vits-simple-api-bv2 /
Artrajz's picture
After the initial launch that automatically generates the config.yaml file, any modifications to the configuration should be made directly in the config.yaml file, not in the file.
import copy
import logging
import os
import secrets
import shutil
import string
import sys
import traceback
from dataclasses import dataclass, field, asdict, fields, is_dataclass
from typing import List, Union, Optional, Dict
import torch
import yaml
# Absolute path of vits-simple-api
ABS_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
# WTForms CSRF
SECRET_KEY = secrets.token_hex(16)
{"model_path": "文件夹名/模型文件.pth", "config_path": "文件夹名/config.json"},
Models are stored in the data/models folder, with each folder containing a model file and a configuration file.
Please fill in the paths following the format: {"model_path": "folder_name/model_file.pth", "config_path": "folder_name/config.json"},
Note: This is effective only when auto_load (automatic model loading) is set to False. When auto_load is True (default),
the model paths specified here have the highest priority and will be loaded each time the program starts. If not necessary,
it's recommended to specify model paths in config.yaml.
model_list = [
# {"model_path": "model_name/G_9000.pth", "config_path": "model_name/config.json"},
class AsDictMixin:
def asdict(self):
data = {}
for attr, value in vars(self).items():
if isinstance(value, AsDictMixin):
data[attr] = value.asdict()
elif isinstance(value, list):
data[attr] = []
for item in value:
elif isinstance(value, dict):
data[attr] = {}
for k, v in value.items():
data[attr].update({k: v.asdict()})
data[attr] = value
return data
def __iter__(self):
for key, value in self.asdict().items():
yield key, value
def update_config(self, new_config_dict):
for field in fields(self):
field_name =
field_type = field.type
if field_name in new_config_dict:
new_value = new_config_dict[field_name]
if is_dataclass(field_type):
if isinstance(new_value, list):
# If the field type is a dataclass and the new value is a list
# Convert each element of the list to the corresponding class object
new_value = [field_type(**item) for item in new_value]
setattr(self, field_name, new_value)
# If the field type is a dataclass but not a list, recursively update the dataclass
nested_config = getattr(self, field_name)
setattr(self, field_name, nested_config)
if field_type == bool:
new_value = str(new_value).lower() == "true"
elif field_type == int:
new_value = int(new_value)
elif field_type == float:
new_value = float(new_value)
elif field_type == str:
new_value = str(new_value)
elif field_type == torch.device:
new_value = torch.device(new_value)
setattr(self, field_name, new_value)
class VitsConfig(AsDictMixin):
# For VITS: Load models during inference, dynamically release models after inference.
dynamic_loading: bool = False
id: int = 0
format: str = "wav"
lang: str = "auto"
length: float = 1
noise: float = 0.33
noisew: float = 0.4
# Batch processing threshold. Text will not be processed in batches if segment_size<=0
segment_size: int = 50
use_streaming: bool = False
class W2V2VitsConfig(AsDictMixin):
id: int = 0
format: str = "wav"
lang: str = "auto"
length: float = 1
noise: float = 0.33
noisew: float = 0.4
# Batch processing threshold. Text will not be processed in batches if segment_size<=0
segment_size: int = 50
emotion: int = 0
class HuBertVitsConfig(AsDictMixin):
id: int = 0
format: str = "wav"
length: float = 1
noise: float = 0.33
noisew: float = 0.4
class BertVits2Config(AsDictMixin):
id: int = 0
format: str = "wav"
lang: str = "auto"
length: float = 1
noise: float = 0.33
noisew: float = 0.4
# Batch processing threshold. Text will not be processed in batches if segment_size<=0
segment_size: int = 50
sdp_ratio: float = 0.2
emotion: int = 0
text_prompt: str = "Happy"
