dilation_sizes,
+ upsample_rates,
+ upsample_initial_channel,
+ upsample_kernel_sizes,
+ gen_istft_n_fft,
+ gen_istft_hop_size,
+ gin_channels=0,
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ # self.h = h
+ self.gen_istft_n_fft = gen_istft_n_fft
+ self.gen_istft_hop_size = gen_istft_hop_size
+ self.num_kernels = len(resblock_kernel_sizes)
+ self.num_upsamples = len(upsample_rates)
+ self.conv_pre = weight_norm(
+ Conv1d(initial_channel, upsample_initial_channel, 7, 1, padding=3)
+ )
+ resblock = modules.ResBlock1 if resblock == "1" else modules.ResBlock2
+ self.ups = nn.ModuleList()
+ for i, (u, k) in enumerate(zip(upsample_rates, upsample_kernel_sizes)):
+ self.ups.append(
+ weight_norm(
+ ConvTranspose1d(
+ upsample_initial_channel // (2**i),
+ upsample_initial_channel // (2 ** (i + 1)),
+ k,
+ u,
+ padding=(k - u) // 2,
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ self.resblocks = nn.ModuleList()
+ for i in range(len(self.ups)):
+ ch = upsample_initial_channel // (2 ** (i + 1))
+ for j, (k, d) in enumerate(
+ zip(resblock_kernel_sizes, resblock_dilation_sizes)
+ ):
+ self.resblocks.append(resblock(ch, k, d))
+ self.post_n_fft = self.gen_istft_n_fft
+ self.conv_post = weight_norm(Conv1d(ch, self.post_n_fft + 2, 7, 1, padding=3))
+ self.ups.apply(init_weights)
+ self.conv_post.apply(init_weights)
+ self.reflection_pad = torch.nn.ReflectionPad1d((1, 0))
+ self.stft = TorchSTFT(
+ filter_length=self.gen_istft_n_fft,
+ hop_length=self.gen_istft_hop_size,
+ win_length=self.gen_istft_n_fft,
+ )
+ def forward(self, x, g=None):
+ x = self.conv_pre(x)
+ for i in range(self.num_upsamples):
+ x = F.leaky_relu(x, modules.LRELU_SLOPE)
+ x = self.ups[i](x)
+ xs = None
+ for j in range(self.num_kernels):
+ if xs is None:
+ xs = self.resblocks[i * self.num_kernels + j](x)
+ else:
+ xs += self.resblocks[i * self.num_kernels + j](x)
+ x = xs / self.num_kernels
+ x = F.leaky_relu(x)
+ x = self.reflection_pad(x)
+ x = self.conv_post(x)
+ spec = torch.exp(x[:, : self.post_n_fft // 2 + 1, :])
+ phase = math.pi * torch.sin(x[:, self.post_n_fft // 2 + 1 :, :])
+ out = self.stft.inverse(spec, phase).to(x.device)
+ return out, None
+ def remove_weight_norm(self):
+ print("Removing weight norm...")
+ for l in self.ups:
+ remove_weight_norm(l)
+ for l in self.resblocks:
+ l.remove_weight_norm()
+ remove_weight_norm(self.conv_pre)
+ remove_weight_norm(self.conv_post)
+class Multiband_iSTFT_Generator(torch.nn.Module):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ initial_channel,
+ resblock,
+ resblock_kernel_sizes,
+ resblock_dilation_sizes,
+ upsample_rates,
+ upsample_initial_channel,
+ upsample_kernel_sizes,
+ gen_istft_n_fft,
+ gen_istft_hop_size,
+ subbands,
+ gin_channels=0,
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ # self.h = h
+ self.subbands = subbands
+ self.num_kernels = len(resblock_kernel_sizes)
+ self.num_upsamples = len(upsample_rates)
+ self.conv_pre = weight_norm(
+ Conv1d(initial_channel, upsample_initial_channel, 7, 1, padding=3)
+ )
+ resblock = modules.ResBlock1 if resblock == "1" else modules.ResBlock2
+ self.ups = nn.ModuleList()
+ for i, (u, k) in enumerate(zip(upsample_rates, upsample_kernel_sizes)):
+ self.ups.append(
+ weight_norm(
+ ConvTranspose1d(
+ upsample_initial_channel // (2**i),
+ upsample_initial_channel // (2 ** (i + 1)),
+ k,
+ u,
+ padding=(k - u) // 2,
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ self.resblocks = nn.ModuleList()
+ for i in range(len(self.ups)):
+ ch = upsample_initial_channel // (2 ** (i + 1))
+ for j, (k, d) in enumerate(
+ zip(resblock_kernel_sizes, resblock_dilation_sizes)
+ ):
+ self.resblocks.append(resblock(ch, k, d))
+ self.post_n_fft = gen_istft_n_fft
+ self.ups.apply(init_weights)
+ self.reflection_pad = torch.nn.ReflectionPad1d((1, 0))
+ self.reshape_pixelshuffle = []
+ self.subband_conv_post = weight_norm(
+ Conv1d(ch, self.subbands * (self.post_n_fft + 2), 7, 1, padding=3)
+ )
+ self.subband_conv_post.apply(init_weights)
+ self.gen_istft_n_fft = gen_istft_n_fft
+ self.gen_istft_hop_size = gen_istft_hop_size
+ def forward(self, x, g=None):
+ stft = TorchSTFT(
+ filter_length=self.gen_istft_n_fft,
+ hop_length=self.gen_istft_hop_size,
+ win_length=self.gen_istft_n_fft,
+ ).to(x.device)
+ pqmf = PQMF(x.device, subbands=self.subbands).to(x.device, dtype=x.dtype)
+ x = self.conv_pre(x) # [B, ch, length]
+ for i in range(self.num_upsamples):
+ x = F.leaky_relu(x, modules.LRELU_SLOPE)
+ x = self.ups[i](x)
+ xs = None
+ for j in range(self.num_kernels):
+ if xs is None:
+ xs = self.resblocks[i * self.num_kernels + j](x)
+ else:
+ xs += self.resblocks[i * self.num_kernels + j](x)
+ x = xs / self.num_kernels
+ x = F.leaky_relu(x)
+ x = self.reflection_pad(x)
+ x = self.subband_conv_post(x)
+ x = torch.reshape(
+ x, (x.shape[0], self.subbands, x.shape[1] // self.subbands, x.shape[-1])
+ )
+ spec = torch.exp(x[:, :, : self.post_n_fft // 2 + 1, :])
+ phase = math.pi * torch.sin(x[:, :, self.post_n_fft // 2 + 1 :, :])
+ y_mb_hat = stft.inverse(
+ torch.reshape(
+ spec,
+ (
+ spec.shape[0] * self.subbands,
+ self.gen_istft_n_fft // 2 + 1,
+ spec.shape[-1],
+ ),
+ ),
+ torch.reshape(
+ phase,
+ (
+ phase.shape[0] * self.subbands,
+ self.gen_istft_n_fft // 2 + 1,
+ phase.shape[-1],
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
+ y_mb_hat = torch.reshape(
+ y_mb_hat, (x.shape[0], self.subbands, 1, y_mb_hat.shape[-1])
+ )
+ y_mb_hat = y_mb_hat.squeeze(-2)
+ y_g_hat = pqmf.synthesis(y_mb_hat)
+ return y_g_hat, y_mb_hat
+ def remove_weight_norm(self):
+ print("Removing weight norm...")
+ for l in self.ups:
+ remove_weight_norm(l)
+ for l in self.resblocks:
+ l.remove_weight_norm()
+class Multistream_iSTFT_Generator(torch.nn.Module):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ initial_channel,
+ resblock,
+ resblock_kernel_sizes,
+ resblock_dilation_sizes,
+ upsample_rates,
+ upsample_initial_channel,
+ upsample_kernel_sizes,
+ gen_istft_n_fft,
+ gen_istft_hop_size,
+ subbands,
+ gin_channels=0,
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ # self.h = h
+ self.subbands = subbands
+ self.num_kernels = len(resblock_kernel_sizes)
+ self.num_upsamples = len(upsample_rates)
+ self.conv_pre = weight_norm(
+ Conv1d(initial_channel, upsample_initial_channel, 7, 1, padding=3)
+ )
+ resblock = modules.ResBlock1 if resblock == "1" else modules.ResBlock2
+ self.ups = nn.ModuleList()
+ for i, (u, k) in enumerate(zip(upsample_rates, upsample_kernel_sizes)):
+ self.ups.append(
+ weight_norm(
+ ConvTranspose1d(
+ upsample_initial_channel // (2**i),
+ upsample_initial_channel // (2 ** (i + 1)),
+ k,
+ u,
+ padding=(k - u) // 2,
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ self.resblocks = nn.ModuleList()
+ for i in range(len(self.ups)):
+ ch = upsample_initial_channel // (2 ** (i + 1))
+ for j, (k, d) in enumerate(
+ zip(resblock_kernel_sizes, resblock_dilation_sizes)
+ ):
+ self.resblocks.append(resblock(ch, k, d))
+ self.post_n_fft = gen_istft_n_fft
+ self.ups.apply(init_weights)
+ self.reflection_pad = torch.nn.ReflectionPad1d((1, 0))
+ self.reshape_pixelshuffle = []
+ self.subband_conv_post = weight_norm(
+ Conv1d(ch, self.subbands * (self.post_n_fft + 2), 7, 1, padding=3)
+ )
+ self.subband_conv_post.apply(init_weights)
+ self.gen_istft_n_fft = gen_istft_n_fft
+ self.gen_istft_hop_size = gen_istft_hop_size
+ updown_filter = torch.zeros(
+ (self.subbands, self.subbands, self.subbands)
+ ).float()
+ for k in range(self.subbands):
+ updown_filter[k, k, 0] = 1.0
+ self.register_buffer("updown_filter", updown_filter)
+ self.multistream_conv_post = weight_norm(
+ Conv1d(
+ self.subbands, 1, kernel_size=63, bias=False, padding=get_padding(63, 1)
+ )
+ )
+ self.multistream_conv_post.apply(init_weights)
+ def forward(self, x, g=None):
+ stft = TorchSTFT(
+ filter_length=self.gen_istft_n_fft,
+ hop_length=self.gen_istft_hop_size,
+ win_length=self.gen_istft_n_fft,
+ ).to(x.device)
+ # pqmf = PQMF(x.device)
+ x = self.conv_pre(x) # [B, ch, length]
+ for i in range(self.num_upsamples):
+ x = F.leaky_relu(x, modules.LRELU_SLOPE)
+ x = self.ups[i](x)
+ xs = None
+ for j in range(self.num_kernels):
+ if xs is None:
+ xs = self.resblocks[i * self.num_kernels + j](x)
+ else:
+ xs += self.resblocks[i * self.num_kernels + j](x)
+ x = xs / self.num_kernels
+ x = F.leaky_relu(x)
+ x = self.reflection_pad(x)
+ x = self.subband_conv_post(x)
+ x = torch.reshape(
+ x, (x.shape[0], self.subbands, x.shape[1] // self.subbands, x.shape[-1])
+ )
+ spec = torch.exp(x[:, :, : self.post_n_fft // 2 + 1, :])
+ phase = math.pi * torch.sin(x[:, :, self.post_n_fft // 2 + 1 :, :])
+ y_mb_hat = stft.inverse(
+ torch.reshape(
+ spec,
+ (
+ spec.shape[0] * self.subbands,
+ self.gen_istft_n_fft // 2 + 1,
+ spec.shape[-1],
+ ),
+ ),
+ torch.reshape(
+ phase,
+ (
+ phase.shape[0] * self.subbands,
+ self.gen_istft_n_fft // 2 + 1,
+ phase.shape[-1],
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
+ y_mb_hat = torch.reshape(
+ y_mb_hat, (x.shape[0], self.subbands, 1, y_mb_hat.shape[-1])
+ )
+ y_mb_hat = y_mb_hat.squeeze(-2)
+ y_mb_hat = F.conv_transpose1d(
+ y_mb_hat,
+ self.updown_filter.to(x.device) * self.subbands,
+ stride=self.subbands,
+ )
+ y_g_hat = self.multistream_conv_post(y_mb_hat)
+ return y_g_hat, y_mb_hat
+ def remove_weight_norm(self):
+ print("Removing weight norm...")
+ for l in self.ups:
+ remove_weight_norm(l)
+ for l in self.resblocks:
+ l.remove_weight_norm()
diff --git a/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/decoders/mb_istft/_loss.py b/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/decoders/mb_istft/_loss.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7e8b763439f85657388346c61aa279f6e53ff1aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/decoders/mb_istft/_loss.py
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+from ._stft_loss import MultiResolutionSTFTLoss
+def subband_stft_loss(h, y_mb, y_hat_mb):
+ sub_stft_loss = MultiResolutionSTFTLoss(
+ h.train.fft_sizes, h.train.hop_sizes, h.train.win_lengths
+ )
+ y_mb = y_mb.view(-1, y_mb.size(2))
+ y_hat_mb = y_hat_mb.view(-1, y_hat_mb.size(2))
+ sub_sc_loss, sub_mag_loss = sub_stft_loss(y_hat_mb[:, : y_mb.size(-1)], y_mb)
+ return sub_sc_loss + sub_mag_loss
diff --git a/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/decoders/mb_istft/_pqmf.py b/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/decoders/mb_istft/_pqmf.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c6b40c334aa70e877685e992655fe8f228a03c2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/decoders/mb_istft/_pqmf.py
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+# Copyright 2020 Tomoki Hayashi
+# MIT License (https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
+"""Pseudo QMF modules."""
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+import torch.nn.functional as F
+from scipy.signal import kaiser
+def design_prototype_filter(taps=62, cutoff_ratio=0.15, beta=9.0):
+ """Design prototype filter for PQMF.
+ This method is based on `A Kaiser window approach for the design of prototype
+ filters of cosine modulated filterbanks`_.
+ Args:
+ taps (int): The number of filter taps.
+ cutoff_ratio (float): Cut-off frequency ratio.
+ beta (float): Beta coefficient for kaiser window.
+ Returns:
+ ndarray: Impluse response of prototype filter (taps + 1,).
+ .. _`A Kaiser window approach for the design of prototype filters of cosine modulated filterbanks`:
+ https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/681427
+ """
+ # check the arguments are valid
+ assert taps % 2 == 0, "The number of taps mush be even number."
+ assert 0.0 < cutoff_ratio < 1.0, "Cutoff ratio must be > 0.0 and < 1.0."
+ # make initial filter
+ omega_c = np.pi * cutoff_ratio
+ with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"):
+ h_i = np.sin(omega_c * (np.arange(taps + 1) - 0.5 * taps)) / (
+ np.pi * (np.arange(taps + 1) - 0.5 * taps)
+ )
+ h_i[taps // 2] = np.cos(0) * cutoff_ratio # fix nan due to indeterminate form
+ # apply kaiser window
+ w = kaiser(taps + 1, beta)
+ h = h_i * w
+ return h
+class PQMF(torch.nn.Module):
+ """PQMF module.
+ This module is based on `Near-perfect-reconstruction pseudo-QMF banks`_.
+ .. _`Near-perfect-reconstruction pseudo-QMF banks`:
+ https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/258122
+ """
+ def __init__(self, device, subbands=8, taps=62, cutoff_ratio=0.15, beta=9.0):
+ """Initialize PQMF module.
+ Args:
+ subbands (int): The number of subbands.
+ taps (int): The number of filter taps.
+ cutoff_ratio (float): Cut-off frequency ratio.
+ beta (float): Beta coefficient for kaiser window.
+ """
+ super().__init__()
+ # define filter coefficient
+ h_proto = design_prototype_filter(taps, cutoff_ratio, beta)
+ h_analysis = np.zeros((subbands, len(h_proto)))
+ h_synthesis = np.zeros((subbands, len(h_proto)))
+ for k in range(subbands):
+ h_analysis[k] = (
+ 2
+ * h_proto
+ * np.cos(
+ (2 * k + 1)
+ * (np.pi / (2 * subbands))
+ * (np.arange(taps + 1) - ((taps - 1) / 2))
+ + (-1) ** k * np.pi / 4
+ )
+ )
+ h_synthesis[k] = (
+ 2
+ * h_proto
+ * np.cos(
+ (2 * k + 1)
+ * (np.pi / (2 * subbands))
+ * (np.arange(taps + 1) - ((taps - 1) / 2))
+ - (-1) ** k * np.pi / 4
+ )
+ )
+ # convert to tensor
+ analysis_filter = torch.from_numpy(h_analysis).float().unsqueeze(1).to(device)
+ synthesis_filter = torch.from_numpy(h_synthesis).float().unsqueeze(0).to(device)
+ # register coefficients as buffer
+ self.register_buffer("analysis_filter", analysis_filter)
+ self.register_buffer("synthesis_filter", synthesis_filter)
+ # filter for downsampling & upsampling
+ updown_filter = torch.zeros((subbands, subbands, subbands)).float().to(device)
+ for k in range(subbands):
+ updown_filter[k, k, 0] = 1.0
+ self.register_buffer("updown_filter", updown_filter)
+ self.subbands = subbands
+ # keep padding info
+ self.pad_fn = torch.nn.ConstantPad1d(taps // 2, 0.0)
+ def analysis(self, x):
+ """Analysis with PQMF.
+ Args:
+ x (Tensor): Input tensor (B, 1, T).
+ Returns:
+ Tensor: Output tensor (B, subbands, T // subbands).
+ """
+ x = F.conv1d(self.pad_fn(x), self.analysis_filter)
+ return F.conv1d(x, self.updown_filter, stride=self.subbands)
+ def synthesis(self, x):
+ """Synthesis with PQMF.
+ Args:
+ x (Tensor): Input tensor (B, subbands, T // subbands).
+ Returns:
+ Tensor: Output tensor (B, 1, T).
