# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved # pyre-unsafe from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import Any, Iterable, List, Optional import torch from torch.nn import functional as F from detectron2.structures import Instances @dataclass class DataForMaskLoss: """ Contains mask GT and estimated data for proposals from multiple images: """ # tensor of size (K, H, W) containing GT labels masks_gt: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None # tensor of size (K, C, H, W) containing estimated scores masks_est: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None def extract_data_for_mask_loss_from_matches( proposals_targets: Iterable[Instances], estimated_segm: torch.Tensor ) -> DataForMaskLoss: """ Extract data for mask loss from instances that contain matched GT and estimated bounding boxes. Args: proposals_targets: Iterable[Instances] matched GT and estimated results, each item in the iterable corresponds to data in 1 image estimated_segm: tensor(K, C, S, S) of float - raw unnormalized segmentation scores, here S is the size to which GT masks are to be resized Return: masks_est: tensor(K, C, S, S) of float - class scores masks_gt: tensor(K, S, S) of int64 - labels """ data = DataForMaskLoss() masks_gt = [] offset = 0 assert estimated_segm.shape[2] == estimated_segm.shape[3], ( f"Expected estimated segmentation to have a square shape, " f"but the actual shape is {estimated_segm.shape[2:]}" ) mask_size = estimated_segm.shape[2] num_proposals = sum(inst.proposal_boxes.tensor.size(0) for inst in proposals_targets) num_estimated = estimated_segm.shape[0] assert ( num_proposals == num_estimated ), "The number of proposals {} must be equal to the number of estimates {}".format( num_proposals, num_estimated ) for proposals_targets_per_image in proposals_targets: n_i = proposals_targets_per_image.proposal_boxes.tensor.size(0) if not n_i: continue gt_masks_per_image = proposals_targets_per_image.gt_masks.crop_and_resize( proposals_targets_per_image.proposal_boxes.tensor, mask_size ).to(device=estimated_segm.device) masks_gt.append(gt_masks_per_image) offset += n_i if masks_gt: data.masks_est = estimated_segm data.masks_gt = torch.cat(masks_gt, dim=0) return data class MaskLoss: """ Mask loss as cross-entropy for raw unnormalized scores given ground truth labels. Mask ground truth labels are defined for the whole image and not only the bounding box of interest. They are stored as objects that are assumed to implement the `crop_and_resize` interface (e.g. BitMasks, PolygonMasks). """ def __call__( self, proposals_with_gt: List[Instances], densepose_predictor_outputs: Any ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Computes segmentation loss as cross-entropy for raw unnormalized scores given ground truth labels. Args: proposals_with_gt (list of Instances): detections with associated ground truth data densepose_predictor_outputs: an object of a dataclass that contains predictor outputs with estimated values; assumed to have the following attribute: * coarse_segm (tensor of shape [N, D, S, S]): coarse segmentation estimates as raw unnormalized scores where N is the number of detections, S is the estimate size ( = width = height) and D is the number of coarse segmentation channels. Return: Cross entropy for raw unnormalized scores for coarse segmentation given ground truth labels from masks """ if not len(proposals_with_gt): return self.fake_value(densepose_predictor_outputs) # densepose outputs are computed for all images and all bounding boxes; # i.e. if a batch has 4 images with (3, 1, 2, 1) proposals respectively, # the outputs will have size(0) == 3+1+2+1 == 7 with torch.no_grad(): mask_loss_data = extract_data_for_mask_loss_from_matches( proposals_with_gt, densepose_predictor_outputs.coarse_segm ) if (mask_loss_data.masks_gt is None) or (mask_loss_data.masks_est is None): return self.fake_value(densepose_predictor_outputs) return F.cross_entropy(mask_loss_data.masks_est, mask_loss_data.masks_gt.long()) def fake_value(self, densepose_predictor_outputs: Any) -> torch.Tensor: """ Fake segmentation loss used when no suitable ground truth data was found in a batch. The loss has a value 0 and is primarily used to construct the computation graph, so that `DistributedDataParallel` has similar graphs on all GPUs and can perform reduction properly. Args: densepose_predictor_outputs: DensePose predictor outputs, an object of a dataclass that is assumed to have `coarse_segm` attribute Return: Zero value loss with proper computation graph """ return densepose_predictor_outputs.coarse_segm.sum() * 0