import torch from tqdm import tqdm import random from llava_utils import prompt_wrapper, generator from torchvision.utils import save_image import numpy as np from copy import deepcopy import time import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.widgets import MultiCursor import seaborn as sns class Attacker: def __init__(self, args, model, tokenizer, targets, device='cuda:0'): self.args = args self.model = model self.device = device self.tokenizer = tokenizer self.tokenizer.padding_side = "right" self.targets = targets # targets that we want to promte likelihood self.loss_buffer = [] self.num_targets = len(self.targets) # freeze and set to eval model: self.model.eval() self.model.requires_grad_(False) def get_vocabulary(self): vocab_dicts = self.tokenizer.get_vocab() vocabs = vocab_dicts.keys() single_token_vocabs = [] single_token_vocabs_embedding = [] single_token_id_to_vocab = dict() single_token_vocab_to_id = dict() cnt = 0 for item in vocabs: tokens = self.tokenizer(item, return_tensors="pt", add_special_tokens=False) if tokens.shape[1] == 1: single_token_vocabs.append(item) emb = self.model.model.embed_tokens(tokens) single_token_vocabs_embedding.append(emb) single_token_id_to_vocab[cnt] = item single_token_vocab_to_id[item] = cnt cnt+=1 single_token_vocabs_embedding =, dim=1).squeeze() self.vocabs = single_token_vocabs self.embedding_matrix = self.id_to_vocab = single_token_id_to_vocab self.vocab_to_id = single_token_vocab_to_id def hotflip_attack(self, grad, token, increase_loss=False, num_candidates=1): token_id = self.vocab_to_id[token] token_emb = self.embedding_matrix[token_id] # embedding of current token scores = ((self.embedding_matrix - token_emb) @ grad.T).squeeze(1) if not increase_loss: scores *= -1 # lower versus increase the class probability. _, best_k_ids = torch.topk(scores, num_candidates) return best_k_ids.detach().cpu().numpy() def wrap_prompt_simple(self, text_prompt_template, adv_prompt, batch_size): text_prompts = text_prompt_template + ' ' + adv_prompt # insert the adversarial prompt prompt = prompt_wrapper.Prompt(model=self.model, tokenizer = self.tokenizer, text_prompts=[text_prompts]) prompt.context_embs[0] = prompt.context_embs[0].detach().requires_grad_(True) prompt.context_embs = prompt.context_embs * batch_size return prompt def update_adv_prompt(self, adv_prompt_tokens, idx, new_token): next_adv_prompt_tokens = deepcopy(adv_prompt_tokens) next_adv_prompt_tokens[idx] = new_token next_adv_prompt = ' '.join(next_adv_prompt_tokens) return next_adv_prompt_tokens, next_adv_prompt def attack(self, text_prompt_template, offset, batch_size = 8, num_iter=2000): print('>>> batch_size: ', batch_size) my_generator = generator.Generator(model=self.model, tokenizer=self.tokenizer) self.get_vocabulary() vocabs, embedding_matrix = self.vocabs, self.embedding_matrix trigger_token_length = 16 # equivalent to adv_prompt_tokens = random.sample(vocabs, trigger_token_length) adv_prompt = ' '.join(adv_prompt_tokens) print(len(vocabs),adv_prompt) st = time.time() for t in tqdm(range(num_iter+1)): for token_to_flip in range(0, trigger_token_length): # for each token in the trigger batch_targets = random.sample(self.targets, batch_size) prompt = self.wrap_prompt_simple(text_prompt_template, adv_prompt, batch_size) if t==0 and token_to_flip==0: print(prompt.text_prompts) target_loss = -self.attack_loss(prompt, batch_targets) loss = target_loss # to minimize loss.backward() print('[adv_prompt]', adv_prompt) print("target_loss: %f" % (target_loss.item())) self.loss_buffer.append(target_loss.item()) tokens_grad = prompt.context_embs[0].grad[:, token_to_flip+offset, :] candidates = self.hotflip_attack(tokens_grad, adv_prompt_tokens[token_to_flip], increase_loss=False, num_candidates=self.args.n_candidates) self.model.zero_grad() # try all the candidates and pick the best # comparing candidates does not require gradient computation with torch.no_grad(): curr_best_loss = 999999 curr_best_trigger_tokens = None curr_best_trigger = None for cand in candidates: next_adv_prompt_tokens, next_adv_prompt = self.update_adv_prompt(adv_prompt_tokens, token_to_flip, self.id_to_vocab[cand]) prompt = self.wrap_prompt_simple(text_prompt_template, next_adv_prompt, batch_size) next_target_loss = -self.attack_loss(prompt, batch_targets) curr_loss = next_target_loss # to minimize if curr_loss < curr_best_loss: curr_best_loss = curr_loss curr_best_trigger_tokens = next_adv_prompt_tokens curr_best_trigger = next_adv_prompt # Update overall best if the best current candidate is better if curr_best_loss < loss: adv_prompt_tokens = curr_best_trigger_tokens adv_prompt = curr_best_trigger print('(update: %f minutes)' % ((time.time() - st) / 60)) self.plot_loss() print('######### Output - Iter = %d ##########' % t) return adv_prompt def plot_loss(self): sns.set_theme() num_iters = len(self.loss_buffer) num_iters = min(num_iters, 5000) x_ticks = list(range(0, num_iters)) # Plot and label the training and validation loss values plt.plot(x_ticks, self.loss_buffer[:num_iters], label='Target Loss') # Add in a title and axes labels plt.title('Loss Plot') plt.xlabel('Iters') plt.ylabel('Loss') # Display the plot plt.legend(loc='best') plt.savefig('%s/loss_curve.png' % (self.args.save_dir)) plt.clf(), '%s/loss' % (self.args.save_dir)) def attack_loss(self, prompts, targets): context_embs = prompts.context_embs assert len(context_embs) == len(targets), "Unmathced batch size of prompts and targets, the length of context_embs is %d, the length of targets is %d" % (len(context_embs), len(targets)) batch_size = len(targets) to_regress_tokens = self.tokenizer( targets, return_tensors="pt", padding="longest", truncation=True, max_length=160, add_special_tokens=False ).to(self.device) to_regress_embs = self.model.model.embed_tokens(to_regress_tokens.input_ids) bos = torch.ones([1, 1], dtype=to_regress_tokens.input_ids.dtype, device=to_regress_tokens.input_ids.device) * self.tokenizer.bos_token_id bos_embs = self.model.model.embed_tokens(bos) pad = torch.ones([1, 1], dtype=to_regress_tokens.input_ids.dtype, device=to_regress_tokens.input_ids.device) * self.tokenizer.pad_token_id pad_embs = self.model.model.embed_tokens(pad) T = to_regress_tokens.input_ids.masked_fill( to_regress_tokens.input_ids == self.tokenizer.pad_token_id, -100 ) pos_padding = torch.argmin(T, dim=1) # a simple trick to find the start position of padding input_embs = [] targets_mask = [] target_tokens_length = [] context_tokens_length = [] seq_tokens_length = [] for i in range(batch_size): pos = int(pos_padding[i]) if T[i][pos] == -100: target_length = pos else: target_length = T.shape[1] targets_mask.append(T[i:i+1, :target_length]) input_embs.append(to_regress_embs[i:i+1, :target_length]) # omit the padding tokens context_length = context_embs[i].shape[1] seq_length = target_length + context_length target_tokens_length.append(target_length) context_tokens_length.append(context_length) seq_tokens_length.append(seq_length) max_length = max(seq_tokens_length) attention_mask = [] for i in range(batch_size): # masked out the context from loss computation context_mask =( torch.ones([1, context_tokens_length[i] + 1], dtype=torch.long).to(self.device).fill_(-100) # plus one for bos ) # padding to align the length num_to_pad = max_length - seq_tokens_length[i] padding_mask = ( torch.ones([1, num_to_pad], dtype=torch.long).to(self.device).fill_(-100) ) targets_mask[i] = [context_mask, targets_mask[i], padding_mask], dim=1 ) input_embs[i] = [bos_embs, context_embs[i], input_embs[i], pad_embs.repeat(1, num_to_pad, 1)], dim=1 ) attention_mask.append( torch.LongTensor( [[1]* (1+seq_tokens_length[i]) + [0]*num_to_pad ] ) ) targets = targets_mask, dim=0 ).to(self.device) inputs_embs = input_embs, dim=0 ).to(self.device) attention_mask =, dim=0).to(self.device) outputs = self.model.model( inputs_embeds=inputs_embs, attention_mask=attention_mask, ) hidden_states = outputs[0] logits = self.model.lm_head(hidden_states) loss = None # Shift so that tokens < n predict n shift_logits = logits[..., :-1, :].contiguous() shift_labels = targets[..., 1:].contiguous() # Flatten the tokens from torch.nn import CrossEntropyLoss loss_fct = CrossEntropyLoss() shift_logits = shift_logits.view(-1, self.model.vocab_size) shift_labels = shift_labels.view(-1) # Enable model/pipeline parallelism shift_labels = loss = loss_fct(shift_logits, shift_labels) return loss