+ """
+ # NOTE(kan-bayashi): Power will be dreased so here multiply by # subbands.
+ # Not sure this is the correct way, it is better to check again.
+ # TODO(kan-bayashi): Understand the reconstruction procedure
+ x = F.conv_transpose1d(
+ x, self.updown_filter * self.subbands, stride=self.subbands
+ )
+ return F.conv1d(self.pad_fn(x), self.synthesis_filter)
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+++ b/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/decoders/mb_istft/_stft.py
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+BSD 3-Clause License
+Copyright (c) 2017, Prem Seetharaman
+All rights reserved.
+* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+ this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
+ list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+* Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its
+ contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
+ software without specific prior written permission.
+import librosa.util as librosa_util
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+import torch.nn.functional as F
+from librosa.util import pad_center, tiny
+from scipy.signal import get_window
+from torch.autograd import Variable
+def window_sumsquare(
+ window,
+ n_frames,
+ hop_length=200,
+ win_length=800,
+ n_fft=800,
+ dtype=np.float32,
+ norm=None,
+ """
+ # from librosa 0.6
+ Compute the sum-square envelope of a window function at a given hop length.
+ This is used to estimate modulation effects induced by windowing
+ observations in short-time fourier transforms.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ window : string, tuple, number, callable, or list-like
+ Window specification, as in `get_window`
+ n_frames : int > 0
+ The number of analysis frames
+ hop_length : int > 0
+ The number of samples to advance between frames
+ win_length : [optional]
+ The length of the window function. By default, this matches `n_fft`.
+ n_fft : int > 0
+ The length of each analysis frame.
+ dtype : np.dtype
+ The data type of the output
+ Returns
+ -------
+ wss : np.ndarray, shape=`(n_fft + hop_length * (n_frames - 1))`
+ The sum-squared envelope of the window function
+ """
+ if win_length is None:
+ win_length = n_fft
+ n = n_fft + hop_length * (n_frames - 1)
+ x = np.zeros(n, dtype=dtype)
+ # Compute the squared window at the desired length
+ win_sq = get_window(window, win_length, fftbins=True)
+ win_sq = librosa_util.normalize(win_sq, norm=norm) ** 2
+ win_sq = librosa_util.pad_center(win_sq, n_fft)
+ # Fill the envelope
+ for i in range(n_frames):
+ sample = i * hop_length
+ x[sample : min(n, sample + n_fft)] += win_sq[: max(0, min(n_fft, n - sample))]
+ return x
+class STFT(torch.nn.Module):
+ """adapted from Prem Seetharaman's https://github.com/pseeth/pytorch-stft"""
+ def __init__(
+ self, filter_length=800, hop_length=200, win_length=800, window="hann"
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.filter_length = filter_length
+ self.hop_length = hop_length
+ self.win_length = win_length
+ self.window = window
+ self.forward_transform = None
+ scale = self.filter_length / self.hop_length
+ fourier_basis = np.fft.fft(np.eye(self.filter_length))
+ cutoff = int(self.filter_length / 2 + 1)
+ fourier_basis = np.vstack(
+ [np.real(fourier_basis[:cutoff, :]), np.imag(fourier_basis[:cutoff, :])]
+ )
+ forward_basis = torch.FloatTensor(fourier_basis[:, None, :])
+ inverse_basis = torch.FloatTensor(
+ np.linalg.pinv(scale * fourier_basis).T[:, None, :]
+ )
+ if window is not None:
+ assert filter_length >= win_length
+ # get window and zero center pad it to filter_length
+ fft_window = get_window(window, win_length, fftbins=True)
+ fft_window = pad_center(fft_window, filter_length)
+ fft_window = torch.from_numpy(fft_window).float()
+ # window the bases
+ forward_basis *= fft_window
+ inverse_basis *= fft_window
+ self.register_buffer("forward_basis", forward_basis.float())
+ self.register_buffer("inverse_basis", inverse_basis.float())
+ def transform(self, input_data):
+ num_batches = input_data.size(0)
+ num_samples = input_data.size(1)
+ self.num_samples = num_samples
+ # similar to librosa, reflect-pad the input
+ input_data = input_data.view(num_batches, 1, num_samples)
+ input_data = F.pad(
+ input_data.unsqueeze(1),
+ (int(self.filter_length / 2), int(self.filter_length / 2), 0, 0),
+ mode="reflect",
+ )
+ input_data = input_data.squeeze(1)
+ forward_transform = F.conv1d(
+ input_data,
+ Variable(self.forward_basis, requires_grad=False),
+ stride=self.hop_length,
+ padding=0,
+ )
+ cutoff = int((self.filter_length / 2) + 1)
+ real_part = forward_transform[:, :cutoff, :]
+ imag_part = forward_transform[:, cutoff:, :]
+ magnitude = torch.sqrt(real_part**2 + imag_part**2)
+ phase = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.atan2(imag_part.data, real_part.data))
+ return magnitude, phase
+ def inverse(self, magnitude, phase):
+ recombine_magnitude_phase = torch.cat(
+ [magnitude * torch.cos(phase), magnitude * torch.sin(phase)], dim=1
+ )
+ inverse_transform = F.conv_transpose1d(
+ recombine_magnitude_phase,
+ Variable(self.inverse_basis, requires_grad=False),
+ stride=self.hop_length,
+ padding=0,
+ )
+ if self.window is not None:
+ window_sum = window_sumsquare(
+ self.window,
+ magnitude.size(-1),
+ hop_length=self.hop_length,
+ win_length=self.win_length,
+ n_fft=self.filter_length,
+ dtype=np.float32,
+ )
+ # remove modulation effects
+ approx_nonzero_indices = torch.from_numpy(
+ np.where(window_sum > tiny(window_sum))[0]
+ )
+ window_sum = torch.autograd.Variable(
+ torch.from_numpy(window_sum), requires_grad=False
+ )
+ window_sum = window_sum.to(inverse_transform.device())
+ inverse_transform[:, :, approx_nonzero_indices] /= window_sum[
+ approx_nonzero_indices
+ ]
+ # scale by hop ratio
+ inverse_transform *= float(self.filter_length) / self.hop_length
+ inverse_transform = inverse_transform[:, :, int(self.filter_length / 2) :]
+ inverse_transform = inverse_transform[:, :, : -int(self.filter_length / 2) :]
+ return inverse_transform
+ def forward(self, input_data):
+ self.magnitude, self.phase = self.transform(input_data)
+ reconstruction = self.inverse(self.magnitude, self.phase)
+ return reconstruction
+class TorchSTFT(torch.nn.Module):
+ def __init__(
+ self, filter_length=800, hop_length=200, win_length=800, window="hann"
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.filter_length = filter_length
+ self.hop_length = hop_length
+ self.win_length = win_length
+ self.window = torch.from_numpy(
+ get_window(window, win_length, fftbins=True).astype(np.float32)
+ )
+ def transform(self, input_data):
+ forward_transform = torch.stft(
+ input_data,
+ self.filter_length,
+ self.hop_length,
+ self.win_length,
+ window=self.window,
+ return_complex=True,
+ )
+ return torch.abs(forward_transform), torch.angle(forward_transform)
+ def inverse(self, magnitude, phase):
+ inverse_transform = torch.istft(
+ magnitude * torch.exp(phase * 1j),
+ self.filter_length,
+ self.hop_length,
+ self.win_length,
+ window=self.window.to(magnitude.device),
+ )
+ return inverse_transform.unsqueeze(
+ -2
+ ) # unsqueeze to stay consistent with conv_transpose1d implementation
+ def forward(self, input_data):
+ self.magnitude, self.phase = self.transform(input_data)
+ reconstruction = self.inverse(self.magnitude, self.phase)
+ return reconstruction
diff --git a/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/decoders/mb_istft/_stft_loss.py b/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/decoders/mb_istft/_stft_loss.py
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@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+# Copyright 2019 Tomoki Hayashi
+# MIT License (https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
+"""STFT-based Loss modules."""
+import torch
+import torch.nn.functional as F
+def stft(x, fft_size, hop_size, win_length, window):
+ """Perform STFT and convert to magnitude spectrogram.
+ Args:
+ x (Tensor): Input signal tensor (B, T).
+ fft_size (int): FFT size.
+ hop_size (int): Hop size.
+ win_length (int): Window length.
+ window (str): Window function type.
+ Returns:
+ Tensor: Magnitude spectrogram (B, #frames, fft_size // 2 + 1).
+ """
+ x_stft = torch.stft(
+ x, fft_size, hop_size, win_length, window.to(x.device), return_complex=False
+ )
+ real = x_stft[..., 0]
+ imag = x_stft[..., 1]
+ # NOTE(kan-bayashi): clamp is needed to avoid nan or inf
+ return torch.sqrt(torch.clamp(real**2 + imag**2, min=1e-7)).transpose(2, 1)
+class SpectralConvergengeLoss(torch.nn.Module):
+ """Spectral convergence loss module."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ """Initialize spectral convergence loss module."""
+ super().__init__()
+ def forward(self, x_mag, y_mag):
+ """Calculate forward propagation.
+ Args:
+ x_mag (Tensor): Magnitude spectrogram of predicted signal (B, #frames, #freq_bins).
+ y_mag (Tensor): Magnitude spectrogram of groundtruth signal (B, #frames, #freq_bins).
+ Returns:
+ Tensor: Spectral convergence loss value.
+ """
+ return torch.norm(y_mag - x_mag) / torch.norm(
+ y_mag
+ ) # MB-iSTFT-VITS changed here due to codespell
+class LogSTFTMagnitudeLoss(torch.nn.Module):
+ """Log STFT magnitude loss module."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ """Initialize los STFT magnitude loss module."""
+ super().__init__()
+ def forward(self, x_mag, y_mag):
+ """Calculate forward propagation.
+ Args:
+ x_mag (Tensor): Magnitude spectrogram of predicted signal (B, #frames, #freq_bins).
+ y_mag (Tensor): Magnitude spectrogram of groundtruth signal (B, #frames, #freq_bins).
+ Returns:
+ Tensor: Log STFT magnitude loss value.
+ """
+ return F.l1_loss(torch.log(y_mag), torch.log(x_mag))
+class STFTLoss(torch.nn.Module):
+ """STFT loss module."""
+ def __init__(
+ self, fft_size=1024, shift_size=120, win_length=600, window="hann_window"
+ ):
+ """Initialize STFT loss module."""
+ super().__init__()
+ self.fft_size = fft_size
+ self.shift_size = shift_size
+ self.win_length = win_length
+ self.window = getattr(torch, window)(win_length)
+ self.spectral_convergenge_loss = SpectralConvergengeLoss()
+ self.log_stft_magnitude_loss = LogSTFTMagnitudeLoss()
+ def forward(self, x, y):
+ """Calculate forward propagation.
+ Args:
+ x (Tensor): Predicted signal (B, T).
+ y (Tensor): Groundtruth signal (B, T).
+ Returns:
+ Tensor: Spectral convergence loss value.
+ Tensor: Log STFT magnitude loss value.
+ """
+ x_mag = stft(x, self.fft_size, self.shift_size, self.win_length, self.window)
+ y_mag = stft(y, self.fft_size, self.shift_size, self.win_length, self.window)
+ sc_loss = self.spectral_convergenge_loss(x_mag, y_mag)
+ mag_loss = self.log_stft_magnitude_loss(x_mag, y_mag)
+ return sc_loss, mag_loss
+class MultiResolutionSTFTLoss(torch.nn.Module):
+ """Multi resolution STFT loss module."""
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ fft_sizes=[1024, 2048, 512],
+ hop_sizes=[120, 240, 50],
+ win_lengths=[600, 1200, 240],
+ window="hann_window",
+ ):
+ """Initialize Multi resolution STFT loss module.
+ Args:
+ fft_sizes (list): List of FFT sizes.
+ hop_sizes (list): List of hop sizes.
+ win_lengths (list): List of window lengths.
+ window (str): Window function type.
+ """
+ super().__init__()
+ assert len(fft_sizes) == len(hop_sizes) == len(win_lengths)
+ self.stft_losses = torch.nn.ModuleList()
+ for fs, ss, wl in zip(fft_sizes, hop_sizes, win_lengths):
+ self.stft_losses += [STFTLoss(fs, ss, wl, window)]
+ def forward(self, x, y):
+ """Calculate forward propagation.
+ Args:
+ x (Tensor): Predicted signal (B, T).
+ y (Tensor): Groundtruth signal (B, T).
+ Returns:
+ Tensor: Multi resolution spectral convergence loss value.
+ Tensor: Multi resolution log STFT magnitude loss value.