style_text: str = None
style_weight: float = 0.7
use_streaming: bool = False
# Can be set to "float16"/"fp16".
torch_data_type: str = ""
class GPTSoVitsPreset(AsDictMixin):
refer_wav_path: str = None
prompt_text: str = None
prompt_lang: str = "auto"
class GPTSoVitsConfig(AsDictMixin):
hz: int = 50
is_half: bool = False
id: int = 0
lang: str = "auto"
format: str = "wav"
segment_size: int = 30
top_k: int = 5
top_p: float = 1.0
temperature: float = 1.0
use_streaming: bool = False
batch_size: int = 5
speed: float = 1.0
presets: Dict[str, GPTSoVitsPreset] = field(default_factory=lambda: {"default": GPTSoVitsPreset(),
"default2": GPTSoVitsPreset()})
def update_config(self, new_config_dict):
for field in fields(self):
field_name =
field_type = field.type
if field_name in new_config_dict:
new_value = new_config_dict[field_name]
if is_dataclass(field_type):
if isinstance(new_value, list):
# If the field type is a dataclass and the new value is a list
# Convert each element of the list to the corresponding class object
new_value = [field_type(**item) for item in new_value]
setattr(self, field_name, new_value)
# If the field type is a dataclass but not a list, recursively update the dataclass
nested_config = getattr(self, field_name)
if field_type == Dict[str, GPTSoVitsPreset]:
new_dict = {}
for k, v in new_value.items():
refer_wav_path = v.get("refer_wav_path")
prompt_text = v.get("prompt_text")
prompt_lang = v.get("prompt_lang")
new_dict.update({k: GPTSoVitsPreset(refer_wav_path, prompt_text, prompt_lang)})
new_value = new_dict
elif field_type == bool:
new_value = str(new_value).lower() == "true"
elif field_type == int:
new_value = int(new_value)
elif field_type == float:
new_value = float(new_value)
elif field_type == str:
new_value = str(new_value)
elif field_type == torch.device:
new_value = torch.device(new_value)
setattr(self, field_name, new_value)
class Reader(AsDictMixin):
model_type: str = "VITS"
id: int = 0
preset: str = "default"
class ReadingConfig(AsDictMixin):
interlocutor: Reader = Reader()
narrator: Reader = Reader()
class ModelConfig(AsDictMixin):
chinese_roberta_wwm_ext_large: str = "bert/chinese-roberta-wwm-ext-large"
bert_base_japanese_v3: str = "bert/bert-base-japanese-v3"
bert_large_japanese_v2: str = "bert/bert-large-japanese-v2"
deberta_v2_large_japanese: str = "bert/deberta-v2-large-japanese"
deberta_v3_large: str = "bert/deberta-v3-large"
deberta_v2_large_japanese_char_wwm: str = "bert/deberta-v2-large-japanese-char-wwm"
wav2vec2_large_robust_12_ft_emotion_msp_dim: str = "emotional/wav2vec2-large-robust-12-ft-emotion-msp-dim"
clap_htsat_fused: str = "emotional/clap-htsat-fused"
erlangshen_MegatronBert_1_3B_Chinese: str = "bert/Erlangshen-MegatronBert-1.3B-Chinese"
vits_chinese_bert: str = "bert/vits_chinese_bert"
# hubert-vits
hubert_soft_0d54a1f4: str = "hubert/hubert_soft/"
# w2v2-vits: .npy file or folder are alvailable
dimensional_emotion_npy: Union[str, List[str]] = "emotional/dimensional_emotion_npy"
# w2v2-vits: Need to have both `models.onnx` and `models.yaml` files in the same path.
dimensional_emotion_model: str = "emotional/dimensional_emotion_model/models.yaml"
g2pw_model: str = "G2PWModel"
chinese_hubert_base: str = "hubert/chinese_hubert_base"
class TTSModelConfig(AsDictMixin):
model_path: Optional[str] = None
config_path: Optional[str] = None
sovits_path: Optional[str] = None
gpt_path: Optional[str] = None
def asdict(self):
data = {}
for attr, value in vars(self).items():
if value is not None:
data[attr] = value
return data
class TTSConfig(AsDictMixin):
# Directory name for models under the data folder
models_path: str = "models"
# If set to True (default), models under the specified models_path will be automatically loaded.
# When set to False, you can manually specify the models to load.
auto_load: bool = True
# List to store configurations of Text-to-Speech models
models: List[TTSModelConfig] = field(default_factory=list)
def asdict(self):
data = {}
for attr, value in vars(self).items():
if isinstance(value, list):
data[attr] = []
for item in value:
data[attr] = value
return data
def update_config(self, new_config_dict):
for field in fields(self):
field_name =
field_type = field.type
if field_name in new_config_dict:
new_value = new_config_dict[field_name]
if is_dataclass(field_type):
nested_config = getattr(self, field_name)
if field_type == bool:
new_value = str(new_value).lower() == "true"
elif field_type == int:
new_value = int(new_value)
elif field_type == float:
new_value = float(new_value)
elif field_type == str:
new_value = str(new_value)
elif field_type == torch.device:
new_value = torch.device(new_value)
elif field_type == List[TTSModelConfig]:
new_value = [TTSModelConfig(model.get("model_path"),
model.get("gpt_path")) for model in
setattr(self, field_name, new_value)
class HttpService(AsDictMixin):
host: str = ""
port: int = 23456
debug: bool = False
class LogConfig(AsDictMixin):
# Logs path
logs_path: str = "logs"