+ """
+ sc_loss = 0.0
+ mag_loss = 0.0
+ for f in self.stft_losses:
+ sc_l, mag_l = f(x, y)
+ sc_loss += sc_l
+ mag_loss += mag_l
+ sc_loss /= len(self.stft_losses)
+ mag_loss /= len(self.stft_losses)
+ return sc_loss, mag_loss
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+++ b/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/descriminators.py
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+import torch
+from torch import nn
+from torch.nn import AvgPool1d, Conv1d, Conv2d
+from torch.nn import functional as F
+from torch.nn.utils import spectral_norm, weight_norm
+from so_vits_svc_fork.modules import modules as modules
+from so_vits_svc_fork.modules.commons import get_padding
+class DiscriminatorP(torch.nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, period, kernel_size=5, stride=3, use_spectral_norm=False):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.period = period
+ self.use_spectral_norm = use_spectral_norm
+ norm_f = weight_norm if use_spectral_norm == False else spectral_norm
+ self.convs = nn.ModuleList(
+ [
+ norm_f(
+ Conv2d(
+ 1,
+ 32,
+ (kernel_size, 1),
+ (stride, 1),
+ padding=(get_padding(kernel_size, 1), 0),
+ )
+ ),
+ norm_f(
+ Conv2d(
+ 32,
+ 128,
+ (kernel_size, 1),
+ (stride, 1),
+ padding=(get_padding(kernel_size, 1), 0),
+ )
+ ),
+ norm_f(
+ Conv2d(
+ 128,
+ 512,
+ (kernel_size, 1),
+ (stride, 1),
+ padding=(get_padding(kernel_size, 1), 0),
+ )
+ ),
+ norm_f(
+ Conv2d(
+ 512,
+ 1024,
+ (kernel_size, 1),
+ (stride, 1),
+ padding=(get_padding(kernel_size, 1), 0),
+ )
+ ),
+ norm_f(
+ Conv2d(
+ 1024,
+ 1024,
+ (kernel_size, 1),
+ 1,
+ padding=(get_padding(kernel_size, 1), 0),
+ )
+ ),
+ ]
+ )
+ self.conv_post = norm_f(Conv2d(1024, 1, (3, 1), 1, padding=(1, 0)))
+ def forward(self, x):
+ fmap = []
+ # 1d to 2d
+ b, c, t = x.shape
+ if t % self.period != 0: # pad first
+ n_pad = self.period - (t % self.period)
+ x = F.pad(x, (0, n_pad), "reflect")
+ t = t + n_pad
+ x = x.view(b, c, t // self.period, self.period)
+ for l in self.convs:
+ x = l(x)
+ x = F.leaky_relu(x, modules.LRELU_SLOPE)
+ fmap.append(x)
+ x = self.conv_post(x)
+ fmap.append(x)
+ x = torch.flatten(x, 1, -1)
+ return x, fmap
+class DiscriminatorS(torch.nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, use_spectral_norm=False):
+ super().__init__()
+ norm_f = weight_norm if use_spectral_norm == False else spectral_norm
+ self.convs = nn.ModuleList(
+ [
+ norm_f(Conv1d(1, 16, 15, 1, padding=7)),
+ norm_f(Conv1d(16, 64, 41, 4, groups=4, padding=20)),
+ norm_f(Conv1d(64, 256, 41, 4, groups=16, padding=20)),
+ norm_f(Conv1d(256, 1024, 41, 4, groups=64, padding=20)),
+ norm_f(Conv1d(1024, 1024, 41, 4, groups=256, padding=20)),
+ norm_f(Conv1d(1024, 1024, 5, 1, padding=2)),
+ ]
+ )
+ self.conv_post = norm_f(Conv1d(1024, 1, 3, 1, padding=1))
+ def forward(self, x):
+ fmap = []
+ for l in self.convs:
+ x = l(x)
+ x = F.leaky_relu(x, modules.LRELU_SLOPE)
+ fmap.append(x)
+ x = self.conv_post(x)
+ fmap.append(x)
+ x = torch.flatten(x, 1, -1)
+ return x, fmap
+class MultiPeriodDiscriminator(torch.nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, use_spectral_norm=False):
+ super().__init__()
+ periods = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11]
+ discs = [DiscriminatorS(use_spectral_norm=use_spectral_norm)]
+ discs = discs + [
+ DiscriminatorP(i, use_spectral_norm=use_spectral_norm) for i in periods
+ ]
+ self.discriminators = nn.ModuleList(discs)
+ def forward(self, y, y_hat):
+ y_d_rs = []
+ y_d_gs = []
+ fmap_rs = []
+ fmap_gs = []
+ for i, d in enumerate(self.discriminators):
+ y_d_r, fmap_r = d(y)
+ y_d_g, fmap_g = d(y_hat)
+ y_d_rs.append(y_d_r)
+ y_d_gs.append(y_d_g)
+ fmap_rs.append(fmap_r)
+ fmap_gs.append(fmap_g)
+ return y_d_rs, y_d_gs, fmap_rs, fmap_gs
+class MultiScaleDiscriminator(torch.nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.discriminators = nn.ModuleList(
+ [
+ DiscriminatorS(use_spectral_norm=True),
+ DiscriminatorS(),
+ DiscriminatorS(),
+ ]
+ )
+ self.meanpools = nn.ModuleList(
+ [AvgPool1d(4, 2, padding=2), AvgPool1d(4, 2, padding=2)]
+ )
+ def forward(self, y, y_hat):
+ y_d_rs = []
+ y_d_gs = []
+ fmap_rs = []
+ fmap_gs = []
+ for i, d in enumerate(self.discriminators):
+ if i != 0:
+ y = self.meanpools[i - 1](y)
+ y_hat = self.meanpools[i - 1](y_hat)
+ y_d_r, fmap_r = d(y)
+ y_d_g, fmap_g = d(y_hat)
+ y_d_rs.append(y_d_r)
+ fmap_rs.append(fmap_r)
+ y_d_gs.append(y_d_g)
+ fmap_gs.append(fmap_g)
+ return y_d_rs, y_d_gs, fmap_rs, fmap_gs
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+++ b/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/encoders.py
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+import torch
+from torch import nn
+from so_vits_svc_fork.modules import attentions as attentions
+from so_vits_svc_fork.modules import commons as commons
+from so_vits_svc_fork.modules import modules as modules
+class SpeakerEncoder(torch.nn.Module):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ mel_n_channels=80,
+ model_num_layers=3,
+ model_hidden_size=256,
+ model_embedding_size=256,
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.lstm = nn.LSTM(
+ mel_n_channels, model_hidden_size, model_num_layers, batch_first=True
+ )
+ self.linear = nn.Linear(model_hidden_size, model_embedding_size)
+ self.relu = nn.ReLU()
+ def forward(self, mels):
+ self.lstm.flatten_parameters()
+ _, (hidden, _) = self.lstm(mels)
+ embeds_raw = self.relu(self.linear(hidden[-1]))
+ return embeds_raw / torch.norm(embeds_raw, dim=1, keepdim=True)
+ def compute_partial_slices(self, total_frames, partial_frames, partial_hop):
+ mel_slices = []
+ for i in range(0, total_frames - partial_frames, partial_hop):
+ mel_range = torch.arange(i, i + partial_frames)
+ mel_slices.append(mel_range)
+ return mel_slices
+ def embed_utterance(self, mel, partial_frames=128, partial_hop=64):
+ mel_len = mel.size(1)
+ last_mel = mel[:, -partial_frames:]
+ if mel_len > partial_frames:
+ mel_slices = self.compute_partial_slices(
+ mel_len, partial_frames, partial_hop
+ )
+ mels = list(mel[:, s] for s in mel_slices)
+ mels.append(last_mel)
+ mels = torch.stack(tuple(mels), 0).squeeze(1)
+ with torch.no_grad():
+ partial_embeds = self(mels)
+ embed = torch.mean(partial_embeds, axis=0).unsqueeze(0)
+ # embed = embed / torch.linalg.norm(embed, 2)
+ else:
+ with torch.no_grad():
+ embed = self(last_mel)
+ return embed
+class Encoder(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ in_channels,
+ out_channels,
+ hidden_channels,
+ kernel_size,
+ dilation_rate,
+ n_layers,
+ gin_channels=0,
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.in_channels = in_channels
+ self.out_channels = out_channels
+ self.hidden_channels = hidden_channels
+ self.kernel_size = kernel_size
+ self.dilation_rate = dilation_rate
+ self.n_layers = n_layers
+ self.gin_channels = gin_channels
+ self.pre = nn.Conv1d(in_channels, hidden_channels, 1)
+ self.enc = modules.WN(
+ hidden_channels,
+ kernel_size,
+ dilation_rate,
+ n_layers,
+ gin_channels=gin_channels,
+ )
+ self.proj = nn.Conv1d(hidden_channels, out_channels * 2, 1)
+ def forward(self, x, x_lengths, g=None):
+ # print(x.shape,x_lengths.shape)
+ x_mask = torch.unsqueeze(commons.sequence_mask(x_lengths, x.size(2)), 1).to(
+ x.dtype
+ )
+ x = self.pre(x) * x_mask
+ x = self.enc(x, x_mask, g=g)
+ stats = self.proj(x) * x_mask
+ m, logs = torch.split(stats, self.out_channels, dim=1)
+ z = (m + torch.randn_like(m) * torch.exp(logs)) * x_mask
+ return z, m, logs, x_mask
+class TextEncoder(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ out_channels,
+ hidden_channels,
+ kernel_size,
+ n_layers,
+ gin_channels=0,
+ filter_channels=None,
+ n_heads=None,
+ p_dropout=None,
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.out_channels = out_channels
+ self.hidden_channels = hidden_channels
+ self.kernel_size = kernel_size
+ self.n_layers = n_layers
+ self.gin_channels = gin_channels
+ self.proj = nn.Conv1d(hidden_channels, out_channels * 2, 1)
+ self.f0_emb = nn.Embedding(256, hidden_channels)
+ self.enc_ = attentions.Encoder(
+ hidden_channels, filter_channels, n_heads, n_layers, kernel_size, p_dropout
+ )
+ def forward(self, x, x_mask, f0=None, noice_scale=1):
+ x = x + self.f0_emb(f0).transpose(1, 2)
+ x = self.enc_(x * x_mask, x_mask)
+ stats = self.proj(x) * x_mask
+ m, logs = torch.split(stats, self.out_channels, dim=1)
+ z = (m + torch.randn_like(m) * torch.exp(logs) * noice_scale) * x_mask
+ return z, m, logs, x_mask
diff --git a/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/flows.py b/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/flows.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9abcba215cd6e910f633523b5ef723d5f0d8d893
--- /dev/null
+++ b/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/flows.py
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+from torch import nn
+from so_vits_svc_fork.modules import modules as modules
+class ResidualCouplingBlock(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ channels,
+ hidden_channels,
+ kernel_size,
+ dilation_rate,
+ n_layers,
+ n_flows=4,
+ gin_channels=0,
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.channels = channels
+ self.hidden_channels = hidden_channels
+ self.kernel_size = kernel_size
+ self.dilation_rate = dilation_rate
+ self.n_layers = n_layers
+ self.n_flows = n_flows
+ self.gin_channels = gin_channels
+ self.flows = nn.ModuleList()
+ for i in range(n_flows):
+ self.flows.append(
+ modules.ResidualCouplingLayer(
+ channels,
+ hidden_channels,
+ kernel_size,
+ dilation_rate,
+ n_layers,
+ gin_channels=gin_channels,
+ mean_only=True,
+ )
+ )
+ self.flows.append(modules.Flip())
+ def forward(self, x, x_mask, g=None, reverse=False):
+ if not reverse:
+ for flow in self.flows:
+ x, _ = flow(x, x_mask, g=g, reverse=reverse)
+ else:
+ for flow in reversed(self.flows):
+ x = flow(x, x_mask, g=g, reverse=reverse)
+ return x
diff --git a/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/losses.py b/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/losses.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1fbcce95e8777d053650cba6bbea9ac0981ed6c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/losses.py
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+import torch
+def feature_loss(fmap_r, fmap_g):
+ loss = 0
+ for dr, dg in zip(fmap_r, fmap_g):
+ for rl, gl in zip(dr, dg):
+ rl = rl.float().detach()
+ gl = gl.float()
+ loss += torch.mean(torch.abs(rl - gl))
+ return loss * 2
+def discriminator_loss(disc_real_outputs, disc_generated_outputs):
+ loss = 0
+ r_losses = []
+ g_losses = []
+ for dr, dg in zip(disc_real_outputs, disc_generated_outputs):
+ dr = dr.float()
+ dg = dg.float()
+ r_loss = torch.mean((1 - dr) ** 2)
+ g_loss = torch.mean(dg**2)
+ loss += r_loss + g_loss
+ r_losses.append(r_loss.item())
+ g_losses.append(g_loss.item())
+ return loss, r_losses, g_losses
+def generator_loss(disc_outputs):
+ loss = 0
+ gen_losses = []
+ for dg in disc_outputs:
+ dg = dg.float()
+ l = torch.mean((1 - dg) ** 2)
+ gen_losses.append(l)
+ loss += l
+ return loss, gen_losses
+def kl_loss(z_p, logs_q, m_p, logs_p, z_mask):
+ """
+ z_p, logs_q: [b, h, t_t]
+ m_p, logs_p: [b, h, t_t]
+ """
+ z_p = z_p.float()
+ logs_q = logs_q.float()
+ m_p = m_p.float()
+ logs_p = logs_p.float()
+ z_mask = z_mask.float()
+ # print(logs_p)
+ kl = logs_p - logs_q - 0.5
+ kl += 0.5 * ((z_p - m_p) ** 2) * torch.exp(-2.0 * logs_p)
+ kl = torch.sum(kl * z_mask)
+ l = kl / torch.sum(z_mask)
+ return l
diff --git a/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/mel_processing.py b/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/mel_processing.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..298acd869c5f835094cd30576da43629aa7f6bd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/mel_processing.py
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+"""from logging import getLogger
+import torch
+import torch.utils.data
+import torchaudio
+LOG = getLogger(__name__)
+from ..hparams import HParams
+def spectrogram_torch(audio: torch.Tensor, hps: HParams) -> torch.Tensor:
+ return torchaudio.transforms.Spectrogram(
+ n_fft=hps.data.filter_length,
+ win_length=hps.data.win_length,
+ hop_length=hps.data.hop_length,
+ power=1.0,
+ window_fn=torch.hann_window,
+ normalized=False,
+ ).to(audio.device)(audio)
+def spec_to_mel_torch(spec: torch.Tensor, hps: HParams) -> torch.Tensor:
+ return torchaudio.transforms.MelScale(
+ n_mels=hps.data.n_mel_channels,
+ sample_rate=hps.data.sampling_rate,
+ f_min=hps.data.mel_fmin,
+ f_max=hps.data.mel_fmax,
+ ).to(spec.device)(spec)
+def mel_spectrogram_torch(audio: torch.Tensor, hps: HParams) -> torch.Tensor:
+ return torchaudio.transforms.MelSpectrogram(
+ sample_rate=hps.data.sampling_rate,
+ n_fft=hps.data.filter_length,
+ n_mels=hps.data.n_mel_channels,
+ win_length=hps.data.win_length,
+ hop_length=hps.data.hop_length,
+ f_min=hps.data.mel_fmin,
+ f_max=hps.data.mel_fmax,
+ power=1.0,
+ window_fn=torch.hann_window,
+ normalized=False,
+ ).to(audio.device)(audio)"""
+from logging import getLogger
+import torch
+import torch.utils.data
+from librosa.filters import mel as librosa_mel_fn
+LOG = getLogger(__name__)
+MAX_WAV_VALUE = 32768.0
+def dynamic_range_compression_torch(x, C=1, clip_val=1e-5):
+ """
+ ------
+ C: compression factor
+ """
+ return torch.log(torch.clamp(x, min=clip_val) * C)
+def dynamic_range_decompression_torch(x, C=1):
+ """
+ ------
+ C: compression factor used to compress
+ """
+ return torch.exp(x) / C
+def spectral_normalize_torch(magnitudes):
+ output = dynamic_range_compression_torch(magnitudes)
+ return output
+def spectral_de_normalize_torch(magnitudes):
+ output = dynamic_range_decompression_torch(magnitudes)
+ return output
+mel_basis = {}
+hann_window = {}
+def spectrogram_torch(y, hps, center=False):
+ if torch.min(y) < -1.0:
+ LOG.info("min value is ", torch.min(y))
+ if torch.max(y) > 1.0:
+ LOG.info("max value is ", torch.max(y))
+ n_fft = hps.data.filter_length
+ hop_size = hps.data.hop_length
+ win_size = hps.data.win_length
+ global hann_window
+ dtype_device = str(y.dtype) + "_" + str(y.device)
+ wnsize_dtype_device = str(win_size) + "_" + dtype_device
+ if wnsize_dtype_device not in hann_window:
+ hann_window[wnsize_dtype_device] = torch.hann_window(win_size).to(
+ dtype=y.dtype, device=y.device
+ )
+ y = torch.nn.functional.pad(
+ y.unsqueeze(1),
+ (int((n_fft - hop_size) / 2), int((n_fft - hop_size) / 2)),
+ mode="reflect",
+ )
+ y = y.squeeze(1)
+ spec = torch.stft(
+ y,
+ n_fft,
+ hop_length=hop_size,
+ win_length=win_size,
+ window=hann_window[wnsize_dtype_device],
+ center=center,
+ pad_mode="reflect",
+ normalized=False,
+ onesided=True,
+ return_complex=False,
+ )
+ spec = torch.sqrt(spec.pow(2).sum(-1) + 1e-6)
+ return spec
+def spec_to_mel_torch(spec, hps):
+ sampling_rate = hps.data.sampling_rate
+ n_fft = hps.data.filter_length
+ num_mels = hps.data.n_mel_channels
+ fmin = hps.data.mel_fmin
+ fmax = hps.data.mel_fmax
+ global mel_basis
+ dtype_device = str(spec.dtype) + "_" + str(spec.device)
+ fmax_dtype_device = str(fmax) + "_" + dtype_device
+ if fmax_dtype_device not in mel_basis:
+ mel = librosa_mel_fn(
+ sr=sampling_rate, n_fft=n_fft, n_mels=num_mels, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax
+ )
+ mel_basis[fmax_dtype_device] = torch.from_numpy(mel).to(
+ dtype=spec.dtype, device=spec.device
+ )
+ spec = torch.matmul(mel_basis[fmax_dtype_device], spec)
+ spec = spectral_normalize_torch(spec)
+ return spec
+def mel_spectrogram_torch(y, hps, center=False):
+ sampling_rate = hps.data.sampling_rate
+ n_fft = hps.data.filter_length
+ num_mels = hps.data.n_mel_channels
+ fmin = hps.data.mel_fmin
+ fmax = hps.data.mel_fmax
+ hop_size = hps.data.hop_length
+ win_size = hps.data.win_length
+ if torch.min(y) < -1.0:
+ LOG.info(f"min value is {torch.min(y)}")
+ if torch.max(y) > 1.0:
+ LOG.info(f"max value is {torch.max(y)}")
+ global mel_basis, hann_window
+ dtype_device = str(y.dtype) + "_" + str(y.device)
+ fmax_dtype_device = str(fmax) + "_" + dtype_device
+ wnsize_dtype_device = str(win_size) + "_" + dtype_device
+ if fmax_dtype_device not in mel_basis:
+ mel = librosa_mel_fn(
+ sr=sampling_rate, n_fft=n_fft, n_mels=num_mels, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax
+ )
+ mel_basis[fmax_dtype_device] = torch.from_numpy(mel).to(
+ dtype=y.dtype, device=y.device
+ )
+ if wnsize_dtype_device not in hann_window:
+ hann_window[wnsize_dtype_device] = torch.hann_window(win_size).to(
+ dtype=y.dtype, device=y.device
+ )
+ y = torch.nn.functional.pad(
+ y.unsqueeze(1),
+ (int((n_fft - hop_size) / 2), int((n_fft - hop_size) / 2)),
+ mode="reflect",
+ )
+ y = y.squeeze(1)
+ spec = torch.stft(
+ y,
+ n_fft,
+ hop_length=hop_size,
+ win_length=win_size,
+ window=hann_window[wnsize_dtype_device],
+ center=center,
+ pad_mode="reflect",
+ normalized=False,
+ onesided=True,
+ return_complex=False,
+ )
+ spec = torch.sqrt(spec.pow(2).sum(-1) + 1e-6)
+ spec = torch.matmul(mel_basis[fmax_dtype_device], spec)
+ spec = spectral_normalize_torch(spec)
+ return spec
diff --git a/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/modules.py b/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/modules.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..659d4dfe340ad44cc6ebe32a3ac965b39dd79246
--- /dev/null
+++ b/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/modules.py
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+import torch
+from torch import nn
+from torch.nn import Conv1d
+from torch.nn import functional as F
+from torch.nn.utils import remove_weight_norm, weight_norm
+from so_vits_svc_fork.modules import commons
+from so_vits_svc_fork.modules.commons import get_padding, init_weights
+class LayerNorm(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, channels, eps=1e-5):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.channels = channels
+ self.eps = eps
+ self.gamma = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(channels))
+ self.beta = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(channels))
+ def forward(self, x):
+ x = x.transpose(1, -1)
+ x = F.layer_norm(x, (self.channels,), self.gamma, self.beta, self.eps)
+ return x.transpose(1, -1)
+class ConvReluNorm(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ in_channels,
+ hidden_channels,
+ out_channels,
+ kernel_size,
+ n_layers,
+ p_dropout,
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.in_channels = in_channels
+ self.hidden_channels = hidden_channels
+ self.out_channels = out_channels
+ self.kernel_size = kernel_size
+ self.n_layers = n_layers
+ self.p_dropout = p_dropout
+ assert n_layers > 1, "Number of layers should be larger than 0."
+ self.conv_layers = nn.ModuleList()
+ self.norm_layers = nn.ModuleList()
+ self.conv_layers.append(
+ nn.Conv1d(
+ in_channels, hidden_channels, kernel_size, padding=kernel_size // 2
+ )
+ )
+ self.norm_layers.append(LayerNorm(hidden_channels))
+ self.relu_drop = nn.Sequential(nn.ReLU(), nn.Dropout(p_dropout))
+ for _ in range(n_layers - 1):
+ self.conv_layers.append(
+ nn.Conv1d(
+ hidden_channels,
+ hidden_channels,
+ kernel_size,
+ padding=kernel_size // 2,
+ )
+ )
+ self.norm_layers.append(LayerNorm(hidden_channels))
+ self.proj = nn.Conv1d(hidden_channels, out_channels, 1)
+ self.proj.weight.data.zero_()
+ self.proj.bias.data.zero_()
+ def forward(self, x, x_mask):
+ x_org = x
+ for i in range(self.n_layers):
+ x = self.conv_layers[i](x * x_mask)
+ x = self.norm_layers[i](x)
+ x = self.relu_drop(x)
+ x = x_org + self.proj(x)
+ return x * x_mask
+class DDSConv(nn.Module):
+ """
+ Dialted and Depth-Separable Convolution
+ """
+ def __init__(self, channels, kernel_size, n_layers, p_dropout=0.0):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.channels = channels
+ self.kernel_size = kernel_size
+ self.n_layers = n_layers
+ self.p_dropout = p_dropout
+ self.drop = nn.Dropout(p_dropout)
+ self.convs_sep = nn.ModuleList()
+ self.convs_1x1 = nn.ModuleList()
+ self.norms_1 = nn.ModuleList()
+ self.norms_2 = nn.ModuleList()
+ for i in range(n_layers):
+ dilation = kernel_size**i
+ padding = (kernel_size * dilation - dilation) // 2
+ self.convs_sep.append(
+ nn.Conv1d(
+ channels,
+ channels,
+ kernel_size,
+ groups=channels,
+ dilation=dilation,
+ padding=padding,
+ )
+ )
+ self.convs_1x1.append(nn.Conv1d(channels, channels, 1))
+ self.norms_1.append(LayerNorm(channels))
+ self.norms_2.append(LayerNorm(channels))
+ def forward(self, x, x_mask, g=None):
+ if g is not None:
+ x = x + g
+ for i in range(self.n_layers):
+ y = self.convs_sep[i](x * x_mask)
+ y = self.norms_1[i](y)
+ y = F.gelu(y)
+ y = self.convs_1x1[i](y)
+ y = self.norms_2[i](y)
+ y = F.gelu(y)
+ y = self.drop(y)
+ x = x + y
+ return x * x_mask
+class WN(torch.nn.Module):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ hidden_channels,
+ kernel_size,
+ dilation_rate,
+ n_layers,
+ gin_channels=0,
+ p_dropout=0,
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ assert kernel_size % 2 == 1
+ self.hidden_channels = hidden_channels
+ self.kernel_size = (kernel_size,)
+ self.dilation_rate = dilation_rate
+ self.n_layers = n_layers
+ self.gin_channels = gin_channels
+ self.p_dropout = p_dropout
+ self.in_layers = torch.nn.ModuleList()
+ self.res_skip_layers = torch.nn.ModuleList()
+ self.drop = nn.Dropout(p_dropout)
+ if gin_channels != 0:
+ cond_layer = torch.nn.Conv1d(
+ gin_channels, 2 * hidden_channels * n_layers, 1
+ )
+ self.cond_layer = torch.nn.utils.weight_norm(cond_layer, name="weight")
+ for i in range(n_layers):
+ dilation = dilation_rate**i
+ padding = int((kernel_size * dilation - dilation) / 2)
+ in_layer = torch.nn.Conv1d(
+ hidden_channels,
+ 2 * hidden_channels,
+ kernel_size,
+ dilation=dilation,
+ padding=padding,
+ )
+ in_layer = torch.nn.utils.weight_norm(in_layer, name="weight")
+ self.in_layers.append(in_layer)
+ # last one is not necessary
+ if i < n_layers - 1:
+ res_skip_channels = 2 * hidden_channels
+ else:
+ res_skip_channels = hidden_channels
+ res_skip_layer = torch.nn.Conv1d(hidden_channels, res_skip_channels, 1)
+ res_skip_layer = torch.nn.utils.weight_norm(res_skip_layer, name="weight")
+ self.res_skip_layers.append(res_skip_layer)
+ def forward(self, x, x_mask, g=None, **kwargs):
+ output = torch.zeros_like(x)
+ n_channels_tensor = torch.IntTensor([self.hidden_channels])
+ if g is not None:
+ g = self.cond_layer(g)
+ for i in range(self.n_layers):
+ x_in = self.in_layers[i](x)
+ if g is not None:
+ cond_offset = i * 2 * self.hidden_channels
+ g_l = g[:, cond_offset : cond_offset + 2 * self.hidden_channels, :]
+ else:
+ g_l = torch.zeros_like(x_in)
+ acts = commons.fused_add_tanh_sigmoid_multiply(x_in, g_l, n_channels_tensor)
+ acts = self.drop(acts)
+ res_skip_acts = self.res_skip_layers[i](acts)
+ if i < self.n_layers - 1:
+ res_acts = res_skip_acts[:, : self.hidden_channels, :]
+ x = (x + res_acts) * x_mask
+ output = output + res_skip_acts[:, self.hidden_channels :, :]
+ else:
+ output = output + res_skip_acts
+ return output * x_mask
+ def remove_weight_norm(self):
+ if self.gin_channels != 0:
+ torch.nn.utils.remove_weight_norm(self.cond_layer)
+ for l in self.in_layers:
+ torch.nn.utils.remove_weight_norm(l)
+ for l in self.res_skip_layers:
+ torch.nn.utils.remove_weight_norm(l)
+class ResBlock1(torch.nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, channels, kernel_size=3, dilation=(1, 3, 5)):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.convs1 = nn.ModuleList(
+ [
+ weight_norm(
+ Conv1d(
+ channels,
+ channels,
+ kernel_size,
+ 1,
+ dilation=dilation[0],
+ padding=get_padding(kernel_size, dilation[0]),
+ )
+ ),
+ weight_norm(
+ Conv1d(
+ channels,
+ channels,
+ kernel_size,
+ 1,
+ dilation=dilation[1],
+ padding=get_padding(kernel_size, dilation[1]),
+ )
+ ),
+ weight_norm(
+ Conv1d(
+ channels,
+ channels,
+ kernel_size,
+ 1,
+ dilation=dilation[2],
+ padding=get_padding(kernel_size, dilation[2]),
+ )
+ ),
+ ]
+ )
+ self.convs1.apply(init_weights)
+ self.convs2 = nn.ModuleList(
+ [
+ weight_norm(
+ Conv1d(
+ channels,
+ channels,
+ kernel_size,
+ 1,
+ dilation=1,
+ padding=get_padding(kernel_size, 1),
+ )
+ ),
+ weight_norm(
+ Conv1d(
+ channels,
+ channels,
+ kernel_size,
+ 1,
+ dilation=1,
+ padding=get_padding(kernel_size, 1),
+ )
+ ),
+ weight_norm(
+ Conv1d(
+ channels,
+ channels,
+ kernel_size,
+ 1,
+ dilation=1,
+ padding=get_padding(kernel_size, 1),
+ )
+ ),
+ ]
+ )
+ self.convs2.apply(init_weights)
+ def forward(self, x, x_mask=None):
+ for c1, c2 in zip(self.convs1, self.convs2):
+ xt = F.leaky_relu(x, LRELU_SLOPE)
+ if x_mask is not None:
+ xt = xt * x_mask
+ xt = c1(xt)
+ xt = F.leaky_relu(xt, LRELU_SLOPE)
+ if x_mask is not None:
+ xt = xt * x_mask
+ xt = c2(xt)
+ x = xt + x
+ if x_mask is not None:
+ x = x * x_mask
+ return x
+ def remove_weight_norm(self):
+ for l in self.convs1:
+ remove_weight_norm(l)
+ for l in self.convs2:
+ remove_weight_norm(l)
+class ResBlock2(torch.nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, channels, kernel_size=3, dilation=(1, 3)):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.convs = nn.ModuleList(
+ [
+ weight_norm(
+ Conv1d(
+ channels,
+ channels,
+ kernel_size,
+ 1,
+ dilation=dilation[0],
+ padding=get_padding(kernel_size, dilation[0]),
+ )
+ ),
+ weight_norm(
+ Conv1d(
+ channels,
+ channels,
+ kernel_size,
+ 1,
+ dilation=dilation[1],
+ padding=get_padding(kernel_size, dilation[1]),
+ )
+ ),
+ ]
+ )
+ self.convs.apply(init_weights)
+ def forward(self, x, x_mask=None):
+ for c in self.convs:
+ xt = F.leaky_relu(x, LRELU_SLOPE)
+ if x_mask is not None:
+ xt = xt * x_mask
+ xt = c(xt)
+ x = xt + x
+ if x_mask is not None:
+ x = x * x_mask
+ return x
+ def remove_weight_norm(self):
+ for l in self.convs:
+ remove_weight_norm(l)
+class Log(nn.Module):
+ def forward(self, x, x_mask, reverse=False, **kwargs):
+ if not reverse:
+ y = torch.log(torch.clamp_min(x, 1e-5)) * x_mask
+ logdet = torch.sum(-y, [1, 2])
+ return y, logdet
+ else:
+ x = torch.exp(x) * x_mask
+ return x
+class Flip(nn.Module):
+ def forward(self, x, *args, reverse=False, **kwargs):
+ x = torch.flip(x, [1])
+ if not reverse:
+ logdet = torch.zeros(x.size(0)).to(dtype=x.dtype, device=x.device)
+ return x, logdet
+ else:
+ return x
+class ElementwiseAffine(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, channels):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.channels = channels
+ self.m = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(channels, 1))
+ self.logs = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(channels, 1))
+ def forward(self, x, x_mask, reverse=False, **kwargs):
+ if not reverse:
+ y = self.m + torch.exp(self.logs) * x
+ y = y * x_mask
+ logdet = torch.sum(self.logs * x_mask, [1, 2])
+ return y, logdet
+ else:
+ x = (x - self.m) * torch.exp(-self.logs) * x_mask
+ return x
+class ResidualCouplingLayer(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ channels,
+ hidden_channels,
+ kernel_size,
+ dilation_rate,
+ n_layers,
+ p_dropout=0,
+ gin_channels=0,
+ mean_only=False,
+ ):
+ assert channels % 2 == 0, "channels should be divisible by 2"
+ super().__init__()
+ self.channels = channels
+ self.hidden_channels = hidden_channels
+ self.kernel_size = kernel_size
+ self.dilation_rate = dilation_rate
+ self.n_layers = n_layers
+ self.half_channels = channels // 2
+ self.mean_only = mean_only
+ self.pre = nn.Conv1d(self.half_channels, hidden_channels, 1)
+ self.enc = WN(
+ hidden_channels,
+ kernel_size,
+ dilation_rate,
+ n_layers,
+ p_dropout=p_dropout,
+ gin_channels=gin_channels,
+ )
+ self.post = nn.Conv1d(hidden_channels, self.half_channels * (2 - mean_only), 1)
+ self.post.weight.data.zero_()
+ self.post.bias.data.zero_()
+ def forward(self, x, x_mask, g=None, reverse=False):
+ x0, x1 = torch.split(x, [self.half_channels] * 2, 1)
+ h = self.pre(x0) * x_mask
+ h = self.enc(h, x_mask, g=g)
+ stats = self.post(h) * x_mask
+ if not self.mean_only:
+ m, logs = torch.split(stats, [self.half_channels] * 2, 1)
+ else:
+ m = stats
+ logs = torch.zeros_like(m)
+ if not reverse:
+ x1 = m + x1 * torch.exp(logs) * x_mask
+ x = torch.cat([x0, x1], 1)
+ logdet = torch.sum(logs, [1, 2])
+ return x, logdet
+ else:
+ x1 = (x1 - m) * torch.exp(-logs) * x_mask
+ x = torch.cat([x0, x1], 1)
+ return x
diff --git a/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/synthesizers.py b/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/synthesizers.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c96e021be215f06d417de901bee7e67d000982de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/so_vits_svc_fork/modules/synthesizers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+import warnings
+from logging import getLogger
+from typing import Any, Literal, Sequence
+import torch
+from torch import nn
+import so_vits_svc_fork.f0
+from so_vits_svc_fork.f0 import f0_to_coarse
+from so_vits_svc_fork.modules import commons as commons
+from so_vits_svc_fork.modules.decoders.f0 import F0Decoder
+from so_vits_svc_fork.modules.decoders.hifigan import NSFHifiGANGenerator
+from so_vits_svc_fork.modules.decoders.mb_istft import (
+ Multiband_iSTFT_Generator,
+ Multistream_iSTFT_Generator,
+ iSTFT_Generator,
+from so_vits_svc_fork.modules.encoders import Encoder, TextEncoder
+from so_vits_svc_fork.modules.flows import ResidualCouplingBlock
+LOG = getLogger(__name__)
+class SynthesizerTrn(nn.Module):
+ """
+ Synthesizer for Training
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ spec_channels: int,
+ segment_size: int,
+ inter_channels: int,
+ hidden_channels: int,
+ filter_channels: int,
+ n_heads: int,
+ n_layers: int,
+ kernel_size: int,
+ p_dropout: int,
+ resblock: str,
+ resblock_kernel_sizes: Sequence[int],
+ resblock_dilation_sizes: Sequence[Sequence[int]],
+ upsample_rates: Sequence[int],
+ upsample_initial_channel: int,
+ upsample_kernel_sizes: Sequence[int],
+ gin_channels: int,
+ ssl_dim: int,
+ n_speakers: int,
+ sampling_rate: int = 44100,
+ type_: Literal["hifi-gan", "istft", "ms-istft", "mb-istft"] = "hifi-gan",
+ gen_istft_n_fft: int = 16,
+ gen_istft_hop_size: int = 4,
+ subbands: int = 4,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.spec_channels = spec_channels
+ self.inter_channels = inter_channels
+ self.hidden_channels = hidden_channels
+ self.filter_channels = filter_channels
+ self.n_heads = n_heads
+ self.n_layers = n_layers
+ self.kernel_size = kernel_size
+ self.p_dropout = p_dropout
+ self.resblock = resblock
+ self.resblock_kernel_sizes = resblock_kernel_sizes
+ self.resblock_dilation_sizes = resblock_dilation_sizes
+ self.upsample_rates = upsample_rates
+ self.upsample_initial_channel = upsample_initial_channel
+ self.upsample_kernel_sizes = upsample_kernel_sizes
+ self.segment_size = segment_size
+ self.gin_channels = gin_channels
+ self.ssl_dim = ssl_dim
+ self.n_speakers = n_speakers
+ self.sampling_rate = sampling_rate
+ self.type_ = type_
+ self.gen_istft_n_fft = gen_istft_n_fft
+ self.gen_istft_hop_size = gen_istft_hop_size
+ self.subbands = subbands
+ if kwargs:
+ warnings.warn(f"Unused arguments: {kwargs}")
+ self.emb_g = nn.Embedding(n_speakers, gin_channels)
+ if ssl_dim is None:
+ self.pre = nn.LazyConv1d(hidden_channels, kernel_size=5, padding=2)
+ else:
+ self.pre = nn.Conv1d(ssl_dim, hidden_channels, kernel_size=5, padding=2)
+ self.enc_p = TextEncoder(
+ inter_channels,
+ hidden_channels,
+ filter_channels=filter_channels,
+ n_heads=n_heads,
+ n_layers=n_layers,
+ kernel_size=kernel_size,
+ p_dropout=p_dropout,
+ )
+ LOG.info(f"Decoder type: {type_}")
+ if type_ == "hifi-gan":
+ hps = {
+ "sampling_rate": sampling_rate,
+ "inter_channels": inter_channels,
+ "resblock": resblock,
+ "resblock_kernel_sizes": resblock_kernel_sizes,
+ "resblock_dilation_sizes": resblock_dilation_sizes,
+ "upsample_rates": upsample_rates,
+ "upsample_initial_channel": upsample_initial_channel,
+ "upsample_kernel_sizes": upsample_kernel_sizes,
+ "gin_channels": gin_channels,
+ }
+ self.dec = NSFHifiGANGenerator(h=hps)
+ self.mb = False
+ else:
+ hps = {
+ "initial_channel": inter_channels,
+ "resblock": resblock,
+ "resblock_kernel_sizes": resblock_kernel_sizes,
+ "resblock_dilation_sizes": resblock_dilation_sizes,
+ "upsample_rates": upsample_rates,
+ "upsample_initial_channel": upsample_initial_channel,
+ "upsample_kernel_sizes": upsample_kernel_sizes,
+ "gin_channels": gin_channels,
+ "gen_istft_n_fft": gen_istft_n_fft,
+ "gen_istft_hop_size": gen_istft_hop_size,
+ "subbands": subbands,
+ }
+ # gen_istft_n_fft, gen_istft_hop_size, subbands
+ if type_ == "istft":
+ del hps["subbands"]
+ self.dec = iSTFT_Generator(**hps)
+ elif type_ == "ms-istft":
+ self.dec = Multistream_iSTFT_Generator(**hps)
+ elif type_ == "mb-istft":
+ self.dec = Multiband_iSTFT_Generator(**hps)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unknown type: {type_}")
+ self.mb = True
+ self.enc_q = Encoder(
+ spec_channels,
+ inter_channels,
+ hidden_channels,
+ 5,
+ 1,
+ 16,
+ gin_channels=gin_channels,
+ )
+ self.flow = ResidualCouplingBlock(
+ inter_channels, hidden_channels, 5, 1, 4, gin_channels=gin_channels
+ )
+ self.f0_decoder = F0Decoder(
+ 1,
+ hidden_channels,
+ filter_channels,
+ n_heads,
+ n_layers,
+ kernel_size,
+ p_dropout,
+ spk_channels=gin_channels,
+ )
+ self.emb_uv = nn.Embedding(2, hidden_channels)
+ def forward(self, c, f0, uv, spec, g=None, c_lengths=None, spec_lengths=None):
+ g = self.emb_g(g).transpose(1, 2)
+ # ssl prenet
+ x_mask = torch.unsqueeze(commons.sequence_mask(c_lengths, c.size(2)), 1).to(
+ c.dtype
+ )
+ x = self.pre(c) * x_mask + self.emb_uv(uv.long()).transpose(1, 2)
+ # f0 predict
+ lf0 = 2595.0 * torch.log10(1.0 + f0.unsqueeze(1) / 700.0) / 500
+ norm_lf0 = so_vits_svc_fork.f0.normalize_f0(lf0, x_mask, uv)
+ pred_lf0 = self.f0_decoder(x, norm_lf0, x_mask, spk_emb=g)