# Set the number of backup log files to keep.
logs_backupcount: int = 30
logging_level: str = "DEBUG"
class System(AsDictMixin):
device: torch.device = torch.device(
"cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "mps" if torch.backends.mps.is_available() else "cpu")
# Upload path
upload_folder: str = "upload"
# Cahce path
cache_path: str = "cache"
# If CLEAN_INTERVAL_SECONDS <= 0, the cleaning task will not be executed.
clean_interval_seconds: int = 3600
# save audio to CACHE_PATH
cache_audio: bool = False
# Set to True to enable API Key authentication
api_key_enabled: bool = False
# API_KEY is required for authentication
api_key: str = ''.join(secrets.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for _ in range(24))
# Control whether to enable the admin backend functionality. Set to False to disable the admin backend.
is_admin_enabled: bool = True
# Define the route for the admin backend. You can change this to your desired route
admin_route: str = '/admin'
# Path to the 'data' folder, where various models are stored
data_path: str = "data"
def asdict(self):
data = {}
for attr, value in vars(self).items():
if attr == "device":
data[attr] = str(value)
data[attr] = value
return data
class LanguageIdentification(AsDictMixin):
# Language identification library. Optional fastlid, langid
language_identification_library: str = "langid"
# To use the english_cleaner, you need to install espeak and provide the path of libespeak-ng.dll as input here.
# If ESPEAK_LIBRARY is set to empty, it will be read from the environment variable.
# For windows : "C:/Program Files/eSpeak NG/libespeak-ng.dll"
espeak_library: str = r"C:/Program Files/eSpeak NG/libespeak-ng.dll" if "win" in sys.platform else ""
# zh ja ko en... If it is empty, it will be read based on the text_cleaners specified in the config.json.
language_automatic_detect: list = field(default_factory=list)
class User(AsDictMixin):
id: int = 0
username: str = ''.join(secrets.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for _ in range(8))
password: str = ''.join(secrets.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for _ in range(16))
def is_authenticated(self):
return True
def is_active(self):
return True
def is_anonymous(self):
return False
def get_id(self):
return str(
class Config(AsDictMixin):
abs_path: str = ABS_PATH
http_service: HttpService = HttpService()
model_config: ModelConfig = ModelConfig()
tts_config: TTSConfig = TTSConfig()
admin: User = User()
system: System = System()
log_config: LogConfig = LogConfig()
language_identification: LanguageIdentification = LanguageIdentification()
reading_config: ReadingConfig = ReadingConfig()
vits_config: VitsConfig = VitsConfig()
w2v2_vits_config: W2V2VitsConfig = W2V2VitsConfig()
hubert_vits_config: HuBertVitsConfig = HuBertVitsConfig()
bert_vits2_config: BertVits2Config = BertVits2Config()
gpt_sovits_config: GPTSoVitsConfig = GPTSoVitsConfig()
def asdict(self):
data = {}
for attr, value in vars(self).items():
if isinstance(value, AsDictMixin):
data[attr] = value.asdict()
data[attr] = value
return data
def load_config():
config_path = os.path.join(Config.abs_path, "config.yaml")
if not os.path.exists(config_path) or not os.path.isfile(config_path):"config.yaml not found. Generating a new config.yaml based on")
config = Config()
# 初始化管理员账号密码
f"New admin user created:\n"
f"{'-' * 40}\n"
f"| Username: {config.admin.username:<26} |\n"
f"| Password: {config.admin.password:<26} |\n"
f"{'-' * 40}\n"
f"Please do not share this information.")
return config
try:"Loading config...")
with open(config_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
loaded_config = yaml.safe_load(f)
config = Config()
if loaded_config is not None:
config.update_config(loaded_config)"Loading config success!")
else:"config.yaml is empty, initializing config.yaml...")
# Load default models from
# config.update_config(model_list)
# If parameters are incomplete, they will be automatically filled in upon saving.
return config
except Exception as e:
def save_config(config):
temp_filename = os.path.join(Config.abs_path, "config.yaml.tmp")
with open(temp_filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
yaml.dump(config.asdict(), f, allow_unicode=True, default_style='', sort_keys=False)
shutil.move(temp_filename, os.path.join(Config.abs_path, "config.yaml"))"Config is saved.")