+ # encoder
+ z_ptemp, m_p, logs_p, _ = self.enc_p(x, x_mask, f0=f0_to_coarse(f0))
+ z, m_q, logs_q, spec_mask = self.enc_q(spec, spec_lengths, g=g)
+ # flow
+ z_p = self.flow(z, spec_mask, g=g)
+ z_slice, pitch_slice, ids_slice = commons.rand_slice_segments_with_pitch(
+ z, f0, spec_lengths, self.segment_size
+ )
+ if self.mb:
+ o, o_mb = self.dec(z_slice, g=g)
+ # HiFi-GAN
+ else:
+ o = self.dec(z_slice, g=g, f0=pitch_slice)
+ o_mb = None
+ return (
+ o,
+ o_mb,
+ ids_slice,
+ spec_mask,
+ (z, z_p, m_p, logs_p, m_q, logs_q),
+ pred_lf0,
+ norm_lf0,
+ lf0,
+ )
+ def infer(self, c, f0, uv, g=None, noice_scale=0.35, predict_f0=False):
+ c_lengths = (torch.ones(c.size(0)) * c.size(-1)).to(c.device)
+ g = self.emb_g(g).transpose(1, 2)
+ x_mask = torch.unsqueeze(commons.sequence_mask(c_lengths, c.size(2)), 1).to(
+ c.dtype
+ )
+ x = self.pre(c) * x_mask + self.emb_uv(uv.long()).transpose(1, 2)
+ if predict_f0:
+ lf0 = 2595.0 * torch.log10(1.0 + f0.unsqueeze(1) / 700.0) / 500
+ norm_lf0 = so_vits_svc_fork.f0.normalize_f0(
+ lf0, x_mask, uv, random_scale=False
+ )
+ pred_lf0 = self.f0_decoder(x, norm_lf0, x_mask, spk_emb=g)
+ f0 = (700 * (torch.pow(10, pred_lf0 * 500 / 2595) - 1)).squeeze(1)
+ z_p, m_p, logs_p, c_mask = self.enc_p(
+ x, x_mask, f0=f0_to_coarse(f0), noice_scale=noice_scale
+ )
+ z = self.flow(z_p, c_mask, g=g, reverse=True)
+ if self.mb:
+ o, o_mb = self.dec(z * c_mask, g=g)
+ else:
+ o = self.dec(z * c_mask, g=g, f0=f0)
+ return o
diff --git a/so_vits_svc_fork/preprocessing/__init__.py b/so_vits_svc_fork/preprocessing/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/so_vits_svc_fork/preprocessing/config_templates/quickvc.json b/so_vits_svc_fork/preprocessing/config_templates/quickvc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3678aae98c8414d3f142c0cbf156623cf6130258
--- /dev/null
+++ b/so_vits_svc_fork/preprocessing/config_templates/quickvc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+ "train": {
+ "log_interval": 100,
+ "eval_interval": 200,
+ "seed": 1234,
+ "epochs": 10000,
+ "learning_rate": 0.0001,
+ "betas": [0.8, 0.99],
+ "eps": 1e-9,
+ "batch_size": 16,
+ "fp16_run": false,
+ "bf16_run": false,
+ "lr_decay": 0.999875,
+ "segment_size": 10240,
+ "init_lr_ratio": 1,
+ "warmup_epochs": 0,
+ "c_mel": 45,
+ "c_kl": 1.0,
+ "use_sr": true,
+ "max_speclen": 512,
+ "port": "8001",
+ "keep_ckpts": 3,
+ "fft_sizes": [768, 1366, 342],
+ "hop_sizes": [60, 120, 20],
+ "win_lengths": [300, 600, 120],
+ "window": "hann_window",
+ "num_workers": 4,
+ "log_version": 0,
+ "ckpt_name_by_step": false,
+ "accumulate_grad_batches": 1
+ },
+ "data": {
+ "training_files": "filelists/44k/train.txt",
+ "validation_files": "filelists/44k/val.txt",
+ "max_wav_value": 32768.0,
+ "sampling_rate": 44100,
+ "filter_length": 2048,
+ "hop_length": 512,
+ "win_length": 2048,
+ "n_mel_channels": 80,
+ "mel_fmin": 0.0,
+ "mel_fmax": 22050,
+ "contentvec_final_proj": false
+ },
+ "model": {
+ "inter_channels": 192,
+ "hidden_channels": 192,
+ "filter_channels": 768,
+ "n_heads": 2,
+ "n_layers": 6,
+ "kernel_size": 3,
+ "p_dropout": 0.1,
+ "resblock": "1",
+ "resblock_kernel_sizes": [3, 7, 11],
+ "resblock_dilation_sizes": [
+ [1, 3, 5],
+ [1, 3, 5],
+ [1, 3, 5]
+ ],
+ "upsample_rates": [8, 4],
+ "upsample_initial_channel": 512,
+ "upsample_kernel_sizes": [32, 16],
+ "n_layers_q": 3,
+ "use_spectral_norm": false,
+ "gin_channels": 256,
+ "ssl_dim": 768,
+ "n_speakers": 200,
+ "type_": "ms-istft",
+ "gen_istft_n_fft": 16,
+ "gen_istft_hop_size": 4,
+ "subbands": 4,
+ "pretrained": {
+ "D_0.pth": "https://huggingface.co/datasets/ms903/sovits4.0-768vec-layer12/resolve/main/sovits_768l12_pre_large_320k/clean_D_320000.pth",
+ "G_0.pth": "https://huggingface.co/datasets/ms903/sovits4.0-768vec-layer12/resolve/main/sovits_768l12_pre_large_320k/clean_G_320000.pth"
+ }
+ },
+ "spk": {}
diff --git a/so_vits_svc_fork/preprocessing/config_templates/so-vits-svc-4.0v1-legacy.json b/so_vits_svc_fork/preprocessing/config_templates/so-vits-svc-4.0v1-legacy.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..265f57a68cb899994dde7d5ad3d8ccd9bdd0be78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/so_vits_svc_fork/preprocessing/config_templates/so-vits-svc-4.0v1-legacy.json
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+ "train": {
+ "log_interval": 200,
+ "eval_interval": 800,
+ "seed": 1234,
+ "epochs": 10000,
+ "learning_rate": 0.0001,
+ "betas": [0.8, 0.99],
+ "eps": 1e-9,
+ "batch_size": 16,
+ "fp16_run": false,
+ "bf16_run": false,
+ "lr_decay": 0.999875,
+ "segment_size": 10240,
+ "init_lr_ratio": 1,
+ "warmup_epochs": 0,
+ "c_mel": 45,
+ "c_kl": 1.0,
+ "use_sr": true,
+ "max_speclen": 512,
+ "port": "8001",
+ "keep_ckpts": 3,
+ "num_workers": 4,
+ "log_version": 0,
+ "ckpt_name_by_step": false,
+ "accumulate_grad_batches": 1
+ },
+ "data": {
+ "training_files": "filelists/44k/train.txt",
+ "validation_files": "filelists/44k/val.txt",
+ "max_wav_value": 32768.0,
+ "sampling_rate": 44100,
+ "filter_length": 2048,
+ "hop_length": 512,
+ "win_length": 2048,
+ "n_mel_channels": 80,
+ "mel_fmin": 0.0,
+ "mel_fmax": 22050
+ },
+ "model": {
+ "inter_channels": 192,
+ "hidden_channels": 192,
+ "filter_channels": 768,
+ "n_heads": 2,
+ "n_layers": 6,
+ "kernel_size": 3,
+ "p_dropout": 0.1,
+ "resblock": "1",
+ "resblock_kernel_sizes": [3, 7, 11],
+ "resblock_dilation_sizes": [
+ [1, 3, 5],
+ [1, 3, 5],
+ [1, 3, 5]
+ ],
+ "upsample_rates": [8, 8, 2, 2, 2],
+ "upsample_initial_channel": 512,
+ "upsample_kernel_sizes": [16, 16, 4, 4, 4],
+ "n_layers_q": 3,
+ "use_spectral_norm": false,
+ "gin_channels": 256,
+ "ssl_dim": 256,
+ "n_speakers": 200,
+ "pretrained": {
+ "D_0.pth": "https://huggingface.co/therealvul/so-vits-svc-4.0-init/resolve/main/D_0.pth",
+ "G_0.pth": "https://huggingface.co/therealvul/so-vits-svc-4.0-init/resolve/main/G_0.pth"
+ }
+ },
+ "spk": {}
diff --git a/so_vits_svc_fork/preprocessing/config_templates/so-vits-svc-4.0v1.json b/so_vits_svc_fork/preprocessing/config_templates/so-vits-svc-4.0v1.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..112a35e68a36b9cf09bc83b48582ecd16a695c1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/so_vits_svc_fork/preprocessing/config_templates/so-vits-svc-4.0v1.json
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ "train": {
+ "log_interval": 100,
+ "eval_interval": 200,
+ "seed": 1234,
+ "epochs": 10000,
+ "learning_rate": 0.0001,
+ "betas": [0.8, 0.99],
+ "eps": 1e-9,
+ "batch_size": 16,
+ "fp16_run": false,
+ "bf16_run": false,
+ "lr_decay": 0.999875,
+ "segment_size": 10240,
+ "init_lr_ratio": 1,
+ "warmup_epochs": 0,
+ "c_mel": 45,
+ "c_kl": 1.0,
+ "use_sr": true,
+ "max_speclen": 512,
+ "port": "8001",
+ "keep_ckpts": 3,
+ "num_workers": 4,
+ "log_version": 0,
+ "ckpt_name_by_step": false,
+ "accumulate_grad_batches": 1
+ },
+ "data": {
+ "training_files": "filelists/44k/train.txt",
+ "validation_files": "filelists/44k/val.txt",
+ "max_wav_value": 32768.0,
+ "sampling_rate": 44100,
+ "filter_length": 2048,
+ "hop_length": 512,
+ "win_length": 2048,
+ "n_mel_channels": 80,
+ "mel_fmin": 0.0,
+ "mel_fmax": 22050,
+ "contentvec_final_proj": false
+ },
+ "model": {
+ "inter_channels": 192,
+ "hidden_channels": 192,
+ "filter_channels": 768,
+ "n_heads": 2,
+ "n_layers": 6,
+ "kernel_size": 3,
+ "p_dropout": 0.1,
+ "resblock": "1",
+ "resblock_kernel_sizes": [3, 7, 11],
+ "resblock_dilation_sizes": [
+ [1, 3, 5],
+ [1, 3, 5],
+ [1, 3, 5]
+ ],
+ "upsample_rates": [8, 8, 2, 2, 2],
+ "upsample_initial_channel": 512,
+ "upsample_kernel_sizes": [16, 16, 4, 4, 4],
+ "n_layers_q": 3,
+ "use_spectral_norm": false,
+ "gin_channels": 256,
+ "ssl_dim": 768,
+ "n_speakers": 200,
+ "type_": "hifi-gan",
+ "pretrained": {
+ "D_0.pth": "https://huggingface.co/datasets/ms903/sovits4.0-768vec-layer12/resolve/main/sovits_768l12_pre_large_320k/clean_D_320000.pth",
+ "G_0.pth": "https://huggingface.co/datasets/ms903/sovits4.0-768vec-layer12/resolve/main/sovits_768l12_pre_large_320k/clean_G_320000.pth"
+ }
+ },
+ "spk": {}
diff --git a/so_vits_svc_fork/preprocessing/preprocess_classify.py b/so_vits_svc_fork/preprocessing/preprocess_classify.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ca0f8c7d200840da50f89ca2214fa2d403e295f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/so_vits_svc_fork/preprocessing/preprocess_classify.py
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+from logging import getLogger
+from pathlib import Path
+import keyboard
+import librosa
+import sounddevice as sd
+import soundfile as sf
+from rich.console import Console
+from tqdm.rich import tqdm
+LOG = getLogger(__name__)
+def preprocess_classify(
+ input_dir: Path | str, output_dir: Path | str, create_new: bool = True
+) -> None:
+ # paths
+ input_dir_ = Path(input_dir)
+ output_dir_ = Path(output_dir)
+ speed = 1
+ if not input_dir_.is_dir():
+ raise ValueError(f"{input_dir} is not a directory.")
+ output_dir_.mkdir(exist_ok=True)
+ console = Console()
+ # get audio paths and folders
+ audio_paths = list(input_dir_.glob("*.*"))
+ last_folders = [x for x in output_dir_.glob("*") if x.is_dir()]
+ console.print("Press ↑ or ↓ to change speed. Press any other key to classify.")
+ console.print(f"Folders: {[x.name for x in last_folders]}")
+ pbar_description = ""
+ pbar = tqdm(audio_paths)
+ for audio_path in pbar:
+ # read file
+ audio, sr = sf.read(audio_path)
+ # update description
+ duration = librosa.get_duration(y=audio, sr=sr)
+ pbar_description = f"{duration:.1f} {pbar_description}"
+ pbar.set_description(pbar_description)
+ while True:
+ # start playing
+ sd.play(librosa.effects.time_stretch(audio, rate=speed), sr, loop=True)
+ # wait for key press
+ key = str(keyboard.read_key())
+ if key == "down":
+ speed /= 1.1
+ console.print(f"Speed: {speed:.2f}")
+ elif key == "up":
+ speed *= 1.1
+ console.print(f"Speed: {speed:.2f}")
+ else:
+ break
+ # stop playing
+ sd.stop()
+ # print if folder changed
+ folders = [x for x in output_dir_.glob("*") if x.is_dir()]
+ if folders != last_folders:
+ console.print(f"Folders updated: {[x.name for x in folders]}")
+ last_folders = folders
+ # get folder
+ folder_candidates = [x for x in folders if x.name.startswith(key)]
+ if len(folder_candidates) == 0:
+ if create_new:
+ folder = output_dir_ / key
+ else:
+ console.print(f"No folder starts with {key}.")
+ continue
+ else:
+ if len(folder_candidates) > 1:
+ LOG.warning(
+ f"Multiple folders ({[x.name for x in folder_candidates]}) start with {key}. "
+ f"Using first one ({folder_candidates[0].name})."
+ )
+ folder = folder_candidates[0]
+ folder.mkdir(exist_ok=True)
+ # move file
+ new_path = folder / audio_path.name
+ audio_path.rename(new_path)
+ # update description
+ pbar_description = f"Last: {audio_path.name} -> {folder.name}"
+ # yield result
+ # yield audio_path, key, folder, new_path
diff --git a/so_vits_svc_fork/preprocessing/preprocess_flist_config.py b/so_vits_svc_fork/preprocessing/preprocess_flist_config.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9c3308b386430886db857ec876d95c230ab601ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/so_vits_svc_fork/preprocessing/preprocess_flist_config.py
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+import json
+import os
+from copy import deepcopy
+from logging import getLogger
+from pathlib import Path
+import numpy as np
+from librosa import get_duration
+from tqdm import tqdm
+LOG = getLogger(__name__)
+CONFIG_TEMPLATE_DIR = Path(__file__).parent / "config_templates"
+def preprocess_config(
+ input_dir: Path | str,
+ train_list_path: Path | str,
+ val_list_path: Path | str,
+ test_list_path: Path | str,
+ config_path: Path | str,
+ config_name: str,
+ input_dir = Path(input_dir)
+ train_list_path = Path(train_list_path)
+ val_list_path = Path(val_list_path)
+ test_list_path = Path(test_list_path)
+ config_path = Path(config_path)
+ train = []
+ val = []
+ test = []
+ spk_dict = {}
+ spk_id = 0
+ random = np.random.RandomState(1234)
+ for speaker in os.listdir(input_dir):
+ spk_dict[speaker] = spk_id
+ spk_id += 1
+ paths = []
+ for path in tqdm(list((input_dir / speaker).rglob("*.wav"))):
+ if get_duration(filename=path) < 0.3:
+ LOG.warning(f"skip {path} because it is too short.")
+ continue
+ paths.append(path)
+ random.shuffle(paths)
+ if len(paths) <= 4:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"too few files in {input_dir / speaker} (expected at least 5)."
+ )
+ train += paths[2:-2]
+ val += paths[:2]
+ test += paths[-2:]
+ LOG.info(f"Writing {train_list_path}")
+ train_list_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ train_list_path.write_text(
+ "\n".join([x.as_posix() for x in train]), encoding="utf-8"
+ )
+ LOG.info(f"Writing {val_list_path}")
+ val_list_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ val_list_path.write_text("\n".join([x.as_posix() for x in val]), encoding="utf-8")
+ LOG.info(f"Writing {test_list_path}")
+ test_list_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ test_list_path.write_text("\n".join([x.as_posix() for x in test]), encoding="utf-8")
+ config = deepcopy(
+ json.loads(
+ (
+ / (
+ config_name
+ if config_name.endswith(".json")
+ else config_name + ".json"
+ )
+ ).read_text(encoding="utf-8")
+ )
+ )
+ config["spk"] = spk_dict
+ config["data"]["training_files"] = train_list_path.as_posix()
+ config["data"]["validation_files"] = val_list_path.as_posix()
+ LOG.info(f"Writing {config_path}")
+ config_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ with config_path.open("w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
+ json.dump(config, f, indent=2)
diff --git a/so_vits_svc_fork/preprocessing/preprocess_hubert_f0.py b/so_vits_svc_fork/preprocessing/preprocess_hubert_f0.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..69c2a6937e94bab2f0054f8b6bb8f014f6abafd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/so_vits_svc_fork/preprocessing/preprocess_hubert_f0.py
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+from logging import getLogger
+from pathlib import Path
+from random import shuffle
+from typing import Iterable, Literal
+import librosa
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+import torchaudio
+from joblib import Parallel, cpu_count, delayed
+from tqdm import tqdm
+from transformers import HubertModel
+import so_vits_svc_fork.f0
+from so_vits_svc_fork import utils
+from ..hparams import HParams
+from ..modules.mel_processing import spec_to_mel_torch, spectrogram_torch
+from ..utils import get_optimal_device, get_total_gpu_memory
+from .preprocess_utils import check_hubert_min_duration
+LOG = getLogger(__name__)
+def _process_one(
+ *,
+ filepath: Path,
+ content_model: HubertModel,
+ device: torch.device | str = get_optimal_device(),
+ f0_method: Literal["crepe", "crepe-tiny", "parselmouth", "dio", "harvest"] = "dio",
+ force_rebuild: bool = False,
+ hps: HParams,
+ audio, sr = librosa.load(filepath, sr=hps.data.sampling_rate, mono=True)
+ if not check_hubert_min_duration(audio, sr):
+ LOG.info(f"Skip {filepath} because it is too short.")
+ return
+ data_path = filepath.parent / (filepath.name + ".data.pt")
+ if data_path.exists() and not force_rebuild:
+ return
+ # Compute f0
+ f0 = so_vits_svc_fork.f0.compute_f0(
+ audio, sampling_rate=sr, hop_length=hps.data.hop_length, method=f0_method
+ )
+ f0, uv = so_vits_svc_fork.f0.interpolate_f0(f0)
+ f0 = torch.from_numpy(f0).float()
+ uv = torch.from_numpy(uv).float()
+ # Compute HuBERT content
+ audio = torch.from_numpy(audio).float().to(device)
+ c = utils.get_content(
+ content_model,
+ audio,
+ device,
+ sr=sr,
+ legacy_final_proj=hps.data.get("contentvec_final_proj", True),
+ )
+ c = utils.repeat_expand_2d(c.squeeze(0), f0.shape[0])
+ torch.cuda.empty_cache()
+ # Compute spectrogram
+ audio, sr = torchaudio.load(filepath)
+ spec = spectrogram_torch(audio, hps).squeeze(0)
+ mel_spec = spec_to_mel_torch(spec, hps)
+ torch.cuda.empty_cache()
+ # fix lengths
+ lmin = min(spec.shape[1], mel_spec.shape[1], f0.shape[0], uv.shape[0], c.shape[1])
+ spec, mel_spec, f0, uv, c = (
+ spec[:, :lmin],
+ mel_spec[:, :lmin],
+ f0[:lmin],
+ uv[:lmin],
+ c[:, :lmin],
+ )
+ # get speaker id
+ spk_name = filepath.parent.name
+ spk = hps.spk.__dict__[spk_name]
+ spk = torch.tensor(spk).long()
+ assert (
+ spec.shape[1] == mel_spec.shape[1] == f0.shape[0] == uv.shape[0] == c.shape[1]
+ ), (spec.shape, mel_spec.shape, f0.shape, uv.shape, c.shape)
+ data = {
+ "spec": spec,
+ "mel_spec": mel_spec,
+ "f0": f0,
+ "uv": uv,
+ "content": c,
+ "audio": audio,
+ "spk": spk,
+ }
+ data = {k: v.cpu() for k, v in data.items()}
+ with data_path.open("wb") as f:
+ torch.save(data, f)
+def _process_batch(filepaths: Iterable[Path], pbar_position: int, **kwargs):
+ hps = kwargs["hps"]
+ content_model = utils.get_hubert_model(
+ get_optimal_device(), hps.data.get("contentvec_final_proj", True)
+ )
+ for filepath in tqdm(filepaths, position=pbar_position):
+ _process_one(
+ content_model=content_model,
+ filepath=filepath,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
+def preprocess_hubert_f0(
+ input_dir: Path | str,
+ config_path: Path | str,
+ n_jobs: int | None = None,
+ f0_method: Literal["crepe", "crepe-tiny", "parselmouth", "dio", "harvest"] = "dio",
+ force_rebuild: bool = False,
+ input_dir = Path(input_dir)
+ config_path = Path(config_path)
+ hps = utils.get_hparams(config_path)
+ if n_jobs is None:
+ # add cpu_count() to avoid SIGKILL
+ memory = get_total_gpu_memory("total")
+ n_jobs = min(
+ max(
+ memory
+ // (HUBERT_MEMORY_CREPE if f0_method == "crepe" else HUBERT_MEMORY)
+ if memory is not None
+ else 1,
+ 1,
+ ),
+ cpu_count(),
+ )
+ LOG.info(f"n_jobs automatically set to {n_jobs}, memory: {memory} MiB")
+ filepaths = list(input_dir.rglob("*.wav"))
+ n_jobs = min(len(filepaths) // 16 + 1, n_jobs)
+ shuffle(filepaths)
+ filepath_chunks = np.array_split(filepaths, n_jobs)
+ Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(
+ delayed(_process_batch)(
+ filepaths=chunk,
+ pbar_position=pbar_position,
+ f0_method=f0_method,
+ force_rebuild=force_rebuild,
+ hps=hps,
+ )
+ for (pbar_position, chunk) in enumerate(filepath_chunks)
+ )
diff --git a/so_vits_svc_fork/preprocessing/preprocess_resample.py b/so_vits_svc_fork/preprocessing/preprocess_resample.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d600900732ce833beb82a136c71e586eefd51c21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/so_vits_svc_fork/preprocessing/preprocess_resample.py
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+import warnings
+from logging import getLogger
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Iterable
+import librosa
+import soundfile
+from joblib import Parallel, delayed
+from tqdm_joblib import tqdm_joblib
+from .preprocess_utils import check_hubert_min_duration
+LOG = getLogger(__name__)
+# input_dir and output_dir exists.
+# write code to convert input dir audio files to output dir audio files,
+# without changing folder structure. Use joblib to parallelize.
+# Converting audio files includes:
+# - resampling to specified sampling rate
+# - trim silence
+# - adjust volume in a smart way
+# - save as 16-bit wav file
+def _get_unique_filename(path: Path, existing_paths: Iterable[Path]) -> Path:
+ """Return a unique path by appending a number to the original path."""
+ if path not in existing_paths:
+ return path
+ i = 1
+ while True:
+ new_path = path.parent / f"{path.stem}_{i}{path.suffix}"
+ if new_path not in existing_paths:
+ return new_path
+ i += 1
+def is_relative_to(path: Path, *other):
+ """Return True if the path is relative to another path or False.
+ Python 3.9+ has Path.is_relative_to() method, but we need to support Python 3.8.
+ """
+ try:
+ path.relative_to(*other)
+ return True
+ except ValueError:
+ return False
+def _preprocess_one(
+ input_path: Path,
+ output_path: Path,
+ sr: int,
+ *,
+ top_db: int,
+ frame_seconds: float,
+ hop_seconds: float,
+) -> None:
+ """Preprocess one audio file."""
+ try:
+ audio, sr = librosa.load(input_path, sr=sr, mono=True)
+ # Audioread is the last backend it will attempt, so this is the exception thrown on failure
+ except Exception as e:
+ # Failure due to attempting to load a file that is not audio, so return early
+ LOG.warning(f"Failed to load {input_path} due to {e}")
+ return
+ if not check_hubert_min_duration(audio, sr):
+ LOG.info(f"Skip {input_path} because it is too short.")
+ return
+ # Adjust volume
+ audio /= max(audio.max(), -audio.min())
+ # Trim silence
+ audio, _ = librosa.effects.trim(
+ audio,
+ top_db=top_db,
+ frame_length=int(frame_seconds * sr),
+ hop_length=int(hop_seconds * sr),
+ )
+ if not check_hubert_min_duration(audio, sr):
+ LOG.info(f"Skip {input_path} because it is too short.")
+ return
+ soundfile.write(output_path, audio, samplerate=sr, subtype="PCM_16")
+def preprocess_resample(
+ input_dir: Path | str,
+ output_dir: Path | str,
+ sampling_rate: int,
+ n_jobs: int = -1,
+ *,
+ top_db: int = 30,
+ frame_seconds: float = 0.1,
+ hop_seconds: float = 0.05,
+) -> None:
+ input_dir = Path(input_dir)
+ output_dir = Path(output_dir)
+ """Preprocess audio files in input_dir and save them to output_dir."""
+ out_paths = []
+ in_paths = list(input_dir.rglob("*.*"))
+ if not in_paths:
+ raise ValueError(f"No audio files found in {input_dir}")
+ for in_path in in_paths:
+ in_path_relative = in_path.relative_to(input_dir)
+ if not in_path.is_absolute() and is_relative_to(
+ in_path, Path("dataset_raw") / "44k"
+ ):
+ new_in_path_relative = in_path_relative.relative_to("44k")
+ warnings.warn(
+ f"Recommended folder structure has changed since v1.0.0. "
+ "Please move your dataset directly under dataset_raw folder. "
+ f"Recoginzed {in_path_relative} as {new_in_path_relative}"
+ )
+ in_path_relative = new_in_path_relative
+ if len(in_path_relative.parts) < 2:
+ continue
+ speaker_name = in_path_relative.parts[0]
+ file_name = in_path_relative.with_suffix(".wav").name
+ out_path = output_dir / speaker_name / file_name
+ out_path = _get_unique_filename(out_path, out_paths)
+ out_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ out_paths.append(out_path)
+ in_and_out_paths = list(zip(in_paths, out_paths))
+ with tqdm_joblib(desc="Preprocessing", total=len(in_and_out_paths)):
+ Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(
+ delayed(_preprocess_one)(
+ *args,
+ sr=sampling_rate,
+ top_db=top_db,
+ frame_seconds=frame_seconds,
+ hop_seconds=hop_seconds,
+ )
+ for args in in_and_out_paths
+ )
diff --git a/so_vits_svc_fork/preprocessing/preprocess_speaker_diarization.py b/so_vits_svc_fork/preprocessing/preprocess_speaker_diarization.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..12d0c410d791fa0c35337bef42df33baca282bb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/so_vits_svc_fork/preprocessing/preprocess_speaker_diarization.py
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+from collections import defaultdict
+from logging import getLogger
+from pathlib import Path
+import librosa
+import soundfile as sf
+import torch
+from joblib import Parallel, delayed
+from pyannote.audio import Pipeline
+from tqdm import tqdm
+from tqdm_joblib import tqdm_joblib
+LOG = getLogger(__name__)
+def _process_one(
+ input_path: Path,
+ output_dir: Path,
+ sr: int,
+ *,
+ min_speakers: int = 1,
+ max_speakers: int = 1,
+ huggingface_token: str | None = None,
+) -> None:
+ try:
+ audio, sr = librosa.load(input_path, sr=sr, mono=True)
+ except Exception as e:
+ LOG.warning(f"Failed to read {input_path}: {e}")
+ return
+ pipeline = Pipeline.from_pretrained(
+ "pyannote/speaker-diarization", use_auth_token=huggingface_token
+ )
+ if pipeline is None:
+ raise ValueError("Failed to load pipeline")
+ LOG.info(f"Processing {input_path}. This may take a while...")
+ diarization = pipeline(
+ input_path, min_speakers=min_speakers, max_speakers=max_speakers
+ )
+ LOG.info(f"Found {len(diarization)} tracks, writing to {output_dir}")
+ speaker_count = defaultdict(int)
+ output_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ for segment, track, speaker in tqdm(
+ list(diarization.itertracks(yield_label=True)), desc=f"Writing {input_path}"
+ ):
+ if segment.end - segment.start < 1:
+ continue
+ speaker_count[speaker] += 1
+ audio_cut = audio[int(segment.start * sr) : int(segment.end * sr)]
+ sf.write(
+ (output_dir / f"{speaker}_{speaker_count[speaker]}.wav"),
+ audio_cut,
+ sr,
+ )
+ LOG.info(f"Speaker count: {speaker_count}")
+def preprocess_speaker_diarization(
+ input_dir: Path | str,
+ output_dir: Path | str,
+ sr: int,
+ *,
+ min_speakers: int = 1,
+ max_speakers: int = 1,
+ huggingface_token: str | None = None,
+ n_jobs: int = -1,
+) -> None:
+ if huggingface_token is not None and not huggingface_token.startswith("hf_"):
+ LOG.warning("Huggingface token probably should start with hf_")
+ if not torch.cuda.is_available():
+ LOG.warning("CUDA is not available. This will be extremely slow.")
+ input_dir = Path(input_dir)
+ output_dir = Path(output_dir)
+ input_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ output_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ input_paths = list(input_dir.rglob("*.*"))
+ with tqdm_joblib(desc="Preprocessing speaker diarization", total=len(input_paths)):
+ Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(
+ delayed(_process_one)(
+ input_path,
+ output_dir / input_path.relative_to(input_dir).parent / input_path.stem,
+ sr,
+ max_speakers=max_speakers,
+ min_speakers=min_speakers,
+ huggingface_token=huggingface_token,
+ )
+ for input_path in input_paths
+ )
diff --git a/so_vits_svc_fork/preprocessing/preprocess_split.py b/so_vits_svc_fork/preprocessing/preprocess_split.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cb6123803e641ed8f0b277bb1a6b41e544874511
--- /dev/null
+++ b/so_vits_svc_fork/preprocessing/preprocess_split.py
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+from logging import getLogger
+from pathlib import Path
+import librosa
+import soundfile as sf
+from joblib import Parallel, delayed
+from tqdm import tqdm
+from tqdm_joblib import tqdm_joblib
+LOG = getLogger(__name__)
+def _process_one(
+ input_path: Path,
+ output_dir: Path,
+ sr: int,
+ *,
+ max_length: float = 10.0,
+ top_db: int = 30,
+ frame_seconds: float = 0.5,
+ hop_seconds: float = 0.1,
+ try:
+ audio, sr = librosa.load(input_path, sr=sr, mono=True)
+ except Exception as e:
+ LOG.warning(f"Failed to read {input_path}: {e}")
+ return
+ intervals = librosa.effects.split(
+ audio,
+ top_db=top_db,
+ frame_length=int(sr * frame_seconds),
+ hop_length=int(sr * hop_seconds),
+ )
+ output_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ for start, end in tqdm(intervals, desc=f"Writing {input_path}"):
+ for sub_start in range(start, end, int(sr * max_length)):
+ sub_end = min(sub_start + int(sr * max_length), end)
+ audio_cut = audio[sub_start:sub_end]
+ sf.write(
+ (
+ output_dir
+ / f"{input_path.stem}_{sub_start / sr:.3f}_{sub_end / sr:.3f}.wav"
+ ),
+ audio_cut,
+ sr,
+ )
+def preprocess_split(
+ input_dir: Path | str,
+ output_dir: Path | str,
+ sr: int,
+ *,
+ max_length: float = 10.0,
+ top_db: int = 30,
+ frame_seconds: float = 0.5,
+ hop_seconds: float = 0.1,
+ n_jobs: int = -1,
+ input_dir = Path(input_dir)
+ output_dir = Path(output_dir)
+ output_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ input_paths = list(input_dir.rglob("*.*"))
+ with tqdm_joblib(desc="Splitting", total=len(input_paths)):
+ Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(
+ delayed(_process_one)(
+ input_path,
+ output_dir / input_path.relative_to(input_dir).parent,
+ sr,
+ max_length=max_length,
+ top_db=top_db,
+ frame_seconds=frame_seconds,
+ hop_seconds=hop_seconds,
+ )
+ for input_path in input_paths
+ )
diff --git a/so_vits_svc_fork/preprocessing/preprocess_utils.py b/so_vits_svc_fork/preprocessing/preprocess_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4a2e4c590c50f26d5521dc2c7f70c41e642ce118
--- /dev/null
+++ b/so_vits_svc_fork/preprocessing/preprocess_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+from numpy import ndarray
+def check_hubert_min_duration(audio: ndarray, sr: int) -> bool:
+ return len(audio) / sr >= 0.3
diff --git a/so_vits_svc_fork/py.typed b/so_vits_svc_fork/py.typed
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/so_vits_svc_fork/train.py b/so_vits_svc_fork/train.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..13be8dbe9608c39442eba2c5029cfd976d40a959
--- /dev/null
+++ b/so_vits_svc_fork/train.py
@@ -0,0 +1,571 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+import os
+import warnings
+from logging import getLogger
+from multiprocessing import cpu_count
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Any
+import lightning.pytorch as pl
+import torch
+from lightning.pytorch.accelerators import MPSAccelerator, TPUAccelerator
+from lightning.pytorch.callbacks import DeviceStatsMonitor
+from lightning.pytorch.loggers import TensorBoardLogger
+from lightning.pytorch.strategies.ddp import DDPStrategy
+from lightning.pytorch.tuner import Tuner
+from torch.cuda.amp import autocast
+from torch.nn import functional as F
+from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
+from torch.utils.tensorboard.writer import SummaryWriter
+import so_vits_svc_fork.f0
+import so_vits_svc_fork.modules.commons as commons
+import so_vits_svc_fork.utils
+from . import utils
+from .dataset import TextAudioCollate, TextAudioDataset
+from .logger import is_notebook
+from .modules.descriminators import MultiPeriodDiscriminator
+from .modules.losses import discriminator_loss, feature_loss, generator_loss, kl_loss
+from .modules.mel_processing import mel_spectrogram_torch
+from .modules.synthesizers import SynthesizerTrn
+LOG = getLogger(__name__)
+class VCDataModule(pl.LightningDataModule):
+ batch_size: int
+ def __init__(self, hparams: Any):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.__hparams = hparams
+ self.batch_size = hparams.train.batch_size
+ if not isinstance(self.batch_size, int):
+ self.batch_size = 1
+ self.collate_fn = TextAudioCollate()
+ # these should be called in setup(), but we need to calculate check_val_every_n_epoch
+ self.train_dataset = TextAudioDataset(self.__hparams, is_validation=False)
+ self.val_dataset = TextAudioDataset(self.__hparams, is_validation=True)
+ def train_dataloader(self):
+ return DataLoader(
+ self.train_dataset,
+ num_workers=min(cpu_count(), self.__hparams.train.get("num_workers", 8)),
+ batch_size=self.batch_size,
+ collate_fn=self.collate_fn,
+ persistent_workers=True,
+ )
+ def val_dataloader(self):
+ return DataLoader(
+ self.val_dataset,
+ batch_size=1,
+ collate_fn=self.collate_fn,
+ )
+def train(
+ config_path: Path | str, model_path: Path | str, reset_optimizer: bool = False
+ config_path = Path(config_path)
+ model_path = Path(model_path)
+ hparams = utils.get_backup_hparams(config_path, model_path)
+ utils.ensure_pretrained_model(
+ model_path,
+ hparams.model.get(
+ "pretrained",
+ {
+ "D_0.pth": "https://huggingface.co/therealvul/so-vits-svc-4.0-init/resolve/main/D_0.pth",
+ "G_0.pth": "https://huggingface.co/therealvul/so-vits-svc-4.0-init/resolve/main/G_0.pth",
+ },
+ ),
+ )
+ datamodule = VCDataModule(hparams)
+ strategy = (
+ (
+ "ddp_find_unused_parameters_true"
+ if os.name != "nt"
+ else DDPStrategy(find_unused_parameters=True, process_group_backend="gloo")
+ )
+ if torch.cuda.device_count() > 1
+ else "auto"
+ )
+ LOG.info(f"Using strategy: {strategy}")
+ trainer = pl.Trainer(
+ logger=TensorBoardLogger(
+ model_path, "lightning_logs", hparams.train.get("log_version", 0)
+ ),
+ # profiler="simple",
+ val_check_interval=hparams.train.eval_interval,
+ max_epochs=hparams.train.epochs,
+ check_val_every_n_epoch=None,
+ precision="16-mixed"
+ if hparams.train.fp16_run
+ else "bf16-mixed"
+ if hparams.train.get("bf16_run", False)
+ else 32,
+ strategy=strategy,
+ callbacks=([pl.callbacks.RichProgressBar()] if not is_notebook() else [])
+ + [DeviceStatsMonitor()],
+ benchmark=True,
+ enable_checkpointing=False,
+ )
+ tuner = Tuner(trainer)
+ model = VitsLightning(reset_optimizer=reset_optimizer, **hparams)
+ # automatic batch size scaling
+ batch_size = hparams.train.batch_size
+ batch_split = str(batch_size).split("-")
+ batch_size = batch_split[0]
+ init_val = 2 if len(batch_split) <= 1 else int(batch_split[1])
+ max_trials = 25 if len(batch_split) <= 2 else int(batch_split[2])
+ if batch_size == "auto":
+ batch_size = "binsearch"
+ if batch_size in ["power", "binsearch"]:
+ model.tuning = True
+ tuner.scale_batch_size(
+ model,
+ mode=batch_size,
+ datamodule=datamodule,
+ steps_per_trial=1,
+ init_val=init_val,
+ max_trials=max_trials,
+ )
+ model.tuning = False
+ else:
+ batch_size = int(batch_size)
+ # automatic learning rate scaling is not supported for multiple optimizers
+ """if hparams.train.learning_rate == "auto":
+ lr_finder = tuner.lr_find(model)
+ LOG.info(lr_finder.results)
+ fig = lr_finder.plot(suggest=True)
+ fig.savefig(model_path / "lr_finder.png")"""
+ trainer.fit(model, datamodule=datamodule)
+class VitsLightning(pl.LightningModule):
+ def __init__(self, reset_optimizer: bool = False, **hparams: Any):
+ super().__init__()
+ self._temp_epoch = 0 # Add this line to initialize the _temp_epoch attribute
+ self.save_hyperparameters("reset_optimizer")
+ self.save_hyperparameters(*[k for k in hparams.keys()])
+ torch.manual_seed(self.hparams.train.seed)
+ self.net_g = SynthesizerTrn(
+ self.hparams.data.filter_length // 2 + 1,
+ self.hparams.train.segment_size // self.hparams.data.hop_length,
+ **self.hparams.model,
+ )
+ self.net_d = MultiPeriodDiscriminator(self.hparams.model.use_spectral_norm)
+ self.automatic_optimization = False
+ self.learning_rate = self.hparams.train.learning_rate
+ self.optim_g = torch.optim.AdamW(
+ self.net_g.parameters(),
+ self.learning_rate,
+ betas=self.hparams.train.betas,
+ eps=self.hparams.train.eps,
+ )
+ self.optim_d = torch.optim.AdamW(
+ self.net_d.parameters(),
+ self.learning_rate,
+ betas=self.hparams.train.betas,
+ eps=self.hparams.train.eps,
+ )
+ self.scheduler_g = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ExponentialLR(
+ self.optim_g, gamma=self.hparams.train.lr_decay
+ )
+ self.scheduler_d = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ExponentialLR(
+ self.optim_d, gamma=self.hparams.train.lr_decay
+ )
+ self.optimizers_count = 2
+ self.load(reset_optimizer)
+ self.tuning = False
+ def on_train_start(self) -> None:
+ if not self.tuning:
+ self.set_current_epoch(self._temp_epoch)
+ total_batch_idx = self._temp_epoch * len(self.trainer.train_dataloader)
+ self.set_total_batch_idx(total_batch_idx)
+ global_step = total_batch_idx * self.optimizers_count
+ self.set_global_step(global_step)
+ # check if using tpu or mps
+ if isinstance(self.trainer.accelerator, (TPUAccelerator, MPSAccelerator)):
+ # patch torch.stft to use cpu
+ LOG.warning("Using TPU/MPS. Patching torch.stft to use cpu.")
+ def stft(
+ input: torch.Tensor,
+ n_fft: int,
+ hop_length: int | None = None,
+ win_length: int | None = None,
+ window: torch.Tensor | None = None,
+ center: bool = True,
+ pad_mode: str = "reflect",
+ normalized: bool = False,
+ onesided: bool | None = None,
+ return_complex: bool | None = None,
+ ) -> torch.Tensor:
+ device = input.device
+ input = input.cpu()
+ if window is not None:
+ window = window.cpu()
+ return torch.functional.stft(
+ input,
+ n_fft,
+ hop_length,
+ win_length,
+ window,
+ center,
+ pad_mode,
+ normalized,
+ onesided,
+ return_complex,
+ ).to(device)
+ torch.stft = stft
+ elif "bf" in self.trainer.precision:
+ LOG.warning("Using bf. Patching torch.stft to use fp32.")
+ def stft(
+ input: torch.Tensor,
+ n_fft: int,
+ hop_length: int | None = None,
+ win_length: int | None = None,
+ window: torch.Tensor | None = None,
+ center: bool = True,
+ pad_mode: str = "reflect",
+ normalized: bool = False,
+ onesided: bool | None = None,
+ return_complex: bool | None = None,
+ ) -> torch.Tensor:
+ dtype = input.dtype
+ input = input.float()
+ if window is not None:
+ window = window.float()
+ return torch.functional.stft(
+ input,
+ n_fft,
+ hop_length,
+ win_length,
+ window,
+ center,
+ pad_mode,
+ normalized,
+ onesided,
+ return_complex,
+ ).to(dtype)
+ torch.stft = stft
+ def on_train_end(self) -> None:
+ self.save_checkpoints(adjust=0)
+ def save_checkpoints(self, adjust=1):
+ if self.tuning or self.trainer.sanity_checking:
+ return
+ # only save checkpoints if we are on the main device
+ if (
+ hasattr(self.device, "index")
+ and self.device.index != None
+ and self.device.index != 0
+ ):
+ return
+ # `on_train_end` will be the actual epoch, not a -1, so we have to call it with `adjust = 0`
+ current_epoch = self.current_epoch + adjust
+ total_batch_idx = self.total_batch_idx - 1 + adjust
+ utils.save_checkpoint(
+ self.net_g,
+ self.optim_g,
+ self.learning_rate,
+ current_epoch,
+ Path(self.hparams.model_dir)
+ / f"G_{total_batch_idx if self.hparams.train.get('ckpt_name_by_step', False) else current_epoch}.pth",
+ )
+ utils.save_checkpoint(
+ self.net_d,
+ self.optim_d,
+ self.learning_rate,
+ current_epoch,
+ Path(self.hparams.model_dir)
+ / f"D_{total_batch_idx if self.hparams.train.get('ckpt_name_by_step', False) else current_epoch}.pth",
+ )
+ keep_ckpts = self.hparams.train.get("keep_ckpts", 0)
+ if keep_ckpts > 0:
+ utils.clean_checkpoints(
+ path_to_models=self.hparams.model_dir,
+ n_ckpts_to_keep=keep_ckpts,
+ sort_by_time=True,
+ )
+ def set_current_epoch(self, epoch: int):
+ LOG.info(f"Setting current epoch to {epoch}")
+ self.trainer.fit_loop.epoch_progress.current.completed = epoch
+ self.trainer.fit_loop.epoch_progress.current.processed = epoch
+ assert self.current_epoch == epoch, f"{self.current_epoch} != {epoch}"
+ def set_global_step(self, global_step: int):
+ LOG.info(f"Setting global step to {global_step}")
+ self.trainer.fit_loop.epoch_loop.manual_optimization.optim_step_progress.total.completed = (
+ global_step
+ )
+ self.trainer.fit_loop.epoch_loop.automatic_optimization.optim_progress.optimizer.step.total.completed = (
+ global_step
+ )
+ assert self.global_step == global_step, f"{self.global_step} != {global_step}"
+ def set_total_batch_idx(self, total_batch_idx: int):
+ LOG.info(f"Setting total batch idx to {total_batch_idx}")
+ self.trainer.fit_loop.epoch_loop.batch_progress.total.ready = (
+ total_batch_idx + 1
+ )
+ self.trainer.fit_loop.epoch_loop.batch_progress.total.completed = (
+ total_batch_idx
+ )
+ assert (
+ self.total_batch_idx == total_batch_idx + 1
+ ), f"{self.total_batch_idx} != {total_batch_idx + 1}"
+ @property
+ def total_batch_idx(self) -> int:
+ return self.trainer.fit_loop.epoch_loop.total_batch_idx + 1
+ def load(self, reset_optimizer: bool = False):
+ latest_g_path = utils.latest_checkpoint_path(self.hparams.model_dir, "G_*.pth")
+ latest_d_path = utils.latest_checkpoint_path(self.hparams.model_dir, "D_*.pth")
+ if latest_g_path is not None and latest_d_path is not None:
+ try:
+ _, _, _, epoch = utils.load_checkpoint(
+ latest_g_path,
+ self.net_g,
+ self.optim_g,
+ reset_optimizer,
+ )
+ _, _, _, epoch = utils.load_checkpoint(
+ latest_d_path,
+ self.net_d,
+ self.optim_d,
+ reset_optimizer,
+ )
+ self._temp_epoch = epoch
+ self.scheduler_g.last_epoch = epoch - 1
+ self.scheduler_d.last_epoch = epoch - 1
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise RuntimeError("Failed to load checkpoint") from e
+ else:
+ LOG.warning("No checkpoint found. Start from scratch.")
+ def configure_optimizers(self):
+ return [self.optim_g, self.optim_d], [self.scheduler_g, self.scheduler_d]
+ def log_image_dict(
+ self, image_dict: dict[str, Any], dataformats: str = "HWC"
+ ) -> None:
+ if not isinstance(self.logger, TensorBoardLogger):
+ warnings.warn("Image logging is only supported with TensorBoardLogger.")
+ return
+ writer: SummaryWriter = self.logger.experiment
+ for k, v in image_dict.items():
+ try:
+ writer.add_image(k, v, self.total_batch_idx, dataformats=dataformats)
+ except Exception as e:
+ warnings.warn(f"Failed to log image {k}: {e}")
+ def log_audio_dict(self, audio_dict: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
+ if not isinstance(self.logger, TensorBoardLogger):
+ warnings.warn("Audio logging is only supported with TensorBoardLogger.")
+ return
+ writer: SummaryWriter = self.logger.experiment
+ for k, v in audio_dict.items():
+ writer.add_audio(
+ k,
+ v.float(),
+ self.total_batch_idx,
+ sample_rate=self.hparams.data.sampling_rate,
+ )
+ def log_dict_(self, log_dict: dict[str, Any], **kwargs) -> None:
+ if not isinstance(self.logger, TensorBoardLogger):
+ warnings.warn("Logging is only supported with TensorBoardLogger.")
+ return
+ writer: SummaryWriter = self.logger.experiment
+ for k, v in log_dict.items():
+ writer.add_scalar(k, v, self.total_batch_idx)
+ kwargs["logger"] = False
+ self.log_dict(log_dict, **kwargs)
+ def log_(self, key: str, value: Any, **kwargs) -> None:
+ self.log_dict_({key: value}, **kwargs)
+ def training_step(self, batch: dict[str, torch.Tensor], batch_idx: int) -> None:
+ self.net_g.train()
+ self.net_d.train()
+ # get optims
+ optim_g, optim_d = self.optimizers()
+ # Generator
+ # train
+ self.toggle_optimizer(optim_g)
+ c, f0, spec, mel, y, g, lengths, uv = batch
+ (
+ y_hat,
+ y_hat_mb,
+ ids_slice,
+ z_mask,
+ (z, z_p, m_p, logs_p, m_q, logs_q),
+ pred_lf0,
+ norm_lf0,
+ lf0,
+ ) = self.net_g(c, f0, uv, spec, g=g, c_lengths=lengths, spec_lengths=lengths)
+ y_mel = commons.slice_segments(
+ mel,
+ ids_slice,
+ self.hparams.train.segment_size // self.hparams.data.hop_length,
+ )
+ y_hat_mel = mel_spectrogram_torch(y_hat.squeeze(1), self.hparams)
+ y_mel = y_mel[..., : y_hat_mel.shape[-1]]
+ y = commons.slice_segments(
+ y,
+ ids_slice * self.hparams.data.hop_length,
+ self.hparams.train.segment_size,
+ )
+ y = y[..., : y_hat.shape[-1]]
+ # generator loss
+ y_d_hat_r, y_d_hat_g, fmap_r, fmap_g = self.net_d(y, y_hat)
+ with autocast(enabled=False):
+ loss_mel = F.l1_loss(y_mel, y_hat_mel) * self.hparams.train.c_mel
+ loss_kl = (
+ kl_loss(z_p, logs_q, m_p, logs_p, z_mask) * self.hparams.train.c_kl
+ )
+ loss_fm = feature_loss(fmap_r, fmap_g)
+ loss_gen, losses_gen = generator_loss(y_d_hat_g)
+ loss_lf0 = F.mse_loss(pred_lf0, lf0)
+ loss_gen_all = loss_gen + loss_fm + loss_mel + loss_kl + loss_lf0
+ loss_subband = torch.tensor(0.0)
+ if self.hparams.model.get("type_") == "mb-istft":
+ from .modules.decoders.mb_istft import PQMF, subband_stft_loss
+ y_mb = PQMF(y.device, self.hparams.model.subbands).analysis(y)
+ loss_subband = subband_stft_loss(self.hparams, y_mb, y_hat_mb)
+ loss_gen_all += loss_subband
+ # log loss
+ self.log_("lr", self.optim_g.param_groups[0]["lr"])
+ self.log_dict_(
+ {
+ "loss/g/total": loss_gen_all,
+ "loss/g/fm": loss_fm,
+ "loss/g/mel": loss_mel,
+ "loss/g/kl": loss_kl,
+ "loss/g/lf0": loss_lf0,
+ },
+ prog_bar=True,
+ )
+ if self.hparams.model.get("type_") == "mb-istft":
+ self.log_("loss/g/subband", loss_subband)
+ if self.total_batch_idx % self.hparams.train.log_interval == 0:
+ self.log_image_dict(
+ {
+ "slice/mel_org": utils.plot_spectrogram_to_numpy(
+ y_mel[0].data.cpu().float().numpy()
+ ),
+ "slice/mel_gen": utils.plot_spectrogram_to_numpy(
+ y_hat_mel[0].data.cpu().float().numpy()
+ ),
+ "all/mel": utils.plot_spectrogram_to_numpy(
+ mel[0].data.cpu().float().numpy()
+ ),
+ "all/lf0": so_vits_svc_fork.utils.plot_data_to_numpy(
+ lf0[0, 0, :].cpu().float().numpy(),
+ pred_lf0[0, 0, :].detach().cpu().float().numpy(),
+ ),
+ "all/norm_lf0": so_vits_svc_fork.utils.plot_data_to_numpy(
+ lf0[0, 0, :].cpu().float().numpy(),
+ norm_lf0[0, 0, :].detach().cpu().float().numpy(),
+ ),
+ }
+ )
+ accumulate_grad_batches = self.hparams.train.get("accumulate_grad_batches", 1)
+ should_update = (
+ batch_idx + 1
+ ) % accumulate_grad_batches == 0 or self.trainer.is_last_batch
+ # optimizer
+ self.manual_backward(loss_gen_all / accumulate_grad_batches)
+ if should_update:
+ self.log_(
+ "grad_norm_g", commons.clip_grad_value_(self.net_g.parameters(), None)
+ )
+ optim_g.step()
+ optim_g.zero_grad()
+ self.untoggle_optimizer(optim_g)
+ # Discriminator
+ # train
+ self.toggle_optimizer(optim_d)
+ y_d_hat_r, y_d_hat_g, _, _ = self.net_d(y, y_hat.detach())
+ # discriminator loss
+ with autocast(enabled=False):
+ loss_disc, losses_disc_r, losses_disc_g = discriminator_loss(
+ y_d_hat_r, y_d_hat_g
+ )
+ loss_disc_all = loss_disc
+ # log loss
+ self.log_("loss/d/total", loss_disc_all, prog_bar=True)
+ # optimizer
+ self.manual_backward(loss_disc_all / accumulate_grad_batches)
+ if should_update:
+ self.log_(
+ "grad_norm_d", commons.clip_grad_value_(self.net_d.parameters(), None)
+ )
+ optim_d.step()
+ optim_d.zero_grad()
+ self.untoggle_optimizer(optim_d)
+ # end of epoch
+ if self.trainer.is_last_batch:
+ self.scheduler_g.step()
+ self.scheduler_d.step()
+ def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
+ # avoid logging with wrong global step
+ if self.global_step == 0:
+ return
+ with torch.no_grad():
+ self.net_g.eval()
+ c, f0, _, mel, y, g, _, uv = batch
+ y_hat = self.net_g.infer(c, f0, uv, g=g)
+ y_hat_mel = mel_spectrogram_torch(y_hat.squeeze(1).float(), self.hparams)
+ self.log_audio_dict(
+ {f"gen/audio_{batch_idx}": y_hat[0], f"gt/audio_{batch_idx}": y[0]}
+ )
+ self.log_image_dict(
+ {
+ "gen/mel": utils.plot_spectrogram_to_numpy(
+ y_hat_mel[0].cpu().float().numpy()
+ ),
+ "gt/mel": utils.plot_spectrogram_to_numpy(
+ mel[0].cpu().float().numpy()
+ ),
+ }
+ )
+ def on_validation_end(self) -> None:
+ self.save_checkpoints()
diff --git a/so_vits_svc_fork/utils.py b/so_vits_svc_fork/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8f36a33329b1620a5d60c102de87c7604109dff5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/so_vits_svc_fork/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+import json
+import os
+import re
+import subprocess
+import warnings
+from itertools import groupby
+from logging import getLogger
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Any, Literal, Sequence
+import matplotlib
+import matplotlib.pylab as plt
+import numpy as np
+import requests
+import torch
+import torch.backends.mps
+import torch.nn as nn
+import torchaudio
+from cm_time import timer
+from numpy import ndarray
+from tqdm import tqdm
+from transformers import HubertModel
+from so_vits_svc_fork.hparams import HParams
+LOG = getLogger(__name__)
+IS_COLAB = os.getenv("COLAB_RELEASE_TAG", False)
+def get_optimal_device(index: int = 0) -> torch.device:
+ if torch.cuda.is_available():
+ return torch.device(f"cuda:{index % torch.cuda.device_count()}")
+ elif torch.backends.mps.is_available():
+ return torch.device("mps")
+ else:
+ try:
+ import torch_xla.core.xla_model as xm # noqa
+ if xm.xrt_world_size() > 0:
+ return torch.device("xla")
+ # return xm.xla_device()
+ except ImportError:
+ pass
+ return torch.device("cpu")
+def download_file(
+ url: str,
+ filepath: Path | str,
+ chunk_size: int = 64 * 1024,
+ tqdm_cls: type = tqdm,
+ skip_if_exists: bool = False,
+ overwrite: bool = False,
+ **tqdm_kwargs: Any,
+ if skip_if_exists is True and overwrite is True:
+ raise ValueError("skip_if_exists and overwrite cannot be both True")
+ filepath = Path(filepath)
+ filepath.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ temppath = filepath.parent / f"{filepath.name}.download"
+ if filepath.exists():
+ if skip_if_exists:
+ return
+ elif not overwrite:
+ filepath.unlink()
+ else:
+ raise FileExistsError(f"{filepath} already exists")
+ temppath.unlink(missing_ok=True)
+ resp = requests.get(url, stream=True)
+ total = int(resp.headers.get("content-length", 0))
+ kwargs = dict(
+ total=total,
+ unit="iB",
+ unit_scale=True,
+ unit_divisor=1024,
+ desc=f"Downloading {filepath.name}",
+ )
+ kwargs.update(tqdm_kwargs)
+ with temppath.open("wb") as f, tqdm_cls(**kwargs) as pbar:
+ for data in resp.iter_content(chunk_size=chunk_size):
+ size = f.write(data)
+ pbar.update(size)
+ temppath.rename(filepath)
+ "hifi-gan": [
+ [
+ "https://huggingface.co/therealvul/so-vits-svc-4.0-init/resolve/main/D_0.pth",
+ "https://huggingface.co/therealvul/so-vits-svc-4.0-init/resolve/main/G_0.pth",
+ ],
+ [
+ "https://huggingface.co/Himawari00/so-vits-svc4.0-pretrain-models/resolve/main/D_0.pth",
+ "https://huggingface.co/Himawari00/so-vits-svc4.0-pretrain-models/resolve/main/G_0.pth",
+ ],
+ ],
+ "contentvec": [
+ [
+ "https://huggingface.co/therealvul/so-vits-svc-4.0-init/resolve/main/checkpoint_best_legacy_500.pt"
+ ],
+ [
+ "https://huggingface.co/Himawari00/so-vits-svc4.0-pretrain-models/resolve/main/checkpoint_best_legacy_500.pt"
+ ],
+ [
+ "http://obs.cstcloud.cn/share/obs/sankagenkeshi/checkpoint_best_legacy_500.pt"
+ ],
+ ],
+from joblib import Parallel, delayed
+def ensure_pretrained_model(
+ folder_path: Path | str, type_: str | dict[str, str], **tqdm_kwargs: Any
+) -> tuple[Path, ...] | None:
+ folder_path = Path(folder_path)
+ # new code
+ if not isinstance(type_, str):
+ try:
+ Parallel(n_jobs=len(type_))(
+ [
+ delayed(download_file)(
+ url,
+ folder_path / filename,
+ position=i,
+ skip_if_exists=True,
+ **tqdm_kwargs,
+ )
+ for i, (filename, url) in enumerate(type_.items())
+ ]
+ )
+ return tuple(folder_path / filename for filename in type_.values())
+ except Exception as e:
+ LOG.error(f"Failed to download {type_}")
+ LOG.exception(e)
+ # old code
+ models_candidates = PRETRAINED_MODEL_URLS.get(type_, None)
+ if models_candidates is None:
+ LOG.warning(f"Unknown pretrained model type: {type_}")
+ return
+ for model_urls in models_candidates:
+ paths = [folder_path / model_url.split("/")[-1] for model_url in model_urls]
+ try:
+ Parallel(n_jobs=len(paths))(
+ [
+ delayed(download_file)(
+ url, path, position=i, skip_if_exists=True, **tqdm_kwargs
+ )
+ for i, (url, path) in enumerate(zip(model_urls, paths))
+ ]
+ )
+ return tuple(paths)
+ except Exception as e:
+ LOG.error(f"Failed to download {model_urls}")
+ LOG.exception(e)
+class HubertModelWithFinalProj(HubertModel):
+ def __init__(self, config):
+ super().__init__(config)
+ # The final projection layer is only used for backward compatibility.
+ # Following https://github.com/auspicious3000/contentvec/issues/6
+ # Remove this layer is necessary to achieve the desired outcome.
+ self.final_proj = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, config.classifier_proj_size)
+def remove_weight_norm_if_exists(module, name: str = "weight"):
+ r"""Removes the weight normalization reparameterization from a module.
+ Args:
+ module (Module): containing module
+ name (str, optional): name of weight parameter
+ Example:
+ >>> m = weight_norm(nn.Linear(20, 40))
+ >>> remove_weight_norm(m)
+ """
+ from torch.nn.utils.weight_norm import WeightNorm
+ for k, hook in module._forward_pre_hooks.items():
+ if isinstance(hook, WeightNorm) and hook.name == name:
+ hook.remove(module)
+ del module._forward_pre_hooks[k]
+ return module
+def get_hubert_model(
+ device: str | torch.device, final_proj: bool = True
+) -> HubertModel:
+ if final_proj:
+ model = HubertModelWithFinalProj.from_pretrained("lengyue233/content-vec-best")
+ else:
+ model = HubertModel.from_pretrained("lengyue233/content-vec-best")
+ # Hubert is always used in inference mode, we can safely remove weight-norms
+ for m in model.modules():
+ if isinstance(m, (nn.Conv2d, nn.Conv1d)):
+ remove_weight_norm_if_exists(m)
+ return model.to(device)
+def get_content(
+ cmodel: HubertModel,
+ audio: torch.Tensor | ndarray[Any, Any],
+ device: torch.device | str,
+ sr: int,
+ legacy_final_proj: bool = False,
+) -> torch.Tensor:
+ audio = torch.as_tensor(audio)
+ audio = (
+ torchaudio.transforms.Resample(sr, HUBERT_SAMPLING_RATE)
+ .to(audio.device)(audio)
+ .to(device)
+ )
+ if audio.ndim == 1:
+ audio = audio.unsqueeze(0)
+ with torch.no_grad(), timer() as t:
+ if legacy_final_proj:
+ warnings.warn("legacy_final_proj is deprecated")
+ if not hasattr(cmodel, "final_proj"):
+ raise ValueError("HubertModel does not have final_proj")
+ c = cmodel(audio, output_hidden_states=True)["hidden_states"][9]
+ c = cmodel.final_proj(c)
+ else:
+ c = cmodel(audio)["last_hidden_state"]
+ c = c.transpose(1, 2)
+ wav_len = audio.shape[-1] / HUBERT_SAMPLING_RATE
+ LOG.info(
+ f"HuBERT inference time : {t.elapsed:.3f}s, RTF: {t.elapsed / wav_len:.3f}"
+ )
+ return c
+def _substitute_if_same_shape(to_: dict[str, Any], from_: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
+ not_in_to = list(filter(lambda x: x not in to_, from_.keys()))
+ not_in_from = list(filter(lambda x: x not in from_, to_.keys()))
+ if not_in_to:
+ warnings.warn(f"Keys not found in model state dict:" f"{not_in_to}")
+ if not_in_from:
+ warnings.warn(f"Keys not found in checkpoint state dict:" f"{not_in_from}")
+ shape_missmatch = []
+ for k, v in from_.items():
+ if k not in to_:
+ pass
+ elif hasattr(v, "shape"):
+ if not hasattr(to_[k], "shape"):
+ raise ValueError(f"Key {k} is not a tensor")
+ if to_[k].shape == v.shape:
+ to_[k] = v
+ else:
+ shape_missmatch.append((k, to_[k].shape, v.shape))
+ elif isinstance(v, dict):
+ assert isinstance(to_[k], dict)
+ _substitute_if_same_shape(to_[k], v)
+ else:
+ to_[k] = v
+ if shape_missmatch:
+ warnings.warn(
+ f"Shape mismatch: {[f'{k}: {v1} -> {v2}' for k, v1, v2 in shape_missmatch]}"
+ )
+def safe_load(model: torch.nn.Module, state_dict: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
+ model_state_dict = model.state_dict()
+ _substitute_if_same_shape(model_state_dict, state_dict)
+ model.load_state_dict(model_state_dict)
+def load_checkpoint(
+ checkpoint_path: Path | str,
+ model: torch.nn.Module,
+ optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer | None = None,
+ skip_optimizer: bool = False,
+) -> tuple[torch.nn.Module, torch.optim.Optimizer | None, float, int]:
+ if not Path(checkpoint_path).is_file():
+ raise FileNotFoundError(f"File {checkpoint_path} not found")
+ with Path(checkpoint_path).open("rb") as f:
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ warnings.filterwarnings(
+ "ignore", category=UserWarning, message="TypedStorage is deprecated"
+ )
+ checkpoint_dict = torch.load(f, map_location="cpu", weights_only=True)
+ iteration = checkpoint_dict["iteration"]
+ learning_rate = checkpoint_dict["learning_rate"]
+ # safe load module
+ if hasattr(model, "module"):
+ safe_load(model.module, checkpoint_dict["model"])
+ else:
+ safe_load(model, checkpoint_dict["model"])
+ # safe load optim
+ if (
+ optimizer is not None
+ and not skip_optimizer
+ and checkpoint_dict["optimizer"] is not None
+ ):
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
+ safe_load(optimizer, checkpoint_dict["optimizer"])
+ LOG.info(f"Loaded checkpoint '{checkpoint_path}' (epoch {iteration})")
+ return model, optimizer, learning_rate, iteration
+def save_checkpoint(
+ model: torch.nn.Module,
+ optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer,
+ learning_rate: float,
+ iteration: int,
+ checkpoint_path: Path | str,
+) -> None:
+ LOG.info(
+ "Saving model and optimizer state at epoch {} to {}".format(
+ iteration, checkpoint_path
+ )
+ )
+ if hasattr(model, "module"):
+ state_dict = model.module.state_dict()
+ else:
+ state_dict = model.state_dict()
+ with Path(checkpoint_path).open("wb") as f:
+ torch.save(
+ {
+ "model": state_dict,
+ "iteration": iteration,
+ "optimizer": optimizer.state_dict(),
+ "learning_rate": learning_rate,
+ },
+ f,
+ )
+def clean_checkpoints(
+ path_to_models: Path | str, n_ckpts_to_keep: int = 2, sort_by_time: bool = True
+) -> None:
+ """Freeing up space by deleting saved ckpts
+ Arguments:
+ path_to_models -- Path to the model directory
+ n_ckpts_to_keep -- Number of ckpts to keep, excluding G_0.pth and D_0.pth
+ sort_by_time -- True -> chronologically delete ckpts
+ False -> lexicographically delete ckpts
+ """
+ LOG.info("Cleaning old checkpoints...")
+ path_to_models = Path(path_to_models)
+ # Define sort key functions
+ name_key = lambda p: int(re.match(r"[GD]_(\d+)", p.stem).group(1))
+ time_key = lambda p: p.stat().st_mtime
+ path_key = lambda p: (p.stem[0], time_key(p) if sort_by_time else name_key(p))
+ models = list(
+ filter(
+ lambda p: (
+ p.is_file()
+ and re.match(r"[GD]_\d+", p.stem)
+ and not p.stem.endswith("_0")
+ ),
+ path_to_models.glob("*.pth"),
+ )
+ )
+ models_sorted = sorted(models, key=path_key)
+ models_sorted_grouped = groupby(models_sorted, lambda p: p.stem[0])
+ for group_name, group_items in models_sorted_grouped:
+ to_delete_list = list(group_items)[:-n_ckpts_to_keep]
+ for to_delete in to_delete_list:
+ if to_delete.exists():
+ LOG.info(f"Removing {to_delete}")
+ if IS_COLAB:
+ to_delete.write_text("")
+ to_delete.unlink()
+def latest_checkpoint_path(dir_path: Path | str, regex: str = "G_*.pth") -> Path | None:
+ dir_path = Path(dir_path)
+ name_key = lambda p: int(re.match(r"._(\d+)\.pth", p.name).group(1))
+ paths = list(sorted(dir_path.glob(regex), key=name_key))
+ if len(paths) == 0:
+ return None
+ return paths[-1]
+def plot_spectrogram_to_numpy(spectrogram: ndarray) -> ndarray:
+ matplotlib.use("Agg")
+ fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 2))
+ im = ax.imshow(spectrogram, aspect="auto", origin="lower", interpolation="none")
+ plt.colorbar(im, ax=ax)
+ plt.xlabel("Frames")
+ plt.ylabel("Channels")
+ plt.tight_layout()
+ fig.canvas.draw()
+ data = np.fromstring(fig.canvas.tostring_rgb(), dtype=np.uint8, sep="")
+ data = data.reshape(fig.canvas.get_width_height()[::-1] + (3,))
+ plt.close()
+ return data
+def get_backup_hparams(
+ config_path: Path, model_path: Path, init: bool = True
+) -> HParams:
+ model_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ config_save_path = model_path / "config.json"
+ if init:
+ with config_path.open() as f:
+ data = f.read()
+ with config_save_path.open("w") as f:
+ f.write(data)
+ else:
+ with config_save_path.open() as f:
+ data = f.read()
+ config = json.loads(data)
+ hparams = HParams(**config)
+ hparams.model_dir = model_path.as_posix()
+ return hparams
+def get_hparams(config_path: Path | str) -> HParams:
+ config = json.loads(Path(config_path).read_text("utf-8"))
+ hparams = HParams(**config)
+ return hparams
+def repeat_expand_2d(content: torch.Tensor, target_len: int) -> torch.Tensor:
+ # content : [h, t]
+ src_len = content.shape[-1]
+ if target_len < src_len:
+ return content[:, :target_len]
+ else:
+ return torch.nn.functional.interpolate(
+ content.unsqueeze(0), size=target_len, mode="nearest"
+ ).squeeze(0)
+def plot_data_to_numpy(x: ndarray, y: ndarray) -> ndarray:
+ matplotlib.use("Agg")
+ fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 2))
+ plt.plot(x)
+ plt.plot(y)
+ plt.tight_layout()
+ fig.canvas.draw()
+ data = np.fromstring(fig.canvas.tostring_rgb(), dtype=np.uint8, sep="")
+ data = data.reshape(fig.canvas.get_width_height()[::-1] + (3,))
+ plt.close()
+ return data
+def get_gpu_memory(type_: Literal["total", "free", "used"]) -> Sequence[int] | None:
+ command = f"nvidia-smi --query-gpu=memory.{type_} --format=csv"
+ try:
+ memory_free_info = (
+ subprocess.check_output(command.split())
+ .decode("ascii")
+ .split("\n")[:-1][1:]
+ )
+ memory_free_values = [int(x.split()[0]) for i, x in enumerate(memory_free_info)]
+ return memory_free_values
+ except Exception:
+ return
+def get_total_gpu_memory(type_: Literal["total", "free", "used"]) -> int | None:
+ memories = get_gpu_memory(type_)
+ if memories is None:
+ return
+ return sum(memories)